ar,en يلج المستفتحون لها بمفاتيح الانقياد والاستسلام،,Those who seek to open them must persevere with keys of obedience and submission. صلى الله عليه وعلى آله صلاةً دائمةً ببقاء الأيام.,God bless him and his family with eternal blessings that last as long as time itself. "«وبعد»: فإني لما رأيت أيام مولانا السلطان، الملك الناصر جامع كلمة الإيمان، وقامع عبدة الصلبان، رافع علم العدل والإحسان، صلاح الدنيا والدين، سلطان الإسلام والمسلمين، منقذ بيت المقدس من أيدي المشركين، خادم الحرمين الشريفين أبي المظفر يوسف بن أيوب بن شاذي — سقى الله ضريحه صوب الرضوان، وأذاقه في مقرِّ رحمته نتيجة الإيمان؛ قد صدَّقت من أخبار الأوَّلين ما كذَّبه الاستبعاد،","When I observed the days of our Lord the Sultan al-Malik al-Nasir, the uniter of Islam, the suppressor of the worshippers of the cross, the standard bearer of justice and fairness, Salah al-Dunya wa’l-Dln, sultan of Islam and the Muslims, deliverer of Jerusalem from the hands of the polytheists, the servant of the Two Noble Sanctuaries, Abu’LMuzaffar Yusuf ibn Ayyub ibn Shadl (may God moisten his resting-place with the dew of His good pleasure and let him taste at the seat of His mercy the sweet reward of faith), I came to believe the tales of early generations that improbability called false." وشهدت بالصحة لما رُوي من نوادر الكرام الأجواد، وحققت وقعات شجعان مماليكها ما قدحت فيه الشكوك من أخبار الشجعان،,"I bore witness to the genuineness of the rare stories told of noble heroes, while the deeds of the brave mamlukes of his days confirmed the tales of [past] champions that doubts impugned." ورأيت بالعيان من الصبر على المكاره في ذات الله ما قوي بهذا الإيمان،,I saw with my own eyes such endurance of hardships for the sake of God as strengthened my belief in such tales. وعظمت عجائبها عن أن يحيط بها خاطر أو يجنها جنان، وجلت نوادرها أن تُحد ببيان لسان، أو أن تُسطر في طرس ببنان،,"The wonders of these days were too great to be grasped by any mind or comprehended by any heart, their extraordinary facts too glorious to be fully expressed by any tongue or recorded on a page by any hand." وكانت مع ذلك من قبيل لا يمكن الخبير بها إخفاؤها، ولا يسع المطلع عليها إلا أن تروي عنه أخبارها وأنباؤها،,"However, they were of such a kind that, once aware of them, one is unable to keep them hidden and anyone with knowledge of them cannot but relate their tales and stories." ومسني من رق نعمتها، وحق محبتها وواجب خدمتها، ما يجب عليَّ به إبداء ما حققت من حسناتها، ورواية ما علمت من محاسن صفاتها؛,"I was so enslaved by his favour to me, affected by his true friendship and the service I owed him that it is encumbent on me to set forth all his virtues that I have direct knowledge of and to relate all his excellent qualities that I have known." «رأيت» أن أختصر من ذلك على ما أملاه عليَّ العيان، أو الخبر الذي يقارب مظنونه درجة الإيقان،,"I have decided to give in that connection a short account of what personal experience has dictated or of what I have been told, the source of which is close to complete reliability." وذلك جزءٌ من كل، وقل من جل؛ ليستدل بالقليل على الكثير، وبالشعاع على المستطيل بعد المستطير،,"This is just one part of a whole and a little portion of a lot, to suggest the larger picture through the smaller and to judge the false dawn after the true dawn by its rays." وسميت هذا المختصر من تاريخها «النوادر السلطانية، والمحاسن اليوسفية» وجعلته قسمين؛ أحدهما: في مولده — رحمه الله — ومنشئه، وخصائصه، وأوصافه، وأخلاقه المرضية، وشمائله الراجحة في نظر الشرع الوفية، والقسم الثاني: في تقلبات الأحوال به ووقائعه وفتوحه، وتواريخ ذلك أيام حياته قدَّس الله روحه،,"This compendium of the history of his reign I have entitled The rare and excellent history of Saladin, and I have made it two parts, the first of which contains his birth, his upbringing, his individual traits, his description, his good characteristics and his complete qualities which are so commended in the view of the Holy Law, and the second of which contains the vicissitudes of his life, his battles and victories, and the chronology of all that down to the end of his life (may God sanctify his spirit)." والله المستعان في الصيانة عن هفوات اللسان والقلم، وجريان الخاطر بما فيه مزلة القدم،,God is the one whose aid we seek to preserve us from slips of the tongue or the pen and to keep the mind from leading where the foot might stumble. وهو حسبي ونعم الوكيل.,God is my sufficiency and an excellent steward is He! القسم الأول,First Part في ذكر مولده وخصائصه وأوصافه وشمائله وخلاله رحمة الله عليه,"containing an account of his birth, his individual characteristics and his personal qualities (God’s mercy be upon him)" كان مولده — رحمه الله — على ما بلغنا من ألسنة الثقات الذين تتبعوه، حتى بنوا عليه تسيير مولده على ما تقتضيه صناعة التنجيم في شهور سنة اثنين وثلاثين وخمسمائة، وذلك بقلعة تكريت،,"His birth (God’s mercy be upon him). According to information we have heard from the tongues of reliable sources who traced it and on its basis eventually constructed his horoscope by the dictates of the art of astrology, his birth took place during the months of the year 532 [1137-8] and in the castle of Takrit." وكان والده أيوب بن شاذي — رحمه الله تعالى — واليًا بها، وكان كريمًا أريحيًّا حليمًا حسن الأخلاق,"His father, Ayyub ibn Shadi (God have mercy on him), who was governor there, was a noble, generous man, mild and of excellent character." مولده ببدوين،,He had been born in Dvin. ثم اتفق له الانتقال من تكريت إلى الموصل المحروسة، وانتقل ولده المذكور معه، وأقام بها إلى أن ترعرع،,"Later it came about that he was transferred from Takrit to the city of Mosul, and his child moved with him and there resided until he came of age." وكان والده محترمًا هو وأخوه أسد الدين شيركوه عند أتابك زنكي،,"His father was a respected commander, as was his father’s brother, Asad al-Din Shlrkuh, in the service of the Atabeg Zanki." واتفق لوالده الانتقال إلى الشام، وأُعطي بعلبك، وأقام بها مدة،,"His father then chanced to be transferred to Syria (may God preserve it) and was given Baalbek, where he remained for a while." فنقل ولده المذكور إلى بعلبك المحروسة، وأقام بها في خدمة والده يتربى تحت حجره، ويرتضع ثدي محاسن أخلاقه، حتى بدت منه أمارات السعادة، ولاحت عليه لوائح التقدُّم والسيادة،,"His son moved to Baalbek and lived there in the service of his father, being educated under his wing and imbibing his good morals and manners, until signs of good fortune became visible in him and marks of leadership and lordship were manifest." فقدَّمه الملك العادل نور الدين محمود بن زنكي — رحمه الله تعالى — وعوَّل عليه، ونظر إليه، وقربه، وخصصه،,"Al-Malik al- ‘Adil Nur al-Din Mahmud ibn Zanki (God have mercy on him) advanced him, relied on and looked to him, and made him a favoured intimate." ولم يزل كلما تقدم قدمًا تبدو منه أسباب تقتضي تقديمه إلى ما هو أعلى منه,"It continued to be the case that, each time he was advanced, he would demonstrate further cause to require his promotion to a higher position." حتى بدا لعمه أسد الدين رحمه الله الحركة إلى مصر المحروسة وذهابه إليها،,"Then came the time for his uncle, Asad al-Din, to make his expedition to attack Egypt." وسيأتي بيان ذكر ذلك مفصلًا مبينًا — إن شاء الله تعالى.,"We shall give a clear and detailed account of that in the proper place, God willing." ذكر ما شاهدناه من مواظبته على القواعد الدينية وملاحظته للأمور الشرعية,Account of his adherence to religious beliefs and observance of matters of Holy Law that we have witnessed (God have mercy on him). ورد في الحديث الصحيح عن النبي ﷺ أنه قال: «بُني الإسلام على خمس؛ شهادة أن لا إله إلا الله، وإقام الصلاة، وإيتاء الزكاة، وصوم رمضان، والحج إلى بيت الله الحرام.»,"In the genuine Hadlth from the Prophet (may God bless him and give him peace) he said, ‘Islam is built on five things: testimony that there is no god but God, performance of the prayers, the giving of alms, fasting in Ramadan, and the Pilgrimage to the Sacred House of God.’" وكان رحمة الله عليه حسن العقيدة، كثير الذكر لله — تعالى —,His creed was good and he was much mindful of God Almighty. قد أخذ عقيدته على الدليل بواسطة البحث مع مشايخ أهل العلم وأكابر الفقهاء،,He took his creed from proof by means of study with the leading men of religious learning and eminent jurisconsults. وفهم من ذلك ما يحتاج إلى تفهمه، بحيث كان إذا جرى الكلام بين يديه يقول فيه قولًا حسنًا، وإن لم يكن بعبارة الفقهاء،,"He understood of that what one needs to understand, such that, when disputation occurred in his presence, he could contribute excellent comments, even if they were not in the language of learned specialists." فتحصل من ذلك سلامة عقيدته عن كدر التشبيه، غير مارق سهم النظر إلى التعطيل والتمويه،,Consequently he gained a creed free from the defilement of anthropomorphism but his studies did not dig too deep to the extent of denying the divine attributes or misrepresentation. جارية على نمط الاستقامة، موافقةً لقانون النظر الصحيح، مرضية عند أكابر العلماء،,"His creed followed the straight path, agreed with the canon of true discernment and was approved by the greatest of the ulema." وكان قد جمع له الشيخ قطب الدين النيسابوري عقيدة تجمع جميع ما يحتاج إليه في هذا الباب،,The leading Shaykh Qutb al-Dm al-Naysaburi (God have mercy on him) had compiled for him a creed which gathered together all that was needed in this field. وكان من شدة حرصه عليها يعلمها الصغار من أولاده، حتى ترسخ في أذهانهم في الصغر،,In his intense devotion to it he used to teach it to his young children so that it became fixed in their minds from infancy. ورأيته وهو يأخذها عليهم وهم يلقونها من حفظهم بين يديه.,"I have seen him going over it with them, while they recited it from memory in front of him." «وأما الصلاة» فإنه كان — رحمه الله تعالى — شديد المواظبة عليها بالجماعة،,"Prayer He was extremely assiduous in the performance of prayer communally." حتى إنه ذُكر يومًا أن له سنين ما صلى إلا جماعة،,"Indeed, he mentioned one day that for years he had only prayed in company." وكان إنْ مرض يستدعي الإمام وحده، ويكلف نفسه القيام، ويصلي جماعة،,"If he fell ill, he would summon the imam on his own and force himself to stand and pray in company." وكان يواظب على السنن الرواتب،,Over the years he used to practise the daily devotions of the mystic. وكان له صلوات يصليها إذا استيقظ في الليل، وإلا أتى بها قبل صلاة الصبح،,"If he awoke at any time in the night, he had a series of prayers he would perform or otherwise he would complete them before the dawn prayer." ولم يكن يترك الصلاة ما دام عقله عليه،,While he remained in possession of his faculties he never neglected to perform his prayers. ولقد رأيته — قدَّس الله روحه — يصلي في مرضه الذي مات فيه قائمًا، وما ترك الصلاة إلا في الأيام الثلاثة التي تغيب فيها ذهنه،,I saw him (may God sanctify his spirit) standing to pray during his fatal illness and he only missed prayers during the three days when his mind wandered. وكان إذا أدركته الصلاة وهو سائر نزل وصلى.,"If ever prayer time found him travelling, he would dismount and pray." «وأما الزكاة» فإنه مات — رحمه الله تعالى — ولم يحفظ ما تجب عليه به الزكاة «وأما صدقة النفل» فإنها استرقت جميع ما ملكه من الأموال,"Alms When he died, he possessed nothing for which he owed any alms. As for superogatory charity, that exhausted all the property he owned." فإنه ملك ما ملك، ولم يخلف في خزانته من الذهب والفضة إلا سبعة وأربعين درهمًا ناصرية وجرمًا واحدًا ذهبًا،,"He ruled all that he ruled, but died leaving in his treasury in gold and silver only forty Nasiri dirhams and a single Tyrian gold piece." ولم يخلف ملكًا، ولا دارًا، ولا عقارًا، ولا بستانًا، ولا قرية، ولا مزرعة، ولا شيئًا من أنواع الأملاك.,"He left no property, no house, no estate, no orchard, no village, no farm, not a single item of property of any sort." «وأما صوم رمضان» فإنه كان عليه منه فوائت بسبب أمراض تواترت عليه في رمضانات متعددة،,"The Ramadan Fast He fell a little short in respect of fasting on account of illnesses that he successively suffered in numerous Ramadans." وكان القاضي الفاضل قد تولى ثبت تلك الأيام، وشرع — رحمه الله — في قضاء تلك الفوائت بالقدس الشريف في السنة التي تُوفي فيها،,Qadl al-Fadil undertook to keep a record of those days and he began (God have mercy on him) to fulfil those missed obligations at Jerusalem the year he died. وقد واظب على الصوم مدَّة حتى بقيت عليه فوائت رمضانين شغلته الأمراض وملازمة الجهاد عن قضائها،,"He strictly kept the fast for more than a month, for he had missed some Ramadans which illness and also prosecution of the Jihad had prevented him from keeping." ومع كون الصوم لا يوافق مزاجه ألهمه الله — تعالى — الصوم، وأقدره على ما قضاه من تلك الفوائت،,"Fasting did not agree with his constitution, but God inspired him to fast to make up what he had missed." فكان يصوم وأنا أثبت الأيام التي يصومها؛ لأن القاضي كان غائبًا،,"As he fasted, I kept the tally of the days he fasted, because the Qadl was absent." وكان الطبيب يلومه وهو لا يسمع، ويقول: لا أعلم ما يكون.,"His doctor criticised him but he would not listen, saying, ‘I do not know what the future may bring.’" فكأنه كان ملهمًا ما يراد به — رحمه الله تعالى.,"It was as though he were inspired to discharge his obligation (God’s mercy on him), and he continued until he had fulfilled what was due." «وأما الحج» فإنه كان لم يزل عازمًا عليه، وناويًا له سيما في العام الذي تُوفي فيه,"Pilgrimage He always intended and planned it, especially in the year of his death." فإنه صمم العزم عليه، وأمر بالتأهب،,He confirmed his determination to perform it and he ordered preparations to be made. وعملنا الرفادة، ولم يبقَ إلا المسير،,Provisions were got ready and all that remained was to set out. فاعتاق عن ذلك بسبب ضيق الوقت، وخلوِّ اليد عما يليق بأمثاله،,"However, he was prevented because of lack of time and the unavailability of what was proper for such a person." فأخر إلى العام المستقبل، فقضى الله ما قضى،,"He therefore put it off till the next year, but God decreed what He decreed." وهذا شيء اشترك في العلم به الخاص والعام.,"Everyone, high and low, knew about this." وكان — رحمه الله تعالى — يحب سماع القرآن العظيم،,He loved to listen to readings of the Glorious Koran. ويستجيد إمامه، ويشترط أن يكون عالمًا بعلم القرآن العظيم، متقنًا لحفظه،,"Indeed, he would choose his imam and stipulate that he should be a person learned in the sciences of the Koran with a solid knowledge of it by heart." وكان يستقرئ من يحرسه في الليل، وهو في برجه الجزأين والثلاثة والأربعة وهو يسمع،,"He used to ask whoever was present with him at night, when he was in his ‘tower’, to recite two, three or even four sections, while he listened." وكان يستقرئ وهو في مجلسه العام من جرت عادته بذلك الآية والعشرين والزائد على ذلك،,In his public sessions he would ask those who commonly did this to recite a verse or up to twenty or even more than that. ولقد اجتاز على صغيرٍ بين يدي أبيه وهو يقرأ القرآن،,Once he passed by a youngster who was reciting the Koran before his father. فاستحسن قراءته فقرَّبه، وجعل له حظًّا من خاص طعامه، ووقف عليه وعلى أبيه جزءًا من مزرعة.,"He admired his recitation and showed him favour, appointing him a share from his private table and endowing him and his father with a portion of arable land." وكان — رحمه الله تعالى — خاشع القلب، رقيقه، غزير الدمعة،,He (God have mercy in him) was emotionally sensitive and easily moved to tears. إذا سمع القرآن يخشع قلبه، وتدمع عينه في معظم أوقاته،,"Whenever he heard the Koran, his heart was touched and his eyes would fill with tears on most occasions." وكان — رحمه الله — شديد الرغبة في سماع الحديث،,His desire to hear Hadith was intense. ومتى سمع عن شيخ ذي رواية عالية وسماع كثير فإن كان ممن يحضر عنده استحضره، وسمع عليه فأسمع من يحضره في ذلك المكان من أولاده ومماليكه المختصين به،,"Whenever he heard of a shaykh whose sources were of high authority and whose knowledge was extensive, if he was one of those who attended his court, he would summon him and hear Hadith from him, then ensure that those present with him in that place, his children or his personal mamlukes, would also hear it." وكان يأمر الناس بالجلوس عند سماع الحديث إجلالًا له،,He would order people to sit when listening to Hadith to show honour to it. وإن كان ذلك الشيخ ممن لا يطرق أبواب السلاطين، ويتجافى عن الحضور في مجالسهم سعى إليه، وسمع عليه.,"If the shaykh in question was one one of those who did not frequent the courts of sultans and scorned to be present in their councils, he himself would go to him and study with him." تردد إلى الحافظ الأصفهاني بالإسكندرية — حرسها الله تعالى — وروى عنه أحاديث كثيرة.,He visited al-Hafiz al-Isfahanl at Alexandria (may God Almighty protect it) and he transmitted many hadiths on his authority. وكان — رحمه الله تعالى — يحب أن يقرأ الحديث بنفسه،,He was fond of reading Hadith in private. وكان يستحضرني في خلوته، ويحضر شيئًا من كتب الحديث ويقرؤها هو،,"He would summon me in his private moments, produce some books of Hadith and himself read them." فإذا مرَّ بحديثٍ فيه عبرة رقَّ قلبه، ودمعت عينه.,"When he came across an hadith that contained a moral lesson, his heart would melt and his tears flow." وكان — رحمة الله عليه — كثير التعظيم لشعائر الدين، يقول ببعث الأجسام ونشورها، ومجازاة المحسن بالجنة، والمسيء بالنار، مصدقًا بجميع ما وردت به الشرائع، منشرحًا بذلك صدره، مبغضًا للفلاسفة والمعطلة، ومن يعاند الشريعة،,"He was full of reverence for the cult practices of the religion, believed in the resurrection of the body and that the righteous would be rewarded with Paradise and the evil-doers with Hellfire, accepted the truth of the provisions contained in the Holy Law, with a heart at ease with that, and hated the philosophers, those that denied God’s attributes, the materialists and those who stubbornly rejected the Holy Law." ولقد أمر ولده صاحب حلب الملك الظاهر — أعز الله أنصاره — بقتل شاب نشأ يُقال له السهروردي قيل عنه إنه كان معاندًا للشرائع مبطلًا،,"He once ordered his son, al-Malik al-Zahir, the lord of Aleppo, to execute a young man that came forward, called al-Suhrawardl, of whom it was said that he rejected the Holy Law and declared it invalid." وكان قد قبض عليه ولده المذكور لما بلغه من خبره،,His son had arrested him because of reports about him that he heard. وعرَّف السلطان به، فأمر بقتله، فطلبه أيامًا فقتله.,"He informed the sultan of this, who ordered his execution and his body to be publicly displayed for some days. This was done." وكان — قدَّس الله روحه — حسن الظن بالله، كثير الاعتماد عليه، عظيم الإنابة إليه،,"His belief in God was right and proper (God sanctify his spirit), his trust in him was great, as was his spirit of repentance." ولقد شاهدت من آثار ذلك ما أحكيه،,One of the results of this which I witnessed I shall now relate. وذلك أن الفرنج — خذلهم الله — كانوا نازلين ببيت نوبة، وهو موضع قريب من القدس الشريف — حرسها تعالى الله — بينهما بعض مرحلة،,"The Franks (may God forsake them) were camped at Bayt Nuba, a place near Jerusalem the Noble (may God Almighty protect it), less than a day’s march distant." وكان السلطان بالقدس، وقد أقام يزكا على العدو محيطًا به، وقد سير إليهم الجواسيس والمخبرين،,"The sultan was in Jerusalem, having posted a detachment to watch and maintain contact with the enemy and having sent spies and intelligence gatherers to them." فتواصلت الأخبار بقوة عزمهم على الصعود إلى القدس ومحاصرته، وتركيب القنابل عليه،,"A series of reports told of their strong determination to march up to Jerusalem, besiege it and mount an assault." واشتدت مخافة المسلمين بسبب ذلك، فاستحضر الأمراء، وعرفهم ما قد دهم المسلمين من الشدة، وشاورهم في الإقامة بالقدس،,"The Muslims were very frightened at this, so he summoned the emirs and informed them of the disaster that threatened the Muslims, consulting them about whether to remain in Jerusalem." فأتوا بمجاملة باطنها غير ظاهرها،,They came up with some specious reply whose inner meaning was quite other than the apparent. وأصرَّ الجميع على أنه لا مصلحة في إقامته بنفسه،,All insisted that there was no advantage in his staying there in person. فإنها مخاطرة بالإسلام،,This would expose Islam to great danger. وذكروا أنهم يقصدونهم، ويخرج هو — رحمه الله — بطائفة من العسكر يكون حول العدو كما كان الحال بعكا،,"They said that they would stay while he left with a part of the army which could surround the enemy, as had been the case at Acre." ويكون هو ومن معه بصدد منع مِيرتهم والتضييق عليهم، ويكونون هم بصدد حفظ البلد والدفع عنه،,"He himself and the troops with him would be engaged in interrupting the enemy’s supplies and pressing hard on them, while they would be engaged in holding and defending the city." وانفصل مجلس المشهورة على ذلك، وهو مُصِرُّ على أن يقيم بنفسه عِلمًا منه أنه إن لم يقم لم يقم أحد،,"The session of the council broke up at that juncture, with the sultan still insisting on staying in person, because he knew that, if he did not, no-one would." فلما انصرف الأمراء إلى بيوتهم جاء من عندهم من أخبر أنهم لا يقيمون إلا أن يقيم أخوه الملك العادل، أو أحد أولاده، حتى يكون هو الحاكم عليهم، والذي يأتمرون بأمره،,"When the emirs had dispersed to their houses, some people came from them to declare that they would only remain if his brother al-Malik al-‘Adil or one of his children stayed to be in authority and the person whose orders they could take." فعلم أن هذه إشارة منهم إلى عدم الإقامة،,He realised that this was a hint on their part that no-one should stay. وضاق صدره، وتقسم فكره، واشتدت فكرته،,"He was upset, his thoughts were in turmoil and he was extremely troubled in mind." ولقد جلست في خدمته في تلك الليلة، وكانت ليلة الجمعة من أول الليل إلى أن قارب الصبح،,That night – it was the eve of a Friday -1 sat in attendance on him from the beginning of the night until near dawn. وكان الزمان شتاء، وليس معنا ثالث إلا الله — تعالى —,It was the winter season and we two were alone apart from God. ونحن نقسم أقسامًا، ونرتب على كل قسم بمقتضاه،,We were making dispositions of companies and arranging for each what was required. حتى أخذني الإشفاق عليه، والخوف على مزاجه، فإنه كان يغلب عليه اليبس،,"Eventually, I was overcome with concern for him and fear for his health, for ‘dryness’ was dominating his humours." فشفعت إليه حتى يأخذ مضجعه، لعله ينام ساعة،,I pleaded with him to lie down in the hope that he would sleep for a while. فقال — رحمه الله: لعلك جاءك النوم.,"He said, ‘Perhaps you are sleepy.’" ثم نهض،,Then he rose [for the day]. فما وصلت إلى بيتي وأخذت لبعض شأني إلا وأذن المؤذن، وطلع الصبح،,I had hardly arrived at my quarters and attended to some of my affairs before the muezzin made the call to prayer and dawn came up. وكنت أصلي معه الصبح في معظم الأوقات، فدخلت عليه وهو يمر الماء على أطرافه،,"On most occasions I used to pray the dawn prayer with him, so I went to him again, as he was pouring water over his hands and feet." فقال: ما أخذني النوم أصلًا,"He said, ‘I did not get any sleep at all." . فقلت: قد علمت. فقال: من أين؟ فقلت: لأني ما نمت، وما بقي وقت للنوم،,"’ I replied, ‘I know,’ to which he said, ‘How so?’ ‘Because I did not sleep and there was no time left for sleep." ثم اشتغلنا بالصلاة، وجلسنا على ما كنا عليه.,"’ Then we occupied ourselves with our prayers, before sitting together as we had been." فقلت له: قد وقع لي واقع، وأظنه مفيدًا — إن شاء الله تعالى. فقال: وما هو؟,"I said to him, ‘Something has occurred to me, and I think it useful, God willing.’ ‘What is it,’ he said." فقلت له: الإخلاد إلى الله — تعالى — والإنابة إليه، والاعتماد في كشف هذه الغمة عليه. فقال: وكيف نصنع؟,"‘Perfect reliance on God, repentance and trust in him to clear up this worrying matter.’ ‘How should we act?’ he asked." فقلت: اليوم الجمعة,"I replied, ‘Today is Friday." يغتسل المولى عند الرواح، ويصلي على العادة بالأقصى موضع مسرى النبي ﷺ، ويقدم المولى التصدق بشيءٍ خفية على يد من يثق به، ويصلي المولى ركعتين بين الأذان والإقامة، ويدعو الله في سجوده؛ فقد ورد فيه حديث صحيح، وتقول في باطنك: «إلهي، قد انقطعت أسبابي الأرضية في نصرة دينك، ولم يبقَ إلا الإخلاد إليك، والاعتصام بحبلك، والاعتماد على فضلك أنت حسبي ونعم الوكيل»،,"Let my lord wash himself when he leaves and pray as normal at the Aqsa Mosque, the site of the Night Journey of the Prophet (God bless him and give him peace), and let my lord command that some alms be given secretly through someone he trusts and let him perform two rak’as between the call to prayer and its commencement and call upon God in his prostration, for there is a genuine hadith about this, and say in your heart, “My God! my earthly means have been devoted to the aid of Your religion. There is nothing left but to trust in You, hold fast to Your rope and rely on Your goodness. You are my sufficiency and what an excellent trustee!’’" فإن الله أكرم من أن يخيب قصدك.,God is too generous to allow your purposes to founder.’ ففعل ذلك كله، وصليت إلى جانبه على العادة،,He did all that and I prayed at his side as normal. وصلى الركعتين بين الأذان والإقامة، ورأيته ساجدًا ودموعه تتقاطر على شيبته، ثم على سجادته، ولا أسمع ما يقول،,"He prayed two rak‘as between the call to prayer and its commencement, and I watched him as he prostrated himself with his tears running over his gray beard and on to his prayer mat, although I could not hear what he was saying." فلم ينقضِ ذلك اليوم حتى وصلت رقعة من عز الدين جرديك، وكان علي اليزك يخبر فيها أن الفرنج مختبطون،,"Before that day was over a message arrived from ‘Izz al-Din Jurdik, who was in command of the screening detachment, in which he reported that the Franks were on the move." وقد ركب اليوم عسكرهم بأسره إلى الصحراء،,That day their whole army had ridden off into open country. ووقفوا إلى قائم الظهيرة، ثم عادوا إلى خيامهم،,"They halted until full midday, and then returned to their tents." وفي بكرة السبت جاءت رقعة ثانية تخبر عنهم بمثل ذلك،,On Saturday morning there came a second message reporting the same. ووصل في أثناء النهار جاسوس أخبر أنهم اختلفوا،,During the course of the day a spy arrived with news that they were in disagreement. فذهبت الفرنسيسية إلى أنهم لا بدَّ لهم من محاصرة القدس، وذهب الانكتار وأتباعه إلى أنه لا يخاطر بدين النصرانية ويرميهم في الجبل مع عدم المياه، فإن السلطان كان قد أفسد جميع ما حول القدس من المياه،,"The French were of the opinion that they had to besiege Jerusalem, whereas the king of England and his followers held that he should not endanger the Christian cause and launch them into this upland when there was no supply of water, for the sultan had polluted all the wells around Jerusalem." وأنهم خرجوا للمشورة، ومن عادتهم أنهم يتشاورون للحرب على ظهور الخيل،,"They had assembled for a council, it being their custom to meet on horseback to debate questions of war." وأنهم قد نصوا على عشرة أنفس منهم وحكموهم،,They had appointed ten persons and made them the judges. فأي شيءٍ أشاروا به لا يخالفونهم،,"Whatever they advised, they would not be opposed." ولما كانت بكرة الاثنين جاء المبشر يخبر أنهم رحلوا عائدين إلى جهة الرملة،,On the Monday morning a messenger came with the good news that they had retired in the direction of Ramla. فهذا ما شاهدته من آثار استنباطه، وإخلاده إلى الله تعالى — رحمه الله.,This is one of the effects that I witnessed of his reliance on God Almighty and trust in Him. ذكر عدله رحمه الله تعالى,Account of his justice (God’s mercy upon him) «روى» أبو بكر الصديق — رضي الله عنه — أن النبي ﷺ قال: «الوالي العادل ظل الله في أرضه،,"Abu Bakr the Righteous (God be pleased with him) related that the Prophet (God bless him etc.) said, ‘The just ruler is God’s shadow on His earth." فمن نصحه في نفسه أو عباده أظله الله تحت عرشه يوم لا ظل إلا ظله، ومن خانه في نفسه أو في عباد الله خذله الله، يوم القيامة,"Whoever gives sincere aid to him personally or in his dealings with God’s servants, God will shelter him beneath His throne on the day when there is no shelter but in Him; but whoever betrays him personally or in his dealings with God’s servants, God will forsake him on the Day of Resurrection." يُرفع للوالي العادل في كل يومٍ عمل ستين صديقًا كلهم عابد مجتهد لنفسه.»,"Every day the good works of sixty righteous men, each of whom is a true worshipper striving for the good of his own soul, are credited to [the benefit of] the just ruler.’" ولقد كان — رحمه الله — عادلًا، رءوفًا، رحيمًا، ناصرًا للضعيف على القوي،,"Saladin was just, gentle and merciful, a supporter of the weak against the strong." وكان يجلس للعدل في كل يوم اثنين وخميس في مجلسٍ عام يحضره الفقهاء والقضاة والعلماء،,"Each Monday and Thursday he used to sit to dispense justice in public session, attended by the jurisconsults, the Qadls and the doctors of religion." ويفتح الباب للمتحاكمين حتى يصل إليه كل أحد من كبيرٍ وصغير، وعجوز هرمة وشيخ كبير،,"The door would be opened to litigants so that everyone, great and small, senile women and old men, might have access to him." وكان يفعل ذلك سفرًا وحضرًا،,That was his practice both at home and abroad. على أنه كان في جميع زمانه قابلًا لجميع ما يعرض عليه من القصص في كل يوم،,"However, at all times he would accept petitions presented to him, to discover what injustices were reported to him." ويفتح باب العدل، ولم يردَّ قاصدًا للحوادث والحكومات، وكان يجلس مع الكاتب ساعة إما في الليل أو في النهار، ويوقع على كل قصة بما يجريه الله على قلبه،,"Every day he collected the petitions, and then used to sit with his clerk for a while, either at night or during the daytime, and minute each petition with whatever God put into his heart." ولم يردَّ قاصدًا أبدًا، ولا منتحلًا، ولا طالب حاجة، وهو مع ذلك دائم الذكر والمواظبة على التلاوة، رحمة الله عليه. ولقد كان رءوفًا بالرعية، ناصرًا للدين، مواظبًا على تلاوة القرآن العزيز، عالمًا بما فيه، عاملًا به لا يعدوه أبدًا — رحمة الله عليه —,"He never sent away a petitioner, claimant or applicant and in addition he was continually mindful of God and constantly reading scripture (God’s mercy upon him). He was merciful to his subjects, a champion of religion, an assiduous reader of the Glorious Koran, both knowing well and practising what is in it, never offending against it" وما استغاث إليه أحد إلا وقف وسمع قضيته، وكشف ظلامته، واعتنى بقصته،,"No-one ever appealed to him without his stopping, hearing his case, discovering his wrong and taking his petition." ولقد رأيته واستغاث إليه إنسان من أهل دمشق يُقال له ابن زهير على تقيِّ الدين ابن أخيه، فأنفذ إليه ليحضر إلى مجلس الحكم،,"I have seen him, when a man called Ibn Zuhayr from Damascus appealed to him against Taqi al-Dln, his nephew, send for him to be brought to the court of justice." فما خلَّصه إلى أن أشهد عليه شاهدين معروفين مقبولي القول أنه وكَّل القاضي أبا القاسم أمين الدين -قاضي حماة- في المخاصمة والمنازعة، فحضر الشاهدان وأقاما الشهادة عندي في مجلسه بعد دعوى الوكيل الوكالة الصحيحة، وإنكار الخصم، فلما ثبتت الوكالة أمرت أبا القسم بمساواة الخصم، فساواه -وكان من خواص السلطان- ثم جرت المحاكمة بينهما، واتجهت اليمين على تقي الدين، وانقضى المجلس على ذلك، وقطعنا عن إحضاره دخول الليل,"Saladin only released him after he had called two reputable court witnesses of accepted probity to testify that he had appointed as his proxy in the court case and dispute the Qadl Abu’l-Qasim Amin al-Dln, the Qadl of Hama. The two witnesses appeared and established their testimony before me in his court (God be pleased with him) claiming that the proxy had been legally appointed and contesting the case. When his proxy status had been established, I ordered Abu’l-Qasim to be treated on equal terms with the claimant. This was done, although the former was a courtier of the sultan, and then the dispute between them was heard. The opportunity to take the oath was directed to Taqi al-Dln, and thereupon the court ended its session. The onset of night prevented us from summoning him –" وكان تقيُّ الدين من أعز الناس عليه، وأعظمهم عنده، ولكنه لم يحابِه في الحق.,"and Taqi al-Dln was one of those whom Saladin held most dear and respected, but he did not favour him in the matter of justice." وأعظم من هذه الحكاية مما يدل على عدله قضية جرت له مع إنسان تاجر يُدعى عمر الخلاطي،,More impressive than this anecdote and something that proves his justice is a case he was involved in with a merchant called ‘Umar al-Khilatl. وذلك أني كنت يومًا في مجلس الحكم بالقدس الشريف إذ دخل عليَّ شيخ حسن، تاجر معروف يُسمى عمر الخلاطي معه كتاب حكمي يسأل فتحه،,"I was one day in the court of justice at Jerusalem when a handsome old man, a well- known merchant called ‘Umar al-Khilatl, came in with a court document which he asked to be admitted as evidence." فسألته: من خصمك؟ فقال: خصمي السلطان،,"I questioned him: ‘Who is your opponent?’ He replied, ‘My opponent is the sultan." وهذا بساط العدل، وقد سمعنا أنك لا تحابي، قلت: وفي أي قضيةٍ هو خصمك؟,This is the seat of the Holy Law and we have heard that you do not show favour.’ Tn what matter is he your opponent?’ I asked. فقال: إن سنقر الخلاطي كان مملوكي، ولم يزل على ملكي إلى أن مات،,‘Sunqur al-Khilatl was my mamluke and remained my property until he died. وكان في يده أموال عظيمة كلها لي،,"He held large sums of money, all of which were mine." ومات عنها، واستولى عليها السلطان،,He left them when he died and the sultan seized them. وأنا مطالبه بها.,I am now claiming them from him.’ فقلت له: يا شيخ، وما أقعدك إلى هذه الغاية؟,"I replied, ‘Old man! what kept you inactive until now?’" فقال: الحقوق لا تبطل بالتأخر،,"to which he answered, ‘Rights are not invalidated by delay." وهذا الكتاب الحكمي ينطق بأنه لم يزل في ملكي إلى أن مات،,This court document declares that he was my property until he died.’ فأخذت الكتاب منه، وتصفحت مضمونه، فوجدته يتضمن حلية سنقر الخلاطي، وأنه قد اشتراه من فلان التاجر بأرجيش اليوم الفلاني من شهر كذا من سنة كذا، وأنه لم يزل في ملكه إلى أن شذَّ عن يده في سنة كذا، وما عرف شهود هذا الكتاب خروجه عن ملكه بوجهٍ ما،,"I took the document and perused its contents, which I found to contain a personal description of Sunqur al-Khilati and that he had been purchased from so-and-so the merchant in Arjlsh on such-and-such a day of the month and year there specified, that he remained his property until he ran away in such- and-such a year and that the witnesses to this document were unaware that he had in any way ceased to be his property." وتم الشرط إلى آخره.,The document was properly drawn up throughout. فتعجبت من هذه القضية، وقلت للرجل: لا ينبغي سماع هذا بلا وجود الخصم،,"I was astonished at this affair and said to the man, ‘It is only possible for me to hear this case when the other party is present." وأنا أعرِّفه وأعرِّفك ما عنده، فرضي الرجل بذلك واندفع،,I will let both him and you know what the situation is.’ The man accepted that and hurried away. فلما اتفق المثول بين يديه في بقية ذلك اليوم عرَّفته القضية، فاستبعد ذلك استبعادًا عظيمًا، وقال: كنت نظرت في الكتاب. فقلت: نظرت فيه ورأيته متصل الورود والقبول إلى دمشق،,"When I happened to wait upon the sultan during the remainder of the day, I informed him of the situation, and he declared it all highly unlikely, saying, ‘Did you read the document?’ I replied, ‘[Yes], I read it and I found it properly issued and approved from Damascus." وقد كُتب عليه كتاب حكمي من دمشق، وشهد به على يد قاضي دمشق شهود معروفون،,It was inscribed “Court document from Damascus” and reputable witnesses testified to it through the Qadl of Damascus.’ فقال: مبارك، نحن نحضر الرجل ونحاكمه، ونعمل في القضية ما يقتضيه الشرع.,"‘Very well,’ he said, ‘we shall summon the man and go to law with him, doing in the case whatever the Holy Law requires.’" ثم اتفق بعد ذلك جلوسه معي خلوة، فقلت له: هذا الخصم يتردد،,"Later, when he chanced to be sitting in private, I said to him, ‘This litigant keeps coming." ولا بد أن نسمع دعواه.,We shall have to hear his claim.’ فقال: أقم عني وكيلًا يسمع الدعوى،,"He answered, ‘Appoint a proxy for me who will hear the claim." ثم يقيم الشهود شهادتهم،,Let the witnesses establish their testimony. وأخر فتح الكتاب إلى حين حضور الرجل ها هنا.,Delay the reading of the document until the man is present here.’ ففعلت ذلك، ثم أحضر الرجل واستدناه، حتى جلس بين يديه، وكنت إلى جانبه،,I did this and then he summoned the man and bade him approach so that he took his seat before the sultan and I was at his side. ثم نزل من طراحته، حتى ساواه،,Then the sultan left his throne to be on an equal footing with the other. وقال: إن كان لك دعوى فاذكرها.,"He said, ‘If you have a claim, speak out.’" فحرَّر الرجل الدعوى على معنى ما شرح أولًا، فأجابه السلطان أن سنقر هذا كان مملوكي،,"The man made his case as initially stated, and the sultan answered, ‘This Sunqur was my mamluke." ولم يزل على ملكي حتى أعتقته,He remained my property until I freed him. وتوفي وخلف ما خلف لورثته، فقال الرجل: لي بينة تشهد بما ادعيته، ثم سأل فتح كتابه ففتحته فوجدته كما شرحه،,"He then died and left what he left to his heirs.’ The man said, ‘I have evidence to support what I have claimed.’ He then asked for the document to be read into court, which I did and found it to be as I have described." فلما سمع السلطان التاريخ، قال: عندي من يشهد أن سنقر هذا في هذا التاريخ كان في ملكي، وفي يدي بمصر، وأني اشتريته مع ثمانية أنفس في تاريخٍ متقدمٍ على هذا التاريخ بسنة، وأنه لم يزل في يدي وملكي إلى أن أعتقته.,"When the sultan heard the date, he said, ‘I have people who will testify that at that date this Sunqur was my property and in my possession in Egypt, and that I had bought him with eight others at a date a year earlier than that, and that he continued in my possession until I freed him.’" ثم استحضر جماعة من أعيان الأمراء والمجاهدين، فشهدوا بذلك، وذكروا القصة كما ذكرها، والتاريخ كما ادعاه،,"He then summoned a number of leading emirs of the military who testified to that, telling the story as he had and mentioning the date he claimed." فأبلس الرجل،,The man was nonplussed. فقلت له: يا مولاي، هذا الرجل ما فعل ذلك إلا طلبًا لمراحم السلطان،,"I said to Saladin, ‘My lord, he has done this only to seek the clemency of the sultan." وقد حضر بين يدي المولى، ولا يحسن أن يرجع خائبًا للقصد.,He has come before our lord and it is not good that he should leave disappointed.’ فقال: هذا باب آخر.,"‘That is a different matter,’ the sultan said." وتقدم له بخلعة ونفقة بالغة قد شذ عني مقدارها.,"He ordered a robe of honour for him and a substantial sum, the amount of which escapes me." فانظر إلى ما في طيِّ هذه القضية من المعاني الغريبة العجيبة والتواضع والانقياد إلى الحق، وإرغام النفس والكرم في موضع المؤاخذة مع القدرة التامة، رحمه الله — تعالى — رحمة واسعة.,"Consider the wonderful and extraordinary themes to be found in the context of this affair, his humility, his compliance with the truth, his self-effacement and his generosity instead of punishing when he had a perfect right to do so (may God show him abundant mercy)." ذكر طرف من كرمه رحمه الله,Remarkable examples of his generosity قال ﷺ: «إذا عثر الكريم فإن الله آخذ بيده.»,"[The Prophet] (God bless him and give him peace) said, ‘When a generous man stumbles, God takes him by the hand.’" وفي الكرم أحاديث،,There are [many] hadiths concerning generosity. وكرمه — قدَّس الله روحه — كان أظهر من أن يُسطر، وأشهر من أن يُذكر، لكن نبهت عليه جملة؛,"Saladin’s generosity was too public to need to be recorded and too famous to need to be recounted, and yet we will give an indication of it in general terms." وذلك أنه ملك ما ملك ومات ولم يوجد في خزانته من الفضة إلا سبعة وأربعون درهمًا ناصرية، ومن الذهب إلا جرم واحد صوري ما علمت وزنه،,"He ruled all that he ruled and, when he died, in his treasure chest were found only forty-seven Nasirl dirhams of silver and a single Tyrian gold coin, the weight of which was unknown to me." وكان — رحمه الله — يهب الأقاليم,He would give away whole provinces. وفتح آمد وطلبها منه ابن قرة أرسلان فأعطاه إياه.,"Having conquered Amid, he was asked for it by Ibn Qara Arslan and gave it away to him." ورأيته قد اجتمع عنده جمع من الوفود بالقدس الشريف، وكان قد عزم على التوجه إلى دمشق، ولم يكن في الخزانة ما يعطي الوفود، فلم أزل أخاطبه في معناهم، حتى باع أشياء من بيت المال، وفضضنا ثمنها عليهم،,"When a number of envoys had gathered at his court in Jerusalem, at a time when he had planned to depart for Damascus, but there was nothing in his chest to give the envoys, I kept on about them, raising their subject, until he sold a village that belonged to the Treasury and distributed the money he received for it amongst them." ولم يفضل منه درهم واحد.,Not a single dirham was left over. وكان — رحمه الله — يعطي في وقت الضيق كما يعطي في حال السعة،,"In times of shortage he would be generous, just as he would in easy circumstances." وكان نواب خزائنه يخفون عنه شيئًا من المال؛ حذرًا أن يفاجئهم مهم لعلمهم بأنه متى علم به أخرجه،,"The officials of the Royal Chest used to hide a certain amount of money from him, as a precaution in case some crisis surprised them, because they knew that, if he learnt of it, he would spend it." وسمعته يقول في معرض حديث جرى: يمكن أن يكون في الناس من ينظر إلى المال كما ينظر إلى التراب، فكأنه أراد بذلك نفسه — رحمه الله تعالى.,"In the context of some hadith that was mentioned, I heard him say, ‘It is possible that there are people who look upon money as dirt.’ It is rather as if he had himself in mind." وكان يعطي فوق ما يؤمل الطالب؛,His gifts were beyond what any petitioner hoped for. فما سمعته قط يقول: أعطينا لفلان.,"I have never heard him say, ‘We have already given to so-and-so.’" وكان يعطي الكثير ويبسط وجهه للعطاء بسطه لمن لم يعطِه شيئًا،,He used to give large gifts and he would smile no more on those to whom he gave than he would on those to whom he gave nothing. وكان — رحمه الله — يعطي ويكرم أكثر مما يعطي،,He would give and be generous beyond measure. وكان قد عرفه الناس، فكانوا يستزيدونه في كل وقت،,"The people knew this, so they used to be always asking him for more." وما سمعته قط يقول: قد زدت مرارًا فكم أزيد.,"I never heard him say, ‘I have given several times more. How much more can I give?’" وأكثر الرسائل كانت تكون في ذلك على لساني ويدي،,Most approaches on such matters were made verbally through me or by my hand. وكنت أخجل من كثرة ما يطلبون، ولا أخجل منه من كثرة ما أطلبه لهم؛ لعلمي بعدم مؤاخذته في ذلك،,"I was ashamed at the amount that they asked for, but not embarrassed before him at the frequency of my requests for them because I knew that he did not blame one for that." وما خدمه أحد إلا وأغناه عن سؤال غيره.,Everybody who ever served him was dispensed with the need to ask anyone else for anything. «وأما تعداد عطاياه وتعداد صنوفها» فلا تطمع فيها حقيقة أصلًا،,"As for counting up his gifts and all their variety, then there is no hope of really getting to the truth." وقد سمعت من صاحب ديوانه يقول لي: قد تجارينا عطاياه، فحصرنا عدد ما وهب من الخيل بمرج عكا، فكان عشرة آلاف فرس.,"The head of his administration said to me, when we had a conversation about his generosity, ‘We totalled up the number of horses that he gave away on the plain of Acre alone, and it came to 10,000.’" ومن شاهد مواهبه يستقل هذا القدر.,Those who have witnessed his giving will consider this figure on the small side. اللهم إنك ألهمته الكرم، وأنت أكرم منه,"O God, You inspired in him this generosity, but You are the more generous one." فتكرم عليه برحمتك ورضوانك يا أرحم الراحمين.,"Generously bestow Your mercy and good pleasure upon him, O most merciful of the merciful." ذكر شجاعته قدس الله روحه,Account of his bravery (God sanctify his spirit) «روي» عن النبي ﷺ أنه قال: «إن الله يحب الشجاعة، ولو على قتل حية.»,"It is related from the Prophet (God bless him and give him peace) that he said, ‘Verily, God loves bravery, even in the killing of a snake.’" ولقد كان — رحمه الله تعالى — من عظماء الشجعان، قوي النفس، شديد البأس، عظيم الثبات، لا يهوله أمر،,"Saladin was one of the great heroes, mighty in spirit, strong in courage and of great firmness, terrified of nothing." ولقد رأيته مرابطا في مقابلة عدة عظيمة من الفرنج ونجدتهم وعساكرهم تتواصل وهو لا يزداد الا قوة نفس وصبرا,"I have seen him camped opposite a huge number of Franks, when their reinforcements were constantly arriving and their forces successively gathering, though he was growing in nothing but strength of heart and steadfastness." ولقد وصل في ليلة واحدة منهم نیف وسبعون مركبًا، وأنا أعدها من بعد صلاة العصر إلى غروب الشمس، وهو لا يزداد إلا قوة نفس,"In a single evening seventy odd ships of theirs came to Acre, as I was counting them from the afternoon prayer until sunset, but he only grew stouter in spirit." ولقد رأيته يعطي دستورًا في أوائل الشتاء، ويبقى في شرذمة يسيرة في مقابلة عددهم الكثير،,"At the beginning of winter he would grant leave to depart and remain himself with a small squadron, facing their vast numbers." وقد سألت باليان بن بارزان، وهو من كبار ملوك الساحل، وهو جالس بين يديه — رحمه الله — يوم انعقاد الصلح عن عدتهم،,"I once asked Balian, son of Barisan, one of the great princes of the coast, while he was sitting before Saladin on the day peace was concluded, about their total numbers." فقال الترجمان عنه إنه يقول: كنت أنا وصاحب صيدا — وكان أيضًا من ملوكهم وعقلائهم — قاصدين عسكرنا من صور،,The dragoman conveyed his answer: ‘The lord of Sidon’ – also one of their wise rulers – ‘and I were making our way to our army from Tyre. فلما أشرفنا عليه تحازرناه،,When we came in sight of them we both estimated their numbers. فحزرهم هو خمسمائة ألف وحزرتهم أنا بستمائة ألف، أو قال عكس ذلك،,"He estimated that they were 500,000 and I thought 600,000.’ Possibly he put it the other way round." قلت: فكم هلك منهم؟,"I replied, ‘How many of them perished?’" فقال: أما بالقتل فقريب من مائة ألف، وأما بالموت والغرق فلا نعلم,"He said, ‘In combat about 100,000, but by natural causes or drowning, we have no idea.’" وما رجع من هذا العالم إلا الأقل.,Of this multitude only a minority returned. وكان لا بد له من أن يطوف حول العدوِّ في كل يوم مرة أو مرتين إذا كنا قريبًا منهم،,"Every day, when the sultan was in close contact with them, he had to make a circuit around the enemy once or twice." ولقد وصل في ليلة واحدة منهم نيف وسبعون مركبًا على عكا، وأنا أعدها من بعد صلاة العصر إلى غروب الشمس، وهو لا يزداد إلا قوة نفس.,"In a single evening seventy odd ships of theirs came to Acre, as I was counting them from the afternoon prayer until sunset, but he only grew stouter in spirit." وكان — رحمه الله تعالى — إذا اشتد الحرب يطوف بين الصفين، ومعه صبي واحد على يده جنيب، ويخرق العساكر من الميمنة إلى الميسرة، ويرتب الأطلاب، ويأمرهم بالتقدم، والوقوف في مواضع يراها، وكان يشارف العدو ويجاوره — رحمه الله.,"When the battle was fierce, he would ride between the two battle lines, accompanied by one page leading a spare mount, and cross between the armies from right to left, disposing the battalions and ordering them to advance or halt in positions that he thought fit, all the time observing the enemy at close quarters." ولقد قرئ عليه جزآن من الحديث بين الصفين،,Once a portion of Hadlth was recited to him between the battle lines. وذلك أني قلت له: قد سُمع الحديث في جميع المواطن الشريفة، ولم يُنقل أنه سُمع بين الصفين،,"This was because I said to him, ‘Hadlth has been heard in all honourable situations, but it has never been recorded that it has been heard between the battle lines." فإن رأى المولى أن يُؤثر عنه ذلك كان حسنًا، فأذن في ذلك، فأحضر جزأه، كما أحضر من له به سماع،,"If our lord were of a mind to have that related of him, it would be excellent.’ He gave permission for that, summoned part of a collection and on the spot summoned someone who was authorised to transmit it." فقرأ عليه ونحن على ظهور الدواب بين الصفين نمشي تارة ونقف أخرى.,"The text was then read to him, while we were on horseback between the battle lines, ambling at times and halting at others." وما رأيته استكثر العدو أصلًا، ولا استعظم أمرهم قط،,I have never at all seen him consider the enemy too numerous nor exaggerate their strength. وكان مع ذلك في حال الفكر والتدبير تُذكر بين يديه الأقسام كلها، ويُرتب على كل قسم بمقتضاه من غير حدة ولا غضب يعتريه،,"However, he was sometimes deep in thought and forward planning, dealing with all departments and arranging what was required for each without any onset of bad temper or anger." ولقد انهزم المسلمون في يوم المصاف الأكبر بمرج عكا حتى القلب ورجاله ووقع الكئوس والعلم، وهو — رضي الله عنه — ثابت القدم في نفر يسير،,"During one of the fiercest engagements on the plain of Acre the Muslims were routed, even the centre and the sultan’s guard. The drums and the banner fell, while he (God be pleased with him) stood firm in a small troop." حتى انحاز إلى الجبل يجمع الناس ويردهم ويخجلهم، حتى يرجعوا،,"He had withdrawn to the hill, to rally the men and to stop their flight, to shame them into resuming the battle." ولم يزل كذلك حتى نُصر عسكر المسلمين على العدو في ذلك اليوم،,He persisted until the Muslim army was victorious over the enemy that day. وقُتل منهم زهاء سبعة آلاف ما بين راجل وفارس،,"About 7,000 of them were killed, both foot and horse." ولم يزل — رحمه الله — مصابرًا لهم، وهم في العدة الوافرة إلى أن ظهر له ضعف المسلمين،,"He continued to resist them steadfastly, though they were in great numbers, until the weakness of the Muslims became evident to him." فصالح وهو مسئول من جانبهم، فإن الضعف والهلاك كان فيهم أكثر، ولكنهم كانوا يتوقعون النجدة، ونحن لا نتوقعها،,"He then made peace at their request, for their weakness and losses were greater, although they were expecting reinforcements and we expected none." وكانت المصلحة في الصلح، وظهر ذلك لما أبدت الأقضية الإلهية والأقدار ما في مكنونها،,"There was an advantage to us in making peace, and that became clear when circumstances and fate revealed what they had kept concealed." وكان — رحمه الله — يمرض ويصح،,He was sometimes ill but would recover. وتعتريه أحوال مهولة، وهو مصابر مرابط وتتراءى الناران،,"Disturbing circumstances were overwhelming him, though he was full of endurance, face to face with the enemy and with both sets of camp fires visible to each other." ونسمع منهم صوت الناقوس، ويسمعون منا صوت الأذان,We could hear the sound of their bells and they could hear our call to prayer. إلى أن انقضت الوقعة على أحسن حال وأيسره. قدس الله روحه ونور ضريحه.,Eventually the situation was resolved in the best and most favourable manner (God sanctify his spirit and illuminate his tomb). ذكر اهتمامه بأمر الجهاد,Account of his zeal for the cause of Jihad قال الله — تعالى: وَالَّذِينَ جَاهَدُوا فِينَا لَنَهْدِيَنَّهُمْ سُبُلَنَا وَإِنَّ اللهَ لَمَعَ الْمُحْسِنِينَ,"God Almighty said, ‘Those who strive in the Jihad on Our behalf, We shall verily guide their paths. God is with those that do good.’" ونصوص الجهاد كثيرة.,Texts concerning the Jihad are numerous. ولقد كان — رحمه الله — شديد المواظبة عليه، عظيم الاهتمام به،,Saladin was very diligent in and zealous for the Jihad. ولو حلف حالف أنه ما أنفق بعد خروجه إلى الجهاد دينارًا ولا درهمًا إلا في الجهاد، أو في الأرفاد لَصَدق وبرَّ في يمينه.,"If anyone were to swear that, since his embarking on the Jihad, he had not expended a single dinar or dirham on anything but the Jihad or support for it, he would be telling the truth and true in his oath." ولقد كان حبه للجهاد والشغف به قد استولى على قلبه، وسائر جوانحه استيلاءً عظيمًا، بحيث ما كان له حديث إلا فيه، ولا نظر إلا في آلته، ولا كان له اهتمام إلا برجاله، ولا ميل إلا إلى من يذكره ويحث عليه،,"The Jihad, his love and passion for it, had taken a mighty hold on his heart and all his being, so much so that he talked of nothing else, thought of nothing but the means to pursue it, was concerned only with its manpower and had a fondness only for those who spoke of it and encouraged it." ولقد هجر في محبة الجهاد في سبيل الله أهله وأولاده ووطنه وسكنه وسائر بلاده، وقنع من الدنيا بالسكون في ظل خيمة تهب بها الرياح ميمنة وميسرة،,"In his love for the Jihad on the path of God he shunned his womenfolk, his children, his homeland, his home and all his pleasures, and for this world he was content to dwell in the shade of his tent with the winds blowing through it left and right." ولقد وقعت عليه الخيمة في ليلة ريحية على مرج عكا،,One blustery night on the plain of Acre his tent collapsed on him. فلو لم يكن في البرج لقتلته، ولا يزيد ذلك إلا رغبة ومصابرة واهتمامًا،,"Had he not been in his ‘tower’, it would have killed him, but that only added to his eagerness, steadfastness and zeal." وكان الرجل إذا أراد أن يتقرب إليه يحثه على الجهاد،,"If anyone wished to gain his favour, he would urge him to perform the Jihad or relate some of the traditions of Jihad." وأنا ممن جمع له فيه كتابًا جمعت فيه آدابه، وكل آية وردت فيه، وكل حديث رُوي في فضله، وشرحت غريبها،,"Numerous books on the Jihad were composed for him. I, too, am one of those who compiled a book on it for him. I brought together its practices and every Koranic verse or hadith that has been transmitted concerning it, and I explained anything unusual." وكان — رحمه الله — كثيرًا ما يطالعه حتى أخذه منه ولده الملك الأفضل — عز نصره —,"He frequently used to peruse it and in the end his son, al-Malik al-Afdal, studied it with him." ولأحكين عنه ما سمعته منه؛,I shall relate something I heard him say. وذلك أنه كان قد أخذ كوكب في ذي القعدة سنة أربع وثمانين وخمسمائة، وأُعطي العسكر دستورًا،,He had taken Kawkab in Dhu’l-Qa‘da in the year 584 [January and given the troops leave to depart. وأخذ عسكر مصر في العود إلى مصر، وكان مقدمها أخاه الملك العادل — عز نصره — فسار معه ليودعه، ويحظى بصلاة العيد في القدس الشريف — حرسه الله تعالى —,"The Egyptian army had begun to return to Egypt, commanded by his brother, al-‘Adil, and he journeyed with him to see him on his way and to benefit from praying at the Feast in Jerusalem (God Almighty protect it)." وسرنا في خدمته،,We travelled in his retinue. ولما صلى العيد في القدس وقع له أن يمضي إلى عسقلان ويودعهم بعسقلان، ثم يعود على طريق الساحل يتفقد البلاد الساحلية إلى عكا، ويرتب أحوالها،,"After he had celebrated the Feast in Jerusalem, it occurred to him that he would proceed with them to Ascalon and take his leave of them there, then return by the coastal route to investigate the state of the coastal territories as far as Acre and to arrange their administration." فأشاروا عليه أن لا يفعل، فإن العساكر إذا فارقتنا نبقى في عدة يسيرة والفرنج كلهم بصور، وهذه مخاطرة عظيمة،,"They advised him not to do so, for when the troops departed we would be left in small numbers, while all the Franks were at Tyre and this was a great danger." فلم يلتفت — رحمه الله — وودع أخاه والعسكر بعسقلان،,"However, he paid no attention and took leave of his brother and the armies at Ascalon." ثم سرنا في خدمته إلى الساحل طالبي عكا،,"We travelled in his service along the coast, making for Acre." وكان الزمان شتاء، والبحر هائجًا شديدًا، وموجه كالجبال — كما قال تعالى.,"The weather was very wintry and the sea was raging terribly with ‘waves like mountains’, as God said." وكنت حديث عهدٍ برؤية البحر،,My experience of seeing the sea was very recent. فعظم أمر البحر عندي، حتى خُيل لي أني لو قال لي: إن جزت في البحر ميلًا واحدًا ملكتك الدنيا لما كنت أفعل، واستسخفت رأي من ركب البحر رجاء دينار أو درهم، واستحسنت رأي من لا يقبل شهادة راكب بحر،,"The thought of the sea was terrible to me, so much so that I imagined that, had someone with the power said to me, ‘If you cross one mile of the sea, I will make you king of the world,’ I would not have done it, and I considered those who put to sea in the hope of gaining a dinar or a dirham to be quite stupid and I approved of the opinion of those who would not accept the testimony of a seafarer." هذا كله خطر لي لعظم الهول الذي شاهدته من حركة البحر،,All this came to my mind because of the great dread which I experienced from the motion and billowing of the sea. فبينا أنا في ذلك إذ التفت إليَّ — رحمه الله — وقال: أما أحكي لك شيئًا في نفسي أنه متى ما يسر الله — تعالى — فتح بقية الساحل قسمت البلاد، وأوصيت وودَّعت وركبت هذا البحر إلى جزائره، واتبعتهم فيها، حتى لا أُبقي على وجه الأرض من يكفر بالله أو أموت.,"While I was thinking this, he turned to me and said, ‘Shall I tell you something?’ ‘Of course,’ I said. He went on, ‘I have it in mind that, when God Almighty has enabled me to conquer the rest of the coast, I shall divide up the lands, make my testament, take my leave and set sail on this sea to their islands to pursue them there until there no longer remain on the face of the earth any who deny God – or die [in the attempt]’." فعظم وقع هذا الكلام عندي؛ حيث ناقض ما كان خطر لي،,These words had a great effect on me since they totally contradicted the thoughts I was having. وقلت له: ليس في الأرض أشجع نفسًا من المولى، ولا أقوى منه نية في نصرة دين الله — تعالى —. فقال: كيف؟,"I said to him, ‘There is no-one on earth more courageous than our lord and none stronger of purpose than he to aid the religion of God.’ ‘How so?’ he asked." فقال: أما الشجاعة فلأن مولانا ما يهوله أمر هذا البحر وهوله، وأما نصرة دين الله فهو أن المولى ما يقنع بقلع أعداء الله من موضع مخصوص في الأرض حتى تطهر جميع الأرض منهم.,"I replied, ‘Because, as for courage, the state of this sea and its terrors do not frighten our lord, and, as for aiding the religion of God, our lord will not be satisfied with uprooting God’s enemies from a particular place on the earth until he has purified the whole earth of them.’" واستأذنت أن أحكي له ما كان خطر لي،,I asked him leave to tell the thoughts that came to my mind. فحكيت له، ثم قلت: ما هذه إلا نية جميلة، ولكن المولى يسير في البحر العساكر،,"He granted leave, so I told him as follows: ‘This is surely an excellent purpose, but let our lord dispatch troops by sea." وهو سور الإسلام ومنعته، فلا ينبغي له أن يخاطر بنفسه. فقال: أنا أستفتيك،,"He is the bastion and bulwark of Islam and it is not right that he should risk his person.’ He said, ‘I shall ask your legal opinion." ما أشرف الميتتين؟ فقلت: الموت في سبيل الله.,"What is the noblest of deaths?’ ‘Death on the path of God,’ I said." فقال: غاية ما في الباب أن أموت أشرف الميتتين.,"He continued, ‘What aim compares with my dying the noblest of deaths?’" فانظر إلى هذه الطوية ما أطهرها، وإلى هذه النفس ما أشجعها وأجرأها — رحمة الله عليه.,"Consider this mind, how pure it was, and this soul, how courageous and gallant!" اللهم إنك تعلم أنه بذل جهده في نصرة دينك، وجاهد رجاء رحمتك فارحمه.,"O God, You know that he bestowed his efforts to aid Your religion, in the hope of Your mercy, so show him mercy." صبره واحتسابه رحمة الله عليه,Remarkable examples of his endurance and his winning credit in Heaven قال الله — سبحانه وتعالى: ثُمَّ جَاهَدُوا وَصَبَرُوا إِنَّ رَبَّكَ مِنْ بَعْدِهَا لَغَفُورٌ رَحِيمٌ.,"God (Almighty and Glorious is He) said, ‘[For those who]… then strove and endured, your Lord later is forgiving and merciful.’" ولقد رأيته — رحمه الله — بمرج عكا، وهو على غاية من مرضٍ اعتراه بسبب كثرة دماميل كانت ظهرت عليه من وسطه إلى ركبتيه، بحيث لا يستطيع الجلوس،,"On the plain of Acre I saw Saladin overcome by an extremely poor state of health on account of numerous boils which had appeared on his body from his waist to his knees, so that he was unable to sit down." وإنما يكون منكبًّا على جانبه إن كان بالخيمة، وامتنع من مد الطعام بين يديه لعجزه عن الجلوس،,"He would simply lie on his side if he was in his tent, and he refused to have food served him because of his inability to sit." وكان يأمر أن يفرق على الناس،,He ordered it to be distributed to the troops. وكان مع ذلك قد نزل بخيمة الحرب قريبًا من العدو، وقد رتب الناس ميمنة وميسرة وقلبًا تعبية القتال،,"Nevertheless, he had taken his station in his campaign tent close to the enemy and had disposed the troops as left wing, right wing and centre, in battle formation." وكان مع ذلك كله يركب من بكرة النهار إلى صلاة المغرب يطوف على الأطلاب صابرًا على شدة الألم، وقوة ضربان الدمامل، وأنا أتعجب من ذلك،,"Despite all, he rode from early morning till the noonday prayer, going the rounds of the battalions, and also from late afternoon until the sunset prayer, enduring the intense pain and the violent throbbing of the boils, while I expressed my amazement at that." فيقول: إذا ركبت يزول عني ألمها حتى أنزل، وهذه عناية ربانية.,"He would say, ‘When I ride, the pain goes away, until I dismount.’ This is divine solicitude." ولقد مرض — رحمه الله — ونحن على الخرنوبة، وكان قد تأخر عن تل الحجل بسبب مرضه،,"When we were at al-Kharruba he was ill, having retired from Tell al- ‘Ajul’ on account of his illness." فبلغ الإفرنج، فخرجوا طمعًا في أن ينالوا شيئًا من المسلمين,"The Franks got to hear of this and sallied out, desirous of gaining some advantage over the Muslims." وهي نوبة النهر،,This was the engagement at the river. فخرجوا في مرحلة الآبار التي تحت التل،,They advanced a day’s march as far as the wells which were below the hill. فأمر — رحمه الله — بالثقل حتى يتجهز بالرحيل والتأخر عن جهة الناصرة،,Saladin ordered the baggage to be prepared for departure and a withdrawal towards Nazareth. وكان عماد الدين صاحب سنجار متمرضًا أيضًا، فأذن له أن يتأخر مع الثقل، وأقام هو،,"The lord of Sinjar, ‘Imad al-Din, was also in poor health and Saladin gave permission for him to withdraw with the baggage, but he himself remained." ثم رحل العدو في اليوم الثاني يطلبنا،,The following day the enemy rode out to attack us. فركب على مضض، ورتب العسكر للقاء القوم تعبية الحرب،,"Despite pain, he mounted his horse and drew up the army in battle formation to meet them." وجعل طرف الميمنة الملك العادل، وطرف الميسرة تقي الدين،,He placed on the extreme right wing al-‘Adil and on the extreme left TaqI al-Dln. وجعل ولده الملك الظاهر والملك الأفضل — عز نصرهما — في القلب،,"His two sons, al-Zahir and al-Afdal, he stationed in the centre." ونزل هو وراء القوم يطلبهم،,He himself took position beyond the enemy with his troop. وأول ما نزل من التل أحضر بين يديه أفرنجي قد أُسر من القوم،,"As soon as he descended from the hill, a Frank who had been taken prisoner was brought before him." فأمر بضرب عنقه بين يديه بعد عرض الإسلام عليه وإبائه عنه،,"He ordered his head to be cut off, which was done in his presence, after the man had been offered Islam and had rejected it." وكلما سار العدو يطلب رأس النهر سار هو مستديرًا إلى ورائهم، حتى يقطع بينهم وبين خيامهم وهو يسير ساعة، ثم ينزل يستريح ويتظلل بمنديل على رأسه من شدة وقع الشمس، ولا ينصب له خيمة حتى لا يرى العدو ضعفًا,"Whenever the enemy moved, aiming for the head of the river, he circled around behind them to cut them off from their tents, riding for a while and then dismounting to rest, shading himself with a kerchief on his head from the severe effect of the sun but not erecting any tent for himself so that the enemy would not spy any weakness." ولم يزل كذلك حتى نزل العدو برأس النهر، ونزل هو قبالتهم على تل مطلٍّ عليهم إلى أن دخل الليل،,He so continued until the enemy camped at the head of the river while he camped opposite them on a hill overlooking them until nightfall. ثم أمر العساكر المنصورة أن عادت إلى محل المصابرة، وأن يبيتوا تحت السلاح,"Then, on his orders, the armies of Islam returned to a defensive stance, instructed to spend the night under arms." وتأخر هو ونحن في خدمته إلى قمة الجبل، فضربت له خيمة لطيفة،,"He himself retired, with us attending upon him, to the summit of the hill, where a small tent was pitched for him." وبتنا تلك الليلة أجمع أنا والطبيب نمرضه ونشاغله، وهو ينام تارة ويستيقظ أخرى، حتى لاح الصباح،,"The doctor and I spent the whole of that night tending and distracting him, while he slept fitfully until dawn broke." ثم ضرب البوق، وركب هو وركبت العساكر وأحدقت بالعدو، ورحل العدو عائدًا إلى خيامهم من الجانب الغربي من النهر،,"The trumpet sounded and he along with the troops mounted up and surrounded the enemy, who moved back to their tents on the west back of the river." وضايقهم المسلمون في ذلك اليوم مضايقة شنيعة،,That day the Muslims pressed them terribly hard. وفي ذلك اليوم قدم أولاده بين يديه احتسابًا، وجميع من حضر منهم،,"Also on that day, to win credit in heaven, he sent forward his sons, al-Zahir, al-Afdal and al-Zafir, and all who were with him." ولم يزل يبعث من عنده، حتى لم يبقَ عنده إلا أنا والطبيب وعارض الجيش والغلمان بأيديهم الأعلام والبيارق لا غير،,"He continued to send forward everyone with him until only the doctor and I remained in attendance along with the Inspector of the Army and the pages with flags and banners in their hands, nothing more." فيظن الرائي لها عن بعد أن تحتها خلقًا عظيمًا،,"Anyone looking from a distance would have thought that a vast host stood beneath them, but there was only one man, worth a vast host." ولم يزل العدو سائرًا والقتل يعمل فيهم،,"The enemy remained on the move, suffering losses the while." وكلما قُتل منهم شخص دفنوه، وكلما جُرح منهم رجل حملوه، حتى لا يبقى بعدهم من يعلم قتله وجرحه وهم سائرون، ونحن نشاهدهم،,"Whenever a person was killed they buried him, and if anyone was wounded they carried him so no-one would be left behind to reveal the number of their dead and wounded. They marched on while we observed them." حتى اشتد بهم الأمر ونزلوا عند الجسر،,In the end their situation became very serious and they camped at the bridge. وكان الإفرنج متى نزلوا إلى الأرض أيس المسلمون من بلوغ غرض منهم؛ لأنهم يجتمعون في حالة النزول جماعة عظيمة،,Whenever the Franks dismounted and made camp the Muslims despaired of gaining any success over them because in their dismounted state they defended themselves very strongly. وبقي — رحمه الله — في موضعه والعساكر على ظهور الخيل قبالة العدو إلى آخر النهار، ثم أمرهم أن يبيتوا على مثل ما باتوا عليه بارحتهم،,"With the troops on horseback, he remained in his position facing the enemy until the end of the day and then ordered that they should spend the night as they had yesterday." وعدنا إلى منزلها في الليلة الماضية،,We returned to our camping spot of the previous night and passed the night as we had before. وعاد العسكر في الصباح إلى ما كان عليه بالأمس من مضايقة العدو،,At dawn we resumed our close pressure on the enemy. ورحل العدو، وسار على ما مضى من القتل والقتال، حتى دنا إلى خيامه، وخرج إليه منها من أنجده، حتى وصلوا إلى خيامهم.,"They broke camp and moved off as before, fighting and suffering losses, until they came near to their tents, from where extra support joined them, and so they managed to reach their tents." فانظر إلى هذا الصبر والاحتساب، وإلى أي غاية بلغ هذا الرجل.,Consider this endurance and zeal for heavenly credit and what heights this man attained! اللهم إنك ألهمته الصبر والاحتساب ووفقته له،,"O God, You inspired in him endurance and zeal and You gave him his success." فلا تحرمه ثوابه يا أرحم الراحمين.,"Do not deprive him of his reward, O most merciful of the merciful." ولقد رأيته — رحمه الله تعالى — وقد جاءه خبر وفاة ولدٍ له بالغ يُسمى إسماعيل،,"I saw him when he received the news of [the death of] a son of his, already past puberty or approaching it, called Isma‘11." فوقف على الكتاب، ولم يعرِّف أحدًا، ولم نعرف حتى سمعناه من غيره، ولم يظهر عليه شيء من ذلك سوى أنه لما قرأ الكتاب دمعت عينه.,"He read the letter but told nobody (we did not know about it until we heard it from others) and showed no affect of that on his face, apart from the fact that, when he read the letter, his eye shed a tear." ولقد رأيته ليلة على صفد وهو يحاصرها، وقد قال: لا ننام الليلة حتى تُنصب لنا خمس مناجيق،,"One night at Safad when he was besieging it, I was with him when he said, ‘Tonight we shall not sleep until we have erected five trebuchets.’" ورتب لكل منجنيق قومًا يتولون نصبه،,Fie assigned men to each one who would be responsible for setting it up. وكنا طول الليل في خدمته — قدس الله روحه — في ألذ مفاكهة، وأرغد عيش، والرسل تتواصل تخبره بأن قد نصب من المنجنيق الفلاني كذا، ومن المنجنيق الفلاني حتى أتى الصباح، وقد فرغ منها، ولم يبقَ إلا تركيب خنازيرها عليها،,"All night long we were in attendance on him (God sanctify his spirit) in a most pleasant humour and delightful companionship, while messengers were coming one after another to announce that such-and-such had been erected on this trebuchet and this- and-that on another, until there came the dawn and everything had been finished, except that all that remained was to fit their ‘sows’." وكانت من أطول الليالي، وأشدها بردًا ومطرًا.,"It had, moreover, been one of the longest nights and one of the coldest and wettest." ورأيته وقد وصل إليه خبر وفاة تقي الدين ابن أخيه،,"I also observed him at the time when the news of the death of Taql al-Dln ‘Umar, his nephew, came to him." ونحن في مقابلة الإفرنج جريدة على الرملة,We were facing the Franks without our baggage train at Ramla. وفي كل ليلة تقع الصيحة، فتقلع الخيام والناس تقف على ظهر الى الصباح,"Every night there would be shouts, the tents would be struck and the troops be in the saddle until dawn." ونحن بالرملة وبيننا وبينهم شوط فرس لا غير،,In our position at Ramla there was only a gallop between us and them. فأحضر الملك العادل، وعلم الدين سليمان، وسابق الدين، وعز الدين، وأمر بالناس فطردوا من قريب الخيمة، بحيث لم يبقَ حولها أحد زيادة عن غلوة سهم،,"He summoned al-‘Adil, ‘Alam al-Din Sulayman ibn Jandar, Sabiq al-Din ibn al-Daya and ‘Izz al-Dln ibn al-Muqaddam and he ordered the men to be driven away from near his tent, so that no-one remained closer than a bow-shot." ثم أظهر الكتاب، ووقف عليه، وبكي بكاء شديدًا، حتى أبكانا من غير أن نعلم السبب،,"Then he produced the letter, read it and wept so bitterly that he reduced us to tears without our knowing the cause." ثم قال — رحمه الله — والعبرة تخنقه: تُوفي تقي الدين، فاشتد بكاؤه، وبكاء الجماعة، ثم عدت إلى نفسي، فقلت: استغفروا الله — تعالى — من هذه الحالة،,"Choked by his tears, he said, ‘Taql al-Dln is dead.’ He and the company wept bitterly, but I recovered myself and said, ‘Ali ask pardon of God for this response." وانظروا أين وفيم أنتم، وأعرضوا عما سواه، فقال — رحمه الله: نعم أستغفر الله. وأخذ يكررها، ثم قال: لا يعلم أحد. واستدعى بشيءٍ من الماورد، فغسل عينيه، ثم أشخص الطعام،,"Consider where you are, what you are about, and ignore all else.’ Saladin said, ‘Yes, I ask pardon of God,’ which he took to repeating, finally saying, ‘No-one must learn of this.’ He requested some rose water and washed his eyes, then he had some food brought." وحضر الناس، ولم يعلم بذلك أحد، حتى عاد العدو إلى يافا، وعدنا نحن إلى النطرون، وهو مقر ثقلنا.,"His staff attended and no-one knew about it until the enemy retired to Jaffa and we withdrew to Latrun, where our heavy baggage was based." وكان — رحمه الله — شديد الشغف والشفقة بأولاده الصغار، وهو صابر على مفارقتهم، راضٍ ببعدهم عنه،,"Saladin (God have mercy on him) was greatly fond of and solicitous for his young children, though he bore parting with them manfully and accepted their absence from him." وكان صابرًا على مر العيش وخشونته مع القدرة التامة على غير ذلك احتسابًا لله — تعالى.,"He endured bitter and harsh conditions of life, although fully able to live differently, to gain credit with God." اللهم إنه ترك ذلك كله ابتغاء مرضاتك، فارضَ عنه وارحمه.,"O God, he gave up all that in his desire for Your good pleasure, so be pleased with him and show him mercy." ذكر نبذ من حلمه وعفوه رحمه الله,Some random remarks on his forbearance and clemency قال الله — سبحانه وتعالى: وَالْعَافِينَ عَنِ النَّاسِ وَاللهُ يُحِبُّ الْمُحْسِنِينَ،,"God (Almighty and Glorious is He) said, ‘… and those who forgive people, for God loves those that do good.’" لقد كان متجاوزًا قليل الغضب،,"He was forbearing, forgiving and rarely angry." ولقد كنت في خدمته بمرج عيون قبل خروج الإفرنج إلى عكا — يسر الله فتحها —,I was in attendance on him at Marj ‘Uyun before the Franks marched upon Acre (may God facilitate its conquest). وكان من عادته أن يركب في وقت الركوب، ثم ينزل فيمد الطعام،,"It was his custom to be out on horseback at the normal time for that, later to dismount for food to be served." ويأكل مع الناس، ثم ينهض إلى خيمة خاصة له ينام فيها،,"He would eat with his staff, and then go to a personal tent to sleep." ثم يستيقظ من منامه، ويصلي، ويجلس خلوة، وأنا في خدمته نقرأ شيئًا من الحديث، أو شيئًا من الفقه،,"Later, when he awoke, he would pray and then relax in private, with me in attendance, when we would read a little Hadith or a little canon law." ولقد قرأ علي كتابًا مختصرًا تصنيف الرازي يشتمل على الأرباع الأربعة من الفقه،,He studied with me a digest by Sulaym al-Razi which contained the ‘four quarters’ of law. ونزل يومًا على عادته، ومد الطعام بين يديه، ثم عزم على النهوض، فقيل له: إن وقت الصلاة قد قرب. فعاد إلى الجلوس،,"One day he dismounted as usual, food was served, then he made as though to rise, but he was told, ‘It is nearly time for prayer,’ so he sat down again." وقال: نصلي وننام.,"‘We shall pray and sleep afterwards,’ he said." ثم جلس يتحدَّث حديث متضجر، وقد أخلا المكان إلا ممن لزم،,"He sat conversing, rather out of sorts, having dismissed all except his close courtiers." فتقدم إليه مملوك كبير محترم عنده، وعرض عليه قصة لبعض المجاهدين،,"An old mamluke, much respected by him, approached and presented him with a petition on behalf of one of the warriors." فقال له: أنا الآن ضجران أخرها ساعة.,"Saladin said, ‘I am tired now. Keep it for a while.’" فلم يفعل، وقدم القصة إلى قريبٍ من وجهه الكريم بيده، وفتحها، بحيث يقرأها,"Taking no notice, he thrust the petition close to Saladin’s dear face and opened it so that he could read it." فوقف على الاسم المكتوب في رأسها، فعرفه،,His eye fell on the name written at the head of the petition and he recognised it. فقال: رجل مستحق.,"‘A worthy man,’ he said." فقال: يوقع المولى له. فقال: ليست الدواة حاضرة الآن.,"The mamluke said, ‘Will the lord then endorse his petition?’ to which the sultan answered, ‘I do not have my pen-box to hand at the moment.’" وكان — رحمه الله — جالسًا في باب الخركاه، بحيث لا يستطيع أحد الدخول إليها،,"Saladin was sitting at the entrance to his tent, so placed that no-one could enter." والدواة في صدرها، والخركاه كبيرة،,"The pen-box was by the back wall of the tent, which was a big one." فقال له المخاطب: هذه الدواة في صدر الخركاه. وليس لهذا معنى إلا أمره إياه بإحضار الدواة لا غير، فالتفت — رحمه الله، فرأى الدواة، فقال: والله لقد صدق. ثم امتد على يده اليسرى، ومد يده اليمنى فأحضرها،,"The man who had addressed him said, ‘There is the pen-box at the back of the tent.’ This could mean nothing but ‘Fetch it.’ Saladin turned around, saw the pen-box and said, ‘By God, he’s right.’ Then, leaning back on his left arm, he stretched out his right and reached it." ووقع له، فقلت: قال الله — تعالى — في حق نبيه ﷺ: وَإِنَّكَ لَعَلَى خُلُقٍ عَظِيمٍ،,"He endorsed the petition, and I said, ‘God Almighty said concerning his Prophet, “Verily you are of a noble character.”" وما أرى المولى إلا قد شاركه في هذا الخُلق،,I can only think that our lord shares the same character with him.’ فقال: ما ضرنا شيئًا؛ قضينا حاجته، وحصل الثواب.,"He replied, ‘We were not put out in any way. We settled his business – and the reward [in Heaven] is ours.’" ولو وقعت هذه الواقعة لآحاد الناس وأفرادهم لقام وقعد،,"Had some persons and certain individuals had this happen to them, they would have been furious." ومن الذي يقدر أن يخاطب أحدًا هو تحت حكمه بمثل ذلك،,Who could address his superior in such a way! وهذا غاية الإحسان والحلم، والله لا يضيع أجر المحسنين.,"This is the ultimate in kindness and forbearance, and God does not neglect to reward those that do good." ولقد كانت طراحته تُداس عند التزاحم عليه لعرض القصص، وهو لا يتأثر لذلك،,"His cushion was sometimes trodden on when people crowded in on him to present petitions, but he was not at all affected by that." ولقد نفرت يومًا بغلتي من الجمال، وأنا راكب في خدمته، فزحمت وركه حتى ألمته، وهو يبتسم — رحمه الله.,"One day my mule shied away from the camels while I was riding in attendance on him, and it pressed painfully on his thigh, but he was smiling." ولقد دخلت بين يديه في يوم ريح مطير إلى القدس الشريف، وهو كثير الوحل,"On a windy and rainy day I preceded him into Jerusalem, when it was very muddy." فنضحت البغلة عليه من الطين، حتى أتلفت جميع ما كان عليه، وهو يبتسم،,"My mule spattered him with mud, so that it ruined all he was wearing, but once again he was laughing." وأردت التأخر عنه بسبب ذلك فما تركني.,"I wanted to drop behind him on that account, but he would not let me." ولقد كان يسمع من المستغيثين والمتظلمين أغلظ ما يمكن أن يسمع ويلقى ذلك بالبشر والقبول،,From those that sought his help or those that complained to him he would listen to the strongest language that could be heard and meet it with a complaisant smile. وهذه حكاية يندر أن يُسطر مثلها،,There follows an anecdote the like of which is rarely to be recorded. وذلك أنه كان قد اتجه أخو ملك الإفرنج خذلهم الله إلى يافا، فإن العسكر كان قد رحل عنهم، وبعد وتراجع إلى النطرون، وهو مكان بينه وبين يافا للعسكر مرحلتان للمجد، وثلاث معتادة،,"The brother of the king of the Franks (may God forsake them) had set out for Jaffa, for our troops had withdrawn some distance from them and fallen back to Latrun, which is a place two days march from Jaffa for troops on a forced march but three for normal travelling." وجمع — رحمه الله — العسكر، ومضى إلى قيسارية يلتقي نجدتهم، عساه يبلغ منها غرضًا،,Saladin assembled his forces and proceeded to Caesarea to confront their reinforcements in the hope of gaining some success over them. وعلم الإفرنج الذين كانوا بيافا ذلك،,The Franks who were in Jaffa learnt of this. وكان بها الانكتار ومعه جماعة،,It was the king of England who was there with a number of troops. فجهز معظم من كان عنده في المراكب إلى قيسارية خشية على النجدة أن يتم عليها أمر،,"He sent most of those he had with him in ships to Caesarea, fearing for the reinforcements that some disaster might happen to them." وبقي الانكتار في نفرٍ يسيرٍ لعلمهم ببعده — رحمه الله — عنهم وبعد العسكر،,The king himself remained with a small force because they knew that the sultan and his troops were far away from them. ولما وصل — رحمه الله — إلى قيسارية، ورأى النجدة قد وصلت إلى البلد، واحتمت به، وعلم أنه لا ينال منهم غرضه سرى من ليلته في أول الليل إلى آخره، حتى أتى يافا صباحًا،,"When Saladin arrived at Caesarea and saw that the reinforcements had already arrived and were safely within the walls, he realised that he would not achieve what he planned, so he immediately travelled all night long and came to Jaffa in the morning." والانكتار في سبعة عشر فارسًا وثلاثمائة راجل نازلًا خارج البلد في خيمة له،,"The king of England, leading seventeen knights and three hundred foot-soldiers, was camped in a tent outside the town." فصبحه العسكر صباحًا،,Our troops offered him battle that morning. فركب الملعون، وكان شجاعًا باسلًا، صاحب رأي في الحرب، وثبت بين يدي العسكر، ولم يدخل البلد،,"He, the accursed one, got to horse (for he was brave, valiant and expert in battle) and stood his ground, not entering the town." فاستدار العسكر الإسلامي بهم إلا من جهة البحر، وتعبى العسكر تعبية القتال،,The Muslim army surrounded them except in the direction of the town and was drawn up in battle formation. وأمر السلطان العسكر بالحملة انتهازًا للفرصة، فأجابه بعض الأكراد بكلامٍ فيه خشونة تعتب لعدم التوفير في إقطاعه،,"The sultan ordered the troops to charge, to seize this opportunity, but some of the Kurdish emirs answered with rough words, the nub of which was a reproof because of the insufficiency of their feudal grants." فعطف — رحمه الله — عنان فرسه كالمغضب لعلمه أنهم لا يعلمون في ذلك اليوم شيئًا،,"The sultan tugged on his horse’s reins like a man in anger, because he knew that they would do nothing that day." وتركهم، وانصرف راجعًا،,He left them and went away. وأمر بخيمته التي كانت منصوبة أن قُلعت،,He commanded his tent which had been erected to be dismantled. وانفضوا متيقنين أن السلطان في ذلك اليوم ربما صلب جماعة،,"Everyone melted away from the enemy, convinced that the sultan would probably gibbet and execute several persons that day." ولقد حكى لي ولده الملك الظاهر — أعز الله أنصاره — أنه خاف منه في ذلك اليوم، حتى إنه لم يتجاسر أن يقع في عينيه مع أنه حمل في ذلك اليوم، وأوغل،,"Saladin’s son, al-Zahir related to me that on that day he was so fearful of him that he did not dare fall into his sight, although he had charged deeply [into the enemy] that day and even been restrained by the sultan." ولم يزل سائرًا، حتى نزل بسازور،,"Saladin kept going and eventually camped at Yazur, which was a short stage." فضربت له خيمة لطيفة هنالك ونزل بها ونزل العسكر في منازلهم تحت صوانات لطيفة كما جرت العادة,"A small tent was pitched for him there, which he occupied, while the troops camped beneath small bivouacs, as was customary at that time." وما من الأمراء إلا من يرعد خيفة، ومن يعتقد أنه مأخوذ مسخوط عليه،,There was not a single emir who did not shake with fear and believe that he was about to be arrested and reprimanded. قال: ولم تحدثني نفسي بالدخول عليه خيفةً منه، حتى استدعاني،,"Al-Zahir said, ‘I could not persuade myself to attend on him, such was my anxiety, until finally he called for me." قال: فدخلت عليه، وقد وصله من دمشق المحروسة فاكهة كثيرة،,I came into his presence just after a lot of fruit had arrived from Damascus. فقال: اطلبوا الأمراء، حتى يأكلوا شيئًا.,"He said, “Fetch the emirs so that they can eat some.”" قال: فسرَّى عني ما كنت أجده، وطلبت الأمراء فحضروا وهم خائفون، فوجدوا من بشره وانبساطه ما أحدث لهم الطمأنينة والأمن والسرور,"My worries were dispelled and I went to seek the emirs, who presented themselves very fearfully, but they found him in a happy and relaxed mood which restored their confidence, trust and contentment." وانصرفوا على عزم الرحيل كأن لم يجرِ شيء أصلًا،,"They left him planning to break camp, just as if nothing at all had happened.’" فانظر إلى هذا الحلم الذي لا يتأتى في مثل هذا الزمان، ولا يُحكى عمن تقدم من أمثاله — رحمة الله عليه.,Consider such forbearance which is not met with in times like these nor related of men of his position in previous generations (God’s mercy be upon him). ذكر محافظته على أسباب المروءة,Account of his observance of chivalrous behaviour قال النبي ﷺ: «بُعثت لأتمم مكارم الأخلاق»،,"The Prophet (God bless him and give him peace) said, ‘I was sent to perfect noble qualities of character.’" وكان ﷺ إذا صافحه الرجل لا يترك يده حتى يكون الرجل هو التارك الذي يبدأ بذلك،,Whenever the Prophet shook hands with someone he would not let go his hand until that person had taken the initiative to do so. ولقد كان السلطان كثير المروءة ندي اليد، كثير الحياء، مبسوط الوجه لمن يرد عليه من الضيوف,"The sultan too was a paragon of chivalry, generous, extremely modest and had a welcoming face for any guests that arrived." لا يرى أن يفارقه الضيف، حتى يطعم عنده، ولا يخاطبه بشيءٍ إلا وينجزه،,"He would not countenance any guest leaving him until he had been fed, nor that anyone should approach him on any matter without his seeing to it." وكان يكرم الوافد عليه، وإن كان كافرًا،,"He received graciously anyone that came to him on a mission, even if he were an infidel." ولقد وفد عليه البرنس صاحب أنطاكية فما أحس به إلا وهو واقفٌ على باب خيمته بعد وقوع الصلح في شهر شوَّال سنة ثمانٍ وثمانين وخمسمائة عند منصرفه من القدس إلى دمشق،,"The prince, lord of Antioch, visited him, and the first he was aware of this was when he was standing at the door of his tent in the month of Shawwal 588 [October, this being after peace had been made, when he was returning from Jerusalem to Damascus." عرض له في الطريق، وطلب منه شيئًا,The prince confronted him during his journey and made a request. فأعطاه العمق، وهي بلاد كان أخذها منه عام فتح الساحل، وهو سنة أربع وثمانين.,"The sultan gave him al-‘Amq, which is territory he had taken from him the year the coast was conquered, that is, 584." ولقد رأيته وقد دخل عليه صاحب صيدا بالناصرة فاحترمه، وأكرمه، وأكل معه الطعام، ومع ذلك عرض عليه الإسلام، فذكر له طرفًا من محاسنه وحثه عليه.,"When the lord of Sidon visited him at Nazareth, I saw how the sultan honoured him and received him graciously, ate a meal with him and, in addition, proposed that he should convert to Islam, telling him of some of its special excellencies and urging him to take the step." وكان يكرم من يرد عليه من المشايخ وأرباب العلم والفضل وذوي الأقدار، وكان يوصينا بأن لا نغفل عمن يجتاز بالخيم من المشايخ المعروفين، حتى يحضرهم عنده، وينالهم من إحسانه،,"He used to receive with honour the scholars, the men of learning and letters, and individuals of high reputation that came to him, urging us not to overlook any noted scholars that passed by our tents without bringing them to him so that he could reward them with his liberality." ولقد مر بنا سنة أربع وثمانين وخمسمائة رجل جمع بين العلم والتصوف،,In the year 584 [1188-9] we were visited by a man who encompassed both religious learning and mystic devotion. وكان من ذوي الأقدار وأبوه صاحب توريز،,"He was a man of high repute, whose father was the former lord of Tabriz." فأعرض هو عن فن أبيه، واشتغل بالعلم والعمل،,He rejected his father’s calling and occupied himself with learning and good works. وحج ووصل زائرًا لبيت الله المقدس،,"He went on pilgrimage, then came to visit Jerusalem." ولما قضى لبانته منه ورأى آثار السلطان — رحمه الله — فيه وقع له زيارته، فوصل إلينا إلى المعسكر المنصور،,"Having satisfied his pious wishes and seen the results of the sultan’s efforts there, he conceived a wish to visit him, and so came to us at the royal camp." فما أحسست به إلا وقد دخل عليَّ في الخيمة،,The first I knew of him was when he entered my tent. فلقيته ورحبت به، وسألته عن سبب ذلك ووصوله،,"I received him and made him welcome, then asked the reason for his coming." فأخبرني بذلك، وأنه يؤثر زيارة السلطان لما رأى له من الآثار الحميدة الجميلة،,He told me and said that he especially desired to visit the sultan because of the excellent and admirable good works of his that he had seen. فعرفت السلطان بذلك في ليلة وصول هذا الرجل، فاستحضره،,I informed the sultan that night of this person’s arrival and he summoned him. وروي عنه حديثًا,"The sultan heard an hadith from him, thanked him on behalf of Islam and urged him to do good." ثم انصرفنا وبات عندي في الخيمة،,Then we left together and he spent the night with me in my tent. فلما صليت الصبح أخذ يودعني، فقبحت له المسير بدون وداع السلطان، فلم يلتفت، ولم يلو على ذلك،,"After we had prayed the dawn prayer, he started to say goodbye to me, so I upbraided him for going without taking leave of the sultan, but he paid no attention and ignored my words." وقال: قد قضيت حاجتي منه،,"He said, ‘I have completed my business with him." ولا غرض لي فيما عدا رؤيته وزيارته، وانصرف من ساعته،,"I have no aim apart from seeing and visiting him,’ and he departed immediately." ومضى على ذلك ليالٍ، فسأل السلطان عنه، فأخبرته بفعله،,Several nights later the sultan questioned me about him and I told him what he had done. فظهر عليه آثار الغضب كيف لم أخبره برواحه،,His face showed signs of vexation that I had not informed him of his departure. وقال: كيف يطرقنا مثل هذا الرجل وينصرف عنا من غير إحسانٍ يمسه منا؟,"‘How may such a man come visiting,’ he said, ‘and leave us without a touch of our benevolence?’" وشدد النكير عليَّ في ذلك، فما وجدت بدًّا من أن أكتب كتابًا إلى محيي الدين قاضي دمشق كلفته فيه السؤال عن حال الرجل، وإيصال رقعة كتبتها إليه طيَّ كتابي,"He was severely critical of me for that and I found I could not avoid writing a letter to Muhyi al-Din, the Qadl of Damascus, in which I charged him with enquiring after the man and delivering a note to him which I enclosed in my letter." أخبره فيها بإنكار السلطان رواحه من غير اجتماعه به، وحسنت له فيها العود، وكان بيني وبينه صداقة تقتضي مثل ذلك،,"I told him of the sultan’s disapproval of his leaving without meeting him, and I urged him to come back, for the friendship between us demanded no less." فما أحسست به إلا وقد عاد إليَّ، فكتبتُ رقعةً، وأعلمته بذلك,"The next I knew he had returned to me, so I wrote a note and informed the sultan of that." فكتب إلي يقول : “تحضره معك”، ففعلت ذلك,"He wrote in reply, ‘Please bring him with you [to see me],’ which I did." فرحب به السلطان، وانبسط معه،,"He welcomed him in a friendly manner, saying how much he had wished to see him again." وأمسكه أيامًا، ثم خلع عليه خلعة حسنة، وأعطاه مركبًا لائقًا، وثيابًا كثيرة يحملها إلى بنيه وأتباعه وجيرانه،,"He kept him for several days and then rewarded him with a fine robe of honour, gave him a fitting mount and much apparel to take to his family, his servants and neighbours, and money for his needs." وانصرف عنه، وهو أشكر الناس وأخلصهم دعاء لأيامه.,"The man then took his leave, full of gratitude and sincere blessings on the sultan’s reign." ولقد رأيته وقد مثل بين يديه أسيرًا فرنجي قد أصابه كرب، بحيث إنه ظهرت عليه أمارات الخوف والجزع،,"I was present once when there had been brought before him a Frankish prisoner, who was awestruck, so much so that signs of his fear and dread were obvious." فقال للترجمان: من أي شيء يخاف؟ فأجرى الله على لسانه أن قال: كنت أخاف قبل أن أرى هذا الوجه،,"The dragoman said to him, ‘What are you fearful of?’ God prompted his tongue to say, ‘I was fearful before I saw this blessed face." فبعد رؤيتي له وحضوري بين يديه أيقنت أني ما أرى إلا الخير. فرَّق له ومنَّ عليه وأطلقه،,"After seeing him and coming before him, I am convinced that I shall see nothing but good.’ The sultan relented towards him and graciously freed him." ولقد كنت راكبًا في خدمته في بعض الأيام قبالة الإفرنج، وقد وصل بعض اليزكية ومعه امرأة شديدة التخوف، كثيرة البكاء، متواترة الدق على صدرها،,"One day I was on horseback in attendance on him face to face with the Franks when one of the forward pickets arrived with a woman in great distress, bitterly weeping and continually beating her breast." فقال اليزكي: إن هذه خرجت من عند الإفرنج، فسألت الحضور بين يديك، وقد أتينا بها. فأمر الترجمان أن يسألها عن قصتها،,"The man said, ‘This woman has come out from the Frankish lines and asked to be brought to you, so we have done so.’ The sultan ordered the dragoman to question here about her business." فقال: اللصوص المسلمون دخلوا البارحة إلى خيمتي، وسرقوا ابنتي،,"She said, ‘Muslim thieves entered my tent yesterday and stole my daughter." وبت البارحة أستغيث إلى بكرة النهار.,I spent all night until this morning pleading for help. فقال لي المملوك: السلطان هو أرحم،,"I was told, “Their prince is a merciful man." ونحن نخرجك إليه تطلبين ابنتك منه،,We shall send you out to him to ask him for your daughter.” فأخرجوني إليك، وما أعرف ابنتي إلا منك.,"So they sent me to you, and only from you will I learn of my daughter.’" فرقَّ لها,The sultan took pity on her. ودمعت عينه وحركته مروءته، وأمر من ذهب إلى سوق العسكر يسأل عن الصغيرة من اشتراها ويدفع له ثمنها ويحضرها، وكان قد عرف قضيتها من بكرة يومه،,"His tears flowed and, prompted by his chivalry, he ordered someone to go to the army market to ask who had bought the little girl, to repay what had been given for her and bring her back, having heard something about her early that day." فما مضت ساعة حتى وصل الفارس والصغيرة على كتفه،,Hardly an hour had passed before the horseman arrived with the little girl over his shoulder. فما كان إلا أن وقع نظرها عليها، فخرت إلى الأرض تعفر وجهها في التراب والناس يبكون على ما نالها,"The moment the woman’s eye lighted on her, she fell to the ground, besmirching her face with earth, while all around wept for what she had suffered." وهي ترفع طرفها إلى السماء، ولا نعلم ما تقول،,"She was lifting her eyes to heaven, although we did not know what she was saying." فسلمت ابنتها إليها وحملت حتى أُعيدت إلى عسكرهم.,"Her daughter was handed to her, then she was taken off and restored to their camp." وكان لا يرى الإساءة إلى من صحبه، وإن أفرط في الخيانة،,"The sultan thought it not right to ill-treat those in his service, even if they seriously betrayed him." ولقد أُبدل في خزائنه كيسان من الذهب المصري بكيسين من الفلوس،,Two bags of Egyptian gold coins in his treasure chest were replaced by two bags of copper coins. فما عمل بالنواب شيئًا سوى أن صرفهم من عملهم لا غير.,"He did nothing with the officials except dimiss them from their jobs, nothing more." ولقد دخل البرنس أرناط صاحب الكرك مع ملك الإفرنج بالساحل لما أسرهما في واقعة حطين في شهور سنة ثلاث وثمانين وخمسمائة،,"Prince Reynaid, the lord of Kerak, came before him with the king of the Franks on the coast, after both had been taken prisoner at the battle of Hattin during the year 583." والواقعة مشهورة تجيء مشروحة في موضعها — إن شاء الله تعالى —,"The battle is famous and will be described in its proper place, God willing." وكان قد أمر بإحضارهما،,He had given orders for both to be brought before him. وكان أرناط هذا اللعين كافرًا عظيمًا جبارًا شديدًا، وكانت قد اجتازت به قافلة من مصر حين كان بين المسلمين وبينهم هدنة،,"This accursed Reynaid was a monstrous infidel and terrible oppressor, through whose land a caravan from Egypt (God defend it) had passed when there was a truce between the Muslims and the Franks." فغدرها وأخذها ونكل بهم وعذبهم وأسكنهم المطامير والحبوس الحرجة،,"He seized it treacherously, maltreated and tortured its members and held them in dungeons and close confinement." وذكروا له حديث الهدنة، فقال: قولوا لمحمدكم يخلصكم،,"They reminded him of the truce, but he replied, ‘Tell your Muhammad to release you.’" فلما بلغه — رحمه الله — ذلك عنه نذر أنه متى أظفره الله به قتله بنفسه،,"When Saladin heard what he had said, he vowed that, when God gave him into his hands, he would personally slay him." فلما أمكنه الله منه في ذلك اليوم قوي عزمه على قتله وفاءً بنذره،,"After God had delivered him into his power on that day, he was fully determined to kill him in fulfilment of his vow." فأحضره مع الملك،,He summoned him with the king. فشكا الملك العطش فأحضر له قدحًا من شراب، فشرب منه،,"The king complained of thirst, so the sultan had a glass of sherbet brought for him, from which he drank." ثم ناوله أرناط، فقال السلطان للترجمان: قل للملك,"Then Reynaid took it, at which the sultan said to the dragoman, ‘Say to the king," أنت الذي سقيته،,“You are the one who gave him the drink. وأما أنا فما أسقيه من شرابي، ولا أطعمه من طعامي، فقصد — رحمه الله — أن من أكل من طعامي فالمروءة تقتضي أن لا أوذيه، ثم ضرب عنقه بيده وفاءً بنذره،,"I give him no drink nor any of my food.’” What he meant was ‘If anyone eats my food, chivalry would demand that I harm him not.’ Later he struck off his head with his own hand to fulfil his vow." وأخذ عكا، وأخرج الأسرى كلهم من ضيق الأسر،,"When he took Acre, he released all the prisoners from their narrow confinement." وكانوا زهاء أربعة آلاف أسير،,"There were about 4,000 of them." وأعطى كل واحدٍ منهم نفقة يصل بها إلى بلده وأهله.,To each of them he gave expenses to allow them to reach their home town and their family. هكذا بلغني على ألسنة جماعة؛ لأني لم أحضر هذه الواقعة.,"I heard this from the lips of several of them, because I was not present on that campaign." وكان حسن العشرة، لطيف الأخلاق، طيب الفكاهة،,"The sultan was very sociable, well-mannered and of a pleasant wit." حافظًا لأنساب العرب ووقائعهم، عارفًا بسيرهم وأحوالهم،,He knew by heart the genealogies of the Arabs and their [ancient] battles and was knowledgeable about their past histories and ways. حافظًا لأنساب خيلهم، عالمًا بعجائب الدنيا ونوادرها، بحيث كان يستفيد محاضره منه ما لا يسمع من غيره.,"He knew the pedigrees of their horses and had studied the wonders and rarities of this world, so that anyone who conversed with him could gain knowledge of things that could be heard from no-one else." وكان حسن الخلق يسأل الواحد منا عن مرضه ومداواته ومطعمه ومشربه وتقلبات أحواله.,"In his kindness of heart he would ask one of our number about his health, what treatment he was having, his diet and drinks, and how his affairs progressed." وكان طاهر المجلس,His gatherings were decent and respectable. لا يُذكر بين يديه أحد إلا بخير السمع،,Nothing but good was ever mentioned about anyone in his presence. فلا يحب أن يسمع عن أحد إلا الخير،,"He disliked gossip, not wishing to hear anything but good of a person." وطاهر اللسان فما رأيته ولع بشتم قط،,"His language was pure, for I never saw him fond of cursing." وطاهر القلم، فما كتب بقلمه إيذاء مسلم قط,"His pen was also pure, for he never wrote anything to harm a Muslim." وكان حسن العهد والوفاء؛,He was loyal and faithful. فما أُحضر بين يديه يتيم إلا وترحم على مخلفيه، وجبر قلبه وأعطاه، وجبر مصابه،,"No orphan was ever brought before him without his blessing the dead relative, expressing his distress and giving him the fief of the departed." وإن كان له من أهله كبير يعتمد عليه سلمه إليه وإلا أبقى له من الخير ما يكف حاجته، وسلمه إلى من يعتني بتربيته ويكفلها.,"If the orphan had an elder relative on whom he could depend, he would entrust him to that person, but if not, he would maintain for the orphan sufficient of the fief to meet his needs and hand him over to someone who would take care of his upbringing and act as his guardian." وكان لا يرى شيخًا إلا ويرق له، ويعطيه، ويحسن إليه،,He could never see an old man without feeling pity and giving him generous gifts. ولم يزل على هذه الأخلاق إلى أن توفاه الله إلى مقر رحمته، ومكان رضوانه.,He never changed these ways until God received him into His mercy seat and the abode of His favour. فهذه نبذ من محاسن أخلاقه ومكارم شيمه اقتصرت عليها خوف الإطالة والسآمة،,These are some random remarks on the excellencies of his character and his noble qualities which I have limited myself to for fear of prolixity and wearying [the reader]. وما سطرت إلا ما شاهدته، أو أخبرني الثقة به، وحققته،,I have only recorded what I witnessed or what trustworthy sources told me which I have checked. وهذا بعض ما اطلعت عليه في زمان خدمتي له،,This is a portion of what I learnt during my service with him. وهو يسير فيما اطلع عليه غيري ممن طالت صحبته وتقدمت خدمته،,It is negligible compared with what others learnt who accompanied him for a long time and who were earlier in his service. ولكن هذا القدر يكفي الأديب في الاستدلال على طهارة تلك الأخلاق والخلال،,"However, this amount will suffice an intelligent person as evidence of the purity of these morals and qualities of his." وحيث نجز هذا القسم، فنشرع الآن في القسم الثاني من الكتاب في بيان تقلبات أحواله ووقائعه وفتوحاته في تواريخها. قدس الله روحه، ونور بنور رحمته ضريحه.,"Since this part is completed, we shall now embark on the second part of the book concerning his changing fortunes and his battles and victories (may God sanctify his spirit and illumine his tomb with the light of His mercy)." في بيان تقلبات أحواله وفتوحاته في تواريخها,"Containing an exposition of his changing fortunes, his battles and his victories in their chronological order (God sanctify his spirit and illumine his tomb)" (١) ذكر حركته إلى مصر في الدفعة الأولى صحبة عمه أسد الدين,"Account of his first expedition to Egypt in the company of his uncle, Asad al-Din" سبب ذلك أن شاور وزير المصريين كان قد خرج عليه إنسان يُقال له الضرغام، وكان يروم منصبه ومكانه،,"The reason for this was that a man called Dirgham had rebelled against Shawar, the vizier of the Egyptians, desiring his office and position." فجمع له جموعًا كثيرة لم يكن له بها قِبل، وغلب عليه، وأخرجه من القاهرة،,"Dirgham gathered many troops, which Shawar was unable to withstand, and so was defeated and expelled from Cairo." وقتل ولده، واستولى على المكان، وولي الوزارة،,"Dirgham killed his son, seized Cairo and assumed the vizierate." وكانت عادة المصريين أنه إذا غلب شخص صاحب المنصب، وعجز عن دفعه، وعرفوا عجزه، وقعوا للقاهر منهم، ورتبوه، ومكنوه فإن قوتهم إنما كانت بعسكر وزيرهم وهو ملقب عندهم بالسلطان،,"If any person overcame the holder of the office and the holder of the office was unable to resist him, and people realised his inability, it was the custom of the Egyptians to recognise the victor by assigning him the position and giving him control, for their power came through the forces of their vizier, who in their manner was titled ‘sultan’." وما كانوا يرون المكاشفة، وقواعدهم مستقرة من أول زمانهم على هذا المثال،,They did not believe in enquiring too closely and their aims and practices had followed this established pattern from the beginning of their rule. فلما قُهر شاور، وأُخرج من القاهرة اشتد في طلب الشام قاصدًا خدمة نور الدين بن زنكي مستصرخًا به مستنصرًا على أعدائه بعسكره،,"When Shawar had been defeated and expelled from Cairo, he was eager to make for Syria, planning to attend upon Nur al-Din ibn Zankl to seek his aid and the support of his troops against his enemies." فتقدم نور الدين إلى أسد الدين شيركوه بالخروج إلى مصر المحروسة قضاء لحق الوافد المستصرخ، وحفظًا للبلاد، وتطلعا إلى أحوالها،,Nur al-Din ordered Asad al-Din Shirkuh to leave for Egypt to perform their obligations towards a visiting suppliant and to spy out the land and learn its state of affairs. وذلك في شهور سنة ثمانٍ وخمسين وخمسمائة،,That was in the year 558. فتأهب أسد الدين شيركوه، وسار إلى مصر فاستصحبه معه — رحمه الله — عن كراهيةٍ منه لمكان افتقاره إليه،,"Asad al-Din Shirkuh made his preparations and then departed for Egypt, taking with him Saladin, although he was reluctant, because Asad al-Dln so relied on him." وجعله مقدم عسكره، وصاحب رأيه.,He made him commander of his forces and his adviser. وساروا حتى وصلوا إلى مصر، وشاور معهم في الثاني من جمادى الآخرة سنة ثمانٍ المذكورة،,"They set out and came to Egypt, along with Shawar, on 2 Jumada II 558 [8 May." وكان لوصولهم إلى مصر وقعٌ عظيم، وخافه أهل مصر،,Their arrival in Egypt had a great effect and terrified the population. ونصر شاور على خصمه، وأعاده إلى منصبه ومرتبته، وقرر قواعده، واستقر أمره،,Shawar was victorious over his rival and Asad al-DIn restored him to his office and rank and firmly established his position and power. وشاهد البلاد، وعرف أحوالها،,He also saw the country first hand and leamt its current state. وعاد منها وقد غُرس في قلبه الطمع في البلاد، وعرف أنها بلاد بغير رجال، تمشي الأمور فيها بمجرد الإيهام والمحال،,"He withdrew with an ambition to win the land implanted in his heart and having leamt that it was a land without men, where the system continued by mere delusion and in impossible ways." وكان ابتداء رحلته عنها متوجهًا إلى الشام في السابع من ذي الحجة سنة ثمان المذكورة،,He began his withdrawal from Egypt to return to Syria on 7 Dhu’l-Hijja in the above-mentioned year [6 November. وكان لا يفصل أمرًا ولا يقرر حالًا إلا بمشورته ورأيه؛ لما لاح له من آثار الإقبال والسعادة والفكرة الصحيحة، واقتران النصر بحركاته وسكناته،,"He decided nothing and settled no matter without Saladin’s advice and opinion, because of the signs of an auspicious future and sound ideas that he discerned in him. All that he did was crowned with success." فأقام بالشام مدبرًا لأمره، مفكرًا في كيفية رجوعه إلى البلاد المصرية، محدثًا بذلك نفسه، مقررًا قواعد ذلك مع الملك العادل نور الدين زنكي إلى سنة اثنتين وستين وخمسمائة.,"Asad al-Din remained in Syria, laying his plans and thinking how to return to Egypt, dreaming of this and preparing the basis for this with al-‘Adil Nur al-Din until the year 562 [1166-7]." (٢) ذكر عودته إلى مصر في الوقعة الثانية، وهي معروفة بوقعة البابين,Account of his return to Egypt and the reason for it. This is noted for the Battle of al-Babayn ولم يزل أسد الدين يتحدث بذلك بين الناس، حتى بلغ شاور، فداخله الخوف على البلاد من الأتراك،,"Asad al-Din continued to talk about this amongst people until it came to the hearing of Shawar, who was obsessed by fear of a Turkish invasion." وعلم أن أسد الدين قد طمع في البلاد، وأنه لا بد له من قصدها،,He realised that Asad al-Din was ambitious to seize the country and that he would inevitably attack it. فكاتب الإفرنج، وقرر معهم أنهم يجيئون البلاد، ويمكنهم تمكينًا كليًّا، ويعينونه على استئصال أعدائه، بحيث يستقر قلبه فيها،,"He therefore wrote to the Franks and agreed with them that they would come to Egypt, maintain him in full control and aid him to extirpate his enemies so that his foot would be firmly established there." وبلغ ذلك أسد الدين والملك العادل نور الدين، فاشتد خوفهم على مصر أن ملكها الكفار، واستولوا على البلاد كلها،,"This came to the ears of Asad al-Din and al-‘Adil Nur al-Din, who feared greatly that the infidels would take Egypt and gain control of all its land." فتجهز أسد الدين،,Asad al-Din therefore made his preparations. وأنفذ نور الدين معه العساكر، وألزم السلطان — رحمه الله — المسير معه على كراهية منه لذلك.,Al-‘Adil Nur al-Din sent troops with him and compelled the sultan (may God have mercy on him) to accompany him despite his being very unwilling. وكان توجههم في اثني عشر ربيع الأول سنة اثنتين وستين وخمسمائة، وكان وصولهم إلى البلاد المصرية مقارنًا لوصول الإفرنج إليها،,They set out during the month of Rabi‘ I 562 [December 1166-January and they arrived in Egypt simultaneously with the Franks. واتفق شاور مع الإفرنج على أسد الدين، والمصريون بأسرهم،,Shawar acted in concert with the Franks and all the Egyptians against Asad al-Din. وجرت بينهم حروب كثيرة، ووقعات شديدة، وانفصل الإفرنج عن الديار المصرية، وانفصل أسد الدين،,"There were many engagements and fierce battles, and then the Franks withdrew from Egypt as did Asad al-Din." وكان سبب عود الإفرنج أن نور الدين جرَّد العساكر إلى بلاد الإفرنج، وأخذ المنيظرة,"The reason for the Franks’ departure was that Nur al-Din sent his troops into their lands, where he took Munaytira." وعلم الإفرنج بذلك، فخافوا على بلادهم وعادوا،,"Hearing of this, the Franks feared for their lands and so withdrew." وكان سبب عود أسد الدين ضعف عسكره بسبب مواقعة الإفرنج والمصريين، وما عانوه من الشدائد وعاينوه من الأهوال،,"The reason why Asad al-Din withdrew was the weakness of his army, because of the alliance of the Franks and the Egyptians and because of the hardships endured and the terrible things witnessed." وما عاد حتى صالح الإفرنج على أن ينصرفوا كلهم من مصر،,"However, he did not withdraw until he had reached an agreement with the Franks that they would all retire from Egypt." وعاد إلى الشام في بقية السنة، وقد انضم إلى قوَّة الطمع في البلاد شدة الخوف عليها من الإفرنج؛ لعلمه أنهم قد كشفوها كما كشفها وعرفوها من الوجه الذي عرفها،,"He returned to Syria in the remainder of the year, having added to his strong desire to win the country an intense fear that the Franks might seize it, as he now knew that they had reconnoitred it as he himself had and they had got to know it in the same way that he had." فأقام على مضض، وقلبه مقلقل، والقضاء يجره إلى شيءٍ قد قدر لغيره، وهو لا يشعر بذلك.,"He remained in Syria most reluctantly and with an anxious heart, while fate was drawing him towards something that was [in fact] destined for another, although he was quite unaware of that." ملك نور الدين قلعة المنيظرة بعد سير أسد الدين في رجب، وخرب قلعة كاف بالبرية،,In Rajab 562 [April-May Nur al-Din took the castle of Munaytira after Asad al-Dln’s departure and destroyed the castle of Akaf in the hinterland north of Damascus. وفي رمضان منها اجتمع نور الدين وأخواه قطب الدين وزين الدين بحماه للغزاة،,In Ramadan this year [June-July Nur al-Din with his brother Qutb al-Din and also Zayn al-Din assembled at Hama for a raiding expedition. وساروا إلى بلاد الإفرنج، فخربوا هونين في شوال منها،,They entered Frankish territory and destroyed Hunin in Shawwal [July-August. وفي ذي القعدة كان عود أسد الدين من مصر،,"In Dhu’l-Qa‘da this year [August-September Asad al-Din returned from Egypt, and Qara Arslan died in Diyar Bakr." وكان سبب ذلك أن الإفرنج — خذلهم الله — جمعوا راجلهم، وفارسهم، وخرجوا يريدون الديار المصرية ناكثين لجميع ما استقر مع المصريين وأسد الدين من الصلح والقواعد طمعًا في البلاد،,"This came about because the Franks (God forsake them) gathered their foot and their horse and marched towards Egypt, breaking all the terms of the peace that had been agreed with the Egyptians and Asad al-Din, in their eagerness for the country." فلما بلغ ذلك نور الدين وأسد الدين لم يسعهما الصبر دون أن سارعا إلى قصد البلاد،,"When Nur al-Din and Asad al-Din heard of that, they could not tolerate it, but hastened to send an expedition." أما نور الدين فبالمال والرجال، ولم يسرِ بنفسه خوفًا على البلاد من الإفرنج؛ ولأنه قد حدث نظره إلى جانب الموصل بسبب وفاة زين الدين بن بكتكين؛ فإنه تُوفي في ذي الحجة سنة ثلاثة وستين وخمسمائة، وتسلم ما كان في يده من الحصون إلى قطب الدين، ما عدا أرب، فإنها كلها كانت له من أتابك زنكي — رحمه الله،,"Nur al-Din provided money and men but did not go in person because he feared the Franks would attack his lands and because his attention was drawn towards Mosul by reason of the death of Zayn al-Din ‘Ali ibn Baktakin (God have mercy on him), who died during Dhu’LHijja 563 [September-October and surrendered all the castles that he possessed, apart from Irbil, to Qutb al-Din Atabeg, for he had held them all from the Atabeg Zanki." فحدث لنور الدين إلى ذلك الجانب الطمع بهذا السبب، فسير العسكر،,"For this reason, Nur al-Din developed ambitions in that direction and sent troops." وأما أسد الدين فبسيفه وملكه وأهله ورجاله،,"Asad al-Din, however, went in person and provided money, family and manpower." ولقد قال لي السلطان قدس الله روحه: كنت أكره الناس للخروج في هذه الواقعة،,"The sultan once said to me, ‘I was the most unwilling of men to leave [for Egypt] on this occasion." وما خرجت مع عمي باختياري، وهذا معنى قوله — تعالى: وَعَسَى أَنْ تَكْرَهُوا شَيْئًا وَهُوَ خَيْرٌ لَكُمْ.,"It was not by my own choice that I left with my uncle.’ The words of God Almighty, ‘It is possible for you to dislike a thing, though it is the best for you,’ are apposite here." وكان شاور لما أحس بخروج الإفرنج إلى مصر على تلك القاعدة أنفذ إلى أسد الدين يستصرخه ويستنجده,"When Shawar had become aware that the Franks had set out for Egypt as described, he sent to Asad al-Din to request his aid and support." فخرج مسرعًا، وكان وصولهم إلى مصر في أثناء ربيع الأول سنة أربع وستين وخمسمائة،,The latter left hurriedly and arrived at Cairo during the month of Rabi‘ I in the year 564 [December. ولما علم الإفرنج وصول أسد الدين إلى مصر عن اتفاق بينه وبين أهلها رحلوا راجعين وعلى أعقابهم ناكصين،,"After the Franks had learnt of Asad al-Dln’s arrival in Egypt by agreement of the latter and the locals, they withdrew, retracing their steps." وأقام أسد الدين بها يتردد إليه شاور في الأحيان،,Asad al-Din took up residence there with Sha war coming to visit him from time to time. وكان وعدهم بمال مقابلة ما خسروه من النفقة، فلم يوصل إليهم شيئًا،,"Shawar had promised them substantial monies in return for the sums they had expended, but he did not deliver anything to them." وعلقت مخاليب أسد الدين في البلاد، وعلم أن الإفرنج متى وجدوا فرصة أخذوا البلاد وترددهم إليها في كل وقت لا يفيد، وإن شاور يلعب بهم تارة، وبالإفرنج تارة أخرى،,"Asad al-DIn’s grasp on the land tightened, for they knew that if the Franks found an opportunity, they would seize the country and that their own coming and going each time was useless, that Shawar was playing with them and the Franks alternately, and that the country’s rulers were notorious followers of a false creed." وعلموا أنه لا سبيل إلى الاستيلاء على البلاد مع بقاء شاور،,While Shawar survived they knew that there was no way they could take over the land. فأجمعوا أمرهم على قبضه إن خرج إليهم،,Therefore they concerted their plan to seize him if he visited them. وكانوا هم يترددون إلى خدمته دون أسد الدين، وهو يخرج في بعض الأحيان إلى أسد الدين يجتمع به،,"They frequently waited upon him without Asad al-DIn, while Shawar would on some occasions go to meet Asad al-DIn." وكان يركب على قاعدة وزرائهم بالطبل والبوق والعلم، فلم يتجاسر على قبضه من الجماعة إلا السلطان بنفسه؛,"Shawar used to ride in the fashion of their viziers, with drums, trumpets and banners, and only the sultan himself was bold enough to seize him from amongst his retinue." وذلك أنه لما سار إليهم تلقاه راكبًا، وسار إلى جانبه،,"In fact, when Shawar came riding towards them, Saladin met him on horseback and rode at his side." وأخذ بتلابيبه، وأمر العسكر أن أخذوا على أصحابه,He caught hold of his collar and ordered his troops to seize his followers. ففروا، ونهبهم العسكر،,The latter fled and were robbed by the soldiers. وقُبض على شاور، وأُنزل إلى خيمة مفردة،,Shawar was arrested and placed in a separate tent. وفي الحال جاءه التوقيع من المصريين على يد خادم خاص لا بد من رأسه جريا على عادتهم في وزرائهم في تقرير قاعدة فيمن قوى منهم على صاحبه،,"Straightaway there came a warrant from the Egyptians by the hand of a palace eunuch, saying, ‘We must have his head,’ following their custom in the matter of viziers to establish the position of anyone who gains the upper hand over his rival." فحزت رقبته، وأنفذ رأسه إليهم،,Shawar’s neck was severed and his head sent to them. وأنفذ إلى أسد الدين خلعة الوزارة فلبسها، وسار ودخل القصر ورتب وزيرًا،,"The vizieral investiture robe was sent to Asad al-DIn, who donned it, then proceeded to the palace where he was installed as vizier." وذلك في سابع عشر ربيع الآخر سنة أربع وستين وخمسمائة,This was on 17 Rabi‘ II 564 [18 January. ودام آمرًا ناهيًا، والسلطان — رحمه الله — مباشر الأمور مقرَّر لها، وزمام الأمر والنهي مفوَّض إليه لمكان كفايته، ودرايته، وحسن رأيه، وسياسته إلى الثاني والعشرين من جمادى الآخرة من السنة المذكورة.,"He remained the ultimate authority, ordering and forbidding, while the sultan dealt with and settled daily affairs, since the responsibility for ordering and forbidding was entrusted to him because of the level of his competence, his knowledge and his good judgement and governance, until 22 Jumada II of the above year [22 March." (٤) ذكر وفاة أسد الدين ومصير الأمر إلى السلطان,Account of Asad al-Din’s death and the passing of authority to the sultan وذلك أن أسد الدين كان كثير الأكل، شديد المواظبة على تناول اللحوم الغليظة،,"It was the case that Asad al-Din was a great eater, excessively given to partaking of rich meats." وتتواتر عليه التخم والخوانيق، وينجو منها بعد مقاساة شدة عظيمة،,"He suffered many bouts of indigestion and from quinsy, from which he would recover after putting up with great discomfort." فأخذه مرض شديد، واعتراه خانوق عظيم فقتله في الثاني والعشرين من جمادى الآخرة،,"He was taken severely ill, afflicted with a serious quinsy, which killed him on 22 Jumada II 564 [22 March." وفوَّض الأمر بعده إلى السلطان،,After him authority was entrusted to the sultan. واستقرت القواعد، واستتبت الأحوال على أحسن نظام،,His power base became firm and affairs prospered in excellent order. وبذل المال، وملك الرجال،,He bestowed money and distributed property. وهانت عنده الدنيا، فملكها، وشكر نعمة الله عليه،,"Temporal matters yielded to him and he took control, thanking God for His blessings." فتاب من الخمر، وأعرض عن أسباب اللهو، وتقمص بلباس الجد والاجتهاد،,"He renounced wine, gave up vain pastimes and donned the garments of seriousness and pious endeavour." وما عاد عنه ولا ازداد إلا جِدًّا إلى أن توفاه الله إلى رحمته.,"He never retreated from that, but grew ever more serious until God gathered him to His mercy." ولقد سمعت منه يقول: لما يسَّر الله لي الديار المصرية علمت أنه أراد فتح الساحل؛ لأنه أوقع ذلك في نفسي، ومن حين استتب له الأمر ما زال يشن الغارات على الإفرنج إلى الكرك والشوبك وبلادها، وغشي الناس من سحائب الأفضال والنعم ما لم يؤرخ عن غير تلك الأيام،,"I have heard him say, ‘After God had enabled me to gain Egypt, I understood that He planned the conquest of the coast because he planted that idea in my mind.’ From the time his position was well established he did not cease to launch raids on the Franks, against Kerak and Shawbak and their districts, and he overwhelmed people with such showers of benefits and gifts as have been recorded for no other period." هذا كله وهو وزير متابع القوم، ولكنه مقوٍّ لمذهب السنة غارس في أهل البلاد العلم والفقه والتصوف والدين،,"All this was while he was a vizier subject to the palace establishment, but was strengthening the Sunni cause and planting in the local population pious learning, law, Sufi practice and [true] religion." والناس يهرعون إليه من كل صوب، ويفدون عليه من كل جانب، وهو لا يخيب قاصدًا، ولا يعدم وافدًا،,"People flocked to him from every direction and sought him out from every quarter, while he never disappointed a petitioner nor deprived a suppliant." إلى سنة خمس وستين وخمسمائة,[This was the situation] until the year 565 [1169-70]. ولما عرف نور الدين استقرار السلطان بمصر أخذ حمص من نواب أسد الدين،,"However, when Nur al-Din heard that the sultan had gained firm power in Egypt, he took Hirns from the lieutenants of Asad al-Din." وذلك في رجب من سنة أربع وستين.,This was in Rajab 564 [April. (٥) ذكر قصد الإفرنج دمياط حرسها الله تعالى,Account of the Franks’ attack on Damietta (may God protect it) ولما علم الإفرنج ما جرى من المسلمين وعساكرهم، وما تم للسلطان من استقامة الأمر في الديار المصرية خافوا أن يملك بلادهم، ويخرِّب ديارهم، ويقلع آثارهم لما حدث له من القوة والملك،,"When the Franks leamt what the Muslims and their troops had done and how the sultan had succeeded in establishing his position in Egypt, they realised that he would take their lands, ruin their territories and remove all traces of them, because of the power and might he had acquired." فاجتمع الإفرنج والروم جميعًا، وحدثوا أنفسهم بقصد الديار المصرية، والاستيلاء عليها وملكها،,"The Franks and the Byzantines met together and planned to attack Egypt, to take control and rule there." ورأوا قصد دمياط لتمكن القاصد لها من البر والبحر، ولعلمهم أنها إن حصلت لهم حصل لهم مغرس قدم،,"They decided to target Damietta because an attack there would give control of land and sea and because they knew that, if it became theirs, they would gain a strong foothold and refuge." فاستصحبوا المنجنيقات والدبابات والجروخ وآلات الحصار وغير ذلك،,"They took with them trebuchets, testudos, crossbows and all sorts of siege engines." ولما سمع إفرنج الشام بذلك اشتد أمرهم، فسرقوا حصن عكا من المسلمين، وأسروا صاحبها، وكان مملوكًا لنور الدين يُسمى خلطخ العلم دار،,"On hearing this, the Franks in Syria took heart and stole the fortress of ‘Akkar from the Muslims and took prisoner its lord, who was a mamluke of Nur al-Din, called Khutlukh the standard-bearer." وذلك في ربيع الآخر منها. وفي رجب منها توفي العادي صاحب نور الدين وأمير حاجبه,"This was in Rabi‘ II of this year [565] [December 1169-January, while in Rajab [March- April there died al-‘lmadl, the companion of Nur al-Din and his Emir Hajib." وكان صاحب بعلبك وتدمر,He had been the lord of Baalbek and Tadmur. ولما رأى نور الدين ظهور أمر الإفرنج، وبلغه نزولهم على دمياط قصد شغل قلوبهم، فنزل على الكرك محاصرًا لها في شعبان من هذه السنة،,"When Nur al-Din saw the Franks were active and heard of their descent on Damietta, he purposed to distract their hearts, so he put Kerak under siege in Sha‘ban of this year [April-May." فقصده إفرنج الساحل فرحل عنها، وقصد لقاءهم، فلم يقف لهم على أثر،,"When the Franks on the coast moved against him, he raised the siege and marched to meet them but they did not stand to face him." ثم بلغه وفاة مجد الدين بن الداية بحلب، وكانت وفاته في شهر رمضان سنة خمس وستين،,"Then he was informed of the death of Majd al-Din Ibn al-Daya in Aleppo, which took place in the month of Ramadan of the year 565 [May-June." فاشتغل قلبه؛ لأنه كان صاحب أمره،,He was deeply distressed because Majd al-Din had been his leading supporter. فعاد يطلب الشام، فبلغه خبر الزلزلة بحلب التي أخربت كثيرًا من البلاد المذكورة،,He set out to return to Damascus and then he heard of the earthquake in Aleppo which ruined much of the region. وكانت في ثاني عشر شوال من السنة المذكورة وهو بعشترا,"It occurred on 12 Shawwal [29 June], when he was at ‘Ashtara." فسار يطلب حلب، فبلغه موت قطب الدين أخيه بالموصل،,"He set out to go to Aleppo, but news came to him of the death of Qutb al-Din, his brother, in Mosul." وكانت وفاته في الثاني والعشرين من ذي الحجة من السنة المذكورة،,That happened on 22 Dhu’l-Hijja in the same year [6 September. وبلغه الخبر وهو بتل باشر، فسار من ليلته طالبًا بلاد الموصل،,"He heard the news when he was at Tell Bashir and that very night he departed, making for the Mosul region." ولما علم السلطان شدة قصد العدوِّ دمياط أنفذ إلى البلد، وأودعه من الرجال، وأبطال الفرسان والميرة وآلات السلاح ما أمن معه عليه،,"When the sultan realised the seriousness of the enemy’s plan to attack Damietta, he sent to the town and supplied it with sufficient men, champion horsemen, supplies and weapons of war to make him confident of its defence." ووعد المقيمين فيه بإمدادهم بالعساكر والآلات وإبعاد العدو عنهم إن نزل عليهم،,He promised the garrison that he would supply them with troops and supplies and harrass the enemy if they beseiged it. وبالغ في العطايا والهبات وكان وزيرًا متحكمًا لا يرد أمره في شيء,"He was extremely lavish with his gifts and presents and was a strong vizier, whose order was countermanded in nothing." ثم نزل الإفرنج في التاريخ المذكور، واشتد زحفهم عليها، وقتالهم لها،,On the date previously mentioned the Franks descended on the city and they carried out serious assaults and attacks. وهو يشن الغارات عليهم من خارج، والعساكر تقاتلهم من داخل،,"Meanwhile, the sultan harried them from without and his troops resisted from within." ونصر الله المسلمين، وأيدهم وحسن قصدهم في نصر دين الله، وأسعدهم، وأنجدهم،,God aided the Muslims with His support and His plan to give victory to God’s religion by helping and aiding them was excellent. حتى بان للإفرنج الخسران، وظهر على الكفر الإيمان،,"Eventually, it was clear to the Franks that they had lost and that true faith had conquered unbelief." ورأوا أنهم ينجون برءوسهم، ويسلمون بنفوسهم، فرحلوا خائبين خاسرين،,"They decided to save their own heads and escape with their lives, so they withdrew disappointed and beaten." فحُرِّقت مناجيقهم ونُهبت،,Their trebuchets were burnt and their equipment plundered. وقُتل منهم خلقٌ كثير، وسلم البلد — بحمد الله ومَنِّه — عن قصدهم، وظهر بتوفيق الله فل حدهم، واستقرت قواعد السلطان.,"A large number of them were slain and, by the grace and favour of God, the land was delivered from their attack, and by God’s help their hostile edge was clearly blunted and the sultan’s position firmly entrenched." (٦) ذكر طلبه والده,L44] How he sent for his father ثم أنفذ في طلب والده ليكمل السرور به، ويتم الحبور،,"The sultan then sent to ask for his father [to join him], to complete his happiness and crown his joy." وتجري القصة مشاكلة لما جرى للنبي يوسف — صلوات الله وسلامه عليه، وعلى سائر الأنبياء أجمعين —,The situation has a similarity with what happened to the Prophet Joseph (may God’s blessings and peace be upon him and all the other prophets). فوصل والده نجم الدين إليه في أثناء جمادى الأخرى من سنة خمسة وستين،,It was during Jumada II 565 [February-March that his father Najm al-DIn came to join him. وسلك معه من الأدب ما كان عادته، وألبسه الأمر كله، فأبى أن يلبسه، وقال: يا ولدي ما اختارك الله لهذا الأمر إلا وأنت كفؤ له، ولا ينبغي أن يغير موقع السعادة،,"Saladin received him with all his customary respect and deference, and invested him with all his authority but Najm al-DIn refused to accept it, saying, ‘My son, God selected you alone for this task since you are equal to it and it is not fitting that the designated recipient of felicity should be changed." فحكمه في الخزائن بأسرها،,"’ However, Saladin gave him a free hand in all his treasuries." ولم يزل السلطان وزيرًا محكمًا حتى مات العاضد أبو محمد عبد الله، وبه خُتم أمر المصريين.,"He was generous, giving and never taking back. The sultan continued to be a firm vizier until aPAdid Abu Muhammad ‘Abd Allah died and with him the dynasty of the Egyptians came to an end." وأما نور الدين فإنه أخذ الرقة في المحرم سنة ستٍّ وستين، وسار منها إلى نصيبين، فأخذها في بقية الشهر، وأخذ سنجار في ربيع الآخر منها،,"Meanwhile, Nur al-DIn took Raqqa in Muharram 566 [September-October and from there marched to Nisibis which he took during the rest of that month, and in Rabi‘ II [December 1170-January he took Sinjar." ثم قصد الموصل، وقصد أن لا يقاتلها،,"He then made for Mosul, not planning any attack on it." فعبر بعسكره من مخاضة بلد، وسار حتى خيم قبالة الموصل على تلٍّ يُقال له الحصن،,"He and his army crossed the ford at Balad, marched on and then camped facing Mosul on a hill called the Fort." وراسل ابن أخيه عز الدين غازي صاحب الموصل، وعرفه صحة قصده,"He made contact with his nephew, Sayf al-DIn Ghazi, the lord of Mosul, informing him that his intentions were not hostile." فصالحه، ودخل الموصل في ثالث عشر جمادى الأولى،,They came to terms and he entered Mosul on 13 Jumada I [22 January. وقرر صاحبها فيها، وزوَّجه ابنته،,He confirmed its ruler in possession and gave him his daughter in marriage. وأعطى عماد الدين ابن أخيه سنجار، وخرج من الموصل قاصدًا نحو الشام، فدخل حلب في شعبان من هذه السنة.,"He gave Sinjar to [Sayf al-Din’s] brother, ‘Imad al-DIn, and left Mosul to return to Syria, entering Aleppo in Sha‘ban of this year [April-May]." (٧) ذكر موت العاضد,The death of aPAdid وكان موته في يوم الاثنين العاشر من المحرم سنة سبعٍ وستين، واستقر الملك للسلطان،,The caliph’s death occurred on Monday 10 Muharram 567 [13 September and temporal power passed firmly to the sultan. وكان خطب لبني العباس في أواخر أمر العاضد وهو حي،,"He had made the khutbah in the name of the Abbasids towards the end of aPAdid’s reign, while he was still alive." وكانت الخطبة ابتداؤها للمستضيء بأمر الله، واستمرت القواعد على الاستقامة،,The khutbah was first made in the name of al-Mustadl’ bi-Amr Allah and the formalities continued in proper form. وهو كلما استولى على خزانة من المال وهبها، وكلما فتح له خزائن ملك أنهبها، ولا يبقي لنفسه شيئًا،,"Whenever the sultan gained possession of a treasury, he gave it away, and whenever he gained access to state stores, he let them be seized without reserving anything for himself." وشرع السلطان في التأهب للغزاة، وقصد بلاد العدو، وتعبية الأمر لذلك، وتقرير قواعده،,"He began to make preparations for an expedition to attack the enemy’s lands, to lay plans for this and to settle all arrangements." وأما نور الدين فإنه عزم على الغزاة واستدعى صاحب الموصل ابن أخيه، فوصل بالعساكر إلى خدمته،,"Nur al-DIn also planned an expedition and summoned the lord of Mosul, his nephew, who came with his troops to serve with him." وكانت غزاة عرفا وأخذها في المحرم سنة سبعٍ وستين.,"This was the campaign against ‘Arqa, which Nur al-DIn, accompanied by his nephew, took in Muharram 567 [September-October." (٨) ذكر أول غزوة غزاها من الديار المصرية,The first expedition launched from Egypt ولم يزل على قدم بسط العدل، ونشر الإحسان، وإقامة الإحسان على الناس إلى سنة ثمانٍ وستين،,"The sultan continued to bestow justice, extend his liberality and spread his bounty upon people until the year 568 [1172-3]." فعند ذلك خرج بالعساكر يريد بلاد الكرك والشوبك، وإنما بدأ بها؛ لأنها كانت أقرب إليه، وكانت في الطريق تمنع من يقصد الديار المصرية،,"At that time he marched out with his troops against the territory of Kerak, which he began with because it was the nearest and because it was an obstacle on the route of anyone travelling to Egypt." وكان لا يمكن أن تصل قافلة، حتى يخرج هو بنفسه يعبرها بلاد العدو،,No caravan was able to get through unless he went out in person to convey it through the enemy’s lands. فأراد توسيع الطريق، وتسهيله لتتصل البلاد بعضها ببعض، وتسهل على السابلة،,"He wished to widen and improve the road so that the regions might be in contact one with another, and to make things easier for travellers." فخرج قاصدًا لها، فحاصرها,He took the field against Kerak during the year 568 and put it under siege. وجرى بينه وبين الإفرنج وقعات، وعاد عنها، ولم يظفر منها بشيء في تلك الواقعة، وحصل ثواب القصد،,"There were various engagements between him and the Franks, but he withdrew without any success against the place on this occasion, and yet he gained the reward for his intentions." وأما نور الدين فإنه فتح مرعش في ذي القعدة من هذه السنة، وأخذ بهسا في ذي الحجة منها.,"Nur al-DIn, on the other hand, conquered Mar‘ash in Dhu’l-Qa‘da of this year [June-July and then in Dhu’l-Hijja [July-August] he took Bahasna." (٩) ذكر وفاة والده نجم الدين,Account of the death of his father Najm al-DIn ولما عاد السلطان من غزاته بلغه قبل وصوله إلى مصر وفاة أبيه نجم الدين،,"When the sultan returned from his expeditions he heard, before his arrival in Egypt, of the death of his father Najm al-DIn." فشق عليه ذلك؛ حيث لم يحضر وفاته،,This pained him greatly since he was not present at his end. وكان سبب وفاته وقوعه عن الفرس،,The cause of his death was a fall from his horse. وكان — رحمه الله — شديد الركض ولعًا بلعب الكرة، بحيث من رآه يلعب بها يقول: ما يموت إلا من وقوعه عن ظهر الفرس،,"He was a fierce rider, passionately fond of polo, so much so that anyone who saw him play would say, ‘It is a fall from a horse that is certain to kill him.’" وكانت وفاته في شهور سنة تسع وستين،,He died in Cairo during the year 568 [1172-3]. ورأى السلطان قوة عسكره، وكثرة عدد إخوته، وقوة بأسهم،,"In the year 569 [1173-4] the sultan considered the might of his troops, the large number of his brothers and the strength of their valour." وكان بلغه أن باليمن إنسانًا استولى عليها، وملك حصونها وهو يخطب لنفسه يُسمى بعبد النبي بن مهدي،,"He had heard that in Yemen a man had taken control and seized the local fortresses and that he had had his own name, which was ‘Abd al-Nabi ibn Mahdi, proclaimed in the Friday khutbah." ويزعم أن ينتشر ملكه في الأرض كلها، ويستتب الأمر له،,He was claiming that his rule would spread throughout the whole earth and that his cause would prosper. فرأى أن يسير إليها أخاه الأكبر شمس الدولة الملك المعظم تورانشاه،,"The sultan decided to dispatch his eldest brother, Shams al-Dawla al-Malik al-Mu‘azzam Turanshah, to Yemen." وكان كريمًا، أريحيًّا، حسن الأخلاق,He was a noble and generous man of excellent character. سمعت منه — رحمه الله — الثناء على كرمه، وحسن أخلاقه، وترجيحه على نفسه،,I heard Saladin praise his nobility and the fine points of his character and rate him higher than himself. وكان توجهه إليها في أثناء رجب سنة تسع وستين،,Turanshah set out for Yemen during the month of Rajab 569 [February-March. فمضى إليها، وفتح الله على يديه،,"After his arrival, God made him His agent for its conquest." وقتل الخارجي الذي كان بها، واستولى على معظمها، وأعطى وأغنى خلقًا كثيرًا.,"The rebel heretic was killed and Turanshah, having taken control of most of the land, distributed it and enriched a great number of people." (١٠) ذكر وفاة نور الدين محمود بن زنكي رحمه الله,The death of Nur al-Din Mahmud ibn Zanki وكانت وفاته بسبب خوانيق اعترته أيضًا,Nur al-Dln’s death also occurred as the result of a quinsy which afflicted him. عجز الأطباء عن علاجها، وتوفي يوم الأربعاء في الحادي والعشرين من شوال سنة تسعٍ وستين، وذلك في قلعة دمشق،,The doctors were unable to treat it and he died on Wednesday 11 Shawwal 569 [15 May in the citadel of Damascus. وأقام مقامه ولده الملك الصالح إسماعيل،,"He was succeeded by his son, al-Malik al-Salih Isma‘il." ولقد حكى لي السلطان قال: كان بلغنا عن نور الدين أنه قصدنا بالديار المصرية،,The sultan related to me as follows: ‘We had heard that Nur al-Dln would perhaps attack us in Egypt. وكانت جماعة أصحابنا يشيرون بأن نكاشف، ونخالف، ونشق عصاه، ونلقي عسكره بمصاف نرده إذا تحقق قصده،,Several of our comrades advised that he should be openly resisted and his authority rejected and that his army should be met in battle to repel it if his hostile move became a reality. وكنت وحدي أخالفهم، وأقول: لا يجوز أن يُقال شيءٌ من ذلك،,"I alone disagreed with them, urging that it was not right to say anything of that sort." ولم يزل النزاع بيننا، حتى وصل الخبر بوفاته.,Our difference of opinion lasted until news of his death arrived.’ (١١) ذكر منافقة الكند بأسوان، وذلك في شهور سنة تسعٍ وستين,The rebellion of Kanz al-Dawla in Aswan during the year 570 [1174-5] والكند إنسان مقدمٌ من المصريين كان قد نزح إلى أسوان، فأقام بها، ولم يزل يدبر أمره ويجمع السودان عليه، ويخيل لهم أنه يملك البلاد، ويعيد الدولة مصرية،,"Kanz al-Dawla, one of the generals of the Egyptians, had withdrawn to Aswan and based himself there, where he continued to govern independently and gather black [troops] around himself, allowing them to imagine that he would conquer the land and restore the Egyptian dynasty." وكان في قلوب القوم من مهاواة المصريين ما تستصغر هذه الأفعال عنده،,In the hearts of the people there was such fondness for the Egyptians that these undertakings were considered an easy matter. فاجتمع عليه خلقٌ كثير، وجمع وافر،,A large host flocked to him and a considerable number of blacks. وقصدوا قوس وأعمالها،,He marched against Qus and its dependencies. وانتهى خبره إلى السلطان، فجرد له عسكرًا عظيمًا، شاكي السلاح من الذين ذاقوا حلاوة المصرية، وخافوا على فوت ذلك منهم،,"News of this came to the sultan so he dispatched against him a large army bristling with weapons, made up of those who had tasted the sweetness of ruling the land of Egypt and feared to lose it." وقدم عليهم أخاه الملك العادل سيف الدين، وسار بهم، حتى أتى القوم فلقيهم بمصاف فكسرهم، وقتل منهم خلقًا عظيمًا، واستأصل شأفتهم، وأخمد ثائرتهم،,"He put in command of them his brother, al-‘Adil Sayf al-Dln, who led them forward until they came upon the enemy and met them in open battle, breaking them, killing a great number of them and thus removing their threat and suppressing their revolt." وذلك في السابع من صفر سنة سبعين،,That was on 7 Safar 570 [7 September. واستقرت قواعد الملك، واستوت أموره،,The basis of the regime was strengthened and its affairs prospered. ولله الحمد والمنة.,To God be the praise and blessing! (١٢) ذكر قصد الإفرنج ثغر الإسكندرية حرسها الله تعالى,Account of the Franks’ attack on the port of Alexandria (may God protect it) وذلك أن الإفرنج لما علموا تغيرات الأحوال بالديار المصرية، وتقلبات الدول بها دَاخَلَهم الطمع في البلاد،,"When the Franks (may God forsake them) learnt of the vicissitudes of Egypt and of the changes of the regime there, they were filled with ambition to take the land." وجردوا عساكرهم في البحر، وكانوا في ستمائة قطعة ما بين شاني وطرادة وبطسة وغير ذلك، وكانوا في ثلاثين ألفًا على ما ذُكر،,"They sent their forces by sea, which were in 600 ships, namely galleys, taridas, busses or others, and numbered 30,000 men, according to report." ونازلوا الثغر، وذلك في أثناء صفر في السابع منه من هذه السنة، وهي سنة سبعين،,They put the port under siege on 7 Safar 570 [7 September. فأمده السلطان بالعساكر المنصورة، وتحرك،,The sultan strengthened the port with his royal troops and took energetic measures. وأدخل الله في قلوبهم من الخوف والرعب ما لم يمكنهم الصبر معه،,God put such fear and terror in their hearts as did not allow them to show steadfastness. وعادوا خائبين خاسرين بعد أن ضايقوا الثغر، وزحفوا عليه ثلاثة أيام،,"They withdrew, disappointed and downcast, after they had closely invested the port and carried out assaults for three days." وقاتلوا قتالًا شديدًا وعصمه الله منهم،,"They fought hard against the town, but God preserved it safe from them." ولما أحسوا بحركة السلطان نحوهم، ما لبثوا أن خلفوا مناجيقهم وراءهم وآلتهم،,"When they became aware that the sultan was moving towards them, it was not long before they abandoned their trebuchets and their equipment." فخرج أهل البلد إلى نهبها وإحراقها،,The town’s inhabitants emerged to plunder and bum them. وكان أمرًا عظيمًا، ومن أعظم النعم على المسلمين وأمارة كل سعادة.,This was one of God’s greatest favours to the Muslims and a sign of all happy success. وأما نور الدين فإنه خلف ولده الملك الصالح إسماعيل، وكان بدمشق، وكان بقلعة حلب ابن الداية شمس الدين على وشاذ بخت،,"Nur al-Din had left his son, al-Salih Isma‘il, in Damascus, while the citadel of Aleppo was held by Shams al-Din ‘Ali ibn al-Daya and Shadhbakht." وكان قد حدث نفسه بأمور، فسار الملك الصالح من دمشق إلى حلب، فوصل ظاهرها ثاني المحرم، ومعه سابق الدين،,"‘Ali had been tempted to hatch some plots, so al-Salih marched from Damascus to Aleppo, arriving outside on 2 Muharram [3 August, accompanied by Sabiq al-Din." فخرج بدر الدين للقائه، فقبض على سابق الدين،,"Badr al-Din Hasan went out to meet him, but Sabiq al-Din was arrested." ولما دخل الملك الصالح القلعة قبض على شمس الدين وأخيه حسن، وأودع الثلاثة السجن،,"When al-Salih entered the citadel, he arrested Shams al-Din along with his brother Hasan and put all three in prison." وفي ذلك اليوم قتل ابن الخشاب أبو الفضل لفتنة جرت بحلب،,The same day Abu’l-Fadl ibn al-Khashshab was put to death for discord that he had caused in Aleppo. ذكروا أنه قتل قبل إمساك أولاد الداية بيوم؛ لأنهم تولوا ذلك.,"It is related that his execution took place the day before the arrest of the Ibn al-Daya brothers, because they were the ones who ordered it." (١٣) ذكر خروج السلطان إلى الشام، وأخذه دمشق,Account of the sultan’s march to Syria and his taking Damascus ولما تحقق السلطان وفاة نور الدين، وكان ولده طفلًا لا ينهض بأعباء الملك، ولا يستقل بدفع عدو الله عن البلاد تجهز للخروج إلى الشام؛ إذ هو أصل بلاد الإسلام،,"When the sultan received confirmation of Nur al-Dln’s death, aware that his son was a child unable to shoulder the burdens of kingship and incapable of taking on the defence of the lands against God’s enemies, he made his preparations to march to Syria, since it is the cornerstone of Muslim territory." فتجهز بجمع كثير من العساكر، وخلف في الديار المصرية من يستقل بحفظها وحراستها ونظم أمورها وسياستها،,"He set out with a large force of troops, leaving in Egypt some to assume its protection and defence and the ordering and governance of its affairs." وخرج هو سائرًا مع جمع من أهله وأقاربه، وهو يكاتب أهل البلاد وأمراءها،,"He departed with some of his family and relatives, sending letters ahead to the inhabitants and emirs of Syria." واختلفت كلمة أصحاب الملك الصالح، واختلت تدابيرهم،,The followers of al-Salih were not united and their policies were in disarray. وخاف بعضهم من بعض، وقبض على جماعةٍ منهم،,They were fearful of one another and several of them had been arrested. وكان ذلك سبب خوف الباقين من فعل ذلك، وسببًا لتغير قلوب الناس عن الصبي،,This was the reason why the remainder were fearful of those who had taken that step and a reason for people’s change of heart towards the youngster. فافتقر الحال أن كاتب شمس الدين بن المقدم السلطان،,The situation led Shams al-Dm ibn al-Muqaddam to make contact with the sultan by letter. ووصل البلاد مطالبًا بالملك الصالح ليكون هو الذي يتولى أمره، ويربِّ حاله فيقوِّم له ما اعوجَّ من أمره،,"The sultan arrived in Syria demanding that he himself should take on al-Salih’s guardianship, direct his affairs and set straight what had gone awry." فوصل دمشق، ولم يُشق عليه عصا، ودخلها بالتسليم في يوم الثلاثاء سلخ ربيع الآخر سنة سبعين، وتسلم قلعتها،,"The sultan reached Damascus, without having renounced allegiance, and entered the city after a peaceful hand-over on Tuesday, the last day of Rabi‘ II570 [27 November, and he took over the citadel." وكان أوَّل دخوله إلى دار أبيه، واجتمع الناس إليه، وفي جوابه،,He went straight to his father’s house and people flocked to him rejoicing at his coming. وأنفق في ذلك اليوم في الناس مالًا طويلًا، وأظهر الفرح والسرور بالدمشقيين، وأظهروا الفرح به،,"That same day he distributed huge sums of money to the people and showed himself pleased and delighted with the Damascenes, as they did with him." وصعد القلعة، واستقر قدمه في ملكها،,He went up into the citadel and his hold on power was firmly established. فلم يلبث أن طلب حلب،,He was not long in setting out for Aleppo. فنازل حمص، فأخذ مدينتها في جمادى الأولى سنة سبعين، ولم يشتغل بقلعتها، وسار حتى أتى حلب ونازلها في يوم الجمعة سلخ الشهر المذكور،,"Hirns was besieged and the town taken in Jumada I of this year [December, without bothering with the citadel. He came eventually to Aleppo, which he put under siege on Friday, the last day of the said month [27 December." وهي الوقعة الأولى.,This was the first occasion. (١٤) ذكر تسيير سيف الدين أخاه عز الدين إلى لقائه,How Sayf al-Din sent his brother ‘Izz al-Din to confront him ولما أحس سيف الدين صاحب الموصل بما جرى، علم أن الرجل قد استفحل أمره، وعظم شأنه، وعلت كلمته،,"After Sayf al-Din, the lord of Mosul, became aware of what had happened, he realised that this man Saladin’s position had become a serious threat, that his power was now great and his influence increased." وخاف أنه إن غفل عنه استحوذ على البلاد، واستقر قدمه في الملك، وتعدى الأمر إليه،,"He feared that, if he neglected him, he would overwhelm the region, become firmly entrenched in power and his position impinge on his own." فجهز عسكرًا وافرًا، وجيشًا عظيمًا، وقدم عليه أخاه عز الدين مسعودًا،,"He therefore dispatched a considerable force of troops, putting his brother, ‘Izz al-Din Mas‘ud, in command of them." وساروا يريدون لقاء السلطان، وضرب المصاف معه، وردَّه عن البلاد،,"They marched out with the intention of confronting the sultan, bringing him to battle and dislodging him from Syria." ولما بلغ السلطان ذلك رحل عن حلب مستهل رجب من السنة المذكورة، عائدًا إلى حماه، وسار إلى حمص، فاشتغل بأخذ قلعتها، فأخذها،,"Hearing of this, the sultan withdrew from Aleppo on 1 Rajab 570 [26 January, moving back to Hama and from there on to Hirns, where he busied himself with the successful taking of its citadel." ثم وصل عز الدين إلى حلب، وانضمَّ إليه من كان بها من العسكر، وخرجوا بجمعٍ عظيم،,"‘Izz al-Dm came to Aleppo, where he was joined by the local troops, and they took the field with a large host." ولما عرف هو بسيرهم سار حتى وافاهم في قرون حماه،,"Having learnt of their approach, the sultan set out and came upon them at the Homs of Hama." وراسلهم، وراسلوه، واجتهد أن يصالحوه فما صالحوه، ورأوا أن المصاف ربما نالوا به الغرض الأكبر، والمقصود الأوفر، والقضاء يجر إلى أمورهم بها لا يشعرون،,"There was an exchange of envoys and he strove to come to terms with them but they would not agree, thinking that perhaps they would achieve their greatest aim and fullest desire by battle, but destiny was dragging them to an outcome of which they had no perception." وقام المصاف بين العسكرين بقضاء الله، فانكسروا بين يديه،,Battle began between the two armies and God decreed that the enemy were broken. وأسر جماعة منهم، ومنَّ عليهم، وأطلقهم،,"Many were taken prisoner, but Saladin was gracious and freed them." وذلك في تاسع عشر رمضان سنة سبعين أيضًا،,This took place at the Homs of Hama on 19 Ramadan 570 [13 April. ثم سار عقيب انكسارهم، ونزل على حلب، وهي الدفعة الثانية، وصالحوه على أن أخذ المعرة، وكفر طاب، وأخذ بارين، وذلك في أواخر هذه السنة.,"Following on their rout he proceeded to besiege Aleppo, which was the second occasion, and then they made peace on the basis that he took Ma‘arrat al-Nu‘man, Kafartab and Ba‘rin, this being towards the end of the year." (١٥) ذكر مسير سيف الدين بنفسه,Sayf al-Din takes the field in person ولما وقعت هذه الواقعة كان سيف الدين على سنجار يحاصر أخاه عماد الدين بقصد أخذها منه، ودخوله في طاعته،,"When this battle took place, Sayf al-Din was at Sinjar besieging his brother, ‘Imad al-Din, with the aim of taking it from him and having him accept his lordship." وكان قد أظهر أخوه الانتماء إلى السلطان، واعتصم بذلك،,His brother had already declared his alliance with the sultan and held to that. واشتد سيف الدين في حصار المكان، وضربه بالمنجنيق، حتى انهدن من سوره ثلم كثيرة،,Sayf al-Din intensified the siege and bombarded the place with trebuchets until many breaches had been made in the city wall. وأشرف على الأخذ، فبلغه وقوع هذه الوقعة،,He was on the point of taking the town when he received news of that battle. فخاف أن يبلغ ذلك أخاه، فيشتد أمره،,"He feared that his brother would hear of it too, and so take heart and stiffen his resolve." فراسله إلى الصلح، فصالحه،,Therefore he established contact with him and made peace. ثم سار من وقته إلى نصيبين، واهتم بجمع العساكر والإنفاق فيها،,"He immediately departed for Nisibis, where he busied himself with assembling troops and paying them." وسار حتى أتى الفرات، وعبر بالبيرة، وخيم على جانب الفرات الشامي،,"He then marched to the Euphrates and crossed at Bira, making camp on the Syrian side of the river." وراسل كمشتكين والملك الصالح، حتى تستقر قاعدة يصل عليها إليهم،,He corresponded with Gumushtakm and al-Salih to establish a basis of agreement on which he could join them. ووصل كمشتكين إليه، وجرت مراجعات كثيرة، وعزم فيها إلى العود مرارًا، حتى استقر اجتماعه بالملك الصالح، وسمحوا به،,"Gumushtakm came to him and long negotiations took place, during which he many times made up his mind to go back, but eventually his meeting with al-Salih was agreed and allowed." وسار ووصل حلب، وخرج الملك الصالح إلى لقائه بنفسه،,"He travelled to Aleppo, where al-Salih came out in person to meet him." فالتقاه قريب القلعة،,Sayf al-Din met him near the citadel. واعتنقه، وضمه إليه، وبكى، ثم أمره بالعود إلى القلعة، فعاد إليها، وسار هو حتى نزل بعين المباركة،,"He embraced him, wept and told him to return to the citadel, which he did, while he himself made camp at ‘Ayn al-Mubaraka." وأقام بها مدة، وعسكر حلب يخرج إلى خدمته في كل يوم،,He remained there for some time while the Aleppan troops came out daily to attend upon him. وصعد القلعة جريدة، وأكل فيها خبزًا، ونزل,"With a small retinue he ascended the citadel, took bread there and then went down again." وسار راحلًا إلى تل السلطان، ومعه الديار البكرية وجمع كثير،,"He marched out to Tell al-Sultan, accompanied by the forces of Diyar Bakr and a large host." والسلطان قد أنفد في طلب العساكر من مصر، وهو يترقب وصولها،,"Meanwhile, the sultan had sent requesting troops from Egypt, whose arrival he was awaiting." وهؤلاء يتأخرون في أمورهم وتدابيرهم، وهم لا يشعرون أن في التأخير تدبيرًا،,"They were delayed over their affairs and their preparations, not realising that in delay there was a consequence." حتى وصل عسكر مصر، فسار — رحمه الله — حتى أتى قرون حماه،,"Eventually, the army of Egypt arrived and the sultan marched out and came to the Homs of Hama." فبلغهم أنه قارب عسكره، فأخرجوا اليزك، وجهزوا من يكشف الأخبار،,"The enemy received a report that his army was near, so they posted pickets and despatched men to gather intelligence." فوجدوه قد وصل جريدة إلى جناب التركمان. وتفرق عسكره يسقي.,They found that he had arrived without his baggage train at the Turkomans’ Wells and that his army had scattered to find water. فلو أراد الله نصرتهم لقصدوه في تلك الساعة، ولكن ليقضي الله أمرًا كان مفعولًا، فصبروا عليه حتى سقى خيله هو وعسكره، واجتمعوا، وتعبوا تعبية القتال،,"Had God willed their victory, they would have attacked him in that hour, but in order that God might fulfil his predestined plan, they held back until he and his troops had watered their horses, assembled and formed up for battle." وأصبح القوم على مصاف، وذلك في بكرة الخميس العاشر من شوال سنة إحدى وسبعين،,The morning of Thursday 10 Shawwal 571 [22 April found the hosts in battle lines. فالتقى العسكران، وتصادما، وجرى قتال عظيم،,"The two armies met, collided and a fierce battle ensued." وانكسرت ميسرة السلطان بابن زين الدين مظفر الدين، فإنه كان في ميمنة سيف الدين، وحمل السلطان عليه بنفسه، فانكسر القوم،,"The sultan’s left wing was broken by Muzaffar al-Dln ibn Zayn al-Din, for he was on Sayf al-Din’s right wing, but the sultan charged in person and the enemy broke." وأسر منهم جمعًا عظيمًا من كبار الأمراء، منهم فخر الدين عبد المسيح، فمنَّ عليهم وأطلقهم،,"He captured a large number of senior emirs, including Fakhr al-Dln ‘Abd al-Masih, whom he graciously allowed to go free." وعاد سيف الدين إلى حلب المحروسة، فأخذ منها خزانة، وسار حتى عبر الفرات، وعاد إلى بلاده،,"Sayf al-Dln withdrew to Aleppo, from where he recovered his treasury, and then proceeded across the Euphrates to return to his own lands." وأمسك هو — رحمه الله — عن تتبع العسكر، ونزل في بقية ذلك اليوم في خيام القوم،,The sultan refrained from pursuing the enemy troops but camped for the remainder of that day in their tents. فإنهم كانوا قد أبقوا الثقل على ما كان عليه، والمطابخ قد عملت،,They had left their baggage just as it was and their kitchens with food prepared. ففرق الاصطبلات، ووهب الخزائن،,The sultan distributed [the contents of] their stables and gave away their stores. وأعطى خيمة سيف الدين عز الدين فخروشاه،,Sayf al-Din’s tent he gave to ‘Izz al-Din Farrukhshah. وسار إلى منبج، وتسلمها في بقية الشهر المذكور،,Then he marched to Manbij and received its surrender during what remained of that month. وسار حتى نزل على قلعة إعزاز يحاصرها،,He then went to the castle of A^az to put it under siege. وذلك في رابع ذي القعدة سنة إحدى وسبعين، وعليها وثب الإسماعيلية عليه، فنجاه الله من كيدهم، وظفر بهم،,"This was on 4 Dhu’l-Qa‘da 571 [15 May and while he was there, the Isma‘ilis tried to assassinate him, but God delivered him from their plots and gave them into his hands." ولم يفل ذلك عزمه،,That did not blunt his resolve. وأقام عليها حتى أخذها، وذلك في رابع عشر ذي الحجة من السنة،,He continued to besiege the place until he took it on 14 Dhu’l-Hijja [24 June. وسار حتى نزل على حلب في سادس عشر منه، فأقام مدة، ثم سار عنها،,"He then descended upon Aleppo on the 16th [26 June], remained for a while and then departed." فأخرجوا إليه ابنة لنور الدين صغيرة، وسألت منه إعزاز فوهبها إياها،,They sent out to him a young daughter of Nur al-Din who asked him for A‘zaz and he gave it to her. وفي بقية الشهر أيضًا وصل شمس الدولة أخوه من اليمن إلى دمشق، وأقام بها مدة،,"During the remainder of the month his brother, Shams al-Dawla, came from Yemen to Damascus, where he took up residence for a while." ثم عاد إلى الديار المصرية، وتوفي بإسكندرية مستهل صفر سنة ست وسبعين،,"Later, having returned to Egypt, he died in Alexandria on Thursday 1 Safar 576 [26 June." ثم إن السلطان عاد إلى الديار المصرية ليتفقد أحوالها، ويقرر قواعدها،,The sultan returned to Egypt to investigate local conditions and to arrange its administration. وكان مسيره إليها في ربيع الأول من شهور سنة اثنتين وسبعين، واستخلف أخاه شمس الدولة بدمشق،,"He travelled there in Rabi‘ I 562 [September-October, leaving his brother, Shams al-Dawla, as his deputy in Damascus." فأقام — رحمه الله — بها يقرر قواعدها، ويسد خللها،,"Saladin remained in Egypt, arranging its administration and making good its deficiencies." وأراح العسكر، ثم تأهب للغزاة،,"The sultan rested his troops, then made preparations for campaigning." وخرج يطلب الساحل، حتى وافى الإفرنج على الرملة،,"He marched out to the coastal plain, where he encountered the Franks at Ramla." وذلك في أوائل جمادى الأولى سنة ثلاثٍ وسبعين.,That was early in Jumada 1573 [late October. (١٦) ذكر كسرة الرملة,Account of the defeat at Ramla وكان مقدم الإفرنج البرنس أرناط، وكان قد بيع بحلب، فإنه كان أسيرًا بها من زمن نور الدين،,"The commander of the Franks was Prince Reynaid, who had recently been ransomed at Aleppo, for he had been a prisoner there from the time of Nur al-Din." وجرى خلل في ذلك اليوم على المسلمين، ولقد حكى السلطان صورة الكسرة في ذلك اليوم،,"This day the Muslims suffered a setback, and the sultan told me how the defeat happened." وذلك أن المسلمين كانوا قد تعبوا تعبية القتال، ولما قرب العدو رأى بعض الجماعة أن تعبر الميمنة إلى جهة الميسرة، والميسرة إلى جهة الميمنة؛ ليكونوا حالة اللقاء وراء ظهورهم تل معروف بأرض الرملة،,"The Muslims had drawn up for battle and when the enemy approached, some of our men decided that the right wing should cross to the left and the left cross towards the centre, in order that when battle was joined they might have at their backs a hill known as Ramla Land." فبينما اشتغلوا بهذه التعبية هجم الإفرنج، وقدر الله كسرتهم،,"While they were occupied in this manoeuvre, the Franks charged them and God decreed their defeat." فانكسروا كسرة عظيمة، ولم يكن لهم حصن قريب يأوون إليه،,They suffered a terrible reverse and they had no nearby fortress they could take refuge in. فطلبوا جهة الديار المصرية وضلوا في الطريق، وتبددوا،,"They set out for Egypt, got lost on the way and were scattered." وأُسر منهم جماعة، منهم الفقيه عيسى،,"Many of them were taken prisoner, including the jurist ‘Isa." وكان وهنًا عظيمًا، جبره الله بوقعة حطين المشهورة ولله الحمد.,It was a major defeat which God mended with the famous battle of Hattin (to God be the praise). وأما الملك الصالح فإنه تخبط أمره،,"As for al-Salih, his affairs fell into disorder." وقبض على كمشتكين صاحب دولته، وطلب منه تسليم حارم إليه، فلم يفعل، فقتله،,"He arrested Gumushtakln, the leading man of his regime, and demanded that he surrender Harim to him, but he would not, so he killed him." ولما سمع الإفرنج بقتله نزلوا على حارم طمعًا فيها،,"When the Franks heard that he had been killed, they descended on Harim, ambitious to seize it." وذلك في جمادى الآخرة سنة ثلاث وسبعين، وقابل عسكر الملك الصالح العساكر الإفرنجية،,That was in Jumada II 573 [November-December and al-Salih’s troops confronted the Frankish forces. ولما رأى أهل القلعة خطرها من جانب الإفرنج سلموها إلى الملك الصالح في العشر الأواخر من شهر رمضان من السنة المذكورة.,"Seeing the danger from the Franks, the garrison of the citadel surrendered it to al-Salih during the last ten days of Ramadan of this year [mid-March." ولما علم الإفرنج ذلك رحلوا عن حارم طالبين بلادهم،,"Having learnt this, the Franks departed from Harim, making for their own lands." ثم عاد الملك الصالح إلى حلب،,This was on 19 Ramadan [11 March and then al-Salih returned to the city of Aleppo. ولم يزل أصحابه على اختلاف يميل بعضهم إلى جانب السلطان، حتى بلغه عصيان عز الدين قليج بتل خالد، فأخرج إليه العسكر، وذلك في عاشر المحرم سنة ستٍّ وسبعين،,"His men continued in dissension, some inclining towards the sultan, until he heard of the rebellion of Ghars al-Dln Qilij in Tell Khalid and sent his troops against him on 10 Muharram 576 [5 June." ثم بلغه وفاة ابن عمه سيف الدين غازي صاحب الموصل، وكانت وفاته في ثالث صفر من هذه السنة،,"Subsequently he heard of the death of his uncle, Sayf al-Din Ghazi, the lord of Mosul, who died on 3 Safar of this year [28 June." وولى مكانه أخوه عز الدين مسعود في الخامس منه،,"His place was taken by his brother, ‘Izz al-Din Mas‘ud." وكانت وفاة شمس الدولة بالإسكندرية.,The date of the death of Shams al-Dawla (God have mercy on him) has already been mentioned. (١٧) ذكر عود السلطان إلى الشام,The sultan’s return to Syria ولما عاد السلطان بعد الكسرة إلى الديار المصرية، وأقام بها ريثما لمَّ الناس شعثهم،,After the defeat the sultan returned to Egypt and stayed there until the troops had repaired their ravaged state. وعلم بتخبط الشام، عزم على العود إليه، وكان عوده للغزاة،,"He then learnt of the disorder in Syria and determined to return there, which return was for warfare against the Franks." فوصله رسول قليج أرسلان يلتمس من السلطان الموافقة، ويستغيث إليه من الأرمن،,"Envoys of Qilij came to him, requesting a treaty with the sultan and asking him for aid against the Armenians." فاستقل نحو ابن لاون لنصرة قليج أرسلان،,The sultan planned to move towards the territory of the son of Leon to help Qilij Arslan against him. ونزل بقره حصار، وأخذ عسكر حلب في خدمته؛ لأنه قد اشترط في الصلح،,"He camped at Qara Hisar and took the troops of Aleppo under his command, because he made that condition when peace was made." فاجتمعوا على النهر الأزرق بين بهنسة وحصن منصور،,They assembled at the Blue River between Bahasna and Mansur’s Fort. وعبر منه إلى النهر الأسود، وطرف بلاد ابن لاون، وأخذ منهم حصنًا، وأخربه،,"From there he crossed to the Black River and raided the territory of the son of Leon, taking from the enemy a fort which he destroyed." وبذلوا له أسارى والتمسوا منه الصلح، وعاد عنه،,"They offered him [return of] prisoners and sued for peace, whereupon he withdrew." ثم راسله قليج أرسلان في صلح الشرقيين بأسرهم،,Then Qilij Arslan made overtures concerning a general peace treaty for all the eastern princes. واستقر الصلح، وحلف السلطان في عاشر جمادى الأولى سنة ستٍّ وسبعين،,Peace was concluded and the sultan took an oath on 10 Jumada I 576 [1 October. ودخل في الصلح قليج أرسلان والمواصلة وديار بكر،,The peace treaty covered Qilij Arslan and the rulers of Mosul and Diyar Bakr. وكان ذلك على نهر سبخة سنجة، وهو نهر يرمي إلى الفرات،,"It was concluded on the river Sanja, which is a tributary of the Euphrates." وسار السلطان نحو دمشق.,The sultan then set out to return to Damascus. (١٨) ذكر وفاة الملك الصالح ووصول عز الدين إلى حلب,The death of al-Salih وفي سنة سبعٍ وسبعين مرض الملك الصالح بالقولنج،,After the beginning of Jumada II 577 [mid-October al-Salih fell ill with colic. وكان أول مرضه في تاسع رجب، وفي ثالث عشر منه غلق باب القلعة لشدة مرضه،,His illness began on 9 Rajab [18 November and on the 23rd of that month [2 December] the gate of the citadel was closed because of the severity of his illness. واستدعى الأمراء واحدًا واحدًا، وحلفوا لعز الدين صاحب الموصل،,"One by one he summoned the emirs and made them swear an oath [of loyalty] to ‘Izz al-Din, the lord of Mosul." وفي الخامس والعشرين منه تُوفي — رحمه الله. وكان لموته وقعٌ عظيمٌ في قلوب الناس،,On the 25th [4 December] he died (God have mercy on him) and his death greatly affected the hearts of his people. ولما تُوفي سارعوا إلى إعلام عز الدين مسعود بن قطب الدين بذلك، وإعلامه بما جرى له من الوصية إليه، وتحليف الناس له،,After al-Salih’s death they hastened to convey the news to ‘Izz al-Din Mas‘ud ibn Qutb al-Din and to inform him that al-Salih had named him in his will and made his people swear an oath to him. فسارع سائرًا إلى حلب مبادرًا، خوفًا من السلطان،,"‘Izz al-Din made all speed to travel to Aleppo, fearing the sultan." وكان أول قادم من أمرائه إلى حلب مظفر الدين بن زين الدين، وصاحب سروج،,The first of his emirs to arrive at Aleppo were Muzaffar al-Din ibn Zayn al-Din and the lord of Saruj. ووصل معهما من حلف جميع الأمراء له،,With them both came men to take an oath from all the emirs [of Aleppo]. وكان وصولهم في ثالث شعبان من السنة المذكورة،,They arrived on 3 Sha‘ban of this year [12 December. وفي العشرين منه وصل عز الدين إلى حلب، وصعد القلعة، واستولى على خزائنها وذخائرها، وتزوج أم الملك الصالح خامس شوال من السنة المذكورة.,"On 20 Sha‘ban [29 December] ‘Izz al-DIn came to Aleppo and went up into the citadel, whose stores and treasure he took possession of, and he married al-Salih’s mother on 5 Shawwal [11 February," (١٩) ذكر مقايضة عز الدين أخاه عماد الدين بالبلاد,"Account of ‘Izz al-Din’s exchange of territory with his brother, ‘Imad al-Din Zanki" ثم أقام عز الدين بقلعة حلب إلى سادس عشر شوال،,‘Izz al-Din remained in the citadel of Aleppo until 16 Shawwal [22 February]. وعلم أنه لا يمكنه حفظ الشام مع الموصل؛ لحاجته إلى ملازمة الشام لأجل السلطان،,He realised that he was unable to hold Syria in addition to Mosul because of the need to stay on in Syria on account of the sultan. وألح عليه الأمراء في طلب الزيادات،,The emirs pressed him with demands for extra resources. ورأوا أنفسهم أنهم قد اختاروه وضاق عطنه،,They considered that they themselves had chosen him and his field of action was restricted. وكان صاحب أمره مجاهد الدين قايماز، وكان ضيق العطن لم يعتد بمقاساة أمراء الشام،,"His chief minister Mujahid al-Din Qaymaz, also a man of limited range, was unfamiliar with the obduracy of the Syrian emirs." فرحل من قلعة حلب طالبًا للرقة، وخلف ولده، ومظفر الدين بها،,"‘Izz al-Din departed the Aleppo citadel on 16 Shawwal [22 February], making forRaqqa, and left his son and Muzaffar al-Din ibn Zayn al-Din in charge." وسار حتى أتى الرقة، ولقيه أخوه عماد الدين عن قرار بينهم،,"He arrived at Raqqa and was met by his brother, ‘Imad al-Din, by prior agreement between them." واستقر مقايضة حلب بسنجار، وحلف عز الدين لأخيه على ذلك في الحادي والعشرين من شوال،,"An exchange of Aleppo for Sinjar was settled, confirmed by ‘Izz al-Din’s oath to his brother ‘Imad al-Din on 21 Shawwal [27 February]." وسار من جانب عماد الدين من تسلم حلب، ومن جانب عز الدين من تسلم سنجار،,"On behalf of ‘Imad al-Din some persons went to take over Aleppo, and others on behalf of ‘Izz al-Din took over Sinjar." وفي ثالث عشر محرم سنة ثمانٍ وسبعين صعد عماد الدين إلى قلعة حلب.,It was on 13 Muharram 578 [19 May that ‘Imad al-Din made his entry into the citadel of Aleppo. (٢٠) ذكر عود السلطان من مصر,Account of the sultan’s return from Egypt وأما السلطان فإنه لما وقع الصلح على قليج أرسلان صعد إلى الديار المصرية، واستخلف ابن أخيه عز الدين فخروشاه واليًا،,"After peace had been made through Qilij Arslan, the sultan proceeded to Egypt (God protect her), leaving his nephew, ‘Izz al-Din Farrukhshah, in charge." ولما بلغه وفاة الملك الصالح عزم على العود إلى الشام؛ خوفًا على البلاد من الإفرنج،,"However, having heard of the death of al-Salih, he determined to return to Syria, fearing a Frankish attack on those lands." وبلغه أيضًا وفاة فخروشاه، فاشتد عزمه،,"He also heard of the death of Farrukhshah on Friday 1 Rajab 577 [10 November 1181 (Tuesday!)], so his determination was strengthened." وكان وصوله إلى دمشق في سابع عشر صفر سنة ثمانٍ وسبعين،,He arrived at Damascus on 17 Safar 578 [22 June. ثم أنشأ التأهب لغزاة بيروت، فإنه عبر على الإفرنج في عوده من مصر مكابرةً من غير صلح،,"He then initiated preparations for a raid on Beirut, for on his return from Egypt he had crossed Frankish territory in open defiance without a truce." فقصد بيروت، ونزلها، ولم ينل منها غرضًا،,"He marched to Beirut and put it under siege, but achieved nothing." واجتمع الإفرنج فرحلوه عنها،,The Franks assembled their forces and obliged him to move away. ودخل إلى دمشق،,He re-entered Damascus. وبلغه أن رسل الموصل وصلوا إلى الإفرنج يحثونهم على قتال المسلمين،,Information reached the sultan that envoys of Mosul had come to the Franks urging them to undertake hostilities against the Muslims. فعلم أنهم نكثوا اليمين، وأنشأ العزم على قصدهم لجمع كلمة العساكر الإسلامية على عدو الله،,"Understanding that they had broken their sworn undertakings, he decided to attack them to bring about the unity of the forces of Islam against the enemies of God." فأخذ في التأهب لذلك، فلما بلغ ذلك عماد الدين سير إلى الموصل يشعره بالخبر، ويستحث العساكر،,"He began to make his preparations and ‘Imad al-Din, hearing of this, sent to Mosul to make them aware of this fact and to urge their armies to action." وسار السلطان، حتى نزل على حلب في ثامن عشر جمادى الأولى من هذه السنة،,The sultan came to camp before Aleppo on 18 Jumada I this year [19 September]. وأقام ثلاثة أيام، ورحل في الحادي والعشرين يطلب الغزاة،,He remained for three days and then on 21 Jumada I [22 September] marched away to the Euphrates. واستقر الحال بينه وبين مظفر الدين، وكان صاحب حران، وكان قد استوحش من جانب الموصل،,"He arrived at an understanding with Muzaffar al-Dm, who was lord of Harran and whose relations with Mosul were already strained." وخاف من مجاهد الدين، فالتجأ إلى السلطان، وعبر إلى قاطع الفرات، وقوي عزمه على البلاد، وسهل أمرها عنده،,"He feared Mujahid al-Din [Qaymaz] and sought protection with the sultan, so he joined him, crossing over the Euphrates, and encouraged him to invade their lands, saying that they were an easy target." ودخل الرها والرقة ونصيبين وسروج،,"The sultan then crossed the Euphrates and took Edessa, Raqqa, Nisibis and Saruj." ثم شحن على الخابور وأقطعه.,Then he garrisoned Khabur and gave it away as a fief. (٢١) ذكر نزوله على الموصل,Account of his siege of Mosul وكان نزوله عليه في هذه الوقعة في يوم الخميس حادي عشر شهر رجب،,On this occasion Saladin besieged the city on Thursday 11 Rajab 578 {12 November. وكنت إذ ذاك في الموصل فسيرت رسولًا إلى بغداد قبيلًا بأيام قلائل,"At that time I was in Mosul, but a few days before he besieged it I was sent as an envoy to Baghdad." فسرت مسرعًا في الدجلة، وأتيت بغداد في يومين وساعتين من اليوم الثالث مستنجدًا بهم،,I travelled in haste down the Tigris and within two days and two hours I came to Baghdad to seek their aid. فلم يحصل منهم سوى الإنفاذ إلى شيخ الشيوخ، وكان في صحبته رسول من جانبهم يأمرونه بالحديث معه، ويتلطف الحال معه،,"The only thing we got from them was that they sent to the Shaykh al-Shuyukh, who was already with the sultan as an envoy on their behalf, ordering him to speak with him and to settle the matter diplomatically." ويسير إلى بهلوان رسولًا من الموصل يستنجدونه، فلم يحصل من جانبه سوى شرط كان الدخول تحته أخطر من حرب السلطان،,"An envoy was also sent from Mosul to Pahlawan asking for support, but all that resulted from that direction was a demand which, if accepted, would be more dangerous than war with the sultan." ثم أقام السلطان على الموصل أيامًا،,For some days the sultan remained before Mosul. وعلم أنه بلد عظيم لا يتحصل منه شيء بالمحاصرة على هذا الوجه،,He realised that it was a great city against which nothing would be achieved by besieging it in that manner. ورأى أن طريق أخذه أخذ قلاعه وما حوله من البلاد وأضعافه بطول الزمان،,He saw that the way to take it was to take its fortresses and the surrounding territory and to weaken it by the passage of time. فرحل عنها، ونزل على سنجار في سادس عشر شعبان،,So he moved away and descended on Sinjar on 16 Sha‘ban 578 [15 December. وأقام يحاصرها، وكان فيها شرف الدين بن قطب الدين وجماعة، واشتدَّ عليه الأمر، حتى كان ثاني شهر رمضان، فأخذها عنوة،,"Saladin maintained his siege of Sinjar, which was held by Sharaf al-Dln ibn Qutb al-Dln and a garrison, and pressed it vigorously until on 2 Ramadan [30 December] he took the place by assault." وخرج شرف الدين وجماعته محترمين محفوظين إلى الموصل،,Sharaf al-Dln and his men left for Mosul with full honours of war. وأعطاها ابن أخيه تقي الدين، ورحل عنها إلى نصيبين.,"The sultan gave the town to his nephew, TaqI al-Dln, and departed for Nisibis." (٢٢) ذكر قصة شاه أرمن صاحب خلاط,"The incident with Shah Arman, the lord of Khilat" وذلك أن أصحاب الموصل أنفذوا إليه، واستنجدوا به، وطرحوا أنفسهم عليه،,"It was the case that the ruling men of Mosul had sent to Shah Arman, asking for his aid, and had thrown themselves on his mercy." فخرج من خلاط لنصرتهم، ونزل بحرزم، وسير إلى عز الدين صاحب الموصل أعلمه،,"He marched from Khilat to help diem, camped at Harzam and sent to ‘Izz al-Dln, lord of Mosul, to tell him." فخرج إليه، وذلك في الخامس عشر من شوال، فسار حتى اجتمع به صاحب ماردين،,The latter set out on 15 Shawwal 578 [21 February and joined forces with him and also the lord of Mardln. ووصل جماعة من عسكر حلب كل ذلك للقاء السلطان،,"A detachment of the army of Aleppo also arrived, all this with the intention of confronting the sultan." وأرسل شاه أرمن بكتمر إلى السلطان يخاطبه في الصلح بتوسط شيخ الشيوخ، فلم ينتظم بينهم حال،,"Shah Arman sent Baktimur to the sultan to discuss peace through the mediation of the Shaykh al-Shuyukh, but no settlement was arranged." ورحل السلطان إلى عسكر شاه أرمن، فلما سمع شاه أرمن بوصول السلطان ولَّى راجعًا إلى بلاده،,"The sultan marched towards Shah Arman’s army, and the latter, when he heard of the approach of the sultan, turned tail and returned to his own lands." وعاد عز الدين إلى بلاده، وتفرقوا،,‘Izz al-Din also returned home and all dispersed. وسار السلطان يطلب بلد آمد، فنزل عليها، وقاتلها، وأخذها في ثمانية أيام،,"Whereupon the sultan set out for Amid and, having camped before it, he attacked and took it in eight days." وذلك في أول محرم سنة تسع وسبعين،,That was early in Muharram 579 [late April. وأعطاها نور الدين بن قره أرسلان، ومنَّ على ابن نيسان بجميع ما كان فيها من الأموال وغيرها، ثم سار يطلب الشام لقصد حلب،,"He gave the town to Nur al-Dln ibn Qara Arslan and granted all the money and other things that it contained to Ibn Nisan and then he set out with Syria as his destination, to attack Aleppo." وفي هذه المدَّة خرج عماد الدين، وخرب قلعة إعزاز، وخرب حصن كفر لاثا، وأخذها من بكمش، فإنه كان قد صار مع السلطان في الثاني والعشرين من جمادى الأولى من السنة المذكورة،,"During this period ‘Imad al-Dln marched out and destroyed the fortress of A‘zaz on 9 Jumada II578 [10 October and he also demolished the castle of Kafarlatha, having taken it from Bakmish, for he had joined the sultan on 12 Jumada I of that year [13 December]." وقاتل باشر، وكان صاحبها ولد رم الباروقي قد صار مع السلطان، فلم يقدر عليها،,"He also attacked Tell Bashir, whose lord, Dildirim al-Yaruql, had joined the sultan but he could effect nothing against it." وجرت غارات على الإفرنج في البلاد بحكم اختلاف العساكر، ودفعهم الله — تعالى —,There was a series of raids by the Franks on account of the disunity of the Muslim forces but God repelled them. وتسلم الكرزين، ثم عاد إلى حلب.,"‘Imad al-Din received the surrender of Karzayn, then returned to Aleppo." (٢٣) ذكر عود السلطان إلى الشام,Account of the sultan’s return to Syria ولما عاد إلى الشام بدأ بتل خالد، فنزل عليها، وقاتلها، وأخذها في الثاني والعشرين من محرم سنة تسع وسبعين،,"After Saladin’s return to Syria, he began with Tell Khalid, which he besieged and attacked, taking it on 22 Muharram 579 [17 May." ثم سار طالبًا حلب، فنزل عليها في السادس والعشرين،,"He then made for Aleppo, which he put under siege on 26 Muharram [21 May]." وكان أول نزوله بالميدان الأخضر،,His first position was in the Green Hippodrome. وسير المقاتلة يقاتلون، ويباسطون عسّكر حلب ببانقّوسا وباب الجنان غدوة وعشية,He sent his troops into battle and they were skirmishing with the Aleppan army at Banqusa and the Gardens’ Gate morning and evening. وفي يوم نزوله جرح أخوه تاج الملوك رحمه الله,"On the day he began the siege his brother, Taj al-Muluk, was wounded." واستدعى العساكر من الجوانب، واجتمع خلق عظيم،,"When Saladin descended upon Aleppo, he summoned troops from all quarters and a vast host assembled." وقاتلها قتالًا شديدًا، وتحقق عماد الدين أنه ليس له قبل،,He pressed the assault strongly and ‘Imad al-Din realised that he did not have the strength to resist him. وكان قد ضرس من اقتراح الأمراء وجبههم،,He had already become exasperated with the emirs’ demands and recalcitrance. فأشار إلى حسام الدين طمان أن يسفر له مع السلطان في إعادة بلاده، وتسلم حلب إليه،,He suggested to Husam al-Din Tuman that he should negotiate with the sultan for the restoration of his lands in return for the surrender of Aleppo. واستقرت القاعدة، ولم يشعر أحد من الرعية، ولا من العسكر، حتى تمَّ الأمر،,The basis for an agreement was established and no-one in the population or the army was aware of the business until it was over. واستحكمت القاعدة، واستفاض ذلك،,The agreement was made and news of it spread abroad. واستعلم العسكر منه ذلك، فأعلمهم وأذن في تدبير أنفسهم،,The army asked for confirmation which he gave and allowed them to make their own arrangements. وأنفذوا عنهم وعن الرعية عز الدين جرديك النوري وزين الدين، فقعدوا عنده إلى الليل، واستحلفوه على العسكر وعلى أهل البلد،,"They sent on behalf of themselves and of the populace ‘Izz al-Din Jurdlk al-Nuri and Zayn al-Din Bilik al-Yaruql, who sat with the sultan till nighttime and sought his sworn word to protect the army and the citizens." وذلك في السابع عشر من صفر،,That was on 17 Safar [11 June]. وخرجت العساكر إلى خدمته إلى الميدان الأخضر، ومقدمو حلب،,The troops and the leading citizens of Aleppo went out to the Green Hippodrome to submit to Saladin. وخلع عليهم، وطيب قلوبهم،,He bestowed robes of honour and eased their minds. وأقام عماد الدين بالقلعة يقضي أشغاله، وينقل أقمشته وخزائنه، والسلطان مقيم بالميدان الأخضر إلى الثالث والعشرين من صفر،,"‘Imad al-Din remained in the citadel to complete his affairs and shift his baggage and treasures, while the sultan stayed in the Green Hippodrome until Thursday 23 Safar {16 June}." وفيه تُوفي تاج الملوك أخوه من جرحٍ كان أصابه،,"That day his brother, Taj al-Muluk, died from the wound he had received." وشق عليه أمر موته، وجلس للعزاء،,His death grieved the sultan and he sat to receive condolences. وفي ذلك اليوم نزل عماد الدين إلى خدمته، وعزاه،,Also on that day ‘Imad al-Din came down to make obeisance and express sympathy for his loss. وسار معه بالميدان الأخضر,They went together to the Green Hippodrome. وتقررت بينهما قواعد، وأنزله السلطان في الخيمة، وقدم له تقدمة سنية، وخيلًا جميلة،,"A settlement was reached between them and the sultan received him in his tent, giving him a splendid gift and some handsome horses." وخلع على جماعة من أصحابه،,He gave robes of honour to several of his men. وسار عماد الدين من يومه إلى قرار حصار سائرًا إلى سنجار،,That day ‘Imad al-Din travelled to Qara Hisar en route for Sinjar. وأقام السلطان بالمخيم بعد مسير عماد الدين غير مكترثٍ بأمر حلب ولا مستعظم لشأنها إلى يوم الاثنين سابع عشري صفر,"The sultan remained in his camp after ‘Imad al-Din’s departure, not bothered about the city nor over-concerned about its state until Monday 27 Safar {20 June}." وصعد السلطان قلعة حلب مسرورًا منصورًا، وعمل له حسام الدين طمان دعوة سنية، وكان قد تخلف لأخذ ما تخلف لعماد الدين من قماش وغيره،,"Then, on that day, the sultan ascended into the citadel of Aleppo joyful and victorious, and Husam al-Din Tuman prepared a splendid banquet for him, for he had remained behind to take the clothes and other things belonging to ‘Imad al-Din that were still left." وكان قد أنفذ إلى حارم من يستلمها، ودافعهم الموالي،,"Saladin had previously sent people to Harim to take its surrender, but the governor delayed compliance." وأنفذ الأجناد الذين بها يستحلفونه،,The garrison sent to secure the sultan’s oath. فحلف لهم، وسار من وقته إلى حارم، فوصلها في التاسع والعشرين من صفر، وتسلمها،,"Their message came to him on Tuesday 28 Safar {21 June}, when he gave them his oath and immediately set out for Harim. He arrived there on 29 Safar [22 June] and took the place over." وبات بها ليلتين، وقرر قواعدها، وولى فيها إبراهيم بن شرده،,"He remained there two nights and settled its affairs, putting Ibrahim ibn Shirwa in charge." وعاد إلى حلب، ودخلها في ثالث ربيع الأول،,"He then returned to Aleppo, which he entered on 3 Rabi‘ I of this year [26 June." ثم أعطى العساكر دستورًا، وسار كل منهم إلى بلاده،,He gave his troops leave and all returned to their own lands. وأقام يقرر قواعد حلب، ويدبر أمورها.,He himself stayed to make arrangements for Aleppo and to organise its administration. (٢٤) ذكر غزاة عين جالوت,Account of the raid on Goliath’s Spring ولم يقم في حلب إلا إلى الثاني والعشرين من ربيعٍ الآخر،,Saladin only remained in Aleppo until Saturday 22 Rabi‘ II {13 August}. وأنشأ عزمًا إلى الغزاة، فخرج في ذلك اليوم مبرزًا نحو دمشق، واستنهض العساكر، فخرجوا يتبعونه،,"He decided to make a raid, so that day he moved out to al-Wadihi in the direction of Damascus and summoned the troops, who answered his call." ثم رحل في الرابع والعشرين منه إلى حماة، فوصلها، ثم رحل في بقية يومه،,"On 24 Rabi‘ II {15 August} he departed for Hama, which he came to and left during that same day." ولم يزل يواصل بين المنازل، حتى دخل دمشق في ثالث جمادى الأولى،,He continued his stages without a break and eventually entered Damascus on 3 Jumada I [24 August]. فأقام بها متأهبًا إلى السابع والعشرين منه، ثم برز في ذلك اليوم، ونزل على جسر الخشب،,"There he stayed making his preparations until 27 Jumada I [17 September], and on that day he marched out and camped at Wooden Bridge." وتبعته العساكر مبرزة، فأقام به تسعة أيام،,"The troops followed him, equipped for an expedition, and he waited there for nine days." ثم رحل في ثامن جمادى الآخرة، وسار حتى أتى الفؤاد،,On 8 Jumada II [28 September] he left and marched till he came to al-Fuwwar. وتعبى فيه للحرب، وسار حتى نزل القصير فبات به،,He there disposed his troops in battle order and camped for the night at al-Qusayr. وأصبح على المخاض، وعبر وسار حتى أتى بيسان،,"In the morning he came to the ford and, having crossed, travelled on to Baysan." فوجد أهلها قد رحلوا عنها، وتركوا ما كان من ثقيل الأقمشة والغلال والأمتعة بها،,"He found that the inhabitants had already deserted it and abandoned all their non-portable goods, provisions and possessions." فنهبها العسكر، وغنموا وحرقوا ما لم يمكن أخذه،,"The army plundered all as booty, burning what they could not take away." وسار حتى أتى الجالوت، وهي قرية عامرة، وعندها عين جارية فخيم بها،,"He then proceeded as far as Goliath’s Spring, which is a flourishing village with a copious source of water. There he made camp." وكان قد قدم عز الدين جرديك وجماعة من المماليك النورية، وجاولي مملوك أسد الدين، حتى يكشفوا خبر الإفرنج،,"‘Izz al-Din Jurdlk, several of the mamlukes of Nur al-Dln and Jawuli, Asad al-Dln’s mamluke, had already gone ahead to scout for news of the Franks." فاتفق أنهم صادفوا عسكر الكرك والشوبك سائرين نجدةً للإفرنج،,It happened that they fell in with the troops of Kerak and Shawbak who were marching to reinforce the main Frankish force. فوقع أصحابنا عليهم، وقتلوا منهم مقتلة عظيمة، وأسروا منهم زهاء مائة نفر،,"Our men attacked them, made great slaughter amongst them and took about a hundred of them prisoner." وعادوا ولم يفقد من المسلمين سوى شخص واحد يُدعى بهرام الشاووش،,"They returned having lost on the Muslim side only a single person, whose name was Bahram the herald." فوصل إليه في بقية يوم الكسرة، وهو العاشر من جمادى الآخرة،,"The sultan came up during what remained of the day of this engagement, which was Friday 10 Jumada II {30 September}." فاستبشر المسلمون بالنصر والظفر،,The Muslims took it as an omen of a great victory. ولما كان السبت حادي عشر وصل الخبر إليه أن الإفرنج قد اجتمعوا في صفورية، فرحلوا إلى الفولة، وهي قرية معروفة،,"On Saturday 11 Jumada II [1 October news reached him that the Franks had assembled at Saffuriyya, so he marched to al-Fula, which is a well-known village." وكان غرضه المصاف، فلما سمع بذلك تعبى للقاء، ورتب الأطلاب يمنة ويسرة وقلبًا، وسار للقاء العدو،,"He planned a pitched battle, so when that intelligence came to him, he made his dispositions for an engagement and formed his squadrons into right wing, left wing and centre, and then marched to meet the enemy." وسار الإفرنج طالبين المسلمين،,The Franks also came on to confront the Muslims. ووقعت العين في العين،,Both sides came eye to eye. وأخرج السلطان الجاليش خمسمائة رجل معروفة،,The sultan sent out the vanguard of 500 picked men. فواقعوا الإفرنج، وجرى قتال عظيم،,They engaged the Franks and a fierce fight ensued. وقُتل من العدو جماعة،,Several of the enemy were killed and several wounded. وهم ينضم بعضهم إلى بعض يحمي راجلهم فارسهم،,"They grouped close one to another, with the infantry protecting the cavalry." ولم يخرجوا للمصاف، ولم يزالوا سائرين حتى أتوا العين، ونزلوا عليها،,"Not halting for a pitched battle, they continued their march until they reached the spring, where they made camp." ونزل السلطان حولهم، والقتل والجرح يعمل فيهم ليخرجوا إلى المصاف،,"The sultan camped around them, while their losses continued in dead and wounded, to force them to come to battle." وهم لا يخرجون لخوفهم من المسلمين، فإنهم في كثرة عظيمة،,"However, they would not, fearing the Muslims, who were very numerous." ولما رأى أنهم لم يخرجوا رأى الانتزاح عنهم لعلهم يرحلون، فيضرب معهم مصاف،,"When he saw that they would not join battle, he decided to withdraw from them, to see whether they would then move and whether he could force them into an engagement." فرحل نحو الطور،,He moved towards al-Tur. وذلك في السابع عشر من هذا الشهر،,That was on 17 Jumada II [7 October]. فنزل تحت الجبل مترقبًا رحيلهم؛ ليأخذ منهم فرصة.,"He took station below the mountain, watching for their departure to seize any opportunity to attack." وأصبح الإفرنج في الثامن عشر راحلين راجعين على أعقابهم ناكصين،,"On 18 Jumada II [8 October] the Franks moved, retracing their steps." فرحل — رحمه الله — نحوهم، وجرى من رمي النشاب واستنهاضهم للمصاف أمور عظيمة، فلم يخرجوا،,"The sultan moved to intercept them and many arrows were loosed and great efforts made to provoke them to a pitched battle, but they would not break their formation." ولم يزل المسلمون حولهم حتى نزلوا الفولة المقدم ذكرها راجعين إلى بلادهم،,"The sultan continued to beset them until they made camp at al-Fula, mentioned above, on the way back to their lands." فلما رأى المسلمون ذلك اجتمعوا على السلطان، وأشاروا بالعود لفراغ زادهم، وكان قد نال منهم بالقتل والأسر، وخربت عفربلا وقلعة بيسان وزرعين، وهي من حصونهم المذكورة،,"When the Muslims saw that, they gathered around the sultan and advised him to retire because their provisions were depleted and he had inflicted damaging losses on the enemy and demolished ‘Afarbala, the citadel of Baysan and Zar‘In, noted castles of theirs." وخربت عليهم قرًى عديدة،,He had also destroyed numerous villages. فعاد منصورًا مظفرًا مسرورًا حتى نزل الغوار،,"He returned victorious and happy, and came to camp at al-Fuwwar." وأعطى الناس دستورًا من أثر المسير، ثم سار هو حتى أتى دمشق، فدخلها فرحًا مسرورًا في يوم الخميس الرابع والعشرين من هذا الشهر،,"He then gave the troops leave from their campaigning and he himself went on to Damascus, which he entered in joyful celebration on Thursday 24 Jumada II {13 October}." فانظر إلى هذه الهمة التي لم يشغلها عن الغزاة أخذ حلب ولا الظفر بها،,"Consider this zeal, which the taking and acquisition of Aleppo did not distract from campaigning [against the Franks]." بل كان غرضه الاستعانة بالبلاد على الجهاد.,"Indeed, his purpose was to gain aid from these territories for the Holy War." فالله يحسن جزاءه في الآخرة، كما وفقه للأعمال المرضية في الدنيا.,"May God reward him well in the life to come, as He supported him in his approved deeds in this life." (٢٥) ذكر غزاة أنشأها إلى الكرك,Account of the expedition he mounted against Kerak ثم إنه أقام بدمشق إلى ثالث رجب سنة تسع وسبعين، وخرج مرارًا نحو الكرك،,He remained in Damascus until 3 Rajab 579 [22 October and then set out on an expedition to Kerak. وكان قد سير إلى الملك العادل، وهو بمصر يتقدم إليه بالاجتماع به على الكرك،,"He had already sent to al-‘Adil, who was in Egypt, ordering him to rendezvous with him at Kerak." فبلغه خبر حركته من مصر، فخرج للقائه،,"He heard the news of his departure from Egypt, so set out to meet him." وسار حتى أتى الكرك، ووافاه الملك العادل عليها، وقد خرج معه خلق عظيم من تاجر وغير تاجر،,"He arrived at Kerak, where he was met by al-‘Adil, with whom a large multitude, merchants and non-merchants, had travelled." وذلك في رابع شعبان من هذه السنة،,That was on 4 Sha‘ban [22 November]. وكان قد بلغ الإفرنج خبر خروجه، فساروا براجلهم وفارسهم نحو الكرك للدفع عنه،,The Franks too (God damn them) had heard of his move and set out with their infantry and cavalry to Kerak to defend it. ولما انتهى ذلك إليه سير الملك المظفر تقي الدين إلى مصر، وذلك في خامس عشر شعبان،,On receipt of this intelligence he dispatched al-Malik al-Muzaffar Taqi al-Dln to Egypt on 15 Sha‘ban [3 December]. وفي السادس عشر منه نزلت الإفرنج إلى الكرك، وتزحزح السلطان عنه بعد أن قاتله قتالًا عظيمًا،,On the morning of the 16th [4 December] the Franks came to camp at Kerak and the sultan withdrew after some serious assaults on the town. وعليه قتل شرف الدين برغش النوري شهيدًا.,Sharaf al-Din Buzghush al-Nuri met a martyr’s death during one of them on 22 Shahan [10 December]. (٢٦) ذكر إعطائه أخاه الملك العادل حلب,"His gift of Aleppo to his brother, al-Adil" ثم رحل السلطان مستصحبًا أخاه الملك العادل معه إلى دمشق لإياسه عن الكرك بعد نزول الإفرنج عليها،,"The sultan then departed for Damascus, taking his brother, aPAdil, with him, because he despaired of Kerak after the Franks’ arrival." فدخل دمشق في الرابع والعشرين من شعبان، وأعطى أخاه الملك العادل حلب بعد مقامه بدمشق إلى ثاني يوم من شهر رمضان،,"He came to Damascus on 24 Sha‘ban [12 December] and, after staying there until 2 Ramadan [19 December], he presented his brother with Aleppo, who travelled there that same day." وكان بها ولده الملك الظاهر، ومعه سيف الدين يازكج يدبر أمره وابن العميد في البلد،,"The sultan’s son, al-Zahir, had been there, along with Sayf al-DIn Yazkuj, as manager of his affairs, while Ibn aPAmid was in the town." وكان الملك الظاهر من أحب الأولاد إلى قلبه لما قد خصه الله به من الشهامة والفطنة والعقل وحسن السمت والشغف بالملك، وظهور ذلك كله،,"Al-Zahir was the dearest of his sons to his heart, because of the bravery, intelligence, wisdom and upright behaviour and passion for kingship that God had especially bestowed upon him and which was plain to all." وكان أبر الناس بوالده، وأطوعهم له،,He was the most respectful and obedient of people towards his father. ولكن أخذ منه حلب لمصلحة رآها,"However, the sultan took Aleppo from him for some good purpose he saw." فخرج من حلب لما دخل الملك العادل هو ويازكج سائرين إلى خدمة السلطان،,"Al-Zahir, accompanied by Yazkuj, left Aleppo when al-‘Adil entered and went to wait upon the sultan." فدفع دمشق الثامن عشر من شوال، فأقام في خدمة أبيه لا يظهر له إلا الطاعة والانقياد مع انكسارٍ في باطنه لا يخفى عن نظر والده،,"He arrived at Damascus on Monday 28 Shawwal [13 February and remained at the service of his father, showing nothing but obedience and compliance, despite his inner disappointment which did not escape his father’s notice." وفي ذلك الشهر وردنا على السلطان رسلًا من جانب الموصل،,During this month we came to the sultan as envoys from Mosul. وكنا قد توسلنا إلى الخليفة الناصر لدين الله في إنفاذ شيخ الشيوخ بدر الدين رسولًا وشفيعًا إلى السلطان،,We had contrived with the Caliph al-Nasir li-DIn Allah that the Shaykh al-Shuyukh Sadr al-DIn be sent as an envoy and intermediary to the sultan. فسيره معنا من بغداد، وكان غزير المروءة عظيم الحرمة في دولة الخليفة، وفي سائر البلاد،,"He was sent with us from Baghdad, a person full of virtue and greatly respected at the caliphal court and in all lands." وكانت مكانته عند السلطان بحيث يتردد إليه إذا كان عنده في معظم الأيام.,His standing with the sultan was such that he frequented his presence on most days. (٢٧) ذكر وصولنا إلى خدمته رسلًا,Account of our coming before him as envoys وكان الشيخ قد وصل إلى الموصل، وسار منها في صحبة القاضي محيي الدين بن كمال الدين،,"The Shaykh, having reached Mosul as an envoy, travelled onwards after the Qadl Muhyl al-DIn ibn Kamal al-DIn had joined his company." وكان بينهم صحبة من الصبا،,There was a friendship between them since childhood. وكنت مع القوم،,I was one of the party. وسرنا حتى أتينا دمشق، وخرج السلطان إلى لقاء الشيخ ونحن في خدمته، فلقيه عن بعد،,"We arrived at Damascus, where the sultan came out some distance to meet the Shaykh with us in attendance on him." وكان دخولنا إلى دمشق يوم السبت حادي عشر ذي القعدة من هذه السنة، ولقينا من السلطان كل جميل فيما يرجع إلى الإكرام والاحترام،,Our entry into Damascus took place on Saturday 11 Dhu’l- Qa‘da 579 [25 February and we met from the sultan everything handsome in the way of a generous and respectful welcome. وأقمنا أيامًا نراجع في فصل حال، فلم يتفق صلح في تلك الوقعة،,"We stayed several days debating a solution to the situation, but on this occasion no peace was agreed." وخرجنا راجعين إلى الموصل، وخرج السلطان إلى وداع الشيخ إلى القصر،,We set out to return to Mosul and the sultan travelled as far as al-Qusayr to see the Shaykh on his way. واجتهد في ذلك اليوم أن ينقضي شغل فلم يتفق،,"During that day he did his utmost to get some business concluded, but without success." وكان الوقوف من جانب محيي الدين، فإن السلطان اشترط أن يكون صاحبا إربل والجزيرة على خيرتهما في الانتماء إليه أو إلى الموصل،,"The hold-up was on the part of Muhyi al-Dm, for the sultan stipulated that the lords of Irbil and Jazirat [ibn ‘Umar] should have the option of giving allegiance either to himself or to Mosul." فقال محيي الدين: لا بد من ذكرهما في النسخة فوقف الحال،,"Muhyi al-Dm said, ‘Their position must be made clear in the text,’ so the negotiations stalled." وكان مسيرنا سابع ذي الحجة،,We departed on Thursday 7 Dhu’l-Hijja {22 March. وفي تلك الدفعة عرض على السلطان موضع البها الدمشقي بمصر على لسان الشيخ فاعتذرت، ولم أفعل خوفًا من أن يُحال بوقف الحال عليَّ،,"On that occasion the sultan offered me, through the mouth of the Shaykh, the positions of Baha’ al-Dm al-Dimashqi in Egypt. I made my excuses and declined for fear that the lack of progress might be put down to me." ومن تلك الدفعة ثبت في نفسه الشريفة مني أمر لم أعرفه إلا بعد خدمتي له،,"From that time a regard for me was firmly established in his noble heart, something I only learnt after I had begun to serve him." وأقام السلطان بدمشق ترد عليه الرسل من الجوانب،,"While the sultan remained in Damascus, envoys arrived to see him from various quarters." فوصل رسول سنجر شاه صاحب الجزيرة، فاستحلفه لنفسه في الانتماء إليه ورسول إربل،,"The envoy of Sanjar Shah, the lord of Jazirat [ibn ‘Umar] came and, asked to swear, gave him his allegiance, as did the envoy of Irbil." وحلف لها وسارا،,The sultan gave them his word and both left. ووصل إليه أخوه الملك العادل رابع ذي الحجة فأقام عنده وعيد وتوجه إلى حلب المحروسة.,"His brother, al-‘Adil, came to him on Monday 4 Dhu’l-Hijja {19 March}. He stayed awhile until after the Feast and then went back to Aleppo." (٢٨) ذكر غزاة أخرى إلى الكرك,Another expedition to Kerak وصل ابن قرة أرسلان نور الدين إلى حلب ثامن عشر صفر سنة ثمانين، فأكرمه الملك العادل إكرامًا عظيمًا، وأصعده إلى القلعة وباسطه،,"The sultan sent to summon his armies, and Nur al-Dm ibn Qara Arslan responded by coming to Aleppo on Thursday 18 Safar 580 [31 May, where al-‘Adil received him with great honour, took him up into the citadel and treated him with open friendliness." ورحل معه طالبًا دمشق في السادس والعشرين منه،,He left with him for Damascus on the 26th [8 June]. وكان السلطان قد مرض أيامًا، ثم شفاه الله،,The sultan had been ill for a few days but God cured him. ولما بلغه وصول قره أرسلان خرج إلى لقائه، وكان السلطان يكارم الناس مكارمة عظيمة،,"Hearing of Ibn Qara Arslan’s arrival, he went out to meet him, for the sultan treated people very graciously." فالتقاه على عين الجسر بالبقاع، وذلك في تاسع ربيع الأول،,He met him at the crossing of the bridge in the Bekaa on 9 Rabi‘ I [20 June]. ثم عاد إلى دمشق، وخلف نور الدين واصلًا مع الملك العادل،,"He then returned to Damascus, leaving Nur al-Din to come on with al- ‘Adil." فتأهب للغزاة وخرج مبرزًا إلى جسر الخشب في منتصف ربيع الأول،,He made his preparations for the expedition and marched out to Wooden Bridge in the middle of the month [26 June]. وفي الرابع والعشرين منه وصل الملك العادل ومعه ابن قرة أرسلان إلى دمشق، فأقاما بها أيامًا، ثم رحلا يلتحقان بالسلطان من رأس الماء طالبًا للكرك،,"On the 24th [4 August] al-‘Adil, accompanied by Ibn Qara Arslan, arrived at Damascus, where they stayed for a few days and then set out to join the sultan. On 2 Rabi‘ II [13 July] the sultan left Ra’s al-‘Ayn making for Kerak." فأقام قريبًا منها أيامًا ينتظر وصول الملك المظفر من مصر إلى تاسع عشر ربيع الآخر، فوصل إلى خدمته ومعه بيت الملك العادل وخزانته، فسيرهم إلى الملك العادل، وتقدم إليه وإلى بقية العساكر بالوصول إليه إلى الكرك،,"For a few days he halted nearby to wait for al-Muzaffar Taqi al-Din to arrive from Egypt, which he did on 19 Rabi‘ II [30 July] when he joined him and came under his command. He had al-‘Adil’s household and treasure chest with him, which the sultan sent to al-‘Adil and ordered him and the rest of the armies to join him at Kerak." فتتابعت العساكر إلى خدمته حتى أحدقوا بالكرك،,The troops came in a steady stream to his standard until they surrounded Kerak. وذلك في رابع جمادى الأولى،,That was on 14 Jumada I [23 August]. وركب المناجيق على المكان،,He set up trebuchets to attack the place. وقد التقت العساكر المصرية والشامية والجزرية أيضًا مع قره أرسلان،,The armies of Egypt and Syria and also those of al-Jazira under Ibn Qara Arslan had now met. ولما بلغ الإفرنج ذلك خرجوا براجلهم وفارسهم إلى الذب عن الكرك،,"Having heard this, the Franks marched out with their infantry and cavalry to defend Kerak." وكان على المسلمين منه ضررٌ عظيم، فإنه كان يقطع عن قصد مصر، بحيث كانت القوافل لا يمكنها الخروج إلا مع العساكر الجمة الغفيرة،,"The place caused great trouble to the Muslims, for it cut communications with Egypt, so that caravans were only able to move with sizeable military escorts." فاهتم السلطان بأمره ليكون الطريق سابلة إلى مصر،,"The sultan was very concerned about it, to make the route to Egypt passable (may God facilitate that, to Him be praise and gratitude)." ولما بلغ السلطان خروج الإفرنج تعبأ للقاء،,"Aware that the Franks were on the move, he made his dispositions for battle." وأمر العساكر أن خرجت ظاهر الكرك، وسير الثقل نحو البلاد، وبقي العسكر جريدة،,"He ordered the forces to move out beyond Kerak and sent his baggage train towards his own territory, so that the troops were left unencumbered." ثم سار السلطان يقصد العدو،,Then he marched to intercept the enemy. وكان الإفرنج قد نزلوا بموضعٍ يُقال له الواله، وسار حتى نزل على قريةٍ يُقال لها حسبان قبالة الإفرنج،,"The Franks made camp at a place called al-Wala, whereas the sultan moved to Balqa’ to stop at a village called Husban, opposite the line of march of the Franks." ورحل منها إلى موضعٍ يُقال له ماء عين، والإفرنج مقيمون بالواله إلى السادس والعشرين من جمادى الأولى،,"He shifted from there to a place called Spring Water, while the Franks remained at al-Wala until 26 Jumada I [4 September]." ثم رحلوا قاصدين الكرك،,Then they set out for Kerak. فسار بعض العساكر وراءهم، فقاتلهم إلى آخر النهار.,Some of our forces came behind them and engaged them until the end of the day. ولما رأى — قدَّس الله روحه — تصميم الإفرنج على الكرك أمر العساكر أن دخلوا الساحل لخلوِّه عن العساكر،,"Seeing that the Franks were determined to procede to Kerak, the sultan ordered his forces to enter the coastal regions as it was devoid of troops." فهجموا نابلس، ونهبوها، وغنموا ما فيها،,"They attacked Nablus and plundered it, taking what it contained as booty." ولم يبقَ فيها إلا حصناها،,Only its two forts survived. وأخذوا جانين، والتحقوا بالسلطان برأس الماء، وقد نهبوا وأسروا وأحرقوا وخربوا،,"They also took Jlnin and then joined the sultan at Ra’s al-Ma’, having plundered, taken captives, burned and destroyed." واتفق دخول السلطان دمشق يوم السبت سابع جمادى الأخرى، ومعه الملك العادل، ونور الدين بن قره أرسلان فرحًا مسرورًا وأكرمه واحترمه وأحسن إليه،,"The sultan then entered Damascus on Saturday 7 Jumada II 580 [15 September with al-‘Adil and Nur al-Dln ibn Qara Arslan, delighted and well-pleased. He showed the latter much honour, respect and largess." وفي هذا الشهر وصل رسول الخليفة ومعه الخلع، فلبسها السلطان،,"During this month the caliph’s envoys came, bringing robes of honour which the sultan donned." وألبس أخاه الملك العادل، وابن أسد الدين خلعًا جاءت لهم،,"He invested his brother, al-‘Adil, and Asad al-Din’s son with robes of honour which had come for them." وفي الرابع عشر من هذا الشهر خلع السلطان خلعة الخليفة على ابن قره أرسلان، وأعطاه دستورًا، وأعطاه العساكر،,On 14 Jumada II [22 September] the sultan invested Nur al-Din ibn Qara Arslan with the caliph’s robe of honour and gave him and the armies leave to depart. وفي ذلك التاريخ وصلت رسل ابن زين الدين مستصرخًا إلى السلطان يخبر أن عسكر الموصل وعسكر قزل نزلوا مع مجاهد الدين قايماز على إربل، وأنهم نهبوا وأحرقوا، وأنه نُصر عليهم، وكسرهم.,"On this date envoys of [Muzaffar al-Din] ibn Zayn al-Din arrived, seeking aid from the sultan and reporting that the army of Mosul and that of Qizil, led by Mujahid al-Din Qaymaz, had besieged Irbil and that they had plundered and burned, but he had defeated and broken them." (٢٩) ذكر خروج السلطان إلى جهة الموصل في الوقعة الثانية,The sultan’s expedition against Mosul for the second time ولما سمع السلطان ذلك رحل من دمشق يطلب البلاد، وتقدم إلى العساكر فتبعته،,Apprised of this the sultan set out from Damascus for those lands and on his orders the armies followed him. وسار حتى أتى حران على طريق البيرة، والتقى مع مظفر الدين بالبيرة في الثاني عشر من محرم سنة إحدى وثمانين،,"He set out for Harran by way of al-Bira, at which place he met with Muzaffar al-Din on 12 Muharram 581 [15 April." وتقدم السلطان إلى سيف الدين المشطوب أن يسير في مقدمة العسكر إلى رأس العين، ووصل السلطان حران الثاني والعشرين من صفر،,"Sayf al-Din al-Mashtub was commanded by the sultan to proceed with the vanguard of the army to Ra’s al-‘Ayn, and the sultan himself reached Harran on 22 Safar [25 May]." وفي السادس والعشرين منه قبض على مظفر الدين بن زين الدين لشيءٍ كان قد جرى منه، وحديث كان بلغه عنه رسول، فلم يقف عليه، وأنكره،,"On 26 Safar 581 [29 May the sultan arrested Muzaffar al-Din for something he had done and some comments that his envoy passed on, which the sultan did not enquire into but which he censured." فأخذ منه قلعة حران والرَّها، ثم أقام في الاعتقال تأديبًا إلى مستهل ربيع الأول،,He took the citadels of Harran and Edessa from him and he remained in prison as a punishment until 1 Rabi‘ I [2 June]. ثم خلع عليه، وطيَّب قلبه، وأعاد إليه قلعة حرام وبلاده التي كانت بيده، وأعاده إلى قانونه في الإكرام والاحترام،,"Then the sultan gave him a robe of honour and reconciled his heart, restoring to him the citadel of Harran and its territories which he had held, and restoring him to his normal level of honour and respect." ولم يتخلف له سوى قلعة الرَّها ووعده بها،,"The only possession not regained was the citadel of Edessa, but the sultan held out promises of that." ثم رحل السلطان ثاني ربيع الأول إلى رأس العين، ووصله في ذلك رسول قليج أرسلان يخبره أن ملوك الشرق بأسرهم قد اتفقت كلمتهم على قصد السلطان إن لم يعد عن الموصل وماردين، وأنهم على عزم ضرب المصاف معه إن أصر على ذلك،,"The sultan left Harran on 2 Rabi‘ I [3 June] for Ra’s al-‘Ayn, and at that time the envoy of Qilij Arslan came to inform him that the princes of the East had all agreed that they would attack the sultan if he did not withdraw from Mosul and Mardln and that they were determined to bring him to battle if he persisted in that." فرحل السلطان يطلب دنيسر، فوصله ثامن ربيع الأول عماد الدين بن قره أرسلان، ومعه عسكر نور الدين صاحب ماردين،,"The sultan marched on to Dunaysir, where he was joined by ‘Imad al-Din ibn Qara Arslan and the army of Nur al-Din, lord of Mardln, on Saturday 8 Rabi‘ I {8 June." فالتقاهم واحترمهم، ثم رحل من دنيسر حادي عشر نحو الموصل، حتى نزل موضعًا يعرف ﺑ «الإسماعيلان» قريب الموصل، بحيث يصل من العسكر كل يوم نوبة جديدة يحاصر الموصل،,"He received them with great respect and then left Dunaysir on Tuesday the 11th {11 June} in the direction of Mosul and marched until he camped at a place called al-‘Isma‘ilat near Mosul, from where a fresh detachment of his army could daily come to besiege Mosul." فبلغ عماد الدين بن قره أرسلان موت أخيه نور الدين، فطلب من السلطان دستورًا طمعًا في ملك أخيه، فأعطاه دستورًا.,"‘Imad al-Din ibn Qara Arslan heard of the death of his brother, Nur al-Din, and requested permission from the sultan to leave, desirous of taking over his brother’s rule. Permission was granted." (٣٠) ذكر موت شاه أرمن صاحب خلاط,The death of Shah Arman ولما كان ربيع الآخر سنة إحدى وثمانين تُوفي شاه أرمن صاحب خلاط، وولي بعد غلامه بكتمر، وهو الذي وصل رسولًا إلى خدمة السلطان بسنجار،,"When Rabi‘ II 581 came [July, Shah Arman, the lord of Khilat, died and was succeeded by a mamluke of his, called Baktimur, who was the person that had come as an envoy to the sultan at Sinjar." فعدل وأحسن إلى أهل خلاط، وكان متصونًا في طريقته، فأطاعه الناس ومالوا إليه،,"He ruled with justice and was considerate to the people of Khilat, being by persuasion a Sufi, who had the obedience and affection of his subjects." ولما ملك خلاط امتدت نحوه الأطماع لموت شاه أرمن، فسار نحوه بهلوان بن الدكز،,"When he had taken over Khilat, various greedy interests looked Baktimur’s way, now that Shah Arman was dead." فلما بلغه ذلك سير إلى خدمة السلطان من يقرر معه تسليم خلاط إليه، واندراجه في جملته، وإعطائه ما يرضيه،,"Pahlawan ibn Ildekiz marched towards the town, and therefore, when Baktimur heard that, he sent the sultan men who would arrange his surrender of Khilat and his own incorporation into the sultan’s alliance, in return for the grant of something satisfactory." فطمع السلطان في خلاط، وارتحل عن الموصل متوجهًا نحوها، وسير إلى بكتمر الفقيه عيسى وغرس الدين قليج لتقرير القاعدة وتحريرها،,"The sultan was eager to gain Khilat, so he set out from Mosul in that direction, sending before him the jurist ‘Isa and Ghars al-DIn Qilij to agree and draw up the terms." فوصلت الرسل وبهلوان قد قارب البلاد جدًّا،,These envoys arrived when Pahlawan had already approached very near. فتخوف بهلوان من السلطان، فطلب بهلوان إصلاحه، وزوجه ابنة له وولاه، وأعاد البلاد إليه،,"Baktimur threatened him with the sultan and made him understand that, if he attacked him, he would surrender the city to the sultan, so Pahlawan sought to make peace and gave him his daughter in marriage, recognised his authority there and restored the city to him." واعتذر إلى رسل السلطان، وعادوا من غير زبدة،,"Baktimur made his excuses to the sultan’s envoys, who returned ‘without the cream’." وكان السلطان قد نزل على ميافارقين فحاصرها،,Meanwhile the sultan had camped before Mayyafariqln to besiege it. وقاتلها قتالًا شديدًا، ونصب عليها مجانيق،,"After his withdrawal from Mosul the sultan put Mayyafariqln under siege and attacked it very fiercely, setting up trebuchets." وكان بها رجل يُقال له الأسد، وما قصر في حفظها، لكن الأقدار لا تغلب، فملكها السلطان في التاسع والعشرين من جمادى،,"It was held by a person called Asad al-Din, who was far from slack in its defence, but the divine plans are not to be overcome and the sultan took it over on terms on 29 Jumada I 581 [28 August." ولما أيس من أمر خلاط عاد إلى الموصل، فنزل بعيدًا عنها، وهي الوقعة الثالثة بموضعٍ يُقال له كفر زمار،,"Having given up any hope of Khilat, he returned to Mosul, where he camped at some distance from it, this being the third time, at a place called Kafr Zammar." وكان الحر شديدًا، فأقام مدة،,"The weather was intensely hot, so he remained there for a while." وفي هذه المنزلة أتاه سنجر شاه من الجزيرة،,Sanjar Shah came to him at this encampment from Jazirat [Ibn ‘Umar]. واجتمع به، فأعاده إلى بلده،,They had a meeting and then Saladin sent him back to his town. ومرض — رحمه الله — بكفر زمار مرضًا شديدًا خاف من غائلته،,"The sultan came down with a serious illness at Kafr Zammar, which he feared would be a disaster." فرحل طالبًا حران وهو مريض،,"He struck camp, making for Harran, though still ill." وكان يتجلد، ولا يركب محفة،,He showed great fortitude and did not ride in a litter. فوصل وهو شديد المرض، وبلغ إلى غاية الضعف،,He arrived at Harran very sick and extremely weak. وأيس منه ورجف بموته،,His life was despaired of and a rumour went around that he had died. فوصل إليه أخوه من حلب ومعه أطباؤه.,"His brother, al-‘Adil, arrived from Aleppo bringing his doctors with him." (٣١) ذكر صلح المواصلة معه,Account of his peace treaty with the Mosulis وكان سبب ذلك أن عز الدين أتابك صاحب الموصل سيرني إلى الخليفة يستنجده، فلم يحصل منه زبدة،,"The treaty came about because the Atabeg ‘Izz al-Din, lord of Mosul, sent me to the caliph to seek his support, but no ‘cream’ was forthcoming from that direction, so he sent to the Persian princes, but again no benefit resulted." فلما وصلت من بغداد ورددت جواب الرسالة أيس من نجدة،,"When I arrived back from Baghdad and delivered the reply to the mission, he despaired of any aid." فلما بلغهم مرض السلطان رأوا ذلك فرصة، وعلموا سرعة انقياده، ورقة قلبه في ذلك الوقت،,"However, hearing of the illness of the sultan, they decided that this was an opportunity, as they had learnt how readily tractable and soft-hearted he was at this time." فندبوني لهذا الأمر وبهاء الدين الربيب، وفوَّض إليَّ أمر النسخة التي حلف بها،,"They therefore commissioned me for this task, along with Baha’ al-Din al-Rabib, and they entrusted me with the matter of the text to which he would swear." وقالوا: امضيا ما يصل إليه جهدكما وطاقتكما، فسرنا حتى أتينا العسكر والناس كلهم آيسون من السلطان،,"They said, ‘Ratify whatever your joint efforts and abilities can manage.’ We left and reached his camp when all were despairing of the sultan." وكان وصولنا في أوائل ذي الحجة،,Our arrival was early in Dhu’l-Hijja [end of February. فاحترمنا احترامًا عظيمًا، وجلس لنا، وكان أول جلوسه من مرضه،,"He gave us a respectful welcome and held a reception for us, the first he had held since his illness." وحلف في يوم عرفة،,He took his oath on the day of Arafat. وأخذنا منه بين النهرين، وكان أخذها من سنجر شاه، فأعطاها المواصلة،,"We received from him the land between the two rivers [Tigris and Euphrates], which he had taken from Sanjar Shah and now gave to Mosul." وحلفته يمينًا تامة، وحلفت أخاه الملك العادل،,"I administered a comprehensive oath to him and also got his brother, al-‘Adil, to swear." ومات — قدس الله روحه — وهو على ذلك الصلح لم يتغير عنه،,"The sultan, at his death, still held to that treaty, having never diverged from it." وسرنا معه وهو بحران، وقد تماثل،,"We left him at Harran, already convalescing." ووصله خبر موت ابن أسد الدين صاحب حمص،,"News came to him of the death of [Muhammad] ibn Asad al-Din [Shirkuh], the lord of Hirns." وكانت وفاته يوم عرفة، وجلس الملك العادل للعزاء،,He had died on the day of Arafat when we were at his camp. Al-‘Adil sat to receive condolences. وفي تلك الأيام كانت وقعة التركمان مع الأكراد، وقُتل بينهم خلق عظيم،,"During those days there was a battle between the Turkomans and the Kurds, a huge number being killed." وفي هذا الشهر وصل خبر وفاة بهلوان بن الدكز، وكانت وفاته في سلخ ذي الحجة.,"This month news was received of the demise of Pahlawan ibn Ildekiz, who died on the last day of Dhu’l-Hijja [23 March." (٣٢) ذكر عود السلطان إلى الشام,The sultan’s return to Syria ولما وجد السلطان نشاطًا من مرضه رحل يطلب جهة حلب، وكان وصوله إليها رابع عشر محرم سنة اثنتين وثمانين، وكان يومًا مشهودًا لشدة فرح الناس بعافيته ولقائه،,"When the sultan found some energy during his convalescence, he set out for Aleppo, where he arrived on Sunday 14 Muharram 582 [6 April, a notable day because of the happiness of the people at his recovery and return." فأقام بها أربعة أيام، ثم رحل نحو دمشق،,"He remained for four days, then on the 18th [10 April] he went to Damascus." ولقيه أسد الدين شيركوه بن محمد شيركوه بتل السلطان، ومعه أخته،,He was met by Asad al-Dm Shlrkuh ibn Muhammad [ibn] Shirkuh and the latter’s sister at Tell al-Sultan. وقد صحبه خدمة عظيمة،,He had brought a large gift and numerous offerings. فمنَّ عليه بحمص، وأقام أيامًا يعتبر تركة أبيه، ثم سار يطلب جهة دمشق، وكان دخوله إليها في ثاني ربيع الأول، وكان يومًا لم يُرَ مثله فرحًا وسرورًا،,"The sultan bestowed Hirns on him and remained for several days assessing his father’s estate, before proceeding to Damascus, which he entered on 12 Rabi‘ I [2 June, a day of unparalleled joy and happiness." ووقعت في هذا الشهر وقعات كثيرة بين الترك والأكراد بأرض نصيبين وغيرها،,During this month there occurred many battles between the Turkomans and the Kurds in the territory of Nisibis and elsewhere. وقُتل من الفئتين خلق عظيم،,On both sides a great many were killed. وبلغ السلطان أن معين الدين قد عصا بالراوند،,The sultan received information that Mu‘m al-Dm ibn Mu‘In al-Dm had rebelled in Rawandan. فكتب إلى عسكر حلب أن حاصروه، وكان نزولهم عليه في العشر الاول من سنة اثنتين وثمانين,"He sent instructions to the troops of Aleppo to besiege him, which they did during the first ten days [of Rabi‘ I] of the year 582 [22-31 May." وأعطى برج الرصاص لتميرك في بقية ذلك الشهر,The sultan granted him Burj al-Rasas to get him to surrender the place in the remainder of the month. وفي ثاني جمادى الأولى وصل معين الدين من الراوند، وقد سلمها إلى علم الدين سليمان، ثم مضى إلى خدمة السلطان،,"On 8 Jumada I [27 July] Mu‘In al-Dm arrived from Rawandan, having handed it over to ‘Alam al-Dm Sulayman before he came to present himself before the sultan." وفي سابع عشر وصل الملك الأفضل إلى دمشق، ولم يكن قد رأى قبل ذلك الشام.,"On 17 Jumada I [5 August] al-Afdal, who had not previously seen Syria, came to Aleppo." (٣٣) ذكر مسير الملك العادل إلى مصر ووصول الملك الظاهر إلى حلب,Account of al-‘Adil’s journey to Egypt and al-Zahir’s return to Aleppo وذلك أن السلطان رأى ذهاب الملك العادل إلى مصر، فإنه كان آنس بأحوالها من الملك المظفر ليزيل تقاويضها بذلك، وهو على حران مريض،,"The sultan decided that al-‘Adil should go to Egypt, for he was more familiar with conditions there than al-Muzaffar and, while the sultan was ill at Harran, he had kept talking to him about it." وقد حصل ذلك في نفس الملك العادل، فإنه كان يحب الديار المصرية،,Al-‘Adil had set his heart on this as he was very fond of Egypt. فلما عاد السلطان إلى دمشق، ومنَّ الله بعافيته سير يطلب الملك العادل إلى دمشق،,"After the sultan had returned to Damascus and God had bestowed health upon him, he sent for al-‘Adil to come to Damascus." فخرج من حلب جريدة في الرابع والعشرين من ربيع الأول، وسار حتى أتى دمشق، فأقام بها في خدمة السلطان، فجرت بينهما أحاديث ومراجعات في قواعد تقرير إلى جمادى الآخرة،,"The latter left Aleppo without heavy baggage on the eve of Saturday 24 Rabi‘ I [14 June, and came to Damascus, where he remained in attendance on the sultan, while they held conversations and discussions on arrangements for an administrative settlement until Jumada II [August-September." واستقرت القاعدة على عود الملك العادل إلى مصر، وتسليم حلب،,It was then settled that al-‘Adil should return to Egypt and give up Aleppo. وسير الصنيعة لإحضار أهله من حلب،,He dispatched Sanfat al-Din to fetch his family from Aleppo. وكان الملك الظاهر أيَّده الله، والملك العزيز بدمشق في خدمة والدهما،,"The two princes, al-Zahir and al-‘Aziz, were in Damascus in attendance on their father." فلما استقرت القاعدة على عود الملك العادل إلى مصر استقرت على أن يكون أتابك الملك العزيز،,"When it was decided that al-‘Adil should return to Egypt, it was also decided that he should be the atabeg of aPAziz." وسلمه والده إليه يربي أمره، وسلم الملك العادل حلب إلى الملك الظاهر،,His father would entrust his education to al-‘Adil and al-‘Adil would surrender Aleppo to al-Zahir. ولقد قال لي الملك العادل إنه لما استقرت عليه هذه القاعدة، واجتمعت بخدمة الملك العزيز والملك الظاهر وجلست بينهما، قلت للملك العزيز: يا مولاي إن السلطان قد أمرني أن أسير في خدمتك إلى مصر،,"Al-‘Adil said to me, ‘When this arrangement was settled, I had a meeting with the two princes, al-Zahir and al-‘Aziz, sat between them and I said to al-‘Az!z, “Know well, my lord, that the sultan has commanded me to travel in your service to Egypt." وأنا أعلم أن المفسدين كثير، وغدًا لا يخلون ممن يقول عني ما لا يجوز، ويخوفونك مني،,I realise that trouble-makers are legion and that in due course there will not be lacking people who will say unacceptable things about me and make you fear me. فإن كان لك أذن تسمع، فقل لي حتى لا أجيء،,"If you have any intention of listening, just tell me and I will not come.”" فقال: لا أسمع، وكيف يكون ذلك؟,"He replied, “I shall not listen. How could that be?”" ثم التفتُّ وقلت للملك الظاهر: أنا أعرف أن أخاك ربما يسمع فيَّ أقوال المفسدين،,"Then I turned to al-Zahir and said, “I know that your brother may sometime listen to what troublemakers have to say about me." وأنا فمالي إلا أنت متى ضاق صدري من جانبه،,"I have only you. Whenever I am in trouble from him, I am content to receive Manbij from you.”" فقال: مبارك. وذكر كل خير،,"“Rest easy,” he said and made me every fair promise.’" ثم إن الملك الظاهر سيره والده إلى حلب ليعلمه أن حلب هي أصل الملك وجرثومته وقاعدته؛,"His father then sent al-Zahir to Aleppo and restored it to him. He was aware that Aleppo was the very root, foundation and source of power." ولهذا دأبت في طلبها ذلك الدأب،,That is why he had been so eager to gain it. ولما حصلت أعرض عما عداها من بلاد المشرق، وقنع منهم بالطاعة والمعونة على الجهاد،,"Having gained it, he left all the lands of the East alone, satisfied with their allegiance and their aid in the Jihad." فسلمها إليه علمًا منه بحذاقته وحزمه وحفظه وثباته وعلو همته،,"He gave his son Aleppo, knowing his aptitude, determination, learning, understanding and high aspirations." فسار إليها حتى العين المباركة، وسير في خدمته الشحنة حسام الدين بشارة وواليا عيسى بن بلاشوا،,"Al-Zahir came to ‘Ayn al-Mubaraka on his journey, attended by Husam al-Din Bishara, who was sent as garrison commander, and by ‘Isa ibn Balashu, designated as governor." فنزل بعين المباركة، وخرج الناس إلى لقائه في بكرة تاسع جمادى الأخرى،,He arrived at ‘Ayn al-Mubaraka on the Friday and the people came out to welcome him on the morning of Saturday 9 Jumada II 582. وصعد القلعة ضحوة نهار، وفرح الناس به فرحًا شديدًا،,He ascended into the citadel towards noon that day and the people rejoiced greatly to see him. ومد على الناس من جناح عدله، وأفاض عليهم وابل فضله.,He spread the wing of his justice over them and showered them with his copious bounty. وأما الملك العزيز والملك العادل فإن السلطان قرر حالتهما، وكتب إلى الملك المظفر يخبره بمسير الملك العزيز، وهو صحبة عمه، ويأمره بالوصول إلى الشام،,"As for the princes aPAziz and aPAdil, the sultan settled their position and wrote to al-Muzaffar to inform him that his son, aPAziz, accompanied by the latter’s uncle, aPAdil, was coming and to order him to come to Syria." وشق ذلك عليه حتى أظهر للناس وعزم على المسير إلى ديار الغرب إلى برقا،,"This distressed al-Muzaffar, so much so that he made it obvious to people and he made up his mind to go off to the west, to Cyrenaica." فقبح ذلك عليه جماعة من أكابر الدولة، وعرَّفوه أن عمه السلطان يخرج من يده في الحال، والله أعلم بما يكون منه بعد ذلك،,"Several of the great men of state disapproved of his plan and they told him that his uncle, the sultan, would disown him immediately and God knows what would happen to him afterwards." فرأي الحق بعين البصيرة، وأجاب بالسمع والطاعة،,God opened his eyes to perceive what was right and he answered with T hear and obey.’ وسلم البلاد، ورحل واصلًا إلى خدمة السلطان، فسار السلطان إلى لقائه،,"He gave up Egypt and set out to present himself at the service of the sultan, who came out to meet him." وفرح بوصوله فرحًا شديدًا،,They met at Marj al-Suffar and the sultan was very happy that he had come. وذلك في الثالث والعشرين من شعبان،,This was on 23 Shahan [8 November]. وأعطاه حماه، وسار إليها،,The sultan presented him with Hama and he set out to go there. وكان قد عقد بين الملك الظاهر وبعض بنات الملك العادل عقد نكاح فتمم ذلك، ودخل بها في السادس والعشرين من شهر رمضان،,A marriage had been arranged between al-Zahir and one of the daughters of al- ‘Adil. Everything was concluded and the marriage was consummated on Wednesday 26 Ramadan [10 December]. ودخل الملك الأفضل على زوجته بنت ناصر الدين بن أسد الدين في شوال من السنة المذكورة المباركة.,"Al-Afdal entered into union with his wife, the daughter of Nasir al-Dln [Muhammad] ibn Asad al-Dln, during the month of Shawwal this year [15 December-12 January." (٣٤) ذكر غزاة أنشأها إلى الكرك,Account of an expedition mounted against Kerak ولما كان محرم سنة ثلاثٍ وثمانين عزم على قصد الكرك، فسير إلى حلب من يستحضر العسكر،,"When Muharram of the year 583 came [March, the sultan decided to attack Kerak and sent men to Aleppo to summon the troops." وبرز من دمشق في منتصف محرم، فسار حتى نزل بأرض نيطرة منتظرًا اجتماع العساكر المصرية والشامية،,He marched from Damascus in the middle of Muharram [27 March] and moved to camp in the district of Qunaytra to await the concentration of the troops of Egypt and Syria. وأمر العساكر المتواصلة إليه بشن الغارات على ما في طريقهم من البلاد الساحلية، ففعلوا ذلك،,"He ordered the various detachments as they came to join him to carry out raids on the coastal lands that lay on their route, which they did." وأقام بأرض الكرك حتى وصل الحاج الشامي إلى الشام، وأمنوا غائلة العدو ووصل قفل مصر الشتوي، ووصل معه بيت الملك المظفر، وما كان له بالديار المصرية،,"He then remained in the territory of Kerak until the Syrian pilgrim caravan arrived in Syria and was safe from any enemy threat and the winter caravan from Egypt arrived, bringing with it the household of al-Muzaffar and all that he had possessed in Egypt." وتأخرت عنه العساكر الحلبية بسبب اشتغالها بالإفرنج بأرض الأرمن من بلاد ابن لاون،,The troops of Aleppo were delayed because they were occupied with the Franks in the territory of Antioch and in the lands of the son of Leon. وذلك أنه قد مات ملك الإفرنج ووصى لابن أخيه بالملك،,This is because he had died and had willed the kingdom to his brother’s son (God curse him). وكان الملك المظفر بحماه، وبلغ السلطان الخبر، فأمرهم بالدخول إلى بلاد العدو وإخماد ثائرتهم،,"Al-Muzaffar was in Hama and when the sultan heard the news, he ordered him to enter the enemy’s lands and subdue his obduracy." وسار الملك المظفر بعسكر حلب إلى حارم، فأقام بها ليعلم العدو أن هذا الجانب ليس بمهمل،,"On 9 Safar [20 April] al-Muzaffar marched with the troops of Aleppo to Harim, where he remained to let the enemy know that this region was not neglected." فعاد السلطان إلى الشام،,"Meanwhile the sultan returned to Damascus, arriving there on 15 Rabi‘ I [25 May]." ونزل بعشترا في السابع عشر من ربيع الأول، ولقيه ولده الملك الأفضل، ومظفر الدين بن زين الدين وجميع العساكر،,"On Thursday 17th of that month [27 May] he came to ‘Ashtara where he was met by his son, al-Afdal, Muzaffar al-Dln ibn Zayn al-Dln and all the armies." وكان قد تقدم إلى الملك المظفر بمصالحة الجانب الحلبي مع الإفرنج؛ ليتفرغ البال مع العدو في جانب واحد،,"He had ordered al-Muzaffar to arrange a truce with the Franks on the Aleppan front, in order that his mind might be easy as regards the enemy in one direction." فصالحهم في العشر الأواخر من ربيع الأول، وتوجه إلى حماه يطلب خدمة السلطان للغزاة التي عزم عليها،,Al-Muzaffar made a truce during the last ten days of Rabi‘ I [30 May-9 June] and then went to Hama to put himself at the service of the sultan for the expedition planned by the latter. فسار ومن اجتمع به من العساكر الشرقية في خدمته وهم عسكر الموصل مقدمتهم مسعود بن الزعفراني وعسكر ماردين، فلقيهم السلطان في العشر الأوسط من ربيع الآخر، فأقرهم، وأكرمهم،,"He and the eastern armies under his command, that is to say, the army of Mosul, led by Mas‘ud ibn al-ZaTarani, and the army of Mardin, finally came to ‘Ashtara during the middle period of Rabi‘ II [approx. 19-23 June], to be met by the sultan with respect and honour." وفي منتصف هذا الشهر عرض السلطان العسكر لأمرٍ قد عزم عليه على تل يُعرف بتل تسيل تيسل،,Midway through this month [24 June] the sultan reviewed the army for his planned expedition on a hill known as the Tell Tasil. وتقدم إلى أصحاب الميمنة بحفظ موضعهم، وإلى أصحاب الميسرة بذلك، وإلى القلب بمثله.,"He commanded the men on the right and left wings to maintain their positions, and the centre likewise." فما كان أحرصه على نصر الإسلام!,How eager he was for the victory of Islam! (٣٥) ذكر وقعة حطين المباركة على المؤمنين,"Account of the Battle of Hattln, a blessing for the Muslims" وكانت في يوم السبت الرابع والعشرين من ربيع الآخر,It took place on Saturday 24 Rabi‘ II 583 {4 July. وذلك أن السلطان رأى أن نعمة الله عليه باستقرار قدمه في الملك، وتمكين الله إياه في البلاد، وانقياد الناس لطاعته، ولزومهم قانون خدمته ليس لها شكر سوى الاشتغال ببذل الجهد والاجتهاد إلى إقامة قانون الجهاد،,"The sultan perceived that his gratitude for God’s favour towards him, evidenced by his strong grasp on sovereignty, his God-given control over the lands and the people’s willing obedience, could only be demonstrated by his endeavouring to exert himself to the utmost and to strive to fulfil the precept of Jihad." فسير إلى سائر العساكر واستحضرها، واجتمعوا إليه بعشترا في التاريخ المذكور,"He sent to summon all his forces, which gathered on the date given at ‘Ashtara." وعرضهم ورتبهم واندفع قاصدًا نحو بلاد العدو المخذول في نهار الجمعة سابع عشر ربيع الآخر،,"He reviewed them and made his dispositions, then set forth into the God-forsaken enemy’s lands at midday on Friday 17 Rabi‘ II [26 June]." وكان أبدًا يقصد بوقعاته الجمع سيما أوقات صلاة الجمعة تبركًا بدعاء الخطباء على المنابر، فربما كانت أقرب إلى الإجابة،,"He always sought out Fridays for his battles, especially the times of Friday prayer, to gain the blessing of the preachers’ prayers on the pulpits, for they were perhaps more likely to be answered." فسار في ذلك الوقت على تعبية الحرب، وكان بلغه أن العدو لما بلغهم أنه قد جمع العساكر اجتمعوا بأسرهم في مرج صفورية بأرض عكا، وقصدوا نحو المصاف معهم،,"As he marched out at that time in battle array, he heard that the enemy, when they learnt that he had concentrated his armies, gathered in full on the plain of Saffuriyya in the territory of Acre and intended to come to battle." فسار، ونزل من يومه على بحيرة طبرية عند قرية تسمى الصبيرة،,"The same day, the sultan camped at Lake Tiberias near a village called Sannabra." ورحل من هناك، ونزل غربي طبرية على سطح الجبل بتعبية الحرب، منتظرًا أن الإفرنج إذا بلغهم ذلك قصدوه،,"He then moved and camped west of Tiberias on the top of the mountain, in battle formation and expecting that the Franks, when they heard that, would come against him." فلم يتحركوا من منزلهم،,"However, they did not move from their encampment." وكان نزوله في هذه المنزلة يوم الأربعاء الحادي والعشرين، فلما رآهم لا يتحركون نزل جريدة على طبرية، وترك الأطلاب بحالها قبالة وجه العدو.,"He took up this position on Wednesday 21 Rabi‘ II [1 July], and having seen that they were not moving, he descended upon Tiberias with a light force, leaving the main divisions in position facing the direction in which the enemy were." ونازل طبرية، وزحف عليها، فهجمها وأخذها في ساعةٍ من نهار،,He attacked Tiberias and took it within one hour after a direct assault. وامتدَّت الأيدي إليها بالنهب والأسر والحريق والقتل،,"Eager hands then turned to plundering, taking captives, burning and killing." واحتمت القلعة وحدها،,The citadel alone held out. ولما بلغ العدو ما جرى على طبرية لم يأخذهم الصبر دون إجابة الحمية، فرحلوا من وقتهم وساعتهم، وقصدوا طبرية للدفع عنها،,"Learning what had happened to Tiberias, the enemy could not bear not to give into their impulsive zeal, but set out at once and marched to defend Tiberias." فأخبرت الطلائع الإسلامية الأمراء بحركة الإفرنج، فسيروا إلى السلطان من عرَّفه ذلك،,"The Muslim scouts told the emirs that the Franks were on the move, and they sent people to inform the sultan." فترك على طبرية من يحفظ قلعتها، ولحق العسكر هو ومن معه،,He left men in Tiberias to watch the citadel and then he and his force joined the main army. فالتقى العسكران على سطح جبل طبرية الغربي منها، وذلك في أواخر الخميس الثاني والعشرين،,"The two armies encountered one another on the slopes of the mountain of Tiberias, to the west of the town, late on Thursday 22 Rabi‘ II [2 July]." وحال الليل بين الفئتين فتبايتا على مصاف شاكي السلاح إلى صبيحة الجمعة في الثالث والعشرين،,"Nightfall separated the two sides and both spent the night at battle stations, bristling with weapons, until the morning of Friday 23rd [3 July]." فركب العسكران، وتصادما،,Both armies mounted and clashed together. وعملت الجاليشية، وتحركت الأطلاب، والتحم القتال، واشتد الأمر،,"The vanguard was in operation, then the main divisions moved forward and battle was joined, and became very intense." وذلك بأرض قرية تسمى اللوبيا،,This was around a village called Lubiya. وضاق الخناق بالقوم هذا وهم سائرون كأنما يساقون إلى الموت وهم ينظرون، وقد أيقنوا بالويل والثبور، وأحست أنفسهم أنهم في غد زوار القبور،,"They were closely beset as in a noose, while still marching on as though being driven to a death that they could see before them, convinced of their doom and destruction and themselves aware that the following day they would be visiting their graves." ولم يزل الحرب يلتحم، والفارس مع قرنه يصطدم، حتى لم يبقَ إلا الظفر، ووقع الوبال على من كفر، فحال بينهما الليل وظلامه،,"The conflict continued at close quarters, each horseman clashing with his opponent, until victory [for the Muslims] and for the infidels the onset of disaster were imminent, but night and its darkness intervened." وجرى في ذلك اليوم من الوقائع العظيمة، والأمور الجسيمة، ما لم يُحكَ عمن تقدم,"That day there occurred mighty deeds and momentous doings, such as have not been related of past generations." وبات كل فريق في سلاحه ينتظر خصمه في كل ساعة، وقد أقعده التعب عن النهوض، وشغله النصب عن الحبو فضلًا عن الركوض،,"Each party spent the night in arms, expecting his adversary at every moment, though too weak through tiredness to stand up and unable through fatigue to crawl, let alone run." حتى كان صباح السبت الذي بورك فيه،,"Eventually, there came the Saturday morning, on which the blessing was vouchsafed." فطلب كل من الفريقين مقامه، وعلمت كل طائفة أن المكسورة بينهما مدحورة الجنس معدومة النفس،,Both sides sought their positions and each realised that whichever was broken would be driven off and eliminated. وتحقق المسلمون أن من ورائهم الأردن، ومن بين أيديهم بلاد القوم، وأن لا ينجيهم إلا الله — تعالى،,The Muslims were well aware that behind them was the Jordan and before them enemy territory and that there was nothing to save them but God Almighty. وكان الله قد قَدَّر نصر المؤمنين ويَسَّره، وأجراه على وفق ما قدره،,"God had already ordained and prepared the believers’ victory, and he duly brought it about according to what he had predestined." فحملت الأطلاب الإسلامية من الجوانب، وحمل القلب،,The Muslim divisions charged on the wings and in the centre. وصاحوا صيحة الرجل الواحد، فألقى الله الرعب في قلوب الكافرين،,"They let out a shout as one man, at which God cast terror into the hearts of the unbelievers." وكان حقًّا علينا نصر المؤمنين،,‘It was right for Us to give aid to the believers.’ وكان القومص ذكي القوم وأطغاهم،,The Count [Raymond] was a clever and shrewd leader of theirs. فرأى أمارات الخذلان قد نزلت بأهل دينه، ولم يشغله ظن محاسنة حبسه عن تعبية، فهرب في أوائل الأمر قبل اشتداده، وأخذ طريقه نحو صور، وتبعه جماعة من المسلمين فنجا وحده، وأمن الإسلام كيده.,"He saw that the signs of defeat were already upon his co-religionists and no notion of aiding his fellows stopped him thinking of himself, so he fled at the beginning of the engagement before it grew fierce and made his way towards Tyre, pursued by a group of Muslims. He alone was saved, but Islam became safe from his wiles." واحتاط أهل الإسلام بأهل الكفر والطغيان من كل جانب، وأطلقوا عليهم السهام، وعاملوهم بالصفاح،,"The forces of Islam surrounded the forces of unbelief and impiety on all sides, loosed volleys of arrows at them and engaged them hand to hand." وانهزمت منهم طائفة فتبعها أبطال المسلمين،,One group fled and was pursued by our Muslim heroes. فلم ينجُ منها واحد،,Not one of them survived. واعتصمت الطائفة الأخرى بتل يُقال له تل حطين، وهي قرية عنده، وعندها قبر شعيب — عليه الصلاة والسلام وعلى سائر الأنبياء —,"Another group took refuge on a hill called the Hill of Hattm, the latter being a village near which is the tomb of Shu‘ayb (on him and on the rest of the prophets be blessings and peace)." فضايقهم المسلمون على التل، وأشعلوا حواليهم النيران،,The Muslims pressed hard upon them on that hill and lit fires around them. وقتلهم العطش، وضاق بهم الأمر، حتى كانوا يستسلمون للأسر خوفًا من القتل،,"Their thirst was killing and their situation became very difficult, so that they began to give themselves up as prisoners for fear of being slain." فأُسر مقدموهم، وقُتل الباقون، وأسروا، وكان فيمن سلم وأُسر من مقدميهم الملك جفري، والبرنس أرناط، وأخو الملك، والبرنس هو صاحب الشوبك، وابن الهنفري، وابن صاحب طبرية، ومقدم الداوية، وصاحب حبيل، ومقدم الاسبتار،,"Their commanders were taken captive but the rest were either killed or taken prisoner, and among those who lived were their leader, King Guy, Prince Reynaid, the brother of the king, the prince who was lord of Shawbak, the son of Humfrey, the son of the Lady of Tiberias, the Master of the Templars, the lord of Jubayl and the Master of the Hospitallers." وأما الباقون من المقدمين فإنهم قُتلوا، وأما الأدوان فإنهم قُسموا إلى قتيل وأسير،,"The rest of the commanders were killed, and the lowly soldiers were divided up, either to be slain or made captive." ولم يسلم منهم إلا من أُسر،,Everyone not killed was made prisoner. وكان الواحد العظيم منهم يخلد إلى الأسر خوفًا على نفسه،,Some nobles amongst them willingly surrendered in fear for their lives. ولقد حكى لي من أثق به أنه لقي بحوران شخصًا واحدًا معه طنب خيمة فيه نيف وثلاثون أسيرًا أخذهم وحده لخذلان وقع عليهم،,Someone I trust told me that in the Hawran he met a single person holding a tent-rope with which all by himself he was pulling along thirty odd prisoners because of the desperate defeat that had befallen them. فأما الذين بقوا من مقدميهم فنذكر حديثهم،,"As for their leaders that survived, we shall recount their fate." أما القومص الذي هرب فإنه وصل إلى طرابلس، وأصابته ذات الجنب، فأهلكه الله بها،,"The count who fled arrived at Tripoli and was taken ill with pleurisy, and thus God brought about his death." وأما مقدم الاسبتار والداوية فإن السلطان اختار قتلهم. فقتلوا عن بكرة أبيهم،,"As for the officers of the Hospitallers and the Templars, the sultan chose to put them to death and killed them all without exception." وأما البرنس أرناط فكان السلطان قد نذر أنه إذا ظفر به قتله؛,The sultan had vowed to kill Prince Reynaid if’ he got him in his power. وذلك أنه كان عبر به بالشوبك قافلة من الديار المصرية في حالة الصلح،,This was because a caravan from Egypt had passed through his land at Shawbak during the state of truce. فنزلوا عنده بالأمان، فغدر بهم، وقتلهم،,"They halted there under safe conduct, but he treacherously killed them." وبلغ ذلك السلطان فحمله الدين والحمية على أنه نذر إن ظفر به قتله،,"The sultan heard of this and religion and his zeal encouraged him to swear that, if he seized his person, he would kill him." ولما فتح الله بالنصر والظفر جلس السلطان في دهليز الخيمة، فإنها لم تكن نُصبت والناس يتقربون إليه بالأسرى، ومن وجدوه من المقدمين،,"After God had bestowed the great victory on him, the sultan sat in the entrance lobby of his tent, for it had not been fully erected, while people were offering him prisoners and any commanders they had found." ونُصبت الخيمة، وجلس فرحًا مسرورًا لما أنعم الله به عليه،,"The [main] tent was then erected and he sat there in great delight, expressing his gratitude for the favour that God had shown him." ثم استحضر الملك جفري وأخاه والبرنس أرناط،,"Then he summoned King Guy, his brother and Prince Reynaid." وناول الملك جفري شربة من حلاب بثلج فشرب منها، وكان على أشد حالٍ من العطش، ثم ناول بعضها البرنس أرناط،,"He handed the king a drink of iced julep, from which he drank, being dreadfully thirsty, and he then passed some of it to Prince Reynaid." فقال السلطان للترجمان: قل للملك أنت الذي سقيته، وأما أنا فما سقيته،,"The sultan said to the interpreter, ‘Tell the King, “You are the one giving him a drink. I have not given him any drink.’”" وكان على عادة جميل العرب وكريم أخلاقهم أن الأسير إذا أكل أو شرب من ماءٍ لمن أسره أمن بذلك جريًا على مكارم الأخلاق،,"According to the fine custom of the Arabs and their noble ways, if a prisoner took food or a drink of water from whoever had captured him, his life was safe. His intention was to follow these noble ways." ثم أمرهم بمسيرهم إلى موضع عين لنزولهم،,He ordered them to proceed to a place assigned for their lodging. فمضوا وأكلوا شيئًا،,They did so and ate something. ثم عادوا فاستحضرهم، ولم يبقَ عنده سوى بعض الخدم،,"Then the sultan summoned them again, now having with him none but a few servants." وأقعد الملك في الدهليز، واستحضر البرنس أرناط وأوقفه على ما قال،,"He gave the king a seat in the vestibule and, having summoned Prince Reynaid, confronted him as he had said." وقال له: ها أنا أنتصر لمحمدٍ — عليه الصلاة والسلام — ثم عرض عليه الإسلام فلم يفعل،,"He said to him, ‘Here I am having asked for victory through Muhammad, and God has given me victory over you.’ He offered him Islam but he refused." ثم سل النمجاة، وضربه بها فحل كتفه،,"The sultan then drew his scimitar and struck him, severing his arm at his shoulder." وتمم عليه من حضر، وعجل الله بروحه إلى النار،,Those present finished him off and God speedily sent his soul to Hell-fire. فأُخذ ورُمي على باب الخيمة،,His body was taken and thrown down at the door of the tent. فلما رآه الملك قد خرج به على تلك الصورة لم يشك أنه يثني به،,"The king, when he saw him brought out in this manner, was convinced that he would be next." فاستحضره وطيَّب قلبه، وقال: لم تجرِ عادة الملوك أن يقتلوا الملوك، وأما هذا فإنه تجاوز حدَّه فجرى ما جرى،,"The sultan called him in and reassured him, saying, ‘It has not been customary for princes to kill princes, but this man transgressed his limits, so he has suffered what he suffered.’" وبات الناس في تلك الليلة على أتم سرور، وأكمل حبوره، ترتفع أصواتهم بالحمد لله والشكر له، والتكبير، والتهليل، حتى طلع الصبح في يوم الأحد،,"That night was spent by our people in the most complete joy and perfect delight, raising their voices in praise of God and gratitude towards him, with cries of ‘God is great’ and ‘There is no god but God’, until daybreak on Sunday." وتسلم — قدس الله روحه — في بقية ذلك اليوم قلعة طبرية،,On Sunday 25 Rabi‘ II [5 July] the sultan camped at Tiberias and during the remainder of that day received the surrender of the citadel. وأقام بها إلى يوم الثلاثاء،,He remained there until the Tuesday [7 July]. ثم رحل طالبًا عكا، وكان نزوله عليها يوم الأربعاء سلخ ربيع الآخر،,"Saladin then departed for Acre, where he arrived on Wednesday, the last day of Rabi‘ II [8 July]." وقاتلها يوم الخميس مستهل جمادى الأولى، فأخذ واستنقذ من كان فيها من الأسارى، وكانوا زهاء أربعة آلاف نفر،,"He attacked on the morning of Thursday 1 Jumada I [9 July] and took the city, delivering the Muslim prisoners there, who were about 4,000 souls." واستولى على ما فيها من الأموال والذخائر والبضائع والتجائر، فإنها كانت مظنة التجار،,"He seized the money, stores, goods and commodities it contained, for it was renowned as a trading emporium." وتفرقت العساكر في بلاد الساحل يأخذون الحصون والقلاع والأماكن المنيعة،,"The troops dispersed throughout the coastal lands, taking forts, castles and fortified places." وأخذوا نابلس وحيفا وقيسارية وصفورية والناصرة،,"They took Nablus, Haifa, Caesarea, Saffuriya and Nazareth." وكان ذلك لخلوها عن الرجال بالفتك والأسر.,"That was because they were empty of men, who had been either killed or captured." ولما استقرت قواعد عكا، واقتسم الغانمون أموالها وأساراها سار يطلب تبتين،,"When the administration of Acre had been settled and those due booty had received their share of wealth and captives, the sultan set out for Tibnin." فنزل عليها يوم الأحد ثاني عشر جمادى الأولى، وهي قلعة منيعة،,"Tibnin, a strong fortress, was besieged on Sunday 11 Jumada I [19 July]." فنصب عليها المناجيق، وضيق عليها بالزحف الخناق،,The sultan set up trebuchets and pressed hard with assaults and a blockade. وكان بها رجال أبطال شديدون في دينهم،,"It was held by courageous men, strong in their religion." فاحتاجوا إلى معاناة شديدة، ونصره الله عليهم، وتسلمها ثامن عشر عنوة، وأسر من بقي بها بعد القتل،,"The Muslims required an extreme effort, but God gave Saladin the victory and he took the place by assault on Sunday the 18th [26 July] and made prisoners of those who had escaped death." ثم رحل منها إلى صيدا، فنزل عليها، ومن الغد تسلمها،,"He moved away to the city of Sidon, which he attacked and took control of after one day, that is, on Wednesday 21 Jumada I [29 July]." وأقام عليها بحيث قرر قاعدتها، ثم سار حتى أتى بيروت،,The sultan remained at Sidon long enough to arrange its administration and then he marched to Beirut. فنازلها في الثاني والعشرين، فركب عليها القتال والزحف وضيق عليهم الأمر، حتى أخذها في التاسع والعشرين وتسلم أصحابه حبيلا، وهو على بيروت،,"He attacked it on Thursday 22 Jumada I [30 July], carried out assaults and pressed hard on the city, eventually taking it on Thursday 29 Jumada I [6 August]. While he was attacking Beirut, his men gained possession of Jubayl." ولما فرغ باله من هذا الجانب رأى قصد عسقلان، ولم ير الاشتغال بصور بعد أن نزل عليها ومارسها؛ لأن العسكر كان قد تفرق في الساحل،,"When his mind was easy concerning these parts, he decided to go to Ascalon as, after he had camped before Tyre and made a trial assault at this time, he determined not to occupy himself with it because his troops had scattered throughout the coast." وذهب كل إنسان يأخذ لنفسه شيئًا، وكانوا قد ضرسوا من القتال وملازمة الحرب،,"Every man had gone to take something for himself, tired of fighting and constant campaigning." وكان قد اجتمع في صور كل إفرنجي بقي في الساحل،,Every Frankish survivor on the coast had flocked to Tyre. فرأى قصد عسقلان؛ لأن أمرها كان أيسر،,Thus he decided to attack Ascalon because it was an easier objective. ونازلها في السادس والعشرين من جمادى الآخرة، وتسلم في طريقه مواضع كثيرة كالرملة، وبينا، والدارون،,"Saladin came to camp before the city on Sunday 16 Jumada H [23 August], having taken many places on his way there, such as Ramla, Yubna and Darum." وأقام عليها المنجنيقات، وقاتلها قتالًا شديدًا،,He set up trebuchets and made fierce attacks. وتسلمها سلخ هذا الشهر، وأقام عليها إلى أن تسلم أصحابه غزة، وبيت جبرين والنطرون بغير قتال،,"The city fell to him on Saturday 29 Jumada II [5 September], and he remained there while his men took over Gaza, Bayt Jibrin and Latrun without meeting any resistance." وكان بين فتوح عسقلان وأخذ الإفرنج لها من المسلمين خمسة وثلاثون سنة، فإن العدو ملكها في سبعة وعشرين من جمادى الأخرى سنة ثمانٍ وأربعين وخمسمائة.,"Between the recovery of Ascalon and the Franks’ taking it from the Muslims thirty-five years had passed, for the enemy gained control of it on 27 Jumada II 548 [19 September." (٣٦) ذكر فتوح القدس الشريف حرسها الله تعالى,"The conquest of Jerusalem the Blessed, the Noble" ولما تسلم عسقلان والأماكن المحيطة بالقدس شمر عن ساق الجد والاجتهاد في قصده، واجتمعت عليه العساكر التي كانت متفرقة في الساحل بعد انقضاء لبانتها من النهب والغارة،,"Having gained Ascalon and the places surrounding Jerusalem, the sultan buckled down to the task and supreme effort of attacking the latter place. The forces which had scattered throughout the coast rejoined him after satisfying their desire for plunder and pillage." فسار نحوه معتمدًا على الله، مفوضًا أمره إليه، منتهزًا فرصة فتح باب الخير الذي حث عليه — ﷺ; بقوله: «من فتح باب خير فلينتهزه، فإنه لا يدري متى يُغلق دونه.»,"He then marched towards it, relying on God and entrusting his cause to Him, to take the opportunity to open the door to success which one is urged to grasp when it opens, in the words of Muhammad (upon him be peace), ‘If a door to some advantage is opened for anyone, then let him grasp it, for he knows not when it may be closed against him.’" وكان نزوله عليها في الخامس عشر من رجب سنة ثلاثة وثمانين المباركة، فنزل بالجانب الغربي،,He descended on the city on Sunday 15 Rajab 583 [20 September. He took up position on the western side. وكان مشحونًا بالمقاتلة والخيالة والرجالة، ولقد تحازر أهل الخبرة عدة من كان فيه من المقاتلة بما يزيد على ستين ألفًا ما عدا النساء والصبيان،,"It was crammed with fighting men, both mounted and foot soldiers. Experienced sources estimated the number of soldiers who were there at more than 60,000, apart from women and children." ثم انتقل — رحمه الله — لمصلحة رآها إلى الجانب الشمالي ونصب عليه المجانيق، وضايقه بالزحف والقتال، وكثرة الرماة، حتى أخذ النقب في السور مما يلي وادي جهنم في قرنة شمالية،,"Then, because of an advantage he saw, he transferred to the north side, which move took place on Friday 20 Rajab [25 September]. He set up trebuchets and pressed hard on the city with assaults and a hail of missiles. Eventually, he undermined the city wall on the side next to the Valley of Gehenna in the northern angle." ولما رأى أعداء الله ما نزل بهم من الأمر الذي لا يندفع عنهم، وظهرت لهم أمارات نصرة الحق على الباطل، وكان قد أُلقي في قلوبهم الرعب مما جرى على أبطالهم ورجالهم من السبي والقتل والأسر، وما جرى على حصونهم من الاستيلاء والأخذ علموا أنهم إلى ما صاروا إليه صائرون، وبالسيف الذي قُتل به إخوانهم مقتولون،,The enemy saw the indefensible position they had fallen into and the signs were clear to them that our true religion would overcome the false. Their hearts were downcast on account of the killing and imprisonment that had befallen their knights and men-at-arms and the fall and conquest of their fortresses. They realised that their lot was ineluctable and that they would be killed by the sword that had killed their brethren. فاستكانوا، وأخلدوا إلى طلب الأمان، واستقرت القاعدة بالمراسلة بين الطائفتين، وكان تسلمه القدس — قدس الله روحه — في يوم الجمعة السابع والعشرين من رجب وليلة كانت ليلة المعراج المنصوص عليها في القرآن المجيد.,"Humbled, they inclined towards seeking terms. An agreement was reached through an exchange of messages between the two sides. The sultan received the surrender on Friday 27 Rajab [2 October]. The eve had been the [date of the] Prophetic Ascension which is written about in the Noble Koran." فانظر إلى هذا الاتفاق العجيب كيف يسر الله عوده إلى أيدي المسلمين في مثل زمان الإسراء بنبيهم ﷺ، وهذه علامة قبول هذه الطاعة من الله — تعالى،,"Observe this remarkable coincidence, how God facilitated its restoration to Muslim hands on the anniversary of their Prophet’s Night-Journey. This is a sign that God had accepted this proffered obedience." وكان فتحًا عظيمًا شهده من أهل العلم خلق عظيم، ومن أرباب الحرف والطرق؛ وذلك أن الناس لما بلغهم ما يسر الله على يده من فتوح الساحل، وشاع قصده القدس قصده العلماء من مصر ومن الشام، بحيث لم يتخلف معروف من الحضور،,"It was a great victory, witnessed by a vast crowd of men of religion, Sufis and mystics. The reason for this was that, when people heard of the conquest of the coastal lands that God had effected at Saladin’s hand and his intention to move against Jerusalem became widely known, the ulema from Egypt and Syria made their way to him, so much so that no-one of any note failed to be present." وارتفعت الأصوات بالضجيج والدعاء والتهليل والتكبير وخطب فيه، وصُليت فيه الجمعة يوم فتحه، وحُط الصليب الذي كان على قبة الصخرة، وكان شكلًا عظيمًا، ونصر الله الإسلام نصر عزيزٍ مقتدر،,"Voices were raised in shouts and prayers, with cries of ‘There is no god but God’ and ‘God is great’. On the Friday of the conquest the khutbah was delivered and Friday prayers held in Jerusalem. The cross of vast size, which was over the Dome of the Rock, was lowered. God gave victory to Islam by His might and strength." وكانت قاعدة الصلح أنهم قطعوا على أنفسهم عن كل رجل عشرة دنانير، وعن كل امرأة خمسة دنانير صورية، وعن كل صغير ذكر أو أنثى دينارًا واحدًا، فمن أحضر القطيعة سلم نفسه، وإلا أُخذ أسيرًا، وفرج الله عمن كان أسيرًا من المسلمين، وكان خلقًا عظيمًا زهاء ثلاثة آلاف أسير،,"The basic provision in the treaty was that they would pay ransoms, for every man ten Tyrian dinars, for every woman five dinars and for every child, male or female, a dinar. All who produced the ransom would secure their freedom, otherwise they would be made captive. God freed those Muslims who were prisoners, a large multitude of about 3,000 souls." وأقام — رحمه الله — يجمع الأموال، ويفرقها على الأمراء والعلماء، وإيصال من دفع قطيعته منهم إلى مأمنه وهو صور، ولقد بلغني أنه رحل عن القدس ولم يبقَ له من ذلك الملك شيء، وكان مائتي ألف دينار وعشرين ألف دينار، وكان رحليه يوم الجمعة الخامس والعشرين من شعبان.,"The sultan remained there, collecting money and distributing it to the emirs and the ulema, and also conveying all who payed their ransom to their place of safety, namely Tyre. I have heard that the sultan departed from Jerusalem without keeping any of that money, which amounted to 220,000 dinars. He left on Friday 25 Sha‘ban 583 [30 October." (٣٧) ذكر قصده صور,His attack on Tyre (may God facilitate its capture) ولما ثبت قدم السلطان بملك القدس والساحل قويت نفسه على قصد صور، وعلم أنه إن أخر أمرها ربما اشتد، فرحل سائرًا إليها حتى عكا، فنزل عليها، ونظر في أحوالها، ثم رحل متوجهًا إلى صور يوم الجمعة خامس شهر رمضان، وسار حتى أشرف عليها، ونزل قريبًا منها ينتظر وصول آلات القتال،,"When Jerusalem was firmly in the sultan’s control, his heart was fixed on attacking Tyre. He understood that, if he delayed the task, it would perhaps grow more difficult. He marched to Acre, where he made camp and looked into its affairs. He then set out for Tyre on Friday 9 Ramadan {13 November}. He came in sight of the town and took a position nearby to await the arrival of his siege engines." وكان لما تحرر عزمه على قصد صور سير إلى ولده الملك الظاهر يستحضره، وكان قد تركه بحلب ليسد ذلك الجانب؛ لاشتغاله هو بأمر الساحل، فقدم عليه في الثامن عشر على تلك المنزلة، وسر بوصوله سرورًا عظيمًا،,"The arrival of his son, al-Zahir Once his determination to attack Tyre was settled, Saladin sent to summon his son, al-Zahir. He had left him at Aleppo to block off that region, because he himself was busy with the lower littoral. Al-Zahir came to him at this present camp on 18 Ramadan [21 November] and his arrival caused much rejoicing." ولما تكاملت عنده آلات القتال من المناجيق والدبابات والستائر وغير ذلك نزل عليها في الثامن والعشرين، وضايقها، وقاتلها قتالًا عظيمًا، واستدعى أسطول مصر، وكان يحاصرها من البحر والعسكر من البر،,"Account of his siege of Tyre When his engines of war, trebuchets, siege towers and screens and so forth were all complete, the sultan began the siege on 22 Ramadan [25 November] and pressed hard with fierce assaults on the city. He called on the Egyptian fleet, which began to blockade from the sea, while the troops did so by land." وكان قد خلف أخاه الملك العادل بالقدس يقرر قواعده، فاستدعاه فوصل إليه في خامس شوال، وسير من حاصر هونين فسلمت في الثالث والعشرين من شوال.,"He had left his brother, al-‘Adil, in Jerusalem to arrange its affairs. He now summoned him and he arrived on 5 Shawwal [8 December]. The sultan sent troops to besiege Hunin, which surrendered on terms on 23 Shawwal 583 [26 December. ‘" (٣٨) ذكر كسرة الأسطول,Account of the sinking of the fleet وذلك أنه قدم على الأسطول إنسان يُقال له الفارس بدران، وكان ناهضًا جلدًا في البحر، وكان رئيس البحريين يُقال له عبد المحسن، وكان قد أكد عليهم الوصية، وأخذ حذرهم وتيقظهم؛ لئلا تنتهز منهم فرصة،,"The sultan had given command of the fleet to a person called Faris al-Din Badran, who was an energetic and valiant seaman. The admiral ‘Abd al-Muhsin had strongly urged him to be cautious and watchful in order to give no opportunity to the enemy." فخالفوه وغفلوا عن أنفسهم في الليل، فخرج أسطول الكفار من صور وكبسوهم، وأخذوا المقدمين مع خمسة قطع، وقتلوا خلقًا عظيمًا من الأسطول الإسلامي، وذلك في السابع والعشرين من شوال،,"The crews disobeyed him and kept no watch at night. The infidels’ fleet sailed from Tyre and took them by surprise, capturing their captains and five of their ships and killing a multitude of men in the Egyptian fleet. That was on 27 Shawwal [30 December]." فلما علم السلطان ما تم على المسلمين ضاق عطنه، وكان قد هجم الشتاء، وتراكمت الأمطار، وامتنع الناس من القتال من شدة المطر، فجمع الأمراء، واستشارهم فيما يفعل، فأشاروا عليه بالرحيل ليأخذ العسكر جزءًا من الراحة، ويستعدوا لهذا الأمر استعدادًا جديدًا،,"When he learnt what had happened to the Muslims, the sultan was extremely vexed. With the onset of winter the rains were constant. The troops refused to fight because of the heavy rain. He assembled the emirs and consulted them about what to do. They counselled withdrawal to allow the army some rest and make fresh preparations for this task." فرأى ذلك رأيًا، ورحل عنها بعد أن رمى المنجنيقات وسيرها وأحرق ما لا يمكن نقله، وكان رحيله ثاني ذي القعدة من هذه السنة، ففرَّق العساكر، وأعطاها دستورًا، وسار كل قوم إلى بلادهم، وأقام هو مع جماعة من خواصه بعكا، حتى دخلت سنة أربع وثمانين.,"He thought this the best plan, so withdrew after having dismantled the trebuchets and dispatched them or burnt what could not be transported. He raised the siege on Sunday 2 Dhu’l-Qa‘da 583 [3 January, disbanded the armies and gave them leave to depart. Each force returned home, while he, with a group of his elite forces, remained in Acre until the beginning of 584 [early March." (٣٩) ذكر نزوله على كوكب,His siege of Kawkab ولما دخلت عليه هذه السنة المباركة رأى الاشتغال بالحصون الباقية لهم مما يضعف قلوب من في صور، وينهي أمرها به، فاشتغل بذلك، ونزل على كوكب في أوائل محرم،,"At the beginning of this year Saladin decided to occupy himself with the fortresses still remaining in Frankish hands, something that would weaken the morale of those in Tyre and bring its resistance to an end. So he turned his attention to that and invested Kawkab at the beginning of Muharram of this year [early March." وكان سبب بداءته بكوكب أنه قد جعل حولها جماعة يحفظونها من أن تدخل إليهم قوَّة، فخرج الإفرنج ليلًا، وأخذوا غرتهم وكبسوهم بعفربلا، وقتلوا مقدمهم، وكان من الأمراء يعرف بسيف الدين أخي الجاولي، وأخذوا أسلحتهم،,"The reason why he began with Kawkab was that he had already stationed some men around it to watch it so that no force or body could enter it. The Franks made a sally at night and took them unawares, surprising them at ‘Afarbala, killing their commander, one of the emirs called Sayf al-Din, the brother of al-Jawuli, and also seizing their weapons." فسار — رحمه الله — من عكا، ونزل عليها بمن معه من خواصه، فإنه كان قد أعطى العساكر دستورًا، وعاد أخوه إلى مصر، وولده إلى حلب، ولقي في طريقه شدَّة من الثلج والبرد، فحملته مع ذلك الحمية على النزول عليها، وأقام يقاتلها مدَّة،,"The sultan left Acre and besieged Kawkab with those of his elite forces who had remained with him at Acre. He had given the armies leave to depart and his brother, al-‘Adil, had returned to Egypt and his son, al-Zahir, to Aleppo, the latter being met en route by severe snow and cold. Nevertheless, the sultan’s enthusiasm encouraged him to put Kawkab under siege, where he remained for a while carrying out attacks." وفي تلك المنزلة وصلت إلى خدمته، فإني كنت قد حججت سنة ثلاث وثمانين، وكانت وقعة ابن المقدم، وجرح يوم عرفة على عرفة لخلف جرى بينه وبين أمير الحاج طستكين على ضرب الكوس والدبدبة، فإن أمير الحاج نهاه عن ذلك، فلم ينتهِ ابن المقدم،,"It was while he was at camp there that I arrived to join his service. I had been on the pilgrimage in the year 583 when the Ibn al-Muqaddam incident occurred. He was wounded on Arafat Day at Mt Arafat because of a dispute that arose between him and the Emir of the Hajj Tashtakin over the beating of cymbals and drums. The Emir of the Hajj forbade him to do so, but Ibn al-Muqaddam took no notice." وكان من أكبر أمراء الشام، وكان كثيرة الغزاة، فقدر الله أن جُرح بعرفة يوم عرفة، ثم حمل إلى منى مجروحًا، ومات بمنى يوم الخميس يوم عيد الله الأكبر، وصُلي عليه في مسجد الخيف في بقية ذلك اليوم، ودُفن بالمعلا، وهذا من أتم السعادات، وبلغ ذلك السلطان، فشق عليه.,"He was one of the senior emirs of Syria and was very charitable and a great Jihad warrior. God decreed that he was wounded on Arafat Day at Mt Arafat and he was carried in that state to his residence and died at Mina on Thursday, the day of the Great Feast {11 February. Prayers were said over him in the mosque of al-Khayf during the remainder of that day and he was buried at al-Ma‘la, one of the most perfect blessings. The news, when he heard it, grieved the sultan." ثم اتفق لي العود من الحج على الشام لقصد القدس وزيارته، والجمع بين زيارة النبي ﷺ، وزيارة إبراهيم — عليه الصلاة والسلام — فوصلت إلى دمشق، ثم خرجت إلى القدس، فبلغه خبر وصولي فظن أني وصلت من جانب الموصل في حديث، فاستحضرني عنده، وبالغ في الإكرام والاحترام،,"It came about that I returned from the Hajj via Syria to visit Jerusalem and its sites, and to unite a visit to the Prophet with a visit to his ancestor Abraham. I came to Damascus and then left for Jerusalem. News of my arrival came to the ears of the sultan, who imagined that I had come from Mosul with some message. He summoned me to him and went to great lengths to show me honour and respect." ولما ودَّعته ذاهبًا إلى القدس خرج لي بعض خواصه، وأبلغني تقدمه إليَّ بأن أعود أتمثل في خدمته عند العود من القدس، فظننت أنه يوصيني بمهم إلى الموصل،,"When I took my leave to depart for Jerusalem, one of his retinue came out to me and delivered his command that I should return and present myself at his service upon my return from Jerusalem. I thought that he would charge me with some important business with Mosul." وانصرفت إلى القدس يوم رحيله عن كوكب، ورحل لأنه علم أن هذا الحصن لا يؤخذ إلا بجمع العساكر عليه، وكان حصنًا قويًّا، وفيه رجال شداد من بقايا السيف، وميرة عظيمة، فرحل إلى دمشق، وكان دخوله إليها في سادس ربيع الأول،,"I returned to Jerusalem on the day he raised the siege of Kawkab, which he did because he realised that this castle could only be taken by a concentration of forces. It was a strong castle, garrisoned by doughty men, veterans of battles, and well-provisioned. The sultan marched to Damascus, which he entered on 6 Rabi‘ I [5 May]." وفي ذلك اليوم اتفق دخولي إليها عائدًا من القدس، وأقام بها خمسة أيام، فكان له عنها ستة عشر شهرًا، وفي اليوم الخامس بلغه خبر الإفرنج أنهم بحبيلا، واغتالوها، فخرج مسرعًا ساعة بلوغ الخبر، وكان قد سير إلى العساكر يستدعيها من سائر الجوانب،,"That was the day I chanced to enter Damascus on my way back from Jerusalem. He remained there for five days, having been absent for sixteen months. On the last day of his stay he heard news of the Franks, that they had attacked Jubayl and done great damage there. Very disturbed, he left the moment he heard the news, having sent to summon the armies from all quarters." وسار يطلب حبيلا، فلما عرف الإفرنج بخروجه كفوا عن ذلك، وكان بلغه وصول عماد الدين وعسكر الموصل ومظفر الدين إلى حلب قاصدين الخدمة للغزاة، فسار نحو حصن الأكراد في طلب الساحل الفوقاني.,"He set out for Jubayl and, when the Franks learnt that he had done so, they gave up their operations. The arrival of ‘Imad al-Din with the army of Mosul and of Muzaffar al-Din ibn Zayn al-Din at Aleppo came to the sultan’s ears. They were coming to serve in the Jihad. He moved towards Hisn al-Akrad, making for the upper coastal regions." (٤٠) ذكر دخوله الساحل الأعلى، وأخذه اللاذقية وجبلة وغيرهما,"His entry into the Upper Coast and his capture of Lattakia, Jabala and other places" ولما كان مستهل ربيع الآخر نزل على تل قبالة حصن الأكراد، ثم سير إلى الملك الظاهر والملك المظفر أن يجتمعا وينزلا بتبرين قبالة أنطاكية ليحفظ ذلك أجاب، وسارت عساكر الشرق، حتى اجتمعت لخدمة السلطان في هذه المنزلة، ووصلت إليه بها على عزم المسير إلى الموصل متجهزًا لذلك، فلما حضرت عنده فرح بي، وأكرمني،,"At the beginning of Rabi II [30 May] the sultan camped on a hill opposite Hisn al-Akrad and then sent to al-Zahir and al-Muzaffar with instructions to join forces and position themselves at Tizm opposite Antioch to cover that front. At this time they proceeded to Tizm, while all the forces of the East mustered under the command of the sultan where he was then camped, and I, too, joined him there. He had sent to Damascus, saying, ‘Catch up with me towards Hirns.’ I set out fully intending and prepared to travel to Mosul. I joined him in obedience to his command, and when I was with him, he expressed his delight at my arrival and behaved very hospitably." وكنت قد جمعت له كتابًا في الجهاد بدمشق مدة مقامي فيها يجمع أحكامه وآدابه، فقدَّمته بين يديه فأعجبه، وكان يلازم مطالعته،,"During my stay in Damascus I had composed a book for him on the Jihad, comprising its precepts and its practices. I presented it to him and he was pleased with it. He used to read it continually." وما زلت أطلب دستورًا في كل وقت، وهو يدافعني عن ذلك، ويستدعيني للحضور في خدمته في كل وقت، ويبلغني على ألسنة الحاضرين ثناءه عليَّ، وذكره إياي بالجميل،,"I was ever asking him for leave to depart, while he was always putting me off and inviting me at every moment to stay in his service. I would hear from the mouth of those who had been present to hear him, how he praised me and spoke fair of me." فأقام في منزلته ربيعًا الآخر جميعه، وصعد في أثنائه إلى حصن الأكراد، وحاصرها يوم مجيئه بها، فما رأى الوقت يحمل حصاره، واجتمعت العساكر من الجوانب، وأغار على بلد طرابلس في الشهر دفعتين، ودخل البلاد مغيرًا ومختبرًا لمن بها من العساكر، ويقويه العساكر بالغنائم،,"He spent the whole of Rabi‘ II [June] in his camp, during which time he climbed up to Hisn al-Akrad and besieged it for a day to probe the place. He decided it was not the time to take on a full siege. The armies gathered from all sides and, during this month, he twice raided the territory of Tripoli. He invaded to cause damage, to find out what forces it had and to strengthen his troops with booty." ثم نادى في الناس في أواخر الشهر إنا داخلون الساحل، وهو قليل الأزواد، والعدو يحيط بنا في بلاده من سائر الجوانب، فاحملوا زاد شهر،,"At the end of the month he proclaimed, ‘We are going into the coastal region. It is short of provisions and the enemy will be surrounding us on all sides in his own lands, so carry provisions for a month.’" ثم سير إليَّ مع الفقيه عيسى، وكشف إليَّ أنه ليس في عزمه أن يمكنني من العود إلى بلادي، وكان الله قد أوقع في قلبي محبته منذ رأيته، وحبه الجهاد، فأحببته لذلك، وخدمته من تاريخ مستهل جمادى الأولى سنة أربع وثمانين، وهو يوم دخوله الساحل,"He then sent to me by the jurist ‘Isa and revealed to me that it was his intention not to allow me to return home. God had already planted love for him in my heart since I saw how he loved the Jihad, so I agreed and entered his service on 1 Jumada I 584 [28 June, which was the day he entered the Coast." وجميع ما حكيته قبل إنما هو روايتي عمن أثق به ممن شاهده، ومن هذا التاريخ ما سطرت إلا ما شاهدته، أو أخبرني به من أثق به خبرًا يقارب العيان، والله الموفق.,"All that I have related before this date is just my narrative of what I have heard from eye-witnesses I trust. From this date on I shall only record what I witnessed or what I was told by people I trust, which is tantamount to eyewitness. God is the One who gives success." ولما كان يوم الجمعة رابع جمادى الأولى رحل السلطان على تعبية لقاء العدو، ورتب الأطلاب، وسارت الميمنة أولًا، ومقدمها عماد الدين زنكي، والقلب في الوسط، والميسرة في الآخر، ومقدمها مظفر الدين، وسار الثقل في وسط العسكر، حتى أتى المنزل فبتنا تلك الليلة في بلد العدو،,"On Friday 4 Jumada I [1 July] the sultan marched out to meet the enemy and drew up his battle divisions. The left wing went first, commanded by ‘Imad al-Din Zanki. The centre went next and lastly the right wing, led by Muzaffar al-Din ibn Zayn al-Dln. The baggage moved in the middle of the army until camp was reached, which that night was in enemy territory." ثم رحل ونزل على العريمة، فلم يقاتلها، ولم يتعرض لها،,On Saturday morning [2 July] he went on and camped before al-‘Urayma but made no attack on it or any hostile move. For the rest of Saturday he remained there and moved on during Sunday [3 July]. ووصل في السادس إلى أنطرسوس، فوقف قبالتها ينظر إليها، وكان في عزمه الاجتياز فإنه كان له عمل بجبلة، فاستهان بأمرها، فعزم على قتالها،,"Saladin arrived at Antartus at midday on Sunday 6 Jumada I [3 July] and halted opposite the place to inspect it. It was his plan to pass by, for he had business at Jabala, but he decided it was an easy target, so determined to attack." فسير من رد الميمنة، وأمرها بالنزول على جانب البحر، وأمر الميسرة بالنزول على البحر من الجانب الآخر، ونزل هو في موضعه، وصارت العساكر محدقة بها من البحر إلى البحر، وهي مدينة راكبة على البحر، ولها برجان كالقلعتين حصينان، وركب هو، وقارب البلد، وأمر الناس بالزحف والقتال،,"He sent people to recall the right wing and ordered it to camp beside the sea, while ordering the left wing to camp by the sea on the other side. He took up position where he was. The armies thus encompassed it from sea shore to sea shore. It is a city built by the sea and it has twin towers like two strong castles. The leader of the left wing was ‘Imad al-Din, lord of Sinjar, and of the right Muzaffar al-Dln ibn Zayn al-Dln. The sultan mounted and, drawing near to the city, he ordered the troops to begin the assault." فلبسوا لَأْمة الحرب والقتال والزحف وضايقهم، فما استتم نصب الخيم حتى صعد الناس السور، وأخذوها بالسيف وغنم العسكر جميع من بها، وما بها،,"They put on their armour and the battle and the assault grew fierce. He pressed the enemy hard and caught them unprepared. Hardly was the erection of his tent completed before our troops had scaled the wall and taken the city by the sword. They seized all that it contained, men and goods, as booty." وخرج الناس والأسرى، وأموالهم بأيديهم، وترك الغلمان نصب الخيم، واشتغلوا بالنهب والكسب، ووفى بقوله نتغدى بأنطرسوس إن شاء الله،,"Our men came out with their hands full of prisoners and money. The servants abandoned the putting up of his tent and busied themselves with pillage and looting. The sultan’s word proved true because he had been offered lunch, but had replied, ‘God willing, we shall lunch in Antartus.’" وعاد إلى خيمته فرحًا مسرورًا، وحضرنا عنده للهناء بما جرى، ومُدَّ الطعام، وحضر الناس، وأكلوا على عادتهم، ورتب على البرجين الباقيين الحصار،,"He returned to his tent happy and delighted, and we came to him to congratulate him on events. Food was provided and people came and took their regular meal. He organised the siege of the two remaining towers." فسلم أحدهما مظفر الدين، فما زال يحاصره حتى أخرجه، وأخذ من كان فيه، وأمر السلطان بإخراب سور البلد، وقسمه على الأمراء، وشرعوا في إخرابه، وأخذوا يحاصرون الآخر،,"One he entrusted to Muzaffar al-Din who continued to press it hard until he demolished it and took the defenders. The sultan ordered the city wall to be destroyed and allotted various parts to the emirs, who started on the demolition, while he turned to attacking the other tower" وكان حصنًا منيعًا، مبنيًّا بالحجر النحيت، وقد اجتمع من كان فيها من الخيالة والبطارقة والمقاتلة فيه، وخندقه يدور فيه الماء، وفيه فروج كثيرة يخرج الناس منها عن بعد، وليس له قدر يخرج عليه مسلم،,". It was strong and defensible, built of dressed stone and encircled by a moat filled with water. The remaining knights and footsoldiers had gathered there. Many crossbows within were causing casualties to our forces at some distance, while no Muslim had the means of doing any damage." فرأى السلطان تأخير أمره، والاشتغال بما هو أهم منه، فاشتدَّ في إخراب السور، حتى أتى عليه، وخرب البيعة، وهي بيعة عظيمة عندهم محجوج إليها من أقطار بلادهم،,"The sultan decided to postpone its fate and to concentrate on what was more important. He pressed on with the demolition of the city wall until it was all done, and then he demolished the church, an important one in their eyes and the object of pilgrimage from all over their lands." وأمر بوضع النار في البلد، فأحرق جميعه، حتى كان تتأجج النار في أرزه وبيوته والأصوات مرتفعة بالتهليل والتكبير،,"He ordered the city to be torched and everything was burnt. Fire roared through the palaces and houses, while our voices were raised in cries of ‘There is no god but God’ and ‘God is great’." فأقام عليها يخربها إلى الرابع عشر، وسار يريد جبلة، وكان عرض له ولده الملك الظاهر في أثناء طريق جبلة، فإنه طلبه، وأمره أن يحضر معه جميع العساكر التي كانت بتبرين.,"He stayed there, carrying out this destruction, until 14 Jumada I [11 July], then he left for Jabala. During his march to Jabala his son, al-Zahir, fell in with him, for he had sent for him, ordering him to come with all the troops that were at Tizin, which he duly did." (٤١) ذكر فتوحه جبلة واللاذقية,The taking of Jabala ووصل إلى جبلة في الثامن عشر، وما استتم نزول العساكر حتى أتى البلد، وكان فيه مسلمون مقيمون فيه، وقاضٍ يحكم بينهم، وكان قد عمل على البلد، فلم يمتنع، وبقيت القلعة ممتنعة،,"The sultan arrived there on Friday 18 Jumada I [15 July] and hardly had the army completed their dispositions before the city was taken. There were resident Muslims and a qadi to settle their disputes. He had taken over authority in the town, but surrendered it peacably. The citadel was left holding out." فاشتغل بقتالها، فقاتلت قتالًا يقيم عذرًا لمن كان فيها، وسلمت بالأمان في التاسع عشر، وأقام عليها إلى الثالث والعشرين، وسار عنها يطلب اللاذقية،,The army camped all around the town after Muslim troops had entered. Attention focused on the citadel and an assault was made which provided the garrison with sufficient justification to surrender on terms on Saturday 19 Jumada I [16 July]. The sultan remained there until the 23rd of the month [20 July] and then moved off towards Lattakia. وكان نزوله عليها في الرابع والعشرين، وهي بلد مليح خفيف على القلب غير مستور، وله ميناء مشهورة، وله قلعتان متصلتان على تل مشرف على البلد، فنزل محدقًا بالبلد، وأخذ العسكر منازلهم مستديرين على القلعتين من جميع نواحيهما إلا من ناحية البلد،,"The taking of Lattakia We came down on the town, which is pleasant and delightful, unprotected [by any wall] but possessed of a celebrated harbour, on Thursday 24 Jumada I [21 July]. There are two adjacent forts on a mound overlooking the city. The sultan camped all around the city and the troops took up their positions encircling the two forts from all sides except on the city side." واشتد القتال، وعظم الزحف، وارتفعت الأصوات، وقوي الضجيج إلى آخر اليوم المذكور، وأخذ البلد دون القلعتين، وغنم الناس منه غنيمة عظيمة، فإنه كان بلد التجار، ففرَّق بين الناس الليل وهجومه،,"The engagement was fierce and heavy assaults were made. Loud were the cries and mighty the clamour until the end of the day. The city fell, but not the forts, and our men took much booty for it was a commercial city. The onset of night separated the combatants." وأصبح يوم الجمعة مقاتلًا مجتهدًا في أخذ النقوب، وأخذت النقوب من شمالي القلاع، وتمكن منها النقب، حتى بلغ طوله على ما حُكي لي من ذرعه ستين ذراعًا، وعرضه أربعة أذرع،,"Friday morning [22 July] found Saladin attacking, and attempting to mine, the forts. During the day mines were dug on their north side and the mining operations were well under way, their length reaching, as I was told by someone who measured them, sixty cubits and their breadth four." واشتد الزحف عليهم، حتى صعد الناس الجبل، وقاربوا السور، وتواصل القتال، حتى صاروا يتحاذفون بالحجارة باليد،,The assault intensified and troops climbed the hill and approached the wall. Fighting was non-stop. They were even hurling stones at one another by hand. فلما رأى عدو الله ما حل بهم من الصغار والبوار استغاثوا بطلب الأمان عشية الجمعة الخامس والعشرين من الشهر، وطلبوا قاضي جبلة يدخل إليهم ليقرر لهم الأمان، فأُجيبوا إلى ذلك، وكان — رحمه الله — متى طُلب منه الأمان لا يبخل به رفقًا،,"When the enemy saw the humiliation and ruin that had come upon them, they sought refuge in seeking terms the evening of Friday 25 Jumada I [22 July]. They requested the qadi of Jabala to enter to arrange their terms of surrender, which was granted. Whenever terms were asked for, the sultan was not niggardly in granting them." فعاد الناس عنهم إلى خيامهم، وقد أخذ منهم التعب، فباتوا إلى صبيحة السبت، ودخل قاضي جبلة إليهم، واستقر الحال معهم على أنهم يطلقون بنفوسهم وذراريهم وأموالهم خلا الغلال والذخائر وآلات السلاح والدواب، وأطلق لهم دواب يركبونها إلى مأمنهم،,"The troops returned to their tents, exhausted, and slept until Saturday morning [23 July], when the qadi of Jabala went to the defenders and reached an agreement with them, that they were to be set free with their children, wives and personal belongings, other than com, stores, weapons and mounts, although he allowed them mounts to ride to their place of refuge." ورقي عليها العلم الإسلامي المنصور في بقية ذلك اليوم، وأقمنا عليها إلى السابع والعشرين.,This was granted and the victorious banner of Islam rose over the place during the continuation of Saturday. We remained there until Sunday 27 Jumada I [24 July]. (٤٢) ذكر فتوح صهيون,The taking of Sahyun ورحل عن اللاذقية طالبًا صهيون، واستدارت العساكر بها من سائر نواحيها في التاسع والعشرين،,"The sultan left Lattakia at midday on the Sunday to go to Sahyun, where he arrived on Tuesday 29 Jumada I [26 July]." ونصب عليها ستة مناجيق، وهي قلعة حصينة منيعة في طرف جبل خنادقها أودية هائلة، واسعة، عظيمة، وليس لها خندق محفور إلا من جانب واحد مقدار طوله ستون ذراعًا أو أكثر، وهو نقر في حجر،,"Early on the Wednesday [27 July] the army encompassed the place on all sides and erected six trebuchets. It is a well- fortified and strong castle on the spur of a hill. Awful, wide and deep valleys serve as its moats and on one side only does it have an excavated moat, which is sixty cubits deep, unassailable for it is dug out of the rock." ولها ثلاثة أسوار؛ سور دون ربضها، وسور دون القلعة، وسور القلعة، وكان على قلعتها علم طويل منصوب، فحين أقبل العسكر الإسلامي شاهدته قد وقع،,"It has three walls, a wall around its bailey, a wall around the castle and the wall of the keep. Over the keep flew a long standard. At the time of the Muslim army’s approach, I saw that it fell." فاستبشر المسلمون بذلك، وعلموا أنه النصر والفتح، واشتد القتال عليها من سائر الجوانب، فضربها بمنجنيق الملك الظاهر صاحب حلب،,"Our troops took that as a good omen and knew that it meant victory and a successful attack. From all sides the assault was fierce and the trebuchet of his son, al-Zahir, the lord of Aleppo, hurled its missiles against the castle. He had joined the sultan a little before Jabala with his full forces and was present at its fall." وكان نصب منجنيقًا قريبًا من سورها، فقطع الوادي، وكان صائب الحجر، فلم يزل يضربها، حتى هدم من السور قطعة عظيمة يمكن الصاعد في السور الترقي إليه منها،,"He set up a trebuchet to attack Sahyun opposite an angle of its wall across the valley. The stones were on target and he kept up the blows until he had demolished a large section of the wall, through which it was possible for those scaling the wall to gain access." ولما كان بكرة الجمعة ثاني جمادى الآخرة عزم السلطان، وتقدم وأمر المنجنيقات أن تتوالى بالضرب، وارتفعت الأصوات، وعظم الضجيج بالتكبير والتهليل، وما كان إلا ساعة حتى رقي المسلمون على الأسوار التي للربض، واشتد الزحف، وعظم الأمر، وهجم المسلمون الربض،,"On Friday morning, 2 Jumada II [29 July], the sultan decided on a general assault. He mounted up, advanced and ordered the trebuchets to maintain a constant hail of missiles. Loud rose the cries and great was the clamour of ‘God is great’ and ‘There is no god but God’. Within an hour the Muslims had scaled the walls of the bailey. The fight was hard, the struggle great and the Muslims broke into the bailey." ولقد كنت أشاهد الناس وهم يأخذون القدور، وقد استوى فيها الطعام فيأكلونها وهم يقاتلون، وانضم من كان في الربض إلى القلعة، ويحملون ما أمكنهم أن يحملوا من أموالهم، ونهب الباقي، واستدارت المقاتلة حول أسوار القلعة، ولما عاينوا الهلاك استغاثوا بطلب الأمان،,"I was watching our men seize the cooking pots, in which food had just been prepared, and eat while battling against the castle. The defenders of the bailey joined those in the castle and took whatever property they could carry. The rest was plundered. Our soldiers surrounded the castle walls and the enemy, when they stared destruction in the face, sought relief by asking for terms." ووصل خبرهم إلى السلطان، فبذل الأمان، وأنعم عليهم على أن يسلموا بأنفسهم وأموالهم، ويؤخذ من الرجل منهم عشرة دنانير، ومن المرأة خمسة، وعن الصغير ديناران، وسلمت القلعة، وأقام السلطان عليها، حتى سلم عدة قلاع كالعيد وفيحه وبلاطنيس وغيرها من القلاع والحصون تسلمها النواب.,"Hearing this, the sultan offered them terms and graciously allowed them their lives and their property, except that ten dinars should be taken from each man, five from each woman and two from every child. Thus the castle was surrendered (praise be to God) and the sultan stayed there until he had taken several forts, such as al-Tdhu and Balatunus among others. His lieutenants took them over. They were satellites of Sahyun." (٤٣) ذكر فتوح بكاس,The taking of Bakas ثم رحل وسرنا حتى أتينا سادس جمادى الأخرى بكاس، وهي قلعة حصينة على جانب العاصي، ولها نهر يخرج من تحتها، وكان المنزل على شاطئ العاصي، وصعد السلطان جريدة إلى القلعة، وهي على جبل يطل على العاصي،,"The sultan moved on and we came on 6 Jumada II [2 August] to Bakas, a strong castle beside the Orontes, which has a stream issuing from beneath it. We made camp there on the bank of the Orontes and the sultan, leaving the baggage train, climbed up to the castle, which is on a mountain looking down on the Orontes." فأحدق بها من كل جانب، وقاتلها قتالًا شديدًا بالمنجنيقات والزحف المضايق إلى تاسع الشهر، ويسر الله فتحها عنوة، وأسر من فيها بعد قتل من قتل منهم، وغنم جميع ما كان فيها،,"He surrounded it and attacked strongly with trebuchets and closely pressed assaults until Friday 9 Jumada II [5 August] when God brought about its fall to our arms. The garrison was taken into captivity, apart from those that had been killed in battle, and all that the place contained was seized as booty." وكان لها قليعة تسمى الشفر قريبة منها يعبر إليها منها بجسر، وهي في غاية المنعة ليس إليها طريق، فسُلطت عليها المنجنيقات من الجوانب، ورأوا أنهم لا ناصر لهم، فطلبوا الأمان في الثالث عشر،,"There was a twin castle next to it, called al-Shughr, to which one could cross by a bridge. It was defensible in the highest degree because there was no other access to it. Our trebuchets assailed it from all sides and the defenders saw that they had no hope of outside help, so they asked for quarter on Tuesday 13 Jumada II [9 August]." وسألوا أن يؤخروا ثلاثة أيام لاستئذان من بأنطاكية، فأذن في ذلك، وكان تمام فتحها، وصعود العلم السلطاني عليها يوم الجمعة سادس عشر،,"They requested a delay of three days to seek permission from Antioch, which was granted. The castle finally fell and the sultan’s banner raised aloft over the keep on Friday 16th [12 August]." ثم عاد السلطان إلى الثقل، وسير ولده الملك الظاهر إلى قلعة سرمانية، فقاتلها قتالًا شديدًا، وضايقها مضايقة عظيمة، وتسلمها يوم الجمعة الثالث والعشرين من الشهر،,"The sultan returned to the baggage-train and on Saturday the 17th [13 August] sent his son, al-Zahir, to the castle of Sarmaniyya, which he attacked fiercely and beset very closely, receiving its surrender on Friday 23rd [19 August]." فاتفقت فتوحات الساحل من جبلة إلى سرمانية في أيام الجمع، وهي علامة قبول دعاء الخطباء المسلمين وسعادة السلطان؛ حيث يسر لنا الله الفتوح في اليوم الذي يضاعف فيه ثواب الحسنات، وهذا من نوادر الفتوحات في الجمع المتوالية، ولم يتفق مثلها في تاريخ.,"These conquests on the Coast from Jabala to Sarmaniyya took place on Fridays, a sign of the acceptance of the Muslim preachers’ prayers and of the blessed good-fortune of the sultan, in that God enabled him to achieve these victories on the day during which the reward of good deeds is multiplied. These are rare victories on successive Fridays, unparalleled in history." (٤٤) ذكر فتوح برزية,The taking of Burzey ثم سير السلطان جريدة إلى قلعة برزية، وهي قلعة حصينة في غاية القوة والمنعة على سن جبل شاهق يُضرب بها المثل في جميع بلاد الإفرنج والمسلمين، يحيط بها أودية من سائر جوانبها، وذرع علوها كان خمسمائة ذراع ونيفًا وسبعين ذراعًا،,"The sultan then detached a light force to go to the castle of Burzey, an impregnable castle of the utmost strength and inaccessibility on the point of a precipitous mountain, which was a by-word in all the lands of the Franks and the Muslims. It was surrounded by ravines on all sides and was 570 odd cubits high." ثم جدد عزمه على حصارها بعد رؤيتها، واستدعى الثقل، وكان نزول الثقل وبقية العسكر تحت جبلها في الرابع والعشرين من الشهر،,"After viewing it he renewed his determination to besiege it. He summoned the baggage-train, which along with the rest of the army arrived on Saturday 24 Jumada II [20 August] and camped below the mountain." وفي بكرة الخامس والعشرين منه صعد السلطان جريدة مع المقاتلة والمنجنيقات وآلات الحصار إلى الجبل، فأحدقت بالقلعة من سائر نواحيها، وركب القتال من كل جانب،,"On the morning of Sunday the 25th [21 August] the sultan, with his troops, the trebuchets and siege engines but without the main baggage-train, climbed the mountain and invested the castle on all sides. The assault was mounted from every direction." وضرب أسوارها بالمنجنيقات المتواترة الضرب ليلًا ونهارًا، وفي السابع والعشرين قسم العساكر ثلاثة أقسام، ورتب كل قسم يقاتل شطرًا من النهار، ثم يستريح، ويسلم القتال للقسم الآخر، بحيث لا يفتر القتال عنها أصلًا،,"The trebuchets battered the walls incessantly day and night and the attack continued until Tuesday 27th [23 August]. He divided the army into three parts and organised each part to carry on the fight for a portion of the day, then rest and allow another to continue the attack so that there was no respite at all for the defenders." وكان صاحب النوبة الأولى عماد الدين صاحب سنجار، فقاتلها قتالًا شديدًا، حتى استوفى نوبته، وضرس الناس من القتال، وتراجعوا،,"The commander of the first shift was ‘Imad al-Dm, lord of Sinjar. He fought hard until his shift was completed and his troops, well tried in battle, retired." واستلم النوبة الثانية السلطان بنفسه، وركب، وتحرك خطوات عدة، وصاح في الناس، فحملوا عليها حملة الرجل الواحد، وصاحوا صيحة الرجل الواحد، وقصدوا السور من كل جانب، فلم يكن إلا بعض ساعة حتى رقي الناس على الأسوار، وهجموا القلعة، وأخذت القلعة عنوة، فاستغاثوا الأمان، وتمكنت الأيدي منهم،,"The second shift the sultan took on in person. He spurred forward several paces, loudly urging on the troops. They attacked as one man and shouted as one man and made for the wall from all sides. Within less than an hour they had scaled the walls and entered the castle, which fell to their arms. The Franks pleaded for quarter when they were already in our hands." فلم يكُ ينفعهم إيمانهم لما رأوا بأسنا، ونُهب جميع ما فيها، وأُسر جميع من كان فيها، وكان قد أوى إليها خلقٌ عظيم، وكانت من قلاعهم المذكورة، وكان يومًا عظيمًا،,"‘Their faith benefited them not, when they saw our might.’ Everything there was taken as plunder and all the defenders were taken prisoner. A large number of people had taken refuge there, as it was one of their renowned fortresses. It was a wonderful day." وعاد الناس إلى خيامهم غانمين، وعاد السلطان إلى الثقل فرحًا مسرورًا، وأحضر بين يديه صاحب القلعة، وكان رجلًا كبيرًا منهم،,"Our troops returned to their tents with their plunder (thanks be to God) and the sultan regained the baggage-train in joy and delight. The lord of the castle was brought before him, one of their nobles." وكان هو ومن أُخذ من أهله سبعة عشر نفسًا، فمنَّ عليهم، ورقَّ لهم، وأنفذهم إلى صاحب أنطاكية استمالة له، فإنهم كانوا يتعلقون به، ومن أهله.,"He and the members of his family who had been taken numbered seventeen souls. The sultan showed pity and dispatched them to the lord of Antioch, to win his good will, for they were connected with him and of his family." (٤٥) ذكر فتوح دربساك,The conquest of Darbsak ثم رحل حتى أتى جسر الحديد، وأقام عليه أيامًا، وسار حتى نزل على دربساك يوم الجمعة ثامن عشر رجب، وهي قلعة منيعة قريبة من أنطاكية، فنزل عليها، وقاتلها قتالًا شديدًا بالمنجنيقات، وضايقها مضايقة عظيمة، وأخذ النقب تحت برج منها، وتمكن النقب منه حتى وقع،,"The sultan then proceeded to Iron Bridge where he remained for several days. From there he went to Darbsak, arriving on Friday 8 Rajab [2 September]. This is a strong fortress near Antioch (may God facilitate its conquest). He made a strong attack on it with trebuchets and a tight blockade. Beneath one of its towers a mine was prepared and then sprung so that the tower collapsed." وحموه بالرجال والمقاتلة، ووقف في الثغرة رجال يحمونها ممن يصعد فيها، ولقد شاهدتهم، وكلما قُتل منهم رجل قام غيره مقامه،,"They defended it with their fighting men, who stood in the breach to hold it against those who tried to climb through it. I saw them myself. Whenever one was killed, another took his place." وهم قيام في عرض الجدار مكشفون، فاشتد بهم الأمر، حتى طلبوا الأمان، واشترطوا مراجعة أنطاكية،,"They stood like a replacement wall, with no cover. The battle became hot and, eventually, they asked for terms, stipulating that they should consult Antioch." وكانت القاعدة أن ينزلوا بأنفسهم وثياب أبدانهم لا غير، ورقي عليها العلم الإسلامي في الثاني والعشرين من رجب، وأعطاها علم الدين سليمان بن جندر، وسار عنها في الثالث والعشرين منه.,"The terms agreed were that they could depart with their lives, the clothes on their backs and nothing else. The banner of Islam was hoisted on Friday again, 22 Rajab [16 September]. The sultan gave Darbsak to ‘Alam al-Din Sulayman ibn Jandar and departed on Saturday morning 23 Rajab [17 September]." (٤٦) ذكر فتوح بغراس,The conquest of Baghras وهي قلعة منيعة أقرب إلى أنطاكية من دربساك، وكانت كثيرة العدة والرجال، فنزل العسكر في مرج لها، وأحدق العسكر بها جريدة مع أنا احتجنا إلى يزك في تلك المنزلة يحفظ جانب أنطاكية لئلا يخرج منها من يهاجم العسكر،,"This is a strong fortress, nearer to Antioch than Darbsak, which was well- supplied and garrisoned. The sultan camped in the local plain and the troops, lightly equipped, encircled the fortress, although we needed a screening force, camped where we were, to keep watch on the Antioch direction, to prevent a force from there surprising our army." فضرب يزك الإسلام على باب أنطاكية، بحيث لا يشذ عنه من يخرج منها، وأنا ممن كان في اليزك في بعض الأيام لرؤية البلد وزيارة حبيب النجار المدفون فيها،,"Such a Muslim force was planted at the gates of Antioch, and so placed that no-one could leave the city undetected. For some days I was with that detached body to view the city and to visit the tomb of Habib the Carpenter, who is buried there." ولم يزل يقاتل بغراس مقاتلة شديدة حتى طلبوا الأمان على استئذان أنطاكية، ورقي العلم الإسلامي عليها في ثاني شعبان،,The sultan continued his fierce attacks on Baghras until they asked for terms subject to permission from Antioch. The sultan’s banner was hoisted over it on 2 Sha‘ban 584 [26 September. وفي بقية ذلك اليوم عاد — رحمه الله — إلى المخيم الأكبر، وراسله أهل أنطاكية في طلب الصلح، فصالحهم لشدة ضجر العسكر، وقوة قلق عماد الدين صاحب سنجار في طلب الدستور،,"During the remainder of that day the sultan returned to his great tent and received a communication from Antioch seeking peace. He made a truce with them due to his troops’ exhaustion and the extreme anxiety of ‘Imad al-Din, the lord of Sinjar, to seek leave to depart." وعقد الصلح بيننا وبين أنطاكية من بلاد الإفرنج لا غير، على أن يطلقوا جميع أسارى المسلمين الذين عندهم، وكان إلى سبعة أشهر، فإن جاءهم من ينصرهم، وإلا سلموا البلد إلى السلطان،,"A truce was signed between us and Antioch, alone of Frankish lands, on condition that they release all their Muslim prisoners. It was for seven months, and unless any help came, they would surrender the city to the sultan." ورحل يطلب دمشق، فسأله ولده الملك الظاهر أن يجتاز به، فأجابه وسار حتى أتى حلب حادي عشر شعبان، وأقام بقلعتها ثلاثة أيام، وولده يقوم بالضيافة حتى القيام،,"The sultan set out for Damascus, but was asked by his son al-Zahir, lord of Aleppo, to pay him a visit. He agreed and came to Aleppo on 11 Sha‘ban [5 October]. He remained in the citadel for three days, while his son provided all the hospitality that was due." ولم يبقَ من العسكر إلا من ناله من نعمته منال، وأكثر ظني أنه أشفق عليه والده،,"There was not a single person in the army who did not receive a gift from his bounty. Indeed, he did so much that his father was anxious for him." وسار من حلب يريد دمشق، فاعترضه ابن أخيه الملك المظفر تقي الدين، وأصعده إلى قلعة حماه واصطنع له طعامًا حسنًا، وأحضر له سماع الصوفية، وبات فيها ليلة واحدة، وأعطاه جبلة واللاذقية،,"He left Aleppo on 14 Sha‘ban [8 October], making for Damascus. His nephew, al-Muzaffar Taqi al-Din, intercepted him and took him up to the citadel of Hama and spread a handsome banquet for him. He also invited him to a religious recital of the sufis. The sultan spent one night there and bestowed Jabala and Lattakia on al-Muzaffar." وسار على طريق بعلبك حتى أتاها، وأقام بمرجها يومًا، ودخل إلى حمامها، وسار منها حتى دخل رمضان، وما كان يرى تخلية وقته عن الجهاد مهما أمكنه، وكان قد بقي له القلاع القريبة من حوران التي يخاف عليها من جانبها كصفد وكوكب، فرأى أن يشغل الوقت بفتح المكانين في الصوم.,"He took the Baalbek road and having arrived stayed for a day in the plain there, visiting its bath-house. He travelled on to Damascus, arriving a few days before the beginning of Ramadan. He stayed until the start of the month [24 October] but he was thinking that, as far as he was able, he ought not waste his time away from the Jihad. He still had to deal with Safad and Kawkab, castles near the Hawran, which he feared presented a danger to it. He decided that he should be busy with taking these two places while keeping the fast." (٤٧) ذكر فتح صفد,Account of the conquest of Safad ثم سار في أوائل رمضان من دمشق يريد صفد، ولم يلتفت إلى مفارقة الأهل والأولاد والوطن في هذا الشهر الذي يسافر الإنسان أين كان، فيجتمع فيه بأهله — اللهم إنه احتمل ذلك ابتغاء مرضاتك فآته أجرًا عظيمًا — فسار حتى أتى صفد،,"Early in Ramadan [began 28 July] Saladin left Damascus to go to Safad, unconcerned at parting from his household, his children and his home town in this month, when people, wherever they may be, travel to be united with their families. ‘O God, he bore that out of a desire for Your good pleasure, so give him a great reward.’ He came to Safad during the blessed month of Ramadan." وهي قلعة منيعة قد تقاطعت حولها أودية من سائر جوانبها، فأحدق العسكر بها، ونصب عليها المناجيق في أثناء شهر رمضان المبارك،,"It is a strong fortress, which is surrounded on all sides by abrupt ravines. The army invested the place and set up trebuchets. It was during this same month that Kerak was surrendered by the lieutenants of its lord, in return for which he was released from captivity. He had been taken prisoner at the blessed battle of Hattln." وكانت الأمطار شديدة، والوحول عظيمة، ولم يمنعه ذلك عن جدِّه، ولقد كنت عنده في خدمته ليلة وقد عين مواضع خمس مناجيق، فقال: ما ننام حتى تُنصب الخمسة،,"The rains were heavy and the mud copious, but this did not prevent the sultan’s great efforts. I was in attendance on him one night when he specified the positions of five trebuchets to be set up, and said that night, ‘We do not sleep until the five are in place.’" وسلم كل منجنيق إلى قوم، ورسله تتواتر إليهم يعرفونهم كيف يصنعون حتى أظله الصبح، وقد فرغت المنجنيقات، ولم يبقَ إلا تركيب خنازيرها فيها،,"He entrusted each trebuchet to a group and his messengers were going to and from with reports for him and instructions for what they should do, until dawn rose over us and we were still attending him. The trebuchets were finished and only the fitting of their ‘sows’ remained to be done." فرويت له الحديث المشهور في الصحاح، وبشرته بمقتضاه وهو قوله ﷺ: «عينان لا تمسهما النار، عين باتت تحرس في سبيل الله، وعين بكت من خشية الله.»,"I recited to him the hadith well-known in the genuine collections and commented on the resultant happy augury for him. This was the saying of the Prophet, ‘There are two eyes Hell-fire will never touch, an eye that has been watchful all night on Jihad, and an eye that has wept from fear of God.’" ثم لم يزل القتال على صفد متواصلًا بالبون مع الصوم، حتى سلمت بالأمان في رابع عشر شوال.,"The assault on Safad continued unremittingly in shifts despite the period of fasting and, eventually, it surrendered on terms on 14 Shawwal this year [6 December." (٤٨) ذكر فتوح كوكب,Account of the conquest of Kawkab ثم سار يريد كوكب، فنزل على الجبل، وجرد العسكر، وأحدق بالقلعة وضايقها بالكلية، بحيث اتخذ له موضعًا يتجاوز نشاب العدو ونباله حائطًا من حجر وطين يستتر وراءه؛ حتى لا يقدر أحد يقف على باب خيمة إلا إن كان ملبسًا،,"Saladin then set out for Kawkab and came to camp on the mountain plateau. He formed the army into separate detachments and surrounded the fortress, pressing hard upon it so totally that he himself took a position which was within bow shot of the enemy and built a wall of stones and mud to shelter behind while the arrows flew past. No-one could stand at the door of his tent unless wearing armour." وكانت الأمطار متواترة، والوحول عظيمة، وعانى شدائد وأهوالًا من شدة الرياح وتراكم الأمطار، وكون العدو مسلطًا عليهم بعلو مكانه،,"The rains were continuous and the fields of mud vast, so that movement on foot or on horseback was only possible with great difficulty and appalling hardships were endured owing to the strong winds and incessant rains and the fact that the enemy dominated them because of the height of his position." وقُتل وجُرح جماعة، ولم يزل راكبًا مركب الجد، حتى تمكن النقب من سورها،,"Several of our men were killed and wounded, but the sultan continued on his course of diligent striving until the castle wall was successfully mined." ولما أحس العدو المخذول أنه مأخوذ طلب الأمان، فأجابهم إلى ذلك، وأمنهم وتسلمها في منتصف ذي القعدة،,"When the doomed enemy became aware that the mine had been successfully dug under the wall, they knew that all was lost and sued for terms. The sultan agreed, granted them terms and received the surrender in the middle of Dhu’l- Qa‘da [5 January." ونزل على الفور إلى الثقل، وكان قد أنزله من شدة الوحل والريح في سطح الجبل، فأقام بقية الشهر يراجعه أخوه الملك العادل في أشغال شخصية، حتى هلَّ هلال ذي الحجة، وأعطى الجماعة دستورًا،,"He descended into the Jordan valley to his baggagetrain, which had previously moved down because of the mud and wind on the summit. He spent the rest of the month in discussion with his brother, aPAdil, about affairs that concerned him until the new moon of Dhu’l-Hijja was sighted [20 January], when he gave the troops leave to depart." وسار مع أخيه يريد القدس لزيارته، ووداع أخيه، فإنه كان عائدًا إلى مصر، فوصلا إليه يوم الجمعة ثامن ذي الحجة، وصلينا الجمعة في قبة الصخرة الشريفة،,"With his brother, al-‘Adil, he went to pay a visit to Jerusalem and there say farewell to his brother, for he was returning to Egypt. They arrived on Friday 8 Dhu’l-Hijja {27 January} and performed the Friday prayer in the Dome of the Rock." وصلينا صلاة العيد الأعظم بها أيضًا يوم الأحد،,They also celebrated the Great Feast there on the Sunday {29 January}. He returned to his camp and remained there for the rest of the day. وسار حادي عشر طالبًا عسقلان لينظر في حالها، فأقام بها أيامًا يلم شعثها، ويصلح أحوالها، فودع أخاه، وأعطاه الكرك، وأخذ منه عسقلان،,"On Monday 11 Dhu’l-Hijja {30 January} he set out for Ascalon to inspect its affairs and to convey his brother on his way. He remained there for some days, restoring its shattered fabric and putting its affairs to right. Then he bade his brother farewell, giving him Kerak and taking Ascalon from him." وعاد يطلب عكا على طريق الساحل، ويمر على البلاد يتفقد أحوالها ويودعها الرجال والعدد،,"Following the coastal route he made for Acre, inspecting the towns which he passed by and leaving garrisons and supplies." حتى أتى عكا، فأقام بها معظم محرَّم سنة خمسة وثمانين، ورتب بها بهاء الدين قراقوش واليًا، وأمره بعمارة السور والأطناب فيه، ومعه حسام الدين بشارة، وسار يريد دمشق مستهل صفر سنة خمسة وثمانين.,"Having arrived at Acre he spent most of Muharram 585 [February-March there and appointed Baha’ al-Din Qaraqush as governor, whom he ordered to repair the city wall and be very thorough over it, along with Husam al-Din Bishara. He departed for Damascus after the arrival of a detachment of troops from Egypt, whom he stationed in Acre as a garrison, and arrived at Damascus on 1 Safar [21 March]." (٤٩) ذكر توجهه إلى شقيف أرنون، وهي السفرة المتصلة بواقعة عكا,"His march to Shaqif Arnun, the expedition that is followed by the Acre affair" وأقام بدمشق حتى دخل في ربيع الأول ثلاثة أيام، ووصله في أثناء ربيع الأول رسل الخليفة الناصر لدين الله يأمره بالخطبة لولده ولي العهد، فخطب له،,"Saladin remained in Damascus until the month of Rabi‘ I 585 [began 19 April. During this month the envoy of the Caliph al-Nasir li-Din Allah came to him, ordering him to make the khutbah in the name of the caliph’s son and hen- apparent, which was duly done." وجدد عزمه على قصد شقيف أرنون، وهو موضع حصين قريب من بانياس، وكان تبريزه في الثالث، فسار حتى نزل مرج برغوث،,"The sultan expressed his determination to attack Shaqif Amun, a fortified place close to Banyas. He marched forth after Friday prayers on 3 Rabi‘ I [21 April] and made camp on the Marj al-Fulus. The morning of Saturday found him on the move. He came to the Marj al-Barghuth, where he halted, waiting for his armies." وأقام به ينتظر العساكر إلى حادي عشرة، ورحل حتى أتى بانياس، ثم رحل منها حتى أتى مرج عيون في السابع عشر، فخيم به وهو قريب من شقيف أرنون، بحيث يركب كل يوم يشارفه، والعساكر تجتمع وتطلبه من كل صوبٍ وأوب،,"He remained until the 11th [29 April], while successive detachments arrived. He then moved to Banyas and from there to Marj ‘Uyun on the 17th [5 May], where he camped. It was close enough to Shaqif Amun for him to ride each day to inspect the place and return, while his troops were assembling and making their way to him from every hill and dale." فأقمنا أيامًا نشرف كل يوم على الشقيف والعساكر الإسلامية في كل يوم تصبح متزايدة العَدد والعُدد، وصاحب الشقيف يرى ما يتيقن معه عدم السلامة،,"For several days we continued to view the place daily, while the armies of Islam were every day increasing in numbers and equipment and what the lord of al-Shaqlf could observe was convincing him that his security was at an end." فرأى أن إصلاح حاله معه قد تعين طريقًا إلى سلامته، فنزل بنفسه، وما أحسسنا به إلا وهو قائم على باب خيمة السلطان، فأذن له فدخل، فاحترمه وأكرمه،,"He saw that improving his relationship with the sultan offered a way to be rescued, so he came down in person and the next thing we knew he was standing at the entrance to the sultan’s tent. He was allowed to come in and was received with honour and respect." وكان من كبار الإفرنجية وعقلائها، وكان يعرف بالعربية، وعنده اطلاع على شيء من التواريخ، وبلغني أنه كان عنده مسلم يقرأ له ويفهمه، وكان عنده ثانٍ،,He was one of the Frankish nobles and one of their wise heads who knew Arabic and had some familiarity with histories and Hadith collections. I heard that he kept a Muslim who read to him and explained things. He was a man of cautious deliberation. فحضر بين يدي السلطان، وأكل معه الطعام، ثم خلا به، وذكر له أنه مملوكه، وأنه تحت طاعته، وأنه يسلم المكان إليه من غير تعب، واشترط أن يعطي موضعًا يسكنه بدمشق، فإنه بعد ذلك لا يقدر على مساكنة الإفرنج،,"He came before the sultan and ate a meal with him. Closeted together, he remarked that he was the sultan’s mamluke, subject to his orders, and that he would surrender the place to him without trouble, stipulating that he be given a place to live in at Damascus, for he could not subsequently live amongst the Franks," وإقطاعًا بدمشق يقوم به وبأهله، وأن يمكن من الإقامة بموضعه وهو يتردد إلى الخدمة ثلاثة أشهر من تاريخ اليوم الذي كان فيه، حتى يتمكن من تخليص أهله وجماعته من صور، فأجيب إلى ذلك كله،,"and also a fief in Damascus to support him and his family and that he be allowed to remain where he was, coming to and fro to attend upon the sultan, for three months from that day’s date, so that he could safely retrieve his family and retainers from Tyre, and that he should receive the present year’s revenue. Agreement was given to all this." وأقام يتردد إلى خدمة السلطان في كل وقت، ويناظره في دينه، ونناظره في بطلانه، وكان حسن المحاورة، ومتأدبًا في كلامه، وفي أثناء ربيع الأول وصل الخبر بتسليم الشوبك، وكان قد أقام السلطان عليه جمعًا عظيمًا يحاصرونه مدة سنة، حتى فرغ زادهم وسلموه بالأمان.,"All the time he continued to frequent the sultan’s presence, disputing with us about his religion while we argued for its falsity. He was an excellent conversationalist and cultured in his talk. During the month of Rabi‘ I news came of the surrender of Shawbak. The sultan had stationed a large force there, besieging it for a year. Their provisions were exhausted and they yielded the place on terms." (٥٠) ذكر اجتماع الإفرنج تقصد عكا,Account of the Franks’ gathering to attack Acre وكان السلطان اشترط على نفسه حين تسلم عسقلان أنه إن أمر الملك بتسليمها أطلقه، فأمرهم بتسليمها، وسلموها، فطالبه الملك بإطلاقه، فأطلقه وفاءً بالشرط، ونحن على حصن الأكراد من أنطرسوس،,"At the time of the surrender of Ascalon the sultan had undertaken that he would free the king if he ordered the garrison to hand over the city. The king did so and they obeyed, at which the king demanded his release and the sultan duly released him to be true to his word, while we were at Hisn al-Akrad. He was released from Antartus." واشترط عليه أن لا يشهر في وجهه سيفًا أبدًا، ويكون غلامه ومملوكه وطليقه أبدًا،,"The sultan stipulated that the king should not draw a sword against him ever again and that he would be his servant, mamluke and freedman for ever." فنكث — لعنه الله — فجمع جموعًا وأتى صور يطلب الدخول إليها، فخيم على بابها يراجع المركيس الذي كان بها في ذلك الوقت،,"He broke faith (God curse him) and gathered troops together, then came to Tyre, seeking entry there. He camped at the gates, negotiating with the marquis who held the place." وكان المركيس اللعين رجلًا عظيمًا ذا رأي وبأس شديد في دينه وصرامة عظيمة، فقال: إنني نائب للملوك الذين وراء البحر، وما أذنوا لي في تسليمها إليك،,"The marquis (the accursed one), who was in Tyre, was a great and politic man, mighty in valour for his religion and very severe. He said, ‘I am the lieutenant of the kings across the sea and they have not given me permission to hand it over to you.’" وطالت المراجعة، واستقرت القاعدة بينهما على أن يتفقوا جميعًا على المسلمين، وتجمع العساكر بصور وغيرها من الإفرنجية على المسلمين، وعسكروا على باب صور.,"The discussions lasted long and the agreement finally reached was that they should all cooperate against the Muslims, and that the forces in Tyre and other Frankish troops should unite to confront the Muslims. They made camp before the gate of Tyre." (٥١) ذكر الواقعة التي استشهد فيها أيبك الأخرش,Account of the battle in which Aybak al-Akhrash met a martyr’s death وذلك أنه لما كان يوم الاثنين سابع عشر جمادى الأولى من السنة المذكورة بلغ السلطان من اليزك أن الإفرنج قد قطعوا الجسر الفاصل بين أرض صور وأرض صيدا، وبقيت الأرض التي نحن عليها، فركب السلطان، وصاح الجاووش،,"On Monday 17 Jumada I [3 July], the sultan was informed via the advanced pickets that the Franks had crossed the bridge that divides the territory of Tyre from that of Sidon, where we were. The sultan mounted up and the heralds aroused our men with their cries." فركب العسكر يريدون نحو اليزك، فوصل العسكر وقد انفصلت الوقعة، وذلك أن الإفرنج عبر منهم جماعة الجسر، فنهض لهم اليزك الإسلامي، وكانوا في قوة وعدة، فقاتلوهم قتالًا شديدًا، وقتلوا منهم خلقًا كثيرًا، وجرحوا أضعاف ما قتلوا، ورموا في النهر جماعة، فغرقوا،,"The army rode off towards the pickets, but the sultan arrived when the battle was already over, for a body of the Franks had crossed the bridge in force and large numbers, and had been met by the Muslim pickets who fought them fiercely, killed a large number and wounded many more than they killed. Several were thrown into the river and drowned." ونصر الله الإسلام وأهله، ولم يُقتل من المسلمين إلا مملوك للسلطان يُعرف بأيبك الأخرش، فإنه استشهد في ذلك اليوم،,"Thus God gave victory to Islam and its adherents. On the Muslim side only a mamluke of the sultan, called Aybak al-Akhrash, was killed. That day he met a martyr’s death." وكان شجاعًا باسلًا، مجربًا في الحرب فارسًا تقنطر به فرسه، فلجأ إلى صخرة، فقاتل بالنشاب حتى فني، ثم بالسيف حتى قتل جماعة، ثم تكاثروا عليه فقتلوه،,"He was a brave and valiant mounted warrior, well-experienced in warfare, but his horse unseated him and he sought the protection of a rock. He engaged the enemy with his arrows, until they were exhausted, and then with his sword, killing several, but they overwhelmed and slew him." ووجد السلطان عليه لمكان شجاعته، وعاد السلطان إلى خيم كانت قد ضُربت له قريب المكان جريدة.,The sultan grieved for him as he had been so brave and withdrew from the battle to some tents that had been pitched for him nearby without the full baggage-train. (٥٢) ذكر وقعة ثانية استشهد فيها جمع من رجالة المسلمين,Account of a second battle in which some Muslim infantry died as martyrs وأقام في تلك الخيم إلى التاسع عشر، وركب يشرف على القوم على عادته، فتبع العسكر خلق عظيم من الرجالة والغزاة والسوقة، وحرص في ردهم فلم يفعلوا،,"The sultan remained in those tents until Wednesday 19 Jumada I [5 July], when he rode out to reconnoitre the enemy, as was his custom. He was followed by a vast host of foot soldiers, voluntary warriors for the faith and common folk. He urged them to withdraw, but they would not." ولقد أمر من ضربهم فلم يفعلوا، وخاف عليهم فإن المكان كان حرجًا ليس للراجل فيه ملجأ، ثم هجم الرجال إلى الجسر، وناوشوا العدو،,"He even ordered his men to beat them, but still they would not. He feared for them, as the site was confined and there was no escape for men on foot. The foot soldiers charged the bridge and engaged the enemy in a skirmish." وعبر منهم جماعة إليهم، وجرى بينهم قتال شديد، واجتمع بهم من الإفرنج خلق عظيم، وهم لا يشعرون، وكشفوهم بحيث علموا أن ليس وراءهم كمين، فحملوا عليهم حملة واحدة على غرة من السلطان، فإنه كان بعيدًا عنهم، ولم يكن معه عسكر،,"Several crossed over towards them and a fierce fight ensued. A large number of Franks assembled to oppose them, though they were not aware of that. After scouting the situation to learn that there was no ambush in wait behind them, the Franks charged as one man, taking the sultan by surprise, for he was some way away and had no main force with him." فإنه لم يخرج بتعبية قتال، وإنما ركب مستشرفًا عليهم على العادة من كل يوم، ولما بان له الوقعة، وظهر له غبارها بعث إليهم من كان معه ليردوهم، فوجدوا الأمر قد فرط، والإفرنج قد تكاثروا حتى خافت منهم السرية التي بعثها السلطان،,"He had not gone out in any state of battle readiness, but had only ridden to view the situation as was his daily custom. When it was clear what was happening and he could see the dust of battle, he sent the men he had with him to make the Muslims withdraw, but they found the situation already out of hand. The Franks were so superior in numbers that the squadron of cavalry sent by the sultan was itself in fear." وظفروا بالرجالة ظفرة عظيمة، وجرى بينهم وبين السرية قتال شديد، وأُسر جماعة من الرجالة، وقتلوا جماعة، وكان عدد الشهداء مائة وثمانين نفرًا، وقُتل أيضًا من الإفرنج عدة عظيمة، وغرق أيضًا منهم عدة،,"The Franks overwhelmed the foot soldiers totally and a fierce engagement followed between them and the squadron. Many of the foot were taken prisoner or killed. The martyrs numbered 180 souls. On the Frankish side, too, a great number were killed and several also were drowned." وكان ممن قُتل منهم مقدم الألمانية، وكان عندهم عظيمًا محترمًا، واستشهد من المعروفين من المسلمين ابن البصاروا، وكان شابًّا حسنًا شجاعًا، واحتسبه والده في سبيل الله، ولم تقطر من عينه عليه دمعة على ما ذكر جماعة لازموه،,"One of those killed was the commander of the Germans, who was an important and respected man amongst them. Of men of note on the Muslim side, Ibn al-Bisar won martyrdom. He was a handsome, brave youth, whose death his father accepted with resignation for the sake of the Jihad and shed not one tear for him, according to the testimony of several who were close to him." وهذه الوقعة لم يتفق للإفرنج مثلها في هذه الوقائع التي حضرتها وشاهدتها، ولم ينالوا من المسلمين مثل هذه العدة في هذه المدة.,"The Franks never had such a victory in all the battles that I was present at and witnessed, nor did they inflict such numerous losses on the Muslims as at this time." (٥٣) ذكر مسير جريدة إلى عكا وسبب ذلك,The reason for his going to Acre with a flying column ولما رأى السلطان ما حل بالمسلمين في تلك الوقعة النادرة جمع أصحابه، وشاورهم، وقدر معهم أنه يهجم على الإفرنج، ويعبر الجسر، ويقتلهم، ويستأصل شأفتهم، وكان الإفرنج قد رحلوا من صور، ونزلوا قريب الجسر، وبين الجسر وصور مقدار فرسخ، وزائد على فرسخ،,"When the sultan saw what had befallen the Muslims in this unusual battle, he gathered his staff and consulted them. He decided with them to attack the Franks, to cross the bridge and engage them to extirpate them utterly. The Franks had already moved from Tyre and had camped near the bridge at a distance of somewhat more than a league from Tyre." فلما صمم العزم على ذلك أصبح يوم الخميس سابع عشر، وركب، وسار، وتبعه الناس والمقاتلة والعساكر، ولما وصل أواخر الناس إلى أوائلهم وجدوا اليزك عائدًا، وخيامهم قد قُلعت,"Having confirmed his intention to do this, he set about it and rode away on the morning of Thursday 27 Jumada I [13 July], followed by his staff, guards and the various troops. When the rear detachments had caught up with the leading ones, they found the screening force returning and their tents already dismantled." فسئلوا عن سبب ذلك، فذكروا أن الإفرنج رحلوا راجعين إلى صور، ملتجئين إلى سورها، معتصمين بقربها، وأنهم لما بلغهم ذلك عادوا،,"Asked why, they said that the Franks had withdrawn towards Tyre to seek the protection of its wall and be secure in its vicinity, and that they themselves, when they heard that, retired disappointed. The advanced screen was now not needed, so they drew back." ولما رأى السلطان ذلك منهم رأى أن يسير إلى عكا ليلحظ ما بُني من سورها، ويحث على الباقي،,"Seeing this, the sultan decided to go to Acre to view how much of the wall had been built, to urge the remainder’s completion and then to return." فمضى إلى عكا، ورتب أحوالها، وأمر بتتمة عمارة سورها، وإتقانه، وإحكامه، وأمرهم بالاحتياط والاحتراز، وعاد إلى العسكر المنصور إلى مرج عيون منتظرًا مهلة صاحب الشقيف — لعنه الله.,"He came to Acre and organised its affairs, ordering the completion of the construction of the city wall and that it should be done strongly and solidly. He also ordered them to be well-prepared and vigilant and then returned to his camp at Marj ‘Uyun, to await [the expiry of] the lord of al-Shaqif s time-limit (God curse him)." (٥٤) ذكر وقعة أخرى,Account of another battle ولما كان يوم السبت سادس جمادى الآخرة بلغه أن جماعة من رجالة العدو يسطون، ويصلون إلى جبل تبنين يحتطبون، وفي قلبه من رجالة المسلمين وما جرى عليهم أمر عظيم،,On Saturday 6 Jumada II [22 July] the sultan heard that a group of the enemy’s infantry were incautiously going as far as the Mount of Tibnin to collect firewood. He still felt sore at heart for the Muslim foot soldiers and what had happened to them. فرأى أن يقرر قاعدة وكمينًا يرتبه لهم، ويأخذهم فيه، وبلغه أنه يخرج وراءهم أيضًا خيلًا تحفظهم،,"He decided to make a plan and set an ambush to catch the enemy, having also heard that cavalry came behind these men to protect them." فعمل كمينًا يصلح للقاء الجميع، ثم أنفذ إلى عسكر تبنين، وتقدم إليهم أن يخرجوا في نفر يسير غائرين على تلك الرجالة، وأن خيل العدو إذا تبعتهم ينهزمون إلى جهة عينها لهم، وأن يكون ذلك صبيحة الاثنين ثامن جمادى الآخرة،,"He laid an ambush suitable to confront all of them and sent to the troops of Tibnin, ordering them to come out with a small force to harrass those foot soldiers and that, when the enemy’s cavalry pursued them, they should flee in a direction which he specified and that this should take place on the morning of Monday 8 Jumada II [24 July]." وأرسل إلى عسكر عكا أن يسير حتى يكون وراء عسكر العدو، حتى إذا تحركوا في نصرة أصحابهم قصدوا خيمهم،,"He also sent to the garrison of Acre, ordering them to position themselves behind the enemy’s army, so that, if they made a move to aid their comrades, their tents would be attacked." وركب هو وجحفله سحر يوم الاثنين شاكي السلاح، متجردين، ليس معهم خيمة إلى الجهة التي عينها لهزيمة عسكر تبنين،,"The sultan and his army moved out at dawn on the Monday, bristling with weapons, but with no baggage-train (they had not a single tent), towards the place specified for the [planned] retreat of Tibnin’s force." ورتب العسكر ثمانية أطلاب، واستخرج من كل طلب عشرين فارسًا من الشجعان الجياد الخيل، وأمرهم أن يتراءوا للعدو، حتى يظهروا إليهم، ويناوشوهم، وينهزموا بين أيديهم، حتى يصلوا إلى الكمين،,"He passed beyond Tibnin and organised his troops into eight divisions, from each of which he drew twenty brave and excellently mounted troopers. He ordered them to make themselves clearly visible to the enemy, to engage them and give way before them back to the ambush." ففعلوا ذلك، وظهر لهم من الإفرنج معظم عسكرهم يقدمهم الملك، وكان قد بلغهم الخبر، وتعبوا تعبية القتال،,"This they undertook and were confronted by most of the Frankish army, led by the king (God curse him), for they had received some information and drawn up their battle formations." وجرى بينهم وبين هذه السرية اليسيرة قتال شديد، والتزمت السرية القتال، وأنفوا عن الانهزام بين أيديهم، وحملتهم الحمية على مخالفة السلطان، ولقائهم العدو الكثير بذلك الجمع اليسير.,"A sharp fight developed between the Franks and this small squadron, but the latter prolonged the encounter, too proud to retreat and induced by their zeal to disobey the sultan and to meet a numerous enemy with such a little band." واتصل الحرب بينهم إلى أواخر نهار الاثنين، ولم يرجع منهم أحد إلى العسكر ليخبرهم بما جرى، واتصل الخبر بالسلطان في أواخر الأمر، وقد هجم الليل،,"The conflict continued till late on the Monday and nobody returned to the main army to tell them what had happened. The sultan finally received information towards the end of the affair, when night had already fallen." فبعث إليهم بعوثًا كثيرة حين علم ضيق الوقت عن المصاف وفوات الأمر، ولما بصر الإفرنج بأوائل المدد قد لحق السرية عادوا منهزمين ناكصين على أعقابهم بعد أن جرت مقتلة عظيمة من الجانبين،,He sent many detachments forward when he realised that there was little or no time left for a pitched battle and his plan would fail. When the Franks observed the first reinforcements that had joined the squadron they withdrew in retreat after much bloodshed on both sides. وكانت القتلى من الإفرنج على ما ذكر من حضر — فإني لم أكن حاضرها — زهاء عشرة أنفس، ومن المسلمين ستة أنفار اثنان من اليزك، وأربعة من العرب منهم الأمير رامل، وكان شابًّا تامًّا حسن الشباب مقدم عشيرته،,"The dead on the Frankish side, according to the report of those present, for I was not a witness of the battle, numbered about ten, and on the Muslim side six, two from die advance guard and four Bedouin, one of whom was the Emir Zamil, a fine, handsome youth, the chief of his clan." وكان سبب قتله أنه تقنطرت به فرسه ففداه ابن عمه بفرسه، فتقنطرت به أيضًا، وأُسر هو وثلاثة من أهله، ولما بصر الإفرنج بالمدد للعسكر قتلوهم خشية الاستنقاذ، وجُرح خلق كثير من الطائفتين وخيل كثيرة،,"He died because his horse fell, his cousin gave up his own horse for him but this horse also was brought down. He and three relatives were taken. When the Franks saw that reinforcements had come, they killed them, fearing that they might be rescued. On both sides very many men and many horses were wounded." ومن نوادر هذه الوقعة أن مملوك السلطان أُثخن بالجراح، حتى وقع بين القتلى وجراحاته تشخب دمًا، وبات ليلته أجمع على تلك الحالة إلى صبيحة يوم الثلاثاء ففقده أصحابه، فلم يجدوه، فعرفوا السلطان فقده،,"A curious incident in this battle was as follows. One of the sultan’s mamlukes, called Aybak, was severely wounded and fell among the corpses with his wounds gushing blood. He passed the whole night in that state until the Tuesday morning [25 July]. His comrades searched for him but could not find him, so informed the sultan that he was missing." فأنفذ من يكشف خبره، فوجدوه بين القتلى على مثال هذه الحالة، فحملوه ونقلوه إلى المخيم على تلك الحال، وعافاه الله، وعاد السلطان إلى المخيم يوم الأربعاء عاشر الشهر منصورًا، فرحًا مسرورًا.,"The latter sent people to find out what had happened to him, who discovered him among the corpses as previously described. They took him up and carried him to the camp in that state and God restored him to full health. The sultan returned to his camp triumphant and rejoicing on Wednesday 10 Jumada II [26 July]." (٥٥) ذكر أخذ أصحاب الشقيف وسبب ذلك,The arrest of the lord of al-Shaqif and the reason why ثم استفاض بين الناس أن صاحب الشقيف فعل ما فعله من المهلة غيلة لا أنه صادق في ذلك، وإنما قصد فيه تدفع الزمان، وظهر لذلك مخائل كثيرة من الحرص في تحصيل الميرة، وإتقان الأبواب، وغير ذلك،,"It became widely understood that the lord of al-Shaqif had set his proposed time limit deceitfully and was not dealing truthfully. Procrastination was his only aim. Many indications of that became obvious, such as his eagerness to gather provisions, his strengthening the gates and other matters." فرأى السلطان أن يصعد إلى سطح الجبل؛ ليقرب من المكان، ويرسل سرًّا من يمنع من دخول النجدة والميرة إليه، وأظهر أن سبب ذلك شدة حر الزمان، والفرار من وخم المرج،,"The sultan decided to climb to the top of the mountain to be near the place, in sight of it indeed, and to prevent the entry of any reinforcements or provisions. He put it out that the reason for this was the current extreme heat and the need to escape the unhealthy valley bottom." وكان انتقاله إلى سطح الجبل ليلة الثاني عشر من الشهر، وقد مضى من الليل ربعه،,"The move to the plateau was made on the eve of Friday 12 Jumada II [28 July], when a quarter of the night had past." فما أصبح صاحب الشقيف إلا والخيمة مضروبة، وبقي بعض العساكر بالمرج على حاله،,The next morning the lord of al-Shaqif found the sultan’s tent already pitched there. Some of the army remained as they were in the valley. فلما رأى صاحب الشقيف قرب العسكر منهم، وعلم أنه بقي من المدة بقية جمادى الآخرة، حدثته نفسه أنه ينزل إلى خدمة السلطان، ويستعطفه، ويستزيده في المدة،,"When the lord of al-Shaqif saw how close the sultan now was and he realised that of his period of grace only the remaining days of Jumada II were left, he was tempted to go down to wait upon the sultan and to wheedle him into granting an extension of the time-limit." وتخيل له بما رأى من أخلاق السلطان ولطافته أن ذلك يتم، فنزل إلى الخدمة، وعرض المكان، وقال: المدة لم يبقَ منها إلا اليسير، وأي فرق بين التسليم اليوم أو غدًا،,"He imagined from what he had seen of the sultan’s character and kindness that that could be managed, so he went to him and reviewed the situation, saying, ‘Only a little of the period is left. What difference is there between handing it over today or tomorrow?" وأظهر أنه بقي من أهله جماعة بصور، وأنهم على الخروج منها في هذه الأيام، وأقام في الخدمة ذلك اليوم إلى الليل، وصعد القلعة، ولم يظهر له السلطان شيئًا، وأجراه على عادته، وتقضي مدته،,"It is best for the sultan to send people to take the place over.’ He pretended, however, that he still had several family members in Tyre and that they were about to leave during the next few days. He spent the day with the sultan until nightfall, when he climbed back to the castle. The sultan had revealed nothing to him and kept him to his agreement and the stipulated time-limit." ثم عاد ونزل بعد أيام، وقد قرب انتهاء المدة والفراغ منها، وطلب الخلوة بالسلطان، وسأل منه أن يمهله تمام السنة تسعة أشهر،,"After some days he came down again, when the end and expiry of the period was imminent, and asked for a private audience with the sultan at which he asked him to grant him an extension of nine months to complete the year." فأحس السلطان منه الغدر، فماطله وما أيسه، وقال: نتفكر في ذلك، ونجمع الجماعة، ونأخذ رأيهم، وما ينفصل الحال عليه نعرفك.,"The sultan scented treachery but he led him a dance without killing all his hopes and said, ‘We will think about that. We will call a council and ask their opinion. Whatever comes out of that we will let you know.’" وضرب له خيمة قريبة من خيمته، وأقام عليه حرسًا لا يشعر بهم، وهو على غاية من الإكرام والاحترام له، والمراجعة والمراسلة بينهم في ذلك الفن مستمرة، حتى انقضت الأيام، وطُولب بتسليم المكان،,"He pitched a tent for him near his own and set a watch over him without his realising it. All the while he was treated with extreme honour and respect and the discussions and consultations between them were kept up in that vein, until time ran out and the demand for the place’s surrender was made." فكشف له أنك أضمرت الغدر، وجددت في المكان عمائر، وحملت إليه ذخائر،,"Saladin charged him directly, saying ‘You have plotted treachery, completed new construction in the place and brought in stores.’" فأنكر ذلك، واستقرت القاعدة على أن ينفذ من عنده ثقته، وينفذ السلطان ثقة يتسلم المكان، وينظر هل تجدد فيه شيء من البناء أم لا،,He denied this. It was agreed that he should send his trusted representative and the sultan should send his to carry out the handover and to see whether there had been any fresh construction or not. فمضوا إليه، فلم يلتفت أصحابه المقيمون فيه إليهم، ووجدوه قد جدد بابًا للسور لم يكن فأقيم الحرس الشديد عليه، وأظهر ذلك، ومنع من الدخول إلى الخدمة، وقيل له قد انقضت المدة، ولا بد من التسليم، وهو يغالط عن ذلك، ويدافع عن الجواب عنه.,"They went to the castle, but his garrison within ignored orders. It was found that he had built a gate in the wall that had not been there before. A close guard was put on him, which was now done openly, and he was prevented from entering into the sultan’s presence. He was told, ‘Time has run out. You must surrender the place,’ but he gave specious reasons for not doing so and delaying a response." م عاد وأنفذ إليهم صاحبه يأمرهم بالتسليم ، فأظهروا له العصيان عليه ، وقالوا: نحن نواب المسيح لا نوابك ، فاحتيط على الحصن وأقيم عليه من خارجه يزك يحفظ الداخل إليه والخارج منه,"A second time he sent to the garrison ordering them to surrender, but they made their disobedience quite clear and said, ‘We are lieutenants of the Messiah, not yours.’ The fortress was closely blockaded and pickets were put in place around it to stop any entry or egress." ولما كان الثامن عشر من جمادى الآخرة، وفيه اعترف بانتهاء المدة، قال: أنا أمضي وأسلم المكان،,"When it was Sunday 28 Jumada II in the year 585 [13 August, he himself acknowledged the expiration of the time-limit, for he had previously repudiated it, and said, ‘I shall go and hand over the place.’" وسار معه جمع كثير من الأمراء والأجناد، حتى أتى الشقيف، وأمرهم بالتسليم، فأبوا فخرج إليه قسيس، وحدثه بلسانه، ثم عاد واشتد امتناعهم بعد عود القسيس إليهم،,"He was given a mule to ride and with him went a large body of emirs and troops. They came to al-Shaqif and he ordered his men to give up but they refused. He asked for a priest with whom, when he appeared, he conversed in his language. The priest went back in and after his return their resistance grew stronger." فظن أنه أكد الوصية على القسيس في الامتناع، وأقام ذلك اليوم، والحديث يتردد فلم يلتفتوا، وأُعيد إلى المخيم المنصور،,"It was thought that he had strongly urged the priest to hold out. All that day he continued negotiating, but they took no notice, so he was taken back to the sultan’s camp." وسير من ليلته إلى بانياس، وأحيط عليه بقلعتها، فأحدق العسكر بالشقيف مقاتلين ومحاصرين، وأقام صاحب الشقيف ببانياس إلى سادس رجب،,"That night he was dispatched to Banyas and put under guard in its castle. Our troops surrounded al-Shaqif, maintaining a siege and making assaults. The lord of al-Shaqif remained in Banyas until 6 Rajab [20 August]." واشتد حنق السلطان على صاحب الشقيف بسبب تضييع ثلاثة أشهر عليه وعلى عسكره، ولم يعملوا فيها شيئًا، فأُحضر إلى المخيم، وهدد ليلة وصوله بأمور عظيمة، فلم يفعل،,The sultan was furious with him because he and his army had lost three months in which nothing had been achieved. He was summoned to the camp and threatened with terrible things the night he arrived but to no effect. وأصبح السلطان ثامن رجب، ورقي إلى سنام الجبل مخيمه، وهو موضع مشرف على الشقيف من المكان الذي كان فيه أولى وأبعد من الوخم،,On the morning of Wednesday 8 Rajab [22 August] the sultan moved up to the summit of the mountain with his tents to a position which overlooked al-Shaqif more than where he first had been and which was further from the unhealthy air of the plain. وكان قد تغير مزاجه، ثم بلغنا بعد ذلك أن الإفرنج بصور مع الملك قد ساروا نحو النواقير يريدون جهة عكا، وأن بعضهم نزل بالإسكندرونة، وجرى بينهم وبين رجالة المسلمين مناوشة، وقتل منهم المسلمون نفرًا يسيرًا، وأقاموا هناك.,"His constitution had already begun to suffer. Subsequently, we heard that the Franks in Tyre and those who were with the king had set out towards al-Nawaqir, making for Acre and that some of them had come to Iskandaruna where a skirmish took place between them and Muslim infantry. The Muslims killed a small number of them, but the Franks held their place there." (٥٦) ذكر وقعة عكا,The conflict at Acre (may God facilitate its conquest) and its cause وذلك أنه لما بلغ السلطان حركة الإفرنج إلى تلك الجهة عظم عليه، ولم يرَ المسارعة؛ خوفًا من أن يكون قصدهم ترحيله عن الشقيف لا قصد المكان،,"The sultan was appalled when he heard that the Franks had moved in that direction, but he decided not to be hasty for fear that their intention might be to force him to move from al-Shaqif and not really to attack Acre." فأقام مستكشفًا للحال إلى ثاني عشر رجب،,remained to await reports on the situation until Sunday 12 Rajab [27 August]. فوصل قاصد آخر أن الإفرنج في بقية ذلك اليوم رحلوا، ونزلوا عين بصة، ووصل أوائلهم إلى الزيت، فعظم ذلك عنده، وكتب إلى سائر أرباب الأطراف يتقدمون بالعساكر الإسلامية بالمسير إلى المخيم المحروس، وعاد فجدد الكتب والحث، وتقدم إلى الثقل أن سار بالليل،,"Then a courier arrived with information that the Franks during the remainder of that day had moved and camped at ‘Ayn Bassa, while their advanced units had arrived at al-Zlb. Worried by this, the sultan wrote to all the rulers of regions [under his dominion], ordering the armies of Islam to come to his camp. Again he renewed his letters of urgent encouragement and ordered the baggage-train to move that night." وأصبح هو صبيحة الثالث عشر سائرًا إلى عكا على طريق طبرية؛ إذ لم يكن ثم طريق يسع العسكر إلا هو، وسير جماعة على طريق تبنين يستطلعون العدو، ويواصلون بأخباره،,The morning of Monday 13 Rajab [28 August] found him on the road to Acre via Tiberias since that was the only route able to accommodate his army. He sent a detachment by the Tibnm route to keep watch on the enemy and to keep him regularly informed of their movements. وسرنا حتى أتينا الحولة منتصف النهار، فنزل بها ساعة ثم رحل، وسار طول الليل حتى أتى موضعًا يُقال له المنية صباح الرابع عشر، وفيه بلغنا نزول الإفرنج على عكا يوم الاثنين الثالث عشر،,"Our march brought us to al-Hula at midday, where we rested for a while. Then off again and he marched the whole night long until he came to a place called al-Minya on Tuesday morning 14 Rajab [29 August]. There we heard that the Franks had reached Acre on Monday 13th [28 August]." وسير صاحب الشقيف إلى دمشق بعد الإهانة الشديدة على سوء صنيعه،,The sultan sent the lord of al-Shaqlf to Damascus after abusing him severely for his double dealing. وسار هو جريدة من المنية، حتى اجتمع ببقية العسكر الذي كان أنفذه على طريق تبنين بمرج صفورية، فإنه كان واعدهم إليه، وتقدم إلى الثقل أن يلحقه إلى مرج صفورية،,From al-Minya the sultan travelled without heavy baggage to link up at Marj Saffuriyya with those troops that he had sent by the Tibnin route. He had appointed a rendezvous with them there and also ordered the baggage train to join him later at Marj Saffuriyya. ولم يزل حتى شارف العدو من الخروبة، وبعث بعض العسكر. ودخل عكا على غرة من العدو تقوية لمن فيها، ولم يزل يبعث إليها بعثًا بعد بعث، حتى حصل فيها خلق كثير، وعدد وافر،,"He moved forward until he was in sight of the enemy from al-Kharruba and he sent some troops, undetected by the Franks, into Acre as reinforcements for the garrison. He continued to send detachment after detachment until there was a large force within and plentiful supplies." ورتب العسكر ميمنة وميسرة وقلبًا، وسار من الخروبة، وكان قد نزل عليها خامس عشر الشهر، فسار منها حتى أتى تل كيسان في أوائل مرج عكا،,"He formed his army into left and right wing and centre, and moved from al-Kharruba, where he had camped on Wednesday 15 Rajab [30 August], and proceeded to take up position at Tell Kaysan where the Acre plain begins." وأمر الناس أن ينزلوا به على تلك التعبية، وكان آخر الميسرة على طرف النهر الحلو، وآخر الميمنة مقارب تل العياضية،,He ordered his men to remain in battle readiness. The extremity of the left wing rested on the Sweet River and that of the right wing was in the vicinity of the Tell aPAyyadiyya. فاحتاط العسكر الإسلامي المنصور بالعدو المخذول، وأخذ عليهم الطرف من الجوانب،,Thus the Muslim army encompassed the God-forsaken enemy and blocked all their escape routes. وتلاحقت العساكر الإسلامية واجتمعت، ورتب اليزك الدائم والجاليش في كل يوم مع العدو، وحصر العدو في خيامه من كل جانب، بحيث لا يقدر أن يخرج منها واحد إلا ويُجرح أو يُقتل،,"The forces of Islam mustered progressively and the sultan stationed a permanent screening force and advance guard to be daily in contact with the enemy, who were so confined to their camp on all sides that nobody could leave it without being wounded or killed." وكان معسكر العدو على شطر من عكا، وخيمة ملكهم على تل المصليين قريبًا من باب البلد، وكان عدد راكبهم ألفي فارس، وعدد راجلهم ثلاثين ألفًا، وما رأيت من أنقصهم عن ذلك، ورأيت من حزرهم بزيادة على ذلك،,"The enemy’s camp was around a half of Acre and their king’s tent was on Tell al-Musallabin near the gate of the city. Their mounted soldiers numbered 2,000 and their foot 30,000. I have not seen anyone who made them less than that but I have seen others who estimated them to be more numerous." ومددهم من البحر لا ينقطع، وجرى بينهم وبين اليزك مقاتلات عظيمة متواترة، والمسلمون يتهافتون على قتالهم،,Their reinforcement by sea did not cease and a series of major skirmishes occurred between them and our forward detachment. The Muslims were eagerly calling والسلطان يمنعهم من ذلك إلى وقته، والبعوث من العساكر الإسلامية تتواصل، والملوك والأمراء من الأقطار تتتابع،,"but the sultan held them back until his chosen moment, for the various Muslim expeditionary forces were arriving one after another as were the princes and emirs of the various regions." فأول من وصل الأمير الكبير مظفر الدين بن زين الدين، ثم قدم بعده الملك المظفر صاحب حماه في جحفله وتتابعت الأمراء والعساكر الإسلامية,"The first to arrive was the great and noble emir Muzaffar al-Din ibn Zayn al-Dln, who was followed by al-Muzaffar TaqI al-Dln, the lord of Hama, with his army. The armies of Islam came in a steady stream." وفي أثناء هذا الحال تُوفي حسام الدين سنقر الأخلاطي، وأسف المسلمون عليه أسفًا شديدًا، فإنه كان شجاعًا دينًا،,"At this juncture Husam al-Dln Sunqur al-Akhlati died as a result of severe diarrhoea. The Muslims greatly grieved for him, for he was a brave and pious man (may God have mercy on him)." ثم إن الإفرنج لما تكاثروا واستفحل أمرهم استداروا بعكا، بحيث منعوا من الدخول والخروج، وذلك في يوم الخميس سلخ رجب،,"The Franks, having grown very numerous and their position now being very strong, so completely encompassed Acre as to prevent all entry and egress. That was on Thursday the last day of Rajab [14 September]." ولما رأى السلطان ذلك عظم لديه، وضاق صدره، وثارت همته العلية، وفتح الطريق إلى عكا لتستمر السابلة إليها بالميرة والنجدة وغير ذلك،,"Seeing this, the sultan was very distressed and disturbed. His lofty zeal burned to open up a way into Acre to maintain a route for supplies and reliefs and such like." فأحضر أمراءه وأصحاب الرأي من دولته، وشاورهم في مضايقة القوم، وانفصل الحال على أنه يضايقهم مضايقة شديدة، بحيث ينفصل أمرهم بالكلية، ويفتح الباب والطريق إلى عكا،,He summoned his emirs and councillors of state and consulted them about how to bring pressure on the enemy. It was concluded that he should press them hard to inflict a comprehensive defeat and open a route into Acre. فباكرهم صبيحة الجمعة مستهل شعبان، وسار مع العسكر، وقد رتبه للقتال ميمنة وميسرة وقلبًا، وضايقهم مضايقة شديدة، وكانت الحملة بعد صلاة الجمعة اغتنامًا لدعاء الخطباء على المنابر، وجرت حملات عظيمة وقلبات كثيرة،,"Therefore early in the morning of Friday 1 Sha‘ban [15 September] he attacked with his army, organised as right wing, left wing and centre, and pressed the enemy very hard. The attack was launched after the Friday prayer to benefit from the prayers of the Muslim preachers in their pulpits. Mighty assaults and many charges were made." وانتشر عسكر العدو إلى أن ملك التلول، وكانت ميسرة عسكرهم إلى النهر الحلو آخذةً إلى البحر، وميمنتهم قبالة القلعة الوسطى التي لـعكا,"The enemy’s army spread out and gained control of the hills. The left wing of their force reached to the Sweet River towards the sea, while their right was opposite the middle fort of Acre." واتصل الحرب إلى أن حال بين الفئتين هجوم الليل، وبات الناس على حالهم من الجانبين شاكي السلاح، تحرس كل طائفة نفسها من الطائفة الأخرى.,"The fighting continued until nightfall separated the two sides. In both camps men passed the night under arms, each side watchful of the other until the morning of Saturday 2 Sha‘ban [16 September] dawned." ذكر فتح الطريق إلى عكا,The successful opening of a route into Acre ولما كانت صبيحة السبت أصبح الناس على القتال، وأنفذ السلطان طائفة من شجعان المسلمين إلى البحر من شمالي عكا، ولم يكن هناك للعدو خيم، لكن العسكر كان قد امتدَّ جريدة إلى البحر، فحملوا عليهم، فانكسروا بين أيديهم كسرة عظيمة، وقتلوا منهم جمعًا كثيرًا،,"The fighting began on the morning of the Saturday. The sultan sent a body of our brave troops to the sea to the north of Acre. The enemy had no tents there, but their troops without any baggage-train had extended north of Acre as far as the sea. Our picked band attacked the Frankish troops positioned to the north of Acre, who were soundly defeated, many of them being killed." وانكف السالمون منهم إلى خيامهم، وهجم المسلمون خلفهم إلى أوائل خيامهم، وانفتح الطريق إلى عكا من باب القلعة المسماة بقلعة الملك إلى باب قراقوش الذي جدَّده،,"Their survivors turned back to their tents, while the Muslims pursued them to where their tents began. The Muslim advanced guard took position to prevent their troops either coming out or going in, and so a route to Acre was opened, from the gate of the fort known as the King’s Gate as far as the Gate of Qaraqush, a new one he had built." وصار الطريق مهيعًا يمر فيه السوقي، ومعه الحوائج، ويمر به الرجل الواحد والمرأة واليزك بين الطريق وبين العدو مانعًا من يخرج من عسكرهم أو يدخل،,"The route became a frequented highway, along which traders with their commodities passed as did individual men and women, while the advanced guard protected the route from the enemy." ودخل السلطان في ذلك اليوم إلى عكا، ورقي على السور، ونظر إلى عسكر العدو تحت السور، وفرح المسلمون بنصر الله، وخرج العسكر الذي كان بها في خدمة السلطان، واستدار العسكر الإسلامي حول العسكر الإفرنجي، وأحدقوا بهم من كل جانب،,"That same day the sultan entered Acre and climbed on to the wall to view the enemy’s camp below. The Muslims rejoiced at their God-given victory. The troops within Acre made a sortie led by the sultan and the whole force of Islam surrounded the Frankish army, encompassing it from every side." ولما استقر به ذلك تراجع الناس عن القتال، وذلك بعد الظهر لسقي الدواب، وأخذ الراحة، وكان نزولهم على أنهم إذا أخذوا حظًّا من الراحة عادوا إلى القتال لمناجزة القوم،,"With this settled, our men relaxed their martial efforts – it was after the noonday prayer – to water their horses and to take some rest. The break was on the understanding that, if they enjoyed a little rest, they would resume the battle to engage the enemy comprehensively because of the confidence they felt to deal with them." وضاق الوقت، وأخذ الضجر والتعب من الناس، فلم يرجعوا إلى القتال في ذلك اليوم، وبات الناس على أنهم يصبحونهم بكرة الأحد إلى القتال رجاء المناجزة بالكلية، واختفى العدو في خيامهم، بحيث لم يظهر منهم أحد،,"But that day there was little time left and our men were seized with discontent and tiredness, so they did not return to the fight that day. They passed the night expecting to go into battle on the Sunday morning, hoping for a decisive encounter. The enemy, however, skulked in their tents, not one of them making an appearance." ولما كانت بكرة الأحد ثالث شعبان تعبى الناس للقتال، وأحدقوا بالعدو، وعزموا على مهاجمة القوم، وعلى أن يترجل الأمراء ومعظم العسكر ويقاتلوا العدو في خيامه،,"The morning of Sunday 3 Sha‘ban [17 September] our men were drawn up in battle formation and surrounded the enemy, intending a general attack, with the emirs and most of the army dismounting and engaging the enemy in their tents." فلما تهيأوا لذلك رأى بعض الأمراء تأخير ذلك إلى بكرة الاثنين رابع شعبان، وأن يدخل الراجل كله إلى داخل عكا، ويخرجوا مع العسكر المقيم بالبلد من أبواب البلد على العدو من ورائه، وتركب العساكر الإسلامية من خارج من سائر الجوانب، ويحملوا حملة الرجل الواحد،,"When all preparations had been made, some of the emirs proposed that there should be a postponement until Tuesday morning 4 Sha‘ban [18 September] and that all the infantry should enter Acre and attack the rear of the enemy through the city gates along with the troops garrisoning the city, while the forces of Islam outside the city charged from all sides, making the attack a concerted one." والسلطان يوالي هذه الأمور بنفسه، ويكافحها بذاته لا يتخلف عن مقام من هذه المقامات، وهو من شدة حرصه ووفور همته كالوالدة الثكلى،,"The sultan was personally seeing to these matters and dealing with them himself, present at every crisis point like a bereft mother in his great anxiety and abundant care." ولقد أخبرني بعض أطبائه أنه بقي من يوم الجمعة إلى يوم الأحد لم يتناول من الغذاء إلا شيئًا يسيرًا؛ لفرط اهتمامه،,"One of his doctors told me that from Friday till this Sunday he took no nourishment except for something very light, so great was his concern." وفعلوا ما كان عزم عليه، واشتدت منعة العدو، وحمى نفسه في خيامه، ولم تزل سوق الحرب قائمة تُباع فيها النفوس بالنفائس، وتمطر سماء حربها الرءوس من كل رئيس ومترائس، حتى كان يوم الجمعة ثامن شعبان.,"They carried out the plan but the enemy resisted strongly, protecting themselves amongst their tents. Until Friday 8 Sha‘ban [22 September] the battlefield remained a lively market where lives were sold for precious gains and the storm of war rained down the heads of captains old and young." ذكر تأخر الناس إلى تل العياضية,Our forces withdraw to Tell al-‘Ayyadiyya ولما كان الثامن عزم العدو على الخروج بجموعهم، فخرج راجلهم وفارسهم، وامتدوا على التلول، وساروا الهوينا غير مفرطين في أنفسهم ولا خارجين من راجلهم؛ حيث كانت الرجالة حولهم كالسور المبني يتلو بعضهم بعضًا، حتى قاربوا خيام اليزك،,"On Friday 8 Sha‘ban the enemy determined to march out with all their forces. Both foot and horse came forth and spread over the hills. They marched steadily, not exhausting themselves, keeping within the infantry who were like a solid wall around them, all following one another, until they drew near to the tents of the advanced guard." ولما رأى المسلمون ذلك، وإقدام العدو عليهم شدُّوا وتنازعت الشجعان، وتنازلت الكماة إلى الأقران،,"When the Muslims saw this and how boldly the enemy came against them, our brave soldiers shouted to one another and our warriors singled out their opponents." وصاح السلطان بالعساكر الإسلامية: يا للإسلام. فركب الناس بأجمعهم ووافق فارسهم راجلهم وشابهم شيخهم، وحملوا حملة الرجل الواحد على العدو المخذول، فعاد ناكصًا على عقبيه، والسيف يعمل فيهم،,"The sultan cried aloud to the troops of Islam, ‘Huzzah for Islam!’ All our men mounted up. Horse and foot, young and old, all were of one accord. As one man, they attacked the wretched enemy who retired in a rout, while the sword was at work on them." والسالم منهم جريح، والعاطب طريح مشتدُّون هزيمة يعبر جريحهم بقتيلهم، ولا تلوي الجماعة منهم على قتيلهم، حتى لحق الخيام من سلم منهم،,"Those who escaped did so with a wound and the doomed ones were thrown down. Frantic in retreat, their wounded trampled their dead, none of them having any care for their fellows, until the survivors gained their tents." وانكفوا عن القتال أيامًا، وكان رأيهم أن يحفظوا نفوسهم، ويحرسوا رءوسهم، واستقر فتح طريق عكا، والمسلمون يتردَّدون إليها،,"They refrained from battle for several days, their furthest ambition being to preserve their lives and keep their heads. The route to Acre remained open and the Muslims continued to go back and forth." وكنت ممن دخل ورقي على السور، ورمى العدو بما يسر الله — تعالى — من فوق السور، ودام القتال بين الفئتين متصلًا الليل والنهار، حتى كان الحادي عشر من شعبان، ورأى السلطان توسيع الدائرة عليهم لعلهم يخرجون إلى مصارعهم،,"I was one of those who went in, climbed on the city wall and shot at the enemy from on top of the wall with whatever came to hand. Fighting between the two sides continued unbroken day and night until 11 Sha‘ban [25 September]. The sultan decided to enlarge the circle that enclosed them, in the hope that they might venture out and meet their doom." فنقل الثقل إلى تل العياضية، وهو تل قبالة تل المصليين مشرف على عكا وخيام العدو، وفي هذه المنزلة تُوفي حسام الدين ظمان، وكان من الشجعان ودُفن في سفح هذا التل، وصليت عليه مع جماعة من الفقهاء ليلة نصف شعبان، وقد مضى من الليل هزيع. رحمه الله.,"He therefore transferred the baggage-train to Tell aPAyyadiyya, which is a hill opposite Tell al-Musallabin that looked out over Acre and the enemy’s tents. At this locality there died Husam al-Dln Tuman, one of the Muslims’ champions. He was buried on the flat top of this hill. Along with a group of jurists I said prayers over him on the eve of mid-Sha‘ban [29 September] when some part of the night had passed." ذكر وقعة جرت للعرب مع العدو,Account of a Bedouin clash with the enemy وكان سبب ذلك أنه بلغنا أن جمعًا من العدو يخرجون للاحتشاش من طرف النهر مما ينبت عليه، فأكمن السلطان لهم جماعة من العرب،,This came about because we heard that a group of the enemy was going to gather what grew on the river bank as fodder. The sultan placed some of die Bedouin there to ambush them. وقصد العرب لخفتهم على خيلهم، وأمنه عليهم، فخرجوا ولم يشعروا بهم، فهجموا عليهم، وقتلوا منهم خلقًا عظيمًا، وأسروا جماعة، وأحضروا رءوسًا عديدة بين يديه، فخلع عليهم، وأحسن إليهم، وكان ذلك في السادس عشر،,"He selected die Bedouin because of their fleetness on horseback and his confidence in them. The enemy left their camp, knowing nothing of the Arabs who charged the Franks, killing a large number of them and taking some prisoner. They brought several heads before the sultan, who rewarded them with robes and largess. That was on Saturday 16 Sha‘ban [30 September]." وفي عشية ذلك اليوم وقع بين العدو وبين أهل البلد حرب عظيم قُتل فيه جمع عظيم من الطائفتين،,"The evening of that day a major battle took place between the enemy and our people in the city, in which a great number were killed on both sides." فطال الأمر بين الفئتين، وما بخلوا يومًا من قتل وجرح وسبي ونهب وأنس البعض بالبعض، بحيث إن الطائفتين كانا يتحدَّثان ويتركان القتال، وربما غنَّى البعض ورقص البعض لطول المعاشرة، ثم يرجعون إلى القتال بعد ساعة،,"Similar conflicts went on for a long time and not a day passed without wounding, killing, capturing and plundering. They got to know one another, in that both sides would converse and leave off fighting. At times some people would sing and others dance, so familiar had they become over time, and then after a while they would revert to fighting." وكان الرجال يومًا من الطائفتين قد سئموا من القتال، فقالوا: إلى كم تقاتل الكبار وليس للصغار حظ؟ نريد أن يتصارع صبيان منا ومنكم، فأُخرج صبيان من البلد إلى صبيين من الإفرنج، واشتد الحرب بينهم،,"One day the men on both sides were tired of fighting and said, ‘How much longer will the older men go on fighting, while the young have no share? We want two young men to contend, one of ours and one of yours.’ Two youths were brought out of the city to meet two from the Franks." فوثب أحد الصبيين المسلمين إلى أحد الكافرين، فاختطفه وضرب به الأرض، وقبضه أسيرًا، فاشتراه بعض الإفرنج بدينارين،,"They fought fiercely together and one of the Muslim youths leapt on one of the infidel youths, clasped him in his arms and threw him to the ground and took him prisoner, tying him fast to take him away. A Frankish man ransomed him for two dinars." وقالوا: هو أسيرك حقًّا، فأخذ الدينارين وأطلقه، وهذه نادرة غريبة،,"They said, ‘He really is your prisoner,’ so he took the two dinars and released him. This is a strange incident of war." ووصل للفرنج مركب فيه خيل، فهرب منها فرس، ووقع في البحر، وما زال يسبح وهم حوله يردونه، حتى دخل ميناء عكا، وأخذه المسلمون.,"A ship arrived for the Franks, bringing horses. One of the horses bolted and fell into the sea. It kept swimming, while they were all around it, trying to recover it, until it entered Acre harbour and was seized by the Muslims." ذكر المصاف الأعظم على عكا,Account of the great pitched battle before Acre (may God facilitate its conquest) وذلك أنه لما كان يوم الأربعاء الحادي والعشرون تحركت عساكر الإفرنج حركة لم تكن لهم بمثلها عادة فارسهم، وراجلهم، وكبيرهم، وصغيرهم، فاصطفوا خارج خيمهم قلبًا وميمنة وميسرة،,"On Wednesday 21 Sha‘ban [4 October] the Franks manoeuvred in a way that they had not normally done before, horse and foot, great and small, and they took up their battle formations beyond their tents as centre, right wing and left wing." وفي القلب الملك وبين يديه الإنجيل محمولًا مستورًا بثوب أطلس مغطى يمسكه أربعة أنفس بأربعة أطراف، وهم يسيرون بين يدي الملك، وامتدَّت الميمنة في مقابلة الميسرة التي لعسكر الإسلام من أولها إلى آخرها، وكذلك ميسرة العدو في مقابلة ميمنتنا إلى آخرها،,"In the centre was the king with the Gospel carried before him, covered by a cloth of satin. Four persons held the four comers as they walked before the king. The right wing deployed to face the left wing of the Muslim army across its whole length and the enemy’s left wing deployed opposite our right wing, right to its limit." وملكوا رءوس التلال، وكان طرف ميمنتهم إلى النهر، وطرف ميسرتهم إلى البحر، وأما العسكر الإسلامي المنصور فإن السلطان أمر الجاويش أن نَادى في الناس: يا للإسلام وعساكر الموحدين. فركب الناس وقد باعوا أنفسهم بالجنة،,"They seized the tops of the hills with their extreme right reaching the river, while their extreme left reached the sea. On the Muslim side, when the sultan observed the enemy’s movements, he ordered the herald to proclaim, ‘Huzzah for Islam and the troops of the true faith!’ Our men mounted up, ready to sell their lives for Paradise." ووقفوا بين أيدي خيامهم، وامتدَّت الميمنة إلى البحر، والميسرة إلى النهر كذلك أيضًا،,"Our right stretched to the sea, with each detachment mounted and in position before their tents, and our left rested on the river, in similar readiness." وكان — رحمه الله — قد أنزل الناس في الخيم ميمنة وميسرة وقلبًا تعبية الحرب، حتى إذا وقعت صيحة لا يحتاجون إلى تجديد ترتيب،,"The sultan had organised our men in the placement of their tents as right and left wings and centre, in battle formation, so that, when there was any alarm, they would not need re-positioning." وكان هو في القلب، وفي ميمنة القلب ولده الملك الأفضل، ثم عسكر المواصلة يقدمهم ظهر الدين ابن البلنكري، ثم عسكر ديار بكر في خدمة قطب الدين بن نور الدين صاحب الحصن، ثم حسام الدين بن لاجين صاحب نابلس، ثم الطواشي قايماز النجمي، وجموع عظيمة متصلين بطرف الميمنة،,"He himself was in the centre and to the right of the centre was his son al-Afdal, then his son al-Zahir, then the troops of Mosul led by Zahir al-Dln Ibn al-Balankari, then the troops of Diyar Bakr in the service of Qutb al-Din ibn Nur al-Din, the lord of Hisn Kayfa, then Husam al-Din ibn Lajin, the lord of Nablus, then the Tawas hi’ Qaymaz al-Najmi, and large groups reaching to the extremity of the right wing." وكان في طرفها الملك المظفر تقي الدين بجحفله وعسكره، وهو مطل على البحر،,"In this extreme position was al-Muzaffar Taqi al-Din with his levies and standing troop, overlooking the sea." وأما أوائل الميسرة فكان مما يلي القلب سيف الدين علي المشطوب وعلي بن أحمد من كبار ملوك الأكراد ومقدميهم والأمير مجلى، وجماعة المهرانية والهكارية، ومجاهد الدين برتقش مقدم عسكر سنجار، وجماعة من المماليك، ثم مظفر الدين بن زين الدين بجحفله وعسكره،,"As for the near left wing, next to the centre was Sayf al-Din ‘AH ibn Ahmad al-Mashtub, one of the leading notables and chiefs of the Kurds, and the Emir Mujalli with the bands of the Mihrani and Hakkari Kurds, and Mujahid al-Din Yarunqush, commander of the Sinjar troops, then a detachment of mamlukes, then Muzaffar al-Din ibn Zayn al-Din with his levies and standing troop." وأواخر الميسرة كبار المماليك الأسدية كسيف الدين يازكج ورسلان بغا، وجماعة الأسدية الذين يُضرب بهم المثل، ومقدم القلب الفقيه عيسى وجمعه.,"On the far left wing were the great mamlukes of Asad al-Din, such as Sayf al-Din Yazkuj and Ruslan Bugha, and the Asadiyya company whose bravery was proverbial. In the advance guard of the centre was the jurist Isa and his following." هذا والسلطان يطوف على الأطلاب بنفسه يحثهم على القتال، ويدعوهم إلى النزال، ويرغبهم في نصر دين الله.,"The sultan meanwhile was personally going the rounds of the divisions, encouraging them for the fight, urging them to stand firm before the enemy and motivating them to bring victory to God’s religion." ولم يزل القوم يتقدمون، والمسلمون يقدمون حتى علا النهار، ومضى فيه مقدار أربع ساعات، وعند ذلك تحركت ميسرة العدو على ميمنة المسلمين،,"The enemy kept moving forward, as did the Muslims, until four hours had passed and the day was well advanced. Thereupon the enemy’s left moved against the Muslim right." فأخرج لهم الملك المظفر الجاليش، وجرى بينهم قلبات كثيرة، وتكاثروا على الملك المظفر، وكان في طرف الميمنة على البحر، فتراجع عنهم شيئًا إطماعًا لهم لعلهم يبعدون عن أصحابهم، فينال منهم غرضًا،,"Al-Muzaffar sent the skirmishers out to meet them and there were many encounters between them. The enemy outnumbered al-Muzaffar, who was at the far right next the sea, so he withdrew a little to encourage them in the hope they might advance too far from their comrades, thus enabling him to gain some success over them." فلما رأى السلطان ذلك ظن به ضعفًا وأمده بأطلاب عدة من القلب، حتى قوي جانبه، وتراجعت ميسرة العدو، واجتمعت على تل مشرف على البحر،,"When the sultan saw that he had retired, he thought he was in trouble, so reinforced him with several divisions from the centre which made his wing very strong. The enemy left withdrew and gathered on a hill overlooking the sea." ولما رأى الذين في مقابلة القلب ضعف القلب، ومن خرج منه من الأطلاب داخلهم الطمع، وتحركوا نحو ميمنة القلب، وحملوا حملة الرجل الواجد راجلهم وفارسهم، ولقد رأيت الرجالة تسير سير الخيالة، وهم يسبقون حينًا،,"When the Franks facing the centre saw that the centre had been weakened by the transfer of those divisions, their hopes soared and they moved against the right of the centre, attacking as one man, horse and foot. I saw the infantry keep pace with the cavalry, who, advancing at a walk, did not get ahead of them." وجاءت الحملة على الديار البكرية، كما شاء الله — تعالى، وكان بهم غرة عن الحرب، فتحركوا بين يدي العدو، وانكسروا كسرة عظيمة، وسرى الأمر حتى انكسر معظم الميمنة، واتبع العدو المنهزمين إلى العياضية،,"As God willed it, the attack fell on the Diyar Bakr troops, who were inexperienced in warfare. They gave way before the enemy and were broken and routed. The panic spread so that most of the right wing fled the field and the enemy pursued those in flight as far aPAyadiyya." فإنهم استداروا حول التل، وصعد طائفة من العدو إلى خيمة السلطان، فقتلوا طشت دار كان هناك، وفي ذلك اليوم استشهد إسماعيل المكبس وابن رواحة — رحمها الله،,They surrounded the hill there and a group of the enemy climbed to the sultan’s tents and slew one of the wardrobe staff who was there. Also on that day Isma‘11 al-Mukabbis and Ibn Rawaha met a martyr’s death. وأما الميسرة فإنها ثبتت؛ لأن الحملة لم تصادفها، وأما السلطان فأخذ يطوف على الأطلاب فينهضهم ويعدهم الوعود الجميلة، ويحثهم على الجهاد وينادي فيهم: يا للإسلام. ولم يبقَ معه إلا خمسة أنفس، وهو يطوف على الأطلاب ويخرق الصفوف، ويأوي إلى تحت التل الذي كان عليه الخيام،,"The left wing, however, stood firm because the charge had not affected them. The sultan began making the rounds of the divisions to raise their spirits, making them fair promises and encouraging them to wage the Jihad. He was shouting, ‘On, on for Islam!’ Only five persons remained with him as he did the rounds and traversed the ranks. He retired to a position below the hill on which his tents were." وأما المنهزمون من العسكر فإنهم بلغت هزيمتهم إلى الفخوانة قاطع جسر طبرية، وأم منهم قوم محروسة دمشق، فأما المتبعون لهم فإنهم اتبعوهم إلى العياضية،,"Meanwhile, the routed elements of the army went in their flight as far as al-Qahwana, across the Tiberias bridge. Some of them made their way to Damascus. The Frankish pursuers chased them as far as aPAyyadiyya." فلما رأوهم قد صعدوا إلى الجبل رجعوا عنهم، وجاءوا عائدين إلى عسكرهم، فلقيهم جماعة من الغلمان والخريندية والساسة منهزمين على بغال الحمل،,"When they saw they had climbed the hill, they turned away and went back towards their army, where they were met by a crowd of pages, muleteers and grooms as they were fleeing on the transport mules." فقتلوا منهم جماعة، ثم جاءوا على رأس السوق، فقتلوا جماعة، وقُتل منهم جماعة؛ فإن السوق كان عظيمًا، ولهم سلاح،,"They killed some of these and then came to the beginning of the market where they killed several persons, but themselves lost several dead because there was a vast crowd of people in the market and they had 3 arms." وأما الذين صعدوا إلى الخيام السلطانية، فإنهم لم يلتمسوا فيها شيئًا أصلًا سوى أنهم قتلوا من ذكرنا، وهم ثلاثة نفر رأوا ميسرة الإسلام ثابتة، فعلموا أن الكسرة لا تتم، فعادوا منحدرين من التل يطلبون عسكرهم.,"Those who climbed to the sultan’s tents did not loot anything at all, except that they killed those we have mentioned, three persons in all. Then they saw the Muslim left wing standing firm and realised that their victory was not complete. Back down the hill they went, looking for their army." وأما السلطان فإنه كان واقفًا تحت التل، ومعه نفر يسير، وهو يجمع الناس ليعودوا إلى الحملة على العدو، فلما رأوا الإفرنج نازلين من التل أرادوا لقاءهم، فأمرهم بالصبر إلى أن ولوا ظهورهم،,"The sultan kept his position beneath the hill, accompanied by a small contingent, rallying our men for a counter-attack on the enemy. When they were seen descending from the hill, our men wanted to engage them, but the sultan ordered them to wait until they had turned their backs and were eagerly seeking their comrades." واشتدوا يطلبون أصحابهم، فصاح في الناس، فحملوا عليهم، فطرحوا منهم جماعة، فاشتد الطمع فيهم، وتكاثر الناس وراءهم حتى لحقوا أصحابهم والطرد وراءهم،,Then he gave the signal and the troops charged and unseated several. Our men were eager to finish them and pursued them in overwhelming numbers until they reached their comrades with men hot on their heels. فلما رأوهم منهزمين والمسلمون وراءهم في عدد كثير ظنوا أن من حمل منهم قد قُتل، وأنهم إنما نجا منهم هذا النفر فقط، وأن الهزيمة قد عادت عليهم، فاشتدوا في الهرب والهزيمة، وتحركت الميسرة عليهم،,"When their comrades saw the Franks in flight, pursued by the Muslims in great numbers, they thought that those who had attacked had been killed and that only this small band had survived and that they had suffered a defeat. They fled in a wild rout and our left wing moved on them." وعاد الملك المظفر بجمعه من الميمنة، وتجمعت الرجال وتداعت وتراجع الناس من كل جانب، وكذب الله الشيطان ونصر الإيمان، وظل الناس في قتل وطرح وضرب وجرح إلى أن اتصل المنهزمون السالمون إلى عسكرهم،,"Al-Muzaffar returned with his company from the right wing and our men cheered and encouraged one another. From every direction they reassembled. God gave the lie to the Devil and brought victory to the Faith. On and on went the killing, the overthrowing, striking and wounding until the fugitives that survived reached the enemy camp." فهجم عليهم في الخيام، فخرج منهم أطلاب كانوا أعدوها خشية من مثل هذا الأمر مستريحة، فردوا المسلمين،,"The Muslims stormed their tents, but fresh companies that they had prepared, fearing such an outcome, emerged and drove the Muslims back." وكان التعب قد أخذ من الناس، والعرق قد ألجمهم، فرجع الناس عنهم بعد صلاة العصر يخوضون في القتلى ودمائهم إلى خيامهم فرحين مسرورين،,"Tiredness had taken its toll of our men. Fear and their sweating bodies curbed them, so they withdrew after the time for afternoon prayer, wading through the blood of the dead back to their tents, happy and delighted." وعاد السلطان في ذلك اليوم إلى خيمته فرحًا مسرورًا، وجلسوا في خيمته يتداركون من فُقد من الغلمان، وكان مقدار من فُقد من الغلمان المجهولين مائة وخمسين نفرًا، ومن المعروفين استشهد ظهر الدين أخو الفقيه عيسى،,"That day the sultan also returned happy and delighted to his tent. The clerks sat there recording the losses. Amongst the grooms and people of no standing those lost numbered 150, while from amongst men of mark a martyr’s death that day was gained by Zahir al-Dln, the jurist ‘Isa’s brother." ولقد رأيته وهو جالس يضحك، والناس يعزونه، وهو ينكر عليهم، ويقول هذا يوم الهناء لا يوم العزاء، وكان هو قد وقع عن فرسه وأركبه، فرأيته وقُتل عليه جماعة من أقاربه وقُتل في ذلك اليوم الأمير مجلي، هذا الذي قُتل من المسلمين،,"I saw the latter sitting and laughing, while people were offering their condolences, but he reproved them and said, ‘This is a day for congratulation, not a day for condolence.’ He himself had fallen from his horse and been helped back into the saddle. Several of his relatives were killed protecting him. Also on that day the Emir Mujalll was killed. These were the Muslim losses." وأما من العدو المخذول، فحزر قتلاهم بسبعة آلاف نفر، ورأيتهم وقد حملوهم إلى شاطئ النهر ليقلوا فيه، فحزرتهم بدون سبعة آلاف.,"The enemy’s dead were estimated to be 7,000. However, I saw them when they had been carried to the river bank to be thrown in and I estimated them to be less than that." ولما تم على المسلمين من الهزيمة ما تم، ورأى الغلمان خلو الخيام عمن يعترض عليهم، فإن العسكر انقسم إلى قسمين منهزمين ومقاتلين، فلم يبقَ في الخيم أحد وراءنا،,"When the Muslims were first routed, the grooms saw that the camp was devoid of anyone to control them, for the army was split into two, those fleeing or those fighting, and there was nobody left in the tents." فظنوا أن الكسرة تتم، وأن العدو ينهب جميع ما في الخيام فوضعوا أيديهم في الخيام، ونهبوا جميع ما كان فيها، وذهب من الناس أموال عظيمة، وكان ذلك أعظم من الكسرة وقعًا.,They saw that a reverse had occurred and they believed it would become a comprehensive defeat and that the enemy would plunder everything in the tents. Therefore they helped themselves and carried off all that was there. People lost vast sums. This was more disastrous than the rout itself. ولما عاد السلطان إلى الخيم، ورأى ما قد تم على الناس من نهب الأموال والهزيمة سارع إلى الكتب والرسل في رد المنهزمين، وتتبع من شذ من العسكر والرسل تتابع في هذا المعنى، حتى بلغت عقبة فيتق،,"When the sultan returned to the camp and saw what had happened, the plunder of property and the flight, he hastened to send letters and messengers to bring back those that had fled and round up any deserters. To this end a succession of messengers went out even as far as the defile of Fiq." وأخذوهم بالكره إلى عسكر المسلمين، فعادوا وأمر بجمع الأقمشة من أكف الغلمان خيمته، حتى جلالات الخيل والمخالي بين يديه في خيمته، وهو جالس ونحن حوله، وهو يتقدم إلى كل من عرف شيئًا، وحلف عليه يسلم إليه،,"They rallied our men, telling them of the Muslim successes. He ordered that the belongings should be collected from the servants’ hands and brought to his tent, even the horse blankets and baskets. He took his seat with us around him and ordered ‘Let it be given him’ for anyone who recognised anything and swore that it was his." وهو يلقي هذه الأحوال بقلب صلب، وصدر رحب، ووجه منبسط، ورأي مستقيم غير مختبط، واحتساب لله — تعالى، وقوة عزم في نصرة دين الله،,"He met these disasters with a firm heart, a generous spirit, a cheerful face, a sound not a distraught mind, a resigned trust in God and a strong determination that God’s religion would triumph." وأما العدو المخذول فإنه عاد إلى خيمه، وقد قُتل شجعانهم، وطُرحت مقدموهم، وفُقدت ملوكهم، فأمر السلطان أن خرج من عكا عجل يسحبون عليه القتلى منهم إلى طرف النهر ليلقوا فيه،,"The enemy returned to their tents, having had their champions killed and their commanders and princes overthrown and lost. The sultan ordered a cart to go from Acre to carry the Frankish dead to the bank of the river and throw them in." ولقد حكى لي بعض من ولي أمر العجل أنه أخذ خيطًا، وكان كلما أخذ قتيلًا عقد عقدة، فبلغ عدد قتلى الميسرة أربعة آلاف ومائة وكسور وبقي قتلى الميمنة، وقتلى القلب لم يعدهم فإنه ولي أمرهم غيره،,"One of the persons who looked after this business of the cart told me that he took a thread and every time he loaded a corpse he made a knot. The number of the dead from the left wing reached 4,100 and a few extra. There still remained the dead from the right wing and the centre, whom he did not count, for others dealt with those." وبقي من العدو بعد ذلك من حمى نفسه، وأقاموا في مخيمهم لم يكترثوا بجحافل المسلمين وعساكرهم، وتشتت من عساكر المسلمين خلق كثير بسبب الهزيمة، فإنه ما رجع منها إلا رجل معروف يخاف على نفسه، والباقون هربوا في حال سبيلهم،,"After this some of the enemy sought their own survival and stayed in their camp, unconcerned with the Muslim troops, and a large number of the Muslim forces deserted because of the rout. Only men of known standing, fearing retribution, returned. The rest fled wherever they chose." وأخذ السلطان في جمع الأموال المنهوبة، وإعادتها إلى أصحابها، وأقام المناداة في العساكر، وقرن النداء بالوعيد والتهديد، وهو يتولى تفرقتها بنفسه بين يديه، واجتمع من الأقمشة عدد كثير في خيمته، حتى إن الجالس في أحد الطرفين لا يرى الجالس في الطرف الآخر،,The sultan set about gathering the plundered property and restoring it to its owners. He organised proclamations throughout the army and backed up the announcements with dire threats. He personally supervised the distribution. So vast an amount of goods was assembled in his tent that someone sitting on one side could not see anyone sitting on the other. وأقام من ينادي على من ضاع منه شيء، فحضر الخلق، وصار من عرف شيئًا وأعطى علامته حلف، وأخذه من الحبل والمخلاة إلى الهميان والجوهر،,"A call was made for anyone who had lost anything. Crowds came and anyone who recognised his baggage and could give its detailed description, if he swore to it, took it away, things such as a horse covering and basket to a belt and jewel." ولقي من ذلك مشقة عظيمة، ولا يرى ذلك إلا نعمة من الله — تعالى — يشكر عليها، ويسابق بيد القبول إليها،,"This gave the sultan much trouble, but he looked upon it merely as a blessing from God for which one should be grateful and to which one should eagerly stretch an accepting hand." ولقد حضرت يوم تفرقة الأقمشة على أربابها، فرأيت سوقًا للعدل قائمة لم يُرَ في الدنيا أعظم منها، وكان ذلك في يوم الجمعة الثالث والعشرين من شعبان،,"I was present the day the goods were distributed to their owners and I saw a market for justice in action, greater than which this world has never seen. That was on Friday 23 Sha‘ban [6 October]." وعند انقضاء هذه الواقعة وسكون ثائرتها أمر السلطان بالثقل، حتى تراجع إلى موضع يُقال له الخروبة خشية على العسكر من روائح القتلى، وآثار الوخم من الوقعة،,"When this business was finished and the tumult had died down, the sultan ordered the withdrawal of the baggage-train to a place called al-Kharruba, fearing the smells from the corpses and the unhealthy effects of the battlefield on the troops." وهو موضع قريب من مكان الوقعة، إلا أنه أبعد عنها من المكان الذي كان نازلًا فيه بقليل، وضُربت له خيمة عند الثقل، وأمر اليزك أن يكون مقيمًا في المكان الذي كان نازلًا فيه، وذلك في التاسع والعشرين،,"It was near the battle site, but a little further away than where he had been camped. A tent was pitched for him by the baggage-train. He ordered the advance guard to stay where he had been camped. That was on Thursday 29 Sha‘ban [12 October]." واستحضر الأمراء وأرباب المشورة في سلخ الشهر، ثم أمرهم بالإصغاء إلى كلامه، وكنت من جملة الحاضرين، ثم قال: «بسم الله، والحمد لله، والصلاة على رسول الله، اعلموا أن هذا عدو الله وعدونا قد نزل في بلدنا، وقد وطئ أرض الإسلام،,"At the end of the month [13 October] he summoned the emirs and his councillors and bade them listen well to what he said. I was one of those present. He said, ‘In the name of God. Praise be to God and blessing and peace be upon His Prophet. Know that this enemy of God’s and our enemy has come down on our land and trampled the land of Islam." وقد لاحت لوائح النصر عليه إن شاء الله — تعالى، وقد بقي في هذا الجمع اليسير، ولا بد من الاهتمام بقلعه، والله قد أوجب علينا ذلك، وأنتم تعلمون أن هذه عساكرنا ليس وراءنا نجدة ننتظرها سوى الملك العادل وهو واصل،,"God willing, signs that we shall defeat him have appeared. He is left in small numbers and we must exert ourselves to root him out. God has made that our duty. You know that behind these forces of ours are no reserves that we may look for, apart for al-‘Adil, who is coming." وهذا العدو إن بقي وطال أمره إلى أن يفتح البحر جاءه مدد عظيم، والرأي كل الرأي عندي مناجزتهم؛,"If this enemy survives and lasts until the sea is open, he will receive vast reinforcements. Decidedly the right thing to do in my opinion is to engage them closely." فلينجزنا كل منكم ما عنده في ذلك، وكان ذلك في ثالث عشر تشرين من الشهور الشمسية، وامتخضت الآراء وجرى تجاذب في أطراف الكلام،,Will each one of you tell us what his opinion is on this.’ This was on the 13th of the solar month of Tishrin [13 October]. People’s opinions were in ferment and the views expressed see-sawed back and forth. وانفصلت آراؤهم على أن المصلحة تأخير العسكر إلى الخروبة، وأن يبقى العسكر أيامًا، حتى يستجم من حمل السلاح، وترجع النفوس إليهم، فقد أخذ التعب منهم، واستولى على نفوسهم الضجر، وتكليفهم أمرًا على خلاف ما تحمله القوى لا تؤمن غائلته،,"In the end their opinion was that the best course was to withdraw the army to al-Kharruba and that the troops should wait some days to rest from bearing arms and to recover themselves, for exhaustion had taken its toll and they were mentally worn .out. To expect them to tackle a task other than one they were capable of bearing risked being a disaster." والناس لهم خمسون يومًا تحت السلاح، وفوق الخيل، والخيل قد ضجرت من عرك اللجم، وسئمت نفوسها ذلك، وعند أخذ حظ من الراحة ترجع نفوسها إليها، ويصل الملك العادل، ويشاركنا في الرأي والعمل، وسنعيد من شذ من العساكر، ونجمع الرجالة ليقفوا في مقابلة الرجالة.»,"The troops had been fifty days under arms and on horseback. The horses, too, were upset and tired of the chafing of their bridles. With a chance to take a little rest their spirits would return. Al-‘Adil would come and share in our council and action. We could get the deserters back and assemble our foot-soldiers to be in position facing the [enemy] foot-soldiers." وكان بالسلطان التياث مزاجي قد عراه من كثرة ما حمل على قلبه وما عاناه من التعب بحمل السلاح والفكر في تلك الأيام،,"The sultan’s constitution was disordered, for he had been affected by all that his mind had had to bear and the tiredness that had afflicted him from being in arms and full of cares at this time." فوقع ما قالوه، ورأوه مصلحة، وكان انتقال العسكر إلى الثقل ثالث رمضان، وانتقال السلطان تلك الليلة، وأقام يصلح مزاجه، ويجمع العساكر، وينتظر أخاه إلى عاشر رمضان.,"What they said had weight with him and he thought it was for the best. Thus the army moved back to the baggage-train on Monday 3 Ramadan {16 October}. The sultan moved that night and there he remained, improving his state of health, assembling the troops and waiting for his brother, al-‘Adil, until Monday 10 Ramadan {23 October}." ذكر وصول خبر الألمان,The arrival of news of the German emperor (God curse him) ولما دخل رمضان من شهور سنة خمس وثمانين وخمسمائة وصل من جانب حلب كتب من ولده الملك الظاهر — عز نصره — يخبر فيها أنه قد صح أن ملك الألمان قد خرج إلى القسطنطينية في عدة عظيمة، قيل مائتا ألف، وقيل مئتان وستون ألفًا يريد البلاد الإسلامية، فاشتد ذلك على السلطان، وعظم عليه،,"As Ramadan of the year 585 began {14 October from Aleppo came letters from his son, al-Zahir, reporting that he had confirmed that the German emperor had set out for Constantinople in a great host, said to be 200,000 or 260,000, intending to come to the lands of Islam. This greatly troubled the sultan and caused him anxiety." ورأى استسيار الناس للجهاد وإعلام خليفة الوقت بهذه الحادثة، فاستدعاني لذلك وأمرني بالمسير إلى صاحب سنجار، وصاحب الجزيرة وصاحب الموصل وصاحب إربل، واستدعاهم إلى الجهاد بأنفسهم وعساكرهم،,"He decided to rouse the population for the Jihad and to tell the current caliph of this development. He gave me this commission and commanded me to go to the lord of Sinjar, the lord of Jazlrat [Ibn ‘Umar], the lord of Mosul and the lord of Irbil and to summon them personally to the Jihad with their troops." وأمرني بالمسير إلى بغداد لإعلام خليفة الزمان بذلك وتحريك عزمه على المعاونة،,He also ordered me to travel to Baghdad to inform the caliph of the day of this and to urge him to provide help. وكان الخليفة إذ ذاك الناصر لدين الله أبا العباس أحمد بن المستضيء بأمر الله، وكان مسيري في ذلك المعنى في حادي عشر رمضان، ويسر الله — تعالى — الوصول إلى الجماعة، وإبلاغ الرسالة إليهم، فأجابوا بنفوسهم،,"The caliph at the time was al-Nasir li-Dln Allah Abu’l-‘Abbas Ahmad ibn al-Mustadl’ bi-Amr Allah. I set out on this mission on 11 Ramadan {24 October} and God helped me to reach these princes and deliver my message to them, to which they responded." وسار عماد الدين زنكي صاحب سنجار بعسكره وجمعه في تلك السنة وسار ابن أخيه صاحب الجزيرة سنجر شاه بنفسه يجر عسكره، وسير صاحب الموصل ابنه علاء الدين خرم شاه بمعظم عسكره،,"‘Imad al-Dln Zankl, lord of Sinjar, set out this year with his standing troops and his levies, as did his nephew Sanjar Shah, lord of Jazlrat [Ibn ‘Umar], leading his troops. The lord of Mosul, ‘Izz al-Din, sent his son, ‘Ala’ al-Din Khurramshah, with most of his troops. The lord of Irbil marched in person with his army." وحضرت الديوان السعيد ببغداد، وأُنهيت الحال كما رسم ووعد بكل جميل وعدت إلى خدمته — رحمة الله عليه، وكان وصولي إليه في يوم الخميس خامس ربيع الأول من شهور سنة ست وثمانين،,"I came to the August Divan at Baghdad and conveyed an account of the situation as instructed. Every fine promise was made and I returned to the sultan’s presence, arriving on Thursday 5 Rabi‘ I 586 [12 April." وكنت قد سبقت العساكر، وأخبرته بإجابتهم بالسمع والطاعة، وباهتمامهم بالمسير فسُرَّ بذلك، وفرح فرحًا شديدًا.,"I came earlier than the troops, but could tell him that the princes had responded with ‘To hear is to obey’ and that they were making their expedition plans. He was pleased and delighted at that." ذكر وقعة الرمل التي على جانب نهر عكا,Account of the battle of the dunes beside the river at Acre ولما كان صفر من تلك السنة خرج السلطان يتصيد مطمئن النفس ببعد المنزلة عن العدو، فأوغل في الصيد، وبلغ ذلك العدو، فأخذوا غرة العسكر واجتمعوا، وخرجوا يريدون الهجوم على العسكر الإسلامي،,"When Safar of this year came [March-April, the sultan went out hunting, feeling secure because of the distance of his camp from the enemy. The chase led him far off. When the enemy heard of this, they took our forces by surprise and made a massed sortie to attack the Muslim army." فأحس بهم الملك العادل، فصاح بالناس، وركبت العساكر من كل جانب، وحمل على القوم، وجرت مقتلة عظيمة قُتل وجرح بينهما منهم خلق عظيم، ولم يُقتل من معروفي المسلمين إلا مملوك للسلطان يُقال له أرغش، وكان رجلًا صالحًا استشهد في ذلك اليوم،,"APAdil, realising what they were about, roused our men. The troops mounted up and charged them. A great battle ensued, in which a multitude were killed and a large number wounded, but amongst men of note on the Muslim side the only fatality was a mamluke of the sultan, called Arghush, a good man (God have mercy on him), who met a martyr’s death that day." وبلغ الخبر إلى السلطان، فعاد منزعجًا، فوجد الحرب قد انفصل، وعاد كل فريق إلى حزبه، وعاد العدو خائبًا خاسرًا، ولله الحمد والمنة، وما مضى من الوقعات شاهدت منها ما يشاهده مثلي، وعرفت الباقي معرفة خاصة في هذه الأمور،,"Hearing the news, the sultan returned in great anxiety. He found the battle already concluded and every detachment back with their comrades. The enemy retired, frustrated losers (praise and thanks be to God). This is a battle that I did not witness because I was away on my travels. Of earlier battles I observed what a person of my sort is able to observe, but I gained a knowledge of the rest comparable to that of a participant." ومن نوادر هذه الواقعة أن مملوكًا كان للسلطان يُدعى قره سنقر وكان شجاعًا قد قتل من أعداء الله خلقًا عظيمًا، وفتك فيهم فأخذوا في قلوبهم من نكايته فيهم، وتجمعوا له، وكمنوا له، وخرج إليه بعضهم، وتراءوا له، فحمل عليهم حتى صار بينهم، فوثبوا عليه من سائر جوانبه، فأمسك واحد منهم بشعره، وضرب الآخر رقبته بسيفه، فإنه كان قتل له أقرباء، فوضعت الضربة في يد الممسك بشعره، فقطعت يده، وخلى سبيله، فاشتد هاربًا حتى عاد إلى أصحابه، وأعداء الله يشتدون عدوًا خلفه لم يلحقه منهم أحد، وعاد سالمًا، ورد الله الذين كفروا بغيظهم لم ينالوا خيرًا.,"A strange event in this battle was as follows. A mamluke of the sultan’s, called Sarasunqur, a valiant man, had killed a great many of God’s enemies and done much destruction amongst them. Their hearts were sore at the damage he was doing them, so they devised a plan. They assembled in ambush, from which several emerged and caught his attention. He charged them and was soon amongst them. From all sides they then leapt on him and laid hold of him. One seized his hair and another struck at his neck with his sword, for Sarasunqur had killed a relative of his. The blow fell on the hand of the person who was holding his hair and cut it off, thus releasing his hair. The mamluke fled with all speed back to his comrades with the enemy running after him in hot pursuit, but nobody caught him and he returned safe and sound (God be praised) and ‘God turned back the unbelievers in their wrath. They gained no benefit.’" ذكر وفاة الفقيه عيسى,The death of the jurist ‘Isa وهي مما بلغني ولم أكن حاضرها، وذلك أنه مرض مرضًا يتعاهده وهو ضعيف النفس، وعرض له إسهال أضعفه، فلم تقطع صلابته، ولم يغب ذهنه عنه إلى أن مات،,"This is something I heard of, since I was not present when it happened. ‘Isa fell ill with an illness that used to visit him when he was depressed. He then suffered diarrhoea which weakened him, but he did not miss his prayers nor did he lose his mind before he died, according to what people who attended him told me." وكان — رحمه الله — كريمًا شجاعًا، حسن المقصد، كبير الغرام بقضاء حوائج المسلمين، تُوفي — رحمه الله — طلوع فجر الثلاثاء تاسع ذي القعدة من شهور سنة خمسة وثمانين.,"He was a generous and brave man, well-intentioned and very eager to satisfy the needs of his fellow Muslims. He died at daybreak, Tuesday 9 Dhu’l-Qa‘da 585 [19 December." ذكر تسليم الشقيف سنة ستة وثمانين,The surrender of al-Shaqif in 586 ولما كان يوم الأحد خامس عشر ربيع الأول علم الإفرنج المستحفظون بالشقيف أنهم لا عاصم لهم من أمر الله، وأنهم إن أُخذوا عنوة ضُربت رقابهم، فطلبوا الأمان،,"When it was Sunday 15 Rabi‘ I [22 April], the Franks holding al-Shaqif realised that there was no-one to save them from what God had in store and, if they were taken by force, they would lose their heads, so they asked for terms." وجرت مراجعات كثيرة في قاعدة الأوان، وكانوا قد علموا من حال صاحبهم أنه قد عُذب أشد العذاب، فاستقرت القاعدة على أن الشقيف يسلم، ويطلق صاحبه، وجميع من فيه من الإفرنج، ويترك ما فيه من أنواع الأموال والذخائر،,"Many negotiations followed on the terms of surrender. They had learnt concerning the state of their lord that he had been severely tortured. It was finally settled that al-Shaqlf should be given up, that the lord and all the Franks in the place should be set free, but that all money and stores within should be left behind." وعاد صاحب صيدا والإفرنج الذين كانوا بالشقيف إلى صور،,The lord of Sidon and the Franks who had been in al-Shaqif withdrew to Tyre ولما رأى السلطان من اهتمام الإفرنج من أقطار بلادهم بالمكان، وتصويب عزائمهم نحوه اغتنم الشتاء، وانقطاع البحر، وجعل في عكا من الميرة والذخائر والعدد والرجال ما أمن معه عليها مع تقدير الله — تعالى،,"When the sultan saw how much importance the Franks who had come from their homelands attached to Acre and how it was the target at which all their determined plans were directed, he benefited from the winter closure of navigation and poured into Acre sufficient provisions, supplies, equipment and men to make him feel confident that it was secure, subject to God’s foreordained plan." وتقدم إلى النواب بمصر أن عمروا لها أسطولًا عظيمًا يحمل خلقًا كثيرًا، وسار حتى دخل عكا مكابرة للعدو ومراغمة له،,"He ordered his deputies in Egypt to construct a large fleet to carry many men, which sailed and entered Acre, outwitting the enemy despite their efforts." وأعطى العساكر دستورًا طول الشتاء يستجمعون ويستريحون، وأقام هو مع نفر يسير قبالة العدو، وقد حال بين العسكرين شدة الوحول، وتعذر بذلك وصول بعضهم إلى بعض.,"He gave the troops leave to depart for the duration of the winter, to recuperate and rest. He himself remained face to face with the enemy with a small troop. The two armies had become separated by areas of deep mud and thus it was impossible for either side to reach the other." ظريفة,A curious piece of information كان لما بلغ خبر العدو وقصده عكا جمع الأمراء وأصحاب الرأي بمرج عيون، وشاورهم فيما يصنع،,"When the sultan heard the news that the enemy were moving against Acre, he gathered his emirs and councillors at Marj ‘Uyun and consulted them about what he should do." وكان رأيه أن قال: المصلحة مناجزة القوم، ومنعهم من النزول إلى البلد وإلا فإن نزلوا جعلوا الرجالة سورًا لهم، وحفروا الخنادق، وصعب علينا الوصول إليهم،,"In his opinion, as he put it, ‘The best course is for us to engage them closely and prevent them from investing the city. Otherwise, if they mount a siege, they will make their infantry a protective wall and dig a ditch, so it will be difficult for us to get to them." وخِيف على البلد منهم، وكانت إشارة الجماعة أنهم إذا نزلوا، واجتمعت العساكر قلعناهم في يوم واحد،,"It is to be feared that the city will be lost.’ The advice of most of the others was ‘When they start a siege and our troops are all gathered, in one day we shall dislodge them.’" وكان الأمر كما قال السلطان؛ والله لقد سمعت هذا القول، وشاهدت الفعل كما قال السلطان، وهو يوافق معنى قوله ﷺ: «إن من أمتي لمحدثين ومكلمين، وإن عمر لمنهم.»,"It came about as the sultan said. By God, I heard him say those words and I witnessed what he said come true. This fits what the Prophet meant when he said, ‘In my community there are those with insight who speak out, and ‘Umar is one of them.’" ذكر وصول رسول الخليفة,Arrival of the caliph’s envoy ولم يزل السلطان مجدًّا في الإنفاذ إلى عكا بالميرة والعدد والأسلحة والرجال، حتى انقضى الشتاء، وانفتح البحر، وحان زمان القتال كتب إلى العسكر يستدعيها من الأطراف،,"The sultan kept up his efforts to send provisions, equipment, weapons and men into Acre until winter passed and the sea was open again. The campaigning season came around and he wrote to summon the troops from the outlying lands." ولما تواصل أوائل العساكر وقوي جيش الإسلام رحل السلطان نحو العدو، ونزل على تل كيسان، وذلك في ثامن عشر شهر ربيع الأول سنة ست وثمانين،,"When the initial detachments came one after another and the forces of Islam had grown strong, the sultan moved towards the enemy and camped at Tell Kay san. That was on 18 Rabi‘ I 586 [25 April." ورتب العسكر قلبًا وميمنة وميسرة، وأخذت العساكر في التواصل والنجدة في التواتر، فوصل رسول الخليفة، وهو شاب شريف، ووصل معه حملان من النفط، وجماعة من النفاطين والزراقين،,"He formed the troops into centre, left and right wings. On the far right was his son, al-Afdal. Reinforcements came with constant fresh waves of troops. The caliph’s envoy also arrived. On Monday 16 Rabi‘ I [23 April] the envoy of the caliph, a young man of noble descent from the Prophet, arrived, accompanied by two loads of Greek fire and a number of specialist artificers." ووصل معه من الديوان العزيز النبوي — مجده الله تعالى — رقعة تتضمن الإذن للسلطان أن يقترض عشرين ألف دينار من التجار ينفقها في الجهاد، ويحيل بها على الديوان العزيز،,"He also brought a money order from the August Caliphal Divan (may God exalt it), containing authorisation for the sultan to borrow 20,000 dinars from merchants to spend on the Jihad and for the debt repayment to be transferred to the Caliphal Divan." فقبل جميع ما وصل مع الرسول، واستغنى عن الرقعة والتثقيل بها،,"The sultan accepted everything that the envoy brought, but begged to decline the money order and the burden it imposed (God bless him)." وفي ذلك اليوم بلغ السلطان أن الإفرنج قد زحفوا على البلد، وضايقوه، فركب إليهم لشغلهم بالقتال عن البلد، وقاتلهم قتالًا شديدًا إلى أن فصل بين الطائفتين الليل، وعاد كل فريق إلى أصحابه،,"On that day the sultan was informed that the Franks had made an assault on the city and pressed it hard, so he rode out to engage them and take the pressure off the city. He fought them hard until night separated the two parties and each returned to their comrades." ورأى السلطان قوة العساكر الإسلامية، وبعد المكان عن العدو، فخاف أن لا يهجم البلد، ويتم عليه أمر، فرأى الانتقال إلى تل العجول بالكلية،,"The sultan considered the strength of the Islamic forces and considered how distant his position was from the enemy. He feared that the city might be attacked and its fate settled, so he decided to move with the whole army and baggage-train to Tell al-‘Ajul." فانتقل بالعسكر والثقل في الخامس والعشرين، وفي صبيحة هذا اليوم وصلت كتب أن قد طم العدو بعض الخندق، وقوي عزمه على منازلة البلد، ومضايقته، فجدد الكتب إلى العساكر بالحث على الوصول وعبى العسكر تعبية القتال، وزحف إلى العدو ليشغله عن ذلك،,This change of position took place on 25 Rabi‘ I [2 May]. The morning of that day a swimmer arrived from the city bringing letters with news that the enemy had filled in part of the moat and that they were strongly determined to intensify the seige. The sultan sent out fresh letters urging his armies to come. He disposed his forces in battle order and attacked the enemy to distract them from their purpose. ولما كان سحر ليلة الجمعة السابع والعشرين وصل ولده الملك الظاهر غياث الدين غازي صاحب حلب جريدة إلى خدمته معاجلة البر، وترك عسكره في المنزلة، وخدم والده وبلَّ شوقه منه، وعاد إلى عسكره في الثامن والعشرين، وسار حتى وصل في ذلك اليوم بجحفله،,"At daybreak on Friday 27 Rabi‘ I [4 May] his son, al-Zahir Ghiyath al-Dln Ghazi, lord of Aleppo, arrived with a small retinue to pay his respects to the sultan, having left his troop at their camp. He waited on his father and satisfied his desire to see him. At dawn on Saturday 28th of the month [5 May] he returned to his troop and that same day brought them to Acre along with his levies." وقد أظهروا الزينة ولبسوا لأمة الحرب، وكثرت الأعلام والبيارق، وضُربت الكئوسات ونعقت البوقات، وعرض بين يدي والده، وكان قد ركب إلى لقائه في المرج، وسار بهم حتى وقف بهم على العدو، وشاهدوا من جند الله ما أزعجهم وأقلقهم،,"He put on a show of finery. They donned breastplates, unfurled flags and standards, beat drums and blew trumpets. They passed in review before the sultan, who had ridden out to meet them on the plain, and were led to take then- positions opposite the enemy, who saw in these soldiers of God such as to cause them alarm and anxiety." وفي أواخر ذلك اليوم قدم مظفر الدين بن زين الدين جربدة أيضًا مسارعة للخدمة، ثم عاد إلى عسكره في لَأْمة الحرب، فعرضهم السلطان حتى وقف بهم على العدو،,"Towards the end of that day Muzaffar al-Din ibn Zayn al-Din arrived, also with a small retinue, hastening to the sultan’s presence. He then returned to his troops, with whom he returned on the Sunday [6 May] in full battle array. The sultan reviewed them and led them to their positions before the enemy. They then withdrew to their camp." وكان ما تقدم عسكر إلا يعرضهم، ويسيرهم إلى العدو، وينزل بهم في خيمته يمد لهم الطعام، وينعم عليهم بما يطيب به قلوبهم إذا كانوا أجانب، ثم تُضرب خيامهم حيث يأمر وينزلون بها مكرمين.,"Every troop that came the sultan reviewed, paraded them before the enemy, received them at his tent and provided them with a meal, giving them gifts to win their hearts, if they were strangers. Then their tents would be pitched where he commanded and they would take up their quarters well satisfied with their reception." لطيفة تدل على سعادة ولده الملك الظاهر عز نصره,"A curious incident indicating the good fortune of his son, al-Zahir" وذلك أن العدو كان قد اصطنع ثلاثة أبراج من خشب وحديد وألبسها الجلود المسقاة بالخل — على ما ذُكر — بحيث لا تنفذ فيها النيران،,"The enemy had constructed three towers of wood and iron, which they covered with skins soaked in vinegar, as it was reported, so that fires would have no effect on them." وكانت هذه الأبراج كأنها الجبال نشاهدها من مواضعنا عالية على سور البلد، وهي مركبة على عجل يسع الواحد منها من المقاتلة ما يزيد على خمسمائة نفر — على ما قيل،,"These towers seemed like mountains. We could see them from our positions, dominating the city walls. They were mounted on wheels and each one could accommodate more than 500 men, as it was claimed." ويتسع سطحها لأن يُنصب عليه منجنيق، وكان ذلك قد عمل في قلوب المسلمين وأودعها من الخوف ما لا يمكن شرحه، وأيس الناس من البلد بالكلية، وتقطعت قلوب المقاتلة فيه، وكان فرغ من عملها، ولم يبقَ إلا جرها إلى قريب السور،,"Their flat tops were large enough for a trebuchet to be set up there. This worked on the minds of the Muslims and filled them with fear for the city, more than can be expressed. Everyone totally despaired for the city and the spirits of the defending fighting men were broken. The towers’ construction was complete and all that remained was to drag them close to the walls." وكان السلطان قد أعمل فكره في إحراقها وإهلاكها، وجمع الصناع من الزراقين والنفاطين، وحثهم على الاجتهاد في إحراقها، ووعدهم عليه بالأموال الطائلة والعطايا الجزيلة، وضاقت حيلهم عن ذلك،,"The sultan exercised his mind to find a way of burning and destroying them. He gathered artificers and Greek fire specialists and discussed with them all possible ways of setting them on fire. He promised them large sums of money and splendid gifts as a reward, but nothing they contrived was successful." وكان من جملة من حضر شاب نحاس دمشقي ذكر بين يديه أن له صناعة في إحراقها، وأنه إن مكن من الدخول إلى عكا وحصلت له الأدوية التي يعرفها أحرقها،,"One of those present was a young metal-worker from Damascus, who mentioned in the presence of the sultan that he had the skill to set fire to them and that, if he could be got into Acre and if he could acquire the ingredients that he knew, he would bum them." فحصل له جميع ما طلبه، ودخل إلى عكا، وطبخ الأدوية مع النفط في قدور نحاس، حتى صار الجميع كأنه جمرة نار،,"He did acquire all that he asked for, entered Acre and concocted the ingredients he had gathered with some naphtha in copper vats, until the whole mixture was like a burning coal." ولما كان يوم وصول الملك الظاهر ضرب واحدًا بقدر، فلم يكن إلا أن وقعت فيه، فاشتعل من ساعته ووقته، وصار كالجبل العظيم من النار طالعة ذؤابته نحو السماء،,"The day that the sultan’s son, al-Zahir, arrived – or perhaps it was after his arrival – one of the towers was hit by an earthenware projectile. Hardly had it hit the target before it immediately burst into flames and the whole became like a huge mountain of fire, whose tongues of flame rose high into the sky." واستغاث المسلمون بالتهليل، وعلاهم الفرح حتى كادت عقولهم تذهب، وبينما الناس ينظرون ويتعجبون؛ إذ رمى البرج الثاني بالقدر الثانية، فما كان إلا أن وصلت إليه، واشتعلت كالتي قبلها،,"In relief the Muslims broke into cries of ‘There is no god but God’ and ‘God is great’, so overwhelmed with joy that they were nearly out of their minds. As the people looked on in amazement, the second tower was hit by another projectile, which burst into flames the moment it hit the target, like the first one." فاشتد ضجيج الفئتين، وانعقدت الأصوات إلى السماء، وما كان إلا ساعة حتى ضرب الثالث، فالتهب وغشي الناس من الفرح والسرور ما حرك ذوي الأحلام والنهى منهم حركة الشباب الرعنا،,The tumult on both sides was immense and the clamour of voices reached the sky. Hardly a moment later the third was struck and fire broke out. Our people were seized with such joy and delight that staid and stem men were as excited as flighty girls. وركب السلطان، وركبت العساكر ميمنة وميسرة وقلبًا، وكان أواخر النهار، وسار حتى أتى عسكر القوم وانتظر أن يخرجوا فيناجزهم عملًا بقوله ﷺ: «من فُتح له باب من الخير فلينتهزه.».,"It was towards the end of the day, but the sultan and the troops, left and right wings and centre, rode out until they came up to the enemy’s camp. He expected that they would come forth to allow him to engage them, following the saying of the Prophet, ‘If a door to some advantage is opened for anyone, then let him grasp it.’" فلم يظهر العدو من خيامهم، وحال بين الطائفتين الليل، وعاد كل فريق إلى حزبه، ورأى الناس ذلك ببركة قدوم الملك الظاهر، واستبشر والده بغرته، وعلم أن ذلك بيمن صلاح سريرته،,"The enemy, however, did not appear outside their tents and, when night intervened between the two sides, each party returned to its comrades. People considered this to have been a blessing of the arrival of his son al-Zahir. His father rejoiced to see him prominent and knew that this resulted from his righteousness of heart." واستمر ركوب السلطان إليهم في كل يوم، وطلب نزالهم وقتالهم، وهم لا يخرجون من خيامهم لعلمهم ببشائر النصر والظفر بهم، والعساكر الإسلامية تتواتر وتتواصل,"Every day the sultan continued to ride out against the enemy and to seek to bring them to battle, but they would not leave their tents. All the while, the forces of Islam were progressively gathering." ذكر وصول عماد الدين زنكي صاحب سنجار وغيره,"Account of the arrival of ‘Imad al-Din Zanki, the lord of Sinjar" ولما كان الثاني والعشرون من ربيع الآخر، وصل عماد الدين زنكي بن مودود صاحب سنجار يجر عسكره، ووصل بتجمل حسن وعسكر تام، ولقيه السلطان بالاحترام والتعظيم، ورتب له العسكر في لقائه،,"‘Imad al-DIn Zanki ibn Mawdud ibn Zanki, the lord of Sinjar, arrived with his troops in train on Tuesday 22 Rabi‘ II [29 May]. He came in great style with a fully-equipped force. The sultan received him with all respect and honour, drawing up his troops to meet him." وكان أول من لقيه من العسكر المنصور قضاته وكتابه، ثم لقيه أولاده بعد ذلك، ثم لقيه السلطان، ثم سار به حتى أوقفه على العدو، وعاد معه إلى خيمته، وأنزله عنده، وكان صنع له طعامًا لائقًا بذلك اليوم،,"The first to greet him from the royal camp were the sultan’s judges and secretaries, then his sons. The sultan then welcomed him and took him to give him a view of the enemy, before returning with him to his tent, where he welcomed him with a feast that he had had prepared, suitable for the occasion." فحضر هو وجميع أصحابه، وقدم له من التحف واللطائف ما لا يقدر غيره عليه، وكان قد أكرمه بحيث طرح له طراحة مستقلة إلى جانبه، وبسط له ثوب أطلس عند دخوله، وضرب له خيمة على طرف الميسرة على جانب النهر،,The sultan and all his men attended and he presented him with gifts and favours that nobody but he was capable of. He honoured him to the extent that he placed a separate cushion for him next to his own and he had brocade cloth spread before him when he entered. A tent for him was pitched on the far right wing beside the river. ولما كان سابع جمادى الأولى من هذه السنة وصل سنجرشاه بن سيف الدين غازي بن مودود بن زنكي صاحب الجزيرة، ووصل في عسكر حسن، فلقيه السلطان واحترمه وأكرمه وأنزله في خيمته، وأمر أن ضُربت خيمته إلى جانب عماد الدين،,"The arrival of Mu‘izz al-Din Sanjar Shah, lord of Jazirat [Ibn ‘Umar] On Wednesday 7 Jumada I {13 June} there arrived the lord of al-Jazira, Mu‘izz al-Din Sanjar Shah, son of Sayf al-Din Ghazi ibn Mawdud ibn Zanki. He came with a fine troop, exemplarily kitted out. The sultan met him with all respect and honour and gave him hospitality in his tent. He gave orders that a tent should be erected for him alongside his uncle ‘Imad al-Din’s." وفي تاسع الشهر وصل علاء الدين بن مسعود صاحب الموصل مقدمًا على عسكره،,"The arrival of ‘Ala’ al-Din, the son of the lord of Mosul His arrival took place on 9 Jumada I {15 June}. He – in full, ‘Ala’ al-Din Khurramshah ibn Mas‘ud ibn Mawdud ibn Zanki – came as the deputy of his father, ‘Izz al-Din Mas‘ud, the lord of Mosul, and as commander of his army." ففرح السلطان بقدومه فرحًا شديدًا، وتلقاه عن بعد هو وأهله، واستحسن أدبه، وأنزله عنده في الخيمة، وكارمه مكارمة عظيمة، وقدم له تحفًا حسنة،,"The sultan was greatly delighted at his arrival and, along with members of his family, went some way to meet him. He found him a polite and noble youth and he gave him a very generous and hospitable welcome in his tent, offering him handsome gifts." وأمر بضرب خيمته بين ولديه الملك الأفضل والملك الظاهر، وما من أهله إلا من بسط له من ضيافته وجهًا مضيئًا،,"He ordered that his tent should be pitched between [those of] his own sons, al-Afdal and al-Zahir. There was not a member of the sultan’s family who did not willingly entertain him with unalloyed generous hospitality." ولما كانت ظهيرة نهار ذلك اليوم ظهرت في البحر قلوع كثيرة، وكان — رحمه الله — في نظره وصول الأسطول في مصر، فإنه كان قد أمر بتعميره ووصوله،,"At noon this same day, that is the day of ‘Ala’ al-Din’s arrival, many sails were visible out at sea. In the sultan’s view it was the arrival of the fleet from Egypt, for he had ordered it to be built and to sail here." فعلم أنه هو فركب السلطان، وركب الناس في خدمته، وتعبى تعبية القتال، وقصد مضايقة العدو ليشغله عن قصد الأسطول.,"He then learnt that it was indeed the fleet, so he, with all his men at his command, rode out and they formed up in battle formation. His plan was to press the enemy hard to hinder their attacks on the fleet." ولما علم العدو وصول الأسطول استعدوا له، وعمروا أسطولًا لقتاله، ومنعه من دخول عكا، وخرج أسطول العدو، واشتدَّ السلطان في قتاله من خارج، وسار الناس على جانب البحر تقوية للأسطول، وإيناسًا لرجاله،,"Learning of the arrival of our fleet, the enemy made their preparations, manning a fleet to engage it and stop it from sailing into Acre. The enemy fleet put to sea, while the sultan fought the Franks fiercely from without. Our men went to the sea shore to support the fleet and to encourage its men." والتقى الأسطولان في البحر والعسكران في البر، واضطرمت نيران الحرب واستعرت، وباع كل فريق روحه براحته الأخروية، ورجح حياته الأبدية على حياته الدنيوية،,"The two fleets met at sea, while the two armies met on land. The flames of battle flared and blazed, as those on either side gave their lives to purchase the next world’s peace and valued this world’s existence as nothing beside eternal life." وجرى بين الأسطولين قتال شديد انقشع عن نصرة الأسطول الإسلامي، وأخذ من العدو الشواني، وقتل من به، ونهب جميع ما فيه،,"A fierce battle raged between the two fleets, which was resolved by the victory of the Muslim fleet over the enemies of God (to God be the praise). An enemy galley was taken, all on board were killed and its cargo seized." وظفر من العدو بمركب أيضًا كان واصلًا من قسطنطينية، ودخل الأسطول المنصور إلى عكا، وكان قد صحبه مراكب من الساحل فيها مير وذخائر،,"Another ship that had sailed from Constantinople was captured from the enemy. The victorious fleet, which other ships from the Levant coast, carrying provisions and stores, had accompanied, then entered Acre." وطابت قلوب أهل البلد، وانشرحت صدورهم فإن الضائقة كانت قد أخذت منهم، واتصل القتال بين العسكرين من خارج البلد إلى أن فصل بينهما الليل، وعاد كل فريق إلى خيامه، وقد قُتل من عدو الله وجُرح خلق كثير عظيم،,"The people in Acre were delighted at this and greatly relieved, for the difficult situation had taken its toll on them. Fighting continued between the two armies outside the city until nightfall separated them. Both sides returned to their tents. On the enemy’s side great numbers had been killed or wounded that day." فإنهم قاتلوا في ثلاثة مواضع فإن أهل البلد اشتدوا في قتالهم ليشغلوهم عن الأسطول أيضًا، والأسطولان يتقاتلان، والعسكر يقاتلهم من البر، وكان النصر للمسلمين في الأماكن كلها،,"There had been fighting on three fronts. The city garrison had fought them hard to prevent them from engaging the fleet, the two fleets had battled together and our army had fought them from the landward side. In all places on this day victory went to the Muslims by God’s grace." ثم كان وصول زين الدين صاحب إربل في العشر الأواخر من جمادى الأولى، وهو زين الدين يوسف بن علي بن بكتكين قدم بعسكر حسن وتجمل جميل، فاحترمه السلطان، وأكرمه، وأنزله في خيمته، وأكرم ضيافته، وأمر بضرب خيمته إلى جانب خيمة أخيه مظفر الدين.,"Zayn al-Din Yusuf ibn Zayn al-Din ‘Ali ibn Baktakm, lord of Irbil, arrived during the last ten days of Jumada I [26 June-5 July]. He came with a fine army, handsomely equipped. The sultan received him with respect and honour, entertained him with very great hospitality in his tent and ordered that a tent for him be pitched close to his brother, Muzaffar al-Din." (٥٧) ذكر خبر ملك الألمان,News of the German emperor ثم تواترت الأخبار بوصول ملك الألمان إلى بلاد قليج أرسلان، وأنه نهض للقائه جمع عظيم من التركمان، وقصدوا منعه من عبور النهر، وأنه أعجزهم لكثرة خلقه وعدم مقدم لهم يجمع كلمتهم،,"Constant reports came in that the German emperor had reached the lands of Qilij Arslan and that a large gathering of Turkomans had risen up to confront him and aimed to prevent him from crossing the river. However, this had been beyond them because of his vast multitude and because they lacked a leader to unite them." وكان قليج أرسلان أظهر شقاقه، وهو في الباطن قد أضمر وفاقه، ثم لما عبر إلى البلاد أظهر ما كان أضمر، ووافقه وأعطاه رهائن منه على أن ينفذ معه من يوصله إلى بلاد ابن لاون،,"Qilij Arslan was making a show of hostility to the emperor, but the truth of the matter was that he had reached a secret understanding with him. Once the emperor had crossed the river into Qilij Arslan’s lands, he revealed what he had kept hidden. He came to an agreement with the emperor and gave him hostages as a guarantee that he would send people to lead them to the lands of the son of Leon." وأنفذ معه أدلاء، وعراهم في الطريق جوع عظيم، حتى ألقوا بعض أقمشتهم، ولقد بلغنا — والله أعلم — أنهم جمعوا عددًا كثيرة من زرديات وخوذ وآلات سلاح عجزوا عن حملها، وجعلوها سدرًا واحدًا، وأضرموا فيها النار لتتلف ولا ينتفع بها أحد،,"He sent guides with him to show them the way. On the road they were stricken by great hunger. Provisions ran out and they had few pack animals, so that they threw away some of their baggage. I have heard (and God knows best) that they gathered together much equipment, chain-mail, helmets and weapons that they were unable to carry and made one heap of it. They set fire to it to destroy it so that nobody else could benefit from it." وأنها بقيت بعد ذلك تلًّا من حديد، وساروا على هذا الحال حتى أتوا إلى بلد يُقال لها طرسوس، فأقاموا على نهر ليعبروه، وأما ملكهم فعنَّ له أن يسبح فيه، وكان ماؤه شديد البرد، وكان ذلك عقيب ما ناله من التعب والنصب والمشقة والخوف وأنه عرض له بسبب ذلك مرض عظيم اشتدَّ به إلى أن قتله،,"Afterwards a mound of iron was left. In this manner they marched on until they reached a town called Tarsus. They halted at a river to make the crossing. Their accursed emperor had the notion to swim there. The water was very cold and this was after he had suffered tiredness, fatigue, hardship and alarms. For this reason he caught a serious illness, which worsened until it killed him." ولما رأى ما حلَّ به أوصى إلى ابنه الذي كان في صحبته، ولما مات أجمعوا رأيهم إلى أن سلقوه في خل، وجمعوا عظامه في كيس على أن يحملوه إلى القدس الشريف — حرسه الله — ويدفنوه في القدس، وترتب ابنه مكانه على خلف من أصحابه، فإن ولده الأكبر كان قد خلفه في بلاده، وكان جماعة من أصحابه يميلون إليه،,"When he had realised the state that he had come to, he made his testament in favour of his son, who was accompanying him. After his death, by common agreement, they boiled him in vinegar and collected his bones in a bag to convey him to Jerusalem and bury him there. His son took over his position despite the opposition of his men, for the eldest son had been left in charge in his own lands and a number of his men inclined towards him." واستقر قدم ولده الحاضر في تقدمه العسكر، ولما أحس ابن لاون بما جرى عليهم من الخلل، وما حلَّ بهم من الجوع والموت والضعف بسبب موت ملكهم ما رأى أن يلقي بنفسه بينهم، فإنه لا يعلم كيف يكون الأمر وهم إفرنج وهو أرمني، فاعتصم هو عنهم في بعض قلاعه المنيعة.,"However, his son who was on the spot firmly established himself in command of the army. When the son of Leon became aware of the problems that had come their way and the hunger, death, alarms and weakness that had befallen them by reason of their emperor’s demise, he decided not to cast himself amongst them, for he did not know what might be forthcoming, since they were Franks and he was Armenian. He therefore took refuge in one of his impregnable castles." (٥٨) صورة كتاب الكايفكوس الأرمني,The letter from the Armenian Catholicos ولقد وصل إلى السلطان كتاب من الكايفكوس، وهو مقدم الأرمن وهو صاحب قلعة الروم التي على طرف الفرات نسخة هذه ترجمتها:,"A letter came to the sultan from the Catholicos, the leader of the Armenians and lord of Qal‘at al-Rum on the banks of the Euphrates. The translation of the text is as follows:" «كتاب الداعي المخلص الكايفكوس: ما أطالع به علم مولانا ومالكنا السلطان الناصر، جامع كلمة الإيمان، رافع علم العدل والإحسان، صلاح الدنيا والدين، سلطان الإسلام والمسلمين — أدان الله إقباله، وضاعف جلاله، وصان مهجته، وكمل نهاية آماله بعظمته وجلاله؛ من أمر ملك الألمان، وما جرى له عند ظهوره، وذلك أنه أول ما خرج من دياره ودخل بلاد الهنكر غصبًا غصب ملك الهنكر بالإذعان والدخول تحت طاعته،,"From the Catholicos with sincere prayers. Among the matters that I will bring to the attention of our lord and ruler, the Sultan al-Nasir, uniter of Islam, standaid bearer of justice and fairness, Salah al-Dunya wa’l-Dln, sultan of Islam and the Muslims (may God perpetuate his good fortune, multiply his glory, preserve his life and perfection and make him attain his ultimate hopes through His might and splendour), concerning the fate of the German emperor and what befell him when he came on the scene is the fact that, when he first marched out from his lands and entered by force into the lands of the Hungarians, he forced the king of Hungary to submit and become obedient to him." وأخذ من ماله ورجاله ما اختار، ثم إنه دخل أرض مقدم الروم، وفتح البلاد، ونهبها، وأقام بها،,"He took such of his money and men as he wished. He then entered the land of the ruler of the Greeks, which he conquered and plundered. After his stay there he left it empty." وأخرج ملك الروم إلى أن أطاعه، وأخذ رهائنه ولده وأخاه وأربعين نفرًا من خلصائه، وأخذ منه خمسين قنطارًا ذهبًا، وخمسين قنطارًا فضة، وثياب أطلس بمبلغ عظيم،,"He compelled the Greek ruler to obey him and took hostages from him, his son, his brother and forty of his close courtiers. He also took fifty qintdrs of gold, fifty of silver and a large amount of satin textiles." واغتصب المراكب، وعاد بها إلى هذا الجانب، وصحبته الرهائن إلى أن دخل محدود بلاد الملك قليج أرسلان ورد الرهائن,"He seized ships and on them crossed to this side, accompanied by the hostages, finally entering the lands of Qilij Arslan and returning the hostages." وبقي سائرًا ثلاثة أيام وتركمان الأوج يلقونه بالأغنام والبقر والخيل والبضائع، فداخلهم الطمع وجمعوا جموعًا من جميع البلاد، ووقع القتل بين التركمان وبينه،,"For three days he marched on, while Uwaj Turkomans met him with sheep, cows, horses and other goods. Then, prompted by greed, they gathered forces from the whole country. A battle between him and the Turkomans followed." وضايقوه ثلاثة وثلاثين يومًا وهو سائر، ولما قرب من قونية جمع قطب الدين ولد قليج أرسلان العساكر، وقصده وضرب معه مصافًا عظيمًا، فظفر به ملك الألمان وكسره كسرة عظيمة،,"For thirty-three days they pressed him hard, as he continued his march. When he approached Konya, Qutb al-Din, the son of Qilij Arslan, having assembled his forces, attacked him and brought him to a great pitched battle. The German emperor was victorious and inflicted a great defeat on him." وسار حتى أشرف على قونية، فخرج إليه جموع عظيمة من المسلمين، فردهم مكسورين، وهجم على قونية بالسيف، وقتل منهم عالمًا عظيمًا من المسلمين والفرس،,"As he came in sight of Konya, great crowds of Muslims came out against him but he repelled them in rout. He forced his way into Konya by the sword and killed great multitudes of Muslims and Persians." وأقام بها خمسة أيام، فطلب قليج أرسلان منه الأمان، فأمنه الملك، واستقر بينهم قاعدة أكيدة، وأخذ الملك منه رهائن عشرين من أكابر دولته، وأشار على الملك أن يجعل طريقه على طرسوس والمصيصة ففعل،,"He remained there five days. Qilij Arslan asked for terms, which the emperor granted. An agreement was reached between the sides and the emperor took hostages, twenty great men of state. Qilij Arslan advised the emperor to travel via Tarsus and al-Masisa, which he did." وقبل منه، وقبل وصوله إلى هذه الديار اختيارًا أو كرهًا اقتضى الحال إنفاذ المملوك حاتم وصحبته ما سأل، ومعه من الخواص جماعة للقاء الملك، وجواب كتابه،,"Before he came to our lands, he sent a letter with an envoy, detailing his position, his destination and his experiences en route and stating that, come what may, he had to cross through these lands. The situation demanded the sending of the mamluke Hatim, taking what was asked for, and accompanied by a group of leading men to meet the emperor in response to his letter." وكانت الوصية أن يمروا به على بلاد قليج أرسلان إن أمكن، فلما اجتمعوا بالملك الكبير، وأعادوا عليه الجواب عرفوه الأحوال بالانحراف، ثم كثرت عليه العساكر والجموع، ونزل على شط بعض الأنهار،,"They were charged with diverting him into the lands of Qilij Arslan, if at all possible. When they met with the great emperor and gave him the response, informing him of the situation, he refused to be diverted. His troops and massed followers gathered in their great numbers and he camped on the bank of a certain river." وأكل خبزًا ونام وانتبه، فتاقت نفسه إلى الاستحمام في الماء البارد، ففعل ذلك وخرج، وكان من أمر الله أن تحرك عليه مرض عظيم من الماء البارد، فمكث أيامًا قلائل ومات،,"He ate bread and slept for a while. On awaking he had a desire to bathe in the cold water. He did so, came out and God decreed that he became seriously ill from the cold water. After lingering for a few days he died." وأما ابن لاون فإنه كان سائرًا يلقى الملك، فلما جرى هذا المجرى هرب الرسل من العسكر، وتقدموا إليه، وأخبروه في الحال، فدخل في بعض حصونه واحتمى هناك،,"Leon was travelling to meet the emperor, but when this event happened, the envoys fled from the army, came to him and told what had happened. He then entered one of his castles and sought security there." وأما ابن الملك فكان أبوه منذ توجه إلى قصد هذه الديار نصب ولده الذي معه عوضه، واستقرت القاعدة، وبلغه هرب رسل ابن لاون، فأنفذ واستعطفهم وأحضرهم،,"The emperor’s son, who accompanied him, had been set up by his father in his place since setting out for these regions and the son’s position was well established. He heard of the flight of the envoys of Leon’s son and, sending after them, persuaded them to come back." وقال: إن أبي كان شيخًا كبيرًا، وما قصد هذه الديار إلا لأجل حج بيت المقدس، وأنا الذي دبرت الملك، وعاينت المشاق في هذه الطريق فمن أطاعني، وإلا قصدت دياره. واستعطف ابن لاون. واقتضى الحال الاجتماع ضرورة، وبالجملة فهو في عدد كثير،,"He said, ‘My father was an old man. He came to these regions only for the sake of making his pilgrimage to Jerusalem. I have acted as emperor and dealt with the difficulties of this march. If anyone does not obey me, I shall start by attacking his lands.’ He persuaded Leon’s son too, whom circumstances convinced of the necessity of meeting him. To put it briefly, the Germans were in great numbers." ولقد عرض عسكره، فكان اثنين وأربعين مجفجفًا، وأما الرجالة فما يُحصى عددهم، وهم أجناس متفاوتة على قصدٍ عظيم وجد في أمرهم وسياسة هائلة، حتى إن من جنى منهم جناية، فليس له جزاء إلا أن يُذبح مثل الشاة،,"He reviewed his army, which consisted of 42,000 mailed men and foot-soldiers beyond numbering. They are of varied races and strange ways. Their cause is a great one and they are serious in their enterprise and of prodigious discipline, so much so that, if one of them commits a crime, the only penalty is to have his throat cut like a sheep." ولقد بلغهم عن بعض أكابرهم أنه جنى على غلام له، وجاوز الحد في ضربه، فاجتمعت القسوس للحكم، فاقتضى الحال والحكم العالم ذبحه، وشفع إلى الملك منهم خلق عظيم، فلم يلتفت إلى ذلك وذبحه،,"I was informed about one of their nobles, that he did wrong to a page of his and beat him beyond the limit. The priests gathered to give judgement and the case by general decision demanded that his throat be cut. Many petitioned the emperor on his behalf, but he paid no attention and had his throat cut." وقد حرموا الملاذ على أنفسهم، حتى إن من بلغهم عنه بلوغ لذة هجروه وعزروه، كل ذلك كان حزنًا على البيت المقدس،,"They have forbidden themselves pleasures even to the extent that, if they hear that anyone has allowed himself any pleasure, they treat him as an outcast and chastise him. All this is because of grief for Jerusalem." ولقد صح عن جمع منهم أنهم هجروا الثياب مدة طويلة، وحرموا ما حلَّ، ولم يلبسوا إلا الحديد، حتى أنكر عليهم الأكابر ذلك وهم من الصبر على الشقاء والذل والتعب في حالٍ عظيم.,"It is true that some of them renounced clothes for a long period, banned them and did not wear anything but iron [mail]. Eventually, their leaders disapproved of that. They are to an extraordinary degree capable of enduring hardship, humiliation and fatigue." طالع المملوك بالحال، وما يتجدد بعد ذلك يطالع به إن شاء الله — تعالى.»,"Your humble servant reports these matters and, God willing, will report subsequent developments." هذا كتاب الكايفكوس، ومعنى هذا اللفظ الخليفة، واسمه بركري كور بن باسيل.,"This is the letter of the Catholicos, which title is equivalent to caliph. His name was Lord Krikor, son of Basil." ذكر مسير العساكر إلى أطراف البلاد في طريق ملك الألمان,Account of the troops’ move to the frontier on the German emperor’s line of march ولما تحقق السلطان وصول ملك الروم إلى بلاد ابن لاون، وقربه إلى البلاد الإسلامية جمع أمراء دولته، وأرباب الآراء وشاورهم فيما يصنع،,"When the sultan had confirmed that the German emperor had arrived in the territory of Leon and that he was close to the lands of Islam, he assembled his emirs and councillors and consulted them about what was to be done." فاتفق الرأي على أن العسكر بعضه يسير إلى البلاد المتاخمة لطريق عسكر العدو الواصل، وأن يقيم على منازلة العدو بباقي العسكر المنصور،,It was agreed that part of the army should proceed to the areas adjacent to the route of the approaching enemy and that he himself should remain besieging the Franks with the remainder of the army. وكان أول من سار صاحب منبج، وهو ناصر الدين بن تقي الدين، ثم عز الدين بن المقدم صاحب كفر طاب وبارين وغيرهما، ثم مجد الدين صاحب بعلبك، ثم صاحب شيزر سابق الدين، ثم الباروقية من جملة عسكر حلب، ثم عسكر حماه.,"The first to leave was the lord of Manbij, namely Nasir al-Din ibn Taqi al-Din, and ‘Izz al-Din ibn al-Muqaddam, the lord of Kafartab, Ba‘rin and other places. There followed Majd al-Din, the lord of Baalbek, then Sabiq al-Din, the lord of Shayzar, then the Yaruqiyya [Turkomans], part of the troops of Aleppo, then the standing troops of Hama." وسار ولده الملك الأفضل مع مرض عرض له، ثم بدر الدين شحنة دمشق مع مرض عرض له أيضًا، وسار بعد ذلك ولده الملك الظاهر إلى حلب لإبانة الطريق، وكشفًا لأخباره، وحفظًا لما يليه من البلاد، وسار بعده الملك المظفر لحفظ ما يليه من البلاد، وتدبير أمر العدو المجتاز،,"The sultan’s son, al-Afdal, left because of an illness he had caught, as did Badr al-Din, the military prefect of Damascus, also because of an illness. After him the sultan’s son, al-Zahir, went to Aleppo to discover their routes, to scout for news and to guard the lands he controlled. He was followed by al-Muzaffar to guard his lands and to keep an eye on the enemy as they passed." ولما سارت هذه العساكر خفت الميمنة، فإن معظم من سار منها، فأمر — رحمه الله — الملك العادل أن ينتقل إلى منزلة تقي الدين في طرف الميمنة، وكان عماد الدين زنكي في طرف الميسرة،,"After the departure of these troops, the right wing was weak, for most who left were from there. The sultan ordered al-‘Adil to transfer to al-Muzaffar’s position on the far right. On the far left was ‘Imad al-Din Zanki." ووقع في العسكر مرض عظيم؛ فمرض مظفر الدين صاحب حران وشفي، ومرض بعده الملك الظاهر وشفي، ومرض خلق كثير من الأكابر وغيرهم إلا أن المرض كان سليمًا بحمد الله،,"The army was afflicted with much illness. Muzaffar al-Din ibn Zayn al-Din, the lord of Harran, fell sick but recovered, as did the sultan’s son, al-Malik al-Zafir, who had also fallen ill. A great many of the leading men and others also became ill, although (praise be to God) the illness was mild." وكان المرض عند العدو أكثر وأعظم، وكان مقرونًا بموتان عظيم، وأقام السلطان مصابرًا على ذلك مرابطًا للعدو.,"That amongst the enemy was greater in quantity and in seriousness and was linked with much mortality. The sultan, however, remained in the field opposing the enemy and enduring all this." ذكر تمام خبر ملك الألمان,Completion of the report concerning the German emperor وذلك أن ولده الذي قام مقامه مرض مرضًا عظيمًا أقام بسببه بموضع من بلاد ابن لاون، وأقام معه خمسة وعشرون فارسًا وأربعون داويًا، وجهز عسكره نحو أنطاكية، حتى يقطعوا الطريق،,The son whom the emperor had made his successor fell seriously ill and therefore remained in a place called al-Mlnat in the lands of the son of Leon. Twenty-five knights and forty Templars stayed with him. He sent his army on towards Antioch to finish their journey. ورتبهم ثلاث فرق لكثرتهم، ثم إن الفرقة الأولى اجتازت تحت قلعة بغراس يقدمها كند عظيم عندهم، وأن عسكر بغراس مع قلته أخذ منهم مائتي رجل قهرًا ونهبًا، وكبت جزء منهم بالضعف العظيم والمرض الشديد وقلة الخيل والظهر والعدد والآلات،,"They were so many that he divided them into three bodies. The first body, led by a great count of theirs, passed beneath the castle of Baghras. The local garrison, despite its small size, seized by force 200 of them and wrote to report that the enemy was very weak and ill, short of horses, pack animals, provisions and military equipment." ولما اتصل هذا الخبر بالنواب في البلاد الشامية أنفذوا إليهم عسكرًا يكشف أخبارهم، فوقع العسكر على جمع عظيم قد خرجوا لطلب العلوفة،,When this news reached the sultan’s deputies in Syria they sent a force to gather information. This force came upon a large number who had gone foraging. فأغاروا عليهم غارة عظيمة، وقتلوا، وأسروا وكان مقدار ما أخذوه وقتلوه على ما ذكره المخبرون في الكتب زهاء خمسمائة نفس،,"They attacked them fiercely, causing losses and taking prisoners. The number taken, according to what informants wrote in despatches, was about 500 souls." ولقد حضرت رسالة رسول ثانٍ من كبغا الفرس بين يدي السلطان، وهو يذكر خبرهم ويقول هم عدد كثير، لكنهم ضعاف قليلو الخيل والعدة، وأكثر ثقلهم على حمر وخيل ضعيفة،,"I was present when a second envoy from the Catholicos delivered a letter to the sultan, and spoke of them as follows, ‘They are very numerous, but they are weak, short of horses and equipment. Most of them have their baggage on donkeys and weak horses.’" قال: ولقد وقفت على جسر يعبرون عليه لأعتبرهم، فعبر منهم جمع عظيم ما وجدت مع واحد منهم طارقة، ولا رمحا إلا النادر، فسألتهم عن ذلك، فقالوا: أقمنا بمرج وخم أياما، فقلَّ زادنا وأحطابنا وأوفدنا معظم عددنا ومات منا خلق عظيم،,"He continued, ‘I halted at a bridge they were crossing to observe them. A great crowd of them passed over, but I did not discover that any of them, except very few, had any shield or spear. I asked them about that, and they replied, “We stayed for several days on an unhealthy plain and provisions and firewood ran short. We burnt most of our equipment and very many of our number died." واحتجنا إلى الخيل، فذبحناها وأكلناها وأوقدنا الرماح والعدد لإعواز الحطب، وأما الكند الذي وصل إلى أنطاكية في مقدمة العسكر، فإنه مات،,"We needed to slaughter and eat our horses and we burnt our spears and equipment for lack of firewood.” The count, who came to Antioch (God facilitate its conquest) with the vanguard of the army, died.’" وذكر أن ابن لاون لما أحس منهم بذلك الضعف طمع فيهم، حتى إنه عزم على أخذ مال الملك لمرضه وضعفه وقلة جمعه الذي تخلف معه،,"He also related that when the son of Leon realised their weakness, he became eager to exploit it. He planned to seize the emperor’s money because he was ill and weak and attended by very few men who had stayed behind with him." وأن البرنس صاحب أنطاكية لما أحس منهم بذلك أرسل إلى ملك الألمان التقطه إلى أنطاكية طمعًا في أن يموت عنده، ويأخذ ماله، ولم تزل أخبارهم تتواتر بالضعف والمرض إلى أن وقعت وقعة العادل على طرف البحر.,"The prince, lord of Antioch, when he became aware of this, travelled to the German emperor to remove him to Antioch, eager that he should die in his control, so that he could take his money. Frequent reports of their weakness and sickness continued to arrive until the time when aPAdil’s battle on the sea shore took place." (٥٩) ذكر الوقعة العادلية,[129j Account of al-‘Adil’s battle ولما كان يوم الأربعاء العشرون من جمادى الآخرة علم عدو الله أن العساكر قد تفرقت، وأن الميمنة قد خفت؛ لأن معظم من سافر كان منها بحكم قرب بلادهم من طريق العدو، فأجمعوا رأيهم، واتفقت كلمتهم على أنهم يخرجون بغتة، ويهجمون على طرف الميمنة فجأة،,On Wednesday 20 Jumada II [25 July] the enemy learnt that our armies had become disorganised on the extreme wings and that our right wing was undermanned because it had contained most of those who had departed on account of their lands being close to the route taken by the German enemy. Thus they decided unanimously to make a sudden sortie and a surprise attack on our far right wing. وتلاعبت بهم آمالهم، فخرجوا ظهيرة النهار، وامتدوا ميمنة وميسرة وقلبًا، وانبثوا في الأرض، وكانوا عددًا عظيمًا، واستخفوا طرف الميمنة، وكان فيها مخيم الملك العادل،,"They were beguiled by their hopes which God showed to be false. They came forth at noon on the Wednesday, deployed to form right and left wings and centre, and spread over the area in great numbers. Our right wing, at the extreme end of which was al-‘Adil’s encampment, was thought by them to be an easy target." فلما بصر الناس بهم قد خرجوا في تعبية القتال صاح صائحهم، وخرجوا من خيامهم كالأسود من آجامها، وركب السلطان، ونادى مناديه: يا للإسلام.,"When our men saw that the enemy had come out in battle array, the herald cried aloud and they came from their tents like lions from then lairs. The sultan mounted up and his herald cried, ‘On, on for Islam!’" وركبت الجيوش وطلبت الأطلاب، «ولقد» رأيته — رحمه الله — قد ركب من خيمته، وحوله نفر يسير من خواصه، والناس لم يستتم ركوبهم، وهو كالفاقدة ولدها، الثاكلة واحدها،,"Our troops mounted and formed their divisions with the sultan being the first to horse. I saw him already riding from his tent, surrounded by a small band of his special retinue, when the troops were not yet fully mounted and ready, as solicitous as a mother losing her only son." ثم ضرب الكئوس وأجابته كئوسات الأمراء من أماكنها، وركب الناس، وأما الإفرنج فإنهم سارعوا في القصد إلى الميمنة، حتى وصلوا إلى خيمة الملك العادل،,He struck his drum which was answered by the emirs’ drums from their positions. Then the troops mounted. The Franks (God curse them) had hastened to attack our right wing and reached al-‘Adil’s encampment before our troops were fully deployed. ودخلوا في طاقه، وامتدت أيديهم في السوق وأطراف الخيم بالنهب والغارة، وقيل وصلوا إلى خيمة الخاص، وأخذوا من شراب خاناتها شيئًا،,"They entered his camp and laid their hands on what was in the market and the recesses of the tents, plundering and despoiling. It is said that they got as far as his personal tent and took things from his buttery." وأما الملك العادل فإنه لما علم بذلك ركب وخرج من خيمته، واستركب من يليه من الميمنة كالطواشي قايماز النجمي ومن يجري مجراه من أسود الإسلام،,"Learning of this, al-‘Adil had mounted and left his tent. He urged his neighbours on the right wing, such as Qaymaz al-Najmi and his like amongst the lions of Islam, to get to horse." ووقف وقوف مخادع، حتى يوغل بهم طمعهم في الخيم، ويشتغلوا في النهب،,Then he halted craftily until the Franks’ eagerness would bring them deep into his encampment and they would be preoccupied with their plundering. وكان كما ظن فإنهم عاثت أيديهم في الخيام والأقمشة والفواكه والمطاعم، فلما علم اشتغالهم بذلك صاح بالناس، وحمل بنفسه،,"What he expected happened. They rummaged wildly amongst the tents, clothing, fruits and food stuffs and when he knew that they were busy with that, he charged in person, while his grown-up son, Shams al-DTn, went before him." وحمل حملته من كان يليه من الميمنة، واتصل الأمر بجميع الميمنة، حتى وصل الصائح إلى عسكر الموصل،,"Those next to him on the right wing, such as the Tawashl Qaymaz and others, charged along with him. The action spread all along the right wing and eventually the cry reached the Mosul troop." وهجموا على العدو هجمة الأسود على فريستها، وأمكنهم الله منهم، ووقعت الكسرة، فعادوا يشتدون نحو خيامهم هاربين، وعلى أعقابهم ناكصين، وسيف الله فيهم يلتقط الأرواح من الأشباح، ويفصل بين الأجساد والرءوس، ويفرق بين الأبدان والنفوس،,"They charged the enemy like lions upon their prey. God gave them the upper hand and a rout followed. The Franks recoiled on their heels in precipitous flight back towards their tents, while the sword of God was gleaning spirits from persons, detaching heads from bodies and separating souls from their human frames." ولما بصر السلطان باصطلاء الحرب قد ارتفع مما يلي خيام أخيه ثارت في قلبه نار الإشفاق، وحركت الحمية إخوته، وأنهضت لرغبة في نصرة دين الله والخوف على أوليائه عزيمته،,"When the sultan saw the dust-cloud of war rise up near his brother’s tents, a burning solicitude was kindled in his heart and its warmth stirred his fraternal feelings. His desire to aid God’s religion and fear for its champions roused his determination." وصاح صائحه في الناس: يا للإسلام، وأبطال الموحدين، هذا عدو الله قد أمكن الله منه، وقد داخله الطمع حتى غشي خيامكم بنفسه.,"His herald proclaimed ‘On, on for Islam and the heroes of the true Unitarians! See, the enemies of God are now in His power, now that they have been forward enough to descend on your tents.’" فكان من المبادرين إلى إجابة دعوته جماعة من مماليكه وخاصته وحلقته، ثم طلب عسكر الموصل يقدمهم علاء الدين، ثم عسكر مصر يقدمهم سنقر الحلبي،,"Among those who hurried to answer his call were a group of his mamlukes, personal troops and his guard, secondly the troops of Mosul, led by ‘Ala’ al-Din, son of ‘Izz al-Din, and thirdly the Egyptian troops, led by Sunqur al-Halabi." وتتابعت العساكر، وتجاوبت الأبطال، ووقف هو — رحمه الله — في القلب خشية أن يستضعف العدو القلب بحكم ما أنفذ منه من العساكر فينال غرضًا، فتواصلت العساكر، واتصل الضرب، وقامت سوق الحرب،,"Our forces arrived progressively and our champions severally responded. The sultan himself stood in the centre, fearing that the enemy, finding it weak on account of the troops that he had sent from it, might take some advantage. As the forces gathered, the clash of arms was continuous and the battle grew hot." فلم يكن إلا ساعة حتى رأيت القوم صرعى كأنهم أعجاز نخلٍ خاوية، وامتدوا مطروحين من خيام الملك العادل إلى خيامهم، أوَّلهم في الخيم الإسلامية وآخرهم في خيم العدو صرعى على التلول والوهاد،,"Only a short time passed before I saw the enemy ‘laid low as though they were stumps of fallen palms’. Their corpses reached where they lay from al-‘Adil’s tents back to their own, starting with the Muslim camp and finishing in the enemy’s, laid low on hillocks and in hollows." وشربت السيوف من دمائهم حتى رويت، وأكلت أسد الوغى بأسنان الظفر منهم حتى شبعت، وأظهر الله كلمته، وحقق لعبده نصرته.,Our swords had drunk of their blood till they were slaked and the lions of battle had victoriously gorged themselves till they were sated. God manifested His word and activated His aid for His servants. وكان مقدار ما امتد فيه القتلى فيما بين الخيامين فرسخًا، وربما زاد على ذلك، ولم ينجُ من القوم إلا النادر، ولقد خضت في تلك الدماء بدابتي، واجتهدت في أن أعدهم فما قدرت على ذلك لكثرتهم، وتفرقهم، وشاهدت فيهم امرأتين مقتولتين،,"The distance over which the corpses were spread between the two camps was a league, or perhaps more than that. Only the odd few of the enemy escaped. I waded into the camage there on my mount and strove to count them, but they were so many and so heaped up that I was unable to. I caught sight of two dead women amongst them." وحكى لي من شاهد أربعة نسوة يقاتلن، وأُسر منهن اثنتان، وأُسر من الرجال في ذلك اليوم نفر يسير، فإن السلطان كان أمر الناس ألَّا يستبقوا أحدًا هذا كله في الميمنة، وبعض القلب،,An eyewitness told me that he saw four women taking part in the battle. Two of them were taken prisoner. On this day very few of their men were taken. The sultan had ordered his troops not to spare anyone. All of this took place on the right wing and in part of the centre. وأما الميسرة فما اتصل الصائح بهم إلا وقد نجز الأمر، وقُضي القضاء على العدو ما بين الظهر والعصر، فإن العدو ظهر في قائم الظهيرة، وانفصلت الحرب بعد صلاة العصر،,"On the left wing the call to arms reached them only when the business was over and the decision had gone against the enemy, because of the distance between the extremities of the line. This engagement took place during noon and evening, for the enemy emerged at noon and the fighting was concluded after the evening prayer." وانكسر القوم حتى دخلت طائفة من المسلمين وراءهم إلى مخيمهم على ما قيل،,"When the enemy were routed, it is said that a detachment of Muslims entered their camp behind them." ولم يُفقد من المسلمين أحد في ذلك اليوم سوى عشرة أنفس غير معروفين.,and on the Muslim side this day only ten souls of the common folk had been lost. ولما أحس جند الله بعكا بما جرى من الوقعة، فإنهم كانوا يشاهدون الوقعة من أعالي السور خرجوا إلى مخيم العدو،,When God’s troops in Acre became aware of the battle between the Muslims and God’s enemies – for they watched it from the tops of the city wall – they made a sortie into the enemy camp. وجرت بينهم مقتلة عظيمة، وكانت النصرة للمسلمين، بحيث هجموا خيام العدو، ونهبوا منها جمعًا من النسوان والأقمشة، حتى القدور فيها الطعام، ووصل كتاب من المدينة يخبر بذلك، وكان يومًا على الكافرين عسيرًا،,"Another battle ensued and the victory went to the Muslims (praise be to God), since they charged the enemy’s tents and seized several women and some goods, even cooking pots with food within. A letter came from the city with this news. It was a hard day for the infidels." واختلف الناس في عدد القتلى منهم، فذكر قوم أنهم ثمانية آلاف،,"There was a dispute about the number of their slain. Some said 8,000," وقال آخرون: سبعة آلاف، ولم ينقصهم حازرُ عن خمسة آلاف,"others 7,000, but nobody made an estimate less than 5,000." ولقد شاهدت منهم خمسة صفوف أولها في خيم العادل، وآخرها في خيم العدو، ولقد لقيت إنسانًا جنديًّا عاقلًا، جنديًّا يسعى بين صفوف القتلى ويعدهم،,"I witnessed five rows of them, the first at al-‘Adil’s tents and the last at the enemy’s tents. I met an intelligent soldier making his way between the rows of the dead and counting them." فقلت له: كم عددت؟ فقال لي: ها هنا أربعة آلاف ونيف وستون قتيلًا، وكان قد عد صفين وهو في الصف الثالث، لكن لما مضى من الصفوف كان أكثر عددًا من الباقي، وانجلى يوم الأربعاء المذكور بأحسن ما ينجلي عنه الإسلام،,"I asked him, ‘How many have you counted?’ He replied, ‘Up to here 4,060 odd.’ He was in the third row, having counted two, but the rows that he had done were more numerous than those left. This Wednesday produced the best possible result for Islam." ولما كان يوم الخميس الحادي والعشرون من جمادى المذكورة ورد في عصره نجاب من حلب له خمسة أيام يتضمن كتابه أن جماعة عظيمة من العدو الشمالي خرجوا لنهب أطراف البلاد الإسلامية، ونهض العسكر الإسلامي من حلب إليهم، وأخذ عليهم الطريق،,"When it was Thursday 21 Jumada II [26 July], in the evening there arrived a courier on a dromedary, having taken five days from Aleppo, whose despatch contained news that a large number of the enemy to the north had gone on a plundering expedition into Muslim territory, that the troops of Aleppo had intercepted them and blocked their route." ولم ينجُ منهم إلا من شاء الله، وكان وقع هذا الخبر عقيب هذه الوقعة المباركة وقعًا عظيمًا، وضربت البشائر، ولم يُرَ صبيحة لتلك العروس أحسن من هذه الصبيحة،,"None escaped but those whom God wished to do so. Coming just after this other victory, this news had a great affect. Drums were beaten in celebration and no day dawned sweeter than this one." وجاءنا بقية ذلك اليوم من اليزك قايماز الحراني، وذكر أن العدو قد سأل من جانب السلطان من يصل إليهم ليسمع منه حديثًا في سؤال الصلح لضعف حلَّ بهم، ولم يزل عدو الله من حينه مكسور الجناح من الجانبين حتى وصلهم كند يُقال له كندهري.,"Very early in the morning that day, Qaymaz al-Harrani came from the advanced posts and reported that the enemy had asked who on the sultan’s behalf would come to discuss with them the question of peace because they had been weakened. From then on the wings of the enemy remained clipped and his spirit crushed until the arrival of a count of theirs, called Count Henry." (٦٠) ذكر وصول الكندهري,The arrival of Count Henry وهذا المذكور من ملوكهم وأعيانهم وصل في البحر في مراكب عدة، ومعه من الأموال والذخائر والميرة والأسلحة والرجال عدد عظيم، فقوى بوصوله عزمهم، واشتد أزرهم، وحدَّثتهم نفوسهم بطلب العسكر الإسلامي المنصور ليلًا،,"This person, one of their rich princes, arrived by sea with several ships, bringing a great amount of possessions, treasure, weapons and men. By his coming their courage was strengthened and their spirits raised high. They were tempted to make a surprise night attack on the Muslim forces." وكثر ذلك الحديث على ألسنة المستأمنين والجواسيس، فجمع السلطان الأمراء وأرباب الرأي، واستشارهم فيما يفعل،,"There was much talk of this from deserters to our side and from spies. The sultan gathered the emirs and councillors, and consulted them about what to do." فكان آخر الرأي أنهم يوسعون الحلقة، ويتأخرون عن العدو رجاء أن يخرج العدو، ويبعد عن خيمه، فيمكن الله منهم،,"In the end they advised widening the encircling cordon and withdrawing from the enemy, in the hope that they would emerge and leave their tents far behind, so that God would deliver them into our hands." ووافقهم السلطان على ذلك، وأوقعه الله في قلبه، فرحل إلى جبل الخروبة بالعساكر بأسرها، وذلك في السابع والعشرين من جمادى الأخرى، وترك بقية من العسكر في تلك المنزلة كاليزك مقدار ألف فارس يتناوبون لحفظ النوبة،,"The sultan agreed with their plan and gave it full approval. He therefore moved from the hill of al-Kharruba with all his troops on Wednesday 27 Jumada II [1 August], leaving only a small remnant in that position as an advance guard, amounting to 1,000 horse, to mount guard in shifts." هذا والكتب متواصلة من عكا ومنا إليها على أجنحة الطيور وأيدي السياح والمراكب اللطاف تخرج ليلًا، وتدخل سرقة من العدو،,"Meanwhile, there was a stream of letters coming from Acre and going from us to Acre by pigeon post or carried by swimmers and small vessels, which set out at night and sneaked in past the enemy." هذا وأخبار العدو الواصل من الشمال متواصلة بقلة خيله وعدده وما قد عراهم من الموت والمرض، وأنهم قد اجتمعوا بأنطاكية، وأنهم قد بقوا رجالة وأن أصحابنا عسكر حلب يتخطفون حشاشتهم وعلافتهم، ومن يخرج منهم.,"To return to the progress of the German emperor, news of the enemy approaching from the north, his shortage of horses and small numbers continued to arrive. They were badly hit by disease and mortality, but they had assembled at Antioch and were distributing money to the foot-soldiers. Our men, the troops of Aleppo, were snatching their foragers, commissaries and any who strayed." (٦١) ذكر كتاب وصل من قسطنطينية يسر الله فتحها,Account of a letter that came from Constantinople وكان بين السلطان وبين ملك قسطنطينية مراسلة ومكاتبة، وكان وصل منه رسول إلى الباب السلطاني بمرج عيون في رجب سنة خمس وثمانين وخمسمائة في جواب رسول كان أنفذه السلطان إليه بعد تقرير القواعد وإقامة قانون الخطبة في جامع قسطنطينية،,There was diplomatic contact and correspondance between the sultan and the emperor of Constantinople. An envoy from the latter came to the sultan at Marj ‘Uyun during Rajab 585 [August – September in reply to an envoy that the sultan had sent to him after the conclusion of a mutual understanding and an agreement to institute Muslim prayers in the mosque of Constantinople. فمضى الرسول، وأقام الخطبة، ولقي احترامًا عظيمًا، وإكرامًا زائدًا، وكان قد أنفذ معه في المراكب الخطيب والمنبر، وجمعًا من المؤذنين والقراء، وكان يوم دخولهم القسطنطينية يومًا عظيمًا من أيام الإسلام شاهده جمع كثير من التجار،,"This envoy had gone there and established the khutbah, being met with great respect and much honour. The sultan had sent with him, in the one ship, the preacher, the minbar and a number of muezzins and Koran reciters. The day they entered Constantinople was one of the great days of Islam, witnessed by a large gathering of merchants." ورقي الخطيب المنبر، واجتمع إليه المسلمون المقيمون بها والتجار، وأقام الدعوة الإسلامية العباسية، ثم عاد فعاد معه هذا الرسول يخبرنا بانتظام الحال في ذلك،,"The preacher mounted the minbar and all the resident Muslims and the merchants gathered around, as he delivered the khutbah for the Abbasid caliph. Our envoy then came home, accompanied by theirs, to inform us that all had gone well." فأقام مدة، ولقد شاهدته يبلغ الرسالة ومعه ترجمان يترجم عنه، وهو شيخ أحسن ما يفرض أن يكون من صور المشايخ، وعليه زيهم الذي يختص بهم، ومعه كتاب وتذكرة والكتاب مختوم بذهب،,Their envoy stayed a while and I saw him deliver his mission. He had a dragoman to translate for him and was the finest example of an old man that one could expect to see. He was dressed in the fashion that is peculiar to them and brought a letter and a memorandum. The letter was sealed with gold. ولما مات وصل إلى ملك قسطنطينية خبر وفاته، فأنفذ هذا الرسول في تتمة ذلك، ووصل معه الكتاب في جواب ذلك،,"After he died, news of his decease reached the emperor, who sent this latest envoy to complete the business. He arrived with a letter of reply." وصورة ما فسر من الكتاب الواصل معه، ووصفه أنه كان كتابًا مدرجًا عرضًا، وهو دون عرض كتاب بغداد مترجمًا ظاهره وباطنه بسطرين بينهما فرجة، وضع فيها الختم والختم من ذهب مطبوع كما يطبع الخاتم في الشمع على ختمه صورة ملك وزن الذهب خمسة عشر دينارًا مضمون السطرين المكتوبين ما هذا صورته:,"Here is a description of the letter and its contents. It was in the form of a wide scroll, less wide than Baghdad paper and headed on the verso and the recto in two lines, between which was a space where the seal was put. The seal was stamped in gold, as is done in wax, with the image of the emperor. The gold weighed fifteen dinars and the content of the two lines of writing was as follows:" «من إيساكيوس» الملك المؤمن بالمسيح الإله المتوج من الله المنصور العالي أبدًا أقفقوس المدبر من الله القاهر الذي لا يُغلب، ضابط الروم بذاته أنكلوس، إلى النسيب سلطان مصر صلاح الدين,"From Isaac the Emperor, believer in the divine Messiah, crowned by God, victorious, ever exalted, Augustus, God’s governor, invincible conqueror, the master of Rum, Angelus, to his brother, the Sultan of Egypt Saladin…" والمحبة والمودة، قد وصل خط نسبتك الذي أنفذت إلى ملكي وقرأناه، وعلمنا منه أن رسولنا تُوفي وحزنَّا عليه؛ حيث إنه تُوفي في بلدٍ غريب، وما قدر أن يتم كل ما رسم له ملكي,Love and friendship. The letter of your Excellency which you sent to our realm has arrived. We have read it and learnt that our envoy has died. We are sad that he died in a foreign land and was not enabled to finish what our Majesty ordered him to do. وأمره أن يتحدث به مع نسبتك ويقول في حضرتك، ولا بد لنسبتك أن تهتم بإنفاذ رسول إلى ملكي مع رسولي المتوفى،,We ordered him to talk with your Excellency and to say in your presence that you must take care to send an envoy to us in order that he may inform us of the matter concerning which I communicated with you by our deceased envoy. والقماش الذي خلفه، ويوجد بعد موته لنعطيه أولاده وأقاربه، وما أظن أنه يسمع من نسبتك أخبارًا ودية،,The belongings which he left and which were found after his death please send to our Majesty that we may give them to his children and relatives. I do not imagine that he brought bad news to your Excellency’s ears. وأنه قد سافر في بلادي الألمان، ولا عجب فإن الأعداء يرجفون بأشياء مكذوبة على قدر أغراضهم، ولو تشتهي أن تسمع الحق، فإنهم قد تأذوا وتعبوا كثيرًا أكثر مما أوذي فلَّاحو بلادك،,"The Germans have crossed our territory and it is not a surprise that our enemies spread lying rumours to suit their own aims. If you wish to hear the truth, they suffered and were inconvenienced more than the peasants of my lands suffered." وقد خسروا كثيرًا من المال والدواب والرجال، ومات منهم وقُتلوا، وبالشدة قد تخلصوا من أيدي أجناد بلادي، وقد ضعفوا بحيث إنهم لا يصلون إلى بلادك،,"They lost much money, many horses, baggage and pack animals. Many of them died or were killed. With difficulty they escaped from the hands of my troops. They have been so weakened that they will hardly reach your lands." "فإن وصلوا كانوا ضعافًا بعد شدة كبيرة لا ينفعون جنسهم، ولا يضرون نسبتك، وبعد ذلك كيف نسيت الذي بيني وبينك وكيف ما عرفت لملكي شيئًا من المقاصد والمهمات؟ ما ربح ملكي من محبتك إلا عداوة الإفرنج وجنسهم،","If they do arrive, they will be weak, having suffered much and will be no benefit to their kindred and no harm to your Excellency. After all this it is surprising how you have forgotten what is between us and how you have not recognised any of the good intentions and efforts of our Majesty. We have no profit from your love other than the enmity of the Franks and their kin." "ولا بد لنسـبتك كما قد كتبت لملكي في كتابك الذي نفذت إلينا من إنفاذ رسـول حتى يعرفني جميع ما قد كتبت إليك في القديم من الحديث، ويكون ذلك بأسرع ما يمكن ولا تحمل على قلبك من مجيء الأعداء الذين قد سمعت بهم، فإن إدبارهم على قدر نيتهم وآرائهم وكتب في أيام سنة ألف وواحد وخمسائة","Your Excellency, as you wrote in your letter which you sent us, must send an envoy to inform us of all the matters about which we have corresponded with you in the past. Let that be done as quickly as possible and do not be cast down by the coming of the enemy that you have heard of, for their failure will be as great as their aims and plans. Written during the year 1501." فوقف — رحمه الله — على هذه الترجمة، وأكرم الرسول، وأحسن مثواه، وكان شيخًا حسن الخلق نبيهًا عارفًا بالعربية والرومية والإفرنجية،,"The sultan read this translation and gave the envoy, who was a fine looking and impressive old man, with a knowledge of Arabic, Greek and Frankish, an honourable welcome." ثم إن الإفرنج شدُّوا في حصار البلد وضايقوه لما قد حدث لهم من القوَّة بوصول الكندهري، فإنه وصل على ما ذكر — والله أعلم — في عشرة آلاف مقاتل ووصلتهم نجدة أخرى في البحر قويت بها قلوبهم، ونازلوا البلد بالقتال.,"The Franks (may God curse them) intensified their siege and the pressure on the city, because of the access of strength through Count Henry’s arrival. According to reports (and God knows best) he had provided financially for 10,000 fighting men. Then further reinforcements arrived by sea, which strengthened their hearts. They kept up their attacks on the city." (٦٢) ذكر حريق المنجنيقات,The burning of the enemy’s trebuchets وذلك أن العدو لما أحس في نفسه بقوته بسبب توالي النجدات عليهم اشتد طمعهم في البلد، وركبوا عليه المنجنيقات من كل جانب، وتناوبوا عليها، بحيث لا يتعطل رميها ليلًا ولا نهارًا،,"When the enemy felt themselves strong, because of the constant arrival of reinforcements, they became more ambitious and brought trebuchets to bear on the city from all directions. They operated them in shifts so that the bombardment never ceased day or night." وذلك في أثناء رجب، ولما رأى أهل البلد ما نزل بهم من مضايقة العدو، وتعلق طمعهم بهم حركتهم النخوة الإسلامية،,"This was so during Rajab 586 [August. Those in the city, seeing the pressure the enemy put them under and how confident they were, were moved by zeal for Islam." وكان مقدموه حينئذٍ إما والي البلد وحارسه، فالأمير الكبير بهاء الدين قراقوش، وإما مقدم العسكر، فالأمير الكبير الأسفهسلار حسام الدين أبو الهيجاء، وكان رجلًا ذا كرم وشجاعة وتقدم في عشيرته، ومضاء في عزيمته،,"Their leaders at the time were, as governor of the city and its protector, the great emir, Baha’ al-Dln Qaraqush, and, as commander of the army, the great emir, Husam al-Dln Abu’LHayja’, who was a man of honour, bravery, leadership among his clansmen and decisiveness in his plans." فاجتمع رأيهم على أنهم يخرجون إلى العدو فارسهم وراجلهم على غرة وغفلة منهم، ففعلوا ذلك وفُتحت الأبواب، وخرجوا دفعة واحدة من كل جانب،,"They agreed to make a sortie, with both horse and foot, to catch the enemy unawares. The gates were opened and as one they charged out at all points." ولم يشعر العدو إلا والسيف فيهم حاكم عادل، وسهم قدر الله وقضائه فيهم نافذ نازل، وهجم الإسلام على الكفر في منازله، وأخذ بناصية مناضله ورأس مقاتله،,"Before the enemy realised it, the sword was executing fair judgement on them and the arrow of God’s power and decree was potent amongst them. Islam assailed Unbelief in its camp and seized the forelocks of its defenders and the heads of its champions." ولما ولج المسلمون لخيام العدو ذهلوا عن المنجنيقات وحياطتها وحراستها، وحفظها وسياستها، فوصلت شهب الزراقين المقذوفة، وجاءت عوائد الله في نصرة دينه المألوفة،,"When the Muslims penetrated the enemy’s camp, the latter were too startled to guard and protect the trebuchets. The blazing meteors of the Greek fire specialists hit their targets and God’s accustomed practice to aid His religion was manifest." فلم تكن ساعة حتى اضطرمت فيها النيران، وتحرقت منها بيدها ما شيده الأعداء في المدة الطويلة في أقرب آن، وقُتل من العدو سبعون فارسًا، وأُسر خلق عظيم،,After only a short moment they were consumed in flames and what the enemy had constructed over a long period was burnt in the shortest possible time. On that day seventy of the enemy’s knights were killed and many people were taken prisoner. وكان من جملة الأسرى رجل مذكور منهم ظفر به واحد من آحاد الناس، ولم يعلم بمكانته، ولما انفصل الحرب سأل الإفرنج عنه هل هو حي أم لا؟,"Amongst the prisoners was a man of note, who had been taken by one of our common people who did not know his rank. After the battle was over the Franks asked whether he was alive or not." فعرف الذي هو عنده عند سؤالهم أنه رجل كبير فيهم، وخاف أن يغلب عليه، ويرد عليهم بنوع مصانعة أو على وجهٍ من الوجوه، فسارع وقتله,"From their questioning the man who held him realised that he was a great man and feared that he might be forcibly taken from him and given back in some mutual deal or for some reason or other, so he quickly killed him." وبذل الإفرنج فيه أموالًا كثيرة، ولم يزالوا يشتدون في طلبه، ويحرصون عليه، حتى رُئيت لهم جثته،,The Franks offered large sums of money and continued their efforts to ask after him very eagerly until his corpse was thrown to them. فضربوا بنفوسهم الأرض، وحثوا على رءوسهم التراب، ووقعت عليهم بسبب ذلك خمدة عظيمة، وكتموا أمره، ولم يظهروا من كان،,"Thereupon they cast themselves to the ground and smeared earth on their faces, being greatly disheartened by this. They concealed his status and did not reveal who it was." واستصغر المسلمون بعد ذلك أمرهم، وهجم عليهم العرب من كل جانب يسرقون وينهبون ويقتلون ويأسرون إلى ليلة نصف شعبان،,"After this the Muslims had less respect for them and the Bedouin raided them from all directions, stealing, killing and taking prisoners until the eve of Sha‘ban [began 3 September]." وكان الكندهري قد أنفق على منجنيق كبير عظيم الشكل على ما نقل الجواسيس والمستأمنون ألفًا وخمسمائة دينار، وأعده ليقدمه إلى البلد، ومنع من حريقه في ذلك اليوم كونه بعيدًا عن البلد لم يقدم بعد إليه،,"According to the reports of spies and deserters, Count Henry had spent 1,500 dinars on a trebuchet of huge dimensions and had prepared it to be brought up to the city. Its being far from the city and not yet brought forward saved it being burnt this day." ولما كانت الليلة المباركة المذكورة خرج الزراقين والمقاتلة تحفظهم من كل جانب والله يكلأهم، فساروا من تحت ستر الله حتى أتوا المنجنيق المذكور، وأضرموا فيه النار، فاحترق من ساعته، ووقع الصياح من الطائفتين،,"However, on this eve the Greek fire specialists and other soldiers went forward, with God watching over and guarding them, and under God’s protection they came to that trebuchet and set fire to it. It was consumed in a short time. Great cries went up from both sides." وذهل العدو فإنه كان بعيدًا من البلد، وخافوا أن يكونوا قد أحيط بهم من الجوانب، وكان نصرًا من عند الله، وأحرق بلهيبه منجنيقًا لطيفًا إلى جانبه.,The enemy were taken aback for it was far from the city and they feared that they might have been overwhelmed from all sides. This was a victory from God. From its blaze a small trebuchet alongside also caught fire and burnt. (٦٣) ذكر الحيلة وإدخال عكة بطسة عمرها وأودعها أربعمائة غرارة من القمح ووضع فيها الجبن والبصل والغنم وغير ذلك من الميرة,"The ruse to enable a buss to get into the city from Beirut The sultan had prepared and equipped a buss in Beirut, which he loaded with 400 ghirdra^ of wheat and also cheese, com, onions, sheep and other provisions." وكان الإفرنج — خذلهم الله — قد أداروا مراكبهم حول عكا حراسة لها من أن يدخلها مراكب المسلمين، وكانت قد اشتدَّت حاجة من فيها إلى الطعام والميرة،,The Franks had surrounded Acre with their ships to guard against any Muslim ship entering the harbour. The garrison was by now in serious need of food and supplies. فركب في بطسة بيروت جماعة من المسلمين وتزيوا بزي الإفرنج، حتى حلقوا لحالهم ووضعوا الخنازير على سطح البسطة، بحيث ترى من بعد، وعلقوا الصلبان،,"A number of Muslims boarded the buss in Beirut and dressed up as Franks, even shaving their beards. They also placed pigs on the deck, so that they could be seen from a distance, and flew crosses." وجاءوا قاصدين البلد من البعد، حتى خالطوا مراكب العدو، فخرجوا إليهم واعترضوهم في الحراقات والشواني،,"They arrived making course for the city and were soon amongst the ships of the enemy, who had come out to meet them in their galleys." وقالوا لهم: نراكم قاصدين البلد، واعتقدوا أنهم منهم، فقالوا: أولم تكونوا قد أخذتم البلد؟ فقالوا: لم نأخذ البلد بعد، فقالوا: نحن نردُّ القلوع إلى العسكر،,"They said, ‘We see that you are making for the city,’ believing that they were Franks. Our men replied, ‘Have you not taken the city?’ ‘No’, they said, ‘we have not taken the city yet.’ The Muslims said, ‘We shall tack to go to the camp." وقد أتى بطسة أخرى في هوائنا، فأنذروهم حتى يدخلوا البلد، وكان وراءهم بطسة إفرنجية قد اتفقت معهم في البحر قاصدة العسكر، فنظروا فرأوها، فقصدوها ينذرونها,"There is another buss behind us on our tack. Warn them not to enter the harbour.’ Behind them was a Frankish buss, which they had fallen in with at sea making for the camp. The Franks saw it and sailed to warn it." فاشتدَّت البطسة الإسلامية في السير، واستقامت لها الريح حتى دخلت ميناء البلد، وسلمت ولله الحمد،,"The Muslim buss, meanwhile, set more sail and with the wind in the right quarter entered the harbour and so was safe, praise be to God." وكان فرحًا عظيمًا فإن الحاجة كانت قد أخذت من أهل البلد، وكان ذلك في العشر الأواخر من رجب.,There was great rejoicing as the inhabitants were already in need. This incident took place during the last ten days of Rajab [24 August-2 September]. ذكر قصة العوام عيسى,The tale of the swimmer ومن نوادر هذه الوقعة ومحاسنها أن عوامًا مسلمًا يُقال له عيسى وصل إلى البلد بالكتب والنفقات على وسطه ليلًا على غرة من العدو، وكان يغوص ويخرج من الجانب الآخر من مراكب العدو،,"One of the most unusual and admirable things about this whole siege is that there was a Muslim swimmer, called ‘Isa, who used to get into the city at night without the knowledge of the enemy with letters and cash tied around his waist. He used to dive and emerge on the far side of the enemy’s ships." وكان ذات ليلة شدَّ على وسطه ثلاثة أكياس فيها ألف دينار وكتب للعسكر، وعام في البحر، فجرى عليه أمر أهلكه وأبطأ خبره عنا، وكانت عادته إذا دخل البلد أطار طيرًا عرفنا بوصوله،,"One night he tied three purses around his waist containing 1,000 dinars and letters for the army. He swam out to sea, but something fatal happened to him. We did not immediately hear any news. Normally, when he got into the city, a pigeon would be released to report his arrival." فأبطأ الطير فاستشعرنا هلاكه، ولما كان بعد أيام بينا الناس على طرف البحر في البلد إذا هو قد قذف شيئًا غريقًا، فتفقدوه، فوجدوه عيسى العوام، ووجدوا على وسطه الذهب، وشمع الكتب،,"The pigeon was delayed, however, and people feared that he had been killed. Several days later some people by the shore in the city suddenly caught sight of a drowned man that the sea had cast up. They investigated and found that it was ‘Isa, the swimmer. Around his waist they found the gold and the wax seals of the letters." وكان الذهب نفقة للمجاهدين فما رؤي من أدى الأمانة في حال حياته وقد ردَّها في مماته إلا هذا الرجل، وكان ذلك في العشر الآخر من رجب أيضًا.,The gold was pay for the soldiers. This man is the only one seen to have fulfilled his duty during his life and also to have performed it after his death. This was also in the last ten days of Rajab [24 August-2 September]. ذكر حريق المنجنيقات,The burning of the trebuchets وذلك أن العدو كان نصب على البلد منجنيقات هائلة حاكمة على السور، وإن حجارتها تواترت حتى أثرت في السور أثرًا بينًا،,The enemy had erected against the city dreadful trebuchets that dominated the wall. They released a rain of stones which made a visible impression on the city wall. وخيف من غائلاتها، فأخذ سهمان من سهام الجرخ العظيم، فأحرق نصلاهما حتى بقيا كالشعلة من النار، ثم رميا في المنجنيق الواحد،,"The resulting damage was greatly feared. Two arrows of a large ballista were taken, their tips set alight so that they were like a flame of fire and then they were shot at one of the trebuchets." فعلقا فيه، واجتهد العدو في إطفائهما، فلم يقدر على ذلك، وهبت ريح شديدة، فاشتعل اشتعالًا عظيمًا،,"They stuck fast while the enemy strove to extinguish the fire, but were unable to do so. Then a strong wind blew up and a great conflagration followed." واتصلت لهبته بالآخر، فأحرقته واشتد ناراهما، بحيث لم يقدر أحد أن يقرب من مكانهما ليحتال في إطفائهما، وكان يومًا عظيمًا اشتد فيه فرح المسلمين وساءت عاقبة الكافرين.,"The flames spread to the other and set fire to it. Both fires were so intense that nobody could get anywhere near them to attempt to put them out. It was a great day which gave much joy to the Muslims, but had a bad outcome for the infidels." (٦٤) ذكر تمام حديث ملك الألمان والحيلة التي عملها المركيس,Completion of the account of the German ولما استقر قدم ملك الألمان في أنطاكية أخذها من صاحبها، وحكم فيها، وكان بين يديه فيها ينفذ أوامره، فأخذها منه غيلة وخديعة وأودعها خزائنه، وسار عنها في الخامس والعشرين من رجب متوجهًا نحو عكا في جيوشه وجموعه على طريق اللاذقية حتى إلى طرابلس، وكان قد سار إليه من معسكر الإفرنج يلتقيه المركيس صاحب صور،,"After the German had established himself in Antioch (may God facilitate its conquest) he took it from its ruler and took control there. Its lord was subject to him and carried out his orders, as he had taken it deceitfully and by guile. He deposited his treasure there, then left on Wednesday 25 Rajab {29 August} to march towards Acre with his troops and bands by way of Lattakia. He arrived at Tripoli (may God facilitate its conquest), where the marquis, lord of Tyre, had already gone, leaving the Frankish camp, to meet him." وكان من أعظمهم حيلة وأشدهم بأسًا، وهو الأصل في تهييج الجموع من وراء البحر،,The marquis was one of their most cunning and brave leaders. He was the main person who motivated the bands from overseas. ذكر الحيلة التي عملها المركيس في جمع الفرنج من وراء البحر,The plan employed by the marquis to mobilise the Franks from overseas وذلك أنه صوَّر القدس في ورقة، وصور فيه صورة القمامة التي يحجون إليها، ويعظمون شأنها، وفيه قبة قبر المسيح الذي دُفن فيه بعد صلبه — بزعمهم — وذلك القبر هو أصل حجهم، وهو الذي يعتقدون نزول النور عليه في كل سنة في عيد من أعيادهم،,"The marquis produced a picture of Jerusalem on a large sheet of paper, depicting the Sepulchre to which they come on pilgrimage and which they revere. The tomb of the Messiah is there, where he was buried after his crucifixion, as they assert. This tomb is the centre of their pilgrimage and is the one on which they believe the Fire descends each year at one of their festivals." وصور على القبر فرسًا عليه فارس مسلم راكب عليه، وقد وطئ قبر المسيح، وبال الفرس على القبر،,"He pictured the tomb and added a Muslim cavalryman on horseback trampling on the Messiah’s tomb, upon which the horse had staled." وأبدى هذه الصورة وراء البحر في الأسواق والمجامع والقسوس يحملونها ورءوسهم مكشوفة، وعليهم المسوح، وينادون بالويل والثبور،,"This picture he publicised overseas in the markets and assemblies, as the priests, bareheaded and dressed in sackcloth, paraded it, crying doom and destruction." وللصور عمل في قلوبهم، فإنها أصل دينهم؛ فهاج بذلك خلق لا يحصي عددهم إلا الله، وكان من جملتهم ملك الألمان وجنوده،,"Images effect their hearts, for they are essential to their religion. Therefore multitudes of people, whom God alone could number, were roused up. Amongst them was the German emperor with his troops." فلقيهم المركيس لكونه أصلًا في استدعائهم إلى هذه الواقعة،,The marquis went to meet him as he was the original motivator of their being called to this entreprise. فلما اتصل به قوى قلبه ونصره بالطرق، وسلك به الساحل خوفًا من أنه إذا أتى على بلاد حلب وحماة ثار لهم المسلمون من كل جانب، وقامت عليهم كلمة الحق من كل صوب،,"Having joined him, he encouraged him, gave him an understanding of the routes and travelled the coastal region with him, fearing that, if he entered the territory of Aleppo or of Hama, the Muslims would rise against him on all sides and our true Faith would oppose him from every quarter." ومع ذلك لم يسلموا من شن الغارات عليهم، فإن الملك المظفر قصدهم بعساكره، وجمع لهم جموعًا، وهجم عليهم هجومًا عظيمًا أخذ فيه من أطراف عساكره،,"Nevertheless, the Germans did not escape raids upon them, as al-Muzaffar moved against them with his troops and assembled forces to oppose them. He made a big attack from which the emperor’s outlying detachments suffered." وكان قد لحقهم بأوائل عسكره، ولو لحقهم الملك الظاهر بعساكره لقضى عليهم. ولكن لكل أجلٍ كتاب.,"He and his vanguard had caught up with the enemy. Had he been joined by al-Zahir with his troops, he would have destroyed them, ‘but the final moment for everything is written.’" واختلف حزر الناس لهم، ولقد وقفت على كتب بعض المخبرين بالحرب، فقد حزر فارسهم وراجلهم بخمسة آلاف بعد أن كانوا قد خرجوا على ما ذكر، فانظر إلى صنع الله مع أعدائه،,"People differed in their estimation of the enemy’s numbers. I read some writings of specialists in warfare, who estimated their horse and foot at 5,000, after they had set out, as was reported, 200,000 strong. See how God deals with his enemies!" ولقد وقفت على بعض الكتب، فذكر فيه أنهم لما ساروا من اللاذقية يريدون جبلة وجدوا في أعقابهم نيفًا وستين فرسًا قد عطبت، وانتزع لحمها ولم يبقَ فيها إلا العظام من شدة الجوع،,"I also read a book which stated that, when they left Lattakia making for Jabala, sixty-odd horses were found in their tracks that had perished and been stripped of their flesh. Nothing remained but their bones, such was the hunger of the enemy and the weakness of the horses." ولم يزالوا سائرين وأيدي المسلمين تخطفهم من حولهم نهبًا وقتلًا وأسرًا، حتى أتوا طرابلس،,"They continued their march, while the Muslims skirmished around them, plundering, killing and taking prisoners, until they came to Tripoli (may God facilitate its conquest)." ووصل خبر وصوله بكرة الثلاثاء ثامن شعبان سنة ست وثمانين وخمسمائة، هذا والسلطان ثابت الجاش، راسخ القدم لا يرده ذلك عن حراسة عكا، والحماية لها ومراصدة العسكر النازل بها،,"The news of their arrival came early on Tuesday 8 Sha‘ban {11 September}. All the while, the sultan remained firmly courageous and steadfast, not allowing himself to be distracted from the guarding and defending of Acre or from keeping watch on the besieging enemy." وشن الغارات عليها، والهجوم عليهم في كل وقت، مفوضًا أمره إلى الله معتمدًا عليه منبسط الوجه لقضاء حوائج الناس، مواصلًا يسره من يفد إليه من الفقراء والفقهاء والمشايخ والأدباء،,"He continually raided them and carried out attacks, trusting his cause to God and relying on Him, cheerfully fulfilling the requests of people and rewarding with his bounty all the sufis, lawyers, shaykhs and literary men who paid him a visit." ولقد كنت إذا بلغني هذا الخبر تأثرت، حتى دخلت عليه، وأجد منه من قوة الله وشدة البأس ما يشرح صدري وأتيقن معه نصرة الإسلام وأهله.,"When the news reached me, I was much affected until, having gone in to see him, I was conscious of such strength of mind and courage as gladdened my heart and made me convinced that Islam and the Muslims would be victorious." ذكر وصول البطس من مصر,The arrival of the busses from Egypt ولما كان العشر الأوسط من شعبان كتب بهاء الدين قراقوش، وهو والي البلد والمقدم على الأسطول والحاجب لؤلؤ يذكران السلطان أنه لم يبقَ بالبلد ميرة إلا قدر يكفي إلى ليلة النصف من شعبان لا غير،,"During the middle period of Sha‘ban [approx, middle of September] Baha’ al-Din Qaraqush, the governor of the city, and the commander of the fleet, who was the Chamberlain Lu’lu’, wrote to tell the sultan, ‘Only enough provisions remain in the city to last until half-way through Sha‘ban, no more.’" فأسرها يوسف في نفسه، ولم يُبدِها لخاص ولا لعام خشية الشيوع والبلوغ إلى العدو فتضعف به قلوب المسلمين،,"However, ‘Yusuf kept this to himself and did not reveal it to them’, neither to elite nor commoner, for fear it would spread and reach the enemy and weaken Muslim morale." وكان قد كتب إلى مصر بتجهيز ثلاث بطس مشحونة بالأقوات والأدم والمير وجميع ما يحتاج إليه في الحصار، بحيث يكفيهم ذلك طول الشتاء،,He had previously written to Egypt for the dispatch of three busses laden with foodstuffs and supplies and all that was needed for the besieged to last them through the winter. وأقلعت البطس الثلاث من الديار المصرية، ولججت في البحر تتوقى النوتية بها الريح، حتى ساروا بالريح التي تحملها إلى نحو عكا،,"The three busses set sail from Egypt and put to sea, where the sailors sought the wind that would carry them to Acre." ولم يزالوا كذلك حتى وصلوا إلى عكا ليلة النصف من شعبان المذكور، وقد فني الزاد ولم يبقَ عندهم ما يطعمون الناس في ذلك اليوم،,"The wind became fair for their passage and they arrived at Acre just before the middle of Sha‘ban, when the provisions had run out and the inhabitants had nothing left to eat." وخرج عليها أسطول العدو يقاتلها والعساكر الإسلامية تشهد ذلك من الساحل، والناس في تهليل وتكبير،,"The enemy’s fleet came out to oppose them, as the Muslim troops watched from the shore and all cried ‘There is no god but God’ and ‘God is great’." وقد كشف المسلمون رءوسهم يبتهلون إلى الله — تعالى — في القضاء بتسليمها إلى البلد،,"The Muslims uncovered their heads, supplicating God to decree that He bring them safe into harbour." والسلطان على الساحل كالوالدة الثكلى يشاهد القتال، ويدعو ربه بنصره،,"The sultan was on the shore like a bereft mother, watching the battle and calling upon God for victory." وقد علم من شدة القوم ما لم يعلمه غيره، وفي قلبه ما في قلبه، والله يثبته،,He knew what others did not know about the crisis of the garrison and his heart was troubled but God kept him firm. ولم يزل القتال يعمل حول البطس من كل جانب، والله يدفع عنها، والريح يشتد،,"The battle raged around the busses on all sides, while God defended them and the wind strengthened." والأصوات قد ارتفعت من الطائفتين، والدعاء يخرق الحجب، حتى وصلوا سالمين إلى ميناء البلد، وتلقاهم أهل عكا تلقي الأمطار عن جدب، وامتاروا ما فيها،,"Voices were raised high by both parties and prayers rent the veils, until eventually, with God’s grace, the ships came safely into harbour, to be met as rains are met after drought by the population of Acre, who were reprovisioned by their cargoes." وكانت ليلة بليال.,It was a night of nights. ذكر محاصرة برج الذباب,Account of the siege of the Tower of Flies ولما كان الثاني والعشرون من شعبان جهز العدو بطسًا متعددة لمحاصرة برج الذباب، وهو برج في وسط البحر مبني على الصخر على باب ميناء يحرس به المينا،,"When it was 22 Sha‘ban [25 September] the enemy sent numerous vessels to besiege the Tower of Flies, a tower standing in the sea, built on the rock at the entrance to Acre’s harbour which is defended by it." ومتى عبره المراكب أمن غائلة العدو،,"Once past it, a ship is safe from any enemy attack." فأراد العدو أخذه ليبقى الميناء بحكمه، ويمنع الدخول إليه بشيء من البطس، فتنقطع الميرة عن البلد،,"The enemy wished to take it to put the harbour under their control and to prevent the entry of any busses, thus cutting off the city’s supplies." فجعلوا على صواري البطس برجًا وملأوه حطبًا على أنهم يسيرون البطس، فإذا قاربت برج الذباب ولاصقته أحرقوا البرج الذي على الصاري، وألصقوه ببرج الذباب ليلقوه على سطحه، ويقتل من عليه من المقاتلة ويأخذوه،,"They put a ‘turret’ on the masts of the busses and filled each with firewood and naphtha with the intention of sailing the busses in and, when they drew close to the Tower of Flies and were alongside, setting fire to the ‘turret’ on the mast and attaching it to the Tower of Flies to throw it on to the roof, kill the defenders and so capture it." وجعلوا في البطسة وقودًا كثيرًا، حتى يُلقى في البرج إذا اشتعلت النار فيه،,They placed lots of combustible material in the buss to throw on to the Tower when it was set alight. وعبوا بطسة ثانية، وملأوها حطبًا ووقودًا، على أنهم يدفعون بها إلى أن تدخل بين البطس الإسلامية، ثم يلهبوها، فتحرق البطس الإسلامية، ويهلك ما فيها من الميرة،,"They loaded a second buss with wood and kindling with the aim of sending it amongst the Muslim busses, setting it on fire so that it would bum the Muslim vessels and destroy all the supplies they contained." وجعلوا في بطسة ثالثة مقاتلة تحت قبو، بحيث لا يحصل لهم نشاب ولا شيء من آلات السلاح، حتى إذا أحرقوا ما أرادوا إحراقه دخلوا تحت ذلك القبو، فأمنوا.,"In a third buss they placed soldiers beneath an arched covering where no arrows or any other weapons of war could reach them, so that, when they had set alight what they wanted to, they could enter the covered space and be safe." وقدموا البطسة نحو البرج المذكور.,They ignited what they planned to and moved the buss towards the Tower. وكان طمعهم يشتد؛ حيث كان الهواء مصعدًا لهم،,Their hopes were greatly increased since the wind was favourable for them. فلما أحرقوا البطسة التي أرادوا أن يحرقوا بطس المسلمين بها، والبرج الذي أرادوا أن يحرقوا به من على برج الذباب، فأوقدوا النار، وضربوا فيها النفط؛,"When they had set fire to the buss with which they intended to burn the Muslims’ vessels and also the ‘turret’ with which they wished to bum those on the Tower, they fed the flames and threw on naphtha." انعكس الهواء عليهم كما شاء الله — تعالى — وأراد، واشتعلت البطسة التي كان بها بأسرها.,"However, as God willed and planned, the wind direction changed and one buss with everything in it was consumed in flames." واجتهدوا في إطفائها فما قدروا،,They tried hard to put it out but were unable. وهلك من كان فيها من المقاتلة إلا من شاء الله،,"The soldiers on board perished, except for those whom God chose to save." واحترقت البطسة التي كانت معدة لإحراق بطسنا،,Then the buss that was prepared to bum our ships caught fire. ووثبت أصحابنا عليها، فأخذوها إليهم،,Our own men leapt on board and brought it into harbour. وأما البطسة التي كانت فيها القبو، فإنهم انزعجوا وخافوا وهموا بالرجوع،,"As for the buss with the arched covering, those on board became anxious and fearful and thought of retreating." واختلفوا واضطربوا اضطرابًا عظيمًا، فانقلبت وهلك جميع من كان بها؛ لأنهم كانوا في قبو لم يستطيعوا الخروج منها،,"There was a dispute and a great commotion, and the vessel capsized, killing all on board, because they were in the covered space and unable to get out." وكان ذلك من أعظم آيات الله وأندر العجائب في نصرة دين الله،,This was a major sign of God’s power and a wonderful miracle of support for God’s religion. وكان يومًا مشهودًا.,"Praise be to God, it was a memorable day." ذكر وصول الألمان إلى عسكرهم المخذول,Account of the German’s arrival to join their God-forsaken army عدنا إلى حديث ملك الألمان، وذلك أنه أقام بطرابلس، حتى استجم عسكره،,"To return to our account of the German emperor, he had halted at Tripoli to allow his army to recuperate." وأرسل إلى النازلين على عكا يخبرهم بقدومه إليهم،,He sent to those besieging Acre to inform them that he was coming. وقد حموا من ذلك؛ لأن المركيس صاحب صور هو رب مشورته وصاحب دولته،,"They were apprehensive at that, because the marquis, the lord of Tyre, was his chief councillor and right-hand man." وكان الملك جفري وهو ملك الساحل بالعسكر هو الذي يرجع إليه في الأمور،,"King Guy, the ruler of the Coastal Lands, was in the camp and he was the person to whom all referred in their affairs." فعلم أنه مع قدوم الألماني لا يبقى له حكم،,He realised that with the arrival of the German emperor he would have no authority left. ولما كان العشر الآخر من شعبان أزمع رأيه على المسير في البحر لعلمه أنه إن لم يركب البحر نكب، وأخذت عليه الطريق والمضايق،,"When the last ten days of Sha‘ban [21-30 September] came, the emperor made up his mind to travel by sea, as he knew that, if he did not go by sea, he would fail and find the difficult routes blocked." فأعدوا المراكب، وأنفذت إليه من كل جانب،,"So they prepared ships, which were sent to him from every direction." ونزل فيها هو وعسكره وخيلهم وعدتهم، وساروا يريدون العسكر، فلم تمضِ إلا ساعة من النهار حتى قامت عليهم ريح عاصف،,"He and his army, their horses and equipment, were embarked and they set sail to join the besiegers. Hardly an hour had passed before a strong wind arose." وثار عليهم الموج من كل مكان، وأشرفوا على الهلاك،,The waves swelled all around and they were likely to perish. وهلك منهم ثلاثة مراكب حمالة، وعاد الباقون يرصدون هواء طيبًا،,Three busses were lost and the rest returned to await a fair wind. فأقاموا أيامًا حتى طابت لهم الريح،,For several days they waited until the wind turned favourable. وصاروا حتى أتوا صور،,They sailed again and so came to Tyre. فأقام المركيس والألماني بها، وأنفذوا بقية العساكر إلى المعسكر النازل عكا،,"While the marquis and the emperor remained there, they sent the rest of the forces to the siege camp before Acre." وأقاما بصور إلى ليلة السادس من رمضان،,The two of them remained in Tyre until the eve of 6 Ramadan [7 October]. وسار الألماني وحده في البحر، حتى وصل معسكرهم غروب الشمس من ذلك اليوم في نفر يسير،,The emperor went on by sea on his own and arrived at the camp at sunset on that day with a small retinue. هكذا أخبر الجواسيس والمستأمنون عنهم،,This was the information given by spies and deserters. ولقد كان لقدومه وقع عظيم من الطائفتين,His coming made a great impression on both sides. وأقام أيامًا وأراد أن يظهر لمجيئه أثر,"After waiting several days, he wished that his arrival might have some visible effect." فوبخ القوم على طول مقامهم وحسن في رأيه أن يضرب مصاف مع المسلمين،,He reproved his fellow Christians for the length of the siege and he thought it a good plan to bring the Muslims to a general battle. فخوفوه من الإقدام على هذا الأمر وعاقبته،,They warned him about venturing on this course and of its possible outcome. فقال: لا بد من الخروج على اليزك ليذوق قتال القوم، ويعرف مراسهم، ويتبصر بأمرهم،,"He replied, ‘It’s essential that we make a sortie against their advance guard to taste their manner of fighting, to learn their strength and gain an insight into their methods." فليس الخبر كالعيان،,For gaining knowledge there is nothing like seeing for oneself.’ فخرج على اليزك الإسلامي، وأتبعه معظم الإفرنج راجلهم وفارسهم,"So he moved out against the Muslim outposts, followed by most of the Franks, horse and foot." وخرجوا حتى قطعوا الوهاد التي بين تلهم وتل العياضية، وعلى تل العياضية خيم اليزك،,"They proceeded until they crossed the depression which is between their hill and Tell apayyadiyya, on the latter of which were our advance units’ tents." وهي نوبة الحلقة السلطانية المنصورة في ذلك اليوم، فوقفوا في وجوههم وقاتلوهم وأذاقوهم طعم الموت,"The duty troops that day were the Royal Guard of the sultan, who held their ground against them, fought hard and made them sample the taste of death." وعرف السلطان ذلك، فركب من خيمته بجفلة،,The sultan heard of this and rode out from his tents with his troops. وسار حتى أتى تل كيسان، فلما رأى العدو العساكر الإسلامية صوبت نحوه سهام قصدها، وأتته من كل جانب كقطع من الليل المظلم عاد ناكصًا على عقبه،,"He came to Tell Kay san and when the enemy saw the Muslim forces winging their way arrow-like towards them and overwhelming them like swathes of black night, they turned on their heels in retreat." وقُتل منهم وجُرح خلق كثير، والسيف يعمل فيهم من أقفيتهم، وهم هاربون,"A large number of them were killed or wounded, as the sword was at work on the napes of their necks while they fled." حتى وصلوا المخيم غروب الشمس، وهو لا يعتقد سلامة نفسه من شدة خوفه،,"The emperor reached his encampment at sunset that day, hardly crediting his own escape so full of fear was he." وفصل الليل بين الطائفتين، وقُتل من المسلمين اثنان وجُرح جماعة كثيرة،,"Night separated the two sides, after many of the enemy had been killed or wounded and the Muslims had lost two, although a sizeable number had been wounded." وكانت الكسرة على أعداء الله.,The battle went against the enemies of God. ولما عرف ملك الألمان ما جرى عليه وعلى أصحابه من اليزك الذي هو شرذمة من العسكر وهو جزء من كل رأي أن يرجع إلى قتال البلد، ويشتغل بمضايقته،,"When the emperor became aware of what the advance guard, a detachment of our army and a mere part of the whole, had done to him and his men, he decided that he should return to assaulting the city and busying himself with the siege." فاتخذ من الآلات العجيبة، والصنائع الغريبة ما هال الناظر إليه من شدة الخوف على البلد، واستشعر أخذ البلد من تلك الآلات، وخيف منها عليه،,"He fashioned amazing engines and strange contrivances that, by causing a great fear for the city, terrified the onlooker and made him worried, fearful indeed, that these engines of war would lead to its fall." فأحدثوا آلة عظيمة تسمى دبابة يدخل تحتها من المقاتلة خلق عظيم،,"One of his new ideas was a huge engine called a ‘crawler’, beneath which a large number of fighting men could position themselves." ملبسة بصفائح الحديد، ولها من تحتها عجل تُحرك به من داخل وفيها المقاتلة، حتى ينطح بها الصور،,"It was covered with sheets of iron with wheels beneath on which it could be moved from inside, with soldiers within, to butt against the city wall." ولها رأس عظم برقبة شديدة من حديد، وهي تسمى كبشًا ينطح بها الصور بشدة عظيمة؛ لأنه يجرها خلق عظيم،,"It had a large head with a strong iron neck, called a ‘ram’, with which the wall was butted with great force, because lots of people were pulling on it." فتهدمه بتكرار نطحها،,By repetition of the blows it would demolish the wall وآلة أخرى وهي قبو فيه رجال السحب؛ لذلك إلا أن رأسها محدد على شكل السكة التي يحرث بها، ورأس البرج مدوَّر،,"There was another engine, which was a testudo with men inside, dragged along in a similar way, except that its head was pointed like a ploughshare, while the head of the ram was rounded." وهذا يهدم بثقله، وتلك تهدم بحدتها وثقلها، وهي تسمى سنورًا,"The latter destroys by its impetus, while the former destroys through its sharp point and its impetus and is called a ‘cat’." ومن الستائر والسلالم الكبار الهائلة،,There were also screens and large formidable ladders. وأعدوا في البحر بطسة هائلة وضعوا فيها برجًا بخرطوم,"At sea they prepared a formidable buss, on which they built a turret with a prow." إذا أرادوا قلبه على السور انقلب بالحركات، ويبقى طريقًا إلى المكان الذي ينقلب عليه تمشي عليه المقاتلة،,"When they wished to lower it on the wall, it could be lowered mechanically and remain as a bridge to the place on to which it had been lowered and one across which the soldiers could pass." وعزموا على تقريبه إلى برج الذباب ليأخذوه به.,Their plan was to bring it close to the Tower of Flies to allow them to capture it. ذكر حريق برج الكبش وغيره من الآلات,Account of the burning of the ram and other engines وذلك أن العدو لما رأى آلاته قد تمت واستكملت شرع في الزحف على البلد، ومقاتلته من كل جانب، وأهل البلد كلما رأوا ذلك اشتدت عزائمهم في نصرة دين الله، وقويت قلوبهم على المصابرة.,"When the enemy saw that their engines were all finished and ready, they began an assault on the city from all directions, while the inhabitants of the city, seeing this, doubled their determination to aid God’s religion and strengthened their hearts to hold fast." ولما كان يوم الاثنين ثالث شهر رمضان من السنة المذكورة، وهي الذي قدمت فيه العساكر من الشام في أحسن زي وأجمل ترتيب، وأكمل عدة مع ولده صاحب حلب وسابق الدين صاحب شيزر ومجد الدين صاحب بعلبك،,"On Monday 3 Ramadan, the day on which the troops of Syria arrived, the sultan’s son, al-Zahir, the lord of Aleppo, came with his levies and his troop." وكان السلطان التاث مزاجه الكريم بحمى صفراوية، فركب في ذلك اليوم، وكان عيدًا من وجوه متعددة،,"The sultan was upset with a slight bilious fever, but he rode out on that day, which was a festive day from numerous points of view." وفي ذلك اليوم زحف العدو على البلد في خلق لا يُحصى عددهم إلا الله،,On that day the enemy made an assault on the city in numbers that none but God could reckon. فأهملهم أهل البلد وشجعان المقاتلة الذين فيه وذوو الآراء المثقفة من مقدمي المسلمين حتى نشبت مخاليب أطماعهم في البلد، وسحبوا آلاتهم المذكورة، حتى قاربوا أن يلصقوها بالسور، وتحصن منهم في الخندق جماعة عظيمة،,"The inhabitants, the brave warriors within and the wise and experienced Muslim commanders there ignored them until the claws of their ambition were firmly fastened on the city, and they had dragged their engines we have mentioned close enough to be up against the walls and a large group of them had gathered in the moat." وأطلقوا عليهم سهام الجروخ وأحجار المنجنيق وأقواس الرمي والنيران،,"Then our men shot crossbow bolts at them, stones from the trebuchets and also arrows and fiery missiles." وصاحوا عليهم صيحة الرجل الواحد، وفتحوا الأبواب، وباعوا نفوسهم لخالقها وبارئها،,"With one great shout, they opened the gates and sold their bodies to their Creator Lord, content with his promised bargain." ورضوا بالصفقة الموعود بها، وهجموا على العدو من كل جانب وكبسوهم في الخنادق،,From all sides they dashed on the enemy and surprised those in the moat. وأوقع الله الرعب في قلب العدو وأعطى ظهره الهزيمة، وأخذوا مشتدين هاربين، على أعقابهم ناكصين، يطلبون خيامهم والاحتماء بأسوارهم لكثرة ما شاهدوا وذاقوا من الجرح والقتل،,"God put terror into the hearts of the enemy, who, turning their backs in defeat, began a precipitate flight, retreating towards their tents and the safety of their ramparts, because of all the wounding and slaughtering they had witnessed and experienced." وبقي في الخندق خلقٌ عظيم وقع فيهم السيف، وعجل الله بأرواحهم إلى النار.,"A large number remained in the moat and fell to the sword, God hastening their souls to Hell-fire." ولما رأى المسلمون ما نزل بالعدو من الخذلان والهزيمة هجموا على كبشهم، فألقوا فيه النار والنفط،,"Seeing the enemy in defeat and rout, the Muslims dashed towards their ram and set fire to it with naphtha, able to do so because its defenders had abandoned it and fled." وتمكنوا من حريقه، فأحرقوه حريقًا شنيعًا، وظهرت له لهبة عظيمة نحو السماء، وارتفعت الأصوات بالتكبير والتهليل، والشكر للقوي الجليل،,It burnt with a horrible blaze and its flames rose up visibly into the sky. Shouts of ‘Allah is great’ and ‘There is no god but God’ and grateful thanks to glorious and mighty God were raised on high. وسرت نار الكبش بقوَّتها إلى السنور فاحترق،,"The fire on the ram was so fierce that it spread to the ‘cat’, which was also burnt." وعلق المسلمون في الكبش الكلاليب الحديدية المصنوعة في السلاسل، فسحبوه وهو يشتعل حتى حصلوه عندهم في البلد،,"The Muslims fixed chains with iron hooks to the ram and dragged it away, while it was still blazing, and brought it into the city." وكان مركبًا من آلات هائلة عظيمة،,It was fashioned with great and impressive mechanisms. ألقي الماء عليه حتى برد حديده بعد أيام،,"Water was thrown over it and eventually, after several days, the iron was cooled." وبلغنا من اليزك أن وزن ما كان عليه من الحديد يبلغ مائة قنطار بالشامي، والقنطار مائة رطل، والرطل الشامي بالبغدادي أربعة أرطال وربع رطل،,"We heard from within the city that the iron in it was weighed and came to 100 Syrian qintars, one qintar being 100 rotis and a Syrian roti equalling four and a quarter Baghdad rotis." ولقد أنفذ رأسه إلى السلطان، ومثل بين يديه،,The ‘head’ was sent to the sultan and presented to him. وشاهدته وقلبته وشكله على مثل السفود الذي يكون بحجر المدار،,I saw and examined it. It was similar to the rod which is attached to a millstone. قيل إنه ينطح به فيهدم ما يلاقيه،,It was claimed that whatever was rammed with it would be demolished. وكان ذلك من أحسن أيام الإسلام،,This was one of Islam’s best days. ووقع على العدو خذلان عظيم، ورفعوا ما سلم من آلاتهم،,The enemy were afflicted with intense disappointment and they carried away such of their machines as survived. وسكنت حركاتهم التي ضيعوا فيها نفقاتهم، وتحيرت أبصار حيلهم،,The initiatives on which they had wasted their money came to a halt and their cunning plans were baffled. واستبشر السلطان بغرة ولده، واستبارك بها؛ حيث وجد النصر مقرونًا بقدومه مرةً بعد أخرى، وثانية بعد أولى،,The sultan rejoiced in the auspicious prominence of his son and found a blessing in the fact that victory was linked time after time and again and again with his coming. ولما كان يوم الأربعاء الخامس عشر رمضان خرج أصحابنا من الثغر المحروس في شوان على بغتة من العدو، وضربوا البطسة المعدَّة لأخذ برج الذباب بقوارير نفط فاحترقت،,When it was Wednesday 15 Ramadan {17 October} our men went out of the city in galleys taking the enemy by surprise and they hurled phials of naphtha at the buss which caught fire. وارتفع لهبها في البحر ارتفاعًا عظيمًا،,The flames climbed mightily high out at sea and our voices blended with shouts of ‘There is no god but God’ and ‘God is great’. وحزن الألمان لذلك حزنًا شديدًا,The Germans were greatly saddened at that. وغشيته كآبة عظيمة، ووقع عليهم خذلان عميم،,They were overwhelmed with grievous disappointment and a general dejection fell upon them. ولما كان يوم الخميس السادس عشر الشهر وصل كتاب طائر في طي كتاب وصل من حماه قد طار به الطائر من حلب يذكر فيه أن البرنس صاحب أنطاكية خرج بعسكره نحو القرى الإسلامية التي تليه لشن الغارات عليها،,"On Thursday 16 Ramadan of this year, that is 586 {18 October a pigeonpost letter, which a bird had brought from Aleppo, arrived enclosed in a letter that came from Hama, telling that the prince, the lord of Antioch, had marched out with his army to raid the Muslim villages." فبصرت به العساكر ونواب الملك الظاهر، فكمنت له الكمينات،,"The troops and lieutenants of al-Zahir, the sultan’s son, observed this and posted ambushes, which emerged to oppose him." فلم يشعر بهم إلا والسيف قد وقع فيهم،,Hardly was he aware of them before his men were falling to the sword. فقتل منهم خمسة وسبعون نفرًا، وأُسر خلق عظيم،,Seventy-five of their army were slain and a large number taken prisoner. واستعصم بنفسه في موضع يُسمى شيحا حتى اندفعوا وسار إلى بلده.,He himself took refuge in a place called Shlha until they hurried back to his lands. وفي أثناء العشر الأوسط ألقت الريح بطستين فيهما رجال وصبيان ونساء وميرة عظيمة وغنم كثيرة قاصدين نحو العدو,"During the middle ten days [of Ramadan] [12-21 October] the wind forced ashore two busses that were making for the enemy containing men, women and children, a large amount of supplies and numerous flocks." فغنمها المسلمون،,The Muslims took all as booty. وكان العدو قد ظفر منا بزورق فيه نفقة ورجال أرادوا الدخول إلى البلد، فأخذوه,"The enemy had recently seized a bark of ours, carrying money and men, which tried to enter the harbour but was taken." فوقع الظفر بهاتين البطستين ماحيًا لذلك وجابرًا له،,The seizure of these two busses served to cancel and set right that loss. ولم تزل الأخبار بعد ذلك تتواصل على ألسنة الجواسيس والمستأمنين أن العدو قد عزم على الخروج إلى العسكر الإسلامي خروج مصاف ومنافسة،,Later on reports were constantly coming from the mouths of spies and deserters that the enemy planned to come against the Muslim forces in a pitched hand-to-hand battle. والتاث مزاج السلطان بحمى صفراوية،,The sultan’s constitution was upset with a bout of bilious fever. فاقتضى الحال تأخر العسكر إلى جبل سفرعم،,In the circumstances he was obliged to withdraw the troops to a hill close to the hill of Shafar‘am. وكان انتقاله تاسع عشر رمضان،,"When the sultan had made up his mind to move back because of that indisposition, he did so and the move took place on Monday evening 19 Ramadan {21 October}." فنزل السلطان على أعلى الجبل، ونزل الناس على رءوس التلال للاستعداد للشتاء والاستراحة من الوحل،,He made his camp on the top of the hill and the men camped on the high ground around to prepare for the winter and to have relief from the mud. وفي ذلك اليوم مرض زين الدين يوسف بن زين الدين صاحب إربل مرضًا شديدًا بحميين مختلفتي الأوقات،,"At this time Zayn al-Dln Yusuf ibn Zayn al-Dln, the lord of Irbil, fell seriously ill with two intermittent fevers." واستأذن في الرواح فلم يؤذن له،,"He asked permission to depart, but this was not granted." فاستأذن في الانتقال إلى الناصرة، فأذن له في ذلك اليوم،,He asked permission to move to Nazareth and this was allowed. وأقام بالناصرة أيامًا عديدة يمرض نفسه،,Zayn al-Din remained in Nazareth for some days having his illness cared for. فاشتد به المرض إلى ليلة الثلاثاء ثامن عشري رمضان، وتوفي — رحمه الله — وعنده أخوه مظفر الدين يشاهده،,"Towards the eve of Tuesday 28 Ramadan {30 October} his condition worsened and he died, while his brother Muzaffar al-Din was present at his bed-side." وحزن الناس عليه لمكان شبابه وغربته،,People grieved for him because he was young and far from home. وأنعم السلطان على أخيه مظفر الدين ببلده، واستنزله عن بلاده التي كانت في يده، وهي حران والرها وما يتبعهما من البلاد والأعمال،,"The sultan granted the town of Irbil to his brother, Muzaffar al-Din, and asked him to give up the cities that he was holding, namely Harran and Edessa, together with the lands and districts that were associated with them." وضم إليه بلد شهرزور أيضًا،,The sultan also assigned him the town of Shahrazur. واستدعى الملك المظفر تقي الدين عمر ابن أخيه شاهنشاه ليكون نازلًا مكانه، جابرًا لخلل غيبته،,"The sultan summoned al-Muzaffar Taqi al-Din ‘Umar, the son of his brother Shahinshah, to take his place and to fill the gap caused by the absence of Muzaffar al-Din." وأقام مظفر الدين في نظرة قدوم تقي الدين،,"While awaiting the arrival of Taqi al-Din, Muzaffar al-Din Kukburi ibn Zayn al-Din ‘Ali remained in the royal camp." ولما كان ضحاء نهار ثالث شوال قدم وقد عاد صحبة معز الدين.,"On midday 3 Shawwal {4 November} Taqi al-Din arrived, bringing back with him Mu‘izz al-Din Sanjar Shah, lord of Jazirat [Ibn ‘Umar], who was the son of Sayf al-Din." ذكر قصة معز الدين,Account of the Mu‘izz al-Din affair وهذا معز الدين هو سنجر شاه بن سيف الدين غازي بن مودود بن زنكي، وهو صاحب الجزيرة إذ ذاك،,"Mu‘izz al-Din, that is, Sanjar Shah ibn Sayf al-Din Ghazi ibn Mawdud ibn Zanki, was the lord of Jazirat [Ibn ‘Umar] at this time." وكان من قصته أنه حضر للجهاد، وقد ذكرت تاريخ وصوله، وأنه أخذ منه الضجر والسآمة والقلق، بحيث تردَّدت رسله ورقاعه إلى السلطان في طلب الدستور والسلطان يعتذر إليه بأن رسل العدو متكررة في معنى الصلح، ولا يجوز أن تنفض العساكر حتى تتميز على ماذا ينفصل الحال من سلم أو حرب،,"The facts concerning him are that he came to wage Jihad – and we have mentioned the date when he arrived – but was overcome by tiredness, weariness and impatience, so much so that his messengers and letters came time and time again to the sultan seeking leave to depart, while the sultan was making his excuses, namely, that there was a to-and-froing of the enemy’s envoys concerning the question of peace and it was not possible to break up the army until it became clear how the situation would end, either in peace or war." وهو لا يألو جهدًا في طلب الدستور إلى أن كان يوم عيد الفطر,Mu‘izz al-DIn spared no effort in asking for leave until the feast day at the end of Ramadan came. من سنة ست وثمانين وحضر سحر ذلك اليوم في باب الخيمة السلطانية، فاستأذن في الدخول،,At dawn of that day he presented himself at the door of the royal tent and asked permission to enter. فاعتذر إليه بالتياث كان قد عرى مزاج السلطان،,The excuse was made that an indisposition had upset the sultan’s constitution. فلم يقبل العذر، وكرر الاستئذان،,"However, he did not accept the excuse and repeated the request." فأذن له في الدخول،,He was then allowed to enter. فلما مثل بالخدمة استأذن في الرواح شفاها،,Having presented himself before the sultan he made a direct petition for leave to depart. فذكر له السلطان العذر بذلك، وقال: هذا وقت تقدم العساكر وتجمعها لا وقت تفرقها.,"The sultan told him why this was inadmissable, saying, ‘This is a time for the troops to come and muster, not a time to disperse them.’" فانكب على يده وقبَّلها كالمودع له، ونهض من ساعته،,Mu‘izz al-Din bent over his hand and kissed it like one taking his leave. وسار وأمر أصحابه أن ألقوا القدور فيها الطعام، وقلعوا الخيم وتبعوه،,"Then, straightaway, he rose up and departed, ordering his men to upset their cooking pots, with the food still in them, strike their tents and follow him." فلما بلغ السلطان صنيعه أمر بإنشاء مكاتبة إليه يقول فيها: «إنك أنت قصدت الانتماء إليَّ ابتداء، وراجعتني في ذلك مرارًا،,"When the sultan heard what he had done, he ordered a letter to be written to him in which he said, ‘You initially sought to become my dependant and you approached me about that several times." وأظهرت الخيفة على نفسك وقلبك وبلدك من أهلك،,You declared that you feared for your self and your city from your relatives. فقبلتك وآويتك ونصرتك,I accepted you and gave you succour and support. وبسطت يدك في أموال الناس ودمائهم وأعراضهم،,"You acted high-handedly with the property, blood and honour of your people." فأنفدت إليك ونهيتك عن ذلك مرارًا فلم تنتهِ،,I sent to you and forbade you to act so on several occasions but you did not refrain. واتفق وقوع هذه الواقعة للإسلام، فدعوناك,This present crisis for Islam then ensued and we summoned you. فأتيت بعسكر قد عرفته وعرفه الناس، وأقمت هذه المدة المديدة،,"You came with troops that I and other people know well, but you have stayed for this little while." وقلقت هذا القلق، وتحركت هذه الحركة، وانصرفت عن غير طيب نفس، وغير فصل حال مع العدو،,"You became restless and have taken this step, leaving without goodwill and without a conclusion of matters with the enemy." فانظر لنفسك، وأبصر من تنتمي إليه غيري، واحفظ نفسك ممن يقصدك,"Look to yourself, see to whom you may attach yourself other than me and guard yourself against whoever may attack you." فمالي إلى جانبك التفات.»,I have no longer any concern for your welfare.’ وسلم الكتاب إلى نجاب فلحقه قريبًا من طبرية،,"He handed the letter to a courier, who caught up with Mu‘izz al-Din near Tiberias." فقرأ الكتاب ولم يلتفت، وسار على وجهه.,"He read the letter, but did not turn about, and carried on the way he was going." وكان الملك المظفر تقي الدين قد استُدعي إلى الغزاة بسبب حركة مظفر الدين على ما سبق شرحه،,"As we have already explained, al-Muzaffar Taqi al-Din had been summoned to the field of war because of the departure of Muzaffar al-Din." فلقيه في الطريق في موضع يُسمى عقبة ميق,He met Mu‘izz al-Din on the way at a place called the defile of Fiq. فرآه محثًّا، ولم يرَ عليه أمارات حسنة، وسأله عن حاله،,"Seeing that he was in a hurry and observing signs that everything was not well with him, he asked him what was the matter." فأخبره بأمره، وتعتب على السلطان كيف لم يخلع عليه، ولم يأذن له،,Mu‘izz al-Din told him of his situation and blamed the sultan for not having bestowed on him a robe of honour and not having allowed him to depart. ففهم الملك المظفر انفصاله من غير دستور من السلطان، وأنه على خلاف اختياره،,Al-Malik al-Muzaffar understood that he had left without leave from the sultan and against his wishes. فقال له: المصلحة لك أن ترجع إلى الخدمة وتلازم إلى أن يأذن لك,"He said to him, ‘The best course for you is to return to his service and to stay close until he gives you permission." وأنت صبي، ولم تعلم غائلة هذا الأمر.,You are a child and you do not know the disaster that can come from this.’ فقال: ما يمكنني الرجوع.,"He replied, ‘It is impossible for me to return.’" فقال: ترجع عن غير يد، فليس في الرواح على هذا الوجه لك راحة أصلًا.,"‘You should return without question,’ he said, ‘there is no peace at all for you in leaving in this manner.’" فأصر على الرواح، فخشي عليه، وقال: ترجع من غير اختيارك.,"He still insisted on going away, but Taqi al-Din spoke roughly to him, ‘You will return whether you want to or not.’" وكان تقي الدين شديد البأس مقدامًا على الأمور، ليس في عينه من أحد شيء،,Taqi al-Din was very bold and decisive and no respecter of persons. فلما علم أنه قابضه إن لم يرجع باختياره رجع معه،,"Realising that Taqi al-Din would arrest him if he did not himself choose to return, Mu‘izz al-Din turned back in company with him." حتى أتى العسكر، وخرج الملك العادل ونحن في خدمته إلى لقاء الملك المظفر، فوجدناه معه،,"As he came to the camp, al-‘Adil, with us in attendance, went out to meet al-Muzaffar and we found Mu‘izz al-Din with him." فدخلا به على السلطان، وسألاه الصفح عنه،,"They both took him into the sultan and asked for pardon for him, which was granted." وطلب أن يقيم في جوار تقي الدين خشية على نفسه، فأذن له،,"Mu‘izz al-Din, fearing for himself, requested that he should remain close to Taqi al-Din and permission for this was given." فأقام في جواره إلى حين ذهابه.,He stayed close to him until the time he departed. ذكر طلب عماد الدين الدستور,‘Imad al-Din’s request for leave to depart وذلك أن عماد الدين زنكي عم المذكور ألحَّ في طلب الدستور،,"‘Imad al-Din Zanki, the uncle of Mu‘izz al-Din, whom we have mentioned, pestered the sultan for leave to depart." وشكا هجوم الشتاء عليه مع عدم الاستعداد له،,He complained of the onset of winter for which he had made no preparation. والسلطان يعتذر إليه بأن الرسل متواترة بيننا وبين العدو في الصلح،,The sultan argued that messengers were going to and fro between us and the enemy concerning peace. وربما انتظم فينبغي أن يكون انتظامه بحضوركم، فالرأي مشترك،,"Perhaps it might be arranged and it ought to be arranged with him present, as it was a shared decision." واستأذن في أن يحمل إليه خيام الشتاء فلم يفعل، وأن يحمل إليه نفقة فلم يفعل،,"The sultan asked to be allowed to bring him winter tents but he refused, and also to supply him with money for expences but he refused again." وتكررت منه الرسل إلى السلطان في المعنى، والسلطان يكرر الاعتذار،,"His messengers came frequently to the sultan on this matter, while the sultan repeated his arguments." ولقد كنت بينهم في شيء من ذلك،,For some of this matter I acted as go-between. وكان عند عماد الدين من العزم على الرواح ما يجاوز كل وصف، وعند السلطان من إمساكه إلى أن يفصل أمر بيننا وبينهم ما لا يحد،,"‘Imad al-Din had a determination to leave that beggared all description, while the sultan had an unbounded desire to cling on to him until matters between us and the enemy should be decided." وآل الأمر إلى أن يكتب عماد الدين بخطه، ويطلب فيه الإذن في الرواح، وتلين فيها وتخشن،,"In the end ‘Imad al-Din wrote a petition in his own hand requesting permission to depart, in which he was both mild and hard." فأخذها السلطان، وكتب في ظهرها بيده الكريمة:,The sultan took it and wrote on the reverse in his own noble hand: من ضيع مثلي من يده، فليت شعري ما استفاد.,"Whoever loses such as me, Would that I knew what gain has he!" فوقف عماد الدين عليها، وانقطعت مراجعته بالكلية.,‘Imad al-Din read this and his petitioning ceased completely. وتواترت الأخبار بضعف العدو ووقوع الغلاء في بلادهم وعسكرهم,A series of reports came in of the weakness of the God-forsaken enemy and of the incidence of shortages in their territory and army. حتى إن الغرارة من القمح بلغت في أنطاكية ستة وتسعين دينارًا صورية، ولا يزيدهم ذلك إلا صبرًا وإصرارًا وعنادًا،,"A ghirdra of wheat in Antioch reached ninety-six Tyrian dinars, but that only added to their endurance, doggedness and stubbornness." ولما ضاق بهم الأمر وعظم الغلاء وخرج منهم خلق عظيم مستأمنين من شدة الجوع,"When their situation became difficult and shortages made them suffer, a large number of them came to give themselves into our hands because of their intense hunger." عزموا على الخروج إلينا، وكان طمعهم بسبب مرض السلطان،,"The rest made up their minds to move against us, their hopes fed by the illness that had befallen the sultan." فظنوا أنه لا يستطيع النهوض،,They thought that he would not be able to take an active role. وكان خروجهم يوم الاثنين حادي عشر شوال بخيلهم ورجلهم,"They came forth, both horse and foot, on Monday 11 Shawwal 586 {12 November, carrying stores and tents." حاملين أزوادًا وخيامًا إلى الآبار التي استحدثها المسلمون تحت تل الحجل لما كانوا نزولًا عليه،,They came to the wells that the Muslims had dug beneath the Tell apajul when they were camped there. وأخذوا عليق أربعة أيام،,"According to reports, they brought with them supplies for four days." فأُخبر — رحمه الله — بخروجهم على هذا الوجه، فأمر اليزك أن يتراجع من بين أيديهم إلى تل كيسان،,"The sultan was informed of the nature of their move, and he ordered the advanced detachment, which was at Tell apayyadiyya, to give way before them, back as far as Tell Kaysan." وكان اليزك على العياضية، وكان نزول العدو على الآبار بعد صلاة العصر من اليوم المذكور،,"The enemy camped at the wells after late afternoon prayer on the day mentioned." وباتوا تلك الليلة واليزك حولهم جميع الليل،,They spent the whole of that night surrounded by our advanced units. فلما طلع الصبح جاء من اليزك من أخبره بأنهم قد تحركوا للركوب،,At daybreak one of those troops came to report that the enemy had started to move. وكان قد أمر الثقل في أول الليل أن يسيروا إلى الناصرة والقيمون،,Early in the night the sultan had given orders for the removal of the baggage to Nazareth and al-Qaymun. فرحل الثقل وبقي الناس، وكنت في جملة من أقام في خدمته،,"The baggage left, but the troops remained. I was one of those who stayed in attendance on him." وأمر العسكر أن يركب يمنة ويسرة وقلبًا تعبية القتال، وركب هو وصاح الجاويش بالناس،,"The sultan ordered the army to form up as right wing, left wing and centre, in battle formation, and he himself mounted up, while the herald gave the cry for all to do so." فركبوا وسار حتى وقف على تل من جبال الخروبة،,They moved off and the sultan took up a position on one of the hills of al-Kharruba. وابتدأت الميمنة بالمسير، فسارت حتى بلغ آخرها الجبل، وسارت الميسرة حتى بلغ آخرها النهر بقرب البحر،,"The right wing ended with its flank at the hill and the left wing’s flank reached to the river, near the sea." فكان في الميمنة ولده الملك الأفضل صاحب دمشق، وولده الملك الظاهر صاحب حلب، وولده الملك الظافر صاحب بصرى، وولد عز الدين صاحب الموصل علاء الدين خرم شاه،,"On the right wing were his sons, al-Afdal, lord of Damascus, al-Zahir, lord of Aleppo, and al-Zafir, lord of Busra, and also the son of ‘Izz al-Din, lord of Mosul, ‘Ala’ al-Din Khurramshah." ثم أخوه في طرفها، ويليه قريبًا منه حسام الدين لاجين، والطواشي قايماز النجمي، وعز الدين جرديك النوري، وحسام الدين بشاره صاحب بانياس، وبدر الدين دلدرم، وجمع كثير من الأمراء،,"On the extreme right was his brother, al-‘Adil, with the following positioned close to him, Husam al-Din [ibn] Lajin, the Tawashl Qaymaz al-Najml, ‘Izz al-Din Jurdik al-Nuri, Husam al-Din Bishara, lord of Banyas, Badr al-Din Dildirim al-Yaruqi, lord of Tell Bashir, and a large number of emirs." وكان في الميسرة عماد الدين زنكي صاحب سنجار، وابن أخيه معز الدين صاحب الجزيرة، وفي طرفها الملك المظفر تقي الدين ابن أخيه.,"On the left wing were ‘Imad al-Din Zanki, lord of Sinjar, his nephew Mu‘izz al-Din, lord of Jazirat [Ibn ‘Umar], and on the extreme right al-Muzaffar Taqi al-Din, the sultan’s nephew." وكان عماد الدين زنكي غائبًا مع الثقل لمرضٍ كان ألم به، وبقي عسكره،,"‘Imad al-Din Zanki himself was absent with the baggage-train because of an illness, but his troops remained." وكان في الميسرة سيف الدين علي المشطوب، وجميع المهرانية والهكارية وخشترين وغيرهم من الأمراء الأكراد، وفي القلب الحلقة السلطانية.,"Also on the left wing were Sayf al-Din al-Mashtub and all the Mihranis and Hakkaris, and Khushtarin and other Kurdish emirs. In the centre was the Royal Guard." وتقدم السلطان أن يخرج من كل عسكر جمع من الجاليش، وأن يدوروا حول العسكر واليزك معهم،,"The sultan commanded that from each troop a number of skirmishers should advance and surround the enemy, accompanied by the advanced guard." وأخفى بعض الأطلاب وراء التلال عساهم أن يجدوا غرة من العدو.,"He concealed some divisions behind the hills, in the hope that they might find an opportunity to surprise the enemy." ولم يزل عدو الله يسير والناس من جميع جوانبه،,God’s enemies continued to advance while our men engaged them from all sides. وهو سائر على شاطئ النهر من الجانب الشرقي حتى رأس العين،,They were following the river bank on the east side until they came to the head of the river. وداروا حوله حتى عبروا الجانب الغربي،,"They circled around it and eventually crossed to the west side, where they camped." ونزلوا والقتال يتلقف منهم الأبطال، ويصرع منهم الرجال،,The fighting had deprived them of some of their champions and laid other men low. وكان نزولهم على تل هناك، وضربوا خيامهم هناك ممتدة منه إلى النهر،,They camped on a rise there and pitched their tents that reached from there to the river. وجُرح منهم في ذلك اليوم خلق عظيم، وقُتل منهم أيضًا جماعة،,Many of them were wounded that day and several of them killed. وكانوا إذا جُرح واحد منهم حملوه أو قُتل دفنوه وهم سائرون، حتى لا يبين قتيل ولا جريح،,"When one of their number was wounded, they would carry him, and when someone was killed, they would bury him while still moving on, so that the number of their dead and wounded would not be ascertained." وكان نزولهم يوم الثلاثاء بعد الظهر،,"They took up this position on the Tuesday we have mentioned, after midday." وتراجعت العساكر إلى مواطن المصابرة،,Our troops retired to positions where they could wait and watch patiently. ومواقف الحراسة، وتقدم السلطان إلى الميسرة أن تستدير بهم، بحيث يقع آخرها على البحر، والميمنة تستدير بالنهر من الجانب الشرقي، والجاليش يقاتلهم بقربهم، ويرميهم بالنشاب، بحيث لا يقطع النشاب عنهم أصلًا,"The sultan ordered the left wing to encompass the enemy with their extreme flank reaching the sea and the right wing to cover the river on the east side, while the skirmishers engaged them with constant flights of arrows that gave them no respite." وبات الناس تلك الليلة على هذا المثال،,The night was passed in this manner. وسار هو — رحمه الله — ونحن في خدمته إلى رأس جبل الخروبة،,"The sultan with us in attendance went to the top of the Hill of al-Kharruba, where he had camped during the previous year." فنزل في خيمة لطيفة والناس حوله في خيم لطاف بمرأى من العدو،,He took his quarters in a small tent and around him the troops did likewise in view of the enemy. واجتاز العدو يتواصل ساعة فساعة إلى الصبح،,"Hour by hour, until morning, intelligence of the enemy came to him." ولما كان يوم الأربعاء وصل من أخبر أنهم تحركوا للركوب، فركب هو ورتب الأطلاب، وسار حتى أتى أقرب جبال الخروبة إليهم، بحيث يشاهد أحوالهم،,"With daybreak on Wednesday 13 Sha‘ban {14 November} someone brought news that they had begun to move at dawn, so he mounted up – this was the morning of Wednesday 13 Sha‘ban – drew up his divisions and advanced to the al-Kharruba hills nearest to the enemy, where he could observe all their dispositions." وكان — رحمه الله — ملتاث المزاج ضعيف القوى قوي القلب، ثم بعث إلى العساكر وأمرها بالمقاتلة والمضايقة والحملة عليهم من كل جانب،,"He was out of sorts and weak in body, but strong in heart. Then he sent to the troops with orders to engage, to press hard and charge from every direction." وأمر الأطلاب أن تحيط بهم، بحيث لا تكون قريبة ولا بعيدة لتكون وراء المقاتلة إلى أن تضاحى النهار،,"He ordered the main divisions to surround them, in such a way as to be neither close nor distant, to be a support for those actively engaged until the day was well advanced." وسار العدو إلى شاطئ النهر من الجانب الغربي يطلب جهة جهة، والقتال يشتد عليهم من كل جانب، إلا من جانب النهر،,"The enemy proceeded along the west bank of the river, making for their tents while being heavily engaged from all sides, in fact, hard pressed from every direction but the river." والتحم القتال، فصُرع منهم خلق عظيم,The battle became hot and many of them were laid low. وهم يدفنون قتلاهم، ويحملون جرحاهم،,Their dead they buried and their wounded they carried away. وقد جعلوا رجالتهم سورًا لهم تضرب الناس بالزنبورك والنشاب،,"They had formed their infantry into a wall, loosing a hail of bolts and arrows." حتى لا يُترك أحد يصل إليهم إلا بالنشاب، فإنه كان يظهر إليهم كالجراد,"No-one could reach them except with arrows, which were flying over them like locusts." وخيالتهم يسيرون في وسطهم، بحيث لم يظهر منهم أحد في ذلك اليوم أصلًا،,"Their cavalry made their way in the centre, with the result that on that day not one of them was seen." والكوسات تخفق والبوقات تنعر، والأصوات بالتهليل والتكبير تعلو،,Our drums were beating and our trumpets braying as voices were raised with shouts of ‘There is no god but God’ and ‘God is great’. هذا والسلطان يمد الجاليش بالأطلاب والعساكر التي عنده، حتى لم يبقَ معه إلا نفر يسير، ونحن نشاهد الأحوال،,"All the while, the sultan was reinforcing the skirmishers with bodies of troops that he had with him, so that in the end only a small band remained with him, as we observed the course of events." وعلم العدو مرتفع على عجلة هو مغروس فيها، وهي تُسحب بالبغال،,The enemy standard was raised high firmly planted on a cart pulled by mules. وهم يذبون عن العلم، وهو عالٍ جدًّا كالمنارة، خرقته بياض ملمع بأحمر على شكل الصلبان،,"They defended this banner, which was very high like a minaret, a white cloth brightly marked with red in the shape of the Cross." ولم يزالوا سائرين على هذا الوجه، حتى وصلوا وقت الظهر قبالة جسر دعوق، وقد ألجمهم العطش، وأخذ منهم التعب، وأثخنهم الحراج،,"They continued on their way in this manner until, at midday, they came opposite the bridge of Da‘uq, constrained by thirst, worn out by fatigue and weakened by wounds." واشتد الأمر بهم من شدة الحر.,Their situation was serious and the severe heat left them suffering from thirst. ولقد قاتل المسلمون في ذلك اليوم قتالًا شديدًا، وأعطوا الجهاد حقه،,That day the Muslims fought a fierce fight and gave Jihad its due. وهجموا عليهم هجومًا عظيمًا، واستداروا بهم كالحلقة، وهم لا يظهرون من رجالتهم، ولا يحملون،,"They assailed them mightily and surrounded them like a ring of hunters, but the enemy did not leave their infantry and charge." فكان الفعل معظمه للحلقة في ذلك اليوم، فإنهم أذاقوهم طعم الموت، وجرح منهم جماعة كأبار الطويل،,"Most of the action that day was by the Royal Guard, who gave them a taste of death, although many of their own were wounded, such as Ayaz the Tall." فإنه قام في تلك الحرب العظيمة أعظم مقام,In that battle he rivalled the greatest deeds that are told of earlier generations. وجُرح جراحات متعددة وهو مستمر على القتال، وجُرح سيف الدين يازكوج جراحات متعددة، وهو من فرسان الإسلام وشجعانه وله مقامات متعددة،,"He was wounded repeatedly, but continued to fight. Sayf al-Din Yazkuj, one of the valiant warriors of Islam, was wounded many times and has many exploits to his name." وجُرح خلق كثير،,That day very many were wounded. ولم تزل الناس حولهم، حتى نزلوا ظهر نهار ذلك اليوم عند جسر دعوق، وقطعوا الجسر، وأخربوه خوفًا من عبور الناس إليهم،,"Our men continued to beset them until at noon of that day they camped at the bridge of Da‘uq, which they cut and demolished fearing that our men might cross over towards them." ورجع السلطان إلى تل الخروبة، وأقام عليهم يزكا يحرسهم،,"The sultan withdrew to Kharruba Hill, leaving an advanced guard to watch them." وأخبارهم تتواتر حتى الصباح، وعزم في تلك الليلة على كبس بقيتهم،,All night until dawn reports kept on coming in. During that night he resolved to make a surprise attack on those left in their camp. وكتب إلى البلد يعرفهم ذلك، حتى يخرجوهم من ذلك الجانب،,"He wrote to the city to tell them, so that they would attack from that direction as we did from this." فلم يصل من أهل البلد كتاب، فرجع عن ذلك العزم بسبب تأخر الكتاب،,"No reply came back from the city, so he gave up that plan because of the communication delay." ولما كان صباح الخميس رابع عشر الشهر، وصل من أخبر أن العدو على حركة الرحيل،,On Thursday morning 14 Sha‘ban [15 November] someone brought news that the enemy were showing signs of breaking camp. فركب السلطان ورتب الأطلاب وكف الناس عن القتال خشية أن يغتالوا، فإن العدو كان قد قرب من خيمه،,"The sultan mounted up and disposed the divisions, but did not allow our men to engage for fear that they might be taken by surprise because the enemy had drawn close to their tents." وأداروا الأطلاب في الجانب الشرقي من النهر تسير قبالة العدو، حتى وصل إلى خيمه،,He stationed the divisions on the east bank of the river to proceed opposite the enemy until they arrived at their tents. وكان ممن خرج من مقدميهم في هذه السرية الكندهري والمركيس,"Of their nobles the following were wounded during this foray, Count Henry and the marquis." وتخلف ابن ملك الألمان في الخيم مع جمع كثير منهم،,The son of the German emperor remained behind in their camp with a large force. ولما دخل العدو إلى خيمهم كان لهم فيها أطلاب مستريحة، فخرجت إلى اليزك الإسلامي،,"After the enemy had returned to their tents, the reserve battalions they had there made a sortie against the Muslim advance units." وحملت عليه ونشب القتال بين اليزك وبينهم، وجرى قتال عظيم قُتل فيه من العدو وجُرح خلق عظيم، وقُتل من المسلمين ثلاثة نفر،,"They charged them and a fierce battle developed in which, after severe fighting, many of the enemy were killed or wounded, while on the Muslim side three persons were killed." وقُتل من العدو شخص كبير فيهم مقدم عليهم، وكان على حصان عظيم ملبس بالزرد إلى حافره، وكان عليه لباس لم يُرَ مثله،,"Losses for the enemy included an important person, a commander amongst them, who was mounted on a large horse, clothed in mail down to its hooves. He himself wore armour the like of which had never been seen." وطلبوه من السلطان بعد انفصال الحرب، فدفع إليهم جثته، وطلب رأسه فلم يوجد،,"After the termination of the battle they asked the sultan for his body, which was handed over to them. His head was sought for, but could not be found." وعاد السلطان إلى مخيمه، وأعاد الثقل إلى مكانه، وعاد كل قوم إلى منزلتهم، وعاد عماد الدين، وقد أقلعت حماه وبقي التياث مزاج السلطان،,"The sultan returned to his tent and brought the baggage-train back to its place. All the men returned to their positions, as did ‘Imad al-Dln, whose fever had now left him. The sultan’s health remained upset." وقد كان سبب سلامة هذه الطائفة مع كونه لا يقدر على مباشرة الأمر بنفسه،,"This was the reason why this force that ventured out had survived, as he was unable to direct the action himself." ولقد رأيته وهو يبكي في حال الحرب كيف لم يقدر على مخالطته، ورأيته وهو يأمر أولاده واحدًا بعد واحد بمكافحة الأمر ومخالطة الحرب،,"I saw him weeping when the battle was in progress since he was unable to engage the enemy and I saw him ordering his sons, one after the other, to take matters in hand and to join in the battle." "ولقد سمعت منه وقائل يقول: إن الوخم قد عظم في مرج عكا، بحيث إن الموت قد كثر في الطائفتين ينشد متمثلًا: اقتلاني ومالكا واقتلا مالكًا معي","When someone said to him, ‘Disease has become rife on the plain of Acre, so mortality is great on both sides’, I heard him quote the following, ‘Kill me and Malik, kill Malik with me.’" يريد بذلك أنني قد رضيت أن أتلف أنا إذا تلف أعداء الله،,"By that he meant, ‘I am content to perish if God’s enemies perish.’" وحدث بذلك قوة عظيمة في نفوس العسكر الإسلامي.,Great strength was renewed thereby in the hearts of the soldiers of Islam. ذكر وقعة الكمين,Account of the battle at the ambush وفي الثاني والعشرين من شوال رأى السلطان أن يضع للعدو كمينًا،,On Friday 22 Shawwal {23 November} the sultan decided to set an ambush for the enemy. وقوي عزمه على ذلك،,His determination to do this was strong. فأخرج جمعًا من كماة العسكر وشجعانه وأبطاله وفرسانه وانتخبهم من خلقٍ كثير، وأمرهم أن يسيروا في الليل، ويكمنوا في سفح تل هو شمالي عكا بعيد من عسكر العدو,"He selected a body of brave warriors and valiant horsemen and ordered them to move by night and lie in ambush at the foot of the rise which is to the north of Acre, at some distance from the enemy forces." عنده كانت منزلة الملك العادل حين وقعت الوقعة المنسوبة إليه،,"Nearby was al-‘Adil’s position, where the battle that is named after him took place." وأن يظهر منهم للعدو نفر يسير، وأن يقصدوه في خيمه ويحركوه,"He ordered a small group of them to make themselves visible to the enemy, move towards their tents and tempt them out." حتى إذا خرج انهزموا بين يديه نحو المسلمين،,"If the enemy came out against them, they should retire in the direction of the ambush." ففعلوا ذلك، وساروا حتى أتوا التل المذكور ليلًا، فكمنوا فيه،,"They carried this out, went at night to the hill mentioned above and set the ambush below it." ولما تجلى نهار الثالث والعشرين خرج منهم نفر يسير على جياد من الخيل، وساروا حتى أتوا مخيم العدو،,At daybreak on Saturday 23 Shawwal {24 November} a small band of them rode forward on picked horses as far as the enemy’s encampment. ورموهم بالنشاب، وحركوا حميتهم بالضرب المتواتر،,They shot at them and with the incessant hail of arrows they stung them into action. فانتخى لهم مقدار مائتي فارس، وخرجوا إليهم شاكي السلاح على خيل جياد بعدة تامة وأسلحة كاملة،,"About 200 knights came after them, armed to the teeth and mounted on good horses, all fully equipped and armed." وقصدوهم وليس معهم أحد راجل،,They rode at them with no infantry in support. وداخلهم الطمع فيهم لقلة عدتهم،,They were full of eagerness to attack our men because they were so few. فانهزموا بين أيديهم وهم يقاتلونهم ويقتلون حتى أتوا الكمين،,"The latter gave way before them, fighting as they withdrew, until they reached the ambush." فثارت عند وصولهم الأبطال وصاحوا صيحة الرجل الواحد، وهجموا عليه هجمة الأسود على فرائسها،,Our warriors there came out with a rush as they reached them and with a shout as of one man charged against the enemy like lions on their prey. فثبتوا وصبروا وقاتلوا قتالًا شديدًا، ثم ولوا منهزمين،,"The enemy held firm stolidly and fought fiercely, but then turned in flight." فتمكن أولياء الله منهم وأوقعوا فيهم ضربًا بالسيف، حتى أفنوا منهم جمعًا عظيمًا،,"God’s elect overwhelmed them and dealt sword blows upon them, overthrowing a large number of them." واستسلم الباقون للأسر فأسروهم، وأخذوا خيلهم وعددهم،,"The rest survived to become prisoners, as indeed they did, and their horses and equipment were taken." وجاء البشير إلى العسكر الإسلامي، فارتفعت الأصوات بالتهليل والتكبير,The good news came to the Muslim camp and cries of ‘There is no god but God’ and ‘God is great’ rang out. وركب السلطان يتلقى المجاهدين،,The sultan rode to meet the Jihad warriors. وسار وكنت في خدمته حتى أتى تل كيسان،,I was in his retinue when he went to Tell Kay san where we met the first troops to arrive. فلقينا أوائل القوم، فوقف هناك يتلقى العائدين من المجاهدين، والناس يتبركون بهم، ويشكرونهم على حسن صنيعهم،,"He halted there to greet the returning troops, while people called down blessings on them and thanked them for their excellent exploit." وهو يعتبر الأسرى ويتصفح أحوالهم،,The sultan reviewed the prisoners and looked into their circumstances. وكان ممن أُسر مقدم عسكر الإفرنسيس فإنه كان قد أنفذ نجدة قبل وصوله،,"One of those captured that day was the commander of the king of France’s troops, sent by him as reinforcements before his own arrival." وأسر خازن الملك أيضًا،,The treasurer of the king was also taken. وعاد السلطان بعد تكامل الجماعة إلى مخيمه فرحًا مسرورًا،,"The sultan, after all had been accounted for, returned to his tent full of joy and delight." وأحضر الأسرى عنده، وأمر مناديًا ينادي من أسر أسيرًا فليحضره،,He summoned the captives and ordered the herald to announce that anyone who had taken a prisoner should bring him. فأحضر الناس أسراهم،,Our men brought in their prisoners. وكنت حاضرًا ذلك المجلس،,I was present at that gathering. ولقد أكرم المقدمين منهم،,The sultan honoured the nobles amongst them. وخلع عليهم وعلى مقدم عسكر الإفرنسيس فروة خاص، وأمر لكل واحدٍ من الباقين بفروة جرخية، فإن البرد كان شديدًا، وكان قد أخذ منهم,"He bestowed a fur robe especially on the commander of the French king’s troops and ordered for each of the rest a fur top-coat, for the cold was intense and they had suffered from it." وأحضر لهم طعامًا أكلوه، وأمر لهم بخيمة تُضرب قريبًا من خيمته،,He also had food brought for them which they ate and he ordered a tent to be pitched for them close to his own. وكان يكارمهم في كل وقت،,At all times he treated them generously. ويحضر المقدم على الخوان في بعض الأوقات،,Sometimes he invited the commander to his table. وأمر بتنفيذهم وحملهم إلى دمشق،,He then ordered that they should be bound and conveyed to Damascus. فحملوا مكرمين،,They were taken there in honoured state. وأذن لهم في أن يراسلوا صاحبهم، وأن يحضروا لهم من عسكرهم ما يحتاجون إليه من الثياب وغيرها،,He allowed them to write to their comrades and to have the clothes and other things they needed brought to them from their camp. ففعلوا ذلك، وساروا إلى دمشق.,"When that was done, they travelled to Damascus." ذكر عود العسكر عن الجهاد,The troops rest from the Jihad ولما هجم الشتاء وهاج البحر وأمن العدو أن يضرب مصاف وطلب البلد وحصاره من شدة الأمطار وتواترها، أذن السلطان للعساكر في العود إلى بلادهم ليأخذوا نصيبًا من الراحة، وتجم خيولهم إلى وقت العمل،,"When winter descended and the sea became rough and there was no danger of the enemy seeking a pitched battle, or of making great efforts to attack the city, or to further the siege operations on account of the heavy and incessant rains, the sultan gave leave to the Muslim armies to return to their countries to enjoy a portion of rest and to restore their horses until the time for action." وكان أول من سار عماد الدين صاحب سنجار لما كان عنده من القلق في طلب الدستور،,"The first to depart was ‘Imad al-Din, the lord of Sinjar, because he had been so anxious to request leave." وكان مسيره خامس عشري شوَّال،,He left on Monday 25 Shawwal 586 [26 November. وسار عقيبه في ذلك اليوم ابن أخيه سنجر شاه صاحب الجزيرة،,"After him on the same day his nephew, Sanjar Shah, lord of Jazirat [Ibn ‘Umar] left." هذا بعد أن أُفيض عليهما من التشريف والإنعام والتحف ما لم ينعم به على غيرهما،,"This was after both of them had been showered with marks of honour, gifts and presents, more than were bestowed on others." وسار علاء الدين ابن صاحب الموصل في مستهل ذي القعدة مشرفًا مكرمًا، معه التحف والطرائف،,"On 1 Dhu’I- Qa‘da [30 December] ‘Ala’ al-Din, the son of the lord of Mosul, took his esteemed and honoured departure, taking with him choice gifts." وتأخر الملك المظفر إلى أن دخلت سنة سبع وثمانين، وتأخر أيضًا الملك الظاهر،,"Al-Malik al-Muzaffar Taqi al-Din and his troops delayed until after the start of the year 587 [late January, as did the sultan’s son al-Zahir." وسار تاسع المحرم سنة سبع وثمانين، وسار الملك المظفر في ثالث صفر،,The latter left for Aleppo on the morning of Wednesday 9 Muharram [6 February and al-Muzaffar left on 3 Safar {2 March}. ولم يبقَ عند السلطان إلا نفر يسير من الأمراء والحلقة الخاصة،,Only a small group of emirs and the Royal Guard remained with the sultan. وفي أثناء ذي القعدة سنة ست وثمانين وفد عليه زلفتدار،,Zulfandar made his visit during the month of Dhu’l-Qa‘da 586 [December. فتلقاه وأكرم مثواه، ووضع له طعامًا يوم قدومه وباسطه مباسطة عظيمة،,"The sultan received him and gave him a generous welcome, providing a banquet for him the day of his arrival and behaving towards him with great affability." وكانت حاجته أن يوقع له بإعادة أملاك كانت في يده ثم انتُزعت من أعمال نصيبين والخابور،,Zulfandar’s purpose was to obtain an order for the restoration of properties which he had possessed in the districts of Nisibis and al-Khabur and which had been taken away. فوقع بإعادتها إلى يده وإجراء الأمر فيها بعد ذلك على وفق الشريعة المطهرة،,The sultan signed an order for their restoration and ensured that subsequent action concerning them should follow the Holy Law. وخلع عليه، وشرفه، وسار فرحًا مسرورًا شاكرًا لأياديه.,"He bestowed a robe of honour on him and other marks of distinction and Zulfandar departed happy and delighted, expressing his gratitude for his favours." ذكر ارتحال السلطان لإدخال البدل إلى البلد,How the sultan was busy getting the relief force into the city ولما هاج البحر وأمنت غائلة مراكب العدوِّ ورُفع ما كان له من الشواني في البحر إلى البر,"When the sea was rough, the threat from enemy ships was removed and the galleys that they had at sea were pulled up on to dry land." اشتغل السلطان في إدخال البدل إلى عكا، وحمل البر والذخائر والنفقات والعدد إليها، وإخراج من كان بها من الأمراء لعظم شكايتهم من طول المقام بها، ومعاناة التعب والسهر وملازمة القتال ليلًا ونهارًا،,"The sultan then occupied himself with getting relief forces into Acre, transporting provisions, supplies, money and equipment, and getting out the emirs who had been there because of their many complaints about their long spell of duty, their endurance of fatigue and broken nights, and their constant fighting night and day." وكان مقدم البلد من البدل الداخل الأمير سيف الدين علي المشطوب,"The commander of the relief going in was one of the emirs, the Emir Sayf al-Dln al-Mashtub." دخل سادس عشر المحرم من شهور سنة سبع وثمانين، وفي ذلك اليوم خرج المقدم الذي كان بها، وهو الأمير حسام الدين أبو الهيجاء وأصحابه، ومن كان بها من الأمراء,"He went in on Wednesday 16 Muharram 587 [13 February, the same day that the previous commander, the Emir Husam al-Dln Abu’L Hayja’, came out, along with his men and the emirs who had been there." وأعيان الخلق وتقدم إلى كل من دخل أن يصحب ميرة السنة.,With al-Mashtub went a large number of emirs and leading members of the army Each person who went in was instructed to take with him a whole year’s supplies. وانتقل الملك العادل بعسكره إلى حيفا على شاطئ النهر، وهو الموضع الذي تحمل منه المراكب فتدخل إلى البلد وإذا خرجت تخرج إليه،,"Aladil moved with his troop to Haifa on the coast, which was the place from where the ships were loaded that came to Acre and where they went when they left." فأقام، ثم يحث الناس على الدخول ويحرس المير والذخائر لئلا يتطرق إليها من العدو ومن يعترضها،,"The sultan stayed there, urging men to enter Acre and protect the provisions and stores, so that none of the enemy might interfere with them by a sudden attack." وكان مما دخل إليها سبع بطس مملوءة ميرة وذخائر ونفقات كانت وصلت من مصر محملة،,"Seven busses full of provisions, stores and money, which had arrived from Egypt fully laden, managed to get into Acre." وتقدم السلطان بتعبيتها من مدة مديدة،,The sultan had ordered them to be prepared some time earlier. وكان دخولها ثاني ذي الحجة من السنة الخالية،,They arrived on Monday 2 Dhu’l-Hijja in the previous year (586) [31 December. فانكسر منها مركب على الصخر الذي هو قريب من الميناء،,One ship was wrecked on rocks that were near the harbour. فانقلب كل من في البلد من المقاتلة لتلقي البطس،,All the fighting men within the city moved to the seaward part of the city to meet the busses and unload their cargo. ولما علم العدو ذلك أخذوا غرتهم وزحفوا إلى البلد في جانب البرزحفة عظيمة،,"Learning that all the garrison soldiers had shifted seawards, the enemy took advantage of this, assembled in great numbers and made a mighty assault against the city from the land side." وقاربوا الأسوار وصعدوا في سلم واحد فاندق بهم السلم كما شاء الله — تعالى —,"They approached the wall and climbed a single ladder but, as God willed it, the ladder broke under them." وتداركهم أهل البلد، فقتلوا منهم خلقًا عظيمًا،,The garrison then confronted them and killed many of them. وعادوا خائبين خاسرين.,They withdrew disheartened and disappointed. وأما البطس فإن البحر هاج هياجًا عظيمًا، وضرب بعضها على الصخر،,"As for the busses, the sea became very rough and forced the ships against one another on to the rocks, where they foundered." فهلكت وهلك جميع من كان فيها،,Everything on board was lost and a great many people perished. قيل كان عددهم ستين نفرًا،,It was said that they numbered sixty souls. وكان فيها ميرة عظيمة لو سلمت كفت البلد سنة كاملة، وذلك بتقدير العزيز العليم،,"They carried vast supplies which, had they been saved, would have sufficed the inhabitants of the city for a whole year, but that was by the decree of the Mighty One, the All-Knowing." ودخل على المسلمين بذلك وهن عظيم، وأحرج السلطان بذلك حرجًا عظيمًا،,"However, it brought a major setback upon the Muslims, which caused the sultan extreme anguish." فاستخلف ذلك في سبيل الله — تعالى —,He asked for it to be made good through his Jihad efforts. وما عند الله خير وأبقى،,But what is with God is better and more lasting.’ وكان ذلك أول علامات أخذ البلد والظفر به،,‘This was the first sign that the city was going to be taken and overcome. ولما كانت ليلة السبت سابع ذي الحجة من السنة الخالية قضى الله وقدر أن وقع من السور قطعة عظيمة,On the eve of Saturday 7 Dhu’l-Hijja 586 [5 January God decreed and ordained that a large section of the city wall collapsed. ونقلها على الباشورة، فهدمت أيضًا منها قطعة عظيمة,It fell with its full weight on the barbican and demolished a large part of that too. وقد أخذ العدو الطمع وهاج الزحف هياجًا عظيمًا،,"This encouraged the enemy, who became eager and enthusiastic to make an assault." وجاءوا إلى البلد كقطع الليل المدلهم من كل جانب،,They came from everywhere towards the city like the advancing darkness of night. وثارت همم الناس في البلد، وقاتلوا العدو قتالًا شديدًا، حتى ضرسوا وأيسوا من أن ينالوا خيرًا،,"The defenders, aroused and with zeal kindled, fought fiercely and killed and wounded many of the enemy, who eventually gnashed their teeth and despaired of gaining any advantage." فوقفوا على سد موضع القطعة الواقعة،,Our men stood like a dam where the section had fallen. وجمعوا من في البلد من البنائيين والصناع ووضعوهم في ذلك الموضع، وحموهم بالنشاب والمناجيق،,"They gathered all the masons and craftsmen that were in the city and put them to work at that spot, protecting them with bows, crossbows and trebuchets." فما مرت إلا ليالٍ يسيرة حتى انتظمت وعاد بناؤها أحسن مما كان وأقوى وأتقن.,"It took only a few days to put right and the construction became better, stronger and more solid than it had been before." ذكر الظفر بمراكب العدو,The capture of the enemy’s ships وكان قد استأمن من الفرنج خلق عظيم أخرجهم الجوع إلينا،,"Already huge numbers of the Franks had deserted, forced out by hunger to join us." وقالوا للسلطان: نحن نخوض البحر في براكيس وبطس إلى العدو،,"They said to the sultan, ‘We will put to sea in barks and plunder the enemy." ويكون الكسب بيننا وبين المسلمين.,What we win will be shared between us and the Muslims.’ فأذن لهم في ذلك، وأعطاهم بركوسا وهو المركب الصغير،,"He granted them permission for this and gave them a bark, which is a small vessel." فركبوا فيه، وظفروا بمراكب للتجار من العدو، وهي قاصدة إلى عسكرهم، وبضائعهم معظمها فضة مصوغة وغير مصوغة،,"They embarked and fell in with some enemy merchant ships, which were making for their camp and whose goods were mostly worked silver or silver bullion." فوقع عليها البركوس، وقاتلوهم حتى أخذوهم واكتسبوا منهم مالًا عظيمًا،,They attacked and fought until they finally captured them and took a vast amount of plunder. وأسروهم، وأحضروهم بين يدي السلطان،,The prisoners they took they brought before the sultan. وذلك في ثالث عشر ذي الحجة من السنة المذكورة،,This was on 13 Dhu’l-Hijja 586 [11 January. ولقد كنت حاضرًا ذلك المجلس، وكان من جملة ما أحضروه مائدة فضة، وعيها مكبة مخرمة من فضة،,I was there on this occasion and one of the things they presented to him was a silver table with a perforated silver cover. فأعطاهم السلطان الجميع، ولم يأخذ منهم شيئًا،,The sultan gave them everything and did not take a thing. وفرح المسلمون بنصر الله عليهم بأيديهم.,The Muslims rejoiced at God’s victory over the enemy through their own hands. ذكر موت ابن ملك الألمان,Account of the death of the son of the German emperor وذلك أن العدو لما دخل الشتاء عليهم وتواترت الأنداء، واختلفت الأهواء، وخم المرج خمًّا عظيمًا وقع معه موتان عظيم،,"After winter had come with its incessant rainfall and change of airs, the plain became very unhealthy and, as a result, there was great mortality amongst the enemy." وانضم إلى ذلك الغلاء الزائد، وانسد عليهم البحر الذي كان يجيئهم منه الميرة من كل جانب،,"In addition to that there were the severe shortages and the fact that the sea was closed to them, from which supplies had been reaching them from every quarter." وكان يموت منهم كل يوم المائة والمئتان على ما قيل وقيل أكثر من ذلك،,"Daily, from 100 to 200 were dying, according to reports, and some said more than that." ومرض ابن ملك الألمان مرضًا عظيمًا،,The German emperor’s son became very ill. وعرض له مع ذلك مرض الجوف، فهلك به في الثاني والعشرين من ذي الحجة سنة ست وثمانين،,"He was stricken by a sickness in the stomach, from which he perished on 22 Dhu’l- Hijja [20 January." وحزن الإفرنج عليه حزنًا عظيمًا، وأُشعلت له نيران هائلة، بحيث لم يبقَ له خيمة إلا وأُشعلت فيها الناران والثلاثة،,"The Franks grieved greatly for him and lit impressive lamps, so that not a single tent of theirs was left without two or three lights burning within it." بحيث بقي عسكرهم كله نار،,Their whole camp was like one blazing fire. وفرح المسلمون بذلك بمثل ما حزن الكفار بفقده،,The Muslims rejoiced at his death as much as the infidels grieved for his loss. وهلك منهم كبير يُقال له الكند بالياط، ومرض الكندهري، وأشرف على الهلاك،,"One of their nobles, called Count Tibault, perished and Count Henry fell ill and his life was despaired of." وفي الرابع والعشرين منه أخذ منهم بركوسان فيهما نيف وخمسون نفرًا، وفي الخامس والعشرين منه أخذ منهم أيضًا بركوس وجميع ما فيه،,On the 24th of the month [22 January] two barks with a total of fifty and more persons were seized from the enemy and on the 25th of the same [23 January] a large bark of theirs was taken with all its cargo. وكان من جملة ما فيه ملوطة مكللة باللؤلؤ، وهي من تفاصيل الملك، وقيل كان في البركوس ابن أخيه وأخذ أيضًا.,"That included a robe encrusted with pearls, a garment for the king. It is said that his nephew was on board, who was also seized." ذكر غارة أسد الدين,Account of Asad al-Din’s raid وهذا أسد الدين هو شيركوه بن ناصر الدين محمد بن أسد الدين شيركوه الكبير، وهو صاحب حمص،,"This Asad al-Dln is the lord of Hirns, Shirkuh ibn Nasir al-Din Muhammad ibn Asad al-Dln Shirkuh the Great." وكان من حديثه أن السلطان كان قد رسم له أن يأخذ حذره من الإفرنج بطرابلس، ويأخذ نفسه بحراسة المسلمين والفلاحين في تلك الناحية،,What is to be told is that the sultan had instructed him to keep a watch on the Franks in Tripoli and to undertake the protection of the Muslims and the peasants in those regions. وأنه قيل له إن إفرنج طرابلس قد أخرجوا جشارهم وخيلهم إلى مرج هناك وأبقارهم ودوابهم،,"It was reported to him that the Franks of Tripoli had sent out their herds and horses to the plain there, along with their cattle and pack-animals." وأنه قد قرر مع عسكره قصدهم،,He decided to attack them with his troops. فخرج على غرة منهم، وهجم على جشارهم فأخذ منهم من الخيل أربعمائة رأس ومائة من البقر،,"He marched out, taking them by surprise, and attacked the herds, taking from them 400 head of horses and 100 head of cattle." فهلك من الخيل أربعون، وسلم الباقي,"Forty of the horses died, but the rest survived." وعاد إلى البلد ولم يُفقد من أصحابه أحد،,He returned to his base without losing a single man. ووصل الكتاب بذلك في رابع صفر من سنة سبع وثمانين.,His letter with news of this arrived on 4 Safar 587 {2 March. ذكر وقائع عدة في هذه السنة,Account of several events in the year 587 وفي ثالث ربيع الأول كان اليزك للحلقة السلطانية،,On 3 Rabi‘ I [31 March] it was the turn of the Royal Guard to act as advanced guard. وخرج من العدو إليهم خلق عظيم، وجرى بينهم وقعة شنيعة، وقتل فيها من العدو جماعة، وقُتل منهم رجل كبير على ما قيل،,"A large crowd of the enemy came out against them and a hideous battle took place between them, in which several of the enemy were killed, including, by report, one of their great men." ولم يفقد من المسلمين إلا خادم للسلطان يُسمى قراقوش، وكان شجاعًا عظيمًا له وقعات عظيمة كثيرة,"On the Muslim side the only loss was a serving man of the sultan, called Qaraqush, a large, brave man of many great exploits." استشهد في ذلك اليوم،,He met a martyr’s death that day. وفي تاسع الشهر بلغ السلطان أن العدو يخرج منه طائفة يتفسحون لبعدنا عنهم،,On Saturday 9 Rabi‘ I [6 April] the sultan heard that sometimes a group of the enemy would venture out and take their ease because we were at a distance from them. فاقتضى رأيه أن أنفذ أخاه الملك العادل، وفي خدمته خلق عظيم من العساكر الإسلامية، وأمره أن يكمن للعدو وراء التل الذي كانت فيه الواقعة المعروفة به،,"He decided to send his brother, al-‘Adil, with a large body of Muslim troops under his command, ordering him to set an ambush for the enemy behind the hill where the battle known after him took place." فسار هو وجمع كان من كبراء أهله وأصحابه، فكمن وراء تل العياضية،,The sultan himself and several of the great men of his family and followers went and prepared an ambush behind Tell Ayyadiyya. وكان ممن كان معه من كبار أهله الملك المظفر تقي الدين وابنه ناصر الدين محمد والملك الأفضل ولده ومعه صغار أولاده الملك الأشرف محمد، والملك المعظم طورانشاه، والملك الصالح إسماعيل،,"Among his family members with him were al-Muzaffar Taql al-Din with the latter’s son, Nasir al-Din Muhammad, and his own son, al-Afdal, and of his younger sons, al-Malik al-Ashraf Muhammad, al-Mu‘azzam Turanshah and al-Malik al-Salih Isma’il." وكان من المعممين الفاضل والديوان،,The civilians present included Qadi al-Fadil and the secretariat. وكنت في الصحبة في ذلك اليوم،,I was one of the company on that day. وركب جماعة من الشجعان على الخيول الجياد، وناوشوا العدو فلم يخرج في ذلك اليوم،,"Some of our brave warriors rode forward on good mounts, skirmishing and plainly offering battle to the enemy, but none came out that day." وكان قد وشى إليهم بحلية الأمراء,It was as if they had been given intelligence of our planned ruse. إلا أن ذلك اليوم لم ينفك إلا بنوع نصر،,"However, that day did not end without a sort of victory." فإنه وصل في أثنائه خمسة وأربعون نفرًا من الإفرنج كانوا قد أخذوا في بيروت، وسيروا إلى السلطان، ووصلوا في ذلك اليوم إلى ذلك المكان،,"During that day forty-five Frankish prisoners arrived who had been captured at Beirut and, having been sent to the sultan, reached him at this place that day." ولقد شاهدت منه رقة قلبٍ لم يُرَ أعظم منها؛,I witnessed at that time such soft-heartedness and clemency on his part as I have never seen surpassed. وذلك أنه كان فيهم شيخ كبير طاعن في السن لم يبقَ في فمه ضرس، ولم تبقَ له قوة إلا مقدار تحرك لا غير،,"Amongst them there was a old man, very advanced in years, without a tooth left in his head and with only just enough strength to move." فقال للترجمان: قل له ما الذي حملك على المجيء وأنت في هذا السن؟,"The sultan said to the interpreter, ‘Ask him, “What brought you to come here when you are this old?" وكم من ها هنا إلى بلادك؟,How far it is from here to your land?’” فقال: بلادي بيني وبينها عدة أشهر،,"He replied, ‘Between me and my land is a journey of ten months." وأما مجيئي فإنما كان للحج إلى القمامة.,"As for why I came, it was just to go on pilgrimage to the Sepulchre.’" فرقَّ له السلطان ومنَّ عليه، وأطلقه، وأعاده راكبًا على فرس إلى عسكر العدو،,"The sultan had pity on him, gave him gifts, freed him and sent him back to the enemy camp on horseback." ولقد طلب أولاده الصغار أن يأذن لهم في قتل أسير فلم يفعل،,His young sons had asked him to allow them to kill a captive but he refused. فسألته عن سبب المنع وكنت حاجبهم بما طلبوه،,"I asked him the reason for his refusal, as I was the intermediary for their request." فقال: لئلا يعتادوا من الصغر على سفك الدماء ويهون عليهم ذلك، وهم الآن لا يفرقون بين المسلم والكافر،,"He said, ‘So that they will not, as youngsters, grow accustomed to shed blood and make light of it, when they as yet do not distinguish between Muslim and infidel.’" ولا يخفى ما في طيِّ ذلك من الرأفة والرحمة للمسلمين -رأف الله به ورحمه-,His merciful care for Muslims that is implied in this is quite clear. ولما أيس من خروج العدو عاد إلى المخيم في عشية ذلك اليوم.,"When the sultan despaired of any move by the enemy, he returned to his encampment during the evening of that day, namely Sunday 10 Rabi‘ I [7 April]." ذكر وصول العساكر الإسلامية والملك إفرنسيس,The arrival of Muslim forces and of the king of France ومن ذلك الوقت انفتح الباب، وطاب الزمان،,Starting from this date the sea became navigable and the weather improved. وجاء أوان عود العساكر إلى الجهاد من الطائفتين،,The time for the return of troops to the conflict came for both sides. فكان أول من قدم علم الدين سليمان بن جندر من أمراء الملك الظاهر،,"The first to arrive amongs the Muslim forces was ‘Alam al-Din Sulayman ibn Jandar, one of the emirs of the sultan’s son al-Zahir, the lord of Aleppo." وكان شيخًا كبيرًا مذكورًا له وقائع ذا رأي حسن، والسلطان يحترمه ويكرمه، ولقد قدم صحبة،,"He was an old man of note and much military experience, a person of wise counsel, whom the sultan respected and honoured for he had long served with him." ثم قدم بعده مجد الدين بن عز الدين فخر شاه، وهو صاحب بعلبك،,"After him came Majd al-Din ibn ‘Izz al-Din Farrukhshah ibn Shahinshah, the lord of Baalbek." وتتابعت بعد ذلك العساكر الإسلامية من كل صوب،,Afterwards a succession of Muslim troops arrived from every direction. وأما عسكر العدو فإنهم كانوا يتواعدون اليزك ومن يقاربهم بقدوم الملك الفرنسيس، وكان عظيمًا عندهم مقدمًا محترمًا من كبار ملوكهم تنقاد إليه العساكر بأسرها،,"The enemy’s troops, on the other hand, were threatening the advance guard and any Muslim troops that came near them with the imminent arrival of the king of France, who to them was a great man and respected leader, one of their great kings to whom all present in the army would be obedient." بحيث إذا حضر حكم على الجميع،,"When he arrived, he would have authority over everyone." ولم يزالوا يتواعدون بقدومه حتى قدم في ست بطس تحمله وميرته، وما يحتاج إليه من الخيل وخواص أصحابه،,"They kept on threatening us with his coming until he eventually did arrive in six busses, bringing him, his supplies, the horses that he required and his personal retinue." وكان قدومه يوم السبت الثالث والعشرين من ربيع الأول من هذه السنة.,He arrived on Saturday 23 Rabi‘ I [20 April]. نادرة وبشارة,A rare event and a good omen وكان قد صحبه من بلاده باز عظيم،,A falcon the king valued had accompanied him from his own country. هائل الخلق، أبيض اللون، نادر الجنس،,"It was of impressive size, white in colour and of a rare type." ما رأيت بازيًا أحسن منه، وكان يعزه ويحبه حبًّا عظيمًا،,He cherished and loved it greatly. فشذ الباز من يده وطار,The falcon escaped from his arm and flew off. وهو يستجيئه ولا يجيئه,"He called it back, but it did not respond." حتى سقط على سور عكا،,In the end it alighted on the city wall of Acre. فاصطاده أصحابنا، وأنفذوه إلى السلطان،,Our men caught it and sent it to the sultan. وقد كان لقدومه روعة عظيمة واستبشار عظيم بالظفر به،,Its arrival caused much astonishment and was a happy omen of victory. فتفاءل المسلمون بذلك،,The Muslims considered this an auspicious event. وبذل الإفرنج فيه ألف دينار، فلم يجابوا،,"The Franks offered 1,000 dinars for it, but this was not accepted." وقدم بعد ذلك كندفرند،,After this the count of Flanders arrived. وكان مقدمًا عظيمًا عندهم مذكورًا، فذكروا أنه حاصر حماه وحارم في عام الرملة،,"He was a great noble and a man of note amongst them, who had besieged Hama and Harim during the year of Ramla." ولما كان الثاني عشر من ربيع الآخر وصل كتاب من اللاذقية أن كان جماعة من المستأمنين قد أعطوا براكيس ليكبسوا عليها في البحر من العدو،,On the 12 Rabi‘ II [9 May] a letter came from Lattakia which told that some of the Frankish deserters had been given barks to attack the enemy at sea. فأخذوها ونزلوا في جزيرة قبرص في عيدٍ لهم،,Having received them they landed on the island of Cyprus on one of their feast days. وقد اجتمع جمع كثير من أهل الجزيرة في بيعة قريبة من البحر،,A large number of the island’s inhabitants had gathered in a church near the sea. وأنهم صلوا معهم صلاة العيد، وأنهم لما فرغوا من الصلاة ضربوا على كل من البيعة من الرجال والنساء، وأخذوهم عن آخرهم حتى القس وحملوهم، وألقوهم في مراكبهم، وساروا بهم حتى أتوا اللاذقية،,"The deserters celebrated the feast-day service with them and then, when they had finished, they laid rough hands on all in the church, men and women, seized every last one of them, even the priest, and carried them off to be thrown into the ships and taken to Lattakia." وكان من جملة ما كان فيها سبعة وعشرون امرأة وأموال عظيمة فتقسموها، فوصل إلى كل واحد على ما قيل أربعة آلاف درهم من الفضة النقرة،,"They took twenty-seven women and large sums of money, which they divided up, it being said that each one of them received 4,000 dirhams in silver bullion." وقدم بعد ذلك بدر الدين شحنة دمشق في سابع عشر ربيع الآخر،,"Later on, Badr al-Din, the prefect of Damascus, arrived on 17 Rabi‘ II [14 May]." وهجم أصحابنا على غنم العدو فأخذوها، وكان عددها مائة وعشرين رأسًا،,"Our men raided the enemy’s flocks and seized them, in all 120 head." فركب في طلبها الراجل والفارس فلم يظفروا منها بشيء.,"Their horse and foot came out in pursuit, but they did not win back any of them." ذكر ملك الانكتار,News of the king of England وهذا ملك الانكتار شديد البأس بينهم، عظيم الشجاعة، قوي الهمة،,This king of England was a mighty warrior of great courage and strong in purpose. له وقعات عظيمة، وله جسارة على الحرب، وهو دون الفرنسيس عندهم في الملك والمنزلة، لكنه أكثر مالًا منه، وأشهر في الحرب والشجاعة،,"He had much experience of fighting and was intrepid in battle, and yet he was in their eyes below the king of France in royal status, although being richer and more renowned for martial skill and courage." وكان من خبره أنه وصل إلى جزيرة قبرص، ولم يرَ أن يتجاوزها إلا وأن تكون له وفي حكمه،,"The news concerning him was that, after he had arrived at the island of Cyprus, he decided not to go further without its being his and under his authority." فنازلها وقاتلها،,He therefore invaded it. فخرج إليه صاحبها، وجمع له خلقًا عظيمًا، وقاتلهم قتالًا شديدًا،,"The ruler marched out against him, having gathered a large force, and fought him fiercely." فأنفذ الانكتار إلى عكا يستنجد إليه,The king of England sent to the Frankish camp [at Acre] seeking some reinforcements to help him achieve his purpose. الملك جفري أخاه، ومعه مائة وستون فارسًا ليعينوه على مقصوده،,King Guy sent him his brother with 160 mounted men. وبقيت الإفرنج على عكا ينتظرون ما يكون من الطائفتين،,The Franks at Acre continued to wait and see what would be forthcoming from both parties. وفي سلخ ربيع الآخر وصلت كتب من بيروت أنه قد أخذ من مراكب الانكتار القاصدة نحو عسكر العدو خمس مراكب وطرادة فيها خلق عظيم رجال ونساء وميرة وأخشاب وآلات وغير ذلك،,"On Sunday the last day of Rabi‘ II [26 May] letters came from Beirut with the news that five of the king of England’s ships and a tarida with a great host on board, men, women, supplies, timber and engines of war and so on, had been taken while making their way to the enemy army." وكان ذلك فتحًا عظيمًا استبشر به المسلمون،,"This was a great victory, which the Muslims joyfully proclaimed." وفي رابع جمادى الأولى زحف العدو إلى البلد، ونصبوا عليه مناجيق سبعة،,On Thursday 4 lumada I [30 May] the enemy attacked the city and erected seven trebuchets. ووصلت كتب عكا بالاستنفار العظيم، والتماس شغل العدو عنهم،,Letters coming from Acre reported serious alarms and requested diversionary operations against the enemy. فأعلم السلطان العساكر بالعزم على الرحيل إلى مضايقة العدو ومقاربته،,The sultan informed the troops of his intention to move camp to engage the enemy more closely. وأصبح على أهبة المسير إلى العدو، ورتب العساكر،,"The following morning he moved towards them until he halted at al-Kharruba, where he arranged the army into right wing, left wing and centre." ثم أنفذ من كشف حال العدو وحال خنادقهم هل فيها كمين أم لا،,"He sent people to reconnoitre the enemy and ascertain the state of their defensive ditches, whether there were any forces in ambush there." فعادوا وأخبروا بخلوها عن الكمين،,They returned with news that they were free of any such. فسار بنفسه في نفرٍ يسير من مماليكه,He himself went forward with a small group of his mamlukes. إلى خنادقهم، وصعد جبلًا كان يعرف بتل العضول، قريبًا من العدو مشرفًا على خيمهم،,"Coming to their ditches, he climbed a hill known as Tell al-Fudul, which was close to the enemy and overlooked their tents." وشاهد المنجنيقات وما يعمل منها، وما هو بطال،,"He observed the trebuchets, which of them were functioning and which were out of action." ثم عاد إلى مخيمه،,He then returned to his encampment. وأنا في خدمته،,I had been in attendance on him. وفي صبيحة هذه الليلة أتاه اللصوص برضيعٍ له ثلاثة أشهر قد أُخذ من أمه سرقة.,"During the following morning some robbers brought him an infant child aged three months, whom they had stolen from its mother." ذكر قصة الرضيع,The story of the infant child وذلك أنه كان للمسلمين لصوص يدخلون إلى خيام العدو، فيسرقون منهم الرجال،,"The Muslims had thieves who would enter the enemy’s tents, steal from them, even taking individuals, and then make their way back." وكان من قصتهم أنهم أخذوا ذات ليلة طفلًا رضيعًا له ثلاثة أشهر،,It came about that one night they took an unweaned infant three months old. وساروا به حتى أتوا إلى خيمة السلطان وعرضوه عليه،,They brought it to the sultan’s tent and offered it to him. وكان كل ما يأخذونه يعرضونه عليه، ويعطيهم ما أخذوه،,Everything they took they used to offer to him and he would reward and recompense them. ولما فقدته أمه باتت مستغيثة بالويل والثبور طول الليل،,When the mother missed the child she spent the whole duration of the night pleading for help with loud lamentations. حتى وصل خبرها إلى ملوكهم، فقالوا: إنه رحيم القلب،,"Her case came to the notice of their princes, who said to her, ‘He has a merciful heart." وقد أذنا لك في الخروج،,We give you permission to go to him. فاخرجي واطلبيه منه، فإنه يرده عليك.,Go and ask him for the child and he will restore it to you.’ فخرجت تستغيث إلى اليزك، فأخبرتهم بواقعتها،,"So she went out to ask the Muslim advance guard for assistance, telling them of her troubles through a dragoman who translated for her." فأطلقوها، وأنفذوها إلى السلطان،,They did not detain her but sent her to the sultan. فلقيته وهو راكب وأنا في خدمته، وفي خدمته خلقٌ عظيم،,She came to him when he was riding on Tell al-Kharruba with me and a great crowd attending upon him. فكبت بكاءً شديدًا، ومرَّغت وجهها في التراب،,She wept copious tears and besmirched her face with soil. فسأل عن قصتها فأخبروه، فرقَّ لها، ودمعت عينه، وأمر بإحضار الرضيع،,"After he had asked about her case and it had been explained, he had compassion for her and, with tears in his eyes, he ordered the infant to be brought to him." فوجدوه قد بيع في السوق،,People went and found that it had been sold in the market. فارتده وأمر بدفع ثمنه إلى المشتري، وأخذه منه،,The sultan ordered the purchase price to be paid to the purchaser and the child taken from him. ولم يزل واقفًا حتى أُحضر الطفل وسلم إليها، فأخذته وبكت بكاءً شديدًا، وضمته إلى صدرها والناس ينظرون إليها ويبكون،,"He himself stayed where he had halted until the infant was produced and then handed over to the woman who took it, wept mightily, and hugged it to her bosom, while people watched her and wept also." وأنا واقف في جملتهم،,I was standing there amongst the gathering. فأرضعته ساعة، ثم أمر بها فحُملت على فرس، وأُلحقت بعسكرهم مع طفلها،,"She suckled the child for a while and then, on the orders of the sultan, she was taken on horseback and restored to their camp with the infant." فانظر إلى هذه الرحمة الشاملة لجنس البشر.,Consider this compassion which encompasses all humanity. اللهم إنك خلقته رحيمًا فارحمه رحمةً واسعةً من عندك يا ذا الجلال والإكرام. وانظر إلى شهادة الأعداء له بالرأفة والكرم.,"O God, You created him merciful, show him Your ample mercy, O mighty and generous One! Consider, too, the testimony of the enemy to his gentleness, generosity, mercy and compassion." "شعر: ومليحة شهدت لها ضراتها والحسن ليس لحقه من منكر",Many a fair one received testimony from her rivals. There is none that denies beauty its due. وفي ذلك اليوم وصل ظهر الدين بن البلنكري،,"On that day Zahir al-Din ibn al-Balankari, who was one of the foremost great emirs of Mosul, came to join us." وكان مقدمًا عظيمًا من أمراء الموصل، وصل مفارقًا لهم يطلب خدمة السلطان،,"He came, having abandoned Mosul and seeking to serve the sultan." ولما عاد السلطان إلى مخيمه لم يلبث إلا ساعة حتى وصله الخبر بتجديد الزحف,"After the sultan had returned to his encampment, hardly an hour passed before news arrived that the assault on Acre had been renewed." فعاد، وركب من ساعته نحو البلد، وقد انفصل الحرب بدخول الليل من الطائفتين.,"He rode back immediately towards the city, but arrived only after the battle had ceased as nightfall separated the two sides." ذكر انتقال السلطان إلى تل العياضية,Account of the sultan’s move to Tell al-‘ Ayyadiyya ولما كانت صبيحة الثلاثاء تاسع جمادى الأولى بلغ السلطان أن الإفرنج قد ضايقوا البلد، وركبوا المناجيق،,On the morning of Tuesday 9 Jumada I [4 June] the sultan heard that the Franks had pressed hard on the city and set up trebuchets. فأمر الجاويش أن صاح بالناس، وركب لركوبه العسكر راجلهم وفارسهم،,"He commanded the herald to call the troops to arms and all responded as the sultan mounted up, both foot and horse." حتى أتى الخروبة، وقوي اليزك بتسيير جماعة من العسكر إليه،,He moved to al-Kharruba and strengthened the advance guard by sending forward a detachment of the Royal Guard. فلم يخرج العدو، واشتد زحفهم على البلد،,"However, the enemy did not emerge, but intensified their assault on the city." فضايقهم — رحمه الله — مضايقة عظيمة، وهجم عليه في خنادقهم،,The sultan pressed hard with fierce fighting and attacked them in their defensive ditches. ولم يزل كذلك حتى عادوا عن الزحف ظهر نهار،,He kept that up until they gave up their assault at midday on the Tuesday mentioned. وعاد العدو إلى خيمه وقد أيس من أمر البلد،,"The enemy returned to their tents, despairing of taking the city." وعاد السلطان إلى خيمة لطيفة ضُربت له هناك يستظل فيها من الشمس،,"The sultan retired to a small tent which was set up for him there, to shelter from the sun." فنزل بها لصلاة الظهر والاستراحة ساعة،,He stopped for the midday prayer and to rest awhile. وقوى اليزك، وأمر الناس بالعود إلى المخيم لأخذ جزء من الراحة،,He strengthened the advanced units and ordered the troops to return to the camp to take a little rest. وكنت في خدمته، فبينما هو كذلك إذ وصل من اليزك من أخبر أن القوم قد عادوا إلى الزحف لما أحسوا بانصرافه عنهم أشد ما كانوا أولًا،,"I was attending upon him and while he was engaged as described, someone from the advance guard came and reported that the Franks had recommenced their assault, when they became aware that he had retired, more fiercely than previously." فأمر من نبه الناس، وأمر بالعود،,He ordered people to go after the troops and order them back. فتراجعت العساكر إلى جهة العدو أطلابًا أطلابًا،,The troops returned towards the enemy in division after division. وأمر بالمبيت على أخذ لأمة الحرب، وأقام هو هناك على عزم المبيت،,He ordered them to spend the night in armour and he himself remained with the intention of passing the night there. وفارقت خدمته آخر نهار الثلاثاء، وعدت إلى الخيم،,I took my leave of him at the end of that Tuesday and returned to my tent. وبات هو وجميع العسكر على تعبية القتال طول الليل،,He and all the army remained in battle order throughout the night. وأصرَّ طائفة منهم على مضايقة العدو،,A detachment of them were ordered by him to close with the enemy. ثم سار العسكر أواخر ليلة الأربعاء عاشر الشهر إلى تل العياضية قبالة العدو، وضُربت له عليه خيمة لطيفة،,"Just before daybreak on Wednesday 10 Jumada I [5 June] the army moved to Tell al-‘Ayyadiyya, facing the enemy, and a small tent was pitched for him there." وأمر الناس أن ينزلوا على التل حوله على العادة في منازلهم العام الماضي، لكن جرائد، مع بقاء الثقل على الخروبة,"The men were ordered to take up their positions around him on the hill as had been the case in the previous year, but lightly equipped as the baggagetrain remained at al-Kharruba." ونازل العدو في ذلك اليوم أجمع بالقتال الشديد والضرب المبرح المتواتر الذي لا يفتر شغلًا لهم عن الزحف،,"All that day he engaged the enemy with fierce attacks and repeated violent blows, which were not slackened, to prevent them from assaulting the city." وهو يدور بين الأطلاب ويحثهم على الجهاد ويرغبهم فيه،,"He personally went around the divisions, urging and encouraging them to wage the Jihad, all that to keep the enemy too busy to press their attack on the city." ولما رأى العدو تلك المنازلة الهائلة خافوا من الهجوم عليهم في خيمهم، فرجعوا عن الزحف، واشتغلوا بحفظ الخنادق وحراسة الخيم،,"When the enemy saw their serious engagement and impressive tenacity, they feared an attack on their tents, slackened their assault and busied themselves with guarding their defensive ditches and protecting their camp." ولما رأى فتورهم عن الزحف عاد إلى العياضية، ورتب على خنادقهم من يخبره بحالهم ساعة فساعة إذا رجعوا إلى الزحف,"Seeing that their assault had abated, the sultan withdrew to his tents on Tell al-‘Ayyadiyya and posted men at the ditches to keep him informed of the enemy’s movements hour by hour, if they returned to the assault." كل ذلك دفعًا للعدو عن مضايقة البلد والزحف عليه.,Throughout all this the enemy were still determined to persist in their close siege and their attacks. ذكر الشروع في مضايقة البلد,Their efforts to press hard on the city ولقد بلغ من مضايقتهم البلد ومبالغتهم في طم خندقه أنهم كانوا يلقون فيه موتى دوابهم بأسرها وآل الأمر إلى أن كانوا يلقون فيه موتاهم،,"The enemy’s pressure on the city and their extreme efforts to fill in the moat went so far that they were throwing in all their dead horses and, finally, they were even throwing in their own dead." وكانوا إذا جُرح منهم أحد جراحة مؤلمة مثخنة ألقوه فيه،,"People said that whenever one of their number was wounded mortally and beyond hope, they would throw him in." بهذا جميعه تواصلت كتب أصحابنا من البلد،,Reports of all this came in constant letters from our men in the city. وأما أهل البلد فإنهم انقسموا أقسامًا؛ قسم ينزلون في الخندق يقطعون الموتى والدواب التي يلقونها فيه قطعًا ليسهل نقلها، وقسم ينقلون ما يقطعه ذلك القسم ويلقونه في البحر، وقسم يذبون عنهم ويدافعون حتى يتمكنوا من ذلك، وقسم في المنجنيقات وحراسة الأسوار،,"The garrison itself was divided into different parties, one going down into the moat and cutting up the corpses and horses that were thrown in to make them easy to carry, one carrying away what the former had cut up and throwing it into the sea, another giving protection and defending them so that they could manage their task, and yet another at the trebuchets and guarding the walls." وأخذ منهم التعب والنصب،,They were worn out with tiredness and exhaustion. وتواترت شكايتهم من ذلك،,Their complaints at all this were unbroken. وهذا ابتلاء لم يُبلَ بمثله أحد، ولا يصبر عليه جلد،,This was a trial such as no-one had ever borne and no stout-hearted man could endure. وكانوا يصبرون والله مع الصابرين،,"Yet they were enduring it, ‘and God is with those that endure’." هذا والسلطان لا يقطع الزحف على خنادقهم بنفسه وخواصه وأولاده ليلًا ونهارًا، حتى يشغلهم عن البلد،,"Meanwhile, the sultan did not interrupt his attacks nor the pressure on their trenches, through his own efforts and those of his officers and his sons night and day, to hinder their assault." وصوبوا منجنيقاتهم إلى برج عين البقر,The enemy directed their trebuchets at the Ox Spring Tower. وتواترت عليه أحجار المنجنيقات ليلًا ونهارًا حتى أثرت فيه الأثر البين،,"Stones from the trebuchets rained on it night and day, until they had produced a visible effect." وكلما ازدادوا في قتال البلد ازداد هو في قتالهم، وكبس خنادقهم والهجوم عليهم،,"The more they increased their attacks on the city, the more the sultan increased his on them and made surprise raids on their defences." حتى خرج منهم شخص يطلب من يتحدث معه،,"Eventually, a man came out from their positions to ask for someone to parley with." فلما أخبر السلطان بذلك قال: إن كان لكم حاجة فليخرج منكم واحد،,"When the sultan was informed of this, he replied, ‘If you have anything to propose, let one of you come and speak with us." فأما نحن فليس لنا إليكم حاجة ولا شغل،,We have nothing to discuss with you.’ ودام ذلك متصلًا الليل مع النهار، حتى وصل الانكتار.,The state of affairs continued without a break both night and day until the king of England arrived. ذكر وصول الانكتار,Account of the arrival of the king of England ولما كان يوم السبت ثالث عشر الشهر قدم ملك الانكتار بعد مصالحته لصاحب جزيرة قبرص والاستيلاء عليها،,On Saturday 13 Jumada 1587 [8 June the accursed king of England came after having come to terms with the ruler of the island of Cyprus and taken control of it. وكان لقدومه روعة عظيمة،,His coming had great pomp. ووصل في خمس وعشرين شانية مملوءة بالرجال والسلاح والعدد،,"He arrived in twenty-five galleys, full of men, weapons and stores." وأظهر الإفرنج سرورًا عظيمًا،,The Franks manifested great joy and delight at his coming. حتى إنهم أوقدوا تلك الليلة نيرانًا عظيمة في خيامهم،,"Indeed, that night in their joy they lit huge fires in their camp." ولقد كانت النيران مهولة عظيمة تدل على عدة عظيمة كبيرة،,"Those fires were impressively large, indicating sizeable reinforcements." وكان ملوكهم يتواعدوننا به، فكان المستأمنون منهم يخبروننا عنهم أنهم متوقفون فيما يريدون أن يفعلوه من مضايقة البلد حتى قدومه،,Their princes had been threatening us with his arrival and deserters had been telling us that they were putting off the great push against the city that they wanted to make until his arrival. فإنه ذو رأي في الحرب مجرب، وأثر قدومه في قلوب المسلمين خشية ورهبة،,He was wise and experienced in warfare and his coming had a dread and frightening effect on the hearts of the Muslims. هذا والسلطان يتلقى ذلك كله بالصبر والاحتساب والاتكال على الله،,"The sultan, meanwhile, was facing all this with steadfastness, confidence in future reward and trust in God Almighty." ومن يتوكل على الله فهو حسبه.,"‘Whoever trusts in God, He will be his sufficiency.’" ذكر غرق البطسة الإسلامية,The sinking of a Muslim buss وهي العلامة الثالثة على أخذ البلاد,This was the third sign that the city would be taken. ولما كان السادس عشر وصلت بطسة من بيروت عظيمة هائلة مشحونة بالآلات والأسلحة والمير والرجال والأبطال المقاتلة،,"On 16 Jumada I [11 June] a large and imposing buss arrived from Beirut, loaded with seige engines, weapons, provisions and stout fighting men." وكان السلطان قد أمر بتعبيتها وتسييرها من بيروت، ووضع فيها من المقاتلة خلقًا عظيمًا، حتى تدخل البلد مراغمة للعدو،,"The sultan had ordered it to be fitted out in Beirut and dispatched, and a great company of fighting men had been embarked to force an entry into Acre despite the enemy blockade." وكان عدة رجالها المقاتلة ستمائة وخمسين رجلًا،,Its fighting complement was 650 men. فأغرقها الانكتار في عدة شوان،,The accursed king of England confronted the buss with a number of galleys. قيل كان فيها أربعون قلعًا،,It is said that he had forty sail. فاحتاطوا بها من جميع جوانبها واشتدوا في قتالها،,They surrounded our vessel on all sides and attacked it fiercely. وجرى القضاء بأن وقف الهواء،,As fate had it the wind dropped. فقاتلوها قتالًا عظيمًا، وقُتل من العدو عليها خلق عظيم،,The contest continued fiercely and a great many of the enemy were killed. وأحرقوا للعدو شانيًا كبيرًا فيه خلق عظيم، فهلكوا عن آخرهم،,"Our men set fire to a large enemy galley with many on board, who perished every one." وتكاثروا على أهل البطسة، وكان مقدمهم رجلًا جيدًا شجاعًا مجربًا في الحرب، فلما رأى أمارات الغلبة عليهم وأنهم لا بد وأن يُقتلوا، قال: والله لا نُقتل إلا عن عز،,"The crew of the buss were quite outnumbered and when their captain, an excellent, brave man, well skilled in warfare, saw signs of their imminent defeat and that they would inevitably be killed, he said, ‘By God, we will not die without glory." ولا نسلم إليهم من هذه البطسة شيئًا.,We will surrender nothing to them on board this buss.’ فوقعوا في البطسة من جوانبها بالمعاول فهدموها،,They fell upon the ship with pickaxes to scuttle her. ولم يزالوا كذلك حتى فتحوها من كل جانب أبوابًا،,They kept on until they had opened gaps on all sides. فامتلأت ماء، فغرق جميع من فيها وما فيها من الآلات والمير وغير ذلك،,"The ship filled with water and all the crew and all the equipment, provisions and other cargo sank." ولم يظفر العدو منها بشيء،,The enemy gained possession of nothing at all. وكان اسم المقدم المذكور يعقوب من رجال حلب، وتلقف العدو بعض من كان فيها، فأخذوه إلى الشواني من البحر، وخلصوه من الغرق، وأنفذوه إلى البلد ليخبرهم بالواقعة،,"The captain’s name was Ya‘qub, a man from Aleppo. The enemy picked up one of the crew, took him on board their galleys and saved him from drowning, but they mutilated him and sent him to the city to report the disaster." وحزن الناس لذلك حزنًا شديدًا، والسلطان يتلقى ذلك بيد الاحتساب في سبيل الله، والصبر على بلائه، والله لا يضيع أجر المحسنين.,"Our people were greatly saddened by this, but the sultan faced it with confidence in his future reward for his efforts in the path of God and with steadfast endurance of his trials. ‘God will not neglect the reward of those who do right.’" ذكر حريق الدبابة,Account of the burning of a siege tower وذلك أن العدو كان قد اصطنع دبابة عظيمة هائلة أربع طبقات:,The enemy had constructed a large frightening siege tower of four stories. الطبقة الأولى من الخشب، والثانية من الرصاص، والثالثة من الحديد، والرابعة من النحاس،,"The first story was of wood, the second of lead, the third of iron and the fourth of copper." وكانت تعلو على السور، وكان يركب فيها المقاتلة،,It overtopped the city wall and could accommodate fighting men. وخاف أهل البلد منها خوفًا عظيمًا، وحدثتهم نفوسهم بطلب الأمان من العدو، وكانوا قد قربوها من السور، بحيث لم يبقَ بينها وبين السور إلا مقدار خمسة أذرع على ما يُشاهد برأي العين،,"The city garrison were greatly fearful of it and were tempted to ask for terms from the enemy, who, as far as we could judge by eye, had brought it to within only five cubits of the wall." وأخذ أهل البلد في تولية ضربها بالنفط ليلًا ونهارًا، حتى قدَّر الله — تعالى — حرقها واشتعال النار فيها،,The defenders began to rain down incendiary missiles on it night and day until God decreed that it caught fire and burned up. وظهر لها ذؤابة نار نحو السماء، فاشتدت الأصوات بالتهليل والتكبير،,A tongue of flame rose high into the sky and voices proclaimed aloud their thanks to God. ورأوا الناس فيها لما ظهرت لها تلك النيران، ولقوا جبرًا من ذلك الوهن، ومحوا لذلك الأثر، ونعمة بعد نقمة، وإيناسًا بعد يأس،,"This was considered some reparation for the previous setback and a cancellation of its effect, a blessing after a disaster and an encouragement after despair." وكان ذلك في يوم غرق البطسة، فوقع من المسلمين موقعًا عظيمًا، وكان مسليًا لحزنهم.,"This took place the day the buss sank and had a great effect on the Muslims, assuaging their grief and disappointment." ذكر وقعات عدة,Account of several incidents ولما كان يوم الجمعة تاسع عشر الشهر زحف العدو على البلد زحفًا عظيمًا، وضايقوه مضايقة شنيعة،,"When it was Friday 19 Jumada I [14 June], the enemy made a great assault on the city and put it under dreadful pressure." وكان قد استقر بيننا وبينهم أنهم متى زحف العدو عليهم دقوا كئوسهم،,"We had agreed with the defenders that, whenever there was an enemy attack, they would beat their drum." فضربوا بكئوسهم، فأجابت كئوس السلطان،,This they now did and the sultan’s drum replied. وركبت العساكر، وضايقهم السلطان من خارج،,Our troops mounted and the sultan pressed hard on the enemy from without. وزحف عليهم حتى هجم المسلمون عليهم في خيامهم، فجاوزوا خنادقهم، وأخذوا القدور وما فيها،,"The Muslim troops attacked them in their tents, crossing over their defensive ditches and seizing their cooking pots from their trivets." وحضر من الغنيمة المأخوذة من خيامهم شيء عند السلطان، وأنا حاضر،,"A good amount of booty taken from their tents came before the sultan, when I was present." ولم يزل القتل بعمل حتى أيقن العدو أنه قد هُجم عليهم،,The engagement continued until the enemy ascertained that there had been an attack and that they had suffered a reverse. فأخذوا يتراجعون عن قتال البلد، وشرعوا في قتال العساكر،,They then gave up their assault on the city and commenced to fight our forces. وانتشب الحرب بينهم ولم تزل ناشبة حتى قام قائم الظهيرة،,The battle was fierce and grew in violence until the time of midday. وغشي الناس من الحر أمر عظيم من الجانبين، وتراجعت الطائفتان إلى خيامهم، وقد أخذ منهم التعب والحر.,"On both sides all were greatly afflicted by the heat. The two forces retired to their tents, exhausted by fatigue and the heat." ولما كان يوم الاثنين الثالث والعشرون دق كئوس البلد، فجاوبه كئوس السلطان،,On Monday 23 Jumada I [17 June] the city drum sounded and was answered by the sultan’s drum. وثار القتال بين الطائفتين، ولجَّ العدو في مضايقة البلد ثقة منهم أن الناس لا يهجمون على خيمهم، وأنهم يهابونها،,"Fighting flared up between the two sides and the enemy determinedly pressed hard on the city, confident that our men would not attack their tents and that they feared to do so." فكذب العسكر ظنونهم، وهجموا على الخيام أيضًا، ونهبوا منها،,The troops gave the lie to their expectations by attacking and plundering them. فتراجع العدو إلى قتالهم،,The enemy withdrew [from the city] to give battle. ووقع الصياح فيهم، فلحقوا من المسلمين جماعة عظيمة داخل خنادقهم، وأسوارهم،,Great shouts came from them and they caught a large body of Muslims within their trenches and ramparts. وجرى بينهم وقعة عظيمة قُتل فيها اثنان من المسلمين، وجُرح جماعة،,A considerable engagement followed in which two Muslims were killed and many wounded. وقُتل جماعة من العدو،,The enemy had several losses. وأعجب ما في هذه الوقعة أنه كان وصل في هذا اليوم رجل كبير مذكور من أهل مازندران يريد الغزاة،,The strangest thing that occurred in this battle was that an important and well-known man from Mazandaran arrived that day wishing to fight for the faith. فوصل والحرب قائمة,He came when the battle was at its height. فلقي السلطان، فاستأذنه في الجهاد،,He met the sultan and asked permission to join the Jihad. وحمل حملة شديدة، واستشهد في تلك الساعة،,He charged vigorously and met a martyr’s death that same hour. ولما رأى العدو دخول المسلمين إلى خنادقهم وتوغلهم إلى داخل أسوارهم داخلهم الحمية، وبعثتهم النخوة، فركب فارسهم وصحبه راجلهم، وخرجوا إلى ظاهر أسوارهم، وحملوا على المسلمين حملة الرجل الواحد، فثبت المسلمون لهم ثبوتًا عظيمًا لم يتحركوا من أماكنهم،,"When the enemy saw that the Muslims had entered their trenches and penetrated within their ramparts, their religious zeal and sense of honour roused them to action. They moved out, mounted men accompanied by infantry, beyond the defences and charged the Muslims as one man. The Muslims stood solidly firm and did not move from their positions." والتحم القتال من الجانبين، واشتدَّ الضرب من الطائفتين، وصبر المسلمون صبر الكرام، ودخلوا في الحرب بالتحام،,"The fighting raged fiercely and violent blows were exchanged, but the Muslims remained steadfast like noble heroes and joined the battle with elan." فلما رأى العدو ذلك الصبر المعجب والإقدام المزعج أنفذوا رسولًا في غضون ذلك,"Seeing this unconquerable steadfastness and defiant bravery, the enemy at this juncture sent an envoy." يستأذنون بالرسول في الوصول، فأذن له،,"The request being made, he was allowed to approach." فوصل الرسول أولًا إلى الملك العادل، فاستصحبه ووصل به إلى الخدمة السلطانية، ومعه أيضًا الملك الأفضل،,"He came first to al-‘Adil, who accompanied him into the presence of the sultan, taking with him al-Afdal too." فأدى الرسالة، وكان حاصلها أن ملك الانكتار يطلب الاجتماع بالسلطان،,"The envoy delivered his message, the gist of which was that the king of England sought a meeting with the sultan." فلما سمع السلطان الرسالة أجاب عنها في الحال من غير تفكر ولا تروٍّ بأن قال: إن الملوك لا يجتمعون إلا عن قاعدة،,"After he had heard this message, the sultan answered immediately without thought or hesitation, ‘Kings do not meet unless an agreement has been reached." ولا يحسن منهم الحرب بعد الاجتماع والمواكلة،,It is not good for them to fight after meeting and eating together. وإذا أراد ذلك فلا بد من تقرير قاعدة قبل هذه الحالة،,"If he wants this, an agreement must be settled before it can happen." ولا بد من ترجمان نثق به في الوسط يفهم كل واحدٍ منا ما يقول الآخر،,"We must have an interpreter we can trust to act between us, who can make each of us understand what the other says." فليكن بيننا ذلك الترجمان، فإذا استقرت القاعدة وقع الاجتماع بعد ذلك إن شاء الله — تعالى.,"Let the envoy be our mutual interpreter. If we come to an agreement, the meeting can happen later, God willing.’" ولما كان يوم السبت الثامن والعشرون خرج العدو راجلهم وفارسهم من جانب البحر شمالي البلد،,"On Saturday 28 Jumada I {22 June} the enemy came out, horse and foot, on the seaward side north of the city." وعلم السلطان ذلك فركب وركب العسكر، وانتشب القتال بين الطائفتين، وقُتل من المسلمين بدوي وكردي،,The sultan learnt of this and rode out with the army. Fighting broke out between the two sides and on the Muslim side a Bedouin and a Kurd were killed. وقُتل من العدو جماعة،,Several of the enemy were killed. وأسروا واحدًا بسلاحه وفرسه ومثل بين يدي السلطان،,One was taken prisoner with his armour and horse and was brought before the sultan. ولم يزل القتال يعمل حتى حال الليل بين الطائفتين،,The fighting continued until nightfall separated the two parties. ولما كان الأحد التاسع والعشرون خرج العدو برجالة كثيرة على شاطئ النهر الحلو،,On Sunday 29 Jumada I {23 June} many enemy foot-soldiers came out on the bank of the freshwater stream. فلقيهم طائفة من اليزك، وجرى بينهم قتال عظيم،,A detachment of our advance guard met them and a serious battle ensued. ووصلت رجالة من المسلمين إلى الحرب،,Some Muslim infantry arrived and a close quarters struggle followed. فأسروا مسلمًا وقتلوه وأحرقوه،,"The enemy seized a Muslim and, having killed him, burned his body." وأسر المسلمون منهم واحدًا فقتلوه وأحرقوه،,"The Muslims then seized one of them, and killed and burned him." ولقد رأيت النارين تشتعلان في زمانٍ واحد،,I saw the two fires blazing at the same time. ولم تزل الأخبار تتواصل من أهل البلد بالاحتفال بأمر العدو,From our men in the city there was a constant stream of reports that the enemy was waxing ever stronger. والشكوى من ملازمة قتالهم ليلًا ونهارًا,They also complained that they were fighting uninterruptedly night and day. وذكر ما ينالهم من التعب العظيم من تواتر الأعمال المختلفة عليهم من جريرة قدوم الانكتار،,They reported the great fatigue they endured on account of all the various tasks they had constantly to put up with since the arrival of the accursed king of England. ثم مرض مرضًا شديدًا أشفى فيه على الهلاك، وخرج الفرنسيس، ولم يزدهم ذلك إلا إصرارًا وعتوًّا،,"Then the latter fell seriously ill and was on the verge of death. Furthermore, the king of France was wounded, but this only made them more determined and stubborn." وكان لأخت ملك الانكتار خادمان مسلمان في الباطن كانا في خدمتها في صقلية،,The story is as follows. The servants belonged to the sister of the king of England and were secretly Muslims because they had lived in Sicily in the service of the ruler there. وكانت هي زوجة صاحب صقلية،,She had been the wife of the ruler of Sicily. فلما مات ومر أخوها بالبلد أخذها وأصحابها معه إلى العسكر،,"When the latter died and her brother passed through the island, he took her with him to the army besieging Acre." وهرب الخادمان إلى العسكر الإسلامي،,"Once the two servants had arrived and were in the vicinity of Muslims, they ran away to the Muslim camp." فقبلهما السلطان، وأنعم عليهما إنعامًا عظيمًا.,The sultan welcomed them and bestowed great gifts upon them. ذكر هرب المركيس إلى صور,Account of the flight of the marquis to Tyre ولما كان يوم الاثنين سلخ جمادى الأولى قوي استشعار المركيس أنه إن أقام قبضوا عليه وأعطوا صور للملك القديم الذي كان قد أسره السلطان لما عاناه من الأسر في نصرة دين المسيح،,"When it was Monday the last day of Jumada I {24 June} the marquis became very apprehensive that, if he remained, he would be arrested and they would give Tyre to the former king, who had been the sultan’s prisoner, because of the period of captivity he had endured for the final triumph of the religion of the Messiah." ولما صح ذلك عنده هرب إلى صور,"When the marquis learnt that this was true, he fled to Tyre." فأنفذوا خلفه قسوسًا ليردوه فلم يفعل، وسار في البحر حتى أتى صور،,"They sent priests after him to bring him back, but he refused and travelled by sea to Tyre." وشق ذلك عليهم وعظم لديهم، فإنه كان ذا رأي وشجاعة وخبرة.,"They were upset and very distressed by this for he was a man of sound counsel, courage and experience." ذكر وصول بقية عساكر الإسلام,The arrival of the rest of the Muslim forces وفي سلخ جمادى الأولى قدم عسكر سنجار يقدمه مجاهد الدين برتقش,"On Monday the last day of Jumada I {24 June} the troops of Sinjar arrived, led by Mujahid al-Dln Yarunqush." فلقيه السلطان واحترمه،,The sultan gave him a respectful welcome. وكان دينًا عاقلًا محبًّا للغزو،,He was a pious and intelligent man who loved to fight for the faith. فأنزله السلطان في الميسرة بعد أن أكرمه وأنزله في خيمته وفرح بقدومه فرحًا شديدًا في ذلك الوقت،,"After he had been honoured and entertained in the sultan’s tent, he was given a position on the left wing by the sultan, who was extremely delighted by his arrival at this time." ثم قدم بعد ذلك قطعة عظيمة من عسكر مصر كعلم الدين كرجي، وسيف الدين سنقر الدوادار، وجماعة كثيرة،,"After that a large contingent of the Egyptian forces arrived, such as ‘Alam al-Dln Kurjl, Sayf al-Din Sunqur al-Dawadar and many others." ثم قدم بعد ذلك علاء الدين صاحب الموصل وعسكرهم،,"They were followed by ‘Ala’ al-Dln, the son of the lord of Mosul, with his troops." فلقيه السلطان بالخروبة، ونزلوا هناك إلى بكرة اليوم الثاني من جمادى الآخرة،,"The sultan met him at al-Kharruba, where they camped until early morning of the following day, 2 Jumada II {26 June}." وأصبح سائرًا حتى أتى بجحفله قبالة العدة، وعرض عسكره هناك،,"That morning he brought his force opposite the enemy, where he reviewed them." وأنزله السلطان في خيمته، وحمل له من التحف،,The sultan entertained him in his tent and sent him gifts. وقدَّم له من اللطائف ما يليق بكرمه، وأنزله في الميمنة،,Rare presents such as were suitable to his noble rank were sent to him and he was stationed on the right wing. وفي الثالث قدمت طائفة من عسكر مصر أيضًا،,On Friday 4 Jumada II {28 June} another detachment of the Egyptian forces arrived. واشتد مرض الانكتار، بحيث شغل الإفرنج شدته عن الزحف،,The illness of the king of England worsened to the extent that it preoccupied the Franks and discouraged them from making their attacks. وكان ذلك خيرة عظيمة من الله — تعالى — فإن البلد كان قد ضعف من فيه ضعفًا عظيمًا، وضاق بهم الخناق،,"This was a great blessing from God, for the defenders in the city had become very weak and the noose around them had become extremely tight." وهدمت المنجنيقات من السور مقدار قامة الرجل،,The trebuchets had demolished the equivalent of a man’s height of the wall. هذا واللصوص يدخلون إلى خيامهم، ويسرقون أقمشتهم، ويأخذون الرجال,"Meanwhile, however, thieves were still entering their camp and snatching goods and individuals." في غفلة بأن يجيئوا إلى الواحد وهو نائم فيضعوا على حلقه السكين ويوقظوه، ويقولوا له بالإشارة: إن تكلمت ذبحناك. ويحملوه،,"They seized men with ease by coming to them as they were sleeping, putting a knive to their throat, then waking them and saying through gestures, ‘If you speak, we shall cut your throat.’" ويخرجوا به إلى العسكر،,Then they would carry them away to the Muslim camp. وجرى ذلك مرارًا،,That happened many times. وعساكر المسلمين تجتمع وتواتر من كل جانب حتى تكامل وصولها.,"Meanwhile, the Muslim forces were assembling and flocking in from all directions and eventually their gathering was complete." ذكر وصول رسولهم إلى السلطان,Their envoys come to the sultan كنت ذكرت وصول رسول منهم يلتمس من جانب الانكتار أن يجتمع بالسلطان،,"I have mentioned already that an envoy came, on behalf of the king of England, asking for a meeting with the sultan." وذكرت عذر السلطان عن ذلك،,I have also said that the sultan made his excuses. وانقطع الرسول، وعاد معاودًا في المعنى،,"After a break, the envoy returned taking up the same matter." وكان حديثه مع الملك العادل، ثم هو يلقيه إلى السلطان،,"He talked with al-‘Adil, who then passed on what he had to say to the sultan." واستقر أنه رأى أن يأذن له في الخروج، ويكون الاجتماع في المرج والعساكر محيطة بهما ومعهما ترجمان،,In the end it was agreed that the sultan would allow him to come and that the meeting should take place on the plain with their troops surrounding the two of them and in the presence of an interpreter. فلما أذن في ذلك تأخر الرسول أيامًا عنده بسبب مرضه,"After this permission had been given, the envoy delayed for several days, blaming his delay on the king’s illness." واستفاض أن ملوكهم اجتمعوا عليه، وأنكروا عليه ذلك،,It became widely known that the Frankish princes had met with him and expressed their disapproval of his actions. وقالوا: هذه مخاطرة بدين النصرانية.,"They said, ‘This is endangering the Christian religion.’" ثم بعد ذلك وصل رسوله يقول: لا تظن تأخري بسبب ما قيل،,"Later his envoy returned to say [speaking for the king], ‘Do not imagine that my delay is owing to what has been reported." فإن زمام قيادي مفوَّض إليَّ،,The reins of power are entrusted to me. وأنا أحكم، ولا يحكم عليَّ,I rule and nobody rules me. غير أني في هذه الأيام اعترى مزاجي التياث منعني من الحركة،,"However, in recent days some disorder has afflicted my constitution and has prevented me from moving." فهذا كان العذر في التأخير لا غير،,"This was the reason for my delay, nothing else." وعادة الملوك إذا تقاربت منازلهم أن يتهادوا,It is the custom of princes when they camp close to one another to exchange gifts. وعندي ما يصلح للسلطان، وأنا أستخرج الإذن في إيصاله إليه.,I have something suitable for the sultan and beg permission to convey it to him.’ فقال له الملك العادل: قد أذن في ذلك بشرط قبول المجازاة على الهدية.,"Al- ‘Adil replied, ‘You may do that on condition that you accept a comparable present.’" فرضي الرسول بذلك، وقال: الهدية شيء من الجوارح قد جُلب من وراء البحر،,"The envoy was content with that and went on, ‘The gift is some birds of prey that have been imported from beyond the sea." وقد ضعف، فيحسن أن يُحمل إلينا طير ودجاج حتى نطعمها لتقوى ونحملها.,They are sick and it would be kind if you would bring us some birds and fowls to feed them and restore their strength before we deliver them.’ فداعبه الملك العادل، وكان فقيهًا فيما يحدثهم به، فقال الملك: قد أحتاج إلى فراريج ودجاج، ويريد أن يأخذها منا بهذه الحجة.,"Al-Adil joked with him, for he understood perfectly what they were talking about, and said, ‘So the king needs chickens and fowls and wishes to get them from us on this pretext.’" ثم انفصل حديث الرسالة في الآخر على أن قال الرسول ما الذي أردتم منا إن كان لكم حديث فتحدثوا به حتى نسمع.,"The conversation ended with the envoy saying, ‘What is it you want from us? If you have anything to say, then declare it and let us hear it.’" فقيل له عن ذلك: نحن ما طلبناكم،,"In reply to this he was told, ‘We did not make any request from you." أنتم طلبتمونا،,It was you who asked us. فإن كان لكم حديث فتحدثوا به حتى نسمع.,"If you have anything to say, then speak out so that we may hear it.’" وانقطع حديث الرسالة إلى سادس جمادى الأخرى، فخرج رسول الانكتار إلى السلطان ومعه إنسان مصري قد أسروه من مدة طويلة وهو مسلم,"The negotiations were broken off until Monday 6 Jumada II [1 July] and then the envoy of the king of England came to the sultan, accompanied by a North African, whom they had captured a long time ago, a Muslim." قد أهداه إلى السلطان فقبله، وأحسن إليه،,"He was given to the sultan, who, accepting the gift, showed him kindness and set him free." وأعاده مشرفًا مكرمًا إلى صاحبه،,The envoy returned with honours to his master. وكان غرضه بتكرار الرسائل تعرف قوَّة النفس وضعفها، وكان غرضنا بقبول الرسائل تعرف ما عنده من ذلك أيضًا.,Their purpose in these repeated embassies was to learn how strong or weak our morale was and our purpose in receiving the embassies was to learn how they stood in respect of the same. ذكر قوة زحفهم على البلد ومضايقته,Account of their powerful assault on the city and its close investment ولم يزالوا يوالون على الأسوار بالمناجيق المتواصلة والضرب،,They continued to maintain a constant battering of the city walls by their trebuchets and to increase the weight of the missiles. وتنقلوا أحجارها حتى خلخلوا سور البلد، وأضعفوا بنيانه،,"They limited their military activity to that alone and, eventually, they made the city wall shake and weakened its structure." وأنهك التعب والسهر أهل البلد لقلة عددهم وكثرة الأعمال,Fatigue and wakeful nights had worn down the defenders because they were so few and the tasks that fell to them so many. حتى إن جماعة منهم بقوا ليالي عدة لا ينامون أصلًا لا ليلًا ولا نهارًا، والخلق الذين عليهم عدد كثير يتناوبون على قتالهم,"Very many of them spent several nights without sleeping at all, neither at night nor during the day, while the host that beseiged them were numerous enough to take turns to fight." وهم نفر يسير قد تقسموا على الأسوار والخنادق والمنجنيقات والسفن،,"The small body of defenders was divided between the walls, the moats, the trebuchets and the ships." ولم يزل الضرب بالمنجنيقات حتى تخلخل السور وظهر للعدو تخلخله وضعفه وتقلقل بنيانه,"The enemy trebuchets maintained their battering until the walls were tottering, and their tottering and weakness and the precariousness of the structure were evident to the enemy." ولما أحس العدو بذلك وظهر لهم تخلل السور وتقلقل بنيانه شرعوا في الزحف من كل جانب، وانقسموا أقسامًا، وتناوبوا فرقًا,"Once aware of this they began an attack from all sides, dividing themselves into detachments and taking turns by groups." كلما تعب قسم استراح وقام غيره مقامه،,"Whenever one group tired, it took a rest and another relieved it." وشرعوا في ذلك شروعًا عظيمًا براجلهم وفارسهم,"They embarked on this with great seriousness of purpose, both foot and horse." سابع الشهر، هذا مع عمارتهم أسوارهم الدائرة على خنادقهم بالرجالة والمقاتلة ليلًا ونهارًا،,"This was on Tuesday 7 Jumada II [2 July] and meanwhile their infantry and fighting men, both night and day, were building up the walls that ran around their trenches." ولما علم السلطان ذلك بأخبار من يشاهده وإظهار العلامة التي بيننا وبينهم، وهي دق الكئوس ركب وركب العسكر إليهم، وجرى في ذلك اليوم قتال عظيم من الجانبين,"When the sultan learnt of this through the reports of those that observed it and through the signal communication we had with the city, namely the beating of the drum, he and all his forces rode out and that day a great battle took place between the two sides." وهو كالوالدة الثكلى يجول بفرسه من طلب إلى طلب، ويحث الناس على الجهاد،,"He, like a bereft mother, moved on horseback from division to division, urging people to perform their Jihad duty." ولقد بلغنا أن الملك العادل حمل بنفسه في ذلك اليوم مرتين، والسلطان يطوف بين الأطلاب بنفسه، وينادي: يا للإسلام. وعيناه تذرفان بالدموع،,"We have heard that al-‘Adil charged twice in person on that day, while the sultan went the rounds amongst the divisions, himself proclaiming ‘On, on for Islam!’ while tears flowed from his eyes." وكلما نظر إلى عكا وما حلَّ بها من البلاء وما يجري على ساكنيها من المصاب العظيم اشتد في الزحف والحث على القتال،,"The more he looked towards Acre and saw the torment she was in and the great calamity overcoming her inhabitants, the more he redoubled his attacks and his encouragements to wage the Jihad." ولم يطعم في ذلك اليوم طعامًا البتة،,That day he consumed no food at all. وإنما شرب أقداح مشروب كان يشير بها الطبيب،,He merely drank some cups of a drink that his doctor advised him to take. وتأخرت عن حضور هذا الزحف لإلمام مرض شوش مزاجي لما عراني،,I failed to be present at this attack because I was afflicted with an illness that upset my constitution. فكنت في الخيمة في تل العياضية، وأنا أشاهد الجميع،,"I was in my tent at Tell al-‘Ayyadiyya, though I could watch everything." ولما هجم الليل عاد — رحمه الله — إلى الخيم بعد العشاء الآخرة، وقد أخذ منه التعب والكآبة والحزن,"When night fell, the sultan returned to his tent after the late evening prayer, overcome by tiredness, dejection and grief." "فنام لا عن عفو. ولما كان سحر تلك الليلة أمر الكئوس أن دقت وركب العساكر من كل جانب، وأصبحوا على ما أمسوا عليه،","He fell into a deep sleep. When dawn came, he ordered the drum to be beaten and the troops took the stations they had the day before." وفي ذلك اليوم وصلت مطالعة عن البلد يقولون فيها: إنا قد بلغ منا العجز إلى غاية ما بعدها إلا التسليم،,"During this day a message came from the town, in which they reported, ‘We have been so utterly reduced to incapacity that there is nothing left but surrender." ونحن في الغد ثامن الشهر إن لم تعملوا معنا شيئًا نطلب الأمان ونسلم البلد، ونشتري مجرد رقابنا.,"Tomorrow (that meant Wednesday 8 Jumada II [3 July]), if you do not do something for us, we will seek terms and surrender the city and purchase our necks at least.’" وكان هذا أعظم خبر ورد على المسلمين وأنكى في قلوبهم؛,This was the worst possible news the Muslims received and the most grievous to our hearts. فإن عكا كانت قد احتوت على جميع سلاح الساحل والقدس ودمشق وحلب ومصر وجميع البلاد الإسلامية، واحتوت على كبار من أمراء العسكر وشجعان الإسلام كسيف الدين المشطوب وبهاء الدين قراقوش وغيرهما،,"Acre held all the armaments of the Coast Lands, Jerusalem, Damascus, Aleppo and Egypt, indeed of all the Muslim lands and it contained the great military commanders and heroes of Islam, such as Sayf al-Din al-Mashtub and Baha’ al-Dln Qaraqush and others." وكان قراقوش ملتزمًا بحراستها منذ نزل العدو عليها،,Baha’ al-Dln Qaraqush had been constantly defending the city since the enemy descended upon it. وأصاب السلطان ما لم يصبه شيء مثله، وخيف على مزاجه التشويش،,The sultan was devastated by this more than anything else and it was feared that his health would be adversely affected. وهو لا يقطع ذكر الله والرجوع إليه في جميع ذلك صابرًا محتسبًا ملازمًا مجتهدًا،,"During all this he did not interrupt his calling upon God and his recourse to Him, patiently, trustingly, determinedly and zealously." والله لا يضيع أجر المحسنين،,‘God will not neglect the reward of those who do right.’ فرأى الدخول على القوم ومهاجمتهم،,He decided to attack the enemy in their camp. فصاح في العساكر الصائح، وركبت الأبطال فاجتمع الراجل والفارس،,"The herald called the Muslim forces to arms, the divisions were prepared and the horse and the foot gathered." واشتد الزحف، ولم يساعده العسكر في ذلك اليوم على الهجوم على العدو، فإن رجالته وقفوا كالسور المحكم البنا بالسلاح والزنبورك والنشاب من وراء أسوارهم،,"That day our assault was fierce, but our troops were unable to help him to fall upon the enemy because the Frankish infantry stood behind their defences like a solid wall with their weapons, their crossbows, bolts and arrows." وهجم عليهم بعض الناس من بعض أطرافهم، فثبتوا,"Some of our men attacked them on their flanks, but they held firm and resisted mightily." وذبوا غاية الذب «ولقد حكى» بعض من دخل عليهم أسوارهم أنه كان هناك راجل واحد إفرنجي صعد سور خندقهم، واستدبر المسلمين,"One of the men who broke into their defences related that there was a single Frank, a foot-soldier, who climbed on to the rampart of their trench and turned his back to the Muslims." وإلى جانبه جماعة يناولونه الحجارة وهو يرميها على المسلمين الذين يلاصقون سور الخندق,"Several alongside him were handing him stones, which he threw at the Muslims who were pressing against the rampart." وقال إنه وقع فيه زهاء خمسين سهمًا وحجرًا ولا يمنعه ذلك عما هو بصدده من الذب والقتال,"The source said, ‘About fifty arrows and stones hit him, which he shrugged off, and nothing put a stop to the spirited resistance he was engaged in." حتى ضربه زراق مسلم بقارورة فأحرقه،,In the end a Muslim Greek-fire specialist hit him with a naphtha missile and burned him alive.’ «ولقد حكى» لي شيخ عاقل جندي أنه كان من جملة من دخل،,A wise old soldier told me that he was one of a group that got in. قال: وكان داخل سورهم امرأة عظيمة عليها ملوطة خضراء، فما زالت ترمينا بقوسٍ من خشب,"He said, ‘Within their rampart was a woman dressed in a green cloak, who kept shooting at us with a wooden bow until she had wounded several of us." حتى خرجت منا جماعة وتكاثرنا عليها، وقتلناها، وأخذنا قوسها، وحملناها إلى السلطان، فعجب من ذلك عجبًا عظيمًا،,"Having overpowered and killed her, we took her bow and carried it to the sultan, who was greatly surprised.’" ولم يزل الحرب يعمل بين الطائفتين بالقتل والجرح حتى فصل بينهم الليل.,"The battle raged between the two sides, creating dead and wounded, until nightfall intervened." ذكر ما آل إليه أمر البلد من الضعف ووقوع المراسلة بين أهل البلد والإفرنج,The parlous state to which the defenders were reduced and the start of talks between them and the Franks ولما اشتد زحفهم على البلد وتكاثروا عليها من كل جانب,The enemy assaults on the city intensified and their great numbers pressed hard upon it. وتناوبوا عليه وقلت رجاله البلد وخالته ، بكثرة القتل منهم، وقلة البدل الذي يدخل إليهم,"They could take turns to fight but the defenders were few, both foot and horse, because many had been killed and few replacements were able to get in." ضعفت نفوس أهل البلد لما رأوه من عين الهلاك، واستشعروا العجز عن الدفع،,The defenders’ spirits sank when they looked death in the face and they were apprehensive that they were too weak to put up a defence. وتمكن العدو من الخنادق، فملكوها,The enemy took control of the moats and began to fill them. وتمكنوا من سور الباشورة،,They also gained the barbican. فنقبوه وأشعلوا فيه النار بعد حشو النقب،,They had mined the wall and set fire to it after filling it [with combustibles]. ووقعت بدنة من الباشورة، ودخل العدو الباشورة، وقُتل منهم فيها مائة وخمسون نفرًا وصاعدًا،,"The curtain-wall of the barbican collapsed and the enemy entered, although about 150 or more of them were killed there." وكان فيهم ستة من كبارهم، فقال لهم واحد منهم: لا تقتلوني حتى أرحل الفرنج عنكم بالكلية،,"Six of them were nobles and one of them said, ‘Do not kill me and I shall make all the Franks go away.’" فبادر رجل من الأكراد فقتله، وقتل الخمسة الأخرى،,One of the Kurds rushed forward and killed him and the remaining five. وفي الغد نادى الإفرنج احفظوا الستة، فإنا نطلقكم كلكم بهم،,"The next day the Franks hailed them, ‘Spare the six and we will let you all go free in return for them.’" فقالوا: قد قتلناهم، فحزن الإفرنج لذلك حزنًا عظيمًا، وطلبوا الزحف بعد ذلك أيامًا ثلاثة.,"‘We have killed them already,’ was the reply. At that the Franks were greatly grieved and put a stop to their attacks for three days." وبلغنا أن سيف الدين المشطوب خرج بنفسه إلى ملك الفرنسيس,"We heard that Sayf al-Din al-Mashtub had gone out in person to meet the king of France, who was in rank the leader of them all." بالأمان، وقال له: قد أخذنا منكم بلادًا عدة،,"He went out under truce and said, ‘We have taken several cities from you." وكنا نهجم البلد، وندخل فيه ومع هذا إذا سألونا الأمان أعطيناهم وحملناهم إلى مأمنهم وأكرمناهم,"We used to break into a city but, nevertheless, if men asked us for terms, we would grant them and convey the defenders to a place of refuge with honourable treatment." ونحن نسلم البلد،,We may surrender this city. وتعطينا الأمان على أنفسنا.,Will you grant us guarantees for our lives?’ فأجابه بأن هؤلاء الملوك الذين أخذتموهم منا، وأنتم أيضًا مماليكي وعبيدي،,"The king replied, ‘These princes of ours whom you captured and you too are my servants and my slaves." فأرى فيكم رأيي.,I shall consider what to do with you.’ وبلغنا أن المشطوب بعد ذلك أغلظ له في القول، وقال أقاويل كثيرة في ذلك المقام، منها: إنا لا نسلم البلد حتى نُقتل بأجمعنا،,"We heard later that al-Mashtub then answered him roughly and delivered a tirade, saying, among other things, ‘We shall not surrender the city until we are all killed." ولا يقتل منا واحد حتى يُقتل خمسون نفسًا من كباركم. وانصرف عنه.,Not one of us will be killed without first killing fifty of your great men.’ He then left. ولما دخل المشطوب البلد بهذا الخبر خاف جماعة ممن كانوا في البلد،,"When al-Mashtub returned with this news, several in the city were fearful." فأخذوا بركوسًا وركبوا فيه ليلًا خارجين إلى العسكر الإسلامي,"They took a bark, a small vessel, and put to sea at night to return to the main Muslim force." منهم أرسل وابن الجاولي وسنقر الوشاقي،,"The men of note amongst them were Arsul, Ibn al-Jawall the Elder and Sunqur al-Wishaqi." فأما أرسل وسنقر فإنهما تغيبا في العسكر، ولم يُعلم لهما مكان خشية من نقمة السلطان،,"After Arsul and Sunqur had arrived at the royal camp, they went into hiding, nobody knew where, fearing the sultan’s wrath." وأما ابن الجاولي فظُفر به، ورُمي في الزردخانة.,"Ibn al-Jawall, however, was seized and thrown into the Armoury." وفي سحر تلك الليلة ركب السلطان مشعرًا أنه يواصل كبس القوم ومعه المساحي وآلات طم الخنادق،,"At dawn that day the sultan rode out, letting it be known that he planned to surprise the enemy, taking with him shovels and tools to fill in the ditches." فما ساعده العسكر على ذلك، وتخاذلوا عن ذلك،,"The troops gave him no help, but acted like malingerers." وقالوا نخاطر بالإسلام كله، ولا مصلحة في ذلك.,"They said, ‘We shall put all Islam at risk. There is no advantage in that.’" وفي ذلك اليوم خرج من الانكتار رسل ثلاثة طلبوا فاكهة وثلجًا، وذكروا أن مقدم الاسبتار يخرج في الغد يتحدث في معنى الصلح,"During this day three envoys came from the king of England, who asked for fruit and ice and mentioned that the commander of the Hospitallers would come out the next day, meaning Friday [5 July], to have talks about peace." غير أن السلطان أكرمهم، ودخلوا سوق العسكر، وتفرجوا فيه، وعادوا تلك الليلة إلى عسكرهم.,"The sultan received them with honour and they went to the army’s marketplace, looked around and returned that night to their camp." وفي ذلك اليوم تقدم إلى صارم الدين قايماز النجمي حتى يدخل هو وأصحابه إلى أسوارهم،,"That same day the sultan ordered Sarim al-Dln Qaymaz al-Najmi, him and his men, to attack their camp." وترحل جماعة من أمراء الأكراد كالجناح وأصحابه، وهو أخو المشطوب،,"Several of the Kurdish emirs dismounted, such as al-Janah, who was the brother of al-Mashtub." وزحفوا حتى وصلوا أسوار الإفرنج،,He and his contingent charged and reached the Frankish defences. ونصب قايماز بنفسه علمه على سورهم، وقاتل عن العلم قطعة من النهار،,Qaymaz al-Najmi in person set up his banner on their rampart and fought around it for a portion of the day. ووصل في ذلك اليوم عز الدين جرديك النوري وسوق الزحف قائم،,That day ‘Izz al-Din Jurdik al-Nuri arrived while this attack was being prosecuted. فترجل هو وجماعته وقاتل قتالًا شديدًا،,He and his contingent dismounted and joined in the fierce fight. واجتهد الناس اجتهادًا عظيمًا.,A huge effort was made by our men on that day. وفي العاشر أصبح القوم ساكتين عن الزحف والعساكر الإسلامية محدقة بهم، وقد باتوا ليلتهم شاكي السلاح راكبي ظهور خيلهم منتظرين عسى أن تمكنهم مساعدة إخوانهم المقيمين بعكا، ويهجموا على طرف من الإفرنج فيكسروهم، ويخرجوا يحمي بعضهم بعضًا، ويخرج العسكر يجاوبهم من هذا الجانب,"On Friday 10 Jumada II [5 July] the enemy had a rest from their assaults, while the Muslim forces still surrounded them, having spent the night under arms and on horseback, waiting to see whether they could perhaps help their brothers who remained in Acre by attacking some section of the Frankish lines and break them so that the defenders could come out and, with both groups offering mutual support, burst through the enemy army while our men balanced their efforts from their side." فيسلم من يسلم، ويؤخذ من يؤخذ،,Some would undoubtedly escape and some would inevitably be taken. فلم يقدروا على الخروج، وكان قد ثبت ذلك معهم,"However, they were unable to break out although that had been the settled plan." فلم يتهيأ لهم في تلك الليلة خروج بسبب أنه كان هرب منهم بعض الغلمان، فأخبر العدو بذلك، فاحتاطوا بهم وحرسوهم حراسة عظيمة.,"That night they had no chance to slip out because one of the mamlukes had run away and informed the enemy, who took special precautions and mounted a numerous guard." ولما كان يوم الجمعة العاشر خرج منهم رسل ثلاثة، واجتمعوا بالملك العادل، وتحادثوا معه ساعة زمانية، وعادوا ولم ينفصل الحال،,"On the Friday three envoys made their way out and met with al-‘Adil, with whom they talked for an hour and then returned to their comrades, for nothing was settled that day." وانقضى النهار على مقام المسلمين بالمرج في مقابلة العدو، وباتوا على مثل ذلك.,The day came to an end with the Muslims still on the plain opposite the God-forsaken enemy and they passed the night like that. ولما كان السبت الحادي عشر لبست الفرنج بأسرها لباس الحرب، وتحركوا حركة عظيمة، بحيث إنهم اعتقدوا ربما كان مصاف،,On Saturday 11 Jumada II [6 July] the Franks donned their armour and made major preparatory manouevres such that one would believe that a pitched battle was likely. واصطفوا وخرج من الباب الذي تحت القبة زهاء أربعين نفسًا،,They formed their battle lines and then about forty men came out through the gate beneath the dome. واستدعوا جماعة من المماليك، وطلبوا منهم العدل الزيداني، وذكروا أنه صاحب صيدا طليق السلطان,"They called to a group of mamlukes and asked them for al-‘Adi al-Zabadani, said to be governor of Sidon, a freedman of the sultan." فحضر العدل وجرى مبادي أحاديث في معنى إطلاق العسكر الذي بعكا،,He came and initial talks took place on the matter of releasing the army that was in Acre. واشتطوا في ذلك اشتطاطًا عظيمًا، وتصرَّم نهار السبت، ولم ينفصل حال.,In return for that they made excessive demands and the day came to an end with nothing decided. ذكر كتب وصلت من البلد,An account of letters that came from Acre ولما كان يوم الأحد ثاني عشر وصلت كتب يقولون فيها: إنا قد تبايعنا على الموت،,"When it was Sunday 12 Jumada II [7 July], letters came from Acre in which they said, ‘We have pledged ourselves to die." ولا نزال نقاتل حتى نُقتل،,We shall continue to fight until we are killed. ولا نسلم هذا البلد ونحن أحياء،,"While we still live, we will not surrender the city." فانظروا أنتم كيف تعملون في شغل العدو عنا، ودفعه عن قتالنا،,Consider how you might act to keep the enemy busy and distract them from attacking us. فهذه عزائمنا،,These are our intentions. وإياكم أن تخضعوا لهذا العدو وتلينوا لهم,Take care not to submit to this foe and give in to him. فإنا نحن قد فات أمرنا. وذكر العوام الواصل بهذه الكتب أنه لما وقع بالليل الصوت ظن الإفرنج أن عسكرًا عظيمًا عبر إلى عكا وسلم وصار فيها،,"As for us, our cause is lost.’ The swimmer who brought these letters reported that, when a great noise occurred in the night, the Franks believed that a large body of troops had crossed to Acre and got safely in." قال: وجاء إنسان إفرنجي فوقف تحت السور، وصاح إلى بعض من على السور، وقال له: بحق دينك إلا ما أخبرتني كم عدد العسكر الذي دخل إليكم البارحة,"He went on, ‘A Frank came and stood below the wall and shouted up to one of those on the wall, “By the truth of your religion, will you not tell me how many troops made an entry yesterday?”" — يعني ليلة السبت. وكان قد وقع بالليل صوت وانزعج الطائفتان، ولم يكن له حقيقة،,"(meaning the eve of Saturday, for a noise had occurred at night and both sides had been alarmed, and yet nothing had really happened)." فقال: له ألف فارس. فقال: لا، لكنه دون ذلك، أنا رأيتهم لابسين ثيابًا خضرًا.,"He said, “1.000 mounted men,” to which the Frank replied, “No, rather less than that. I saw them and they were wearing green.’”" ثم تتابعت العساكر الإسلامية، واندفع كيد العدو عن القوم في تلك الأيام بعد أن كان قد أشرف البلد على الأخذ،,"The armies of Islam came flocking to us one after the other and during those days the enemy’s wiles were thwarted, after the city had been on the verge of being taken." وفي يوم الخميس سادس عشر وصل أسد الدين شيركوه واشتد ضعف البلد، وكثرت ثغر سوره،,"On Thursday 16 Jumada II [11 July] Asad al-Din Shirkuh came. The city, however, grew ever weaker and the gaps in the wall became numerous." وجاهد المقيمون فيه، وبنوا عوض الثلم سورًا من داخلها، حتى إذا تم بناؤه اقتتلوا عليه،,"The defenders strove valiantly and to compensate for each breach they built an inner wall, so that they could fight on it, when the breach had completely collapsed." واشتد ثبات الإفرنج على أنهم لا يصالحون ولا يعطون الذين في البلد أمانًا حتى يُطلق جميع الأسارى الذين في أيدي المسلمين، وتُعاد البلاد الساحلية إليهم،,The Franks remained very firm that they would not make peace or grant terms to those in the city until all the prisoners in Muslim hands were released and the coastal cities restored to them. وبذل لهم تسليم البلد وما فيه دون من فيه فلم يفعلوا،,"They were offered the surrender of Acre and all that it contained apart from the people there, but they did not accept." و بذل لهم في مقابل كل واحد من الذين في البلد واحدا من أسراهم مقابله فلم يفعلوا،,"Then they were offered one of their men who were prisoners in return for each one in the city, but again they refused." وبذل لهم أيضًا مع ذلك صليب الصلبوت فلم يفعلوا,"In addition to that they were offered the Holy Cross, but once again they refused." واشتد عتوهم، واستفحل أمرهم،,Their arrogance increased and their position grew stronger. وضاقت الحيل عنهم،,Our scope for finding ways of dealing with them became limited. ومكروا والله خير الماكرين.,‘They plotted but God plotted and amongst plotters God is the best.’ ذكر مصالحة أهل البلد ومصانعتهم على نفوسهم,The garrison’s peace talks and negotiation for their lives ولما كان يوم الجمعة سابع عشر جمادى الآخرة خرج العوام من الثغر ونطقت الكتب عنهم أن أهل البلد ضاق بهم الأمر، وكثرت الثغر، وعجزوا عن الحفظ والدفع,"When it was Friday 17 Jumada II [12 July], the swimmer came from the port and his letters declared that the garrison was at its last gasp, as the breaches in the wall had multiplied and they were unable to keep up the defence." ورأوا عين الهلاك وتيقنوا أنه متى أُخذت البلدة عنوة ضُربت أعناقهم عن آخرهم وأُخذ جميع ما فيه من العدد والأسلحة والمراكب وغير ذلك؛,"They looked death in the face and were certain that, whenever the city was taken by storm, they would, every last man, lose their heads and all the equipment, weapons, ships and all else would be seized." فصالحوهم على أنهم يسلمون إليهم البلد وجميع ما فيه من الآلات والعدد والمراكب ومائتي ألف دينار، وألفًا وخمسمائة فارس أسير مجاهيل الأحوال ومائة فارس معينين من جانبهم يختارون وصليب الصلبوت، ويخرجون بأنفسهم سالمين وما معهم من الأقمشة المختصة بهم وذراريهم ونسائهم،,"They therefore made terms on condition that they would give up the city and all the engines, equipment and ships it contained and hand over 200,000 dinars, 1,500 prisoners of common, unremarkable background and 100 prisoners to be specified by the Franks, whom they would select, and additionally the Holy Cross, provided that they themselves could leave in safety, taking with them their personal wealth and goods and their children and womenfolk." وضمنوا للمركيس عشرة آلاف دينار؛ لأنه كان واسطة ولأصحابه أربعة آلاف دينار،,"They guaranteed to the marquis (for he had been reconciled and had returned) 10,000 dinars because he was the intermediary, and 4,000 dinars to his men." واستقرت القاعدة على ذلك.,On that basis an agreement was reached between them and the Franks. ذكر استيلاء العدو على عكا,Account of the enemy’s taking control of Acre ولما وقف السلطان على كتبهم وعلى مضمونها أنكر ذلك إنكارًا عظيمًا، وعظم عليه هذا الأمر،,"When the sultan had perused their letters and understood the contents, he expressed his great disapproval and was upset by the whole business." وجمع أرباب المشورة، وشاورهم فيما يصنع،,"He assembled the leaders and the great men of state who were his councillors, informed them of the situation and consulted them about what to do." واضطرب الأمراء، وتقسم فكره وتشوش,"Their views left him confused, divided in mind and disturbed." وعزم على أن يكتب في الليلة مع العوام، وينكر عليهم المصالحة على هذا الوجه، وهو في مثل هذا الحال،,"He decided to send a letter that night by the swimmer and to condemn their coming to terms in this manner, while he was in such a situation as this." فما أحس المسلمون إلا وقد ارتفعت أعلام الكفر وصلبانه وشعاره وناره على أسوار البلد،,"Then, the next thing the Muslims knew the banners of Unbelief, its crosses, emblem and beacon were raised over the walls of the city." وذلك في ظهر نهار الجمعة سابع عشر جمادى الأخرى سنة سبع وثمانين وخمسمائة،,This was at midday on Friday 17 Jumada II [12 July]. وصاح الإفرنج صيحة واحدة، وعظمت المصيبة على المسلمين،,"The Franks as one man gave a great shout, while the Muslims were overcome by the disaster." واشتد حزن الموحدين، وانحصر كلام العقلاء في تلاوة إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون،,The grief of the true monotheists was intense and the wise amongst them limited their utterances to the recitation of ‘To God do we belong and to Him do we return’. وغشي الناس بغتة عظيمة وحيرة شديدة، ووقع في العسكر الصياح والعويل والبكاء والنحيب،,"Great perplexity and confusion overwhelmed our people and the army resounded with cries, moans, weeping and wailing." وكان لكل قلب حظ في ذلك قدر إيمانه،,Every man’s heart shared in this according to his faith. ولكل إنسان نصيب من هذا الخطب على مقدار ديانته ونخوته.,Indeed every person had a share according to the strength of his religion and sense of pride. وانقشعت الحال على أنه قد استقرت القاعدة بين أهل البلد وبين الإفرنج على ذلك الحال المتقدم، وأن المركيس دخل البلد ومعه أعلام الملوك,The upshot was that the agreement between the garrison and the Franks was confirmed as previously set out and the marquis entered the city with four banners belonging to the princes. وأخذ عوضه رهنا محمد بن باريك -رحمه الله- وكان شجاعا من شجعان الإسلام,"A hostage for him had been given, Muhammad ibn Bank, who was one of Islam’s brave warriors." فنصب علمًا على القلعة، وعلمًا على مئذنة الجامع في يوم الجمعة، وعلمًا على برج القتال عوضًا عن علم الإسلام،,"The marquis set up one banner on the citadel, another on the minaret of the main mosque (on Friday!), another on the Templars’ Tower and the last on the Battle Tower in place of the banner of Islam." وحيز المسلمون إلى بعض أطراف البلد، وجرى على أهل الإسلام المشاهدين لذلك الحال ما كثر التعجب من الحياة معه،,The Muslims were confined in one district of the city and the followers of Islam who witnessed this event experienced something that made them wonder greatly at life. ومثلت في خدمة السلطان وهو أشد حالة من الوالدة الثكلى والمولهة الحراء،,"I was present in attendance on the sultan, who was more affected than a bereft mother or a distracted love-sick girl." فسليته بما تيسر من التسلية، وأذكرته في الفكر فيما يستقبله من الأمر في معنى البلاد الساحلية والقدس الشريف، وكيفية الحال في ذلك، وإعمال الفكر في خلاص المسلمين المأسورين في البلد،,I consoled him with such words of consolation as came to mind and reminded him to think on what he had already faced for the coastal lands and for Jerusalem the Noble and how all that had come about and to put his mind to securing the release of the Muslims held in the city. وذلك في ليلة السبت الثامن عشر.,That was on the eve of Saturday 18 Jumada II [13 July]. وانفصل الحال على أن رأي التأخير عن تلك المنازلة مصلحة فإنه لم يبقَ في المضايقة معنى،,"What resulted was that the sultan decided that the best course of action was to withdraw from his present position, for there was no longer any purpose in maintaining close contact." فتقدم ينقل الأثقال ليلًا إلى المنزلة التي كان عليها أولًا بشفرعم،,He ordered the baggage-train to be transferred to the position he had first been in at Shafar‘am. وأقام هو جريدة في مكانه لينظر ماذا يكون من أمر العدو وحال أهل البلد،,He remained where he was with an unencumbered force to see what the enemy would do and what the fate of the garrison might be. وأقام هو راضيًا راجيًا من الله — تعالى — أنه ربما حملهم غرورهم بالخروج إليه والهجوم عليه فينال منهم غرضًا، ويلقي نفسه عليهم، ويعطي الله النصر لمن شاء،,"During that night and before daybreak our men moved, while he remained minus the baggage, imploring God that their overweening pride and foolishness might perhaps induce them to come out to attack him and he might then take some opportunity, dash himself against them and God would give the victory to whomsoever He wished." فلم يفعل العدو شيئًا من ذلك،,"The enemy, however, did nothing of the sort." واشتغلوا بالاستيلاء على البلد والتمكن منه،,They were occupied with taking over the city and establishing control. فأقام إلى بكرة التاسع عشر من الشهر، وانتقل إلى الثقل،,He remained until the morning of 19 Jumada II [14 July] and at dawn moved to where the baggage-train was. وفي ذلك اليوم خرج منهم ثلاثة نفر مع الحاجب قوس صاحب بهاء الدين قراقوش، وكان رجلًا عاقلًا مستخبرين ما وقع عقد الصلح عليه من المال والأسرى،,"That day three of their men came out, accompanied by the Chamberlain Qush, one of Baha’ al-Din Qaraqush’s men, for he was his spokesman and an intelligent person, to demand the money and prisoners that the surrender agreement had stipulated." فأقاموا ليلة مكرمين، وساروا إلى دمشق يبصرون الأسارى,"They remained for a night, honourably received, and then set out for Damascus to view the prisoners." في الحادي والعشرين،,They departed on Tuesday 21 Jumada II [16 July]. وأنفذ السلطان رسولًا إلى الفرنج يسألهم كيف جرت الحال، ويستعلم كم مدة تحصيل ما وقعت عليه المصالحة، واستقرت عليه المهادنة.,The sultan sent an envoy to the Franks to ask them how matters had gone and to enquire what period of time there might be to gather what the surrender terms and the truce had fixed. ذكر وقعة جرت في أثناء ذلك,Account of a battle that occurred in the meantime ولما كان سلخ الشهر خرج الإفرنج من جانب البحر شمالي البلد،,"When Thursday the last day of Jumada II came {25 July}, the Franks marched out on the seaward side, north of the city, and from near the dome." وانتشروا انتشارًا عظيمًا راجلهم وفارسهم، وضربوا أطلابًا للقتال,"They spread out far and wide, both foot and horse, and formed divisions for battle." فأخبر اليزك بذلك السلطان فدق الكئوس، وركب,The advance guard informed the sultan of this and he had the drum beaten as a sign to mount up. وأنفذ إلى اليزك وقواه برجال كثيرة، وتوقف حتى ركبت العساكر الإسلامية، واجتمعوا،,He sent many men as reinforcements to the advance guard and waited until the Muslim forces had mounted and assembled. فوقع بين اليزك وبين العدو وقعة عظيمة وقتال شديد قبل اتصال العساكر باليزك،,There was a fierce battle between the advance guard and the enemy before the main forces could join our men. وكان اليزك قد قوي بما أُنفذ إليه، فحملوا على العدو حملة عظيمة، فانكسر العدو من بين أيديهم،,"The advance guard, strengthened by those he had sent, charged the enemy mightily and the latter broke before them." وانهزمت الخيالة، وسلمت الرجالة، وظنوا أن وراء اليزك كمينًا،,"Their cavalry fled and abandoned the infantry, for they believed that there was an ambush beyond the advance guard." فاشتدوا نحو خيامهم، ووقع اليزك في الرجالة، فقتل منهم زهاء خمسين نفرًا،,"They hastened back to their camp and then the advance guard fell upon the infantry, killing about fifty of them and wounding a great number." ولم يزل السيف يعمل فيهم حتى دخلوا خنادقهم.,The sword was kept busy amongst them until they entered their trenches. وفي ذلك اليوم وصل رسل الإفرنج الذين ساروا إلى دمشق ليتفقدوا حال أسراهم، ووصل معهم من مميزي أسراهم أربعة نفر،,"During that day the Frankish envoys, who had been sent to Damascus to enquire into the state of the prisoners, arrived and they brought with them four of the distinguished captives." ووصل في عشيته أيضًا رسل السلطان في تحرير أمر الأسارى المسلمين الذين كانوا بعكا،,"In addition, during the evening envoys came to the sultan to arrange the matter of the prisoners and the Muslims who were in Acre." ولم تزل الرسل تتردد بين الطائفتين حتى كان تاسع رجب.,A to-and-fro of envoys between the two parties was kept up until Friday 9 Rajab [2 August]. خروج ابن باريك,Account of Ibn Bank’s mission وفي ذلك اليوم خرج حسام الدين حسين بن باريك المهراني ومعه اثنان من أصحاب الانكتار،,That same day Husam al-Dm Husayn ibn Bank al-Mihranl came out along with two of the king of England’s men. فأخبر أن الملك إفرنسيس سار إلى صور، وذكروا في تحرير أمر الأسارى، وطلبوا أن يشاهدوا صليب الصلبوت، وإنه في العسكر أو حُمل إلى بغداد،,"He reported that the king of France had gone to Tyre (may God facilitate its conquest), while they made some mention of settling the matter of the prisoners and asked to see the Holy Cross, enquiring whether it was in the camp or had been taken to Baghdad." فأُحضر صليب الصلبوت وشاهدوه وعظموه ورموا نفوسهم إلى الأرض ومرغوا وجوههم على التراب،,"The Holy Cross was brought to them and they looked upon it and reverenced it, throwing themselves to the ground and rubbing their faces in the dust." وخضعوا خضوعًا عظيمًا لم يُرَ مثله،,They humbled themselves in a manner the like of which had never been seen. وذكروا أن الملوك قد أجابوا السلطان أن يكون ما وقع عليه القرار تروم ثلاثة كل شهر ترم،,"It was also mentioned by them that the princes agreed with the sultan that what had been specified should be handed over in three ‘terms’ or instalments, each being a month." ثم أرسل السلطان رسولًا إلى الفرنسيس سار إليه إلى صور بهدايا سنية وطيب كثير وثياب جميلة.,"The sultan sent one of the envoys who had come to him to the king of France in Tyre with splendid gifts, much perfume and fine garments." وعاد ابن باريك ورفيقاه إلى الانكتار,Ibn Bank and his companion returned to the king of England. وفي صبيحة العاشر من رجب انتقل السلطان بحلقته وخواصه إلى تل ملاصق لشفرعم ونزلت العساكر في منازلها على حالهم,"The morning of Saturday 10 Rajab [3 August] the sultan moved the Royal Guard and his special staff to a hill adjacent to Shafar‘am, while the troops stayed in their positions as they were." قريبًا من منزلته الأولى ليس بينهما إلا الوادي،,The sultan’s position was close to his initial position with only a river course between the two. ولم تزل الرسل تتواتر في تحرير القاعدة وتنجيزها حتى حصل لهم ما كانوا التمسوه من الأسرى والمال المختص بذلك الترم، وهو الصليب ومائة ألف دينار، وستمائة أسير،,"There was a steady stream of envoys concerning the drawing up and implementation of the agreement until the enemy received what they sought, the prisoners and the money specified for that term. In all it was the Holy Cross, 100,000 dinars and 1,600 prisoners." وأنفذوا ثقاتهم، وشاهدوا الجميع ما عدا الأسارى المعينين من جانبهم، فإنهم لم يكونوا فرغوا من تعيينهم ولم يكملوهم حتى يحصلوا,"They sent their trusted men who testified to everything, apart from the prisoners to be specified on their side, for they had not finished selecting and naming them so that they could be fetched." ولم يزالوا يطاولون ويقصرون الزمان حتى انقضى الترم الأول في ثامن عشر رجب،,"They kept procrastinating and wasting time until the first term elapsed, which it did on 18 Rajab [11 August]." ثم أنفذوا في ذلك اليوم يطلبون ذلك،,At that time they sent demanding the prisoners. فقال لهم السلطان: إما أن تنفذوا إلينا أصحابنا وتستلموا الذي عين لكم من هذا الترم ونعطيكم رهائن على الباقي تصل إليكم في ترومكم الباقية، وإما أن تعطونا رهائن على ما نسلم إليكم إلى أن يخرج إلينا أصحابنا،,"The sultan said to them, ‘Either you send our men to us and you receive what has been specified for this term, while we give you hostages for the rest which you will get in the remaining terms or you give us hostages for what we hand over to you until you send our men out to us.’" فقالوا: لا نفعل شيئًا من ذلك، بل تسلمون إلينا ما يقتضيه هذا الترم، وتقنعون بأيماننا حتى نسلم إليكم أصحابكم.,"They replied, ‘We shall do none of that, but do you deliver to us what this term demands and be satisfied with our word, until we hand over your men to you.’" فأبى السلطان ذلك؛ لعلمه أنهم إن تسلموا المال والصليب والأسرى وأصحابنا عندهم لا يؤمن غدرهم، ويكون وهن الإسلام عند ذلك وهنًا عظيمًا لا يكاد ينجبر.,"The sultan refused this, as he knew that, if they received the money, the Cross and the prisoners, while they still had our men, he could not be sure that they would not act treacherously and then the loss for Islam would be so great that it could hardly be repaired." ذكر قتل المسلمين الذين كانوا بعكا رحمهم الله,Account of the killing of the Muslims who were in Acre ولما رأى الانكتار الملعون توقف السلطان ببذل المال والأسرى والصليب غدر بأسرى المسلمين،,"When the king of England saw that the sultan hesitated to hand over the money, the prisoners and the Cross, he dealt treacherously towards the Muslim prisoners." وكان قد صالحهم وتسلم البلد منهم على أن يكونوا آمنين على نفوسهم على كل حال، وأنه إن دفع السلطان إليهم ما استقر أطلقهم بأموالهم ونسائهم وإن امتنع من ذلك ضرب عليهم الرق وأخذهم أسرى،,"He had made terms with them and had received the surrender of the city on condition that they would be guaranteed their lives come what may and that, if the sultan delivered what was agreed, he would free them together with their possessions, children and womenfolk, but that, if the sultan refused to do so, he would reduce them to slavery and captivity." فغدرهم الملعون، وأظهر ما كان أبطن،,The accursed man deceived them and revealed what he had hidden in his heart. وفعل ما أراد أن يفعله بعد أخذ المال والأسرى على ما أخبر به عنه أهل ملته فيما بعد،,"He carried out what, according to the subsequent reports of his co-religionists, he had intended to do after taking the money and the prisoners." وركب هو وجميع العسكر الإفرنجية راجلهم وفارسهم والتراكيل في وقت العصر من يوم الثلاثاء السابع والعشرين من رجب، وساروا حتى أتوا الآبار التي تحت تل العياضية،,"He and all the Frankish forces, horse and foot, marched out at the time of the afternoon prayer on Tuesday 27 Rajab [20 August] and came to the wells beneath the Tell al-‘Ayyadiyya." وقدموا خيامهم إلينا، وساروا حتى توسطوا المرج بين تل كيسان وبين العياضية،,They brought their tents forward as far as that and then moved on into the middle of the plain between Tell Kaysan and al-‘Ayyadiyya. ثم أحضروا من أسارى المسلمين من كتب الله شهادته في ذلك اليوم، وكانوا زهاء ثلاثة آلاف في الحبال،,"The enemy then brought out the Muslim prisoners for whom God had decreed martyrdom, about 3,000 bound in ropes." وحملوا عليهم حملة الرجل الواحد فقتلوهم صبرًا ضربًا وطعنًا بالسيف، واليزك الإسلامي يشاهدون ولا يعلمون ماذا يصنعون لبعدهم عنهم،,"Then as one man they charged them and with stabbings and blows with the sword they slew them in cold blood, while the Muslim advance guard watched, not knowing what to do because they were at some distance from them." وكان اليزك قد أنفذ إلى السلطان وأعلموه بركوب القوم ووقوفهم، فأنفذ إلى اليزك من قواه،,The Muslims had already sent to the sultan and informed him of the enemy’s move and their new position and he had sent reinforcements. وبعد أن فرغوا منهم حمل المسلمون عليهم، وجرت بينهم حرب قُتل فيها وجُرح من الجانبين،,"When the enemy had finished, the Muslims attacked them and a great battle ensued, in which men were killed and wounded on both sides." ودام القتال إلى أن فصل الليل بين الفريقين،,It continued until nightfall. وأصبح المسلمون يكشفون الحال، فوجدوا الشهداء في مصارعهم، وعرفوا من عرفوه،,"In the morning the Muslims investigated what had happened, found the martyrs where they had fallen and were able to recognise some of them." فغشي المسلمين من ذلك حزن عظيم وكآبة شديدة، ولم يبقوا إلا رجلًا معروفًا مقدامًا، أو قوي يد لعمائرهم،,Great sorrow and distress overwhelmed them for the enemy had spared only men of standing and position or someone strong and able-bodied to labour on their building works. وذكر لقتلهم أسباب,Various reasons were given for this massacre. منها أنهم قتلوهم في مقابلة من قُتل منهم، وقيل إن الانكتار كان قد عزم على السير إلى عسقلان للاستيلاء عليها، فما رأى أن يخلف تلك العدَّة في البلد وراءه.,It was said they had killed them in revenge for their men who had been killed or that the king of England had decided to march to Ascalon to take control of it and did not think it wise to leave that number in his rear. والله أعلم.,God knows best. ذكر مسير العدو إلى عسقلان وانتقاله إلى طرف البحر من جانب الغرب,The enemy’s move to the sea shore to the west ولما كان التاسع والعشرون من رجب ركب الإفرنج بأسرهم وقلعوا خيامهم، وحملوها على دوابهم، وساروا حتى قطعوا النهر إلى الجانب الغربي،,"On Thursday 29 Rajab [22 August] all the Franks broke camp, struck their tents, loaded them on to their pack-animals and set off across the river to the western side." وضربوا الخيام على طريق عسقلان، وأظهروا العزم على المسير على شاطئ البحر،,They pitched camp on the route to Ascalon and made plain their intention of proceeding along the coast. وأمر الانكتار باقي الناس أن يدخلوا إلى البلد، وكانوا قد سدوا ثغرة ثلمه، وأصلحوا ما انهدم منه،,The king of England ordered the rest of the people to enter the city [of Acre] where they had blocked up the breaches in the wall and repaired the damaged parts. وكان مقدم العسكر الخارج السائر الانكتار جمع عظيم من الرجالة والخيالة،,The commander of the army that marched away was the king of England (God curse him) with a large body of cavalry and infantry. ولما كان مستهل شعبان اشتعلت نيران العدو في سحر ذلك اليوم،,On Sunday 1 Sha‘ban [25 August] at first dawn the enemy’s campfires were lit. وعادتهم أنهم إذا أرادوا الرحيل أشعلوا نيرانهم، وأخبر اليزك بحركتهم،,It was their custom to do so whenever they planned to move off and thus they told our forward screen of what they intended. فأمر السلطان الثقل أن يرفع حتى يبقى الناس على ظهر،,The sultan ordered the baggagetrain to be removed and the troops to remain on horseback. ففعل الناس ذلك، وهلك من الناس قماش كثير، وحوائج كثيرة من السوقة لم تكن معهم خيل ولا ظهر يحمل جميع ما عندهم؛,This was done but the troops lost many personal effects. Many items belonging to the camp followers were also lost as there were not beasts to carry all that they had. لأن كل إنسان كان يحصل ما يحتاج إليه في أشهر، وكل واحد من السوقة عنده ما ينفذ من منزل إلى منزل في مرار متعددة، لكن هذا المنزل لم يمكن أن يتخلف فيه أحد؛ لقربه من الإفرنج الذين بعكا والخوف منهم،,"Every man had been acquiring what he needed over several months and each of the camp followers had stuff that would take numerous journeys to transport from one position to another, but it was not possible for anyone to stay behind in the present position because of its closeness to the Franks in Acre and the danger they presented." ولما أن علا النهار شرع العدو في السير على جانب البحر،,"When the day was well advanced, the enemy began their march along the coast." وتفرقوا قطعًا كثيرة كل قطعة تحمي عن نفسها،,"They divided into three bodies, each one independent." وقوي السلطان اليزك، وأنفذ معظم العساكر قبالتهم،,The sultan strengthened our forward screen and sent most of our forces to march along opposite them. فمضوا وقاتلوهم قتالًا شديدًا، وأنفذ ولده الملك الأفضل يخبر أنه قطع طائفة منهم عن الموافقة، ولقد نازلناهم بالقتال،,"They fought fiercely while on the move. His son, al-Afdal, sent to the sultan to report: ‘A group of them became separated from their comrades and we engaged them closely so that they withdrew seeking their tents." ولو قوينا لأخذناهم،,Had we been in force we could have taken them.’ فسير السلطان خلقًا عظيمًا من العسكر، وسار هو بنفسه، وأنا في خدمته حتى أتى أوائل الرمل،,The sultan sent a large number of the troops and he himself came to where the sands begin. فلقينا الملك العادل، فأخبر أخاه أن تلك الطائفة قد التجأت بالطائفة الأولى، ومعظم القوم قد عبروا نهر حيفا،,"Having come to the beginning of sands with myself in attendance, we met al-‘Adil who informed the sultan that that group had rejoined the first body and that most of the enemy had crossed the Haifa River." وقد نزلوا والباقون قد لحقوا بهم،,They made camp when the remainder had caught up with them. وليس للمسير وراءهم حاصل إلا إتعاب العسكر وضياع النشاب لا غير،,There was nothing to be gained in marching after them apart from tiring the horses and wasting arrows. فتراجع السلطان عن القوم لما تحقق ذلك، وأمر طائفة من العسكر أن تسير وراء الثقل تلحق ضعيفهم بقويهم، ويكف عنهم من يلحق بهم من العدو والطماعة،,"Having ascertained that, the sultan withdrew from them and ordered a detachment of the army to follow behind the baggage-train to bring the weaker ones up with the strong and to drive off any of the enemy’s skirmishers who might catch up with them." وسار هو حتى وصل إلى القيمون عصر ذلك النهار،,"He himself, with me still in attendance, went on towards al-Qaymun, where he arrived during the afternoon of that day." فنزل وضرب له الدهليز وشقة دائرة حوله لا غير،,"He stopped where the vestibule of his tent had been erected with a cloth screen surrounding it, nothing more." واستحضر الجماعة، فأكلوا شيئًا واستشارهم فيما يفعل.,"He summoned several persons, had something to eat and consulted them about what to do." المنزل الثاني:,The second stage اتفق رأي جماعة على أنهم يرحلون بكرة غد، هذا وقد رتب حول الإفرنج يزكا يبيتون حوله يرقبون أمره،,"The general conclusion arrived at was that they would depart the morning of the following day and the sultan had posted pickets around the Franks to pass the night there, keeping a watch on what they might do." ولما كان صباح ثاني شعبان رحل السلطان الثقل، وأقام هو يترصد أخبار العدو,"The morning of Monday 2 Sha‘ban [26 August] the sultan sent off the heavy baggage, but he himself remained, looking out for news of the enemy." فلم يصل منهم شيء إلى أن علا النهار،,None reached him until the day was well advanced. فسار في أثر الثقل، حتى أتى قرية يُقال لها الصباغين,He followed the tracks of the baggage-train until he came to a village called al-Sabbaghln. فجلس ساعة يترقب أخبار العدو،,"For a while he sat there in expectation of news of the enemy,but no news came." وكان قد خلف جرديك قريب العدو،,‘Alam al-Dln Sulayman ibn Jandar had taken the sultan’s position of yesterday and he had left Jurdik close to the enemy. وتعقب خلق عظيم باتوا قريب العدو، فلم يصله خبر أصلًا،,"He also despatched a large force that passed the night near to the enemy, but no news at all came to him." فسار حتى أتى الثقل في منزلة يُقال لها عيون الأساود،,"He continued until he came up with the baggage-train, which was at a place called Serpents’ Springs." ولما بلغنا المنزل رأى خيامًا، فسأل عنها،,Having arrived there he caught sight of tents and asked what they were. فقيل إنها خيام الملك العادل، فعدل لينزل عنده،,"He was told that they were the tents of al-‘Adil, so he turned aside to stop with him." فأقام عنده ساعة،,We went on and stopped at our tents. ثم أتى خيمته,The sultan stayed a while with him and then came to his own tent. وفقد الخبز في هذه المنزلة بالكلية وغلا الشعير حتى بلغ درهمًا، وبلغ رطل البقسماط درهمين،,"During this stage information was totally lacking. Barley became expensive, reaching a dirham for a ‘quarter’ and dry biscuits rose to two dirhams for a roti." ثم أقام السلطان حتى عبر وقت الظهر، وركب وسار إلى موضع يُسمى الملاحة يكون منزلًا للعدو إذا رحلوا من حيفا،,"The sultan waited until past midday and then he mounted and rode to a place called al-Mallaha, which would be a camping place for the enemy if they moved from Haifa." وكان قد سبق لتفقد المكان هل يصلح للمضاف أم لا،,"He had got there first to reconnoitre the site, to see whether it was suitable for a pitched battle or not." ويتفقد أراضي قيسارية بأسرها إلى الشعرا، وعاد إلى المنزل بعد دخول وقت العشاء الآخرة، وقد أخذ منه التعب,"He reconnoitred the whole area of Caesarea as far as the wooded area and returned after the time for the evening prayer, worn out by fatigue." سألته عما بلغه من خبر العدو،,I was in attendance upon him and asked him what news he had heard of the enemy. فقال: وصل إلينا من أخبرنا أنه ما رحل من حيفا,"He said, ‘Some of our men have come to us with information that up to late afternoon today the enemy have not left Haifa.’" إلى عصر يومنا هذا يعني ثاني شعبان،,He was referring to Monday 2 Sha‘ban [26 August]. وها نحن مقيمون مرتقبون أخبارهم، ويكون العمل بمقتضاها،,‘We are now waiting for news and shall take action accordingly.’ وبات تلك الليلة، وأصبح مقيمًا بتل الزلزلة ينتظر العدو،,"After a night’s sleep the morning saw him at Tell al-Zalzala, waiting for the enemy." ونادى الجاويش بالعسكر للعرض، فركب الناس على ترتيب المصاف وأهبته،,The herald summoned the army to a review and the troops mustered in battle order and battle gear. وخرجوا عن الخيم، واصطفوا ميمنة وميسرة وقلبا،,"They left their tents and ranged themselves as right wing, left wing and centre." ولما علا النهار نزل السلطان في خيمته،,The day was now far advanced and the sultan went to his tent. وأخذ نصيبًا من الراحة بعد الغداء ومثول جماعة من الأمراء إلى خدمته، وأخذ رأيهم فيما يصنعون،,He took a short period of rest after lunch and after several emirs had attended to discuss what was to be done. ثم صلى الظهر، وجلس يطلق أثمان الخيول المجروحة وغيرها إلى العشاء الآخرة من مائة دينار إلى مائة وخمسين دينارًا وزائد وناقص,"Later he prayed the midday prayer and held a session until the evening prayer time to dispense monies to replace wounded horses and the like, from 100 to 150 dinars, sometimes more, sometimes less." فما رأيت أفسح صدرًا منه، ولا أبسط وجهًا في العطاء،,I have never seen anyone more heartily expansive or looking more cheerful when distributing cash. واتفق الرأي على رحيل الثقل في عصر ذلك اليوم إلى مجدل يافا.,It was agreed during the evening of that day that the baggage-train should leave for Majdal Yaba. المنزل الثالث:,The third stage وأقام هو جريدة بالمنزل إلى الصباح رابع الشهر، وركب وسار في رأس النهر الجاري إلى قيسارية، ونزل هناك,"He passed the night in his position until the morning of Wednesday 4 Sha‘ban [28 August] and then rode to the head of the river that flows to Caesarea, where he camped without heavy baggage." وبلغ رطل البقسماط أربع دراهم وربع الشعير درهمين ونصفًا,At this encampment dry biscuits reached four dirhams for a roti and barley two and a half dirhams for a ‘quarter’. والخبز لم يوجد أصلًا،,Bread was nowhere to be bought at all. ونزل في خيمة، وأكل خبزًا وصلى الظهر،,"Close to the time of the midday prayer he went to his tent, ate some bread and prayed." وركب إلى طريق العدو لتجديد إرشاده في ضرب المصاف، ولم يعد إلى أن دخل وقت العصر،,He then rode to the route the enemy would take to renew his scouting for a site to give battle and did not return until afternoon prayer. فجلس ساعة، وأخذ جزءًا من الراحة، ثم عاد وركب، وأمر الناس بالرحيل،,"He sat for a while, took a little rest and then mounted again, having ordered the men to prepare to depart." ورمى خيمته، ورمى الناس خيامهم في أواخر النهار.,He struck his tent and the troops did likewise late on Wednesday 4 Sha‘ban [28 August]. المنزل الرابع:,The fourth stage وكان الرحيل إلى رابية متأخرة عن تلك الرابية،,The move was made to a hillock back from the previous one but in the same general area. وفي ذلك المنزل أتى باثنين من الإفرنج قد تخطفهم اليزك،,At this camp he was brought two Franks who had been snatched by the advance guard. فأمر بضرب رقابهما،,He commanded their execution and they were slain. فقُتلا وتكاثر الناس عليهما بالسيوف تشفيًا،,Many of our men fell upon them with swords to vent their anger. ثم بات هناك، وأصبح مقيمًا بالمنزلة؛ لأنه لم يصح عن العدو رحيل،,He spent the night there and next morning waited in this position because it was not confirmed that the enemy had made any move. وأنفذ إلى الثقل حتى يعود إليه في تلك الليلة مما طرأ على الناس من الضيق في المآكل والقضم،,He had sent to the baggage-train to get it to return the previous night on account of the shortage of foodstuffs and fodder that troubled our people. وركب في وقت عادته إلى جهة العدو، وأشرف على قيسرية، وعاد إلى الثقل قريب الظهر،,At his customary time he rode towards the enemy and viewed Caesarea before returning to the baggage-train near to midday. وقد وصل الخبر أن العدو لم يرحل بعد من الملاحة، وأُحضر عنده اثنان أيضًا قد أُخذا من أطراف العدو فقتلا شر قتلة، وكان في حدة الضيقة لما جرى على أسرى عكا،,"News arrived that the enemy had not yet left al-Mallaha. Another two men taken from the fringes of the enemy host were brought before him and they were most cruelly done to death, as he was still in an extreme rage at what had been done to the prisoners at Acre." ثم أخذ جزءًا من الراحة، وجلس بعد صلاة الظهر،,He then took a little rest and after the midday prayer received visitors. وحضرت عنده، وقد أُحضر بين يديه من العدو فارس مذكور,"I presented myself before him, when an enemy knight of distinction had been brought into his presence." هيئته تخبر عن أنه متقدم فيهم،,He had been captured and his appearance announced that he was a leading man amongst them. فأحضر ترجمانًا، وبحث عن أحوال القوم،,An interpreter was summoned and he was questioned about their circumstances. وسأله كيف يسوى الطعام عندكم؟ فقال: أول يوم رحلنا من عكا كان الإنسان يشبع بستة قراطيس، فلم يزل السعر يغلو حتى صار يشبع بثمانية قراطيس.,"The sultan asked him, ‘How are food prices with you?’ He replied, ‘The first day we left Acre a man could eat his full for six qlrdts^ Then prices kept going up until it cost eight to satisfy oneself.’" وسأل عن سبب تأخرهم في المنازل،,He was asked why they delayed so in their stages. فقال: لانتظار وصول المراكب بالرجال والميرة.,"‘Because we are waiting for ships to come with men and supplies,’ he said." فسأل عن القتلى والجرحى في يوم رحيلهم، فقال: كثير.,"When questioned about losses in dead and wounded the day they departed, he replied, ‘Many.’" فسأل عن الخيل التي هلكت في ذلك اليوم، فقال: مقدار أربعمائة فرس.,"Asked about the horses that perished that day, he said, ‘As many as 400 horses.’" فأمر بضرب عنقه، ونهى عن التمثيل به،,Then the sultan ordered his head to be cut off but forbade any mutilation. فسأل الترجمان عما قال السلطان،,The Frank asked the interpreter what the sultan had said. فأخبره بما قال، فتغير تغيرًا عظيمًا، وقال: أنا أخلص لكم أسيرًا من عكا،,"When told, his face fell and he said, ‘I will free a prisoner from Acre for you.’" فقال — رحمه الله: بل أميرًا. فقال: لا أقدر على خلاص أمير،,"‘Alright,’ the sultan said, ‘but an emir.’ ‘I cannot free an emir,’ he replied." فشفع الطمع فيه، وحسن خلقه،,Our admiration and his fair appearance interceded for him. فإني ما رأيت أتم خلقًا منه مع ترف في الأطراف ورفاهية،,"Indeed, I have never seen such a perfect frame with such elegance of body and refinement of manners." فأمر أن يُترك الآن، ويؤخر أمره,The sultan ordered him to be left for now and his case deferred. فصفده وعاتبه على ما بدا منهم من الغدر وقتل الأسرى,"After he had been fettered, the sultan upbraided him for the treachery they had shown in killing the prisoners." فاعترف بأنه قبيح، وأنه لم يجر إلا برضا الملك وحده،,"The Frank acknowledged that it was bad, but that it had been done merely by the will of the king alone." وركب السلطان بعد صلاة العصر على عادته،,After afternoon prayer the sultan rode out as was his custom. وبعد أن نزل أمر بقتل الفارس المذكور،,"All this took place on Thursday 5 Sha‘ban [29 August]. After his return he ordered the knight’s execution, which was carried out." وأتى بعده باثنين، فأمر بقتلهما،,Two others were brought in after him and they were executed on the sultan’s orders. وبات في ذلك المنزل المذكور، وذكر له في السحر أن العدو قد تحرك نحو قيسارية وقارب أوائلهم البلد،,He passed the night in this camp and at dawn he was told that the enemy had moved off towards Caesarea and that their first detachments had drawn near to the city. فرأى أن يتأخر من طريق العدو منزلًا آخر.,He decided to retire a further stage on the route the enemy was taking. المنزل الخامس:,The fifth stage فرحل ورحل الناس إلى قريب التل الذي كنا عليه،,The sultan and the army moved to a hill near to the one where we had been. فنزل الناس وضربت الخيام،,A halt was made and the tents pitched. ومضى هو يرتاد الأراضي الكائنة في طريق العدو لينظر أيها أصلح للمصاف،,The sultan proceeded to scout the areas lying on the enemy’s route to see which were most suitable for a battle. ونزل قريب الظهر، واستدعى أخاه الملك العادل، وعلم الدين سليمان، وأخذ رأيهما فيما يصنع،,"He halted around midday and summoned his brother, al-‘Adil, and ‘Alam al-Dln Sulayman ibn Jandar, whose opinion about what to do he sought." وأخذ جزءًا من الراحة، وأذن الظهر فصلى وركب ليشرف وليكشف عن العدو ويتنسم أخباره،,"After a little rest, when the muezzin called to prayer, the sultan prayed the midday prayer, then mounted up to reconnoitre the enemy and get wind of their latest moves." وأتاه اثنان من الإفرنج قد نهبا، فأمر بقتلهما فقتلا،,Two Franks who had been seized were brought to him and he ordered their execution. ثم أتى باثنين آخرين فقُتلا أيضًا،,"Then two others were brought in, whom he also had put to death." وجيء في أواخر النهار باثنين فقُتلا أيضًا،,Towards the end of the day yet two more were produced and executed. وعاد من الركوب، وصلى صلاة المغرب،,"When day ended, he returned from his ride at the time of sunset prayer." وجلس على عادته،,Having performed his devotions he held audience as usual. واستدعى أخاه وصرف الناس وخلا به إلى هزيع من الليل،,"He summoned his brother, al-‘Adil, and then dismissed the others present and closeted himself with him until a late hour." ثم بات وأصبح ونادى الجاويش لعرض الحلقة لا غير،,"The night over, the herald announced a review of the Royal Guard alone." وركب إلى جهة العدو، ووقف على تلول مشرفة على قيسارية، وكان العدو قد وصل إليها نهار الجمعة سادس شعبان،,"The sultan rode towards the enemy and halted on some hills looking towards Caesarea, where the enemy had arrived during Friday." ولم يزل يعرض هناك إلى أن علا النهار، ثم نزل وأكل الطعام،,"He continued his review there until the day was well advanced, then dismounted and ate." وركب إلى أخيه، وعاد بعد صلاة الظهر، وأخذ جزءًا من الراحة،,He then joined his brother and after the hour of midday prayer he went back and took a little rest. وجلس وأتى بأربعة عشر من الإفرنج وامرأة إفرنجية بينهم أسيرة، وهي بنت الفارس المذكور,"He performed his ablutions and prayed, before being brought fourteen Franks and a Frankish women taken captive with them, who was the daughter of a distinguished knight." ومعها أسيرة مسلمة قد أخذتها،,With her was a Muslim captive whom she had received. فأُطلقت المسلمة ورُفع الباقون إلى الزردخانة،,The sultan freed the Muslim woman and the rest were herded into the Armoury. وهؤلاء أتى بهم من بيروت أخذوا في مركب من جملة عدة كثيرة،,"They had been brought from Beirut, having been captured in a very numerous travelling party." فقتلوا كل ذلك,They were put to death. في نهار السبت سابع الشهر، وهو في المنزلة ينتظر رحيل العدو مجمعًا على لقائه إذا رحل.,"All this was on Saturday 7 Sha‘ban [31 August], while the sultan was at this position, waiting for the enemy to start their march, resolved to meet them whenever they did." المنزل السادس:,The sixth stage ولما كان صبيحة الثامن ركب السلطان على عادته،,On the morning of Sunday 8 Sha‘ban [1 September] the sultan rode out as was his custom. ثم نزل ووصله من أخيه أن العدو على حركة،,After a halt someone came with news that the enemy was ready to move. وكانت الأطلاب قد باتت حول قيسارية في مواضعها،,Our divisions had spent the night in their positions around Caesarea. فأمر بمد الطعام وأطعم الناس،,The sultan ordered food to be dispensed and entertained his staff. فوصل ثانٍ، وأخبر أن القوم قد ساروا,A second person arrived to report that the enemy had set out. فأمر بالكئوس فدقت، وركب وركب الناس،,"Having ordered the drum to be beaten, he and the troops mounted." وسار وسرت في خدمته حتى أتى عسكر العدو وصف الأطلاب حوله وأمرهم بقتالهم،,"With me in attendance, he came to the enemy’s army and ranged the divisions around him, then ordered battle to commence." وأخرج الجاليش، فكان النشاب بينهم كالمطر،,He sent the skirmishers forward and the arrows on both sides were like rain. وكان عسكر العدو قد رتب، فكانت الرجالة حوله كالسور وعليهم اللبود الثخينة والزرديات السابغة المحكمة، بحيث يقع فيهم النشاب، ولا يتأخرون،,"The enemy army was already in formation with the infantry surrounding it like a wall, wearing solid iron corslets and full-length well-made chain mail, so that arrows were falling on them with no effect." وهم يرموننا بالزنبورك فيجرح خيل المسلمين وخيالتهم،,"They were shooting with crossbows and wounding the Muslims’ horses, their cavalry and infantry." ولقد شاهدتهم ويتغرز في ظهر الواحد منهم الواحد والعشرة وهو يسير على هيئته من غير انزعاج،,"I saw various individuals amongst the Franks with ten arrows fixed in their backs, pressing on in this fashion quite unconcerned." وثم قسم آخر من الرجالة مستريح يمشون على جانب البحر، ولا قتال عليهم،,"Another company of their infantry rested while marching beside the sea, not being engaged in the fight." فإذا تعبت هذه المقاتلة أو أثخنتهم الجراح قام مقامهم المستريح واستراح القسم المقاتل،,"When those engaged in the battle became tired or were debilitated by wounds, the company that had been resting would take their place and the previously active company would take a rest." هذا والخيالة في وسطهم لا يخرجون عن الرجالة إلا في وقت الحملة لا غير،,"Meanwhile the cavalry was in the middle of them, not leaving the infantry’s protection except when making a charge, not otherwise." وقد انقسموا أيضًا ثلاثة أقسام، القسم الأول الملك العتيق جفري وجماعة الساحلية معه في المقدمة والانكتار والفرنسيس معه في الوسط، وأولاد الست أصحاب طبرية وطائفة أخرى في الساقة,"They were also divided into three main divisions, Guy, the former king, accompanied by a number of the resident Franks in the vanguard, the kings of England and France in the middle, and the sons of the Lady, the lords of Tiberias, and another detachment in the rear." وفي وسط القوم برج على عجلة,In the midst of the army was a tower on wheels. على ما وصفته من قبل أيضًا كالمنارة العظيمة,"Their banner, which was as I have described it previously, also proceeded in their midst on wheels like a huge beacon." هذا ترتيب القوم على ما شاهدته وأخبر به من خرج منهم من الأسرى والمستأمنين،,This was the formation of the enemy as I saw it and according to the information of captives and deserters from their ranks. وساروا على هذا المثال، وسوق الحرب قائمة،,"They marched on in this fashion, while the fighting raged between the two sides." والمسلمون يرمونهم بالنشاب من جوانبهم ويحركون عزائمهم حتى يخرجوا وهم يحفظون نفوسهم حفظًا عظيمًا، ويقطعون الطريق على هذا الوضع، ويسيرون سيرًا رقيقًا ومراكبهم تسير في مقابلتهم في البحر إلى أن أتوا المنزل،,"The Muslims were shooting arrows on their flanks, trying to incite them to break ranks, while they controlled themselves severely and covered the route in this way, travelling very steadily as their ships moved along at sea opposite them, until they completed each stage and camped." وكانت منازلهم قريبة لأجل الرجالة،,Their stages were short ones for the sake of the foot-soldiers. فإن المستريحين منهم كانوا يحملون أثقالهم وخيمهم لقلة الظهر عندهم،,Those resting [from the fighting] were carrying the baggage and tents because they were short of beasts of burden. فانظر إلى صبر هؤلاء القوم على الأعمال الشاقة عن غير دين ولا نفع,"Consider the endurance of these people, bearing exhausting tasks without any pay or material gain." وكانت منزلهم قاطع نهر قيسارية يسر الله فتحها.,They camped beyond the river of Caesarea (may God facilitate its conquest). المنزل السابع:,The seventh stage ولما كانت صبيحة التاسع وصل من أخبر أن العدو قد ركب سائرًا،,On the morning of Monday 9 Sha‘ban [2 September] there came men who reported that the enemy was on the march. فركب السلطان أول الصبح، وطلب الأطلاب،,The sultan rode out at first light and drew up the divisions. وأخرج من كل جانب جاليشًا، فسار يطلب القوم،,From each one he selected skirmishers and then set off to seek the enemy. فأتاهم وهم سائرون على عادتهم ثلاثة أقسام،,We came upon them as they were proceeding in their normal fashion in three divisions. وطاف الجاليش حولهم من كل جانب، ورموهم بالنشاب وهم سائرون ثلاثة أقسام على المثال الذي حكيته،,The skirmishers encompassed them and peppered them with arrows as they were marching along in the manner I have described. وكلما ضعف قسم عاونه الذي يليه وهم يحفظ بعضهم بعضًا،,"Whenever a division weakened, the one next to it came to its help, offering mutual protection." والمسلمون محدقون بهم من ثلاثة جوانب، والقتال بينهم شديد، والسلطان يقرب الأطلاب،,The Muslims beset them on three sides with fierce attacks and the sultan urged the divisions to close with them. ورأيته وهو يسير بنفسه بين الجاليش ونشاب القوم يجاوزه,I saw him actually riding among the skirmishers as the enemy’s arrows flew past him. وليس معه إلا صبيان بجنبيه لا غير، وهو يسير من طلبٍ إلى طلب يحثهم على التقدم ويأمرهم بمضايقة القوم ومقاتلتهم،,"He was attended by two pages with two spare mounts and that was all, riding from division to division and urging them forward, and ordering them to press hard upon them and bring them to battle." والكئوس تخفق، والبوقات تنعر، والصياح بالتهليل، والتكبير يعلو،,The drums throbbed and the bugles brayed and shouts of ‘There is no god but God’ and ‘God is great’ were being raised. هذا والقوم على أتم ثبات على ترتيبهم لا يتغيرون ولا ينزعجون،,"All the while the enemy kept steadfastly in perfect formation, undismayed and undisturbed." وجرت حالات كثيرة ورجالتهم تجرح المسلمين وخيولهم بالزنبورك والنشاب،,"Many charges were made, but their infantry with bolts and arrows wounded our men and their horses." ولم نزل حواليهم نقاتلهم، ونحمل عليهم وهم يكرون بين أيدينا ويفرون إلى,"Our men continued to engage them from every direction, making charges, and the enemy would give way a little and then counter-attack." أن أتوا نهرًا يُقال له نهر القصب، ونزلوا عليه,"They came eventually to a river called the River of Reeds, where they camped." وقد قامت الظهيرة، وضربوا خيامهم، وتراجع الناس عنهم، فإنهم كانوا إذا نزلوا أيس الناس منهم، ورجعوا عن قتالهم،,"The midday heat had come and they pitched their tents. Our troops withdrew, for whenever they camped we despaired of achieving any success and so broke off the fight." وفي ذلك اليوم قُتل من فرسان الإسلام شجاع اسمه إياز الطويل بعض مماليك السلطان،,"This day one of the brave knights of Islam was killed, Ayaz the Tall, a mamluke of the sultan." وكان قد فتك فيهم، وقتل خلقًا من خيالتهم وشجعانهم,He had done much slaughter amongst them and had killed a great number of their knights and champions. ، وكانت قد فاضت شجاعته بين العسكرين، بحيث إنه جرت له وقعات كثيرة صدقت أخبار الأوائل،,"His bravery became widely known in both armies, since he had had many encounters which gave credence to the tales of the ancients." وصار بحيث إذا عرفه الإفرنج في موضع يخافونه؛,"It reached the point that, when the Franks recognised him anywhere, they avoided him." تقنطرت به فرسه واستشهد،,His horse fell under him and he met a martyr’s death. وحزن المسلمون عليه حزنًا عظيمًا، ودُفن على تلٍّ مشرف على البركة،,He was buried on a hill overlooking al-Birka and the Muslims grieved for him greatly. وقتل عليه مملوك له,A mamluke of his was killed defending him. ونزل السلطان بالثقل على البركة، وهي موضع يجتمع فيه مياه كثيرة،,"The sultan camped with the baggage-train at al-Birka, which is a place where many streams meet." وأقام في تلك المنزلة إلى ما بعد صلاة العصر، وأطعم الناس خبزًا، واستراحوا ساعة،,"He remained there until after the evening prayer and fed the troops, who then rested a while." ثم رحل وأتى نهر القصب، ونزل عليه أيضًا،,"After the evening prayer he set out again and came to the River of Reeds, where he again camped." فشرب منه قليلًا من أعلاه، والعدو يشرب من أسفله ليس بيننا إلا مسافة يسيرة،,"We were drinking from the higher reaches while the enemy were drinking from the lower, with only a short distance between us." وبلغ ربع الشعير أربعة دراهم،,Barley at this stage reached four dirhams for a ‘quarter’. والخبز موجود كثيرًا، وسعره الرطل بنصف درهم،,"Bread was plentifully to be had, priced half a dirham for a roti." وأقام ينتظر رحيل الإفرنج حتى يرحل في مقابلتهم،,"There the sultan remained, waiting for the enemy to move so that he could move in parallel." فباتوا وبتنا أيضًا.,The enemy spent the night there as did we. ذكر وقعة جرت,Account of a battle وذلك أن جماعة من العسكر الإسلامي كانوا مشرفين على العدو، فصادفوا جماعة منهم يشرفون أيضًا على العسكر الإسلامي،,"A detachment of the Muslim army, which was keeping an eye on the enemy, ran into a detachment of theirs, which was also keeping a watch on the Muslim army" فظفروا بهم، وهجموا عليهم، وجرى بينهم قتال عظيم، فقُتل من العدو جماعة،,"Having caught them, our men attacked and a big battle followed, in which several of the enemy were killed." وأحس بهم عسكر العدو، فثار إليهم منهم جماعة،,The enemy’s main body became aware of what was happening and rushed to help them. واتصل الحرب، وقُتل أيضًا من المسلمين نفران، وأُسر من العدو ثلاثة،,"The engagement continued and the Muslims lost two men, while three of the enemy were taken prisoner." ومثلوا بخدمة السلطان، فسألهم عن الأحوال، فأخبروا أن الملك الانكتار كان قد حضر عنده بعكا اثنان بدويان،,These were brought before the sultan who asked them their latest news and was told that the king of England had been visited by two Bedouin in Acre. وأنهما أخبراه بقلة العسكر الإسلامي، وذلك الذي أطمعه حتى خرج,They had informed him that the Muslim army was few in numbers and depleted and this was what had encouraged him to take the field. وأنه لما كان بالأمس — يعني يوم الاثنين — رأى من المسلمين قتالًا عظيمًا، واستكثر الأطلاب،,"However, the day before – meaning Monday – he saw some stout fighting on the part of the Muslims and was impressed by the number of their divisions." وأنه جُرح زهاء ألف نفر، وقُتل جماعة،,"Yesterday about 1,000 of his men had been wounded and several killed." وأن ذلك هو الذي أوجب إقامته اليوم حتى يستريح عسكره،,This was what had necessitated his staying in camp today to rest the army. وإنه لما رأى ما أصابهم من القتال العظيم وكثرة المسلمين أحضر البدويين عنده، وأوقفهما وضرب.,"After having seen the stiff resistance met with yesterday and the great size of the Muslim force, he summoned the two Bedouin, confronted them with what they had done and had them decapitated." وأقمنا في ذلك اليوم في تلك المنزلة لإقامة العدو بها وهو الثلاثاء العاشر من شعبان.,"This day, that is, Tuesday 10 Sha‘ban [3 September], we remained [initially] at this present position as the enemy also stayed where they were." المنزل الثامن:,The eighth stage ولما كان ظهر اليوم المذكور رأى السلطان الرحيل والتقدم إلى قدام العدو،,"At midday on the Tuesday, however, the sultan decided to break camp and advance towards the enemy." فدق الكئوس، ورحل الناس، ودخل في شعرا أرسوف حتى توسطها إلى تل عند قرية تُسمى دير الراهب، فنزل هناك,"The drum was beaten and all moved off. The sultan entered the wooded area around Arsuf, into the very middle of it, as far as a hill near which was a village called Dayr al-Rahib, where he camped." ودهم الناس الليل فتقطعوا في الشعرا،,Nightfall came upon us and our men were left scattered amongst the woods. وأصبح مقيمًا ينتظر بقية العساكر إلى صباح الأربعاء الحادي عشر، وتلاحقت العساكر،,"Until the morning of Wednesday 11 Sha‘ban [4 September] the sultan was waiting for the rest of the army, and then the Muslim forces were again in touch with one another." وركب يرتاد موضعًا يصلح للقتال ولقاء العدو،,He rode out to scout for a site suitable for a battle and an encounter with the enemy. وأقام ذلك اليوم أجمع هناك.,He passed the whole day there. ومن أخبار العدو في تلك النزلة أنه أقام على نهر القصب ذلك اليوم أيضًا، وأنه لحقته نجدة من عكا في ثمان بطس كبار,One of the reports of the enemy during that day was that they spent it camped at the River of Reeds and that reinforcements from Acre in eight large busses had joined them. واليزك الإسلامي حوله يواصلون الأخبار المستجدة بهم،,"The Muslim pickets were all about them, keeping in contact with news of their latest moves." وجرى بين اليزك وبين حشاشة العدو قتال وجرح من الطائفتين.,"A fight took place between our pickets and the enemy’s foragers, in which there were wounded on both sides." ذكر مراسلة جرت في ذلك اليوم,Account of negotiations that took place this day وذلك أن العدو طلب من اليزك من يتحدث معه،,The enemy made a request to our advanced squadron for someone to hold talks with. وكان مقدم اليزك علم الدين سليمان فإنها كانت نوبته،,"The commander of the squadron was ‘Alam al-Din Sulayman ibn Jandar, for it was his turn." فلما مضى إليهم من سمع كلامهم كان كلامهم طلب الملك العادل حتى يتحدثوا معه،,"When someone went to them to hear what they had to say, it was a request for al-‘Adil so that they could talk with him." فاستأذن ومضى وبات تلك الليلة في اليزك، وتحدثوا معه،,"Having asked permission, he went to them and spent the night -1 mean the eve of Thursday [5 September] – with the advanced squadron, holding talks." وكان حاصل حديثهم: إنا قد طال بيننا القتال، وقد قُتل من الجانبين الرجال الأبطال،,"The gist of what they had to say was, ‘Fighting between us has now gone on a long time and brave men have been killed on both sides." وإنا نحن جئنا في نصرة إفرنج الساحل,We have come here to aid the Frankish residents of the littoral. فاصطلحوا أنتم وهم وكل منا يرجع إلى مكانه.,"Make peace, you and they, and each of us can return to his own place.’" "وكتب السلطان إلى أخيه في صبيحة يوم الخميس الثاني والعشرين رقعة يقول له فيها: إن قدرت أن تطاول الإفرنج؛ فلعلهم يقيمون اليوم حتى يلحقنا التركمان، فإنهم قد قربوا منا.","The sultan wrote a note to his brother, al- ‘Adil, the morning of Thursday 12 Sha‘ban [5 September] in which he said, ‘If you are able to spin out the talks with the Franks, then perhaps they will remain where they are today, so that the Turkomans can catch up with us, for they are now quite near.’" ذكر اجتماع الملك العادل والانكتار,Account of the meeting of al-‘Adil and the king of England ولما علم الانكتار وصول الملك العادل إلى اليزك طلب الاجتماع به، فأجابه إلى ذلك،,"He came up to the advanced guard and when the king of England learnt that he had come there, he asked for a meeting, which was granted." فاجتمعا بفرقة من أصحابهما، وكان يترجم بينهما ابن الهنفري،,"They met tete-a-tete without their retinues, while the son of Humfrey acted as interpreter." وهو من إفرنج الساحل من كبارهم،,He was one of the nobles of the Franks of the littoral. ورأيته يوم الصلح وهو شاب حسن إلا أنه محلوق اللحية على ما هو شعارهم،,"I saw him the day peace was made and he was a handsome youth, although he was clean-shaven as is their fashion." وكان الحديث بينهما أن الانكتار شرع في ذكر الصلح، وأن الملك العادل قال له: أنتم تطلبون الصلح ولا تذكرون مطلوبكم فيه حتى أتوسط أنا الحال مع السلطان.,"In the conversation that took place between them the king of England started to talk of peace, but al-‘Adil said to him, ‘You desire peace but you do not mention your demands that I might mediate your differences with the sultan.’" فقال له الانكتار: القاعدة أن تعود البلاد كلها إلينا، وتنصرفوا إلى بلادكم.,"The king of England replied, ‘The basic condition is that you should restore all the lands to us and return to your own countries.’" فأخشن له الجواب، وجرت منافرة اقتضت أنهم رحلوا بعد انفصالهم،,Al-‘Adil gave a harsh answer and a quarrel followed which led to the enemy’s departure after the two of them had separated. ولما أحس السلطان برحيلهم أمر الثقل بالرحيل،,"When the sultan realised that they were on the move, he ordered the baggage-train to move and put the Master of the Horse, Aslam, in charge." ووقف هو وعبى الناس تعبية القتال،,He held his position and drew up the troops in battle order and waited to receive news of the enemy. وسار الثقل الصغير أيضًا حتى قارب الثقل الكبير، ثم ورد أمر السلطان بعودهم إليه، فعادوا ووصلوا وقد دخل الليل،,"The lesser baggage also left and drew near the heavy baggage, but then an order from the sultan arrived for them to return, which they did, arriving back when night had already fallen." وتخبط الناس تلك الليلة تخبطًا عظيمًا،,During that night they became greatly disorganised. واستدعى أخاه ليعرفه ما جرى بينه وبين الملك،,"The sultan summoned his brother, al-‘Adil, to learn from him what had happened between him and the king." وخلا به لذلك،,He was closeted with him privately for that purpose. وذلك في ليلة الجمعة ليلة الثالث عشر،,This was on the eve of Friday 13 Sha‘ban [6 September]. وأما العدو فإنه سار ونزل على موضع يُسمى البركة أيضًا يشرف على البحر،,"The enemy marched on and came to camp at a place also called al-Birka, in sight of the sea." وأصبح السلطان في يوم الجمعة متطلعًا إلى أخبار العدو،,"The sultan stayed where he was and organised the divisions of the army, while seeking intelligence of the enemy." فأُحضر عنده اثنان من الإفرنج قد تخطفهما اليزك،,Two of the Franks were brought before him who had been seized by the advanced guard. فأمر بضرب أعناقهما،,He ordered them to be beheaded. ووصل من أخبر أن العدو لم يرحل اليوم من منزلته تلك،,A report arrived that this day the enemy had not moved from their latest position. فنزل السلطان واجتمع بأخيه يتحدثان في هذا الأمر وما يصنع مع العدو،,"The sultan also remained in his position and met with his brother, al-‘Adil, to discuss the present situation and what to do with the wretched enemy." وبات تلك الليلة في تلك المنزلة.,He passed the night there. ذكر وقعة أرمون وهي أنكت في قلوب المسلمين,"Account of the battle of Arsuf, which wounded Muslim hearts" ولما كان يوم السبت الرابع عشر بلغ السلطان أن العدو حرك الرحيل نحو أرسوف،,"When it was Saturday 14 Sha‘ban [7 September], the sultan was informed that the enemy had moved out towards Arsuf." فركب ورتب الأطلاب للقتال، وعزم على مضايقتهم في ذلك اليوم ومصادمتهم،,"He rode out and drew up his divisions for battle, with every intention of bringing the enemy to a pitched battle that day." وأخرج الجاليش من كل طلب،,He sent forward a picked body of skirmishers from each division. وسار العدو حتى قارب شعرا أرسوف وبساتينها،,The enemy marched on until they were close to the woods and plantations of Arsuf. فأطلق عليهم الجاليش النشاب ولزتهم الأطلاب من كل جانب،,The skirmishers loosed their arrows against them and then the divisions pressed them close from every direction. والسلطان يقرب بعضها ويوقف بعضها ليكون ردءًا,"The sultan made them engage closely, but held some back in reserve." ويضايق العدو مضايقة عظيمة، والتحم القتال، واضطرمت ناره من الجاليش،,"The enemy were, tightly beset and the fighting was fierce and blazed into flame on both sides." وقتل منهم وجرح، فاشتدوا في السير عساهم يبلغون المنزلة فينزلوا،,Amongst the enemy there were dead and wounded and they quickened their march in the hope of reaching the site where they could camp. واشتد بهم الأمر، وضاق بهم الخناق والسلطان يطوف من الميمنة إلى الميسرة يحث الناس على الجهاد،,"Their situation became serious and the noose about them tightened, while the sultan was moving between the left wing and the right, urging the men on in the Jihad." ولقيته مرارًا ليس معه إلا صبيان بجنبيه لا غير،,"Several times I encountered him, when he was attended by only two pages with two spare mounts and that was all." ولقيت أخاه وهو على مثل هذه الحال، والنشاب يتجاوزهما،,"I met his brother in a similar state, while the arrows were flying past them both." ولم يزل الأمر يشتد بالطمع للعدو، وطمع المسلمون فيهم طمعًا عظيمًا,The enemy’s situation worsened still more and the Muslims thought they had them in their power. حتى وصل أوائل راجلهم إلى بساتين أرسوف،,"Eventually, the first detachments of their infantry reached the plantations of Arsuf." ثم اجتمعت الخيالة وتواصلوا على الحملة خشية على القوم، ورأوا أنهم لا ينجيهم إلا الحملة،,"Then their cavalry massed together and agreed on a charge, as they feared for their people and thought that only a charge would save them." ولقد رأيتهم وقد اجتمعوا في وسط الرجالة,I saw them grouped together in the middle of the foot-soldiers. وأخذوا رماحهم وصاحوا صيحة الرجل الواحد وفرج لهم رجالتهم وحملوا حملة واحدة من الجوانب كلها،,They took their lances and gave a shout as one man. The infantry opened gaps for them and they charged in unison along their whole line. فحملت طائفة على الميمنة، وطائفة على الميسرة، وطائفة على القلب،,"One group charged our right wing, another our left and the third our centre." فاندفع الناس بين أيديهم، واتفق أني كنت في القلب، ففر القلب فرارًا عظيمًا،,"Our men gave way before them. It happened that I was in the centre, which took to wholesale flight." فنويت التحيز إلى الميسرة وكان أقرب إليَّ،,"My intention was to join the left wing, since it was nearer to me." ووصلتها وقد انكسرت كسرة عظيمة، وفرت أشد فرار من الكل،,"I reached it after it had been broken utterly, so I thought to join the right wing, but then I saw that it had fled more calamitously than all the rest." فنويت التحيز إلى طلب السلطان، وكان ردأ الأطلاب كلها كما جرت العادة،,"I determined to join the sultan’s guard, which was in reserve to support all the others as was customary." ولم يبقَ للسلطان فيه إلا سبعة عشر مقاتلًا لا غير، وأخذ الباقون إلى القتال، لكن الأعلام كلها باقية ثابتة، والكئوس تدق لا تفتر.,"I came to him but the sultan had kept no more than seventeen fighting men there and had taken the rest into battle, but the standards were still there and the drum was beating without interruption." وأما السلطان فإنه لما رأى ما نزل بالمسلمين من هذه النازلة سار حتى أتى إلى طلبه، فوجد فيه هذا النفر القليل،,"When the sultan saw this reverse that had befallen the Muslims, he returned to his guard and found there this scanty number." فوقف فيه والناس ينفرون من الجوانب، وهو يأمر أصحاب الكئوس بالدق بحيث لا يفترون،,"He stood amongst them while men were fleeing on all sides, but he was commanding the drummers to beat their drums without stopping." وكلما رأى فارًّا يأمر من يحضره عنده، وفي الجملة ما قصر الناس بفرارهم؛,"He ordered men to rally to him all those he saw fleeing. However, the Muslims were, in fact, in a complete rout." فإن العدو حمل حملة ففروا، ثم وقف خوفًا من الكمين فوقفوا وقاتلوا،,"The enemy made a charge and they fled, but then the enemy halted for fear of an ambush, so our men halted and made some resistance." ثم حمل حملة ثانية ففروا وهم يقاتلون في فرارهم،,Then there was a second charge and our men fled but fought as they fled. ثم وقف فوقفوا،,"The enemy halted again, as did our men." ثم حمل حملة ثالثة حتى بلغ إلى رءوس رواب هناك وأعالي تلول،,"A third charge followed, which brought them to the tops of some hillocks there and a ridge of hills." ففروا إلى أن وقف العدو ووقفوا،,Our troops fled again until the enemy halted and then they also halted. وكان كل من رأى طلب السلطان واقفًا والكئوس تدق يستحيي أن يجاوزه ويخاف غائلة ذلك، فيعود إلى الطلب، فاجتمع في القلب خلق عظيم،,"All who saw the sultan’s troop holding its position with drums beating were ashamed to pass beyond it and feared the disaster that might follow, so they rallied to his troop and a large number assembled there." ووقف العدو قبالتهم على رءوس التلول والروابي والسلطان واقف في طلبه، والناس يجتمعون عليه,"The enemy stood facing them on the tops of the hills and hillocks, while the sultan was with his troop and men were gathering around him." حتى أتت العساكر بأسرها، وخاف العدو أن يكون في الشعرا كمين، فتراجعوا يطلبون المنزلة،,"Eventually, the whole army rallied and the enemy feared that there might be an ambush in the woods, so they withdrew, making for their camping place." وعاد السلطان إلى تل في أوائل الشعرا، ونزل عليه في خيمته،,"The sultan went back to a hill where the woods began and halted there, but not in any tent." ولقد كنت في خدمته أسليه، وهو لا يقبل السلوَّ،,"I was in attendance on him, offering consolation, which, however, he was unable to accept." وظلل عليه بمنديل، وسألناه أن يطعم شيئًا،,He was protected from the sun by a kerchief and we asked him to take some food. فأُحضر له شيء لطيف، فتناول شيئًا يسيرًا،,"Something light was brought to him, from which he took only a little." وبعث الناس للسقي؛ فإن المكان كان بعيدًا،,"The troops sent their horses to be watered, for the source of water was far away." وجلس ينتظر الناس من العود من السقي والجرحى يحضرون بين يديه وهو يتقدم بمداواتهم وحملهم،,"He sat waiting for people to return from watering their mounts, while the wounded were brought before him and he was giving orders for them to be treated and carried away." وقُتل في ذلك اليوم رجالة كثيرة وجُرح جماعة من الطائفتين،,That day many foot-soldiers were killed and a lot on both sides were wounded. وكان ممن ثبت الملك العادل والطواشي قايماز النجمي والملك الأفضل ولده، وصُدم في ذلك اليوم،,"Among those that stood firm were al-‘Adil, the Tawashi Qaymaz al-Najmi and al-Afdal, the sultan’s son, who was shaken by this day." وانفتح دمل كان في وجهه، وسال منه دم كثير على وجهه، وهو صابر محتسب في ذلك كله،,"A boil that was on his face burst and much blood flowed over his face, but he was steadfast and confident of his future reward through all of this." وثبت أيضًا طلب الموصل ومقدمة علاء الدين، وشكره السلطان على ذلك،,"The troops of Mosul with their commander, ‘Ala’ al-Din, stood firm this day and the sultan thanked him for that." وتفقد الناس بعضهم بعضًا، فوجدوا أن قد استشهد جماعة من العسكر عُرف منهم شخصان أمير كبير مملوك، وكان شجاعًا معروفًا، وقايماز العادلي، وكان مذكورًا وليفوش، وكان شجاعًا،,"Our men enquired after one another and many of the army were found to have met a martyr’s death, notable among whom were the Emir of the Hunt Musak, who was a brave and well-known man, Qaymaz al-‘Adili and Buzghush, brave men of note." أسف السلطان عليه,The sultan grieved for the latter. وجُرح خلق كثير وخيول كثيرة، وقُتل من العدو جماعة،,Many men and horses were wounded and the enemy had many killed. وأُسر واحد وأحضر، فأمر بضرب عنقه،,"One was captured and brought before the sultan, who ordered his head to be cut off." وأخذت منهم خيول أربعة،,Four horses were taken from them. وكان قد تقدم — رحمه الله — إلى الثقل أن يسير إلى العوجاء، وذُكر أن المنزل يكون على العوجاء،,The sultan had ordered the baggage-train to go to al-‘Awja and had said that our camp would be there. فاستأذنته وتقدمت إلى المنزل،,I asked for leave to go on before him to our camp. وجلس هو ينتظر اجتماع العساكر وما يرد من أخبار العدو،,He sat waiting for the troops to be assembled and for any news of the enemy that might come in. وكان العدو قد نزل على أرسوف قبليها.,"The enemy had, in fact, already camped at Arsuf, to the south of it." المنزل التاسع:,The ninth stage وسرت بعد صلاة الظهر حتى أتيت الثقل، وقد نزل قاطع النهر المعروف بالعوجاء في منزلة خضراء طيبة على جانب النهر،,"After the midday prayer I came to the baggage-train, which had stopped across the river known as al-‘Awja in a pleasant green and fertile place along its banks." ووصل السلطان إلى المنزلة أواخر النهار، وازدحم الناس على القنطرة، فنزل على تل مشرف على النهر، ولم يعد إلى الخيمة،,"The sultan arrived towards the end of the day. The men crowded together at the bridge, while the sultan stopped on a hill overlooking the river and did not cross to his tent." وأمر الجاويش أن ينادي في العسكر بالعبور إليه،,He ordered the herald to proclaim throughout the army that they should cross back to him. وكان في قلبه من الوقعة أمر لا يعلمه إلا الله — تعالى —,On account of the battle his heart was full of feelings that God alone could know. والناس بين جريح الجسد وجريح القلب،,"The troops, too, were either wounded in body or wounded in the heart." وأقام السلطان إلى سحر الخامس عشر، ودق الكئوس، وركب وركب الناس، وسار راجعًا إلى جهة العدو حتى وصل إلى قريب أرسوف،,"Until first dawn on Sunday 15 Sha‘ban [8 September] the sultan waited and then the drum was beaten, the men mounted up and he returned towards the enemy, eventually drawing near to Arsuf." وصفَّ الأطلاب للقتال رجاء خروج العدو ومسيره حتى يصاف،,He arranged his divisions for battle in the hope that the enemy would come out and he could march to confront them. فلم يرحل العدو في ذلك اليوم لما نالهم من التعب والجراح،,"However, that day the enemy made no move because of fatigue and the wounds that they had suffered." وأقام قبالتهم إلى آخر النهار، وعاد إلى منزلته التي بات فيها،,The sultan remained facing them until the end of the day. He then returned to his position of the night before and passed the eve of Monday 16 Sha‘ban [9 September] there. ولما كانت صبيحة السادس عشر دق الكئوس، وركب وركب الناس، وسار نحوهم،,"On the Monday morning, with the beating of the drum, he and the troops rode out and went towards the enemy." ووصل خبر العدو أنه قد رحل طالبًا جهة يافا,Reports came that the enemy had already set out in the direction of Jaffa. فقاربهم مقاربة عظيمة، ورتب الأطلاب ترتيب القتال، وأخرج الجاليش، وأحدق العسكر الإسلامي بالقوم،,"The sultan manoeuvred into very close contact with them, drew up his divisions in battle order and sent the skirmishers forward, encompassing the enemy with the Muslim forces." وألقوا عليهم من النشاب ما كان يسد الأفق،,They released a cloud of arrows that wellnigh blotted out the sky. وقاتلت قلوبهم قتال الحنق،,The battle raged furiously. وقصد — رحمه الله — تحريك عزائمهم على الحملة، حتى إذا حملوا ألقي الناس عليهم وقصدوهم، ويعطي الله النصر لمن يشاء،,"His aim was to provoke them into a charge, so that, when they did charge, he would hurl his troops against them and God would give the victory to whomsoever He willed." فلم يحملوا وحفظوا نفوسهم، وساروا مصطفين على عادتهم حتى أتوا نهر العوجاء، وهو النهر الذي منزلتنا أعلاه،,"They did not charge, however, but controlled themselves and marched on in their battle lines according to their custom, until they came to the River al-‘Awja, the river whose upper reaches had been our camp." فنزل في أسفله، وعبر بعضهم إلى غربي النهر، وأقام الباقون من الجانب الشرقي،,"They camped lower downstream and some of them crossed over, while the rest remained on the east bank." فلما علم الناس بنزولهم تراجع الناس عنهم، وعاد السلطان إلى الثقل،,"Learning that they had made camp, our army disengaged and the sultan returned to the baggage-train." ونزل في خيمته، وأطعم الطعام،,He stopped in his tent and took some food. وأُتي بأربعة من الإفرنج قد أخذتهم العرب، ومعهم امرأة،,"He was brought four Franks who had been taken by the Bedouin, and with whom there was a woman." فرُفعوا إلى الزردخانات،,They were taken to the Armoury. وأقام بقية ذلك اليوم يكتب الكتب إلى الأطراف باستحضار بقية العساكر،,The sultan spent the rest of the day in that camp writing letters to his far-flung territories to mobilise the rest of his forces. وحضر من أخبر أنه قُتل من العدو يوم أرسوف خيول كثيرة، وأنه تتبعها العرب وعدوها،,"Someone arrived with a report that during the battle of Arsuf, the enemy had had many horses killed and that the Bedouin had followed this up and counted them." فزادت على مائة،,They came to more than one hundred. وخرج أيضا من المسلمين خيل كثيرة,"The Muslims, too, had lost many horses." وأمر السلطان أن رحلت الجمال وتقدمت إلى الرملة،,"The sultan ordered the camel train to leave, proceed to Ramla and spend the night there." وبات هو بتلك المنزلة.,He himself passed the night in this present position. المنزل العاشر:,The tenth stage ولما كان سابع عشر صلى الصبح ورحل ورحل معه الثقل الصغير، وسار يريد الرملة،,"On Tuesday 17 Sha‘ban [10 September] after the morning prayer he set out accompanied by the lesser baggage-train, making for Ramla." وأُتي باثنين من الإفرنج فضرب أعناقهم، ووصل من اليزك من أخبر أن العدو رحل من يافا،,He was brought two Franks whose decapitation he ordered. From the Muslim advanced guard there arrived men who reported that the enemy had moved off in the direction of Jaffa. وسار السلطان إلى أن أتى الرملة,The sultan travelled on to Ramla where he stopped among the main baggage-train. وأتي باثنين من الإفرنج أيضًا، فسألهم عن أحوالهم،,Two other Franks were brought to him and he questioned them about the state of the Franks. فذكروا أنهم ربما أقاموا بيافا أيامًا، وفي أنفسهم عمارتها وشحنها بالرجال والعدد،,"They replied that they would probably stay in Jaffa for some days, as they had it in mind to repair the place and fill it with men and supplies." فأحضر السلطان أرباب مشورته، وشاورهم في أمر عسقلان، وأنها هل تخرب أو تبقى؟,"The sultan summoned his councillors and consulted them about what to do with Ascalon, whether to demolish or preserve it." واتفق الرأي على أن يتخلف الملك العادل ومعه طائفة من العسكر مقارب العدو ليعرف أحوالهم واتصالها، وأن يسير هو ويخرب عسقلان خشية أن يستولى عليها الإفرنج وهي عامرة، فيقتلوا من بها من المسلمين، ويأخذوا بها القدس الشريف، ويقطعوا بها طريق مصر،,"It was agreed that Al-Adil, with a detachment of the army, should stay behind close to the enemy to gather intelligence about them and to pass it on, and that the sultan himself should go to Ascalon to demolish it for fear that the Franks might gain control of it intact, destroy the garrison and use it to take Jerusalem (may God grant us its reconquest) and cut our communications with Egypt." وخشي السلطان من ذلك، وعلم عجز المسلمين عن حفظها لقرب عهدهم من عكا وما جرى على من كان مقيمًا بها،,The sultan feared this and realised that the Muslims would be incapable of holding it because of their recent experience with Acre and what had happened to the garrison there. ويخيفوا الناس عن الدخول إلى عسقلان، فادخرت القوة في عسكر الإسلام لحفظ القدس المحروس؛,"Our troops were loathe to enter Ascalon, but the strength of the Muslim forces was conserved for the protection of Jerusalem." فتعين لذلك خراب عسقلان،,Because of all of this it was settled that Ascalon should be demolished. فسار الثقل والجمال من أول الليل، وتقدم إلى ولده الملك الأفضل أن سار عقيب الثقل نصف الليل،,"The camel train moved off in the first part of the evening and he ordered his son, al-Afdal, to follow after the baggage half-way through the night." وسار هو وأنا في خدمته سحر الأربعاء.,"He himself, with me in attendance, set out just before dawn on Wednesday [11 September]." المنزل الحادي عشر: وهو على عسقلان.,"The eleventh stage, when he was at Ascalon" ولما كان يوم الأربعاء ثامن عشر الشهر وصل السلطان إلى يبنا، فنزل بها ضحًى، وأخذ الناس راحة،,"When it was Wednesday 18 Sha‘ban [11 September], the sultan arrived at Yubna and camped there at midday, where the troops rested." ثم رحل وسار حتى أتى أرض عسقلان،,He then travelled on and came into the territory of Ascalon after the afternoon prayer. وقد ضُربت خيمته بعيدًا منها،,"His tent was pitched far from the town to the north of it in pleasant, handsome country." فبات هناك مهمومًا بسبب الخراب، وما نام إلا قليلًا،,He passed the night anxious about demolishing Ascalon and slept only a little. ولقد دعاني في خدمته سحرًا،,At dawn he called me to attend him. وكنت فارقت خدمته بعد مضي نصف الليل، فحضرت وبدأ بالحديث في معنى خرابها،,I had left his presence half-way through the previous night. I arrived and he began a discussion about the town’s demolition. وأحضر ولده الملك الأفضل وشاوره في ذلك،,"He summoned his son, al-Afdal, whom he consulted on this matter while I was in attendance." وطال الحديث في المعنى،,The discussion lasted a long time. ولقد قال لي: والله لأن أفقد أولادي بأسرهم أحب إليَّ من أن أهدم منها حجرًا واحدًا،,"The sultan said, ‘By God, I would prefer to lose all my sons rather than demolish a single stone of it." ولكن إذا قضى الله ذلك لحفظ مصلحة المسلمين كان،,"Yet, if God decrees it and prescribes it as a way of preserving the best interests of the Muslims, what else can I do?’" ثم استخار الله — تعالى — فأوقع الله في نفسه أن المصلحة في خرابها لعجز المسلمين عن حفظها،,"He sought the guidance of God, Who led him to understand that the best course was to demolish the town because the Muslims were incapable of holding it against the Franks." فاستحضر الوالي قيصر بها، وهو من كبار مماليكه وذوي الآراء منهم، فأمره بجمع العمال فيها،,"He summoned the governor, Qaysar, one of his senior mamlukes and one of the wisest, and ordered him to put pickaxes to work." ولقد رأيته وقد اجتاز بالسوق والوطاق بنفسه مستقر الناس للخراب،,I saw him after he had passed through the market and the encampment personally urging the men to start the work of destruction. وقسم السور على الناس،,He assigned sections of the wall to the men. وجعل لكل أمير وطائفة من الناس العسكر بدنة معلومة، وبرجًا معلومًا يخربونه.,To each emir and detachment of troops he appointed a particular stretch of curtain wall and a particular tower to destroy. ودخل الناس البلد. ووقع الضجيج والبكاء،,Our men entered the town and great cries and weepings arose. وكان بلدًا نضرًا خفيفًا على القلب محكم الأسوار، عظيم البناء، مرغوبًا في سكناه،,"It was a verdant, pleasant town with strongly built, well-constructed walls and much sought after for residence there." فلحق الناس عليه حزن عظيم، وعظم عويل أهله على مفارقة أوطانهم،,The inhabitants were sorely grieved for the town and great were their wailings and weepings on leaving their homes. وشرعوا في بيع ما لا يمكن حمله،,They started to sell what they were unable to transport. فبيع ما يساوي عشرة دراهم بدرهم واحد،,Things that were worth ten dirhams were sold for one. ورمي الناس أقمشتهم بالثمن البخس ، حتى بيع اثنا عشر طيرًا من الدجاج بدرهم واحد.,"People got rid of their property for trifling sums, so that, for example, twelve chickens were sold for one dirham." واختبط البلد، وخرج أهله إلى العسكر بذراريهم ونسائهم خشية أن يهجم الإفرنج،,"There was chaos in the town and the inhabitants with their children and womenfolk went out to the army, for fear that the Franks would descend on the town." وبذلوا في الكراء أضعاف ما يساوي؛ قوم إلى مصر، وقوم إلى الشام، وقوم يمشون إذ لم يقع لهم كراء،,"They offered many times the proper rate for the hire of mounts, some to go to Egypt and some to Syria, while some walked since they could hire no beasts." وجرت أمور عظيمة وفتنة هائلة لعلها لم تختص بالذين ظلموا،,"Dreadful things happened and frightful strife, which perhaps did not fall only on the wicked." وكان هو بنفسه وولده الملك الأفضل يستعملان الناس في الخراب والحث عليه؛ خشية أن يسمع العدو فيحضر ولا يمكن خرابها،,"The sultan in person and his son al-Afdal urged our men on in the work of demolition and the need to press on with it, fearing that, if word got to the enemy, they would come and demolition would be impossible." وبات الناس في الخيام على أتم حال من التعب والنصب.,The men passed the night in a complete state of fatigue and exhaustion. وفي تلك الليلة وصل من جانب الملك العادل أن الإفرنج تحدثوا معه في الصلح، وأنه خرج إليه ابن الهنفري، وتحدث معه، وأنه طلب جميع البلاد الساحلية،,"That night news came from al-‘Adil that the Franks had spoken with him about peace and that the son of Humfrey had come to him to discuss the matter, making a demand for all the coastal lands." فرأى السلطان أن ذلك مصلحة لما رأى في أنفس الناس من الضجر والسآمة من القتال والمصابرة، وكثرة ما علاهم من الديون،,"The sultan thought that talks were in our interest because he saw in the hearts of men that they were tired and disillusioned with the fighting, the hardship and the burden of debts that was on their backs." وكتب إليه يسمح في الحديث في ذلك، وفوَّض أمر ذلك إلى رأيه،,In his reply to al-‘Adil he gave him permission to hold talks and the power to negotiate on his own initiative. وأصبح في العشرين على الإصرار على الخراب واستعمال الناس فيه، وحثهم عليه،,The morning of Friday 20 Sha‘ban [13 September] found the sultan determined to carry on the demolition and to keep the men hard at work on it. وأباحهم الهري الذي كان ذخيرة في البلد للعجز عن نقله وضيق الوقت، والخوف من هجوم الإفرنج،,"He gave them a free hand with the granaries that were the stores of the town because of his inability to move them, because time was short and he feared a Frankish attack." وأمر بحريق البلد، فأُضرمت النار في بيوته ودوره،,"He ordered the town to be torched, so the houses and residences were set on fire and burnt down." ورفض أهله بواقي الأقمشة للعجز عن نقلها،,The inhabitants threw away the remnants of their goods and chattels because they could not transport them. والأخبار تتواتر من جانب العدو بعمارة يافا،,From the direction of the enemy there came constant reports that they were restoring Jaffa. وكتب الملك العادل يخبر أن القوم لم يعلموا بخراب البلد، وإن سوَّف القوم وطوَّل الحديث لعلنا نتمكن من الخراب،,"Al-‘Adil wrote saying that the Franks were unaware of the demolition of Ascalon, to which the sultan replied, saying, ‘String them along and spin out your talks with them, so that we can perhaps manage to destroy the town.’" وأمر بحشو أبراج البلد بالأحطاب، وأن تُحرق.,He gave orders for the towers to be crammed full with combustibles and set on fire. وأصبح الحادي والعشرون، فركب يحث الناس ودام يستعملهم على التخريب،,On Saturday 21 Sha‘ban [14 September] he rode out to urge on the men in their task of destruction and burning. ويطوف عليهم بنفسه حتى التاث مزاجه التياثًا قويًّا امتنع بسببه من الركوب والغذاء يومين،,"He continued to keep the men at their work, going the rounds in person with his encouragement until his health was slightly affected and so he was unable to ride or to take nourishment for two days." وأخبار العدو تتواصل إليه في كل وقت، ويجري بينهم وبين اليزك والعسكر وقعات وقلبات،,Information about the enemy was flowing in all the time and clashes and skirmishes were occurring between them and our advance guard or nearest units. وهو يواظب على الحث على الخراب،,These reports were coming in while he assiduously encouraged the demolition work. ونقل الثقل إلى قريب البلد ليعاونوا الغلمان والحمالين وغيرهم في ذلك،,"He transferred the baggage-train to a position near Ascalon, so that the grooms and the porters and others could help." فخرب من السور معظمه،,"Eventually, most of the wall was tom down." وكان عظيم البناء، بحيث إنه كان عرضه في مواضع تسعة أذرع، وفي مواضع عشرة أذرع،,"It was very strongly built, so much so that in places it was nine cubits thick, even ten in some." وذكر بعض الحجارين للسلطان وأنا حاضر أن عرض السور الذي ينقبون فيه مقدار رمح,"One of the masons mentioned to the sultan, when I was present, that the thickness of the tower they were undermining was a spear’s length." ولم يزل التخريب والحريق يعمل في البلد وأسواره إلى سلخ شعبان،,The demolition and the burning of the town and its walls were kept going until the end of Sha‘ban [22 September]. وعند ذلك وصل من جرديك كتاب يذكر فيه أن القوم يتفسحون، وصاروا يخرجون من يافا يغيرون على البلاد القريبة منها،,At that juncture a letter came from Jurdik in which he reported that the enemy had widened their activities and had begun to leave Jaffa and raid the neighbouring lands. فتحرك السلطان لعله يبلغ منهم غرضًا في غرَّتهم،,"If the sultan moved, he could perhaps catch them unawares and gain some advantage." فعزم على الرحيل، وعلى أن يخلف في عسقلان حجارين، ومعهم خيل تحميهم ويستنهضونهم في الخراب،,The sultan therefore decided to make a move and to leave some stonemasons at Ascalon to finish the demolition with some cavalry to protect them. ثم رأى أن يتأخر بحيث يحرق البرج المعروف بالاسبتار،,He thought he should wait until the tower named after the Hospitallers had been burnt. وكان برجًا عظيمًا مشرفًا على البحر كالقلعة المنيعة،,"It was a vast tower, overlooking the sea, like an impregnable fortress." ولقد دخلته وطفته فرأيت بناءه أحكم بناء يقرب من أن لا تعمل فيه المعاول،,"I went in to inspect it and saw that its construction was the most solid that one could imagine, on which pickaxes would have no effect." وإنما أراد أن يحرقه حتى يبقى بالحريق قابلًا للخراب ويعمل الهدم فيه.,He wished to bum it merely to leave it thereby in a demolishable state on which the work of destruction could be effective. وأصبح مستهل رمضان، فأمر ولده الملك الأفضل أن يباشر ذلك بنفسه وخواصه،,"On Monday 1 Ramadan 587 [23 September he ordered his son, al-Afdal, to take a direct part himself in this work along with his close staff." ولقد رأيته يحمل الخشب هو وخواصه لحريق البرج،,I saw him and his staff carrying timbers to bum the tower. ولم يزل الناس ينقلون الخشب ويحشونه في البرج حتى امتلأ،,Our men continued to bring timbers and cram them into the tower until it was full. ثم أطلقت فيه النار، فاشتعل الخشب،,The timbers were then lit and blazed into flame. وبقيت النار تشتعل فيه يومين بلياليهما،,The fire remained burning for two days and nights. ولم يركب السلطان في ذلك اليوم تسكينًا لمزاجه،,"This day, to settle his state of health, the sultan did not ride at all." وعرض لي أيضًا تشوش مزاج اقتضى انقطاعي عنه في ذلك اليوم،,"I, too, was afflicted by some disorder of body which meant that I was absent from him that day." ولقد تردد إليَّ من سأل عن مزاجي من عنده ثلاث مرات مع اشتغال قلبه بذلك المهم.,"Three times people came to me to ask after my health on his behalf, notwithstanding the fact that he was preoccupied by this weighty matter." فالله — تعالى — يرحمه. لقد ماتت محاسن الأخلاق بموته.,"God Almighty have mercy on him, for with his death there died the best of moral qualities." ثم رحل السلطان ثاني رمضان نصف الليل خشية على مزاجه من الحر،,"That night, that is the eve of Tuesday 2 Ramadan [24 September], the sultan left camp half-way through the night because he feared the effect of the heat on his state of health." ووصل بيننا ضحوة النهار،,"We prayed the dawn prayer and then set out, coming to Yubna towards late morning on the Tuesday." ونزل في خيمة أخيه، واستعلم منه أخبارهم ساعة،,He began by stopping in his brother al-‘Adil’s tent and learning from him the latest news of the enemy. ثم ركب ونزل في خيمته، وبات في تلك المنزلة،,"He then rode on and stopped in his own tent, where he spent the night at this locality." وأصبح ثالث الشهر راحلًا إلى جهة الرملة، فسار حتى أتاها ضحوة النهار،,"Wednesday 3 Ramadan [25 September] found Saladin on the move towards Ramla, where he arrived around noon." ونزل بالثقل الكبير نزول إقامة،,With the main baggage-train he made a long-term camp there. ورتب العسكر ميمنة وميسرة وقلبًا، وأطعم الناس الطعام، وأخذ جزءًا من الراحة،,"He organised the army into right wing, left wing and centre and fed the troops before taking a little rest." وركب بين صلاتي الظهر والعصر، وسار إلى لدَّ,Between midday and afternoon prayer times he rode as far as Lydda. ورآها ورأى بيعتها وعِظَم بنائها، فأمر بخرابها وخراب قلعة الرملة،,"He viewed the town and viewed its church and the great size of its construction, then ordered its demolition and also the demolition of the castle at Ramla." فوقع الخراب في الموضعين في ذلك اليوم، وفرق الناس فرقًا لتخريب المكانين،,Work started on both places that day and he divided the troops into two groups to raze both places. وأباح ما فيها من التبن والشعير في الأهراء السلطانية، وأمر من كان فيها من المقيمين بالانتقال إلى المواضع العامرة،,"He allowed people to take what they wanted of the straw and barley in the royal granaries in both, and ordered their residents to move to other populous centres." وما كان بقي في المكانين إلا نفر يسير،,Only a very few persons remained in either place. وظلَّ الناس يخربون إلى أن أمسى المساء،,Our men kept up the destructive work until the evening. ثم عاد إلى خيمته،,He then returned to his tent. وأصبح رابع رمضان، فأقام الحجارين في المكانين، ورتب عليهم من يستنجزهم في ذلك، وهو يتردد عليهم في الأصائل،,"Thursday 4 Ramadan [26 September] dawned and the sultan organised stonemasons in both places and appointed people to oversee their work, while he came frequently in the late afternoon." حتى جاء وقت المغرب فمد الطعام، وأفطر الناس وانفصلوا إلى خيمهم،,"Once the time of sunset prayer came, he spread food and all broke their fast, then retired to their tents." ووقع له أن يسير خفية في نفر يسير يشاهد أحوال القدس،,It occurred to him to go secretly with a small band to observe affairs in Jerusalem (may God facilitate its deliverance). فسار من أول الليل حتى أتى بيت نوبة فبات فيها،,"He set out early in the night and came to Bayt Nuba, where he slept." حتى أتى الصباح، وصلى ثم سار حتى أتى القدس في خامس الشهر،,"In the morning he prayed and then travelled on to Jerusalem, arriving on Friday 5 Ramadan [27 September]." وخلف أخاه في العسكر يحث الناس على الخراب، وأقام ذلك اليوم يتصفح أحوال القدس في عمارته وميرته وعدته ورجاله وغير ذلك،,"He passed the day investigating conditions in Jerusalem, its state of repair, its provisions, its military stores, its garrison and such like." وظفر في ذلك غلمان الطواشي قايماز بنفر من النصارى ومعهم كتب قد كتبها الوالي إلى السلطان قريبة التاريخ يذكر فيها إعواز البلد الغلة والعدة والرجال،,"During that day the servants of the Tawas hl Qaymaz seized a few local Christians, who had on them letters of recent date that the governor had written to the sultan, reporting the city’s lack of grain, equipment and men." وأرادوا حملها إلى العدو,They planned to carry them to the enemy. فوقف على الكتب، وضُربت رقاب كل من كان معهم،,"After he had read the letters, those on whom they were found were executed." وما زال يتصفح أحوال المكان، ويأمر بسد خلله إلى الثامن،,He continued to investigate the local situation and to order shortcomings to be met until Monday 8 Ramadan [30 September]. وخرج سائرًا إلى العسكر بعد صلاة الظهر، فبات في بيت نوبة،,"When Monday had come, all the troops left after the noon prayer and he spent the night at Bayt Nuba." وفي هذا اليوم وصل عز الدين قيصر شاه صاحب ملطية ابن قليج أرسلان وافدًا عليه، مستنصرًا به على إخوته وأبيه، فإنهم كانوا يقصدون أخذ بلده منه،,"This day there arrived Mu‘izz al-Din Qaysar Shah, the lord of Malatiyya and son of Qilij Arslan, as a suppliant, requesting help from the sultan against his brothers and his father, for they were purposing to take his city from him." فلقيه الملك العادل قاطع لدَّ فاحترمه وأكرمه، ثم لقيه الملك الأفضل، وضربت خيمته قريبًا من لدَّ،,"Al-‘Adil met him north of Lydda and received him with honour and respect. Later the sultan’s son al-Afdal met him, after his tent had been pitched near Lydda." وفي ذلك اليوم خرج من العدو الحشاشة، فحمل عليهم اليزك،,On this day enemy foragers ventured out and were attacked by our advanced guard. ووصل الخبر إلى عسكرهم، فخرج إلى نصرتهم خيالة،,Word came to their main force and some cavalry came out to help them. وجرى بينهم وبين اليزك قتال،,A battle between them and our advanced guard ensued. وذكر بعض الأسرى أنه كان معهم الانكتار، وأن مسلمًا قصد طعنه، فحال بينه وبينه إفرنجي، فقتل الإفرنج،,"One of the prisoners said that the king of England was with them, that a Muslim went to lance him, but a Frank interposed his own body and was killed." وجرح هو، هكذا ذكروا. والله أعلم.,"The king himself was wounded. Thus it was reported, but God knows best." ولما كان التاسع وصل — رحمه الله — إلى المعسكر، ولقيه الناس مستبشرين بقدومه،,"When it was Tuesday 9 Ramadan [1 November], the sultan came to the army and was met by the troops, delighted at his return." ولقيه ابن قليج أرسلان،,The son of Qilij Arslan also came to meet him. فنزل له واحترمه وأكرمه، ونزل في خيمته،,The sultan dismounted out of politeness and received him with honour and respect. وأقام يحث الناس على التخريب، وتتواصل أخبار العدو إليه،,"After taking up his quarters again, the sultan continued to encourage the demolition work, while reports about the enemy were constantly coming to him." ويقع بينهم وبين اليزك وقعات، ويسرق العرب من خيولهم ويقاتلهم رجالهم.,"There were clashes between them and our advanced guard, and the Bedouin were snatching some of their horses, mules and men." (١٠٦) ذكر وصول رسول مركيس,Account of the arrival of the envoy of the marquis وفي غضون ذلك وصل رسول المركيس يذكر أنه يصالح الإسلام بشرط أن يُعطى صيدا وبيروت على أن يجاهر الإفرنج بالعداوة، ويقصد عكا ويحاصرها ويأخذها منهم،,"During this time an envoy came from the marquis saying that he would make peace with Islam on condition that he be given Sidon and Beirut in return for showing open hostility to the Franks, marching on Acre, besieging it and taking it from them." واشترط أن يبذل للسلطان اليمين على ذلك ابتداء،,He also stipulated that the sultan should begin by swearing to hold to that. فسير العدل النجيب، وحمله الإجابة إلى ملتمسه لقصد فصله عن الإفرنج،,"The sultan sent back to him the courier al-‘Adil bearing a reply to his request, with the aim of detaching him from the Franks." فإنه كان خبيثًا ملعونًا، وكان قد استشعر منهم أخذ بلده وهي صور،,"He was a wicked, accursed man, who had been apprehensive that the Franks might take his town, that is Tyre, from him." فانحاز عنهم، واستعصم بصور، وهي منيعة، فقال ذلك القول لهذا السبب،,"He therefore withdrew from them and retired behind the defences of Tyre, an impregnable town. This was why his suggestion was accepted." وسار النجيب العدل مع رسوله في الثاني عشر،,The courier al-‘Adil set out with the envoy on Friday 12 Ramadan [4 October]. واشترط عليه أن يبدأ بمجاهرة القوم وحصار عكا وأخذها، وإطلاق من بها وبصور من الأسرى، وعند ذلك يُسلَّم إليه الموضعان.,"The sultan made it a condition that the marquis should first besiege the enemy in Acre, capture the place and set free the prisoners there and in Tyre. Only then would he hand over the two towns to him." وفي عشية ذلك اليوم خرج رسول ملك الانكتار إلى الملك العادل في تحريك سلسلة الحديث في الصلح.,In the evening of that day the envoy of the king of England came out to al-‘Adil to put a series of peace talks in motion. ولما كان الثالث عشر من رمضان رأى السلطان أن يتأخر العسكر إلى الجبل ليتمكن الناس من إنفاذ دوابهم إلى العلوفة، فإنا كنا على الرملة قريبين من العدو، ولا يمكن التفريط في الدواب خشية المهاجمة،,"When Saturday 13 Ramadan arrived [5 October], the sultan decided to withdraw the army to the hills to enable the troops to send their mounts out to pasture, for at Ramla we were close to the enemy and it was not possible to leave the mounts unattended because of the fear of attack." فرحل ونزل على جبل متصل بجبل النطرون بالثقل الكبير، وجمع العساكر ما عدا اليزك على العادة، وذلك بعد خراب الرملة ولدَّ،,"He therefore left and camped on a hill adjacent to the hill of Latrun with the heavy baggage and all the army apart from the advanced units, as is normal. This was after razing Ramla and Lydda." ولما نزل هناك دار حول النطرون، وأمر بخرابها،,After camping there that day he made a tour around Latrun and ordered its demolition. وكانت قلعة منيعة حصينة من القلاع المذكورة، فشرع في خرابها.,It was a strong and well-fortified castle of great renown. A start was made on the demolition. وترددت الرسل بين الملك العادل والانكتار يذكرون أنه قد سلم أمر الصلح إلى الملك العادل، وأخلد إليه،,Envoys went back and forwards between al-‘Adil and the king of England and they reported of the latter that he had entrusted the business of peace talks to al-‘Adil and that he relied on him utterly. وخرج في عشرة أنفس إلى اليزك، فأخبروه بأخبار طيبة، وكتب بها إلى السلطان في السابع عشر،,"Ten men came from the king to the advanced guard to see al-‘Adil and told him some good news, which he passed on to the sultan the evening of Wednesday 17 Ramadan [9 October]." وكان مما أخبره به أخوه أن الملك إفرنسيس مات،,One of the things reported by al-‘Adil was that the king of France had died. وكان موته بأنطاكية عن مرض عرض له،,He died in Antioch from a sickness he contracted. وأن الانكتار عاد إلى عكا،,Another was that the king of England had returned to Acre. وكان سبب عوده أنه صح عنده مراسلة المركيس للسلطان، وبلغه أن المركيس قد انتظم الحال بيننا وبينه، وأنه قد استقرت القاعدة على عكا،,"The reason for this was that he learnt beyond doubt that the marquis had made contact with the sultan, and he heard that an agreement had been arranged between the marquis and us and that the basis of the agreement was Acre." فعاد هو إلى عكا لفسخ هذه المصالحة واسترجاع المركيس إليه،,He therefore returned to Acre to frustrate this alliance and to win the marquis back to his side. فركب السلطان إلى اليزك، واجتمع بأخيه في لدَّ،,the sultan rode out to their position and had a meeting with his brother al-‘Adil at Lydda. وسأله عن الأخبار، وعاد إلى المخيم وقت العصر،,"He questioned him about the latest news and then, at the time for the evening prayer, returned to his encampment." وأُتي باثنين من الإفرنج قد تخطفهم اليزك، فأخبروا بصحة موت الإفرنسيس، وعود الانكتار إلى عكا.,"Two Franks, who had been seized by the advanced guard, were brought to him and they confirmed the truth of the death of the king of France and of the king of England’s return to Acre." (١٠٧) ذكر مسير الملك العادل إلى القدس,Account of al-‘Adil’s journey to Jerusalem and the arrival of news of the death of Qizil ibn Ildekiz ولما كان التاسع عشر اقتضى الحال تفقد القدس، والنظر في عمارته،,On Friday 19 Ramadan [11 October] circumstances demanded an investigation into the state of affairs at Jerusalem and an inspection of its state of repair. وكان الملك العادل قد عاد من اليزك، وعلم بعد مسير مقدمي الإفرنج عنا،,Al-‘Adil had returned from the advanced guard and knew that the forward units of the Franks were far away from us. فرأى أن يكون هو الذي يسير، فسار في هذا اليوم لهذا الغرض.,He therefore decided that he should be the one to travel to Jerusalem and investigate affairs there. He set out that day for that purpose. وفي تاريخ هذا اليوم وصل كتاب من تقي الدين يخبر فيه أن قزل صاحب ديار العجم ابن يلدكز قفز عليه أصحابه فقتلوه،,"On this day’s date a letter arrived from al-Muzaffar TaqI al-Din in which he told that Qizil, the lord of the Persian lands and son of Ildekiz, had been attacked by his own men and killed." وقيل إن ذلك كان من تحت يد زوجته تعصبًا للسلطان طغريل،,It is said that this was done on the orders of his wife in support of the Sultan Tughril. وجرى بسبب قتله خبط عظيم في بلاد العجم، وكان قتله في أوائل شعبان من هذه السنة.,"Because of his murder much disturbance occurred in the Persian lands. According to reports we heard, he was killed early in Sha‘ban of the year 587 [c. 24 August, but God Almighty knows best." ولما كان الحادي والعشرون من رمضان قدم الملك العادل من القدس،,"When it was Sunday 21 Ramadan [13 October], al-‘Adil arrived from Jerusalem a little before the afternoon prayer." وفي هذا التاريخ وصل كتاب من الديوان العزيز النبوي يذكر فيه قصد الملك المظفر تقي الدين خلاط، ويذكر فيه العناية التامة ببكتمر، ويشفع في حسن بن قفجاق والتقدم بإطلاقه،,"At the same date a letter arrived from the August Prophetic Divan disapproving of al-Muzaffar TaqI al-Din’s hostile move against Khilat, manifesting the utmost concern for Baktimur, and interceding for Hasan ibn Qifjaq and ordering his release." وكان قد قبض عليه مظفر الدين بن زين الدين بإربل،,Muzaffar al-Din had arrested him in Irbil. ويتقدم بمسير القاضي الفاضل إلى الديوان لبث حال وفصل أمر،,The letter also commanded that Qadl al-Fadil should proceed to the Divan to settle matters. وسير الكتاب إلى الفاضل ليقف عليه ويكتب إلى تقي الدين.,The letter was sent on to Qadl al-Fadil to be read by him and the contents were communicated to al-Muzaffar. (١٠٨) ذكر أخبار يزك كان على عكا، ولصوص دخلوا في خيام العدو,Information from the advanced guard at Acre and the case of the robbers who entered the enemy’s tents ولما كان الثاني والعشرون أحضر لصوص فرسًا وبغلة قد دخلوا إلى خيم العدو، وسرقوهما،,On Monday 22 Ramadan [14 October] robbers brought a horse and a mule after they had entered the enemy’s camp and stolen them. وكان قد رتب — رحمه الله — ثلاثمائة لص من شلوح العرب يدخلون ويسرقون منهم أموالهم وخيولهم، ويسرقون الرجال أحيانًا،,"The sultan had enrolled 300 robbers from amongst the thieving Bedouin to infiltrate the enemy and steal their property and their horses, and also to carry off men alive." وذلك أنه يكون الواحد منهم نائمًا، فيوضع على حلقه الخنجر،,"That is to say, as one of them was sleeping, a dagger would be held to his throat." ثم يوقظ فيرى الشلح، وقد وضع الخنجر على نحره فيسكت، ولا يتجاسر أن يتكلم,"Awakened, he would see the thief, armed with a dagger which was held at his throat, so he would keep silent and not dare to say a word." فيحمل وهو على هذا الوضع إلى أن يخرج من الخيم، ويؤخذ أسيرًا،,"Carried off in that state away from his tent, he would be made a prisoner." وتكلم منهم جماعة فنحروا، فصار من أصابه ذلك لا يتكلم، واختاروا الأسر على القتل،,"Several of them did speak and had their throats cut, so those who subsequently found themselves in this predicament kept silent and chose to be taken rather than killed." وداموا على ذلك مدة طويلة إلى انتظام الصلح.,This continued for a long time until the signing of the peace. وفي ذلك اليوم وصل من اليزك من أخبر أنهم خرجوا من عكا يتفسحون وأن اليزك حمل عليهم،,He told that the enemy had left Acre and scattered far and wide. فأسر منهم أحدًا وعشرين نفسًا،,Our troops keeping watch had charged and taken twenty-one of them prisoner. وأن الأسرى أخبروهم بصحة عود الانكتار إلى عكا، وأنه مريض بها،,These prisoners told that it was true that the king of England had returned to Acre and that he was ill. وأخبروا عن ضعف أهل عكا وفقرهم وقلة الميرة عندهم،,"They also gave information about the weak state of the people in Acre, their lack of money and provisions." وفي هذا التاريخ وصل للعدو مراكب عدة، قيل إنها وصلت من عكا، وإن فيها الانكتار قد عاد بجماعة عظيمة ليقصد عسقلان ويعمرها,"This same date several enemy ships arrived, which were said to have come from Acre, bringing the king of England who had returned with a large force with the intention of marching to Ascalon and refortifying it." وقيل يقصد القدس. والله أعلم.,"That he intended to march on Jerusalem was also rumoured, but God knows best." ولما كان الرابع والعشرون وصل الأسرى المذكورون من الزيب,"When it was Wednesday 24 Ramadan [16 October], the prisoners came from al-Zib." وكان وصولهم فرحًا للمسلمين مبشرًا بكل خير،,Their arrival was a source of delight to the Muslims and a harbinger of better things. وفيه وصل رسول قزل وكان قد سيره قبل وفاته، ورسول ابن أخيه إيناج، وفي عشيته وصل رسول من الانكتار معه حصان إلى الملك العادل في مقابلة هدية كان أنفذها إليه،,"At the same time an envoy from Qizil arrived, whom he had despatched before his death, and also an envoy from his cousin, Inanj. In the evening of that day an envoy came from the king of England, bringing a horse for al-‘Adil in return for a gift that the latter had sent the king." وفيه وصل خبر وفاة حسام الدين لاجين بدمشق لمرض كان اعتراه،,On the same date news came of Husam al-Din’s death in Damascus from an illness that struck him down. فصعب على السلطان موته، وشق عليه،,The sultan took his death very hard and grieved for him. وفيه وصل كتاب من سامة يذكر فيه أن البرنس أغار على جبلة واللاذقية، وأنه كُسر كسرة عظيمة، وقُتل منه جماعة وعاد إلى أنطاكية.,"There also came a letter from Sama in which it was reported that the Prince [of Antioch] had raided Jabala and Lattakia, and that he suffered a great setback, having many of his men killed. He returned to Antioch chastened." (١٠٩) ذكر رسول الملك العادل إلى الانكتار,al-‘Adil’s envoy visits the king of England ولما كان السادس والعشرون كان اليزك للعادل، فطلب الانكتار رسوله، فأنفذ إليه الصنيعة وهو كاتبه، وكان شابًّا حسنًا،,"On Friday 26 Ramadan [18 October] it fell to al-‘Adil to command the outlying pickets. The king of England asked for his envoy, so al-Sani‘a, al-‘Adil’s secretary and a handsome young man, was sent to him." فوصل إليه وهو في بازور قد خرج في جمع كثير من الرجالة، وانبثوا في تلك الأرض،,"He came to the king at Yazur, after the emergence of a large force of their foot-soldiers who spread over that area." فاجتمع به وسار معه زمنًا طويلًا، وحادثه في معنى الصلح، وقال: لا أرجع عن كلام أتحدث به مع أخي وصديقي — يعني العادل —,"Having met with him, the king kept him for a long time and discussed the matter of peace with him, saying, ‘I will not go back on what I said to my brother and my friend,’ meaning al-‘Adil." وذكر له كلامًا، وعاد وأخبر به،,He mentioned a proposition which the envoy repeated to al-‘Adil after he returned to him. فكتبه الملك العادل في رقعة وأنفذها إلى السلطان،,Al-‘Adil wrote it on a piece of paper and sent it to the sultan. وكان يتضمن أنك تسلم عليه، وتقول له إن المسلمين والإفرنج قد هلكوا، وخربت البلاد، وخرجت من يد الفريقين بالكلية،,"and contained: You will greet him and say, ‘The Muslims and the Franks are done for. The land is ruined, ruined utterly at the hands of both sides." وقد تلفت الأموال والأرواح من الطائفتين، وقد أخذ هذا الأمر حقه،,Property and lives on both sides are destroyed. This matter has received its due. وليس هناك حديث سوى القدس والصليب والبلاد،,"All we have to talk about is Jerusalem, the Holy Cross and these lands." والقدس متعبدنا ما ننزل عنه، ولو لم يبقَ منا إلا واحد.,"Now Jerusalem is the centre of our worship which we shall never renounce, even if there were only one of us left." وأما البلاد فيعاد إلينا ما هو قاطع الأردن،,"As for these lands, let there be restored to us what is this side of the Jordan." وأما الصليب فهو خشبة عندكم لا مقدار له، وهو عندنا عظيم فيمنَّ به السلطان علينا،,"The Holy Cross, that is a piece of wood that has no value for you, but is important for us. Let the sultan bestow it upon us." ونصطلح، ونستريح من هذا التعب،,Then we can make peace and have rest from this constant hardship.’ ولما وقف السلطان على هذه الرسالة استدعى أرباب المشورة في دولته، واستشارهم في الجواب،,After the sultan had read this message he summoned the leading men of his council and consulted them about what to reply. والذي رآه السلطان أن قال: القدس لنا كما هو لكم،,"What the sultan decided to say in reply was: Jerusalem is ours just as much as it is yours." وهو عندنا أعظم مما هو عندكم؛ فإنه مسرى نبينا ومجتمع الملائكة،,"Indeed, for us it is greater than it is for you, for it is where our Prophet came on his Night Journey and the gathering place of the angels." فلا تتصور أن ننزل عنه، ولا نقدر على التفريط بذلك بين المسلمين،,"Let not the king imagine that we shall give it up, for we are unable to breathe a word of that amongst the Muslims." وأما البلاد فهي أيضًا لنا في الأصل,"As for the land, it is also ours originally." واستيلاؤكم كان طارئًا عليها؛ لضَعفِ مَنْ كان فيها من المسلمين في ذلك الوقت،,Your conquest of it was an unexpected accident due to the weakness of the Muslims there at that time. وما يقدركم الله على عمارة حجر منها ما دام الحرب قائمًا،,While the war continues God has not enabled you to build up one stone there. وما في أيدينا منها نأكل بحمد الله مغله وننتفع به،,"From the lands in our hands we, thanks be to God, feed on the produce and draw our benefit." وأما الصليب فهلاكه عندنا قربة عظيمة لا يجوز لنا أن نفرط فيها إلا لمصلحة راجعة إلى الإسلام هي أوفى منها.,"The destruction of the Holy Cross would in our eyes be a great offering to God, but the only reason we are not permitted to go that far is that some more useful benefit might accrue to Islam." وسار هذا الجواب إليه مع الواصل منه.,This reply went back to the king by the hand of his own envoy. (١١٠) ذكر هرب شيركوه بن باخل الكردي من عكا، وكان أسيرًا,"Account of the flight of Shirkuh ibn Bakhil al-Kurdi from Acre, where he was a captive" ولما كان آخر السادس والعشرين وصل شيركوه بن باخل، وهو من جملة الأمراء المأسورين بعكا،,"Towards the end of the day on Friday 26 Ramadan [18 October] Shirkuh ibn Bakhil al-Zarzari, one of the emirs imprisoned in Acre, arrived." وكان من قصته أنه هرب ليلة الحادي والعشرين، وذلك أنه كان ادَّخر له حبلًا في مخدته، وكان الأمير حسن بن باريك ادخر له حبلًا في بيت الطهارة،,"This was his story. He fled on the eve of Sunday 21 Ramadan [13 October], for he had kept a rope hidden in his pillow and the Emir Husayn ibn Bank had also concealed a rope in the privy." واتفقا على الهرب، ونزلا من طاقة كانت في بيت الطهارة،,They agreed to escape and climbed down through a window that was in the privy. وانحدرا من السور الأول وعبر شيركوه من الباشورة أيضًا، وكان ابن باريك حالة نزوله انقطع به الحبل،,"They descended the first wall and Shirkuh also managed to cross the outer wall, but Ibn Bank had his rope break as he was coming down." ونزل شيركوه سليمًا، فرآه وقد تغير من الوقعة، فكلمه فلم يجبه،,"Shirkuh, who had got down safely, saw him injured by the fall. He spoke to him, but there was no answer." وحركه فلم يتحرك، فهزه لعله ينشط فيسير معه فلم يقدر،,"He urged him to move, but he did not stir, then he shook him in the hope that he might revive and come with him, but to no avail." فعلم أنه إذا أقام عنده أُخذا جميعًا؛ فتركه وانصرف،,"He knew that, if he stayed with him, both would be taken, so he left him and went on." واشتد هربًا في قيوده حتى أتى تل العياضية، وقد طلع الصبح فأكمن في الجبل حتى علا النهار، وكسر قيده، وسار وستر الله حتى أتى المعسكر,"He fled with difficulty because of his chains and eventually came to Tell Al-‘ayyadiyya when dawn had arrived. He hid on the slopes until the day was well advanced, broke his chains and, under the protection of God Almighty, carried on until he came to where the army was camped at that time." ومثل بخدمة السلطان، وكان من أخباره أن سيف الدين المشطوب ضيق عليه، وأنه قطع على نفسه قطيعة عظيمة من خيل وبغال وأنواع الأموال، وأن الملك الانكتار أتى عكا، وأخذ كل ماله بها من خدمه ومماليكه وأقمشته، ولم يبقَ له منها شيئًا، وأن فلاحي الجبل يمدونه بالميرة مددًا عظيمًا، وأن طغرل السلحدار أخذ خواص مماليك السلطان، وهربوا قبل هروبه.,"He presented himself before the sultan and amongst what he had to report was that Sayf al-Din al-Mashtub was being closely confined, that he had agreed a great ransom for himself of horses, mules and sundry other property, that the king of England had come to Acre and seized all the servants and mamlukes that al-Mashtub had there and his other chattels, leaving him nothing there, that the peasants of the Mountain were supplying the king copiously with provisions and that Tughril the Sword-bearer, one of the elite mamlukes of the sultan, had managed to escape before Shirkuh himself." (١١١) ذكر رسالة سيرني فيها الملك العادل إلى السلطان مع جماعة من الأمراء,A message which Al-‘Adil sent me to take to the sultan in company with several emirs وذلك أنه لما كان التاسع والعشرون من رمضان استدعاني الملك العادل في صحبته، وأحضر جماعة من الأمراء؛ علم الدين سليمان وسابق الدين وعز الدين بن المقدم، وحسام الدين بشارة، وشرح لنا ما عاد به رسوله من الانكتار من الرسالة والكلام؛,"On Monday 29 Ramadan [21 October] al-‘Adil summoned me during the morning and asked a number of emirs to be present, ‘Alam al-Dm Sulayman, Sabiq al-Din, ‘Izz al-Din ibn al-Muqaddam and Husam al-Din Bishara, and expounded to us the written and oral messages that his envoy had brought back from the king of England." وذلك أنه ذكر أنه قد أراد أن يتزوج الملك العادل بأخت الانكتار، وكان قد استصحبها معه من صقلية، فإنها كانت زوجة صاحبها وقد مات،,"That is to say, he told us that the essential basis of agreement depended on al-‘Adil’s marrying the king of England’s sister, whom he had brought with him from Sicily, for she had been the wife of its ruler, who died." فأخذها أخوها لما اجتاز بصقلية،,Her brother brought her with him when he travelled here via Sicily. فاستقرَّت القاعدة على أن يكون مستقر ملكها بالقدس، وأن أخاها يعطيها بلاد الساحل التي بيده من عكا إلى يافا وعسقلان إلى غير ذلك، ويجعلها ملكة الساحل، ويجعله ملك الساحل،,"It was proposed that he would marry her to al-‘Adil, that the seat of their realm should be in Jerusalem, and that the sultan should give to al-‘Adil all the coastal lands that he held and make him king of the Littoral." ويكون ذلك مضافًا إلى ما في يده من البلاد والأقطاع، وأنه يسلم إليه صليب الصلبوت،,This should be in addition to the lands and fiefs that were in his hands. The Holy Cross should be handed over to him. وتكون القرى للداوية والاسبتار، والحصون لهما، وأسرانا تُفك وكذلك أسراهم،,The villages would belong to the Templars and the Hospitallers while the castles would be held by the married pair and our prisoners would be released as would theirs. وأن الصلح يستقر على هذه القاعدة، ويرحل الانكتار طالبًا بلاده في البحر، وينفصل الأمر.,"It was proposed that this should be the basis for a peace settlement and that the king of England should depart, making his way home over the sea, and the matter be concluded." هكذا ذكر رسول العادل عن الانكتار،,This is what the king had said as al-‘Adil’s envoy reported it. ولما عرف ذلك العادل بنى عليه أن استحضرنا عنده، وحملنا هذه الرسالة إلى السلطان، وجعلني المتكلم فيها والجماعة يسمعون،,"Having learnt of this, al-‘Adil took the matter forward, summoned us to his presence and entrusted us with this message to the sultan. He appointed me the spokesman, while the others were just to listen." ونعرض عليه هذا الحديث فإن استصوبه ورآه مصلحة للمسلمين شهدنا عليه بالإذن في ذلك والرضا به،,"When this proposition was presented to him, if he approved of it and saw it to be to the benefit of himself and the Muslims, we were to be witnesses that he gave permission for it and approved it." وأن أباه شهدنا عليه أن الحال في الصلح قد انتهى إلى هذه الغاية، وأنه هو الذي رأى إبطاله،,"If he rejected it, we were to bear witness that the peace talks had reached this final point and that he was the one who thought they should be stopped." فلما مثلنا بالخدمة السلطانية عرضت عليه الحديث، وتلونا عليه الرسالة بمحضر من الجماعة المذكورين،,"When we presented ourselves before the sultan, I set forth the proposal and read the missive to him in the presence of the company mentioned above." فبادر إلى الرضا بهذه القاعدة معتقدًا أن الانكتار لا يوافق على ذلك أصلًا، فإن هذه منه مكر وهزل،,"He hastened to express approval of these terms, believing that the king of England would not agree to them at all and that it was intended to mock and deceive him." فكررت عليه الرضا بذلك ثلاث مرات، وهو يقول: نعم. ويفرح ويشهد على نفسه به،,"Three times I repeated my statement that he gave his approval, while he was quite plain about it and gave his testimony that he accepted it." فلما تحققنا منه ذلك عدنا إلى الملك العادل، فعرفناه بما قال،,Having verified this we returned to al-‘Adil and informed him of what the sultan had said. وعرَّفه الجماعة أني كررت عليه الحديث في تقييد الشهادة عليه، وأنه أصر على الإذن في ذلك، واستقرَّت القاعدة عليه.,The company told him that I had repeated the proposal to the sultan when confirming his testimony and that he was adamant that he gave permission for it. Thus these terms were settled. (١١٢) ذكر عود الرسول إلى الانكتار بالجواب عن هذه الرسالة,The envoy’s return to the king of England with the reply to this missive ولما كان ثاني شوال سار ابن النحال رسولًا من جانب السلطان ومن جانب الملك العادل،,"When it was Wednesday 2 Shawwal [23 October], [al-Sani‘a] Ibn al-Nahhal went as an envoy on behalf of the sultan and of al-‘Adil." فلما وصل إلى مخيم العدو وأنفذ من عرف الملك بقدومه أنفذ إليه من قال له إن الملكة عرض عليها أخوها النكاح فسخطت من ذلك، وغضبت بسببه،,"When he had reached the enemy’s camp and sent to inform the king of his arrival, he was sent news that the royal lady had been presented with the marriage plan by her brother and it made her very displeased and angry." وأنكرت ذلك إنكارًا عظيمًا، وحلفت بدينها المغلظ من يمينها أنها لا تفعل ذلك،,"Indeed, she rejected it utterly and swore by her religion with the most binding of oaths that she would not consent." وكيف تمكن مسلمًا من غشيانها،,How could she possibly allow a Muslim to have carnal knowledge of her! ثم قال أخوها: إن الملك العادل يتنصر، وأنا أتمم ذلك. وترك باب الكلام مفتوحًا.,"Her brother then proposed, ‘If al-‘Adil becomes a Christian, I will finish the business. If she is willing, I will do it.’ He left the door for negotiations open." ولما عاد رسوله إليه بذلك، كتب إلى السلطان يعرفه به,Al-‘Adil wrote again to the sultan with the latest information. ولما كان خامس شوال وصل الخبر أن الأسطول الإسلامي استولى على مراكب الإفرنج، وفيها مركب يعرف بالسطح,"On Saturday 5 Shawwal [26 October] news came that the Muslim fleet had captured some Frankish ships, amongst which was the ship known as ‘the Armoured’." قيل إنه كان فيه خمسمائة نفر وزائد على ذلك، وأنه قُتل منهم خلق عظيم، واستُبقي منهم أربعة مذكورون،,"It is said that it held 500 men or even more than that, of whom a great number were killed. Our men spared four great persons of note." وسر المسلمون بذلك، وضربت بشائر النصر، ونعق بوق الظفر. فلله الحمد والمنة.,This greatly cheered the Muslims and victory drums were beaten and trumpets brayed. To God belong all praise and blessing. ولما كان سادس شوال جمع السلطان أكابر الأمراء وأرباب الآراء من دولته وشاورهم كيف يصنع إن خرج العدو،,The sultan assembled the great emirs and his councillors of state on Sunday 6 Shawwal [27 October] and consulted them about what to do if the enemy marched forth. وكان قد تواصلت الأخبار عنهم أنهم قد اتفقوا على الخروج إلى العسكر الإسلامي،,Various reports had been coming in that they had agreed to take the field to engage the Muslim army. فانفصل الرأي بين ذوي الآراء على أنهم يقيمون بمنزلتهم بعد تخفيف الأثقال،,The decision was made among the wise heads of the Muslims that they should remain in their position after reducing the size of the baggage-train. فإن خرج الإفرنج كانوا على لقائهم.,"Then, if the Franks marched out, they would be ready to meet them." وفي عشية ذلك اليوم استأمن من الإفرنج اثنان على فرسين، وأخبرا أن العدو على عزم الخروج، وأنهم زهاء عشرة آلاف فارس،,"During the evening that day two Franks on horseback deserted to us and told that the enemy were intending to move out on Tuesday and that they numbered about 10,000 mounted men." وذكرا أنهم لا يعرفون قصدهم،,It was said that the Franks did not know their destination. وهرب أسير مسلم من جانبهم، وأخبر أنهم قد أظهروا الخروج إلى الرملة، ثم فيها يتفقون على موضع يقصدونه،,A Muslim prisoner escaped from them and reported that they had announced a march to Ramla and they would decide there which place to make for. ولما تحقق السلطان أمر الجاويش أن ينادي في العسكر حتى يتجهز جريدة،,"Having learnt this, the sultan ordered the herald to proclaim that the army should prepare to move with light baggage only." وشُدت الرايات، واتفق على أنه يقف قبالة القوم إن خرجوا،,Our banners were raised and it was clear that he intended to stand and face the enemy if they marched out. وسار في السابع مؤيدًا منصورًا حتى أتى قبلي كنيسة الرملة ليلًا، فخيم هناك ليلته.,"On the Monday [28 October] he set out (strengthened by God and victorious with God’s help) and came by night just south of the church at Ramla, where he camped and spent the night." (١١٣) ذكر خروج الإفرنج من يافا,The Franks march out from Jaffa ولما كانت صبيحة الثامن رتب الأبطال للقتال، وسلم اليزك للملك العادل، وتبعه من يريد من الغزاة، وكان قد وصل جماعة من الروم يريدون الغزاة، فخرجوا في جملة من خرج،,On the morning of Tuesday 8 Shawwal [29 October] he drew up the divisions for battle and entrusted the advanced guard to al-‘Adil. Those who were eager to fight for the Faith followed him. A number of people from Anatolia had arrived with that purpose and went forward as a body. فلما وصلوا إلى خيام الإفرنج هجم عليهم المماليك السلطانية لقوة جأشهم وأنسهم بقتالهم وثقتهم بمراكبهم، ورموا عليهم النشاب،,"When they reached the Franks’ tents, the royal mamlukes charged for they had great courage, familiarity with the enemy’s manner of fighting and confidence in their mounts and their equipment, and they loosed flights of arrows at them." فرآهم الغزاة والواصلون من الروم، فاغتروا بإقدامهم، ووافقوهم في فعلهم،,The volunteer warriors and the arrivals from Anatolia watched them and were led astray by their bold attack. They tried to match what they did. وقاربوا عسكر العدو، فلما رأى الإفرنج تلك المضايقة والمنازلة ثارت هممهم وحركتهم نخوتهم،,"They drew close to the enemy force and when the Franks saw how they pressed closely on them, their spirits bridled and their pride roused them to action." فركبوا من داخل الخيام، وصاحوا صيحة الرجل الواحد، وحملوا في جمع كثير،,"They rode out from amongst their tents, gave a great shout as one man and charged in a large body." فنجا من سبق به جواده وقُدر في القدم نجاته،,The Muslims that survived were those whose mounts carried them away from their pursuers or whose survival had been decreed in pre-existence. وظفروا بجماعة فقتل منهم ثلاثة نفر،,"Several were seized, of whom three persons, as it was said, were killed." ونقلوا خيامهم إلى بازور، وأقام السلطان في تلك الليلة بمنزلته إلى الصباح.,The enemy transported their tents to Yazur and the sultan remained through that night until the morning in what had been their position. (١١٤) ذكر وفاة تقي الدين الملك المظفر,Account of the death of al-Muzaffar ولما كان الحادي عشر ركب السلطان إلى جهة العدو، فأشرف عليهم ثم عاد،,"The sultan rode out towards the enemy on Friday 11 Shawwal [1 November], viewed them and then returned." وأمرني بالإشارة إلى أخيه بأن يحضر معه علم الدين سليمان، وسابق الدين، وعز الدين بن المقدم،,"He commanded me to request his brother al-‘Adil to wait upon him along with ‘Alam al-Din Sulayman ibn Jandar, Sabiq al-Din ibn al-Daya and ‘Izz al-Din ibn al-Muqaddam." فلما مثل الجماعة بين يديه أمر خادمًا أن يخلي المكان عن غير الحاضرين،,"When this group appeared before him, he ordered a servant to clear from his presence all but those he had summoned." وكنت في جملتهم، وأمره بإبعاد الناس عن الخيمة،,I was one of the latter. He ordered everyone to be removed far from the tent. ثم أخرج كتابًا من قباه وفضه ووقف عليه،,"Then he drew a letter from his gown, broke the seal and read it." وبدت دموعه، وغلبه البكاء والنحيب حتى وافقناه من غير أن نعلم السبب ما هو،,"Tears started to his eyes and he was overcome by his weeping and his wailing, so that we joined in without knowing what the reason was." وفي أثناء ذلك ذكر أنه يتضمن وفاة الملك المظفر، فأخذ الجماعة في البكاء حتى أتوا بوظيفته،,During all this he told us that the letter was about the death of al-Muzaffar and then the assembled company took to weeping all the tears that were due to him. ثم ذكرته الله — تعالى — وانتهاء قضائه وقدره،,"Later, I urged the sultan to think of God and that His decree and will must be fulfilled." فقال: أستغفر الله، إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون.,"He said, ‘God forgive me. “To God do we belong and to Him do we return.’”" ثم قال: المصلحة كتم ذلك وإخفاؤه؛ لئلا يتصل بالعدو ونحن ننازله.,"Then he went on, ‘The best course is to conceal this and keep it secret, lest it is communicated to the enemy, while we are in close contact with them.’" ثم أُحضر الطعام، فأكل الجماعة وانفصلوا،,He then summoned food and the company ate and dispersed. وكان الكتاب الواصل المتضمن نعيه هو غير الكتاب الواصل إلى حماة بنعيه في طي كتاب وصل من النائب بها،,The letter that came containing news of his death was not the letter reporting his demise that came to Hama and was forwarded enclosed in a letter from the viceroy there. وكانت وفاته بطريق خلاط عائدًا إلى ميافارقين،,Al-Muzaffar died on the Khilat road when returning to Mayyafariqin. فحُمل ميتًا إلى ميافارقين، ثم عُملت له تربة عليها مدرسة مشهورة بأرض حماة,"His corpse was carried to Mayyafariqin, but later a tomb was built for him in a famous madrasa in the territory of Hama." وحُمل إليها، وزرت ضريحه، وكانت وفاته تاسع عشر رمضان سنة سبعة وثمانين.,He was taken there to be buried and I have visited his grave (God’s mercy be upon him). He died on Friday 19 Ramadan 587 [11 October. (١١٥) ذكر كتاب وصل من بغداد,Account of a letter that arrived from Baghdad ولما كان الثاني عشر من شوال وصل من دمشق كتاب من النواب بها في طيه كتاب من بغداد من الديوان العزيز النبوي — مجده الله — يتضمن فصولًا ثلاثة؛,"On Saturday 12 Shawwal [2 November] a letter came from Damascus from the deputies there, enclosing a letter sent by the August Prophetic Divan in Baghdad (may God extol it), which contained three sections." الأول: الإنكار على الملك المظفر في مسيره إلى بكتمر، وبولغ فيه حتى قيل إن الديوان العزيز لا يسلمه.,"The first expressed disapproval of al-Muzaffar for his campaign against Baktimur and made much of this, so much so that it was said that the August Divan offered him no greeting." والفصل الثاني يتضمن الإنكار على مظفر الدين في إمساك حسن بن قفجاق، والأمر بإعادته إلى الكرخاني,The second section contained disapproval of Muzaffar al-Din for his seizure of Hasan ibn Qifjaq and a command to restore him to al-Karkhani. وبولغ فيه، حتى قيل إن الديوان العزيز لم يأذن لغيره في سكناها.,"Again this was greatly stressed, to the extent that it was said, ‘The August Divan has not given permission for anyone else to dwell there.’" وكانت قصة حسن بن قفجاق أنه قصد أرمية إلى السلطان طغريل، فإنه كان قد نزل به في معونته لما هرب من ديار العجم، واستنصر به، وتزوج أخته،,"Hasan ibn Qifjaq’s story is as follows. He set out for Urmiyya with Sultan Tughril, for the latter stayed with him in his tents after he fled from Persian lands, sought his help and married his sister." ووقع في ذهنه أنه يكون أتابكه، ويملك به البلاد،,It occurred to Hasan that he might become his regent-guardian and use him to conquer territory. فقصد أرمية، فقتل أهلها على ما قيل، وسبى نساءهم وذراريهم، وتعرض للقوافل، وكانت معقلة الكرخاني،,"They therefore attacked Urmiyya, where, as is reported, Hasan killed the inhabitants, enslaved the women and children and waylaid caravans. His fortress was al-Karkhanl." فلما وجد السلطان طغريل قوته تركه وانصرف عنه، وعاد إلى بلاده، وأظهر الفساد في الأرض والتعرض للقوافل على ما قيل،,"When the Sultan Tughril found how powerful he was, he left him and went away, while Hasan returned to his lands, openly pursued his wicked career and preyed on caravans, according to reports." فاستعطفه مظفر الدين صاحب إربل، حتى عاد إليه، وانخرط في سلك أصحابه، وقبض عليه،,"Muzaffar al-Din, the lord of Irbil, courted him and in the end Hasan returned to him and joined the ranks of his followers, but Muzaffar al-Din arrested him." وأنفذ إلى الديوان العزيز ذلك، وفي معناه استيلاء مظفر الدين على بلاده، ولعله تشفع إلى الديوان، فاقتضت عاطفته ذلك في حقه،,The August Divan sent this message concerning Hasan because of Muzaffar al-Din’s seizure of his lands and the possibility that Hasan might seek the intercession of the Divan. Partiality for him demanded that this be done on his behalf. وأما الفصل الثالث فكان يتضمن التقدم بإحضار القاضي الفاضل في الديوان رسولًا لتقرر عليه قواعد ويسر إليه أسباب،,"As for the third section, it contained a command to dispatch Qadi al-Fadil to the August Divan as an envoy to settle certain fundamental matters and set out certain explanations." هكذا كان مضمون الكتاب،,These were the contents of the letter and in answer to it وأما الجواب عنه فإن السلطان أجاب عن الفصل الأول بأنا لم نأمره بشيء من ذلك، وإنما عبر ليجمع العساكر ويعود إلى الجهاد، فاتفقت أسباب اقتضت ذلك، وقد أمرناه بالعود،,"the sultan replied, with reference to the first section, ‘We did not give orders for any of this. Al-Muzaffar crossed [the Euphrates] only in order to gather troops and to return to the Jihad. Certain factors occurred which necessitated all of this, but we had ordered him to withdraw.’" وأما الفصل الثاني فأجاب عنه بأن عرفهم حال ابن قفجاق وما تصدى له من الفساد في الأرض، وأنه قد تقدم إلى مظفر الدين حتى يحضره معه إلى الشام فيقطعه فيه، ويكون ملازمًا للجهاد.,"As for the second section, his answer was that he had alerted them to what Ibn Qifjaq was doing and the iniquities that he perpetrated throughout the land and he had ordered Muzaffar al-Din to bring him with him to Syria, where he would be given a fief and could devote himself to the Jihad." وأما الفصل الثالث فإنه اعتذر عن القاضي الفاضل بأنه كثير الأمراض، وقوته تضعف عن الحركة إلى العراق، فهذا كان حاصل الجواب.,"His reply to the third section was that he apologised on behalf of Qadi al-Fadil, that he had many illnesses and he was too weak in body to journey to Iraq. Such was the gist of his reply." (١١٦) ذكر وصول صاحب صيدا رسولًا من جانب المركيس,The arrival of the lord of Sidon as an envoy from the marquis ولما كان ثالث عشر شوال وصل من أخبر بوصول صاحب صيدا من جانب المركيس صاحب صور،,"On Tuesday 15 Shawwal [5 November] a messenger came to report the arrival of the lord of Sidon on behalf of the marquis, lord of Tyre." وكان قد جرى بيننا وبينه أحاديث مترددة، حاصلها أنهم ينقطعون عن الإفرنج ونصرتهم ويصيرون معنا عليهم بناءً على فتنة كانت جرت للمركيس مع الملوك بسبب امرأة تزوجها كانت زوجة لأخي الملك جفري، وقبح نكاحها بأمر اقتضاه دينهم،,"A whole series of talks had taken place between us and his men, the upshot of which was that they cut off their support for the Franks and joined us against them, all based on a discord that arose between the marquis and the other princes because of a woman he married who had been the wife of the brother of King Guy, and whose marriage was dissolved through something that their religion necessitated." فاضطربت آراؤهم فيه، فخاف المركيس على نفسه، فأخذ زوجته وهرب تحت الليل إلى صور، وأخلد إلى السلطان والاعتضاد به،,"Concerning this there was a great confusion of opinions. The marquis feared for his life, took his wife and fled under cover of night to Tyre. He relied on the sultan and his support for him." وكان في ذلك مصلحة للمسلمين لانقطاع المركيس عن الإفرنج، فإنه كان أشدهم بأسًا، وأعظمهم للحرب مراسًا، وأثبتهم في التدبير أساسًا،,"In all this there was much advantage for the Muslims, because of the marquis’s break with the Franks, for he was one of their doughtiest, their most experienced in warfare and their most soundly based in counsel." وحيث اتصل خبر وصول هذا الرسول بالسلطان أمر بإجلاله واحترامه،,"When news of the arrival of this envoy reached the sultan, he ordered that he be treated with honour and respect." فضُربت خيمة وضرب حولها شقة، ووضع فيها من الطرح والفرش ما يليق بعظمائهم وملوكهم،,"A tent was pitched, around which a screen was set up, and in it were placed such cushions and furnishings as were fit for their nobles and princes." وأمر بإنزاله في الثقل يستريح ثم يجتمع به.,The sultan ordered that he be lodged at the baggagetrain to rest and then brought to meet him. (١١٧) ذكر واقعة الكمين الذي استشهد فيه إياس المهراني,Account of the ambush in which Ayaz al-Mihrani met a martyr’s death ولما كان سادس عشر شوال أمر السلطان الحلقة أن كمنت للعدو في بطون أودية هناك،,On the 16 Shawwal [6 November] the sultan ordered the Royal Guard to set an ambush for the enemy in the bottoms of some valleys there. واستصحبوا جماعة من العرب،,They took with them a group of Bedouin. فلما استقر الكمين في موضعه ظهرت العرب على جاري عادتها في مناوشتها العدو،,"When the ambush was in place, the Bedouin showed themselves in their customary way when they engage the enemy." وكان العدو تخرج منه جماعة للاحتشاش والاحتطاب قريبًا من مخيمه تضرب العرب،,Several of the enemy had been venturing out to gather fodder and fire-wood near to their camp. وتضرب العرب عليهم، فضربوا عليهم،,The Bedouin caught sight of them and shot at them. ووقع الحرب بينهم، وثار الصياح وسمع العدو، فركب منهم جمع من الخيالة، وطلبوا جهة العرب،,"A battle ensued and a great clamour arose, which the Franks heard and so a group of their cavalry rode out, making for where the noise came from." فانهزم العرب بين أيديهم إلى جهة الكمين والعدو يتبعهم طمعًا حتى قاربوا الكمين،,"The Bedouin withdrew in the direction of the ambush, while the enemy followed them, eager to catch them, until they drew near the ambush." فخرج الكمين عليهم، وصاحوا بهم صيحة الرجل الواحد، فانهزموا بين أيديهم نحو خيامهم،,The hidden troops emerged and gave them one great shout. The enemy fled back towards their tents. واتصل الخبر بالعدو، فركب منهم خلق عظيم، وقصدوا نحو الوقعة والتحم القتال، واشتد الأمر،,"News of this spread amongst the enemy force and a huge number of them rode out and made towards the battle, which raged and became very intense." وقُتل جمع من الطائفتين، وأُسر وجُرح جمع من العدو، وأُخذ منهم خيل كثيرة،,"On both sides several were killed or wounded, and several of the enemy were taken prisoner and many horses taken from them." وكان سبب انفصال الحرب أن السلطان أحس بهذه الوقعة،,The reason why the battle was broken off was that the sultan took into account such a turn of events. فأنفذ أمراء أخر؛ أسلم وسيف الدين يازكج، ومن يجري مجراهما ردءًا للمسلمين،,"He sent the Master of the Horse, Aslam, Sayf al-Din Yazkuj and their like as reserve support for the ambushing force." وقال: إذا رأيتم الغلبة على الكمين فاظهروا،,"He said, ‘If you see that the ambushers are being overwhelmed, take the field.’" فلما رأوا الكثرة من جانب العدو خرجوا بخيلهم ورجلهم،,"When they saw the great number on the enemy’s side, they moved to engage them with cavalry and infantry." ولما رأى العدو الأطلاب الإسلامية قد صوبت نحوه أعنة خيلها ولوا الأدبار نحو خيامهم، والسيف يعمل في أقفيتهم,"Seeing that the Muslim divisions had turned the reins of their horses towards them, the enemy retreated in the direction of their tents, with the sword in action on their backs." حتى دخلوا الخيام، وانفصل الحرب قبيل الظهر،,"Once they had reached their tents, the battle concluded a little before the noon prayer on Wednesday 16 Shawwal [6 November]." وكان السلطان قد ركب متشوفًا أخبار الكمين،,The sultan had ridden out to seek news of the ambush. وكنت في خدمته، وكان أول من دخل من الوقعة، ووصل جماعة العرب ومعهم خمس رءوس من الخيل قد أخذوها، وانفصلوا قبل انفصال الحرب،,"I was attending him. The first to return from the battle were a group of Bedouin, who had with them five horses they had taken in the battle but who had left the field before the conclusion." وما زالت الطلائع تتواتر، والبشائر تتواصل، وقتل من العدو زهاء ستين نفرًا،,"Subsequently scouts and messengers kept on coming one after the other. In the battle, according to report, about sixty of the enemy were killed." وجرح من المسلمين جماعة منهم إياس المهراني وكان شجاعًا معروفًا، وجاولي غلام القيدي،,"Several Muslims were wounded and several men of note on the Muslim side were killed, among them, Ayaz al-Mihrani, who was a man of known bravery, and Jawuli, the mamluke of al-Ghaydi." وأُسر من العدو فارسان معروفان، واستأمن اثنان بخيولهما وعدتهما،,"Two of the enemy’s knights, men of standing, were captured and two deserted to our side with their horses and equipment." وعاد السلطان إلى خيمته فرحًا مسرورًا معوضًا من قتل فرسه، متلطفًا بالجريح، مترحمًا على الشهيد.,"The sultan returned to his tent in a happy and delighted state, giving replacement horses to those who had lost theirs, showing great consideration for the wounded and compassion for the dead." وفي بقية هذا اليوم وصل رسول الانكتار إلى الملك العادل بعتبه على الكمين ويطلب الاجتماع به.,"During what was left of the day the envoy of the king of England came to al-‘Adil, finding fault with him for the ambush and seeking a meeting." (١١٨) ذكر ما جرى للملك العادل والانكتار واجتماعهما,Account of what occurred between al-‘Adil and the king of England at their meeting ولما كان الثامن عشر سار الملك العادل إلى اليزك، وضربت له قبة عظيمة،,"On Friday 18 Shawwal [8 November] al-‘Adil went to the advanced guard, where a large reception tent was pitched for him." وسار ومعه من الأطعمة والحلاوات والتجملات والتحف ما جرت العادة أن يُحمل من ملك إلى ملك،,"He took with him such foods, luxuries and presents as are customarily brought by one prince to another." وهو إذا تجمل في ذلك لا يُغلب،,"When he acted with magnificence in such a manner, he was not the man to be outshone." وسار الانكتار إلى خيمته، وحضر عنده، فاحترمه احترامًا عظيمًا،,The king of England came to see him in his tent and was treated with great respect. ووصل مع الانكتار إلى خيمته، وأحضر من طعامهم الذي يختصون به ما أتحف به الملك العادل على وجه المطايبة، فتناول منه الملك العادل، وتناول هو وأصحابه الواصلون معه من طعام الملك العادل، وتحادثا معظم ذلك النهار،,"With the king came some of the food that is peculiarly theirs. By way of being pleasant the king offered some to al-‘Adil, who took some of it, while the king and the men who accompanied him partook of al-‘Adil’s food. The latter presented what he had brought and the two of them conversed for the greater part of the day." وتفاصلا على تواد ومحبة أكيدة.,They parted in amity and good spirits as firm friends. (١١٩) ذكر الرسالة التي أنفذها الانكتار إلى السلطان,Concerning the letter that the king of England sent to the sultan about a meeting and the reply it received وفي ذلك اليوم سأل الانكتار الملك العادل أن يلتمس من السلطان الاجتماع به والمثول بين يديه،,That same day the king asked al-‘Adil to request a direct meeting with the sultan for him. ولما وصلت هذه الرسالة شاور السلطان الجماعة في الجواب،,"When this communication arrived, the sultan consulted several people about a reply." فما منهم من وقع له ما وقع للسلطان؛ وذلك أنه قال: الملوك إذا اجتمعوا يقبح منهم المخاصمة بعد ذلك،,"Not one of them had the same reaction as the sultan, who made this reply, ‘When princes meet, their subsequent enmity is disgraceful." فإذا انقطع أمر حسن الاجتماع، والاجتماع لا يكون إلا لمفاوضة في مهم، وأنا لا أفهم بلسانك وأنت لا تفهم بلساني،,"When something is arranged, then it is good to meet. Any meeting would only be to discuss important business, but I do not understand your language and you do not understand mine." ولا بد من ترجمان بيننا نثق أنا وأنت به، فليكن ذلك الترجمان رسولًا حتى يستقر أمر وتستتب قاعدة،,"Someone to interpret for us both, one whom you trust and I trust, is essential, so let that interpreter be an envoy until something is settled and a firm basis established." وعند ذلك يكون الاجتماع الذي يعقبه الوداد والمحبة.,At that point there can be a meeting which will be followed by friendship and love.’ قال الرسول: ولما سمع الانكتار هذا الجواب استعظمه وعلم أنه لا يقدر على بلوغ غرض إلا بالدخول تحت المراضي السلطانية.,"The envoy said, ‘When the king of England heard that, he fully appreciated its significance and realised that he could only achieve any aim by adapting to what would satisfy the sultan." (١٢٠) ذكر حضور صاحب صيدا بين يدي السلطان,"The lord of Sidon comes before the sultan, delivers a message and discusses his mission" ولما كان التاسع عشر جلس السلطان واستحضر صاحب صيدا لسماع رسالته وكلامه،,"When it was Saturday 19 Shawwal [9 November], the sultan held a session to receive the lord of Sidon to hear his message and what he had to say." فحضر وحضر معه جماعة وصلوا معه،,He presented himself with several others who came with him. وكنت حاضر المجلس، فأكرمه إكرامًا عظيمًا،,I was present at the reception when the sultan showed him great honour. وحادثهم وقدم بين أيديهم ما جرت به العادة،,He conversed with them and offered what was customary. ولما فرغ الطعام خلا بهم،,"When the food had been taken away, he went into private session with them." وكان حديثهم في أن السلطان يصالح المركيس صاحب صور،,"What they had to say was that the sultan should make peace with the marquis, the lord of Tyre." وكان قد انضم إليه جماعة من أكابر الإفرنجية منهم صاحب صيدا وغيره من المعروفين — وقد سبقت قصته —,"Several Frankish nobles had joined his ranks, such as the lord of Sidon and other men of note. His situation has already been mentioned." وكان من شروط الصلح معه إظهار عداوة الإفرنج البحرية،,Our condition for making peace with him was that he should show open hostility to the Franks from overseas. وكان سبب ذلك شدة خوفه منهم، وواقعة وقعت له معهم بسبب الزوجة،,The reason behind all this was his serious fear of them and the dispute he had fallen into with them because of his wife. وبذل له السلطان الموافقة على شروط قصد بها الإيقاع بينهم، وأن يقتل بعضهم بعضًا،,The sultan offered agreement on certain conditions by which he aimed to cause dissension amongst them and that some of them should suffer a reverse. فلما سمع السلطان حديثه وعد أن يرد عليه الجواب فيما بعد، وانصرف عنه في ذلك اليوم.,"When the sultan had heard his mission, he promised him to give him a reply at a later time. This same day the lord of Sidon departed." (١٢١) ذكر وصول رسول الانكتار وهو ابن الهنغري وهو من أكابرهم وملوكهم ومن أولاد ملوكهم,"Account of the arrival of the king of England’s envoy The evening of this same day the king of England’s envoy" وصل وفي صحبته شيخ كبير ذكروا أن عمره مائة وعشرون سنة،,"arrived, namely, the son of Humfrey, one of their nobles, a lord and son of a lord. He came on a mission, with one of their important elders in his retinue, who was said to be 120 years old." فأحضره السلطان عنده، وسمع كلامه، وكانت رسالته: إن الملك يقول: إني أحب صداقتك ومودتك،,"The sultan summoned Humfrey’s son into his presence and heard his message, which was that the king says, ‘I wish for your friendship and love." وإنك ذكرت أنك أعطيت هذه البلاد الساحلية لأخيك،,You have said that you have granted these coastal lands to your brother. فأريد أن تكون حكمًا بيني وبينه،,I want you to be an arbitrator between him and me and to divide the lands between him and me. ولا بد أن يكون لنا علقة بالقدس الشريف،,It is essential that we have some hold on Jerusalem. ومقصودي أن نقسم بحيث لا يكون عليه لوم من المسلمين، ولا عليَّ لوم من الإفرنجية.,My aim is that you divide the land in such a way that there should be no blame on him from the Muslims and none on me from the Franks.’ فأجابه في الحال بوعدٍ جميل، ثم أذن له في العود في الحال، وتأثر بذلك تأثرًا عظيمًا،,The sultan immediately replied with fair promises and gave them leave to depart directly. They were greatly impressed by this. وأنفذ وراءهم من سألهم عن حديث الأسارى، وكان منفصلًا عن حديث الصلح،,"The sultan sent after them people who enquired into the question of prisoners, for it was separate from the peace talks." فقال: إن كان صلح فعلى الجميع، وإن لم يكن صلح فلا يكون من حديث الأسارى شيء،,"They said, ‘If there is peace, it will cover all. If there is no peace, then there will be no talk at all about prisoners.’" وكان غرضه — رحمه الله — أن يفسخ قاعدة الصلح، فإنه التفت إليَّ في آخر المجلس بعد انفصالهم، وقال: متى ما صالحناهم لا تؤمن من غائلتهم،,"The sultan’s aim was to undermine the peace talks, for he turned to me at the end of the session after they had departed and said to me, ‘If and when we make peace with them, we cannot be sure they will not be a danger to us." فإنني لو حدث بي حادث الموت ما تكاد تجتمع هذه العساكر، وتقوي الإفرنج، فالمصلحة أن لا نزال على الجهاد حتى نخرجهم من الساحل أو يأتينا الموت.,"If death should happen to strike me down, these forces are hardly likely to assemble again and the Franks will grow strong. Our best course is to keep on with the Jihad until we expel them from the coast or die ourselves.’" هذا كان رأيه — قدس الله روحه — وإنما غلب على الصلح.,This was his own view and it was only against his will that he was persuaded to make peace. (١٢٢) ذكر مشورة ضربها في التخيير بين الصلحين بين الانكتار والمركيس,"The council he held to choose between the peace alternatives, peace with the king or peace with the marquis, lord of Tyre" ولما كان حادي عشر شوال جمع السلطان الأمراء والأكابر وأرباب المشورة، وذكر لهم القاعدة التي التمسها المركيس، واستقر الأمر من جانبه عليها، وهي أخذ صيدا، وأن يكون معنا على الإفرنج، ويقاتلهم ويجاهرهم بالعدوان،,"On Monday 21 Shawwal [11 November] the sultan gathered the emirs, magnates and councillors and told them of the treaty that the marquis sought and the terms fixed on by him, namely, that he take over Sidon and cooperate with us against the Franks, fighting them and being overtly hostile." وذكر ما التمسه الملك من تقرير قاعدة الصلح، وهي أن تكون لنا من القرى الساحلية مواضع معينة، وتكون لنا الجبليات بأسرها أو تكون القرى كلها مناصفة،,"He also told them what the king demanded to conclude a treaty of peace, that is, that he should have specified places amongst the settlements on the coastal plain and that we should have the uplands in their entirety or that all settlements should be held in condominium." وعلى هذين القسمين يكون لهم قسوس في بيع القدس الشريف وكنائسه، وكان الانكتار قد خيرنا بين هذين القسمين،,Under either division they should have priests in the shrines and churches of Jerusalem. The king had given us the choice between the two divisions. فشرح — قدس الله روحه — الحال في القاعدتين للأمراء، واستنبط آراءهم في ترجيح أحد الحالين الانكتار والمركيس وترجيح أحد القسمين المذكورين من جانب الملك،,"The sultan now explained to the emirs the position concerning the two proposals of peace and solicited their opinions about which side they inclined to, the king of England or the marquis, and which of the two divisions put forward by the king they preferred." فرأى أرباب الرأي أنه إن كان صلح فليكن مع الملك، فإن مصافاة الإفرنج للمسلمين بحيث يخالطونهم بعيدة غير مأمونة الغائلة،,"The council thought that, if there was to be a peace, it should be with the king, for a sincere friendship of the [local] Franks towards the Muslims, such that they could mix together, was a remote possibility and an association not safe from treachery." وانفض الناس وبقي الحديث متردِّدًا في الصلح والرسل تتواصل في تقرير قواعد الصلح.,"The people dispersed, but discussion of peace continued backwards and forwards with envoys coming one after the other to arrive at the terms of a treaty." وأصل التقاعد أن الملك قد بذل أخته للملك العادل بطريق التزويج، وأن تكون البلاد الساحلية الإسلامية والإفرنجية لهما، فأما الإفرنجية فلها من جانب أخيها والإسلامية له من جانب السلطان،,"The basic proposal was that the king offered his sister to al-‘Adil as a bride and put forward that the two of them should have all the coastal plain, both Muslim and Frankish parts, the former being hers through her brother and the latter being al-‘Adil’s through the sultan." وكان آخر الرسائل من الملك في المعنى أن قال: إن معاشر دين النصرانية قد أنكروا عليَّ وضع أختي تحت مسلم بدون مشاورة البابا، وهو كبير دين النصرانية ومقدمه،,"The final communication from the king on the topic was as follows: ‘The assembled Christian folk have criticised me for subjecting my sister to a Muslim without consulting the Pope, who is the leader and head of the Christian religion." وها أنا أسير إليه رسولًا يعود في ستة أشهر,So I am now sending him an envoy who will return within three months. فإن أذن فبها ونعمت وإلا زوَّجتك ابنة أخي، وما أحتاج إلى إذنه في ذلك.,"If he gives permission and she is happy about it, well and good, otherwise I shall marry you to my niece, for which I do not need his permission.’" هذا كله وسوق الحرب قائم، والقتال عليهم ضربة لازم،,All this was happening while the war still raged and the fighting was doing them severe damage. وصاحب صيدا يركب مع الملك العادل في الأحيان، ويشرف على الإفرنج،,"On occasions the lord of Sidon went riding with al-‘Adil, observing the Franks as the Muslims engaged them in battle." وهم كلما رأوه تحركوا لطلب الصلح خوفًا من أن ينضاف المركيس إلى المسلمين وعند ذلك تنكسر شوكتهم،,"Whenever the Franks saw him they redoubled their efforts in search of peace, fearing that the marquis would ally himself with the Muslims for then their military might would be broken." ولم يزل الحال كذلك إلى خامس عشر شوال.,So matters continued until Friday 25 Shawwal [15 November]. (١٢٣) ذكر رحيله — رحمه الله — إلى تل الجزر,The sultan’s move to Tell al-Jazar ولما كان ذلك اليوم أصبح السلطان على عزم الرحيل،,The sultan awoke on that Friday determined to make a move. وأحضر أرباب الرأي، وشاورهم في جواب رسالة القوم وعرض عليهم حديثه، وذكر ما عندهم في ذلك،,He summoned his councillors and consulted them over how to answer the communication of the Franks. He reviewed for them what they had said and recalled their various opinions. وأحضر الرسل، وكان ابن الهنغري يترجم بينه وبين البحريين،,"Then he called in the envoys, and Humfrey’s son acted as interpreter between him and the Franks from overseas." واستقرت القاعدة على أن ينفذ معهم رسولين؛ رسولًا من جانبه، ومن جانب العادل الآخر؛ لأن الحديث كان يتعلق به،,"It was agreed that two envoys should be sent with them, one from him and one from al-‘Adil, since the discussions concerned him." وكان من جملة رسالتهم أن البابا إن أذن في هذا العقد تم، وإن لم يأذن زوجنا الملك العادل بابنة أخي الملك وهي بكر،,"The gist of their communication was that, if the Pope allowed this union, it would be concluded and, if he did not allow it, they would marry al-‘Adil to the niece of the king, a virgin." وذكروا أن من دينهم أن البابا إنما يحتاج إلى إذنه في تزويج الثيب من بنات الملوك، وأما الأبكار فيزوجها أهلها.,"They remarked that in their religion it was only necessary to ask for the Pope’s permission to give a royal princess in marriage who had been previously married, but virgins could be married off by their families." وكان الجواب عن ذلك أنه إن كان عقد فيكون على هذه ، لأنه سبق الحديث فيها، ونحن لا نرجع عما قلناه، وإن لم يتهيأ فلا حاجة بنا إلى غير ذلك,"The reply to this was, ‘If there is to be a marriage, let it be to the former, because we have already talked of her and we do not go back on our word. If it cannot be managed, we are not concerned with any alternative.’" وانفصل الحال على ذلك، وسارت الرسل إلى خيم الملك العادل ليجهز رسول السلطان ويلحقه،,With this the meeting terminated and the envoys went to the tents of al-‘Adil so that the sultan’s emissary might prepare himself and join them. ثم وصل بعد ذلك من اليزك من أخبر أن الفرنج قد انتشر منهم راجل كثير، وخرجوا عن الأسوار التي لهم، ولم يظهر لخروجهم غائلة،,"Later, from the advanced guard, there came a report that many Frankish foot-soldiers had spread out, having left the defences they had, but that this move appeared not to be hostile." وسار — رحمة الله عليه — إلى تل الجزر لارتياد اليزك، وتبعه الناس في الرحيل،,The sultan proceeded to Tell al-Jazar to scout out this position and was followed by the forces in general. فما كان الظهر إلا وحل الناس إلى السلطان، ونزلنا بتل الجزر.,It was only just noon when they came up with the sultan and we all camped at Tell al-Jazar. ولما عرف الإفرنج بعود السلطان رحلوا عائدين،,"When the Franks had learnt that the sultan had withdrawn, they too retired." وأقام السلطان بتل الجزر، ثم رحل إلى جهة القدس الشريف،,"The sultan remained at Tell al-Jazar, but later set out towards Jerusalem." ورحل الإفرنج إلى جهة بلادهم، واشتدَّ الشتاء، وعظمت الأمطار،,The Franks moved back into their own territory and the winter weather worsened with heavy rains. وسار السلطان إلى القدس الشريف، وأعطى العسكر دستورًا،,The sultan went to Jerusalem and gave his army leave. وأقمنا بالقدس في ذلك الشتاء أجمع، وعاد العدو إلى بلاده,"We stayed in Jerusalem the whole of that winter, while the enemy returned to their lands." ووصل الانكتار عساكره إلى يافا، وعاد إلى عكا ينظر في أحوالها،,The king of England placed a garrison in Jaffa before returning to Acre to look into its affairs. فأقام مدة، ثم وصل منه رسول يقول: إني أوثر الاجتماع بالملك العادل ففيه مصلحة تعود على الطائفتين، فقد بلغني أن السلطان فوَّض أمر الصلح إلى أخيه الملك العادل،,"After he had been there a while, a messenger came from him, saying, ‘The king says, “I desire above all a meeting with al-‘Adil, my brother, for it will be to the advantage of both sides. I have heard that the sultan has entrusted peace negotiations to my brother al-‘Adil.”’" فاتفق الرأي في مضي الملك العادل على أنه يمضي، بحيث يجتمع بعساكرنا التي في الغور وكوكب وتلك النواحي ويحدثه ويقول له إن الحديث جرى بيننا مرارًا، وما أسفر عن مصلحة،,"The sultan convened a council to discuss whether al-‘Adil should go and it was agreed that he should, provided that he rendezvoused with our troops that were in the Jordan Valley, at Kawkab and in those regions, and that in his talks he should say, ‘On many occasions there have been talks between us, which have yielded no useful result." فإن كانت هذه الدفعة كتلك الدفعات فلا حاجة إلى الحديث، وإن كان الغرض بت حال فقارب الحال،,"If this time is to be like those others, there is no need for more talk, but if the aim is to settle some arrangement, then buckle down to the business." وأنا لا أجتمع بك إلا أن أرى ما يقارب فصل الحال،,I will only meet with you if I see something that is close to settling the situation.’ وقرر مع الملك العادل إن رأى ما يمكن معه فصل الحال،,"It was arranged with al-‘Adil that, if he thought there was a basis for making peace, he should act accordingly." وإلا طاوله وماطله إلى أن تصل العساكر من الأطراف.,"Otherwise, he should temporise and procrastinate until our armies assembled from the provinces." فالتمس الملك العادل تذكرة تتضمن إنهاء ما ينفصل الحال عليه،,Al-‘Adil requested a written memorandum stating on what terms peace may be made. فكتب تذكرة فيها المناصفات، وذكر فيها من أمر بيروت أنه إن أصر على طلبها،,"A memorandum for him was drawn up, in which condominiums were mentioned and, as far as Beirut was concerned, the sultan said that, if the king persists in asking for it," اشترط خرابها ولا تعمر وكذلك القاقون ، وإن التمسوا عمارة وغر أجيب,"it should be made a condition that the fortifications be destroyed and not rebuilt, and the same for al-Qaymun. If they sought to build on waste land, that should be granted." ويعطي صليب الصلبوت، ويكون لهم في القمامة قس، ويفتح لهم باب زيارتها بشرط أن لا يحملوا السلاح،,"The Holy Cross should be handed over, should have a priest and they should be given an opportunity to visit it as pilgrims on condition that they bear no arms." وكان الحامل على ذلك ما أخذ الناس من تعب مواظبة الغزاة وكثرة الديون والبعد عن الأوطان، فإن من الناس من كان لا يفارق السلطان، ولا يمكنه طلب دستور منه.,"What brought us to this was the exhaustion of our troops through the continuous campaigning, their heavy debts and absence far from their homes, for there were some who stayed with the sultan and were unable to ask him for leave." (١٢٤) ذكر مسير الملك العادل,Account of al-‘Adil’s journey وكان مسيره من القدس الشريف عصر الجمعة رابع ربيع الأول سنة ثمانٍ وثمانين وخمسمائة،,Al-‘Adil set out from Jerusalem on the evening of Friday 4 Rabi‘ I 588 [20 March. ثم وصل كتابه من كيسان يخبر أنه لقيه الهنغري مع الحاجب أبي بكر رسولًا من الانكتار يقول: إنا قد وافقنا على قسمة البلاد، وإن كل من في يده شيء فهو له،,"A letter came in due course from Bay san, reporting that Humfrey, along with the Chamberlain Abu Bakr, had met him as an envoy from the king of England, saying, ‘We have agreed to divide the land and that everyone should keep what he holds." فإن كان ما في أيدينا زائدًا أخذتم في مقابلته ما يقابل الزيادة مما يخصنا، وإن كان ما في أيديكم أكثر فعلنا كذلك، ويكون القدس لنا ولكم فيه الصخرة.,"If, however, what we have is greater you can take from the extra that we hold something to make up for that and, if what you have in your hands is more, then we can do likewise. Jerusalem will be ours and you can have the Dome of the Rock.’" هكذا كان مضمون الكتاب، فأوقف السلطان عليه الأمراء،,This was the content of the letter of which the sultan informed the emirs. فاستصوب ذلك الأمير أبو الهيجاء ورأوا من حال هذا المقال أن يوافق عليه الملك العادل وهو مصلحة،,"The Emir Abu’l-Hayja’ approved of this and all thought that whoever had drafted this communication was in agreement with the understanding on the basis of which al-‘Adil had made his journey, it being the best course." وسار الجواب إلى الملك العادل في ذلك.,A reply to this effect was sent to al-‘Adil. ولما كان حادي عشر ربيع الأول وصل الحاجب أبو بكر صاحب الملك العادل يخبر أن الانكتار سار إلى يافا من عكا، وأن الملك العادل ما رأى أن يجتمع به إلا عن قاعدة منفصلة،,"When it was Tuesday 15 Rabi‘ I [31 March], the Chamberlain Abu Bakr, al-‘Adil’s man, arrived with news that the king of England had gone from Acre to Jaffa and that al-‘Adil did not think that he should meet him except on the basis of a firmly concluded agreement." وأنه جرى بين هذا الحاجب وبين الانكتار مفاوضات كثيرة، حاصلها أنه نزل على أن تكون الصخرة لنا والقلعة في أيدينا والباقي مناصفة، وأن لا يكون في البلد منهم مذكور، وأن تكون قرى القدس وباطنه مناصفة.,"This chamberlain and the king had already had many negotiations, the result of which was that he conceded that we should have the Dome of the Rock and the citadel with the rest shared half-and-half, that from their side there should be no distinguished commander in the town, and that the villages around Jerusalem and what is within should be in shared possession." ثم قدم الملك العادل في سادس عشر ربيع الأول من الغور، ولقيه السلطان وحكى ما سبق من الخبر.,"Al-‘Adil came back on 16 Rabi‘ I [1 April] and, after he had been met by the sultan, they conversed together and al-‘Adil related the recent news." وفي بقية ذلك اليوم وصل من أخبر أن الإفرنج أغاروا على حلة عرب قريبة من الدارون، وأنهم أخذوا منهم جماعة، وأنهم أخذوا منهم زهاء ألف رأس غنم،,"During the remainder of that day someone arrived with news that the Franks had raided a Bedouin encampment near to Darum and that they had seized many of them and taken from them about 1,000 head of sheep and cattle." فعظم ذلك على السلطان، وشق عليه، فسير جماعة فلم تلحقهم.,"The sultan was very upset by this and greatly grieved. He despatched a force, but they were unable to overtake them." (١٢٥) ذكر انفصال رسول المركيس,The departure of the envoy of the marquis وكان قد وصل يوسف غلام صاحب صيدا رسولًا من جانب المركيس يلتمس الصلح مع المسلمين،,"Yusuf, the servant of the lord of Sidon, had arrived previously as an envoy on behalf of the marquis, seeking peace with the Muslims." فاشترط — رحمة الله — عليه شروطًا؛ منها أن يقاتل جنسه ويباينهم، ومنها أن ما يأخذه من البلاد الإفرنجية بعد الصلح بانفراده يكون له، وما نأخذه نحن بانفرادنا يكون لنا،,"The sultan proposed certain conditions, such as that he should fight his own kind, breaking with them openly, that whatever Frankish territory he took on his own initiative after conclusion of the peace should be his and that whatever we might take on our own should be ours." وما نتفق نحن وهو على أخذه تكون له نفس البلد، ويكون لنا ما فيه من أسرى المسلمين، وغير ذلك من الأموال،,"Whatever we and he cooperated in taking, the territory itself should be his, while we should have any Muslim captives there and other goods and property." ومنها أن يطلق لنا كل أسير مسلم في مملكته، ومنها إن فوض الانكتار إليه أمر البلاد لأمر يجري بينهم كان الصلح بيننا وبينه على ما استقر بيننا وبين الانكتار ما عدا عسقلان وما بعدها، فلا يدخل في الصلح،,"Other conditions were that he should release to us every captive within his possessions and that, if the king of England entrusted to him control of the lands through some arrangement made between them, the treaty between us and himself should conform to whatever is concluded between us and the king of England, apart from Ascalon and lands beyond it, for that does not come into the treaty." وتكون الساحليات له وما في أيدينا لنا،,The coastal regions should be his and what we hold should be ours. وما في الوسط مناصفة، وسار رسوله على هذه القاعدة.,Whatever is in the middle should be shared half-and-half. The marquis’s envoy set out with these draft proposals. ولما كان يوم الاثنين الثامن والعشرون من ربيع الأول وصل أسد الدين شيركوه بن محمد بن شيركوه،,"The first to arrive was Asad al-Din Shirkuh ibn Muhammad ibn Shirkuh, who returned on Monday 28 Rabi‘ I [13 April]." ووصل جريدة مقدمًا على عسكره.,He came with a lightly equipped force in advance of the main body. (١٢٦) ذكر خروج سيف الدين المشطوب من الأسر,Account of Sayf al-Din ibn al-Mashtub’s release from captivity وكان وصوله إلى القدس الشريف يوم الخميس مستهل جمادى الأخرى، دخل على السلطان بغتة وعنده أخوه الملك العادل، فنهض له واعتنقه وسر به سرورًا عظيمًا،,"Ibn al-Mashtub reached Jerusalem on Thursday 1 Rabi‘ II [16 April] and went in, unexpected, to see the sultan, with whom was his brother al-‘Adil. The sultan rose in welcome and embraced him, greatly delighted to see him." وأخلى المكان، وتحدث معه بطرف من أحاديث العدو,He cleared the room and they discussed some curious reports concerning the enemy. وسأله عن حديث الصلح، فذكر أن الانكتار سكت عنه.,"Sayf al-Din was questioned on what was said about the peace, but he said that the king of England had kept silent about that." وفي هذا اليوم كتب السلطان إلى ولده الملك الأفضل أن يسير إلى قاطع الغزاة، ويستلم البلاد من الملك المنصور بن الملك المظفر،,"On this day the sultan wrote to his son al-Afdal with instructions to proceed across the Euphrates to take over the lands of al-Malik al-Mansur, son of al-Muzaffar." وكان قد أظهر العصيان بسبب الخوف من السلطان على نفسه، وأظهر ذلك،,Al-Mansur had shown signs of rebellion because he feared the sultan was hostile to him. ودخل في أمره الملك العادل، وسير إلى الملك العادل حتى يتحدث في أمره،,"Al-‘Adil became involved and al-Mansur sent to al-‘Adil to get him to speak on his behalf, for he did look after his interests." وكان ذلك قد شقَّ على السلطان، وأثار منه غيظًا عظيمًا كيف يكون هذا الأمر من أهله،,This annoyed the sultan and made him very angry against al-Mansur for having caused this trouble in the family. ولم يكن أحد من أهله خاف منه، ولا طلب يمينه،,No-one in the family had ever feared him before or demanded an oath from him. وهذا كان السبب في توقف الانكتار في الصلح، فإنه ظن أن خلافه يكدر للسلطان شرب الغزاة ويحوجه إلى الموافقة على ما يرضاه،,"This was the reason for the king of England’s dilatoriness in making peace, and why he thought that this was a rift that would muddy the waters of the Jihad for the sultan and constrain him to agree to what he was not happy with." فأنفذ إلى الملك الأفضل أن يسير إلى البلاد، وكتب إلى الملك الظاهر بحلب المحروسة أن أخاه إن احتاج إلى معونة عاونه،,"The sultan sent to al-Afdal ordering him to travel to those regions and he wrote to al-Zahir in Aleppo that, if his brother needed support, he should help him." وجهزه بحملة كبيرة،,He sent al-Afdal off well provided for and in great style. وسار باحترام عظيم حتى وصل إلى حلب، وأكرمه أخوه الملك الظاهر إكرامًا عظيمًا، وعمل له ضيافة تامة، وقدم بين يديه تقدمة سنية،,"Arrived at Aleppo, he was received with great honour by his brother al-Zahir, who provided full hospitality for him and presented him with splendid gifts." وعدنا إلى حديث العدو.,We return to the narrative concerning the enemy. (١٢٧) ذكر عود رسول صور,The return of the envoy from Tyre ولما كان سادس ربيع الآخر من سنة ثمانٍ وثمانين وخمسمائة وصل يوسف من جانب المركيس يجدد حديث الصلح،,On 6 Rabi‘ II [21 April] Yusuf arrived from the marquis to renew peace talks. ويقول: قد انفصل الحال على شيء بينه وبين الإفرنجية، فإن نجز في هذه الأيام سارت الفرنسيسية في البحر، وإن تأخر بطل الحديث في الصلح بالكلية،,"He said, ‘Some sort of understanding has been reached between him and the [local] Franks. If a settlement is achieved in the next few days, the French will depart by sea. If it is delayed, peace negotiations with the marquis will be completely futile.’" فرأى السلطان الصلح مع المركيس مصلحةً لاشتغال قلبه من جانب الشرق،,"The sultan believed, because he was preoccupied with the east, that the best plan was to make peace with the marquis." وخاف أن يتصل ابن تقي الدين بكتمر، فيحدث من ذلك ما يشغل الخاطر من الجهاد،,He feared that [al-Mansur] the son of Taqi al-Din might join with Baktimur and the result would be a distraction from the Holy War. فأجاب إلى ملتمس المركيس، وكتب مع صاحبه مواضعة على نعت ما تقدم،,He therefore agreed to the requests of the marquis and drew up a detailed draft on the lines of what has already been mentioned. وسار يوسف الرسول بالجواب تاسع ربيع الآخر.,Al-‘Adil set out with the reply to the mission of Yusuf. That was after Friday congregational prayer on 9 Rabi‘ II [24 April]. (١٢٨) ذكر قتل المركيس,Account of the assassination of the marquis ولما كان السادس عشر من الشهر وصل من الرسول المنفذ إلى المركيس كتاب أن المركيس قُتل وعجل الله بروحه إلى النار.,"On the 16 Rabi‘ II 588 [1 May a letter came from al-‘Adil, the emissary despatched to the marquis, with news that he had been killed and that God had hastened his soul to Hell-fire." وكانت صورة قتله أنه تقدم يوم الثلاثاء ثالث عشر عند الأسقف،,"The manner of his death was as follows. He lunched on Tuesday, the 13th of the month [28 April], with the bishop." ثم خرج فقفز عليه اثنان من أصحابه بالسكاكين، وكان خفيفًا من الرجال،,"left, two of his men attacked him with daggers. He was slight of build." فما زالا يضربانه حتى عجل الله بروحه إلى النار،,They kept striking him until God hastened his soul to Hell-fire. وأمسك الشخصان، وسُئلا عن هذا الأمر ومن حضهما عليه،,The two men were apprehended and questioned about the affair and who had put them up to it. فقالا: إن الانكتار حملنا عليه.,"They replied, ‘The king of England put us up to it.’" وقام بالأمر اثنان، فحفظا القلعة إلى أن اتصل الخبر بالملوك، وانعقد الأمر وتدبر المكان.,"Two persons assumed authority and held the citadel until the news reached the princes, and they took over authority and the administration of the town." (١٢٩) ذكر تتمة خبر الملك المنصور وما جرى له,The conclusion of al-Mansur’s affair and what happened to him وذلك أنه لما بلغه مؤاخذة السلطان أنفذ إلى الملك العادل رسولًا يشفع به ليطيب قلب السلطان، ويقترح عليه أحد قسمين إما حران والرها وسميساط وإما حماه ومنبج وسلمية والمعرة مع كفالة إخوته،,"When al-Mansur heard of the sultan’s anger against him, he sent an emissary to al-‘Adil, asking him to intercede to reconcile the sultan with him and asking for one of two lots of territory, either Harran, Edessa and Sumaysat or Hama, Manbij, Salamiyya and Ma‘arrat [al-Nu‘man], with guarantees from his brothers." فراجع الملك العادل السلطان مرارًا فلم يجبه إلى شيء من ذلك،,"Al-‘Adil approached the sultan several times, but he would not accept this and agreed to nothing suggested." فكثرت الشفاعة إليه من جميع الأمراء، وهزت شجر رأفة منه، فرجع خلقه النبوي، وحلف له على حران والرها وسميساط على أنه إذا عبر الفرات أعطى المواضع أفراجها، وتكفل إخوته، ويتخلى عن تلك المواضع التي في يده،,"All the emirs interceded vigorously with him, which stirred the well-spring of his generous spirit and so he reverted to his Prophet-like character, swearing on oath that al-Mansur could hold Harran, Edessa and Sumaysat on condition that, when he came across the Euphrates, he would be given the [other] places he asked for and would have his brothers’ guarantees, and relinquish those places that he presently held." ودخلت تحت ضمان الملك العادل،,He entered into this promised arrangement and al-‘Adil stood guarantor for him. ثم التمس الملك العادل خط السلطان ثانيًا، ولج عليه فمزَّق نسخة اليمين في التاسع والعشرين من ربيع الآخر،,"Later, al-‘Adil asked for a signed document from the sultan, which he refused. After he had been importuned, he tore up the text of the oath on 29 Rabi‘ II [14 May]." وانفصل الحال، وانقطع الحديث،,The arrangement was over and discussion broken off. وكنت المتردد بينهما في ذلك،,I had been acting as go-between for them both. وأخذ الغيظ السلطان كيف يخاطب بمثل ذلك من جانب أولاد أولاده.,The sultan was overcome with rage that he could be addressed in such a way on the part of one of his grandchildren. (١٣٠) ذكر قدوم رسول ملك الروم,Arrival of the Byzantine envoy ولما كان مستهل جمادى الأولى وصل رسول من قسطنطينية الكبرى والتقى بالاحترام والإكرام ومثل بالخدمة السلطانية في ثالث الشهر،,"When it was 1 Jumada I [15 May], an envoy arrived from Constantinople the Great and was received with honour and respect. He appeared in the sultan’s presence on 3 Jumada II [17 May]." وكانت رسالته تشتمل على مطالب، منها صليب الصلبوت، ومنها أن تكون القمامة بيد قسوس من جانبه، وكذا سائر كنائس القدس، ومنها أن يكون الاتفاق معه على أن يكون عدو من عاداه، وصديق من صادقه، وأن يوافق على قصد جزيرة قبرص،,"The missive he brought included several requests, such as a request for the Holy Cross and that the Holy Sepulchre and all the churches of Jerusalem should be in the hands of priests sent by him, that there should be an understanding that his enemy should be our enemy and his friend our friend, and that the sultan should agree to attack Cyprus." فأقام عنده يومين، ثم سير معه رسولًا يُقال له ابن البزاز من الديار المصرية،,The envoy stayed for two days and then an envoy called Ibn al-Bazzaz from Egypt was sent back with him. وأجيب بالمنع عن جميع مقترحاته، وقيل إن الصليب قد بذل فيه ملك الكرج مائتي ألف دينار، فلم يجب إلى ذلك.,"In the reply, all the requests were denied. It was pointed out that the king of the Georgians had offered 200,000 dinars for the Holy Cross and that had not been accepted." (١٣١) ذكر ما جرى للملك العادل في البلاد التي هي قاطع الفرات,Al-‘Adil’s initiatives concerning the lands beyond the Euphrates وذلك أنه لما سار الملك الأفضل رقق الملك العادل قلب السلطان على ابن تقي الدين، وقد كثر الحديث في معناه،,"After al-Afdal had set out, al-‘Adil softened the sultan’s heart towards the son of Taqi al-Din, whose situation was much discussed." وأنفذني السلطان لمشاورة الأمراء في خدمة الملك العادل في أمره فجمعهم في خدمته، فذكرت لهم ما أرسلني فيه إليهم،,The sultan sent me to consult the emirs in the service of al-‘Adil about the case. I gathered them before him and explained the matter concerning which the sultan had sent me to them. فانتدب الأمير حسام الدين أبو الهيجاء للجواب،,The Emir Abu’l-Hayja’ was deputed to make a reply. وقال: نحن عبيده ومماليكه، وذلك صبي، وربما حمله خوفه أن انضاف إلى جانبٍ آخر،,"‘We are his slaves and his mamlukes,’ he said, ‘while that person is a boy. Perhaps his fear has led him to ally himself with another party." ونحن لا نقدر على الجمع بين قتال المسلمين والكفار،,We are unable to combine fighting Muslims with fighting infidels. فإن أراد أننا نقاتل المسلمين صالحنا الكفار، وسرنا إلى ذلك الجانب، وقاتلنا بين يديه،,"If the sultan wants us to fight Muslims, he will make peace with the infidels, march to those parts and we will fight under his leadership." وإن أراد منا ملازمة الغزاة صالح المسلمين وسامحهم، وهذا كان جواب الجميع,"If, however, he wishes to persevere in the Holy War, he will make peace with the Muslims and be lenient.’ This was the answer of them all." فرق السلطان وجدد نسخة يمين لابن تقي الدين وحلف له بها، وأعطاه خطه بما استقر من القاعدة،,"The sultan relented and, when I had written a fresh copy of the oath for the son of Taqi al-Din, the sultan duly swore it and gave him his signed warrant for what had been agreed upon." ثم إن الملك العادل التمس من السلطان البلاد التي كانت بيد ابن تقي الدين بعد استقلاله،,"Al-‘Adil then asked the sultan for the lands that were in the hands of Taqi al-Din’s son, once he had moved from them." وجرت مراجعات كثيرة في العوض عنها، وكنت الرسول بينهما،,"Many negotiations took place about what should be given in exchange, for which I was their go-between." وكان آخر ما استقر أنه يسلم تلك البلاد، وينزل عن كل ما هو شامي الفرات ما عدا الكرك والشوبك والصلت والبلقاء وحاصه بمصر بعد النزول عن الجيزة،,"What was finally agreed was that al-‘Adil should take over those lands and give up what [he already held] north of the Euphrates and what was this side of it, apart from Kerak, Shawbak, Salt, Balqa’ and his personal holding in Egypt, after surrendering [the rest of] his fief." وعليه في كل سنة ستة آلاف غرارة غلة تحمل للسلطان من الصلت والبلقاء إلى القدس,"He was to provide annually 6,000 ghiraras of com, to be brought to the sultan from Salt and Balqa’ to Jerusalem." والمغل في السنة المذكورة في مواضعه له، ومغل قاطع الفرات في هذه السنة للسلطان أيضًا،,"In the current year the produce of his lands would be his, while the produce from beyond the Euphrates went to the sultan in this year." وأخذ خط السلطان بذلك، وسار بنفسه يصلح أمر ابن تقي الدين ويطيب قلبه، وكان مسيره في ثامن جمادى الأولى.,He received a signed document to this effect from the sultan and then set out to pacify and reconcile the son of Taqi al-Din. He departed on 8 Jumada I [22 May]. (١٣٢) ذكر استيلاء الفرنج على الدارون,The Franks’ seizure of Darum وكان الإفرنج — خذلهم الله تعالى — لما رأوا أن السلطان قد أعطى العساكر دستورًا، وتفرقت العساكر عنه نزلوا على الدارون طمعًا فيه،,"When the Franks saw that the sultan had given his troops leave to depart and that they had dispersed, they descended upon Darum with eager designs on it." وكان بيد علم الدين قيصر وفيه نوابه،,"It was a possession of ‘Alam al-DinQaysar, who had his deputies there." ولما كان يوم تاسع جمادى الأولى اشتد زحف العدو على المكان راجلًا وفارسًا،,On Saturday 9 Jumada I [23 May] the enemy made a fierce assault on the place with both horse and foot. وكان الانكتار قد استنفذ من نوبة عكا نقابين جبليين، فتمكنوا من نقب المكان، وأحرقوا النقب،,The accursed king of England had suborned some Aleppan sappers from the Acre garrison. They were now able to mine this place and they set fire to the mine. وطلب أهل الحصن مهلة، بحيث يشاورون السلطان، فلم يمهلوهم،,"The defenders of the castle asked for a truce to enable them to consult the sultan, but the Franks allowed them no truce." واشتدوا في القتال عليه، فأخذوه عنوة،,They attacked ever more strongly and took the place by force of arms. واستشهد فيه من قدر الله له ذلك، وأسر من قدر له ذلك، وكان ذلك قدرًا مقدورًا.,"Those for whom God had decreed it met a martyr’s death and others, for whom this was God’s decree, were taken captive. This was a fate foreordained." (١٣٣) ذكر قصدهم لمجدل يابا,Account of their attack on Majdal Yaba ولما استولى الإفرنج على الدارون ساروا بعد أن قرروا أمره، ووضعوا فيه من اختاروا حتى نزلوا على منزلة يُقال لها الحسي، وهي قريب من جبل الخليل — عليه السلام —,"Having taken possession of Darum, the Franks set out, after they had settled its affairs and stationed picked men there, and stopped at a place called al-Hasi, which is near the hills rising to al-Khalil." وذلك في رابع عشر جمادى الأولى، فأقاموا عليه، ثم تأهبوا بقصد حصن يُقال له مجدل يابا،,This was on 14 Jumada I [28 May]. They camped there for a while and then made preparations to attack a castle called Majdal Yaba. فأتوه جريدة، وخلفوا خيامهم في منزلتهم،,"They arrived there without their baggage, having left their tents where they had camped." وكان بها عسكر إسلامي فلقيهم، وجرى بينهم قتال عظيم،,"A Muslim force was there, which resisted them and a big battle followed." وقتل من العدو كند مذكور، واستشهد من المسلمين فارس واحد,On the enemy’s side a count of some note amongst them was killed and on the Muslim side one knight met his death. كان سبب قتله أنه وقع رمحه فنزل ليأخذه فمنعه فرسه الركوب، فبادروه وقتلوه,The reason for this was that he dropped his lance and dismounted to pick it up. His horse prevented him from re-mounting and the enemy rushed him and killed him. وعادوا إلى خيامهم بقية اليوم خائبين ولله الحمد.,They returned to their tents in what remained of the day disappointed of success. To God be the praise. (١٣٤) ذكر وقعة جرث في صور,Account of an engagement at Tyre ولما كان سادس عشر جمادى وصل كتاب من حسام الدين بشارة يذكر أنه تخلف في صور مائة راكب، وانضم إليهم من عكا خمسون,On 16 Jumada [I] [30 May] a letter came from Husam al-DinBishara in which he reported that a hundred mounted men had remained behind in Tyre and about fifty had joined them from Acre. وطمعوا فخرجوا لشن الغارات على البلاد الإسلامية،,They became bold and came out to launch raids on Muslim territory. فوقع عليهم العسكر المرصد لحفظ البلاد من ذلك الطرف، وجرى بينهم قتال شديد، وقتل من العدو خمسة عشر نفرًا،,Our troops stationed to guard the territory on that front fell upon them and in a fierce fight that followed fifteen of the enemy were killed. ولم يُقتل من المسلمين أحد، وعادوا خائبين ولله الحمد.,There was not a single loss on the Muslim side. The enemy retired thwarted and foiled. To God be the praise. (١٣٥) ذكر قدوم العساكر الإسلامية للجهاد,The Muslim armies return to the Jihad ولما رأى السلطان ما جرى من العدو من التنبط سير إلى العساكر من سائر الأطراف أن يسابقوا إلى الحضور،,"When the sultan saw the more confident operations that the enemy had taken part in, he sent to his armies in all the provinces that they should hasten to join him." وكان أول قادم بدر الدين دلدرم مع خلق كثير من التركمان، فلقيه السلطان واحترمه,"The first to arrive, with a large force of Turkomans, was Badr al-Din Dildirim, whom the sultan met with respect." ووصل بعده عز الدين بن المقدم في سابع عشر جمادى الأولى بعسكر حسن وآلات جميلة، ففرح به السلطان.,"After Badr al-Din, on 17 Jumada I [31 May] there came ‘Izz al-Din ibn al-Muqaddam with a fine troop and excellent battalions. The sultan gave him, too, a respectful welcome." وأما العدو فإنه رحل من الحسي، ونزل على مفرق طرق منها طريق عسقلان، وطريق إلى بيت جبرين وإلى غير ذلك من الحصون الإسلامية،,"The enemy broke camp at al-Hasi and moved to a junction of routes, where one led to Ascalon and another to Bayt Jibril and other Muslim fortresses." ولما بلغ السلطان ذلك أمر العساكر إن سارت نحوه،,"Hearing of this, the sultan ordered his forces to move in that direction." فخرج أبو الهيجاء السمين وبدر الدين دلدرم وابن المقدم وتتابعت العسكر,"Abu’l-Hayja’, Badr al-Din Dildirim and Ibn al-Muqaddam set out and the other troops followed in succession." وتخلف هو في القدس لنوع التياث كان عرض له،,The sultan himself remained behind in Jerusalem because of some sort of indisposition that afflicted him. فلما أحس العدو المخذول بظهور العساكر الإسلامية عاد خائبًا خاسرًا ناكصًا على عقبيه،,"When the enemy became aware that the Muslim forces had taken the field, they withdrew, retracing their steps thwarted and foiled." ووصلت الكتب من الأمراء مخبرين برحيل العدو إلى عسقلان.,"Letters from the emirs arrived, telling of the enemy’s departure for Ascalon in a similar state. To God be the praise." (١٣٦) ذكر تعبية العدو لقصد القدس الشريف,The enemy make their dispositions for a march on Jerusalem ولما كان يوم السبت الثالث والعشرين من جمادى الأولى وصل قاصد من العسكر يخبر أن العدو قد خرج في راجله وفارسه وسواد عظيم، وخيم على تل الصافية،,"When it was Saturday 23 Jumada I [6 June], a courier came from the army to report that the enemy had set out with horse and foot and a huge mass of camp followers. They camped at Tell al-Safiya." فسير السلطان إلى العساكر الإسلامية ينذرها ويحذرها، واستدعى الأمراء جريدة إليه ليعقدوا رأيًا فيما يقع العمل بمقتضاه،,The sultan sent to the Muslim forces with orders to keep watch and be on the alert and summoning the emirs post-haste to his presence to concert a plan for what corresponding action to take. فوصل ورحل العدو من تل الصافية إلى جانب النطرون، فنزل سماليه وذلك في السادس والعشرين من جمادى الأولى،,"The enemy left Tell al-Safiya and moved towards Latrun, to the north of which they made camp. That was on 26 Jumada I [9 June]." وكانت قد سارت من عرب الإسلام جماعة للغارة على يافا،,A group of the Bedouin on the Muslim side had gone to raid Jaffa. فوصلوا بليل من غير علم بحركة العدو، فنزلوا في بعض الطريق يقسمون،,They arrived on their way back without knowing of the enemy’s movements and stopped along part of the road to divide their booty. فوقعت عليهم عساكر العدو، فأخذوهم وهرب منهم ستة نفر، فوصلوا إلى السلطان، وأخبروه الخبر،,The enemy’s troops fell upon them and seized them. Six persons escaped and came to the sultan to tell him what had happened. ووصلت الجواسيس، وتواترت الأخبار من جانب العدو أنه مقيم بالنطرون لنقل الأزواد والآلات التي تدعو الحاجة إليها في الحرب،,Our spies and intelligence gatherers came from the direction of the enemy with information that the enemy would stay in Latrun to bring up the provisions and equipment that were necessary for the military campaign. فإذا حصل عندهم ما يحتاجون إليه قصدوا القدس الشريف — حرسه الله تعالى —,"When they had acquired what they needed, they would march on Jerusalem." وفي يوم الأربعاء وصل منهم رسول صحبته غلام كان للمشطوب عندهم يحدث في معنى قراقوش، ويتحدث في معنى الصلح.,"On Wednesday [27 Jumada I {10 June}] an envoy came from them, accompanying a mamluke of al-Mashtub, who had been with them and discussed the matter of Qaraqush, while they were talking about peace." (١٣٧) ذكر نزولهم في بيت نوبة وهو موضع وطأة بين جبال يبنا بينه وبين القدس مرحلة,"Account of their coming to Bayt Nuba Bayt Nuba is a flat area amid hills, one day’s march distant from Jerusalem." رحل العدو من النطرون يوم الأربعاء السابع والعشرين من جمادى الأولى، ونزلوا ببيت نوبة،,The enemy set out from Latrun on Wednesday 27 Jumada I [10 June] and camped at Bayt Nuba. ولما عرف السلطان ذلك استحضر الأمراء وضرب المشورة فيما يفعل،,"When he learnt of that, the sultan summoned the emirs and held a council to discuss what to do." فكانت خلاصة الرأي أن يقسم الأسوار على الأمراء، ويخرج ببقية العسكر جريدة إلى جهة العدو،,"The essence of what was decided was that sections of the city walls should be assigned to the emirs, while the sultan, with the rest of the army as a mobile force, should move out towards the enemy." فإذا عرف كل قوم موضعهم من السور استعدوا فإن دعت الحاجة إليهم خرجوا، وإن دعت الحاجة إلى ملازمة مواضعهم لازموها،,"When all the men knew their posts on the wall and had made all their preparations, then, if the need arose for them, they should take the field and, if it was necessary for them to maintain their position, they should do so." فكتبت الرقاع، وسيرت إلى الأمراء.,The orders were drawn up and dispatched to the emirs. وكانت طريق يافا سابلة لمن ينقل الميرة إلى العدو،,The road from Jaffa was busy with people transporting provisions to the enemy. فأمر السلطان من في اليزك أن يعمل معهم ما يمكنه،,The sultan ordered the advance guard to do whatever it could with them. وكان في اليزك بدر الدين دلدرم، فكمن حول الطريق جماعة جيدة،,Badr al-Din Dildirim was with this unit and he laid an ambush around this road with a fair number of troops. فمر بهم جمع من خيالة العدو يحمون قافلة تحمل ميرة استضعفوهم،,"A squadron of enemy cavalry, who were guarding the provisions caravan, passed by and he judged them weak in numbers." فحملوا عليهم، وجرى قتال عظيم كانت الدائرة فيه على العدو,"He therefore attacked them and a fierce battle ensued, in which fortune went against the enemy." وقُتل منهم ثلاثون نفرًا، وأُسر جماعة،,Thirty of them were killed and several taken prisoner. ووصل الأسارى في التاسع والعشرين من جمادى الأولى إلى القدس،,The prisoners were brought to us in Jerusalem on Saturday 29 Jumada I {13 June}. وكان لدخولهم وقع عظيم، وجرى على العدو من ذلك وهن كبير،,Their arrival had a great impact and the incident weakened the enemy’s morale. وقويت قلوب اليزكية، وانبعثت هممهم حتى حملوا على العسكر، ونزلوا إلى أطراف الخيم ولله الحمد.,"Our advanced unit was much heartened in spirit and their zeal was aroused, so that they attacked the enemy force and stationed themselves on the fringes of the enemy encampment." ولما علم المسلمون أن القوافل لا تنقطع خرج جماعة، وأخذوا معهم عربًا كثيرًا، وكمنوا كمينًا،,"When the Muslims learnt that there were caravans uninterruptedly on the move, a detachment laid an ambush for them, taking along many Bedouin." واجتازت القافلة، ومعها جماعة كثيرة، فخرجت العرب على القافلة،,A caravan with a large number of men came by and the Bedouin attacked. وتبعتهم الخيالة، فدحروا بين أيديهم منهزمين نحو المسلمين،,"The cavalry escort chased them, as they gave way, retreating towards the Muslim troops." فخرجت الأتراك عليهم، فأخذوا وقتلوا، وجُرح من الأتراك جماعة،,"The Turks then appeared from the ambush, took some prisoners and killed others. Several of the Turks were wounded." وذلك في ثالث جمادى الآخرة.,This took place on Tuesday 3 Jumada II [16 June]. (١٣٨) ذكر أخذ قافلة مصر حرسها الله تعالى,Account of the taking of a caravan from Egypt وذلك أنه كان قد تقدم إلى عسكر مصر بالمسير، وأوصاهم بالاحتراز والاحتياط عند مقاربة العدو،,"The sultan had ordered the Egyptian army to come, and had urged them to take care and be on the watch when they were in the vicinity of the enemy." فأقاموا ببلبيس أيامًا، حتى اجتمعت القوافل إليهم، واتصل خبرهم بالعدو، ثم ساروا طالبين البلاد,"They remained in Bilbays for some days until the caravans had assembled, but also until information about them had reached the enemy. They set out for Syria." والعدو يترقب أخبارهم، ويتوصل إليها بالعرب المفسدين،,"Meanwhile, the enemy were keeping a close watch on their movements and hearing of them through the Bedouin whom they had corrupted." ولما تحقق العدو خبر القوافل أمر عسكره بالاحتياط والتحفظ، وسار حتى أتى تل الصافية، فبات ثم سار حتى أتى الصافية، ثم علق على خيله فئة،,"Our troops, having been ordered by the sultan to be watchful and careful, proceeded to Tell al-Safiya where they passed the night, and took fodder for their horses there." وسار حتى أتى ماء يقابل الحسي،,Then they continued to a spring called al-Hasi. واتصل خبر نهضة العدو بالسلطان، فأنفذ بنذير للقافلة،,"The news that the enemy was on the move was communicated to the sultan, so he sent to warn the convoy." وكان المندوب لذلك الأمير أخر أسلم والطنبا العادلي، وجماعة من الفرسان المذكورين،,"Those assigned this task were the Master of the Horse, Aslam, Altunbugha al-‘Adili and several renowned warriors." وأمرهم أن يبعدوا بالقافلة في البرية، ويتباعدوا عن العدو ما أمكن،,He ordered them to take the convoy on a wide circuit in the desert and to keep them away from the enemy as much as possible. فاتفق أن العسكر وصل الحسي قبل وصول العدو إليه،,It so happened that our troops had arrived at al-Hasi before the enemy did. فلم يقيموا عليه، وساروا حتى وصلوا القفل والعسكر المصري،,"They did not stay there, but went on and joined up with the convoy and the Egyptian army." فأتوا بالقفل على ذلك الطريق ثقة منهم بأنهم لم يجدوا فيه ذاعرًا، ولا أحسوا فيه بمخوف,"They then brought the convoy back along that route, confident that they would find no frightening foe on the route nor be aware of any cause for alarm." فرغبوا في قرب الطريق، وسلكوا بالناس هذا الطريق حتى وصلوا إلى ماء يُقال له الخويلفة، وتفرق الناس لأجل الماء،,"They were eager to take the short way and so they took the people along that route. They came to a spring called al-Khuwaylifa, where they scattered to get water." فأخبر العرب العدو بذلك، وهو نازل برأس الحسي،,The Bedouin passed this news to the enemy who were camped at the source of al-Hasi. فقام من وقته وسرى حتى أتاهم قبيل الصبح،,"Immediately, they struck camp, made a night march and arrived just before dawn." وكان مقدم العسكر فلك الدين أخو الملك العادل لأمه، فأشار أسلم بالمسير ليلًا قطعًا للطريق، واستظهارًا بالصعود إلى الجبل،,"The commander of the Egyptian army was Falak al-Din, the half-brother on the mother’s side of al-‘Adil. Aslam had advised him to make a night march to get through the route and to seek the security of ascent to the uplands." فخاف فلك الدين أنه إن رحل بالليل جرى أمر على القافلة لتبددها،,"Falak al-Din feared that, if he moved by night, something might befall the convoy because it would become scattered." فنادى في الناس أن لا يرحلوا إلى الصباح.,He therefore announced that there would be no departure until dawn. وأما الانكتار فبلغنا أنه لما بلغه الخبر لم يصدقه،,"Meanwhile, as we have heard, the king of England, when this news reached him, did not believe it." وركب مع العرب بجمع يسير، وسار حتى أتى القفل، فطاف حوله في صورة عربي,"He rode with a small party and the Bedouin until he reached the caravan, and then circled around it, disguised as an Arab." ورآهم ساكنين قد غشيهم النعاس،,"He saw them quietly resting, deep in sleep." فعاد واستركب عسكره، وكانت الكبسة قريب الصباح,He went back and called his men to horse. The surprise attack was close to dawn. فبغت الناس، ووقع عليهم بخيله ورجله،,He caught them unawares and charged with both his horse and foot. وكان الشجاع هو الذي ركب فرسه ونجا بنفسه،,It was a brave and stout man who was able to mount his horse and save his live. وانهزم الناس إلى جهة القفل والعدو يتلوهم، فلما رأوا القفل أعرضوا عن قتال العسكر، وطلبوا القفل،,"Our troops fled towards the caravan, followed by the enemy, who, when they saw the caravan, turned from fighting our troops to pursuing the caravan." فانقسم القفل ثلاثة أقسام؛ قسم قصدوا الكرك مع جماعة من العرب، وعسكر الملك العادل، وقسم أوغلوا في البرية مع جماعة من العرب أيضًا، وقسم استولى عليهم العدو فساقهم بجمالهم وأحمالهم وجميع ما كان معهم،,"It was divided into three: one part made for Kerak with a body of [loyal] Bedouin and the troops of al-‘Adil, another went deep into the desert with another group of Bedouin, and the third was overwhelmed by the enemy, who drove off their camels and loads, and all that they had." وكانت وقعة شنعاء لم يُصَب الإسلام بمثلها من مدة مديدة،,"It was a disastrous incident, the like of which had not befallen Islam for a very long time." وكان في العسكر المصري جماعة من المذكورين كحسين الجراحي وفلك الدين وبني الجاولي وغيرهم من المذكورين،,"With the Egyptian troops were several persons of note, such as Husayn the Surgeon, Falak al-Din, the sons of al-Jawuli and others." وقُتل من العدو زهاء مائتي فارس على رواية، وعشرة أنفس على رواية،,"On the enemy side 100 knights were killed, according to one report, or ten according to another." ولم يقتل من المسلمين معروف سوى الحاجب يوسف وابن الجاولي الصغير فإنهما استشهدا إلى رحمة الله — تعالى —,"On the Muslim side none but the following notables were killed, the Chamberlain Yusuf and the young son of al-Jawuli, who both passed as martyrs to the mercy of God." وكان للسلطان حمل مع أيبك العزيزي، فقاتل دونه وسلم، وتقدم عند السلطان بسبب ذلك,"One camel load belonging to the sultan was with Aybak al-‘Azizi, who fought to protect it and got away safely. For that reason his standing rose in the estimation of the sultan." وتبدد الناس في البرية، ورموا أموالهم، وكان السعيد منهم من نجا بنفسه،,In general our people were dispersed about the desert and threw away their goods. Happy was the man who escaped with his life. وجمع العدو ما أمكنهم جمعه من الخيل والبغال والجمال والأقمشة، وسائر أنواع الأموال وكلف الجمالين خدمة الجمال والخربندية خدمة البغال والساسة خدمة الخيل،,"The enemy gathered up all the horses, camels, textiles and other goods that they could, and they compelled the cameleers to look after the camels, the muleteers to handle the mules and the grooms to tend the horses." وسار في جحفل من الغنيمة يطلب عسكره، فنزل على الخويلفة فاستقى منها، ثم سار حتى أتى الحسي،,"They set out to return to their army with a vast quantity of booty, stopped at al-Khuwaylifa where they drew water and then travelled on to al-Hasi." ولقد حكى لي من كان أسيرًا معهم أنه في تلك الليلة وقع فيهم الصوت أن عسكر السلطان قد قصدهم، فتركوا الغنيمة، وانهزموا، وبعدوا عنها زمانًا،,"Someone who was a prisoner of theirs related that during that night, a rumour passed amongst them that the sultan’s army had moved against them, so they abandoned the booty and fled, remaining at a distance for some time." ولما انكشف لهم أن العسكر لم يلحقهم عادوا إلى الرحل،,"When it became plain to them that the army had not caught up with them, they returned to the baggage." وهرب في تلك الغيبة جمع من أسارى المسلمين، وكان الحاكي منهم،,During their absence a number of Muslim prisoners had run away. The source of this information was one of them. فسألته بكم حزرتم الجمال والخيل،,"I asked him, ‘How many camels and horses did you estimate there to be?’" فأخبر أن الجمال تناهز ثلاثة آلاف، والأسارى خمسمائة، وتقرب من ذلك عدة الخيل.,"He said that the camels numbered about 3,000 and the prisoners were 500. The number of horses was comparable to this." وكانت هذه الوقعة صبيحة الثلاثاء حادي عشر جمادى الآخرة،,This disaster took place during the morning of Tuesday 11 Jumada II {23 June}. ووصل الخبر إلى السلطان في عشية ذلك اليوم بعد العشاء الآخرة،,The sultan heard the news on the evening of that day after evening prayer. وكنت جالسًا في خدمته،,I was sitting in attendance on him. وأوصل الخبر شاب من الإصطبلية،,"A young man, one of the stable orderlies, brought the news." فما مر بالسلطان خبر أنكى منه في قلبه ولا أكثر تشويشًا لباطنه،,No news came into the sultan’s ken more grievous to his heart than this or more upsetting to his spirit. وأخذت في تسكينه وتسليته، وهو لا يكاد يقبل التسلية.,"I began to calm and console him, although he was hardly capable of accepting any consolation." وكان أصل هذه القضية أن الأمير أسلم أشار عليهم أن يصعدوا الجبل فلم يفعلوا، فصعد هو وأصحابه،,"Central to the whole affair was that the Master of the Horse Aslam had advised them to gain the uplands and then camp, but they had not done so. He and his men had gone up." فلما وقعت الكبسة كان هو على الجبل، فلم يصل إليه أحد من العدو، ولم يشعروا به،,"When therefore the surprise attack happened, he was on the uplands and none of the enemy reached him, nor did they know he was there." ولما انهزم المسلمون تبعتهم خيالة الإفرنج، وأقام الرجالة منهم يستولون على ما تخلف من المسلمين من الأقمشة،,"When the Muslims fled, the Frankish cavalry followed them, while their infantry remained to seize the stuff that the Muslims left behind." ولما تحقق الأمير أسلم أن الخيالة قد بعدت عن الرجالة نزل إليهم بمن معه من الخيالة،,"Realising that the cavalry were far away from the infantry, the Master of the Horse came down on the latter with the cavalry that he had." وكبسهم من حيث لم يشعروا، وقتلوا منهم جماعة، وغنموا منهم دواب من جملتها بغلة كانت تحت هذا القاصد،,"They caught them totally by surprise, killing many of them, and gained back some mounts, including the mule on which our messenger was riding." ثم سار العدو يطلب خيامه، فكان وصوله إلى المخيم يوم الجمعة سادس عشر جمادى الأخرى،,"The enemy then made for their camp, where they arrived on 16 Jumada II {29 June}." وكان يومًا عظيمًا عندهم أظهروا فيه من السرور وأسبابه ما لا يمكن وصفه،,It was a great day for them on which the joy and rejoicing shown were beyond description. وأعادوا خيمهم إلى الوطأة على بيت نوبة، وصح عزمهم على القدس،,They returned their tents to the plain at Bayt Nuba and their determination to march to Jerusalem was confirmed. وقويت نفوسهم بما حصلوا عليه من الأموال والجمال التي كانت تحمل الميرة والزاد الواصلة من مصر مع عسكرها,"Their spirits were greatly raised by their acquisition of the money and the camels that had been carrying provisions and supplies, coming from Egypt with the Egyptian army." ورتبوا جماعة على لد يحفظون الطريق على من ينقلون الميرة، وأنفذوا الكندهري إلى صور وطرابلس وعكا يستحضر من فيها من المقاتلة ليصعدوا إلى القدس،,"They posted a detachment at Lydda to guard the road for those who were bringing up provisions and sent Count Henry to Tyre, Tripoli and Acre to summon all the fighting men there to come up to Jerusalem." ولما عرف السلطان ذلك منهم عاد إلى الأسوار، فقسمها على الأمراء، وتقدم إليهم بتهيئة أسباب الحصار،,"When the sultan learnt what they were doing, he turned to the city walls, assigned sections of them to the emirs and commanded them to prepare the means to withstand a siege." وأخذ في إفساد المياه بظاهر القدس وتخريب الصهاريج والجباب، بحيث لم يبقَ حول القدس ماء يشرب أصلًا، وأطنب في ذلك إطنابًا عظيمًا،,"He then started poisoning the water sources outside Jerusalem, destroying the pits and the cisterns, so that around Jerusalem there remained no drinkable water at all. He was extremely thorough in this." وأرض القدس لا يطمع في حفر بئر بها فيها ماء معين؛ لأنها جبل عظيم وحجر صلب، وسير إلى العساكر يطلبها من النواحي والبلاد.,In the area around Jerusalem there is no hope of digging a well with plentiful water because it is a large mountain of solid rock. The sultan sent to muster his troops from all quarters and lands. (١٣٩) ذكر قدوم الملك الأفضل وأمره بالعود عن تلك البلاد وكان قد وصل إلى حلب المحروسة,"The arrival of al-Afdal • When the agreement had been reached with al-‘Adil concerning his crossing into the lands of the Euphrates, the sultan sent to al-Afdal to order him to return from his expedition into those areas. He had got as far as Aleppo" ولما وصل أمر السلطان إليه بالعود عاد مع انكسار في قلبه، وتشويش في باطنه،,"and, when the sultan’s order to return came to him, he returned broken in heart and troubled in his mind." فوصل إلى دمشق مستعتبًا، ولم يحضر إلى خدمة السلطان،,He came tardily to Damascus and did not present himself for service with the sultan. فلما اشتد خبر الإفرنج سير إليه وطلبه،,"When the reports about the Franks became serious, the sultan sent for him and demanded his presence." فما وسعه التأخر، فسار مع من كان قد وصل من العساكر الشرقية إلى دمشق، وكان وصوله في يوم الخميس تاسع عشر جمادى الأخرى،,"He could delay no longer, so he set out with those eastern troops who had come to Damascus. He arrived on Thursday 19 Jumada II [2 July]." ولقيه السلطان قريبًا من العازرية، فترجل له جبرًا لقلبه، وتعظيمًا لأمره،,"When the sultan met him at al-‘Azariyya, the sultan dismounted to greet him to mend his feelings and enhance his authority." وسار وفي خدمته أخوه الملك الظافر وقطب الدين إلى ظاهر القدس.,"Al-Afdal then left, with his brothers al-Zafir and Qutb al-Din under his command, to operate against the enemy around Jerusalem." (١٤٠) ذكر عود العدو إلى بلادهم وسبب ذلك,The reason why the enemy withdrew to their own territory ولما كانت ليلة الخميس تاسع عشر جمادى الأخرى استحضر السلطان الأمراء عنده،,On the eve of Thursday 19 Jumada II [2 July] the sultan summoned the emirs to him. فحضر الأمير أبو الهيجاء السمين بمشقة عظيمة، وجلس على كرسي في خيمة السلطان،,With great difficulty the Emir Abu’l-Hayja’ came and had a stool to sit on while in the presence of the sultan. وحضر المشطوب والأسدية بأسرهم وجماعة الأمراء،,Al-Mashtub with all the Asadiyya [emirs] and the whole complement of [other] emirs came before him. ثم أمرني أن أكلمهم وأحثهم على الجهاد،,The sultan commanded me to address them to encourage them in the Jihad. فذكرت ما يسره الله من ذلك،,I delivered whatever words God brought to my mind on that subject. وكان مما قلته أن النبي ﷺ لما اشتد به الأمر بايعه الصحابة — رضي الله عنهم — على الموت في لقاء العدو،,"For example I said, ‘When the Prophet was in a critical situation, the Companions swore to be true even unto death when they faced the enemy." ونحن أولى من تأسى به ﷺ، والمصلحة الاجتماع عند الصخرة والتحالف على الموت،,It is right for us more than for others to follow his pattern. The best thing we can do is to assemble at the Dome of the Rock and swear to support one another unto death. ولعل ببركة هذه النية يندفع هذا العدو، فاستحسن الجماعة ذلك، ووافقوا عليه.,Perhaps through the blessedness of this purpose our enemy will be repelled.’ All approved this and agreed to do it. ثم شرع السلطان بعد أن سكت زمانًا في صورة مفكر، والناس سكوت كأن على رءوسهم الطير،,"After being silent for a time, lost in thought, while those present held their peace and hardly dared to move the sultan then began to speak." فقال: «الحمد لله، والصلاة على رسول الله، اعلموا أنكم جند الإسلام اليوم ومنعته، وأنتم تعلمون أن دماء المسلمين وأموالهم وذراريهم معلقة بذممكم،,"‘Praise be to God and blessings on the Prophet of God,’ he said, ‘Know that today you are the army of Islam and its bulwark, as you are aware that the blood of the Muslims, their property and their offspring depend on your protection." وإن هذا العدو ليس له من المسلمين من تلقاه إلا أنتم، فإن وليتم بأنفسكم والعياذ بالله طوى البلاد طيَّ السجل للكتاب،,"There are no Muslims who can face the enemy but you. If you turn your reins away, which God forbid, they will roll up these lands as one rolls up a scroll." وكان ذلك في ذمتكم؛ فإنكم أنتم الذين تصديتم لهذا، وأكلتم مال بيت المال، فالمسلمون في سائر البلاد متعلقون بكم والسلام.»,"This is your responsibility, for you are the ones who took on this task and have been supported by public treasury monies. The Muslims in all lands depend on you. My blessings go with you.’" فانتدب لجوابه سيف الدين المشطوب، وقال: يا مولانا نحن مماليكك وعبيدك، وأنت أنعمت علينا وكبرتنا وعظمتنا وأعطيتنا، وليس لنا إلا رقابنا، وهي بين يديك، والله لا يرجع أحد منا عن نصرتك إلى أن نموت.,"Sayf al-Din al-Mashtub undertook to reply and said, ‘We are your mamlukes and your slaves. You are the one who has shown us favour and raised us high, made us powerful and enriched us with your bounty. We have nothing but our lives and they are at your feet. By God, not one of us will give up fighting for you till he dies.’" فقال الجماعة مثل ما قال؛ فانبسطت نفسه بذلك المجلس، وطاب قلبه وأطعمهم، ثم انصرفوا.,All responded in similar fashion and the sultan’s heart was greatly cheered by this session and his spirits rose. He provided them with a meal and then they departed. وانقضى يوم الخميس على أشد حال التأهب والاهتمام,Thursday came to an end with the most intense preparation and activity. حتى كانت العشاء الآخرة وجميعنا في خدمته على العادة، وسهرنا حتى مضى من الليلة هزيع وهو غير منبسط على عادته،,"When it was time for the late evening prayer, they gathered to wait on the sultan as was normal practice and we stayed conversing until a good part of the night had past, but he was not at ease as he normally was." ثم صلينا العشاء، وكانت العشاء هي الدستور العام،,"We prayed the prayer, which was the general signal to disperse." فصلينا وأخذنا في الانصراف، فاستدعاني,"After prayer, we started to leave but he called me over." فلما جلست في خدمته قال لي: علمت ما الذي تجدد؟ قلت: لا.,"I took my seat before him and he said to me, ‘Do you know what has happened?’ I replied, ‘What has happened?’" قال: إن أبا الهيجاء السمين أنفذ إليَّ اليوم، وقال إنه اجتمع عنده جماعة من المماليك، وأنكروا علينا موافقتنا على الحصار،,"He went on, ‘Abu’l-Hayja’ sent to me today, saying, “The mamlukes and the emirs as a body have met with me today and criticised us for agreeing with you to make preparations for a siege." وقالوا: لا مصلحة في ذلك، فإنا نخاف أن نحصر ويجري علينا مثل ما جرى على عكا، وحينئذٍ تؤخذ بلاد الإسلام أجمع،,"They said that this is not the best course and they fear that, when they are besieged, they will suffer what happened to those in Acre and then all the lands of Islam will be lost." والرأي أن نلقى مصاف فإن قدَّر الله — تعالى — أن نهزمهم ملكنا بقية بلادهم،,"The right plan is to meet in pitched battle. If God decrees that we defeat them, we will gain all their remaining territory." وإن تكن الأخرى يسلم العسكر، ويمض القدس، وقد حفظ الإسلام بعساكره مدة بغير القدس.,"In the other eventuality, our forces will survive although Jerusalem will go, but the lands of Islam have been sustained by their armies for a while without Jerusalem.’”" وكان — رحمه الله — عنده من القدس أمر عظيم لا تحمله الجبال، فشقت عليه هذه الرسالة،,"Now, towards Jerusalem the sultan felt a great concern that would move mountains and he was distressed by this communication." وأقمت تلك الليلة في خدمته، وهي من الليالي التي أحييتها في سبيل الله،,"I remained in attendance upon him that night, a night wholly spent on the concerns of the Holy War." وكان مما قالوه في الرسالة: إن أردت أن نقيم فتكون معنا أنت أو بعض أهلك، وإلا فالأكراد لا يدينون للأتراك، والأتراك كذلك.,"Part of their communication had been, ‘If you want us, then you or one of your family should be with us, around whom we may unite, for otherwise the Kurds will not submit to the Turks nor the Turks to the Kurds.’" فانفصل الحال على أن يقيم من أهله مجد الدين بن فخروشاه وصاحب بعلبك.,"In the end it was decided that one of his family, Majd al-Din ibn Farrukhshah, the lord of Baalbek, should remain [in Jerusalem]." وكان — رحمه الله — يحدث نفسه بالمقام، ثم صرف رأيه عنه لما فيه من الخطر على الإسلام،,"He had been tempted to remain himself, but then his better sense rejected that because of the risk to Islam it involved." فلما أن قارب الصبح، وأشفقت عليه خاطبته في أن يستريح ساعة،,"When dawn drew near, I expressed concern for him and told him to rest for a while in the hope that he would get a little sleep." وانصرفت عنه، فما وصلت إلا والمؤذن قد أذن،,I left and returned to my own residence. Hardly had I arrived before the muezzin gave the call to prayer. فأخذت في أسباب الوضوء، فما فرغت إلا والصبح قد طلع، فعدت إلى خدمته وهو يجدد الوضوء،,"I applied myself to my ablutions and had only just finished when dawn broke. Normally I would perform the dawn prayer with the sultan, so I made my way to him, just as he was renewing his ablutions." فصلينا ثم قلت له: قد وقع لي واقع أعرضه.,"We prayed together and then I said, ‘I have had a thought which I would like to propose.’" قال: وما هو؟ قلت: من كثر اهتمامه بما قد حمل على نفسه، وقد عجزت أسبابه الأرضية ينبغي له أن يرجع إلى الله،,"He gave his assent, so I went on, ‘Your lordship is deeply worried and greatly exercised in the matter that he has taken upon himself. Earthly means have failed. Now it is proper to have recourse to God." وهذا يوم الجمعة، وهو أبرك أيام الأسبوع، فيه دعوة مستجابة، ونحن في أبرك موضع،,"This is Friday, the most blessed day of the week, during which prayers are answered, as the authentic Traditions of the Prophet have it. We are in the most blessed place that we could be in on this day." فالسلطان يغتسل ويتصدق بصدقة خفية، بحيث لا يشعر أحد أنها منه، ويصلي بين الأذان والإقامة ركعتين يناجي فيهما ربه، ويفوض مقاليد أموره إليه، ويعترف بالعجز عما تصدى له، فلعل الله يرحمه ويستجيب دعاءه.,"Let the sultan make his ablutions for the congregational Friday prayer and bestow some alms secretly, so that they are not known to be from you, and perform two ritual sequences between the call to prayer and the commencement of the service, during which you commune privately with your Lord and entrust the management of your enterprise to Him, confessing your inability to fulfil what you have embarked upon. Perhaps God will take pity on you and answer your petition.’" وكان حسن العقيدة تام الإيمان، يتلقى الأمور الشرعية بأكمل انقياد،,"The sultan held to an admirable creed and was a total believer, who faced the obligations of the Holy Law with complete obedience and acceptance." ثم انفصلنا، فلما جاء وقت الجمعة صليت إلى جانبه في الأقصى،,"We parted and then, when it was time for the Friday prayer, I prayed alongside him in the Aqsa Mosque." فصلى ركعتين، ورأيته ساجدًا وهو يذكر كلمات ودموعه تتقاطر على مصلاه،,"He performed two ritual sequences and I saw him prostrate himself and say some words, while his tears were falling on to his prayer rug." ثم انقضت الجمعة بخير،,The Friday prayer was then completed with proper ceremony. ولما كانت عشيتها ونحن في خدمته على العادة وصلت رقعة من جرديك، وكان في اليزك، وكان جملة ما فيها أن القوم ركبوا بأسرهم ووقفوا في التل وقت الظهيرة، ثم عادوا إلى خيامهم، وقد سيرنا جواسيس تكشف أخبارهم.,"On the evening of that day, while we were in attendance as normal, a report arrived from Jurdik, who was with the advanced detachment, in which he said, ‘The enemy all mounted up, stood in the field on horseback and then returned to their tents. We have sent spies to discover what they are up to.’" ولما كانت صبيحة السبت وصلت رقعة أخرى يخبر فيها أن الجواسيس رجعوا وأخبروا أن القوم اختلفوا في الصعود إلى القدس والرحيل إلى بلادهم،,"Early morning on Saturday [4 July] another despatch came, reporting that our spies had returned and reported that the enemy had been in dispute about whether to march up to Jerusalem or depart for their own territory." فذهبت الفرنسيسية إلى الصعود إلى القدس، وقالوا: نحن إنما جئنا من بلادنا بسبب القدس، ولا نرجع دونه.,"The French were for going up to Jerusalem, saying, ‘The only reason we have come from our countries is Jerusalem. We shall not return without it.’" وقال الانكتار: إن هذا الموضع قد أُفسدت مياهه، ولم يبقَ حوله ماء أصلًا، فمن أين نشرب؟,"However, the king of England said, ‘The water sources of this place have been poisoned. All around no water remains at all. Where will we drink from?’" فقالوا له: نشرب من نهر نقوع بينه وبين القدس مقدار فرسخ، فقال: كيف نذهب إلى السقي؟,"‘From the spring at Taqu”, they replied. This place is about a league from Jerusalem. The king said, ‘How can we go to get water?’" فقالوا: ننقسم قسمين؛ قسم يركب إلى السقي، وقسم يبقى على البلد في المنازلة، ويكون الشرب في اليوم مرة.,"They said, ‘We shall divide into two. One group will ride to the source of water with the animals and the other will remain in position before the city. There will be one watering a day.’" فقال الانكتار: إذن يؤخذ العسكر البراني الذي يذهب مع الدواب، ويخرج عسكر البلد على الباقين، ويذهب دين النصرانية،,"‘In that case,’ stated the king, ‘the [Muslim] army in the field will overwhelm the group that goes with the animals, the troops in the city will make a sortie against those that stay behind and Christendom will be lost.’" فانفصل الحال على أنهم حكموا ثلاثمائة من أعيانهم،,The discussion ended with a decision to nominate 300 arbitrators from amongst their notables. وحكم الثلاثمائة اثني عشر، وحكم الاثنا عشر ثلاثة منهم،,The 300 nominated twelve from their number and then the twelve selected three. وقد باتوا على حكم الثلاثة، فما أمروا به فعلوه،,They waited overnight for the decision of the three and whatever they ordered would be done. فلما أصبحوا حكموا بالرحيل فلم تمكنهم المخالفة،,In the morning their decision was for departure and no disagreement was possible. وأصبحوا في بكرة الحادي والعشرين من جمادى الآخرة راحلين نحو الرملة، وعلى أعقابهم ناكصين، ولله الحمد،,"Early morning on 21 Jumada II [4 July] they set out in the direction of Ramla, retreating the way they had come." ومضى عسكرهم شاكيًا السلاح، ولم يبقَ في المنزلة إلا الآثار، ثم نزلوا الرملة،,"Their troops, bristling with weapons, held their ground until there remained only the traces of where their camp had been and then they moved down to Ramla." وتواترت الأخبار بذلك، فركب السلطان وركب الناس وكان يوم سرور وفرح.,"Many reports of this came in and the sultan rode out with his troops. This was a day of delight and rejoicing," (١٤١) ذكر رسالة الكندهري,Count Henry’s mission ولما فرغ بال السلطان برحيل العدو حضر رسول الكندهري يقول إن الانكتار قد أعطاني البلاد الساحلية، وهي الآن لي فأعد عليَّ بلادي حتى أصالحك وأكون أحد أولادك،,"When the sultan’s mind was relieved by the departure of the enemy, he summoned Count Henry’s envoy to hear what mission he came on. Having appeared before the sultan and been given permission to deliver his message, he said, ‘Count Henry says the following, “The king of England has bestowed on me the lands of the coastal plain, which are now mine. Restore to me my lands so that I may make peace with you and be one of your sons.”" فغضب السلطان لذلك غضبًا عظيمًا، بحيث إنه كاد يبطش به، فأقيم من بين يديه،,"The sultan became furiously angry, almost struck him and had him removed." فسأل أن يمهل ليقول كلمة أخرى، فأذن له في ذلك، فقال: يقول إن البلاد في يدك، فما الذي تعطيني منها؟ فانتهره وأقامه.,"He then asked to be allowed to appear to say a few more words. This was granted and he said, speaking for Count Henry, ‘My lands are in your hands. Which of them will you give me?’ The sultan dismissed him with an angry rebuke." ولما كان اليوم الثالث والعشرون حضر الرسول وكان جوابه أن يكون الحديث بيننا في صور وعكا على ما كان مع المركيس.,"When it was Monday 23 Jumada II [6 July], he called the envoy again and gave this answer: ‘Let our discussion be about Tyre and Acre, as was agreed with the marquis.’" ثم وصل بعد ذلك الحاجب يوسف صاحب المشطوب من عند الإفرنج، وذكر أن الانكتار أحضره وأحضر الكندهري، وأخلى المجلس، وقال له: قل لصاحبك أنا قد هلكنا نحن وأنتم،,"Later on the Hajji Yusuf, al-Mashtub’s man, came from the Franks and reported that the king of England had summoned him and Count Henry, cleared the chamber and said to him, ‘Tell your master that we, you and we together, are ruined." والأصلح حقن الدماء،,Our best course is to stop the bloodshed. ولا ينبغي أن تعتقد أن ذلك لضعف مني، بل للمصلحة،,"You ought not to believe that this is from any weakness of mine. No, it is for the good of all." ولا تغتر بتأخري عن منزلي، فالكبش يتأخر لينطح، وأن يكون هو الواسطة بينهم وبين السلطان.,Let al-Mashtub be the mediator between us and the sultan and not be deceived by our withdrawal. The ram backs away to charge.’ وأنفذ مع الحاجب شخصين يسمعان الكلام من المشطوب،,The king called two men to go with the Hajjl to hear what al-Mashtub had to say. وكان ظاهر الحال الكلام في إطلاق بهاء الدين قراقوش، وباطنه في معنى آخر،,"The ostensible aim was to discuss the freeing of Baha’ al-Din Qaraqush, but in reality it was to have peace talks." وأخبر الحاجب أنهم رحلوا عن الرملة قاصدين يافا، وأنهم على غاية الضعف والعجز عن قصد مكانٍ آخر،,The Hajjl told us that the enemy had marched from Ramla and were making for Jaffa and that they were extremely weak and incapable of attacking any place. فاستحضر المشطوب من نابلس لسماع الرسالة،,"Al-Mashtub was asked to come from Nablus to hear the communication, which he did." وكان الجواب إلى الكندهري أن نعطي عكا، ونصالحه على مال، ويتركنا والانكتار على بقية البلاد.,"The answer was, ‘Count Henry has been given Acre. We will make peace with him recognising what he has. Let him leave us to negotiate with the king of England over the remaining territories.’" سطقمنالنسخة,A battle that took place before Acre وكان — رحمه الله — قد جعل في مقابلة عكا عسكرًا خشية خروج العدو إلى النواحي التي تليها،,The sultan had stationed a force facing Acre because he feared that the enemy might make forays into the adjacent regions. فلما كان الثاني والعشرون خرج العدو من عكا غائرين على ما يليها من البلاد والرساتيق،,"When it was Sunday 22 Jumada II [5 July], the enemy did march out of Acre to raid the towns and the countryside that were nearby." فثارت عليهم الكمينات من الجوانب، وكان قد شعر العسكر الإسلامي بخروجهم،,"Our ambushes surprised them in several places, for our troops were aware of their foray." فكمن لهم، فأخذوا منهم جماعة، وقتلوا جماعة. ولله الحمد.,They ambushed them and captured or killed several. To God be the praise. (١٤٢) ذكر عود رسولهم في معنى الصلح,The return of their envoy to discuss peace ولما كان يوم الجمعة السادس والعشرون من الشهر عاد رسولهم صحبة الحاجب يوسف، وقد حمل الحاجب يوسف رسالة يؤديها بحضور صاحبهم،,"On Thursday 26 Jumada II [9 July] their envoy returned with the Hajjl Yusuf, who had been given a message to deliver in the presence of their man," وهي أن الملك الانكتار يقول: إني راغب في مودتك وصداقتك، وإنه لا يريد أن يكون فرعون بملك الأرض، ولا يظن ذلك فيك،,"which was, ‘The king, that is the king of England, says that he desires your love and friendship. He does not wish to be a pharoah ruling the earth and he does not think that of you." ولا يجوز لك أن تهلك المسلمين كلهم، ولا يجوز لي أن أهلك الإفرنج كلهم،,"“It is not right,” he says, “for you to ruin all the Muslims, nor for me to ruin all the Franks." وهذا ابن أختي الكندهري قد ملكته هذه الديار وسلمته إليك ليكون هو وعسكره تحت حكمك،,"Consider my nephew, Count Henry, whom I have made ruler of these lands. I hand him and his troops over to your authority." ولو استدعيتهم إلى الشنق سمعوا وأطاعوا،,"If you were to summon them [for a campaign] to the east, they would hear and obey." ويقول: إن جماعة من الرهبان المنقطعين قد طلبوا منك كنائس، فما بخلت عليهم بها، وأنا أطلب منك كنيسة،,Many monks and men of religion have asked you for churches and you have not grudged them what they asked. Now I ask you for a church. وتلك الأمور التي كانت تضيق صدرك مما كان يجري في المراسلة مع الملك العادل تركتها وأعرضت عنها،,Those matters which annoyed you in the negotiations with al-‘Adil I have declared that I give them up. I have renounced them. ولو أعطيتني مقرعة أو خربة قبلتها.,"Were you to give me a whip or a water-skin, would accept it and kiss it.’”" فلما سمع السلطان هذه الرسالة جمع أرباب الرأي وأصحاب مشورته، وسألهم عما يكون الجواب لهذه الرسالة،,"When the sultan had heard this message, he gathered his advisers and councillors and asked them what the reply to this message should be." فما منهم إلا من أشار بالمحاسنة وعقد الصلح؛ لما كان قد أخذ المسلمين من الضجر والتعب وعلاهم من الديون،,"There was not one who did not advise conciliation and a conclusion of peace because of the fatigue, exhaustion and burden of debts from which the Muslims suffered." "واستقرَّ الحال على هذا الجواب: إذا دخلت معنا هذا الدخول فما جزاء الإحسان إلا الإحسان، إن ابن أختك يكون عندي كبعض أولادي، وسيبلغك ما أفعل معه،","It was agreed to make this response: ‘If you make this sort of overture to us, goodwill cannot be met with other than goodwill. Your nephew will be to me like one of my sons. You shall hear how well I shall treat him." وأنا أعطيك أكبر الكنائس، وهي القمامة، وأما بقية البلاد فنقسمها،,"I will bestow on him the greatest of churches, the Holy Sepulchre, and the rest of the lands we shall divide." فالساحلية التي بيدك تكون بيدك، والذي بأيدينا من القلاع الجبلية يكون لنا،,The coastal plain that is in your hands shall remain so and the upland castles that are in our hands shall remain ours. وما بين العملين يكون مناصفة,What is between the two regions shall be in condominium. وعسقلان وما وراءها يكون خرابًا لا لنا ولا لكم،,"Ascalon and what is beyond shall be left in ruins, neither ours nor yours." "وإن أردتم قراها كانت لكم، والذي كنت أكرهه حديث عسقلان. وانفصل الرسول طيب النفس، وذلك في ثاني يوم قدومه، وهو الثامن والعشرون،","If you want its villages, let them be yours. What I have disliked is discussion about Ascalon.’ The envoy departed well satisfied. That was on the day after his arrival, on 27 Jumada II [10 July]." واتصل الخبر بعد وصول الرسول إليهم أنهم راحلون إلى عسقلان طالبون جهة مصر،,"The news came that they, after the return of their envoy, were setting out for Ascalon, with the intention of marching to Egypt." ووصل رسول من جانب قطب الدين بن قليج أرسلان يقول إن البابا قد وصل إلى القسطنطينية في خلق لا يعلم عددهم إلا الله — تعالى.,"On Friday 27 Jumada II [10 July] an envoy came from Qutb al-Din ibn Qilij Arslan, whose message was, ‘The Pope has come to Constantinople with a great multitude the number of which God alone knows.’" وقال الرسول: إني قتلت في الطريق اثني عشر فارسًا. ويقول: تقدم إليَّ من يستلم بلادي مني، فإني قد عجزت عن حفظها،,"The envoy added, ‘I have killed twelve knights on the road,’ and then, speaking [for his principal], ‘Command someone to come to take over my lands, for I am incapable of defending them.’" فلم يصدق السلطان هذا الخبر، ولم يكترث به.,The sultan did not believe this news and paid no attention to it. (١٤٣) ذكر عود رسول الإفرنج ثالثًا,The return of the Frank’s envoy a third time ولما كان التاسع والعشرون وصل الحاجب صاحب المشطوب ومعه جفري رسول الملك،,"The evening of Sunday 29 Jumada II [12 July] al-Mashtub’s man, the Hajji, came, accompanied by Geoffrey, the king’s envoy." فقال: إن الملك شكر إنعام السلطان، وقال: إن الذي أطلبه منك أن يكون لنا في قلعة القدس عشرون رجلًا، وإن من سكن من النصارى والإفرنج لا يعترض إليهم، وأما بقية البلاد فلنا منها الساحليات والوطاة والبلاد الجبلية لكم.,"He said, ‘The king is grateful for the sultan’s favours and has said, “What I request from you is that we should have twenty persons in the citadel of Jerusalem and that the local Christians and the Franks who live in the city should not be harrassed. As for the rest of the land, we have the coastal plain and the lowlands and you have the hill country.’”" وأخبرنا الرسول من عند نفسه مناصحة أنه قد نزل عن حديث القدس ما عدا الزيارة، ولكن يقول ذلك تصنعًا لضعفنا وأنهم راغبون في الصلح، وأن الانكتار لا بد له من الرواح إلى بلده،,The envoy told us on his own initiative the following helpful information: ‘They have given up all talk of Jerusalem apart from being allowed to make pilgrimage. What they are proposing is only a ploy. They are eager for peace and it is essential for the king of England to return to his own country.’ وأقام يوم الاثنين سلخ الشهر، وكان معه في هذه الدفعة بازيان هدية للسلطان،,He stayed during Monday the last day of the month [13 July] and on this occasion he had with him two falcons as a gift for the sultan. فاستحضر الأمراء بأسرهم، وشاورهم فيما يكون الجواب لهذه الرسالة،,The latter summoned every one of his emirs and consulted them about what answer to make to this communication. وانفصل الحال على هذا الجواب، وهو أن القدس ليس لكم فيه حديث سوى الزيارة، فقال الرسول: وليس على الزوار شيء يؤخذ منهم.,"The answer that was arrived at finally was ‘You have no say at all in Jerusalem apart from a pilgrimage visit,’ to which the envoy replied, ‘But the pilgrims are to have nothing to pay.’" فعلم من هذا القول الموافقة، وأما البلاد كعسقلان وما وراءها فلا بد من خرابه،,"From these words it was understood that he agreed. Our answer continued, ‘As far as territory is concerned, Ascalon and what is beyond must be demolished.’" فقال الرسول: قد خسر الملك على سورها مالًا جزيلًا. فقال المشطوب للسلطان: المصلحة أن تجعل مزارعها وقراها في مقابلة خسارتها.,"The envoy said, ‘The king has spent vast sums on the walls there,’ so al-Mashtub asked the sultan to make Ascalon’s fields and villages a recompense for his losses." فأجاب: وإن الدارون وغيره تخرب وتكون بلادها مناصفة،,"The sultan agreed to that, but stipulated that Darum and other places should be demolished and their lands shared half-and-half." وأما باقي البلاد فتكون لهم من يافا إلى صور بأعمالها، ومهما اختلفنا في قرية كانت مناصفة. هكذا كان جواب رسالته،,"As for the rest of the country, they should have from Jaffa to Tyre, the towns and their districts, and if there was ever any dispute about a village it was to be shared equally. Such was the response to his mission." وسار في يوم الثلاثاء مستهل رجب ومعه الحاجب يوسف، وكان قد طلب رسولًا مذكورًا يحلفه إن استقرت القاعدة،,"The envoy left on Tuesday 1 Rajab [14 July] in the company of the Hajjl Yusuf, having asked for an emissary of high standing whose oath could be taken if all the terms were settled." فأخر السلطان تسيير الرسول إلى حين استقرار القاعدة، وأنفذ لهم هدية حسنة في مقابل هديتهم — وما كان يُغلب في الهدايا.,"However, the sultan put off sending such an emissary until the peace terms were fully agreed, but he dispatched a handsome gift in response to theirs. In the matter of gifts he was not to be outdone." (١٤٤) ذكر عود الرسول,The return of their envoy كان عوده وقد مضى هزيع من ليلة ثالث رجب،,"When a good part of the night was already over, the envoy came back during the eve of 3 Rajab [16 July]." فحضر الحاجب ليلًا، وأخبر السلطان الخبر،,The Hajjl presented himself during the night and told the sultan this news. وحضر الرسول في بكرة الخميس الثالث من رجب، وأدى الرسالة وهي أن الملك يسأل ويخضع لك أن تترك له هذه الأماكن الثلاثة عامرة،,"Early in the morning of Thursday 3 Rajab [16 July] their envoy was given an audience and delivered his message, which was, ‘The king humbly requests you to leave him these three places intact." وأي قدر لها في ملكك وعظمتك، وما من سبب لإصراره عليها إلا أن الإفرنج لم يسمحوا بها،,What importance do they have in the light of your power and greatness? The only reason for his repeated demands is that the Franks have not countenanced their demolition. وقد ترك القدس بالكلية، فلا يطلب أن يكون فيه رهبان ولا قسوس إلا في القمامة وحدها،,The king himself has totally given up Jerusalem and only asks that there should be monks and priests in the Holy Sepulchre. فأنت تترك له هذه البلاد، ويكون الصلح عامًا، فيكون لهم كل ما في أيديهم من الدارون إلى أنطاكية ولكم ما في أيديكم، وينتظم الحال ويروج وإن لم ينتظم الصلح فالإفرنج لا يمكنونه من الرواح، ولا يمكنه مخالفتهم.,"Will you not leave him these lands and let there be a general peace? The Franks will keep what they now hold from Darum to Antioch and what you hold will be secure, the situation will be resolved and he can depart. If peace is not concluded, the Franks will not allow him to depart and he cannot gainsay them.’" فانظر إلى هذه الصناعة في استخلاص الغرض باللين تارة، والخشونة أخرى،,Just look at this guile in eliciting what one wants by soft words at one moment and by harsh ones at the next! وكان لعنه الله مضطرًّا إلى الرواح، وهذا عمله مع اضطراره والله الولي في أن يقي المسلمين شره، فما بلونا أعظم حيلة ولا أشد إقدامًا منه.,"He was obliged to leave and this is how he operates despite this obligation! We pray to God to keep the Muslims safe from his evil, for they had never been tried by anyone more devious or more bold." ولما سمع السلطان هذه الرسالة أحضر الأمراء وأرباب الرأي من دولته، وسألهم عن الجواب ما يكون،,"Having heard this message, the sultan summoned his emirs and councillors of state and asked them what his reply should be." فكان خلاصة الرأي هذا الجواب وهو: «إن أهل أنطاكية لنا معهم حديث ورسلنا عندهم، فإن عادوا بما نريد أدخلناهم في الصلح وإلا فلا،,"The net result of their advice was the following reply: ‘With the people at Antioch we are in negotiation and our envoys are with them. If they come back with what we want, we shall include them in the peace, but if not, we will not." وأما البلاد التي سألها فلا يوافق المسلمون على دفعها إليه، وإن كانت لا قدر لها، وأما سور عسقلان فيأخذ في مقابلة ما خسر عليه لدا في الوطأة،,"As for the lands which he asks us for, the Muslims will never consent to hand them over to him, but in any case they are not important. Let the king accept Lydda on the plain in return for what he has spent on Ascalon’s walls.’" وسير الرسول صبيحة الجمعة رابع رجب.»,He sent the envoy off on the morning of Friday 4 Rajab [17 July]. ولما كان الخامس من رجب وصل ولده الملك الظاهر — عز نصره — وكان كثير المحبة له والإيثار لجانبه لما يراه فيه من أمارات السعادة وصفات الكفاءة، وتوسم الملك,"When it was Saturday 5 Rajab [18 July], his son, al-Zahir, arrived, for whom he had great love and special affection because of the signs of his being blest by good fortune and for the qualities of competence and the promising indications of kingship that he saw in him." فخرج السلطان إلى لقائه فلقيه من قاطع العزازية،,"The sultan went out to meet him, which he did beyond al-Azariyya, because he came by the Jordan valley." ونزل له عند لقائه واحترمه وأكرمه وضمه إليه وقبله بين عينيه ونزل في دار الاسبتار.,"When they met the sultan dismounted and received him with honour and respect, embraced and kissed him between the eyes. He lodged in the [former] Hospitallers’ residence." ولما كان السابع وصل الحاجب يوسف وحده،,"When it was Sunday 6 Rajab [19 July], the Hajjl Yusuf arrived alone." وذكر أن الملك قال له: لا يمكن أن نخرب من عسقلان حجرًا واحدًا، ولا يسمع عنا في البلاد مثل ذلك، وأما البلاد فحدودها معروفة، ولا مناكرة فيها.,"He reported that the king had said to him, ‘It is impossible for us to demolish one stone of Ascalon. Such a thing shall not be spoken of us in the land. The boundaries of these lands are well known and there is no dispute about them.’" وعند ذلك تأهب السلطان للخروج إلى جهة العدو وأظهر القوة وشدة العزم على اللقاء.,"At that point the sultan made preparations to march out towards the enemy, to show his strength and determination to meet in battle." (١٤٥) ذكر تبريزه رحمة الله عليه,The sultan takes the field ولما كان العاشر من رجب بلغ السلطان أن الإفرنج رحلوا طالبين نحو بيروت,On 10 Rajab [23 July] the sultan heard that the Franks had set out for Beirut. فبرز من القدس إلى منزلة يُقال لها الجيب،,He therefore left Jerusalem and stopped at a place called al-Jib. وكان قدوم الملك العادل من البلاد الفراتية في بكرة الحادي عشر،,Al-‘Adil had arrived back from the lands around the Euphrates during the morning of Friday 11 Rajab [24 July]. فدخل الصخرة وصلى عندها، ثم توجه يتبع السلطان، ثم إن السلطان رحل من الجيب إلى بيت نوبة،,"He had entered the Dome of the Rock, prayed there and then set out to follow the sultan. The latter moved from al-Jib to Bayt Nuba." وبعث إلى العسكر في القدس يحثهم على الخروج واللحاق به،,"He sent to the troops in Jerusalem, urging them to march out to join him." ولحقت السلطان في بيت نوبة، فإني كنت تخلفت عنه ليلة الاستعداد،,"I caught up with the sultan at Bayt Nuba, for I had stayed behind the night he made his preparations to leave." ثم رحل في يوم الأحد الثالث عشر إلى الرملة ضحوة نهاره على تلال بين الرملة ولدَّ، فأقام بها بقية الأحد،,"On Sunday 13 Rajab [26 July] he departed for Ramla and camped there around midday on some high ground between Ramla and Lydda, remaining there the rest of that day." ولما كانت صبيحة الاثنين ركب جريدة حتى أتى بازور وبيت جبرين فأشرف على يافا، ثم عاد إلى منزلته، وأقام بها بقية يومه،,"When it was Monday 14 Rajab [27 July], he rode out with a light force till he came to Yazur and Bayt Dajan, looked out towards Jaffa and then returned to his camp, where he remained for the rest of the day." وجمع أرباب مشورته وشاورهم في النزول على يافا واتفق الرأي على ذلك.,He gathered his councillors and consulted them about laying siege to Jaffa. Their joint opinion was that that should be done. (١٤٦) ذكر حصار يافا,Account of the siege of Jaffa ولما كان صباح الثلاثاء خامس عشرة رحل طالبًا جهة يافا، فخيم عليها ضحوة النهار،,"When it was the morning of Tuesday 15 Rajab [28 July], the sultan set out for Jaffa and came to camp there at midday." ورتب العسكر ميمنة وميسرة وقلبًا،,"He drew up his army as right wing, left wing and centre." وكان طرف الميمنة على البحر، وطرف الميسرة أيضًا على البحر، والسلطان في الوسط،,"The extremes of the right and left wings rested on the shore, while the sultan was in the middle." وكان صاحب الميمنة الملك الظاهر — أعز الله نصره — وصاحب الميسرة أخاه الملك العادل والعساكر فيما بينهما.,The commander of the right wing was his son al-Zahir and that of the left was his brother al-‘Adil and the main forces lay between them. ولما كان السادس عشر من الشهر زحف الناس إليها، واستحقروا أمرها استحقارًا عظيمًا،,"On 16 Rajab [29 July] our men began the assault, disdainfully belittling the task involved." ثم رتب السلطان الناس للقتال، وأحضر المنجنيقات، وركبها على أضعف موضع في السور مما يلي الباب الشرقي،,The sultan arranged the troops in battle order and brought up the trebuchets and set them up before the weakest place in the walls near the East Gate. وكان في ذلك اليوم على جذم من حائط قبالة المنجنيقات,During the day he sat on the remnant of a wall opposite the trebuchets. وشرع النقابون في السور، وارتفعت الأصوات، وعظم الضجيج،,"He set the sappers to work on the wall, shouts were raised and great was the commotion." واشتد الحزم والزحف، فأخذ النقابون النقب من شمالي الباب الشرقي إلى الزاوية بطول البدنة،,The assault was pressed hard and the sappers mined from north of the East Gate to the corner along the curtain wall. وكان قد هدم المسلمون ذلك المكان في الحصار الأول، وبناه الإفرنج،,The Muslims had already demolished that part during the previous siege and the Franks had rebuilt it. وتمكن النقابون من النقب، ودخلوا فلم يشك الناس في أخذ البلد في هذا اليوم، هذا وأمر العدو في ازدياد،,"The sappers made progress with the mine and were soon inside it, so our people had no doubt that the place would be taken that very day. Meanwhile the enemy forces were growing." وكان الملك قد توجه من عكا إلى بيروت، وهذا الذي حمل السلطان على نزوله على يافا،,The king had previously gone to Beirut and that was what encouraged the sultan to besiege Jaffa. ثم انفصل ذلك اليوم عن قتال شديد قد ضرس العدو منه، وظهر من العدو من الشدة والحمية والذب والمنعة ما أضعف قلوب الناس،,"The end of the day saw fierce fighting from which the enemy suffered much, but they showed such firm and determined resistance as undermined the morale of our men." هذا والنقابون قد تمكنوا من النقب عليهم، فلما قارب الفراغ أخذ العدو في خسف النقب عليهم فخسفوه في مواضع عدة،,"The sappers had meanwhile succeeded with their mining but when it was near to completion, the enemy started to make it collapse on them. They caused it to cave in at several places." وخاف النقابون، وخرج منهم جماعة،,The miners were fearful and many came out. وفتر الناس عن القتال، وعلموا أن أمر البلد مشكل، وأنه يحتاج إلى زيادة عمل في أخذه،,Our men lost enthusiasm for the fight and realised that to take the town was [after all] difficult and required more effort. فعزم السلطان عزم مثله، فأمر النقابين أن يأخذوا النقب في بقية البدنة من البرج إلى الباب، وأمر المنجنيقات أن تضرب قبالة البدنة المنقوبة، ففعلوا ذلك،,"The sultan showed suitable determination and ordered the sappers to begin mining along the rest of the curtain wall from the tower to the gate and he ordered the trebuchets to be sited opposite the wall that was already mined, which was done." وأقام السلطان في تلك الليلة هناك إلى أن مضى من الليل ثلثه، وعاد إلى الثقل، وكان الثقل بعيدًا عن البلد على تل قبالته،,"The sultan remained there that night until about a third of it had passed and then he returned to where the baggage-train was, some way from the town on a hill over against it." وأصبحت المنجنيقات قد أُقيم منها اثنان، وأقيم الثالث في بقية النهار،,When morning came two trebuchets had been erected and a third was set up during the rest of that day. وأصبح السلطان على القتال والزحف، فلم يجد من الناس إلا الفتور بسبب نصب المنجنيقات ظنًّا منهم أن المنجنيق لا يعمل إلا بعد أيام.,"The sultan rose eager for the fight and the assault, but found nothing but slackness among the troops because of the setting up of the trebuchets and their belief that the trebuchets would only be effective after some days." ولما علم السلطان من الناس الفتور والتواكل حملهم على الزحف، فالتحم القتال، واشتد الأمر،,"When the sultan learnt that the men were slacking and shirking, he urged them to attack and the fighting became intense and fierce." وأذاقوا العدو مر الحرب، فأشرف البلد على الأخذ،,They made the enemy taste its bitterness and the town was on the point of falling. واتفقت النفوس، وطمعت في ذلك طمعًا شديدًا،,In our hearts we were sure of it and eager to bring it about. وضعف العدو إلا أنه جرح من المسلمين جماعة بالنشاب والزنبورك من البلد،,"The enemy grew weak, although many of the Muslims were wounded by arrows and bolts from the town." ولما رأى العدو المخذول ما قد حل به أرسل رسولين نصرانيًّا وإفرنجيًّا يطلبان الصلح، ويتحدثان فيه،,"When the enemy saw what had befallen them, they sent two emissaries, a local Christian and a Frank, to ask for and discuss terms." فطلب السلطان منهم قاعدة القدس وقطيعته،,The sultan demanded the arrangement made for Jerusalem and the same ransom tarif. فأجابوا إلى ذلك، واشترطوا أن ينظروا إلى يوم السبت الذي هو تاسع عشر رجب،,"They agreed to this, but stipulated that they should be given until Saturday, that is, 19 Rajab [1 August]." فإن جاءتهم النجدة وإلا تمت القاعدة على ما استقر،,"The terms agreed would then become effective, unless any help came to them." فأبى السلطان الإنظار، فعاد الرسول ثم رجوا يسألونه الإنظار فأبى ذلك، وفتر الناس عن القتال بسبب تواصل الرسل سكونًا إلى الدعة على جاري العادة،,"The sultan, however, refused any respite, so the envoys went back but later returned again to ask him for this respite. He again refused and meanwhile our men continued the fight half-heartedly because of the to-and-fro of the envoys, content to take things easy, as is normal." فأمر السلطان النقابين بحشو النقب بعد انتهائه، ففعلوا ذلك، ووضعت النار فيه، فوقع نصف البدنة،,The sultan ordered the sappers to stuff the mines [with combustibles] after they had been completed. This was done and then it was set on fire. Part of the curtain wall collapsed. وكان العدو قد عرف وقوع النار في النقب، وعلم أن ذلك المكان يقع، فعمد إلى أخشاب عظيمة وهيأها خلف ذلك المكان،,"The enemy had realised that the mine had been set on fire and knew that that part of the wall would fall, so they fetched huge timbers and got them ready behind that spot." فلما وقع ذلك المكان التهبت النيران، فمنعت من الدخول إلى الثلمة،,"When that section fell, they lit fires, which prevented any entry at the breach." ثم أمر السلطان الناس، فزحفوا وضايقوا القوم مضايقة عظيمة فلله درهم من رجال أقيال ما أشدهم، وأعظم بأسهم،,"On the orders of the sultan, our men attacked and pressed the enemy closely. My God, what fighting men they are! How strong they are and how great their courage!" فإنهم مع هذا كله لم يغلقوا لها بابًا، ولم يزالوا يقاتلون خارج الأبواب أعظم قتال حتى فصل الليل بين الطائفتين،,"Despite everything, they had not closed any gate of the town and they continued to fight outside the gates. The battle remained at its most fierce, until nightfall separated the two sides." ولم نقدر على البلد في ذلك اليوم بعد حرق النقوب في باقي البدنة،,Nothing was achieved against the town during that time after the mines had been set on fire along the rest of the curtain wall. وضاق صدر السلطان لهذا الأمر، وتقسم فكره، وندم كيف لم يجبهم إلى الصلح،,"The sultan was very worried by this and his thoughts were very troubled, while he regretted that he had not accepted their terms." وبات تلك الليلة في المخيم، وقد عزم على أن يقيم تمام خمسة مناجيق تضرب بعضها البدنة الضعيفة بسبب النقوب والنيران والخسف من جانبهم.,"He passed that night in his encampment, having decided that he would set up a full five trebuchets to pound the curtain wall that was weak because of the mines, the fires and the counter-mining on the enemy’s side." (١٤٧) ذكر فتح يافا وما جرى فيه من الوقائع,"The conquest of Jaffa, that is, the beginning of the second conquest, and the events that happened there" ولما كان يوم الجمعة ثامن عشر رجب أصبحت المنجنيقات وقد نصبت، وحجارتها قد جُمعت من الأودية والأماكن البعيدة لعدم الحجر في ذلك المكان، وظلت ترمي البدنة المنقوبة,By the morning of Friday 18 Rajab [31 July] the trebuchets were set up and the rocks for them gathered from the river beds and distant places because of the lack of stones on the spot and they kept up a pounding of the weakened curtain wall. وزحف السلطان وزحف ولده الملك الظاهر عز نصره زحفًا شديدًا،,The sultan and his son al-Zahir led a strong assault. وزحف عسكر الملك العادل من الميسرة، فإنه كان مريضًا،,"The troops of al-‘Adil also made an assault on the left wing, although he himself was ill." وارتفعت الأصوات، وضربت الكئوسات، وخفقت البوقات، ورمت المنجنيقات، وأحاط بهم الويل،,"Shouts were raised, drums were beaten and trumpets brayed, while the trebuchets hurled their missiles and the enemy were met by death and destruction from every direction." واشتد عزم النقابين في إيقاد النار، فما مضى من النهار ساعتان إلا ووقعت البدنة،,Our sappers intensified their efforts to set fire to the mines and hardly had two hours of daylight passed before the curtain wall collapsed. وكان وقعها كوقع الواقعة، ونادى الناس: ألا إن البدنة قد وقعت.,"Its collapse was like the clap of doom and our men called out, ‘Ah, the wall has fallen!’" فلم يبقَ من له أدنى إيمان إلا وزحف، ولا قلب من العدو إلا أرعد ورجف،,"There was no-one, even of the least faith, who did not advance to the attack and there was not an enemy heart that did not tremble and shake." هذا الزحف وهم على القتال أشدَّ وأحزم، وعلى الموت أعز وأكرم،,"They, nevertheless, were more fierce and determined in the fight and more eager for and devoted to death." وذلك أنها لما وقعت علا لها دخان وغبار، وأظلم الأفق وعميت عين النهار،,"When the curtain wall fell, a cloud of dust and smoke went up and darkened the sky. The light of the day was blotted out." وما تجاسر أحد على الولوج خوفًا من اقتحام النار،,"Nobody dared to enter the breach, fearing to confront the fire." فلما انكشفت الظلمة ظهرت أسنة قد نابت مناب الأسوار، وربما قد سدَّت الثلمة حتى غيبت نفوذ الأبصار،,"When the darkness cleared, spear-points had replaced the walls and lances had blocked the breach. Even looks could not penetrate." ورأى الناس هولًا عظيمًا من صبر القوم وثباتهم، وسداد حركاتهم وسكناتهم،,The endurance and steadfastness of the enemy and the soundness of their operations seen by our men greatly impressed them. ولقد رأيت رجلين على ممشى السور يمنعان المتسلق عليه من جهة الثلمة،,I witnessed two men on the wall’s walk-way who were stopping those who would climb up from the breach. وقد أتى أحدهما حجر المنجنيق فأخذه، ونزل إلى داخل,One of them was hit by a trebuchet missile which knocked him down inside. وقام رفيقه مقامه متصديًا لمثل ما لحق صاحبه في ساعة أسرع من لمح العيون، بحيث لم يفرق بينهما فارق.,"His companion took his place, ready to face the same sort of fate, faster than one could wink, so that only a sharp-eyed man could tell there was any difference." ولما رأى العدو ما آل الأمر إليه سيروا رسولين إلى السلطان يلتمسون الأمان،,"When the enemy had seen what their situation was reduced to, they sent two emissaries to the sultan to request terms of surrender." فقال — رحمه الله: الفارس بالفارس، والتركبيلي بمثله، والراجل بالراجل، والعاجز على قطيعة القدس.,"The sultan said, ‘A horseman for a horseman, a turcopole for his equivalent and a foot-soldier for a foot-soldier. For any that cannot manage this the Jerusalem tarif applies.’" فنظر الرسول فرأى القتال على الثلمة أشد من إضرام النار،,The emissary looked and saw the battle for the breach fiercer than a blazing fire. فسأل السلطان أن يبطل القتال إلى أن يعود، فقال: لا أقدر على منع المسلمين من هذا الأمر، ولكن ادخل إلى أصحابك، فقل لهم يتجاوزوا إلى القلعة، ويتركوا الناس يشتغلون بالبلد فما بقي دونه مانع،,"He asked the sultan to stop the battle until he returned, but the sultan said, ‘I cannot hold the Muslims back from this business, but go in to your comrades and tell them that they should retire to the citadel and leave my men a free hand in the town. There is no way of defending it any more.’" فعاد الرسول بهذه الرسالة، فانحاز العدو إلى قلعة يافا بعد أن قُتل منهم جماعة عظيمة،,"The emissary returned with this message and the enemy withdrew into the Jaffa citadel, after several had been killed by mistake." ودخل الناس البلد عنوة، ونهبوا منه أقمشة عظيمة وغلالًا كثيرة، وأثاثًا وبقايا قماش مما نُهب من القافلة المصرية،,"Our troops made a victorious entry into the town and plundered many goods, a lot of crops, household furnishings and the remnants of the goods that had been plundered from the Egyptian caravan." واستقرت القاعدة على الوجه الذي قرره السلطان.,Terms were agreed in the manner the sultan laid down. ولما كان عصر الجمعة المباركة وصل السلطان كتاب من قايماز النجمي، وكان في طرف العدو لحمايته من عسكر العدو الذي في عكا يخبر فيه أن الانكتار لما سمع خبر يافا أعرض عن قصد بيروت وعاد إلى قصد يافا،,"When it was Friday evening [31 July], a letter came to the sultan from Qaymaz al-Najmi, who was in the Jordan valley region to protect it from the enemy forces that were in Acre, in which he reported that, when the king of England heard the news from Jaffa, he gave up his plan to go to Beirut and set out to return to Jaffa." فاشتد عزم السلطان على تتمة الأمر، وتسلم القلعة وكنت ممن لم ير الأمان لأنه لأنه قد لاح أخذهم، وكان الناس لهم مدة لم يظفروا من العدو بمغنم يوثبهم عليه،,"The sultan was even more determined to complete the business and take over the citadel. I was one who did not think that granting terms was a good idea, for their capture had been imminent and it had been some time since our troops had won from the enemy any place ripe for plunder on which the sultan could let them loose." فكان أخذهم عنوة مما يبعث همم العسكر، غير أن الأمان وقع واتفق الصلح،,"To take them by force of arms would have been something to excite the troops’ zeal. However, the guarantees were given and terms agreed." فكنت بعد ذلك ممن يحث على إخراج العدو من القلعة، وتسلمها خوفًا من لحوق النجدة،,"Afterwards I was one of those who urged that the enemy be ejected from the citadel and it be taken over, fearing the arrival of a relief force." وكان السلطان يشتهي خروجه غير أن الناس قد أقعدهم التعب عن إتمام الأمر،,"The sultan was also very eager, but our men on account of their fatigue were loathe to carry out his orders." وأخذ منهم الحديد وشدة الحر ودخان النار، بحيث لم تبقَ لهم استطاعة على الحركة،,"Their armour, the severe heat and the smoke from the fire had exhausted them, so that they had no strength left to move." وأقام السلطان يحثهم إلى أن هوي الليل، فلما رأى ما قد نزل بالناس من التعب ركب، وسار إلى خيمته إلى الثقل،,"The sultan stayed on, trying to encourage them, until quite late at night, but, when he saw how tired the men were, he mounted up and rode to his tent by the baggage-train." وسار الناس إلى خدمته، ثم نزل في خيمته، وعدت إلى خيمتي وعندي من الخوف ما أقلقني عن النوم.,"We went with him and, after he had retired to his tent, I went to mine in an anxious state that kept me from sleep." ولما كان سحر تلك الليلة سمعنا بوق الإفرنج قد نعق، فعلمنا بوصول النجدة قد وصلت في البحر،,As dawn approached we heard the bray of Frankish trumpets and realised that a relief force had arrived. فاستدعاني السلطان من وقته، وقال: لا شك أن النجدة قد وصلت في البحر وعلى الساحل من عساكر الإسلام من يمنعهم من النزول،,"The sultan summoned me immediately and said, ‘Without a doubt a relief force has arrived by sea. We have troops on the shore who will prevent them from landing." والمصلحة أن تسير إلى الملك الظاهر، وتقول له أن يقف بظاهر الباب القبلي،,The best thing now is for you to go to al-Zahir and tell him to take up a position outside the South Gate. وتدخل أنت ومن تراه إلى القلعة، وتخرجون القوم، وتستولون على ما فيها من الأموال والأسلحة، وتكتبها بخطك إلى الملك الظاهر خارج البلد وهو يسيرها إليَّ.,"You, with those you think fit, will enter the citadel and get their men out. Take possession of the money and weapons there and you yourself write a list of it all for al-Zahir outside the town and he will get it conveyed to us.’" ويسير معي لتقوية البلد مع ذلك عز الدين جرديك وعلم الدين قيصر ودرباس المهراني.,"To strengthen my hand in this task he sent with me ‘Izz al-Din Jurdik, ‘Alam al-Dm Qaysar and Dirbas al-Mihrani." فسرت من ساعتي ومعي شمس الدين عدل الخزانة حتى أتيت الملك الظاهر وهو نائم على شليته على تل قريب البحر في اليزك، وعليه كراغنده وهو بلأمة حربه — فلا ضيع الله صنعهم في نصرة الإسلام —,"I set off straightaway, also taking with me Shams al-Din, the clerk of the Treasury, and came to his son al-Zahir’s position. He was asleep in his bivouac tent on a rise near the sea with our advance guard and wearing his quilted brigandine, that is, in armour. May God not leave unrewarded their deeds done to bring victory to Islam!" فأيقظته، فقام والنوم في عينيه،,I woke him up and he rose with sleep still in his eyes. وسرت في خدمته وهو يستفهم مني رسالة السلطان، حتى وقف حيث أمره،,"I went with him, while he was questioning me about the message from the sultan, until he took up his position as ordered." ودخلنا نحن إلى يافا، وأتينا القلعة، وأمرنا الإفرنج بالخروج فأجابوا إلى ذلك وتهيئوا للخروج.,"Then we entered Jaffa and, coming to the citadel, ordered the Franks to leave. They accepted the order and prepared to leave." (١٤٨) ذكر كيفية بقاء القلعة في يد العدو,How the citadel remained in enemy hands ولما أجابوا إلى الخروج قال عز الدين جرديك: لا ينبغي أن يخرج منهم أحد حتى يخرج الناس من البلد خشية أن يتخطفهم الناس،,"After they agreed to leave, ‘Izz al-DinJurdik said, ‘None of them ought to come out until our men have left the town, for fear that they might lay hands on them.’" وكان الناس قد داخلهم الطمع في البلد، وأخذ عز الدين يشتد في ضرب الناس وإخراجهم، وهم غير مضبوطين بعد، ولا محصورين في مكان، فكيف يمكن إخراجهم؟,"Greed had already brought our troops into the town and ‘Izz al-Din began to beat them soundly and drive them out, but there was no check on how numerous they were and they were not confined to one place. How was it possible to get them out!" وطال الأمر إلى أعلا النهار وأنا ألومه، وهو لا يرجع عن ذلك، والزمان مضى،,"This situation lasted until the day was well advanced. I was criticising him but he did not change his plan, though time was passing." ولما رأيت الوقت كاد يفوت، قلت له: إن النجدة قد وصلت، والمصلحة المسارعة في إخراجهم، والسلطان قد أوصاني بذلك،,"When I saw that no time was left, I said to him, ‘Their relief force has arrived. It is best to hurry to get these men out. The sultan charged me to do that.’" فلما عرف السبب في حرصي أجاب إلى إخراجهم ومضينا إلى باب القلعة القريب من الباب الذي الملك الظاهر قائم عنده،,"When he learnt the reason for my eagerness, he agreed to move them out and we went to the gate of the citadel which is close to the city gate where al-Zahir was posted." فأخرجنا تسعة وأربعين نفرًا بخيولهم ونسائهم وسيرناهم،,"We brought out forty-seven men with their horses, took down their particulars and sent them off." ولما خرج هؤلاء اشتد الباقون، وحدثتهم نفوسهم بالعصيان،,"After this group had emerged, the morale of the remainder stiffened and they resolved to hold out." وكان سبب خروج من خرجوا أنهم استقلوا المراكب التي جاءتهم، وظنوا أن لا نجدة لهم فيها،,The reason why those others had left was that they considered the ships that had come too few and they thought that there was no help for them there. ولم يعلموا أن الانكتار مع القوم،,"They did not know, however, that the king of England was with that force." ورأوهم قد تأخروا عن النزول إلى علو النهار، فخافوا أن يمتنعوا فيؤخذوا ويقتلوا، فخرج من خرج،,"They also saw that they delayed disembarking until the day was far gone and they themselves were fearful of resisting, only to be taken and killed, so some of them did leave the citadel." ثم بعد ذلك قربت النجدة حتى صاروا خمسة وثلاثين مركبًا،,"Then later, the relieving force was strengthened and reached thirty-five ships." فقويت نفوس الباقين في الحصن، وظهرت عليهم أمارات العصيان ودلائله،,The spirits of those left in the citadel rose high and they showed signs and indications of resistance. وخرج منهم من أخبرني بتشويش عزمهم،,One of their number came out and told me that there was some confusion about what they intended to do. وأخذوا الطارقيات والجنويات، وعلوا على الأسوار،,They took their shields and mantelets and climbed on to the walls. وكانت القلعة جديدة لم تشرف بعد،,The citadel was of recent construction and not yet battlemented. فلما رأيت الأمر قد آل إلى ذلك نزلت من التل الذي كنت واقفًا عليه وهو ملاصق لباب القلعة، وقلت لعز الدين جرديك وهو مع عسكره في الأسفل مع جمع من الأجناد: خذوا حذركم، فقد تغيرت عزائم القوم.,"When I saw that the situation had come to this, I descended from the rise on which I was standing adjacent to the entrance of the citadel and I said to ‘Izz al-Din, who was standing with his own troop below the rise alongside a detachment of soldiers, ‘Take care. The enemy have changed their minds." فما كانت إلا ساعة بحيث صرت خارج البلد في خدمة الملك الظاهر إلا وقد ركب القوم خيلهم، وحملوا من القلعة حملة الرجل الواحد،,"’ It was only just a short time, while I went outside the town to wait upon the sultan’s son al-Zahir, before the enemy had mounted their horses and charged out from the citadel as one man." وأخرجوا من كان في البلد من الأجناد،,They forced our soldiers out of the town. ولقد ازدحم الناس في الباب حتى كاد يتلف منهم جماعة،,Our men were crowded together at the city gate with the result that many of them were close to meeting their doom. وبقي في بعض الكنائس جماعة من أتباع العساكر مشتغلين بما لا يجوز،,"Some of them, the dregs of the army, remained in one of the churches, busy doing unacceptable things." فهجموا عليهم، وقتلوا منهم، وأسروا،,The enemy pounced on them and slew them or took them prisoner. وسيرني الملك الظاهر إلى والده السلطان أعرفه بالحال،,Al-Zahir sent me to the sultan and I told him of the situation. فأمر الجاويش أن ينادي في العسكر، وضرب الكوس للقتال، ونفر الناس من كل جانب للغزاة،,"He ordered the herald to summon the troops, the drum was beaten to call to arms and people rushed to battle from every direction." وهجموا البلد، وحشروا العدو في القلعة، فأيقنوا بالبوار،,"They charged into the town and confined the enemy, who were now convinced that they were lost, in the citadel." واستبطأوا نزول النجدة إليهم، وخافوا خوفًا عظيمًا،,They deplored the slowness of the reliefs disembarking and were very frightened. فأرسلوا بطركهم والقسطلان رسولين إلى السلطان يعتذران إليه مما جرى، ويسألان القاعدة الأولى،,"They sent their patriarch and the castellan, who was of impressive build, as two emissaries to the sultan, to seek pardon for what had occurred and to ask for the original terms." فخرجا إلى السلطان والقتال يشتد عليهم،,The envoys went to the sultan while the battle was raging. وكان سبب انقطاع النجدة أنهم رأوا البلد مشحونًا ببيارق المسلمين ورجالهم، فخافوا أن تكون القلعة قد أخذت،,The reason why the relief force refrained from landing was that they saw the town crammed with the Muslims’ banners and men and they feared that the citadel might already have been taken. وكان البحر يمنع من سماع الصوت من كل جانب لكثرة الضجيج والتهليل،,The sea prevented their hearing the shouts that came from everywhere and the great commotion and cries of ‘There is no god but God’ and ‘God is great’. فلما رأى من في القلعة شدة الزحف عليهم، وامتناع النجدة من النزول مع كثرتها، فإنها بلغت نيفًا وخمسين مركبًا منها خمسة عشر شانيًا فيها شاني الملك علموا أن النجدة ظنت أن البلد قد أخذ,"When those in the citadel saw how fierce the assault was and that the relief refrained from landing although they were now numerous, for the total had reached fifty-five ships, of which fifteen were galleys including the king’s galley, they realised that those in the relief force imagined that the town had already been taken." ووهب واحد نفسه للمسيح، وقفز من القلعة إلى الميناء، وكانت رملًا فلم يصبه شيء،,"One of the garrison entrusted his life to the Messiah and leapt from the citadel to the harbour side, which was sand and therefore did not injure him at all." واشتد عدوًا حتى أتى البحر، فخرج له شاني، وأخذه إلى شاني الملك فحدثه بالحديث،,"He then ran at full speed to the sea. A galley put in for him and took him to the king’s galley, where he told his story." فلما شعر الانكتار أن القلعة مع أصحابه اندفع يطلب الساحل،,"Persuaded that the citadel was still in his men’s hands, the king of England hastened to gain the shore." وكان أول شاني ألقى من فيه بالبرِّ شانيه،,The first galley to deliver its men on land was his. وكان أحمر، ورقبته حمراء. وبيرقه أحمر.,"He was red-haired, his tunic was red and his banner was red, as was his device." فما كانت إلا ساعة حتى نزل كل من في الشواني إلى الميناء هذا كله وأنا أشاهد ذلك،,In only a short time all the men from the galleys had disembarked in the harbour. All this went on before my eyes. ثم حملوا على المسلمين، فاندفعوا بين أيديهم، وأخرجوهم من الميناء،,"They then charged the Muslims, who withdrew before them and were cleared out of the harbour." وكان تحتي فرس فسقته إلى السلطان وأخبرته الخبر وبين يديه الرسولان، وقد أخذ القلم بيده ليكتب لهم الأمان،,I was on horseback so I galloped as far as the sultan and gave him this news. The two envoys were with him and he had just taken his pen in his hand to write their guarantee of safe-conduct. فعرفته في أذنه ما جرى، فامتنع من الكتابة، وشغلهم بالحديث،,"I whispered in his ear what had happened, so he stopped writing and kept them busy in conversation." فما كان إلا ساعة حتى فر المسلمون نحو السلطان، فصاح في الناس فركبوا،,"Hardly a moment later the Muslims came fleeing towards the sultan, who shouted to those about him and all mounted their horses." وقبض على الرسولين وأمر بترحيل الثقل والأسواق إلى بازور،,He seized the envoys and ordered the baggage-train and the camp markets to move back to Yazur. فرحل الناس وتخلف لهم ثقل عظيم مما كانوا نهبوه من يافا لم يقدروا على نقله،,"All departed, but a vast amount of baggage was abandoned by them, some of the stuff that they had plundered from Jaffa but were unable to carry." ورحل الثقل وبقي السلطان جريدة في الليل، وبات ليلته هناك،,"The baggage-train reached [its new position], while the sultan stayed with a lightly equipped force and spent the night there." وخرج الانكتار إلى موضع السلطان الذي كان فيه لضيق البلد، وأمر من في القلعة أن يخرجوا إليه معظم سواده,The king of England came to where the sultan had been when tightening the siege of Jaffa and ordered the defenders of the citadel to come out to join him. The mass of men with him was now large. فاجتمع به جماعة من المماليك، وجرت بينهم أحاديث ومجاوبات كثيرة.,Several of the mamlukes got to meet him and there was much conversation and merriment between them. (١٤٩) ذكر حديث الصلح,The renewal of peace talks ثم طلب الحاجب أبا بكر العادلي، وحضر عندهم أيبك العزيزي، وسنقر المشطوبي، وغيرهم،,"The king then asked for the Chamberlain Abu Bakr al-‘Adili, who came to his presence along with Aybak al-‘Azizi, Sunqur al-Mashtub and others." وكان قد صادق جماعة من خواص المماليك، ودخل معهم دخولًا عظيمًا، بحيث كانوا يجتمعون به في أوقات متعددة،,He had made friends with several of the elite mamlukes and had knighted some of them. He was on very good terms with them as they met with him on numerous occasions. وكان قد صادق من الأمراء جماعة كبدر الدين دلدرم وغيره،,"He had also made friends with several of the emirs, such as Badr al-Din Dildirim." فلما حضر هذا الجمع عنده جد وهزل،,"When the group mentioned came before him, he was both serious and light-hearted." ومن جملة ما قال: هذا السلطان عظيم، وما في هذه الأرض للإسلام أكبر ولا أعظم منه، كيف رحل عن المكان بمجرد وصولي! والله ما لبست لأمة حرب، ولا تأهبت لأمر وليس في رجلي إلا رذول البحر فكيف تأخر؟,"One of the things he said was, ‘This sultan of yours is a great man. Islam has no greater or mightier prince on earth than him. How is it he departed merely because I had arrived? By God, I had not put on my breastplate and was not ready for anything. On my feet I only had sea boots. How come he withdrew?’" ثم قال: والله العظيم الكريم ما ظننت أنه يأخذ يافا في شهرين، فكيف أخذها في يومين؟,"Then he said, ‘By God, he is great. By God, I did not imagine that he could take Jaffa in two months. How did he take it in two days?’" ثم قال لأبي بكر: سلم على السلطان، وقل له: بالله عليك أجب سؤالي في الصلح، فهذا الأمر لا بد له من آخر، وقد هلكت بلادي وراء البحر، وما في دوام هذا مصلحة لا لنا ولا لكم.,"To Abu Bakr he said, ‘Greet the sultan for me and say, “For God’s sake grant me what I ask for to make peace. This is a matter that must have an end. My lands over the sea have been ruined. For this to go on is no good for us nor for you.’”" ثم انفصلوا عنه، وحضر أبو بكر عند السلطان، وعرَّفه ما قال،,They took their leave of him and Abu Bakr came to the sultan to inform him of what had been said. وكان ذلك في أواخر يوم السبت تاسع عشر شهر رجب.,That was towards the very end of Saturday 19 Rajab [1 August]. فلما سمع السلطان ذلك أحضر أرباب المشورة، وانفصل الحال على أن الجواب هو: «إنك كنت طلبت الصلح أولًا على قاعدة، وكان الحديث في يافا وعسقلان، والآن قد خربت يافا فيكون لك من صور إلى قيسارية.»,"When the sultan had heard this, he gathered his councillors and the result was this reply: ‘You originally asked for peace on certain terms. What was at dispute was Jaffa and Ascalon. But now this town of Jaffa has been laid to waste, so you will have from Caesarea to Tyre.’" فمضى إليه وعرَّفه ما قال، فرده إليه ومعه رسول إفرنجي، وقال: يقول الملك: «إن قاعدة الإفرنج أنه إذا أعطى واحد لواحد بلدًا صار تبعه وغلامه،,"Abu Bakr went to the king and told him what had been said. The king sent him back with a Frankish envoy and the following message from himself: ‘The Frankish custom is that when someone gives another some land, he becomes his vassal and servant." وأنا أطلب منك هذين البلدين يافا وعسقلان، وتكون عساكرهما في خدمتك دائمًا، وإذا احتجت إليَّ وصلت إليك في أسرع وقت وخدمتك كما تعلم خدمتي.»,"I ask you for these two towns, Jaffa and Ascalon, and their troops will be for ever at your service. Whenever you need me, I shall come to you as fast as possible and I shall serve you as you know how I can.’" فكان جواب السلطان: «حيث دخلت هذا المدخل فأنا أجيبك بأن نجعل هذين البلدين قسمين أحدهما لك وهو يافا وما وراءها، والثاني لي وهو عسقلان وما وراءها.»,"The sultan’s answer to this was, ‘Since you have opened this approach, I agree with you that we should divide these two towns into two lots, one of them for you, that is Jaffa and what is to the south of it, and the other for me, that is Ascalon and what is beyond to the south.’" ثم سار الرسولان ورحل السلطان إلى الثقل، وكان المخيم ببازور,The two envoys departed and the sultan left to go to the baggage-train in the encampment at Yazur. ورتب النقابين لذلك، واليزك عندهم، وسار حتى أتى الرملة، فخيم بها يوم الأحد العشرين من رجب،,"He gave the sappers that job, guarded by the advanced units, and he himself travelled to Ramla, where he made camp on Sunday 20 Rajab [2 August]." ووصل إليه الرسول مع الحاجب أبي بكر، فأمر بإكرامه والإحسان إليه،,The Frankish emissary came back with the Chamberlain Abu Bakr and the sultan ordered his honourable and generous reception. وكانت رسالته الشكر من الملك على إعطائه يافا، وتجديد السؤال في عسقلان،,His message contained thanks from the king for the grant of Jaffa and a renewed request for Ascalon. ويقول إنه إن وقع الصلح في هذه الأيام سار إلى بلاده، ولا يحتاج أن يشتي ها هنا،,"Furthermore, ‘If peace comes about in the next six days, he will leave for home, but if not, he will need to winter here.’" فأجابه السلطان في الحال بقوله: «أما النزول عن عسقلان فلا سبيل إليه،,"The sultan gave an immediate answer and said, ‘There is no way for us to cede Ascalon." وأما تشتيته ها هنا فلا بد منها؛ لأنه قد استولى على هذه البلاد،,"However, his wintering in these lands cannot be avoided, because he has become master of them." ويعلم أنه متى غاب عنها أُخذت بالضرورة كما تؤخذ أيضًا إذا أقام إن شاء الله — تعالى —,"He knows that when he goes away, they will necessarily be seized, and the same if he stays, God willing." وإذا سهل عليه أن يشتي ها هنا ويبعد عن أهله ووطنه مسيرة شهرين وهو شاب في عنفوان شبابه ووقت اقتناص لذاته أفلا يسهل عليَّ أن أشتي وأصيف وأنا في وسط بلادي، وعندي أولادي وأهلي، ويأتي إليَّ ما أريد،,"If it is easy for him to winter here and to be far from his family and homeland, two months’ travelling time away, when he is a young man in the flower of his youth and at a time when he seeks his pleasures, how easy is it for me to spend a winter, a summer, then a winter and another summer in the middle of my own lands, surrounded by my sons and my family, when whatever and whoever I want can come to me." وأنا رجل شيخ قد كرهت لذات الدنيا وشبعت منها ورفضتها عني،,I am an old man and I do not desire worldly pleasures. I have had my fill of them and have renounced them. والعسكر الذي يكون عندي في الشتاء غير العسكر الذي يكون عندي في الصيف، و,"In addition, the army that is with me during the winter is different from that which is with me in the summer." أنا أعتقد أني في أعظم العبادات، ولا أزال كذلك حتى يعطي الله النصر لمن يشاء!»,I also believe that I am engaged in the greatest service to God and I will continue in the same way until God bestows victory on whomsoever He wishes.’ فلما سمع الرسول ذلك طلب أن يجتمع بالملك العادل، فأذن له في ذلك، فسار إلى خيمته،,"When the envoy heard this, he asked to meet with al-‘Adil and was allowed to do that, so came to him in his tent." وكان قد تأخر بسبب مرض اعتراه إلى موضع يُقال له صمويل، فسار الرسول إليه مع جماعة،,"He had retired, because of an illness that had come upon him, to a place called Mar Samwil. The envoy came to him with a small retinue." ثم بلغ السلطان أن عسكر العدو قد رحل من عكا قاصدًا يافا للإنجاد،,The sultan then heard that enemy troops had left Acre aiming to come to Jaffa to bring help. فجمع أرباب الرأي وعقد مشورة في قصدهم،,He summoned his advisers and held a council to discuss attacking them. فاتفق الرأي على أنهم يقصدونهم، ويرحل بالثقل إلى الجبل، ويقصدونهم جريدة،,"The general opinion was that they should attack them, send the baggage-train away to the Uplands and move against them with a mobile force." فإن لاحت فرصة انتهزوها، وإلا رجعوا عنهم،,"If an opportunity presented itself, they should seize it, otherwise they should withdraw from them." وهذا أولى من أن نصبر حتى تجتمع عساكر العدو، ونرحل إلى الجبل في صورة منهزمين، وأما إذا وصلنا الآن ففي صورة طالبين،,"This was preferable to waiting until the enemy’s forces were concentrated and we would retire to the Uplands in the fashion of a defeated army. For the present, if we retired, it would be in a tactical fashion." فأمر السلطان الثقل أن يسير إلى الجبل عشية الاثنين الحادي والعشرين من رجب،,The sultan ordered the baggage-train to leave for the Uplands on the evening of Monday 11 Rajab [3 August]. وسار هو جريدة في صبيحة يوم الثلاثاء حتى نزل على العوجاء،,He himself set out without the baggage-train on the Tuesday morning [14 August] and stopped at al-‘Awja’. ووصل إليه من أخبره أن عسكر العدو قد وصل قيسارية، ودخل عليها ولم يبقَ فيه طمع،,"A report came to him that the enemy troops had arrived at and entered Caesarea, and that it had no further plans." وبلغه أن الانكتار قد نزل خارج يافا في نفر يسير بخيم قليلة،,He also heard that the king of England had camped outside Jaffa with a small band and a few tents. فوقع له أن ينتهز فيه الفرصة، ويكبس خيمه، وينال منهم غرضًا،,It occurred to him to seize this opportunity to make a surprise attack on his tents and win some advantage over them. وعزم على ذلك، وسار من أول الليل، والأدلة من العرب تتقدمه وهو يقطع الطريق إلى أن أتى في الصباح إلى خيام العدو،,He decided on that and set out in the first part of the night with Bedouin guides preceding him. They crossed the open country and came by the morning upon the enemy’s tents. فوجدها تقريبًا عشر خيم،,"He found them to be few, about ten in number." فداخله الطمع، وحملوا حملة الرجل الواحد، فثبتوا في أماكنهم، وكشروا عن أنياب الحرب، فوجموا من ثباتهم، ودار العسكر حلقة واحدة.,"The sultan was filled with eager anticipation and his men charged them as one man, but the enemy stood firm and did not move from their positions. Like dogs of war they snarled, willing to fight to the death. Our troops were frightened of them, dumbfounded by their steadfastness, and surrounded them in a single ring." ولقد حكى لي بعض الحاضرين — فإني كنت تأخرت مع الثقل ولم أحضر هذه الوقعة لالتياث مزاجي — أن عدة الخيل كان يحزرها المكثر سبعة عشر، والمقل تسعة، والرجال دون الألف، فمن قائل ثلاثمائة، ومن قائل أكثر من ذلك،,"One who was present related to me, for I had moved back with the baggage-train and did not witness this battle, thank God, because of an indisposition, that the number of their cavalry was estimated at the most as seventeen and at the least as nine and their foot were less than 1,000. Some said 300 and others more than that." فوجد السلطان من ذلك مغيظة عظيمة، ودار على الأطلاب يحثها فلم يجب دعاءه سوى ولده الملك الظاهر،,"The sultan was greatly annoyed at this and personally went around the divisions urging them to attack and promising them good rewards if they would. Nobody responded to his appeal apart from his son al-Zahir, for he got ready to charge but the sultan stopped him." وقال له الجناح أخو المشطوب: قل لغلمانك الذين ضربوا الناس يوم فتح يافا، وأخذوا منهم الغنيمة،,"I have heard that al-Janah, al-Mashtub’s brother, said to the sultan, ‘Your mamlukes who beat people the day Jaffa fell and took their booty from them, tell them to charge.’" وكان في قلوب العسكر من صلح يافا حيث فوتوهم الغنيمة ما كان، وجرى ما جرى؛ ما أثر هذا الأثر؟,At heart the troops were put out by the sultan’s having made terms for Jaffa since they missed their chance of booty. What followed was a direct result of this. فلما رأى السلطان ذلك رأى أن وقوفه في مقابلة هذه الشرذمة اليسيرة من غير عمل خسة في حقه،,"Understanding this, the sultan saw that to stand face to face with this insignificant detachment without taking any action was a sheer loss of face." وقد بلغني أن الانكتار أخذ رمحه ذلك اليوم، وحمل من طرف الميمنة إلى طرف الميسرة، فلم يتعرض له أحد،,It was reported to me that the king of England took his lance that day. And galloped from the far right wing to the far left and nobody challenged him. فغضب السلطان، ثم أعرض عن القتال، وسار حتى أتى بازور كالمغضب ونزل بها، وذلك في يوم الأربعاء الثالث والعشرين من رجب،,"The sultan was enraged, turned his back on the fighting and went to Yazur in high dudgeon. That was on Wednesday 23 Rajab [5 August]." وبات العسكر باليزك، ثم أصبح يوم الخميس، فسار إلى النطرون، ونزل به، وأنفذ إلى العسكر، فأحضره عنده،,"The army passed the night like a picketing force. On the morning of the Thursday [6 August] the sultan rode to Latrun, where he camped and sent for the army to come to him." فوصلنا إليه آخر نهار الخميس الرابع والعشرين، فبات به،,"We arrived at the end of the day, on Thursday 24 Rajab [6 August], and spent the night there." ثم أصبح يوم الجمعة فسار إلى أخيه العادل يفتقده،,"On Friday [7 August] in the morning he went to see his brother, al-‘Adil, to consult him." ودخل القدس، وصلى الجمعة، ونظر العمائر ورتبها،,"He came to Jerusalem, where he performed the Friday prayer, and then viewed and made arrangements for the building works there." ثم عاد من يومه إلى الثقل، وبات فيه على النطرون.,That same day he returned to the baggage-train and passed the night there at Latrun. (١٥٠) ذكر قدوم العساكر,The arrival of reinforcements كان أول من وصل علاء الدين بن أتابك صاحب الموصل، وكان وصوله ضحاء نهار السبت السادس والعشرين من رجب، فلقيه السلطان عن بعد واحترمه وأكرمه وأنزله عنده في الخيمة، وعمل همة حسنة، وقدم له تقدمة جميلة، ثم سار إلى خيمته.,"The first to come was ‘Ala’ al-Din, son of the Atabeg and lord of Mosul, who arrived midday on Saturday 26 Rajab [8 August] and was met at some distance with all honour and respect by the sultan. The latter received him in his tent, prepared a fine welcome for him and presented him with an excellent gift, before he proceeded to his own tents." وأما رسول الملك فإنه عاد في هذا اليوم فإن الملك العادل قد حمله رسالة مشافهة إلى الملك، وعاد مع الحاجب أبي بكر إلى يافا،,"On this day the king’s envoy came from him again, for al-‘Adil had given him an oral message to take to the king and he had gone back to Jaffa, accompanied by the Chamberlain Abu Bakr." فعاد أبو بكر وحضر عند السلطان في ذلك اليوم، وأخبره أن الملك لم يتركني أدخل يافا، وخرج إليَّ، وكلمني في ظاهرها،,"The latter now returned and, coming before the sultan on this day, reported as follows: ‘The king did not allow me to enter Jaffa, but came out to me and talked to me outside the town." وكان كلامه إليَّ: كم أطرح نفسي على السلطان وهو لا يقبلني، وأنا كنت أحرص أن أعود إلى بلادي، والآن قد هجم الشتاء، وتغيرت الأنواء وقد عزمت على الإقامة وما بقي بيننا حديث. هكذا كان جوابه — خذله الله تعالى.,"What he said was, “How many times shall I throw myself at the sultan’s feet, while he still refuses me! I was eager to return to my own country but now winter has set in, plans have changed and I have decided to stay. All talks between us are at an end.’” This was his answer (may God forsake him)." ولما كان يوم الخميس تاسع شعبان قدم عسكر مصر، فخرج السلطان إلى لقائهم،,"When it was Thursday 9 Sha‘ban [20 August], the troops from Egypt arrived and the sultan went out to meet them." وكان فيهم مجد الدين هلدري وسيف الدين يازكج، وجماعة الأسدية،,"With them were Majd al-Din Khuldiri, Sayf al-Din Yazkuj and several of the Asadiyya." وكان في خدمته الملك المؤيد مسعود،,"In attendance on the sultan was his son, al-Malik al-Mu’ayyad Mas‘ud." وقد أظهروا الزينة، ونشروا الأعلام والبيارق، فكان يومًا مشهودًا،,"They made a great show, unfurling their flags and banners, which made it a day to remember." ثم أنزلهم عنده ومد الخوان، ثم ساروا إلى منازلهم.,"The sultan received them, spread a meal and then they proceeded to their own encampments." (١٥١) ذكر قدوم الملك المنصور ابن تقي الدين رحمه الله,"The arrival of al-Mansur, son of Taqi al-Din" وكان قد تسلم البلاد التي وعد بها،,By now al-Mansur had taken over the lands that he had been promised and had made all his dispositions. وكان وصوله إلى خدمة الملك العادل في يوم السبت حادي عشر شعبان، فنزل عنده بماء صمويل، وافتقده،,"He came to join al-‘Adil’s service on Saturday 11 Sha‘ban [22 August], camped near him at Mar Samwil and paid him a visit." وكتب الملك العادل في ذلك اليوم إلى السلطان يخبره بوصوله، وسأله في احترامه وإكرامه وإطلاق الرحمة له،,"Al-‘Adil wrote to the sultan, telling him of his arrival, and asked him to receive him with honour and respect and to look kindly on him." ولما تحقق الملك الظاهر وصول الملك المنصور استأذن والده في لقائه، وافتقاد الملك العادل،,"When the sultan’s son al-Zahir learnt of the arrival of al-Mansur, he asked his father for permission to meet him and to visit al-‘Adil." فأذن له في ذلك، فسار فوجد الملك المنصور مخيمًا ببيت نوبة،,"Permission being given, he went and found al-Mansur encamped at Bayt Nuba." فنزل عنده وخرج إلى لقائه، وأقام عنده إلى العصر، وذلك في يوم الأحد،,"He called on him, delighted to meet him, and stayed with him until evening. That was on Sunday [23 August]." ثم أخذه وسار به جريدة حتى أتى خيمة السلطان ونحن في خدمته،,"He then took him, travelling with a light escort, to the sultan’s encampment. We were with the sultan." فدخل عليه، فاحترمه ونهص إليه واعتنقه وضمه إلى صدره،,"Al-Mansur entered and the sultan showed him respect, rising and embracing him closely to his chest." ثم غشيه البكاء فصبر نفسه حتى غلبه الأمر، وغشيه من البكاء ما لم يُرَ مثله،,"He then burst into tears but mastered himself until, emotions overcoming him, he burst into tears again in a way that had never been seen before." فبكى الناس لبكائه ساعة زمانية، ثم باسطه وسأله عن الطريق، ثم انفصل,"For a good while all present wept in sympathy. He then put him at his ease and, having asked him about the journey, the audience ended." وبات في خيمة الملك الظاهر إلى صبيحة الاثنين، ثم ركب وعاد إلى عسكره،,His son al-Zahir passed the night in his tent until Monday morning [24 August] and then returned to join his own force. ونشروا الأعلام والبيارق، وكان معه عسكر جليل، فقرت عين السلطان،,"They unfurled flags and banners, for he had a fine troop, which delighted the sultan." ونزل في مقدمة العسكر مما يلي الرملة.,This was during the morning of Monday 13 Sha‘ban [24 August] and he took up his position in the vanguard of the army close to Ramla. (١٥٢) ذكر رحيله — رحمه الله — إلى الرملة,The sultan moves to Ramla وذلك أنه لما رأى العساكر قد اجتمعت جمع أرباب الرأي، وقال: إن الانكتار قد مرض مرضًا شديدًا، والإفرنسيسية قد ساروا راجعين ليعبروا البحر من غير شك، ونفقاتهم قد قلت، وهذا العدو قد أمكن الله منه،,"When the sultan saw that his forces had assembled, he gathered his councillors and said, ‘The king of England is seriously ill and the French without any doubt have set out to cross back over the sea. Their resources have dwindled. This is an enemy whom God has in his power." وأرى أن نسير إلى يافا، فإن وجدنا فيها مطمعًا بلغناه وإلا عدنا تحت الليل إلى عسقلان، فما تلحقنا النجدة إلا وقد نلنا منها غرضًا.,"I think that we should march to Jaffa. If we find any opportunity, we can seize it. Otherwise, we shall return under cover of darkness to Ascalon. No reinforcements will reach it before we have already gained our objective there.’" فرأوا ذلك رأيًا، وتقدم إلى جماعة من الأمراء كعز الدين جرديك وجمال الدين فرج وغيرهما بالمسير في ليلة الخميس سادس عشر شعبان حتى يكونوا قريبًا من يافا في صورة يزك يستطلعون كم فيها من الخيالة والرجالة بالجواسيس، ثم يعرفونه ذلك، فساروا،,"They considered this a good plan, so he ordered several emirs, such as ‘Izz al-Din Jurdik, Jamal al-Din Faraj and others, to set out on the eve of Thursday 16 Sha‘ban [27 August] to form a sort of screen near Jaffa to discover through spies how many knights and men-at-arms were there and then to tell him. This they did." هذا ورسل الانكتار لا تنقطع في طلب الفاكهة والثلج،,"Meanwhile, there was a steady stream of emissaries from the king of England requesting fruit and ice." ووقع عليه في مرضه شهوة الكمثرى والخوخ، فكان السلطان يمده بذلك، ويقصد كشف الأخبار بتواتر الرسل،,"In his illness God had burdened him with a yearning for pears and plums, which the sultan was supplying him with, while purposing to gain intelligence by the to-and-froing of the messengers." والذي انكشف من الأخبار أن فيها ثلاثمائة فارس على قول المكثر، ومائتي فارس على قول المقل، وأن الكندهري يتردَّد بينه وبين الفرنسيسية في مقامهم، وهم عازمون على عبور البحر قولًا واحدًا، وأنهم لا عناية لهم بسور البلد، وإنما عنايتهم بعمارة سور القلعة،,"The information that was revealed was that in the town there were 300 knights at the largest estimate and 200 at the smallest, that Count Henry was going backwards and forwards between the king and the French to persuade them to stay, although they were unanimously determined to cross over the sea, and that they were taking no trouble with the city wall, but only concerning themselves with the citadel wall." وكان الانكتار قد طلب الحاجب أبا بكر العادلي، وكان له معه انبساط عظيم،,"The king of England had also asked for the Chamberlain Abu Bakr al-‘Adili, with whom he was on very friendly terms." فلما تحقق السلطان الأخبار أصبح يوم الخميس راحلًا إلى جهة الرملة، فنزل بها ضاحي نهار،,"Learning these reports, the sultan set out on the morning of Thursday [27 August] for Ramla and made a halt there before noon." ووصل الخبر من المغيرين يقولون: إنا أغرنا على يافا فلم يخرج إلا نحو ثلاثمائة فارس معظمهم على بغال.,"News came to him from some irregulars, who said, ‘We raided Jaffa and no more than 300 knights came out, some of them on mules.’" فأمرهم السلطان بمقامهم هناك، ثم وصل الحاجب أبو بكر ومعه رسول من عند الملك يشكر السلطان على إنعامه بالفواكه والثلج،,The sultan ordered them to remain in their position there and then the Chamberlain Abu Bakr arrived with an envoy from the king to thank the sultan for coming to his aid with fruit and ice. وذكر أبو بكر أنه تفرد به، وقال له: قل لأخي الملك العادل يبصر كيف يتوصل إلى السلطان في معنى الصلح، ويستوهب لي منه عسقلان،,"Abu Bakr mentioned that he had a private talk with him and that he said, ‘Say to my brother (meaning al-‘Adil) that he should consider how he can influence the sultan to make peace and get him to give me Ascalon." وأمضي أنا ويبقى هو في هذه الشرذمة اليسيرة يأخذ البلاد منهم، فليس لي غرض إلا إقامة جاهي بين الإفرنج، وإن لم ينزل السلطان عن عسقلان فيأخذ لي منه عوضًا عن خسارتي على عمارة سورها.,"I shall depart but he will remain here with this little band, quite able to take territory from them. My only aim is to establish my reputation amongst the Franks. If the sultan will not cede Ascalon, then let al-‘Adil take something from him to recompense me for my expenses on rebuilding the wall.’" فلما سمع السلطان ذلك سيرهم إلى الملك العادل،,After the sultan had heard this he sent them to al-‘Adil. وكان معهم صاحب بدر الدين دادرم الياروقي، متوسطًا أيضًا,"With them was also Badr al-Din Dildirim al-Yaruqi’s man, as a go-between." وأسرَّ إلى ثقة عنده أن يمضي إلى الملك العادل، ويقول له: إن نزلوا عن عسقلان فصالحهم، فإن العسكر قد ضجروا من ملازمة البيكار والنفقات قد نفدت.,"After they had gone the sultan confided to someone he relied upon to go to al-‘Adil and say, ‘If they give up Ascalon, make peace with them, for the army is tired of constant campaigning and their resources are exhausted.’" فسار ضحى الجمعة سابع عشر شعبان.,They left during the morning of Friday 17 Sha‘ban [28 August]. (١٥٣) ذكر الإجابة إلى النزول عن عسقلان,Their agreement to cede Ascalon ولما كان غروب الشمس من اليوم المذكور أنفذ بدر الدين دلدرم من اليزك يقول إنه قد خرج إلينا خمسة أنفس منهم شخص مقدم عند الملك يُسمى هوات،,"At sunset on the aforementioned day Badr al-Din Dildirim sent from the advanced unit to say, ‘Five persons have come out to us, one of whom is one of the king’s commanders called Hawwat [Howard?]." وذكروا أن لهم معنا حديثًا، فهل أسمع حديثهم أو لا؟,They say that they have something to say to me. May I hear their words or not?’ فأذن له السلطان في ذلك، ولما كانت العشاء الآخرة حضر بدر الدين بنفسه، وأخبر أن حديثهم كان أن الملك قد نزل عن عسقلان، وعن طلب العوض عنها، وقد صح مقصوده في الصلح,The sultan gave his permission and at the time of the evening prayer Badr al-Din himself arrived and reported what they had had to say: ‘The king has ceded Ascalon and given up his demand for compensation. His purpose to make peace is sincere.’ فأعاده السلطان ثانية لينفذ إليه ثقة يأخذ يده على ذلك، ويقول إن السلطان قد جمع العساكر وما يمكنني أن أحدثه هذا الحديث إلا بأن أثق أنك لا ترجع وبعد ذلك أحدثه،,"The sultan sent him back with instructions to send a reliable person to take his hand on that and to say, ‘The sultan has now called his forces together and is unable to discuss these matters with you unless he can trust you not to recant. If that is the case, then he can talk to you.’" وسار بدر الدين على هذه القاعدة، وكتب إلى الملك العادل يخبره بما جرى.,Badr al-Din went back to him on this basis and wrote to al-‘Adil with news of what had come about. ولما كان يوم السبت ثامن عشر شعبان أنفذ بدر الدين وذكر أنه أخذ يده على هذه القاعدة بمن يثق به، وأن حدود البلاد على ما استقر في الدفعة الأولى مع الملك العادل،,"When it was Saturday 18 Sha‘ban [29 August], Badr al-Din sent to say that someone he trusted had taken his hand on that and he took the territorial frontiers to be as had originally been agreed with al-‘Adil." فأحضر السلطان الديوان فذكروا يافا وأعمالها، وأخرج الرملة ويبنا ومجدل يابا، ثم ذكر قيسارية وأعمالها، وأرسوف وأعمالها، وحيفا وأعمالها، وعكا وأعمالها، وأخرج منها الناصرة وصفورية، وأثبت الجميع في ورقة,"The sultan summoned his clerks and recorded Jaffa with its district, left out Ramla, Lydda, Yubna and Majdal Yaba, then noted down Caesarea and district, Arsuf and district, Haifa and district and Acre and district, and finally excepted Nazareth and Saffuriyya. All was recorded in a document." وكتب جواب الكتاب وأنفذه على يد طرنطاي مع الرسول، وكان قد وصل الرسول لتحرير القاعدة مع بدر الدين في عصر السبت،,"A reply to the letter was written and sent by the hand of Turuntay with the envoy, who had come to draw up the terms along with Badr al-Din in the late afternoon on the Saturday." وقال للرسول هذه حدود البلاد التي تبقى في أيديكم فإن صالحتم على ذلك فمبارك قد أعطيتم يدي ولينفذ الملك من يحلف ويكون ذلك في غداة غد، وإلا فيعلم أن هذا تدفيع ومماطلة، ويكون الأمر قد انفصل من بيننا.,"The sultan said to the envoy, ‘These are the limits of the lands that will remain in your hands. If you can accept these terms, well and good! I give you my hand on it. Let the king send someone to take the oath. Let it be tomorrow morning. Otherwise, it will be understood that this is procrastination and temporising and the whole matter will be over and done with between us.’" وساروا في بكرة الأحد على هذه القاعدة.,On this understanding they went off on Sunday morning [30 August]. ولما كانت العشاء الآخرة يوم الأحد وصل من أخبر بوصول طرنطاي ومعه الرسول واستأذن في حضورهما فأذن — رحمه الله — في حضور طرنطاي وحده،,"When it was time for the late evening prayer on Sunday 19 Shahan [30 August], someone came with news that Turuntay and the envoys had come back and were seeking audience, which was granted to Turuntay alone." فذكر أن الملك قد وقف على تلك الرقعة، وأنكر أنه نزل عن العوض،,He reported that the king had read the document and denied that he had given up compensation. فأذكره الجماعة الذين خرجوا إلى بين يدي دلدرم أنه نزل عن ذلك، فقال: إذن أنا قلته فلا أرجع عنه، قولوا للسلطان مبارك رضيت بهذه القاعدة، وقد رجعت إلى مروءتك فإن زدتني شيئًا فمن فضلك وإنعامك.,"The group that had gone out to Badr al-Din Dildirim reminded the king that he had done that, whereupon he said, ‘If I said it, I will not go back on it. Say to the sultan, “Well and good! I accept these terms and I look to your noble generosity. If you give me something extra, it will be from your kindness and bounty.’”" ثم سار وأحضر الرسل ليلًا، وأقاموا إلى بكرة، وحضروا عند السلطان بكرة الاثنين،,"They went at night and summoned the envoys, who waited until the morning and were then taken before the sultan on the morning of Monday 20 Sha‘ban [31 August]." فذكروا ما استقر عن صاحبهم، ثم انفصلوا إلى خيمهم,They repeated what had been agreed on the part of their master and then they dispersed to their tents. وحضر عند السلطان أرباب المشورة، واستقر الأمر، وانفصلت القاعدة،,The advisors and councillors came before the sultan and all was settled and the terms agreed. وسار الأمير بدر الدين دلدرم إلى الملك العادل، وأخذ الرسل معه في صورة من يسأل في زيادة الرملة،,The Emir Badr al-Din Dildirim went to al-‘Adil and took the envoys with him as would-be petitioners for the addition of Ramla. وعاد في عشاء الآخرة ليلة الاثنين، وكتبت المواضعة، وذكر فيها شروط الصلح ثلاث سنين من تاريخها وهو الأربعاء الثاني والعشرون من شعبان سنة ثمانية وثمانين وخمسمائة،,"He returned late in the evening on the eve of Tuesday 21 Sha‘ban [1 September] and the draft treaty was drawn up, in which the conditions were recorded and a peace for three years from the date of the document, namely, Tuesday 21 Sha‘ban 588 [1 September 1192]." ويزاد فيها الرملة لهم ولدَّ أيضًا،,‘Ramla is theirs and Lydda too’ was an added clause. وسير العدل، وقال له: إن قدرت أن ترضيهم بأحد الموضعين أو مناصفتهما فافعل، ولا يكون لهم حديث في الجبليات.,"The sultan despatched al-‘Adil, to whom he said, ‘If you are able to satisfy them with one of the two places or with condominium over them, then do so. Let them not have any say over the Uplands.’" ورأى السلطان ذلك مصلحة لما عرا الناس من الضعف، وقلة النفقات، والشوق إلى الأوطان، ولما شاهده من تقاعدهم عن يافا يوم أمرهم بالحملة فلم يحملوا،,"The sultan saw that this was for the best because of the weakness, scant resources and a longing for home that had overwhelmed our men, and also because of their lack of zeal at Jaffa that he witnessed on the day when he ordered them to attack and they would not." فخاف أن يحتاج إليهم فلم يجدهم،,He feared that he might need them and find them gone. فرأى أن يحييهم مدة حتى يستريحوا ويتبعوا غير هذه الحالة التي صاروا إليها، ويعمر البلاد، ويشحن القدس بما يقدر عليه من الآلة ويتفرغ لعمارتها.,"He decided to rest them for a while so that they might recover and forget this present state they had come to, and so that he might make the land productive again, supply Jerusalem with all the weapons that he could and have an opportunity to strengthen its defences." وكان من القاعدة أن عسقلان تكون خرابًا، وأن يتفق أصحابنا وأصحابهم على خرابها خشية أن نأخذها عامرة فلا نخربها،,Part of the peace agreement was ‘that Ascalon should be demolished and that our men and theirs should cooperate in its demolition for fear that he might take it over with defences intact and not demolish them.’ فمضى العدل على هذه القاعدة، واشترط دخول البلاد الإسلامية،,Al-‘Adil went with these terms and it was also stipulated that the lands of the Isma‘ills should be included. واشترطوا هم دخول صاحب أنطاكية وطرابلس في الصلح على قاعدة آخر صلح صالحناهم عليه،,The Franks made it a condition that the lord of Antioch and Tripoli should be included in this peace on the basis of the last peace we had made with that region. واستقر الحال على ذلك، وسارت الرسل وحكم عليهم أن لا بد من فصل الحال إما الصلح وإما الخصومة خشية أن يكون هذا الحديث من قبيل أحاديثه السابقة ومدافعاته المعروفة.,"The matter being settled in this way, the envoys left on Tuesday 21 Sha‘ban [1 September] and the sultan laid it down that it was imperative to make a decision this day, either for peace or for hostilities, because he feared that these talks might be of the same kind as the king’s previous talks and well-known prevarications." وفي ذلك اليوم وصل رسول سيف الدين بكتمر صاحب خلاط ببذل الطاعة والموافقة وسير العساكر,"On this same day the envoy of Sayf al-Din Baktimur, the lord of Khilat, arrived declaring loyalty, common purpose and the dispatch of his troops." وحضر رسول الكرج، وذكر فصلًا في معنى الزيادات التي لهم في القدس وعمارتها,The envoy of the Georgians also came and one part of his communication concerned the monasteries they possessed in Jerusalem and their state of repair. وشكوا أنها أُخذت من أيديهم، ويسأل عواطف السلطان أن يردها إلى نوابهم,They complained that they had been taken out of their hands and they requested the sultan from his good will to restore them to their representatives’ hands. ورسول صاحب أرزن الروم ببذل الطاعة والعبودية.,"Another that came was the envoy of the lord of Erzerum, offering loyalty and service." (١٥٤) ذكر تمام الصلح,Account of the conclusion of the peace ولما وصل العدل إلى هناك أُنزل خارج البلد في خيمة حتى أُعلم الملك به،,"When al-‘Adil came to them, he was lodged outside the city in a tent until the king was told of his arrival." فلما علم به استحضره عنده مع بقية الجماعة،,"Informed of this, the king summoned him into his presence with the rest of the deputation." وعرض العدل عليه النسخة وهو مريض الجسم، فقال: لا طاقة لي بالوقوف عليها، وأنا قد صالحت وهذه يدي.,"Al-‘Adil preferred him the draft. The king, since he was sick in body, said, ‘I have no strength to read this, but I herewith make peace and here is my hand.’" فاجتمعوا بالكندهري والجماعة، وأوقفوهم على النسخة، ورضوا بِلدَّ والرملة مناصفة، وبجميع ما في النسخة،,"Our envoys met with Count Henry and the others, acquainted them with the draft and they accepted an equal division of Ramla and Lydda and all the contents of the document." واستقرت القاعدة أنهم يحلفون بكرة يوم الأربعاء؛ لأنهم كانوا قد أكلوا شيئًا، وليس من عادتهم الحلف بعد الأكل،,It was agreed that they would swear their oaths on Wednesday morning [2 September] because they had already eaten something on the Tuesday and it is not their custom to take an oath after eating. وأنفذ العدل إلى السلطان من عرَّفه ذلك.,Al-‘Adil sent someone to the sultan to tell him of this. ولما كان يوم الأربعاء الثاني والعشرون من شعبان حضر الجماعة عند الملك،,On Wednesday 22 Sha‘ban [2 September] the company was summoned before the king. وأخذوا يده وعاهدوه،,They took his hand and made their compact with him. واعتذر أن الملوك لا يحلفون، وقنع السلطان بذلك،,"He made his excuses, saying that kings do not swear and that he would accept that from the sultan." ثم حلف الجماعة والمستحلف الكندهري ابن أخته المستخلف عنه في الساحل وباليان بن بارزان صاحب طبرية، ورضي الاسبتار، والداوية، وسائر مقدمي الإفرنجية بذلك،,"Then the following took the oath, Count Henry, his nephew who was his designated deputy on the Coastal Plain, and Balian, son of Barisan, son of the Lady of Tiberias. The Hospitallers and the Templars and all the Frankish nobles expressed their approval." وساروا بقية يومهم عائدين إلى المخيم السلطاني، فوصلوا العشاء الآخرة،,"During the remainder of the day they set out to return to the sultan’s encampment, arriving at the last evening prayer." وكان الواصلون من جانبهم ابن الهنغري وابن بارزان وجماعة من مقدميهم، فاحتُرِموا وأُكرموا،,"On the Frankish side came the son of Humfrey, Balian and several nobles, who were received with honour and respect." وضُربت لهم خيمة تليق بهم،,A tent that befitted their rank was pitched for them. وحضر العدل، وحكى ما جرى.,Al-‘Adil presented himself and recounted what had happened. ولما كانت صبيحة الثالث والعشرين حضر الرسل في خدمة السلطان،,During the morning of Thursday 23 Sha‘ban [3 September] their envoys came before the sultan. وأخذوا بيده الكريمة وعاهدوه على الصلح على القاعدة المستقرة،,They took his noble hand and received his oath to observe the peace on the agreed terms. واقترحوا حلف جماعة، وهم الملك العادل والملك الأفضل والملك الظاهر — عز نصرهم — والمشطوب وبدر الدين دلدرم والملك المنصور ومن كان مجاورًا لبلادهم كابن المقدم وصاحب شيزر وغيرهم،,"They demanded that several persons swear, al-‘Adil, al-Afdal, al-Zahir, ‘Ali ibn Ahmad al-Mashtub, Badr al-Din Dildirim, al-Mansur and every neighbour of their territory, such as Ibn al-Muqaddam, the lord of Shayzar, and others." فوعدهم السلطان أن يسير معهم رسلًا إلى الجماعة المجاورين ليحلفوهم لهم،,The sultan promised them that he would send an emissary with them to all their neighbours to secure their oaths. وحلف لصاحب أنطاكية وطرابلس وعلق اليمين بشرط حلفهم للمسلمين فإن لم يحلفوا فلا يدخلوا في الصلح.,"He swore an oath to the lord of Antioch and Tripoli, but he made it conditional on their swearing an oath to the Muslims. If they did not, they would not be included in the peace." ثم أمر المنادي أن ينادي في الوطاقات والأسواق إلا أن الصلح قد انتظم في سائر بلادهم، فمن شاء من بلادهم أن يدخل إلى بلادنا فليفعل، ومن شاء من بلادنا أن يدخل إلى بلادهم فليفعل،,"He then ordered the herald to proclaim in the encampments and in the markets, ‘Listen all! Peace has been arranged. Any person from their lands who wishes to enter ours may do so and any person from our lands who wishes to enter theirs may also do so.’" وأشار — رحمة الله عليه — أن طريق الحج قد فُتح من الشام، ووقع له عزم على الحج في ذلك المجلس،,The sultan announced that the pilgrim route from Syria was now open and during that public session he conceived a plan to perform the Hajj. وكنت حاضرًا ذلك جميعه،,I was present throughout all this and when this thought came to him. وأمر السلطان أن تسير مائة نقاب؛ لتخريب سور عسقلان معهم أمير كبير؛ ولإخراج الإفرنج منها،,"The sultan ordered that a hundred sappers should be sent to demolish the city wall of Ascalon, accompanied by a senior emir, and also to get the Franks out." ويكون معهم جماعة من الإفرنج إلى حين وقوع الخراب في السور خشية استبقائه عامرًا، وكان يومًا مشهودًا,"A detachment of the Franks should be with them until the demolition was completed, as they feared it might be kept with defences intact. It was a memorable day." غشي الناس من الطائفتين فيه من الفرح والسرور ما لا يعلمه إلا الله — تعالى.,Both sides were overwhelmed with such joy and delight as God alone can measure. والله العظيم إن الصلح لم يكن من إيثاره، فإنه قال لي في بعض محاوراته في الصلح: «أخاف أن أصالح وما أدري أي شيء يكون مني، فيقوي هذا العدو، وقد بقيت لهم هذه البلاد فيخرجوا لاسترداد بقية بلادهم، ونرى كل واحد من هؤلاء الجماعة قد قعد في رأس قلعته يعني حصنه، وقال: لا أنزل، فيهلك المسلمون.»,"However, God knows well that the peace was not what the sultan preferred, for he said to me in one of his conversations about the peace settlement, ‘I fear to make peace, not knowing what may become of me. Our enemy will grow strong, now that they have retained these lands. They will come forth to recover the rest of their lands and you will see every one of them ensconced on his hill-top,’ meaning in his castle, ‘having announced, “I shall stay put” and the Muslims will be ruined.’" هذا كلامه، وكان كما قال،,These were his words and it came about as he said. لكنه رأى المصلحة في الصلح لسآمة العسكر وتظاهرهم بالمخالفة،,"Nevertheless, he saw the advantage in making peace because the army was weary and showing signs of disaffection." وكانت مصلحة في علم الله — تعالى — فإنه اتفقت وفاته بعيد الصلح،,"The real benefit was in something that God knew of, for a little after the treaty his death occurred." ولو كان اتفق ذلك في أثناء الوقعات لكان الإسلام على خطر،,"Had that happened in the course of hostilities, Islam would have been in peril." فما كان الصلح إلا توفيقًا وسعادة له.,The peace was nothing but a providential blessing for him (God’s mercy be upon him). (١٥٥) ذكر خراب عسقلان,Account of the demolition at Ascalon ولما كان الخامس والعشرون من شعبان ندب السلطان علم الدين قيصر إلى خراب عسقلان،,On Saturday 25 Sha‘ban [5 September] the sultan commissioned ‘Alam al-Din Qaysar to demolish Ascalon. وسير معه جماعة من النقابين والحجارين،,With him he sent a company of sappers and stone-masons. واستقر أن الملك ينفذ من يافا من يسير معه ليقف على التخريب، ويخرج الإفرنج منها،,It was agreed that the king should send people from Jaffa to be with him to oversee the demolition and to remove the Franks from the town. فوصلوا إليها من الغد، فلما أرادوا التخريب اعتذر الأجناد الذين بها بأن لنا على الملك جامكية لمدة فإما أن يدفعها إلينا ونخرج، أو ادفعوها أنتم إلينا،,"They arrived there on Sunday [6 September] and when they wished to start work, the troops who were there made excuses on the grounds ‘that the king owes us some pay for a period of time. Either he pays us that before we leave or you pay it to us.’" فوصل بعد ذلك رسول الملك يأمرهم بالخروج، فخرجوا,"Later an emissary from the king arrived to order them to leave, so they did." ووقع التخريب فيها في السابع والعشرين من شعبان، واستمر يخربها،,Demolition work started during the forenoon of Monday 27 Sha‘ban [7 September] and was continuous after that. وكتب على الجماعة رقاعًا بالمعاونة على التخريب، وأعطى كل واحد قطعة معلومة في السور، وقيل له: دستورك في تخريبها.,"The men were given instructions about cooperating in the work. Each group was assigned a specific section of the wall and was told, ‘Your leave begins when it is demolished.’" ولما كان التاسع والعشرون رحل السلطان إلى النطرون،,On Wednesday 29 Sha‘ban [9 September] the sultan moved to Latrun. واختلط العسكران، وذهب جماعة من المسلمين إلى يافا في طلب التجارة،,The two armies fraternised and a good many Muslims went to Jaffa in search of trade. ووصل خلق عظيم من العدو إلى القدس للحج،,A large host of the enemy came to Jerusalem to perform their pilgrimage. وفتح لهم السلطان الباب، وأنفذ معهم الخفراء يحفظونهم حتى يردهم إلى يافا، وكثر ذلك من الإفرنج،,The sultan gave them every assistance and sent escorts with them to protect them until they were taken back to Jaffa. Many Franks did this. وكان غرض السلطان بذلك أن يقضوا غرضهم من الزيارة، ويرجعوا إلى بلادهم فيأمن المسلمون من شرهم.,"The sultan’s aim in this was that they should fulfil their pilgrim duty and return to their own lands, leaving the Muslims safe from their wickedness." ولما علم الملك كثرة من يزور منهم صعب عليه ذلك، وسير إلى السلطان يسأله منع الزوار واقترح أن لا يؤذن لهم إلا بعد حضور علامة من جانبه أو كتابة،,"When the king learnt the great number of those who would make this pilgrimage, he bore it ill and sent to the sultan, requesting him to stop the pilgrims and demanding that he should only allow individuals after the presentation of written authorisation from himself." وعلمت الإفرنج ذلك فعظم عليهم، واهتموا في الحج،,The Franks from overseas learnt of this and were outraged and made every effort to visit Jerusalem. فكان يرد منهم في كل يوم جموع كثيرة مقدمون وأسباط وملوك متنكرون،,"Every day large numbers of them were arriving, officers, men of middling sort and princes concealing their rank." وشرع السلطان في إكرام من يرد ومدِّ الطعام ومباسطتهم ومحادثتهم،,"The sultan set about receiving honourably those who came. He offered food, met them with an easy manner and conversed with them." وعرفهم إنكار الملك ذلك، وأذن لهم السلطان في الحج، وعرفهم أنه لم يلتفت إلى منع الملك من ذلك،,"He told them of the disapproval of the king, but allowed them to perform their pilgrimage, announcing that he paid no attention to the king’s prohibition." واعتذر إلى الملك بأن قومًا قد وصلوا من بعد ذلك لزيارة هذا المكان الشريف، فلا أستحل منعهم،,"His excuse to the king was that if people had come such a great distance and God had given them the opportunity to visit this holy place, he did not find it permissible to prevent them." ثم اشتد المرض بالملك، فرحل في ليلة التاسع والعشرين، وسار هو والكندهري وسائر العدو إلى جانب عكا،,"The illness of the king had worsened, but he departed on the eve of Wednesday 29 Sha‘ban [9 September]. It was said that he had died, but he and Count Henry with all the nobles went to Acre." ولم يبقَ في يافا إلا مريض أو عاجز ونفر يسير.,"In Jaffa only a very few remained, the sick and infirm." (١٥٦) ذكر عود العساكر الإسلامية إلى أوطانهم,The return of the armies of Islam to their homelands ولما انقضى هذا الأمر واستقرت القواعد أعطى السلطان الناس دستورًا،,"When this matter was concluded and these peace terms settled, the sultan gave his men leave to depart." وكان أول من سار عسكر إربل؛ فإنه سار في مستهل شهر رمضان المبارك،,"The first to leave were the troops of Irbil, who set out on 1 Ramadan the Blessed [10 September]." ثم سار بعده في ثانيه عسكر الموصل وسنجار والحصن وأشاع أمر الحج، وقوي عزمه على براءة الذمة،,"After them on 2 Ramadan [11 September] the troops of Mosul, Sinjar and Hisn [Kayfa] left. The sultan announced his plan for the Hajj and strengthened his determination to fulfil his obligation in that respect." وكان هذا مما وقع لي، وبدأت بالإشارة به، فوقع منه موقعًا عظيمًا، وأمر الديوان وكل من عزم على الحج من العسكر أن يثبت اسمه حتى يحصر عدة من يدخل معنا في الطريق،,"This was something that had occurred to me. I first made the suggestion on the day that peace was concluded. It made a great impression on him and he gave orders to his secretariat: ‘If there are any troops who plan to go on the Hajj, record their names so that the number of those that will take the road with us can be reckoned.’" وكتب جرائد بما يحتاج إليه في الطريق من الخلع والأزواد وغيرها، وسيرها إلى البلاد ليعدوها.,"Registers of what would be needed for the journey in the way of clothing and provisions, and such like, were drawn up and sent around the country for preparations to be made." ولما أعطى الناس دستورًا وعلم عود العدو قد رجع إلى ورائه رأى الدخول إلى القدس الشريف لتهيئة أسباب عمارته، والنظر في مصالحه، والتأهب للمسير إلى الحج،,"When he had given the troops leave to depart and was sure that the enemy had been driven away to retrace their steps, the sultan decided to go to Jerusalem to prepare the material to restore it, to look to its welfare and to get ready to leave for the Hajj." فرحل من النطرون يوم الأحد رابع شهر رمضان، وسار حتى أتى ماء صمويل يفتقد الملك العادل، فوجده قد سار إلى القدس،,"He left Latrun on Sunday 4 Ramadan [13 September] and proceeded as far as Mar Samwil to visit al-‘Adil there, but found that he had already gone to Jerusalem." وكنت عنده رسولًا من جانب السلطان أنا والأمير بدر الدين دلدرم والعدل، وكان قد انقطع عن أخيه مدة بسبب مرضه،,"I was with the latter on a mission from the sultan, myself along with the Emir Badr al-Din Dildirim and al-‘Adil. For a while al-‘Adil had been absent from his brother on account of illness." وكان قد تماثل، فعرَّفناه مجيء السلطان إلى ماء صمويل لعيادته،,He was now making a recovery and we informed him that the sultan was coming to Mar Samwil to visit his sick-bed. فحمل على نفسه، وسار معنا حتى لقيه في ذلك المكان، وهو أول وصوله إلى ماء صمويل، ولم ينزل بعد،,"He made a great effort, travelled with us and met the sultan in that place when he had just arrived and not yet dismounted." فلقيه ونزل وقبل الأرض، وعاد فركب فاستدناه وسأله عن مزاجه، وسارا جميعًا حتى أتيا القدس الشريف في بقية ذلك اليوم.,"On meeting him, al-‘Adil dismounted and kissed the ground, before mounting again. The sultan beckoned him close and asked him about his health. Together they rode on to Jerusalem during the rest of that day." (١٥٧) ذكر وصول رسول من بغداد,The arrival of an envoy from Baghdad ولما كان يوم الجمعة الثالث والعشرون من شهر رمضان صلى الملك العادل الجمعة وانصرف إلى الكرك عن دستور من السلطان لينظر في أحواله، ويعود إلى البلاد الشرقية يدبرها، فإنه كان قد أخذها من السلطان،,"When it was Friday 23 Ramadan [2 October] al-‘Adil prayed the Friday prayer and then set out to return to Kerak, having been given leave by the sultan, to look into its affairs and then to return to the eastern lands to govern them, for he had received them from the sultan." وكان قد ودع السلطان، فلما وصل العازرية نزل بها مخيمًا، فوصله من أخبر أن رسولًا من بغداد واصل إليك،,"He had said farewell to the sultan, but when he arrived at al-Azariyya, he camped there and then a messenger arrived with news that an envoy from Baghdad was on his way to him." فأنفذ إلى السلطان وعرَّفه، فذكر له أن يجتمع ويطالع ما وصل فيه،,He sent to inform the sultan of this and said that he would meet him and find out the reason why he had come. فلما كان السبت الرابع والعشرون دخل إلى الخدمة السلطانية، وذكر أن الرسول قد وصل إليه من جانب ابن النافذ بعد أن ولي نيابة الوزارة ببغداد،,On Saturday 24 Ramadan [3 October] al-‘Adil came to an audience with the sultan and reported that the envoy had come to him from Ibn al-Naqid after the latter had taken the post of deputy vizier of Baghdad. ومقصود الكتاب أنه يحثه على استعطاف قلب السلطان إلى الخدمة الشريفة والدخول بينه وبين الديوان العزيز والإنكار عليه بتأخر رسله عن العتبة الشريفة، واقتراح تسيير القاضي الفاضل ليحضر الديوان العزيز في تقرير قاعدة تتحرر بينه وبين السلطان لا بد منها،,"The purpose of the communication was to urge him to reconcile the sultan’s heart with the caliphal court, to act as intermediary between him and the August Divan, to criticise the sultan for delaying his diplomatic contacts with the Noble Threshold, and to propose the dispatch of Qadi al-Fadil to attend the Divan to establish terms of agreement which could be drawn up between it and the sultan only through him." وقد وعد الملك العادل من الديوان بوعود عظيمة إذا قرر ذلك، وتكون له يد عند الديوان يستثمرها فيما بعد، وما يشبه هذا الفن،,"Al-‘Adil had been promised great things by the Divan if he could arrange this, and the Divan would owe him a favour that he could enjoy the fruit of subsequently. There were other matters of similar import." فحدثت عند السلطان فكرة في إنفاذ رسول يسمع كلام الديوان ويستعلم سبب دخول الملك العادل في البين،,The sultan had a notion to send an emissary to hear what the Divan had to say and to find out the effect of al-‘Adil’s intervention in the dispute. وزاد الحديث ونقص، وطال وقصر، وقوي العزم السلطاني على إنفاذ الضياء الشهرزوري،,Discussion of this went round and round and to and fro and in the end the sultan made up his mind to send Diya’ al-Din al-Shahrazuri. وعاد الملك العادل إلى مخيمه بالعازرية بعد تقرير هذه القاعدة وعرفه إجابة السلطان إلى إنفاذ رسول إلى خدمة الديوان العزيز،,Al-‘Adil returned to his camp at al-Azariyya after this decision had been reached and informed the envoy that the sultan had agreed to send an emissary to attend upon the August Divan. وسار يوم الاثنين طالبًا جهة الكرك، وسار الضياء متوجهًا إلى بغداد يوم الثلاثاء السادس والعشرين من شهر رمضان.,"On Monday [5 October] al-‘Adil set out to travel to Kerak, while Diya’ al-Din set out en route for Baghdad on Tuesday 27 Ramadan [6 October]." (١٥٨) ذكر توجه ولده الملك الظاهر إلى بلاده ووحشة السلطان له,The sultan’s son al-Zahir returns to his lands and receives the sultan’s advice ولما كانت بكرة التاسع والعشرين توجه الملك الظاهر — عز نصره — بعد أن ودعه ونزل إلى الصخرة فصلى عندها، وسأل الله — تعالى — ما شاء،,"The morning of Wednesday 28 Ramadan [7 October] the sultan’s son, al-Zahir, set out after saying his farewells and visiting the Dome of the Rock, where he prayed and beseeched God to do His will." ثم ركب وركبت في خدمته، فقال لي: قد تذكرت أمرًا أحتاج فيه إلى مراجعة السلطان مشافهة.,"He rode out, with me in attendance upon him, and said to me, ‘I have just remembered what I need to consult the sultan about face to face.’" فأنفذ من استأذن له العود إلى خدمته، فأذن له في ذلك، فحضر واستحضرني، وأخلى المكان،,"He sent someone to ask permission for him to return into his presence. This was given, so he came before him. I was summoned, too, and the room was cleared." ثم قال له: «أوصيك بتقوى الله — تعالى — فإنها رأس كل خير،,"Later the sultan said, ‘I charge you to fear God Almighty, for He is the source of all good." وآمرك بما أمر الله به؛ فإنه سبب نجاتك،,"I command you to do what God has commanded, for that is the means of your salvation." وأحذرك من الدماء والدخول فيها، والتقلد بها؛ فإن الدم لا ينام،,"I warn you against shedding blood, indulging in it and making a habit of it, for blood never sleeps." وأوصيك بحفظ قلوب الرعية والنظر في أحوالهم؛ فأنت أميني وأمين الله عليهم،,I charge you to care for the hearts of your subjects and to examine their affairs. You are my trustee and God’s trustee to guard their interests. وأوصيك بحفظ قلوب الأمراء وأرباب الدولة والأكابر؛ فما بلغت ما بلغت إلا بمداراة الناس،,I charge you to care for the hearts of the emirs and men of state and the magnates. I have only achieved what I have by coaxing people. ولا تحقد على أحد؛ فإن الموت لا يبقي على أحد،,"Hold no grudge against anyone, for death spares nobody." واحذر ما بينك وبين الناس؛ فإنه لا يُغفر إلا برضاهم، وما بينك وبين الله يغفره الله بتوبتك إليه، فإنه كريم.»,"Take care in your relations with people, for only if they are satisfied will you be forgiven, and also in your relations with God, for God will only be forgiving if you repent to Him, and He is gracious.’" وكان ذلك بعد أن انصرفنا من خدمته، ومضى من الليل ما شاء الله أن يمضي، وهذا ما أمكنني حكايته وضبطه،,This was said after we had broken our fast in his presence and some part of the night had elapsed. He said much in that vein but this is what I can relate from memory. ولم يزل بين يديه إلى قريب السحر، ثم أذن له في الانصراف،,His son remained with him until near dawn and then the sultan gave him permission to leave. ونهض ليودعه فقبل وجهه ومسح على رأسه،,"He rose, went to him and said farewell. He kissed his face and rubbed his hand over his head." وانصرف في دعة الله، ونام في برج الخشب الذي للسلطان، وكنا نجلس عنده في الأحيان إلى بكرة،,"Al-Zahir departed in a spirit of secure trust in God and took some sleep in the wooden tower that was the sultan’s, where he used to sit sometimes until morning." وانصرفت في خدمته إلى بعض الطريق، وودعته، وسار في حفظ الله.,"I went part of the way in attendance on him and then took my leave. He travelled on, God willing, under God’s protection." ثم سير الملك الأفضل ثقله، وأقام يراجع السلطان على لساني في أشغال كانت له حتى دخل في شوال أربعة أيام، وسار في ليلة الخامس منه نصف الليل عن تعتب عليه جريدة على طريق الغور.,"Al-Afdal dispatched his baggage-train, but remained to consult the sultan through my agency about matters of business of his. He stayed until four days of Shawwal had gone and then he set out on the eve of the 5th of the month [14 October] half-way through the night, in bad odour, and went with a small escort via the route through the Jordan Valley." (١٥٩) ذكر مسيره — رحمه الله — من القدس الشريف,The sultan’s departure from Jerusalem وأقام السلطان يقطع الناس، ويعطيهم دستورًا، ويتأهب للمسير إلى الديار المصرية،,"The sultan continued to assign feudal grants to his men, to give them leave to depart and to prepare to travel to Egypt." وانقطع شوقه عن الحج، وكان من أكبر المصالح التي فاتته،,"His desires were concentrated on the Hajj, which was the greatest boon that had eluded him." ولم يزل كذلك حتى صح عنده إقلاع مركب الانكتار متوجهًا إلى بلاده مستهل شوال،,"He so continued until he received certain intelligence that the God-forsaken king of England’s ship had set sail, on his way to his own lands, at the beginning of Shawwal [10 October]." فعند ذلك حرر السلطان عزمه على أن يدخل الساحل جريدة، ويفتقد القلاع البحرية إلى بانياس، ويدخل دمشق المحروسة يقيم بها أيامًا قلائل،,"Thereupon the sultan formed his plan to enter the plain with a small retinue and to inspect the coastal castles, to go to Banyas and then on to Damascus to remain there a few days." ويعود إلى القدس الشريف سائرًا إلى الديار المصرية يتفقد أحوالها، ويقرر قواعدها، وينظر في مصالحها،,"He would then return to Jerusalem on his way to Egypt to examine its affairs, establish its government and consider what would further its prosperity." وأمرني بالمقام في القدس الشريف لعمارة بيمارستان أنشأه فيه، وإدارة المدرسة التي أنشأها فيه إلى حين عوده،,He commanded me to stay in Jerusalem until his return to construct the hospital which he founded there and to administer the madrasa which he founded there. وسار من القدس الشريف ضحوة نهار الخميس سادس شوال،,He left Jerusalem during the forenoon of Thursday 6 Shawwal [15 October]. وودعته إلى البيرة، ونزل بها، وأكل فيها الطعام،,"I escorted him as far as al-Bira, where he halted and ate a meal." ثم أتى بعض طريق نابلس،,He then continued on his way until he had covered part of the route to Nablus. فبات فيه، ثم أتى نابلس ضحوة نهار الجمعة سابع شوال،,"After a stop overnight, he then came to Nablus during the morning of Friday 7 Shawwal [16 October]." فلقيه خلق عظيم يستغيثون من المشطوب، ويتضورون من سوء رعايته لهم،,He was met by a great crowd seeking redress from al-Mashtub and humbly protesting against his wicked stewardship of their affairs. فأقام يكشف عن أحوالهم إلى عصر يوم السبت،,The sultan continued to investigate their situation until the evening of Saturday 8 Shawwal [17 October]. ثم رحل ونزل بسبصطية يتفقد أحوالها،,He then left and stopped at Sebastea to look into affairs there. ثم أتى في طريقه إلى كوكب، ونظر في أحوالها،,On his journey he then came to Kawkab and carried out an inspection of the place. وسد خللها، وذلك في يوم الاثنين عاشره.,He ordered shortcomings there to be rectified. This was on Monday 10 Shawwal [19 October]. وكان فكاك بهاء الدين قراقوش من ربقة الأسر يوم الثلاثاء حادي عشر شوال،,Qaraqush’s release from captivity’s noose took place on Tuesday 11 Shawwal [20 October]. ومثل في الخدمة السلطانية، ففرح به فرحًا شديدًا،,"He appeared before the noble presence of the sultan, who was extremely delighted to see him." وكانت له حقوق كثيرة على السلطان وعلى الإسلام،,The sultan and Islam owed him much. واستأذن السلطان في المسير إلى تحصيل القطيعة، فأذن له في ذلك، وكانت القطيعة على ما بلغني ثمانين ألفًا. والله أعلم.,"He asked the sultan for permission to go to Damascus to gather his ransom and permission was given. According to what I heard, the ransom was 80,000 [dinars?]." ولما وصل السلطان إلى بيروت وصل إلى خدمته البرنس صاحب أنطاكية مسترفدًا،,"When the sultan had arrived at Beirut, the prince, the lord of Antioch, came before the sultan, seeking favour." فبالغ في احترامه وإكرامه ومباسطته،,The sultan showed him much honour and respect and was very friendly towards him. وأنعم عليه بالعمق وزرعان ومزارع تغل خمسة عشر ألف دينار،,"He bestowed upon him al-‘Amq, Azarghan and farms whose produce was worth 15,000 dinars." وكان قد خلف المشطوب في القدس من جملة العسكر المقيمين به،,Al-Mashtub had stayed behind in Jerusalem as part of the garrison assigned to it. ولم يكن واليه، وإنما كان واليه عز الدين جرديك، وكان ولاه بعد الصلح حالة عوده إلى القدس بعد أن شاور فيه الملك العادل والملك الأفضل والملك الظاهر على لساني،,"He was not the governor. That post was held by ‘Izz al-Din Jurdlk, whom the sultan had appointed after the peace at the time of his return to Jerusalem and after he had discussed it with al-‘Adil, al-Afdal and al-Zahir through me." وأشار به أهل الدين والصلاح؛ لأنه كان كثير الجد والخدمة والحفظ لأهل الخير،,"They suggested him, as did the men of religion and piety, because he was very solicitous for, and of great service to, the righteous." فأمرني السلطان أن أوليه ذلك في يوم الجمعة عند الصخرة،,The sultan commanded me to entrust the post to him on Friday at the Dome of the Rock. ووليته إياه بعد صلاة الجمعة، واشترطت عليه الأمانة، وعرفته موضع حسن اعتقاد السلطان فيه، وانعقد الأمر، وقام به القيام المرضي.,"I gave him his post after the Friday prayer, having stipulated that he should show integrity and having told him what good trust the sultan had in him. He shouldered the task and undertook it in an exemplary manner." وأما المشطوب فإنه كان مقيمًا بالقدس من جملة من كان مقيمًا بها، وتُوفي يوم الأحد الثالث والعشرين من شوال ودُفن في داره بعد أن صُلي عليه في المسجد الأقصى. رحمه الله.,"Meanwhile al-Mashtub remained in Jerusalem as a part of the garrison, but he died on Sunday 23 Shawwal [1 November] and was buried in his own house after prayers had been said over him in the Aqsa Mosque (may God have mercy on him)." (١٦٠) ذكر عود السلطان إلى دمشق المحروسة,Account of the sultan’s return to Damascus وكان عوده إليها بعد الفراغ من تصفح أحوال القلاع الساحلية بأسرها والتقدم بسد خللها، وإصلاح أمور أجنادها وشحنها بالأجناد والرجال,The sultan’s return there came after he had finished his inspection of all the coastal fortresses and ordered their shortcomings to be seen to and their garrisons to be put into good order and their full complement to be provided. ودخل دمشق بكرة الأربعاء السادس والعشرين من شوال،,He entered Damascus the morning of Wednesday 26 Shawwal [4 November]. وفيها أولاده الملك الأفضل والملك الظاهر والملك الظافر وأولاده الصغار،,"In the city were his sons, al-Afdal, al-Zahir, al-Zafir and his young children." وكان يحب البلد ويؤثر الإقامة فيه على سائر البلاد،,He loved this city and preferred residence there over all other places. وجلس للناس في بكرة الخميس السابع والعشرين منه، وحضر الناس عنده، وبلوا شوقهم من رؤيته،,"He held a public session the morning of Thursday 27 Shawwal [5 November], to which people came and satisfied their longing to see him." وأنشده الشعراء، وعمَّ ذلك المجلس الخاص والعام،,The poets declaimed their praises and both the elite and the generality attended that gathering. وأقام ينشر جناح عدله، ويهطل سحاب إنعامه وفضله، ويكشف مظالم الرعايا في الأوقات المعتادة حتى كان يوم الاثنين مستهل ذي القعدة,"He continued at the customary times to spread the wings of his justice, to let fall the showers of his benevolence and favour, and to enquire into the wrongs his subjects complained of until Monday 1 Dhu’l-Qa‘da [9 November]." اتخذ الملك الأفضل دعوة للملك الظاهر، فإنه لما وصل إلى دمشق بلغه حركة السلطان إليها، فأقام حتى يتملى بالنظر إليه ثانيًا،,"Then al-Afdal gave a banquet for al-Zahir. The latter, when he had reached Damascus, heard that the sultan was on his way there, so waited so that he could have the pleasure of seeing him again." وكأن نفسه الشريفة كانت قد أحست بدنو أجل السلطان،,It is as though his noble soul felt that the end of the sultan’s alloted span was near. فودعه في تلك الليلة مرارًا متعددة، وهو يعود إليه،,"At that time he made his farewells many times, but kept coming back." ولما اتخذ الملك الأفضل له دعوة أظهر فيها من بديع التجمل وغريبه ما يليق بهمته،,"When al-Afdal gave him a banquet, he put on a fine show with all sorts of rarities, such as fitted his high aspirations." وكأنه أراد مجازاته عما خدمه به حين وصوله إلى حلب،,It was as though he wished to requite him for the service he had shown him at the time he went to Aleppo. وحضرها أرباب الدنيا وأبناء الآخرة، وسأل السلطان الحضور، فحضر جبرًا لقلبه.,"The secular and religious notables attended and he asked the sultan to attend, which he did to mend his feelings." وكان يومًا مشهودًا على ما بلغني,"It was a memorable occasion, as I have heard." (١٦١) ذكر قدوم الملك العادل أخيه,"The arrival of his brother, al-‘Adil" ولما تصفح الملك العادل أخبار الكرك وأمر بإصلاح ما قصد إصلاحه منه عاد طالبًا البلاد الفراتية،,"After al-‘Adil had investigated the state of affairs at Kerak and had given instructions for the improvement of what he planned to improve there, he set out to return to his Euphrates lands." فوصل أرض دمشق يوم الأربعاء سابع عشر ذي القعدة،,He came to Damascus on Wednesday 17 Dhu’l-Qa‘da [25 November]. وكان السلطان قد خرج إلى لقائه، وأقام يتصيد حوالي عباب إلى الكسوة حتى لقيه، وسارا جميعًا،,"The sultan had gone out to meet him and spent the time hunting around Ghabaghib as far as al-Kiswa until their meeting, and then they went hunting together." وكان دخولهما إلى دمشق آخر نهار الأحد الحادي والعشرين،,The sultan entered Damascus again towards the end of the day on Sunday 21 Dhu’l-Qa‘da [29 November]. وأقام السلطان بدمشق يتصيد هو وأخوه وأولاده، ويتفرجون في أرض دمشق وموطن الظباء،,"He stayed at Damascus, hunting with his brother and his sons, and all enjoying the neighbouring countryside and the haunts of his youth." وكأنه وجد راحة مما كان فيه من ملازمة التعب، وسهر الليل، ونصب النهار،,It appears that he found some rest from all the constant toil and fatigue that had been his and from the sleepless nights and tiring days. وما كان ذلك إلا كالوداع لأولاده ومرابع تنزهه وهو لا يشعر،,"This was like nothing else but a farewell to his children and the places that had provided him with so much enjoyment, although he was not aware of that." ونسي عزمه المصري، وعرضت له أمور أخرى وعزمات غير ذلك،,He forgot his intention to go to Egypt. Other matters came his way and different plans. ووصلني كتابه إلى القدس يستدعيني إلى خدمته،,"A letter of his came to me at Jerusalem, summoning me to his presence." وكان شتاء شديد، ووحل عظيم، فخرجت من القدس الشريف في يوم الجمعة الثالث والعشرين من المحرم سنة تسع وثمانين، وكان الوصول إلى دمشق يوم الثلاثاء ثاني عشر صفر سنة تسع، وكان وصل أوائل الحج على طريق دمشق،,"There were heavy rains and much mud, but I left Jerusalem on Friday 23 Muharram 589 [29 January 1193] and I arrived in Damascus on Tuesday 12 Safar [16 February], when the first groups of pilgrims had arrived on the Damascus road." واتفق حضوري والملك الأفضل حاضر في الإيوان الشمالي، وفي خدمته خلق من الأمراء وأرباب المناصب ينتظرون جلوس السلطان لخدمته،,"I chanced to arrive when al-Afdal was present in the northern vaulted chamber, attended by a large number of emirs and office-holders, who were waiting for the sultan’s reception to pay their respects." فلما شعر بحضوري استحضرني وهو وحده قبل أن يدخل إليه أحد،,"When the sultan became aware that I was present, he called me in when he was alone before anyone else came to him." فدخلت عليه، فقام ولقيني لقاء ما رأيت أشد من بشره بي فيه، ولقد ضمني إليه ودمعت عينه.,I entered and he rose to give me the most welcoming reception I had ever seen. He grasped me to him and his eyes filled with tears. (١٦٢) ذكر لقائه للحاجِّ,The sultan’s reception of the pilgrim caravan ولما كان يوم الأربعاء ثالث عشر صفر طلبني، فحضرت عنده، فسألني عمن في الإيوان،,"When it was Wednesday 13 Safar {17 February}, he sent for me and I went to him. He asked me who was in the vaulted chamber." فأخبرته أن الملك الأفضل جالس في الخدمة والأمراء والناس في خدمته،,I informed him that al-Afdal was waiting to attend on him with several emirs and notables in his train. فاعتذر إليهم على لسان جمال الدولة إقبال.,He made his apologies to them through Jamal al-Din Iqbal. ولما كانت بكرة الخميس استحضرني فحضرت عنده في صفة البستان، وعنده أولاده الصغار، فسأل عن الحاضرين،,"On the Thursday morning {18 February} he summoned me early and, when I came to him in the garden portico where he was with his young children, he asked who was there to see him." فقيل له: رسل الإفرنج وجماعة الأمراء والأكابر.فاستحضر رسل الإفرنج إلى ذلك المكان،,"He was told, ‘The Frankish envoys and a group of emirs and notables.’ He had the Frankish envoys called to that spot." فحضروا وكان له ولد صغير، وكان كثيرًا ما يميل إليه يُسمى الأمير، وكان حاضرًا وهو يداعبه،,"A young son of his to whom he was greatly attached, called Emir Abu Bakr, was with him and he was dandling him on his knee." فلما وقع بصره على الإفرنج، ورأى أشكالهم، وحلق لحاهم، وقص شعورهم، وما عليهم من الثياب غير المألوفة خاف منهم وبكى،,"When the boy’s glance fell on the Franks and he saw how they looked, their shaven chins and their cropped heads and the unusual clothes they were wearing, he was frightened of them and started to cry." فاعتذر إليهم وصرفهم بعد أن حضروا ولم يسمع كلامهم،,"The sultan apologised to them and dismissed them after they had appeared before him, without hearing what they had to say." وقال: إن لي اليوم شغلًا، وكان عادته المباسطة،,"He then said to me, ‘Have you eaten anything today?’ It was usual for him to be thus friendly." ثم قال: أحضروا لنا ما تيسر،,"He then ordered, ‘Bring whatever you have to hand.’" فأحضروا أرزًا بلبن وما شابه ذلك من الأطعمة الخفيفة فأكل، وكنت أظن أنه ما عنده شهوة،,They brought rice with leban and similar light dishes. He ate too and I had been thinking that he had no appetite. وكان في هذه الأيام يعتذر إلى الناس لثقل الحركة عليه،,In recent days he was making excuses to people because it was difficult for him to move. وكان بدنه ملتاثًا ممتلئًا، وعنده كسل،,It was as though his body was full and there was a lassitude about him. فلما فرغنا من الطعام، قال: ما الذي عندك من خبر الحاج؟ فقلت: اجتمعت بجماعة منهم في الطريق، ولولا كثرة الوحل لدخلوا اليوم، ولكنهم غدًا يدخلون.,"When we had finished eating, he asked, ‘What news do you have of the pilgrim caravan?’ ‘I met with a group of them on the road,’ I replied. ‘Were it not for all the mud, they would have arrived today. However, they will come tomorrow.’" فقال: نخرج — إن شاء الله — إلى لقائهم، وتقدم بتنظيف طرقاتهم من المياه فإنها سنة كثيرة الأنداء، وقد سالت المياه في الطرق والأنهار.,"‘God willing,’ he said, ‘we shall go out to meet them.’ He commanded the roads to be cleared of water, for it was a year of copious rains and the water was running in the streets like rivers." وانفصلت من خدمته، ولم أجد عنده من النشاط ما كنت أعرفه،,"I took my leave of him, not having found him to be as lively as I had known him." ثم ركب في بكرة الجمعة، وتأخرت عنه قليلًا،,He rode out early on the Friday morning {19 February} and I was just a little behind him. ثم لقيته وقد لقي الحاج، وكان فيهم سابق الدين وقرالا الياروقي،,"I caught up with him after he had met the pilgrims, amongst whom were Sabiq al-Din and Qarala al-Yaruqi." وكان كثير الاحترام للمشايخ، فلقيهم، ثم لحقه الملك الأفضل، وأخذ يحدثني،,"He welcomed them, as he had great respect for such senior men. His son al-Afdal then joined him to meet the company and began to engage me in conversation." فنظرت إلى السلطان فلم أجد عليه كزاغنده، وما كان له عادة يركب بدونه،,I looked towards the sultan and could not detect that he was wearing his brigandine. It was not normal for him to ride out without it. وكان يومًا عظيمًا قد اجتمع فيه للقاء السلطان والتفرج عليه معظم من في البلد،,It was a great occasion and to meet the pilgrims and see the sultan most of the inhabitants of the city had gathered. فلم أجد الصبر دون أن سرت إلى جانبه وحدثته في إهمال هذا،,I could not stop myself from moving next to him and speaking to him about his failure to wear it. فكأنه استيقظ، فطلب الكزاغند فلم يوجد الزردكماش،,"He seemed to wake up and then asked for his brigandine, but the master of the armoury was not to be found." فوجدت لذلك أمرًا عظيمًا، وقلت في نفسي: السلطان يطلب ما لا بد منه في عادته، ولا يجده! ووقع في قلبي تطير بذلك،,"I was very disturbed by this and said to myself, ‘A sultan demands what he normally cannot do without and cannot find it!’ God planted a feeling of ill-omen in my heart." فقلت له: أليس ثم طريق نسلكه ليس فيه خلق كثير؟ فقال: بلى.,"I said to him, ‘Is there not a route that can be taken where there is no vast crowd?’ ‘Yes, of course,’ he replied." ثم سار بين البساتين، فطلب جهة المنيع،,He then went through the orchards making towards al-Munaybi’. وسرنا في خدمته وقلبي يرعد لما قد وقع فيه من الخوف عليه،,We attended him on the way while my heart was fluttering because it was full of fear for him. فسار حتى أتى القلعة، فعبر على الجسر إلى القلعة، وهو طريقه المعتاد، وكانت آخر ركوبه.,"He came finally to the citadel and crossed over the bridge to enter, which was his normal route. This was the last of his mounted progresses (God bless him and sanctify his spirit)." (١٦٣) مرضه رحمة الله عليه,An account of his illness ولما كانت ليلة السبت وجد كسلًا عظيمًا، فما انتصف الليل حتى غشيته حمى صفراوية كانت في باطنه أكثر من ظاهره،,"On the eve of Saturday {20 February} he experienced a great sluggishness and the night had not half gone before he was struck by a bilious fever, which was more internal than external." وأصبح في يوم السبت سادس عشر صفر سنة تسع وثمانين متكسلًا عليه أثر الحمى، ولم يظهر ذلك للناس،,Saturday morning 16 Safar [20 February] found him in a torpid state with the traces of the fever upon him. He did not reveal this to his people. لكن حضرت أنا والقاضي الفاضل، ودخل ولده الملك الأفضل،,"I came to him along with Qadi al-Fadil, and his son al-Afdal then entered." وطال جلوسنا عنده، وأخذ يشكو من قلقه في الليل، وطاب له الحديث إلى قريب الظهر،,"We sat with him for a long time and he began to complain of his disturbed state during the night, but he enjoyed our conversation until near midday." ثم انصرفنا والقلوب عنده فتقدم إلينا بالحضور على الطعام في خدمة الملك الأفضل،,"We left him, although our hearts remained with him. He commanded us to be present at the regular meal time in the service of al-Afdal." ولم يكن القاضي عادته ذلك، فانصرف ودخلت أنا إلى الإيوان، وقد مدَّ الطعام والملك الأفضل قد جلس في موضعه،,"That was not customary for the Qadi so he retired, but I went into the south vaulted chamber where the meal had been laid out. His son al-Afdal had taken his seat in the sultan’s place." فانصرفت وما كان لي قوة على الجلوس استيحاشًا،,"I left as I did not have the stomach to take my place, so upset was I." وبكى جماعة تفاؤلًا بجلوس ولده في موضعه،,"Many wept that day, taking his son’s sitting in his place to be a bad omen." ثم أخذ المرض في تزايد من حينئذٍ، ونحن نلازم التردد طرفي النهار،,"From that time on his illness began to worsen, while we kept up our visits at the two extremes of the day." وندخل إليه أنا والقاضي الفاضل في النهار مرارًا، ويعطي الطريق في بعض الأيام التي يجد فيها خفة، وكان مرضه في رأسه،,"We, that is Qadi al-Fadil and I, used to visit him several times a day and access was granted on certain days when he felt some relief. His illness was in his head." وكان من أمارات انتهاء العمر؛ إذ كان قد ألف مزاجه سفرًا وحضرًا،,"One of the ominous signs that his life was at its end was that his doctor, who at home and abroad knew his constitution so well, was absent." ورأى الأطباء فصده ففصدوه في الرابع، فاشتد مرضه وقَلَّت رطوبات بدنه، وكان يغلب عليه اليبس غلبة عظيمة،,"The doctors counselled that he be bled, so they bled him on the fourth day and his illness intensified. The moist humours of his body became few and dryness came to dominate greatly." ولم يزل المرض يتزايد حتى انتهى إلى غاية الضعف،,The illness continued to increase until he reached the extremity of weakness. ولقد جلسنا في سادس مرضه، وأسندنا ظهره إلى مخدة،,On the sixth day of his sickness we sat him up and supported his back on a pillow. وأُحضر ماء فاتر ليشربه عقيب شرب دواء لتليين الطبيعة،,Tepid water was brought for him to drink after a laxative potion. فشربه فوجده شديد الحرارة، فشكا من شدة حرارته،,He drank it and found it to be extremely hot and complained how hot it was. وعُرض عليه ماء ثانٍ فشكا من برده،,"It was changed and offered to him again, but he complained it was too cold." ولم يغضب، ولم يصخب، ولم يقل سوى هذه الكلمات: سبحان الله! ألا يمكن أحدًا تعديل الماء؟,"He showed no anger and did not scold, but said nothing other than, ‘Heavens above! Is nobody able to get the water just right.’" فخرجت أنا والقاضي الفاضل من عنده، وقد اشتد بنا البكاء والقاضي الفاضل يقول لي: أبصر هذه الأخلاق التي قد أشرف المسلمون على مفارقتها، والله لو أن هذا بعض الناس لضرب بالقدح رأس من أحضره.,"Qadi al-Fadil and I went out and the former said to me, ‘Just consider these qualities that the Muslims are on the point of losing. By God, had this been a certain person, he would have banged the cup on the head of the man who brought it.’" واشتد مرضه في السادس والسابع والثامن، ولم يزل يتزايد ويغيب ذهنه.,"On the sixth, seventh and eighth days his illness worsened and continued to increase. His mind wandered." ولما كان التاسع حدثت عليه غشية، وامتنع من تناول المشروب فاشتد الخوف في البلد،,On the ninth day a shaking began and he declined to take any drink. Rumour became rife in the town and people were fearful. وخاف الناس، ونقلوا الأقمشة من الأسواق، وغشي الناس من الكآبة والحزن ما لا يمكن حكايته،,They shifted their goods from the markets and were overwhelmed by more grief and sadness than can be expressed. ولقد كنت أنا والقاضي الفاضل نقعد في كل ليلة أن يمضي من الليل ثلثه أو قريب منه، ثم نحضر في باب الدار فإن وجدنا طريقًا دخلنا وشاهدناه وانصرفنا وإلا عرفونا أحواله،,"Qadi al-Fadil and I used to sit together every night until a third of the night had passed, or something like that, and then we would go to the gate of his residence. If we found access, we would go in, look upon him and then depart, but otherwise, we would enquire how he was and then leave." وكنا نجد الناس يترقبون خروجنا إلى أن يلاقونا حتى يعرفوا أحواله من صفحات وجوهنا.,We used to find people watching for us to leave to go home so that his state could be read from our faces. ولما كان العاشر من مرضه حُقن دفعتين، وحصل من الحقن راحة، وحصل بعض خفة،,"On the tenth day of his illness he was twice given an enema, which eased him and provided some relief." وتناول من ماء الشعير مقدارًا صالحًا، وفرح الناس فرحًا شديدًا،,He took a good quantity of barley water and people were very happy. فأقمنا على العادة إلى أن مضى من الليل هزيع، ثم أتينا إلى الدار، فوجدنا جمال الدولة إقبالًا,"We waited as usual until a certain portion of the night had past and then went to the gate of his residence, where we found Jamal al-Din Iqbal." فالتمسنا منه تعريف الحال المستجد فدخل، وأنفذ إلينا مع الملك المعظم تورانشاه — جبره الله تعالى — أن العرق قد أخذ في ساقيه،,"We requested him to let us know the latest situation. He went in and then sent to us by al-Mu‘azzam Turanshah (may God restore him to health) to say, ‘Perspiration has started on both his legs.’" فشكرنا الله — تعالى — على ذلك، والتمسنا منه أن يمس بقية قدمه، ويخبرنا بحاله في العرق,We thanked God for that and then begged him to feel the rest of his body and to tell us how it was perspiring. فتفقده، ثم خرج إلينا، وذكر أن العرق سابغ،,He examined him and then came out to us and reported that the sweat was copious. وانصرفنا طيبة قلوبنا،,We thanked God for that and departed with happy hearts. ثم أصبحنا في الحادي عشر من مرضه وهو السادس والعشرون من صفر، فحضرنا بالباب وسألنا عن الأحوال،,"On the morning of the eleventh day of his illness, which was Tuesday 26 Safar {2 March}, we presented ourselves at the gate and asked how he was." فأخبرنا بأن العرق أفرط حتى نفذ في الفراش، ثم في الحصر، وتأثرت به الأرض،,"We were told that the perspiration had become excessive, had soaked through his mattress and then the rugs and wetted the floor." وأن اليبس قد تزايد تزايدًا عظيمًا، وحارت في القوة الأطباء.,"The dryness of his humours had increased greatly, his strength had declined and the doctors feared the worst." (١٦٤) ذكر تحليف الأفضل,AI-Afdal exacts the people’s oath of allegiance ولما رأى الملك الأفضل ما حل بوالده وتحقق الناس موته تسرع في تحليف الناس في دار رضوان المعروفة بسكناه، واستحضر القضاة،,"When al-Afdal saw what had befallen his father and was convinced that there was no hope for him, a start was made on asking people to swear allegiance. He held a session in the palace of Ridwan, known as his residence, and summoned the qadis." وعمل له نسخة يمين مختصرة محصلة للمقاصد تتضمن الحلف للسلطان مدة حياته وله بعد وفاته،,"A document was drawn up for him with an abbreviated oath, but one which met all requirements, containing an oath of allegiance to the sultan for the duration of his life and in the event of his death to al-Afdal." واعتذر إلى الناس بأن المرض قد اشتد، وما يعلم ما يكون، وما يفعل هذا إلا احتياطًا على جاري عادة الملوك،,He said to people in explanation that it was because of the sultan’s serious illness and ‘we do not know what may happen and we are only doing this as a precautionary measure according to the custom of princes.’ فأول من استحضر للحلف سعد الدين أخو بدر الدين مودود الشحنة،,"The first person summoned to swear was Sa‘d al-Din Mas‘ud, the brother of Badr al-Din Mawdud, the prefect." فبادر إلى اليمين من غير شرط،,He hastened to take the oath without any preconditions. ثم حضر ناصر الدين صاحب صهيون، وزاد أن الحصن الذي في يده له،,"He then called upon Nasir al-Din, the lord of Sahyun, who duly swore, adding that the fortress that he held should remain his." وحضر سابق الدين صاحب شيزر، فحلف ولم يذكر الطلاق،,"Then Sabiq al-Din, the lord of Shayzar, came and swore, but without mentioning divorce as a penalty." واعتذر بأنه ما حلف به،,He made the excuse that he never swore on pain of divorce. ثم حضر خشتر بن حسين الهكاري وحلف، وحضر أنوشروان الزرزاري وحلف، واشترط أن يكون له خبز يرضيه،,"Khushtarin al-Hakkari came and took the oath, as did Nushirwan al-Zarzari, on condition that he should have a fief that would satisfy him." وحضر علكان وملكان وحلفا، ثم مد الخوان وحضر الجماعة وأكلوا.,"Finally, ‘Allakan and Mankalan swore. The table was then spread and all came and ate." ولما كان العصر أعيد المجلس للتحليف،,"When the evening came, there was a renewed session of oathtaking." وحضر ميمون القصري — رحمه الله — وشمس الدين الكبير، وقالا: نحن نحلف بشرط أن لا نسل في وجه أحد من إخوتك سيفًا، لكن رأسي دون بلادك. هذا قول ميمون القصري،,"Maymun al-Qasri and Shams al-Din Sunqur the Elder were summoned and both said, ‘We will swear with a stipulation that we will never draw a sword in the face of any of your brothers, but I will give my head to protect your lands.’ This was what Maymun said." وأما سنقر فإنه امتنع ساعة، ثم قال: كنت حلفتني على النطرون وأنا عليها،,"Sunqur on the other hand declined for a while, but then said, ‘You had me swear an oath for Latrun and I still keep to it.’" وحضر سامه، وقال: ليس لي خبز، فقل لي على شيءٍ أحلف.,"Sama attended and said, ‘I have no fief. For what should I swear?’" فروجع فحلف، وعلق يمينه بشرط أن يُعطى خبزًا يرضيه،,"He was approached again and then he swore, but he made his oath depend on his being given a fief that would content him." وحضر سنقر المشطوب وحلف، واشترط أن يرضى،,"Sunqur al-Mashtub presented himself and swore, having stipulated that he should be satisfactorily looked after." وحضر أيبك الأفطس — رحمه الله — واشترط رضاه،,"Then IlyakI al-Farisi came and swore, as did Aybak al-Aftas, whose oath was subject to his being satisfied." وحضر حسام الدين بشارة وحلف، وكان مقدمًا على هؤلاء،,"Finally, Husam al-Din Bishara, who was the commander of these men, came and swore." ولم يحضر أحد من الأمراء المصريين، ولم يتعرض لهم،,Not one of the Egyptian emirs attended and no pressure was brought on them. بل حلف هؤلاء للتقرير،,Only this small number took the oath and possibly some obscure persons followed a different line. ونسخة اليمين المحلوف بها مضمونها: «إني من وقتي هذا صفيت نيتي، وأخلصت طويتي للملك الناصر مدة حياته، وإني لا أزال باذلًا جهدي في الذب عن دولته بنفسي ومالي، وسيفي ورجالي، ممتثلًا أمره، واقفًا عند مراضيه، ثم من بعده لولده الأفضل علي ووريثه،,"As for the text of the oath that was sworn and its clauses, the first was as follows: ‘I from this time forward devote my duty and dedicate my true mind to al-Malik al-Nasir [Saladin] for the duration of his life and I shall not cease to bestow my efforts to protect his dominion with my person, my wealth, my sword and my men, obeying his commands and waiting upon his good pleasure, and then subsequently to his son al-Afdal ‘Ali." ووالله إنني في طاعته، وأذب عن دولته وبلاده بنفسي ومالي وسيفي ورجالي، وأمتثل أمره ونهيه، وباطني وظاهري في ذلك سواء، والله على ما أقول وكيل.»,"By God, I shall be subject to his allegiance and I shall protect his dominion and his lands with my person, my wealth, my sword and my men. I shall obey his orders and his prohibitions. In this my inner and my outer self are as one. God is my witness in what I say.’ Then came the ‘exclusion clause’. Such is the oath that was sworn to, I mean, its main import." (١٦٥) ذكر وفاته رحمه الله وقدس روحه,"Account of his death (may God have mercy on him, sanctify his spirit and give the Muslims a good successor)" ولما كانت ليلة الأربعاء السابع والعشرين من صفر وهي الثانية عشرة من مرضه اشتد مرضه، وضعفت قوته،,"When it was the eve of Wednesday 27 Safar [3 March], which was the twelfth night since he fell ill, the sultan’s illness grew ever worse and his strength dwindled further." ووقع من الأمر في أوله، وحال بيننا وبينه النساء،,He fell into the beginning of the end from the first part of the night and his womenfolk intervened to keep us from him. واستحضرت أنا والقاضي الفاضل تلك الليلة وابن الزكي، ولم يكن عادته الحضور في ذلك الوقت،,"I was summoned during that night, as were Qadi al-Fadil and Ibn al-Zaki, although it was not customary for the latter to attend at that time." وحضر بيننا الملك الأفضل، وأمر أن نبيت عنده، فلم يرَ القاضي الفاضل ذلك رأيًا؛ فإن الناس كانوا ينتظرون نزولنا من القلعة، فخاف إن لم ننزل أن يقع الصوت في البلد، وربما نهب الناس بعضهم بعضًا،,"Al-Afdal proposed to us that we pass the night with him, but Qadi al-Fadil did not consider that to be a good idea, for people used to wait for us to come down from the citadel every night and he feared that, if we did not, it would be noised about the city and looting might possibly follow amongst the inhabitants." فرأى المصلحة في نزولنا، واستحضار الشيخ أبي جعفر إمام الكلاسة، وهو رجل صالح ليبيت بالقلعة حتى إذا احتضر — رحمه الله — بالليل حضر عنده، وحال بينه وبين النساء، وذكره الشهادة، وذكر الله — تعالى — ففعل ذلك،,"He thought it expedient for us to leave the citadel and for the Shaykh Abu Ja‘far, the imam of the Kallasa and a man of piety, to be called upon to spend the night in the citadel, so that, if death throes began during the night, he would be with the sultan, keep the women away from him, rehearse his confession of faith and keep God before his mind." ونزلنا وكل منا يود فداءه بنفسه،,"This was done and we left the citadel, each longing to give his own life to ransom the sultan’s." وبات في تلك الليلة على حال المنتقلين إلى الله — تعالى — والشيخ أبو جعفر يقرأ عنده القرآن، ويذكره الله — تعالى.,"He spent that night like one already passing into God’s hands, while the Shaykh Abu Ja‘far recited the Koran beside him and called God to his remembrance." وكان ذهنه غائبًا من ليلة التاسع لا يكاد يفيق إلا في أحيان،,"From the eve of the ninth day his mind had been wandering, hardly being conscious except at odd moments." وذكر الشيخ أبو جعفر أنه لما انتهى إلى قوله — تعالى: هُوَ اللهُ الَّذِي لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا هُوَ عَالِمُ الْغَيْبِ وَالشَّهَادَةِ سمعه وهو يقول — رحمة الله عليه: صحيح. وهذه يقظة في وقت الحاجة وعناية من الله — تعالى — به. فلله الحمد على ذلك.,"The Shaykh Abu Ja‘far recounted that, when he came in his recitation to ‘He is God than whom there is no other god, who knows what is invisible and what is visible,’ he heard him say, ‘True!’ Thus he was alert at the needful moment, a special consideration for him on God’s part. Praise be to God for that." وكانت وفاته بعد صلاة الصبح من يوم الأربعاء السابع والعشرين من صفر سنة تسع وثمانين وخمسمائة،,His death occurred after the dawn prayer on Wednesday 27 Safar 589 {3 March 1193}. وبادر القاضي الفاضل بعد طلوع الصبح في وقت وفاته،,After dawn had broken Qadi al-Fadil made haste and was present for his death. ووصلت وقد مات، وانتقل إلى رضوان الله ومحل كرمه وجزيل ثوابه،,I arrived when he was already dead and transported to God’s favour and the seat of His grace. ولقد حُكي لي أنه لما بلغ الشيخ أبو جعفر إلى قوله — تعالى: لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا هُوَ عَلَيْهِ تَوَكَّلْتُ تبسم وتهلل وجهه وسلمها إلى ربه،,"It was related to me that, when the Shaykh Abu Ja‘far reached in God’s word ‘There is no god but He and in Him have I trusted,’ the sultan smiled, his face beamed with joy and he surrendered his soul to his Lord." وكان يومًا لم يُصَبْ الإسلام والمسلمون بمثله منذ فقدوا الخلفاء الراشدين،,This was a day such as had not befallen the Muslims and Islam since the loss of the rightly-guided caliphs. وغشي القلعة والبلد والدنيا من الوحشة ما لا يعلمه إلا الله — تعالى.,"The citadel, the city, the world was overwhelmed by such a sense of loss as God alone could comprehend." وبالله لقد كنت أسمع من بعض الناس أنهم يتمنون فداءه بنفوسهم، وما سمعت هذا الحديث إلا على ضرب من التجوز والترخص إلا في ذلك اليوم، فإني علمت من نفسي ومن غيري أنه لو قبل الفداء لفدى بالنفس.,"In God’s name, I had heard from some people that they were desirous of ransoming those dear to them with their own lives, but I only ever heard such an expression as a sort of exaggeration or poetic licence until this day, as I knew for myself and for others that, had the purchase of his life been acceptable, we would have paid for it with our own." ثم جلس ولده الملك الأفضل للعزاء في الإيوان الشمالي وحفظ باب القلعة إلا عن الخواص من الأمراء والمعممين، وكان يومًا عظيمًا،,His son al-Afdal held a session for condolences in the north vaulted hall and the citadel gate was barred to all except the elite of the emirs and the turbanned classes. It was a terrible day. وقد شغل كل إنسان ما عنده من الحزن والأسف والبكاء والاستغاثة من أن ينظر إلى غيره،,"Each man’s grief, sorrow, tears and cries for help kept him from looking at anyone else." وحُفظ المجلس عن أن ينشد فيه شاعر، أو يتكلم فيه فاضل وواعظ،,In the chamber there was a ban on any poet reciting or any divine or preacher delivering any words. وكان أولاده يخرجون مستغيثين إلى الناس، فتكاد النفوس تزهق لهول منظرهم ودام الحال على هذا إلى ما بعد صلاة الظهر،,His children came forth crying for help from people and men’s hearts all but shrank away at their ghastly appearance. So things continued until after the midday prayer. ثم اشتغل بتغسيله وتكفينه، فما أمكننا أن ندخل في تجهيزه ما قيمته حبة واحدة إلا بالقرض، حتى في ثمن التبن الذي يُلت به الطين،,"Then the task of washing and shrouding the body was taken up, and it was only possible to provide items for his funeral, items that cost a pittance, by borrowing money, even for the cost of the straw with which the clay was mixed." وغسله الدولعي الفقيه، ونهضت إلى الوقوف على غسله، فلم تكن لي قوة تحمل ذلك المنظر،,"The jurist al-Dawla‘i washed his body and I was deputed to supervise his washing, but I did not have the strength to bear the sight." وأُخرج بعد صلاة الظهر في تابوت مسجي بثوب فوط،,He was carried out after the midday prayer on a bier covered with a cotton sheet. وكان ذلك وجميع ما احتاج إليه من الثياب في تكفينه قد أحضره القاضي الفاضل من وجه حل عرفه،,That and everything necessary in the way of grave clothes to shroud him had been prepared by Qadi al-Fadil from a proper source he knew of. وارتفعت الأصوات عند مشاهدته، وعظم الضحيح، حتى إن العاقل يتخيل أن الدنيا كلها تصيح صوتًا واحدًا,"At the sight of him cries and great lamentation arose, so much so that a reasonable man might have imagined that the whole world was crying out with one voice." وعظم من الضجيج والعويل ما شغلهم عن الصلاة،,The people were overwhelmed by a weeping and a wailing that distracted them from their prayer time. فصلى عليه الناس إرسالًا،,People delivered final benedictions over him in droves. وكان أول من أم بالناس القاضي محيي الدين بن الزكي،,The first to lead the people in prayer was the Qadi Muhyi al-Din ibn al-Zaki. ثم أعيد إلى الدار التي في البستان، وكان متمرضًا بها، ودُفن في الضفة الغربية منها،,"The sultan was then taken back to his residence in the garden, where he had fallen ill, and he was buried in the western portico there." وكان نزوله في حفرته — قدس الله روحه، ونور ضريحه — قريبًا من صلاة العصر،,He was lowered into his grave close to the time for the afternoon prayer. ثم نزل في أثناء النهار ولده الظافر، وعزى الناس فيه، وسكن قلوب الناس،,Later during the day his son al-Zafir came down and condoled with the people for the loss and comforted their hearts. وكان الناس قد شغلهم البكاء عن الاشتغال بالنهب والفساد،,The inhabitants were too preoccupied with their weeping to bother with looting and mischief-making. فما وُجد قلب إلا حزين، ولا عين إلا باكية إلا من شاء الله،,"Except for a few, no heart was not saddened and no eye without tears." ثم رجع الناس إلى بيوتهم أقبح رجوع، ولم يعد أحد منهم في تلك الليلة إلا نحن حضرنا وقرأنا وجددنا حالًا من الحزن.,"People then went homewards most wretchedly and none of them returned that night. However, we came, recited some Koran and indulged our grief again." واشتغل في ذلك اليوم الملك الأفضل بكتابة الكتب إلى عمه وإخوته يخبرهم بهذا الحادث،,That day al-Afdal busied himself with writing letters to his uncle and his brothers to tell them of this sad event. وفي اليوم الثاني جلس للعزاء جلوسًا عامًّا، وأطلق باب القلعة للفقهاء والعلماء،,The following day {4 March} he held a public session to receive condolences and flung open the citadel gate to the jurists and the ulema. وتكلم المتكلمون ولم ينشد شاعر،,Orators delivered eulogies but no poet declaimed. ثم انفض المجلس في ظهر ذلك اليوم، واستمر الحال في حضور الناس بكرة وعشية، وقراءة القرآن، والدعاء له — رحمة الله عليه،,"The session broke up at noon on this day, but people continued to come morning and evening to recite the Koran and say prayers for him." واشتغل الملك الأفضل بتدبير أمره، ومراسلة إخوته وعمه.,"Meanwhile, al-Afdal was fully occupied with his administration and diplomatic letters to his brothers and his uncle." "ثم انقضت تلك السنون وأهلها فكأنها وكأنهم أحلام","Then these years and their players passed away, As though they all had been merely dreams." تم بعون الله، والحمد لله رب العالمين، والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد وآله وصحبه أجمعين، وسلام على المرسلين، والحمد لله رب العالمين.,"God bless His prophet, our lord Muhammad, and his family." بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم,IN THE NAME OF GOD THE MERCIFUL ONE قال الشيخ الفقيه، العالم الثقة النبيه، الناسك الأبر، وفد الله المعتمر، شرف الدين المعتمد في سياحته على رب العالمين، أبو عبد الله محمد بن عبد الله بن محمد بن إبراهيم اللواتي، ثم الطنجي المعروف بابن بطوطة، رحمه الله ورضي عنه بمَنِّه وكرمه، آمين.,"THE COMPASSIONATE THESE are the words of the learned doctor of law, the trustworthy, the guest of illustrious, God and visitor godly and to His most sanctuary, pious shaikh, the honour of the Faith, who in his travels stayed himself upon the Lord of the Universe, Abu ‘Abdallah Muhammad ibn ‘Abdallah ibn Muhammad ibn Ibrahim al-Lawati al-Tanji, known as Ibn Battuta, may God have mercy on him and be pleased with him through His grace and bounty. Amen." الحمد لله الذي ذلَّل الأرض لعباده ليسلكوا منها سبلًا فجاجًا، وجعل منها وإليها تاراتهم الثلاث نباتًا وإعادة وإخراجًا، دحاها بقُدْرَته فكانت مهادًا للعباد، وأرساها بالأعلام الراسيات والأطواد، ورَفَعَ فوقها سمْك السماء بغير عماد، واطلع الكواكب هداية في ظلمات البر والبحر، وجعل القمر نورًا والشمس سراجًا، ثم أنزل من السماء ماء فأحيا به الأرض بعد الممات، وأنبت فيها من كل الثمرات، وفطر أقطارها بصنوف النبات، وفَجَّرَ البحرين عذبًا فراتًا، ومِلْحًا أجاجًا، وأَكْمَلَ على خَلْقِه الإنعام؛ بتذليل مطايا الأنعام، وتسخير المنشآت كالأعلام؛ لتمتطوا من صهوة القفر ومَتْن البحر إثباجًا،,"Praise be to God, Who hath subdued the earth to His servants that they may tread spacious ways therein, and hath ordained therefrom and thereunto their three stages of growth, return, and extraction; Who hath spread it out by His power so that it became as a smooth bed for His servants, and hath held it firm by immovable ranges and mountains, and raised above it the canopy of the sky without pillars; Who hath made the stars to rise for guidance in the darknesses of land and sea, and hath set the moon as a light and the sun as a lamp; Who hath made also water to descend from the heavens and hath revived the earth therewith after its death and hath made fruits of every sort to grow thereon; Who hath created its regions with diversities of plants and made channels for the two seas, fresh sweet water and bitter salt water; Who hath made perfect his bounty towards His creatures by subduing the beasts of the field for their carriage and the vessels upraised like mountains to their control that they may bestride the ridge of the wilderness and ride upon the deeps of the ocean."