import numpy as np def get_depth_map(depth_map_raw: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Converts a raw RGB-encoded depth map to actual one channel depth map. Parameters: depth_map_raw (np.ndarray): The raw RGB depth map where each pixel's RGB values encode depth information. The shape should be (height, width, 3). Returns: np.ndarray: The converted depth map where each pixel value represents the depth at that point in [0, 1000] meters. The shape of the returned array is the same as the input but with only one channel. Description: The depth map camera captures a scene by encoding the distance of each pixel to the camera (also known as the depth buffer or z-buffer) into a 24-bit floating point precision image, codified across the RGB color space channels in the order of R --> G -> B . R G B int24 00000000 00000000 00000000 0 min (near) 11111111 11111111 11111111 16777215 max (far) The depth map is calculated by converting the RGB values to a single floating-point number using the formula: depth = (R + G * 256 + B * 256^2) / (256^3 - 1) * 1000 Here R, G, B are the red, green, and blue channel values respectively, and the formula maps these to a range from 0 to 1000. For more details, please refer to: """ R = depth_map_raw[..., 0].astype(np.float32) G = depth_map_raw[..., 1].astype(np.float32) B = depth_map_raw[..., 2].astype(np.float32) depth_map = (R + G * 256 + B * 256 * 256) / (256 * 256 * 256 - 1) * 1000 return depth_map def get_segmentation_map(segmentation_map_raw: np.ndarray, colorize=False) -> np.ndarray: """ Extracts a segmentation map from a raw color segmentation image. Depending on the 'colorize' flag, this function either returns a single-channel map or a colorized segmentation map where each label is mapped to a specific RGB color defined by the label_colors dictionary. Parameters: segmentation_map_raw (np.ndarray): The raw color segmentation image, with the shape (height, width, 3). Typically, the first channel (R) is used to represent segmentation information. colorize (bool): If True, returns a colorized segmentation map. If False, returns the original segmentation map's R channel as a float32 array. Returns: np.ndarray: If colorize is False, returns the extracted single-channel segmentation map, where values are floating-point, with the shape (height, width). If colorize is True, returns a 3-channel RGB image where each segmentation label is mapped to a predefined color. Description: The semantic segmentation camera classifies every object in the view by displaying it in a different color according to the object class. For example, pedestrians appear in a different color than vehicles. It provides an image with the tag information encoded in the red channel. A pixel with a red value of x displays an object with tag x. When 'colorize' is True, each pixel's label is converted to a specific color based on a predefined dictionary mapping labels to colors. For more details, please refer to: """ if colorize: label_colors = { 0: (0, 0, 0), 1: (128, 64, 128), 2: (244, 35, 232), 3: (70, 70, 70), 4: (102, 102, 156), 5: (190, 153, 153), 6: (153, 153, 153), 7: (250, 170, 30), 8: (220, 220, 0), 9: (107, 142, 35), 10: (152, 251, 152), 11: (70, 130, 180), 12: (220, 20, 60), 13: (255, 0, 0), 14: (0, 0, 142), 15: (0, 0, 70), 16: (0, 60, 100), 17: (0, 60, 100), 18: (0, 0, 230), 19: (119, 11, 32), 20: (110, 190, 160), 21: (170, 120, 50), 22: (55, 90, 80), 23: (45, 60, 150), 24: (157, 234, 50), 25: (81, 0, 81), 26: (150, 100, 100), 27: (230, 150, 140), 28: (180, 165, 180) } height, width = segmentation_map_raw.shape[:2] rgb_image = np.zeros((height, width, 3), dtype=np.uint8) for label, color in label_colors.items(): rgb_image[segmentation_map_raw[..., 0] == label] = color return rgb_image else: return segmentation_map_raw[..., 0].astype(np.float32)