ar,en وَرَأَيْت أَن أفرغ عَن هَذَا الْكتاب إِلَى كتاب أَيْضا فِي الْأُمُور الْجُزْئِيَّة، مُخْتَصّ بِذكر الْأَمْرَاض الَّتِي إِذا وَقعت لم تخْتَص بعضو بِعَيْنِه، ونورد هُنَالك أَيْضا الْكَلَام فِي الزِّينَة، وَأَن أسلك فِي هَذَا الْكتاب أَيْضا مسلكي فِي الْكتاب الجزئي الَّذِي قبله.,This it is my intention to compose after the special subjects are dealt with. Disorders not confined to one member are described in this book; the cosmetics are spoken of; and the knowledge set forth in previous books is assumed.. فَإِذا تهَيَّأ بِتَوْفِيق الله تَعَالَى الْفَرَاغ من هَذَا الْكتاب، جمعت بعده كتاب الأقراباذين. وَهَذَا كتاب لَا يسع من يَدعِي هَذِه الصِّنَاعَة ويكتسب بهَا أَن لَا يكون جله مَعْلُوما مَحْفُوظًا عِنْده، فَإِنَّهُ مُشْتَمل على أقل مَا لَا بُد مِنْهُ للطبيب، وَأما الزِّيَادَة عَلَيْهِ فَأمر غير مضبوط.,"Allah helping me to complete this volume, the formulary will! be added to it. Every follower of my teachings who wishes to use them profitably should memorize most of this work, even though he do not quite understand it all." وَإِن أخر الله تَعَالَى فِي الْأَجَل وساعد الْقدر انتصبت لذَلِك انتصابا ثَانِيًا. وَأما الْآن فَإِنِّي أجمع هَذَا الْكتاب وأقسمه إِلَى كتب خَمْسَة على هَذَا الْمِثَال: الْكتاب الأول: فِي الْأُمُور الْكُلية فِي علم الطِّبّ.,"It is my intention to prepare further volumes if Allah should prolong my life still further, and if circumstances prove propitiou . Book I. General matters relative to the science of medicine." الْكتاب الثَّانِي: فِي الْأَدْوِيَة المفردة. الْكتاب الثَّالِث: فِي الْأَمْرَاض الْجُزْئِيَّة الْوَاقِعَة بأعضاء الْإِنْسَان عُضْو عُضْو من الْفرق إِلَى الْقدَم ظَاهرهَا وباطنها. الْكتاب الرَّابِع: فِي الْأَمْرَاض الْجُزْئِيَّة الَّتِي إِذا وَقعت لم تخْتَص بعضو وَفِي الزِّينَة. الْكتاب الْخَامِس: فِي تركيب الْأَدْوِيَة وَهُوَ الأقراباذين.,Book II. Materia medica. Book III. Special “ pathology ” (Medical and Surgical). Book IV. Special diseases involving more than one member. The cosmetic art. Book V. Formulary. (الْفَنّ الأول) (فِي حد الطِّبّ وموضوعاته من الْأُمُور),PART I: The definition of medicine. The topics of medicine. (الطبيعية ويشتمل على سِتَّة تعاليم),comprises six theses فَإِذا قيل إِن من الطِّبّ مَا هُوَ نطري وَمِنْه مَا هُوَ عَمَلي فَلَا يجب أَن يظنّ أَن مُرَادهم فِيهِ هُوَ أَن أحد قسمي الطِّبّ مَا هُوَ نَظَرِي وَمِنْه مَا هُوَ عَمَلي فَلَا يجب للْعَمَل كَمَا يذهب إِلَيْهِ وهم كثير من الباحثين عَن هَذَا الْموضع,"When, in regard to medicine, we say that practice proceeds from theory, we do not mean that there is one division of medicine by which we know, and another, distinct therefrom, by which we act." بل يحِق عَلَيْك أَن تعلم أَن أصُول الطِّبّ وَالْآخر علم كَيْفيَّة مُبَاشَرَته ثمَّ يخص الأول مِنْهُمَا باسم الْعلم أَو باسم النّظر ويخص الآخر باسم الْعَمَل فنعني بِالنّظرِ مِنْهُ مَا يكون التَّعْلِيم فِيهِ مُقَيّد الِاعْتِقَاد فَقَط من غير أَن يتَعَرَّض لبَيَان كَيْفيَّة عمل مثل مَا يُقَال فِي الطِّبّ.,"We mean that these two aspects belong together’ one deals with the basic principles of knowledge; the other with the mode of operation of these principles (within the body). The former is theory; the latter is applied knowledge.. “Theory” of medicine is that which, when mastered,, gives us a certain kind of knowledge, apart from any question of treatment." إِن أَصْنَاف الحميات ثَلَاثَة وان الأمزجة تِسْعَة ونعني بِالْعَمَلِ مِنْهُ لَا الْعَمَل بِالْفِعْلِ وَلَا مزاولة الحركات الْبَدَنِيَّة بل الْقسم من علم الطِّبّ الَّذِي يُفِيد التَّعْلِيم فِيهِ رَأيا ذَلِك الرَّأْي مُتَعَلق بِبَيَان كَيْفيَّة عمل مثل مَا يُقَال فِي الطِّبّ إِن الأورام الحارة يجب أَن يقرب إِلَيْهَا فِي الِابْتِدَاء مَا يردع ويبرد ويكشف,"Thus we say that “there are three forms of fever and nine constitutions.” “Practice” of medicine is not the work which the physician carries out, but is that branch of medical knowledge which, when acquired, enables one to form an opinion upon which to base the proper plan of treatment. Thus it is said: “ for inflammatory foci, the first agents to employ are infrigidants, inspissants, and repellants;" ثمَّ من بعد ذَلِك تمزج الرادعات بالمرخيات ثمَّ بعد الِانْتِهَاء إِلَى الانحطاط يقْتَصر على المرخيات المحللة إِلَّا فِي أورام تكون عَن مواد تدفعها الْأَعْضَاء الرئيسة فَهَذَا التَّعْلِيم يفيدك رَأيا: هُوَ بَيَان كَيْفيَّة عمل فَإِذا عملت هذَيْن الْقسمَيْنِ فقد حصل لَك علم علمي وَعلم عَمَلي وَإِن لم تعْمل قطّ.,"then we temper these with mollificants; and, finally, when the process is subsiding, resolvent mollificants will accomplish the rest. But if the diseased focus contains matter which depends for its expulsion on the integrity of the principal members, such treatment is not applicable. Here the theory guides to an opinion, and the opinion is the basis of treatment. Once the purpose of each aspect of medicine is understood, you can become skilled in both, even though there should never come a call for you to exercise your knowledge." وَلَيْسَ لقَائِل أَن يَقُول إِن أَحْوَال بدن الْإِنْسَان ثَلَاث: الصِّحَّة وَالْمَرَض وَحَالَة ثَالِثَة لَا صِحَة وَلَا مرض وَأَنت اقتصرت على قسمَيْنِ فَإِن هَذَا الْقَائِل لَعَلَّه إِذا فكر لم يجد أحد الْأَمريْنِ وَاجِبا لَا هَذَا التَّثْلِيث وَلَا إخلالنا,"Another thing there is no need to assert that “ there are three states of the human body sickness, health, and a state which is neither health nor disease.” The first two cover everything. Careful consideration of the subject will make it clear to the physician either that the threefold grouping is unnecessary or that the group which we reject is unnecessary.. The first two states really cover everything." بِهِ ثمَّ إِنَّه إِن كَانَ هَذَا التَّثْلِيث وَاجِبا فَإِن قَوْلنَا الزَّوَال عَن الصِّحَّة يتَضَمَّن الْمَرَض وَالْحَالة الثَّالِثَة الَّتِي جعلوها لَيْسَ لَهَا حد الصِّحَّة إِذْ الصِّحَّة ملكه أَو حَالَة تصدر عَنْهَا الْأَفْعَال من الْمَوْضُوع لَهَا سليمَة وَلَا لَهَا مُقَابل هَذَا الْحَد إِلَّا أَن يحدوا الصِّحَّة كَمَا يشتهون ويشترطون فِيهِ شُرُوطًا مَا بهم إِلَيْهَا حَاجَة.,"Careful consideration will convince the physician that the third state is dual on the one hand an infirmity, and on the other a habit of. body [some ugliness of form, for instance] or a condition which cannot be called strict health although the actions and functions of the body are normal. One must not risk defining “ health ” in an arbitrary fashion, and include in it a condition which does not belong to it (p)." ثمَّ لَا مناقشة مَعَ الْأَطِبَّاء فِي هَذَا وَمَا هم مِمَّن يناقشون فِي مثله وَلَا تُؤدِّي هَذِه المناقشة بهم أَو بِمن يناقشهم إِلَى فَائِدَة فِي الطِّبّ.,"However we do not propose to argue this matter out, because a disputation of that kind does not really further medicine." لما كَانَ الطِّبّ ينظر فِي بدن الْإِنْسَان من جِهَة مَا يَصح وَيَزُول عَن الصِّحَّة وَالْعلم بِكُل شَيْء إِنَّمَا يحصل وَيتم إِذا كَانَ لَهُ أَسبَاب يعلم أَسبَابه فَيجب أَن يعرف فِي الطِّبّ أَسبَاب الصِّحَّة وَالْمَرَض,To medicine pertains the (study of the) human body how its health is maintained; how it loses health. To know fully about each of these we must ascertain the causes of both health and sickness. وَالصِّحَّة وَالْمَرَض وأسبابهما قد يكونَانِ ظَاهِرين وَقد يكونَانِ خفيين لَا ينالان بالحس بل بالاستدلال من الْعَوَارِض فَيجب أَيْضا أَن تعرف فِي الطِّبّ الْعَوَارِض الَّتِي تعرض فِي الصِّحَّة وَالْمَرَض,"Now as health and sickness and their causes are sometimes evident to the senses and sometimes only perceived by means of the evidence afforded by the various symptoms, we must in medicine gain a knowledge of the symptoms of health and sickness." وَقد تبين فِي الْعُلُوم الْحَقِيقِيَّة أَن الْعلم بالشَّيْء إِنَّمَا يحصل من جِهَة الْعلم بأسبابه ومباديه إِن كَانَت لَهُ وَإِن لم تكن فَإِنَّمَا يتمم من جِهَة الْعلم بعوارضه ولوازمه الذاتية.,It is a dictum of the exact sciences that knowledge of a thing is attained only through a knowledge of the causes and the origins of the causes assuming there to be causes and origins. Consequently our knowledge (of health and sickness) cannot be complete without an understanding both of symptoms and of the principles of being. لَكِن الْأَسْبَاب أَرْبَعَة أَصْنَاف: مادية وفاعلية وصورية وتمامية. والأسباب المادية: هِيَ الْأَشْيَاء الْمَوْضُوعَة الَّتِي فِيهَا تتقوم الصِّحَّة وَالْمَرَض. أما الْمَوْضُوع الْأَقْرَب فعضو أَو روح وَأما الْمَوْضُوع الْأَبْعَد فَهِيَ الأخلاط وَأبْعد مِنْهُ هُوَ الْأَركان.,"There are four kinds of “ cause ” (of health and sickness): The material cause namely, the human subject in a state of health or disease. The immediate subject is: the members and the breath. The more remote is: the humours. The most remote is: the (imponderable) “ elements.” The humours and the elements are composites, and they are liable to vary." وَهَذَانِ موضوعان بِحَسب التَّرْكِيب وَإِن كَانَ أَيْضا مَعَ الاستحالة وكل مَا وضع كَذَلِك فَإِنَّهُ يساق فِي تركيبه واستحالته إِلَى وحدة مَا وَتلك الْوحدَة فِي هَذَا الْموضع الَّتِي تلْحق تِلْكَ الْكَثْرَة: إِمَّا مزاج وَإِمَّا هَيْئَة. أما المزاج فبحسب الاستحالة وَأما الْهَيْئَة فبحسب التَّرْكِيب.,"But though they are subject to a variation of composition and change they show a certain constant unity, to which they converge namely, a unity of “constitution,” or. of “ form.” The constitution is in relation to the “change”; whereas the “ form ” is related to the “ composition.”" وَأما الْأَسْبَاب الفاعلية: فَهِيَ الْأَسْبَاب الْمُغيرَة أَو الحافظة لحالات بدن الْإِنْسَان من الأهوية وَمَا يتَّصل بهَا والمطاعم والمياه والمشارب وَمَا يتَّصل بهَا والاستفراغ والاحتقان والبلدان والمساكن وَمَا يتَّصل بهَا والحركات والسكونات الْبَدَنِيَّة والنفسانية,"The efficient causes are such as change or maintain the states of the human body. Namely: Extrinsic: the air and affiliated agents: localities, countries, habitable regions and the like: comestibles, potables, and the like. Intrinsic: movement and its opposite repose of body and mind." وَمِنْهَا النّوم واليقظة والاستحالة فِي الْأَسْنَان وَالِاخْتِلَاف فِيهَا وَفِي الْأَجْنَاس والصناعات والعادات والأشياء الْوَارِدَة على الْبدن الإنساني مماسة لَهُ إِمَّا غير مُخَالفَة للطبيعة وَإِمَّا مُخَالفَة للطبيعة وَأما الْأَسْبَاب الصورية: فالمزاجات والقوى الْحَادِثَة بعْدهَا والتراكيب,"including sleep and its opposite the waking state; evacuation of secretions and excretions; and its opposite retention thereof: the changes at the different periods of life occupations; habits and customs: descent (race, nationality). Agents affecting the human body by contact, whether contrary to nature or not. The formal causes: the constitutions; the compositions; the faculties proceeding from the constitutions." وَأما الْأَسْبَاب التمامية: فالأفعال وَفِي معرفَة الْأَفْعَال معرفَة القوى لَا محَالة وَمَعْرِفَة الْأَرْوَاح الحاملة للقوى كَمَا سنبين,The final causes: the actions or functions. A knowledge of these presupposes a knowledge of the faculties and the breaths (which are the subjects of the faculties) as we shall show. فَهَذِهِ مَوْضُوعَات صناعَة الطِّبّ من جِهَة أَنَّهَا باحثة عَن بدن الْإِنْسَان انه كَيفَ يَصح ويمرض وَأما من جِهَة تَمام هَذَا الْبَحْث وَهُوَ أَن تحفظ الصِّحَّة وتزيل الْمَرَض فَيجب أَن تكون لَهَا أَيْضا مَوْضُوعَات أخر بِحَسب أَسبَاب هذَيْن الْحَالين وآلاتهما,"These, then, are the subjects which pertain to medicine. Familiarity with them gives one insight into how the body is maintained in a state of health, and how it becomes ill. A full understanding of how health is conserved, or ill-health removed, depends on understanding the underlying causes of each of these states and of their “instruments.”" وَأَسْبَاب ذَلِك التَّدْبِير بالمأكول والمشروب وَاخْتِيَار الْهَوَاء وَتَقْدِير الْحَرَكَة والسكون والعلاج بالدواء والعلاج بِالْيَدِ وكل ذَلِك عِنْد الْأَطِبَّاء بِحَسب ثَلَاثَة أَصْنَاف من الأصحاء والمرضى والمتوسطين الَّذين نذكرهم وَنَذْكُر أَنهم كَيفَ يعدون متوسطين بَين قسمَيْنِ لَا وَاسِطَة بَينهمَا فِي الْحَقِيقَة,"For example the regimen in regard to food, drink, choice of climate, regulations regarding labour and repose, the use of medicines, operative interference. Physicians treat of all these points under three headings, as will be referred to later health, sickness, and a state intermediate between the two. But we say that the state which they call “intermediate” is not really a mean between the other two." وَإِذ قد فصلنا هَذِه البيانات فقد اجْتمع لنا أَن الطِّبّ ينظر فِي الْأَركان والمزاجات والأخلاط والأعضاء البسيطة والمركبة والأرواح وقواها الطبيعية والحيوانية والنفسانية وَالْأَفْعَال وحالات الْبدن من الصِّحَّة وَالْمَرَض والتوسط,"Now that we have enumerated these groups of causes (of health and sickness) we may proceed to discuss whatever Medicine has to say concerning (a) the elements; (F) the constitutions; (c) the fluids of the body; (d) the tissues and organs simple and composite; (e) the breaths and their natural, sensitive and vital faculties; (J) the functions; (g) the states of the body health, sickness, intermediate conditions." وأسبابها من المآكل والمشارب والأهوية والمياه والبلدان والمساكن والاستفراغ والاحتقان والصناعات والعادات والحركات الْبَدَنِيَّة والنفسانية والسكونات والأسنان والأجناس والورادات على الْبدن من الْأُمُور الغريبة,"and (h) their causes food, drink, air, water, localities of residence, exercise, repose, age, sex, occupation, customs, race, evacuation, retention. The external accidents to which the body is exposed from without;" وَالتَّدْبِير بالمطاعم والمشارب وَاخْتِيَار الْهَوَاء وَاخْتِيَار الحركات والسكونات والعلاج الْأَدْوِيَة وأعمال الْيَد لحفظ الصِّحَّة وعلاج مرض,"(z) the regimen in regard to food, drink, medicines; exercises directed to preserving health; (J) the treatment for each disorder." فبعض هَذِه الْأُمُور إِنَّمَا يجب عَلَيْهِ من جِهَة مَا هُوَ طَبِيب أَن يتصوره بالماهية فَقَط تصورا علميا وَيصدق بهليته تَصْدِيقًا على أَنه وضع لَهُ مَقْبُول من صَاحب الْعلم الطبيعي وَبَعضهَا يلْزمه أَن يبرهن عَلَيْهِ فِي صناعته فَمَا كَانَ من هَذِه كالمبادئ فَيلْزمهُ أَن يتقلد هليتها,"With regard to some of these things there is nothing a physician can do, yet he should recognize what they are, and what is their essential nature whether they are really existent or not. For a knowledge of some things, he depends on the doctor of physical science; in the case of other things, knowledge is derived by inference [reasoning]. One must presuppose a knowledge of the accepted principles of the respective sciences of origins, in order to know whatever they are worthy of credence or not [criteriology]." فَإِن مبادئ الْعُلُوم الْجُزْئِيَّة مسلمة وتتبرهن وتتبين فِي عُلُوم أُخْرَى أقدم مِنْهَا وَهَكَذَا حَتَّى ترتقي مبادئ الْعُلُوم كلهَا إِلَى الْحِكْمَة الأولى الَّتِي يُقَال لَهَا علم مَا بعد الطبيعة,"and one makes inferences from the other sciences which are logically antecedent to these. In this manner one passes up step by step until one reaches the very beginnings of all knowledge namely, pure philosophy; to wit, metaphysics." وَإِذا شرع بعض المتطببين وَأخذ يتَكَلَّم فِي إِثْبَات العناصر والمزاج وَمَا يَتْلُو ذَلِك مِمَّا هُوَ مَوْضُوع الْعلم الطبيعي,"Hence, if a doctor undertakes the proofs of the existence of the “ elements ” and the “ constitutions ” and their derivatives from medicine itself he errs, for medicine cannot make these things clear, .belonging as they do to the domain of natural science." فَالَّذِي يجب أَن يتصوره الطَّبِيب بالماهية ويتقلد مَا كَانَ مِنْهُ غير بَين الْوُجُود بالهلية هُوَ هَذِه الْجُمْلَة الْأَركان أَنَّهَا هَل هِيَ وَكم هِيَ والمزاجات أَنَّهَا هَل هِيَ وَمَا هِيَ وَكم هِيَ والأخلاط أَيْضا هَل هِيَ وَمَا هِيَ وَكم هِيَ والقوى هَل هِيَ وَكم هِيَ والأرواح هَل هِيَ وَكم هِيَ وَأَيْنَ هِيَ.,"List of what the physician aims at having a clear notion of; what each is, and whether the non-manifest actually exist or not. The elements. Do they exist ? How many are there ? In what modes are they ? What are they ? How do they arise ? The temperaments and constitutions. What are they ? How many are there ? The fluids of the body. Do they exist ? How many are there ? The members and the sense-organs. [The science of anatomy.] The faculties. Do they exist ? How many are there ? The functions. [The science of physiology. The breaths. Do they exist How many are there ? Where are they ? What changes in state do they undergo ? What are the causes of retardation (lagging) of the breath ?" وان لكل تغير حَال وثباته سَببا وَأَن الْأَسْبَاب كم هِيَ واما الْأَعْضَاء ومنافعها فَيجب أَن يصادفها بالحس والتشريح. وَالَّذِي يجب أَن يتصوره ويبرهن عَلَيْهِ الْأَمْرَاض وأسبابها الْجُزْئِيَّة وعلاماتها وانه كَيفَ يزَال الْمَرَض وَتحفظ الصِّحَّة,(Or: the changes in the affective faculties; and the cause of their persistence.) The causes. How many are there ? The physician must also know how to arrive at conclusions concerning (i) the causes of illnesses and the individual signs thereof; the method (most likely to) remove the disorder and so restore health. فَإِنَّهُ يلْزمه أَن يُعْطي الْبُرْهَان على مَا كَانَ من هَذَا خَفِي الْوُجُود بتفصيله وَتَقْدِيره,"Wherever they are obscure, he must be able to assign to them their duration, and recognize their phases." (التَّعْلِيم الثَّانِي) (فِي الْأَركان) (وَهُوَ فصل وَاحِد),THESIS II. THE ELEMENTS الْأَركان هِيَ أجسام مَا بسيطة هِيَ أَجزَاء أولية لبدن الْإِنْسَان وَغَيره وَهِي الَّتِي لَا يُمكن أَن تَنْقَسِم إِلَى أَجزَاء مُخْتَلفَة بالصورة وَهِي الَّتِي تَنْقَسِم المركبات إِلَيْهَا وَيحدث بامتزاجها الْأَنْوَاع الْمُخْتَلفَة الصُّور من الكائنات,"The elements are simple bodies. They are the primary components of the human being throughout all its parts, as well as of all other bodies in their varied and diverse forms. The various orders of beings depend for their existence on the intermixture of the elements." فليتسلم الطَّبِيب من الطبيعي أَنَّهَا أَرْبَعَة لَا غير اثْنَان مِنْهَا خفيفان وإثنان ثقيلان فالخفيفان: النَّار والهواء والثقيلان: المَاء وَالْأَرْض.,"Natural philosophy speaks of four elements and no more. The physician must accept this. Two are light, and two are heavy. The lighter elements are Fire and Air; the heavier are Earth and Water." وَالْأَرْض جرم بسيط مَوْضِعه الطبيعي هُوَ وسط الْكل يكون فِيهِ بالطبع سَاكِنا ويتحرك إِلَيْهِ بالطبع إِن كَانَ مباينا وَذَلِكَ ثقله الْمُطلق وَهُوَ بَارِد يأبس فِي طبعه أَي طبعه طبع إِذا خلى وَمَا يُوجِبهُ وَلم يُغَيِّرهُ سَبَب من خَارج ظهر عَنهُ برد محسوس ويبس.,"THE EARTH. The Earth is an “ element ” normally situated at the center of all existence. In its nature it is at rest, and all others naturally tend towards it, at however great a distance away they might be. This is because of its intrinsic weight. It is cold and dry in nature, and it appears so to our senses as long as it is not interfered with by extraneous agencies, and obeys its own peculiar nature." ووجوده فِي الكائنات وجود مُفِيد للاستمساك والثبات وَحفظ الأشكال والهيآت.,It is by means of the earthy element that the parts of our body are fixed and held together’ into a compacted form; by its means the outward form is maintained. وَأما المَاء فَهُوَ جرم بسيط مَوْضِعه الطبيعي أَن يكون شَامِلًا للْأَرْض مشمولا للهواء إِذا كَانَا على وضعيهما الطبيعيين وَهُوَ ثقله الإضافي وَهُوَ بَارِد رطب,"The Water is a simple substance whose position in nature is exterior to the (sphere of the) Earth, and interior to (that of) the Air. This position is owing to its relative density. In nature it is cold and moist." أَي طبعه طبع إِذا خلى وَمَا يُوجِبهُ وَلم يُعَارضهُ سَبَب من خَارج ظهر فِيهِ برد محسوس وَحَالَة هِيَ رُطُوبَة وَهِي كَونه فِي جبلته بِحَيْثُ يُجيب بِأَدْنَى سَبَب إِلَى أَن يتفرق ويتحد وَيقبل أَي شكل كَانَ ثمَّ لَا يحفظه ووجوده فِي الكائنات لتسلس الهيآت الَّتِي يُرَاد فِي أَجْزَائِهَا التشكيل والتخطيط وَالتَّعْدِيل,"It appears so to our senses as long as there are no influences to counteract it. Its purpose in (the world of) creation lies in the fact that it lends itself readily to dispersion, and consequently assumes any shape without permanency. In the construction of things, then, it provides the possibility of their being moulded and spread out and attempered." فَإِن الرطب وَإِن كَانَ سهل التّرْك لليهآت الشكلية فَهُوَ سهل الْقبُول لَهَا كَمَا أَن الْيَابِس وَإِن كَانَ عسر الْقبُول للهيآت الشكلية فَهُوَ عسر التّرْك لَهَا,"Being moist, shapes can be readily fashioned (with it) and as easily lost (and resolved). Dryness, on the other hand, permits forms to be assumed only with difficulty, and they are resolved with similar difficulty." وَمهما تخمر الْيَابِس بالرطب اسْتَفَادَ الْيَابِس من الرطب قبولا للتمديد والتشكيل سهلا واستفاد الرطب من الْيَابِس حفظا لما حدث فِيهِ من التَّقْوِيم وَالتَّعْدِيل قَوِيا وَاجْتمعَ الْيَابِس بالرطب عَن تشتته واستمسك الرطب باليابس عَن سيلانه,"When dryness and moisture alternate, the former is overruled by the latter, and thus the object is easily susceptible of being moulded into a form; whereas if the moisture were overruled by dryness, the form and features of the body would become firm and constant. Moisture serves to protect dryness from friability; dryness prevents moisture from dispersing." وَأما الْهَوَاء فَإِنَّهُ جرم بسيط مَوْضِعه الطبيعي فَوق المَاء وَتَحْت النَّار وَهَذَا خفته الإضافية وطبعه حَار رطب على قِيَاس مَا قُلْنَا ووجوده فِي الكائنات لتتخلخل وتلطف وتخف وتستقل.,"Air is a simple substance, whose position in nature is above the sphere of Water, and beneath that of Fire. This is due to its relative lightness. In nature it is hot and moist, according to the rule which we have given. Its effect, and value, in (the world of) creation is to rarefy, and render things finer, lighter, more delicate, softer, and consequently better able to move to the higher spheres." وَأما النَّار فَهُوَ جرم بسيط مَوْضِعه الطبيعي فَوق الأجرام العنصرية كلهَا ومكانه الطبيعي هُوَ السَّطْح المقعر من الْفلك الَّذِي يَنْتَهِي عِنْده الْكَوْن وَالْفساد وَذَلِكَ خفته الْمُطلقَة وطبعه حَار يَابِس,"Fire is a simple substance, which occupies a position in nature higher than that of the other three elements namely the hollow of the sublunary world, for it reaches to the (world of the) heavens. All things return to it. This is because of its absolute lightness. In nature it is hot and dry." ووجوده فِي الكائنات لينضج ويلطف ويمتزج وَيجْرِي فِيهَا بتنفيذه الْجَوْهَر الهوائي وليكسر من محوضة برد العنصرين الثقيلين الباردين فيرجعا عَن العنصرية إِلَى المزاجية,"The part which it plays in the construction of things is that it matures, rarefies, refines, and intermingles with all things. Its penetrative power enables it to traverse the substance of the air; by this power it also subdues the sheer coldness of the two heavy cold elements; by this power it brings the elementary properties into harmony." والثقيلان أعون فِي كَون الْأَعْضَاء وَفِي سكونها والخفيفان أعون فِي كَون الْأَرْوَاح وَفِي تحركها وتحريك الْأَعْضَاء وَإِن كَانَ المحرك الأول هُوَ النَّفس بِإِذن باريها فَهَذِهِ هِيَ الْأَركان.,"The two heavy elements enter more into the construction of the members (and fluids of the body, Costaeus), and contribute to repose. The two light elements enter more into the formation of the breaths and contribute to their movement as well as to the movement of the members always remembering that it is the form that is the motor (and not the breath. The form initiates the breaths and through them moves the organs of the body and the limbs.) So much for the elements." (التَّعْلِيم الثَّالِث) (فِي الأمزجة) (وَهُوَ ثَلَاثَة فُصُول),THESIS III THE TEMPERAMENTS المزاج كَيْفيَّة حَاصِلَة من تفَاعل الكيفيات المتضادات إِذا وقفت على حد مَا. ووجودها فِي عناصر متصغرة الْأَجْزَاء ليماس أَكثر كل وَاحِد مِنْهَا أَكثر الآخر. إِذا تفاعلت بقواها بَعْضهَا فِي بعض حدث عَن جُمْلَتهَا كَيْفيَّة متشابهة فِي جَمِيعهَا هِيَ: المزاج,"TEMPERAMENT is that quality which results from the mutual interaction and interpassion of the four contrary primary qualities residing within the (imponderable) elements. These elements are so minutely intermingled as each to lie in very intimate relationship to one another. Their opposite powers, alternately conquer and become conquered until a state of equilibrium is reached which is uniform through out the whole. It is this outcome that is called “ the temperament.”" والقوى الأولية فِي الْأَركان الْمَذْكُورَة أَربع هِيَ: الْحَرَارَة والبرودة والرطوبة واليبوسة وَبَين أَن المزاجات فِي الْأَجْسَام الكائنة الْفَاسِدَة إِنَّمَا تكون عَنْهَا وَذَلِكَ بِحَسب مَا توجبه الْقِسْمَة الْعَقْلِيَّة بِالنّظرِ الْمُطلق غير مُضَاف إِلَى شَيْء على وَجْهَيْن.,"Inasmuch as the primary powers in the aforesaid elements are four in number (namely, heat, cold, moisture, dryness), it is evident that the temperaments in bodies under going generation and destruction (ana-, kata-bolism) accord with these powers. A simple rational classification is into two modes" وَأحد الْوَجْهَيْنِ أَن يكون المزاج معتدلا على أَن تكون الْمَقَادِير من الكيفيات المتضادة فِي الممتزج مُتَسَاوِيَة متقاومة وَيكون المزاج كَيْفيَّة متوسطة بَينهَا بالتحقيق.,Equable or balanced. Here the contrary qualities are present to exactly equal degrees of potency neither of them being in excess or deficiency. This temperament has a quality which is exactly the mean between two extremes. وَالْوَجْه الثَّانِي أَن لَا يكون المزاج بَينا لكيفيات المتضادة وسطا مُطلقًا وَلَكِن يكون أميل إِلَى أحد الطَّرفَيْنِ إِمَّا فِي إِحْدَى المتضادتين اللَّتَيْنِ بَين الْبُرُودَة والحرارة والرطوبة واليبوسة وَأما فِي كليهمَا.,"Inequable or unbalanced. Here the quality of the temperament is not an exquisitely exact mean between the contraries, but tends a little more to one than to the other. For example, to hot more than to cold; to moist more than, to dry; or contrariwise." لَكِن الْمُعْتَبر فِي صناعَة الطِّبّ بالاعتدال وَالْخُرُوج عَن الِاعْتِدَال لَيْسَ هَذَا وَلَا ذَلِك بل يجب أَن يتسلم الطَّبِيب من الطبيعي. إِن المعتدل على هَذَا الْمَعْنى مِمَّا لَا يجوز أَن يُوجد أصلا فضلا عَن أَن يكون مزاج إِنْسَان أَو عُضْو إِنْسَان,"(It is to be noted that) a temperament, as understood by Medicine, is never strictly equable or strictly inequable. The physician should abide by the philosopher who is aware that the really “ equable ” temperament does not actually exist in the human being any more than it exists in any “ member.”" وَأَن يعلم أَن المعتدل الَّذِي يَسْتَعْمِلهُ الْأَطِبَّاء فِي مباحثهم هُوَ مُشْتَقّ لَا من التعادل الَّذِي هُوَ التوازن بِالسَّوِيَّةِ بل من الْعدْل فِي الْقِسْمَة,"Moreover the term “ equable,” used by doctors in their treatises, does not refer to weight but to an equity of distribution." وَهُوَ أَن يكون قد توفر فِيهِ على الممتزج بدنا كَانَ بِتَمَامِهِ أَو عضوا من العناصر بكمياتها وكيفياتها الْقسْط الَّذِي يَنْبَغِي لَهُ فِي المزاج الإنساني على أعدل قسْمَة وَنسبَة,"It is this distribution which is the primary consideration whether one is referring to the body as a whole, or only to some individual member; and the average measure of the elements in it, as to quantity and quality, is that which (standard) human nature ought to have both in best proportion and in equity of distribution." لكنه قد يعرض أَن تكون هَذِه الْقِسْمَة الَّتِي تتوفر على الْإِنْسَان قريبَة جدا من المعتدل الْحَقِيقِيّ الأول وَهَذَا الِاعْتِدَال الْمُعْتَبر بِحَسب أبدان النَّاس أَيْضا الَّذِي هُوَ بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى غير مِمَّا لَيْسَ لَهُ ذَلِك الِاعْتِدَال وَلَيْسَ لَهُ قرب,"As a matter of fact, the mean between excess and deficiency of qualities, such as is characteristic of man, actually is very close to the theoretical ideal. The fact that temperament is concerned with the primary qualities and not with secondary ones should enable one to avoid the idea of weight (pondus) in regard to the subject." الْإِنْسَان من الِاعْتِدَال الْمَذْكُور فِي الْوَجْه الأول يعرض لَهُ ثَمَانِيَة أوجه من الاعتبارات. فَإِنَّهُ إِمَّا أَن يكون بِحَسب النَّوْع مقيسا إِلَى مَا يخْتَلف مِمَّا هُوَ خَارج عَنهُ. وَإِمَّا أَن يكون بِحَسب النَّوْع مقيسا إِلَى مَا يخْتَلف مِمَّا هُوَ فِيهِ.,"Human beings show eight varieties of equable temperament. Equipoise of this kind does not occur in animals, nor do these even approach to the equable state we describe for man. The eight varieties are as follows: A. In relation to beings other than man. (i) the equability of temperament seen in man as compared with other creatures; (ii) that which is found in different human beings." وَأما أَن يكون بِحَسب صنف من النَّوْع مقيسا إِلَى مَا يخْتَلف مِمَّا هُوَ خَارج عَنهُ وَفِي نَوعه. وَإِمَّا أَن يكون بِحَسب صنف من النَّوْع مقيسا إِلَى مَا يخْتَلف مِمَّا هُوَ فِيهِ. وَإِمَّا أَن يكون بِحَسب الشَّخْص من الصِّنْف من النَّوْع مقيسا إِلَى مَا يخْتَلف مِمَّا هُوَ خَارج عَنهُ وَفِي صنفه وَفِي نَوعه.,"(iii) that which is taken in relation to external factors, such as race, climate, atmosphere; (iv) one taken in comparison with the temperament of extremes of climate. B. In relation to the individual himselj. (v) as compared to another person." وَإِمَّا أَن يكون بِحَسب الشَّخْص مقيسا إِلَى مَا يخْتَلف من أَحْوَاله فِي نَفسه وَإِمَّا أَن يكون بِحَسب الْعُضْو مقيسا إِلَى مَا يخْتَلف مِمَّا هُوَ خَارج عَنهُ وَفِي بدنه. وَإِمَّا أَن يكون بِحَسب الْعُضْو مقيسا إِلَى أَحْوَاله فِي نَفسه.,"(vi) as compared with the states of one and the same person; (vii) as compared, one member with another; (viii) as compared with the states of one and the same member at different times." وَالْقسم الأول هُوَ الِاعْتِدَال الَّذِي للْإنْسَان بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى سَائِر الكائنات وَهُوَ شَيْء لَهُ عرض وَلَيْسَ منحصرا فِي حد وَلَيْسَ ذَلِك أَيْضا كَيفَ اتّفق بل لَهُ فِي الإفراط والتفريط حدان إِذا خرج عَنْهُمَا بَطل المزاج عَن أَن يكون مزاج إِنْسَان.,"We now discuss each of these modes in turn. i. Equability of temperament as found in man taken in comparison with that of other animals. The range is too wide to be comprehended in one definition, although there are certain definite limits, upper and lower, beyond which one cannot pass without the temperament ceasing to be a human one." وَأما الثَّانِي فَهُوَ الْوَاسِطَة بَين طرفِي هَذَا المزاج العريض وَيُوجد فِي شخص فِي غَايَة الِاعْتِدَال من صنف فِي غَايَة الِاعْتِدَال فِي السن الَّذِي يبلغ فِيهِ النشو غَايَة النمو وَهَذَا أَيْضا وَإِن لم يكن الِاعْتِدَال الْحَقِيقِيّ الْمَذْكُور فِي ابْتِدَاء الْفَصْل حَتَّى يمْتَنع وجوده فَإِنَّهُ مِمَّا يعسر وجوده,"ii. This is one which is between the two extreme limits of the range of temperament shown by a person throughout his life (p) namely that shown at the period of his life at which growth has reached its limit. This, of course, is not the equilibrium referred to at the outset of this chapter as only theoretical, and practically never found in practice though approximating closely to that." وَهَذَا الْإِنْسَان أَيْضا إِنَّمَا يقرب من الِاعْتِدَال الْحَقِيقِيّ الْمَذْكُور لَا كَيفَ اتّفق وَلَكِن تَتَكَافَأ أعضاؤه الحارة كالقلب والباردة كالدماغ والرطبة كالكبد واليابسة كالعظام فَإِذا توازنت وتعادلت. قربت من الِاعْتِدَال الْحَقِيقِيّ وَأما بِاعْتِبَار كل عُضْو فِي نَفسه إِلَّا عضوا وَاحِدًا وَهُوَ الْجلد على مَا نصفه بعد.,"Such a person is so near to approximate equability only as far as corresponds to the coequation of his members, or the interchanging contra-action of his hot members (e.g. heart), with his cold ones (e.g. brain); moist ones (e.g. liver) with dry (e.g. bones). Were all these of equal influence, the resulting condition would be very near to one of ideal equability, though not so as regards each individual member, except in the case of the skin itself, as will be explained later." وَإِمَّا بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى الْأَرْوَاح وَإِلَى الْأَعْضَاء الرئيسة فَلَيْسَ يُمكن أَن يكون مقاربا لذَلِك الِاعْتِدَال الْحَقِيقِيّ بل خَارِجا عَنهُ إِلَى الْحَرَارَة والرطوبة. فَإِن مبدأ الْحَيَاة هُوَ الْقلب وَالروح وهما حاران جدا مائلان إِلَى الإفراط. والحياة بالحرارة والنشوء بالرطوبة بل الْحَرَارَة تقوم بالرطوبة وتغتذي بهَا.,"In regard to the breaths and principal organs, the temperament cannot possibly approximate to this exquisite equability; it oversteps this in the direction of heat and moisture. The heart and the breath are the root of life, and they are both very “ hot ” indeed to excess. For life itself depends on the innate heat, and growth depends on the innate moisture. Indeed the heat is present in and maintained or “ nourished ” by moisture." والأعضاء الرئيسة ثَلَاثَة كَمَا سنبين بعد هَذَا والبارد مِنْهَا وَاحِد وَهُوَ الدِّمَاغ. وبرده لَا يبلغ أَن يعدل حر الْقلب والكبد. واليابس مِنْهَا أَو الْقَرِيب من اليبوسة وَاحِد وَهُوَ الْقلب ويبوسته لَا تبلغ أَن تعدل مزاج رُطُوبَة الدِّمَاغ والكبد.,"In the case of the principal organs, of which there are three, as we shall show in the appropriate place the brain is cold, but its coldness does not modify the heat of the heart and liver. The heart is dry or nearly so, yet its dryness does not alter the moisture of the brain and liver." وَلَيْسَ الدِّمَاغ أَيْضا بذلك الْبَارِد وَلَا الْقلب أَيْضا بذلك الْيَابِس وَلَكِن الْقلب بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى الآخر يَابِس والدماغ بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى الآخرين بَارِد.,"Neither is the brain absolutely and entirely cold, nor the heart absolutely and entirely dry. The heart is dry com-pared with the other two; and the brain is “ cold ” corn-pared with the other two." وَأما الْقسم الثَّالِث: فَهُوَ أضيق عرضا من الْقسم الأول أَعنِي من الِاعْتِدَال النوعي إِلَّا أَن لَهُ عرضا صَالحا وَهُوَ المزاج الصَّالح لأمة من الْأُمَم بِحَسب الْقيَاس إِلَى إقليم من الأقاليم وهواء من الأهوية,"iii. The limits of the third mode are narrower than those of the first, although still quite wide. This is a special equability peculiar to the race, climate, geographical position or atmosphere." فَإِن للهند مزاجا يشملهم يصحون بِهِ وللصقالبة مزاجا آخر يخصون بِهِ ويصحون بِهِ كل وَاحِد مِنْهُمَا معتدل بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى صنفه وَغير معتدل بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى الآخر. فَإِن الْبدن الْهِنْدِيّ إِذا تكيف بمزاج الصقلابي مرض أَو هلك. وَكَذَلِكَ حَال الْبدن الصقلابي إِذا تكيف بمزاج الْهِنْدِيّ.,"The Hindus, in health, have a different equability to the Slavs, and so on. Each is equable in regard to their own race, but not in regard to others. So if a Hindu were to develop the temperament of a Slav he would probably fall ill, and might even die. So, too, if the temperament of a Slav should come to be that of the Hindu, for the state of his body is contrary." فَيكون إِذن لكل وَاحِد من أَصْنَاف سكان المعمورة مزاج خَاص يُوَافق هَوَاء إقليمه وَأما الْقسم الرَّابِع: فَهُوَ الْوَاسِطَة بَين طرفِي عرض مزاج الإقليم وَهُوَ أعدل أمزجة ذَلِك الصِّنْف.,"So it seems that the various inhabitants of the earth have received a temperament appropriate for the conditions of their particular climate, and in each case there is a corresponding range between two extremes. iv. The fourth mode is one which is a mean between the two limits of the range of the climatic temperament. It is more attempered than the temperaments of the third mode." وَأما الْقسم الْخَامِس: فَهُوَ أضيق من الْقسم الأوّل وَالثَّالِث وَهُوَ المزاج الَّذِي يجب أَن يكون لشخص معيّن حَتَّى يكون مَوْجُودا حَيا صَحِيحا وَله أَيْضا عرض يحدّه طرفا إفراط وتفريط. وَيجب أَن تعلم أَن كل شخص يسْتَحق مزاجاً يخصّه ينْدر أَو لَا يُمكن أَن يُشَارِكهُ فِيهِ الآخر.,"v. The fifth mode presents a much narrower range than the first or third mode. It is the temperament peculiar to each separate person, in that he is alive, and also in health. It shows a range between two extremes’—upper and lower. One must realize that every individual person has a temperament entirely peculiar to himself, and it is impossible for any other person to have an identical temperament, or even to approximate thereto." وَأما الْقسم السَّادِس: فَهُوَ الْوَاسِطَة بَين هذَيْن الحدين أَيْضا وَهُوَ المزاج الَّذِي إِذا حصل للشَّخْص كَانَ على أفضل مَا يَنْبَغِي لَهُ أَن يكون عَلَيْهِ.,vi. The sixth mode is intermediate between those two limits. When the person has this mode of equability of temperament it will be the most suitable for him. وَأما الْقسم السَّابِع: فَهُوَ المزاج الَّذِي يجب أَن يكون لنَوْع كل عُضْو من الْأَعْضَاء يُخَالف بِهِ غَيره فَإِن الِاعْتِدَال الَّذِي للعظم هُوَ أَن يكون الْيَابِس فِيهِ أَكثر وللدماغ أَن يكون الرطب فِيهِ أَكثر وللقلب أَن يكون الْحَار فِيهِ أَكثر وللعصب أَن يكون الْبَارِد فِيهِ أَكثر,"vii. The seventh mode is the equability of temperament characteristic for each of the several members of the body, for each is different from the other. In the case of bone, the equable temperament has dryness more than other qualities; in the case of the brain, moistness is more conspicuous; in the case of the heart, warmth; in the case of the nerves, coldness." وَلِهَذَا المزاج أَيْضا عرض يحده طرفا إفراط وتفريط هُوَ دون الْعرُوض الْمَذْكُورَة فِي الأمزجة الْمُتَقَدّمَة.,"Here also there is a range. upwards or downwards consistent with equability, but less than in the before-named modes." وَأما الْقسم الثَّامِن: فَهُوَ الَّذِي يخصّ كل عُضْو من الِاعْتِدَال حَتَّى يكون الْعُضْو على أحسن مَا يكون لَهُ فِي مزاجه فَهُوَ الْوَاسِطَة بَين هذَيْن الحدّين وَهُوَ المزاج الَّذِي إِذا حصل للعضو كَانَ على أفضل مَا يَنْبَغِي لَهُ أَن يكون عَلَيْهِ.,viii. The eighth mode is that form of equable temperament which is proper for each given member. When it has this particular temperament it is in the best state possible to it. فَإِذا اعْتبرت الْأَنْوَاع كَانَ أقربها من الِاعْتِدَال الْحَقِيقِيّ هُوَ الْإِنْسَان. وَإِذا اعْتبرت الْأَصْنَاف فقد صحّ عندنَا أَنه إِذا كَانَ فِي الْموضع الموازي لمعدل النَّهَار عمَارَة وَلم يعرض من الْأَسْبَاب الأرضية أَمر مضاد أَعنِي من الْجبَال والبحار فَيجب أَن يكون سكانها أقرب الْأَصْنَاف من الِاعْتِدَال الْحَقِيقِيّ.,"When we study the matter we find that of all beings, man is most near to the ideal equable temperament. Of all races of men, those who live in countries within the equinoctial circle, away from mountains and seas, approach the ideal equable temperament more closely than others, and those living in other countries." وصحّ أَن الظَّن الذيَ يَقع أَن هُنَاكَ خروجاَ عَن الِاعْتِدَال بِسَبَب قرب الشَّمْس ظن فَاسد فَإِن مسامتة الشَّمْس هُنَاكَ أقل نكاية وتغييرا للهواء من مقاربتها هَهُنَا أَو أَكثر عرضا مِمَّا هَهُنَا وَإِن لم تَسَامِت ثمَّ سَائِر أَحْوَالهم فاضلة متشابهة وَلَا يتضاد عَلَيْهِم الْهَوَاء تضاداً محسوسا بل يشابه مزاجهم دَائِما.,"It is asserted that the more nearly overhead the sun is [i.e. in the torrid zone], the greater does the temperament of the people deviate from the ideal equability. But this is false, for when the sun is overhead it is less harmful, and alters the atmosphere less there than it does with us, or less for those at greater latitudes than for us though of course we do not have it overhead. In the case of peoples living in the equinoctial zone, the states of the body are in all cases more like the ideal; the atmosphere in these regions exerts no evident deleterious effects, but is always in harmony with their temperaments." وَكُنَّا قد عَملنَا فِي تَصْحِيح هَذَا الرَّأْي رِسَالَة. ثمَّ بعد هَؤُلَاءِ فأعدل الْأَصْنَاف سكان الاقليم الرَّابِع فَإِنَّهُم لَا محترقون بدوام مسامتة الشَّمْس رؤوسهم حينا بعد حِين بعد تباعدها عَنْهُم كسكان أَكثر الثَّانِي وَالثَّالِث وَلَا فجون نيون بدوام بعد الشَّمْس عَن رؤوسهم كسكان أَكثر الْخَامِس وَمَا هُوَ أبعد مِنْهُ عرضا,"We have already (elsewhere) expressed our agreement with this opinion. In the case of peoples living in the fourth climate, they are more attempered. The sun’s rays are not overhead long enough to scorch them, but are not as oblique as in the second and third zones of the earth. Such people are not exposed to cold from great obliquity of the sun’s rays, as occurs in the case of peoples living at the extreme edge of the fifth climatic zone." وَأما فِي الْأَشْخَاص فَهُوَ أعدل شخص من أعمل صنف من أعدل نوع.,It has already been stated that the chief organs do not approach closely to the ideal equability of temperament. وَأما فِي الْأَعْضَاء فقد ظهر أَن الْأَعْضَاء الرئيسة لَيست شَدِيدَة الْقرب من الِاعْتِدَال الْحَقِيقِيّ بل يجب أَن تعلم أَن اللَّحْم أقرب الْأَعْضَاء من ذَلِك الِاعْتِدَال وَأقرب مِنْهُ الْجلد فَإِنَّهُ لَا يكَاد ينفعل عَن مَاء ممزوج بالتساوي نصفه جمد وَنصفه مغلي ويكاد يتعادل فِيهِ تسخين الْعُرُوق وَالدَّم لتبريد العصب,"Of all members the flesh comes nearest to the ideal; the skin comes next, for it is hardly affected by attempered water (i.e. water prepared by mixing equal parts of snow water and boiling water). It may be that the flesh is so well attempered because the heat of the breath and blood within it is balanced by the coldness of the nerves." وَكَذَلِكَ لَا ينفعل عَن جسم حسن الْخَلْط من أيبس الْأَجْسَام وأسيلها إِذا كَانَا فِيهِ بِالسَّوِيَّةِ وَإِنَّمَا يعرف أَنه لَا ينفعل مِنْهُ لِأَنَّهُ لَا يحس وَإِنَّمَا كَانَ مثله لما كَانَ لَا ينفعل مِنْهُ لِأَنَّهُ لَو كَانَ مُخَالفا لَهُ لانفعل عَنهُ,"And there is also the fact that it is not subject to the influence of the body itself, for the fact that drier and moister elements are equally present in it accounts for it being well attempered. We know too that its absence of sensation is another reason why it is not subject to the influence (of the body). It is only subject to intrinsic factors, or dissimilar qualities." فَإِن الْأَشْيَاء المتفقة العنصر المتضادة الطبائع ينفعل بَعْضهَا عَن بعض. وَإِنَّمَا لَا ينفعل الشَّيْء عَن مُشَاركَة فِي الْكَيْفِيَّة إِذا كَانَ مُشَاركَة فِي الْكَيْفِيَّة شَبيهَة فِيهَا.,"For, as we know, when things have a common origin, but are opposite in nature, mutual interaction results, whereas a thing is not affected by anything whose quality is ‘similar to itself." وَأَعْدل الْجلد جلد الْيَد وَأَعْدل جلد الْيَد جلد الْكَفّ وأعدله جلد الرَّاحَة أعدله مَا كَانَ على الْأَصَابِع وأعدله مَا كَانَ على السبابَة وأعدله مَا كَانَ على الْأُنْمُلَة مِنْهَا فَلذَلِك هِيَ وأنامل الْأَصَابِع الْأُخْرَى تكَاد تكون هِيَ الحاكمة بالطمع فِي مقادير الملموسات.,"The most attempered part of the skin is that of the hands. The most attempered part of the skin of the hands is that of the palms and soles. The most attempered part of the skin of the palms of the hands is that of the finger-pulps. The most attempered part of the skin of the finger-pulp is that of the index. The pulp of the tip of the index-finger is the most sensitive, and that of the other finger tips is more sensitive than other parts, because they judge of the nature of tactile qualities." فَإِن الْحَاكِم يجب أَن يكون متساوي الْميل إِلَى الطَّرفَيْنِ جَمِيعًا حَتَّى يحس بِخُرُوج الطّرف عَن التَّوَسُّط وَالْعدْل.,There must be a lessening of sensitiveness from the middle outwards in order that one can perceive a deviation from equability. وَيجب أَن تعلم مَعَ مَا قد علمت أَنا إِذا قُلْنَا للدواء أَنه معتدل فلسنا نعني بذلك أَنه معتدل على الْحَقِيقَة فَذَلِك غير مُمكن. وَلَا أَيْضا أَنه معتدل بالاعتدال الإنساني فِي مزاجه وَإِلَّا لَكَانَ من جَوْهَر الْإِنْسَان بِعَيْنِه.,"In saying a medicine is of equable temperament, we do not use this expression in the absolute sense, because that would be an impossibility. Nor do we mean that it is attempered correspondingly to the human temperament, for in order to be that the medicine would have to be actually composed of human substance." وَلَكنَّا نعني أَنه إِذا انفعل عَن الْحَار الغريزي فِي بدن الْإِنْسَان فتكيف بكيفية لم تكن تِلْكَ الْكَيْفِيَّة خَارِجَة عَن كَيْفيَّة الْإِنْسَان إِلَى طرف من طرفِي الْخُرُوج عَن الْمُسَاوَاة فَلَا يُؤثر فِيهِ أثرا مائلاً عَن الِاعْتِدَال وَكَأَنَّهُ معتدل بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى فعله فِي بدن الْإِنْسَان.,"We mean this that when the medicine is exposed to the action of the innate heat within the human body, its quality will not over-reach either of the limits (of equable temperament) proper to the human being. Consequently it will not produce an effect beyond those limits. Therefore, in regard to its actions within the human body it is attempered, of equable temperament." وَكَذَلِكَ إِذا قُلْنَا أَنه حَار أَو بَارِد فلسنا نعني أَنه فِي جوهره بغاية الْحَرَارَة أَو الْبُرُودَة وَلَا أَنه فِي جوهره أحر من بدن الْإِنْسَان أَو أبرد وَإِلَّا لَكَانَ المعتدل مَا مزاجه مثل مزاج الْإِنْسَان.,"Similarly, when ‘we say a drug is hot or cold, we do not mean an absolute heat or coldness of substance, or that it is hotter or colder in substance than is the human body. Otherwise it would imply that the drug has a temperament like that of man equable." وَلَكنَّا نعني بِهِ أَنه يحدث مِنْهُ فِي بدن الْإِنْسَان حرارة أَو برودة فَوق اللَّتَيْنِ لَهُ. وَلِهَذَا قد يكون الدَّوَاء بَارِدًا بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى بدن الْإِنْسَان حاراً بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى بدن الْعَقْرَب وحاراً بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى بدن الْإِنْسَان بَارِدًا بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى بدن الْحَيَّة,"What we mean by the statement is that through the drug hotness or coldness comes to the body, in a degree over and above that degree of heat or cold which is in the body already. Consequently a medicament may be at the same time cold that is, compared with the human body and hot that is, compared with the body of a scorpion." بل قد يكون لدواء وَاحِد أَيْضا حاراً بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى بدن زيد فَوق كَونه حاراً بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى بدن عَمْرو. وَلِهَذَا يُؤمر المعالجون بِأَن لَا يُقِيمُونَ على دَوَاء وَاحِد فِي تَبْدِيل المزاج إِذا لم ينجع.,"it may be at the same time hot that is, compared with the human body and cold that is, compared with the body of a serpent. More than that, a medicament may be hotter towards the body of Peter than it is to the body of Paul. It is important to know this when choosing medicines with the object of altering the temperament. One must take care not to employ a medicament which from its very nature could not have the effect desired." وَإِذ قد اسْتَوْفَيْنَا القَوْل فِي المزاج المعتدل فلننتقل إِلَى غير المعتدل فَنَقُول: إِن الأمزجة الْغَيْر المعتدلة سَوَاء أَخَذتهَا بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى النَّوْع أَو الصِّنْف أَو الشَّخْص أَو الْعُضْو ثَمَانِيَة بعد الِاشْتِرَاك فِي أَنَّهَا مُقَابلَة للمعتدل.,"Now that we have explained the subject of equable temperament sufficiently we pass on to consider the inequable temperaments (“ intemperaments,” dyscrasias). They are classified according to race, individual, and organs. There are eight variants, all of which agree in being contrary to the eight equable temperaments named above." وَتلك الثَّمَانِية تحدث على هَذَا الْوَجْه وَهُوَ أَن الْخَارِج عَن الِاعْتِدَال إِمَّا أَن يكون بسيطاً وَإِنَّمَا يكون خُرُوجه فِي مضادة وَاحِدَة وَإِمَّا أَن يكون مركبا. وَإِنَّمَا يكون خُرُوجه فِي المضادتين جَمِيعًا. والبسيط الْخَارِج فِي المضادة الْوَاحِدَة إِمَّا فِي المضادة الفاعلة وَذَلِكَ على قسمَيْنِ:,(A) the simple types show a deviation from the normal equipoise only in respect of one contrary. (B) the compound types show a deviation from the normal equipoise in respect of two contraries at once. A. The simple intemperaments are as follows لِأَنَّهُ إِمَّا أَن يكون أحر مِمَّا يَنْبَغِي لَكِن لَيْسَ أرطب مِمَّا يَنْبَغِي وَلَا أيبس مِمَّا يَنْبَغِي أَو يكون أبرد مِمَّا يَنْبَغِي وَلَيْسَ أيبس مِمَّا يَنْبَغِي وَلَا أرطب مِمَّا يَنْبَغِي,"(a) where it is an active contrary quality which is in excess: (i) hotter than it should be, not moister or drier. Hot intemperament. (ii) colder than it should be, not moister or drier. Cold intemperament." وَإِمَّا أَن يكون فِي المضادة المنفعلة وَذَلِكَ على قسمَيْنِ: لِأَنَّهُ إِمَّا أَن يكون أيبس مِمَّا يَنْبَغِي وَلَيْسَ أحرّ وَلَا أبرد مِمَّا يَنْبَغِي وَإِمَّا أَن يكون أرطب مِمَّا يَنْبَغِي وَلَيْسَ أحر وَلَا أبرد مِمَّا يَنْبَغِي.,"(F) where if is a passive contrary quality which is in excess: (iii) drier than it should be, but not hotter nor colder. Dry intemperament. (iv) moister than it should be, but not hotter nor colder. Moist intemperament." لَكِن هَذِه الْأَرْبَعَة لَا تستقرّ وَلَا تثبت زَمَانا لَهُ قدر فَإِن الأحر مِمَّا يَنْبَغِي يَجْعَل الْبدن أيبس مِمَّا يَنْبَغِي والأبرد مِمَّا يَنْبَغِي يَجْعَل الْبدن أرطب مِمَّا يَنْبَغِي بالرطوبة الغريبة,"These four in temperaments are only temporary, for when too hot, the body becomes drier than it should be; when too cold, the body becomes moister than it should be, by assuming extraneous moisture when much too moist, coldness supervenes more rapidly than dryness would." والأيبس مِمَّا يَنْبَغِي سَرِيعا مَا يَجعله أبرد مِمَّا يَنْبَغِي والأرطب مِمَّا يَنْبَغِي إِن كَانَ بإفراط فَإِنَّهُ أسْرع من الأيبس فِي تبريده وَإِن كَانَ لَيْسَ بإفراط فَإِنَّهُ يحفظه مُدَّة أَكثر إِلَّا أَنه يَجعله آخر الْأَمر أبرد مِمَّا يَنْبَغِي.,"If the dryness be not very great, the body may remain in that temperament for a considerable time, though ultimately it will become colder than it should be." وَأَنت تفهم من هَذَا أَن الِاعْتِدَال أَو الصِّحَّة أَشد مُنَاسبَة للحرارة مِنْهَا للبرودة فَهَذِهِ هِيَ الْأَرْبَع المفردة.,"It will be clear, then, that equipoise and health depend more upon heat than upon cold. So much for the four simple intemperaments." وَأما المركّبة الَّتِي يكون الْخُرُوج فِيهَا فِي المضادتين جَمِيعًا فَمثل أَن يكون المزاح أحر وأرطب مَعًا مِمَّا يَنْبَغِي أَو أبرد وأرطب مَعًا مِمَّا يَنْبَغِي أَو أبرد وأيبس مَعًا. وَلَا يُمكن أَن يكون أحر وأبرد مَعًا وَلَا أرطب وأيبس مَعًا.,"The compound intemperaments. The four compound intemperaments are those in which there is a departure from equability in respect of two contraries. Thus, the temperament may be at the same time hotter and moister than it should, hotter and drier than it should, colder and moister than it should, colder and drier than it should. Obviously it cannot be simultaneously hotter and colder, or drier and moister." وكل وَاحِد من هَذِه الأمزجة الثَّمَانِية لَا يَخْلُو إِمَّا أَن يكون بِلَا مَادَّة وَهُوَ أَن يحدث ذَلِك المزاج فِي الْبدن كَيْفيَّة وَحدهَا من غير أَن يكون قد تكيف الْبدن بِهِ لنفوذ خلط فِيهِ متكيّف بِهِ فيتغير الْبدن إِلَيْهِ مثل حرارة المدقوق وبرودة الخصر المصرود المثلوج,"Each of these intemperaments is further subdivisible into two forms (thus making sixteen intemperaments), (a) Those apart from any material substance (qualitative; formal). Here the temperament is altered only in regard to one quality, because the fluid pervading it has the same quality as that towards which the body is being changed as a whole. Yet it does not do so unless it be in virtue, e.g., of heat (in fever) or cold (extraneous cold)." وَإِمَّا أَن يكون مَعَ مَادَّة وَهُوَ أَن يكون الْبدن إِنَّمَا تكيف بكيفية ذَلِك المزاج لمجاورة خلط نَافِذ فِيهِ غَالب عَلَيْهِ تِلْكَ الْكَيْفِيَّة مثل تبرد الْجِسْم الإنساني بِسَبَب بلغم زجاجي أَو تسخنه بِسَبَب صفراء كراثي.,"(F) Those in which some material substance is concerned (material). Here the body is only affected by the quality of the intemperament in virtue of the increased amount of some particular body-fluid. For instance, the body is cooled by vitreous serous humour; heated by leek-green choleric humour." وستجد فِي الْكتاب الثَّالِث وَالرَّابِع مِثَالا لوَاحِد وَاحِد من الأمزجة السِّتَّة عشر. وَاعْلَم: أَن المزاج مَعَ الْمَادَّة قد يكون على جِهَتَيْنِ وَذَلِكَ لِأَن الْعُضْو قد يكون تَارَة مُنْتَفعا فِي الْمَادَّة متبلاً بهَا وَقد تكون تَارَة الْمَادَّة محتبسةً فِي مجاريه وبطونه فَرُبمَا كَانَ احتباسها ومداخلتها يحدث توريماً وَرُبمَا لم يكن.,"Examples of the sixteen intemperaments are given in the third and fourth volumes. Intemperaments in which some material substance is concerned occur in two modes: a member may be pervaded by the material substance entering from without, or it may be pervaded by the material substance which has reached the tissues of the body and fails to get out through the orifices of the channels or from the cavities of the body. Such retention of material may be the beginning of the formation of an inflammatory mass." الْفَصْل الثَّانِي أمزجة الْأَعْضَاء,THE TEMPERAMENT OF THE SEVERAL MEMBERS اعْلَم أنّ الْخَالِق جلّ جَلَاله أعْطى كل حَيَوَان. وكل عُضْو من المزاج مَا هُوَ أليق بِهِ وَأصْلح لأفعاله وأحواله بِحَسب الْإِمْكَان لَهُ. وَتَحْقِيق ذَلِك إِلَى الفيلسوف دون الطَّبِيب. وَأعْطى الْإِنْسَان أعدل مزاج يُمكن أَن يكون فِي هَذَا الْعَالم مَعَ مُنَاسبَة لقواه الَّتِي بهَا يفعل وينفعل.,"ALLAH most Beneficent has furnished every animal and each of its members with a temperament which is entirely the most appropriate and best adapted for the performance of its functions and passive states. The proof of this belongs to philosophy and not to medicine. In the case of man, He has bestowed upon him the most befitting temperament possible of all in this world, as well as faculties corresponding to all the active and passive states of man." وَأعْطى كل عُضْو مَا يَلِيق بِهِ من مزاجه فَجعل بعض الْأَعْضَاء أحر وَبَعضهَا أبرد ويعضها أيبس وَبَعضهَا أرطب.,"Each organ and member has also received the proper temperament requisite for its function. Some he has made hotter, others colder, others drier, and others moister." فَأَما أحر مَا فِي الْبدن فَهُوَ الرّوح وَالْقلب الَّذِي هُوَ منشؤه ثمَّ الدَّم فَإِنَّهُ وَإِن كَانَ متولداً فِي الكبد فَإِنَّهُ لاتصاله بِالْقَلْبِ يَسْتَفِيد من الْحَرَارَة مَا لَيْسَ للكبد ثمَّ الكبد لِأَنَّهَا كَدم جامد ثمَّ الرئة ثمَّ اللَّحْم وَهُوَ أقل مِنْهَا بِمَا يخالطه من لِيف العصب الْبَارِد,"In order of degree of Heat. The Breath is the hottest, and the heart in which it arises. The Blood. Though this is generated in the liver, it derives more of its heat from the heart than from the liver, the two organs being in continuity. The liver, which may be looked upon as concentrated blood. The “ flesh,” which would be as hot as the liver were it not for the nervous tissue (cold temperament !) which pervades it." ثمَّ العضل وَهُوَ أقل حرارة من اللَّحْم الْمُفْرد لما يخالطه من العصب والرباط ثمَّ الطحال لما فِيهِ من عكر الدَّم ثمَّ الكِلى لِأَن الدَّم فِيهَا لَيْسَ بالكثير ثمَّ طَبَقَات الْعُرُوق الضوارب لَا بجواهرها العصبية بل بِمَا تقبله من تسخين الدَّم وَالروح اللَّذين فِيهَا,"The muscles which are cooler than the “ flesh ” because of their tendons and ligaments, as well as the nerves. The spleen. The faex of the blood makes this colder. The kidneys contain relatively less blood. The walls of the arteries. These are warm in spite of the nerve substance present, because they receive heat from the blood and the breaths within them." ثمَّ طَبَقَات الْعُرُوق السواكن لأجل الدَّم وَحده ثمَّ جلدَة الْكَفّ المعتدلة وأبرد مَا فِي الْبدن البلغم ثمَّ الشَّحْم ثمَّ الشّعْر ثمَّ الْعظم ثمَّ الغضروف ثمَّ الرِّبَاط ثمَّ وَأما أرطب مَا فِي الْبدن فالبلغم ثمَّ الدَّم ثمَّ السمين ثمَّ الشَّحْم ثمَّ الدِّمَاغ ثمَّ النخاع ثمَّ لحم الثدي والأنثيين,"The walls of the veins, which owe their heat to the blood alone. The skin of the palms and soles. In order of degree of Coldness. The coldest thing in the body is the serous humour. Next in degree, the hairs.. The bones.. The Cartilage.. The ligaments.. Tendon.. The membranes. The nerves.. The spinal cord.. The brain.. Fat.. The oil of the body.. The skin. In order of degree of Moisture, The serous humour is the most moist constituent of the body.. The blood.. The oil.. The fat. The brain. The spinal cord. The breasts and testicles." ثمَّ الرئة ثمَّ الكبد ثمَّ الطحال ثمَّ الكليتان ثمَّ العضل ثمَّ الْجلد. هَذَا هُوَ التَّرْتِيب الَّذِي رتبه جالينوس. وَلَكِن يجب أَن تعلم أَن الرئة فِي جوهرها وغريزتها لَيست برطبة شَدِيدَة الرُّطُوبَة لِأَن كل عُضْو شَبيه فِي مزاجه الغريزي بِمَا يتغذى بِهِ وشبيه فِي مزاجه الْعَارِض بِمَا يفضل فِيهِ.,"The lung.. The liver.. The spleen. The kidneys.. The muscles.. The skin. The order here given is that of Galen, but in the case of the lung the moisture is not inherent in its nature but is derived from the nourishment which comes to it." ثمَّ الرئة تغتذي من أسخن الدَّم وَأَكْثَره مُخَالطَة للصفراء. فَعلمنَا هَذَا جالينوس بِعَيْنِه وَلكنهَا قد يجْتَمع فِيهَا فضل كثير من الرُّطُوبَة عَمَّا يتَصَعَّد من بخارات الْبدن وَمَا ينحدر إِلَيْهَا من النزلات.,"The lung is fed by a very “ hot ” blood, because there is much bilious humour in the blood going to the lung. A great excess of moisture accumulates in the lung from the gaseous products of the whole body as well as from the materials which flow down to it from the “ head.”" وَإِذا كَانَ الْأَمر على هَذَا فَالْكَبِد أرطب من الرئة كثيرا فِي الرُّطُوبَة الغريزية. والرئة أَشد ابتلالاً وَإِن كَانَ دوَام الابتلال قد يَجْعَلهَا أرطب فِي جوهرها أَيْضا.,"In actual fact the liver is intrinsically moister than the lung, whereas the lung is as it were constantly sprinkled with moisture; it is the fact that the moisture lingers in it that makes it so soft (to the feel)." وَهَكَذَا يجب أَن تفهم من حَال البلغم وَالدَّم من جِهَة وَهُوَ أَن ترطيب البلغم فِي أَكثر الْأَمر هُوَ على سَبِيل البل وترطيب الدَّم هُوَ على سَبِيل التَّقْرِير فِي الْجَوْهَر. على أَن البلغم الطبيعي المائي قد يكون فِي نَفسه أَشد رُطُوبَة.,"One should conceive of the states of the serous humour and blood in a similar way. The serous humour is moist in that it is as it were sprinkled with moisture. In the case of the blood the moisture interpenetrates, pervades, and grows through its very substance. It is true that the serous humour, watery in nature., generally possesses much more moisture in itself than the blood does." فَإِن الدَّم بِمَا يَسْتَوْفِي حَظه من النضج يتَحَلَّل مِنْهُ شَيْء كثير من الرُّطُوبَة الَّتِي كَانَت فِي البلغم المائي الطبيعي الَّذِي اسْتَحَالَ إِلَيْهِ. فستعلم بعد أَن البلغم الطبيعي دم اسْتَحَالَ بعض الاستحالة. وَأما أيبس مَا فِي الْبدن فالشّعر,"And if the digestive changes in the blood proceed inadequately it loses not a little moisture namely, the moisture of the naturally watery serous humour, which has become part of the blood. As we shall see later, the normal serous humour is nothing more than imperfectly digested blood. In order of Dryness. The driest thing in the body is the hair." لِأَنَّهُ من بخار دخاني تحلل مَا كَانَ فِيهِ من خلط البخار وانعقدت الدخانية الصرفة ثمَّ الْعظم لِأَنَّهُ أَصْلَب الْأَعْضَاء لكنه أَصْلَب من الشّعْر لِأَن كَون الْعظم من الدَّم وَوَضعه وضع نَشَاف للرطوبات الغريزية مُتَمَكن مِنْهَا. وَلذَلِك مَا كَانَ الْعظم يغذو كثيرا من الْحَيَوَانَات,"for this comes from the ethereal element carrying up with it the material dispersed to it from the rest of the body, which is then left behind in the hair as pure fumosity. The bone. This is the hardest of all the members. It is however moister than hair, because bone is derived from the blood, and its fume is dry, so that it dries up the humours naturally located in the bones. This accounts for the fact that many animals thrive on bones." وَالشعر لَا يغذو شَيْئا مِنْهَا أَو عَسى أَن يغذو نَادرا من جُمْلَتهَا كَمَا قد ظن من أَن الخفافيش تهضمه وتسيغه. لَكنا إِذا أَخذنَا قدرين متساويين من الْعظم وَالشعر فِي الْوَزْن فقطرناهما فِي القرع والإنبيق سَالَ من الْعظم مَاء ودهن كثر وَبَقِي لَهُ ثقل أقل. فالعظم إِذا أرطب من الشّعْر.,"whereas no animal thrives on hair or at least it would be a very exceptional thing if hair ever did provide nourishment. Some think that bats can digest hair and live on it. The proof that bone is moister than hair is that when equal weights of bones and hair are distilled in a retort, more water and oil will flow and less “ faex ” will remain." وَبعد الْعظم فِي اليبوسة الغضروف ثمَّ الرِّبَاط ثمَّ الْوتر ثمَّ الغشاء ثمَّ الشرايين ثمَّ الأوردة ثمَّ عصب الْحَرَكَة ثمَّ الْقلب ثمَّ عصب الحسّ. فَإِن عصب الْحَرَكَة أبرد وأيبس مَعًا كثيرا من المعتدل.,"Cartilage. Ligaments. Tendon Serous membranes. Arteries. Veins. Motor -nerves. Heart. Sensory Nerves. Skin. The motor nerves are colder and drier at the same time, and are therefore in equipoise." وَعصب الْحس أبرد وليسَ أيبس كثيرا من المعتدل بل عَسى أَن يكون قَرِيبا مِنْهُ وَلَيْسَ أَيْضا كثير الْبعد مِنْهُ فِي الْبرد ثمَّ الْجلد.,"The sensory nerves are colder but not drier in proportion, and are probably very nearly in equipoise, since their coldness is not very far distant from that of the motor nerves." الْفَصْل الثَّالِث أمزجة الْأَسْنَان والأجناس,"THE TEMPERAMENTS BELONGING TO AGE SEX, PLACE OF RESIDENCE, OCCUPATION" الْأَسْنَان أَرْبَعَة فِي الْجُمْلَة: سنّ النمو ويسمّى سنّ الحداثة وَهُوَ إِلَى قريب من ثَلَاثِينَ سنة ثمَّ سنّ الْوُقُوف: وَهُوَ سنّ الشَّبَاب وَهُوَ إِلَى نَحْو خمس وَثَلَاثِينَ سنة أَو أَرْبَعِينَ سنة وَسن الانحطاط مَعَ بَقَاء من الْقُوَّة: وَهُوَ سنّ المكتهلين وَهُوَ إِلَى نَحْو سِتِّينَ سنة,There are four periods of life. I. The period of growth. Adolescence. Up to thirty. II. The prime of life. Period of beauty. Up to thirty five or fourty. III. Elderly life. Period of decline. Senescence. Up to about sixty وَسن الانحطاط مَعَ ظُهُور الضعْف فِي الْقُوَّة: وَهُوَ سنّ الشُّيُوخ إِلَى آخر الْعُمر. لَكِن سنّ الحداثة يَنْقَسِم إِلَى: سنّ الطفولة: وَهُوَ أَن يكون الْمَوْلُود بعد غير مستعد الْأَعْضَاء للحركات والنهوض,IV. Decrepit age. Senility. To the end of life. The First Period of Life. First. Infancy The period before the limbs are fitted for walking. وَإِلَى سنّ الصِّبَا: وَهُوَ بعد النهوض وَقبل الشدَّةوَهُوَ أَن لَا تكون الْأَسْنَان استوفت السُّقُوط والنبات ثمَّ سنّ الترعرع: وَهُوَ بعد الشدَّة ونبات الْأَسْنَان قبل المراهقة ثمَّ سنّ الغلامية والرهاق إِلَى أَن يبقل وَجهه. ثمَّ سنّ الْفَتى: إِلَى أَن يقفل النمو.,"Second. Babyhood. The period of formation of teeth. Walking has been learnt, but is not steady. The gums are not full of teeth. Third. Childhood. The body shows strength of movement. The teeth are fully out. Pollutions have not yet appeared. Fourth. Juvenility. “ Puberty.” The period up to the development of hair on the face and pubes. Pollutions begin. Fifth. Youth. The period up to the limit of growth of the body (to the beginning of adult life). Period of athletic power." وَالصبيان أَعنِي من الطفولة إِلَى الحداثة مزاجهم فِي الْحَرَارَة كالمعتدل وَفِي الرُّطُوبَة كالزائد ثمَّ بَين الْأَطِبَّاء الأقدمين اخْتِلَاف فِي حرارتي الصَّبِي والشاب فبعضهم يرى أَن حرارة الصَّبِي أَشد وَلذَلِك يَنْمُو أَكثر,"The temperament during the whole of this period of life is almost equable as regards “ heat,” but “ moisture ” is in excess. There has been not a little controversy among older writers about the degree of heat during the period of juvenility as compared with that of youth. Some argue that the heat is greater in the former than the latter, and that this accounts for their growth." وَتَكون أَفعاله الطبيعية من الشَّهْوَة والهضم كَذَلِك كثر وأدوم لِأَن الْحَرَارَة الغريزية المستفادة فيهم من الْمَنِيّ أجمع وأحدث. وَبَعْضهمْ يرى أَن الْحَرَارَة الغريزية فِي الشبَّان أقوى بِكَثِير لِأَن دمهم أَكثر وأمتن وَلذَلِك يصيبهم الرُعاف أَكثر وَأَشد,"and for the fact that their natural functions of appetite and digestion are greater in vigour and persist longer. This, it is considered, is due to a condensation of the innate heat derived from the sperm. Others argue that the innate heat of youth is far greater than that of juvenility, because (a) their blood is much more plentiful and is thicker evidenced by the frequency with which nose-bleeding occurs." وَلِأَن مزاجهم إِلَى الصَّفْرَاء أميل ومزاج الصّبيان إِلَى البلغم أميل ولانهم أقوى حركات وَالْحَرَكَة بالحرارة وهم أقوى استمراء وهضماً وَذَلِكَ بالحرارة.,"(F) their temperament approaches that of bile, whereas that of juvenility approaches that of serous humour. (r) The movements of the body are more energetic in youth; and bodily movement requires plentiful innate heat. (d) Digestion is better and more vigorous. and this entails expenditure of heat." وَأما الشَّهْوَة فَلَيْسَتْ تكون بالحرارة بل بالبرودة وَلِهَذَا مَا تحدث الشَّهْوَة الْكَلْبِيَّة فِي أَكثر الْأَمر من الْبُرُودَة وَالدَّلِيل على أَن هَؤُلَاءِ أَشد استمراء أَنه لَا يصيبهم من التهوع والقيء والتخمة مَا يعرض للصبيان لسوء الهضم.,"The signs of a vigorous digestion are: absence of feeling of nausea; absence of fermentative vomiting; absence of crudity or aversion to food. These occur in juveniles when their digestive power is disturbed. The appetite is less in youth than in juvenility. This shows that the innate heat is greater, for the appetite is better in a cold temperament. A dog’s appetite is often accounted for by cold temperament." وَالدَّلِيل على أَن مزاجهم أميل إِلَى الصَّفْرَاء هُوَ أَن أمراضهم حارة كلهَا كَحمى الغب وقيئهم صفراوي. وَأما أَكثر أمراض الصّبيان فَإِنَّهَا رطبَة بَارِدَة وحمياتهم بلغمية وَأكْثر مَا يقذفونه بالقيء بلغم.,"(The evidence of an undue proportion of bilious humour in a temperament is (i) that the diseases in such a person are “ hot ”e.g. tertian fever; (ii) the vomitus is bilious; (iii) other facts.) The diseases to which juveniles are liable are usually cold and moist; and when fevers occur in them, they are pituitous. , If vomiting occurs it is usually serous." وَأما النمو فِي الصّبيان فَلَيْسَ من قُوَّة حرارتهم وَلَكِن لِكَثْرَة رطوبتهم وَأَيْضًا فَإِن كَثْرَة شهوتهم تدلّ على نُقْصَان حرارتهم. هَذَا مَذْهَب الْفَرِيقَيْنِ واحتجاجهما. وَأما جالينوس فَإِنَّهُ يرد على الطَّائِفَتَيْنِ جَمِيعًا وَذَلِكَ أَنه يرى الْحَرَارَة فيهمَا مُتَسَاوِيَة فِي الأَصْل,"(f) The process of growth, greater in juveniles, requires adequate moisture rather than heatThese then are the two theories and the facts on which they are based. Galen’s teaching. Galen is opposed to both. In his opinion the heat is actually the same in each." لَكِن حرارة الصّبيان أَكثر كمية وَأَقل كَيْفيَّة أَي حِدة. وحرارة الشبَّان أقل كمية وَأكْثر كَيْفيَّة أَي حدّة.,The difference is that in puberty its quantity is great but its acuity is less. In youth the heat is less in quantity but greater in acuity. وَبَيَان هَذَا على مَا يَقُوله فَهُوَ أَن يتَوَهَّم أَن حرارة وَاحِدَة بِعَينهَا فِي الْمِقْدَار أَو جسماً لطيفاً حاراً وَاحِدًا فِي الكيف والكم فَشَا تَارَة فِي جَوْهَر رطب كثير كَالْمَاءِ وَفَشَا أُخْرَى فِي جَوْهَر يَابِس قَلِيل كالحجر,"As he says let us imagine first a single measure of “ heat,” or a subtle body of unit heat, penetrating into an abundance of moist substance as it might be, water. Then imagine a unit of heat penetrating into a small bulk of stone." وَإِذا كَانَ كَذَلِك فَإنَّا نجد حِينَئِذٍ المَاء الْحَار المائي أَكثر كمية وألين كَيْفيَّة والحار الحجري أقل كمية وأحدّ كَيْفيَّة. وعَلى هَذَا فقس وجود الْحَار فِي الصّبيان والشبان فَإِن الصّبيان إِنَّمَا يتولدون من الْمَنِيّ الْكثير الْحَرَارَة وَتلك الْحَرَارَة لم يعرض لَهَا من الْأَسْبَاب مَا يطفئها.,"The heat in the water would then be large in quantity but soft in quality, whereas the heat in the stone would be less in amount but of great acuity. This is analogous to the state of affairs in regard to the heat of juvenility and of youth. Juveniles derive their (innate) heat from the sperm, which is very “ hot.” This initial innate heat is being steadily used up." فَإِن الصَّبِي ممعن فِي التزيّد ومتدرّج فِي النمو وَلم يقف بعد فَكيف يتراجع.,but the loss is made up by the progressive growth; indeed it is more than made up. وَأما الشَّاب فَلم يَقع لَهُ سَبَب يزِيد فِي حرارته الغريزية وَلَا أَيْضا وَقع لَهُ سَبَب يطفئها بل تِلْكَ الْحَرَارَة مستحفظة فِيهِ برطوبة أقل كمية وَكَيْفِيَّة مَعًا إِلَى أَن يَأْخُذ فِي الانحطاط. وَلَيْسَت قلَّة هَذِه الرُّطُوبَة تعد قلَّة بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى استحفاظ الْحَرَارَة وَلَكِن بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى النمو,"But during the period of youth, there is nothing to make good such loss of innate heat. On the contrary, the degree of innate moisture is lessening both in quantity and quality, this being the mechanism by which the innate heat remains at a constant level up to senescence. Ultimately, the moisture is in too small a proportion to enable the innate heat to be maintained constant. During all this period there is no corresponding growth." فَكَأَن الرُّطُوبَة تكون أَولا بِقدر يَفِي بِهِ كلا الْأَمريْنِ فَيكون بِقدر مَا نَحْفَظ الْحَرَارَة وتفضل أَيْضا النمو ثمَّ تصير بآخرة بِقدر لَا يَفِي بِهِ كلا الْأَمريْنِ ثمَّ تصير بِقدر لَا يَفِي وَلَا بِأحد الْأَمريْنِ,"At the outset of life, the innate moisture suffices for the two requirements maintenance of innate heat; growth. But there comes a time when one or other or both must fail." فَيجب أَن يكون فِي الْوسط بِحَيْثُ يَفِي بِأحد الْأَمريْنِ دون الآخر. ومحال أَن يُقَال أَنَّهَا تفي بالتنمية وَلَا تفي بِحِفْظ الْحَرَارَة الغريزية فَإِنَّهُ كَيفَ يزِيد على الشَّيْء مَا لَيْسَ يُمكنهُ أَن يحفظ الأَصْل فَبَقيَ أَن يكون إِنَّمَا يَفِي بِحِفْظ الْحَرَارَة الغريزية وَلَا يَفِي بالنمو.,"Innate heat must be adequate to enable growth to take place, yet the basis of growth innate moisture is failing. So how can growth possibly continue ? It is clear then, that growth must cease, for it cannot be that the innate heat should be sacrificed." وَمَعْلُوم أَن هَذَا السن هُوَ سنّ الشَّبَاب. وَأما قَول الْفَرِيق الثَّانِي: أَن النمو فِي الصّبيان إِنَّمَا هُوَ بِسَبَب الرُّطُوبَة دون الْحَرَارَة فَقَوْل بَاطِل. وَذَلِكَ لِأَن الرُّطُوبَة مَادَّة للنمو والمادة لَا تنفعل وَلَا تتخلق بِنَفسِهَا بل عِنْد فعل الْقُوَّة الفاعلة فِيهَا,"This is during the period of youth, (p.) As regards the second theory that during juvenility growth is in virtue of moisture rather than in virtue of heat This cannot be true because moisture (m) is the material cause of growth and m does not unfold or construct itself; it is not a self- created “ being ”; it only changes in virtue of a formative power acting upon it." وَالْقُوَّة الفاعلة هَهُنَا هِيَ نفس أَو طبيعة بِإِذن الله عز وَجل وَلَا تفعل إلاَّ بِآلَة هِيَ الْحَرَارَة الغريزية. وَقَوْلهمْ أَيْضا: إِن قُوَّة الشَّهْوَة فِي الصّبيان إِنَّمَا هِيَ لبرد المزاج قَول بَاطِل. فَإِن تِلْكَ الشَّهْوَة الْفَاسِدَة الَّتِي تكون لبرد المزاج لَا يكون مَعهَا استمراء واغتذاء.,"As a matter of fact this formative power is F the “ soul,” or “ nature ”—-that which is in the decree of Allah (‘umr-i-Allah). This “ nature ” requires an instrument where with to work, and this instrument is the innate heat. So, when people assert that the voracious appetite of juveniles proceeds simply from their cold temperament, this also is wrong. A morbid appetite due to coldness of temperament cannot result in good digestion and nutrition." والاستمراء فِي الصّبيان فِي أَكثر الْأَوْقَات على أحسن مَا يكون وَلَوْلَا ذَلِك لما كَانُوا يوردون من الْبَدَل الَّذِي هُوَ الْغذَاء أَكثر مِمَّا يتَحَلَّل حَتَّى يَنْمُو وَلَكنهُمْ قد يعرض لَهُم سوء استمرائهم لشرههم وَسُوء تربيتهم لمطعومهم وتناولهم الْأَشْيَاء الرَّديئَة والرطبة والكثيرة وحركاتهم الْفَاسِدَة عَلَيْهَا,"As a matter of fact the digestion during the age of juvenility is usually of the very best. Growth of the body as a whole implies that more food is being assimilated than is used up. When digestion is faulty, the cause is either (a) gluttony, eating food voraciously or inordinately; or (b) errors of diet partaking of a diet badly designed and including articles of food which are unwholesome, or moist in temperament, or in excess; (c) neglect of the movement of the bowels and other emunctories." فَلهَذَا تَجْتَمِع فيهم فضول أَكثر ويحتاجون إِلَى تنقية أَكثر وخصوصاً رئاتهم وَلذَلِك نبضهم أَشد تواتراً وَسُرْعَة وَلَيْسَ لَهُ عظم لِأَن قوتهم لم تتمّ. فَهَذَا هُوَ القَوْل فِي مزاج الصَّبِي والشاب على حسب مَا تكفل جالينوس ببيانه وعبرنا عَنهُ.,whereby effete matters accumulate and become knit together in them (which is an indication for purging) (d) other emunctories: the lungs especially need ‘purgation’ by making the respiration deeper and quicker; although its power is never as great as it sometimes is in the second period of life. This completes Galen’s teaching about the temperaments of juvenility and youth. ثمِّ يجب أَن تعلم أَن الْحَرَارَة بعد مُدَّة سنّ الْوُقُوف تَأْخُذ فِي الإنتقاص لانتشاف الْهَوَاء الْمُحِيط مادتها الَّتِي هِيَ الرُّطُوبَة ومعاونة الْحَرَارَة الغريزية الَّتِي هِيَ أَيْضا من دَاخل ومعاضدة الحركات الْبَدَنِيَّة والنفسانية الضرورية فِي الْمَعيشَة لَهَا,"One must also bear in mind that the innate heat of the body begins to fail after the prime of life, because the ambient air dries up the moisture of the body and the moisture is m of the body. The innate heat also helps to dry up this moisture. So also does the effort involved in the performance of the corporeal and emotional activities inevitably associated with life." وَعجز الطبيعة عَن مقاومة ذَلِك دَائِما فإنّ جَمِيع القوى الجسمانيّة متناهية. فقد تبين ذَلِك فِي الْعلم الطبيعي فَلَا يكون فعلهَا فِي الْإِيرَاد دَائِما.,"Drying up of the moisture is also aided by the failure of the “nature” to withstand the steadily and silently increasing dissipation of the faculties. All the faculties of the body are finite in duration, as is well-known to natural science. So also the innate heat is not being replaced forever." فَلَو كَانَت هَذِه القوى أَيْضا غير متناهية وَكَانَت دائمة الْإِيرَاد ليدلّ مَا يتحلّل على السوَاء بِمِقْدَار وَاحِد وَلَكِن كَانَ التَّحَلُّل لَيْسَ بِمِقْدَار وَاحِد بل يزْدَاد دَائِما كل يَوْم لما كَانَ الْبَدَل يُقَاوم التحلّل وَلَكِن التَّحَلُّل يفني الرُّطُوبَة فَكيف وَالْأَمر أَن كِلَاهُمَا متظاهران أَن على تهيئة النُّقْصَان والتراجع,"Even were the innate heat infinite in duration and always bringing about its changes in the body, so as to maintain a renewal equal to the loss, the fact that the loss is increasing steadily day after day inevitably leads to a limit beyond which the loss could not be made good. A fixed state of dryness would be bound to come. How much sooner would not this time arrive did both factors contribute simultaneously towards it ?" وَإِذ كَانَ كَذَلِك فَوَاجِب ضَرُورَة أَن يفنى الْمَادَّة بل يطفىء الْحَرَارَة وخصوصاَّ إِذا كَانَ يعين انطفاءها بِسَبَب عون الْمَادَّة سَبَب آخر وَهُوَ الرُّطُوبَة الغريبة الَّتِي تحدث دَائِما لعدم بدل الْغذَاء الهضم فيعين على انطفائها من وَجْهَيْن أَحدهمَا بالخنق والغمر وَالْآخر بمضادة الْكَيْفِيَّة,"We see then that the moisture of the body, must inevitably come to an end, and the innate heat become extinguished and the sooner if another contributory factor to its destruction be present; to wit, the extraneous excess of humour arising out of imperfect digestion of food. This extinguishes the innate heat (a) by smothering it, enclosing it, and (‘b) by providing the contrary quality." لِأَن تِلْكَ الرُّطُوبَة تكون بلغمية بَارِدَة وَهَذَا هُوَ الْمَوْت الطبيعي الْمُؤَجل لكل شخص بِحَسب مزاجه وَلكُل مِنْهُم أجل مُسَمّى وَلكُل أجل كتاب وَهُوَ مُخْتَلف فِي الْأَشْخَاص لاخْتِلَاف الأمزجة فَهَذِهِ هِيَ الْآجَال الطبيعية وَهَهُنَا آجال اخترامية غَيرهَا وَهِي أُخْرَى وكل بِقدر,"This extraneous humour is called the “ cold serous humour.” This is the death of “nature ” to which every person is destined, and the duration of life depends on the original temperament, which retains a certain degree of power to the end by fostering its intrinsic moisture. This is the person’s appointed end, and the diversity of temperaments accounts for the different durations of each one’s life. These are the natural terms of life." فَالْحَاصِل إِذا من هَذَا أَن أبدان الصّبيان والشبان حارة باعتدال وأبدان الكهول والمشايخ بَارِدَة. وَلَكِن أبدان الصّبيان أرطب من المعتدل لأجل النمو وَيدل عَلَيْهِ التجربة وَهِي من لين عظامهم وأعصابهم. وَالْقِيَاس وَهُوَ من قرب عَهدهم بالمني وَالروح البُخَارِيّ.,"To sum. up, the equable temperament of the period of juvenility and youth is “ hot,” whereas that of the last two periods of life is “ cold.” The body in juvenility is additionally of a moist (equable) temperament, in that growth is proceeding; the moistness is shown by the softness of their bones, nerves and other members, and by the fact that at this age it is not going to be long before the semen and ether will come to manifestation." وَأما الكهول والمشايخ خُصُوصا فَإِنَّهُم مَعَ أَنهم أبرد فهم أيبس يعلم ذَلِك بالتجرية من صلابة عظامهم ونشف جُلُودهمْ وبالقياس من بعد عَهدهم بالمني وَالدَّم وَالروح البُخَارِيّ. ثمَّ النارية مُتَسَاوِيَة فِي الصّبيان والشبان والهوائية والمائية فِي الصّبيان أَكثر,"Old persons and those in the “decrepit” age are not only colder but drier in temperament. This is evidenced by the hardness of their bones, the roughness of their skin, and the long time which has elapsed since they produced semen, blood, and the vaporal (ether) breath. Theory quality is in equipoise during juvenility and youth, but the airy and aqueous quality is more abundant in juveniles." والأرضية فِي الكهول والمشايخ أَكثر مِنْهَا فيهمَا وَهِي فِي مَشَايِخ أَكثر. والشاب معتدل المزاج فَوق اعْتِدَال الصَّبِي لكنه بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى الصَّبِي يَابِس المزاج وبالقياس إِلَى الشَّيْخ والكهل حَار المزاج وَالشَّيْخ أيبس من الشَّاب والكهل فِي مزاج أَعْضَائِهِ الْأَصْلِيَّة وأرطب مِنْهُمَا بالرطوبة الغريبة البالَة.,"In old persons and in the decrepit, the earthy element is more predominant than in the other ages. This element is most marked during the decrepit age. The temperament of youth is nearer to equipoise than that of juveniles, but, compared with them, its temperament is dry; compared with the third and fourth periods of life, the temperament of youth is moist. The temperament of the decrepit period is drier than in youth and that of the third period of life in regard to the single members, but more moist than either in regard to extraneous moisture." وَأما الْأَجْنَاس فِي اخْتِلَاف أمزجتها فَإِن الْإِنَاث أبرد أمزجة من الذُّكُور وَلذَلِك قصرن عَن الذُّكُور فِي الْخلق وأرطب فلبرد مزاجهن تكْثر فضولهن ولقلة رياضتهن جَوْهَر لحومهن أسخف,"TEMPERAMENT IN RELATION TO SEX. The female is of colder temperament; that is why the female is smaller than the male. The female is also moister. The coldness of temperament, as well as the habit of staying at home and taking so little exercise, accounts for the accumulation of excrementitious matters in the female. Their “flesh” is more fine in “substance” (texture) than that of the male." وَإِن كَانَ لحم الرجل من جِهَة تركيبه بِمَا يخالطه أسخف فَإِنَّهُ لكثافته أَشد تبرداً مِمَّا ينفذ فِيهِ من الْعُرُوق وليف العصب.,though the flesh of the male is more rarefied in virtue of that which is admixed with it. The denseness of male flesh renders permeation through its veins and nerves more difficult. وَأهل الْبِلَاد الشمالية أرطب وَأهل الصِّنَاعَة المائية أرطب. وَالَّذين يخالفونهم فعلى الْخلاف وَأما عَلَامَات الأمزجة فسنذكرها حَيْثُ نذْكر العلامات الْكُلية والجزئية.,"The temperament is moister in the peoples inhabiting northerly countries, colder in those living in southerly countries. The temperament is moister in those who follow a maritime occupation; others are contrary. THE SIGNS OF THE TEMPERAMENTS are discussed under the general and special signs and symptoms." التَّعْلِيم الرَّابِع الأخلاط,THESIS IV. THE HUMOURS الْخَلْط: جسم رطب سيال يَسْتَحِيل إِلَيْهِ الْغذَاء أَولا فَمِنْهُ خلط مَحْمُود وَهُوَ الَّذِي من شَأْنه أَن يصير جزءاَ من جَوْهَر المغتذي وَحده أَو مَعَ غَيره ومتشبهاً بِهِ وَحده أَو مَعَ غَيره.,"A body-fluid, or “ humour ” is that fluid moist “ body” into which our aliment is transformed. Healthy, or “ good ” humour (whether present in the aliment in a pure state or admixed) is such as has the capacity for becoming transformed into actual body-substance, either by itself or in combination with something else." وَبِالْجُمْلَةِ سَادًّا بدل شَيْء مِمَّا يتَحَلَّل مِنْهُ وَمِنْه فضل وخلط رَدِيء وَهُوَ الَّذِي لَيْسَ من شَأْنه ذَلِك أَو يَسْتَحِيل فِي النَّادِر إِلَى الْخَلْط الْمَحْمُود وَيكون حَقه قبل ذَلِك أَن يدْفع عَن الْبدن وينفض. ونقول: إِن رطوبات الْبدن مِنْهَا أولى وَمِنْهَا ثَانِيَة.,"In short, it is that which replaces the loss which the body substance (continually) undergoes. The residue from such, the “superfluity,” is called unhealthy or “bad” humour. This is contrary in capacity to the former, and is only exceptionally convertible into good humour. It is proper that it should be expelled from the body instead. Some of the fluids are primary; some are secondary." فَالْأولى: هِيَ الأخلاط الْأَرْبَعَة الَّتِي نذكرها. وَالثَّانيِة: قِسْمَانِ: إِمَّا فضول وَإِمَّا غير فضول. والفضول سنذكرها.,"The primary fluids of, the body are: the sanguineous humour, the serous humour, the bilious humour, and the atrabilious humour. The secondary fluids of the body are: (a) non-excrementitious: i. located at the orifices of the minutest channels near the tissues, and thus irrigating them. ii. permeating the tissues like a dew and capable of being transformed into nutriment as required. iii. an almost congealed fluid. iv. a fluid existent among the tissue-elements from birth. (b) excrementitious. “Superfluity.” Forms of the respective primary fluids." وَالَّتِي لَيست بِفُضُول هِيَ الَّتِي استحالت عَن حَالَة الِابْتِدَاء ونفذت فِي الْأَعْضَاء إِلَّا أَنَّهَا لم تصر جُزْء عُضْو من الْأَعْضَاء المفردة بِالْفِعْلِ التَّام,"As regards the non-excrementitious fluids, these have not yet been subjected to the action of any of the simple members; not till they reach the tissues for which they are destined, are they changed." وَهِي أَصْنَاف أَرْبَعَة:,Of the four varieties above named. وَالثَّانيِة: الرُّطُوبَة الَّتِي هِيَ منبثّة فِي الْأَعْضَاء الْأَصْلِيَّة بِمَنْزِلَة الطلّ وَهِي مستعدّة لِأَن تستحيل غذَاء إِذا فقد الْبدن الْغذَاء ولأنْ تَبُل الْأَعْضَاء إِذا جفّفها سَبَب من حَرَكَة عنيفة أَو غَيرهَا.,"the second moistens the tissues according to the requirements which active movements entail, and it comes into play if there is anything likely to dry up the tissues." وَالثَّالِثَة: الرُّطُوبَة الْقَرِيبَة الْعَهْد بالانعقاد فَهِيَ غذَاء اسْتَحَالَ إِلَى جَوْهَر الْأَعْضَاء من طَرِيق المزاج والتشبيه وَلم تستحل بعد من طَرِيق القوام التَّام.,"The third variety forms a nutriment which will be changed into the substance of the tissues, whether to the extent of entering into their temperament, or to the extent of changing into their very essence, thereby attaining an entire likeness to the member." وَالرَّابِعَة: الرُّطُوبَة المداخلة للأعضاء الْأَصْلِيَّة مُنْذُ ابْتِدَاء النُشُوّ الَّتِي بهَا اتِّصَال أَجْزَائِهَا ومبدؤها من النُّطْفَة ومبدأ النُّطْفَة من الأخلاط.,The fourth type accounts for the continuous identity of the member or of the body throughout life; it arose with the sperma. It is however true to say also that the semen (both male and female) arises out of the humours. ونقول أَيْضا: إِن الرطوبات الخلطية المحمودة والفضلية تَنْحَصِر فِي أَرْبَعَة أَجنَاس: جنس الدَّم وَهُوَ أفضلهَا وجنس البلغم وجنس الصَّفْرَاء وجنس السَّوْدَاء.,"The sanguineous humour, the most excellent of all. The serous humour. The bilious humour (lit. “red bile”). The atrabilious humour (lit. “ black bile ”)." وَالدَّم: حَار الطَّبْع رطبه وَهُوَ صنفان: طبيعي وَغير طبيعي والطبيعي: أَحْمَر اللَّوْن لَا نَتن لَهُ حُلْو جدا. وَغير الطبيعي: قِسْمَانِ فَمِنْهُ مَا قد تغيّر عَن المزاج الصَّالح لَا بِشَيْء خالطه وَلَكِن بِأَن سَاءَ مزاجه فِي نَفسه فبرد مزاجه مثلا أَو سخن,"In nature (that is, considered dynamically) the blood is hot and moist. In character it either conforms to its nature or it does not. That is (we may say) it is “ normal ” or “ abnormal.” Normal “ blood ” is red in colour, has no unpleasant odour, and has a very sweet taste. When blood is abnormal, it is either (a) because the good temperament has become intrinsically altered or vitiated i.e. has become colder or hotter; but not from admixture with any foreign matte." وَمِنْه مَا إِنَّمَا تغيّر بِأَن حصل خلط رَدِيء فِيهِ وَذَلِكَ قِسْمَانِ: فَإِنَّهُ إِمَّا أَن يكون الْخَلْط ورد عَلَيْهِ من خَارج فنفذ فِيهِ فأفسده وَإِمَّا أَن يكون الْخَلْط تولّد فِيهِ نَفسه مثلا بِأَن يكون عفن بعضه فاستحال الطَّبَقَة مُرَة صفراء وكثيفه مرَة سَوْدَاء وبقيا أَو أَحدهمَا فِيهِ,"Or (b) because an unhealthy body-fluid is admixed with it. ‘This may happen (i) by an unhealthy fluid coming to it from without, penetrating it and so causing decom position in it, or (ii) by a putrescent change in a portion of itself the rarefied product becoming bilious humour, and the denser product becoming atrabilious; either one, or both together, may remain in the blood." وَهَذَا الْقسم بقسميه مُخْتَلف بِحَسب مَا يخالطه. وأصنافه من أَصْنَاف البلغم وأصناف السَّوْدَاء وأصناف الصَّفْرَاء والمائية فَيصير تَارَة عكراً وَتارَة رَقِيقا وَتارَة أسود شَدِيد السوَاد وَتارَة أَبيض وَكَذَلِكَ يتَغَيَّر فِي رَائِحَته وَفِي طعمه فَيصير مرا ومالحاً وَإِلَى الحموضة.,"Abnormal blood of type (i) is named according to (a) that which is admixed with it whether serous humour, or atrabilious, or simply bilious fluid. That of type (ii) is named according to (b) its colour and wateriness sometimes it is turbid, sometimes attenuated, sometimes very dark from much blackness, sometimes pale, (c) taste and odour bitter, salt, or sour." وَأما البلغم: فَمِنْهُ طبيعي أَيْضا وَمِنْه غير طبيعي. والطبيعي: هُوَ الَّذِي يصلح أَن يصير فِي وَقت مَا دَمًا لِأَنَّهُ دم غير تَامّ النضج وَهُوَ ضرب من البلغم والحلو وَلَيْسَ هُوَ بشديد الْبرد بل هُوَ بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى الْبدن قَلِيل الْبرد بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى الدَّم والصفراء بَارِد,"In nature, this is cold and moist. We describe a normal form and an abnormal. Normal (“sweet”) serous humour is such as is capable of transformation into blood at any time, seeing that it is in fact an imperfectly matured blood. It is a sort of “sweet” fluid which is not in too cold a state; that is, it is cold compared with the blood and bilious humour, but hardly at all cold compared with the body as a whole.;" وَقد يكون من البلغم الحلو مَا لَيْسَ بطبيعي وَهُوَ البلغم الَّذِي لَا طعم لَهُ الَّذِي سَنذكرُهُ إِذا اتّفق أَن خالطه دم طبيعي. وَكَثِيرًا مَا يحس بِهِ فِي النَّوَازِل وَفِي النفث,"A “sweet” serous humour may change into one which is insipid, and abnormal, as we shall describe presently. This happens when there is normal blood admixed as occurs often in catarrhal exudates or discharges, and saliva." وَأما الحلو الطبيعي فَإِن جالينوس زعم أَن الطبيعة إِنَّمَا لم تعد لَهُ عضوا كالمفرغة مَخْصُوصًا مثل مَا للمرتين لِأَن هَذَا البلغم قريب الشّبَه من الدَّم وتحتاج إِلَيْهِ الْأَعْضَاء كلهَا فَلذَلِك أجري مجْرى الدَّم وَنحن نقُول: إِن تِلْكَ الْحَاجة هِيَ لأمرين: أَحدهمَا ضَرُورَة وَالْآخر مَنْفَعَة,"Sweet serous humour (lymph) has no special locus or receptacle in the body, any more than the two bilious humours have. Yet the serous humour resembles blood closely in this that it is equally necessary for all tissues, who receive it along with the blood. The tissues absolutely require serous humour for two reasons one being essential, and the other accessory." أما الضَّرُورَة فلسببين: أَحدهمَا: ليَكُون قَرِيبا من الْأَعْضَاء فَمَتَى فقدت الْأَعْضَاء الْغذَاء الْوَارِد إِلَيْهَا صَار دَمًا صَالحا لاحتباس مدده من الْمعدة والكبد ولأسباب عارضة أَقبلت عَلَيْهِ قواها بحرارته الغريزية فأنضجته وهضمته وتغذت بِهِ,"The essential junction is two-fold: (a) that it should be near the tissue (cells) in case they should be deprived of their habitual nutriment (viz., healthy blood) by reason of retention of the material in the stomach or liver from some cause. This material is normally acted upon by the vegetative faculties, which change and digest it and are themselves maintained thereby." وكما أَن الْحَرَارَة الغريزية تنضجه وتهضمه وتصلحه دَمًا فَكَذَلِك الْحَرَارَة الغريبة قد تعفنه وتفسده. وَهَذَا الْقسم من الضَّرُورَة لَيْسَ للمرَتين فَإِن المرَتين لَا تشاركان البلغم فِي أَن الْحَار الغريزي يصلحه دَمًا وَإِن شاركناه فِي أَن الْحَار العرضي يحيله عفناً فَاسِدا.,"The transformation of lymph into blood is achieved by the innate heat. Alien heat would only putrefy the material and decompose it. This kind of relationship does not obtain in the case of the two bilious fluids, because neither of them turns into blood at any time, as the serous humour does, under the influence of the innate heat; but they resemble the serous humour in undergoing putrefaction and decomposition under the influence of “alien” heat." وَالثَّانِي: ليخالط الدَّم فيهيئه لتغذية الْأَعْضَاء البلغمية المزاج الَّتِي يجب أَن يكون فِي دَمهَا الغاذيها بلغم بِالْفِعْلِ على قسط مَعْلُوم مثل الدِّمَاغ وَهَذَا مَوْجُود للمرّتين,"(b) it must be admixed with sanguineous humour before it can reach and nourish tissues of lymphatic temperament. When the serous humour is present in the blood for subserving nutrition, it must be in definite proportion before it reaches the parts to be nourished; e.g. the cerebrum. It is the same in the case of the two bilious humours." وَأما الْمَنْفَعَة فَهِيَ أَن تبلّ المفاصل والأعضاء الْكَثِيرَة الْحَرَكَة فَلَا يعرض لَهَا جفاف بِسَبَب حَرَكَة الْعُضْو وبسبب الاحتكاك وَهَذِه مَنْفَعَة وَاقعَة فِي تخوم الضَّرُورَة.,"The accessory junction is that of moistening the joints and tissues and organs concerned in movement, for otherwise, the heat of the friction of the movement would produce dryness of their surfaces. This function is within the range of necessity." وَأما البلغم الْغَيْر الطبيعي فَمِنْهُ فضلي مُخْتَلف القوام حَتَّى عِنْد الْحس وَهُوَ المخاطي وَمِنْه مستوي القوام فِي الْحس مُخْتَلفَة فِي الْحَقِيقَة وَهُوَ الخام وَمِنْه الرَّقِيق جدا وهو المائي مِنْهُ,"Watery. Attenuated serous humour. This may be salty if there arise in it some sort of putrescence. Excrementitious or Mucilaginous. A superfluity of foreign nature, and evident as such to the senses as a mucilaginous material. Crude. This is a subvariety of the preceding; to the senses it appears to be the same as the preceding, but actually is different." وَمِنْه الغليظ جدا وَهُوَ الْأَبْيَض الْمُسَمّى بالجصي وَهُوَ الَّذِي قد تحلل لطبقة لِكَثْرَة احتباسه فِي المفاصل والمنافذ وَهُوَ أغْلظ الْجَمِيع,"Vitreous. Glasslike in texture; taste sometimes sour, sometimes absent. Calcareous. Opaque white. Denser than the “crude” form. The attenuated part has been dispersed; that which is denser than all the others therefore lingers too long in the foramina and joints." وَمن البلغم صنف مالح وَهُوَ أحر مَا يكون من البلغم وأيبسه وأجفه وَسبب كل ملوحة تحدث أَن تخالط رُطُوبَة مائية قَليلَة الطّعْم أَو عديمته أَجزَاء أرضية محترقة يابسة المزاج مرّة الطّعْم مُخَالطَة باعتدال فَإِنَّهَا إِن كثرت مَرَرْت. وَمن هَذَا تتولد الأملاح وتملح الْمِيَاه.,"Salty serous humour (No. in table), is warmer, drier and lighter than any of the others. It .is salty because oxidized earthy matters of dry temperament and bitter taste are admixed with the watery (nearly or quite insipid) “moisture,” in equal proportions. I say “equal” (i.e. in potency, not weight. Tr.) because if the earths were in excess, the taste would be bitter rather than salt. The same sort of process accounts for the origin of the salts in all the salty waters found in Nature." وَقد يصنع الْملح من الرماد والقلي والنورة وَغير ذَلِك بِأَن يطْبخ فِي المَاء ويصفى ويغلى ذَلِك المَاء حَتَّى ينْعَقد ملحاً أَو يتْرك بِنَفسِهِ فَينْعَقد وَكَذَلِكَ البلغم الرَّقِيق الَّذِي لَا طعم لَهُ أَو طعمه قَلِيل غير غَالب إِذا خالطته مرّة يابسة بالطبع محترقة مُخَالطَة باعتدال ملحته وسخنته فَهَذَا بلغم صفراوي.,"Salts may be obtained artificially also, by boiling ashes, soap ashes, or chalky matter, etc., in water. Then strain. The salt will then separate out from the water, either at once, or on standing. Attenuated serous humour (No.) is similar. This may be insipid or have only a slightly salt taste. This taste results from the admixture with an equal amount of oxidized bile, which is dry and bitter; and the resultant heating salty fluid is called “ bilious serous humour.”" وَأما الْحَكِيم الْفَاضِل جالينوس فقد قَالَ: إِن هَذَا البلغم يملح لعفونته أَو لمائية خالطته. وَنحن نقُول: إِن العفونة تملّحه بِمَا تحدث فِيهِ من الاحتراق والرمادية فتخالط رطوبته. وَأما المائية الَّتِي تخالطه فَلَا تحدث الملوحة وَحدهَا إِذا لم يَقع,"Though Galen believed that this kind of serous humour owed its saltiness to admixture with putrescence or wateriness, my teaching is that the putrescence makes it salty by setting up oxidation in it, in consequence of which an “ash” becomes admixed with the moisture. Aquosity by itself is insufficient to render serous humour salty; some other factor must be present, either as well or on its own account." وَالثَّانِي بِسَبَب أَمر فِي نَفسه وَهُوَ أَن يعرض للبلغم الحلو الْمَذْكُور أَو مَا هُوَ فِي طَرِيق الْحَلَاوَة مَا يعرض لسَائِر العصارات الحلوة من الغليان أَولا ثمَّ التحميض ثَانِيًا,"Serous humour (No.) becomes bitter if (i) atrabilious humour (which is bitter) be admixed with it, or (ii) too much infrigidation takes place, whereby the taste changes from sweet to bitter." وَمن البلغم أَيْضا  عفص وحاله هَذِه الْحَال فَإِنَّهُ رُبمَا كَانَت عفوصته لمخالطة السَّوْدَاء العفص وَرُبمَا كَانَت عفوصته بِسَبَب تبرده فِي نَفسه تبرداً شَدِيدا فيستحيل طعمه إِلَى العفوصة لجمود مائيته واستحالته لليبس إِلَى الأرضية قَلِيلا فَلَا تكون الْحَرَارَة الضعيفة أغلته فحمضته وَلَا القوية أنضجته.,"The process consists in a congealing and degradation of the watery element into something dry, and therefore earthy in character. The degree of heat is too small to ferment it and make it sour. A strong heat would completely alter it (into something else altogether)." وَمن البلغم نوع زجاجي ثخين غليظ يشبه الزّجاج الذائب فِي لزوجته وَثقله وَرُبمَا كَانَ حامضاً وَرُبمَا كَانَ مسيخاً وَيُشبه أَن يكون الغليظ من المسيخ مِنْهُ هُوَ الخام أَو يَسْتَحِيل إِلَى الخام,"The vitreous kind of serous humour (No.) is dense and closely textured, and resembles glass in viscosity and weight. It is sometimes sour to the taste and sometimes tasteless. When a humour like this is closely textured and insipid, it either is “ crude,” or changes into a crude serous humour." وَهَذَا النَّوْع من البلغم هُوَ الَّذِي كَانَ مائياً فِي أول الْأَمر بَارِدًا فَلم يعفن وَلم يخالطه شَيْء بل بَقِي مخنوقاً حَتَّى غلظ وازداد بردا.!,"The vitreous humour was originally a watery humour, and “cold”; and remained so without undergoing putrescence, or having any other thing admixed with it. All this time it is not manifest to the senses. It becomes evident only when it thickens in texture, and develops coldness." وَأما الصَّفْرَاء: فَمِنْهَا أَيْضا طبيعي وَمِنْهَا فضل غير طبيعي والطبيعي مِنْهَا: هُوَ رغوة الدَّم وَهُوَ أَحْمَر اللَّوْن ناصعه خَفِيف حاد وَكلما كَانَ أسخن فَهُوَ أَشد حمرَة فَإِذا تولد فِي الكبد انقسم قسمَيْنِ: فَذهب قسم مِنْهُ مَعَ الدَّم وتصفَى قسم مِنْهُ إِلَى المرارة.,"THE BILIOUS HUMOUR. In nature this is hot and dry. It also occurs in a normal and an abnormal form. Natural bilious humour is the “foam” of blood. It is bright red in colour. It is light and pungent. The redder its colour, the hotter it is. It is formed in the liver, and then pursues one of two routes either it circulates with the blood, or it passes on to the gall-bladder." والذاهب مِنْهُ مَعَ الدَّم يذهب مَعَه لضَرُورَة وَمَنْفَعَة أما الضَّرُورَة فلتخالط الدَّم فِي تغذية الْأَعْضَاء الَّتِي تسْتَحقّ أَن يكون فِي مزاجها جُزْء صَالح من الصَّفْرَاء وبحسب مَا يسْتَحقّهُ من الْقِسْمَة مثل الرئة,The part which passes into the blood-stream subserves two purposes (i) it enables the blood to nourish those certain tissues or organs which need the presence of a suitable amount of bilious humour in a dispersed form: as holds in the case of the lung. وَأما الْمَنْفَعَة فَلِأَن تلطف الدَّم وتنفذه فِي المسالك الضيقة والمتصفى مِنْهُ إِلَى المرارة يتَوَجَّه أَيْضا نَحْو ضَرُورَة وَمَنْفَعَة أما الضَّرُورَة فإمَّا بِحَسب الْبدن كُله فَهِيَ تخليصه من الْفضل وَإِمَّا بِحَسب عُضْو مِنْهُ فَهِيَ لتغذية المرارة.,"(ii) a mechanical one. It attenuates the blood (i.e., diminishes its surface tension ) and thus enables blood to traverse the very minutest channels of the body. The part which passes to the gall-bladder subserves two purposes: (iii) the removal, in this form, of a certain portion of the effete matter of the body. In so doing it nourishes the walls of the gall-bladder." وَأما الْمَنْفَعَة فمنفعتان: إِحْدَاهمَا غسلهَا المعي من الثفل والبلغم اللزج وَالثَّانيِة لذعها المعي ولذعها عضل المقعدة لتحس بِالْحَاجةِ وتحوج إِلَى النهوض للتبرز.,"(iv) a dual function (a) it cleanses the food-residues and viscous serous humour from off the walls of the bowel, (F) it stimulates the muscles of the (lower) intestine and anus, thereby enabling them to perceive when it is necessary to go to stool." وَأما الصَّفْرَاء الْغَيْر الطبيعي: فَمِنْهَا مَا خُرُوجه من الطبيعة بِسَبَب غَرِيب مخالط وَمِنْهَا مَا خُرُوجه عَن الطبيعة بِسَبَب فِي نَفسه بِأَنَّهُ فِي جوهره غير طبيعي. وَالْقسم الأول مِنْهُ مَا هُوَ مَعْرُوف مَشْهُور وَهُوَ الَّذِي يكون الْغَرِيب المخالط لَهُ بلغماً وتولده فِي أَكثر الْأَمر فِي الكبد,Types of Bilious Humour. A Normal. Clear and pure Liver; blood Foam of blood. Hot. B Abnormal by admixture with alien substance. I Citron-yellow Liver. وَمِنْه مَا هُوَ أقل شهرة وَهُوَ الَّذِي يكون الْغَرِيب المخالط لَهُ سَوْدَاء وَالْمَعْرُوف الْمَشْهُور هُوَ إِمَّا الْمرة الصَّفْرَاء وَإِمَّا المرّة المحية وَذَلِكَ لِأَن البلغم الَّذِي يخالطه رُبمَا كَانَ رَقِيقا فَحدث مِنْهُ الأولى وَرُبمَا كَانَ غليظاً فَحدثت مِنْهُ الثَّانِيَة أَي الصَّفْرَاء الشبيهة بمح الْبيض.,"The alien sub-stance is attenuated serous humour (added to A). Less hot. Vitelline-yellow, colour of egg yolk." وَأما الَّذِي هُوَ أقل شهرة فَهُوَ الَّذِي يُسمى صفراء محترقة. وحدوثه على وَجْهَيْن: أَحدهمَا أَن تحترق الصَّفْرَاء فِي نَفسهَا فَيحدث فِيهَا رمادية فَلَا يتَمَيَّز لَطِيفُها من رماديتها بل تحتبس الرمادية فِيهَا وَهَذَا شَرّ وَهَذَا الْقسم يسقى صفراء محترقة.,"Liver. Dense (coagulated) serous humour added to A. Less hot. Oxidised bile," وَالثَّانِي: أَن تكون السَّوْدَاء وَردت عَلَيْهِ من خَارج فخالطته وَهَذَا أسلم. ولون هَذَا الصِّنْف من الصَّفْرَاء أَحْمَر لكنه غير ناصع وَلَا مشرق بل أشبه بِالدَّمِ إِلَّا أَنه رَقِيق وَقد يتَغَيَّر عَن لَونه لأسباب.,"type b. It is ruddy-yellow, not transparent, resembles blood, but is tenuous." وَأما الْخَارِج عَن الطبيعة فِي جوهره فَمِنْهُ مَا تولّد أَكثر مَا يتَوَلَّد مِنْهُ فِي الكبد وَمِنْه مَا تولّد أَكثر مَا يتولّد مِنْهُ فِي الْمعدة وَالَّذِي تولد أَكثر مَا يتَوَلَّد مِنْهُ فِي الكبد هُوَ صنف وَاحِد وَهُوَ اللَّطِيف من الدَّم إِذا احْتَرَقَ وَبَقِي كثيفه سَوْدَاء وَالَّذِي تولّد أَكثر مَا يتَوَلَّد مِنْهُ مِمَّا هُوَ فِي الْمعدة هُوَ على قسمَيْنِ:,Various other colours may appear in it. Liver; blood Simple admixture with atrabilious humour. Abnormal by internal change of substance Hepatic form. Liver. Oxidation of attenuated part of blood. The denser part of the blood separates out as atrabilious humour. كرّاثي وزنجاري والكرّاثي يشبه أَن يكون متولداً من احتراق المحّي فَإِنَّهُ إِذا احْتَرَقَ أحدث فِيهَا الاحتراق سواداً وخالط الصُّفْرَة فتولّد فِيمَا بَين ذَلِك الخضرة.,"Mod. toxic. Leekgreen bile. Gastric type a Stomach. Oxidation of vitelline bile. Less toxic. Mildew or verdigris green bile. Gastric type b Stomach. Intense degree of oxidation of vitelline bile till all moisture is lost. v. hot, extremely toxic." وَأما الزنجاري فَيُشبه أَن يكون متولداً من الكرَاثي إِذا اشْتَدَّ احتراقه حَتَّى فنيت رطوباته وَأخذ يضْرب إِلَى الْبيَاض لتجفّفه فَإِن الْحَرَارَة تحدث أوَلاً فِي الْجِسْم الرطب سواداً ثمَّ يسلخ عَنهُ السوَاد إِذا جعلت تفني رطوبته وَإِذا أفرطت فِي ذَلِك بيضَتْهُ.,"Less deleterious than Oxidised bile, type a Gallbladder. Spontaneous Oxidation of bile = attenuated part -j- ash. But this ash does not separate out. More deleterious than C by an increase in the degree of oxidation, whereby all the moisture is dried up. The fact of becoming too dry accounts for the whitish colour. For we know that when heat is applied to a moist substance, it first turns black, until all the moisture has vanished, and after that the blackness changes into whiteness. When the moisture is less than half and half, whiteness begins to be visible." "تَأمل هَذَا فِي الْحَطب يتفحم أوَلا ثمَّ يترمد وَذَلِكَ لِأَن الْحَرَارَة تفعل فِي الرطب سواداً وَفِي ضِدّه بَيَاضًا. والبرودة تفعل فِي الرطب بَيَاضًا وَفِي ضِدّه سواداً. وَهَذَانِ الحكمان مني فِي الكراثي والزنجاري تخمين. وَهَذَا النَّوْع الزنجاري أسخن أَنْوَاع الصَّفْرَاء وأردؤها وأقتلها. وَيُقَال إِنَّه من جَوْهَر السموم","Thus, wood is first charred and finally becomes a white ash. Heat applied to a moist body makes it black; applied to a dry body it makes it white. Cold applied to a moist body makes it white, and applied to a dry body makes it black. Such is our opinion about the leekgreen and verdigris-green biles. Verdigris-green form of bile is both hotter and more depraved, and more deadly than all other kinds of bile. It must therefore be classed as one of the toxic substances." وَأما السَّوْدَاء فَمِنْهَا مَا هُوَ طبيعي وَمِنْهَا فضل غير طبيعي.,"THE ATRABILIOUS HUMOUR. This is cold and dry in nature. There is a natural or normal form of this effete substance, and also an abnormal or morbid form." والطبيعي دردي الدَّم الْمَحْمُود وثفله وعكره. وطعمه بَين حلاوة وعفوصة. وَإِذا تولد فِي الكبد توزعّ إِلَى قسمَيْنِ: فقسم مِنْهُ ينفذ مَعَ الدَّم وَقسم يتوجَّه نَحْو الطحال. وَالْقسم النَّافِذ مِنْهُ مَعَ الدَّم ينفذ لضَرُورَة وَمَنْفَعَة.,"The normal form is the “ faex ”, or sediment of good blood, an effete matter. In taste it is between sweetness and bitterness. It arises in the liver and then divides into two portions, one of which enters the blood, and the other goes to the spleen. The portion which enters into the blood subserves two purposes." أما الضَّرُورَة فليختلط بِالدَّمِ بالمقدار الْوَاجِب فِي تغذية عُضْو من الْأَعْضَاء الَّتِي يجب أَن يَقع فِي مزاجها جُزْء صَالح من السَّوْدَاء مثل الْعِظَام. وَأما الْمَنْفَعَة فَهِيَ أَنه يشد الدَّم ويقويه ويكثفه ويمنعه من التَّحَلُّل.,"(a) It takes parts in the nourishment of those members which need a trace of atrabilious humour to complete their temperament. Ex.-: the bones. (F) It bestows stamina, strength and density and consistence upon the blood." وَالْقسم النَّافِذ مِنْهُ إِلَى الطحال وَهُوَ مَا اسْتغنى عَنهُ الدَّم ينفذ أَيْضا لضَرُورَة وَمَنْفَعَة. أما الضَّرُورَة فإمَّا بِحَسب الْبدن كُله وَهِي التنقية عَن الْفضل وَأما بِحَسب عُضْو وَهِي تغذية الطحال.,The portion which passes to the spleen is such as is no longer of any use to the blood. Its primary use as regards the body as a whole is that it clears the body of so much effete matter. ..Its use in regard to one special organ is that it supplies nourishment to the spleen. وَأما الْمَنْفَعَة فَإِنَّمَا تقع عِنْد تحلّلها إِلَى فَم الْمعدة وَتلك الْمَنْفَعَة على وَجْهَيْن: أَحدهمَا: أَنَّهَا تشد فَم الْمعدة وتكثّفه وتقوّيه وَالثَّانِي: أَنَّهَا تدغدغ فَم الْمعدة بالحموضة فَتنبه على الْجُوع وتحرك الشَّهْوَة.,"Its secondary use is that by travelling to the mouth of the stomach by a sort of milking movement, (a) it gives it tone and makes it tighten up and thicken, (b) its bitterness irritates (tickles) the mouth of the stomach and sets up a sense of hunger and so arouses the appetite." وَاعْلَم أَن الصَّفْرَاء المتحلبة إِلَى المرارة هِيَ مَا يَسْتَغْنِي عَنهُ الدَّم. والمتحلبة عَن المرارة هِيَ مَا تَسْتَغْنِي عَنهُ المرارة. وَكَذَلِكَ السَّوْدَاء المتحلّبة إِلَى الطحال هِيَ مَا يَسْتَغْنِي عَنهُ الدَّم. والمتحلّبة عَن الطحال هِيَ مَا يَسْتَغْنِي عَنهُ الطحال.,"You must remember that the part of the bilious humour which passes to the gall-bladder is something no longer needed by the blood, and that the part which emerges from the gall-bladder is something no longer needed by that either. It is much the same with the atrabilious humour. That part which goes to the spleen is such as is no longer needed by the blood, and that part which emerges from the spleen is such as is no longer needed by the spleen." وكما أَن تِلْكَ الصَّفْرَاء الْأَخِيرَة تنبه الْقُوَّة الدافعة من أَسْفَل كَذَلِك هَذِه السَّوْدَاء الْأَخِيرَة تنبّه الْقُوَّة الجاذبة من فَوق فَتَبَارَكَ الله أحسن الْخَالِقِينَ وَأحكم الْحَاكِمين.,"And besides that, just as the bilious humour, in passing through the intestine, arouses peristalsis and so helps to get food away from the stomach, so the atrabilious humour passing from the spleen arouses appetite and leads to the drawing in of food down into the stomach. Wherefore thanks be to Allah the best Artificer of all things, and unending the praise." وَأما السَّوْدَاء الْغَيْر الطبيعية: فَهِيَ مَا لَيْسَ على سَبِيل الرسوب والثفلية بل على سَبِيل الرمادية والاحتراق فَإِن الْأَشْيَاء الرّطبَة المخالطة للأرضية تتميّز الأرضية مِنْهَا على وَجْهَيْن: إِمَّا على جِهَة الرسوب وَمثل هَذَا الدَّم هُوَ السَّوْدَاء الطبيعي,"The abnormal form of atrabilious humour is not a sort of precipitate or “ faex; it is really a form of oxidized material, or ash formed from an oxidation of the commingled bilious humour. Thus, when moist things are admixed with earthy ones, the earthiness separates out (a) as a sediment. This is exemplified in the case of the blood, of which normal atrabilious humour is a sediment." وَإِمَّا على جِهَة الاحتراق بِأَن يتحلّل اللَّطِيف وَيبقى الكثيف. وَمثل هَذَا الدَّم والأخلاط هُوَ السَّوْدَاء الفضلية تسمّى الْمرة السَّوْدَاء وَإِنَّمَا لم يكن الرسوب إِلَّا للدم لِأَن البلغم للزوجته لَا يرسب عَنهُ شئ كالثفل.,"( ) as an ash, or oxidation- product. In this case the rarefied portion disperses and the dense portion remains behind. This is exemplified in the humours, of which excrementitious atrabilious humour is the segregate. Blood is the only body-fluid which yields a precipitate of this kind. Serous humour does not do so because of its viscosity; it behaves like oil." والصفراء للطافتها وَقلة الأرضية فِيهَا ولدوام حركتها ولقلّة مِقْدَار مَا يتَمَيَّز مِنْهَا عَن الدَّم فِي الْبدن لَا يرسب مِنْهَا شَيْء يعتدّ بِهِ وَإِذا تميّز لم يلبث أَن يعفن أَو ينْدَفع وَإِذا عفن تحلل لطيفه وَبَقِي كثيفه سَوْدَاء احتراقية لَا رسوبية.,"Bilious humour does not do so because it is attenuated and is deficient in earthy matters, and it is also constantly moving. This is because the blood separates out only very little; nothing which needs attention; besides, if a substance should separate out, it would soon putrefy or be expelled from the body. If it putrefied, the attenuated part would disperse, and the denser part remain behind. It is this denser unprecipitated part that is the oxidized atrabilious humour." والسوداء الفضلية: مِنْهَا مَا هُوَ رماد الصَّفْرَاء وحراقتها وَهُوَ مرّ وَالْفرق بَينه وَبَين الصَّفْرَاء الَّتِي سميناها محترقة هُوَ أَن تِلْكَ الصَّفْرَاء يخالطها هَذَا الرماد وَأما هَذَا فَهُوَ رماد متميز بِنَفسِهِ تحلّل لطيفه,"Excrementitious atrabilious humour is of four kinds: (a) the ash derived from bilious humour. This is bitter. The difference between this and oxidized bilious humour is that in the latter the ash is only admixed, whereas in the other the ash separates out after dispersal of the attenuated portion;" وَمِنْهَا مَا هُوَ رماد البلغم وحراقته فَإِن كَانَ البلغم لطيفاً جدا مائيا فَإِن رماديته تكون إِلَى الملوحة وَإِلَّا كَانَت إِلَى حموضة أَو عفوصة وَمِنْهَا مَا هُوَ رماد الدَّم وحراقته وَهَذَا مالح إِلَى حلاوة يسيرَة,(P) the ash derived from the oxidation of serous humour. The ash becomes salty if the serous humour is too attenuated and watery; otherwise the ash is acid or bitter; (c) the ash derived from the oxidation of sanguineous humour. This is salty and faintly sweet. وَمِنْهَا مَا هُوَ رماد السَّوْدَاء الطبيعية فَإِن كَانَت رقيقَة كَانَ رمادها وحراقتها شَدِيدَة الحموضة كالخل يغلي على وَجه الأَرْض حامض الرّيح ينفر عَنهُ الذُّبَاب وَنَحْوه وَإِن كَانَت غَلِيظَة كَانَت أقل حموضة وَمَعَ شَيْء من العفوصة والمرارة,"(d) the ash derived from normal atrabilious humour. If this humour be attenuated, the ash will be very acrid, like vinegar. That is, when vinegar (and the like) is sprinkled upon the earth it “boils” and acquires an acrid odour, so that flies and insects of all kinds shun it. If the atrabilious humour were dense the ash will have less acrimony and be only slightly bitter." فأصناف السَّوْدَاء الرَّديئَة ثَلَاثَة: الصَّفْرَاء إِذا احترقت وتحلل لطيفها وَهَذَانِ القسمان الْمَذْكُورَان بعْدهَا. وَأما السَّوْدَاء البلغمية: فَأَبْطَأَ ضَرَرا وَأَقل رداءة. وتترتّب هَذِه الأخلاط الْأَرْبَعَة إِذا احترقت فِي الرداءة.,"There are three kinds of morbid atrabilious humour: (i) Oxidised bilious humour, whereby the attenuated portion is removed. There are two varieties of this. Injurious Actions. Sero-atrabilious humour is less injurious and acts at a slow rate." فالسوداء أَشدّهَا وأشدها غائلة. وأسرعها فَسَادًا هُوَ الصفراوية لَكِنَّهَا أقبلها للعلاج. وَأما القسمان الْآخرَانِ فَإِن الَّذِي هُوَ أَشد حموضة أردأ وَلكنه إِذا تدورك فِي ابْتِدَائه كَانَ أقبل للعلاج,"Choleric-atrabilious humour is more injurious, and undergoes decomposition very readily. (a) This form is more amenable to treatment than the other. (P) There is another form which is more acrid, and more injurious. Still, if treatment be begun more early, it will be more quickly amenable thereto." وَأما الثَّالِث فَهُوَ أقل غلياناً على الأَرْض وتشبثاَ بالأعضاء وَأَبْطَأ مُدَّة فِي انتهائه إِلَى الإهلاك,"(c) A third form effervesces less when dropped upon earth and penetrates the tissues less easily, and is more slowly destructive." وَلكنه قَالَ جالينوس وَلم يصب من زعم أَن الْخَلْط الطبيعي هُوَ الدَّم لَا غير وَسَائِر الأخلاط فضول لَا يحْتَاج إِلَيْهَا البتّة وَذَلِكَ لِأَن الدَّم لَو كَانَ وَحده هُوَ الْخَلْط الَّذِي يغذو الْأَعْضَاء لتشابهت فِي الأمزجة والقوام وَلما كَانَ الْعظم أَصْلَب من اللَّحْم إِلَّا ودَمُهُ دَم مازَجَهُ جَوْهَر صلب سوداوي,"Galen regards the blood as the only normal body-fluid, for he considers that all others are excrementitious and quite use-less. But if the blood were the only nourishes of the various organs of the body, it would be as much as saying they are all alike in temperament and nature. Bone would not be harder than flesh .were it not for the hardness in the atrabilious humour present in the blood." وَلما كَانَ الدِّمَاغ أَلين مِنْهُ إِلَّا وَإِن دَمه دم مازجه جَوْهَر ليّن بلغمي وَالدَّم نَفسه تَجدهُ مخالطاً لسَائِر الأخلاط فينفصل عَنْهَا عِنْد إِخْرَاجه وَتَقْرِيره فِي الْإِنَاء بَين يَدي الحسّ إِلَى جُزْء كالرغوة هُوَ الصَّفْرَاء وجزء كبياض الْبيض هُوَ البلغم وجزء كالثفل والعكر هُوَ والسوداء,"Brain would not be softer than the flesh were it not for the presence in the blood of the soft serous humour which nourishes the brain. So we conclude that in the blood there are other humours, which leave it (in the various organs). Moreover, we see how when blood is withdrawn into a vessel, it contracts and allows various portions visibly to separate out a foam (the yellow bile), a turbid faex (the atrabilious humour), a part like egg-white (the serous humour)." وجزء مائي هُوَ المائية الَّتِي ينْدَفع فَضلهَا فِي الْبَوْل والمائية لَيست من الأخلاط لِأَن المائية هِيَ من المشروب الَّذِي لَا يغذو وَإِنَّمَا الْحَاجة إِلَيْهَا لترقق الْغذَاء وتنفذه وَأما الْخَلْط فَهُوَ من الْمَأْكُول والمشروب الغاذي,"and a watery part (the aquosity), which passes out through the urine. One does not count the aquosity among the body-fluids because it is not a nutrient, even though it is true it is taken in as drink. Its purpose is to dilute the aliment and enable it to permeate the tissues. A humour, on the other hand, is a nutrient, derived from both food and drink." وَمعنى قَوْلنَا غادّ أَي هُوَ بِالْقُوَّةِ شَبيه بِالْبدنِ وَالَّذِي هُوَ بِالْقُوَّةِ شَبيه بدن الْإِنْسَان هُوَ جسم ممتزج لَا بسيط وَالْمَاء هُوَ بسيط وَمن النَّاس من يظنّ أَن قُوَّة الْبدن تَابِعَة لِكَثْرَة الدَّم وَضَعفه تَابع لقلته وَلَيْسَ كَذَلِك بل الْمُعْتَبر حَال رزء الْبدن مِنْهُ أَي حَال صَلَاحه,"By the word “ nutrient,” I mean that which is assimilable into the likeness of the human body a complex substance, and not a “ simple ” body. Water, of course, is a “ simple ” body. Some think that strength of body depends on abundance of blood; that weakness is associated with paucity of blood. But it is not so. It is rather this, that the state of the body determines whether the’ nutriment will be beneficial to it or not." وَمن النَّاس من يظنّ أَن الأخلاط إِذا زَادَت أَو نقصت بعد أَن تكون على النِّسْبَة الَّتِي يقتضيها بدن الْإِنْسَان فِي مقادير بَعْضهَا عِنْد بعض فَإِن الصِّحَّة مَحْفُوظَة وَلَيْسَ كَذَلِك,"Others again, believe that whether the humours be increased or lessened in amount, the maintenance of health depends on the preservation of a certain quantitative proportion between the several humours, one to another, peculiar to the human body. But that is not exactly correct." بل يجب أَن يكون لكل وَاحِد من الأخلاط مَعَ ذَلِك تَقْدِير فِي الْكمّ مَحْفُوظ لَيْسَ بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى خلط آخر بل فِي نَفسه مَعَ حفظ التَّقْدِير الَّذِي بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى غَيره. وَقد بَقِي فِي أُمُور الأخلاط مبَاحث لَيست تلِيق بالأطباء أَن يبحثوا فِيهَا إِذْ لَيست من صناعتهم بل بالحكماء فأعرضنا عَنْهَا.,"The humours must, besides that, maintain a certain constant quantity. It is not a matter of the composition of one or other humour, but of (the body) itself; but the proportions which they bear one to another must also be preserved. I purposely omit referring to certain other problems relative to the humours, because they pertain to philosophy and not to medicine." الْفَصْل الثَّانِي كَيْفيَّة تولد الأخلاط,THE MODE OF ORIGIN OF THE FLUIDS OF THE BODY. فَاعْلَم أَن الْغذَاء لَهُ انهضام إِمَّا بالمضغ وَذَلِكَ بِسَبَب أَن سطح الْفَم مُتَّصِل بسطح الْمعدة بل كأنّهما سطح وَاحِد وَفِيه مِنْهُ قُوَّة هاضمة فَإِذا لَاقَى الممضوغ أَحَالهُ إِحَالَة مَا ويعينه على ذَلِك الرِّيق المستفيد بالنضج الْوَاقِع فِيهِ حرارة غريزية,"Aliment undergoes a certain amount of digestion during the act of mastication. The lining of the mouth being continuous with that of the stomach, there is as it were one continuous digestive surface." وَلذَلِك مَا كَانَت الْحِنْطَة الممضوغة تفعل من إنضاج الدماميل والخراجات مَا لَا تَفْعَلهُ المدقوقة بِالْمَاءِ والمطبوخة فِيهِ. قَالُوا: وَالدَّلِيل على أَن الممضوغ قد بدا فِيهِ شَيْء من النضج أَنه لَا يُوجد فِيهِ الطّعْم الأول وَلَا رَائِحَته الأولى,"That is how it is that when wheat is masticated it procures the maturation of furuncles and abscesses, but has no such effect when simply rubbed with water, or even if boiled with water. Some assert that the sign which shows us that food is already beginning to be altered after mastication is that prior to this act there is neither odour nor taste in it." ثمَّ إِذا ورد على الْمعدة انهضم الانهضام التَّام لَا بحرارة الْمعدة وَحدهَا بل بحرارة مَا يطِيف بهَا أَيْضا أما من ذَات الْيَمين فَالْكَبِد وَأما من ذَات الْيَسَار الطحال فَإِن الطحال قد يسخن لَا بجوهره بل بالشرايين والأوردة الْكَثِيرَة الَّتِي فِيهِ,"Once the aliment has entered the stomach, true digestion goes on not so much by reason of the heat of the stomach as by reason of the heat of the enveloping members namely: On the right: the liver. On the left: the spleen. This not warm in virtue of its own substance, but in virtue of its blood-supply." وَأما من قُدَّام فبالثرب الشخمي الْقَابِل للحرارة سَرِيعا بِسَبَب الشَّحْم المؤدّيها إِلَى الْمعدة وَإِمَّا من فَوق فالقلب يتوسط تسخينه للحجاب فَإِذا انهضم الْغذَاء أوّلاً صَار بِذَاتِهِ.,"In front: the omentum, whose fat easily retains heat and reflects it on to the stomach. Above: the heart, which warms the diaphragm and so warms the stomach." فِي كثير من الْحَيَوَان وبمعونة مَا يخالطه من المشروب فِي أَكْثَرهَا كيلوساً وَهُوَ جَوْهَر سيال شَبيه بِمَاء الكشك الثخين أَو مَاء الشّعير ملاسة وبياضاً ثمَّ إِنَّه بعد ذَلِك ينجذب لطيفه من الْمعدة وَمن الأمعاء أيضاَ فيندفع من طَرِيق العروة الْمُسَمَّاة ماساريقا وَهِي عروق دقاق صلاب مُتَّصِلَة بالأمعاء كلهَا,"The first stage of digestion yields the essence of the .aliment, which, in many animals, becomes “chyle” by the help of admixture with the fluid which one has consumed. The chyle is of the consistence of a ptisan (broth), that is, as thick as sodden barley. The portion of this chyle which is thus diluted is drawn from the stomach into the intestines, and then is caused to enter into the roots of the mesenteric vessels which are found all along the intestinal tract. These vessels are slender, and firm." فَإِذا انْدفع فِيهَا صَار إِلَى الْعرق الْمُسَمّى بَاب الكبد وَنفذ فِي الكبد فِي أَجزَاء وفروع للباب دَاخِلَة متصغرة مضائلة كالشعر ملاقية لفوهات أَجزَاء أصُول الْعرق الطالع من حدبة الكبد.,"Having entered these channels the nutriment passes into the portal vein, enters the gateway of the liver, and then travels along finer and ever finer divisions until it comes to the capillaries (lit., the very fine hair-like channels), which are the ultimate sourse of the vena cava emerging from the convexity of the liver." وَإِن تنفذه فِي تِلْكَ المضايق فِينَا الْأَفْضَل مزاج من المَاء مشروب فَوق الْمُحْتَاج إِلَيْهِ للبدن فَإِذا تفرق فِي لِيف هَذِه الْعُرُوق صَار كَأَن الكبد بكليتها ملاقية لكلية هَذَا الكيلوس وَكَانَ لذَلِك فعلهَا فِيهِ أَشد وأسرع وَحِينَئِذٍ ينطبخ وفى كل انطباخ لمثله شَيْء كالرغوة وَشَيْء كالرسوب.,"The passage of the nutriment through these very narrow channels could not take place were it not admixed with water consumed in excess of the strict requirements of the body. By being distributed over the whole liver in this way, the chyle is exposed to the digestive function of the whole organ, and the function of the liver is thus accomplished most vigorously, energetically, and speedily. The change of nutriment into blood is now complete." وَرُبمَا كَانَ مَعَهُمَا إِمَّا شَيْء هُوَ إِلَى الاحتراق إِن أفرط الطَّبْخ أَو شَيْء كالفج إِن قصر الطَّبْخ فالرغوة هِيَ الصَّفْرَاء والرسوب هِيَ السَّوْدَاء وهما طبيعيان. والمحترق لطيفه صفراء رَدِيئَة وكثيفه سَوْدَاء رَدِيئَة غير طبيعيين. والفج هُوَ البلغم.,"The various products and by-products of digestion up to this point may be tabulated as follows (p):TABLE OF DIGESTIVE-PRODUCTS. (a) In healthy digestion (i) the blood itself. (ii) By-products: (a) a foam the bilious humour. (b) a sort of precipitate. the atrabilious humour. (b) In unhealthy digestion (iii) By-products: (c) An oxidation product, where digestion is carried too far: Attenuated portion. morbid bilious humour. Dense portion. morbid atrabilious humour." وَأما الشَّيْء المتصفي من هَذِه الْجُمْلَة نضيجاً فَهُوَ الدَّم إِلَّا أَنه بعد مَا دَامَ فِي الكبد يكون أرق مِمَّا يَنْبَغِي لفضل المائية الْمُحْتَاج إِلَيْهَا لِلْعِلَّةِ الْمَذْكُورَة,"(d) A product’ when digestion is not carried far enough. serous humour. As long as it stays in the liver, the blood which the liver forms is more attenuated than it should be, because the wateriness is in excess, for the reason already given." وَلَكِن هَذَا الشَّيْء الَّذِي هُوَ الدَّم إِذا انْفَصل عَن الكبد فَكَمَا ينْفَصل عَنهُ يتصفى أَيْضا عَن المائية الفضلية الَّتِي إِنَّمَا احْتِيجَ إِلَيْهَا لسَبَب وَقد ارْتَفع فتنجذب هِيَ عَنهُ فِي عرق نَازل إِلَى الكليتين وَيحمل مَعَ نَفسه من الدَّم مَا يكون بكميته وكيفيته صَالحا لغذاء الكليتين,"But when the blood leaves the liver the excess of water is removed, for it is taken to the renal vessels, and so provides the kidneys with the quantity and quality of the blood best suited for their nutrition." فيغذو الكليتين الدسومة والدموية من تِلْكَ المائية ويندفع بَاقِيهَا إِلَى المثانة والى الإحليل.,"The “fat” of the blood nourishes the kidneys, and the superfluous wateriness and a certain degree of sanguineous material passes down to the bladder and so away from the body." وَأما الدَّم الْحسن القوام فيندفع فِي الْعرق الطالع من حدبة الكبد ويسلك فِي الأوردة المتشعبة مِنْهُ ثمَّ فِي جداول الأوردة ثمَّ فِي سواقي الجداول ثمَّ فِي رواضع السواقي ثمَّ فِي الْعُرُوق الليفية الشعرية ثمَّ يرشح من فوهاتها فِي الْأَعْضَاء بِتَقْدِير الْعَزِيز الْعَلِيم.,"The good blood ascends into the superior vena cava, and its subsequent course is into smaller and smaller veins: and finally into the finest hair-like channels. Having reached these hair-like channels it “sweats out” through their orifices and bathes the tissues, according to the decree of Allah." وَيجب أَن تعلم أَن الْحَرَارَة والبرودة سببان لتولد الأخلاط مَعَ سَائِر الْأَسْبَاب لَكِن الْحَرَارَة المعتدلة يولّد الدَّم والمفرطة تولد الصَّفْرَاء والمفرطة جدًّا تولد السَّوْدَاء بفرط الاحتراق والبرودة تولد البلغم والمفرطة جدا تولد السَّوْدَاء بفرط الإجماد,"One must not forget that the most fundamental agents in the formation of the humours are heat and cold. When the heat is equable, blood forms; when heat is in excess, bilious humour forms; when in great excess, so that oxidation occurs, atrabilious humour „forms. When the cold is equable, serous homour forms, when cold is in excess, so that congelation becomes dominant, atrabilious humour forms." وَلَكِن يجب أَن تراعى القوى المنفعلة بِإِزَاءِ القوى الفاعلة وَلَيْسَ يجب أَن يقف الِاعْتِقَاد على أَن كل مزاج يُولد الشبيه بِهِ وَلَا يُولد الضّد بِالْعرضِ وَإِن لم يكن بِالذَّاتِ فَإِن المزاج قد يتَّفق لَهُ كثيرا أَن يُولد الضِّدّ فَإِن المزاج الْبَارِد الْيَابِس يُولد الرُّطُوبَة الغريبة لَا للمشاكلة وَلَكِن لضعف الهضم,"II. The faculties. There is also a proportionate relation between the active and passive faculties (which has to be considered in thinking of the formation of the humours). III. The temperaments. One must not get the idea that every temperament gives rise to its like and never to its opposite. A temperament often gives rise to its exact opposite, indirectly (of course); it cannot do so directly. A cold and dry temperament may give rise to visible moisture, though this would not be beneficial, but would indicate that, the digestion is feeble." وَمثل هَذَا الْإِنْسَان يكون نحيفاً رخو المفاصل أَذْعَر,"A person with such a temperament would be thin, with supple joints, and hairless skin," وَيجب أَن تعلم أَن للدم وَمَا يجْرِي مَعَه فِي الْعُرُوق هضماً ثالثاَ وَإِذا توزع على الْأَعْضَاء فليصب كل عُضْو عِنْده هضم رَابِع ففضل الهضم الأول وَهُوَ فِي الْمعدة ينْدَفع من طَرِيق الأمعاء. وَفضل الهضم الثَّانِي وَهُوَ فِي الكبد ينْدَفع أَكْثَره فِي الْبَوْل وَبَاقِيه من جِهَة الطحال والمرارة,"The fate of the residues. The residues from the first digestion (namely that in the stomach) pass out by way of the intestines as excrement. Those from the second digestion (namely, in the liver) pass out chiefly by the urine, though some go to the spleen and gall-bladder." وَفضل الهضمين الباقيين ينْدَفع بالتحلل الَّذِي لَا يحس وبالعرق والوسخ الْخَارِج بعضه من منافذ محسوسة كالأنف والصماخ أَو غير محسوس كالمسام أَو خَارِجَة عَن الطَّبْع كالأورام المتفجرة أَو بِمَا ينْبت من زَوَائِد الْبدن كالشعر وَالظفر.,"The residues from the other two digestions are discharged partly by the skin as insensible perspiration and external sordes; partly through visible orifices the nostrils and ears, partly through the invisible orifices scattered over the whole body; sometimes through unnatural channels in the form of inflammatory matter; sometimes as appendages like the hair and nails." وَاعْلَم أَن من رقت أخلاطه أضعفه استفراغها وتأذى بسعة مسامه إِن كَانَت وَاسِعَة تأذياً فِي قوّته لما يتبع التَّحَلُّل من الضعْف وَلِأَن الأخلاط الرقيقة سهله الاستفراغ والتحلل وَمَا سهل استفراغه وتحلّله سهل استصحابه للروح فِي تحلله فيتحلل مَعَه.,"If the body-fluids become attenuated, they are readily dispersed and discharged from the body, especially when the pores dilate. The loss of such fluids produces great weakness, not only by the fact of the loss but also by the dispersion and loss of breath which (necessarily) occurs simultaneously." وَاعْلَم أَنه كَمَا أَن لهَذِهِ الأخلاط أسباباً فِي تولدها فَكَذَلِك لَهَا أَسبَاب فِي حركتها فَإِن الْحَرَكَة والأشياء الحارة تحرّك الدَّم والصفراء وَرُبمَا حركت السَّوْدَاء وتقويها لَكِن الدعة تقَوِّي البلغم وصنوفاً من السَّوْدَاء.,"Lastly, it must be clearly understood that not only the causes of origin, but also the causes of movement of the humours must be taken into consideration. Exercise and heating agents set in motion the sanguineous humour, the bilious humour, and even the atrabilious humour (which is strengthened thereby). Repose sets the serous humour in motion and strengthens it. Repose also strengthens some kinds of atrabilious humour." والأوهام أَنْفسهَا تحرّك الأخلاط مثل أَن الدَّم يحرّكه النّظر إِلَى الْأَشْيَاء الْحمر وَلذَلِك ينْهَى المرعوف عَن أَن يبصر مَاله بريق أَحْمَر فَهَذَا مَا نقُوله فِي الأخلاط وتولدها وَأما مخاصمات الْمُخَالفين فِي صوابها فَإلَى الْحُكَمَاء دون الْأَطِبَّاء.,"Even imagination, emotional states and other agents cause the humours to move. Thus, if one were to gaze intently at something red, one would cause the sanguineous humour to move. That is why one must not let a person suffering from nose-bleeding see things of a brilliant red colour." التَّعْلِيم الْخَامِس فصل وَاحِد وَخمْس جمل مَاهِيَّة الْعُضْو وأقسامه,THESIS V. THE MEMEBERS i. WHAT- A MEMBER IS AND WHAT ARE ITS COMPONENTS فَنَقُول الْأَعْضَاء أجسام مُتَوَلّدَة من أول مزاج الأخلاط المحمودة كَمَا أَن الأخلاط أجسام مُتَوَلّدَة من أول مزاج الْأَركان. والأعضاء: مِنْهَا مَا هِيَ مُفْردَة وَمِنْهَا مَا هِيَ مركبة.,"The members of the body are derived primarily from the commingling of the humours, just as the humours are derived primarily from the commingling of the aliments, and the aliments are primarily composed of commingled“ elements.” There are simple members and compound members." والمفردة هِيَ الَّتِي أَي جُزْء محسوس أخذت مِنْهَا كَانَ مشاركاً للْكُلّ فِي الِاسْم وَالْحَد مثل اللَّحْم وأجزائه والعظم وأجزائه والعصب وأجزائه وَمَا أشبه ذَلِك تسمى متشابهة الْأَجْزَاء.,"The simple members are those whose structure is homogeneous throughout, so that their name describes them in all parts: e.g. flesh, bone, nerves, and the like." والمركبة: هِيَ الَّتِي إِذا أخذت مِنْهَا جُزْءا أَي جُزْء كَانَ لم يكن مشاركاً للْكُلّ لَا فِي الِاسْم وَلَا فِي الْحَد مثل الْيَد وَالْوَجْه فَإِن جُزْء الْوَجْه لَيْسَ بِوَجْه وجزء الْيَد لَيْسَ بيد وَتسَمى أَعْضَاء آلية لِأَنَّهَا هِيَ آلَات النَّفس فِي تَمام الحركات وَالْأَفْعَال.,"The compound members are those in which one and the same word is not a correct description of all the parts. For instance, in the case of “ hand,” “ face,” a part of the face is not “face”; a part of the hand is not “hand.” These members are called “instrumental” because they are the instruments whereby the passions and actions of the mind (“soul”) are achieved." وَأول الْأَعْضَاء المتشابهة الْأَجْزَاء الْعظم: وَقد خلق صلباً لِأَنَّهُ أساس الْبدن ودعامة الحركات. ثمَّ الغضروف: وَهُوَ أَلين من الْعظم فينعطف وأصلب من سَائِر الْأَعْضَاء,"The bone. This is sufficiently hard to form the foundation of the body as a whole, and provide the purchase needed for its movements. The cartilage. Being softer than bone, this can be bent, and yet it is harder than all the other members." وَالْمَنْفَعَة فِي خلقه أَن يحسن بِهِ اتِّصَال الْعِظَام بالأعضاء اللينة فَلَا يكون الصلب واللين قد تركبا بِلَا متوسط فَيَتَأَذَّى اللين بالصلب وخصوصاً عِنْد الضَّرْبَة والضغطة بل يكون التَّرْكِيب مدرجاً مثل مَا فِي الْعظم الكتفي والشراسيف فِي أضلاع الْخلف وَمثل الغضروف الحنجري تَحت القصٌ,"It was made for the purpose of providing a cushion between the hard bone and the soft members, so that the latter should not be injured when exposed to a blow or fall, or compression. This is shown in the case of the shoulder-blade and the bones over the praecordia, and the ribs; and in the case of the epiglottis and xiphisternum." وَأَيْضًا ليحسن بِهِ تجاور المفاصل المتحاكة فَلَا ترضّ لصلابتها وأيضاَ إِذا كَانَ بعض العضل يَمْتَد إِلَى عُضْو غير ذِي عظم يسْتَند إِلَيْهِ ويقوَى بِهِ مثل عضلات الأجفان كَانَ هُنَاكَ دعاماً وعماداً لأوتارها,"In the case of joints, it prevents the tissues from being torn by the hard bone. It gives a purchase for a muscle to obtain extension in places where there is no bone to give attachment or support (for instance the muscles of the eyelids)." وَأَيْضًا فَإِنَّهُ قد تمس الْحَاجة فِي مَوَاضِع كَثِيرَة إِلَى اعْتِمَاد يَتَأَتَّى على شَيْء قوِيٍ لَيْسَ بغاية الصلابة كَمَا فِي الحنجرة. ثمَّ العصب: وَهِي أجسام دماغية أَو نخاعية المنبت بيض لدنة لينَة فِي الانعطاف صلبة فِي الِانْفِصَال خلقت ليتم بهَا للأعضاء الإحساس وَالْحَرَكَة,"and also gives attachment to muscles without being too hard for them (for instance, the epiglottis). The nerves. These are structures arising from the brain or spinal cord. They are white, soft, pliant, difficult to tear, and were created to subserve (a) sensation, (b) movement of the limbs." ثمَّ الأوتار وَهِي أجسام تنْبت من أَطْرَاف العضل شَبيهَة بالعصب فتلاقي الْأَعْضَاء المتحركة فَتَارَة تجذبها بانجذابها لتشنج العضلة واجتماعها ورجوعها إِلَى وَرَائِهَا,"The tendons. These form the terminations of the muscles. They resemble nerves in appearance. They are attached to movable members, and when the muscles contract and relax, the parts to which the tendons are attached move to and fro." وَتارَة ترخيها باسترخائها لانبساط العضلة عَائِدَة إِلَى وَضعهَا أَو زَائِدَة فِيهِ على مقدارها فِي طولهَا حَال كَونهَا على وَضعهَا المطبوع لَهَا على مَا نرَاهُ نَحن فِي بعض العضل وَهِي مؤلفة فِي الْأَكْثَر من العصب النَّافِذ فِي العضلة البارزة مِنْهَا فِي الْجِهَة الْأُخْرَى.,"They may sometimes broaden when the muscle expands, and then become narrow again on their own account, lengthening and shortening apart from the lengthening and shortening of the muscle. Sometimes this is through the intervention of ligaments." وَمن الْأَجْسَام الَّتِي يَتْلُو ذكرهَا ذكر الأوتار وَهِي الَّتِي تسميها رباطات: وَهِي أَيْضا عصبانية الْمرَائِي والملمس تَأتي من الْأَعْضَاء إِلَى جِهَة العضل فتتشظّى هِيَ والأوتار ليفاً فَمَا ولي العضلة مِنْهَا احتشى لَحْمًا وَمَا فَارقهَا إِلَى الْمفصل والعضو المحرك اجْتمع إِلَى ذَاته وانفتل وترا لَهَا,"The upper part of the muscle is called “ flesh ”, that which leaves the flesh and passes to the joint, bringing the two close together, is the “ tendon.”" ثمَّ الرباطات الَّتِي ذكرنَا وَهِي أَيْضا أجسام شَبيهَة بالعصب بَعْضهَا يُسمى رِبَاطًا مُطلقًا وَبَعضهَا يخص باسم الْعقب فَمَا امْتَدَّ إِلَى العضلة لم يسم إِلَّا رِبَاطًا وَمَا لم يَمْتَد إِلَيْهَا وَلَكِن وصل بَين طرفِي عظمي الْمفصل أَو بَين أَعْضَاء أُخْرَى وَأحكم شدّ شَيْء إِلَى شَيْء,"The ligaments. These structures have the appearance and feel of nerves. They are of two kinds: true and false. The latter extends to the muscle. The former does not reach as far as the muscle, but simply joins the two ends of the bones of a joint firmly together." فَإِنَّهُ مَعَ مَا يسمّى رِبَاط قد يخصّ باسم الْعقب وَلَيْسَ لشَيْء من الروابط حس وَذَلِكَ لِئَلَّا يتَأَذَّى بِكَثْرَة مَا يلْزمه من الْحَرَكَة والحك. وَمَنْفَعَة الرِّبَاط مَعْلُومَة مِمَّا سلف.,"This false ligament has not the feel of ligament, and is not painful when moved or rubbed. The auxiliaries of the ligaments are the structures attached to them, as has been explained." ثمَّ الشريانات: وَهِي أجسام نابتة من الْقلب ممتدة مجوفة طولا عصبانية رباطية الْجَوْهَر لَهَا حركات منبسطة ومنقبضة تنفصل بسكنات خلقت لترويح الْقلب ونفض البخار الدخاني عَنهُ ولتوزيع الرّوح على أَعْضَاء الْبدن بِإِذن الله.,"The arteries. These structures arise from the heart. They are hollow, elongated,, fibrous, and of ligamentous consistence. Their movements consist in expansion and contraction, which distinguishes them from the veins. They were created in order to enable the heart to be ventilated, fuliginous vapour to be expelled therefrom, and the breath distributed by their means to alhparts of the body." ثمَّ الأوردة: وَهِي شَبيهَة بالشريانات وَلكنهَا نابتة من الكبد وساكنة ولتوزع الدَّم على أَعْضَاء الْبدن,The veins. These resemble arteries except in so far as they arise from the liver and do not pulsate. Their purpose is to carry the blood away from all parts of the body. ثمَّ الأغشية وَهِي أجسام منتسجة من لِيف عصباني غير محسوس رقيقَة الثخن مستعرضة تغشى سطوح أجسام أخر وتحتوي عَلَيْهَا لمنافع مِنْهَا لتحفظ جُمْلَتهَا على شكلها وهيئتها,The membranes. These structures are formed of extremely minute interwoven filaments which are extremely delicate. Their object is (a) to form the external covering for other structures and thereby(b) preserve the form and outline of these structures. وَمِنْهَا لتعلقها من أَعْضَاء أخر وتربطها بهَا بِوَاسِطَة العصب والرَّباط الَّتِي تشظى إِلَى ليفها فانتسجت مِنْهُ كالكلية من الصلب وَمِنْهَا ليَكُون للأعضاء العديمة الْحس فِي جوهرها سطح حساس بِالذَّاتِ لما يلاقيه وحساس لما يحدث فِيهِ الْجِسْم الملفوف فِيهِ بِالْعرضِ,"(c) to support the members, (d) by means of their fibres to bind together the nerves and ligaments with the members; for instance they hold the kidneys in position, (e) to impart sensation to members which are themselves insensitive, since by providing a sensitive covering they enable the member to be aware of anything befalling it." وَهَذِه الْأَعْضَاء مثل الرئة والكبد وَالطحَال والكليتين فَإِنَّهَا لَا تحسّ بجواهرها الْبَتَّةَ لَكِن إِنَّمَا تحس الْأُمُور المصادمة لَهَا بِمَا عَلَيْهَا من الأغشية.,"For instance: the lung, the liver, the spleen, the kidney; all of which are in themselves insensitive, and would not feel being touched where there not a membrane over them." وَإِذا حدث فِيهَا ريح أَو ورم أحس أما الرّيح فيحسه الغشاء بِالْعرضِ للتمدد الَّذِي يحدث فِيهِ وَأما الورم فيحسّه مبدأ الغشاء ومتعلقه بِالْعرضِ لأرجحنان الْعُضْو لثقل الورم.,"A flatulent distension or an inflammatory deposit in the organ is felt by us only because the enclosing membrane, being stretched, feels it; or, in the case of an inflammatory mass, is aware of the weight." ثمَّ اللَّحْم: وَهُوَ حَشْو خلل وضع هَذِه الْأَعْضَاء فِي الْبدن وقوتها الَّتِي تعدم بِهِ وكل عُضْو فَلهُ فِي نَفسه قُوَّة غريزية بهَا يتمّ لَهُ أَمر التغذي وَذَلِكَ هُوَ جذب الْغذَاء وإمساكه وتشبيهه وإلصاقه وَدفع الْفضل,"The flesh. “Flesh” includes muscles, fasciae, tendons, ligaments, connective-tissues, and so forth all together. Flesh is that which fills up the spaces left within the members, thus imparting firmness and solidity. In every member there is a natural faculty (the vegetative faculty) which subserves its own nutrition. This faculty is the power by which attraction, retention, assimilation, union with nutriment, and. expulsion of effete matter are secured." ثمَّ بعد ذَلِك تخْتَلف الْأَعْضَاء فبعضها لَهُ إِلَى هَذِه الْقُوَّة قُوَّة تصير مِنْهُ إِلَى غَيره وَبَعضهَا لَيْسَ لَهُ ذَلِك. وَمن وَجه آخر فبعضها لَهُ إِلَى هَذِه الْقُوَّة قُوَّة تصير إِلَيْهِ من غَيره وَبَعضهَا لَيْسَ لَهُ تِلْكَ فَإِذا تركبت حدث عُضْو قَابل معطٍ وعضو معطٍ قَابل وعضو قَابل غير معط وعضو لَا قَابل وَلَا معطٍ,"Members may therefore be classified accordingly. But besides that, some members possess a further faculty which passes from them to another member, while others have not such a faculty. Other. members again have still another faculty which passes into them from another member, and some have not such another faculty. The following associations may therefore be assumed: (a) receiving and also giving a faculty. (b) giving and not receiving a faculty. (c) receiving and not giving a faculty. (d) neither giving nor receiving a faculty." أما الْعُضْو الْقَابِل الْمُعْطِي فَلم يشك أحد فِي وجوده فَإِن الدِّمَاغ والكبد أَجمعُوا أَن كل وَاحِد مِنْهُمَا يقبل قُوَّة الْحَيَاة والحرارة الغريزية وَالروح من الْقلب. وكل وَاحِد مِنْهُمَا أَيْضا مبدأ قُوَّة يُعْطِيهَا غَيره.,"There can be no doubt about the existence of the first-named. All agree that the brain and the liver each receive their power of life, natural heat, and breath from the heart, and that each of them is also the starting-point of another faculty which it sends out to other organs." وَأما الكبد: فمبدأ التغذية عِنْد قوم مُطلقًا وَعند قوم لَا مُطلقًا. وَأما الْعُضْو الْقَابِل الْغَيْر الْمُعْطِي فالشك فِي وجوده أبعد مثل اللَّحْم الْقَابِل قُوَّة الْحس والحياة وَلَيْسَ هُوَ مبدأ لقُوَّة يُعْطِيهَا غَيره بِوَجْه.,"But there is a disagreement about the second. Thus in the relation between the brain and sensation, is sensation confined to the (literal) brain, or not? In the relation between the faculty of nutrition and the liver, is it integral in the liver, or not?" وَأما القسمان الْآخرَانِ فَاخْتلف فِي أَحدهمَا الْأَطِبَّاء مَعَ الْكثير من الْحُكَمَاء فَقَالَ الْكثير من القدماء: أَن هَذَا الْعُضْو هُوَ الْقلب وَهُوَ الأَصْل لكل قُوَّة وَهُوَ يُعْطي سَائِر الْأَعْضَاء كلّها القوى الَّتِي تغذو وَالَّتِي تدْرك وتحرك.,"Then, too, in regard to the heart. There is a great disagreement between the philosophers and the physicians. The great Philosopher said that the heart is a member which gives and does not receive; that it is the first root of all the faculties and gives the faculties of nutrition, life, apprehension, movement, to the several other members." وَأما الْأَطِبَّاء وَقوم من أَوَائِل الفلاسفة فقد فرقوا هَذِه القوى فِي الْأَعْضَاء وَلم يَقُولُوا بعضو معط غير قَابل لقُوَّة وَقَول الْكثير عِنْد التَّحْقِيق والتدقيق أصح وَقَول الْأَطِبَّاء فِي بادىء النّظر أظهر.,"whereas physicians (and some of the ancients) considered these faculties to be distributed among several members (the faculty of nutrition in the liver; of vital power in the heart; the mental faculties in the brain); and that hence there can be no such thing as a member giving without receiving. However plausible the physicians are, careful consideration shows that the argument of the Philosopher is much nearer the truth." ثمَّ اخْتلف فِي الْقسم الآخر الْأَطِبَّاء فِيمَا بَينهم والحكماء فِيمَا بَينهم فَذَهَبت طَائِفَة إِلَى أَن الْعِظَام وَاللَّحم الْغَيْر الحساس وَمَا أشبههما إِنَّمَا يبْقى بقوى فِيهَا تخصها لم تأتها من مبادٍ أخر لَكِنَّهَا بِتِلْكَ القوى إِذا وصل إِلَيْهَا غذاؤها كفت أَنْفسهَا فَلَا هِيَ تفِيد شَيْئا اَخر قُوَّة فِيهَا وَلَا أَيْضا يفيدها عُضْو قُوَّة أُخْرَى.,"As to the fourth there is also a disagreement both among physicians and among philosophers. On the one hand it is thought that the non-sentient bone and flesh and the like could not continue to live unless these powers were residing in them, and that therefore they do not need to receive; that the power provided by the aliments conveyed to them is adequate, and that therefore they neither furnish a power for another member nor does another member furnish them with a power." وَذَهَبت طَائِفَة إِلَى أَن تِلْكَ القوى لَيْسَ تخضها لَكِنَّهَا فائضة إِلَيْهَا من الكبد أَو الْقلب فِي أول الْكَوْن ثمَّ اسْتَقَرَّتْ فِيهِ والطبيب لَيْسَ عَلَيْهِ أَن يتتبع الْمخْرج إِلَى الْحق من هذَيْن الاختلافين بالبرهان فَلَيْسَ لَهُ إِلَيْهِ سَبِيل من جِهَة مَا هُوَ طَبِيب وَلَا يضرّه فِي شَيْء من مباحثه وأعماله,"The opposite opinion is that the powers in those members are not residing in them, but are formed in the liver and heart; and when they reach these members, they come to rest within them. There is no means of deciding between the two views by argument but the inability to do so is no hindrance in practice." وَلَكِن يجب أَن يعلم ويعتقد فِي الِاخْتِلَاف الأوّل أَنه لَا عَلَيْهِ كَانَ الْقلب مبدأ فِي الْحس وَالْحَرَكَة للدماغ وللقوة المغتذية للكبد أَو لم يكن فَإِن الدِّمَاغ إِمَّا بِنَفسِهِ وَإِمَّا بعد الْقلب مبدأ للأفاعيل النفسانية بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى سَائِر الْأَعْضَاء. والكبد كَذَلِك مبدأ للأفعال الطبيعية المغذية بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى سَائِر الْأَعْضَاء.,"As to the first of these two views, one must realize that it does not matter whether the heart be the source of sensation and voluntary motion in the brain, or not; whether the source of the nutritive faculty be in the liver, or not. It is of no significance whether the brain has in itself the source of the powers of the soul, or whether these powers only come by way of the heart. In any case it is only a relation. If the liver is the starting-point of the nutritive faculty, that too is only in relation to other members." وَيجب أَن يعلم ويعتقد فِي الِاخْتِلَاف الثَّانِي أَنه لَا عَلَيْهِ كَانَ حُصُول الْقُوَّة الغريزية فِي مثل الْعظم عِنْد أوّل الْحُصُول من الكبد أَو يسْتَحقّهُ بمزاجه نَفسه أَو لم يكن وَلَا وَاحِد مِنْهُمَا,"Then as to the second of the two views, one must realize that it does not matter whether the natural faculty in a member like bone is innate in it in virtue of its temperament, or whether it arose in the liver first, or whether neither is true." وَلَكِن الْآن يجب أَن يعْتَقد أَن تِلْكَ الْقُوَّة لَيست فائضة إِلَيْهِ من الكبد بِحَيْثُ لَو انسد السَّبِيل بَينهمَا وَكَانَ عِنْد الْعظم غذَاء مغذِ بَطل فعله كَمَا للحس وَالْحَرَكَة إِذا انسد العصب الجائي من الدِّمَاغ بل تِلْكَ الْقُوَّة صَارَت غريزية للعظم مَا بَقِي على مزاجه,"One must rather realize that the faculty could not be there at all were it not for the liver, and that therefore if the path were obstructed the bone would cease to receive the necessary nutriment, and its functions would cease exactly as holds in the case of movement when some nerve-connection with the brain is severed. There is the natural faculty in the bone as long as its temperament is maintained." فَحِينَئِذٍ ينشرح لَهُ حَال الْقِسْمَة ويفترض لَهُ أَعْضَاء رئيسية وأعضاء خادمة للرئيسة وأعضاء مرؤوسة بِلَا خدمَة وأعضاء غير رئيسة وَلَا مرؤوسة. فالأعضاء الرئيسة هِيَ الْأَعْضَاء الَّتِي هِيَ مبادٍ للقوى الأولى فِي الْبدن الْمُضْطَر إِلَيْهَا فِي بَقَاء الشَّخْص أَو النَّوْع.,"The whole discrepancy is removed by regarding some members as principal or vital, some as auxiliary, and some as neither vital nor auxiliary. Classification of Members into Principal (or, Vital) and Auxiliary. The principal (or, vital) organs are those in which the primary faculties of the body arise i.e. the faculties necessary either to the life of the individual or to the life of the race." أما بِحَسب بَقَاء الشَّخْص فالرئيسة ثَلَاث الْقلب وَهُوَ مبدأ قُوَّة الْحَيَاة والدماغ وَهُوَ مبدأ قُوَّة الحسّ وَالْحَرَكَة والكبد هُوَ مبدأ قُوَّة التغذية. وَأما بِحَسب بَقَاء النَّوْع فالرئيسة هَذِه الثَّلَاثَة أيضاَ ورابع يخصّ النَّوْع وَهُوَ الانثيان اللَّذَان يضْطَر إِلَيْهِمَا لأمر وَينْتَفع بهما لأمر أَيْضا.,"The principal organs necessary for the life of the individual are three in number: The heart, the source or starting-point of the vital power, or innate heat. The brain, the seat of the mental faculties, sensation and movement. The liver, the seat of the nutritive or vegetative faculties. The organs concerned in the maintenance of the life of the race are: the three just named, and: The generative organs, some of which are essential and others auxiliary." أما الِاضْطِرَار فلأجل توليد الْمَنِيّ الْحَافِظ للنسل وَأما الِانْتِفَاع فلأجل إِفَادَة تَمام الْهَيْئَة والمزاج الذكوري والأنوثي اللَّذين هما من الْعَوَارِض اللَّازِمَة لأنواع الْحَيَوَان لَا من الْأَشْيَاء الدَّاخِلَة فِي نفس الحيوانية.,"The essential, function is that of forming generative elements; the auxiliary functions are those of giving the masculine and feminine form and temperament. These functions are inseparable from the race, and yet play no part in the essence of life." وَأما الْأَعْضَاء الخادمة فبعضها تخْدم خدمَة مهيئة وَبَعضهَا تخْدم خدمَة مؤدّية والخدمة المهيئة تسمى مَنْفَعَة والخدمة المؤدية تسمّى خدمَة على الاطلاق والخدمة المهيئة تتقدم فعل الرئيس والخدمة المؤدية تتأخّر عَن فعل الرئيس.,"The auxiliary members are of two kinds: (a) preparative, (b) purely or absolutely auxiliary. The former come into operation before the principal members can come into play. The purely auxiliary members come into operation after the principal members have functioned." أما الْقلب فخادمه المهيء هُوَ مثل الرئة والمؤدي مثل الشرايين. وَأما الدِّمَاغ فخادمه المهيئ هُوَ مثل الكبد وَسَائِر أَعْضَاء الْغذَاء وَحفظ الرّوح والمؤدي هُوَ مثل العصب. وَأما الكبد فخادمه المهيئ هُوَ مثل الْمعدة والمؤدي هُوَ مثل الأوردة.,"This is conveniently shown in the following table: Lung. Heart. Aorta. Stomach. Liver. Veins. Liver, with other nutrient members and the guardians of the breath. Brain. Nerves." وَأما الانتيان فخادمهما المهيء مثل الْأَعْضَاء المولّدة للمني قبلهَا وَأما الْمُؤَدِّي فَفِي الرِّجَال الإحليل وعروق بَينهمَا وَبَينه وَكَذَلِكَ فِي النِّسَاء عروق ينْدَفع فِيهَا الْمَنِيّ إِلَى المحبل وللنساء زِيَادَة الرَّحِم تتمّ فِيهِ مَنْفَعَة الْمَنِيّ.,Testis or ovary. Generative organs. Penis and erectile tissues (and ducts.) Female organs carrying the semen to the site of conception. Uterus as perfector of the virtue of the semen. وَقَالَ جالينوس: إِن من الْأَعْضَاء مَا لَهُ فعل فَقَط وَمِنْهَا مَا لَهُ مَنْفَعَة فَقَط وَمِنْهَا مَا لَهُ فعل وَمَنْفَعَة مَعًا. الأول كالقلب وَالثَّانِي كالرئة وَالثَّالِث كالكبد. وَأَقُول: أَنه يجب أَن نعني بِالْفِعْلِ مَا يتم بالشَّيْء وَحده من الْأَفْعَال الدَّاخِلَة فِي حَيَاة الشَّخْص أَو بَقَاء النَّوْع مثل مَا للقلب فِي توليد الرّوح,"Classification of the members according to action. Galen classified the members into those which effect an action (e.g. heart), those which assist the action (e.g. lung) and those which achieve both (e.g. liver). But for my part, I consider as “action” that particular kind of action by means of which a given member accomplishes the maintenance of the person’s life or the perpetuation of the species. Thus, the heart gives rise to the breath." وَأَن نعني بِالْمَنْفَعَةِ مَا هِيَ لقبُول فعل عُضْو آخر حِينَئِذٍ يصير الْفِعْل تَاما فِي إِفَادَة حَيَاة الشَّخْص أَو بَقَاء النَّوْع كإعداد الرئة للهواء,"Action is assisted when one member is prepared for receiving the action of the other member, thereby completing the process either of giving life to the individual, or of propagating the race. Thus, the lung prepares the air." وَأما الكبد فَإِنَّهُ يهضم أَولا هضمه الثَّانِي ويعد للهضم الثَّالِث وَالرَّابِع فِيمَا يهضم الهضم الأول تَاما حَتَّى يصلح ذَلِك الدَّم لتغذيته نَفسه وَيكون قد فعل فعلا وَرُبمَا قد يفعل فعلا عينا لفعل منتظر يكون قد نفع.,"The liver carries out the first digestion so far as to prepare for the third and fourth digestion. The more perfectly the liver functions in regard to the second digestion, the more likely is the blood so made to be adequate for nourishing the tissues. Hence in this respect the liver effects an action; and, in so far as the liver assists in accomplishing a further action, so it is preparative for that action." ونقول أَيْضا من رَأس: أَن من الْأَعْضَاء مَا يتكوّن عَن الْمَنِيّ وَهِي المتشابهة جُزْءا خلا اللَّحْم والشحم وَمِنْهَا مَا يتكون عَن الدَّم كالشحم وَاللَّحم فَإِن مَا خلاهما يتكوّن عَن المنيين مني الذّكر ومني الْأُنْثَى إِلَّا أَنَّهَا على قَول من تحقق من الْحُكَمَاء يتكون عَن مني الذّكر كَمَا يتكون الْجُبْن عَن الأنفحة,"Classification of the members according to their origin. Some members take their origin from the semen: namely, members composed of like parts, except the flesh and the fat. Other members come from the blood: namely the flesh, and the fat. Other members come from both male and female “sperm.” According to the teaching of philosophy, the process of generation may be compared with the processes which take place in the manufacture of cheese. Thus the male “sperm” is equivalent to the clotting agent of milk." ويتكوّن عَن مني الْأُنْثَى مَا يتكوّن الْجُبْن من اللَّبن وكما أَن مبدأ العقد فِي الأنفحة كَذَلِك مبدأ عقد الصُّورَة فِي مني الذّكر وكما أَن مبدأ الِانْعِقَاد فِي اللَّبن فَكَذَلِك مبدأ انْعِقَاد الصُّورَة أَعنِي الْقُوَّة المنفعلة هُوَ فِي مني الْمَرْأَة,"and the female “sperm” is equivalent to the coagulum of milk. The starting point of the clotting is in the rennet; so the starting-point of the clot “man” is in the male semen (“ We made the life-germ a clot ”). Just as the beginning of the clotting is in the milk, so the beginning of the clotting of the form of man lies in the female “ sperm.”" وكما أَن كل وَاحِد من الأنفحة وَاللَّبن جُزْء من جَوْهَر الْجُبْن الْحَادِث عَنْهَا كَذَلِك كل وَاحِد من المنيين جُزْء من جَوْهَر الْجَنِين.,"Then, just as each of the two the rennet and the milk enter into the “substance” of the cheese which results, so each of the two male and female sperm enters into the “substance” of the “embryo.”" وَهَذَا القَوْل يُخَالف قَلِيلا بل كثيرا قَول جالينوس فَإِنَّهُ يرى فِي كل وَاحِد من المنيين قُوَّة عاقدة وقابلة للْعقد وَمَعَ ذَلِك فَلَا يمْتَنع أَن يَقُول: إِن العاقدة فِي الذكوري أقوى والمنعقدة فِي الأنوثي أقوى,"Galen gives a contrary account. He considers that each of the sperms has both a coagulative power and a receptive capacity for coagulation; so he says that the coagulative power is stronger in the male than it is in the female, but the receptive capacity for coagulation is stronger in the female than the male." وَأما تَحْقِيق القَوْل فِي هَذَا فَفِي كتبنَا فِي الْعُلُوم الْأَصْلِيَّة.,But the real truth of the matter is expounded in our own works dealing with the fundamental principles of natural science. ثمَّ إِن الدَّم الَّذِي كَانَ ينْفَصل عَن الْمَرْأَة فِي الْأَقْرَاء يصير غذَاء فَمِنْهُ مَا يَسْتَحِيل إِلَى مشابهة جَوْهَر الْمَنِيّ والأعضاء الكائنة مِنْهُ فَيكون غذَاء منمياً لَهُ,"Relations between the female menstrual blood and the embryo. i. During pregnancy, the blood which is otherwise dis-charged from the female at the time of menstruation becomes nutriment (for the embryo) in three ways. One portion is changed into the likeness of the substance of the sperm and the members derived therefrom. This is the nutriment which enables growth to take place." وَمِنْه مَا لَا يصير غذَاء لذَلِك وَلَكِن يصلح لِأَن ينْعَقد فِي حشوه ويملأ الْأَمْكِنَة من الْأَعْضَاء الأولى فَيكون لَحْمًا وشحماً وَمِنْه فضل لَا يصلح لأحد الْأَمريْنِ فَيبقى إِلَى وَقت النّفاس فتدفعه الطبيعة فضلا.,"Another portion is not nutriment of that kind, but is capable of being aggregated into the material which fills up the interstices in the principal members and becomes flesh and fat. A third portion is effete material, and not utilizable for either of the two preceding purposes. It remains in the same situation until the time of birth, and is then expelled with the infant." وَإِذا ولد الْجَنِين فَإِن الدَّم الَّذِي يولده كبده يسد مسد ذَلِك الدَّم ويتولد عَنهُ مَا كَانَ يتَوَلَّد عَن ذَلِك الدَّم وَاللَّحم يتولّد عَن متين الدَّم ويعقده الْحر واليبس.,"After birth, the blood which the liver of the infant makes takes the place of the maternal blood. So it arises from an organ which itself was formed out of the maternal blood. The flesh of the infant is derived from the gross blood, congealed by heat and dryness" وَأما الشَّحْم فَمن مائيته ودسمه ويعقده الْبرد وَلذَلِك يحله الْحر وَمَا كَانَ من الْأَعْضَاء مُتَخَلِّفًا من المنيين فَإِنَّهُ إِذا انْفَصل لم ينجبر بالاتصال الْحَقِيقِيّ إِلَّا بعضه فِي قَلِيل من الْأَحْوَال وَفِي سنّ الصِّبَا مثل الْعِظَام وَشعب صَغِيرَة من الأرودة دون الْكَبِيرَة وَدون الشرايين,"The fat of the infant is derived from the aquosity and unctuosity of the blood, which cold has congealed and heat dispersed. Repair of damaged members. (a) Members derived from the sperm. Should a loss of continuity arise in the members derived from the sperm, restoration can only occur, and then only in a few of them, and if the individual is spare in habit, and has not passed the age of juvenility. These members are: the bones, the small branches of veins; medium-sized veins and arteries." وَإِذا انْتقصَ مِنْهُ جُزْء لم ينْبت عوضه شَيْء وَذَلِكَ كالعظم والعصب وَمَا كَانَ متخلّقاً من الدَّم فَإِنَّهُ ينْبت بعد انثلامه ويتصل بِمثلِهِ كَاللَّحْمِ وَمَا كَانَ متولداً عَن دم فِيهِ قُوَّة الْمَنِيّ بعد فَمَا دَامَ الْعَهْد بالمني قَرِيبا فَذَلِك الْعُضْو إِذا فَاتَ أمكن أَن ينْبت مرّة أُخْرَى مثل السنّ فِي سنّ الصِّبَا,"For when disseverance occurs in such members as bone and nerves, they will not grow again. (b) Members derived from the blood. If the members which are derived from the blood are damaged, they are renewed out of like substance. E.g. the flesh. (c) Members derived from both blood and sperm. If the member which is damaged arises both from blood and sperm, then, as it is not very long since the sperm was there, it will be reconstructed (Ex.; the teeth at the age of juvenility)" وَأما إِذا استولى على الدَّم مزاج آخر فَإِنَّهُ لَا ينْبت مرّة أُخْرَى. ونقول أَيْضا: إِن الْأَعْضَاء الحساسة المتحرّكة قد تكون تَارَة مبدأ الْحس وَالْحَرَكَة لَهما جَمِيعًا عصبَة وَاحِدَة وَقد يفْتَرق تَارَة ذَلِك فَيكون مبداً لكل قُوَّة عصبَة.,"unless meanwhile the blood has undergone a change of temperament. In that case reconstruction would not take place. Sensation and movement is sometimes conveyed to a member through one single nerve, sometimes through several nerves. In each case the nerve is the source of the power." ونقول أَيْضا: ان جَمِيع الأحشاء الملفوفة فِي الغشاء منبت غشائها أحد غشاءي الصَّدْر والبطن المستبطنين أما مَا فِي الصَّدْر كالحجاب والأوردة والشريانات والرئة فمنيت أغشيتها من الغشاء المستبطن للأضلاع,"The membranes which cover the internal organs. These all arise either from the pleura or the peritoneum. Those members in the thorax, which derive their covering from the pleura, are: the diaphragm, the veins and arteries; the lung." وَأما مَا فِي الْجوف من الْأَعْضَاء وَالْعُرُوق فمنبت أغشيتها من الصفاق المستبطن لعضل الْبَطن وَأَيْضًا فَإِن جَمِيع الْأَعْضَاء اللحمية إِمَّا ليفية كَاللَّحْمِ فِي العضل وَإِمَّا لَيْسَ فِيهَا لِيف كالكبد وَلَا شَيْء من الحركات إِلَّا بالليف. أما الإرادية فبسبب لِيف العضل.,"These organs in the abdomen are covered from the peritoneum which covers the muscles of the abdominal wall. Texture of members. All members are either fleshy in texture or fibrous (like the flesh found throughout muscles), or are devoid of fibrous texture (e.g. liver). Fibrous texture goes with power of movement voluntary in the case of voluntary muscles." وَأما الطبيعية كحركة الرَّحِم وَالْعُرُوق والمركبة كحركة الازدراد فبليف مَخْصُوص بهيئة من وضع الطول وَالْعرض والتوريب فللجذب المطاول وللدفع الليف الذَّاهِب عرضا العاصر وللإمساك الليف المورب.,"involuntary in the case of the uterus and veins. Compound movements, like that of deglution, depend on the direction of the fibres being various longitudinal, oblique, transverse. The longitudinal fibres produce in-drawing; the oblique fibres expel or force onwards; the transverse fibres grip and hold." وَمَا كَانَ من الْأَعْضَاء ذَا طبقَة وَاحِدَة مثل الأوردة فَإِن أَصْنَاف ليفه الثَّلَاثَة منتسج بَعْضهَا فِي بعض وَمَا كَانَ طبقتين فالليف الذَّاهِب عرضا يكون فِي طبقته الْخَارِجَة والآخران فِي طبقته الدَّاخِلَة ألاَ أَن الذَّاهِب طولا أميل إِلَى سطحه الْبَاطِن,"Even where a member has only one coat, as is true in the veins and bladder, there are still three kinds of fibres which interweave one with another. Members which have two coats have the cross fibres externally, and the others on the inner side. The longitudinal fibres tend towards the inner surface." وَإِنَّمَا خلق كَذَلِك لِئَلَّا يكون لِيف الجذب وَالدَّفْع مُقَابل لِيف الجذب والإمساك هما أولى بِأَن يكونَانِ مَعًا أَلا فِي الأمعاء فَإِن حَاجَتهَا لم تكن إِلَى الْإِمْسَاك شَدِيدَة بل إِلَى الجذب وَالدَّفْع.,"The purpose of this arrangement is that in-drawing and expulsion should not occur simultaneously, whereas there is no objection to the acts of in-drawing and holding and gripping occurring together except in the case of the intestines, where much retention is disadvantageous, whereas in-drawing and expulsion are all-important." ونقول أيضاَ: إِن الْأَعْضَاء العصبانية المحيطة بأجسام غَرِيبَة عَن جوهرها مِنْهَا مَا هِيَ ذَات طبقَة وَاحِدَة وَمِنْهَا مَا هِيَ ذَات طبقتين,"Hollow (tubular) members which contain substances different from their walls have sometimes one coat, sometimes two." وَإِنَّمَا خلق مَا خلق مِنْهَا ذَا طبقتين لمنافع: أَحدهَا مس الْحَاجة إِلَى شدَّة الِاحْتِيَاط فِي وثاقة جسميتها لِئَلَّا تَنْشَق لسَبَب قُوَّة حركتها بِمَا فِيهَا كالشرايين. وَالثَّانِي مس الْحَاجة إِلَى شدَّة الِاحْتِيَاط فِي أَمر الْجِسْم المخزون فِيهَا لِئَلَّا يتَحَلَّل أَو يخرج.,"The presence of two coats serves the following purposes: (i) to provide the necessary strength to the Walls, so that there is no risk of the proper power of movement failing at any time. Ex.: arteries. ( ) to ensure that the contents shall not dissipate or escape." أما استشعار التَّحَلُّل فبسبب سخافتها إِن كَانَت ذَا طبقَة وَاحِدَة وَأما استشعار الْخُرُوج فبسبب إجابتها إِلَى الانشقاق لذَلِك أَيْضا وَهَذَا الْجِسْم المخزون مثل الرّوح وَالدَّم المخزونين فِي الشرايين اللَّذين يجب أَن يحْتَاط فِي صونهما وَيخَاف ضياعهما. أما الرّوح فبالتحلل وَأما الدَّم فبالشق وَفِي ذَلِك خطر عَظِيم.,"One coat would, not suffice to retain so tenuous a substance as the breath which the arteries contain; and it would make the risk of rupture or severance in injuries too great, in which case death would be very liable to occur because the blood would then drain out. This is a very great danger." وَالثَّالِث أَنه إِذا كَانَ عُضْو يحْتَاج أَن يكون كل وَاحِد من الدّفع والجذب فِيهِ بحركة قَوِيَّة أفرد لَهُ آلَة نجلا اخْتِلَاط وَذَلِكَ كالمعدة والأمعاء. وَالرَّابِع أَنه إِذا أُرِيد أَن تكون كل طبقَة من طَبَقَات الْعُضْو لفعل يَخُصُّهُ وَكَانَ الفعلان يحدث أَحدهمَا عَن مزاج مُخَالف للْآخر كَانَ التَّفْرِيق بَينهمَا أصوب,"( ) where there is a demand for vigorous suction and ex-pulsion, it is beneficial to have a separate instrument available for the performance of both actions rather than to distribute both powers over the one coat. This applies in the case of the stomach and intestines. ( ) where each coat of a member subserves its own action; or each action requires its own particular temperament." مثل الْمعدة فَإِنَّهُ أُرِيد فِيهَا أَن يكون لَهَا الْحس وَذَلِكَ إِنَّمَا يكون بعضو عصباني وَأَن يكون لَهَا الهضم وَذَلِكَ إِنَّمَا يكون بعضو لحماني فأفردا لكل من الْأَمريْنِ طبقَة: طبقَة عصبية للحس وطبقة لحمية للهضم وَجعلت الطَّبَقَة الباطنية عصبية والخارجة لحمانية,"Thus, in the case of the stomach, there is a need of a power of sensation (which can only exist in a tissue containing nerves) and also a power to execute the movements of digestion (for which a fleshy tissue is needed). Hence each need is supplied by its own coat the nerve-containing tissue for the power of sensation; the fleshy coat for the power of executing the movements entailed in the work of digestion. Nature made the inner coat capable of sensation, and the outer coat fleshy." لِأَن الهاضم يجوز أَن يصل إِلَى المهضوم بِالْقُوَّةِ دون الملاقاة والحاس لَا يجوز أَن يلاقي المحسوس أَعنِي فِي حس اللَّمْس. وَأَقُول أَيْضا: إِن الْأَعْضَاء مِنْهَا مَا هِيَ قريبَة المزاج من الدَّم فَلَا يحْتَاج الدَّم فِي تغذيتها إِلَى أَن يتصرَف فِي استحالات كَثِيرَة مثل اللَّحْم,"The operation of sensation requires actual contact with the nervous tissue, as is true in the case of the sense of touch; but the movements necessary to enable digestion do not require contact of the material to be digested with the fleshy walls. Certain members (e.g. the flesh) have a temperament so near to that of blood that the latter needs to undergo little change in order to subserve nutrition." فَلذَلِك لم يَجْعَل فِيهِ تجاويف وبطون يُقيم فِيهَا الْغذَاء الْوَاصِل مُدَّة لم يغتذ بِهِ اللَّحْم وَلَكِن الْغذَاء كَمَا يلاقيه يَسْتَحِيل إِلَيْهِ. وَمِنْهَا مَا هِيَ بعيدَة المزاج عَنهُ فَيحْتَاج الدَّم فِي أَن يَسْتَحِيل إِلَيْهِ إِلَى أَن يَسْتَحِيل أَولا استحالات متدرجة إِلَى مشاكلة جوهره كالعظم,"Consequently there is no need for apertures or for spaces or cavities in these members, wherein to retain nutrient material pending its transformation into their own substance. In such members the nutrient at once becomes identical with their substance. But other members (e.g. the bones) have a temperament which is very different from that of the blood. Therefore before these can be nourished, the blood must needs undergo a series of successive transformations before becoming like to them in substance." فَلذَلِك جعل لَهُ فِي الْخلقَة إِمَّا تجويف وَاحِد يحتوي غذاءه مُدَّة يَسْتَحِيل فِي مثلهَا إِلَى مجانسته مثل عظم السَّاق والساعد أَو تجويف متفرق فِيهِ مثل عظم الْفلك الْأَسْفَل وَمَا كَانَ من الْأَعْضَاء هَكَذَا فَإِنَّهُ يحْتَاج أَن يمتاز من الْغذَاء قوق الْحَاجة فِي الْوَقْت ليحيله إِلَى مجانسته شَيْئا بعد شَيْء.,"That is why spaces were made in which nutriment can be retained long enough to enable the conversion to take place. This is true in the case of the femur and humerus. In the case of the lower jaw bone numerous apertures are seen scattered through it. In this way more nutriment can be accommodated than is necessary for the moment, and the transformation into their own likeness can take place little by little." والأعضاء القوية تدفع فضولها إِلَى جاراتها الضعيفة كدفع الْقلب إِلَى الإبطين والدماغ إِلَى مَا خلف الْأُذُنَيْنِ والكبد إِلَى الأربيتين.,"Lastly, strong members expel their waste matters into the adjacent weaker members. Thus the heart to the axilla; the brain to the tissues behind the ears; the liver to the groins." التَّعْلِيم السَّادِس القوى وَالْأَفْعَال,THESIS VI THE FACULTIES OF THE BODY الْفَصْل الأول أَجنَاس القوى,I. GENERAL DISCOURSE ABOUT THE SEVERAL KINDS OF FACULTY بقول كلي فَاعْلَم أَن القوى وَالْأَفْعَال يعرف بَعْضهَا من بعض إِذْ كَانَ كل قُوَّة مبدأ فعل مَا وكل فعل إِنَّمَا يصدر عَن قُوَّة فَلذَلِك جمعناهما فِي تَعْلِيم وَاحِد.,FACULTIES are to be distinguished from functions. The difference is that the former originate the latter. But as each function depends on its own special faculty they can be treated together. فأجناس القوى وأجناس الْأَفْعَال الصادرة عَنْهَا عِنْد الْأَطِبَّاء ثَلَاثَة: جنس القوى النفسانية وجنس القوى الطبيعية وجنس القوى الحيوانية.,"There are three kinds of faculty, and therefore of functions proceeding therefrom. Namely, the vital (hywaniat); the natural (taby ‘yat) and the animal (nafsaniai)." وَكثير من الْحُكَمَاء وَعَامة الْأَطِبَّاء وخصوصاً جالينوس يرى أَن لكل وَاحِدَة من القوى عضوا رَئِيسا هُوَ مَعْدِنهَا وَعنهُ يصدر أفعالها ويرون أَن الْقُوَّة النفسانية مَسْكَنهَا ومصدر أفعالها الدِّمَاغ,"Many philosophers, and all physicians who follow Galen, consider that each faculty has its own principal member, which forms its storehouse, and from which its functions emerge. On this view the rational faculty resides in the brain, and its functions proceed from the brain. (Cf.." وَأَن الْقُوَّة الطبيعية لَهَا نَوْعَانِ: نوع غَايَته حفظ الشَّخْص وتدبيره وَهُوَ الْمُتَصَرف فِي أَمر الْغذَاء ليغذو الْبدن مُدَّة بَقَائِهِ وينميه إِلَى نِهَايَة نشوه ومسكن هَذَا النَّوْع ومصدر فعله هُوَ الكبد وَنَوع غَايَته حفظ النَّوْع والمتصرّف فِي أَمر التناسل ليفصل من أمشاج الْبدن جَوْهَر الْمَنِيّ ثمَّ يصور بِإِذن خالقه,"The natural or vegetative faculty is twofold, and includes (i) the nutritive faculty, which is concerned with the welfare and preservation of the individual, and secures nourishment to it to the end of life. This faculty resides in the liver, and its functions emerge therefrom, (ii) the reproductive faculty, which ensures the propagation of the race. This subserves the process of generation, and separates the substance of the sperm from the humours of the body and fashions the new body according to the decree of Allah." ومسكن هَذَا النَّوْع ومصدر أَفعاله هُوَ الأنثيان وَالْقُوَّة الحيوانية وَهِي الَّتِي تدبر أَمر الرّوح الَّذِي هُوَ مركّب الْحس وَالْحَرَكَة وتهيئة لقبوله إيَّاهُمَا إِذا حصل فِي الدِّمَاغ وتجعله بِحَيْثُ يُعْطي مَا يفشو فِيهِ الْحَيَاة ومسكن هَذِه القوى ومصدر فعلهَا هُوَ الْقلب.,"The seat of this faculty is the generative organs, and its functions proceed from them. The vital faculty preserves the integrity of the breath, and is the vehicle of sensation and movement, and makes the breath able to receive these impressions (of sensation and movement), and, having reached the brain makes it capable of imparting life, and then spreads in every direction. The seat of this faculty is the heart, and its function proceeds from this. (See)." وَأما الْحَكِيم الْفَاضِل أرسطوطاليس فَيرى أَن مبدأ جَمِيع هَذِه القوى هُوَ الْقلب إِلَّا أَن لظُهُور أفعالها الأوَلية هَذِه المبادىء الْمَذْكُورَة كَمَا أَن مبدأ الْحس عِنْد الْأَطِبَّاء هُوَ الدِّمَاغ ثمَّ لكل حاسة عُضْو مفرَد مِنْهُ يظْهر فعله ثمَّ إِذا فتش عَن الْوَاجِب وحقق وجد الْأَمر على مَا رَآهُ أرسطوطالس دونهم.,"Now the great philosopher Aristotle believes that the heart is the source of all these functions, though they are manifested in the several principal organs. But physicians still keep to the opinion that the brain is the chief seat of sentient life, and that each sense has its own distinct member whereby it manifests function. But if physicians thought over the whole matter as thoroughly as they should, they would take Aristotle’s view instead." وتوجد أقاويلهم منتزعة من مُقَدمَات مقنعة غير ضَرُورِيَّة إِنَّمَا يتبعُون فِيهَا ظَاهر الْأُمُور. لكنّ الطَّبِيب لَيْسَ عَلَيْهِ من حَيْثُ هُوَ طَبِيب أَن يتعرّف الْحق من هذَيْن الْأَمريْنِ بل ذَلِك على الفيلسوف أَو على الطبيعي.,"They would find that they have been only regarding appearances instead of realities, taking non-essentials for essentials. (Cf.). The establishment of this truth is for the philosopher and natural scientist, and not for the doctor as doctor." والطبيب إِذا سلم لَهُ أَن هَذِه الْأَعْضَاء الْمَذْكُورَة مبادٍ مَا لهَذِهِ القوى فَلَا عَلَيْهِ فِيمَا يحاوله من أَمر الطِّبّ كَانَت هَذِه مستفادة عَن مبدأ قبلهَا أَو لم تكن لَكِن جهل ذَلِك مِمَّا لَا يرخص فِيهِ للفيلسوف.,"But the latter, looking on members as being initiators of the faculties instead of as their manifestation thus despising or ignoring philosophy fails to see which things are prior, and accordingly overlooks the proper basis for the treatment of diseases, and for the remedying of bodily defects (p)." الْفَصْل الثَّانِي القوى الطبيعية المخدومة وَأما القوى الطبيعية فَمِنْهَا خادمة وَمِنْهَا مخدومة. والمخدومة جِنْسَانِ: جنس يتصرّف فِي الْغذَاء لبَقَاء الشَّخْص وينقسم إِلَى نَوْعَيْنِ: إِلَى الغاذية والنامية. وجنس يتَصَرَّف فِي: الْغذَاء لبَقَاء النَّوْع وينقسم إِلَى نَوْعَيْنِ: إِلَى المولدة والمصوَرة,"THE NATURAL FACULTIES The natural faculties are divisible into two groups: (a) dominant or directing, .(b) subservient or obedient. The dominant faculties are twofold: (i) concerned with the preservation of the life of the individual; the nutritive faculty and the augmentative faculty (power of growth), (ii) concerned with the preservation of the race: the generative faculty; and the formative or plastic faculty." فَأَما الْقُوَّة الغاذية فَهِيَ الَّتِي تحيل الْغذَاء إِلَى مشابهة المغتذي ليخلف بدل مَا يتَحَلَّل. وَأما النامية فَهِيَ الزائلة فِي أقطار الْجِسْم على التناسب الطبيعي ليبلغ تَمام النشء بِمَا يدْخل فِيهِ من الْغذَاء,"The nutritive faculty is that whereby the aliments are transformed into the likeness of the thing nourished, thereby replacing the loss incidental to the process of life. The augmentative faculty is that whereby the increase in size of the body in all directions in just proportion is secured. This is brought about by means of the substances derived from the aliments." والغاذية تخْدم النامية والغاذية تورد الْغذَاء تَارَة مُسَاوِيا لما يتَحَلَّل وَتارَة أنقص وَتارَة أَزِيد والنمو أَزِيد والنمو لَا يكون إِلَّا بِأَن يكون الْوَارِد أَزِيد من المتحلل إِلَّا أَنه لَيْسَ كل مَا كَانَ كَذَلِك كَانَ نموًا فَإِن السّمن بعد الهزال فِي سنّ الْوُقُوف هُوَ من هَذَا الْقَبِيل وَلَيْسَ هُوَ بنمو,"The nutritive faculty is subservient to this augmentative faculty in so far as it enables the preparation of the requisite substances from the aliments, but growth will not occur unless more is supplied than is lost. However the supply of more substances than are lost does not necessarily produce growth." وَإِنَّمَا النموّ مَا كَانَ على تناسب طبيعي فِي جَمِيع الأقطار ليبلغ بِهِ تَمام النشء ثمَّ بعد ذَلِك لَا نمو الْبَتَّةَ. وَإِن كَانَ سمن كَمَا أَنه لَا يكون قبل الْوُقُوف ذيول وَإِن كَانَ هزال على أَن ذَلِك أبعد وَعَن الْوَاجِب أخرج.,"Growth implies an increase in all directions in the proper proportions. To become fat or obese with advancing years, after being slim, is not growth. It is not growth unless the increase is in all dimensions and in natural proportions, so as to culminate in a state of perfection of growth. Adiposity, for instance, is not a perfection of growth before adult age, any more than it is a perfection for the figure to be very slim after maturity to a greater degree than natural." والغادية يتم فعلهَا بِأَفْعَال جزئية ثَلَاثَة: أَحدهَا: تَحْصِيل جَوْهَر الْبدن وَهُوَ الدَّم والخلط الَّذِي هُوَ بِالْقُوَّةِ الْقَرِيبَة من الْفِعْل شَبيه بالعضو وَقد تحل بِهِ كَمَا يَقع فِي عِلّة تسمى أطروفيا. وَهُوَ عدم الْغذَاء.,"There are three special functions in the process of nutrition, (i) the apposition of the altered material, namely, the blood, or a humour which is potentially like the tissue to be nourished. If this process is defective, as may happen in disease there is “atrophy,” which is a defect of nutrition." وَالثَّانِي الإلزاق وَهُوَ أَن يَجْعَل هَذَا الْحَاصِل غذَاء بِالْفِعْلِ التَّام أَي صائراً جُزْء عُضْو وَقد يخل بِهِ كَمَا فِي الإستسقاء اللحمي.,"(ii) agglutination a later stage. Here the nutriment apposed to the tissue is now fully united up to it, and made a part of it. This may be lacking owing to disease, and then occurs what is called “fleshy dropsy.”" وَالثَّالِث التَّشْبِيه وَهُوَ أَن يَجْعَل هَذَا الْحَاصِل عِنْدَمَا صَار جزءاَ من الْعُضْو شَبِيها بِهِ من كل جِهَة حَتَّى فِي قوامه ولونه وَقد يخل بِهِ كَمَا فِي البرص والبهق فَإِن الْبَدَل والإلزاق موجودان فيهمَا والتشبيه غير مَوْجُود,"(iii) true assimilation a stage still further where that which has been made into a part of a member becomes absolutely like it in all respects, in essence and colour. This fails in such conditions as leprosy and vitiligo, in which cases the first two functions are achieved, but not the third." وَهَذَا الْفِعْل للقوة الْمُغيرَة من القوى الغاذية وَهِي وَاحِدَة فِي الْإِنْسَان بِالْجِنْسِ أَو المبدأ الأول وتختلف بالنوع فِي الْأَعْضَاء المتشابهة إِذْ فِي كل عُضْو مِنْهَا بِحَسب مزاجه قُوَّة تغير الْغذَاء إِلَى تَشْبِيه مُخَالف لتشبيه الْقُوَّة الْأُخْرَى لَكِن الْمُغيرَة الَّتِي فِي الكبد تفعل فعلا مُشْتَركا بِجَمِيعِ الْبدن.,"These three procedures are the work of the transformative power. This is really a single faculty, though distributed among the respective members. For in every member this faculty is corresponding to its temperament, and so transforms the aliment into the likeness (ad-similis) of that member; in each case it differs from that which transforms aliment into the likeness of the various other members (or tissues). So (we may say) the transformative faculty of the liver ramifies throughout the whole body." وَأما الْقُوَّة المولدة فَهِيَ نَوْعَانِ: نوع يُولد الْمَنِيّ فِي الذُّكُور وَالْإِنَاث وَنَوع يفصل القوهَ الَّتِي فِي الْمَنِيّ فيمزجها تمزيجات بِحَسب عُضْو عُضْو فيخص للعصب مزاجاً خَاصّا وللعظم مزاجاً خَاصّا وللشريانات مزاجاً خَاصّا وَذَلِكَ من مني متشابهة الْأَجْزَاء أَو متشابهة الإمتزاج,"The faculties pertaining to the preservation of the race. The generative faculty is two-fold, (i) That which gives rise to the male and female “sperm,” the reproductive units, (ii) the formative power (i.e., in the male element) which separates from one another the various faculties in the sperm and rearranges them in such a way that each member (and tissue) receives the temperament appropriate to ithus, to nerve, its distinctive temperament; to bone, its distinctive temperament. The one “ sperm,” apparently homogeneous, opens out in all these directions." وَهَذِه الْقُوَّة تسميها الْأَطِبَّاء الْقُوَّة الْمُغيرَة. وَأما المصورة الطابعة فَهِيَ الَّتِي يصدر عَنْهَا بِإِذن خَالِقهَا تخطيط الْأَعْضَاء وتشكيلاتها وتجويفاتها وثقبها وملاستها وخشونتها وأوضاعها ومشاركاتها. وَبِالْجُمْلَةِ الْأَفْعَال الْمُتَعَلّقَة بنهايات مقاديرها.,"This is called the primary transformative faculty. The informative or plastic faculty (lit. as in making a sculpture painting) is that (in the female element, Tr.) whereby, subject or to the decree of Allah, the delineation and configuration of the members is produced, with all their cavities, foramina, positions and relations to one another, their smoothness or roughness, and so on all being controlled up to the final limits of their natural growth (dimensions)." وَالْخَادِم لهَذِهِ الْقُوَّة المتصرفة فِي الْغذَاء بِسَبَب حفظ النَّوْع هِيَ الْقُوَّة الغاذية والنامية.,"Subservient to this faculty, in regard to that part of the nutriment which serves for the preservation of the species, are the nutritive faculty and the power of growth." الْفَصْل الثَّالِث الْقُوَّة الطبيعية الخادمة,THE FACULTIES SUBSERVIENT TO THE NATURAL FACULTIES (VEGETATIVE LIFE) وَأما الخادمة الصرفة فِي القوى الطبيعية فَهِيَ خوادم الْقُوَّة الغاذية وَهِي قوى أَربع: الجاذبة والماسكة والهاضمة والدافعة. والجاذبة: خلقت لتجذب النافع وَتفعل ذَلِك بِلِيفٍ الْعُضْو الَّذِي هِيَ فِيهِ الذَّاهِب على الإستطالة.,"VEGETATIVE LIFE (i.e. the natural faculties) is subserved by four faculties: attractive, retentive, transformative, expulsive. The attractive faculty was created so that the body could draw to itself whatever nutriment is required for its preservation. The longitudinal fibres in an organ form the instrument used for the purpose. The liver attracts the chyle from the stomach by sucking, as it were, the purer parts thereof by way of the mesenteric veins." والماسكة: خلقت لتمسك النافع ريثما تتصرّف فِيهِ الْقُوَّة المغيّرة لَهُ الممتازة مِنْهُ وَيفْعل ذَلِك وَأما الهاضمة فَهِيَ الَّتِي تحيل مَا جذبته الْقُوَّة الجاذبة وأمسكته الماسكة إِلَى قوام مُهَيَّأ لفعل الْقُوَّة الْمُغيرَة فِيهِ وَإِلَى مزاج صَالح للإستحالة إِلَى الغذائية بِالْفِعْلِ. هَذَا فعلهَا فِي النافع وَيُسمى هضماً.,"The retentive faculty was made so that the material so drawn in could be held (in position) during the time that the alterative (transformative) faculty is engaged in preparing sound nutritive substances from it. The instrument employed for this are the oblique, and in part, the transverse fibres. (In the case of the liver, the chyle is retained in it long enough to enable the sanguificatory power to act upon it.) It transmutes the material from its former state until it has become worked up into a temperament such as enables it to become efficient nutrient material. This process is “digestion” in the strict sense." وَأما فعلهَا فِي الفضول فَإِن تحيلها إِن أمكن إِلَى هَذِه الْهَيْئَة وَيُسمى أَيْضا هضماً أَو يسهل سَبِيلهَا إِلَى الاندفاع من الْعُضْو المحتبس فِيهِ بِدفع من الدافعة بترقيق قوامها إِن كَانَ الْمَانِع الغلظ أَو تغليظه إِن كَانَ الْمَانِع الرقة أَو تقطيعه إِن كَانَ الْمَانِع اللزوجة.,"At the same time it produces a change in the superfluities so that they can be easily discharged from the member containing them. This process is called “maturation By its means three things happen: (i) the texture of the superfluities becomes attenuated, when it is inspissation that hinders expulsion; the texture of the superfluities becomes thickened, when it is attenuation that prevents their discharge; the superfluities are entirely broken up, if it be viscidity that hinders expulsion." وَهَذَا الْفِعْل يُسمى الإنضاج وَقد يُقَال الهضم والإنضاج على سَبِيل الترادف. وَأما الدافعة: فَإِنَّهَا تدفع الْفضل الْبَاقِي من الْغذَاء الَّذِي لَا يصلح للإغتذاء أَو يفضل عَن الْمِقْدَار الْكَافِي فِي الإغتذاء أَو يَسْتَغْنِي عَنهُ أَو يستفرغ عَن إستعماله فِي الْجِهَة المرادة مثل الْبَوْل.,"It is a mistake to use the terms “digestion” and “maturation” as synonymous. The expulsive faculty is that whereby the superfluities from digestion are expelled. Superfluities are such as are unsuitable as nutriment, or are in excess of requirements (and therefore “superfluous”). By means of this faculty, the waste matter is expelled into the bladder as urine." وَهَذِه الْقُوَّة تدفع هَذِه الفضول من جِهَات ومنافذ معدة لَهَا. وَأما إِن لم تكن هُنَاكَ منافذ معدة فَإِنَّهَا تدفع من الْعُضْو الْأَشْرَف إِلَى الْعُضْو الأخس وَمن الأصلب إِلَى الأرخى. وَإِذا كَانَت جِهَة الدّفع هِيَ جِهَة ميل مَادَّة الْفضل لم تصرفها الْقُوَّة الدافعة عَن تِلْكَ الْجِهَة مَا أمكن.,"and other excreta through their several appropriate organs and apertures. Where there are no orifices, the wastes are transferred by this faculty from noble to less noble organs; from hard structures to soft ones. And if there is a diversion of waste matter from the proper route, the expulsive faculty cannot remove as much as otherwise." وَهَذِه القوى الطبيعية الْأَرْبَع تخدمها الكيفيات الْأَرْبَع الأولى أَعنِي الْحَرَارَة والبرودة والرطوبة واليبوسة. أما الْحَرَارَة فخدمتها بِالْحَقِيقَةِ مُشْتَركَة للأربع,"These four natural faculties are subserved by the four primary qualities heat, cold, dryness, moisture. Strictly speaking, heat is the underlying factor in all the subservient faculties." وَأما الْبُرُودَة فقد يخْدم بَعْضهَا خدمَة بِالْعرضِ لَا بِالذَّاتِ فَإِن الْأَمر الَّذِي بِالذَّاتِ للبرودة أَن يكون مضاداً لجَمِيع القوى لِأَن أَفعَال جَمِيع القوى هِيَ بالحركات. أما فِي الجذب وَالدَّفْع فَذَلِك ظَاهر. وَأما فِي الهضم فَلِأَن الهضم يستكمل بتفريق أَجزَاء مَا غلظ وكثف وَجَمعهَا مَعَ مارق ولطف.,"Action of cold. While cold aids all four faculties it does so indirectly and not directly except in so far as it is the contrary of all the faculties. For all the facul ties act in virtue of movement, which is shown not only as attraction and expulsion, but even in the transformative process (digestion proper); for the latter consists in the separation of gross and aggregated particles from one another, and in the condensation together of the finer and separated particles." وَهَذِه بحركات تفريقية وتمزيجية. وَأما الماسكة فَهِيَ تفعل بتحريك الليف المورب إِلَى هَيْئَة من الإشتمال متقنه.,"The movements of dispersion and aggregation are simultaneous. Movement is also concerned indirectly in the retentive faculty, because the transverse muscular fibres come into play." والبرودة مميتة محدرة مالعة عَن جَمِيع هَذِه الْأَفْعَال إِلَّا أَنَّهَا تَنْفَع فِي الْإِمْسَاك بِالْعرضِ بِأَن يحبس الليف على هَيْئَة الإشتمال الصَّالح فَتكون غير دَاخِلَة فِي فعل القوى الدافعة بل مهيئة للآلة تهيئة تحفظ بهَا فعلهَا.,"Coldness enfeebles, stupefies, and mortifies, and. hinders this faculty in all its functions; yet, indirectly, it helps it by fixing the fibres in the position referred to. Therefore it is not directly concerned with the faculties; it simply causes their instruments to be in a state which will help their functions to be maintained." وَأما الدافعة فتنتفع بالبرودة بِمَا يمْنَع من تَحْلِيل الرّيح الْمعينَة للدَّفْع وَبِمَا يعين فِي تغليظه وَبِمَا يجمع الليف العريض العاصر ويكنفه. وَهَذَا أَيْضا تهيئة للآلة لَا مَعُونَة فِي نفس الْفِعْل. فالبرد إِنَّمَا يدْخل فِي خدمَة هَذِه القوى بِالْعرضِ وَلَو دخل فِي نفس فعلهَا لأضر ولأخمد الْحَرَكَة.,"Coldness aids the expulsive faculty (i) by preventing the dispersal of the gases which favour peristalsis, by keeping the particles of the aliment coarse, by its astringent action upon the transverse muscular fibres. In these ways coldness renders the instruments of the faculty in an appropriate state. Evidently, then, it only helps the faculty indirectly. Did it act directly, it would obstruct and weaken the movements." وَأما اليوبسة فالحاجة إِلَيْهَا فِي أَفعَال قوى ثَلَاث: الناقلتان والماسكة. أما الناقلتان وهما الجاذبة والدافعة فلِما فِي اليبس من فضل تَمْكِين من الإعتماد الَّذِي لَا بُد مِنْهُ فِي الْحَرَكَة أَعنِي حَرَكَة الرّوح الحاملة لهَذِهِ القوى نَحْو فعلهَا باندفاع قوي,"Dryness is directly instrumental in the functions of two faculties namely the alterative and retentive. It is auxiliary in the case of the other two the attractive and expulsive. This is because dryness delays the movement of the breath, enabling it to take on with it those faculties which it has encountered with a vehement impact." تمنع عَن مثله الإسترخاء الرطوبي إِذا كَانَ فِي جَوْهَر الرّوح أَو فِي جَوْهَر الْآلَة. وَأما الماسكة فللقبض. وَأما الهاضمة فحاجتها إِلَى الرُّطُوبَة أمس ثمَّ إِذا قايست بَين الكيفيات الفاعلة والمنفعلة فِي حَاجَة هَذِه القوى إِلَيْهَا صادفت الماسكة حَاجَتهَا إِلَى اليبس أَكثر من حَاجَتهَا إِلَى الْحَرَارَة,"It also prevents the moisture present in the substance of the breath or its instrument from flowing away. Dryness helps the retentive faculty because it favours (muscular) contraction (i.e. upon the contents of the organ). The transformative faculty needs moisture (and not dryness). Comparative relations between the qualities and the faculties. If one compares the degree of active and passive quality requisite for the various faculties, one finds that the retentive faculty needs more dryness than heat." لِأَن مُدَّة تسكين الماسكة أَكثر من مُدَّة تحريكها الليف المستعرض إِلَى الْقَبْض لِأَن مُدَّة تحريكها وَهِي الْمُحْتَاج فِيهَا إِلَى الْحَرَارَة قَصِيرَة وَسَائِر زمَان فعلهَا مَصْرُوف إِلَى الْإِمْسَاك والتسكين. وَلما كَانَ مزاج الصّبيان أميل كثيرا إِلَى الرُّطُوبَة ضعفت فيهم هَذِه الْقُوَّة.,"This is because more time is required for a movement to come to rest than is needed to start a contractile movement of the transverse fibres. Heat is necessary for movement, and it takes only a short time to produce its effect, so that the remainder of the time is occupied in holding the material and coming to a state of rest. This explains why the temperament of juveniles tends to moistness, for their digestive power is weaker." وَأما الجاذبة فَإِن حَاجَتهَا إِلَى الْحَرَارَة أَشد من حَاجَتهَا إِلَى اليبس لِأَن الْحَرَارَة قد تعين فِي الجذب بل لِأَن أَكثر مُدَّة فعلهَا هُوَ التحريك. وحاجتها إِلَى التحريك أمس من حَاجَتهَا إِلَى تسكين أَجزَاء اَلتها وتقبيضها باليبوسة وَلِأَن هَذِه الْقُوَّة لَيست تحْتَاج إِلَى حَرَكَة كَثِيرَة فَقَط بل قد تحْتَاج إِلَى حَرَكَة قَوِيَّة.,"The attractive faculty needs more heat than dryness because the chief feature of attraction is movement, and movement demands heat. The organs concerned must move rather than be at rest and contracted (for which dryness is needed). Not that much movement is required for this faculty, though at times violent activity becomes necessary." والإجتذاب يتم إِمَّا بِفعل الْقُوَّة الجاذبة كَمَا فِي المغناطيس الَّتِي بهَا يجذب الْحَدِيد وَأما باضطرار الْخَلَاء كانجذاب المَاء فِي الزراقات. وَأما الْحَرَارَة كاجتذاب لَهب السراج الدّهن وَإِن كَانَ هَذَا الْقسم الثَّالِث عِنْد الْمُحَقِّقين يرجع إِلَى اضطرار الْخَلَاء بل هُوَ هُوَ بِعَيْنِه,"Attraction is brought about (a) by an attractive faculty as when a magnet attracts iron, (b) by heat, as when oil is drawn up in a lamp. Some physicists assert that the last-named is really an example of filling up of a vacuum." فَإِذا مَتى كَانَ مَعَ الْقُوَّة الجاذبة معاونة حرارة كَانَ الجذب أقوى. وَأما الدافعة فَإِن حَاجَتهَا إِلَى اليبس أقل من حاجتهما أَعنِي الجاذبة والماسكة لِأَنَّهَا لَا تحْتَاج إِلَى قبض الماسكة وَلَا لزم الجاذبة وَقَبضهَا واحتوائها على المجذوب بإمساك جُزْء من الْآلَة ليلحق بِهِ جذب الْجُزْء الآخر.,"Heat increases the power of the attraction exerted by the attractive faculty. The expulsive faculty requires less dryness than the attractive and retentive faculties, because there is not the need of the muscular contraction requisite for retention, nor for the apposition necessary for attraction; nor a need to maintain contraction upon an object until the next stage of the process is reached." وَبِالْجُمْلَةِ لَا حَاجَة بالدافعة إِلَى التسكين الْبَتَّةَ بل إِلَى التحريك وَإِلَى قَلِيل تكثيف يعين الْعَصْر وَالدَّفْع لَا مِقْدَار مَا تبقى بِهِ الْآلَة حافظة لهيئة شكل الْعُضْو أَو الْقَبْض كَمَا فِي الماسكة زَمَانا طَويلا وَفِي الجاذبة زماناَ يَسِيرا ريث تلاحق جذب الْأَجْزَاء. فَلهَذَا حَاجَتهَا إِلَى اليبس قَليلَة,"Nor is there a need for repose; but, on the contrary, there is a need of movement, and also a small amount of inspissation just enough to ensure that degree of compression and expulsion which is necessary to make the contracted viscus an instrument. Lastly, whereas the retentive faculty requires a long period of time and the attractive power only a short period namely that necessary to bring one thing in contact with another so there is less need of dryness." وأحوجها كلهَا إِلَى الْحَرَارَة هِيَ الهاضمة وَلَا حَاجَة بهَا إِلَى اليبوسة بل إِنَّمَا يحْتَاج إِلَى الرُّطُوبَة لتسهيل الْغذَاء وتهيئته للنفوذ فِي المجاري وَالْقَبُول للأشكال.,"The transformative faculty requires more heat than the other three. It does not need dryness but moisture, for by moisture the nutrients are rendered fluid and so become able to enter the pores and become moulded into the conformation of the channels to be traversed." وَلَيْسَ لقَائِل أَن يَقُول: إِن الرُّطُوبَة لَو كَانَت مُعينَة للهضم لَكَانَ الصّبيان لَا يعجز قواهم عَن هضم الْأَشْيَاء الصلبة فَإِن الصّبيان لَيْسُوا يعجزون عَن هضم ذَلِك والشبان يقدرن عَلَيْهِ لهَذَا السَّبَب بل لسَبَب المجانسة. والبعد عَن المجانسة,"But one must not suppose that because moisture aids digestion, juveniles (whose temperament is moist) can digest hard or indigestible foods. This can be done in youth, but here the reason is not to be found in their moisture; it is because at that period of life the “nature” is similar to that of the foods in question." فَمَا كَانَ من الْأَشْيَاء صلباً لم يجانس مزاج الصّبيان فَلم تقبل عَلَيْهَا قواهم الهاضمة وَلم تقبلهَا قواهم الماسكة وَدفعهَا بِسُرْعَة قواهم الدافعة. وَأما الشبّان فَذَلِك مُوَافق لمزاجهم صَالح لتغذيتهم,"Foods of hard nature are not appropriate for the juvenile temperament (which is soft), and therefore their transformative faculty cannot cope with such food; their retentive faculty cannot hold it, and their expulsive faculty rapidly expels it. In the case of youth, on the other hand, such hard food is quite suitable for nourishment." فيجتمع من هَذِه أَن الماسكة تحْتَاج إِلَى قبض وَإِلَى إِثْبَات هَيْئَة قبضٍ زماناَ طَويلا وَإِلَى مَعُونَة يسيرَة فِي الْحَرَكَة. والجاذبة إِلَى قبض وثبات قبض زَمَانا يسيراَ جدا ومعونةً كَثِيرَة فِي الْحَرَكَة. والدافعة إِلَى قبض فَقَط من غير ثبات يعْتد بِهِ وَإِلَى مَعُونَة على الْحَرَكَة.,"The following brief .table gathers together these points: Duration of muscular contraction. Amount of longitudinal movement achieved. Attractive Faculty. Quite short Marked. Retentive Faculty. Long; continued. Moderate. Alterative Faculty. Continued. None Expulsive Faculty. Momentary. Considerable, but superadded from without." والهاضمة إِلَى إذابة وتمزيج فَلذَلِك تَتَفَاوَت هَذِه القوى فِي اسْتِعْمَالهَا للكيفيات الْأَرْبَع واحتياجها إِلَيْهَا.,The alterative faculty needs liquefaction and commingling of substances. So the various faculties make use of these four qualities in diverse ways and to different extents. الْفَصْل الرَّابِع القوى الحيوانية,THE VITAL FACULTY. وَأما الْقُوَّة الحيوانية فيعنون بهَا الْقُوَّة الَّتِي إِذا حصلت فِي الْأَعْضَاء هيأتها لقبُول قُوَّة الْحس وَالْحَرَكَة وأفعال الْحَيَاة. ويضيفون إِلَيْهَا حركات الْخَوْف وَالْغَضَب لما يَجدونَ فِي ذَلِك من الإنبساط والإنقباض الْعَارِض للروح الْمَنْسُوب إِلَى هَذِه الْقُوَّة.,"The power which the members receive before they can acquire the capacity for the faculties of sensation and movement, and for accomplishing the various functions of life, is called the “vital faculty.” Closely related to this (subject)is (that of) the “ breath,” and therefore also of the emotions of fear and anger, because they coincide with the expansion and contraction of the breath." ولنفضل هَذِه الْجُمْلَة فَنَقُول: إِنَّه كَمَا قد يتَوَلَّد عَن كَثَافَة الأخلط بِحَسب مزاج مَا جَوْهَر كثيف هُوَ الْعُضْو أَو جُزْء من الْعُضْو فقد يتولّد من بخارية الأخلاط. ولطافتها بِحَسب مزاج مَا هُوَ جَوْهَر لطيف هُوَ الرّوح وكما أَن الكبد عِنْد الْأَطِبَّاء مَعْدن التولد الأول كَذَلِك الْقلب مَعْدن التولد الثَّانِي.,"We now proceed to enlarge this brief statement. On the one hand there are bodies of dense substance the organs and tissues which are derived from the dense particles of the humours of the corresponding temperament and on the other there is the “ breath,” derived from the rarefied attenuated particles of the humours of corresponding temperament. Physicians regard the liver as the seat of manufacture of the dense part of the humours, and the heart as that of the rarefied part." وَهَذَا الرّوح إِذا حدث على مزاجه الَّذِي يَنْبَغِي أَن يكون لَهُ إستعد لقُوَّة تِلْكَ الْقُوَّة بعد الْأَعْضَاء كلهَا لقبُول القوى الْأُخْرَى النفسانية وَغَيرهَا. والقوى النفسانية لَا تحدث فِي الرّوح والأعضاء إِلَّا بعد حُدُوث هَذِه الْقُوَّة وَإِن تعطّل عُضْو من القوى النفسانية وَلم يتعطل بعد من هَذِه الْقُوَّة فَهُوَ حَيّ,"Really speaking, as soon as the breath and the appropriate temperament meet, the vital power comes into being, and thus all the members are rendered capable of receiving all the other faculties (of the soul) sensitive and otherwise. The sensitive faculties do not appear in the breath and members until this vital power has come into being, and so even should the sensitive faculties in a given member be lost, life will remain in the part until the vital power has forsaken it." أَلا ترى أَن الْعُضْو الخدر والعضو المفلوج فَاقِد فِي الْحَال لقُوَّة الحسّ وَالْحَرَكَة لمزاج يمنعهُ عَن قبُوله أَو سدة عارضة بَين الدِّمَاغ وَبَينه وَفِي الأعصاب المنبثة إِلَيْهِ وَهُوَ مَعَ ذَلِك حَيّ والعضو الَّذِي يعرض لَهُ الْمَوْت فَاقِد الحسّ وَالْحَرَكَة ويعرض لَهُ أَن يعفن وَيفْسد.,"Does one not find in practice, how a limb is devoid of sensation from paralysis (whether as a result of a temperament which renders it incapable of receiving sensation or showing movement, or because of some obstruction to the current from the brain and nerves into the limb) yet continues to live? and does one not find that a limb which has lost the vital power loses also sensation and movement, dies, and undergoes putrescence and decomposes ?" فَإِذن فِي الْعُضْو المفلوج قُوَّة تحفظ حَيَاته حَتَّى إِذا زَالَ العائق فاض إِلَيْهِ قُوَّة الْحس وَالْحَرَكَة وَكَانَ مستعدًّا لقبولها بِسَبَب صِحَة الْقُوَّة الحيوانية فِيهِ وَإِنَّمَا الْمَانِع هُوَ الَّذِي يمْنَع عَن قبُوله بِالْفِعْلِ. وَلَا كَذَلِك الْعُضْو الْمَيِّت وَلَيْسَ هَذَا الْمعد هُوَ قُوَّة التغذية وَغَيره,"That shows that the power which renders a member living is still there even in the paralysed member, so that sensation and movement would return again, could the obstruction be removed. In fact, the intact possession of this vital power makes the limb always ready to receive the attributes in question. That which obstructs these attributes does not interfere with the power of receiving vital breath; the member itself is not dead." "حَتَّى إِذا كَانَت قُوَّة التغذية بَاقِيَة  كَانَ حَيا وَإِذا بطلت كَانَ مَيتا. فَإِن هَذَا الْكَلَام بِعَيْنِه قد يتَنَاوَل قُوَّة التغذية فَرُبمَا بَطل فعلهَا فِي بعض الْأَعْضَاء وَبَقِي حَيا وَرُبمَا بَقِي فعلهَا والعضو إِلَى الْمَوْت.","Further, it is not the nutritive faculty that prepares a member for receiving sensation and motion. It is not the nutritive faculty that is fundamental for the life of a member. One cannot say that a member perishes as soon as the nutritive faculty is abolished. The statements just made about a paralysed limb apply equally to the nutritive faculty. For sometimes the nutritive faculty ceases in a member and still the member continues to live. Sometimes the nutritive faculty is unimpaired and nevertheless the member tends towards death." وَلَو كَانَت الْقُوَّة المغذية بِمَا هِيَ قُوَّة مغذية تعد للحسّ وَالْحَرَكَة لَكَانَ النَّبَات قد يستعد لقبُول الْحس وَالْحَرَكَة فَيبقى أَن يكون الْمعد أمرا آخر يتبع مزاجاً خاصاَ وَيُسمى قُوَّة حيوانية وَهُوَ أول قُوَّة تحدث فِي الرّوح إِذا حدث الرّوح من لطافة الأمشاج.,"Then again, if it be the nutritive faculty which provides the power of sensation and movement, should not plants also share in these powers? Hence it is clear that there is something else preparing (the members for these powers), something akin in temperament to itself and this something is the vital faculty. This is that faculty which appears in the breath at the very moment at which the breath develops out of the rarefied particles of the humours." ثمَّ إِن الرّوح تقبل بهَا – عِنْد الْحَكِيم ارسطوطاليس – المبدأ الأول وَالنَّفس الأولى الَّتِي ينبعث عَنْهَا سَائِر القوى إِلَّا أَن أَفعَال تِلْكَ القوى لَا تصدر عَن الرّوح فِي أول الْأَمر,"As the philosopher Aristotle says, from that moment the breath receives its first beginning and all the other faculties flow out from it. Not that the activities of these faculties are directly derived from the breath." كَمَا أَن أَيْضا لَا يصدر الإحساس عِنْد الْأَطِبَّاء عَن الرّوح النفساني الَّذِي فِي الدِّمَاغ مَا لم ينفذ إِلَى الجليدية أَو إِلَى اللِّسَان أَو غير ذَلِك فَإِذا حصل قسم من الرّوح فِي تجويف الدِّمَاغ قبل مزاجاً وَصلح لِأَن يصدر بِهِ عِنْد أَفعَال الْقُوَّة الْمَوْجُودَة فِيهِ بدناَ. وَكَذَلِكَ فِي الكبد وَفِي الْأُنْثَيَيْنِ.,"any more than the sensation (as doctors agree) proceeds from the animal breath in the brain until the sense-impression has passed the crystalline lens, or the tongue, or the other sense-organs. It is when the particular portion of the breath reaches the appropriate parts of the brain that it becomes impressed with the temperament of the brain and there by becomes adapted for the operations of the faculties proceeding from and reposing in it. The same applies in the case of the liver and reproductive organs." وَعند الْأَطِبَّاء مَا لم يسْتَحل الرّوح عِنْد الدِّمَاغ إِلَى مزاج آخر لم يستعد لقبُول النَّفس الَّتِي هِيَ مبدأ الْحَرَكَة والحس. وَكَذَلِكَ فِي الكبد وَإِن كَانَ الامتزاج الأول قد أَفَادَ قبُول الْقُوَّة الأولى الحيوانية وَكَذَلِكَ فِي كل عُضْو كَانَ لكل جنس عَن الْأَفْعَال عِنْدهم نفس أُخْرَى.,"The opinion of physicians differs from this. They state that unless the temperament of the breath becomes altered in the brain the breath is not capable of responding to the soul (anima, nafs), the source of sensation and movement. But they admit that the initial temperament of the breath plays a part in enabling it to receive the primary vital faculty. The same thing holds for the liver, and other principal members. From this point of view, however, there would have to be a separate soul (anima) for every kind of action." وَلَيْسَت النَّفس وَاحِدَة يفِيض عَنْهَا القوى أَو كَانَت النَّفس مَجْمُوع هَذِه الْجُمْلَة فَإِنَّهُ وَإِن كَانَ الإمتزاج الأول فقد أَفَادَ قبُول الْقُوَّة الأولى الحيوانية حَيْثُ حدث روح وَقُوَّة هِيَ كَمَاله لَكِن هَذِه الْقُوَّة وَحدهَا لَا تَكْفِي عِنْدهم لقبُول الرّوح بهَا سَائِر القوى الْأُخَر مَا لم يحدث فِيهَا مزاج خَاص.,"the soul would have to be really an aggregate of various souls, instead of being one single agent from which the several faculties emanate. If the primary temperament helps the breath to receive the primary faculty, then the vital powers, the breath and the faculties are its perfection. The primary vital faculty is not sufficient by itself to enable the breath to respond to the other faculties, but needs an appropriate temperament first." قَالُوا: وَهَذِه الْقُوَّة مَعَ أَنَّهَا مهيئة للحياة فَهِيَ أَيْضا مبدأ حَرَكَة الْجَوْهَر الروحي اللَّطِيف إِلَى الْأَعْضَاء ومبدأ قَبضه وَبسطه للتنسم والتنقي على مَا قيل كَأَنَّهَا بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى الْحَيَاة تقبل انفعالاً وبالقياس إِلَى أَفعَال النَّفس والنبض تفِيد فعلا.,"The physicians also claim that this faculty, besides paving the way for “life,” itself initiates the movement of the attenuated spiritual substance (the breath, that is) towards the various members (organs), and is the agent which brings about the contraction and expansion of- respiration and pulse. In that it assists life it is “passion”; in that it assists the activity and functions of mind and pulse it is “action.”" وَهَذِه الْقُوَّة تشبه القوى الطبيعية لعدمها الْإِرَادَة فِيمَا يصدر عَنْهَا وتشبه القوى النفسانية لتعين أفعالها لِأَنَّهَا تقبض وتبسط مَعًا وتحرك حركتين متضادتين.,"The vital faculty resembles the natural faculties in that its actions are beyond the scope of the will. It resembles the animal (sensitive) faculties in carrying out contrary actions namely, it dilates and contracts at one and the same time, effecting two contrary movements at once." إِلَّا أَن القدماء إِذا قَالُوا نفس للنَّفس الأرضية عنوا كَمَال جسم طبيعي آلي وَأَرَادُوا مبدأ كل قُوَّة تصدر عَنْهَا بِعَينهَا حركات وأفاعيل متخالفة فَتكون هَذِه الْقُوَّة على مَذْهَب القدماء قُوَّة نفسانية. كَمَا أَن القوى الطبيعية الَّتِي ذَكرنَاهَا تسمى عِنْدهم قُوَّة نفسانية.,"The diverse use of these terms in philosophy and medicine. When the ancients use the word “soul” (nafs), they refer to the earthly or corporeal soul, the perfection of the corporeal body, which is its instrument; the source of all those faculties upon which the movements and various bodily operations depend. The natural faculty, in medicine, thus corresponds to the “animal” faculty in philosophy." وَأما إِذا لم يرد بِالنَّفسِ هَذَا الْمَعْنى بل عَنى بِهِ قُوَّة هِيَ مبدأ إِدْرَاك وتحريك تصدر عَن إِدْرَاك مَا بِإِرَادَة مَا وَأُرِيد بالطبيعة كلّ قوّة يصدر عَنْهَا فعل فِي جسمها على خلاف هَذِه الصُّورَة لم تكن هَذِه الْقُوَّة نفسانية بل كَانَت طبيعية. وَأَعْلَى دَرَجَة من الْقُوَّة الَّتِي يسميها الْأَطِبَّاء طبيعية.,"The soul (nafs) is not understood in this sense but is “the power which originates understanding and voluntary movement.” The natural faculty, in philosophy, means “every faculty from which any bodily function proceeds.” But this is not the “animal faculty” of medicine but a natural faculty of a higher order than that named “natural” in medicine." وَأما إِن سمي بالطبيعية مَا يتَصَرَّف فِي أَمر الْغذَاء وحالته سَوَاء كَانَ لبَقَاء شخص أَو بَقَاء نوع لم تكن هَذِه طبيعية وَكَانَت جِنْسا ثَالِثا.,"So, if natural faculty is defined as “that which is concerned in nutrition whether for the preservation of the individual or of the race,” then another, and third term would be required to represent this other faculty." وَلِأَن الْغَضَب وَالْخَوْف وَمَا أشبههما إنفعال لهَذِهِ الْقُوَّة. وَإِن كَانَ مبدؤها الْحس وَالوهم والقوى الدَاركة كَانَت منسوبة إِلَى هَذِه القوى. وَتَحْقِيق بَيَان هَذِه القوى وَإِنَّهَا وَاحِدَة أَو فَوق وَاحِدَة هُوَ إِلَى الْعلم الطبيعي الَّذِي هُوَ جُزْء من الْحِكْمَة.,"Anger, fear, and similar emotions are passions of this same faculty, and admittedly arise from the senses, the judgment and the apprehensive faculties. The proof of the existence of this third faculty, and of its being single or multiple, is a question for natural science, which is part of philosophy." (الْفَصْل الْخَامِس القوى النفسانية المدركة) وَالْقُوَّة النفسانية تشْتَمل على قوتين هِيَ كالجنس لَهما: إِحْدَاهمَا قُوة مدرِكَة وَالْأُخْرَى قُوة مُحَركة.,THE ANIMAL FACULTIES (SENSITIVE LIFE) The animal faculties comprise those of (a) perception (b) locomotion. وَالْقُوَّة المدركة كالجنس لقوتين: قُوَّة مدركة فِي الظَّاهِر وَقُوَّة مدركة فِي الْبَاطِن. وَالْقُوَّة المدركة فِي الظَّاهِر هِيَ الحسية وَهِي كالجنس لقوى خمس عِنْد قوم وثمان عِنْد قوم. وَإِذا أخذت خَمْسَة كَانَت قُوَّة الإبصار وَقُوَّة السّمع وَقُوَّة الشم وَقُوَّة الذَّوْق وَقُوَّة اللَّمْس.,"The former comprises (i) external senses, (ii) interior senses. “Now the ‘Perceptive faculty’ (Mudrika) is subdivided into ten branches, five of which are called the ‘External Senses,’ and five the ‘Internal Senses.’ The former are Touch, Taste, Sight, Hearing, and Smell. (Ch. M.) Each of these exhibit five faculties." وَأما إِذا أخذت ثَمَانِيَة فالسبب فِي ذَلِك أَن أَكثر المحصلين يرَوْنَ أَن اللَّمْس قوى كَثِيرَة بل هُوَ قوى أَربع. ويخصون كل جنس من الملموسات الْأَرْبَع بِقُوَّة على حِدة إِلَّا أَنَّهَا مُشْتَركَة فِي الْعُضْو الحساس كالذوق واللمس فِي اللِّسَان والإبصار واللمس فِي الْعين وَتَحْقِيق هَذَا إِلَى الفيلسوف.,"A division of external senses into eight is obtained by regarding “touch as including four senses in itself, for this is performed by more than one organ. Thus the tongue not only tastes but has a sense of touch. This view follows the philosopher." وَالْقُوَّة إِحْدَاهَا: الْقُوَّة الَّتِي تسمى الْحس الْمُشْتَرك والخيال: وَهِي عِنْد الْأَطِبَّاء قُوَّة وَاحِدَة وَعند المحصلين من الْحُكَمَاء قوتان.,"The first two are taken together by the physician, but not by the philosopher." فالحس الْمُشْتَرك هُوَ الَّذِي يتَأَدَّى إِلَيْهِ المحسوسات كلهَا وينفعل عَن صورها ويجتمع فِيهِ. والخيال هُوَ الَّذِي يحفظها بعد الِاجْتِمَاع ويمسكها بعد الغيبوبة عَن الْحس وَالْقُوَّة الْقَابِلَة مِنْهُمَا غير الحافظة. وَتَحْقِيق الْحق فِي هَذَا هُوَ أَيْضا على الفيلسوف.,"The Composite sense ( = Common sense: Hiss-i-mushtarik) is that which receives all forms and images perceived by the external senses, and combines them (into one common mental picture). Imagination. (Phantasy.) This preserves the percepts of the composite sense after they have been so conjoined, and holds them after the sense-impressions have subsided. The common sense is the recipient and the imagination is the pre-server. The proof of this belongs to the philosopher." وَكَيف كَانَ فَإِن مسكنهما ومبدأ فعلهمَا هُوَ الْبَطن الْمُقدم من الدِّمَاغ. وَالثَّانيِة: الْقُوَّة الَّتِي تسميها الْأَطِبَّاء مفكرة: والمحققون تَارَة يسمونها متخيلة وَتارَة مفكرة,The chief seat of the activities of these two faculties is the anterior part of the brain. The Cogitative Faculty. The faculty which medicine calls cogitative is taken in two senses in philosophy.. It is regarded sometimes as “imaginative faculty’” [mutakhayyal: animal] and sometimes as “cogitative faculty” [mutafakkira: human]. فَإِن استعملتها الْقُوَّة الوهمية الحيوانية الَّتِي نذكرها بعد أَو نهضت هِيَ بِنَفسِهَا لفعلها سَموهَا متخيلة وَإِن أَقبلت عَلَيْهَا الْقُوَّة النطقية وصرفتها على مَا ينْتَفع بِهِ سنّهَا سميت مفكرة.,"In the view of the philosopher, the former is where the apprehensive faculty (q.v.) comes into play, and the latter is where reason controls or decides that a given action is advantageous." وَالْفرق بَين هَذِه الْقُوَّة وَبَين الأولى كَيفَ مَا كَانَت: أَن الأولى قَابِلَة أَو حافظة لما يتَأَدَّى إِلَيْهَا من الصُّور المحسوسة. وَأما هَذِه فَإِنَّهَا تتصرف على المستودعات فِي الخيال تصرفاتها من تركيب وتفصيل فتستحضر صوراً على نَحْو مَا تأدى من الْحس وصوراً مُخَالفَة لَهَا كإنسان يطير وجبل من زمرد.,"There is also the difference that the imagination deals with sense form percepts, whereas the cogitation uses the percepts which have been stored in the imagination and then proceeds to combine and analyse them, and construct quite different images: e.g. a flying man, an emerald mountain." وَأما الخيال فَلَا يحضرهُ إِلَّا للقبول من الْحس. ومسكن هَذِه الْقُوَّة هُوَ الْبَطن الْأَوْسَط من الدِّمَاغ.,"The imagination does not present to you anything but what it has already received through the sense-organs, (p.) The seat of this faculty is in the mid-portion of the brain." وَهَذِه الْقُوَّة هِيَ اَلة لقُوَّة هِيَ بِالْحَقِيقَةِ المدركة الْبَاطِنَة فِي الْحَيَوَان وَهِي الْوَهم وَهُوَ الْقُوَّة الَّتِي تحكم فِي الْحَيَوَان بِأَن الذِّئْب عَدو وَالْولد حبيب وَأَن المتعهد بالعلف صديق لَا ينفر عَنهُ على سَبِيل غير نطقي.,"The apprehensive faculty. This faculty is the instrument of the power called instinct in animals. (“Animal prudence A’) By it, for instance an animal knows that a wolf is an enemy, and the kid distinguishes its dam as a friend from whom he need not flee. Such a decision is not formed by the reasoning powers, but is another mode of apprehension." والعداوة والمحبة غير محسوسين لَيْسَ يدركهما الْحس من الْحَيَوَان فَإِذن إِنَّمَا يحكم بهما ويدركهما قُوَّة أُخْرَى وَإِن كَانَ لَيْسَ بالإدراك النطقي إِلَّا أَنه لَا محَالة إِدْرَاك مَا غير النطقي. وَالْإِنْسَان أَيْضا قد يسْتَعْمل هَذِه الْقُوَّة فِي كثير من الْأَحْكَام وَيجْرِي فِي ذَلِك مجْرى الْحَيَوَان الْغَيْر النَّاطِق.,"Friendship and enmity are not perceived by the senses, nor do the senses comprehend them; and they are not perceived by the reason either. Man employs the same faculty on very many occasions exactly as does an irrational animal." وَهَذِه الْقُوَّة تفارق الخيال لِأَن الخيال يستثبت المحسوسات,Apprehensive faculty v. imagination. The former executes a judgment; the latter simply stores sense-perceptions. وَهَذِه تحكم فِي المحسوسات بمعان غير محسوسة وتفارق الَّتِي تسمّى مفكرة ومتخيلة بِأَن أَفعَال تِلْكَ لَا يتبعهَا حكم مَاء وأفعال هَذِه يتبعهَا حكم مَا بل هِيَ أَحْكَام مَا وأفعال تِلْكَ تركبّت فِي المحسوسات وَفعل هَذِه هُوَ حكم فِي المحسوس من معنى خَارج عَن المحسوس.,"Apprehensive faculty v. cogitative faculty. The former relates to one single act; the latter does not make a judgment, but opens the way to a series of discursive processes and decisions. The cogitative faculty is concerned with forms perceived by the senses; the apprehensive faculty deals with derivatives therefrom (“suprasensuous forms.”)" وكما أَن الْحس فِي الْحَيَوَان حَاكم على صور المحسوسات كَذَلِك الْوَهم فِيهَا حَاكم على مَعَاني تِلْكَ الصُّور الَّتِي تتأدى إِلَى الْوَهم وَلَا تتأدى إِلَى الْحس,The cogitative faculty is concerned with the synthesis and analysis of sense-impressions whereas the apprehensive faculty makes a judgment on the super-sensuous ideas in the particular sense-percepts. وَمن النَّاس من يتجوز ويسمي هَذِه الْقُوَّة تخيلاً وَله ذَلِك إِذْ لَا مُنَازعَة فِي الْأَسْمَاء بل يجب أَن يفهم الْمعَانِي والفروق وَهَذِه الْقُوَّة لَا يتَعَرَّض الطَّبِيب لتعرفها وَذَلِكَ أَن مضار أفعالها تَابِعَة لمضار أَفعَال قوى أُخْرَى قبلهَا مثل الخيال والتخيّل وَالذكر الَّذِي سنقوله بعد.,"Some writers however call the apprehensive faculty “ cogitative as a matter of convenience, saying that the terms are unimportant as long as one understands the things themselves and the primary differences between them. The apprehensive faculty need not be considered much by the physician because disorders in it are always consequent on disorders in the prior faculties of imagination, and memory, as we shall show later on." والطبيب إِنَّمَا ينْتَظر فِي القوى الَّتِي إِذا لحقها مضرَّة فِي أفعالها كَانَ ذَلِك مَرضا فَإِن كَانَت المضرّة تلْحق فعل قُوَّة بِسَبَب مضرَّة لحقت فعل قبلهَا وَكَانَت تِلْكَ الْمضرَّة تتبع سوء مزاج أَو فَسَاد تركيب فِي عُضْو مَا,It is only necessary to consider those faculties the disturbances of whose functions bring on disease. It is enough to know that the lesions in one which are interfering with the other arise in the temperamental state of the member or in depravity of its constitution. فيكفيه أَن يعرف لُحُوق ذَلِك الضَّرَر بِسَبَب سوء مزاج ذَلِك الْعُضْو أَو فَسَاده حَتَّى يتداركه بالعلاج أَو يتحفظ عَنهُ.,For on this knowledge depends the selection of the remedy and how to guard against the disease. وَلَا عَلَيْهِ أَن يعرف حَال الْقُوَّة الَّتِي إِنَّمَا يلْحقهَا مَا يلْحقهَا كَمَا أَن الخيال خزانَة لما يتَأَدَّى إِلَى الْحس من الصُّورَة المحسوسة بِوَاسِطَة إِذْ كَانَ قد عرف حَال الَّتِي يلْحقهَا بِغَيْر وَاسِطَة.,Not to know about tne state of a faculty which is affected only indirectly is of less moment compared with accurate knowledge about a faculty which is affected directly. وَالثَّالِثَة مِمَّا يذكر الْأَطِبَّاء وَهِي الْخَامِسَة أَو الرَّابِعَة عِنْد التَّحْقِيق وَهِي الْقُوَّة الحافظة والمذّكرة وَهِي خزانَة لما يتَأَدَّى إِلَى الْوَهم من معَان فِي المحسوسات غير صورها المحسوسة وموضعها الْبَطن الْمُؤخر من بطُون الدِّمَاغ,"The Retentive Faculty. Memory (‘Hafixa, Dhakira). The power of memory is as it were a treasury or repository for those supra-sensuous ideas discovered by the apprehensive faculty, just as the imagination is the treasury or repository for the sense-impressions of forms and sensible images (formed by the common sense). The seat of this faculty is in the posterior region of the brain." وَهَهُنَا مَوضِع نظر حكمي فِي أَنه هَل الْقُوَّة الحافظة والمتذكرة المسترجعة لما غَابَ عَن الْحِفْظ من مخزونات الْوَهم قُوَّة وَاحِدَة أم قوتان وَلَكِن لَيْسَ ذَلِك مِمَّا يلْزم الطَّبِيب إِذا كَانَت الْآفَات الَّتِي تعرض لأيهما كَانَ هِيَ الْآفَات الْعَارِضَة للبطن الْمُؤخر من الدِّمَاغ,"The philosopher discusses whether apprehension and memory are to be taken together or separately. Is apprehension merely a treasury of reflection? To the physician this problem is irrelevant because the same noxa, be it an intemperament or a depraved constitution, would affect both and in either case the seat of disease would be in the same region of the brain." إِمَّا من جنس المزاج وَإِمَّا من جنس التَّرْكِيب. وَأما الْقُوَّة الْبَاقِيَة من قوى النَّفس المدركة فَهِيَ الإنسانية الناطقة. وَلما سقط نظر الْأَطِبَّاء عَن الْقُوَّة الوهمية لما شرحناه من الْعلَّة فَهُوَ أسقط عَن هَذِه الْقُوَّة بل نظرهم مَقْصُور على أَفعَال القوى الثَّلَاث لَا غير.,"There is still one more faculty distinguishable in the mind, namely, the ratiocinative; the understanding. Physicians do not concern themselves with this any more than they do with the cogitative faculty, and for the same reason. They only study the operations of the four other faculties." الْفَصْل السَّادِس,VI. SCHOLASTIC وأمّا الْقُوَّة المحركة فَهِيَ الَّتِي تشنج الأوتار وترخيها فتحرّك بهَا الْأَعْضَاء. والمفاصل تبسطها وتثنيها وتنفذها فِي العصب الْمُتَّصِل بالعضل وَهِي جنس يتنوع بِحَسب تنوع مبادي الحركات فَتكون فِي كل عضلة طبيعة أُخْرَى وَهِي تَابِعَة لحكم الْوَهم الْمُوجب للْإِجْمَاع.,"THE POWER OF LOCOMOTION This power is that which contracts and relaxes the muscles whereby the members and joints are moved, extended or flexed. This power reaches the limbs by way of the nerves and there are as many forms of power as there are of movement. Each muscle has its own peculiar purpose and it obeys the decree of the composite sense." الْفَصْل الْأَخير فِي الْأَفْعَال,THE FUNCTIONS (OF THE BODY) نقُول: إِن من الأفاعيل المفردة مَا يتم بِقُوَّة وَاحِدَة مثل الهضم وَمِنْهَا مَا يتم بقوّتين مثل شَهْوَة الطَّعَام فَإِنَّهَا تتمّ بِقُوَّة جاذبة طبيعية وبقوة حساسة فِي فَم الْمعدة. أما الجاذبة فبتحريكها الليف المطاول متقاضية مَا يجذبه وامتصاصها مَا يحضر من الرطوبات,"Some of the functions are carried out by one single faculty; others by two together. The former is exemplified by digestion, the latter by the appetite for food, where there is the vegetative faculty of attraction, the faculty of sensation located at the mouth of the stomach. The faculty of attraction is achieved by a contraction of the longitudinal fibres which draw the object inwards and extracts from the humours that which is required." وَأما الحساسة فبإحساسها بِهَذَا الإنفعال وبلذع السَّوْدَاء المنبّهة للشهوة الْمَذْكُورَة قصَّتهَا. وَإِنَّمَا كَانَ هَذَا الْفِعْل مِمَّا يتم بقوتين لِأَن الحساسة إِذا عرض لَهَا آفَة بَطل الْمَعْنى الَّذِي يسمّى جوعا وشهوة فَلم يشته الطَّعَام. وَإِن كَانَ للبدن إِلَيْهِ حَاجَة,"The faculty of sensation enables the organ to be aware of the acridity of the atrabilious humour, for this it is which excites appetite. In saying that this one function is achieved by two faculties together, one relies on the fact that a nocument befalling the . faculty of sensation destroys that “desire” which is called hunger and appetite. Even the need of nutriment does not account for “desire.”" وَكَذَلِكَ الازدراد يتم بقوتين: إِحْدَاهمَا الجاذبة الطبيعية وَالْأُخْرَى الجاذبة الإرادية. وَالْأولَى يتم فعلهَا بالليف المطاول الَّذِي فِي فَم الْمعدة والمريء. وَالثَّانيِة يتم فعلهَا بِلِيفٍ عضل الإزدراد.,The function of swallowing is another instance of a dual faculty that of attraction and that of propulsion. The faculty of attraction is achieved by the longitudinal fibres at the orifice of the stomach and oesophagus; that of propulsion is achieved by the voluntary muscles of swallowing. وَإِذا بطلت إِحْدَى القوتين عسر الإزدراد بل إِذا لم تكن بطلت إِلَّا أَنَّهَا لم تنبعث بعد لفعلها عسر الازدراد. أَو ترى أَنه إِذا كَانَت الشَّهْوَة لم تصدق عسر علينا ابتلاع مَا لَا تشتهيه بل إِذا كُنَّا نعاف شَيْئا ثمَّ أردنَا ابتلاعه فنفرت عَنهُ الْقُوَّة الجاذبة الشهوانية صَعب على الإرادية ابتلاعه.,"Loss of either power renders deglutition very difficult; even retarded activity, without actual loss, renders the act difficult. Every one knows that lack of appetite for a substance makes swallowing difficult. If a thing is repugnant, and yet we wish to swallow it, our appetite and power of attraction is so frightened away that the function of voluntary deglutition is made difficult." وعبور الْغذَاء أَيْضا يتمّ بِقُوَّة دافعة من الْعُضْو الْمُنْفَصِل عَنهُ وجاذبة من الْعُضْو المتوجه إِلَيْهِ. وَكَذَلِكَ إِخْرَاج الثفل من السَّبِيلَيْنِ وَرُبمَا كَانَ الْفِعْل مبدؤه قوتان نفسانية وطبيعية,The function of transmission of nutriment along the alimentary tract is achieved by the faculty of propulsion forwards of the portion containing the nutriment. It is associated with the faculty of attraction exerted by the succeeding portion. The discharge of waste matters is also a two-fold function. Sometimes both sensitive and vegetative faculties initiate the function simultaneously. وَرُبمَا كَانَ سَببه قُوَّة وَكَيْفِيَّة مثل التبريد الْمَانِع للمواد فَإِنَّهُ يعاون الدافعة على مقاومة الْخَلْط المنصبّ إِلَى الْعُضْو وَمنعه وَدفعه فِي وَجهه والكيفية الْبَارِدَة تمنع بشيئين بِالذَّاتِ أَي بتغليظ جَوْهَر مَا ينصب وتضييق المسام وبشيء ثَالِث هُوَ مِمَّا بِالْعرضِ وَهُوَ إطفاء الْحَرَارَة الجاذبة.,"In some cases a faculty is associated with a quality. Thus cold holds material, and also arrests the flow of humour (or intestinal contents) either absolutely by repressing its formation or relatively by driving it back. Cold restrains by congealing, the material (rendering its particles closely aggregated), or narrowing the pores. Incidentally it has a third action that of obliterating innate heat (which is concerned with the faculty of attraction)." والكيفية الجاذبة تجذب بِمَا يُقَابل هَذِه الْوُجُوه الْمَذْكُورَة واضطرار الْخَلَاء إِنَّمَا يجذب أَولا مَا لطف ثمَّ مَا كثف وَأما الْقُوَّة الجاذبة الطبيعية فَإِنَّمَا تجذب الأوفق أَو الَّذِي يخصّها فِي طبيعتها جذبة وَرُبمَا كَانَ الأكثف هُوَ الأوفق والأخصّ.,"Heat. Heat attracts by the ways already mentioned. Heat and the urge occasioned by (relative) vacuum first attracts the attenuated matter, and later the denser matter. The vegetative faculty of attraction only attracts the things most appropriate for it, or things whose nature it is to be attracted. Consequently it might happen that the denser (more concentrated) matter, being more suitable and appropriate, and responsive, is attracted first." الْفَنّ الثَّانِي الْأَمْرَاض والأسباب والأعراض الْكُلية وَهُوَ تعاليم ثَلَاثَة التَّعْلِيم الأوّل الْأَمْرَاض وَهُوَ ثَمَانِيَة فُصُول الْفَصْل الأول السَّبَب وَالْمَرَض وَالْعرض,"THESIS I. DISORDERS OF HEALTH i. DEFINITION OF THE TERMS: CAUSE, DISEASE, SYMPTOM" نقُول: إنَ السَّبَب فِي الطِّبّ وَهُوَ مَا يكون أَولا فَيجب عَنهُ وجود حَالَة من حالات بدن الْإِنْسَان أَو ثباتها. وَالْمَرَض هَيْئَة غير طبيعية فِي بدن الْإِنْسَان يجب عَنْهَا بِالذَّاتِ آفَة فِي الْفِعْل وجوبا أولياً وَذَلِكَ إمّا مزاج غير طبيعي وَإِمَّا تركيب غير طبيعي.,"CAUSE. The word “Cause,” in medical works, refers to that which initiates a given state of the human body, or maintains a fixity of such a state. DISEASE. This is an abnormal unnatural state of the human body, in virtue of which injurious effects result. This injurious effect is the beginning of the disease. Such an abnormal state is either (a) an intemperament, or (B) an abnormal composition (see)." وَالْعرض هُوَ الشَّيْء الَّذِي يتبع هَذِه الْهَيْئَة وَهُوَ غير طبيعي سَوَاء كَانَ مضاداً للطبيعي مثل الوجع فِي القولنج أَو غير مضاد مثل إِفْرَاد حمرَة الخد فِي ذَات الرئة مِثَال السَّبَب العفونة.,"SYMPTOM. This is a phenomenon consequent upon this non-natural state of the body. Some symptoms are entirely abnormal phenomena, like the pain of colic. Others are (exaggerations) of a natural phenomenon, like the intense flush on the cheeks seen in peri-pneumonia." مِثَال الْمَرَض الْحمى مِثَال الْعرض الْعَطش والصداع. وَأَيْضًا مِثَال السَّبَب امتلاء فِي الأوعية المنحدرة إِلَى الْعين مِثَال الْمَرَض السدّة فِي العنبية وَهُوَ مرض آلي تركيبي,"A short table of examples. Example of a cause. Example of its corresponding malady. Example of the corresponding symptom Decay; putrescence. Fever. Thirst, headache. Fulness of lacrymal sacs from developmental error. Acrid ” flux.” Obstruction of uvea." مِثَال الْعرض فقدان الإبصار وَأَيْضًا مِثَال السَّبَب نزلة حادة مِثَال الْمَرَض قرحَة فِي الرئة مِثَال الْعرض حمرَة الوجنتين وانجذاب الْأَظْفَار.,Loss of vision. “Ulcer” in lung. Flushed cheeks; curved nails. وَالْعرض يسمّى عرضا بِاعْتِبَار ذَاته أَو بقياسه إِلَى المعروض لَهُ وَيُسمى دَلِيلا بِاعْتِبَار مطالعة الطَّبِيب إِيَّاه وسلوكه مِنْهُ إِلَى معرفَة مَاهِيَّة الْمَرَض وَقد يصير الْمَرَض سَببا لمَرض آخر كالقولنج للغشي أَو للفالج أَو الصرع,"id) The difference between “ symptoms ” and “ signs.” we speak of a symptom in regard to its own intrinsic character, or in relation to that to which’it belongs. A “sign” is that which guides the physician to a knowledge of the real essential nature of the disease. (b) One disorder may originate a second. Thus colic produces syncope, or paralysis, or spasms and convulsions." بل قد يصير الْعرض سَببا للمرض كالوجع الشَّديد يصير سَببا للورم لانصباب الْموَاد إِلَى مَوضِع الوجع.,"(c) A symptom may be the cause of a disorder. Thus, violent pain causes the suffering of colic, and syncope is the effect of the pain. The violent pain of an inflammatory mass is due to the descent of the matters to that spot." وَقد يصير الْعرض بِنَفسِهِ مَرضا كالصداع الْعَارِض عَن الْحمى فَإِنَّهُ رُبمَا اسْتَقر واستحكم حَتَّى يصير مَرضا,"(d) A symftom may be at the. same time a malady. Thus headache is an effect of fever, but may also last so long as to amount to a disease.”" قد يكون الشَّيْء بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى نَفسه وَإِلَى شَيْء قبله وَإِلَى شَيْء بعده مَرضا وعرضاً وسبباً مثل الْحمى السلية فإنَها عرض لقرحة الرئة وَمرض فِي نَفسهَا وَسبب لضعف الْمعدة مثلا.,"(e) One and the same thing may be at once “disease,” “symptom” and “cause.” Considered in relation to the present, it is “ disease”; considered in relation to the past; it is “cause”; considered in relation to the future, it is ‘symptom.’ Examples: the fever of consumption is the sign of ulceration of the lung. Considered in itself, it is the disease. Considered in its effect, it is the “cause” of gastric weakness." وَمثل الصداع الْحَادِث عَن الحمّى إِذا استحكم فَإِنَّهُ عرض للحمّى وَمرض فِي نَفسه وَرُبمَا جلب البرسام أَو السرسام فَصَارَ ذَلِك سَببا للمرضين الْمَذْكُورين.,"Again, the headache -which fever gives rise to (in those cases where fever causes headache) (esp. ‘meningeal disease) may remain behind (after the subsidence of the fever) and be itself the “disease.” To particularize, the malady itself sets up inflammation of the meninges, and this sets up headache." الْفَصْل الثَّانِي أَحْوَال الْبدن وأجناس الْمَرَض,THE STATES OF THE HUMAN BODY. THE TYPES OF DISEASE أَحْوَال بدن الْإِنْسَان عِنْد جالينوس ثَلَاث: الصِّحَّة وَهِي هَيْئَة يكون بهَا بدن الْإِنْسَان فِي مزاجه وتركيبه بِحَيْثُ يصدر عَنهُ الْأَفْعَال كلهَا صَحِيحَة سليمَة.,"There are three states of the human body, according to Galen: (i) Health a state in virtue of which the human body presents that particular temperament and configuration whereby all its functions shall proceed unembarrassed." وَالْمَرَض هَيْئَة فِي بدن الْإِنْسَان مضادة لهَذِهِ وَحَالَة عِنْده لَيست بِصِحَّة وَلَا مرض إِمَّا لعدم الصِّحَّة فِي الْغَايَة وَالْمَرَض,(ii) Disease a state which is exactly contrary to (i). (iii) A third state which is neither health nor disease. There are three variants of this: (a) the health is not perfect and yet there is no actual illness. فِي الْغَايَة كأبدان الشُّيُوخ والناقهين والأطفال أَو لِاجْتِمَاع الْأَمريْنِ فِي وَقت وَاحِد إِمَّا فِي عضوين وَإِمَّا فِي عُضْو وَلَكِن فِي جِنْسَيْنِ متباعدين مثل أَن يكون صَحِيح المزاج مَرِيض التَّرْكِيب.,"Ex. the state in old persons, and in juveniles, and in those convalescent from illness, (b) Both states occur simultaneously in the same member: either in two quite different respects (as when the temperament of a person is normal, but there is compositional abnormality." أَو فِي عُضْو وَفِي جِنْسَيْنِ متقاربين مثل أَن يكون صَحِيحا فِي الشكل لَيْسَ صَحِيحا فِي الْمِقْدَار والوضع أَو صَحِيحا فِي الكيفيتين المنفعلتين لَيْسَ صَحِيحا فِي الفاعلتين أَو لتعاقب من الْأَمريْنِ فِي وَقْتَيْنِ مثل من يَصح شتاء ويمرض صيفاً.,"or in two respects which are related to one another (as when a person is healthy in form, but there is error in size or position of a member; he may be healthy in regard to two passive qualities, but not in regard to two active ones), (c) Both states occur in one person, but at different times of the year (as when a person is well in winter but ill in spring)." والأمراض مِنْهَا مُفْردَة وَمِنْهَا مركبة. والمفردة هِيَ الَّتِي تكون نوعا وَاحِدًا من أَنْوَاع مرض المزاج أَو نوعا وَاحِدًا من أَنْوَاع مرض التَّرْكِيب الَّذِي نذكرهُ بعد. والمركبة هِيَ الَّتِي يجْتَمع مِنْهَا نَوْعَانِ فَصَاعِدا يتحد مِنْهَا مرض وَاحِد.,"Some disorders are simple, and others compound. The simple disorders are where there is (i) one single kind of intemperament, an isolated abnormality of configuration. The compound (composite, compositional) disorders are where there are two or more kinds together, which together appear as one single malady." فلنبدأ أَولا بالأمراض المفردة فَنَقُول: إنّ أَجنَاس الْأَمْرَاض المفردة ثَلَاثَة: الأول: جنس الْأَمْرَاض المنسوبة إِلَى الْأَعْضَاء المتشابهة الْأَجْزَاء وَهِي أمراض سوء المزاج,"The simple disorders comprise three groups: Disorders of Temperament. In this case the members affected are formed of similar parts, but the temperament is depraved." وَإِنَّمَا نسبت إِلَى الْأَعْضَاء المتشابهة الْأَجْزَاء لأنّها أَولا وبالذات تعرض للمتشابهة الْأَجْزَاء وَمن أجلهَا تعرض للأعضاء المركّبة حَتَّى إِنَّهَا يُمكن أَن تتصوّر حَاصِلَة مَوْجُودَة فِي أَي عُضْو من الْأَعْضَاء المتشابهة الْأَجْزَاء شِئْت. والمركبة لَا يُمكن فِيهَا.,"The term is not used unless the disorder is primarily in these essential parts, and then applies even if composite members are affected secondarily [i.e., temperamental disorders are distinguished from compositional]. Disorders of temperament may actually occur in any compound members one may think of, provided these are formed of homologous tissues." وَالثَّانِي: جنس أمراض الْأَعْضَاء الآلية وَهِي أمراض التَّرْكِيب الْوَاقِع فِي أَعْضَاء مؤلفة من الْأَعْضَاء المتشابهة الْأَجْزَاء هِيَ آلَات الْأَفْعَال.,Disorders of Configuration. The members affected are the locomotive organs (the instruments whereby actions and functions are performed). These organs are formed of similar parts. وَالثَّالِث: جنس الْأَمْرَاض الْمُشْتَركَة الَّتِي تعرض للمتشابهة الْأَجْزَاء وَتعرض للآلية بِمَا هِيَ آلية من غير أَن يتبع عروضها للآلية عروضها للمتشابهة الْأَجْزَاء وَهُوَ الَّذِي يسمُّونه تفرق لاتصال وانحلال الْفَرد,Solution of Continuity and Dislocation. The members affected have similar parts. It occurs in organs which are instruments. The disorder is one in which the function of being an instrument is interfered with. فَإِن تفرق الإتصال قد يعرض للمفصل من غير أَن تعرض للمتشابهة الْأَجْزَاء الَّتِي ركب مِنْهَا الْمفصل الْبَتَّةَ. وَقد يعرض لمثل العصب والعظم وَالْعُرُوق وَحدهَا.,"Such a solution of continuity occurs at a joint; here we see that the separate members which go to make up the joints are not affected. The same thing applies in the case of nerves, bones, veins." وَبِالْجُمْلَةِ الْأَمْرَاض ثَلَاثَة أَجنَاس: أمراض تتبع سوء المزاج وأمراض تتبع سوء هَيْئَة التَّرْكِيب وأمراض تتبع تفرّق الإتصال. وكل مرض يتبع وَاحِدًا من هَذِه وَيكون عَنهُ تنْسب إِلَيْهِ وأمراض سوء المزاج مَعْرُوفَة وَهِي سِتَّة عشرَة قد ذَكرنَاهَا.,"Any malady which depends on any of these three groups is named accordingly. There are sixteen kinds of disorders of temperament, as has been already stated." الْفَصْل الثَّالِث أمراض التَّرْكِيب وأمراض التَّرْكِيب أَيْضا تَنْحَصِر فِي أَرْبَعَة أَجنَاس: أمراض الْخلقَة. وأمراض الْمِقْدَار وأمراض وأمراض الْخلقَة: تَنْحَصِر فِي أَجنَاس أَرْبَعَة:,"DISORDERS OF CONFIGURATION. These are comprised in four main groups: (i) Errors of development (malformations), (ii) Errors in bulk (iii) Errors in number, (iv) Displacements." أمراض الشكل وَهُوَ أَن يتَغَيَّر الشكل عَن مجْرَاه الطبيعي فَيحدث تغيره اَفة فِي الْفِعْل كاعوجاج الْمُسْتَقيم واستقامة المعوج وتربع المستدير واستدارة المربّع وَمن هَذَا الْبَاب سفيط الرَّأْس إِذا عرض مِنْهُ ضَرَر وَشدَّة استدارة الْمعدة وَعدم القرحة فِي الحدقة.,"(i) Errors of Development. Errors in form. Deviation from a natural Head broad and round, with ossified sutures to an extent hindering mental power. Here the form is changed from its natural grace, to an straightness. extent which impairs Straightness of a naturally Curved shinbones; its utility. curved line should be squareness. Squareness where there should be roundness. Rotundity where there genu valgum; clubfoot. Pupils congenitally elongate or slit-like or small. Great rotundity of abdomen." وَالثَّانِي أمراض المجاري وَهِي ثَلَاثَة أَصْنَاف لِأَنَّهَا إِمَّا أَن تتسع كانتشار الْعين وكالسبل وكالدوالي أَو تضيق كضيق ثقب الْعين ومنافذ النَّفس والمريء أَو تنسدّ كانسداد الثقبة العنبية وعروق الكبد وَغَيرهَا.,"Errors in passages. Too wide. Wide pupils; varices; aneurysms; the dilated blood-vessels in pannuS. Too narrow. Small pupils; narrowed eyes; stricture of trachea or bronchi; stricture of oesophagus. Occlusion. Of venous orifices, e.g., in liver. Atresia (Tr.)." وَالثَّالِث أمراض الأوعية والتجاويف وَهِي على أَصْنَاف أَرْبَعَة: فَإِنَّهَا إمّا أَن تكبر وتتسع كاتساع كيس الْأُنْثَيَيْنِ أَو تصغر وتضيق كضيق الْمعدة وضيق بطُون الدِّمَاغ عِنْد الصرع,Errors in cavities Too large (distended). Scrotum. or sacs. Too small (contracted). Contracted stomach; contracted cerebral ventricles in epilepsy. أَو تنسدُ وتمتلئ كانسداد بطُون الدِّمَاغ عِنْد السكتة أَو تستفرغ وتخلو كخلو تجاويف الْقلب عَن الدَّم عِنْد شدَّة الْفَرح الْمهْلكَة وشدّة اللَّذَّة الْمهْلكَة.,Obstructed and overfull. Emptied. Obstruction in cerebral ventricles in apoplexy. Cardiac cavities emptied of blood by reason of excessive joy or extreme pain. وَالرَّابِع أمراض صَفَائِح الْأَعْضَاء إِمَّا بِأَن يتملس مَا يجب أَن يخشن كالمعدة والمعي إِذا تملست أَو يخشن مَا يجب أَن يتلمس كقصبة الرئة إِذا خشنت.,Errors of surfaces. The normal roughness re-placed by smoothness. At the orifice of the stomach; also in lienteric diarrhoea. The normal smoothness becomes rough. Trachea; fauces (hoarseness) . هَذَا وَأما أمراض الْمِقْدَار: فَهِيَ صنفان: فَإِنَّهَا إِمَّا أَن تكون من جنس الزِّيَادَة كداء القيل وتعظم الْقَضِيب وَهِي عِلّة تسمى فريسميوس وكما عرض لرجل يُسمى نيقوماخس أَن عظمت أعضاؤه كلهَا حَتَّى عجز عَن الْحَرَكَة. وَإِمَّا أَن تكون من جنس النُّقْصَان كضمور اللِّسَان والحدقة وكالذبول.,"(ii) Errors in bulk. (a) Increase as in elephantiasis, unduly large penis (priapism); macroglossia. The disease which befel Nicomachus, whose body became so huge that he could not be moved, (b) Decrease: shortness of tongue so that it cannot reach the other parts of the mouth (tongue-tie). Atrophied and wasted members; general “decline.”" وَأما أمراض الْعدَد: فإمَّا أَن تكون من جنس الزِّيَادَة وَتلك إِمَّا طبيعية كالسن الشاغبة والإصبع الزَّائِدَة أَو غير طبيعية كالسلعة والحصاة وَإِمَّا من جنس النُّقْصَان سَوَاء كَانَ نُقْصَانا فِي الطَّبْع كمن لم يخلق لَهُ إِصْبَع أَو نُقْصَانا لَا فِي الطَّبْع كمن قطعت أُصْبُعه.,"(iii) Errors in number. (a) Increase: (a) in normal organs additional teeth; supernumerary fingers; (b) entirely abnormal warts, calculus, enlarged glands. (b) Decrease: (a) in normal organs congenital absence of a finger; (b) accidental loss of a finger through amputation (accidental or surgical)." فأمراض الْوَضع أَرْبَعَة: انخلاع الْعُضْو عَن مفصله أَو زَوَاله عَن وَضعه من غير انخلاع كَمَا فِي الفتق الْمَنْسُوب إِلَى الأمعاء أَو حركته فِيهِ لَا على المجرى الطبيعي أَو الإرادي كالرعشة,"(iv) Displacements, (a) Displacement from the proper anatomical position. (a) Replaceable: e.g., hernia of the intestine; tremor (which occurs through a quite unnatural to and fro involuntary movement)." أَو لُزُومه مَوْضِعه فَلَا يَتَحَرَّك عَنهُ كَمَا يعرض عِنْد تحجر المفاصل فِي مرض النقرس. وأمراض الْمُشَاركَة وَهِي تشْتَمل على كل حَالَة تكون للعضو بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى عُضْو يجاوره من مقاربته أَو مباعدته لَا على المجرى الطبيعي وَهُوَ صفنان:,"(b) Not replaceable: e.g., fixation of a joint in a new position, as in gout where joints are hardened (ankylosed). (b) Displacement from the normal position in regard to neighbouring anatomical structures. This results in their being too near together or too far from one another." أَحدهمَا أَن يعرض لَهُ امْتنَاع حركته إِلَيْهِ أَو تعسرها بعد أَن كَانَ ذَلِك مُمكنا لَهُ مثل الإصبع إِذا إمتنع تحركها إِلَى ملاصقة جارتها أَو يعرض لَهَا امْتنَاع تحركها عَنْهَا ومفارقتها إِيَّاهَا بعد أَن كَانَ ذَلِك مُمكنا أَو تعسر تباعدها وَذَلِكَ مثل استرخاء الجفن,"In such a case one part cannot move towards another as it should; for instance, adjoining fingers cannot touch one another. Or, one part cannot be moved away from another, either at all, or only with very great difficulty. For instance, in the case of joints flabby because of paralysis, or in the case of the eyelids. There may be a difficulty in opening the hands or in opening or raising the eyelids." الْفَصْل الرَّابِع أمراض تفرق الإتصال وَأما أمراض تفرق الإتصال فقد تقع فِي الْجلد وَتسَمى خدشاً وسحجاً وَقد تقع فِي اللَّحْم والقريب مِنْهُ الَّذِي لم يقيح وتسمّى جِرَاحَة.,"SOLUTION OF CONTINUITY. The following members may undergo solution of continuity. The skin (and the flesh beneath it): as excoriation, scarification, wounds. If pus is not formed or discharged, it is called a wound;" وَالَّذِي قيح تسمى قرحَة وَيحدث فِيهِ الْقَيْح لاندفاع الفضول إِلَيْهِ لضَعْفه وعجزه عَن اسْتِعْمَال غذائه وهضمه فيستحيل أَيْضا فضل فِيهِ وَرُبمَا قبلت الْجراحَة والقرحة لتفرق اتِّصَال يعرض فِي غير اللَّحْم,"if a discharge of pus is present, it is called an “ulcer.” The presence of pus is due (a) to effete matters (“superfluities”) being discharged at that spot; for the reason that it is weak, (b) The tissue is not able to digest all the nutriment which is brought to it, the excess being changed into pus. The terms “wound,” “ulcer” may also be applied to solution of continuity in places other than skin and flesh." وَقد يَقع فِي الْعظم إِمَّا مكسر إِلَى جزأين أَو أَجزَاء كبار هاما مفتتاً أَو وَاقعا فِي طوله صادعاً وَإِمَّا أَن يَقع فِي الغضاريف على الْأَقْسَام الثَّلَاثَة أَو يَقع فِي العصب. فَإِن وَقع عرضا سمي بتراً وَإِن وَقع طولا وَلم يكن غوراً كَبِيرا سمي شقًا وَإِن كَانَ غوراً كَبِيرا سمي شدخاً.,"Bone. A fracture into two parts, large or small; or longitudinally in the form of a fissure. Cartilage. The fracture may be in any of these three ways. Nerve. Transverse section from incised wounds; longitudinal, and over a short distance, as “scission.” Longitudinal and also extensive in a contusion." وَقد يَقع فِي أَجزَاء العضلة فَإِن وَقع على طرف العضلة سمي هتكاً سَوَاء كَانَ فِي عصبَة أَو وتر وَإِن وَقع فِي عرض العضلة سمي جزاً,"Muscle. If near the ends, or in the tendon: attrition. If transverse: severance, or incision. If longitudinal, but small in extent, with the formation of a deep hollow, it is called cavitation." وَإِن وَقع فِي الطول وَقل عدده وَكبر غوره سمي فدغاً وَإِن كثر أجزاؤه وَفَشَا وغار سمي رضَا وفسخاً وربّما قيل الْفَسْخ والرضض والفدغ لكل مَا يتَّفق فِي وسط العضلة كَيفَ كَانَ.,"If multiple, with the appearance of several swellings and hollowings, it is attrition with contusion. If the solution of continuity is in the belly of the muscles, it is called attrition or incision, or contusion, whatever be the direction of the injury." فَإِن وَقع فِي الشرايين أَو الأوردة سمي انفجاراً ثمَّ إِمَّا أَن يعترضها فيسمى قطعا أَو فصلا أَو ينفذ فِي طولهَا فيسمى صدعاً أَو يكون ذَلِك على سَبِيل تفتح فوهاتها فيسمى بثقاً.,"Arteries and Veins. When these undergo solution ot continuity, they are “opened.” If the injury is transverse, it is an incision; if longitudinal, it is called fission. They may be punctured (perforation)." وَإِن كَانَ فِي الشريان فَلم يلتحم وَكَانَ الدَّم يسيل مِنْهُ إِلَى الفضاء الَّذِي يحويه حَتَّى يمتلئ ذَلِك الفضاء. وَإِذا عصرت عَاد إِلَى الْعرق سمّي أم الدَّم وَقوم يَقُولُونَ أم الدَّم لكل انفجار شرياني. وَاعْلَم أَنه لَيْسَ كل عُضْو يحْتَمل انحلال الْفَرد فَإِن الْقلب لَا يحْتَملهُ وَيكون مَعَه الْمَوْت,"There may be a partial solution of continuity, whereby the blood escapes into the surrounding tissue-spaces, until their pressure arrests its further progress; this is called an aneurism. Note that not every member can undergo solution of continuity with impunity. For instance, in the case of the heart, death ensues." وَإِمَّا أَن يَقع فِي الأغشية والحجب فيسقى فتقاً وَإِمَّا أَن يَقع بَين جزأين من عُضْو مركّب فيفصل أَحدهمَا من الآخر من غير أَن ينَال الْعُضْو الْمُتَشَابه الْأَجْزَاء تفرق اتِّصَال فيسمى انفصالاً وخلعاً. وَإِذا كَانَ ذَلِك فِي عصب زَالَ عَن مَوْضِعه سمي فكاً.,"Membranes (including the diaphragm): disruption. If one of two parts of a composite member be separated from the other, such that there is no actual injury to either, it is called a dislocation. A nerve may be twisted out of place, and this is also called a dislocation. It is also called a contorsion." وَقد يكون تفرّق الِاتِّصَال فِي المجاري فيوسع وَقد يكون فِي غير المجاري فَيحدث مجاري لم تكن وَزَوَال الإتصال والتقرح وَنَحْوه إِذا وَقع فِي عُضْو جيد المزاج صلح بِسُرْعَة,"When a solution of continuity occurs where there are foramina, it may widen them. When it occurs in a place where there are no foramina, such may come into existence. Any solution of continuity, whether it be in the form of an ulcer or the like, will heal quickly if the temperament of the member be good." وَإِن وَقع فِي عُضْو رَدِيء المزاج استعصى حينا وَلَا سِيمَا فِي أبدان مثل أبدان الَّذين بهم الاسْتِسْقَاء أَو سوء الْقنية أَو الجذام. وَاعْلَم أَن القروح الصيفية إِذا تطاولت وَقعت الآكلة وَأَنت ستجد فِي كتب التَّفْصِيل استقصاء لأمر تفرق الإتصال مُؤَخرا إِلَيْهِ فَاعْلَم ذَلِك.,"But if the temperament be not good, healing may be delayed for a long time. Healing is specially delayed in persons with dropsy, or cachexia, or suffering from lepra. If wounds are tightly bandaged, they may end in a very deep ulcer. Ulcers appearing in summer may last on into winter, and exhaust the strength. Resolution of continuity is referred to in detail later." الْفَصْل الْخَامِس الْأَمْرَاض المركبة,COMPOSITE DISEASES. وَأما الْأَمْرَاض المركبة فلنقل فِيهَا أَيْضا قولا كلياً فَنَقُول: إِنَّا لسنا نعني بالأمراض المركبة أَي أمراض اتّفقت متجمعة بل الْأَمْرَاض الَّتِي إِذا اجْتمعت حدث من جُمْلَتهَا شَيْء هُوَ مرض وَاحِد وَهَذَا مثل الورم والبثور من جنس الورم فَإِن البثور أورام صغَار كَمَا أَن الأورام بثور كبار.,"Definition. By the term “composite diseases” we mean not that several diseases are conjoined but that a number of morbid states concur, and out of them there emerges one single disease. This is exemplified by cutaneous swellings of inflammatory nature (including boils, pustules). Boils are small inflammatory masses, and ordinary inflammatory masses are large boils." والورم يُوجد فِيهِ أَجنَاس الْأَمْرَاض كلهَا فيوجد فِيهِ مرض مزاج لآفة لِأَنَّهُ لَا ورم إِلَّا وَيحدث من سوء مزاج مَعَ مَادَّة وَيُوجد فِيهِ مرض الْهَيْئَة والتركيب فَإِنَّهُ لَا ورم إِلَّا وَهُنَاكَ آفَة فِي الشكل والمقدار,"The following kinds of morbid state go together to make up an inflammatory mass: a disorder of temperament, this being associated with matter; a perversion of form; unhealthy configuration one never meets with an inflammatory deposit without there being disfigurement, change of size." وَرُبمَا كَانَ مَعَه أمراض الْوَضع وَيُوجد فِيهِ الْمَرَض الْمُشْتَرك وَهُوَ تفرق الإتصال فَإِنَّهُ لَا ورم إِلَّا وَهنا تفرق اتِّصَال فَإِنَّهُ لَا شكّ أَن تفرق الِاتِّصَال لما انصبت الْموَاد الفضلية إِلَى الْعُضْو الوَرِمِ وسكنت بَين أَجْزَائِهِ مفرقة بَعْضهَا عَن بعض حَتَّى تَأْخُذ لأنفسها أمكنة.,"and there is often displacement as well; loss of continuity. This is the necessary accompaniment of the discharge of superfluities into the tissue-spaces, penetrating as they, do into them all, and separating one from the other in order to make space for themselves." والورم يعرض للأعضاء اللينة وَقد يعرض شَيْء شَبيه بالورم فِي الْعِظَام يغلظ لَهُ حجمها وتزداد رطوبتها وَلَا يغرب أَن يكون الْقَابِل للزِّيَادَة بالغذاء يقبلهَا بِالْفِعْلِ إِذا أنفذ فِيهِ أَو حدث فِيهِ وكل ورم لَيْسَ لَهُ سَبَب بادٍ وَسَببه البدني يتضمّن انْتِقَال مَادَّة من عُضْو إِلَى مَا تَحْتَهُ فيسمى نزلة.,"Site. Swellings occur in soft members, and sometimes also in bone, in which case the cavities in the bone widen and the exudate accumulates in them. It is not surprising that a tissue which can accommodate nutrients should also accommodate waste materials if these should by chance penetrate into it, or should form in it. Causation. {a) The primary cause may not be evident, the corporeal change showing that material has been removed from one tissue to another (at a lower level). This is called a “catarrh.”" وَرُبمَا كَانَ السَّبَب المادي الَّذِي تتولد مِنْهُ الأورام والبثور مغموراً فِي أخلاط أُخْرَى غير مؤذية فِي كيفيتها فَإِذا استفرغت الأخلاط الجيدة فِي وُجُوه من الاستفراغ: إِمَّا الطبيعي كَمَا يعرض للنفساء فِي الْإِرْضَاع,"(b) The material cause from which boils and other inflammatory swellings arise may be immersed within other humours, without being deprived of its own harm-ful qualities. Good humours may be discharged either by natural processes (as, for instance, in the case of women at the times of parturition and lactation)," وَإِمَّا غير الطبيعي كَمَا يعرض لجراحة تسيل دَمًا مَحْمُودًا بقيت تِلْكَ الأخلاط الرَّديئَة خَالِصَة مُفْردَة فتأذّى بهَا الطَّبْع فَدَفعهَا. وَرُبمَا كَانَ وَجه دَفعهَا إِلَى الْجلد فَحدثت أورام وبثور.,"or by unnatural processes (as when good blood is lost through a wound). The bad humours, however, remain and continue to be harmful; Nature then expels them. If the discharge is by the skin, pustules form." فالأورام قد تنفصل بفصول مُخْتَلفَة إِلَّا أَن فصولها بِالِاعْتِبَارِ هِيَ الْفُصُول الكائنة عَن أَسبَابهَا وَهِي الْموَاد الَّتِي تكون عَنْهَا الأورام وَالْمرَاد الَّتِي تكون عَنْهَا الأورام سِتَّة: الأخلاط الْأَرْبَعَة والمائية وَالرِّيح.,"Classification of Swellings. Swellings may be classified according to the different kinds of matter of which they are made up; namely according to the six kinds of material cause the four humours, wateriness, gas." فالورم إِمَّا أَن يكون حاراَ وَإِمَّا أَن لَا يكون وَلَا يَنْبَغِي أَن يظنّ أَن الورم الْحَار هُوَ الْكَائِن عَن دم أَو مرّة فَقَط بل عَن كل مَادَّة كَانَت حارة بجوهرها أَو عرضت لَهَا الْحَرَارَة بالعفونة,"There are both hot and cold inflammatory swellings. But the fact of their being hot does not say they are derived from bilious humour or blood. Any material intrinsically of hot nature, or any material which has become hot because of putrefaction, can give rise to a hot inflammatory mass." وَإِن كَانَت هَذِه الْأَجْنَاس أَيْضا قد تَنْقَسِم بِحَسب انقسام أَنْوَاع كل مَادَّة وَذَلِكَ بالْقَوْل النوعي فِي الأورام أولى. وعادتهم أَن يسموا الدموي الْمَحْض فلغمونيا والصفراوي الْمَحْض جَمْرَة,"While it is possible to subdivide these swellings according to the humours concerned, it is better to use special names in special cases. Thus, a mass derived purely from the blood is called “phlegmon”; one derived solely from bilious humour is called “erysipelas.”" والمركب مِنْهَا باسم مركّب مِنْهُمَا ويقدّمون الْأَغْلَب فَيَقُولُونَ مَرَة فلغموني جَمْرَة وَمرَة جَمْرَة فلغمونية وَإِذا جمع سمي خراجاً وَإِذا وَقع الْخراج فِي اللحوم الرخوة والمغابن وَخلف الْأُذُنَيْنِ والأرنبة وَكَانَ من جنس فَاسد – وسنذكره فِي مَوْضِعه الجزئي – سمي طاعوناً.,"When the origin is compound, or dual, a double name is allotted. Thus, phlegmon erysipelas todes, if phlegmon is the chief feature; erysipelas phlegmonodes, if the erysipelas is the chief feature. When a collection of actual fluid has gathered, it is named an “abscess.” This may occur in lymph-nodes (axilla; behind the ears; in the groins) which are then nothing but “ corrupt ” matter; and this is called a “bubo.”" وللأورام الحارة ابْتِدَاء فِيهِ ينْدَفع الْخَلْط وَيظْهر الحجم ثمَّ يزِيد وَيزِيد مَعَه الحجم ويتمدد ثمَّ يقف عِنْد غَايَة الحجم ثمَّ يَأْخُذ فِي الانحطاط فينضج بتحلّل أَو قيح وماَل أمره إِمَّا تحلّل وَإِمَّا جمع مُدَّة وَإِمَّا اسْتِحَالَة إِلَى الصلابة.,"HOT SWELLINGS. The following are the phases of the hot swellings: i. The onset. The humour makes its way to the surface, and increases in size, until the cavity is so distended as to be evident, ii. The rise: the size and tension increase, iii. The acme: the height of the malady, and stationary period, iv. The decline: {a) stage of softening from digestion of the contents and resolution or (‘b) maturation into pus; or (c) a conversion into a hard or indurated mass." وَأما الأورام الْغَيْر الحارة فإمَّا أَن تكون من مَادَّة سوداوية أَو بلغمية أَو مائية أَو ريحية. والكائنة عَن مَادَّة سوداوية ثَلَاثَة أَجنَاس: الصلابة والسرطان وأكثرهما حريفية. وأجناس الغدد الَّتِي مِنْهَا الْخَنَازِير والسلع.,"COLD SWELLINGS (lit. “swellings which are not hot ”): Composed of atrabilious humour: i. induration (generally autumnal). ii. cancerf (generally autumnal). iii. glandular: scrofulous, other nodules and nodosities. Composed of serous humour: i. lax. ii. soft glands; and winter swellings. Composed of watery fluid: e.g., dropsy, hydrocephalus; hydrocele, and the like. Composed of gases: tumefaction; puffiness; distension." وَالْفرق بَين أَجنَاس الغدد وَبَين الجنسين الآخرين أَن أَجنَاس الغدد تكون مبتدئة عَمَّا يحويها مثل الغدد الْمَحْضَة أَو متشبثة بظاهرها فَقَط مثل الْخَنَازِير. وَأما تِلْكَ الْأُخَر فَتكون مُخَالطَة مداخلة لجوهر الْعُضْو الَّتِي هِيَ فِيهِ.,"The difference between the glandular form and the other two kinds of atrabilious swellings. The former is either quite loose within the tissues among which it lies, and is therefore easily moved to and fro by the finger; or there is adhesion, simply to the skin (as in strumous swellings). The other two kinds of swelling are intermingled with, and interfused with, the substance of the tissues among which they lie." وَالْفرق بَين السرطان والصلابة أَن الصلابة ورم سَاكن هاد مُبْطل للحس أَو آيف فِيهِ لَا وجع مَعَه. والسرطان متحرك متزيّد مؤذٍ لَهُ أصُول ناشئة فِي الْأَعْضَاء لَيْسَ يجب أَن يبطل مَعَه الْحس إِلَّا أَن تطول مدَّته فيميت الْعُضْو وَيبْطل حسّه,"The difference between cancerous swelling and induration. The latter is a slumbering silent mass which destroys the sensation (so that the part is numb), and is painless, and stationary. It may produce weakness of the part. A cancerous swelling progressively increases in size, is destructive, and spreads roots which insinuate themselves amongst the tissue- elements. It does not necessarily destroy sensation unless it has existed for a long time, and then it kills the tissues and destroys the sensation in the part." وَلَيْسَ يبعد أَن يكون الْفَصْل بَين الصلابة والسرطان بعوارض لَازِمَة لَا بفصول جوهرية. والأورام الصلبة السوداوية تبتدىء فِي أول كَونهَا صلبة وَقد تنْتَقل إِلَى الصلابة وخصوصاً الدموية وَقد يعرض ذَلِك أَيْضا فِي البلغمية أَحْيَانًا,"It would seem that indurations and cancerous swellings differ less as to substance than in the inseparable accidental qualities. The hard swellings arising from atrabilious humours are usually hard from the outset. They are often autumnal. They often become “indurations,” especially if there be sanguineous humour present. The same sort of change may take place in the swellings arising out of serous humour." وتفارق الغدد والسلع وَمَا أشبههما من تعقد العصب بِأَن التعقد ألزم لموضعه وملمسه عصبي وَإِذا مدد بالغمز عَاد وَإِذا تبدَد بدواء قوي غير الغمز لم يعد. وأكثرها تحدث عَن التَّعَب وَتبطل بالمثقلات من الأسرب وَنَحْوه,"The difference between soft glands and “ganglia” The latter are more adherent to the surrounding tissues; they feel nodular to the touch; they always slip back to the original position after manipulation; but they may be dispersed by certain strong medicaments, without compression, and then disappear permanently. They are often produced by toil. The application of a very heavy weight such as lead may disperse them." وَأما جنس الأورام البلغمية فينقسم إِلَى نَوْعَيْنِ: الورم الرخو والسلع اللينة ويتفاصلان بِأَن السّلع متميزة فِي غلف والورم الرخو مخالط غير متميّز وَأكْثر أورام الشتَاء بلغمية حَتَّى الحارة مِنْهَا تكون بيض الألوان.,"Swellings arising out of serous humour. These are of two varieties. They are either diffuse or circumscribed (nodular). The difference lies in the fact that the latter form is discrete among the surrounding tissues, whereas the other form is intermingled with them, and is therefore not discrete, but diffuse. Swellings formed of serous humour often arise in winter (the rainy season, or time of stormy weather). (Even) if they are “hot,” they are white in colour." وَاعْلَم أَن الأورام البلغمية تخْتَلف بِحَسب غلظ البلغم ورخاوته ورقته حَتَّى تشبه تَارَة السوداوية وَتارَة الريحية وَكَثِيرًا مَا ينزل البلغم الرَّقِيق فِي النَّوَازِل فِي خلل لِيف الأعصاب حَتَّى يبلغ إِلَى مثل عضلات الحنجرة السُّفْلى مِنْهَا فَمَا دونهَا.,"Swellings arising out of serous humour vary in consistence according to the density of the contained fluid. They may be soft, thin, lax, or hard, or resemble the atrabilious type of swelling, or resemble the gaseous form. Tenuous serous humour flows down along the course of the nerve-fibres, and so reaches the muscles beneath the epiglottis and larynx." وَأما الأورام المائية فَهِيَ كالاستسقاء والقيلة المائية والورم الَّذِي يعرض فِي القحف من المائية وَمَا يشبه ذَلِك وَأما الأورام الريحية فَهِيَ أَيْضا تتنوع إِلَى نَوْعَيْنِ: أَحدهمَا التهيج وَالْآخر النفخة,"Watery swellings. Examples: dropsy, hydrocele, hydrocephalus, and such-like. [Cysts.] Gaseous swellings. These are of two different kinds: tumefaction; inflation." وَالْفرق بَين التهيج والنفخة من وَجْهَيْن: أَحدهمَا القوام وَالثَّانِي المخالطة. وَبَيَان هَذَا أَن الرّيح فِي التهيج مُخَالطَة لجوهر الْعُضْو وَفِي النفخة مجتمعة متمددة غير مُخَالطَة للعضو وَأَن التهيج يستلينه الْحس والنفخة تقاوم المدافع مقاومة كَثِيرَة أَو قَليلَة,"These differ both in essence and in mode of commixture. In tumefaction, the gas is intimately mixed with the substance of the tissue. In inflation it is aggregated, tense, tumescent, and discrete from the substance of the tissue. The former feels soft; the latter feels more or less resistant." والبثور أَيْضا على عدد الأورام فَمِنْهَا دموية كالجدري وصفراوية مَحْضَة كالشري الصفراوي والجاورسية ومختلطة كالحصبة والنملة والمسامير والجرب والثآليل وَغير ذَلِك وَقد تكون مائية كالنفاطات وريحية كالنفّاخات,"Papular swellings. These show the same subdivisions as inflammatory swellings in general. They are formed of (i) blood or sanguineous humour (true pustules); purely of bilious humour: miliaria, sudamina, certain forms of eczema; both serous and atrabilious humour (morbilli, myrmecia, clavus, scabies, warts, and the like); watery fluid (bullae, vesicles); gaseous material (emphysema)." وَأَنت تَجِد ذَلِك فِي الْكتاب الرَّابِع تَفْصِيلًا لأحوال الأورام والبثور ويليق بذلك الْموضع.,"The points of distinction which apply in regard to the kinds of pustules will be adequately dealt with in the fourth Book, should Allah be willing for its accomplishment." الْفَصْل السَّادِس أُمُور تُعد مَعَ الْأَمْرَاض,DISFIGUREMENTS وَهَهُنَا أُمُور خَارِجَة عَن الْأَمْرَاض وتعد فِيهَا وَهِي الْأُمُور الدَّاخِلَة فِي الزِّينَة أَحدهَا فِي الشّعْر وَالثَّانِي فِي اللَّوْن وَالثَّالِث فِي الرَّائِحَة وَالرَّابِع فِي السحنة بعد اللَّوْن.,"There are some states which are not “disease,” but are classed as such. These are conditions in which the beauty of the form of the body is impaired, either in respect of hairiness, colour, odour, or form." وأجناس أمراض الشّعْر التناثر والتمرط وَالْقصر والفلة والشقاق والدقة والغلظ وإفراط الجعودة وإفراط السبوطة والشيب واستحالة اللَّوْن كَيفَ كَانَ.,"Affections of the hair. Alopecia; stumpiness; scantiness; shortness; scission; fineness; coarseness; curliness; lightness; colour-changes, such as grey ness." وآفات اللَّوْن تدخل فِي أَربع أَجنَاس: جنس استحالته عَن سوء مزاج بمادة كاليرقان أَو بِغَيْر مَادَّة كالحصبة الْعَارِضَة للون عَن مزاج بَارِد مُفْرد والصفرة الَّتِي رُبمَا كَانَت عَن مزاج حَار مُفْرد,Affections in which there is an abnormal colour of the body. i. Due to an intemperament: a) material: jaundice. b) non-material: very cold in temperament: chalkiness; very hot intemperament: citron-yellowness. وجنس إستحالته عَن أَسبَاب بادية كَمَا تسفع الشَّمْس وَالْبرد وَالرِّيح اللَّوْن وجنس إنبساط أجسام غَرِيبَة اللَّوْن على الْجلد الْحَامِل اللَّوْن كالبهق الْأسود والتقاطها فِيهِ كالخيلان والنمش.,"ii. Due to extraneous agents: scorching sun, extreme cold; much exposure to wind; iii. The presence of unnatural colours in the skin: (a) brought into the skin (vitiligo nigra), (“b) arising in it (freckles, maculae)." وجنس الْآثَار الْعَارِضَة من التئام تفرق إتصال عرض كآثار الجدري وأنداب القروح وآفات الرَّائِحَة كالضأن وَغَيره من الروائح الكريهة الَّتِي تفوح من الْأَبدَان وآفات السحنة بعد اللَّوْن إِمَّا الهزال المفرط وَإِمَّا السّمن المفرط.,"iv. Relics after the healing of scars: pock-marks; old ulcers. Affections associated with bad odours; Ex.: foetor of the mouth, or objectionable odour of the whole or of portions of the body. Disfigurements. Ex.: Great emaciation; excessive bulk; undue thinness and fatness. (Malformations.)" الْفَصْل السَّابِع أَوْقَات الْأَمْرَاض,THE STAGES OF DISEASE وَاعْلَم أَن لأكْثر الْأَمْرَاض أَرْبَعَة أَوْقَات: وَقت الِابْتِدَاء وَوقت التزايد وَوقت مُنْتَهى وَوقت الإنحطاط. وَمَا خرج من هَذِه فَهِيَ من أَوْقَات الصِّحَّة.,"Many diseases show four stages onset, increment, acme, and decline. These are distinct from the phases of health." وَلَيْسَ نعني بِوَقْت الإبتداء والإنتهاء طرفان لَا يستبان فيهمَا حَال الْمَرَض بل لكل وَاحِد مِنْهُمَا زمَان محسوس يكون لَهُ حكم مَخْصُوص. وَوقت الإبتداء هُوَ الزَّمَان الَّذِي يظْهر فِيهِ الْمَرَض وَيكون كالمتشابه فِي أَحْوَاله لَا يستبان فِيهِ تزايده.,"In speaking of “time of onset,” and “increment,” we do not wish to convey the idea that there are two extremes during which a state of disease is indiscernible. Each stage can be detected by the senses, and each has its own characteristic signs. The “onset” is that period of time during which the disease is becoming manifested, and its characters are commencing to develop. There is no evident change in degree." والتزايد هُوَ الْوَقْت الني يستبان فِيهِ اشتداده كل وَقت بعد وَقت. وَوقت الِانْتِهَاء هُوَ الْوَقْت الَّذِي يقف فِيهِ الْمَرَض فِي جَمِيع أَجْزَائِهِ على حَالَة وَاحِدَة.,"The “increment” is the period during which the degree of illness is hourly becoming more and more decided. The “ acme” is that period during which all the characters of the illness have become manifest, and remain so." والانحطاط هُوَ الزَّمَان الَّذِي يظْهر فِيهِ انتقاصه. وكل مَا أمعن كَانَ الانتقاص أظهر. وَهَذِه الْأَوْقَات قد تكون بِحَسب الْمَرَض من أَوله إِلَى آخِره فِي نوائبه وَتسَمى أوقاتاً كُلية وَقد تكون بِحَسب نوبَة نوبَة وَتسَمى أوقاتاَ جزئية.,"The “decline” (defervescence; terminal stage) shows abating of the signs of illness; and the further this period advances, the more nearly is there freedom from the symptoms of the diseases. These stages may be applied both to the illness as a whole, and in regard to each of its component attacks or paroxysms. In regard to the whole course of the disease, they are called “general”; in regard to each of the attacks which occur in its course, they will be called “ special ” or “ particular ” or “ individual ” phases." الْفَصْل الثَّامِن تَمام القَوْل فِي الْأَمْرَاض,CONCLUDING REMARKS ON MORBID STATES إِن الْأَمْرَاض قد تلحقها التَّسْمِيَة من وُجُوه. إمّا من الْأَعْضَاء الحاملة لَهَا كذات الْجنب وَذَات الرئة وَإِمَّا من أعراضها كالصرع وَإِمَّا من أَسبَابهَا كَقَوْلِنَا مرض سوداوي وَإِمَّا من التَّشْبِيه كَقَوْلِنَا دَاء الْأسد وداء الْفِيل,"Diseases are named: according to the member affected (e.g. pleurisy, pneumonia, sciatica, podagra, nephritis, arthritis, ophthalmia, etc.); according to the chief symptom (epilepsy, spasm, tremor, paralysis, palpitation, cephalalgia, otalgia, cardialgia, odontalgia, neuralgia) etc. From the originating humour (e.g. atrabilious disorder)." وَإِمَّا مَنْسُوبا إِلَى أول من يذكر أَنه عرض لَهُ ذَلِك كَقَوْلِهِم قرحَة طيلانية منسوبة إِلَى رجل يُسمى طيلانس وَإِمَّا مَنْسُوبا إِلَى بَلْدَة يكثر حدوثها فِيهِ كَقَوْلِهِم القروح البلخية وَإِمَّا مَنْسُوبا إِلَى من كَانَ مَشْهُورا بالإنجاح فِي معالجاتها كالقرحة السيروتية,"from resemblances to animals which the disease produces (e.g. leontiasis, elephantiasis, satyrism); from the first historical example of the disease; Telephic ulcer Telephus, son of Hercules wounded by Achilles’ spear, but healed by its rust; Chironia ulcer Chiron, the first who successfully treated ulcers medically; according to the substance and essential nature of the disease fever, inflammatory swelling." وَإِمَّا قَالَ جالينوس: إِن الْأَمْرَاض إمّا ظَاهِرَة فتعرف حسا وَإِمَّا باطنة سهلة الْوُقُوف عَلَيْهَا كأوجاع الْمعدة والرئة أَو عسرة الْوُقُوف عَلَيْهَا كآفات الكبد ومجاري الرئة وَإِمَّا غير مدركة إِلَّا بالتخمين كالآفات الْعَارِضَة لمجاري الْبَوْل.,"Galen classified diseases into: (a) manifest, or evident to the senses; (b) hidden, or internal: (i) easy to recognize (e.g. gastric pains, lung pains); (ii) difficult to recognize because not evident to any of the senses (e.g. diseases of the liver or of the air passages within the lung); (iii) only discernible by careful judgment (disorders of the urinary passages)." والأمراض قد تكون خَاصَّة وَقد تكون بِالشّركَةِ والعضو يُشَارك عضوا فِي مَرضه إِمَّا لِأَنَّهُمَا متواصلان بالطبع يتّصل بَينهمَا اَلات كالدماغ والمعدة يُوصل بَينهمَا العصب وَالرحم والثدي يُوصل الأوردة بَينهمَا,"Diseases may occur in single members or in more. than one. In the latter case there are the following possible relations: (i) association by natural connections; ex,: stomach and brain, which are associated through nerves; the uterus and breast which are connected by the veins." وَإِمَّا لِأَن أَحدهمَا طَرِيق إِلَى الثَّانِي كالأربيتين لورم السَّاق وَإِمَّا لِأَنَّهُمَا متجاوران كالرئة والدماغ فَكل يُشْرك الآخر وخصوصاً إِذا كَانَ أَحدهمَا حاراً ضَعِيفا فَيقبل الْفضل من صَاحبه كالإبط للقلب,"(ii) One member is the channel for the other. Thus, the groin is the natural channel for inflammation to travel into the leg. The weaker of two of so related members will take up; the excrementitious matters from the stronger; for instance, the axillary region from the heart." وَإِمَّا لِأَن أَحدهمَا مبدأ فَاضل لفعل الثَّانِي كالحجاب للرئة فِي التنفس وَإِمَّا لِأَن أَحدهمَا يخْدم الثَّانِي كالعصب للدماغ وَإِمَّا لِأَنَّهُمَا يشاركان عضوا ثَالِثا مثل الدِّمَاغ تشارك الْكُلية بِسَبَب أَن كل وَاحِد مِنْهُمَا يُشَارك الكبد. وَرُبمَا عَادَتْ الشّركَة.,"(iii) Simple contiguity; e.g. the neck and the brain. (iv) One member initiates the function of another. For instance, the diaphragm is concerned in the drawing of air into the lungs, (v) One member is the servant of another; thus, the nerves serve the brain, (vi) Some third member is associated with two related.organs. Thus, the brain is related to the kidney, and both these organs are related to the liver. (Disease in one’ is likely to have deleterious effects on the others.)" وبالأمثل أَن الدِّمَاغ إِذا لم تشاركه الْمعدة فضعف هضمها فأوصلت إِلَيْهِ أبخرة رَدِيئَة وغذاء غير منهضم فزادت فِي ألم الدِّمَاغ نَفسه. والمشاركة تجْرِي على أَحْكَام الأَصْل فِي الدَّوَام وَفِي الدّور.,"(vii) Vicious circles. Disorder of the brain affects the activity of the stomach and impairs the digestion; consequently the stomach supplies morbid vapours and imperfectly digested aliment to the brain, so increasing the disorder of the brain. Hence from the original illness, the malady spreads and continues, and runs in a circuit." ومراتب الْأَبدَان من الصِّحَّة وَالْمَرَض سِتَّة على مَا نَحن نصفه: بدن فِي غَايَة الصِّحَّة وبدن فِي الصِّحَّة دون الْغَايَة وبدن لَا صحي وَلَا مرضيّ كَمَا قيل ثمَّ الْبدن المستقام الْقَابِل للصِّحَّة سَرِيعا ثمَّ الْبدن الْمَرِيض مَرضا يَسِيرا ثمَّ الْبدن الْمَرِيض فِي الْغَايَة,"There are the following six degrees, ranging from, health to disease: Blameless health. Not absolute health. A state neither of health nor of disease, as people assert. Potential illness; where the body is on the verge of illness. Slight ill-health. Declared disease." وكل مرض إِمَّا مُسلم وَإِمَّا غير مُسلم. وَالْمُسلم هُوَ الْمَرَض الَّذِي لَا عائق عَن معالجته كَمَا يَنْبَغِي. وَغير الْمُسلم هُوَ الَّذِي يقْتَرن بِهِ عائق لَا يرخص فِي صَوَاب تَدْبيره مثل الصداع إِذا قارنته النزلة.,"Diseases are curable or incurable. A curable disease is one which offers no resistance to treatment. An incurable disease is one in which there is some impediment to complete cure, so that whatever the doctor applies, the desired effect is not reached. For instance headache which is due to “rheumatism.”" وَاعْلَم أَن الْمَرَض الْمُنَاسب للمزاج وَالسّن وَالْفضل أقل خطراً من الَّذِي لَا يُنَاسِبه. فَإِن الَّذِي لَا يُنَاسِبه وَلَا يحدث إِلَّا عَن عظم سَببه. وَاعْلَم أَن أمراض كل فصل يُرْجَى أَن ينْحل فِي صَدره من الفضول.,"A disease is more likely to be curable when the temperament, the age, and the season are in proper relation. If not, there must be a serious causal agent at work. One can only hope to cure. or .disperse the diseases of one season during the contrary season." وَاعْلَم أَن من الْأَمْرَاض أمراضاً تنْتَقل إِلَى أمراض أُخْرَى وتقلع هِيَ وَيكون فِيهَا خيرة فَيكون مرض وَاحِد شِفَاء من أمراض أُخْرَى مثل الرّبع فَإِنَّهُ كثيرا مَا يشفي من الصرع والنقرس والدوالي وأوجاع المفاصل والجرب والحكة والبثور وَمن التشنّج.,"Some diseases turn into new ones, and so themselves disappear. This is very satisfactory. One disease becomes the medicament for curing another. Thus, quartan malaria often cures epilepsy [cf. G.P.I.] also podagra, varices, and arthralgias. A spasmodic disease may be cured by scabies, pruritus, and furunculosis." وَكَذَلِكَ الذرب من الرمد وَمن زلق الأمعاء وَمن ذَات الْجنب وَكَذَلِكَ انفتاح عروق المقعدة وينفع من كل مرض سوداي وَمن وجع الورك وَمن أوجاع الكِلى والأرحام.,"A certain type of diarrhoea is cured by inflammation of the eyes. Lienteria cures pleurisy. Bleeding piles removes atrabilious disorders, including sciatica, renal and uterine pain." وَقد ينْتَقل بعض الْأَمْرَاض إِلَى أمراض أُخْرَى فَيصير الْحَال لذَلِك أَشد رداءة مثل انْتِقَال ذَات الْجنب إِلَى ذَات الرئة وانتقال العلّة الْمَعْرُوفَة بقرانيطس إِلَى ليثرغس.,"But the passage from one disease to another may be a serious matter. For instance, when an empyema spreads into the substance of the lung; when meningitis becomes lethargia." وَمن الْأَمْرَاض أمراض معدية مثل الجذام والجرب والجدري والحمى الوبائية والقروح العفنة وخصوصاً إِذا ضَاقَتْ المساكن وَكَذَلِكَ إِذا كَانَ المجاور فِي أَسْفَل الرّيح وَمثل الرمد وخصوصاً إِلَى متأمله بِعَيْنِه وَمثل الضَرَس حَتَّى إِن تخيل الحامض يَفْعَله وَمثل السبل وَمثل البرص.,"Transmission of disease from person to person. A. Transmission by infection, (i) From one house to an adjoining one. Here belong, lepra, scabies, variola, pestilential fever, septic inflammatory swellings and ulcers; (ii) from a house in the wind-track to another; (iii) when one person gazes closely at another (e.g. ophthalmia); (iv) fancy: e.g. when a person’s teeth chatter because he thinks of something sour; (v) such diseases as phthisis, impetigo, leprosy." وَمن الْأَمْرَاض أمراض تتوارث فِي النَّسْل مثل القرع الطبيعي والبرص والنقرس والسبل والجذام. وَمن الْأَمْرَاض أمراض جنسية تخْتَص بقبيلة أَو بسكان نَاحيَة أَو يكثر فيهم. وَاعْلَم أَن ضعف الْأَعْضَاء تَابع لسوء المزاج أَو تحلّل البنية.,"B. Hereditary transmissions. Vitiligo alba; premature baldness; gout: phthisis; lepra. C. Facial transmission. D. Endemic transmission. The sweating sickness of Anglia; elephantiasis in Alexandria; aurigo in Apulia; endemic goitre, and many the like. Do not forget that weakness of members, and a frail body may supervene upon intemperaments." قَول كلي فِي الْأَسْبَاب أَسبَاب أَحْوَال الْبدن وَقد قدمناها أَعنِي الصِّحَّة وَالْمَرَض وَالْحَال المتوسطة بَينهمَا ثَلَاثَة: السَّابِقَة والبادية والواصلة,"There are three groups of causes of those states of the body which have been referred to as: health, disease, a state intermediate. These groups are: (i) Primitive, or extra-corporeal causes. These befall the body from without (trauma, heat, cold). Antecedent causes. These befall the body from within (repletion, starvation). Conjoined causes. Here disease is present only as long as two causes occur at the same time. When either is absent, the diseased state comes to an end (e.g. sepsis, in fevers)." والأسباب الْبَادِيَة هِيَ من أُمُور خَارِجَة عَن جَوْهَر الْبدن إِمَّا من جِهَة أجسام خَارِجَة مثل مَا يحدث عَن الضَّرْب وسخونة الجو وَالطَّعَام الْحَار أَو الْبَارِد الواردين على الْبدن وَإِمَّا من جِهَة النَّفس فَإِن النَّفس شَيْء آخر غير الْبدن مثل مَا يحدث عَن الْغَضَب,"The primitive causes are extra-corporeal; namely: (a) from exterior agents, such as blows, exposure to very hot air, use of hot or cold viands; (b) from the mind, which is here considered as distinct from the body. Here belong the causes of states of anger, fear, and the like." والأسباب السَّابِقَة والبادية تشترك فِي أَنه قد يكون بَينهمَا وَبَين هَذِه الْأَحْوَال وَاسِطَة مَا. وتشترك السَّابِقَة والواصلة فِي أَنَّهُمَا أُمُور بدنية أَعنِي خلطية أَو مزاجية أَو تركيبية.,"Resemblances. The primitive causes resemble the antecedent in that there is a certain intermediate condition between each and the three states of the body named above. The antecedent and conjoined causes resemble one another in both being corporeal, or humoral; that is, either temperamental or compositional." والأسباب الْبَادِيَة والأسباب الْوَاصِلَة تشترك فِي أَنه قد لَا يكون بَينهمَا وَبَين الْحَالة الْمَذْكُورَة وَاسِطَة لَكِن الْأَسْبَاب السَّابِقَة تنفصل عَن الْأَسْبَاب الْوَاصِلَة بِأَن الْأَسْبَاب السَّابِقَة لَا يَليهَا الْحَالة بل بَينهمَا أَسبَاب أُخْرَى أقرب إِلَى الْحَالة من السَّابِقَة.,"The primitive causes sometimes resemble the conjoined, in that there is no intermediate condition between them and the three states of the body. The antecedent differ from the conjoined causes in that with the former the state does not become immediately manifest, but only after a number of other intermediate causes have come into operation, these being nearer to the state than are the antecedent causes." والأسباب السَّابِقَة تنفصل من الْبَادِيَة بِأَنَّهَا بدنية وَأَيْضًا فَإِن الْأَسْبَاب السَّابِقَة يكون بَينهَا وَبَين الْحَالة وَاسِطَة لَا محَالة. والأسباب الْبَادِيَة لَيْسَ يجب فِيهَا ذَلِك. والأسباب الْوَاصِلَة لَا يكون بَينهَا وَبَين الْحَالة وَاسِطَة الْبَتَّةَ. والأسباب الْبَادِيَة لَيْسَ يجب فِيهَا ذَلِك,"Differences. The antecedent differ from the primitive causes in being corporeal;. and in requiring an intermediary between them and the bodily state. Such an intermediary is not necessary in the case of the primitive causes. The conjoined causes differ from the primitive in being corporeal, but without an intermediary between them and the bodily state. An intermediary may occur, but is not essential in the case of the primitive causes." بل الْأَمر أَن فِيهَا ممكنان فالأسباب السَّابِقَة هِيَ أَسبَاب بدنية أَعنِي خلطية أَو مزاجية أَو تركيبية هِيَ الْمُوجبَة للحالة إِيجَابا غير أولي أَعنِي توجبها بِوَاسِطَة. مِثَال الْأَسْبَاب السَّابِقَة الإمتلاء للحمى وإمتلاء أوعية الْعين لنزول المَاء فِيهَا.,"Antecedent. Corporeal (i.e., a humour). Temperamental. Compositional. Is indirect, via an intermediate state. Suffusion of the orbits. Repletion in fever." والأسباب الْوَاصِلَة أَسبَاب بدنية توجب أحوالاً بدنية إِيجَابا أولياً أَي بِغَيْر وَاسِطَة وَمِثَال الْأَسْبَاب الْوَاصِلَة العفونة للحمى والرطوبة السائلة إِلَى النفث للسدة والسدة للحمى,Conjoined. Corporeal. Direct; immediate. Blockage of an aper-ture by a humour. Sepsis with fever. Lachrymation. Blindness from obstruction of the optic nerve. والأسباب الْبَادِيَة أَسبَاب غير بدنية توجب أحوالاً بدنية إِيجَابا أولياً وَغير أولي وَمِثَال الْأَسْبَاب الْبَادِيَة حرارة الشَّمْس وَشدَّة الْحَرَارَة أَو الْغم أَو السهر أَو تنَاول شَيْء مسخن كالثوم. كل ذَلِك للحمى أَو الضَّرْبَة للانتشار ونزول المَاء فِي الْعين.,"i. Primitive. Non-corporeal. May be direct, or may only be through an intermediate state. Solar heat. Violent exercise. Heating articles of food (e.g., garlic). Sadness. Wakefulness. Blows. Cataract. Fever." وكل سَبَب إِمَّا سَبَب بِالذَّاتِ كالفلفل يسخن والأفيون يبرد وَإِمَّا بِالْعرضِ كَالْمَاءِ الْبَارِد إِذا سخن بالتكثيف وتحقن الْحَرَارَة وَالْمَاء الْحَار إِذا برد بالتحليل والسقمونيا إِذا برد باستفراغ الْخَلْط المسخًن,"Essential causes are such as pepper, which warms; opium, which cools. Accidental causes are such as cold water, which warms because it closes the pores of the skin, and hence the heat is retained; hot water, which cools because it opens the pores and liberates the heat; scammony which cools by expelling the calefacient humour." وَلَيْسَ كل سَبَب يصل إِلَى الْبدن يفعل فِيهِ بل قد يحْتَاج مَعَ ذَلِك إِلَى أُمُور ثَلَاثَة: إِلَى قُوَّة من قوته الفاعلة وَقُوَّة من قُوَّة الْبدن الإستعدادية وَتمكن من ملاقاة أَحدهمَا الآخر زَمَانا فِي مثله يصدر ذَلِك الْفِعْل عَنهُ.,"It does not follow that a causal agent will alter the body even if it reaches it. Before the agent can act one of three conditions must be fulfilled, (i) The agent must be powerful enough; the preparatory power of the body must be adequate; there must be an appropriate time-factor. The agent must be exposed to the causative agent long enough for the latter to act." وَقد تخْتَلف أَحْوَال الْأَسْبَاب عِنْد موجباتها فَرُبمَا كَانَ السَّبَب وَاحِدًا وَاقْتضى فِي أبدان شَتَّى أمراضاً شَتَّى أَو فِي أَوْقَات شَتَّى أمراضاً شَتَّى,"The states of the causes vary in their results. One single causal agent may give rise to quite different diseases in different persons, or at different times." الْفَصْل الثَّانِي تَأْثِير الْهَوَاء الْمُحِيط بالأبدان,A. UNAVOIDABLE CAUSES OF DISEASE (i) EXTRACORPOREAL THE ATMOSPHERIC AIR AND ITS INFLUENCE WITHIN THE BODY الْهَوَاء عنصر لأبداننا وأرواحنا وَمَعَ أَنه عنصر لأبداننا وأرواحنا فَهُوَ مددة يصل إِلَى أَرْوَاحنَا وَيكون عِلّة إصلاحها لَا كالعنصر فَقَط لَكِن كالفاعل أَعنِي الْمعدل وَقد بيّنا مَا نعني بِالروحِ فِيمَا سلف ولسنا نعني بِهِ مَا تسميه الْحُكَمَاء النَّفس.,"AIR is an element which is in our body and in our breath (ruh). It is also continually being contributed to the breath. It is the agent which modifies the breath, not simply as element, but in virtue of its constructive and attempering nature. We have made it clear already, and emphasize it again here, that the term “breath” is not synonymous with what philosophers (and theologians) term “soul.”" وَهَذَا التَّعْدِيل الَّذِي يصدر عَن الْهَوَاء فِي أَرْوَاحنَا يتَعَلَّق بفعلين هما الترويح والتنقية. والترويح هُوَ تَعْدِيل مزاج الرّوح الْحَار إِذا أفرط بالإحتقان فِي الْأَكْثَر وتغيّره – وأعني بالتعديل – التَّعْدِيل الإضافي الَّذِي عَلمته,There are two processes whereby the breath reaches its attempered state from the air namely depuration and ventilation. Ventilation is the means whereby the temperament of the breath is modified in respect of the undue warmth which is usually the effect of condensation and imprisonment of the breath. (By temperament we mean that relative temperament which has been defined for you.) وَهَذَا التَّعْدِيل يفِيدهُ الإستنشاق من الرئة. وَمن منافس النبض الْمُتَّصِلَة بالشرايين والهواء الَّذِي يُحِيط بأبداننا بَارِد جدا بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى مزاج الرّوح الغريزي فضلا عَن المزاج الْحَادِث بالاحتقان,"This attempering is attained by means of the air drawn in at the lungs and the pores of the skin, and by means of the distribution of that air through the arteries by means of their pulsation. Compared with the temperament inherent in the breath, the air around us is very much cooler than it is compared with the temperament arising from the imprisonment or condensation of the breath." فَإِذا وصل إِلَيْهِ صدمه الْهَوَاء وخالطه وَمنعه عَن الإستحالة إِلَى النارية والإحتقانية المؤدية إِلَى سوء مزاج يَزُول بِهِ عَن الاستعداد لقبُول التأثر النفساني فِيهِ الَّذِي هُوَ سَبَب الْحَيَاة وَإِلَى تحلل نفس جوهره البُخَارِيّ الرطب.,"When the outer air enters the breath, it drives it on and mingles with it, and so prevents its transformation into the astringent fire-element; for such a transformation would render the temperament of the breath faulty and unfitted for receiving the impressions of the sensitive soul (i.e. for maintaining life), and would interfere with the dispersal of the moist vapour of the substance of the breath." وَأما التنقية فَهِيَ باستصحابه عِنْد رد النَّفس مَا تسلمه إِلَيْهِ الْقُوَّة المميّزة من البخار الدخاني الَّذِي نسبته إِلَى الرّوح نِسْبَة الْخَلْط الفضلي إِلَى الْبدن.,"Depuration is the process going on during expiration, and by it the separation of the fuliginous vapour in the breath is secured. The fuliginous vapour is to the breath what superfluous humour is to the body. and it is expelled (as bad air)." وَالتَّعْدِيل هُوَ بورود الْهَوَاء على الرّوح عِنْد الِاسْتِنْشَاق والتنقية بصدوره عَنهُ عِنْد رد النَّفس وَذَلِكَ لِأَن الْهَوَاء المستنشق إِنَّمَا يحْتَاج إِلَيْهِ فِي تعديله أول وُرُوده أَن يكون بَارِدًا بِالْفِعْلِ فَإِذا إستحال إِلَى كَيْفيَّة الرّوح بالتسخين لطول مكثه بطلت فَائِدَته فاستغنى عَنهُ.,"During in-spiration, the air enters into, pervades, and aerates the breath; during expiration, the breath is purified into the air. (In this way the temperament of the breath is maintained.) When the air is first drawn in, it necessarily cools the breath, but after the air attains the quality of the breath, through continued contact with its heat, it ceases to be an adjuvant, and is superfluous." واحتيج إِلَى هَوَاء جَدِيد يدْخل وَيقوم مقَامه فاحتيج ضَرُورَة إِلَى إِخْرَاجه لإخلاء الْمَكَان لمعاقبة ولتندفع مَعَه فضول جَوْهَر الرّوح والهواء مَا دَامَ معتدلاَ وصافياً لَيْسَ يخالطه جَوْهَر غَرِيب منَاف لمزاج الرّوح فَهُوَ فَاعل للصِّحَّة وحافظ لَهَا فَإِذا تغير فعل ضد فعله.,"Hence new air is needed, and when breathed in supplies the place of the other. The old air must be expired in order to give place for the new, and at the same time remove with it the superfluities of the substance of the breath. As long as the air is attempered and pure, and has no substances admixed which would be contrary to the temperament of the breath, health will come and remain. Otherwise the contrary occurs." والهواء يعرض لَهُ تغيرات طبيعية وتغيرات غير طبيعية وتغيّرات خَارِجَة عَن المجرى الطبيعي مضادة لَهُ. والتغيرات الطبيعية هِيَ التغيرات الفضلية فَإِنَّهُ يَسْتَحِيل عِنْد كل فصل إِلَى مزاج آخر.,"The air is liable to natural as well as non-natural changes, and may even undergo preternatural changes. The natural changes are those of the seasons. At every season the air changes to a new temperament." الْفَصْل الثَّالِث طباع الْفُصُول,(a) NATURAL MUTATIONS THE INFLUENCE OF THE SEASONS ON THE ATMOSPHERE اعْلَم أَن هَذِه الْفُصُول عِنْد الْأَطِبَّاء غَيرهَا عِنْد المنجمين فَإِن الْفُصُول الْأَرْبَعَة عِنْد المنجّمين هِيَ أزمنة انتقالات الشَّمْس فِي ربع ربع من فلك البروج مبتدئة من النقطة الربيعية,"The word “ Season” has a different meaning for the physician than for the astronomer. According to the astronomer, there are four seasons, which are reckoned according to the position of the sun in the zodiac." وَأما عِنْد الْأَطِبَّاء فَإِن الرّبيع هُوَ الزَّمَان الَّذِي لَا يحوج فِي الْبِلَاد المعتدلة إِلَى إدفاء يعْتد بِهِ من الْبرد أَو ترويح يعْتد بِهِ من الْحر وَيكون فِيهِ ابْتِدَاء نشوء الْأَشْجَار وَيكون زَمَانه زمَان مَا بَين الاسْتوَاء الربيعي أَو قبله أَو بعده بِقَلِيل إِلَى حُصُول الشَّمْس فِي نصف من الثور.,"According to the physician, spring-time, in temperate climates, is the time when warm clothes are less necessary, and yet no precautions are required against heat. The trees begin to leaf at this season. It is the time of flowers and leaves, and the beginning of the formation of fruits. To be more exact, it is the portion of the year between (or about, or slightly before, or slightly after) the vernal equinox and that at which the sun has reached the middle of Taurus." وَيكون الخريف هُوَ الْمُقَابل لَهُ فِي مثل بِلَادنَا. وَيجوز فِي بِلَاد أُخْرَى أَن يتَقَدَّم الرّبيع ويتأخر الخريف. والصيف هُوَ جَمِيع الزَّمَان الْحَار والشتاء هُوَ جَمِيع الزَّمَان الْبَارِد,"Autumn is the opposite portion of the year in our latitude. In some countries spring may come sooner and autumn later. Summer is the whole of the hot season, and winter the whole of the cold season." فَيكون زمَان الرّبيع والخريف كل وَاحِد مِنْهُمَا عِنْد الْأَطِبَّاء أقصر من كل وَاحِد من الصَّيف والشتاء. وزمان الشتَاء مُقَابل للصيف أَو أقل أَو أَكثر مِنْهُ بِحَسب الْبِلَاد.,"The summer and winter, from the point of view of medicine, are the portions of the year remaining and the interval between spring and autumn is much shorter than that between autumn and spring. It is the season opposite to summer, being less or greater in duration according to the latitude." فَيُشبه أَن يكون الرّبيع زمَان الأزهار ابْتِدَاء الأثمار والخريف زمَان تغير لون الْوَرق وَابْتِدَاء سُقُوطه وَمَا سواهُمَا شتاء وصيف.,"It is the time of change of colour in the leaves, and the beginning of their fall from the trees." فَنَقُول إِن مزاج الرّبيع هُوَ المزاج المعتدل وَلَيْسَ على مَا يظنّ أَنه حَار رطب. وَتَحْقِيق ذَلِك بكنهه هُوَ إِلَى الْجُزْء الطبيعي من الْحِكْمَة,"The temperament of spring is equable, and not hot and moist as some think. The proof of this rests with natural philosophy." بل ليسلم أَن الرّبيع معتدل والصيف حَار لقرب الشَّمْس من سمت الرؤوس وَقُوَّة الشعاع الفائض عَنْهَا الَّذِي يتَوَهَّم انعكاسه فِي الصَّيف إِمَّا على زَوَايَا حادة جدا وَإِمَّا ناكصاً على أعقابه فِي الخطوط الَّتِي نفذ فِيهَا فيكثف عِنْدهَا الشعاع.,"The temperament of summer is hot, because the sun is nearly vertical, over our heads, at this period. The power of the rays of the sun may be. thought of as being concentrated in summer because instead of being refracted they form only a very acute angle, or are reflected back along the line of incidence itself." وَسبب ذَلِك فِي الْحَقِيقَة هُوَ أَن مسْقط شُعَاع الشَّمْس مِنْهُ مَا هُوَ بِمَنْزِلَة مخروط السهْم من الأسطوانة والمخروط كَأَنَّهُ ينفذ من مَرْكَز جرم الشَّمْس إِلَى مَا هُوَ محاذيه. وَمِنْه مَا هُوَ بِمَنْزِلَة الْبَسِيط وَالْمُحِيط أَو المقارب للمحيط,"The effect is different according as the solar ray is axial, like the-axis of a column or pyramid (in which case the ray is thought of as coming from the centre of the sun into an exactly opposite spot on the earth’s surface), or is oblique." وَأَن قوته عِنْد سَهْمه أقوى إِذْ التَّأْثِير يتَوَجَّه إِلَيْهِ من الْأَطْرَاف كلهَا وَأما مَا يَلِي الْأَطْرَاف فَهُوَ أَضْعَف وَنحن فِي الصَّيف واقعون فِي السهْم أَو بِقرب مِنْهُ ويدوم ذَلِك علينا سكان الْعرُوض الشمالية.,The axial ray is stronger because its impression is added to by the incoming- rays from all other points. The oblique rays are the weakest (because in this case rays from other points do not join and add to them). In summer we are exposed to rays almost or quite axial. This is the longest season in our (southerly) climes. وَفِي الشتَاء بِحَيْثُ يقرب من الْمُحِيط وَلذَلِك مَا يكون الضَّوْء فِي الصَّيف أنور مَعَ أَن الْمسَافَة من مقامنا إِلَى مقَام الشَّمْس فِي قرب أوجهها أبعد. أما نِسْبَة هَذَا الْقرب والبعد فتبتين فِي الْجُزْء النجومي من الْجُزْء الرياضي من الْحِكْمَة.,"In winter the rays are nearly circumferential (tangential, oblique). In summer the light is very intense, and yet the sun is more distant from the earth, for the sun is on the increase. However, I discuss the subject of the distance or nearness of the sun in the astronomical section of my book on mathematical philosophy." وَأما تَحْقِيق إشتداد الْحر لاشتداد الضَّوْء فَهُوَ يتَبَيَّن فِي الْجُزْء الطبيعي من الْحِكْمَة. والصيف مَعَ أَنه حَار فَهُوَ أَيْضا يَابِس لتحلل الرطوبات فِيهِ من شدّة الْحَرَارَة ولتخلخل جَوْهَر الْهَوَاء ومشاكلته للطبيعة النارية ولقلة مَا يَقع فِيهِ من الأنداء والأمطار.,"The proof of the intensity of the heat and of the light of the sun is set forth in my book on natural philosophy. Influence of summer. Summer makes the air hot and dry, because its great heat disperses the water vapour; it attenuates the “substance ” of the air, and makes it more like “fire”; there is little in the air at this season to separate out as rain or dew." والشتاء بَارِد رطب لضد هَذِه الْعِلَل. وَأما الخريف فَإِن الْحر يكون قد انْتقصَ فِيهِ وَالْبرد لَا يستحكم بعد وكأنَا قد حصلنا فِي الْوسط من التبعد بَين السهْم الْمَذْكُور وَبَين الْمُحِيط.,"Influence of winter. Winter makes the air cold and moist, for contrary reasons. Influence of autumn. In autumn, the heat subsides and the cold is not yet at its greatest because we live at a latitude where the rays are between the equatorial axis already referred to and the circumference." فَإِذن هُوَ قريب من الإعتدال فِي الْحر وَالْبرد إِلَّا أَنه غير معتدل فِي الرُّطُوبَة واليبوسة وَكَيف وَالشَّمْس قد جففت الْهَوَاء وَلم يحدث بعد من الْعِلَل المرطبة مَا يُقَابل تجفيف الْعلَّة المجففة,"That is why the temperament of the air is between hot and cold, but not between moisture and dryness. When the sun has rendered the air dry, how could there remain behind in the air any humectants which would counteract the source of desiccation?" وَلَيْسَ الْحَال فِي التبريد كالحال فِي الترطيب لِأَن الإستحالة إِلَى الْبُرُودَة تكون بسهولة والإستحالة إِلَى الرُّطُوبَة لَا تكون بِتِلْكَ السهولة.,"A state of the air tending towards coolness is not like one tending to moisture, because the change to cold is only slight, whereas the change to moisture is further." وَأَيْضًا لَيست الإستحالة إِلَى الرُّطُوبَة بالبرد كالاستحالة إِلَى الْجَفَاف بِالْحرِّ لِأَن الاستحالة إِلَى الْجَفَاف بِالْحرِّ تكون بسهولة فَإِن أدنى الْحر يجفف.,"The change towards moisture which coolness induces is not as easily effected as one towards dryness, which heat induces. The latter is facilitated by heat because heat itself is a drying agent." وَلَيْسَ أدنى الْبرد يرطب بل رُبمَا كَانَ أدنى الحرّ أقوى فِي الترطيب إِذا وجد الْمَادَّة من أدنى الْبرد فِيهِ لأنّ أدنى الْحر يبخر وَلَا يحلّل. وَلَيْسَ أدنى الْبرد يكثف ويحقن وَيجمع.,"Coldness is not a humectant. Humectation is facilitated by a certain degree of heat provided there is some substance present which possesses a certain degree of coldness. A certain amount of heat allows evaporation, but does not disperse (water vapour); and there is a certain amount of cold which is inadequate for bringing about inspissation, cohesion, or union." وَلِهَذَا لَيْسَ حَال بَقَاء الرّبيع على رُطُوبَة الشتَاء كَحال بَقَاء الخريف على يبوسة الصَّيف فَإِن رُطُوبَة الرّبيع تعتدل بِالْحرِّ فِي زمَان لَا تعتدل فِيهِ يبوسة الخريف بالبرد,"Consequently, the state which enables the air of spring to remain at the same degree of moisture as in winter is not like the state which enables the air of autumn to remain at the same degree of dryness as in summer. The moisture of the air in spring is attempered by heat as much as the dryness of air in autumn is not modified by cold." وَيُشبه أَن يكون هَذَا الترطيب والتجفيف شَبِيها بِفعل ملكة وَعدم لَا بِفعل ضدين لِأَن التجفيف فِي هَذَا الْموضع لَيْسَ هُوَ إِلَّا إفقاد الْجَوْهَر الرطب. والترطيب لَيْسَ هُوَ إفقاد الْجَوْهَر الْيَابِس بل تَحْصِيل الْجَوْهَر الرطب,"Moisture and desiccation, therefore, are alike in regard to the action of “habit” and privation but not in regard to the action of their respective contraries. For, in this case, desiccation is simply “destruction of-moist substance”; but humectation is not “destruction of dry substance,” but “acquisition of moisture.”" لأَنا لسنا نقُول فِي هَذَا الْموضع هَوَاء رطب وهواء يَابِس وَنَذْهَب فِيهِ إِلَى صورته أَو كيفيته الطبيعية بل لَا نتعرض لهَذَا فِي هَذَا الْموضع أَو نتعرض تعرضاً يَسِيرا وَإِنَّمَا نعني بقولنَا هَوَاء رطب أَي هَوَاء خالطته أبخرة كثيفة مائية أَو هَوَاء اسْتَحَالَ بتكثفه إِلَى مشاكلة البخار المائي,"In speaking here of air as being “moist” or “dry” we do not, of course, refer to “ form ” or “natural quality.” Such a question is remote from our present purpose. In calling air “ moist ” we mean that much aqueous vapour is admixed with it, or that its density has reached that of aqueous vapour." ونقول هَوَاء يَابِس أَي هَوَاء قد تفشش عَنهُ مَا يخالطه من البخارات المائية أَو اسْتَحَالَ إِلَى مشاكلة جَوْهَر النَّار بالتخلخل أَو خالطته أدخنة أرضية تشاكل الأَرْض فِي تنشفها.,"In calling air “dry,” we imply (i) that the aqueous vapour formerly present has been dispersed, or (ii) that the air has become rarefied or attenuated until it comes to resemble the substance of Fire, or (iii) an air with which earthy vapours (which resemble Earth in being dry) are admixed." فالربيع ينتفض عَنهُ فضل الرُّطُوبَة الشتوية مَعَ أدنى حر يحدث فِيهِ لمقارنة الشَّمْس السمت. والخريف لَيْسَ بِأَدْنَى برد يحدث فِيهِ بترطب جوه.,"Consequently, the moisture in the atmosphere which remains over from the winter is lessened in spring by a certain amount of heat accruing to it by the fact that the sun is approaching the middle of the heavens, and coming to be nearly overhead. But the dryness which remains over from the autumn does not encounter any moisture from the approaching coldness of the winter." وَإِذا شِئْت أَن تعرف هَذَا فَتَأمل هَل تندى الْأَشْيَاء الْيَابِسَة فِي الجو الْبَارِد كتجفف الْأَشْيَاء الرّطبَة فِي الجو الْحَار على أَن يَجْعَل الْبَارِد فِي برده كالحار فِي حره تَقْرِيبًا فَإنَّك إِذا تَأَمَّلت هَذَا وجدت الْأَمر فيهمَا مُخْتَلفا,"Further, would dry things become moist as quickly in cold air as moist ones would become dry in hot air, supposing the ratio between the cold and coldness to be about the same as that between heat and hotness? Obviously there would be a difference." على أَن هَهُنَا سبباَ آخر أعظم من هَذَا وَهُوَ أَن الرطوبات لَا تثبت فِي الْجور الْبَارِد والحار جَمِيعًا إلاّ بدوام لُحُوق المدد. والجفاف لَيْسَ يحْتَاج إِلَى مدد الْبَتَّةَ,"A third and better argument is that moisture cannot remain longer in hot air than in cold unless it were continually being reinforced by further additions of wratery vapours. Dryness, however, needs not such continual emanation for its maintenance." وَإِنَّمَا صَارَت الرُّطُوبَة فِي الأجساد المكشوفة للهواء أَو فِي نفس الْهَوَاء لَا تثبت إِلَّا بمدد لِأَن الْهَوَاء إِنَّمَا يُقَال لَهُ إِنَّه شَدِيد الْبرد بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى أبداننا,"The reason why moisture disappears from bodies exposed to the air, or from the air itself, unless there is a continual reinforcement with further moisture, is that air is only cold in comparison with our body." وَلَيْسَ يبلغ برده فِي الْبِلَاد المعمورة قبلنَا إِلَى أَن لَا يحلل الْبَتَّةَ بل هُوَ فِي الْأَحْوَال كلهَا مُحَلل لما فِيهِ من قُوَّة الشَّمْس وَالْكَوَاكِب فَمَتَى انْقَطع المدد وَاسْتمرّ التَّحَلُّل أسْرع الْجَفَاف.,"It is not sufficiently cold in the places we inhabit to enable the moisture to be dispersed from the atmosphere. It is the power of the sun and the stars which disperses it. Consequently, though the supply of moisture ceases, the dispersal goes on until a state of dryness is rapidly reached." وَفِي الرّبيع يكون مَا يتَحَلَّل أَكثر مِمَّا يتبخر وَالسَّبَب فِي ذَلِك أَن التبخر يَفْعَله أَمْرَانِ: حرارة ورطوبة لَطِيفَة قَليلَة فِي ظَاهر الجو وحر كامن فِي الأَرْض قوي يتَأَذَّى مِنْهُ شَيْء لطيف إِلَى مَا يقرب من ظَاهر الأَرْض.,"The atmosphere in spring. In spring, there is more loss by dispersal than by evaporation. The reason is (i) there is little heat, and that is dispersed widely in the atmosphere; much heat is shut up in the bowels of the earth. Hence rarefied vapours are continually being breathed out towards the earth’s surface." وَفِي الشتَاء يكون بَاطِن الأَرْض حازَا شَدِيد الْحَرَارَة كَمَا قد تبين فِي الْعُلُوم الطبيعية الْأَصْلِيَّة وَتَكون حرارة الجو قَليلَة فيجتمع إِذن السببان للترطيب وَهُوَ التصعيد ثمَّ التَّغْلِيظ وَلَا سِيمَا وَالْبرد أَيْضا يُوجب فِي جَوْهَر الْهَوَاء نَفسه تكاثفاً واستحال إِلَى البخارية.,"The atmosphere in winter. During winter the amount of heat concealed within the earth is very great—as is proved in treatises on natural science—whereas there is only a negligible amount of heat in the atmosphere. So there are two factors which together contribute to moisten the air sublimation and condensation. This is the more so, because the substance of the air in winter is so cold that it becomes more dense, and adaptable for evaporation." وَأما فِي الرّبيع فان الْهَوَاء يكون تَحْلِيله أقوى من تبخيره والحرارة الْبَاطِنَة الكامنة تنقص جدا وَيظْهر مِنْهَا مَا يمِيل إِلَى بارز الأَرْض دَفعه شَيْء هُوَ أقوى من المبخر أَو شَيْء هُوَ لطيف التبخير لشدَّة استيلائه على الْمَادَّة فيلطفها:,"In spring, attenuation (dispersion) in the atmosphere exceeds evaporation. There is much less heat concealed in the earth. This is clear from the fact that something suddenly comes to the earth’s surface at this time which is more potent than the evaporating or the rarefying agent." ويصادف تبخيره اللَّطِيف زِيَادَة حر الجو فيتمّ بِهِ التَّحْلِيل. هَذَا بِحَسب الْأَكْثَر وبحسب انْفِرَاد هَذِه الْأَسْبَاب دون أَسبَاب أُخْرَى توجب أَشْيَاء غير مَا ذَكرْنَاهُ.,"This great access of material delays the evaporating process, and brings the (moisture) longer into contact with the abundant atmospheric heat; and this completes the dispersion of the moisture. This is the chief explanation of the fact that the vernal air fails to retain the bulk of the winter moisture, and that the autumnal air fails to retain the bulk of the summer dryness apart from other reasons over and above what we have named." ثمَّ لَا تكون هُنَاكَ مَادَّة كَثِيرَة تلْحق مَا يصعد ويلطف فَلهَذَا يجب أَن يكون طباع الرّبيع إِلَى الِاعْتِدَال فِي الرُّطُوبَة واليبس كَمَا هُوَ معتدل فِي الْحَرَارَة والبرودة,"Furthermore, there is not enough material to replace what has been sublimated and rarefied. The result is that the nature of spring necessarily tends to an equipoise between moisture and dryness, as much as it does to one between heat and cold." على إِنَّا لَا نمْنَع أَن تكون أَوَائِل الرّبيع إِلَى الرُّطُوبَة مَا هِيَ إِلَّا أَن بعد ذَلِك عَن الإعتدال لَيْسَ كبعد مزاج الخريف من اليبوسة عَن الِاعْتِدَال ثمَّ إِن الخريف من لم يحكم عَلَيْهِ بِشدَّة الإعتدال فِي الْحر وَالْبرد لم يبعد عَن الصَّوَاب فَإِن ظهائره صيفية,"Still, one cannot deny that in spring there is at first a tendency to. a certain degree of moisture. But in spring the moisture is nearly at equipoise, just as in autumn the dryness is nearly at equipoise. Even if there is in autumn not an exact equipoise between heat and cold, it will not be far from that, because in autumn the periods of the day just before and just after noon are like those in summer." لِأَن الْهَوَاء الخريفي شَدِيد اليبس مستعد جدا لقبُول التسخين والاستحالة إِلَى مشاكلة النارية بتهيئة الصَّيف إِيَّاه لذَلِك ولياليه وغدواته بَارِدَة لبعد الشَّمْس فِي الخريف عَن سمت الرؤوس ولشدة قبُول اللَّطِيف المتخلخل لتأثير مَا يبرد.,"The autumnal air, you see, is very dry, and can readily become warm and fire-like, summer having already disposed it to be so. But the nights and morning hours in autumn are frosty, owing to the obliquity of the sun’s rays, and also because the tenuous matter in it is well disposed to undergo infrigidation." وَأما الرّبيع فَهُوَ أقرب إِلَى الِاعْتِدَال فِي الكيفيتين لِأَن جوه لَا يقبل من السَّبَب المشاكل للسبب فِي الخريف مَا يقبله جو الخريف من التسخين والتبريد فَلَا يبعد ليله كثيرا عَن نَهَاره.,"Spring air has these two qualities in almost exact equipoise, because its air does not take up the heat and cold which the autumnal air so easily receives. That explains why the autumn night is not very different from the autumnal day." فَإِن قَالَ قَائِل: مَا بَال الخريف يكون ليله أبرد من ليل الرّبيع وَكَانَ يجب أَن يكون هواؤه أسخن لِأَنَّهُ ألطف فنجيبه ونقول: إِن الْهَوَاء الشَّديد التخلخل يقبل الحرّ وَالْبرد أسْرع وَكَذَلِكَ المَاء الشَّديد التخلخل,"And if anyone should ask for why is an autumn night colder than a spring night, as one would expect the atmosphere to be then hotter, because it is so attenuated he may have the reply that extremely attenuated air becomes hot or cold more quickly, exactly as does extremely rarefied water." وَلِهَذَا إِذا سخنت المَاء وعرضته للإجماد كَانَ أسْرع جموداً من الْبَارِد لنفوذ التبريد فِيهِ لتخلخله على أَن الْأَبدَان لَا تحس من برد الرّبيع مَا تحس من برد الخريف,"For, if you heat water and then wish to freeze it, it will do so more quickly than cold water would, because the cold penetrates more easily between the particles separated from one another by the preceding heat." لِأَن الْأَبدَان فِي الرّبيع منتقلة من الْبرد إِلَى الحرّ متعودة للبرد وَفِي الخريف بالضدّ وعَلى أَن الخريف مُتَوَجّه إِلَى الشتَاء وَالربيع مُسَافر عَنهُ.,"The human body is not as sensitive to the cold of spring as it is to that of autumn, because in spring the body passes from a coldness to which it is already acclimatised, to an increasing warmth. In autumn, the reverse is the case, for after being relaxed by the summer heat, the body is suddenly hit by cold; this in spite of the fact that autumn approaches winter, whereas spring recedes from it." وَاعْلَم أَن اخْتِلَاف الْفُصُول قد يثير فِي كل إقليم ضربا من الْأَمْرَاض وَيجب على الطَّبِيب أَن يتعرف ذَلِك فِي كل إقليم حَتَّى يكون الِاحْتِرَاز والتقدم بِالتَّدْبِيرِ مَبْنِيا عَلَيْهِ,"Change of seasons has to do with the kind of diseases peculiar to each climate. Consequently the prudent physician will carefully study his own climate (atmospheric conditions day by day and month by month) and country in order the better to treat the diseases and maintain his patient’s health by an appropriate mode of life, and (in order the better to choose) the regiminal measures appropriate to that climate and country." وَقد يشبه الْيَوْم الْوَاحِد أَيْضا بعض الْفُصُول دون بعض فَمن الْأَيَّام مَا هُوَ شتوي وَمِنْهَا مَا هُوَ صَيْفِي وَمِنْهَا مَا هُوَ خريفي يسخن ويبرد فِي يَوْم وَاحِد,Sometimes one day of a season is like some one day of another season; and sometimes it is not. Some days in winter are spring-like; some spring days are summer-like; some days in autumn are hot and cold during the course of a single day. الْفَصْل الرَّابِع أَحْكَام الْفُصُول,THE INFLUENCE OF SEASONAL CHANGES ON THE BODY وتعابيرها كل فصل يُوَافق من بِهِ مزاج صحي مُنَاسِب لَهُ وَيُخَالف من بِهِ سوء مزاج غير مُنَاسِب لَهُ إِلَّا إِذا عرض خُرُوج عَن الِاعْتِدَال جدا فيخالف الْمُنَاسب وَغير الْمُنَاسب بِمَا يضعف من الْقُوَّة وَأَيْضًا فَإِن كل فصل يُوَافق المزاج العرضي المضاد لَهُ,"When a season is harmonious for a person of healthy temperament, it is appropriate for him, but not so if the person is of unhealthy temperament. But if deviation from equipoise be marked, then, the season will be harmonious or not correspondingly, but the person may become debilitated, f When a season is appropriate for a person of unhealthy temperament, the contrary holds." وَإِذا خرج فصلان عَن طبعهما وَكَانَ مَعَ ذَلِك خروجهما متضاداً ثمَّ لم يَقع إفراط متماد مثل أَن يكون الشتَاء كَانَ جنوبياً فورد عَلَيْهِ ربيع شمَالي كَانَ لُحُوق الثَّانِي بِالْأولِ مُوَافقا للأبدان معدلاً لَهَا فَإِن الرّبيع يتدارك جِنَايَة الشتَاء.,"When the nature of two seasons at the commencement is opposite to that at their termination, and yet the alteration from the mean is not great (because not of long duration), as, for example, when a southerly winter is followed by a northerly spring, the second season will be more beneficial to the human body than the first, and will attemper the body. This is because the northerly spring is opposite in action to the southerly winter." وَكَذَلِكَ إِن كَانَ الشتَاء يَابسا جدا وَالربيع رطبا جدا فَإِن الرّبيع يعدل بيبس الشتَاء. وَمَا لم تُفْرِط الرُّطُوبَة وَلم يطلّ الزَّمَان لم يتغيّر فعله عَن الإعتدال إِلَى الترطيب الضار.,"If the winter be very dry and the spring very wet, the latter modifies the dryness of the former. But if the spring is not very humid and does not last long, then its modifying moistening influence will not be deleterious." تغيّر الزَّمَان فِي فصل وَاحِد أقل جلباً للوباء من تغيره فِي فُصُول كَثِيرَة تغيّراً جالباً للوباء لَيْسَ تغير امتداد كَالْمَاءِ يجنيه التغيّر الأول على مَا وَصفنَا.,"A single seasonal change is less injurious to life than are repeated changes supposing the change in question is liable to prove mortal, and not one which reverses a previous change." وَأولى أمزجة الْهَوَاء بِأَن يَسْتَحِيل إِلَى العفونة هُوَ مزاج الْهَوَاء الْحَار الرطب وَأكْثر مَا تعرض تغيرات الْهَوَاء إِنَّمَا هُوَ فِي الْأَمَاكِن الْمُخْتَلفَة الأوضاع والغائرة ويقلّ فِي المستوية والعالية خُصُوصا.,"Among the temperaments of the atmosphere one that is hot and moist is more favourable to putrefactive processes. Atmospheric changes are common in some regions, especially in the depths of the valleys; they are only rare on hills and high mountains." وَيجب أَن تكون الْفُصُول ترد على واجباتها فَيكون الصَّيف حاراً والشتاء بَارِدًا وَكَذَلِكَ كل فصل فَإِن انخرق ذَلِك فكثيراً مَا يكون سَببا لأمراض رَدِيئَة.,"It is better when seasons are normal in character; it is better that summer should be hot and the winter cold; so with each season. If seasons are not normal in character, serious maladies will arise." وَالسّنة المستمرة الْفُصُول على كَيْفيَّة وَاحِدَة سنة رَدِيئَة مثل أَن يكون جَمِيع السّنة رطبا أَو يَابسا أَو حاراً أَو بَارِدًا فَإِن مثل هَذِه السّنة تكون كَثِيرَة الْأَمْرَاض الْمُنَاسبَة لكيفيتها ثمَّ تطول مددها,"If all the seasons in one year are of uniform quality (for instance, wet, dry, hot, cold, all through the year) it is a bad year; there will be many diseases in conformity with the quality of the year. The subsequent seasons will be fortunate." فان الْفَصْل الْوَاحِد يثير الْمَرَض اللَّائِق بِهِ فَكيف السّنة مثل أَن الْفَصْل الْبَارِد إِذا وجد بدناً بلغمياً حرك الصرع والفالج والسكتة وَالْقُوَّة والتشنُّج وَمَا يشبه ذَلِك.,"If a single season can arouse much illness of corresponding type, how much the more will not a whole year arouse? A person of phlegmatic temperament is liable to develop epilepsy, paralysis, apoplexy, trismus, convulsions and the like, in a cold season." والفصل الْحَار إِذا وجد بدناً صفراوياً أثار الْجُنُون والحمّيات الحادة والأورام الحارة فَكيف إِذا استمرت السّنة على طبع الْفَصْل.,"A person of choleric temperament may develop delirium, mania, acute fevers, acute inflammatory swellings in a hot season. How much the worse would it not be if the character of that season persisted throughout a whole year ?" وَإِذا استعجل الشتَاء استعجلت الْأَمْرَاض الشتوية وَإِن استعجل الصَّيف استعجلت الأمراص الصيفية وتغيّرت الْأَمْرَاض الَّتِي كَانَت قبلهَا بِحكم الْفَصْل وَإِذا طَال فصل كثرت أمراضه وخصوصاً الصَّيف والخريف.,"With a premature winter, winterly diseases come on early. With a premature summer, summer diseases arise early. The diseases of the corresponding season will change accord- ingly. An unduly prolonged season predisposes to many illnesses, especially in the case of summer and autumn." وَاعْلَم أَن لانقلاب الْفُصُول تَأْثِيرا لَيْسَ هُوَ بِسَبَب الزَّمَان لِأَنَّهُ زمَان بل لما يتغيّر مَعَه من الْكَيْفِيَّة هُوَ تَأْثِير عَظِيم فِي تغيّر الْأَحْوَال وَكَذَلِكَ لَو تغيّر الْهَوَاء فِي يَوْم وَاحِد من الْحر إِلَى برد لتغيّر مقتضاهما فِي الْأَبدَان.,"Note that the effects of the changing seasons are not due to the season itself, but to the quality which is changed along with them, for this exerts a marked effect upon the states of the body. A change from heat to cold in the course of a single day, produces a change in the body accordingly." وَأَصَح الزَّمَان هُوَ أَن يكون الخريف مطيراً والشتاء معتدلاً لَيْسَ عادماً للبرد وَلَكِن غير مفرط فِيهِ بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى الْبَلَد. هان جَاءَ الرّبيع مطيراً وَلم يخل الصَّيف من مطر فَهُوَ أصحّ مَا يكون.,"A rainy autumn followed by a temperate winter (not without some cold, and yet not too cold, considering the geo-graphical region) is more healthy. A rainy spring followed by a moderately rainy summer would be more likely to be healthy." الْفَصْل الْخَامِس الْهَوَاء الْجيد,THE PROPERTIES OF HEALTHY AIR الْهَوَاء الجيّد فِي الْجَوْهَر هُوَ الْهَوَاء الَّذِي لَيْسَ يخالطه من الأبخرة والأدخنة شَيْء غَرِيب وَهُوَ مَكْشُوف للسماء غير محقون للجدران والسقوف اللَّهُمَّ إِلَّا فِي حَال مَا يُصِيب الْهَوَاء فَسَاد عَام فَيكون المكشوف أقبل لَهُ من المغموم والمحجوب وَفِي غير ذَلِك فَإِن المكشوف أفضل.,"The substance of the air is good when (i) it is not contaminated with extraneous matter, such as the vapours [from marshes or lakes, or from canals or open sewers: Aegineta; or the gaseous products from chemical works, etc.: modern], or smoke and soot. It is open to the sky [i.e. not shut in by high mountains: Aegineta; and, generally, is able to circulate freely round us: Nash]. Is not confined in caves [cf. Grotto del Cane], or between high walls, or shut up in houses (or in underground cisterns). Once a putrefactive process has begun in the air, it is more likely to continue if the air is free and exposed than when it is enclosed and concealed. Except for that, it is better that air should be free and exposed." فَهَذَا الْهَوَاء الْفَاضِل نقي صافٍ لَا يخالطه بخار بطائح وآجام وخنادق وأرضين نزه ومباقل وخصوصاً مَا يكون فِيهِ مثل الكرنب والجرجير وأشجار خبيثة الْجَوْهَر مثل الْجَوْز والشوحط والتين وأرياح عفنة,"ealthy air remains clear unless there be admixed with it vapours from lakes or from stagnant and deep waters or marshy lands, or from places where potherbs are cultivated especially cabbages and herb rocket; or where certain resinous trees or trees of bad temperament (box, yew) grow, or where nuts or figs grow, or where there are offensive odours and evil-smelling winds." وَمَعَ ذَلِك يكون بِحَيْثُ لَا يحتبس عَنهُ الرِّيَاح الفاضلة لأنّ مَهابُّها أَرض عالية ومستوية فَلَيْسَ ذَلِك الْهَوَاء هَوَاء محتبساً فِي وهدة يسخن مَعَ طُلُوع الشَّمْس ويبرد مَعَ غُرُوبهَا بِسُرْعَة,"In short, the air remains clear if healthy winds, coming from high or level ground, blow over the district. Such air is not retained deep in the earth. It becomes warm quickly after sunrise, and becomes cold quickly after the sun has set." وَلَا أَيْضا محقوناً فِي جدران حَدِيثَة الْعَهْد بالصهاريج وَنَحْوهَا لم تَجف بعد تَمام جفافها وَلَا عَاصِيا على النَّفس كَأَنَّمَا يقبض على الْحلق وَقد علمت أَن تغيرات الْهَوَاء مِنْهَا طبيعية وَمِنْهَا مضادة للطبيعة وَمِنْهَا مَا لَيْسَ بطبيعي وَلَا خَارج عَنهُ,"The air found confined within the walls of recently built houses, is not likely to be healthy, as the air is not quite dry owing to the lime in the walls. Air is good when it does not interfere with one’s breathing or cause the throat to contract. You have already learnt that changes occur in the air which are (i) in accord with its nature, contrary to its nature (preternatural), neither the one nor the other." وَاعْلَم أَن تغيرات الْهَوَاء الَّتِي لَيست عَن الطبيعة كَانَت مضادة أَو غير مضادة قد تكون بأدوار وَقد تكون غير حافظة للأدوار وَأَصَح أَحْوَال الْفُصُول أَن تكون على طبائعها فَإِن تغيرها يجلب أمراضاً.,"Of the changes in the atmosphere which are not in accord with its nature, these are either contrary to or not contrary to it. Sometimes the changes run in cycles, sometimes not; they may occur at certain seasons; they may be periodic, and sometimes not. It is more healthy if the seasons accord with the nature of the atmosphere, for otherwise illnesses come about." الْفَصْل السَّادِس كيفيات الأهوية ومقتضيات الْفُصُول,THE INFLUENCE OF THE CHANGES IN THE QUALITY OF THE ATMOSPHERE; THE DISEASES INCIDENT TO THE SEVERAL SEASONS AND KINDS OF WEATHER الْهَوَاء الْحَار يحلل ويرخي فَإِن اعتدل حمر اللَّوْن بجذب الدَّم إِلَى خَارج وَإِن أفرط صفره بتحليله لما يجذب وَهُوَ يكثر الْعرق ويقلل الْبَوْل ويضعف الهضم ويعطش,"Hot atmosphere. A hot atmosphere disperses the breath and has a relaxing effect. A moderate degree of heat induces redness by drawing blood to the surface of the body. A great degree of heat results in a yellow colour because it breaks down (the components of) the blood which has been drawn to the cutaneous vessels. It also evokes sweating, diminishes the amount of urine, impairs the digestion and induces thirst." والهواء الْبَارِد يشد وَيُقَوِّي على الهضم وَيكثر الْبَوْل لاحتقان الرطوبات وَقلة تحلّلها بالعرق وَنَحْوه ويقلل الثفل لانعصار عضل المقعدة ومساعدة المعي الْمُسْتَقيم لهيئتها فَلَا ينزل الثفل لفقدان مساعدة المجرى فَيبقى كثيرا وتحلل مائيته إِلَى الْبَوْل.,"Cold atmosphere. A cold atmosphere has a constricting effect. It strengthens the digestion, and increases the amount cf urine. The reason for the latter is that it causes the humours to become imprisoned, so that only a small portion of them can become resolved into sweat. Another reason is given presently. Cold induces constipation because the anal muscles remain tightly contracted and the rectum does not respond to the call of the intestines; hence the faeces linger long in the intestines instead of descending (out of . the sigmoid), and their watery constituent is re-absorbed and passes into the urine." والهواء الرطب يليّن الْجلد ويرطب الْبدن. واليابس يفحل الْبدن يجفف الْجلد. والهواء الكدر يوحش النَّفس ويثير الأخلاط. والهواء الكدر غير الْهَوَاء الغليظ فَإِن الْهَوَاء الغليظ هُوَ الْمُتَشَابه فِي خثورة جوهره والكدر هُوَ المخالط لأجسام غَلِيظَة.,"Moist atmosphere. This has a softening effect on the skin, and renders the body moist as a whole. Dry atmosphere. This has a drying effect on the skin, and renders it rough and dusky. Fogs. Foggy air has a depressing effect on the mind, and disturbs and confuses the humours. This kind of air is not the same as “dense” air, for the latter is dense in substance, whereas foggy air is so because the particles with which it is mingled are coarse (nearly or actually visible)." وَيدل على الْأَمريْنِ قلَّة ظُهُور الْكَوَاكِب الصغار وَقلة لمعان مَا يلمع من الثوابت كالمرتعش. وسببهما كَثْرَة الأبخرة والأدخنة وَقلة الرِّيَاح الفاضلة. وَسَيَعُودُ لَك الْكَلَام فِي هَذَا الْمَعْنى وَيتم إِذا شرعنا فِي تغييرات الْهَوَاء الْخَارِجَة عَن المجرى الطبيعي.,"The sign of such an air is that stars of small magnitude are scarcely seen through it, and even the brilliance of the planets is reduced to the luminosity of fixed stars. Murky air is produced (when it is very cold) by the presence of much fuliginous vapour, and of smoke, or by absence of good winds. This will suffice about this subject for the present; we shall return to it later in speaking of preternatural changes in the air." وكل فصل يرد على واجبه أَحْكَام خَاصَّة ويشترك آخر كل فصل وَأول الْفَصْل الَّذِي يتلوه فِي أَحْكَام الْفَصْلَيْنِ وأمراضهما.,"THE SEASONS. Every season has its own proper characteristics. The characters occurring at the end of one season, and the diseases associated with this, agree with those occurring at the beginning of the next season." وَالربيع إِذا كَانَ على مزاجه فَهُوَ أفضل فصل وَهُوَ مُنَاسِب لمزاج الرّوح وَالدَّم وَهُوَ مَعَ اعتداله الَّذِي ذَكرْنَاهُ يمِيل عَن قرب إِلَى حرارة لَطِيفَة سمائية ورطوبة طبيعية وَهُوَ يحمر اللَّوْن لِأَنَّهُ يجذب الدَّم باعتدال وَلم يبلغ أَن يحلله تَحْلِيل الصَّيف الصَّائِف.,"When the temperament of the spring conforms to type, it is a very healthy season; its temperament corresponds to that of the breath and of the blood, although the fact of its being in equipoise, as already explained, makes it tend towards the tenuity and enervating character of hot air, and also towards moisture. It renders the skin ruddy by drawing the blood to the surface to a moderate degree, and yet it does not effect that degree of dispersal of the breath which an overhot summer does." وَالربيع تهيج فِيهِ الْأَمْرَاض المزمنة لِأَنَّهُ يجْرِي الأخلاط الراكدة ويسيلها وَلذَلِك السَّبَب تهيج فِيهِ ماليخوليا أَصْحَاب الماليخوليا,"At this season of the year, the humours of the body, hitherto stagnant, bestir themselves and circulate. Chronic disorders are therefore met with. In persons of atrabilious temperament the atrabilious humour comes into activity." وَمن كثرت أخلاطه فِي الشتَاء لنهمه وَقلة رياضته استعد فِي الرّبيع للأمراض الَّتِي تهيج من تِلْكَ الْموَاد بتحليل الرّبيع لَهَا وَإِذا طَال الرّبيع واعتداله قلت الْأَمْرَاض الصيفية.,"Persons who have overfed during the winter without taking much exercise, so that the humours are redundant, are liable to spring-time diseases because these immature humours now become active and disseminated (through the tissues). A spring which is prolonged without losing its attempered character will be followed by few diseases in summer." وأمراض الرّبيع اخْتِلَاف الدَّم والرعاف وتهيج الماليخوليا الَّتِي فِي طبع الْمرة والأورام والدماميل والخوانيق وَتَكون قتالة وَسَائِر الخراجات,"The diseases of spring. Nosebleeding, effusion of blood, fermentation in the atrabilious humour or in the bilious humour. Inflammatory deposits; carbuncles; anginas (which may be of severe type); abscesses of various kinds." وَيكثر فِيهِ انصداع الْعُرُوق وَنَفث الدَّم والسعال وخصوصاً فِي الشتوي مِنْهُ الَّذِي يشبه الشتَاء ويسوء أَحْوَال من بهم هَذِه الْأَمْرَاض وخصوصاً السد,"Varicose veins may “burst,” there may be haemoptysis, and a cough becomes increasingly troublesome especially if the early part of spring be winterly. Those persons who have such disorders, and most of all, phthisis, will be in a worse state." ولتحريكه فِي المبلغمين مواد البلغم تحدث فِيهِ السكتة والفالج وأوجاع المفاصل وَمَا يُوقع فِيهَا حَرَكَة من الحركات الْبَدَنِيَّة والنفسانية مفرطة وَتَنَاول المسخنات أَيْضا فَإِنَّهُمَا يعينان طبيعة الْهَوَاء,"In persons of a phlegmatic constitution, the season of spring brings movement of the serous humour, and there is a tendency to apoplexy, paralysis, and joint trouble. Such disorders are more likely to arise if there be any vigorous corporeal or psychic movement (emotion), or if calefacient articles of food are included in the diet, for all these enhance the effect of the atmosphere at this season." وَلَا يُخَلص من أمراض الرّبيع شَيْء كالفصد والإستفراغ والتقليل من الطَّعَام والتكثير من الشَّرَاب وَالْكَسْر من قُوَّة الشَّرَاب الْمُسكر بمزجه. وَالربيع مُوَافق للصبيان وَمن يقرب مِنْهُم.,"The most efficient means of averting maladies incident to spring: venesection; purgation; semi-starvation, or restriction of food, increasing the fluids (especially syrups), but reducing the intoxicating liquors, and even then taking them only diluted. Relation to periods of life. Puberty and the time of life thereabout are benefited by spring-time." وَأما الشتَاء فَهُوَ أَجود للهضم لحصر الْبرد جَوْهَر الْحَار الغريزي فيقوي وَلَا يتَحَلَّل ولقلة الْفَوَاكِه واقتصار النَّاس على الأغذية الْخَفِيفَة وَقلة حركاتهم فِيهِ على الإمتلاء ولإيوائهم إِلَى المدافىء وَهُوَ أَكثر الْفُصُول للمدة السَّوْدَاء لبرده وَقصر نَهَاره مَعَ طول ليله.,"Winter is a help for digestion, because the cold weather as it were embraces the innate heat and fosters it, and makes it more concentrated and less prone to dispersion. That is why fruits are scarce, and why people feel the need only of light aliments, and take little exercise after a good meal, and gather together in warm places. In winter there is much sediment in the urine, as compared with the summer, and the amount passed is greater. The bilious humour is lessened in winter because it is cold, and the day is short and the nights long." وأكثرها حَقنا للمواد وأشدها إحواجاً إِلَى تنَاول المقطعات والملطفات والأمراض الشتوية أَكْثَرهَا بلغمية. وَيكثر فِيهِ البلغم حَتَّى إِن أَكثر الْقَيْء فِيهِ البلغم ولون الأورام يكون فِيهِ إِلَى الْبيَاض على أَكثر الْأَمر.,"The insoluble portions of the humours are more confined. During the winter, therefore, the diet should include more incisive and more attenuant aliments. The disorders of wintertime. These are chiefly phlegmatic in character. The serous humour is plentiful at this period. Thus, it is very often present in vomited matter; inflammatory foci are usually of a whitish colour in winter time." وَيكثر فِيهِ أمراض الزُّكَام ويبتدىء الزُّكَام مَعَ اخْتِلَاف الْهَوَاء الخريفي ثمَّ يتبعهُ ذَات الْجنب وَذَات الرئة والبحوحة وأوجاع الْحلق ثمَّ يحدث وجع الْجنب نَفسه وَالظّهْر وآفات العصب والصداع المزمن بل السكتة والصرع كل ذَلِك لإحتقان الْموَاد البلغمية وتكثرها.,"coryza is common, and begins when the autumnal air is changing. Less common are: pleurisy, pulmonary inflammations, hoarseness and sore throat. Less common still are: pains in the chest, side, back and loins; nervous disorders (chronic headache); especially apoplexy; epileptic seizures). In all these cases the serous humours are aggregated and confined, besides being increased in amount." والمشايخ يتأذون بالشتاء وَكَذَلِكَ من يشبههم. والمتوسطون يَنْتَفِعُونَ بِهِ,Relation to Periods of Life. Winter is inimical to old persons and to those akin to them in nature. Middle- aged persons are likely to be in health in this season. وَأما الصَّيف فَإِنَّهُ يحلل الأخلاط ويضعف الْقُوَّة وَالْأَفْعَال الطبيعية لسَبَب إفراط التَّحْلِيل ويقل الدَّم فِيهِ والبلغم وَيكثر المرار الْأَصْفَر ثمَّ فِي آخِره المرار الْأسود بِسَبَب تحلل الرَّقِيق واحتباس الغليظ واحتقانه.,"In summer time; the humours are dispersed; the faculties and natural functions are impaired owing to the excessive dispersion. The blood and serous humour are diminished in amount; the bilious humour increases in amount; and, towards the end of the summer, the atrabilious humour increases in amount as a result of the dispersion of the attenuated matters, whereby the heavier particles stay behind in increasing amount." وتجد الْمَشَايِخ وَمن يشبههم أقوياء فِي الصَّيف ويصفر اللَّوْن بِمَا يحلل من الدَّم الَّذِي يجذبه,This is why old persons and those of similar nature feel stronger in summer. The colour of the body becomes citron-yellow as a result of the dispersal of that which the summer heat draws out of the (surface) blood. وتقصر فِيهِ مدد الْأَمْرَاض لِأَن الْقُوَّة إِن كَانَت قَوِيَّة وجدت من الْهَوَاء معينا على التَّحْلِيل فأنضجت مَادَّة الْعلَّة ودفعتها وَإِن كَانَت ضَعِيفَة زَادهَا الْحر الهوائي ضعفا بالإرخاء فسقت وَمَات صَاحبهَا.,"Effect of Summer on the course of diseases. In summer- rime diseases show shorter stages. For, on the one hand, in robust persons, the warm air helps to disperse and mature the disease-matter, and also discharges it from the body. On the other hand, in weakly persons, the atmospheric heat only adds to their weakness by its relaxing influence. The sick person will therefore lose his strength and die." والصيف الْحَار الْيَابِس سَرِيعا مَا يفصل الْأَمْرَاض وَالرّطب مضاغ طَوِيل مدد الْأَمْرَاض وَلذَلِك يؤول فِيهِ أَكثر القروح إِلَى الآكلة,"Furthermore, if the summer be hot and dry, illnesses are quickly broken up; whereas if it be wet, the humours becomes glutinous in character, the stages of the diseases are prolonged, and recovery is delayed. In that case the disease comes to be of long duration. For instance, a simple ulcer may become obstinate, may spread, and may deepen." ويعرض فِيهِ الاسْتِسْقَاء وزلق الأمعاء وتلين الطَّبْع ويعين فِي جَمِيع ذَلِك كُله كَثْرَة إنحدار الرطوبات من فَوق إِلَى أَسْفَل وخصوصاً من الرَّأْس. وَأما الْأَمْرَاض القيظية فَمثل حَتَّى الغبّ والمطبقة والمحرقة وضمور الْبدن.,"Dropsy and lienteric diarrhoea, and looseness of the bowels are liable to occur. This is all because of the flow of redundant humours downwards from the upper parts to the lower. Diseases specially associated with the hot season. If very hot: tertian, continued, and burning fevers; emaciation." وَمن الأوجاع أوجاع الْأذن والرمد وَيكثر فِيهِ خَاصَّة إِذا كَانَ عديم الرّيح الْحمرَة والبثور الَّتِي تناسبها وَإِذا كَانَ الصَّيف ربيعياً كَانَت الحميات حَسَنَة الْحَال غير ذَات خشونة وحدة يابسة وَكثر فِيهِ الْعرق,"pains in the ears; ophthalmia. If cupping be not done: erysipelas is common; also furunculosis. (These are of like nature to summer.) If spring-like: mild benign fevers, in which the tongue and fauces do not become rough and harsh, and there is no dryness of skin. This is because the sweating continues in plenty, especially at the crisis." وَكَانَ متوقعاً فِي البحارين لمناسبة الْحَار الرطب لذَلِك فَإِن الْحَار يخلل وَالرّطب يُرْخِي ويوسع المسام. وَإِن كَانَ الصَّيف جنوبياً كثرت فِيهِ الأوبئة وأمراض الجدري والحصبة.,"For the heat and moisture co-operate with it and the former resolves the humours, the latter softens the skin and opens the pores. If southerly: deaths are frequent. Variola, morbilli, and similar serious diseases are common." وَأما الصَّيف الشمالي فَإِنَّهُ منضج لكنه يكثر فِيهِ أمراض الْعَصْر. وأمراض الْعَصْر أمراض تحدث من سيلان الْموَاد بالحرارة الْبَاطِنَة أَو الظَّاهِرَة إِذا ضربتها برودة ظَاهِرَة فعصرتها وَهَذِه الْأَمْرَاض كلهَا كالنوازل وَمَا مَعهَا,"If northerly: this is favourable to health. If diseases arise, they are diseases of “expression”; that is, disease-matter is caused to circulate by the action of the innate heat as well as by the exterior heat; then, being exposed to the cold atmosphere, it is expressed from the body. This occurs in rheumatisms, catarrhs, and their sequelae." وَإِذا كَانَ الصَّيف الشمالي يَابسا انْتفع بِهِ البلغميون وَالنِّسَاء وَعرض لأَصْحَاب الصَّفْرَاء رمد يَابِس وحميات حارة مزمنة وَعرض من احتراق الصَّفْرَاء للإحتقان غَلَبَة سَوْدَاء.,"If northerly and also dry: this is beneficial for persons of phlegmatic constitution, and also for women. Persons of bilious constitution are liable to develop eye-trouble, acute fevers of long duration, and diseases due to the oxidation of an excess of bilious humour (which has accumulated in such persons), and diseases arising from a redundance of the atrabilious humour." وَأما الخريف فَإِنَّهُ كثير الْأَمْرَاض لِكَثْرَة تردد النَّاس فِيهِ فِي شمس حارة ثمَّ رَوَاحهمْ إِلَى برد ولكثرة الْفَوَاكِه وَفَسَاد الأخلاط بهَا ولانحلال الْقُوَّة فِي الصَّيف. والأخلاط تفْسد فِي الخريف بِسَبَب المأكولات الرَّديئَة وبسبب تخَلّل اللَّطِيف وَبَقَاء الكثيف وإحتراقه.,"The autumn season brings many diseases for these reasons: there is exposure to a hot sun by day, and the nights are cold. The humours are vitiated by the following: (i) abundance of fruits in the dietary, (ii) bad articles of diet, (iii) dispersion of attenuated matter, leaving dense particles behind and these then undergo oxidation, (iv) in summer the fermenting humours pass to the skin and the natural faculties can be brought to bear on them so as to disperse and expel them;" وَكلما أثار فِيهَا خلط من تثوير الطبيعة للدَّفْع والتحليل رده الْبرد إِلَى الحقن ويقلّ الدَّم فِي الخريف جدا بل هُوَ مضاد للدم فِي مزاجه فَلَا يعين على توليده وَقد تقدّم تَحْلِيل الصَّيف الدَّم وتقليله مِنْهُ.,"but in autumn, the cold atmosphere causes the humours to be thrown back into the interior parts, where they accumulate and are (as it were) imprisoned. The vigour of the body has been impaired by the preceding summer. In autumn, the blood is much less in amount because this season is contrary in temperament to the blood. Consequently it cannot help blood to form, and that which the summer has already dispersed is not replaced." وَيكثر فِيهِ من الأخلاط المرار الْأَصْفَر بَقِيَّة عَن الصَّيف وَالْأسود لترمد الأخلاط فِي الصَّيف فَلذَلِك تكْثر فِيهِ السَّوْدَاء لِأَن الصَّيف يرمد والخريف يبرد. وَأول الخريف مُوَافق للمشايخ مُوَافقَة مَا وَآخره يضرهم,"On the other hand, the bilious humour becomes relatively increased during the summer, and predominates during autumn. The atrabilious humour is more abundant at the end of summer because of the oxidation of the humours during summer, and this produces ash-like residues, which tend to sediment under the influence of the autumnal cold." وأمراض الخريف هِيَ الجرب المتقشر والقوابي والسرطانات وأوجاع المفاصل والحيّات المختلطة وحميات الرّبع لِكَثْرَة السَّوْدَاء لما أوضحناه من عِلّة وَلذَلِك يعظم فِيهِ الطحال ويعرض فِيهِ تقطير الْبَوْل لما يعرض للمثانة من اخْتِلَاف المزاج فِي الحرّ وَالْبرد,"List of autumnal diseases and disorders, (i) Fevers: composite; quartan due to abundance of atrabilious humour and the agent already described; associated effects enlargement of the spleen, oliguria (the urine only passes drop by drop owing to the temperament ofithe blood being diverse between heat and coldness)." ويعرض أَيْضا عسر الْبَوْل وَهُوَ أَكثر عرُوضا من تقطير الْبَوْل ويعرض فِيهِ زلق الأمعاء وَذَلِكَ لدفع الْبرد فِيهِ مَا رق من الأخلاط إِلَى بَاطِن الْبدن,"dysuria (partly because the urine only comes drop by drop), lienteria (because the cold drives the -rarefied portions of the humours into the interior parts of the body);" ويعرض فِيهِ عرق النسا أَيْضا وَتَكون فِيهِ الذبْحَة لذاعة مرارية وَفِي الرّبيع بلغمية لِأَن مبدأ كل مِنْهُمَا من الْخَلْط الَّذِي يثيره الْفَصْل الَّذِي قبله,Bains: in the joints; sciatica; pains in the back and hips (due to the stagnation and subsequent imprisonment of the insoluble parts of the humours which summer brought into circulation). Throat: acute “choleric” angina. وَيكثر فِيهِ إيلاوس الْيَابِس وَقد يَقع فِيهِ السكتة وأمراض السكتة وأمراض الرئة وأوجاع الظّهْر والفخذين بِسَبَب حَرَكَة الْفُصُول فِي الصَّيف ثمَّ انحصارها فِيهِ.,"Lung: Autumntide is harmful for persons suffering from phthisis and chronic pulmonary affections. If a person had such a disease latent in him at the onset of autumn, he would show the signs of it at the end of the season." وَيكثر فِيهِ الديدان فِي الْبَطن لضعف الْقُوَّة عَن الهضم وَالدَّفْع وَيكثر خُصُوصا فِي الْيَابِس مِنْهُ الجدري وخصوصاً إِذا سبقه صيف حَار وَيكثر فِيهِ الْجُنُون أَيْضا لرداءة الأخلاط المرارية ومخالطة السَّوْدَاء لَهَا.,"Worms.—These multiply because digestion is deficient, and there is lack of expulsive action. Brain: apoplexy; mental disease is common because the bilious humour is unhealthy and atrabilious humours are admixed with it. Skin: impetigo, excoriating scabies; “canker”; pustules (especially if the autumn be dry and the preceding summer was hot)." والخريف كالكافل عَن الصَّيف بقايا أمراضه وأجود الخريف أرطبه والمطير مِنْهُ واليابس مِنْهُ أردؤه.,"Autumn is, so to speak, the foster-mother for the disorders left by the summer-time. Autumn is more healthy if the weather be very damp and rainy, and is more unhealthy if the weather be dry." والخريف أضرّ الْفُصُول بأصحاب قُرُوح الرئة الَّذين هم أَصْحَاب السل وَهُوَ يكْشف الْمُشكل فِي حَاله إِذا كَانَ ابْتَدَأَ وَلم يستبن آيَاته وَهُوَ من أضرّ الْفُصُول بأصحاب الدقّ الْمُفْرد أَيْضا بِسَبَب تجفيفه.,"Relation to Periods of life.—The first part of autumn is to some extent beneficial for old people, but the last part is very injurious for them. (In the first place there is the cold, in the second place there is the residue of the oxidation of humours of summer-time)." أَحْكَام تركيب السّنة,"THE INFLUENCES OF SEASONAL SEQUENCES (SEASONAL CYCLES)" إِذا ورد ربيع شمَالي على شتاء جنوبي ثمَّ تبعه صيف ومدّ وَكَثُرت الْمِيَاه وَحفظ الرّبيع الْموَاد إِلَى الصيفّ كثر الموتان فِي الخريف فِي الغلمان وَكثر السحج وقروح الأمعاء وَالْغِب الْغَيْر الْخَالِصَة الطَّوِيلَة.,"When a northerly spring follows a southerly winter, the summer will be very hot, and waters will accumulate, various’ matters being carried on from the spring into the summer. Hence in the following autumn, there will be an increased death-rate among adolescents; and dysentery and intestinal ulcers and tertian fever will be frequent." فَإِن كَانَ الشتَاء شَدِيد الرُّطُوبَة أسقطت اللواتي تتربصن وضعهن ربيعاً بِأَدْنَى سَبَب. وَإِن ولدن أضعفن وأمتن أَو أسقمن. وَيكثر بِالنَّاسِ الرمد وَاخْتِلَاف الدَّم,"If the winter was extremely rainy, those due to give birth in the spring will be liable, to abort, but if they carry’ to full time, the offspring will be weakly, or suffer from a fatal or dangerous illness. Men are liable to eye diseases and haemorrhages." والنوازل تكْثر حِينَئِذٍ وخصوصاً بالشيوخ وَينزل فِي أعصابهم فَرُبمَا مَاتُوا مِنْهَا فَجْأَة لهجومها على مسالك الرّوح دفْعَة مَعَ كَثْرَة,Old persons are liable to catarrhs which pass down into the interior organs; indeed they may meet with sudden death from a sudden obstruction to the flow of the breath’ through channels which have become overfull. فَإِن كَانَ الرّبيع مطيراً جنوبياً وَقد ورد على شتاء شمَالي كثر فِي الصَّيف الحميات الحارة والرمد ولين الطبيعة وَاخْتِلَاف الدَّم وَأكْثر ذَلِك كُله من النَّوَازِل واندفاع البلغم الْمُجْتَمع شتاء إِلَى التجاويف الْبَاطِنَة لما حرّكه الْحر وخصوصاً لأَصْحَاب الأمزجة الرّطبَة مثل النِّسَاء,"If the spring is rainy and southerly, following upon a northerly winter, there will be many cases of acute fever in the summer, and there will be eye affections, nose-bleeding, looseness of the bowels. Most of these depend on the flow of serous humour imprisoned during the winter passing down into the interior organs and then caused to move on by the heat. This is specially so in persons of moist temperament, like women." وَيكثر العفن وحمياته فَإِن حدث فِي صيقهم – وَقت طُلُوع الشعرى – مطر وهبت شمال رُجي خير وتحللت الْأَمْرَاض.,"Sepsis and septic fevers are also common. Should the summer become rainy at the time of the rising of the dogstar, followed by northerly wind, there is a prospect of good health and of the resolution of illnesses." وأضر مَا يكون هَذَا الْفَصْل إِنَّمَا هُوَ بِالنسَاء وَالصبيان وَمن ينجو مِنْهُم يَقع إِلَى الرّبع لإحتراق الأخلاط وترمدها وَإِلَى الاسْتِسْقَاء بعد الرّبع بِسَبَب الرّبع وأوجاع الطحال وَضعف الكبد لذَلِك,"Such a season is worse for women and for juveniles, for if they escape these illnesses, they run the risk of being afflicted with quartan, because the humours become oxidised, and a sediment or ash results, upon which dropsy, pains in the spleen, and weakness of the liver supervene. Such risk is only slight in old persons or in persons susceptible to cold." وَإِذا ورد على صيف يَابِس شمَالي خريف مطير جنوبي إستعدت الْأَبدَان لِأَن تصدع فِي الشتَاء وتسعل وتبح حلوقها وتسل لأّنها يعرض لَهَا كثيرا أَن تزكم وَلذَلِك إِذا ورد على صيف يَابِس جنوبي خريف مطير شمَالي كثر أَيْضا فِي الشتَاء الصداع ثمَّ النزلة والسعال والبحوحة.,"If the autumn after a dry and northerly summer is rainy and southerly, it disposes people to suffer from headache, cough, sore throat,’ and coryza in the winter. If the autumn after a dry and southerly summer be rainy. and northerly, there will be many cases of headache, rheumatism, coughs, sore throat, in the winter." وَإِن ورد على صيف جنوبي خريف شمَالي كثرت فِيهِ أمراض الْعَصْر والحقن. وَإِذا تطابق الصَّيف والخريف فِي كَونهمَا جنوبيين رطبين كثرت الرطوبات. فَإِذا جَاءَ الشتَاء جَاءَت أمراض الْعَصْر الْمَذْكُورَة.,"If’ the autumn after a southerly summer be northerly, the prevailing diseases are those of “expression ” and of congestion of humours, as already stated. If both autumn and summer were southerly and wet, humours will multiply so that the diseases of expression will appear in winter which we have enumerated" وَلَا يبعد أَن يُؤَدِّي الإحتقان وارتكام الْموَاد لكثرتها وفقدان المنافس إِلَى أمراض عفنية. وَلم يخل الشتَاء عَن أَن يكون ممرضاً لمصادفته مواد رَدِيئَة محتقنة كَثِيرَة.,"and it will not be long before the disease-matter becomes coherent, aggregated, and imprisoned; for not only are the humours plentiful but there are no vapours to expedite them away from the body. This produces a risk of septic diseases. The winter will not fail to bring out many disorders because of this very cohesion of the undue amount of morbific matter." وَإِذا كَانَا مَعًا يابسين شماليين انْتفع من يشكو الرُّطُوبَة والنسا. وَغَيرهم يعرض لَهُ رمد يَابِس ونزلة مزمنة وحميات حارة وماليخوليا.,"If both autumn and summer are dry and northerly, the winter will be beneficial to a person for whom moisture is injurious, and also to women. Such persons will, however, be liable to dry eye-affections, prolonged catarrhs, acute fevers, and mental disorders with depression." ثمَّ اعْلَم أَن الشتَاء الْبَارِد المطير يحدث حرقة الْبَوْل وَإِذا اشتدت حرارة الصَّيف ويبوسته حدثت خوانيق قتالة وَغير قتالة ومنفجرة وَغير منفجرة.,"A cold and rainy winter produces burning of the urine. A very hot and dry summer produces the following disorders in the following season: anginas (pernicious, and non- malignant);" والمنفجرة تكون دَاخِلا وخارجاً وَحدث عسر بَوْل وحصبة وحميقاً وجمري سليمات ورمد وَفَسَاد دم وكرب واحتباس طمث وَنَفث.,"anginas which produce a discharge (these may- burst externally or internally), anginas which do not produce a discharge; variola; morbilli (both these last two are favourable); eye-affections; mental depression; difficult micturition; retention of the menses; retention of the expectoration; haemoptysis." والشتاء الْيَابِس – إِذا كَانَ رَبِيعه يَابسا – فَهُوَ رَدِيء. والوباء يفْسد الْأَشْجَار والنبات,"If a .dry spring follows a dry winter, this is bad. The trees and herbage are liable to decay and they are injurious to the animals which feed on them; and, in turn, to the human beings which feed on them." الْفَصْل الثَّامِن تَأْثِير التغيّرات الهوائية الَّتِي لَيست بمضادة للمجرى الطبيعي جدا.,CLIMATE وَيجب أَن نستكمل الْآن القَوْل فِي سَائِر التغييرات الْغَيْر الطبيعية للهواء وَلَا المضادة للطبيعية الَّتِي نعرض بِحَسب أُمُور سَمَاوِيَّة وَأُمُور أرضية فقد أومأنا إِلَى كثير مِنْهَا فِي ذكر الْفُصُول,"We now proceed to complete the discourse about the other changes in the quality of the atmosphere, not preternatural and yet not natural. That is, changes dependent on the celestial factors as well as on terrestrial ones." فَأَما التابعة للأمور السماوية فَمثل مَا يعرض بِسَبَب الْكَوَاكِب فَإِنَّهَا تَارَة يجْتَمع كثير من الدراري مِنْهَا فِي حيّز وَاحِد ويجتمع مَعَ الشَّمْس فَيُوجب ذَلِك إفراط التسخين فِيمَا يسامته من الرؤوس أَو يقرب مِنْهُ,"Celestial factors. The changes dependent on celestial bodies, such as the stars, are thus:—if many luminous stars rise in one region of the sky, and the sun approaches towards that region, the people living directly or nearly directly under the sun’s rays are exposed to greater heat." وَتارَة يتباعد عَن سمت الرؤوس بعدا كثيرا فينقص من التسخين وَلَيْسَ تَأْثِير المسامتة فِي التسخين كتأثير دوَام المسامتة أَو المقاربة.,"But if the rays are oblique, the heating effect is lessened. The effect of a vertical position of the rays on the head is not nearly so great, unless they continue vertical for some time, and are direct." وَأما الْأُمُور الأرضية فبعضها بِسَبَب عرُوض الْبِلَاد وَبَعضهَا بِسَبَب ارتافاع بقْعَة الْبِلَاد وانخفاضها وَبَعضهَا بِسَبَب الْجبَال وَبَعضهَا بِسَبَب الْبحار وَبَعضهَا بِسَبَب الرِّيَاح وَبَعضهَا بِسَبَب التربة.,"Terrestrial factors, (a) Latitude; (I) Altitude. High or low; (f) Mountainous regions; (d) Maritime countries; (e) Exposure to winds;. (J) Nature of soil." وَأما الْكَائِن بِسَبَب الْعرُوض فَإِن كل بلد يُقَارب مدَار رَأس السرطان فِي الشمَال أَو مدَار رَأس الجدي فِي الْجنُوب فَهُوَ أسخن صيفاً من الَّذِي يبعد عَنهُ إِلَى خطّ الاسْتوَاء وَإِلَى الشمَال.,"(a) Influence of latitude on Climate. If the country in question be between the Tropic of Cancer and that of Capricorn, the summer will be hotter than in a country further from the torrid zone." وَيجب أَن يصدق قَول من يرى أَن الْبقْعَة الَّتِي تَحت دَائِرَة معدل النَّهَار قريبَة إِلَى الِاعْتِدَال وَذَلِكَ أَن السَّبَب السماوي المسخن هُنَاكَ هُوَ سَبَب وَاحِد هُوَ مسامتة الشَّمْس للرأس وَهَذِه المسامتة وَحدهَا لَا تُؤثر كثير أثر بل إِنَّمَا تُؤثر مداومة المسامتة.,"The countries within the equinoctial zone approach equipoise, for while the vertical incidence of the sun’s rays does not make much impression, the fact of this position being maintained for several hours enhances their effect." وَلِهَذَا مَا يكون الحرّ بعد الصَّلَاة الْوُسْطَى أَشد مِنْهُ فِي وَقت اسْتِوَاء النَّهَار. وَلِهَذَا مَا يكون الْحر وَالشَّمْس فِي آخر السرطان وأوائل الْأسد أَشد مِنْهُ إِذا كَانَت الشَّمْس فِي غَايَة الْميل.,"The heat is greater at the middle of the eighth hour (the evening) than at noon. Consequently, when the sun is at the end of Cancer, or in the beginning of Leo, it is hotter than it is at the end of its course." وَلِهَذَا تكون الشَّمْس إِذا انصرفت عَن رَأس السرطان إِلَى حد مَا هُوَ دونه فِي الْميل أَشد تسخيناً مِنْهَا إِذا كَانَت فِي مثل ذَلِك الْحَد من الْميل وَلم يبلغ بعد رَأس السرطان والبقعة المسامتة لخط الاسْتوَاء إِنَّمَا تسامت فِيهَا الشَّمْس الرَّأْس أَيَّامًا قَليلَة ثمَّ تتباعد بِسُرْعَة,"When the sun passes from the tropic of Cancer to a place of less declination, its heat is greater than when it has not yet reached the tropic of Cancer but is at the same declination. In the countries in the equinoctial zone, the sun is only vertical for a few days, and beyond that becomes rapidly oblique." لِأَن تزايد أَجزَاء الْميل عِنْد العقدتين أعظم كثيرا من تزايدها عِنْد المنقلبين بل رُبمَا لم يُؤثر عِنْد المنقلبين حَرَكَة أَيَّام ثَلَاثَة وَأَرْبَعَة وَأكْثر أثرا محسوساً ثمَّ إِن الشَّمْس تبقى هُنَاكَ فِي حِين وَاحِد مُتَقَارب مُدَّة مديدة فيمعن فِي الإسخان,"For the declination increases much more rapidly towards the two poles than it does in the tropics. Yet, in the tropics, there is hardly any movement perceptible to the senses during any three or four days, so long does the sun linger; and all that time the heat is continuous." فَيجب أَن يعْتَقد من هَذَا أَن الْبِلَاد الَّتِي عروضها مُتَقَارِبَة للميل كُله هِيَ أسخن الْبِلَاد وَبعدهَا مَا يكون بعده عَنهُ فِي الْجَانِبَيْنِ القطبيين مقارباً لخمس عشرَة دَرَجَة,"Hence one may consider that countries whose latitude approaches complete declination are hotter than all others, and next to these countries lying within fifteen degrees on either side towards the two poles." وَلَا يكون الحرّ فِي خطّ الاسْتوَاء بذلك المفرط الَّذِي يُوجِبهُ المسامتة فِي قرب مدارس رَأس السرطان فِي المعمورة لَكِن الْبرد فِي الْبِلَاد المتباعدة عَن هَذَا الْمدَار إِلَى الشمالي أَكثر. فَهَذَا مَا يُوجِبهُ اعْتِبَار عرُوض المساكن على أَنَّهَا فِي سَائِر الْأَحْوَال متشابهة.,"In the equinoctial line the heat is not so very excessive as it is in those countries which are within the tropic of Cancer, and countries which are still further north are still colder. This concludes what must be discussed in regard to the latitudes of countries, supposing them to be alike in all other respects." وَأما الْكَائِن بِحَسب وضع الْبَلَد فِي نجد من الأَرْض أَو غور فَإِن الْمَوْضُوع فِي الْغَوْر أسخن أبدا والمرتفع العالي مَكَانَهُ أبرد أبدا فَإِن مَا يقرب من الأَرْض من الجو الَّذِي نَحن فِيهِ أسخن لاشتداد شُعَاع الشَّمْس قرب الأَرْض وَمَا يبعد مِنْهُ إِلَى حدّ هُوَ أبرد.,"(b) Influence of the altitude of a country, whether high or low. Lowlands are hotter, highlands are colder. The strata of air nearer to the earth round here, where we live (Persia) are hotter because the sun’s rays are more powerful; the rays are more oblique on the highlands, which are therefore colder." وَالسَّبَب فِيهِ فِي الْجُزْء الطبيعي من الْحِكْمَة وَإِذا كَانَ الْغَوْر مَعَ ذَلِك كالهوة كَانَ أَشد حصراً للشعاع وأسخن.,"This is explained in the work on natural philosophy. Low-lying places take up more heat, and are therefore hotter." وَأما الْكَائِن بِسَبَب الْجبَال فَمَا كَانَ الْجَبَل فِيهِ بِمَعْنى المستقر فَهُوَ دَاخل فِي الْقسم الَّذِي بَيناهُ وَمَا كَانَ الْجَبَل فِيهِ بِمَعْنى الْمُجَاورَة فَهُوَ الَّذِي نُرِيد أَن نتكلم الْآن فِيهِ فَنَقُول: إِن الْجَبَل يُؤثر فِي الجو على وَجْهَيْن: أَحدهمَا من جِهَة رده على الْبَلَد شُعَاع الشَّمْس أَو ستره إِيَّاه دونه,"(c) Influence of mountains on the climate of neighbouring country. The climate of mountainous countries from the point of view of residence, is discussed in High mountains influence the climate in two ways: (i) they reduce the power of the solar rays on the country, and afford protection from them." وَالْآخر من جِهَة مَنعه الرّيح أَو معاونته لهبوبها أما الوؤل فَمثل أَن يكون فِي الْبِلَاد حَتَّى فِي الشماليات مِنْهَا جبل مِمَّا يَلِي الشمَال من الْبَلَد فتشرق عَلَيْهِ الشَّمْس فِي مدارها وينعكس تسخينه إِلَى الْبَلَد فيسخنه. وَإِن كَانَ شمالياً,"(ii) they serve as a wind-screen. The former-holds good when the mountains are on the northerly aspect of those countries which are in the north. As the sun runs its course across such a northerly country its heat is reflected from the mountains, and so the country is warmed in spite of its being in the north." وَكَذَلِكَ إِن كَانَت الْجبَال من جِهَة الْمغرب فانكشف الْمشرق. وَإِن كَانَ من جِهَة الْمشرق كَانَ دون ذَلِك فِي هَذَا الْمَعْنى لِأَن الشَّمْس إِذا زَالَت فأشرقت على ذَلِك الْجَبَل فَإِنَّهَا كل سَاعَة تتباعد عَنهُ فينقص من كَيْفيَّة الشعاع الْمشرق مِنْهَا عَلَيْهِ,"The same applies when the mountains are in the west, leaving, the country exposed on the east. If the mountains are in the east, the heat which the country receives is less than when they are in the west, because as the sun rises, hour by hour passes before its direct rays reach the country, and by the time they fall vertically upon it, the sun is already about to wane, and the heating quality of its rays de-clines (p)." وَلَا كَذَلِك إِذا كَانَ الْجَبَل مغربياً وَالشَّمْس تقرب مِنْهُ كل سَاعَة. وَأما من جِهَة منع الرّيح فَأن يكون الْجَبَل يصد عَن الْبَلَد مهب الشمَال الْمبرد أَو يكبس إِلَيْهِ مهب الجنوبي المسخن,"When the mountains are on the west, however, the rays are more vertical with every hour. (ii) Windscreens. A northerly cooling wind may be screened from a country by a mountain-range, in which case a southerly warming wind gains the advantage." أَو يكون الْبَلَد مَوْضُوعا بَين صدفي جبلين منكشفاً لوجه ريح فَيكون هبوب تِلْكَ الرّيح هُنَاكَ أَشد مِنْهُ فِي بلد مصحر لِأَن الْهَوَاء من شَأْنه إِذا انجذب فِي مَسْلَك ضيق أَن يسْتَمر بِهِ الانجذاب فَلَا يهدأ,If a country lies between two mountain peaks the force of the winds across it will be much greater than if it were entirely flat. For when air enters a narrow channel it usually goes on blowing without ever stopping. وَكَذَلِكَ المَاء وَغَيره وعلته مَعْرُوفَة فِي الطبيعيات. وَأَعْدل الْبِلَاد من جِهَة الْجبَال وسترها والانكشاف عَنْهَا أَن تكون مكشوفة للمشرق وَالشمَال مستورة نَحْو الْمغرب والجنوب.,"just as water and the like would. Natural science furnishes the explanation of this. Countries whose climate is rendered mild by mountains are exposed to some winds, and protected from others. If exposed on the east and north, they are protected on the west and south." وَأما الْبحار فَإِنَّهَا توجب زِيَادَة ترطيب للبلاد الْمُجَاورَة لَهَا جملَة. فَإِن كَانَت الْبحار فِي الْجِهَات الَّتِي تلِي الشمَال كَانَ ذَلِك معيناَ على تبريدها بترقرق ريح الشمَال على وَجه المَاء الَّذِي هُوَ بطبعه بَارِد.,"(d) The influence of the sea on maritime countries. The atmosphere in such countries is always more humid. If the sea is on the north side of the country, that will help to make the country cool, for the prevailing north wind is cold in character, having come over the face of the water." وَإِن كَانَ مِمَّا يَلِي الْجنُوب أوجب زِيَادَة فِي غلظ الْجنُوب وخصوصاً إِن لم تَجِد منفذاً لقِيَام جبل فِي الْوَجْه. وَإِذا كَانَ فِي نَاحيَة الْمشرق كَانَ ترطيبه للجو أَكثر مِنْهُ إِذا كَانَ فِي نَاحيَة الْمغرب إِذْ الشَّمْس تلح عَلَيْهِ بالتحليل المتزايد مَعَ تقَارب الشَّمْس وَلَا تلح على المغربية.,"If the sea is on the south side of the country, a heavy southerly climate prevails, especially if a mountain range intervenes between the sea and the country. If the sea is on the east side, the climate will be more humid than when it is on the west side, because the sun will not, cease increasing the evaporation of water as it rises in the heavens, whereas this would not be the case if the sea were on the west." وَبِالْجُمْلَةِ فَإِن مجاورة الْبَحْر توجب ترطيب الْهَوَاء ثمَّ إِن كثرت الرِّيَاح وتسربت وَلم تعَارض بالجبال كَانَ الْهَوَاء أسلم من العفونة. فَإِن كَانَت الرِّيَاح لَا تتمكن من الهبوب كَانَت مستعدة للتعقن وتعفين الأخلاط.,"To sum up, proximity of the sea makes the climate of a country damp, and if there are no mountains to prevent constant winds, the air is less liable to undergo putrefactive change. Were there no winds (because.of an intervening mountain-range) the air would be liable to undergo putrescence (of the organic matters suspended in it), and the humours of the inhabitants would also tend to undergo putrescence." وأوفق الرِّيَاح لهَذَا الْمَعْنى هِيَ الشمالية ثمَّ المشرقية والمغربية. وأضرها الجنوبية. وَأما الْكَائِن بِسَبَب الرِّيَاح فَالْقَوْل فِيهَا على وَجْهَيْن: قَول كلّي مُطلق وَقَول بِحَسب بلد بلد وَمَا يَخُصُّهُ. فَأَما القَوْل الْكُلِّي فَإِن الجنوبية فِي أَكثر الْبِلَاد حارة رطبَة.,"Hence it is clear that it is better for the prevailing wind to be northerly; it is next best if the wind is easterly; then westerly, and it is worst if the prevailing wind is southerly. (e) The influence of winds, (i) On all countries in general. In most countries a southerly wind is hot and moist." أما الْحَرَارَة فَلِأَنَّهَا تَأْتِينَا من الْجِهَة المتسخنة بمقاربة الشَّمْس وَأما الرُّطُوبَة فَلِأَن الْبحار أَكْثَرهَا جنوبية عَنَّا. وَمَعَ أَنَّهَا جنوبية فَإِن الشَّمْس تفعل فِيهَا بِقُوَّة وتبخر عَنْهَا أبخرة تخالط الرِّيَاح فَلذَلِك صَارَت الرِّيَاح الجنوبية مرخية.,"It is hot because of the sun’s rays, and it is moist because usually the sea is to the south, and the strong heat of the sun on the equatorial seas disseminates water vapours which become carried on by the winds. This is why southerly winds are relaxing." وَأما الشمالية فَإِنَّهَا بَارِدَة لِأَنَّهَا تجتاز على جبال وبلاد بَارِدَة كَثِيرَة الثلوج ويابسة لِأَنَّهَا لَا يصحبها أبخرة كَثِيرَة لِأَن التَّحَلُّل فِي جِهَة الشمَال أقل وَلَا تجتاز على مياه سَائِلَة بحريّة بل إِمَّا أَن تجتاز فِي الْأَكْثَر على مياه جوامد أَو على البراري.,"The northerly winds are usually cold because they have traversed mountains and snow-clad territories; they are also dry because very little water-vapour is admixed. This is because there is very little evaporation of water on the north, and there are no seas intervening. On the contrary, they usually traverse frozen waters and desert places." والمشرقية معتدلة فِي الْحر وَالْبرد لَكِنَّهَا أيبس من المغربية إِذْ شمال الْمشرق أقل بخاراً من شمال الْمغرب. وَنحن شماليون لَا محَالة,"Easterly winds are between cold and hot in character; they are drier than westerly winds, because there is less sea in the north-east than in the north-west, and we live in the north." والمغربية أرطب يَسِيرا لِأَنَّهَا تجتاز على بحار وَلِأَن الشَّمْس تخالفها بحركتها فَإِن كل وَاحِد من الشَّمْس وَمِنْهَا كالمضاد للْآخر فِي حركته فَلَا تحللها الشَّمْس تحليلها للرياح المشرقية خصوصاً,"Westerly winds are moist in quality because they traverse seas and the sun, passing over the seas, warms them and evaporates the water; but since the movements of the sun and the winds are in contrary directions, the evaporation is not as great as it is in the case of the easterly winds." وَأكْثر مهب الرِّيَاح المشرقيات عِنْد ابْتِدَاء النَّهَار وَأكْثر مهب المغربيات عِنْد آخر النَّهَار. وَلذَلِك كَانَت المغربيات أقل حرارة من المشرقيات وأميل إِلَى الْبرد والمشرقيات أَكثر حرا وَإِن كَانَا كِلَاهُمَا بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى الرِّيَاح الجنوبية والشمالية معتدلين.,"Added to this is the fact that easterly winds are strongest at the beginning of the day, and the westerly winds blow strongest at the close of the day. That is why the westerly winds are not as hot as the easterly, and more inclined to be cold. The easterly winds are hotter, and yet, comparing both east and west with the south and north winds, they are temperate." وَقد تَتَغَيَّر أَحْكَام الرِّيَاح فِي الْبِلَاد بِحَسب أَسبَاب أُخْرَى. فقد يتَّفق فِي بعض الْبِلَاد أَن تكون الرِّيَاح الجنوبية فِيهَا أبرد إِذا كَانَ بقربها جبال ثالجة جنوبية فتستحيل الرّيح الجنوبية بمرورها عَلَيْهَا إِلَى الْبِلَاد وَرُبمَا كَانَت الشمالية أسخن من الجنوبية إِذا كَانَ مجتازها ببراري محترقة.,"Sometimes the character of winds varies in a given territory as a result of other factors. It is sometimes an advantage, in some countries, for the south winds to be cooler, as happens when there is a snowclad mountain range on the south; these winds are cooled in passing over the mountains. When a country is enclosed in burning deserts, the northerly winds are hotter than the south winds." وَأما النسائم فَهِيَ إِمَّا ريَاح مجتازة ببراري حارة جدا وَإِمَّا ريَاح من جنس الأدخنة الَّتِي تفعل فِي الجو عَلَامَات هائلة شَبيهَة بالنَّار فَإِنَّهَا إِن كَانَت ثَقيلَة يعرض لَهَا هُنَاكَ اشْتِغَال أَو التهاب ففارقها اللَّطِيف نزل الثقيل وَبِه بَقِيَّة التهاب ونارية,"The simooms are of two varieties: (i) those which have traversed very hot deserts; (ii) winds like a sort of smoke, producing strange “terrifying” atmospheric effects simulating flames of fire. They are heavy and sultry. A sort of kindling and combustion occurs in them whereby the light part is separated and the heavy part (in which the burning fieriness remains) sinks down to the lower strata." فَإِن جَمِيع الرِّيَاح القوية على مَا يرَاهُ عُلَمَاء القدماء إِنَّمَا يبتدىء من فَوق وَإِن كَانَ مبدأ موادها من أَسْفَل لَكِن مبدأ حركاتها وهبوبها وعصوفها من فَوق. وَهَذَا إِمَّا أَن يكون حكما عَاما أَو أكثرياً. وَتَحْقِيق هَذَا إِلَى الطبيعي من الفلسفة. وَنحن نذْكر فِي المساكن فضلا فِي هَذَا.,"All these are powerful winds. That is why wise philosophers believe them to arise in the upper parts of the atmosphere, although the material basis is from below. But the movement, the bio-wing and whirling, begins in the upper regions of the atmosphere. This is the usual explanation, and its proof is to be found in my book on natural philosophy. ([ii) The special climatic characters of the several countries. This subject is deferred to a later chapter)." وَأما اخْتِلَاف الْبِلَاد بالتربة فَلِأَن بَعْضهَا طِينَة حرَّة وَبَعضهَا صخري وَبَعضهَا رملي وَبَعضهَا حمئي أَو سنجي وَمِنْهَا مَا يغلب على تربته قُوَّة مَدَنِيَّة يُؤثر جَمِيع ذَلِك فِي هوائه ومائه.,"The soil. Countries present varied characters according to the dominant kind of soil. The following varieties of soil may be enumerated: clay, chalk, sandy (humus), rocky, or stony, miry or slimy, muddy, evil-smelling. The characters vary according to the mineral content. Each kind of soil has its own effect both on the atmosphere and on the water." الْفَصْل التَّاسِع التغيرات الهوائية الرَّديئَة المضادة للمجرى الطبيعي,THE EFFECT OF UNFAVOURABLE CHANGES IN THE AIR WHICH ARE CONTRARY TO ITS ORDINARY NATURE وَأما التغيرات الْخَارِجَة عَن الطبيعة فإمَّا لِاسْتِحَالَة فِي جَوْهَر الْهَوَاء وَإِمَّا لِاسْتِحَالَة فِي كيفياته. أما الَّذِي فِي جوهره فَهُوَ أَن يَسْتَحِيل جوهره إِلَى الرداءة لِأَن كَيْفيَّة مِنْهُ أفرطت فِي الاشتداد أَو النَّقْص وَهَذَا هُوَ الوباء,"AIR may be changed in substance, qualities. The substance may become depraved apart from any increase or decrease in some of the intrinsic qualities. Such an air is named “pestilential.”" وَهُوَ بعض تعفن يعرض فِي الْهَوَاء يشبه تعفن المَاء المستنقع الآجن. فَإنَّا لسنا نعني بالهواء الْبَسِيط الْمُجَرّد فان ذَلِك لَيْسَ هُوَ الْهَوَاء الَّذِي يُحِيط بِنَا فَإِن كَانَ مَوْجُودا صرفا نعني أَن يكون غَيره.,"One must remember that putrefactive processes can occur in the atmosphere just as they do in stagnant water. By the ‘word, “air” we do not mean the simple (imponderable) element, but the .atmosphere around us. Were the atmosphere absolutely pure, the word “air” might be used synonymously." وكل وَاحِد من البسائط المجرّدة فَإِنَّهُ لَا يعفن بل إِمَّا أَن يَسْتَحِيل فِي كيفيته وَإِمَّا أَن يَسْتَحِيل فِي جوهره إِلَى البسبط الَاخر بِأَن يَسْتَحِيل مثل المَاء هَوَاء,"But elemental substances cannot putresce; they can only change from one to another (as “water” which changes to “air,” e.g.)," بل إِنَّمَا نعني بالهواء الْجِسْم المبثوث فِي الجو وَهُوَ جسم ممتزج من الْهَوَاء الْحَقِيقِيّ وَمن الْأَجْزَاء المائية البخارية وَمن الْأَجْزَاء الأرضية المتصعدة فِي الدُّخان وَالْغُبَار وَمن أَجزَاء نارية.,"and they do this by a change either in quality or in substance. The word “air” in this chapter, therefore, as “atmosphere,” is a composite substance, with spatial relations, composed of true (elemental) air, watery vapour, terrene particles (both of which form fogs and clouds, and smoke), and fiery particles all together." وَإِنَّمَا نقُول لَهُ كَمَا نقُول لماء الْبَحْر والبطائح مَاء. وَإِن لم يكن مَاء صرفا بسيطاً بل كَانَ ممتزجاً من هَوَاء وَأَرْض ونار,"In the same way when we speak of “sea” as “water” “lakes ” as “ water,” and so on, we do not mean elemental water, but a composite substance, in which “water,” though predominant, is mixed with air, earth, and fire." لَكِن الْغَالِب فِيهِ المَاء فَهَذَا الْهَوَاء قد يعفن ويستحيل جوهره إِلَى الرداءة كَمَا أَن مثل مَاء البطائح قد يعفن فيستحيل جوهره إِلَيْهَا وَأكْثر مَا يعرض الوباء وعفونة الْهَوَاء هُوَ اَخر الصَّيف والخريف وَسَنذكر الْعَوَارِض الْعَارِضَة من الوباء فِي مَوضِع آخر.,"The air so present in water may undergo putrescence, with degradation of its substance, just as the stagnant water in pools decomposes, with degradation of its substance. Air generally becomes pestilential from putrefactive changes towards the end of summer and during autumn. The symptoms which such air produces in the human body will be referred to later." وَأما الَّذِي فِي كيفياته فَهُوَ أَن يخرج فِي الحرّ أَو الْبرد إِلَى كَيْفيَّة غير مُحْتَملَة حَتَّى يفْسد لَهُ الزَّرْع والنسل وَذَلِكَ إِمَّا باستحالة مجانسة كمعمعة القيظ إِذا فسد أَو اسْتِحَالَة مضادة كزمهرة الْبرد فِي الصَّيف لعرض عَارض.,"Change in primary qualities. Heat or cold may become insupportable by destroying the crops and the fecundity of nature. This change may be in the same direction as the quality of the season (for instance, the summer may become fiercely hot), or it may be in the contrary direction (for instance, a spell of very cold weather may arise during the summer season)." والهواء إِذا تغيّر عرضت مِنْهُ عوارض فِي الْأَبدَان فَإِنَّهُ إِذا تعفن عفن الأخلاط وابتدأ بتعفين الْخَلْط المحصور فِي الْقلب لِأَنَّهُ أقرب إِلَيْهِ وصُولا مِنْهُ إِلَى غَيره.,"Effect on the human body. Changes in the character of the atmosphere produce changes in the human body. Putrescence of air induces septic changes in the body-fluids, beginning with the pericardial fluid, because this is exposed to it first." وَإِن سخن شَدِيدا أرْخى المفاصل وحلل الرطوبات فَزَاد فِي الْعَطش وحلل الرّوح فأسقط القوى وَمنع الهضم بتحليل الْحَار الغريزي المستبطن الَّذِي هُوَ آلَة للطبيعة,"Hot atmosphere. Great heat in the air renders the joints flaccid and causes the humours to disperse. There is increase of thirst, dispersion of the breath, failing vigour and digestion, all because the innate heat is the instrument used by the vegetative soul." وصفر اللَّوْن بتحليله الأخلاط الدموية المحمرة اللَّوْن وتغليبه الْمرة على سَائِر الأخلاط,"A citron-yellow appears in the skin because the sanguineous humour becomes dissipated and loses its red colour, while at the same time the bilious humour increases in amount relatively to the other humours." وسخن الْقلب سخونة غير غريزية وسيل الأخلاط وعفنها وميلها إِلَى التجاويف وَإِلَى الْأَعْضَاء الضعيفة وَلَيْسَ بِصَالح للأبدان المحمودة بل رُبمَا نفع المستسقين والمفلوجين وَأَصْحَاب الكزاز الْبَارِد والنزلة الْبَارِدَة والتشنج الرطب واللقوة الرّطبَة,"The heart becomes warmer (over and above the innate heat), so that the humours flow and undergo decomposition, and in that state they enter the interspaces of the body and the weaker members. This is therefore not beneficial to persons in health. The following diseases are (however) benefited by this change: dropsy, palsy, cold catarrhs, tetanus, and certain (humid) spasmodic conditions." وَأما الْهَوَاء الْبَارِد فَإِنَّهُ يحصر الْحَار الغريزي دَاخِلا مَا لم يفرط إفراطاً يتوغّل بِهِ إِلَى الْبَاطِن فإنّ ذَلِك مميت والهواء الْبَارِد الْغَيْر المفرط يمْنَع سيلان الْموَاد ويحبسها لكنه يحدث النزلة ويضعف العصب,"Cold atmosphere. This drives the innate heat into the interior organs, unless the air has sufficient driving force itself to penetrate them. This would be morbific. Cold atmosphere does not interfere much with the circulation of the humours, or imprison them. But it favours catarrh, and is weakening to the nerves." ويضر بقصبة الرئة ضَرَرا شَدِيدا وَإِذا لم يفرط شَدِيدا قوى الهضم وقوى الْأَفْعَال الْبَاطِنَة كلهَا وأثار الشَّهْوَة وَبِالْجُمْلَةِ فَإِنَّهُ أوفق للأصحاء من الْهَوَاء المفرط الْحر. ومضاره هِيَ من جِهَة الْأَفْعَال الْمُتَعَلّقَة بالعصب وبسده المسام وبعصره حَشْو وخلل الْعِظَام.,"It has a very injurious effect on the trachea. If the atmosphere is not so cold, it strengthens the digestion and all the interior functions, and improves the appetite. On the one hand it is more beneficial to a healthy person than a very hot atmosphere, and on the other hand it is detrimental to nerve- function. It closes the pores and causes matters within the bones to pass outwards to the surface." والهواء الرطب صَالح مُوَافق للأمزجة أَكْثَرهَا وَيحسن اللَّوْن وَالْجَلد ويلينه ويبقي المسام منفتحة إِلَّا أَنه يهيىء للعفونة واليابس بالضد.,"Moist atmosphere. A moist atmosphere benefits many temperaments. It improves the colour and makes the skin clear and soft. The pores remain open. However, it favours septic processes." الْفَصْل الْعَاشِر,THE INFLUENCE OF THE WINDS ON THE BODY قد ذكرنَا أَحْوَال الرِّيَاح فِي بَاب تغيرات الْهَوَاء ذكرا مَا إِلَّا أَنا نُرِيد أَن نورد فِيهَا قولا جَامعا على تَرْتِيب آخر ونبدأ بالشمال.,"In dealing with the changes in the atmosphere, we have discussed the characters of the various winds. We now proceed to deal with them from another point of view." فِي الرِّيَاح الشمالية. الشمَال تقَوِّي وتشد وتمنع السيلانات الظَّاهِرَة وتسد المسام وتقوي الهضم وتعقل الْبَطن وتدرّ الْبَوْل وتصحح الْهَوَاء العفن الوبائي,"The North Wind braces and hardens the body; it prevents the flow of visible excretions; it closes the pores, strengthens the digestion, causes constipation, increases the urine, and makes septic pestilential atmosphere healthy." وَإِذا تقدم الْجنُوب الشمَال فتلاه الشمَال حدث من الْجنُوب إسالة وَمن الشمَال عصر إِلَى الْبَاطِن وَرُبمَا أقى إِلَى انفتاح إِلَى خَارج وَلذَلِك يكثر حِينَئِذٍ سيلان الْموَاد من الرَّأْس وَعلل الصَّدْر,"If the south wind precedes the north, the south wind excites mucous discharges, but the following north wind drives these fluids inwardly. A discharge may appear externally. Hence a catarrh al exudation] may become abundant, and chest troubles are common." والأمراض الشمالية وأوجاع العصب وَمِنْهَا المثانة وَالرحم وعسر الْبَوْل والسعال وأوجاع الأضلاع وَالْجنب والصدر والاقشعرار.,"Diseases liable to occur when the north wind prevails: neuritic pains, pains in the side of the chest, in the joints, in the bladder and uterus; difficult micturition; racking cough; shivering attacks." فِي الرِّيَاح الجنوبية. الْجنُوب مرخية للقوة مفتحة للمسام مثوّرة للاخلاط محرّكة لَهَا إِلَى خَارج مثقلة للحواس وَهِي مِمَّا يفْسد القروح وينكس الْأَمْرَاض ويضعف وَيحدث على القروح والنقرس حكاكاً ويهيج الصداع. ويجلب النّوم وَيُورث الحميّات العفنة لَكِنَّهَا لَا تخشن الْحلق.,"The South Wind is relaxing for the strength; it opens the pores; makes the humours agitated and confused, so that they move from within outwards; the senses become heavy; it induces sleepiness. It is one of the causes of breaking down of ulcers, and makes them itch. It causes diseases to relapse, and debilitates. It produces itching in podagra. It excites migraine attacks. It causes fevers to become septic. It does not, however, induce sore throat." فِي الرِّيَاح المشرقية. هَذِه الرِّيَاح إِن جَاءَت فِي اَخر اللَّيْل وَأول النَّهَار تَأتي من هَوَاء قد تعدل بالشمس ولطف وقلّت رطوبته فَهِيَ أيبس وألطف وَإِن جَاءَت فِي آخر النَّهَار وأوّل اللَّيْل فَالْأَمْر بِالْخِلَافِ. والمشرقية بِالْجُمْلَةِ خير من المغربية.,"The East Wind. If east winds prevail towards. the end of the night, and in the early part of the day, they will have already been modified by the sun, being made more rarefied and less humid. They are, therefore, drier and lighter in nature. But if they occur at the close of the day, and at the beginning of the night, the reverse is the case. On the whole, east winds are more beneficial to health than are westerly ones." فِي الرِّيَاح المغربية. هَذِه الرِّيَاح إِن جَاءَت فِي آخر اللَّيْل وَأول النَّهَار من هَوَاء لم تعْمل فِيهِ الشَّمْس فَهِيَ أكثف وَأَغْلظ وَإِن جَاءَت فِي آخر النَّهَار وَأول اللَّيْل فَالْأَمْر بِالْخِلَافِ.,"The West Wind.—If west winds prevail at the end of the night and in the early part of the day, the atmosphere will not have received the heat of the sun, and is therefore denser and more heavy. If they occur at the end of the day and at the beginning of the night, the reverse holds good." الْفَصْل الْحَادِي عشر مُوجبَات المساكن,ii. THE INFLUENCE OF PLACES OF RESIDENCE ON THE HUMAN BODY قد ذكرنَا فِي بَاب تغيرات الْهَوَاء أحوالاً للمساكن وَنحن نُرِيد أَن نورد أَيْضا فِيهَا كلَاما مُخْتَصرا على تَرْتِيب آخر وَلَا نبالي أَن نكرر بعض مَا سلف.,"In a previous section we have considered the characters of certain inhabited regions. We now consider them from another point of view, in more detail, without troubling to avoid some repetitions." فِي أَحْكَام المساكن قد علمت أَن المساكن تخْتَلف أحوالها فِي الْأَبدَان بِسَبَب ارتفاعها وانخفاضها فِي أَنْفسهَا ولحال مَا يجاورها من ذَلِك وَمن الْجبَال ولحال تربَتهَا هَل هِيَ طِينَة أَو نزة أَو حمأة أَو بهَا قُوَّة مَعْدن,"Characters upon which the effect of habitable regions on people depends. i. Whether high or low-lying. Type of adjoining country (mountainous, maritime, open or sheltered). State of soil (clayey, muddy, mineral, damp, marshy)." ولحال كَثْرَة الْمِيَاه وقلتها ولحال مَا يجاورها من مثل الْأَشْجَار والمعادن والمقابر والجيف وَنَحْوهَا. وَقد علمت كَيفَ يتعرّف أمزجة الأهوية من عروضها وَمن تربَتهَا وَمن مجاورة الْبحار وَالْجِبَال لَهَا وَمن رياحها,"Whether the water is plentiful or scarce, stagnant or flowing. Local factors (trees, mines, cemeteries, dead animals, putrescent pools). Purity or impurity of the atmosphere. As we have also learnt, the temperament of the air is revealed by the latitude of a territory, its elevation or lowness, proximity of mountains and seas, the prevailing winds, the kind of soil.." ونقول بِالْجُمْلَةِ: إِن كل هَوَاء يسْرع إِلَى التبرد إِذا غَابَتْ الشَّمْس ويسخن إِذا طلعت فَهُوَ لطيف وَمَا يضاده بِالْخِلَافِ. ثمَّ شَرّ الأهوية مَا كَانَ يقبض الْفُؤَاد ويضيّق النَّفس ثمَّ لنفصل الْآن حَال مسكن مسكن.,"In short, whenever the air becomes quickly cold after sunset, and quickly warms after sunrise (we know it) is attenuated. If the opposite is the case, the nature of the atmosphere is the contrary. The most harmful of all kinds of air is that which contracts the heart and hinders inspiration, and makes breathing difficult. We now discuss each kind of locality in turn." فِي المساكن الحارة. المساكن الحارة مسوّدة مفلفلة للشعور مضعفة للهضم لماذا كثر فِيهَا التَّحْلِيل جدا وَقلت الرطوباث أسْرع الْهَرم إِلَى أَهلهَا كَمَا فِي الْحَبَشَة فَإِن أَهلهَا يهرمون من بِلَادهمْ فِي ثَلَاثِينَ سنة وَقُلُوبهمْ خائفة لتحلل الرّوح جدا. والمساكن الحارة أَهلهَا أَلين أبداناً.,"Hot countries. The hair becomes dark or black and frizzly, and becomes gathered into tight clumps like pepper- flowers; the digestion is weakened. Old age comes on early, owing to the great dissipation of breath, and the draining away of the bodily moisture. This is seen in the land of the blacks (Ethiopia, Abyssinia). Persons who reside in such countries: become aged at thirty, are timid (as the breath is so much dispersed), and the body becomes soft and dark." فِي المساكن الْبَارِدَة. المساكن الْبَارِدَة أَهلهَا أقوى وَأَشْجَع وَأحسن هضماً كَمَا علمت فَإِن كَانَت رطبَة كَانَ أَهلهَا لحيمين شحيمين غائري الْعُرُوق جافي المفاصل غضين بضين.,"Cold countries. Persons who go to live in cold countries become robust and stronger, and bolder and more courageous. The digestion improves. If the climate is also damp the people will become obese and fleshy and coarse. The veins will not show under the skin of the hands, and the joints are indistinct in outline. The body becomes pale and delicate." فِي المساكن الرّطبَة. المساكن الرّطبَة أَهلهَا حسنو السحنات لينو الْجُلُود يسْرع إِلَيْهِم الاستر. ء فِي رياضاتهم وَلَا يسخن صيفهم شَدِيدا وَلَا يبرد شتاؤهم شَدِيدا وتكثر فيهم الحميّات المزمنة والإسهال ونزف,"Damp wet countries. Here the summer is not very warm, nor the winter very cold. People living in humid countries have beautiful faces with soft smooth complexions. They, soon get tired with exercise. They are liable to develop protracted fevers, with looseness of the bowels and menorrhage. Piles, which are common, often bleed. Septic ulcers, fistulas, and aphthous and pustular stomatitis are common; also epilepsy." فِي المساكن الْيَابِسَة. المساكن الْيَابِسَة يعرض لأصحابها أَن تيبس أمزجتهم وتقحل جُلُودهمْ وتتشقق ويسبق إِلَى أثمغتهم اليبس وَيكون صيفهم حاراً وشتاؤهم بَارِد الضِّدّ مَا أوضحناه. فِي المساكن الْعَالِيَة.,"Here the summer is very hot and the winter very cold. People who live in dry climates develop a dry temperament. The skin becomes dry and dusky as a result of the great dryness and roughness of the atmosphere. The brain soon becomes dry in temperament." سكان المساكن الْعَالِيَة أصحاء أقوياء أجلاد طويلو الْأَعْمَار.,"Residence in high altitudes. People residing in high altitudes are healthy, strong, and capable of much physical work; they are long-lived." فِي المساكن الغائرة. سكان الأغوار يكونُونَ دَائِما فِي وَمد وكمد ومياه غير بَارِدَة خُصُوصا إِن كَانَت راكدة أَو مياهاً بطيحية أَو سبخية وعَلى أَن مياهها بِسَبَب هوائها رَدِيئَة.,"Residence in low-lying countries. The air is very damp; and in summer is sultry, without modification by winds. The inhabitants are therefore unhealthy and debilitated, liable to be depressed and gloomy in disposition. The climate is unfavourable to the functions of the liver. Water is plentiful, and not cold, especially if it is stagnant, lagunal or marshy. The air is then unhealthy, as you already know." فِي المساكن الحجرية المكشوفة هَؤُلَاءِ يكون هواؤهم حاراً شَدِيدا فِي الصَّيف بَارِدًا فِي الشتَاء وَتَكون أبدانهم صلبة مدمجة كَثِيرَة الشّعْر قَوِيَّة بنية المفاصل تغلب عَلَيْهِم اليبوسة ويسهرون وهم سيئو الْأَخْلَاق مستكبرون مستبدون وَلَهُم نجدة فِي الحروب وذكاء فِي الصناعات وحدة.,"Residence in rocky and exposed places. The climate in such places is very hot in summer, and very cold in winter. The body becomes hardened and sturdy, very hairy, strong, with large prominent joints. Dryness rules in such persons; they are very wide-awake, and resist bad habits, are pertinacious, warlike, skilful in the arts, and are energetic in character." فِي المساكن الجبلية الثلجية. سكان المساكن الجبلية الثلجية حكمهم حكم كَانَ سَائِر الْبِلَاد الْبَارِدَة وَتَكون بِلَادهمْ بِلَاد أريحية وَمَا دَامَ الثَّلج بَاقِيا تولد مِنْهَا ريَاح طيبَة فَإِذا ذَابَتْ وَكَانَت الْجبَال بِحَيْثُ تمنع الرِّيَاح عَادَتْ وَمُدَّة.,"Residence in mountains and snow-clad places. People living in such places resemble those living in cold countries, being of great stature, strong, fierce, and given to toil, for the seasons vary much. These countries are windy, the winds being good as long as the snow lasts, but unhealthy when it melts, especially if there should be mountains to screen off the winds. In this case, the place becomes hot and damp." فِي المساكن البحرية. هَذِه الْبِلَاد يعتدل حرهَا وبردها لاستعصاء رطوبتها على الانفعال وَقبُول مَا ينفذ فِيهَا وَأما فِي الرُّطُوبَة واليبوسة فيميل إِلَى الرُّطُوبَة لَا محَالة فَإِن كَانَت شمالية كَانَ قرب الْبَحْر وغور الْمسكن أعدل لَهَا وَإِن كَانَت جنوبية حارة الضِّدّ من ذَلِك.,"Residence in maritime regions. .The heat and cold of these regions is modified by their moisture; hence injury is resisted, and the body is inreceptive for whatever would otherwise invade it. As regards moisture and dryness, no doubt, such regions tend to be damp. If the country faces the north and has no protection against north winds (the sea being on that side, and the country being low), the climate will be more temperate. If it faces to the south, the climate will be hot and insalubrious (morbific)." فِي المساكن الشمالية. هَذِه المساكن فِي أَحْكَام الْبِلَاد والفصول الْبَارِدَة الَّتِي تكْثر فِيهَا أمراض الحقن وَالْعصر وتكثر الأخلاط فِيهَا مجتمعة فِي الْبَاطِن. وَمن مقتضياتها جودة الهضم وَطول الْعُمر وَيكثر فيهم الرعاف لِكَثْرَة الامتلاء وَقلة التَّحَلُّل فتتفجّر الْعُرُوق.,"Residence in northerly countries. Persons who live in the north resemble in character those who live in cold countries with cold seasons. Diseases of “expression” and those due to confinement of the humours in the interior parts are liable to occur. Digestion is usually good. Such persons are long-lived. The repletion with, and the lack of dispersion of, the humours predisposes to epistaxis and rupture of varicose veins." وَأما الصرع فَلَا يعرض لَهُم لصِحَّة باطنهم ووفور حرارتهم الغريزية فَإِن عرض كَانَ قَوِيا لِأَنَّهُ لن يعرض إِلَّا لسَبَب قوي. ويسرع برْء القروح فِي أبدانهم لقوتهم وجودة دِمَائِهِمْ وَلِأَنَّهُ لَيْسَ من خَارج سَبَب يرخّيها ويلينها ولشدة حرارة قُلُوبهم تكون فيهم أَخْلَاق سبعية.,"Ulcers readily heal owing to the vigour of the body and the purity of the blood; the external conditions are also favourable to healing, because there is nothing to relax or moisten (the tissues). The fact that the innate heat is plentiful in such people prevents epilepsy from occurring, but if fits should occur they will be correspondingly severe, for it would have to be a very powerful agent to bring on such fits at all in these regions. The great degree of heat in the heart makes such persons leonine (wolfish) in disposition." ويعرض لنسائهم أَن لايستنقين فضل استنقاء بالطمث فَإِن طمثهن لايسيل سيلاناً كَافِيا لتقبض المسالك وَعدم مَا يسيل ويرخي فَلذَلِك يكن فِيمَا قَالُوا عواقر لِأَن الْأَرْحَام فِيهِنَّ غير نقية.,Effect on the female sex. Menstruation is defective owing to constriction of the channels and the absence of the stimulus to menstrual flow and to relaxation of the channels. Some assert that this makes the women sterile: that their wombs do not open. وَهَذَا خلاف مَا يُشَاهد عَلَيْهِ الْحَال فِي بِلَاد التّرْك بل أَقُول: إِن اشتداد حرارتهن الغريزية يُقَاوم مَا ينقص من فعل الْأَسْبَاب المسيّلة والمرخية من خَارج.,"But this is contrary to experience; at any rate as regards the Germans [Turks, Parthians in other readings]. My opinion is that the great amount of innate heat makes up for the absence of the stimulus to flow and to dilate the channels." قَالُوا: وقلما يعرض لَهُنَّ الْإِسْقَاط وَذَلِكَ دَلِيل صَحِيح على أَن القوى فِي سكان هَذَا الصقع قَوِيَّة ويعسر ولادهن لِأَن أَعْضَاء ولادتهن منضمة منسدة وَأكْثر مَا يسقطن للبرد وتقل ألبانهن وتغلظ للبرد الحابس من النّفُوذ والسيلان.,"Abortion, it is said, is rare amongst women in these climates, and this fact further supports the opinion that their vitality is great. However, parturition is not easy because the organs in question remain hard and will not open easily. If abortion should occur, it must be ascribed to the cold. The milk will be scanty and thick, because the cold prevents the blood from flowing easily enough to the breasts." وَقد يعرض فِي هَذِه الْبَلدة وخصوصاً لضعاف القوى مثل النِّسَاء كزاز وسل وخصوصاً للواتي تضعن فَإِنَّهُ يعرض لَهُنَّ السل والكزاز كثير الشدَّة تزحرهن لعسر الْولادَة فتنصدع الْعُرُوق الَّتِي فِي نواحي الصَّدْر أَو أَجزَاء من العصب والليف فَيعرض من الأول سل وَمن الثَّانِي كزاز,"When the vitality is impaired, people in these regions (especially parient women) are liable to develop puerperal tetanus, and wasting diseases, because the difficult labour makes them strain so much, and consequently risk tearing the veins in the chest, and the nerve and muscle-fibres. The former leads to pulmonary ulcers; and the latter to spasmodic affections." وَيكون مراق الْبَطن مِنْهُنَّ عرضة للانصداع عِنْد شدَّة الْعسر. ويعرض للصبيان أدرة المَاء وَيَزُول مَعَ الْكبر. ويعرض للجواري مَاء الْبَطن والأرحام وَيَزُول مَعَ الْكبر. والرمد يعرض لَهُم فِي النَّادِر وَإِذا عرض كَانَ شَدِيدا.,"Another effect of the excessive straining during parturition is ventral hernia. As regards the age of puberty (in these countries): hydrocele arises, but disappears as the persons grow older. Female slaves are liable to develop ascites and hydro-uterus; but these also pass away as they grow old. Ophthalmia is rare, but is severe when it does occur." فِي المساكن الجنوبية. المساكن الجنوبية أَحْكَامهَا أَحْكَام الْبِلَاد والفصول الحارة وَأكْثر مياهها يكون ملحاً كبريتياً. ورؤوس سكانها تكون ممتلئة مواد رطبَة لِأَن الْجنُوب يفعل ذَلِك. وبطونهم دائمة الِاخْتِلَاف مَا لَا بُد أَن يسيل إِلَى معدهم من رؤوسهم,"Residence in southerly countries. The climatic features in these cases are those of hot countries and climates. The prevailing winds are not beneficial to health. The waters are usually salty and sulphur-containing. Moist humours accumulate in the head in people living in these regions, as that is an effect of the south; they pass downwards and render the intestines loose." وَيَكُونُونَ مسترخي الْأَعْضَاء ضعافها وحواسهم ثَقيلَة وشهواتهم للطعام وَالشرَاب ضَعِيفَة أيضاَ. ويعظم خمارهم من الشَّرَاب لضعف رؤوسهم ومعدهم ويعسر برْء قروحهم وتترهل,"The limbs are weak and flabby; the senses are dulled; the appetite for food and drink is enfeebled; and the lack of heat and weakness of the stomach accounts, for the fact that wine is readily intoxicant. Ulcers heal and soften slowly." وتكثر بهَا فِي النِّسَاء نزف الْحيض وَلَا يحبلن إِلَّا بعسر ويسقطن فِي الْأَكْثَر لِكَثْرَة أمراضهن لَا لسَبَب آخر ويصيب الرِّجَال اخْتِلَاف الدَّم والبواسير والرمد الرطب السَّرِيع التَّحَلُّل.,"Effect on the female sex: Menstruation is profuse and is arrested with difficulty. Pregnancy is rare. Abortion is frequent, simply because illness is so frequent. Effect on the male sex: There is a liability to severe diarrhoea; bleeding of piles; humid ophthalmia. But these are quickly recovered from." وَأما الكهول فَمن جَاوز الْخمسين فيصيبهم الفالج من نوازلهم ويصيب عامتهم لسَبَب امتلاء الرؤوس الربو والتمدّد والصرع ويصيبهم حميّات يجْتَمع فِيهَا حر وَبرد والحميّات الطَّوِيلَة الشتوية والليلية وتقل فيهم الحميات الحارة لِكَثْرَة استطلاقاتهم وتحلّل اللَّطِيف من أخلاطهم.,"Persons over fifty years of age are liable to paralysis, which follows on catarrhal conditions. At all ages there is a tendency to asthma, spasmodic diseases (tetanic spasm, epilepsy), because there is this tendency, for serous humour to accumulate in the head. Both sexes are liable to develop fever in which heat and cold occur simultaneously. Prolonged fevers come on in the winter, and are nocturnal. Acute fevers are rare because of the liability to diarrhoea, so that the more attenuated part of the humours is continuously dispersed." فِي المساكن المشرقيّة. الْمَدِينَة الْمَفْتُوحَة إِلَى الْمشرق الْمَوْضُوعَة بحذائه صَحِيحَة جَيِّدَة الْهَوَاء تطلع عَلَيْهِم الشَّمْس فِي أول النَّهَار ويصفو هواؤهم ثمَّ ينْصَرف عَنْهُم وَقد صفى. وتهب عَلَيْهِم ريَاح لَطِيفَة ترسلها إِلَيْهِم الشَّمْس وتتبعها بِنَفسِهَا وتتفق حركاتها.,"Residence in easterly countries. When a district is exposed to the east, and is sheltered (by trees) on the west, it is healthy and the climate is good. This is because the sun is high over it in the early part of the day, thus rendering the atmosphere clear. The purified air passes on and gentle winds blow over it in advance of the rising sun, their direction being corresponding." فِي المساكن المغربية. الْمَدِينَة المكشوفة إِلَى الْمغرب المستورة عَن الْمشرق لَا توافيها الشَّمْس إِلَى حِين وكما توافيها تَأْخُذ فِي الْبعد عَنْهَا لَا فِي الْقرب إِلَيْهَا فَلَا تلطف هواءها وَلَا تجففه بل تتركه رطبا غليظاً,"Residence in westerly countries. When a district is exposed on the west, and is sheltered (by trees) on the east, it does not receive the sun till late in the day, when the rays are already oblique. Hence the air never becomes rarefied or dry, but remains dense and humid." وَإِن أرْسلت إِلَى الْمَدِينَة رياحاً أرسلتها مغربية وليلاً فَتكون أَحْكَامهَا أَحْكَام الْبِلَاد الرّطبَة المزاج المعتدلة الْحَرَارَة الغليظة وَلَوْلَا مَا يعرض من كَثَافَة الْهَوَاء لكَانَتْ تشبه طباع الرّبيع,"The prevailing winds are westerly and nocturnal. The climate of such places is therefore as of damp countries, and the residents have a moderately hot and heavy temperament. The climate is heavy because the air is heavy. Were it not for that, the climate would be spring-like in nature." لَكِنَّهَا تقصر عَن صِحَة هَوَاء الْبِلَاد المشرقية قُصُوراً كثيرا فَلَا يجب أَن يلْتَفت إِلَى قَوْله من جزم أَن قُوَّة هَذِه الْبِلَاد قُوَّة الرّبيع قولا مُطلقًا بل إِنَّهَا بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى بِلَاد أُخْرَى جَيِّدَة جدا.,"Such districts are not as healthy as easterly ones, and they tend to become more unhealthy. Some say that this kind of country is spring-like in its character, and very healthy compared with other kinds of country." وَمن الْمَعْنى المذموم فِيهَا أَن الشَّمْس لَا توافيهم إِلَّا وَهِي مستولية على تسخين الإقليم لعلوها تطلع عَلَيْهِم لذَلِك دفْعَة بعد برد اللَّيْل ولرطوبة أمزجة هوائهم تكون أَصْوَاتهم باحة وخصوصاً فِي الخريف لنوازهم.,"But to my thinking the climate has very bad characters, and this is because the sun’s rays do not reach them- until they are no longer strong enough to warm the atmosphere; and then the sun sets at once, and a cold night then suddenly sets in. As the air is of humid temperament in such countries, the inhabitants are liable to have husky voices, especially in autumn; for they are prone to catarrhs from stagnation of the serous humour." فِي اخْتِيَار المساكن وتهيئتها. يَنْبَغِي لمن يخْتَار المساكن أَن يعرف تربة الأَرْض وحالها فِي الِارْتفَاع والانخفاض والانكشاف والإستتار وماءها وجوهر مَائِهَا وحاله فِي البروز والانكشاف أَو فِي الِارْتفَاع والانخفاض وَهل هِيَ معرّضة للرياح أَو غائراً فِي الأَرْض,"How to choose a -place of residence, and what type of house should he selected. The choice of a place of residence depends on: the soil position whether high or low-lying (atmospheric pressure, whether exposed or sheltered, bare or covered with trees or woodlands or forests (forests harbour moisture and foster the decay of vegetation); the water-supply its quality, whether the water is covered in (artificially) or exposed to the air, whether concealed or deep, marshy, whether thick or limpid, whether flowing from a height or running over stones; whether salty or “ crude" وَيعرف رياحهم. هَل هِيَ الصَّحِيحَة الْبَارِدَة وَمَا الَّذِي يجاورها من الْبحار والبطائح وَالْجِبَال والمعادن ويتعرّف حَال أهل الْبَلَد فِي الصِّحَّة والأمراض وأيّ الْأَمْرَاض يعْتَاد بهم ويتعرف قوتهم وهضمهم وجنس أغذيتهم,"the prevailing winds whether exposed to or sheltered from the sun; whether salubrious or not; fresh (cold) and bracing or dry and sultry (having blown over wide tracts of land), or moist; whether cold and healthy; the neighbouring country (maritime, marshy, presence of lakes; mountainous, or flat; rich in minerals or not; forests, jungles, etc.); whether the ground air is pure and healthy, impure and unhealthy, making the natives prone to illness; what sort of illnesses prevail; whether the natives are robust, have a good appetite and digestion, and are accustomed to food of good quality." ويتعرف حَال مَائِهَا وَهل هُوَ وَاسع منفتح أَو ضيّق المداخل مخنوق المنافس ثمَّ يجب أَن يَجْعَل الكوى والأبواب شرقية شمالية وَيكون الْعُمْدَة على تَمْكِين الرِّيَاح المشرقية من مداخلة الْأَبْنِيَة وتمكين الشَّمْس من الْوُصُول إِلَى كل مَوضِع فِيهَا فَإِنَّهَا هِيَ الْمصلحَة للهواء.,"the construction of house: whether with large, roomy or with narrow entrances; good ventilation, wide chimneys. Do the doors and windows face east and north ? One must be specially careful to arrange to have the easterly winds able to enter the house and see that the rays of the sun can enter all day, because the sun’s rays render the air pure." ومجاورة الْمِيَاه العذبة الْكَرِيمَة الْجَارِيَة الغمرة النظيفة الَّتِي تبرد شتاء وتسخن صيفاً خلاف الكامنة أَمر جيد منتفع بِهِ. فقد تكلمنا فِي الْهَوَاء والمساكن كلَاما مشروحاً وخليق بِنَا أَن نتكلم فِيمَا يتلوها من الْأَسْبَاب المعدودة مَعهَا.,"One should be close to plenty of sweet running water, open to the sky, frozen in winter, and warm in summer, as all this is. favourable to health. Nearness to stagnant water and that, to- which light has no access is unfavourable. We have now discussed the atmosphere and the geographical influences sufficiently. We now proceed with the corporeal factors." الْفَصْل الثَّانِي عشر مُوجبَات الْحَرَكَة والسكون,THE INFLUENCE OF EXERCISE AND REPOSE. الْحَرَكَة يخْتَلف فعلهَا فِي بدن الْإِنْسَان بِمَا يشتدّ ويضعف وَبِمَا يقلٌ وَيكثر وَبِمَا يخالطها من السّكُون وَهَذَا عِنْد الْحُكَمَاء قسم بِرَأْسِهِ وَبِمَا يتعاطاه من الْموَاد,"The effect of exercise on the human body varies according to (i) its degree (strong, weak) , amount (little, much), and according to (ii) the amount of rest taken, (iii) the movement of the humours associated." وَالْحَرَكَة الشَّدِيدَة والكثيرة والقليلة المخالطة للسكون يشْتَرك فِي تهييج الْحَرَارَة إِلَّا أَن الشَّدِيدَة الْغَيْر الْكَثِيرَة تفارق الْكَثِيرَة الْغَيْر الشَّدِيدَة والكثيرة المخالطة للسكون بِأَنَّهَا تسخن الْبدن سخونة كَثِيرَة وتحلل إِن حللت أقل.,"All degrees of exercise (strong, weak, little, or alternating with rest) agree in increasing the innate heat. It makes little difference whether the exercise be vigorous or weak and associated with much rest or not, for it makes the body very hot, and even if exercise should entail a loss of the innate heat, it does so only to a small amount." وَأما الْكَثِيرَة فَإِنَّهَا تحلل بالرفق فَوق مَا يسخن وَإِذا أفرد كل وَاحِد مِنْهُمَا برد لفرط تَحْلِيله الْحَار الغريزي وجفف أيضاَ. وَأما إِذا كَانَت متعاطاة لمادة فَرُبمَا كَانَت الْمَادَّة تفعل مَا يعين فعلهَا وَرُبمَا كَانَت تفعل مَا ينقص فعلهَا,"The dissipation of heat is only gradual, whereas the amount of heat produced is greater than the loss. If there be much of both exercise and repose, the effect is to cool the body, because the natural heat is now greatly dispersed, and consequently the body becomes dry." مثلا إِن كَانَت الْحَرَكَة حَرَكَة صناعَة القصارة فَإِنَّهَا يعرض لَهَا أَن تفِيد برد أَو رطوبات وَإِن كَانَت حَرَكَة صناعَة الحدادة عرض لَهَا أَن تفِيد فضل سخونة وجفاف.,"If the exercise entail the handling of certain material, that material usually adds to the effect of the exercise, though often there is a lessened effect. For instance, if the exercise be in the course of performing the fuller’s art, there would result an increase of coldness and moisture. If the exercise be in the course of the performance of the spelter’s art, there would be more heat and dryness." وَأما السّكُون فَهُوَ مبرّد دَائِما لفقدان انتعاش الْحَرَارَة الغريزية والإحتقان الحانق ومرطب لفقد التحلّل من الفضول.,"Repose always has (a) a cooling effect, because (i) the envigorating life-giving heat passes away, and (ii) the innate heat is confined. It has (b) a choking and moistening effect, because of the lack of dispersal of waste matters." الْفَصْل الثَّالِث عشر مُوجبَات النّوم واليقظة,CONDITIONS ASSOCIATED WITH SLEEP AND VIGILANCE. النّوم شَدِيد الشّبَه بِالسُّكُونِ واليقظة شَدِيدَة الشّبَه بالحركة لَكِن لَهما بعد ذَلِك خَواص يجب أَن نعتبر فَنَقُول: إِن النّوم يُقَوي القوى الطبيعية كلهَا بحقن الْحَرَارَة الغريزية ويرخي القوى النفسانية بترطيبه مسالك الرّوح النفساني,"The effect of sleep is very similar to that produced by repose; that of vigilance is very similar to that produced by exercise. In each case we must consider certain properties. Sleep (i) strengthens all natural junctions (digestion of the food and the elaboration of the digestive products into good blood), by aggregating the interior heat and by relaxing the sensitive faculties. (These are in abeyance, in sleep). It does so because it renders the channels of the (mind-) breath moist and relaxed." وإرخائه إِيَّاهَا وتكديرها جَوْهَر الرّوح وَيمْنَع مَا يتَحَلَّل وَلكنه يزِيل أَصْنَاف الإعياء وَيحبس المستفرغات المفرطة لِأَن الْحَرَكَة تزيد المستعدات للسيلان إسالة إِلَّا مَا كَانَ من الْموَاد فِي نَاحيَة الْجلد,"It makes the substance of the breath turbid., and prevents the exit of the vital breath (so that the vital heat accumulates in the interior parts). Sleep removes all types of lassitude and it restrains strong evacuations. If then followed by appropriate exercise (gymnastics), the power of running is increased unless (effete) matters accumulate which only the skin can remove." فَرُبمَا أعَان للنوم على دَفعه لحصره الْحَرَارَة دَاخِلا وتوزيعه الْغذَاء فِي الْبدن واندفاع مَا قرب من الْجلد بضن مَا بعد وَلَكِن الْيَقَظَة فِي هَذَا أبلغ على أَن النّوم أَكثر تعريفاً من الْيَقَظَة وَذَلِكَ لِأَن تَعْرِيفه على سَبِيل الِاسْتِيلَاء على الْمَادَّة لَا على سَبِيل التَّحْلِيل الرَّقِيق المتّصل.,"Sleep sometimes helps to ex-pel these effete matters, in that it imprisons the interior heat and procures the dissemination of the nutrients throughout the body, and the expulsion of the effete matters which are under the skin, as well as of those which are deep in the interior parts of the body. These innermost matters push on those which are in front of them in successive waves, until they finally reach the subcutaneous tissues and are thence discharged from the skin. The same action is achieved by wakefulness to a still greater degree, but in this case the effete matter is removed by dissipation, whereas sleep removes it by inducing sweating. Sleep induces sweating. It does this by a process of overcoming the effete matter, and not by a process of continuous dispersal of attenuated matter." وَمن عرق كثيرا فِي نَومه وَلَا سَبَب لَهُ من أَسبَاب أُخْرَى فَإِنَّهُ يمتلىء من الْغذَاء بِمَا لَا يحْتَملهُ فَإِن صَادف النّوم مَادَّة مستعدّة للهضم أَو النضج أحالها إِلَى طبيعة الدَّم وسخنها فانبث الْحَار فِي الْبدن فسخن الْبدن سخونة غريزية,"When a person sweats heavily during sleep, without obvious cause, nutrients accumulate in excess of the bodily requirements; when sleep encounters matter adapted for digestion and maturation, it turns it into the nature of blood and warms it, and in consequence innate heat is engendered, and travels through and warms the whole body." وَإِن صَادف أخلاطاً حارة مرارية وَطَالَ زَمَانه سخن البدن سخونة غَرِيبَة وَإِن صَادف خلاء تبرد بِمَا يحلل أَو خلطاً عَاصِيا على الْقُوَّة الهائمة برد بِمَا ينشر مِنْهُ,"If there are hot bilious humours, and the period of sleep is prolonged, the body grows warm by extraneous heat. If at the time of sleep the stomach is empty, the sleep will exert a cooling effect, in that it disperses the heat. If at the time of sleep there is a humour not amenable to the digestive power, the sleep will exert a cooling effect because of that to which this humour gives rise." واليقظة تفعل أضداد جَمِيع ذَلِك لَكِنَّهَا إِذا أفرطت أفسدت مزاج الدِّمَاغ إِلَى ضرب من اليبوسة وأضعفته فخلطت الْعقل وأحرقت الأخلاط فأحدثت أمراضاً حادة.,"The waking state acts in the contrary way in all these respects. If it occur to an excessive degree, the temperament of the brain changes to a certain dryness, with weakening and confusion of the reasoning power, oxidative changes in the humours and acute illnesses resulting." وَالنَّوْم المفرط يحدث ضدّ ذَلِك فَيحدث بلادة القوى النفسانية وَثقل الدِّمَاغ والأمراض الْبَارِدَة وَذَلِكَ بِمَا يمْنَع من التَّحَلُّل والسهر يزِيد فِي الشَّهْوَة ويجوع بِمَا يحلل من الْمَادَّة وَينْقص من الهضم بِمَا يحلّل من الْقُوَّة والتحليل بَين سهر ونوم رَدِيء الْأَحْوَال كلهَا.,"An excessive degree of sleep, on the other hand, exerts an opposite effect, for it dulls the powers of the mind, induces heaviness of the head and a cold intemperament. This is owing to the hindrance of resolution which such sleep brings about. The waking state (i) disperses the matter, and so increases the appetite and sense of hunger; disperses the digestive power, and so impairs digestion. Insomnia (lit. tossing about in bed), a state between watch-fulness and sleep, is bad for all the bodily states." وَالْغَالِب من حَال النّوم أَن الحز فِيهِ يبطن وَالْبرد يظْهر وَلذَلِك يَحْتَاجُونَ من الدثار لأعضائهم كلهَا إِلَى مَا لَا يحْتَاج إِلَيْهِ الْيَقظَان. وستجد من أَحْكَام النّوم وَمَا يتعرف مِنْهُ وَمن أَحْوَاله كلَاما كثيرا فِي الْكتب الْمُسْتَقْبلَة.,"Undue somnolence entails an imprisonment of the innate heat, and makes the body become cold exteriorly. This is why so many blankets are needed to keep the limbs warm during sleep, which are not required in the waking state. The indications furnished by somnolence, and its various aspects, and states, will be fully dealt with in subsequent volumes,. Allah willing." الْفَصْل الرَّابِع عشر مُوجبَات الحركات النفسانية,THE INFLUENCE OF PERTURBATIONS OF MIND. جَمِيع الْعَوَارِض النفسانية يتبعهَا أَو يصحبها حركات الرّوح إِمَّا إِلَى خَارج وَإِمَّا إِلَى دَاخل وَذَلِكَ إِمَّا دفْعَة وَإِمَّا قَلِيلا قَلِيلا,"Changing states of mind (nafs), and the associated “ motions ” of the breath are either interior or exterior, sudden or gradual." وَيتبع حركتها إِلَى خَارج برد الْبَاطِن وَرُبمَا أفرط ذَلِك فيتحلل دفْعَة فيبرد الْبَاطِن وَالظَّاهِر ويتبعه غشي أَو موت وَيتبع حركتها إِلَى دَاخل برودة الظَّاهِر وحرارة الْبَاطِن. وَرُبمَا اختنقت من شدّة الانحصار فيبرد الظَّاهِر وَالْبَاطِن ويتبعه غشي عَظِيم أَو موت.,"When there is coldness interiorly, it moves outwards with the breath; hence if the breath were suddenly dispersed, the coldness becomes excessive, and both exterior and interior cooling occur, which may be followed by syncope or even death. When there is coldness exteriorly, and heat interiorly, the- coldness moves inwards with the breath. Great confinement of the breath, with both exterior and interior cooling, results in severe syncope and even death." وَالْحَرَكَة إِلَى خَارج إِمَّا دفْعَة كَمَا عِنْد الْغَضَب وَإِمَّا أَولا فأولاً كَمَا عِنْد اللَّذَّة وَعند الْفَرح المعتدل. وَالْحَرَكَة إِلَى دَاخل إِمَّا دفْعَة كَمَا عِنْد الْفَزع وَإِمَّا أَولا فأولاً كَمَا عِنْد الْحزن.,"Outward Sudden and forcible Anger. Outward Gentle and gradual Delight and moderate joy Inward. Sudden and forcible. Fear, terror. Inward. Gentle and gradual. Expansion. Contractio . Gloom “contracted heart” mental de pression." والاختناق والتحلل الْمَذْكُورَان إِنَّمَا يتبعان دَائِما مَا يكون دفْعَة. وَأما النُّقْصَان وذبول الغريزية فَيتبع دَائِما مَا يكون قَلِيلا قَلِيلا – أَعنِي بِالنُّقْصَانِ الاختفاق بالتدريج – وَفِي جُزْء جُزْء لَا دفْعَة,"Confinement and dispersal of breath only occur suddenly; languishing of breath only develops by degrees. By “languishing” I mean a slowly progressive confinement or coarctation of the breath. When I say “the nature declines,” I refer to a gentle, gradual, step by’ step dispersal of the vitality." وَقد يتَّفق أَن يَتَحَرَّك إِلَى جِهَتَيْنِ فِي وَقت وَاحِد إِذا كَانَ الْعَارِض يلْزمه عارضان مثل الْهم: فَإِنَّهُ قد يعرض مَعَه غضب وحزن فتختلف الحركتان وَمثل الخجل: فَإِنَّهُ قد يقبض أَولا إِلَى الْبَاطِن ثمَّ يعود الْعقل والرأي فيبسط المنقبض فيثور إِلَى خَارج فيحمر اللَّوْن.,"If two motions of the mind occur simultaneously, the breath may move in two directions (contraction within itself, and enlarging) at once. This happens when there is fear, dread, and anxiety about the future. when anger and gloom occur simultaneously. The two opposite movements may produce a sense of shame, because there is first the confinement of the breath in the interior parts, and after that the power of reason returns, and resolution appears, allowing the contracted breath to expand again, and bring heat to the surface. The skin now becomes red." وَقد ينفعل الْبدن عَن هيئات نفسانية غير الَّتِي ذَكرنَاهَا مثل التصورات النفسانية فَإِنَّهَا تثير أموراً طبيعية كَمَا قد يعرض أَن يكون الْمَوْلُود مشابهاً لمن يتخيل صورته عِنْد المجامعة وَيقرب لَونه من لون مَا يلْزمه الْبَصَر عِنْد الْإِنْزَال.,"Influence on the body of mental disturbances of a different category. The state of the mind of the parents affects the body of the offspring; as for instance, phantasies. As a rule, it is some natural object which impresses the body. For instance, some image of a boy pictured by both parents at the time of conception may be realised in the infant when born; or the infant’s breath may have a “colour ” very like the colour seen (mentally) by the mother whilst the seminal fluid was flowing into her at coitus, or by the father during the time of this flow." وَهَذِه أَحْوَال رُبمَا اشمأز عَن قبُولهَا قوم لم يقفوا على أَحْوَال غامضة من أَحْوَال الْوُجُود. وَأما الَّذين لَهُم غوص فِي الْمعرفَة فَلَا يُنْكِرُونَهَا إِنْكَار مَا لَا يجوز وجوده. وَمن هَذِه الْقَبِيل اتِّبَاع حَرَكَة الدَّم من المستعد لَهَا إِذا كَثر تَأمله وَنَظره فِي الْأَشْيَاء الْحمر,"Many persons hate to believe such things, and suppose they can understand the states of the body without having realised the fundamental state. The physician who seeks wisdom does not deny these and allied things. Other, instances of the influence of the phantasy on the bodily state: (a) a movement of the mind which is intent on considering red things induces a corresponding state of readiness for a movement of the sanguineous humour." وَمن هَذَا الْبَاب تضرُس الْإِنْسَان لأكل غَيره من الحموضة وإصابته الْأَلَم فِي عُضْو يؤلم مثله غَيره إِذا راعه وَمن هَذَا الْبَاب تبدل المزاج بِسَبَب تصور مَا يخَاف أَو يفرح بِهِ.,"[Exanthems may be associated with such a movement of sanguineous humour (Costaeus)]. (b) energetic character: eating acrid things: hardening of the teeth, (c) introspective character: dwelling on aches and pains in the limbs: aches and pains in the limbs, (d) timid character: fearing lest some imagined event should happen: change of temperament corresponding. [Fear of catching a certain complaint: actually developing the disease (Costaeus)]. (e) hopeful disposition: rejoicing in the thought of something one would like to realise: change of temperament corresponding." الْفَصْل الْخَامِس عشر مُوجبَات مَا يُؤْكَل وَيشْرب,THE INFLUENCE OF FOOD AND DRINK. مَا يُؤْكَل وَيشْرب يفعل فِي بدن الْإِنْسَان من وُجُوه ثَلَاثَة: فَإِنَّهُ يفعل فعلا بكيفيته فَقَط وفعلاً بعنصره وفعلاً بجملة جوهره وَرُبمَا تقاربت مفهومات هَذِه الْأَلْفَاظ بِحَسب التعارف اللّغَوِيّ. إِلَّا أَنا نصطلح فِي استعَمالها على معَان نشِير إِلَيْهَا.,Food and drink influence the body in regard to (a) quality; (b) material composition; (c) “substance ” as a whole. It is essential to define each of these three terms exactly. فَأَما الْفَاعِل بكيفيته فَهُوَ أَن يكون من شَأْنه أَن يتسخن إِذا حصل فِي بدن الْإِنْسَان أَو يتبرد فيسخن بسخونته ويبرد بِبرْدِهِ من غير أَن يتشبه بِهِ. وَإِمَّا بعنصره: فَأن يكون بِحَيْثُ يَسْتَحِيل عَن طباعه فَيقبل صُورَة جُزْء عُضْو من أَعْضَاء الْإِنْسَان,"(a) Influence in regard to quality. Heating and cooling food and drink respectively make the body hot in virtue of. their own heat; cold in virtue of their own coldness; and yet these qualities do not become an integral part of the body. (b) Influence in regard to material composition. The food and drink in this case change from their own nature, so as to receive the “form” of one or other of the human members (tissues)." إِلَّا أَن عنصره مَعَ قبُوله صورته قد يتَّفق أَن يبْقى فِيهِ من أول الْأَمر إِلَى أَن يتم الِانْعِقَاد. والتشبه بَقِيَّة من كيفياته الَّتِي كَانَت لَهُ مَا هُوَ أَشد فِي بَابهَا من الكيفيات لبدن الْإِنْسَان مثل الدَّم الْمُتَوَلد من الخس فَإِنَّهُ يَصْحَبهُ من الْبُرُودَة ما هو أبرد من مزاج الْإِنْسَان,"and the matter of which the food is composed receives the “ form ” of the member, without losing its own dominant primary quality right through the whole process of digestion to the end of assimilation. Thus, the temperament of lettuce is colder than that of the human body." وَإِن كَانَ قد صَار دَمًا وَصلح أَن يكون جُزْء عُضْو إِنْسَان. وَالدَّم الْمُتَوَلد من النّوم بالضد وَأما الْفَاعِل بجوهره فَهُوَ الْفَاعِل بصورته النوعية الَّتِي بهَا هُوَ هُوَ لَا بكيفيته من غير تشبه بِالْبدنِ أَو مَعَ تشته بِالْبدنِ,"and yet lettuce becomes blood, and is thus capable of being converted into tissue. The temperament of garlic is hotter than that of the human body and it also becomes blood. (c) Influence in regard to “ substance” as a whole. The specific “ form.” This is an action according to what food is in itself, as apart from its four primary qualities, and apart from whether it becomes like the tissues or not, or apart from whether the body becomes like to it or not." وأعني بالكيفية إِحْدَى هَذِه الكيفيات الْأَرْبَع فالفاعل بالكيفية لَا مدْخل لمادته فِي الْفِعْل وَالْفَاعِل بالعنصر هُوَ الَّذِي إِذا اسْتَحَالَ عنصره عَن جوهره اسْتِحَالَة يُوجِبهَا قُوَّة فِي الْبدن قَامَ بدل مَا يتَحَلَّل أَولا وذكى الْحَرَارَة الغريزية بِالزِّيَادَةِ فِي الدَّم ثَانِيًا وَرُبمَا فعل أَيْضا بالكيفية الْبَاقِيَة فِيهِ ثَالِثا.,"Matter does not enter into action in virtue of its quality of action. But action ensues in virtue of its matter when the matter is changed by a transforming faculty in the body, from the substance it originally possesses, and (i) first renews whatever has been used up in the body, and so increases the innate heat in the blood. Then the effect of the primary qualities which remain in the food after that comes into play." وَالْفَاعِل بالجوهر هُوَ الَّذِي يفعل بِصُورَة نَوعه الْحَاصِلَة بعد المزاج الَّذِي إِذا امتزجت بسائطه وَحدث مِنْهَا شَيْء وَاحِد استعد لقبُول نوع وَصُورَة زَائِدَة على بسائط تِلْكَ الصُّورَة لَيست الكيفيات الأول الَّتِي للعنصر وَلَا المزاج الْكَائِن عَنْهَا,"Action occurs in virtue of the substance when the “form” of its “species” resulting from its temperament (for the elementary components are intermingled, and one single thing emerges therefrom) is made ready for receiving the species; a certain “form” is now super-added over and above the form possessed by, the primary qualities. But this “form” is neither the primary qualities of the matter, nor the temperament proceeding from those primary qualities." بل كَمَال يحصل للعنصر بِحَسب استعداد حصل لَهُ من المزاج مثل الْقُوَّة الجاذبة فِي مغناطيس وَمثل طبيعة كل نوع من أَنْوَاع الْحَيَوَان والنبات المستفادة بعد المزاج بإعداد المزاج وَلَيْسَت من بسائط المزاج وَلَا نفس المزاج,"This “form” is that perfection which the pattern of the ailment receives according to its capacity, and its capacity is the outcome of its temperament. Example: the attractive faculty of the magnet; the nature inherent in the various species of plants and animals (the nature emerging from the temperament). Nor is this “form” any of the simple temperaments by themselves." إِذْ لَيست حرارة وَلَا برودة وَلَا رُطُوبَة وَلَا يبوسة لَا بسيطة وَلَا ممزوجة بل هِيَ مثل لون أَو رَائِحَة أَو نفس أَو صُورَة أُخْرَى لَيست من المحسوسات.,"for it is not hotness, moistness, dryness, or coldness, either alone or in combination. Really speaking, it is something comparable with colour, odour, or intellect, soul, or some other “ form ” imperceptible by the senses." وَهَذِه الصُّورَة الْحَادِثَة بعد المزاج قد يتَّفق أَن يكون كمالها الانفعال من الْغَيْر إِذْ كَانَت هَذِه الصُّورَة قُوَّة إنفعالية وَقد يتَّفق أَن يكون كمالها فعلا فِي الْغَيْر إِذا كَانَت هَذِه الصُّورَة قَوِيَّة على فعل فِي الْغَيْر. وَإِذا كَانَت فعالة فِي الْغَيْر قد يتَّفق أَن يكون فعلهَا فِي بدن الْإِنْسَان وَقد يتَّفق أَن لَا يكون.,"The “form” which arises after the temperament has formed may be perfected by passive action. In this case the “form” “passive property.” But it may also exhibit active perfection. In this case “ form ” “ active property” (active principle). This active property may be exerted upon a human being, or it may not." وَإِن كَانَت قُوَّة تفعل فِي بدن الْإِنْسَان فقد يتَّفق أَن تفعل فعلا ملائماً وَقد يتَّفق أَن تفعل فعلا غير ملائم. وَتَكون جملَة الْفِعْل فعلا لَيْسَ مصدره عَن مزاجه بل عَن صورته النوعية الْحَادِثَة بعد المزاج,"Any property may produce an effect on the human body which is either desirable (useful, harmonious) or undesirable (inharmonious). Such an effect is not entirely derived from its temperament; it is also derived from the specific “form,” over and above the temperament." فَلهَذَا يُسمى هَذَا فعلا بجملة الْجَوَاهِر أَي بِصُورَة النَّوْع لَا بالكيفية أَي لَا بالكيفيات الْأَرْبَع وَمَا هُوَ مزاج عَنْهَا. أما الملائم فَمثل فعل فاوانيا فِي إِبْطَاله الصرع. وَأما الْمنَافِي فَمثل قُوَّة البيش الْمفْسدَة لجوهر الْإِنْسَان.,"Hence we speak of such an effect as derived from the substance as a whole (that is, the “specific form ”), and not from any of the primary qualities or from a temperamental’ intermingling of the qualities. For instance, the action of peony in annulling epileptic seizures is desirable. The action of aconite in destroying human “substance” is an instance of undesirable action." وَنَرْجِع الْآن فَنَقُول: إِنَّا إِذا قُلْنَا للشَّيْء المتناول أَو المطلوخ أَنه حَار أَو بَارِد فَإِنَّمَا نعني أَنه كَذَلِك بِالْقُوَّةِ لَا بِالْفِعْلِ ونعني أَنه بِالْقُوَّةِ أحر من أبداننا وأبرد من أبداننا,"Returning from our digression, then, when we say that a substance which is eaten or is introduced hypodermically (e.g. by inunction) is “hot” or “cold,” we mean not only that it is so virtually (not actually), but that it is virtually hotter or colder than are our bodies." ونعني بِهَذِهِ الْقُوَّة قُوَّة مُعْتَبرَة بِوَقْت فعل حرارة بدننا فِيهَا بِأَن يكون إِذا انفعل حاملها عَن الْحَار الغريزي الَّذِي لنا حدث حِينَئِذٍ فِيهَا ذَلِك بِالْفِعْلِ,"“Power” “potentiality” is a term with two kinds of meaning, (a) It may be used in reference to the action of the innate heat of the body upon it. As soon as the potendality encounters the action of the innate heat it submits to that, and so becomes act." وَرُبمَا عنينا بِهَذِهِ الْقُوَّة شَيْئا آخر وَهُوَ أَن تكون الْقُوَّة بِمَعْنى جودة الاستعداد كَقَوْلِنَا إِن الكبريت حَار بِالْقُوَّةِ وَرُبمَا اكتفينا بقولنَا إِن الشَّيْء حَار أَو بَارِد إِلَى الْأَغْلَب فِي مزاجه من الْأَركان الأولى غير ملتفتين إِلَى جَانب فعل بدننا فِيهِ.,"(b) The word potentiality may also be considered in reference to its utility or advantage to the body. Thus we say that sulphur is hot in potentiality (“virtually hot”). When we say that a thing is hot or cold, we may mean that one of the four imponderables is dominant in its temperament; and we do not refer to the effect which it has on our bodies." وَقد نقُول للدواء إِنَّه بِالْقُوَّةِ كَذَا إِذا كَانَت الْقُوَّة بِمَعْنى المَلَكَةِ كقوة الْكَاتِب التارك للكتابة على الْكِتَابَة مثل قَوْلنَا إِن البيش بِالْقُوَّةِ مُفسد.,"We may say that a certain medicine has such and such a potentiality, thereby meaning its utility or otherwise to the body. Thus, a scribe who has stopped writing still has the potentiality for writing. So we say that aconite has a destructive potentiality." وَالْفرق بَين هَذَا وَبَين الأول أَن الأول مَا لم يُحِلْهُ الْبدن إحالَةً ظَاهِرَة لم يخرج إِلَى الْفِعْل وَهَذَا بِمَا أَن يفعل بِنَفس الملاقاة كسم الأفاعي أَو بِأَدْنَى اسْتِحَالَة فِي كيفيته كالبيش. وَبَين الْقُوَّة الأولى وَالْقُوَّة الَّتِي ذَكرنَاهَا قُوَّة متوسطة هِيَ مثل قُوَّة الْأَدْوِيَة السمية.,"In the one case, there is no act till after the body has become evidently changed. In the other, the action occurs at once, from the mere presence of the agent (e.g. viper poison), or sometime later, after it has undergone some certain change in quality (e.g. aconite). (c) Between these two potentialities there is a third that of poisonous medicaments." ثمَّ نقُول إِن مَرَاتِب الْأَدْوِيَة قد جعلت أَرْبَعَة. الْمرتبَة الأولى مِنْهَا: أَن يكون فعل المتناول فِي الْبدن بكيفيته فعلا غير محسوس مثل أَن يسخن أَو يبرّد تسخيناً أَو تبريداً لَيْسَ يفْطن لَهُ وَلَا يحس بِهِ إِلَّا أَن يتَكَرَّر أَو يكثر.,"There are four orders of medicaments whether eaten, or taken in the fluid state, or whether given by inunction. The first degree. The action of the quality of a medicament on the body is imperceptible to the senses. Thus, a warming or cooling effect is not perceived by the senses unless it is given repeatedly, or in larger dose." والمرتبة الثَّانِيَة: أَن يكون الْفِعْل أقوى من ذَلِك وَلَكِن لَا يبلغ أَن يضر بالأفعال ضَرَرا بَينا وَلَا يُغير مجْراهَا الطبيعي إِلَّا بِالْعرضِ أَو إِلَّا أَن يتَكَرَّر وَيكثر. والمرتبة الثَّالِثَة: أَن يكون فعلهَا يُوجب بِالذَّاتِ ضَرَرا بَينا وَلَكِن لَا يبلغ أَن يهْلك وَيفْسد.,"The second degree. A greater degree of action, without perceptibly interfering with the functions of the body or changing their natural course (excepting incidentally, or because given in large doses). The third degree. There is evident interference with function, but not markedly enough to produce breakdown or death of tissue." والمرتبة الرَّابِعَة: أَن يكون بِحَيْثُ يبلغ أَن يهْلك وَيفْسد وَهَذِه خاصية الْأَدْوِيَة السميّة فَهَذَا مَا يكون بالكيفية. وَأما المهلك بجملة جوهره فَهُوَ السم.,"The fourth degree. Destruction or death of tissue is produced. This is the degree produced by poisons. A poison is lethal in all respects (that is, in all parts of its “substance”)." ونقول من رَأس إِن جَمِيع مَا يرد على الْبدن مِمَّا يجْرِي بَينهمَا فعل وانفعال: إِمَّا أَن يتَغَيَّر عَن الْبدن وَلَا يُغَيِّرهُ وَإِمَّا أَن يتغيّر عَن الْبدن ويغيره وَإِمَّا أَن لَا يتغيّر عَن الْبدن ويغيره. فَأَما الَّذِي يتغيرعن الْبدن وَلَا يُغَيِّرهُ. تغييراً معتدًا بِهِ فإمَّا أَن يتشبه بِالْبدنِ وَإِمَّا أَن لَا يتشبه.,"Fate of medicaments taken into the body. A. They are changed by the body (passive change). (i.) The body itself is not changed nor restored to health (ii.) The body itself is also changed (active action). (а) Change in medicament produces change in body, and interferes with or even arrests function." وَأما الَّذِي يتَغَيَّر عَن الْبدن ويغيّره فَلَا يَخْلُو إِمَّا أَن يكون كَمَا يتَغَيَّر عَن الْبدن يغيّر الْبدن ثمَّ إِنَّه يتَغَيَّر عَن الْبدن اَخر الْأَمر فَيبْطل بِغَيْرِهِ وَإِمَّا أَن لَا يكون كَذَلِك بل يكون هُوَ الَّذِي يُغير الْبدن آخر الْأَمر ويفسده.,"B. They are not changed at all by the body, but they produce a (deleterious) change in the body (active action on the body) (b) The change in the body continues till life is Destroyed venomous medicine." وَالْقسم الأول إِمَّا أَن يكون بِحَيْثُ يتشبه بِالْبدنِ أَو لَا يكون بِحَيْثُ يتشبّه بِهِ فَإِن تشبه بِهِ فَهُوَ الْغذَاء الدوائي وَإِن لم يتشبّه فَهُوَ الدَّوَاء الْمُطلق. وَالْقسم الثَّانِي فَهُوَ الدَّوَاء السمّي. وَأما الَّذِي لَا يتَغَيَّر عَن الْبدن الْبَتَّةَ ويغيره فَهُوَ السم الْمُطلق,"(a) Medicament changed into the likeness of the body – pure nutriment. (b) Medicament changed, but not into the likeness of the body attempered medicine. (a) the change is into the likeness of the body – medicinal food. (b) not into the likeness of the body pure medicine. pure poison." ولسنا نعني بقولنَا إِنَّه لَا يتَغَيَّر عَن الْبدن أَنه لَا يسخن فِي الْبدن بِفعل الْحَار الغريزي فِيهِ بل أَكثر السمُوم مَا لم يسخن فِي الْبدن بِفعل الْحَار الغريزي فِيهِ لم يُؤثر فِيهِ,"B. In saying a medicament is “not changed by our body” we do not mean that it does not induce a formation of heat in the body by affecting the innate heat, for, as a matter of fact, most poisons only act on the body in that way, thereby producing warmth." بل نعني أَنه لَا يتَغَيَّر فِي صورته الطبيعية بل لَا يزَال يفعل وَهُوَ ثَابت الْقُوَّة وَالصُّورَة حَتَّى يفْسد الْبدن وَقد تكون طبيعة هَذَا حارة فَتعين طَبِيعَته خاصيته فِي تَحْلِيل الرّوح كسم الأفعى والبيش.,"We mean that its “form ” is not changed, and that in consequence its power continues to influence the body until the latter has destroyed the “ form.” For instance, if the nature of the medicament be hot, its nature reinforces its property of dispersing the breath. Examples: viper venom; aconite." وَقد تكون بَارِدَة فَتعين طَبِيعَته خاصيته فِي إخماد الرّوح وإيهانه كسم الْعَقْرَب والشوكران وَجَمِيع مَا يبرّد وَقد يغيّر الْبدن آخر الْأَمر تغييراً طبيعياً وَهُوَ التسخين.,"Again, if the medicament be cold, its nature reinforces its property by congealing or enfeebling the breath. Ex.: scorpion venom, hyoscyamus (or, hellebore). Ad. A. i.a. Anything that is nutritious will eventually change the temperament of the body, and in a natural manner." فَإِنَّهُ إِذا اسْتَحَالَ إِلَى الدَّم زَاد لَا محَالة فِي التسخين حَتَّى إِن الخس والقرع يسخن هَذَا التسخين إِلَّا أَنا لسنا نقصد بالتغيير هَذَا التسخين بل مَا كَانَ صادراً عَن كَيْفيَّة الشَّيْء ونوعه بعد بَاقٍ.,"It warms the body because when it becomes blood that is the natural effect; and the body becomes warmer. Lettuce and gourds warm in this way. So in saying “warm” we do not mean “warm the ‘ form,’ ”but“ warm that which arises out of its own intrinsic quality the ‘ species ’ remaining.”" والدواء الغذائي يَسْتَحِيل عَن الْبدن بجوهره ويستحيل عَنهُ بكيفيته لكنه يَسْتَحِيل أَولا فِي كيفيته فَمِنْهُ مَا يَسْتَحِيل أَولا إِلَى حرارة فيسخن كالثوم وَمِنْه مَا يَسْتَحِيل أَولا إِلَى برودة فيبرد كالخس.,"Ad. A. ii. a.—Medicaments which are foods are altered by the body first in quality, and later in “substance.” This change in quality may be in respect of heat, so that the medicament warms (e.g. garlic); or it may be in respect of cold, so that the body becomes cold (e.g. lettuce)." وَإِذا استتمت الاستحالة إِلَى الدَّم كَانَ أَكثر فعله التسخين بتوفير الدَّم وَكَيف لَا يسخن وَقد استحالت حارة وخلعت برودتها.,"Afterwards, when the digestion and conversion into good blood has been completed, the medicament produces warmth to the same extent to which it has added to the volume of the blood, thereby increasing the “substance” of the innate heat. How could it do otherwise than furnish heat when it has itself been made hot, and its coldness thereby abstracted ?" لكنه قد يصحب أَيْضا كل وَاحِد مِنْهُمَا من الْكَيْفِيَّة الغريزية شَيْء بعد الاستحالة فِي الْجَوْهَر فَيبقى فِي الدَّم الْحَادِث من الخس تبريد مَا وَمن الدَّم الْحَادِث من الثوم تسخين مَا وَلَكِن إِلَى حِين.,"But even after the medicament has been changed in substance there still remains some of its innate quality (some hot, some cold). There is some of the coldness of the lettuce left in the blood which has been made from the lettuce, and there is some of the heat of the garlic left in the blood which the garlic has given rise to. This holds good for a certain period of time." والأدوية الغذائية فَمِنْهَا مَا هُوَ أقرب إِلَى الدوائية وَمِنْهَا مَا هُوَ أقرب إِلَى الغذائية كَمَا أَن الأغذية نَفسهَا مِنْهَا مَا هُوَ قريب الطباع إِلَى جَوْهَر الدَّم كالشراب ومح الْبيض وَمَاء اللَّحْم وَمِنْهَا مَا هُوَ أبعد مِنْهُ يَسِيرا مثل الْخبز وَاللَّحم وَمِنْهَا مَا هُوَ أبعد جدا كالأغذية الدوائية.,"Some nutrient medicines are medicinal in quality rather than nutrient, and others are nutrient rather than medicinal. Some of the latter are more like the “substance” of blood in nature (e.g. wine, egg-yolk, meat-juice), and others are less so (e.g. bread, meat) and others are entirely different to the substance of the blood (medicinal foods)." ونقول: إِن الْغذَاء يُغير حَال الْبدن بكيفيته وكميته إِمَّا بكيفيته فقد عرف ذَلِك وَإِمَّا بكميته فَذَلِك إِمَّا بِأَن يزِيد فيورث التُّخمَة والسدد ثمَّ العفونة,"Food changes the state of the body both in quality and quantity. Changes in quality have been discussed. Changes in quantity are in two directions. Either the nutriment increases in the body until there is an aversion to food; obstructions therefore arise, and putrescence results." واما بِأَن ينقص فيورث الذبول وَالزِّيَادَة فِي كمية الْغذَاء مبردة دَائِما اللَّهُمَّ إِلَّا أَن يعرض مِنْهَا عفونة فتسخن فَإِن العفونة كَمَا أَنَّهَا إِنَّمَا تحدث عَن حرارة غَرِيبَة كَذَلِك تحدث عَنْهَا أَيْضا حرارة غَرِيبَة.,"Or it diminishes in amount until the body wastes away, and the tissues dry up. An increase in amount of nutriment is always cooling in effect unless decomposition supervenes in it, so giving rise to warmth. This warmth, due to putrescent changes, is extraneous; for such changes [in the superfluous nutriment] are the means by which extraneous heat [as opposed to innate heat] enters the body." مِثَال اللَّطِيف الْكثير الْغذَاء: الشَّرَاب وَمَاء اللَّحْم ومح الْبيض المسخّن أَو النيمبرشت فَإِنَّهُ كثير الْغذَاء لِأَن كثر جوهره يَسْتَحِيل إِلَى الْغذَاء.,"Attenuated (i.e., produce attenuated blood). Rich. Meat juice, wine. Eggs (raw or lightly cooked). Pottage. These are considered rich in nutriment because most of their substance is utilized by the body." وَمِثَال الكثيف الْقَلِيل الْغذَاء: الْجُبْن والقديد والباذنجان وَمَا يشبهها فَإِن الشَّيْء المستحيل مِنْهَا إِلَى الدَّم قَلِيل.,"Poor. Cheese, salted meat, egg-plant and the like. These are considered poor in nutriment because only a small portion of them becomes blood." وَمِثَال الكثيف الْكثير الْغذَاء: الْبيض المسلوق وَلحم الْبَقر. وَمِثَال اللَّطِيف الْقَلِيل الْغذَاء: الْجلاب والبقول المعتدلة القوام والكيفية. وَمن الثِّمَار التفاح وَالرُّمَّان وَمَا يُشبههُ,"Poor. Potherbs. Juleb. Fruits (matian, pome-granates, and the like). Dense (i.e., thicken the blood). Rich. Hard-boiled eggs; veal. These are attempered in substance and quality." فَإِن كل وَاحِد من هَذِه الْأَقْسَام قد يكون رَدِيء الكيموس وَقد يكون مَحْمُود الكيموس.,ARRANGED ACCORDING TO QUALITY OF CHYME. مِثَال اللَّطِيف الْكثير الْغذَاء الْحسن الكيموس: صفرَة الْبيض وَالشرَاب وَمَاء اللَّحْم. وَمِثَال اللَّطِيف الْقَلِيل الْغذَاء الْحسن الكيموس: الخس والتفاح وَالرُّمَّان. وَمِثَال الكثيف الْكثير الْغذَاء الْحسن الكيموس: الْبيض المسلوق وَلحم الحولي من الضَّأْن.,"Making good chyme: egg-yolk, wine; meat-juice, are highly nutritious; they are attenuated. Lettuce, matian, and pomegranate are feebly nutritious. These are attenuated. Boiled eggs, year-old lamb are highly nutritious. These are dense in texture." وَمِثَال الكثيف الْكثير الْغذَاء الرَّدِيء الكيموس: لحم الْبَقر وَلحم البط وَلحم الْفرس. وَمِثَال اللَّطِيف الْكثير الْغذَاء الرَّدِيء الكيموس: الرئة وَلحم النواهض. وَمِثَال اللَّطِيف الْقَلِيل الْغذَاء الرَّدِيء الكيموس: الفجل والخردل وَأكْثر الْبُقُول.,"Veal, duck, horseflesh; these are highly nutritious, and dense in texture. Making bad chyme: newly-killed meat of sucklings, pheasant, partridge, lung; these are highly nutritious, and attenuated. Radish, mustard, and many other kitchen-herbs; these are nutritious, and attenuated." وَمِثَال الكثيف الْقَلِيل الْغذَاء الرَّدِيء الكيموس: القديد. وَأَنت تَجِد فِي هَذِه الْجُمْلَة المعتدل.,Salt meat is feebly nutritious and dense in texture. It will be easy to find the foods which occupy an intermediate position between the attenuated and densely textured foods. أَحْوَال الْمِيَاه إِن المَاء ركن من الْأَركان ومخصوص من جملَة الْأَركان بِأَنَّهُ وَحده من بَينهَا يدْخل فِي جملَة مَا يتَنَاوَل لَا لِأَنَّهُ يغذو بل لِأَنَّهُ ينفذ الْغذَاء وَيصْلح قوامه وَإِنَّمَا قُلْنَا إِن المَاء لَا يغذو لِأَن الغاذي هُوَ الَّذِي بِالْقُوَّةِ دم وبقوة أبعد من ذَلِك جُزْء عُضْو الْإِنْسَان.,"Water is the only one of the elements which has the special property of entering into the composition of food and drink not that it is itself nutriment (although it will by itself prolong life for some time), but rather that it enables the aliment to penetrate into the human body and permeate and purify its substance. We do not wish to imply that water does not nourish at all, but we mean that it is not, as nutriment is, potential blood giving rise ultimately to tissue-substance." والجسم الْبَسِيط لَا يَسْتَحِيل إِلَى قبُول صُورَة الدموية وَإِلَى قبُول صُورَة عُضْو الْإِنْسَان مَا لم يتركب لَكِن المَاء جَوْهَر يعيّن فِي تسييل الْغذَاء وترقيقه وبذرقته نَافِذا إِلَى الْعُرُوق ونافذاً إِلَى المخارج لَا يَسْتَغْنِي عَن معونته هَذِه فِي تَمام أَمر الْغذَاء.,"As an elementary substance, it is not changed in state in such a way as to become able to receive the “form” of blood or of tissue. This can only occur with a true compound. Water is really a “substance” which helps to make aliment fluid and attenuated, so that it can flow easily into the blood-vessels and out of the excretory channels. Nutrition cannot-be effected without ic; it is the handmaid of nutrition." ثمَّ الْمِيَاه مُخْتَلفَة لَا فِي جَوْهَر المائية وَلَكِن بِحَسب مَا يخالطها وبحسب الكيفيات الَّتِي تغلب عَلَيْهَا. فأفضل الْمِيَاه مياه الْعُيُون وَلَا كل الْعُيُون وَلَكِن مَاء الْعُيُون الْحرَّة الأَرْض الَّتِي لَا يغلب على تربَتهَا شَيْء من الْأَحْوَال والكيفيات الغريبة,"The various kinds of water differ not merely in the substance of aquosity, but in admixed matters, their own individual dominant primary qualities. The best water is that from springs, provided they arise in places uncontaminated by extraneous qualities." أَو تكون حجرية فَتكون أولى بِأَن لَا تعفن العفونة الأرضية وَلَكِن الَّتِي من طِينَة حرّة خير من الحجرية وَلَا كل عين حرَّة بل الَّتِي هِيَ مَعَ ذَلِك جَارِيَة وَلَا كل جَارِيَة بل الْجَارِيَة المكشوفة للشمس والرياح فَإِن هَذَا مِمَّا تكتسب بهَا الْجَارِيَة فَضِيلَة.,"Waters from rocky places are only good if they are not admixed with earthy matters of putrescible nature which might cause the water to putresce. Spring water from the open ground is healthier than water from a rocky place, provided it is flowing. But not all flowing water is good; it must be also exposed to the sun and winds. Water acquires nobility from the region whence it flows." وَأما الراكدة فَرُبمَا اكْتسبت رداءة بالكشف لَا تكتسبها بالغور والستر. وَاعْلَم أنَ الْمِيَاه الَّتِي تكون طينية المسيل خير من الَّتِي تجْرِي على الْأَحْجَار فَإِن الطين ينقّي المَاء وَيَأْخُذ مِنْهُ الممزوجات الغريبة ويروقه وَالْحِجَارَة لَا تفعل ذَلِك,"Stagnant water is not as bad in quality when exposed to the air as when it is deep underground. Yet running water is not necessarily exposed to the air; it is only so when it breaks out from underground and flows out over the soil. Note, too, that water running over soil is more wholesome than that which runs over stones, because the soil cleanses it by filtering off the admixed extraneous matters in a way which stones do not." لكنه يجب أَن يكون طين مسيلها حرا لَا حمأة وَلَا سبخَة وَلَا غير ذَلِك. فَإِن اتّفق أَن كَانَ هَذَا المَاء غمراً شَدِيد الجرية تحيل كثرته مَا يخالطه إِلَى طَبِيعَته يَأْخُذ إِلَى الشَّمْس فِي جَرَيَانه فَيجْرِي إِلَى الْمشرق خُصُوصا إِلَى الصيفي مِنْهُ فَهُوَ أفضل,"But the soil must be open to the sky; it must not be fetid or boggy or nitrous, or the like, for should a large volume of water flow rapidly over such soil, the admixed matters would pass into its own nature. If the direction of the flow were eastwards, and in summer, it woifld then be reputed as better in quality," لَا سِيمَا إِذا بعد جدا من مبدئه ثمَّ مَا يتَوَجَّه إِلَى الشمَال. والمتوجّه إِلَى الْمغرب والجنوب رَدِيء وخصوصاً عِنْد هبوب الْجنُوب. وَالَّذِي ينحدر من مَوَاضِع عالية مَعَ سَائِر الْفَضَائِل أفضل.,"especially the further away from its source it is collected. Such water readily becomes warm or cold in the body. The next best water is that which runs northwards. Such water passes slowly through the stomach and is indigestible, and becomes warm or cold in the body only slowly. Water which runs westwards or southwards is bad, especially if the winds are southerly at the time.; Water which comes from high regions and has other good qualities is more healthy." وَمَا كَانَ بِهَذِهِ الصّفة كَانَ عذباَ يخيل أَنه حُلْو وَلَا يحْتَمل الْخمر إِذا مزج بِهِ مِنْهُ إِلَّا قَلِيلا وَكَانَ خَفِيف الْوَزْن سريع التبرد والتسخّن لتخلخله بَارِدًا فِي الشتَاء حاراً فِي الصَّيف,"It is sweet, as it were. It will not bear being mixed with wine except in small amount, and unless the wine is light. It quickly becomes cold and quickly warm because its “substance” is attenuated. That is why it is cold in winter and warm in summer." لَا يغلب عَلَيْهِ طعم الْبَتَّةَ وَلَا رَائِحَة وَيكون سريع الإنحدار من الشراسيف سريع تهري مَا يهرى فِيهِ وطبخ مَا يطْبخ فِيهِ,"It is tasteless and has no odour. It passes out rapidly as urine, because whatever there is in it which requires digestion is rapidly digested and dispersed." وَاعْلَم أَن الْوَزْن من الدستورات المنجحة فِي تعرف حَال المَاء فَإِن الأخف فِي أَكثر الْأَحْوَال أفضل وَقد يعرف الْوَزْن بالمكيال وَقد يعرف بِأَن تبل خرقتان بماءين مُخْتَلفين أَو قطنتان متساويتان فِي الْوَزْن ثمَّ يجففان تجفيفاً بَالغا ثمَّ يوزنان فالماء الَّذِي قطنته أخف فَهُوَ أفضل.,You must note that the quickest way of assessing the quality of a water is by its weight. Light water is healthier in all respects. The weight may be ascertained by measure or by means of the following procedure. Soak a linen cloth of like weight in each of two waters to be tested. Dry thoroughly. Weigh. The water belonging to the cloth which is lighter is the more satisfactory. والتصعيد والتقطير مما يصلح الْمِيَاه الرَّديئَة فَإِن لم يُمكن ذَلِك فالطبخ فَإِن الْمَطْبُوخ على مَا شهد بِهِ الْعلمَاء أقل نفخاً وأسرع انحداراً.,"Purification of water. Bad water may be purified by sublimation and distillation. If that is not feasible, boiling will suffice, for boiled water, as the learned know, is less likely to cause inflammation and passes more rapidly through the body." والجهال من الْأَطِبَّاء يظنون المَاء الْمَطْبُوخ يتَصَعَّد لطيفه وَيبقى كثيفه فَلَا فَائِدَة فِي الطَّبْخ إِذْ يزِيد المَاء تكثيفاً وَلَكِن يجب أَن تعلم أَن المَاء فِي حدّ مائيته متشابه الْأَجْزَاء فِي اللطافة والكثافة,"Ignorant persons believe that when water is boiled the attenuated part is dispersed, and that therefore it is made denser; hence they think it is better not to boil water. But as you know, the very nature of “water” means that its particles are alike in attenuation and density." لِأَنَّهُ بسيط غير مركب لَكِن المَاء يكثف إِمَّا باشتداد كَيْفيَّة الْبرد عَلَيْهِ وَإِمَّا بمخالطة شَدِيدَة من الْأَجْزَاء الأرضية الَّتِي أفرط صغرها لَيْسَ يُمكنهَا أَن تنفصل عَنهُ وترسب فِيهِ,"It is pure, simple [in the scholastic sensei, and will not thicken by boiling except in virtue of a cold quality being dominant in it, and of earthy particles being- plentiful in it, which, although extremely minute, are not easily separated out or precipitated." لِأَنَّهَا لَيست بِمِقْدَار مَا يقدر أَن يشق اتِّصَال المَاء فيرسب فِيهِ صغراً فيضطرها ذَلِك إِلَى أَن يحدث لَهَا بجوهر المَاء امتزاج ثمَّ الطَّبْخ يزِيل التكثيف الْحَادِث عَن الْبرد أَولا ثمَّ يخلخل أَجزَاء المَاء خلخلة شَدِيدَة حَتَّى يصير أدق قواماً,They are not plentiful enough to break the continuity of the water and are too small to separate out by standing. Hence they are bound to remain admixed with the substance of the water. Boiling removes the density which the quality of coldness produced; the particles of water are then forcibly rarefied and the substance of the water becomes more and more rare. فَيمكن أَن تنفصل عَنهُ الْأَجْزَاء الثَّقِيلَة الأرضية المحبوسة فِي كثافته وتخرقه راسبة وتباينه بالرسوب وَيبقى مَاء مَحْضا قَرِيبا من الْبَسِيط,until the heavy earthy particles hitherto suspended burst loose and fall down and sink to the bottom. A nearly quite pure water remains behind. وَيكون الَّذِي انْفَصل بالتبخير مجانساً للْبَاقِي غير بعيد مِنْهُ لِأَن المَاء إِذا تخلص من الْخَلْط تشابهت أجزاؤه فِي اللطافة فَلم يكن لصاعدها كثير فضل على بَاقِيهَا. فالطبخ إِنَّمَا يلطف المَاء بِإِزَالَة تكثيف الْبرد وبترسيب الْخَلْط المخالط لَهُ.,"That which has been separated by the distillation is like (or very nearly like) in texture to that which remains behind, for the particles of the water which has been distilled off are of the same tenuity as the particles of that which remains. The process of boiling does not attenuate or rarefy water directly; it does so only because it allows the cold quality to aggregate, after which the admixed matter settles out." وَالدَّلِيل على هَذَا أَنَّك إِذا تركت الْمِيَاه الغليظة مُدَّة كَثِيرَة لم يرسب مِنْهَا شَيْء يعْتد بِهِ وَإِذا طبختها رسب فِي الْوَقْت شَيْء كثير وَصَارَ المَاء الْبَاقِي خَفِيف الْوَزْن صافياً وَكَانَ سَبَب الرسوب هُوَ الترقيق الْحَاصِل بالطبخ.,"The proof of this is that if a thick water be left to stand for a long time, hardly anything settles out of it, but as soon as one boils it there is an abundant precipitate and the water becomes light and clear, because the boiling has made it rarefied." أَلا ترى أَن مياه الأودية الْكِبَار مثل نهر جيحون – وخصوصاً مَا كَانَ مِنْهَا مغترفاً من آخِره – يكون عِنْد الاغتراف فِي غَايَة الكدر ثمَّ يصفو فِي زمَان قصير كرة وَاحِدَة بِحَيْثُ إِذا استصفيتها مرّة أُخْرَى لم يرسب شَيْء يعتدّ بِهِ الْبَتَّةَ.,"So, too, have you not noticed that the waters of such a big river as the Jihon, especially if collected a long way from its source, are very muddy at the time, but in a short time suddenly clarify by sedimentation, and if you pour off the clear water and leave that standing, practically nothing settles out of it?" وَقوم يفرطون فِي مدح مَاء النّيل إفراطاً شَدِيدا ويجمعون محامده فِي أَرْبَعَة بعد منبعه وَطيب مسلكه وَأَخذه إِلَى الشمَال عَن الْجنُوب ملطف لما يجْرِي فِيهِ من الْمِيَاه. وَأما غمورته فيشاركه فِيهَا غَيره.,"Some people praise Nile water very highly. They enumerate four virtues in it: (i) the length of time which has elapsed since it left its source; the good character of the soil of the countries through which it travels; the fact that it runs from due south to due north, so that a continual rarefaction of its waters is taking place; the incredibly enormous volume of the water pouring into it." والمياه الردئية لَو استصفيتها كل يَوْم من إِنَاء إِلَى إِنَاء لَكَانَ الرسوب يظْهر عَنْهَا كل يَوْم من الرَّأْس وَمَعَ ذَلِك فَإِنَّهُ لَا يرسب عَنْهَا مَا من شَأْنه أَن يرسب إِلَّا بأناة من غير إسراع وَمَعَ ذَلِك فَلَا يتصفى تصفياً بَالغا,"If one should pour bad water every day from one vessel to another, one would see as much deposit on the last day as on the first. There is so little deposit during a day that it never clarifies properly." والعلّة فِيهِ أَن المخالطات الأرضية يسهل رسوبها عَن الرَّقِيق الْجَوْهَر الَّذِي لَا غلظ لَهُ وَلَا لزوجة وَلَا دهنية وَلَا يسهل رسوبها عَن الكثيف تِلْكَ السهولة. ثمَّ الطَّبْخ يُفِيد رقة الْجَوْهَر وَبعد الطَّبْخ المخض.,"The reason is that the admixed earthy particles easily separate out from rarefied matter, for that is free of heaviness, viscosity or oiliness, but not so easily from dense matter. Boiling increases the rarefaction and so do the shaking- movements incident to ebullition." وَمن الْمِيَاه الفاضلة مَاء الْمَطَر وخصوصاً مَا كَانَ صيفياً وَمن سَحَاب راعد. وَأما الَّذِي يكون من سَحَاب ذِي ريَاح عَاصِفَة فَيكون كدر البخار الَّذِي يتَوَلَّد مِنْهُ,"COMMENDABLE WATERS. Rain water is the best of waters, especially when it falls during summer or during a thunderstorm. [Others say the rain which falls in the spring, and that which falls during winter are best, then that which falls during’ the fruit season, whereas that which falls in summer is worst.] Rain falling during stormy weather is very polluted and impure in nature, for at this time the violent winds agitate those clouds whence the rain comes." وكدر السَّحَاب الَّذِي يقطر مِنْهُ فَيكون مغشوش الْجَوْهَر غير خالصه إِلَّا أَن العفونة تبادر إِلَى مَاء الْمَطَر وَإِن كَانَ أفضل مَا يكون لِأَنَّهُ شَدِيد الرقة فيؤثر فِيهِ الْمُفْسد الأرضي والهوائي بِسُرْعَة وَتصير عفونته سَببا لتعفن الأخلاط ويضرّ بالصدر وَالصَّوْت.,"Rainwater readily undergoes putrescence in spite of being called laudable.” This is because it is so rarefied that corruptible terrene matter and air quickly act upon it and set up decomposition in it; the humours of the body therefore undergo putrescence, and obstructions arise in the chest and the voice becomes husky." قَالَ قوم: وَالسَّبَب فِي ذَلِك أَنه متولد عَن بخار يصعد من رطوبات مُخْتَلفَة,Some say that the reason for the putrescence is that rain water is formed from the vapours which evaporate off from various kinds of moisture. وَلَو كَانَ السَّبَب ذَلِك لَكَانَ مَاء الْمَطَر مذموماً غير مَحْمُود وَلَيْسَ كَذَلِك وَلكنه لشدَّة لطافة جوهره فَإِن كل لطيف الْجَوْهَر قوامه قَابل للإنفعال وَإِذا بودر إِلَى مَاء الْمَطَر وأغلي قلّ قبُوله للعفونة. والحموضات إِذا تنوولت مَعَ وُقُوع الضَّرُورَة إِلَى شرب مَاء مطر قَابل للعفونة أَمن ضَرَره.,"But were this the case, rain water would not be laudable but uncommendable, and that is not so. The real reason is that the substance of rain water is very rarefied and tenuous, and when a substance is tenuous it has more receptivity (and is therefore liable to putrescence). But if boiled promptly, this risk of putrescence is lessened." وَأما مياه الْأَبَّار والقنى بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى مياه الْعُيُون فرديئة وَذَلِكَ لِأَنَّهَا مياه محتقنة مُخَالطَة للأرضيات مُدَّة طَوِيلَة لَا تَخْلُو عَن تعفين مَا وَقد استخرجت وحركت بِقُوَّة قاسرة لَا بِقُوَّة فِيهَا مائلة إِلَى الظُّهُور والاندفاع بل بالحيلة والصناعة بِأَن قرب لَهَا السَّبِيل إِلَى الرشوح.,"Well water and water conveyed along aqueducts. These are of bad quality as compared with spring water, because they are confined and have been exposed to earthy matter for a long time, and consequently cannot help being to some extent putrescent. For in the process of being drawn, they are shaken up by the power entailed (that is, by the mechanical contrivances used) or by the influence of gravity rendered possible by the slope of the channel." وأردؤها مَا جعل لَهَا مسالك فِي الرصاص فتأخذ من قوته وتوقع كثيرا فِي قُرُوح الأمعاء.,"Of such waters those which are conveyed by leaden pipes are more harmful, because they acquire certain properties from the lead, and this makes them liable to bring on a form of dysentery." وَمَاء النز أردأ من مَاء الْبِئْر لِأَن مَاء الْبِئْر يستجدّ نبوعه بالنزح فتدوم حركته وَلَا يلبث اللّبْث الْكثير فِي المحقن وَلَا يريث فِي المنافس ريثاً طَويلا. وحركته بطيئة لَا تصدر عَن قُوَّة اندفاعها بل لِكَثْرَة مادتها,"Marshy water: This is of worse quality than well water because it stays a long time putrefying in the channels of the decomposing earth, and diffuses out and moves up very slowly, and then not by its own power, for it is so rich in (alluvial) matter." وَلَا تكون إِلَّا فِي أَرض فَاسِدَة عفنة. وَأما مَاء النزّ فماء يطول تردده فِي منافس الأَرْض العفنة ويتحرّك إِلَى النبوع والبروز.,"Moreover, it only occurs in decomposing decaying earth." والمياه الراكدة الأجمية خُصُوصا المكشوفة فرديئة ثَقيلَة وَإِنَّمَا تبرد فِي الشتَاء بِسَبَب الثلوج وتولد البلغم وتسخن فِي الصَّيف بِسَبَب الشَّمْس والعفونة فتولّد المرارة ولكثافتها واختلاط الأرضية بهَا وتحلل اللَّطِيف مِنْهَا,"Stagnant water: Water in reedy marshes. This is unhealthy and heavy, especially if in exposed situations, for these do not become cold in winter unless and only in so far as snow happens to fall on them. They therefore give rise, in the body, to serous humour. In summer, the sun makes them hot and so they putresce and then they will give rise, in the body, to bilious humour. There are three reasons why they cause disease: their inspissated character; admixture with earthy matter; dispersion of their subtile particles." تولد فِي شاربيها أطحلة وترق مراقهم وتحبس أحشاءهم وتقضف مِنْهُم الْأَطْرَاف والمناكب والرقاب ويغلب عَلَيْهِ شَهْوَة الْأكل والعطش وتحتبس بطونهم ويعسر قيؤهم وَرُبمَا وَقَعُوا فِي الاسْتِسْقَاء لاحتباس المائية فيهم وَرُبمَا وَقَعُوا فِي ذَات الرئة وزلق الأمعاء وَالطحَال.,"The following are the diseases liable to develop after drinking such water: (a) diseases of the spleen. These result in heaping up of the viscera and stretching of the peritoneum the belly being hard and tense; wasting of the arms, legs and neck or the nutrition fails because of the state of the spleen despite the excessive appetite and thirst; constipation; vomiting is difficult to induce, (b) dropsy: from retention of the vtater. (c) inflammatory deposits in the lung and spleen." وتضمر أَرجُلهم وتضعف أكبادهم وتقل من غذائهم بِسَبَب الطحال ويتولّد فيهم الْجُنُون والبواسير والدوالي والأورام الرخوة خُصُوصا فِي الشتَاء ويعسر على نِسَائِهِم الْحَبل والولادة جَمِيعًا وتلدن أجنّة متورمين وَيكثر فِيهِنَّ الرَّجَاء وَالْحَبل الْكَاذِب,"(d) dysenteric ailments, with the result that the hands and feet become dry, and the liver becomes enfeebled and nutrition is impaired, (e) quartan fevers (in summer), (f) piles, varices, lax swellings of inflammatory nature, insanity (especially in winter). The effect of such water on women. Conception and parturition are both difficult. The offspring will be male and will be liable to develop inflammatory masses and then waste away. Moles are liable to occur because impregnation is often faulty." وَيكثر لصبيانهم الأدر وبكبارهم الدوالي وقروح السَّاق وَلَا تَبرأ قروحهم وتكثر شهوتهم ويعسر إسهالهم وَيكون مَعَ أَذَى وتقريح الأحشاء وَيكثر فيهم الرّبع وَفِي مشايخهم المحرقة ليبس طبائعهم وبطونهم.,"the offspring is found to have rupture. Varicose veins and ulcers of the leg; these heal with difficulty. The appetite increases and there is constipation leading to intestinal ulceration. Quartans are common. Effect on old persons. “Ardent” fevers occur, as accords with the dryness of their nature, and of the stomach." والمياه الراكدة كَيْفَمَا كَانَت غير مُوَافقَة للمعدة وَحكم المغترف من الْعين قريب من حكم الراكد لكنه يفضل الراكد بِأَن بَقَاءَهُ فِي مَوضِع وَاحِد غير طَوِيل وَمَا لم يجر فَإِن فِيهِ ثقلاً مَا لَا محَالة,"All stagnant waters, from whatever source, are injurious to the stomach. Channel water. This is very like stagnant water, but is healthier because it does not linger so long in one spot. If it is not actually flowing, this was because of some heaviness in it." وَرُبمَا كَانَ فِي كثير مِنْهُ قبض وَهُوَ سريع الاستحالة إِلَى التسخّن فِي الْبَاطِن فَلَا يُوَافق أَصْحَاب الحميّات وَالَّذين غلب عَلَيْهِم المرار بل هُوَ أوفق فِي الْعِلَل المحتاجة إِلَى حبس أَو إِلَى إنضاج.,"In many of these waters (i.e. including water in aqueducts, water in irrigation channels) there is a certain stypticity, and they quickly warm the interior organs. Hence they are not utilisable in cases of fever or for persons in whom the bilious humour is predominant. They are more applicable for cases of disease where the treatment is to foster retention and maturation." والمياه الَّتِي يخالطها جَوْهَر معدني أَو مَا يجْرِي مجْرَاه والمياه العلقية فَكلهَا أردأ لَكِن فِي بَعْضهَا مَنَافِع وَفِي الَّذِي تغلب عَلَيْهِ قُوَّة الْحَدِيد مَنَافِع من تَقْوِيَة الأحشاء وَمِنْه الذرب وإنهاض القوى الشهوانية كلهَا. وَسَنذكر حَالهَا وَحَال مَا يجْرِي مجْراهَا فِيمَا بعد.,"Waters containing metallic. substances. These are injurious, though in some cases there is a certain value in them. Thus, ferruginous waters impart strength to the internal organs, prevent stomach trouble, and stimulate the appetite." وَأما الْمِيَاه الجليدية والثلجية فغليظة,Snow water and water from melted ice. These are coarse in texture. والجمد والثلج إِذا كَانَ نقياً غير مخالط لقُوَّة رَدِيئَة فَسَوَاء حلّل مَاء أَو برد بِهِ المَاء من خَارج أَو ألقِي فِي المَاء فَهُوَ صَالح وَلَيْسَ تخْتَلف أَحْوَال أقسامه اخْتِلَافا كثيرا فَاحِشا إِلَّا أَنه أكثف من سَائِر الْمِيَاه ويتضرّر بِهِ صَاحب وجع العصب لماذا طبخ عَاد إِلَى الصّلاح.,"When pure and free from admixture with deleterious substances, such water is good and healthy; it is also useful for cooling water, either by placing such water in it, or by adding it to the water. There is little difference in the visible character of these two kinds of water; but they are denser in texture than other kinds of water [because the finest particles are squeezed out by the freezing (Aegineta)]. This kind of water is harmful for persons suffering from neuritis. Boiling renders such water wholesome." وَأما إِذا كَانَ الجمد من مياه رَدِيئَة أَو الثَّلج مكتسباً قُوَّة غَرِيبَة من مساقطه فَالْأولى أَن يبرد بِهِ المَاء محجوباً عَن مخالطته.,"If ice water be made of bad water or if the snow has attracted some bad property from the places upon which it has fallen, it would be better to use. water free of such injurious admixture." وَالْمَاء الْبَارِد المعتدل الْمِقْدَار أوفق الْمِيَاه للأصحاء وَإِن كَانَ قد يضر العصب ويضر أَصْحَاب أورام الأحشاء وَهُوَ مِمَّا يُنَبه الشَّهْوَة ويشد الْمعدة,"Cold water. Water which is only moderately cold is more healthy than all others, because it stimulates the appetite and strengthens the stomach. Nevertheless it weakens the nerves and is harmful for cases of inflammatory disease in the interior organs." وَالْمَاء الْحَار يفْسد الهضم ويطفي الطَّعَام وَلَا يسكن الْعَطش فِي الْحَال وَرُبمَا أدّى إِلَى الاسْتِسْقَاء والدق ويذبل الْبدن.,"Hot water interferes with digestion and makes the food swim about in the stomach. It does not quench thirst. It may lead to dropsy, and hectic fever, and emaciation." فَأَما السخن فَإِن كَانَ فاتراً غثى وَإِن كَانَ أسخن من ذَلِك فتجرع على الرِّيق فكثيراً مَا يغسل الْمعدة وَيُطلق الطبيعة لَكِن الاستكثار مِنْهُ رَدِيء يوهن قُوَّة الْمعدة. والشديد السخونة رُبمَا حلل القولنج وَكسر الرِّيَاح.,"Tepid water incites nausea. Warm water (that is, water which is a little warmer than tepid water), taken on an empty stomach, is cleansing both to stomach and intestines. But it has a weakening effect on the stomach if taken often. Very hot water is of great value in colic; it also disperses flatulence." وَالَّذين يوافقهم المَاء الْحَار بالصنعة أَصْحَاب الصرع وَأَصْحَاب الماليخوليا وَأَصْحَاب الصداع الْبَارِد وَأَصْحَاب الرمد. وَالَّذين بهم بثور فِي الْحلق,Hot water is beneficial for the following conditions: (a) Head: “cold” headache; inflammation of the eye; Mental conditions epilepsy and “melancholia.” والعمور وأورام خلف الْأذن وَأَصْحَاب النَّوَازِل وَمن بهم قُرُوح فِي الْحجاب وانحلال الْفُؤَاد فِي نواحي الصَّدْر ويدر الطمث وَالْبَوْل ويسكن الأوجاع.,"parotitis, quinsies; “dry” gums; postauricular inflammations. (b) Chest: asthma, solutions of continuity in the thorax; ulcers of the diaphragm. (c) General: rheumatic pains. Diuresis. It relieves painful micturition. (d) Female ailments: it evokes menstruation." وَأما المَاء المالح فَإِنَّهُ يهزل وينشف ويسهل أَولا بالجلاء الَّذِي فِيهِ ثمَّ يعقل آخر الْأَمر بالتجفيف الَّذِي فِي طبعه وَيفْسد الدَّم فيولد الحكة والجرب.,"Salt water. This makes the body dry up and become wasted. Its abstersive power makes it first laxative, and afterwards constipating because dry in nature. It decomposes the blood and so gives rise to pruritus and “scabies.”" على أَن المبطون كثيرا مَا ينْتَفع بِهِ وبسائر الْمِيَاه الغليظة الثَّقِيلَة لاحتباسها فِي بَطْنه وبطء انحدارها وَمن ترياقاته الدسم والحلاوات والنوشادرية يُطلق الطبيعة شرب مِنْهَا أَو جلس فِيهَا أَو احتقن,"They resolve the spleen and are beneficial for those who cannot cohabit properly. Waters containing salts of ammonia are aperient, and carminative. They may be either swallowed as a drink or given as an enema, or used in a sitz-bath." والشبّية تَنْفَع من سيلان فضول الطمث وَمن نفث الدَّم وسيلان البواسير. غير أَنَّهَا شَدِيدَة الإثارة للحمى فِي الْأَبدَان المستعدة لَهَا.,Waters containing alum suppress excessive menstruation and haemoptysis and the bleeding of piles. But they render persons who are liable to take fevers still more liable to develop them. وَإِذا اخْتلطت مياه مُخْتَلفَة جَيِّدَة ورديئة غلب أقواها. وَنَذْكُر بَاقِي أَحْكَام المَاء وَصِفَاته وقرى أصنافه فِي بَاب المَاء فِي الْأَدْوِيَة المفردة فاطلب مَا قُلْنَاهُ من هُنَالك.,"When good and bad waters are mingled, the stronger dominates. Other matters relative to water and its properties and modes of action will be discussed in the- chapter on “ Water as one of the simples” in Book II—Allah, permitting." الْفَصْل السَّابِع عشر مُوجبَات الاحتباس والاستفراغ,THE RESULTS OF RETENTION AND EVACUATION. احتباس مَا يجب أَن يستفرغ بالطبع يكون إِمَّا لضعف الدافعة أَو لشدَّة الْقُوَّة الماسكة فتشبث بِهِ أَو لضعف الهاضمة فَيطول لبث الشَّيْء فِي الْوِعَاء تلبثاً من القوى الطبيعية إِيَّاه إِلَى اسْتِيفَاء الهضم أَو لضيق المجاري والسدد فِيهَا,"The following are the causes of retention of waste matters: weak expulsive faculty, unduly strong retentive faculty: the latter occurs in (a) weakness of digestive power, so that aliments remain too long in the stomach, the natural retentive faculty holding them back till they are sufficiently digested, (b) narrowness and (c) obstruction of the channels." أَو لغلظ الْمَادَّة أَو لزوجتها أَو لكثرتها فَلَا تقوى عَلَيْهَا الدافعة أَو لفقدان الإحساس بِالْحَاجةِ إِلَى دَفعهَا إِذْ كَانَ قد تعين فِي الاستفراغ قُوَّة إرادية كَمَا يعرض فِي القولنج اليرقاني أَو لانصراف من قُوَّة الطبيعة إِلَى جِهَة أُخْرَى,"(d) coarseness or viscidity of the waste matters. The former holds in the case of (a) superabundance of the waste matters, so that the expulsive faculty cannot deal with them, (F) insufficient informing sense for defecation, this act being aided by voluntary effort. The result may be that the effete matter is (compensatorily) removed to other parts of the body by the action of the vegetative faculties." كَمَا يعرض فِي البحارين من شدّة احتباس الْبَوْل أَو احتباس البرَاز بِسَبَب كَون الاستفراغ البحراني من جِهَة أُخْرَى وَإِذا وَقع احتباس مَا يجب أَن يستفرغ عرض من ذَلِك أمراض.,"Thus jaundice follows [gall-stone] colic; the colic depends on the retention, the jaundice is the compensatory evacuation. Again, at the crisis of a fever, there may be retention of urine and faeces, and a critical evacuation occurs elsewhere." أما من بَاب أمراض التَّرْكِيب فالسدة والاسترخاء والتشنج الرطب وَمَا يشبه ذَلِك,"Diseases consequent upon retention of waste matters. Compositional: constipation, diarrhoea or laxity of the bowels, spasmus humidus and the like;" وَأما من أمراض المزاج فالعفونة وَأَيْضًا الْحَار الغريزي واستحالته إِلَى النارية وَأَيْضًا انطفاء الْحَرَارَة الغريزية من طول الاحتقان أَو شدته فيعقبه الْبرد وَأَيْضًا غَلَبَة الرُّطُوبَة على الْبدن. وَأما من الْأَمْرَاض المركبة فالأورام والبثور.,"inflammatory processes; furuncles, (ii) Intemperaments: septic conditions; imprisonment of the innate heat, or mutation of this into igneity. There may be so marked a coarctation that the innate heat is extinguished altogether, and coldness of the body supervenes, with the transference of too much moisture to the surface of the body," وَأما من الْأَمْرَاض الْمُشْتَركَة فانصداع الأوعية وانفجارها. والتخمة من أردأ أَسبَاب الْأَمْرَاض وخصوصاً إِذا وافت بعد اعتياد الخواء مثل مَا يَقع من الشِّبَع المفرط فِي الْخطب عقيب جوع مفرط فِي الحدب.,"(iii) General conditions: tearing or rupture of locular spaces and crypts. When repletion (as from great plenty during fertile years) develops after a long period of inanition (as from times of great famine, in barren years), it is one of the most effective causes of such illnesses." واستفراغ مَا يجب أَن يحتبس يكون إِمَّا لقُوَّة الدافعة أَو لضعف الماسكة أَو لإيذاء الْمَادَّة بالثفل لكثرته أَو بالتمديد لريحته أَو باللذع لحدته وحرافته أَو لرقة الْمَادَّة فَيكون كَأَنَّهَا تسيل من نَفسهَا فيسهل اندفاعها وَقد يعينها سَعَة المجاري,"The causes of the evacuation (depletion) of matters which are normally retained. Vigorous expulsive faculty, defective retentive faculty, unfavourable quality of the matter: (a) too heavy, because superabundant, (b) too distending owing to flatulent action, (c) corrosive and acrid in quality, (d) attenuation of texture making it too mobile and too easily expelled, widening of the excretory channels." كَمَا يعرض لسيلان الْمَنِيّ أَو من إنشافها طولا أَو انقطاعها عرضا أَو انفتاحها عَن فوهاتها كَمَا فِي الرعاف وَقد يحدث هَذَا الاتساع بِسَبَب حَادث من خَارج أَو من دَاخل,"This occurs in the case of the seminal flow. It also occurs if they are torn longitudinally or transversely, or because their orifices become too patent (in epistaxis), from either extraneous or interior causes." وَإِذا وَقع استفراغ مَا يجب أَن يحتبس عرض من ذَلِك برد المزاج باستفراغ الْمَادَّة المشعلة الَّتِي يغتذي مِنْهَا الْحَار الغريزي وَرُبمَا عرض مِنْهُ حرارة مزاج إِذا كَانَ مَا يستفرغ بَارِد المزاج مثل البلغم أَو قَرِيبا من اعْتِدَال المزاج مثل الدَّم,"The possible effects of evacuation of this type are: The temperament becomes cold, because the matter is lost which would otherwise increase that which maintains the innate heat. The temperament becomes hot, if the evacuated material is cold in temperament, like serous humour or mucus. The temperament becomes equable like blood." فيستولي الْحَار المفرط كالصفراء فيسخن قد يعرض من ذَلِك اليبس دَائِما وبالذات وَرُبمَا عرضت مِنْهُ الرُّطُوبَة على الْقيَاس الَّذِي ذَكرْنَاهُ فِي عرُوض الْحَرَارَة وَذَلِكَ عِنْد اعْتِدَال من استفراغ الْخَلْط المجفف أَو يعجز من الْحَرَارَة الغريزية عَن هضم الْغذَاء هضماً تَاما فيكثر البلغم,"if there is undue accumulation of the heating bilious humour, so that the heat becomes superabundant. The temperament becomes dry. This is always intrinsic in origin. The temperament becomes moist in a manner analogous to that mentioned in regard to accidental increase in the body-heat. Namely, either the evacuation of desiccant body-fluid has not been too great, or the innate heat is too scanty, with the result that the aliment is not adequately digested, and serous humour becomes relatively increased." لَكِن هَذِه الرُّطُوبَة لَا تَنْفَع فِي المزاج الغريزي وَلَا تكون غريزية كَمَا أَن تِلْكَ الْحَرَارَة لم تكن غريزية بل كل استفراغ مفرط يتبعهُ برد ويبس فِي جَوْهَر الْأَعْضَاء وغريزتها وَإِن لحق بَعْضهَا حرارة غَرِيبَة ورطوبة غير صَالِحَة.,"But a moist temperament of this kind is unfavourable to the maintenance of the innate heat, and foreign heat will not serve as a substitute for innate heat, because of the difference of its nature." وَقد يتبع الاستفراغ المفرط من الْأَمْرَاض لأولي السدة أَيْضا لفرط يبس الْعُرُوق وانسدادها ويتبعه التشنج والكزاز,"The effect of excessive evacuations on the members of the body. Coldness and dryness of their substance and nature ensue, even though they receive extraneous heat, and moisture beyond their need. Diseases: obstruction of the vessels due to undue dryness- and narrowing of the veins. Convulsions and tetanic spasms may therefore arise." وَأما الاحتباس والاستفراغ المعتدلان المصادفان لوقت الْحَاجة إِلَيْهَا فهما نافعان حَافِظَانِ للحالة الصحية فقد تكلمنا فِي الْأَسْبَاب الضرورية بجنسيتها وَإِن كَانَت قد لَا يكون أَكثر أَنْوَاعهَا ضَرُورِيَّة فلنأخذ فِي الْأَسْبَاب الْأُخْرَى.,"When retention and evacuation are equally matched, and occur at the proper times, they are beneficial, and maintain the health. Having now given a general description of the obligatory causes of disease, we proceed to the facultative causes." (الْفَصْل الثَّامِن عشر غير ضَرُورِيَّة وَلَا ضارة),FACULTATIVE CAUSES OF DISEASE. ولتتكلم الْآن فِي الْأَسْبَاب الْغَيْر الضرورية وَلَا الضارة وَهِي الَّتِي لَيست بجنسيتها فِي الطَّبْع وَلَا هِيَ مضادة للطبع وَهَذِه هِيَ الْأَشْيَاء الملاقية للبدن غير الْهَوَاء فَإِنَّهُ ضَرُورِيّ بل مثل الاستحمامات وأنواع الدَّلْك وَغَيرهَا ولنبدأ بقول كلي فِي هَذِه الْأَسْبَاب,"We now come to causal agents, not necessarily injurious, to which the body is not inevitably exposed. They cannot be classified either as natural or as contrary to nature. They influence the body from without. Excluding the atmosphere, to which one is necessarily exposed, such agents are referred to as baths, friction, and the like." فَنَقُول: إِن الْأَشْيَاء الفاعلة فِي بدن الْإِنْسَان من خَارج بالملاقاة تفعل فِيهِ على وَجْهَيْن: فَإِنَّهَا تفعل فِيهِ إِمَّا بنفوذ مَا لطف مِنْهَا فِي المسام لقُوَّة فِيهَا غواصة نَافِذَة أَو لجذب الْأَعْضَاء إِيَّاهَا من مسامها أَو بتعاون من الْأَمريْنِ.,Influences on the human body from without act in these ways: I. By penetration into the body (a) Attenuated matter in the pores enters the body by its own penetrative power. (b) The tissues themselves draw it in through the pores. (c) One of these factors assists the other. وَإِمَّا أَن تفعل لَا بمخالطة الْبَتَّةَ بل بكيفية صرفه محيلة للبدن وَذَلِكَ إِمَّا لِأَن هَذِه الْكَيْفِيَّة بِالْفِعْلِ كالطلاء الْمبرد بِالْفِعْلِ فيبرد أَو الطلاء المسخن بِالْفِعْلِ فيسخن أَو الكماد المسخن بِالْفِعْلِ فيسخن,"II. The primary quality of the agent itself is able to produce a change in the body. There are three aspects of such a quality: (i) It may be actual, e.g., an epitheme of cooling character; a plaster which is calefacient." وَإِمَّا لِأَن لَهَا هَذِه الْكَيْفِيَّة بِالْقُوَّةِ لَكِن الْحَار الغريزي مِنْهَا يهيج فِيهَا قُوَّة فعالة ويخرجها إِلَى الْفِعْل. وَإِمَّا بالخاصية.,(ii) It may be potential. Here the innate heat stirs up the power into actuality. (iii) A specific property. وَمن الْأَشْيَاء مَا يُغير بالملاقاة وَلَا يُغير بالتناول مثل البصل فَإِنَّهُ إِذا ضمد بِهِ من خَارج قرح وَلَا يقرح من دَاخل وَمن الْأَشْيَاء مَا هُوَ بِالْعَكْسِ مثل الاسفيداج فَإِنَّهُ إِن شرب غير تغييراً عَظِيما وَإِن طلي لم يفعل من ذَلِك شَيْئا.,"III. Things acting in both ways (a) producing a harmful effect both externally and internally. (b) Harmful when applied externally, but not when taken internally; and vice versa. Example of an agent which affects the body when applied externally, but harmless when taken by the mouth: onions applied as a plaster cause ulceration; as food, they are harmless. Example of an agent of a contrary kind: white lead. This is a virulent poison when swallowed, but is harmless when applied as an ointment." وَمِنْهَا مَا يفعل من الْوَجْهَيْنِ جَمِيعًا وَالسَّبَب فِي الْقسم الأول أحد أَسبَاب سِتَّة: لحمما: أَن مثل البصل إِذا ورد على دَاخل الْبدن بادرت الْقُوَّة الهاضمة فَكَسرته وغيرت مزاجه وَالثَّانِي: أَنه فِي أَكثر الْأَمر يتَنَاوَل مخلوطاً بِغَيْرِهِ.,"Explanation of this. When a substance like onions is taken as food, the alterative faculty breaks it up and changes its temperament into a weaker one, until it is too weak to exert a harmful influence. Hence there is no internal ulceration. When taken as food, such a substance is usually admixed with other foods." وَالثَّالِث: أَنه يخْتَلط أَيْضا فِي أوعية الْغذَاء برطوبات تغمره وتكسر قوته. وَالرَّابِع: أَنه إِنَّمَا يلْزم من خَارج موضعا وَاحِدًا وَأما من دَاخل فَلَا يزَال ينْتَقل. وَالْخَامِس: أَنه إِمَّا من خَارج فيلتصق إلصاقاً موثقًا وَأما من دَاخل فَإِنَّمَا يماس مماسة غير ملتصقة.,"Its power is broken by being submerged in the other moist substances present in the alimentary canal. A substance applied externally can be kept in one spot, but when it is within the stomach it is kept moving about. A substance applied externally is usually applied very tightly and closely, whereas within the body it is only just in contiguity without any adhesion." وَالسَّادِس: أَنه إِذا حصل فِي الْبَاطِن تولت تَدْبيره الْقُوَّة الطبيعية فَلم يلبث الْفضل مِنْهُ أَن ينْدَفع والجيد أَن يَسْتَحِيل دَمًا وَأما مَا يخْتَلف من حَال الاسفيداج فالسبب فِيهِ أَنه غليظ الْأَجْزَاء فَلَا ينفذ فِي المسام من خَارج وَإِن نفذ لم يمعن إِلَى منافس الرّوح وَإِلَى الْأَعْضَاء الرئيسة,"When a substance is taken internally, its own natural power determines the quick accomplishment of digestion and quickly expels the excess lett after the bulk has been converted into good blood. The reason why the action of white lead is different is that white lead is of gross nature and is made of coarse particles. Hence it cannot penetrate, into the channels of the body from without, and even if it did enter the skin it would not reach as far as the channels of the breath or the principal organs." وَأما إِذا تنوول كَانَ الْأَمر بِالْعَكْسِ وَأَيْضًا فان الطبيعة السمية الَّتِي فِيهَا لَا تثور إِلَّا بفرط تَأْثِير الْحَار الغريزي الذى فِينَا فِيهِ وَذَلِكَ مِمَّا لَا يحصل بِنَفس الملاقاة خَارِجا وَرُبمَا عَاد عَلَيْك فِي كتاب الْأَدْوِيَة المفردة كَلَام من هَذَا الْقَبِيل.,"Taken in by the mouth the matter is different, for then its poisonous nature is at once brought out by the influence of the innate heat upon it. Such an interaction could not take place externally. We shall probably refer to these considerations again, in the Book of Simples. (Book II)." الْفَصْل التَّاسِع عشر مُوجبَات الإستحمام والتضحّي بالشمس,BATHS. FRICTION. EXPOSURE TO THE SUN. قَالَ بعض المتحذلقين: خيرُ الحَمام مَا قدَمُ بِنَاؤُه واتسع هواؤه وعذب مَاؤُهُ، وَزَاد آخر: وَقدر الأتون توقد بِقدر مزاج من أَرَادَ وُرُوده. وَاعْلَم أَن الْفِعْل الطبيعي للحمام هُوَ التسخين بهوائه أَو الترطيب بمائه.,"Some say that bath-houses should be ancient fine buildings, with vaults and arches, and roomy, airy, spacious galleries, and furnished with sweet water. Others mention that the bath-men should arrange the degree of heat to suit the temperament of the bather. Natural action of the hath. The air of the bathroom has a warming action, the: water of the bath has a moistening effect on the body." وَالْبَيْت الأول مبرد مرطب. وَالثَّانِي مسخن مرطب. وَالثَّالِث مسخّن مجفّف. وَلَا يلْتَفت إِلَى قَول من يَقُول: إِن المَاء لايرطب الْأَعْضَاء الْأَصْلِيَّة تشرّباً وَلَا لفًا لِأَنَّهُ قد يعرض من الْحمام بَعْدَمَا وصفناه من تأثيراته وتغييراته تغييرات أُخْرَى بَعْضهَا بِالْعرضِ وَبَعضهَا بِالذَّاتِ,"The first change in the body is to cool and moisten; the second is to warm and moisten; the third is to make the body warm and dry. It is useless to listen to those who assert that water taken internally does not moisten the interior tissues. Changes and later effects of the hath. These are (a) accidental, (b) essential." فَإِن الْحمام قد يعرض لَهُ أَن يبرد بهوائه من كَثْرَة التَّحْلِيل للحار الغريزي وَأَن يجفف أَيْضا جَوْهَر الْأَعْضَاء التحليلية لكثير الرطوبات الغريزية وَإِن أَفَادَ رطوبات غَرِيبَة.,"Cold air hath. This disperses the innate heat greatly, and so dries the substance of the tissues. It disperses the natural (normal) fluids very greatly, though it increases the extraneous fluids." وَإِذا كَانَ مَاؤُهُ شَدِيد السخونة يتقشعر مِنْهُ الْجلد فيستحصف مسامه لم يتأد من رطوبته إِلَى الْبدن شَيْء وَلَا أَجَاد تَحْلِيله. وماؤه قد يسخن ويبرد,"Very hot water hath. The pores close; there is goose- flesh. The moisture does not enter the body, and there is not much dispersal of the innate heat. But the water sometimes adds to the warmth of the body and sometimes cools it. To have the former effect, the water must be very hot." أما تسخينه فبحماه إِن كَانَ حاراً إِلَى السخونة مَا هُوَ دون الفاتر فَإِنَّهُ يبرّد ويرطب وبالحقن إِذا كَانَ بَارِدًا فَإِنَّهُ يحقن الْحَرَارَة المستفادة من هوائه ويجمعها فِي الأحشاء,"Subtepid hath. This cools and moistens the body. As the water cools down, the air of the bathroom becomes less warm, and the effect of the cooling in both directions to which the body is now exposed is to contract the abdominal viscera." إِذا أورد بارداَ على الْبدن وَأما تبريده فَذَلِك إِذا كثر فِيهِ الاستنقاع فيبرد من وَجْهَيْن: أَحدهمَا لِأَن المَاء بالطبع بَارِد فيبرد آخر الْأَمر وَإِن سخن بحرارة عرضية لَا يثبت بل يَزُول وَيبقى الْفِعْل الطبيعي لما تشربه الْبدن من المَاء وَهُوَ التبريد,"The frequent use of such a bath will have a refrigerant effect. This is because (i) water is fundamentally cold in nature, and even warming of it will not ensure continuance of the “accidental” (scholastic significance) heat, the natural quality remaining, and this natural coldness enters the body and makes it cold." وَأَيْضًا فَإِن المَاء وَإِن كَانَ حاراً أَو بَارِدًا فَهُوَ أرطب وَإِذا أفرط فِي الترطيب حقن الْحَار الغريزي من كَثْرَة الرُّطُوبَة فيطفئها فيبرد.,"(ii) Whether hot or cold, water is still “wet,” and wets the body (interiorly), so, imparting much moisture, it binds the innate heat even to the degree of extinction. Consequently the body becomes cold." وَالْحمام قد يسْتَعْمل يَابسا فيجفف وينفع أَصْحَاب الإستسقاء أَو الترهل وَقد يسْتَعْمل رطبا فيرطب وَقد يقْعد فِيهِ كثيرا فيجفف بالتحليل والتعريق وَقد يقْعد فِيهِ قَلِيلا فيرطب بانتشاف الْبدن مِنْهُ قبل التعرق.,"State of skin at the time of the hath. If the skin be dry at the time of the bath, dropsy or relaxed conditions would be benefited. If the skin be moist to commence with, the bath will have a moistening effect. Duration of stay in the hath. Dryness results if the person stay a long time in the bath. This is partly because of loss of water by the sweating and with the dispersal of the breath so induced. A short stay in the bath will produce a moistening effect, if the skin be wiped dry before sweating begins." وَالْحمام قد يسْتَعْمل على الرِّيق والخواء فيجفّف شَدِيدا ويهزل ويضعف وَقد يسْتَعْمل على قرب عهد بالشبع فيسمن بِمَا يجذب إِلَى ظَاهر الْبدن من الْمَادَّة إِلَّا أَنه يحدث السدد بِمَا ينجذب بِسَبَبِهِ إِلَى الْأَعْضَاء من الْمعدة والكبد,"Relation to meals. To enter a bath fasting will render the body extremely dry, and make the person thin and debilitated. To enter the bath after a heavy meal, on the other hand, will make a person stout, by drawing the humours towards the subcutaneous tissues." من الْغذَاء الْغَيْر النضج وَقد يسْتَعْمل عِنْد آخر الهضم الأول قبل الإخلاء فينفع ويسمن باعتدال,Moreover it removes the obstructions by transferring the undigested aliment from the stomach to the tissues. To enter the bath at the moment when the first digestion has ended and before a sense of hunger returns is beneficial and produces a medium degree of stoutness. وَمن اسْتعْمل الحمّام للترطيب كَمَا يَسْتَعْمِلهُ أَصْحَاب الدق فَيجب عَلَيْهِم أَن يستنقعوا فِي المَاء مَا لم تضعف قواهم ثمَّ يتمرخوا بالدهن ليزِيد فِي الترطيب وليحبس المائية النافذة فِي المسام ويحقنها دَاخل الْجلد وَأَن لَا يبطئوا الْمقَام وَأَن يختاروا موضعا معتدلاً,"Special therapeutic uses. Bath treatment of hectic fever. If the bath is taken for a moistening effect the person should be entirely immersed in the water, unless he is too enfeebled, or his strength will not allow of it. The air of the room should be temperate either hot nor cold, but gently moist." وَأَن يكثروا صب المَاء على أَرض الْحمام ليكْثر البخار فيرطب الْهَوَاء وَأَن ينقلوا من الْحمام من غير عناء ومشقة يلْزمهُم بل على محفة تتَّخذ لَهُم وَأَن يطيبوا بالطيب الْبَارِد كَمَا يخرجُون وَأَن يتْركُوا فِي المسلخ سَاعَة إِلَى أَن يعود إِلَيْهِم النَّفس المعتدل,"The water of the bath should be thrown freely about in order to disseminate the water-vapour through the air and so fill the air with moisture. The duration of the bath should not be long. The patient should be lifted out of the water and rubbed down gently, himself making no exertion; and he should be laid at once on the couch (in the bathroom) and there be anointed with oil (to increase the moisture of the skin and retain in the pores the aquosity which has already gained entry into the skin, thus fixing it within the skin), using cool perfumed oil. He should then lie in. the tepidarium (the disrobing room) for an hour until the respiration subsides to the customary rate." وَأَن يسقوا من المرطبات شَيْئا مثل مَاء الشّعير وَمثل لبن الأتان. وَمن أَطَالَ الْمقَام فِي الْحمام خيف عَلَيْهِ الغشي بإسخائه الْقلب. ويثرر بِهِ أَولا الغثي.,"After that, he is anointed, robed, and taken into a room (dining-room, ed.) where he may receive a small draught compounded of humectants, such as barley water and asses’ milk. Disadvantages. Such patients should not stay too long in the bath, as there is a risk of syncope, because it renders the heart “hot” (and therefore disperses the “breath”) and sets the bilious humour in motion; it produces nausea; and other ill- effects." وللحمام مَعَ كَثْرَة مَنَافِعه مضار فَإِنَّهُ يسهل انصباب الفضول إِلَى الْأَعْضَاء الَّتِي بهَا ضعف ويرخي الْجَسَد ويضرّ بالعصب ويحلل الْحَرَارَة الغريزية وَيسْقط الشَّهْوَة للطعام ويضعف قُوَّة الباه.,It causes morbific matters to gravitate into the debilitated organs. It has a relaxing effect and is injurious for the nerves. It disperses the innate heat. It removes the appetite for solid food. It weakens the power of sexual intercourse. وللحمام فضول من جِهَة الْمِيَاه الَّتِي تكون فِيهِ فَإِنَّهَا إِن كَانَت نطرونية كبريتية أَو بحريّة أَو رمادية أَو مالحة طبعا أَو بصنعة بِأَن يطْبخ فِيهَا شَيْء من ذَلِك أَو يطْبخ فِيهَا مثل الميوزج وَمثل حب الْغَار وَمثل الكبريت وَغير ذَلِك,"Action of baths in virtue of mineral constituents in the voater. Waters of this kind occur in nature, or may be reproduced artificially." فَإِنَّهَا تحلل وتلطف وتزيل الترهل والتربّل وَيمْنَع انصباب الْموَاد إِلَى القروح وينفع أَصْحَاب الْعرق الْمَدِينِيّ.,"They are all strongly resolvent and attenuant. They make the tissues flabby, and prevent humours from passing into abscesses. They are beneficial for the guineaworm and “Indian vein.”" وَأما الْمِيَاه الشبية والزاجية فينفع الاستحمام فِيهَا من نفث الدَّم وَمن نزف المقعدة والطمث وَمن تقلب الْمعدة وَمن الْإِسْقَاط يغر سَبَب وَمن التهيّج وفرط الْعرق.,"Aluminous waters [Alum=MgS+Fe: “hair-alum,” according to Adam] benefit cases of haemoptysis, melaena, menorrhage, procidentia ani or uteri, repeated causeless mis-carriage, cachexias, undue sweating, causeless vomiting. They have a cooling and drying effect." وَأما مياه القفرية فَإِن الاستحمام فِيهَا يمْلَأ الرَّأْس وَلذَلِك يجب أَن لَا يغمس المستحم بهَا رَأسه فِيهَا وفيهَا تسخين فِي مُدَّة متراخية وخصوصاً للرحم والمثانة والقولون وَلكنهَا رَدِيئَة للنِّسَاء.,"Bituminous waters (“ judaic waters ”) occasion fulness of the head. The person must therefore not immerse his head in the bath or stay too long in it. They render the temperament warmer, especially that of the uterus, bladder and colon. They are all harmful and heavy." والنحاسية تَنْفَع الْفَم واللهاة وَالْعين المسترخية ورطوبات الْأذن. والحديدية نافعة للمعحة وَالطحَال.,"Copper-containing waters are beneficial for the mouth, tonsils and uvula; for relaxed ocular tissues; for humid affections of the ears. Ferruginous waters are beneficial for the stomach and spleen. (They should be entered gradually so as to allow the impression of the water to sink deeply into the body while it is in a relaxed state: Aegineta.)" والمياه النحاسية والحديدية والمالحة أَيْضا تَنْفَع من أمراض الْبرد والرطوبة وَمن أوجاع المفاصل والنقرس والإسترخاء والربو وأمراض الْكُلِّي وتقوي جبر الْكسر تَنْفَع من الدماميل والقروح.,"Aerated waters, ferruginous and saline waters are beneficial for diseases depending on coldness and moisture, for pains in the joints, for podagra. They benefit relaxed persons, asthma, renal disease, carbuncles, ulcers; they are very beneficial in cases of fracture." والبورقية المالحة تَنْفَع الرؤوس الْقَابِلَة للمواد والصدر الَّذِي بِتِلْكَ الْحَال وَتَنْفَع الْمعدة الرّطبَة وَأَصْحَاب الإستسقاء والنفخ.,"Nitrous (=NaCOs: Adams) baths and saline baths are beneficial for the head and chest when humours are constantly flowing into them; for wateriness of the stomach, for dropsy, for swellings left after diseases, and for collections of phlegm." وَأما الْمِيَاه الكبريتية فَإِنَّهَا تنقي الأعصاب وتسكن أوجاع التمدّد والتشنج وتنقي ظَاهر الْبدن من البثور والقروح الرَّديئَة المزمنة والْآثَار السمجة والكلف والبرص والبهق ويحلل الفضول المنصبة إِلَى المفاصل,"Sulphur baths. These soothe and warm the nerves and relieve pain, lassitude and convulsions. They cleanse the surface of the skin from furuncles and old bad ulcers and purple marks; they benefit pannus, vitiligo, lepra. They disperse morbific matters descending into the joints." وَإِلَى الطحال والكبد وَتَنْفَع من صلابة الرَّحِم لَكِنَّهَا ترخي الْمعدة وَتسقط الشَّهْوَة.,the spleen and the liver. They are beneficial for the womb when unduly hard. They reduce the tone of the stomach and banish the appetite. وَمن أَرَادَ أَن يستحم فِي الحمامات فَيجب أَن يستحم فِيهَا بهدوء وَسُكُون ورفق وتدريج غير بَغْتَة وَرُبمَا عَاد عَلَيْك فِي بَاب حفظ الصِّحَّة من أَمر الْحمام مَا يجب أَن يضيف النّظر فِيهِ إِلَى النّظر إِلَى مَا قيل وَكَذَلِكَ القَوْل فِي اسْتِعْمَال المَاء الْبَارِد.,"Thermal baths. Persons desiring to use thermal baths should bathe quietly, gently, and allow the waters to play gently over the relaxed body; laving, not splashing; and in this way the interior organs are benefited. The subject of baths will be considered further in Part III, and again when discussing the use of cold water as a drink." وَأما التضحي إِلَى شمس الحارة وخصوصاً متحركاً لَا سِيمَا متحركاً حَرَكَة شَدِيدَة كالسعي والعدو مِمَّا يحلل الفضول بِقُوَّة ويعرّق النفخ ويحلل أورام التربل وَالِاسْتِسْقَاء,"Immersion in hot sand, oil baths, spraying of water over the face; standing or running or walking rapidly, or jumping in the heat of the burning sun all these are powerful agents for removing superfluities, and for producing sweating, dispersing flatulence, and lax swellings and dropsies." وينفع من الربو وَنَفس الانتصاب ويحلل الصداع الْبَارِد المزمن وَيُقَوِّي الدِّمَاغ الَّذِي مزاجه بَارِد وَإِذا لم يتبل من تَحْتَهُ بل كَانَ مَجْلِسه يَابسا نفع أوجاع الورك والكي وأوجاع الجذام واختناق الدَّم ونقى الرَّحِم.,"They are beneficial for asthma, for orthopnoea. They invigorate the brain (whose temperament is cold) and relieve inveterate “cold” headache. If the seat of the bath is dry, and the floor is left wet, the bath will benefit cases of sciatica, lumbar pain, uterine obstruction. It has a cleansing effect on the womb." فَإِن تعرض للشمس كثف الْبدن وقشفه وحممه وَصَارَ كالكي على فوهات المسام وَمنع التحلّل. والسكون فِي الشَّمْس فِي مَوضِع وَاحِد أَشد فِي إحراق الْجلد من التنقل فِيهَا وَهُوَ أمنع للتحلل.,"Sun-baths. One must not remain too long in the sun, or else the body will become dry, thick, and hard, as the sun acts like a cautery upon the pore’s of the skin, and obstructs the outflow of the insensible perspiration. The sun burns the skin more if one stands still in it, than if one moves about, and so it inhibits the dissipation of the sensible perspiration still more." وَأقوى الرمال فِي نشف الرطوبات من نواحي الْجلد رمال الْبحار وَقد يجلس عَلَيْهَا وَهِي حارة وَقد يندفن فِيهَا وَقد ينثر على الْبدن قَلِيلا قَلِيلا فيحلل الأوجاع والأمراض الْمَذْكُورَة فِي بَاب الشَّمْس.,"Sea-sand baths, in the sun. These are more efficient for drying the humours lodged in the skin. Such, a bath may be used in various ways: one may sit on the sand, or “bury oneself in it, or sprinkle it over the body. In whatever way it is employed, the same beneficial effect is experienced in all the above-named diseases. If the sand is sprinkled over the body, little by little, it removes pains and other effects of insolation." وَبِالْجُمْلَةِ يجفف الْبدن تجفيفاً شَدِيدا. وَأما الاستنقاع فِي مثل الزَّيْت فقد ينفع أَصْحَاب الاعياء وَأَصْحَاب الحميات الطَّوِيلَة الْبَارِدَة وَالَّذين بهم حمياتهم مَعَ أوجاع عصب مفاصل وَأَصْحَاب التشنج والكزاز واحتباس الْبَوْل. وَيجب أَن يكون الزَّيْت مسخّناً من خَارج الْحمام.,"In the end, there is an extremely marked drying effect on the body. Oil-baths. These are beneficial in lassitude and for persons suffering from long-standing cold fevers, especially if there are pains in the nerves and joints; for convulsions; for spasmodic diseases; for suppression of urine. The oil must be made hot outside the room." وَأما إِن انطبخ فِيهِ ثَعْلَب أَو ضبع على مَا نصفه فَهُوَ أفضل علاج لأَصْحَاب أوجاع المفاصل والنقرس.,"These baths are more beneficial for the above conditions if the flesh of the jackal or hyasna is boiled in it. If made as described, it will be an efficient remedy for joint-pains and podagra." وَأما بل الْوَجْه ورش المَاء عَلَيْهِ فَإِنَّهُ ينعش الْقُوَّة المسترخية من الكرب ولهيب الحميات وَعند الغشي وخصوصاً مَعَ مَاء ورد وخل وَرُبمَا صحّح الشَّهْوَة وأثارها ويضرّ أَصْحَاب النَّوَازِل والصداع,"Shower-baths, Douching, Spraying. If water be sprinkled on the face (or over the body) it restores the vigour of the breath, when that has been lost by dyspnoea and by the inflammatory changes in hot fevers. .This sprinkling is especially beneficial for syncope, if rose water or vinegar be used. It may restore the appetite. They are injurious to persons suffering from catarrhs or “cold” headaches." الْجُمْلَة الثَّانِيَة سَبَب لكلّ وَاحِد من الْعَوَارِض البدنيّة وَهِي تِسْعَة وَعِشْرُونَ فصلا الْفَصْل الأول المسخّنات,Calefacients. المسخّنات أَصْنَاف مثل الْغذَاء المعتدل فِي الْمِقْدَار وَالْحَرَكَة المعتدلة وَيدخل فِيهَا الرياضات المعتدلة والدلك المعتدل والغمز المعتدل وَوضع المحاجم بِغَيْر شَرط فَإِن الَّذِي يكون مَعَ شَرط يبرد بالاستفراغ,"(i) Outward heat in various forms: Heat produced by movement. Exercise, but not in excess; gymnastic exercise which is not too vigorous or beyond the right measure and duration; moderate friction; light massage with the hands on the limbs; dry cupping (wet cupping is infrigidant because it removes heat from the body)." وَأَيْضًا الْحَرَكَة الَّتِي هِيَ إِلَى الشدَّة وَالْكَثْرَة قَلِيلا لَيْسَ بالمفرط والغذاء الْحَار والدواء الْحَار وَالْحمام المعتدل على مَا عرف من تسخينه بهوائه والصناعة المسخّنة وملاقاة المسخنات الْغَيْر المفرطة كالأهوية والأضمدة,(ii) Heat introduced by the mouth. Adequate supply of nutriment; hot aliments; hot or heating medicaments (i.e. via oxidation within the body.) (iv) summer heat; artificial heat; baths of moderate temperature (the heating effect is produced by both air and water); calefacient plasters or local applications. والسهر المعتدل وَالنَّوْم المعتدل على الشَّرْط الْمَذْكُور وَالْغَضَب على كل حَال والهم إِذا لم يفرط فَأَما إِذا أفرط فيبرد الْفَرح المعتدل,"(iii) Heat arising from emotional states: anger, gloom in a degree less than would cause infrigidation; moderated joy. Also sleep and wakefulness in moderate degree." وَأَيْضًا العفونة وخاصيتها أَحْدَاث حرارة غَرِيبَة لَا غير وفعلها هُوَ التسخين الْمُطلق وَهُوَ غير الإحراق لِأَن التسخين دون الإحراق لَا محَالة وَيَقَع كثيرا وَلَا يعفن وَقد يحدث قبل التعفن فَلِأَن التعفن كثيرا مَا يكون بِأَن يبْقى بعد مُفَارقَة السَّبَب المسخن الْخَارِجِي سخونة خارجية,(v) Heat derived from putrefactive processes. This is neither the innate heat nor derived from combustion. The warming from the innate heat is less in degree than that from combustion; it can occur apart from putrefaction and prior to a septic state. In the case of putrefaction the heat from the foreign source lingers in the body after the agent giving rise to it has left the body. فيشتعل فِي الْمَادَّة الرّطبَة فيغير رطوبتها عَن صلوحها لمزاج الْجَوْهَر الَّذِي هِيَ فِيهِ من غير رد إِيَّاهَا بعد إِلَى مزاج آخر من الأمزجة النوعية الطبيعية فَإِنَّهُ قد يُغير الْحَرَارَة الرّطبَة إِلَى صلوحها من مزاج إِلَى مزاج آخر من الأمزجة النوعية وَلَا يكون ذَلِك تعفيناً بل هضماً.,"This heat unites with the moisture of the humours and alters their temperament (in respect of moisture) in such a manner that it will no longer respond to the temperament of the natural breath. The difference between digestion and putrefaction is that in the case of digestion the heat and moisture which are present in matter are altered; that is, instead of being accordant with the original temperament, they are now accordant with another different one (p)." وَأما الإحراق فَهُوَ أَن يُمَيّز الْجَوْهَر الرطب عَن الْجَوْهَر الْيَابِس تصعيداً لذَلِك وترسيباً لهَذَا. وَأما التسخين الساذج فَهُوَ أَن تبقى الرطوبات كلهَا على طبائعها النوعية إِلَّا أَنَّهَا تصير أسخن.,"In oxidation, moist substance is separated from dry by sublimation and evaporation, the dryness going into the residue. In the process of simple calefaction, the humours simply become warmer without losing their natural breath." وَمن المسخّنات التكاثف فِي ظَاهر الْبدن فَإِنَّهُ يسخن بحقن البخار. والتخلخل دَاخل الْبدن فَإِنَّهُ بسخن يبسط البخار. وَمن عَادَة جالينوس أَن يحصر جَمِيع هَذِه الْأَسْبَاب فِي خَمْسَة أَجنَاس الْحَرَكَة غير المفرطة,"(vi) The state of the body. When there is sclerosis (takathuf) of the surface, the body tends to become hot because the breath (lit..the steam, bakhr) is held in or imprisoned. When there is rarefaction (takhalkhal) within the body, it becomes warm because the “breath” (bakhr) then expands throughout the body. (Galen’s classification into five groups is represented by i, ii, iii, iv and v of the above list.)" المبردات,Refrigerants. أما المبردات فَهِيَ أَيْضا أَصْنَاف: الْحَرَكَة المفرطة لفرط تحليلها الْحَار الغريزي والسكون المفرط لخنقه الْحَار الغريزي وَكَثْرَة الْغذَاء المفرط مَأْكُولا ومشروباً وقلته المفرطة والغذاء الْبَارِد والدواء الْبَارِد,"Excessive exercise: agents at present hot but becoming cold later. this disperses the innate heat unduly. Excessive repose aggregates and strangles the innate heat, thereby having an infrigidant effect. Aliment. Excess of food and drink; cold aliments; too little food; refrigerant medicines." وملاقاة مَا يسخن لإفراط من الأهوية والأضمدة وَمن مياه الحمامات وَشدَّة تخلخل الْبدن فينفش عَنهُ الْحَار الغريزي وَطول ملاقاة مَا يسخن باعتدال كطول اللّبْث فِي الْحمام,"Calefacients. (a) Excessive: very hot air, thermal waters, hot plasters and fomentations (which disperse the innate heat by relaxing the body); (b) moderate: staying too long in the bath." وَشدَّة التكاثف فيحقن الْحَار الغريزي وملاقاة مَا يبرد بِالْفِعْلِ وملاقاة مَا يبرد بِالْقُوَّةِ وَإِن كَانَ حاراً فِي حَاضر الْوَقْت والإفراط فِي الاحتباس لِأَنَّهُ يحقن الْحَرَارَة الغريزة والإفراط فِي الاستفراغ لِأَنَّهُ يفقد مَادَّة الْحَرَارَة بِمَا فِيهِ من إستتباع الرّوح والسدد من الفضول,"Potential refrigerants. Thus, when the body is hot at the time of exposure to the agent, its heat becomes dissipated. Thermal waters. Certain bodily states, (a) Great rarefaction relaxes the body and. disperses the innate heat; (b) extreme spissitude strangles the innate heat; excessive retention (has the same action); (d) undue evacuation from the body, which destroys the material basis of the innate heat and disperses the breath, and allows the effete matters to become obstructions." وَمِنْهَا شدَّة شدّ الْأَعْضَاء وإدامتها فَإِنَّهَا تبرد أَيْضا بسد طَرِيق الْحَرَارَة وَكَذَلِكَ الْهم المفرط والفزع المفرط والفرح المفرط واللذة المفرطة والصناعة المبردة والهوة والفجاجة الْمُقَابلَة للعفونة.,"Mechanical causes: tight bandaging of limbs for some time, which prevents the innate heat reaching them. Mental states: great gloom, too much feat; too much joy; great delight. Crudity; the opposite of putrefaction. Artificial cold; this is a refrigerant in act, as it is cold itself." وَمن عَادَة الْحَكِيم الْفَاضِل جالينوس أَن يحصرها فِي أَجنَاس سِتَّة: الْحَرَكَة المفرطة والسكون المفرط وملاقاة مَا يبرد أَو مَا يسخن جدا حَتَّى يحلل والمادة المبردة وَقلة الْغذَاء يالإفراط وَكَثْرَة الْغذَاء بالإفراط.,"(Galen’s classification was: I, a, insufficient food.)" الْفَصْل الثَّالِث أَسبَاب الترطيب كَثِيرَة مِنْهَا,Humectants. السّكُون وَالنَّوْم واحتباس مَا يستفرغ وإستفراغ الْخَلْط المجفف وَكَثْرَة الْغذَاء والغذاء المرطب والدواء المرطب وملاقاة المرطبات لَا سِيمَا الْحمام وخصوصاً على الطَّعَام وملاقاة مَا يبرد فيحقن الرُّطُوبَة وملاقاة مَا يسخن تسخيناً لطيفاً فيسيل الرُّطُوبَة والفرح المعتدل.,"Repose and sleep. Retention of that which should be evacuated. Evacuation of desiccant humour. Diet: food taken to excess; humectant articles of food; humectant medicaments. External: baths, especially if taken after a meal. Infrigidants (these cause the humours to be retained); calefacients (slight degree of warmth causes the humours to move). Joy in moderation." الْفَصْل الرَّابِع المجففات أَسبَاب المجففات أَيْضا كَثِيرَة,Desiccants. مثل الْحَرَكَة والسهر وَكَثْرَة الاستفراغ وَمِنْهَا الْجِمَاع وَقلة الأغذية وَكَونهَا يابسة والأدوية المجفّفة وأنواع الحركات النفسانية المفرطة وتواتر الحركات النفسانية وملاقاة المجقفات,Exercise. Wakefulness. Violent evacuations; coitus. Diet: insufficient food; dry aliments; desiccant medicaments. Frequent emotional disturbance. وَمن ذَلِك الاستحمام بالمياه القابضة وَمن ذَلِك الْبرد المجمد بِمَا يحبس الْعُضْو من جذب الْغذَاء إِلَى نَفسه وَبِمَا يقبض فَيحدث عَنهُ سدد تمنع من نُفُوذ الْغذَاء وَمن ذَلِك ملاقاة مَا هُوَ شَدِيد الْحَرَارَة فيفرط فِي التَّحْلِيل حَتَّى إِن من ذَلِك كَثْرَة الاستحمام.,"Bathing in styptic waters has a desiccant effect. External: cold congeals the humours and prevents the tissues from attracting nutritive material; it also constricts the channels of the body, and so causes them to be blocked; in consequence nutrient material cannot reach it. Great heat disperses moisture. Hence too frequent hot baths have this effect." الْفَصْل الْخَامِس مفسدات الشكل,Agents causing deformity. من أَسبَاب فَسَاد الشكل أَسبَاب وَقعت فِي الْخلقَة الأولى فقصرت الْقُوَّة المصورة أَو الْمُغيرَة الَّتِي فِي الْمَنِيّ بِسَبَبِهَا عَن تتميم فعلهَا وَأَسْبَاب تقع عِنْد الِانْفِصَال من الرَّحِم وَأَسْبَاب تقع عِنْد قمط الطِّفْل وإمساكه,"Some of these agents come into play from the beginning of life, because of a defect in the formative power of the sperm. Others come into force later in life namely at parturition, during the act of traversing the maternal passages." وَأَسْبَاب بادية تقع من خَارج كسقطة أَو ضَرْبَة وَأَسْبَاب تتعلّق بالمبادرة إِلَى الْحَرَكَة قبل تصلب الْأَعْضَاء واستيكاعها وَأَيْضًا أَسبَاب مرضية كالجذام والسل والتشنج والإسترخاء والتمدد,"Others operate after birth (tight binders and wrappings). Others operate in infancy, before the limbs are hard enough to enable the infant to walk (letting the baby fall; blows). Diseases which characteristically produce deformities: leprosy, paralysis, .nerve-lesions, phthisis." وَقد يَقع بِسَبَب السّمن المفرط وَقد يكون بِسَبَب الهزال المفرط وَقد يكون بِسَبَب الأورام وَقد يكون بِسَبَب أمراض الْوَضع وَقد يكون بِسَبَب سوء اندمال القروح وَغير ذَلِك.,"Excessive deposition of fat; an excessive degree of emaciation (due to inflammation, or malposition, or from the coalescence of ulcers)." الْفَصْل السَّادِس أَسبَاب السدة وضيق المجاري,Agents causing obstruction of the channels. إِن السدة تحدث إِمَّا لوُقُوع شَيْء غَرِيب فِي المجرى وَذَلِكَ إِمَّا غَرِيب فِي جنسه كالحصاة أَو غَرِيب فِي مِقْدَاره كالثفل الْكثير أَو غَرِيب فِي الْكَيْفِيَّة وَذَلِكَ إِمَّا لغلظه وَإِمَّا للزوجته وَإِمَّا لجموده كالعلقة الجامدة. فَهَذِهِ أَقسَام السادّ لوُقُوعه فِي المجرى هَذَا.,"(i) Foreign bodies in a channel: calculus, (ii) Too great a quantity of material in a channel: loading with faeces, (iii) Alteration in quality of material: grossness, viscosity, leech-like coagula of blood," وَمن جملَته مَا هُوَ لَازم لمكانه فِي المجرى وَمِنْه مَا هُوَ قلق فِيهِ مُتَرَدّد وَقد تعرض السدة لالتحام المنفذ بِسَبَب اندمال قرحَة فِيهِ ولنبات شَيْء زَائِد كنبات لحم ثؤلولي سَاد أَو لانطباق المجرى لمجاورة ورم ضاغط أَو لتقبض برد شَدِيد أَو لشدَّة يبس حَادث من المقبضات,"(iv) Formation of matter within the channels, whether removable therefrom or becoming fixed therein, (v) Obliteration of the orifices, (a) by cicatrisation after healing of an ulcer; (b) by formation of new tissue (e.g. proud flesh, fleshy warts); (c) by compression by an inflammatory mass in the vicinity; (d) by the astringent effect of great cold or dryness (styptics)." أَو لشدَّة قُوَّة من الْقُوَّة الماسكة أَو لعصب عِصَابَة شَدِيدَة الشد والشتاء يكثر فِيهِ السدد لِكَثْرَة احتقان الفضول ولقبض الْبرد.,"(e) by unduly marked retentive power; (f) by tight bandaging. Obstructions are common in winter, because that is the season when effete matters are largely retained, and because the cold itself has an astringent effect." الْفَصْل السَّابِع أَسبَاب اتساع المجاري,Agents which open up the channels. إِن المجاري تتسع إِمَّا لضعف الماسكة أَو لحركة قَوِيَّة من الدافعة. وَمن هَذَا الْبَاب فعل حصر النَّفس أَو لأدوية مفتحة أَو لأدوية مرخيّة حارة رطبَة والمجأري تضيق لأضداد ذَلِك وللسدّ.,"Channels become dilated either from lack of retentive power or from an excessive action of the expulsive faculty. For example, holding the breath. Medicines which are relaxing, hot, moist, aperient and detergent. In short, all agents contrary to Group" الْفَصْل الثَّامِن أَسبَاب الخشونة الخشونة تحدث إِمَّا لسَبَب شَدِيد الْجلاء بتقطيعه كالخلّ والفضول الحامضة أَو تَحْلِيله كزبد الْبَحْر والفضول الحادة ّ أَو لسَبَب قَابض يخشن بيبوسته كالأشياء العفصة أَو بَارِد فيخشن بتكثيفه أَو لركود أَجزَاء أرضية على الْعُضْو كالغبار.,"Agents producing harshness of the body. A medicinal agent may render the body harsh by its sharpness (acidity), like vinegar and acetous waste matters; or by dispersion (like halcyonium=coral) and acrid waste matters; or by styptic action (which produces roughness because it is dry; ex.: bitter substances). Infrigidants have this effect, by inspissation. Terrene substances sprinkled over a limb like a dusting-powder may exert such an effect." الْفَصْل التَّاسِع سَبَب الملاسة إِمَّا مغز بلزوجته وَإِمَّا محلّل لطيف التَّحْلِيل يرقق الْمَادَّة فيسيلها أَو يزِيل التكاثف عَن صفحة الْعُضْو.,"Mollificants. (Fatty or) glutinous substances act in virtue of their viscidity; agents which mildly disperse the humours by attenuating them, cause them to flow, whilst at the same time they carry off the dense particles of matter in the apertures on the surface of the member." الْفَصْل الْعَاشِر أَسبَاب الْخلْع ومفارقة الْوَضع,Agents which -produce displacements and luxations. زَوَال الْوَضع إِمَّا بِسَبَب تمدّد كمن يجذب عُضْو مِنْهُ ويمدد حَتَّى ينخلع أَو حَرَكَة عنيفة على اعْتِمَاد مزيل للعضو عَن مَوْضِعه كمن تنْقَلب رجله أَو سَبَب مرخ مرطّب كَمَا يعرض فِي القيلة أَو سَبَب مُفسد لجوهر الرِّبَاط بتأكيله أَو تعفينه كَمَا يعرض فِي الجذام وعرق النسا.,"Displacements of parts are produced by extension a force dragging on the member and pulling upon it until it is dislocated; by some unexpected violent movement, aided by the throwing of the whole weight of the body upon the member (e.g. luxation of the foot); by some laxity or moistness in a part. This happens in tearing, in corrosion, or septic change or destruction of the substance of a ligament or nerve e.g. in elephantiasis, sciatica." الْفَصْل الْحَادِي عشر سوء الْمُجَاورَة لمنع المقاربة سَببه إِمَّا غلظ وَإِمَّا أثر قرحَة وَإِمَّا تشنّج وَإِمَّا استرخاء وَإِمَّا جفاف الْخَلْط فِي المُفصل وتحجره وَإِمَّا ولادي.,"Agents , which prevent parts from becoming apposed. Here belong congenital factors; grossness; viscosity; looseness of joints; dryness of humour in a joint; spasm; ulcers which are only partially healed; calculus." الْفَصْل الثَّانِي عشر أَسبَاب سوء الْمُجَاورَة لمنع المباعدة,Agents which prevent parts from expanding. الْفَصْل الثَّالِث عشر أَسبَاب الحركات الْغَيْر طبيعية,The causes of abnormal movements. سَببهَا إِمَّا يبس مضعف كالرعشة الْيَابِسَة أَو يبس مشنج كالفواق الْيَابِس أَو التشنج الْيَابِس أَو فضول مشنّجة أَو فضول وَأَسْبَاب سادة طَرِيق الْقُوَّة مَانِعَة عَن نفوذها إِلَى الْعُضْو بالسدد أَو فضول مؤذية ببردها كَمَا فِي النافض,"Dry intemperament may cause weakness (e.g. dry tremor) or spasm (e.g. dry hiccoughs, or spasm). Effete matters which heat, or cool the surfaces of the muscles. Interception of the power which should have access to a member owing to some form of obstruction. Nocumental effete; matter acting in virtue of its coldness (e.g. rigor)." أَو بلذعها كَمَا فِي القشعريرة أَو الْغَوْر من الْحَرَارَة الغريزية وقلتها فتستظهر الْفضل بردا وتحدث ريحًا يطْلب التَّحَلُّل والتخلص كَمَا فِي الاختلاج.,"or in virtue of pricking property (e.g. shivering), or in virtue of interference with the innate heat, making it either scanty or submerged, so that the surfaces of the muscles become cold, and gaseous matter forms which seeks to be dispersed or expelled. (Ex.: jerkiness, jactitation.)" ونقول: إِن هَذِه الْمَادَّة المؤذية إِمَّا بخارية يسيرَة فَتحدث التمطيّ أَو أقوى مِنْهَا فَتحدث الاعياء المعيي إِن كَانَ سَاكِنا وتحدث أنواعاً من الإعياء الآخر الَّتِي سنذكرها,"In such nocumental matter, further, gaseous matter may be deficient. This gives rise to the desire to stretch oneself. Or, gaseous matter may be in excess; and in this case, if the matter be quiescent, one form of lassitude arises; if the matter be mobile, other forms of lassitude will arise, which we shall describe later." إِن كَانَ متحرّكاً وَإِن كَانَ أقوى أحدث القشعريرة وَإِن كَانَ أقوى أحدث النافض. والمادة الريحية إِذا احتسبت فِي العضلة أحدثت الاختلاج فَاعْلَم ذَلِك.,"If the nocumental character of the matter be more decided, shivering ensues. If very strong, rigors and spasmodic contractions come on. Should such matter which is held back in the muscles be gaseous, jactitation or pulsatile movements arise." الْفَصْل الرَّابِع عشر أَسبَاب زِيَادَة الْعظم والغدد هِيَ كَثْرَة الْمَادَّة وشدّة القوى الجاذبة فِي نَفسهَا وَشدَّة القوى الجاذبة لمعونة الدَّلْك والتسخين,"Causes of increase in size of body. Abundant supply of aliments; great vigour of attractive faculties acided or not by friction or by calefacient plasters (e.g. plaster of pitch and the like). A powerful formative faculty will increase both the size and the number of tissue-components: e.g. proud flesh, supernumerary fingers. If pathological material be formed, tumours, ganglia, “atheromas,” steatomas, and warts will form. (Costaeus, quoting Galen.)" الْفَصْل الْخَامِس عشر أَسبَاب النُّقْصَان هَذِه إمّا وَاقعَة فِي أصل الْخلقَة لنُقْصَان الْمَادَّة أَو خطأ الْقُوَّة الحائلة وضعفها وَإِمَّا آفَات وَاقعَة تَارَة من خَارج كالقطع وَالضَّرْب وإفساد الْبرد وَتارَة من دَاخل كالتآكل والعفونة.,"Causes of numerical decrease. Congenital: matter lessened in amount; faulty or defective formative power. Acquired: lack of nutrition during lactation or later; direct injury cutting wounds, blows, mechanical destruction of tissue; frostbite; internal causes eroding ulcers, septic processes." الْفَصْل السَّادِس عشر أَسبَاب تفرق الِاتِّصَال,Causes of loss of continuity. هَذِه إِمَّا من دَاخل وَإِمَّا من خَارج. وَالَّتِي من دَاخل فَمثل خلط آكال أَو محرق أَو مرطب مرخ وميبس صادع أَو مثل امتلاء ريحي ممدد أَو ريحي غارز أَو خلطي ممدد بحركة الْخَلْط أَو منتقص أَو نَافِذ فِي الْبدن لتميزه حَرَكَة قَوِيَّة أَو خلطي غارز,"Intrinsic: Pathological body-fluids, having a consuming, burning, moistening, relaxing, drying or cleaving action. Fluids which pierce and force themselves into tissues and stretch them apart. Gaseous matters also may force their Way into, and stretch, tissues." وَجَمِيع ذَلِك إِمَّا لشدّة الْحَرَكَة أَو لِكَثْرَة الْمَادَّة مثل شدَّة حَرَكَة من الدافعة لَا على المجرى الطبيعي وَمثل حَرَكَة على الامتلاء. وَمِمَّا يشبهها الصياح الشَّديد والوثبة وَمثل انفجار الأورام.,"In each of these cases, the effect produced depends on (a) the force of movement, (b) the abundance of the fluid or gas, (y) the greatness of the expulsive power. Similar in action to these are: vociferation, leaping exercises; opening of abscesses." وَأما الْأَسْبَاب الَّتِي من خَارج فَمثل جسم يمدد كالحبل وكالأثقال أَو يقطع كالسيف أَو يحرق كالنار أَو يرض كالحجر. فَإِن مثل هَذَا إِن وجد خلاء شَدَخ أَو امتلاء صدَعَ الأوعية وَمثل جسم يثقب كالسهم أَو ينهش ويعض,"Exterior. Traction by a rope or weight; incision by a sword; burning by fire; contusion by a stone; rupture of a sac by contusion; perforation by an arrow; punctured wounds (scorpion wounds); bites by a mad dog, a viper, or a human being." الْفَصْل السَّابِع عشر أَسبَاب القرحة هِيَ إِمَّا ورم ينفجر وَإِمَّا جِرَاحَة تنفتح وَإِمَّا بثور تتأكل.,Agents -producing ulceration. The rupture of an inflammatory mass; of a pustule; of an abscess. The bursting out of an ulcer. الْفَصْل الثَّامِن عشر أَسبَاب الورم,The causes of inflammatory swellings. هَذِه الْأَسْبَاب بَعْضهَا من الْمَادَّة وَبَعضهَا من هَيْئَة الْعُضْو أما الكائنة من جِهَة الْمَادَّة فالامتلاء من الْأَشْيَاء السِّت الْمَذْكُورَة,Causes relative to the material in a member: superabundance of the four humours; aquosity; gaseous matter. وَأما الكائنة من جِهَة هيئات الْأَعْضَاء فقوة الْعُضْو الدَّافِع وَضعف الْعُضْو الْقَابِل وتهيؤه لقبُول الْفضل إِمَّا لطبع جوهره وَإنَّهُ خلق لذَلِك كالجلد أَو لسخافته مثل اللَّحْم الرخو فِي المعاطف الثَّلَاثَة خلف الْأذن من الْعُنُق والإبط والأرنبة,"Causes in regard to the condition of a member. Expulsive power. Weak retentive faculty, which disposes it towards harbouring waste matters. This varies with (a) the nature of the organ or tissue (e.g. the skin is so created); (b) the texture of the member (the looseness of the flesh behind the ears, in the neck, axilla, and groin is favourable to deposition of matter)." أَو لاتساع الطّرف إِلَيْهِ وضيق الطّرف عَنهُ أَو لوضعه من تَحت أَو لصغره فيضيق عَمَّا يَأْتِيهِ من مَادَّة الْغذَاء وَإِمَّا لضَعْفه عَن هضم غذائه لآفة فِيهِ وَإِمَّا لضربة تحقن فِيهِ الْمَادَّة وَإِمَّا لفقدانه تحلل مَا يتحلّل عَنهُ بالرياضة,"(h) the width of ‘the passages and orifices too great and too narrow respectively; (d) low position of outlet; (e) small outlet, so that the food residues cannot get away. Some nocument may impair the power to digest the food material coming to the part. Blows may cause the matter to be retained in a member. Lack of exercise may prevent matters from being dispersed as they usually would be." وَإِمَّا لحرارة مفرطة فِيهِ فيجذب. وَتلك الْحَرَارَة إِمَّا طبيعية كَمَا للحم أَو مستفادة أحدثها وجع أَو حَرَكَة عنيفة أَو شَيْء من المسخنات.,"Too much heat in a particular region may attract inflammatory processes whether it be the natural heat of the flesh or an unnatural heat (causing pain) or heat produced by excessive exercise, or by some calefacient agent." وَالْكَسْر يحدث الورم لشَيْء من هَذِه الْأَسْبَاب الْمَذْكُورَة مثل الرضّ وضغط الْعُضْو والتمديد الَّذِي بِهِ يجْبر والعظم نَفسه بل السن قد يرم لِأَنَّهُ يقبل النمو من الْغذَاء وَيقبل الابتلال والعفونة فَيقبل الورم.,"Inflammation may follow fracture, if the limb has also been contused or crushed or stretched when setting the bone-ends. Inflammations often occur in connection with the teeth, as food may collect in them, undergo infusion, and so become putrefied. This may lead to an abscess." الْفَصْل التَّاسِع عشر أَسبَاب الوجع على الْإِطْلَاق,The subject of pain. وَلِأَن الوجع هُوَ أحد الْأَحْوَال الْغَيْر الطبيعية الْعَارِضَة لبدن الْحَيَوَان فلنتكلم فِي أَسبَابه كلَاما كلياً ونقول: إِن الْوَجْه هُوَ الإحساس بالمنافي.,General discussion of the causes of pain. PAIN is one of the unnatural states to which the animal body (as a sensitive and living thing) is liable. We begin with a general discourse about it. Pain is sensation produced by something contrary to the course of nature. وَجُمْلَة أَسبَاب الوجع منحصرة فِي جِنْسَيْنِ: جنس يُغير المزاج دفْعَة وَهُوَ سوء المزاج الْمُخْتَلف وجنس يفرّق الِاتِّصَال,"and this sensation is set up by one of two circumstances (a) a very sudden change of the temperament; or the bad effect of a contrary temperament, (b) a solution of continuity." وأعني بِسوء المزاج الْمُخْتَلف أَن يكون للاعضاء فِي جواهرها مزاج متمكّن ثمَّ يعرض عَلَيْهَا مزاج غَرِيب مضاد لذَلِك حَتَّى تكون أسخن من ذَلِك أَو أبرد فتحس الْقُوَّة الحاسة بورود الْمنَافِي فيتألم.,"In saying “the bad effect of a contrary temperament” we mean: the substance of the members of the body has a constant temperament, and then a foreign temperament of contrary character (hotter or colder) supervenes. The sensitive faculties become aware of the change; this is “ pain.”" فَإِن الْأَلَم أَن يحس الْمُؤثر الْمنَافِي منافياً. وَأما سوء المزاج الْمُتَّفق فَهُوَ لَا يؤلم الْبَتَّةَ وَلَا يحسّ بِهِ,"The law is that there is no pain save as the sensation of contrariety produced by a contrary thing. A temperament which is constantly unhealthy does not produce pain, or arouse any sensation." مثل أَن يكون المزاج الرَّدِيء قد تمكن من جوهر الأعضاء وأبطل المزاج الْأَصْلِيّ وَصَارَ كَأَنَّهُ المزاج الْأَصْلِيّ وَهَذَا لَا يوجع لِأَنَّهُ لايحس,"That is to say, if the temperament residing in the substance of the members is bad, it destroys the original temperament so that the member is as if it had always had this unhealthy temperament; consequently it neither produces pain nor is aware of it." لِأَن الحاس يجب أَن ينفعل من المحسوس وَالشَّيْء لَا ينفعل عَن الْحَالة المتمكنة الَّتِي لَا تغيره فِي حَالَة فِيهِ بل إِنَّمَا ينفعل عَن الضِّدّ الْوَارِد المغير إِيَّاه إِلَى غير مَا هُوَ عَلَيْهِ.,"The reason is that before sensation can occur, the sense organ must become affected by that which is sensed. But in this case the condition persists. There is no change. So there is no pain. Suffering will only occur if some contrary enters which, is able to alter the temperament to one not previously present." وَلِهَذَا مَا يحسّ صَاحب حمّى الدق من الالتهاب مَا يحس بِهِ صَاحب حمّى الْيَوْم أَو صَاحب حمى الغب مَعَ أَن حرارة الدق أَشد كثيرا من حرارة صَاحب الغب لِأَن حرارة الدق مستحكمة مُسْتَقِرَّة فِي جَوْهَر الْأَعْضَاء الْأَصْلِيَّة,"That is why a person suffering from hectic fever does not suffer as much as one who has a one-day or a tertian fever, despite the fact that the heat of the first is greater than that of the others. In the case of hectic fever the heat is persistent and situated in the substance of the principal members." وحرارة الغب ورادة من مجاورة خلط على أَعْضَاء مَحْفُوظ فِيهَا مزاجها الطبيعي بعد بِحَيْثُ إِذا تنحى عَنْهَا الْخَلْط بَقِي الْعُضْو مِنْهَا على مزاجه وَلم يثبت فِيهِ الْحَرَارَة إِلَّا أَن تكون قد تشبثت وانتقلت الْعلَّة إِلَى الدق.,"in the case of tertian, the heat comes from a hot humour, and so reaches those members which retain their natural temperament. Should the humour recede, the natural temperament will continue in the member, the heat not being fixed in it unless the fever become hectic." وَسُوء المزاج الْمُتَّفق إِنَّمَا يتمكّن من الْعُضْو بتدريج وَقد يُوجد فِي حَال الصِّحَّة منال يقرب هَذَا إِلَى الْفَهم وَهُوَ أَن المعافص بالاستحمام شتاء إِذا استحم بِالْمَاءِ الْحَار بل بالفاتر عرض لَهُ مِنْهُ اشمئزاز وتأذ,"No inequable intemperament persists in a member except according to a certain rule. Such a state may arise during the best of health. Thus, should a person plunge into a bath in winter, and lave himself with tepid water, he would shiver; which shows that it is harmful." لِأَن كَيْفيَّة بدنه بعيدَة عَنهُ مضادة إِيَّاه ثمَّ يألفه فيستلذه كَمَا يتدرج إِلَى الاستحالة عَن حَالَة الْبرد الْعَامِل فِيهِ ثمَّ إِذا قعد سَاعَة فِي الْحمام الدَّاخِل فَرُبمَا يتَّفق أَن يصير بدنه أسخن من ذَلِك المَاء فَإِذا عوفص بصب المَاء الأول بِعَيْنِه عَلَيْهِ اقشعر مِنْهُ على أَنه يستبرده,"For the primary quality of the body is far from that of the water, and indeed contrary. Afterwards, however, it is beneficial and produces subjective satisfaction. The cold influence lessens step by step until no longer evident to the senses. But suppose the person were to sit in the bath-house another hour, the water would make his body hotter. And yet in spite of that, if this same tepid water of the above bath were suddenly thrown over him unexpectedly, shivering would result and the water would seem cold to him." فَإِذا علمت هَذَا فَنَقُول: إِنَّه وَإِن كَانَ أحد جنسي أَسبَاب الْأَلَم هُوَ سوء المزاج الْمُخْتَلف فَلَيْسَ كل سوء مزاج مُخْتَلفا بل الْحَار بِالذَّاتِ والبارد بِالذَّاتِ واليابس بِالْعرضِ وَالرّطب لَا يؤلم الْبَتَّةَ,"If we study such things carefully, it will be clear that though unhealthy inequable intemperaments form one of the groups of causes of pain, yet not every one of such intemperaments actually does so. A hot temperament is in itself able to cause pain, and so can a cold one; but a dry temperament causes pain only secondarily, and a moist one is painless." لِأَن الْحَار والبارد كيفيتان فاعلتان واليابس وَالرّطب كيفيتان إنفعاليتان قوامهما لَيْسَ بِأَن يُؤثر بهما جسم فِي جسم بل بِأَن يتأثر جسم من جسم.,"For heat and cold are both active qualities; dryness and moisture are passive. So that in one case the impression on the body is active, in the other it is passive." وَأما الْيَابِس فَإِنَّمَا يؤلم بِالْعرضِ لِأَنَّهُ قد يتبعهُ سَبَب من الْجِنْس الآخر وَهُوَ تفرّق الإتصال لِأَن الْيَابِس لشدّة التقبيض رُبمَا كَانَ سَببا لتفرق الإتصال لَا غير.,"Dryness is a cause of pain secondarily, if another kind of agent comes into play, as e.g., loss of continuity. Dryness itself may be a cause of loss of continuity, in virtue of its power of producing great constriction of a channel." أما جالينوس فَإِنَّهُ إِذا حقق مذْهبه رَجَعَ إِلَى أَن السَّبَب الذاتي للوجع هُوَ تفرق الإتصال لَا غير وَإِن الْحَار إِنَّمَا يوجع لِأَنَّهُ يفرّق الِاتِّصَال وَأَن الْبَارِد إِنَّمَا يوجع أَيْضا لِأَنَّهُ يلْزمه تفرق الإتصال,"Theory of the nature of pain. According to Galen, all this can be reduced to the one essential thing loss of continuity and nothing more. A hot thing only causes pain by breaking continuity of a part; a cold thing also only causes pain by breaking the continuity of function or of a part;" وَذَلِكَ لِأَنَّهُ لشدَّة تكثيفه وَجمعه يلْزمه لَا محَالة أَن تنجذب الْأَجْزَاء إِلَى حَيْثُ يتكاثف عِنْده فَيَتَفَرَّق من جَانب مَا ينجذب عَنهُ. وَقد تَمَادى هُوَ فِي هَذَا الْبَاب حَتَّى أوهم فِي بعض كتبه أَن جَمِيع المحسوسات تؤذي مثل ذَلِك أَعنِي تؤذي بتفريق أَو جمع يلْزمه تَفْرِيق.,"it exerts such an astringent and aggregating effect that the particles are drawn together towards a certain place and agglutinated; and, in consequence separated off from their surroundings. In some of his writings, he seems to hold the opinion that all sensibles are deleterious from the very fact that in order to experience a sensation there must be a cleavage of particles one from another agglutination of some entailing cleavage of others; the fact of cleavage accounting for the sensation called “pain.”" فالأسود فِي المبصرات يؤلم لشدّة جمعه والأبيض لشدّة تفريقه والمر والمالح والحامض يؤلم فِي المذوقات بفرط تفريقه والعفص بفرط تقبيضه فيتبعه التَّفْرِيق لَا محَالة وَكَذَلِكَ فِي الشم وَكَذَلِكَ الْأَصْوَات القوية تؤلم بِالتَّفْرِيقِ لعنف من الْحَرَكَة الهوائية عِنْد ملاقاة الصماخ.,"A black object which gives a painful impression to the sense of sight does so because its blackness is due to an extremely close aggregation of particles; whiteness is due to the particles being widely discrete. A bitter, salt, or sour thing, which gives a painful impression to the sense of taste, does so because such things produce vigorous dispersion of particles. Pungent things do so because they aggregate very vigorously, and are therefore no doubt followed by dispersion. So too, with odours; and sounds where the movement of the air impinging in the external auditory meatus gives rise to a painful sensation." وَأما القَوْل الحقّ فِي هَذَا الْبَاب فَهُوَ أَن يَجْعَل تغيّر المزاج جِنْسا مُوجبا بِذَاتِهِ الوجع وَإِن كَانَ قد يعرض مَعَه تَفْرِيق اتِّصَال. وَالْبَيَان الْمُحَقق فِي هَذَا لَيْسَ فِي الطِّبّ بل فِي الْجُزْء الطبيعي من الْحِكْمَة إِلَّا أَنا قد نشِير إِلَى طرف يسير مِنْهُ,"To explain it according to my own view:—It is the trans-mutation of the temperament of a part which determines the presence of, and the kind of, pain proceeding therefrom, whether there is loss of continuity or not. This is best proved by Natural Science, but the following brief explanation may be given here." فَنَقُول: إِن الْوَجْه قد يكون متشابه الْأَجْزَاء فِي الْعُضْو الوجع وتفرق الِاتِّصَال لَا يكون متشابه الْأَجْزَاء الْبَتَّةَ فَإِذن وجود الوجع فِي الْأَجْزَاء الخالية عَن تفرق الِاتِّصَال لايكون عَن تفرق الِاتِّصَال بل يكون سوء المزاج,We may therefore say: Pain occurs in a member which is of homogeneous structure. Solution of continuity cannot occur except in members which are not of homogeneous structure. Pain occurs in states of the body where there is no loss of continuity of particles. Hence loss of continuity is not a condition on which the appearance of pain depends. An intemperament will produce it. وَأَيْضًا فَإِن الْبرد يوجع حَيْثُ يقبض وَيجمع وَحَيْثُ يبرد بِالْجُمْلَةِ وتفرق الِاتِّصَال عَن الْبرد لَا يكون حَيْثُ يبرد بل فِي أَطْرَاف الْموضع المتبرد,"Cold produces pain if it constricts and agglutinates particles, and the part is cold throughout its substance; solution of continuity does not occur at the site of infrigidation but at the distal parts of the infrigidated places." وأيضاَ فَإِن الوجع لَا محَال هُوَ إحساس بمؤثر منَاف بَغْتَة من حَيْثُ هُوَ منَاف فالوجع هُوَ المحسوس الْمنَافِي بَغْتَة وَالْحَد ينعكس وكل محسوس منَاف من حَيْثُ هُوَ منَاف موجع.,"Again, pain is the sensation of a sudden impression by the contrary qualities. It is the fact that they are contrary, that accounts for the pain." أَرَأَيْت إِذا أحس بالبرد المفسد للمزاج من حَيْثُ يفْسد المزاج وَكَانَ مثلا لَا يحدث عَنهُ تَفْرِيق الِاتِّصَال هَل كَانَ يكون ذَلِك إحساساً بمناف فَهَل كَانَ يكون وجعاً. فَمن هَذَا يعرف أَن تغير المزاج دفْعَة سَبَب الوجع كتفرق الِاتِّصَال.,Does one not observe how a person who experiences cold to a degree enough to alter the temperament will sense the change in his temperament and also feel pain without there being any question of loss of continuity? where indeed such a loss is impossible? It is clear then that a sudden change of temperament will cause pain just as loss of continuity does. والوجع يثير الْحَرَارَة فيثير الوجع بعد الوجع وَقد يبْقى بعد الوجع شَيْء لَهُ حس الوجع وَلَيْسَ بوجع حَقِيقِيّ بل هُوَ من جملَة مَا يتَحَلَّل بِذَاتِهِ الْجَاهِل يشْتَغل بعلاجه فَيضر بِهِ.,"Pain arouses heat, and affects the innate heat, and this makes the pain greater still. After the pain has subsided, there remains a something which provokes the sensation of pain. But it is not really pain. It is a sum-total of .things which are undergoing spontaneous breakdown. A doctor ignorant of all this, and striving to relieve the pain, may make wonderful mistakes, and fail in his object." الْفَصْل الْعشْرُونَ أَسبَاب الوجع,List of the types of pain and the explanation of each. أَصْنَاف الوجع الَّتِي لَهَا أَسمَاء هِيَ هَذِه الْجُمْلَة الحكّاك الخشن الناخس الضاغط الممدد المفسخ المكسر الرخو الثاقب المسقي الخدر الضرباني الثقيل الإعيائي اللاذع فَهَذِهِ هِيَ خَمْسَة عشرجنساً.,There are fifteen kinds of pain (rearranged alphabetically): وَسبب الوجع الخشن خلط خشن. وَسبب الوجع الناخس: سَبَب ممدد للغشاء عرضا كالمفرق لاتصاله وَقد يكون مُتَسَاوِيا فِي الْحس وَقد لَا يكون مُتَسَاوِيا.,"Irritant fain. This is produced by a certain type of change in the humours (harshness, roughness). Stabbing pain. This is the result of transverse stretching in membranes, as if their continuity were being separated, by a humour. It may be an equal or an inequal sensation." والغير المتساوي فِي الْحس إِمَّا لِأَن مَا يتمدد عَلَيْهِ الغشاء ويلامسه غير متشابه الْأَجْزَاء فِي الصلابة واللين كالترقوة للغشاء المستبطن للأضلاع إِذا كَانَ الورم فِي ذَات الْجنب جاذباَ إِلَى أَعْلَاهُ أَو يكون غير متشابه الْأَجْزَاء فِي حركته كالحجاب لذَلِك الغشاء,"In the latter case, there are four possibilities: Inequality in hardness or softness between the tissue with which the membrane is covered and the membrane itself. Ex.: the clavicle or costal pleura; in a case of inflammatory process travelling from the pleura towards the upper parts of the chest, the pain is felt in the collar-bone, (ii) Inequality of movement of the component parts (e.g., the diaphragm and the pleura or peritoneum over it)." وَلِأَن حس الْعُضْو غَيره متشابه إِمَّا بالطبع وَإِمَّا لِأَن آفَة عرضت لبَعض أَجْزَائِهِ دون بعض.,"(iii) Inequality of nature between the parts and the member, (iv) Unequal distribution of nocument among the parts and the member affected, in that it affects one and not another." وَسبب الوجع الممدّد: ريح أَو خلط يمدد العصب والعضل كَأَنَّهُ يجذبه إِلَى طَرفَيْهِ. والوجع الضاغط سَببه مَادَّة تضيق على الْعُضْو الْمَكَان أَو ريح تكتنفه فَيكون كَأَنَّهُ مَقْبُوض عَلَيْهِ فيضغط.,"Tension pain. This is produced by a humour or gas stretching the nerve-fibres or muscle fibres asunder. The pain of compression. This is produced by fluid or gas, when it is confined in too small a space in a member, and so compresses or squeezes the tissues." وَسبب الوجع المفسّخ: هُوَ مَادَّة مَا يتَحَلَّل من العضلة وغشائها فيمدد الغشاء وَيفرق اتِّصَال الغشاء بل العضلة. وَسبب الوجع المكسّر مَادَّة أَو ريح يتوسّط مَا بَين الْعظم والغشاء المجلّل لَهُ أَو برد فَيقبض ذَلِك الغشاء بقوّة.,"Corrosive pain proceeds from the presence of material between the muscle-fibres and their sheaths, stretching it till it breaks not only the continuity of the membrane, but also that of the muscle therewith. Tearing fain. Proceeds from the interposition of humour or gas between bone and periosteum, or from cold which strongly constricts the periosteum." وَسبب الوجع الرخو: مَادَّة تمدد لحم العضلة دون وترها وَإِنَّمَا سمي رخواً لِأَن اللَّحْم أرْخى من العصب وَالْوتر والغشاء. وَسبب الوجع الثاقب: هُوَ مَادَّة غَلِيظَة أَو ريح تحتبس فِيمَا بَين طَبَقَات عُضْو صلب غليظ كجرم معي قولون وَلَا يزَال يمزّقه وَينفذ فِيهِ فيحسّ كَأَنَّهُ يثقب بمثقب.,"Relaxing fain proceeds from matters accumulating in and stretching the belly of a muscle not its tendon. It is only called relaxing if the belly of the muscle is more lax than the nerve, tendon, or enveloping membrane. Boring pain. The cause of this pain is the retention of gross matter or of gas between the tunics of a hard and gross member (e.g., the colon) and so continually goading it and tearing its parts asunder, boring into the interstices like a gimlet." وَسبب الوجع المسلّي: تِلْكَ الْمَادَّة بِعَينهَا فِي مثل ذَلِك الْعُضْو إِلَّا أَنَّهَا محتبسة وَقت تمزيقها.,Pricking fain. The agent producing this is material similar to that which causes boring pain; it is retained in an organ of similar type (to that which is the seat of boring pain) for a time and then ruptures it. وَسبب الوجع الخدر: إِمَّا مزاج شَدِيد الْبرد وَإِمَّا انسداد مسام منافذ الرّوح الحساس الْجَارِي إِلَى الْعُضْو بعصب أَو امتلاء أوعية.,Dull pain. The cause is threefold: the temperament may be too cold; occlusion of the pores so that the breath (of the sensitive faculties) which should come to the member cannot do so; overfulness of the (locular spaces or) cavities. وَسبب الوجع الضرباني: ورم حَار غير بَارِد إِذْ الْبَارِد كَيفَ كَانَ صلباً أَو لينًا فَإِنَّهُ لَا يوجع إِلَّا أَن يَسْتَحِيل إِلَى الْحَار,"Throbbing pain. The cause is a hot inflammatory process. A cold inflammatory process, of whatever type, is either hard or soft, but sets up no pain unless it changes into a hot inflammation." وَإِنَّمَا يحدث الوجع الضرباني من الورم الْحَار على هَذِه الصّفة إِذا حدث ورم حَار وَكَانَ الْعُضْو المجاور لَهُ حسّاساً وَكَانَ بِقُرْبِهِ شريانات تضرب دَائِما لكنه لما كَانَ ذَلِك الْعُضْو سليما يحس بحركة الشريان فِي غور فَإِذا ألم وورم صَار ضربانه موجعاً.,"Throbbing pain arises in a hot inflammatory process if the adjoining member is sentient, and has pulsating arteries round it. A member which is healthy does not sense their movement, because they are deeply situated, but their pulsation sets up pain as soon as an inflammation arises in the member." وَسبب الوجع الثقيل: ورم فِي عُضْو غير حساس كالرئة والكلية وَالطحَال فَإِن ذَلِك الورم لثقله ينجذب إِلَى أَسْفَل فيجذب الْعُضْو باللفافة والغلافة بانجذابه إِلَى أَسْفَل,"Heavy fain. In this case there is an inflammatory- process in an insensitive member such as the lung, the kidney or spleen. The weight of the inflammatory deposit drags on the tissues and surrounding sentient fascia and on its point of attachment. As the member is dragged on, the fascia and its point of attachment experience the sensation." أَو ورم فِي عُضْو حساس إِلَّا أَن نفس الْأَلَم قد أبطل حس الْعُضْو مثل السرطان فِي فَم الْمعدة فَإِنَّهُ يحس بثقله وَلَا يوجع,"The cause of the pain may be that a sentient member has had its sensation destroyed by the disease, so that the weight is felt, but actual pain cannot be felt any longer (e.g., cancer at the mouth of the stomach)." وَسبب الوجع الاعيائي إِمَّا تَعب فيسمى ذَلِك الوجع إعياء تعبيا وَإِمَّا خلط ممدد وَيُسمى مَا يحدث عَنهُ الإعياء التمددي وَإِمَّا ريح وَيُسمى مَا يحدث عَنهُ الإعياء النافخ وَإِمَّا خلط لاذع وَيُسمى مَا يحدث عَنهُ الاعياء القروحي,"Fatigue-pain. This is produced by undue toil laborious toil, by a humour which produces tension (in tensive lassitude), by a gaseous substance which produces inflative lassitude, a humour of biting properties (ulcerative lassitude)." ويتركب مِنْهَا تراكيب كَمَا نبينها فِي الْموضع الْأَخَص بهَا. وَمن جملَة الْمركب الإعياء الْمَعْرُوف بالبورقي وَهُوَ مركب من تمددي وَمن قروحي. والوجع اللاذع: هُوَ من خلط لَهُ كَيْفيَّة حادة.,"These pains may arise out of various composite states, as has already been stated in the appropriate places. Lassitude as a result of several combined states, is called in flammatory lassitude, which is a composite of tensive and ulcerative lassitude. Incisive fain. This proceeds from a humour of sour quality." سَبَب سُكُون الوجع: إِمَّا مَا يقطع السَّبَب الْمُوجب إِيَّاه ويستفرغه كالشبت وبزرالْكَتَّان إِذا ضمد بِهِ الْموضع الألِمُ وَإِمَّا مَا يرطب وينوم فتغور الْقُوَّة الحسية وَيتْرك فعلهَا كالمسكرات وَإِمَّا مايبرد فيخدر مثل جَمِيع المخدرات والمسكن الْحَقِيقِيّ هُوَ الأول.,"Agents which alleviate pain. There are three groups of agents which alleviate pain: Some contrary to the cause of pain which removes the cause. Ex.: anethum, linseed, made into a poultice and applied over the painful place. Any agent which counteracts the acrimony of the humours, or soothes, induces sleep, or dulls or soothes the sensitive faculties and lessens their activity. Ex.: inebriants, milk, oil, aqua dulcis, etc. An agent which infrigidates and dulls the sensation in the painful part. Ex.: all narcotics and somniferous drugs. The first of the three is the most certain." الْفَصْل الثَّانِي وَالْعشْرُونَ فِيمَا يُوجِبهُ الوجع,The effect of pain on the body. الوجع يحل الْقُوَّة وَيمْنَع الْأَعْضَاء عَن خَواص أفعالها حَتَّى يمْنَع المتنفس عَن التنفس أَو يشوش عَلَيْهِ فعله أَو يَجعله متقطعاً أَو متواتراً وَبِالْجُمْلَةِ على مجْرى غير الطبيعي وَقد يسخن الْعُضْو أَولا ثمَّ يبرده أخيراً بِمَا يحلل وَبِمَا يهْزم من الرّوح والحياة.,"Pain dissipates the bodily strength and interferes with the normal functions of the organs. The respiratory organs are inhibited from drawing the air in, and consequently the act of breathing is interfered with, and the respiration becomes intermittent, or rapid, or altogether unnatural in rhythm. The organs are first made hot, then cold; this is because some of the breath and vitality is dispersed and escapes." الْفَصْل الثَّالِث وَالْعشْرُونَ أَسبَاب اللَّذَّة,The causes of pleasurable sensations. هَذِه أَيْضا محصورة فِي جِنْسَيْنِ: أَحدهمَا: جنس مَا يُغير المزاج الطبيعي دفْعَة ليَقَع بِهِ الإحساس. وَالثَّانِي: جنس مَا يرد الِاتِّصَال الطبيعي دفْعَة وكل مَا يَقع لَا لدفعه فَإِنَّهُ لَا يحس فَلَا يلذ.,"The agents which produce pleasurable sensations fall into two groups. Where an intemperament suddenly becomes equable and the senses become aware of the change. Where there is a sudden restoration of the natural continuity. Sensation depends on sudden change, whether painful or pleasurable." واللذة حس بالملائم وكل حسّ فَهُوَ بِالْقُوَّةِ الحساسة وَيكون الإحساس بانفعالها فَإِذا كَانَ بملائم أَو بمناف كَانَ لَذَّة أَو ألماً بِحَسب مَا يتأثر.,Pleasurable sensation is to sense harmoniously; and this act of sensation is performed by the sensitive faculties. It is a passive act. One experiences pleasure or pain according as the sensation is harmonious or disharmonious. وَلما كَانَ اللَّمْس أكثف الْحَواس وأشدها استحفاظ لما قبله من تَأْثِير منَاف أَو ملائم كَانَ إحساسه الملائم عِنْد ذَوي الطبيعة الكثيفة أَشد إلذاذاً وإحساسه الْمنَافِي أَشد إيلاماً من الَّذِي يخص قوي آخر.,"The fact that the sense of touch is the most elementary (crude) of all these senses accounts for it retaining the harmonious or disharmonious impress longer. When that which comes to the sense of touch is harmonious with nature, the pleasurable sensation is greater; and if the agent is disharmonious, the painful sensation is greater than would be the case with the other faculties." الْفَصْل الرَّابِع وَالْعشْرُونَ كَيْفيَّة إيلام الْحَرَكَة,How movement brings on -pain. الْفَصْل الْخَامِس وَالْعشْرُونَ كَيْفيَّة إيلام الاخلاط الرَّديئَة الأخلاط الرَّديئَة توجع إِمَّا بكيفيتها كَمَا تلذع أَو بكثرتها كَمَا تمدد أَو باجتماع الْأَمريْنِ جَمِيعًا.,"How depraved humours evoke pain. Depraved humours evoke pain either by reason of their qualities (for instance, acridity), or by reason of their being abundant (thereby stretching the fibres of a tissue or making the organ heavy); or for both reasons together." الْفَصْل السَّادِس وَالْعشْرُونَ كَيْفيَّة إيلام الرِّيَاح,How gaseous substances produce pain. الرّيح تؤلم بالتمديد. وَالرِّيح الممددة إِمَّا أَن تكون فِي تجاويف الْأَعْضَاء وبطونها كالنفخة فِي الْمعدة أَو فِي طَبَقَات الْأَعْضَاء. وليفها كَمَا فِي القولنج الريحي أَو فِي طَبَقَات العضل أَو تَحت الأغشية وَفَوق الْعِظَام أَو حول العضل بَينهَا وَبَين اللَّحْم وَالْجَلد,"Accumulations of gas may become painful when they cause a part to be greatly distended. Gases may accumulate in (a) hollow viscera (e.g., in the stomach: gastrectasis); (b) the membranes over organs, or nerves (e.g., colicky pain from stretching of the nerves of the intestinal wall); (c) the sheaths of muscles, serous membranes, or periosteum; (d) the subcutaneous tissues (the place between the muscles and the loose fascia or skin);" أَو مستبطناً الْعُضْو كَمَا يستبطن عضل الصَّدْر وَسُرْعَة انفشاشه أَو طول لبثه وَهُوَ بِحَسب كَثْرَة مادته وقلتها وَغلظ مادته ورقتها واستحصاف للعضو تخلخله فَحسب.,"(e) internal members (e.g., the muscles of the thorax). Gas may be dispersed rapidly, or only after a time. This depends on the amount, and whether coarse or fine, and whether the member itself is dense or rarefied in structure." الْفَصْل السَّابِع وَالْعشْرُونَ أَسبَاب مَا يحبس ويستفرغ الاحتباس والاستفراغ يسهل الْوُقُوف عَلَيْهِمَا من تَأمل مَا قُلْنَاهُ فِي الاحتباس والاستفراغ فليطلب,AGENTS WHICH BRING ABOUT RETENTION OR DISCHARGE. It is easy to know the causes of retention or discharge if one ponders well over what has already been said about retentions and evacuations. The reader should therefore turn back and carefully re-read what has been written about it. الْفَصْل الثَّامِن وَالْعشْرُونَ أَسبَاب التُّخمَة والامتلاء,THE CAUSES OF OVER-REPLETION (PLETHORA). هَذِه إِمَّا من خَارج وَمن الْبَادِيَة فَمثل اسْتِعْمَال مَا يشْتَد ترطيبه فَلَا يفْتَقر الْبدن إِلَى ترطيب الْمَأْكُول والمشروب فَإِذا اجْتمعَا مَعًا كثرت الْمَادَّة فِي الْبدن وَفَسَد بِصَرْف الطَّبْع فِيهَا مثل الاستكثار من الْحمام وخصوصاً بعد الطَّعَام,"The causes are extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic (primitive), (a) A dietary (fluids as well as solids) which gives rise to much moisture beyond the needs of the body; matter accumulates in the body, and interferes with the action of the emunctories. (b) Taking baths frequently, especially after meals." وموانع التَّحْلِيل مثل الدعة وَترك الرياضة والاستفراغ والترفه فِي الْمَأْكُول والمشروب وَسُوء التَّدْبِير وَإِمَّا من دَاخل فَهُوَ مثل ضعف القرة الهائمة فَلَا يهضم أَو ضعف الدافعة أَو قُوَّة الماسكة فتنحصر الأخلاط وَلَا تنْدَفع أَو ضيق المجاري.,"(c) Repose; ceasing to take exercise; ceasing to secure the usual evacuations. These prevent the resolution of material in the body. (d) Improprieties in eating and drinking; depraved regimen. Intrinsic, (i) Lack of digestive power, so that the aliments are not completely utilized, (ii) Feebleness of expulsive faculty, (iii) Undue vigour of retentive faculty, so that humours are caused to linger in the body, (iv) Narrowing of the excretory channels." الْفَصْل التَّاسِع وَالْعشْرُونَ أَسبَاب ضعف الْأَعْضَاء,THE CAUSES OF ASTHENIA AND DEBILITY OF A MEMBER. إِمَّا أَن يكون سَبَب الضعْف وارداً على جرم الْعُضْو أَو على الرّوح الْحَامِل للقوة المتصرفة فِي الْعُضْو أَو على نفس الْقُوَّة.,"Weakness may affect (i) the body of the member itself; (ii) the breath, which conveys power to it; (iii) the faculty of the member." وَالَّذِي يكون السَّبَب فِيهِ خَاصّا بالعضو فإمَّا سوء مزاج مستحكم وخصوصاً الْبَارِد على أَن الْحَار قد يفعل بِمَا يضعف فعل الْبَارِد فِي الإخدار لإفساده مزاج الرّوح كَمَا يعرض لمن أَطَالَ الْمقَام فِي الْحمام بل لمن غشي عَلَيْهِ.,"(i) The following produce weakness in the member itself: (a) A persisting intemperament, especially a cold one. For even though the member receive some heat, the cold intemperament produces an effect like stupor in it, because it breaks up the temperament of the breath just as happens when a person stays too long in the bath, and especially when such a procedure brings on syncope." واليابس يمْنَع القوى عَن النّفُوذ بتكثيفه وَالرّطب بإرخائه وسدّه. وَأما مرض من أمراض التَّرْكِيب والأخص مِنْهُ بِمَا يكون الْإِنْسَان مَعَه غير ظَاهر الْأَذَى وَالْمَرَض. والألم هُوَ تهلهل تشنج ذَلِك الْعُضْو فِي عصبه إِذا كَانَت الْأَفْعَال الطبيعية كلهَا والإرادية تتمّ بالليف وتأليفه.,"A dry intemperament has an inspissating effect, and acts by preventing the faculties from functioning in the member. A moist intemperament relaxes and obstructs. (b) One or other of the composite diseases. (c) The most important in all (in man) is neither nocument, nor malady, nor pain. It is an attenuation of texture in the peripheral nerve-fibres of the member, for both vegetative and voluntary actions depend for their achievement on these fibres in all their ramifications." والهضم أَيْضا مفتقر إِلَى الْإِمْسَاك الْجيد على هَيْئَة جيّدة وَذَلِكَ بالليف. وَالَّذِي يكون السَّبَب فِيهِ خَاصّا بِالروحِ فَهُوَ إِمَّا سوء مزاج وَإِمَّا تحلّل باستفراغ يَخُصُّهُ أَو يكون على سَبِيل اتِّبَاع لاستفراغ غَيره.,"The retentive power which is necessary to secure efficient digestion depends on the condition of these fibres in the stomach. (ii) Weakness of the breath itself. This will occur if it be of bad temperament. There may also be dissipation of the breath, after an evacuation corresponding. It is also weakened by an abnormal mode of depletion." وَالَّذِي يخْتَص بِالْقُوَّةِ فكثرة الْأَفْعَال وتكرّرها فَإِنَّهَا توهن الْقُوَّة وان كَانَ قد يصحب ذَلِك تحلّل الرّوح على سَبِيل صُحْبَة سَبَب لسَبَب,(iii) Weakness of the faculty. This depends on the number of actions and the number of times they are repeated. The breath is dispersed at the same time. Moreover loss of breath accompanies. every agent which produces asthenia. فَإِذا أعددنا الْأَسْبَاب على جِهَة أُخْرَى وأوردنا فِيهَا الْأَسْبَاب الْبَعِيدَة الَّتِي هِيَ أَسبَاب للأسباب الملاصقة فَيحدث مِنْهَا أَسبَاب سوء المزاج وَمِنْهَا فَسَاد الْهَوَاء وَالْمَاء والمأكل وَمِنْهَا مَا يفزع الرّوح أَولا مثل النتن وأسن المَاء وانتشار القوى السمية فِي الْهَوَاء أَو فِي الْبدن.,"The causes of asthenia may be classified in another way, so as to include the remote causes with them the causes of causes. We then consider (i) causes of intemperament; (ii) causes arising from decomposition changes in the air, in water, and in the aliment; (iii) causes which cause the breath to escape, or become confused, or, as it were, shaken up. Nothing disturbs the breath, or causes it to escape as effectively as does a bad smell, such as the fetor from putrid water, or the presence of poisonous vapours in the air, or in the body. [Under such circumstances, the instinctive action is immediately to “ hold the breath.”]" وَمن جملَة أَسبَاب الضعْف مَا يتَعَلَّق بالإستفراغ مثل نزف الدَّم والإسهال خُصُوصا فِي رَقِيق الأخلاط وبزل مائية الاسْتِسْقَاء إِذا أرسل مِنْهَا شَيْء كثير دَفعه وربط الدُّبَيْلَة الْكَثِيرَة إِذا سَالَ مِنْهَا مدَة كَثِيرَة دفْعَة وَكَذَلِكَ إِذا انفجرت بِنَفسِهَا,"Evacuations as a cause of weakness. For instance, loss of blood; diarrhoea, especially of thin attenuated fluid; the sudden withdrawal of copious dropsical effusions by paracentesis; the opening of a large abscess with sudden- withdrawal of much pus—whether the opening is by nature or by surgical interference." والعرق الْكثير والرياضة المفرطة والأوجاع أَيْضا فَإِنَّهَا تحلّل الرّوح وَإِن كَانَ قد تغير المزاج وَمن جملَة هَذِه الأوجاع مَا هُوَ أَكثر تَأْثِيرا مثل وجع فَم الْمعدة كَانَ ممدداً أَو لاذعاً أَو جُزْء عُضْو وكل وجع يقرب من نواحي الْقلب,"excessive sweating; severe exercise. Severe pain disperses the breath and may alter its temperament. The chief kind of pain likely to have this effect is that from distension, or incisive pain—especially in the pit of the stomach. Any pain in the region of the heart will disperse the breath." والحميات مِمَّا يضعف بالتحليل والاستفراغ من الْبدن وَالروح وتبديل المزاج وسعة المسام من المعاون على حُدُوث الضعْف التحللي. والجوع الْكثير من هَذَا الْقَبِيل.,"Fevers should also be included among the causes of asthenia. They act either by dispersing the breath, or by loss of blood, or through producing a change of temperament. Widening of the pores often aids in producing asthenia. Long continued semi-starvation has the same effect." وَرُبمَا كَانَ ضعف الْبدن كُله تَابعا لضعف عُضْو آخر مثل ضعف الْبدن بأذى يُصِيب فَم الْمعدة حَتَّى تنْحَل قوته وَحين يكون قلبه ودماغه شَدِيد الإنفعال من المؤذيات الْيَسِيرَة فَيكون هَذَا الْإِنْسَان سريع الانحلال والضجر من أدنى شَيْء.,"Weakness in one member or in a part of a member may cause weakness of the whole body, as is seen in the case of defective function of the cardiac orifice of the stomach, which produces general weakness of the body. Or, if a person suffers severely from some cardiac or cerebral trouble, shortness of breath rapidly supervenes on very slight provocation." وَرُبمَا كَانَ سَبَب الضعْف كَثْرَة مقاساة الْأَمْرَاض وَقد يكون بعض الْأَعْضَاء فِي الْخلقَة أَضْعَف من بعض أَو أَضْعَف من غَيره كالرئة والدماغ فَيكون قبولاً لما يَدْفَعهُ القويّ فِي الْخلقَة عَن نَفسه,"Further, a cause of weakness may be that one has endured many illnesses. When one member is weaker than another from birth, or when it is by nature weaker in itself fe.g., the lung, or brain), then it is receptive for matters which the stronger members reject or discard, or eliminate." وَلَو لم يخص الدِّمَاغ بارتفاع مَوْضِعه لَكَانَ يمنى من هَذِه الْأَسْبَاب بِمَا لَا يُطيق وَلَا يبْقى مَعَه قُوَّة فَاعْلَم جَمِيع ذَلِك.,"The brain would suffer in this way were it not for its position’, whereby nothing comes to it which it cannot tolerate, even its virtues cannot persist there. END OF THESIS II." الْأَعْرَاض والعلامات الَّتِي تدل على إِحْدَى الْحَالَات الثَّلَاث الْمَذْكُورَة إِحْدَى ثَلَاث دلالات: إِمَّا على أَمر حَاضر قَالَ جالينوس: وَينْتَفع بِهِ الْمَرِيض وَحده فِيمَا يَنْبَغِي أَن يفعل.,"BY means of the symptoms and signs of the three main states of the body (health, illness, neutrality), we obtain information as to the present, the past and the future of the patient’s state." وَإِمَّا على أَمر مَاض قَالَ جالينوس: وَينْتَفع بِهِ الطَّبِيب وَحده إِذْ قد يستدلّ بذلك على تقدمه فِي صناعته فتزداد الثِّقَة بمشورته. وَإِمَّا على أَمر مُسْتَقْبل قَالَ: وينتفعان بِهِ جَمِيعًا. أما الطَّبِيب فيستدل بِهِ على تقدمه فِي الْمعرفَة وَأما الْمَرِيض فيقف مِنْهُ على وَاجِب تَدْبيره.,"Knowledge of his present state, says Galen, is of advantage to the patient alone, showing him what he must do; knowledge of the past is advantageous to the physician alone, as proving him to excel in his art, so that his advice becomes worthy of respect (because reliable); knowledge of the future serves both purposes it is advantageous to the patient because it guides him along the road he should follow, and it is advantageous to the physician in showing him to excel in his art." والعلامات الصحيّة: مِنْهَا مَا يدل على اعْتِدَال المزاج وسنذكره فِي مَوْضِعه وَمِنْهَا مَا يدل على اسْتِوَاء التَّرْكِيب فَمِنْهَا جوهرية وَهِي مثل أَن تكون الْخلقَة والوضع والمقدار وَالْعدَد على مَا يَنْبَغِي وَقد فصلت هَذِه الْأَقْوَال,"The signs of health, (i) Those which denote an equable temperament. These are referred to in Those which denote equability of the composite: (a) substantial: creaturely form, position, quantity, number." وَمِنْهَا عرضية بِمَنْزِلَة الحسّ وَالْجمال وَمِنْهَا تمامية وَهِي من تَمام الْأَفْعَال واستمرارها على الْكَمَال وكل عُضْو تمّ فعله فَهُوَ صَحِيح. وَوجه الِاسْتِدْلَال من الْأَفْعَال على الْأَعْضَاء الرئيسة,"(b) accidental comeliness, beauty; (c) final: (i) that is, fulfilling functions (ii) fulfilled function. Every organ is The evidences that the functional state of the principal organs is adequate is shown by. studying their activities." أما على الدِّمَاغ فبأحوال الْأَفْعَال الإرادية وأفعال الْحس وأفعال التَّوَهُّم وَأما على الْقلب فبالنبض وَالنَّفس وَأما على الكبد فبالبراز وَالْبَوْل فَإِن ضعفها يتبعهَا برَاز وَبَوْل شبيهان بغسالة اللَّحْم الطري.,"Thus the state of the brain is shown by the state of the voluntary power of movement, by the state of the sense-organs, by the acts of judgment; the state of the heart by pulse and respiration; the state of the liver by the character of the excreta and urine. (If the urine appear like the washings of fresh meat it shows that there is deficient liver-function.)" والأعراض الدَّالَّة على الْأَمْرَاض: مِنْهَا دَالَّة على نفس الْمَرَض كاختلاف النبض فِي السرعة فِي الْحمى فَإِنَّهُ يدل على نفس الْحمى,"The signs of disease. Some signs are pathognomonic of disease thus: rapid pulse-rate, in fever, itself indicates fever." وَمِنْهَا دَالَّة على مرض الْموضع كالنبض المنشاري إِذا كَانَ الوجع فِي نواحي الصَّدْر فَإِنَّهُ يدل على أَن الورم فِي الغشاء والحجاب وكالنبض الموجي فِي مثله فَإِنَّهُ يدل على أَن الورم فِي جرم الرئة,Other signs indicate the position of the disease. Thus a hard pulse denotes diaphragmatic pleurisy; undulant pulse denotes inflammation’ in the substance of the lung. وَمِنْهَا دَالَّة على سَبَب الْمَرَض كعلامات الإمتلاء باخْتلَاف أحوالها الدَّال كل فن مِنْهَا على فن من الإمتلاء. الْأَعْرَاض. مِنْهَا مَا هِيَ مُؤَقَّتَة يبتدىء وَيَنْقَطِع مَعَ الْمَرَض كالحمى الحادة والوجع الناخس وضيق النَّفس والسعال والنبض المنشاري مَعَ ذَات الْجنب,"Other signs indicate the cause of the disease. For instance, the signs of plethora, or of depraved states in their various forms. Some symptoms are essential to the illness, as they begin and end with it. (For instance, acute fever, piercing pain, dyspnoea, cough and serrine pulse essential to pleurisy.)" وَمِنْهَا مَا لَيْسَ لَهُ وَقت مَعْلُوم فَتَارَة يتبع الْمَرَض وَتارَة لَا يتبع مثل الصداع للحمى وَمِنْهَا مَا يَأْتِي آخر الْأَمر فَمن ذَلِك عَلَامَات البحران وَمن ذَلِك عَلَامَات النضج وَمن ذَلِك عَلَامَات العطب وَهَذِه أَكْثَرهَا فِي الْأَمْرَاض الحادة.,"Other symptoms show no time-relation of this kind; they sometimes coincide with the disease and sometimes not (e.g. headache in fever). Other symptoms appear only towards the close of the illness as for instance, the symptoms of crisis, of maturation, of delayed maturation; the signs of death. These symptoms are often associated rather with acute illnesses." مِنْهَا مَا يدل فِي ظَاهر الْأَعْضَاء وَهِي مَأْخُوذَة إِمَّا عَن المحسوسات الْخَاصَّة مثل أَحْوَال اللَّوْن وأحوال اللَّمْس فِي الصلابة واللين وَالْحر وَالْبرد وَغير ذَلِك وَإِمَّا عَن المحسوسات الْمُشْتَركَة وَهِي الْمَأْخُوذَة من خلق الْأَعْضَاء وأوضاعها وحركاتها وسكوناتها,"Other symptoms concern the state of the members. Some of them are discernible by the special senses colour, hardness, softness, heat, cold, and the like. Others are discernible by all senses together the form of the member, its position (posture, attitude), its size, its movements, or stillness." وَرُبمَا دلّ ذَلِك مِنْهَا على الْأَحْوَال الْبَاطِنَة مثل اخْتِلَاج الشّفة على الْقَيْء ومقاديرها هَل زَادَت أَو نقصت وأعدادها وَرُبمَا دلّ ذَلِك مِنْهَا على أَحْوَال أَعْضَاء باطنة مثل قصر الْأَصَابِع على صغر الكبد.,"Some symptoms point to an interior state, as when tremor of the lower lip reveals nausea. Changes in measure and number reveal internal states; for instance, shortness of fingers denotes small liver." والإستدلال من البرَاز هَل هُوَ أسود أَو هُوَ أَبيض أَو أصفر على مَاذَا يدلّ بَصَري. وَمن القراقر على النفح وَسُوء الهضم سمعِي. وَمن هَذَا الْقَبِيل الِاسْتِدْلَال من الروائح وَمن طعوم الْفَم وَغير ذَلِك وَالِاسْتِدْلَال من تحدب الظفر على السل.,"Morbid states are discernible by the special senses. Thus a black or yellow colour of the excrement reveals a morbid state. Black or yellow jaundice of the whole body reveals an obstruction in the biliary passages. States manifested to the sense of hearing. Eructations reveal gastrectasis, and defective digestive power. Odours and tastes also enable one to become cognisant of morbid states. Other visible evidences; curved nails denote ulceration in the bronchi." والدقّ بَصرِي وَلَكِن من بَاب المحسوسات الْمُشْتَركَة. وَقد يدلّ المحسوس الظَّاهِر مِنْهَا على أَمر بَاطِن كَمَا تدل حمرَة الوجنة على ذَات الرئة وتحدّب الظفر على قرحَة الرئة. وَالِاسْتِدْلَال من الحركات والسكونات مِمَّا يَقْتَضِي فضل بسط نبسطه.,"phthisis and “hectic.” Redness of the cheekbones suggests inflammatory deposit in the lung. Movements (gestures, -postures, attitudes). The states of the body are revealed by its movements, or absence of movement." فالأعراض الْمَأْخُوذَة من بَاب السّكُون هِيَ مثل السكتة والصرع والغشي والفالج. والمأخوذة من بَاب الْحَرَكَة فَهِيَ مثل القشعريرة والنافض والفواق والعطاس والتثاؤب والتمطي والسعال,"(i) Motionlessness of the body as a whole in apoplexy,- epilepsy (coma), syncope, palsy. Unusual movements: shivering,’ tremor, twitching, sneezing, yawning, stretching, cough." والاختلاج والتشنج عِنْدَمَا يبتدىء بتشنج فَمن ذَلِك مَا هُوَ عَن فعل الطبيعة الْأَصْلِيَّة كالفواق وَمن ذَلِك مَا هُوَ عَن فعل طبيعة عارضة كالتشنج والرعشة. وَمِنْهَا مَا هِيَ إرادية صرفة لقلق والململة,"trembling, spasms (especially note in which member this begins); (i) some of these are physiological (hiccough); (ii) others are symptomatic (convulsion or spasm, tremor); (iii) some are voluntary (tossing about in bed; turning from side to side)." وَمِنْهَا مَا هِيَ مركبة من طبيعية وارادية مثل السعال وَالْبَوْل فَمن ذَلِك مَا يسْبق فِيهِ الْإِرَادَة الطبيعة مثل السعال وَمِنْهَا مَا يسْبق فِيهِ الطبيعة الْإِرَادَة إِذا لم تبادر إِلَيْهَا الْإِرَادَة مثل الْبَوْل وَالْبرَاز والعارض عَن الطبيعة دون إِرَادَة.,"(iv) others are partly voluntary, partly involuntary (cough, micturition, defecation); in some of these the voluntary is overruled by the involuntary (cough), while in others the voluntary overrules the involuntary (micturition and defecation, occurring too slowly owing to interference by the will)." وَمِنْهَا مَا يكون المنبه عَلَيْهِ الْحس كالقشعريرة وَمِنْهَا مَا لَا يُنَبه عَلَيْهِ الْحس لِأَنَّهُ لَا يحسّ كالاختلاخ. وَهَذِه الحركات تخْتَلف إِمَّا باخْتلَاف ذواتها فَإِن السعال أقوى فِي نَفسه من الاختلاج,"(v)involuntary movements. Some of these are evident to the senses (e.g. shivering), others are not (e.g. quivering, jactitation). These movements vary (a) in regard to their nature; thus, cough is intrinsically more energetic and powerful than quivering." وَإِمَّا باخْتلَاف عدد المحرِّكات فَإِن العطاس أَكثر عدد محركات من السعال لِأَن السعال يتم بتحريك أَعْضَاء الصَّدْر وَأما العطاس فَيتم باجتماع تَحْرِيك أَعْضَاء الصَّدْر وَالرَّأْس جَمِيعًا. وَإِمَّا بِمِقْدَار الْخطر فِيهَا فَإِن حَرَكَة الفواق الْيَابِس أعظم خطراً من حَرَكَة السعال وَإِن كَانَ السعال أقوى.,"(b) in extent: thus, the act of sneezing entails the use of more muscles than the act of coughing does; coughing is accomplished simply by the movements of the chest, sneezing entails movements of the head as well as of the chest; (y) in degree of associated mental anxiety. Dry hiccough is associated with a greater degree of mental anxiety than the movement of coughing, though the latter is more vigorous." وَإِمَّا بِمَا تستعين بِهِ الطبيعة فقد تستعين بِآلَة ذاتية أَصْلِيَّة كَمَا تستعين فِي إِخْرَاج الثفل بعضل الْبَطن وَقد تستعين بِآلَة غَرِيبَة كَمَا تستعين فِي السعال بالهواء وَإِمَّا باخْتلَاف المبادىء لَهَا من الْأَعْضَاء مثل السعال والتهوّع,"being reinforced by the natural faculty. In some cases the movement is aided by an essential primary instrument; thus, defecation is aided by the abdominal muscles; in other cases the aid is extraneous: thus, the natural act of coughing may be aided by the atmosphere; (s) in origin. These movements vary (a) according to the member (cough, nausea)." وَإِمَّا باخْتلَاف القوى الفعالة فَإِن الاختلاج مبدؤه طبيعي والسعال نفساني. وَإِمَّا باخْتلَاف الْمَادَّة فَإِن السعال عَن نفث والاختلاج عَن ريح فَهَذِهِ عَلَامَات تدل من ظَاهر الْأَعْضَاء. وَأكْثر دلالتها على أَحْوَال ظَاهِرَة وَقد تدل على الْبَاطِنَة كحمرة الوجنة على ذَات الرئة.,"(b) according to the faculties involved (jactitation originates in the vegetative faculties; the act of coughing originates in the sensitive faculties); id) according to the humour concerned (thus, cough proceeds from an excretion; twitching from a gaseous agent). These are all evidences of conditions in the members and are chiefly external in character. Some of them reveal internal conditions; as, for instance, redness of the cheeks is a sign of pulmonary inflammation." وَمن العلامات عَلَامَات يسْتَدلّ بهَا على الْأَمْرَاض الْبَاطِنَة وَيَنْبَغِي أَن يكون الْمُسْتَدلّ على الْأَمْرَاض الْبَاطِنَة قد تقدّم لَهُ الْعلم بالتشريح حَتَّى يحصل مِنْهُ معرفَة جَوْهَر كل عُضْو أَنه هَل هُوَ لحمي أَو غير لحمي,"There are also (internal) evidences of external conditions, and to discern these a perfect anatomical knowledge is necessary. One must have a proper knowledge of: (i) the essential structure of each member; whether fleshy or not; what is its normal form." وَكَيف خلقته ليعرف مثلا أَنه هَل هَذَا الورم بِهَذَا الشكل فِيهِ أَو فِي غَيره من جِهَة أَنه هَل هُوَ مُنَاسِب لشكله أَو غير مُنَاسِب. ويتعرّف أَنه هَل يجوز أَن يحتبس فِيهِ شَيْء أَو لَا يجوز إِذْ هُوَ مزلق لما يحصل فِيهِ كالصائم وَإِن كَانَ يجوز أَن يحتبس فِيهِ شَيْء أَو يزلق عَنهُ شَيْء,One must know (a) whether the swelling for instance is according to the proper form of the member or not; (b) whether it is proportioned or not; (c) whether- it is possible for anything to be retained within the given member or not. (d) whether that which is within (e.g. jejunum) can escape. (e) whether there can be retention in and also escape from the member. فَمَا الشَّيْء الَّذِي يجوز أَن يحتبس فِيهِ أَو يزلق عَنهُ وَحَتَّى يعرف مَوْضِعه فَيَقْضِي بذلك على مَا يحس من وجع أَو ورم هَل هُوَ عَلَيْهِ أَو على بعد مِنْهُ وَحَتَّى يعرف مشاركته حَتَّى يقْضِي على أَن الوجع لَهُ من نَفسه أَو بالمشاركة وَأَن الْمَادَّة انبعثت مِنْهُ نَفسه أَو وَردت عَلَيْهِ من شَرِيكه,"(f) what the material is which can be retained in it or discharged from it. (ii) Its site. From this one judges whether pain or swelling is actually in the part or at some distance from it. (iii) Its relations. By this knowledge one judges whether pain is arising per se or reflexly from the surroundings, or whether the matter in an inflammatory mass arose in it or has entered into it from neighbouring parts." وَأَن مَا انْفَصل مِنْهُ هُوَ من جوهره أَو هُوَ ممرّ ينفذ فِيهِ الْمُنْفَصِل من غَيره وَحَتَّى يعرف أَن على مَاذَا يحتوي فَيعرف أَنه هَل يجوز أَن يكون مثل المستفرغ مستفرغاً عَنهُ وَأَن يعرف فعل الْعُضْو حَتَّى يستدلّ على مَرضه من حُصُول الآفة فِي فعله هَذَا كُله مِمَّا يُوقف عَلَيْهِ بالتشريح,"If it be a “superfluity” which escapes, is this the matter itself or is the affected member merely the channel by which the matter finds egress from the body ? (iv) How to decide whether the discharge could have come from the supposedly affected member or not. (v) The normal function of a member. From interference with function one recognizes the diseased state. This is the -purpose of the study of anatomy." ليعلم أَنه لَا بُد للطبيب المحاول تَدْبِير أمراض الْأَعْضَاء الْبَاطِنَة من التشريح فَإِذا حصل لَهُ علم أَولهَا: من مضار الْأَفْعَال وَقد علمت الْأَفْعَال بكيفيتها وكميتها ودلالتها دلَالَة أولية دائمة.,And a knowledge of anatomy is also necessary to enable the doctor to control diseases involving the interior organs. The study of the significance of the symptoms of internal diseases should follow the following six headings: Interference with function. The functions have already been described in regard to their qualities and degrees. The indications here are primary and constant. وَالثَّانِي: مِمَّا يستفرغ ودلالتها دائمة وَلَيْسَت بأولية أما دائمة فَلِأَنَّهَا توقع التَّصْدِيق دَائِما وَأما غير أولية فَلِأَنَّهَا تدل بتوسط النضج وَعدم النضج. وَالثَّالِث: من الوجع وَالرَّابِع: من الورم وَالْخَامِس: من الْوَضع,"The discharges. The indications here are constant but not primary. They are constant in that they are always associated with morbid states. They are not primary because they denote maturation, or interference with maturation. Pain. Swelling. Altered position" وَالسَّادِس: من الْأَعْرَاض الظَّاهِرَة الْمُنَاسبَة. ودلالتها لَيست بأولية وَلَا دائمة ولنفصل القَوْل فِي وَاحِد وَاحِد مها. أما الِاسْتِدْلَال من الْأَفْعَال فَهُوَ أَنه إِذا لم يجر فعل الْعُضْو على المجرى الطبيعي الَّذِي لَهُ دلّ على أَن الْقُوَّة أصابتها آفَة. وَآفَة الْقُوَّة تتبع مَرضا فِي الْعُضْو الَّذِي الْقُوَّة فِيهِ.,"Special symptoms; These are neither primary, nor constant. Details about these headings. Interference with function. When a function does not proceed normally, it shows that the agent at work is attacking the faculty itself, and the loss of function is secondary to disease of the organ subserving that function." ومضار الْأَفْعَال على وُجُوه ثَلَاثَة فَإِن الْأَفْعَال إِمَّا أَن تنقص كالبصر تضعف رُؤْيَته فَيرى الشَّيْء أقل اكتناهاً وَمن أقرب مَسَافَة والمعدة تهضم أعْسر وَأَبْطَأ وَأَقل مِقْدَارًا,"There are three ways in which function is interfered with: (a) impairment (e.g. failing eyesight, near sight, digestion impaired in rate or degree)." وَإِمَّا أَن يتَغَيَّر كالبصر يرى مَا لَيْسَ أَو يرى الشَّيْء رُؤْيَة على غير مَا هُوَ عَلَيْهِ وكالمعدة تفْسد الطَّعَام وتسيء هضمه. وَإِمَّا أَن تبطل كَالْعَيْنِ لَا ترى والمعدق لَا تهضم الْبَتَّةَ.,(b) alteration (as when the eye sees that which is not there or perceives incorrectly; when the stomach digests food wrongly and causes it to decompose). (c) destruction (as when there is entire loss of vision; entire loss of digestive power). وَأما دَلَائِل مَا يستفرغ ويحتبس فَمن وُجُوه إِمَّا أَن يدل من طَرِيق احتباس غير طبيعي مثل احتباس شَيْء من شَأْنه أَن يستفرغ لمن يحتبس بَوْله أَو برازه أَو يدل من طَرِيق استفراغ غير طبيعي وَذَلِكَ: إِمَّا لِأَنَّهُ من جَوْهَر الْأَعْضَاء وَإِمَّا لَا.,Significance of discharges and retentions. A. Retention of that which is normally discharged: retention of urine or feces. B. Abnormal discharge: (i) From the substance of a member كَذَلِك وَالَّذِي يكون من جَوْهَر الْأَعْضَاء فَيدل بِوُجُوه ثَلَاثَة لِأَنَّهُ: إِمَّا أَن يدل بِنَفس جوهره كالحلق المنفوثة تدل على تآكُلٍ فِي قَصَبَة الرئة وَإِمَّا أَن يدل بمقداره كالقشرة البارزة فِي السحج فَإِنَّهَا إِن كَانَت غَلِيظَة دلّت على أَن القرحة فِي الأمعاء الْغِلَاظ. أَو رقيقَة دلّت على أَنَّهَا فِي الرقَاق.,"(a) itself diagnostic: Ex.: when a piece of cartilaginous tissue is coughed up; this is a proof of deep ulceration in the air-passages; (b) diagnostic by reason of its dimensions or amount: passage of flakes in dysentery; if they are large flakes, the ulcer is in the large intestine; if fine fragments, the ulceration is in the small intestine." وَإِمَّا أَن يدل بلونه كالرسوب القشري الْأَحْمَر فَإِنَّهُ يدل على أَنه من الْأَعْضَاء اللحمية كالكلية والأبيض. فَإِنَّهُ يدل على أَنه من الْأَعْضَاء العصبية كالمثانة. وَالَّذِي يدلّ على أَنه لَا من جَوْهَر الْأَعْضَاء فيدلّ إِمَّا لِأَنَّهُ غير طبيعي الْخُرُوج كالأخلاط السليمة وَالدَّم إِذا خرج,"(c) colour of the discharge. If urinary sediment is red, it shows the disease is in the fleshy organs such as the kidney; if white it shows the disease is in a muscular organ like the bladder. (ii) Not from the substance of a member: (a) entirely unnatural. Thus healthy humours or blood should not be discharged at all." وَإِمَّا لِأَنَّهُ غير طبيعي الْكَيْفِيَّة كَالدَّمِ الْفَاسِد كَانَ مُعْتَاد الْخُرُوج أَو لم يكن وَإِمَّا لِأَنَّهُ غير طبيعي الْجَوْهَر على الْإِطْلَاق مثل الْحَصَاة. وَإِمَّا لِأَنَّهُ غير طبيعي الْمِقْدَار وَإِن كَانَ طبيعي الْخُرُوج وَذَلِكَ إِمَّا بِأَن يقل أَو يكثر كالثفل وَالْبَوْل القليلين والكثيرين,"(h) abnormal in quality. Thus depraved blood may be discharged physiologically, or not; (c) abnormal in substance; e.g. calculus; (a) abnormal in quantity: e.g. polyuria, oliguria, excess of fecal discharge, paucity of feces:" وَإِمَّا لِأَنَّهُ غير طبيعي الْكَيْفِيَّة وَإِن كَانَ مُعْتَاد الْخُرُوج كالبراز وَالْبَوْل الأسودين وَإِمَّا لِأَنَّهُ غير طبيعي جِهَة الْخُرُوج وَإِن كَانَ مُعْتَاد الْخُرُوج مثل البرَاز إِذا خرج فِي علّة إيلاوس من فَوق.,"(a) abnormal in quality: black feces, black urine; (b) discharge by unsuitable or unnatural channels: e.g. passage of feces by the mouth in cases of strangulated hernia." وَأما دَلَائِل الوجع فَهِيَ تَنْحَصِر فِي جِنْسَيْنِ: وَذَلِكَ أَن الوجع إِمَّا أَن يدلّ بموضعه فَإِنَّهُ مثلا إِن كَانَ عَن الْيَمين فَهُوَ فِي الكبد وَإِن كَانَ فِي الْيَسَار فَهُوَ فِي الطحال.,"Significance of pain. (a) Its site: If right-sided, examine the liver; if left-sided, the spleen." وَقد يدل بنوعه على سَببه على مَا فصلناه فِي تَعْلِيم الْأَسْبَاب مثلا إِن كَانَ ثقيلاً دلّ على ورم فِي عُضْو غير حساس أَو بَاطِل حسه والممدد يدل على مَادَّة كَثِيرَة واللذاع على مَادَّة حادة.,"(I) Its type, which reveals its cause and the doctrine of causes). Severe pain indicates inflammation in a non-essential member, or in a member which has lost sensation, but has become greatly, distended by foreign matter. Incisive pain shows that the diseased material is sharp, acid or acrid." وَأما دَلَائِل الورم فَمن ثَلَاثَة أوجه: إِمَّا من جوهره كالحمرة على الصراء والصلب على السَّوْدَاء وَإِمَّا من مَوْضِعه كَالَّذي يكون فِي الْيَمين فَيدل مثلا على أَنه عِنْد الكبد أَو فِي الْيَسَار فَيدل على أَنه فِي نَاحيَة الطحال,"Significance in regard to inflammations. {a) As to essence: erysipelatous inflammation denotes bilious humour; “scirrhus” (induration) denotes atrabilious humour. (b) As to position: whether on the right side or the left (liver, or spleen)." وَإِمَّا بشكله فَإِنَّهُ إِن كَانَ عِنْد الْيَمين وَكَانَ هلالياً دلّ على أَنه فِي نفس الكبد وَإِن كَانَ مطاولاً دلّ على أَنه فِي العضلة الَّتِي فَوْقهَا. وَأما دَلَائِل الْوَضع فإمَّا من الْمَوَاضِع وَإِمَّا من المشاركات. أما من الْمَوَاضِع فَظَاهر.,(r) As to shape: a moon-shaped swelling in the right hypochondrium points to the liver; an elongated swelling refers one to the overlying muscles (rectus and adnexa). p. Significance of site and relations. The site may be self-evident. وَأما من المشاركات فَكَمَا يستدلّ على ألم فِي الْأصْبع من سَبَب سَابق أَنه لآفة عارضة فِي الزَّوْج السَّادِس من أَزوَاج العصب الَّذِي للعنق.,The relations vary in significance according to the morbific agent. Thus a lesion in the fingers may result from injury to the brachial plexus in the neck. الْفَصْل الثَّانِي الْفرق بَين الْأَمْرَاض الخاصية والمشارك فِيهَا,THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN THE DISEASE IN ITSELF AND ITS SECONDARY EFFECTS وَلما كَانَت الْأَمْرَاض قد تعرض بدءا فِي عُضْو وَقد تعرض بالمشاركة كَمَا يُشَارك الرَّأْس الْمعدة فِي أمراضهما فَوَاجِب أَن نحد الْفرق بَين الْأَمريْنِ بعلامة فاصلة فَنَقُول: أَنه يجب أَن يتَأَمَّل أَيهمَا عرض أَولا فيحدس أَنه الْأَصْلِيّ وَالْآخر مشارك,"Diseases may affect a member primarily, or only secondarily. Thus, a disease of the stomach may become associated with one in the head. Hence it is necessary to distinguish between the two conditions, as being respectively primary and secondary." ويتأمل أَيهمَا يبْقى بعد فنَاء الثَّانِي فنحدس الْأَصْلِيّ وَالْآخر مشارك وبالضد فَإِن المشارك يحدس من أمره أَنه هُوَ الَّذِي يعرض أخيراً وَأَنه يسكن مَعَ سُكُون الأول.,"To do this, note which arises first, and then note which of the two morbid conditions persists. The former is judged to be primary; the one which develops later is considered to be secondary. Conversely, the disease is secondary which comes after the first, and ceases when the first is relieved." لَكِن قد يعرض من هَذَا غلط وَهُوَ أَنه رُبمَا كَانَت الْعلَّة الْأَصْلِيَّة غير محسوسة وَغير مؤلمة فِي ابتدائها ثمَّ يحس ضررها بعد ظُهُور الْمَرَض الشركي.,"Errors may arise, however, because a primary disease may escape the senses (being painless) at first, and its effect may not become manifest till after the secondary disease has appeared." وَهُوَ بِالْحَقِيقَةِ عَارض بعْدهَا تالٍ لَهَا فيظن بالمشارك والعارض أَنه وَالْمَرَض الْأَصْلِيّ أَو ريما لم يفْطن إِلَّا بالعارض وَحده وغفل عَن الْأَصْلِيّ أصلا,"Moreover the primary disease may not be able to be perceived until after the secondary one has developed, and so one is liable to regard the secondary one as primary, and overlook the real root of the disease." وسيل التَّحَرُّز من هَذَا الْغَلَط أَن يكون الطَّبِيب عَالم مشارك الْأَعْضَاء وَذَلِكَ من علمه بالتشريح وعارفاً بالآفات الْوَاقِعَة بعضو عُضْو وَمَا كَانَ مِنْهَا محسوساً أَو غير محسوس,"To guard against this mistake, the physician must know the anatomical inter-relations of the organs, and also the several affections which each member may show. Some of these are evident to our senses, others are not." فَيتَوَقَّف فِي الْمَرَض وَلَا يحكم فِيهِ أَنه أُصَلِّي إِلَّا بعد تَأمله لما يُمكن أَن يكون عروضه تبعا لَهُ فيسائل الْمَرِيض عَن عَلَامَات الْأَمْرَاض الَّتِي يُمكن أَن تكون فِي الْأَعْضَاء الْمُشَاركَة للعضو العليل,He must also avoid giving a definite diagnosis of the root of the disease until he has had time to consider the possibility of some of the states being secondary or not. Therefore the physician will diligently question the patient in order to discover signs indicative of the various affections which can possibly occur secondarily in the neighbouring or related organs. أَو تكون غير محسوسة وَلَا مؤلمة ألماً ظَاهرا وَلَا مثيرة عرضا قَرِيبا مِنْهَا لَكِنَّهَا إِنَّمَا يتبعهَا أُمُور بعيدَة عَنْهَا محسوسة. وَيجْعَل الْمَرِيض أَنَّهَا عوارض لمثل ذَلِك الأَصْل الْبعيد بل إِنَّمَا يهدي إِلَى ذَلِك معرفَة الطَّبِيب.,"If these are not painful (tender), the patient is unaware of them, and the various signs and symptoms may be only distantly related in his mind. He cannot know the relation between remote symptoms and the real root of the disease. The wisdom of the physician alone can determine this." وَأكْثر مَا يَهْتَدِي مِنْهُ تَأمله لمضار الْأَفْعَال وَإِذا وجدهَا سَابِقَة حكم بِأَن الْمَرَض مشارك فِيهِ. على أَن الْأَعْضَاء أَعْضَاء أَكثر أحوالها أَن تكون أمراضها مُتَأَخِّرَة عَن أمراض أَعْضَاء أُخْرَى فَإِن الرَّأْس فِي أَكثر الْأَحْوَال تكون أمراضه بمشاركة الْمعدة وَإِمَّا عكس ذَلِك فَأَقل.,"It is easier if one recalls the various points to memory under the heading of hindrances to function. If these are prior in time, the malady is secondary. Some affections of organs are usually secondary to others. Thus an affection of the head is usually secondary to one or other of the morbid states of the stomach. The converse is only very rarely true." وَنحن نضع بَين يَديك عَلَامَات الأمزجة الْأَصْلِيَّة والعارضة بِوَجْه عَام. فَأَما الَّتِي يخصق مِنْهَا عضوا عضوا فسيقال فِي بَابه. وَأما عَلَامَات أمراض التَّرْكِيب فَإِن مَا كَانَ مِنْهَا ظَاهرا فَإِن الْحس يعرفهُ,"All the signs of the primary and secondary temperaments will be set forth in a general way now, leaving the signs of each special .organ to its appropriate place. The visible signs of a composite disease are detected by the senses." وَمَا كَانَ من بَاطِن فَإِن مَا سوى الامتلاء والسدة والأورام وتفرق الِاتِّصَال يعسر حصره فِي القَوْل الْكُلِّي وَكَذَلِكَ مَا يخص من الامتلاء والسدة والورم والتفرق عضوا عضوا فَالْأولى لجَمِيع ذَلِك أَن يُؤَخر إِلَى الْأَقَاوِيل الْجُزْئِيَّة.,"but the internal symptoms of the body as a whole cannot be described in a general way except with difficulty—with the exception of the signs of plethora, of obstructions in passages, of inflammatory masses, and of loss of continuity. It is best to describe all these together when we describe them under their specific organs." الْفَصْل الثَّالِث عَلَامَات الأمزجة أَجنَاس الدَّلَائِل الَّتِي مِنْهَا يتعرّف أَحْوَال الأمزجة عشرَة.,The DIAGNOSTIC SIGNS OF THE TEMPERAMENTS. Signs from which the variety of the temperament is discernible.—These can be arranged under ten groups. أَحدهَا: الملمس وَوجه التعرف مِنْهُ أَن يتَأَمَّل أَنه هَل هُوَ مساوٍ للمس الصَّحِيح فِي الْبلدَانِ المعتدلة والهواء المعتدل فَإِن ساواه دلّ على الِاعْتِدَال,"I. THE FEEL OF THE PATIENT By means of the touch one notes whether the feel of the patient corresponds to health in temperate climes and temperate atmosphere. If it corresponds, the temperament is equable." وَإِن انفعل عَنهُ اللامس الصَّحِيح المزاج فبرد أَو سخن أَو استلانه استلانة فَوق الطبيعي أَو استصلبه واستخشنه فَوق الطبيعي وَلَيْسَ هُنَاكَ سَبَب من هَوَاء أَو استحمام بِمَاء وَغير ذَلِك مِمَّا يزِيدهُ لينًا أَو خشونة فَهُوَ غير معتدل المزاج,"If the physician is himself healthy in temperament and finds the patient cold or hot, softer or harder or rougher than normal, and this is not to be explained by the state of the atmosphere or of a previous cold water bath, or some other contingency rendering the body soft or rough, though normal—he then knows the finding is due to an intemperament." وَقد يُمكن أَن يتعزف من حَال أظفار الْيَدَيْنِ فِي لينها وخشونتها ويبسها حَال مزاج الْبدن إِن لم يكن ذَلِك لسَبَب غَرِيب.,"The state of the finger-nails should be noticed. Softness or dryness of the nails, not due to an extraneous agent, informs one of the state of the temperament. These qualities are not in themselves a sufficient criterion." على أَن الحكم من اللين والصلابة مُتَوَقف على تقدم صِحَة دلَالَة الِاعْتِدَال فِي الْحَرَارَة والبرودة فَإِنَّهُ إِن لم يكن كَذَلِك أمكن أَن يلين الحارة الملمس الصلب والخشن فضلا عَن المعتدل بتحليله فيتوهم أَنه لين بالطبع وَرطب,"There must be signs of balance between heat and cold. For (a) heat, by its resolving effect, would modify hardness and roughness of feel, and make the patient seem to be attempered and his nature seem soft and moist." وَأَن يصلب الْبَارِد الملمس اللين فضلا عَن المعتدل بِفضل إجماده وتكثيفه فيتوهم يَابسا مثل الثَّلج والسمين. أما الثَّلج فلانعقاده جَامِدا وَأما السمين فلغلظه وَأكْثر من هُوَ بَارِد المزاج لين الْبدن وَإِن كَانَ نحيفاً لِأَن الفجاجة تكْثر فِيهِ.,"Or, (b) cold i.e. the opposite by reason of the great congelation and inspissation it induces, would make the softness of feel in an attempered person seem hard, and give the impression that his nature was dry. For instance, take snow and the sun. Snow congeals and causes coagulation; the sun causes aggregation of particles. Many persons with a cold temperament are soft to the feel, and also spare in habit owing to the presence of much crudity in them." وَالثَّانِي: حسن الدَّلَائِل الْمَأْخُوذَة من اللَّحْم والشحم فَإِن اللَّحْم الْأَحْمَر إِذا كَانَ كثيرا دلّ على الرطربة والحرارة وَيكون هُنَاكَ تلزز. وَإِن كَانَ يَسِيرا وَلَيْسَ هُنَاكَ شَحم كثير دلّ على اليبس والحرارة.,"II. THE STATE OF THE MUSCLES, FLESH AND FAT Plentiful muscular development denotes moist temperament, and warm temperament if the muscles are firm. Scanty muscular development with very little fat shows that the temperament is dry." وَأما السمين والشحم فيدلان على الْبُرُودَة وَيكون هُنَاكَ ترهل فَإِن كَانَ مَعَ ذَلِك ضيق من الْعُرُوق وقلّة من الدَّم وَكَانَ صَاحبه يضعف على الْجُوع لعقدة الدَّم الغريزي المهيىء لحَاجَة الْأَعْضَاء إِلَى التغذية بِهِ دلّ على أَن هَذَا المزاج جبلي طبيعي,"Oiliness and fat always denote cold temperament, and the muscles are then also flabby. If at the same time there is constriction of the veins and lack of blood, and if there is weakness from lack of food (because there is too little blood to enable it to furnish the requirements of the tissues), this shows that this temperament is inborn and habitual." وَإِن لم تكن هَذِه العلامات الْأُخْرَى دلّ على أَنه مزاج مكتسب. وَقلة السمين والشحم تدل على الْحَرَارَة فَإِن السمين والشحم مادته دسومة الدَّم وفاعله الْبرد وَلذَلِك يقل على الكبد وَيكثر على الأمعاء,"But if these other signs are absent, it shows the temperament to be an acquired one. Lessening of the amount of oil and fat in the sub-cutaneous tissues always indicates a hot temperament, because the substance of oil and fat is the oiliness of the blood, and that is derived from cold. Hence these things are less plentiful in the liver-region, and more plentiful over the intestines." وَإِنَّمَا يكثر على الْقلب فَوق كثرته على الكبد للمادة لَا للمزاج وَالصُّورَة ولعناية من أطبيعة مُتَعَلقَة بِمثل تِلْكَ الْمَادَّة والسمين والشحم فَإِن جمودهما على الْبدن يقلّ وَيكثر بِحَسب قلَّة الْحَرَارَة وَكَثْرَتهَا.,"There is not more oil and fat over the heart than over the liver, except as to matter; it is not temperament or “form” which accounts for this; it is simply that the “nature” of the heart depends for its maintenance on the presence of such-like “matter.” Congelation of oil and fat over the body is greater or less according as the heat is more or less in degree." وَالْبدن اللحيم بِلَا كَثْرَة من السمين والشحم هُوَ الْبدن الْحَار الرطب وَإِن كَانَ كثير اللَّحْم الْأَحْمَر وَمَعَ سمين وشحم قَلِيل دلّ على الإفراط فِي الرُّطُوبَة,"If the body is fleshy, and the amount of fat and oil not great, the temperament is hot and moist. If the body is very muscular, and there is much oil, but little fat, this denotes excessively humid temperament" وَإِن أفرطا دلّ على الإفراط فِي الْبرد وأقصف الْأَبدَان الْبَارِد الْيَابِس ثمَّ الْحَار الْيَابِس ثمَّ الْيَابِس المعتدل فِي الحرّ وَالْبرد ثمَّ الْحَار المعتدل فِي الرُّطُوبَة واليبس.,". If extremely fleshy, this denotes superfluity of moisture and cold. It is evidence that the body has become cold and moist. The more spare the body is in habit, the more likely is it to be cold and dry; or (less likely) hot and dry; or, dry, for such a body is attempered as to heat and cold. Or, hot, because such a body is attempered as to moisture and dryness." وَالثَّالِث: جنس الدَّلَائِل الْمَأْخُوذَة من الشّعْر وَإِنَّمَا يُؤْخَذ من جِهَة هَذِه الْوُجُوه وَهِي سرعَة النَّبَات وبطؤه وكثرته وقلته ورقته وغلظه وسبوطته وجعودته. ولونه أحد الْأُصُول فِي ذَلِك.,"III. THE HAIR The points to note are: rate of growth; amount; fineness or coarseness of texture, straightness or curliness, colour." وَأما الِاسْتِدْلَال من سرعَة نَبَاته وبطئه أَو عدم نَبَاته فَهُوَ أَن البطيء النَّبَات أَو فَاقِد النَّبَات إِذا لم يكن هُنَاكَ عَلَامَات دَالَّة على أَن الْبدن عادم للدم أصلا يدل على أَن المزاج رطب جدا فَإِن أسْرع فَلَيْسَ الْبدن بذلك الرطب بل هُوَ إِلَى اليبوسة,"Rate of growth. Slow growth, or absence of- growth, without evidence of lack of blood denotes extremely humid temperament. More rapid growth denotes a. less humid temperament, rather tending to dryness." وَلَكِن يستدلّ على حرارته وبرودته من دَلَائِل أُخْرَى مِمَّا ذَكرْنَاهُ. لكنه إِذا اجْتمعت الْحَرَارَة واليبوسة أسْرع نَبَات الشّعْر جدا وَكثر وَغلظ,"(Heat and coldness of temperament are shown by other signs given above than the hair.) If the temperament is both hot and dry the hair grows much more rapidly, and the individual hairs are numerous and coarse." وَذَلِكَ لِأَن الْكَثْرَة تدل على الْحَرَارَة والغلظ يدلّ على كَثْرَة الدخانية كَمَا فِي الشبَّان دون مَا فِي الصّبيان فَإِن الصّبيان مادتهم بخارية لَا دخانية وضدهما يتبع ضدهما.,"Abundance of hair means heat, coarseness much fumosity. Hence the hair is more plentiful in youthful persons than at puberty, as the humours of the latter are vaporose, not fumose. The opposite characters denote the respective contraries." وَأما من جِهَة الشكل فَإِن الجعودة تدل على الْحَرَارَة وعَلى اليبس وَقد تدلّ على التواء الثقب والمسام وَهَذَا لَا يَسْتَحِيل بتغيّر المزاج. والسببان الْأَوَّلَانِ يتغيران. والسبوطة تدل على أضداد ذَلِك.,Form of the hair. Curly hair: denotes hot and dry temperament. It may be that there is tortuosity of the minute channels and pores: and this cannot change even if the temperament changes. But the two primary causes would change if the temperament changed. Straight hair denotes cold and moist temperament. وَأما من جِهَة اللَّوْن فالسواد يدل على الْحَرَارَة والصهوبة تدلُ على الْبُرُودَة والشقرة والحمرة تدلان على الِاعْتِدَال وَالْبَيَاض يدل إِمَّا على رُطُوبَة وبرودة كَمَا فِي الشيب وَإِمَّا على يبس شَدِيد كَمَا يعرض لنبات عِنْد الْجَفَاف من انسلاخ سوَاده وَهُوَ الخضرة إِلَى الْبيَاض.,"Colour of the hair. Colour Corresponding temperament. Remarks. Black. Hot. Heat. Brown. Cold. Tawny and red. Equable. Grey. very moist. Cold and very dry. Very fair. Cold and Note how plants lose their dark or green colour when dried, and become grey or white." وَهَذَا إِنَّمَا يعرض فِي النَّاس فِي أعقاب الْأَمْرَاض المجففة. وَسبب الشيب عِنْد أرسطوطاليس هُوَ الإستحالة إِلَى لون البلغم وَعند جالينوس هُوَ التكرّج الَّذِي يلْزم الْغذَاء الصائر إِلَى الشّعْر إِذا كَانَ بَارِدًا وَكَانَ بطيء الْحَرَكَة مُدَّة نُفُوذه فِي المسام.,"In man, this change is produced towards the close of desiccant diseases. Cause of grey hair. Aristotle stated that hair turns grey because it takes on the colour of serous humour. (Joannitius ascribed it to decomposition changes in the serous humour occurring in old age; greyness, he says, means excess of atrabilious humour.) Galen ascribed it to a mustiness accompanying the nutriment supplied to the hair, which retards its movement and penetration into the pores (of the hair) (i.e. hair-sac)." وَإِذا تَأَمَّلت الْقَوْلَيْنِ وجدتهما فِي الْحَقِيقَة متقاربين فَإِن العلّة فِي بَيَاض اللَّوْن البلغم. وَالْعلَّة فِي ابيضاض المتكرج وَاحِد وَهُوَ إِلَى الطبيعي,"As a matter of fact there is little difference between the two views, because the whiteness of the serous humour is physically due to the same cause as the whiteness of the mustiness. The subject really belongs to physics." وَبعد هَذَا فَإِن للبلدان والأهوية تَأْثِيرا فِي الشّعْر يَنْبَغِي أَن يُرَاعى فَلَا يتَوَقَّع من الزنْجِي شقرة شعر ليستدلّ بِهِ على اعْتِدَال مزاجه الَّذِي لَهُ وَلَا فِي الصقلبي سَواد شعر حَتَّى يسْتَدلّ بِهِ على سخونة مزاجه الَّذِي يحسبه.,"Observation also shows that atmosphere and geo-graphical situation affects the hair. One would not expect to find the hair red (which denotes equable temperament) in a black person even though his temperament were equable; nor would one expect to find black hair (which denotes hot temperament) in a Slav, even though his temperament were hot." وللأسنان أَيْضا تَأْثِير فِي أَمر الشّعْر فَإِن الشبَّان كالجنوبيين وَالصبيان كالشماليين والكهول كالمتوسطين وَكَثْرَة الشّعْر فِي الصَّبِي تدلّ على اسْتِحَالَة مزاجه إِلَى السوداوية إِذا كبر وَفِي الشَّيْخ على أَنه سوداوي فِي الْحَال.,"Relation of character of the hair to the age. In puberty the hair is as in northern countries in youth, as in southerly countries; after the age of fifty it is between the two. Abundance of the hair at puberty reveals the future temperament. As the person grows, it precedes the formation of atrabilious humour, and in the elderly person it shows that atrabilious humour is actually present." وَأما الرَّابِع: فَهُوَ جنس الدَّلَائِل الْمَأْخُوذَة من لون الْبدن,IV. THE COLOUR OF THE BODY فَإِن الْبيَاض دَلِيل عدم الدَّم وقلّته مَعَ برودة فَإِنَّهُ لَو كَانَ مَعَ حرارة وخلط صفراوي لاصفر والأحمر دَلِيل على كَثْرَة الدَّم,"features. Pallor. Cold. Lack of blood. Yellowish. Hot. Lack of blood; increase of bilious humour. Ruddiness. Hot. Abundance of blood;" وعَلى الْحَرَارَة والصفرة والشقرة يدلان على الْحَرَارَة الْكَثِيرَة لَكِن الصُّفْرَة أدل على المرار والشقرة على الدَّم أَو الدَّم المراري وَقد تدلّ الصُّفْرَة على عدم الدَّم وَإِن لم يُوجد المرار كَمَا تكون فِي أبدان الناقهين.,"sanguine or bilious Sub-ruddiness. Plot. temperament. Dominance of bilious humour. Occasionally it denotes lack of blood, provided there is no bilious humour present in the blood, as is the case in convalescents." والكمودة دَلِيل على شدّة الْبرد فيقل لَهُ الدَّم ويجمد ذَلِك الْقَلِيل ويستحيل إِلَى السوَاد. وَتغَير لون الْجلد والأدم دَلِيل على الْحَرَارَة. والباذنجاني دَلِيل على الْبرد واليبس لِأَنَّهُ لون يتبع صرف السَّوْدَاء.,"Dark Brown. Extremely cold. This is because sanguineous humour is dominant, and there is deficient coagulability of the blood and it darkens and alters the colour of the skin at the same time [Joannitius ascribed blackness to the Brown. Hot. atrabilious humour]. Colour of Egg; plant fruit – Cold and dry. The heat is such as follows upon pure atra- bilious humour." والجصي يدل على صرف الْبرد والبلغمية. والرصاصي دَلِيل للبرودة والرطوبة مَعَ سوداوية مَا لِأَنَّهُ بَيَاض مَعَ أدنى خضرَة فَيكون الْبيَاض تَابعا للون البلغم أَو المزاج الرُّطُوبَة. والخضرة تَابِعَة لدم جامد إِلَى السوَاد مَا هُوَ قد خالط البلغم فخضره.,"Chalky. Cold. Serous humour in excess (J. ascribes whiteness to the serous humour). Leaden. Cold and moist. Atrabilious humour is only slightly in excess. This is because there is a trace of green in the whiteness; the latter depends on the serous humour and moistness of temperament. The greenness depends on congelative change in the blood, for this tends to a blackness which, mingled with serous humour, produces a greenish tint." والعاجي يدل على برد بلغمي مَعَ مرار قَلِيل.,"Ivory White. Cold. Serous humour in excess, and the choleric humour scanty." وَفِي أَكثر الْأَمر فَإِن اللَّوْن يتَغَيَّر بِسَبَب الكبد إِلَى صفرَة وَبَيَاض وبسبب الطحال إِلَى صفرَة وَسَوَاد وَفِي علل البواسير إِلَى صفرَة وخضرة وَلَيْسَ هَذَا بالدائم بل قد يخْتَلف.,Changes of Colour Change to yellow (yellowish-white): suspect disorder of the liver. Change to yellowish-black: suspect disorder of the spleen. Change to yellowish-green: suspect piles (this does not always hold good (marginal reading). These suggestions only apply for the moment when the change of colour takes place. وَالِاسْتِدْلَال من لون اللِّسَان على مزاج الْعُرُوق الساكنة والضاربة فِي الْبدن قوي. والاستدلال من لون الْعين على مزاج الدِّمَاغ قوي وَرُبمَا عرض فِي مرض وَاحِد اخْتِلَاف لوني عضوين,"Colour of the Tongue It is not easy to assess the temperament of the stomach and intestines and veins from the colour of the tongue, Colour of the eyes. any more It is not easy, but it is possible, than it is to assess the temperament of the brain from the colour of the eyes. There may be two different colours simultaneously in two members, in consequence of a disease." مثل أَن اللِّسَان قد يبيض وبشرة الْوَجْه تسود فِي مرض وَاحِد مثل اليرقان الْعَارِض لشدَّة الحرقة من المرار.,"Thus, the tongue may become white and the countenance dusky. This occurs in jaundice, when this is due to an intense acridity of the bilious humour." وَأما الْخَامِس: فَهُوَ جنس الدَّلَائِل الْمَأْخُوذَة من هَيْئَة الْأَعْضَاء,V. THE FORM OF THE MEMBERS فَإِن المزاج الْحَار يتبعهُ سَعَة الصَّدْر وَعظم الْأَطْرَاف وتمامها فِي قدورها من غير ضيق وَقصر وسعة الْعُرُوق وظهورها وَعظم النبض وقوته وَعظم العضل وقربها من المفاصل لِأَن جَمِيع الأفاعيل النسبية والهيئات التركيبية يتم بالحرارة.,Hot temperament: big broad chest; large limbs; no narrowing or shortening of the hands or feet; conspicuous full veins.; big strong pulse; the muscles round the joints large (for growth and the form of composite structures requires heat). والبرودة يتبعهَا أضداد هَذِه لقُصُور القوى الطبيعية بِسَبَبِهَا عَن تتميم أَفعَال الانشاء والتخليق. والمزاج الْيَابِس يتبعهُ قشف وَظُهُور مفاصل وَظُهُور الغضاريف فِي الحنجرة وَالْأنف وَكَون الْأنف مستوياً.,"Cold temperament: the contraries of all the above. The natural faculties and the formative faculty are impaired by cold, so that the natural functions are not perfectly carried out. Dry temperament: roughness, curvature of form; joints conspicuous. Adam’s apple prominent. Nasal cartilages conspicuous; nose of medium size." وَأما السَّادِس: فَهُوَ جنس الدَّلَائِل الْمَأْخُوذَة من سرعَة انفعال الْأَعْضَاء,VI. RAPIDITY WITH WHICH MEMBERS RESPOND TO HEAT AND COLD فَإِنَّهُ إِن كَانَ الْعُضْو يسخن سَرِيعا بِلَا معاسرة فَهُوَ حَار المزاج إِذْ الاستحالة فِي الْجِنْس الْمُنَاسب تكون أسهل من الاستحالة إِلَى المضادة وَإِن كَانَ يبرد سَرِيعا فَالْأَمْر بالضد لذَلِك بِعَيْنِه,"If a member becomes’ “hot” rapidly and easily, it shows that it is hot in temperament, because change in the direction of its own temperament is more readily undergone than in the opposite direction. Similarly, if the member behaves in the contrary way, it will be of cold temperament." فَإِن قَالَ قَائِل: إِن الْأَمر يجب أَن يكون بالضد فَإنَّا نَعْرِف يَقِينا أَن الشَّيْء إِنَّمَا ينفعل عَن ضِدّه لَا عَن شبهه وَهَذَا الْكَلَام الَّذِي قَدمته يُوجب أَن يكون الإنفعال من الشّبَه أولى.,"Some assert that it is otherwise, because we know (they say) that a thing only reacts to its contrary and not to its like. But if that were the case, it would follow that a thing would react more strongly to its like." وَالْجَوَاب عَن هَذَا أَن الشبيه الَّذِي لَا ينفعل عَنهُ هُوَ الَّذِي كيفيته وَكَيْفِيَّة مَا هُوَ شَبيه بِهِ وَاحِدَة فِي النَّوْع والطبيعة. والأسخن لَيْسَ شَبِيها بالأبرد بل السخينان واحدهما أسخن يَخْتَلِفَانِ فَيكون الَّذِي لَيْسَ بأسخن هُوَ بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى الأسخن بَارِدًا فينفعل من حَيْثُ هُوَ بَارِد بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَيْهِ لَا حَار,"But the reply to this is that two things are only really alike when one does not interact with the other; we then know that their respective qualities are of like “species” and “nature” Of two things A and B, if B is less hot than A, we cannot speak of it as being “ like A.” As long as one of the two is hotter, they cannot be called “alike.” So an interaction One is cold compared with the other. (on the part of the body) is possible. B would be cold compared with A —not hot." وينفعل أَيْضا عَن الْأَبْرَد مِنْهُ وَعَن الْبَارِد إِلَّا أَن أَحدهمَا ينمّي كيفيته ويعيّن أقوى مَا فِيهِ,"B, too, may react with something else which is colder than itself [say C] besides reacting with “cold” [say D]. C or D may enhance the intrinsic quality of B, according as they are stronger than B or not. It is easier for it to change towards that which enhances this quality of B," وَالْآخر ينقص كيفيته فَيكون استحالته إِلَى مَا ينمي كيفيته ويعين أقوى مَا فِيهِ أسهل. على أَن هَهُنَا شَيْئا اَخر يختصّ بِبَعْض مَا يُشَارِكهُ فِي الْكَيْفِيَّة وَهُوَ نَاقص فِيهَا مثل أَن الْحَار المزاج فِي طبعه إِنَّمَا يسْرع قبُوله لتأثير الْحَار فِيهِ لما يبطل الْحَار من تَأْثِير الضدّ,"or neutralizes the opposite quality of B, on condition that the new causative agent harmonizes with A and B, and neutralizes the temperamental nature (p). Therefore it is clear that when the nature is of hot temperament heat will not show any action on it until the influence of the contrary cold has first been removed;" الَّذِي هُوَ الْبرد المعاوق لما ينحوه المزاج الْحَار من زِيَادَة تسخين فَإِذا التقيا وَبَطل الْمَانِع تعاونا على التسخين فَيتبع ذَلِك التعاون اشتداد تَامّ من الكيفيتين.,"and this is achieved by preventing the calefaction (which tends to be produced by a hot temperament) from becoming greater. The result is that if both events occur simultaneously, and the inhibiting agent is destroyed, they will mutually help one another in producing heat, and the two qualities will thus reach an acme." وَأما إِذا حاول الْحَار الْخَارِجِي أَن يبطل الِاعْتِدَال فَإِن الْحَار الغريزي الدَّاخِل أَشد الْأَشْيَاء مقاومة لَهُ حَتَّى إِن السمُوم الحارة لَا يقاومها وَلَا يَدْفَعهَا وَلَا يفْسد جوهرها إِلَّا الْحَرَارَة الغريزية.,"When the body is exposed to foreign heat, however, the balance of temperament is likely to be destroyed. The innate heat of the body is all-important for resisting this. We depend on our innate heat for the neutralization of “hot” poisons, and for their expulsion and for the dissolution of their substance." فَإِن الْحَرَارَة الغريزية آلَة للطبيعة تدفع ضَرَر الْحَار الْوَارِد بتحريكها الرّوح إِلَى دفْعَة وتنحية بخاره وتحليله وإحراق مادته وتدفع أَيْضا ضَرَر الْبَارِد الْوَارِد بالمضادة.,"The innate heat, therefore, is the instrument of (human) “nature” for combating the injurious action of extraneous or foreign heat. By its means, the breath gets rid of it, expels it, disperses it, and oxidizes its material basis (m). Further, it combats the injurious action of foreign “cold,” expelling it “by contrary.”" وَلَيْسَت هَذِه الخاصية للبرودة فَإِنَّهَا إِنَّمَا تنَازع وتعاوق الْوَارِد الْحَار بالمضادة فَقَط وَلَا تنَازع الْوَارِد الْبَارِد. والحرارة الغريزية هِيَ الَّتِي تَحْمِي الرطوبات الغريزية عَن أَن تستولي عَلَيْهَا الْحَرَارَة الغريبة,Coldness has not this power. It is only the contrary to coldness—i.e. foreign heat which can combat or repress it. Coldness cannot combat extraneous “cold.” The innate heat does. Innate heat is that which protects the natural humours from being overruled by foreign calorific agents. فَإِن الْحَرَارَة الغريزية إِذا كَانَت قَوِيَّة تمكنت الطبيعة بتوسّطها من التصرّف فِي الرطوبات على سَبِيل النضج والهضم وحفظها على الصِّحَّة فتحرّكت الرطوبات على نهج تصريفها وامتنعت عَن التحرك على نهج تصريف الْحَرَارَة الغريبة فَلم يعفن.,"If the innate heat is strongs the natural faculties are able to work through it, upon the humours, and so effect digestion and maturation, and so maintain them within the confines of the healthy state. The humours move according to its ministration. Extraneous or foreign “heat” cannot interfere with this movement, and so they do not undergo putrefactive decomposition." أما إِن كَانَت هَذِه الْحَرَارَة ضَعِيفَة خلت الطبيعة عَن الرطوبات لضعف الْآلَة المتوسطة بَينهَا وَبَين الرطوبات فوقفت وصادفتها الْحَرَارَة الغريبة غير مَشْغُولَة بتصريف فتمكنت مِنْهَا واستولت عَلَيْهَا وحركتها حَرَكَة غَرِيبَة فَحدثت العفونة,"If the innate heat is feeble, the natural faculties are harassed in the regulation of the humours. For the instrument the intermediary between the natural faculties and the humours is enfeebled. Stagnation sets in and foreign heat now finds the humours no longer opposed to its action. It overcomes them. It utilizes them in its own way, and imparts a foreign movement to them; and the result is what is known as “putrefaction.”" فالحرارة الغريزية آلَة للقوى كلهَا والبرودة مُنَافِيَة لَهَا لَا تَنْفَع إِلَّا بِالْعرضِ فَلهَذَا يُقَال حرارة غريزية وَلَا يُقَال برودة غريزية وَلَا ينْسب إِلَى الْبُرُودَة من كدخدائية الْبدن مَا ينْسب إِلَى الْحَرَارَة.,"Hence it is clear that the innate heat is the instrument of all the faculties, whereas coldness can only help them secondarily. That is why one speaks of “ innate heat,” but not of “innate cold”; and why that which is proportionate to heat is not comparable with cold." وَأما السَّابِع: فحال النّوم واليقظة,VII. SIGNS DERIVED FROM SLEEP AND WAKEFULNESS فَإِن اعتدالهما يدلّ على اعْتِدَال المزاج لَا سِيمَا فِي الدِّمَاغ وَزِيَادَة النّوم بالرطوبة والبرودة وَزِيَادَة الْيَقَظَة لليبس والحرارة خَاصَّة فِي الدِّمَاغ.,"If there is equipoise between sleep and wakefulness, it means that the temperament (especially of the brain) is equable. If sleep dominates, it denotes a cold and moist temperament (of the brain), whereas if wakefulness dominates, it shows a dry and hot temperament (especially in the brain)." وَأما الثَّامِن: فَهُوَ الْجِنْس الْمَأْخُوذ من دَلَائِل الْأَفْعَال فَإِن الْأَفْعَال إِذا كَانَت مستمرة على المجرى الطبيعي تَامَّة كَامِلَة دلّت على اعْتِدَال المزاج,VIII. SIGNS DERIVED FROM THE STATE OF THE FUNCTIONS Equable temperament: the activities of the body proceed fully and perfectly and naturally. وَإِن تَغَيَّرت عَن جِهَتهَا إِلَى حركات مفرطة دلّت على حرارة المزاج وَكَذَلِكَ إِذا أسرعت فَإِنَّهَا تدل على الْحَرَارَة مثل سرعَة النشو وَسُرْعَة نَبَات الشّعْر وَسُرْعَة نَبَات الْأَسْنَان وَإِن تبلدت أَو ضعفت وتكاسلت وأبطأت دلّت على برودة المزاج.,"Hot temperament: there is over-activity, exaggerated activity. Rapid growth of stature; increased rate of growth of hair; early eruption of the teeth. Cold temperament: the activities lessen and become sluggish and delayed." على أَن قد يكون ضعفها وتبلدها وفتورها وَاقعا بِسَبَب مزاج حَار إِلَّا أَنه لَا يَخْلُو مَعَ ذَلِك عَن تَغْيِير عَن المجرى الطبيعي مَعَ الضعْف وَقد يفوت بِسَبَب الْحَرَارَة أَيْضا كثيرا من الْأَفْعَال الطبيعية وَينْقص مثل النّوم فَرُبمَا بَطل بِسَبَب المزإج الْحَار أَو نقص,"but a hot temperament may cause weak and sluggish activity though only if a deviation from the natural course is associated writh weakness. Many natural functions may slow down or lessen owing to heat. Thus in the case of sleep, sometimes there is insomnia or lack of sleep from the effect of the heat of a hot temperament." وَلذَلِك قد يزْدَاد بعض الْأَحْوَال الطبيعية للبرد مثل النّوم إِلَّا أَنَّهَا لَا تكون من جملَة الْأَحْوَال الطبيعية مُطلقًا بل بِشَرْط وبسبب فان النّوم لَيْسَ مُحْتَاجا إِلَيْهِ فِي الْحَيَاة. وَالصِّحَّة حَاجَة مُطلقَة,"Similarly some of the natural states may be intensified by cold. Thus, again, in the case of sleep, though this is not strictly the outcome of natural functions, but only an effect conditional upon some causal agent. For the necessity for sleep for life and health is not absolute." بل بِسَبَب تخل من الرّوح عَن الشواغل لما عرض لَهُ من التَّعَب أَو لما يحْتَاج إِلَيْهِ من الإكباب على هضم الْغذَاء لعَجزه عَن الْوَفَاء بالأمرين. فَإِذن: النّوم إِنَّمَا يحْتَاج إِلَيْهِ من جِهَة عجز مَا وَهُوَ خُرُوج عَن الْوَاجِب الطبيعي.,(a) it enables the breath to separate off from its impeding factors the fatigue-substances; (‘b) there is need for a recumbent posture after a meal; (c) one cannot achieve two (contrary) things at the same time. Hence the need for sleep is simply some impotency. It is not included in “natural necessity.” وَإِن كَانَ ذَلِك الْخُرُوج طبيعياً من حَيْثُ هُوَ ضَرُورِيّ فَإِن الطبيعي يُقَال على الضَّرُورَة باشتراك الإسم. وَهَذَا الْقسم أصح دلائله إِنَّمَا هُوَ على المزج المعتدل وَذَلِكَ بِأَن تعتدل الْأَفْعَال وتتم. وَأما دلَالَته على الْحر وَالْبرد واليبوسة والرطوبة فدلالة تخمينية.,"And if its exclusion be “natural” in the sense that it is inevitable, this is only because the word “natural” is here used for “the inevitable.” One word is being made stand for two things. But the most accurate application of the term is to “equable temperament,” for it is this upon which equability of functions and their final completion depends. To use the term in regard to the four qualities heat, coldness, dryness, moisture is only hypothetical (takhmlnl)." وَمن جنس الْأَفْعَال القوية الدَّالَّة على الْحَرَارَة قُوَّة الصَّوْت وجهارته وَسُرْعَة الْكَلَام واتصاله وَالْغَضَب وَسُرْعَة الحركات والطرف وَإِن كَانَ قد تقع هَذِه لَا بِسَبَب عَام بل بسب خَاص بعضو الْفِعْل.,"Among the “strong” (“jelal”) actions which denote a hot temperament are: powerful voice; harsh or coarse voice; rapid way of talking; constantly talking; anger; rapid gestures; blinking of the eyelids. Before deducing a hot temperament from these, one must make sure there is no local cause for them, and that they are not confined to one particular member." وَالْجِنْس التَّاسِع: جنس دفع الْبدن للفضول وَكَيْفِيَّة مَا يدْفع فَإِن الدّفع إِذا اسْتمرّ وَكَانَ مَا يبرز من البرَاز وَالْبَوْل والعرق وَغير ذَلِك حاراً لَهُ رَائِحَة قَوِيَّة وصبغ لما لَهُ من صبغ وانشواء وانطباخ لما لَهُ انشواء وانطباخ فَهُوَ حَار وَمَا يُخَالِفهُ فَهُوَ بَارِد.,"IX. SIGNS DERIVED FROM THE EXPULSIVE FACULTY AND FROM THE QUALITY OF DISCHARGES The temperament is hot: if the waste matters are retained; if the faeces, urine, sweat, etc., are strong in odour, acrid, of normal colour, and show the normal degree of oxidation and maceration in the case of matters which normally undergo such changes. If the signs are contrary, the temperament is cold." وَالْجِنْس الْعَاشِر: مَأْخُوذ من أَحْوَال قوى النَّفس فِي أفعالها وانفعالاتها,"X. SIGNS DERIVED’ FROM THE STATES OF THE MIND, DURING ACTION AND PASSION" مثل أَن الحرد الْقوي والضجر والفطنة والفهم والإقدام والوقاحة وَحسن الظَّن وجودة الرَّجَاء والقساوة والنشاط ورجولية الْأَخْلَاق وَقلة الكسل وَقلة الإنفعال من كل شَيْء يدلّ على الْحَرَارَة وأضدادها على الْبُرُودَة.,"Hot. Dry. Virility of morals and manners Diligence Cold temperaments show the opposites to those given for hot temperaments; moist, the opposites to those given for dry." وَهَذَا الَّذِي ذَكرْنَاهُ كُله أَو أَكْثَره إِنَّمَا هُوَ من بَاب عَلَامَات الأمزجة الْوَاقِعَة فِي أصل البنية.,"The whole of the above, or at any rate the major part of it, refers to the congenital or innate temperament. Now we refer to acquired temperaments (“intemperaments ”)." وَأما الأمزجة الغريبة العرضية:,EVIDENCES OF THE FOUR PRIMARY INTEMPERAMENTS فالحار مِنْهَا يدل على اشتعال للبدن مؤذ وتأذ بالحميّات وَسُقُوط قُوَّة عِنْد الحركات لثوران الْحَرَارَة وعطش مفرط والتهاب فِي فَم الْمعدة ومرارة فِي الْفَم ونبض إِلَى الضعْف والسرعة الشَّدِيدَة والتواتر وتأذ بِمَا يتَنَاوَلهُ من المسخنات وتشف بالمبردات ورداءة حَال فِي الصَّيف.,Morbid states to which there is a tendency Inflammatory conditions be-coming febrile. Functional Power Deficient energy. Loss of vigour. Subjective sensations. Calefacients are all harmful. Bitter taste in mouth. Excessive thirst. Sense of burning at cardiac orifice. Pulse extremely quick and frequent; approaching the (weak) type met with in lassitude. Worse in summer. وَأما دَلَائِل المزاج الْبَارِد الْغَيْر الطبيعي فقلة هضم وَقلة عَطش واسترخاء مفاصل وَكَثْرَة حميات بلغمية وتأذ بالنزلات. وبتناول المبردات وتشف بتناول مَا يسخن ورداءة حَال فِي الشتَاء.,Fevers related to the serous humour. Rheumatism. Deficient digestive power. Lack of desire for fluids. Flaccid joints. Infrigidants are all harmful. Calefacients benefit. Worse in winter. وَأما دَلَائِل الرطب الْغَيْر الطبيعي فمناسبة لدلائل الْبُرُودَة وَتَكون مَعَ ترهّل وسيلان لعاب ومخاط وانطلاق طبيعة وَسُوء هضم وتأذ بتناول مَا هُوَ رطب وَكَثْرَة نوم وتهيج أجفان.,Lassitude. Difficult digestion. Mucoid salivation. Sleepiness. Diarrhoea Swollen eyelids Moist articles of diet are harmful. وَأما دَلَائِل اليبس الْغَيْر الطبيعي فتقشف وسهر ونحول عَارض وتأذ بتناول مَا فِيهِ من يبس وَسُوء حَال فِي الخريف وتشف بِمَا يرطب وانتشاف فِي الْحَال للْمَاء الْحَار والدهن اللَّطِيف وَشدَّة قبُول لَهما فَاعْلَم هَذِه الْجُمْلَة.,"Insomnia. Wakefulness Physical signs. Rough skin. Spare habit (acquired not inborn). Foods and medicines. Dry regimen harmful. Humectants benefit, Relation to weather (i.e., season). Bad in autumn" واعتدال الشّعْر فِي الزبب والزعر والجعودة والسبوطة إِلَى الشقرة مَا هُوَ فِي سنّ الصِّبَا وَإِلَى السوَاد مَا هُوَ فِي سنّ الشَّبَاب واعتدال حَال النّوم واليقظة ومواتاة الْأَعْضَاء فِي حركاتها وسلاسة وَقُوَّة من التخيل والتفكر والتذكر,"The hair is neither profuse nor sparse, thick nor thin, curly nor straight, black nor white. During puberty they tend to a tawny shade rather than’ black, in youth they tend to blackness. [Full hair where hair should be.] Equally inclined for sleep and for wakefulness. Mental faculties: vigour of imagination, intellectual power, and memory." وتوسط من الْأَخْلَاق بَين الإفراط والتفريط أَعنِي التَّوَسُّط بَين التهور والجبن وَالْغَضَب والخمول والدقة والقساوة والطيش والتيه وَسُقُوط النَّفس وَتَمام الْأَفْعَال كلهَا وَصِحَّة وجودة النمو وسرعته وَطول الْوُقُوف.,"Emotions balanced between excess and deficiency e.g., between courage and timidity, between anger and patience, between sternness and clemency, between vacillation and perseverance." وَتَكون أحلامه لذيذة مؤنسة من الروائح الطّيبَة والأصوات اللذيذة والمجالس البهيجة,"Agreeable dreams arousing hopefulness, with fragrant perfumes and alluring voices, visions and agreeable companionship." وَيكون صَاحبه محبباً طلق الْوَجْه هشاً معتدل شَهْوَة الطَّعَام وَالشرَاب جيد الاستمراء فِي الْمعدة والكبد وَالْعُرُوق وَالنِّسْبَة فِي جَمِيع الْبدن معتدل الْحَال فِي انْتِقَاض الفضول مِنْهُ من المجاري الْمُعْتَادَة.,"A person with such a temperament will have a happy expression, will be lovable and contented, moderate in desire for food and drink, possessing a good gastric digestion, good hepatic and venous digestion, and good alterative and assimilative power all through the tissues. The waste matters will be moderate in amount and will be-discharged through the proper channels." الْفَصْل الْخَامِس عَلَامَات من لَيْسَ بجيد الْحَال فِي خلقته,THE INDICATIONS AFFORDED BY CONGENITAL MAL-CONFORMATION OF THE BODY. هَذَا هُوَ الَّذِي لَا يتشابه مزاج أَعْضَائِهِ بل رُبمَا تعاندت أعضاؤه الرئيسة فِي الْخُرُوج عَن الِاعْتِدَال فَخرج عُضْو مِنْهَا إِلَى مزاج وَالْآخر إِلَى ضِدّه,"In brief, there is non-uniformity of temperament among the members; or, perchance, the principal members depart from equability and come to be of contrary temperament, one deviating towards one, another to its contrary." فَإِذا كَانَت بنيته غير متناسبة كَانَ رديئاً حَتَّى فِي فهمه وعقله مثل الرجل الْعَظِيم الْبَطن الْقصير الأصابع المستدير الْوَجْه والهامة الْعَظِيم الهامة أَو الصَّغِير الهامة لحيم الْجَبْهَة وَالْوَجْه والعنق وَالرّجلَيْنِ وكأنما وَجهه نصف دَائِرَة فَإِن كَانَ فكاه كبيرين فَهُوَ مُخْتَلف جدا,"If the components of the body are out of proportion, it is unfortunate both for talent and reasoning power. Thus, a tall person with a large abdomen and short face and round head, and short fingers’; a person of small stature, with small head, much flesh in the face and forehead, and even in the neck and feet the face like the full-moon; the jaws rounded and massive." وَكَذَلِكَ إِن كَانَ مستدير الرَّأْس والجبهة لَكِن وَجهه شَدِيد الطول ورقبته شَدِيدَة الغلظ فِي عَيْنَيْهِ بلادة حَرَكَة فَهُوَ أَيْضا من أبعد النَّاس عَن الْخَيْر.,"Similarly, if the head and forehead were round, but the face very round (long, marginal reading), and the neck very thick, and if the eyes are sluggish in movement. Such persons would be the very last of people to be classed as in good health." الْفَصْل السَّادِس العلامات الدَّالَّة على الامتلاء الامتلاء على وَجْهَيْن: امتلاء بِحَسب الأوعية وامتلاء بِحَسب الْقُوَّة. والامتلاء بِحَسب الأوعية هُوَ أَن تكون الأخلاط والأرواح وَإِن كَانَت صَالِحَة فِي كيفيتها قد زَادَت فِي كميتها حَتَّى مَلَأت الأوعية ومددتها.,"THE SIGNS OF PLETHORA Regarding plethora there are two aspects. There is the plethora in regard to the cavities, tubes, and juice canals; and there is the plethora in regard to power or strength (vitality). Plethora of the channels of the body consists of an undue amount of humours or of breath. These may be healthy in quality, and merely superabundant in quantity, so that the channels are overdistended and overfilled." وَصَاحبه يكون على خطر من الْحَرَكَة فَإِنَّهُ رُبمَا صدع الامتلاء للعروق وسالت إِلَى المخانق فَحدث خناق وصرع وسكتة. وعلاجه هُوَ الْمُبَادرَة إِلَى الفصد.,"In such a case movements become dangerous, the vascular channels running a risk- of rupture, followed by a flux towards the regions where there is back-pressure, and choking of these parts may occur, with subsequent apoplexy or epilepsy. To relieve such, the local plethora must be rapidly relieved by venesection." وَأما الامتلاء بِحَسب الْقُوَّة فَهُوَ أَن لَا يكون الْأَذَى من الأخلاط لكميتها فَقَط بل لرداءة كيفيتها فَهِيَ تقهر الْقُوَّة برداءة كيفيتها وَلَا تطاوع الهضم والنضج وَيكون صَاحبهَا على خطر من أمراض,"Plethora of strength of faculties. In this case the error is not in quantity of humours, but in unhealthiness of quality, whereby the faculties are embarrassed, and they become inefficient for the processes of digestion and maturation. A person who is in this state is in danger of putrefactive disorders." أما عَلَامَات الامتلاء جملَة: فَهِيَ ثقل الْأَعْضَاء والكسل عَن الحركات واحمرار اللَّوْن وانتفاخ الْعُرُوق وتمدد الْجلد وامتلاء النبض وانصباغ الْبَوْل وثخنه وَقلة الشَّهْوَة وكلال الْبَصَر,Speaking in general the signs of plethora of the first type are: Objective: red face; full veins; tightness of skin; sluggish movements (gestures); full pulse. High-coloured urine; dense urine; scanty appetite. Subjective: sense of weight in the limbs; weak vision. والأحلام الَّتِي تدلّ على الثّقل مثل من يرى أَنه لَيْسَ بِهِ حراك أَو لَيْسَ بِهِ اسْتِقْلَال للنهوض أَو يحمل حملا ثقيلاً أَو لَيْسَ يقدر على الْكَلَام كَمَا أَن رُؤْيا الطيران وَسُرْعَة الحركات تدل على أَن الأخلاط رقيقَة وبقدر معتدل وعلامات الامتلاء بِحَسب الْقُوَّة.,"dreams in which there is a sense of weight as when one dreams one is unable to move, or is carrying a heavy weight, or cannot give utterance to words. This kind of dream may be compared with that associated with attenuation of humours, or where the humours are moderate in amount for here one dreams one is flying through the air, or moving at a great speed." أما الثّقل والكسل وَقلة الشَّهْوَة فَهُوَ يُشَارك فِيهَا الامتلاء الأول وَلَكِن إِذا كَانَ الامتلاء بِحَسب الْقُوَّة ساذجاَ لم تكن الْعُرُوق شَدِيدَة الانتفاخ وَلَا الْجلد شَدِيد التمدد وَلَا النبض شَدِيد الامتلاء والعظم وَلَا المَاء كثير الثخن وَلَا اللَّوْن شَدِيد الْحمرَة,"The signs of plethora in respect of faculties: Heaviness; sluggishness; loss of appetite (these are also present in the preceding type). Disinclination for exertion. Sense of burden someness. If the plethora of the faculty is unaccompanied by plethora of humours, the veins are not as distended, and the skin is not as tense, or the pulse as full and large, or the urine as gross (dense) or as red in colour." وَيكون الانكسار والإعياء إِنَّمَا يهيج فِيهِ بعد الْحَرَكَة وَالتَّصَرُّف وَتَكون أحلامه تريه حكة ولذعاً وإحراقاً وروائح مُنْتِنَة. ويدلّ أَيْضا على الْخَلْط الْغَالِب بدلائله الَّتِي سنذكرها. وَفِي أَكثر الْأَمر فَإِن الامتلاء بِحَسب الْقُوَّة يولّد الْمَرَض قبل استحكام دلائله.,"There is no lassitude except after undue movement and exercise and activity. The dreams consist of sensations of itching, stinging, burning, and of fetid odours. Which of the humours it is which is dominant in such cases is discerned by the signs which now follow. But in the case of plethora of faculty, illness ensues before all its signs are manifest." (الْفَصْل السَّابِع عَلَامَات غَلَبَة الْخَلْط),THE EVIDENCES WHICH SHOW WHICH OF THE HUMOURS خلط أما الدَّم إِذا غلب فعلاماته: مُقَارنَة لعلامات الامتلاء بِحَسب الأوعية وَلذَلِك قد يحدث من غلبته ثقل فِي الْبدن فِي أصل الْعَينَيْنِ خَاصَّة وَالرَّأْس والصدغين وتمط وتثاؤب وغشيان ونعاس لازب وتكدر الْحَواس وبلادة فِي الْفِكر وإعياء بِلَا تَعب سَابق وحلاوة فِي الْفَم غير معهودة وَحُمرَة فِي اللِّسَان وَرُبمَا ظهر فِي الْبدن دماميل وَفِي الْفَم بثور ويعرض سيلان دم من الْمَوَاضِع السهلة الانصداع كالمنخر والمقعدة واللثة. وَقد يدلّ عَلَيْهِ المزاج وَالتَّدْبِير السالف والبلد وَالسّن والعاثة وَبعد الْعَهْد بالفصد والأحلام الدَّالَّة عَلَيْهِ مثل الْأَشْيَاء الْحمر يَرَاهَا فِي النّوم وَمثل سيلان الدَّم الْكثير عَنهُ وَمثل الثخانة فِي الدَّم وَمَا أشبه مَا ذكرنَا. وَأما عَلَامَات غَلَبَة البلغم: فبياض زَائِد فِي اللَّوْن وترهّل ولين ملمس وبرودة وَكَثْرَة الرِّيق ولزوجته وَقلة الْعَطش إِلَّا أَن يكون مالحاً وخصوصاً فِي الشيخوخة وَضعف الهضم والجشاء الحامض وَبَيَاض الْبَوْل وَكَثْرَة النّوم والكسل واسترخاء الأعصاب والبلادة ولين نبض إِلَى البطء والتفاوت ثمَّ السن وَالْعَادَة وَالتَّدْبِير السالف والصناعة والبلد والأحلام الَّتِي يرى فِيهَا مياه وأنهار وثلوج وأمطار وَبرد برعدة. وَأما عَلَامَات غَلَبَة الصَّفْرَاء: فصفرة اللَّوْن والعينين ومرارة الْفَم وخشونة اللِّسَان وجفافه ويبس المنخرين واستلذاذ النسيم الْبَارِد وشدّة الْعَطش وَسُرْعَة النَّفس وَضعف شَهْوَة الطَّعَام والغثيان والقيء الصفراوي الْأَصْفَر والأخضر وَالِاخْتِلَاف اللاذع وقشعريرة كغرز الأبر ثمَّ التَّدْبِير السالف وَالسّن والمزاج وَالْعَادَة والبلد وَالْوَقْت والصناعة والأحلام الَّتِي يرى فِيهَا النيرَان والرايات الصفر وَيرى الْأَشْيَاء الَّتِي لَا صفرَة لَهَا مصفرة وَيرى التهاباً وحرارة حمام أَو شمس وَمَا يشبه ذَلِك. وَأما عَلَامَات غَلَبَة السَّوْدَاء: فقحل اللَّوْن وكمودته وَسَوَاد الدَّم وغلظه وَزِيَادَة الوسواس والفكر واحتراق فَم الْمعدة والشهوة الكاذبة وَبَوْل كمد وأسود وَأمر غليظ وَكَون الْبدن أسود أزب فقلما تتولد السَّوْدَاء فِي الْأَبدَان الْبيض الزعر وَكَثْرَة حُدُوث البهق الْأسود والقروح الرَّديئَة وَعلل الطحال وَالسّن والمزاج وَالْعَادَة والبلد والصناعة وَالْوَقْت وَالتَّدْبِير السالف والأحلام الهائلة من الظُّلم والهوات والأشياء السود والمخاوف.,(العلامات مجموعةٌ في جدولٍ في الكتاب الإنجليزي المبدَّف) الْفَصْل الثَّامِن العلامات الدَّالَّة على السدد,SIGNS OF OBSTRUCTION (TO THE FLOW OF THE HUMOURS) إِنَّه إِذا احتقنت مواد ودلت الدَّلَائِل عَلَيْهَا وأحس بتمدّد وَلم يحس بدلائل الامتلاء فِي الْبدن كُله فهناك سدد لَا محَالة وَأما النَّقْل فيحسّ فِي السدد إِذا كَانَت السدد فِي مجار لَا بُد من أَن يجْرِي فِيهَا مواد كَثِيرَة,"OBSTRUCTION is known to be present if there are signs indicative of accumulation of matters, and the patient experiences the sensation of fullness throughout the body general plethora. If the obstructions are in those channels through which much fluid is bound to flow," مثل مَا يعرض من السدد فِي الكبد فَإِن مَا يصير من الْغذَاء إِلَى الكبد إِذا عاقته السدد عَن النّفُوذ اجْتمع شَيْء كثير وَاحْتبسَ وأثقل ثقلاً كثيرا فَوق ثقل الورم ويميز عَن الورم بِشدَّة الثّقل وَعدم الْحمى.,"there is a feeling of weight or heaviness. Thus, in hepatic obstructions, the material from the aliments cannot enter the organ, and therefore accumulates and is retained, so as to produce a much greater “encumbrance” than an inflammatory swelling would. The difference from the latter consists in the great heaviness and the absence of fever." وَأما إِذا كَانَت السدّة فِي غير هَذِه المجاري لم يحس بثقل وأحس باحتباس نُفُوذ الدَّم وبالتمدّد وَأكْثر من بِهِ سدد فِي الْعُرُوق يكون لَونه أصفر لِأَن الدَّم لَا ينبعث فِي مجاريه إِلَى ظَاهر الْبدن.,"Obstructions in other channels do not lead to such a sensation of heaviness, but only one of overfullness and of stretching and tenseness. Obstruction in venous channels causes the skin to become tinged with yellow, since the blood does not then gain access to the surface (layers of the skin)." الْفَصْل التَّاسِع العلامات الدَّالَّة على الرِّيَاح,THE SIGNS OF GASEOUS DISTENSION الرِّيَاح قد يسْتَدلّ عَلَيْهَا بِمَا يحدث فِي الْأَعْضَاء الحساسة من الأوجاع وَذَلِكَ تَابع لما يَفْعَله من تفرّق الِاتِّصَال ويستدلّ عَلَيْهَا من حركات تعرُّض للأعضاء ويستدلّ عَلَيْهَا من الْأَصْوَات ويستدل عَلَيْهَا باللمس.,Gaseous distension is recognized by means of pain experienced in the sentient members. This is because the gases produce a severance of continuity in the tissue-elements; by the movements which take place in the sentient members; by sound; by touch. وَأما الأوجاع الممددة تدل على الرِّيَاح لَا سِيمَا إِذا كَانَت مَعَ خفَّة فَإِن كَانَ هُنَاكَ انْتِقَال من الوجع فقد تمت الدّلَالَة وَهَذَا إِنَّمَا يكون إِذا كَانَ تفرق الِاتِّصَال فِي الْأَعْضَاء الحساسة.,"The pain of stretching is a sign of gaseous distension, especially if the painful tissues are soft to the touch. The evidence will be complete if the pain afterwards- ceases, for this could not occur without there being a loss of continuity." وَأما مثل الْعظم وَاللَّحم الغددي فَلَا يبين ذَلِك فِيهَا بالوجع فقد يكون من ريَاح الْعِظَام مَا يكسر الْعِظَام كسراً ويرضّها رضًّا وَلَا يكون لَهُ وجع إِلَّا تَابعا لحس المنكسر بِمَا يَلِيهِ.,"In members like bone or glandular tissues, gaseous distension is not manifested by pain, even if such distension arises in bones which have been fractured (unless the skin has been torn by the fractured ends)." وَأما الِاسْتِدْلَال على الرِّيَاح من حركات الْأَعْضَاء فَمثل الِاسْتِدْلَال من الاختلاجات على ريَاح تتكون وتتحرك على الإقلال والتحلّل.,"The movements which point to gaseous distension are: fidgeting, tossing about (peristalsis). They are produced by the gaseous materials making their way through the organs out of the body." وَأما الِاسْتِدْلَال عَلَيْهَا من الْأَصْوَات فإمَّا أَن تكون الْأَصْوَات مِنْهَا أَنْفسهَا كالقراقر وَنَحْوهَا وكما يحس فِي الطحال إِذا كَانَ وَجَعه من ريح بغمز وَإِمَّا أَن يكو الصَّوْت يفعل فِيهَا بالقرع كَمَا يميّز بَين الاسْتِسْقَاء الزقيّ والطبلي بِالضَّرْبِ.,"Noises may be produced, e.g., gurglings, rumblings. These may be evoked by manual compression, percussing as is done for distinguishing between dropsy (ascites) and tympanites." وَأما الِاسْتِدْلَال عَلَيْهَا من طَرِيق الْمس يُمَيّز بَين النفخة والسلعة بِمَا يكون هُنَاكَ من تمدّد مَعَ انغماز فِي غير رطوبة سيّالة مترجرجة أَو خلط لزج فَإِن الحسّ اللمسي يميّز بَين ذَلِك وَالْفرق بَين النفخة وَالرِّيح لَيْسَ فِي الْجَوْهَر بل فِي هَيْئَة الْحَرَكَة والركود والإنزعاج.,"Touch enables one to distinguish between distension with gas and other nodular swellings. Gaseous distension stretches the part and yields to pressure. That is not the case with fluid distension (liquid, viscous, mucoid). The difference between inflation and gaseous distension is not in substance but in form. The form or shape, of the distended area is different when standing or lying down and manipulation will alter its position." الْفَصْل الْعَاشِر العلامات الدَّالَّة على الأورام,THE EVIDENCES OF SOLID SWELLINGS أما الظَّاهِرَة: فَيدل عَلَيْهَا الْحس والمشاهدة وَأما الْبَاطِنَة فالحار مِنْهَا يدلّ عَلَيْهِ الحمّى اللَّازِمَة والثقل إِن كَانَ لَا حس للعضو الَّذِي هُوَ فِيهِ أَو التفل مَعَ الوجع الناخس إِن كَانَ للعضو الوارم حسّ.,"The presence of external tumours is easily demon-strated to the sense of sight. Deeply placed inflammatory swellings are revealed by accompanying fever, as well as by a sense of heaviness, if the affected member be devoid of sensation, or of stabbing pain as well as heaviness if the member be sentient." وَمِمَّا يدل أَيْضا أَو يعين فِي الدّلَالَة الآفة الدَّاخِلَة فِي أَفعَال ذَلِك الْعُضْو وَمِمَّا يوكد الدّلَالَة إحساس الانتفاخ فِي نَاحيَة ذَلِك الْعُضْو كَانَ للحس إِلَيْهِ سَبِيل.,"Interference or hindrance to function and movement of a part affords a further sign of the presence of a “tumour.” A certain degree of intumescence of the overlying part is a very important sign of an inflammatory mass, if sensation has access to it." وَأما الْبَارِد فَلَيْسَ يتبعهُ لَا محَالة وجع وتعسر الْإِشَارَة إِلَى علاماته الْكُلية وَإِن سهل أحْوج إِلَى كَلَام مُمل وَالْأولَى أَن نؤخر الْكَلَام فِيهِ إِلَى الْأَقَاوِيل الْجُزْئِيَّة فِي عُضْو عُضْو. وَالَّذِي يُقَال هَهُنَا أَنه إِذا أحس بثقل وَلم يحس بوجع وَكَانَ مَعَه دَلَائِل غَلَبَة البلغم فليحدس أَنه بلغمي.,"Cold swellings are not accompanied by pain. It is difficult to describe the signs of tumours in a general manner. Even if one could do so it would be at the expense of wearisome words. That is why it is simpler to defer details to the special chapters. It will suffice for the present to say that wherever heaviness and not pain are perceived, and the signs of dominance of the serous humour are present, this leaves no doubt about the swelling being of pituitous nature." وَإِن كَانَ مَعَه دَلَائِل غَلَبَة السَّوْدَاء فَهُوَ سوداوي وخصوصاً إِذا لمس وَكَانَ صلباً.,"If there are signs of dominance of the atrabilious humour, and the swelling is hard to the touch, it will be an atrabilious mass, because induration is pre-eminent among the signs of this form of swelling." والصلابة من أفضل الدَّلَائِل عَلَيْهَا. وَإِذا كَانَت الأورام الحارة فِي الأعصاب كَانَ الوجع شَدِيدا والحميات قَوِيَّة وسارعت إِلَى الْإِيقَاع فِي التمدد وَفِي اخْتِلَاط الْعقل وأحدثت فِي حركات الْقَبْض والبسط آفَة.,"Inflammatory swellings in muscular organs are extremely painful, and fever is intense; the nerves are stretched early (causing the pain) and there is delirium. Such swellings interfere with the movements of contraction and expansion." وَجَمِيع أورام الأحشاء يحدث رقة ونحولاً فِي المراق وَإِذا أَجمعت أورام الأحشاء وَأخذت فِي طَرِيق الخراجية اشْتَدَّ الوجع جدا والحمى وخشن اللِّسَان خشونة شَدِيدَة وَاشْتَدَّ السهر وعظمت الْأَعْرَاض وَعظم الثّقل وَرُبمَا أحس الصلابة والتركز,"Swellings in any of the inward parts of the body cause the abdominal wall to become wasted. If they are inflammatory and undergo suppuration and track outwards, they cause extremely severe pain, with fever; the tongue becomes very rough, and there is great wakefulness, and the symptoms become more and more severe notably the sense of heaviness and weight and stiffness in the affected part. Induration and tension become evident." وَرُبمَا ظهر فِي الْبدن نحافة عاجلة وَفِي الْعَينَيْنِ غؤر مغافص فَإِذا تقيّح الْجمع سكنت ثورة الْحمى والوجع والضربان وَحصل بدل الوجع شَيْء كالحكة,"Sudden emaciation of the body, with hollowness of the eyes may develop. But when the process of suppuration has attained maturity, fever is high, pain lessens, the pulse softens, throbbing subsides, and itching replaces the pain." وَإِن كَانَت حمرَة وصلابة خفت الْحمرَة ولان المغمز وسكّنت الْأَعْرَاض المؤلمة كلهَا وَبلغ الثّقل غَايَته فَإِذا انفجر عرض أَولا نافض للذع الْمدَّة ثمَّ ظَهرت حمى بِسَبَب لذع الْمَادَّة,"If there was much redness and induration, the redness lessens, and the induration is less noticeable. Pressure on neighbouring organs lessens, and all the causes of pain subside, along with the great sense of heaviness. When finally the abscess bursts there is a rigor (produced by the acridity of the sanious matter); fever increases again (because of the movement and discharge of the pus)." واستعرض النبض للاستفراغ وَاخْتلف وَأخذ طَرِيق الضعْف والصغر والإبطاء والتفاوت وَظهر فِي الشَّهْوَة سُقُوط. وَكَثِيرًا مَا تسخن لَهُ الْأَطْرَاف. وَأما الْمَادَّة فتندفع بِحَسب جِهَتهَا إِمَّا فِي طَرِيق النفث أَو فِي طَرِيق الْبَوْل أَو فى طَرِيق البرَاز.,"and the pulse becomes “empty,” unequal, weak, infrequent, small, broad, and slow. There is loss of appetite; often the extremities grow warm. The pus may also be discharged through ordinary routes the expectoration, the vomit, the urine, or the fasces." والعلامة الجيدة بعد الانفجار تَمام سُكُون الْحمى وسهولة التنقس وانتعاش الْقُوَّة وَسُرْعَة اندفاع المادّة فِي جِهَتهَا وَرُبمَا انْتَقَلت الْمَادَّة فِي الأورام الْبَاطِنَة من عُضْو إِلَى عُضْو وَذَلِكَ الِانْتِقَال قد يكون جيدا وَقد يكون رديئاً,"The following signs after the bursting of an abscess are good: subsiding fever, easy breathing, return of strength, quick evacuation of pus through its proper channels. Sometimes, however, in deep abscesses, pus passes from one member to another; and this transference is sometimes beneficial, sometimes detrimental." والجيد أَن ينْتَقل من عُضْو شرِيف إِلَى عُضْو خسيس مثل مَا ينْتَقل فِي أورام الدِّمَاغ إِلَى مَا خلف الْأُذُنَيْنِ وَفِي أورام الكبد إِلَى الأربيتين. والرديء أَن ينْتَقل من عُضْو إِلَى عُضْو أشرف مِنْهُ أَو أقلّ صبرا على مَا يعرض بِهِ مثل أَن ينْتَقل من ذَات الْجنب إِلَى نَاحيَة الْقلب أَو إِلَى ذَات الرئة.,"It is beneficial when it passes from a principal member to a subordinate one; as for instance, when it passes from the brain to the tissues behind the ears, and from the liver to the groins. It is detrimental if it passes from an ignoble organ to a noble one, or to a weaker or less resistant organ, as for instance when pleurisy involves the heart or lung." ولانتقال الأورام الْبَاطِنَة وميلان الخراجات الْبَاطِنَة الَّتِي تَحت وَإِلَى فَوق عَلَامَات فَإِنَّهَا إِذا مَالَتْ فِي انتقالها إِلَى مَا تَحت ظهر فِي الشراسيف تمدد وَثقل وَإِذا مَالَتْ فِي انتقالها إِلَى مَا فَوق دلّ عَلَيْهِ سوء حَال النَّفس وضيقه وعسره وضيق الصَّدْر,"The passage of latent or hidden inflammation and abscesses and eruptions to higher or lower regions affords (distinctive) signs. If they pass downwards, this is shown by difficult breathing and other respiratory trouble, and tightness of the chest." والتهاب يبتدىء من تَحت إِلَى فَوق وَثقل فِي نَاحيَة الترقوة وصداع وَرُبمَا ظهر أَثَره فِي الترقوة والساعد. والمائل إِلَى فَوق إِن تمكّن من الدِّمَاغ كَانَ رديئاً فِيهِ خطر وَإِن مَال إِلَى اللَّحْم الرخو الَّذِي خلف الْأُذُنَيْنِ كَانَ فِيهِ رَجَاء خلاص.,"There is a burning sensation beginning below and passing to the upper parts. There is heaviness in the region of the clavicle; and headache. Evidence may also be obtained from the clavicle and forearm. If it should pass upwards, and the brain become involved in inflammation, it is a bad and very grave sign. But if the inflammation passes into the loose tissues behind the ears, there is hope of recovery." والرعاف فِي مثل هَذَا دَلِيل جيد وَفِي جَمِيع أورام الاحشاء. وانتظر فِي استقصاء هَذَا مَا نقُوله من بعد حَيْثُ نستقصي الْكَلَام فِي الأورام وَحَيْثُ نذْكر حَال ورم عُضْو عُضْو من الْبَاطِنَة.,"Epistaxis is a good sign in such a case, as it is in all inflammations of the internal organs. A more careful account of all kinds of swelling will follow later, at the same time as we deal with the morbid states of the several internal organs." الْفَصْل الْحَادِي عشر عَلَامَات تفرق الِاتِّصَال,THE EVIDENCES OF LOSS OF CONTINUITY تفرق الِاتِّصَال إِن عرض فِي الْأَعْضَاء الظَّاهِرَة وقف عَلَيْهِ الْحس وَإِن وَقع فِي الْأَعْضَاء الْبَاطِنَة دلّ عَلَيْهِ الوجع الثاقب والناخس والآكال وَلَا سِيمَا إِن لم يكن مَعَه حمى.,"Loss of continuity in a visible member is readily evident to the senses. In the case of interior organs, loss of continuity is shown by Pain boring, stabbing, tearing. Especially if there is no fever." وَكَثِيرًا مَا يتبعهُ سيلان خلط كنفث الدَّم وانصبابه إِلَى فضاء الصَّدْر وَخُرُوج مُدَّة وقيح إِن كَانَ بعد عَلَامَات الأورام ونضجها. وَالَّذِي يكون عقيب الأورام فَرُبمَا كَانَ دَالا على انفجار عَن نضج وَرُبمَا لم يكن.,"Often there is the flow of some humour such as {a) haemoptysis; (b) effusion into a roomy cavity of the body; (c) outburst of purulent matter: in the cases where loss of continuity follows the maturation of an abscess, with bursting of the abscess." فمان كَانَ عَن نضج سكن الْحمى مَعَ الانفجار واستفراغ الْقَيْح وَسكن الثّقل وخف. وَإِن لم يكن كَذَلِك اشْتَدَّ الوجع وَزَاد. وَقد يسْتَدلّ على تفرق الِاتِّصَال بانخلاع الْأَعْضَاء عَن موَاضعهَا وبزوال الْعُضْو عَن مَوْضِعه وَإِن لم ينخلع كالفتق.,"If the suppurative process has matured, the fever will subside and the pus be discharged, and the sensation of heaviness and pain will subside. Otherwise the pain would increase, and the other symptoms become more severe. In some cases, loss of continuity is revealed by complete luxation of the member, or partial displacement from its proper position (e.g. hernia)." وَقد يسْتَدلّ عَلَيْهِ باحتباس المستفرغات عَن المجاري فَإِنَّهَا رُبمَا انصبت إِلَى فضاء يُؤَدِّي إِلَيْهِ تفرق الِاتِّصَال وَلم ينْفَصل عَن المسلك الطبيعي كَمَا يعرض لمن انخرق أمعاؤه أَن يحتبس برازه,"Diversion of discharges from normal to other channels, or into some cavity, which has itself been produced by the break of continuity. Ex.: traumatic rupture of the intestines, whereby the faecal contents cease to leave the body; (false aneurysm)." وَرُبمَا خَفِي تفرق الِاتِّصَال وَلم يُوقف عَلَيْهِ بالعلامات الْكُلية الْمَذْكُورَة واحتيج فِي بَيَانه إِلَى الْأَقْوَال الْجُزْئِيَّة بِحَسب عُضْو عُضْو وَذَلِكَ بِأَن يكون الْعُضْو لَا حس لَهُ,"In some cases, the existence of loss of continuity, escapes detection by these general signs. Special signs peculiar to each member must then be utilized; such as: loss of sensation." أَو لَا يحتوي على رُطُوبَة فيسيل مَا فِيهِ أَو لَا مجَال لَهُ فيزول عَن مَوْضِعه أَو لَيْسَ يعْتَمد على عُضْو فيزول بانخلاعه.,inability to retain the fluids normally entering the part; rigid or fixed position resulting from displacement of the part from its proper position; lack of rigidity; inability to retain relation to another member from which it has become displaced. وَاعْلَم أَن أصعب الأورام أعراضاَ وأصعب تفرق الِاتِّصَال أعراضاً مَا كَانَ فِي الْأَعْضَاء العصبية الشَّدِيدَة الْحس فَإِنَّهَا رُبمَا كَانَت مهلكة وَأما الغشي والتشنج فيلحقها دَائِما. أما الغشي فلشدة الوجع.,"Prognosis. As you are aware, both loss of continuity and the presence of (inflammatory swellings) are more grave when they occur in very sensitive fibromuscular members. In fact, such loss of continuity may prove fatal from syncope or spasm. The syncope is due to the violence of the pain." وَأما التشنّج فلعصبية الْعُضْو ثمَّ اللَّاتِي تكون على المفاصل فَإِنَّهَا يبطؤ قبُولهَا للعلاج لِكَثْرَة حَرَكَة الْمفصل وللفضاء الَّذِي يكون عِنْد الْمفصل المستعد لانصباب الْموَاد إِلَه وَلِأَن النبض وَالْبَوْل من العلامات الْكُلية لأحوال الْبدن,"the spasms are due to the irritation of the nerves in which the parts are so rich. Next in severity comes loss of continuity near joints, because restoration can only be slow considering the undue mobility of the parts, and the fact that spaces are opened up in and round the joints, and matters readily flow into these spaces. We now proceed to expound the subjects of the Pulse and the Urine, as affording general evidence of morbid states." الْجُمْلَة الأولى النبض وَهِي تِسْعَة عشر فصلا الْفَصْل الأول كَلَام كلي فِي النبض,THE PULSE فَنَقُول: النبض حَرَكَة من أوعية الرّوح مؤلفة من انبساط وانقباض لتبريد الرّوح بالنسيم. وَالنَّظَر فِي النبض إِمَّا كليّ وَإِمَّا جزئي بِحَسب مرض مرض. وَنحن نتكلم هَهُنَا فِي القوانين الْكُلية من علم النبض ونؤخر الْجُزْئِيَّة إِلَى الْكَلَام فِي الْأَمْرَاض الْجُزْئِيَّة,"Definition. The pulse is a movement in the heart and arteries (the receptacles of the breath) which takes the form of alternate expansion and contraction, whereby the breath becomes subjected to the influence of the air inspired. The subject of the pulse may be considered (i) generally, (ii) in regard to each of the several diseases. We defer the latter till a later period when we speak of the diseases themselves. At this stage we discuss the subject generally." فَنَقُول: إِن كل نبضة فَهِيَ مركبة من حركتين وسكونين لِأَن كل نبض مركّب من انبساط وانقباض ثمَّ لَا بُد من تخَلّل السّكُون بَين كل حركتين متضادتين لِاسْتِحَالَة اتِّصَال الْحَرَكَة بحركة أُخْرَى بعد أَن يحصل لمسافتها نِهَايَة وطرف بِالْفِعْلِ وَهَذَا مِمَّا يبين فِي الْعلم الطبيعي,"Description. Every beat of the pulse comprises two movements and two pauses. Thus, expansion: pause: contraction: pause. One movement could not pass at once into another in an opposite direction. There must be a boundary or “limit of an act,” as is expounded in the work on natural science." وحركة الإنقباض عِنْد كثير من الْأَطِبَّاء غير محسوسة أصلا وَعند بَعضهم أَن الإنقباض قد يحسّ إِمَّا فِي النبض الْقوي فلقوته وَأما فِي الْعَظِيم فلإشرافه وَأما فِي الصلب فلشدة مقاومته وَأما فِي الْبَطن فلطول مُدَّة حركته.,"Many doctors consider that it is impossible to perceive the movement of contraction. Others are able to perceive it as “strength” if the pulse is strong; as “degree of expansion” in a large pulse, as “great resistance” in a hard pulse, and, in a slow pulse, by the long period of time occupied by the movement." وَقَالَ جالينوس: إِنِّي لم أزل أغفل عَن الإنقباض مُدَّة ثمَّ لم أزل أتعاهد الجسّ حَتَّى فطنت لشَيْء مِنْهُ ثمَّ بعد حِين أحكمت ثمَّ انْفَتح عَليّ أَبْوَاب من النبض وَمن تعهد ذَلِك تعهدي أدْرك إدراكي وَأَنه – وَإِن كَانَ الْأَمر على مَا يَقُولُونَ – فالانقباض فِي أَكثر الْأَحْوَال غير محسوس,"Galen also says: “For many years I was doubtful about clearly discerning the movement of contraction by touch, and I shelved the question until such time as I should learn enough to fill the gap in my knowledge. After that, the doors of the pulse were opened to me. Whoever should study these things as I did will perceive that which I perceived [as it were, a brilliant light shining suddenly out from behind total darkness. Whoever allows these words to be true and not fabulous will benefit very greatly; despair will not touch him or frighten him from the pursuit of his study, even though he makes no progress for many years.”] Nevertheless there are conditions in which this movement cannot be perceived." وَالسَّبَب فِي وُقُوع الِاخْتِيَار على جس عرق الساعد أُمُور ثَلَاثَة: سهولة متناوله. – وَقلة المحاشاة عَن كشفه. واستقامة وَضعه بحذاء الْقلب وقربه مِنْهُ.,Reason for feeling the pulse at the wrist. It is readily accessible; there is little flesh over it; the patient is not distressed by exposing this part. The artery runs in a straight course (which is no small help towards accuracy of diagnosis: Galen). The distance from the heart is not great. وَيَنْبَغِي أَن يكون الجس وَالْيَد على جنب فَإِن الْيَد المتكئة تزيد فِي الْعرض والإشراف وتنقص من الطول خُصُوصا فِي المهازيل والمستلقية تزيد فِي الإشراف والطول وتنقص من الْعرض.,"Technique in feeling the pulse. {i)The position of the hand. If the palm be turned upwards the pulse will appear wider, less high and less long, especially in thin persons. If the hand be palm down, the pulse seems higher, longer and narrower." وَيجب أَن يكون الجس فِي وَقت يَخْلُو فِيهِ صَاحب النبض عَن الْغَضَب وَالسُّرُور والرياضة وَجَمِيع الانفعالات وَعَن الشِّبَع المثقل والجوع وَعَن حَال ترك الْعَادَات واستحداث الْعَادَات,"Emotional state of the patient. The pulse should be felt at a time when the patient is not in a state of excitement or anger, or affected by exertion, or under the influence of the emotions,, or in a state of satiety (which renders the pulse heavy), or of hunger; nor must it be a time when usual habits are neglected or new ones are being formed." وَيجب أَن ثمَّ نقُول إِن الْأَجْنَاس الَّتِي مِنْهَا تتعرف الْأَطِبَّاء حَال النبض هِيَ على حسب مَا يصفه الْأَطِبَّاء عشرَة وَإِن كَانَ يجب عَلَيْهِم أَن يجعلوها تِسْعَة: فَالْأول مِنْهَا: الْجِنْس الْمَأْخُوذ من مِقْدَار الانبساط. وَالْجِنْس الثَّانِي: الْمَأْخُوذ من كَيْفيَّة قرع الْحَرَكَة الْأَصَابِع.,"Ten features in the pulse. We say that there are ten features in the pulse from which we are able to discern the states of the body. Some group them under only nine headings. Amount of diastole; estimated in terms of length, breadth, and thickness. Quality of impact (lit. knocking at) imparted to the finger of the observer at each beat." وَالْجِنْس الثَّالِث: الْمَأْخُوذ من زمَان كل حَرَكَة. وَالْجِنْس الرَّابِع: الْمَأْخُوذ من قوام الْآلَة. وَالْجِنْس الْخَامِس: الْمَأْخُوذ من خلائه وامتلائه. وَالْجِنْس السَّادِس: الْمَأْخُوذ من حر ملمسه وبرده.,Duration of time occupied in each movement. Consistence of the artery (resistance to the touch). Emptiness or fullness of the vessel between the beats (modern: compressibility). The feel whether hot or cold. وَالْجِنْس السَّابِع: الْمَأْخُوذ من زمَان السّكُون. وَالْجِنْس الثَّامِن: الْمَأْخُوذ من اسْتِوَاء النبض واختلافه. وَالْجِنْس التَّاسِع: الْمَأْخُوذ من نظامه فِي الِاخْتِلَاف أَو تَركه للنظام. وَالْجِنْس الْعَاشِر: الْمَأْخُوذ من الْوَزْن.,The remaining features concern several beats: Duration of time occupied by the pauses. Equality or inequality of force in successive beats. Regularity or irregularity; orderliness or disorderliness. Presence of intermissions. Metre; rhythm; harmony measure; accent. أما من جنس مِقْدَار النبض فَيدل من مِقْدَار أقطاره الثَّلَاثَة الَّتِي هِيَ طوله وَعرضه وعمقه فَتكون أَحْوَال النبض فِيهِ تِسْعَة بسيطة ومركبات. فالتسعة البسيطة هِيَ الطَّوِيل والقصير والمعتدل والعريض والضيق والمعتدل والمنخفض والمشرف والمعتدل.,"Amount of Expansion. The kind of pulse in terms of the three dimensions: length, breadth and thickness. There are nine variations in regard to one dimension alone, and these are called “simple,” and there are nine compound varieties. The simple pulses are: the long, the short and the mean; the broad, the slender and the mean; the deep, the elevated and the mean." فالطويل هُوَ الَّذِي تحس أجزاؤه فِي طوله أَكثر من المحسوس الطبيعي على الْإِطْلَاق وَهُوَ المزاج المعتدل الْحق أَو من الطبيعي الْخَاص بذلك الشَّخْص وَهُوَ المعتدل الَّذِي يَخُصُّهُ وَقد عرفت الْفرق بَينهمَا قبل. والقصير ضِدّه وَبَينهمَا المعتدل وعَلى هَذَا الْقيَاس فاحكم فِي السِّتَّة الْبَاقِيَة.,The long pulse is one which is longer than normal. This is the type appropriate to a person of equable temperament or else approximating to this. The difference between the natural and the equable has been already made plain. The short pulse is contrary to the preceding. The mean between these two extremes completes the first group of three. The remaining six can be understood on the same lines. وَأما المركبات من هَذِه البسيطة فبعضها لَهُ اسْم وَبَعضهَا لَيْسَ لَهُ اسْم فان الزَّائِد طولا وعرضاً وعمقاً يُسمى الْعَظِيم والناقص فِي ثلاثتها يُسمى الصَّغِير وَبَينهمَا المعتدل وَالزَّائِد عرضا وشهوقاً يُسمى الغليظ والناقص فيهمَا يُسمى الدَّقِيق وَبَينهمَا المعتدل.,"As regards the compound pulses, some have received distinctive names and some have not. A pulse which is increased both in length and breadth as well as in depth is called “large.” When all these dimensions show diminution, it is a “small” pulse. The moderate pulse is the mean between these two. A pulse which is increased both in breadth and depth is called “thick”; one which is diminished in these two dimensions is called “slender.” The medium pulse is the mean between the two." وَأما الْجِنْس الْمَأْخُوذ من كَيْفيَّة قرع الْحَرَكَة للاصايع فأنواعه ثَلَاثَة: الْقوي وَهُوَ الَّذِي يُقَاوم الجس عِنْد الانبساط والضعيف يُقَابله والمعتدل بَينهمَا. وَأما الْجِنْس الْمَأْخُوذ من زمَان كل حَرَكَة فأنواعه ثَلَاثَة: السَّرِيع وَهُوَ الَّذِي يتمم الْحَرَكَة فِي مُدَّة قَصِيرَة البطيء ضِدّه ثمَّ المعتدل بَينهمَا.,"Quality of impact. The varieties are three: strong this resists the finger during expansion; weak the opposite character; and the intermediate. Duration of cycle. There are three variants: rapid or short or swift where the movement is completed in a short space of time; slow or sluggish or long the contrary; and the intermediate, or moderately quick pulse." وَأما الْجِنْس الْمَأْخُوذ من قوام الْآلَة فأصنافه ثَلَاثَة: اللين وَهُوَ الْقَابِل للاندفاع إِلَى دَاخل عَن الغامر بسهولة والصلب ضِدّه ثمَّ المعتدل.,"Consistence of artery. There are three variants: soft or easily compressible; hard, firm or incompressible; and one of moderate compressibility." وَأما الْجِنْس الْمَأْخُوذ من حَال مَا يحتوي عَلَيْهِ فأصنافه ثَلَاثَة: الممتلىء وَهُوَ الَّذِي يحس أَن فِي تجويفه رُطُوبَة مائلة. يعْتد بهَا لإفراغ صرف والخالي ضدَه ثمَّ المعتدل. وَأما الْجِنْس الْمَأْخُوذ من ملمسه فأصنافه ثَلَاثَة: الْحَار والبارد والمعتدل بَينهمَا.,"() Fullness or emptiness. The full (high) pulse seems to be overfull of humour and gives the impression that it needs liberating. The empty (low) pulse is contrary in character. There is an intermediate’ between the two. The feel of the pulse. Hot, cold or intermediate." وَأما الْجِنْس الْمَأْخُوذ من زمَان السّكُون فأصنافه ثَلَاثَة: الْمُتَوَاتر وَهُوَ الْقصير الزَّمَان المحسوس بَين القرعتين وَيُقَال لَهُ أَيْضا المتدارك والمتكاثف والمتفاوت ضِدّه وَيُقَال لَهُ أَيْضا المتراخي والمتخلخل وبينهما المعتدل.,"Duration of pause. Hurried (“dense”), where the period between the two successive beats is short; sluggish v (“rare”), where the period is prolonged. And there is a mean." ثمَّ هَذَا الزَّمَان هُوَ بِحَسب مَا يدْرك عَن الإنقباض فَإِن لم يدْرك الإتقباض أصلا كَانَ هُوَ,"This period of time is recognized from the contraction-period, but if contraction cannot be perceived it is estimated from the period between two expansions. In this case it is reckoned from the times of the two extremes." وَأما الْجِنْس الْمَأْخُوذ من الاسْتوَاء وَالِاخْتِلَاف فَهُوَ إِمَّا مستو وَإِمَّا مُخْتَلف غير مستو وَذَلِكَ بِاعْتِبَار تشابه نبضات أَو أَجزَاء نبضة أَو جُزْء وَاحِد من النبضة فِي أُمُور خَمْسَة: الْعظم والصغر وَالْقُوَّة والضعف والسرعة والبطء والتواتر والتفاوت والصلابة واللين,"Equality or inequality. This is reckoned according as the successive pulses are similar or dissimilar, there being a difference of size (large or small), strength (strong or weak), swiftness (rapid or slow; prompt or sluggish), hardness or softness." حَتَّى إِن النبض الْوَاحِد يكون أَجزَاء انبساطه أسْرع لشدَّة الْحَرَارَة أَو أَضْعَف للضعف وَإِن شِئْت بسطت القَوْل فاعتبرت فِي الاسْتوَاء وَالِاخْتِلَاف فِي الْأَقْسَام الْمَذْكُورَة الثَّلَاثَة سَائِر الْأَقْسَام الآخَر.,"until it happens that the second expansion of the first pulse is overtaken by the first of the next (due to excess of innate heat), or is weaker than the next (excess of weakness). If desired, one could expand this discourse and consider the equality or inequality in regard to the three variants in the other features of the pulse already named." لَكِن ملاك الِاعْتِبَار مَصْرُوف إِلَى هَذِه والنبض المستوي على الْإِطْلَاق هُوَ النبض المستوي فِي جَمِيع هَذِه وَإِن اسْتَوَى فِي شَيْء مِنْهَا وَحده فهر مستوفية وَحده كَأَنَّك قلت مُسْتَوْفِي الْقُوَّة أَو مُسْتَوْفِي السرعة.,"But it is sufficient to consider them only in regard to strength. Regular (“equal”) pulse in the strict sense is one which is regular in all these respects; if it is regular only in one feature, it is so specified. Thus we speak of a pulse as regular (“equal”) in strength or regular in speed." وَكَذَلِكَ الْمُخْتَلف وَهُوَ الَّذِي لَيْسَ بمستوٍ فَهُوَ إِمَّا على الْإِطْلَاق وَإِمَّا فِيمَا لَيْسَ فِيهِ بمستو.,In the same way a pulse is irregular either in all respects or only in one. وَأما الْجِنْس الْمَأْخُوذ من النظام وَغير النظام فَهُوَ ذُو نَوْعَيْنِ مُخْتَلف مُنْتَظم ومختلف غير مُنْتَظم والمنتظم هُوَ الَّذِي لاختلافه نظام مَحْفُوظ يَدُور عَلَيْهِ وَهُوَ على وَجْهَيْن: إِمَّا مُنْتَظم على الْإِطْلَاق وَهُوَ أَن يكون للمتكرر مِنْهُ خلاف وَاحِد فَقَط واما مُنْتَظم يَدُور,"Orderliness or disorderliness. There are two forms: the pulse may be irregularly orderly or irregularly disorderly. The orderly pulse maintains orderly succession. This occurs in one of two modes. The orderliness is absolute, where there is every feature maintained; or cyclical." وَهُوَ أَن يكون لَهُ دوراً اختلافين فَصَاعِدا مثل أَن يكون هُنَاكَ دور ودور آخر مُخَالف لَهُ إِلَّا أَنَّهُمَا يعودان مَعًا على ولائهما كدور وَاحِد وَغير المنتظم ضِدّه وَإِذا حققت وجدت هَذَا الْجِنْس التَّاسِع كالنوع من وَيَنْبَغِي أَن يُعلَم أَن فِي النبض طبيعة موسيقاوية مَوْجُودَة,"where there are two or more irregularities which keep on repeating in cycles, as if there were two cycles simultaneously, or superposed, so. that the original order reappears. In this way it becomes evident that the tenth feature belongs here, in a certain sense; so that those who restrict the features to nine instead of ten are justified. For one must now see the musical character of the pulse." فَكَمَا أَن صناعَة الموسيقى تتمّ بتأليف النغم على نِسْبَة بَينهَا فِي الحدة والثقل وبأدوار إِيقَاع مِقْدَار الْأَزْمِنَة الَّتِي تتخلل نقراتها كَذَلِك حَال النبض فَإِن نِسْبَة أزمتها فِي السرعة والتواتر إيقاعية وَنسبَة أحوالها فِي الْقُوَّة والضعف وَفِي الْمِقْدَار نِسْبَة كالتأليفية,"For in the art of music sounds are juxtaposed in orderly relations of loudness and softness which keep on repeating at regular intervals; rates of utterance vary some sounds coming close to one another, and others being further apart; the attack may be abrupt or gentle, sharp or dull. The notes may be sounded clearly or be indefinite; they may be strong or weak; the volume may be full or “thin.” The rhythm of the sequence of the sounds may be regular or irregular. In feeling the pulse, all these features are also to be met with." وكما أَن أزمنة الْإِيقَاع ومقادير النغم قد تكون متفقهّ وَقد تكون غير متفقة كَذَلِك الاختلافات قد تكون منتظمة وَقد تكون غير منتظمة وَأَيْضًا نسب أَحْوَال النبض فِي الْقُوَّة والضعف والمقدار قد تكون متفقة وَقد تكون غير متفقة بل مُخْتَلفَة وَهَذَا خَارج عَن جنس اعْتِبَار النظام.,"The intervals between the beats, or the successions, may be harmonious or inharmonious. So, too, the irregularities may be orderly or disorderly. It is orderly when there is a proper relation of strength and weakness. It is disorderly if there is not. All this belongs to the question of order and regularity." وجالينوس  يرى أَن الْقدر المحسوس من مناسبات الْوَزْن مَا يكون على إِحْدَى هَذِه النّسَب الموسيقاوية الْمَذْكُورَة إِمَّا على نِسْبَة الْكل والخمسة وَهُوَ على نِسْبَة ثَلَاثَة أَضْعَاف إِذْ هُوَ الضعْف مؤلفة بِنِسْبَة الزَّائِد نصفا وَهُوَ الَّذِي يُقَال لَهُ نِسْبَة الَّذِي بالخمسة وَهُوَ الزَّائِد نصفا وعَلى نِسْبَة الَّذِي بِالْكُلِّ وَهُوَ الضعْف وعَلى نِسْبَة الَّذِي بالخمسة وَهُوَ الزَّائِد نصفا وعَلى نِسْبَة الَّذِي بالأربعة وَهُوَ الزَّائِد ثلثا وعَلى نِسْبَة الزَّائِد ربعا ثمَّ لَا يحس,"Galen indeed discussed the metre of the pulse, or its rhythm along the lines of musical nomenclature. Thus we would have double time, three-four time, common time, four-five time, five-six time, and so on. For those who have a sensitive touch and a keen sense of rhythm, with a training in the musical art, such minutiae of observation could be correlated in the mind." وَأَنا أستعظم ضبط هَذِه النّسَب بالجس وأسهله على من اعْتَادَ درج الْإِيقَاع وتناسب النغم بالصناعة ثمَّ كَانَ لَهُ قدرَة على أَن يعرف الموسيقى فيقيس الْمَصْنُوع بالمعلوم فَهَذَا الْإِنْسَان إِذا صرف تَأمله إِلَى النبض أمكن أَن يفهم هَذِه النّسَب بالجس.,"I am surprised to think how many of such relations could be perceived by the sense of touchy and yet I am confident that it can be done if one is habituated to the use of it, and can apportion metre and beats of time. On the other hand, since these variations all belong to inequality and disorderliness it is not necessary to define them particularly." وَأما الْجِنْس الْمَأْخُوذ من الْوَزْن فَهُوَ بمقايسهّ مقادير نسب الْأَزْمِنَة الْأَرْبَعَة الَّتِي للحركتين والوقوفين وَإِن قصر الجس عَن ضبط ذَلِك كُله فبمقايسة مقادير نسب أزمنة الإنبساط إِلَى الزَّمَان الَّذِي بَين انبساطين.,"Metre. Even if the preceding details cannot be perceived, at least the relation between period of expansion and period of pause can be appreciated, as well as the relation between the total duration of beat and the total duration of pause." وَبِالْجُمْلَةِ الزَّمَان الَّذِي فِيهِ الْحَرَكَة إِلَى الزَّمَان الَّذِي فِيهِ السّكُون. وَالَّذين يدْخلُونَ فِي هَذَا الْبَاب مقايسة زمَان الْحَرَكَة بِزَمَان الْحَرَكَة وزمان السّكُون بِزَمَان السّكُون فهم يدْخلُونَ بَابا فِي بَاب على أَن ذَلِك الإدخال جَائِز أَيْضا غير محَال إِلَّا أَنه غير جيد.,"Under this heading, then, we place: first total period of pulse: next total period; period of expansion: period of pause; period of expansion plus period of pause: period of contraction plus period of pause; period of expansion: period of contraction. A relation of period of expansion: period of contraction; or, period of first pause: period of second pause, is not important." وَالْوَزْن هُوَ الَّذِي يَقع فِيهِ النّسَب الموسيقاوية. ونقول إِن النبض إِمَّا أَن يكون جيّد الْوَزْن وَإِمَّا أَن يكون رَدِيء الْوَزْن. ورديء الْوَزْن أَنْوَاعه ثَلَاثَة: أَحدهَا: المتغيِّر الْوَزْن مجاوز الْوَزْن وَهُوَ الَّذِي يكون وَزنه وزن سنّ يَلِي سنّ صَاحبه كَمَا يكون للصبيان وزن نبض الشبَّان.,"Metre (rhythm, “beat,” accent) is good (eurhythm) or bad (arhythm) according to the musical analogy. There are three kinds of arhythm: (i) pararhythm, where the beat is altered only slightly, and temporarily. Ex.: where the adult has a metre which is only natural in youth; where a child shows a rhythm proper to an adult," وَالثَّانِي: مباين الْوَزْن كَمَا يكون للصبيان مثل وزن نبض الشُّيُوخ. وَالثَّالِث: الْخَارِج عَن الْوَزْن وَهُوَ الَّذِي لَا يشبه فِي وَزنه نبضاً من نبض الْأَسْنَان. وَخُرُوج النبض عَن الْوَزْن كثيرا يدل على تغير حَال عَظِيم.,"(ii) Heterorhythm. This is a change greater in degree. Ex.: where a youth has a metre proper to an old man. (iii) Etrhythm. Here the change is to something altogether different, as where the metre does not conform to the human type at all. A great change of metre denotes great change of bodily state." شرح خَاص النبض المستوي والمختلف,THE REGULAR AND THE IRREGULAR PULSE يَقُولُونَ: إِن النبض الْمُخْتَلف إِمَّا أَن يكون اختلافه فِي نبضات كَثِيرَة أَو فِي نبضة وَاحِدَة. والمختلف فِي نبضة وَاحِدَة إِمَّا أَن يخْتَلف فِي أَجزَاء كَثِيرَة أَي مواقع للأصابع متباينة أَو فِي جُزْء وَاحِد أَي فِي موقع أصْبع وَاحِد.,"Some say that irregularity (dissimilarity) of the pulse applies to a succession of beats or to any individual beat. But when the irregularity is in the individual beat the various components are diverse, whether in the various places where one applies one’s fingers, or only at one particular point of application." والمختلف فِي نبضات كَثِيرَة مِنْهُ الْمُخْتَلف المتدرج الْجَارِي فِي الاسْتوَاء وَهُوَ أَن يَأْخُذ من نبضة وينتقل إِلَى أَزِيد مِنْهَا أَو أنقص وَيسْتَمر على هَذَا النهج حَتَّى يوافي غَايَة فِي النُّقْصَان أَو غَايَة فِي الزِّيَادَة بتدريج متشابه,"When the irregularity -is in regard to several pulsations there may be a regular succession of events. This begins with one pulsation and there is a change to a greater or lesser, following on regularly step by step until a maximum or minimum is reached." فَيَنْقَطِع عَائِدًا إِلَى الْعظم الأول أَو متراجعأ من صغره تراجعاَ متشابهاٌ فِي الْحَالين جَمِيعًا للمأخذ الأول أَو مُخَالفا بعد أَن يكون مُتَوَجها من ابْتِدَاء بِهَذِهِ الصّفة إِلَى انْتِهَاء بِهَذِهِ الصّفة. وَرُبمَا وصل إِلَى الْغَايَة وَرُبمَا انْقَطع دونه وَرُبمَا جاوزه.,"after which there is a break, and the original cycle is resumed. Or, the beats continue at the same level for a time, and there is then an intermission and the original cycle is resumed." وَحين  يَنْقَطِع فَرُبمَا يَنْقَطِع فِي وَسطه بفترة وَقد يفعل خلاف الِانْقِطَاع وَهُوَ أَن يَقع فِي وَسطه. وَذُو الفترة من النبض هُوَ الْمُخْتَلف الَّذِي يتَوَقَّع فِيهِ حَرَكَة فَيكون سُكُون وَالْوَاقِع فِي الْوسط هُوَ الْمُخْتَلف الَّذِي حَيْثُ يتَوَقَّع فِيهِ سُكُون فَيكون حَرَكَة.,"The whole cycle may show only one irregularity or it may show two or more. In this case, it is as if there were two cycles, distinct from one another, and yet keeping to one order, so that the whole seems to be just one single cycle. The irregularity may consist in the occurrence of a pause when one expects a beat, or in the occurrence of a beat in the middle of a pause." وَأما اخْتِلَاف النبض فِي أَجزَاء كَثِيرَة من نبضة وَاحِدَة فإمَّا فِي وضع أَجْزَائِهَا أَو فِي حَرَكَة أَجْزَائِهَا. أما الإختلاف الَّذِي فِي وضع الْأَجْزَاء فَهُوَ اخْتِلَاف نِسْبَة أَجزَاء الْعرق إِلَى الْجِهَات,"When the irregularity refers to several components of one single pulsation, this may be in regard to relative position or to movement." ولأن الجهات ستة فكذلك ما يقع فيها من الاختلاف وَأما الِاخْتِلَاف فِي الْحَرَكَة فإمَّا فِي السرعة والإبطاء وَإِمَّا فِي التَّأَخُّر والتقدم أَعنِي أَن يَتَحَرَّك جُزْء قبل وَقت حركته أَو بعد وقته وَإِمَّا فِي الْقُوَّة والضعف وَإِمَّا فِي الْعظم والصغر,And as there are six components there will be corresponding irregularities: (a) expansion swift or sluggish; (I) premature or delayed expansion; (c) strength or weakness; (d) largeness or smallness. وَذَلِكَ كُله إِمَّا جَار على تَرْتِيب مستو أَو تَرْتِيب مُخْتَلف بالتزيد والتنقص وَذَلِكَ إِمَّا فِي جزأين أَو ثَلَاثَة أَو أَرْبَعَة أَعنِي مواقع الْأَصَابِع وَعَلَيْك التَّرْكِيب والتأليف.,All of this may be orderly and regular or may vary by exaggeration or by deficiency in two components or in three or in four. This may all be worked out for oneself. وَأما اخْتِلَاف النبض فِي جُزْء وَاحِد فَمِنْهُ الْمُنْقَطع وَمِنْه الْعَائِد ومنْه المتّصل. والمنقطع هُوَ الَّذِي ينْفَصل فِي جُزْء وَاحِد بفترة حَقِيقِيَّة والجزء الْوَاحِد المفصول مِنْهُ بالفترة قد يخْتَلف طرفاه بالسرعة والبطء والتشابه.,"Irregularity of the pulse in one section is shown as an intermitting or as a recurrent or as a continuous pulse. The intermitting pulse: one component is separated from the next only by a short interval and a pause is interposed in another, so that the two extremes of the pulsation vary in swiftness, sluggishness, and the like." وَأما الْعَائِد فَأن يكون نبض عَظِيم رَجَعَ صَغِيرا فِي جُزْء وَاحِد ثمَّ عَاد عودة لَطِيفَة. وَمن هَذَا النَّوْع النبض المتداخل وَهُوَ أَن يكون نبض كنبضتين بِسَبَب الإختلاف أَو بِنُقْصَان كنبض لتداخلهما وعَلى حسب رَأْي الْمُخْتَلِفين فِي ذَلِك.,"The recurrent pulse: here a large pulse becomes small in one component and then becomes slowly large again. In this case there may be two kinds of pulse passing into on,e another, so that, for instance, one pulse, by its irregularity, comes to appear like two, or two pulses come to appear like one. Opinions about this differ." وَأما الْمُتَّصِل فَهُوَ الَّذِي يكون اختلافه متدرجاً على اتِّصَاله غير محسوس الْفَصْل فِيمَا يتَغَيَّر إِلَيْهِ من سرعَة إِلَى بطء أَو بِالْعَكْسِ أَو إِلَى الِاعْتِدَال أَو من اعْتِدَال فيهمَا أَو من عظم أَو صغر أَو اعْتِدَال فيهمَا إِلَى شَيْء مِمَّا ينْتَقل إِلَيْهِ.,"The continuous pulse is one in which the expansion is continual and unbroken. There is a steady increase from slowness to swiftness, and from swiftness’ to slowness; from equality to inequality; from largeness to smaller, and so on." وَهَذَا قد يسْتَمر على التشابه وَقد يتَّفق أَن يكون مَعَ اتِّصَاله فِي بعض الْأَجْزَاء أَشد اخْتِلَافا وَفِي بَعْضهَا أقل.,"There is no break in the change, for it is continuing the whole time. Sometimes there is more irregularity in regard to some of the components and sometimes there is less." أَصْنَاف النبض الْمركب الْمَخْصُوص,THE VARIETIES OF IRREGULAR PULSE WHICH HAVE RECEIVED DISTINCTIVE NAMES فَمِنْهُ الْغَزالِيّ وَهُوَ الْمُخْتَلف فِي جُزْء وَاحِد إِذا كَانَ بطيئاً ثمَّ يَنْقَطِع فيسرع وَمِنْه الموجي وَهُوَ الْمُخْتَلف فِي عظم أَجزَاء الْعُرُوق وصغرها أَو شهوقها.,Gazelle Pulse: [Syn.: goatleap pulse; modern “jerking”; “pulsus bisferiens The expansion is interrupted and occupies a longer time than usual and remains at a certain height and is succeeded by a swift increase to the full height. وَفِي الْعرض وَفِي التَّقَدُّم والتأخر فِي مُبْتَدأ حَرَكَة النبض مَعَ لين فِيهِ وَلَيْسَ بصغير جدا وَله عرض مَا وَكَأَنَّهُ أمواج يَتْلُو بَعْضهَا بَعْضًا على الاسْتقَامَة مَعَ اخْتِلَاف بَينهَا فِي الشهوق والانخفاض والسرعة والبطء,"Undulatory [“bounding” (modern); “like rolling waves”]. The irregularity is in respect of largeness and smallness of artery, of degree of rise, and of breadth, and in the position of the beginning of the beat (whether too soon or too late), and also in softness. It is not very small; it has a certain breadth, recalling the movement of waves, which follow upon one another in orderly fashion and yet vary in the extent of upward rise and downward fall, and in swiftness and slowness." وَمِنْه الدودي وَهُوَ شَبيه بِهِ إِلَّا أَنه صَغِير شَدِيد التَّوَاتُر يُوهم تواتره سرعَة وَلَيْسَ بسريع. والنملي أَصْغَر جدا أَو أَشد تواتراً والدودي والنملي اخْتِلَافهمَا فِي الشهوق وَفِي التَّقَدُّم والتأخر أَشد ظهوراً فِي الجس من اخْتِلَافهمَا فِي الْعرض بل عَسى ذَلِك أَن لَا يظْهر.,"Vermicular [modern “creeping”]. This resembles the preceding, but is small, soft, feeble, and very hurried. The closeness of the beats causes it to be mistaken for a swift or rapid pulse. Formicant Pulse. This is the smallest, most feeble and hurried of all the pulses. [It is not a quick pulse, though apparently swift. (Aeg.)] It differs from the vermicular pulse in the great ease with which upward rise, anteposition of beat or postposition is perceived. Irregularity of breadth is not discernible. [It is a weak form of vermicular pulse; and allied in character to the “hectic ” pulse.]" وَمِنْه المنشاري وَهُوَ شَبيه بالموجي فِي اخْتِلَاف الْأَجْزَاء فِي الشهوق وَالْعرض وَفِي التَّقَدُّم والتأخًر إِلَّا أَنه صلب وَمَعَ صلابته مُخْتَلف الْأَجْزَاء فِي صلابته فالمنشاري نبض سريع متواتر صلب مُخْتَلف الْأَجْزَاء فِي عظم الانبساط والصلابة واللين.,"Serrate Pulse. This [modern “harsh”] pulse resembles the undulatory in the inequality of the various components of the beat upward rise, breadth, anteposition and postposition. It differs, however, in appearing harder, and in its components being of unequal hardness. This pulse is quick, hurried, hard. The irregularity is in respect of size of expansion, of hardness and of softness (see)." وَمِنْه ذَنْب الفار وَهُوَ الَّذِي يتدرّج فِي اخْتِلَاف أَجزَاء من نُقْصَان إِلَى زِيَادَة وَمن زِيَادَة إِلَى نُقْصَان وذنب الفار قد يكون فِي نبضات كَثِيرَة وَقد يكون فِي نبضة وَاحِدَة فِي أَجزَاء كَثِيرَة أَو فِي جُزْء وَاحِد.,"Mousetail. There is progressive inequality of the components from decrease to increase, from increase to decrease. This may apply to several beats or only to one beat or only to a part of a beat." واختلافه الأخصّ هُوَ الَّذِي يتَعَلَّق بالعظم وَقد يكون بِاعْتِبَار البطء والسرعة وَالْقُوَّة والضعف.,"The inequality is in respect of volume, or of slowness (changing to swiftness), or of weakness (changing to strength)." وَمِنْه المسلّي وَهُوَ الَّذِي يَأْخُذ من نُقْصَان إِلَى حد فِي الزِّيَادَة ثمَّ يتناكس على الْوَلَاء إِلَى أَن يبلغ الْحَد الأول فِي النُّقْصَان فَيكون كذنبي فار يتصلان عِنْد الطّرف الْأَعْظَم,"Recurrent [modern “flickering” pulse]. This passes from minuteness to a certain volume, and then fails progressively until it reaches its former minuteness. It is like two myuri placed together end to end." وَمِنْه ذُو القرعتين. والأطباء مُخْتَلفُونَ فِيهِ فَمنهمْ من يَجعله نبضة وَاحِدَة مُخْتَلفَة فِي التَّقَدُّم والتأخر وَمِنْهُم من يَقُول إنَّهُمَا نبضتان متلاحقتان.,"Dicrotic. Doctors are divided in opinion about this pulse. Some regard it as a single beat in which antecession and post-position are unequal; others regard it as a double pulse, one beat following the next too quickly to give time for the second to produce full expansion." وَبِالْجُمْلَةِ لَيْسَ الزَّمَان بَينهمَا بِحَيْثُ يَتَّسِع لانقباض ثمَّ انبساط وَلَيْسَ كل مَا يحس مِنْهُ قرعتان يجب أَن يكون نبضتين وَإِلَّا لَكَانَ الْمُنْقَطع الإنبساط الْعَائِد نبضتين. وَإِنَّمَا يجب أَن يعد نبضتين إِذا ابْتَدَأَ فانبسط ثمَّ عَاد إِلَى العمق منقبضاً ثمَّ صَار مرّة أُخْرَى منبسطاً.,"However, the presence of two beats does not make two distinct pulses. A pulse which makes a partial expansion and then resumes it, w’ould not be dual. It would only be dual if the artery were to fill first, and then pause and then contract and again refill; but otherwise it would virtually be a jerking pulse." وَمِنْه ذُو الفترة وَالْوَاقِع فِي الْوسط الْمَذْكُورَان وَالْفرق بَين الْوَاقِع فِي الْوسط وَبَين الْغَزالِيّ أَن الْغَزالِيّ تلْحق فِيهِ الثَّانِيَة قبل انْقِضَاء الأولى وَأما الْوَاقِع فِي الْوسط فَتكون النبضة الطارئة فِيهِ فِي زمَان السّكُون وانقضاء الْقرعَة الأولى.,"Fading or falling -pulse. Here there is a pause in the middle of the pulsation, as there is in the gazelle pulse. But in the gazelle pulse the second beat begins before the first is finished; in the falling pulse the first beat is completed before the second begins." وَمن هَذِه الْأَبْوَاب النبض المتشنج والمرتعش والملتوي الَّذِي كَأَنَّهُ خيط يلتوي وينفتل وَهِي من بَاب الِاخْتِلَاف فِي التَّقَدُّم والتأخر والوضع وَالْعرض.,"The spasmodic, thrilling and twisted pulse. The latter is compared with a twisted thread; there is here an irregularity between the precession and the later parts of the pulsation, both in position and in breadth." والمتوتر جنس من جملَة الملتوي يشبه المرتعد إِلَّا أَن الانبساط فِي الْمُتَوَاتر أخْفى وَكَذَلِكَ الْخُرُوج عَن اسْتِوَاء الْوَضع فِي الشهوق فِي الْمُتَوَاتر أخْفى وَأما الثمود فَهُوَ فِي الْمُتَوَاتر وَاضح وَرُبمَا كَانَ الْميل مِنْهُ إِلَى جَانب وَاحِد فَقَط.,"The chord-like -pulse feels like a twisted cord (or sinew), and is similar to the thrilling pulse. But in the chord-like pulse the expansion is less conspicuous; the departure from regularity of position of rise is less evident; but tension is evident; the twisting is sometimes only in regard to one portion of the pulsation." وَأكْثر مَا تعرض أَمْثَال الْمُتَوَاتر والملتوي والمائل إِلَى جَانب إِنَّمَا يعرض,"The two kinds of pulse are really equally common, and equally liable to occur in “ dry ” diseases. All the above are simple pulses. The varieties of compound pulse (that is, where there is more than one form of inequality or irregularity at once) are almost innumerable. In any case they have received no special names." الْفَصْل الرَّابِع فِي الطبيعي من أَصْنَاف النبض,THE PULSE DESIGNATED AS “ NATURAL.” كل وَاحِد من الْأَجْنَاس الْمَذْكُورَة الَّتِي تَقْتَضِي تَفَاوتا فِي زِيَادَة ونقصان فالطبيعي مِنْهَا هُوَ المعتدل إِلَّا الْقوي مِنْهَا فَإِن الطبيعي فِيهِ هُوَ الزَّائِد وَإِن كَانَ شَيْء من الْأَصْنَاف الآخر إِنَّمَا زَاد تَابعا للزِّيَادَة فِي الْقُوَّة فَصَارَ أعظم مثلا فَهُوَ طبيعي لأجل القوى.,"Each of the above-named varieties (of pulse) necessitates a distinction into “increased” and “diminished.” And that which is “natural” among them is the “ equable ” pulse, except in the case of the strong sort. For (here) the “natural” pulse is excessive as” to strength. But in other cases, the increase is in natural proportion to the increase in force, so that, for example, as it becomes greater, it is “natural” for it also to be forcible." وَأما الْأَجْنَاس الَّتِي لَا تحْتَمل الأزيد والأنقص فَإِن الطبيعي مِنْهَا هُوَ المستوى والمنتظم وجيد الْوَزْن.,"As for the sorts (of pulse) in which there is no possibility of increase and diminution, in such cases the “ natural ” pulse is the one which is even (equable), regular (orderly), and of good rhythm (weight)" الْفَصْل الْخَامِس أَسبَاب أَنْوَاع النبض الْمَذْكُورَة,THE FACTORS CONCERNED IN THE PRODUCTION OF THE PULSE أَسبَاب النبض: مِنْهَا مِنْهَا أَسبَاب عَامَّة ضَرُورِيَّة ذاتية دَاخِلَة فِي تَقْوِيم النبض وَتسَمى الماسكة وَمِنْهَا أَسبَاب غير دَاخِلَة فِي تَقْوِيم النبض وَهَذِه مِنْهَا لَازِمَة مغيّرة بتغيرها لأحكام النبض وتسمّى الْأَسْبَاب اللَّازِمَة وَمِنْهَا غير لَازِمَة وَتسَمى الْمُغيرَة على الْإِطْلَاق.,"The factors concerned in the production of the pulse are (i) essential and integral in the constitution of the pulse. These are called “contentive” factors; (ii) non-essential: comprising two groups, (a) inseparable that is, if they .were altered, the type of the pulse would be altered; (b) separable; that is, a change may be produced in them without- affecting the type of the pulse." والأسباب الماسكة ثَلَاثَة: الْقُوَّة الحيوانية المحرّكة للنبض الَّتِي فِي الْقلب وَقد عرفتها فِي بَاب القوى الحيوانية. وَالثَّانِي الْآلَة: وَهِي الْعرف النابض وَقد عَرفته فِي ذكر الْأَعْضَاء.,"There are three contentive factors: The (vital) power of the heart, producing the expansion. The elasticity of the artery." وَالثَّالِث الْحَاجة إِلَى التطفئة وَهُوَ المستدعي لمقدار مَعْلُوم من التطفئة ويتجدد بِإِزَاءِ حدّ الْحَرَارَة فِي اشتعالها أَو انطفائها أَو اعتدالها. وَهَذِه الْأَسْبَاب الماسكة تَتَغَيَّر أفعالها بِحَسب مَا يقْتَرن بهَا من الْأَسْبَاب اللَّازِمَة والمغترة على الْإِطْلَاق.,"The resistance, or urge. The influence of the three factors varies with the non- essential factors which may be associated with them at the given time." الْفَصْل السَّادِس مُوجبَات الْأَسْبَاب الماسكة وَحدهَا,THE EFFECT OF THE CONTENTIVE FACTORS UPON THE PULSE إِذا كَانَت الالة مطاوعة للينها وَالْقُوَّة قَوِيَّة وَالْحَاجة شَدِيدَة إِلَى التطفئة كَانَ النبض عَظِيما. وَالْحَاجة أعون الثَّلَاثَة على ذَلِك فَإِن كَانَت الْقُوَّة ضَعِيفَة تبعها صفر النبض لَا محَالة فَإِن كَانَت الْآلَة صلبة مَعَ ذَلِك وَالْحَاجة يسيرَة كَانَ أَصْغَر.,"Large Pulse. If the arterial wall is at the same time yielding, and the vital power is strong, and the resistance excessive, the pulse will be large. The resistance is the chief factor in the production of a large pulse, for should the power fail, the pulse will naturally weaken; and if the arterial wall were also hard, and the resistance lowered, the pulse would be even smaller." والصلابة قد تفعل الصغر أَيْضا إِلَّا أَن الصغر الَّذِي سَببه الصلابة ينْفَصل عَن الصغر الَّذِي سَببه الضعْف بِأَنَّهُ يكون صلباً وَلَا يكون ضَعِيفا وَلَا يكون فِي الْقصر والإنخفاض مفرطاً كَمَا يكون عِنْد ضعف الْقُوَّة.,"An unyielding artery will also make the pulse small. But the difference between a small pulse due to inelastic artery and one due to weakness is that in the former the pulse is hard and not weak or short or low as in the latter. Low resistance also makes a small pulse, but it is not weak." وَقلة الْحَاجة أَيْضا تفعل الصغر وَلَكِن لَا يكون هُنَاكَ ضعف وَلَا شَيْء فِي هَذِه الثَّلَاثَة يُوجب الصغر بمبلغ إِيجَاب الضعْف وَصغر الصلابة مَعَ الْقُوَّة أَزِيد من صغر عدم الْحَاجة مَعَ الْقُوَّة لِأَن الْقُوَّة مَعَ عدم الْحَاجة لَا تنقص من المعتدل شَيْئا كثيرا,"Weakness is the chief cause of all three forms of small pulse. Granted the power is constant, lack of hardness of the artery has more effect than lack of resistance, for there is nothing to prevent the artery from expanding." إِذْ لَا مَانع لَهُ عَن الْبسط وَإِنَّمَا يمِيل إِلَى ترك زِيَادَة على الِاعْتِدَال كَثِيرَة لا حاجة إِلَيْهَا فَإِن كَانَت الْحَاجة شَدِيدَة وَالْقُوَّة قَوِيَّة والآلة غير مطاوعة لصلابتها للعظم فَلَا بُد من أَن يصير سَرِيعا ليتدارك بالسرعة مَا يفوت بالعظم,"The temperament has not much influence unless the resistance be lowered. If the resistance be great and the power strong, and the artery inelastic, the pulse becomes swift. The swiftness makes up for lack of size of pulse." وَأَن كَانَت الْقُوَّة ضَعِيفَة فَلم يتأت لَا تَعْظِيم النبض وَلَا إِحْدَاث السرعة فِيهِ فَلَا بُد من أَن يصير متواتراً ليتدارك بالتواتر مَا فَاتَ بالعظم والسرعة فتقوم المرار الْكَثِيرَة مقَام مرّة وَاحِدَة كَافِيَة عَظِيمَة أَو مرَّتَيْنِ سريعتين,"But if the power be not adequate, and the pulse is therefore unable to become large, and therefore not swift, it necessarily becomes brisk, and this briskness makes up for the lack of volume and swiftness. Several beats of this kind would become equivalent to the effect of one adequately large beat, or of two swift beats." وَقد يشبه هَذَا حَال الْمُحْتَاج إِلَى حمل شىء ثقيل فَإِنَّهُ إِن كَانَ يقوى على حمله جملَة فعل وَإِلَّا قسمه بنصفين واستعجل وَإِلَّا قسمه أقساماً كَثِيرَة فَيحمل كل قسم كَمَا يقدر عَلَيْهِ بتؤدة أَو عجلة,"It is like a man wishing to carry a very heavy weight; if he is able to do so, he will carry it in one journey, though with difficulty; or he may divide it into two, thus making each journey more easily; or, if he cannot manage even that, he will divide the load into many portions, and carry each one as leisurely or as quickly as he washes." ثمَّ لَا يريث بَين كل نقلتين وان كَانَ بطيئاً فيهمَا اللَّهُمَّ إِلَّا أَن يكون فِي غايه الضعْف فيريث وينقل بكد وَيعود ببطء فَإِن كَانَت الْقُوَّة قَوِيَّة والآلة مطاوعة لَكِن الْحَاجة شَدِيدَة أَكثر من الشدَّة المعتدلة فَإِن الْقُوَّة تزيد مَعَ الْعظم سرعَة وَإِن كَانَت الْحَاجة أَشد فعلت مَعَ الْعظم والسرعة التَّوَاتُر.,"He need not rest himself between the journeys, though he may choose to linger. But if he were very weak, he would stop and rest awhile between the loads, and as he becomes tired with the journeys would perform them more slowly. If the vital power be strong, and the artery responsive, and the resistance moderate, the effect of the power would be to make the pulse more swift and of greater volume. But if the resistance were greater, there would be briskness as well as large volume and swiftness." والطول يَفْعَله إِمَّا بِالْحَقِيقَةِ فأسباب الْعظم إِذا منع مَانع عَن الاستعراض والشهوق كصلابة الْآلَة مثلا الْمَانِعَة عَن الاستعراض وكثافة اللَّحْم وَالْجَلد الْمَانِعَة عَن الشهوق وَإِمَّا بِالْعرضِ فقد يعين عَلَيْهِ الهزال.,"The factors which go to make a large pulse also go to make a long pulse, if rise and fall are hindered in any way. For instance, a hard artery cannot widen, and tough flesh and skin, especially if the tissues be wasted, prevents the artery from rising to the finger. The Causes of Dulses bearing Distinctive Names Broad Pulse. Emaciation may make a pulse appear broad." وَالْعرض يَفْعَله إِمَّا خلاء الْعُرُوق فيميل الطَّبَقَة الْعَالِيَة على السافلة فيستعرض أَو شدَّة لين الْآلَة.,"Emptiness of vessel also makes a pulse appear broad, because the two walls come into apposition. A very soft artery gives the same effect." والتواتر سَببه ضعف أَو كَثْرَة حَاجَة لحرارة. والتفاوت سَببه قُوَّة قد بلغت الْحَاجة فِي الْعظم أَو برد شَدِيد قفل من الْحَاجة أوغاية من سُقُوط الْقُوَّة ومشارفة الْهَلَاك.,Hurried pulse. The causes of a hurried pulse are: weakness; great resistance; heat. Sluggish pulse. The causes of a sluggish pulse are: power relatively greater than resistance; great coldness due to resistance; great loss of vital power; approach of death. وَأَسْبَاب ضعف النبض من الْمُغيرَات الْهم والأرق والاستفراغ والتحول والخلط الرَّدِيء والرياضة المفرطة وحركات الأخلاط وملاقاتها لأعضاء شَدِيدَة الْحس ومجاورة للقلب وَجَمِيع مَا يحلل.,"Feeble pulse. The causes of feeble pulse are: loss of natural power by lack of food; emaciation; excessive discharges; insomnia; too much exercise; solicitude; morbid change in the humours; movement of the humours, especially into a very sensitive member, or into a member which is in relation with the heart." وَأَسْبَاب صلابة النبض يبس جرم الْعرق أَو شدّة تمدده أَو شدَّة برد مجمد وَقد يصلب النبض فِي النجارين لشدَّة المجاهدة وتمدد الْأَعْضَاء لَهَا نَحْو جِهَة دفع الطبيعة.,"Hard pulse. The causes of hard (“tense”) pulse are: dryness of the arteries and great stretching of the arteries; intense cold. The pulse may become very hard at the crisis of an illness owing to the intensity of the conflict between the person and his disease, for all the members are implicated. (This pulse is usually also small, quick, and sometimes frequent.)" وَأَسْبَاب لينه الْأَسْبَاب المرطبة الطبيعية كالغذاء أَو المرطبة المرضية كالاستسقاء وليثيارغوس أَو الَّتِي لَيست بطبيعية وَلَا مرضية كالاستحمام.,"Soft pulse. The causes of soft pulse are: “natural” agents with an emollient action, such as aliments (more abundant diet; liquid food). Morbid states which tend to emollient effect: e.g. dropsy, sleepy-sickness, coma, disorders arising from or in a serous humour. Mental states, such as hilarity. Agents which are neither “natural” nor morbid: e.g. bathing (to; excess)." وَسبب اخْتِلَاف النبض مَعَ ثبات الْقُوَّة ثقل مَادَّة من طَعَام أَو خلط وَمَعَ ضعف الْقُوَّة مجاهدة الْعلَّة وَالْمَرَض. وَمن أَسبَاب الِاخْتِلَاف امتلاء الْعُرُوق من الدَّم.,"Irregular pulse. If the vital power be maintained, the cause will be heaviness [in substance] of the food, or of some humour.- If the vital power be weak, it shows a contest between causative agent [of the illness] and the tissues. Other causes: (a) overfullness of the vessels." وَمثل هَذَا يُزِيلهُ الفصد وَأَشد مَا يُوجب الِاخْتِلَاف أَن يكون الدَّم لزجاً خانقاً للروح المتحرك فِي الشرايين وخصوصاً إِذا كَانَ هَذَا التراكم بِالْقربِ من الْقلب وَمن أَسبَابه الَّتِي توجبه فِي مُدَّة قَصِيرَة امتلاء الْمعدة والفم والفكر فِي شَيْء,"This would be remedied by venesection. (b) Viscidity of the blood. In this case the breath becomes choked in the vessels. This form of pulse is especially liable to occur when the breath is also imprisoned in the cardiac region e.g. by an over-full stomach, which produces this effect very rapidly; or by anxiety; or by pain." وَإِذا كَانَ فِي الْمعدة خلط رَدِيء لَا يزَال دم الإختلاف وَرُبمَا أدّى إِلَى الخفقان فَصَارَ النبض خفقانياً. وَسبب المنشاري إختلاف المصبوب فِي جرم الْعرق فِي عفنه وفجاجته ونضجه وَاخْتِلَاف أَحْوَال الْعرق فِي صلَاته وَلينه وورم فِي الْأَعْضَاء العصبانية.,"If the stomach contain depraved humour, the irregularity increases until cardiac tremor comes on, and a thrilling pulse (tachycardia !) results. If the irregularity is orderly, it betokens lesser constitutional injuries; if disorderly, it shows that there are more serious constitutional defects to deal with. Harsh pulse. This pulse shows a varying consistence of the artery which is produced by changes in the composition of the (circulating) humours, whereby decomposition products, “crudities,” or products of maturation diffuse through the vessel wall and affect its mode of expansion. Inflammatory deposits in fibro-muscular organs (e.g. diaphragm, pleura: Rhazes) also render the pulse harsh." وَذُو القرعتين سَببه شدَّة الْقُوَّة وَالْحَاجة وصلابه الْآلَة فَلَا تطاوع لما تكلفها الْقُوَّة من الإنبساط دفْعَة واحده كمن يُرِيد أَن يقطع شَيْئا بضربة وَاحِدَة فَلَا يطاوعه فيلحقها أُخْرَى وخصوصاً إِذا تزايدت الْحَاجة دفْعَة,"Dicrotic pulse. Vital power is strong; the artery is hard; the resistance is considerable. The artery does not at once yield to the force. It suggests a person wishing to sever something at one blow, but failing to do so until helped out, for instance by a sudden dire need to achieve it. (Significance: approaching crisis)." وَسبب النبض الفأري أَن تكون الْقُوَّة ضَعِيفَة فتأخذ عَن اجْتِهَاد إِلَى استراحة ويتدرج وَمن استراحة إِلَى اجْتِهَاد وَالثَّابِت على حَالَة وَاحِدَة أدل على ضعف القوه فذب الفأر وَمَا يُشبههُ أدل على قُوَّة مَا وعَلى أَن الضعْف لَيْسَ فِي الْغَايَة وأردؤه الذَّنب المنقضي ثمَّ الثَّابِت ثمَّ الذَّنب الرَّاجِع.,"Mousetail. Such a pulse is produced when the vital power is weak, as a person who ceases manual labour, or is resuming it after a rest. If it is constant, it shows that the loss of power is greater. However, as long as the pulsation is mousetail in type (and the similar forms) it shows that there is some vitality left. But it is apt to pass on to the terminal mousetail, then to continuous mousetail, and finally end in the grave “recurrent mousetail” (“swooning” pulse)." وَسبب ذَات الفترة إعياء الْقُوَّة واستراحتها أَو عَارض مغافص يتَصَرَّف إِلَيْهِ فِيهَا النَّفس والطبيعة دفْعَة. وَسبب النبض المتشنج حركات غير طبيعية فِي الْقُوَّة ورداءة فِي قوام ى لآلة. والنبض المرتعد ينبعث من قُوَّة وَمن آلَة صلبة وحاجة شَدِيدَة وَمن دون ذَلِك لَا يجب ارتعاده,"Fading or jailing-pulse. The vital power is enfeebled or waning, and inadequate. It is also produced by a sudden change in the “nature” and in the mind. The spasmodic or tense pulse. This is produced when there are non-natural movements in the vital power or when the artery is itself unhealthy. Thrilling pulse. Here the vital power is strong; the artery is hard; the resistance is great. Without these conditions it cannot arise." والموجي قد يكون سبيه ضعف الْقُوَّة فِي الْأَكْثَر فَلَا يتَمَكَّن أَن يبسط الْأَشْيَاء بعد شَيْء ولين الألة قد يكون سَببا لَهُ وَإِن لم تكن الْقُوَّة شَدِيدَة الضعْف لِأَن الألة الرّطبَة اللينة لَا تقبل الهز والتحريك النَّافِذ فِي جُزْء حر قبُول الْيَابِس الصلب فَإِن اليبوسة تهيىء للهز والإرعاد,"Undulatory pulse. This usually means chiefly a lack of vital power, expansion being hardly achieved, if at all, and then only little by little. If the artery is soft, this would itself suffice to produce the effect of waves, even though the power were not much reduced. whereas a dry and hard artery does dryness being responsive to impact and tremor." والصلب الْيَابِس يَتَحَرَّك آخِره من تَحْرِيك أَوله. وَأما الرطب اللين فقد يجوز أَن يَتَحَرَّك مِنْهُ جُزْء وَلَا ينفعل عَن حركته جُزْء آخر لسرعة قبُوله للإنفصال والإنثناء وَالْخلاف قي الْهَيْئَة.,"An artery which is both hard and dry will transmit expansion at once; the soft and moist artery will only do so at the beginning of the pulsation, expansion and alteration of form of the vessel subsiding suddenly so that the other fingers do not perceive any movement." وَسبب النبض الدودي والنملي شدَّة الضعْف حَتَّى يجْتَمع إبطاء وتواتر وَاخْتِلَاف فِي أَجزَاء النبض لِأَن الْقُوَّة لَا تَسْتَطِيع بسط الْآلَة دفْعَة وَاحِدَة بل شَيْئا بعد شَيْء. وَسبب الممتلىء والخالي والحار والبارد والشاهق والمنخفض ظَاهر.,"Vermicular and formicant pulse are produced by great weakness, and so the pulse is sluggish, the intervals between the beats are short, and the components are unequal. This is because the artery is unable to expand at once, but only little by little. (See.)" وَسبب النبض الْوَزْن أما إِن كَانَ النَّقْص فِي أَحْوَال زمَان السّكُون فَهُوَ زِيَادَة الْحَاجة وَأما إِن كَانَ قي أَحْوَال زمَان الْحَرَكَة فَهُوَ زِيَادَة الضعْف أَو عدم الْحَاجة وَأما نقص زمَان الْحَرَكَة بِسَبَب سرعَة الإنبساط فَهُوَ غير هَذَا.,"Pulse of faulty rhythm. If this occurs during a time of repose, it is due to an increased resistance. If it occurs during exercise, there is an increased ‘weakness (of vital power) or deficient degree of resistance. The pulse of exercise produced by swiftness of expansion is something different to this. The causes of full, empty, hot and cold, deep (high) and low pulses are evident." الْفَصْل السَّابِع نبض الذُّكُور وَالْإِنَاث ونبض الْأَسْنَان,THE EFFECT OF AGE AND SEX ON THE PULSE نبض الذُّكُور لشدَّة قوتهم وحاجتهم أعظم وَأقوى كثيرا وَلِأَن حَاجتهم تتمّ بالعظم فنبضهم أَبْطَأَ من نبض النِّسَاء تَفَاوتا فِي الْأَمر الْأَكْثَر وكل نبض تثبت فِيهِ الْقُوَّة وتتواتر فَيجب أَنا يسْرع لَا محَالة لِأَن السرعة قبل التَّوَاتُر فَلذَلِك كَمَا أَن نبض الرِّجَال أَبْطَأَ فَكَذَلِك هُوَ أَشد تَفَاوتا.,"Male Sex. The pulse is larger and much stronger, because the vital power and the resistance are both marked. The pulse is slower and more sluggish than in women because the degree of resistance is so great. If the vital power is maintained, and the pulse is brisk, it must needs be swift. Swiftness comes before briskness. Hence the pulse of males is slow, and is necessarily also sluggish." ونبض الصّبيان أَلين للرطوبة وأضعف وَأَشد تواتراً لِأَن الْحَرَارَة قَوِيَّة وَالْقُوَّة لَيست بقوية فَإِنَّهُم غير مستكملين بعد. ونبض الصّبيان على قِيَاس مقادير أَجْسَادهم عَظِيم,"Late childhood. The pulse is softer because the temperament is moist at this period. It is weaker and more brisk because the innate heat is abundant. The vital power is not great, for growth has not yet become complete. Considering the small size of the body at this age, the pulse is large." لِأَن آلتهم شَدِيدَة اللين وحاجتهم شَدِيدَة وَلَيْسَت قوتهم بِالنِّسْبَةِ إِلَى مقادير أبدانهم ضَعِيفَة لِأَن أبدانهم صَغِيرَة الْمِقْدَار إِلَّا أَن نبضهم بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى نبض المستكملين لَيْسَ بعظيم وَلكنه أسْرع وَأَشد تواتراً للْحَاجة,"This is because the artery is very soft and the resistance strong, and the vital power is not small considering the small bulk of the body (at this age). Compared with the pulse of adult life the pulse at this age is not large but quick and more brisk (due to the resistance)." فَإِن الصّبيان يكثر فيهم اجْتِمَاع البخار الدخاني لِكَثْرَة هضمهم وتواتره فيهم وَيكثر لذَلِك حَاجتهم إِلَى إِخْرَاجه وَإِلَى ترويح حارهم الغريزي.,"This is because at this period of life there is a greater aggregation of “fumosities,” consequent on eating so often and so liberally wherefore more frequent evacuation becomes called for and “ventilation” of the innate heat is desirable." وَأما نبض الشبَّان فزائد فِي الْعظم وَلَيْسَ زَائِدا فِي السرعة بل هُوَ نَاقص فِيهَا جدا وَفِي التَّوَاتُر وذاهب إِلَى التَّفَاوُت لَكِن نبض الَّذين هم فِي أول الشَّبَاب أعظم ونبض الَّذين هم فِي أواسط الشَّبَاب أقوى,"Early adult life. The pulse is large, not very swift indeed inclined to be slower and less brisk; the tendency is to become sluggish. At the beginning of this period of life the volume of the pulse is greater; and at the middle of the period it is stronger." وَقد كُنَّا بَينا أَن الْحَرَارَة فِي الصّبيان والشبان قريبَة من التشابه فَتكون الْحَاجة فيهمَا مُتَقَارِبَة لَكِن الْقُوَّة فِي الشبَّان زَائِدَة فتبلغ بالعظم مَا يُغني عَن السرعة والتواتر وملاك الْأَمر فِي إِيجَاب الْعظم هُوَ الْقُوَّة وَأما الْحَاجة فداعية وَأما الْآلَة فمعينة.,"The innate heat, as we have stated, is about the same in adolescents and in young adults there is therefore about the same resistance in each. The vital power is greater at this period, and the greater volume of pulse therefore compensates for the lack of swiftness and frequency. Vital power is the main reason for the pulse being large at this time of life. The resistance is next in importance, and the state of the arterial wall is the contributory factor." ونبض الكهول أَصْغَر وَذَلِكَ للضعف وَأَقل سرعَة لذَلِك أَيْضا وَلعدم الْحَاجة وَهُوَ لذَلِك أَشد تَفَاوتا ونبض الشُّيُوخ الممعنين فِي السن صَغِير متفاوت بطيء وَرُبمَا كَانَ لينًا بِسَبَب الرطوبات الغريبة لَا الغريزية.,"Elderly persons. The pulse is here smaller because of the weakness of the vital power; the swiftness is lessened both because of this and because of the lessened resistance. Such a pulse is therefore more sluggish. Old age. In advanced years of life, the pulse becomes small, sluggish, slow. If it be also soft this is because of extraneous, and not natural, humours." الْفَصْل الثَّامِن المزاج الْحَار,THE PULSE IN THE VARIOUS TEMPERAMENTS أَشد حَاجَة فَإِن ساعدت الْقُوَّة والآلة كَانَ النبض عَظِيما وَإِن خَالف أَحدهمَا كَانَ على مَا فصل فِيمَا سلف وَإِن كَانَ الْحَار لَيْسَ سوء مزاج بل طبيعياً كَانَ المزاج قَوِيا صَحِيحا وَالْقُوَّة قَوِيَّة جدا,"Hot temperament. The resistance is great. If the vital power and artery correspond, the pulse will be large. But if one of them do not correspond, the pulse will vary in the manner already described. If the heat is not due to an intemperament, but is natural, the vital power will be very strong, and the heat increases." وَلَا تَظن أَن الْحَرَارَة الغريزية يُوجب تزايدها نُقْصَانا فِي الْقُوَّة بَالِغَة مَا بلغت بل توجب الْقُوَّة فِي الْجَوْهَر الروحي والشهامة فِي النَّفس والحرارة التابعة لسوء المزاج كلما ازدادت شدَّة ازدات الْقُوَّة ضعفا.,"But one must not suppose that the increase of innate heat, to however great an extent, will lessen the vital power. For, on the contrary, the power of the breath becomes greater, and the mental qualities show more boldness. If the heat arises from intemperament, the greater the degree of heat, the greater the weakening of vital power." وَأما المزاج الْبَارِد فيميل النبض إِلَى جِهَات النُّقْصَان مثل الصغر خُصُوصا والبطء والتفاوت فَإِن كَانَت الْآلَة لينَة كَانَ عرضهَا زَائِدا وَكَذَلِكَ بطؤها وتفاوتها وَإِن كَانَت صلبة كَانَت دون ذَلِك.,"Cold temperament. The pulse is reduced in breadth, and so becomes small, slow and infrequent (sluggish). If the arteryis soft, the pulse increases in width, and also becomes slow and infrequent. But if the artery be hard, the breadth will lessen." والضعف الَّذِي يورثه سوء المزاج الْبَارِد أَكثر من الَّذِي يورثه سوء المزاج الْحَار لِأَن الْحَار أَشد مُوَافقَة للغريزية. وَأما المزاج الرطب فتتبعه الموجية والاستعراض واليابس يتبعهُ الضّيق والصلابة,"The weakness produced by a cold intemperament is greater than that produced by a hot intemperament because the heat of the latter, for instance, is then more correspondent (i.e. in slowness or activity) than is the innate heat. Moist temperament. The pulse is here soft and wide. Dry temperament. The pulse becomes hard and wiry." ثمَّ إِن كَانَت الْقُوَّة قَوِيَّة وَالْحَاجة شَدِيدَة حدث ذُو القرعتين والمتشنّج والمرتعش ثمَّ إِلَيْك أَن تركب على حفظ مِنْك لِلْأُصُولِ. وَقد يعرض لإِنْسَان وَاحِد أَن يخْتَلف مزاج شقيه فَيكون أحد شقيه بَارِدًا وَالْآخر حاراً,"If the vital power be strong and the resistance great, the pulse will become dicrotic, or spasmodic, or thrilling. These remarks will suffice in regard to the relation between the several temperaments and the simple types of pulse. The effect on composite pulses can be worked out from the principles already explained. It may happen that a person may have a dual temperament, one side being cold and the other hot." فَيعرض لَهُ أَن يكون نبضا شقّيه مُخْتَلفين الِاخْتِلَاف الَّذِي توجبه الْحَرَارَة والبرودة فَيكون الْجَانِب الْحَار نبضه نبض المزاج الْحَار والجانب الْبَارِد نبضه نبض المزاج الْبَارِد وَمن هَذَا يعلم أَن النبض فِي انبساطه وانقباضه لَيْسَ على سَبِيل مد وجزر من الْقلب بل,"The pulse will then be different on the two sides, according to the heat and cold respectively. In the one case it will be like the pulse in hot temperament; in the other like that in cold temperament. From this we learn that the expansion and contraction of the pulse is not merely an effect of the ebb and flow of cardiac action, but there is also an expansion and contraction of the arterial wall itself." (الْفَصْل التَّاسِع نبض الْفُصُول),THE EFFECT OF THE SEASONS ON THE PULSE أما الرّبيع فَيكون النبض فِيهِ معتدلاً فِي كل شَيْء وزائداً فِي الْقُوَّة وَفِي الصَّيف يكون سَرِيعا متواتراً للْحَاجة صَغِيرا ضَعِيفا لانحلال الْقُوَّة بتحلل الرّوح للحرارة الْخَارِجَة المستولية المفرطة.,"Spring. The pulse is equable in all respects except in strength, which is above the mean. Summer. The pulse is quick and brisk, because of the resistance. It is small and weak because the vital power is dispersed by the dispersal of the breath (which in its turn is due to dominance of undue external atmospheric heat)." وَأما فِي الشتَاء فَيكون أَشد تَفَاوتا وإبطاءً وضعفاً مَعَ أَنه صَغِير لِأَن الْقُوَّة تضعف. وَفِي بعض الْأَبدَان يتَّفق أَن تحقن الْحَرَارَة فِي الْغَوْر وتجتمع وتقوي القوّة وَذَلِكَ إِذا كَانَ المزاج الْحَار غَالِبا مقاوماً للبرد لَا ينفعل عَنهُ فَلَا يعمق الْبرد.,"Winter. The pulse is more sluggish, slow, weak, and therefore small. This is because the vital power is lessened. In some people the heat is retained interiorly and aggregated together, thus making the vital power stronger. This is especially so if the temperament is hot, for then the external cold is overruled and prevented from passing inwardly, as would otherwise occur." وَأما فِي الخريف فَيكون النبض مُخْتَلفا وَإِلَى الضعْف مَا هُوَ. أما اختلافه فبسبب كَثْرَة اسْتِحَالَة المزاج العرضي فِي الخريف تَارَة إِلَى حر وَتارَة إِلَى برد.,"Autumn. The pulse is unequal and tends to a certain weakness. The inequality is due to the frequent changes of temperament which occur during this season owing to the fluctuations of temperature. The temperament is now hot, now cold accordingly." وَأما ضعفه فَلذَلِك أَيْضا فَإِن المزاج الْمُخْتَلف فِي كل وَقت أَشد نكاية من الْمُتَشَابه المستوي وَإِن كَانَ رديئاً وَلِأَن الخريف زمَان مُنَاقض لطبيعة الْحَيَاة لِأَن الْحر فِيهِ يضعف واليبس يشْتَد وَأما نبض الْفُصُول الَّتِي بَين الْفُصُول فَإِنَّهُ يُنَاسب الْفُصُول الَّتِي تكتنفها.,"The weakness is due to two causes: (a) a contrary, temperament always renders the injurious effect of a nocument greater than a similar but equable temperament would, even though that be a morbid one; (b) autumn is a season antagonistic to life because at this period the innate heat is lessened and dryness dominates. At periods between the seasons, the pulse corresponds to the adjoining season. The pulse at each season also has its own appropriate rhythm." الْفَصْل الْعَاشِر نبض الْبلدَانِ من الْبلدَانِ معتدلة ربيعية وَمِنْهَا حارة صيفية وَمِنْهَا بَارِدَة شتوية وَمِنْهَا يابسة خريفية فَتكون أَحْكَام النبض فِيهَا على قِيَاس مَا عرفت من نبض الْفُصُول.,THE EFFECTS OF LOCALITY ON THE PULSE Some regions are temperate and vernal; some are hot and aestival; some are cold and winterly; some are dry and autumnal. The character of the pulse will follow the statements made in regard to seasonal influences upon the pulse. الْفَصْل الْحَادِي عشر النبض الَّذِي توجبه المتناولات,THE EFFECTS OF FOOD AND DRINK المتناول يغيّر حَال النبض بكيفيته وكميته. أما بكيفيته فبأن يمِيل إِلَى التسخين أَو التبريد فيتغيّر بِمُقْتَضى ذَلِك. وَأما فِي كميته فَإِن كَانَ معتدلاً صَار النبض زَائِدا فِي الْعظم والسرعة والتواتر لزِيَادَة الْقُوَّة والحرارة وَيثبت هَذَا التَّأْثِير مُدَّة.,"Aliments (lit. substances entering the body from with-out) alter the condition of the pulse according to their quality and quantity, (a) By quality, one refers to the calefacient or infrigidant nature of the substance in question, which has a corresponding effect -upon the pulse. (b) As regards quantity if the amount of aliment is moderate, the pulse shows an increase of volume, swiftness and frequency, owing to the increase of vital power and innate heat resulting; this change in the pulse lasts a considerable time." وَإِن كَانَ كثير الْمِقْدَار جدا صَار النبض مُخْتَلفا بِلَا نظام لثقل الطَّعَام على الْقُوَّة وكل ثقل يُوجب اخْتِلَاف النبض. وَزعم أركاغانيس أَن سرعته حِينَئِذٍ تكون أَشد من تواتره وَهَذَا التَّغَيُّر لابث لِأَن السَّبَب ثَابت وَإِن كَانَ فِي الْكَثْرَة دون هَذَا كَانَ الِاخْتِلَاف منتظماً,"If the amount be unduly great, the pulse will become irregular and disorderly, because the burden of the food overrules the vital power; any overloading renders the pulse irregular. Archigenes thought that the swiftness of the pulse exceeded the frequency, as long as the excess of food existed. When the excess came to be less, the pulse -would show an orderly irregularity." وَإِن كَانَ قَلِيل الْمِقْدَار كَانَ النبض أقل اخْتِلَافا وعظماً وَسُرْعَة وَلَا يثبت تغيره كثيرا لِأَن الْمَادَّة قَليلَة فينهضم سَرِيعا,"If the amount be unduly small, the pulse becomes irregular both in volume and swiftness. In this case the duration of the change would be short because so small an amount of food would be rapidly digested." ثمَّ إِن خارت الْقُوَّة وضعفت من الْإِكْثَار والإقلال أَيهمَا كَانَ تضاهي النبضان فِي الصغر والتفاوت آخر الْأَمر وَإِن قويت الطبيعة على الهضم والإحالة عَاد النبض معتدلاً.,"If the vital power is weakened, whether the amount of food taken be small or large, the pulse corresponds in smallness and slowness until the digestion of the meal is completed. If the natural (vegetative, digestive, maturative) faculty be strong, the pulse will be equable." وللشراب خُصُوصِيَّة وَهُوَ أَن الْكثير مِنْهُ وَأَن كَانَ يُوجب الِاخْتِلَاف فَلَا يُوجب مِنْهُ قدرا يعْتد بِهِ وَقدرا يَقْتَضِي إِيجَابه نَظِيره من الأغذية وَذَلِكَ لتخلخل جوهره ولطافته ورقته وَخِفته,"Effect of wine on the -pulse. Wine has a notable effect on the pulse, in that if taken plentifully, being attenuated in nature, it gives rise to an irregular pulse, but not to so great an extent as other similarly nutrient aliments. This is because its substance is too rare, attenuated, and light." وَأما إِذا كَانَ الشَّرَاب بَارِدًا بِالْفِعْلِ فَيُوجب مَا يُوجِبهُ الباردات من التصغير وَإِيجَاب التَّفَاوُت والبطء إِيجَابا بِسُرْعَة لسرعة نُفُوذه ثمَّ إِذا سخن فِي الْبدن أوشك أَن يَزُول مَا يُوجِبهُ,"Being in actuality cold, wine,- like other cold things, lessens the pulse-rate and makes it slow and infrequent in proportion to the rapidity with which it enters the body. Once it has become warmed by the body the initial effect passes off." وَالشرَاب إِذا نفذ فِي الْبدن وَهُوَ حَار لم يكن بَعيدا جدا عَن الغريزة وَكَانَ يعرض تحلل سريع لى ان نفذ بَارِدًا بلغ فِي النكاية مَا لَا يبلغهُ غَيره من الباردات لِأَنَّهَا تتأخر إِلَى أَن تسخن وَلَا تنفذ بِسُرْعَة نُفُوذه وَهَذَا يُبَادر إِلَى النّفُوذ قبل أَن يَسْتَوِي تسخنه,"The heating effect of wine. The heating effect which wine produces is not very different from that of the innate heat, for wine is rapidly distributed through the body, especially if taken warm, and it undergoes rapid dissipation or resolution. If taken cold, it exerts an injurious effect on the pulse of a kind not shared by other cold articles of food, for the latter become warm only gradually and do not reach the blood as quickly as does wine, and they are therefore warm when they do so. But wine is absorbed so quickly that it has to be warmed by the blood itself." وضرر ذَلِك عَظِيم وخصوصاً بالأبدان المستعدة للتضرر بِهِ وَلَيْسَ كضرر تسخينه إِذا نفذ سخيناً فَإِنَّهُ لَا يبلغ تسخينْه فِي أول الملاقاة أَن ينكي نكاية بَالِغَة بل الطبيعة تتلقاه بالتوزيع والتحليل والتفريق.,"and this constitutes a noxa for such persons as are sensitive to cold. This injurious effect is not as great in degree if the wine is taken warm, because the natural faculty then counteracts it by breaking it up, distributing it through the body and finally dispersing it." وَأما الْبَارِد فَرُبمَا أقعد الطبيعة وخمد قوتها قبل أَن ينْهض للتوزيع والتفريق والتحليل فَهَذَا مَا يُوجِبهُ الشَّرَاب بِكَثْرَة الْمِقْدَار وبالحرارة والبرودة وَأما إِذا اعْتبر من جِهَة تقويته فَلهُ أَحْكَام أُخْرَى لِأَنَّهُ بِذَاتِهِ مقو للأصحاء ناعش للقوة بِمَا يزِيد فِي جَوْهَر الرّوح بالسرعة.,"The cooling effect of wine. Wine has a cooling effect when it causes the natural power to fail, so that the pulse loses its strength before the wine has become broken up, distributed and dispersed. Such is the manner in which the use of wine in quantity produces a heating or a cooling effect. When we study the question of how the use of wine can make the pulse strong, other factors must be considered. Its own intrinsic character invigorates healthy persons; it enhances the vital power by securing a rapid accession to the “substance” of the breath." وَأما التبريد والتسخين الْكَائِن مِنْهُ وَأَن كَانَ ضاراً بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى أَكثر الْأَبدَان فَكل وَاحِد مِنْهُمَا قد يُوَافق مزاجاً وَقد لَا يُوَافقهُ فَإِن الْأَشْيَاء الْبَارِدَة قد تقَوِّي الَّذِي بهم سوء مزاج كَمَا ذكر جالينوس أَن مَاء الرُّمَّان يُقَوي المحرورين دَائِما وَمَاء الْعَسَل يُقَوي المبرودين دَائِما,"Although the heating and cooling effects above explained are injurious to most persons, there are some whose temperament is suited by it. Cold things, for instance, are tonic for persons of hot intemperament. For, as Galen truly said, the juice of pomegranate is strengthening for persons of hot intemperament; honey-wine is tonic for those of cold temperament." فالشراب من وَلَيْسَ كلامنا فِي هَذَا الْآن بل فِي قوته الَّتِى بهَا يَسْتَحِيل سَرِيعا إِلَى الرّوح فَإِن ذَلِك بِذَاتِهِ مقو دَائِما فَإِن أَعَانَهُ أَحدهمَا فِي بدن ازدادت تقويته وَإِن خَالفه انتقصت تقويته بِحَسب ذَلِك فَيكون تَغْيِيره النبض بِحَسب ذَلِك,"Wine may therefore be considered to be hot in nature, in that it is tonic for persons of hot temperament; cold in nature in that it is tonic for those of cold temperament. Still, this question is aside from our purpose. We are concerned with the fact that is speedily accedes to the breath, as an intrinsic property; and that from that point of view it is always invigorating." إِن قوي زَاد النبض قُوَّة وَإِن سخن زَاد فِي الْحَاجة وَإِن برد نقص من الْحَاجة وَفِي أَكثر الْأَمر يزِيد فِي الْحَاجة حَتَّى يزِيد فِي السرعة. وَأما المَاء فَهُوَ بِمَا ينفذ الْغذَاء يُقَوي ويعفل شَبِيها بِفعل الخمر ولأنه لَا يسخن بل يبرد فَلَيْسَ يبلغ مبلغ الْخمر فِي زِيَادَة الْحَاجة فَاعْلَم ذَلِك.,"The pulse becomes stronger if either the invigorating effect is exerted or the warming effect. It becomes weaker if neither occurs. By warming the body the resistance [i.e. the blood- pressure] is increased; by cooling the body the resistance is diminished. But the usual action is that the pulse becomes stronger. Moreover, resistance [blood-pressure] is never increased without rendering the pulse more swift. Water. Water has a similar invigorating effect to wine, because it is the means bv which the aliment is enabled to permeate all through the body. But as it induces cold rather than warmth, it does not increase the resistance as much as does wine." الْفَصْل الثَّانِي عشر مُوجبَات النّوم واليقظة فِي النبض,THE EFFECT OF SLEEP AND THE ACT OF WAKING ON THE PULSE أما النبض فِي النّوم فتختلف أَحْكَامه بِحَسب الْوَقْت من النّوم وبحسب حَال الهضم. والنبض فِي أول النّوم صَغِير ضَعِيف لِأَن الْحَرَارَة الغريزية حركتها فِي ذَلِك الْوَقْت إِلَى الانقباض والغور لَا إِلَى الإنبساط والظهور,"The characters of the pulse during sleep vary according to the stage of sleep and the state of digestion. At the beginning of. sleep, the pulse is small and weak, because the innate heat is then in process of retracting and withdrawing inwardly, instead of expanding and travelling to the surface." لِأَنَّهَا فِي ذَلِك الْوَقْت تتَوَجَّه بكليتها بتحريك النَّفس لَهَا إِلَى الْبَاطِن لهضم الْغذَاء وإنضاج الفضول وَتَكون كالمقهورة المحصورة لَا محَالة,"Difference between the “ heat” in the first stage of sleep and that produced by exercise. During the time of sleep, the innate heat is withdrawn inwards by the vegetative faculty in order to procure the digestion of the aliment and the maturation of effete substances. The heat is therefore, as it were, mastered and forced into service." وَتَكون أَيْضا أَشد بطأ وتفاوتاً فَإِن الْحَرَارَة وَإِن حدث فِيهَا تزايد بِحَسب الإحتقان والاجتماع فقد عدمت التزايد الَّذِي يكون لَهَا فِي وَالْحَرَكَة أشدّ إلهاباً وإمالة إِلَى جِهَة سوء المزاج. والاجتماع والاحتقان المعتدلان أقل إلهاباً وَأَقل إخراجاً للحرارة إِلَى القلق.,"The pulse is therefore more slow and sluggish in spite of the fact that the contraction and imprisonment of the heat in this region means a local increase of heat. For, in amount, this local heat is not so much as exists during the waking state, with its associated movements and exercise. Thus, exercise .is apt to create undue heat and “inflammation” up to an in temperamental degree, whereas there is only a moderate aggregation of heat when the innate heat is imprisoned, and so “inflammation ” is less feasible." وَأَنت تعرف هَذَا من أَن نفس المتعب وقلقه أَكثر كثيرا من نفس المحتقن حرارة وقلقه بِسَبَب شَبيه بِالنَّوْمِ مِثَاله المنغمس فِي مَاء معتدل الْبرد وَهُوَ يقظان فَإِنَّهُ إِذا احتقنت حرارته وتقؤت من ذَلِك لم تبلغ من تعظيمها النَّفس مَا يبلغهُ التَّعَب والرياضة الْقَرِيبَة مِنْهُ,"You know that this is so, because of the fact that exercise makes breathing laboured (forced), and hurried, incomparably more than when the innate heat is constricted and imprisoned by some other agent similar to sleep. For instance, to be submerged in tepid water brings about such an imprisonment of innate heat, and produces rapid respiration, yet not nearly to the extent produced by toil and exercise." وَإِذا تَأَمَّلت لم تَجِد شَيْئا أَشد للحرارة من الْحَرَكَة. وَلَيْسَت الْيَقَظَة توجب التسخين لحركة الْبدن حَتَّى إِذا سكن الْبدن لم يجب ذَلِك بل إِنَّمَا توجب التسخين بانبعاث الرّوح إِلَى خَارج وحركته إِلَيْهِ على اتِّصَال من تولده هَذَا,"Careful consideration shows that nothing increases the heat as much as these do. But it is not the mere exercise which accounts for this, as if resting would bring about a cessation of heat production. It is rather that the heat produced by exercise simply moves on the breath to the exterior parts, as long as generation of the breath takes place." فَإِذا اسْتمرّ الطَّعَام فِي النّوم عَاد النبض فقوي لتزيد الْقُوَّة بالغذاء وانصراف مَا كَانَ اتجه إِلَى الْفَوْر لتدبير الْغذَاء إِلَى خَارج وَإِلَى مبدئه وَلذَلِك يعظم النبض حِينَئِذٍ أَيْضا,"During the stage of sleep following the completion of digestion, the pulse becomes stronger. This is because vital power is added to by the digested aliment. The heat which had passed to the inward parts now returns towards the surface in order to regulate the nutrients passing thither, and also returns towards its source." وَلِأَن المزاج يزْدَاد بالغذاء تسخيناً كَمَا قُلْنَاهُ والآلة أَيْضا تزداد بِمَا ينفذ إِلَيْهَا من الْغناء لينًا وَلَكِن لَا تزداد كَبِير سَعَة وتواتر إِذْ لَيْسَ ذَلِك مِمَّا يزِيد فِي الْحَاجة وَلَا أَيْضا يكون هُنَاكَ عَن اسْتِيفَاء الْمُحْتَاج إِلَيْهِ بالعظم وَحده مَانع,"This fact, and the fact that the temperament is made hotter by the products of nutrition explains why the pulse becomes of increased volume, and the arterial wall is softer because of the addition of the” appropriate nutrients. There is no increase in swiftness and briskness along with the increase of volume, because mere increase of volume does not alter blood- pressure (lit. increase the resistance) either directly or indirectly; that is, by restoring the factors which directly raise the blood pressure (lit. increase the resistance)." ثمَّ إِذا تَمَادى بالنائم النّوم عَاد النبض ضَعِيفا لاحتقان الْحَرَارَة الغريزية وإنضغاط الْقُوَّة تَحت الفضول الَّتِي من حَقّهَا أَن تستفرغ بأنواع الاستفراغ الَّذِي يكون باليقظة الَّتِي مِنْهَا الرياضة والاستفراغات الَّتِي لَا تحس هَذَا.,"If sleep continues after the completion of digestion, the pulse again becomes weak owing to the aggregation of innate heat and the choking of the vital power by the undue preponderance of those effete substances which now await evacuation by channels only possible during the waking state—namely exercise, and the insensible perspiration." وَأما إِذا صَادف النّوم من أول الْوَقْت خلاء وَلم يجد مَا يقبل عَلَيْهِ فيهضمه فَإِنَّهُ يمِيل بالمزاج إِلَى جنبه الْبرد فيدوم الصغر والبطء والتفاوت فِي النبض وَلَا يزَال يزْدَاد.,"If the body were fasting when sleep began, and there is nothing awaiting digestion, the temperament would tend towards coldness, and consequently the pulse would not only remain small, slow and sluggish but would become more so." ولليقظة أَيْضا أَحْكَام مُتَفَاوِتَة فَإِنَّهُ إِذا اسْتَيْقَظَ النَّائِم بطبعه مَال النبض إِلَى الْعظم والسرعة ميلًا متدرجاً وَرجع إِلَى حَاله الطبيعي.,"The act of waking has certain effects on the pulse. When a sleeping person awakes, the pulse steadily gains volume and swiftness until it reaches the natural state for that person." وَأما المستيقظ دفْعَة بِسَبَب مفاجىء فَإِنَّهُ يعرض لَهُ أَن يفتر مِنْهُ النبض كَمَا يَتَحَرَّك عَن مَنَامه لانهزام الْقُوَّة عَن وَجه المفاجىء ثمَّ يعود لَهُ نبض عَظِيم سريع متواتر مُخْتَلف إِلَى الإرتعاش لِأَن هَذِه الْحَرَكَة شَبيهَة بالقسرية فَهِيَ تلهب أَيْضا,"But if the wakening is sudden, the change in the pulse will be sudden; it will become rapidly weak, because the act of waking overrules the vital power. The previous large volume will reappear later, and the pulse will become quick, brisk and irregular (up to “thrilling”). The quasi-violent movement introduces great heat." وَلِأَن الْقُوَّة تتحرك بَغْتَة إِلَى دفع مَا عرض طبعا وتحدث حركات مُخْتَلفَة فيرتعش النبض لكنه لَا يبْقى على ذَلِك زَمَانا طَويلا بل يسْرع إِلَى الِاعْتِدَال لِأَن سَببه وَإِن كَانَ كالقوي فثباته قَلِيل والشعور بِبُطْلَانِهِ سريع.,"The sudden stirring up of the vital power to meet the sudden change accounts for the irregularity and trembling of the pulse. However, the pulse does not remain long in this condition; it rapidly becomes regular again. Seemingly potent though the agent is, its duration is so short that all trace of its effect is soon lost." الْفَصْل الثَّالِث عشر أَحْكَام نبض الرياضة,THE PULSE DURING (RIGOROUS) ATHLETIC EXERCISE أما فِي ابْتِدَاء الرياضة وَمَا دَامَت معتدلة فَإِن النبض يعظم ويقوى وَذَلِكَ لتزايد الْحَار الغريزي وتقويه وَأَيْضًا يسْرع ويتواتر جدا لإفراط الْحَاجة الَّتِي أوجبتها الْحَرَكَة,"At the outset, as long as the exertion is moderate, the pulse is large and strong. This is because the innate heat increases, and is strong. The pulse is also swift and brisk. This is because the resistance becomes greatly increased by the exertion." فَإِن دَامَت وطالت أَو كَانَت شَدِيدَة وَإِن قصرت جداَ بَطل مَا توجبه الْقُوَّة فضعف النبض وَصغر لانحلال الْحَار الغريزي لكنه يسْرع ويتواتر لأمرين: أَحدهمَا: استبداد الْحَاجة وَالثَّانِي: قُصُور الْقُوَّة عَن أَن تفي بالتعظيم,"As exertion continues and increases, even if it be intense for only a short time, the pulse weakens, and, with the dispersal of the innate heat, becomes small. The pulse remains swift and brisk for two reasons: the degree of resistance (i.e. blood-pressure) is further increased; the vital power progressively fails until it is insufficient." ثمَّ لَا تزَال السرعة تنتقص والتواتر يزِيد على مِقْدَار مَا يضعف من الْقُوَّة ثمَّ آخر الْأَمر إِن دَامَت الرياضة وأنهكت عَاد النبض نملياً للضعف ولشدة التَّوَاتُر,"After this, the swiftness steadily and progressively lessens; and the briskness increases correspondingly to the lessening of vital power. Still further prolongation of the exertion weakens the pulse until it becomes formicant and very brisk." فَإِن أفرطت وكادت تقَارب العطب فعلت جَمِيع مَا تَفْعَلهُ الانحلالات فَتَصِير النبض إِلَى الدودية ثمَّ تميله إِلَى التَّفَاوُت والبطء مَعَ الضعْف والصغر.,"Finally, if the exercise has been carried on to an extremely excessive extent, it leads to a state akin to death, acting like all resolvents that is, it renders the pulse vermicular, very brisk, slow, weak and small." الْفَصْل الرَّابِع عشر أَحْكَام نبض المستحمين,THE EFFECT OF BATHING ON THE PULSE الاستحمام إِمَّا أَن يكون بِالْمَاءِ الْحَار وَإِمَّا أَن يكون بِالْمَاءِ الْبَارِد والكائن بِالْمَاءِ الْحَار فَإِنَّهُ فِي أَوله يُوجب أَحْكَام الْقُوَّة وَالْحَاجة فَإِذا حلل بإفراط أَضْعَف النبض.,"Hot bath. If one bathes in hot water, the first effect is to make the pulse strong and raise the pressure. When the bath has brought about a dispersal of the vital power, the pulse becomes weak." قَالَ جالينوس: فَيكون حِينَئِذٍ صَغِيرا بطيئاً متفاوتاً فَنَقُول: أما التَّضْعِيف وتصغير النبض فَمَا يكون لَا محَالة لَكِن المَاء الْحَار إِذا فعل فِي بَاطِن الْبدن تسخيناً لحرارته العرضية فَرُبمَا لم يلبث بل يغلب عَلَيْهِ مُقْتَضى طبعه وَهُوَ التبريد,"Galen says it is small, slow in beat and sluggish. But while agreeing that it is weak and small; we say that the hot water acts first by increasing the interior heat of the body, like any extraneous heat, i.e. only temporarily. After a while the water resumes its cooling effect its natural quality. This cooling effect may persist." وَرُبمَا لبث وتشبث فَإِن غلب حكم الْكَيْفِيَّة العرضية صَار النبض سَرِيعا متواتراً وَإِن غلب بِمُقْتَضى الطبيعة صَار بطيئاً متفارتاً فَإِذا بلغ التسخين العرضي مِنْهُ فرط تَحْلِيل من الْقُوَّة حَتَّى تقَارب الغشي صَار النبض أيضاَ بطيئاً متفاوتاً.,"As long as its action as extraneous heat holds the field, the pulse becomes swift and brisk. But when its own natural character is resumed, the pulse will be slow and sluggish. If the incidental quality (of being hot) lead to so much loss of strength that syncope is imminent, the pulse becomes slow and sluggish." وَأما الإستحمام الْكَائِن بِالْمَاءِ الْبَارِد فَإِن غاص برده ضعف النبض وصغره وأحدث تَفَاوتا وإبطاء وَإِن لم يغص بل جمع الْحَرَارَة زَادَت الْقُوَّة فَعظم يَسِيرا ونقصت السرعة والتواتر.,"Cold baths. If the cold reaches to the interior parts, the pulse becomes weak, small, sluggish, slow. If it does not do so, but has the effect of aggregating the innate heat in the interior, the volume of the ‘pulse will increase as the power increases, and the swiftness and briskness decrease." وَأما الْمِيَاه الَّتِي تكون فِي الحمامات فالمجفّفات مِنْهَا تزيد النبض صلابة وتنقص من عظمه والمسخنات تزيد النبض سرعَة إِلَّا أَن تحلّل الْقُوَّة فَيكون مَا فَرغْنَا من ذكره.,"Bathing in natural thermal waters. If these have desiccant properties, the pulse becomes harder and its volume diminishes. If they impart warmth, the swiftness increases. If they dispel the vital power the pulse will come to be as described above." الْفَصْل الْخَامِس عشر النبض الْخَاص بِالنسَاء,THE PULSE IN PREGNANCY وَهُوَ نبض الحبالى أما الْحَاجة فِيهِنَّ فتشتد بِسَبَب مُشَاركَة الْوَلَد فِي النسيم المستنشق فَكَأَن الحبلى تستنشق لحاجتين ولنفسين,"The resistance is specially great in pregnancy, because’ the foetus shares in the mother’s respiration. Both mother and embryo have their own resistance (blood-pressure), and there is as it were a double respiration." فَأَما الْقُوَّة فَلَا تزداد لَا محَالة وَلَا تنقص أَيْضا كَبِير انتقاص إِلَّا بِمِقْدَار مَا يُوجِبهُ يسير إعياء لحمل الثّقل فَلذَلِك تغلب أَحْكَام الْقُوَّة المتوسطة وَالْحَاجة الشَّدِيدَة فيعظم النبض ويسرع ويتواتر.,"Nevertheless there is no doubt about the fact that the vital power is neither increased nor lessened, except to a degree consistent with a slight lassitude proceeding from the mere weight of the foetus. Hence the increase of resistance overrules the moderate amount of vital power, and the pulse is made of greater volume and becomes swift and brisk." الْفَصْل السَّادِس عشر نبض الأوجاع,THE PULSE IN PAIN الوجع بِغَيْر النبض إِمَّا لِشِدَّتِهِ وَإِمَّا لكَونه فِي عُضْو رَئِيس وَإِمَّا لطول مدّته. والوجع إِذا كَانَ فِي أَوله هيج الْقُوَّة وحرّكها إِلَى المقاومة والدفاع وألهب الْحَرَارَة فَيكون النبض عَظِيما سَرِيعا وَأَشد تَفَاوتا لِأَن الوطر يُفْضِي بالعظم والسرعة.,"Pain changes the character of the pulse according to its intensity; its duration; its situation whether the member affected is a vital one or not. At first, pain stirs up the vital power, making it resist and counteract the pain; at the same time the cause of the pain increases the heat of the body. The pulse is therefore of large volume, swift and very brisk, the effort entailed in immobilizing the body [the reflex effect of the pain] accounting for the volume and swiftness." فَإِذا بلغ الوجع النكاية فِي الْقُوَّة لما ذكرنَا من الْوُجُوه أَخذ يتناكس ويتناكص حَتَّى يفقد الْعظم والسرعة ويخلفهما أَولا شدَّة التَّوَاتُر ثمَّ الصغر والدودية والنملية فَإِن زَاد أدّى الى التَّفَاوُت وَإِلَى الْهَلَاك بعد ذَلِك.,"When the pain becomes less unbearable in one or other of the ways we have already explained, the pulse steadily declines in fullness until it has lost its size and swiftness; but these features are replaced by very marked briskness and smallness of beat, and hence the pulse becomes formicant and vermicular. If pain becomes more and more severe, it makes the pulse sluggish and finally extinct." الْفَصْل السَّابِع عشر نبض الأورام,THE PULSE IN (INFLAMMATORY) SWELLINGS الأورام مِنْهَا محدثة للحمّى وَذَلِكَ لعظمها أَو لشرف عضوها فَهِيَ تغير النبض فِي الْبدن كُله أَعنِي التَّغَيُّر الَّذِي يخص الْحمى. وسنوضحه فِي مَوْضِعه,"The formation of certain swellings is associated with fever, either because of their size, or because they affect some vital organ. The pulse varies with the changes induced in the body as a whole by the fever, as we shall explain in its proper place." وَمِنْهَا مَا لَا يحدث الحمّى فيغير النبض الْخَاص فِي الْعُضْو الَّذِي هُوَ فِيهِ بِالذَّاتِ وَرُبمَا غَيره من سَائِر الْبدن بِالْعرضِ أَي لَا بِمَا هُوَ ورم بل بِمَا يوجع.,"Afebrile swellings alter the pulse of the member itself, from their very nature. The pulse in the rest of the. body may be altered secondarily not because they are swellings, but because they produce pain (and restrict movement. Aeg.)." والورم المغير للنبض إِمَّا أَن يُغير بنوعه وَإِمَّا أَن يُغير بوقته وَإِمَّا أَن يُغير بمقداره وَإِمَّا أَن يُغَيِّرهُ للعضو الَّذِي هُوَ فِيهِ وَإِمَّا أَن يُغَيِّرهُ بِالْعرضِ الَّذِي يتبعهُ وَيلْزمهُ.,"When an inflammatory mass causes a change of the pulse, it does so either according to kind of swelling, its phase, its bulk, the organ in which it occurs, associated effects." أما تغيره بنوعه فَمثل الورم الْحَار فَإِنَّهُ يُوجب بنوعه تغيّر النبض إِلَى المنشارية والارتعاد والارتعاش والسرعة والتواتر إِن لم يُعَارضهُ سَبَب مرطب فَتبْطل المنشارية ويخلفها إِذن الموجية.,"Relation to variety of mass, (a) If “hot,” the pulse becomes harsh, and coarsely, and then finely thrilling; swift, brisk, (b) If, however, there is an antagonistic humectant agent at work, the pulse ceases to be harsh and becomes undulatory." وَأما الارتعاد والسرعة والتواتر فلازم لَهُ دَائِما وكما أَن من الْأَسْبَاب مَا يمْنَع منشاريته كَذَلِك مِنْهَا مَا يزِيد منشاريته ويظهرها. والورم اللين يَجْعَل النبض موجياً وَأَن كَانَ بَارِدًا جدا جعله بطيئاً متفاوتاً والصلب يزِيد فِي منشاريته.,"It is also always tremulous coarse or fine tremor and swift and brisk. Not only are there agents which will alter a hard pulse,’ but there are also agents which make a harsh pulse more decided, (f) If the mass be soft, the pulse is undulatory. {d) If very cold, the pulse becomes slow and sluggish, (e) If hard, the harsh pulse becomes still more harsh." وَأما الْخراج إِذا جمع فَإِنَّهُ يصرف النبض من المنشارية إِلَى الموجية للترطيب والتليين الَّذِي يتبعهُ وَيزِيد فِي الِاخْتِلَاف لثقله. وَأما السرعة والتواتر فكثيراً مَا تخص بِسُكُون الْحَرَارَة العرضية بِسَبَب النضج.,"When abscess formation comes on, the pulse ceases to be harsh and becomes undulatory. This is because suppuration goes with moisture and softness. The pulse also becomes irregular owing to the weight of the mass, and the rate of briskness lessens owing to the fact that heat-formation ceases with maturation of the pus." وَأما تغيره بِحَسب أوقاته فَإِنَّهُ مَا دَامَ الورم الْحَار فِي التزيد كَانَت المنشارية وَسَائِر مَا ذكرنَا إِلَى التزيد ويزداد دَائِما فِي الصلابة للتمدد الزَّائِد وَفِي الإرتعاد للوجع. وَإِذا قَارب الْمُنْتَهى ازدادت الْأَعْرَاض كلهَا إِلَّا مَا يتبع الْقُوَّة فَإِنَّهُ يضعف فِي النبض فَيَزْدَاد التَّوَاتُر والسرعة فِيهِ.,"Relation between phase of inflammatory process and character of pulse. The larger the “hot” inflammatory mass becomes, the more harsh does the pulse become. The hardness and tension in the mass increases steadily, and as the pain increases, tremor appears in the pulse. At the acme, all the features of the pulse become more marked, except those depending on force; the force of the pulse lessens and the briskness and swiftness increase." ثمَّ إِن طَال بطلت السرعة وَعَاد نملياً فَإِذا انحط فتحلل أَو انفجر قوي النبض بِمَا وضع عَن الْقُوَّة من الثّقل وخف ارتعاده بِمَا ينقص من الوجع المدد.,"If the acme is prolonged, the swiftness lessens and the pulse becomes formicant. After the swelling subsides, whether by natural processes or by surgical interference, the pulse becomes strong in proportion as the tension in the swelling lessens; and the pulse ceases to be thrilling because the pain ceases with the fall of tension in the tissues." وَأما من جِهَة مِقْدَاره فان الْعَظِيم يُوجب أَن تكون هَذِه الْأَحْوَال أعظم وأزيد وَالصَّغِير يُوجب وَأما من جِهَة عضوه فَإِن الْأَعْضَاء العصبانية توجب زِيَادَة فِي صلابة النبض ومنشاريته,"Relation between bulk of inflammatory mass and the pulse. A large mass denotes marked inflammation; the pulse becomes larger in all respects, and each beat is prolonged. When the mass is only small, the pulse is smaller and more sluggish. Effect of the position in the body. When the inflammatory process is situate in an organ or tissue rich in sensory nerves, the pulse becomes hard, and approaches the “harsh” type." والعرقية توجب زِيَادَة عظم وَشدَّة اخْتِلَاف لَا سِيمَا إِن كَانَ الْغَالِب فِيهَا هُوَ الشريانات كَمَا فِي الطحال والرئة وَلَا يثبت هَذَا الْعَظِيم إِلَّا مَا يثبت الْقُوَّة والأعضاء الرطبه اللينة تَجْعَلهُ مُوجبا كالدماغ والرئة.,"If the organ is rich in blood-vessels, there is an increase in size of the pulse, and in force; and it is very irregular. If arteries predominate as in the spleen and lung the volume is not maintained unless the force is maintained as well. When it is situate in moist soft members (like the brain and lung) the pulse becomes undulating." وَأما تَغْيِير الورم النبض بِوَاسِطَة فَمثل أَن ورم الرئة يَجْعَل النبض خناقياً وورم الكبد ذبولياً وورم الْكُلية حصرياً وورم الْعُضْو الْقوي الْحس كفم المعمة والحجاب يشنّج تشنّجاً غشيياً.,"Effect of secondary results of inflammation. An inflammatory mass in the lung has a choking effect, and hence the pulse becomes thrilling; in the liver, atrophy is produced and the pulse becomes like that found in wasting diseases; in the kidney, strangury is produced, and there is suppression of urine, which alters the pulse accordingly. In members which are rich in sensory nerves (stomach, diaphragm), the pulse becomes spasmodic and swooning." الْفَصْل الثَّامِن عشر أَحْكَام نبض الْعَوَارِض النفسانية,EFFECT OF VARIOUS EMOTIONAL STATES ON THE PULSE أما الْغَضَب فَإِنَّهُ بِمَا يُشِير من الْقُوَّة ويبسط من الرّوح دفْعَة يَجْعَل النبض عَظِيما شاهقأً جدا سَرِيعا متواتراً وَلَا يجب أَن يَقع فِيهِ اخْتِلَاف لِأَن الانفعال متشابه إِلَّا أَن يخالطه خوف فَتَارَة يغلب ذَلِك وَتارَة هَذَا,"Anger. Anger stirs up the vital power and causes the breath (ruh) to expand all at once. Hence the pulse is large, rises high, is swift and brisk. It is not necessarily irregular because the passion does not change unless there is fear present as well, in which case anger would prevail at one time, and fear at another." وَكَذَلِكَ إِن خالطه خجل أَو مُنَازعَة من الْعقل وتكلف الْإِمْسَاك عَن تهييجه وتحريكه إِلَى الْإِيقَاع بالمغضوب عَلَيْهِ.,"Irregularity may also occur if shame is associated, for the intellect warns the person to be silent and not yield to’ the same evil as did the person who has excited one to anger." وَأما اللَّذَّة فَلِأَنَّهَا تحرّك إِلَى خَارج بِرِفْق فَلَيْسَ تبلغ مبلغ الْغَضَب فِي إِيجَابه السرعة وَلَا فِي إِيجَابه التَّوَاتُر بل رُبمَا كفى عظمه الْحَاجة فَكَانَ بطيئاً وَأما الْغم فَلِأَن الْحَرَارَة تختنق فِيهِ وتغور وَالْقُوَّة تضعف وَيجب أَن يصير النبض صَغِيرا ضَعِيفا متفاوتاً بطيئاً.,"Delight. Here the movement is gradual and outwards. The pulse does not become as speedy and brisk as in the case of anger, but its volume is adequate for the resistance, and therefore the pulse is slow and infrequent. Grief. Here the heat is extinguished, or choked, nearly to obliteration, and the vital power is weakened. Hence the pulse is small, weak, sluggish and slow." وَأما الْفَزع فالمفاجىء مِنْهُ يَجْعَل النبض سَرِيعا مرتعداً مُخْتَلفا غير مُنْتَظم والممتد مِنْهُ والمتدرج يُغير النبض تَغْيِير الْهم فَاعْلَم ذَلِك.,"Fear. If of sudden origin, the pulse becomes quick, irregular, disorderly. If the state is prolonged, or more or less habitual, having begun insidiously, the pulse varies with the varying shades of anxiety." الْفَصْل التَّاسِع عشر تَغْيِير الْأُمُور المضادة لطبيعة هَيْئَة النبض,BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE CHANGES PRODUCED BY AGENTS ANTAGONISTIC TO THE NATURE OF THE PuLSE تغييرها إِمَّا بِمَا يحدث مِنْهَا من سوء مزاج وَقد عرف نبض كل مزاج وَإِمَّا بِأَن يضغط القوه فَيصير النبض مُخْتَلفا وَإِن كَانَ الضغط شَدِيدا جدا كَانَ بِلَا نظام وَلَا وزن.,"When the pulse is changed by such agents, it is either because of an intemperament; and you know the effect of each of these upon the pulse; or by confining the vital power, whereby the pulse becomes irregular. If the restriction be unduly great, the pulse becomes also disorderly and arhythmic." والضاغط هُوَ كل كَثْرَة مادية كَانَت ورماً أَو غير ورم وَإِمَّا بِأَن يحل الْقُوَّة فَيصير النبض ضَعِيفا. وَهَذَا كالوجع الشَّديد والآلام النفسانية القوية التَّحْلِيل فَاعْلَم ذَلِك.,"The degree of confinement varies with the amount of morbid material, whether there be an inflammatory mass or not. Or, by dispersal of the vital power, whereby the pulse becomes weak. Here belong such agents as: severe pain, affections of the mind which produce a profound loss of vital power, severe or protracted diarrhoea." الْجُمْلَة الثَّانِيَة الْبَوْل وَالْبرَاز وَهِي ثَلَاثَة عشر فصلا.,THE URINE i. GENERAL REMARKS الْفَصْل الأول لَا يَنْبَغِي أَن يوثق بطرق الِاسْتِدْلَال من أَحْوَال الْبَوْل إِلَّا بعد مُرَاعَاة شَرَائِط يجب أَن يكون الْبَوْل أول بَوْل أصبح عَلَيْهِ وَلم يدافع بِهِ إِلَى زمَان طَوِيل وَيثبت من اللَّيْل وَلم يكن صَاحبه شرب مَاء أَو أكل طَعَاما,i. It must be collected in the early morning; it must not have been kept over from the night before.”)- The person must not have taken either food or drink before passing it. وَلم يكن تنَاول صابغاً من مَأْكُول أَو مشروب كالزعفران وَالرُّمَّان وَالْخيَار شنبر فَإِن ذَلِك يصْبغ الْبَوْل إِلَى الصُّفْرَة والحمرة وكالبقول فَإِنَّهَا تصبغ إِلَى الْحمرَة والزرقة والمري فَإِنَّهُ يصْبغ إِلَى السوَاد وَالشرَاب الْمُسكر يُغير الْبَوْل إِلَى لَونه وَلَا لاقت بَشرته صابغاً كالحناء,"The previous food must have been free from colouring agents like crocus and cassia fistula (these render the urine lemon yellow or ruddy), and from potherbs (which make the urine a greenish tint), and from salted fish (which renders the urine dark), and from intoxicating wines (which tend to render the colour of the urine similar to themselves). The patient should not have been given an agent which expels some humour (a cholagogue or phlegmagogue) by the urine." فَإِن المختضب بِهِ رُبمَا انصبغ بَوْله مِنْهُ وَلَا يكون تنَاول مَا يدر خلطاً كَمَا يدرّ الصَّفْرَاء أَو البلغم وَلم يكن تعَاطِي من الحركات والأعمال.,"Physiological state. The patient should not have under-taken severe exercise or toil, or be in a praeternatural mental state; for in each case the colour of the urine may alter." وَمن الْأَحْوَال الْخَارِجَة عَن المجرى الطبيعي مَا يُغير المَاء لوناً مثل الصَّوْم والسهر والتعب والجوع وَالْغَضَب فَإِن هَذِه كلهَا تصبغ المَاء إِلَى الصُّفْرَة والحمرة.,"E.g., fasting, wakefulness,f toil, anger, dread for all these cause the urine to become more lemon-yellow or redder in tint. Coitus also alters the urine, rendering it oily." وَالْجِمَاع يدسم المَاء تدسيماً شَدِيدا وَمثل الْقَيْء والاستفراغ فَإِنَّهُمَا أَيْضا يبدلان الْوَاجِب من لون المَاء وقوامه وَكَذَلِكَ إتْيَان سَاعَات عَلَيْهِ وَلذَلِك قيل يجب أَن لَا ينظر فِي الْبَوْل بعد سِتّ سَاعَات لِأَن دلائله تضعف ولونه يتَغَيَّر وَثقله يذوب ويتغير أَو يكثف أَشد.,"Vomiting and defecation alter both colour and texture of. the urine. The same happens if the urine is kept standing a while. this is why some advise urine not to be left standing more than six hours before examination, for otherwise the significance is altered; the colour changes; the sediment goes partly into solution; and the density increases." على أَنِّي أَقُول: وَلَا بعد سَاعَة. وينيغي أَن يُؤْخَذ الْبَوْل بِتَمَامِهِ فِي قَارُورَة وَاسِعَة لَا يصب مِنْهُ شَيْء وَيعْتَبر حَاله لَا كَمَا يبال يل يعد أَن يهدأ قي القارورة بِحَيْثُ لَا يُصِيبهُ شمس وَلَا ريح فيثوره أَو يجمده حَتَّى يتَمَيَّز الرسوب وَيتم الِاسْتِدْلَال,"Personally I think that such changes begin within an hour. The whole of the urine should be collected into one single vessel lest anything should be spilt out of it; one should allow it to settle before scrutinizing it. The urine must not be exposed to the sun or wind or freezing cold, until the sediment has separated out and the various characters have properly developed." فَلَيْسَ كَمَا يبال يرسب وَلَا فِي تَامّ النضج جدا وَلَا يبال فِي قَارُورَة لم يغسل بعد الْبَوْل الأول.,"The settling is not immediate even if the digestive processes are normal. The vessel used for the specimen must be clean, and the previous sample must have been rinsed out of it." وأبوال الصّبيان قَليلَة الدَّلَائِل وخصوصاً أَبْوَال الْأَطْفَال للبنيتها وَلِأَن الْمَادَّة الصابغة فيهم سَاكِنة مغمورة – وَفِي طبائعهم من الضعْف وَمن اسْتِعْمَال النّوم الْكثير مَا يُمِيت دَلَائِل النضج وَآلَة أَخذ الْبَوْل هُوَ الْجِسْم الشفاف النقي الْجَوْهَر كالزجاج الصافي والبلور.,"There is little advantage to be derived from the study of the urine in childhood, and still less in infancy, because their nourishment consists solely of milk, and the very little colouring matter there is in the urine is lost to view; their “ nature ” is also very feeble in view of the fact that they pass so much time in sleep, which abolishes the evidences of digestion. The material of which the vessel is made should be clear white glass or crystal." وَاعْلَم أَن الْبَوْل كلما قربته مِنْك ازْدَادَ غلظاً وَكلما بعدته ازْدَادَ صفاء وَبهَا يُفَارق سَائِر الْغِشّ مِمَّا يحرض على الْأَطِبَّاء للامتحان –,"The nearer one holds the sample to the eye, the denser does it appear. The further away it is, the clearer does it seem. In this way one can distinguish urine from other fluids brought to the doctor in a falsified state." وَإِذا أَخذ الْبَوْل فِي قَارُورَة فَيجب أَن يصان عَن تَغْيِير الْبرد وَالشَّمْس وَالرِّيح إِيَّاه وَأَن ينظر إِلَيْهِ فِي الضَّوْء من غير أَن يَقع عَلَيْهِ الشعاع بل يسْتَتر عَن الشعاع فَحِينَئِذٍ يحكم عَلَيْهِ من الْأَعْرَاض الَّتِي ترى فِيهِ.,"The sample must be inspected in a light place where the rays do not fall directly upon it, as otherwise the brilliant light would interfere with the colours and give rise to erroneous deductions." وليعلم أَن الدّلَالَة الأولية للبول هِيَ على حَال الكبد ومسالك المائية وعَلى أَحْوَال الْعُرُوق وبتوسطها يدل على أمراض أُخْرَى أصح دلائلها مَا يدل بِهِ على الكبد وخصوصاً على أَحْوَال خدمته.,"The first and foremost object of observing the urine is to form an opinion about the state of the liver, the urinary passages and the blood-vessels. The various disorders of these organs are revealed by it. But the most precise information to be obtained is that concerning the functional capacity of the liver." والدلائل الْمَأْخُوذَة من الْبَوْل منتزعة من أَجنَاس سَبْعَة: جنس اللَّوْن وجنس القوام وجنس الصفاء والكدرة وجنس الرسوب وجنس الْمِقْدَار فِي الْقلَّة وَالْكَثْرَة وجنس الرَّائِحَة وجنس الزّبد,The following are the points to observe in a sample of urine: quantity. Odour. Colour. Foam. Texture. Clearness. Sediment. وَمن النَّاس من يدْخل فِي هَذِه الْأَجْنَاس جنس اللَّمْس وجنس الطّعْم وَنحن أسقطناهما تفرداً وتنفراً من ذَلِك. ونعني بقولنَا جنس اللَّوْن مَا يحسه الْبَصَر فِيهِ من الألوان أَعنِي السوَاد وَالْبَيَاض وَمَا بَينهمَا,"Some persons add other two: the feel and the taste, but we reject them as objectionable. By colour we understand the various shades of colour perceived by the sense of sight whiteness, darkness, intermediate shades." ونعني بِجِنْس القوام حَاله فِي الغلظ والرقة ونعتي بِجِنْس الصفاء والكدورة حَاله فِي سهولة نُفُوذ الْبَصَر فِيهِ وعسره.,By texture we refer to the coarseness or fineness. By clearness or turbidity we refer to the ease or otherwise with which light traverses it (translucence). وَالْفرق بَين هَذَا الْجِنْس وجنس القوام أَنه قد يكون غليظ القوام صافياً مَعًا مثل يياض الْبيض وَمثل غذَاء السّمك الْمُذَاب وَمثل الزَّيْت وَقد يكون رَقِيق القوام كدراً كَالْمَاءِ الكدر فَإِنَّهُ أرق كثيرا من بَيَاض الْبيض,"There is a difference between texture and trans^ lucence, for a urine may be coarse and yet as .clear as egg-white or liquid fish-glue; and a rarefied urine may be turbid (e.g. turbid water is more rarefied than white of egg)." وَسبب الكدورة مُخَالطَة أَجزَاء غَرِيبَة اللَّوْن دكن أَو ملونة بلون آخر غير محسوسة التَّمْيِيز تمنع الإسفاف وَلَا تحس هِيَ بانفرادها وتفارق الرسوب لِأَن الرسوب قد يميزه الْحس وَلَا يُفَارق اللَّوْن فَإِن اللَّوْن فَاش فِي جَوْهَر الرُّطُوبَة وَأَشد مُخَالطَة مِنْهُ.,"Turbidity depends on the presence of certain variously coloured particles opaque or dark, or tinted with other colours which are imperceptible to the sense of sight and yet are impervious. Sediment differs from turbidity in that the particles are readily visible to the eye, whereas particles cannot really be distinguished in the case of turbidity. Sediment appears immediately after the passage of the urine; turbidity does not clear up on standing. Turbidity differs from coloration in that the latter pervades the whole substance of the urine, whereas turbidity is less intimately admixed." الْفَصْل الثَّانِي دَلَائِل ألوان الْبَوْل,THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE COLOUR OF THE URINE من ألوان الْبَوْل طَبَقَات الصُّفْرَة كالتبني ثمَّ الأترجي ثمَّ الْأَشْقَر ثمَّ الْأَصْفَر النارنجي ثمَّ الناري الَّذِي يشبه صبغ الزَّعْفَرَان وَهُوَ الْأَصْفَر المشبع ثمَّ الزَّعْفَرَانِي الَّذِي يشبه شقرة وَهَذَا هُوَ الَّذِي يُقَال لَهُ الْأَحْمَر الناصع,"THE DEGREES OF YELLOWNESS. Among the shades of yellow colour are: straw-yellow; lemon-yellow; orange-yellow; flame-yellow, or saffron-yellow; that is, a very deep yellow; clear reddish-yellow." وَمَا بعد الاترجي فكله يدل على الْحَرَارَة وَيخْتَلف بِحَسب درجاتها وَقد توجبها الحركات الشَّدِيدَة والأوجاع والجوع وأنقطاع ماذة المَاء المشروب.,"All except the first two denote a hot in temperament, in degrees varying with the amount of exercise, pain, fasting, and abstinence from water. The fourth variety denotes predominance of the bilious humour." وَبعده الطَّبَقَات الْمَذْكُورَة طَبَقَات الْحمرَة كالأصهب والوردي والأحمر القاني والأحمر الأقتم وَكلهَا تدل على غَلَبَة الدَّم وَكلما ضربت إِلَى الزعفرانية فالأغلب هُوَ الْمرة.,"II. THE DEGREES OF REDNESS, (i) rose-red or roseate; very dark red; purple red, which has a brilliance about it like a certain rose; smoky red or dull red." وَكلما ضربت إِلَى القتمة فالدم أغلب والناري أدل على الْحَرَارَة من الْأَحْمَر والأقتم كَمَا أَن المزة فِي نَفسهَا أسخن من الدَّم وَيكون لون المَاء فِي الْأَمْرَاض الحادة المحرقة ضَارِبًا إِلَى الزعفرانية والنارية فَإِن كَانَت هُنَاكَ رقة دلّ على حَال من النضج وانه ابْتَدَأَ وَلم يظْهر فِي القوام,"All these denote dominance of the sanguineous humour, for dullness, of colour points that way. A flame-yellow shows the presence of more “heat” than dull red because it shows there is bilious humour in it, and this is hotter than sanguineous humour. The urine tends to saffron-yellow and flame-yellow in acute maladies described as “burning ”; but if the urine is at all inclined to be clear, it shows a certain degree of ‘‘digestion,”’ namely that this process has actually begun, but its products have not yet appeared in the substance of the urine." فَإِذا اشتدت الصُّفْرَة إِلَى حد النارية وَإِلَى النِّهَايَة فِيهَا فالحرارة قد أمعنت فِي الازدياد وَذَلِكَ هُوَ الشقرة الناصعة فَإِن ازدادت صفاء فالحرارة فِي النُّقْصَان وَقد ينَال فِي الْأَمْرَاض الحادة الدموية بَوْل كَالدَّمِ نَفسه من غير أَن يكون هُنَاكَ انفتاح عرق فَيدل على امتلاء دموي مفرط,"Deepening of colour from lemon-yellowness towards a flame-yellow shade shows that the innate heat is steadily increasing. The colour then ceases to be yellow”, and attains a pure clear red. If the urine now begins to clarify it shows that the (pathological) heat is beginning to subside. In acute diseases of a haemorrhagic character, the urine may be tinged with blood without any evident rupture of blood vessels having occurred. This would indicate an excessive plethora." وَإِذا بيل قَلِيلا قَلِيلا وَكَانَ مَعَ نَتن فَهُوَ دَلِيل خطر يحشى مِنْهُ انصباب الدَّم إِلَى المخانق. وأردؤه أرقه على لَونه وحاله وهيئته,"A gradual loss of blood by the urine, associated with a bad odour, is a sign to be dreaded because it informs us that there is haemorrhage proceeding from congested parts. The prognosis is still worse if the urine becomes thinner and more offensive in odour." وَإِذا بيل غزيراً فَرُبمَا كَانَ دَلِيل خير فِي الحميات الحادة والمختلطة لِأَنَّهُ كثيرا مَا يكون دَلِيل بحران وإفراق إِلَّا أَن يرق فِي الأول دفْعَة قبل وَقت البحران فَيكون حِينَئِذٍ دَلِيل نكس. وَكَذَلِكَ إِذا لم يتدرج إِلَى الرقة بعد البحران.,"Admixture of the urine with blood may be a good sign—namely in acute composite fevers—for it shows that crisis is about to take place, and recovery will follow. The only exception is if the urine becomes suddenly transparent (its colour becoming normal, i.e.) before the crisis is due. Such a phenomenon would be a forerunner of a relapse. But thin urine appearing before the crisis may be equally unfavourable unless the change, has been gradual and progressive." وَأما فِي اليرقان فَكلما كَانَ الْبَوْل أشدّ حمرَة حَتَّى يضْرب إِلَى السوَاد ويصبغ الثَّوْب صبغاً غير منسلخ وَكلما كَانَ كثيرا فَهُوَ أسلم فَإِنَّهُ إِذا كَانَ الْبَوْل فِيهِ أَبيض أَو كَانَ أَحْمَر قَلِيل الْحمرَة واليرقان بِحَالهِ خيف الاسْتِسْقَاء والجوع مِمَّا يكثر صبغ الْبَوْل ويحده جدا.,"In jaundice, if the urine becomes of a deeper red until it is nearly black, and its stain on linen can no longer be removed, it is a good sign; the better the deeper the red. But if the urine becomes white or slightly reddish, and the jaundice is not subsiding, the advent of dropsy is to be feared. Fasting is among the conditions which render the urine- high-coloured and of marked acridity." ثمَّ طَبَقَات الخضرة مثل الْبَوْل الَّذِي يضْرب إِلَى الفستقية ثمَّ الزنجاري والاسمانجوني والبتلنجي ثمَّ الكراثي.,"III. THE DEGREES OF GREEN COLOUR, (I) A colour approaching that of pistachios; the colour of verdigris; rainbow green; emerald green; leek-green." وَأما الفستقي فَإِنَّهُ يدل على برد وَكَذَلِكَ مَا فِيهِ خضرَة إِلَّا الزنجاري والكراثي فَإِنَّهُمَا يدلان على احتراق شَدِيد. والكراثي أسلم من الزنجاري. والزنجاري بعد التَّعَب يدل على تشنّج.,"The first denotes a cold intemperament, as do all things the shade of whose green is not (two) or (five). These (two, five) denote extreme combustion, but (five) is not as unhealthy as (two)." وَالصبيان يدلّ الْبَوْل الْأَخْضَر مِنْهُم على تشنج وَأما الإسمانجوني فَإِنَّهُ يدل على الْبرد الشَّديد فِي أَكثر الْأَمر ويتقدمه بَوْل أَخْضَر. وَقد قيل أَنه يدل على شرب السم فَإِن كَانَ مَعَه رسوب رُجي أَن يعِيش وإلأَ خيف على صَاحبه. والزنجاري شَدِيد الدّلَالَة على العطب.,"If it should be met with after- physical labour it denotes “ spasm.” A green- coloured urine in adolescence points to the same condition. Rainbow green usually denotes an extremely cold intemperament. In this respect it comes next to (one). Some say that it shows that poison was present in the fluid taken as drink, and that if there be a sediment present there is a hope of recovery, if no sediment, death is likely to take place. Verdigris green colour of urine forewarns of death (destruction of innate heat)." وَأما طَبَقَات اللَّوْن الْأسود,IV. THE DEGREES OF BLACKNESS. فَمِنْهُ أسود سالك إِلَى السوَاد طَرِيق الزعفرانية كَمَا فِي اليرقان وَيدل على تكاثف الصَّفْرَاء واحتراقها بل على السَّوْدَاء الْحَادِثَة من الصَّفْرَاء وعَلى اليرقان وَمِنْه أسود اَخذ من القتمة وَيدل على السَّوْدَاء الدموية وأسود اَخذ من الخضرة والبتلنجية ويدلّ على السَّوْدَاء الصّرْف.,"Dark urine approaching blackness, through a saffron colour. This occurs in jaundice, for instance. It denotes (a) denseness and oxidation of the bilious humour; (b) atrabilious humour derived from bilious humour; (c) jaundice. Deep-brown-black. This shows the presence of sanguineous atrabilious humour. Greenish-black. This shows the dominance of pure atrabilious humour." وَالْبَوْل الْأسود فِي الْجُمْلَة يدل إِمَّا على شدَّة احتراق وَإِمَّا على شدَّة برد وَإِمَّا على موت من الْحَرَارَة الغريزية وانهزام وَإِمَّا على بحران وَدفع من الطبيعة للفضول السوداوية.,(Speaking generally) dark or black urine denotes (a) extreme oxidation; (b) great cold; (c) extinction of the innate heat (i.e. death); (d) crisis; (e) evacuation whereby the effete substances from the atrabilious humour are expelled. ويستدل على الْكَائِن من الاحتراق بِأَن يكون هُنَاكَ احتراق شَدِيد وَيكون قد تقدّمه بَوْل أصفر وأحمر وَيكون الثفل فِيهِ متشبثاً قَلِيل الاسْتوَاء لَيْسَ بذلك الْمُجْتَمع المكتنز وَلَا يكون شَدِيد السوَاد بل يضْرب إِلَى زعفرانية وصفرة أَو قتمة فَإِن كَانَ يضْرب إِلَى الصُّفْرَة دلّ كثيرا على اليرقان.,"(The details about each of these are:) (a) dark urine due to extreme oxidation is recognized by its causing scalding, and being previously yellow’ or red. The sediment is discrete (not coherent), not homogeneous, discontinuous, not very dark, but tending to a saffron, lemon-yellow, or dark brown. If the colour of the sediment tends to be lemon-yellow, it strongly suggests jaundice." ويستدل أَيْضا على الْكَائِن من الْبرد بِأَن يكون قد تقدمه بَوْل إِلَى الخضرة والكمدة وَيكون الثفل قَلِيلا مجتمعاً كَأَنَّهُ جَاف وَيكون السوَاد فِيهِ أخْلص,"(b) When darkness of the urine is due to great cold, the urine would previously be tending to a green tint or a livid tint. The sediment is here slightly coherent, and looks dry, and is more purely black in colour." وَقد يفرق بَين المزاجين بِأَنَّهُ إِذا كَانَ مَعَ الْبَوْل الْأسود شدَّة قُوَّة من الرَّائِحَة كَانَ دالاًّ على الْحَرَارَة وَإِذا كَانَ مَعَه عدم الرَّائِحَة أَو ضعف من قوتها كَانَ دالآً على الْبُرُودَة فَإِنَّهُ إِذا انْهَزَمت الطبيعة جدا لم تكن لَهُ رَائِحَة.,"If a dark urine is also very offensive, it shows that the temperament is hot. If it be odourless, or has only a slight odour, it shows that the temperament is cold. This is because no odour emanates from urine unless the innate heat overrules the cold." ويستدل على الْحَادِث لسُقُوط الْقُوَّة الغريزية بِمَا يعقبه من سُقُوط الْقُوَّة وانحلالها ويستدل على الْحَادِث على سَبِيل التنقية والبحران كَمَا يكون فِي أَوَاخِر الرّبيع وانحلال علل الطحال وأوجاع الظّهْر وَالرحم والحميّات السوداوية النهارية والليلية,(c) When darkness of urine is due to extinction of the innate heat this is recognized by the dispersion of vitality. (d) When the darkness arises from a critical change in a fever (“critical polyuria”) one of the following conditions may be supposed: the termination of a quartan fever; the resolution of a splenic disease; the termination of a fever associated with the atrabilious humour; the termination of a fever prevailing by night and by day; subsidence of pains in the back and womb. والأفات الْعَارِضَة من احتباس الطمث واحتباس الْمُعْتَاد سيلانه من المقعدة وخصوصاً إِذا أعانت الطبيعة أَو الصِّنَاعَة بالإدرار كَمَا يُصِيب النِّسَاء اللواتي قد احْتبسَ طمثهن فَلم تقبل الطبيعة فضلَة الدَّم بِأَن يكون قد تقدمه بَوْل غير نضيج مائي.,"retained menses; retained blood in a case of piles both the latter two occurring especially when nature is assisted by art. It occurs in women in whom the menses are retained, because the effete matters of the blood cannot be disposed of by nature. This is shown in the urine by its being watery previously." ويصادف الْبدن عَقِيبه خفاً وَيكون كثير الْمِقْدَار غزيراً. وَأما إِن لم يكن هَكَذَا فان الْبَوْل الْأسود عَلامَة رَدِيئَة وخصوصاً فِي الْأَمْرَاض الحادة وَلَا سِيمَا إِذا كَانَ مِقْدَاره قَلِيلا فَيعلم من قلته أَن الرُّطُوبَة قد أفناها الاحتراق وَكلما كَانَ أغْلظ كَانَ أردأ وَكلما كَانَ أرقّ فَهُوَ أقل رداءة.,"When the effete matters are finally discharged from the body, the urine at the same time becomes very abundant. Prognosis. If at the critical periods the urine do not become dark, it is an ominous sign, especially in acute diseases, the more so if at the same time (a) the quantity of urine be small (for scanty urine is evidence that the humour has already become destroyed by oxidation); (b) the sediment be coarse-textured; the coarser, the more depraved; the finer, the less." وَقد يعرض أَن يبال بَوْل أسود وأحمر قاني بِسَبَب شرب شراب بِهَذِهِ الصّفة تعْمل فِيهِ الطبيعة أصلا فَيخرج بِحَالهِ وَهَذَا الأخطر فِيهِ وَرُبمَا كَانَ دَلِيل بحران صَالح فِي الْأَمْرَاض الحادة أَيْضا,Dark urine is a good sign in acute diseases. Dark or dull red urine which is passed after drinking wine of that colour or after taking certain medicines need cause no alarm. The wine has simply passed unchanged through the body. مثل الْبَوْل الَّذِي يبوله الْمَرِيض رَقِيقا وَفِيه تعلق فِي نواح مُخْتَلفَة فَإِنَّهُ كثيرا مَا يدل على صداع وسهر وصمم واختلاط عقل لَا سِيمَا إِذا بيل قَلِيلا قَلِيلا فِي زمَان طَوِيل وَكَانَ حاد الرَّائِحَة وَكَانَ فِي الحميات فَإِنَّهُ حِينَئِذٍ شَدِيد الدّلَالَة على الصداع والاختلاط فِي الْعقل,"If the urine is limpid [as well as dark] and a deposit is suspended in it at different layers, this denotes cephalalgia, wakefulness, deafness, mental confusion. If the urine is secreted only by drops, and a sediment forms slowly, and the odour is pungent, and there is fever all this would be strong evidence of the above." واذا كَانَ هُنَاكَ سهر وصمم واختلاط عقل وصداع دلّ على رُعَاف يكون وَيُمكن أَن يكون سَببا للحصاة فِي كليته. قَالَ روفس: الْبَوْل الْأسود يسْتَحبّ فِي علل الْكُلِّي والعلل الهائجة من الأخلاط الغليظة وَهُوَ دَلِيل مهلك فِي الْأَمْرَاض الحادة.,"But when there is wakefulness, deafness, delirium, and headache such-urine would show that epistaxis is pending. Dark urine may be evidence of renal calculus. As Rufus says, “black urine is good in infirmities of the kidneys and in stone in the bladder, and also in maniacal cases, for they are diseases proceeding from gross humours. But it is a grave sign in acute diseases”." ونقول: قد يكون الْبَوْل الْأسود أَيْضا رديئاً فِي علل الْكُلِّي والمثانة إِذا كَانَ هُنَاكَ احتراق شَدِيد فَتَأمل سَائِر العلامات وَالْبَوْل الْأسود فِي الْمَشَايِخ وَلَيْسَ لصلاح لَهُم مِمَّا يعلم وَلَا هُوَ وَاقع إِلَّا لفساد عَظِيم وَكَذَلِكَ فِي النِّسَاء. وَالْبَوْل الْأسود بعد التَّعَب يدل على تشنّج.,"On the other hand, he says that black urine is a bad sign in diseases of the kidneys and bladder if at the same time it is extremely scalding. Therefore one must take all such signs into consideration. When dark urine occurs in aged persons, it is not a good sign because in such persons, as you know, it can only denote great destruction of tissue. In puerperal women, the appearance of dark urine is premonitory in convulsions." وَبِالْجُمْلَةِ الْبَوْل الْأسود فِي ابْتِدَاء الحميات قتّال وَكَذَلِكَ الَّذِي فِي انتهائها إِذا لم يَصْحَبهُ خف وَلم يكن دَلِيلا على بحران. وَأما الْبَوْل الْأَبْيَض فقد يفهم مِنْهُ مَعْنيانِ: أَحدهمَا أَن يكون رَقِيقا مشفًّا فَإِن النَّاس قد يسمُون المشف أَبيض كَمَا يسمون الزّجاج الصافي والبلور الصافي أَبيض.,"In brief, the appearance of dark urine is serious at the onset of fevers as well as at their close, if there is neither crisis nor any abatement of symptoms at the same time. WHITE URINE. The word “whiteness” is applied in two ways: mere translucence, as the laity calls anything which is translucent “white.” Thus, clear glass, clear crystal, are “white.” Translucence implies absence of all colour. Such urine is “thin” and translucent." والقاني الْأَبْيَض بِالْحَقِيقَةِ هر الَّذِي لَهُ لون مفرق لِلْبَصَرِ مثل اللَّبن والكاغد وَهَذَا لَا يكون مشفًّا ينفذ فِيهِ الْبَصَر لِأَن الإشفاف بِالْحَقِيقَةِ هُوَ عدم الألوان كلهَا. فالأبيض بِمَعْنى المشف دَلِيل على الْبرد جملَة ومونس عَن النضج وَإِن كَانَ مَعَ غلظ دلّ على البلغم.,"Secondly, there is true whiteness, like that of milk or parchment. Such urine is not translucent. Whiteness in the first sense shows that the intemperament is altogether a cold one, and that digestion is good. If the urine be at the same time coarse, it shows that the serous humour is abundant." وَأما الْأَبْيَض الْحَقِيقِيّ فَلَا يكون إِلَّا مَعَ غلظ,A urine which is white in the second sense is necessarily coarse. وَاعْلَم أَنه قد يكون بَوْل أَبيض والمزاج حَار صفراوي وبولى أَحْمَر والمزاج بَارِد بلغمي فَإِن الصَّفْرَاء إِذا مَالَتْ عَن مَسْلَك الْبَوْل وَلم تختلط بالبول بَقِي الْبَوْل أَبيض فَيجب أَن يتَأَمَّل الْبَوْل الْأَبْيَض فَإِن كَانَ لَونه مشرقاً وَثقله غزيراً غليظاً وقوامه مَعَ هَذَا إِلَى الغلظ فَاعْلَم أَن الْبيَاض من برد بلغم.,"When the intemperament is hot because of the dominance of the bilious humour, the urine may appear white [contrary to expectation]. When the intemperament is cold because of dominance of ..the serous humour, the urine may appear red [contrary to expectation]. If the bilious humour passes down the urinary passages without being admixed with the urine, the latter remains white. Hence it is necessary to study white urine with care. For, if its colour were brilliant, and if the deposit is plentiful and coarse, and the urine itself is rather thick, it shows that the whiteness arises from a cold intemperament, with predominance of the serous humour." وَأما إِن كَانَ اللَّوْن لَيْسَ بالمشرق وَلَا الثفل بالغزير وَلَا بالمفصول وَلَا الْبيَاض إِلَى كمودة فَاعْلَم أَنه لكمون الصَّفْرَاء وَإِذا كَانَ الْبَوْل فِي الْمَرَض الحاد أَبيض وَكَانَ هُنَاكَ دَلَائِل السَّلامَة لَا يخَاف مَعهَا السرسام وَنَحْوه,"Again, if the urine be not clear and bright, and there is not much deposit, and if the whiteness tends to a brownish tint, it shows that there is bilious humour concealed therein. Whiteness in the course of an acute disease, the signs of recovery being present, with no fear of maniacal delirium, and the like." فَاعْلَم أَن الْمَادَّة الحادة مَالَتْ إِلَى المجرى الآخر فالأمعاء تعرض للإسحاج.,"indicates that the bilious humour has passed out by some other channel, such as the intestine, causing constipation." وَأما الْعلَّة فِي كَون الْبَوْل فِي الْأَمْرَاض الْبَارِدَة أَحْمَر اللَّوْن فسببه أحد أُمُور إِمَّا شدَّة الوجع وتحليله الصَّفْرَاء مثل مَا يعرض فِي القولنج الْبَارِد,"If urine is red in the course of “cold ” maladies, it means one of four things that there is severe pain which disperses the bilious humour (ex.: colic without the signs of inflammation);" وَإِمَّا شدَّة وَقعت من غَلَبَة البلغم فِي المجرى الَّذِي بَين المرار والأمعاء فَلم ينصب المرار إِلَى الأمعاء الإنصباب الطبيعي الْمُعْتَاد بل يضْطَر إِلَى مرافقة الْبَوْل وَالْخُرُوج مَعَه كَمَا يعرض أيضاَ فِي القولنج الْبَارِد,"there is so much serous humour in the bileducts as to give rise to obstruction there, and the bilious humour is in consequence diverted from the intestine into the urinary passages." وَأما ضعف الكبد وقصور قوته عَن التَّمْيِيز بَين المائية وَالدَّم كَمَا يكون فِي الاسْتِسْقَاء الْبَارِد وَفِي أمراض ضعف الكبد فِي الْأَكْثَر فَيكون الْبَوْل شَبِيها بغسالة اللَّحْم الطري.,"Hepatic insufficiency, especially in regard to separating off water from the blood, as occurs in “ cold ” dropsy. The urine comes to look like the washings of raw meat." وَأما الاحتقان الَّذِي توجبه السمد فبتغير لون البلغم فِي الْعُرُوق لعفونة مَا تلْحقهُ وعلامته أَن تكون مائية الْبَوْل وَثقله على الْوَجْه الْمَذْكُور ثمَّ يكون صبغه صبغاً ضَعِيفا غير مشرق فَإِن الصفراوي يكون صبغه مشرقاً,"Some form of putrefactive process in the veins subsequent to obstruction in the ducts; here the serous humour in the vessels undergoes a change of colour. The urine is rendered watery, and the sediment is of a kind already described faint in colour, and not refulgent. The presence of bilious humour renders a colour refulgent (i.e. dichroic)." وَكَثِيرًا مَا يكون الْبَوْل فِي أول الْأَمر أَبيض ثمَّ يسود وينتن كَمَا يعرض فِي اليرقان. وَالْبَوْل بعد الطَّعَام يبيض وَلَا يزَال كَذَلِك حَتَّى يَأْخُذ فِي الهضم فَيَأْخُذ فِي الصَّبْغ,"Urine is often white at the onset of a disease, and becomes dark and offensive in odour later. So it is in jaundice. Urine becomes white after a meal, and remains so until digestion is nearly completed. It then begins to assume colour." وَلذَلِك مَا يكون بَوْل أَصْحَاب السهر أَبيض ويعين عَلَيْهِ تحلل الْحَار الغريزي لكنه يكون غير مشرق بل إِلَى كدورة لعدم النضج.,"During the waking state, the urine is white partly because of dispersal of the innate heat but it is not refulgent. It tends to be dusky if there is an associated defective digestion." والصبغ الْأَحْمَر فِي الْأَمْرَاض الحادة أفضل من المائي والأبيض لقوامه أَيْضا خير من المائي والأحمر الدموي أَكثر أَمَانًا من الْأَحْمَر الصفراوي والأحمر الصفراوي أَيْضا لَيْسَ بذلك الْمخوف إِن كَانَ الصَّفْرَاء سَاكِنا ومخوف إِن كَانَ متحركاً.,"Prognosis. A red colour is better than a watery- white one, in the case of acute diseases. But a white colour is better if intrinsic not due to wateriness. Redness due to blood is not as dangerous as redness due to bilious humour. Redness from bilious humour is not as serious if the bilious humour is quiescent; it is very ominous if it begins to move about." وَالْبَوْل الْأَحْمَر القاني فِي أمراض الْكُلية رَدِيء فَإِنَّهُ يدل فِي الْأَكْثَر على ورم حَار وَفِي أوجاع الرَّأْس ينذر باختلاط.,"Red urine is very bad in the case of renal disease because it is a sign that there is a hot” inflammatory process there. If it occurs in diseases associated with (intense) headache, it portends delirium." وَإِذا ابْتَدَأَ الْبَوْل فِي الْأَمْرَاض الحادة بالأحمر وَبَقِي كَذَلِك وَلم يرسب خيف مِنْهُ الْهَلَاك وَدلّ على ورم الكلى فَإِن كَانَ كدراً مَعَ الْحمرَة وَبَقِي كَذَلِك دلّ على ورم فِي الكبد وَضعف الْحَار الغريزي.,"When a urine begins to turn red in an acute disease, and stays so, without forming a sediment, it is an ominous sign because it points to an inflammatory swelling in the kidneys. If such urine becomes turbid, and stays so, it points to an inflammatory mass in the liver, with lack of innate heat." وَمن ألوان الْبَوْل ألوان مركبة,THE COMPOUND COLOURS OF THE URINE. من ذَلِك اللَّوْن الشبيه بغسالة اللَّحْم الطري وَيُشبه دَمًا ديف فِي المَاء وَقد يكون من ضعف الكبد وَقد يكون من كَثْرَة الدَّم وَأَكْثَره من ضعف الكبد من أَي سوء مزاج غلب وَيدل عَلَيْهِ ضعف الهضم وانحلال القوى,"Like raw meat washings (i.e. blood-stained water). This means hepatic insufficiency due to plethora of blood or to any form of intemperament, resulting in deficient digestive power and dispersal of the vitality." فَإِن كَانَت الْقُوَّة قَوِيَّة فَلَيْسَ إِلَّا من كَثْرَة الدَّم وزيادته على الْمبلغ الَّذِي يَفِي الْقُوَّة المميزة بتمييزه بِكَمَالِهِ.,"Were the vital power adequate, it would show that there is plenty of blood, even to great excess; and in such a case, the secretory power would be hardly adequate for dealing with it." وَمن ذَلِك اللَّوْن الزيتي وَهُوَ صفرَة يخالطها سلقية وَيُشبه الزَّيْت للزَّوْجَة فِيهِ وإشفاف مَعَ بريق دسمي وقوام مَعَ الشف إِلَى الغلظ مَا هُوَ وَفِي أَكثر الْأَحْوَال يدل على الشَّرّ وَلَا يدل على الْخَيْر والنضج وَالصَّلَاح,"(I) Oleaginous. Oily. The fat of the body is being destroyed. The appearance is like a lemon-yellow tinged with the greenness of the mistletoe growing on larches. It is called oleaginous because it is viscid and translucent, and also has the lustre of fat, and show’s a certain brilliance or refulgence in spite of a certain opacity. It is not a good sign in many states, not to say it is bad. For it shows there is neither maturation, nor a change for the better." وَرُبمَا دلّ فِي النَّادِر على استفراغ مواد دسمة على سَبِيل البحران وَهَذِه إِنَّمَا تكون إِذا تعقبه رَاحَة. والمهلك مِنْهُ مَا كَانَت دسومته مُنْتِنَة وخصوصاً الْبَوْل مِنْهُ قَلِيلا قَلِيلا وَإِذا خالطه شَيْء كغسالة اللَّحْم الطري فَهُوَ أردأ وَهَذَا أَكْثَره فِي الاسْتِسْقَاء والسل والقولنج الرَّدِيء,"In rare cases it indicates the critical evacuation of unctuous matter, but for it to mean this alleviation must follow. If such urine be also fetid and scanty in amount, it is a very ominous sign. It is also serious if it be admixed with material like meat washings, as might happen in the course of dropsy, phthisis,, .and intestinal obstruction." وَرُبمَا يعقب الزيتي بولاً أسود مُتَقَدما وَكَانَ عَلامَة صَلَاح وَكَثِيرًا مَا دلّ الْبَوْل الزيتي فِي الرَّابِع على أَن الْمَرِيض سيموت فِي السَّابِع أَعنِي فِي الْأَمْرَاض الحادة.,"If oleaginous urine replaces a black urine, it is a good sign. But if such a urine appear on the fourth day of an acute disease it forewarns of the patient’s death on the seventh day. (Very dark oily urine forewarns of collapse and death. Theophilus.)" وَبِالْجُمْلَةِ فَإِن الْبَوْل الزيتي ثَلَاثَة أَصْنَاف فَإِنَّهُ: إِمَّا أَن يكون كُله دسماً أَو يكون أَسْفَله فَقَط أَو يكون أَعْلَاهُ. دسماً وَأَيْضًا فَإِنَّهُ إِمَّا أَن يكون زيتياً فِي لَونه فَقَط كَمَا فِي السل وخصوصاً فِي أَوله أَو فِي قوامه فَقَط أَو فيهمَا جَمِيعًا كَمَا فِي علل الكلى وَفِي كَمَال السل وَآخره,"In brief, there are three kinds of oleaginous urine, (i) All fat, throughout. Fat only in the lower part. Fat in the upper layers. The first is oleaginous only in colour; it occurs in phthisis, hectic fever, and wasting diseases, especially at their outset. The second is oleaginous only in “substance.” The third is oily in both respects e.g. in diseases of the kidney, at the acme and termination of phthisis." وَمن ذَلِك الأرجواني وَهُوَ ردي قتال لِأَنَّهُ يدل على احتراق الْمَرَّتَيْنِ وَقد يكون لون أَحْمَر يجْرِي فِيهِ سَواد فَيدل على الحميات المركبة والحمّيات الَّتِي من الأخلاط الغليظة فَإِن كَانَ أصفى وَكَانَ السوَاد أميل إِلَى رَأسه دلّ على ذَات الْجنب.,"Purple (-black). This is a very bad sign. It means oxidation of both bilious and atrabilious humour. Ruddy colour admixed with a tinge of blackness. This occurs in composite fevers and in fevers arising from gross superfluities. If it clarifies, and the darkness settles down from the surface, it denotes an inflammatory .mass in the lung." الْفَصْل الثَّالِث قوام الْبَوْل وَصِفَاته وكدورته,"THE SIGNS AFFORDED BY THE DENSITY, QUALITY, CLEARNESS OR TURBIDITY OF THE URINE" قوام الْبَوْل إِمَّا أَن يكون رَقِيقا وَإِمَّا أَن يكون غليظاً وَإِمَّا أَن يكون معتدلاً. وَالرَّقِيق جدا: يدل على عدم النضج فِي كل حَال أَو على السدد فِي الْعُرُوق أَو على ضعف الْكُلية,"Urine may be transparent or opaque, or intermediate in density. TRANSPARENT (LIMPID) URINE Whatever be the state, a urine of limpid consistence denotes: (a) deficient digestion (lack of maturation); (b) venous congestion; (c) renal insufficiency (for the kidneys" ومجاري الْبَوْل فَلَا يجذب إِلَّا الرَّقِيق أَو يجذب وَلَا يدْفع إِلَّا الرَّقِيق الْمُطِيع للدَّفْع أَو على كَثْرَة شرب المَاء أَو على المزاج الشَّديد الْبرد مَعَ يبس.,"only separate, out fine matter, or if they attract other matter, they fail to discharge it until it has been rarefied or rendered capable of excretion; (d) excessive fluid-intake; (e) a very cold or a dry intemperament." وَيدل فِي الْأَمْرَاض الحادة على ضعف الْقُوَّة الهاضمة وَعدم النضج وَرُبمَا دلّ على ضعف سَائِر القوى حَتَّى لَا ينْصَرف فِي المَاء الْبَتَّةَ بل يزلق كَمَا يدْخل وَالْبَوْل الرَّقِيق على هَذِه الصّفة هُوَ فِي الصّبيان أردأ مِنْهُ فِي الشبَّان,"When it occurs in the course of an acute illness, it denotes deficient digestive power,, and inability to complete digestion (absence of maturation: cf. above). It may indicate that the weakness of the other faculties is so marked that they cannot influence water at all, and hence it passes through the body unchanged. Prognosis. It is worse for urine to be very transparent at puberty than in adolescence," لِأَن الصّبيان بَوْلهمْ الطبيعي أغْلظ من بَوْل الشبَّان لأَنهم أرطب وَلِأَن أبدانهم للرطوبات أجذب لِأَنَّهَا تحْتَاج إِلَى فضل مَادَّة بِسَبَب الاستنماء فَإِذا رق بَوْلهمْ فِي الحميات الحادة جدا كَانُوا قد بعدوا عَن حالتهم الطبيعية جدا.,"because during the former period of life urine is naturally more opaque than in adolescence. Being more moist in their temperament, their bodies attract moisture more readily, and, in addition, moisture is essential for their growth. Hence, if acute fevers arise during the age of puberty, the urine is decidedly abnormal if it is transparent." واستمرار ذَلِك بهم يدل على العطب فَإِنَّهُ إِذا دَامَ دلّ على الْهَلَاك إِلَّا أَن يُوَافقهُ عَلَامَات صَالِحَة وثبات قُوَّة فَحِينَئِذٍ يدل على خراج يحدث وخصوصاً تَحت نَاحيَة الكبد,"and, should it continue of that character, it would be a very ominous sign. Should it continue and favourable symptoms should not appear, and should the vitality not be maintained, it would be a sign that an abscess is forming below the liver." وَكَذَلِكَ إِذا دَامَ هَذَا بالأصحاءُ لَا يَسْتَحِيل فيهم فَإِنَّهُ يدل على ورم يحدث حَيْثُ يحسون فِيهِ الوجع. وَفِي الْأَكْثَر يعرض لَهُم أَن يحسوا مَعَ ذَلِك بوجع فِي الْقطن وَفِي الكلى فَيدل على استعداد لورم فَإِن لم يخص ذَلِك الوجع والثقل نَاحيَة بل عَم يدل على بثور وجدري وأورام تعم الْبدن.,"If urine continue to be transparent for a long time without any variation in a person otherwise healthy, should he experience pain one will know that an inflammatory mass is forming in the situation of the pain. The pain is usually lumbar when the urine is of this character, and that is the usual site for an abscess. If there is no localized pain in such a case, but a general pain and heaviness, this points to the widespread formation of small pustules. If the urine is transparent at the crisis of an illness, contrary to rule, it forewarns of a relapse." ورقة الْبَوْل عِنْد البحران بِلَا تدريج تنذر بالنكس. وَأما الْبَوْل الغليظ جدا فانه يدل فِي أَكثر الْأَحْوَال على عدم النضج وَفِي أقلهَا على نضج أخلاط غَلِيظَة القوام وَيكون فِي مُنْتَهى حميات خلطية أَو انفجار أورام.,"If the urine is very opaque, it shows that maturation has failed to take place; or, more rarely, it denotes the maturation of “gross” humours, such as occur at the height (status) of humoral fevers, or after the opening of abscesses." وَأكْثر دلائله فِي الْأَمْرَاض الحادة هُوَ على الشَّرّ لَكِن دوَام الرقة على الشَّرّ أدل فَإِن الغيلظ يدل على هضم مَا هُوَ الَّذِي يُفِيد القوام فِيمَا يدل على هضم واستقلال من الْقُوَّة بِالدفع يُرْجَى وَرُبمَا يدل على فَسَاد الْمَادَّة.,"In acute fevers, the appearance of opaque urine is usually a bad sign, though not as bad as a persistently transparent urine. The fact that urine is opaque shows that there is a certain degree of digestion proceeding, because digestion adds to the opacity of urine to a certain extent, and shows that there is some power of expulsion (of effete matter)." وَكَثْرَتهَا وامتناعها عَن النضج الْمُمَيز المرسب يدل على الشَّرّ ويستدل على الْغَالِب من الْأَمريْنِ بِمَا يعقبه من الرَّاحَة أَو يعقبه من زِيَادَة الضعْف.,"But it is a bad sign in so far as it denotes the breakdown of, and abundance of, humours, and that the evacuation of the separated materials is hindered. To ascertain which of the two is dominant, notice whether improvement or increased weakness follows." والأسلم من الْبَوْل الغليظ فِي الحميات مَا يستفرغ مِنْهُ شَيْء كثير دفْعَة وَأما الَّذِي يستفرغ قَلِيلا قَلِيلا فَهُوَ دَلِيل على كَثْرَة أخلاط أَو ضعف قُوَّة والنافع مِنْهُ يعقبه بَوْل معتدله مُقَارن للراحة واذا اسْتَحَالَ الرَّقِيق إِلَى الغلظ فِي الْأَمْرَاض الحادة وَلم يعقب رَاحَة دلّ على الذوبان.,"Prognosis. When opaque’ urine is passed in the course of fevers, it is a less serious sign if it be poured out quickly and plentifully. When excreted slowly it denotes a redundance of the (serous, Ch.M.) humours and an enfeebled vitality. A sign which is still less serious is that a urine of medium density should go with a simultaneous improvement in the general condition. A very dense urine sometimes denotes that digestion is unduly excessive (Ch. M). When the urine is transparent in an acute illness, and then becomes thick, and there is no improvement in the condition of the patient, it denotes colliquation [of tissues]." وَالصَّحِيح إِذا دَامَ بِهِ الْبَوْل الغليظ وَكَانَ يحس بوجع فِي نواحي الرَّأْس وانكسار فَهُوَ مُنْذر لَهُ بالحمى وَرُبمَا كَانَ ذَلِك بِهِ من فضل اندفاع أَو انفجار أَو قُرُوح بنواحي مسالك الْبَوْل وَإِنَّمَا كَانَت الرقة والغلظ جَمِيعًا يدلان على عدم النضج لِأَن النضج يتبعهُ اعْتِدَال القوام.,"Persistent opacity of urine in a presumably healthy person forewarns of fever should headache and mental confusion arise. Opaque urine also occurs after excessive evacuations, after the opening of an abscess, or owing to ulcers in the urinary passages. Transparent and opaque urine cannot both denote lack of digestion (maturation) unless there is an intermediate degree of density associated with the maturation." فالغليظ نضجه أَن ينهضم إِلَى الرقة وَالرَّقِيق نضجه أَن ينطبخ إِلَى السخونة وَالْبَوْل الغليظ كَمَا قُلْنَا فِيمَا سلف قد يكون صافياً مشفا وَقد يكون كدراً,"Dense substances are rendered thin or limpid by the process of digestion, and the urine changes from transparency to opacity. Thick urine, as has been already stated, is sometimes clear and translucent, sometimes turbid and opaque;" وَالْفرق بَين الغليظ المشف وَبَين الرَّقِيق أَن الغليظ المشفا إِذا موَج بالتحريك لم تصغر أجزاؤه المتموجة بل حدثت فِيهِ أمواج كبار وَكَانَت حركتها بطيئة وَإِذا أَزِيد كَانَ زبده كثير النفاخات بطيء الانفقاء وتولَد مثل هَذَا هُوَ عَن بلغم جيد الإنهضام أَو صفراء مُحي,"and yet there is a marked difference between thick and limpid translucent urine. When the former is shaken, it does not easily break up into little portions it only forms large portions; and the particles move slowly; and if it makes a foam, its foam is composed of numerous bubbles which do not coalesce for a long time. Such a urine is the outcome of an adequate digestion of the serous humour, or of the vitelline bilious humour" إِن كَانَ لَهُ صبغ إِلَى الصُّفْرَة وَإِذا لم يكن صبغ دلّ على إنحلال بلغم زجاجي وَهَذَا كثيرا مَا يكون فِي أَبْوَال المصروعين.,(if there be any tint suggestive of yellowness in it); or of the resolution of vitreous serous humour (if there be not any tint of yellowness in it). The last-named variety is often found in the urine of epileptics. وَالرَّقِيق الَّذِي يأكثر فِيهِ الصَّبْغ يعلم أَن صبغه لَيْسَ عَن نضج وَإِلَّا لفعل النضج فِيهِ القوام أَولا لكنه من اخْتِلَاط الْمرة بِهِ فَإِن أول فعل الإنضاج التَّقْوِيم ثمَّ الصَّبْغ والنضج فِي القوام أصلح مِنْهُ فِي اللَّوْن,"But a well-coloured transparent urine owes its colour not to digestion but to admixture with bilious humour. For otherwise digestion would be supposed to affect only the “substance” until a mixture of colours had been brought about, whereas the process of digestion effects a change of “substance” first, and of colour secondarily. Digestion concerns “substance,” not “colour.”" فَلذَلِك الْبَوْل الرَّقِيق الْأَصْفَر إِذا دَامَ فِي مُدَّة الْمَرَض الحادّ دلّ على شَرّ وعَلى فتور الْقُوَّة الهاضمة وَإِذا رَأَيْت بولاً رَقِيقا وَهُنَاكَ اخْتِلَاف أَجزَاء من الْحمرَة والصفرة فاحدس تعباً ملهباً وَإِن كَانَ رَقِيقا قيه أَشْيَاء كالنخالة من غير عِلّة فِي المثانة فَذَلِك لاحتراق البلغم.,"Hence if a transparent urine is yellow, and there is no abatement of the acute illness, that is a bad sign, for it shows the digestive faculties are dormant. The appearance of alternating redness and yellowness in a limpid urine points to inflammatory changes dependent on toil. If it be limpid and shows scale-like objects in it, and if the bladder is healthy, that is a sign of oxidation of the serous humour." وَالْبَوْل الغليظ فى الْأَمْرَاض الحادة يدل بِالْجُمْلَةِ على كَثْرَة الأخلاط وَرُبمَا دلّ على الذوبان وَهُوَ الَّذِي إِذا بَقِي سَاعَة جمد فغلظ.,"In brief, a thick, urine in acute febrile states may denote predominance of various humours, and at the same time point to colliquative processes (in the body). Should such processes persist during the whole phase of a disease, the urine would become more opaque (denser, thicker)." ويالجملة كدورة الْبَوْل الأرضية مَعَ ريح تخالطه المائية فَإِذا اخْتلطت هَذِه كَانَت كدورة وَفِي انْفِصَال بَعْضهَا من بعض يتم الصفاء,"Lastly, turbid urine denotes earthiness as well as the presence of gas and wateriness. For when these qualities are combined, turbidity is the result. When they are separated again, the urine becomes clear." ثمَّ يجب أَن ينظر إِلَى أَحْوَال ثَلَاث لِأَنَّهُ إِمَّا أَن يبال رَقِيقا ثمَّ يغلظ فَيدل على أَن الطبيعة مجاهدة هُوَ ذَا ينضج لَكِن الْمَادَّة بعد لم تُطِع من كل وَجه وَهِي متأثرة وَرُبمَا دلّ على ذوبان الْأَعْضَاء.,"The following three states should be noted The urine is clear at the time of passing, and then becomes opaque. This shows that maturation is difficult; that the matter (of the food) has not yet succumbed to the vegetative powers (“nature”). It may denote colliquation in the tissues." وَإِمَّا أَن يبال غليظاً ثمَّ يصفو ويتميز مِنْهُ الغليظ راسباً فَيدل على أَن الطبيعة قد قهرت الْمَادَّة وأنضجتها. وَكلما كَانَ الصفاء أَكثر الرسوب أوفر وأسرع فَهُوَ على النضج أدلّ.,"The urine is opaque when passed, but then becomes clear. The coarse matters settle and separate out. This shows that the vegetative powers (“nature”) have already overcome the material (of the food) and matured it. The clearer it grows, the greater the amount of sediment, and the more rapidly the sediment falls, the more complete is the digestion." وَالْحَالة المتوسطة بَين الأول وَالْآخر إِن دَامَت وَكَانَت الطبيعة قَوِيَّة وَالْقُوَّة ثَابِتَة حدس أَنه سيبلغ مِنْهُ الإنضاج التَّام وَإِن لم تكن الْقُوَّة ثَابِتَة خيف أَنا يسْبق الْهَلَاك النضج,"A state between the above two. In this case the vegetative powers improve, as long as the vitality is maintained. It shows that maturation is not progressing to completion. Rut if the vitality is not maintained, it would mean that the maturative processes are not likely to reach completion." وَإِذا طَال وَلم تكن عَلامَة مخيفة أنذر بصداع لِأَنَّهُ يدل على ثوران وعَلى ريَاح بخارية وَالَّذِي يَأْخُذ من الرقة إِلَى الخثورة ويستمرّ خير من الْوَاقِف على الخثورة فِي كثير من الْأَوْقَات وَكَثِيرًا مَا يغلظ الْبَوْل ويكدر لسُقُوط القوّة لَا لدفع الطبيعة.,"Should this condition persist a long time without the feared symptoms (of loss of vitality) appearing, then it is likely that headache will develop, for it shows that there is much gas formation. It is a better .sign for a clear urine to become turbid than for it to remain turbid for several hours after being passed. Urine may become turbid Because of loss of vitality, apart from expulsion of “ the nature.”" وَأما الْبَوْل الَّذِي يبال مائياً وَيبقى مائياً فَهُوَ دَلِيل عدم النضج الْبَتَّةَ وَالْبَوْل الغليظ أَحْمَده مَا كَانَ سهل الْخُرُوج كثير الِانْفِصَال مَعًا وَمثل هَذَا يبري الفالج وَمَايجْرِي مجْرَاه وَإِذا كَانَت أَبْوَال غَلِيظَة ثمَّ أخذت ترق على التدريج مَعَ غزارة فَذَلِك مَحْمُود,"If urine is watery when voided, and remains so, it shows that digestion has entirely ceased. (a) Opaque urine easily voided, whose sediment falls easily: when occurring in palsy, etc. (b) Urine opaque when voided but then becoming transparent and plentiful." وَرُبمَا كَانَ يعقب الغليظ الكدر الْقَلِيل الْكثير فَيكون دَلِيل خير وَذَلِكَ إِذا انفجر الغليظ الكدر الَّذِي كَانَ ييال قَلِيلا قَلِيلا ودفعة وَاحِدَة بَوْل بولاً كثيرا بسهولة فَإِن هَذَا كثيرا مَا تنْحَل بِهِ الْعلَّة سَوَاء كَانَت الْعلَّة شَيْئا من الحميات الحادة أَو غَيرهَا من الْأَمْرَاض الامتلائية,"(c) Limpid plentiful urine following upon thick turbid urine or thick and scanty urine. (d) Opaque turbid urine passed at a slow rate, and then becoming suddenly abundant and easy to void. (This means that recovery is about to take place, whether it be an acute fever or any other plethoric disorder." وَكَانَ امتلاء لم يعرض بعد مِنْهُ مرض ظَاهر وَهَذَا ضرب من الْبَوْل نَادِر.,or a plethora about to manifest as actual disease). But this kind of urine is rarely met with. وَالْبَوْل الطبيعي اللَّوْن إِذا أفرط فِي الغلظ دلّ أَحْيَانًا على جودة نقص الْموَاد كثيرا ونضجه بسهولة الْخُرُوج وَقد يدل أَحْيَانًا على التّلف لدلالته على كَثْرَة الأخلاط وَضعف الْقُوَّة وَيدل عَلَيْهِ عسر الْخُرُوج وَقلة مَا يخرج.,"If the urine is of natural colour, and its opacity be great, it is evident that much (effete) matter is passing through, and that there is no hindrance to their outflow. But it is usually a bad sign because it shows that the humours are superabundant, and the vitality deficient. Such a urine is scanty and difficult to void." وَالْبَوْل الغليظ الْجيد الَّذِي هُوَ بحران لأمراض الطحال والحميّات المختلطة لَا يتوقّع فِيهِ الاسْتوَاء فَإِن الطبيعة تعْمل فِي الدّفع.,"Opaque urine is a good sign if it occurs at the crisis in “splenic” diseases and “mixed” fevers, in which the emunctory powers cannot come into play, or equipoise be restored." وَالْبَوْل الميثور فِي الْجُمْلَة يدلّ على كَثْرَة الاخلاط مَعَ اشْتِغَال من الطبيعة بهَا وبإنضاجها. وَالْبَوْل الغليظ الَّذِي لَهُ ثقل زيتي يدل على حَصَاة. وَالْبَوْل الغليظ الدَّال على انفجار الأورام يسْتَدلّ عَلَيْهِ بِمَا يخالطه وَبِمَا قد سبقه.,"Lastly, turbid urine denotes that the humours are over-abundant and that the vegetative powers are inadequate for their digestion. Diagnostic -points. Opaque urine, with a sandy sediment," أما مَا يخالطه فكالمدة وَيدل عَلَيْهَا الرَّائِحَة المنتنة والجرادات الْمُنْفَصِلَة مَعَه كصفائح بيض أَو حمر أَو كنخالة أَو غير ذَلِك مِمَّا يسْتَدلّ عَلَيْهِ بعد وَأما مَا سبقه فَإِن يكون قد كَانَ فِيمَا سلف عَلامَة لورم أَو قرحَة بالمثانة أَو الْكُلية والكبد أَو نواحي الصَّدْر فَيدل ذَلِك على الإنفجار من الورم,"denotes calculus. Opaque urine, with pus, a bad odour, and scaly particles separating out, denotes rupture of an abscess. A thick urine, with the clinical evidences of an inflammatory mass or of an ulcer in the bladder, kidney, liver or chest, shows that there is an abscess about to burst." وَإِن كَانَ قبله بَوْل يشبه غسالة اللَّحْم الطري فَهُوَ من حدبة الكبد أَو برَاز كَذَلِك فالورم فِي تقعيره وَإِن كَانَ قد سبق ضيق نفس وسعال يَابِس ووجع فِي أَعْضَاء الصَّدْر ناخس فَهُوَ ذَات الْجنب انفجر واندفع من نَاحيَة الشريان الْعَظِيم.,"If the urine prior to that were like the washings of raw meat, it would show that there is unhealthy blood flowing from the liver; and if the faeces were also similar, it would show there is an inflammatory mass in the interior of the liver. If prior to this there wras shortness of breath, with a dry cough, and a stabbing pain in the chest, then one knows that an abscess has ruptured which arose in the chest or (round the) aorta." وَإِذا كَانَ فِي ذَلِك الَّذِي هُوَ الْمدَّة نضج كَانَ مَحْمُودًا وَإِن كَانَ ذَلِك الْبَوْل مغ الغلظ إِلَى السود وَكَانَ مَعَه وجع فِي نَاحيَة الْيَسَار فَهُوَ من نَاحيَة الطحال وعَلى هَذَا الْقيَاس إِن كَانَ فَوق السُّرَّة وَأَعْلَى الْبَطن فَهُوَ من نَاحيَة الْمعدة. وَأكْثر ذَلِك يكون من الكبد ومجاري الْبَوْل.,"If the pus is “mature,” it is satisfactory. It is only pus if it appears in the urine after the bursting of an abscess; the urine is then not only thick but dark. If at this time there be. pain in the left side, then one knows that the abscess was in the spleen. If the pain is in the upper part of the abdomen, one knows the abscess was in the stomach. The usual site for the abscess is in the liver and in the urinary organs." وَرُبمَا بَال الصَّحِيح المتدع التارك الرياضة بولاً كالمدة والصديد فيتنقى بدنه وَيَزُول ترهله الَّذِي لَهُ بترك الرياضة وَإِن كَانَ أَيْضا فِي الكبد وَمَا يَلِيهِ سدد فَرُبمَا كَانَ غلظ الْبَوْل تَابعا لانفتاحها واندفاع مادتها وَلَا يكون هَذَا الغلظ قيحياً وَالَّذِي يكون عَن الانفجار يكون قيحياً.,"Discharge of urine resembling pus may benefit a person who takes no exercise and lives in an unhygienic manner. It clears the whole body, and removes the laxity resulting from the lack. of exercise. It may be that there are obstructions in the liver and adnexa, and when the obstructions are removed, the urine which is voided is dense owing to the matter which passes out with it. Such “ matter ” is not “ pus.”" وَالْبَوْل الكدر كثيرا مَا يدل على سُقُوط الْقُوَّة وَإِذا سَقَطت الْقُوَّة استولى الْبرد وَكَانَ كَالْبردِ الْخَارِج وَالْبَوْل الكدر الشبيه بلون الشَّرَاب الرَّدِيء أَو مَاء الحمص يكون للحبالى وَأَصْحَاب أورام حارة مزمنة فِي الأحشاء,"Turbid urine often denotes loss of vitality; coldness dominates in the temperament as much as if the whole body were exposed to external cold. Turbid urine of the appearance of poor wine, or of chick-pea-water, may occur during pregnancy, and may be met with in persons with long-standing internal “hot” inflammatory masses." وَالْبَوْل الَّذِي يشبه بَوْل الْحمير وأبوال الدَّوَابّ وَكَأَنَّهُ ملخلخ لشقة بثوره يدل على فَسَاد أخلاط الْبدن. وَأَكْثَره على خام عملت فِيهِ حرارة مَا فيورث ريحًا غَلِيظَة وَكَذَلِكَ قد يدل على الصداع الْكَائِن أَو المطل وَقد يدل إِذا دَامَ على الترعش.,"Urine which has the extremely turbid appearance of asses’ urine or the urine of other cattle, arises from the very marked agitation which is going on in the humours, especially the serous humour, a certain amount of heat coming into play so as to set up that agitation. Hence this kind of urine is a forerunner of headache or [coryzal] catarrh in the head. If it persists, it forewarns of lethargia." قَالَ بَعضهم: إِنَّه إِذا كَانَ فِي أَسْفَل الْبَوْل شَبيه بغيم أَو دُخان طَال الْمَرَض وَإِن كَانَ فِي جَمِيع الْمَرَض أنذر بِمَوْت. والخام يُفَارق الْمدَّة بالنتن.,"Some say that if the lower layers of the urine show a powdery or nebulous appearance, it means that the illness will be of long duration; and that if it persists throughout the whole illness, it presages death, or the formation of “crude” serous humour, which is distinguished from pus by its fetor." وَالْبَوْل الْمُخْتَلف الْأَجْزَاء كلما كَانَت الْأَجْزَاء الْكِبَار فِيهِ أَكثر دلّ على أَن عمل الطبيعة فِيهِ أنفذ والطبيعة أقدر والمسام أَشد إنفتاحاً. وَالْبَوْل الَّذِي يرى فِيهِ كالخيوط مختلط بَعْضهَا بِبَعْض يدل على أَنه بيل أثر الْجِمَاع وَأَنت تعلم ذَلِك بالامتحان.,"If the urine separates into several layers, the more there are the stronger is the natural faculty, and the more open are the pores. Threads floating in the urine denote that it was passed immediately after completing coitus." الْفَصْل الرَّابِع دَلَائِل رَائِحَة الْبَوْل,THE SIGNS DERIVED FROM THE ODOUR OF THE URINE قَالُوا: لم ير بَوْل مَرِيض قطّ توَافق رَائِحَته رَائِحَة بَوْل الأصحاء. ونقول: إِن كَانَ الْبَوْل لَا رَائِحَة لَهُ الْبَتَّةَ دلّ على برد مزاج وفجاجة مفرطة وَرُبمَا دلّ على الْأَمْرَاض الحادة على موت الغريزة,"Some people assert that no sick person ever passes a urine which has a healthy odour. But we say that if the urine is quite odourless, it denotes (a) a cold intemperament; (b) excessive “crudity”; (c) extinction of the innate heat, in the case of acute diseases." فَإِن كَانَت لَهُ رَائِحَة مُنْتِنَة فَإِن كَانَ هُنَاكَ دَلَائِل النضج كَانَ سَببه جرباً وقروحاً فِي ألات الْبَوْل ويستدل عَلَيْهِ بعلامات ذَلِك وَإِن لم يكن نضج جَازَ أَن يكون من ذَلِك وَجَاز أَن يكون للعفونة,"Fetid odour. A fetid odour, with signs of maturation iri the urine indicates ulcers in the urinary passages, or scabies.” These are identified from their own signs. If with the fetid odour, there are no signs of maturation, the cause of the odour may be merely putrefaction." وَإِذا كَانَ ذَلِك فِي الحميات الحادة وَلم يكن بِسَبَب أَعْضَاء الْبَوْل فَهُوَ دَلِيل رَدِيء وَإِن كَانَ إِلَى الحموضة دلّ على أَن العفونة هِيَ فِي أخلاط بَارِدَة الْجَوْهَر استولى عَلَيْهَا حرارة غَرِيبَة.,"Such a urine, in acute fevers, without disease in the urinary organs, is a bad sign. If it is present in acute fevers, and there is a tendency to acridity, it denotes putrefaction in humours which are of a cold nature, when there is a predominance of the extraneous heat." وَأما إِن كَانَت الْعلَّة حادة فَهُوَ دَلِيل الْمَوْت لِأَنَّهُ يدل على موت الْحَرَارَة الغريزية واستيلاء برد فِي الطَّبْع مَعَ حر غَرِيب والرائحة الضاربة إِلَى الْحَلَاوَة تدل على غَلَبَة الدَّم والمنتنة شَدِيدا صفراوية,"If such a urine appears in acute diseases, it forewarns of death by extinction of the innate heat and predominance of the extraneous cold. Sweetish odour. This denotes predominance of the sanguineous humour. If also very fetid, a predominance of the bilious humour." والمنتنة إِلَى الحموضة سوداوية وَالْبَوْل المنتن الرَّائِحَة إِذا دَامَ بالأصحاء دلّ على حميات تحدث من العفن أَو على انْتِقَاض عفونة محتبسة فيهم وَيدل عَلَيْهِ وجود الخفة إثره,Putrid odour. If this tends to sourness it shows predominance of the atrabilious humour. An extremely fetid odour of the urine which continues in spite of seeming health denotes (a) that a fever arising from ..putrefaction is coming on; (b) expulsion of retained putrescent matters. The latter will show whether the case may be expected to recover. وَفِي الْأَمْرَاض الحادة إِذا فَارق الْبَوْل من كَانَ يلْزمه فِيهَا وَزَالَ عَنهُ وَكَانَ ذَلِك الزَّوَال دفْعَة وَلم يعقب رَاحَة فَهُوَ عَلامَة سُقُوط القوى.,"If a fetid urine appears in an acute illness, and then suddenly ceases to be fetid, without subsidence of the symptoms, it shoivs a destruction of vitality." الْفَصْل الْخَامِس الدَّلَائِل الْمَأْخُوذَة من الزّبد,THE INDICATIONS AFFORDED BY THE FOAM ON URINE الزّبد يحدث فِي الرُّطُوبَة من الرّيح المنزرقة فى المَاء وَمَعَ زرق الْبَوْل وَالرِّيح الْخَارِجَة مَعَ الْبَوْل فِي جَوْهَر الْبَوْل مَعُونَة لَا محَال وخصوصاً إِذا كَانَت الرّيح غالبة فِي المَاء كَمَا يعرض فِي بَوْل أَصْحَاب التمدد من النفّاخات الْكَثِيرَة.,"Foam arises from the moisture and the gases forced into the urine as it is passed into the urinal. The vapour which leaves the body writh the urine, doubtless adds to the consistence of the urine, especially if gases predominate in it, as occurs in cases of obstructions. The urine then shows many bubbles." والزبد قد يدل بلونه كَمَا يدل بسواده وشقرته على اليرقان وَقد يدل بصغره وَكبره فَإِن كبره يدل على اللزوجة وَإِمَّا بقلته وكثرته فَإِن كثرته تدل على لزوجة وريح كَثِيرَة,One notices the following points in regard to the foam: Colour: it is dark or reddish in jaundice. Size of bubbles: large ones indicate viscidity. Number of bubbles: if numerous it denotes viscidity and much gas. وَإِمَّا بِبَقَائِهِ طَويلا أَو بِبَقَائِهِ سَرِيعا فَإِن بَقَاءَهُ بطيئاً يدل على اللزوجة والعبب الْبَاقِيَة فِي علل الكلى وَيدل على طول الْمَرَض لدلالته على الرِّيَاح واللزوجة. وَبِالْجُمْلَةِ فَإِن الْخَلْط اللزج فِي علل الكلى رَدِيء وَيدل على أخلاط رَدِيئَة وَبرد.,"Rate of bursting of the bubbles: if slow, it indicates viscidity, and coarse glutinous humour. Prognosis. Hence if small bubbles persist in a specimen, in cases of kidney disease, it shows that the illness will be of long duration. In brief, viscous humours in the course of kidney diseases are of bad omen; they show that the humours are depraved, and cold in temperament. The significance of small bubbles has already been stated." الْفَصْل السَّادِس دَلَائِل أَنْوَاع الرسوب,THE INDICATIONS DERIVED FROM THE DIVERS KINDS OF SEDIMENT نقُول: أَولا إِن اصْطِلَاح الْأَطِبَّاء فِي اسْتِعْمَال لَفْظَة الرسوب والثفل قد زَالَ عَن المجرى الْمُتَعَارف وَذَلِكَ لأَنهم يَقُولُونَ رسوب وثفل لَا لما يرسب ففط بل لكل جَوْهَر أغْلظ قواماً من المائية متميز عنها وَإِن تعلق وطفا,"Definition. In the first place one must specify the meaning of the term “sediment.” It is not “that which sinks to the bottom of the vessel.” It is that whole substance (denser in essence than wateriness) which separates out from the wateriness regardless of whether it settles down. or not, floats or not, sinks or not.”" فَنَقُول: إِن الرسوب قد يسْتَدلّ مِنْهُ من وُجُوه من جوهره وَمن كميته وَمن كيفيته وَمن وضع أَجْزَائِهِ وَمن مَكَانَهُ وَمن زَمَانه وَمن كَيْفيَّة مخالطته,"Therefore we’ may say that there are various characters pertaining to the sediment its “structure,” its quantity and quality, the arrangement of its components, its position, duration, and mode of permixture." أما دلَالَته من جوهره فَهُوَ أَنه إِمَّا أَن يكون رسوباً طبيعياً مَحْمُودًا دَالا على الهضم والنضج الطبيعيين وهر أَبيض راسب مُتَّصِل الْأَجْزَاء متشابهها مستويها وَيجب أَن يكون مستدير الشكل أملس مستوياَ لطيفاً شَبِيها برسوب مَاء الْورْد.,"STRUCTURE [Structure; consistence; texture.; essential substance; matter; jawhar.] A. NATURAL SEDIMENTS A sediment is natural, laudable, evidence of normal digestion and maturation, when it is white, sinks to the bottom of the vessel, when its particles are in continuity [i.e. not discrete], uniform, and all alike. In contour it is rounded. It is light, homogeneous, delicate, like the deposit which forms in rosewater." وَنسبَة دلَالَته على نضج الْمَادَّة فِي الْبدن كُله كنسبة الْمدَّة للبيضاء الملساء المشابهة القوام على نضج الورم لَكِن الْمدَّة كثيفة وَهَذِه لَطِيفَة.,"Its relation to the maturation of the various matters of the whole body is comparable to that to the maturation of pus. But whereas it is white, light, and of homogeneous nature and delicate in the former, in the case of pus it is coarse." والرسوب والثفل دَلِيل جيد وَإِن فَاتَ الصَّبْغ والاستواء أدل عِنْد الأقدمين من النضج فَإِن المستوى الَّذِي لَيْسَ بذلك الْأَبْيَض بل هُوَ أَحْمَر أصلح من الْأَبْيَض الخشن.,"A sediment betokens good digestion even though devoid of colour and homogeneity. But ancient physicians considered that homogeneity was a more important test than colour. A homogeneous deposit even though not altogether white, or even if reddish in tint is a better sign than a deposit which is white but not homogeneous, and composed of coarse particles." وَأكْثر الرسوب على لون الْبَوْل وأجود مَا خَالف الْأَبْيَض فَهُوَ الْأَحْمَر ثمَّ الْأَصْفَر ثمَّ الزرنيخي ويبتدىء الشَّرّ من العدسي وَلَا يلْتَفت إِلَى مَا يَقُوله الْآخرُونَ فَإِن الْبيَاض قد يكون لَا للنضج والاستواء لَيْسَ إِلَّا للنضج.,"The sediment may or may not assume the same colour as the urine. If it does not, it is better that it should be white, next best red, then lemon-yellow or saffron-yellow, and the least good is that it should be like arsenicum in colour, or of a colour like that of lentils. Howrever, I counsel you not to regard what others say." وَمن الْبيَاض مَا يكون عَن وَأما الرسوب الرَّدِيء المذموم فتشتنه خير من استوائه والرسوب الرَّدِيء هُوَ الَّذِي تعرفه عَن قريب,"I say that whiteness does not necessarily have a relation to the state of digestion; homogeneity is always related to the (efficiency of) maturation. A thorough mingling of gaseous constituents will produce a white effect. If a sediment presents an unhealthy appearance, it is more favourable that it should be discrete than continuous." وَأما الرسوب الْجيد الَّذِي كلامنا فِيهِ فقد يشبه الْمدَّة والخام الرقيقين وَلَكِن الْمدَّة تخَالفه بالنتن والخام يُخَالِفهُ باندماج أَجْزَائِهِ وَهُوَ يُخَالف كليهمَا باللطافة والخفة,"Good sediments resemble pus and crude serous humour when they are tenuqus. But pus is different in possessing fetor, crude serous humour is different in (rendering the deposit) compact and not homogeneous. A good sediment differs from both because it is finely textured and light." وَهَذَا الرسوب إِنَّمَا يطْلب فِي الْأَمْرَاض وَلَا يطْلب فِي حَال الصِّحَّة وَذَلِكَ لِأَن الْمَرِيض لَا يشك فِي احتباس مواد رَدِيئَة فِي بدنه فِي عروقه فَإِذا لم ينضج دلّ على الْفساد.,"One would not expect to find such a deposit in a person who is healthy; it occurs in the sick person because matters are kept back in his blood-vessels, and they undergo (putrefactive) breakdown if they cannot be subjected to maturation." وَأما الصَّحِيح فَلَيْسَ يجب دَائِما أَن يكون فِي عرقه خلط ينْتَقض بل الأولى أَن يدل ذَلِك مِنْهُم على فضول تفضل فيهم عَن الْغذَاء عديمة الهضم ثمَّ يفضل فضل يرسب فِي الْبَوْل نضيجاً أَو غير نضيج.,"In health, the blood need not necessarily contain a humour which ought to be removed, but if there were such a humour present, it would be better if it were disposed of by way of the faeces (the indigestible excess in the aliments) than if it emerge by way of the urine as a sediment whether such humour have undergone maturation or not." والقضاف يقل فيهم الثفل الراسب فِي حَال الصِّحَّة وخصوصاً المزاولين للرياضات وَأَصْحَاب الصَّنَائِع المتعبة وَإِنَّمَا يكثر هَذَا الرسوب فِي أَبْوَال السمان المتدعين,"In thin persons, the sediment of the urine is scanty and it sinks down differently according to the state of health, especially if the persons are accustomed to exercise or to practise laborious arts. The sediment is abundant only in obese persons and in those of bad habits." وَكَذَلِكَ أَيْضا لَا يجب أَن يتَوَقَّع فِي أَبْوَال المرضى القضاف من الرسوب مَا يتَوَقَّع فِي أبدان المرضى السمان فَإِن أُولَئِكَ كثيرا مَا تقلع أمراضهم وَلم يرسبوا شَيْئا وَكَثِيرًا مَا لَا يبلغ الرسوب فِي أبوالهم إِلَى أَن يتسفل بل رُبمَا كَانَ مِنْهُ شَيْء يسير طَاف أَو يتَعَلَّق,Hence one does not expect to find as much sediment in sick persons who are lean as in those who are stout. For disease in the former often resolves without any sediment forming at all. At most there may be a tiny particle floating or swimming in it. وَلَيْسَ كَمَا يُقَال: كل بَوْل فانه يرسب إِلَّا الْبَوْل النضيج جدا بل يجب أَن يصبر عَلَيْهِ قَلِيلا هَذَا.,In other cases the sediment falls immediately after micturition unless there is good maturation in which case very little deposit is to be expected. وَأما الرسوب الْغَيْر الطبيعي فَمِنْهُ خراطي نخالي أَو كرسني أَو دشيشي شَبيه بالزرنيخ الْأَحْمَر والمشبع صفرَة وَمِنْه لحمي وَمِنْه دسمي وَمِنْه مدي وَمِنْه مخاطي وَمِنْه شَبيه بِقطع الخمير المنقوع وَمِنْه لحموي علقي وَمِنْه شعري وَمِنْه رملي حصوي وَمِنْه رمادي.,B. ABNORMAL SEDIMENTS Varieties. Flaky or squamous; fleshy; fatty; mucoid or slimy; purulent (ichorous); hair-like; resembling pieces of yeast infused in water; sandy or gritty; cineritial; hirudiniform. والخراطي القشوري مِنْهُ صفائحي كبار الْأَجْزَاء بيض وحمر يدل فِي أَكثر الْأَمر على انفصالها من أَعْضَاء قريبَة من مفصل الْبَوْل وَهِي أَعْضَاء الْبَوْل. والأبيض يدل على أَنه من المثانة لقروح فِيهَا أَو جرب أَو تَأْكُل. والأحمر اللحمي على أَنه من الْكُلية,"Flaky or squamous. This is composed of large red or large white particles. They are usually supposed to come from the urinary organs. If white, they come from the bladder (ulceration, desquamation, erosions); if red or fleshy, they come from the kidney." وَقد يكون من الصفائحي مَا هُوَ كمد اللَّوْن أدكن أَو شَبيه بفلوس السّمك وَهَذَا أردأ جدا من جَمِيع أَصْنَاف الرسوب الَّذِي نذكرهُ وَيدل على انجراد صَفَائِح الْأَعْضَاء الْأَصْلِيَّة. وَأما الجنسان الْأَوَّلَانِ فكثيراً مَا يضرّان الْبَتَّةَ بل رُبمَا نقيا المثانة.,"If brown or dark coloured, or like the scales of fishes, they are a very bad sign, worse than all which we have named. They suggest the shedding of mucous linings. Particles from the bladder or kidneys may not be of moment; in fact, if vesical they are a sign of recovery." وَقد حكى بَعضهم أَن رجلا سُقِي الذراريح فَبَال قشوراً بيضًا كالفرقىء وَكَانَت إِذا حلت فِي المائية انْحَلَّت وصبغت صبغاً أَحْمَر فبرأ وعاش.,"Some say that cantharides causes white flakes to appear, which are like the membrane within eggs; these dissolve when the specimen is shaken and impart a reddish tint to the urine. This would be evidence of healing and recovery." وَمن الخراطي مَا يكون أقل عرضا من الْمَذْكُورين وأثخن قواماً فَإِن كَانَ أَحْمَر سمي كرسنياً وَإِن لم يكن أَحْمَر سمي نخالياً,Another form resembles the scrapings from intestines; the particles being less broad and of dense consistence. If reddish coloured it is called orobeal [or tare-like or grumous] sediment; otherwise it is called furfuraceous. والكرسني إِن كَانَ أَحْمَر فقد يكون أَجزَاء من الكبد محترقة وَقد يكون دَمًا محترقاً فِيهَا وَقد يكون من الْكُلية لَكِن الْكَائِن من الْكُلية أَشد اتِّصَالًا لحمياً وَالْآخر إِن أشبه بِمَا لَيْسَ بلحمي وَأَقْبل للتفتيت وَإِن كَانَ شَدِيد الضَّرْب إِلَى الصُّفْرَة فَهُوَ عَن الْكُلية لَا محَالة,"The former recalls the appearance of decorticated orobs [ervum ervilial, and are reddish; this indicates the presence of oxidized particles which are derived from (a) the liver, (b) the kidney, or (c) blood. When they come from the kidney, the particles are more continuous and fleshy, whereas in the other cases they are more friable. When the colour is decidedly yellowish (one knows that) they are of renal origin;" فَإِن الَّذِي عَن الكبد يضْرب إِلَى القتمة وَقد يُشَارِكهُ فِي هَذَا أَحْيَانًا الَّذِي عَن الْكُلية. وَأما النخالي فقد يكون من جرب المثانة وَقد يكون من ذوبان الْأَعْضَاء,"if dusky red (that) they are of hepatic origin. But sometimes particles of hepatic origin may resemble those of renal origin. Another form, more strictly scaly, consists of small bodies like the husks or hulls of grain. Such a sediment denotes (il bladder trouble, or (if) grave colliquative disorder of the system as a whole." وَالْفرق بَينهمَا أَنه إِن كَانَ هُنَاكَ حكة فِي أصل الْقَضِيب ونتن فَهُوَ من المثانة وخصوصاً إِذا سبقه بَوْل مُدَّة وخصوصاً إِذا دلّ سَائِر الدَّلَائِل على نضج الْبَوْل فَتكون الْعُرُوق الْعَالِيَة صَحِيحَة المزاج لَا عِلّة بهَا بل بالمثانة,"We diagnose (i) bladder trouble if there is itching at the root of the’ penis, and the urine is fetid, especially if pus is passed first. Such a state is more probable if there are other evidences of maturation in the urine, if the veins over the bladder are healthy, and there is no macula there." وَأما إِن كَانَ مَعَ إلهاب وَضعف قُوَّة وسلامة أَعْضَاء الْبَوْل وَكَانَ اللَّوْن إِلَى الكمودة فَهُوَ من ذوبان خلط. وَأما السويقي والدشيشي فأكثره من احتراق الدَّم وَهُوَ إِلَى الْحمرَة,"We diagnose (ii) liquefaction of humour if there is fever, weakness, difficulty of micturition, and the sediment is brownish in colour. Another form, in which the deposit is like coarse particles of barley flour may mean one of four things: oxidation of the sanguineous humour if there is a tendency to redness;" وَقد يكون كثيرا من ذوبان الْأَعْضَاء وانجرادها إِن كَانَ إِلَى الْبيَاض وَقد يكون أَيْضا من المثانة الجربة فِي الْأَقَل وَأَنت يمكنك أَن تتعرف وَجه الْفرق بَينهمَا بِمَا قد علمت. وَأما إِن كَانَ إِلَى السوَاد فَهُوَ من احتراق الدَّم وخصوصاً فِي الطحال,"(ii) colliquative changes in the membranes and their components if it be white; (iii) local bladder disease in a few cases. The difference between this and the others is readily made out from what has already been said; (iv) oxidation of the blood, especially in the spleen. Here the colour tends to be black." وَجَمِيع الرسوب الصفائحي الَّذِي لَا يكون عَن سَبَب فِي المثانة والكلية ومجاري الْبَوْل فَإِنَّهُ فِي الْأَمْرَاض الحادة رَدِيء مهلك وَقد عرفت من هَذِه الْجُمْلَة حَال اللحمي وَأَن أَكْثَره يكون من الْكُلية وَأَنه مَتى لَا يكون عَن الْكُلية فَإِنَّمَا يكون إِذا كَانَ اللحمِ صَحِيح اللحمية وَلَا ذوبان فِي الْبدن.,"Squamous deposits other than those of vesical or renal and ureteral origin, occurring in acute diseases, have a grave significance. Fleshy sediments. These, as you already know, are usually of renal origin. They are not so if the flesh is healthy and there is no breakdown in the body." وَالْبَوْل النضيج يدلّ على صِحَة الأوردة فَإِن علل الكِلية لَا تمنع نضج الْبَوْل لِأَن ذَلِك فَوْقهَا وَأما الرسوب الدسمي فَيدل على ذوبان الشَّحْم وَالسمن وَاللَّحم أَيْضا. وأبلغه الشبيه بِمَاء الذَّهَب,"If the evidences of complete digestion are present in the urine, it shows that the blood-vessels are healthy. For the urine can show evidence of maturation even if the kidneys are diseased, seeing that this process begins “above ” the kidneys. Fatty sediment. This, like the preceding, denotes colliquative processes in the body. It is more serious if it resembles “gold water” in appearance." ويستدل على مبدئه من الْقلَّة وَالْكَثْرَة وَمن المخالطة والمفارقة فَإِنَّهُ إِذا كَانَ كثيرا متميزاً فاحدس أَنه من نَاحيَة الْكُلية لذوبان شحمها وَإِن كَانَ أقل وشديد المخالطة فَهُوَ من مَكَان أبعد وَإِذا رَأَيْت فِي الْبَوْل قِطْعَة بَيْضَاء مثل حب الرُّمَّان فَذَلِك من شَحم الْكُلية.,"There are two chief types either it is abundant and discrete (this being derived, from the- renal fat); or scanty and admixed (this being derived from the fat of a more distant place). There is no fever, in the former case. A white particle like a pomegranate seed may be seen in the urine. This will be derived from the renal fat." وَأما المري فَيدل على قرحَة منفجرة وخصوصاً فِي أَعْضَاء الْبَوْل وَلَا سِيمَا إِذا كَانَ هُنَاكَ ثفل مَحْمُود راسب. والمخاطي يدل على غليظ خام إِمَّا كثير فِي الْبدن أَو مَدْفُوع عَن اَلات الْبَوْل وبحران عرق النسا ووجع المفاصل.,"It denotes that a sanious ulcer has formed, especially in the urethra, especially if the sediment sinks promptly. (“In ardent fevers, it forewarns of death.” Hippocrates.) M.ucoid sediment. This denotes an unnatural humour, which is too plentiful within the body and passes out either by the urinary tract, or a critical hip-gout, or joint pains." ويستدل عَلَيْهِ بالخفة عقبه وَرُبمَا لطف ورقه فَظن رسوباً مَحْمُودًا فَلذَلِك يجب أَن لَا يغتر فِي الْأَمْرَاض بِمَا يرى فِي هَيْئَة الرسوب الْمَحْمُود إِذْ لم يكن وَقت النضج وَلَا دلائله حَاضِرَة وَقد يدل على شدَّة برد من مزاج الكِلْية,"The distinction between them is made by the symptoms whether they abate or not. A dense humour may become rarefied and tenuous, and a laudable sediment results. Therefore in the course of acute disease, one must not depend on a laudable sediment appearing before the time when, maturation (of the disease) is due, or before its signs have appeared. It may denote that there is a very cold intemperament of the kidneys. (A very mucoid and abundant sediment appearing at the end of an attack of gout or arthritis, is a good sign)." وَالْفرق بَين المدّي والخام أَن المدي يكون مَعَ نَتن وَتقدم دَلِيل ورم ويسهل اجْتِمَاع أَجْزَائِهِ وتفرقها وَيكون مِنْهُ مَا يخالط المائية جداَ وَمِنْه مَا يتَمَيَّز وَأما الخام فَإِنَّهُ كدر غليظ لَا يجْتَمع بسهولة وَلَا يتشتت بسهولة.,"Ichorous sediment.. This differs from a crude sediment in being fetid. It is- preceded by the evidences of abscess. Its particles easily aggregate and separate again. It may be very thoroughly mingled with the water; it may separate out quickly from the water. A crude sediment, however, is both turbid and thick. It does not readily aggregate, nor separate easily." وَأما الرسوب الشعري فَهُوَ لانعقاد رُطُوبَة مستطيلة من حرارة فاعلة فِيهَا وَرُبمَا كَانَ أَبيض وَأما الشبيه بِقطع الخمير المنقوع فَيدل على ضعف الْمعدة والأمعاء وَسُوء الهضم فيهمَا وَرُبمَا كَانَ سَببه تنَاول اللَّبن والجبن.,"Hair-like sediment. This is produced by the coagulation of any intenial humour, which has been exposed to the innate heat on its way from the kidney to the bladder. It is sometimes white, sometimes red. It clots in the kidney. The clots may be as long as the palm of the hand. A sediment having the appearance of yeast soaked in water, is evidence of gastric and intestinal weakness and of ..depraved digestion (often due to milk and cheese having been taken)." وَأما الرَّمْلِيّ فَيدل دَائِما على حَصَاة منعقدة أَو فِي الِانْعِقَاد أَو فِي الانحلال والأحمر مِنْهُ من الْكُلية وَالَّذِي لَيْسَ بأحمر هُوَ من المثانة. وَأما الرَّمَادِي فَأكْثر دلَالَته على بلغم أَو مُدَّة عرض لَهَا اللّبْث تغير لون وتقطع أَجزَاء وَقد يكون لاحتراق عَارض لَهَا.,"Sandy or gritty sediment (“Gravel”). This is always a sign of calculus whether in process of formation or actually, formed, or in process of solution. If red coloured, it shows it comes from the kidneys; if white, it shows the origin is in the bladder. A gritty sediment, where there are large particles like those of ground grain, is a bad sign in fevers (Hippocrates). Cineritial sediment. This is a sign that serous humour or pus has altered in colour through long stagnation and breaking up of its particles. It may be that it is due to having undergone oxidation." وَأما الرسوب العلقي فَإِن كَانَ شَدِيد الممازجة دلّ على ضعف الكبد أَو دون ذَلِك دلّ على جِرَاحَة فِي مجاري الْبَوْل وتفرق اتِّصَال فِيهَا وَإِن كَانَ متميزاً فأكثره دلَالَة من المثانة والقضيب وسنستقصي هَذَا فِي الْأَمْرَاض الْجُزْئِيَّة فِي بَاب بَوْل الدَّم.,"Hirudiniform. The sediment is of the (appearance and) colour of leeches. If well mingled with the urine, this denotes hepatic insufficiency. If less closely intermingled with the urine, it denotes a trauma in the urinary passages which breaks their continuity. If discrete, it shows that the lesion is in the bladder or in the penis. This subject is carefully dealt with in the third volume, under the heading of “ haematuria.”" وَإِذا كَانَ فِي الْبَوْل مثل علق أَحْمَر وَالْمَرِيض مطحول ذبل طحاله. وَاعْلَم أَنه لَا يخرج فِي علل المثانة دم كثير لِأَن عروقها مُخَالطَة مندسة فِي جرمها ضيقَة قَليلَة.,"The appearance of bodies like red leeches in the urine, associated with evidences of disease in the spleen, denotes a destructive disease in that organ. (It would seem that strings of blood clot are here referred to, in which case nowadays we should think of a villous tumour in the bladder. Tr.) Note, that in diseases of the bladder, there is generally not much bleeding because the blood-vessels are few in number, are slender, and are deeply situated in its wall." وَأما دلَالَة الرسوب من كميته فإمَّا من كثرته وقلّته وَيدل على كَثْرَة السَّبَب الْفَاعِل لَهُ وقلته وَإِمَّا من مِقْدَاره فِي صغره وَكبره كَمَا ذَكرْنَاهُ فِي الرسوب الخراطي.,"II. QUANTITY OF SEDIMENT According as the sediment is abundant or scanty so the degree of the efficient cause is great or small. This has been explained under the previous heading. (It is more abundant in gross-living persons than in those who are temperate. It is less abundant in active persons than in those leading a sedentary life; hence it is liable to be more abundant in females than males, children than adults.)" وَأما دلَالَته من كيفيته فإمَّا من لَونه فَإِن الْأسود مِنْهُ دَلِيل رَدِيء على الْأَقْسَام الَّتِي ذَكرنَاهَا وأسلمه مَا كَانَ الرسوب أسود والمائية لَيست بسوداء والأحمر يدل على الدموية وعَلى التخم والأصفر على شدَّة الْحَرَارَة وخبث الْعلَّة,"III. QUALITY OF SEDIMENT. COLOUR. ODOUR Black sediment: this is a bad sign, as in the degree already shown in; but it is not so bad if the supernatant fluid is not black. (Haly Abbas says it is a fatal sign if it comes on after being intensely red.) Red sediment. This shows dominance of sanguineous humour (sanguineous plethora); it occurs in fasting; and when digestion is imperfect. If it continues to be present for a long time it denotes inflammation of the liver. Yellow i this denotes great heat, because it is produced by bilious humour. It may also show an insidious disease." والأبيض مِنْهُ مَحْمُود على مَا قُلْنَا وَمِنْه مَذْمُوم مخاطي ومدي أَو رغوي مضاد للنضج والأخضر أَيْضا طَرِيق إِلَى الْأسود.,"White colour: this is sometimes good, sometimes bad. That is, when it is mucoid, ichorous, or foamy; because this shows that the urine is not a completed secretion. Green colour: this has the same significance as black sediment." وَأما من رَائِحَته فعلى مَا سلف وَأما من وَضعه فَمن ملاسته وتشتته فَإِن الملاسة والاستواء فِي الرسوب الْمَحْمُود أَحْمد وَفِي المذموم أردأ. والتشتّت يدل على ريَاح وَضعف هضم.,"Odour. The indications from the odour have already been given in describing the other characters. IV. CONSTITUTION, COHERENCE AND CONSISTENCE OF PARTICLES Softness and homogeneity of the sediment which is otherwise laudable is more healthy than when met with in a urine otherwise not laudable. Discreteness of particles points to flatulence and impaired digestion." وَأما دلَالَته من مَكَانَهُ فَهُوَ إِمَّا أَن يكون عافياً وَيُسمى غماماً وَإِمَّا مُتَعَلقا وَهُوَ الْوَاقِف فِي الْوسط وَهُوَ أَكثر نضجاً من الأول وَخير الْمُتَعَلّق مَا مَال خمله وهدبه إِلَى أَسْفَل وَإِمَّا راسباً فِي الْأَسْفَل وَهُوَ أحس نضجاً هَذَا فِي الرسوب الْمَحْمُود.,"v. POSITION A laudable sediment may swim like a cloud or nubecula; may float on the surface; or be suspended in the middle layers (which shows that maturation has proceeded further than in the first variety.). If it is rugose or fimbriate and tends to sink, it is better; if it sinks to the bottom it is a sign of still more advanced maturation." وَأما المذموم فاخفه أصلحه مثل الْأسود وَذَلِكَ فِي الحميات الحادة وَكَذَلِكَ إِذا كَانَ الْخَلْط بلغمياً أَو سوداوياً فالسحابي خير من الراسب فَإِنَّهُ يدل على تلطيفه إِلَّا أَن يكون سَبَب الطفو الرّيح الْكَثِيرَة جدا,"When the sediment is not laudable it is more satisfactory when it is light and rises to the upper layers; or, if in the course of an acute fever, it is black; when the humour is serous or atrabilious, it is more satisfactory when it is like a cloud than for it to sink to the bottom; the fact of its being like a cloud shows it is tenuous, unless by chance gas is making it rise." وَإِذا لم يكن ذَلِك فَإِن الطافي مِنْهُ أسلم ثمَّ الْمُتَعَلّق وشره الراسب وَسبب الطفو حرارة مصعدة أَو ريح. والرسوب المتميز يطفو فِي الغليظ وخصوصاً إِذا خص ويرسب فِي الرَّقِيق خُصُوصا إِذا ثقل,"If the sediment sinks below the surface, but not right to the bottom it is more satisfactory. It is heat which makes it rise or float; or it is gas which carries it upwards. If a sediment made of coarse discrete particles should float, it shows it is light. A fine sediment, especially if heavy, will sink lower." وَإِذا ظهر الْمُتَعَلّق والطافي فِي أول الْمَرَض ثمَّ دَامَ دلّ على أَن البحران يكون بالخراج لَكِن النحفاء قد يَنْقَضِي مرضهم برسوب مَحْمُود طَاف أَو متعلّق كَمَا ذكرنَا فِيمَا سلف. والطافي والمتعلق الدسومي إِذا كَانَ شَبِيها بنسج العنكبوت أَو تراكم الزلَال فَهُوَ عَلامَة رَدِيئَة.,"If the sediment remains suspended as a nubecula right through an illness from its beginning, it shows that crisis will come with suppuration. A nubecula or suspended sediment may never appear in an illness if the person be slender, as we have stated. A sediment which is between a cloud and an enaeorema made of particles suspended or floating in the middle layers like a spider’s web (or opaque like a thin pancake Rome edition) is an ominous sign." وكثيراَ مَا يظْهر ثفل طَاف غير جيد فيخاف مِنْهُ لكنه يكون ذَلِك ابْتِدَاء النضج ويحول إِلَى الْجَوْدَة ثمَّ يتَعَلَّق ثمَّ يرسب فَيكون دَلِيلا غير رَدِيء. وَأما إِذا تعقبته رسوبات رَدِيئَة فالخوف الَّذِي وَقع مِنْهُ فِي أول الْأَمر وَاجِب,"(Such particles may appear like the specks of oil which one sees in cooled broth; or like hairs.) But even a nubecula may be an anxiety, though it be the beginning of a change for the better. It sinks to the middle layers and ultimately to the bottom. In that case it is not a bad sign. But if a bad” sediment appears after this, it is certainly ominous." وَأما دلَالَة الرسوب من زَمَانه فَإِنَّهُ إِذا بيل فأسرع الرسوب فَهُوَ عَلامَة جَيِّدَة فِي النضج فَإِذا أَبْطَأَ أَو لم يرسب فَهُوَ دَلِيل عدم النضج بِقدر حَاله وَأما الدّلَالَة من هَيْئَة مخالطته فَكَمَا قُلْنَا فِي ذكر بَوْل الدَّم وَالدَّسم وَأَنت تعلم جَمِيع ذَلِك.,"VI. TIME OCCUPIED IN SEDIMENTATION If the sediment settles rapidly, it is a good sign, showing that maturation is correct. If it settles slowly, it is not good, for it shows deficient or absent maturation, according to its amount. VII. FORM The significance of this has been described in making mention of passing blood and fat with the urine." الْفَصْل السَّابِع دَلَائِل كَثْرَة الْبَوْل وقلته,SIGNS RELATIVE TO THE DAILY QUANTITY OF URINE الْبَوْل الْقَلِيل الْمِقْدَار يدل على ضعف القوى وَالَّذِي يقل عَن المشروب يدل على تحلل كثير أَو استطلاق بطن واستعداد للأستسقاء. وَكثير الْمِقْدَار قد يدل على ذوبان وعَلى استفراغ فضول ذائبة فِي الْبدن وَيدل على إِصَابَة الْفرق بَينهمَا بِحَال الْقُوَّة.,"Generally speaking, oliguria means weakness of vitality. If the amount is less than the fluid consumed, it points to great loss by diarrhoea or to a tendency to dropsy. Polyuria sometimes means colliquation, and the discharge of fluid effete matters from the body by the urine." وَالْبَوْل الرَّدِيء اللَّوْن الدَّال على الشَّرّ كلما كَانَ أغزر كَانَ أسلم وَإِذا كَانَ متقطعاً دلّ على الشَّرّ أَكثر كالأسود والغليظ.,"To assess these correctly, one must note the state of the vitality, as follows: if the urine be of bad colour, it is a bad sign; but the more plentiful it is, the more likely is recovery to take place. If the quantity excreted fails, the illness will increase, just as applies in regard to dark or coarse urine." وَالْبَوْل الْمُخْتَلف الْأَحْوَال الَّذِي تَارَة يبال كثيرا وَتارَة يبال قَلِيلا وَتارَة يحتبس هُوَ دَلِيل جِهَاد مُتْعب من الغريزة وَهُوَ دَلِيل رَدِيء. وَالْبَوْل الغزير فِي الْأَمْرَاض الحادة إِذا لم يعقب رَاحَة فَهُوَ من دَلِيل دق أَو تشنج من التهاب وَكَذَلِكَ الْعرق,"Variation of quantity. It is a bad sign if the urine is at one time abundant, at another scanty, at another suppressed. It shows that there is a hard conflict between the vitality and the disease. A plentiful urine in an acute illness, occurring without any abatement of symptoms, and associated with copious sweats, shows hectic fever and may be followed by convulsions." وَالْبَوْل الَّذِي يقطر فِي الْأَمْرَاض الحادة قَطْرَة قَطْرَة من غير إدرار يدل على آفَة فِي الدِّمَاغ تأدت إِلَى العصب والعضل فَإِن كَانَ الْحمى سَاكِنة وَهُنَاكَ دَلَائِل السَّلامَة أنذر برعاف. وَالْأول على اخْتِلَاط الْعقل وَفَسَاد الذِّهْن.,"A scanty urine, passed involuntarily, drop-by-drop in acute diseases, indicates cerebral disease, affecting nerves and. muscles. If a fever subside and there are other signs of recovery, one may predict epistaxis. Otherwise delirium will ensue and death is likely." واذا قل بَوْل الصَّحِيح ورق ودام ذَلِك وأحس بثقل ووجع فِي الْقطن دلّ على ورم صلب بنواحي الْكُلية وَإِذا غزر الْبَوْل فِي عِلّة القولنج فَرُبمَا يبشر بإقبال خَاصَّة إِذا كَانَ أَبيض سهل الْخُرُوج.,"When a person is in apparent health, if the amount of the urine is diminished and it is tenuous in character, and if that condition persists, and if there is a sense, of heaviness and pain in the loins, this shows that there is a hard inflammatory swelling in the kidney. When the urine is increased in a case of colic, this is a good sign,; especially if it be white and easily voided." الْفَصْل الثَّامِن الْبَوْل النضيج الصحي الْفَاضِل هُوَ معتدل القوام لطيف الصَّبْغ إِلَى الأترجية مَحْمُود الرسوب إِن كَانَ فِيهِ على الصّفة الْمَذْكُورَة من الْبيَاض والخفة والملاسة والاستواء وإستدارة الشكل وَتَكون الرَّائِحَة معتدلة لَا مُنْتِنَة وَلَا خامدة,"DESCRIPTION OF NORMAL HEALTHY URINE The following are the characters of healthy urine: A medium consistence; a delicate tint, tending to straw-yellow; if there be any sediment it is white, light, homogeneous, and has a rounded contour; the odour should be moderate, neither offensive, nor altogether absent." وَمثل هَذَا الْبَوْل إِذا رُؤِيَ قي مرض فِي غَايَة الحدة دفْعَة دلّ على إفراق يكون فِي الْيَوْم الثَّانِي وَأَنت تعرف ذَلِك.,"Some say that if a urine of this kind appear suddenly at the end of the acme of an illness, health will be restored the following day." أَبْوَال الْإِنْسَان الْأَطْفَال أبوالهم تضرب إِلَى اللبنية من جِهَة غذائهم ورطوبة مزاجهم وَيكون أميل إِلَى الْبيَاض. وَالصبيان بَوْلهمْ أغْلظ وأثخن من بَوْل الشبَّان وَأكْثر بثوراً وَقد ذكرنَا هَذَا من قبل. وَبَوْل الشبَّان إِلَى النارية واعتدال القوام.,"VARIATIONS ACCORDING TO AGE Infancy. The urine tends to the characters of milk, considering the food and their moist temperament. Hence it is nearly colourless. Childhood. The urine is thicker and coarser than in adolescents, and more turbid. This has already been mentioned. Adolescence. The urine tends to igneity, and homogeneity." وَبَوْل الكهول إِلَى الْبيَاض والرقة وَرُبمَا كَانَ غليظاً بِحَسب فضول فيهم يأكثر استفراغها. وَبَوْل الْمَشَايِخ أَشد رقة وبياضاً ويعرض لَهُم الغلظ الْمَذْكُور ندرة. لماذا كَانَ بَوْلهمْ شَدِيد الغلظ كَانُوا بِعرْض حُدُوث الْحَصَاة فيهم.,"Later life. The urine tends to be white and tenuous, but it may be coarse (“thick”) because of the effete matters which are now being evacuated to a greater extent by way of the urine. Decrepit age. The urine is whiter and still more tenuous. A similar coarseness to that of the preceding may occur, but this is rare. If the urine becomes very thick, it intimates liability to develop calculus." (الْفَصْل الْعَاشِر أَبْوَال النِّسَاء وَالرِّجَال),VARIATIONS ACCORDING TO SEX بَوْل النِّسَاء على كل حَال أغْلظ وَأَشد بَيَاضًا وَأَقل رونقاً من بَوْل الرِّجَال وَذَلِكَ لِكَثْرَة فضولهن وَضعف هضمهن وسعة منافذ مَا ينْدَفع عَنْهُن وَلما يتَحَلَّل إِلَى آلَات أبوالهن من أرحامهن. ثمَّ اعْلَم أَن بَوْل الرِّجَال إِذا حركته فكدر مَالَتْ كدرته إِلَى فَوق وَهُوَ فِي الْأَكْثَر يكدر.,"Women. The urine is always thicker, whiter and less pellucid than in males. The reason is fourfold: In women there is feebleness of digestion; abundance of effete matters; width of emunctory channels; material discharged by way of the uterus, which draws similar material down the urinary passages also. Men. When the urine is shaken, it becomes turbid and the turbidity ascends to the surface, though occasionally it remains throughout the whole bulk of the urine." وَبَوْل النِّسَاء لَا يكدره التحريك لقلَّة تميزه وَيكون فِي الْأَكْثَر على رَأسه زبد مستدير وَإِن تكدر كَانَ قَلِيل الكدر. وَبَوْل الرجل على أثر جمَاعه فِيهِ خيوط منتسج بَعْضهَا فِي بعض.,"When the urine in women is shaken, it does not become turbid because the particles are barely discrete, and there is usually a circular foam on top. Even if such urine becomes turbid, it does so only to a light extent. If male and female urine be mingled, a filamentous network forms at once. (Filaments also appear in male urine if passed immediately after intercourse.)" وَبَوْل الحبالى صَاف عَلَيْهِ ضباب فِي رَأسه وَرُبمَا كَانَ على لون مَاء الحمص وَمَاء الأكارع أصفر فِيهِ زرقة وعَلى رَأسه ضباب وَكَيف كَانَ فَيرى فِي وَسطه كقطن منفوش وَكَثِيرًا مَا يكون مثل الْحبّ ينزل ويصعد.,"Pregnancy. The urine is clear and there is a surface cloud. The colour may approach that of chick-pea water, or be yellow with a bluish or iridescent tint in it. In either case there is a sort of “tinted cotton” in the midst of it. Occasionally there are granules present, which rise and fall." وَإِن كَانَت الزرقة شَدِيدَة الظُّهُور فَهُوَ أول الْحمل وَأَن كَانَ بدلهَا حمرَة فَهُوَ آخِره وخصوصاً إِذا كَانَ يتكدر بالتحريك وَبَوْل النُّفَسَاء فِي الْأَكْثَر يكون أسود فِيهِ كالمداد والسخام.,"If the iridescence (“rainbow tint”) be quite distinct, it is a sign that conception is beginning. When it gives place to redness, it shows that impregnation is completed, especially if the urine becomes turbid on being shaken. Puerperiunt. The urine is often dark, as if there were a sootiness or shoemaker’s black in it." الْفَصْل الْحَادِي عشر أَبْوَال الْحَيَوَانَات اللامتحان وَبَيَان مخالقتها لأبوال النَّاس فَنَقُول: رُبمَا انْتفع الطَّبِيب عِنْد وُقُوفه على أَبْوَال الْحَيَوَانَات فِيمَا يجرب بِهِ إِذا اتّفق أَن أصَاب وَذَلِكَ عسر,"THE URINE OF ANIMALS AND ITS DIFFERENCE FROM HUMAN URINE It is often desirable for a doctor to know something about the urine of animals, so that when he is tricked by a patient, he can quickly and truly discern it, difficult though it be to do so." قَالُوا: إِن بَوْل الْجمال يكون فِي القارورة كالسمن الذائب مَعَ كدورة وَغلظ من خَارج وَبَوْل الدَّوَابّ يُشبههُ لكنه أصفى ويخيل أَن نصف قارورته الْأَعْلَى صَاف وَنصفه الْأَسْفَل كدر.,"Asses. Some say that the. urine is like clarified butter as to turbidity and coarseness. Beasts of burden. The urine is similar to the preceding, but clearer. The upper middle part of the urine is clear, while the lower middle part is turbid." وَبَوْل الْغنم أَبيض فِي صفرَة قريب من بَوْل النَّاس وَلَكِن لَيْسَ لَهُ قوام وثفله كالدهن أَو كثفل الدّهن وَكلما كَانَ غذاؤه أَجود فَهُوَ أصفى. وَبَوْل الظبي يشبه بَوْل الْغنم,"Sheep. The urine is (nearly) colourless, with a yellowish tendency approximating that of man. But it has either no “body” and the sediment is fatty, or it is like oil-lees. The better the quality of the food, the clearer is the urine. She-goats. The urine is like human and sheep urine, but it has no “ body,” or sediment; and is clearer than sheep urine." الْفَصْل الثَّانِي عشر أَشْيَاء سيّالة تشبه الأبوال والتفرقة بَينهَا وَبَين الأبوال اعْلَم أَن السكنجبين وَجَمِيع السيّالات من مَاء الْعَسَل وَمَاء التِّين وَغير ذَلِك من مَاء الزَّعْفَرَان وَنَحْوه كلما قربت مِنْهُ ازدادت صفاء. وَالْبَوْل بِالْخِلَافِ.,"FLUIDS RESEMBLING URINE, AND HOW TO DISTINGUISH THEM Acetous syrup and all fluids compounded of water and honey, water and figs; fluids coloured with saffron and the like in all these the nearer one holds them to the eye the clearer do them seem, and the further they are held from the eye, the more opaque do they become. Urine is the opposite." وَمَاء الْعَسَل أصفر الزّبد وَمَاء التِّين يرسب ثفله من جَانب لَا فِي الْوسط وَلَا بالهندام وَلَا حَرَكَة لَهُ. فَلْيَكُن هَذَا الْمبلغ كَافِيا فِي ذكر أَحْوَال الْبَوْل. وسيأتيك فِي الْكتب الْجُزْئِيَّة تَفْصِيل آخر للبول.,"The foam on hydromel is yellow. The sediment from fig-water or from herbal decoctions lodges on the sides of the glass and not in the middle. It has no definite contour, and does not move its position. So much suffices for the description of the states of the urine. The individual varieties are discussed in the volume which deals with the special diseases. (Book IV.)" الْفَصْل الثَّالِث عشر دَلَائِل البرَاز,THE ALVINE DISCHARGE البرَاز قد يسْتَدلّ من كميته بِأَن ينظر أَنه أقل من المطعوم أَو أَكثر أَو مسَاوٍ وَمن الْمَعْلُوم أَن زِيَادَته بِسَبَب أخلاط كَثِيرَة وقلته لقلتهَا أَو لاحتباس كثير مِنْهُ فِي الْأَعْوَر والقولون أَو اللفائف وَذَلِكَ من مُقَدمَات القولنج ويدلّ على ضعف الْقُوَّة الدافعة,"QUANTITY. If greater than the amount of food taken, the reason lies in abundance of humours; if smaller in amount, the reason lies in deficient amount of humours, or in a retention of the food in the caecum or colon (in which case, it is the first step to obstruction). The reason may also be that the expulsive power is insufficient." وَقد يسْتَدلّ من قوامه: فَيدل الرطب مِنْهُ إِمَّا على سدد وَإِمَّا على سوء هضم وَقد يدل على ضعف من الجداول فَلَا تمتص الرُّطُوبَة وَقد يكون لنزلات من الرَّأْس أَو لتناول شَيْء مرطب للبراز.,"CONSISTENCE. Moist excrement denotes defective digestion or obstruction of some form; weakness of the mesentery, so that it does not absorb sufficient water from the food; fluxion from the head; some constituent of the diet which causes the dejection to be moist." وَأما اللزوجة من الرطب فقد تدل على الذوبان وَذَلِكَ يكون مَعَ نَتن وَقد تدلّ على كَثْرَة أخلاط رَدِيئَة لزجة وَذَلِكَ لَا يكون مَعَ فضل نَتن وَقد تدل على أغذية لزجة تنوولت غير قَليلَة مَعَ حرارة قَوِيَّة فِي المزاج لم يجد بَينهمَا الهضم.,"If the faecal matter is both moist and viscid, this shows that there is colliquation in the tissues. Fetor is then present. It usually denotes an excess of depraved and viscous humours; and the fetor is then very great. It may denote the presence of viscous and “hot” constituents in the food, with defective digestive power." أما الزُّبْدِيُّ مِنْهُ فَإِنَّهُ يدل على غليان من شدَّة الْحَرَارَة أَو على مُخَالطَة من ريَاح كَثِيرَة. وَأما الْيَابِس من البرَاز فَيدل على تَعب وتحلل أَو على كَثْرَة درور الْبَوْل أَو على حرارة نارية أَو يبس أغذية أَو طول لبث فِي المعي على مَا سنصفه فِي بَابه,"Frothy faecal matter indicates an admixture with flatulent vapours, or exposure to great (innate) heat. Dry stool results from (a) severe toil; (b) dispersal of innate heat; (c) polyuria; (d) igneous heat; (e) dry aliments; (f) a long delay in the intestines as will be explained in the appropriate chapter." وَإِذا خالط الْيَابِس الصلب رُطُوبَة دلّ على أَن يبسه لطول احتباسه فِي رطوبات مَانِعَة لَهُ من البروز وَعدم مرار لاذع معجل وَإِذا لم يكن هُنَاكَ طول احتباس وَلَا عَلَامَات رُطُوبَة فِي الأمعاء فالسبب فِيهِ انصباب فضل صديدي لاذع انصب من الكبد مِمَّا يَلِيهِ وَلم يُمْهل بلذعه ريث أَن يخْتَلط.,"When the faecal matter is both moist and hard, the dryness is due to (i) undue delay in the intestines due to moisture which cannot escape; (ii) lack of bile, which serves to help on the excrement. If there has been no delay, and there is no evidence of moisture in the intestines, it shows that there is a continual dispersion of sanious and pungent effete matter from the liver into the intestine, until the latter has taken it all up." وَقد يسْتَدلّ من لون البرَاز: ولونه الطبيعي نَارِي خَفِيف النارية فان اشْتَدَّ دلّ على كَثْرَة المرار وَإِن نقص دلّ على الفجاجة وَعدم النضج وَإِن أَبيض فَرُبمَا كَانَ بياضه بِسَبَب سدة من مجْرى المرار فَيدل ذَلِك على يرقان وَإِن كَانَ مَعَ الْبيَاض قيح لَهُ ريح المدَة فَإِنَّهُ يدلّ على انفجار دبيلة.,"COLOUR. The normal colour is ruddy, owing to the presence of a slight fieriness. If this colour is more marked, it shows that the bile is plentiful. If less marked it indicates defective maturation of the food. White stool points to obstruction in the biliary passages, and goes with jaundice. If there is also offensive sanious material present it shows that an inflammatory mass has ruptured." وَكَثِيرًا مَا يجلس الصَّحِيح المتدع التارك للرياضة صديدياً ومدياً فَيكون ذَلِك استنقاء وَاعْلَم أَن اللَّوْن الناري المفرط جماً من البرَاز كثيرا مَا يدل فِي وَقت مُنْتَهى الْأَمْرَاض على النضج وَكَثِيرًا مَا يدل على رداءة الْحَال,"A healthy person who does not take exercise often passes a morbid sanious matter which acts as a purgative and produces a satisfactory evacuation. For by this means laxity of the tissues is avoided (tarahhul, the swelling of the flesh, in horses), which lack of exercise is liable to produce, as we have already explained when speaking of the urine. Unduly red colour of stool at the acme of a disease often denotes maturation; it often points to a depraved constitution." وَالْأسود يدلّ على مثل دَلَائِل الْبَوْل الْأسود فَإِنَّهُ يدل على احتراق شَدِيد أَو على نضج مرض سوداوي أَو على تنَاول صابغ أَو على شرب مستفرغ للسوداء.,The significations of dark-coloured or black stool are similar to those of dark or black urine. It means (a) marked oxidation; (F) maturation of a disease due to atrabilious humour; (r) an aliment which colours it; (d) a medicament which procures the discharge of the atrabilious humour. وَالْأول هُوَ الرَّدِيء والكائن عَن السَّوْدَاء الصّرْف لَيْسَ يَكْفِي أَن يسْتَدلّ عَلَيْهِ من لَونه بل من حموضته وعفوصته وغليان الأَرْض مِنْهُ وَهُوَ رَدِيء برازاً أَو قياً وَمن خواصه أَن لَهُ بريقاً.,"The first is unfavourable; the second is merely a staining from admixture with black bile; this cannot be clearly discerned from colour alone, but only by its acridity, bitterness and the churning out of earthy matter from it. Moreover, among its peculiar properties is this, that it glitters (is self-luminous). The fact of black bile leaving the body, whether it be by the stool or by the vomit, is a bad sign." وَبِالْجُمْلَةِ فَإِن الْخَلْط السوداوي الصّرْف قَاتل فِي أَكثر الْأَمر لِخُرُوجِهِ أَي دَلِيل على الْهَلَاك. وَأما الكيموس الاسود فكثيراً مَا يَقع خُرُوجه وَذَلِكَ لِأَن خُرُوج السَّوْدَاء الاصلية يدل على غَايَة احتراق الْبدن وفناء رطوباته.,"Finally, the discharge of pure atrabilious humour per anum is usually a sign of impending death. But the exit of black chyme is beneficial because it shows that the tissues are active in oxidation, and their moisture is used up." وَأما البرَاز الْأَخْضَر فَإِنَّهُ يدلّ على انطفاء الغريزة والكمد كَذَلِك وَقد يستدلّ من هَيْئَة البرَاز أَيْضا فِي الضمود والانتفاخ فَإِن الانتفاخ كزبل الْبَقر يدلّ على ريح,"Green stool. This denotes extinction of the innate heat. The colour is due to the verdigris-green type of bile. FORM OR SHAPE. If the faeces are bulky like those of a cow it is because of flatulence, or gaseousness." وَقد يستدلّ من وقته فَإِن البرَاز إِذا أسْرع خُرُوجه وَتقدم الْعَادة فَهُوَ دَلِيل رَدِيء يدل على كَثْرَة مرَارَة وَضعف قوّة ماسكة وَإِن أَبْطَأَ خُرُوجه دلّ على ضعف الهاضمة وَبرد الأمعاء وَكَثْرَة الرُّطُوبَة.,"TIME OCCUPIED IN PASSAGE THROUGH THE BOWEL. When the faeces are passed out too rapidly it is a bad sign; it shows that there is an excess of bile in the gall-bladder, and also a weakness of the retentive power. A delay in the passages of faecal matter through the body denotes a feeble digestion, coldness of the intestines, abundant moisture; taking too much sleep; flatulence." وَأفضل البرَاز الْمُجْتَمع الْمُتَشَابه الْأَجْزَاء الشَّديد اخْتِلَاط المائية باليبوسة الَّذِي ثخنه كثخن الْعَسَل وَهُوَ سهل الْخُرُوج لَا يلذع ولونه إِلَى الصُّفْرَة غير شَدِيد النتن وَلَا دعامة غير فِي بقابق وقراقر وَغير ذِي زبدية وَهُوَ الَّذِي خُرُوجه فِي الْوَقْت الْمُعْتَاد بِمِقْدَار تقَارب الْمَأْكُول فِي الكمية.,"THE CHARACTERS OF NORMAL STOOL The stool should be coherent; homogeneous throughout, the water and the solids being intimately admixed; soft and honeylike in consistence; easily evacuated; of a colour tending to yellow (if the colour should resemble that of the food it would mean indigestion); of not very offensive odour, yet not odourless; of a quality which is neither sharp nor biting; it should emerge inaudibly, neither with gurgling, nor flatus, nor creaking, nor foamy; passed at the time customary to the healthy person; in bulk nearly equal to that of the food consumed." وَاعْلَم أَنه لَيْسَ كل اسْتِوَاء برَاز مَحْمُود وَلَا كل ملاسة فَإِنَّهُمَا رُبمَا كَانَا للنضج الْبَالِغ الْمُتَشَابه فِي كل جُزْء وَرُبمَا كَانَا لاحتراق وذوبان متشابه وهما حِينَئِذٍ من شَرّ العلامات.,"Note that neither homogeneity nor softness is necessarily a laudable character in faeces. These characters may be the result of violent maturation throughout the body, or of oxidation or colliquation. In such cases, these features would be unfavourable signs." وَاعْلَم أَن البرَاز المعتدل القوام الَّذِي هُوَ الى الرقة انما يكون مَحْمُودًا إِذا لم يكن مَعَ قراقر ريَاح وَلَا كَانَ مُنْقَطع الْخُرُوج قَلِيلا قَلِيلا وَإِلَّا فَيجوز أَن يكون اندفاعه لصديد يخالطه مزعج فَلَا يذره يجْتَمع هَذَا,"Note, too, that a consistence which is tending to tenuity is not favourable unless there is no rumbling or discharge of flatus at stool; it should not then emerge bit by bit. But one must also be sure it is not being discharged in that form owing to the admixture of some irritant which prevents cohesion." وَقد يُرَاعِي عَلَامَات تظهر فِي الْعُرُوق وَفِي أَشْيَاء أخر إِلَّا أَن الْكَلَام فِيهَا أخص بالْكلَام الجزئي وَكَذَلِكَ نجد فِي الْكَلَام الجزئي فضل شرح لأمر البرَاز وَالْبَوْل وَغير ذَلِك فَافْهَم جَمِيع مَا بَينا.,"Many authors proceed from the discussion of urine and faeces to other excretions, including the sweat. I consider it more appropriate to deal with these under, their appropriate headings in the volume on special diseases." سَبَب الصِّحَّة وَالْمَرَض وضرورة الْمَوْت,ON THE CAUSES OF HEALTH AND DISEASE; THE NECESSITY OF DEATH. اعْلَم أَن الطبّ يَنْقَسِم بِالْقِسْمَةِ الأولى إِلَى جزأين: جُزْء نَظَرِي وجزء عَمَلي وَكِلَاهُمَا علم وَنظر لكنّ الْمَخْصُوص بإسم النظري هُوَ الَّذِي يُفِيد علم آراء فَقَط من غير أَن يُفِيد علم عمل البتّة,"In the first part of this book it was stated that Medicine comprises two parts, one theoretical, and one practical, though both are really simply speculative science. That which is specially named “theory” relates to the formation of opinions and .the showing of the evidence upon which they are based, without reference to the mode of acting upon them." مثل الْجُزْء الَّذِي يعلم فِيهِ أَمر الأمزاج والأخلاط والقوى وأصناف الْأَمْرَاض والأعراض والأسباب. والمخصوص باسم العملي هُوَ الَّذِي يُفِيد علم كَيْفيَّة الْعَمَل وَالتَّدْبِير,"Thus this part deals with the temperaments, the humours, the faculties; and with the forms, the symptoms, and the causes of disease. That which is specially named “practical” relates to the mode of acting upon this knowledge, and the prescription of a regimen." مثل الْجُزْء الَّذِي يعلمك أَنَّك كَيفَ تحفظ صحّة بدن بِحَال كَذَا أَو كَيفَ تعالج بدناً بِهِ مرض كَذَا وَلَا تَظنن أَن الْجُزْء العملي هُوَ الْمُبَاشرَة وَالْعَمَل بل الْجُزْء الَّذِي يتعقم فِيهِ علم الْمُبَاشرَة وَالْعَمَل وَكُنَّا قد عرفناك هَذَا فِيمَا سلف وَقد فَرغْنَا فِي الْفَنّ الأول من الْجُزْء النظري الْكُلِّي من الطِّبّ.,"For instance, it is that part of Medicine which helps us to understand how the health of the body is to be maintained in this or that state, and by what means we can heal the diseases with which the body is afflicted. “Practical” does not refer to the performance of surgical operations. It is the art which teaches us in what way to procure healing the “healing” art. Having expounded in the first and second parts of this work the various matters pertaining to this theoretical part of Medicine." وَنحن نصرف ذكرنَا فِي الباقيين إِلَى الْجُزْء العملي مِنْهُ على نَحْو كلي. والجزء العملي مِنْهُ يَنْقَسِم قسمَيْنِ: أحداهما: علم تَدْبِير الْأَبدَان الصَّحِيحَة أَنه كَيفَ يحفظ عَلَيْهَا صِحَّتهَا وَذَلِكَ يُسمى علم حفظ الصِّحَّة.,"we now proceed to the study of the two subjects pertaining to the practical part dealing with them in a general manner. The two parts which belong to the practical side of Medicine are (i) The science of regulating the healthy body, so as to maintain it in health. The science of hygiene." وَنحن نبدأ ونكتب فِي هَذَا الْفَنّ موجزاً من الْكَلَام فِي حفظ الصِّحَّة فَنَقُول: إِنَّه لما كَانَ المبدأ الأول لتَكون أبداننا شَيْئَيْنِ: أحداهما: الْمَنِيّ من الرجل والأصحّ من أمره أَنه قَائِم مقَام الْفَاعِل. وَالثَّانِي: مني الْمَرْأَة وَدم الطمث وَالأَصَح من أمره أَنه قَائِم مقَام الْمَادَّة.,"In this part then, the third, we write down fully how the health” is to be maintained. The human being takes its origin from two things: (i) the male sperm, which plays the part of “factor”; the’ female sperm [menstrual ‘blood], which provides the matter." وَهَذَانِ الجوهران مشتركان فِي أَن كل وَاحِد مِنْهُمَا سيال رطب وَإِن اخْتلفَا بعد ذَلِك وَكَانَت المائية والأرضية فِي الدَّم ومني الْمَرْأَة أَكثر. والهوائية والنارية فِي مني الرجل أغلب,"Each of these is fluid and moist, but there is more wateriness and terrene substance in the female blood and female sperm, whereas air and igneity are predominant in the male sperm." وَجب أَن يكون أول انْعِقَاد هذَيْن انعقاداً رطبا وَإِن كَانَت الأرضية والنارية موجودتين أَيْضا فِيمَا تكون مِنْهُمَا وَكَانَت الأرضية بِمَا فِيهَا من الصلابة والنارية بِمَا فِيهَا من الإنضاج قد تعاونا فصلبتا المنعقد وعقدتاه فضل تصليب وتعقيد,"It is essential that at the outset of the congelation of the two components there should be moisture, even though earth and fire are found in the product. The earth provides the firmness and rigidity; the fire provides the maturative power. These give the coagulum (“He created man from a clot ” Q) a certain hardness or firmness." لكنه لَيْسَ يبلغ ذَلِك حدٌ انْعِقَاد الْأَجْسَام الصلبة مثل الْحِجَارَة والزجاج حَتَّى لَا يتَحَلَّل مِنْهُمَا شَيْء أَو يكون يتحلّل شَيْء غير محسوس فَيكون فِي أَمن من الأفات الْعَارِضَة لسَبَب التَّحَلُّل دَائِم أَو طَوِيل الزَّمَان جدا. وَلَيْسَ الْأَمر هَكَذَا,"But this hardness is not as great in degree as that possessed by a stone or metal [or glass]. For these are either not soluble at all or only soluble to a degree imperceptible to our senses, however long one exposes them to solvents. Were the hardness comparable to this, the product of conception would never suffer injury however long or however persistently a solvent were applied. But that is not so. The fact is contrary." وَلذَلِك فَإِن أبداننا معرضة لنوعين من الْآفَات وكل وَاحِد مِنْهُمَا لَهُ سَبَب من دَاخل وَسبب من خَارج. وَأحد نَوْعي الافة هُوَ تحفل الرُّطُوبَة الَّتِي مِنْهَا خلقنَا وَذَا وَاقع بالتدريج.,"Our bodies are exposed to injury from two directions one exterior and one interior. The interior source of injury is the dissipation of the moisture from which we are created, and this dissipation proceeds in an orderly manner." وَالثَّانِي تعفّن الرُّطُوبَة وفسادها وتغيّرها عَن الصلوح لإمداد الْحَيَاة وَهَذَا غير الْوَجْه الأول وَإِن كَانَ يُؤْذِي تأذية ذَلِك إِلَى الْجَفَاف بِأَن يفْسد أَولا الرُّطُوبَة وَيُخَالف هَيْئَة صلوحيتها لأبداننا ثمَّ اَخر الْأَمر يتَحَلَّل عَن التعفّن فَإِن العفونة تفِيد أَولا الرُّطُوبَة ثمَّ تحللها وَتَذَر الشَّيْء الْيَابِس الرَّمَادِي.,"The second source is the putrefactive breakdown and metamorphosis of the humour, into a form such that the fermentative phenomena of life are no longer able to proceed. The second source of injury differs from the first in that dryness is here introduced in virtue of depravity of humour; and this dryness continues neutralizing the moisture of the body until the “ form ” ceases to have a capacity for life. Finally, the putrefactive breakdown disperses the vitality, because it first destroys the moisture and then disperses it, and simply dry ash is left behind." وَهَاتَانِ الآفتان خارجتان عَن الْآفَات اللاحقة من أَسبَاب أُخْرَى كَالْبردِ المجمد والسموم وأنواع تفرق الِاتِّصَال المهلك وَسَائِر الْأَمْرَاض.,"Hence we see that these two sources of destruction [of the living-product of conception] are different from those arising from other causes such as, freezing cold, torrid heat, grave forms of loss of continuity, various maladies." ولكنّ النَّوْعَيْنِ الْمَذْكُورين أخص تسخيناً هَذَا وَأَحْرَى أَن نعتبرهما فِي حفظ الصِّحَّة وكل وَاحِد مِنْهُمَا يَقع من أَسبَاب خَارِجَة وَمن أَسبَاب باطنة. أما الْأَسْبَاب الْخَارِجَة: فَمثل الْهَوَاء الْمُحَلّل والمعفّن.,"But it is in regard to the first two-named sources of destruction that we find the more important factors relative to the question of the preservation of health. Each of them takes origin from extrinsic and intrinsic agents. The extrinsic agents are, e.g., the atmosphere, which is a solvent and putrefacient." وَأما الْأَسْبَاب الْبَاطِنَة: فَمثل الْحَرَارَة الغريزية الَّتِي فِينَا المحلّلة لرطوباتنا والحرارة الغريبة المتولدة فِينَا عَن أغذيتنا وَغَيرهَا المتعفنة.,"The intrinsic agents are, e.g., the innate heat, which is the agent within us through which moisture is dispersed: the extraneous heat generated within us from the aliments, and through other agents which cause putrefactive changes in the [native] moistures." وَهَذِه الْأَسْبَاب كلهَا متعاونة على تجفيفنا بل أول أستكمالنا وبلوغنا وتمكننا من أفاعيلنا يكون بجفاف كثير يعرض لنا ثمَّ يسْتَمر الْجَفَاف إِلَى أَن يتم وَهَذَا الْجَفَاف الذْي يعرض لنا أَمر ضَرُورِيّ لَا بُد مِنْهُ,All these agents mutually aid one another in rendering the body dry. And yet it is true that our perfection and soundness and the power to perform our various actions depend on a due degree of dryness of the body. But the degree of dryness becomes relatively greater and greater until we die. Hence this dryness is inevitable. فَإنَّا من أول الْأَمر مَا نَكُون فِي غَايَة الرُّطُوبَة وَيجب لَا محَالة أَن تكون حرارتنا مستولية عَلَيْهَا وَإِلَّا احتقنت فِيهَا فَهِيَ تفعل فِيهَا لَا محَالة دائمة وتجففها دَائِما وَيكون أول مَا يظْهر من تجفيفها هُوَ إِلَى الِاعْتِدَال,"If we were at the outset essentially composed of moisture, heat would have to overcome it or else the heat would be choked by it. Therefore the heat continues to exert its own effect, that is, it produces more and more desiccation." ثمَّ إِذا بلغت أبداننا إِلَى الْحَد المعتدل من الْجَفَاف والحرارة بِحَالِهَا لَا يكون التجفيف بِقدر التجفيف الأول بل أقوى لِأَن الْمَادَّة أقل فَهِيَ أقبل فَيُؤَدِّي لَا محَالة إِلَى أَن يزْدَاد التجفيف على المعتدل فَلَا يزْدَاد لَا محَالة إِلَى أَن تفنى الرطوبات,"But whatever degree of dryness there might be at the outset (of life), it reaches equilibrium, and remains so until the limit of equilibrium in regard to dryness is reached. The heat remaining constant, the dryness is now [relatively] greater than before; for the “matter ” is less, and hence holds more. Hence it is not difficult to understand that the dryness passes on beyond the stage of equilibrium, and goes on steadily increasing until the whole of the moisture of the body is consumed." فَتَصِير الْحَرَارَة الغريزية بِالْعرضِ سَببا لإطفاء نَفسهَا إِذْ صَارَت سَببا لإفناء مادتها كالسراج الَّذِي يطفأ إِذا أفنيت مادته,"Therefore (we may say) that the innate heat is the cause of its own extinction, for it is itself the reason for its own “matter” being consumed. We may compare it to the flame of a lamp; the light goes out when all the “matter” has been used up." وَكلما أَخذ التجفيف فِي الزِّيَادَة أخذت الْحَرَارَة فِي النُّقْصَان فَعرض دَائِما عجز مُسْتَمر إِلَى الإمعان وَعجز عَن استبدال الرُّطُوبَة بدل مَا يتَحَلَّل متزايداً دَائِما فَيَزْدَاد التجفيف من وَجْهَيْن:,"As the dryness increases, the innate heat diminishes. The loss continues unceasingly till death, and the moisture which is lost is not restored. The loss goes on more and more. The dryness (of the body) is increased in two ways:" أحداهما: لتناقص لُحُوق الْمَادَّة وَالْآخر لتناقص الرُّطُوبَة فِي نَفسهَا بتحليل الْحَرَارَة فَيَزْدَاد ضعف الْحَرَارَة لاستيلاء اليبوسة على جَوْهَر الْأَعْضَاء ونقصان الرُّطُوبَة الغريزية الَّتِي هِيَ كالمادة وكالدهن للسراج لِأَن السراج لَهُ رطوبتان مَاء ودهن يقوم بِأَحَدِهِمَا وينطفىء بِالْآخرِ,"by lessening of the power of receiving “matter”; by lessening of the native moisture resulting from dispersal of the (innate) heat. The heat becomes more feeble because dryness predominates in the substance of the members, and because the innate moisture becomes relatively less. The innate moisture is to the innate heat as the oil of a lamp is to the flame. For there are two forms of moisture in the flame: water, which holds its own, and oil, which is used up." كَذَلِك الْحَرَارَة الغريزية تقوم بالرطوبة الغريزية وتختنق بالغريبة وازدياد الرُّطُوبَة الغريبة الَّتِي هِيَ عَن ضعف الهضم الَّتِي هِيَ كالرطوبة المائية للسراج فَإِذا تمّ الْجَفَاف طفئت الْحَرَارَة وَكَانَ الْمَوْت الطبيعي.,"So, in a corresponding manner, the innate heat holds its own in respect of the innate moisture, but is used up pari passu with increase of extraneous heat, due, e.g., to defective digestion, which is comparable with the aqueous moisture of the flame. As the dryness increases, the innate heat lessens, and the result is natural death." وَإِنَّمَا بَقِي الْبدن مُدَّة بَقَائِهِ لَا لِأَن الرُّطُوبَة الطبيعية الأولية قاومت تَحْلِيل حرارة الْعَالم وحرارة بدنه فِي غريزته وَمَا يحدث من حركاته هَذِه المقاومة المديدة فَإِنَّهَا أَضْعَف مقاومة من ذَلِك لَكِن إِنَّمَا أَقَامَهَا الِاسْتِبْدَال بدل مَا يتَحَلَّل مِنْهَا وَهُوَ الْغذَاء.,"For the reason why the (human) body does not live any longer than it does lies in the fact that the initial innate moisture holds out against being dispersed both by the alien heat and by the heat in the body itself (both that which is innate and that derived from bodily movement). And this resistance is maintained as long as the one is weaker than the other, and as long as something is provided to replace that which has been thus dispersed to wit, from the aliment." ثمَّ قد بَينا أَن الْغذَاء إِنَّمَا تتصرّف فِيهِ الْقُوَّة وتستعمله إِلَى حد وصناعة حفظ الحصّة لَيست صناعَة تضمن الْأمان عَن الْمَوْت وَلَا تخلص الْبدن عَن الأفات الْخَارِجَة وَلَا أَن تبلغ بِكُل بدن غَايَة طول الْعُمر الَّذِي يحب الْإِنْسَان مُطلقًا,"Furthermore, as we have already stated, the power or faculty which operates upon the aliment in order to render it useful in this way only does so up to the end of life. Therefore we may say that the art of maintaining the health is not the art of averting death, or of averting extraneous injuries from the body; or of securing the utmost longevity possible to the human being." بل إِنَّمَا تضمن أَمريْن: منع العفونة أصلا وحماية الرُّطُوبَة كي لَا يسْرع إِلَيْهَا التحلّل وَفِي قوتها أَن تبقى إِلَى مُدَّة تقتضيها بِحَسب مزاجها الأول وَيكون ذَلِك بِالتَّدْبِيرِ الصَّوَاب فِي استبدال الْبدن بدل مَا يتحلّل مِقْدَار الْمُمكن.,"It is concerned with two other things (a) the prevention of putrefactive breakdown; (b) the safeguarding of innate moisture from too rapid dissipation, and maintaining it at such a degree of strength that the original type of constitution peculiar to the person shall not change even up to the last moment of life. This is secured by a suitable regimen, namely (a) one which will ensure the replacement of the innate heat and moisture which are dispersed from the body as exactly as possible." وَالتَّدْبِير الْمَانِع من اسْتِيلَاء أَسبَاب مُعجلَة للتجفيف دون الْأَسْبَاب الْوَاجِبَة للتجفيف وبالتدبير المحرز عَن تولّد العفونة لحماية الْبدن وحراسته عَن اسْتِيلَاء حرارة غَرِيبَة خَارِجا أَو دَاخِلا,and (b) a regimen which will prevent any agents which would lead to a rapid dessication from gaining the upper hand excluding agents which produce a normal desiccation; (c) one which safeguards the body from the development of putrefactive processes within it and from the influence of alien heat (whether extraneous or intrinsic). إِذْ لَيست الْأَبدَان كلهَا مُتَسَاوِيَة فِي قُوَّة الرُّطُوبَة الْأَصْلِيَّة والحرارة الْأَصْلِيَّة بل الْأَبدَان مُخْتَلفَة فِي ذَلِك وَلكُل بدن حد فِي مقاومة الْجَفَاف الْوَاجِب يَقْتَضِيهِ مزاجه وحرارته الغريزية. وَمِقْدَار رطوبته الغريزية لَا يتعداه,"For all bodies have not the same degree of innate moisture and innate heat. There is a great diversity in regard to them. Moreover, every person has his own term of life, during which the desiccation inevitable to his temperament (constitution) and the degree of innate heat, and of innate moisture can be withstood." وَلَكِن قد يسْبق بِوُقُوع أَسبَاب مُعينَة على التجفيف أَو مهلكة بِوَجْه اَخر وَكثير من النَّاس يَقُول: إِن الْآجَال الطبيعية هِيَ هَذِه وَإِن الْآجَال العرضية هِيَ الآخرى وَكَأن صناعَة حفظ الصِّحَّة هِيَ المبلغة بدن الْإِنْسَان هَذَا السنّ الَّذِي يُسمى أَجَلًا طبيعياً على حفظ للملائمات,"Nevertheless, factors may arise which assist desiccation, or are injurious in some other way. For which reason, many assert that the former are natural causes of death, whereas the latter are accidental. And under this view, the art of maintaining health consists in guiding the body to its natural span of life by paying attention to whatever things conduce thereto." وَقد وكل بِهَذَا الْحِفْظ قوتان يَخْدُمهُمَا الطَّبِيب: إِحْدَاهمَا طبيعية: وَهِي الغاذية فَتخلف بدل مَا يتَحَلَّل من الْبدن الَّذِي جوهره إِلَى الأرضية والمائية. وَالثَّانيِة حيوانية: وَهِي الْقُوَّة النابضة لتخلف بدل مَا يتَحَلَّل من الرّوح الَّذِي جوهره هوائي نَارِي.,"There are two faculties to be fostered by the doctor in striving for this object: the nutritive faculty, whereby that is replaced which is constantly being lost to the body namely earthiness and aquosity; the sensitive faculty (animal faculty) that is, the pulsatile faculty which is concerned with the replacement of that which is lost to the body by the’ breath namely “ air ” and igneity." وَلما لم يكن الْغذَاء شَبِيها بالمغتذي بِالْفِعْلِ خلقت الْقُوَّة الْمُغيرَة لتغير الأغذية إِلَى مشابهة المغتذيات بل إِلَى كَونهَا غذَاء بِالْفِعْلِ وبالحقيقة وَخلق لذَلِك آلَات ومجار هِيَ للجذب وَالدَّفْع والإمساك والهضم.,"And since aliments are only potentially like the thing nourished, an alterative faculty had to be created so that they could be changed actually into the likeness of the thing nourished. In this way the aliment becomes effective. The instruments and channels necessary for this had to be created also—namely the means by which material is attracted, expelled, retained, and digested (sequence by sequence, turn by turn)." فَنَقُول: إِن ملاك الْأَمر فِي صناعَة حفظ الصِّحَّة هُوَ تَعْدِيل الْأَسْبَاب الْعَامَّة اللَّازِمَة الْمَذْكُورَة – وَأكْثر الْعِنَايَة بهَا هُوَ فِي تَعْدِيل أُمُور سَبْعَة: تَعْدِيل المزاج وَاخْتِيَار مَا يتَنَاوَل وتنقية الفضول وَحفظ التَّرْكِيب وَإِصْلَاح المستنشق وَإِصْلَاح الملبوس,Therefore we may say that the essential considerations in the art of preserving the health consist in maintaining equilibrium between all these various concomitant factors. But there are seven matters concerning which special care must be expended to ensure just proportion: Equilibrium of temperament. Selection of the articles of food and drink. Evacuation of effete matters. Safeguarding the composite. Maintaining the purity of the air respired. Guarding against extraneous contingencies. وتعديل الحركات الْبَدَنِيَّة والنفسانية. وَيدخل فِيهَا بِوَجْه مَا النّوم واليقظة.,"Moderation in regard to the movements of the body and the motions of the mind, with which may be included sleep and wakefulness." وَأَنت تعرف مِمَّا سلف بَيَانه أَنه لَا الِاعْتِدَال حد وَاحِد وَلَا الصِّحَّة وَلَا أَيْضا كل وَاحِد من المزاج دَاخل فِي أَن يكوق صِحَة مَا واعتدالاَ مَا فِي وَقت مَا بل الْأَمر بَين الْأَمريْنِ. فلنبدأ أَولا بتدبير الْمَوْلُود المعتدل المزاج فِي الْغَايَة.,"From all these considerations you will now perceive that there is no single fixed limit to which equilibrium, or health is to be assigned. None of the temperaments enters into it. Health and equilibrium vary (in range) from time to time. That is to say, it is a state comprised within two limits. We therefore begin by discussing first the regimen appropriate to the period of infancy, in which the temperament is continuously at one extreme of equilibrium." الْفَصْل الأول تَدْبِير الْمَوْلُود كَمَا يُولد إِلَى أَن ينْهض أما تَدْبِير الْحَوَامِل واللواتي يقاربن الْولادَة فسنكتبه فِي الأقاريل الْجُزْئِيَّة,i. THE REGIMEN IN INFANCY THE PERIOD FROM THE MOMENT OF BIRTH TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF WEANING. SPECIAL chapters discuss the regimen during pregnancy and the period when parturition approaches. وَأما الْمَوْلُود المعتدل المزاج إِذا ولد فقد قَالَ جمَاعَة من الْفُضَلَاء: أَنه يجب أَن يبْدَأ أول شَيْء بِقطع سرته فَوق أَربع أَصَابِع وتربط بصوف نقي فتل فَتلا لطيفاً كي لَا يؤلم وتوضع عَلَيْهِ خرقَة مغموسة فِي الزَّيْت.,"Treatment of the Cord. Many wise physicians state that when an infant of equable constitution is born, the umbilical cord should be severed four fingers’ breadth from the umbilicus after it has been well but gently tied with a clean woollen ligature, so as to inflict no pain, and that an oiled cloth should be placed upon it." وَمِمَّا أَمر بِهِ فِي قطع السُّرَّة أَن يُؤْخَذ الْعُرُوق الصفر وَدم الْأَخَوَيْنِ والأنزروت والكمون والأشنة والمر أَجزَاء سَوَاء تسحق وَتَذَر على سرته ويبادر إِلَى تمليح بدنه بِمَاء الْملح الرَّقِيق لتصلب بَشرته وتقوى جلدته.,"To help the separation of the cord, apply equal parts of the following: turmeric, dragon’s blood, Persian gum, caraway, sweet scented moss, myrrh. These are ground together and applied. Treatment of the skin. Then one should hasten to harden the surface of the skin by the use of slightly salted water until the cord has desiccated." وَأصْلح الأملاح مَا خالطه شَيْء من شادنج وقسط وسماق وحلبة وصعتر وَلَا يملح أَنفه وَلَا فَمه. وَالسَّبَب فِي إيثارنا تصليب بدنه أَنه فِي أول الْأَمر يتَأَذَّى من كل ملاق يستخشنه ويستبرده وَذَلِكَ لرقة بَشرته وحرارته فَكل شَيْء عِنْده بَارِد وصلب وخشن وَإِن احتجنا أَن نكرر تمليحه,"The best agents to employ for this purpose are shadanaj (a stone, shaped like a lentil or bloodstone), bitter costus, sumach, fenugreek, and origanum. But the nose and mouth must not be exposed to such agents. The reason for hardening the body in this way is that every-thing hot, cold, or rough is injurious to the sensitive infant’s skin, and so it needs to be hardened against all things of that kind which will come in contact with it. Hence, if the process of salting has to be repeated, so do." وَذَلِكَ إِذا كَانَ كثير الْوَسخ والرطوبة فعلنَا ثمَّ نغسله بِمَاء فاتر وننقي مَنْخرَيْهِ دائماَ بأصابع مقلمة الْأَظْفَار ونقطر فِي عَيْنَيْهِ شَيْئا من الزَّيْت ويدغدغ دبره بالخنصر لينفتح ويتوقى أَن يُصِيبهُ برد,"Such treatment is the more indicated if there are sordities or there is much humidity. After this, the body should be laved in tepid water, the nostrils thoroughly cleansed with the fingers, whose nails are cut short, and a little oil should be instilled into the eyes. The anal orifice should be caused to move by manipulation of its vicinity by means of the little finger, so that it may open. Care should be taken that nothing cold comes in contact with it." وَإِذا سَقَطت سرته وَذَلِكَ بعد ثَلَاثَة أَيَّام أَو أَرْبَعَة فالأصوب أَن يذر عَلَيْهِ رماد الصدف أَو رماد عرقوب الْعجل أَو الرصاص المحرق مسحوقاً أَيهَا كَانَ بِالشرابِ.,After the cord has separated which should be in three or four days the stump should be treated with a measure of bone- ash or powdered lead oxide in wine. وَإِذا أردنَا أَن نقمطه فَيجب أَن تبدأ الْقَابِلَة وتمس أعضاءه بالرفق فتعرض مَا يستعرض وتدق مَا يستدق وتشكّل كل عُضْو على أحسن شكله كل ذَلِك بغمز لطيف بأطراف الْأَصَابِع. ويتوالى فِي ذَلِك معاودات مُتَوَالِيَة وتديم مسح عَيْنَيْهِ بِشَيْء كالحرير,"Binding the Infant. In doing this the limbs must be handled very gently. Every part should be moulded according to its appropriate form making wide that which should be ‘wide, slender that which should be slender, doing all as gently as possible between the tips of the fingers. This should be done many times. The eyes must be carefully wiped with a silken band." وغمز مثانته ليسهل انْفِصَال الْبَوْل عَنْهَا ثمَّ نفرش يَدَيْهِ وتلصق ذِرَاعَيْهِ بركبتيه وتعمّمه أَو تقلنسه بقلنسوة مهندمة على رَأسه وتنومه فِي بَيت معتدل الْهَوَاء لَيْسَ ببارد وَلَا حَار وَيجب أَن يكون الْبَيْت إِلَى الظل والظلمة مَا هُوَ لَا يسطع فِيهِ شُعَاع غَالب.,"The bladder-region should be pressed to help the exit of the urine. After this, stretch out the hands towards the knees. Bind the head, fitting as it were a cap to the head. Sleeping-quarters. The infant must be placed in an airy room, with not too cool air. The room should also be shady, or even slightly gloomy so that the eyes are not likely to receive direct light." وَيجب أَن يكون رَأسه فِي مرقده أَعلَى من سَائِر جسده ويحفر أَن يلوي مرقده شَيْئا من عُنُقه وأطرافه وصلبه. وَيجب أَن يكون إحمامه بِالْمَاءِ المعتدل صيفاً وبالمائل إِلَى الْحَرَارَة الْغَيْر اللاذعة شتاء,"While sleeping the head should be at a higher level than the rest of the body, and someone should watch lest any part of the body (neck, limbs, back) should get into a twisted position. Bathing the Infant. In summer time it should be bathed with suave tepid water. In winter the water should be on the warm side." وَأصْلح وَقت يغسل ويستحم بِهِ هُوَ بعد نَومه الأطول وَقد يجوز أَن يغسل فِي الْيَوْم مرَّتَيْنِ أَو ثَلَاثَة وَأما فِي الشتَاء فَلَا يفارقن بِهِ المَاء المعتدل الْحَرَارَة وَإِنَّمَا يحمّم مِقْدَار مَا,"The best time to wash the infant is after a long sleep, but it may be desirable to wash it twice or three times in the day. In winter, the infant should not be washed unless its body becomes ruddy and warm thereby." وَيجب أَن يكون أَخذه وَقت الْغسْل على هَذِه الصّفة وَهُوَ أَن يُؤْخَذ بِالْيَدِ الْيُمْنَى على الذِّرَاع الْأَيْسَر معتمداَ على صَدره دون بَطْنه ويجتهد فِي وَقت الْغسْل أَن تمس راحتاه ظَهره وَقدمه رَأسه بلطف وبرفق ثمَّ تنشفه بِخرقَة ناعمة,"The way to hold the infant while washing it: take it by the right hand, and hold it so that the left arm is over its chest and not over its belly. After the laving, the palms and soles should be gently raised (up and down). It should be gently wiped dry with soft cloths." وتمسحه بالرفق وتضجعه أَولا على بَطْنه ثمَّ على ظَهره وَلَا يزَال مَعَ ذَلِك يمسح ويغمز وَيشكل ثمَّ يرد فيعصب فِي خرقَة ويقطر فِي أَنفه الزَّيْت العذب فَإِنَّهُ يغسل عَيْنَيْهِ وطبقاتهما.,"Then turn it down on to its belly, then back on its back, rubbing gently all the while, pressing and moulding [and singing gently to it, Ch.M.], then back on its belly to apply the binder. Afterwards instil sweet oil into its nostrils, and bathe the eyes and lids." الْفَصْل الثَّانِي تَدْبِير الْإِرْضَاع وَالنَّقْل,THE REGIMEN DURING LACTATION AND WEANING. أما كَيْفيَّة إرضاعه وتغذيته فَيجب أَن يرضع مَا أمكن بِلَبن أمه فَإِنَّهُ أشبه الأغذية بجوهر مَا سلف من غذائه وَهُوَ فِي الرَّحِم أَعنِي طمث أمه فَإِنَّهُ بِعَيْنِه هُوَ المستحيل لَبَنًا وَهُوَ أقبل لذَلِك وآلف لَهُ حَتَّى إِنَّه قد صَحَّ بالتجربة أَن لقامه حلمة أمه عَظِيم النَّفْع جدا فِي دفع مَا يُؤْذِيه,"The following is the mode m which the feeding of the infant is to be arranged. Whenever possible, the mother’s milk should be given and by suckling. For that is the aliment of all others most like in substapce to the nutrient material which the infant received while in the womb the menstrual nutrients of the mother. It is these which are changed into milk after parturition, and such milk is better adapted for the infant. Experience shows that merely to place the mother’s nipple into the infant’s mouth is a great help towards removing whatever is hurtful to the infant." وَيجب أَن يُكتفى بإرضاعه فِي الْيَوْم مرَّتَيْنِ أَو ثَلَاثًا وَلَا يبْدَأ فِي أول الْأَمر فِي إرضاعه بإرضاع كثير على أَنه يسْتَحبّ أَن تكون من ترْضِعه فِي أول الْأَمر غير أمه حَتَّى يعتدل مزاج أمه والأجود أَن يلعق عسلاً ثمَّ يرضع.,"It should suffice for the infant to suck the breast twice or thrice in the day at first, and it should not be allowed to take too much. It is best to wait till the [disturbance in the] temperament of the mother has subsided somewhat before the infant is given the breast. It may be give a little honey first, and the breast later." وَيجب أَن يحلب من اللَّبن الَّذِي يرضع مِنْهُ الصَّبِي فِي أول النَّهَار حلبتان أَو ثَلَاثَة ثمَّ يلقم الحلمة وخصوصاً إِذا كَانَ بِاللَّبنِ عيب وَالْأولَى بِاللَّبنِ الرَّدِيء والحريف أَن لَا ترضعها الْمُرضعَة وَهِي على الرِّيق,"The milk which the boy sucks should be drained away two or three times in the morning, before presenting the nipple, especially if there be any spots in the milk. Sourish or otherwise defective milk should not be given while the nurse is fasting." وَمَعَ ذَلِك فانه من الْوَاجِب أَن يلْزم الطِّفْل شَيْئَيْنِ نافعين أَيْضا لتقوية مزاجه: أَحدهمَا: التحريك اللَّطِيف وَالْآخر: الموسيقى والتلحين الَّذِي جرت بِهِ الْعَادة لتنويم الْأَطْفَال. وبمقدار قبُوله لذَلِك يُوقف على تهيئة للرياضة والموسيقى: أَحدهمَا بِبدنِهِ وَالْآخر بِنَفسِهِ,"Besides this there are also two other things to be done to help to strengthen the constitution: gentle (rocking) movements; humming music or some old song, or prattling to the infant, as is customary while placing the babe into its cradle. How much these two practices are to be employed may be judged [individually]; the movement is for the benefit of the body, and the music is for the benefit of the mind." فَإِن مَنَعَ عَن إرضاعة لبن والدته مَانع من ضعف وَفَسَاد لَبنهَا أَو ميله إِلَى الرقة فَيَنْبَغِي أَن يخْتَار لَهُ مُرْضِعَة على الشَّرَائِط الَّتِي نصفهَا بَعْضهَا فِي سنّها وَبَعضهَا فِي سحنتها وَبَعضهَا فِي أخلاقها.,"Inability to nurse the Child. If there be anything to prevent the mother from giving milk to the babe for instance, owing to her weakness or to the defective quality of her milk, or because it runs too quickly, a wet nurse should be selected according- to the following rules: (i) age; form or physique; personal character or habits." وَبَعضهَا فِي هَيْئَة ثديها وَبَعضهَا فِي كَيْفيَّة لَبنهَا وَبَعضهَا فِي مِقْدَار مُدَّة مَا بَينهَا وَبَين وَضعهَا وَبَعضهَا من جنس مولودها وَإِذا أصبت شرائطها فَيجب أَن يجاد غذاؤها,"the shape of the nipples; the quality of the milk; the interval of time which has elapsed since her parturition; characters of her own child. Having found a wet-nurse in whom the requisite conditions are fulfilled, she must be provided with nourishing foods such as are given in" فَيجْعَل من الْحِنْطَة والخندريس وَلُحُوم الخرفان والجداء والسمك الَّذِي لَيْسَ بعفن اللَّحْم وَلَا صلبه. والخس غذَاء مَحْمُود واللوز أَيْضا والبندق. وشرّ الْبُقُول لَهَا الجرجير والخردل والباذروج فَإِنَّهُ يفْسد اللَّبن وَفِي النعناع قُوَّة من ذَلِك.,"Diet: the aliments should consist of food giving good chyme. For example, foods such as wheat, frumenty, lamb, kid of goats, which are not putrescent or have hard flesh. Lettuce, almonds, filbert-nuts. Mint. Potherbs which are deleterious: herb-rocket, mustard, mountain balmfor they cause the blood to undergo decomposition." وَأما شَرَائِط الْمُرْضع فسنذكرها: ونبدأ بشريطة سنّهَا فَنَقُول: إِن الْأَحْسَن أَن يكون مَا بَين خمس وَعشْرين سنة إِلَى خمس وَثَلَاثِينَ سنة فَإِن هَذَا هُوَ سنّ الشَّبَاب وَسن الصِّحَّة والكمال.,"The characters of a good wet-nurse. The age should be between twenty five and thirty five, because during this period there is youth and health and perfection." وَأما فِي شريطة سحنتها وتركيبها فَيجب أَن تكون حَسَنَة اللَّوْن قَوِيَّة الْعُنُق والصدر واسعته عضلانية صلبة اللَّحْم متوسطة فِي السّمن والهزال لحمانية لَا شحمانية.,"Form and physique. The colour should be good, the neck strong, the chest strong and broad, the flesh muscular and firm,—neither very fat nor very spare, the proportion of the fat in the flesh being moderate." وَأما فِي أخلاقها فَأن تكون حَسَنَة الْأَخْلَاق محمودتها بطيئة عَن الانفعالات النفسانية الرَّديئَة من الْغَضَب وَالْغَم والجبن وَغير ذَلِك فَإِن جَمِيع ذَلِك يفْسد المزاج وَرُبمَا أعدى بِالرّضَاعِ,"Personal character and habits. These should be good and praiseworthy. She should be only slowly aroused by the bad passions of the mind, such as anger, gloom, fear, etc. For all these injure the constitution and may change the milk or pass into it, or even prevent -its secretion." وَلِهَذَا نهى رَسُول الله صلى الله عَلَيْهِ وَسلم عَن استظئار الْمَجْنُونَة على أَن سوء خلقهَا أَيْضا مِمَّا يسْلك بهَا سوء الْعِنَايَة بتعهّد الصَّبِي وإقلال مداراته.,"It is for this reason that some people reject a nurse who is stupid. Besides this, if the character be not good, she will not trouble” herself over the infant or caress it enough." وَأما فِي هَيْئَة ثديها فَأن يكون ثديها مكتنزاً عَظِيما وَلَيْسَ مَعَ عظمه بمسترخ وَلَا يَنْبَغِي أَيْضا أَن يكون فَاحش الْعظم وَيجب أَن يكون معتدلاً فِي الصلابة واللين.,"Shape of nipples. They must be firm in consistence and large, but not too large. [On the one hand large nipples hurt the infant’s gums and impede deglutition, and on the other they will hold more milk than the infant can take, and some is then left behind to undergo decomposition, therefore being injurious at the next feed. If the nipples are too small, the infant cannot take hold of them, and there will not be sufficient milk: Aetius.] Therefore the consistence should be between hardness and softness." وَأما فِي كَيْفيَّة لَبنهَا فَأن يكون قوامه معتدلاً ومقداره معتدلاً ولونه إِلَى الْبيَاض لَا كمد وَلَا أَخْضَر وَلَا أصفر وَلَا أَحْمَر ورائحته طيّبة لَا ونة فِيهَا وَلَا عفونة. وطعمه إِلَى الْحَلَاوَة لَا مرَارَة فِيهِ وَلَا ملوحة وَلَا حموضة,"Quality of milk. The consistence must be between coarse and fine; the colour white (not dusky, greenish, yellowish or ruddy); the odour good, without acridity or pungency the taste sweetish (without any bitterness, saltinesss, or acridity)." وَإِلَى الْكَثْرَة مَا هُوَ وأجزاؤه متشابهة فَحِينَئِذٍ لَا يكون رَقِيقا سيالاً وَلَا غليظاً جدا جبنياً وَلَا مُخْتَلف الْأَجْزَاء وَلَا كثير الرغوة وَقد يجرب قوامه بالتقطير على الظفر فَإِن سَالَ فَهُوَ رَقِيق وَإِن وقف عَن الإسالة من الظفر فَهُوَ ثخين.,"The quantity should be of a certain amount. It must be homogeneous. It must not be thin, watery, nor very thick or cheesy; nor must there be any discrete particles in it. There should not be much foam. Tests. The consistence may be tested by allowing the milk to run over the finger-nail. If it flows easily, it is thin; if it does not flow over the inclined nail, it is thick." ويجرب أَيْضا فِي زجاجة بِأَن يلقِي عَلَيْهِ شَيْء من المر ويحرك بالأصبع فَيعرف مِقْدَار جبنيته ومائيته فَإِن اللَّبن الْمَحْمُود هُوَ المتعادل الجبنية والمائية,"Again, place some in a glass vessel, and drop a little myrrh into it, and stir the two together. The aquosity and the degree of caseity are then evident. The milk is laudable and attempered if the watery part and cheesy part are equal." فَإِن اضْطر إِلَى من لَبنهَا لَيْسَ بِهَذِهِ الصّفة دبر فِيهِ من وَجه السَّقْي وَمن علاج الْمُرضعَة. أما من وَجه السَّقْي فَمَا كَانَ من الألبان غليظاً كريه الرَّائِحَة فالأصوب أَن يسقى بعد حلب ويعرض للهواء,"Should there be some special need to prepare such a milk, we should prepare it partly from the mother, and partly from the wet-nurse. From the mother because it is better not to give thick milk of unhealthy odour until it has been allowed to stand exposed to the air for a while." وَمَا كَانَ شَدِيد الْحَرَارَة فالأصوب أَن لَا يسقى على الرِّيق الْبَتَّةَ. وَأما علاج الْمُرْضع فَإِنَّهَا إِن كَانَت غَلِيظَة اللَّبن سقيت من السكنجيين الْبزورِي الْمَطْبُوخ بالملطفات مثل الفودنج والزوفا والحاشا والصعتر الْجبلي تطعمه والطرنج وَنَحْوه,"and because it is best not to give very warm milk to the fasting infant. Diet. If her milk is thick, the wet-nurse should take oxymel; and a decoction of attenuants such as wild marjoram, hyssop, thyme, savory, origanum montanum, and the like should also be included in the menu." وَيجْعَل فِي طعامها شَيْء من الفجل يسير وتؤمر أَن تتقيأ بسكنجبين حَار وَأَن تتعاطى رياضة معتدلة وَإِن كَانَ مزاجها حَار أسقيت السكنجبين مَعَ الشَّرَاب الرَّقِيق مجموعين ومفردين,"A little radish may be added [old pickle in vinegar and honey: Aeg.]. Vomiting should be induced with hot oxymel to get rid of the phlegm, (Suitable) work before meals will help to thin the milk. [Frequent baths: Aetius.] If the wet-nurse be of hot intemperament she should take acetous syrup, and a light wine should be taken either at the same time or separately." وَإِن كَانَ لَبنهَا إِلَى الرقة رفهت ومنعت الرياضة وغذيت بِمَا يُولد دَمًا غليظاً وَرُبمَا سقوها – إِن لم يكن هُنَاكَ مَانع شرابًا حلواً أَو عقيد الْعِنَب وتؤمر بِزِيَادَة النّوم,"If her milk is thin, one should instruct the nurse to rest, and avoid exercise or work, and she should be given foods which thicken the blood. If there is no contra-indication, one might allow her sweet wine. [The following are also recommended: strong soups or broths (Aeg.), a gruel prepared with fennel green dill boiled in a ptisan with fine bread, pork-flesh, flesh of kids, or of tender birds: Aetius.] Allow plenty of sleep." فَإِن كَانَ لَبنهَا قَلِيلا تؤمّل السَّبَب فِيهِ هَل هُوَ سوء مزاج حَار فِي بدنهَا كُله أَو فِي ثديها ويتعرف ذَلِك من العلامات الْمَذْكُورَة فِي الْأَبْوَاب الْمَاضِيَة ويلمس الثدي فَإِن دلّ الدَّلِيل على أَن بهَا حرارة غذيت بِمثل كشك الشّعير والأسفاناخ وَمَا أشبهه,"If the milk is scanty, one should ascertain the cause: e.g. is it an abnormal temperament affecting the whole body, or the breast itself ? To determine which it is one employs the indications given in preceding chapters. If palpation of the breasts shows them to be unduly hot, the diet should consist of such things as barley water, spinach, and the like." وَإِن دلّ الدَّلِيل على أَن بهَا برد مزاج أَو سدد أَو ضعف من الْقُوَّة الجاذبة زيد فِي غذائها اللَّطِيف المائل إِلَى الْحَرَارَة وعلق عَلَيْهَا المحاجم تَحت الثديين بِلَا تعنيف,"If there are signs of coldness of temperament in the breasts, and of obstructions, or inadequate attractive power, the diet should include attenuated aliments tending to a warm nature; and cupping instruments should be applied beneath the breasts, taking care not to press much on the breast." وينفع من ذَلِك بزر الجزر. وللجزر نَفسه مَنْفَعَة شَدِيدَة وَإِن كَانَ السَّبَب فِيهِ استقلالها من الْغذَاء غذيت بالأحساء المتخذة من الشّعير والنخالة والحبوب. وَيجب أَن يَجْعَل فِي أحسائها وأغذيتها أصل الرازيانج وبزره والشبث والشونيز,"Carrot seed is also beneficial, and the carrot itself is also very good for such a condition. Should the cause be that the nurse has been previously insufficiently fed, she should be given a broth made with barley, bran and legumes, and such as the following should be introduced: fennel roots, and seeds, and dill, and nigella." وَقد قيل: إِن أكل ضروع الضَّأْن والمعز بِمَا فِيهِ من اللَّبن نَافِع جدا لهَذَا الشَّأْن لما فِيهِ من المشاكلة أَو لخاصية فِيهِ,"Others say that the udders of sheep and goats should be eaten with the milk therein contained, as being helpful in virtue of that which is of like nature or property in such foods." وَقد جرب أَن يؤخد وزن دِرْهَم من الأرضة أَو من الخراطين المجففة فِي مَاء الشّعير أَيَّامًا مُتَوَالِيَة وَوجد ذَلِك غَايَة وَكَذَلِكَ سلاقة رُؤُوس السّمك المالح فِي مَاء الشبث,"Others have recommended the administration of an “ounce” of tree-worms or dried earth-worms in barley water for several days, saying they have found it excellent for the purpose. So also the expressed juice of the heads of salted fish, taken in dill water." وَمِمَّا يغزر اللَّبن أَن تُؤْخَذ أُوقِيَّة من سمن الْبَقر فيصبّ فِيهِ شَيْء من شرار صرف وَيشْرب أَو يُؤْخَذ طحين السمسم ويخلط بِالشرابِ ويصفّى ويسقى ويضمد الثديان بثفل الناردين مَعَ زَيْت وَلبن أتان,"List of (i) One ounce of butter from cow’s milk placed into a vessel of good wine; taken as a drink. sesame ground up in a fine mill and mixed with wine; taken as a drink. An emplastrum or liniment applied to the. breasts, prepared with the faex of balsam of nard and asses’ milk and oil." أَو تُؤْخَذ أُوقِيَّة من جَوف الباذنجان المسلوق ويمرس بِالشرابِ مرساً ويسقى وتغلى النخالة والفجل فِي الشَّرَاب ويسقى أَو يُؤْخَذ بزر الشبث ثَلَاث أَوَاقٍ وبزر الحندقوقي وبزر الكراث من كل وَاحِد أُوقِيَّة وبزر الرّطبَة والحلبة من كل وَاحِد أوقيتان,"Take one ounce of the interior parts of brinjal (egg-plant), this being dissolved in wine, by stirring; it is taken as a drink. The following is a powerful medicament: dill seed, three ounces; seed of blue melilot (or, lot tree),f of leek, one ounce of each; clover seed and fennel seed, two ounces of each." يخلط بعصارة الرازيانج وَالْعَسَل وَالسمن وَيشْرب مِنْهُ.,"mix the whole into a drink with fennel juice, honey and butter." وَإِذا كَانَ اللَّبن بِحَيْثُ يُؤْذِي وَيفْسد من الْكَثْرَة لاحتقانه وتكاثقه فينقص بتقليل الْغذَاء وَتَنَاول مَا يقل غذاؤه وبتضميد الصَّدْر وَالْبدن بكمّون وخل أَو بطين حر وخل أَو بعدس مطبوخ بخل وَيشْرب المَاء المالح عَلَيْهِ.,"Anti-galactogogues. If the milk is injuriously abundant, or has accumulated because it is unable to escape owing to the presence of some form of obstruction, or because the milk is too thick, one may reduce the quantity secreted by reducing the amount of food; by employing those articles of diet which contain but little nourishment; by applying a (discutient) plaster over the chest and breasts, composed of caraway in vinegar or white clay in vinegar, or of lentils boiled in vinegar; this is followed up by a draught of salted water." وَكَذَلِكَ أستعمال النعناع الْكثير والاستكثار من ذَلِك للثدي يغزر اللَّبن فَأَما اللَّبن الكريه الرَّائِحَة فيعالج بسقي الشَّرَاب الريحاني ومناولة الأغذية الطّيبَة الرَّائِحَة,"by eating mint. If the milk has an unpleasant odour, the remedy is to give as a drink a fragrant wine; and as food, foods of pleasant odour." وَأما التَّدْبِير الْمَأْخُوذ من مُدَّة وضع الْمُرْضع فَيجب أَن تكون وِلَادَتهَا قريبَة لَا ذَلِك الْقرب جدا بل مَا بَينهَا وَبَينه شهر وَنصف أَو شَهْرَان وَأَن تكون وِلَادَتهَا لذكر وَأَن يكون وَضعهَا لمُدَّة طبيعية وَأَن لَا تكون أسقطت وَلَا كَانَت مُعْتَادَة الْإِسْقَاط.,"Rules regarding the period of time which has elapsed since the wet-nurse was herself confined.—The birth should have been recent, namely i months at least (two months, if the child was a male); the birth should have occurred at the proper date and not premature; nor should there be a history of habitual premature births." وَيجب أَن تُؤمر الْمُرْضع برياضة معتملة وتغذى بأغذية حَسَنَة الكيموس وَلَا تجامع الْبَتَّةَ فَإِن ذَلِك يُحَرك مِنْهَا دم الطمث فَيفْسد رَائِحَة اللَّبن ويقل مِقْدَاره,"Exercise. This should be moderate. [Aetius says: woik with the hands and shoulders, milling, weaving, carrying the child about in the arms. Personal: cleanliness of person (Aetius).] The wet-nurse should not allow coition, for this disturbs the menstrual blood and diminishes the quantity of milk and alters its composition, as shown by change of odour." بل رُبمَا حبلت وَكَانَ من ذَلِك ضَرَر عَظِيم على الْوَلَدَيْنِ جَمِيعًا أما المرتضع فلانصراف اللَّطِيف من اللَّبن إِلَى غذَاء الْجَنِين وَأما الْجَنِين فلقلة مَا يَأْتِيهِ من الْغذَاء لاحتياج الآخر إِلَى اللَّبن.,"Moreover she might become pregnant, in which case there would be a dual unpropitious influence—to the wet-nurse herself in that whatever is attenuated in the blood enters into the nutriment of the embryo, and to the embryo in that it loses as much from the mother’s aliment as passes on to form milk." وَيجب فِي كل إرضاعة وخصوصاَ فِي الْإِرْضَاع الأول أَن يحلب شَيْء من اللَّبن ويسيل وَأَن يعان بالغمز لِئَلَّا تضطره شدَّة المصّ إِلَى إيلام آلَات الْحلق والمريء فيحجف بِهِ.,"During the whole period of lactation, especially the first lactation, it is advisable to have some of the milk drawn off to encourage and facilitate its flow; this is also aided by massage, otherwise the delicate organs of suction will be injured and weakened." وَإِن ألعِق قبل الْإِرْضَاع كل مرّة ملعقة من عسل فَهُوَ نَافِع وَإِن مزج بِقَلِيل شراب كَانَ صَوَابا وَلَا يَنْبَغِي أَن يرضع اللَّبن الْكثير دفْعَة وَاحِدَة بل الأصوب أَن يرضع قَلِيلا قَلِيلا متوالياً متوالياً,"It is a help to anoint with a little honey each time before the infant is nursed; and a little wine may also be added. It should not be allowed to take much milk at one time. It is better to feed little and often, at small intervals." فَإِن ارضاعه الشِّبَع دفْعَة وَاحِدَة رُبمَا ولد تمدداً ونفخة وَكَثْرَة ريَاح وَبَيَاض بَوْل فَإِن عرض ذَلِك فَيجب أَن لَا يرضع ويجوعّ شَدِيد أَو يشْتَغل بنومه إِلَى أَن ينهضم ذَلِك وَأكْثر مَا يرضع فِي الْأَيَّام الأول هُوَ فِي الْيَوْم ثَلَاث مَرَّات,"For it may happen that after becoming satiated with the whole of the contents of the breast the infant suffers from distension, and very much flatulence, and the urine becomes white [too watery, Aeg.] In such a case, the best thing is to stop the nursing, allowing the infant to go hungry for some time, and it should be meanwhile put to sleep till digestion has had time to be completed. [It is unduly sleepy if over-fed.] At first, the infant is allowed the breast three times only in the day." وَإِن أَرْضَعَتْه فِي الْيَوْم الأول غير أمه على مَا قد ذكرنَا كَانَ أصوب وَكَذَلِكَ إِذا عرض للمرضعة مزاج رَدِيء أَو عِلّة مؤلمة أَو إسهال كثير أَو احتباس مؤذ فَالْأولى أَن يتَوَلَّى إرضاعه غَيرهَا إِلَى أَن تستقل وَكَذَلِكَ إِذا أحوجت الضَّرُورَة إِلَى سقيها دَوَاء لَهُ قُوَّة وَكَيْفِيَّة غالبة,"Should it be necessary to feed it on the first day, it, would be better for someone else than the infant’s mother to do so, as we have explained. Should the wet-nurse develop an intemperament or a painful malady, or have diarrhoea, or be constipated, someone else should give milk until she is better. The same applies if it be necessary to administer to her some medicine which has a decided potency or quality." وَإِذا نَام عقيب الرَّضَاع لم يعنف عَلَيْهِ بتحريك شَدِيد للمهد يخضخض اللَّبن فِي معدته بل يرجح بِرِفْق. والبكاء الْيَسِير قبل الرَّضَاع يَنْفَعهُ والمدة الطبيعية للرضاع سنتَانِ.,"The infant is laid to sleep after feeding, but its cradle must not be rocked vigorously as otherwise one would churn the milk in its stomach. The rocking must be quite gentle. It is good for the infant to cry a little before the feed. Duration of lactation. Normally this is two years." واذا اشْتهى الطِّفْل غير اللَّبن أعطي بتدريج وَلم يشدد عَلَيْهِ ئم إِذا جعلت ثناياه تظهر إِلَى الْغذَاء الَّذِي هُوَ أقوى بالتدريج من غير أَن يعْطى شَيْئا صلب الممضغ وَأول ذَلِك خبز تمضغه الْمُرْضع ثمَّ خبز بِمَاء وَعسل أَو بشراب أَو بِلَبن,"When something additional to milk is required, such addition should be made step by step. Weaning must not be abrupt. After the first two teeth have appeared, a progressively stronger aliment is to be considered. Hard things, however, must not be allowed. At first, bread is given which the nurse has masticated. Afterwards, bread softened with honey water, or dilute wine or with milk." ويسقى عِنْد ذَلِك قَلِيل مَاء وَفِي الأحيان مَعَ يسير شراب ممزوج بِهِ وَلَا تَدعه يتملأ فَإِن عرض لَهُ كظة وانتفاخ بطن وَبَيَاض بَوْل منعته كل شَيْء. وأجود تغذيته أَن يُؤَخر إِلَى أَن يمرخ ويحمم ثمَّ إِذا أفطم نقل إِلَى مَا هُوَ من جنس الأحساء. واللحوم الْخَفِيفَة.,"This is followed by a little water, or even a little wine in the water. It must not be allowed to take food to repletion. Should indigestion or flatulence occur, and should the urine become white, all food is stopped for a while, at least until it has been anointed in the bath. Weaning. In weaning the infant from milk, the aliment must consist of articles which can be sucked up; and the replacement of milk by “acorns” of bread and sugar should be gradual. Soft meats may be given." وَيجب أَن يكون الْفِطَام بالتدريج لَا دفْعَة وَاحِدَة ويشغل ببلاليط متخذة من خبز وسكر فَإِن ألح على الثدي واسترضع وَبكى فَيجب أَن يُؤْخَذ من المر والفوتنج من كل وَاحِد دِرْهَم يسحق ويطلى مِنْهُ على الثدي.,"If the infant persistently seek for the breast, crying for it, the best thing is to prepare a paste to apply to the breast, made of four ounces of myrrh and smoothly ground pennyroyal." ونقول بِالْجُمْلَةِ: إِن تَدْبِير الطِّفْل هُوَ الترطيب لمشاكلة مزاجه لذَلِك ولحاجته إِلَيْهِ فِي تغذيته ونموه والرياضة المعتدلة الْكَثِيرَة. وَهَذَا كالطبيعي لَهُم فَكَأَن الطبيعة تتقاضاهم بِهِ وَلَا سِيمَا إِذا جاوزوا الطفولية إِلَى الصِّبَا,"Regimen up to Dentition. To sum up, we may say that the regimen of the infant is to be humectant, corresponding to its temperament at this period, for this is necessary both for nutrition and growth. The infant is also to be exercised gently correspondingly to the needs of nature, and especially during the later period of infancy." فَإِذا أَخذ ينْهض ويتحرك فَلَا يَنْبَغِي أَن يُمكن من الحركات العنيفة وَلَا يجوز أَن يحمل على الْمَشْي أَو الْقعُود قبل انبعاثه إِلَيْهِ بالطبع فَيُصِيب سَاقيه وصلبه اَفة,"When the child begins to creep about, it must not be allowed to make strenuous efforts, or be encouraged to walk or sit erect before the natural desire to do so appears; otherwise there may be injury done to its legs and back." والوِاجب فِي أول مَا يقْعد ويزحف على الأَرْض أَن يَجْعَل مَقْعَده على نطع أملس لِئَلَّا تخدشه خشونة الأَرْض وينحى عَن وَجهه الْخشب والسكاكين وَمَا أشبه ذَلِك مَا ينخس أَو يقطع ويحمى عَن التزلق من مَكَان عَال,"When it first sits up or creeps over the ground, it is best to place it upon a smooth skin, to prevent injury by roughness in the floor. Bits of stick or any objects able to pierce or cut the skin must be kept out of its way. Care must be taken that it does not fall off some elevated place." وَإِذا جعلت الأنياب تفطر منعُوا كل صلب الممضغ لِئَلَّا تتحلل الْمَادَّة الَّتِي مِنْهَا تتخلّق الأنياب بالمضغ الَّذِي يولع بِهِ وَحِينَئِذٍ تمرخ غمورهم بدماغ الأرنب وشحم الدَّجَاج فَإِن ذَلِك يسهل فطورها,"Hygiene of Dentition. When the canine teeth are about to appear, the infant must not be allowed to chew at anything hard lest the material from which these teeth need to be made should become dissolved by the processes of mastication. The gums should be rubbed with hare’s brain and cock’s fat, as this will help their eruption." فَإِذا انغلق عَنْهَا الغمور مرخت رؤوسهم وأعناقهم حِينَئِذٍ بالزيت المغسول مَضْرُوبا بِمَاء حَار وقطر من الزيتَ فِي آذانهم فَإِذا صَارَت بِحَيْثُ يُمكنهُ أَن يعَض بهَا فَإِنَّهُ يُغرَى بأصابعة وعضها,"After the appearance of the teeth, the infant’s head and neck should be rubbed with oil which has been shaken up with hot water [to cleanse it], and a little of the same oil may be instilled into the ears. As soon as the infant is able to bite with its teeth, it will show this by trying to bite its own finger." فَيجب أَن يعْطى قِطْعَة من أصل السوس الَّذِي لم يجِف بعد كثيراَ أَو رُبّه فَإِن ذَلِك ينفع فِي ذَلِك الْوَقْت وينفع من القروح والأوجاع فِي اللثة وَكَذَلِكَ يجب أَن يدلك فَمه بملح وَعسل لِئَلَّا تصيبه هَذِه الأوجاع,"It should then be given a stick of not too dry liquorice root or inspissated Spanish juice to chew at, for this will be beneficial at this period and will prevent ulcers from forming in the gums and dull the pain [and irritation of teething]. The gums may also be rubbed with salt and honey to relieve the pain." ثمَّ إِذا استحكم نباتها أَيْضا أعْطوا شَيْئا من رب السوس أَو من أَصله الَّذِي لَيْسَ بشديد الْجَفَاف يمسكونه فِي الْفَم ويوافقهم تمريخ أَعْنَاقهم فِي وَقت نَبَات الأنياب بِزَيْت عذب أَو دهن عذب وَإِذا أخذُوا ينطقون تعهدوا بإدامة ذَلِك أصُول أسنانهم.,"When the teeth are fully out, the infant may be given a stick of liquorice or root of liquorice (not too dry) to bite at. When the canines are fully out it is good also to rub the neck with some form of sweet oil. Later still, when the infant begins to talk, its teeth should be rubbed, especially at their bases." الْفَصْل الثَّالِث الْأَمْرَاض الَّتِي تعرض للصبيان وعلاجاتها الْغَرَض المقدّم فِي معالجة الصّبيان هُوَ تَدْبِير الْمُرْضع حَتَّى إِن حدس أَن بهَا امتلاء من دم فصدت أَو حجمت,"CONCERNING THE DISEASES OF INFANCY The chief mode of treating infants is by controlling the wet-nurse. If there should be any suspicion of plethora of blood in her, bleeding or cupping should be done." أَو امتلاء من خلط استفرغ مِنْهَا الْخَلْط أَو احْتِيجَ إِلَى حبس الطبيعة أَو إِطْلَاقهَا أَو منع بخار من الرَّأْس أَو إصْلَاح لأعضاء التنفس أَو تَبْدِيل لسوء مزاج عولجت بالمتناولات الْمُوَافقَة لذَلِك.,"If there be plethora of some other humour, that must be drained also. When it is necessary to bind, or to loosen the bowels, or to prevent the ascent of vapours to the head, or to rectify the respiratory organs, or to correct an intemperament, the method of treating this is by way of the food and drink [of the nurse]." وَإِذا عولجت بإسهال أَو وَقع طبعا بإفراط أَو عولجت بقيء أَو وَقع طبعا وقوعاً قَوِيا فَالْأولى أَن يرضع ذَلِك الْيَوْم غَيرهَا.,"If it becomes necessary [for the nurse] to procure plentiful evacuation by the bowel, or if this occurs spontaneously; if emesis needs to be procured, or if vomiting occurs spontaneously, it is best to give the infant to someone else to nurse during that period." فلنذكر أمراضاً جزئية تعرض للصبيان فَمن ذَلِك أورام تعرض لَهُم فِي اللثة عِنْد نَبَات الْأَسْنَان وأورام تعرض لَهُم عِنْد أوتار فِي نَاحيَة اللحيين وتشنج فِيهَا وَإِذا عرض ذَلِك فَيجب أَن يغمز عَلَيْهَا الْأصْبع بالرفق وتمرخ بالدهنيات الْمَذْكُورَة فِي بَاب نَبَات الْأَسْنَان.,"DISORDERS DURING DENTITION Inflammation of the gums (gingivitis) may occur during dentition. Inflammations may also occur in the ligamentous structures round the mandibles, causing trismus. In such cases one should gently press the parts with the finger and rub in one of the oils named in the section dealing with the eruption of the teeth." وَزعم بَعضهم أَنه يمضمض بالعسل مَضْرُوبا بدهن البابونج أَو الْعَسَل مَعَ علك الأنباط وَيسْتَعْمل على الرَّأْس نطول بِمَاء قد طبخ فِيهِ البابونج والشبث. وَمِمَّا يعرض للصبيان استطلاق الْبَطن وخصوصاً عِنْد نَبَات الْأَسْنَان.,"or honey which has been well mixed with oil of chamomile, or with turpentine oil. One may also pour warm water, in which chamomile and dill have been boiled, over the top of the head from a height. (Cf.) Diarrhoea. This is specially apt to arise during dentition." زعم بَعضهم أَنه يعرض لِأَنَّهُ يمص فضلا مالحاً قيحياً من لثته مَعَ اللَّبن وَيجوز أَن لَا يكون لذَلِك بل لاشتغال الطبيعة بتخليق عُضْو عَن إجادة الهضم ولعروض الوجع وَهُوَ مِمَّا يمْنَع الهضم فِي الْأَبدَان الضعيفة.,"Some account for it as due to the sucking in by the infant of salty sanious effete matters from its own gums along with the milk. But it is possible that this is not true; that the real cause is an interference with the natural faculty, so that digestion is imperfect and pain results. It is just this that hinders digestion in feebly constituted infants." والقليل مِنْهُ لَا يجب أَن يشْتَغل بِهِ فَإِن خيف من ذَلِك إفراط تدُورِكَ بتكميد بَطْنه ببزر الْورْد أَو بزر الكرفس أَو الأنيسون أَو الكمون أَو يضمّد بَطْنه بكمّون وَورد مبلولين بخل أَو بجاورس مطبوخ مَعَ قَلِيل خل.,"If it is only slight, you will not be asked to treat it. If the parents are afraid it will become injurious, leading to wasting, one would treat by applying rose-seed, caraway, anise, and celery (parsley-) seed [sprinkled on wool: Aeg.j to the abdomen, or apply a plaster prepared with caraway and roses infused in vinegar, or with frumenty boiled in, vinegar." وَأَن لم ينجع سقوا من أنفحة الجدي دانقاً بِمَاء بَارِد ويحذر حِينَئِذٍ من تجبن اللَّبن فِي معدته بِأَن يغذى ذَلِك الْيَوْم مَا يَنُوب عَن اللَّبن مثل النيمبرشت من صفرَة الْبيض ولباب الْخبز مطبوخاً فِي مَاء أَو سويق مطبوخاً فِي مَاء.,"Should this fail, use a sixth part of a dram of goat-cheese in .cold water, taking care to prevent curdling of the milk in the infant’s stomach by replacing the milk for that day with the soft yolk of an egg, or with morsels of bread boiled in water, or ground wheat boiled in water. [Hot desiccants may be used: Aeg.]" وَقد يعرض لَهُم اعتقال الطبيعة فيشيفون بزبل الفأر أَو شيافة من عسل مَعْقُود وَحده أَو مَعَ فودنج أَو أصل السوسن الأسمانجوني كَمَا هُوَ أَو محرقاً أَو يطعم قَلِيل عسل أَو مِقْدَار حمصة من علك البطم ويمرخ بَطْنه بالزيت تمريخاً لطيفاً,"Constipation during dentition. The treatment is by a suppository made with well-cooked honey, or with pennyroyal, or with iris-root (in the natural state or after scalding). A little honey may be given in the food. As much oil of turpentine as makes the bulk of a chick-pea may be gently rubbed over the abdomen; or olive-oil." أَو تلطخ سرّته بمرارة الْبَقر وبخور مَرْيَم وَرُبمَا عرض بلثته لذع فيكمّد بدهن وشمع.,or some ox-bile may be applied over the thigh or over the navel. Or maidenweed (bakhuri maryam) may be applied. [Or the abdomen may be anointed with mint pounded in honey: Aeg.] وَاللَّحم المالح العفن يَنْفَعهُ وَرُبمَا عرض لَهُم خَاصَّة عِنْد نَبَات الْأَسْنَان تشنّج وَأَكْثَره بِسَبَب مَا يعرض لَهُم من فَسَاد الهضم مَعَ شدَّة ضعف العصب وخصوصاً فِيمَن بدنه عبل رطب فيعالج بدهن إيرسا أَو لدهن السوسن أَو دهن الْحِنَّاء أَو دهن الخيري.,"Convulsions during dentition. This is generally due to fermentative changes in the digestion, aided by nervousness, especially if the baby is over-fat and humid in constitution. The treatment is to use oil of iris, lily, alkanna, or mallow. [Aetius advises against figs and acid foods.j" وَرُبمَا عرض كزاز فيعالج بِمَاء قد طبخ فِيهِ قثاء الْحمار أَو بدهن البنفسج مَعَ دهن قثاء الْحمار فَإِن حدس أَن التشنّج الْعَارِض بِهِ من يبس لوُقُوعه عقيب الحميات والإسهال العنيف ولحدوثه قَلِيلا قَلِيلا,"Grave convulsions during dentition; “tetanus.” This is treated by water in which cucumber [or heliotropej has been boiled; or by oil of violets admixed with oil of cucumber [or oil of privet: i.e. calefacients: Aeg.] If there is reason to suppose that the convulsions are due to dryness, because they develop after fevers, or after severe diarrhoea, and because they gradually become more pronounced." عرقت مفاصله بدهن البنفسج وَحده أَو مَضْرُوبا بِشَيْء من الشمع الْمُصَفّى وصب على دماغهم زَيْت ودهن بنفسج وَغير ذَلِك صبا كثيرا وَكَذَلِكَ إِن عرض لَهُم كزاز يَابِس.,"then the joints should receive an inunction with violet-oil (alone or beaten up with a little white wax), and violet-oil may be applied to the head. The same things should be employed vigorously if “dry” tetanus develop." وَقد يعرض لَهُم سعال وزكام وَقد أَمر فِي ذَلِك بِمَاء حَار كثير يصب على رَأس من أُصِيب بذلك مِنْهُم ويلطخ لِسَانه بِعَسَل كثير,"Cough and Coryza. Some people advise for this that the infant’s head should be laved in plenty of warm water, and that plenty of honey should be smeared over the tongue." ثمَّ يغمز على أصل لِسَانه بالأصبع ليتقيأ بلغماً كثيرا فيعافى أَو يُؤْخَذ صمغ عَرَبِيّ وكثيراء وَحب السفرجل وَرب السوس وفانيد يسقى مِنْهُ كل يَوْم شَيْئا بِلَبن حليب.,"After that, the root of the tongue should be depressed to enable the infant to expel the abundant phlegm by vomiting, which will secure recovery. Small doses of the following demulcents may also be given daily in new milk: gum arabic, gum tragacanth, quince seed, liquorice juice, brown sugar." وَقد يعرض للطفل سوء تنفس فَيجب حِينَئِذٍ أَن تدهن أصُول أُذُنَيْهِ وأصل لِسَانه بالزيت ويقيأ وَكَذَلِكَ يكبس لِسَانه فَهُوَ نَافِع جدا ويقطر المَاء الْحَار فِي أَفْوَاههم ويلعقوا شَيْئا من بزر الْكَتَّان بالعسل.,"DISTURBANCE OF THE BREATHING. Difficulty oj breathing. Anoint the roots of the ears and tongue with oil. It would also be very helpful to press the tongue down so as to cause the infant to vomit. Warm water may also be dropped into the mouth drop by drop, and a little linseed and honey be given it to suck." وَقد يعرض لَهُم القلاع كثيرا فَإِن غشاء أَفْوَاههم وألسنتهم لين جدا لَا يحْتَمل اللَّمْس لينًا فَكيف جلاء مائية اللَّبن فان ذَلِك يؤذيهم ويورثهم القلاع. وأردأ القلاع الفحمي الْأسود وَهُوَ قَاتل.,"AFFECTIONS OF THE MOUTH. Aphthous stomatitis. Aphthae. Thrush. Aphthae are plentiful when the lining membrane of the tongue and mouth is too delicate to bear touching, even by the wateriness of the milk, for it is this that is injurious to it, and gives rise to the aphthae. The condition is worse, and dangerous to life, if they remain immature and black like charcoal." وأسلمه الْأَبْيَض والأحمر فَيَنْبَغِي أَن يعالجوا بِمَا خص من أدوية القلاع الْمَذْكُورَة فِي الْكتاب الجزئي وَرُبمَا كَفاهُ البنفسج المسحوق وَحده أَو مخلوط بورد وَقَلِيل زعفران أَو الخروب وَحده,"The condition is more favourable if they are white or yellow. The treatment is to employ some such gentle medication as-is described in special treatises on the subject. Sometimes triturated violets are sufficient by themselves; sometimes they need mixing with roses, a little saffron, and carob-bean." وَرُبمَا كَفاهُ مثل عصارة الخسّ وعنب الثَّعْلَب والعرفج فَإِن كَانَ أقوى من ذَلِك فَأصل السوس المسحوق وَرُبمَا نفع بثور لثته وقلاعه المر والعفص وقشور الكندر مسحوقة جدا مخلوطة بالعسل,"Or, again, lettuce-juice, nightshade juice, purslane juice [and endive-juice] may suffice. If treatment is still resisted, use bruised liquorice root. When aphthae are associated with boils in the gums, it is beneficial to use myrrh, gall, frankincense bark, thoroughly ground up and mixed with honey." وَرُبمَا كَفاهُ رب التوث وَحده الحامض وَرب الحصرم وَقد ينفع من ذَلِك غسله بشراب الْعَسَل أَو مَاء الْعَسَل ثمَّ اتِّبَاعه بِشَيْء مِمَّا ذَكرْنَاهُ من المجففات,"An acetous rob of mulberries, and a rob of unripe grapes may suffice. Sometimes it is advantageous to bathe the gums with honey-water and wine (or, syrup and honey) and follow this up with some of the desiccatives we have named." فَإِن احْتِيجَ إِلَى مَا هُوَ أقوى فليؤخذ عروق وقشور الرُّمَّان والجلنار والسماق من كل وَاحِد سِتَّة دَرَاهِم وَمن العفص أَرْبَعَة دَرَاهِم وَمن الشبث دِرْهَمَانِ يدق وينخل ويذر.,"If a stronger (astringent) medicament is required, use the leaf-veins and bark of pomegranate, and pomegranate blossoms, and sumach, six drams of each; galls, four drams; aniseed, two drams. Rub them together and thoroughly powder them up. Then dust this upon the gums." وَقد يعرض فِي آذانهم سيلان الرُّطُوبَة فَإِن أبدانهم وخصوصاً أدمغتهم رطبَة جدا. فَيجب أَن تغمس لَهُم صوفة فِي عسل وخمر مخلوط بِهِ شَيْء يسير من شب أَو زعفران أَو شمة من نطرون,"THE EAR. Watery discharge from the ears. This is due to an undue degree of moisture in the body, especially in the brain. An ointment is prepared with wool-fat, honey, wine, and a little alum, or nitre or saffron." وَيجْعَل فِي آذانهم وربمى كفى أَن يغمس صوف فِي شراب عفص وَيسْتَعْمل مَعَ شَيْء من الزَّعْفَرَان وَيجْعَل فِي ذَلِك الشَّرَاب قد يعرض للصبيان كثيرا وجع الْأذن من ريح أَو رُطُوبَة,"This is then introduced into the ears with a syringe. Or it may suffice to dip wool into a sour wine, or into wine to which a little saffron has been added, and place this in the ears. Earache. This may be due to flatulence, or to undue moistness." فيعالج بالحضض والصعتر وَالْملح الطبرزد والعدس والمر وَحب الحنظل والأبهل يغلي أَيهَا كَانَ فِي دهن ويقطر,"It is to be treated by juice of boxthorn, origanum, salt, white sugar, lentils, myrrh, colocynth seeds, and cedar [or, savin] seeds. Any of these should be digested in oil and instilled drop by drop." وَرُبمَا عرض فِي دماغ الصّبيان ورم حَار يُسمى العطاس وَقد يصل وَجَعه كثيرا إِلَى الْعين وَالْحلق ويصفر لَهُ الْوَجْه فَيجب حِينَئِذٍ أَن يبر دماغه ويرطب بقشور القرع وَالْخيَار,"Water on the Brain. This is discussed under the heading of diseases of the head. Inflammation in the brain. Siriasis. There is pain in the eyes and the throat, and the face becomes yellow. [The body is dry; the fontanelles are depressed, the orbits sunken: Aeg.] Hence the brain must be rendered cool and moist by the use of cortex of cucumber, parings of gourd," وَمَاء عِنَب الثَّعْلَب وعصارة البقلة الحمقاء خَاصَّة ودهن الْورْد مَعَ قَلِيل خل وصفرة الْبيض مَعَ دهن الْورْد ويبدل أَيهَا كَانَ دَائِما,"juice of garden nightshade, and especially purslane juice, and rose oil with a little vinegar, and rose oil with egg-yolk. Each of these is constantly changed." وَرُبمَا انتفخت عيونهم فيطلى عَلَيْهَا حضض بِلَبن ثمَّ يغسل بطبيخ البايوتج وَمَاء الباذروج وَرُبمَا أحدثت كَثْرَة الْبكاء بَيَاضًا فِي حدقتهم فيعالجون بعصارة عِنَب الثَّعْلَب. وَقد يعرض لجفن الصَّبِي سلاق من الْبكاء وَذَلِكَ علاجه أَيْضا عصارة عِنَب الثَّعْلَب.,"THE EYE. Prominence of the eyes. Apply juice of boxthorn made with milk; then bathe with water in which chamomile and mountain balm have been boiled. Whiteness over the pupils, due to much crying, is treated with nightshade juice. If the eyelids are affected with blepharitis, owing to constant crying, treat this also with nightshade juice." وَقد يصيبهم حميات وَالْأولَى فِيهَا أَن تدثر الْمُرضعَة ويسقى هُوَ أَيْضا مثل مَاء الرُّمَّان مَعَ سكنجبين وَعسل وَمثل عصارة الْخِيَار مَعَ قَلِيل كافور وسكر ثمَّ يعرقون بِأَن يعتصر الْقصب الرطب وَتجْعَل عصارته على الهامة وَالرجل ويدثروا فَإِن هَذَا يعرقهم.,"Fevers. In this case it is best to treat the nurse by giving her such remedies as pomegranate juice mixed with oxymel and honey and succus citruli, and a little camphor and sugar [or, acetous syrup of pomegranate and honey and cucumber juice, with a little camphor and sugar]. Then induce sweating by using fresh reeds, which are squeezed so that their juices can be applied to the head and feet, covering these parts therewith." وَرُبمَا عرض لَهُم مغص فيلتوون ويبكون فَيجب أَن يكمد الْبَطن بِالْمَاءِ الْحَار والدهن الْكثير الْحَار بالشمع الْيَسِير.,"Colic. The infant writhes and cries. Hot water applications should be made to the abdomen, using also plenty of warm oil and a little wax." وَقد يعرض لَهُم عطاس متواتر فَرُبمَا كَانَ ذَلِك من ورم فِي نواحي الدِّمَاغ فَإِن كَانَ كَذَلِك عولج الورم بالتبريد والطلاء والتمريخ بالمبردات من العصارات والأدهان وَإِن لم يكن من ورم عرض لَهُم فَيجب أَن ينْفخ الباذورج المسحوق فِي مناخرهم.,"Constant sneezing. This may be a sign of cerebral disorder. In such a case this must be treated, cooling the inflammation, by inunction with infrigidant juices and. oils. If there be no inflammation, some mountain balm may be insufflated into the nostrils." وَرُبمَا أحدث كَثْرَة الْبكاء فيهم نتوءاً فِي السُّرَّة أَو أحدث سَببا من أَسبَاب الفتق وَقد أَمر فِي ذَلِك بِأَن يسقى النانخواه ويعجن ببياض الْبيض ويلطخ عَلَيْهِ ويُعلى بِخرقَة كتَّان رقيقَة أَو تبل حراقة الترمس المز بنبيذ وتشد عَلَيْهِ.,"Hernia. When a child cries very much, a swelling may form in the groin or navel. This is a hernia. Some advise that it should be rubbed with cardamon (bishop’s weed) and sprinkled with egg-white, a thin bandage being applied tightly over the place. Others advise burnt bitter lupin, as an infusion in wine and myrrh, placed over the part." وَأقوى مِنْهُ القوابض الحارة مثل المر وقشور السرو وَجوزهُ والأقاقيا وَالصَّبْر وَمَا يُقَال فِي بَاب الفتق.,"Stronger remedies are: hot styptics (astringents), such as myrrh; cypress bark; cypress fruit; aloes; acacia fruit. [Compresses of alum, galls, etc.: Aetius.] See also the special chapter on the subject." وَرُبمَا عرض للصبيان وخصوصاً عِنْد قطع السرّة ورم فَحِينَئِذٍ يجب أَن يُؤْخَذ الشنكال وَهُوَ الفنجيوس وعلك البطم ويذابان فِي ذهن الشيرج ويسقى. مِنْهُ الصَّبِي وتطلى بِهِ سرته.,"An inflammatory mass may form in the navel, especially after the cord has separated. In this case one should use Celtic spice and turpentine; dissolve them in rape-seed oil. They may be given internally or applied as a plaster over the navel." وَقد يعرض للصَّبِيّ أَن لَا ينَام وَلَا يزَال يبكي ويدمدم دمدمة ويضطر ضَرُورَة إِلَى إرقاده فَإِن أمكن أَن ينوّم بقشور الخشخاش وبزره وبدهن الخسّ ودهن الخشخاش وضع على صُدْغه وهامته فَذَلِك,"Incessant crying, with loss of sleep. The mouth is constantly .whimpering. For this condition it is necessary to make it sleep if possible, by giving poppy bark and seed, and oil and lettuce and apply poppy oil to the temples and vertex." وَإِن احْتِيجَ إِلَى أقوى من ذَلِك فَهَذَا الدَّوَاء ونسخته. يُؤْخَذ حب السمنة وَجوز كندم وخشخاش أَبيض وخشخاش أصفر وبزر الْكَتَّان وَالْحب الخوري وبزر العرفج وبزر لِسَان الْحمل وبزر الخس وبزر الرازيانج وأنيسون وكمون يغلى الْجَمِيع قَلِيلا قَلِيلا,"If this does not suffice prepare the following medicament: Take bugle seed, juniper berry, white poppy, yellow poppy, linseed, celandine seed, purslane, plantain seed, lettuce seed, fennel seed, aniseed, caraway; some of each is roasted little by little;" ويدق وَيجْعَل فِيهَا جُزْء من بزر قطونا مقلواً غير مدقوق ويخلط الْجَمِيع بِمثلِهِ سكرا ويسقى الصَّبِي مِنْهُ قدر دِرْهَمَيْنِ فَإِن أُرِيد أَن يكون أقوى من هَذَا جعل فِيهِ شَيْء من الأفيون قدر ثلث جُزْء أو أقل.,"then all are rubbed together. Add one part of fried fieawort seed which is not powdered. Mix the whole with a like amount of sugar and give two “ drams ” as a potion. If it is desired to make it still stronger, one should add an amount of opium equal to a third part of it or less." وَقد يعرض للصَّبِيّ فوَاق فَيجب أَن يسقى جوز الْهِنْد مَعَ السكر. وَقد يعرض للصَّبِيّ قيء مبرح فَرُبمَا نفع مِنْهُ أَن يسقى نصف دانق من القرنفل وَرُبمَا نفع مِنْهُ تضميد المعمة بِشَيْء من حوابس الْقَيْء الضعيفة.,Hiccough. For this administer coco-nut with sugar. Severe vomiting. This may be treated with three grains of clove. A plaster containing weak anti-emetics may be applied over the stomach. وَقد يعرض للصَّبِيّ ضعف الْمعدة فَيجب أَن تلطخ معدته بميسوس بِمَاء الْورْد أَو مَاء الآس ويسقى مَاء السفرجل بِشَيْء من القرنفل والسك أَو قِيرَاط من السك فِي شَيْء يسير من الميبة.,"DIGESTIVE DISTURBANCE. Weakness of the stomach. The abdomen should be anointed with musk and rose or myrtle water. Give a drink containing quince juice and a little clove or nutmeg, or three-eighths of a dram of nutmeg with a small quantity of quince-juice." وَقد يعرض للصَّبِيّ أَحْلَام تفزعه فِي نَومه وَأَكْثَره من امتلائه لشدّة نهمته فَإِذا فسد الطَّعَام وأحست المعمة بِهِ تأذى ذَلِك الْأَذَى من الْقُوَّة الحاسة إِلَى الْقُوَّة المصورة والمخيلة فمثلت أحلاماً رَدِيئَة هائلة فَيجب أَن لَا ينوم على كظة وَأَن يلعق الْعَسَل ليهضم مَا فِي معدته ويحدره.,"Night-terrors. These are often due to over-repletion with food, which undergoes putrefactive change. The stomach is aware of this. An injurious effect passes on from the sensitive faculty to the formative and imaginative faculties, wherefore the terrifying visions arise. It is necessary therefore to see that the stomach is not full at bed-time; honey should be given the infant to lick, and in this way it will digest that which is in the stomach and displace it." وَقد يعرض للصَّبِيّ ورم الحلقع بَين الْفَم والمريء وَرُبمَا امتدّ ذَلِك إِلَى العضل وَإِلَى خرز الْقَفَا فَيجب أَن تلين الطبيعة بالشيافة ثمَّ يعالج بِمثل رب التوث وَنَحْوه.,"Formation of an inflammatory mass between the throat and stomach [= retro-pharyngeal abscess?]. This sometimes spreads to the muscles and cervical vertebrae. The treatment is to cause the infant’s bowels to act, using a suppository. After that, give mulberry rob and the like." وَقد يعرض لَهُ خرخرة عَظِيمَة فِي نَومه فَيجب أَن يلعق من بزر الْكَتَّان المدقوق بالعسل أَو من الكمون المدقوق المعجون بالعسل.,"Abnormal snoring. This is noticed when the infant is in very deep sleep. Give linseed ground up in honey, or ground caraway’ in honey, to lick." وَقد يعرض للصَّبِيّ ريح الصّبيان وَقد ذكرنَا علاجه فِي بَاب أمراض الرَّأْس لَكنا نذْكر شيئاَ قد ينجع فيهمٍ كثيرا وَهُوَ أَن يَأْخُذ من السعتر والجند بيدستر والكمّون أَجزَاء سَوَاء فتجمع سحقاً ويسقى والشربة ثَلَاث حبات.,"Flatulent distension. The treatment has already been given in the section on diseases of the head. The following very useful measure may be here -mentioned. Take equal parts of origanum, castoreum and caraway. Rub them up and mix together. Give the weight of three barley grains in a draught." وَقد يعرض للصَّبِيّ خُرُوج المقعدة فَيجب أَن تُؤْخَذ قشور الرُّمَّان والآس الرطب وجفت البلوط وَورد يَابِس وَقرن محرق والشب الْيَمَانِيّ وظلف الْمعز وجلنار وعفص أَجزَاء سَوَاء من كل وَاحِد دِرْهَم يطْبخ فِي المَاء طبخاً شَدِيدا حَتَّى يسْتَخْرج قوته ثمَّ يقْعد فِي طبيخه فاتراً.,"Prolapsus ani. Give pomegranate bark, fresh myrrh, inner rinds of acorns (or, chestnuts), dried roses, burnt horn, alum of Yamen, nails of goats, pomegranate blossoms (unopened) and nails of fowls. Take equal parts and thoroughly boil them together in water until all their virtue has come out. Then give as an enema, tepid." وَقد يعرض للصبيان زحير من برد يصيبهم فينفعهم أَن يُؤْخَذ حرف وكمّون من كل وَاحِد ثَلَاثَة دَرَاهِم يدق وينخل ويعجن بِسمن الْبَقر الْعَتِيق ويسقى مِنْهُ بِمَاء بَارِد.,Griping. This is due to cold. Beneficial for this condition is the following: three drams of each of nasturtium and caraway; grind them together. Pass through a sieve. Intersperse them with old cow butter. Give as a draught with cold water. وَقد يتَوَلَّد فِي بطن الصّبيان دود صغَار يؤذيهم وَأَكْثَره فِي نواحي المقعدة ويتولد فيهم مِنْهُ الطوَال أَيْضا. وَأما العراض فقلما تتولد فالطوال تعالج بِمَاء الشيح يسقون مِنْهُ فِي اللَّبن شَيْئا يَسِيرا بِمِقْدَار قوتهم,"Worms. Round worms are very injurious when they arise in the small intestine. Thread-worms are usually round the anus. Flat worms are rare. Round worms are treated with absinthe water (wormwood of Pontus), of which a little is given in milk, according to its concentration." وَرُبمَا احْتِيجَ إِلَى أَن تضمّد بطونهم بالأفسنتين والبرنج الكابلي ومرارة الْبَقر وشحم الحنظل. وَأما الصغار الَّتِي تكون مِنْهُم فِي المقعدة فَيجب أَن يُؤْخَذ الراسن وَالْعُرُوق الصفر من كل وَاحِد جُزْء سكر مثل الْجَمِيع فيسقى فِي المَاء.,"It may be necessary to apply a plaster over the abdomen, made up of Kabul rice, myrobalan, ox-bile, and colocynth pulp. To treat threadworms take one part of each of elecampane and madder [chelidonium; a kind of cucumber: (other readings)]; add sugar equal in bulk to the whole. Give as a draught with hot water." وَقد يعرض للصَّبِيّ سحج فِي الْفَخْذ فَيجب أَن يذر عَلَيْهِ الآس المسحوق وأصل السوسن المسحوق أَو الْورْد المسحوق أَو السعد أَو دَقِيق الشّعير أَو دَقِيق العدس.,"Intertrigo. Apply ground myrtle as a dusting powder, or use powdered liquorice root [or iris root]; or finely ground-up .rose or galangale, or barley flour, or lentil flour." ؤقد يعرض لَهُم بثور فِي الْبدن فَمَا كَانَ قرحياً أسود فَهُوَ قتال وَأما الْأَبْيَض فَأسلم مِنْهُ وَكَذَلِكَ الْأَحْمَر. وَلَو كَانَ قلاعاً فَقَط لَكَانَ قتالاً فَكيف إِذا بثر وَرُبمَا كَانَت فِي خُرُوجهَا مَنَافِع كَثِيرَة,"Furunculosis. Pimples forming all over the body. If they are ulcerating and black it is a fatal sign. If they resemble aphthae, it is also mortal, especially when they spread out. If they are white, it is more hopeful. If red, it is also more hopeful. If they come out freely, it is a better sign." وعَلى كل حَال فيعالجون بالمجففات اللطيفة مجعولة فِي مَائه الَّذِي يغسل بِهِ مطبوخة فِيهِ كالورد والأس وورق شَجَرَة المصطكي والطرفاء. وأدهان هَذِه الْأَشْيَاء أَيْضا.,"The treatment in all cases consists in using fine desiccants dissolved in the bath-water, such remedies as rose, myrtle, mastic-leaves, tamarisk, and their respective oils being boiled in the water." والبثور السليمة تتْرك حَتَّى تنضج ثمَّ تعالج وَإِن تقرّحت اسْتعْمل مرهم مِنْهُم الإسفيداج وَرُبمَا احْتِيجَ إِلَى أَن يغسل بِمَاء الْغسْل مَعَ قَلِيل نطرون وَكَذَلِكَ القلاع,"If they are ulcerated, they need an ointment of ceruse. They may need bathing with honey-water and a little nitre, as one does aphthae." فاذا كثفت احْتِيجَ إِلَى مَا هُوَ أقل فَيغسل حِينَئِذٍ بِمَاء البورق نَفسه ممزوجاً بِلَبن ليحتمله فَإِن تنقطت بشرتهم حُمّوا بِمَاء طبيخ الآس والورد والإذخر وورق شَجَرَة المصطكي وَأولى هَذَا كُله إصْلَاح غذَاء الْمُرْضع.,"If they scab over it will be necessary to use something stronger. One therefore bathes them with aqueous borax mixed with milk, to enable it to be borne. If they become vesicular, they should be steamed, and have water poured over them in which myrtle and rose and bogrush (schoenus), quinsywort- (asperula) and the (young) leaves of the mastic tree have been boiled." الْفَصْل الرَّابِع تَدْبِير الْأَطْفَال إِذا انتقلوا إِلَى سنّ الصِّبَا,THE REGIMEN FROM INFANCY TO ADOLESCENCE يجب أَن يكون وكد الْعِنَايَة مصروفاً إِلَى مُرَاعَاة أَخْلَاق الصَّبِي فيعدل وَذَلِكَ بِأَن يحفظ كَيْلا يعرض لَهُ غضب شَدِيد أَو خوف شَدِيد أَو غم أَو سهر وَذَلِكَ بِأَن يتَأَمَّل كلّ وَقت مَا الَّذِي يشتهيه ويحنّ إِلَيْهِ فَيقرب إِلَيْهِ وَمَا الَّذِي يكرههُ فينحى عَن وَجهه,"The great principle here is the inculcation of control of the emotions. One should take care that they do not give way to anger and fear, or be oppressed by despondency, or suffer from sleeplessness. They should therefore be allowed that which is pleasing and appetizing and one should avoid giving them anything arousing disgust." وَفِي ذَلِك منفعتان: إِحْدَاهمَا فِي نَفسه بِأَن ينشأ من الطفولة حسن الْأَخْلَاق وَيصير ذَلِك لَهُ ملكة لَازِمَة. وَالثَّانيِة لبدنه فَإِنَّهُ كَمَا أَن الْأَخْلَاق الرَّديئَة تَابِعَة لأنواع سوء المزاج فَكَذَلِك إِذا حدثت عَن الْعَادة استتبعت سوء المزاج الْمُنَاسب لَهَا,"There are two useful objects attained in this way. The first is that the mind grows from its very start accustomed to favourable emotions, and develops a fixed habit for good. The second is that the body is also benefited. For just as bad habits of thought supervene on intemperament of the body, so also a physical intemperament may be traced to habits of mind which are contrary to the ideal." فَإِن الْغَضَب يسخن جدا وَالْغَم يجفف جدا والتبليد يُرْخِي الْقُوَّة النفسانية وتميل بالمزاج إِلَى البلغمية فَفِي تَعْدِيل الْأَخْلَاق حفظ الصِّحَّة للنَّفس وَالْبدن جَمِيعًا مَعًا,"Anger is a strong calefacient. Despondency is a desiccant. Torpor relaxes (retards) the sensitive faculties, and causes the constitution to tend towards the phlegmatic type. Therefore in safeguarding the emotions the health of the mind and body are at the same time maintained." وَإِذا انتبه الصَّبِي من نَومه فالأحرى أَن يستحم ثمَّ يخلّى بَينه وَبَين اللّعب سَاعَة ثمَّ يطعم شَيْئا يَسِيرا ثمَّ يُطلق لَهُ اللّعب الأطول ثمَّ يستحمّ ثمَّ يغذّى ويجنبون مَا أمكن شرب المَاء على الطَّعَام لِئَلَّا ينفذهُ فيهم نيئاً قبل الهضم.,"When the child awakes, it should first have a bath. He should then be allowed to play for an hour. Then he should have his breakfast. Then he should be left to play for a long time. Then he should have another bath. Then he should have a hearty [light: Aeg.] meal, but he must not be allowed to drink water with his meal, because otherwise insufficiently digested chyle will become absorbed and disperse all over the body." وَإِذا أَتَى عَلَيْهِ من أَحْوَاله سِتّ سِنِين فَيجب أَن يقدم إِلَى الْمُؤَدب والمعلم ويدرج أَيْضا فِي ذَلِك وَلَا يحكم عَلَيْهِ بملازمة الْكتاب كرة وَاحِدَة فَإِذا بلغ سنهم هَذَا السن نقص من إجمامهم وَزيد فِي تعبهم قبل الطَّعَام,"At the age of six, he may be given tuition by a master [who is of mild and benevolent disposition: Aeg.], who will teach him step by step and in order [cheerfully, without constraint]. He should not be compelled to stay continuously in school. [Relaxation of the mind contributes to the growth of the body: Aeg.] At this age, bathing and rest should be less frequent, and the exercise before meals should be increased." وجنبوا النَّبِيذ خُصُوصا إِن كَانَ أحدهم حَار المزاج مرطوبه لِأَن الْمضرَّة الَّتِي تبقى من النَّبِيذ وَهِي توليد المرار فِي ضاربيه تسرع إِلَيْهِم بسهولة وَالْمَنْفَعَة المتوقعة من سقيه وَهِي إدرار المرار مِنْهُم أَو ترطيب مفاصلهم,"Wine must not be allowed. This is specially true if the temperament is hot and moist, because the injurious effect of wine—namely the generation of bilious humour, as is seen in topers readily influences the child. The advantage in wine is that it excites the secretion of urine, thus removing the bilious humour with it, and that it moistens the joints." غير مَطْلُوبَة فيهم لِأَن مرارهم لَا تكْثر حَتَّى تستدر بالبول وَلِأَن مفاصلهم مستغنية عَن الترطيب وليطلق لَهُم من المَاء الْبَارِد العذب النقي شهوتهم وَيكون هَذَا هُوَ النهج فِي تدبيرهم إِلَى أَن يوافوا الرَّابِع عشر من سنيهم,"Neither of these effects are necessary at this age, because his bilious humour is not so plentiful as to need helping out of the body, nor do the joints need moistening. He should therefore be allowed as much sweet limpid water to drink as he wishes. This is the programme up to thirteen years of age." مَعَ الْإِحَاطَة بِمَا هُوَ ذاتي لَهُم كل يَوْم من تنقص الرطوبات والتجفف والتصلّب فيدرجون فِي تقليل الرياضة وهجر المعنفة مِنْهَا مَا بَين سنّ الصِّبَا إِلَى سنّ الترعرع ويلزمون المعتدل.,"Care is daily exercised towards lessening the humidities, and increasing the dryness of the tissues, and hardening the body. The rule therefore is to allow light exercise, and to avoid whatever entails toil, between boyhood and adolescence." وَبعد هَذَا السن تدبيرهم هُوَ تَدْبِير الإنماء وَحفظ صِحَة أبدانهم. فلننتقل إِلَيْهِ ولنقدم القَوْل فِي الْأَشْيَاء الَّتِي فِيهَا ملاك الْأَمر فِي تَدْبِير الأصحاء الْبَالِغين ولنبدأه بالرياضة.,"After this age, the regimen is that usual for maintaining the health (in early manhood). We may therefore pass on to the subject of exercise, first discussing the essentials for the regimen of young adults, and the subject of gymnastic exercise." التَّعْلِيم الثَّانِي التَّدْبِير الْمُشْتَرك للبالغين,THESIS II THE REGIMEN PROPER FOR THE PHYSICALLY MATURED. الْفَصْل الأول جملَة القَوْل فِي الرياضة,i. THE GENERAL REGIMEN FOR THE ATHLETIC AGE. COLLECTIVE DISCOURSE UPON BODILY EXERCISE لما كَانَ مُعظم تَدْبِير حفظ الصِّحَّة هُوَ أَن يرتاض ثمَّ تَدْبِير الْغذَاء ثمَّ تَدْبِير النّوم,"SINCE the regimen for maintaining health consists’ essentially in the regulation of (i) exercise, food, and sleep, we may begin our discourse with the subject of (gymnastic) exercise." وَجب أَن نبدأ بالْكلَام فِي الرياضة فَنَقُول: الرياضة هِيَ حَرَكَة إرادية تضطر إِلَى التنفس الْعَظِيم الْمُتَوَاتر والموفق لاستعمالها على جِهَة اعتدالها فِي وَقتهَا بِهِ غناء عَن كل علاج تَقْتَضِيه الْأَمْرَاض المادّية,"We may define exercise as voluntary movement entailing deep and hurried respiration. Once we direct the attention towards regulating exercise as to amount and time, we shall find there is no need for such medicaments as are ordinarily required for remedying diseases dependent on [abnormal] matters," والأمراض المزاجية الَّتِي تتبعها وتحدث عَنْهَا وَذَلِكَ إِذا كَانَ سَائِر تَدْبيره مُوَافقا صَوَابا. وَبَيَان هَذَا هُوَ أَنا كَمَا علمت مضطرون إِلَى الْغذَاء وَحفظ صحتنا هُوَ بالغذاء الملائم لنا المعتدل فِي كميته وكيفيته,"or diseases of temperament consequent upon such. This is true provided the rest of the regimen is appropriate and proper. We know that this must be so when we reflect how, in regard to nutriment, our health depends on the nutriment being appropriate for us and regulated in quantity and quality." وَلَيْسَ شَيْء من الأغذية بِالْقُوَّةِ يَسْتَحِيل بكليته إِلَى الْغذَاء بِالْفِعْلِ بل يفضل عَنهُ فِي كل هضم فضل والطبيعة تجتهد فِي استفراغه وَلَكِن لَا يكون استفراغ الطبيعة وَحدهَا استفراغاً مُسْتَوفى بل قد يبْقى لَا محَالة من فضلات كل هضم لطخة وَأثر,"For not one of the aliments which are capable of nourishing the body is converted into actual nutriment in its entirety. In every case digestion leaves something untouched, and nature takes care to have that evacuated. Nevertheless, the evacuation which nature accomplishes is not a complete one. Hence at the end of each digestion .there is some superfluity left over." فَإِذا تَوَاتر ذَلِك وتكرر اجْتمع مِنْهَا شَيْء لَهُ قدر وَحصل من اجتماعه مواد فضلية ضارة بِالْبدنِ من وُجُوه. أَحدهَا: أَنَّهَا إِن عفنت أحدثت أمراض العفونة وَإِن اشتدت كيفياتها أحدثت سوء المزاج وَإِن أكثرت كمياتها أورثت أمراض الامتلاء الْمَذْكُورَة,"Should this be a frequent occurrence, repetition would lead to further aggregation until something measurable has accumulated. As a result, harmful effete substances would form and injure various parts of the body. When they undergo decomposition, putrefactive diseases arise. Should they be strong in quality, they will give rise to an intemperament. and if they should increase in quantity they would set up the symptoms of plethora which have already been described." وَإِن انصبت إِلَى عُضْو أورثت الأورام. وبخاراتها تفْسد مزاج جَوْهَر الرّوح فيضطر لَا محَالة إِلَى استفراغها واستفراغها فِي أَكثر الْأَمر إِنَّمَا يتم ويجود إِذا كَانَ بأدوية سميَّة وَلَا شكّ أَنَّهَا تنهك الغريزة وَلَو لم تكن سميَّة أَيْضا لَكَانَ لَا يَخْلُو اسْتِعْمَالهَا من حمل على الطبيعة,"Flowing to some member, they will result in an inflammatory mass, and their “vapours” will destroy the temperament of the substantial basis of the breath. That is the reason why we must be careful to evacuate these substances. Their evacuation is usually not completely accomplished without the aid of toxic medicines, for these break up the nature of the effete substances. This can be achieved only by toxic agents, although the drinking of them is to a certain extent deleterious to our nature." كَمَا قَالَ أبقراط أَن الدَّوَاء ينقي وينكي وَمَعَ ذَلِك فَإِنَّهَا تستفرغ من الْخَلْط الْفَاضِل والرطوبات الغريزية وَالروح الذى هُوَ جَوْهَر الْحَيَاة شَيْئا صَالحا وَهَذَا كُله مِمَّا يضعف قُوَّة الْأَعْضَاء الرئيسة والخادمة فَهَذِهِ وَغَيرهَا مضار الامتلاء ترك على حَاله أَو استفرغ,"As Hippocrates says, “medicine purges and ages.” More than this, the discharge of superfluous humour entails the loss of a large part of the natural humidities and of the breath, which is the substance of life. And all this is at the expense of the strength of the principal and auxiliary members, and therefore they are weakened thereby. These and other things account for the difficulties incident to plethora, whether they remain behind in the body or are evacuated from it." ثمَّ الرياضة أمنع سَبَب لِاجْتِمَاع مبادىء الامتلاء إِذا أصبت فِي سَائِر التَّدْبِير مَعهَا مَعَ إنعاشها الْحَرَارَة الغريزية وتعويدها الْبدن الخفة وَذَلِكَ لِأَنَّهَا تثير حرارة لَطِيفَة فتحلّل مَا اجْتمع من فضل كل يَوْم وَتَكون الْحَرَكَة مُعينَة فِي إزلاقها وتوجيهها إِلَى مخارجها,"Now exercise is that agent which most surely prevents the accumulation of these matters, and prevents plethora. The other forms of regimen assist it. It is this exercise which renews and revives the innate heat, and imparts the necessary lightness (airiness !) to the body. For it causes the subtile heat to be increased and daily disperses whatever effete substances have accumulated; the movements of the body help to expel them, conveying them to those parts of the body whence they can readily leave it." فَلَا يجْتَمع على مرورة الْأَيَّام فضل يعْتد بِهِ وَمَعَ ذَلِك فَإِنَّهَا كَمَا قُلْنَا تنمّي الْحَرَارَة الغريزية وتصلب المفاصل والأوتار فيقوى على الْأَفْعَال فَيَأْمَن الإنفعال وَتعْتَد الْأَعْضَاء لقبُول الْغذَاء بِمَا ينقص مِنْهَا من الْفضل,"Hence the effete matters are not allowed to collect day after day, and besides this, as we have just said, exercise causes the innate heat to accresce, and keeps the joints and ligaments firm, so as to be always ready for service, and also free from injury. It renders the members able to receive the nutriment, in being free from accumulated effete matters." فتتحرك الْقُوَّة الجاذبة وَتحل العقد عَن الْأَعْضَاء فتلين الْأَعْضَاء وترقّ الرطوبات وتتسع المسام وَكَثِيرًا مَا يَقع تَارِك الرياضة فِي الدق لِأَن الْأَعْضَاء تضعف قواها لتركها الْحَرَكَة الجالبة إِلَيْهَا الرّوح الغريزية الَّتِي هِيَ آلَة حَيَاة كل عُضْو.,"Hence it renders the attractive faculty active, and resolves fibrosis in the tissues, rendering the members light, and the humidities attenuated, and it dilates the pores of the skin. To forsake exercise would often incur the risk of “ hectic,” because the faculties. of the members are impaired, inasmuch as the deprivation of movement prevents the access to them of the innate breath. And this last is the real instrument of life for every one of the members." الْفَصْل الثَّانِي أَنْوَاع الرياضة,THE VARIOUS FORMS OF EXERCISE. الرياضة مِنْهَا مَا هِيَ رياضة يَدْعُو إِلَيْهَا الِاشْتِغَال بِعَمَل من الْأَعْمَال الإنسانية وَمِنْهَا رياضة خَالِصَة وَهِي الَّتِي تقصد لِأَنَّهَا رياضة فَقَط وتتحرّى مِنْهَا مَنَافِع الرياضة وَلها فُصُول:,"There are two main forms of exercise: (a) that pertaining to the ordinary human undertakings; (b) that which is undertaken for its own sake, namely for the advantage accruing from its pursuit, [i.e., sports, athletics, gymnastics, etc.]" فَإِن من هَذِه الرياضة مَا هُوَ قَلِيل وَمِنْهَا مَا هُوَ كثير وَمن هَذِه الرياضة مَا هُوَ قوي شَدِيد وَمِنْهَا مَا هُوَ ضَعِيف وَمِنْهَا مَا هُوَ سريع وَمِنْهَا مَا هُوَ بطيء وَمِنْهَا مَا هُوَ حثيث أَي مركب من الشدَّة والسرعة وَمِنْهَا مَا هُوَ متراخ وَبَين كل طرفين معتدل مَوْجُود.,"There are differences between the two forms. One is strong and powerful, the other weak and light; one is speedy, the other slow. Athletics implies strenuous exertion, combining swiftness with energy. Recreative exercise, undertaken for relaxation, implies leisurely movements. There are all grades between these extremes, and there is a mean between them [called moderate exercise]." وَأما أَنْوَاع الرياضة فالمنازعة والمباطشة والملاكزة والإحضار وَسُرْعَة الْمَشْي وَالرَّمْي عَن الْقوس والزفن والقفز إِلَى شَيْء ليتعلق بِهِ والحجل على إِحْدَى الرجلَيْن والمثاقفة بِالسَّيْفِ وَالرمْح وركوب الْخَيل,"List of the forms of exercise, (i) Strenuous forms. Wrestling contests. Boxing. Quick marching. Running. Jumping over an object higher than one foot. Throwing the iavelin. Fencing. Equitation, or horsemanship. [Hunting: Galen, Rhazes.]" والخفق باليدين وَهُوَ أَن يقف الْإِنْسَان على أَطْرَاف قَدَمَيْهِ وَيدل يَدَيْهِ قداماً وخلفاً ويحركهما بالسرعة وَهِي من الرياضة السريعة. وَمن أَصْنَاف الرياضة اللطيفة اللينة التَّرْجِيح فِي الأراجيح والمهود قَائِما وَقَاعِدا ومضطجعاً وركوب الزواريق والسماريات.,"Clapping the two hands alternately before and behind, with a quick motion while standing on tip-toes. [Dancing (Oribasius), Swimming (ib)]. These are special forms of individual athletic exercises. (ii) The following are recreative or milder modes of exercise. Swaying or swinging to and fro, as when being carried in a litter. Standing or reclining in small boats. Fishing. Sailing." وَأقوى من ذَلِك ركُوب الْخَيل وَالْجمال والعمَارِيات وركوب الْعجل. وَمن الرياضات القوية الميدانية وَهُوَ أَن يشد الْإِنْسَان عدوه فِي ميدان مَا إِلَى غَايَة ثمَّ يَنْكص رَاجعا مقهقراً فَلَا يزَال ينقص الْمسَافَة كل كرة حَتَّى يقف آخِره على الْوسط,"“Gestation”—that is, being driven in horse-carriages, or carried on camels, or in palanquins, or a horse-litter. [Military exercises]. Among the more vigorous exercises are those performed by soldiers in camp, in military sports. Pleth-running where a man runs on the campus from end to end (a sixth of a stadium), to and fro, lessening the distance each time until finally he comes to stand in the middle." وَمِنْهَا مجاهدة الظل والتصفيق بالكفين والطفر والزج واللعب بالكرة الْكَبِيرَة وَالصَّغِيرَة واللعب بالصولجان واللعب بالطبطاب والمصارعة وإشالة الْحجر وركض الْخَيل واستقطافها,"Combat with one’s shadow. Exercise with the leatherbag [which is filled with flour or sand, and hung to the level of the person’s navel; then pushing it forwards as far as .it will go, the athlete runs rapidly backwards to escape its recoil: Oribasius]. Long jumping. High jumping. Play with a large ball [inflated skins or leather]. Play with a small wooden ball on horseback [i.e., polo]. Stone-throwing. Lifting heavy, stones or weights, either while standing, or carrying them. Cricket (tibtab). [Scaling ropes. (Aeg.). Digging (Aeg.)]. Running galloping horses round in a circle. [Leaping with a weight on the shoulders, which exercises the spine: Galen.]" والمباطشة أَنْوَاع: فَمن ذَلِك أَن يشبك كل وَاحِد من الرجلَيْن يَده على وسط صَاحبه وَيلْزمهُ ويتكلف كل وَاحِد مِنْهُمَا أَن يتَخَلَّص من صَاحبه وَهُوَ يمسِكهُ وَأَيْضًا أَن يلتوي بيدَيْهِ على صَاحبه يدْخل الْيَمين إِلَى يَمِين صَاحبه واليسار إِلَى يسَاره وَوَجهه إِلَيْهِ,"There are various forms of wrestling. For instance, in one form, one of the wrestlers grasps the other and holds him by the tips of the hands. The other tries to get loose from his opponent. In another, .one wrestler grips the right hand of his opponent, and takes the left hand with his left, the two facing one another." ثمَّ يشيله ويقلبه وَلَا سِيمَا وَهُوَ ينحني تَارَة وينبسط أُخْرَى وَمن ذَلِك المدافعة بالصدرين وَمن ذَلِك مُلَازمَة كل وَاحِد مِنْهُمَا عنق صَاحبه يجذبه إِلَى أَسْفَل وَمن ذَلِك ملاواة الرجلَيْن والشغزبية وفحج رجْلي صَاحبه برجليه وَمَا يشبه هَذَا من الهيئات الَّتِي يستعملها المصارعون.,"then the one raises the other up into the air, and turns him round, sometimes in the bent position, sometimes in the upright position. (See drawing at head of this section.) Again, the two wrestlers may press against one another breast to breast. Again, one holds the other by the neck to pull him to the ground. Or, one may twist and press with his feet, twisting his legs round his opponent, or turn heel to heel. Various other movements of that kind are in vogue among wrestlers." وَمن الرياضات السريعة مُبَادلَة رَفِيقَيْنِ مكانيهما بالسرعة ومواترة طفرات إِلَى خلف يتخللها طفرات إِلَى قُدَّام بنظام وَغير نظام.,"Exercises involving swiftness. Interchanging places with a partner as swiftly as possible, each jumping to and fro, either in time [to music] or irregularly." وَمن ذَلِك رياضة المسلتين وَهُوَ أَن يقف إِنْسَان موقفا ثمَّ يغرز عَن جانبيه مسلتين فِي الأَرْض بَينهمَا بَاعَ فَيقبل عَلَيْهِمَا نَاقِلا المتيامنة مِنْهُمَا إِلَى المغرز الْأَيْسَر والمتياسرة إِلَى المغرز الْأَيْمن ويتحرى أَن يكون ذَلِك أعجل مَا يُمكن.,"Another exercise is carried out with two stakes. The man jumps backwards repeatedly without moving his position, and plunges the two stakes on either side, one pace apart, causing the one on the right to go to the left, and the one on the left to go to the right. This is to be done as swiftly as possible." والرياضات الشَّدِيدَة والسريعة تسْتَعْمل مخلوطة بفترات أَو برياضات فاترة. وَيجب أَن يتفنن فِي اسْتِعْمَال الرياضات الْمُخْتَلفَة وَلَا يُقَام على واحده,"Exercises involving vigour and swiftness should alternate with mild exercises, or with rest. The manner of the exercises should also be diversified, so that they are not always performed in the same way." وَلكُل عُضْو رياضة تخصه. أما رياضة الْيَدَيْنِ وَالرّجلَيْنِ فَلَا خَفَاء بهَا وَأما الصَّدْر وأعضاء التنفس فَتَارَة يراض بالصوت الثقيل الْعَظِيم وَتارَة بالحاد ومخلوطاً بَينهمَا,"Each member should be exercised in a manner appropriate for itself, (i) The hands and feet. The proper way to exercise these is obvious, (ii) The organs of respiration, and the muscles of the chest. These may be exercised in various ways. (a) By singing and “vociferation.” The voice is sometimes deep, sometimes loud, sometimes abrupt, sometimes used in all modes in one exercise." فَيكون ذَلِك أيضأ رياضة للفم واللهاة وَاللِّسَان وَالْعين أيضأ وَيحسن اللَّوْن وينقي الصَّدْر ويراض بالنفخ مَعَ حصر النَّفس فَيكون ذَلِك رياضة مَا للبدن كُله ويوسع مجاريه,"By this means the condition of the mouth, uvula, lips, tongue is improved. The muscles of the neck are improved in appearance. The colour of the skin is improved. The chest is expanded. (b) Exercises in which the expiration is forced and the breath is held, [i.e., the so-called Yogi exercises.] These benefit the whole body, because they open up and purify the channels, including those of the breath." وإعظام الصَّوْت زَمَانا طَويلا جدا مخاطرة وإدامة شَدِيدَة تحوج إِلَى جذب هَوَاء كثير وَفِيه خطر وتطويله محوج إِلَى إِخْرَاج هَوَاء كثير وَفِيه خطر.,"However, to use a loud voice for a long time is injurious because by continuing it vigorously too much air is taken in, which is itself harmful, and by continuing it too long, air must be expelled unduly, and this also is harmful." وَيجب أَن يبْدَأ بِقِرَاءَة لينَة ثمَّ يرفع بهَا الصَّوْت على تدريج ثمَّ إِذا شدد الصَّوْت وَأعظم وَطول جعل زمَان ذَلِك معتدلاً فَحِينَئِذٍ ينفع نفعا بَينا عَظِيما فَإِن أطيل زَمَانه كَانَ فِيهِ خطر للمعتدلين الصَّحِيحَيْنِ.,"Therefore the rule is to begin gently, by reading aloud, speaking more and more loudly up to a certain point and then allowing the voice to sink by degrees. If the time occupied in this exercise is moderate, it is very helpful, but if the time is too long, there is risk of injury to health." وَلكُل إِنْسَان بِحَسبِهِ رياضة وَمَا كَانَ من الرياضات اللينة مثل التَّرْجِيح فَهُوَ مُوَافق لمن أضعفته الحميات وأعجزته عَن الْحَرَكَة والقود والناقهين وَلمن أضعفه شرب الخربق وَنَحْوه,"There is an exercise which is appropriate for each individual. Gentle exercise (e.g., swinging: rocking in a swing) is beneficial for those who are debilitated by fevers, and are convalescent, ‘ and can neither walk nor sit. Also for those weakened by a draught of hellebore and the like." وَلمن بِهِ مرض فِي الْحجاب وَإِذا رفق بِهِ نوم وحلل الرِّيَاح ونفع من بقايا أمراض الرَّأْس مثل الْغَفْلَة وَالنِّسْيَان وحرك الشَّهَوَات وَنبهَ الغريزة وَإِذا رجح على السرير كَانَ أوفق لمن بِهِ مثل شطر الغب والحميات المركبة والبلغمية وَلِصَاحِب الحبن وَصَاحب أوجاع النقرس,"Also for those whose diaphragm has been rendered enfeebled by disease. When it is done gently, it tends to induce sleep, and disperse flatulence, relieves various disorders of the head (e.g., stupor, forgetfulness) provokes the appetite, and favours movement of the bowels. To ride in a litter [horse, camel, palanquin, etc.] is appropriate for those afflicted with semitertian fever, composite fevers, phlegmatic. fevers, those who are dropsical, or have gouty pain." وأمراض الكلى فَإِن هَذَا التَّرْجِيح يهيىء الْموَاد إِلَى الانقلاع واللين لما هُوَ أَلين وَالْقَوِي لما هُوَ أقوى. وَأما ركُوب الْعجل فقد يفعل هَذِه الْأَفْعَال لكنه أَشد إثارة من هَذَا وَقد يركب الْعجل وَالْوَجْه إِلَى خلف فينفع ذَلِك من ضعف الْبَصَر وظلمته نفعا شَدِيدا.,"or renal disorder. For this form of exercise renders (effete) matter in a condition favourable for excretion, and may be made gentle for the feeble, more vigorous for the more vigorous. Greater movement is produced in the humours by riding in a carriage, but when doing so one should face backwards, because this is better when the eyesight is weak, and it is an advantage to have the shadow in one’s face." وَأما ركُوب الزواريق والسفن فينفع من الجذام وَالِاسْتِسْقَاء والسكتة وَبرد الْمعدة ونفختها وَذَلِكَ إِذا كَانَ بِقرب الشطوط وَإِذا هاج من غثيان ثمَّ سكن كَانَ نَافِعًا للمعدة,"Boating and Sailing.—To go out in a small boat, or in a larger sailing vessel is beneficial for lepra, dropsy, apoplexy, dilatation of the stomach and coldness of the stomach. For if the person is near the shore he is incited to vomit, and then when that subsides, the stomach is benefited." وَأما الرّكُوب فِي السفن مَعَ التلحيج فِي الْبَحْر فَذَلِك أقوى فِي قلع الْأَمْرَاض الْمَذْكُورَة لما يخْتَلف على النَّفس عَن فَرح وحزن. وَأما أَعْضَاء الْغذَاء فرياضتها تَابِعَة لرياضة سَائِر الْبدن.,"But to go on the high seas is more efficient for clearing up such disorders as we have named, because the mind is diverted by successive gladness and misery, and the organs of nutrition receive benefit in proportion to the exercise of the body itself." وَالْبَصَر يراض بتأمل الْأَشْيَاء الدقيقة والتدريج أَحْيَانًا فِي النّظر إِلَى المشرفات بِرِفْق. والسمع يراض بتسمع الْأَصْوَات الْخفية وَفِي الندرة بِسَمَاع الْأَصْوَات الْعَظِيمَة وَلكُل عُضْو رياضة خَاصَّة بِهِ. وَنحن نذْكر ذَلِك فِي حفظ صِحَة عُضْو عُضْو وَذَلِكَ إِذا اشتغلنا بِالْكتاب الجزئي,"(iii) Vision is exercised by inspecting minute objects, and sometimes by arranging that they are only poorly illuminated. (iv) Audition is exercised by listening to faint sounds, or sometimes to loud ones. (v) Exercises appropriate to each individual member will be referred to when we speak of the maintenance of the health of each organ in the special volume." وَيَنْبَغِي أَن يحذر المرتاض وُصُول حمية الرياضة إِلَى مَا هُوَ ضَعِيف من أَعْضَائِهِ إِلَّا على سَبِيل التبع مثلا من يَعْتَرِيه الدوالي فَالْوَاجِب لَهُ من الرياضة الَّتِي يستعملها أَن لَا يكثر تَحْرِيك رجلَيْهِ بل يقلل ذَلِك,"Whatever the exercise, one must ensure that its vigour or heating effect is not likely to affect some weak member directly. Such a member should only bear the brunt of the exercise secondarily. For instance, a person with varicose veins should not use an exercise in which the feet are much used." وَيحمل برياضته على أعالي بدنه من عُنُقه وَرَأسه وبدنه بِحَيْثُ يصل تأثر الرياضة إِلَى رجلَيْهِ من فَوق وَالْبدن الضَّعِيف رياضته ضَعِيفَة وَالْبدن الْقوي رياضته قَوِيَّة.,"He should substitute an exercise which employs the upper parts of the body-the neck, the head, and the hands. In this way the brunt of the effect of the exercise is borne first by the upper parts, and by the feet last. The exercise must be modified if the person is debilitated. If he is robust it should be made vigorous." وَاعْلَم أَن لكل عُضْو فِي نَفسه رياضة تخصه كَمَا للعين فِي تبصر الدَّقِيق وللحلق فِي إجهار الصَّوْت بعد أَن يكون بتدريج وللسن وَالْأُذن كَذَلِك وكل فِي بَابه.,"You realize now that every member has its own peculiar form of exercise. That the exercise for the eye is to gaze upon something delicate; that the exercise to strengthen and expand the chest is vocal, and consists of graduated singing exercises. Similarly with the teeth and the ear. Every member is considered in this way in the chapter specially devoted to it." الْفَصْل الثَّالِث وَقت ابْتِدَاء الرياضة وقطعها,"THE BEST TIME FOR COMMENCING EXERCISES. THE PROPER DURATION, AND OTHER RULES." وَقت الشُّرُوع فِي الرياضة يجب أَن يكون الْبدن نقياً وَلَيْسَ فِي نواحي الأحشاء وَالْعُرُوق كيموسات خامة رَدِيئَة تنشرها الرياضة فِي الْبدن وَيكون الطَّعَام الأمسي قد انهضم فِي الْمعدة والكبد وَالْعُرُوق وَحضر وَقت غذَاء آخر وَيدل على ذَلِك نضج الْبَوْل بالقوام واللون,"The time to choose for beginning exercise is when the body is free from impurities in the internal organs and blood vessels, so that there is no risk of unhealthy chyme being dispersed through the body by the exercise. Yesterday’s food should have passed both gastric and hepatic digestion, and also intravascular digestion, the time for the next meal now approaching, as can be ascertained by examining the urine as to its substance and colour." وَيكون ذَلِك أول وَقت هَذَا الانهضام فَإِن الْغذَاء إِذا بعد الْعَهْد بِهِ وخلت الغريزة مُدَّة عَن التَّصَرُّف فِي الْغذَاء واشتعلت النارية فِي الْبَوْل وجاوزت حد الصُّفْرَة الطبيعية فَإِن الرياضة ضارة لِأَنَّهَا لم تنهك الْقُوَّة.,"If it is some time before the next meal is due, and there is a need for more nutriment, and the urine shows “igneity” (i.e., is high-coloured), the natural yellowness having now passed off, it indicates that exercise at this time would be detrimental, namely by exhausting the strength." وَلِهَذَا قيل إِن الْحَال إِذا أوجبت رياضة شَدِيدَة فبالحري أَن لاتكون الْمعدة خَالِيَة جدا بل يكون فِيهَا غذَاء قَلِيل أما فِي الشتَاء فغليظ وَأما فِي الصَّيف فلطيف,"For this reason, some people say that when vigorous exercise has to be undertaken, it is best that the stomach should not be quite empty: that there should still be a little food, and that this should be substantial in winter, and light in summer." ثمَّ أَن يرتاض ممتلئاً خير من أَن يرتاض خاوياً وَأَن يرتاض حاراً أَو رطبا خير من أَن يرتاض وَالْبدن بَارِد أَو جَاف وأصوب أوقاته الِاعْتِدَال وَرُبمَا أوقعت الرياضة حَار المزاج يابسه فِي أمراض فَإِذا تَركهَا صَحَّ.,"Moreover, it is better to choose a time for exercise when one is not hungry, and when one is hot and moist rather than cold and dry. But the best time is when the state is between the two. Exercise in a man of hot and dry temperament may lead to illness, and he will benefit by avoiding it at such a time." وَيجب على من يرتاض أَن يبْدَأ فينقص الفضول من الأمعاء وَمن المثانة ثمَّ يشْتَغل بالرياضة ويتدلك أَولا للإستعداد دَلْكاً ينعش الغريزة ويوسع المسام,"It is necessary, then, for a person who is about to take exercise that he should first get rid of the effete matters of the body by way of the intestines and bladder. Should friction be used in preparation for exercise, with the object of helping the bowels and opening the pores of the skin." وَأَن يكون التدلك بِشَيْء خشن ثمَّ يتمرخ بدهن عذب ثمَّ يدرج التمريخ إِلَى أَن يضغط الْعُضْو بِهِ ضغطاً غير شَدِيد الوغول وَيكون ذَلِك بأيد كَثِيرَة ومختلفة أوضاع الملاقاة ليبلغ ذَلِك جَمِيع شظايا العضل ثمَّ يتْرك ثمَّ يَأْخُذ المدلوك فِي الرياضة.,"it should be carried out with a rough towel, and be followed by inunction with sweet (perfumed) oil made warm by being held in the hollow of the palm. This inunction is done according to rule until the limbs show a florid blush; the massaging should not be too forcible, nor the penetration too great. It is done with the hands, which pass over many various positions in order to ensure that every part of the muscular system has been dealt with. When completed, the massage is stopped and exercise may begin." أما فِي زمَان الرّبيع فأوفق أَوْقَاتهَا قرب انتصاف النَّهَار فِي بَيت معتدل وَيقدم فِي الصَّيف. وَأما فِي الشتَاء فَكَانَ الْقيَاس أَن يُؤَخر إِلَى وَقت الْمسَاء لَكِن الْمَوَانِع الآخرى تمنع مِنْهُ فَيجب أَن يدفأ فِي الشتَاء الْمَكَان ويسخن ليعتدل.,"Relation to seasons. In spring, the best time for exercise is round midday, and it should be done in a moderately warm room. In summer, the exercise should be done earlier. In winter, it should be delayed till vespers, but there are other objections to doing so. Consequently, in winter, the place used should be made moderately warm." وتستعمل الرياضة فِي الْوَقْت الأصوب بِحَسب مَا ذَكرْنَاهُ من انهضام الْغذَاء وَنقص الْفضل. وَأما مِقْدَار الرياضة فَيجب أَن يُرَاعى فِيهِ ثَلَاثَة أَشْيَاء: أَحدهَا: اللَّوْن فَمَا دَامَ يزْدَاد جودة فَهُوَ بعد وَقت وَالثَّانِي: الحركات فَإِنَّهَا مَا دَامَت خَفِيفَة فَهُوَ بعد وَقت,"to enable the exercise to be carried out at a time-when the aliment is digested and the effete matters have been expelled. Amount of exercise. Three things must be taken into consideration, The colour. As long as the skin goes on becoming florid, the exercise may be continued. After it ceases to do so, the exercise must be discontinued. Movement, Exercise may be continued as long as the movement is moderated." وَالثَّالِث: حَال الْأَعْضَاء وانتفاخها فَمَا دَامَت تزداد انتفاخاً فَهُوَ بعد وَقت وَأما إِذا أخذت هَذِه الْأَحْوَال فِي الانتقاص وَصَارَ الْعرق البُخَارِيّ رشحاً سَائِلًا فَيجب أَن تقطع وَإِذا قطعهَا أقبل عَلَيْهِ بالدهن المعرق وَلَا سِيمَا وَقد حصر نَفسه.,"The condition of the members. Exercise must not be continued after they show any puffiness. Should the insensible perspiration lessen and the visible sweating stop, the exercise must stop. Should the action of the skin have ceased, one applies a strongly-diaphoretic oil as an inunction, especially if the exercise were one which exerted the breathing. (Restorative friction and massage will be needed: Aeg.)" فَإِذا وَقعت فِي الْيَوْم الأول على حد رياضته وغذوته فَعرفت الْمِقْدَار الَّذِي احتمله من الْغذَاء فَلَا تغير فِي الْيَوْم الثَّانِي شَيْئا بل قدر غذَاء ورياضته فِي الْيَوْم الثَّانِي على حَده فِي الْيَوْم الأول.,"At the conclusion of the first day’s exercise, you will know the degree of exercise allowable; and when you know the amount of nourishment the person can bear, do not make any change in either on the second day. Arrange that the measure of aliment, and the amount of exercise shall not exceed the limit ascertained on the first day." الْفَصْل الرَّابِع الدَّلْك,FRICTION. MASSAGE. SHAMPOOING الدَّلْك مِنْهُ صلب فيشدد وَمِنْه لين فيرخي وَمِنْه كثير فيهزل وَمِنْه معتدل فيخصب وَإِذا ركب ذَلِك حدثت مزاوجات تسع وَأَيْضًا من الدَّلْك مَا هُوَ خشن أَي بخرقٍ خشنة فيجذب الدَّم إِلَى الظَّاهِر سَرِيعا وَمِنْه أملس أَي بالكف أَو بِخرقَة لينَة فَيجمع الدَّم ويحبسه فِي الْعُضْو,"Varieties, (a) Hard Friction: this stretches and contracts, and braces the body. (b) Soft Friction has a relaxing effect, (c) Repeated friction diminishes the fat of the body, (d) Moderately hard friction increases the bulk of the body. (e) Rough friction. This is done with rough towels. It draws the blood rapidly to the surface. (f) Gentle friction. This is done with the palm or with soft towels. It draws the blood together and retains it in one member." وَالْغَرَض فِي الدَّلْك تكثيف الْأَبدَان المتخلخلة وتصليب اللينة وخلخلة الكثيفة وتليين الصلبة. وَمن الدَّلْك دلك الاستعداد وَهُوَ قبل الرياضة يبتدىء لينًا ثمَّ إِذا كَاد يقوم إِلَى الرياضة شدد.,"The object of friction is to render thin persons heavier, and heavy persons thinner; to brace flabby persons, and to modify those who are not pliable enough (giving tone to the body). (g) Friction as a preparatory to athletics. The friction begins gently, and then becomes more vigorous as the time approaches for the exercise." وَمِنْه دلك الِاسْتِرْدَاد وَهُوَ بعد الرياضة وَيُسمى الدَّلْك الْمسكن أَيْضا وَالْغَرَض فِي تَحْلِيل الفضول المحتبسة فِي العضل مِمَّا لم يستفرغ بالرياضة لينعش فَلَا يحدث الإعياء.,(h) Friction as a sequel to athletics Restorative friction. This produces repose. Its object is to disperse the effete matter formed in the muscles and not expelled by the exercise. It causes them to disperse and so removes fatigue [the feeling of lassitude]. وَهَذَا الدَّلْك يجب أَن يكون رَقِيقا معتدلاً وَأحسنه مَا كَانَ بالدهن وَلَا يجب أَن يحتمه على جساوة وصلابة وخشونة فتجسو بِهِ الْأَعْضَاء وَيمْنَع فِي الصّبيان عَن النشو وضرره فِي الْبَالِغين أقل,"Such friction is soft and gentle, and is best done with oil [or perfumed ointments: Aeg.]. It must not be hard, or heavy, or rough, because that would roughen the members. Young men would be hindered in growth. But for adults it is less harmful." وَلِأَن يَقع فِي الدَّلْك خطأ مائل إِلَى الصلابة فَهُوَ أسلم من الْخَطَأ المائل إِلَى اللين لِأَن التَّحْلِيل الشَّديد أسهل تلاقياً من إعداد الْبدن بالدلك اللين لقبُول الْفساد على أَن الدَّلْك الصلب والخشن إِذا أفرط فِيهِ فِي الصّبيان مَنعهم النشوّ,"It is less detrimental to err on the side of hardness than on that of softness, because it is easier to correct undue dispersal [of effete matters] than to prepare the tissues (by soft friction) for the reception of effete substances. On the other hand, hard and rough friction to an excess in youths is a hindrance to their growth." وستجد ذَلِك من بعد وَقت الدَّلْك وشرائطه لَكنا نُرِيد فِي هَذَا الْوَقْت لذَلِك الِاسْتِرْدَاد بَيَانا فَنَقُول إِنَّه بِالْحَقِيقَةِ كَأَنَّهُ جُزْء آخر من الرياضة. وَيجب فِيهِ أَن يبْدَأ أَولا بالدهن وبالقوة ثمَّ يمال بِهِ إِلَى الِاعْتِدَال وَلَا يقطع على عنفه وَالْأَحْسَن أَن تَجْتَمِع عَلَيْهِ أيد كَثِيرَة,"You will learn about this under the heading of the proper time for friction.” For the present it will suffice to say that restorative friction should be begun vigorously at first, and with oil; that then it should be moderated, but not stopped, until all roughness has gone. It is best that many persons should do it together." وَيجب أَن يُوتر المدلوك أعضاءه المدلوكة بعد الدَّلْك لينفض عَنْهَا الفضول فَيُؤْخَذ قماط ويمرّ على نواحي الْأَعْضَاء كلهَا وَهِي موترة ويحصر النَّفس حِينَئِذٍ مَا أمكن لَا سِيمَا مَعَ إرخاء عضل الْبَطن وتوتير عضل الصَّدْر إِن سهل,"The person, having been rubbed, now stretches out his massaged limbs to help to expel the effete matters from them, and a broad bandage or binder is applied over the regions to which the muscles concerned belong. He should hold his breath as long as he can, while relaxing his abdominal muscles; he should at the same time make his thoracic muscles tense, if he can." ثمَّ يُوتر آخر الْأَمر عضل الْبَطن أَيْضا يَسِيرا ليصيب الأحشاء بذلك اسْتِرْدَاد مّا,"Finally, he makes his abdominal muscles tense again. In this way the intestines are given a certain amount of restorative friction." والمبرزون من أهل الرياضة يستعملون حصر النَّفس فِيمَا بَين رياضاتهم وَرُبمَا أدخلُوا ذَلِك الِاسْتِرْدَاد فِي وسط الرياضة فقطعوها وعاودوها إِن أَرَادوا تَطْوِيل الرياضة.,"One may pause to take breath between the exercises; or sometimes restorative massage may be given in the middle of the exercise. Thus, it may be omitted or resorted to, according to whether the exercise is to be prolonged or not." وَلَا حَاجَة إِلَى الدَّلْك الْكثير لمن يُرِيد الِاسْتِرْدَاد وَهُوَ مِمَّن لَا يشكو شَيْئا من حَاله وَلَا يُرِيد المعاودة بل إِن وجد إعياء تمرخ تمريخاً لينًا بالدهن على مَا نَصِفُ فَإِن وجد يبساً زَاد فِي الدَّلْك حَتَّى توافي بِهِ الْأَعْضَاء الِاعْتِدَال.,"A person who desires restorative friction does not need much preliminary friction, unless there is something about his condition with which he is not satisfied. If he does not desire restorative friction he will undergo more thorough preliminary friction. If fatigue should be experienced, inunction with oil will be employed, as we have stated. If he should experience a sense of dryness, the friction will be increased until the natural mean condition is attained." وَقد ينْتَفع بالدلك والغمز الشَّديد عِنْد النّوم فَإِنَّهُ يجفف الْبدن وَيمْنَع الرُّطُوبَة عَن السيلان إِلَى المفاصل,"Friction without massage (compression) is beneficial if sleep is. due, because it cheers the body and prevents humid matters from flowing into the joints." الْفَصْل الْخَامِس الاستحمام وَذكر الحمامات,ON VARIOUS USES OF THE HOT BATH أما هَذَا الْإِنْسَان الَّذِي كلامنا فِي تَدْبيره فَلَا حَاجَة بِهِ إِلَى الاستحمام الْمُحَلّل لِأَن بدنه نقي وَإِنَّمَا يحْتَاج إِلَى الْحمام من يحْتَاج إِلَيْهِ ليستفيد مِنْهُ حرارة لَطِيفَة وترطيباً معتدلاً فَلذَلِك يجب على هَؤُلَاءِ أَن لَا يطيلوا اللّبْث فِيهِ,"For the type of person whose regimen we are discussing, a bath which induces resolution is not required, because his body is inwardly pure. A person does not need the bath except in order to derive a gentle warmth from it, and a moderate amount of moisture. That is why such persons should not stay long in it." بل إِن استعملوا الأبزن استعملوه ريثما تحمر فِيهِ بشرتهم وتربو ويفارقونه عِنْدَمَا يبتدىء يتَحَلَّل. وَيجب أَن ينموا الْهَوَاء بصبّ المَاء العذب حواليهم ويغتسلوا سَرِيعا ويخرجوا وَيجب أَن لَا يُبَادر المرتاض إِلَى الْحمام حَتَّى يستريح بالتمام.,"If such persons employ a full- length (copper) bath, they should stay in it only until the colour of the skin becomes red, and the skin becomes puffy; they should leave it as soon as dispersal (of humours) begins. The surrounding air should be moistened by a sweet-water spray. The actual washing should now be quick and the bath left quickly. A person should not go into the bath immediately after exercise. He should rest properly first." وَأما أَحْوَال الحمّامات وشرائطها فقد شرحت وقيلت فِي غير هَذَا الْموضع وَالَّذِي يَنْبَغِي أَن نقُول هَهُنَا: هُوَ أَن جَمِيع المستحمّين يجب أَن يتمزجوا فِي دُخُول بيُوت الْحمام,"The forms of bath have already been referred to, and are dealt with again in another place. At this point we should state that all who propose to bathe should pass through the successive rooms of the bath-house according to rule." وَلَا يقيموا فِي الْبَيْت الْحَار إِلَّا مِقْدَار مَا لَا يكرب فيربح بتحليل الفضول وإعداد الْبدن للغذاء مَعَ التحرّز عَن الضعْف وَعَن سَبَب قوي من أَسبَاب حمات العفونة.,"and not linger in the hot room long enough to cause harm; they should stay long enough in the rest-room to give time for the dispersal of the effete substances, otherwise there is a risk of weakness which will interfere with alimentation and leave a susceptibility to the causes of septic fevers." وَمن طلب السّمن فَلْيَكُن دُخُوله الْحمام بعد الطَّعَام إِن أمِن حُدُوث السدد فَإِن أَرَادَ الِاسْتِظْهَار وَكَانَ حَار المزاج إستعمل السكنجبين ليمنع السمد أَو كَانَ بَارِد المزاج اسْتعْمل الفوذنجي والفلافلي. وَأما من أَرَادَ التَّحْلِيل والتهزيل فَيجب أَن يستحم على الْجُوع وَيكثر الْقعُود فِيهِ.,"A person who wishes to become stout should take his bath after a meal, if he is not likely to develop obstructions in consequence. If he is of hot temperament, he may guard against the formation of obstructions by drinking oxymel. If he is of cold temperament, he should take pennyroyal and capsicum. If it is desired to reduce fat, and to procure the resolution of the humours, the person should bathe while fasting, and stay a long time in the bath. Precautions regarding food and drink." وَأما الَّذِي يُرِيد حفظ الصِّحَّة فَقَط فَيجب أَن يدْخل الْحمام بعد هضم مَا فِي الْمعدة والكبد وَأَن كَانَ يخْشَى ثوران مرار إِن فعل هَذَا واستحم على الرِّيق فليأخذ قبل الاستحمام شَيْئا لطيفاً يتَنَاوَلهُ.,"To ensure against impairment of health the bather should wait till after the gastric and hepatic digestions are both completed. Where there is any risk of the bilious humour undergoing fermentative decomposition, and one wishes to bathe fasting, the alimbnt should be attenuant." والحار المزاج صَاحب المرار قد لَا يجد بدا من ذَلِك وَمثله يحرم عَلَيْهِ دُخُول الْبَيْت الْحَار وَأفضل مَا يجب أَن يتلَقَّى بِهِ هَؤُلَاءِ خبز منقوع فِي مَاء الْفَاكِهَة أَو مَاء الْورْد وليتوق شرب شَيْء بَارِد بِالْفِعْلِ عقيب الْخُرُوج من الْحمام أَو فِي الْحمام,"But a person of hot temperament, in whom the bilious humour is plentiful, should not enter the hot chamber at all. The best things for such persons to take are: bread soaked with the juice of fruits or rose-water. Cold drinks should not be taken either while in the bath or when leaving it." فَإِن المسام تكون منفتحة فَلَا يلبث أَن ينْدَفع الْبرد إِلَى جَوْهَر الْأَعْضَاء الرئيسة فَيفْسد قواها وليتوق أَيْضا كل شَيْء شَدِيد الْحَرَارَة وخصوصأ المَاء فَإِنَّهُ إِن تنَاوله خيف أَن يسْرع نُفُوذه إِلَى الْأَعْضَاء الرئيسة فَيحدث السل والدق,"for the pores are now open, and coldness would speedily enter and pass towards the principal organs and damage their functional capacity. Articles which are very heating (“hot”) should also be avoided, especially water because thereby there is a risk of the warmth penetrating rapidly to the principal organs and this predisposes to wasting and hectic." وليتوق معافصة الْخُرُوج عَن الْحمام وكشف الرَّأْس بعده وتعريض الْبدن للبرد بل يجب أَن يخرج من الْحمام إِن كَانَ الزَّمَان شاتياً وَهُوَ متدثر فِي ثِيَابه. وَيَنْبَغِي أَن يحذر الْحمام من كَانَ محموماً فِي حماه أَو من بِهِ تفرق اتِّصَال أَو ورم.,"Further, such persons should take care not to leave the bath suddenly, or to uncover the head, thus exposing the body to cold. If it is winter, the body should be well covered with towels. A person suffering from fever should avoid the bath at the febrile period. The same applies to a person suffering from any form of loss of continuity, or from inflammation." وَقد علمت فِيمَا سلف أَن الْحمام مسخن مبرد مرطب ميبس نَافِع ضار. ومنافعه التنويم والتفتيح والجلاء والإنضاج والتحليل وجذب الْغذَاء إِلَى ظَاهر الْبدن ومعونته إِنَّمَا هِيَ فِي تَحْلِيل مَا يُرَاد أَن يتَحَلَّل ونفض مَا يُرَاد أَن ينفض فِي جِهَته الطبيعية وَحبس الإسهال وإزالته الإعياء.,"From the above, therefore, it will be clear to you that baths have the following effects: warming, cooling, humectant, desiccant, beneficial, harmful. Beneficial effects: the induction of sleep; aperient action; abstergent action; resolvent action; digestive; drawing nutriment to the surface of the skin. But the resolvent effect only occurs if that is desired; the excretory effect occurs only through the natural channels. Baths are beneficial for constipation and for removing lassitude." ومضارة تَضْعِيف الْقلب إِن أفرط مِنْهُ وإيراث الغشي والغثيان وتحريك الْموَاد الساكنة وتهيئتها للعفونة وإمالتها إِلَى الأفضية وَإِلَى الْأَعْضَاء الضعيفة فَيحدث عَنْهَا أورام فِي ظَاهر الْأَعْضَاء وباطنها.,"Injurious effects. The heart is weakened if the person stay too long in the bath. The bath produces syncope and nausea, and sets stagnant humours in circulation, and disposes them to undergo putrescence, and to pass down into the weaker members, with consequent inflammatory deposits in both internal and external members." الْفَصْل السَّادِس الِاغْتِسَال بِالْمَاءِ الْبَارِد,ON ABLUTION WITH COLD WATER إِنَّمَا يصلح ذَلِك لمن كَانَ تَدْبيره من كل الْوُجُوه مستقصى وَكَانَ سنّه وقوته وسحنته وفصله مُوَافقا وَلم يكن بِهِ تخمة وَلَا قيء وَلَا إسهال وَلَا سهر وَلَا نَوَازِل وَلَا هُوَ صبي وَلَا شيخ وَفِي وَقت يكون بدنه نشيطاً والحركات مواتية.,"This form of ablution is only beneficial if all the proper rules are observed, and if the age of the person, his physique and build,-; are suitable, and the season is appropriate (i.e. the summer). The contra-indications are: nausea, or a feeling of satiety associated with indigestion; vomiting; or diarrhoea; or want of sleep; or nasal catarrh. The person must not be at the age of boyhood, nor at old age. [Therefore he must be in the prime of life.] The moment chosen for the ablution should be one at which the body is light and the movements appropriate." وَقد يسْتَعْمل ذَلِك بعد اسْتِعْمَال المَاء الْحَار لتقوية الْبشرَة وَحصر الْحَرَارَة الغريزية فَإِن أُرِيد ذَلِك فَيجب أَن يكون ذَلِك المَاء غير شَدِيد الْبرد بل معتدلاً وَقد يسْتَعْمل بعد الرياضة فَيجب أَن يكون الدَّلْك قبله أشدّ من الْمُعْتَاد.,"Ablution with cold water following upon one with hot water. The object of this is to make the external parts stronger, and to retain the natural heat. For this purpose the water used should not be very cold, but of a medium temperature. Ablution with cold water after exercise. Here the preparatory friction should be more vigorous than usual." وَأما تمريخ الدّهن فَيكون على الْعَادة وَتَكون الرياضة بعد الدَّلْك والتمريخ معتدلة وأسرع من الْمُعْتَاد قَلِيلا قَلِيلا ثمَّ يشرع بعد الرياضة فِي المَاء الْبَارِد دفْعَة ليصيب أعضاءه مَعًا ثمَّ يلبث فِيهِ مِقْدَار النشاط والإحتمال وَقبل أَن يُصِيبهُ قشعريرة ثم إِذا خرج ذَلِك بِمَا نذكرهُ,"The customary inunction with oil is employed as well before the exercise, which must be less vigorous than usual. The exercise completed, the person plunges into the cold water tank, so as to harden all the members at once. He stays in the cold water in proportion to his lightness, and as long as he can without shivering ensuing. Then, having come out of the water, let him be rubbed as we have described (i.e. till the skin is red)." وَزيد فِي غذائه وَنقص من شرابه وَنظر فِي مُدَّة عود لَونه وحرارته إِلَيْهِ إِن كَانَ سَرِيعا اعدم أَن اللّّبْث فِيهِ قد كَانَ معتدلاً وَأَن كَانَ بطيئاً علم أَن اللّبْث فِيهِ قد كَانَ أَزِيد من الْوَاجِب فَيقدر فِي الْيَوْم الثَّانِي بِقدر مَا يعلم من ذَلِك.,"and let him take more food than drink. The time which elapses before the natural colour returns to the skin must be noted, because if the colour returns rapidly, the duration of the cold bath was reasonable, whereas if there is delay, it shows that the stay in the water was too prolonged. In this way the person will know the proper duration of the bath for the future." وَرُبمَا ثنى دُخُول المَاء العذب بعد الدَّلْك واسترجاع اللَّوْن والحرارة. وَمن أَرَادَ أَن يسْتَعْمل ذَلِك فليتدرّج فِيهِ وليبدأ أول مرّة من أسخن يَوْم فِي الصَّيف وَقت الهاجرة وليتحرز أَن لَا يكون فِيهِ ريح,"Should the person wish to re-enter the water after the friction, and after regaining his colour and normal heat, he must on this occasion enter the water gradually, and on a hot summer’s day before the hottest part of the day, and when no wind is blowing." وَلَا يَسْتَعْمِلهُ عقيب الْجِمَاع وَلَا عقيب الطَّعَام وَلَا وَالطَّعَام لم ينهضم وَلَا يَسْتَعْمِلهُ عقيب الْقَيْء والإستفراغ والهيضة والسهر وَلَا على ضعف من الْبدن وَلَا من الْمعدة وَلَا عقيب الرياضة إلاّ لمن هُوَ قوي جدا فيستعمل على الحدّ الَّذِي قُلْنَاهُ.,"He must not do so when in a state of lassitude after coitus, or after a meal which has not had time to digest, or after emesis, or after evacuation of the bowels, or after gastro-enteritis, or insomnia, or if the body or stomach be enfeebled. Cold bathing should not be done after exercise except in the case of the very robust. Even then the rules which we have given should be followed." وَاسْتِعْمَال الِاغْتِسَال بِالْمَاءِ الْبَارِد على الأنحاء الْمَذْكُورَة يهْزم الْحَار الغريزي إِلَى دَاخل دفْعَة ثمَّ يقوّيه على الإستظهار والبروز أضعافاً لما كَانَ.,"To use cold baths in the ways we have named drives the natural heat suddenly into the interior parts, and then invigorates the strength, so that the person should leave the bath twice as strong as when he entered." (الْفَصْل السَّابِع تَدْبِير الْمَأْكُول),THE REGIMEN IN REGARD TO FOOD AND DRINK (Comestibles and Potables.) يجب أَن يجْتَهد حَافظ الصِّحَّة فِي أَن لَا يكون جَوْهَر غذائه شَيْئا من الأغذية الدوائية مثل الْبُقُول والفواكه وَغير ذَلِك فَإِن الملطفة محرقة للدم والغليظة مبلغمة مثقلة للبدن,"In seeking to maintain health care must be taken that the essential basis of the meal is not in medicinal nutrients like potherbs, fruits, and such-like. For things which are tenuous in character over-oxidize the blood, and those which are dense render the blood phlegmatic, and the body heavy." بل يجب أَن يكون الْغذَاء من مثل اللَّحْم خُصُوصا لحم الجدي والعجاجيل الصغار والحملان وَالْحِنْطَة المنقاة من الشوائب الْمَأْخُوذَة من زرع صَحِيح لم يصبهُ آفَة وَالشَّيْء الحلو الملائم للمزاج وَالشرَاب الطّيب الريحاني وَلَا يلْتَفت إِلَى مَا سوى ذَلِك إِلَّا على سَبِيل التعالج والتقدم بِالْحِفْظِ.,"The meal should include: (i) flesh, especially kid of goats, veal, and year-old lamb; wheat, which is cleaned of extraneous matter, and gathered during a healthy harvest without ever having been exposed to injurious influences; sweets of appropriate temperament; fragrant wine of good quality. Any other kinds of food can only be regarded as a sort of medicament or preservative." وأشبه الْفَوَاكِه بالغذاء التِّين وَالْعِنَب الصَّحِيح النضيج الحلو جدا وَالتَّمْر فِي الْبِلَاد والأراضي الْمُعْتَاد فِيهَا ذَلِك. فَإِن اسْتعْمل هَذِه وَحدث مِنْهَا فضل بَادر إِلَى استفراغ ذَلِك الْفضل,"The more nutritious fruits are: figs, grapes (ripe and sweet), dates, from countries and regions in which they are indigenous. But if superfluity arises after partaking of these fruits, speedy evacuation should be procured." وَيجب أَن لَا يَأْكُل إِلَّا على شَهْوَة وَلَا يدافع الشَّهْوَة إِذا هَاجَتْ وَلم تكن كَاذِبَة كشهوة السكارى وَمن بِهِ تخمة فَإِن الصَّبْر على الْجُوع يمْلَأ الْمعدة أخلاطاً صديدية رَدِيئَة,"A person should not eat unless hungry. Nor should he delay his meal until the appetite has passed off. This rule does not apply in the case of the fictitious appetite met with in drunkards, or the subjects of nausea. If fasting be continued, the stomach will fill up with putrescent humours." وَيجب أَن يُؤْكَل فِي الشتَاء الطَّعَام الْحَار بِالْفِعْلِ وَفِي الصَّيف الْبَارِد أَو الْقَلِيل السخونة وَلَا يبلغ الْحر وَالْبرد إِلَى مَا لَا يُطَاق. وَاعْلَم أَنه لَا شَيْء أردأ من شبع فِي الخصب يتبعهُ جوع فِي الجدب وَبِالْعَكْسِ.,"In winter the food should be hot; in summer cold or only slightly warm. A food should not be served either hot or cold if it is likely to be spoiled thereby. Nothing is worse than to eat to repletion during a time of plenty after having been in a state of starvation during a time of famine, and vice versa." وَالْعَكْس أردأ وَقد رَأينَا خلقا ضَاقَ عَلَيْهِم الطَّعَام فِي الْقَحْط فَلَمَّا اتَّسع الطَّعَام امتلأوا وماتوا. على أنّ الإمتلاء الشَّديد فِي كلّ حَال قتال كَانَ من طَعَام أَو شراب فكم من رجل امْتَلَأَ بِمَا فراط فاختنق وَمَات.,"But the transition period is the worse. For we often see many people who lack food at a time of famine, and eat to repletion when a fertile year comes, with fatal result. Great repletion is very dangerous in any case, whether in regard to food or to drink,. For how often do not people over-eat, and perish from the consequent choking of the channels of the body?" وَإِذا وَقع الْخَطَأ فتنوول شَيْء من الأغذية الدوائية فَيجب أَن يدبر فِي هضمه وإنضاجه وليحترز من سوء المزاج المتوقع مِنْهُ بِاسْتِعْمَال مَا يضاده عَقِيبه حَتَّى ينهضم فَإِن كَانَ بَارِدًا مثل القثاء وَالْخيَار والقرع عدل بِمَا يضاده مثل الثوم والكراث,"An error in eating or drinking any of the medicinal nutrients is to be corrected according to the digestion and maturation thereof, and the person must be protected from the intemperament which is likely to arise. To effect this, one takes the contrary substance until the digestion is completed. Thus, if the aliment was cold (e.g. cucumber, gourd), temper it with its opposite (e.g. onions, leek)." وَإِن كَانَ حاراً عدل بِمَا يضاده أَيْضا من مثل القثاء وبقلة الحمقاء وَإِن كَانَ سددياً اسْتعْمل مَا يفتح ويستفرغ ثمَّ يجوع بعده جوعا صَالحا فَلَا يتناول شَيْئا هُوَ وكل مستصح الْبَتَّةَ مَا لم تصدق الشَّهْوَة وتخلو الْمعدة والأمعاء العلى عَن الْغذَاء الأول,"If the aliment was hot, temper it with the opposite (e.g. cucumber, purslane). If the aliment is binding, take some food which will open and evacuate, and then fast for a suitable period. A person in this state and this is true for all who wish to maintain their health should not partake of food until there is a definite appetite, and unless the stomach and upper small intestine have emptied themselves of the previous meal." فأضر شَيْء بِالْبدنِ إِدْخَال غذَاء على غذَاء لم ينضج وينهضم وَلَا شَرّ من التُّخمَة وخصوصاً مَا كَانَ تخمة من أغذية رَدِيئَة فَإِن التُّخمَة إِذا عرضت من الأغذية الغليظة أورثت وجع المفاصل والكلى والربو وضيق النَّفس والنقرس وجساوة الطحال والكبد,"For there is nothing more harmful to the body than to superpose aliment upon incompletely digested food. There is also nothing worse than nauseative indigestion, especially when this is the result of bad foods. For if these are gross, the following symptoms and illnesses arise: pains in the joints, in the kidneys; dyspnoea, podagra, indurative enlargement of the spleen and liver." والأمراض البلغمية والسوداوية وَأما إِذا عرضت من أغذية لَطِيفَة فَيعرض مِنْهَا حميات حادة خبيثة وأورام حادة رَدِيئَة وَرُبمَا احْتِيجَ إِلَى إِدْخَال طَعَام مَا أَو شَيْء يشبه الطَّعَام على طَعَام يكون كَأَنَّهُ دَوَاء لَهُ,"illnesses in which the serous or atrabilious humours are concerned. If the foods were attenuated, then acute fevers, malignant fevers, and grave acute inflammatory, disturbances would develop." مثل الَّذين يتناولون أغذية حريفة ومالحة فَإِذا اتبعوها بعد زمَان يكون لم يتمم فِيهِ الهضم بالمرطبات من الأغذية التفهة صلح بذلك كيموس مَا اغتذوا بِهِ وَهَؤُلَاء يغنيهم هَذَا التَّدْبِير وَلَا حَاجَة بهم إِلَى الرياضة,"However, it is sometimes really necessary to give a food or a substance like food, on the top of another food, by way of medicine. For example, if one has taken sharp and salty nutrients, one may further take humectant aliments which have no flavour, before the former have digested completely. The chyme by which the body is nourished is then rectified. This is a suitable measure for cases of this kind, and the use of exercise is not indicated." وبضد هَذَا حَال من يتبع الغليظة بعد زمَان بِمَا هُوَ سريع الهضم حريف وَالْحَرَكَة الْخَفِيفَة على الطَّعَام بِقَدرِهِ فِي الْمعدة وخصوصاً لمن أَرَادَ النّوم عَلَيْهِ.,"The contrary holds good in the case of those who partake of gross foodstuffs and afterwards admix with them something which is speedily digested and acrid in taste. A small amount of movement or activity after a meal allows the food to descend to the fundus of the stomach, especially if after this there is a desire to sleep." والأعراض النفسانية القادحة والحركات الْبَدَنِيَّة الفادحة يمنعان الهضم وَيجب أَن لَا يُؤْكَل فِي الشتَاء الأغذية القليلة الْغذَاء كالبقول بل يُؤْكَل مَا هُوَ أغْنى من الْحُبُوب وَأَشد اكتنازاً وَفِي الصَّيف بالضد,"Mental excitement or emotion; vigorous exercise; these hinder digestion. In winter, feebly nutrient foods, like pot-herbs, are not to be partaken of. The aliments should be stronger and more solid in texture such as cereals, legumes, and the like. In summer, the contrary is true." ثمَّ يجب أَن لَا يمتلىء مِنْهُ حَتَّى لَا مَكَان لفضلة بل يجب أَن يمسك عَنهُ وَفِي النَّفس بعض من بَقِيَّة الشَّهْوَة. فَإِن تِلْكَ الْبَقِيَّة من تقاضى الْجُوع تبطل بعد سَاعَة وَيجب أَن يحفظ مجْرى الْعَادة فِي ذَلِك فَإِن شَرّ الْأكل مَا أثقل الْمعدة وَشر الشَّرَاب مَا جَاوز الِاعْتِدَال وطقا فِي الْمعدة,"The quantity of food taken at a meal. No meal should be bulky enough to completely satisfy the appetite. One should rise from the table while some appetite or desire for food is still present. For such remnants of hunger will disappear in the course of an hour. Custom is to be regarded in this regard, for a meal is injurious when it brings heaviness to the stomach, and wine is injurious when it exceeds moderation, and swims in the stomach." فَإِن أفرط يَوْمًا جَاع فِي الثَّانِي وَأطَال النّوم فِي مَكَان معتدل لَا حر فِيهِ وَلَا برد وَإِذا لم يساعده النّوم مَشى مشياً كثيرا لينًا مُتَّصِلا لَا فَتْرَة فِيهِ وَلَا استراحة وَيشْرب شرابًا قَلِيلا صرفا. قَالَ روفس: أَنا أَحْمد هَذَا الْمَشْي وخصوصاً بعد الْغذَاء فَإِنَّهُ يهيىء لجودة موقع الْعشَاء.,"If one ate to excess one day, one should fast the next, and a longer sleep should be taken in some place which is neither hot nor cold. If sleep refuse to come, one should take gentle walking exercise and allow neither rest nor recumbent position. A little pure wine should be taken. Rufus says, “Walking after a meal is grateful to me, for it gives a good preparation for the evening meal.”" وَيجب أَن يكون النّوم على الْيَمين أَو زَمَانا يَسِيرا ثمَّ ينَام على الْيَسَار ثمَّ ينَام على الْيَمين. وَاعْلَم أَن الدثار وَرفع الوساد معِين على الهضم وَبِالْجُمْلَةِ أَن يكون وضع الْأَعْضَاء مائلاً إِلَى تَحت لَيْسَ إِلَى فَوق,"A short sleep after a meal is useful; one should lie first on the right side, then on the left, and finally turn back again to the right side. If the body be covered with a number of wraps and the neck be raised, this will aid digestion. The limbs should slope downwards and not upwards." وَتَقْدِير الطَّعَام هُوَ بِحَسب الْعَادة وَالْقُوَّة وَأَن يكون مِقْدَاره فِي الصَّحِيح الْقُوَّة والمقدار الَّذِي إِذا تنَاوله لم يثقل وَلم يمدد الشراسيف وَلم ينْفخ وَلم يقرقر وَلم يطفُ وَلم يعرض غثى وَلَا شَهْوَة كلبية وَلَا سُقُوط وَلَا بلادة ذهن وَلَا أرق,"The standard size of the meal depends on usage and vigour. A normally robust person should take as much as will not produce a sense of heaviness, or a sense of tightness of the hypochondria. There should be no subsequent rumbling in the stomach, or splashing of the food on bodily movement. Nausea should not be experienced, nor a canine appetite, nor loss of appetite, nor great disinclination for exertion, nor sleeplessness." وَلم يجد طعمه فِي الجشاء بعد زمَان وكل مَا وجد طعمه بعد مُدَّة أطول فَهُوَ أردأ وَقد يدل على أَن الطَّعَام معتدل أَن لَا يعرض مِنْهُ عظم نبض مَعَ صغر نفس فَإِنَّهُ إِنَّمَا يعرض بِسَبَب مزاحمة الْمعدة للحجاب فيصغر النَّفس لذَلِك ويتواتر,"The taste of the food should not repeat in the eructations. If the taste of food lingers in the mouth a very long time after the meal, it shows that the latter was too heavy. Indications that the meal was moderate: the pulse does not become full; the breathing does not become shallow. The latter only occurs if the stomach is compressing the diaphragm, thus making the inspirations shallow and short." وتزداد بذلك حَاجَة الْقلب فيعظم النبض ويزداد ضعف الْقُوَّة وَمن لَهُ على طَعَامه حرارة وسخونة فَلَا يأكلن دفْعَة بل قَلِيلا قَلِيلا لِئَلَّا يعرض من الامتلاء عرض حَالَة كالنافض ثمَّ يتبعهُ حرارة كَحمى يومية حِين يسخن الطَّعَام,"The pressure to be met by the heart increases after a large meal, and as the force of the heart does not diminish, the pulse becomes large and full. A person who experiences a sense of heat and flushing after a meal should not take a whole meal at one sitting, but partake of the food in small portions at short intervals to avoid the effects of repletion such as shivering followed by a sense of heat like that in a sthenic fever. This is due to the heating effect of the food." وَمن كَانَ يعجز عَن هضم الْكِفَايَة أَكثر عمد اغتذائه وقلل مِقْدَاره والسوداوي يحْتَاج إِلَى غذَاء مرطب كثيرا مسخن قَلِيلا والصفراوي إِلَى مَا يرطب ويبرد وَمن كَانَ الدَّم الَّذِي يتَوَلَّد فِيهِ حاراً فَيحْتَاج إِلَى أغذية بَارِدَة قَليلَة الْغذَاء,"A person who cannot digest the amount of food appropriate for him should increase the number of articles of diet, but diminish the quantity. A person of atrabilious constitution needs a diet which is very humectant but not very heating. A person of choleric constitution needs a diet which is humectant and infrigidant." وَمن كَانَ مَا يتَوَلَّد فِيهِ من الدَّم بلغمياً فَيحْتَاج إِلَى أغذية قَليلَة الْغذَاء فِيهَا سخونة وتلطيف. وللأغذية فِي اسْتِعْمَالهَا تَرْتِيب يجب أَن يراعيه الْحَافِظ لصِحَّته فليحذر أَن يتَنَاوَل مَا هُوَ رَقِيق سريع الهضم على غذَاء قوي أَصْلَب مِنْهُ,"A person who generates hot inflammable blood needs feebly nutritious articles of food, which are cold. One who generates phlegmatic blood needs feebly nutritious articles of diet which are hot and attenuant. The order in which the components of a meal are to be taken. A person who is desirous of maintaining his health needs to be watchful of this matter. Thus, one should not take a tenuous food, which is rapidly digested, after taking a very nutritious dish which is slowly digested." فينهضم قبله وَهُوَ طَاف عَلَيْهِ وَلَا سَبِيل لَهُ إِلَى النّفُوذ فيعفن ويفسد فَيفْسد مَا يخالطه إِلَّا على سَبِيل صفة سنذكرها. وَأَيْضًا لَا يجوز أَن يتَنَاوَل مثل هَذَا الطَّعَام المزلق وليتناول فِي إثره طَعَاما قَوِيا صلباً فَإِنَّهُ ينزلق مَعَه عِنْد نُفُوذه إِلَى الأمعاء وَلما يسْتَوْف الْحَظ من الهضم,"An exception to this rule has been named above. The reason is that the first article of food will be digested first and therefore float over the other, unable to enter the blood. Consequently it ferments and decomposes, and in addition sets up decomposition of the food next taken. The reverse order, therefore, is the one to adopt, so that the labile food will pass on with the other into the intestine, and then undergo complete digestion." مثل السّمك وَمَا يجْرِي مجْرَاه لَا يجب أَن يتَنَاوَل عقيب رياضة متعبة فَيفْسد وَيفْسد الأخلاط وَمن النَّاس من يجوز لَهُ تنَاول مَا فِيهِ قُوَّة قابضة قبل تنَاول الطَّعَام وَهُوَ صَاحب رخاوة الْمعدة الَّذِي يستعجل نزُول طَعَامه فَلَا يريث ريث الانهضام وَيجب أَن يتَأَمَّل دَائِما حَال الْمعدة ومزاجها,"Fish and similar articles of food should not be taken after laborious work (or exercise), because they undergo decomposition and then decompose the humours. Some persons may be allowed to eat an article, of food in which there is a styptic property as a preparatory to the actual meal. Idiosyncrasies. Some persons have an idiosyncrasy of the stomach in which the foods leave it very rapidly, and do not stay in it long enough to undergo gastric digestion. This explains the necessity for taking the idiosyncrasy of the stomach and its temperament, into consideration [along with other factors when drawing up a dietary]." فَمن النَّاس من يفْسد فِي معدته الْغذَاء لللطيف السَّرِيع الهضم وينهضم فِيهَا الْقوي البطيء الهضم وَهَذَا هُوَ الْإِنْسَان الناري الْمعدة. وَمِنْهُم من هُوَ بالضد وكل يدبر على مُقْتَضى عَادَته.,"There are some persons in whom tenuous food, instead of being digested quickly as it should, undergoes decomposition in the stomach, whereas less rapidly digestible foods are digested more readily. The stomach of such a person is designated igneous. But other persons are exactly the opposite. Therefore the rules to be given must be adapted to the peculiarity of each (patient)." وللبلدان خَواص من الطبائع والأمزجة أُمُور خَارِجَة من الْقيَاس فَلْيحْفَظ ذَلِك وليغلب للتجريه فِيهِ على الْقيَاس فَرب غذَاء مألوف فِيهِ مضرَّة مَا هُوَ أوفق من الْفَاضِل الْغَيْر المألوف وَلكُل سحنة ومزاج غذَاء مرافق مشاكل فَإِن أُرِيد تغييرها فَإِنَّمَا يَتَأَتَّى بالضد.,"The countries in which people live have also their own natural properties, which are distinct from the ordinary rule. This must also be borne in mind, and a test must be made to ascertain what the rule should be. Thus, a food which is often used, though injurious to a certain degree, may be more appropriate for a given individual than a food which he does not often take, though its character is good. Then again, there is a food which is to be regarded as appropriate to everyone’s physique and temperament. To change from such a diet would prove injurious and detrimental to him." وَمن النَّاس من يضرّهُ بعض الْأَطْعِمَة الجيدة المحمودة فليهجره وَمن استمرأ الأغذية الرَّديئَة فَلَا يغتر بذلك فَإِنَّهُ سيتولد مِنْهُ على الْأَيَّام أخلاط رَدِيئَة ممرضة قتالة.,"Good and laudable foods may be injurious to some. They should therefore avoid them. But persons who are able to digest “bad” foods should not be deceived, because (for all they know) they will someday give rise to bad humours and the consequent obstinate ailments." وَكَثِيرًا ما يرخض لمن فِي بدنه أخلاط رَدِيئَة أَن يتوسع فِي الْأكل الْمَحْمُود وخصوصاً إِذا لم يحْتَمل الإسهال لضَعْفه.,"Good food may often be allowed liberally in the case of persons in whom the humours are unhealthy, so long as diarrhoea from intestinal weakness does not supervene in consequence." وَمن كَانَ متخلخل الْبدن سهل التَّحَلُّل وَجب أَن يغتذي بالرطب السَّرِيع الانهضام على أَن الْأَبدَان المتخلخلة أَشد احْتِمَالا للأطعمة الغليظة والمختلفة وَأبْعد من أَن يَضرهَا الْأَسْبَاب الْخَارِجَة.,"But if the person be of spare habit, and liable to have the motions loose, the diet should consist of moist aliments, because they are digested quickly, even though it is a fact that such persons can tolerate various heavy foods, and are less liable to be affected adversely by intrinsic noxae, and are more susceptible to the antagonistic influence of extraneous noxae." وَمن كَانَ متكثراً من اللحوم مترفهاً فليتعهد الفصد فَإِن كَانَ يمِيل إِلَى برد من المزاج فَعَلَيهِ بالجوارشنات والإطريفلات وَمَا من شَأْنه أَن ينقي الْمعدة والأمعاء والجداول الْقَرِيبَة مِنْهَا وَشر الْأَشْيَاء جمع أغذية مُخْتَلفَة مَعًا وَبعد تَطْوِيل الْأكل مُدَّة الْأكل فَيلْحق الْغذَاء الآخر,"“An active person accustomed to take much flesh- meat needs frequent bleeding. A person inclined to be frigid in temperament should drink substances which cleanse the stomach, intestines and the (mesenteric) veins including confections of spices and myrobalan electuary. It is a bad practice to combine nutrients of diverse character in one meal and so prolong it. For by the time the last portion has entered the stomach." وَقد أَخذ الأول فِي الانهضام فَلَا تتشابه أَجزَاء الْغذَاء فِي الانهضام وَيجب أَن تعلم أَن أوفق الْغذَاء ألذه لشدَّة اشْتِمَال الْمعدة وَالْقُوَّة القابضة عَلَيْهِ إِذا كَانَ صَالح الْجَوْهَر وَكَانَت الْأَعْضَاء الرئيسية كلهَا متصادقة سَالِمَة فَهَذَا هُوَ الشَّرْط,"the first portion is already digested, and therefore the various contents of the stomach are not all at the same stage of digestion. Palatability. One should remember too that aliment is best which has the most agreeable flavour, for the walls of the stomach and the retentive faculty jointly apply themselves better to a food of good substance, and the efficiency of the retentive power is assisted when the principal members all mutually concur the temperament of one being not more divergent from that of another than natural. That is the requisite condition." فَإِن لم تصح الأمزجة أَو تخالفت الْأَعْضَاء فِي أمزجتها وَكَانَت الكبد مُخَالفَة للمعدة مُخَالفَة فَوق الطبيعي لم يلْتَفت إِلَى ذَلِك. وَمن مضار الطَّعَام اللذيذ جدا أَنه يُمكن الاستكثار مِنْهُ وَإِن أوفق المرات للْأَكْل المشبع أَن يَأْكُل يَوْمًا وجبة وَيَوْما مرَّتَيْنِ بكرَة وَعَشِيَّة.,"The conditions are not fulfilled, for instance, if the temperaments are not normal, or alike in the respective members. Thus, the temperament of the liver may differ to an unnatural extent from that of the stomach. Among noxious influences arising from the taste of aliments is that if very gross aliments are tasty, a person may be tempted to eat too freely of them. In taking successive satiating meals, it is best for a person to take only one on one day and two on the next (morning and evening)." وَيجب أَن تراعى الْعَادة فِي ذَلِك مُرَاعَاة شَدِيدَة فَإِن من اعْتَادَ مرَّتَيْنِ وَجب ضعف ووهنت قوته بل يجب إِن كَانَ بِهِ ضعف هضم أَن يتَنَاوَل مرَّتَيْنِ ويقلل الْأكل كل مرّة وَمن اعْتَادَ الوجبة فَثنى عرض لَهُ ضعف وكسل واسترخاء.,"But one must not be too strict in this rule, for if a person is accustomed to have two meals a day, and then takes only one, he will be weakened and his (digestive) faculty will suffer. A person of weak digestion should take two meals a day, lessening the amount partaken. On occasion he may eat once a day. A person who is accustomed to take one good meal a day will, on resuming the habit of two meals a day, suffer from weakness, lack of energy, slackness." فَإِن وقف الْغذَاء عَلَيْهِ ضعف فِي مبيته وَإِن تعشى لم يسْتَمر وَعرض جشاء حامض وخبث نفس وغثيان ومرارة فَم ولين بطن لإيراده على الْمعدة مَا لم تألفه وَعرض مَا يعرض لمن لم يجد هضم غذائه مِمَّا ستعرفه من الْعَوَارِض.,"If he should take no food at bedtime, he will feel weak; and if he should take a late meal he will not be able to digest it, and will have acid eructations, nausea, bitter taste in the mouth, loose bowels and become moody, or irritable. This is because he has put into the stomach something to which it is not accustomed, and so he is liable to show some of the symptoms which befall a person whose aliment is not fully digested. And these you are now acquainted with." وَمِمَّا يعرض لَهُ جبن وجزع ووجع فِي فَم الْمعدة ولذع ويظن أَن أمعاءه واْحشاءه معلقَة لخلو الْمعدة وانقباضها إِلَى نَفسهَا وتقلصها ويبول بولاً محرقاً ويبرز إبرازاً محترقاً وَرُبمَا عرض لَهُ برد الْأَطْرَاف بانصباب المرارة إِلَى الْمعدة.,"Among the symptoms arising when a person does not take a late, meal are: subjective sensations at the cardiac orifice of the stomach, gnawing pains, a sensation of a void in the stomach so that all the interior organs and intestines feel as if they were suspended, and therefore all clumped together. He passes scalding urine, and the faeces produce a burning sensation as they are passed. There may be a feeling of cold in the extremities owing to the bilious humour being poured out into the stomach and irritating it and making it congested." وَهَذَا فِي مراري الأمزجة أَكثر وَكَذَلِكَ فِي مراري الْمعدة دون الْبدن وَيفْسد نَومه وَيكون متململاً. والأبدان الَّتِي تَجْتَمِع فِي معدها مرار كَثِيرَة تحْتَاج إِلَى تنَاول مفرق وَإِلَى سرعَة تَغذٍ وَإِلَى تمًديمه قبل الاستحمام.,"This is more likely in persons of bilious temperament, and in those who have bilious humour in the stomach but not to an undue extent in the rest of the body; these suffer from loss of sleep, and keep turning over from one side to the other [in bed]. Persons then in whom the bilious humour is apt to accumulate in the stomach should take their meals divided, thereby taking the food quickly; the meal is taken before bathing." وَأما غَيرهم فَيجب أَن يرتاضوا ويستحموا ثمَّ يَأْكُلُوا وَلَا يقدموا الْأكل على الاستحمام. وَمن احْتَاجَ إِلَى أكل مقدم على الرياضة فَليَأْكُل من الْخبز وَحده قدرا يَأْخُذ مِنْهُ الهضم قبل شُرُوعه فِي حركته.,"In other persons exercise should be taken first, then the bath, and then the meal. The meal should not precede the bath in these cases. If circumstances demand that the meal be taken before the exercise, the food should consist of bread only, and to an amount no greater than can be easily digested." وكما أَن الْحَرَكَة قبل الطَّعَام يجب أَن لَا تكون ضَعِيفَة كَذَلِك الْحَرَكَة بعده يجب أَن لَا تكون إِلَّا رقيقَة لينَة. ولامصلح للشهوة الْفَاسِدَة المائلة إِلَى الحريفة العائفة للحلو وَالدَّسم من الْقَيْء بِمثل السكنجبين والفجل على السّمك.,"As it is necessary that the exercise should not be gentle if taken before food, so it is necessary that the exercise should be mild and gentle if it is taken after the meal. When the appetite is depraved so that it prefers sharptasting things to sweet or unctuous things, nothing is better than to procure emesis with such as oxymel with radish after fish." وَيجب أَن لَا يَأْكُل السمين من النَّاس كَمَا يخرج من الْحمام بل يصبر وينام نومَة خَفِيفَة والأصلح لَهُم الوجبة وَلَا يَنْبَغِي أَن ينَام على طَعَام طَاف وليحترز كل التحرّز عَن الْحَرَكَة العنيفة على الطَّعَام فَينفذ قبل الهضم أَو ينزلق بِلَا هضم أَو يفْسد مزاجه بالخضخضة,"A person who is stout should not eat at once after a bath, but should wait and take a little nap. He is best advised to take only one meal in the day. One should not go to sleep immediately after a meal, with the food still swimming in the stomach, and one should, as muck as possible, abstain from much exercise, after a meal, lest the food pass into the blood before it is sufficiently digested, or glide out of the stomach without being digested at all, or undergoes decomposition, since the exercise disturbs the gastric temperament." وَلَا يشرب عَلَيْهِ مَاء كثيرا يفرق بَينه وَبَين الْمعدة ويطفئه بل يتربص بالشرب مُدَّة نُزُوله عَن الْمعدة وليستدل عَلَيْهِ بخفة أعالي الْبَطن فَإِن أحْوج الْعَطش فليمص شَيْئا يَسِيرا من المَاء الْبَارِد مصاً. وَكلما كَانَ أبرد أقنع الْيَسِير مِنْهُ أَكثر وَهَذَا الْقدر يبسط الْمعدة ويجمعها.,"Nor should much water be drunk after a meal, for it causes the food to leave the coats of the stomach and float about. One should wait, and not drink fluids until the food has left the stomach which is evidenced by the sensation of lightness in the upper part of the abdomen. However, if there were urgent thirst one may take a modicum of cold water through a straw, and the colder it is the less one will require. Such an amount would soothe the stomach and keep the food together." وَبِالْجُمْلَةِ إِن شرب على الطَّعَام بعد الْفَرَاغ مِنْهُ لَا فِي خلله مِقْدَار مَا ينْتَفع فِيهِ الطَّعَام جَازَ. والمصابرة على الْعَطش وَالنَّوْم عَلَيْهِ نَافِع للمبرودين المرطوبين ضار للمحرورين الممرورين وَكَذَلِكَ الصَّبْر على الْجُوع.,"To sum up if a person must drink, it is better only to take so small an amount, at the end of the meal (not during the meal), as will spread over and moisten the food, and therefore not be injurious. To go to sleep while thirsty, is beneficial to cold and moist temperaments, but is injurious to those in whom the temperament is too warm, because of the bilious humour (being too plentiful). The same is true as regards going to sleep while fasting." ويعرض للممرورين من الصَّبْر على الْجُوع أَن تنصت المرار إِلَى معدهم فَإِذا تناولوا شَيْئا فسد طعامهم فَعرض لَهُم فِي النّوم واليقظة مَا ذَكرْنَاهُ مِمَّا يعرض لمن فسد طَعَامه.,"Bilious humour comes to predominate in persons who fast, and therefore flows into the stomach. Therefore when they eat any food it decomposes, and the same symptoms occur in them, whether asleep or awake, as when food corrupts. And, furthermore, there is loss of desire for food." ويعرض أَيْضا أَن تفْسد شَهْوَة الطَّعَام فَحِينَئِذٍ يجب أَن يشرب مَا يحذر ذَلِك ويلين الطبيعة مِمَّا هُوَ خَفِيف غير مغير مثل الإجاص أَو شَيْء يسير من الشيرخشت فَإِذا عَادَتْ الشَّهْوَة أكل.,"When there is loss of appetite for food something needs to be given to counteract this and relax the bowels. For this purpose something mild, like prune, should be given, or something which does not suggest nausea, like a laxative fruit-juice (manna). Meals may be resumed after the appetite has returned." على أَن مرطوبي الْأَبدَان بالرطوبة الطبيعية مهيئون لسرعة التَّحَلُّل فَلَا يصبرون على الْجُوع صَبر يابسي الْأَبدَان إِلَّا أَن يَكُونُوا مملوئين من رطوبات غير الَّتِي هِيَ فِي جَوْهَر أعضائهم إِذا كَانَت جَيِّدَة مُوَافقَة قَابِلَة لِأَن تحيلها الطبيعة إِلَى الْغذَاء التَّام بِالْفِعْلِ.,"Those whose tissues are moist in virtue of natural humidity are liable to speedy aperient action, and are in consequence not able to fast as long as those whose tissues are dry in virtue of only a small (degree of natural) humidity: unless the latter should be rich in humidities other than those inherent to the substance of the tissues, for these are proper, good and receptive, and in consequence the natural faculty is able to change them completely into (true) nutriment." وَالشرَاب على الطَّعَام من أضرّ الْأَشْيَاء لِأَنَّهُ سريع الهضم والنفوذ فَينفذ الطَّعَام وَلم ينهضم فيورث السدد والعفونة والجرب فِي بعض الْأَحَايِين. والحلاوات تسرع إيراث السدد لجذب الطبيعة لَهَا قبل الهضم.,"To take wine after a meal is very unsatisfactory, for it is rapidly digested and enters the blood quickly and carries food on into the blood before it is properly digested. Obstructions and decompositions [in this imperfectly digested aliment ultimately] arise. Sweet things readily produce obstructions [in the channels of the body] because the attractive faculty draws them into the blood before they have been properly digested." والسدد توقع فِي أمراض كَثِيرَة مِنْهَا الإستسقاء وَغلظ الْهَوَاء وَالْمَاء لَا سِيمَا فِي الصَّيف مِمَّا يفْسد الطَّعَام فَلَا بَأْس أَن يُشرب عَلَيْهِ قدح ممزوج أَو مَاء حَار طبخ فِيهِ عود ومصطكى.,"Obstructions culminate in various diseases, of which dropsy is one. Heaviness of the air or water, especially that of summer time, favours the decomposition of food. In this case, then, it is not harmful to take a tempered wine after a meal, or hot water in which xyialoes and mastic have been boiled." وَمن كَانَت أحَشاؤه حارة قَوِيَّة فَإِذا تنَاول طَعَاما غليظاً فكثيراً مَا يعرض أَن يصير طَعَامه رياحاً ممدة للمعدة ونواحيها وَالْعلَّة المراقبة من ذَلِك. وخالي الْمعدة إِذا تنَاول لطيفاً سلمت عَلَيْهِ معدته فَإِن تنَاول بعده غليظاً نفرت عَنهُ الْمعدة وَلم تهضمه فَيفْسد اللَّهُمَّ إِلَّا أَن يَجْعَل بَينهمَا مهلة.,"If a person whose alimentary tract is “hot” and strong, should eat heavy food, it will give rise to flatulence in the stomach and fermentative ailments. When a person takes a tenuous article of food upon an empty stomach, the latter contracts on it, and if he then takes something heavy, the stomach abandons the tenuous food and ceases digesting it, and it undergoes putrescence in con sequence. This would be avoided by allowing an interval of time to elapse between the two kinds of food." وَالْأولَى فِي مثل هَذِه الْمحَال أَن يقدم الغليظ قَلِيلا قَلِيلا فَإِن الْمعدة حِينَئِذٍ لَا تجبن عَن اللطيفط وَإِذا أفرط الْأكل فِي التملي أَو خضخض مَا فِي الْمعدة حَرَكَة أَو شوشه شرب,"Under these circumstances it is best to take the heavy food slowly, because then the hold which the stomach has on the tenuous food is not broken. When a state of over-repletion exists in regard to some meal, whether as a result of exercise (which causes undue hunger), or because a draught has been taken as well." فليبادر إِلَى الْقَيْء فَإِن فَاتَ أَو تعذر الْقَيْء شرب المَاء الْحَار قَلِيلا قَلِيلا فَإِنَّهُ يحدر الامتلاء ويجلب النعاس فليلق نَفسه وينام كَمَا شَاءَ. فَإِن لم يغن ذَلِك أَو لم يَتَيَسَّر تَأمل فَإِن كفت الطبيعة الْمُؤْنَة بِالدفع فِيهَا فنعمت وَإِلَّا أعانها مِمَّا يُطلق بالرفق.,"then there will be a need for rapid emesis. If this should fail, or one cannot vomit, the person should sip hot water until the repletion is displaced and sleep supervenes. The person should therefore lie down and (compose himself to) sleep. Let him sleep as long as he will.—But should this not suffice, or should he be unable to go to sleep, .reflect whether the natural course of events is likely to save you from procuring emesis. If so, good." أما المحرور فبمثل الإطريفل والخلنجين المسفل مخلوطاً بِشَيْء من الصعتر المربى. وَأما المبرود فبمثل الكموني والشهربازاني والتمري الْمَذْكُور فِي القراباذين. وَلِأَن يمتلىء الْبدن من الشَّرَاب خير من أَن يمتلىء من الطَّعَام.,"If not, assist the natural power by any gentle laxative, such as myrobalan electuary, confection of roses, or origanum prepared with sugar or honey; or by the use of such things as cumin, spiced candies, asphodel and cabbage ptisan. It is not as bad to be repleted with wine as with solid food." وَمِمَّا هُوَ جيد أَن يتَنَاوَل الصَّبْر على مثل هَذَا الطَّعَام قدر ثَلَاث حمصات أَو يُؤْخَذ نصف دِرْهَم علك الأنباط ودانق بورق وَمِمَّا هُوَ خَفِيف حمصتان أَو ثَلَاث من علك البطم وَرُبمَا جعل مَعَه مثله أَو أقل مِنْهُ البورق وَمِمَّا هُوَ مَحْمُود جدا أَخذ شَيْء من الأفثيمون مَعَ شراب.,"Among the (aperient) remedies which are suitable after food are: aloes to the bulk of three chick-peas; or half a drachm of aloes, half a drachm of mastic, and a sixth of a dram of nitre. Mild remedies are: turpentine resin to the amount of two or three chick-peas; nitre in equal quantity, or less, if necessary. Another much praised remedy is to use an epitheme with wine." وَإِن لم يحصل شَيْء من ذَلِك نَام نوماً طَويلا وهجر الْغذَاء يومأ وَاحِدًا فَإِن خف استحم وكمد ولطف الْغذَاء فَإِن لم يسْتَمر مَعَ هَذَا كُله وأثقل ومدد وكسل فَاعْلَم أَنه قد امْتَلَأت الْعُرُوق من فضوله,"If none of these remedies succeed, let the patient sleep for a long time, and abstain from food for a whole day. Then, if he feels better, let him bathe, and place a hot blanket over the abdomen, and see that the aliments are tenuous. If the food is still not properly digested, in spite of all these measures, and heaviness, distension, and lack of energy are experienced, you may know that the veins are already overcharged with effete matters." فَإِن الْغذَاء الكثيرٍ المفرط وَإِن عرض لَهُ أَن ينهضم فِي الْمعدة فَإِنَّهُ قَلما ينهضم فِي الْعُرُوق بل يبْقى فِيهَا نياً يممدها وَرُبمَا صدَعها وَيُورث كسلاً وتمطياً وتثاؤباً فليعالج بِمَا يسهل من الْعُرُوق,"Bulky and unneeded nutriment, even were it digested in the stomach, would hardly undergo the proper changes in the veins, and so would remain “crude” within them, and stretch them, even to bursting point. This is the explanation of the lack of energy, the heaviness, the desire to stretch. oneself and the yawnings. The treatment in such a case consists in securing the release of the superfluities from the blood vessels." فَإِن لم يحدث ذَلِك بل أحدث إعياءً فَقَط فليسكن مُدَّة ثمَّ ليعالج النَّوْع الْعَارِض من الإعياء بِمَا سَنذكرُهُ. وَمن أوغل فِي السن فَلَا يقبل بده من الْغذَاء مَا كَانَ يقبله وَهُوَ شَاب فَيصير غذاءه فضولاً فَلَا يأكلن قدر الْعَادة بل دونه.,"If these are not the symptoms, but there is only a transient weariness, followed later by another form of weariness, this should be treated in-the manner to be described. If a person should be very advanced in years, and his. body does not derive as much benefit from the food as it did when he was young, and if his aliments become simply effete matters, then he should not eat as much as he used to do." ومعتاد تَغْلِيظ التَّدْبِير إِذا لطف التَّدْبِير دخل من الْهَوَاء فِي المنافذ مَا كَانَ يشْغلهُ غلظ التَّدْبِير وَلَيْسَ يشْغلهُ الْآن لطف التَّدْبِير فَكَمَا يعود إِلَى التَّغْلِيظ يحدث فِيهِ السدد.,"If a person is accustomed to a heavy diet and then lightens it by the use of attenuant foods, the new food material is-unable to keep the channels (of the body) as full as before. So, on resuming the heavy foods, obstructions are brought about." والأغذية الحارة تتدارك مضرتها بالسكنجبين لَا سِيمَا الْبزورِي فَإِنَّهُ أَنْفَع أَنْوَاع السكنجبين إِن كَانَ سكرياً وَإِن كَانَ عسلياً فالساذج مِنْهُ كَاف والباردة يتبعهَا مَاء الْعَسَل وَشَرَابه والكموني والغليظ يتبعهُ حَار المزاج سكنجبيناً قوي البزور ويتبعه بَارِد المزاج شَيْئا من الفلافلي والفوذنجي.,"Heating foods. The injurious effects of heating or calefacient foods can be corrected by the use of syrup containing acetic acid, especially when made with seeds, for then the syrup is more-: efficient. If honey is used however, the simple syrup will suffice. The injurious effect of “cold” foods is corrected by the use of hydromel, and its syrup, and caraway. Heavy and Light Foods. To correct aliments which are heavy, a person having a hot temperament should use acetous syrup made of strong seeds; a person with a cold temperament should use a little capsicum or peppermint." والأغذية اللطيفة أحفظ للصِّحَّة وأفل مَعُونَة للقوة وَالْجَلد والغليظة بالضد فَمن احْتَاجَ إِلَى جلد وَاحْتَاجَ بِسَبَبِهِ إِلَى أغذية قَوِيَّة الكيموس رصد الْجُوع الشَّديد ويتناول مِنْهَا غير الْكَثِيرَة لينهضم. وَأَصْحَاب الرياضات والتعب الْكثير أحمل للاغذية الغليظة.,"Tenuous foods are better for the health, but less valuable for the vegetative faculties and strength. Heavy foods have the opposite value. Hence, for a person in need of a tonic, aliments which make strong chyme are necessary, and such as antagonize the hunger feeling. But they should not be taken in greater quantity than can be digested. Heavy foods are better borne by those who take plenty of exercise or are accustomed to heavy work." وَمِمَّا يعينهم على هضمها قُوَّة نومهم واستغراقهم فِيهِ لكنه يعرض لَهُم لِكَثْرَة مَا يعْرفُونَ ويتحلل من أبدانهم أَن تسلب أكبادهم من الْغذَاء مَا لم ينهضم بعد,Probably the deep sleep which this favours helps the digestion. But on the other hand they lose much by sweating. And as their livers seize whatever of the aliment has not yet digested fully. فيهيئوهم لأمراض قتالة فِي آخر الْعُمر أَو فِي أَوله وخصوصاً وهم يعترفون بهضمهم الَّذِي لَهُم من نومهم الَّذِي يبطل إِذا عرض لَهُم سهر متواتر خُصُوصا إِذا استحموا. والفواكه الرّطبَة إِنَّمَا توَافق الْغَيْر المرتاضين الممرورين فِي الصَّيف,"this paves the way for fatal illnesses towards the end of life, or at the beginning of life, the more so because they trust in their digestive powers too much. This power is really due to the deep sleep which is customary, and that is lost by old age. Fruit. Fresh fruit is only good for those who carry out hard work, or take much exercise, or for persons with plenty of bilious humour, or during the height of summer." وَأَن تُؤْكَل قبل الطَّعَام وَهِي مثل المشمش والتوت والبطيخ وَكَذَلِكَ الخوخ والإجاص وَأَن يدبروا بغَيْرهَا فَهُوَ أحب فَإِن كل مَا يمْلَأ الدَّم مائية يغلي فِي الْبدن غليان عصارات الْفَوَاكِه فِي خَارج وَإِن كَا رُبمَا نفع فِي الْوَقْت فَإِنَّهُ يهيئه للعفونة.,"Fruit should be taken before a meal, namely, for instance, chrysomela, mulberries, melons, peaches, and prunes. But it is better to regulate oneself by using other articles of food than these, for they render the blood too watery, and so it is apt to ferment. Hence the juices of fruits, unless taken at a seasonable time, pave the way for putrefactive processes." وَكَذَلِكَ كل مَا مَلأ الدَّم خلطاً نيئاً وَإِن كَانَ رُبمَا نفع كالقثاء والقشد وَلذَلِك كَانَ المستكثرون من هَذِه الأغذية معرضين للحميات وَأَن بردت فِي أوَل الْأَمر.,"So, too, any food which comes to burden the blood with “ crude ” humour has this effect, though it is true that sometimes such a; food may be beneficial (e.g., cucumber; c. anguinalis). That is why people who make use of such aliments, even though they-are primarily infrigidant, are likely to develop febrile diseases." وَاعْلَم أَن الْخَلْط المائي رُبمَا عرض لَهُ أَن يصير صديداً وَذَلِكَ إِذا لم يتَحَلَّل وَبَقِي فِي الْعُرُوق وَهَؤُلَاء إفذ استعملوا الرياضات قبل أَن تَجْتَمِع هَذِه المائيات بل كَمَا كَانُوا يتناولون من الْفَوَاكِه يرتاضون لتحلل تِلْكَ المائيات وَقل تضررهم بهَا.,"You will also realize that it is when watery humour is not dispersed, but lingers in the blood-vessels, that it usually becomes toxic. However, when exercise is taken before such aquosities have become aggregated, and exercise is taken immediately after eating the fruit, these aquosities will disperse and the noxious effect of the fruits is thereby lessened." وَاعْلَم أَيْضا أَنه إِذا كَانَ فِي الدَّم خام أَو مائي منع من أَن يلتصق بِالْبدنِ فيقل وخليق بِمن يَأْكُل الْفَاكِهَة أَن يمشي بعْدهَا ثمَّ ليَأْكُل عَلَيْهَا ليزلق.,"Note too that the presence of “crude” serous humour or of wateriness in the blood prevents the nutrient part of the food from adhering to the tissues, some of the nutritive value of the food being lost in consequence. A person who partakes of fruit must (therefore) take walking exercise afterwards, and then eat something which will cause the (aquosities) to flow out." والأغذية الَّتِي تولد المائية والخلط الغليظ اللزج والمراري فَإِنَّهَا تجلب الحميات لتعفين المائي مِنْهَا للدم وتسديد اللزج والغليظ مِنْهَا للمجاري والمرارية وتسخين المراري مِنْهَا للبدن وحدة الدَّم الْمُتَوَلد عَنْهَا,"Aliments which give rise to (i) wateriness “crude,” raw, immature humour; gross humour, and bilious humour) give rise to febrile diseases. This is because the watery parts permit putrescence to occur in the blood; viscous gross substances close the orifices (of the juice-canals); and the (increase of) bilious humour adds to the heat of the body, and renders the blood sharp." والبقول المرارية رُبمَا أَكثر نَفعهَا فِي الشتَاء كَمَا أَن التفهة رُبمَا أَكثر نَفعهَا فِي الصَّيف وَمن صَار إِلَى أَن ينَال من الأغذية الرَّديئَة فليقلل من المرات وَلَا يتواتر وليخلط بهَا مَا يضادها,"Bitter pot-herbs are sometimes very advantageous in winter-time, just as tasteless herbs are beneficial in summer-time. Correctives of unwholesome foods. If a person is bound to partake of unwholesome aliments, he should do so seldom and sparingly, and should counteract their action by combining with them something of contrary effect." فَإِن تأذى بالحلو شرب عَلَيْهِ الحامض من الْخلّ وَالرُّمَّان وسكنجبين الْخلّ والسفرجل وَنَحْوه وتعهد الاستفراغ وَمن تأذى بالحامض تنَاول عَلَيْهِ الْعَسَل وَالشرَاب الْعَتِيق وَذَلِكَ قبل النضج والانهضام,"Thus, if a certain sweet food is injurious, he may counteract it by a sour aliment like vinegar, and pomegranate, and an acetous syrup prepared with sour wine and quince and the like, and also by procuring evacuation. Should it be a sour aliment that is injurious to him, he may follow it up with honey, or old wine, taking this before the maturation and digestion of the former are complete." وَكَذَلِكَ فليتدارك أَذَى الدسم بالعفص مثل: الشاهبلوط وَحب الآس والخرنوب الشَّامي والنبق والزعرور وبالمر مثل الراسن المر وبالمالح والحريف مثل الكواميخ والثوم والبصل وَبِالْعَكْسِ,"If it be an oily aliment that is injurious, this can be corrected by (a) pungent articles, like chestnut, myrtle-seeds, carob bean of Syria, the fruit of the sidr tree, medlar; (b) bitters, such as conserved elecampane; (c) salt and sharp substances, likecapers, onions, garlic [that is, articles usually belonging to the second course of a meal], and other contraries." وَمن كَانَ بدنه رَدِيء الأخلاط مَعَ رقة وسع عَلَيْهِ فِي الْغذَاء الْمَحْمُود وَمن كَانَ بدنه سهل التَّحَلُّل غذي بالرطب السَّرِيع الانهضام.,"If the body is in a state of repletion by unhealthy humours, this state may be counteracted by a liberal allowance of commendable attenuant aliments. If the body is one which is easily purged, moist and easily digested food should be made use of." قَالَ جالينوس: والغذاء الرطب هُوَ المفارق لكل كَيْفيَّة كَأَنَّهُ نقه فَلَيْسَ بحلو وَلَا حامض وَلَا مر وَلَا حريف وَلَا قَابض وَلَا مالح والمتخلخل أحمل للغذاء الغليظ من المتكاثف والاستكثار من الأغذية الْيَابِسَة يسْقط الشَّهْوَة وَيفْسد اللَّوْن ويجفف الطَّبْع,"Galen says that a humid article of food is nutrient when it is separated from all other qualities, and is as it were tasteless being neither sweet nor sour, bitter nor acrid, pungent nor salt. A heavy food which is divided up into small portions will be better borne than one which is taken solid. If dry aliments be taken plentifully, the strength will fail and the colour will fade, and the “nature” become dry." وَمن الدسم يكسل ويذمب الشَّهْوَة وَمن الْبَارِد يكسل ويفتر وَمن الحامض يجلب الْهَرم وَكَذَلِكَ من الحريف وَمن المالح يضر بالمعدة والمالح يضر بِالْعينِ والغذاء الدسم والموافق إِذا تنوول بعده غذَاء رَدِيء أفْسدهُ,"Fatty food produces lack of energy and vim, and creates a false appetite. “Cold” food produces lack of vim and is infrigidative (or, attenuant). Sour food has the same effect as old age; it dries the body and makes it lean. Sharp and salt food is injurious to the stomach. Salt food is bad for the eyesight. If an appropriate aliment is oily, and is followed by an uncommendable aliment, the latter will decompose it." والغذاء اللزج أَبْطَأَ انحداراً وَكَذَا الْخِيَار بقشره أسْرع انحداراً من المقشر وَكَذَلِكَ الْخبز بالنخالة أسْرع انحداراً من المنخول والمتعب إِذا لطف تَدْبيره ثمَّ تنَاول غليظاً كالأرز بِلَبن بعد الْجُوع أحد الدَّم وأثاره وَاحْتَاجَ إِلَى قصد وَإِن كَانَ قريب الْعَهْد بِهِ وَكَذَلِكَ الغضبان.,"Viscous aliment experiences delay in passing through the intestine. Citrul [a species of cucumber] passes down the intestine more rapidly if the rind is taken as well than if first peeled. Bread also passes down more quickly if the crust be taken as well than if it be deprived thereof by crumbling it through a sieve. If a fatigued person, who is accustomed to a mild regimen, should take heavy foods as for instance, a dish of rice with soured milk after a long fast, it will come about that his blood becomes sharp in quality and as if ebullient. Hence reducing regimen would be indicated (e.g., blood-letting), though only to a moderate extent. A similar remedy is applicable when a person is angry." وَاعْلَم أَن الحلو من الْغذَاء تبتزه الطبيعة قبل النضج والانهضام فَيفْسد الدَّم وَقد يعرض للأغذية من جِهَة تأليفها إحكام وَقد قَالَ أَصْحَاب التجارب من أهل الْهِنْد وَغَيرهم أَنه لَا يَنْبَغِي أَن يُؤْكَل لبن مَعَ الحموضات وَلَا سمك مَعَ لبن فَإِنَّهُمَا يورثان أمراضاً مزمنة مِنْهَا الجذام.,"Note too, that sweet aliment accelerates the “nature” before the food is matured and digested, and the blood is tainted in consequence. Incompatibilities between foods. Certain rules must be noted in regard to combining various articles of food. Indian observers and others have long taught that milk must not be taken with sour foods; fish must not be taken with milk for in that case chronic ailments such as leprosy may develop." وَقَالُوا أَيْضا لَا يُؤْكَل ماش مَعَ الْجُبْن وَلَا مَعَ لُحُوم الطير وَلَا سويق على أرز بِلَبن وَلَا يسْتَعْمل فِي المطعومات دهن أَو دسم كَانَ فِي إِنَاء نُحَاس وَلَا يُؤْكَل شواء شوي على جمر الخروع.,"Pulse must not be taken with cheese or radishes or with the flesh of flying birds; a polenta of barley-meal should not follow on a dish of rice made with soured milk}:; eatables should not have oil added, or oil which has stood in a brass vessel; fleshmeat should not be taken when it has been roasted over live coals- (with certain herbs)." والأطعمة الْمُخْتَلفَة تضر من وَجْهَيْن أَحدهمَا لاختلافها فِي الهضم وَاخْتِلَاف المنهضم مِنْهَا وَغير المنهضم. وَالثَّانيِة أَنَّهَا يُمكن أَن يتَنَاوَل مِنْهَا أَكثر من الباج الْوَاحِد وَقد هرب أَصْحَاب الرياضة فِي الزَّمَان الْقَدِيم من ذَلِك إِذْ كَانُوا يقتصرون على اللَّحْم فِي الْغذَاء وعَلى الْخبز فِي الْعشَاء.,"Courses of a meal To have several courses to a meal is injurious in two directions: (a) the rate of digestion is diverse, for the part that digests more speedily is admixed with a part which is not yet digested; (b) a person may eat too much of one dish. Already in ancient times, too, persons who had been exercising themselves avoided this error, being satisfied to partake of meat alone-in the morning, and bread alone at supper-time." وَأفضل أَوْقَات الْأكل فِي الصَّيف الْوَقْت الَّذِي هُوَ أبرد ومدافعة الْجُوع رُبمَا مَلَأت الْمعدة صديدات رَدِيئَة. وَاعْلَم أَن الكباب إِذا انهضم كَانَ أغذى غذَاء وَهُوَ بطي الإنحدار بَاقٍ فِي الْأَعْوَر والشورباج غذَاء جيد وَإِذا كَانَ ببصل طرد الرِّيَاح وَإِن لم يكن ببصل أهاج الرِّيَاح,"During, the summer it is best to take the (main) meal at an hour when the temperature is cooler. During a period of fasting the stomach sometimes fills with unhealthy humours. Note further that when meat is roasted, and taken with onions and eggs [a special recipe ‘ kabab’§], it is very nutritious; but it is slow in passing through the intestines, and lingers in the caecum. White soup [a Syrian dish containing rice, honey, onions] is nourishing, and when onion is added it dispels flatulencies; if onions are omitted, borborygmi arise." وَمن النَّاس من يحْسب أَن الْعِنَب على الرؤوس المشوية جيد وَلَيْسَ كَمَا يحْسب بل هُوَ رَدِيء جدا قكذلك النَّبِيذ بل يجب أَن يُؤْكَل عَلَيْهِ مثل حب الرُّمَّان بِلَا ثفله. وَاعْلَم أَن الطيهوج يَابِس يعقل والفروج رطب يُطلق وَخير الدَّجَاج المشوي مَا شوي فِي بطن جدي أَو حمل فيحفظ رطوبته.,"Some people consider that grapes are good to take after roasted meats; but the contrary is really the case; they are very bad indeed. So too, is a dish containing dates, figs, and the like. But (dry) pomegranate seeds are good. Fowl. The flesh of partridge is dry and constipating; but that of chicken is moist and relaxing to the bowels. Roast fowls are better if they have been prepared (stuffed) in the belly of a kid or lamb (see) because that preserves their moisture." وَاعْلَم أَن مرق الْفروج شَدِيد التَّعْلِيل للأخلاط أَكثر من مرق الدَّجَاج لَكِن مرق الدَّجَاج أغذى والجدي بَارِدًا أطيب لسكون بخاره وَالْحمل حاراً أطيب لذوبان سهولته والذرباج للمحرورين يجب أَن يكون بِلَا زعفران وللمبرود يجب أَن يكون بزعفران,"Chicken-broth tempers the humours strongly; more so than fowl-broth, though the latter is more nutritious. Kid of the goats is better when cold than when warm because the steam quiesces it. The flesh of iamb is better when hot because its unsatisfactory odour is thereby dispersed. Meat boiled in water and vinegar [a Persian dish] should be served hot, and then needs no saffron in it. But if served cold saffron must be introduced." والحلاوات وَإِن كَانَت بسكر كالفالوذج فَإِنَّهَا رَدِيئَة لتسديدها وتعطيشها. وَاعْلَم أَن مضرَّة الْخبز إِذا لم ينهضم كَثِيرَة ومضرة اللَّحْم إِذا لم ينهضم دون ذَلِك فِي الْمضرَّة وَقس على ذَلِك نَظَائِر مَا قُلْنَاهُ.,"Honey confections may be made with dates or wheat flour (sweetmeats); but they are unhealthy because they cause obstructions. and evoke thirst. Bread is an unsatisfactory food when it does not digest, more so than (flesh-food) when it does not digest." الْفَصْل الثَّامِن تَدْبِير المَاء وَالشرَاب,RULES CONCERNING THE USE OF WATER AND WINES. أصلح المَاء للأمزجة المعتدلة مَا كَانَ معتدلاً فِي شدَّة الْبرد أَو كَانَ تبريده بالجمد من خَارج لَا سِيمَا إِن كَانَ الجمد رديئاً وَكَذَلِكَ الْحَال فِي الجمد الْجيد أَيْضا فَإِن المتحلل مِنْهُ يضر بالأعصاب وأعضاء التنفس وبجملة الأحشاء,"WATER is more suitable for attempered constitutions when it is moderately cold, than when it has been cooled by the addition of snow, especially if the snow were not pure. Even with good snow, there remains the objection that that which passes out from it is harmful to the nerves and the organs of respiration and all the internal organs." وَلَا يحْتَملهُ إِلَّا الدموي جدا إِن لم يضرّهُ فِي الْحَال ضره على طول الْأَيَّام والإمعان فِي السن. وَقَالَ أَصْحَاب التجربة لَا يجمع بَين ماءي الْبِئْر وَالنّهر مَا لم ينحدر أَحدهمَا. وَأما اخْتِيَار المَاء فقد دللنا عَلَيْهِ وَكَذَلِكَ إصْلَاح الرَّدِيء مِنْهُ والمزج بالخل يصلحه.,"Moreover a person cannot tolerate it unless he is very full-blooded, and it will do harm sooner or later, even after the lapse of years. Certain empirics assert that one must not mingle well-water with river-water, except by taking the one after the other has passed out of the stomach. We have already spoken about the properties and choice of waters and how to correct them when bad. Addition with vinegar rectifies unhealthy waters." وَاعْلَم أَن الشّرْب على الرِّيق وعَلى الرياضة والاستحمام خُصُوصا مَعَ خلاء الْبَطن وَكَذَلِكَ طَاعَة الْعَطش الْكَاذِب فِي اللَّيْل كَمَا يعرض للسكارى والمخمورين وَعند اشْتِغَال الطبيعة بهضم الْغذَاء ضار وَقد سبق أَن الرّيّ الْكَافِي ضار جدا بل يجب أَن كَانَ لَا بُد أَن يجتزي بالهواء الْبَارِد,"True and False Thirst. One should remember that it is very harmful to drink water while fasting, or after exercise, or after the bath, especially when either of these was carried out on an empty stomach. It is also harmful to gratify the false thirst of the night, like that from which drunkards or topers suffer, or when the vegetative power strives to accomplish digestion in the face of a preceding satiety with water. If the thirst be very urgent, the water should be such as has been exposed to cool air." والمضمضة بِالْمَاءِ الْبَارِد ثمَّ إِن لم يقنع بذلك فَمن كوز ضيق الرَّأْس. على أَن المخمور رُبمَا انْتفع بذلك وَرُبمَا لم يضرّهُ إِن شرب على الرِّيق.,"and rinse out the mouth with cold water. If this is not effective, some water may be taken out of a vessel with a narrow mouth. This is sometimes agreeable to a toper, who would not be hurt by drinking while fasting." وَمن لم يصبر على الشّرْب على الرِّيق خُصُوصا بعد رياضة فليشرب قبله شرابًا ممزوجاً بِمَاء حَار وليعلم المبتلي بالعطش الْكَاذِب أَن النّوم ومصابرته للعطش يسكنهُ,"If a person cannot avoid drinking while, fasting, let him take water; especially if he has been taking exercise. In this case, let him first drink wine diluted with hot water. False thirst is relieved by going to sleep without quenching it with fluid." لِأَن الطبيعة حِينَئِذٍ تحلل الْمَادَّة المعطشة وخصوصاً إِذا جمع بَين الصَّبْر وَالنَّوْم وَإِذا أطفئت الطبيعة المنضجة بالشرب طَاعَة لَهُ عود الْعَطش لإِقَامَة الْخَلْط المعطش وَيجب خُصُوصا على صَاحب الْعَطش الْكَاذِب أَن لَا يعب المَاء عباً بل يمص مِنْهُ مصاً.,"For during sleep the natural power disperses the matter which is the cause of the thirst, and it does this more effectively if the thirst was not yielded to by a draught. To attempt to allay false thirst by a draught, is to interrupt the digestive power, and the false thirst will return later because the humour giving rise to it is still there. When there is false thirst, water should not be taken rapidly and greedily, but through a straw." وَشرب الْبَارِد جدا رَدِيء وءان كَانَ لَا بُد مِنْهُ فَبعد طَعَام كَاف وَالْمَاء الفاتر يغثي والمسخن فَوق ذَلِك إِذا استكثر مِنْهُ أوهن الْمعدة وَإِذا شرب فِي الأحيان غسل الْمعدة وَأطلق الطبيعة.,"It is bad to drink much cold water. If it is very imperative to bo so, defer it till after a sufficient meal. Tepid water evokes nausea. Water warmer than that, if drunk frequently, weakens the [tone of the] stomach. But when taken infrequently, it washes out the stomach and opens the bowels." وَأما الشَّرَاب فالأبيض الرَّقِيق أوفق للمحرورين وَلَا يصدع بل رُبمَا رطب فيخفف الصداع الْكَائِن من التهاب الْمعدة وَيقوم المروق بالعسل وَالْخبْز مقَامه خُصُوصا إِذا مزج قبل الشّرْب بساعتين.,"White light wine is best for those who are in a heated state, for it does not cause headache. But sometimes it is humectant. It may relieve a headache when that is due to heat in the stomach. Instead of a light white wine, one may use a wine which has been clarified by infusing honey or bread in it, especially if this is done two hours before the wine is required." وَأما الشَّرَاب الغليظ الحلو فَهُوَ أوفق لمن يُرِيد السّمن وَالْقُوَّة وَليكن من تسديده على حذر والعتيق الْأَحْمَر أوفق لصَاحب المزاج الْبَارِد البلغمي وَتَنَاول الشَّرَاب على كل طَعَام من الْأَطْعِمَة رَدِيء على مَا فزعنا من إِعْطَاء عِلّة ذَلِك فَلَا يشربن إِلَّا بعد انهضامه وانحداره.,"Heavy wine, if it is sweet, is best for a person who wants to put on weight and become strong. But he must beware of developing obstructions. Old red wine is best for a person of cold phlegmatic constitution. It is bad to drink wine after any of the various dishes, for the reason we have already explained. It should not be taken till after digestion, the food having passed into the small intestine." وَأما الطَّعَام الرَّدِيء الكيموس فَشرب الشَّرَاب عَلَيْهِ وَقت تنَاوله وَبعد انهضامه رَدِيء لِأَنَّهُ ينفذ الكيموس الرَّدِيء إِلَى أقاصي الْبدن وَكَذَلِكَ على الْفَوَاكِه وخصوصاً الْبِطِّيخ والابتداء بالصغار من الأقداح أولى من الْكِبَار,"To drink wine upon food forming bad chyme, either during the meal or before it has digested, is bad because it causes the bad chyme to be absorbed and pass into the remote parts of the body. The same is true if wine is taken after fruit, especially melons. It is better to begin with a small amount than a large one." وَلَكِن إِن شرب على الطَّعَام قدحين أَو ثَلَاثَة كَانَ غير ضار للمعتاد وَكَذَلِكَ عقيب الفصد للصحيح. وَالشرَاب ينفع الممرورين بإدرار الْمرة والمرطوبين بإنضاج الرطوية وَكلما زَادَت عطريته وَزَاد طيبه وطاب طعمه فَهُوَ أوفق,"To take two or even three glassfuls [= f pint, according to Lane] upon a meal is not hurtful to anyone accustomed thereto, or to a healthy person who has been bled. Wine is beneficial for persons with a predominance of bilious humour, because it gets rid of the excess of this by provoking the urine. It is good for persons of humid temperament because it brings humidities to maturity. The better its aroma (bouquet) and taste, the more beneficial." وَالشرَاب نعم المنفذ للغذاء قي جَمِيع الْبدن وَهُوَ يقطع البلغم ويحلله وَيخرج الصَّفْرَاء فِي الْبَوْل وَغَيره ويزلق السَّوْدَاء فَيخرج بسهولة ويقمع عاديتها بالمضادة وَيحل كل مُنْعَقد من غير تسخين كثير غَرِيب. وَسَنذكر أصنافه قي مَوْضِعه,"Wine is also very efficient in causing the products of digestion to become disseminated through the body. It “cuts” phlegm and disperses it. It separates off the bilious humour and draws it on into the urine. It renders the atrabilious humours more mobile and able to leave the system. It counteracts the harmful influence of this atrabilious humour by contrariety, and it breaks up all entanglements without the necessity of extraneous heat. The varieties of wine have been already enumerated in the proper place." وَمن كَانَ قوي الدِّمَاغ لم يسكر بِسُرْعَة وَلم يقبل دماغه الأبخرة المتراقية الرَّديئَة وَلم يصل إِلَيْهِ من الشَّرَاب إِلَّا حرارته الملائْمة فيصفو ذهنه مَا لَا يصفو بِمثلِهِ أذهان آخرى وَمن كَانَ بِالْخِلَافِ كَانَ بِالْخِلَافِ,"Wine does not readily inebriate a person of vigorous brain, for the brain is then not susceptible to ascending harmful gaseous products nor does it take up heat from the wine to any degree beyond what is expedient. Therefore it renders his mental power clearer than before; other talents are not affected in such an advantageous manner. The effect is different on persons who are not of this calibre." وَمن كَانَ فِي صَدره وَهن يضيق فِي الشتَاء نَفسه فَلَا يقدر أَن يستكثر من الشَّرَاب شَيْئا وَمن أَرَادَ أَن يسكتثر من الشَّرَاب فَلَا يمتلئن من الطَّعَام وليجعل فِي طَعَامه مَا يدر,"A person who is weak in the chest, to the extent that winter-time is trying to the breathing, cannot [wisely] take much wine. A person who wishes to take much wine should avoid taking much food beforehand, and the components of the meal should include diuretics." فَإِن عرض امتلاء من طَعَام وشراب فليقف وليشرب مَاء الْعَسَل ثمَّ يقذف أَيْضا ثمَّ يغسل فَمه بخل وَعسل وَوَجهه بِمَاء بَارِد. وَمن تأذى من الشَّرَاب بسخونة الْبدن وَحمى الكبد فليجعل غذاءه مثل الحصرمية وَنَحْوهَا وَنَقله مَاء الرُّمَّان وحماض الأترج,"If he should become replete with food or wine, he should procure emesis and take hydromel (honey and water); then procure emesis again; then wash out the mouth with vinegar and honey, and apply cold water on the face. If wine has an injurious effect on the body and is heating to the liver, the diet should include some dish containing for instance the juice of (sour) unripe grapes, and the like, and the articles of food which are generally served with the wine after the end of a meal (dessert) should include such as pomegranate, and tart things like citron." وَمن تأذى مِنْهُ فِي نَاحيَة رَأسه قلّل وَشرب الممزوج المروق وينقل عَلَيْهِ بِمثل السفرجل وَإِن تأذّى فِي معدته بحرارتها فليتناول حب الآس المحمص وليمص شَيْئا من أَقْرَاص الكافور وَمَا فِيهِ قبض وحموضة وَإِن كَانَ تأذيه لبرودتها ينْقل بالسعد وبالقرنفل وقشر الأترج.,"If the wine is liable to go to the head, one should take less and take it dilute and clarified. After the meal, he should take such as quince with his wine. If the harmful effect of wine consists in being heating to the stomach, the dessert should include toasted myrtle-seeds; and one should suck a few camphor lozenges and other astringent and acrid things. The dessert should include galangale, cloves, orange-peel." وَاعْلَم أَن الشَّرَاب الْعَتِيق فِي حكم الدَّوَاء لَيْسَ فِي حكم الْغذَاء وَإِن الشَّرَاب الحَدِيث ضار بالكبد ومؤد إِلَى الْقيام الكبدي لنفخه وإسهاله.,"As you know, old wine is like a medicine. It is only feebly nutritious. New wine clogs the liver and produces a hepatic “dysentery” by giving rise to much gas." وَاعْلَم أَن خير الشَّرَاب هُوَ المعتدل بَين الْعَتِيق والْحَدِيث الصافي الْأَبْيَض إِلَى الْحمرَة الطّيب الرَّائِحَة المعتدل الطّعْم لَا حامض وَلَا حُلْو,"The best wine to take is that which is clear, white, tending to a red tinge, of good bouquet, and neither tart nor sweet in taste, neither old nor new." وَالشرَاب الْجيد الْمَعْرُوف بالمغسول وَهُوَ أَن يتَّخذ ثَلَاثَة أَجزَاء من السعتر وجزءاً من المَاء ويغلي حَتَّى يذهب ثلثه وَمن أَصَابَهُ من شرب الشَّرَاب لذع مصّ بعده الرُّمَّان وَالْمَاء الْبَارِد وشراب الإفسنتين من الْغَد وَاسْتعْمل الْحمام وَقد تنَاول شَيْئا يَسِيرا.,"A good drink which is widely known is made as follows: take three parts of marjoram, and one of water. Mix well. Boil to a fourth. If a gnawing feeling come on after taking wine, take pomegranate, cold water and syrup of absinthe next morning. Enter the bath after partaking of a small meal." وَاعْلَم أَن الممزوج يرخّي الْمعدة ويرطّبها وَهُوَ يسكر أسْرع لتنفيذ المائية وَلَكِن ذَلِك يجلو الْبشرَة ويصفي القوى النفسانية وليجتنب الْعَاقِل تنَاول الشَّرَاب على الرِّيق أَو قبل اسْتِيفَاء الْأَعْضَاء من المَاء فِي المرطوبين أَو عقيب حَرَكَة مفرطة,"Wine which is thoroughly diluted softens the stomach, makes it humid and allays thirst. Diluted wine intoxicates quickly because the watery constituent takes it quickly into the blood. The wise person will avoid drinking wine when fasting or. before the limbs have been refreshed in warm water, or after vigorous exercise." فَإِن هذَيْن ضاران بالدماغ والعصب ويوقعان فِي التشنّج واختلاط الْعقل أَو فِي مرض أَو فضل حَار. وَالسكر الْمُتَوَاتر رَدِيء جدا يفْسد مزاج الكبد والدماغ ويضعف العصب وَيُورث أمراض العصب والسكتة وَالْمَوْت فَجْأَة.,"for both these entail a strain on the brain and nerves, and render a person liable to develop cramp and amentia; they produce either actual illness or at least undue heat. Intoxication. Frequent intoxication breaks down the constitution of the liver and brain, weakens the nerves, and tends to produce diseases of the nervous system, apoplexy, and sudden death." وَالشرَاب الْكثير يَسْتَحِيل صفراء رَدِيئَة فِي بعض الْمعد وخلا حاذقاً فِي بعض الْمعد وضررهما جَمِيعًا عَظِيم. وَقد رأى بَعضهم أَن السكر إِذا وَقع فِي الشَّهْر مرّة أَو مرَّتَيْنِ نفع بِمَا يُخَفف من القوى النفسانية ويريح بدر الْبَوْل والعرق ويحلل الفضول سِيمَا من الْمعدة.,"When wine is taken to excess it is changed, in the case of some persons, into a bad kind of bilious humour; or, in the case of others, into pure vinegar. In both cases, the changes in the stomach are very injurious. Some persons claim that it is an advantage to become intoxicated once or twice a month, for, they say, it allays the animal passions, inclines to repose, provokes the urine and sweat, and gets rid of effete matters." وليعلم أَن غَالب ضَرَر الشَّرَاب إِنَّمَا هُوَ بالدماغ فَلَا يشربنه ضَعِيف الدِّمَاغ إِلَّا قَلِيلا وممزوجاً وَالصَّوَاب لمن يمتلىء من الشَّرَاب أَن يُبَادر إِلَى الْقَيْء فَإِن سهل وَإِلَّا شرب عَلَيْهِ مَاء كثيرا وَحده أَو مَعَ عسل ثمَّ استحم بعد الْقَيْء بالأبزن وتمرخ بدهن كثير وينام.,"The most detrimental of the effects of wine is that upon the brain. That is why .those who are not strong in that way should take but the very least amount of wine, and diluted. Treatment. If called to a person who has drunk wine to excess, emesis should be procured as speedily as possible. Failing that he may drink a considerable quantity of water, with or without honey. When emesis has been procured, he should bathe in a full length bath. Then he should be thoroughly rubbed with oil, and left to go to sleep." وَالصبيان شربهم الشَّرَاب كزيادة نَار على نَار فِي حطب ضَعِيف وَمَا احْتمل الشَّيْخ فاسقه وَعدل الشبَّان فِيهِ.,To give wine to youths is like adding fire to a fire already prepared with matchwood. Young adults should take it in moderation. But elderly persons may take as much as they can tolerate. والبلد الْبَارِد يحْتَمل الشّرْب فِيهِ والحار لَا يحْتَملهُ وَمن أَرَادَ الامتلاء من الشَّرَاب فَلَا يمتلىء من الطَّعَام وَلَا يَأْكُل الحلو بل يتحسى من الأسفيذاح الدسم ويتناول ثريدة دسمة وَلَحْمًا دسماً مجزعاً واعتدل وَلم يتعب ويتنقل باللوز والعدس المفلحين وكامخ الْكبر,"Wine is borne better in a cold country than in a hot one. If a person wishes deliberately to take his fill of wine, he must take no food, or anything sweet. The [Persian] “ white broth ” [made of meat, onions, butter, cheese, etc.] may be allowed; also grated bread steeped in broth made with fat meat cut into pieces. He should have an inunction. He should avoid physical labour or exercise. Then after the meal, when he wishes to drink, he should accompany it with almonds, salted lentils, and a condiment prepared with salted capers." وَإِن أكل الكرنبية وزيتون المَاء وَنَحْوه نفع وأعان على الشّرْب وَكَذَلِكَ جَمِيع مَا يجفف البخار مثل بزر الكرنب النبطي والكمّون والسذاب الْيَابِس والفوذنج وَالْملح النفطي والنانخواه,"It is an advantage to include in the menu cabbage boiled with meat; olives boiled in water, and the like. For this conduces to drinking more wine. Anything which lightens the fumes of the wine is also helpful for instance the seeds of Syrian beet; cumin, dry rue, pennyroyal, Nabathean salt, cardamoms." والأغذية الَّتِي فِيهَا لزوجة وتغرية وَرُبمَا غلظت البخار وَذَلِكَ مثل الدسومات الحلوة اللزجة فَإِنَّهَا تمنع السكر وَإِن كَانَت لَا تقبل الشَّرَاب الْكثير بِسَبَب أَنَّهَا بطيئة النّفُوذ.,"and more particularly, any aliments which are viscous. and glutinous, for they aggregate the fumes (e.g. oily, sweet and viscous articles of food) and prevent inebriety in spite of drinking so much wine, by restraining the rapidity with which the wine enters the blood." وَسُرْعَة السكر تكون لضعف الدِّمَاغ أَو لِكَثْرَة الأخلاط فِيهِ وَتَكون لقُوَّة الشَّرَاب وَتَكون لقلَّة الْغذَاء وَسُوء التَّدْبِير فِيهِ وَفِيمَا يتَّصل بِهِ. وَالَّذِي لضعف الرَّأْس فعلاجه علاج النزلة المتقادمة من اللطوخات الْمَذْكُورَة فِي ذَلِك الْبَاب وَلَا يشربن مِنْهُ إِلَّا قَلِيلا.,"Inebriation is rapid when there is weakness of the brain, when there is an abundance of humours; when the wine is strong; when the food is scanty; when the regimen is itself depraved; (b) when the wine is taken continuously (for a long time). When the cause of the ready inebriation is weakness of the brain, the remedy is to use the epithemes named in the chapter on catarrh, and give sedatives, and avoid fluids." شراب يبطىء بالسكر. يُؤْخَذ من مَاء الكرنب الْأَبْيَض جُزْء وَمن مَاء الرُّمَّان الحامض جُزْء وَمن الْخلّ نصف جُزْء ويغلي غليات وَيشْرب مِنْهُ قبل الشَّرَاب أُوقِيَّة وَأَيْضًا يتَّخذ حب من الْملح والسذاب والكمون الْأسود,"The following syrup averts inebriety: one part of juice of white cabbage; one part of juice of unripe pomegranate, a half-part of vinegar. Simmer. Take one ounce before taking the wine. The following is another remedy: pills containing salt, rue, black cumin." ويجفف ويتناول حَبَّة بعد حَبَّة وَأَيْضًا يُؤْخَذ بزر الكرنب النبطي والكمُون واللوز المر المقشر والفوتنج والإفسنتين وَالْملح النفطي والنانخواه والسذاب الْيَابِس وَيشْرب مِنْهُ من لَا يخَاف مضرَّة من حرارته وزن دِرْهَمَيْنِ بِمَاء بَارِد على الرِّيق,"Eat pill by pill. The following is another. Take seeds of Syrian beet, cumin, peeled bitter almond, pennyroyal, absinthe, Nabathean salt, cardamom, dry rue. A person who is not afraid of a hot ” mixture, may take two drams by weight in a draught with cold water, fasting." وَمِمَّا يصحي السَّكْرَان أَن يسقى المَاء والخل ثَلَاث مَرَّات متواترة أَو مَاء المصل والرائب الحامض ويتشمم الكافور والصندل أَو يَجْعَل على رَأسه المبردات الرادعة مثل دهن ورد بخل خمر. وَأما علاج الْخمار فنذكره فِي الجزئيات.,"Agents which restore from inebriety. Let the person take water and vinegar several times one after the other, or whey- water and junket. Let him sniff at camphor and sandalwood. Put cold repercussives over his head, such as rose oil and wine- vinegar. The treatment of inebriety is discussed in the special part." وَمن أَرَادَ أَن يسكر بِسُرْعَة من غير مضرّة: نَقَعَ فِي الشَّرَاب الأشنة أَو الْعود الْهِنْدِيّ وَمن احْتَاجَ إِلَى سكر شَدِيد لعلاج عُضْو علاجاً مؤلماً جعل فِي شرابه مَاء الشيلم أَو يَأْخُذ من الشاهترج والأفيون والبنج أَجزَاء سَوَاء نصف دِرْهَم نصف دِرْهَم,"ANAESTHETICS. If it is desirable to get a person unconscious quickly, without his being harmed, add sweet smelling moss to the wine, or lignum aloes. If it is desirable to procure a deeply unconscious state, so as to enable the pain to be borne which is involved in painful applications to a member, place darnel-water into the wine; or administer fumitory, opium, hyoscyamus (half-dram dose of each)." وَمن جوزبوا والسك وَالْعود الخام قيراطاً قيراطاً ويسقى مِنْهُ فِي الشَّرَاب قدر الْحَاجة أَو يطْبخ البنج الْأسود وقشور اليبروح فِي المَاء حَتَّى يحمر ويمزج بِهِ الشَّرَاب.,"nutmeg, crude aloes-wood (four grains of each). Add this to the wine, and take as much as is necessary for the purpose. Or, boil black hyoscyamus in water, with mandragore bark, until it becomes red. Add this to the wine." الْفَصْل التَّاسِع النّوم واليقظة,ON SLEEP AND THE WAKING STATE. أما الْكَلَام فِي سَبَب النّوم الطبيعي والسبات وضدهما من الْيَقَظَة والأرق وَمَا يجب أَن يفعل فِي جلب كل وَاحِد مِنْهَا وَدفعه إِذا كَانَ مُؤْذِيًا وَمَا يدل عَلَيْهِ كل وَاحِد مِنْهَا وَغير ذَلِك فقد قيل مِنْهُ شَيْء فِي مَوْضِعه وسيقال فِي الطِّبّ الجزئي.,"The causes of natural sleep and of lethargy, and their opposite states the waking state, and insomnia; their effects; the remedial measures applicable when they are baneful; the significance of each; and all other points about them all these have been dealt with in brief in the appropriate place. The special treatment will be discussed later." وَأما الَّذِي يُقَال فِي هَذَا الْموضع فَهُوَ أَن النّوم المعتدل مُمكن للقوة الطبيعية من أفعالها مريح للقوة النفسانية مكثر من جوهره حَتَّى إِنَّه رُبمَا عَاد لإرخائه مَانِعا من تحلل الرّوح أَي روح كَانَت وَلذَلِك يهضم الطّعْم الهضوم الْمَذْكُورَة,"Physiological effects of sleep. At the present, we may say that sleep in moderation (i) assists the vegetative faculties in their functions, and brings the sensitive faculties into repose and in so doing renews and restores them, and thereby arrests the dissipation of the breath (the vital power). Hence the digestion of the food in the several stages we have named is accomplished." ويتدارك بِهِ الضعْف الْكَائِن عَن أَصْنَاف التَّحَلُّل مَا كَانَ من إعياء وَمَا كَانَ من مثل الْجِمَاع وَالْغَضَب وَنَحْو ذَلِك. وَالنَّوْم المعتدل إِذا صَادف اعْتِدَال الأخلاط فِي الحكم والكيف فَهُوَ مرطّب مسخن وَهُوَ أَنْفَع ثيء للمشايخ فَإِنَّهُ يحفظ عَلَيْهِم الرطربة وَيُعِيدهَا,"Sleep also remedies the weakness due to the dispersal of the breath (vital power) in various ways; namely, by bodily fatigue, by coitus, by anger or violent emotional disturbance, and the rest. Furthermore, a moderated amount of sleep brings about an equilibrium in regard to quantity and quality of the humours, and therefore it has a humectant and warming action, which is specially advantageous for the aged, who need their moisture preserving and renewing." وَلذَلِك ذكر جالينوس أَنه يتَنَاوَل كل لَيْلَة بقيلة خس مُطيب فَأَما الخس فلينومه وَأما التطييب فليتدارك بِهِ تبريده.,"That is why Galen said “every night I partake of a little packet of herbs lettuce combined with aromatics the former because they induce sleep, the latter because they rectify the coldness of the lettuce.”" قَالَ: فَإِنِّي الْآن على النّوم حَرِيص أَي أَنِّي الْيَوْم شيخ يَنْفَعنِي ترطيب النّوم وَهَذَا أنعم التَّدْبِير لمن يعصاه النّوم وَإِن قدم عَلَيْهِ حَماما بعد استكمال هضم الْغذَاء المتناول واستكثاراً من صب المَاء الْحَار على الرَّأْس فَإِنَّهُ نعم الْمعِين.,"And he said, “I am now careful to obtain sleep because I am an old man, and the humidity which sleep brings is beneficial to me.” This then is the way to obtain sleep. And if a bath be taken after the digestion of the meal has been completed, and plenty of hot water is poured over the head, this will be an additional help." وَأما التَّدْبِير الَّذِي هُوَ أقوى من ذَلِك فنذكره فِي المعالجات فَيجب على الأصحاء أَن يراعوا أَمر النّوم وليكونوا مِنْهُ على اعْتِدَال وَفِي وقته وَلَا يفرطوا فِيهِ وليتقوا ضَرَر السهر بأدمغتهم وبقواهم كلهَا وَكَثِيرًا مَا يُكَلف الْإِنْسَان السهر ويطرد عَنهُ النّوم خوفًا من الغشي وَسُقُوط الْقُوَّة.,"A still more efficient method will be mentioned under medicaments. Conditions to observe regarding sleep. Healthy persons should pay attention to the subject of sleep: it must be moderate, properly timed, and excess must be avoided. And on the other hand they must avoid the injury resulting to mental and all other faculties from remaining awake too long. However a person is often driven to keep awake, and refrain from sleep owing to a dread of syncope and loss of strength." وَأفضل النّوم الْغَرق وَمَا كَانَ بعد إنحدار الطَّعَام من الْبَطن الْأَعْلَى وَسُكُون مَا عَسى يتبعهُ من النفخ والقراقر فَإِن النّوم على ذَلِك ضار من وُجُوه كَثِيرَة بل وَلَا يطيب وَلَا يتَّصل وَلَا يُفَارق التململ والتقلب وَهُوَ ضار وَهُوَ مَعَ ضَرَره مؤذ لصَاحبه,"The best sleep is that which is deep; and that which occurs after the food has passed on from the upper part of the intestine, and after the flatulences and eructations which may have followed have subsided; for to sleep on this is detrimental in many ways, though the person himself may not know of it; it keeps him turning from side to side in his sleep; it hinders digestion; and it does injury." فَلذَلِك يجب أَن يتمشى يَسِيرا إِلَى وَالنَّوْم على الخوى رَدِيء مسْقط للقوة وعَلى الامتلاء قبل الانحدار من الْبَطن الْأَعْلَى رَدِيء لِأَنَّهُ لَا يكون غرقاً بل يكون مَعَ تململ كَمَا تشتغل فِيهِ الطبيعة بِمَا تشتغل بِهِ فِي حَال النّوم من الهضم عارضها استيقاظ مزعج محيّر فتتبلد مَعَه الطبيعة فَيفْسد الهضم.,"For this reason, if the passage of the food out of the stomach is delayed, he should take a walk for a little while, and then retire to sleep. It is also bad to go to sleep on an empty stomach, as this is weakening. It is bad to go to sleep after repletion, before the food has left the stomach, because sleep cannot be deep under such circumstances, and the sleeper will keep turning from one side to the other all the time. For when the natural faculties are busy with the work of digestion at a time when it is accustomed to be asleep, the fact of being prevented from waking up is disturbing to the natural faculties; so they become dulled and the process of digestion is disorganized." ونوم النَّهَار رَدِيء يُورث الْأَمْرَاض الرطوبية والنوازل وَيفْسد اللَّوْن وَيُورث الطحال ويرخي العصب ويكسل ويضعف الشَّهْوَة وَيُورث الأورام والحميات كثيرا. وَمن أَسبَاب آفاته سرعَة انْقِطَاعه وتبلد الطبيعة عَمَّا كَانَت فِيهِ.,"It is also bad to go to sleep during the day, for in this case illnesses depending bn humidity and catarrhal states are brought about; the colour of health passes off, the spleen becomes heavy, the nerves lose their tone; lack of vim and a poor appetite are noticed, and inflammatory conditions and fevers often appear. Among the reasons for the injurious effects are: liability to sudden interruption of the sleep, whereby the natural faculties become dulled." وَمن فَضَائِل نوم اللَّيْل أَنه تَامّ مُسْتَمر غرق على أَن مُعْتَاد النّوم بِالنَّهَارِ لَا يجب أَن يهجره دفْعَة بِغَيْر تدريج. وَأما أفضل هيئات النّوم فَأن يبتدىء على الْيَمين ثمَّ يَنْقَلِب على الْيَسَار طِبًّا وَشرعا,"Among the good qualities of sleeping by night are that it should be continuous and deep. If a person is accustomed to sleep during the day, he should not suddenly discard this custom, but do so gradually. Posture in sleep. The best way to sleep is to begin on the right side, and then turn round to the left." فَإِذا ابْتَدَأَ على الْبَطن أعَان على الهضم مَعُونَة جَيِّدَة لما يحقن بِهِ من الْحَار الغريزي ويحصره فيكثر وَأما الاستلقاء فَهُوَ نوم رَدِيء يهيىء للأمراض الرَّديئَة مثل السكتة والفالج والكابوس,"If one begins by lying face downwards, it greatly helps the food to digest, for by this posture the innate heat is conserved and magnified. It is a bad practice to sleep on the back. It courts the development of grave maladies like apoplexy, paralysis, and nightmare." وَذَلِكَ لِأَنَّهُ يمِيل بالفضول إِلَى خلف فيحتبس عَن مجاريها الَّتِي هِيَ إِلَى قُدَّام مثل المنخرين والحنك وَالنَّوْم على الإستلقاء من عَادَة الضعفى من المرضى لما يعرض لعضلاتهم من الضعْف ولأعضائهم فَلَا يحمل جنب جنبا بل يسْرع إِلَى الاستلقاء على الظّهْر,"because the effete matters then tend to accumulate in the tissues of the back, where they are held and prevented from entering the natural channels which are in front, like the nostrils and palate. Persons who are accustomed to sleep on their backs often become debilitated, for their muscles and members become weakened; also because one side cannot alternate with the other, seeing that such persons quickly return to the supine position." إِذْ الظّهْر أقوى من الْجنب وَمثل هَذَا مَا ينامون فاغرين لضعف العضل الَّتِي بهَا يجمعُونَ الفكين. وَلِهَذَا بَابَانِ قد ذكرناهما فِي الْكتب الْجُزْئِيَّة وَقد اسْتَوْفَيْنَا الْكَلَام فِي ذَلِك.,"the back being more powerful than the sides. The consequence is that such persons sleep with their mouth open, for the muscles which keep the jaws closed are too weak to maintain them in that position. A special chapter is given on this subject in the Special Part." الْفَصْل الْعَاشِر فِيمَا يجب أَن يُؤَخر عَن هَذَا الْموضع,ON CERTAIN MATTERS LEFT OVER TO A LATER PLACE. مِمَّا يذكر فِي مثل هَذَا الْموضع هُوَ أَمر الْجِمَاع وتعديله وتدارك ضَرَره وَنحن نؤخر القَوْل فِيهِ إِلَى الْكتب الْجُزْئِيَّة. وَمِمَّا يُقَال هَهُنَا أَيْضا أَمر الْأَدْوِيَة المسهلة وتدارك ضررها.,"We leave over till later the discussion of coitus and its constitution, and the measures to be taken to correct errors in this function, though strictly they belong to this place. It is reserved to the Special Part. At this point also, one would discuss the agents for procuring evacuation of the bowel, and how to deal with any antagonistic influences towards them." وَنحن أَيْضا نؤخر الْكَلَام فِي بعضه إِلَى مقالتنا فِي العلاج وَفِي بعضه إِلَى كلامنا فِي الْأَدْوِيَة المسهلة إِلَّا أنَّا نقُول يجب على مستحفظ الصِّحَّة أَن يتَعَاهَد الاستفراغ السهل والإدرار والتعريق والنفث وتتعاهده النِّسَاء بالطمث مِمَّا نوضحه ونعرفه فِي مَوْضِعه.,"We reserve this subject to the section dealing with treatment and the chapter on purgatives. However, we may say here that a person who wishes to maintain his health should procure evacuations by the bowel, the urine, the sweat, and the sputum. We shall also explain how one may assist and regulate the menstrual flow of women, in order that you may become familiar with this." الْفَصْل الْحَادِي عشر تَقْوِيَة الْأَعْضَاء الضعيفة وتسمينها وتعظيم حجمها,"How THE MEMBERS MAY BE STRENGTHENED. How WEAK PERSONS MAY BE MADE STRONGER. HOW TO GAIN FLESH, AND INCREASE THE SIZE OF THE BODY." فَنَقُول: الْأَعْضَاء الضعيفة وَالصَّغِيرَة تقوى وتعظم أما فِيمَن هُوَ بعد فِي سنّ النمو والنشو فبالتغذية وَأما فِي المسنين فبالدلك المعتدل والرياضة الدائمة الَّتِي تخصّها ثمَّ تطلى بالزفت وَحصر النَّفس دَاخله فِي هَذَا الْبَاب خُصُوصا إِذا كَانَ الْعُضْو مجاور للصدر والرئة,"Members (limbs) which are weakly and undersized may be strengthened and caused to grow and develop during the period of growth, up to the final limit for growth, by the use of a suitable degree of massage and of a suitable form of exercise, steadily persisted in. Also by the use of pitch plaster. An exercise consisting of holding the breath [according to proper rules] is also effective, especially for the respiratory organs (thorax, lungs)." مِثَال ذَلِك من كَانَ قصيف السَّاقَيْن فَإنَّا نأمره بالإحصار الْيَسِير والدلك المعتدل ونطليه بالطلاء الزفتي ثمَّ فِي الْيَوْم الثَّانِي يحفظ الدَّلْك بِحَالهِ وَيزِيد فِي الرياضة,"For instance, let us suppose the legs to be underdeveloped; the person takes a short running exercise; then a certain amount of massage is given; then a plaster of pitch is applied. Next day the running exercise is prolonged a little, but the amount of massage remains the same as on the first day." وَفِي الثَّالِث يحفظ أَيْضا الدَّلْك بِحَالهِ وَيزِيد فِي الرياضة إِلَّا أَن يظْهر دَلِيل اتساع الْعُرُوق وانصباب الموادّ فيخاف فِي كل عُضْو حُدُوث الورم والآفة الامتلائية الَّتِي تخصه كَمَا يخَاف هَهُنَا الدوالي وداء الْفِيل,"On the third day, the massage given is to the same extent as before, but the exercise is still further lengthened, taking care to stop short of distension of the vessels, for this would show matters are lodging in them which might be antecedent to some inflammatory process or repletion specifically met with in them: varices, and elephantiasis being an instance of such." وَإِذا ظهر شَيْء من هَذَا الْجِنْس نقصنا مَا كُنَّا نفعله من الرياضة والدلك بل أمسكنا واضجعناه وأشلنا بذلك الْعُضْو مثلا فِي ضامر السَّاق بِرجلِهِ ودلكناه عكس الدَّلْك الأول وابتدأنا من طرفه إِلَى أَصله.,"Therefore, should there be any suspicion of anything of that nature, shorten the exercise to the original degree, reduce the massage; enjoin rest in the recumbent position; raise the affected member. Thus, if the persons have a wasted (lit. dried up) leg, raise it by the foot, and apply massage from its distal towards its proximal end." وَإِن أردنَا ذَلِك بعضو مقارب لأعضاء التنفس وَكَانَ مثلا الصَّدْر فليقمط مَا تَحْتَهُ بقماط وسط الشد معتدل الْعرض ثمَّ نأمر أَن يسْتَعْمل رياضات الْيَدَيْنِ وَحصر النَّفس الشَّديد والصياح وَالصَّوْت الْعَظِيم والدلك الرَّقِيق,"To carry this method out for parts related to the organs of respiration the thorax, for example we proceed to apply a bandage to the lower parts, making it moderately tight, and of uniform breadth. Then we instruct the patient to exercise his arms, and to breathe as deeply as possible, uttering a loud sound the while, light massage being applied as well." ثمَّ سيأتيك فِي الْكتب الْجُزْئِيَّة تَفْصِيل لهَذِهِ الْجُمْلَة مستقصى فانتظره فِي كتاب الزِّينَة.,"This subject will be fully discussed in the Special Part on Beauty Culture, if Allah will." الْفَصْل الثَّانِي عشر الإعياء الَّذِي يتبع الرياضات,ON THE LASSITUDE FOLLOWING EXERCISE. فَنَقُول: أَصْنَاف الإعياء ثَلَاثَة وَيُزَاد عَلَيْهَا رَابِع ووجوه حُدُوثه وَجْهَان فأصنافه الثَّلَاثَة القروحي والتمددي والورمي وَالَّذِي يُزَاد هُوَ الإعياء الْمُسَمّى بالقشفي واليبسي والقضفي. فالقروحي إعياء يحسن مِنْهُ فِي ظَاهر الْجلد شَبيه بمسّ القروح أَو فِي غور الْجلد. وأقواه غوره,"There are three kinds of lassitude, and we may add a fourth. There are two modes. The three varieties are: the Ulcerose, the Tensive, and the Inflammative. The fourth variety which we add is the Desiccative or Arefactive. Ulcerose lassitude. This is a form in which the subject experiences the sensation of ulcers upon the body or in the depths of the skin. The deeper the sensation the greater is the lassitude." وَقد يحس ذَلِك بالمس وَقد يحسّ بِهِ صَاحبه عِنْد حركته وربّما أحسّ بنخش كنخش الشوك ويكرهون الحركات حَتَّى التمطي أَو يتمطون بِضعْف وَإِذا اشتدّ وجدوا قشعريرة وَإِن زَاد أَصَابَهُم نافض وحمُوا. وَسَببه كَثْرَة فضول رقيقَة حادة أَو ذوبان اللَّحْم والشحم لشدَّة الْحَرَكَة.,"The sensation may be evoked by. contact with the skin; or it may be evoked by movement. Sometimes it gives rise to the sensation of pricking with needles, with a dread of movement, and the subject lies extended because of the- weakness of his shoulders and arm-pits. If the degree of lassitude is still greater, there is a goose-skin. When it is still greater, tremors and fever appear. The cause of this kind of lassitude consists in an abundance of tenuous and pungent effete matters, a liquefaction of the flesh and fat in consequence of the over-vigorous exercise." وَبِالْجُمْلَةِ أخلاط رَدِيئَة انتشرت فِي الْعُرُوق وَكسر الدَّم الْجيد اً فتها فَلَمَّا انتفضت إِلَى نواحي الْجلد انتفضت خَالِصَة الْأَذَى. وَأَقل مَا يُؤْذى بِهِ هُوَ أَن يحدث هَذَا الْجِنْس من الإعياء فَإِن تحركت قَلِيلا أحدثت القشعريرة,"and, lastly, the presence of depraved humours in the vessels, which results in changes in the blood, whereby it loses its healthy character; these abnormal products pass into the skin and affect it. This form of lassitude is the lesser evil which such substances produce. If they should become mobile, goose-skin will result. If they move about still more actively, tremors result." إِن تحركت كثيرا أحدثت النافض وَرُبمَا انتفض مِنْهَا الأخلاط الحادة وَيبقى فِي الْعُرُوق الخامة وَرُبمَا كَانَ الخام أَيْضا فِي اللَّحْم. والتمددي يحس صَاحبه كَأَن بدنه قد رُضّ ويحسّ بحرارة وتمدد وَيكرهُ صَاحبه الْحَرَكَة حَتَّى التمطي خُصُوصا إِن كَانَ عَن تَعب,"Sometimes the pungent humours detach themselves from the others, leaving the “crude ” humours in the vessels. Sometimes the “ crude ” humours are situated in the flesh. Tensive lassitude. A person in a state of tensive lassitude has the sensation of the body being broken, of heat, of tension or being in a stretched condition, and has a dread of moving himself or straightening his back from the bent position. This is specially the case when the condition follows physical labour. [Cf. the pain of severe lumbago and myalgia.]" وَيكون من فضول محتبسة فِي العضل إِلَّا أَنَّهَا جَيِّدَة الْجَوْهَر لَا لذع فِيهَا أَو من ريح ويفرّق بَينهمَا حَال الخفة والثقل وَكَثِيرًا مَا يعرض من نوم غير تَامّ وَإِذا عرض بعد نوم تَامّ فهنالك اخْتِلَاف اًخر وَهُوَ شَرّ الْأَصْنَاف وأشده مَا وتر شظايا العضل على الاسْتقَامَة.,"This condition arises from the retention of waste matters in the muscles which are otherwise in themselves normal; it is not due to acridity or gaseous matters in them. The fibres are separated from one another, and there is a state of lightness or heaviness. This is often the result of want of sleep. When not associated with want of sleep, the case is different and more serious. Here the muscle fibres are stretched lengthways." وَأما الإعياء الورمي فَهُوَ أَن يكون الْبدن أسخن من الْعَادة وشبيهاً بالمنتفخ حجماً ولوناً وتأذياً بالمس وَالْحَرَكَة ويحس مَعَه بتمدد أَيْضا.,"Inflammative lassitude. Here the body is hotter than usual. The part is as if distended, being swollen, and of corresponding colour! Distress is felt when the part is touched, or when he tries to move, for this brings out the tension or stretching [which is like the sensation in an inflamed or bruised tissue Aeg.]. The deep-seated pain is called ostalgia. The cause is abundance of waste matters in the muscles." وَأما الأعياء القضفي فَهُوَ حَالَة يحس بهَا الْإِنْسَان من بدنه كَأَن قد أفرط بِهِ الْجَفَاف واليبس وَيحدث من إفراط رياضة مَعَ جودة الكيموس وَاسْتِعْمَال اسْتِرْدَاد خشن بعده وَقد يحدث من يبس الْهَوَاء والاستقلال من الْغذَاء وَاسْتِعْمَال الصَّوْم.,"Desiccative lassitude. This is a state wherein one feels a sensation of being dried up in an unusual degree. It follows (a) undue exercise, the chyme being normal; (b) twisting the body back sharply; (c) sometimes it is owing to dryness of atmosphere; (d) deficient nutrition; (e) fasting too much. [There is great disinclination for any movement: Aeg.]" وَأما وَجه حُدُوث الاعياء فَذَلِك لِأَن الإعياء إِمَّا أَن يحدث عَن رياضة وَهُوَ أسلم وَطَرِيق علاجه وَجه يَخُصُّهُ وَإِمَّا أَن يحدث عَن ذَاته وَهُوَ مُقَدّمَة مرض وَطَرِيق علاجه وَجه يَخُصُّهُ. وَقد تتركّب هَذِه بَعْضهَا مَعَ بعض بِحَسب تركب مرادها إِمَّا بذاتها وَإِمَّا بالرياضة,"The two modes of lassitude, (a) That following exercise. This is less serious. It is rectified by suitable measures. (b) Spontaneous. This is a forerunner of illness. Special measures must be used for its cure. These two forms or modes may be combined, the matters which give rise to each being present together, both those which arise spontaneously, and those which result from exercise." وَإِذا عرفت تَدْبِير المركبات نقلته إِلَى تَدْبِير المركبات على القانون الَّذِي أقوله وَهُوَ أَن الْوَاجِب أَن يصرف فضل الْعِنَايَة أول شَيْء إِلَى مَا هُوَ أَشد اهتماماً مَعَ تَدْبِير مَا هُوَ دونه أَيْضا والأهم يكون أهم لأمور ثَلَاثَة: إِمَّا لأجل الْقُوَّة وَإِمَّا لأجل الشّرف وَإِمَّا لأجل الْجَوْهَر.,"Regimen. The regimen for the simple form is known to you. That for the compound form entails the following rules: In the first place pay most attention to avoid the danger of the condition by dealing with the underlying cause. There may be three sources of danger: severity, the nobility (of the organ), and the substance involved." وَإِذا اجْتمع فِي الْوَاجِب من هَذِه الشُّرُوط اثْنَان أَو ثَلَاثَة فَهُوَ أهم إِلَّا أَن يكون الْوَاحِد من الآخر أقوى من اثْنَيْنِ من الأول فيقاوم الِاثْنَيْنِ من الأول.,"If two, or three are concurrent, the condition is more serious unless the one of them which outstays the other is more potent and therefore overrules them." وَمِثَال هَذَا أَن الإعياء الورمي أقوى وأشرف لَكِن جَوْهَر القروحي إِن كَانَ بعد جدا عَن الِاعْتِدَال وَعَن المجرى الطبيعي قاوم مُوجب الإعياء الورمي بالشرف وَالْقُوَّة فَقدم عَلَيْهِ وَأَن لم يكن بعد جدا قدم عَلَيْهِ الورمي.,"For instance, inflammative lassitude is more severe, and the ulcerose form is nobler; but if the substance underlying the ulcerose is far from equilibrium and from the natural course, it forms a restraining influence over the two modes of the inflammative lassitude, in virtue of this nobility and strength, and takes precedence over it. But if the relation be not so very remote, the inflammative lassitude would take the precedence." التمطّي والتثاؤب,STRETCHING AND YAWNING التمطي يكون لفضول مجتمعة فِي العضل وَلذَلِك يعرض كثيرا عقيب النّوم وَإِذا صَارَت تِلْكَ الأخلاط أَكثر صَار قشعريرة ونافضاً وَإِن صَارَت أَكثر من ذَلِك أحدثت الْحمى.,"Stretching comes on when effete substances have accumulated in the muscles. For this reason the desire to stretch oneself is often experienced after sleep. If these humours become superabundant they give rise to goose-flesh and trembling and shivering. If they increase to a still greater degree, fever develops." والتثاؤب ضرب من التمطّي لعَارض ممط يعرض فِي عضل الفك والقص. وعروضه للصحيح ابْتِدَاء بِلَا سَبَب وَفِي غير الْوَقْت إِذا أَكثر فَهُوَ رَدِيء. والجيد مِنْهُ مَا كَانَ عِنْد الهضم الآخر وَيكون لدفع الْفضل,"Yawning is really a form of stretching, when this takes place in the muscles of the jaws, lips and chest. Should it arise without any apparent reason in a person seemingly healthy, and not at an appropriate time, and to an unusual degree, it is bad. In such a case, it is best when it comes on at the end of digestion, because then it is due to the effete substances being expelled." وَقد يفعل التثاؤب والتمطي الْبرد والتكاثف وَقلة التحلّل والانتباه عَن النّوم قبل اسْتِيفَائه وَهُوَ دفع عاصر وَالشرَاب الممزوج مُنَاصَفَة جيد للتثاؤب والتمطّي إِذا لم يكن هُنَاكَ سَبَب آخر مَانع لَهُ.,"Stretching and yawning may be due to external cold, to thickening of texture of the skin (ii), whereby exit of certain humours becomes restricted; to being awakened from sleep before it has finished; to postponing the evacuations. Moderately diluted wine is good for this condition, provided there is no contra-indication." الْفَصْل الرَّابِع عشر علاج الإعياء الرياضي,ON THE TREATMENT OF LASSITUDE FOLLOWING EXERCISE (The First Mode of Lassitude) نقُول: إِن الْعِنَايَة بعلاج الإعياء الرياضي أَمَان من أمراض كَثِيرَة مِنْهَا الحميات فَأَما الإعياء القروحي فَيجب أَن ينقص مَعَ ظُهُوره من الرياضة إِن كَانَت هِيَ سَببه,"We may say that the chief object to be attained in treating lassitude is to prevent it from being followed by many diseases, including fevers. Ulcerose lassitude is dealt with by reducing the amount of exercise if that be the cause." وَإِن اقْترن بهَا كَثْرَة اًخلاط نقصت أَو تخم قريبَة الْعَهْد تدورك ضررها بِالْجُوعِ والاستفراغْ وَتَحْلِيل حصل فِي نَاحيَة الْجلد بالدلك الْكثير الليّن بدهن لَا قبض فِيهِ إِلَى الْيَوْم الثَّالِث ثمَّ تسْتَعْمل رياضة الِاسْتِرْدَاد,"If at the same time there is an over-abundance of humours, they need to be expelled. If there be a transient sensation of nausea and satiety, these effects are counteracted by fasting, evacuation through the bowels, and dispersal of the humours in the subcutaneous tissues by the use of plenty of light massage, carried out with oil devoid of astringency. Exercise is then resumed." ويغذى فِي الْيَوْم الأول بِمَا جرت بِهِ عَادَته فِي الْكَيْفِيَّة إِلَّا أَنه ينقص من كميته وَفِي الثَّانِي يغذى بالمرطبات فَإِن كَانَت الْعُرُوق نقية والخام فِي شَحم المعي فالدلك قد ينضجه وخصوصاً إِذا أنفذت إِلَيْهِ قُوَّة أدوية مسخنة.,"On the first day the nourishment should consist of the usual quality of foods, in lessened amount. On the second day the diet should consist of humectants. If the vessels be patent, and there be “crude” serous humour in the mesentery, friction may help to “mature” it, especially if one could bring the virtue of calefacient medicines (digestives) to bear on it." ودهن الغرب نَافِع جدا من ذَلِك وأدهان الشبث والبابونج وَنَحْو ذَلِك وطبيخ أصل السلق فِي الدّهن فِي إِنَاء مضاعف ودهن أصل الخطمي ودهن أصل قثاء الْحمار والفاشرا ودهن الأشنة جَيِّدَة وكل مَا يَقع من الأدهان فِيهِ الأشنة.,"Very good (calefacients) are: willow oil, ol. anethi; oil of chamomile; and the like. A decoction of beet-roots in oil, prepared in a double-vessel; ointment of mallow-roots; oil of the roots of cucumber asininus and of bryony; oil of sweet-scented moss; and any oil in which the latter (moss) has been incorporated. [Galen recommends discutients and restorative exercise.]" وَأما الإعياء التمددي فالغرض فِي معالجته إرخاء مَا صلب بالدلك اللين والدهن المسخن فِي الشَّمْس والإستحمام بِالْمَاءِ الفاتر واللبث فِيهِ طَويلا حَتَّى إِنَّه إِن عاود الأبزن فِي الْيَوْم مرَّتَيْنِ أَو ثَلَاثَة جَازَ ويتدهن بعد كل استحمام,"Tensive lassitude. The object in view in treating this is to relax the indurated tissues by means of a little gentle massage with oil heated in the sun; tepid baths in which the patient stays a considerable time; or, better, to take the bath once or twice a day, followed each time by an inunction; complete rest." وان احْتِيجَ بِسَبَب وجوب نشف الْعرق وانتشاف الدّهن مَعَه إِلَى أَن يُعَاد مسح الدّهن عَلَيْهِ فعل ويغذّى بغذاء رطب قَلِيل الْمِقْدَار فَإِنَّهُ إِلَى تقليل الْغذَاء أحْوج من القروحي. وَهَذَا الإعياء تحلله الرياضة وتفش الإعياء,"If it becomes necessary to procure an abstersion of the vessels, or if the oil of the inunction has become dried up, repeat the inunction and administer moist foods in only small amount. It is more important that the amount should be small in this case than in that of ulcerose lassitude. Exercise is sufficient to disperse this kind of lassitude, and cleanse out [the substances which cause it]." وَإِن كَانَ عارضاً بِذَاتِهِ لفضول غَلِيظَة لم يكن بُد من استفراغ وَإِن كَانَت ريح ممدّدة حلله مثل الكمون والكرويا والأنيسون. وأتا الإعياء الورمي فالغرض فِي تَدْبيره أُمُور ثَلَاثَة إرخاء مَا تمدد وتبريد مَا سخن واستفراغ الْفضل.,"If tensive lassitude have arisen simply by the presence of gross superfluities, these must be evacuated. If it has arisen from flatulencies, it is dispersed by the use of such as cummin, caraway, anise. Inflammatory lassitude. There are three aims in treatment of this condition: to relax the tense parts, to cool the heated parts, and to remove the superfluities." وَيتم ذَلِك بالدهن الْكثير الفاتر والدلك اللين جدا وَطول اللّبْث فِي المَاء المائل إِلَى السخونة قَلِيلا والراحة. وَأما القشفي فَلَا يُغير فِيهِ من تَدْبِير الأصحاء شَيْء إِلَّا أَن المَاء الَّذِي يستحمّ فِيهِ يجب أَن يُزَاد سخونة فَإِن المَاء الْحَار جدا فِيهِ تكثيف للجلد,"These are achieved by the use of plenty of tepid oil, by vigorous light massage, by a prolonged stay in a bath of tepid water (on the warm side), and by sufficient repose [and by repeated inunction: Aeg.]. Arefactive lassitude. First day: the normal regimen for: maintaining health is to be continued, save that the bath water should be hotter, because very hot water has a contracting effect upon the skin." مَعَ أَنه لَا مضرَّة فِيهِ مثل مضرَّة الْبَارِد من الْمِيَاه فَإِنَّهُ وَإِن كثف فَفِيهِ مخاطرة لنفوذ برده فِي بدن قد نحف وَرُبمَا كَانَ سَبَب نحافته تخلخل جلده بل هَذَا هُوَ الْأَكْثَر وَفِي الْيَوْم الثَّانِي تسْتَعْمل رياضة اسْتِرْدَاد على رفق ولين وَالْحمام كَحال الْيَوْم الأول,"This action is not as detrimental as that of cold water, for in this case there is a risk of the cold penetrating into the body, already dry. The cause of the wasting (wrinkling, shrivelling of the skin) may also lie in the fact that the skin is usually relaxed. The second day of the restorative treatment consists in the use of gentle restorative exercise of a light character. The bath should be carried out in the same way as on the first day." ثمَّ يُؤمر أَن ينزج فِي المَاء الْبَارِد دفْعَة ليكثف جلده ويقلل تحلله وَتحفظ فِيهِ الرُّطُوبَة ويلقي بدناً فِيهِ مَا يقاومه من الْحَرَارَة وَقد تكيف بِهِ وَهَذَانِ السببان يتعاونان على دفع غائلة برده وخصوصاً إِذا انزج فِيهِ وَخرج فِي الْحَال وَلم يمْكث فَإِن الْمكْث لَا أَمَان مَعَه,"and the patient should then plunge into cold water, to make the skin shrivel, and to reduce perspiration to a minimum. In this way the skin keeps moist. For water will come in contact with the body as soon as there is sufficient heat in it to counteract the dryness of the skin. And these two factors mutually assist one another in combating the injurious effect of the cold. The injurious effect is greater if the person comes quickly out of the water into which he has plunged." ويغذى ضحوة النَّهَار بغذاء مرطب يسير لكَي يُمكن أَن يدلك عِنْد العشية كرة أُخْرَى. وَحِينَئِذٍ يُؤَخر الْعشَاء ويجتهد أَن يكون قد نفض الفضول عَن نَفسه بتدلك بدهن عذب وَلَا يصيبن بِهِ بَطْنه إِلَّا أَن يكون أحس بأعياء فِي عضل بَطْنه فَحِينَئِذٍ يدهنها بِرِفْق ولين.,"Those affected with lassitude need wholesome food, which must contain little moisture, and should be taken at the end of the first morning hour. Friction may be given on a later occasion, towards evening. The supper must then be taken later still. The removal of superfluities from the body must also be procured, using massage with sweet, or willow oil [cf. the modern ol. betulae, or oil of wintergreen]. The abdominal muscles are not touched unless lassitude is present in them." وليتوسع فِي غذائه وليزد فِيهِ مَعَ توق أَن يكون غذاؤه شَدِيد الْحَرَارَة. وكل إعياء يكون سَببه الْحَرَكَة فَإِن تَركهَا مَعَ ابْتِدَاء أثر الإعياء يمْنَع حُدُوثه ثمَّ يسْتَعْمل رياضة الِاسْتِرْدَاد لتدفع الْحَرَكَة المعتدلة الْموَاد إِلَى الْجلد ويحلَلها الدَّلْك فِيمَا بَين تِلْكَ الحركات فِي وقفاتها,"In that case, give light inunction and increase the amount of such food as is not too heating. One should take care that exercise should stop short of producing any sign of lassitude. Then proceed to reversion exercise in-order to draw matters towards the skin by the moderate amount of movement. Having reached the skin, massage during the time of resting between the exercises will finally disperse these substances." وَيعرف حَاله بالاستحمام فَإِن أحدث الْحمام نافضاً فَالْأَمْر مجاوز الْحَد وخصوصاً إِن أحدث حمى وَحِينَئِذٍ فَلَا يجب أَن يستحم بل يستفرغ وَيصْلح المزاج. وَإِن لم يحدث الْحمام أَيْضا شَيْئا من ذَلِك فهو منتفع بِهِ.,"A person’s condition is the guide, as regards bathing. If the bath should induce tremor, the last degree of lassitude has been reached. How much more is this true if fever comes on after the bath ! In such a case the bathing must be stopped, and recourse must be had to evacuation [of various kinds] and the rectification of the temperament. As long as the water is moderately hot, and the bathing produces none of these adverse symptoms, one knows that it is beneficial to bathe." وَإِن كَانَ فِي عروق المعي أخلاط جامدة أَو خامة فدبر أَولا الإعياء بِمَا يجب ثمَّ اشْتغل بِمَا ينضج الخامة ويلطفها ويخرجها. فَإِن كَانَت كَثِيرَة أُشير عَلَيْهِ حِينَئِذٍ بِالسُّكُونِ وَترك الرياضات فَإِن السّكُون أهضم وَترك الفصد فَإِنَّهُ فِي الْأَكْثَر يخرج النقي ويبقي الخام,"If there were non-matured humours in the vessels, the first measure to take would be to apply whatever was suitable for the lassitude, and the next would be to endeavour to make the crude humours mature and become attenuated, and then to expel them. If they were plentiful, order rest; forbid exercise. For rest is the great digestive. Avoid bleeding because by this means both pure and crude matters are expelled." وَلَا يسهل أَيْضا قبل الانضاج فَإِن ذَلِك لَا يُغني ويؤذي وَلَا بَأْس بالإدرار وَلَا تعطيه مسخناً فينشر الخام فِي الْبدن وَليكن اسْتِعْمَاله عَلَيْهِ بِرِفْق وبقدر معتدل.,"It is injurious to procure purgation before maturation. There is no harm in inducing diuresis. But avoid drugs which are very heating, for otherwise the crude humour would be caused to diffuse throughout the body, and facilitate its action." وَيجب أَن يَجْعَل فِي أغذيته الفلفل وَالْكبر والزنجبيل وخل الْكبر وخل الثوم وخل الاسترغان وأجرامها أَيْضا والجوارشنات الْمَعْرُوفَة بِقدر. وَبعد النضج وَظُهُور الرسوب فِي الْبَوْل ونضج الْأَغْلَب فَاسْتعْمل الشَّرَاب ليتم النضج وأدر وَليكن شرابه اللَّطِيف الرَّقِيق وَلَا يسْتَعْمل الْقَيْء.,"Diet: include pepper, capers, ginger, vinegar of capers, vinegar of garlic, vinegar of spurge, and dried dates, and the well-known confections (i.e. of quince, apples, prunes, etc.), according to measure. The appearance of a sediment in the urine informs us that maturation has occurred. One may now order wine to complete the maturation and to procure diuresis. The wine must be delicate and clear, and must not excite vomiting." الْفَصْل الْخَامِس عشر أَحْوَال أُخْرَى تتبع الرياضات,ON OTHER STATES WHICH MAY FOLLOW UPON EXERCISE من الْأَحْوَال وَهِي التكاثف والتخلخل والترطيب المفرط فنتكلم أَولا فِي هَذِه الْأَحْوَال ثمَّ ننتقل إِلَى تَدْبِير الإعياء الْكَائِن من تِلْقَاء نَفسه. فَمن ذَلِك تخلخل يعرض للبدن وَكَثِيرًا مَا يعرض للبدن من الدَّلْك الْيَسِير وَمن الْحمام.,"We may first speak about the states, and then pass on to the subject of the regimen applicable for lassitude of autogenous origin. (i) Rarefaction of the skin (turgescence, tumescence, relaxation, flaccidity, the opposite of (ii). Very often this is the result of insufficient massage, and of bathing." ويعالج بالدلك الْيَابِس الْيَسِير المائل إِلَى الصلابة مَعَ دهن قَابض وَمن ذَلِك تكاثف يعرض عَن برد أَو شَيْء قَابض أَو كَثْرَة فضول أَو غلظها أَو لزوجتها يُؤَدِّي ذَلِك إِلَى احتباسها فِي مسام الْجلد أَو يكون التكاثف بِسَبَب رياضة جذبته من الْغَوْر من غير أَن يكون عَن أَسبَاب سَابِقَة.,"The treatment consists in dry friction, tending slightly to rough friction, using an astringent oil for the purpose. (ii) Thickening of the skin (induration, constriction, tightness, tenseness, shrivelling, sclerosis, corrugation;). This may be the result of (a) cold, (b) an astringent bath, (c) over abundance of effete matters, (d) thickening and aggregation of coarse particles of effete matters, (e) change in the effete matters [or immatured humours] in the direction of viscidity, in consequence of which they cannot pass through the pores of the skin, and so block them; (f) exercise, for this draws the humours out from the deeper (or remote) tissues, if no other cause for this has previously been in operation." أَو يكون السَّبَب فِي ذَلِك الْمقَام فِي مَوضِع غباري أَو دلكا قَوِيا صلباً. أما كَانَ من برد وَقبض فعلامته بَيَاض اللَّوْن وإبطاء التسخن والتعرق وعود اللَّوْن إِلَى الْحمرَة عِنْد الرياضة فَهَؤُلَاءِ يجب أَن يستحموا بحمامات حارة ويتمرغوا على طوابقها المعتدلة الْحَرَارَة وعَلى فراشها,"(g) residence in a dusty place; (h) the use of rough and vigorous friction. When it is due to cold and astringency, the colour of the skin is pale [because it is stretched hard and tight], and the bodily warmth returns only slowly; sweating is delayed. The skin becomes red again on resuming exercise. Such cases should be treated thus: the stay in the cold room of the bath must be very short, and the water must not be very cold; then go into very hot water; turn the patient from side to side, then on to the belly, then on to the back. The slab on which he lies the while must be of medium heat." حَتَّى يعرقوا ويتدهنوا بأدهان لَطِيفَة حارة محللة. وَأما الواقعون فِي ذَلِك من رياضة فعلامتهم عدم تِلْكَ العلامات وتوسّخ الْجلد. وعلاجه النفض إِن كَانَ هُنَاكَ فضل وَاسْتِعْمَال مَا يحلل من حمام وتمريخ.,"Do this until perspiration sets in. Then anoint with thin [sweet: Aeg.] oils of a hot and resolvent character [oil of dill, of black poplar”: Aeg.]. Cases due to exercise are distinguished by the absence of the above-named sign. The skin is discoloured by sweat and sordities. Such cases are treated by getting rid of such superfluities as may be present, and then carrying out a bath and inunction regimen of resolvent character." وَأما الواقعون فِي ذَلِك من غبار أَو قُوَّة ذَلِك فهم إِلَى الإستحمام أحْوج مِنْهُم إِلَى التمريخ بالأدهان وليتدكلوا تدليكاً لينًا قبل الْحمام وَبعده.,"Cases due to exposure to fine dust, or due to the use of too much rough friction, are much more in need of the bath than of inunction with oils. Soft friction is to be employed both before and after the bath." وَقد يعرض عقيب الإفراط فِي الرياضة مَعَ قلَّة الدَّلْك ضعف مَعَ التخلخل وَقد يعرض من الْجِمَاع المفرط أَيْضا وَمن الْحمام الْمُتَوَاتر فَيَنْبَغِي أَن يعالجوا برياضة الِاسْتِرْدَاد وبدلك يَابِس إِلَى الصلابة مَعَ دهن قَابض,"(iii) Rarefaction of the skin may be associated with weakness (asthenia). This may be ,the result of (a) excessive exercise,, especially if subsequent massage were insufficient; (b) over- indulgence in coitus; (c) too frequently repeated baths. The treatment of such cases therefore consists in the use of restorative exercises, and of dry friction, for which an astringent oil is used in order to obtain a hardening effect." ويتناولوا أغذية مرطبة قَليلَة الكمية معتدلة فِي الْحر وَالْبرد أَو إِلَى الْحر مَا هِيَ قَلِيلا. وَكَذَلِكَ يصنعون إِن عرض ضعف أَو سهر أَو غم أَو عرض يبس من الْغَضَب فَإِن عرض لهَؤُلَاء سوء استمراء لم يوافقهم رياضة الِاسْتِرْدَاد وَلَا شَيْء من الرياضات الْبَتَّةَ.,"The diet should include humectants in small amount, which are moderately calefacient or moderately infrigidant or slightly inclined to be “hot.” The same sort of treatment is used for asthenia, wakefulness, sadness, “ dryness ” in the nerves (or the state which follows on. anger).. In such cases, if the patient finds the digestive process of the food is depraved, the reversion exercises are not good indeed no -exercises are to be recommended." وَقد يعرض من فرط الاستحمام والاستكثار من الْغذَاء وَالشرَاب والترفه أَن يحس الْإِنْسَان فِي أَعْضَائِهِ بِفضل رُطُوبَة وخصوصاً فِي لِسَانه حَتَّى إِنَّهَا تضر بِأَفْعَال الْأَعْضَاء فَإِن كَانَ من سَبَب سَابق فَذَلِك إِلَى الطِّبّ الجزئي,"When the cause of the weakness is an over-indulgence in baths, in eating and drinking, and inactivity, the patient suffers from undue humidity in the tissues (especially the tongue), and the activity of the limbs is impaired. Should this depend on some antecedent cause, the special treatment for that will become necessary." وَإِن كَانَ من أَمر مِمَّا عددناه قَرِيبا كشرب أَو فرط دعة أَو شدَّة استرطاب من الْحمام فَيجب أَن يجشموا رياضة قَوِيَّة ودلكاً خشناً يَابسا بِلَا دهن أومع شَيْء قَلِيل من الدّهن السخن. وَأما اليبس المفرط الَّذِي يحسه صَاحبه بِبدنِهِ فَهُوَ من جنس الإعياء القشفي وعلاجه ذَلِك العلاج بِعَيْنِه.,"In the case of any other causes which we have named wine, undue inactivity, undue moistening effect of the bath the best thing to do is to anoint the body, use vigorous exercise, employ rough dry friction without oil, or a massage with the aid of a small amount of a calefacient oil. When a person experiences undue dryness of the skin of the hands, this belongs to the category of arefactive lassitude. The treatment is the same as for that condition." الْفَصْل السَّادِس عشر علاج الإعياء الْحَادِث بِنَفسِهِ,THE TREATMENT OF LASSITUDE OF SPONTANEOUS ORIGIN (The Second Mode of Lassitude) أما القروحي فَيجب أَن يتعرف حَاله: أَنه هَل هُوَ فِي الْخَلْط الْمُوجب لَهُ دَاخل الْعُرُوق أَو خَارِجهَا ويدلّ على كَونه فِي الْعُرُوق نَتن الْبَوْل وأحوال الأغذية السالفة وعادته فِي كَثْرَة تولد الفضول فِي عروقه أَو قلّتها وَسُرْعَة انتفائها عَنهُ أَو إحواجها إِيَّاه إِلَى علاج,"The ulcerose state is recognized when the humour upon which it depends is within or without the vessels. The humour is shown to be within the vessels by the urine being fetid, the nature of the previous diet: for some articles of diet give rise to an undue proportion of superfluous matters in the blood; some articles of diet give rise to too few superfluous matters; or these matters are expelled too speedily; or medicinal treatment may become necessary for them." وَحَال مشروبه أَنه هَل كَانَ صافياً أَو كدراً فَإِن دلّت هَذِه الدَّلَائِل فَهُوَ فِي الْعُرُوق وَإِلَّا فَهُوَ بارز. فَإِن كَانَ الإعياء من فضول خَارِجَة وَكَانَ دَاخل الْعُرُوق نقياً كفى فِيهِ رياضة الِاسْتِرْدَاد وَمَا أوردناه من التَّدْبِير الْمَقُول فِي بَاب القروحي الْحَادِث بالرياضة.,"the character of the fluids taken: if wine, whether clear or thick. From all such data one comes to the conclusion that the site is within the vessels; if they are not found, the condition is extravascular. In cases where the lassitude from superfluities is of extrinsic origin, and the vessels are unobstructed, it is sufficient to carry out reversion (restorative) exercises, and follow the regimen, to an increased degree, which we have indicated for cases of ulcerose lassitude due to exercise." وَإِن كَانَ الْقسم الآخر فَلَا تتعرضن لَهُ بالرياضة بل عَلَيْك بتوديعه وتنويمه وتجويعه ومسحه كل عَشِيَّة بالدهن وإحمامه بِالْمَاءِ المعتدل إِن احْتمل الْحمام على الشَّرْط الَّذِي أوردناه وغذّه بِمَا قلّ ممَا يجود كيموسه من جنس الأحساء مِمَّا لَا يكون فِيهِ كَثْرَة لزوجة وَلَا كَثْرَة غذَاء,"But if the case belongs to the other group, one should not order exercise, but inactivity, sleep, fasting. Then, towards each evening, the abdomen should be anointed with oil, followed by a bath in moderately hot water, if, his condition is such that he will stand the bath. The diet should be of the character already stated: one which makes good chyme, fluid or semi-fluid [lit. able to be sucked, e.g. through a tube or spout], not viscid, and not particularly nutritious." وَهَذَا مثل الشّعير والخندروس وَلُحُوم الطير مِمَّا لطف لَحْمه وَمن الْأَشْرِبَة السكنجبين العسلي وَمَاء الْعَسَل وَالشرَاب الْأَبْيَض الرَّقِيق وَلَا تَمنعهُ الشَّرَاب فَإِنَّهُ منضج مدر.,"Examples of such foods are: barley, frumenty, game (provided it is delicate), syrupus acetosus with honey, mead, light white wine. A wine which is matured and diuretic need not be forbidden." وَيجب أَن يبْدَأ أَولا بِمَا فِيهِ حموضة يسيرَة ثمَّ يتدرّج إِلَى الْأَبْيَض الرَّقِيق فَإِن لم يغن هَذَا التَّدْبِير فهنالك خلط فاستفرغ الْغَالِب فَإِن كَانَ الْغَالِب دَمًا أَو مَعَه دم فصدت إِلَّا أسهلت أَو جمعت على مَا ترى من أَمر الدَّم.,"but to begin with one would prefer to administer a wine which is slightly sour or rather yellow. Afterwards one changes to a white and light wine. If this regimen proves ineffective it will show that the excess of humour present needs evacuation. Should it be the sanguineous humour, do a venesection [or scarify the ankles: Aeg.]. Otherwise, procure purgation, making your choice between them according to the proportion of sanguineous humour which you judge to exist." وَإِيَّاك أَن تفعل شَيْئا من هَذَا إِذا استضعفت الْقُوَّة. واستدلالك على جنس الْخَلْط هُوَ من الْبَوْل أَو من العرقَ وَمن حَال النّوم والسهر فَإِذا امْتنع النّوم مَعَ تدبيرك الْجيد فَهُوَ دَلِيل رَدِيء فَإِن توهمت أَن الْجيد من الدَّم قَلِيل فِي الْعُرُوق,"But take care not to do either if the vitality is low. To ascertain the kind of humour concerned, one considers the character of the urine and sweat; and the tendency towards sleep or wakefulness. It is a bad sign if sleep is banished in spite of a good regimen. If one has ascertained that there is a deficiency of good blood in the body." وَأَن الأخلاط النيئة هِيَ الْغَالِبَة فأرحه وأطعمه واسقه مَا يلطف بعد أَن لَا تسقيه مَا فِيهِ إسخان كثير بل اسْقِهِ مَا فِيهِ تقطيع مثل السكنجبين العسلي فَإِن احتجت إِلَى أَن تزيد الملطّفات قُوَّة جعلت فِي الطَّعَام أَو فِي مَاء الشّعير الَّذِي تسقيه شَيْئا من الفلفل.,"and that the immature acrid humours are in excess, one must not bleed the patient or purge [or let him bathe (Aeg.)], but procure complete rest. Order attenuant foods and fluids; avoid any fluid nourishment which is calefacient, but choose such as has a sharp or biting or incisive quality: e.g. syrupus acetosus, with honey [acid wines, capers with vinegar and honey: Aeg.]. If it be necessary to increase the power of the attenuants, put a little pepper into the food, and into the barley-water [especially as there is generally hypogastric flatulence: Aeg.]." وَإِن اضطررت إِلَى الكموني أَو الفلفلي لفجاجة الأخلاط سقيت كَمَا ترى قبل الطَّعَام وَبعده وَعند النّوم مِقْدَار ملعقة صَغِيرَة وَلَا يصلح لَهُم الفودنجي فَإِنَّهُ يُجَاوز الحدّ فِي الإسخان,"Cumin and pepper may be needed to counteract the immaturity of the humours (i.e. acrid matters which have not been properly digested) administering them either before or after a meal, or at bedtime, according as seems best to you. The dose-is a small tablespoonful. Pennyroyal is not so good, for it is over-heating." فَإِن تحققت أَن الأخلاط النيئة لَيست فِي الْعُرُوق لَكِنَّهَا فِي الْأَعْضَاء الْأَصْلِيَّة دلكتهم خَاصَّة بالغدوات بالأدهان المرخية اللزجة وسقيتهم من المسخنات مَا يبلغ إسخانه ويلزمهم السّكُون الطَّوِيل ثمَّ الاستحمام بِمَاء معتدل الْحَرَارَة,"Now if one is absolutely certain that the immature humours are not in the vessels but in the tissues (lit. roots of the members) one orders massage; laxative oils, especially in the mornings; heating drinks whose heat passes to the skin; a long rest; then a -moderately hot bath." وتسقيهم الفودنجي بِلَا خوف. وَلَكِن يجب أَن يكون قبل الطَّعَام وَقبل الرياضة فَإِن احتجت قبل الطَّعَام إِلَى ممرىء فَلَا تسقه قَوِيا منفذاً مثل الفودنجي بل مثل الكموني والفلافلي وَليكن من أَيهمَا كَانَ يَسِيرا والسفرجلي.,"Prescribe pennyroyal fearlessly, whilst being sure to give it before meals and exercise. If it be necessary to aid the gastric digestion before a meal, do not give a strongly penetrative remedy like pennyroyal, but choose cumin and pepper in small dose. Quince may also- be used." وَيجوز أَن يكون مَا تسقيه مِنْهَا بعد أَن تتأمل حَتَّى لَا يكون الْبدن شَدِيد الْحَرَارَة العرضية وَأَنت تسقيه هَذِه. وينفع هَؤُلَاءِ الْمسْح بدهن البابونج والشبث والمرزنجوش وَغير ذَلِك وَحدهمَا أَو مَعَ الشمع أَو يقوى برزيانج أَو الرزيانج مَعَ اثْنَي عشر ضعفا من الزَّيْت,"One could administer more of the latter, if one decides that the extraneous heat of the body would not be much greater in degree by giving it. Beneficial remedies: inunction with oil of chamomile, of aniseed, of sweet marjoram, etc. whether given alone or combined in wax. Their action is increased by resin, alone or with twice its volume of its oil." وَإِذا تعرّفت أَن الأخلاط فِي الْعُرُوق وخارجاً مَعًا قصدت الْأَعْظَم وَلم تهمل الْأَصْغَر .فَإِن اسْتَويَا قصدت أَولا قصد الهضم بالفلافلي وَإِن شِئْت زِدْت عَلَيْهِ فطراساليون بِوَزْن الأنيسون ليَكُون أَشد إدراراً,"When one has ascertained that the immature humout s are in the vessels, and at the same time outside them, one would become more anxious. Do not lessen your efforts in consequence. If there be as much within as without, first aim at procuring the maturation of the humour; pepper may be used for this purpose. To that, if one wishes, one may add parsley, and an equal weight of anise. In this way a greater degree of diuresis will be procured." وَإِن شِئْت خلطت بِهِ يَسِيرا من الفودنجي بعد أَن تنقص من شربه الكقوني أَو الفلافلي أَو تزيد فِي ذَلِك حَتَّى يبْقى بِآخِرهِ الفودنجي الصّرْف عِنْدَمَا يكون الَّذِي مَا فِي الْعُرُوق قد انهضم وانتفض وَبقيت عَلَيْك الْعِنَايَة بِمَا هُوَ خَارج الْعُرُوق.,"Or, if one so desire, one may admix with it a little pennyroyal, and at the same time lessen the amount of cumin and pepper. These are lessened step by step until at last there remains simply nothing but pure pennyroyal. As soon as the (foreign matter) in the vessels has become digested, and has passed on out of them, one has to deal with that which is exterior to them." والفودنجي كَمَا علمت نَافِع لهَذَا ضار للْأولِ. وَأما هَؤُلَاءِ الْمُجْتَمع فيهم الْأَمْرَانِ فَيَنْبَغِي أَن تجنبهم كل مَا يشْتَد جذبه إِلَى خَارج أَو إِلَى دَاخل فَلذَلِك يجب أَن لَا تبادر إِلَى قيئهم وإسهالهم مَا لم تتقدم أَولا بالتلطيف والتقطيع والإنضاج وَلَا تريضهم أَيْضا,"Pennyroyal will be useful for this purpose, whereas it was impeditive at first. Where the two conditions occur concurrently one must take special care not to attract the impure matter forcibly towards the surface of the body, or to the interior organs either. Hence one should not risk producing emesis too soon, or purging before the humours are rendered tenuous, and have been “cut” and matured. Exercise is also not ordered." فَإِذا سكن الإعياء وَحسن اللَّوْن ونضج الْبَوْل فادلكهم دلكا كثيرا وريضهم رياضة يسيرَة وجرب فَإِن عاودهم شَيْء من الْمَرَض فاترك وَإِن لم يعاودهم فاستمر بهم إِلَى عَادَتهم متدرجاً فِيهِ إِلَى أَن يبلغ واجبهم من الاستحمام والتمريخ والدلك والرياضة,"When the lassitude has passed away, and the colour of the skin is more healthy, and the urine normal (“mature”), plenty of massage is given and exercise in small amount. One considers whether there is any chance of a relapse, for in that case one would pause in these measures. If it appears that a relapse will not occur, the customary life with regard to bathing, inunction, massage, exercise, is gradually resumed." وَفِي آخر الْأَمر فزد فِي قُوَّة أذهانهم فَإِن عاود أحدا من هَؤُلَاءِ إعياء مَعَ حس قُرُوح فعاود تدبيرك وَإِن عاوده بِلَا حس قُرُوح فدبره بالاسترداد وَأَن اخْتلطت الدَّلَائِل وَلم يظْهر إعياء قوي محسوس فأرحه.,"Finally the strength of the ointments used is brought back to the customary. If a relapse is threatening, with a sensation like that of ulcerose lassitude, the regimen must be taken up again. If the relapse threatens without that sensation of ulcerose lassitude, the treatment is by reversion-exercise. If the signs are ambiguous, and the sensation of lassitude is not marked, order rest." وَأما الإعياء التمددي فسببه هَهُنَا هُوَ امتلاء بِلَا رداعة خلط وعلاجه فِي الْأَبدَان الردية المزاج الفصد وتلطيف التَّدْبِير وَفِي الْبدن الَّذِي نتكلم فِيهِ نَحن هُوَ بالتلطيف والتقطيع وَحده ثمَّ يعان من بعد بِمَا يجب.,"The cause of tensive lassitude is: repletion without depravity- of the humour. If the temperament is unhealthy, order venesection and an attenuant regimen. In the type of person of which we speak, the treatment is by attenuants and a certain amount of incisives; after that one helps the cure by using appropriate agents." وَأما الورمي فعلاجه الْمُبَادرَة إِلَى الفصد من الْعرق الَّذِي يُنَاسب الْعُضْو الَّذِي فِيهِ أَكثر الإعياء أَو الَّذِي يظْهر فِيهِ أول الإعياء وَمن الأكحل إِن كَانَ لَا تفَاوت فِيهِ بَين الْأَعْضَاء وَرُبمَا احتجت أَن تفصده فِي الْيَوْم الثَّانِي بل فِي الثَّالِث,"Inflammative lassitude. Treat by venesection. The choice of vein depends on the part most affected with lassitude, or the part in which the condition began; if it be the head, use the cephalic vein; if the chest or back, use the basilic vein; if the other members are chiefly affected, or there is no distinction of priority, bleed from the median vein of the arm. It may be necessary to bleed on the second or even the third day." فافصد فِي الْيَوْم الأول كَمَا يظْهر وَلَا تؤخره فيتمكن فِيهِ وَفِي الْيَوْم الثَّانِي وَالثَّالِث فافصمه عشَاء وَيجب أَن يكون غذاؤه فِي الْيَوْم الأول مَاء الشّعير أَو حسو الخندروس ساذجاً إِن لم تعرض حمى فَإِن عرضت فماء الشّعير وَحده.,"On the first day, one bleeds as soon as the lassitude appears, otherwise the condition may become established. The proper time to bleed on the second or third day is sunset. Diet. On the first day barley water alone, or juice of frumenty as long as there is no fever. If there is fever, give barley water alone." وَفِي الْيَوْم الثَّانِي ذَلِك مَعَ دهن بَارِد أَو معتدل كدهن اللوز. وَفِي الْيَوْم الثَّالِث مثل الخسّية والفرعية والملوكية والحماضية وَمثل السّمك الرضراضي أسفيدباجا. وَيمْنَعُونَ فِي هَذِه الْأَيَّام من شرب المَاء مَا أمكن,"On the second day give a cooling or attempered oil like almond oil. On the third day give a “salad” made with lettuce or cucumber (or, members of the gourd family), or garden mallow [or, “ beet ”: Aeg.] or sorrel [in cold broth: Aeg.], and give rock fish in white broth (i.e. a special dish or recipe) and forbid drinking [cold: Aeg.] water as much as possible during this day." وَلَكنهُمْ إِذا عيل صبرهم فِي الْيَوْم الثَّالِث وَلم يستمرئوا طعامهم سقوا مَاء الْعَسَل أَو شرابًا أَبيض رَقِيقا أَو ممزوجاً. وَإِيَّاك أَن تغذيهم إِثْر هَذِه الاستفراغات دفْعَة تَتِمَّة حَاجتهم فينجذب الْغذَاء الْغَيْر المنهضم إِلَى الْعُرُوق,"If by the third day, the patient feels nausea, or, if he has an appetite but the stomach cannot digest the food, let him have mead, or a light white wine, or an attempered white wine. After the- evacuations, take care not to give a great deal of food all at once, for undigested food will be drawn into the blood." لوجوه ثَلَاثَة: أَحدهَا أَن الْغذَاء إِذا قل بخلت الْمعدة بِهِ ونازعت قوتها الماسكة قُوَّة الكبد الجافبة أما إِذا أَكثر لم تبخل بِهِ بل رُبمَا أعانت جذب الكبد بقوتها الدافعة وَكَذَلِكَ كل وعَاء مُتَقَدم بِالْقِيَاسِ إِلَى مَا بعده وَالثَّانِي أَن الْكثير لَا يجود هضمه فِي الْمعدة,"This is due to three factors: (i) when there is not much food, the stomach greedily holds it, and its retentive power is antagonistic to the attractive power of the liver. When food is plentiful, the stomach is not greedy of it, and then its expulsive power helps the attractive power of the liver. The same holds good with each receptacle in turn in regard to that which comes next into play; (ii) when there is much in the stomach, it does not get digested as well." وَالثَّالِث أَن الْكثير يُرْسل إِلَى الْعُرُوق غذَاء كثيرا فتعجز الْعُرُوق أَيْضا عَن هضمه.,"(iii) the presence of plenty of food means that there will be much nutriment for the blood, and the vessels [greedily absorb the chyle before it is digested: (Aeg.) and they] themselves are incapable of digesting it." تَدْبِير الْأَبدَان الَّتِي أمزجتها غير فاضلة هَذِه الْأَبدَان إِمَّا مخطئة وَإِمَّا ممنوة فِي الخلفة. فَأَما المخطئة فَهِيَ الَّتِي أمزجتها الجبلية فاضلة وَقد اكْتسبت أمزجة رَدِيئَة فِي الْوَقْت بخطأ التَّدْبِير المتطاول حَتَّى اسْتَقَرَّتْ فِيهَا.,"CONCERNING THE REGIMEN IN THE CASES WHERE THE TEMPERAMENT OF THE BODY IN DEFECTIVE The temperament (constitution) of the body may be defective either from some deleterious influence, or from the natural course of events beginning from birth. In the former case the temperament was appropriate for a certain length of time, until persistent faulty regimen has produced a change which itself remains persistent." والممنوة هِيَ الَّتِي أمزجتها فِي الأَصْل غير فاضلة أما المخطئة فيتعرف خطؤها بالكيفية والكمية لتعالج بالضد وَقد يستحلّ على ذَلِك من حَال سخنة الْبدن. وَأما الممنوة فَهِيَ الَّتِي وَقع فَسَاد حَالهَا من مزاجها الأول أَو من سنّهَا.,"In the latter case the defective constitution has been present from the outset (of conception). In the first group of cases, the error is in quantity or in quality, and the nature of the case is revealed by a study of the form of the body [physiognomy in the wide sense; see also Kuhne]. The remedy is to have recourse to the corresponding contrary. The second group of cases shows a depravity of the state of the body, in that there is a change either in the original constitution, or in the course of advancing years of life." التَّعْلِيم الثَّالِث تَدْبِير الْمَشَايِخ وَهُوَ ستّة فُصُول الْفَصْل الأول قَول كلي فِي تَدْبِير الْمَشَايِخ,THESIS III i. GENERAL REMARKS ON THE REGIMEN OF OLD AGE جملَة تدبيرهم فِي اسْتِعْمَال مَا يرطّب ويسخن مَعًا من إطالة النّوم واللبث فِي الْفراش أَكثر من الشبَّان وَمن الأغذية والاستحمامات والأشربة وإدامة إدرار بَوْلهمْ وَإِخْرَاج البلغم من معدهم من طَرِيق المعي والمثانة,"In brief, the regimen appropriate for old people consists in giving those forms of aliment, drink, and baths which render the body warm and moist (i.e. moistening, calefacient food; warm or hot soft water baths). There should be plenty of sleep, and the time spent on the couch should be liberal more than is legitimate for adults. The flow of urine should be continually assisted by diluents; the mucus should be helped out of the stomach by way of the bowels and urine." وَأَن يدام لين طبيعتهم وينفعهم جدا الدَّلْك المعتدل فِي الكمية والكيفية مَعَ الدّهن ثمَّ الرّكُوب أَو الْمَشْي إِن كَانُوا يضعفون عَن الرّكُوب. والضعيف مِنْهُم يُعَاد عَلَيْهِ الدَّلْك ويُثنى,"The nature is too soft, and this needs correcting. Massage: massage with oil, moderated both in quantity and quality so as to fall short of occasioning lassitude, is beneficial. Exercise: Walking or horse-riding is taken after the massage. The choice depends -on which is too fatiguing. If both forms of exercise are fatiguing, repeat the massage once or twice (instead)." وَيجب أَن يتعهد التَّطَيُّب من الْعطر كثيرا وخصوصاً الْحَار باعتدال وَأَن يمرخوا بالدهن بعد النّوم فَإِن ذَلِك يُنَبه الْقُوَّة الحيوانية ثمَّ يسْتَعْمل الْمَشْي وَالرُّكُوب.,"Sleep: the air of the room: some pleasantly redolent aromatic should be used to perfume the air which is breathed, using one which is. moderately “hot.” After sleep, the body should be anointed with oil in order to stimulate the sensitive faculties. After this the horse-riding or walking exercise may be taken." الْفَصْل الثَّانِي تغذية الْمَشَايِخ,THE FOOD FOR OLD PERSONS يجب أَن يفرق غذَاء الشَّيْخ قَلِيلا قَلِيلا ويغذى فِي كرتين أَو ثَلَاث بِحَسب الهضم وقوته وَضَعفه فيأكل فِي السَّاعَة الثَّالِثَة الْخبز الجيّد الصَّنْعَة مَعَ الْعَسَل وَفِي السَّابِعَة بعد الاستحمام مَا يلين الْبَطن مِمَّا نذكرهُ,"Food should be given in small amounts at a time. There may be two, or three, meals a day, divided up according to the digestive power, and according to the general condition whether robust or weakly. In the latter case, at the second or third hour they may partake of well-baked bread, and honey. At the seventh hour after the bath, they may partake of someone or other of the foods we shall name later, which are laxative in action." ويتناول بعد ذَلِك بِقرب اللَّيْل الطَّعَام الْمَحْمُود الْغذَاء فَإِن كَانَ قَوِيا زيد فِي غذائه قَلِيلا وليجتنبوا كل غذَاء غليظ يُولد السَّوْدَاء والبلغم وكل حاد حريف يجفف مثل الكواميخ والتوابل إِلَّا على سَبِيل الدَّوَاء,"At bed-time, some laudable nutriment may be allowed. When they are robust, old persons may have a rather more liberal supper, as long as they avoid any gross aliment which is likely to give rise to atrabilious or serous humour, and avoid all hot, sharp, or desiccative foods, such as dishes made with vinegar, salt or hot aromatics, seasoning, pickles, etc. These may, however, be allowed as medicaments." فَإِن فعلوا من ذَلِك مَا ملا يَنْبَغِي لَهُم فتناولوا من الصِّنْف الأول مثل المالح والباذنجاق والمقدد وَلُحُوم الصَّيْد أَو مثل السّمك الصلب اللَّحْم والبطيخ الرقيّ والقثاء,"Should some article of food in the first group have been taken which should have been avoided such as salted foods, egg-plant, dried salted animal-game-meat, fish with tough flesh, smoked fish then this must be counteracted with water-melon, and cucumber." أَو فعلوا الْخَطَأ الثَّانِي فَأَكَلُوا الكواميخ والصحناة وَاللَّبن عولجوا بتناول الضِّدّ بل إِنَّمَا يجب أَن يسْتَعْمل فيهم الملطفات إِذا علم أَن فيهم فضولاً فَإِذا نقوا غذوا بالمرطبات ثمَّ يعاودون أَحْيَانًا بأَشْيَاء من الملطفات مغ الْغذَاء على مَا سنقول فِيهِ.,"Should one of the other group have been wrongly taken dishes made with vinegar, salt and strong aromatics (like.“ fish- jelly,” dishes ‘with pickles, savouries) the remedy is to use the contraries, and select only attenuant articles if one knows that there are superfluities in the body. When the bowels have been opened, give humectant foods, followed by slightly attenuant foods, as we shall explain. [Olive oil may be; given before the meal.]" وَأما اللَّبن فينتفع بِهِ مِنْهُم من يستمرئه وَلَا يجد عَقِيبه تمدداً فِي نَاحيَة الكبد أَو الْبَطن وَلَا حكّة وَلَا وجعاً فَإِن اللَّبن يغفو ويرطب. وأوفقه لبن الماعز والأتن. وَلبن الأتن من خواصه أَنه لَا يتجبن كثيرا وينحدر سَرِيعا وَلَا سِيمَا إِن كَانَ مَعَه ملح وَعسل.,"For persons who like and can digest milk, it is beneficial. One knows that it is well-borne if it does not cause fullness over the liver and epigastrium, or itching, or pain. Milk is good for old persons because it is nutritious and humectant. Goats’ and asses’ milk are best. Asses’ milk is recommended because among its properties is this that it is not cheesy, and it passes quickly through the intestines, especially if salt and honey have been added to it." وَيجب أَن يتعهد المرعى حَتَّى لَا يكون نباتاً عفصاً أَو حريفاً أَو حامضاً أَو شَدِيد الملوحة. وَأما الْبُقُول والفواكه الَّتِي تتناولها الْمَشَايِخ فى مثل السلق والكرفس وَقَلِيل من الكرات يَتَنَاوَلهَا مطيبة بالمري وَالزَّيْت,"However, one must be sure that the pasturage is free of pungent herbs, or sharp or bitter herbage and marshmallows, or very salty herbs. Potherbs and fruits specially suitable for old persons: beets, celery [which is good for persons with a gouty tendency or tendency to calculus: Aeg.]; also a little leek, which may be dished up with tasty aromatics to help digestion; also olive oil [and pickles, olives, damascenes seasoned with salt: Aeg.]." وخصوصاً قبل طعامهم ليعين على تليين الطبيعة وَإِذا استعملوا الثوم فِي الْأَوْقَات وَكَانُوا معتادين لَهُ انتفعوا بِهِ والزنجبيل المربّى من الْأَدْوِيَة الْمُوَافقَة لَهُم وَأكْثر المربيات الحارة وَليكن بِقدر مَا يسخن ويهضم لَا بِقدر مَا يجفف الْبدن.,"This is specially chosen to take before the meal, in order to obtain a laxative effect. It is also an advantage to partake of such at bedtime, for they dispose one to sleep. Ginger, which is really a medicine, is a good condiment for old persons. And there are various other medicines which may be taken as heating confections made with liquid extracts, taking them in sufficient amount to be warming without causing indigestion or being desiccative." وَيجب أَن تكون أغذيتهم مرطّبة إِنَّمَا ينفعل عَن هَذِه من طَرِيق الهضم والتسخين وَلَا ينفعل إِلَى التجفيف وَمِمَّا يستعملونه لتليين طبائعهم ويوافق أبدانهم من الْفَوَاكِه التِّين والإجاص فِي الصَّيف والتين الْيَابِس الْمَطْبُوخ بِمَاء الْعَسَل إِن كَانَ الْوَقْت شتاء.,"It is essential that the nutrients should be humectant, without any likelihood of exerting a drying effect, and that they should be calefacient and help digestion. Articles of food which have a laxative action, appropriate for elderly persons. For summer: figs and prunes; for winter: dried figs cooked in water and in honey." وَجَمِيع هَذَا يجب أَن يكون قبل الطَّعَام لتليين طبائعهم وَأَيْضًا اللبلاب الْمَطْبُوخ بِالْمَاءِ وَالْملح مطيباً بِالْمَاءِ وَالزَّيْت وأصل البسفايج إِذا جعل شورباجة من الدَّجَاج أَو فِي مرقة السلق أَو فِي مرقة الكرنب,"Among the foods which may be enjoyed are such as are laxative, and congenial to the elderly body namely, gamebirds boiled with water and salt and flavoured nicely with condiments, and served with oil; polypody root, which has been placed in chicken-broth or beet-broth, or in cabbage broth." فَإِن كَانَت طبيعتهم تستمر على لين يَوْمًا دون يَوْم فَعَن المسهل والمزلق غنى. وَإِن كَانَت تلين يَوْمًا وتحتبس يَوْمَيْنِ كفاهم مثل اللبلاب وَمَاء الكرنب ولباب القرطم بكشك الشّعير أَو مِقْدَار جوزة أَو جوزتين من صمغ البطم.,"If the individual has the peculiarity of being one day loose, and the next bound, solvent food-stuffs may be omitted. If the bowels are loose one day, and bound for two days, it will be sufficient to take such articles of food as cabbage water, and a (Persian) ptisan of barley containing bastard saffron, or turpentine gum, to the amount of one, two or three hazel-nuts." فَإِنَّهَا تلين طبائعهم بخاصية فِيهِ ويجلو الأحشاء بِغَيْر أَذَى. وينفعهم اْيضاً الدَّوَاء المركّب من لباب القرطم مَعَ عشرَة أَمْثَاله تيناً يَابسا والشربة مِنْهُ كالجوزة.,"All these have the property of relaxing the bowels, and cleanse the interior organs without harm. Another good medicine is one compounded of the kernel of bastard saffron and twice its amount of dried figs. The dose is the size of a nut; take in a draught." وتنفعهم الحقنة بالدهن فَإِن فِيهَا مَعَ الاستفراغ تليين الأحشاء وخصوصاً الزَّيْت العذب ويجتنب فيهم الحقن الحارة فَإِنَّهَا تجافف أمعاءهم. وَأما الحقنة الرّطبَة الدهنية فَإِنَّهَا من أَنْفَع الْأَشْيَاء لَهُم إِذا احْتبست بطونهم أَيَّامًا.,"Purgation in elderly persons. Another good remedy is an oil enema, for it empties the bowel as well as lubricates the bowel-walls, especially if sweet oil is used for the purpose. The rectum may simply be lubricated with oil. Strong clysters must be avoided because they dry the intestine. A moist unctuous clyster is very beneficial in cases where the bowels have been constipated for several days." وَلَهُم أدوية ملينة للطبيعة خَاصَّة سنذكرها فِي القراباذين وَيجب أَن يكون الاستفراغ فِي الكهول والمشايخ بِغَيْر الفصد مَا أمكن فَإِن الإسهال المعتدل أوفق لَهُم.,"There are also other remedies for procuring gentle motions, and we shall specify these in the formulary. The evacuations in old and decrepit persons must be procured with as little depression as possible, for it is greatly to their advantage to have the bowels opened gently." الْفَصْل الثَّالِث شراب الْمَشَايِخ,WINE FOR ELDERLY PERSONS خير شرابهم الْعَتِيق الْأَحْمَر ليدر ويسخن مَعًا وليجتنبوا الحَدِيث والأبيض إِلَّا أَن يَكُونُوا استحموا بعد التَّنَاوُل من الْغذَاء وعطشوا فيسقون حِينَئِذٍ شرابًا رَقِيقا قَلِيل الْغذَاء على أَنه لَهُم بدل المَاء وليجتنبوا الحلو المسدد من الْأَشْرِبَة.,"The wine which is best for elderly persons is old, red, with warming effect, and diuretic. New and white sweet wine should be avoided, unless a bath is taken after a meal at which such wine is taken, and unless there is thirst. In that case it is allowable to take white wine which is light without much body in it, thus taking the place of plain water. Elderly persons must shun sweet wines which are likely to prove oppilative [but wines prepared with honey may be allowed even in cases where gout is threatened: Aeg.]." الْفَصْل الرَّابِع تفتيح سدد الْمَشَايِخ,THE REMOVAL OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN OLD PERSONS إِن عرض لَهُم سدد وأسهلها مَا عرض من شرب الشَّرَاب فَيجب أَن يفتحوا بالفودنجي والفلافلي وينثر الفلفل على الشَّرَاب وَإِن كَانَت عَادَتهم قد جرت بِاسْتِعْمَال الثوم والبصل استعملوها. والترياق يَنْفَعهُمْ جدا وخصوصاً عِنْد حُدُوث السدد.,"Obstructions are very liable to result from the use of white wine. These may be cleared by the use of pennyroyal, capsicum, and by sprinkling pepper on the wine. Onions and garlic may be taken for the same purpose, if the person is accustomed to take them. Theriac is also good, especially if the obstruction is recent." وَكَذَلِكَ أتاناسيا وأمروسيا وَلَكِن يجب أَن يترطبوا بعده بالاستحمام وبالتمريخ وبالأغذية مثل مَاء اللَّحْم بالخندروس وَالشعِير. واستعمالهم شراب الْعَسَل يَنْفَعهُمْ ويؤمنهم حُدُوث السدد ووجع المفاصل,"These remedies are to be followed by a bath, by oil, and such aliments as meat-broth with frumenty and barley. Mead is beneficial both when there are actual obstructions or they are merely threatened, and is useful for averting joint-troubles." بعد أَن يُزَاد عَلَيْهِ مَعَ إحساس سدة فِي عُضْو أَو إحساس استعداده لَهَا مَا يَخُصُّهُ كبزر الكرفس وَأَصله لأعضاء الْبَوْل وَإِن كَانَت السدة حصوية طبخ بِمَا هُوَ أقوى مثل فطراساليون وَأَن كَانَت السدد فِي الرئة فَمثل البرشاوشان والزوفا والسليخة وَمَا يشبه ذَلِك.,"If there is a sensation of a block in a given member, or if there is a premonition of such, one should combine some diuretic remedy with it, like celery seed. In cases where the (ureter or) urethra is blocked by a calculus something stronger is advisable, like parsley. For obstruction in the lung, use hyssop, maidenhair, cassia wood, and the like." الْفَصْل الْخَامِس دَلْكِ الْمَشَايِخ يجب أَن يكون معتدلاً فِي الكيف والكم غير متعرض للأعضاء الضعيفة أصلا أَو المثانة وَإِن كَانَ الدَّلْك ذَا مرَات فليدلكوا فِي المرَات بخرق خشنة أَو أيد مُجَرّدَة فَإِن ذَلِك يَنْفَعهُمْ وَيمْنَع نَوَائِب علل أعضائهم وينفعهم الْحمام مَعَ الدَّلْك.,"MASSAGE FOR ELDERLY PERSONS Massage must be moderate in amount and quality; feeble or tender parts must not be touched. Between the times of massage, the parts may be rubbed with rough towels (binders), or with the bare hands [i.e. without oil], in order to ensure that the members concerned shall not become enfeebled." الْفَصْل السَّادِس رياضة الْمَشَايِخ,EXERCISE IN OLD AGE تخْتَلف رياضة الْمَشَايِخ بِحَسب اخْتِلَاف حالات أبدانهم وبحسب مَا يعتادهم من الْعِلَل وبحسب عاداتهم فِي الرياضة فَإِن كَانَت أبدانهم على غَايَة الِاعْتِدَال وافقهم الرياضات المعتدلة,The factors to consider in regard to exercise in old age are: the different bodily states [of different people]; the sequelae likely to arise from their ailments; their previous habits in regard to exercise. For if towards the end of life the body is still equable it will be right” to allow attempered exercises. ثمَّ إِن كَانَ عُضْو مِنْهُم لَيْسَ على أفضل حالاته جعلُوا رياضته تَابِعَة لسَائِر الْأَعْضَاء فِي الرياضة مثل أَن كَانَ رَأسه يَعْتَرِيه الدوار أَو الصراع,"If one part of the body should not be in a first-rate condition, then that part should not be exercised until the others have been exercised. For instance, if an ailment begin in the patient’s head (like vertigo, or epilepsy)," أَو انصباب مواد إِلَى الرَّقَبَة وَكَانَ كثيرا مَا يصعد فِيهِ بخارات إِلَى الرَّأْس والدماغ لم يوافقهم من الرياضات مَا يطأطىء الرَّأْس ويدلّيه وَلَكِن يجب أَن يمالوا إِلَى الارتياض بِالْمَشْيِ والإحضار وَالرُّكُوب وكل رياضة تتَنَاوَل النّصْف الْأَسْفَل.,"or if there is catarrh [nose, throat, etc.], or there is a liability to suffer from the ascent of “vapours” to the head and brain then the exercise should not entail bending the head down; the exercise should be of walking, running, horse-riding, and other exercises involving the lower parts of the body." وَإِن كَانَت الآفة إِلَى جِهَة الرجل استعملوا الرياضات الفوقانية كالمشايلة وَرمي الْحِجَارَة وَرفع الْحجر. وَإِن كَانَت الآفة فِي نَاحيَة الْوسط كالطحال والكبد والمعدة والأمعاء وافقهم كلتا الرياضتين الطرفيتين إِن لم يمْنَع مَانع.,"On the other hand, if the ailment were in the feet, the exercise should employ the upper limbs: for instance, rowing, throwing weights, lifting weights. If the ailment be in the trunk (spleen, liver, stomach, intestines) the extremities should be exercised, supposing there is no contra-indication." وَأما إِن كَانَت الآفة فِي نَاحيَة الصَّدْر فَلَا يوافقهم إِلَّا الرياضة الفوقانية وَلَا سَبِيل لَهُم إِلَى أَن يدرجوا تِلْكَ الْأَعْضَاء فِي الرياضة ليقووها بهَا وَهَذَا للمشايخ بِخِلَاف مَا فِي سَائِر الْأَسْنَان,"the ailment is in the chest, the lower limbs should be exercised. If the ailment is in the kidneys and bladder, only the upper limbs may be exercised. In these cases the exercises are not to be graduated strictly, as if the members were -to be strengthened. In this respect the exercising differs from that’ for other periods of life." وَبِخِلَاف الْمَشَايِخ المستهلكين الَّذِي يوافقهم أَكثر مَا يُوَافق الْمَشَايِخ فَإِن أُولَئِكَ يجب أَن يقووا الْأَعْضَاء الضعيفة بتدريجها فِي النَّوْع من الرياضة الَّتِي توافقها وتليق بهَا,If In early old age the same principles apply as for ordinary old age… In other periods of life the weaker members are progressively strengthened by the adoption of exercises for the purpose. وَأما الْأَعْضَاء الْمَرِيضَة فَرُبمَا راضوها وَرُبمَا لم يرخص لَهُم فِي ذَلِك أَعنِي إِذا كَانَت حارة أَو يابسة أَو فِيهَا مَادَّة يخَاف أَن تميل إِلَى العفونة وَلَيْسَ بهَا نضج.,"The exercise of members is sometimes allowable in the infirm, sometimes not. Thus it is not permissible if the members are “ hot ” or “ dry,” or if there are matters (in the body) which might be drawn down into the limbs by the exercises, and fail to undergo resolution in them in consequence." (التَّعْلِيم الرَّابِع تَدْبِير بدن من مزاجه فَاضل) وَهُوَ خَمْسَة فُصُول الْفَصْل الأول استصلاح المزاج الأزيد حرارة,THESIS IV THE REGIMEN APPROPRIATE FOR CASES WHERE THE TEMPERAMENT IS NOT NORMAL i. ON THE RECTIFICATION OF HOT INTEMPERAMENT نقُول: إِن سوء المزاج الْحَار إِمَّا أَن يكون مَعَ اعْتِدَال من المنفعلين أَو غَلَبَة يبوسة أَو رُطُوبَة وَإِذا اعتدلت المنفعلتان عرفنَا أَن زِيَادَة الْحَرَارَة إِلَى حد وَلَيْسَت بمفرطة وَإِلَّا لجففت. وَأما الْحَار مَعَ اليبوسة فَيجوز أَن يبْقى هَذَا المزاج بِحَالهِ مُدَّة طَوِيلَة.,"We may say that in .the case of a hot intemperament (i.e. bilious habit or disposition), either there is an equilibrium of the two passive qualities, or there is either dryness or moisture. When the two passive qualities are balanced, the degree of heat will come to a limit; it will never be predominant, for that would lead to dryness. If dryness is associated with the heat, the intemperament may be maintained over a long period of time." وَأما الْحَار مَعَ الرُّطُوبَة فَإِن اجْتِمَاعهمَا لَا يطول فَتَارَة تغلب الرُّطُوبَة الْحَرَارَة فتطفئها وَتارَة تغلب الْحَرَارَة الرُّطُوبَة فتجففها. فَإِن غلبت الرُّطُوبَة فَإِن صَاحبهَا يصلح حَاله عِنْد الْمُنْتَهى فِي الشَّبَاب وَيصير معتدلاً فيهمَا. فَإِذا انحط أخذت الرُّطُوبَة الغريبة تزداد والحرارة تنقص.,"whereas if the heat is associated with moistness, the intemperament will be of short duration because the moisture becomes predominant and obliterates the “heat.” However the heat sometimes comes to predominate and obliterate the moisture, producing desiccation. Consequently, the condition of a person whose temperament shows a preponderance of moisture will become improved towards the attainment of adult life, and then become equable, whereas later in life the extraneous moisture begins to increase and the bodily heat to diminish." فَنَقُول: إِن جملَة تَدْبِير حارّي المزاج منحصرة فِي غرضين: أَحدهمَا: أَن نردهم إِلَى الِاعْتِدَال وَالثَّانِي: أَن نستحفظ صحتهم على مَا هِيَ عَلَيْهِ.,Therefore we may summarize the principles upon which the management of persons with hot intemperament is to be conducted in these two intentions: (i) to restore equilibrium; to conserve the existing state of health. أما الأول فَإِنَّمَا يَتَيَسَّر للوادعين المكفيين الموطنين أنفسهم على صَبر طَوِيل مُدَّة رجوعهم بالتدريج إِلَى الِاعْتِدَال لِأَن من يردّهم من غير تدريج يمرض أبدانهم. وَأما الثَّانِي فَإِنَّمَا يُمكن تدبيرهم بأغذية تشاكل مزاجهم حَتَّى تحفظ الصِّحَّة الْمَوْجُودَة لَهُم,"To secure the first, a patient needs training during the early years of life, the “passions” being subdued in a willing obedience to orderly discipline during all that time. Unless the discipline is orderly there will be a liability to illness. This intention is also gained the more easily if care be taken that the aliment is appropriate for their particular intemperament because in this way the health recovered is also conserved." فَمن كَانَ من حاري المزاج معتدلاً فِي المنفعلتين كَانُوا أدنى إِلَى الصِّحَّة فِي ابْتِدَاء أَمرهم وَكَانَ مزاجهم أسْرع لنبات أسنانهم وشعورهم وَكَانُوا ذَوي بَيَان ولسن وَسُرْعَة فِي الْمَشْي. ثمَّ إِذا أفرط عَلَيْهِم الْحر وَزَاد اليبس حدث لَهُم مزاج لذاع.,"Individuals with a hot intemperament who are attempered in respect of the two passive qualities, are nearly normal in health at the commencement of life, so that this kind of intemperament makes the teeth erupt early and the hair grow quickly; such children will be ready of speech, clear in utterance, and quick walkers. As they grow older, the hotness becomes dominant, dryness increases, and the temperament “biting” [sharp-tempered]." وَكثير مِنْهُم يتَوَلَّد فيهم المرار كثيرا وتدبيرهم فِي السن الأول هُوَ تَدْبِير المعتدلين فَإِذا انتقلوا نقلوا إِلَى تَدْبِير من يرام إدرار بَوْله واستفراغ مراره وَمن الْجِهَة الَّتِي تميل إِلَيْهَا فضولهم جهتي الإسهال أَو الْقَيْء. وَإِذا لم تف الطبيعة بإمالة الْخَلْط إِلَى الاستفراغ أعينت بأَشْيَاء خُفْيَة.,"Bilious humour is formed to excess in many of such individuals [as they grow older]. Accordingly, the. regimen during the early years is the same as that of attempered constitutions, and as the temperament changes the regimen must be correspondingly changed, seeking to provoke the urine, and help the choleric humour out of the body either by the bowel, or by emesis [and by the urine]. For if nature (i.e. the action of the bowels) alone does not suffice to get rid of the excess of humour." أما الْقَيْء فبمثل شرب المَاء الْحَار الْكثير وَحده أَو مَعَ النبذ وَأما الإسهال فَمثل البنفسج المربى وَالتَّمْر الْهِنْدِيّ والشيرخشك والترنجبين. وَيجب أَن تخفف رياضتهم وَأَن يغذوا بغذاء حسن الكيموس وَرُبمَا وَجب أَن يثلثوا الاستحمام فِي الْيَوْم وَيجب أَن يجنبوا كل سَبَب مسخن.,"emesis by mild remedies may help to do so using such as plenty of warm water, either alone or with wine. The action of the bowels is secured by the use of such things as conserve of violet, confection of tamarinds, manna, and Persian manna. Exercise should be lightened. Food: only allow such as yields good chyme. Baths: if these are necessary, they may be taken daily or every third day. But in that case nothing heating should be allowed (in the food)." وَإِن لم يورثهم الاستحمام عقيب الطَّعَام تمدداً أَو تعقداً فِي نَاحيَة الكبد والبطن استعملوه على أَمن. وَأما إِن عرض شَيْء من ذَلِك فَعَلَيْهِم بِاسْتِعْمَال المفتحات مثل نَقِيع الأفسنتين وداء الصَّبْر والأنيسون واللوز المر والسكنجبين ويمنعوا عَن الإستحمام بعد الطَّعَام.,"If the bath be taken after a meal, and it does not cause distension or heaviness over the liver or epigastrium, there need be no anxiety. But if such symptoms should arise, an aperient should be given. For instance, infusion of absinthe; a mixture containing aloes, anise, bitter almond, and oxymel. The bathing after food should also be stopped [and the diet should be light, with deobstruents and viscid articles of food (Galen)]." وَيجب أَن يسقوا هَذِه المفتحات بعد انهضام الطَّعَام الأوّل وَقبل أَخذهم الطَّعَام الثَّانِي بل فِي وَقت بَينهم فِيهِ وَبَين أَخذ الطَّعَام الثَّانِي فسحة مدّة وَذَلِكَ مَا بَين انتباههم بالغدوات واستحمامهم وَيَنْبَغِي أَن يديموا التمريخ بالدهن ويسقوا الشَّرَاب الْأَبْيَض الرَّقِيق وينفعهم المَاء الْبَارِد.,"These aperients are to be given at the end of the first stage of digestion, and before the second stage is completed. But there should be a certain interval of time between the aperient and the next meal namely the interval between the morning exercise and the time for the bath. Inunction with oils is required, and a light white wine should be given. Cold water has a useful (weakening; strengthening: marginal reading) influence." وَأَصْحَاب المزاج الْيَابِس الْحَار فِي أول الْأَمر أولى بذلك كُله. وَأما أَصْحَاب المزاج الْحَار الرطب فهم بِعرْض العفونة وانصباب الْموَاد إِلَى الْأَعْضَاء فلتكن رياضتهم كَثِيرَة التَّحْلِيل لينَة لِئَلَّا يسخن مَعَ توق من حَرَكَة تظهر فِي الأخلاط بثوراً.,"All these suggestions apply specially to those whose temperament has been hot and dry from birth. Those who have a hot and moist temperament show a tendency to (abnormal) decompositions in the various matters, which also tend to descend into the limbs. Such persons should take exercise of a kind which will favour dispersal (of humours), but is mild enough not to prove over-heating. A degree of activity likely to cause “ebullition” in the humours must be avoided." وَأكْثر مَا يجب أَن يجْتَنب الرياضة مِنْهُم من لم يعتدها والأصوب أَن يرتاضوا بعد الاستفراغ وَأَن يستحموا قبل الطَّعَام وَأَن يعنوا بنفض الفضول كلهَا وَإِذا دخلُوا فِي الرّبيع احتاطوا بالفصد والاستفراغ.,"A person who is not accustomed to much exercise should eschew it. Exercise should be taken after the bowels have been evacuated. Baths should be taken before the meal. Care should be taken to get rid of all superfluities (quickly). When spring approaches, moderation should be observed in bloodletting and purgation." الْفَصْل الثَّانِي استصلاح المزاج الأزيد برودة,THE RECTIFICATION OF A COLD INTEMPERAMENT أَصْنَاف هؤلاء ثَلَاثَة فَمن كَانَ مِنْهُم معتدل المنفعلتين فليقصد قصد إنهاض حرارة بأغذية حارة متوسطة فِي الرُّطُوبَة واليبس وبالأدهان المسخنة والمعاجين الْكِبَار,"There are three kinds of cold intemperament, (i) When there is a balance between the two passive (qualities), the intention is to produce more innate heat by means of (a) hot aliments which are moderately moist and dry; (b) calefacient inunctions." والاستفراغات الْخَاصَّة بالرطوبات والاستحمامات الْمعرفَة والرياضات الصَّالِحَة فَإِنَّهُم وَإِن كَانُوا معتدلي الرُّطُوبَة فِي وَقت فهم بِعرْض تولد الرطوبات فيهم لمَكَان الْبرد وَأما الَّذين بهم مَعَ ذَلِك يبس فَإِن تدبيرهم هُوَ بِعَيْنِه تَدْبِير الْمَشَايِخ.,"(c) large electuaries; (d) evacuation of the corresponding humours; (e) baths likely to induce sweating; (f) exercises contributory to sweating. At some periods such persons may be attempered in regard to humidity, and yet it sometimes happens that the coldness gives rise to humidities. In those individuals in which there is dryness as well as the cold intemperament, the regimen should be prescribed as for old age." الْفَصْل الثَّالِث تَدْبِير الْأَبدَان السريعة الْقبُول هَؤُلَاءِ إِنَّمَا يستعدون لذَلِك إِمَّا لامتلائهم فلتعدل مِنْهُم كمية الأخلاط وَإِمَّا لأخلاط نيئة فيهم فلتعدل كيفيتها. وليختر لَهُم من الأغذية مَا يغذو غذَاء وسطا بَين الْقَلِيل وَالْكثير.,"THE REGIMEN FOR PERSONS PRONE TO ILLNESS When persons are prone to illness, it is because of repletion; the presence of immatured humours. In the former, the quantity requires modification; in the latter the quality of the humours needs modification." وتعديل كمية الأخلاط هُوَ بتعديل مِقْدَار الْغذَاء وَزِيَادَة الرياضة والدلك فَبل الاستحمام إِن كَانَا معتادين وبالأخف مِنْهُمَا إِن لم يَكُونَا معتادين وَأَن يوزع عَلَيْهِ التغدية وَلَا يحمل عَلَيْهِ بِتمَام الشِّبَع مرّة وَاحِدَة.,"(i) The quantity of humours is modified by modifying the amount of food taken; by increasing the exercise; by massage before the bath (if the person is accustomed to- exercise and massage; otherwise these must be mild); by dividing the meals so that the food is not all taken at one time, and to satiety." إِن كَانَ الْبدن مِنْهُم سهل التعرق مُعْتَادا لَهُ عرّق فِي الأحيان وَإِن لم يكن تَأْخِير غذائه يصب مرارأ إِلَى معدته أخر إِلَى مَا بعد الْحمام وَإِلَّا قُدمَ عَلَيْهِ. وَالْوَقْت المعتدل إِن لم يكن مَانع هُوَ بعد الرَّابِعَة من سَاعَات النَّهَار المستوي,"If the skin acts very readily, and the inducing of sweating is customary, this may be procured. If the fact of the meal being taken slowly does not result in the pouring out of bilious humour into the stomach, the meal may be taken after the bath. But if it should do so, the meal should be taken before the bath. In the former case, the proper time for the meal is after the fourth hour." وَإِن أوجب انصباب المرار إِلَى معدته مَا قُلْنَاهُ من تَقْدِيم الطَّعَام ثمَّ أحس بعلامات سدد فِي الكبد عولج بالمفتّحات الْمَذْكُورَة الملائمة لمزاجه وَإِن وجد لذَلِك ضَرَرا فِي رَأسه تَدَارُكه بِالْمَشْيِ,"But if bilious humour pours into the stomach, the meal is taken before the bath, and further, if there are symptoms of congestion m the liver, those among the above-named aperients which are appropriate to the temperament are administered. Should there also be symptoms pointing to (congestion in) the head, walking about is of assistance." فَإِن فسد طَعَامه فِي الْمعدة فإنحدر بِنَفسِهِ فَذَلِك غنيمَة وَإِلَّا أحدره بالكموني والتين المعجون بالقرطم الْمَذْكُور صفته.,"If the food undergoes putrefaction in the stomach, and then passes on, no matter; but if it do not pass on, one must administer cumin, or figs mixed with bastard saffron seeds. An electuary of this is named [in the Formulary]." تسمين القضيف أقوى علل الهزال كَمَا سنصفه يبس المزاج والماساريقا ويبس الْهَوَاء فَإِذا يبس الماساريقا لم يقبل الْغذَاء فليداو اليبس والهزال بدلك قبل الْحمام دلكا بَين الخشونة واللين إِلَى أَن يحمر الْجلد ثمَّ يصلب الدَّلْك,"To HELP LEAN PERSONS TO PUT ON FLESH The chief cause of emaciation, as we have said, is a dry intemperament, dry mesentery, and dry atmosphere. When the mesentery is dry, it will not absorb nutriment, and this renders the degree of dryness and wasting still greater. Baths. Before taking the bath, the skin is rubbed with linen cloths to a degree between rough and gentle, until the skin becomes red. The rubbing may then be more vigorous." ثمَّ يَطلى بطلاء الزفت ثمَّ يراض بالاعتدال ثمَّ يستحم بِلَا إبطاء وينشف بعد ذَلِك بمناديل يابسة ثمَّ يمرخ بدهن يسير ثمَّ يتَنَاوَل الْغذَاء الْمُوَافق فَإِن احْتمل سنه وفصله وعادته المَاء الْبَارِد صبه على نَفسه.,"After that, a pitch plaster is applied [for three or four days: Aeg.]. The object of the massage before the application of the pitch plaster is to prevent the puffing of the tissues from subsiding again. Exercise is to be moderate. The bath follows at once. The skin is dried with towels. Then massage is given, using [emollient (H. A.)] oils. Lastly, a meal of suitable type is given [fat meat, pulse, almonds, bread: Haly Abbas]. If the age, season, and custom allow of it, cold [tepid: Aeg.] water may be douched over the person." ومنتهى الدّلك الْمُقدم على اسْتِعْمَال طلاء الزفت هُوَ أَن لَا يبتدىء الانتفاخ فِي الذبول وَهَذَا قريب مِمَّا قُلْنَاهُ فِي تَعْظِيم الْعُضْو الصَّغِير وَتَمام القَوْل فِيهِ يُوجد فِي كتاب الزِّينَة من الْكتاب الرَّابِع.,"The above regimen is almost identical with that which we have spoken of for increasing the bulk of an undersized member. The completion of the subject will be found in the fourth book, when discussing beauty culture." الْفَصْل الْخَامِس تقضيف السمين تَدْبيره إسراع إحدار الطَّعَام من معدته وأمعائه لِئَلَّا تستوفي الجداول مصها وَاسْتِعْمَال الطَّعَام الْكثير الكمية الْقَلِيل التغذية ومواترة الاستحمام قبل الطَّعَام,"How TO REDUCE OBESITY The regimen which will reduce obesity. Procure a rapid descent of the food from the stomach and intestines, in order to prevent completion of absorption by the mesentery. [One may take saltish things of laxative nature: Rhazes.] Take food which is bulky but feebly nutritious. Take the bath before food, often." والرياضة السريعة والأدهان المحللة. وَمن المعاجين الإطريفل الصَّغِير ودواء الدَّلْك والترياق وَشرب الْخلّ مَعَ المري على الرِّيق وَسَنذكر تَمَامه فِي كتاب الزِّينَة.,"Hard exercise. Resolvent oils. [Rub in oil containing root of wild cucumber, marshmallows, gentian, all-heal root, birthwort root, poley, and centaury; volatile ointments; oil of dill: Aeg.] Electuaries: the lesser myrobalan electuary; electuary of lacca; “theriac.” Take vinegar, and salt, while fasting. The subject is further discussed under the heading of beauty culture." التَّعْلِيم الْخَامِس الِانْتِقَالَات وَهُوَ فصل مُفْرد وَجُمْلَة فصل تَدْبِير الْفُصُول,"THESIS V THE CHANGES IN THE ATMOSPHERE THE REGIMEN ACCORDING TO THE SEASONS, AND THE VARIATIONS OF THE ATMOSPHERE" أما الرّبيع فيبادر فِي أَوَائِله بالفصد والإسهال بِحَسب المواجب وَالْعَادَة وَيسْتَعْمل فِيهِ خُصُوصا الْقَيْء ويهجر كل مَا يسخن ويرطّب كثيرا من اللحوم والأشربة ويلطّف الْغذَاء,SPRING. At the onset of Spring one has recourse to bleeding. Cathartics are taken according to requirements and custom. Emesis should be induced. [Spring fills the system with humours (Rhazes)]. Diet: avoid very heating and moistening meats and drinks; use attenuant articles of food. ويرتاض رياضة معتدلة فَوق رياضة الصَّيف وَلَا يتملأ من الطَّعَام بل يفرّق وَيسْتَعْمل الْأَشْرِبَة والربوب المطفئة ويهجر الْحَار وكلّ مرّ وحريف ومالح.,"Exercise: in moderation, but in greater amount than is proper in summer time. Too much food should not be taken at a time; the meal should be divided over a period. As to drinks, take diuretic syrups and robs. Avoid hot, bitter, salt, or sharp things." وَأما فِي الصَّيف فينقص من الأغذية والأشربة والرياضة وَيلْزم الهدوّ والدعة والمطفئات والقيء لمن أمكنه وَيلْزم الظل والكن. وَأما فِي الخريف وخصوصاً فِي الخريف الْمُخْتَلف الْهَوَاء فَيلْزم أَجود التَّدْبِير ويهجر المجففات كلهَا وليحذر الْجِمَاع وَشرب المَاء الْبَارِد كثيرا,"SUMMER. [Summer dissolves the humours and weakens the vitality (Rhazes).] Eat sparingly of foods. Moderate the drinks. Moderate the exercise. Take sufficient rest. Use diuretics plentifully. If emesis is possible, it is advisable. One should keep in the shade, under cover. The food should be infrigidant. [Avoid wine and venery (Rhazes).] AUTUMN; the season when the weather is changeable and unsettled. [Autumn engenders bad humours, bilious and sanguineous (Rhazes).] A more liberal regimen is here needed, if health is to be preserved. Avoid: desiccant agents; sexual intercourse; drinking much cold water." وضبه على الرَّأْس وَالنَّوْم فِي الْموضع الْبَارِد الَّذِي يقشعرّ فِيهِ الْبدن وَلَا ينَام على الامتلاء وليتوق حرّ الظهائر وَبرد الغدوات ويوقي رَأسه لَيْلًا وغداة من الْبرد وليحذر فِيهِ الْفَوَاكِه الوقتية والاستكثار مِنْهَا,"cold shower baths; sleeping in a cold place (cold enough to excite goose- flesh); retiring to sleep on a full stomach. It is advisable to protect oneself from the midday heat and the early morning cold breezes. Fruits are to be avoided, or at least taken only in small quantity [they supply bad chyme, and engender flatulencies (even figs and grapes do this) unless taken before food]." وَلَا يستحمّ إِلَّا بفاتر وَإِذا اسْتَوَى فِيهِ اللَّيْل وَالنَّهَار استفرغ لِئَلَّا يحتقن فِي الشتَاء فضول. على أَن كثيرا من الْأَبدَان الأوفق لَهَا فِي الخريف أَن لَا يشْتَغل بتدبير الأخلاط وتحريكها بل يكون تسكينها أجدى عَلَيْهَا. وَقد منعُوا عَن الْقَيْء فِي الخريف لأنجه يجلب الحمّى.,"In bathing, only tepid water may be used. [Exercise should be moderate.] During the time of the autumnal equinoxes, evacuations should be procured in order to ensure that the excrementitious particles shall not be held back in the system all winter. Although for some persons it is better to see that the humours are kept “ on the move,” it is usually best they should keep in repose. As the age advances, emesis must no longer be procured in autumn lest fever should be encouraged to develop." وَأما الشَّرَاب فَيجب أَن يسْتَعْمل فِيهِ مَا هُوَ كثير المزاج من غير إِسْرَاف. وَاعْلَم أَن كَثْرَة الْمَطَر فِي الخريف أَمَان من شرّه. وَأما فِي الشتَاء فليكثر التَّعَب وليبسط الْغذَاء إِلَّا أَن يكون جنوبياً فَحِينَئِذٍ يجب أَن يُزَاد فِي الرياضة ويقلل من الْغذَاء,"Wine must – be well-diluted, and restricted as much as possible. You may be assured that if the autumn is a wet one, there will be little likelihood of the usual autumnal disorders coming on. WINTER. There should be plenty of physical work. Eat liberally, if the prevailing wind is northerly. If southerly, increase the exercise but diminish the amount of food." وَيجب أَن تكون حِنْطَة خبز الشتَاء أقوى وَأَشد تلززاً من حِنْطَة خبز الصَّيف. وَكَذَلِكَ الْقيَاس فِي اللحمان والمشوي وَنَحْوه وَأَن تكون بقوله مثل الكرنب والسلق والكرفس لَيْسَ القطف واليمانية والحمقاء والهندبا وقلما يعرض لشَيْء من الْأَبدَان الصَّحِيحَة مرض فِي الشتَاء,"Diet. The bread should be made heavier in winter than in summer. The same applies to flesh-meat, roasted meat, and the like. Potherbs: take cabbage, beet, celery. Avoid orach, red barley, purslane, endive. When the body is healthy, illnesses are unlikely to come on during the winter." فَإِن عرصْ فليبادر بالعلاج والإستفراغ إِن أوجبه فَإِنَّهُ لم يكن ليعرض فِيهِ مرض إِلَّا وَالسَّبَب عَظِيم خُصُوصا إِن كَانَ حاراً لِأَن الْحَرَارَة الغريزية وَهِي الْمُدبرَة تقوى جدا فِي الشتَاء بِمَا يسلم من التحلّل ويجتمع بالاحتقان وَجَمِيع القوى الطبيعية تفعل فعلهَا بجودة.,"Should they do so, however, the appropriate treatment should be used, including purgation if that is necessary. Illness will only arise under strong provocation, the agents being usually of a “ hot ” quality. The reason is that the innate heat, which is the determining factor, is very strong during the winter, because the cold prevents its dissipation, and collects it among the interior organs. Furthermore all the vegetative faculties are more efficient at this season." وأبقراط يستصلح فِيهِ الإسعال دون الفصد وَيكرهُ فِيهِ الْقَيْء ويستصوبه فِي الصَّيف لِأَن الأخلاط فِي الصَّيف طافئة وَفِي الشتَاء مائلة إِلَى الرسوب فليقتد بِهِ.,"Hippocrates favoured purgation to blood-letting. He was against procuring emesis during winter, though approving of it during summer, on the ground that the humours of the body are now on the move whereas in winter they tend to stagnate. One may use this fact as a pattern." وَأما الْهَوَاء إِذا فسد ووبئ فَيجب أَن يتلَقَّى بتجفيف الْبدن وتعديل الْمسكن بالأشياء الَّتِي تبرد وترطب بقوتها وَهُوَ الأوجب فِي الوباء أَو تسخن وَتفعل ضد مُوجب فَسَاد الْهَوَاء. والروائح الطّيبَة أَنْفَع شَيْء فِيهِ وخصوصاً إِذا روعي بهَا مضادة المزاج.,"When the atmosphere becomes pestilential in character, the body should be given a desiccant regimen, and the dwelling-house should be constructed so as to be able to be kept cool and dry. When contagious diseases are abroad, the air should be warm, and charged with agents which prevent decomposition of the air. Things which emit pleasing odours are good, especially if they are contrary in temperament to that of the atmosphere." وَفِي الوباء يجب أَن تقلل الْحَاجة إِلَى استنشاق الْهَوَاء الْكثير وَذَلِكَ بالتوزيع والترويح وَكَثِيرًا مَا يكون فَسَاد الْهَوَاء عَن الأَرْض فَيجب حِينَئِذٍ أَن يجلس على الأسرة وَيطْلب المساكن الْعَالِيَة جدا ومخترقات الرِّيَاح,"Besides this, during times of pestilence, one should not allow draughts, but ventilation should be secured slowly, by means of small fans and ventilators. Very often air is contaminated from the soil. In this case it is well to sit on couches (instead of on the ground) and to seek out dwellings on ground which is as elevated as possible, so that the winds traverse them." وَكَثِيرًا مَا يكون مبدأ الْفساد من الْهَوَاء نَفسه لما انْتقل إِلَيْهِ من فَسَاد الأهوية الْمُجَاورَة أَو لأمر سماوي خَفِي على النَّاس كيفيته فَيجب فِي مثله أَن يلتجأ إِلَى الأسراب والبيوت المحفوفة من جهاتها بالجدران وَإِلَى المخادع,"Very often, too, the air itself is the seat of the beginning of the decomposition changes either because it is contaminated by adjoining impure air, or by some “ celestial ” agent of a quality at present unknown to man. In that case it is best to retire to underground dwellings, or to houses enclosed in walls on all sides, or to caves." وَأما البخورات الْمصلحَة لعفونة الأهوية فالسعد والكندر والآس والورد والصندل وَاسْتِعْمَال الْخلّ فِي الوباء أَمَان من آفاته. وَسَنذكر فِي الْكتب الْجُزْئِيَّة تَتِمَّة مَا يجب أَن يُقَال فِي هَذَا الْبَاب.,"Fumigations may be used to purify the air: sedge (or, galangale), frankincense, myrtle, rose, sandalwood. During the time when pestilences, are about, one may use vinegar in both food and drinks, for this preserves one from the danger. Other details will be discussed in the special part of this work, in order to complete the subject." جملَة تَدْبِير الْمُسَافِرين وَهِي ثماثية فُصُول: الْفَصْل الأول من حدث بِهِ خفقان دَائِم فليدبر أمره كَيْلا يَمُوت فَجْأَة وَإِذا أَكثر الكابوس والدوار فليدبر أمره باستفراغ الْخَلْط الغليظ كَيْلا يَقع صَاحبه فِي الصرع والسكتة,"THESIS VI i. THE SYMPTOMS PREMONITORY OF DISEASES Tremor of the heart continuing persistently. Sudden death. Nightmare, and vertigo frequent. Evacuate the gross humour Epilepsy; apoplexy." وَإِذا كثر الاختلاج فِي الْبدن فليدبر أمره باستفراغ البلغم كَيْلا يَقع صَاحبه فِي التشنج والسكتة وَكَذَلِكَ إِن طَالَتْ كدورة الْحَواس وَضعف الحركات مَعَ امتلاء. وَإِذا خدرت الْأَعْضَاء كلهَا كثيرا فليدبر أمره باستفراغ البلغم كَيْلا يَقع صَاحبه فِي الفالج.,"Jerking movements of the whole body. Evacuate the serous humour. Convulsions; apoplexy. Ditto, persisting long enough to affect vision and bodily movements. Also plethora. Ditto. Loss of sensation in the limbs Ditto. Paralysis." وَإِذا اختلج الْوَجْه كثيرا فليدبر أمره بتنقية الدِّمَاغ كَيْلا يُؤَدِّي إِلَى اللقوة. وَإِذا احمر الْوَجْه وَالْعين كثيرا وَأخذت الدُّمُوع تسيل ويفرعن الضَّوْء وَكَانَ صداع فليدبر أمره بالفصد والإسهال وَنَحْوه كَيْلا يَقع صَاحبه فِي السرسام,"Much twitching of the face Procure cranial depletion. Trismus. Face becomes very red; tears flow; vision fails; headache. Blood-letting purgation, etc. Insanity; delirium." وَإِذا كثر الْغم بِلَا سَبَب وَأكْثر الْخَوْف فليدبر أمره بالاستفراغ للخلط المحترق كَيْلا يَقع صَاحبه فِي المالنخوليا. وَأَيْضًا فَإِن الْوَجْه إِذا احمر وانتفخ وَضرب إِلَى كمودة ودام ذَلِك أنذر بجذام,"Inexplicable sense of gloom and dread. Evacuate the oxidised humour. Melancholy. Face reddens, swells, and darkens and keeps so Lepra." وَإِذا ثقل الْبدن وكل وَدرت الْعُرُوق فليفصد كَيْلا يعرض انفراز عرق وسكتة وَمَوْت فَجْأَة. وَإِذا فَشَا التهيج فِي الْوَجْه والأجفان والأطراف فليتدارك حَال الكبد لِئَلَّا يَقع صَاحبه فِي الاسْتِسْقَاء.,"Body heavy and relaxed; veins prominent. Bleeding. Rupture of a vessel; apoplexy; sudden death. Face, eyelids and limbs slightly tumid Treat the liver. Dropsy." وَإِذا اشْتَدَّ نَتن البرَاز دُبر بإزاله العفونة عَن الْعُرُوق لِئَلَّا يَقع صَاحبه فِي الحميات وَدلَالَة الْبَوْل أَشد فِي ذَلِك. وَإِذا رَأَيْت إعياء وتكسراً فاحدس حمّى تكون وَإِذا سَقَطت شَهْوَة الطَّعَام أَو زَادَت دلّ على مرض.,Great stench from the faeces. Treat the putrescence in the vessels. Fever. Offensive urine Ditto. Lassitude and loss of spirits. Fever. Loss of appetite; undue appetite. illness (in general). وَبِالْجُمْلَةِ فَإِن كل شَيْء إِذا تغير عَن عَادَته فِي شَهْوَة أَو برَاز أَو بَوْل أَو شَهْوَة جماع أَو نوم أَو عرق أَو جفاف بدن أَو حِدة ذهن أَو طعم أَو ذوق أَو عَادَة احْتِلَام فَصَارَ أقل أَو أَكثر أَو تَغَيَّرت كيفيته أنذر بِمَرَض.,"In short, when any of the functions are abnormal in some way appetite, defecation, urine, sexual desire, sleep, action of skin, itching, keen mental faculties, violent temper, unusual tastes, nocturnal pollutions whether the abnormality is an increase or a decrease of function, or of quality or of character, one may be forewarned that some disease is on the point of supervening." وَكَذَلِكَ الْعَادَات الْغَيْر الطبيعية مثل بواسير أَو طمث أَو قيء أَو رُعَاف أوعادة شَهْوَة شَيْء كَانَ فَاسِدا أَو غير فاصد فَإِن الْعَادة كالطبيعة.,"Unusual events have the same significance. For instance, bleeding of piles, menstrual flow, vomiting persisting, nose-bleeding, craving for something, whether bad, or apparently good because in a way natural." وَلذَلِك لَا يتْرك الرَّدِيء جدا مِنْهَا وَيتْرك بتدريج وَقد تدل أُمُور جزئية على أُمُور جزئية فَإِن دوَام الصداع والشقيقة تنذر بالانتشار ونزول المَاء فِي الْعين وتخيل الْعين قُدَّام الْوَجْه كالبق وَغَيره إِذا ثَبت ورسخ وَجعل البصر يضعف مَعَه أنذر بننزول المَاء فِي الْعين.,"For this reason one should not abstain from desired foods or things unless they are entirely bad, and even then, the abstention should take place gradually. Some special symptoms denote particular conditions. Thus, persistent severe headache, and dilation of the pupil warn of cataract. The following are also forerunners of the same disease: imagining that there are bodies like insects, etc., in front of the face when one is sitting still and motionless; great impairment of vision." والثقل والوجع قي الْجَانِب الْأَيْمن إِذا طَال دلّ على عِلّة فِي الكبد. والثقل والتمدد فِي أَسْفَل الظّهْر والخاصرة مَعَ تغير حَال الْبَوْل عَن الْعَادة ينذر بعلة فِي الكلى. وَالْبرَاز العادم للصبغ فَوق الْعَادة ينذر بيرقان.,The following are also noteworthy: Heaviness and stabbing in right side. Liver disease. Heaviness and tightness in sacral region and lumbar region; urine abnormal. Kidney disease. Colourless stool. Jaundice. واذا طَال حرق الْبَوْل أنذر بقروح تحدث فِي المثانة والقضيب. والإسهال المحرق للعقدة ينذر بالسحج وَسُقُوط الشَّهْوَة مَعَ الْقَيْء والنقخ. والوجع قي الْأَطْرَاف وينذر بالقولنج. والحكاك فِي الْمعدة إِن لم يكن ديدان صغَار بهَا ينذر بالبواسير.,"Persistently scalding urine. Vesicle or penile ulcers. Burning pain in anus on defecation. Dysentery. Anorexia, vomiting, distension, pain in legs Colic. Pruritus ani, not due to worms. Piles." وَكَثْرَة خُرُوج الدماميل والسلع ينفر بدبيلة كَثِيرَة تحدث. والقوباء ينذر بالبرص الْأسود. والبهق الْأَبْيَض ينذر بالبرص الْأَبْيَض.,Eruption of many boils and pimples. Internal imposthumes. Rupture of an abscess. Serpiginous eczema (ringworm). Leprosy; black vitiligo; white. White morphew. White vitiligo. قَول كلي فِي تَدْبِير الْمُسَافِر,GENERAL REMARKS ON THE REGIMEN SUITABLE FOR TRAVELLERS إِن الْمُسَافِر قد يَنْقَطِع عَن أَشْيَاء كَانَ يعتادها وَهُوَ فِي أَهله وَقد يُصِيبهُ تَعب ووصب فَيجب أَن يحرص على مداواة أَمر نَفسه لِئَلَّا تصيبه أمراض كَثِيرَة,"A person who is about to make a long journey must accustom himself to do without many things which are available in his own home, and must be prepared for hardships and pains. He must therefore take precautions against many illnesses [including fevers: Rhazes] to which he is exposed, if Allah will." وَأكْثر مَا يجب أَن يتعهد بِهِ نَفسه أَمر الْغذَاء وَأمر الأعياء,He must be specially careful about diet and to avoid lassitude (a consequence of fatigue). فَيجب أَن يصلح غذاءه ويجعله جيد الْجَوْهَر قريب الْقدر غير كَثِيره حَتَّى يجود هضمه وَلَا تَجْتَمِع الفضول فِي عروقه.,"Diet. The food must be concentrated and of good substance, and allotted into rations which are not too bulky, so that digestion will be well completed, without leading to the accumulation of effete matters in the blood." وَيجب أَن لَا يركب ممتلئاً لِئَلَّا يفْسد طَعَامه وَيحْتَاج إِلَى أَن يشرب المَاء فَيَزْدَاد تخضخضاً ويتقيأ وينبسط بل يجب أَن يُؤَخر الْغذَاء إِلَى وَقت النُّزُول إِلَّا أَن يستدعيه سَبَب مِمَّا سنقوله بعد,"The traveller should not resume riding immediately after a good meal, because the food would then undergo decomposition, and thirst would arise. Then, after quenching the thirst, rumblings and distension of the stomach would supervene, and there would be nausea with satiative indigestion. Therefore, instead of so doing, one should wait till the time for alighting at the hospice, unless there is some special reason for doing otherwise, as presently to be stated." فَإِن لم يجد بدا تنَاول قدرا قَلِيلا على سَبِيل التلهي بِحَيْثُ لَا يحوجه إِلَى شرب المَاء لَيْلًا كَانَ سيره أَو نَهَارا. وَيجب أَن يدبر إعياءه بِمَا قيل فِي بَاب الإعياء,"Should hunger be very pressing, let the traveller take a snack of a quality appropriate for his temperament, and unlikely to induce thirst. This rule applies whether the journey be by night or by day. Fatigue; Lassitude. This must be treated according to the chapter on that subject." وَيجب أَن لَا يُسَافر ممتلئاً من دم أَو غَيره بل ينقي بدنه ثمَّ يُسَافر. وَإِن كَانَ متخما جَاع ونام وَحل التُّخمَة ثمَّ يُسَافر.,"Preliminary Measures, (i) Bodily state. One should not set out upon a journey when in a state of sanguineous or other plethora. A purge should be taken first. If there is a sense of nausea, due to indigestion, one should fast, and then sleep till the nausea has passed off, before proceeding on one’s journey." وَمن الْوَاجِب على الْمُسَافِر أَن يتدرج ويرتاض يَسِيرا أَكثر من الْعَادة وَإِن كَانَ يحْتَاج إِلَى سهر يعانيه فِي طَرِيقه اعْتَادَ السهر قَلِيلا قَلِيلا وَكَذَلِكَ إِن كَانَ يخمن أَنه سيعرض لَهُ جوع أَو عَطش أَو غير ذَلِك فَيجب أَن يعتاده,"Exertion. The exertion which a journey entails should be met by making the first day’s work very little more arduous than that customary; and so grade the exertion day after day. (vi) Sleeping and Fasting. If it is necessary to travel on without sleeping, the. habit of doing with little sleep should be acquired by preliminary practice. Similarly, if there is a likelihood of long fasts and of long abstinence from fluids, a habituation to this should be made first." وليتعود من الْغذَاء الَّذِي يُرِيد أَن يغتذي بِهِ فِي سَفَره. وليجعل غذاءه قَلِيل الْكمّ كثير التغذية وليهجر الْبُقُول والفواكه وكل مَا يولّد خلطاً مائياً إِلَّا لضَرُورَة التعالج بِهِ كَمَا نحدده فِيمَا يسْتَقْبل,"One should also accustom oneself to the kinds of foods one is likely to be able to obtain during the journey—foods of high degree of nutritive value, and taken in concentrated form. Potherbs and fruits are to be eschewed, as also any articles likely to engender “crude ” humours, unless such articles are required for medicinal purposes." وَرُبمَا اضْطر الْمُسَافِر أَن يتهيأ لَهُ الصَّبْر على الْجُوع إِلَى أَن تقل مِنْهُ الشَّهْوَة. وَمِمَّا يُعينهُ على ذَلِك الْأَطْعِمَة المتخذة من الأكباد المشوية وَنَحْوهَا وَرُبمَا اتخذ مِنْهَا كبب مَعَ لزوجات وشحوم مذابةٍ قَوِيَّة ولوز ودهن لوز,"A person may have to fast so long that the appetite is lost. To aid one in submitting to this, the following are useful: cold foods prepared from roast livers and the like, pills prepared with viscid or glutinous substances, strong fluid fats, almonds, and almond oil." والشحوم مثل الْبَقر فَإِذا تنَاول مِنْهَا وَاحِدَة صبرعلى الْجُوع زَمَانا لَهُ قدر. وَقيل: لَو أَن إنْسَانا شرب قدر رَطْل من دهن البنفسج وَقد أذاب فية شياً من الشمع حَتَّى صَار قيروطياً لم يشته الطَّعَام عشرَة أَيَّام,Certain fats like that of beef will stave off the feeling of hunger for a long time. There is a story of a man having swallowed a pound of oil of violets in which fat had been dissolved until the oil was of the consistence of a plaster; he is said to have been free of desire for food for ten days. وَكَذَلِكَ رُبمَا احتاجوا إِلَى أَن يتهيأ لَهُم الصَّبْر على الْعَطش فَيجب أَن يكون مَعَهم الْأَدْوِيَة المسكنة للعطش الَّتِي بيناها فِي الْكتاب الثَّالِث فِي بَاب الْعَطش وخصوصاً بزر البقلة الحمقاء يشرب مِنْهُ ثَلَاثَة دَرَاهِم بالخل,"Precautions against thirst. One may adopt a similar plan (to the preceding) when one knows one will have to suffer long from thirst. It is therefore advisable to inform oneself of those medicinal drinks which will abolish thirst, and are named in the third Book, in the chapter on “ Thirst.” A specially good medicine of this kind is furnished by dissolving three drams of purslane seed in vinegar." ويهجر الأغذية المعطشة مثل السّمك وَالْكبر والمملحات والحلاوات ويقل الْكَلَام ويرفق باليسير وَإِذا شرب المَاء بالخل كَانَ الْقَلِيل مِنْهُ كَافِيا فِي تسكين الْعَطش حَيْثُ لَا يُوجد مَاء كثير وَكَذَلِكَ شرب لعاب بزر القطونا.,"Avoid any foods which are likely to evoke thirst. Namely, such as fish, capers, salted foods, sweets. Converse as little as possible. Make the rate of walking. If there is a shortage of water, it is a good plan to add vinegar to it, for this allays thirst." الْفَصْل الثَّالِث وخصوصاً فِي السّفر وتدبير من يُسَافر فِيهِ,"REGIMEN APPLICABLE WHEN EXPOSED TO GREAT HEAT, ESPECIALLY WHEN TRAVELLING; REGIMEN SUITABLE FOR THOSE GOING TO HOT CLIMATES" إِذا لم يدبروا أنفسهم تأذى بهم الْأَمر فِي آخِره إِلَى أَن يضعفوا وتتحلّل قواهم حَتَّى لَا يُمكنهُم أَن يتحركوا ويغلب عَلَيْهِم الْعَطش وَرُبمَا أضرت الشَّمْس بأدمغتهم فَلذَلِك يجب أَن يحرصوا على ستر الرَّأْس عَن الشَّمْس سترا شَدِيدا.,"The things to guard against are: asthenia, loss of bodily vigour, muscular weakness; insatiable thirst; sunstroke. Therefore the head [and body: Aeg.] must be protected from the sun." وَكَذَلِكَ يجب أَن يحفظ الْمُسَافِر مِنْهَا صَدره ويطليه بِمثل لعاب بزر قطونا وعصارة البقلة الحمقاء. والمسافرون فِي الْحر رُبمَا احتاجوا إِلَى شَيْء يتناولونه قبل السّير مثل سويق الشّعير وشراب الْفَوَاكِه وَغير ذَلِك,"Those who are making journeys must protect the chest, using an application composed of such things as mucilage of fleawort; purslane juice. Persons about to journey into very hot regions will need to take something like barley-meal cakes, and fruit syrups, before starting off." فَإِنَّهُم إِذا ركبُوا وَلَا شَيْء فِي أحشائهم بَالغ التَّحْلِيل فِي إضعافهم وَإِذ لَا يكون لَهُم فِيهِ بدل فَيجب أَن يتناولوا مِمَّا ذكرنَا شياً ثمَّ يَلْبَثُوا حَتَّى ينحدر عَن الْمعدة وَلَا يتخضخض. وَيجب أَن يصحبهم فِي الطَّرِيق دهن الْورْد والبنفسج يستعملون مِنْهُمَا سَاعَة بعد سَاعَة على هامهم.,"for to ride on horseback (or camels) entails an unperceived loss of strength and vitality, if the intestines are empty, with’ nothing to replace the void. Therefore it is advisable to partake of such things as we have named in small amount, and wait awhile to give them time to pass out of the stomach, and so ensure that there will not be any splashing about of its contents. One should use oil of rose and violets on the journey, anointing the back with them from time to time." وَكثير مِمَّن تصيبهم آفَة من السّفر فِي الْحر يعود إِلَى حَاله بسباحة فِي مَاء بَارِد وَلَكِن الأصوب أَن لَا يستعجل بل يصبر يَسِيرا ثمَّ يتدرج إِلَيْهِ.,"he injurious effect of travelling in the heat may be alleviated by having a swim in cold water, but it is best not to plunge in suddenly. One should wait a while and enter the water gradually." وَمن خَافَ السمُوم فَالْوَاجِب عَلَيْهِ أَن يعصب منخره وفمه بعمامة ولثام ويصبر على الْمَشَقَّة فِيهِ وليقدم قبله أكل البصل فِي الدوغ وخصوصاً إِذا كَانَ البصل مربى فِيهِ أَو منقوعاً فِيهِ لَيْلَة تَأْكُل البصل ويتحسى الدوغ.,"If there is a risk of simooms, the nostrils and mouth should be covered, and one should go about in that way. Before being exposed to such a danger, one may eat onions with butter-milk and without butter; or, better still, onions infused for a night in the milk; and one may eat onions by themselves as well, and take the buttermilk after them." وَيجب أَن يكون البصل قبل الْإِلْقَاء فِي الدوغ بصلاً قوي التقطيع وَليكن التنشق بدهن الْورْد ودهن حب القرع ويتحسّى دهن القرع فَإِنَّهُ مِمَّا يدْفع مضرَّة السمُوم المتوقعه.,"Before steeping the onions into the buttermilk, deep incisions should be made into them. Another remedy is to make use of some fragrant substance like rose oil, and the oil of gourd-seeds. The latter may be sucked (as a lozenge) because it mitigates the ill-effects one fears." وَإِذا ضربه السمُوم سكب على أَطْرَافه مَاء بَارِد أَو غسل بِهِ وَجهه وَيجْعَل غذاءه من الْبُقُول الْبَارِدَة وَيَضَع على رَأسه الأدهان الْبَارِدَة مثل دهن الْورْد والعصارات الْبَارِدَة مثل عصارة حَيّ الْعَالم ودهن الْخلاف ثمَّ يغْتَسل وليحذر الْجِمَاع. والسمك المالح يَنْفَعهُ إِذا سكن مَا بِهِ.,"If the sun-stroke has already occurred, let cold water be thrown over the limbs, and lave the face with it. Pour cooling oil like rose oil over the head, and also willow-oil, and cold juices like that of houseleek. Then lave. Sexual intercourse must be avoided. The rations should consist of cold pot-herbs. Salted fish is also appropriate, the person resting the while." وَالشرَاب الممزوج أَيْضا يَنْفَعهُ وَاللَّبن من أَجود الْغذَاء لَهُ إِن لم يكن بِهِ حمى فَإِن كَانَ بِهِ حمى لَيست من الحميات العفنة بل اليومية اسْتعْمل الدوغ الحامض. وَإِذا عَطش على النّوم تجزى بالمضمضة وَلم يشرب ريه فَإِنَّهُ حِينَئِذٍ يَمُوت على الْمَكَان,"Diluted wine is advantageous. If there is no fever, milk is the best food of all. But if there is fever (not of a putrid type, but of a one-day type), sour buttermilk should be given. If there is thirst after sunstroke, rinse the mouth with cold water. Water should not be swallowed to repletion, because of the risk of sudden death [from shock] thereby." بل يجب أَن يتجزى بالمضمضة وَأَن لم يجد بدا من أَن يشرب يشرب جرعة بعد جرعة فَإِذا سكن مَا بِهِ وَسكن الهائج من عطشه شرب وَإِن بَدَأَ أولأ قبل شربه فَشرب دهن ورد وَمَاء ممزوجين ثمَّ شرب المَاء كَانَ أصوب.,"The rinsing of the mouth should be done with moderation. If, however, there is an excessive craving for fluids, allow the patient to sip a little at intervals. Such thirst being due to the previous exertions, let him rest, and then drink. But it would be better to take rose oil with the first portion of water, and take the ordinary water after that." وَبِالْجُمْلَةِ فَإِن مَضْرُوب الحرّ يجب أَن يَجْعَل مَجْلِسه موضعا بَارِدًا وَيغسل رجله بِالْمَاءِ الْبَارِد وَإِن كَانَ عطشان شرب الْبَارِد قَلِيلا قَلِيلا ويغتذي بِشَيْء سريع الانهضام.,"In brief, when exposed to heat stay in a cool place; lave the feet and hands with cool water. If thirsty drink cold water by sips. The food should be such as is readily digestible." الْفَصْل الرَّابِع تَدْبِير من يُسَافر فِي الْبرد إِن السّفر فِي الْبرد الشَّديد عَظِيم الْخطر مَعَ الِاسْتِظْهَار بِالْعدَدِ والأهب فَكيف مَعَ ترك الِاسْتِظْهَار فكم من مُسَافر متدثّر بِكُل مَا يُمكن قد قَتله الْبرد والدمق بتشنج وكزاز وجمود وسكتة وَمَات موت من شرب الأفيون واليبروح,"THE REGIMEN’ FOR THOSE TRAVELLING IN OR TO COLD CLIMATES AND Icy COUNTRIES I consider that it is a very fearsome thing to travel in the intense cold, even if one takes great care and protects oneself by every possible precaution. So how much the more is it fearsome if the person has made no preparations at all? How many travellers have taken every possible precaution and have yet died from the exposure to cold, and the cold winds, worse because there is no rain dying in convulsions, or tetanus, or were frozen to death; or died with apoplexy, or died in the manner of persons who have been poisoned with opium or mandragore ?" فَإِن لم يبلغ حَالهم إِلَى الْمَوْت فكثيراً مَا يقعون فِي الْجُوع الْمُسَمّى بوليموس. وَقد ذكرنَا مَا يجب أَن يعْمل فِيهِ وَفِي الْأَمْرَاض الآخرى فِي مَوْضِعه. وَأولى الْأَشْيَاء بهم أَن يسدوا المسام ويحفظوا الْأنف والفم من أَن يدخلهَا هَوَاء بَارِد بَغْتَة ويحفظوا الْأَطْرَاف بِمَا سَنذكرُهُ.,"And even if the condition to which they are reduced is not fatal, they often experience the pangs of hunger, as what is called bulimia the treatment for which is described, already in the proper place, along with that for other disorders of the same class. The best thing to do is to plug the nostrils and other apertures, and protect the mouth so that the cold air does not enter at once (into the lungs). The exposed parts must be protected in the way we shall describe." واذا نزل الْمُسَافِر فِي الْبرد فَلَا يجب أَن يدفىء نَفسه فِي الْحَال بل يتدرج يَسِيرا يَسِيرا فِي دفء وَيجب أَن لَا يستعجل إِلَى الصلاء بل أَن لَا يقربهُ أحسن وَإِن كَانَ لم يجد بدا تدرج إِلَى ذَلِك. وَأولى الْأَوْقَات بِهِ أَن يجتنبه فِيهِ,"When the traveller in bitterly cold places has reached his haltmg-place, he should not approach a very hot fire at once, but gradually by degrees, beginning with a slight warmth, and slowly going nearer to the fire, though it would be better not to do that at all." إِذا كَانَ من عزمه أَن يسير فِي الْوَقْت وَيخرج إِلَى الْبرد هَذَا مَا لم يبلغ الْبرد من الْمُسَافِر مبلغ الإيهان وَإِسْقَاط الْقُوَّة. وَأما إِذا عمل فِيهِ الخصر فَلَا بُد من استعجال التدفي والتمرخ بالأدهان المسخنة خُصُوصا مَا فِيهِ ترياقية كدهن السوسن.,"However, even though the need of warmth is very great indeed, the approach must be still made gradual. The traveller may push on quickly if he so wish, if the exposure to cold is not affecting him adversely, or depriving him of energy, Frostbite. A person who has become frostbitten must be attended to without delay; he must be warmed and the vitality restored by calefacient oils, especially those which possess the properties of theriac, like oil of lilies." وَإِذا نزل الْمُسَافِر فِي الْبرد وَهُوَ جَائِع فَتَنَاول شياً حاراً عرض بِهِ حرارة كالحمى عَجِيبَة. وللمسافرين أغذية تسهل عَلَيْهِم أَمر الْبرد وَهِي الأغذية الَّتِي يكثر فِيهَا الثوم والجوز والخردل والحلتيت وَرُبمَا وَقع فِيهَا المصل ليطيّب الثوم والجوز,"When the traveller has reached an inn, and is an hungered, let him partake of something warm; he will get wonderfully warm, with fever-like heat. Provisions to take. Certain kinds of provisions would enable the traveller to endure the exposure to cold more easily. Thus, any prepared foods containing plenty of garlic, nuts, mustard: asafoetida. “Lactic” cheese made up with barley (meal a special recipe) may be added in order to impart a pleasing taste to the garlic and nuts. [Pickled onions may be chewed (Rhazes).]" وَالسمن أَيْضا جيد لَهُم وخصوصاً إِذا شربوا عَلَيْهَا الشَّرَاب الصّرْف. وَيحْتَاج الْمُسَافِر فِي الْبرد إِلَى أَن لَا يُسَافر خاوياً بل يمتلىء من غذائه وَيشْرب الشَّرَاب بدل المَاء ثمَّ يصبر حَتَّى يقر ذَلِك فِي بَطْنه ويسخن ثمَّ يركب. والحلتيت مِمَّا يسخن الجامد فِي الْبرد,"Butter is also a good thing to take, especially if wine be drunk afterwards. Wine should be taken instead of water. One should take rest until the wine has come to rest within the body, and gives the sense of warmth. He may then mount and continue his journey. No one should go out into the (bitter) cold on an empty stomach; he should have taken plenty of nutriment. Asafoetida is among the things which have a warming effect, when one is frozen with cold; especially if wine is given at the same, time." خُصُوصا إِذا سلم فِي الشَّرَاب. والشربة التَّامَّة دِرْهَم من الحلتيت فِي رَطْل من الشَّرَاب. وللمسافر فِي الْبرد مسوحات تمنع بدنه عَن التأثر من الْبرد مِنْهَا الزَّيْت وَغير ذَلِك. والثوم من أفضل الْأَشْيَاء لمن برد عَن هَوَاء بَارِد وَإِن كَانَ يضر بالدماغ والقوى النفسانية.,"The initial dose is one drachm of asafoetida to lb. weight of wine. The body may be protected from injury by the external cold by the use of epithemes, made with oil (pitch or tar). [The loins, spine, and chest may be bound with a long swathe, to protect them (Aeg.).] Girlie (as an epitheme,) is among the things useful for those exposed to a cold atmosphere." الْفَصْل الْخَامِس حفظ الْأَطْرَاف عَن ضَرَر الْبرد,ON PROTECTING THE LIMBS FROM THE INJURIOUS EFFECTS OF COLD. FROSTBITE يجب أَن يدلكها الْمُسَافِر أَولا حَتَّى تسخن ثمَّ يطليها بدهن حَار من الأدهان العطرة مثل دهن السوسن ودهن البان والميسوسن لطوخ جيّد لَهُم فَإِن لم يحضر فالزيت وخصوصاً إِذا جعل فِيهِ الفلفل والعاقر قرحا أَو الفربيون والحلتيت أَو الجندبادستر,"The limbs should first be rubbed until they grow warm. Then use a warm liniment compounded with pleasantly smelling oils like that of lilies, and oil of myrobalan (benzoin). Syrup of lily flowers combined with aromatics. If this is not to hand, take oil, especially oil into which pepper, or pyrethrum, or euphorbium, or asafoetida, or castoreum have been placed." وَمن الأضمدة الحافظة للأطراف أَن يَجْعَل عَلَيْهَا قنة وثوم فَإِنَّهُ أَمَان وَلَا كالقطران. وَلَا يجوز أَن يكون الْخُف والدستبانج بِحَيْثُ لَا يتحرّك فِيهِ الْعُضْو. فَإِن حَرَكَة الْعُضْو أحد الْأَسْبَاب الدافعة عَنهُ الْبرد,"Epithemes may be applied to the limbs to protect them from the cold, using galbanum, garlic, aided by pix liquida, for instance. The foot-wear must not be so tight as to compress the feet, for freedom of movement is the best means of protection from cold." والعضو المخنوق يُصِيبهُ الْبرد بشدّة وَإِذا غشي بكاغد وَشعر أَو وبر كَانَ أوقى لَهُ وَإِذا صَارَت الرجل مثلا أَو الْيَد لَا تحس بالبرد من غير أَن يخص الْبرد وَمن غير أَن يزِيد وقايته بتدبير جَدِيد,"whereas restriction of movement interferes with (the circulation) and makes the limb cold. It is also a good plan to cover the feet with parchment, and wear fur over that. If the hands or feet are not aware of the surrounding cold, so that one does not take the proper precautions against it." فَاعْلَم أَن الْحس فِي طَرِيق الْبطلَان وَأَن الْبرد قد عمل فِيهِ فليدبر مِمَّا تعلمه الان. وَأما إِذا عمل الْبرد فِي الْعُضْو فأمات الْحَار الغريزي الَّذِي كَانَ فِيهِ وحقن مَا كَانَ يتَحَلَّل مِنْهُ فِي جوهره وَعرضه للعفونة فَرُبمَا احْتِيجَ أَن يفعل فِي بَابه مَا قيل فِي بَاب القروح وخصوصاً الأكَالة الخبيثة.,"it is a sign that the sensation is already being lost, and the frost is already exerting its harmful action upon it. In such a case there must be no hesitation in action. For you know that once the (freezing) cold penetrates into a member, not only is the innate heat extinguished, but the very substance on which that heat depends is destroyed (dissolved, tahallul). The tissues are then at the mercy of putrefaction. So there is an urgent need for all those measures which have been discussed in the chapter on ulcers, especially the grave eroding ulcers." وَأما إِذا ضربه الْبرد وَلم يعفن بعد بل هُوَ فِي سَبيله فالأصوب أَن يوضع الطّرف فِي مَاء الثَّلج خَاصَّة أَو مَاء طبخ فِيهِ التِّين. وَمَاء الكرنب ومأء الرياحين وَمَاء الشبت وَمَاء البابونج كُله جيّد.,"If the degree of action is still short of the stage of putrefaction, the best thing is to place the limbs in snow water, or into water in which figs have been boiled, or cabbage, or myrtle (i.e., odoriferous things), or into dill water, or chamomile water." والتردوغ لطوخ جيّد. وَمَاء الشيح وَمَاء الفودنج وَمَاء النمام والتضميد بالسلجم دَوَاء جيد نَافِع لَهُ. وَيجب أَن يجنب النَّار وقربها وَيجب فِي الْحَال أَن يمشي ويحرك الرجل والطرف فيروضه ويدلكه ثمَّ يمرخه ويطليه وينطله بِمَا قُلْنَاهُ.,"All these are beneficial. A good local application is made with pennyroyal. Wormwood of Pontus, and betony, and turnip are also good medicaments for the purpose. One must avoid exposure to direct heat. It is also necessary to walk about quickly, moving the feet and limbs, doing exercises with these, and also applying friction, and inunction. Warm water may be poured over the part from a height, along with the other aforesaid measures." وليعلم أَن ترك الْأَطْرَاف مُتَعَلقَة سَاكِنة فِي الْبرد لَا تحرّك وَلَا ترَاض هُوَ من أقوى الْأَسْبَاب الممكنة للبرد من الطّرف. وَمن النَّاس من يغمسه فِي مَاء بَارِد فيجد لذَلِك مَنْفَعَة كَأَن الْأَذَى ينْدَفع عَنهُ كَمَا يعرض للفاكهة الجامدة أَن تلقى فِي المَاء الْبَارِد. فَيكون كَأَنَّهُ يخرج الجمد عَنْهَا,"It is important to realize that to allow the limbs to be still and motionless in the cold air, without exercising them in any way, is the surest way to subject them completely to the intense cold. Some people, however, actually make use of cold water for the purpose of overcoming frostbite, taking away the ill-effects of the cold just as is done with frozen fruits. For the plunging into cold water has the effect of drawing out the ice." وينتسج عَلَيْهَا فتلين وتستوى وَلَو أَنَّهَا قربت من النَّار فَسدتْ. وَأما كَيفَ هَذَا فَهُوَ مِمَّا لَا يحْتَاج إِلَيْهِ الطَّبِيب. فَأَما إِذا أَخذ الطّرف يكمد فَيجب أَن يشرط ويسيل مِنْهُ الدَّم,"and of washing it away, and melting the tissues and restoring them to a normal temperature, whereas exposure to heat would simply lead to decomposition. However it be done is no particular concern of the doctor. If the extremity begins to become dark in colour, an incision should be made into it, to let the blood out of it." والعضو مَوْضُوع فِي المَاء الْحَار لِئَلَّا يجمد شَيْء من الدَّم فِي فوهات الشَّرْط فَلَا يخرج بل يتْرك حَتَّى يحتبس من نَفسه ثمَّ يطلى بالطين الأرمني والخل الممزوج فَإِن ذَلِك يمْنَع فَسَاده.,"the limb is then placed into warm water to prevent the blood from congealing and so failing to run out of the tissues. The flow is allowed to continue till it stops of its own accord. After that an epitheme is applied, using Armenian bole and vinegar blended together, for this antagonizes the injury done." والقطران ينفع بدءاً وأخيراً وَإِذا جَاوز الْأَمر السوَاد والخضرة وَأدْركَ وَهُوَ يتعفن فَلَا يشْتَغل بِغَيْر إِسْقَاط مَا يعفن بعجلة لِئَلَّا يعفن أَيْضا الصَّحِيح الَّذِي فِي الْجوَار وَكيلا تدب العفونة بل يفعل مَا قُلْنَاهُ فِي بَابه.,"Pix liquida is also a good adjuvant to this both at the commencement and at the conclusion. When the darkness goes on to blackness or greenness, showing that the mortification is increasing, no time must be lost -in stopping the process, for otherwise the healthy parts adjoining will become implicated and undergo putrefactive changes which will surely spread on into the interior organs. The measures to adopt under these circumstances are described in the appropriate chapter." الْفَصْل السَّادِس حفظ اللَّوْن فِي السّفر,How TO PRESERVE THE COMPLEXION WHILE TRAVELLING يجب أَن يطلى الْوَجْه بالأشياء اللزجة وَالَّتِي فِيهَا تغريه مثل لعاب بزر قطونا وَمثل لعاب العرفج وَمثل الكثيراء المحلول فِي المَاء والصمغ المحلول فِي المَاء وَمثل بَيَاض الْبيض وَمثل الكعك السميذ المنقوع فِي المَاء وقرص وَصفَة قريطن,"The face should be treated by applying epithemes to it, which are prepared with viscid substances, such as mucilage of fleabane, mucilage of purslane, gum tragacanth in water, gum arabic in water, white of egg, and such things as rusks of the finest wheaten flour dissolved in water, Chritan lozenges." وَأما إِذا شققه ريح أَو برد أَو شمس فاطلب تَدْبيره من الْكَلَام فِي الزِّينَة.,"When the face is exposed to biting winds, or cold or the action of (intense) sun, the measures to be adopted are those given in the section on “ Beauty Culture.”" الْفَصْل السَّابِع توقي الْمُسَافِر مضرَّة الْمِيَاه الْمُخْتَلفَة,"How TO COUNTERACT THE INJURIOUS EFFECTS OF THE VARIOUS WATERS, WHILE ON A JOURNEY" إِن اخْتِلَاف الْمِيَاه قد يُوقع الْمُسَافِر فِي أمراض أَكثر من اخْتِلَاف الأغذية فَيجب أَن يُرَاعى ذَلِك بتدارك أَمر المَاء. وَمن تَدَارُكه كَثْرَة ترويقه وَكَثْرَة استرشاحه من الخزف الرشاح وطبخه كَمَا قد بَينا الْعلَّة فِيهِ قد يصفيه ويفرّق بَين جَوْهَر المَاء الصّرْف وَبَين مَا يخالطه,"The traveller is more exposed to illness from the diversity of the drinking water than he is from the diversity of foods. Hence it is necessary to be particular about correcting the bad qualities of the drinking water, and expend every effort in purifying it. Procure the rapid passage of water through the body by inducing sweating. Boil the water, for as we have already pointed out, boiling sometimes clarifies the water and separates off the im-purities which are admixed with the intrinsic substance of the water." وأبلغ من ذَلِك كُله تقطيره بالتصعيد وَرُبمَا فتلت فَتِيلَة من صوف وَجعل مِنْهَا فى أحد الإناءين وَهُوَ المملوء طرف وَترك طرفها الآخر فِي الْإِنَاء الْخَالِي فقطر المَاء الخاليّ وَكَانَ ضربا جيدا من الترويق وخصوصاً إِذا كرر,"The best measure is to distil the water. This may be done by making a wick out of twisted wool, one end of which is placed in the full vessel and the other into an empty vessel. Water will then escape from the one to the other drop by drop. This is a good way of clarifying water when it is necessary to do so frequently." وَكَذَلِكَ إِذا طبخ المَاء المر والرديء وَطرح فِيهِ وَهُوَ يغلي طين حر وكباب صوف ثمَّ تُؤْخَذ وتعصر فَإِنَّهَا تعصر عَن مَاء خير من الأوَّل وَكَذَلِكَ مَحْض المَاء وَقد جعل فِيهِ طين حر لَا كَيْفيَّة رَدِيئَة لَهُ وخصوصاً المحترق فِي الشَّمْس ثمَّ يصقيه وَهُوَ مِمَّا يكسر فَسَاده.,"When the water is bitter and altogether unwholesome, one should boil it, and add pure sand to it while it is boiling. It is then distilled over drop, by drop by using the wool as mentioned above. It amounts to the same thing -if the water be shaken with clean sand, especially when this material has been burnt in the sun. When the sand has settled, the water will be harmless." وَشرب المَاء مَعَ الشَّرَاب أَيْضا مِمَّا يدْفع فَسَاده إِذا كَانَ فَسَاده من جنس قلَّة النّفُوذ وَأَيْضًا فَإِن المَاء إِذا قل وَلم يُوجد فَيجب أَن يشرب ممزوجاً بالخل وخصوصاً فِي الصَّيف فَإِن ذَلِك يُغني عَن الاستكثار.,"Drink wine with the water, for that removes such injurious matter as is of feeble penetrative power. If water is scarce and not attempered, it should be taken with vinegar, especially in summer-time, because that prevents one from drinking too much." وَالْمَاء المالح يجب أَن يشرب بالخل أَو السكنجبين وَيجب أَن يلقِي فِيهِ الخرنوب وَحب الآس والزعرور. وَالْمَاء الشبي العفص يجب أَن يشرب عَلَيْهِ كل مَا يلين الطبيعة. وَالشرَاب أَيْضا مِمَّا ينفع شربه عَلَيْهِ وَالْمَاء المر يسْتَعْمل عَلَيْهِ الدسومات والحلاوات ويمزج بالجلاب.,"Salty water: take vinegar with it, and syrupus acetosus into which has been placed pulse and various species of myrtle and medlar. Aluminous-and bitter water take aperients afterwards. It is also beneficial to take wine after it. Sour water: take sweet things and oily things, mixed with julep afterwards." وَشرب مَاء الحمص قبله وَقبل مَا يُشبههُ مِمَّا يدْفع ضَرَره وَكَذَلِكَ أكل الحمص وَالْمَاء الْقَائِم الآجامي الذدي يَصْحَبهُ عفونة فَيجب أَن لَا يطعم فِيهِ الأغذية الحارة وَأَن يسْتَعْمل القوابض من الْفَوَاكِه الْبَارِدَة والبقول مثل السفرجل والتفاح والريباس.,"Chick-pea water, taken previously to the water, will make it harmless before one could wish. The same is true if one eats chick-peas first. Stagnant and marshy water: these are putrescent. Do not take warm foods before drinking it. Afterwards take astringents made with cold fruits and potherbs, such as quince, apple, and sorrel." والمياه الغليظة الكدرة يتَنَاوَل عَلَيْهَا الثوم وَمِمَّا يصفيها الشب الْيَمَانِيّ وَمِمَّا يدْفع فَسَاد الْمِيَاه الْمُخْتَلفَة البصل فَإِنَّهُ ترياق لذَلِك وخصوصاً البصل بالخل والثوم أَيْضا. وَمن الْأَشْيَاء الْبَارِدَة الخس,"Thick and turbid waters. Garlic should be taken after such waters. Among the reagents which will clear these waters is alum of Yamen (of Arabia). Other things which remove the harmful properties of various waters: onions, because these act on them like a theriac; especially onions and vinegar; garlic; and, among cold things, lettuce." وَمن التَّدْبِير الْجيد لمن ينْتَقل فِي الْمِيَاه الْمُخْتَلفَة أَن يستصحب من مَاء بَلَده فيمزج بِهِ المَاء الَّذِي يَلِيهِ وَيَأْخُذ من مَاء كل منزل للمنزل الَّذِي يَلِيهِ فيمزجه بمائه وَكَذَلِكَ يفعل حَتَّى يبلغ مقْصده.,"Another good rule in regard to the diversity of waters which travellers are likely to encounter is this: to carry some of the water from his home, to mix with it the earths from the inn in which he has stayed last; then carry some of the water to the inn to which he goes next, and mix that with the water he has brought; and go on in this manner until he reaches his destination." وَكَذَلِكَ إِن استصحب طين بَلَده وخلطه بِكُل مَا يطْرَأ عَلَيْهِ وخضخضه فِيهِ ثمَّ تَركه حَتَّى يصفو. وَيجب أَن يشرب المَاء من وَرَاء فدام لئلاّ يجرع العلق بالغلط وَلَا يزدرد البشم من الأخلاط الرَّديئَة. واستصحاب الربوب الحامضة لتمج بِكُل مَاء من الْمُخْتَلفَة تَدْبِير جيّد.,"Similarly he may take some of the clay (sand) from his own home, and use that to mix with each successive specimen of water, shaking them with it, until it has cleared them. One should be sure to pass all the drinking water through a cloth, in order to make sure there are no leeches or other creatures in it, or any minute particles of evil nature suspended in it. [E.g. incidentally, minute ova !] It is a good rule also to take a sour rob with one, to mix with the various waters one is likely to have to drink." الْفَصْل الثَّامِن تَدْبِير رَاكب الْبَحْر,RULES FOR PERSONS TRAVELLING BY SEA قد يعرض لراكب الْبَحْر أَن يَدُور ويدار بِهِ وَأَن يهيج بِهِ الغثيان والقيء وَذَلِكَ فِي أَوَائِل الْأَيَّام ثمَّ يهدأ فيسكن وَيجب أَن يلح على غثيانه وقيئه بِالْحَبْسِ بل يتْرك حَتَّى يقيء فَإِن أفرط فِيهِ حبس حِينَئِذٍ.,"Those who travel by sea often suffer from scotomia and vertigo, and the motion brings on nausea and vomiting, especially during the first few days of the voyage, after which it subsides. It is not wise to allow nausea and vomiting to continue longer than is required for getting rid of superfluities. It should then cease." وَأما الاستعداد لِئَلَّا يعرض لَهُ الْقَيْء فَلَيْسَ بِهِ بَأْس وَذَلِكَ بِأَن يتَنَاوَل من الْفَوَاكِه مثل السفرجل والتفاح والرمّان وَإِذا شرب بزر الكرفسر منع الغثيان أَن يهيج بِهِ وسكنه إِذا هاج. والأفستين أَيْضا كَذَلِك,"Measures to -prevent sea-sickness. It is justifiable to endeavour to prevent sea-sickness. Thus, take fruit such as of quince, maciana, and pomegranate. Parsley seed made into a drink will prevent nausea as long as one lies quite still; and if one cannot lie still, it soothes the sense of nausea. Absinthe has the same effect." وَمِمَّا يمنعهُ أَن يغتذي بالحموضات المقوية لفم الْمعدة الْمَانِعَة من ارْتِفَاع البخار إِلَى الرَّأْس وَذَلِكَ كالعدس بالخل وبالحصرم وَقَلِيل فودنج أَو حاشا أَو الْخبز الْمبرد فِي شراب ريحاني أَو مَاء بَارِد وَقد يَقع فِيهِ حاشا وَيجب أَن يمسح دَاخل الْأَنْفس بالاسفيداج.,"Among the things which prevent seasickness are: nourishing the mouth of the stomach with tonic acetous substances, and such things as prevent “vapours ” from rising into the head. Namely: Lentils in vinegar (or dried and boiled with a little pennyroyal, or boiled till soft and then triturated and dried and kept in an earthen vessel: Aeg.); juice of sour grapes; a little pennyroyal, thyme; bread broken up in weak and fragrant wine, or in cold water. Thyme is sometimes added to that. The nostrils should also be smeared over on the inside with white lead (cosmetic) ointment." الْفَنّ الرَّابِع وُجُوه المعالجات بِحَسب الْأَمْرَاض الْكُلية ويشتمل على ثَلَاثِينَ فصلا. الْفَصْل الأول كَلَام كلي فِي العلاج,Part IV GENERAL THERAPEUTICS THE VARIOUS MODES OF TREATMENT APPLICABLE TO DISEASE IN GENERAL General discourse on the Treatment of Disease. نقُول: إِن أَمر العلاج يتم من أَشْيَاء ثَلَاثَة: أَحدهَا التَّدْبِير والتغذية وَالْآخر اسْتِعْمَال الْأَدْوِيَة وَالثَّالِث اسْتِعْمَال أَعمال الْيَد. ونعني بِالتَّدْبِيرِ: التَّصَرُّف فِي الْأَسْبَاب الضرورية المعدودة الَّتِي هِيَ جَارِيَة فِي الْعَادة والغذاء من جُمْلَتهَا.,"The subject of treatment comprises three headlines: that of the regimen and diet, that of the use of medicines, and that of manual or operative interference. By the word “regimen” we understand the systematic management of the several factors which we have enumerated as being essential to health, and among them diet has an (important) place." وَأَحْكَام التَّدْبِير من جِهَة كيفيتها مُنَاسبَة لأحكام الْأَدْوِيَة لَكِن للغذاء من جُمْلَتهَا أَحْكَام تخصه فِي بَاب الكمية لِأَن الْغذَاء قد يمْنَع وَقد يقلل وَقد يعدل وَقد يُزَاد فِيهِ.,"TREATMENT WITH FOOD. In regard to diet, the first question to decide is as to the quantity of each article of food which should be allowed. Sometimes a given article of food is to be forbidden; sometimes lessened; sometimes no change need be made; sometimes the amount taken is to be increased." وَإِنَّمَا يمْنَع الْغذَاء عِنْد إِرَادَة الطَّبِيب شغل الطبيعة بنضج الأخلاط وأنما يقلل إِذا كَانَ مَعَ ذَلِك لَهُ غَرَض حفظ الْقُوَّة فِيمَا يغذو ويراعي جنبة الْقُوَّة وَبِمَا ينقص يُرَاعِي جنبة الْمَادَّة لِئَلَّا تشتغل عَنْهَا الطبيعة بهضم الْغذَاء الْكثير,"The physician only forbids a food, or all food, if he intends that the digestive faculties [throughout the body] shall be left entirely free to complete the maturation of the humours. He prescribes a lessened amount of a food, if he wishes the digestive powers to be conserved. The very fact of taking nutriment is a tax on the digestive faculties; therefore the withdrawal of a certain amount of food means a corresponding alleviation for them." ويراعي دَائِما أهمهما وَهُوَ الْقُوَّة إِن كَانَت ضَعِيفَة جدا وَالْمَرَض إِن كَانَ قَوِيا جدا والغاء يقلل من جِهَتَيْنِ: إِحْدَاهمَا من جِهَة الكمية والآخرى من جِهَة الْكَيْفِيَّة وَلَك أَن تجْعَل اجْتِمَاع الْجِهَتَيْنِ قسما ثَالِثا.,"The physician must also be watchful in regard to two dangers one, that the natural powers should become too enfeebled; the second, that an illness should become too grave. How to reduce the diet. This may be achieved in two directions it is lessened either in amount, or in quality. In fact, by combining these two ways, one has a third method at one’s disposal." وَالْفرق بَين جهتي الكمية والكيفية أَنه قد يكون غذَاء كثير الكمية قَلِيل التغذية مثل الْبُقُول والفواكه فَإِن المستكثر مِنْهُمَا مستكثر من كمية الْغذَاء دون كيفيته وَقد يكون غذَاء قَلِيل الكمية كثير التغذية مثل الْبيض وَمثل خصي الديوك,"To explain more exactly an aliment may be bulky but poorly nutritious. For instance, pot-herbs, fruits. A person may eat plentifully of these without receiving much nourishment. On the other hand, an aliment may be small in bulk, but highly nutritious. For example, eggs; the testicles of fowls." وَنحن رُبمَا احتجنا إِلَى أَن نقلل الْكَيْفِيَّة ونكثر الكمية وَذَلِكَ إِذا كَانَت الشَّهْوَة غالبة وَكَانَ فِي الْعُرُوق أخلاط نيئة فأردنا أَن نسكن الشَّهْوَة بملء الْمعدة وَأَن نمْنَع الْعُرُوق مَادَّة كَثِيرَة لينضج أَولا مَا فِيهَا ولأغراض أُخْرَى غير ذَلِك.,"It is, for instance, necessary to lessen the nutritive value of food, and increase its bulk, in cases where the appetite is altogether excessive and “crude” humours enter the blood. So we lull the appetite by filling up the stomach, and yet see to it that only a small amount of (nutritive) matter enters the blood, thereby enabling the digestive products already in the blood to become “matured” (properly disposed of). And there may be other reasons." وَرُبمَا احتجنا أَن نكثر الْكَيْفِيَّة ونقلل الكمية وَذَلِكَ إِذا أردنَا أَن نقوي الْقُوَّة وَكَانَت الطبيعة الموكلة بالمعدة تضعف عَن أَن تزاول هضم شَيْء كثير. وَأكْثر مَا يتكلّف تقليل الْغذَاء وَمنعه إِذا كُنَّا نعالج الْأَمْرَاض الحادة.,"On the other hand it may be desirable to increase the nutritive quality without adding to the bulk of the food; namely, when we wish to increase the bodily strength (vitality) and when the digestive power of the stomach is inadequate. Diminution in the amount of food, or stopping food altogether is usually the line of treatment in acute illnesses." وَأما فِي الْأَمْرَاض المزمنة فَإنَّا قد نقلل أَيْضا وَلَكِن ثقيلاً أقل من تقليلنا مِمَّا فِي الْأَمْرَاض الحادة لِأَن عنايتنا بِالْقُوَّةِ فِي الْأَمْرَاض المزمنة أَكثر لأَنا نعلم أَن بحرانها بعيد ومنتهاها بعيد فَإِذا لم تحفظ الْقُوَّة لم تف بالثبات إِلَى وَقت البحران وَلم تف بنضج مَا تطول مُدَّة إنضاجه.,"But sometimes we decrease the amount of food in chronic maladies also, though not to the same extent as in acute ones. The reason is that in the case of chronic maladies it is more necessary to see that the bodily strength is maintained, for we know that a long time will elapse before there can be a crisis or restoration to health. So unless the strength be maintained, the patient will not hold out until the time for crisis comes, and he cannot digest anything which takes a long time to digest." وَأما الْأَمْرَاض الحادة فَإِن بحرانها قريب وَنَرْجُو أَن لَا يخون الْقُوَّة قبل انتهائها فَإِن خفنا ذَلِك نبالغ فِي تقليل الْغذَاء وَكلما كَانَ الْمَرَض فِيهَا أقرب من الْمُبْتَدَأ والأعراض أمكن غذاؤنا مقوين للقوة,"But in the case of acute illnesses, the crisis is near at hand, so we may confidently expect the vitality to hold out until that time. Did we have any doubt about this, we should see to it that the diet was not lowered too much. It is not so necessary to diminish the amount of food in the earlier stages of an illness, when the symptoms are not very marked. In this way one conserves the natural powers." وَكلما جعل الْمَرَض يَأْخُذ فِي التزايد وَتَأْخُذ الْأَعْرَاض فِي التزايد قللنا التغذية ثِقَة بِمَا أسلفنا وتخفيفاً عَن الْقُوَّة وَقت جهاده وَعند الْمُنْتَهى نلطف التَّدْبِير جدا. وَكلما كَانَ الْمَرَض أحد والبحران أقرب لطفنا التَّدْبِير أَشد إِلَّا أَن تعرض أَسبَاب تَمْنَعنَا من ذَلِك كَمَا سَنذكرُهُ فِي الْكتب الْجُزْئِيَّة.,"But as the illness progresses and the symptoms become more severe, so the amount of food is to be lessened according to the principles already stated. In this way the digestive powers are helped at the (critical) hour of struggle. The regimen must also be made definitely attenuant during the height of the disease. The more acute the malady, and the nearer the crisis, the more attenuant must the regimen be made, unless there, should happen to be contra-indications such as we shall name in the special part." وللغذاء من جِهَة مَا يغذى بِهِ فصلان آخرَانِ هما: سرعَة النّفُوذ كَحال الْخمر وبطء النّفُوذ كَحال الشواء والقلايا وَأَيْضًا نَحْو قوام مَا يتَوَلَّد مِنْهُ من الدَّم واستمساكه كَمَا يكون من حَال غذَاء لحم الْخَنَازِير والعجاجيل,"Aliment possesses two functions besides mere nutrition; (a) rate of penetration, or absorption: rapid penetrative power, as for instance, wine; slow penetrative power, as for instance, roast meats and fried meats; (F) compactness of the substance, of the digestive products in the blood, and consequent retention (e.g., this is the feature of the digestive products from pork and veal)." أَو رقته وَسُرْعَة تحلله كَمَا يكون من حَال الْغذَاء الْكَائِن من الشَّرَاب وَمن التِّين. وَنحن نحتاج إِلَى الْغذَاء السَّرِيع النّفُوذ إِذا أردنَا أَن نتدارك سُقُوط الْقُوَّة الحيوانية وننعشها وَلم تكن الْمدَّة أَو الْقُوَّة تفي ريث هضم الْغذَاء البطيء الهضم.,"or attenuation of substance, with consequent speedy dispersal (as is the feature of the digestive products of wine and figs). We need to make use of an aliment of rapid penetrative power when we wish to remedy a loss of vital power, so as to revive it when there is not sufficient time or (digestive) power to justify waiting till the aliments are digested in their ordinary course, slow as that may be." وَنحن نتوقى الْغذَاء السَّرِيع الهضم إِذا اتّفق أَن سبق غذَاء بطيء الهضم فنخاف أَن يخْتَلط بِهِ فيصير على النَّحْو الذ سبق منا بَيَانه.,"We have also to take care not to take easily digested food after food which is only slowly digested, lest the result of the mixture be undesirable in the way already explained." وَنحن نتوقّى الغليظ عِنْد إيقاننا حُدُوث السدد لكننا نؤثر الغذاء الْقوي التغذية البطيء الهضم لمن أردنَا أَن نقويه ونهيئه للرياضات القوية ونؤثر الْغذَاء السخيف لمن يعرض لَهُ تكاثف المسام سَرِيعا.,"We should also take care to avoid foods of solid texture, since we know for a fact that these give rise to obstructions (in the ducts and tissue channels as well as in the intestines). Therefore we will select highly nutritious foods which digest slowly, when we wish to restore the strength of the patient, and make him fit to undertake strenuous exercise. We select a feebly nutritious food for a person whose pores are choked with dense matter." وَأما المعالجة بالدواء فلهَا ثَلَاثَة قوانين: أَحدهَا: قانون اخْتِيَار كيفيته أَي اختباره حاراً أَو بَارِدًا أَو رطبا أَو يَابسا. وَالثَّانِي: قانون اخْتِيَار كميته وَهَذَا القانون يَنْقَسِم إِلَى قانون تَقْدِير وَزنه وَإِلَى قانون تَقْدِير كيفيته أَي دَرَجَة حرارته وبرودته وَغير ذَلِك.,"TREATMENT WITH MEDICINES. There are three rules to follow in selecting medicines: selection according to quality whether hot, cold, moist, dry; selection of the amount to be given [Dose]. There are two sub-divisions here: (a) measurement in terms of weight, (F) measurement of its quality degree of hot, cold, etc. quality." وَالثَّالِث: قانون تَرْتِيب وقته. أما قانون اخْتِيَار كَيْفيَّة الدَّوَاء على الْإِطْلَاق فَإِنَّمَا يَهْتَدِي إِلَيْهِ بِالْوُقُوفِ على نوع الْمَرَض فَإِنَّهُ إِذا عرف كَيْفيَّة الْمَرَض وَجب أَن يخْتَار من الدَّوَاء مَا يضاده فِي كيفيته فَإِن الْمَرَض يعالج بالضدّ وَالصِّحَّة تحفظ بالمشاكل.,"the rules relative to the time of administration. In regard to one, the choice according to quality, the decision depends, strictly speaking, upon one’s knowledge of the type of the malady to be treated. Once one knows the quality of the malady, the appropriate medicine is that whose quality is exactly opposite; just as in the case of health, it is the like wherewith it is maintained." وَأما تَقْدِير كميته من الْوَجْهَيْنِ جَمِيعًا فَيعرف على سَبِيل الحدس الصناعي من طبيعة الْعُضْو وَمن مِقْدَار الْمَرَض وَمن الْأَشْيَاء الَّتِي تدل بموافقتها وملائمتها الَّتِي هِيَ الْجِنْس وَالسّن وَالْعَادَة والفصل والبلد والصناعة وَالْقُوَّة والسحنة.,"In regard to two, there are two factors to consider, in order to arrive at an arbitrary measure: (a) the nature of the member, ty) the degree .of illness. Over and above these, are factors determining the suitability and fitness of the remedy, namely, species, age, custom, season, geographical position, occupation, strength, physique." وَمَعْرِفَة طبيعة الْعُضْو تَتَضَمَّن معرفَة أُمُور أَرْبَعَة: أَحدهَا: مزاج الْعُضْو وَالثَّانِي: خلقته والثا لث: وَضعه والرابِعْ: قوته.,To understand the nature of the member one must know these four things about it: (i) its temperament; (ii) its construction; (iii) its position and relations; (iv) its strength. أما مزاج الْعُضْو: فَإِنَّهُ إِذا عرف مزاجه الطبيعي وَعرف مزاجه المرضي عرف بالحدس الصناعي أَنه كم بعد من مزاجه الطبيعي فَيعرف مِقْدَار مَا يردهُ إِلَيْهِ مِثَاله إِن كَانَ المزاج الصحي بَارِدًا وَالْمَرَض حاراً فقد بعد من مزاجه بعدا كثيرا فَيحْتَاج إِلَى تبريد كثير.,"(i) Temperament. It is necessary to know the normal temperament of each member because this gives the clue to the degree of intemperament, by showing to what extent this has departed from the normal. One would thus form an idea as to the amount of change which is necessary to restore the part to health. For example, if the temperament in health were cold, and the present (intemperament) be hot, then the change from normal is considerable. A considerable amount of infrigidation will be necessary." وَإِن كَانَ كِلَاهُمَا حارين كفى الْخطب فِيهِ بتبريد يسير. وَأما من خلقَة الْعُضْو: فقد قُلْنَا أَن الْخلقَة على كم معنى تشْتَمل فَلْيتَأَمَّل من هُنَاكَ.,"But if both were hot, quite a trivial degree of infrigidation might suffice to restore health. (ii) Construction. We have already stated that there are four modes of construction of a member, and the reader must study the matter in that place." ثمَّ اعْلَم أَن من الْأَعْضَاء مَا هُوَ فِي خلقته سهل المنافذ وَفِي دَاخله أَو خَارجه مَوضِع حَال فيندفع عَنهُ الْفضل بدواء لطيف معتدل وَمِنْه مَا لَيْسَ كَذَلِك فَيحْتَاج إِلَى دَوَاء قوي وَكَذَلِكَ بَعْضهَا متخلخل وَبَعضهَا متكاثف.,"But in addition it is necessary to be aware that (a) certain members have been constructed with openings of easy ingress, with ample spaces (receptacles) at the entry and exit (of the channels) so that the waste products can be expelled readily by (appropriate) tenuous and attempered medicines. There are others which are not so formed, and in these cases stronger medicines become necessary. (F) Some members are loosely constructed, while others are dense in texture." والمتخلخل يَكْفِيهِ الدَّوَاء اللَّطِيف والكثيف يحْتَاج إِلَى الدَّوَاء الْقوي فَأكْثر الْأَعْضَاء حَاجَة إِلَى الدَّوَاء الْقوي مَا لَيْسَ لَهُ تجويف وَلَا من أحد الْجَانِبَيْنِ وَلَا فضاء لَهُ,"For the former, tenuous medicine will suffice, whereas for the latter a powerful remedy- is necessary. The strong medicine is the more necessary in cases where there is neither cavity nor receptacle either interiorly or externally." ثمَّ الَّذِي لَهُ ذَلِك من جَانب وَاحِد ثمَّ الَّذِي لَهُ فضاء من الْجَانِبَيْنِ لكنه ملزز كثيف كالكلية ثمَّ الَّذِي لَهُ تجويف من الْجَانِبَيْنِ وَهُوَ سخيف كالرئة.,"Next in degree of strength of medicine is that which serves in the case where there is a receptacle in one of the two parts; and next to that is the strength of medicine applicable in the case where there is a receptacle on both sides. Examples of this: the kidney, which is dense, firm, brawny, and solid in texture; the lung, which is loose in texture [and obviously has pervading channels as well as an exterior orifice]." وَأما من وضع الْعُضْو والوضع يَقْتَضِي كَمَا تعلم إِمَّا موضعا وَإِمَّا مُشَاركَة وَالِانْتِفَاع بِهِ من علم الْمُشَاركَة أخصه باختيارك جِهَة جذب الدَّوَاء وإمالته إِلَيْهِ,"(iii) Site or position. One knows about, the site when one knows the position and the relations of the member. The advantage of knowing the anatomical relations of an organ is that one can then choose the part which will draw the given medicine, for thus one compels the medicine to travel in the desired direction." مِثَاله إِنَّه إِذا كَانَت الْمَادَّة فِي حدبة الكبد استفرغناها بالبول وَإِن كَانَت فِي تقعير الكبد استفرغناها بالإسهال لِأَن حدبة الكبد مُشَاركَة لأعضاء الْبَوْل أَحدهَا: بعده وقربه فَإِن كَانَ قَرِيبا مثل الْمعدة وصلت إِلَيْهِ الْأَدْوِيَة المعتدلة فِي أدنى زمَان وَفعلت فِيهِ وقوتها بَاقِيَة,"For instance: if there is pathological matter in the blood channels of the liver, one will evacuate it by way of the kidney; if it be in the bile ducts, one will evacuate by way of the intestine. For the former is (physiologically) related to the kidney, and the latter to the intestine. There is a threefold value in knowing the position of a part. Accessibility or remoteness. If the organ to be reached is -accessible, as is true in the case of the stomach, an attempered medicine brought to it will act on it (with certainty)." وان كَانَ بَعيدا كالرئة فَإِن الْأَدْوِيَة المعتدلة نَفسهَا قواها قبل الْوُصُول إِلَيْهِ فَيحْتَاج أَن يُزَاد فِي قواها. فالعضو الْقَرِيب الَّذِي يلقاه الدَّوَاء يجب أَن يكون قُوَّة الدَّوَاء لَهُ بِالْقدرِ الْمُقَابل لِلْعِلَّةِ,"whereas if the organ be distant, like the lung, the action of an attempered medicine will be nullified (because it has been changed by digestion) before it can reach the lung itself. Therefore, a stronger medicine becomes necessary in this case. When the organ affected is readily accessible to the medicine, so that the virtues of the latter at once come into play, the efficiency of the medicine will be directly proportionate to the severity of the malady." وَإِن كَانَ بَينهمَا بعد وبون وَهُوَ دَاء يحْتَاج لدواء فِي أَن ينفذ إِلَيْهِ إِلَى قُوَّة غائصة فَيحْتَاج أَن تكون قُوَّة الدَّوَاء أَكثر من الْمُحْتَاج إِلَيْهِ مثل الْحَال فِي أضمدة عرق النسى وَغَيره.,"But if the medicine has to travel some distance before reaching the affected organ, and the malady more deeply seated than can be met by the penetrative power of the remedy, then the potency must be higher than usual. For instance, the amount of vinegar needed is greater when applied in a plaster for sciatica." وَالْوَجْه الثَّانِي أَن يعرف مَا الَّذِي يَنْبَغِي أَن يخلط بالأدوية ليسرع إيصالها إِلَى الْعُضْو كَمَا يخلط بأدوية أَعْضَاء الْبَوْل المدرات وبأدوية الْقلب الزَّعْفَرَان.,"(b) One must know what substances to admix with medicines in order to bring them rapidly to the affected organ. For instance, one must admix diuretics with a medicine for the urinary tract; and saffron with medicines intended for the heart." وَالْوَجْه الثَّالِث أَن يعرف جِهَة إتصال الدَّوَاء إِلَيْهِ مثلا أَنا إِذا عرفنَا أنَ القرحة فِي الأمعاء السُّفْلى أوصلناه بالحقنة أَو حدسنا بِأَنَّهَا فِي الأمعاء الْعليا أوصلناه بِالشرابِ.,"One must know by what route the medicine is to be brought to the affected part. Thus, if we have ascertained that there are ulcers in the lower bowel, we inject remedies by the rectum; whereas if we know that the ulcers are in the small intestine, we give the remedies as fluids by the mouth." وَقد ينْتَفع بمراعاة الْموضع والمشاركة مَعًا وَذَلِكَ فِيمَا يَنْبَغِي أَن يَفْعَله والمادة منصبة بِتَمَامِهَا إِلَى الْعُضْو وَمَا يَنْبَغِي أَن يَفْعَله والمادة بعد فِي الانصباب حَتَّى إِن كَانَت فِي الانصباب بعد جذبناها من موضعهَا بعد مُرَاعَاة شَرَائِط أَربع:,"Sometimes it is advantageous to consider both situation and relations to other organs at the same time. This applies in the case where the whole of the morbid matter has been discharged into the member, or when it is in process of being so discharged. For as soon as we know that it is in process of descent to the particular spot, we may draw it out of the body altogether by making use of the following four principles." إِحْدَاهَا: مُخَالفَة الْجِهَة كَمَا يجذب من الْيَمين إِلَى الْيَسَار وَمن فَوق إِلَى أَسْفَل. وَالثَّانيِة: مُرَاعَاة الْمُشَاركَة كَمَا يحبس الطمث يوضع المحاجم على الثديين جذباً إِلَى الشَّرِيك. وَالثَّالِثَة: مُرَاعَاة الْمُحَاذَاة كَمَا يفصد فِي علل الكبد الباسليق الْأَيْمن وَفِي علل الطحال الباسليق الْأَيْسَر.,"(a) The rule of diversity of parts. One may draw from the right side to the left; from above to the parts below. (b) The rule of physiological relationship. Thus, when the menstrual flow is controlled by applying cupping to the physiologically related organ the breasts. (c) The rule of directness.—Thus, for maladies of the liver, venesection is done in the right basilic; in the case of the spleen, the left basilic vein is used." وَالرَّابِعَة: مُرَاعَاة التبعيد فِي ذَلِك لِئَلَّا يكون المجذوب إِلَيْهِ قَرِيبا جدا من المجذوب مِنْهُ وَأما إِن كَانَت الْمَادَّة منصبّة فينتفع بالأمرين من جِهَة أَنا إِمَّا أَن نأخذها من الْعُضْو نَفسه,"(d) The rule of distance. The member into which the morbid matters are drawn must not be too near to the one diseased. If by chance the whole of the morbid matter has already been withdrawn, both sides of the body may be used together. For we may, if we desire, draw the material into the member itself," أَو ننقلها إِلَى الْعُضْو الْقَرِيب المشارك ونخرجها مِنْهُ كَمَا يفصد الصَّافِن فِي علل الرَّحِم والعرق الَّذِي تَحت اللِّسَان فِي علاج ورم اللوزتين. وَمَتى أردْت أَن تجذب إِلَى الْخلاف فسكن أَولا وجع الْعُضْو المجذوب عَنهُ وَأَن تنظر حَتَّى لَا يكون الْمجَاز على رَئِيس.,"or first draw it into an adjoining physiologically related one, and then from that. For instance, we open both saphenous veins when treating maladies of the uterus, and we open the one (median) vein under the tongue, when treating double quinsy. When you wish to draw morbid matter to another member to that from which you are drawing it, first allay the pain there. And take care that in so transferring the matter you are not crossing a vital organ." وَأما الِانْتِفَاع من جِهَة قُوَّة الْعُضْو فَمن طرق ثَلَاثَة: إِحْدَاهَا: مُرَاعَاة الرياسة والمبدئية فَإنَّا لَا نخاطر على الْأَعْضَاء الرئيسة بالأدوية القوية مَا أمكن فَيكون قد عممنا الْبدن بِالضَّرَرِ,"(iv) The value of assessing the power or strength of a member lies in three directions: it enables us to direct the treatment in the order of nobility of organs. Thus, one must not use potent drugs which might act on the principal [vital] organs to so great an extent as to risk producing a harmful effect all over the body." وَلذَلِك لَا نستفرغ من الدِّمَاغ والكبد مَا يحْتَاج أَن نستفرغه مِنْهُمَا دفْعَة وَاحِدَة وَلَا نبرّدهما تبريداً شَدِيد الْبَتَّةَ وَإِذا ضمدنا الكبد بأدوية محللة لم نخلها من قابضة طيبَة الرّيح لحفظ الْقُوَّة وَكَذَلِكَ فِيمَا نسقيه لأَجلهَا. وَأولى الْأَعْضَاء بِهَذِهِ المراعاة الْقلب ثمَّ الدِّمَاغ ثمَّ الكبد.,"So, when it is necessary to withdraw matter from the brain or liver, one would not attempt to do so at the same period of the disease, and one must not apply infrigidants too assiduously. Again, when we wish to apply external applications over the liver and at the same time introduce resolvent medicines, we must take care to combine astringent drugs of aromatic character with them, so as not – to risk interfering with the functional capacity of the organ. The same rule applies when giving fluid remedies. In applying these rules, the order of importance of the organ is: heart, brain, liver." وَالطَّرِيق الثَّانِيَة: مُرَاعَاة الْفِعْل الْمُشْتَرك للعضو وَأَن لم يكن رَئِيسا مثل الْمعدة والرئة وَلذَلِك لَا نسقي فِي الحميّات مَعَ ضعف الْمعدة مَاء بَارِدًا شَدِيد الْبُرُودَة. وَاعْلَم أَن اسْتِعْمَال المرخيّات على الرئيسة وَمَا يتلوها صرفة خطر جدا فِي الْجُمْلَة.,"The treatment is directed to an organ of physiologically related function, provided the organ selected is not a vital one, like the stomach and lung. For instance, one does not give very cold water in cases of fever, when the stomach is weak. You are aware, too, that to administer undiluted remedies, which are relaxing to vital organs or to organs closely related to them, is simply to imperil life." وَالطَّرِيق الثَّالِث: مُرَاعَاة ذكاء الحسّ وكلاله فَإِن الْأَعْضَاء الذكية الْحس العصبية يجب أَن يتوقّى فِيهَا اسْتِعْمَال الْأَدْوِيَة الردية الْكَيْفِيَّة واللذاعة والمؤذية كاليتّوعات وَغَيرهَا عَلَيْهَا.,"One takes the sensibility- of an organ into consideration whether it is keen or dull. That is, one must beware of giving drugs possessing injurious (mordant, pungent or toxic) qualities, to very sensitive organs, or organs of special sense for instance, plants belonging to the euphorbia group." والأدوية الَّتِي يتحاشى عَن اسْتِعْمَالهَا ثَلَاثَة أَصْنَاف: المحلّلات والمبرّدات بِالْقُوَّةِ وَالَّتِي لَهَا كيفيات مُخَالفَة كالزنجار وأسفيذاج الرصاص والنحاس المحرق وَمَا أشبههَا. فَهَذَا هُوَ تَفْصِيل اختبار المواء بِحَسب طبيعة الْعُضْو.,"There are three kinds of medicines in the administration of which we must be very cautious. Those which are extremely resolvent; those which are cooling; and those which are contrary in property. Examples: lead and copper salts, and the like. This, then, is how one chooses medicines according to the nature or character of the organ to be treated." وَأما مِقْدَار الْمَرَض فَإِن الَّذِي يكون مثلا حرارته العرضية شَدِيدَة فَيحْتَاج أَن تطفأ بدواء أَشد برودة وَالَّذِي يكون برودته العرضية شَدِيدَة فَيحْتَاج إِلَى أَن يسخنه أَشد تسخيناً وَإِذا لم يَكُونَا قويين اكتفينا بدواء أقل قُوَّة.,"Choice of medicine according to the severity of the illness.—For example, when the degree of morbid heat of the body is unduly great, it must be counteracted by means of a medicine of strongly infrigidant character. But when the abnormality consists in a marked degree of coldness, this is met by exhibiting a strongly calefacient medicine. If the degree of abnormality is not marked, remedies of weaker quality will suffice." وَأما وَقت الْمَرَض فَإِن نَعْرِف الْمَرَض فِي أَي وَقت من أوقاته مثلا الورم إِن كَانَ فِي الِابْتِدَاء استعملنا عَلَيْهِ مَا يردع وَحده وَإِن كَانَ فِي الْمُنْتَهى استعملنا مَا يحلل وَحده وَأما فِيمَا بَين ذَيْنك فتخلطهما جَمِيعًا.,"Choice of medicine according to stage of the disease. When we know the stage at which a disease is, we adjust the treatment accordingly.’ Thus, if an inflammatory focus is in the initial stage, we shall apply a remedy which will act upon it alone. If the disease is near the terminal stage, we may apply a remedy which will resolve it (at that phase). If the disease is between these two stages, we should combine both forms of remedy." وَإِن كَانَ الْمَرَض حاداً فِي الِابْتِدَاء لطفنا التَّدْبِير تلطيفاً معتدلاً وَإِن كَانَ إِلَى الْمُنْتَهى بالغنا فِي التلطيف وَأَن كَانَ مزمناً لم نلطف فِي الإبتداء ذَلِك التلطيف عِنْد الِانْتِهَاء. على أَن كثيرا من الْأَمْرَاض المزمنة غير الحميات يحللها التَّدْبِير الملطف.,"If the disease be acute, we should at first aim at attenuation by means of an attempered regimen; but at the later stage we should seek to procure attenuation. In the case of a chronic disease, we should not aim at attenuant treatment in the early stages, and we should use a modified attenuation at the later stage, though it is true that an attenuant regimen disperses many chronic maladies besides fevers." وَأَيْضًا إِن كَانَ الْمَرِيض كثير الْمَادَّة هائجاً استفرغنا فِي الِابْتِدَاء وَلم نَنْتَظِر النضج وَإِن كَانَ معتدلاً أنضجنا ثمَّ استفرغنا. وَأما الِاسْتِدْلَال من الْأَشْيَاء الَّتِي تدل بملاءمتها فَهُوَ سهل عَلَيْك تعرفه والهواء من جُمْلَتهَا أولى مَا يجب أَن يُرَاعى أمره وَهل هُوَ معِين للدواء أَو للمرض.,"Again, if a malady is due to active fermentation of the humours, we procure evacuation [inch venesection] at the early stages, without waiting for the “ matter ” to undergo maturation. But if the fermentation is only moderate in degree, we wait till maturation is complete before undertaking the evacuant measures. You can easily recognize which factors are favourable to the end in view (and how to adapt them accordingly). Thus, air is the most important of all such, and one needs to take care that it shall assist the action of the medicinal treatment and not contribute to an aggravation of the illness." ونقول: الْأَمْرَاض الَّتِي يكون فِيهَا خطر وَلَا يُؤمن فَوت الْقُوَّة مَعَ تَأَخّر الْوَاجِب أَو التَّخْفِيف فِيهِ فَالْوَاجِب أَن يبْدَأ فِيهَا بالعلاج الْقوي أَولا وَالَّتِي لَا خطر فِيهَا يتدرّج إِلَى الْأَقْوَى إِن لم يغن الأخف.,"In the case of maladies where any delay in treatment might entail a loss of vitality, or where one wishes to do more than merely alleviate, we shall begin with a strong medicinal agent. But if there is no fear of such an eventuality, we may proceed in orderly fashion, using a milder remedy first and the stronger one if that proves insufficient." وَإِيَّاك أَن تهرب عَن الصَّوَاب لِأَن تَأْثِيره يتَأَخَّر وَأَن تقيم على الْغَلَط لِأَن ضَرَره لَا يتدبر وَمَعَ ذَلِك فَلَيْسَ يجب أَن تقيم على علاج وَاحِد بدواء وَاحِد,"Further, you must not forsake the direct rule of treatment if you find that there is only a tardy response to it; and, on the other hand, you must not commit the fault of delay when there is no contra-indication. In addition, you must not confine yourself to one single medicinal remedy throughout the treatment." بل تبدل الْأَدْوِيَة فَإِن المألوف لَا ينفعل عَنهُ وَلكُل بدن بل بِكُل عُضْو بل للبدن والعضو فِي وَقت دون وَقت خَاصَّة فِي الانفعال عَن دَوَاء دون دَوَاء. وَإِذا أشكلت الْعلَّة فَخَل بَينهَا وَبَين الطبيعة وَلَا تستعجل فَإِن الطبيعة إِمَّا أَن تقهر الْعلَّة وَإِمَّا أَن تظهر الْعلَّة.,"but you must interchange the medicines (all the time), because when (the tissues) are accustomed to one they cease to respond, and moreover, the same tissue or member, or the body as a whole, may react to one given medicine at one time or phase and not at another. When you do not know the nature of a malady, leave it to Nature; do not strive to hasten matters. For either Nature will bring about the cure or it will itself reveal clearly what the malady really is." وَإِذا اجْتمع مرض مَعَ وجع أَو شَبيه وجع أَو مُوجب وجع كالضربة والسقطة فابدأ بتسكين الوجع وَأَن احتجت إِلَى التخدير فَلَا تجَاوز مثل الخشخاش فَإِنَّهُ مَعَ تخديره مألوف مَأْكُول.,"Treatment of fain. When the malady is accompanied by pain, whether the pain is the cause or the effect, as in the case of blows or falls, the first thing to do is to allay the pain. If it is necessary to induce a stupotose state, do not go beyond the use of such as white poppy. Its anodyne action is well-known." وَإِذا بليت بِشدَّة حس الْعُضْو فاغذ بِمَا يغلظ الدَّم جدا كالهرائس وَإِن لم تخف التَّدْبِير فاغذ بالمبردات كالخس وَنَحْوه. وَاعْلَم أَن من المعالجات الجيدة الناجعة الِاسْتِعَانَة بِمَا يُقَوي القوى النفسانية والحيوانية كالفرح,"When the member is hyper-sensitive, nourish it with such things as render the blood viscid, as for instance, cooked grain. If this is not sufficient, and there is no reason to be afraid of in- frigidation, such things as lettuce may be used. Remember, too, that among the advantageous contributory factors in treatment is the help afforded by anything which exalts the sensitive and vital faculties: for instance, joyfulness." ولقاء مَا يسْتَأْنس بِهِ وملازمة من يسر بِهِ وَرُبمَا نَفَعت مُلَازمَة المحتشمين وَمن يستحيا مِنْهُم فمنعت الْمَرِيض عَن أَشْيَاء تضره. وَمِمَّا يُقَارب هَذَا الصِّنْف من المعالجات والانتقال من بلد إِلَى بلد وَمن هَوَاء إِلَى هَوَاء والانتقال من هيئات إِلَى هيئات,"In consequence, one sets out to please one’s patient, and ever tranquillise him by anything which can reasonably gratify him. Sometimes one may advantageously arouse his sense of shame, making him blush, and so leading the sick person to avoid what is harmful for him. A measure which is akin to the preceding is that of removing from one country to another, from one climate to another. Or a change is made from one external form to another." وتكلف هيئات وحركات يَسْتَوِي بهَا عُضْو وَيصير بمزاج مثل مَا يُكَلف الصَّبِي الْأَحول من النّظر الشَّديد إِلَى شَيْء يلوح لَهُ وَمثل مَا يُكَلف صَاحب الْقُوَّة من النّظر فِي الْمرْآة الضيقة فَإِن ذَلِك أدعى لَهُ إِلَى تَكْلِيف تَسْوِيَة وَجهه وَعَيْنَيْهِ فَرُبمَا عَاد بالتكلف إِلَى الصّلاح.,"To do this, one particularises the various forms and movements which will act upon the given member, or alter its temperament. Thus one may advise a youth with disorders of vision to avoid very close writing and looking at very bright objects; a person with squint [wry-neck: alternative reading] should look into a narrow mirror so held that the effort of turning towards it will help remedy the malposition of face, forehead or eye." وَمِمَّا يجب أَن تخفظه من القوانين أَن تتْرك المعالجات القوية فِي الفضول القوية مَا اسْتَطَعْت من مثل الإسهال الْقوي والكي والبط والقيء فِي الصَّيف والشتاء. وَمن الْأُمُور الَّتِي تحْتَاج فِي علاجها إِلَى نظر دَقِيق أَن يجْتَمع فِي مرض وَاحِد استحقاقان متضادان,"Another rule to be observed is to omit strong measures of treatment at the strong seasons, as far as possible. For instance, one -refrains from violent purging, from provoking emesis, or from opening a part, or applying cautery, during summer or winter. Gentle treatment is to be applied when two maladies are conjoined into one, such that contrary measures have to be carried out at the same time." وَيسْتَحق الْمَرَض مثلا تبريداً وَسَببه تسخيناً مثل مَا تقضي الْحمى تبريداً والسدد الَّتِي يكون سَببا للحمى تسخيناً أَو بِالْعَكْسِ وَكَذَلِكَ أَن يستحقّ الْمَرَض مثلا تسخيناً وَعرضه تبريداً مثل مَا تسْتَحقّ مَادَّة القولنج تسخيناً وتقطيعاً وتستحق شدّة وَجَعه تبريداً وتخديراً أَو بِالْعَكْسِ.,"For instance, if the malady is infrigidant, and its cause is warming or conversely the malady is to be treated with calefacients and the cause is to be treated with infrigidants. E.g., fever requires infrigidation, and the obstructions (in the channels) which give rise to the fever need the application of heat. Again, the indications in colic are warmth, incisives, and attenuants; but the pain to which it gives rise needs cold, and analgesics." وَاعْلَم أَنه لَيْسَ كل امتلاء وكل سوء مزاج يعالج بالضد من الاستفراغ والمقابلة بل كثيرا مَا يَكْفِي حسن التَّدْبِير المهم فِي الامتلاء وَسُوء المزاج.,"Remember, further, that not every case of plethora is to be treated by its contrary, namely, evacuation (by purging or by venesection, e.g.) nor is every intemperament to be treated by inducing a contrary temperamental state. As a matter of fact, a liberal and good regimen will often suffice by itself to remedy plethora or intemperament." الْفَصْل الثَّانِي معالجات أمراض سوء المزاج,THE TREATMENT OF DISORDERS OF TEMPERAMENT. أما مَا كَانَ مِنْهُ بِلَا مَادَّة فَإِنَّمَا نبذل سوء المزاج فَقَط وَإِن كَانَ مَعَ مَادَّة فَإنَّا نستفرغها وَرُبمَا كفانا الاستفراغ وَحده إِن لم يتخلّف عَنهُ سوء المزاج لتمكنه السالف وَرُبمَا لم يكفنا ذَلِك إِن ونقول: إِن معالجة سوء المزاج أَصْنَاف ثَلَاثَة,"When an intemperament occurs without (abnormal unhealthy) matter, the treatment is to alter it; but if there is abnormal matter, this has to be evacuated. Usually a single evacuation will suffice to amend the previously existing in-temperal state; but sometimes it is not sufficient for the purpose, and the intemperament will then require rectification, after evacuation has been procured We may therefore state that the treatment of intemperament comprises several modes of procedure." لِأَن سوء المزاج إِمَّا أَن يكون مستحكماً فيكونا علاجه بالضد على الْإِطْلَاق وَهَذَا هُوَ المداواة الْمُطلقَة فإمَّا أَن يكون فِي حد الْكَوْن وإصلاحه مداواة مَعَ التَّقَدُّم بِالْحِفْظِ بِمَنْع السَّبَب وَمِنْه مَا يُرِيد أَن يكون وَيحْتَاج فِيهِ إِلَى منع السَّبَب فَقَط وَيُسمى التَّقَدُّم بِالْحِفْظِ.,"An intemperament is either chronic (longstanding), in which case the treatment is strictly by contrary, and a complete cure is achievable thereby; or it appears at the terminal phase of an illness in which case the treatment is by anticipation." مِثَال المداواة معالجة عفونة حمّى الرّبع بالترياق وَسقي المَاء الْبَارِد فِي الغب ليطفي. وَمِثَال المداواة والتقدم بِالْحِفْظِ الاستفراغ فِي الرّبع بالخربق وَفِي الغب بالسقمونيا إِذا أردنَا بذلك أَن نمْنَع ابْتِدَاء نوبَة تقع.,"Thus, treatment by contraries is instanced by the giving of theriaca for the putrefactive processes associated with quartan fever, and of (ice) cold water to abolish the fever of tertian fever. Treatment by anticipation is instanced by the use of evacuation, namely, by hellebore in the case of quartan, and by scammony in the case of tertian." ومقال التَّقَدُّم بِالْحِفْظِ مُفردا استفراغ المستعدّ لحمى الرّبع لغَلَبَة السَّوْدَاء بالخربق ولحمى الغب لغَلَبَة الصَّفْرَاء بالسقمونيا. وَإِذا أشكل عَلَيْك شَيْء من الْأَمْرَاض سَببه حر أَو برد وَأَرَدْت أَن تجرب فَلَا تجربن بمفرط وَانْظُر كي لَا يغرك التَّأْثِير الَّذِي بِالْعرضِ.,"The hellebore applies to atrabilious humour; the scammony to bilious humour. Our object is thereby to prevent or forestall the (morbid) changes. If in any given illness you are in doubt as to whether heat or cold is responsible, and you therefore desire to put the matter to the test, you must be careful not to overdo this, and not to be misled by secondary super-imposed symptoms." وَاعْلَم أَن التبريد والتسخين مدتهما سَوَاء لَكِن الْخطر فِي التبريد أَكثر لِأَن الْحَرَارَة صديقَة الطبيعة وأنّ الْخطر فِي الترطيب والتيبيس سَوَاء لَكِن مُدَّة الترطيب أطول والرطوبة واليبوسة كل وَاحِدَة مِنْهُمَا يحفظ بتقوية أَسبَابهَا وتبذل بتقوية أَسبَاب ضدها.,"You must note that the appropriate moment is the same for infrigidation as for calefaction. But one is more apprehensive regarding infrigidation, for heat is the friend of “nature.” One is as apprehensive of moistening as of dessication, but the period during which the former is permissible is longer. Moreover, the state of moistening and desiccation is in each case maintained simply by fostering the factors which give rise to them, and they are modified simply by reinforcing the contraries of those factors." والحرارة تقوى بالأسباب الَّتِي فَرغْنَا من ذكرهَا ثمَّ بالمنعشات وَهِي نفض الثفل والامتلاء وتفتيح السدد ثمَّ بِمَا يحفظها وَهُوَ الرُّطُوبَة المعتدلة. والبرودة تقوى بتقوية أَسبَابهَا أوتخنق الْحَرَارَة وَبِمَا يفرط تحليلها وَهُوَ اليبوسة بِالذَّاتِ والحرارة بِالْعرضِ.,"Heat is reinforced by the agents already expounded. Putrefication of the passages is carried out next, by procuring the expulsion of wastes, the removal of plethora, and by opening up obstructions. Finally the heat is to be conserved by preserving a moderate degree of moisture. Cold is reinforced by assisting any factors which bring it about, by repressing the (bodily) heat, and by dispersing the heat unduly to which dryness contributes by its essence, and heat secondarily." والمعالج فرط الْحَرَارَة بتفتيح السدد يَنْبَغِي أَن يتوقى التبريد المفرط لِئَلَّا يزِيد فِي تحجّر السدة فيزيد فِي سوء المزاج الْحَار بل يَنْبَغِي أَن يترفق فيعالج أَولا مِمَّا يجلو فَإِن كفى جال مبرد كَمَاء الشّعير وَمَاء الهندبا فبها ونعمت وَإِن لم يقنع ذَلِك فبمَا يكون معتدلاً,"In treating undue heat by removing obstructions, one must guard against producing too much infrigidation, for in that case there is a risk of rendering the obstruction still greater by conversion (of the matter) into a stone. One must also take care not to render a hot intemperament more marked. Hence the treatment by abstergents should be entered upon gradually. It is advantageous to use an abstergent which is sufficiently cooling (e.g., barley water, and endive). But if this be not adequate, one makes use of an agent which is neither “hot ” nor cold ”." فَإِن لم يقنع فبمَا فِيهِ حرارة لَطِيفَة وَلَا يُبَالِي من ذَلِك فَإِن نفع تفتيحه فِي التبريد أَكثر من ضَرَر تسخينه السهل التطفئة بعد التفتيح وَرُبمَا منع فرط التطفئة من نضج الأخلاط الحادة.,"and if this is inadequate, one employs an agent which is. warm and tenuous. One need not be anxious in making use of such a remedy, for it lends further assistance by provoking diaphoresis, which renders the body cooler, thereby causing more good than the heating effect can harm; and anyway, it is easy to remove the heating effect once the pores have been opened. It may happen that the innate heat is so much reduced (by such measures) that the digestion of the morbid humours is interfered with." وَإِن كَانَ بعض النَّاس مصرًّا على إبِطَال هَذَا الرَّأْي وَلَيْسَ يدْرِي أنّ التطفئة القوية تسْقط الْقُوَّة وَلَا سِيمَا الَّتِي ضعفت بِالْمرضِ وَإِن كَانَت تصلح من الْمَادَّة فضل إصْلَاح فَإِنَّهَا قد تعقب أمراضاً أُخْرَى إِمَّا من سوء مزاج بَارِد مُفْرد وَأما مَعَ مواد مضادة للمواد الَّتِي أصلحها.,"Yet there are some who boldly pursue this wrongful method and ignore the fact that undue reduction of the innate heat means loss of vitality, which is specially to be expected in persons much weakened by illness. This result occurs even though the matter is rectified in some other way, and other maladies follow on, either in the form of simple intemperaments, or by arising out of “ cold ” matters which are opposite in quality to the temperament." وَأما تسخين المزاج الْبَارِد فَكَأَنَّهُ صَعب إِذا كَانَ قد استحكم وَغَايَة من السهولة فِي الِابْتِدَاء. وَبِالْجُمْلَةِ فَإِن تسخين الْبَارِد فِي ابْتِدَاء الْأَمر أسهل من تبريد التسخين فِي الِابْتِدَاء لَكِن تبريد التسخين فِي الِانْتِهَاء وَإِن كَانَ صعباً أسهل من تسخين الْبَارِد فِي الِانْتِهَاء,"When a cold intemperament is established, it is as difficult to render it warm as it is easy to do when it is only beginning. To render a cold intemperament warm at the outset is easier than to render a hot one cold at the outset. But to render a hot one cold at the end of the process, though difficult, is nevertheless easier than to render a cold one hot at the end of the process." لِأَن الْبُرُودَة الْبَالِغَة هِيَ موت من الغريزة أَو مساوقة لَهُ. وَاعْلَم أَن التبريد قد يقارن التيبيس وَقد يقارن الترطيب وَقد يَخْلُو مِنْهُمَا. والتيبيس أشدّ إِثْبَاتًا للبرودة الَّتِي قد حدثت. والترطيب أَشد جلباً للبرودة المستحدثة.,"The reason is that excess of cold itself implies complete, or nearly complete, destruction of the innate heat. Infrigidation is sometimes associated with desiccation, sometimes with moistness, and sometimes occurs independently of either. But dryness is more persistent, if associated with infrigidation, and moisture is more conducive to the supervention of coldness." وَقد يعين فِي التيبيس جَمِيع أَسبَاب الْحَرَارَة إِذا أفرطت ويعين فِي الترطيب جَمِيع أَسبَاب الْبُرُودَة إِذا أفرطت وَلَا يبلغ فِيهِ شَيْء مبلغ الدعة والاستحمام الدَّائِم الْخَفِيف والأبزن وَقد فَرغْنَا من هَذَا فِيمَا سلف. وَشرب الممزوج قوي فِي الترطيب.,"All the factors producing calefaction aid desiccation if they are preponderant. All the factors producing infrigidation aid humectation if they are preponderant. Nothing is so likely to have this effect as inactivity, and constant use of the bath, even the full-length bath, [i.e., domestic as opposed to the Hammam.] We have already made this known to you. Diluted wine is also strongly humectant." وَاعْلَم أَن الشَّيْخ إِذا احْتَاجَ إِلَى تبريد وترطيب فَإِنَّهُ لَا يَكْفِيهِ من ذَلِك مَا يرقه إِلَى الِاعْتِدَال بل مَا يُجَاوز ذَلِك إِلَى مزاجه الْبَارِد الرطب الَّذِي وَقع لَهُ فَإِنَّهُ وان كَانَ عرضياً فَهُوَ لَهُ كالطبيعي.,"You must note also that if it is an old man who needs infrigidation and moistening, it is not enough to reduce the temperament to equability, one must continue till the temperament is cold and moist beyond the normal, because such a temperament is acquired secondarily, though quasi-natural to the old person." وَيجب أَن تعلم أَنه كثيرا مَا يحوج فِي تَبْدِيل مزاج مَا إِلَى أَن تسْتَعْمل مَا يُقَوي ذَلِك المزاج مخلوطاً بِمَا يضافه مثل مَا يحوج إِلَى اسْتِعْمَال الْخلّ مَعَ الْأَدْوِيَة المسخنة لعضو مَا حَتَّى تعوض قوّتها وَمثل مَا يحوج إِلَى اسْتِعْمَال الزَّعْفَرَان فِي الْأَدْوِيَة المبردة للقلب ليوصلها إِلَيْهِ,"Note; too, that when changing the quality of a temperament, it is often necessary to reinforce it by admixing with the remedy something of contrary quality. Thus we give vinegar with medicines which are hot towards a given member, because then their virtues can penetrate into the member; we give saffron with cardiac infrigidants, because saffron carries such remedies ta the heart." وَكَثِيرًا مَا يكون الدَّوَاء قوي التَّأْثِير فِي تَغْيِير المزاج إِلَّا أَنه يلطفه لَا يلبث ريث مَا يفعل فعله فَيحْتَاج أَن يخلط بِهِ شياً يكثفه ويحبسه وَإِن كَانَ مُوجبا لضد فعله مثل مَا يخلط بدهن البلسان الشمع وَغَيره ليحبسه على الْعُضْو مُدَّة يفعل فِيهَا فعله.,"Oftentimes it happens that a medicine which produces a very marked change of temperament does not have a lasting effect; this is because it is so tenuous that its action does not pass on to completion. In this case we must admix with it something which will render it less tenuous and more stable, even though one risks the production of a contrary effect. Thus, we mix wax with balsam, and so on. The one remedy is thereby preserved long enough to ensure its proper action being accomplished." الْفَصْل الثَّالِث أَنه كَيفَ وَمَتى يجب أَن يستفرغ,How TO DETERMINE THE MANNER AND MOMENT FOR “ EVACUATION.” الْأَشْيَاء الَّتِي تدل على صَوَاب الحكم فِي الاستفراغ عشرَة: الإمتلاء وَالْقُوَّة والمزاج والأعراض الملائمة مثل أَن تكون الطبيعة الَّتِي تُرِيدُ إسهالها لم يعرض لَهَا إسهال فَإِن الإسهال على الإسهال خطر والسحنة والسنّ والفصل وَحَال هَوَاء الْبَلَد وَعَادَة الاستفراغ والصناعة.,"There are ten indications which show when it is right to procure “evacuation” [i.e., blood-letting, wet-cupping, purgation, enemas, diaphoresis, use of leeches, etc.]: Plethora; vitality; temperament; appropriate symptoms (thus, we need not evacuate the bowel in a case of diarrhoea); habit of body or physique; the age of the patient; the time of the year; the state of the atmosphere; the geographical situation; the patient’s mode of life regarding “evacuation”; and his occupation." وَهَذِه إِذا كَانَت على ضد جِهَة دلَالَة تَقْتَضِي الاستفراغ منعت من الاستفراغ فالخلاء لَا محَالة يمْنَع من الاستفراغ وَكَذَلِكَ ضعف أَي قُوَّة كَانَت من الثَّلَاث,"Evacuation should not be carried out when there are contra-indications in these respects. Flethora. If the state is the opposite of plethora (vacuousness), evacuation is obviously contra-indicated. Strength of Patient. (Vitality). Weakness in any of the three primary faculties is a contra-indication." إِلَّا أَنا رُبمَا آثرنا ضعف قُوَّة مَا على ضَرَر ترك الاستفراغ وَذَلِكَ فِي القوى الحسية والحركية إِذا رجونا تدارك الْأَمر الخطير إِن وَقع وَذَلِكَ فِي جَمِيع القوى. والمزاج الْحَار الْيَابِس يمْنَع مِنْهُ والبارد الرطب لعدم الْحَرَارَة أَو ضعفها يمْنَع مِنْهُ أَيْضا.,"Nevertheless, we may decide to act in spite of such a weakness, if more harm is likely to accrue from neglecting evacuation. This applies to the sensory and motor faculties since we are more anxious to avoid injuring them if they are weak. In fact, the same applies with all the faculties. Temperament. Contra-indications are: hot and dry temperament; cold and moist temperament, in which there is little or no heat." وَأما الْحَار الرطب فالترخيص فِيهِ شَدِيد وَأما السحنة فَإِن الإفراط فِي القضافة والتخلخل يمْنَع مِنْهُ خوفًا من تحلل الرّوح وَالْقُوَّة,"One may act vigorously, however, if the temperament is hot and moist. Symptoms. Certain unfavourable symptoms are contraindications such as endemic diarrhoea and cramp (spasmodic diseases). Physique or habit of body. Excessive leanness or spareness of build is a contra-indication, because the breath is so readily dispersed." وَلذَلِك فَإِن الْوَاجِب عَلَيْك فِي تَدْبِير الضَّعِيف النحيف الْكثير المرار فِي الدَّم أَن تداريه وَلَا تستفرغه وتغذيه بِمَا يولّد الدَّم الْجيد المائل إِلَى الْبرد والرطوبة فَرُبمَا أصلحت بذلك مزاج خلطه وَرُبمَا قويته فَيحْتَمل الاستفراغات,"For the same reason, when a person is weak and lean, and_ has much bilious humour in the blood, he must be treated blandly, and evacuation avoided. The aliment should be such as will engender good blood, (making it) incline to coolness and moistness of quality. In this manner the temperament of the humour will be corrected, after which the patient will perhaps be strong enough to tolerate evacuant measures." وَكَذَلِكَ لَا يجب أَن يقدم على استفراغ الْقَلِيل إِلَّا كل عَادَة مَا وجدت عَن استفراغه محيصاً. وَالسمن المفرط أَيْضا يمْنَع مِنْهُ خوفًا من اسْتِيلَاء الْبرد وخوفاً من أَن يضغط اللَّحْم الْعُرُوق ويطبقها إِذا استخلاها فيخنق الْحَرَارَة أَو يعصر الفضول إِلَى الأحشاء.,"Similarly, one must not venture to “evacuate” a patient who is accustomed to eat sparingly; or, at least, one should postpone such a measure as long as possible. Obesity is a contra-indication, because one runs the risk of making the frigidity dominant, and of allowing the flesh to compress the vessels up to occlusion, thus blocking the flow of innate heat; or, of forcing out the effete matters from the vessels and driving them inwardly." والأعراض الرَّديئَة أَيْضا مثل الاستعداد للذرب والتشنّج تمنع مِنْهُ وَالسّن الْقَاصِر عَن تَمام النشو والمجاوز إِلَى حد الذيول يمْنَع مِنْهُ. وَالْوَقْت القائظ والبارد جدا يمْنَع مِنْهُ والبلد الجنوبي الْحَار جدا مِمَّا يحرز ذَلِك فَإِن أَكثر المسهلات حادة واجتماع حادّين غير مُحْتَمل,"The Age of the Patient. Avoid evacuant measures when the fulness of growth has not yet been reached, or when the patient is nearing the end of decrepitude. Avoid evacuant measures if the time of the year is extremely hot or extremely cold. Geographical position. A southerly country which is very hot is contra-indicative, for persons with diarrhoea are usually of hot temperament (“hot-tempered.”) The association of two adverse conditions [the extraneous heat and the evacuation] is badly borne." وَلِأَن القوى تكون ضَعِيفَة مسترخية وَلِأَن الْحر الْخَارِج يجذب الْمَادَّة إِلَى خَارج والدواء يجذبه إِلَى دَاخل فَتَقَع مجاذبة تُؤدِّي إِلَى تقاوم والشمالي الْبَارِد جدا يمْنَع مِنْهُ وَقلة الاستفراغ تمنع مِنْهُ والصناعة الْكَثِيرَة الاستفراغ كخدمة الْحمام والحمالية تمنع مِنْهُ. وَبِالْجُمْلَةِ كل صناعَة متعبة.,"because the bodily faculties are enfeebled by dispersal of vitality, and because the extraneous heat draws the “matter” outwardly, and the medicine draws it inwardly. Being thus drawn in two opposite directions, it tends to remain where it is. Avoid evacuant measures in very cold, northerly countries. Habits; Avoid evacuation when the habit is to have evacuations infrequently. Occupation. Avoid evacuant treatment when the occupation is one which in itself is evacuant in effect, e.g., bath-attendants; carrying (heavy) loads on the back; all toilsome or arduous physical labour." وَيَنْبَغِي أَن تعلم أَن الْغَرَض فِي كل استفراغ أحد أُمُور خَمْسَة: استفراغ مَا يجب استفراغه وَتعقبه لَا محَالة رَاحَة إِلَّا أَن يتعقبه إعياء الأوعية أَو ثوران الْحَرَارَة أَو حمى يَوْم أَو مرض آخر مِمَّا يلْزم كسحج الإسهال للأمعاء وتقريح الإدرار للمثانة,"In procuring evacuation there are five points to consider. (i) Removal of that which is to be evacuated, followed by rest to the parts, unless there is atony (lassitude) in the receptacular spaces, (see, footnote), or overheating of the blood whether in the form of ephemeral fever or of other accompanying maladies. Thus there may be excoriation of the mucosa, which brings about diarrhoea; or ulcers in the bladder." وَهَذَا وَإِن نفع فَلَا يحس بنفعه بل رُبمَا أدّى فِي الْحَال إِلَى أَن يَزُول الْعَارِض. وَالثَّانِي: تَأمل جِهَة ميله كالغثيان ينقى بالقيء والمغص بالإسهال.,"Such things may be advantageous, and yet not appreciated as such by the patient because of the pain and suffering they cause him until the symptom has been removed. To choose which organ is to be “evacuated”: thus nausea is removed by emesis; burning pain in the abdomen is eased by purgation." وَالثَّالِث: عُضْو مخرجه من جِهَة ميله. كالباسليق الْأَيْمن لعلل الكبد لاالقيفال الْأَيْمن فَإِنَّهُ إِن أَخطَأ فِي مِثَال هَذَا رُبمَا جلب خطر أَو يجب أَن يكون عُضْو الْمخْرج أخس من المستفرغ مِنْهُ لِئَلَّا تميل الْمَادَّة إِلَى مَا هُوَ أشرف.,"To use as member of egress that which corresponds to the organ to be evacuated. Thus for maladies of the liver the right basilic and not the right cephalic must be used. To make an error in such a matter might be harmful. The member chosen for the site of evacuation must be less important (“ noble ”) than that which is to be evacuated, lest the morbid matter pass down into the more important organ." وَيجب أَن يكون مخرجه مِنْهُ طبيعياً كأعضاء الْبَوْل لحدبة الكبد والأمعاء لتقعيرة وَرُبمَا كَانَ الْعُضْو الَّذِي ينْدَفع مِنْهُ هُوَ الْعُضْو الَّذِي يجب اْن يستفرغ مِنْهُ لَكِن بِهِ عِلّة أَو مرض يخَاف عَلَيْهِ من مُرُور الأخلاط بِهِ فَيحْتَاج أَن يمال إِلَى غَيره مِمَّا هُوَ أصوب,"The channel of exit should also be the natural one; thus for the blood-vessels of the liver the urinary tract; for the ducts of the liver the intestinal tract. Sometimes the organ to be evacuated is itself the one to take as the site for evacuation, and yet it is the seat of chronic or acute disease. In this case it would be risky to induce the humours to traverse it, and they should be diverted to another organ instead." وَرُبمَا خيف عَلَيْهِ من غَلَبَة الأخلاط مرض مثل مَا ينْدَفع من الْعين إِلَى الْحلق فَرُبمَا خيف مِنْهُ الخناق فَيجب أَن يرفق فِي مثله. والطبيعة قد تفعل مثل هَذَا فيستفرغ من غير جِهَة الْعَادة صِيَانة لذَلِك الْعُضْو عِنْد ضعفه,"Sometimes there is a risk of superimposing another malady on the first, by inducing a superabundance of the humours in the second part. For instance, if the morbid matter is drawn downwards from the eye to the throat, choking [cedema of glottis] might result, and therefore one must proceed with such a measure carefully and with gentleness. Nature herself [i.e., the vegetative soul], often acts on the same principle, and protects a weak member by effecting the evacuation through a part other than that which would be the normal one for that member." وَرُبمَا كَانَ مَا تستفرغه الطبيعة من الْجِهَة الْبَعِيدَة الْمُقَابلَة يبْقى مَعَه إسهال مثل مَا ينْدَفع من الرَّأْس إِلَى المقعدة أَو إِلَى السَّاق والقدم فَإِنَّهُ لَا يعلم بِالْحَقِيقَةِ كَانَ من الدِّمَاغ كُله أَو من بطن وَاحِد. وَالرَّابِع: وَقت استفراغه,"Very often the part at which the evacuation actually occurs is quite distant, and opposite in position, and it comes to be a matter of doubt as to which member is being drained in this way. Thus the head may be drained by the anus, or the leg or the foot, and one could not say whether the evacuation is of the brain as a whole or only from one ventricle. To decide on the proper moment to evacuate." وجالينوس يجْزم القَوْل: بِأَن الْأَمْرَاض المزمنة ينْتَظر فِيهَا النضج لَا غير وَقد علمت النضج مَا هُوَ. وَقيل الاستفراغ وَبعد النضج يجب فِيهَا أَن يسقى من الملطفات كَمَاء الزوفا والحاشا والبزور.,"In chronic maladies, as Galen rightly says, one does not wait for maturation. You know what is meant by the term “ maturation.” Therefore one should give attenuant drinks such as water of hyssop, of thyme, and herb seeds, before commencing to carry out the evacuant treatment, and after the maturation stage has been reached." وَأما فِي الْأَمْرَاض الحادة فالأصوب أَيْضا انْتِظَار النضج وخصوصاً إِن كَانَت سَاكِنة وَأما إِن كَانَت متحركة فالبدار إِلَى استفراغ الْمَادَّة أولى إِذْ ضَرَر حركتها أَكثر من ضَرَر استفراغها قبل نضجها وخصوصاً إِذا كَانَت الأخلاط رقيقَة,"But in acute maladies, it is best to wait till the maturation stage has been reached, especially as long as the humours are stagnant. Once they appear to be on the move, one must hasten to drain them away, because the damage accruing from their movement is greater than that which one risks by evacuating immatured humours especially if the humours are tenuous." وخصوصاً إِذا كَانَت فِي تجاويف الْعُرُوق غير متداخلة للأعضاء. وَأما إِذا كَانَ الْخَلْط محصوراً فِي عُضْو وَاحِد فَلَا يُحَرك الْبَتَّةَ حَتَّى ينضج وَيحصل لَهُ القوام المعتدل على مَا عَلمته فِي مَوْضِعه,"and especially if within vessels and not in the tissues in which they arise. When the morbid humour is confined to one particular member, it will certainly not move out until maturation has occurred in it, and its character has become modified as has already been explained for you in the proper place." وَكَذَلِكَ إِن لم يُؤمن ثبات الْقُوَّة إِلَى وَقت النضج استفرغناها بعد احْتِيَاط منا فِي معرفَة وَقتهَا وغلظها فَإِن كَانَت ثخينة لحمية غَلِيظَة لم يجز لَك أَن تحركها إِلَّا بعد الترقيق ويستدل على غلظها من تقدم تخم سالفة ووجع تَحت الشراسيف ممدد أَو حُدُوث أورام فِي الأحشاء.,"Again, if we feel doubtful as to whether the vitality (of the patient) will hold out until the time for maturation has arrived, we shall proceed to procure evacuation, noting carefully whether the material to be evacuated is labile or viscid. In the latter case we must first render the material tenuous. And we shall know that it is viscid by the fact of the premonitory dyspeptic nausea having passed by, or by the existence of tensive pain under the hypochrondrium, or by the development of an inflammatory swelling inwardly." وَمن أوجب مَا تراعيه فِي مثل هَذِه الْحَال حَال المنافذ حَتَّى لَا تكون منسدة وَبعد هَذَا كُله فلك أَن تسهل قبل النضج. وَاعْلَم أَن استفراغ الْمَادَّة وقلعها من موضعهَا يكون على وَجْهَيْن: أَحدهمَا بالجذب إِلَى الْخلاف الْبعيد وَالْآخر بالجذب إِلَى الْخلاف الْقَرِيب.,"We must also carefully make sure that the passages are patent. Having taken these precautions you will be able to drain the morbid matter by the bowel before it has become purulent. There are two ways of evacuating morbid material and eradicating it from the place where it has lodged:. (i) by attraction from a distant place, (ii) by attraction to a neighbouring place." وَأولى أوقاته أَن لَا يكون فِي الْبدن امتلاء وَلَا من الْموَاد توجه ولنفرض رجلا يسيل من على فَمه دم كثير وَامْرَأَة مفرطة سيلان بواسيرها فَنحْن لَا نخلو إِمَّا أَن نستفرغ بإمالته إِلَى الْخلاف الْقَرِيب فَيكون الْوَاجِب إمالة تِلْكَ الْمَادَّة فِي الأول إِلَى الْأنف بالترغيف,"And the most appropriate time for carrying out the treatment is when there is no sort of plethora of the humours in the body, and they are not moving downwards into the member to which there is attraction. Let us suppose, for instance, that there is a considerable flow of blood from above the mouth in a man, or from piles in a woman. To remedy this we may proceed to do one of two things. Either we draw downwards towards a neighbouring part of diverse character: that is, we cause the blood to flow down into the nostrils and emerge from them, in the one case;" وَفِي الثَّانِي إِلَى الرَّحِم بإحدار الطمث. فَإِن أردنَا أَن نجذب إِلَى الْخلاف الْبعيد استفرغنا الدَّم فِي الأول من الْعُرُوق والمواضع الَّتِي فِي أَسْفَل الْبدن وَفِي الثَّانِي من الْعُرُوق والمواضع الَّتِي فِي أَعلَى الْبدن.,"and provoke the menstrual flow from the uterus in the other. Or we draw to a distant part of diverse character: that is, in the former example we bleed from veins in the lower part of the body, in the case of the male, and bleed from veins in the upper parts of the body, in the case of the female." وَالْخلاف الْبعيد لَا يجب أَن يباعد فِي قطرين بل فِي قطر وَاحِد وَهُوَ الْقطر الْأَبْعَد فَإِنَّهُ إِن كَانَت الْمَادَّة فِي الأعالي من الْيَمين فَلَا يجذبها إِلَى الأسافل من الشمَال بل إِمَّا إِلَى الأسافل من الْيَمين نَفسه وَهُوَ الأوجب,"When the attraction has to be made from a distant part, one need not undertake to do so from both sides of the body, but just from that which is corresponding. Thus if the material is at the upper end on the right side, one would not draw it away to the lowest part on the left side, but to the lowest part of the right side (and indeed this would be the most necessary)." وَإِمَّا إِلَى الْيَسَار من الْعُلُوّ إِن كَانَ بَعيدا عَنهُ بعد الْمنْكب من الْمنْكب وَلم يكن حَاله كَحال جَانِبي الرَّأْس فَإِنَّهُ إِذا كَانَت الْمَادَّة إِلَى يَمِين الرَّأْس أميلت إِلَى الأسافل لَا إِلَى الْيَسَار,"or to the upper part of the left side, supposing there were as much distance between the two as there is between the humerus and the other, and not a matter of just the two sides of the head itself. For one would draw morbid material from the right side of the head down to the lower parts of the body, and not to the opposite side of the head." لماذا أردْت أَن تجذب مَادَّة إِلَى الْبعد فسكن وجع الْموضع أَولا لتقل مزاحمته بالجذب فَإِن الوجع جذاب وَإِذا استعصى إِلَى حَيْثُ يجذبه فَلَا يعنف فَرُبمَا حركه التعنيف ورقّقه وَلم ينجذب فَصَارَ أسْرع ميلًا إِلَى الْموضع الموجوع,"Suppose one wishes to draw morbid material to a distant part then one first allays the pain in the part, for this will itself lessen the amount of material by attraction, since pain exerts an attracting effect. But if it do not move to the part as soon as desired, avoid violent measures; for while it is true that violence would procure the desired movement, yet the material would become attenuated and not amenable to the attracting influence, and would simply pass right into the painful part." وَرُبمَا كَفاك أَن يجذب وَإِن لم يستفرغ فَإِن الجذب نَفسه يمْنَع توجهه إِلَى الْعُضْو وَإِن لم يُخرجهُ فَيكون الجذب نَفسه يبلغ الْغَرَض وَإِن لم تستفرغ مَعَه بل اقتصرت على ميل الشد على الْأَعْضَاء الْمُقَابلَة أَو المحاجم أَو الْأَدْوِيَة المحمرة وَبِالْجُمْلَةِ بِمَا يُولد إيلاماً مَا.,"It may prove sufficient to draw the material away without actually evacuating, because the very attraction arrests its progress to the desired member. But even so, our object in securing attraction may still have been attained, supposing that one would be satisfied to have accomplished the attraction downwards without the additional evacuation. This is done when one bandages up the opposite member, or applies cupping-glasses, or rubefacient medicines in short, any measure which, allays pain." وأسهل الْموَاد استفراغاً مَا هُوَ فِي الْعُرُوق. وَأما فِي الْأَعْضَاء والمفاصل فَإِنَّهَا قد يصعب إخْرَاجهَا واستفراغها وَلَا بُد أَن يخرج فِي استفراغها مَعهَا غَيرهَا.,"Morbid materials are more readily evacuated when they are in the vessels than when in the tissues and joints, for sometimes it is difficult to remove them thence, and evacuate them. And in evacuating them from such situations one inevitably evacuates other things with them." والمستفرغ يجب أَن لَا يُبَادر إِلَى تنَاول أغذية كَثِيرَة وَنِيَّة فتجذبها الطبيعة غير مهضومة فَإِن وَجب شَيْء من ذَلِك فَيجب أَن يكون قَلِيلا قَلِيلا شَيْئا بعد شَيْء حَتَّى يكون بالتدريج وَيكون الدَّاخِل فِي الْبدن مهضوماً جيدا.,"A person from whom diseased matter has been evacuated must not partake of much food or unhealthy articles of food and anything which has an indigestible nature. If by chance one is for some reason obliged to do so, one should do so gingerly and cautiously, in small portions, so that that which enters the body may be digested and prove harmless accordingly." وَالْقَصْد هُوَ الاستفراغ الْخَاص للأاخلاط الزَّائِدَة بِالسَّوِيَّةِ وَأما الاستفراغ الْخَاص بخلط يكثر وَحده فِي كميته أَو يفْسد فِي كيفيته فَهُوَ غير الْقَصْد وكل استفراغ أفرط فَإِنَّهُ يحدث حمى فِي الْأَكْثَر,The drawing of blood is a special method of evacuating morbid humours which are all increased equally or proportionately. It is not the removal of one humour which is simply increased in amount or has its own particular quality destroyed. To carry out evacuant treatment to an undue degree is to bring about febrile conditions. وَمن أورثه انْقِطَاع إسهال كَانَ مُعْتَادَة عِلّة فمعاودة ذَلِك الاستفراغ يبرئها فِي الْأَكْثَر مثل من أورثه انْقِطَاع وسخ أُذُنه أَو مخاط أَنفه سدداً فَإِن عودهما مَا يذهب بهَا. وَاعْلَم أَن إبْقَاء بَقِيَّة من الْمَادَّة الَّتِي يحْتَاج إِلَى استفراغها أقل من الِاسْتِقْصَاء فِي الاستفراغ وَالْبُلُوغ بِهِ إِلَى أَن تخور الْقُوَّة.,"If the bowels, previously usually loose, are bound, this condition will give rise to some other malady, and it will be proper to treat it by repeating the evacuation. For instance, supposing the discharge of sanious matter from the ears or mucous passages of the nose should cease, leading to vertigo, then if the flow be restored the vertigo will be removed. It is less injurious to leave a little of the morbid matter behind than to strive to evacuate everything to the most minute fragment, thereby risking a dispersal of the vitality. Nature herself often removes the last remnants." وَكَثِيرًا مَا تحلل الطبيعة تِلْكَ الْبَقِيَّة وَمَا دَامَ الْخَلْط المستفرغ من الْجِنْس الَّذِي يَنْبَغِي وَالْمَرِيض يحْتَملهُ فَلَا تخف من الإفراط. وَرُبمَا احتجت أَن تستفرغ إِلَى الغشي وَمن كَانَت قوته قَوِيَّة ومادة أخلاطه الرَّديئَة كَثِيرَة فاستفرغها قَلِيلا قَلِيلا,"When the humour is of a kind which necessarily exists, you need not be afraid of how much blood you take as long as the sick person is able to sustain it. For sometimes one is bound to evacuate (bleed) up to syncope. When the person is robust, and the humoral matter plentiful and depraved, evacuation must be done gradually." وَكَذَلِكَ إِذا كَانَت الْمَادَّة شَدِيدَة التلحج أَو شَدِيدَة الِاخْتِلَاط بِالدَّمِ وَلَا يُمكن أَن تستفرغ دفْعَة وَاحِدَة كَمَا يكون فِي عرق النِّسَاء وَفِي أوجاع المفاصل المزمنة وَفِي السرطان والجرب المزمن والدماميل المزمنة,"Further, if the morbid material is extremely viscid or widely diffused, or admixed with much blood, it cannot be emptied at one sitting. This is true in the case of sciatica, longstanding arthritis, cancer, old-standing skin diseases and obstinate furuncles." اعْلَم أَن الإسهال يجذب من فَوق ويقلع من تَحت فَهُوَ مُوَافق للجذبين الْمُخَالف والموافق وموافق أَيْضا بعد اسْتِقْرَار الْموَاد فَإِذا كَانَت الْموَاد من تَحت جذبها إِلَى خلاف وقلعها أَيْضا من حَيْثُ هِيَ والقيء يفعل الجذب والقلع بِالْعَكْسِ,"Remember also that purgation draws morbid matters from the upper parts of the body, and discharges them below. Purging is, therefore, an attractive force in two different directions to the near and to the remote region of the body. It is most useful when the: morbid material is stagnant. Therefore, when the morbid matter is either above or below, one may draw it to the opposite direction, away from the position in which it has lodged. Attraction is procured by emesis; eradication by the converse." والفصد يخْتَلف حَاله بِحَسب الْمَوَاضِع الَّتِي مِنْهَا يُؤْخَذ الدَّم على مَا علمت. وَأَقل النَّاس حَاجَة إِلَى الاستفراغ من كَانَ جيد الغذء جيد الهضم. وَأَصْحَاب الْبلدَانِ الحارة قليلو الْحَاجة إِلَى الاستفراغ.,"Furthermore, one varies the kind of blood-letting according to the positions from which the blood is taken up as has been explained. A person accustomed to a good diet, and having a healthy digestion, is less in need of evacuant measures than are most men. Persons residing in hot countries need little in the way of evacuant treatment." الْفَصْل الرَّابِع قوانين مُشْتَركَة للقيء والإسهال وَالْإِشَارَة إِلَى كَيْفيَّة جذب الدَّوَاء المسهل والمقيًء,"THE GENERAL RULES TO BE OBSERVED IN PROCURING EMESIS OR PURGATION, AND THEIR MODE OF ACTION (UPON MORBID STATES)." يجب لمن أَرَادَ أَن يسهل أَو يتقيأ أَن يفرق طَعَامه فَيتَنَاوَل قدر الْمبلغ الَّذِي يجترىء بِهِ فِي الْيَوْم فِي مرار وَأَن يَجْعَل أطعمته مُخْتَلفه وأشربته مُخْتَلفَة أَيْضا فَإِن الْمعدة يعرض لَهَا من هَذِه الْحَال أَن تشتاق إِلَى دفع مَا فِيهَا إِلَى فَوق أَو إِلَى تَحت.,"Whenever purgation or emesis is to be procured, the food sufficient for one day should be divided up into portions to be partaken of in instalments. The aliments and drinks are diversified accordingly. For under the circumstances the stomach acquires the desire to expel what is in it, either upwards or downwards." فَأَما الطَّعَام الْغَيْر الْمُخْتَلف الْمَدْخُول بِهِ على طَعَام آخر فَإِن الْمعدة تشح بِهِ وتضن وتقبض عَلَيْهِ قبضا شَدِيدا وخصوصاً إِن كَانَ قَلِيل الْمِقْدَار. وَأما اللين الطبيعية فَلَا يَنْبَغِي أَن يفعل من ذَلِك شَيْئا.,"The stomach is greedy for foods that are not diversified, and if no other food be taken in addition it holds its contents very stubbornly, especially if the amount be only small. This must be borne in mind by those who are naturally “ loose.”" وَاعْلَم أَن الْحَاجة إِلَى الْقَيْء والإسهال وَنَحْوهمَا غير مُوَافقَة لمن كَانَ حسن التَّدْبِير فَإِن حسن التَّدْبِير يحْتَاج إِلَى مَا هُوَ أخص مِنْهُمَا وَرُبمَا كَفاهُ المهم فِيهِ الرياضة والدلك وَالْحمام ثمَّ إِن امْتَلَأَ بدنه فَأكْثر إمتلاء مثله من أَجود الأخلاط أَعنِي من الدَّم,"Emesis and purgation and the like do not apply for those who follow a good regimen. This is because a person who controls himself properly will not need anything but mild attention, and may be excused even from exercises, bathing, and massage. If such a person be in a plethoric state, the humours concerned will be healthy, i.e., sanguineous." فالفصد هُوَ الْمُحْتَاج إِلَيْهِ فِي تنقيته دون الإسهال فَإِذا أوجبت الضَّرُورَة فصداً أَو استفراغاً بِمثل الخربق والأدوية القوية فَيجب أَن يبْدَأ بالفصد هَذَا من وَصَايَا أبقراط فِي كتاب أيديميا وَهُوَ الْحق,"Consequently, such a person requires not purgation but bloodletting, if indications for cleansing the [channels of the body] should arise. If both blood-letting and purgation (by hellebore and similar violent medicines) are needed, begin with the bloodletting, because this precept of Hippocrates in his book on Epidemics is sound." وَكَذَلِكَ إِذا كَانَت الأخلاط البلغمية مختلطة بِالدَّمِ. وَلَكِن اذا كَانَت الأخلاط لزجة بَارِدَة فَرُبمَا زَادهَا الفصد غلظاً ولزوجة فَالْوَاجِب أَن يبْدَأ بالإسهال.,"If, on the other hand, the plethora is of phlegmatic humours admixed with sanguineous humour, so that they are viscid and “ cold,” one would begin with purgation, because blood-letting would make the humours still more coarse, and more viscid." وَبِالْجُمْلَةِ إِن كَانَت الأخلاط مُتَسَاوِيَة قدم الفصد فَإِن غلب خلط بعد ذَلِك استفرغ وَإِن كَانَت غير مُتَسَاوِيَة استفرغ أَولا الْفضل حَتَّى يتساوى ثمَّ يفصد. وَمن قدم الدَّوَاء على الفصد وَكَانَ يَنْبَغِي الفصد فليؤخر الفصد أَيَّامًا قَلَائِل.,"In short, if the humours are in balanced proportion, blood-letting is preferable. Then, if a plethoric condition still persists, purgation is undertaken. If the humours are not in balanced proportion, first purge the superabundant humour until balance is restored, and then proceed with the blood-letting. If the patient should have taken medicine before the blood-letting (which was an error on his part), he should defer the subsequent blood-letting for a few days." وَمن كَانَ قريب الْعَهْد بالفصد وَاحْتَاجَ إِلَى استفراغ فَشرب الدَّوَاء أوفق لَهُ. وَكَثِيرًا مَا أوقع شرب الدَّوَاء الْوَاجِب كَانَ فِيهِ الفصد فِي حمى واضطراب فَإِن لم يسكن بالمسكّنات فَليعلم أَنه كَانَ يجب أَن يقدم عَلَيْهِ الفصد.,"If purgation is needed within a short time after the blood-letting, the appropriate medicine may be given then. Sometimes, however, the person who has (improperly) taken the draught of medicine,’ instead of first undergoing a blood-letting will develop fever and restlessness before it can be done. If the restlessness is not allayed by the usual remedies (sedatives), the blood-letting should be done." وَلَيْسَ كل استفراغ يحْتَاج إِلَيْهِ لفرط الامتلاء بل قد يَدْعُو إِلَيْهِ عظم الْعلَّة والامتلاء بِحَسب الكَيفية والكمية وَكَثِيرًا مَا يُغني تَحْسِين التَّدْبِير عَن الفصد الْوَاجِب فِي الْوَقْت,"Evacuant treatment is not necessary in every case of excessive plethora. It may be indicated by the severity of the malady, or by the quality of the plethora, rather than its degree. (Indeed, a good regimen will often make such measures unnecessary: marginal reading)." وَكَثِيرًا مَا يَدْعُو الدَّاعِي إِلَى الاستفراغ فيعارضه عائق فَلَا تكون الْحِيلَة فِيهِ إِلَّا الصَّوْم وَالنَّوْم وتدارك سوء مزاج يُوجِبهُ الامتلاء. وَمن الاستفراغ مَا هُوَ على سَبِيل الِاسْتِظْهَار مثل مَا يحْتَاج إِلَيْهِ من يعتاده النقرس أَو الصرع أَو غير ذَلِك فِي وَقت مَعْلُوم وخصوصاً فِي الرّبيع,"It may happen that there is a need for evacuation, but something intervenes which forms an adequate substitute, such as fasting, sleeping, correcting the unhealthy state of the temperament which has been produced by the plethora. Then there is a form of evacuation which itself serves to protect one for instance from an attack of gout, or from an epileptic seizure which one knows will occur on a certain date, especially in spring." فَيحْتَاج أَن يستظهر قبل وقته يستفرغ الاستفراغ الَّذِي يخص مَرضه كَانَ فصداً أَو إسهالاً وَرُبمَا كَانَ اسْتِعْمَال المجففات من خَارج والأدوية الناشفة استفراغاً مثل مَا يفعل بأصحاب الاسْتِسْقَاء,"In this case one must apply the evacuant measure before the time is due, choosing the appropriate method that is, choosing between blood-letting and purgation, according to the kind of things to be evacuated in the given malady. It may be also wise to apply desiccants externally, and to use absorbents for the purgation as one does in the case of those afflicted with dropsy." وَقد يحوجك الْأَمر إِلَى اسْتِعْمَال دَوَاء مجانس للخلط المستفرغ فِي الكمية كالسقمونيا عِنْد حاجتكإلى استفراغ الصَّفْرَاء فَيجب حِينَئِذٍ أَن يخلط بِهِ مَا يُخَالِفهُ فِي الْكَيْفِيَّة وَيُوَافِقهُ فِي الاسهال أَو لَا يمنعهُ عَن الاسهال كالهليلج ويتدارك سوء المزاج إِن حدث عَنهُ من بعد.,"Sometimes the medicine to be chosen as purgative must have a quality corresponding to that of the humour to be evacuated. Thus, scammony is needed for evacuating bilious humour. A drug which is of a different quality should be mixed with it. as an adjuvant for the purgation without preventing proper evacuation. For instance, myrobalan. Should the temperament afterwards become unhealthy, one must just correct it." وَأَصْحَاب أورام الأحشاء فيضعف إسهالهم وقيأهم فَإِن اضطررت إِلَى ذَلِك فَاسْتعْمل لَهُم مثل اللبلاب والبسفايج وَالْخيَار شنبر وَنَحْو ذَلِك فَإِن أبقراط يَقُول: من كَانَ قضيفاً سهل إِجَابَة الطيعة إِلَى الْقَيْء فالاولى فِي تنقيته أَن يسْتَعْمل الْقَيْء فِي صيف أَو ربيع أَو خريف دون شتاء.,"Emesis should be procured in cases where there is an. internal inflammatory mass, because such cases are difficult to purge. But if purgation becomes essential, use such agents as pellitory, seed of safflower, apozema of polypody, cassia fistula, and the like. Hippocrates also says that the best way of cleansing a person of spare habit, and of a nature such that vomiting easily takes place, is to procure emesis; and this should be done in summer, spring, or autumn,’ but not in winter." وَمن كَانَ معتدل السحنة فالاسهال أولى بِهِ فَإِن دَعَا إِلَى استفراغه بالقيء دَاع فلينتظر بِهِ الصَّيف ويتوقاه فِي غو مَوضِع الْحَاجة. وَيجب أَن يتَقَدَّم قبل الاسهال والقيء بتلطيف الْخَلْط الَّذِي يُرِيد استفراغه وتوسيع المجاري وَفتحهَا فَإِن ذَلِك يرِيح الْبدن من التَّعَب.,"But if he is of medium habit, it is better to purge. If evacuation by emesis is necessary, it is better to wait till summer, avoiding it altogether if it is not really necessary. Prior to procuring purgation or emesis, the humour to be evacuated must be attenuated, and the channels of exit must be widened, and their outlet opened, in order to save the body from trouble." وَاعْلَم أَن تعويد الطبيعة لينًا وَإجَابَة إِلَى مَا يُرَاد من إسهال أَو قيء بسهولة قبل اسْتِعْمَال الدَّوَاء الْقوي من إِحْدَى التدابير المفلحة. والإسهال والقيء لأَصْحَاب هزال المراق صَعب مُتْعب خطر والدواء المقيء قد يعود مسهلاً إِذا كَانَت الْمعدة قَوِيَّة,"The last-named is achieved by an aperient (aperitive) regimen. That is, the patient accustoms himself to obey the calls of nature, and to maintain the motions loose. The actual medicines for purgation and emesis are reserved till later. Moreover, it is difficult, wearisome, and dangerous, to procure purgation when the belly is wasted. An emetic may be at the same time a purge (a) when the stomach is strong" أَو شرب على شدَّة جوع أَو كَانَ الشَّارِب ذرباً أَو ليّن الطبيعة أَو غير مُعْتَاد للقيء أَو كَانَ الدَّوَاء ثقيل الْجَوْهَر سريع النُّزُول. والمسهل يصير مقيئاً لضعف الْمعدة أَو لشدَّة يبوسة الثّقل أَو لكَون الدَّوَاء كريهاً,or (b) when taken during a state of prolonged fasting; (c) when gastro-enteritis is present; (d) if the bowels tend to be loose; (e) when the patient is not accustomed to emesis; (f) if the medicine is itself actually heavy (weighty) and passes down the intestines quickly as a result. A purge will act as emetic (a) if the stomach is enfeebled; (b) if there is much dryness of the stool; (r) when the medicine is very unpleasant; وَكَون صَاحبه ذَا تخم وكل دَوَاء مسهل إِذا لم يسهل أَو أسهل غير نضيج فَإِنَّهُ يُحَرك الْخَلْط الَّذِي يسهل ويثيره فِي الْبدن فيستولي على الْبدن ويستحيل إِلَيْهِ أخلاط أُخْرَى فيكثر ذَلِك الْخَلْط فِي الْبدن.,"(d) when it produces nauseative dyspepsia. Should a purgative not act, or should it not remove the mature humour by its action, it will cause the humour to be distributed throughout the body; the result will be that other humours become changed into the same kind of humour, and the body is flooded with it." وَمن الأخلاط مَا هُوَ سريع الْإِجَابَة إِلَى الْقَيْء فِي أَكثر الْأَمر كالصفراء وَمِنْهَا مَا هُوَ مستعص على الْقَيْء كالسوداء وَمِنْهَا مَا لَهُ حَال وَحَال كالبلغم. والمحموم إسهاله أصوب من تقيئه وَمن كَانَ خلطه نازلاً مثل أَصْحَاب زلق الأمعاء فتقيؤه محَال.,"There is one of the humours which readily responds to emesis, namely, the bilious; and there is one which is resistant to emesis, namely, the atrabilious. The serous humour occupies a middle position in this regard. In the case of fever, it is better to purge than to procure emesis. When the humour is passing downwards, as in a case of lienteric diarrhoea, emesis is not advantageous." وَشر الْأَدْوِيَة المسهلة مَا هُوَ مركب من أدوية شَدِيدَة الِاخْتِلَاف فِي زمن الإسهال فيضطرب الإسهال ويسهل الأول الثَّانِي قبل أَن يسهل الثَّانِي وَرُبمَا أسهل الأول نفس الثَّانِي,"Among purgative medicines, that is most harmful which is compounded from drugs which show marked variation in their rate of purgation; for the result is simply confusion. The drug acting more speedily comes into play before the next, and sometimes the one will expel the other before ft has come into operation at all." وَمن تعرّض للإسهال والقيء وبدنه نقي لم يكن لَهُ بُد من دوار ومغص وكرب يلْحقهُ وَيكون مَا يستفرغ يستفرغ بصعوبة جدا.,"Should a person take some drink which has a purgative action or is emetic, at a time when the bowels are emptied, he is sure to develop vertigo, or colic, and distress. That which finally is expelled will leave the body with the greatest difficulty." وَبِالْجُمْلَةِ الدَّوَاء مَا دَامَ يستفرغ الفضول فَإِنَّهُ لَا يكون مَعَه اضْطِرَاب فَإِذا أَخذ يضطرب فَإِنَّمَا يستفرغ غير الْفضل وَإِذا تغير الْخَلْط المستفرغ بقيء أَو إسهال إِلَى خلط اخر دلّ على نقاء الْبدن من الْخَلْط المُرَاد استفراغه وَإِذا تغير إِلَى خراطة وَشَيْء أسود منتن فَهُوَ رَدِيء.,"Lastly, as long as a given drug gets rid of the superfluities, it will cause no restlessness. If it should cause restlessness, one would know that something more than superfluity is being discharged. Moreover, we shall’ know when the superfluous humours have actually been got rid of, by the fact that the humour lost by emesis or by purgation is now changed into another kind of humour. The cleansing process of the body will have passed on to a harmful degree if the lining of the intestines is beginning to be lost, .and the stool is black with a fetid odour." وَالنَّوْم إِذا اشتدّ عقيب الإسهال والقيء دلّ على أَن الاستفراغ والقيء نقي الْبدن تنقية بَالِغَة ونفع. وَاعْلَم أَن الْعَطش إِذا اشْتَدَّ فِي الاسهال والقيء دلّ على مُبَالغَة وبلوغ غَايَة وجودة تنقية.,"Also, if a prolonged sleep follows the purging or emesis it will show that the evacuation is complete, and salutary. Also, if there is great thirst after purging or emesis, it shows the purgation is maximal and satisfactory." وَاعْلَم ان الدَّوَاء المسهل يسهل مَا يسهله بِقُوَّة جاذبة تجنب ذَلِك الْخَلْط نَفسه فَرُبمَا جذب الغليظ وخلى الرَّقِيق كَمَا يفعل المسهل للسوداء وَلَيْسَ قَول من يَقُول: إِنَّه يُولد مَا يجذبه أَو أَنه يجذب الأرق أَولا بِشَيْء.,"Purgative medicines expel humours in cooperation with the attractive faculty concerned with the given humour; maybe, attracting the coarse and rejecting the subtle humour. This happens in the case of expulsion of atrabilious humour. He who asserts the purgative itself gives rise to that which it attracts, or that it attracts first that which is tenuous, is in the wrong." وجالينوس مَعَ رَأْيه هَذَا يُطلق القَوْل بِأَن المسهّل الَّذِي لَا سميَّة فِيهِ إِذا لم يسهّل وَاسْتمرّ ولد الْخَلْط الَّذِي يجذبه وَلَيْسَ هَذَا القَوْل بسديد. وَيظْهر من حَيْثُ يحققه جالينوس أَنه يرى أَن بَين الجاذب الدوائي والمجذوب الخلطي مشاكلة فِي الْجَوْهَر وَلذَلِك يجذب وَهَذَا غير صَحِيح.,"It is true that Galen says so, yet he says accurately that a purgative medicine which is not poisonous, will, if it do not purge or undergo digestion, give rise to the same kind of humour as it ordinarily attracts. However, an assertion of that kind is hardly relevant. It would seem that Galen, in making this assertion, considers that there is an agreement in substance between the attracting drug and the attracted humour, and that that is why they mutually come together. But it is not true to say so." وَلَو كَانَ الْجنب بالمشاكلة لوَجَبَ أَن يجذب الْحَدِيد الْحَدِيد إِذا غَلبه وَالذَّهَب يجذب الذَّهَب إِذا كَلْبه بمقداره لَكِن الِاسْتِقْصَاء فِي هَذَا إِلَى غير الطَّبِيب.,"for if like attracted like, then a larger bulk of iron would attract a smaller, a larger bulk of gold would draw a smaller bulk of gold to itself. To discuss this is not in the province of the doctor." وَاعْلَم أَن الجاذب للأخلاط فِي شرب المسهّل والمقيّء إِنَّمَا هُوَ فِي الطَّرِيق الَّتِي اندفعت فِيهَا حَتَّى تحصل فِي الأمعاء وَهُنَاكَ تتحرّك الطبيعة إِلَى دَفعهَا إِلَى خَارج.,"You should note that it is the humours in the blood vessels which become attracted by the purgative or emetic. This attraction goes on until they reach the stomach and intestines, which finally expel them in virtue of their own nature (i.e., the natural expulsive faculty)." وقلما يتّفق عَن الشّرْب لَهَا أَن تصعد إِلَى الْمعدة فَإِن صعدت مَالَتْ إِلَى الْقَيْء وَإِنَّمَا لَا تصعد إِلَى الْمعدة لشيئين: أَحدهمَا: أَن الدَّوَاء المسهل سريع النفود إِلَى الأمعاء.,"It is only rarely that humours which are drawn out by a purgative should ascend into the stomach; if they did, they would be expelled by vomiting. If they should fail to ascend into the stomach, it would be because of one of two reasons either the purgative medicine has passed on speedily into the intestines." وَالثَّانِي: أَن الطبيعة عِنْد شرب المسهّل تستعجل عَن دَفعهَا فِي أوردة الماساريقا إِلَى تَحت وَإِلَى أَسْفَل لَا إِلَى فَوق فَإِن ذَلِك أقرب وأسهل ولان مَا خلفهَا يزحمها أَيْضا وَذَلِكَ مِمَّا يحرّك الطبيعة إِلَى الدّفع من أقرب الطّرق.,"or having taken the purgative drink, the “nature” proceeds to drive it from the mesenteric vessels to the lower parts of the abdomen and not to the upper parts because to do so is nearer and simpler, and because there is nothing beyond, which will mechanically impede their progress [i.e., the distal parts of the digestive tube will not compress or block the proximal parts]. This indeed will be evident, considering that the “nature ” will act by the shortest route of exit." وَلَو كَانَ للدواء جاذبة تلْزم الْخَلْط لكَانَتْ قُوَّة الطبيعة الدافعة أولى أَن تغلب فِي الصَّحِيح الْقوي على أَن الدَّوَاء إِنَّمَا يجذبه إِلَى طَرِيق معِين لَكِن حَال الدَّوَاء المقيء بِخِلَاف هَذَا فَإِنَّهُ إِن كَانَ فِي الْمعدة وقف فِيهَا وجذب الْخَلْط إِلَى نَفسه من الأمعاء وقيأ بقوته ومقاومة الطبيعة.,"If the medicine possess an attractive power which will hold the humour, then the expulsive power may still overrule, assuming that the drug only attracts towards the route indicated. An emetic is different in this respect. For, when it reaches the stomach it lingers there, and draws the humour towards itself out from the intestines, and by its own power overcomes the resistance offered by the natural power [of peristalsis downwards]." وَيجب أَن تعلم أَن أَكثر انجذاب الأخلاط يجذب الْأَدْوِيَة إِنَّمَا هُوَ من الْعُرُوق إِلَّا مَا كَانَ شَدِيد الْمُجَاورَة فيجذب مِنْهُ فِي الْعُرُوق وَغير الْعُرُوق مثل الأخلاط الَّتِي فِي الرئة فَإِنَّهَا تنجذب من طَرِيق الْمُجَاورَة إِلَى الْمعدة والأمعاء وَإِن لم تسلك الْعُرُوق.,"The humours which medicines draw out are usually in the vessels or neighbouring structures, because it is in the veins that the seat of attraction lies. But medicines also draw humours out which are not in vessels, e.g., the lungs; in this case they are drawn to adjoining organs, like the stomach and intestines, but not via the vessels." وَاعْلَم أَنه كثيرا مَا يكون النشف من الْأَدْوِيَة الْيَابِسَة سَببا لاستفراغ رطوبات من الْبدن كَمَا فِي الاستفراغ. الْكَلَام فِي الإسهال وقوانينه قد سلف منّا الْكَلَام فِي وجوب إعداد الْبدن قبل الدَّوَاء المسهّل لقبُول المسهل وتوسيع المسام وتليين الطبيعة وخصوصاً فِي الْعِلَل الْبَارِدَة.,"Remember, too, that it is possible to draw humours from the body by the use of desiccant medicines, using-the attraction, for instance, by way of the nostrils. This applies, for instance, in the case of dropsy. PURGATION AND THE RULES RELATIVE THERETO. In the preceding chapter we have shown that the way to prepare the body for the purgative to be administered is to cause the pores to dilate and the “nature ” to relax. This applies specially in the case of “cold” maladies." وَبِالْجُمْلَةِ لين الطبيعة قبل الاسهال قانون جيّد فِيهِ أَمَان إِلَّا فِيمَن هُوَ شَدِيد الاستعداد للذرب لِأَن هَذَا لَا يجب أَن يفعل بِهِ شَيْء من هَذَا فَإِنَّهُ يكون سَببا لإفراط يَقع بِهِ. وَمثل هَذَا يجب أَن يخلط بمسهّله مَا لَهُ قُوَّة مقيئة لِئَلَّا يستعجل فِي النُّزُول عَن الْمعدة قبل أَن يفعل فعله,"In brief, the rule: “ soften the ‘nature’ before purging ” ensures safety in all cases except that of gastro-enteritis. In that case, nothing is to be done, because the disease is itself the cause of the superfluity present. Something of an emetic character must be admixed with the laxative agent to prevent the latter from leaving the stomach before it has done its allotted work." بل يعتدل فِيهِ قوتا الدواءين فيفعل المسهّل فعله وَيفْعل المقيّء فِي عكس هَذِه الْحَالة واللثغ من المستعدين للذرب فَلَا يحْتَملُونَ دَوَاء قَوِيا. وَأكْثر ذربهم من نَوَازِل رؤوسهم. وَمن المخاطرة أَن يشرب المسهل وَفِي الامعاء ثقل يَابِس بل يجب أَن يُخرجهُ وَلَو بحقنة أَو بمرقة مزلقة.,"Or, rather, the two ingredients should be so balanced in power that their respective functions shall both come into play (in the right order) the purgative action in the one direction, the emetic in the other. People who lisp are liable to gastro-intestinal catarrh, and such people do not stand strong purges in consequence. All the same, many do run the risk of gastro-enteritis because of the materials which flow down (“rheums”) from the head. It is dangerous to administer a purge when the fecal matter is dried up within the bowels; in such cases it is best to get rid of it by means of an enema, or by an emollient broth." وَاسْتِعْمَال الْحمام قبل الدَّوَاء لمسهل أَيَّامًا ملطف وَهُوَ من المعدات الجيدة إِلَّا أَن يمْنَع مَانع. وَيجب أَن يكون بَين الْحمام وَبَين شرب الدَّوَاء زمَان يسير وَلَا يدْخل الْحمام بعد الدَّوَاء فَإِنَّهُ يجذب الْمَادَّة إِلَى الْخَارِج,"Bathing and Purgation. The use of the bath for several successive days before purgation is a good preparative measure, as it is attenuant. There must be no contra-indication, however. A small interval of time should elapse between the bath and the draught of medicine, and one should not take a bath afterwards because the effect of that would be to draw the morbid material to the skin." وَإِنَّمَا يصلح لحبس الاسهال لَا للمعونة على الاسهال اللَّهُمَّ إِلَّا فِي الشتَاء فَإِنَّهُ لَا بَأْس بِأَن يدْخل الْبَيْت الأول من الْحمام بِحَيْثُ لَا تكون حرارته قادرة على الجذب الْبَتَّةَ وَبِالْجُمْلَةِ فَإِن هَوَاء من يشرب الدَّوَاء يجب أَن يكون إِلَى حرارة يسيرَة لَا يعرّق وَلَا يكرب فَإِن ذَلِك من المعدات,"The bath is only of use for binding the bowels, especially during winter; for at that season one need not be afraid of going straight into the first roomthe heat will not interfere with drawing out the humours, and in fact assists in virtue of its emollient effect. Lastly, one should not take the purgative medicine, while in the hot room of the bath (lit. the air of the room should be only moderately warm), lest the medicine should give rise to sweating and a sense of oppression. This is one of the pre-cautions which must be noted." والدلك والتمريخ بالدهن مثل ذَلِك من المعدات أَيْضا وَمن لم يعْتد الدَّوَاء وَلم يشربه فَالْأولى بالطبيب أَن يتَوَقَّف عَن سقيه المسفلات ذَوَات الْقُوَّة. وَأما صَاحب التخم والأخلاط اللزجة والتمدّد فِي الشراسيف وَمن فِي أحشائه التهاب وسدد,"Other adjuvants, or preliminary measures, are: massage and the inunction of oils. Avoid the use of violent purges for persons who are not accustomed to take medicine, or to drink it. Do not administer a medicine to persons who are in a state of “dyspepsia with nausea,” or whose humours are viscous, or who have distension of the hypochondrium, or inflammation or obstruction [of channels] in the inward parts." فَلَا يجب أَن يسقى شَيْئا حَتَّى يصلح ذَلِك بالأغذية الملينة وبالحمامات والراحة وَترك مَا يحرّك ويلهب. وَالَّذين يشربون الْمِيَاه الْقَدِيمَة والمطحولون فَإِنَّهُم يَحْتَاجُونَ إِلَى أدوية قَوِيَّة.,"In all such cases, the condition must first be rectified by ordering emollient aliments, the bath, rest (in bed), and by avoiding anything, likely to arouse disturbance of, or inflammation in, the humours. Persons who are accustomed to drink stagnant water, and have enlarged spleens, will need strong aperients." وَإِذا شرب إِنْسَان المسهل فَالْأولى بِهِ إِن كَانَ دواؤه قَوِيا أَن ينَام عَلَيْهِ قبل عمله فَإِنَّهُ يعْمل إجود وَإِن كَانَ ضَعِيفا فَالْأولى بِهِ أَن لَا ينَام عَلَيْهِ فَإِن الطبيعة تهضم الدَّوَاء. وَإِذا أَخذ الدَّوَاء يعْمل فَالْأولى أَن لَا ينَام عَلَيْهِ كَيفَ كَانَ,"Sleep and Purgation. If the purgative used be strong, it is advisable to take it overnight, for by sleeping after the dose, it will act more efficiently. If the purgative be a mild one, it is better not to sleep after the dose, because the vegetative faculty would digest it. Whether the’ medicine be strong or weak, one should not go to sleep when it is about to act." وَلَا يجب أَن يَتَحَرَّك على الدَّوَاء كَمَا يشرب بل يسكن عَلَيْهِ لتشتمل عَلَيْهِ الطبيعة فتعمل فِيهِ فَإِن الطبيعة مَا لم تعْمل فِيهِ لم يعْمل هُوَ فِي الطبيعة وَلَكِن يجب أَن يتشمم الروائح الْمَانِعَة للغثيان,"On the other hand, a person should not immediately begin to walk about after taking an aperient. He ought at any rate to rest [long enough] after it to enable the “ nature ” to embrace it and insinuate itself into it. For unless this insinuation takes place, the “nature ” will not be influenced. Nauseating Aperients. When a medicine has a nauseating odour, one should make use of aromatic agents, in order to prevent nausea occurring." مثل رَوَائِح النعناع والسذاب والكرفس والسفرجل والطين الْخُرَاسَانِي مرشوشاً بِمَاء الْورْد وَقَلِيل خل خمر فَإِن نفر عِنْد الشّرْب عَن رَائِحَة الدَّوَاء سد مَنْخرَيْهِ. وَيجب أَن يمضغ العائف للدواء شَيْئا من الطرخون حَتَّى يخدر قُوَّة فَمه,"Examples of these are: mint, rue, celery, quince, Khurasan earth (Lemnian earth: marginal reading), sprinkling rose water and a little vinegar on them. If a person greatly dislikes the odour of a medicine, let him compress his nostrils. If he dreads the medicine in any case, let him first chew a little tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus), or pellitory (pyrethrum) to dull both taste and smell." وَإِن خَافَ الْقَذْف شدّ الْأَطْرَاف فَإِذا شرب تنَاول عَلَيْهِ قَابِضا. والأطباء قد يلوثون لَهُم الْحبّ بالعسل وَقد يجرونَ عَلَيْهِ عسلاً مُقَومًا أَو سكرا مُقَومًا حَتَّى يكسونه مِنْهُ قَمِيصًا وَمِمَّا هُوَ حِيلَة جَيِّدَة أَن يمسح بالقيروطي وَمِمَّا هُوَ فِي غَايَة جدا أَن يمْلَأ الْفَم مَاء أَو شَيْئا آخر,"If he is afraid of being sick after it, the limbs may be bandaged up, and an astringent taken after swallowing the medicine. In the case of pills, some doctors give them a coating of honey, or boiled honey, or boiled sugar. Another useful artifice is to coat the pills with wax softened in a little oil. Another expedient is to fill the mouth with water or the like," ثمَّ يشرب عَلَيْهِ الْحبّ كَمَا هُوَ أَو مَعْمُولا بِهِ بعض الْحِيَل فَيبلغ الْجَمِيع من غير أَن يظْهر أثر الدَّوَاء. وَيجب أَن يشرب الْمَطْبُوخ فاتراً أَو يشرب الْحبّ فِي مَاء فاتر وَيجب أَن يسخن معدة الشَّارِب وَقدمه فَإِذا سكنت مِنْهُ النَّفس نَهَضَ فَتحَرك يَسِيرا يَسِيرا فَإِن هَذِه الْحَرَكَة مُعينَة.,"and then swallow the pills with it. various expedients may be adopted to meet various temperaments or personal proclivities, thus enabling the patients to swallow the drug without being aware of it being a “ medicine.” Decoctions should be taken tepid. Pills should be taken with tepid water. ‘If the temperament is cold, the abdomen and feet should be kept warm. When the patient’s mind has become soothed in this way, he should take graduated exercise, for bodily movement favours the action of the medicine." ويتجرع وقتا بعد وَقت من المَاء الْحَار بِقدر مَا يسهّل الدَّوَاء ويخرجه وَيكسر قوته إِلَّا فِي وَقت الْحَاجة إِلَى قطع الإسهال وَفِي تجرع المَاء الْحَار أَيْضا كسر من عَادِية الدَّوَاء.,"After an interval of time, he may take warm water, but not enough to dilute the medicine, or get rid of it or weaken its strength, unless the time has come to arrest the aperient action. The use of hot water lessens the harmful character of the medicine." وَمن أَرَادَ أَن يشرب دَوَاء وَهُوَ حَار المزاج ضَعِيف التَّرْكِيب ضَعِيف الْمعدة فَالْأولى بِهِ أَن يتَنَاوَلهُ وَقد شرب قبله مثل مَاء الشّعير وَمثل مَاء الرُّمَّان وَحصل فِي الْمعدة على الْجُمْلَة غذَاء لطيفاً خَفِيفا. وَمن لم يكن كَذَلِك فَالْأولى أَن يشرب على الرِّيق وَأكْثر من أسهل فِي القيظ يحم.,"If the patient has a hot temperament, and a weak conformation (of humours), and a weak stomach, the medicine should be preceded by some bland tenuous drink, such as barley water or pomegranate juice. Or, speaking generally, the stomach should contain light tenuous aliment. Otherwise it is better to take the medicine fasting. If the purgative is given in summer time, fever may develop." وَيجب على شَارِب الدَّوَاء أَن لَا يَأْكُل وَلَا يشرب حَتَّى يفرغ الدَّوَاء من عمله وَأَن لَا ينَام على إسهاله أَيْضا إِلَّا أَن يُرِيد الْقطع فَإِن لم تحْتَمل معدته أَن لَا يَأْكُل لِأَن معدته مرارية سريعة انصباب الْمرة إِلَيْهَا أَو لِأَنَّهُ قد أَطَالَ الاحتماء والجوع,"Therefore when the person has taken the medicine he should not eat or drink until the medicine has exerted its effect. And if the action is delayed, he should go to sleep unless he wishes to stop its action altogether. If a person cannot tolerate food owing to the stomach -being in a “choleric” state, bile readily pouring into it, or if he has had a long extended fast." أطْعم خبْزًا منقوعاً فِي شراب قَلِيل يعطاه على الدَّوَاء قبل الاسهال. وَهَذَا رُبمَا أعَان على الدَّوَاء. وَيجب أَن لَا يغسل المقعدة بِمَاء بَارِد بل بِمَاء حَار. قَالُوا: والحبوب الَّتِي يجب أَن تسقى فِي مطبوخات يجب أَن تسقى فِي طبيخ يجانسها,it is well to take a little bread which has been soaked in a little wine after he has taken the (purgative) medicine and before the bowels have acted; this measure will help the action of the medicine. The anus should be laved with hot water and not with cold. Some people assert that if pills are to be administered with decoctions one should select those of like character. فَإِن الْحبّ المسهّل للصفراء يجب أَن يسقى فِي طبيخ الشاهترج مثلا والمسهل للسوداء فِي طبيخ مثل الأفتيمون والبسفانج وَنَحْوه وَالَّذِي يخرج البلغم فِي طبيخ مثل القنطوريون.,"Thus, if one orders pills to expel choleric humour, the decoction to go with them must be such as fumitory. Pills chosen for expelling the atrabilious humour require a decoction, for instance of dodder or polypody, or the like. Pills for getting rid of serous humour need a decoction of such as centaury." وَإِذا احتجب إِلَى استفراغ بدن يَابِس صلب اللَّحْم بدواء قوي مثل الخربق وَنَحْوه فَبَالغ قبل فِي ترطيبه بالأغذية الدسمة.,"When the body to be evacuated is dry in nature with firm flesh, a strong medicine like hellebore and its allies, will be needed, taking great care to associate it with, unctuous aliments to exert a humectant effect." وَبِالْجُمْلَةِ فَإِن الْأَدْوِيَة القوية شَدِيدَة الْخطر أَعنِي مثل الخربق فَإِنَّهَا تشنج الْبدن النقي وتحرّك رُطُوبَة الْبدن الممتلىء رُطُوبَة تحريكاً خانقاً وتجلب إِلَى الأحشاء مَا يعسر دَفعه واليتوعات السمية كالمازريون والشبرم يقطع مضرتها إِذا أفرطت الماست وَيعْقل,"Finally, powerful medicines like hellebore are to- be avoided because they produce convulsions if the bowels are empty at the time, and also produce irregular disorderly movements in the moistures if the bowels are over-loaded, besides drawing into the intestine things which are difficult to expel. Sour milk will remove the harmful influence in the case of (purgative) herbs having poisonous milky juices, like mezereon and spurge (euphorbia group)." وَكَثِيرًا مَا يخلف الدَّوَاء رَائِحَته فِي الْمعدة فَيكون كَأَنَّهُ بَاقٍ فِيهَا وَيكون دواؤه سويق الشّعير لغسله فَإِنَّهُ أوفق السفوفات. وَإِذا طَالَتْ الْمدَّة وَلم يَأْخُذ الدَّوَاء فِي الاسهال فَإِن أمكنه أَن يُخَفف وَلَا يُحَرك شَيْئا فعل,"A medicine often leaves its odour behind in the stomach, making it appear to be still there. The remedy for this is to partake of a barley ptisan or barley-meal cake, for this will have the effect of cleansing the stomach, and is more efficient than any medicinal powder. Moreover, the ptisan is the best beverage to take if the medicine fails to act, or if one wishes to make the action of the bowels mild and gentle." وَإِن خَافَ شَيْئا فَمن الصَّوَاب أَن يتجرع مَاء الْعَسَل أَو شرابه أَو مَاء قد ديف فِيهِ نطرون أَو يحْتَمل فَتِيلَة أَو حقنة. وَمن أَسبَاب تَقْصِير الدَّوَاء ضيق المجاري خلقَة أَو لمزاج أَو لمجاورة عِلّة فَإِن أَصْحَاب الفالج والسكتة تضيق مِنْهُم مجاري الْأَدْوِيَة إِلَى مواردها فيصعب إسهالهم.,"But if one were afraid about this, it would be better to- administer mead, or syrup of honey, or a solution of nitre in water, giving either a collyrium or an enema. Causes of failure of action of a purgative; (a) constriction of the passages, due to the kind of temperament; some lesion of the neighbouring parts. Thus, in the case of persons afflicted-with paralysis or apoplexy, the passages- of ingress and egress for the medicines are constricted, and purgation is rendered difficult in such persons." وَأما جمع مسهلين فِي يَوْم وَاحِد فَهُوَ خطر وخارج عَن الصَّوَاب وكل دَوَاء خَاص بخلط فَإِنَّهُ إِن لم يجده شوّش وأسهل بعسر. وَكَذَلِكَ إِذا وجده مغموراً فِي أضداده,"(F) It is dangerous and unprincipled to give two purges, on the same day. (c) Affinity. Every purgative medicine which has a. specific affinity for a given humour will produce agitation and confusion (disorderly movements, cf) if it does not reach the humour, and the purgation will be difficult. The same, thing happens if a contrary be prescribed with it." وكل دَوَاء فَإِنَّهُ يسهل أَولا الْخَلْط الَّذِي يختصّ بِهِ ثمَّ الَّذِي يَلِيهِ فِي الْكَثْرَة والقلة والرقة على ذَلِك التمريج إِلَّا الدَّم فَإِنَّهُ يُؤَخِّرهُ وتضن بِهِ الطبيعة.,"The immediate action of a purgative medicine is to draw out the humour for which it has affinity; it then draws out whatever humour comes next in amount and in degree of attenuation; and so on in turn with others, with the exception of blood itself. For the “nature ” retains and stores up the blood to the very last." وجذب الْخَلْط الْبعيد صَعب وَمن خَافَ كرباً وغثياناً يعرض لَهُ بعد شرب الدَّوَاء فَالصَّوَاب أَن يتقيأ قبل شرب الدَّوَاء بثلائة أَيَّام أَو يَوْمَيْنِ بعروق الفجل وأصل الفجل. وَيجب أَن لَا يكثر الْملح فِي طَعَام من يُرِيد أَن يستهل,"(d) Remoteness of humour. It is difficult (for a medicine) to draw out a humour from a distant part (of the body). (e) One should see to it that there is not much salt in the food, if one wishes to take a purgative medicine. If there is a risk of nausea or faintness after taking the purge, it is well to take radish-water as an emetic for two or three days before, and- to eat radishes." وَكَثِيرًا مَا يجلب الدَّوَاء كرباً وغثياناً وغشياً وخفقاناً ومغصاً وخصوصاً إِذا لم يسهل أَو عوق فكثيراً مَا يحْتَاج إِلَى قيئه وَكَثِيرًا مَا يَكْفِي الْخطب فِيهِ تنَاول القوابض. وَشرب مَاء الشّعير بعد الإسهال يدْفع غائلة المسهل وَيغسل مَاء النزل بالممازجة.,"A draught of medicine may induce nausea, oppression, faintness, fluttering of the heart, griping, especially if it fail to purge or induce sweating. But it is often necessary to induce emesis also, and an astringent is then unnecessary. Barley water may be taken after the purging because it removes the evil effect of the medicine and cleanses out whatever remnants may have been left behind in the bowel." وَمن كَانَ بَارِد المزاج غَالِبا على أخلاطه البلغم فليتناول بعد الدَّوَاء وَعَمله حرفا مغسولاً بِمَاء حَار مَعَ زَيْت. وَأَن كَانَ حَار المزاج اسْتعْمل بزر قطونا بِمَاء بَارِد ودهن بنفسج وسكر طبرزذ وجلاب. والمعتدل المزاج بزر الْكَتَّان.,"Persons of cold temperament, in whom the serous humour predominates over the others, should follow the purgation by nasturtium which has been rinsed with hot water and oil. Persons of hot temperament may take fleawort with cold water, oil of violets, conserve of roses, or julep. Persons of equable temperament may take linseed after the purging." وَمن خَافَ سحجاً تنَاول الطين الأرمني بِمَاء الرُّمَّان وَيجب أَن يكون اسْتِعْمَاله مَا ذكرنَا بعد الاسهال وَإِلَّا قطعه وكل شَارِب دَوَاء يستعقب حَتَّى فأوفق الْأَشْيَاء لَهُ مَاء الشّعير. وَأما السكنجبين فساحج يجب أَن يُؤَخر إِلَى يَوْمَيْنِ أَو ثَلَاثَة حَتَّى تعود إِلَى الأمعاء قوتها,"Undesirable consequences of -purgation. (i) Armenian bole and pomegranate juice remove the risk of excoriation of the intestines by the purge. After the medicine has acted, the things we have named should be taken, though they may not be retained. (ii) If fever follows the medicine (“ mixture ”), barley water is the best thing to take. Syrupus acetosus should not be given for two or three days after the purging, because it is excoriative, and one must wait till the intestines have regained their original strength." وَيجب أَن يدْخل المنسهل فِي الْيَوْم الثَّانِي الْحمام فَإِن كَانَ قد بَقِي من أخلاطه بَقِيَّة فَإِن وجدته يَسْتَطِيب الْحمام ويستلذه فَذَلِك دَلِيل على أَن الْحمام ينقيه من الْبَاقِي فَدَعْهُ وَإِن وجدته لَا يستلذه ويضجر فِيهِ فَأخْرجهُ.,"But the Hammam may be entered on the second day after the purging, for if there should happen to be any residual humour, the bath will get rid of it. If you find that the idea of a bath is pleasing and that it is agreeable, you will know that the last remains of humour have been got rid of, and nothing more need be done; but if the patient does not like the bath, and finds it sets up disorderly movements (or restless feeling) of the bowels, it shows there is still something to expel." وَاعْلَم أَن الضَّعِيف المعي رُبمَا اسْتَفَادَ من الْأَدْوِيَة المسهلة قُوَّة مسهلة فطال عَلَيْهِ الْأَمر وَاحْتَاجَ إِلَى علاجات كَثِيرَة حَتَّى يمسك وَكَذَلِكَ الْمَشَايِخ يخَاف عَلَيْهِم من الاسهال غوائله. وَاعْلَم أَن شرب النَّبِيذ عقيب المسهلات يُورث حميّات واضطراباً.,"(iii) Remember that if the intestines are weak, purgatives excite an unduly violent and unduly prolonged action, so that a great deal of medicine is needed to arrest it. The same is true for old persons, in whom purgation is liable to be injurious. Fever and agitation of the bowels will follow purgation, if wine be taken after the medicine." وَكَثِيرًا مَا يعقب الإسهال والفصد وجعاً فِي الكبد ويقلعه شرب المَاء الْحَار. وَاعْلَم أَن وَقت طُلُوع الشعرى وَوُقُوع الثَّلج على الْجبَال وَالْبرد الشَّديد لَيْسَ وقتا للدواء فليشرب الدَّوَاء ربيعاً أَو خَرِيفًا.,(iv) Pain in the region of the liver may follow both purgation and blood-letting. This is relieved by a draught of hot water. Time for taking purgatives. The time of rising of the greater dog-star; the season during which snow still stays on the mountains; the season of extreme cold are times when purgatives should not be taken. Medicine should be taken during spring and autumn. وَالربيع هُوَ وَقت يستقبله الصَّيف فَلَا يتَنَاوَل فِيهِ إِلَّا لطيفاً. والخريف هُوَ وَقت يستقبله الشتَاء فَيحْتَمل الدَّوَاء الْقوي وَمن احْتَاجَ إِلَى مسهل فِي الشتَاء فليرصد ريح الْجنُوب وَفِي الصَّيف قَالَ بِالْعَكْسِ وَله تَفْصِيل.,"Spring is the season during which the snows melt from the mountain-tops. Then comes the summer which is a period during which attenuant agents, should not be taken. Autumn is the contrary to spring, and is an appropriate time for the use of attenuant agents. If a person has to take an aperient in winter he should at any rate make sure the wind is in a southerly direction. Some say that the opposite rule should hold for summer, but there is a difference of opinion about this." وَلَا يجب أَن تعود الطبيعة شرب الدَّوَاء كلما احْتَاجَت إِلَى تليين فَيصير ذَلِك ديدناً فيوقع صَاحبه فِي شغل وخيم الْعَاقِبَة. وكل من كَانَ يَابِس المزاج ينهكه الدَّوَاء الْقوي. والدواء الضَّعِيف يجب أَن يقلل عَلَيْهِ الْحَرَكَة لئلآ تتحلل قوته. وَمن الْأَدْوِيَة الضعيفة الْمُبَارَكَة بنفسج وسكر,"Care should be taken not to acquire a habit of taking medicines as emollients for the bowels, for it will prove dis-advantageous in the end. Strong purgatives depress those of dry temperament. Exercise should be avoided after a mild medicine, lest its potency be impaired. Of weak purgatives, the best are violets with sugar." وَالْمَرِيض إِذا احْتَاجَ إِلَى مسهل ضَعِيف فَلم يعْمل فَلَا يجوز التحريك بل يتْرك. وَكَثِيرًا مَا يهيج الْمَرَض الاسهال فَتحدث عَنهُ الْحمى وَرُبمَا كَفاهُ الفصد.,"When the purgative which a sick person requires does not act, he should not move about more but less. Purgation may excite movement of the sanguineous humour or make it agitated, and give rise to fever. Blood-letting may be well under these circumstances." إفراط المسهل وَوقت قطعه,"ON EXCESSIVE PURGATION, AND THE TIME PROPER FOR USING ASTRINGENTS." اعْلَم أَن من العلامات الَّتِي يعرف بهَا وَقت وجوب قطع الاسهال الْعَطش وَإِذا دَامَ الاسهال وَلم يحدث عَطش فَلَا يجب أَن يخَاف أَن إفراطاً وَقع لَكِن الْعَطش قد يعرض أَيْضا لَا لِكَثْرَة الإسهال وإفراطه بل بِسَبَب حَال الْمعدة فَإِنَّهَا إِذا كَانَت حارة أَو يابسة أَو كِلَاهُمَا عطشت بِسُرْعَة,"Thirst is one of the indications that catharsis is to be ended. Therefore, if diarrhoea (from drugs) persists without any thirst one need not be afraid the action is excessive. But thirst may develop not from undue purgation, or excessive purgation. but (a) because the stomach itself is hot or dry, or both; for these conditions soon lead to thirst;" وبسبب حَال الدَّوَاء إِذا كَانَ حاداً لذاعاً وبسبب الْمَادَّة فِي نَفسهَا إِذا كَانَت حارة كالصفراء. وَفِي مثل هَذِه الْأَسْبَاب لَا يبعد أَن يَجِيء الْعَطش مستعجلاً كَمَا إِذا اتّفق أضداد هَذِه الْأَسْبَاب لَا يبعد أَن يَجِيء الْعَطش مُتَأَخِّرًا.,"(b) because of the character of the medicine it may be pungently hot; (c) because the material itself is “hot” as, for instance. bile. In the case of material of this kind it is not long before thirst comes on. The contraries of these causes delay the appearance of thirst." وعَلى كل حَال فَإِذا رَأَيْت الْعَطش قد أفرط وَرَأَيْت الاسهال بِالْقَلِيلِ فاحبس وخصوصاً إِذا لم تكن أَسبَاب سرعَة الْعَطش وَبِدَارِهِ مَوْجُودَة. وَفِي مثله لَا يجوز أَن يُؤَخر إِلَى ظُهُور الْعَطش وَرُبمَا كَانَ خُرُوج مَا يخرج دَلِيلا على وَقت الْقطع,"If therefore you find that the thirst is excessive and the bowels are acting freely, you may apply astringents, especially if factors which cause thirst to develop quickly are not present. But if these factors are present one should not delay, but use astringents as soon as thirst is evident. Sometimes the time to apply astringents is shown by the fact of that having been discharged which was intended." فَإِن المستسهل للصفراء إِذا رأى الإسهال قد انْتهى إِلَى البلغم فَاعْلَم أَنه قد أفرط فَكيف إِذا انْتهى إِلَى إسهال السَّوْدَاء. وَأما الدَّم فَهُوَ أعظم خطراً وَأجل خطباً وَمن أعقبه الدَّوَاء مغصاً فَلْيتَأَمَّل مَا قيل فِي الْكتب الْجُزْئِيَّة فِي بَاب المغص.,"Thus if the bile has been discharged and mucus begins to emerge, this shows that the medicine has already acted too much. How much more certain is it that the action has been too prolonged if ordinary bile in the stool has given place to the appearance of atrabilious humour? or to that of blood which is still more dangerous? If the medicine has given rise to colic, one should proceed to carry out what is said in the chapter on colic." الْفَصْل السَّابِع الإسهال يفرط إِمَّا لضعف الْعُرُوق أَو لسعة أفواهها أَو للذع المسهل لفوهاتها. ولاكتساب الْبدن سوء مزاج مِنْهُ وَمِمَّا يجْرِي مجْرَاه فَإِذا أفرط الإسهال فاربط الْأَطْرَاف من فَوق وَمن أَسْفَل بادياً من الْإِبِط والأربية نازلاً مِنْهُمَا واسقه من الترياق قَلِيلا أَو من الفولونيا,"How TO RESTORE A PERSON SUFFERING FROM EXCESSIVE PURGATION TO A NORMAL STATE. The exhaustion which arises from excessive purgation is accounted for by weakness of the vessels; undue patency of their orifices; the laxative cleansing out the orifices; some unhealthy state of temperament arising from the purgation; other such. Therefore when the purgation has been too free, bandage up the upper limbs and the lower ones, beginning at the axillae and groins respectively. Give a drink containing a. little theriac or “philonium.”" وعرقه إِن أمكنك بالحمام أَو ببخار مَاء تَحت ثِيَابه وَيخرج رَأسه مِنْهَا وَإِذا كثر عرقهم جدا سُقُوا القوابض ودلكوا واستعملوا اللخالخ الطّيبَة من مياه الرياحين والصندل والكافور وعصارات الْفَاكِه.,"If possible, let the patient be made to sweat in a bath or in steam (the head being free, the rest of the body under blankets). After copious sweating has been produced, give massage and let the patient take astringent drinks. Fragrant aromatic liniments should be prepared, using myrtle water, sandalwood, camphor and fruit juices." وَيجب أَن يدلك أعضاءه الْخَارِجَة ويسخنها وَلَو بالمحاجم بالنَّار تُوضَع تَحت أضلاعه وَبَين الْكَتِفَيْنِ فَإِن احتجت أَن تضع على معدته وعَلى أحشائه أضمدة من التسويق والمياه القابضة فعلت وَكَذَلِكَ من الأدهان دهن السفرجل ودهن المصطكى.,"The exposed members should also be rubbed, and heat should be applied in the form of dry cupping over the lower ribs, and between the shoulder-blades. If deemed necessary, one may apply plasters prepared with roasted bruised barley and astringent waters over the stomach and intestines. Oils may be used in like manner for instance, quince oil, oil of mastic." وَيجب أَن يجتنبوا الْهَوَاء الْبَارِد فَإِنَّهُ يعصرهم فيسهل. والحار أَيْضا فَإِذا يُرْخِي قوتهم وَيجب أَن يقووا بالمشمومات الطّيبَة ويُجرعُوا القوابض والكعك فِي الشَّرَاب الريحاني,The patient should be protected from cold air because that helps out (the contents of the bowels) and induces purging; and he should be protected from over-warm or hot air because that is enfeebling. He should also be invigorated by the use of fragrant perfumes and by sipping astringents and by giving plain biscuits or rusks soaked in wine of mild bouquet. وَيجب أَن يكون ذَلِك حاراً وَقد قدم عَلَيْهِ خبْزًا بِمَاء الرُّمَّان وَكَذَلِكَ الأسوقة وقشور الخشخاش مسحوقة وَمِمَّا جرب أَن يُؤْخَذ حب الرشاد وزن ثَلَاثَة دَرَاهِم ويقلى ثمَّ يطْبخ فِي الدوغ حَتَّى يعْقد ويساقى فَإِنَّهُ غَايَة. وَيجب أَن يكون غذاؤه قَابِضا مبرّداً بالثلج مثل مَاء الحصرم وَنَحْوه.,"But all these should be given hot, and before giving them give bread with pomegranate juice, and various kinds of dishes prepared with roasted barley meal and the ground cortices of white poppy. A tried formula of this kind is as follows: three drams by weight of nasturtium seeds are toasted and boiled in buttermilk until they have clotted. This drink is extremely beneficial. Astringent aliment such as is made with the juice of sour grapes and the like, and made cold with snow is to be advised." وَمِمَّا يعين على حبس إسهالهم تهييج الْقَيْء بِمَاء حَار ولتوضع الْأَطْرَاف أَيْضا فِيهِ وَلَا يبردهم وَإِن غشي عَلَيْهِم مِنْهُ ومنعهم الشَّرَاب وَإِن لم ينجع جَمِيع ذَلِك اسْتعْملت فِي آخر الْأَمر المخدرات والمعالجات القوية الْمَعْلُومَة فِي بَاب منع الإسهال,"In addition any measure which helps to restrain the movement of the bowels for instance, the induction of emesis with warm water, keeping the limbs warm with hot water, and not allowing the extremities to get cold. Faintness may be averted with wine, and if this fails to have that effect, narcotics may be given as a last resource, and other powerful medicines which are noted in the chapter on arresting diarrhoea." وبالحري أَن يكون الطَّبِيب مستظهراً بإعداد الأقراص والسفوفات القابضة قبل الْوَقْت وَأَن يكون أَيْضا مستظهراً بالحقن وآلاتها.,"For all that, it is far wiser for the doctor to anticipate all such events by having ready lozenges and pungent powders against any need for them, and also to have at hand the appliances for giving an enema." الْفَصْل الثَّامِن تَدْبِير من شرب الدَّوَاء وَلم يسهّله,THE PROCEDURE WHEN A PURGE FAILS TO ACT. إِذا لم يسهل الدَّوَاء وأمغص وشوّش وأسدر وصدع وأحدث تمطياً وتثاؤباً فَيجب أَن يفزع إِلَى الحقنة والحمولات الْمَعْلُومَة وليشرب من المصطكي ثَلَاث كرمات فِي مَاء فاتر,"When a laxative fails to act, and induces colicky pains and abdominal distress, so that the patient feels ill, and uneasy, and suffers from impaired vision, dizziness and migrainous headache, with yawning and stretching, one must have recourse to enemas, suppositories or a drink of two drams or three kirats of mastic in tepid water." وَرُبمَا أعمل الدَّوَاء شرب القوابض وَتَنَاول مثل السفرجل والتفاح عَلَيْهِ لعصره لفم الْمعدة وَمَا تَحْتَهُ وتسكينه للغثيان ورده الدَّوَاء من حركته إِلَى فَوق نَحْو الْأَسْفَل وتقويته بالطبع فَإِن لم تَنْفَع الحقنة,"The medicine also sometimes behaves in this way because the patient has taken astringent drinks, or has eaten such things as quince, apples. Such things cause tightness of the cardiac sphincter, allay nausea, and forcibly drive the medicine downwards instead of upwards, and they also reinforce the natural faculty. If the enema is ineffective." وَحدثت أَعْرَاض رَدِيئَة من تمدد الْبدن وجحوظ الْعين وَكَانَت الحركات إِلَى فَوق فَلَا بُد من فصد وَإِذا لم يسهّل الدَّوَاء وَلم يتبع ذَلِك أَعْرَاض رَدِيئَة فَالصَّوَاب أَيْضا أَن يتبع بفصد وَلَو بعد يَوْمَيْنِ أَو ثَلَاثَة فَإِنَّهُ إِن لم يفعل ذَلِك خَفِيف حَرَكَة الأخلاط إِلَى بعض الْأَعْضَاء الرئيسية.,"and such bad symptons appear as rigidity, eyeballs moving outwards, or retching, then bloodletting will become necessary. Even if untoward symptoms do not appear in spite of the, purgative failing to act, it would still be well to do a bloodletting in two or three days, lest the morbid humours should pass into one of the vital organs." يجب أَن يطْلب من القراباذين أدوية مسهلة وملينة مشروبة وملطوخة وَغير ذَلِك وبحسب الْأَسْنَان وَيطْلب فِي الْأَدْوِيَة المفردة إصْلَاح كل دَوَاء من المفردة وتداركه وَكَيْفِيَّة سقيه,"Purgative and lenitive epithemes and potions, and so forth, are deferred to the Formulary (Book V.) Under “ Simples ” we give the rules for modifying the respective simples according to the age of the patient; how to assist their action, how to administer them in fluid form." والحبوب فَيجب أَن يتَنَاوَل إِن لم يتحجر جَفافاً وَلَا تتَنَاوَل أَيْضا وَهِي طرية لينَة تلحج وتنشب بل كلّ مَا يَأْخُذ فِي الْجَفَاف وَيكون لَهُ تطامن تَحت الإصبع.,"Pills must not be given -if they have become so dry as to be as hard as stones; and they must not be given in a soft state lest they should be absorbed and held within the body. The proper time to give them is when they are just beginning to get dry, and yet yield to the pressure of the fingers." (الْفَصْل الْحَادِي عشر الْقَيْء أبعد النَّاس استحقاقاً),ON EMESIS. لِأَن يقيئه الطَّبِيب إمّا بِسَبَب الطبيعة كُل ضَيق الصَّدْر رديءِ النَّفس مُهَيَّأ لنفث الدَّم وَجَمِيع رقيقي الرّقاب والمتهيئين لأورام تحدث فِي حلقومهم وَأما الضِّعَاف المِعدِ وَالسمان جدا فَإِنَّهُم إِنَّمَا يَلِيق بهم الإسهال والقضاف أخلق بالقيء لصفراويتهم,"Contra-indications. Men who are difficult subjects for the procuring of emesis are: (i) So by nature; contracted chest; bad method of breathing; long, thin neck; [prominent chest, Rhazes]; lean habit for in such persons the bile should be adequate; liability to haemoptysis; liability to throat inflammations [i.e., pharyngo- tonsillitis]; persons with poor digestion (“weak stomach”); very obese subjects; those with weakness of vision; epileptics. In such cases it is better to use purges instead." وَإِمَّا بِسَبَب الْعَادة وكل من تعسّر عَلَيْهِ الْقَيْء أَو لم يعتده إِذا قيئوا بالمقيئات القوية لم تلبث عروقهم أَن تتصدع فِي أَعْضَاء النَّفس فيقعون فِي السل.,"(ii) So by custom. Such persons are not accustomed to be sick, and if vomiting be induced by powerful emetics, the effect will not last, and the vessels in the respiratory organs will be liable to burst, and “phthisis ” will develop." وَمن اْشكل أمره جرّب بالمقيئات الْخَفِيفَة فَإِن سهل عَلَيْهِ جسر بعد ذَلِك على اسْتِعْمَال القوية عَلَيْهِ كالخريق وَنَحْوه فَإِن كَانَ وَاحِد مِمَّن لَا ممن لا يحب أن يقيئ ولا بد من تقيؤه، فهيئه أولا وعوده وليِّن أغذيته ودسمها وحلّها وروِّحه عَن الرياضات,"Procedure. When one is unaware as to how a given person will respond to an emetic, one should first give a mild one, and not venture on a strong one like hellebore and the like until after the effect of the former has been observed. Should the first one not agree, and it be still necessary to administer an emetic, one should adopt preparatory measures in order to get him accustomed to it. Thus, one orders some emollient articles of food, made unctuous and sweet; and then to desist from exercise." ثمَّ اسْتَعْملهُ واسقه الدسومات والأدهان بشراب وأطعمه قبل الْقَذْف أغذية جَيِّدَة خُصُوصا إِن كَانَ صَعب الْقَيْء فَإِنَّهُ رُبمَا لم يتقيأ وَغلب الطبيعة فَأن ينْحل بالجيد خير من أَن ينْحل بالرديء,"and then take oil with wine; then give good food, especially if vomiting is difficult to induce, for if it fails it is better that the food still in the stomach should be good than bad." فَإِذا تقيأ بعد طَعَام أكله للقيء فليدافع الْأكل إِلَى أَن يشتدّ الْجُوع ويسكن عطشه بِمثل شراب التفاح دون الجلاّب والسكنجبين فَإِنَّهُمَا يغنيان.,"Rules regarding the food to take after emesis. If the vomiting continues even after the contents of the stomach have been emptied, the next meal should be postponed until the patient is very hungry. The thirst should be allayed with a drink of undiluted syrup of apple or the like, but not with julep or syrupus acetosus, because these would themselves have an emetic effect." وغذاؤه الملائم لَهُ أَيْضا فروج كردناج وَثَلَاثَة أقداح بعده وَمن قذف حامضاً وَلم يكن لَهُ بِمثلِهِ عهد وَكَانَ فِي نبضه يسير حمى فليؤخر الْغذَاء إِلَى نصف النَّهَار وليشرب قبله مَاء ورد حاراً. وَمن عرض لَهُ قيء السَّوْدَاء فليضع على معدته إسفنجة مشربَة خلأً حاراً مسخّناً.,"An appropriate dish is the special one prepared with fowl; viz., first boiled awhile and then roasted before the fire. Three glasses of wine should be taken after it. The meal should be postponed to midday, and be preceded by a drink of hot rose water if the vomitus be unusually sour, and the pulse is suggestive of fever. Should the vomitus be very dark bile, a sponge soaked in hot vinegar should be applied over the stomach." والأجود أَن يكون طَعَام الْقَيْء مُخْتَلفا فَإِن الْوَاحِد بِمَا اشْتَمَلت عَلَيْهِ الْمعدة ضانة بروده وَبعد الْقَيْء المفرط ينْتَفع بالعصافير والنواهض بعد أَن لَا يُؤْكَل عِظَام أطرافها فَإِنَّهَا ثَقيلَة بطيئة فِي الْمعدة وَأدْخلهُ الْحمام,"and the next meal should consist of something different from the foods taken to procure vomiting, for to use the same kind of food would simply fill up the stomach and excite it to discharge the food. If the vomiting has been copious, the best thing to give is small birds such as chickens or pigeons which are just beginning to walk. But the patient must take care not to eat up the leg-bones, for these are heavy for the stomach, and will remain in it a long time." والأشياء المهيئة للقيء هِيَ الجرجير والفجل والطرنج والفودنج الْجبلي الطري والبصل والكرّاث وَمَاء الشّعير بثفله مَعَ الْعَسَل وحسو الباقلا بحلاوة وَالشرَاب الحلو واللوز بِعَسَل وَمَا يشبه ذَلِك من الْخبز الفطير الْمَعْمُول فِي الدّهن,"Articles of food, etc., which facilitate or induce emesis. decoction of radishes; Almonds dipped in honey and the like; barley water taken with its faex and honey; fresh pennyroyal; confection of bruised beans; decoction of radishes; decoction of narcissus bulb (Aeg.); herb rocket; cucumber root boiled in honey (Aeg.); green marjoram (Mant.); leeks; meat-fat swallowed in lumps (Aeg.). A special dish prepared with unleavened bread," والبطيخ والقثاء وبزورهما أَو شَيْء من أصولهما منقوعاً فِي المَاء مدقوقاً مَعَ حلاوة والشورباج الفجلي. وَمن شرب شرابًا مُسكرا للقيء وَلَا يتقيأ على قَلِيله فليشرب كثيرا. والفقاع إِذا شرب بالعسل بعد الْحمام قيّأ وأسهل,"oil, melon, cucumber in its seeds or the roots well ground up, and infused in sweetened water; soup made with radish. A person may elect to use intoxicating wine to procure emesis, but it will not do so unless a large quantity be drunk. Ale, also, may act as an emetic, provided it be combined with honey, and is taken after a bath. It will also prove purgative as well." وَمن أَرَادَ أَن يتقيأ فَلَا يجب أَن يسْتَعْمل فِي ذَلِك الْقرب المضغ الشَّديد فَإِذا سقى الْإِنْسَان مقيئاً قَوِيا مثل الخربق فَيجب إِن يسقى على الرِّيق إِن لم يكن مَانع وَبعد ساعتين من النَّهَار وَبعد إِخْرَاج الثفل من المعي فَإِن تقيأ بالريشة وَإِلَّا حرك يَسِيرا وَإِلَّا أَدخل الْحمام.,"A strong emetic like hellebore should be taken fasting, unless there is some special contra-indication, and it should be taken after the second hour, and after the bowels have been emptied. Methods of assisting the act of vomiting. The use of a feather will incite the movement. If so, good; if not, the patient should walk about a little; and if that fails, he should go into the bath. As midday approaches, let him do running exercises." والريشة الَّتِي يتقيأ بهَا يجب أَن تمسح بِمثل دهن الْحِنَّاء فَإِن عرض تقطيع وكرب سقِي مَاء حاراً أَو زيتاً فإمَّا أَن يتقيأ وَإِمَّا أَن يسهّل. وَمِمَّا يعين على ذَلِك تسخين الْمعدة والأطراف فَإِن ذَلِك يحدث الغثيان,"The feather with which vomiting is induced should be anointed with, for instance, henna oil. [The throat may be tickled simply with the finger, which should be smeared with iris ointment. Aeg.] Should distress in the stomach, and spasms arise, let the patient take a draught of hot water, or of olive oil, for that will either bring on vomiting or empty the bowels. Another way of helping it on is to apply warmth to the stomach and extremities, because this will induce nausea." وَإِذا أسْرع الدَّوَاء المقيء وَأخذ فِي الْعَمَل بِسُرْعَة فَيجب أَن يسكن المتقيء ويتنشق الروائح الطّيبَة ويغمز أَطْرَافه ويسقى شَيْئا من الْخلّ ويتناول بعده التفاح والسفرجل مَعَ قَلِيل مصطكى.,"If the effect of the medicine comes on precipitately, the patient should keep still, inhale pleasant odours, have his limbs rubbed and compressed; a little vinegar should be given as a drink, and he should chew apple and quince with a little mastic." وَاعْلَم أَن الْحَرَكَة تجْعَل الْقَيْء أَكثر والسكون يَجعله أقل وَيجب عِنْد التقيئة أَن يُغطي عَيْنَيْهِ برفاده ثمَّ يشدٌ ويعصب بَطْنه بقماط ليِّن شدُّا معتدلاً.,"Moving about makes vomiting worse; repose lessens it. At the time of vomiting, it is a help to bandage the eyes with a double turn of bandage; and a light binder may be applied round the abdomen." والصيف أولى زمَان يسْتَعْمل فِيهِ الْقَيْء فَإِن احْتَاجَ إِلَيْهِ من لَا يواتي الْقَيْء سجيته فالصيف أولى وَقت يرخص لَهُ فِيهِ فِي ذَلِك,"Proper time for procuring emesis. The summertime is the most appropriate season for inducing emetic treatment, and if a person had to undergo a course of emesis, whose physique is not appropriate for this kind of treatment, the summer is the best time in which to undertake it." وَأبْعد غايات الْقَيْء. أما على سَبِيل التنقية الأولى فالمعدة وَحدهَا دون المعي. وَأما على سَبِيل التنقية الثَّانِيَة فَمن الرَّأْس وَسَائِر الْبدن. وَأما الجذب والقلع فَمن الأسافل.,"The immediate intention is to empty the stomach alone, and not the intestines. The remote intention is to relieve the head and finally the whole body of humours which are drawn down and got rid of from the upper parts." وَأَنت تعرف الْقَيْء النافع من غير النافع بِمَا يتبعهُ من الخص والشهوة الجيدة والنبض والتنفس الجيدين وَكَذَلِكَ حَال سَائِر القوى وَيكون ابتداؤه غثياناً.,"And you know that the emesis has been beneficial when it is followed by relief, good appetite, good breathing and normal pulse; and by noting the condition of the other functions of the body. Nausea is the first premonitory symptom. [Then profuse salivation.]" وَأكْثر يُؤْذِي مَعَه لذع شَدِيد فِي الْمعدة وحرقة أَن كَانَ الدَّوَاء قَوِيا مثل الخربق وَمَا يتّخذ مِنْهُ ثمَّ يبتدىء بسيلان لعاب ثمَّ يتبعهُ قيء بلغم كثير دفعات ثمَّ يتبعهُ فِي شَيْء سيال صَاف وَيكون اللذع والوجع ثَابتا من غير أَن يتَعَدَّى إِلَى أَعْرَاض أُخْرَى غير الغثيان وكربه,"ill-effects -produced by vomiting. The worst effect which may happen is intense spasm of the stomach, and a burning in the stomach. This occurs if a violent emetic like hellebore be taken. It first produces salivation, after which a copious discharge of watery fluid appears, and finally a viscid or slimy fluid. The colicky pain persists, and the other symptoms pass on to nausea and distress, which increases." وَرُبمَا اسْتطْلقَ الْبَطن ثمَّ يَأْخُذ فِي السَّاعَة الرَّابِعَة يسكن ويميل إِلَى الرَّاحَة. وَأما الرَّدِيء فَإِنَّهُ لَا يحبب الْقَيْء ويعظم الكرب وَيحدث تمدد أَو جحوظ عين وَشدَّة حمرَة فيهمَا شَدِيدَة وعرق كثير وَانْقِطَاع صَوت. وَمن عرض لَهُ هَذَا وَلم يتداركه صَار إِلَى الْمَوْت.,"The bowels may begin to act after the movements of the stomach have quietened down and the patient has lain down to rest. ill-effects produced if the emetic fails to act. If vomiting does not occur and the distress increases, and distension occurs, and the eyes start out, and get very red, and profuse sweating comes on, and the voice fails, death will ensue unless something is done." وتداركه بالحقنة وَسقي الْعَسَل وَالْمَاء الفاتر والأدهان الترياقية كدهن السوسن ويجتهد حَتَّى يقيء فَإِنَّهُ إِن قاء لم يختنق وافزع أَيْضا إِلَى حقنة معدة عنْدك.,"The best thing to do in this case is to give an enema, which you must have ready beforehand, and a dose of honey prepared’ with hot water. In his drink, the patient should have some oil of antidotal character, like oil of lilies; and this should be persevered with until emesis occurs; he will not choke’ with it." وَأولى مَا يسْتَعْمل فِيهِ الْقَيْء الْأَمْرَاض المزمنة العسيرة كالاستسقاء والصرع والمالنخوليا والجذام والنقرس وعرق النسا.,"The treatment of chronic maladies. The following chronic maladies are benefited, such as: dropsy, epilepsy, [jaundice: Aetius]. melancholy, leprosy, [ arthritic diseases: Aetius]; gout, sciatica." وَلَا يجب أَن يُوصل بِهِ الفصد بل يُؤَخر ثَلَاثَة أَيَّام وَلَا سِيمَا إِذا كَانَ فِي فَم الْمعدة خلط وَكَثِيرًا مَا عسر الْقَيْء لرقة الْخَلْط فَيَنْبَغِي حِينَئِذٍ أَن يثخن بتناول سويق حب الرُّمَّان.,"Blood-letting must not be done consecutively upon emesis. One should allow three days to elapse, especially if there is any heaviness in the pylorus, or if there is a humour lodged there. Difficulty of vomiting may arise because the humours are too tenuous. In such a case, they must be thickened, so barley meal is taken which has been made into a cake with cooked pomegranate seeds." وَاعْلَم أَن الْقيام بعد الْقَيْء دَلِيل على اندفاع تخمة إِلَى أَسْفَل وَالْقَذْف بعد الْقيام دَلِيل على أَنه من أَعْرَاض الْقيام. والقيء مَعَ مَنَافِعه قد يجلب أمراضاً مثل مَا يجلب الطرش,The sign that the cause of the nauseative satiety is passing down away from the stomach is that it is being expelled by the bowel after the vomiting is over. Ill-effects often resulting from vomiting in any case. Sordes form in the mouth and round the teeth. Deafness may come on. وَأفضل الْأَوْقَات للقيء صيفاً بِسَبَب وجع هُوَ نصف النَّهَار. والقيء نَافِع للجسد رَدِيء لِلْبَصَر وَيَنْبَغِي أَن لَا تقيأ الحبلى فَإِن فضول حَيْضهَا لَا ينْدَفع بذلك الْقَيْء والتعب يوقعها فِي اضْطِرَاب فَيجب أَن يسكن وَأما سَاتِر من يَعْتَرِيه الْقَيْء فَيجب أَن يعان.,"The best time of day in summer is midday, because the air is then hottest. While emesis benefits the body, it is injurious for the eyes. Another contra-indication. Pregnancy; for the menstrual superfluities in such a person will not be got rid of, and the great exertion entailed in the emesis may lead to restlessness. One must allay the vomiting (should it occur during this period). In other cases, vomiting may be encouraged. Objects in View." الْفَصْل الْثاني عشر فِيمَا يَفْعَله من تقيأ فَإِذا فرغ المتقيء من قيه غسل فَمه وَوَجهه بعد الْقَيْء بخل ممزوج بِمَاء ليذْهب الثّقل الَّذِي رُبمَا يعرض للرأس وَشرب شَيْئا من المصطكى بِمَاء التفاح,"THE TREATMENT FOR ARRESTING VOMITING. The procedure to follow in order to arrest vomiting is to rinse the mouth and to lave the face with water, to which vinegar or sour wine has been added, for this relieves the aching of the head. A little mastic may be taken in apple-water or cyder. [A cup of -black coffee may be given. Aeg.]" وَيمْتَنع من الْآكِل وَعَن شرب المَاء وَيلْزم الرَّاحَة ويدهن شراسيفه وَيدخل الْحمام وَيغسل بعجلة وَيخرج فَإِن كَانَ لَا بُد من إطعامه فشيء لذيذ جيّد الجوهرسريع الهضم.,"He should abstain from food and water. He should take a long rest. The abdomen should be anointed [or a mustard plaster applied over the epigastrium. Aeg.] He may enter the bath, and make his ablutions rapidly and leave it quickly. If it is necessary to give any food, let it be of good flavour, substantial and readily digestible." الْفَصْل الثّالث عشر مَنَافِع الْقَيْء,THE ADVANTAGES OBTAINED BY (THERAPEUTIC) EMESIS. إِن أبقراط يَأْمر بِاسْتِعْمَال الْقَيْء فِي الشَّهْر يَوْمَيْنِ متواليين ليتدارك الثَّانِي مَا قصر وتعسر فِي الأول وَيخرج مَا يتحلب إِلَى الْمعدة. وأبقراط يضمن مَعَه حفظ الصِّحَّة. والإكثار من هَذَا رَدِيء.,Hippocrates advised vomiting to be induced monthly and for two consecutive days. On the second day the difficulty of the first day is obviated and that which has entered the stomach is fully emptied. Hippocrates claimed that health was conserved thereby. To exceed this would be harmful. وَمثل هَذَا الْقَيْء يستفرغ البلغم والمرة وينقي الْمعدة فَإِنَّهَا لَيْسَ لَهَا مَا ينقيها مثل مَا للأمعاء من المرار الَّتِي تنصبّ إِلَيْهَا وينقيها وَيذْهب الثّقل الْعَارِض فِي الرَّأْس ويجلو الْبَصَر وَيدْفَع التُّخمَة,"Emesis carried out in this way gets rid of mucus and bile, and cleanses the stomach. For in the case of the stomach there is no cleansing secretion like that for the small intestine where the bile cleanses the mucous membrane as it passes down the bowel. Emesis clears heaviness of the head; clears the vision; removes nauseative dyspepsia." وينفع من ينصبّ إِلَى معدته مرار يفْسد طَعَامه فَإِذا تقدمه الْقَيْء ورد طَعَامه على نقاء وَيذْهب نفور الْمعدة عَن الدسومة وَسُقُوط شهوتها الصَّحِيحَة واشتهاءها الحريف والحامض والعفص وينفع من ترهل الْبدن وَمن القروح الكائنة فِي الْكُلِّي والمثانة,"It benefits persons in whom bile is apt to pass into the stomach and decompose the food. For, if vomiting precedes the meal, the latter will always enter the stomach-, without being contaminated, and so the sense of loathing is removed which proceeds from oiliness of food, as also the depraved appetite namely, the longing for sharp, sour, or pungent things. Emesis is .also beneficial for flabbiness of the body, and for ulcers of the kidneys and bladder." وَهُوَ علاج قوي للجذام ولرداءة اللَّوْن وللصرع المعدي ولليرقان ولانتصاب النَّفس والرعشة والفالج وَهُوَ من العلاجات الجيّدة لأَصْحَاب القوباء.,"It has a powerful effect in (anaesthetic) leprosy; in persons with an unhealthy colour of skin; in gastric epilepsy, jaundice, asthma, tremor, hemiplegia. It is also an effective treatment in cases of impetiginous skin diseases in which there are ulcers covered with scabs." وَيجب أَن يسْتَعْمل فِي الشَّهْر مرّة أَو مرَّتَيْنِ على الامتلاء من غير أَن يحفظ دور مَعْلُوم وَعدد أَيَّام مَعْلُومَة. وَأَشد مُوَافقَة الْقَيْء لمن مزاجه الأوّل مراري قصيف.,"It should be procured once or twice a month after a heavy meal. It is well not to follow fixed time intervals. Emesis is a great help for persons whose temperament is primarily bilious, and who are lean of habit." الْفَصْل الرَّابِع عشر: مضار الْقَيْء المفرط,THE EVILS WHICH FOLLOW ON TOO FREQUENT EMESIS. الْقَيْء المفرط يضر الْمعدة ويضعفها ويجعلها عرضة لتوجه الْموَاد إِلَيْهَا ويضر بالصدر وَالْبَصَر والأسنان وبأْوجاع الرَّأْس المزمنة إِلَّا مَا كَانَ مِنْهُ بمشاركة الْمعدة ويضر فِي صداع الرَّأْس الَّذِي لَيْسَ بِسَبَب الْأَعْضَاء السُّفْلى.,"To procure emesis to an undue degree is injurious for the stomach, and weakens it and renders it susceptible to (noxious) matters. It is prejudicial to the thorax, and to the vision, and to the teeth. It is harmful in cases of long-standing pains in the head, except when these are due to gastric disorder; and in cases of “ epilepsy of the head ” when the cause of this is not in the lower limbs." والإفراط مِنْهُ يضر بالكبد والرئة وَالْعين وَرُبمَا صدع بعض الْعُرُوق. وَمن النَّاس من يحب أَن يمتلىء يسرعة ثمَّ لَا يحْتَملهُ فَيفزع إِلَى الْقَيْء وَهَذَا الصَّنِيع مِمَّا يُؤَدِّي إِلَى أمراض رَدِيئَة مزمنة فَيجب أَن يمْتَنع عَن الامتلاء ويعدل طَعَامه وَشَرَابه.,"The superfluity which explains the excessive emesis is injurious for the liver, the lung, and the eye; and it may lead to rupture of blood-vessels. The custom of some people of eating to excess even beyond that which the stomach will tolerate, and then procuring emesis [to enable more to be taken] is one of the things which ends in chronic disorders. Such persons must be advised to cease the habit of repletion, and must take measured amounts of food and drink." الْفَصْل الخامس عشر تدارك أَحْوَال تعرض للمتقيء,How TO REMEDY THE STATES INCIDENT1 ON EMESIS. أما امْتنَاع الْقَيْء فقد قُلْنَا فِيهِ مَا وَجب وَأما التمدد والوجع اللَّذَان يعرضان تَحت الشراسيف فينفع مِنْهُمَا التكميد بِالْمَاءِ الْحَار والادهان المليّنة والمحاجم بالنَّار وَأما اللذع الشَّديد الْبَاقِي فِي الْمعدة فيدفعه شرب المرقة الدسمة السريعة الهضم,"We have already given methods for arresting vomiting. Tightness and pain under the hypochrondrium are relieved by applying upon the stomach-region cloths wrung out of hot water, by the use of lenitive oils, and by dry cupping (using fire). Persistent Spasm of the stomach is relieved by taking greasy, easily digestible broths." وتمريخ الْموضع بِمثل دهن البنفسج مخلوطاً بدهن الخيري مَعَ قَلِيل شمع وَأما الفواق إِذا عرض مَعَه ودام فليسكنه بالتعطيش وتجريع المَاء الْحَار قَلِيلا قَلِيلا وَأما قيء الدَّم فقد قُلْنَا فِيهِ فِي بَاب مضار الْقَيْء,"the area should be anointed with oil of violets admixed with oil of mallows , [variety not stated] and a little wax. Hiccough: If this is persistent, give a sternutatory, and sips of hot water. Hemetemesis: This is referred to in the next chapter." وَأما الكزاز والأمراض الْبَارِدَة والسبات وَانْقِطَاع الصَّوْت الْعَارِضَة بعده فينفع فِيهَا شدّ الْأَطْرَاف وربطها وتكميد الْمعدة بِزَيْت قد طبخ فِيهِ السذاب وقثاء الْحمار ويسقى عسلاً وَمَاء حاراً والمسبوت يسْتَعْمل ذَلِك ويصبّ فِي أُذُنه.,"Lethargy, spasmodic diseases (including lockjaw), “cold” maladies, loss of voice. In such cases bandage up the extremities tightly, apply a cloth over the epigastrium wrung out of oil in which rue and cucumber (agrestis, or asininus) have been boiled, and administer honey in hot water as a drink. Drowsiness, or swooning (trance). This is treated in a similar way, and the oil is also instilled into the ear." الْفَصْل السَّادِس عشر تَدْبِير من أفرط عَلَيْهِ الْقَيْء ينوّم ويجلب لَهُ النّوم بِكُل حِيلَة وليربط أَطْرَافه كربطها فِي حبس الإسهال ولتعالج معدته بالأضمدة المقوية والقابضة,"CONCERNING EXCESSIVE VOMITING Let the sufferer sleep, and as long as he can. The extremities should be bandaged in the same way as one does for arresting diarrhoea. Over the stomach apply invigorating astringent plasters." فَإِن أفرط الْقَيْء واندفع إِلَى أَن يستفرغ الدَّم فامنعه بسقي اللَّبن ممزوجاً بِهِ الْخمر أَربع قوطولات فَإِنَّهُ يوهن عَادِية الدَّوَاء المقيء ويمنعْ الدَّم ويلين الطبيعة فَإِن أردْت أَن تنقي نواحي الصَّدْر والمعدة من الدَّم مَعَ ذَلِك لِئَلَّا ينْعَقد فِيهَا فاسقه سكنجبيناً مبرداً بالثلج قَلِيلا قَلِيلا,"If the vomiting is so violent that humours are continually being discharged and even blood comes, milk should be given, mixed with wine, to the amount of four glassfuls, because this antagonizes the evil quality of the medicine, and arrests haemorrhage and soothes the “nature.” If you wish to clear the blood from the breast or stomach so that there is no risk of it clotting, administer syrupus acetosus in small doses, making it with honey or sugar, and making it icy cold by means of snow." وَقد ينفع من ذَلِك شرب عصارة بقلة الحمقاء مَعَ الطين الأرمني وَإِذا جرع مِنْهُ من أفرط عَلَيْهِ دَوَاء قيأه. وَيجب أَن تطلب الْأَدْوِيَة المقيئة على طبقاتها وَكَيف يجب أَن يسقى كل وَاحِد مِنْهَا والخربق خَاصَّة من الأقراباذين وَمن الْأَدْوِيَة المفردة.,"Liq. ext. purslane taken with armenian bole, is also beneficial in some cases. If you are afraid a person has taken too much medicine of any kind, purgative or otherwise, procure emesis. Emetic medicines are to be selected according to their degrees of potency, and according to the mode of administration applicable to each. These points, and especially the use of hellebore, are dealt with in the Formulary (Book V) and under “ simples.”" الحقنة هِيَ معالجة فاضلة فِي نفض الفضول عَن الأمعاء وتسكين أوجاع الْكُلِّي والمثانة وأورامها وَمن أمراض القولنج وَفِي جذب الفضول عَن الْأَعْضَاء الرئيسية الْعَالِيَة إِلَّا أَن الحادة مِنْهَا تضعف الكبد وتورث الْحمى والحقن يستعان بهَا فِي نفض البقايا الَّتِي تخلفها الإستفراغات.,"ON ENEMAS The enema is an excellent agent for getting rid of the superfluities in the intestinal tract, as well as for allaying pains over the kidneys and bladder, and for relieving inflammatory conditions in these organs; for relieving colic; and for drawing superfluities from the vital organs of the upper parts of the body. Such acute superfluities impair the function of the liver, and are apt to produce fever. Among the advantages of enemas is the fact that by their means the remnants or residues of the evacuants which are left behind are cleared away." وَأما صُورَة الحقنة وَكَيْفِيَّة الحقن فقد ذَكرنَاهَا فِي بَاب القولنج وَلَعَلَّ أفضل أوضاع المحتقن أَن يكون مُسْتَلْقِيا ثمَّ يضطجع على جَانب الوجع وَأفضل أَوْقَات الحقنة برد الْهَوَاء وَهُوَ الْأَبْرَد أَن ليقل الكرب وَالِاضْطِرَاب والغشي. وَالْحمام من شَأْنه أَن يثير الأخلاط ويفرقها.,"Form of enema; the method of giving an enema see the chapter on colic in Book IV. Best posture for giving an enema. First lie supine; then turn over on to the painful side. Best time for administration. When the air is cold; because heaviness, pain, restlessness and nausea do not then supervene; or, if present, they will decrease. The use of the bath in regard to the administration of enemas. The purpose of the bath is to arouse movement in the humours, so that they may disperse." والحقنة من شَرطهَا أَن تجذب الأخلاط المحتقنة فَلهَذَا لَا يحسن فِي الْأَكْثَر أَن يقدم الْحمام على الحقنة. وَمن كَانَ بِهِ عقر فِي الأمعاء وَاحْتَاجَ بِسَبَب حقى أَو مرض آخر إِلَى الحقنة وَخَافَ أَن تحتبس فَيجب أَن يكمّد مقعدته وسرته وَمَا حولهَا بجاوِرس مسخن.,"The property of the enema is to draw out gases and the imprisoned humours. For this reason it is best that the bath should not precede the enema. In a case of intestinal ulceration, if a bath were necessary to relieve the fever or any other symptom, the risk which there is of the enema being retained would he met by applying a poultice of hot millet or frumenty over the epigastrium and umbilicus, or over the anus and thigh." الْفَصْل الثَّامِن عشر الأطلية إِن الطلاء من المعالجات الْوَاصِلَة إِلَى نفس الْمَرَض وَرُبمَا كَانَ للدواء قوتان لَطِيفَة وكثيفة وَالْحَاجة إِلَى اللطيفة أَكثر من الْحَاجة إِلَى الكثيفة فَإِن كَانَت الكثافة مِنْهُ معادلة للطافة فَإِذا اسْتعْمل ضماد أنفذت لطيفته واحتبست الكثيفة فَانْتَفع بالنافذ,"ON LINIMENTS Liniments are among those useful remedies which reach the diseased condition itself. They belong to two groups fluid, viscid. The former are more often required than the latter. If the viscid variety is used to modify the consistence of the fluid variety, a plaster results. The fluid portion will then penetrate to the affected part, the viscid portion remaining behind. It is the penetrant part which is beneficial." كَمَا تفعل الكزبرة بالسويق فِي تضميد الْخَنَازِير بهَا. والأضمدة كالأطلية إِلَّا أَن الأضمدة متماسكة والأطلية سيالة,"Example: making a plaster with coriander and crushed barley, for application upon scrophulous lesions. Plasters are akin to liniments, but are solid, whereas the latter are fluid." وَكَثِيرًا مَا يكون اسْتِعْمَال الأطلية بالخرق وَإِذا كَانَت على أَعْضَاء رئيسة كالكبد وَالْقلب وَلم يكن مَانع نَفَعت الْخرق المبخرة بِالْعودِ الخام وأعطت قوى الأطلية عطرية تستحبها الْأَعْضَاء الرئيسة.,"Cloths may be impregnated with liniments, and then applied over the important organs (liver, heart), if there is no contra-indication. Cloths impregnated with crude xylaloes are useful, for they impart an agreeable odour which helps the efficacy of the liniment." الْفَصْل التَّاسِع عشر النطولات إِن النطولات علاجات جَيِّدَة لما يحْتَاج أَن يُبدل من الرَّأْس وَغَيره من الْأَعْضَاء.,"DOUCHING OR SPRAYING Douching [over the head, usually] is a method of treatment applicable when there is something to be dispersed from the head or other members." وَمَا يحْتَاج أَن يُبدل مزاجه والأعضاء المحتاجة إِلَى التنطيل بالحار والبارد فَإِن لم يكن هُنَاكَ فضول منصبة اسْتعْمل أَولا النطول مسخناً ثمَّ يسْتَعْمل المَاء الْبَارِد ليشتد وَإِن كَانَ الْأَمر بِالْخِلَافِ بِمَا بالبارد.,"It is also applicable for the purpose of altering the temperamental state of a person, when that is necessary. In applying the douche in cases where superfluities have not passed into organs or members, one first prepares it with hot water, and afterwards with cold water." الفصد الفصد هُوَ استفراغ كلي يستفرغ الْكَثْرَة وَالْكَثْرَة هِيَ تزايد الأخلاط على تساويها فِي الْعُرُوق وَإِنَّمَا يَنْبَغِي أَن يفصد أحد نفسين: المتهيء لأمراض إِذا كثر دَمه وَقع فِيهَا وَالْآخر الْوَاقِع فِيهَا,ON BLOOD-LETTING (VENESECTION). Blood-letting is a method of general evacuation. It removes the excessive quantity of humours present in the blood vessels. General indications. Bloodletting is only applicable when the blood is so superabundant that a disease is about to develop; when disease is already present. وكل وَاحِد مِنْهُمَا إِمَّا أَن يفصد لِكَثْرَة الدَّم وَإِمَّا أَن يفصد لرداءة الدَّم وَإِمَّا أَن يفصد لكليهما. والمتهيء لهَذِهِ الْأَمْرَاض هُوَ مثل المستعد لعرق النسا والنقرس الدموي وأوجاع المفاصل الدموية,"The object in both cases is to remove the superabundant blood, to remove unhealthy blood, or both. Cases coming under the first category are such as the following: incipient sciatica, podagra, or any arthritic disease" وَالَّذِي يَعْتَرِيه نفث الدَّم من صدع عرق فِي رثته رَقِيق الملتحم وَكلما أَكثر دَمه انصدع والمستعدون للصرع والسكتة والمالنخوليا مَعَ فَور للخوانيق ولأورام الأحشاء والرمد الْحَار,"due to abnormal blood-state; danger of haemoptysis from rupture of a vessel in a rarefied lung, for superabundance of blood then makes the vessel liable to give way; persons on the verge of epilepsy, apoplectic seizure, melancholia with superabundant blood, pharyngo tonsil] ids, internal inflammatory masses, “hot” ophthalmia," والمنقطع عَنْهُم دم بواسير كَانَت تسيل فِي الْعَادة والمحتبس عَنْهُن من النِّسَاء دم حيضهن وَهَذَانِ لَا تدل ألوانهما على وجوب الفصد لكمودتها وبياضها وخضرتها وَالَّذين بهم ضعف فِي الْأَعْضَاء الْبَاطِنَة مَعَ مزاج حَار فَإِن هَؤُلَاءِ الأصوب لَهُم أَن يفتصدوا فِي الرّبيع,"persons with piles which generally bleed but now do not; women who fail to menstruate, but do not show the two colours indicative of a need of venesection, because they are so dusky, or pale, or greenish. Persons who suffer weakness from the hot temperament of the interior organs. (In these cases it is best to do the blood-letting in spring.)" وَإِن لم يَكُونُوا قد وَقَعُوا فِي هَذِه الْأَمْرَاض. وَالَّذين تصيبهم ضَرْبَة أَو سقطة فقد يفصدون احْتِيَاطًا لثلآ يحدث بهم ورم وَمن يكون بِهِ ورم وَيخَاف انفجاره قبل النضج فَإِنَّهُ يفتصد وَإِن لم يحْتَج إِلَيْهِ وَلم تكن كَثْرَة.,"Cases of severe blows and falls need bleeding for fear of an inflammatory mass developing (for there is a risk of causing the latter to burst before it has matured), provided there is no urgency and not too much blood in that part." وَيجب أَن تعلم أَن هَذِه الْأَمْرَاض مَا دَامَت مخوفة وَلم يُوقع فِيهَا فَإِن إِبَاحَة الفصد فِيهَا أوسع فَإِن وَقع فِيهَا فليترك فِي أوائلها الفصد أصلا فَإِنَّهُ يرقّق الفضول ويجريها فِي الْبدن ويخلطها بِالدَّمِ الصَّحِيح وَرُبمَا لم يستفرغ من الْمُحْتَاج إِلَيْهِ شَيْئا وأحوج إِلَى معاودات مجحفة,"Remember, too, that blood-letting is safer when the maladies to be feared have not yet befallen the patient. It must be avoided in the initial stages of a disease because it renders the humours tenuous, and makes them become dispersed throughout the body and come to be admixed with healthy blood. Sometimes it happens that the venesection does not remove what was desired, and it would have to be repeated which would be enfeebling." فَإِذا ظهر النضج وَجَاوَزَ الْمَرَض الِابْتِدَاء والانتهاء فَحِينَئِذٍ إِن وَجب الفصد وَلم يمْنَع مَانع فصد.,"Once the maturation stage has been passed, the disease having passed its initial stage as well as acme, blood-letting is to be done unless there is some contra-indication." وَإِذا كَانَ الْمَرَض ذَا بحرانات فِي مدّته طول مَا فَلَيْسَ يجوز أَن يستفرغ دَمًا كثيرا أصلا بل إِن أمكن أَن يسكن فعل,"(v.) Critical period of an illness. When the crisis has been reached and it is of long duration, one must in no wise remove much blood. If possible, procure rest." وَإِن لم يُمكن فصد وَأخرج دَمًا قَلِيلا وَخلف فِي الْبدن عدَّة دم لفصدات إِن سنحت ولحفظ الْقُوَّة فِي مقاومة البحرانات وَإِذا اشْتَكَى فِي الشتَاء بعيد الْعَهْد بالفصد تكسيراً فليفصد وليخلف دَمًا للعدة.,"If that is not possible, a small blood-letting may be done, reserving the treasury of the blood for a subsequent venesection if such prove to be necessary, and also conserving the patient’s strength for undergoing the critical stage. If a long time has elapsed since the blood-letting was done, and if there be a complaint during the winter season, of a feeling as if one is broken in pieces, one would just do a bloodletting without touching the main bulk of the blood for the present." وَيجب أَن تعلم أَنه لَيْسَ كلما ظَهرت عَلَامَات الامتلاء الْمَذْكُورَة وَجب الفصد بل رُبمَا كَانَ الامتلاء من أخلاط نيئة وَكَانَ الفصد ضاراً جدا فَإنَّك إِن فصدت لم ينضج وَخيف أَن يهْلك العليل,"Pathological conditions, (i.) Humoral. It is not necessary to let blood every time you find the signs of plethora which we have given, or rather where there are signs of repletion with immatured humours. In such a case venesection would be very disadvantageous, because blood-letting would incur the risk of their not maturing, with consequent risk to the life of the patient." وَأما من يغلب عَلَيْهِ السَّوْدَاء فَلَا بَأْس بِأَن يفصد إِذا لم يستفرغ بالإسهال بعد مُرَاعَاة حَال اللَّوْن على الشَّرْط الَّذِي سَنذكرُهُ وَاعْتِبَار التمدد فَإِن فشو التمدّد فِي الْبدن يُفِيد الحدس وَحده بِوُجُوب الفصد.,"It is a good practice to let the blood of a patient with excess of atrabilious humour, and to follow it up with a purge. But you must carefully watch the colour to judge of the patient’s condition, and also the tension, because it is from the state of tension in the whole body that one can best judge of when to employ venesection." وَأما من يكون دمِه الْمَحْمُود قَلِيلا وَفِي بدنه أخلاط رَدِيئَة كَثِيرَة فَإِن الفصد يسلبه الطّيب وَيخْتَلف فِيهِ الرَّدِيء وَمن كَانَ دَمه رديئاً وقليلاً أَو كَانَ مائلاً إِلَى عُضْو يعظم ضَرَر ميله إِلَيْهِ وَلم يكن بُد من فصد,"So if a person’s blood is good and scanty, and his body contains many bad humours, venesection would extract the good blood and leave the bad humours behind. If the amount of bad blood were scanty and something passed down into a member which markedly interferes with the downward passage of the bad blood into it, and it became necessary to do a blood-letting." فَيجب أَن يُؤْخَذ دَمه قَلِيلا ثمَّ يغذى بغذاء مَحْمُود ثمَّ يفصد مرة أُخْرَى ثمَّ يفصد فِي أَيَّام ليخرج عَنهُ الدَّم الرَّدِيء ويخلف الجيّد,"one should only take a little, and give the patient good food, repeating the blood-letting after a few days. It will then be possible to abstract the bad blood and, leave the good behind." فَإِن كَانَت الأخلاط الرَّديئَة فِيهِ مرارية احتيل فِي استفراغها أَولا بالاسهال اللَّطِيف أَو الْقَيْء أَو تسكينها واجتهد فِي تسكين الْمَرِيض وتوديعه.,"If the blood contain unhealthy bilious humours, the proper thing to do first is to purge with a tenuous laxative, or use an emetic, or give sedatives and order rest and inactivity." وَإِن كَانَت غَلِيظَة فقد كَانَ القدماء يكلفونهم الاستحمام وَالْمَشْي فِي حوائجهم وَرُبمَا سقوهم قبل الفصد وَبعده قبل التَّثْنِيَة السكنجبين الملطف الْمَطْبُوخ بالزوفا والحاشا.,"If the humours are gross, the ancients advised the patient to take a bath, and pursue his ordinary occupation. Both before and after venesection, and before any other form of depletion is undertaken, he was to take drinks of an attenuant syrupus acetosus, in which hyssop and thyme had been boiled." والفصد الضيّق أحفظ للقوة لكنه رُبمَا أسَال اللَّطِيف الصافي وَحبس الكثيف الكدر. وَأما الْوَاسِع فَهُوَ أسْرع إِلَى الغشي وأعمل فِي التنقية وَأَبْطَأ اندمالاً وَهُوَ أولى لمن يفصد للاستظهار وَفِي السمَان,"A limited venesection is a great conserver of the strength and yet it entails the flow of tenuous and sometimes clear blood, with retention of the thick and opaque blood. Liberal venesection is very liable to cause syncope, but is more cleansing; it clots more slowly, but is more efficient in those cases in which it is done prophy lactically, and in obese persons." بل التوسيع فِي الشتَاء أولى لِئَلَّا يجمد الدَّم. والتضييق فِي الصَّيف أولى إِن احْتِيجَ إِلَيْهِ وليفصد المفصود وَهُوَ مستلق فَإِن ذَلِك أَحْرَى أَن يحفظ قوّته وَلَا يجلب إِلَيْهِ الغشي.,"It is better to do a liberal venesection in winter, as the blood does not clot; it is better to do a limited one in summer, if it is needed then at all." وَأما فِي الحمّيات فَيجب أَن يجْتَنب الفصد فِي الحميات الشَّدِيدَة الالتهاب وَجَمِيع الحميات غير الحادة فِي ابتدائها وَفِي أَيَّام الدّور ويقلل الفصد فِي الحميات الَّتِي يصحبها تشنج.,"When the fever is high, or when there is inflammation, blood-letting is avoided. Also if there is a severe rigor; and if there is spasm or if there are convulsions." فَإِن لم تكن شَدِيدَة الالتهاب وَكَانَت عفنة فَانْظُر إِلَى القوانين الْعشْرَة ثمَّ تَأمل القارورة فَإِن كَانَ المَاء غليظاً إِلَى الْحمرَة ة وَكَانَ أَيْضا النبض عَظِيما والسحنة منتفخة وَلَيْسَ يُبَادر الحمّى فِي حركتها فافصد على وَقت خلاء من الْمعدة عَن الطَّعَام.,"Precautions regarding blood-letting in fevers, (i) Indications. When the fever is septic, mi.’ the inflammation is not great, the ten rules already given are to be followed. Tot J the urine. If the urine turns thick and reddish, and if the pulse is large, antche face swells, and the fever does not quickly improve, bloodletting may be done, and it should be on a fasting stomach." وَأما إِن كَانَ المَاء رَقِيقا أَو نارياً أَو كَانَت السحنة منخرطة مُنْذُ ابْتِدَاء الْمَرَض فإياك والفصد.,"But if the urine becomes thin and ” fiery,” and if the face wastes from the outset of the illness, avoid bloodletting." وَاعْلَم أَن الفصد لَهُ وقتان: وَقت اخْتِيَار وَوقت ضَرُورَة. فالوقت الْمُخْتَار فِيهِ ضحوة النَّهَار بعد تَمام الهضم والنفض وَأما وَقت الِاضْطِرَار فَهُوَ الْوَقْت الْمُوجب الَّذِي لَا يسوغ تَأْخِيره وَلَا يلْتَفت فِيهِ إِلَى سَبَب مَانع.,"The proper time of day for venesection. There are two occasions when venesection may be done; there is the time of election, and there is the time of necessity. The time of election is before mid-day, after digestion is completed and when the bowels are empty. In the other case, the need for the relief of venesection is too urgent to wait for the other favourable conditions. (Days of election: as with evacuants generally; q.v. and “southern” days.)" وَإِذا وَجب أَن يفصد فِي الْحمى فَلَا يلْتَفت إِلَى مَا يُقَال أَنه لَا سَبِيل إِلَيْهِ بعد الرَّابِع فسبيل إِلَيْهِ إِن وَجب وَلَو بعد الْأَرْبَعين.,"(ii) When to operate. If the indications are present, take no notice of those who assert it should not be done after the fourth day of the illness. It may be done any day, even after forty days, avoiding only the moment of a fever paroxysm." وَكَثِيرًا مَا يكون الفصد فِي الحميات وَأَن لم يكن يحْتَاج إِلَيْهِ مقوياً للطبيعة على الْمَادَّة بتقليلها هَذَا إِذا كَانَت السحنة وَالسّن والقوّة وَغير ذَلِك ترخّص فِيهِ.,"(iv.) Febrile states. Note that blood-letting may be quite unnecessary in fevers. If there is not much “matter,” the “nature” will overcome it unaided. One ascertains whether this’ is likely by studying the aspect of the patient, his age, his strength, and the like." وَيجب أَن يحذر الفصد فِي المزاج الشَّديد الْبرد والبلاد الشَّدِيدَة الْبرد وَعند الوجع الشَّديد وَبعد الاستحمام الْمُحَلّل وبعقب الْجِمَاع,(v.) Miscellaneous. A cold temperament is a contra-indication. Caution is requisite in the case of persons living in cold countries. A resolvent bath should not have been taken shortly before. Coitus should not precede. وَفِي السن الْقَاصِر عَن الرَّابِع عشر مَا أمكن وَفِي سنّ الشيخوخة مَا أمكن اللَّهُمَّ إِلَّا أَن تثق بالسحنة واكتناز العضل وسعة الْعُرُوق وامتلائها وَحُمرَة الألوان فَهَؤُلَاءِ من الْمَشَايِخ والأحداث نتجرأ على فصدهم. والأحداث يدرجون قَلِيلا قَلِيلا بفصد يسير,"Age: Not before or after Young adults should be gradually introduced to it by beginning with small blood-abstractions. An exception may be made in the case of adolescents and old persons, if they have firm muscles, full veins, have a red colour." وَيجب أَن يحذر الفصد فِي الْأَبدَان الشَّدِيدَة القضافة والشديدة السّمن والمتخلخلة وَالْبيض المترهلة والصفر العديمة الدَّم مَا أمكن وتتوقاه فِي أبدان طَالَتْ عَلَيْهَا الْأَمْرَاض,Physique: those who are very emaciated; those who are corpulent; those who have flabby muscles; those whose colour is white or yellow; those who have often been ill. فَهَؤُلَاءِ إِذا فصدوا من غير سبق تعهد لفم معدتهم عرض من ذَلِك خطر عَظِيم وَرُبمَا هلك مِنْهُم بَعضهم فَيجب أَن يلقم صَاحب ذكاء الْحس وَصَاحب الضعْف لقماً من خبز نقي مغموسة فِي رُبّ حامض طيب الرَّائِحَة,"Procedure in blood-letting, (a) Pre-operative treatment. The stomach requires to be previously fortified, as there is a risk of death otherwise. If the stomach is weak and sensitive, give pieces of bread soaked in a rob made with a vinegar of good odour." وَإِن كَانَ الضعْف من مزاج بَارِد فمغموسة فِي مثل مَاء السكر بالإفاويه أَو شراب النعناع الممسك أَو الميعة الممسكة ثمَّ يفصد. وَأما صَاحب تولد المرار فَيجب أَن يتقيأ بسقي مَاء حَار كثير مَعَ السكنجبين ثمَّ يطعم لقماً وَيرَاح يَسِيرا ثمَّ يفصد,"If the person is also of cold temperament the bread should be dipped in sugar water with aromatics, or a syrup of spearmint perfumed with musk. If bile is regurgitating into the stomach, induce vomiting with plenty of hot water containing oxymel. Then give the soaked bread, and do not delay with the operation." وَقد يفصد الْعرق لمنع نزف الدَّم من الرعاف أَو الرَّحِم أَو المقعدة أَو الصَّدْر أَو بعض الخراجات بِأَن يجذب الدَّم إِلَى خلاف تِلْكَ الْجِهَة.,"When the blood-letting is done to stop haemorrhage by drawing blood away from the site of bleeding (e.g., epistaxis, uterine haemorrhage, haemoptysis)" وَهَذَا علاج قوي نَافِع وَيجب أَن يكون الْبضْع ضيقا جدا وَأَن تكون المرات كَثِيرَة لَا فِي يَوْم وَاحِد إِلَّا أَن تضطر الضَّرُورَة بل فِي يَوْم بعد يَوْم وكل مرّة يقلّل مَا أمكن.,"draw only a small amount, and employ several sittings rather than one single one, unless the case is very desperate. (Repeated small bleedings would certainly tend to produce an autohaemostatic effect, as we now know)." أما الأوردة فستة: القيفال والأكحل والباسليق وحبل الذِّرَاع والأسيلم وَالَّذِي يخص باسم الإبطي وَهُوَ شُعْبَة من الباسليق وَأَصلهَا القيفال.,"The veins of the upper extremity. Six of these are made use of: the cephalic, the median, the basilic, the funus brachii, the vein between the middle and ring finger and that between the thumb and index finger. The cephalic is much the best to use." وَاعْلَم أَن نزف الدَّم قد يَقع من الأوردة أَيْضا وَاعْلَم أَن القيقال يستفرغ الدَّم أَكثر من الرَّقَبَة وَمَا فَوْقهَا وشيئاً قَلِيلا مِمَّا دون الرَّقَبَة وَلَا يُجَاوز حد نَاحيَة الكبد والشراسيف وَلَا تنقي الأسافل تنقية يعتدّ بهَا,"The parts drained by these various vessels are as follows: The cephalic vein drains from the neck, and parts above that, but very little from the parts below, and none from the liver and hypochondrium, or from the lower limbs." والأكحل متوسّط الحكم بَين القيفال والباسليق والباسليق يستفرغ من نواحي تنور الْبدن إِلَى أَسْفَل التَّنور وَجعل الذِّرَاع مشاكل للقيفال,"The basilic vein draws blood from the abdomen and parts below. The median vein draws blood from regions intermediate between those drained by the cephalic and, basilic." والأسيلم يذكر أَنه ينفع الْأَيْمن مِنْهُ من أوجاع الكبد والأيسر من أوجاع الطحال وَأَنه يفصد حَتَّى يرقأ الدَّم بِنَفسِهِ وَيحْتَاج أَن تُوضَع الْيَد من مفصوده فِي مَاء حَار لِئَلَّا يحتبس الدَّم وليخرج بسهولة وَأفضل فصد الأسيلم مَا كَانَ طولا.,"The vein between the right middle and ring finger is used for conditions of the liver. The left one is used for disorders of the spleen. The blood from these veins readily clots, so the patient should put his hand into hot water to keep the blood flowing longer, and to help it to emerge better if inclined to come out too scantily. (The incision in these two veins should be longitudinal.)" وَأما الشريان الَّذِي يفصد من الْيَد الْيُمْنَى فَهُوَ الَّذِي على ظهر الْكَفّ مَا ين السبابَة والإبهام وَهُوَ عَجِيب النَّفْع من أوجاع الكبد والحجاب المزمنة وَقد رأى جالينوس هَذَا,"The vein between the thumb and index finger, on the right side is used for similar purposes as the. basilic. It is useful in cases of chronic hepatic pain, and very efficient in disorders of the diaphragm (as Galen perceived)." وَاعْلَم أَن لحبس الدَّم وَشد الْبضْع وقتا محدوداً وَإِن كَانَ مُخْتَلفا فَمن النَّاس من يحْتَمل وَلَو فِي حماه أَخذ خَمْسَة أَو سِتَّة أَرْطَال من الدَّم وَمِنْهُم من لَا يحْتَمل فِي الصِّحَّة أَخذ رَطْل لَكِن يجب أَن تراعي فِي ذَلِك أحوالأ ثَلَاثًا: إِحْدَاهَا حقن الدَّم واسترخاؤه وَالثَّانيِة لون الدَّم,"(f) Amount of blood to be removed. There is a proper time for arresting the flow in various cases. Some persons, even though febrile, can bear losing five or six pounds of blood, whereas others cannot stand losing even one pound, though apparently in health. One must consider three points. (a) An impetuous exit of blood or a sluggish flow, (b) The colour of the blood." وَرُبمَا غلط كثيرا بِأَن يخرج أَولا مَا خرج مِنْهُ رَقِيقا أَبيض وَإِذا كَانَ هُنَاكَ عَلَامَات الإمتلاء وَأوجب الْحَال الفصد فَلَا يغترن بذلك وَقد يغلظ لون الدَّم فِي صَاحب الأورام لِأَن الورم يجذب الدَّم إِلَى نَفسه,"It is permissible to go on drawing blood as long as it is black and thick. But if it turns pale and is thin, its flow must be quickly arrested, lest dangerous results ensue. It may be pale and watery at first, so that one might think one should stop the operation, even though one knows there are signs of plethora. For the colour of the blood does not always correspond to what would be expected in cases of plethora. The colour of the blood is also misleading when there is an inflammatory mass from which the blood is coming." وَالثَّالِثَة النبض يجب أَن لَا تُفَارِقهُ فَإِذا خَافَ الحقن أَن يُغير لون الدَّم أَو صغر النبض وخصوصاً إِلَى ضعف فاحبس وَكَذَلِكَ إِن عرض عَارض تثاؤب وتمط وفواق وغثيان فَإِن أسْرع تغيّر اللَّوْن بل الحقن فاعتمد فِيهِ النبض,"(c) The state of the pulse. If the flow of blood fails, and the colour alters, and the pulse becomes weak, stop the bleeding. Also, if yawning and stretching, hiccough, or nausea come on. Watch the pulse if the colour changes quickly and the flow is free, so as to be on guard against syncope. (See below)." وأسرع النَّاس صادرة إِلَيْهِ الغشي هم الحارو المزاج النحاف المتخلخلو الْأَبدَان وأبطؤهم وقوعاً فِي الْأَبدَان المعتدلة المكتنزة اللَّحْم.,"The persons liable to faint as a result of blood-letting are those of hot tempera-ment, and with lean and flabby bodies. Those with equable temperament, and with firm flesh, are not likely to faint unless a large amount of blood is withdrawn. Watch the pulse." قَالُوا: يجب أَن يكون مَعَ الفصاد مباضع كَثِيرَة ذَات شَعْرَة وَغير ذَات شَعْرَة وَذَات الشعرة أولى بالعروق الزوالة كالوداج وَأَن تكون مَعَه كبة من خَز وحرير ومقيأ من خشب أَو ريش وَأَن يكون مَعَه وبر الأرنب ودواء الصَّبْر والكندر ونافجة مسك ودواء الْمسك وأقراض الْمسك,"(b) Instrumentarium. I. Several scalpels. II. A ball of silk or thread. III. An instrument to excite vomiting, made with a feather or of wood. IV. Rabbit-hair. V. A medicament of aloes and frankin-cense and a musk electuary. VI. Lozenges of musk. Some with broad point, others with narrow. The latter are best for mobile veins like the jugulars. See that the point is intact, lest you miss the vein or cause pain, or do injuries which lead to sepsis." حَتَّى إِذا عرض غشي وَهُوَ أحد مَا يخَاف فِي الفصد وَرُبمَا لم يفلح صَاحبه بَادر فألقمه الكبة وقيأه بالآلة وشممه النافجة وجرعه من دَوَاء الْمسك أَو أقراصه شَيْئا فتنتعش قوته وَإِن حدث بثق دم بَادر فحسبه بوبر الأرنب ودواء الكندر,Used if vomiting is not spontaneous. Used as styptic in arterial haemorrhage. Used to keep the preceding in place. Also for syncope. For syncope; musk is given to smell for the same purpose. وَمَا أقلّ مَا يعرض الغشي وَالدَّم بعد فِي طَرِيق الْخُرُوج بل إِنَّمَا يعرض أَكْثَره بعد الْحَبْس إِلَّا أَن يفرط على أنّه لَا يُبَالِي من مقاربة الغشي فِي الحميات المطبقة ومبادىء السكتة والخوانيق والأرام الغليظة الْعَظِيمَة الْمهْلكَة وَفِي الأوجاع الشَّدِيدَة وَلَا نعمل بذلك إِلَّا إِذا كَانَت الْقُوَّة قَوِيَّة,"(g) Syncope. Syncope rarely occurs during the flow of blood, unless a great amount is lost. One only bleeds up to syncope in cases of synochal fevers, in incipient apoplexy, in extensive angina or inflammatory swellings, or in cases of severe pain. Even in such cases one would make sure the strength of the patient is adequate." أما عروق الرجل فَمن ذَلِك عرق النسا ويفصد من الْجَانِب الوحشي عِنْد الكعب إِمَّا تَحْتَهُ وَإِمَّا فَوْقه من الورك إِلَى الكعب ويلف بلفافة أَو بعصابة قَوِيَّة فَالْأولى أَن يستحم قبله والأصوب أَن يفصد طولا,"Bleeding from vessels in the lower limbs. (i) The. sciatic vein. This vein is opened in the region of the malleolus. The bandage is applied above, – anywhere between the prominence of the hip and the instep. It will have to be applied tightly. The limb should be bathed in hot water first. The incision must be longitudinal." وَإِن خَفِي فصد من شُعْبَة مَا بَين الْخِنْصر والبنصر وَمَنْفَعَة فصد عرق النسا فِي وجع عرق النسا عَظِيمَة. وَكَذَلِكَ فِي النقرس وَفِي الدوالي ودواء الْفِيل. وتثنية عرق النسا صعبة.,"Contingencies. A deep artery, or one difficult to find: in this case use one of the branches, such as that which runs between the little and second toe. Value. In cases’ of sciatica, podagra, varices, and elephantiasis. Repetition. It is difficult to do a second phlebotomy." وَمن ذَلِك أَيْضا الصَّافِن وَهُوَ على الْجَانِب الْإِنْسِي من الكعب وَهُوَ أظهر من عرق النسا ويفصد لاستفراغ الدَّم من الْأَعْضَاء الَّتِي تَحت الكبد ولإمالة الدَّم من النواحي الْعَالِيَة إِلَى السافلة وَلذَلِك يدر الطمث بِقُوَّة وَيفتح أَفْوَاه البواسير.,"(ii) The saphenous vein. This is opened ‘over the internal malleolus, above the instep. It is more conspicuous than is the preceding. (v) The vein over the inner toe: this may be used in cases of sciatica and uterine disease. (Aeg.) The incision must be transverse. Value. For emptying the blood from the organs below the liver, and for causing the blood to descend from upper parts to lower ones. It is a powerful aid for the menstrual flow. It opens up the pores of piles." وَالْقِيَاس يُوجب أَن يكون عرق النسا والصافن متشابهي الْمَنْفَعَة وَلَكِن التجربة ترجح تَأْثِير الفصد فِي عرق النسا فِي وجع عرق النسا بِشَيْء كثير وَكَانَ ذَلِك للمحاذاة.,"While one would expect either vessel to be equally efficacious, experience actually shows that the use of the sciatic vessel is more beneficial for sciatic pain." وَأفضل فصد الصَّافِن أَن يكون مورباً إِلَى الْعرض وَمن ذَلِك عرق مأبض الرّكْبَة يذهب مَذْهَب الصَّافِن إِلَّا أَنه أقوى من الصَّافِن فِي إدرار الطمث وَفِي أوجاع المقعدة والبواسير.,"(iii) The popliteal vein. This is opened behind the bend of the knee. It is as effective as opening the saphenous vein. For exciting the menstrual flow, however, it is even more efficient, as well as for pain from piles, and pain in the anus." وَمن ذَلِك الْعرق الَّذِي خلف العرقوب وَكَأَنَّهُ شُعْبَة من الصَّافِن وَيذْهب مذْهبه. وفصد عروق الرجل بِالْجُمْلَةِ نَافِع من الْأَمْرَاض الَّتِي تكون عَن مواد مائلة إِلَى الرَّأْس وَمن الْأَمْرَاض السوداوية وتضعيفها للقوة أشدّ من تَضْعِيف فصد عروق الْيَد,"(iv) The vein over the heel. The use of this is similar to that of the saphenous, of which it is a branch. In brief, the veins of the lower extremity are used in cases where matters descend from the head, and for disorders connected with the atrabilious humour. Phlebotomy from the feet is more weakening than that from the arms." وَأما الْعُرُوق المفصودة الَّتِي فِي وَهَذِه الْعُرُوق مِنْهَا أوردة وَمِنْهَا شرايين. فالأوردة مثل عرق الْجَبْهَة وَهُوَ المنتصب مَا بَين الحاجبين وفصده ينفع من ثقل الرَّأْس وخصوصاً فِي مؤخره وَثقل الْعَينَيْنِ والصداع الدَّائِم المزمن,"An artery may be used which goes to the inner part of the palm, and is nearly as effective. The veins of the head. (i) The frontal veins. These are between the two eyebrows. Phlebotomy in this situation benefits heaviness of the head, especially occipital heaviness; heaviness of the eyes; long-standing headache." والعرق الَّذِي على الهامة يفصد للشقيقة وقروح الرَّأْس وعرقا الصدغين الملتويان على الصدغين وعرقا المأقين وَفِي الْأَغْلَب لَا يظهران إِلَّا بالخنق. وَيجب أَن لَا تغور الْبضْع فيهمَا فَرُبمَا صَار ناصوراً وَإِنَّمَا يسيل مِنْهَا دم يسير.,"To make these veins swell, apply fomentations, and also a bandage round the neck, placing a finger over the windpipe to prevent suffocation. (Aeg.) (ii) The supraoccipital veins. Bleeding here is beneficial for megrim, and ulcers of the scalp. Precaution: do not cut deeply lest a fistula be set up, by striking the bone. Moreover in such an event very little blood will emerge." وَمَنْفَعَة فصدهما فِي الصداع والشقيقة والرمد المزمن والدمعة والغشاوة وجرب الأجفان وبثورها والعشا وَثَلَاثَة عروق صغَار موضعهَا وَرَاء مَا يدق طرف الْأذن عِنْد الإلصاق بِشعرِهِ.,"(iv) The two veins at the lachrymal angle of the eyes. These can only be rendered visible by compression of the neck in partial suffocation. Use: in headache, migraine, chronic ophthalmia, pannus, trachoma, blepharitis. (v) Three small post-auricular veins, found at the point which the tip of the ear touches when pressed back against the hair." وَأحد الثَّلَاثَة أظهر ويفصد من ابْتِدَاء المأق وَقبُول الرَّأْس لبخارات الْمعدة وبنفع كَذَلِك من قُرُوح الْأذن والقفا وَمرض الرَّأْس.,"One of the three is more conspicuous than the others, and this is opened in cases of glaucoma, ulcers of the ears, neck and back of the head." وينكر جالينوس مَا يُقَال: أَن عرقين خلف الْأُذُنَيْنِ يفصدهما المتبتلون ليبطل النَّسْل وَمن هَذِه الأوردة الوداجان وهما إثنان يفصدان عِنْد ابْتِدَاء الجذام والخناق الشَّديد وضيق النَّفس والربو الحاد وبحة الصَّوْت فِي ذَات الرئة والبهق الْكَائِن من كَثْرَة دم حَار وَعلل الطحال والجنبين.,"(xii) The jugular veins. Use: at the onset of lepra; in severe angina; in dyspnoea, in ” hot ” asthma, in hoarseness; in abscess of the lung; in dyspnoea due to superabundance of “hot ” blood; in diseases of the spleen and side. The arteries of the head." وَيجب على مَا خبرنَا عَنهُ قبل أَن يكون فصدهما بمبضع ذِي شَعْرَة. وَأما كَيْفيَّة تَقْيِيده فَيجب أَن يمِيل فِيهِ الرَّأْس إِلَى ضدّ جَانب الفصد ليثور الْعرق ويتأمل الْجِهَة الَّتِي هِيَ أَشد زوالاً فَيُؤْخَذ من ضد تِلْكَ الْجِهَة,"The instrument to use here is one with a sharp point. Technique: draw the head to the opposite side until the vein is stretched like a cord. Consider in which direction the vein is likely to slip, and then make the opening accordingly." وَيجب أَن يكون الفصد عرضا لَا طولا كَمَا يفعل بالصافن وعرق النسا وَمَعَ ذَلِك فَيجب أَن يَقع فصده طولا.,The incision must be transverse. (Aegineta says: use the concave part of the scalpel.) وَمِنْهَا الْعرق الَّذِي فِي الأرنبة وَمَوْضِع فصده هُوَ المتشقق من طرفها الَّذِي إِذا غمز عَلَيْهِ بالأصبع تفرق بِاثْنَيْنِ وَهُنَاكَ يبضع وَالدَّم السَّائِل مِنْهُ قَلِيل.,(vii) The vein at the tip of the nose. It may be made obvious by pressing the finger upon the tip of the nose so as to make it groove into two. Very little blood will come from it. (Aeg. وينفع فصده من الكلف وكدورة اللَّوْن والبواسير والبثور الَّتِي تكون فِي الْأنف والحكة فِيهِ لكنه أحدث حمرَة لون مزمنة تشبه السعفة ويفشو فِي الْوَجْه فَتكون مضرته أعظم من منفعَته كثيرا.,"advises the inside of the nostrils to be rubbed with the end of a specillum, or to be tickled with a rough substance.) Use: for freckles, for dimness of vision, pimples in the nostrils, itching of the nostrils; for piles. Ill-effect: a permanent serpiginous redness of the tip of the nose may result, which spreads out over and disfigures the face, so that the remedy is worse than the disease." وَالْعُرُوق الَّتِي تَحت الخششا مِمَّا يَلِي النقرة نَافِع فصدها من السدَرِ الْكَائِن من الدَّم اللَّطِيف والأوجاع المتقادمة فِي الرَّأْس,"(vi) The veins behind the ears below the nuchal protruberance. This is beneficial for chronic eye diseases due to thin blood, and for chronic headache." وَمِنْهَا الجهاررك وَهِي عروق أَرْبَعَة على كل شقة مِنْهَا زوج فينفع فصدها من قُرُوح الْفَم والقلاع وأوجاع اللثة وأورأمها واسترخائها أَو قروحها والبواسير والشقوق فِيهَا,"(viii) Labial veins. There are four. Use of phlebotomy here: for ulcers of the gums; aphthae; (septic) gingivitis, flabby gums, ulcers, fissures and fistulas in the gums." وَمِنْهَا الْعرق الَّذِي تَحت اللِّسَان على بَاطِن الذقن ويفصد فِي الخوانيق وأورام اللوزتين وَمِنْهَا عرق تَحت اللِّسَان نَفسه يفصد لثقل اللِّسَان الَّذِي يكون من الدَّم وَيجب أَن يفصد طولا فَإِن فصد عرضا صَعب رقاء دَمه,"(ix) Sublingual vein. This is used in cases of angina, and tonsillar abscess. Supra and sub-lingual veins are used in cases of heaviness of the tongue due to congestion. The incision must be lengthwise as otherwise it is difficult to stauncli the blood." وَمِنْهَا عرق عِنْد العنفقة يفصد للبخر وَمِنْهَا عرق اللثة يفصد فِي معالجات فَم الْمعدة.,(x) A vein at the lowest part of the lip. This is opened in order to relieve fetor of the mouth. It is situate between the chin and lower lip. (xi) Veins of the gums: these are opened when wishing to act on the mouth of the stomach. وَأما الشرايين الَّتِي فِي الرَّأْس فَمِنْهَا شريان الصداغ قد يفصد وَقد يبتر وَقد يسل وَقد يكوى وَيفْعل ذَلِك لحبس النَّوَازِل الحادة اللطيفة المنصبة إِلَى الْعَينَيْنِ ولابتداء الانتشار.,"The following may be opened, (a) The temporal arteries. These are sometimes phlebotomized, sometimes incised, sometimes drawn out, sometimes cauterized. The object is to influence watery matters in glaucoma." والشريانان اللَّذَان خلف الْأُذُنَيْنِ ويفصدان لأنواع الرمد وَابْتِدَاء المَاء والغشاوة والعشا والصداع المزمن وَلَا يَخْلُو فصدهما عَن خطر ويبطؤ مَعَه الالتحام.,"(b) The two post-auricular arteries. This is for treating some forms of ophthalmia, incipient glaucoma, pannus dimness of vision and long-standing headache. There is always the risk that coagulation will be very slow." وَمن الْعُرُوق الَّتِي تفصد فِي الْبدن عرقان على الْبَطن: أَحدهمَا موضرع على الكبد وَالْآخر مَوْضُوع على الطحال ويفصد الْأَيْمن فِي الاسْتِسْقَاء والأيسر فِي علل الطحال,"The veins of the trunk. There are two to be found coursing over the abdomen. One runs over the hepatic region, and the other over the splenic. The former is opened in cases of dropsy, the latter in diseases of the spleen." وَاعْلَم أَن الْعُرُوق المفصودة بَعْضهَا أوردة وَبَعضهَا شرايين والشرايين تفصد فِي الْأَقَل ويتوقى مَا يَقع فِيهَا من الْخطر من نزف الدَّم وأقلّ أَحْوَاله أَن يحدث أنورسما وَذَلِكَ إِذا كَانَ الشق ضيقا جدا,"Vessels which may be used for blood-letting. Both arteries and veins may be used for blood-letting. But arteries are avoided because of the risk of not being able to staunch the blood, and if a small hole be made, an aneurism may result." إِلَّا أَنَّهَا إِذا أَمن نزف الدَّم مِنْهَا كَانَت عَظِيمَة النَّفْع فِي أمراض خَاصَّة تفصد هِيَ لأَجلهَا وَأكْثر نفع فصد الشريان إِنَّمَا يكون إِذا كَانَ فِي الْعُضْو المجاور لَهُ أَعْرَاض رَدِيئَة سَببهَا دم لطيف حاد فَإِذا فصد الشريان المجاور لَهُ وَلم يكن مِمَّا فِيهِ خطر كَانَ عَظِيم الْمَنْفَعَة,"When there does not appear to be this risk, the use of an artery gives better results in some diseases, unless they are situated in the vicinity of the artery to be tapped, for that would make the blood thin and hot. The artery to be selected must be near the diseased part [in the case of chronic conditions, in the opposite region in acute cases" الْحجامَة,THE OPERATION OF CUPPING الْحجامَة تنقيتها لنواحي الْجلد أَكثر من تنقية الفصد واستخراجها للدم الرَّقِيق أَكثر من استخراجها للدم الغليظ ومنفعتها فِي الْأَبدَان العبال الغليظة الدَّم قَليلَة لِأَنَّهَا لَا تبرز دماءها وَلَا تخرجها كَمَا يَنْبَغِي بل الرَّقِيق جدا مِنْهَا بتكلف وتحدث فِي الْعُضْو المحجوم ضعفا.,"The operation of cupping cleanses the particular part of the skin more effectively than does venesection. It withdraws the rarefied rather than the more viscid blood. It is not much use for persons with bulky coarse bodies with thick blood, for it does not withdraw any blood from them, even that component which it is desirable to withdraw. It only removes such (matters) as are extremely tenuousand even these only with difficulty. It also produces weakness in the member to which the glasses have been applied." وَيُؤمر بِاسْتِعْمَال الْحجامَة لَا فِي أوّل الشَّهْر لِأَن الأخلاط لَا تكون قد تحركت أَو هَاجَتْ وَلَا فِي أَخّرهُ لِأَنَّهَا تكون قد نقصت,"The proper time for using cupping-glasses. Some authorities advise against applying cupping-glasses at the beginning of the lunar month, because the humours are then not yet on the move or in a state of agitation; also against applying them at the end of the (lunar) month, because at that period (of the cycle) the humours are less plentiful." بل فِي وسط الشَّهْر حِين تكون الأخلاط هائجة تَابِعَة فِي تزيدها لزيد النُّور فِي جرم الْقَمَر وَيزِيد الدِّمَاغ فِي الأقحاف والمياه فِي الْأَنْهَار ذَوَات المدّ والجزر.,"The proper time (according to them) is the middle of the month (when the humours are in a state of agitation) and during time when the moonlight is increasing (when the humours are on the increase also). During that period the brain is increasing in size within the skull, and the river-water is rising in tidal rivers." وَاعْلَم أَن أفضل أَوْقَاتهَا فِي النَّهَار هِيَ السَّاعَة الثَّانِيَة وَالثَّالِثَة وَيجب أَن تتوقى الْحجامَة بعد الْحمام إِلَّا فِيمَن دَمه غليظ فَيجب أَن يستحم ثمَّ يبْقى سَاعَة ثمَّ يحجم.,"The time of day proper for using cupping-glasses. The second and third hours are best. One must take care not to apply cupping-glasses after the bath, except in the case of the blood being thick. If so, the bath is taken first; then wait an hour; then apply the cupping-glasses." وَأكْثر النَّاس يكْرهُونَ الْحجامَة والحجامة على النقرة خَليفَة الأكحل وَتَنْفَع من ثقل الحاجبين وتخفف الجفن وَتَنْفَع من جرب الْعين والبخر فِي الْفَم والتحجر فِي الْعين. وعَلى الْكَاهِل خَليفَة الباسليق وَتَنْفَع من وجع الْمنْكب وَالْحلق.,"Forehead: most people have a horror of applying cupping-glasses here, as they believe that the senses and intellect will suffer thereby. Nape of neck From median vein. Heaviness of eyelids (relieves the lids), itch of eyes, fetor of the mouth. (c) Between the shoulder-blades From basilic vein. Pains in upper arms and throat; to relax the cardiac orifice of the stomach." وعَلى أحد الأخذعين خَليفَة القيفال وَتَنْفَع من ارتعاش الرَّأْس وَتَنْفَع الْأَعْضَاء الَّتِي فِي الرَّأْس مثل الْوَجْه والأسنان والضرس والأذنين والعينين وَالْحلق وَالْأنف,"(d) Over the two posterior neck veins From cephalic vein. Tremor of head; and for the components of the head (face, teeth, molars, ears, eyes, throat, nose)." لَكِن الْحجامَة على النقرة تورث النسْيَان حَقًا كَمَا قيل فَإِن مُؤخر الدِّمَاغ مَوضِع الْحِفْظ وتضعفه الْحجامَة وعَلى الْكَاهِل تضعف فَم الْمعدة.,"Muhamad says that if placed over the hollow of the occiput they induce loss of memory (Mgn.). There is a danger of transmitting forgetfulness, for as some say, the posterior part of the brain has to do with the preservation of memory, and the cupping enfeebles this faculty, and the offspring will suffer." والأخدعية رُبمَا أحدثت رعشة الرَّأْس فليسفل النقرية قَلِيلا وليصعد الْكَاهِلِي قَلِيلا إِلَّا أَن يتوخى بهَا معالجة نزف الدَّم والسعال فَيجب أَن تنزل ولاتصعد.,"To prevent tremor of the head occurring, we move the glasses downwards and then upwards again to over the scapula, unless the cupping is being done for haemoptysis, in which case one must move them down but not upwards again." وَهَذِه الْحجامَة الَّتِي تكون على الْكَاهِل وَبَين الفخذين نافعة من أمراض الصَّدْر الدموية والربو الدموي لَكِنَّهَا تضعف الْمعدة وتحدث الخفقان. والحجامة على السَّاق وقارب الفصد وتنقي الدَّم وتدر الطمث.,"Glasses applied over the scapulae as well as between them are beneficial for haemorrhagic diseases of the chest, and sanguineous asthma, but are-enfeebling for the stomach and set up palpitation. (e) The legs Almost equivalent to blood-letting. Cleanses the blood; provokes menstrual flow" وَمن كَانَت من النِّسَاء بَيْضَاء متخلخلة رقيقَة الدَّم فحجامة السَّاقَيْن أوفق لَهَا من فصد الصَّافِن,"In the case of pale flabby women with watery blood, cupping of the legs is more advantageous than a venesection from the saphenous vein." والحجامة على القمحدوة وعَلى الهامة تَنْفَع فِيمَا ادَّعَاهُ بَعضهم من اخْتِلَاط الْعقل والدوار وتبطىء فِيمَا قَالُوا بالشيب وَفِيه نظر فَإِنَّهُ قد تفعل ذَلِك فِي أبدان دون أبدان. وَفِي أَكثر الْأَبدَان يسْرع بالشيب وينفع من أمراض الْعين,"Some say that cupping over the occiput and top of the head is beneficial for insanity, vertigo, and for preventing the hair from going grey. But we must take it that this effect on the hair applies only to feeble-minded people and not to other types of person, for in most cases the use of cupping in this situation brings premature greyness, and also dulls the intellect. But it is beneficial for eye-diseases." وَذَلِكَ أَكثر مَنْفَعَتهَا فَإِنَّهَا تَنْفَع من جربها وبثورها لَكِنَّهَا تضر بالدهن وتورث بلهاً ونسياناً ورداءة فكر وأمراضاً مزمنة وتضرّ بأصحاب المَاء فِي الْعين اللَّهُمَّ إِلَّا أَن تصادف الْوَقْت وَالْحَال الَّتِي يجب فِيهَا اسْتِعْمَالهَا فَرُبمَا لم تضر.,"and indeed this is its chief value, namely for pustular keratitis and staphyloma. It impairs the activity of the intellect, making the offspring dull and forgetful, with poor reasoning powers, and permanent infirmity. But cupping in this situation is harmful for cataract, unless the proper moment is chosen." والحجامة تَحت الذقن تَنْفَع الْأَسْنَان وَالْوَجْه والحلقوم وتنقي الرَّأْس والفكين. والحجامة على الْقطن نافعة من دماميل الْفَخْذ وَجَربه وبثوره من النقرس والبواسير وداء الْفِيل ورياح المثانة وَالرحم وَمن حكّة الظّهْر.,"(f) Under the chin. Teeth, countenance, throat; cleanses head and jaws. (g) Over the loins. Inflammatory masses in upper part of thigh, scabies there; pustules; podagra; piles; elephantiasis; bladder; uterus; pruritus of back [renal congestion]." وَإِذا كَانَت هَذِه الْحجامَة بالنَّار بِشَرْط أَو غير شَرط نَفَعت من ذَلِك أَيْضا وَالَّتِي بِشَرْط أقوى فِي غير الرّيح وَالَّتِي بِغَيْر شَرط أقوى فِي تَحْلِيل الرّيح الْبَارِدَة واستئصالها هَهُنَا وَفِي كل مَوضِع.,"When the cupping is done with heat, whether with or without scarification, it is more efficient. But cupping with scarification is more efficient, especially in cases of flatulence (of various kinds). Cupping without scarification is more applicable for cold swellings, and whenever the cups are to be moved about over various places." والحجامة على الفخذين من قُدَّام تَنْفَع من ورم الخصيتين وخراجات الفخذين والساقين وَالَّتِي على الفخذين من خلف تَنْفَع من الأورام والخراجات الْحَادِثَة فِي الأليتين.,(h) In front of thigh. Orchitis; leg ulcers. (i) Behind hips. Inflamm. Conditions and ulcers of buttocks. وعَلى أَسْفَل الرّكْبَة تَنْفَع من ضَرْبَان الرّكْبَة الْكَائِن من أخلاط حادة وَمن الخراجات الرَّديئَة والقروح العتيقة فِي السَّاق وَالرجل. وَالَّتِي على الْكَعْبَيْنِ تَنْفَع من احتباس الطمث وَمن عرق النسا والنقرس.,(j) In popliteal space. Aneurysm; long-standing abscesses; septic ulcer of leg and foot. (k) Over malleoli. Retained menses; sciatica; podagra. وعَلى الورك لعرق النسا وَخَوف الْخلْع. وَمَا بَين الرُّكْبَتَيْنِ نافعة للوركين والفخذين والبواسير وَلِصَاحِب القيلة والنقرس. وَوضع المحاجم على المقعدة يجذب من جَمِيع الْبدن وَمن الرَّأْس وينفع الأمعاء ويشفي من فَسَاد الْحيض ويخف مَعهَا الْبدن,"(l) Over loose tissues of outer side of hip. Sciatica, podagra; piles; inguinal hernia; the structures within the hip joints. (m) Over the buttocks, towards the anus. Draws humours from whole body, from head; benefits the intestines; cures decomposition of menses, and thereby alleviates the whole body." وَأما الْحجامَة بِلَا شَرط فقد تسْتَعْمل فِي جذب الْمَادَّة عَن جِهَة حركتها مثل وَضعهَا على الثدي لحبس نزف دم الْحيض وَقد يُرَاد بهَا إبراز الورم الغائر ليصل إِلَيْهِ العلاج وَقد يُرَاد بهَا نقل الورم إِلَى عُضْو أخس فِي الْجوَار,Some of the purposes in view in cupping. (i) to move materials away from one part to another. Thus menstrual flow will be arrested if the cupping is done over the breasts. (ii) To draw an inflammatory process from deep parts towards the surface and so render it accessible to some medicament. (iii) To divert ah inflammatory process to a neighbouring and less important organ. وَقد يُرَاد بهَا تسخين الْعُضْو وجذب الدَّم إِلَيْهِ وَتَحْلِيل رياحه وَقد يُرَاد بهَا رده إِلَى مَوْضِعه الطبيعي المنزول عَنهُ كَمَا فِي القيلة وَقد تسْتَعْمل لتسكين الوجع كَمَا تُوضَع على السُّرَّة بِسَبَب القولنج المبرح ورياح الْبَطن وأوجاع الرَّحِم الَّتِي تعرض عِنْد حَرَكَة الْحيض خُصُوصا للفتيات.,"(iv) To render a member warm, and draw blood into it, and disperse vapours from it. (v) To restore a member to its proper position (e.g., inguinal hernia). (vi) To allay pain. Applied over the umbilicus they relieve violent colic and flatulent distension of the abdomen, and the uterine pain due to movement of the menstrual fluid, especially in young women [e.g., dysmenorrhcea]." ونقول: إِن للحجامة بِالشّرطِ فَوَائِد ثَلَاث: أولاها: الاستفراغ من نفس الْعُضْو ثانيتها: اسْتِبْقَاء جَوْهَر الرّوح من غير استفراغ تَابع لاستفراغ مَا يستفرغ من الاخلاط وثالثتها: تَركهَا التعرّض للاستفراغ من الْأَعْضَاء الرئيسة.,"There are three points to note in regard to wet cupping (a) the evacuation from the member itself; (b) the safeguarding of the basis of the life-breath, so that the latter shall not leave the body with the humour which is being evacuated; (c) the evacuation must not be made from a vital organ." وَيجب أَن يعمق المشرط ليجذب من الْغَوْر وَرُبمَا ورم مَوضِع التصاق المحجمة فعسر نَزعهَا فليؤخذ خرق أَو اسفنجة مبلولة بِمَاء فاتر إِلَى الْحَرَارَة وليكمّد بهَا حواليها أَولا.,"In wet cupping, the scarification must be deep to ensure drawing the humours from the deep parts. The site of the cup may afterwards develop inflammation, and thus render it difficult of removal. To avoid this a cloth or sponge soaked in tepid or nearly hot water should be used as a fomentation round it." وَهَذَا يعرض كثيرا إِذا استعملنا المحاجم على نواحي الثدي ليمنع نزف الْحيض أَو الرعاف وَلذَلِك لَا يجب أَن يَضَعهَا على الثدي نَفسه,"Such cupping must not be done over the breasts themselves, for fear menstrual flow and epistaxis should be set up." وَإِذا دهن مَوضِع الْحجامَة فليبادر إِلَى إعلاقها وَلَا تدافع بل تستعجل فِي الشَّرْط وَتَكون الوضعة الأولى خَفِيفَة سريعة الْقلع ثمَّ يتدرج إِلَى إبطاء الْقلع والإمهال.,"If the region to be cupped is covered with ointment one should not delay the scarification. The first point of application should be made light and the cup removed quickly. As the part is accustomed to the cups, they may be left longer." وغذاء المحتجم يجب أَن يكون بعد سَاعَة وَالصَّبِيّ يحتجم فِي السّنة الثَّانِيَة وَبعد سِتِّينَ سنة لَا يحتجم الْبَتَّةَ وَفِي الْحجامَة على الأعالي أَمن من انصباب الْموَاد إِلَى أَسْفَل والمحتجم الصفراوي يتَنَاوَل بعد الْحجامَة حب الرُّمَّان وَمَاء الرُّمَّان وَمَاء الهندبا بالسكر والخس بالخل.,"One should not begin to apply cupping to infants until they are in their third year; cupping should be quite unnecessary in the first year of life. It is altogether contraindicated after the sixtieth year. Cupping of the upper parts of the body ensures that morbid materials will not pass down into the lower parts of the body. After-treatment in regard to food. In ordinary persons, a meal may be taken an hour after the cupping has been completed. Persons of bilious type should be given the following foods after being cupped: pomegranate juice with the seeds; endive juice with sugar; lettuce and vinegar." العلق,ABOUT LEECHES قَالَت الْهِنْد: إِن من العلق مَا فِي طباعها سميه فليجتنب جَمِيع مَا كَانَ عَظِيم الرَّأْس لَونه كحلي أسود أَو لَونه أَخْضَر وَذَوَات الزغب والشبيه بالمارماهج وَالَّتِي عَلَيْهَا خطوط لازوردية والشبيهة الألوان بِأبي قلمون,"The Indians have specified which leeches are venomous. One should beware of using those with large heads of antimonial and black colour, or green colour; those with down on them, like eels (snakefish), and those upon which are fine streaks of bright colour, or chameleon-like in colour." فَفِي جَمِيع هَذِه سميَّة يُورث إرسالها أوواماً وغشياً ونزف دم وَحمى واسترخاء وقروحاً رَدِيئَة وليجتنب المصيدة من الْمِيَاه الحمئية الرَّديئَة بل يخْتَار مَا يصاد من الْمِيَاه الطحلبية ومأوى الضفادع,"All these are poisonous, and would give rise to inflammations, haemorrhage, fever, syncope, paresis of the limbs, and intractable ulcers. One should not employ leeches taken from unhealthy water or those whose excrement is black and muddy, and whose movement immediately darkens water, and renders it offensive in smell. Take leeches from water whose surface is covered over with duckweed and in which frogs live." وَلَا يلْتَفت إِلَى مَا يُقَال أَن الكائنة فِي مياه مضفدعة رَدِيئَة ولتكن ماسية الألوان يعلوها خضرَة ويمتد عَلَيْهَا خطان زرنيخيان والشقر الزرق المستديرة الْجنُوب والكبدية الألوان وَالَّتِي تشبه الْجَرَاد الصَّغِير وَالَّتِي تشبه ذَنْب الفأر الدقاق الصغار الرؤوس,"Pay no attention to those who- make out that leeches are bad to use if they come from water in which frogs live. The colour should be greenish (like duckweed), and there should be two longitudinal lines having the colour of orpiment and ruddy; they should be rounded and liver-coloured. One may accept leeches which look like little locusts, or like mouse- tails, with very small heads." وَلَا يخْتَار على حمر الْبُطُون خضر الظُّهُور وَلَا سِيمَا إِن كَانَت فِي الْمِيَاه الْجَارِيَة وجذب العلق للدم أغور من جذب الْحجامَة. وَيجب أَن يصاد قبل الِاسْتِعْمَال بِيَوْم ويقيأ بالأكباب حَتَّى يخرج مَا فِي بطونها,"But do not accept those with red bellies and green backs, especially if they were collected from running waters. The blood which leeches remove from the body comes from deeper down than that obtained by wet cupping. Procedure of application. Leeches should be kept a day before applying them, and they should be squeezed [or have their heads bent down. Aeg.] to make them eject the contents of their stomachs." إِن أمكن ذَلِك ثمَّ يصب لَهَا شَيْء يسير من الدَّم من حَمَلِ أَو غَيره ليغتذي بِهِ قبل الْإِرْسَال ثمَّ تُؤْخَذ وتنظف لزوجاتها وقذاراتها بِمثل اسفنجة وَيغسل مَوضِع إرسالها ببورق ويحمر بالدلك ثمَّ ترسل العلق عِنْد إِرَادَة اسْتِعْمَالهَا فِي مَاء عذب فتنظف ثمَّ ترسل.,"If feasible, they should be given a little lamb’s blood by way of nourishment. The slime and debris from their bodies should be cleansed off, say, with a sponge. Site of application. The place where the leeches are to be applied must be [shaved if necessary: Aeg., and] well laved with nitre-water and rubbed till red. Dry carefully. Dip the leeches in fresh tepid water [a few drops of white wine being added if they are sluggish. Aeg.], cleanse and apply" وَمِمَّا ينشطها للتعلق مسح الْموضع بطين الرَّأْس أَو بِدَم فَإِذا امْتَلَأت وَأُرِيد إِسْقَاطهَا ذَر عَلَيْهَا شَيْء من ملح أَو رماد أَو بورق أَو حراقة خرق كتَّان أَو اسنفجة محرقة أَو صوفة محرقة.,"The point of application may be smeared with clay (or moistened with sugar-water or milk) or scratched with a needle till blood appears, in order to coax them to take hold, Removal. When the leeches are full, and you wish to let them come off, sprinkle a little salt over them, or [pepper, or snuff], or ashes or nitre, or burnt bristles, or flax, or burnt sponge or burnt wool." وَالصَّوَاب بعد سُقُوطهَا أَن يمتص بالمحجمة فَيُؤْخَذ من دم الْموضع شَيْء يُفَارق مَعَه ضَرَر أَثَرهَا ولسعها,"After the leeches have fallen off, the place should be sucked by cupping it, in order to extract some of the blood at the spot and thereby get rid of the toxic substances left in the wound." فَإِن لم يحتبس الدَّم ذَر عَلَيْهِ عفص محرق أَو نورة أَو رماد أَو خزف مسحوق جدا أَو غير ذَلِك من حسابات الدَّم وَيجب أَن تكون عتيدة معدة عِنْد مُعَلّق العلق وَاسْتِعْمَال العلق جيد فِي الْأَمْرَاض الجلديه من السعفة والقوباء والكَلَف والنمش وَغير ذَلِك.,"[If one wishes to keep the blood flowing anyway, one applies warm, dry cloths to the part, or a warm poultice, or a sponge soaked in warm water. After the bleeding has stopped, apply a soft, dry compress]. If the blood will not stop flowing, dust the spot with finely powdered burnt galls, quicklime, ashes, ground-up earthenware and similar styptics. The use of leeches is beneficial in subcutaneous maladies like serpiginous ulcers, morphew, impetiginous ulcers, and the like." الاستفراغات تحبس إِمَّا بإمالة الْمَادَّة من غير استفراغ آخر وَإِمَّا باستفراغ مَعَ الإمالة وَإِمَّا بإعانة الاستفراغ نَفسه وَإِمَّا بأدوية مبردة أَو مغرية أَو قابضة أَو كاوية وَإِمَّا بالشد.,"THE RETENTION OF SUBSTANCES DUE TO BE DISCHARGED. Substances which are due to be discharged may be retained within the body for the following reasons: the material may be withdrawn from the part, but not from the body itself; (ii) the material may be retained, although an evacuation or discharge is actually taking place at the same time, (iii) The retention of these substances itself aids evacuation. The substances here meant are infrigidants, styptics, glutinous medicines, caustics, (iv.) stricture." أما حبس الاستفراغ بالجذب من غير استفراغ فَمثل وضع المحاجم على الثدي ليمنع نزف الدَّم من الرَّحِم وأجود الجذب مَا كَانَ مَعَ تسكين وجع المجذوب عَنهُ.,"(i) Materials are retained because attracted to a certain place, and no (outward) evacuation occurs. Ex. the application of cupping to the breasts, this relieves uterine haemorrhage. The action is more decided if the pain in the (diseased) part is first relieved." وَأما الَّذِي يكون بجذب مَعَ استفراغ فَمثل فصد الباسليق لذَلِك وَمثله حبس الْقَيْء بالإسهال والإسهال بالقي وَحبس كليهمَا بالتعريق.,"(ii) The retention of substances although an evacuation is taking place. For instance, venesection from the basilic vein may serve to arrest emesis in a case of purgation; or purgation in a case of emesis. Or again, cessation of both discharges if the sweat is (strongly) provoked at the same time." وَأما بمعاونة الاستفراغ فَمثل تنقية الْمعدة والمعي عَن الأخلاط اللزجة المذربة المزلقة بالأيارج وَالِاجْتِهَاد فِي تنقية فَم الْمعدة بالقيء لتنقطع مَادَّة الْقَيْء الثَّابِت. وَإِمَّا بالأدوية المبردة لجمد السَّائِل وَيَأْخُذ الفوهات ويضيقها.,"(iii) The retention of material helps evacuation in the case where one cleanses the stomach and intestines from glutinous unhealthy humours by giving lubricant laxatives, using picra; or where one procures a thorough cleansing of the cardiac orifice of the stomach by emesis, for cutting up of the material which remains behind in the stomach. Styptic medicines aggregate abnormal matter, and contract up the lumen of the passages." وَأما الْأَدْوِيَة القابضة لتقبض الْمَادَّة وتضم المجاري. وَإِمَّا بالأدوية المغرية لتحدث السدد فِي فوهات المجاري. فَإِن كَانَت حارة مجففه فَهِيَ أبلغ,"Infrigidant medicines clot the material, and cause the orifices to tighten up and become narrow. Glutinous medicines choke up the orifices of the channels (of the body), and if they are desiccant as well, and sharp (or hot), this action will be still more decided." وَإِمَّا الكاوية لتحدث خشكريشة تقوم على وَجه المجرى فيسد ويرتق وَلها ضَرَر متوقع وَذَلِكَ أَن الخشكريشة رُبمَا انقلعت فَزَاد المجرى اتساعاً.,"Caustics produce an eschar or scab, which stays on the orifices of the passages, and becomes hard and closes them. But the obstruction may be harmful. The scab may get loose or break, and the underlying aperture would thereby become enlarged." وَمن الكاوية مَا لَهُ قبض كالزاج وَمِنْه مَا لَيْسَ لَهُ قبض كالنورة الْغَيْر مطفاة يُرَاد القابضة حَيْثُ يُرَاد خشكريشة غير ثَابِتَة وتراد الآخرى حَيْثُ يُرَاد أَن تسْقط الخشكريشة سَرِيعا وتراد الكاوية القابضة حَيْثُ يُرَاد خشكريشة ثَابِتَة.,"Some caustics have a styptic action (e.g., copper sulphate) and some have not such an action (quicklime). The styptic caustics are required when one wants a firm scab; the others are used when one wishes the scab to come off before long." وَأما الذى بالشد فبعضه بإطباق المجرى وقسره على الإنضمام كشد مَا فَوق الْمرْفق عِنْد خطأ الفصاد فِي الباسليق إِذا أصَاب الشريان وَبَعضه بحشو فَم الْجراحَة مثل مَا يسد سَبِيل المستفرغ مثل إلقام الْجراحَة وبر الأرنب,"There are two varieties. In one the foramen is closed and contracted, so that the adjacent parts are fused together. This happens for instance when the artery is opened in mistake for the basilic vein in doing venesection. The other is where the outlet of a wound is blocked, and the channel itself is blocked, as when we insert rabbit hairs into a wound." ونقول: إِن نزف الدَّم إِن كَانَ من أجل انقتاح أَفْوَاه. الْعُرُوق عولج بالقابضة ليضم أفواهها وَإِن كَانَ من حرق فبالقابضة المغرية كالطين الْمَخْتُوم وَإِن كَانَ عَن كُل فِيمَا ينْبت اللَّحْم مخلوطاً بِمَا يجلو لِتَأكل وَأَنت تعلم جَمِيع ذَلِك من مَوضِع آخر.,"We may say, in brief, that if blood is flowing out because the orifices of the veins are open, we must use styptics to tighten them up; but if it is flowing because of rupture of the vessel, glutinous styptics must be used, like Lemnian earth; and if it is due to ulceration (erosion), one must incite the development of granulations by adding something which will cleanse away the corrosive substance." معالجات السدد,THE TREATMENT OF OBSTRUCTIONS. السدد إِمَّا من أخلاط غَلِيظَة وَإِمَّا من أخلاط لزجة وَإِمَّا من أخلاط كَثِيرَة. والأخلاط الْكَثِيرَة إِذا لم يكن مَعهَا سَبَب آخر كفى مضرتها إخْرَاجهَا بالفصد والإسهال وَإِن كَانَت غَلِيظَة احْتِيجَ إِلَى المحلات الحالية وَإِن كَانَت لزجة وَلَا سِيمَا رقيقَة فَيحْتَاج إِلَى المقطعات,"Obstructions are due to the humours being thick, or viscid, or over-abundant. If the humours are simply over-abundant, their injurious effect is removed by evacuating them either by venesection or by purgation. If the humours are thick, they must be rendered thin. If they are viscid, and tenuous, incisives are required." وَقد عرفت الْفرق بَين الغليظ واللزج وَهُوَ الْفرق بَين الطين والغراء الْمُذَاب. والغليظ يحْتَاج إِلَى الْمُحَلّل ليرققه فيسهل اندفاعه. واللزج يحْتَاج إِلَى المقطع ليعرض بَينه وَبَين مَا الْتَصق بِهِ فيبرئه عَنهُ,"You have now learnt the difference between a thick or coarse and a glutinous quality; it is the difference between melted glue and clay. Thick or coarse humour requires attenuation by a resolvent to make its expulsion easy; viscid or glutinous humour requires an incisive which is able (a) to cut its way between the fluid and that to which it adheres [the wall of the passage], thus parting one from the other," وليقطع أجزاءه صغَارًا صغَارًا إِذا كَانَ اللزج يسدٌ بالتصاقه وتلازم أَجْزَائِهِ وَجب أَن يحذر فِي تَحْلِيل الغليظ سببان متضادان: أَحدهمَا التَّحْلِيل الضَّعِيف الَّذِي يزِيد فِي تَحْلِيل الضَّعِيف الَّذِي فِي تَحْلِيل الْمَادَّة زِيَادَة حجمها من غير أَن يبلغ التَّحْلِيل فتزداد السدة,"and (b) to break the fluid into small fragments, because glutinous matter obstructs both by adhesion to its surroundings and by the cohesion of its particles. In resolving thick humour there are two opposite conditions to guard against. On the one hand, if the resolution is not sufficient it will render the material watery and at the same time increase its volume so much that it cannot be resolved at all, thereby making the obstruction greater still." وَالْآخر التَّحْلِيل الشَّديد الْقوي الَّذِي يتحلّل مَعَه لطيفها ويتحجر كثيفها فَإِذا احْتِيجَ إِلَى تَحْلِيل قوي أرْدف بالتليين اللَّطِيف بمادة لَا غلظ فِيهَا مَعَ حرارة معتدلة لتعين ذَلِك على تَحْلِيل كُلية الساد,"On the other hand, the resolution may be carried too far, in which case the attenuated portion will dissipate altogether, leaving the sediment behind as a calcareous mass. Therefore, when vigorous resolution is necessary, one helps the action by the use of lenificant tenuous matter free of coarse particles, and moderately “ hot,” for this will assist in removing the whole of its obstructive action." فَإِن أصعب السدد سدد الْعُرُوق وأصعبها سدد الشرايين وأصعبها مَا كَانَ فِي الْأَعْضَاء الرئيسة. وَإِذا اجْتمع فِي المفتحات قبض وتلطيف كَانَت أوفق فَإِن الْقَبْض يدْرَأ عنف اللَّطِيف عَن الْعُضْو.,"Obstructions in the veins are worse than others. Obstructions in the arteries are still worse. Obstructions in the vital organs are the worst of all. Therefore it is better to combine astringency and attenuation in an aperient, because the former will counteract the damage which attenuant substance does to the member." معالجات الأورام,THE TREATMENT OF INFLAMMATORY SWELLINGS. والأورام مِنْهَا حارة وَمِنْهَا بَارِدَة وَمِنْهَا رخوة وَمِنْهَا بَارِدَة صلبة وَقد عددناها. وأسبابها إِمَّا بادية وَإِمَّا سَابِقَة. والسابقة كالامتلاء والبادية مثل السقطة والضربة والنهشة.,"As has been explained, some inflammatory swellings are “hot,” some are cold and soft, and some are cold and hard. Their causes are either immediate or remote. Plethora is a remote cause; blows, falls and bites are immediate causes." والكائن من أَسبَاب بادية إِمَّا أَن يتَّفق مَعَ امتلاء فِي الْبدن أَو مَعَ اعْتِدَال من الأخلاط وَلَا يكون مَعَ امتلاء فِي الْبدن. والكائن عَن أَسبَاب سَابِقَة وَعَن بادية مُوَافقَة لامتلاء الْبدن فَلَا يَخْلُو إِمَّا أَن تكون فِي أَعْضَاء مجاورة للرئيسة وَهِي كالمفرغات للرئيسية أَو لَا تكون,"Some of these causes may befall a body which is in a state of plethora, or one in which the humours are in balanced proportion. Inflammatory swellings due to remote causes or to immediate causes associated with plethora occur either in organs which are adjuncts to vital organs (namely, emunctory organs) or not." فَإِن لم تكن فَلَا يجوز أَن يقرب إِلَيْهَا من المحللات شَيْء الْبَتَّةَ فِي الِابْتِدَاء بل يجب أَن يصلح الْعُضْو الدَّافِع إِن كَانَ عُضْو دَافع وَيصْلح الْبدن كُله إِن كَانَ لَيْسَ لَهُ عُضْو مُفْرد وَأَن يقرب إِلَيْهِ كل الْقرب كل مَا يردع ويجذب إِلَى الْخلاف وَيقبض,"If they are not present in such organs, one must not at first apply any of the resolvent agents, but simply relieve the (special) emunctory organ concerned, if there is one. If the particular vital organ has not its own emunctory the whole body requires attention with a view to influencing the affected part by recoil [i.e., using a “ repercussive ”], drawing the material to a different organ, and also introducing an astringent influence." وَرُبمَا جذب إِلَى خلاف ذَلِك الْعُضْو فِي الْجَانِب الْمُخَالف برياضة أَو حمل ثقيل عَلَيْهِ. وَكَثِيرًا مَا تجذب الْمَادَّة عَن الْيَد المتورمة إِذا حمل بالآخرى ثقيل وَأمْسك سَاعَة.,"Owing to a difference in the member, an attraction may occur for something placed in the opposite side, whether by using some appropriate exercise, or by applying something heavy over the part. Thus, inflammatory matter may often be drawn away from the hand by keeping something heavy over the place for an hour." وَأما القابضات فَيجب فِيهَا أَن تتوخى القابضات الرادعة فِي الأورام الحارة المزاج صرفة وَفِي الأورام الْبَارِدَة مخلوطة بِمَا لَه قُوَّة حارة مَعَ الْقَبْض مثل الْإِذْخر وأظفار الطّيب,"For acute inflammatory swellings, astringent repercussives must be purely cold in temperament. But if the swelling is “ cold,” the remedies must be combined with something possessing a heating property in addition to being astringent, such as bogrush, and azfarut-tib [a medicament derived, according to some, from a certain species of oyster, Indian Ocean]." وَكلما يزِيد الصفان نقص الْقَبْض وقوى بِهِ الْمُحَلّل حَتَّى يوافي الِانْتِهَاء فَحِينَئِذٍ يخلط بَينهمَا بِالسَّوِيَّةِ وَعند الانحطاط يقْتَصر على الْمُحَلّل والمرخي. والباردة الرخوة يجب أَن يكون مَا يحللها شَيْئا حارأً ميبساً أَكثر مَا يكون فِي الحارة.,"During the stage of maturation of the inflammation, the retentive quality of the treatment must be kept down, and it must be combined with something resolvent. When the height has been reached, the two classes of remedy may be given in equal proportions. Then, during the stage of declination, the remedy should be simply resolvent and relaxing. Cold relaxing remedies have a more desiccant effect than hot ones." هَذَا وأما الحادث عَن سَبَب باد وَلَيْسَ هُنَاكَ امتلاء من الأخلاط فَيجب أَن يعالج فِي أول الْأَمر بالإرخاء والتحليل وَإِلَّا فبمثل مَا عولج بِهِ الأول.,"Inflammatory swellings -produced by immediate causes in a person who is not plethoric require an initial treatment with relaxant and resolvent remedies, otherwise the treatment is as before." وَأما إِذا كَانَ الْعُضْو المتورم مفرغة لعضو رَئِيس مثل الْمَوَاضِع الغددية من الْعُنُق حول الْأُذُنَيْنِ للدماغ والإبط للقلب والإربيتين للكبد فَلَا يجوز الْبَتَّةَ أَن يقرب إِلَيْهَا مَا يردع لَيْسَ لأجل أَن هَذَا لَيْسَ علاجاً لأورامها فَإِن هَذَا هُوَ أعلاج لأورامها,"The inflamed organ may be the emunctory of a vital organ, as is the case if the glands of the neck are inflamed, for these are related to the brain; or the glands of the axilla, which are related to the heart; the glands of the groin, which are related to the liver. In all such cases one must certainly not employ repercussives not because it is a wrong treatment for inflammation in these situations, for it is not wrong but because in this case we do not wish to touch the inflammation itself." غير أَنا نؤثر أَن لَا نعالج أورامها ونجتهد فِي الزِّيَادَة فِيهَا وجذب الْمَادَّة إِلَيْهَا وَلَا نبالي من اشتداد الضَّرَر بالعضو طلبا منا لمصْلحَة الْعُضْو الرئيس وخوفاً منا أَنا ذَا أردعنا الْمَادَّة انصرفت إِلَى الْعُضْو الرئيس وَكَانَ من ذَلِك مَا لَا يُطَاق تَدَارُكه,"Our aim is to direct our energies to enlarging the swelling and convey morbid material to it from the vital organ itself. We can do no good as long as there is disease in the vital organ, and our efforts must be directed towards relieving that. Were we to employ repercussives, we should risk returning the morbid material back to the vital organ, and finally make its state so bad that we cannot possibly mend it." فَنحْن نستأثر وُقُوع الضَّرَر بالعضو الخسيس من حَيْثُ ينفع الْعُضْو الرئيس حَتَّى إِنَّا لنجتهد فِي جذب الْمَادَّة إِلَى الْعُضْو الخسيس وتوريمه وَلَو بالمحاجم والأضمدة الجاذبة الحادة.,"That is why we aim at drawing the unhealthy material down to an ignoble member, so relieving the vital organ of which it is emunctory, and we encourage the inflammatory process in the ignoble member, even to the extreme of applying cupping or calefacient plasters which will draw the inflammation thither." وَإِذا أجتمع أَمْثَال هَذِه الأورام أَو غَيرهَا وخصوصاً فِي الْمَوَاضِع الخالية فَرُبمَا انفرج بِذَاتِهِ أَو مَعُونَة الإنضاج وَرُبمَا احتجت إِلَى الإنضاج والبط مَعًا. والإنضاج يتم بِمَا فِيهِ مَعَ الْحَرَارَة تسديد وتغرية يحصر بهما الْحَار,"When the inflammatory mass has in this way become fluid, it may burst of its own accord, especially if it be in an emunctory organ; the promotion of maturation will help to bring about this result. Sometimes both maturation and incision must be done together. Maturation is favoured by the use of an agent which both obstructs and agglutinates, for in this way the heat of the part is maintained." وَمن يحاول الإنضاج بِمثل هَذِه المنضجات بجب عَلَيْهِ أَن يتَأَمَّل فَإِن وجد الْحَار الغريزي ضَعِيفا وَرَأى الْعُضْو يمِيل إِلَى الْفساد نحى عَنهُ المغرّيات والمسدّدات وَاسْتعْمل المفتّحات وَالشّرط العميق ثمَّ الْأَدْوِيَة الَّتِي فِيهَا تَحْلِيل وتجفيف وكما نستقصي فِيهِ فِي الْكتب الْجُزْئِيَّة,"In carrying out such measures one should watch to see when the innate heat is feeble or the tissues are breaking down. At that moment the agglutinative and oppilative remedy must be removed and an aperitive medicine given, making a deep incision. After that, resolvent and desiccative medicines are to be applied which we shall specify in the Special Part." وَكَثِيرًا مَا يكون الورم غائراً فَيحْتَاج إِلَى جذبه نَحْو الْجلد وَلَو بالمحاجم بالنَّار. وَأما الأورام الصلبة الْمُجَاوزَة حد الِابْتِدَاء فالقانون فِيهَا أَن تلين تَارَة بِمَا يقلّ إسخانه وتجفيفه لئلآ يتحجر كثيفه لشدَّة التَّحْلِيل بل يستعد جَمِيعه للتحليل ثمَّ يشد عَلَيْهِ التَّحْلِيل,"When the inflammation is deep-seated it must be drawn towards the skin, even if to do so we must employ dry cupping. Hard inflammatory masses. When these are at the end of the first stage, the treatment is to soften with remedies which are “hot ” and not very “dry,” because one must not make it so dense as to undergo calcification. The aim is to dispose the mass to resolution, increasing the resolvents up to a point." ثمَّ إِن خيف من تحلل مَا تحلّل تحجر مَا يبْقى أقبل على تليينه ثَانِيًا وَلَا يزَال يفعل ذَلِك حَتَّى يفنى كُله فِي مدتي التليين والتحليل.,"and if one is then afraid that the dispersal of the resolved portion will lead to calcification in the residue, the softening process is resumed. These alternations are repeated time and again until the whole is dispersed by the alternate softening and solution." والأورام النفخية تعالج بِمَا يسخن مَعَ لطافة جَوْهَر لتحلل الرّيح وَتوسع المسام إِذْ السَّبَب فِي الأورام النفخية غلظ الرّيح بانسداد المسام. وَيجب أَيْضا أَن يعتنى بجسم مَادَّة مَا يحدث البخار الريحي.,"Gaseous swellings are treated by agents which have a calefacient effect and rarefy the (gaseous) substance, and open up the pores. This treatment depends on the view that the swellings are due to coarseness of the gaseous particles and to closure of the pores. In addition one must take measures to prevent the appearance of the material from which the gaseous matter arises." وَمن الأورام أورام قرحية كالنملة فَيجب أَن تبرد كالفلغموني وَلَكِن لَا يَنْبَغِي أَن يرطب وَأَن كَانَ الورم يَقْتَضِي الترطيب بل يَنْبَغِي أَن تجقف لِأَن الْعرض هَهُنَا قد غلب السَّبَب. وَالْعرض هُوَ التقرح المتوقع أَو الْوَاقِع. والتقرح علاجه التجفيف وأضر الْأَشْيَاء بِهِ الترطيب.,"Inflammatory swellings with ulceration. E.g., vesicular or herpetic ulcers. These require infrigidants. If they are like phlegmon, they do not need emollient treatment [Margin: humectant treatment, unless they are to be opened] but desiccant treatment, because the secondary state the ulceration of the inflammatory mass which one feared has actually happened, and the proper treatment of ulceration is by desiccants, not emollients [Mgn: humectants]." وَأما الأورام الْبَاطِنَة فَيجب أَن تنقص الْمَادَّة عَنْهَا بالفصد والإسهال ويجتنب صَاحبهَا الْحمام وَالشرَاب والحركات الْبَدَنِيَّة والنفسانية المفرطة كالغضب وَنَحْوه ثمَّ يسْتَعْمل فِي بَدْء الْأَمر مَا يردع من غير حمل شَدِيد وخصوصاً إِن كَانَ فِي مثل الْمعدة أَو الكبد,"Internal inflammatory masses. The morbid material in such swellings must be removed by venesection and purgation. The following must be forbidden: use of baths; wine; bodily exercise (or movement), avoidable mental emotions, like anger and the like. In the early stages repercussives must be given and minimum bulk of food (lit.: not too much, “superfluity ”), especially if the organ affected be the stomach or liver." لهاذا جَاءَ وَقت تحليلها فَلَا يجب أَن يخلي عَن أدوية قابضة طيبَة الرّيح كَمَا أومأنا إِلَيْهِ فِيمَا سلف. والكبد والمعدة أحْوج إِلَى ذَلِك من الرئة وَيجب أَن تكون الملينات للطبيعة الَّتِي تسْتَعْمل فِيهَا إنضاج وموافقة للأورام مثل عِنَب الثَّعْلَب وَالْخيَار شنبر.,"As the time of resolution arrives, one must not omit introducing astringents of agreeable odour, in the manner in which we have set forth for you in preceding pages. This principle is more important for the liver and stomach than for the lung. Emollient medicines, or mild aperients, are to be given to those cases in which maturation is taking place, for they are beneficial to inflammatory processes. Ex.: nightshade, cassia fistula." ولعنب الثَّعْلَب خاصية فِي تَحْلِيل الأورام الحارة الْبَاطِنَة وَيجب أَن لَا يغذى أَرْبَابهَا إِلَّا لطيفاً وَفِي غير وَقت النّوبَة إِن كَانَت فِي ابتدائها إِلَّا لضعف شَدِيد. وَمن بلي باجتماع ورم الأحشاء مَعَ سُقُوط الْقُوَّة فَهُوَ فِي طَرِيق الْمَوْت لِأَن الْقُوَّة لَا تنتعش إِلَّا بالغذاء.,"Nightshade has the power to disperse acute inflammations in the internal organs. One should give only light food, and not even then either at the beginning of an attack or during it, unless the patient is very feeble. The signs of a collection of [pus] in the internal organs, associated with loss of strength, indicate that the patient is on the road to death unless nutriment is given to sustain his vitality." والغذاء أضرّ شَيْء فَإِن تحللت فَمَا أحسن مَا يكون وَإِن تَفَجَّرَتْ فَيجب أَن يشرب مَا يغسلهَا مثل مَاء الْعَسَل أَو مَاء السكر ثمَّ يتَنَاوَل مَا ينضج بِرِفْق مَعَ تجفيف ثمَّ آخر الْأَمر يقْتَصر على المجففات.,"But the giving of food is very risky. Therefore it will be well if the disease should resolve of itself, and if the (abscess) bursts [i.e., into the alimentary tract], such things as honey-water and sugar-water may be given to lave the parts, following them with remedies which favour maturation and are desiccant. Finally, one administers desiccants alone." وستعلم هَذَا من الْكتاب الْمُشْتَمل على الْأَمْرَاض الْجُزْئِيَّة علما مشروحاً وَقد يغلط فِي الأورام الْبَاطِنَة الَّتِي تَحت الْبَطن فَإِنَّهَا رُبمَا لم تكن أوراماً بل كَانَت فتقاً فَيكون بطها فِيهِ خطر وَرُبمَا كَانَت ورماً بَاطِنا وَلَيْسَ فِي الصفاق بل فِي المعي نَفسه وَكَانَ فِي بطنه خطر فَاعْلَم ذَلِك.,"This subject is fully dealt with in the Special Part under the appropriate headings. Internal inflammatory swellings in the abdomen may give rise to errors in diagnosis. If the condition is not inflammation but rupture, there is a danger of perforation. Such swellings are not usually in the omentum, but in the intestine itself [e.g., appendix], and it is dangerous to give aperients." كَلَام مُجمل فِي البَط من أَرَادَ أَن يبط بطأ فَيجب أَن يفدب بشقه مَعَ الأسرة والغضون الَّتِي فِي ذَلِك الْعُضْو إِلَّا أَن يكون الْعُضْو مثل الْجَبْهَة فَإِن البط إِذا وَقع على مَذْهَب أسرته وغضونه انْقَطَعت عضلة الْجَبْهَة وَسقط الْحَاجِب.,"ON MAKING INCISIONS When one decides to make an incision or opening (into the diseased part) one should take into consideration the various small and larger folds of the skin. In the case of the forehead however one would act otherwise, because an incision along the folds there would divide the muscles and cause drooping of the eyelids." وَفِي الْأَعْضَاء الَّتِي يُخَالف منصب أسرته مَذْهَب لِيف العضلة وَيجب أَن يكون الباط عَارِفًا بالتشريح تشريح العصب والأوردة والشرايين لِئَلَّا يخطىء فَيقطع شَيْئا مِنْهَا فَيُؤَدِّي إِلَى هَلَاك الْمَرِيض.,"Similar care must be taken in the cases where the muscular fibres take a different course to the surface folds. The surgeon must therefore know the anatomy of the nerves, the veins, and the arteries, so as not to sever them by mistake." وَيجب أَن يكون عِنْده عدد من الْأَدْوِيَة الحابسة للدم وَمن المراهم المسكنة للوجع والآلات الَّتِي تجانس ذَلِك فَيكون مَعَه مثل دَوَاء جالينوس وَمثل وبر الأرنب أَو نسج العنكبوت إِذْ فِي نسج العنكبوت مَنْفَعَة بَيِّنَة فِي معنى ذَلِك وَأَيْضًا بَيَاض الْبيض والمكاوي,"He also needs various drugs for staunching the blood, plasters to allay the pain, and the appropriate instruments handy namely Galen’s remedy; rabbit-hair; spider’s web; white of egg; the cautery." كلهَا لمنع نزف إِن حل بِهِ خطأ مِنْهُ أَو ضَرُورَة وَتَكون مَعَه الْأَدْوِيَة المفردة حسب مَا بَينا فِي الْأَدْوِيَة المفردة.,"With such agents one is able to arrest the flow of blood if due to an accidental injury (by the surgeon), or whether it be inevitable, or the result of emollient medicines which provoke haemorrhage." وَأَنت تعلم ذَلِك وَإِذا بطّ خراجاً فأخرَج مَا فِيهِ لم يجب أَن يقرب مِنْهُ دهناً وَلَا مائية وَلَا مرهماً فِيهِ شَحم وزيت غَالب كالباسليقون بل مثل مرهم القلقطار وليستعمله إِذا احْتَاجَ إِلَيْهِ وَيَضَع فَوْقه إسفنجة مغموسة فِي شراب قَابض.,"Having opened the abscess and extracted its contents, one should avoid applying oil, or water, or a plaster containing oil, or “basilicon.” One should use a plaster made with vitriol, if something has to be applied. A sponge soaked in astringent wine may be applied to the part." (الْفَصْل السَّابع وَالْعشْرُونَ علاج فَسَاد الْعُضْو),GANGRENE. EXCISION وَالْقطع إِن الْعُضْو إِذا فسد لمزاج رَدِيء مَعَ مَادَّة أَو غير مَادَّة وَلم يغن فِيهِ الشَّرْط والطلاء بِمَا يصلح مِمَّا هُوَ مَذْكُور فِي الْكتب الْجُزْئِيَّة فَلَا بُد من أَخذ اللَّحْم الْفَاسِد الَّذِي عَلَيْهِ,"When decomposition occurs in a member, whether involving humoral matter or not, owing to some depravity of the temperament, and when wet-cupping or the usually effective epithemes particularized in the special books fail to benefit, then one must remove the corrupt flesh." وَالْأولَى أَن يكون بِغَيْر الْحَدِيد إِن أمكن فَإِن الْحَدِيد رُبمَا أصَاب شظايا العضل والعصب وَالْعُرُوق النابضة إِصَابَة مجحفة,"If this can be done without the use of the cautery-iron, so much the better, because that is injurious to the nerves supplying the muscles and .is dangerous to the arteries." فَإِن لم يغن ذَلِك وَكَانَ الْفساد قد تعدى إِلَى الدَّم فَلَا بُد من قطعه وكي قطعه بالدهن المغلي فَإِنَّهُ يَأْمَن بذلك شَرّ غائلته وَيَنْقَطِع النزف وينبت على قطعه دم وَجلد غَرِيب غير مُنَاسِب أشبه شَيْء بِالدَّمِ لصلابته.,"If this is unavailing, and the decomposition is spreading still more deeply into the flesh, excision becomes necessary and one must burn the place with boiling oil to antagonize the virulence of the disease and prevent haemorrhage. The flesh will fill up again but the skin will shrink and resemble flesh in its hardness." وَإِذا أُرِيد أَن يقطع فَيجب أَن يدْخل المجس فِيهِ ويدور حول الْعظم فَحَيْثُ يجد التصاقاً صَحِيحا فهنالك يشْتَد الوجع بِإِدْخَال المجس فَهُوَ حدّ السَّلامَة وَحَيْثُ يجد رهلاً وَضعف التصاق فَهُوَ فِي جملَة مَا يجب أَن يقطع,"When you are about to excise the gangrenous part, cut along the bones where the flesh is adherent, and still healthy, and the pain is greatest, this being the indication of the healthy margin. Any part that is boggy and flabby belongs to the gangrenous part and must be excised with it." فَتَارَة بثقب مَا يُحِيط بالعظم الَّذِي يُرَاد قطعه حَتَّى تحيط بِهِ المثاقب فينكسر بِهِ وَيَنْقَطِع وَتارَة ينشر. وَإِذا أُرِيد أَن يفعل بِهِ ذَلِك حيل بَين المقطع والمنقب وَبَين اللَّحْم لِئَلَّا يوجع,"Should the part you propose excising entirely surround the bone, involving the foramina where gangrene is taking place, excision and the use of a saw is required. If you decide to do this, go in between the place for excision and the site of perforation and flesh, to avoid causing pain." فَإِن كَانَ الْعظم الَّذِي يحْتَاج إِلَى قطعه شظية ناتئة ليد يتهندم وَلَا يُرْجَى صَلَاحه وَيخَاف أَن يفْسد فَيفْسد مَا يَلِيهِ نحينا اللَّحْم عَنهُ إِمَّا بالشق ثمَّ بالربط وَالْمدّ إِلَى خلاف الْجِهَة وَإِمَّا بحيل أُخْرَى تهدي إِلَيْهَا الْمُشَاهدَة,"If bone is projecting into the part to be excised, and is irreducible, and there is a risk of the tissues next to it undergoing gangrene as well, we should raise up and tear off the flesh from it, stretching it by bandages to an adjoining part or using any device for the purpose which seems best for the occasion." وحلنا بَينه وَبَين عُضْو شرِيف إِذا كَانَ هُنَاكَ بحجب من الْخرق ونبعده بهَا عَنهُ ثمَّ قَطعنَا وَإِن كَانَ الْعظم مثل عظم الْفَخْذ وَكَانَ كَبِيرا قَرِيبا من أعصاب وشرايين وأوردة وَكَانَ فَسَاده كثيرا فعلى الطَّبِيب عِنْد ذَلِك الْهَرَب.,"The object is to separate the diseased part [and its fasciae] from the healthy tissue as far as possible, after which it can be wholly excised. If the part affected is large, and with nerves, arteries and veins in the vicinity (for instance, the thighbone), and if the gangrenous change is very great, the doctor should leave the case severely alone." معالجات تفرق الِاتِّصَال وأصناف القروح والوثي والضربة والسقطة,"THE TREATMENT OF Loss OF CONTINUITY (INCLUDING ULCERS, BLOWS, BRUISES, DISLOCATIONS)" تفرق الإتصال فِي الْأَعْضَاء الْعَظِيمَة يعالج بالتسوية والرباط الملائم الْمَفْعُول فِي صناعَة الْجَبْر وسيأتيك فِي مَوْضِعه ثمَّ بِالسُّكُونِ وَاسْتِعْمَال الْغذَاء المغري الَّذِي يُرْجَى أَن يتَوَلَّد مِنْهُ غذَاء غضروفي ليَشُد شفتي الْكسر ويلائمها كالكفشير,"Fracture. Loss of continuity in large members [e.g., fracture of a long bone] is treated by securing apposition and applying bandages in a suitable manner, as described in the Special Instructions given in the appropriate Section. The part must be kept at rest. The diet should include conglutinant foods which will supply chondrogenous nutriment to the seat of injury, and bring about the closure of the edges of the fracture and make the bone continuous again." فَإِنَّهُ من المستحيل أَن يجْبر الْعظم وخصوصاً فِي الْأَبدَان الْبَالِغَة إِلَّا على هَذِه الصّفة فَإِنَّهُ لَا يعود إِلَى الِاتِّصَال الْبَتَّةَ. وسنتكلم فِي الْجَبْر كلَاما مستقصى فِي الْكتب الْجُزْئِيَّة.,Food of this kind can be prepared from the feet of animals. When a person has reached the prime of life there is no other way of procuring reunion of the bone. But further details on restoring continuity are given in the Special Part. وَأما تفرق الإتصال الْوَاقِع فِي الْأَعْضَاء اللينة فالغرض فِي علاجها مُرَاعَاة أصُول ثَلَاثَة إِن كَانَ السَّبَب ثَابتا فَأول مَا يجب هُوَ قطع مَا يسيل وَقطع مادته إِن كَانَ لمجاوره مَادَّة. وَالثَّانِي: إلحام الشق بالأدوية والأغذية الْمُوَافقَة. وَالثَّالِث: منع العفونة مَا أمكن.,"Wounds. There are three principles to follow when treating loss of continuity in fleshy tissues. Stabilize the part which is insufficiently firm, arrest the bleeding, and if there be a discharge strive to reduce its amount; make the immobilized part consolidated by administering appropriate medicines and suitable articles of food; prevent sepsis [lit., putrefaction] as much as possible." وَإِذا كفى من الثَّلَاثَة وَاحِد صرفت الْعِنَايَة إِلَى البَاقِينَ. أما قطع مَا يسيل فقد عرفت الْوَجْه فِي ذَلِك وَنحن قد فَرغْنَا عَن بَيَانه. وَأما الإلحام. فتجمع الشفاه إِن اجْتمعت وبالتجفيف فَيتَنَاوَل المغريات,"If all three cannot be achieved, concentrate on the two which can. You know from what has already been said how the arrest of bleeding is achieved. Consolidation of the part is secured by apposing the edges of the wound, and by applying desiccant remedies [which tend to reduce the amount of discharge], and by taking agglutinative foods." وَيَنْبَغِي أَن تعلم أَن الْغَرَض فِي مداواة القروح هُوَ التجفيف فَمَا كَانَ مِنْهَا نقياً جفف فَقَط وَمَا كَانَ مِنْهَا عفناً اسْتعْملت فِيهِ الْأَدْوِيَة الحادة الأكالة مثل القلقطار والزاج والزرنيخ والنورة فَإِن لم ينجح فَلَا بُد من النَّار.,"Ulcers. In treating ulcers, the aim is to procure dessication, so that the exposed surface shall dry up. Septic changes are treated with caustic medicaments such as yellow or green vitriol (an impure copper sulphate), unslaked lime, arsenic. If these do not succeed, the cautery may be needed." والدواء المركّب من الزنجار والشمع والدهن ينقى بزنجاره وَيمْنَع إفراط اللذع بدهنه وشمعه فَهُوَ دَوَاء معتدل فِي هَذَا الشَّأْن الْمَذْكُور فِي أقراباذين وَتقول: إِن كل قرحَة لَا يَخْلُو إِمَّا أَن تكون مُفْردَة وَإِمَّا أَن تكون مركبة.,"and an application prepared with verdigris, wax, and oil; the verdigris is cleansing; the oil and wax counteract the undue causticity; and so we have a medicine suitably modified or attempered. All ulcers are either simple or compound." والمفردة إِن كَانَت صَغِيرَة وَلم يتأكل من وَسطهَا شَيْء فَيجب أَن يجمع شفتاها وتعصب بعد توق من وُقُوع شَيْء فِيمَا بَينهَا من دهن أَو غُبَار فَإِنَّهُ يلتحم وَكَذَلِكَ الْكَبِيرَة الَّتِي لم يذهب من جوهرها شَيْء وَيُمكن إطباق جُزْء مِنْهَا على الآخر.,"They are simple when they are of small size and there is so little loss of substance that the margins can be reunited, the union being secured by seeing that no oil [or sand or dirt. Aeg.] or dust gets in between the margins during the process of healing. The fact that the opposite sides will meet ensures that there will be no loss of substance." وَأما الْكَبِيرَة الَّتِي لَا يُمكن ضمهَا شقاً كَانَ أَو فضاء مملوءاً صديداً أَو قد ذهب مِنْهَا شَيْء من جَوْهَر الْعُضْو فعلاجها التجفيف. فَإِن كَانَ الذَّاهِب جلدا فَقَط احْتِيجَ إِلَى مَا يخْتم وَهُوَ إِمَّا بِالذَّاتِ فالقوابض وَإِمَّا بِالْعرضِ,"When the ulcer is so large that the two sides cannot be brought together, and there remains a mark, or depression, or a gap, which is full of sanious matter, there being already an actual loss of substance, the treatment must be desiccant. If there is loss of substance, then, healing will necessarily be by cicatrization. This is induced in the first place by means of astringents, and in the second by applying acrid [or escharotic] substances," فالحادة إِذا اسْتعْمل مِنْهَا قَلِيل مَعْلُوم مثل الزاج والقلقطار فَإِنَّهَا أعون على التجفيف وإحداث الخشكريشة فَإِن أَكثر أكل وَزَاد فِي القروح وَأما إِن كَانَ الذَّاهِب لَحْمًا كالقروح الغائرة فَلَا يجب أَن نبادر إِلَى الْخَتْم,"for instance yellow and green vitriol [cf. “red lotion ”], because these assist desiccation and the formation of a scab without producing further corrosion, and consequent enlargement of the area of the ulcer. If the loss of substance be of flesh, as happens with deep wounds, we cannot hurry the cicatrization." بل يجب أَن يعتني أَولا بإنبات اللَّحْم وَإِنَّمَا ينْبت اللَّحْم مَا لَا يتعدّى تجفيفه الدرجَة الأولى كثيرا بل هَهُنَا شَرَائِط يَنْبَغِي أَن تراعى من ذَلِك اعْتِبَار حَال مزاج الْعُضْو الْأَصْلِيّ ومزاج القرحة,"The first thing to do is to encourage the formation of fleshy granulations, and this will not occur unless the “dryness ” be hardly more than of the first degree. One keeps a look-out for any conditions which will expedite recovery. Thus (i) the state of the temperament of the organ concerned as compared with that of the ulcer itself." فَإِن كَانَ الْعُضْو فِي مزاجه شَدِيد الرطوبه والقرحة لَيست بشديدة الرُّطُوبَة كفى تجفيف يسير فِي الدرجَة الأولى لِأَن الْمَرَض لم يَتَعَدَّ عَن طبيعة الْعُضْو كثيرا.,"For if the organ in question is very “ moist ” in temperament and the ulcer not very “ moist,” a small amount of desiccation namely, to the first degree will be sufficient, for the malady is very nearly the same in character as the member affected." وَأما إِذا كَانَ الْعُضْو يَابسا والقرحة شَدِيدَة الرُّطُوبَة احْتِيجَ إِلَى مَا يجفف فِي الدرجَة الثَّانِيَة وَالثَّالِثَة ليَرُدهُ إِلَى مزاجه وَيجب أَن يعدل الْحَال فِي المعتدلين,"But if the member (in which the ulcer is situated) is dry in temperament, and the ulcer very moist, desiccation to the second, and even the third degree will be needed before the temperament of the lesion can be restored to the normal. Cases which are between the two extremes will need equalization of the respective states." وَمن ذَلِك اعْتِبَار مزاج الْبدن كُله لِأَن الْبدن إِذا كَانَ شَدِيد اليبوسة كَانَ الْعُضْو الزَّائِد فِي رطوبته معتدلاً فِي الرُّطُوبَة بِحَسب الْبدن المعتدل فَيجب أَن يجفف بالمعتدل وَكَذَلِكَ إِن كَانَ الْبدن زَائِد الرُّطُوبَة والعضو إِلَى ٍاليبوسة وَإِن خرجا جَمِيعًا إِلَى الزِّيَادَة,"One must also consider (ii) the temperament of the body as a whole. If the body is of very dry temperament, and the diseased member is more humid than normal, we aim to reduce the humidity to one more nearly approaching equipoise. One applies desiccant remedies. The converse applies if the temperament of the body were more humid and the affected limb were drier. If both the body as a whole, and the affected part are increased in the same direction," فَحِينَئِذٍ إِن كَانَ الْخُرُوج إِلَى الرُّطُوبَة جفف تجفيفاً أَكثر أَو إِلَى اليبوسة جفّف تجفيفاً أقل وَمن ذَلِك اعْتِبَار قُوَّة المجففات يمْنَع الْمَادَّة المنصبة إِلَى الْعُضْو الَّتِي مِنْهَا يتهيأ إنبات اللَّحْم كَمَا يطْلب فِي مجففات لَا تسْتَعْمل لإنبات اللَّحْم بل للختم,"more decidedly dessicant treatment is indicated if the excess be on the side of humidity, and less desiccant treatment if the excess be in the direction of dryness. One must also consider (iii) the potency of the desiccants. All desiccants promote the formation of granulation tissue (lit. flesh), but a powerfully desiccant action is not required. All that is needed is to hold back any material which is of a character likely to contribute to the formation of granulations in its passage down into the affected part." فَإِن المجففات المنبتة وَإِن لم يطْلب مِنْهَا تجفيف شَدِيد مثله فإذاه يطْلب مِنْهَا أَن تكون أَكثر جلاءَ وغسلاً للصديد من المجففات الخاتمة الَّتِي لَا يُرَاد مِنْهَا إِلَّا الْخَتْم والإلحام والإهمال وَجَمِيع الْأَدْوِيَة الَّتِي تجفف بِلَا لذع فَهِيَ ذَات نفع فِي إنبات اللَّحْم.,"Therefore one searches for a desiccant agent which is useful for promoting cicatrization rather than the formation of “ flesh,” but one also prefers one which is abstergent and cleanses away the sanious matter to one which promotes desiccation. The ideal desiccant promotes cicatriza¬tion, consolidation of the part and restoration of continuity. All remedies which are desiccant without any caustic (by-) action can be included among those which promote the formation of granulations." وكل قرحَة فِي مَوضِع غير لحيم فَهِيَ غير مجيبة لسرعة الإندمال. وَكَذَلِكَ المستديرة. وَأما القروح الْبَاطِنَة فَيجب أَن يخلط بالأدوية المجففة والقوابض المستعملة فِيهَا أدوية منفذة كالعسل وأدوية خَاصَّة بالموضع كالمدرات فِي أدوية علاج قُرُوح آلَات الْبَوْل,"Ulcers in situations which are not fleshy, and round ulcers, cannot be made to heal quickly. Internal ulcers require the admixture of purifying agents like honey, or special remedies for the affected part (e.g., diuretics for ulcers in the urinary passages) with the desiccant and styptic preparations needed in any case." وَإِذا أردنَا فِيهَا الإدمال جعلنَا الْأَدْوِيَة مَعَ قبضهَا لزجة كالطين الْمَخْتُوم. وَاعْلَم أَن لبرء القرحة مَوَانِع رداءة الْعُضْو أَي مزاج الْعُضْو فَيجب ان تعتني بإصلاحه حسب مَا تعلم وراءة مزاج الدَّم المتوجه إِلَيْهِ فيربطه فَيجب أَن تتداركه بِمَا يُولد الكيموس الْمَحْمُود,"To promote cicatrization one may use a remedy which is viscous as well as astringent or styptic, like Lemnian earth. Conditions which prevent the healing of an ulcer. (i) unhealthy temperament of the affected part. One must endeavour to rectify this, (ii) Unhealthy temperament of the blood supplied to the part. This is to be remedied by diet, choosing that which will produce good chyme." وَكَثْرَة الدَّم الَّذِي يسيل إِلَيْهِ ويرطبه فَيجب أَن تتداركه بالاستفراخ وتلطيف الْغذَاء وَاسْتِعْمَال الرياضة إِن أمكن. وَفَسَاد الْعظم الَّذِي نخبه وأساله الصديد وَهَذَا لَا دَوَاء لَهُ إِلَّا إصْلَاح ذَلِك الْعظم وحكه إِن كَانَ الحك يَأْتِي على فَسَاده أَو أَخذه وقطعه,"(iii) Undue abundance of blood entering the part, rendering it too humid. This is counteracted by purgation, by a diluent diet, and exercise as far as is permissible, (iv) Disease of the underlying bone whereby sanious matter is constantly (flowing over the ulcer). The only remedy for this is to deal with the bone-disease: massage can help to get rid of the diseased bone, otherwise it must be excised." وَكَثِيرًا مَا يحْتَاج أَن يكون مَعَ معالجي القرحة مراهم جذابة لهشيم الْعِظَام وسلاءة ليخرجها وَإِلَّا منعت صَلَاح القرحة. القروح تحْتَاج إِلَى الْغذَاء للتقوية وَإِلَى تقليل الْغذَاء لقطع مَادَّة الْمدَّة وَبَين المقتضيين خلاف فَإِن الْمدَّة تضعف فتحتاج إِلَى تَقْوِيَة وتكثر فتحتاج إِلَى منع الْغذَاء,"(v) adductive plasters are often required for the treatment of ulcers to enable the fragments of bones and foreign objects lodged in the flesh to be withdrawn, for otherwise they prevent healing; (vi) more nutritive food may be indicated, in order to provide strength to the tissues and yet the nutriment may need to be curtailed in order to lessen the discharge of sanious matter from the ulcer. So there is a certain difficulty in adjusting these contrary objects, for sanious discharge is debilitating, and the remedy for this is to supply more nutritious food; and yet to make the diet more liberal entails increasing the amount of sanious discharge." فَيجب أَن يكون الطَّبِيب متدبراً فِي ذَلِك وَإِذا كَانَت القروح فِي الِابْتِدَاء والتزيد فَلَا يَنْبَغِي أَن يدْخل الْحمام أَو يصاب بِمَاء حَار فينجذب إِلَيْهَا مَا يزِيد فِي الورم. وَإِذا سكنت القرحة وقاحت فَلَعَلَّهُ يرخص فِيهَا وكل قرحَة تنتكث بِسُرْعَة كلما اندملت فَهِيَ فِي طَرِيق البنصر.,"The doctor has therefore to make his decision according to circum-stances. [(vii) Malignant disease. Cautery and excision are indicated.] Bathing. When an ulcer is forming, the patient must not enter a bath, or use hot water, because this will attract matters to the ulcer which will lead to the formation of an inflammatory swelling. But when the ulcer reaches a stationary stage, and discharges sanious matter it may be permissible. If an ulcer recurs soon after being healed, it needs consolidation and is on the way to becoming a fistula." وَيجب أَن يتَأَمَّل دَائِما لون الْمدَّة ولون شفة الْجرْح وَإِذا كثرت الْمدَّة من غير استكثار من الْغذَاء فَذَلِك للنضج. ولنتكلم الأن فِي علاج الْفَسْخ.,"One must therefore watch the discharge very carefully, and also the colour of the edges of the ulcer. If the discharge increases apart from an increase in the amount of food, it denotes maturation. Dislocations We speak now of the treatment when tissues are torn, as by dislocation." فَنَقُول: إِنَّه لما كَانَ الْفَسْخ تفرق اتِّصَال غائر وَرَاء الْجلد فَمن الْبَين أَن أدويته يجب أَن تكون أقوى من أدوية المكشوفة وَلما كَانَ الدَّم يكثر انصبابه إِلَيْهِ احْتَاجَ ضَرُورَة إِلَى مَا يحلل. وَيجب أَن يكون مَا يحلله لَيْسَ بِكَثِير التجفيف لِئَلَّا يحلّل اللَّطِيف ويحجر الكثيف,"That is, we speak of cases in which there is a loss of continuity deep down under the skin. In such cases, it is evident, the medicinal agents must be more potent than when the lesion is exposed to view. These deep tissues are rich in blood, and therefore the congestion needs relieving, but this must not be at the risk of undue desiccant action, for in that case the tenuous parts would be dispersed, and the thick residue would become a stone." فَإِذا قضى الوطر من الْمُحَلّل فَيجب أَن يسْتَعْمل الملحم المجفف لِئَلَّا يرتبك فِيمَا بَين الِاتِّصَال وسخ يتحجّر ثمَّ يعفن بِأَدْنَى سَبَب أَو ينقلع فَيَعُود تفرق الِاتِّصَال إِذا كَانَ الْفَسْخ أغور شَرط الْموضع ليَكُون الدَّوَاء أغوص.,"When we have procured as much dispersal as is necessary, we apply a consolidative of desiccant character, to enable material to escape, instead of lodging in the cavity and finally giving rise to a stone; in such a case it might either decompose or be removed in some other way, allowing the continuity to be restored. If the lesion is still deeper, the place is scarified to enable the medicament to get in better." وَأما الْفَسْخ والرض الْخَفِيف فَرُبمَا كفى فِي علاجه الفصد فَإِن كَانَ الْفَسْخ مَعَ الشدخ عولج الشدخ أَولا بأدوية الشدخ حَتَّى يُمكن علاج الْفَسْخ. والشدخ إِن كَانَ كثيرا عولج بالمجفّفات,"Contusions. If contusion is associated with loss of continuity, venesection may suffice. But if the dislocation is associated with a severe crush, the latter must be alleviated first, with appropriate medicaments. If the contusion be extensive, desiccants are used." وَإِن كَانَ قَلِيلا كنخس الإبرة أسْند أمره إِلَى الطبيعة نَفسهَا إِلَّا أَن يكون سمياً ملتفاً أَو يكون شَدِيد الانخلاع أَو يكون نَالَ عصباً فيخاف مِنْهُ تولّد الورم والضربان. وَأما الوثي فَيَكْفِي فِيهِ شدّ رَقِيق غير موجع وَأَن يوضع عَلَيْهِ الْأَدْوِيَة الوثبية.,"If it be circumscribed, like a stab, it need not be troubled with, unless the wound is a poisoned one, or unless there is great pain, or the nerves are involved, or if there is a risk of suppuration supervening, or if aneurysm develops. Sprains. A soft bandage is enough, if the condition is not painful. Appropriate medicaments are applied over the dressing." وَأما السقطة والضربة فَيحْتَاج فِي مثلهَا إِلَى فصد من الْخلاف وتلطيف الْغذَاء وهجر للحم وَنَحْوه وَاسْتِعْمَال الأطلية والمشروبات الْمَكْتُوبَة لذَلِك فِي الْكتب الْجُزْئِيَّة. وَأما تفرّق الِاتِّصَال فِي الْأَعْضَاء العصبية وَفِي الْعِظَام فلنؤخر القَوْل فِيهَا.,"In cases of falls and blows, venesection is to be done in some part of the body, and the diet must be light; meat and the like must be avoided. Treat with decoctions and potions. The subject of loss of continuity of nerves and bones is deferred to a special chapter in the Special Part." الكي الكي علاج نَافِع لمنع انتشار الْفساد ولتقوية الْعُضْو الَّذِي يرد مزاجه ولتحليل الْموَاد الْفَاسِدَة المتشبثة بالعضو ولحبس النزف. وَأفضل مَا يكوى بِهِ الذَّهَب,"CAUTERISATION (AS A THERAPEUTIC MEASURE). Cauterisation is a very useful method of treatment, for (a) it prevents the spread of a destructive lesion, and (b) has an invigorating effect on a member whose cold temperament we wish to rectify; (c) it breaks up putrefactive matters imprisoned in a tissue; (d) it restrains the flow of blood. A cautery is best made of gold." وَلَا يَخْلُو موقع الكي إِمَّا أَن يكون ظَاهرا ويوقع عَلَيْهِ الكيّ بِالْمُشَاهَدَةِ أَو يكون غائراً فِي دَاخل عُضْو كالأنف أَو الْفَم أَو المقعدة وَمثل هَذَا يحْتَاج إِلَى قالب يغلي عَلَيْهِ مثل الطلق والمغرة مبلولة بالخلّ ثمَّ يلف عَلَيْهِ خرق ويبرد جدا بِمَاء ورد أَو بِبَعْض العصارات,"The place to be cauterised may be exposed to view, in which case the cautery can be applied without more ado; or it may be deeply situated for instance, in the nose, the buccal cavity, the anus. In this last case a special appliance becomes necessary in the form of a hollow cannula, enclosed in some material like Samian earth or the “ talc ” of the Arabs, or chimolean earth (a red clay) or the “magra” of the Arabs, soaked in vinegar. Around this, one places cloths wetted with extremely cold rose-water or certain juices." فَيدْخل القالب فِي ذَلِك المنفذ حَتَّى يلتقم موقع الكي ثمَّ يدس فِيهِ المكوى ليصل إِلَى موقعه وَلَا يُؤْذِي مَا حواليه وخصوصاً إِذا كَانَ المكوى أرق من حيطان القالب فَلَا يلقِي حيطان القالب,"and the instrument is introduced so that these coverings make a little pit to receive the cautery, whilst protecting the tissues around from injury, as well as the walls of the meatus down which the cautery will pass. The diameter of the cautery itself should be less than that of the cannula, so that when dexterously introduced, it will reach the exact spot to be treated without touching the sides of the cannula." وليتوق الكاوي أَن تتأدى قُوَّة كيته إِلَى الأعصاب والأوتار والرباطات وَإِذا كَانَ كيه لنزف دم فَيجب أَن يَجعله قَوِيا ليَكُون لخشكريشته عمق وثخن فَلَا يسْقط بِسُرْعَة فَإِن سُقُوط خشكريشة كي النزف يجلب آفَة أعظم مِمَّا كَانَ,"The person applying the cautery must take care not to expose nerves, or fasciae, or ligaments to the brunt of the burning. For arresting haemorrhage, great heat is required, with vigorous cauterisation, so that a firm thick eschar is produced which will not readily come off. It is this crust forming under the eschar which stops the blood-flow, and therefore if it became loose the condition would be worse than ever. If the cautery is being applied to remove dead flesh (tissue), pain will show you when you have reached the healthy tissue." وَإِذا كويت لإِسْقَاط لحم فَاسد وَأَرَدْت أَن تعرف حد الصَّحِيح فَهُوَ حَيْثُ يوجع وَرُبمَا احتجت أَن تكوي مَعَ اللَّحْم الْعظم الَّذِي تَحْتَهُ وتمكنه عَلَيْهِ حَتَّى يبطل جَمِيع فَسَاده وَإِذا كَانَ مثل القحف تلطفه حَتَّى لَا يغلي الدِّمَاغ وَلَا تتشنج الْحجب وَفِي غَيره لَا تبالي بالاستقصاء.,"If the cautery is being applied to the bone under the (dead) flesh, one must prolong the time of cauterising the area till the dead matter is all completely destroyed. If the cautery is to be-applied to the skull, the application must be gentle, so as not to risk roasting the brain, or shrivelling up the membranes of the brain. In the case of other bones, there is no need to be so anxious." تسكين الأوجاع قد علمت أَسبَاب الأوجاع وَأَنَّهَا تَنْحَصِر فِي قسمَيْنِ: تغير المزاج دفْعَة وتفرق الِاتِّصَال ثمَّ علمت أَن آخر تفصيلها يَنْتَهِي إِلَى سوء مزاج حَار أَو بَارِد أَو يَابِس بِلَا مَادَّة أَو مَعَ مَادَّة كيموسية أَو ريح أَو ورم.,"THE RELIEF OF PAIN. You have already learnt that the causes of pain may be comprehended under two headings: (i) sudden change of temperament; (ii) loss of continuity. You have also learnt that the first of the headings comprises hot, cold, moist or dry intemperaments; (iii) and the second occurs apart from deposition of matter, or as the effect of the presence of chymous, gaseous or inflammatory exudate." فتسكين الوجع يكون بمضادة الْأَسْبَاب. وَقد علمت مضادة كل وَاحِد مِنْهَا كَيفَ يكون وَعلمت أَن سوء المزاج والورم وَالرِّيح كَيفَ يكون وَكَيف يعالج وكل وجع يشْتَد فَإِنَّهُ يقتل ويعرض مِنْهُ أَولا برد الْبدن وارتعاد ثمَّ يصغر النبض ثمَّ يبطل ثمَّ يَمُوت.,"The relief of pain, therefore, depends on making use of the contraries of these causes. What the contrary of each is, you have also already learnt, and you have learnt the way in which an intemperament and inflammation, and gaseous deposits are treated. When the pain is too intense, it may cause death, this resulting in the first place from coldness of the body, and secondly from tremor [of the heart], with a small pulse, which finally fails, thus bringing death." وَجُمْلَة مَا يسكن الوجع إِمَّا مبدل المزاج وَإِمَّا مُحَلل الْمَادَّة وَإِمَّا مخدر. والتخدير يزِيل الوجع لِأَنَّهُ يذهب بحس ذَلِك الْعُضْو وَإِنَّمَا يذهب بحسّه لأحد سببين: إِمَّا بفرط التبريد وَإِمَّا بسمّية فِيهِ مضادة لقُوَّة ذَلِك الْعُضْو.,"In brief, pain is relieved either by altering the temperament, or by dispersing the material which produces it, or by producing insensibility. The last named destroys the power , of sensation in the part concerned. Insensibility of a part is only produced (a) by making it very “ cold ”; (F) by exposing it to the toxic properties which interfere with its functions." والمرخيات من جملَة مَا يحلل بِرِفْق مثل بزر الْكَتَّان والشبت وإكليل الْملك والبابونج وبزر الكرفس واللوز المر وكل حَار فِي الأولى وخصوصاً إِذا كَانَ هُنَاكَ تغرية مَا مثل صمغ الإجاص والنشا والاسفيذاجات والزعفران واللاذن والخطمي والحماما والكرنب,"Agents which act by producing relaxation, and have a gently soothing effect are such things as dill, linseed, melilot, chamomile, celery seed, bitter almond, and anything which is hot in the first degree, especially if combined with a drug of glutinous character like the gum of prunes, starch, lead carbonate, saffron, gum-resin of cristus, marshmallow, cardamom, cabbage." والسلجم وطبيخها والشحوم والزوفا الرطب وأذهان مِمَّا ذكر والمسهلات والمستفركات كَيفَ كَانَت من هَذَا الْقَبِيل. وَيجب أَن تسْتَعْمل المرخيات بعد الاستفراغ إِن احْتِيجَ إِلَى استفْراغ حَتَّى تَنْقَطِع الْمَادَّة المنصبة إِلَى ذَلِك الْعُضْو وَأَيْضًا جَمِيع مَا ينضج الأورام أَو يفجرها.,"turnip, and their decoctions, pharma¬ceutical adipes, zufa-i-ratab, and the oils specified in the Formulary, laxatives, and all forms of evacuant. Laxatives are to be given after other methods of evacuation have been tried, if evacuant treatment is needed, until you have prevented any further material from passing down into the affected part. For it is just that that brings an inflammation to a head, or makes it (burst) open." والمخدرات أقواها الأفيون وَمن جُمْلَتهَا اللفاح وبزره وقشور أَصله والخشخاشات والبنج والشوكران وعنب الثَّعْلَب وبزر الخس. وَمن هَذِه الْجُمْلَة الثَّلج وَالْمَاء الْبَارِد,"The most powerful of the stupefacients is opium. Less powerful are: seeds and root-bark of mandrake, poppy; hemlock; white and black hyoscyamus; deadly nightshade; lettuce-seed; snow and ice-cold water." وَكثير مَا يَقع الْغَلَط فِي الأوجاع فَتكون أَسبَابهَا أموراٌ من خَارج مثل حر أَو برد أَو سوء وساد وَفَسَاد مُضْطَجع أَو صرعة فِي السكر وَغَيره فيطلب لَهَا سَبَب من الْبدن فيغلط. وَلِهَذَا يجب أَن تتعرف ذَلِك وتتعرف هَل هُنَاكَ امتلاء أم لَيْسَ,"One must not overlook an extrinsic cause of pain, by mistake. Thus, external heat, external cold, a faulty posture in bed, falls during epilepsy or during intoxication, etc. Search for intrinsic causes must be otherwise made, by looking for the signs of plethora (which you now know), or for the causes likely to produce plethora." وتتعرف هَل هُنَاكَ أَسبَاب الامتلات الْمَعْلُومَة وَرُبمَا كَانَ السَّبَب أَيْضا قد ورد من خَارج فَتمكن دَاخِلا مثل من يشرب مَاء بَارِدًا فَيحدث بِهِ وجع شَدِيد فِي نواحي معدته وكبده وَكَثِيرًا مَا لَا يحْتَاج إِلَى أَمر عَظِيم من الاستفراغ وَنَحْوه فَإِنَّهُ كثيرا مَا يَكْفِيهِ الاستحمام وَالنَّوْم الْبَالِغ فِيهِ,"A source of pain which was at first external may come to be internal, and persist. Thus, drinking of icy water will cause severe pain in the stomach and liver-region. In such a case evacuant treatment and the like may not be particularly indicated, and the use of a bath, and a good sleep after it may be enough." وَمثل من يتَنَاوَل شَيْئا حاراً فيصدعه صداعاً عَظِيما ويكفيه شرب مَاء مبرد. وَرُبمَا كَانَ الشَّيْء الَّذِي من قبله يُرْجَى زَوَال الوجع إِمَّا بطيء التَّأْثِير وَلَا يحْتَمل الوجع إِلَى ذَلِك الْوَقْت,"Or, a person may eat something heating, and a severe headache may result from it. For this it is enough to drink cooled water. Selection of remedies. Sometimes the method used for alleviating pain acts so slowly that there is a risk of its becoming unbearable before the remedy has come into effect." مثل استفراغ الْمَادَّة الفاعلة لوجع القولنج المحتبسة فِي لِيف الأمعاء وَإِمَّا سريع التَّأْثِير لكنه عَظِيم الغائلة مثل تخدير الْعُضْو الوجع فِي القولنج بالأدوية الَّتِي من شَأْنهَا أَن تفعل ذَلِك,"Thus colic may be cured by purging the small intestine of the material giving rise to it, but this requires time. On the other hand one may give relief speedily, but only at the risk of worse harm in the end. Thus, it is possible to apply remedies which will in a case of colic at once make the painful part insensible." فيتحير المعالج فى ذَلِك فَيجب أَن يكون عِنْده حدس قوي ليعلم أى المدتين أطول مُدَّة ثبات الْقُوَّة أَو مدد الوجع وَأَيْضًا الْحَالين أضرّ فِيهِ الوجع أَو الغائلة المتوقعة فِي التخدير فيؤثر تَقْدِيم مَا هُوَ أصوب.,"The doctor is therefore in a dilemma in such a case, and requires good judgment so as to decide which is more harmful, to preserve the strength or to allow the pain to persist. He has to decide which is worse, the pain, or the danger liable to arise from inducing insensibility of the part. He has to decide which is the more important to avoid, or which is the lesser of the two evils." فَرُبمَا كَانَ الوجع إِن بَقِي قتل بشدته وبعظمه والتخدير رُبمَا لم يقتل وَإِن أضرّ من وَجه اخر وَرُبمَا أمكنك أَن تتلافى مضرّته وتعاود وتعالج بالعلاج الصَّوَاب وَمَعَ ذَلِك فَيجب أَن تنظر فِي تركيب المخدر وكيفيته وتستعمل أسهله وتستعمل مركبه مَعَ ترياقاته,"For, should he allow the pain to continue, there is the risk of it increasing so much as to prove fatal; and if he makes the part insensible, this danger is averted and yet some other part is affected adversely. However, one may be able to remedy that, and then if the pain returns in consequence, one may repeat the process. In addition to all this one must select the stupefacient remedy according to its own temperament, and the ease with which it exerts its effect. One might administer it in the form of a compound in theriacs (made with it)." إِلَّا أَن يكون الْأَمر عَظِيما جدا فتخاف وتحتاج إِلَى تخدير قوي وَرُبمَا كَانَ بعض الْأَعْضَاء غير ميال بِاسْتِعْمَال المخدر عَلَيْهِ فَإِنَّهُ لَا يُؤَدِّي إِلَى غائلة عَظِيمَة مثل الْأَسْنَان إِذا وضع عَلَيْهَا مخدّر. وَرُبمَا كَانَ الشّرْب أَيْضا سليما فِي مثله,"unless there is particular need to secure a powerful action. Internal medication for pain.—Some members, like the teeth, cannot be treated even by the local application of narcotics, because this is not a final cure. In this case better relief is obtained by internal remedies." مثل شرب المخدر لأجل وجع الْعين فَإِن ذَلِك أقل ضَرَرا بِالْعينِ من أَن يكتحل بِهِ وَرُبمَا سهك تلاقي ضَرَر شربهَا بالأعضاء الآخرى. وَأما فِي مثل القولنج فتعظم الغائلة لِأَن الْمَادَّة تزداد بردا وجموداً واستغلافاً,"So, in painful diseases of the eyes, less harm would result this way than from local application of the remedy. In the case of other organs, the harm done them by taking a draught is easily rectified. The harmful outcome would be increased, for instance, in a case of colic, because the cold [the narcotic is “ cold ”] increases the amount of “ matter,” and solidifies it and encloses it." والمخدرات قد تسكن الوجع بِمَا تنوم فَإِن النّوم أحد أَسبَاب سُكُون الوجع وخصوصاً إِذا اسْتعْمل الْجُوع مَعَه فِي وجع مادي. والمخدّرات المركبة الَّتِي تكسر قواها أدوية هِيَ كالترياق لَهَا أسلم مثل الفلونيا وَمثل الأقراص الْمَعْرُوفَة بِالْمُثَلثَةِ لَكِنَّهَا أَضْعَف تخديراً.,"Stupefacients often relieve pain because they produce sleep one of the factors whereby pain is relieved, especially if the patient is fasting, and there is a material cause of the pain. Stupefacients are safer when they are compounded with other drugs as diluents (e.g., theriac), as for instance “ philonium,” aromatic electuary or lozenges. But their efficacy is not as great." والطري مِنْهَا أقوى تخديراً والعتيق يكَاد لَا يخدر والمتوسط متوسط. وَمن الأوجاع مَا هُوَ شَدِيد الشدَّة سهل العلاج أَحْيَانًا مثل الأوجاع الريحية فَرُبمَا سكنها وكفاها صب المَاء الْحَار عَلَيْهَا وَلَكِن فِي ذَلِك خطر وَاحِد وَذَلِكَ أَنه رُبمَا كَانَ السَّبَب ورماً فيظن أَنه ريح,"The fresh lozenges are more efficient than older ones, and very old ones have no action at all. Those which are between the two extremes are intermediate in efficacy. The pains of flatulence are very severe and are yet easy to relieve at certain times. Sometimes it is sufficient simply to pour hot water over the part, though one must take care the pain is not due to an inflammation (which simulates the pain of flatulence) before doing so." فَإِن اسْتعْمل عَلَيْهِ وخصوصاً فِي ابْتِدَاء تبطيل مَاء حَار عظم الضَّرَر. وَهَذَا مَعَ ذَلِك رُبمَا أضرّ بالريحي وَذَلِكَ إِذا ضعف عَن تَحْلِيل الرّيح وَزَاد فِي انبساط حجمه.,"It would be a serious mistake, especially at the beginning of (suppurative). inflammation to administer a hot water douche (shower). Sometimes such treatment makes the condition worse, supposing it does not disperse the gases, or cause them to expand." والتكميد أَيْضا من معالجات الرِّيَاح وأفضله بِمَا خص مثل الجاورس إِلَّا فِي عُضْو لَا يحْتَملهُ مثل الْعين فتكمد بالخرق وَمن الكمادات مَا يكون بالدهن المسخّن. وَمن التكميدات القوية أَن يطْبخ دَقِيق الكرسنة بالخل ويجفّف ثمَّ يتَّخذ مِنْهُ كماد ودونه أَن تطبخ النخالة كَذَلِك,"Poulticing. Another sort of remedy for flatulence is a -poultice. A poultice may act better if it is combined with a desiccant like millet. Poultices are not applicable to some members; for instance, the eye. In that case cloths are used. Some poultices are made with hot oil. The most efficient poultices are those made with flour of orobs boiled in vinegar and dried before use. Weaker ones are made with bran, treated in the same way." وَالْملح لذاع البخار والجاورس أصلح مِنْهُ وأضعف وَقد يكمد بِالْمَاءِ فِي مثانة. وَهُوَ سليم لين وَلَكِن قد يفعل الْفِعْل الْمَذْكُور إِذا لم يراع والمحاجم بالنَّار من قبيل هَذَا وَهُوَ قوي على إسكَان الوجع الريحي وَإِذا كرر أبطل الوجع أصلا لكنه قد يعرض مِنْهُ مَا يعرض من المرخيات.,"Steamed salt is burning (scorching); steamed millet is weaker, and better. A safe and easy way of stemming a part is from boiling water in a vessel, but it requires careful control to avoid any of the mishaps we have referred to above. Dry (hot) Cupping comes under this heading as a powerful means of allaying the pains of flatulence. By repeating them over and over again the pain will be entirely abolished. But this is at the cost of those untoward effects we have already described." وَمن مسكنات الأوجاع الْمَشْي الرَّقِيق الطَّوِيل الزَّمَان لما فِيهِ من الارخاء وَكَذَلِكَ الشحوم اللطيفة الْمَعْرُوفَة والأدهان الَّتِي ذكرنَا والغناء الطّيب خُصُوصا إِذا نوم بِهِ والتشاغل بِمَا يفرح مسكن قوي للوجع.,"Other means of allaying pain. (i) Walking about gently for a considerable time. The movement softens or relaxes the tissues. Fats of thin consistence, and the oils already named. Agreeable music especially if it inclines one to sleep. Being occupied with something very engrossing removes the severity of pain." وَصِيَّة فِي أَنا بِأَيّ المعالجات نبتدىء,THE PRIORITY OF CHOICE OF METHODS OF TREATMENT. إِذا اجْتمعت أمراض فَإِن الْوَاجِب أَن نبتدىء بِمَا يَخُصُّهُ إِحْدَى الحواص الثَّلَاث: إِحْدَاهَا بِالَّتِي لَا تبرىء الثَّانِيَة دون برئه مثل الورم والقرحة إِذا اجْتمعَا فَإنَّا نعالج الورم أَولا حَتَّى يَزُول سوء المزاج الَّذِي يَصْحَبهُ وَلَا يُمكن أَن تَبرأ مَعَه القرحة ثمَّ نعالج القرحة.,"When several maladies occur together we should deal first with that which fulfils one of the following three conditions: When the one must be cured before the other can be relieved. For instance, if inflammation and ulceration occur simultaneously, the former must be attended to first until the intemperament on which it depends is remedied. The ulcer will never be healed until that is put right. The ulcer is then treated." الثَّانِيَة مِنْهَا أَن يكون أَحدهمَا هُوَ السَّبَب فِي الثَّانِي مثل أَنه إِذا عرضت سدّة وَحمى عالجنا السدة أَولا ثمَّ الْحمى وَلم نبال من الْحمى إِن احتجنا أَن نفتح السددة بِمَا فِيهِ شَيْء من التسخين ونعالج بالمجففات,"When the maladies are related as cause and effect. Example: obstruction and. fever. The former must be treated first. If the obstruction will only yield to a “ hot ” remedy, we shall not be able to cure the fever. We may treat phthisis (inflammation of the lung) with desiccants." وَلَا نبالي بالحمى لِأَن الْحمى يَسْتَحِيل أَن تَزُول وسببها بَاقٍ وعلاج سَببهَا التجفيف وَهُوَ يضر الْحمى. وَالثَّالِثَة أَن يكون أحداهما أَشد اهتماماً كَمَا إِذا اجْتمع حمى مطبقة سوناخس. والفالج فَإنَّا نعالج سوناخس بالتطفية والفصد وَلَا نلتفت إِلَى الفالج,"but we shall not cure the fever, because its cause is beyond our reach. The cause would be amenable to desiccant treatment, but this would keep up the fever. When it is absolutely essential to deal with one of the maladies. Thus suppose relapsing fever and palsy should occur concurrently. There is no question about treating the former, and venesection is the proper treatment. But this will not cure the palsy." وَأما إِذا اجْتمع الْمَرَض وَالْعرض فَإنَّا نبدأ بعلاج الْمَرَض إِلَّا أَن يغلبه الْعرض فَحِينَئِذٍ نقصد فصد الْعرض وَلَا نلتفت إِلَى الْمَرَض كَمَا نسقي المخدرات فِي القولنج الشَّديد الوجع إِذا صَعب وَإِن كَانَ يضر نفس القولنج,"The disorder and the symptom to which the malady owes its name may occur together. In such a case one would begin by dealing with the malady itself. But if the symptom became urgent, we should turn our attention to it, and leave the disease itself alone for the time. Thus, in a case of colic, we should turn our attention first to relieve the violent pain, even though the condition causing it is thereby adversely affected." وَكَذَلِكَ رُبمَا أخرنا الْوَاجِب من الفصد لضعف الْمعدة أَو لإسهال مُتَقَدم أَو غثيان فِي الْحَال وَرُبمَا لم نؤخر وَلَكِن فصدنا وَلم نستوف قطع السَّبَب كُله كَمَا أَنا فِي عِلّة التشنُج لَا نتحرى نفض الْخَلْط كُله بل نَتْرُك مِنْهُ شَيْئا تحلله الركة التشنجية لِئَلَّا تحلل من الرُّطُوبَة الغريزية.,"Again, we should postpone a venesection (otherwise indicated) if the stomach were in a feeble state or if there were diarrhoea, or if there were nausea. Sometimes we should do a venesection (for instance) without hesitation even though that would not remove the whole trouble. For instance, in a case of spasmodic disease, we should not empty out all the morbid humour, but we should leave some behind rather than risk losing some of the healthy humour, in the hope that this itself would cure the spasmodic movements." فَلْيَكُن هَذَا الْقدر من كلامنا فِي الْأُصُول الْكُلية لصناعة الطِّبّ كَافِيا ولنأخذ فِي تصنيف كتَابنَا فِي الْأَدْوِيَة المفردة إِن شَاءَ الله تَعَالَى. تمّ الْكتاب الأول من كتب القانون وهم الكليات وَصلى الله على سيدنَا مُحَمَّد النَّبِي وَآله.,"THE SEAL OF THE WORK, AND AN ACT OF THANKS. May this our compendious discourse upon the general principles pertaining to the science of medicine be found sufficient. Our next task will be to compile the work on Simples, with the permission of Allah. May He be our aid, and Him do we thank for all His Innumerable mercies. THE END OF THE FIRST BOOK OF THE CANON OF MEDICINE OF AVICENNA THE CHIEF OF PHYSICIANS." كتاب أدب الغرباء,"The Book of Strangers Mediaeval Arabic Graffiti, on the Theme of Nostalgia" الحمدُ لله حَمْدًا يرضيه وَيوجبُ المزيد منْ فَضْله،,To God be praise that will be pleasing to Him and cause Him to increase His favors. وإيّاهُ نسأل إيزاع الشكر على ما أولى من نِعَمهِ وَدَفَعَ من نِقَمه.,We ask Him to inspire us with thanks for the benefactions He bestows and the afflictions He deflects. وصلواتُ الله ورضوانُه على سيّدنا مُحمّدٍ وآله الطاهرين مِنْ كُلّ دَنَسٍ، وبركاتُه وتسليمُه.,"May His benediction and satisfaction be on our lord Muhammad and his family, free of any blemish, and may He bless them and give them peace." أما بعدُ، فإنّ أصعَبَ ما نابَ به الزمانُ ولقي في عمره الانسانُ، عوارض الهمّ ونوازلُ الغمّ، نعوذُ بالله منهما.,The most painful thing that time inflicts on a man in the course of his life is the onset of worries and grief. We seek refuge with God from both. وحدوثُهما يكونُ بأسبابٍ أتمُّها حالًا في السَوْرَةِ وأعلاها درجةً في القوّة: تغيّرُ الحالِ من سَعَةٍ إلى ضيقٍ، وزيادةٍ إلى نُقْصان، وعلوٍ إلى انحطاط،,"They occur in circumstances of which the most harrowing and distressing are changes in the conditions of life: from ease to poverty, from increase to deficiency, and from an elevated position to decline." واللهُ سبحانه أخبرنا أنّ ذالك إحدى العقوبات التي تَهَدَّدَ بها وخوَّف منها،,"God, praise be to Him, tells us that this is one of the punishments with which He threatens and induces fear." فقال تعالى: (ولَنَبْلُوَنّكُمْ بِشَيءِ مِن الخوْفِ والجوع، ونَقصٍ من الأموالِ والأنْفُسِ والثّمراتِ، وَبَشّرِ الصابرين),"He says, exalted is He, We will try you with something of fear and hunger, and diminution of goods, II lives and fruits; but give good tidings unto the patient (Quran 2:155)."