--- license: mit task_categories: - image-classification - text-to-image language: - en --- # Metadata Database for Danbooru2023 Danbooru 2023 datasets: https://huggingface.co/datasets/nyanko7/danbooru2023 This dataset contains a sqlite db file which have all the tags and posts metadata in it.
The Peewee ORM config file is provided too, plz check it for more information. (Especially on how I link posts and tags together) The original data is from the official dump of the posts info.
Check this [link](https://console.cloud.google.com/storage/browser/danbooru_public/data) for more info. ## Details This section contains some details that you need to be aware of if you want to use other ORM system or use plain SQL query to utilize this database. #### Custom Enum Fields Some fields in Post/Tags use my custom enum field to store type/category or something like that: * Post.rating * 0: general * 1: sensitive * 2: questionable * 3: explicit * Tag.type * 0: general * 1: artist * 2: character * 3: copyright * 4: meta #### Tag List I use peewee ManyToManyField to implement the Tag List things. Which utilize a through model which have all the pair of Tag and Post
Since it is very likely we will want to use Tag to query posts, so many-to-many is better.
The con of this design is the database file will be 1.5x larger than before(we have 0.25B entries for the post-tag pairs), but the query speed become 2~3x faster, so I think it is acceptable. After done some checking, I can ensure that all the "categorical tag list" can be done by full list + filter, and that is how I done it now. Check the db.py for more details. #### Utils if you think above details are too complicated, just use the db_utils.py and other PeeWee API to utilize this database. I also provide a write_csv.py for exporting whole dataset into csv for data analysis. ## License The source code, database file of this repo is licensed under MiT License.
**Notice**: The license doesn't cover the "content" of the database.
All the content is from official danbooru dumps for posts' meta. ## Acknowledgement Thx for AngelBottomless for fixing wrong entries and add more entries into this dataset:
https://huggingface.co/datasets/AngelBottomless/danbooru-2023-sqlite-fixed-7110548 Note: I have changed the definition of TagListField and have added some index into it. Do not mixed up the .db files from 2 different repo.