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+ [{"id": "senseval2.d000.s000.t002", "text": "The art of change-ringing is peculiar to the English , and , like most English peculiarities , unintelligible to the rest of the world . \n", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s000.t003", "text": "The art of change-ringing is peculiar to the English , and , like most English peculiarities , unintelligible to the rest of the world . \n", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s018.t002", "text": "Change-ringing , a mind-boggling exercise the English invented 380 years ago , requires physical dexterity -- some bells weigh more than a ton -- combined with intense mental concentration . \n", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s000.t006", "text": "The art of change-ringing is peculiar to the English , and , like most English peculiarities , unintelligible to the rest of the world . \n", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s003.t000", "text": "Of all scenes that evoke rural England , this is one of the loveliest : An ancient stone church stands amid the fields , the sound of bells cascading from its tower , calling the faithful to evensong . \n", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s003.t001", "text": "Of all scenes that evoke rural England , this is one of the loveliest : An ancient stone church stands amid the fields , the sound of bells cascading from its tower , calling the faithful to evensong . \n", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s003.t008", "text": "Of all scenes that evoke rural England , this is one of the loveliest : An ancient stone church stands amid the fields , the sound of bells cascading from its tower , calling the faithful to evensong . \n", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s003.t009", "text": "Of all scenes that evoke rural England , this is one of the loveliest : An ancient stone church stands amid the fields , the sound of bells cascading from its tower , calling the faithful to evensong . \n", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s003.t015", "text": "Of all scenes that evoke rural England , this is one of the loveliest : An ancient stone church stands amid the fields , the sound of bells cascading from its tower , calling the faithful to evensong . \n", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s003.t016", "text": "Of all scenes that evoke rural England , this is one of the loveliest : An ancient stone church stands amid the fields , the sound of bells cascading from its tower , calling the faithful to evensong . \n", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s004.t001", "text": "The parishioners of St. Michael and All Angels stop to chat at the church door , as members here always have . \n", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s004.t004", "text": "The parishioners of St. Michael and All Angels stop to chat at the church door , as members here always have . \n", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s005.t003", "text": "In the tower , five men and women pull rhythmically on ropes attached to the same five bells that first sounded here in 1614 . \n", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s025.t007", "text": "Ten shirt-sleeved ringers stand in a circle , one foot ahead of the other in a prize-fighter 's stance , each pulling a rope that disappears through a small hole in the high ceiling of the ringing chamber . \n", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s005.t006", "text": "In the tower , five men and women pull rhythmically on ropes attached to the same five bells that first sounded here in 1614 . \n", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s006.t001", "text": "But there is also a discordant , modern note in Aslacton , though it can not be heard by the church-goers enjoying the peal of bells this cool autumn evening . \n", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s006.t003", "text": "But there is also a discordant , modern note in Aslacton , though it can not be heard by the church-goers enjoying the peal of bells this cool autumn evening . \n", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s008.t002", "text": "Now , only one local ringer remains : 64-year-old Derek Hammond . \n", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s035.t007", "text": "When their changes are completed , and after they have worked up a sweat , ringers often skip off to the local pub , leaving worship for others below . \n", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s008.t003", "text": "Now , only one local ringer remains : 64-year-old Derek Hammond . \n", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s022.t000", "text": "Ringers memorize patterns of changes , known as `` methods , `` which have odd-sounding names like Kent Treble Bob Major or Grandsire Caters . \n", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s038.t005", "text": "Two years ago , the Rev. Jeremy Hummerstone , vicar of Great Torrington , Devon , got so fed up with ringers who did n't attend service he sacked the entire band ; the ringers promptly set up a picket line in protest . \n", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s052.t006", "text": "Mr. Baldwin is also attacking the greater problem : lack of ringers . \n", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s057.t010", "text": "One bright sign is that a growing number of women have entered the once male-dominated field ; more than a third of the ringers today are women . \n", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s062.t008", "text": "In the torrent of replies that followed , one woman ringer from Solihull observed that `` the average male ringer leaves quite a lot to be desired : badly dressed , decorated with acne and a large beer-belly , frequently unwashed and unbearably flatulent in peals . `` \n", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s008.t004", "text": "Now , only one local ringer remains : 64-year-old Derek Hammond . \n", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s009.t001", "text": "The others here today live elsewhere . \n", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s094.t000", "text": "Today should be interesting as people realize how hard life is going to be here for a while . \n", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d010.s003.t005", "text": "A minor contrast to Costa Rica , comparing the 22 players called by both countries for the friendly game today , at 3:05 pm at the National Stadium in San Jose . \n", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2013.d010.s010.t000", "text": "Casillas will play today against the Tricolor and will impose a new record of 127 international matches for Spain . \n", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s010.t007", "text": "They belong to a group of 15 ringers -- including two octogenarians and four youngsters in training -- who drive every Sunday from church to church in a sometimes-exhausting effort to keep the bells sounding in the many belfries of East Anglia . \n", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval3.d002.s041.t006", "text": "Worst part was watching power lines waving above my head and no way to drive away . \n", "label": 0}, {"id": "semeval2007.d002.s049.t000", "text": "Back in the chase car , we drove around some more , got stuck in a ditch , enlisted the aid of a local farmer to get out the trailer hitch and pull us out of the ditch . \n", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s011.t001", "text": "`` To ring for even one service at this tower , we have to scrape , `` says Mr. Hammond , a retired water-authority worker . `` \n", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s011.t003", "text": "`` To ring for even one service at this tower , we have to scrape , `` says Mr. Hammond , a retired water-authority worker . `` \n", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s011.t004", "text": "`` To ring for even one service at this tower , we have to scrape , `` says Mr. Hammond , a retired water-authority worker . `` \n", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s039.t006", "text": "`` They were a self-perpetuating club that treated the tower as sort of a separate premises , `` the Vicar Hummerstone says . \n", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s043.t003", "text": "The vicar , W.D. Jones , refuses to talk about it , saying it would `` reopen the wound . `` \n", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s045.t017", "text": "`` So crunch , crunch , crunch , bang , bang , bang -- here come the ringers from above , making a very obvious exit while the congregation is at prayer , `` he says . \n", "label": 0}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s015.t000", "text": "According to a nationwide survey taken a year ago , nearly a third of England 's church bells are no longer rung on Sundays because there is no one to ring them . \n", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s017.t008", "text": "The less complicated version of playing tunes on bells , as do the carillons of continental Europe , is considered by the English to be childish , fit only for foreigners . \n", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s019.t002", "text": "Proper English bells are started off in `` rounds , `` from the highest-pitched bell to the lowest -- a simple descending scale using , in larger churches , as many as 12 bells . \n", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2015.d003.s017.t003", "text": "The treatment of a vomiting dog should be started with the injection , since vomiting animals might not be able to keep a tablet down ( as they might throw the intact tablet up again ) . \n", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s022.t004", "text": "Ringers memorize patterns of changes , known as `` methods , `` which have odd-sounding names like Kent Treble Bob Major or Grandsire Caters . \n", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s024.t007", "text": "A look at a Thursday night practice at St. Mary Abbot church in the Kensington district of London gives an idea of the work involved . \n", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s024.t009", "text": "A look at a Thursday night practice at St. Mary Abbot church in the Kensington district of London gives an idea of the work involved . \n", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s028.t010", "text": "Far above in the belfry , the huge bronze bells , mounted on wheels , swing madly through a full 360 degrees , starting and ending , surprisingly , in the inverted , or mouth-up position . \n", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d002.s069.t007", "text": "The purpose of education is to encourage young men and women to realize their full academic potential . \n", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s032.t004", "text": "Ringing does become a bit of an obsession , `` admits Stephanie Pattenden , master of the band at St. Mary Abbot and one of England 's best female ringers . \n", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s032.t008", "text": "Ringing does become a bit of an obsession , `` admits Stephanie Pattenden , master of the band at St. Mary Abbot and one of England 's best female ringers . \n", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s039.t001", "text": "`` They were a self-perpetuating club that treated the tower as sort of a separate premises , `` the Vicar Hummerstone says . \n", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s019.t000", "text": "If it is , it will be treated as an operator , if it is not , it will be treated as a user function . \n", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2015.d001.s019.t003", "text": "If it is , it will be treated as an operator , if it is not , it will be treated as a user function . \n", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s039.t003", "text": "`` They were a self-perpetuating club that treated the tower as sort of a separate premises , `` the Vicar Hummerstone says . \n", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s049.t000", "text": "The Central Council of Church Bell Ringers , a sort of parliament of ringing groups , aims to improve relations with vicars , says John C. Baldwin , president . \n", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval3.d000.s023.t000", "text": "It must have been the sort of look that can call a bluff without saying a word . \n", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s042.t003", "text": "At St. Mary 's Church in Ilminster , Somerset , the bells have fallen silent following a dust-up over church attendance . \n", "label": 1}, {"id": "semeval2007.d002.s051.t002", "text": "It was the most exercise we 'd had all morning and it was followed by our driving immediately to the nearest watering hole . \n", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s042.t005", "text": "At St. Mary 's Church in Ilminster , Somerset , the bells have fallen silent following a dust-up over church attendance . \n", "label": 1}, {"id": "senseval2.d000.s045.t007", "text": "`` So crunch , crunch , crunch , bang , bang , bang -- here come the ringers from above , making a very obvious exit while the congregation is at prayer , `` he says . \n", "label": 1}]