import os import sqlite3 from peewee import * class MemoryConnection(sqlite3.Connection): def __init__(self, dbname, *args, **kwargs): load_conn = sqlite3.connect(dbname) super(MemoryConnection, self).__init__(":memory:", *args, **kwargs) load_conn.backup(self) load_conn.close() class SqliteMemDatabase(SqliteDatabase): def __init__(self, database, *args, **kwargs) -> None: self.dbname = database super().__init__(database, *args, factory=MemoryConnection, **kwargs) def reload(self, dbname=None): if dbname is None: dbname = self.dbname load_conn = sqlite3.connect(dbname) try: load_conn.backup(self._state.conn) finally: load_conn.close() def save(self, dbname=None): if dbname is None: dbname = self.dbname save_conn = sqlite3.connect(dbname) try: self._state.conn.backup(save_conn) finally: save_conn.close() db: SqliteDatabase = None tag_cache_map = {} def get_tag_by_id(tag_id): if tag_id not in tag_cache_map: tag_cache_map[tag_id] = Tag.get_by_id(tag_id) return tag_cache_map[tag_id] class EnumField(IntegerField): def __init__(self, enum_list, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.enum_list = enum_list self.enum_map = {value: index for index, value in enumerate(enum_list)} def db_value(self, value): if isinstance(value, str): return self.enum_map[value] assert isinstance(value, int) return value def python_value(self, value): if value is not None: return self.enum_list[value] class BaseModel(Model): class Meta: database = db class Tag(BaseModel): id = IntegerField(primary_key=True) name = CharField(unique=True) type = EnumField(["general", "artist", "character", "copyright", "meta"]) popularity = IntegerField() _posts: ManyToManyField _posts_cache = None @property def posts(self): if self._posts_cache is None: self._posts_cache = list(self._posts) return self._posts_cache def __str__(self): return f"" def __repr__(self): #from objprint import objstr return f"" class Post(BaseModel): id = IntegerField(primary_key=True) created_at = CharField() uploader_id = IntegerField() source = CharField() md5 = CharField(null=True) parent_id = IntegerField(null=True) has_children = BooleanField() is_deleted = BooleanField() is_banned = BooleanField() pixiv_id = IntegerField(null=True) has_active_children = BooleanField() bit_flags = IntegerField() has_large = BooleanField() has_visible_children = BooleanField() image_width = IntegerField() image_height = IntegerField() file_size = IntegerField() file_ext = CharField() rating = EnumField(["general", "sensitive", "questionable", "explicit"]) score = IntegerField() up_score = IntegerField() down_score = IntegerField() fav_count = IntegerField() file_url = CharField(null=True) large_file_url = CharField(null=True) preview_file_url = CharField(null=True) updated_at = CharField() # "updated_at": "2024-05-19T01:30:25.096-04:00" _tags: ManyToManyField = None # set by tags.bind _tags_cache = None @property def tag_count(self): return len(self.tag_list) if self.tag_list else 0 @property def tag_count_general(self): return len(self.tag_list_general) if self.tag_list else 0 @property def tag_count_artist(self): return len(self.tag_list_artist) if self.tag_list else 0 @property def tag_count_character(self): return len(self.tag_list_character) if self.tag_list else 0 @property def tag_count_copyright(self): return len(self.tag_list_copyright) if self.tag_list else 0 @property def tag_count_meta(self): return len(self.tag_list_meta) if self.tag_list else 0 @property def tag_list(self): if self._tags_cache is None: self._tags_cache = list(self._tags) return self._tags_cache @property def tag_list_general(self): return [tag for tag in self.tag_list if tag.type == "general"] @property def tag_list_artist(self): return [tag for tag in self.tag_list if tag.type == "artist"] @property def tag_list_character(self): return [tag for tag in self.tag_list if tag.type == "character"] @property def tag_list_copyright(self): return [tag for tag in self.tag_list if tag.type == "copyright"] @property def tag_list_meta(self): return [tag for tag in self.tag_list if tag.type == "meta"] # create table LocalPost Table that can contain "filepath", "latentpath" class LocalPost(BaseModel): # Usage : LocalPost.create(filepath="path/to/file", latentpath="path/to/latent", post=post) id = IntegerField(primary_key=True) filepath = CharField(null=True) latentpath = CharField(null=True) post = ForeignKeyField(Post, backref="localpost") def __str__(self): return f"" def __repr__(self): return f"" class PostTagRelation(BaseModel): post = ForeignKeyField(Post, backref="post_tags") tag = ForeignKeyField(Tag, backref="tag_posts") tags = ManyToManyField(Tag, backref="_posts", through_model=PostTagRelation) tags.bind(Post, "_tags", set_attribute=True) def load_db(db_file: str): global db file_exists = os.path.exists(db_file) db = SqliteDatabase(db_file) Post._meta.database = db Tag._meta.database = db PostTagRelation._meta.database = db LocalPost._meta.database = db db.connect() print("Database connected.") if not file_exists: db.create_tables([Post, Tag, PostTagRelation]) db.create_tables([LocalPost]) db.commit() print("Database initialized.") assert db is not None, "Database is not loaded" return db def print_post_info(post): """ Debugging function to print out a post's tags """ print(f"Post id : {}") print("General Tags: ", post.tag_count_general, len(post.tag_list_general), post.tag_list_general) print("Artist Tags: ", post.tag_count_artist, len(post.tag_list_artist), post.tag_list_artist) print( "Character Tags: ", post.tag_count_character, len(post.tag_list_character), post.tag_list_character ) print( "Copyright Tags: ", post.tag_count_copyright, len(post.tag_list_copyright), post.tag_list_copyright ) print("Meta Tags: ", post.tag_count_meta, len(post.tag_list_meta), post.tag_list_meta) if __name__ == "__main__": db_existed = os.path.exists("danbooru2023.db") db = load_db("danbooru2023.db") if db_existed: # run sanity check post = Post.get_by_id(1) print_post_info(post) tag = == "kousaka_kirino").get() print(f"Tag {tag} has {len(tag.posts)} posts") # get last post post = print_post_info(post)