
< 1K
File size: 45,974 Bytes
{"head_branch": "vizrank-2.0", "contributor": "janezd", "sha_fail": "1fef7bf674f2441de7fec54c3b6017d622722c48", "sha_success": "e8f13f71dd1bd19ae107057f850e8f1195478297", "language": "Python", "repo_owner": "biolab", "repo_name": "orange3", "workflow_name": "Documentation workflow", "workflow_filename": "doc.yml", "workflow_path": ".github/workflows/doc.yml", "workflow": "name: Documentation workflow\n\non:\n  push:\n    branches:\n      - master\n  pull_request:\n    branches:\n      - master\n\njobs:\n  build:\n    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}\n    strategy:\n      fail-fast: False\n      matrix:\n        python: [3.9]\n        os: [ubuntu-22.04]\n\n    steps:\n      - uses: actions/checkout@v2\n      - name: Setup Python\n        uses: actions/setup-python@v1\n        with:\n          python-version: ${{ matrix.python }}\n\n      - name: Install linux system dependencies\n        run: sudo apt-get install -y libxkbcommon-x11-0\n\n      - name: Install Tox\n        run: pip install tox\n\n      - name: Build documentation\n        run: tox -e build_doc\n        env:\n          QT_QPA_PLATFORM: offscreen\n", "logs": "-    \"keywords\": [\n-     \"sieve\",\n-     \"diagram\"\n-    ]\n-   },\n-   {\n-    \"text\": \"Mosaic Display\",\n-    \"doc\": \"visual-programming/source/widgets/visualize/\",\n-    \"icon\": \"../Orange/widgets/visualize/icons/MosaicDisplay.svg\",\n-    \"background\": \"#FFB7B1\",\n-    \"keywords\": [\n-     \"mosaic\",\n-     \"display\"\n-    ]\n-   },\n    {\n     \"text\": \"FreeViz\",\n     \"doc\": \"visual-programming/source/widgets/visualize/\",\n@@ -492,26 +462,6 @@\n      \"viz\"\n     ]\n    },\n-   {\n-    \"text\": \"Linear Projection\",\n-    \"doc\": \"visual-programming/source/widgets/visualize/\",\n-    \"icon\": \"../Orange/widgets/visualize/icons/LinearProjection.svg\",\n-    \"background\": \"#FFB7B1\",\n-    \"keywords\": [\n-     \"linear\",\n-     \"projection\"\n-    ]\n-   },\n-   {\n-    \"text\": \"Radviz\",\n-    \"doc\": \"visual-programming/source/widgets/visualize/\",\n-    \"icon\": \"../Orange/widgets/visualize/icons/Radviz.svg\",\n-    \"background\": \"#FFB7B1\",\n-    \"keywords\": [\n-     \"radviz\",\n-     \"viz\"\n-    ]\n-   },\n    {\n     \"text\": \"Heat Map\",\n     \"doc\": \"visual-programming/source/widgets/visualize/\",\nbuild_doc: exit 1 (24.95 seconds) /home/runner/work/orange3/orange3> bash doc/ pid=2358\n.pkg: _exit> python /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.18/x64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyproject_api/ True setuptools.build_meta\n  build_doc: FAIL code 1 (140.40=setup[113.93]+cmd[1.12,0.41,24.95] seconds)\n  evaluation failed :( (140.58 seconds)\n##[error]Process completed with exit code 1.\n", "diff": "diff --git a/Orange/widgets/visualize/utils/tests/ b/Orange/widgets/visualize/utils/tests/\nnew file mode 100644\nindex 000000000..ae0fda3d3\n--- /dev/null\n+++ b/Orange/widgets/visualize/utils/tests/\n@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@\n+import unittest\n+from AnyQt.QtTest import QSignalSpy\n+from unittest.mock import patch, Mock\n+\n+from AnyQt.QtCore import Qt, pyqtSignal as Signal\n+from AnyQt.QtWidgets import QDialog\n+\n+from orangewidget.tests.base import GuiTest\n+from import Table, Domain, ContinuousVariable\n+from Orange.widgets.visualize.utils.vizrank import (\n+    RunState, VizRankMixin,\n+    VizRankDialog, VizRankDialogAttrs, VizRankDialogAttrPair,\n+    VizRankDialogNAttrs\n+)\n+\n+\n+class MockDialog(VizRankDialog):\n+    class Task:\n+        interrupt = False\n+        set_partial_result = Mock()\n+\n+        def is_interruption_requested(self):\n+            return self.interrupt\n+\n+    task = Task()\n+\n+    def __init__(self, parent=None):\n+        super().__init__(parent)\n+\n+    def start(self, func, *args):\n+        func(*args, self.task)\n+\n+    def state_generator(self):\n+        return range(10)\n+\n+    def state_count(self):\n+        return 10\n+\n+    def compute_score(self, state):\n+        return 10 * (state % 2) + state // 2 if state != 3 else None\n+\n+    row_for_state = Mock()\n+\n+\n+class TestVizRankDialog(GuiTest):\n+\n+    @patch.object(VizRankDialog, \"start\")\n+    @patch.object(VizRankDialog, \"prepare_run\",\n+                  new=lambda self: setattr(self.run_state,\n+                                           \"state\", RunState.Ready))\n+    def test_init_and_button(self, run_vizrank):\n+        dialog = VizRankDialog(None)\n+        self.assertEqual(dialog.run_state.state, RunState.Initialized)\n+        self.assertEqual(dialog.button.text(), dialog.button_labels[RunState.Initialized])\n+\n+        run_vizrank.assert_called_once()\n+        self.assertEqual(dialog.run_state.state, RunState.Running)\n+        self.assertEqual(dialog.button.text(), dialog.button_labels[RunState.Running])\n+\n+\n+        run_vizrank.assert_called_once()\n+        self.assertEqual(dialog.run_state.state, RunState.Paused)\n+        self.assertEqual(dialog.button.text(), dialog.button_labels[RunState.Paused])\n+\n+\n+        self.assertEqual(run_vizrank.call_count, 2)\n+        self.assertEqual(dialog.run_state.state, RunState.Running)\n+        self.assertEqual(dialog.button.text(), dialog.button_labels[RunState.Running])\n+\n+    def test_running(self):\n+        dialog = MockDialog()\n+        dialog.start_computation()\n+        result = dialog.task.set_partial_result.call_args[0][0]\n+        self.assertEqual(result.scores, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 12, 13, 14])\n+        self.assertEqual(result.completed_states, 10)\n+\n+        dialog.on_done(result)\n+        self.assertEqual(dialog.run_state.state, RunState.Done)\n+        self.assertEqual(dialog.button.text(), dialog.button_labels[RunState.Done])\n+        self.assertFalse(dialog.button.isEnabled())\n+\n+\n+    def test_running(self):\n+        dialog = MockDialog()\n+        dialog.task.interrupt = True\n+        dialog.start_computation()\n+        result = dialog.task.set_partial_result.call_args[0][0]\n+        self.assertEqual(result.scores, [0])\n+        self.assertEqual(result.completed_states, 1)\n+\n+\n+class TestVizRankMixin(GuiTest):\n+    def setUp(self):\n+        self.mock_dialog = Mock()\n+        self.mock_dialog.__name__ = \"foo\"\n+\n+        class Widget(QDialog, VizRankMixin(self.mock_dialog)):\n+            pass\n+\n+        self.widget = Widget()\n+\n+    def test_button(self):\n+        widget, dialog = self.widget, self.mock_dialog\n+\n+        widget.start_vizrank = Mock()\n+        widget.raise_vizrank = Mock()\n+\n+        button = widget.vizrank_button(\"Let's Vizrank\")\n+        self.assertEqual(button.text(), \"Let's Vizrank\")\n+        self.assertFalse(button.isEnabled())\n+\n+        widget.disable_vizrank(\"Too lazy to rank to-day.\")\n+        self.assertEqual(button.text(), \"Let's Vizrank\")\n+        self.assertEqual(button.toolTip(), \"Too lazy to rank to-day.\")\n+        self.assertFalse(button.isEnabled())\n+        dialog.assert_not_called()\n+\n+        widget.init_vizrank()\n+        dialog.assert_called_once()\n+        dialog.reset_mock()\n+        self.assertEqual(button.text(), \"Let's Vizrank\")\n+        self.assertEqual(button.toolTip(), \"\")\n+        self.assertTrue(button.isEnabled())\n+\n+        widget.disable_vizrank(\"Too lazy to rank to-day.\")\n+        self.assertEqual(button.text(), \"Let's Vizrank\")\n+        self.assertEqual(button.toolTip(), \"Too lazy to rank to-day.\")\n+        self.assertFalse(button.isEnabled())\n+        dialog.assert_not_called()\n+\n+        widget.init_vizrank()\n+        dialog.assert_called_once()  # new data, new dialog!\n+        dialog.reset_mock()\n+\n+\n+        widget.start_vizrank.assert_called_once()\n+        widget.raise_vizrank.assert_called_once()\n+\n+    def test_no_button(self):\n+        widget, dialog = self.widget, self.mock_dialog\n+\n+        widget.disable_vizrank(\"Too lazy to rank to-day.\")\n+        dialog.assert_not_called()\n+\n+        widget.init_vizrank()\n+        dialog.assert_called_once()\n+        dialog.reset_mock()\n+        widget.disable_vizrank(\"Too lazy to rank to-day.\")\n+\n+        widget.disable_vizrank(\"Too lazy to rank to-day.\")\n+        dialog.assert_not_called()\n+\n+        widget.init_vizrank()\n+        dialog.assert_called_once()\n+        dialog.reset_mock()\n+        widget.disable_vizrank(\"Too lazy to rank to-day.\")\n+\n+    def test_init_vizrank(self):\n+        widget, dialog = self.widget, self.mock_dialog\n+        a, b = Mock(), Mock()\n+        widget.init_vizrank(a, b)\n+        dialog.assert_called_with(widget, a, b)\n+\n+\n+class TestVizRankDialogWithData(GuiTest):\n+    def setUp(self):\n+        self.attrs = tuple(ContinuousVariable(n) for n in \"abcdef\")\n+        self.class_var = ContinuousVariable(\"y\")\n+        self.variables = (*self.attrs, self.class_var)\n+        self.metas = tuple(ContinuousVariable(n) for n in \"mn\")\n+ = Table.from_list(\n+            Domain(self.attrs, self.class_var, self.metas),\n+            [[0] * 9])\n+\n+\n+class TestVizRankDialogAttrs(TestVizRankDialogWithData):\n+    def test_init(self):\n+        dialog = VizRankDialogAttrs(None,\n+        self.assertIs(,\n+        self.assertEqual(dialog.attrs, self.variables)\n+        self.assertIsNone(dialog.attr_color)\n+\n+        dialog = VizRankDialogAttrs(None,, self.attrs[1:])\n+        self.assertIs(,\n+        self.assertEqual(dialog.attrs, self.attrs[1:])\n+        self.assertIsNone(dialog.attr_color)\n+\n+        dialog = VizRankDialogAttrs(None,, self.attrs[1:], self.attrs[3])\n+        self.assertIs(,\n+        self.assertEqual(dialog.attrs, self.attrs[1:])\n+        self.assertIs(dialog.attr_color, self.attrs[3])\n+\n+    def test_attr_order(self):\n+        dialog = VizRankDialogAttrs(None,\n+        self.assertEqual(dialog.attr_order, self.variables)\n+\n+        class OrderedAttr(VizRankDialogAttrs):\n+            call_count = 0\n+\n+            def score_attributes(self):\n+                self.call_count += 1\n+                return self.attrs[::-1]\n+\n+        dialog = OrderedAttr(None,\n+        self.assertEqual(dialog.attr_order, self.variables[::-1])\n+        self.assertEqual(dialog.attr_order, self.variables[::-1])\n+        self.assertEqual(dialog.call_count, 1)\n+\n+    def test_row_for_state(self):\n+        dialog = VizRankDialogAttrs(None,\n+        item = dialog.row_for_state(0, [3, 1])[0]\n+        self.assertEqual(, \"d, b\")\n+        self.assertEqual(, [self.attrs[3], self.attrs[1]])\n+\n+        dialog.sort_names_in_row = True\n+        item = dialog.row_for_state(0, [3, 1])[0]\n+        self.assertEqual(, \"b, d\")\n+        self.assertEqual(, [self.attrs[3], self.attrs[1]])\n+\n+    def test_autoselect(self):\n+        widget = VizRankMixin()\n+        dialog = VizRankDialogAttrs(widget,\n+        for state in ([0, 1], [0, 3], [1, 3], [3, 1]):\n+            dialog.rank_model.appendRow(dialog.row_for_state(0, state))\n+\n+        widget.vizrankAutoSelect.emit([self.attrs[1], self.attrs[3]])\n+        selection = dialog.rank_table.selectedIndexes()\n+        self.assertEqual(len(selection), 1)\n+        self.assertEqual(selection[0].row(), 2)\n+\n+        widget.vizrankAutoSelect.emit([self.attrs[3], self.attrs[1]])\n+        selection = dialog.rank_table.selectedIndexes()\n+        self.assertEqual(len(selection), 1)\n+        self.assertEqual(selection[0].row(), 3)\n+\n+        widget.vizrankAutoSelect.emit([self.attrs[3], self.attrs[0]])\n+        selection = dialog.rank_table.selectedIndexes()\n+        self.assertEqual(len(selection), 0)\n+\n+\n+class TestVizRankDialogAttrPair(TestVizRankDialogWithData):\n+    def test_count_and_generator(self):\n+        dialog = VizRankDialogAttrPair(None,, self.attrs[:5])\n+        self.assertEqual(dialog.state_count(), 5 * 4 / 2)\n+        self.assertEqual(\n+            list(dialog.state_generator()),\n+            [(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2), (0, 3), (1, 3), (2, 3),\n+             (0, 4), (1, 4), (2, 4), (3, 4)])\n+\n+\n+class TestVizRankDialogNAttrs(TestVizRankDialogWithData):\n+    def test_spin_interaction(self):\n+        dialog = VizRankDialogNAttrs(None,\n+                           , self.attrs[:5], None, 4)\n+        spy = QSignalSpy(dialog.runStateChanged)\n+\n+        with patch.object(\n+                VizRankDialog, \"pause_computation\",\n+                side_effect=lambda: dialog.set_run_state(RunState.Paused)):\n+            with patch.object(\n+                    VizRankDialog, \"start_computation\",\n+                    side_effect=lambda: dialog.set_run_state(RunState.Running)):\n+                spin = dialog.n_attrs_spin\n+                self.assertEqual(spin.value(), 4)\n+                self.assertEqual(spin.maximum(), 5)\n+\n+                dialog.start_computation()\n+                self.assertEqual(dialog.run_state.state, RunState.Running)\n+                self.assertEqual(spy[-1][1][\"n_attrs\"], 4)\n+\n+                spin.setValue(3)\n+                # Ranking must be paused\n+                self.assertEqual(dialog.run_state.state, RunState.Paused)\n+                # Label should be changed to \"restart with ...\"\n+                self.assertNotEqual(dialog.button.text(),\n+                                    dialog.button_labels[RunState.Paused])\n+\n+                spin.setValue(4)\n+                self.assertEqual(dialog.run_state.state, RunState.Paused)\n+                # Label should be reset to \"Continue\"\n+                self.assertEqual(dialog.button.text(),\n+                                 dialog.button_labels[RunState.Paused])\n+\n+        # Remove the side-effect so that we see that start_computation\n+        # resets the state to Initialized before calling super\n+        with patch.object(VizRankDialog, \"start_computation\"):\n+            dialog.start_computation()\n+            self.assertEqual(spy[-1][1][\"n_attrs\"], 4)\n+            # Here, the state must not be reset to Initialized\n+            self.assertEqual(dialog.run_state.state, RunState.Paused)\n+            # But now manually set it to appropriate state\n+            dialog.set_run_state(RunState.Running)\n+\n+            spin.setValue(3)\n+            self.assertEqual(dialog.run_state.state, RunState.Paused)\n+            self.assertNotEqual(dialog.button.text(), dialog.button_labels[RunState.Paused])\n+\n+            dialog.start_computation()\n+            self.assertEqual(dialog.run_state.state, RunState.Initialized)\n+            self.assertEqual(spy[-1][1][\"n_attrs\"], 3)\n+\n+\n+if __name__ == \"__main__\":\n+    unittest.main()\n\\ No newline at end of file\ndiff --git a/Orange/widgets/visualize/utils/ b/Orange/widgets/visualize/utils/\nnew file mode 100644\nindex 000000000..bbdaff0af\n--- /dev/null\n+++ b/Orange/widgets/visualize/utils/\n@@ -0,0 +1,743 @@\n+from bisect import bisect_left\n+from queue import Queue, Empty\n+from types import SimpleNamespace as namespace\n+from typing import Optional, Iterable, List, Callable, Iterator, Any, Type\n+from threading import Timer\n+\n+from AnyQt.QtCore import Qt, QSize, QSortFilterProxyModel, pyqtSignal as Signal\n+from AnyQt.QtGui import (\n+    QStandardItemModel, QStandardItem, QShowEvent, QCloseEvent, QHideEvent)\n+from AnyQt.QtWidgets import (\n+    QTableView, QDialog, QVBoxLayout, QLineEdit, QPushButton)\n+\n+from Orange.widgets import gui\n+from Orange.widgets.gui import HorizontalGridDelegate, TableBarItem\n+from Orange.widgets.utils.concurrent import ConcurrentMixin, TaskState\n+from Orange.widgets.utils.progressbar import ProgressBarMixin\n+\n+\n+class Result(namespace):\n+    queue = None  # type: Queue[QueuedScore, ...]\n+    scores = None  # type: Optional[List[float, ...]]\n+\n+\n+class QueuedScore(namespace):\n+    position = None  # type: int\n+    score = None  # type: float\n+    state = None  # type: Iterable\n+\n+\n+class RunState(namespace):\n+    Invalid = 0  # Used only as default, changed to Initialized when instantiated\n+    Initialized = 1  # Has data; prepare_run must be called before starting computation\n+    Ready = 2  # Has data, iterator is initialized, but never used\n+    Running = 3  # Scoring thread is running\n+    Paused = 4  # Scoring thread is inactive, but can continue (without prepare_run)\n+    Done = 5  # Scoring is done\n+\n+    state: int = Invalid\n+    iterator: Iterable = None\n+    completed: int = 0\n+\n+    def can_run(self):\n+        return self.state in (self.Ready, self.Paused)\n+\n+\n+class VizRankDialog(QDialog, ProgressBarMixin, ConcurrentMixin):\n+    \"\"\"\n+    Base class for VizRank dialogs, providing a GUI with a table and a button,\n+    and the skeleton for managing the evaluation of visualizations.\n+\n+    A new instance of this class is used for new data or any change made in\n+    the widget (e.g. color attribute in the scatter plot).\n+\n+    The attribute run_state (and the related signal runStateChanged) can be\n+    used for tracking the work flow of the widget. run_state.state can be\n+\n+    - RunState.Initialized (after __init__): the widget has the data, but\n+       the state generator is not constructed, total statecount is not known\n+       yet. The dialog may reenter this state after, for instance, changing\n+       the number of attributes per combination in radviz.\n+    - RunState.Ready (after prepare_run): the iterator is ready, state count\n+       is known: the ranking can commence.\n+    - RunState.Running (after start_computation): ranking is in progress.\n+       This state is entered by start_computation. If start_computation is\n+       called when the state is Initialized, start computation will call\n+       prepare_run.\n+    - RunState.Paused (after pause_computation): ranking is paused. This may\n+       continue (with start_computation) or be reset when parameters of VizRank\n+       are changed (by calling `set_run_state(RunState.Initialized)` and then\n+       start_computation, which will first call prepare_run to go to Ready)\n+    - RunState.Done: ranking is done. The only allowed next state is\n+       Initialized (with the procedure described in the previous point).\n+\n+    State should be changed through set_run_state, which also changes the button\n+    label and disables the button when Done.\n+\n+    Derived classes must provide methods\n+\n+    - `__init__(parent, *args, **kwargs)`: stores the data to run vizrank,\n+    - `state_generator()`: generates combinations (e.g. of attributes),\n+    - `compute_score(state)`: computes the score for the combination,\n+    - `row_for_state(state)`: returns a list of items inserted into the\n+       table for the given state.\n+\n+    and, probably,\n+\n+    - emit `selectionChanged` when the user changes the selection in the table,\n+\n+    and, optionally,\n+\n+    - `state_count`: return the number of combinations (used for progress bar)\n+    - `bar_length`: return the length of the bar corresponding to the score,\n+    - `auto_select`: selects the row corresponding to the given data.\n+\n+    Derived classes are also responsible for connecting to\n+    rank_table.selectionModel().selectionChanged and emitting something useful\n+    via selectionChanged\n+\n+    The constructor shouldn't do anything but store the necessary data (as is)\n+    because instances of this object are created on any new data. The actual\n+    work can only start in `prepare_run`. `prepare_run` usually won't be\n+    overriden, so the first computation in derived classes will usually happen\n+    in `compute_score` or, in classes derived from`VizRankAttributes`, in\n+    `score_attributes`.\n+\n+    Args:\n+        parent (Orange.widget.OWWidget): widget to which the dialog belongs\n+\n+    Attributes:\n+        captionTitle (str): the caption for the dialog. This can be a class\n+          attribute. `captionTitle` is used by the `ProgressBarMixin`.\n+        show_bars (True): if True (default), table with scores contains bars\n+          of length -score. For a different length, override `bar_lenght`.\n+          To hide bars (e.g. because scores can't be normalized) set this to\n+          `False`.\n+\n+    Signal:\n+        selectionChanged(object): emitted when selection in the table is\n+            changed. The data type depends on the derived class (e.g. a list\n+            of attributes)\n+        runStateChanged(int, dict): emitted when the run state changes\n+            (e.g. start, pause...). Derived classes can fill the dictionary\n+            with additional data, e.g. the state of the user interface\n+    \"\"\"\n+    captionTitle = \"Score Plots\"\n+    show_bars = True\n+\n+    selectionChanged = Signal(object)\n+    runStateChanged = Signal(int, dict)\n+\n+    button_labels = {RunState.Initialized: \"Start\",\n+                     RunState.Ready: \"Start\",\n+                     RunState.Running: \"Pause\",\n+                     RunState.Paused: \"Continue\",\n+                     RunState.Done: \"Finished\",\n+                     RunState.Invalid: \"Start\"}\n+\n+    def __init__(self, parent):\n+        QDialog.__init__(self, parent, windowTitle=self.captionTitle)\n+        ConcurrentMixin.__init__(self)\n+        ProgressBarMixin.__init__(self)\n+        self.setLayout(QVBoxLayout())\n+\n+        self.scores = []\n+        self.add_to_model = Queue()\n+        self.run_state = RunState()\n+        self.total_states = 1\n+\n+        self.filter = QLineEdit()\n+        self.filter.setPlaceholderText(\"Filter ...\")\n+        self.layout().addWidget(self.filter)\n+\n+        self.rank_model = QStandardItemModel(self)\n+        self.model_proxy = QSortFilterProxyModel(\n+            self, filterCaseSensitivity=Qt.CaseInsensitive)\n+        self.model_proxy.setSourceModel(self.rank_model)\n+        self.filter.textChanged.connect(self.model_proxy.setFilterFixedString)\n+\n+        self.rank_table = view = QTableView(\n+            selectionBehavior=QTableView.SelectRows,\n+            selectionMode=QTableView.SingleSelection,\n+            showGrid=False,\n+            editTriggers=gui.TableView.NoEditTriggers)\n+        view.setItemDelegate(TableBarItem() if self.show_bars\n+                             else HorizontalGridDelegate())\n+        view.setModel(self.model_proxy)\n+        view.horizontalHeader().setStretchLastSection(True)\n+        view.horizontalHeader().hide()\n+        self.layout().addWidget(view)\n+\n+        self.button = gui.button(self, self, \"Start\", default=True)\n+\n+        @self.button.pressed.connect\n+        def on_button_pressed():\n+            if self.run_state.state == RunState.Running:\n+                self.pause_computation()\n+            else:\n+                self.start_computation()\n+\n+        self.set_run_state(RunState.Initialized)\n+\n+    def prepare_run(self) -> None:\n+        \"\"\"\n+        Called by start_computation before running for the first time or with\n+        new parameters within the vizrank gui, e.g. a different number of\n+        attributes in combinations.\n+\n+        Derived classes may override this method to add other preparation steps,\n+        but shouldn't need to call it.\n+        \"\"\"\n+        self.progressBarInit()\n+        self.scores = []\n+        self._update_model()  # empty queue\n+        self.rank_model.clear()\n+        self.run_state.iterator = self.state_generator()\n+        self.total_states = self.state_count() or 1\n+        self.set_run_state(RunState.Ready)\n+\n+    def start_computation(self) -> None:\n+        if self.run_state.state == RunState.Initialized:\n+            self.prepare_run()\n+        if not self.run_state.can_run():\n+            return\n+        self.set_run_state(RunState.Running)\n+        self.start(\n+            self.run_vizrank,\n+            self.compute_score, self.scores,\n+            self.run_state.iterator, self.run_state.completed)\n+\n+    def pause_computation(self) -> None:\n+        if not self.run_state.state == RunState.Running:\n+            return\n+        self.set_run_state(RunState.Paused)\n+        self.cancel()\n+        self._update_model()\n+\n+    @staticmethod\n+    def run_vizrank(compute_score: Callable, scores: List,\n+                    state_iterator: Iterator, completed: int, task: TaskState):\n+        res = Result(queue=Queue(), scores=None, completed_states=completed)\n+        scores = scores.copy()\n+        can_set_partial_result = True\n+\n+        def do_work(st: Any):\n+            score = compute_score(st)\n+            if score is not None:\n+                pos = bisect_left(scores, score)\n+                res.queue.put_nowait(QueuedScore(position=pos, score=score,\n+                                                 state=st))\n+                scores.insert(pos, score)\n+            res.scores = scores.copy()\n+            res.completed_states += 1\n+\n+        def reset_flag():\n+            nonlocal can_set_partial_result\n+            can_set_partial_result = True\n+\n+        for state in state_iterator:\n+            do_work(state)\n+            # Prevent simple scores from invoking 'task.set_partial_result')\n+            # too frequently and making the widget unresponsive\n+            if can_set_partial_result:\n+                task.set_partial_result(res)\n+                can_set_partial_result = False\n+                Timer(0.01, reset_flag).start()\n+            if task.is_interruption_requested():\n+                return res\n+        task.set_partial_result(res)\n+        return res\n+\n+    def on_partial_result(self, result: Result) -> None:\n+        try:\n+            while True:\n+                queued = result.queue.get_nowait()\n+                self.add_to_model.put_nowait(queued)\n+        except Empty:\n+            pass\n+        self.scores = result.scores\n+        self._update_model()\n+        self.run_state.completed = result.completed_states\n+        self.progressBarSet(self._progress)\n+\n+    @property\n+    def _progress(self) -> int:\n+        return int(round(self.run_state.completed * 100 / self.total_states))\n+\n+    def on_done(self, result: Result) -> None:\n+        self.progressBarFinished()\n+        self.set_run_state(RunState.Done)\n+        self._update_model()\n+\n+    def set_run_state(self, state: Any) -> None:\n+        if state != self.run_state.state:\n+            self.run_state.state = state\n+            self.emit_run_state_changed()\n+        if state == RunState.Paused:\n+            self.setWindowTitle(\n+                f\"{self.captionTitle} (paused at {self._progress}%)\")\n+        self.set_button_state()\n+\n+    def emit_run_state_changed(self):\n+        self.runStateChanged.emit(self.run_state.state, {})\n+\n+    def set_button_state(self,\n+                         label: Optional[str] = None,\n+                         enabled: Optional[bool]=None) -> None:\n+        state = self.run_state.state\n+        self.button.setText(\n+            label if label is not None\n+            else self.button_labels[state])\n+        self.button.setEnabled(\n+            enabled if enabled is not None\n+            else state not in [RunState.Done, RunState.Invalid])\n+\n+    def _update_model(self) -> None:\n+        try:\n+            while True:\n+                queued = self.add_to_model.get_nowait()\n+                row_items = self.row_for_state(queued.score, queued.state)\n+                bar_length = self.bar_length(queued.score)\n+                if bar_length is not None:\n+                    row_items[0].setData(bar_length,\n+                                         gui.TableBarItem.BarRole)\n+                self.rank_model.insertRow(queued.position, row_items)\n+        except Empty:\n+            pass\n+\n+    def showEvent(self, event: QShowEvent) -> None:\n+        self.parent()._restore_vizrank_geometry()\n+        super().showEvent(event)\n+\n+    def closeEvent(self, event: QCloseEvent) -> None:\n+        self.pause_computation()\n+        self.parent()._save_vizrank_geometry()\n+        super().closeEvent(event)\n+\n+    def state_generator(self) -> Iterable:\n+        \"\"\"\n+        Generate all possible states (e.g. attribute combinations) for the\n+        given data. The content of the generated states is specific to the\n+        visualization.\n+        \"\"\"\n+        raise NotImplementedError\n+\n+    def compute_score(self, state: Any) -> Optional[float]:\n+        \"\"\"\n+        Abstract method for computing the score for the given state. Smaller\n+        scores are better.\n+\n+        Args:\n+            state: the state, e.g. the combination of attributes as generated\n+                by :obj:`state_count`.\n+        \"\"\"\n+        raise NotImplementedError\n+\n+    def row_for_state(self, score: float, state: Any) -> List[QStandardItem]:\n+        \"\"\"\n+        Return a list of items that are inserted into the table.\n+\n+        Args:\n+            score: score, computed by :obj:`compute_score`\n+            state: the state, e.g. combination of attributes\n+            \"\"\"\n+        raise NotImplementedError\n+\n+    def auto_select(self, arg: Any) -> None:\n+        \"\"\"\n+        Select the row corresponding to the give data.\n+        \"\"\"\n+        pass\n+\n+    def state_count(self) -> int:\n+        \"\"\"\n+        Return the total number of states, needed for the progress bar.\n+        \"\"\"\n+        return 1\n+\n+    def bar_length(self, score: float) -> float:\n+        \"\"\"\n+        Return the bar length (between 0 and 1) corresponding to the score.\n+        Return `None` if the score cannot be normalized.\n+        \"\"\"\n+        return max(0., -score)\n+\n+\n+def VizRankMixin(vizrank_class) -> Type[type]:\n+    \"\"\"\n+    A mixin that serves as an interface between the vizrank dialog and the widget.\n+\n+    Widget should avoid directly access the vizrank dialog.\n+\n+    This mixin takes care of constructing the vizrank dialog, raising it,\n+    and for closing and shutting the vizrank down when necessary. Data for\n+    vizrank is passed to the vizrank through the mixin, and the mixin forwards\n+    the signals from vizrank dialog (e.g. when the user selects rows in vizrank)\n+    to the widget.\n+\n+    The mixin is parametrized: it must be given the VizRank class to open,\n+    as in\n+\n+    ```\n+    class OWMosaicDisplay(OWWidget, VizRankMixin(MosaicVizRank)):\n+    ```\n+\n+    There should therefore be no need to subclass this class.\n+\n+    Method `vizrank_button` returns a button to be placed into the widget.\n+\n+    Signals:\n+     - `vizrankSelectionChanged` is connected to VizRank's selectionChanged.\n+       E.g. MosaicVizRank.selectionChanged is forwarded to selectionChanged,\n+       and contains the data sent by the former.\n+     - `virankRunStateChanged` is connected to VizRank's runStateChanged.\n+       This can be used to retrieve the settings from the dialog at appropriate\n+       times.\n+    - If the widget emits a signal `vizrankAutoSelect` when\n+      the user manually changes the variables shown in the plot (e.g. x or y\n+      attribute in the scatter plot), the vizrank will also select this\n+      combination in the list, if found.\n+\"\"\"\n+    class __VizRankMixin:\n+        __button: Optional[QPushButton] = None\n+        __vizrank: Optional[VizRankDialog] = None\n+        __vizrank_geometry: Optional[bytes] = None\n+\n+        vizrankSelectionChanged = Signal(object)\n+        vizrankRunStateChanged = Signal(int, dict)\n+        vizrankAutoSelect = Signal(object)\n+\n+        @property\n+        def vizrank_dialog(self) -> Optional[VizRankDialog]:\n+            \"\"\"\n+            The vizrank dialog. This should be used only in tests.\n+            \"\"\"\n+            return self.__vizrank\n+\n+        def vizrank_button(self, button_label: Optional[str] = None) -> QPushButton:\n+            \"\"\"\n+            A button that opens/starts the vizrank.\n+\n+            The label is optional because this function is used for\n+            constructing the button as well as for retrieving it later.\n+            \"\"\"\n+            if self.__button is None:\n+                self.__button = QPushButton()\n+                self.__button.pressed.connect(self.start_vizrank)\n+                self.__button.pressed.connect(self.raise_vizrank)\n+                # It's implausible that vizrank_button will be called after\n+                # init_vizrank, we could just disable the button. But let's\n+                # play it safe.\n+                self.__button.setDisabled(self.__vizrank is None)\n+            if button_label is not None:\n+                self.__button.setText(button_label)\n+            return self.__button\n+\n+        def init_vizrank(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:\n+            \"\"\"\n+            Construct the vizrank dialog\n+\n+            Any data is given to the constructor. This also enables the button\n+            if it exists.\n+            \"\"\"\n+            self.shutdown_vizrank()\n+            self.__vizrank = vizrank_class(self, *args, **kwargs)\n+            self.__vizrank.selectionChanged.connect(self.vizrankSelectionChanged)\n+            self.__vizrank.runStateChanged.connect(self.vizrankRunStateChanged)\n+            self.vizrankAutoSelect.connect(self.__vizrank.auto_select)\n+            # There may be Vizrank without a button ... perhaps.\n+            if self.__button is not None:\n+                self.__button.setEnabled(True)\n+                self.__button.setToolTip(\"\")\n+\n+        def disable_vizrank(self, reason: str = \"\") -> None:\n+            \"\"\"\n+            Shut down the vizrank thread, closes it, disables the button.\n+\n+            The method should be called when the widget has no data or cannot\n+            run vizrank on it. The optional `reason` is set as tool tip.\n+            \"\"\"\n+            self.shutdown_vizrank()\n+            if self.__button is not None:\n+                self.__button.setEnabled(False)\n+                self.__button.setToolTip(reason)\n+\n+        def start_vizrank(self) -> None:\n+            \"\"\"\n+            Start the ranking.\n+\n+            There should be no reason to call this directly,\n+            unless the widget has no vizrank button.\n+            \"\"\"\n+            self.__vizrank.start_computation()\n+\n+        def raise_vizrank(self) -> None:\n+            \"\"\"\n+            Start the ranking.\n+\n+            There should be no reason to call this directly,\n+            unless the widget has no vizrank button.\n+            \"\"\"\n+            if self.__vizrank is None:\n+                return\n+  \n+            self.__vizrank.activateWindow()\n+            self.__vizrank.raise_()\n+\n+        def shutdown_vizrank(self) -> None:\n+            \"\"\"\n+            Start the ranking.\n+\n+            There should be no reason to call this directly:\n+            the method is called\n+            - from init_vizrank (the widget received new data),\n+            - from disable_vizrank (the widget lost data, or data is unsuitable),\n+            - when the widget is deleted.\n+            \"\"\"\n+            if self.__vizrank is None:\n+                return\n+            self.__vizrank.cancel()\n+            self.__vizrank.close()\n+            self.__vizrank.deleteLater()\n+            self.__vizrank = None\n+\n+        # The following methods ensure that the vizrank dialog is\n+        # closed/hidden/destroyed together with its parent widget.\n+        def closeEvent(self, event: QCloseEvent) -> None:\n+            if self.__vizrank:\n+                self.__vizrank.close()\n+            super().closeEvent(event)\n+\n+        def hideEvent(self, event: QHideEvent) -> None:\n+            if self.__vizrank:\n+                self.__vizrank.hide()\n+            super().hideEvent(event)\n+\n+        def onDeleteWidget(self) -> None:\n+            self.shutdown_vizrank()\n+            super().onDeleteWidget()\n+\n+        def _save_vizrank_geometry(self) -> None:\n+            assert self.__vizrank\n+            self.__vizrank_geometry = self.__vizrank.saveGeometry()\n+\n+        def _restore_vizrank_geometry(self) -> None:\n+            assert self.__vizrank\n+            if self.__vizrank_geometry is not None:\n+                self.__vizrank.restoreGeometry(self.__vizrank_geometry)\n+\n+    # Give the returned class a proper name, like MosaicVizRankMixin\n+    return type(f\"{vizrank_class.__name__}Mixin\", (__VizRankMixin, ), {})\n+\n+\n+class VizRankDialogAttrs(VizRankDialog):\n+    \"\"\"\n+    Base class for VizRank classes that work over combinations of attributes.\n+\n+    Constructor accepts\n+     - data (Table),\n+     - attributes (list[Variable]; if omitted, data.domain.variables is used),\n+     - attr_color (Optional[Variable]): the \"color\" attribute, if applicable.\n+\n+    The class assumes that `state` is a sequence of indices into a list of\n+    attributes. On this basis, it provides\n+\n+    - `row_for_state`, that constructs a list containing a single QStandardItem\n+      with names of attributes and with `_AttrRole` data set to a list of\n+      attributes for the given state.\n+    - `on_selection_changed` that emits a `selectionChanged` signal with the\n+      above list.\n+\n+    Derived classes must still provide\n+\n+    - `state_generator()`: generates combinations of attribute indices\n+    - `compute_score(state)`: computes the score for the combination\n+\n+    Derived classes will usually provide\n+    - `score_attribute` that will returned a list of attributes, such as found\n+      in self.attrs, but sorted by importance according to some heuristic.\n+\n+    Attributes:\n+        - data (Table): data used in ranking\n+        - attrs (list[Variable]): applicable variables\n+        - attr_color (Variable or None): the target attribute\n+\n+    Class attributes:\n+        - sort_names_in_row (bool): if set to True (default is False),\n+          variables in the view will be sorted alphabetically.\n+    \"\"\"\n+    _AttrRole = next(gui.OrangeUserRole)\n+    sort_names_in_row = False\n+\n+    # Ideally, the only argument would be `data`, with attributes used for\n+    # ranking and class_var would be the \"color\". This would however require\n+    # that widgets prepare such data when initializing vizrank even though\n+    # vizrank wouldn't necessarily be called at all. We will be able to afford\n+    # that after we migrate Table to pandas.\n+    def __init__(self, parent,\n+                 data: \"\",\n+                 attributes: Optional[List[\"\"]] = None,\n+                 attr_color: Optional[\"\"] = None):\n+        super().__init__(parent)\n+ = data or None\n+        self.attrs = attributes or (\n+   and\n+        self.attr_color = attr_color\n+        self._attr_order = None\n+\n+        self.rank_table.selectionModel().selectionChanged.connect(\n+            self.on_selection_changed)\n+\n+    @property\n+    def attr_order(self) -> List[\"\"]:\n+        \"\"\"\n+        Attributes, sorted according to some heuristic.\n+\n+        The property is computed by score_attributes when neceessary, and\n+        cached.\n+        \"\"\"\n+        if self._attr_order is None:\n+            self._attr_order = self.score_attributes()\n+        return self._attr_order\n+\n+    def score_attributes(self) -> None:\n+        \"\"\"\n+        Return a list of attributes ordered according by some heuristic.\n+\n+        Default implementation returns the original list `self.attrs`.\n+        \"\"\"\n+        return self.attrs\n+\n+    def on_selection_changed(self, selected, deselected) -> None:\n+        \"\"\"\n+        Emit the currently selected combination of variables.\n+        \"\"\"\n+        selection = selected.indexes()\n+        if not selection:\n+            return\n+        attrs = selected.indexes()[0].data(self._AttrRole)\n+        self.selectionChanged.emit(attrs)\n+\n+    def row_for_state(self, score: float, state: List[int]\n+                      ) -> List[QStandardItem]:\n+        \"\"\"\n+        Return the QStandardItem for the given combination of attributes.\n+        \"\"\"\n+        attrs = [self.attr_order[s] for s in state]\n+        if self.sort_names_in_row:\n+            attrs.sort(key=lambda attr:\n+        attr_names = ( for a in attrs)\n+        item = QStandardItem(', '.join(attr_names))\n+        item.setData(attrs, self._AttrRole)\n+        return [item]\n+\n+    def auto_select(self, attrs: List[\"\"]) -> None:\n+        \"\"\"\n+        Find the given combination of variables and select it (if it exists)\n+        \"\"\"\n+        model = self.rank_model\n+        self.rank_table.selectionModel().clear()\n+        for row in range(model.rowCount()):\n+            index = model.index(row, 0)\n+            row_attrs =, self._AttrRole)\n+            if all(x is y for x, y in zip(row_attrs, attrs)):\n+                self.rank_table.selectRow(row)\n+                self.rank_table.scrollTo(index)\n+                return\n+\n+\n+class VizRankDialogAttrPair(VizRankDialogAttrs):\n+    \"\"\"\n+    Base class for VizRanks with combinations of two variables.\n+\n+    Provides state_generator and state_count; derived classes must provide\n+    compute_score and, possibly, score_attributes.\n+    \"\"\"\n+    def __init__(self, parent, data, attributes=None, attr_color=None):\n+        super().__init__(parent, data, attributes, attr_color)\n+        self.resize(320, 512)\n+\n+    def sizeHint(self) -> QSize:\n+        return QSize(320, 512)\n+\n+    def state_count(self) -> int:\n+        n_attrs = len(self.attrs)\n+        return n_attrs * (n_attrs - 1) // 2\n+\n+    def state_generator(self) -> Iterable:\n+        return ((j, i) for i in range(len(self.attr_order)) for j in range(i))\n+\n+\n+class VizRankDialogNAttrs(VizRankDialogAttrs):\n+    \"\"\"\n+    Base class for VizRanks with a spin for selecting the number of attributes.\n+\n+    Constructor requires data, attributes, attr_color and, also, the initial\n+    number of attributes in the spin box.\n+\n+    - Ranking is stopped if the user interacts with the spin.\n+    - The button label is changed to \"Restart with {...} variables\" if the\n+      number selected in the spin doesn't match the number of varialbes in the\n+      paused ranking, and reset back to \"Continue\" when it matches.\n+    - start_computation is overriden to lower the state to Initialized before\n+      calling super, if the number of selected in the spin doesn't match the\n+      previous run.\n+    - The dictionary passed by the signal runStateChanged contains n_attrs\n+      with the number of attributes used in the current/last ranking.\n+    - When closing the dialog, the spin is reset to the number of attributes\n+      used in the last run.\n+    \"\"\"\n+    attrsSelected = Signal([])\n+\n+    def __init__(self, parent,\n+                 data: \"\",\n+                 attributes: List[\"\"],\n+                 color: \"\",\n+                 n_attrs: int,\n+                 *, spin_label: str = \"Number of variables: \"):\n+        # Add the spin box for a number of attributes to take into account.\n+        self.n_attrs = n_attrs\n+        super().__init__(parent, data, attributes, color)\n+        self._attr_order = None\n+\n+        box = gui.hBox(self)\n+        self.n_attrs_spin = gui.spin(\n+            box, self, None, 3, 8, label=spin_label,\n+            controlWidth=50, alignment=Qt.AlignRight,\n+            callback=self.on_n_attrs_changed)\n+\n+        n_cont = self.max_attrs()\n+        self.n_attrs_spin.setValue(min(self.n_attrs, n_cont))\n+        self.n_attrs_spin.setMaximum(n_cont)\n+        self.n_attrs_spin.parent().setDisabled(not n_cont)\n+\n+    def max_attrs(self) -> int:\n+        return sum(v is not self.attr_color for v in self.attrs)\n+\n+    def start_computation(self) -> None:\n+        if self.n_attrs != self.n_attrs_spin.value():\n+            self.n_attrs = self.n_attrs_spin.value()\n+            self.set_run_state(RunState.Initialized)\n+        self.n_attrs_spin.lineEdit().deselect()\n+        self.rank_table.setFocus(Qt.FocusReason.OtherFocusReason)\n+        super().start_computation()\n+\n+    def on_n_attrs_changed(self) -> None:\n+        if self.run_state.state == RunState.Running:\n+            self.pause_computation()\n+\n+        new_attrs = self.n_attrs_spin.value()\n+        if new_attrs == self.n_attrs:\n+            self.set_button_state()\n+        else:\n+            self.set_button_state(label=f\"Restart with {new_attrs} variables\",\n+                                  enabled=True)\n+\n+    def emit_run_state_changed(self) -> None:\n+        self.runStateChanged.emit(self.run_state.state,\n+                                  dict(n_attrs=self.n_attrs))\n+\n+    def closeEvent(self, event) -> None:\n+        self.n_attrs_spin.setValue(self.n_attrs)\n+        super().closeEvent(event)\n+\n"}