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{"text":"Occupy Wall Street - <AUTHOR> http:\/\/\/infocus\/2011\/09\/occupy-wall-street\/100159\/ <comment><USER2> The (self proclaimed?) leaders of these people have posted their list of grievances, which they claim were unanimously voted on. Their site is very slow, so I copy\/pasted from their Reddit post.\n\nHere is their list, which they say is non-inclusive, so there are probably more coming:\n\nAs we gather together in solidarity to express a feeling of mass injustice, we must not lose sight of what brought us together. We write so that all people who feel wronged by the corporate forces of the world can know that we are your allies.\n\nAs one people, united, we acknowledge the reality: that the future of the human race requires the cooperation of its members; that our system must protect our rights, and upon corruption of that system, it is up to the individuals to protect their own rights, and those of their neighbors; that a democratic government derives its just power from the people, but corporations do not seek consent to extract wealth from the people and the Earth; and that no true democracy is attainable when the process is determined by economic power. We come to you at a time when corporations, which place profit over people, self-interest over justice, and oppression over equality, run our governments. We have peaceably assembled here, as is our right, to let these facts be known.\n\nThey have taken our houses through an illegal foreclosure process, despite not having the original mortgage.\n\nThey have taken bailouts from taxpayers with impunity, and continue to give Executives exorbitant bonuses.\n\nThey have perpetuated inequality and discrimination in the workplace based on age, the color of one's skin, sex, gender identity and sexual orientation.\n\nThey have poisoned the food supply through negligence, and undermined the farming system through monopolization.\n\nThey have profited off of the torture, confinement, and cruel treatment of countless nonhuman animals, and actively hide these practices.\n\nThey have continuously sought to strip employees of the right to negotiate for better pay and safer working conditions.\n\nThey have held students hostage with tens of thousands of dollars of debt on education, which is itself a human right.\n\nThey have consistently outsourced labor and used that outsourcing as leverage to cut workers' healthcare and pay.\n\nThey have influenced the courts to achieve the same rights as people, with none of the culpability or responsibility.\n\nThey have spent millions of dollars on legal teams that look for ways to get them out of contracts in regards to health insurance.\n\nThey have sold our privacy as a commodity.\n\nThey have used the military and police force to prevent freedom of the press.\n\nThey have deliberately declined to recall faulty products endangering lives in pursuit of profit.\n\nThey determine economic policy, despite the catastrophic failures their policies have produced and continue to produce.\n\nThey have donated large sums of money to politicians supposed to be regulating them.\n\nThey continue to block alternate forms of energy to keep us dependent on oil.\n\nThey continue to block generic forms of medicine that could save people's lives in order to protect investments that have already turned a substantive profit.\n\nThey have purposely covered up oil spills, accidents, faulty bookkeeping, and inactive ingredients in pursuit of profit.\n\nThey purposefully keep people misinformed and fearful through their control of the media. They have accepted private contracts to murder prisoners even when presented with serious doubts about their guilt.\n\nThey have perpetuated colonialism at home and abroad.\n\nThey have participated in the torture and murder of innocent civilians overseas. They continue to create weapons of mass destruction in order to receive government contracts.\n\nTo the people of the world, We, the New York City General Assembly occupying Wall Street in Liberty Square, urge you to assert your power.\n\nExercise your right to peaceably assemble; occupy public space; create a process to address the problems we face, and generate solutions accessible to everyone.\n\nTo all communities that take action and form groups in the spirit of direct democracy, we offer support, documentation, and all of the resources at our disposal.\n\nJoin us and make your voices heard!\n\n<comment><USER2> Personally, I think it is some kind of attempt to show that the Tea Party does not have a monopoly on insanity.\n\n<\/comment><\/comment><comment><USER3> I dislike this. It gives me no actual information.\n\n<comment><USER4> This is an article in _The Atlantic - In Focus_ series. The author is Alan Taylor, who created the _Big Picture_ series over at _Boston.com_. He's famous for his photojournalism. Some forms of journalism aren't intended to inform you with words so much as they are to bring you there.<\/comment><\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":5921,"dup_dump_count":99,"dup_details":{"curated_sources":2,"2023-50":18,"2023-40":9,"2023-23":18,"2023-14":21,"2023-06":26,"2022-49":17,"2022-40":24,"2022-33":12,"2022-27":18,"2022-21":27,"2022-05":19,"2021-49":11,"2021-43":30,"2021-39":15,"2021-31":22,"2021-25":12,"2021-21":24,"2021-17":33,"2021-10":21,"2021-04":34,"2020-50":17,"2020-45":17,"2020-40":32,"2020-34":22,"2020-29":36,"2020-24":27,"2020-16":33,"2020-10":29,"2020-05":49,"2019-51":34,"2019-47":23,"2019-43":37,"2019-39":35,"2019-35":38,"2019-30":33,"2019-26":35,"2019-22":34,"2019-18":29,"2019-13":36,"2019-09":37,"2019-04":29,"2018-51":40,"2018-47":27,"2018-43":39,"2018-39":35,"2018-34":39,"2018-30":101,"2018-26":78,"2018-22":54,"2018-17":58,"2018-13":102,"2018-09":96,"2018-05":95,"2017-51":123,"2017-47":93,"2017-43":147,"2017-39":98,"2017-34":145,"2017-30":113,"2017-26":142,"2017-22":112,"2017-17":128,"2017-09":88,"2017-04":64,"2016-50":66,"2016-44":65,"2016-40":69,"2016-36":54,"2016-30":59,"2016-26":38,"2016-22":55,"2016-18":56,"2016-07":59,"2015-48":71,"2015-40":47,"2015-35":71,"2015-32":71,"2015-27":58,"2015-22":77,"2015-14":58,"2014-52":94,"2014-49":125,"2014-42":248,"2014-41":158,"2014-35":151,"2014-23":168,"2014-15":149,"2024-30":16,"2024-26":7,"2024-22":9,"2024-18":13,"2024-10":20,"2017-13":121,"2015-18":78,"2015-11":68,"2015-06":85,"2014-10":97,"2013-48":98,"2013-20":150}},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"}
{"text":"Why the world needs deep generalists, not specialists - <AUTHOR> https:\/\/\/swlh\/why-the-world-needs-deep-generalists-not-specialists-b7c32e223c70 <comment><USER2> \"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly.\n\nSpecialization is for insects.\" ~ Robert Anson Heinlein<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":6921,"dup_dump_count":99,"dup_details":{"curated_sources":2,"2023-50":9,"2023-40":16,"2023-23":24,"2023-14":20,"2023-06":26,"2022-49":31,"2022-40":17,"2022-33":18,"2022-27":15,"2022-21":42,"2022-05":25,"2021-49":26,"2021-43":36,"2021-39":29,"2021-31":42,"2021-25":27,"2021-21":35,"2021-17":30,"2021-10":42,"2021-04":66,"2020-50":56,"2020-45":57,"2020-40":53,"2020-34":39,"2020-29":61,"2020-24":50,"2020-16":57,"2020-10":69,"2020-05":66,"2019-51":74,"2019-47":59,"2019-43":106,"2019-39":58,"2019-35":73,"2019-30":64,"2019-26":74,"2019-22":98,"2019-18":60,"2019-13":62,"2019-09":100,"2019-04":93,"2018-51":92,"2018-47":59,"2018-43":111,"2018-39":52,"2018-34":82,"2018-30":182,"2018-26":130,"2018-22":109,"2018-17":89,"2018-13":164,"2018-09":170,"2018-05":133,"2017-51":171,"2017-47":162,"2017-43":198,"2017-39":147,"2017-34":197,"2017-30":155,"2017-26":165,"2017-22":164,"2017-17":149,"2017-09":70,"2017-04":58,"2016-50":62,"2016-44":48,"2016-40":53,"2016-36":58,"2016-30":54,"2016-26":43,"2016-22":45,"2016-18":43,"2016-07":54,"2015-48":43,"2015-40":30,"2015-35":44,"2015-32":38,"2015-27":39,"2015-22":43,"2015-14":40,"2014-52":44,"2014-49":54,"2014-42":107,"2014-41":67,"2014-35":68,"2014-23":89,"2014-15":68,"2024-30":14,"2024-26":22,"2024-22":10,"2024-18":8,"2024-10":20,"2017-13":155,"2015-18":60,"2015-11":59,"2015-06":58,"2014-10":82,"2013-48":70,"2013-20":113}},"id":18404438},"subset":"hackernews"}
{"text":"Andrew Mason's statement, Groupon CEO fired(Jottit's broken) - <AUTHOR> http:\/\/\/2013\/02\/28\/ceo-andrew-mason-replaced-by-eric-lefkofsky-and-vice-chairman-ted-leonsis-at-groupon\/\n\n<comment><AUTHOR> Statement:\n\nPeople of Groupon,\n\nAfter four and a half intense and wonderful years as CEO of Groupon, I've decided that I'd like to spend more time with my family. Just kidding \u2013 I was fired today. If you're wondering why\u2026 you haven't been paying attention. From controversial metrics in our S1 to our material weakness to two quarters of missing our own expectations and a stock price that's hovering around one quarter of our listing price, the events of the last year and a half speak for themselves. As CEO, I am accountable.\n\nYou are doing amazing things at Groupon, and you deserve the outside world to give you a second chance. I'm getting in the way of that. A fresh CEO earns you that chance. The board is aligned behind the strategy we've shared over the last few months, and I've never seen you working together more effectively as a global company \u2013 it's time to give Groupon a relief valve from the public noise.\n\nFor those who are concerned about me, please don't be \u2013 I love Groupon, and I'm terribly proud of what we've created. I'm OK with having failed at this part of the journey. If Groupon was Battletoads, it would be like I made it all the way to the Terra Tubes without dying on my first ever play through. I am so lucky to have had the opportunity to take the company this far with all of you. I'll now take some time to decompress (FYI I'm looking for a good fat camp to lose my Groupon 40, if anyone has a suggestion), and then maybe I'll figure out how to channel this experience into something productive.\n\nIf there's one piece of wisdom that this simple pilgrim would like to impart upon you: have the courage to start with the customer. My biggest regrets are the moments that I let a lack of data override my intuition on what's best for our customers. This leadership change gives you some breathing room to break bad habits and deliver sustainable customer happiness \u2013 don't waste the opportunity! I will miss you terribly.\n\nLove,\n\nAndrew<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":3519,"dup_dump_count":99,"dup_details":{"curated_sources":2,"2023-50":5,"2023-40":4,"2023-23":6,"2023-14":3,"2023-06":9,"2022-49":5,"2022-40":3,"2022-33":1,"2022-27":5,"2022-21":3,"2022-05":4,"2021-49":3,"2021-43":2,"2021-39":2,"2021-31":5,"2021-25":5,"2021-21":6,"2021-17":2,"2021-10":7,"2021-04":3,"2020-50":4,"2020-45":1,"2020-40":4,"2020-34":7,"2020-29":3,"2020-24":2,"2020-16":3,"2020-10":3,"2020-05":8,"2019-51":7,"2019-47":6,"2019-43":7,"2019-39":4,"2019-35":5,"2019-30":2,"2019-26":4,"2019-22":8,"2019-18":3,"2019-13":5,"2019-09":8,"2019-04":9,"2018-51":8,"2018-47":7,"2018-43":7,"2018-39":13,"2018-34":8,"2018-30":11,"2018-26":17,"2018-22":21,"2018-17":23,"2018-13":26,"2018-09":29,"2018-05":19,"2017-51":23,"2017-47":29,"2017-43":38,"2017-39":37,"2017-34":25,"2017-30":26,"2017-26":44,"2017-22":53,"2017-17":35,"2017-09":47,"2017-04":40,"2016-50":63,"2016-44":50,"2016-40":65,"2016-36":63,"2016-30":54,"2016-26":42,"2016-22":30,"2016-18":39,"2016-07":73,"2015-48":67,"2015-40":62,"2015-35":80,"2015-32":92,"2015-27":85,"2015-22":97,"2015-14":74,"2014-52":95,"2014-49":109,"2014-42":151,"2014-41":147,"2014-35":160,"2014-23":194,"2014-15":154,"2024-30":3,"2024-26":3,"2024-22":2,"2024-18":6,"2024-10":4,"2017-13":45,"2015-18":100,"2015-11":86,"2015-06":87,"2014-10":143,"2013-48":123,"2013-20":97}},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"}
{"text":"Living Things - <AUTHOR> http:\/\/\/2008\/08\/14\/living-things\/\n\n<comment><USER2> excerpt from John Donne's Meditation XVII\n\n \n \n No man is an island, entire of itself; \n every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. \n If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, \n as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were: any man's death diminishes me, \n because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee.<\/comment>","meta":{"dup_signals":{"dup_doc_count":1216,"dup_dump_count":99,"dup_details":{"curated_sources":7,"2023-50":13,"2023-40":12,"2023-23":14,"2023-14":15,"2023-06":16,"2022-49":19,"2022-40":12,"2022-33":9,"2022-27":17,"2022-21":12,"2022-05":15,"2021-49":5,"2021-43":24,"2021-39":15,"2021-31":21,"2021-25":16,"2021-21":10,"2021-17":27,"2021-10":7,"2021-04":22,"2020-50":13,"2020-45":14,"2020-40":19,"2020-34":15,"2020-29":15,"2020-24":14,"2020-16":17,"2020-10":6,"2020-05":16,"2019-51":15,"2019-47":16,"2019-43":12,"2019-39":14,"2019-35":19,"2019-30":14,"2019-26":15,"2019-22":17,"2019-18":19,"2019-13":10,"2019-09":15,"2019-04":17,"2018-51":16,"2018-47":12,"2018-43":17,"2018-39":10,"2018-34":8,"2018-30":25,"2018-26":20,"2018-22":7,"2018-17":18,"2018-13":24,"2018-09":24,"2018-05":20,"2017-51":29,"2017-47":18,"2017-43":30,"2017-39":24,"2017-34":27,"2017-30":20,"2017-26":28,"2017-22":16,"2017-17":17,"2017-09":7,"2017-04":8,"2016-50":4,"2016-44":7,"2016-40":7,"2016-36":5,"2016-30":4,"2016-26":3,"2016-22":3,"2016-18":3,"2016-07":3,"2015-48":4,"2015-40":3,"2015-35":4,"2015-32":4,"2015-27":4,"2015-22":4,"2015-14":1,"2014-52":1,"2014-49":1,"2014-42":4,"2014-41":3,"2014-35":4,"2014-23":3,"2014-15":1,"2024-30":10,"2024-26":7,"2024-22":11,"2024-18":9,"2024-10":11,"2017-13":18,"2015-18":4,"2015-11":1,"2015-06":3,"2014-10":4,"2013-48":3,"2013-20":10}},"id":null},"subset":"hackernews"}