This article borrows the concept of phase transition in physics, combines causal thinking and causal diagrams, firstly establishes the relationships among the attribute, state, event, and phenomenon, and then identifies two ways with the opposite causal structures to acquire phenomena-human observations and human manipulated experiments. In causal inference, the ways mentioned above, intervention and assignment of exposure are affected by their own causal mechanisms. Finally, intervention is a causal concept, a core link among known phenomena, unknown phenomena available for measurement, and natural causality. Based on this, the two strategies in classifying research design are analyzed, and intervention method and non-intervention method are proposed, as is comprehensive and concise.
Observations and experiments provide the basis for all scientific knowledge and should be viewed as concepts with a unified connotation.
The accurate classification of research designs based on the law of causality and measurement process may be one of the best options worthy of in-depth study.
This study proposed a method to calibrate tube focus spot and the center plane of rotation in computed tomography system.
该方法是把球管分别旋转到 0° 和 180° 位置,首先让 CT 系统在冷态下分别静态扫描一次自制的具有对称窗口 A、B 的金属校准工具;然后对扫描的原始数据进行去噪、均值、归一化处理后,利用球管焦斑、准直器中心和校准工具的几何关系,计算球管焦斑到扫描中心平面的校准距离。
In the method, the tube was rotated to 0 and 180 respectively, and then one metal jig with symmetric windows A and B was scanned at each position under the tube cool and static condition. According to the geometry of tube focus spot, aperture center of the collimator and jig, the distance between tube focus spot and the center plane of rotation were calculated with the X ray transmittance data after denoising, mean value and normalization.
为验证该方法的实用性和有效性,本文采用该方法对 16 排 CT 系统(Brivo CT385, GE, 中国)的球管焦斑进行校准,校准结果用即显胶片扫描方式进行验证,结果显示球管焦斑与扫面中心平面距离误差为 0.02 mm,处于焦斑校准误差范围± 0.1 mm 之内。
To verify the practicability and validity of the method, the tube focus spot in a 16 slices CT system (Brivo CT385, GE, China) was calibrated, and the result after calibration was validated by scanning a polaroid film. The validation result showed that the deviation between tube focal spot and center plane of rotation was 0.02 mm and was in the error range within 0.1 mm.
The results of this study showed that, as a simple and low-cost design, the method could be used for fast calibration between tube focus spot and the center plane of rotation.
急性髓细胞白血病患者ASXL2和ZBTB7A基因突变及与预后的关系. 探讨急性髓细胞白血病(acute myeloid leukemia,AML)患者ASXL2和ZBTB7A基因突变及其与患者预后的相关性. 选取2014年1月-2016年1月在本院接受治疗的42例t(8; 21)AML患者,对其骨髓样本进行ASXL2和ZBTB7A基因测序,并分析携带ASXL2和ZBTB7A突变的AML患者的遗传特征及其与预后的相关性. 在t(8; 21)AML患者中发现了ASXL2(33.3%)和ZBTB7A(9.5%)突变。
To investigate the relationship between acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients ASXL2, ZBTB7A gene mutations and the prognosis. 42 AML Patients treated in our hospital from January 2014 to January 2016 were selected and ASXL2 and ZBTB7A genes of their bone marrow samples were sequenced, the genetic characteristics and prognosis of core-binding factor-AML(CBF-AML) patients with ASXL2 and ZBTB7A mutations were analyzed. ASXL2 (33.3%) and ZBTB7A (9.5%) mutations were found in t (8; 21) AML patients.
ASXL2突变与野生型患者相比,突变型患者诊断时的白细胞数量显著较高[(9.49±1.85)×10<sup>9</sup>/L vs (8.3±1.14)×10<sup>9</sup>/L,P= 0.042],性染色体缺失的频率更低(分别为21.43% vs 71.43%,P=0.002), ASXL2突变与ASXL1突变互斥(P=0.035), ASXL2突变患者中染色质修饰基因ATRX和BCOR突变比例较高(P=0.032,P=0.005)。 此外,ASXL2和ZBTB7A突变对总体或无事件生存率无明显影响. 在 t(8; 21)AML患者中检测到ASXL2和ZBTB7A突变。
Compared with wild-type, patients with ASXL2 mutations showed significantly higher white blood cell count at diagnosis (9.491.85)10<sup>9</sup>/L vs (8.31.14)10<sup>9</sup>/LP=0.03 and lower frequency of sex chromosome deletions (21.43% vs 71.43%, P=0.02), respectively. ASXL2 mutation showed mutually exclusive with ASXL1 mutation (P=0.035). The proportion of chromatin modifier gene ATRX and BCOR mutations was higher in patients with ASXL2 mutation (P=0.032, P=0.005).ASXL2 and ZBTB7A mutations showed no significant effect to overall survival or event-free survival rate in patients with AML. ASXL2 and ZBTB7A mutations are frequently found in t (8; 21) AML patients.
The mutation of ASXL2 and ZBTB7A genes shows no significant effect on the prognosis of AML patients.
The observation statistics suggested that the haemolymph melanization speed of larvae became fast and the growth inhibition of Escherichia coli was strong as the quantities of feeding on mulberry leaves increased.
RT-PCR 实验显示,黑色素合成催化酶BmTan、BmPo-1、BmYellow-f 和BmDdc 等的基因在家蚕5 L 3 d 血淋巴中表达量高,BmBlack、BmYellow和BmPah 等的基因也有明显表达。
The RT-PCR result showed that the mRNA expressions of melanin biosynthesis enzyme BmTan, BmPo-1, BmYellow-f and BmDdc were high in the haemolyph of 5 L 3 d larvae.
qPCR 分析显示,黑化病蚕中Bmtan、Bmddc、Bmyellow、Bmebony 和Bmblack,尤其Bmddc 表达发生了显著上调。
The qPCR analysis showed Bmtan, Bmddc, Bmyellow, Bmebony and Bmblack, especially Bmddc expression were significantly higher in black disease larvae than in normal larvae.
与对照相比,Ddc 酶的抑制剂能显著抑制脂多糖对血淋巴的诱导黑化作用。
Compared with control, Ddc inhibitors drastically inhibited the lipopolysaccharide-induced haemolymph melanization.
In addition, the content of Dopa and Dopamine markedly rose after E. coli injection.
这些表明家蚕幼虫血淋巴黑化与防御免疫有关,Bmddc 很可能在幼虫血淋巴的免疫黑化中发挥作用。
These indicated that haemolymph melanization was linked to immune defenses and Bmddc may play a role in melanization response of haemolymph immune in silkworm.
一个13 岁肥胖女孩腹胀一年,急性腹痛入院。
A 13-year-old, obese girl presented with acute abdominal pain with abdominal distension for a year.
体格检查发现明显腹胀,有一个 尺寸为13×20 cm 边界清楚的肿块。
The physical examination revealed marked abdominal distension with a large well-circumscribed mass sized 1320 cm.
她的体质指数为37.8 kg/m2。
Her body mass index (BMI) was 37.8 kg/m2.
腹部CT 扫描 发现一个巨大的多腔囊性肿块和左侧附件有一包块。
An abdominal CT scan revealed a huge multiloculated cystic mass and a left adnexal mass.
她的空腹血糖异常,HDLC 低。 进行剖腹探查,右侧输卵管卵巢切除术,左囊切除术,淋巴结活检和部 分网膜切除术。
She had an abnormal fasting plasma glucose and low HDL-C. Laparotomy, right salpingooophorectomy, left cystectomy, lymph node biopsies and partial omentectomy were performed.
The left ovary demonstrated multiple cystic follicles over the cortex.
组织学诊断为右侧卵巢粘液 性囊腺瘤和左侧卵巢成熟囊性畸胎瘤。
The histologic diagnosis was a mucinous cystadenoma of the right ovary and a matured cystic teratoma of the left ovary.
肥胖和多囊卵巢综合症与卵巢肿瘤高风 险有关,而多囊卵巢综合征可能是卵巢肿瘤的原因或是结果。
Both obesity and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are associated with a greater risk of ovarian tumours, where PCOS could be either the cause or as a consequence of an ovarian tumour.
我们报告了一个 肥胖、围初潮期女孩,双侧卵巢肿瘤合并多囊卵巢综合征和代谢综合征。
We report an obese, perimenarchal girl with bilateral ovarian tumours coexistent with a polycystic ovary and the metabolic syndrome.
Hepatitis B remains a worldwide health problem with a high mortality rate associated with end-stage liver diseases.
肝硬化的预后模型中仍以终末期肝病模型、Child-Pugh应用广泛,炎症反应、B型尿钠肽、门静脉血栓为独立危险因素;肝衰竭预后中提出了新模型,其中以HINAT ACLF为佳,单因素中增加了中性粒细胞/淋巴细胞比率、促甲状腺素、胆碱酯酶、抗病毒治疗的应答情况。
The Model for End-Stage Liver Disease and Child-Pugh score is still widely used as the prognostic model for liver cirrhosis and inflammatory reaction, B-type natriuretic peptide and portal vein thrombosis are independent risk factors. Many new models have been proposed for liver failure, including a new model HINAT ACLF. HINAT ACLF is better than its preceding models and increased neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio is a single factor to promote thyroid hormone, cholinesterase, and antiviral treatment response in this model.
肝癌发生的预测模型中多涉及HBV DNA,但随着抗病毒药物的普及,其在长期预后中的价值逐渐降低,因此以肝硬度值取代HBV DNA的修正慢性乙型肝炎肝细胞癌的风险评估表现出明显优势;在肝癌患者的预后中,白蛋白-胆红素指数有良好的中位生存期预测价值,甲胎蛋白、肝癌数目及大小仍为独立危险因素。
HBV DNA is frequently involved in the predictive model of liver cancer, but with widespread use of antiviral drugs, the value of its long-term prognostication has gradually reduced. Therefore, liver stiffness value instead of HBV DNA shows apparent advantages in mREACH-B. ALBI has good median survival prediction value for hepatocellular carcinoma patients. Alpha-fetoprotein and staging method, which is based on tumor number and size, are still independent risk factors for liver cancer.
目的 比较硫辛酸联合依帕司他与硫辛酸治疗糖尿病周围神经病变(DPN)患者的临床疗效。
Objective To compare the clinical effectiveness of lipoic acid combined with epalrestat versus lipoic acid in treating diabetic peripheral neuropathy(DPN).
方法 收集2016年2月以前CNKI、CBM、维普、万方、PubMed等数据库中硫辛酸联合依帕司他对比硫辛酸治疗DPN的临床试验资料,采用Cochrane系统及Jadad评分对文章进行质量评估,RevMan5.3软件对多项研究结果的总体效应进行Meta分析。
Methods Randomized controlled trials(RCTs) and clinical controlled trials on lipoic acid versus epalrestat for DPN before February 2016 were searched through five databases:CNKI,CBM,VIP,Wanfang,and PubMed. The quality of the included trials were assessed using Cochrane software and Jadad scores. Data were analyzed with Review Manager 5.3 software.
结果 共纳入9项研究。
Results Nine studies were included in the analysis.
Meta分析结果显示:硫辛酸显效率明显低于硫辛酸联合依帕司他[RR=0.58,95% CI(0.47,0.71),P<0.00001],正中运动神经传导速度[WMD=-4.94,95% CI(-7.41,-2.46),P<0.0001]、腓总运动神经传导速度[WMD=-5.08,95% CI(-7.68,-2.49),P=0.0001]、正中感觉神经传导速度[WMD=-4.24,95% CI(-6.20,-2.29),P<0.0001]和腓总感觉神经传导速度[WMD=-3.66,95% CI(-5.02,-2.31),P<0.00001]也明显低于联合用药。
Meta analysis showed that the lipoic aid monotherapy was significantly inferior to lipoic acid-epalerestat combination therapy [RR=0.58,95%Cl(0.47,0.71),P<0.00001]. Inferiority of the lipoic acid monotherapy was also shown in nerve conduction velocity with WMDs of-4.94 [95%Cl(-7.41,-2.46),P<0.0001] for median motor nerve conduction velocity(MNCV),-5.08 [95%Cl(-7.68,-2.49),P=0.0001] for peroneal MNCV,-4.24 [95%Cl(-6.20,-2.29),P<0.0001] for median sensory nerve conduction velocity(SNCV),and-3.66 [95%Cl(-5.02,-2.31),P<0.00001] for peroneal SNCV.
Sensitivity analysis showed that the results were robust.
However,the included trials were limited by simple design,few subjective indicators,and short follow-up time.
结论 硫辛酸联合依帕司他可提高显效率,增加正中或腓总神经的运动神经传导速度和感觉神经传导速度。
Conclusions Lipoic acid combined with epalrestat is better than lipoic acid alone in the treatment of DPN,as well as the MNCV and SNCV of median or peroneal nerve.
Due to the low quality of the included studies,high-quality RCTs are warranted to validate the results.
综述 Wnt 信号通路在骨关节炎(osteoarthritis,OA)发生发展中的活性变化,及其对软骨、软骨下骨的双靶向调控和两者间信息交流对 OA 进程的影响和机制。
To summarize the active changes of Wnt signaling pathway in osteoarthritis (OA) as well as the influence and mechanism of dual-targeted regulation on cartilage and subchondral bone and the role of crosstalk between them on OA process.
查阅近年在体内外实验研究及临床研究中,OA 和非 OA 状态下 Wnt 信号通路对关节软骨、软骨下骨调控作用及软骨与软骨下骨间信息交流的相关文献,并对其作用机制进行分析总结。
The relevant literature concerning the articular cartilage, subchondral bone, and crosstalk between them in OA and non-OA states by Wnt signaling pathway <i>in vivo</i> and <i>vitro</i> experimental studies and clinical studies in recent years was reviewed, and the mechanism was analyzed and summarized.
Wnt 信号可通过依赖 β-catenin 的经典或不依赖 β-catenin 的非经典 Wnt 信号通路及其与其他信号通路的交联,调控软骨细胞、成骨细胞的分化和功能,进而影响软骨及骨的代谢。
Wnt signaling can regulate the differentiation and function of chondrocytes and osteoblasts through the classic -catenin-dependent or non-classical -catenin-independent Wnt signaling pathway and its cross-linking with other signaling pathways, thereby affecting the cartilage and bone metabolism.
过度激活 Wnt 信号可加重软骨 OA 样退变,并且 Wnt 信号通路可激活下游蛋白 Wnt1 诱导的信号通路蛋白 1 调控 OA 进展,还可通过软骨及软骨下骨中不同细胞间建立的缝隙连接,直接进行分子交流调控 OA 的发生发展。
Moreover, Wnt signaling pathway can activate the downstream protein Wnt1-inducible-signaling pathway protein 1 to regulate the progress of OA and it also can be established gap junctions between different cells in cartilage and subchondral bone to communicate molecules directly to regulate OA occurrence and development.
关节腔内注射 Wnt 信号通路抑制剂 SM04690 可以抑制 OA 进程;在成骨细胞中过表达 Wnt 信号通路抑制剂 Dickkopf 可以拮抗 VEGF 对软骨细胞的作用,并抑制其基质的分解代谢。
Intra-articular injection of Wnt signaling inhibitor SM04690 can inhibit the progress of OA, and overexpression of Wnt signaling pathway inhibitor Dickkopf in osteoblasts can antagonize the role of vascular endothelial growth factor work on chondrocytes and inhibit the catabolism of its matrix.
Wnt 信号通路及其与其他信号分子的交互作用,可调控软骨和软骨下骨的代谢和功能及两者间信息交流,因此在 OA 的发生发展中发挥重要作用,有望成为 OA 治疗的新靶点。
The regulation of metabolism and function of cartilage and subchondral bone and crosstalk between them is through interactions among Wnt signaling pathway and molecules of other signaling. Therefore, it plays an vital role in the occurrence and development of OA and is expected to become a new target of OA treatment through intervention and regulation of Wnt signaling pathway.
The research and development of innovative drugs targeting the clinical cure of chronic hepatitis B has become active in recent years.
In the clinical trials of new drugs for hepatitis B, the use of new design concepts, new methods, and new technologies to evaluate the efficacy of innovative drugs is expected to shorten the clinical research process of candidate new drugs and reduce the cost of new drug development.
However, the new designs such as seamless adaptive design and master plan design have few practical applications in clinical trials of innovative hepatitis B drugs.
This article will focus on the methodological factors in the design of phase II/III clinical trials of innovative hepatitis B drugs, and introduce the key points of the new clinical trial design in order to provide methodological references for the development of innovative hepatitis B drugs.
Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is currently raging in China.
It has been proven that COVID-19 can be transmitted from human to human and cause hospital infection, which seriously threatens surgical staffs and inpatients.
虽然结直肠外科并不是此次抗击疫情的一线学科,但在特殊的形式下,如何最大限度地在保护患者、家属、医务工作者自身的健康以及病区和医院医疗安全的前提下,为患者提供最优质的医疗服务,保证以往临床工作的有序开展,是当下的艰巨任务。 笔者参照我国《新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎诊疗方案》,结合《上海仁济医院新型冠状病毒文件汇总》的实际工作情况,总结了新冠肺炎疫情防控形势下,如何开展结直肠外科临床工作,分享了如何在疫情防控情况下,针对结直肠肿瘤急诊患者的诊疗流程、对结直肠肿瘤的诊断和准备择期入院手术结直肠癌患者的处理、病房的防护、围手术期的管理等,更重要的是详细介绍了疑似或确诊新冠肺炎的结直肠外科患者手术及围手术期的管理,包括医务人员及手术室、手术器械的防控措施。
Although colorectal surgery is not a front-line subject in the fight against the epidemic, but in this special situation, it is a difficult task to provide the highest quality medical services and ensure the orderly clinical work, on the premise of maximizing the protection for patients and their families, health of medical staff, and the safety of wards and hospitals, We summarize how to carry out the clinical practice of colorectal surgery under the situation of the prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemiology, including the procedures of diagnose and treatment for emergency patients with colorectal tumor, and share the experiences of the diagnosis of colorectal tumor, the management of patients with colorectal cancer who are scheduled to be admitted for surgery, the protection of wards, the perioperative management. More importantly, we introduce in detail the operative management and perioperative management of colorectal surgery patients suspected or diagnosed with new coronary pneumonia, including prevention and control measures for medical staff, operating rooms and surgical instruments.
The main points are as follows: (1) Multidisciplinary team (MDT) must be run through the diagnosis and treatment of colorectal cancer. The members include not only routine departments, but also respiratory department and infectious department.
(2) Colonoscopy examination may cause cross infection of COVID-19 to patients and doctors. Therefore, it is prior to examine the emergency cases and life-threatening patients (bleeding, obstruction, gastrointestinal foreign bodies, etc.). If the emergent patients (intestinal obstruction) with suspected or confirmed COVID-19, the surgeons must perform emergency surgery, and intestinal decompressive tube through colonoscopy is not recommended.
(3)疑似或确诊新冠肺炎的结直肠外科患者应放置于隔离病室,配备单独医疗器具,在指定的独立负压(-5 Pa以下)手术间完成手术;围手术期伤口换药等使用过所有一次性物品、体液、粪便等,均按医疗废物规范进行处置。
(3) The colorectal cancer patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 should be placed in the isolated room with separate medical devices, and the operative room with negative pressure (under -5 Pa) must be separated. All disposable medical items, body fluids and feces of the patients in perioperative periods must be unified disposed according to the medical waste standard.
(4)参加疑似或确诊新冠肺炎的结直肠外科患者手术的医护人员应实施三级防护,术后应隔离进行'医学观察'14 d。
(4) The surgical medical workers who process colorectal cancer patients with COVID-19 must be protected by three-level. After operation, the medical workers must receive medical observation and be isolated for 14 days.
We hope our 'Renji experience' will be beneficial to colleagues.
一线与挽救性单倍体相合造血干细胞移植治疗重型再生障碍性贫血患者的疗效比较. 比较一线与挽救性单倍体相合造血干细胞移植(haplo-HSCT)治疗重型再生障碍性贫血(SAA)患者的疗效. 回顾性分析本院2013年5月1日至2018年12月31日因无同胞全相合供者而进行haplo-HSCT的重型和极重型再生障碍性贫血患者39例。
To compare the clinical efficacy between frontline haplo-identical hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (haplo-HSCT) and salvage haplo-HSCT for patients with severe aplastic anemia (SAA). A total of 39 patients with severe aplastic anemia or very severe aplastic anemia from May 1st, 2013 to December 31st, 2018 were analyzed retrospectively.
一线haplo-HSCT组20例,中位病程1(1-3)个月;免疫抑制治疗(IST)失败后挽救性haplo-HSCT组19例,中位病程72(6-168)个月。 所有患者均为骨髓联合外周血造血干细胞移植。
All of them underwent bone marrow + peripheral blood hemopoietic stem cell transplantation. There were 20 cases who accepted frontline haplo-HSCT for a median course of 1 (1-3) month, and 19 cases who accepted salvage haplo-HSCT for a median course of 72 (6-168) months.
预处理方案: Flu/Cy+ATG方案22例,Bu/Cy+ATG方案17例. 2组患者造血重建时间、感染发生率、Ⅰ-Ⅱ度及Ⅲ-Ⅳ度急、慢性移植物抗宿主病发生率差异均无统计学意义。
Conditioning regimen: 22 cases received Flu/Cy+ATG, and 17 cases received Bu/Cy+ATG. The time of hematopoietic reconstitution, infection rate, and grade I- and - acute/chronic graft versus host disease showed no statistically significance between the frontline haplo-HSCT group and the salvage haplo-HSCT group.
In the frontline haplo-HSCT group, 1 case (5%) failed in second engraftment, in the salvage haplo-HSCT group 2 cases (10.5%) failed in primary engraftment and 4 cases (21.1%) in second engraftment.
The incidence of engraftment failure was higher in the salvage haplo-HSCT group than that in the frontline haplo-HSCT group (P=0.04).
The median time of follow-up after allo-HSCT was 45 months (ranging from 3 to 92).
The mortality was 10% (2/20) in the frontline haplo-HSCT group, and 42.1% (8/19) in the salvage haplo-HSCT group.
一线haplo-HSCT组预期5年无失败生存率(90%)明显高于挽救性haplo-HSCT组(57.4%),比较差异有统计学意义(P=0.02). 一线haplo-HSCT治疗重型再生障碍性贫血患者,疗效好,安全性高,是治疗缺乏同胞全相合供者患者的有效手段.
The estimated 5-year failure-free survival rate (FFS) of the frontline haplo-HSCT group was higher than that of the salvage haplo-HSCT group (90% vs 57.4%) (P=0.02). The frontline haplo-HSCT is an effective and safe approach for the patients with severe aplastic anemia who lack a HLA-matched sibling donor.
目的 研究异戊二烯化酶二牛龙牛儿基转移酶Ⅰ(GGTase-Ⅰ)在舌鳞状细胞癌增殖中的作用。
Objective This study aims to investigate the effect of geranylgeranyltransferase (GGTase-) on the proliferation and growth of tongue squamous cancer cells.
方法 登录Genebank确定人GGTase-Ⅰ基因序列,设计3条小干扰RNA(siRNA),并将siRNA转染至舌癌细胞Cal-27(GGTase-ⅠsiRNA组)。
Methods Three small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) were designed on the basis of the GGTase- sequence in GeneBank. These siRNAs were then transfected into tongue squamous cancer cells Cal-27.
采用实时定量聚合酶链反应和蛋白质免疫检测转染后各组细胞GGTase-Ⅰ、RhoA的mRNA和蛋白表达;蛋白质免疫检测转染48 h后Cyclin D1、p21的表达变化;细胞增殖活性检测试剂盒和流式细胞术检测细胞的增殖活性和细胞周期变化。
The mRNA and protein expression of GGTase- and RhoA were examined by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction and Western blotting, respectively. The expression of Cyclin D1 and p21 were examined by Western blotting. The proliferation and growth ability were analyzed by cell counting kit-8 assay and flow cytometry.
结果 与阴性对照组和空白对照组相比,GGTase-Ⅰ siRNA 组细胞的GGTase-Ⅰ的mRNA和蛋白表达下降(P<0.05),RhoA的mRNA和蛋白表达无明显改变(P>0.05);Cyclin D1的表达下降,p21表达升高,细胞的增殖活性下降,细胞周期发生改变(P<0.05)。
Results The mRNA and protein expression of GGTase- in Cal-27 was reduced significantly after the GGTase- siRNAs were transfected (P<0.05). No significant difference in RhoA mRNA and protein expression was detected (P>0.05). Cyclin D1 expression decreased, whereas p21 expression increased significantly. The cell cycle was altered, and the growth-proliferative activity was inhibited (P<0.05).
结论 GGTase-Ⅰ siRNA能抑制舌鳞状细胞癌细胞中GGTase-Ⅰ的表达,抑制细胞增殖,提示GGTase-Ⅰ在舌鳞状细胞癌增殖中可能发挥重要作用。
Conclusion GGTase- siRNA can inhibit the expression of GGTase- and the proliferative activity of tongue squamous cancer cells. GGTase- may be a potential target for gene therapy in tongue squamous cell cancer.
目的: 探讨韩国老年人主观认知能力下降与认知功能的危险因素。
To explore the risk factors for subjective cognitive decline and cognitive function among older adults in South Korea.
设计: 本项研究采用描述性横向设计。
This study employed a descriptive cross-sectional design.
方法: 采用方便抽样方法从首尔某家老年福利院随机抽取182例患者。
A convenience sample of 182 patients was recruited from a senior welfare center in Seoul.
参与者的平均年龄为78.4岁(SD 5.91)。
The mean age of the participants was 78.4years (SD5.91).
Among them, 64.3% were women.
The data were collected by a trained research assistant using structured questionnaires from September 2016-February 2017.
Demographic characteristics, comorbidities, depression, physical and cognitive activity levels, instrumental activities of daily living, subjective cognitive decline, and cognitive function were assessed.
Student's t tests, chi-square tests, and hierarchical multiple regression analyses were used for statistical analyses.
结果: 研究结果显示,37.4%的参与者认知功能不完整。
The findings revealed that 37.4% of the participants were not cognitively intact.
抑郁、感知健康状况和认知功能与主观认知能力下降显著相关(F = 7.10, p < .001,调整后R2 = 25.3)。
Depression, perceived health status, and cognitive function were significantly associated with subjective cognitive decline (F=7.10, p<.001, adjusted R<sup>2</sup> =25.3).
年龄、文化程度、感知健康状况和主观认知能力下降与认知功能显著相关(F = 20.98, p < .001,调整后R2 = 47.0)。
Age, educational level, perceived health status, and subjective cognitive decline were significantly related to cognitive function (F=20.98, p<.001, adjusted R<sup>2</sup> =47.0).
After controlling for these variables, cognitive activity was significantly and independently related to cognitive function.
结论: 结果表明,应鼓励认知活动,以维持认知功能。
The results suggest that for the maintenance of cognitive function, cognitive activity should be encouraged.
In addition, older adults who complain of subjective cognitive decline and have risk factors such as depression need therapeutic interventions to prevent actual decrease of cognitive function.
影响: 本研究结果通过考虑体力活动和认知活动水平等变量来推进先验知识,以提供新的证据,从而用于为居住在社区的老年人制定干预措施。
The present findings advance prior knowledge by considering variables such as physical and cognitive activity levels to provide novel evidence that can be used to develop interventions for community-dwelling older adults.
Thus, to be effective, nursing interventions must seek to improve cognitive function through intellectual stimulation.
The liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry was used to detect the urinary proteomics of 223 residents aged 40-69 years old who participated in the National Upper Gastrointestinal Cancer Early Detection Program in Linqu County, Shandong Province from November 22 to December 7, 2018, and analyze the alcohol consumption related proteomic profiles and individual urinary protein.
There were significant differences in urinary protein profiles between alcohol consumption group and non-alcohol consumption group. The expression of 26 urinary proteins was up-regulated and 20 urinary proteins were down-regulated in alcohol consumption group (<i>P</i><0.05).
The differentially expressed proteins had enzyme inhibitor activity and phospholipid binding function, and mainly enriched in pathways involving proximal tubule bicarbonate regeneration, complement and coagulation cascade, and cholesterol metabolism.
The protein expressions of complement factor I (CFI), angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) and protein C inhibitor (SERPINA5) were positively correlated with daily alcohol consumption.
恶性血液病患者单倍体相合外周血干细胞移植后血清免疫球蛋白水平的临床意义分析. 探讨恶性血液病患者单倍体相合外周血干细胞移植后免疫球蛋白水平的临床意义. 回顾性分析157例行单倍体外周血干细胞移植患者的总生存(OS)率、移植物抗宿主病(GVHD)发生率、感染发生率、血清免疫球蛋白水平与OS及主要移植并发症的关系. 所有患者2年OS率为59.2%(95%CI: 51.6%-66.9%),2年复发死亡率为11.5%(95%CI:6.4%-16.6%),非复发死亡率(NRM)为29.3%(95%CI:21.7%-36.9%)。
To investigate the clinical significance of post-transplantation serum immunoglobulin level in the outcome of patients with hemalologic malignancies treated by haploidentical peripheral hematopoietic stem cell transplanta-tion(Haplo-HSCT). The clinical data of 157 patients treated by haplo-HSCT were analyzed retrospectively. The overall survival rate (OS), graft versus host disease (GVHD) incidence, infection incidence, serum immunoglobulin level, the relationship of immunoglobulin levels with OS and transplant complications were analyzed. The 2-year OS rate was 59.2%(95%CI:51.6%-66.9%), 2-year relapse mortality was 11.5%(95%CI: 6.4%-16.6%), and non-relapse mortality was 29.3%(95%CI:21.7%-36.9%).
III-IV度aGVHD累积发生率为16.6%(95%CI:10.8%-22.9%);广泛性cGVHD累积发生率为21.7%(95%CI: 15.3%-28.6%);1年内严重细菌感染累积发生率为59.2%(95%CI:51.6%-66.2%);侵袭性真菌感染累积发生率为47.1%(95%CI:38.9%-54.8%)。
The cumulative incidence of III-IV aGVHD was 16.6%(95%CI:10.8%-22.9%); the cumulative incidence of extensive cGVHD was 21.7%(95%CI:15.3%-28.6%); the cumulative incidence of severe bacterial infection within 1 year was 59.2%(95%CI:51.6%-66.2%); the cumulative incidence of invasive fungal infection was 47.1%(95%CI:38.9%-54.8%).
The occurrence of extensive cGVHD after haplo-HSCT related with the gender match of donor-recipient and bacterial infection.
发生0-II度aGVHD与发生III-IV度急性GVHD组患者移植后1个月免疫球蛋白IgG水平分别为(6.96±2.47)和 (4.27±2.42) g/L(P=0.003)、3个月免疫球蛋白IgG水平分别为(8.71±4.47)和 (6.65±2.95) g/L(P=0.038);移植后1个月IgG水平在一定程度上可预测III-IV度aGVHD的易感性(P=0.003);移植后任意时间IgG<4 g/L的患者中,广泛性cGVHD发生率显著升高(35.5% vs 18.3%,P=0.037),1年内的真菌感染发生率显著升高(71.0% vs 41.3%,P=0.003),2年生存率显著下降(P=0.035). 单倍体外周血干细胞移植是治疗恶性血液病的有效手段;移植后1个月免疫球蛋白IgG减少的患者更易发生III-IV度急性GVHD,并且IgG水平在一定程度上可预测其易感性。
The levels of IgG in patients with 0-II aGVHD and patients with III-IV aGVHD for 1 month after haplo-HSCT were (6.962.47) and (4.272.42) g/L P=0.003, IgG levels at 3 months afte haplo-HSCT were (8.714.47) and (6.652.95) g/L (P=0.038); IgG levels at 1 month after haplo-HSCT showed predictive value for III-IV aGVHD susceptibility(P=0.003); for patients with IgG<4 g/L at any time after haplo-HSCT, the incidence of extensive cGVHD was significantly increased (35.5% vs 18.3%) (P=0.037), the incidence of fungal infection within 1 year after haplo-HSCT was significantly increased(71.0% vs 41.3%) (P=0.003), and the 2-year survival rate was reduced significantly (P=0.035). Haplo-HSCT is effective for the treatment of hematologic malignancies. Patients with lower IgG at 1 month after haplo-HSCT are more likely to develop III-IV aGVHD, and IgG levels at 1 month after haplo-HSCT can predict its susceptibility to a certain extent.
单倍体外周血干细胞移植后重度免疫球蛋白减少(IgG<4 g/L)的患者更易发生广泛性cGVHD及真菌感染,并且与移植后的生存预后显著相关.
Patients with severe hypoimmunoglobulinemia (IgG<4 g/L) after haplo-HSCT are more likely to develop extensive cGVHD, fungal infection and show worse survival prognosis.
To investigate the reconstructive methods and effectiveness of modified pedicled anterolateral thigh (ALT) myocutaneous flap for large full-thickness abdominal defect reconstruction.
2016 年 1 月—2018 年 6 月,采用改良带蒂股前外侧肌皮瓣修复 5 例腹壁肿瘤切除后大面积全层缺损。
Between January 2016 and June 2018, 5 patients of large full-thickness abdominal defects were reconstructed with modified pedicled ALT myocutaneous flaps.
男 3 例,女 2 例;年龄 32~65 岁,平均 43.7 岁。
There were 3 males and 2 females with an average age of 43.7 years (range, 32-65 years).
腹壁纤维瘤 3 例,肉瘤 2 例。
Histologic diagnosis included desmoid tumor in 3 cases and sarcoma in 2 cases.
肿瘤切除后腹壁缺损范围为 20 cm×12 cm~23 cm×16 cm。
The size of abdominal wall defect ranged from 20 cm12 cm to 23 cm16 cm.
Peritoneum continuity was reconstructed with mesh; lateral vastus muscular flap was used to fill the dead space and rebuild the abdominal wall strength; skin grafting was applied on the muscular flap, the rest abdominal wall soft tissue defects were repaired with pedicled ALT flap.
股外侧肌瓣切取范围为 20 cm×12 cm~23 cm×16 cm,皮瓣切取范围为 20 cm×8 cm~23 cm×10 cm。
The size of lateral vastus muscular flap ranged from 20 cm12 cm to 23 cm16 cm, the size of ALT flap ranged from 20 cm8 cm to 23 cm10 cm.