{ "scrape_settings": { "subreddit": "BookPorn", "category": "hot", "n_results_or_keywords": "100000000", "time_filter": null }, "data": [ { "author": "u/kjoneslol", "created_utc": "07-28-2014 13:34:03", "distinguished": "moderator", "edited": false, "id": "2bz8ca", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": true, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_2bz8ca", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/2bz8ca/reddit_101/", "score": 57, "selftext": "## What is reddit, really? \n\n* Don't think of reddit as one giant community. This site is made up of \"sub\"reddits, which are all their own communities. Every single post you see on this site belongs to its own community, with its own set of users, and with its own set of rules. reddit provides you an easy-to-use interface for managing what posts you see by letting you subscribe or unsubscribe from certain subreddits. \n\n* By making an account, you are automatically subscribed to a set of [\"default\" subreddits](http://i.imgur.com/4PxSX4e.png) which are a set of highly popular communities that the administrators of this site feel would give the average person an interesting first experience. \n\n* Don't like one or more of these default subreddits? Use the \"unsubscribe\" button on the sidebar, and start customizing your reddit front page! Find subreddits that interest *you*. Many subreddits feature lists of \"similar subreddits\" that will help you find other awesome places to subscribe to. Looking for a subreddit but you just don't know its name? Try /r/findareddit! Finally, try setting up a [multi-reddit](http://www.redditblog.com/2013/06/browse-future-of-reddit-re-introducing.html) to categorize your subreddit list even further! \n\n--- \n\n## Tips for your account. \n\n* [See and change your preferences.](https://ssl.reddit.com/prefs/) Customize how many [comments](http://i.imgur.com/ZDka3tA.png) show up, what kind of [posts](http://i.imgur.com/FqnC5e2.png) show up, [and more](http://i.imgur.com/vFrZ1C9.png)! \n\n* [Verify your e-mail.](https://ssl.reddit.com/prefs/update/) If you don't do this and you lose your password, you will have no way to log back onto that account. Ever. Please do this! \n\n* Karma is a point system that lets you know how your submissions or comments are doing. The more karma your post has, the more people have upvoted it. Generally a higher karma count on a post means that the community of that subreddit found your post valuable and interesting. Your karma is logged on your user page on the top right. **Please note that self-posts earn you no karma.** Only comments and link-posts do.\n\n## What is the sidebar? \n\n* The [\"sidebar\"](http://i.imgur.com/OVtMd4K.png) is the list of information pertaining to a specific subreddit. At the top you will find a link to submit a post and a link to search the subreddit. It also contains the link to \"subscribe/unsubscribe\" from that subreddit. Underneath that it generally lists the rules, guidelines, relevant information, similar subreddits, etc. \n\n **Note:** many mobile reddit apps require you to press a certain button for the sidebar to show up. Every subreddit has a sidebar. Please don't forget to look for it even if your app doesn't immediately show it! [Here's an image showing where to find it on common reddit apps.](http://imgur.com/a/kgwuy#0)\n\n* You should always read the sidebar before submitting a post to any subreddit, and if you don't understand a rule message the moderators to ask. This ensures that your post stays on the subreddit, as rule-breaking posts will likely be removed.\n\n* Have a question about a submission to a particular subreddit? Ask the moderators there! [Here's an image](http://i.imgur.com/asq0ZhO.png) that shows you where you can typically find the link to message the mods. \n\n---\n\n## Who are moderators? What do they do? \n\n* Each subreddit is a community with its own focus. The mods are volunteers who ensure the subreddit stays true to its purpose by enforcing set rules. For example, /r/android is a subreddit dedicated to discussion of the Android operating system. Anything not directly related to Android is removed by its moderators. Similarly, /r/apple is a subreddit dedicated to discussing Apple and its products. \n\n* Moderators have the power to approve or remove any comments or submissions made to *only the subreddits they moderate.* They can also issue a ban for users on their subreddit. Moderators enforce the rules laid out in the sidebar, so if you follow all the rules in the sidebar you should be good! \n\n## Who are admins? What do they do? \n\n* [Meet the admins.](http://www.reddit.com/about/team) The admins are like super-moderators. They have all the abilities of moderators across every subreddit plus more. They are paid employees of the site and they ensure that the site runs smoothly for all users.\n\n* The admins are generally hands-off when it comes to individual subreddits, letting the moderators and the community decide how its run. **However,** the admins will enforce the [rules of reddit](http://www.reddit.com/rules) on every subreddit. Be familiar with these rules. Failure to follow these rules may earn you a **sitewide ban**, or the closing down of a subreddit. \n\n---\n\n## What is reddiquette? \n\n* [reddiquette](http://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette) is an **informal** set of guidelines to follow before commenting or submitting on reddit. As reddit has grown, certain behaviors have been frowned upon and other behaviors have been encouraged. reddiquette spells out these behaviors so you aren't left wondering why your posts aren't well-received. You might not be banned not following reddiquette, but you will probably be showered in downvotes if you don't. \n\n--- \n\n## Help! What happened to my post? \n\n* reddit is a huge forum with millions of users. Many posts are made here every day. Many, many posts are made with the intention to spam or harass other users. Other posts just don't fit the subreddit. Moderators have to filter through these posts every day to ensure their subreddit stays on topic and free of hostility. Some moderators use bots to help them report posts, some moderators do it all themselves. Every subreddit is different. If you find your post not showing up in the subreddit, your best bet is to ask the moderators there why it's not showing up. *Please note: when you message the moderators, ALL moderators can read it! It's a shared inbox!* \n\n * *I can still see my post but others say they can't?* \n Nothing is really removed from reddit, if a mod removes something it is de-listed for others to see. You can still see it with a direct link. \n\n * *My post was removed because it was spam? What gives?*\n Spam is a tricky subject, reddit has several base rules but much of it is left for moderators to decide. reddit's [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/wiki/faq) has a good section explaining it.\n\n--- \n\n## I have a great idea for a subreddit!\n\n* Awesome! [Message the moderators](http://i.imgur.com/asq0ZhO.png) so you can talk to them \n\n## I have a great idea for reddit as a site!\n\n* Awesome too! Post it in /r/ideasfortheadmins \n\n## What if I don't like the moderators or how the subreddit is run? \n\n* That's okay, reddit was built to handle just that! First though, make sure that you talk to the moderators of that subreddit just to be sure there aren't any misunderstandings, or if you can't just compromise. Otherwise, make your own community! [Here is an excellent guide](http://www.reddit.com/r/creesch/wiki/mod101) for starting and moderating your own subreddit. \n\n* Moderators are people, too, so if you want your voice heard consider messaging them politely with your concerns. We care about the communities we help run and would hate to see users leave because of something that we can help fix! \n\n\n---\n\n## What if I need help with something else? \n\n* Try /r/help for general help on reddit. /r/askmoderators can also help you out if you need to ask mods about anything. \n\n## I think I found a bug.\n\n* Uh oh. If you are using an application or extension, most have a subreddit you can post in! (/r/RESIssues, /r/alienblue, /r/redditisfun). If you found a bug with reddit itself, post it to /r/bugs (more serious issues should be sent directly to the reddit security team: see the /r/bugs sidebar for contact information.) \n\n\n##Other Subreddits of Note\n\n* Other good subreddits to check out for help with various topics are /r/Modhelp, /r/Modnews, /r/ChangeLog, /r/Blog, and /r/Announcements.\n\n--- \n\n[Read more about reddit and how it works.](http://www.reddit.com/wiki/faq) \n\n[Also, see the FAQ on /r/help!](http://www.reddit.com/r/help/wiki/faq)\n", "spoiler": false, "stickied": true, "title": "Reddit 101", "upvote_ratio": 0.76, "url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/bookporn/comments/2bz8ca/reddit_101/" }, { "author": "u/greatyellowshark", "created_utc": "05-11-2020 09:14:00", "distinguished": "moderator", "edited": false, "id": "ghqkih", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": true, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ghqkih", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/ghqkih/titles_for_submissions_must_include_information/", "score": 46, "selftext": "Being a part of the SFWPorn Network, title context has always been a rule here. The rule helps to maintain quality in the subreddit by discouraging low-effort titles, as well as to help readers looking at your submission quickly identify what they are looking at.\n\nMore \"evocative\" titles may be more poetic and suggestive but if they don't describe the image then the posts will be removed. For example, a title like \"It was wonderful to find these books today!\" may be true, but it doesn't describe the image. Include the title and author of one or two of them, or if it's a shelf of books or a bookstore then just describe the image as much as possible. \n\nRemoving posts isn't something we like to do but we will let you know if it happens and why, and you will always be welcome to resubmit with a new title. Thanks for reading, and thanks for subscribing to /r/bookporn.", "spoiler": false, "stickied": true, "title": "Titles for submissions must include information about the book(s) in the image. Details within.", "upvote_ratio": 0.94, "url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/bookporn/comments/ghqkih/titles_for_submissions_must_include_information/" }, { "author": "u/Don_Quixotel", "created_utc": "12-15-2022 13:21:44", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "zmwh7v", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_zmwh7v", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/zmwh7v/ive_been_all_about_that_nonfiction_life_lately/", "score": 35, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I\u2019ve been all about that non-fiction life lately", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/t3g6w135766a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/RetroNightmare8x", "created_utc": "12-15-2022 07:23:48", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "zmnplg", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_zmnplg", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/zmnplg/buffy_the_vampire_slayer_grimoire/", "score": 78, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Buffy the Vampire Slayer Grimoire", "upvote_ratio": 0.95, "url": "https://i.redd.it/hp44sd4af46a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/web_silk", "created_utc": "12-15-2022 08:01:43", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "zmonqb", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_zmonqb", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/zmonqb/jamaica_inn_by_daphne_du_maurier_in_the_snow/", "score": 64, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Jamaica Inn by Daphne du Maurier in the snow \u2744 Virago Modern Classics edition", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/7ihm3kq1m46a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Bob03rooney", "created_utc": "12-15-2022 12:53:49", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "zmvsbi", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_zmvsbi", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/zmvsbi/todays_purchase/", "score": 9, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Todays purchase.", "upvote_ratio": 0.91, "url": "https://i.redd.it/rn0fy1j5266a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/lannon364", "created_utc": "12-14-2022 14:35:40", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "zm4fgh", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_zm4fgh", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 14, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/zm4fgh/not_quite_the_leatherbound_ones_i_usually_see/", "score": 350, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Not quite the leather-bound ones I usually see here but I love it.", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ltjce7odfz5a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/TheDepresedpsychotic", "created_utc": "12-15-2022 10:31:37", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "zmsc49", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_zmsc49", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/zmsc49/power_crime_and_mystification_one_of_the_best/", "score": 6, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Power, Crime and Mystification - 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Short novel, love the character build up and plot so far", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/a7tm05njhl2a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/External-Carpenter-6", "created_utc": "11-27-2022 16:10:52", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "z6h8oz", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_z6h8oz", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/z6h8oz/beyond_happy_to_finally_have_a_first_edition_of/", "score": 18, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Beyond happy to finally have a first edition of this elusive Sinclair Lewis title.", "upvote_ratio": 0.95, "url": "https://i.redd.it/izsc3quwkm2a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/EL_overthetransom", "created_utc": "11-27-2022 09:23:34", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "z66wqe", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_z66wqe", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/z66wqe/1836_twovolume_edition_of_last_of_the_mohicans_by/", "score": 53, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "1836 Two-Volume Edition of Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper.", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/bixvpqob2j2a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/StarWars_and_SNL", "created_utc": "11-26-2022 20:28:44", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "z5rj35", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_z5rj35", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/z5rj35/beyond_bedtime_books_my_local_independent/", "score": 537, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Beyond Bedtime Books - my local independent bookstore in Dormont, PA US", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/teatvp70qg2a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/findthefish14", "created_utc": "11-26-2022 22:11:13", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "z5th50", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_z5th50", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 7, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/z5th50/the_little_free_library_down_the_street_from_my/", "score": 185, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "The little free library down the street from my house", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/9c7m74t68h2a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/ILovePublicLibraries", "created_utc": "11-26-2022 16:18:27", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "z5md6p", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_z5md6p", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 25, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/z5md6p/the_book_way/", "score": 426, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "The Book Way", "upvote_ratio": 0.85, "url": "https://i.redd.it/gaegt1gchf2a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/loricat", "created_utc": "11-26-2022 21:53:43", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "z5t5hj", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_z5t5hj", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/z5t5hj/my_bookshelves_make_me_happy/", "score": 68, "selftext": "We just filled in our bookshelves - we had a gap in the middle where the TV used to be. 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Anyone read it?", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/hje9jro6ad2a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/anonavocadodo", "created_utc": "11-25-2022 19:20:42", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "z4wmqm", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_z4wmqm", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/z4wmqm/had_to_get_a_picture_with_this_gorgeous_art_at_a/", "score": 32, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Had to get a picture with this gorgeous art at a family member\u2019s house this holiday week", "upvote_ratio": 0.89, "url": "https://i.redd.it/kw7nb4ix892a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/External-Carpenter-6", "created_utc": "11-25-2022 11:17:01", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "z4lll1", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_z4lll1", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 7, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/z4lll1/any_evelyn_waugh_fans_on_here_presenting_my_copy/", "score": 129, "selftext": ".", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Any Evelyn Waugh fans on here? 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Dumped $70 but it's worth spicing up my shelf of books.", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "11/25/2022 Clothbound Classic Collection", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/f526lvqs082a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Gui_Santos_14", "created_utc": "11-25-2022 05:55:40", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "z4dyy1", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_z4dyy1", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 25, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/z4dyy1/my_bookshelf/", "score": 239, "selftext": "Just want to show you my relaxing space", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "My bookshelf", "upvote_ratio": 0.92, "url": "https://i.redd.it/9wxlitrb952a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/jurinestii", "created_utc": "11-25-2022 13:28:28", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "z4or2d", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_z4or2d", "nsfw": false, 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No date, but the steel engravings are from 1859. I don\u2019t know the difference between lithium graphs and steel engravings, but they were done from life expressly for this edition. More in comments. 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(The candle is LED)", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.imgur.com/xCVBjsy.jpg" }, { "author": "u/KapteeniJonne", "created_utc": "10-28-2022 05:57:29", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yfnhig", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yfnhig", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 16, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/yfnhig/the_most_beautiful_books_i_own_dune_frank_herbert/", "score": 166, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "the most beautiful books I own (dune, frank herbert)", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/j2w9qf4f5lw91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/garotalannister", "created_utc": "10-28-2022 10:15:33", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yfukjc", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yfukjc", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/yfukjc/paradise_lost_by_john_milton_brazilians_edition/", "score": 46, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Paradise Lost by John Milton, brazilian's edition", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/yrj9x4pffmw91.png" }, { "author": "u/EdenProsper", "created_utc": "10-28-2022 06:22:40", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yfo2h8", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yfo2h8", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/yfo2h8/edgar_allan_poe_maybe_a_bit_clich\u00e9_but_something/", "score": 45, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Edgar Allan Poe; Maybe a bit clich\u00e9 but something spooky for the season", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/wpvxqr1xrjw91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/APwilliams88", "created_utc": "10-27-2022 11:49:02", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yezyv4", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yezyv4", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 48, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/yezyv4/great_book_average_coffee_good_start_to_my_morning/", "score": 260, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Great book, average coffee. 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Don\u2019t know which one to start first. Want those creepy vibes for spooky month. Usually like reading a non fiction in between.", "upvote_ratio": 0.89, "url": "https://i.redd.it/6tkj3zy6vgw91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Disastrous-Cellist38", "created_utc": "10-27-2022 05:06:57", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yeq8a8", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yeq8a8", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 23, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/yeq8a8/my_and_my_wifes_bookshelves/", "score": 425, "selftext": "+ few children's toys", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "My and my wife's bookshelves", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/rl5hmvwhrdw91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/W__O__P__R", "created_utc": "10-28-2022 04:45:05", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yflyci", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yflyci", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/yflyci/todays_book_haul_from_scriveners_uk/", "score": 4, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Today\u2019s Book Haul from Scrivener\u2019s, UK", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://imgur.com/a/GnyiXpU/" }, { "author": "u/GretrRA", "created_utc": "10-27-2022 16:01:56", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yf6b2l", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yf6b2l", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/yf6b2l/this_one_is_so_beautiful_that_you_almost_dont/", "score": 30, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "This one is so beautiful that you almost don't want to draw in it, learn a lot from these beasts here \ud83e\udd13", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/lnnnl3qc0hw91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Nitsua3438", "created_utc": "10-27-2022 13:42:32", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yf2so8", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yf2so8", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/yf2so8/part_of_my_library_and_collection/", "score": 37, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Part of my library and collection", "upvote_ratio": 0.94, "url": "https://i.redd.it/6areim5ytew91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Nolon", "created_utc": "10-27-2022 20:40:03", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yfcts4", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yfcts4", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/yfcts4/starwolf_by_edmond_hamilton/", "score": 10, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Starwolf by Edmond Hamilton", "upvote_ratio": 0.92, "url": "https://i.redd.it/rrbo8lxydiw91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Some_stuff_is_good", "created_utc": "10-27-2022 07:47:01", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yetvvz", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yetvvz", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/yetvvz/halloween_read_lincolnstein/", "score": 13, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Halloween read: Lincolnstein", "upvote_ratio": 0.93, "url": "https://imgur.com/XlNdMUI.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Slug-Dad", "created_utc": "10-26-2022 16:11:24", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yebwll", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yebwll", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 11, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/yebwll/the_passenger_mccarthy/", "score": 147, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "The Passenger ~ McCarthy", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/nw5nicvlf8w91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Underpresszura", "created_utc": "10-27-2022 13:18:49", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yf27i7", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yf27i7", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/yf27i7/with_shamans_psychonauts_hackers_and_nonbelievers/", "score": 0, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "With shamans, psychonauts, hackers and non-believers, through the imperfect records of history, to the uncertainty of future!", "upvote_ratio": 0.33, "url": "https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BFR3XXK8/" }, { "author": "u/chaunceton", "created_utc": "10-25-2022 18:19:41", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ydl8az", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ydl8az", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 26, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/ydl8az/release_day_the_passenger_by_cormac_mccarthy_has/", "score": 214, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Release day! 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Plus my Halloween decorations. Super dark a academia, if you ask me. The book is very good, too.", "upvote_ratio": 0.79, "url": "https://i.redd.it/2e4kyotmnlv91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/KingG0thra", "created_utc": "10-22-2022 21:05:26", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yb7kkf", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yb7kkf", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/yb7kkf/my_1875_edition_of_the_anatomy_of_melancholy_by/", "score": 82, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "My 1875 edition of The Anatomy of Melancholy by Robert Burton. Considered the first text to define and attempt to cure mental illness. 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Up until recently, the oldest Bible in my possession, with over 100 woodcuts.", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ffg3bs5gf6v91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/johncarter5150", "created_utc": "10-21-2022 17:27:43", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ya9aq4", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ya9aq4", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/ya9aq4/its_beginning_to_look_like_a_nice_weekend/", "score": 47, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "It's Beginning To Look Like A Nice Weekend", "upvote_ratio": 0.93, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ta88tijl49v91.jpg" }, { "author": "[deleted]", "created_utc": "10-21-2022 20:44:15", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yad6j3", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yad6j3", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/yad6j3/medical_emergencies/", "score": 19, "selftext": "One of my favorite finds from one of my favorite book stores. Currently going to read this instead of what I have been reading. (Also a favorite find because I work in emergency medicine). 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Link below is to my wife's medium article on the club.", "upvote_ratio": 0.43, "url": "https://medium.com/blockchain-biz/web3-book-club-32c49d51098e" }, { "author": "u/Dreamingofegregores", "created_utc": "08-31-2022 14:26:06", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x2p5lx", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x2p5lx", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 17, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/x2p5lx/esoteric_books_7_more_boxes_to_unpack/", "score": 57, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Esoteric Books (7 more boxes to unpack)", "upvote_ratio": 0.9, "url": "https://i.redd.it/xkz31avr94l91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/thepeachtattoo", "created_utc": "08-31-2022 07:42:32", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x2fdzr", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x2fdzr", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/x2fdzr/my_blind_date_with_a_book_the_best_kind_of_people/", "score": 30, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "My blind date with a book, The Best Kind of People by Zoe Whittall", "upvote_ratio": 0.89, "url": "https://i.redd.it/njo9a91q92l91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/peakbookreviews", "created_utc": "08-30-2022 20:34:25", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x235ni", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x235ni", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/x235ni/who_else_loves_signed_books_babel_by_rf_kuang/", "score": 68, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Who else loves signed books? 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Wells", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I love buying these editions for the iconic quotes incorporated into the cover art", "upvote_ratio": 0.91, "url": "https://i.redd.it/5uqj4q17lwk91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/joysreads", "created_utc": "08-30-2022 10:03:21", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x1of4w", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x1of4w", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/x1of4w/my_latest_book_buy_i_had_never_head_of_it_before/", "score": 24, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "my latest book buy, i had never head of it before but it sounds so good!", "upvote_ratio": 0.91, "url": "https://i.redd.it/emct4ugztvk91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/sentencebysentence", "created_utc": "08-30-2022 19:33:38", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x21wsj", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x21wsj", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/x21wsj/got_some_more_sfld_books_garielle_lutz_elle_nash/", "score": 3, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Got some more SF/LD books - Garielle Lutz + Elle Nash", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/89a3klbqnyk91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/bloateddad", "created_utc": "08-30-2022 07:11:12", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x1k5hs", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x1k5hs", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/x1k5hs/any_collectors_of_the_lakeside_press_by_rr/", "score": 24, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Any collectors of The Lakeside Press by R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company? I enjoy their journal/memoir/diary insights into people of the past.", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/9di5jud7zuk91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/JoHeller", "created_utc": "08-29-2022 05:30:01", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x0njec", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x0njec", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 18, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/x0njec/found_this_in_my_living_room_and_i_dont_remember/", "score": 479, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found this in my living room and I don't remember buying it. Reads like stereo instructions.", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/4txc6olacnk91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/maryPinkBush", "created_utc": "08-29-2022 20:17:01", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x1887y", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x1887y", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/x1887y/im_a_stranger_here_myself_b_bryson/", "score": 28, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I'm a Stranger Here Myself - B. 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Links will be provided upon request.", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "One day I\u2019ll stop buying books that are free on my kindle\u2026 but that day is not today.", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/o94ygvlxtok91.jpg" }, { "author": "[deleted]", "created_utc": "08-29-2022 09:57:34", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x0tro5", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x0tro5", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 7, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/x0tro5/brought_this_on_amazon_i_thought_it_looked_pretty/", "score": 117, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "brought this on amazon. I thought it looked pretty amazing", "upvote_ratio": 0.81, "url": "https://i.redd.it/myicbpa1ook91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/PositivityCentral", "created_utc": "08-29-2022 13:56:28", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x0zndz", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x0zndz", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/x0zndz/1942ww2_us_army_jewish_holy_scriptures_prayer/", "score": 9, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "[1942~WW2] US Army \u2018Jewish Holy Scriptures\u2019 & \u2018Prayer Book\u2019 pocket book set", "upvote_ratio": 0.84, "url": "https://i.redd.it/unwuwnqnupk91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Mirror_Saw", "created_utc": "08-29-2022 09:33:48", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x0t7dz", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x0t7dz", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/x0t7dz/i_was_surprised_to_see_my_secondhand_copy_of/", "score": 13, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I was surprised to see my secondhand copy of G\u00e9rard de Nerval: The Mystic\u2019s Dilemma came with a photograph of G\u00e9rard de Nerval\u2019s grave glued to an endpaper, and right below this photo, there\u2019s a poetic note written more than thirty years ago describing their encounter with the gravesite", "upvote_ratio": 0.94, "url": "https://i.redd.it/tfumn8nsjok91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Civil_guy_6315", "created_utc": "08-29-2022 08:55:17", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x0s97k", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x0s97k", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/x0s97k/got_these_two_for_300_indian_rupees_which_is/", "score": 9, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Got these two for 300 Indian rupees which is equivalent to 3.75 US dollars", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/m5k7a0bxcok91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/shadowhearts1007", "created_utc": "08-29-2022 00:10:55", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x0i8sp", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x0i8sp", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/x0i8sp/heres_some_of_my_favorite_scififantasy_book_covers/", "score": 31, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Here's some of my favorite sci-fi/fantasy book covers", "upvote_ratio": 0.95, "url": "https://i.redd.it/71mzb2fdrlk91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Dreamingofegregores", "created_utc": "08-28-2022 13:20:05", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x050vb", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x050vb", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/x050vb/black_letter_press/", "score": 117, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Black Letter Press", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/rg3wxy59jik91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Don_Quixotel", "created_utc": "08-28-2022 08:22:45", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wzy1jv", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wzy1jv", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 13, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wzy1jv/ive_been_wanting_to_read_this_for_years_rushdies/", "score": 232, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I\u2019ve been wanting to read this for years. Rushdie\u2019s attack accelerated my desire to read it.", "upvote_ratio": 0.94, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ajbj3a472hk91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Meepers100", "created_utc": "08-28-2022 09:31:07", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wzzm6v", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wzzm6v", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 10, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wzzm6v/a_selection_of_some_of_the_books_and_manuscripts/", "score": 93, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "A selection of some of the books and manuscripts I've acquired the last few months. Illuminated manuscripts, embroidered bindings, illustrated works and more, it's a varying collection of materials from 1450 to the mid 19th century.", "upvote_ratio": 0.95, "url": "https://i.redd.it/uhdk2ag8ehk91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/natetrnr", "created_utc": "08-28-2022 08:40:11", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wzyfw5", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wzyfw5", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wzyfw5/bought_these_in_1981_at_a_corner_newsstand_in/", "score": 29, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Bought these in 1981 at a corner newsstand in Madrid", "upvote_ratio": 0.94, "url": "https://i.redd.it/x3pe282a5hk91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Wayward-Werewolf", "created_utc": "08-27-2022 18:42:55", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wzjbsx", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wzjbsx", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 42, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wzjbsx/which_shelf_is_your_favorite/", "score": 305, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Which shelf is your favorite?", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/3m5ha90yzck91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/PositivityCentral", "created_utc": "08-28-2022 08:38:13", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wzyeaj", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wzyeaj", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wzyeaj/1960_the_book_of_the_dead/", "score": 20, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "[1960] The Book Of The Dead", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/547bolwy4hk91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/BookNerdMaybe", "created_utc": "08-27-2022 08:17:12", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wz5d36", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wz5d36", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 17, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wz5d36/this_book_arch_at_my_local_indie_bookstore/", "score": 885, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "This book arch at my local indie bookstore \ud83d\udcda", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/5rq53ow8w9k91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Peachy_Keach", "created_utc": "08-27-2022 11:12:35", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wz9hw1", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wz9hw1", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wz9hw1/book_lounge_at_meow_wolf_in_colorado/", "score": 150, "selftext": "Ignore the person", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Book lounge at Meow Wolf in Colorado", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/773y50qlrak91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/External-Carpenter-6", "created_utc": "08-27-2022 13:51:00", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wzd6gi", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wzd6gi", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wzd6gi/my_fitzgerald_first_editions_first_states/", "score": 18, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "My Fitzgerald first editions, first states. Flappers and Philosophers is in a second printing jacket. Which jacket do you think is the prettiest?", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/uhekk4zujbk91.jpg" }, { "author": "[deleted]", "created_utc": "08-27-2022 09:20:46", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wz6v3e", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wz6v3e", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wz6v3e/the_pride_of_my_bookcase_the_jugendstil/", "score": 13, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "The pride of my bookcase: the \"Jugendstil Pracht-Ausgabe\" of Meyer's Konversations-Lexikon, a monumental encyclopedia in 24 volumes, printed 1905-13 (20 vols+4 supplements)", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/s5nmc8yq6ak91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/sneksandshit", "created_utc": "08-26-2022 18:31:41", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wyq249", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wyq249", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wyq249/not_the_usual_post_but_heres_a_copy_of_homers/", "score": 76, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "not the usual post but heres a copy of homers illiad from 1872", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/sknilg01t5k91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/hibben00", "created_utc": "08-26-2022 12:57:04", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wyin3s", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wyin3s", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wyin3s/happy_international_dog_day_i_just_published_my/", "score": 143, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Happy International Dog Day! 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Bit of an interesting acquisition.", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/2jpifvindpj91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/No-Armadillo-3283", "created_utc": "08-24-2022 14:16:43", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wwv1wd", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wwv1wd", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 7, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wwv1wd/my_growing_collection_of_wwii_period_penguin/", "score": 27, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "My (growing) collection of WWII period Penguin Specials", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/t36we4xo9qj91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/basicbitchera", "created_utc": "08-25-2022 04:15:10", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wxbf1h", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wxbf1h", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wxbf1h/hi_could_you_please_answer_these_2_questions_for/", "score": 0, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "hi could you please answer these 2 questions for a school project", "upvote_ratio": 0.25, "url": "https://forms.gle/JWLv8LeMsBnreFdM7" }, { "author": "u/kepler222b", "created_utc": "08-24-2022 10:44:47", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wwpuxv", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wwpuxv", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wwpuxv/giordano_bruno/", "score": 4, "selftext": "Just got my copy of \"De Magia\", by Giordano Bruno from Black Letter Press. It was translated from Latin by Paul Summers Young. It covers magick, and science.", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Giordano Bruno", "upvote_ratio": 0.84, "url": "https://imgur.com/a/PXitJWQ" }, { "author": "u/tonymorph", "created_utc": "08-23-2022 14:23:48", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ww0iss", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ww0iss", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 56, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/ww0iss/im_a_sucker_for_weird_dark_depressing_stories_lol/", "score": 199, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Im a sucker for weird, dark, depressing stories lol. The downside is that no one in my life has a similar taste in books.", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/232t1hb26jj91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Woof_Onomatopoeia", "created_utc": "08-23-2022 12:58:42", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wvyetd", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wvyetd", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 18, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wvyetd/who_was_a_fan_of_choose_your_own_adventure_type/", "score": 207, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Who was a fan of \"CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE\" type books?", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/9ex1hme1qij91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/whathappenedriorke", "created_utc": "08-23-2022 18:35:04", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ww6adk", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ww6adk", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 11, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/ww6adk/look_at_what_i_got/", "score": 72, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "look at what i got \ud83d\ude0f", "upvote_ratio": 0.91, "url": "https://i.redd.it/dhstsv9wekj91.jpg" }, { "author": "[deleted]", "created_utc": "08-24-2022 03:28:41", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wwfxbp", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wwfxbp", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 8, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wwfxbp/the_old_testament_illustrated_by_samuel_robertson/", "score": 4, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "The Old Testament - Illustrated by Samuel Robertson -- It's a modern, psychedelic, agnostic interpretation - unlike anything else before. It contains 257 illustrations and the entire text of the King James OT. Published by 1111 Press", "upvote_ratio": 0.6, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ogcdo3tb1nj91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/visionaryowl3", "created_utc": "08-23-2022 04:50:27", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wvmqw1", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wvmqw1", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wvmqw1/albert_camuss_the_outsiderthe_stranger_everymans/", "score": 73, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Albert Camus's The Outsider(the stranger) everyman's library edition.", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/glp9h9drbgj91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Dazeelee", "created_utc": "08-22-2022 16:16:36", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wv8erj", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wv8erj", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wv8erj/i_love_book_thrifting_today_was_a_good_day/", "score": 119, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I love book thrifting, today was a good day.", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/jdy8fqs9lcj91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Khaleesi75", "created_utc": "08-22-2022 17:31:27", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wva3df", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wva3df", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 13, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wva3df/nevernight_chronicle_by_jay_kristoff_litjoy_crate/", "score": 62, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Nevernight Chronicle by Jay Kristoff. 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They look to be from ~1916. Paid a dollar per book.", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/wptcxfo00dj91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/celibidaque", "created_utc": "08-22-2022 00:20:55", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wumu61", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wumu61", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wumu61/in_transylvania_theres_an_inn_with_a_library_and/", "score": 299, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "In Transylvania, there\u2019s an inn with a library and a panoramic view, so that you can see Dracula\u2019s castle; there\u2019s also copy of Bram Stocker\u2019s Dracula in their collection as well", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/h65yk90su7j91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/nothanoiflight", "created_utc": "08-21-2022 18:54:42", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wugqs3", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wugqs3", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 12, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wugqs3/20_worth_of_books_from_a_book_sale/", "score": 338, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "$20 worth of books from a book sale", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/f1s696qk86j91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/linglingsiomai", "created_utc": "08-22-2022 05:12:13", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wurzgp", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wurzgp", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wurzgp/been_on_a_scifi_and_fantasy_kick_as_of_late_what/", "score": 25, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Been on a sci-fi and fantasy kick as of late! What are your thoughts about the works of James White and Gordon Dickson?", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/b9rx6ssqa9j91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/EugeneRicotta", "created_utc": "08-21-2022 09:17:39", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wu3frd", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wu3frd", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 11, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wu3frd/a_beautiful_copy_of_the_illustrated_man_in_a/", "score": 268, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "A beautiful copy of The Illustrated Man in a Little Free Library", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/nvxq06jmd3j91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/leunam37s", "created_utc": "08-21-2022 18:05:50", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wufq6o", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wufq6o", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": 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Most are 2nd hand purchases.", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/n0tpaobvwzg91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/ireallyambeyondhelp", "created_utc": "08-11-2022 16:31:30", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wm5nxj", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wm5nxj", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wm5nxj/anais_nin_the_original_book_porn_author_finally/", "score": 2, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Anais Nin, the original book porn author! Finally found a copy of this book.", "upvote_ratio": 0.63, "url": "https://i.redd.it/u9q4bivw56h91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/SpeZiaLiST132", "created_utc": "08-11-2022 03:26:08", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wlo1d5", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wlo1d5", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 10, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wlo1d5/my_steadily_growing_collection_of_books_on_iran/", "score": 17, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "My steadily growing collection of books on Iran, its history, culture and wonderful people.", "upvote_ratio": 0.87, "url": "https://i.redd.it/jz4pqrtc82h91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/HadASword", "created_utc": "08-11-2022 06:46:30", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wlrsu7", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wlrsu7", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wlrsu7/new_arc_from_1111_press/", "score": 7, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "New ARC from 11:11 Press", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/l4u9c5ch93h91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Elizabeth3423", "created_utc": "08-11-2022 01:17:06", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wlm1dp", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wlm1dp", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wlm1dp/my_favorite_french_books/", "score": 10, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "My favorite French books \u2764\ufe0f", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/elz7ey2qm1h91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/GregoryGromit", "created_utc": "08-10-2022 16:48:14", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wlckbv", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wlckbv", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 8, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wlckbv/studers_birds_of_north_america_the_copyright_page/", "score": 26, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "\u201cStuder\u2019s Birds of North America\u201d the copyright page says it\u2019s from 1903. 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Anybody know anything about it?", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/62f51e7x3zg91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/thegoatfreak", "created_utc": "08-10-2022 03:25:37", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wktvw4", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wktvw4", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 21, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wktvw4/this_is_how_im_spending_my_next_few_months/", "score": 261, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "This is how I\u2019m spending my next few months.", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ak4vbizr4vg91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/NumerousHelicopter36", "created_utc": "08-11-2022 05:20:33", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wlq1l9", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wlq1l9", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wlq1l9/i_just_cant_resist_a_cheap_book/", "score": 1, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I just can't resist a cheap book.", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/stephenking/comments/wlpknx/latest_haul_i_think_i_need_a_bigger_bookcase_king/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3" }, { "author": "[deleted]", "created_utc": "08-09-2022 22:28:00", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wkp5vv", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wkp5vv", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wkp5vv/the_research_library_inside_rijksmuseum_amsterdam/", "score": 74, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "The research library inside Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://www.flickr.com/photos/185017394@N08/49790308267/in/dateposted-public" }, { "author": "u/Vincent64ify", "created_utc": "08-09-2022 15:44:10", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wkh0b4", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wkh0b4", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wkh0b4/my_small_folio_society_history_collection/", "score": 88, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "My Small Folio Society History Collection", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.imgur.com/kzKZ3Xx.jpg" }, { "author": "u/tradstickydesign", "created_utc": "08-09-2022 06:44:52", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wk3pfz", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wk3pfz", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wk3pfz/happy_book_lovers_day_enjoy_this_sticker/", "score": 256, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "happy book lovers day! enjoy this sticker", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/0quv7uffzog91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/evernapping", "created_utc": "08-09-2022 18:03:42", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wkk06t", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wkk06t", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 8, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wkk06t/whats_everybodys_finished_pile_looking_like_so/", "score": 29, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "What\u2019s everybody\u2019s finished pile looking like so far? 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Can you guess what my native language(s) is/are?", "upvote_ratio": 0.87, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ayvgjhro4lg91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/My_Scale_iz_a_Libra", "created_utc": "08-08-2022 08:46:09", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wjc5it", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wjc5it", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wjc5it/please_help_looking_to_know_more_about_this_book/", "score": 97, "selftext": "Looking for more information on this book. Molly Bawn by The Dutchess. I\u2019ve had it sitting around for a few years and always wondered about it. I purchased it at a used book store and for some reason it instantly caught my eye. Any insight is appreciated. Thank you!", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Please Help! 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One more ticked off the bucket list for sure.", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Finally made it to Powells", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ul63r603o4g91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/cirinalynn", "created_utc": "08-06-2022 05:58:46", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "whnr1r", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_whnr1r", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/whnr1r/time_to_see_what_all_these_women_are_up_to/", "score": 42, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Time to see what all these women are up to!", "upvote_ratio": 0.91, "url": "https://i.redd.it/itl04c0gc3g91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/oatmylklatte", "created_utc": "08-05-2022 13:36:55", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wh5orx", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wh5orx", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 12, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wh5orx/jeanette_winterson/", "score": 233, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Jeanette Winterson\u2014", "upvote_ratio": 0.95, "url": "https://i.redd.it/8rredgsahyf91.jpg" }, { "author": "[deleted]", "created_utc": "08-05-2022 20:38:55", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wheina", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wheina", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wheina/todays_book_haul/", "score": 35, "selftext": "Always wanted this for my library. Today I came across this set in great shape. 4 bucks a book. Not too bad a deal eh?", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Today's book haul.", "upvote_ratio": 0.9, "url": "https://i.redd.it/dc6617wkk0g91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/oatmylklatte", "created_utc": "08-05-2022 20:48:53", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "whepa1", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_whepa1", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/whepa1/greek_editions_cover_art_is_fantastic/", "score": 29, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Greek editions\u2014 cover art is fantastic", "upvote_ratio": 0.92, "url": "https://i.redd.it/py2twi9dm0g91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Ronzzr11", "created_utc": "08-05-2022 11:09:32", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wh28os", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wh28os", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wh28os/book_haul_todayall_from_henry_bohn_bookstore_in/", "score": 45, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Book Haul today,all from Henry Bohn bookstore in Liverpool.", "upvote_ratio": 0.93, "url": "https://i.redd.it/qsq9frezqxf91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/chaunceton", "created_utc": "08-04-2022 21:02:49", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wgldhp", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wgldhp", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 58, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wgldhp/this_book_just_changed_my_life_i_recommend_we_all/", "score": 296, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "This book just changed my life. 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Looks like only the out area is dirty, but they smell extremely of smoke.", "upvote_ratio": 0.75, "url": "https://i.redd.it/z75e69tvtwf91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/heraclituris", "created_utc": "08-04-2022 08:15:12", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wg3sia", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wg3sia", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 21, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wg3sia/just_about_to_start_to_the_lighthouse_by_virginia/", "score": 227, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Just about to start \u201cTo the Lighthouse\u201d by Virginia Woolf!", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/xqulab5zqpf91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/QasimAttari", "created_utc": "08-05-2022 23:22:18", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "whhdlx", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_whhdlx", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/whhdlx/imam_hussain_ki_karamaat/", "score": 0, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Imam Hussain Ki Karamaat", "upvote_ratio": 0.18, "url": "https://i.redd.it/iavbfttpd1g91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/alexwiec", "created_utc": "08-04-2022 11:04:54", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wg7x8r", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wg7x8r", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wg7x8r/the_worlds_30_most_beautiful_bookshops/", "score": 4, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "The world's 30 most beautiful bookshops", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://twitter.com/AlexAndBooks_/status/1550145062260117506" }, { "author": "u/External-Carpenter-6", "created_utc": "08-03-2022 16:23:03", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wflcu2", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wflcu2", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wflcu2/my_latest_twain_first_edition_third_printing/", "score": 91, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "My latest Twain. 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It's also quite a good book so far :)", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/8oltoubo5se91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Illuminous_V", "created_utc": "07-30-2022 14:26:01", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wc7u8n", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wc7u8n", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 14, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wc7u8n/this_weekends_pickup/", "score": 186, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "This weekend's pickup", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/g9krkz8lwre91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/daddy-hamlet", "created_utc": "07-30-2022 19:28:00", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wcdxdc", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wcdxdc", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wcdxdc/this_weeks_pickup/", "score": 22, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "This weeks pickup", "upvote_ratio": 0.93, "url": "https://i.redd.it/824b6orgete91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/MeneerPenetreer", "created_utc": "07-30-2022 03:48:11", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wbuq28", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wbuq28", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 16, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wbuq28/my_happy_shelf_that_i_keep_trying_to_color_code/", "score": 222, "selftext": "The Herman Charles Bosman books are probably the least well known here. They are South African short stories, usually very funny and told by a narrator called Oom Schalk Lourens. I also regret trying to buy the penguin great ideas book piece by piece instead of in bulk", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "My happy shelf that I keep trying to color code", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/1y5fuzkqqoe91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/ambern1984", "created_utc": "07-30-2022 17:42:01", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wcbx6r", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wcbx6r", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/wcbx6r/just_finished_darling_girl_today_has_anyone_else/", "score": 9, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Just finished Darling Girl today, has anyone else read it? 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An extremely early 16th century edition of the Works of Virgil that recently came into the office. The woodcuts are copies from the 1502 Gruninger edition.", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/271smcotnxc91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/boobubbaloo", "created_utc": "07-21-2022 08:39:48", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w4jsvt", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w4jsvt", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/w4jsvt/my_brazilian_edition_of_pachinko_by_min_jin_lee/", "score": 23, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "My brazilian edition of Pachinko (by Min Jin Lee) and my baby \ud83d\udc99\ud83e\udd0d", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/q61p4s4myxc91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Unusual_Friend_7258", "created_utc": "07-20-2022 17:20:14", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w421b0", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w421b0", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 12, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/w421b0/the_agatha_christie_mystery_collection_at_2nd_and/", "score": 225, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "The Agatha Christie Mystery Collection at 2nd and Charles Today", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/fmzbbrpjetc91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/NinjaJackal", "created_utc": "07-21-2022 00:55:46", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w4asg4", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w4asg4", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/w4asg4/decide_to_get_back_into_reading_in_january_so_my/", "score": 46, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Decide to get back into reading in January so my goal for the year was 12 books, which I\u2019ve already hit mid-July!(George Orwell\u2019s Animal Farm not pictured) Here\u2019s to reading another 12 before December.", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/2qzcft2onvc91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Claudi81", "created_utc": "07-21-2022 10:28:25", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w4mgia", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w4mgia", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/w4mgia/new_publications_stack_photo_from_my_bookstagram/", "score": 5, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "New publications stack! Photo from my bookstagram :)", "upvote_ratio": 0.86, "url": "https://i.redd.it/cm6zo5jzhyc91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/leitzleitz", "created_utc": "07-20-2022 03:21:38", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w3iv4i", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w3iv4i", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 19, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/w3iv4i/after_thinking_back_and_forth_about_the/", "score": 256, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "after thinking back and forth about the rationality of buying it, I finally got myself a 1954 first edition copy of Huxleys famous \u201cThe Doors of Perception\u201d. The topic is very dear to me and I\u2019m happy to have it in my small collection now.", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/2kjc1rbx8pc91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/AWOLInchWorm", "created_utc": "07-20-2022 14:44:43", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w3yfzf", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w3yfzf", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/w3yfzf/some_beautiful_books_picked_up_from_the_local/", "score": 27, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Some beautiful books picked up from the local bookstore today", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/gijot32tmsc91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/marzed19", "created_utc": "07-20-2022 15:27:25", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w3zhb8", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w3zhb8", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/w3zhb8/complete_set_of_the_new_encyclop\u00e6dia_britannica/", "score": 16, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Complete set of The New Encyclop\u00e6dia Britannica, 15th edition, 32 volumes printed in 1998, and also a limited edition Constitution Edition limited to 49,999 units. 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So far there's Frankenstein and Dracula.", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.imgur.com/ErcUHHp.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Cprete9", "created_utc": "07-14-2022 14:02:22", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vz6boq", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vz6boq", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/vz6boq/new_book_day_first_foray_into_manga/", "score": 57, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "New Book Day, First Foray into Manga", "upvote_ratio": 0.94, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ffn1xaxa3nb91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Broccoli_sucks", "created_utc": "07-14-2022 14:06:01", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vz6enk", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vz6enk", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/vz6enk/expanded_my_shelf/", "score": 18, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Expanded my shelf", "upvote_ratio": 0.87, "url": "https://i.redd.it/j5wtfcsx3nb91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/coralrange", "created_utc": "07-14-2022 10:47:08", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vz1u5w", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vz1u5w", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/vz1u5w/tried_to_vibe_with_the_cover/", "score": 29, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Tried to vibe with the cover", "upvote_ratio": 0.94, "url": "https://i.redd.it/sxws7a6h4mb91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/megahertsz", "created_utc": "07-14-2022 10:04:43", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vz0uuf", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vz0uuf", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/bookporn/comments/vz0uuf/flowers_and_their_pedigrees_by_grant_allen/", "score": 23, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Flowers and Their Pedigrees by Grant Allen. 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