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Every single post you see on this site belongs to its own community, with its own set of users, and with its own set of rules. reddit provides you an easy-to-use interface for managing what posts you see by letting you subscribe or unsubscribe from certain subreddits. \n\n* By making an account, you are automatically subscribed to a set of [\"default\" subreddits](http://i.imgur.com/4PxSX4e.png) which are a set of highly popular communities that the administrators of this site feel would give the average person an interesting first experience. \n\n* Don't like one or more of these default subreddits? Use the \"unsubscribe\" button on the sidebar, and start customizing your reddit front page! Find subreddits that interest *you*. Many subreddits feature lists of \"similar subreddits\" that will help you find other awesome places to subscribe to. Looking for a subreddit but you just don't know its name? Try /r/findareddit! Finally, try setting up a [multi-reddit](http://www.redditblog.com/2013/06/browse-future-of-reddit-re-introducing.html) to categorize your subreddit list even further! \n\n--- \n\n## Tips for your account. \n\n* [See and change your preferences.](https://ssl.reddit.com/prefs/) Customize how many [comments](http://i.imgur.com/ZDka3tA.png) show up, what kind of [posts](http://i.imgur.com/FqnC5e2.png) show up, [and more](http://i.imgur.com/vFrZ1C9.png)! \n\n* [Verify your e-mail.](https://ssl.reddit.com/prefs/update/) If you don't do this and you lose your password, you will have no way to log back onto that account. Ever. Please do this! \n\n* Karma is a point system that lets you know how your submissions or comments are doing. The more karma your post has, the more people have upvoted it. Generally a higher karma count on a post means that the community of that subreddit found your post valuable and interesting. Your karma is logged on your user page on the top right. **Please note that self-posts earn you no karma.** Only comments and link-posts do.\n\n## What is the sidebar? \n\n* The [\"sidebar\"](http://i.imgur.com/OVtMd4K.png) is the list of information pertaining to a specific subreddit. At the top you will find a link to submit a post and a link to search the subreddit. It also contains the link to \"subscribe/unsubscribe\" from that subreddit. Underneath that it generally lists the rules, guidelines, relevant information, similar subreddits, etc. \n\n **Note:** many mobile reddit apps require you to press a certain button for the sidebar to show up. Every subreddit has a sidebar. Please don't forget to look for it even if your app doesn't immediately show it! [Here's an image showing where to find it on common reddit apps.](http://imgur.com/a/kgwuy#0)\n\n* You should always read the sidebar before submitting a post to any subreddit, and if you don't understand a rule message the moderators to ask. This ensures that your post stays on the subreddit, as rule-breaking posts will likely be removed.\n\n* Have a question about a submission to a particular subreddit? Ask the moderators there! [Here's an image](http://i.imgur.com/asq0ZhO.png) that shows you where you can typically find the link to message the mods. \n\n---\n\n## Who are moderators? What do they do? \n\n* Each subreddit is a community with its own focus. The mods are volunteers who ensure the subreddit stays true to its purpose by enforcing set rules. For example, /r/android is a subreddit dedicated to discussion of the Android operating system. Anything not directly related to Android is removed by its moderators. Similarly, /r/apple is a subreddit dedicated to discussing Apple and its products. \n\n* Moderators have the power to approve or remove any comments or submissions made to *only the subreddits they moderate.* They can also issue a ban for users on their subreddit. Moderators enforce the rules laid out in the sidebar, so if you follow all the rules in the sidebar you should be good! \n\n## Who are admins? What do they do? \n\n* [Meet the admins.](http://www.reddit.com/about/team) The admins are like super-moderators. They have all the abilities of moderators across every subreddit plus more. They are paid employees of the site and they ensure that the site runs smoothly for all users.\n\n* The admins are generally hands-off when it comes to individual subreddits, letting the moderators and the community decide how its run. **However,** the admins will enforce the [rules of reddit](http://www.reddit.com/rules) on every subreddit. Be familiar with these rules. Failure to follow these rules may earn you a **sitewide ban**, or the closing down of a subreddit. \n\n---\n\n## What is reddiquette? \n\n* [reddiquette](http://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette) is an **informal** set of guidelines to follow before commenting or submitting on reddit. As reddit has grown, certain behaviors have been frowned upon and other behaviors have been encouraged. reddiquette spells out these behaviors so you aren't left wondering why your posts aren't well-received. You might not be banned not following reddiquette, but you will probably be showered in downvotes if you don't. \n\n--- \n\n## Help! What happened to my post? \n\n* reddit is a huge forum with millions of users. Many posts are made here every day. Many, many posts are made with the intention to spam or harass other users. Other posts just don't fit the subreddit. Moderators have to filter through these posts every day to ensure their subreddit stays on topic and free of hostility. Some moderators use bots to help them report posts, some moderators do it all themselves. Every subreddit is different. If you find your post not showing up in the subreddit, your best bet is to ask the moderators there why it's not showing up. *Please note: when you message the moderators, ALL moderators can read it! It's a shared inbox!* \n\n * *I can still see my post but others say they can't?* \n Nothing is really removed from reddit, if a mod removes something it is de-listed for others to see. You can still see it with a direct link. \n\n * *My post was removed because it was spam? What gives?*\n Spam is a tricky subject, reddit has several base rules but much of it is left for moderators to decide. reddit's [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/wiki/faq) has a good section explaining it.\n\n--- \n\n## I have a great idea for a subreddit!\n\n* Awesome! [Message the moderators](http://i.imgur.com/asq0ZhO.png) so you can talk to them \n\n## I have a great idea for reddit as a site!\n\n* Awesome too! Post it in /r/ideasfortheadmins \n\n## What if I don't like the moderators or how the subreddit is run? \n\n* That's okay, reddit was built to handle just that! First though, make sure that you talk to the moderators of that subreddit just to be sure there aren't any misunderstandings, or if you can't just compromise. Otherwise, make your own community! [Here is an excellent guide](http://www.reddit.com/r/creesch/wiki/mod101) for starting and moderating your own subreddit. \n\n* Moderators are people, too, so if you want your voice heard consider messaging them politely with your concerns. We care about the communities we help run and would hate to see users leave because of something that we can help fix! \n\n\n---\n\n## What if I need help with something else? \n\n* Try /r/help for general help on reddit. /r/askmoderators can also help you out if you need to ask mods about anything. \n\n## I think I found a bug.\n\n* Uh oh. If you are using an application or extension, most have a subreddit you can post in! (/r/RESIssues, /r/alienblue, /r/redditisfun). If you found a bug with reddit itself, post it to /r/bugs (more serious issues should be sent directly to the reddit security team: see the /r/bugs sidebar for contact information.) \n\n\n##Other Subreddits of Note\n\n* Other good subreddits to check out for help with various topics are /r/Modhelp, /r/Modnews, /r/ChangeLog, /r/Blog, and /r/Announcements.\n\n--- \n\n[Read more about reddit and how it works.](http://www.reddit.com/wiki/faq) \n\n[Also, see the FAQ on /r/help!](http://www.reddit.com/r/help/wiki/faq)\n", "spoiler": false, "stickied": true, "title": "Reddit 101", "upvote_ratio": 0.56, "url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/FossilPorn/comments/2bzequ/reddit_101/" }, { "author": "u/egroegkcalb", "created_utc": "12-15-2022 06:28:51", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "zmmegj", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_zmmegj", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/zmmegj/a_nice_chunky_dac_from_north_yorkshire/", "score": 160, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "A nice chunky dac from north Yorkshire", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/vy45q78h546a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/baphometsewerat", "created_utc": "12-15-2022 20:04:20", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "zn5jpl", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_zn5jpl", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/zn5jpl/my_oreodont_skull_found_around_douglas_wy_given/", "score": 6, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "My Oreodont skull found around Douglas, WY. Given to me by a family friend. Unfortunately r/FossilPorn only lets you up load one photo. Mandible, rostrum and partial frontal cranium.", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/mlpkfdlx686a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/egroegkcalb", "created_utc": "12-15-2022 06:29:27", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "zmmeya", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_zmmeya", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/zmmeya/north_yorkshire_hildy/", "score": 60, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "North Yorkshire hildy", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/v7hfo61l546a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/egroegkcalb", "created_utc": "12-15-2022 06:28:21", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "zmme1t", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_zmme1t", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/zmme1t/2_small_dacs_with_worn_calcite_chambers_showing/", "score": 59, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "2 small dacs with worn calcite Chambers showing", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/5qh20uyd546a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/SimonTheSmartass", "created_utc": "12-14-2022 04:39:41", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "zlpx8k", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_zlpx8k", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 8, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/zlpx8k/table_and_bench_of_fossilized_wood_sitting_on/", "score": 370, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Table and bench of fossilized wood sitting on roots", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/hxs35iu1hw5a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/ShoreLinePoky", "created_utc": "12-14-2022 09:02:00", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "zlw825", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_zlw825", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 9, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/zlw825/im_pretty_new_to_this_whole_thing_but_someone/", "score": 34, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I'm pretty new to this whole thing but someone recommended I post it. Found in the water near Rock Island State Park in Tennessee. Seems petrified to me as well.", "upvote_ratio": 0.93, "url": "https://i.redd.it/e358rt8wrx5a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/TerminatorTortoise", "created_utc": "12-13-2022 11:47:29", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "zl4y7k", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_zl4y7k", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 29, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/zl4y7k/gifted_fossil_but_no_idea_what_it_is/", "score": 88, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Gifted fossil but no idea what it is", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/05zavb7zyp5a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Evil-Weevil_", "created_utc": "12-13-2022 05:28:23", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "zkvrn9", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_zkvrn9", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/zkvrn9/partial_shell_of_a_prehistoric_freshwater_turtle/", "score": 263, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Partial Shell of a Prehistoric Freshwater Turtle", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ax4jygdm9j5a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Plus045", "created_utc": "12-12-2022 15:22:03", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "zkf8dq", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_zkf8dq", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 109, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/zkf8dq/hey_my_dad_is_saying_this_a_some_sort_of_fossil/", "score": 323, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "hey my dad is saying this a some sort of fossil but I think it's just a rock what do you guys think", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/sayfadcvdl5a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/_LelLolLulz_", "created_utc": "12-12-2022 16:04:12", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "zkgavc", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_zkgavc", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/zkgavc/friend_found_this_urchin_in_gatesville_tx/", "score": 67, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Friend found this urchin in Gatesville, TX", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/hji7ikydll5a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/The-Curious-Scholar", "created_utc": "12-12-2022 03:27:19", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "zjwbf2", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_zjwbf2", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 7, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/zjwbf2/an_amazing_picture_of_280_millionyearold_fossil/", "score": 359, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "An amazing picture of 280 million-year-old fossil found in Western Australia, Gascoyne region.", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/wioep6flie5a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/txbobcat21", "created_utc": "12-12-2022 11:42:24", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "zk95dv", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_zk95dv", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/zk95dv/first_shark_vertebrae_central_texas/", "score": 54, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "First shark vertebrae. 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Central Texas creek find.", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/8bcn7yzufd5a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/forager72", "created_utc": "12-11-2022 15:58:05", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "zjfeoi", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_zjfeoi", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/zjfeoi/ive_had_this_rock_for_a_while_now/", "score": 26, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I've had this rock for a while now. :)", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/o5u8akodfe5a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/egroegkcalb", "created_utc": "12-11-2022 05:45:43", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ziskqq", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ziskqq", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ziskqq/some_of_my_favourites_from_my_collection/", "score": 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It feel off and new is growing)", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/oyao2rd4f54a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/ruinkind", "created_utc": "12-04-2022 16:04:16", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "zcqhc0", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_zcqhc0", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 10, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/zcqhc0/the_largest_impression_fossil_ive_found/", "score": 138, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "The largest impression fossil I\u2019ve found.", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/6e0qolw3i04a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/arazac", "created_utc": "12-04-2022 06:02:38", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "zcahb8", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_zcahb8", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 8, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/zcahb8/finds_from_a_recent_hunting_trip_at_my_workplace/", "score": 160, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Finds from a recent hunting trip at my workplace! 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This one is set on Luna Moth wings & has a little Welo Opal set delicately in the center spiral of the fossil!", "upvote_ratio": 0.82, "url": "https://i.redd.it/p0b244qmzl3a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/helloitsmeya", "created_utc": "12-02-2022 16:09:10", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "zb2e7d", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_zb2e7d", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/zb2e7d/fossil_identification_does_anyone_know_what_type/", "score": 26, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Fossil identification. 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It\u2019s one of a few I have, but the only one I polished.", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/xma815lk8t2a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/mmmmkay23", "created_utc": "11-28-2022 14:31:02", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "z7avu0", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_z7avu0", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/z7avu0/found_along_southern_lake_michigan/", "score": 84, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found along southern Lake Michigan", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/3a8l4fc08t2a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Additional_Decision6", "created_utc": "11-28-2022 16:30:46", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "z7dzzi", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_z7dzzi", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/z7dzzi/this_oyster_shell_in_a_limestone_facade/", "score": 43, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "This oyster shell in a limestone facade", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/459mqobdtt2a1.png" }, { "author": "u/AutoModerator", "created_utc": "11-28-2022 09:24:11", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "z72f30", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": true, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_z72f30", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/z72f30/happy_cakeday_rfossilporn_today_youre_10/", "score": 17, "selftext": "Let's look back at some memorable moments and interesting insights from last year.\n\n**Your top 10 posts:**\n\n* \"[The most complete dinosaur ever found \\[the story of this fossil is in the comments\\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/FossilPorn/comments/xk02pr)\" by [u/sci\\_bastian](https://www.reddit.com/user/sci_bastian)\n* \"[5 million years separate them (self collected, France)](https://www.reddit.com/r/FossilPorn/comments/wvnkiq)\" by [u/Magicarpe3](https://www.reddit.com/user/Magicarpe3)\n* \"[Just a rock? Found In my friends creek. Oklahoma](https://www.reddit.com/r/FossilPorn/comments/wymp8w)\" by [u/legolas918](https://www.reddit.com/user/legolas918)\n* \"[I work at a kindergarten and a kid threw and smashed a stone. As such, this was revealed. Now we\u2019re eager to find out what it could be- a small rodent perhaps? Location; Denmark. Thank you!](https://www.reddit.com/r/FossilPorn/comments/t4z6lq)\" by [u/dontkissmeimsick](https://www.reddit.com/user/dontkissmeimsick)\n* \"[FREE EBENEZER!! This Is Ebenezer, one of the largest and most complete Allosaurs ever discovered. Unfortunately he is in the hands of the Creationist museum and is being used to spread their belief that the earth is only 6,000 years old. He should be in a proper scientific facility!](https://www.reddit.com/r/FossilPorn/comments/vp5u5o)\" by [u/AffirmingToe15](https://www.reddit.com/user/AffirmingToe15)\n* \"[Largest crinoid fossil ever found in Hauff Museum, near Stuttgart](https://www.reddit.com/r/FossilPorn/comments/v0duo3)\" by [u/JamuelSackson420](https://www.reddit.com/user/JamuelSackson420)\n* \"[Crinoid Cluster (21\u201d by 16\u201d)](https://www.reddit.com/r/FossilPorn/comments/y79emn)\" by [u/sidthekid111895](https://www.reddit.com/user/sidthekid111895)\n* \"[In 1663, the partial fossilised skeleton of a woolly rhinoceros was discovered in Germany. This is the \u201cMagdeburg Unicorn\u201d, one of the worst fossil reconstructions in human history.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FossilPorn/comments/wp3175)\" by [u/ESPerskelter](https://www.reddit.com/user/ESPerskelter)\n* \"[3/4 of what we came back with after 8 hours splitting shale](https://www.reddit.com/r/FossilPorn/comments/xow5eh)\" by [u/brilz13](https://www.reddit.com/user/brilz13)\n* \"[Dining table I built out of fossils](https://www.reddit.com/r/FossilPorn/comments/uxgitw)\" by [u/pycckuu\\_brady](https://www.reddit.com/user/pycckuu_brady)", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Happy Cakeday, r/FossilPorn! 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Found in Texas.", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/zn5lcstcvn2a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/picandprocess", "created_utc": "11-27-2022 20:40:03", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "z6mxk4", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_z6mxk4", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/z6mxk4/this_is_a_flat_piece_i_found_laying_on_the_ground/", "score": 53, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "This is a flat piece I found laying on the ground that\u2019s a bunch of tiny shells it looks like. Found in Texas.", "upvote_ratio": 0.93, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ixwze9gxwn2a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Tokes_McGoats", "created_utc": "11-27-2022 00:00:55", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "z5vd7w", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_z5vd7w", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/z5vd7w/mammoth_tooth/", "score": 189, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Mammoth Tooth", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/pfsb1wzurh2a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/AdAccordings", "created_utc": "11-26-2022 19:01:53", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "z5ps9y", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_z5ps9y", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 14, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/z5ps9y/large_gravicalymene_my_dad_found_in_the/", "score": 417, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Large Gravicalymene my dad found in the Ordovician of NY", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/p9bx5pfiag2a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/afartinspace", "created_utc": "11-26-2022 05:44:56", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "z57wiy", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_z57wiy", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/z57wiy/baby_priscacara/", "score": 234, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Baby priscacara", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/cb8f3qcbcc2a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/GlitchyEntity", "created_utc": "11-26-2022 11:49:47", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "z5g6d8", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_z5g6d8", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/z5g6d8/bottle_full_of_bryzoan_twigs_from_hustonville_ky/", "score": 52, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Bottle full of Bryzoan twigs from Hustonville KY. :)", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/wmqmr6he5e2a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/VenomFire", "created_utc": "11-26-2022 13:10:37", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "z5i1yj", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_z5i1yj", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/z5i1yj/symphyseal_o_megalodon_tooth_i_found_today_in/", "score": 2, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Symphyseal O. 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This kind of limestone usually contains small rudist fossils dating 120 million years", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/5tq0r5wspz1a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/egroegkcalb", "created_utc": "11-22-2022 08:54:18", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "z1yk2k", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_z1yk2k", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 7, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/z1yk2k/cute_little_dac_i_split_today/", "score": 286, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Cute little dac I split today", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/bu34zklgqk1a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/hurtum", "created_utc": "11-22-2022 12:36:50", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "z2491p", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_z2491p", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/z2491p/one_of_my_favorite_in_collection/", "score": 74, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "One of my favorite in collection.", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/nhufgpy5ul1a1.png" }, { "author": "u/hot__ice", "created_utc": "11-22-2022 14:18:10", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "z26xok", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_z26xok", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/z26xok/beautiful_new_jersey_ammonite_link_and/", "score": 28, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Beautiful New Jersey Ammonite (link and description in comments)", "upvote_ratio": 0.89, "url": "https://i.redd.it/xjh0uqv8cm1a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/egroegkcalb", "created_utc": "11-22-2022 08:53:49", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "z1yjmv", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_z1yjmv", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/z1yjmv/saltwick_hildi/", "score": 14, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Saltwick hildi", "upvote_ratio": 0.86, "url": "https://i.redd.it/t8hstkgdqk1a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Sum1udontkno", "created_utc": "11-21-2022 11:16:28", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "z17g01", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_z17g01", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 19, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/z17g01/megolodon_tooth_at_a_fossil_shop_in_drumheller_ab/", "score": 338, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Megolodon tooth at a fossil shop in Drumheller, AB, Canada", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.imgur.com/PaPFrUm.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Ccjj2244", "created_utc": "11-21-2022 13:30:38", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "z1avtf", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_z1avtf", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/z1avtf/may_not_be_anywhere_near_my_largest_tooth_but_it/", "score": 76, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "May not be anywhere near my largest tooth but it sure is one of my personal favorites.", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/4dksb9puye1a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Guns-and-Pumpkins", "created_utc": "11-21-2022 12:07:06", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "z18qw6", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_z18qw6", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/z18qw6/find_from_this_weekend_pathologic_cacutissimus/", "score": 29, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Find from this weekend. 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Thanks, and enjoy!", "upvote_ratio": 0.91, "url": "https://i.redd.it/95ikbooerf1a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Better-Obligation704", "created_utc": "11-21-2022 09:20:44", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "z14gla", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_z14gla", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/z14gla/petoskey_stone_oc/", "score": 9, "selftext": "I\u2019m originally from the town across the bay from Petoskey so Petoskey stones have always been a love of mine. On my most recent trip home, I picked up this guy to keep on my desk at work in California so I can show my clients and coworkers \ud83e\udd70 [OC]", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Petoskey stone! 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Spinosaurus tooth I\u2019ve had for years", "upvote_ratio": 0.93, "url": "https://i.redd.it/bi1lkeoqgr0a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Belmontlives", "created_utc": "11-18-2022 03:30:40", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yyhvr7", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yyhvr7", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 8, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yyhvr7/this_has_been_in_a_cupboard_at_home_for_at_least/", "score": 52, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "This has been in a cupboard at home for at least 20 years. No idea what it is. Wollongong NSW Australia. Any ideas ?", "upvote_ratio": 0.89, "url": "https://i.redd.it/4b8ify02lq0a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Crazy-Huckleberry199", "created_utc": "11-18-2022 06:23:11", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yylasb", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yylasb", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yylasb/other_side_thanks_all/", "score": 11, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Other side - thanks all", "upvote_ratio": 0.92, "url": "https://i.redd.it/dc9gw3tufr0a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Crazy-Huckleberry199", "created_utc": "11-18-2022 06:22:11", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yyl9za", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yyl9za", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yyl9za/lil_help_on_today_beach_find_sound_and_feel_of/", "score": 9, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Lil help on today beach find - sound and feel of stone", "upvote_ratio": 0.84, "url": "https://i.redd.it/1ks0qldofr0a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Pterosaw", "created_utc": "11-18-2022 08:07:59", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yynoq2", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yynoq2", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yynoq2/my_set_up_so_far/", "score": 1, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "My set up so far", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/l44gh42kyr0a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/__penis", "created_utc": "11-17-2022 05:32:18", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yxqd55", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yxqd55", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yxqd55/another_view_of_the_cornpoopcoralwasp_nest_fossil/", "score": 131, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "another view of the corn/poop/coral/wasp nest fossil from SE indiana.", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/nutuz2zaki0a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/__penis", "created_utc": "11-16-2022 06:11:38", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ywugmc", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ywugmc", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 28, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ywugmc/any_idea_what_this_could_be_my_first_thought_is/", "score": 77, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Any idea what this could be? My first thought is some kind of reptile skin, but probably wishful thinking. Found in SE indiana", "upvote_ratio": 0.93, "url": "https://i.redd.it/3rpeborfmb0a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Lucifer_Aadvay", "created_utc": "11-15-2022 10:58:35", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yw6ac9", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yw6ac9", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 17, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yw6ac9/fossil_identification_found_at_a_quarry_in_the/", "score": 161, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Fossil Identification? 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Now I am just bored. Whats your favorite fossil type?", "upvote_ratio": 0.9, "url": "https://i.redd.it/206irlv2a80a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/lafi8551", "created_utc": "11-14-2022 19:43:37", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yvluzc", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yvluzc", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yvluzc/ive_had_this_forever/", "score": 207, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I\u2019ve had this forever", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/b5owqxlhd10a1.jpg" }, { "author": "u/RockandGemCollector", "created_utc": "11-14-2022 05:32:29", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yuziae", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yuziae", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yuziae/got_lucky_finding_this_on_the_side_of_my_house/", "score": 165, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Got lucky finding this on the side of my house", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/cb3hnsrm5xz91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/egroegkcalb", "created_utc": "11-13-2022 09:30:06", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yu845b", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yu845b", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 13, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yu845b/bit_of_matrix_work_on_this_hildi_from_saltwick/", "score": 202, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Bit of matrix work on this hildi from saltwick", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/l0mpg83nosz91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/egroegkcalb", "created_utc": "11-13-2022 13:47:49", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yufh68", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yufh68", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yufh68/hildoceras_bifrons_from_saltwick_bay_north/", "score": 51, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "hildoceras bifrons from saltwick Bay North Yorkshire coast", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ns3fjn7mytz91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/OioMik", "created_utc": "11-13-2022 02:17:16", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ytxma1", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ytxma1", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 11, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ytxma1/myrmeleontidae_larvae_in_burmese_amber/", "score": 264, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Myrmeleontidae larvae in Burmese amber.", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/zzuukgtejqz91.png" }, { "author": "u/kujin47", "created_utc": "11-13-2022 12:48:45", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yudpgq", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yudpgq", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 9, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yudpgq/can_anyone_tell_me_more_about_this_my_friend_got/", "score": 34, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Can anyone tell me more about this? My friend got it in Michigan and won\u2019t tell me the price she payed for it, the sticker also says Madagascar on it and that\u2019s all I know about it.", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/58xo2l1k6sz91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Mustang369", "created_utc": "11-13-2022 10:32:03", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yu9vmm", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yu9vmm", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yu9vmm/k\u0101pia_nz_amber_kauri_gum_copa_fossilised_tree/", "score": 13, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "K\u0101pia / NZ Amber / Kauri Gum / Copa / Fossilised tree resin", "upvote_ratio": 0.82, "url": "https://www.reddit.com/gallery/yu7wj3" }, { "author": "u/Successful_Theme_595", "created_utc": "11-12-2022 16:42:21", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ytnb5w", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ytnb5w", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ytnb5w/another_michigan_find/", "score": 88, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Another Michigan find", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/1ekeezib7mz91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Successful_Theme_595", "created_utc": "11-12-2022 16:09:03", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ytmlke", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ytmlke", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ytmlke/found_in_michigan/", "score": 20, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found in Michigan", "upvote_ratio": 0.89, "url": "https://i.redd.it/s09qu5ed1mz91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Slimsloow", "created_utc": "11-12-2022 16:48:11", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ytnfj0", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ytnfj0", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 9, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ytnfj0/thought_it_was_a_nothing_special_but_it_looks_to/", "score": 8, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Thought it was a nothing special but it looks to be a small heart.", "upvote_ratio": 0.72, "url": "https://i.redd.it/27vqg2uc8mz91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/egroegkcalb", "created_utc": "11-12-2022 13:17:55", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ytimy8", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ytimy8", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ytimy8/pleuro_from_the_holderness/", "score": 15, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "pleuro from the holderness", "upvote_ratio": 0.82, "url": "https://i.redd.it/54g1tjcdomz91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Successful_Theme_595", "created_utc": "11-12-2022 16:45:42", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ytndqq", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ytndqq", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ytndqq/last_michigan_find_about_18x18/", "score": 6, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Last Michigan find about 18\u201dx18\u201d", "upvote_ratio": 0.8, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ss855cow7mz91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Coollikefonzie", "created_utc": "11-11-2022 15:43:39", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ysqw2f", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ysqw2f", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 9, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ysqw2f/granite_vein_or_fossil/", "score": 79, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Granite Vein or Fossil?", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/qzmq4svxrez91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/DanJeavo", "created_utc": "11-11-2022 11:24:07", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ysk9ii", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ysk9ii", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ysk9ii/absolute_monster_of_an_ichthyosaur_vert_i_found/", "score": 139, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Absolute monster of an ichthyosaur vert I found recently in Whitby. UK. Probably Temnodontosaurus", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ba0epwtmhdz91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Big_Black_Cockatoo", "created_utc": "11-11-2022 14:39:31", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yspfhf", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yspfhf", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yspfhf/chain_coral_i_freed_from_its_matrix_with_water/", "score": 33, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "chain coral I freed from its matrix with water, vinegar, dish soap and a toothbrush", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://www.reddit.com/gallery/yson81" }, { "author": "u/Virtual-Group-4725", "created_utc": "11-11-2022 02:39:32", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ys6xe1", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ys6xe1", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 15, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ys6xe1/any_info_on_this/", "score": 278, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Any info on this?", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/2wrjozzm48z91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/edvo0881", "created_utc": "11-10-2022 20:26:48", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ys12v1", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ys12v1", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 7, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ys12v1/some_asked_for_higher_res_photo_of_this_fossil_so/", "score": 85, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Some asked for higher res photo of this fossil, so here it is, I found this in Jordan, also the bone like rock was found nearby, I posted that a couple days ago.", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/mo04k0u719z91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/fucreddit", "created_utc": "11-10-2022 09:44:06", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yrmcr2", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yrmcr2", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 9, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yrmcr2/is_this_a_fossilized_tree_or_bone_found_in_south/", "score": 118, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "is this a fossilized tree or bone? Found in south coast Oregon slough, about 1'x10\". I also found easily identifiable tree fossils but this one is different.[OC]", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/jg9s6fkec7z91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Florks", "created_utc": "11-09-2022 20:47:02", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yr5llq", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yr5llq", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 15, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yr5llq/found_this_neat_guy_along_the_north_saskatchewan/", "score": 103, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found this neat guy along the North Saskatchewan River about 30 mins west of Edmonton Alberta. I'm not sure if it's a fossil or just an interesting rock. Would love to know if it's anything special. It's perogy shaped and about 5cm long.", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.imgur.com/DcLYRXa.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Pitiful-Comfortable2", "created_utc": "11-10-2022 19:36:25", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ys055q", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ys055q", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ys055q/rock_or_fossilized_tooth_kinda_looks_like_a_rock/", "score": 1, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Rock or fossilized tooth? Kinda looks like a rock", "upvote_ratio": 0.57, "url": "https://i.redd.it/x2lmao6ks8z91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/icgretethe", "created_utc": "11-09-2022 07:49:16", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yqmodd", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yqmodd", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 21, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yqmodd/i_found_this_in_a_dry_creek_bed_along_the/", "score": 218, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I found this in a dry creek bed along the Mississippi river in SW Illinois. Does anyone know what's on this?", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/4yyr5gmzmzy91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/nutfeast69", "created_utc": "11-09-2022 16:51:22", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yr0uzi", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yr0uzi", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yr0uzi/partially_pyritized_bone_placoderm_from_top_of/", "score": 30, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "partially pyritized bone (Placoderm?) from top of Devonian, Alberta (more in comments)", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/w2hbhic6u0z91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/SnooCompliments3428", "created_utc": "11-09-2022 03:09:40", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yqfsy8", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yqfsy8", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 12, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yqfsy8/peekaboo/", "score": 83, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Peekaboo", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/d6o7qyz39yy91.png" }, { "author": "u/egroegkcalb", "created_utc": "11-09-2022 10:43:27", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yqrlqu", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yqrlqu", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yqrlqu/nice_bone_block_from_the_holderness_today/", "score": 15, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Nice bone block from the holderness today", "upvote_ratio": 0.83, "url": "https://i.redd.it/mwi81rv2i0z91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/bbzelda", "created_utc": "11-08-2022 21:07:40", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yq99go", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yq99go", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 13, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yq99go/ammonite_party_with_loonie_for_scale_found_on/", "score": 78, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Ammonite party with loonie for scale. Found on Vancouver Island, British Columbia", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/6t6v7z1yyuy91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/no_usernames_avail", "created_utc": "11-08-2022 18:49:08", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yq6htb", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yq6htb", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 8, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yq6htb/my_tully/", "score": 58, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "my tully!", "upvote_ratio": 0.95, "url": "https://i.redd.it/yh7ui4xaauy91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/DyingObscurity", "created_utc": "11-08-2022 11:10:49", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ypvisc", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ypvisc", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 13, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ypvisc/i_bought_this_fossil_from_one_of_my_favorite/", "score": 163, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I bought this fossil from one of my favorite shops. He gave it to me for 60 and even threw in a fish imprint. Both are from the green river formation.", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/1xnk5y5j0sy91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Jonahw8", "created_utc": "11-08-2022 10:03:40", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yptqy7", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yptqy7", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 107, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yptqy7/i_want_to_knife_works_in_tn_and_i_saw_that_a/", "score": 117, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I want to Knife Works in TN and I saw that a Mammoth bone was found in Florida. my question is how did a Mammoth get to hot wet Florida? am aware of Pangea but why is it hard to believe.", "upvote_ratio": 0.83, "url": "https://i.redd.it/0phbbug26ty91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Distinct-Lie-1251", "created_utc": "11-08-2022 16:09:01", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yq31e4", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yq31e4", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yq31e4/gonna_try_to_see_if_theres_more_but_my_best_find/", "score": 35, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "gonna try to see if theres more but my best find yet", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/lqljg1tfgty91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Own-Emphasis2065", "created_utc": "11-08-2022 01:15:14", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ypgktf", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ypgktf", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 11, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ypgktf/petrified_pine_cone_random_piece_of_wood_i/", "score": 216, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "petrified pine cone + random piece of wood i thought would make a sweet display. This petrified pine cone is one of my favorite finds!", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/cvh2qrosjqy91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/DemocraticSpider", "created_utc": "11-08-2022 19:58:36", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yq7x5y", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yq7x5y", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yq7x5y/bivalve_and_brachiopod_assemblage_with_some/", "score": 7, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Bivalve and brachiopod assemblage with some bryozoans and tentaculites! Port Huron, Devonian", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/eael1r2pmuy91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Awkward-Pollution-33", "created_utc": "11-08-2022 11:54:10", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ypwn8o", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ypwn8o", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ypwn8o/my_grandfather_has_this_in_his_house_any_idea/", "score": 21, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "My grandfather has this in his house. Any idea what it is? It looks like a giant shark tooth to me, like a Megalodon, or it's fake, idk", "upvote_ratio": 0.92, "url": "https://i.redd.it/4i9cxxgspty91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/edvo0881", "created_utc": "11-08-2022 02:34:37", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ypi6ob", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ypi6ob", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 15, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ypi6ob/is_this_a_bone_found_it_in_jordan/", "score": 65, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Is this a bone? Found it in Jordan.", "upvote_ratio": 0.93, "url": "https://i.redd.it/wghfckofgpy91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Own-Emphasis2065", "created_utc": "11-08-2022 01:13:33", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ypgjie", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ypgjie", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ypgjie/my_latest_fossil_finds_im_obsessed_with_ammonite/", "score": 30, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "my latest fossil finds. I'm obsessed with Ammonite", "upvote_ratio": 0.93, "url": "https://i.redd.it/fnlq0x2ijqy91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Changestobetrue", "created_utc": "11-07-2022 21:05:28", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ypbtjr", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ypbtjr", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ypbtjr/steinkerns_anyone_show_our_trace_fossils_they_are/", "score": 23, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Steinkerns anyone? Show our trace fossils they are loved!", "upvote_ratio": 0.9, "url": "https://i.redd.it/3rbhnblptny91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/egroegkcalb", "created_utc": "11-07-2022 07:46:27", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yoquk2", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yoquk2", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yoquk2/little_saltwick_hildi/", "score": 202, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "little saltwick hildi", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/jt29axjocly91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/armikai", "created_utc": "11-06-2022 09:56:35", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ynxbhh", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ynxbhh", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 34, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ynxbhh/i_dont_know_where_to_post_this_is_this_real_i/", "score": 243, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I don\u2019t know where to post this. Is this real ? I found it on my moms garage.", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/hm3t3yafddy91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/AdAccordings", "created_utc": "11-06-2022 14:36:22", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yo53fb", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yo53fb", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yo53fb/gravicalymene_and_headless_triarthrus_from_the/", "score": 73, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Gravicalymene and headless Triarthrus from the Trenton Group of NY. Self prepped, collected by my father.", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/db3mywmdrey91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Objective_Ad_1570", "created_utc": "11-06-2022 15:22:34", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yo65qf", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yo65qf", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 17, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yo65qf/this_been_in_my_family_as_long_as_i_can_remember/", "score": 61, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "This been in my family as long as I can remember. We always called it The Turtle. Is it??", "upvote_ratio": 0.91, "url": "https://i.redd.it/8lo8u52mzey91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Viper_Visionary", "created_utc": "11-06-2022 18:01:17", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yo9n3q", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yo9n3q", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yo9n3q/a_genuine_ammonite_fossil_from_a_shell_and_coral/", "score": 28, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "A genuine ammonite fossil from a shell and coral collection my father inherited from a relative. Would it be possible to tell the age or species?", "upvote_ratio": 0.92, "url": "https://i.redd.it/smfza7xxrfy91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/SnooCompliments3428", "created_utc": "11-06-2022 09:36:07", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ynwr95", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ynwr95", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ynwr95/found_a_peripristis_tooth_the_rain_helped_expose/", "score": 27, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found a Peripristis tooth the rain helped expose yesterday.", "upvote_ratio": 0.93, "url": "https://i.redd.it/fahzzw0crey91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/OioMik", "created_utc": "11-06-2022 04:02:21", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yno5t3", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yno5t3", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yno5t3/latridiidae_corticariinae_in_baltic_amber/", "score": 44, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Latridiidae corticariinae in Baltic amber.", "upvote_ratio": 0.9, "url": "https://i.redd.it/fbj9emur3dy91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/AdAccordings", "created_utc": "11-05-2022 18:13:45", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yncnpx", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yncnpx", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 13, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yncnpx/after_2_years_of_on_and_off_collecting_in_the/", "score": 225, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "After 2 years of on and off collecting in the Ordovician of New York, I\u2019ve finally found my first complete Triarthrus beckii trilobite.", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/p3q3krije8y91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/GamingGlaceon3707YT", "created_utc": "11-06-2022 09:51:05", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ynx5z2", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ynx5z2", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 7, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ynx5z2/need_help_identifying_a_fossil_found_in_the_ocean/", "score": 5, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Need help identifying a fossil found in the ocean, FL.", "upvote_ratio": 0.86, "url": "https://i.redd.it/1520yqugcdy91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/edvo0881", "created_utc": "11-05-2022 09:45:13", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ymz96o", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ymz96o", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 22, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ymz96o/found_this_in_jordan_any_ideas_what_it_it/", "score": 180, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found this in Jordan, any ideas what it it? Prehistoric terd?", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/takc1aitv5y91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Various_Permission47", "created_utc": "11-05-2022 16:22:14", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yn9vqf", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yn9vqf", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yn9vqf/found_on_the_beach_in_ireland_today_are_theses/", "score": 27, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "found on the beach in Ireland today. 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It pays to loom back at your scrap rocks", "upvote_ratio": 0.92, "url": "https://i.redd.it/dxk92uk6w7y91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/egroegkcalb", "created_utc": "11-05-2022 15:57:46", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yn97j6", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yn97j6", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yn97j6/little_echinoid_found_on_the_holderness_coast/", "score": 17, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "little echinoid found on the holderness coast", "upvote_ratio": 0.95, "url": "https://i.redd.it/6gadi70s79y91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Dbirds21", "created_utc": "11-05-2022 09:47:07", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ymzazm", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ymzazm", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 11, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ymzazm/what_is_this_a_tooth_or_something/", "score": 53, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "What is this? 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Late cretaceous 70mya. Chaco,NM. External shell mold.", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/jfx9eby6ylw91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Butterfly_Heaven101", "created_utc": "10-27-2022 17:50:35", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yf8wsq", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yf8wsq", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 7, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yf8wsq/check_these_little_dudes_out/", "score": 205, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Check these little dudes out!", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/vnbdj5xpjhw91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Changestobetrue", "created_utc": "10-27-2022 21:11:22", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yfdido", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yfdido", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yfdido/teleoceras_jaw_and_tooth_portion_175_to_49_mya/", "score": 13, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Teleoceras jaw and tooth portion 17.5 to 4.9 mya.", "upvote_ratio": 0.85, "url": "https://i.redd.it/g46pgtl02hw91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/realtheen", "created_utc": "10-26-2022 20:28:34", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yehayq", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yehayq", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yehayq/the_best_preserved_coral_fossil_ive_found/", "score": 169, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "the best preserved coral fossil i\u2019ve found", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/9js646ohp9w91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Changestobetrue", "created_utc": "10-26-2022 21:04:24", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yei026", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yei026", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yei026/i_figured_we_should_do_a_plant_this_is_the_bark/", "score": 52, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I figured we should do a plant. This is the bark of a Sigilaria an extint spore bearing plant 383.7 to 254.7 mya.", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/bvrl1tluv9w91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/surfing813", "created_utc": "10-26-2022 13:52:51", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ye8mp5", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ye8mp5", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 9, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ye8mp5/tampa_bay_bioclast/", "score": 115, "selftext": "Just sharing some of my latest finds! I really love the process of hunting for fossils and other treasures from the past. Safe travels! \n\nhttps://www.etsy.com/shop/TangiblePrideShop", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Tampa Bay Bioclast", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/44f21bbvq7w91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/BenjaminMohler", "created_utc": "10-26-2022 09:24:32", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ye27i6", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ye27i6", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ye27i6/the_skull_of_vancleavea_an_armored_aquatic/", "score": 217, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "The skull of Vancleavea, an armored aquatic predator from the upper Triassic of the American Southwest", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/o5zgjtzqe6w91.png" }, { "author": "u/Changestobetrue", "created_utc": "10-25-2022 15:30:47", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ydhp8r", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ydhp8r", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 9, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ydhp8r/orthocerida_early_ordovician_to_late_triassic/", "score": 156, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Orthocerida. Early Ordovician to late Triassic.", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/al414u4f31w91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/TheWhiteTissue", "created_utc": "10-25-2022 07:49:36", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yd6p1q", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yd6p1q", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yd6p1q/found_these_in_my_grandads_box_of_many/", "score": 60, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found these in my grandads box of many collections! Any idea the time period and the type of leaf they could be? And if they are real", "upvote_ratio": 0.95, "url": "https://www.reddit.com/gallery/yd0r5q" }, { "author": "u/TyLuciao", "created_utc": "10-24-2022 15:07:01", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yco49t", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yco49t", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yco49t/smithers_bc_any_ideas/", "score": 99, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Smithers B.C any ideas?", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/17cxudmautv91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/aconcept", "created_utc": "10-24-2022 07:17:02", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yccfkj", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yccfkj", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 28, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yccfkj/palm_with_fish_was_told_it_came_from_dried_river/", "score": 392, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Palm with fish. Was told it came from dried river bed in Wyoming but looking for any further information on this piece that can be gleaned. Authenticity, species, etc.", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/j4aoh0nfirv91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/EvilNassu", "created_utc": "10-24-2022 01:57:06", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yc69bx", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yc69bx", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 11, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yc69bx/campanile_giganteum_france_that_i_cleaned/", "score": 259, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Campanile Giganteum (France) that I cleaned", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/lssgiouverv91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Ikkou97", "created_utc": "10-24-2022 12:59:40", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ycl02p", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ycl02p", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ycl02p/i_also_found_this_shark_tooth_at_the_same/", "score": 16, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I also found this shark tooth at the same location of the sand dollar fossil.", "upvote_ratio": 0.88, "url": "https://i.redd.it/vn7spfqj7tv91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/96Retribution", "created_utc": "10-23-2022 22:26:33", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yc30fr", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yc30fr", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yc30fr/here_there_was_a_dino/", "score": 94, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Here there was a dino.", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/llu1onosvov91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/__penis", "created_utc": "10-23-2022 16:08:52", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ybvqhm", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ybvqhm", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 20, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ybvqhm/found_this_claw_in_southwest_ohio_any_ideas/", "score": 88, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found this claw in southwest ohio, any ideas?", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/4qegep5f0nv91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Guns-and-Pumpkins", "created_utc": "10-23-2022 22:58:10", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yc3ieb", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yc3ieb", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yc3ieb/my_smallest_c_acutissimus_tooth_from_a_baby_shark/", "score": 23, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "My smallest C. Acutissimus. Tooth from a baby shark, probably less than half a year old. ~44ma", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/wr77bj0g1pv91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Changestobetrue", "created_utc": "10-23-2022 18:20:54", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ybygmj", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ybygmj", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ybygmj/you_liked_my_vinctifer_named_toni_i_now_offer_you/", "score": 20, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "You liked my vinctifer named Toni i now offer you a stramatalite named mat. From a 400 mya formation", "upvote_ratio": 0.95, "url": "https://i.redd.it/witikugynnv91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/mah_lumps", "created_utc": "10-23-2022 08:19:52", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ybkd80", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ybkd80", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ybkd80/crinoid_hash_with_small_horn_corals_embedded_any/", "score": 96, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Crinoid hash with small horn corals embedded. Any idea if that\u2019s a piece of a calyx in there?", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/oln2zujqokv91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Ikkou97", "created_utc": "10-23-2022 05:06:26", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ybg0dc", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ybg0dc", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 19, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ybg0dc/found_this_fossil_today_if_u_can_help_me_identify/", "score": 159, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found this fossil today, if u can help me identify it.", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/f6ayt188qjv91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/SierraNevada55", "created_utc": "10-23-2022 20:02:06", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yc0fz3", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yc0fz3", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yc0fz3/found_this_bad_boy_on_a_cretaceousjurassic/", "score": 11, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found this bad boy on a Cretaceous-Jurassic structure.", "upvote_ratio": 0.92, "url": "https://i.redd.it/db4ofa406ov91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Soicolist", "created_utc": "10-23-2022 21:07:47", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yc1nrg", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yc1nrg", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yc1nrg/is_this_a_fossil_if_so_what/", "score": 7, "selftext": "It was found in manitou Colorado", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Is this a fossil , if so what?", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/8vpda1rqhov91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Sum1udontkno", "created_utc": "10-23-2022 04:38:47", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ybfho1", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ybfho1", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 16, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ybfho1/put_a_mini_museum_in_my_basement_bar/", "score": 122, "selftext": "Inherited a smallish display cabinet and decided to turn it into a \"private museum\" by filling it full of my fossil and rock collection! Its in the games room of my basement bar. Excited to keep adding to it!", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Put a mini museum in my basement bar", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.imgur.com/NljHPnp.jpg" }, { "author": "u/DemocraticSpider", "created_utc": "10-23-2022 10:21:12", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ybnf3s", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ybnf3s", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ybnf3s/gorgeous_silver_fenestellid_bryozoan_in_black/", "score": 20, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Gorgeous silver Fenestellid bryozoan in black matrix. Broke open out of a Devonian brachiopod and bivalve assemblage I found in port Huron a few months ago.", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/1rsjo36ealv91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/TreeOfSocks", "created_utc": "10-23-2022 10:46:42", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ybo38x", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ybo38x", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ybo38x/found_in_western_wisconsin_6_long_has_many_of/", "score": 14, "selftext": "Some spots where there are the oblongs sticking out, you can see the outside of the specimen is hollow between the oblongs and the outside. Any ideas?", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found in western Wisconsin, 6\u201d long, has many of these oblong shapes just under the surface.", "upvote_ratio": 0.95, "url": "https://i.redd.it/9a8mb0nxelv91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Changestobetrue", "created_utc": "10-22-2022 21:18:31", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yb7tux", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yb7tux", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yb7tux/vinctifer_comptoni_100150_mya/", "score": 36, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Vinctifer Comptoni 100-150 mya", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/lfe4nh5qehv91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Changestobetrue", "created_utc": "10-22-2022 20:58:16", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yb7fa9", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yb7fa9", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yb7fa9/brachiopods_right_i_know_the_layer_is_from_the/", "score": 5, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Brachiopods right? I know the layer is from the Cambrian layer of rocks from Taylors Falls, MN. Representing the Franconian formation currently thought to date between about 497 to 492.5 mya.", "upvote_ratio": 0.85, "url": "https://i.redd.it/lrorc834bhv91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Changestobetrue", "created_utc": "10-21-2022 21:51:16", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "yaefxi", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_yaefxi", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 11, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/yaefxi/fossil_shelled_creature/", "score": 99, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Fossil shelled creature", "upvote_ratio": 0.88, "url": "https://i.redd.it/m0vmj3knfav91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Witty-Composer-6445", "created_utc": "10-21-2022 11:07:02", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ya0d75", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ya0d75", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 17, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ya0d75/not_sure_exactly_what_this_is_but_its_chock_full/", "score": 99, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Not sure exactly what this is but It\u2019s chock full of some kind of fossils, I\u2019m tempted to cut it in half to get a cross section view of it", "upvote_ratio": 0.95, "url": "https://i.redd.it/fl0jdgtq87v91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/BenjaminMohler", "created_utc": "10-21-2022 07:04:35", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y9ulab", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y9ulab", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y9ulab/fossil_friday_teeth_of_the_rare_north_american/", "score": 83, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Fossil Friday: teeth of the rare North American therizinosaur Nothronychus!", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/euxnngab16v91.png" }, { "author": "u/nutfeast69", "created_utc": "10-20-2022 22:25:52", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y9ku8z", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y9ku8z", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y9ku8z/albertosaurus_tooth_post_reconstruction_another/", "score": 104, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Albertosaurus tooth post reconstruction. Another pic and some info in comments.", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/51ljkmyrg3v91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/96Retribution", "created_utc": "10-20-2022 16:38:03", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y9dn79", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y9dn79", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y9dn79/evant_texas/", "score": 75, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Evant, Texas", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ko77x7luq1v91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Flurbar", "created_utc": "10-20-2022 07:29:34", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y8zs3a", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y8zs3a", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 14, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y8zs3a/hello_my_fellow_prefossils_i_found_this_in_my/", "score": 225, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Hello my fellow pre-fossils, i found this in my garden and wanted to know if i could find out any more info about it!", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/hl6jhm111zu91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/MagrathicMatt", "created_utc": "10-20-2022 09:25:06", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y92r4r", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y92r4r", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 9, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y92r4r/fossil_the_entire_exterior_is_covered_in_this/", "score": 27, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Fossil? The entire exterior is covered in this \"pattern\"", "upvote_ratio": 0.9, "url": "https://i.redd.it/4jaai1nelzu91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Georgieprod", "created_utc": "10-20-2022 07:20:31", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y8zk0s", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y8zk0s", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y8zk0s/found_this_on_ellsemere_island_canada/", "score": 26, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found this on Ellsemere island, Canada", "upvote_ratio": 0.92, "url": "https://i.redd.it/23leio7azyu91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/DemocraticSpider", "created_utc": "10-19-2022 20:19:59", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y8muuo", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y8muuo", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y8muuo/found_this_gorgeous_calcified_favosoid_coral/", "score": 66, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found this gorgeous calcified(?) favosoid(?) coral colony outside a 7/11. Check out the crystals!", "upvote_ratio": 0.95, "url": "https://i.redd.it/us7xwdqkpvu91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/arthurwalton", "created_utc": "10-19-2022 09:37:56", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y87hho", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y87hho", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y87hho/lake_ontario_had_a_lot_to_offer/", "score": 330, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Lake Ontario had a lot to offer!", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/42lkys30jsu91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/DemocraticSpider", "created_utc": "10-19-2022 20:14:08", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y8mqg4", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y8mqg4", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y8mqg4/fenestelid_bryozoan_bead_bed_assemblage_with/", "score": 37, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Fenestelid bryozoan bead bed assemblage with crinoids and geodized brachiopods. Found this lovely rock outside of a pet shop in Michigan! Devonian. One of my favorite bryozoans tied with the one I found in jasper!", "upvote_ratio": 0.95, "url": "https://i.redd.it/szky7dziovu91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/LividLoss1", "created_utc": "10-20-2022 10:36:24", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y94l97", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y94l97", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y94l97/you_guys_think_these_are_real_is_there_any_way_to/", "score": 1, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "You guys think these are real... is there any way to check ?", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://www.willhaben.at/iad/kaufen-und-verkaufen/d/mosasaurier-gebiss-inklusive-gratis-edelstahl-aufsteller-beste-qualitaet-sammler-deko-geschenk-kinder-mitbringsel-aquarium-vitrine-heilstein-esoterik-museum-museumsqualitaet-611759425" }, { "author": "u/sidthekid111895", "created_utc": "10-18-2022 07:59:36", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y79emn", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y79emn", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 17, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y79emn/crinoid_cluster_21_by_16/", "score": 582, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Crinoid Cluster (21\u201d by 16\u201d)", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/jlm3yrlkwku91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Ccjj2244", "created_utc": "10-18-2022 17:05:15", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y7n7xh", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y7n7xh", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 16, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y7n7xh/not_really_fossils_but_some_damn_nice_teeth_to/", "score": 111, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Not really \"fossils\" but some damn nice teeth to look at. Largest here is between 2.55 and 2.6\"", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/dzfs18hwlnu91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Jillianodi", "created_utc": "10-18-2022 17:53:49", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y7o9zt", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y7o9zt", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 9, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y7o9zt/todays_jewel_ammonite/", "score": 75, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Todays jewel - Ammonite", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ymds5eqkunu91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Jillianodi", "created_utc": "10-18-2022 21:45:24", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y7t3kn", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y7t3kn", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y7t3kn/some_of_the_ammonite_collection/", "score": 24, "selftext": "", 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on the way home from collecting fossil lobsters (more images in comments)", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/b3ar2rjar9u91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/fishbethany", "created_utc": "10-16-2022 19:20:11", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y5yurq", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y5yurq", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y5yurq/trilobite_from_the_ordivician_period_ontario/", "score": 89, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Trilobite from the Ordivician Period, Ontario", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/62eoph660au91.png" }, { "author": "u/Glittercorn111", "created_utc": "10-16-2022 07:19:16", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y5hyqz", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y5hyqz", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": 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For scale, I have a size 12 men's foot", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/w32c1oe3b8u91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/SandwichCapone", "created_utc": "10-16-2022 08:45:44", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y5k0xz", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y5k0xz", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y5k0xz/my_trilobites/", "score": 52, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "my trilobites", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/8ku3ti7zu6u91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/SandwichCapone", "created_utc": "10-16-2022 08:48:08", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y5k2yu", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y5k2yu", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y5k2yu/my_favourite_ammonite/", "score": 51, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "my favourite ammonite", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ffumybkev6u91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/AdAccordings", "created_utc": "10-15-2022 10:25:56", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y4tknt", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y4tknt", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 17, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y4tknt/nearly_8_inch_dipleura_dekayi_trilobite_i_found/", "score": 286, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Nearly 8 inch Dipleura dekayi trilobite I found last year", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/buzdzdqx70u91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Emuasaurus", "created_utc": "10-15-2022 09:26:14", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y4s5vl", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y4s5vl", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 50, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y4s5vl/what_animal_did_this_tooth_come_from_found_on_the/", "score": 132, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "What animal did this tooth come from? Found on the beach in Kinsale Ireland", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.imgur.com/nRcJGJP.jpg" }, { "author": "u/T0adl1fe", "created_utc": "10-15-2022 10:01:22", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y4t03n", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y4t03n", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 8, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y4t03n/added_some_small_ammonite_slices_to_my_collection/", "score": 61, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Added some small Ammonite slices to my collection recently so I used one on this pressed fern pendant I crafted with epoxy resin & other gemstones!", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/eay3up9k30u91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/sbringman98", "created_utc": "10-15-2022 05:06:53", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y4m9nm", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y4m9nm", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y4m9nm/found_in_fayetteville_ar/", "score": 38, "selftext": "I just think it\u2019s pretty neat.", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found in Fayetteville, AR", "upvote_ratio": 0.94, "url": "https://i.redd.it/7rfy8pnymyt91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/val0224", "created_utc": "10-14-2022 18:21:12", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y4avs6", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y4avs6", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 7, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y4avs6/found_this_interesting_fossil_in_the_adirondack/", "score": 86, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found this interesting fossil in the Adirondack Mountains, NY. Can anyone help me ID what this could be?", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/25aehp8tfvt91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/sancheztequila", "created_utc": "10-14-2022 04:40:44", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y3rldc", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y3rldc", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 7, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y3rldc/train_station_fossils/", "score": 200, "selftext": "Green park station London. Entrance walls just packed with shells.", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Train station fossils", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/56k226tfdrt91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/AmishRocket", "created_utc": "10-13-2022 13:37:43", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y39cvj", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y39cvj", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 8, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y39cvj/dinosaur_tracks_and_night_sky_dinosaur_valley/", "score": 400, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Dinosaur tracks and night sky \u2014 Dinosaur Valley State Park", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/tjjnxaobwmt91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Dolly-Sods-WV", "created_utc": "10-13-2022 21:16:46", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y3jqg8", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y3jqg8", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y3jqg8/found_an_interesting_stone_with_what_appears_to/", "score": 6, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found an interesting stone with what appears to be something fossilized in it.....what do you think?", "upvote_ratio": 0.87, "url": "https://www.reddit.com/gallery/y3jm1z" }, { "author": "u/Brandillio", "created_utc": "10-13-2022 10:58:07", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y359ml", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y359ml", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 8, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y359ml/can_anyone_tell_me_what_plantshell_is_inside/", "score": 11, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Can anyone tell me what plant/shell is inside these rocks? I have tons of them, so if you want one for free, just let me know! Thanks in advance", "upvote_ratio": 0.82, "url": "https://i.redd.it/em1qdufu3mt91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/LilacMess22", "created_utc": "10-12-2022 12:33:05", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y2d4ki", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y2d4ki", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y2d4ki/my_husband_got_me_this_gorgeous_prepared_ammonite/", "score": 361, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "My husband got me this gorgeous prepared ammonite fossil for my birthday", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/1oun367wfft91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/monkeyriots", "created_utc": "10-12-2022 09:59:10", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y2990q", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y2990q", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y2990q/some_more_crinoids_and_i_think_a_honeycomb_coral/", "score": 49, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Some more crinoids and I think a honeycomb coral.", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/wd8uckefoet91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/artsyboi", "created_utc": "10-11-2022 15:14:17", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y1m3cd", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y1m3cd", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 8, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y1m3cd/when_i_was_a_kid_i_went_to_the_badlands_national/", "score": 250, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "When I was a kid I went to the Badlands national park and saw a seminar about fossils. I later found these bone fragments, marked the gps location, and notified their office. The pieces ended up getting washed away in a storm, but they gave me a free \u201cFossil Finder\u201d patch, I always loved that.", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/qdo0yppq39t91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/monkeyriots", "created_utc": "10-11-2022 20:45:59", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y1t97l", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y1t97l", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 7, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y1t97l/found_in_long_beach_indiana_did_we_find_a_fossil/", "score": 18, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found in Long Beach, Indiana - did we find a fossil!?", "upvote_ratio": 0.88, "url": "https://i.redd.it/zd26592xqat91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Vultureeyes8", "created_utc": "10-11-2022 07:57:41", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y1b7iw", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y1b7iw", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y1b7iw/carboniferous_stem_fossils_mcadoo_pa/", "score": 73, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Carboniferous stem fossils, McAdoo, Pa", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/3lhfxjxtx6t91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/DemocraticSpider", "created_utc": "10-11-2022 17:00:23", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y1oi55", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y1oi55", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y1oi55/brachiopod_with_a_bit_of_blue_found_mid_devonian/", "score": 12, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Brachiopod with a bit of blue found. Mid Devonian, Milwaukee formation. How\u2019d it get that color?", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/esemw29om9t91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Paddy_Flapper", "created_utc": "10-11-2022 15:40:47", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y1mpro", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y1mpro", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y1mpro/what_is_this_we_were_developing_a_water_well/", "score": 10, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "What is this? We were developing a water well about 80-100 foot down and I was sifting though the gravel/sand. Found this neat looking pebble.", "upvote_ratio": 0.86, "url": "https://i.redd.it/0bwfcui489t91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/nutfeast69", "created_utc": "10-11-2022 14:31:09", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y1l1mp", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y1l1mp", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y1l1mp/neonate_ornithomimid_ungual_from_my_research_area/", "score": 4, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Neonate Ornithomimid ungual from my research area. Another one in comments.", "upvote_ratio": 0.76, "url": "https://i.redd.it/i54cpfxwv8t91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Brandillio", "created_utc": "10-11-2022 12:05:18", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y1hdjw", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y1hdjw", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 8, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y1hdjw/found_this_and_have_no_idea_what_it_is_central/", "score": 2, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found this, and have no idea what it is. Central Alberta, same rocks from the park where I find hundreds of other cool fossils :) please help identify.", "upvote_ratio": 0.67, "url": "https://i.redd.it/c32axvu068t91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/nutfeast69", "created_utc": "10-10-2022 18:52:28", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y0wh4b", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y0wh4b", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y0wh4b/eodelphis_maxilla_from_my_research_area/", "score": 63, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Eodelphis maxilla from my research area.", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/l7l06m3q13t91.png" }, { "author": "u/nutfeast69", "created_utc": "10-10-2022 11:37:18", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y0mdfo", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y0mdfo", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y0mdfo/bone_with_carinae_marks_and_puncture_marks_from_a/", "score": 148, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Bone with carinae marks and puncture marks from a tyrannosaur. Not from my research area.", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/87lohkh1w0t91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/IlDragonglylI", "created_utc": "10-10-2022 12:28:54", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y0nnjx", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y0nnjx", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y0nnjx/paradoxides_gracilis_middle_cambrian/", "score": 64, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Paradoxides gracilis - middle cambrian", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ayt78mpb51t91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/palindrom_six", "created_utc": "10-10-2022 12:57:39", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y0od2k", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y0od2k", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y0od2k/geodized_ammonite_fossil_from_central_texas_got/", "score": 29, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Geodized ammonite fossil from central Texas. Got chased out by a bull about 5 minutes after this:/", "upvote_ratio": 0.94, "url": "https://i.redd.it/j4znb8jfa1t91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/CanadianDirtPilot", "created_utc": "10-09-2022 20:23:49", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y047ek", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y047ek", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 10, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y047ek/flipped_a_rock_and_won_the_lottery_sorry_for_the/", "score": 359, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Flipped a Rock and won the lottery, sorry for the quality", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/342v7a05dws91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Mrdogdad", "created_utc": "10-10-2022 08:47:09", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y0i39p", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y0i39p", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y0i39p/albertosaurus_tooth_horseshoe_canyon_formation/", "score": 36, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Albertosaurus tooth, Horseshoe Canyon Formation", "upvote_ratio": 0.91, "url": "https://i.redd.it/oltuy4jr10t91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/nutfeast69", "created_utc": "10-09-2022 17:58:31", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y01cau", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y01cau", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 10, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y01cau/casual_gorgosaurus_tooth_from_my_research_area/", "score": 187, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Casual Gorgosaurus tooth from my research area.", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/sj9yq8g6nvs91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Eurypteriddaddy", "created_utc": "10-09-2022 15:58:10", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xzyvji", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xzyvji", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xzyvji/trimerus_delphinocephalus_trilobite_side_view/", "score": 116, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Trimerus delphinocephalus trilobite side view. Lockport group, Rochester shale.", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/vzugyitq1vs91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Mrdogdad", "created_utc": "10-09-2022 16:33:32", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xzzmiz", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xzzmiz", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 9, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xzzmiz/daspletosaurus_tooth/", "score": 82, "selftext": "Closely related to the more recent Tyrannosaurus Rex. This dinosaur lived between 79.5 and 74 million years ago.", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Daspletosaurus tooth", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/p2xd69428vs91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/ranipe", "created_utc": "10-09-2022 23:37:35", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y07muw", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y07muw", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y07muw/oc_alligator_skull_gray_tn_miocene_photo_taken/", "score": 14, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "[OC] Alligator skull; Gray, TN; Miocene \u2014 Photo taken with permission at Murfreesboro Museum of Natural History: Earth Experience. 4032x3024", "upvote_ratio": 0.94, "url": "https://i.redd.it/x1bust1obxs91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/nutfeast69", "created_utc": "10-09-2022 17:30:47", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y00smj", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y00smj", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 10, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y00smj/an_associated_series_of_ceratopsian_centra_laid/", "score": 11, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "An associated series of ceratopsian centra laid out for a picture in my research area.", "upvote_ratio": 0.91, "url": "https://i.redd.it/9ha7e006ivs91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/nutfeast69", "created_utc": "10-08-2022 18:38:43", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xz9bx0", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xz9bx0", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 24, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xz9bx0/juvenile_hadrosaur_arm_coming_out_of_the_wall_in/", "score": 471, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Juvenile hadrosaur arm coming out of the wall in my research area.", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/63ev88sepos91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Ineedhelpformycar", "created_utc": "10-10-2022 02:57:35", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "y0aq64", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_y0aq64", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/y0aq64/is_this_a_type_of_fossil_its_on_the_surface_of_an/", "score": 1, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "is this a type of fossil? It\u2019s on the surface of an antique statue from China. We are trying to figure out it\u2019s age. Thank you \ud83d\ude0a", "upvote_ratio": 0.6, "url": "https://i.redd.it/6v08fr9ebys91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/nutfeast69", "created_utc": "10-09-2022 03:14:27", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xzi2y5", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xzi2y5", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xzi2y5/75_million_year_old_champsosaur_jaw_from_my/", "score": 51, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "75 million year old Champsosaur jaw from my research area.", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/soh6cx9e9rs91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/4_F1SH", "created_utc": "10-08-2022 22:06:17", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xzd4cd", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xzd4cd", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xzd4cd/megalodon_shark_tooth/", "score": 101, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "megalodon shark tooth", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/y1oat6diqps91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/uhhhhh_hhhhhh", "created_utc": "10-08-2022 13:43:53", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xz34bl", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xz34bl", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xz34bl/can_anyone_tell_me_what_those_squiggly_lines_are/", "score": 93, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "can anyone tell me what those squiggly lines are? I kinda think it's a support for the structure if the shell but ye", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/i8wmznlv8ns91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/4_F1SH", "created_utc": "10-08-2022 22:07:06", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xzd4uq", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xzd4uq", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xzd4uq/ammonite_fossil/", "score": 16, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "ammonite fossil", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/fkpb9bonqps91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Bingus_the_2st", "created_utc": "10-07-2022 20:28:50", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xyi7z9", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xyi7z9", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 19, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xyi7z9/i_find_quite_a_lot_of_intact_ammonite_fossils_at/", "score": 319, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I find quite a lot of intact ammonite fossils at the creek near my house, there obviously is a reason it\u2019s called \u201cFossil Creek\u201d", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/43wm6zk74is91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Butterfly_Heaven101", "created_utc": "10-08-2022 09:49:22", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xyxhka", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xyxhka", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xyxhka/jaw_with_teeth_found_in_westmoreland_state_park_id/", "score": 21, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Jaw with teeth. Found in Westmoreland State Park. ID?", "upvote_ratio": 0.9, "url": "https://i.redd.it/lxhsdsl03ms91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/nutfeast69", "created_utc": "10-07-2022 20:52:54", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xyioia", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xyioia", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 8, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xyioia/75_million_year_old_skin_from_my_research_site/", "score": 98, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "75 Million year old skin from my research site. Better pics in the comments.", "upvote_ratio": 0.94, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ktxzwfxf8is91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Sure_Ad4499", "created_utc": "10-07-2022 08:05:54", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xy1inm", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xy1inm", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 8, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xy1inm/looks_great_it_was_found_on_a_mine_in_thuringia/", "score": 336, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Looks great! It was found on a mine in Thuringia, Germany.", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/jsu43mwnfes91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/nutfeast69", "created_utc": "10-07-2022 15:10:51", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xybram", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xybram", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xybram/cracked_open_a_concretion_found_a_lobster_claw/", "score": 42, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Cracked open a concretion, found a lobster claw", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/qvrqm2vfjgs91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/slayer1112", "created_utc": "10-07-2022 04:21:31", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xxwhcn", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xxwhcn", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xxwhcn/so_many_beautiful_fossils_in_one_place_amazing/", "score": 25, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "So many beautiful fossils in one place! Amazing.", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/v13xumvmbds91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Sure_Ad4499", "created_utc": "10-07-2022 08:03:14", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xy1g85", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xy1g85", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xy1g85/hey_people_its_a_pleasure_im_new_to_the_group_my/", "score": 4, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Hey people. It\u2019s a pleasure. I\u2019m new to the group. My family in Germany sent these to me. I\u2019d really appreciate if someone can help me with the name of the animals.", "upvote_ratio": 0.84, "url": "https://i.redd.it/1h0jpqs6fes91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/JohnnieFeelgood", "created_utc": "10-06-2022 08:16:02", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xx7rjl", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xx7rjl", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 7, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xx7rjl/i_found_a_fossil_sea_urchin_fishing_at_hanklit/", "score": 318, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I found a fossil sea urchin fishing at Hanklit, Denmark. Lure for scale. (7cm)", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/splx0uzjc7s91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/ducks_are_round", "created_utc": "10-07-2022 02:44:38", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xxus70", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xxus70", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xxus70/found_a_foot_and_a_half_under_the_ground_in_south/", "score": 6, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found a foot and a half under the ground in south UK. If it's a fossil, what is it?", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/1pzin0bcucs91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Jolilap456", "created_utc": "10-05-2022 14:42:22", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xwn9s5", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xwn9s5", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 9, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xwn9s5/found_this_by_the_sea_in_quebec_id_please/", "score": 113, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found this by the sea in Quebec, ID please ?", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/qeeuoqvk42s91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/PorkchopMcgee", "created_utc": "10-05-2022 01:42:45", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xw53ex", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xw53ex", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 7, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xw53ex/help_identifing_this_sample_i_found_over_the/", "score": 38, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "help identifing this sample I found over the weekend. Any help would be appreciated.", "upvote_ratio": 0.92, "url": "https://i.redd.it/8epkftdh9yr91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/bes5318", "created_utc": "10-04-2022 13:15:13", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xvpef2", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xvpef2", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 29, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xvpef2/a_little_effort_into_the_display_and_my_humble/", "score": 365, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "A little effort into the display and my humble collection actually looks pretty darn good!", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/t6447u74kur91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/driftank", "created_utc": "10-04-2022 23:24:26", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xw2qqc", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xw2qqc", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xw2qqc/found_a_good_piece_of_horn_coral_in_lake_michigan/", "score": 51, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "found a good piece of horn coral in Lake Michigan today! it caught my eye rolling back and forth in the waves.", "upvote_ratio": 0.94, "url": "https://i.redd.it/a3tpbobtkxr91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/clemsontyger", "created_utc": "10-04-2022 20:06:41", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xvyxes", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xvyxes", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xvyxes/broken_sharks_tooth/", "score": 1, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Broken sharks tooth?", "upvote_ratio": 0.56, "url": "https://i.redd.it/it78zt5jlwr91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/deathazn", "created_utc": "10-03-2022 19:16:05", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xv2lc2", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xv2lc2", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 11, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xv2lc2/this_absolute_unit_me_and_my_gf_picked_up_this/", "score": 234, "selftext": "Ammonites.", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "This absolute unit me and my gf picked up this weekend.", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/brf77w5l7pr91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Vandinite", "created_utc": "10-03-2022 12:30:05", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xusyq2", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xusyq2", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 31, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xusyq2/fossilized_crinoid_by_charly_vanlaere/", "score": 366, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Fossilized crinoid by Charly Vanlaere", "upvote_ratio": 0.91, "url": "https://i.redd.it/j6211e257nr91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Ifidontkillmyself", "created_utc": "10-03-2022 15:35:00", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xuxn3q", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xuxn3q", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 32, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xuxn3q/found_a_rock_dont_know_whats_in_it/", "score": 133, "selftext": "My camera is not very good but in person some of the rocks have really weird almost furry looking patterns. My boyfriend thinks they\u2019re bones. Any ideas? Found them in a river bed if that helps.", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found a rock, don\u2019t know what\u2019s in it", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/aiknrud54or91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/TheCuriousPlant", "created_utc": "10-03-2022 13:53:01", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xuv4m2", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xuv4m2", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xuv4m2/went_fossil_hunting_in_hopes_the_hurricane_helped/", "score": 92, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Went fossil hunting in hopes the hurricane helped reveal some. Find of the day was this guy. About the size of a nickel. Learned to search through dumped \"fill dirt\" after researching where it came from, in this case it came from a sand quarry here in FL.", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/smxjnvrwlnr91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Not_So_Rare_Earths", "created_utc": "10-03-2022 06:42:45", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xuju6p", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xuju6p", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xuju6p/pyritized_vertebra_volga_river/", "score": 82, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Pyritized Vertebra, Volga River", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/6y4y58n6hlr91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/DemocraticSpider", "created_utc": "10-02-2022 21:51:12", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xu9w7h", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xu9w7h", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 10, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xu9w7h/massive_devonian_stromatolite/", "score": 47, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Massive (Devonian?) stromatolite", "upvote_ratio": 0.94, "url": "https://i.redd.it/1zl5larbuir91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Weirdgoldfish55", "created_utc": "10-03-2022 10:07:42", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xup8e1", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xup8e1", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xup8e1/what_is_the_smooth_lighter_area_on_the_stone_is/", "score": 5, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "What is the smooth lighter area on the stone? Is it a fossil of kinds? Found on the Jurassic coast in England", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/usqbwu0rhmr91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/BiGGiEmaYo", "created_utc": "10-02-2022 12:57:30", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xty654", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xty654", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 14, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xty654/about_an_inch_12_tall_weird_little_guy/", "score": 119, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "about an inch 1/2 tall.. weird little guy", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/c1rts4847gr91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/130ne", "created_utc": "10-02-2022 19:13:07", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xu6ot7", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xu6ot7", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xu6ot7/ammonite_close_ups/", "score": 23, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "ammonite close ups", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/c8bak4652ir91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/BiGGiEmaYo", "created_utc": "10-02-2022 13:38:18", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xtz67m", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xtz67m", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 7, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xtz67m/fossil_or_no/", "score": 46, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "fossil or no?", "upvote_ratio": 0.93, "url": "https://i.redd.it/kvguizheegr91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/DanJeavo", "created_utc": "10-02-2022 00:02:44", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xti28s", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xti28s", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xti28s/catacoleoceras_raquinianum/", "score": 164, "selftext": "A nice quality catacoleoceras Raquinianum from the lower Jurassic upper lias of Whitby.", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Catacoleoceras Raquinianum", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/bqenw79wccr91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Brandillio", "created_utc": "10-02-2022 08:22:14", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xtrf9l", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xtrf9l", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xtrf9l/can_someone_help_me_with_this_one_please_found_in/", "score": 1, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Can someone help me with this one please? Found in my rock bed, Central Alberta, Canada. More details in comments.", "upvote_ratio": 0.6, "url": "https://i.redd.it/yf3tchn0uer91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Droogs617", "created_utc": "09-30-2022 17:27:05", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xsh6cm", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xsh6cm", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 17, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xsh6cm/i_found_this_in_a_creek_bed_27_years_ago_idk_what/", "score": 186, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I found this in a creek bed 27 years ago. Idk what kind of fossil it is but it\u2019s covered in flowers on all sides. Can anyone help me identify it?", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/z18rz5je93r91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/SnooChickens1818", "created_utc": "10-01-2022 10:37:18", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xt1c3a", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xt1c3a", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xt1c3a/smith_county_mississippi_request_help_identifying/", "score": 7, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Smith County, Mississippi, Request Help Identifying", "upvote_ratio": 0.89, "url": "https://i.redd.it/c3zzhmo7d8r91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/moneyhawk2", "created_utc": "10-01-2022 00:27:20", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xsp1pd", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xsp1pd", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xsp1pd/are_the_quartz_inside_this_ammonite_gas_chambers/", "score": 18, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "are the quartz inside this ammonite gas chambers?", "upvote_ratio": 0.89, "url": "https://i.redd.it/omhukiy9c5r91.png" }, { "author": "u/clemsontyger", "created_utc": "09-30-2022 19:21:19", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xsjj0n", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xsjj0n", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xsjj0n/ptychodus_teeth_from_north_tx_creek_today/", "score": 26, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Ptychodus teeth from North TX creek today", "upvote_ratio": 0.94, "url": "https://i.redd.it/p20hy7ist3r91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Icefirewolflord", "created_utc": "09-30-2022 13:25:22", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xsbl3r", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xsbl3r", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 13, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xsbl3r/this_beautiful_specimen_i_just_purchased_if/", "score": 62, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "This beautiful specimen I just purchased! If anyone knows what they are let me know, I\u2019m in love", "upvote_ratio": 0.93, "url": "https://i.redd.it/8wbfa8z922r91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Ccjj2244", "created_utc": "09-30-2022 04:19:12", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xryozo", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xryozo", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 39, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xryozo/largest_gws_in_my_collection_both_just_shy_of_3/", "score": 194, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Largest GWs in my collection. Both just shy of 3\"!", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/yv8517otczq91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/KyleM203", "created_utc": "09-29-2022 19:34:58", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xrq0y8", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xrq0y8", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 15, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xrq0y8/need_help_identifying_found_in_nova_scotia_no/", "score": 77, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Need Help Identifying, Found in Nova Scotia, no idea what it is, approx. 3.5cm long, 2.5cm tall and 1.5 cm thick", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/0rnnmkc0rwq91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Aggravating_Gur_2948", "created_utc": "09-29-2022 09:50:58", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xrcst5", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xrcst5", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 14, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xrcst5/ive_been_hunting_artifactsbonesfossils_for_just/", "score": 299, "selftext": "I have more pictures. Even before I semi cleaned it", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I\u2019ve been hunting artifacts/bones/fossils for just about a year and a half and I would have to say this is my best find", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/k2q2rly3vtq91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/DemocraticSpider", "created_utc": "09-29-2022 14:32:44", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xrjmzy", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xrjmzy", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xrjmzy/unknown_echinoderm_from_paleozoic_landscaping/", "score": 13, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Unknown echinoderm from Paleozoic landscaping rocks", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/wm5pqu5e9vq91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/theseusptosis", "created_utc": "09-28-2022 18:37:40", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xqupnq", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xqupnq", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 7, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xqupnq/question_is_this_a_fossil_or_a_petroglyph_se/", "score": 47, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Question: Is this a fossil or a petroglyph? (SE Arizona)", "upvote_ratio": 0.94, "url": "https://i.redd.it/j7nvbqt2cpq91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Brandillio", "created_utc": "09-28-2022 09:00:28", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xqgiv2", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xqgiv2", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 30, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xqgiv2/took_my_son_to_a_playground_and_noticed_some_cool/", "score": 211, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Took my son to a playground and noticed some cool rocks, so I decided to grab a random handful to take home and these were the results! Going to go back for more as it\u2019s full of them. Located in Central Alberta, Canada", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/cecg3vy6hmq91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/DanJeavo", "created_utc": "09-28-2022 11:15:37", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xqk1ts", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xqk1ts", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xqk1ts/you_just_cant_beat_a_classic_dactylioceras/", "score": 89, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "You just can\u2019t beat a classic Dactylioceras", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ozetn2wa5nq91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Historical_Level8275", "created_utc": "09-28-2022 20:09:33", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xqwo21", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xqwo21", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 7, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xqwo21/any_clues_as_to_what_this_could_be_found_this_on/", "score": 17, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Any clues as to what this could be? Found this on the shore of a local lake in southern Ontario", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/gyuupagkspq91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/egroegkcalb", "created_utc": "09-28-2022 12:57:29", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xqmnmh", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xqmnmh", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xqmnmh/big_6_inch_cleviceras/", "score": 32, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Big 6+ inch cleviceras", "upvote_ratio": 0.95, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ehufyl4hnnq91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/egroegkcalb", "created_utc": "09-27-2022 13:04:14", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xpr43i", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xpr43i", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 34, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xpr43i/love_belemnites/", "score": 152, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "love belemnites", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/xxhsk5wrjgq91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Nights_of_Liam", "created_utc": "09-27-2022 11:07:27", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xpo1xk", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xpo1xk", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 40, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xpo1xk/possible_dicranurus_cast_or_real/", "score": 186, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Possible Dicranurus? Cast or real?", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/qtt5r8mnyfq91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/DanJeavo", "created_utc": "09-27-2022 11:14:26", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xpo8jt", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xpo8jt", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xpo8jt/whitbys_golden_nodules/", "score": 77, "selftext": "A stunning Eleganticeras specimen sat in a pyritic cannonball shaped nodule. \nThese nodules only occur in Whitby. Due to the pyritic skin that they have, means they can be polished, to reveal an incredible golden hue. Unfortunately the ratio of finding a fossil inside these is fairly uncommon which makes them quite the commodity.", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Whitbys Golden Nodules", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/bie1zvl60gq91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/brilz13", "created_utc": "09-26-2022 14:16:18", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xow5eh", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xow5eh", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 33, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xow5eh/34_of_what_we_came_back_with_after_8_hours/", "score": 544, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "3/4 of what we came back with after 8 hours splitting shale", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/f0intczor9q91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/BiGGiEmaYo", "created_utc": "09-26-2022 11:40:01", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xorsqs", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xorsqs", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xorsqs/sweet_little_fossil/", "score": 38, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "sweet little fossil", "upvote_ratio": 0.94, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ivm0ly0uz8q91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Straight-Number-7328", "created_utc": "09-26-2022 01:33:00", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xodfc3", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xodfc3", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 8, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xodfc3/can_someone_id_this_for_me/", "score": 24, "selftext": "There\u2019s a little dent in the rock on the other side and pincers imprint (not sure tho).", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Can someone ID this for me?", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/poxf4m6jz5q91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/speck33", "created_utc": "09-25-2022 12:54:42", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xnx94z", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xnx94z", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xnx94z/found_in_a_river_when_i_was_a_kid/", "score": 228, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "found in a river when I was a kid", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/csj2j74982q91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/brilz13", "created_utc": "09-25-2022 15:39:37", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xo1coh", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xo1coh", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 24, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xo1coh/no_bananas_available_so_ps4_controller_is_the/", "score": 126, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "No bananas available so ps4 controller is the next best thing", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/8sa13u4o13q91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/SnooCompliments3428", "created_utc": "09-25-2022 13:11:36", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xnxopz", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xnxopz", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xnxopz/revealed_another_nice_composita_brachiopods/", "score": 152, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Revealed another nice Composita brachiopod's crystallized brachidium.", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/nlq4sap9b2q91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/vaeatwork", "created_utc": "09-24-2022 16:44:04", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xn7orf", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xn7orf", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xn7orf/collection_update_summer_2022_2_yrs/", "score": 152, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Collection update - Summer 2022 (2 yrs)", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/wnbg1qc98wp91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/arthurwalton", "created_utc": "09-24-2022 15:57:29", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xn6nl3", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xn6nl3", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xn6nl3/lake_huron_finds/", "score": 155, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Lake Huron Finds..", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/1spbhzjtzvp91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/AdAccordings", "created_utc": "09-24-2022 06:49:16", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xmtdlo", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xmtdlo", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xmtdlo/a_monster_of_an_elrathia_from_utah/", "score": 183, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "A monster of an Elrathia from Utah", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/l985eeu4atp91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/AdAccordings", "created_utc": "09-24-2022 13:55:28", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xn3sls", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xn3sls", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xn3sls/isotelus_mafritzae_leviceraurus_mammiloides_and/", "score": 50, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Isotelus mafritzae, Leviceraurus mammiloides, and an unknown Crinoid species all on one plate", "upvote_ratio": 0.95, "url": "https://i.redd.it/5v0zohv5evp91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/colinhook", "created_utc": "09-24-2022 08:37:55", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xmw0cs", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xmw0cs", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 10, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xmw0cs/ammonites_from_my_old_fossil_collection_when_i/", "score": 101, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Ammonites from my old fossil collection when I was 12yo. Any good stuff?", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/jjreuc3jttp91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/AdAccordings", "created_utc": "09-24-2022 13:56:10", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xn3t6q", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xn3t6q", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xn3t6q/triassicjurassic_semionotid_with_pyritized_scales/", "score": 18, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Triassic/Jurassic Semionotid with pyritized scales from Durham, Connecticut", "upvote_ratio": 0.89, "url": "https://i.redd.it/w7uqnvwaevp91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Ayzak", "created_utc": "09-24-2022 02:01:17", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xmnqse", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xmnqse", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 17, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xmnqse/is_it_possible_to_date_this_found_it_like_30/", "score": 137, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Is it possible to date this? Found it like 30 years ago on Lithuanian beach, most likely it was brought there from north by one of the ice ages. It has something like metallic tint in some places", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/o6kulnerurp91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/AdAccordings", "created_utc": "09-24-2022 06:50:38", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xmtep0", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xmtep0", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xmtep0/paciphacops_campbelli_passing_by_a_bivalvebrach/", "score": 38, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Paciphacops campbelli passing by a bivalve/brach", "upvote_ratio": 0.92, "url": "https://i.redd.it/gvxnbvsdatp91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Guns-and-Pumpkins", "created_utc": "09-24-2022 07:05:18", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xmtr5o", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xmtr5o", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xmtr5o/this_little_bone_from_the_r\u00fcssingenformation_in/", "score": 18, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "This little bone from the \u201eR\u00fcssingen-Formation\u201c in Germany is ~22 million years old and has tiny chewing marks on it. I washed it out a clay-sample directly from the quarry.", "upvote_ratio": 0.89, "url": "https://i.redd.it/95031bvxctp91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Grashopha", "created_utc": "09-24-2022 08:40:58", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xmw32r", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xmw32r", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xmw32r/concentric_mud_rings_not_100_sure_plus_a_bunch_of/", "score": 12, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Concentric mud rings, not 100% sure? Plus a bunch of Brachiopod impressions. Found in NW Pennsylvania.", "upvote_ratio": 0.93, "url": "https://i.redd.it/mfg8whq1utp91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/colinhook", "created_utc": "09-24-2022 08:03:06", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xmv59d", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xmv59d", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xmv59d/mammoth_bone_i_found_on_the_floor_in_a_museum/", "score": 9, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Mammoth Bone I found on the floor in a museum when I was 9yo. Picked up from the ground next to a sandbox filled with Mammoth Bones attached to chains for kids to dig up. This piece might have been broken off from a big bone attached to a chain.", "upvote_ratio": 0.77, "url": "https://i.redd.it/udk4o0ibntp91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/hot__ice", "created_utc": "09-23-2022 06:48:20", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xly3ll", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xly3ll", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 22, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xly3ll/cretaceous_brachiopods_from_nj_vid_in_comments/", "score": 277, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Cretaceous brachiopods from NJ (Vid in comments)", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/kn5iczh25mp91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/drewgd", "created_utc": "09-22-2022 14:24:47", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xldtul", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xldtul", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 9, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xldtul/lake_michigan_shore_arcadia_michigan/", "score": 62, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Lake Michigan shore, Arcadia, Michigan", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://www.reddit.com/gallery/q0qy2e" }, { "author": "u/joshyoowa", "created_utc": "09-21-2022 10:32:24", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xkbcx8", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xkbcx8", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 11, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xkbcx8/first_time_prepping_a_fossil_think_i_did_ok/", "score": 243, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "First time prepping a fossil - think I did ok!", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/qsqbwfn7z8p91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/sci_bastian", "created_utc": "09-21-2022 02:30:21", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xk02pr", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xk02pr", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 35, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xk02pr/the_most_complete_dinosaur_ever_found_the_story/", "score": 1075, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "The most complete dinosaur ever found [the story of this fossil is in the comments]", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/mt3kfkybg6p91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/CastawayLamb383", "created_utc": "09-21-2022 10:54:18", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xkbxs7", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xkbxs7", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xkbxs7/my_newest_fossil_crioceratites_ammonite/", "score": 13, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "My newest fossil- Crioceratites ammonite", "upvote_ratio": 0.85, "url": "https://i.redd.it/wwq08qm439p91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/xXAzurionXx", "created_utc": "09-21-2022 08:13:11", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xk7mhg", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xk7mhg", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xk7mhg/echinoid_sea_urchin_from_germany/", "score": 9, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Echinoid ( sea urchin) from Germany", "upvote_ratio": 0.85, "url": "https://i.redd.it/x38fe8fda8p91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Kevven", "created_utc": "09-20-2022 09:28:45", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xjdeay", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xjdeay", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 11, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xjdeay/trilobite_found_today_in_slemmestad_norway/", "score": 169, "selftext": "Found this beauty today. Love the details on the tail.", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Trilobite found today in Slemmestad, Norway.", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.imgur.com/AjjeHN3.jpg" }, { "author": "u/sci_bastian", "created_utc": "09-20-2022 06:11:58", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xj8ghu", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xj8ghu", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xj8ghu/my_favorite_fossil_archaeopteryx_finally_saw_it/", "score": 127, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "My favorite fossil, Archaeopteryx! Finally saw it with my own eyes. Arguably the most famous \"missing link\" (here between birds and nonbird-dinosaurs)", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/cnj9qbnfj0p91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Guns-and-Pumpkins", "created_utc": "09-19-2022 22:25:13", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xj01lb", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xj01lb", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 10, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xj01lb/river_treasures_from_this_summer_mammoth_scapula/", "score": 140, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "River treasures from this summer. Mammoth Scapula, Megalocerus antler and half of a Bos priscus (an absolut unit Scapula is nearly as big as the mammoth one) horn/hip/rip/scapula/humerus/tibia/lower jaw", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/s11rr9ak8yo91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/ClearLake007", "created_utc": "09-19-2022 18:11:25", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xiuq1g", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xiuq1g", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 8, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xiuq1g/ammonite_freshly_plucked_from_creek_wall_north/", "score": 299, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Ammonite freshly plucked from creek wall. North Texas on our private property.", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/fyl2kaiazwo91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Okay_Ocelot", "created_utc": "09-20-2022 02:01:10", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xj3mwe", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xj3mwe", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xj3mwe/fossil_hunting_in_morocco/", "score": 47, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Fossil hunting in Morocco.", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/baft91y2bzo91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/mississippimalka", "created_utc": "09-20-2022 14:56:52", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xjlw3p", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xjlw3p", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xjlw3p/is_this_a_fossil/", "score": 3, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Is this a fossil?", "upvote_ratio": 0.72, "url": "https://i.redd.it/67hrw8yg53p91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Yeet-Yeeted-Yote", "created_utc": "09-20-2022 13:05:26", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xjj13z", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xjj13z", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xjj13z/found_this_at_sangstrup_klint_in_denmark_a_beach/", "score": 6, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found this at Sangstrup Klint in Denmark, a beach known for having tons og urchin fossils. Could this be a crab/lobster claw or is that just wishful thinking?", "upvote_ratio": 0.75, "url": "https://i.redd.it/win05d0ml2p91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Guns-and-Pumpkins", "created_utc": "09-19-2022 22:03:54", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xiznkx", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xiznkx", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xiznkx/the_smallest_one_in_my_collection_miocene_lizard/", "score": 66, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "The smallest one in my collection. Miocene lizard tooth. I washed it out of a clay sample.", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/0652ugqr4yo91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/vaeatwork", "created_utc": "09-19-2022 12:02:37", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xile9g", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xile9g", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 10, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xile9g/sharks_of_md_miocene_nj_cretaceous/", "score": 105, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Sharks of MD (Miocene) & NJ (Cretaceous)", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/p2g415k0nwo91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Hugansas", "created_utc": "09-19-2022 02:58:52", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xi7lmm", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xi7lmm", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xi7lmm/lovenia_woodsi/", "score": 59, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Lovenia Woodsi", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/1btrluozxto91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/ClearLake007", "created_utc": "09-18-2022 19:38:21", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xhzlb3", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xhzlb3", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 12, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xhzlb3/ammonite_piece_found_on_property/", "score": 216, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Ammonite piece found on property", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/1fpbbvct9qo91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/DemocraticSpider", "created_utc": "09-18-2022 14:37:25", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xhsux7", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xhsux7", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xhsux7/broke_open_what_i_thought_to_be_a_very_weathered/", "score": 133, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Broke open what I thought to be a very weathered petoskey and it revealed it was actually a stromatoporoid sponge fossil! 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Does any fossil expert know what exact species these are all from?", "upvote_ratio": 0.92, "url": "https://i.redd.it/6anon7sanmo91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/IkitJ", "created_utc": "09-17-2022 23:59:59", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xh9nvs", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xh9nvs", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 33, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xh9nvs/any_ideas_what_this_belonged_to/", "score": 183, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Any ideas what this belonged to?", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/qf6amyh6xlo91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/DemocraticSpider", "created_utc": "09-18-2022 08:42:05", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xhjyu3", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xhjyu3", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": 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POP can for reference.", "upvote_ratio": 0.92, "url": "https://i.redd.it/buti96aqj5o91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/willowzed88", "created_utc": "09-15-2022 12:39:27", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xf5u04", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xf5u04", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 10, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xf5u04/mail_day_siroccopteryx_and_mosasaur_tooth/", "score": 85, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Mail day, Siroccopteryx and mosasaur tooth", "upvote_ratio": 0.95, "url": "https://i.redd.it/50rsf1mes2o91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Intelligent_Cover_13", "created_utc": "09-15-2022 20:21:12", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xfg586", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xfg586", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xfg586/cool_little_fossils_i_found_northern_bc/", "score": 16, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Cool little fossils I found. 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How's it look?", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.imgur.com/RsyT3ln.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Ccjj2244", "created_utc": "09-13-2022 21:12:35", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xds2lg", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xds2lg", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xds2lg/st_marys_river_meg_from_the_other_side/", "score": 118, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "St Mary's River meg from the other side", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/2s0m21znjsn91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/vanessa_london69", "created_utc": "09-13-2022 12:26:16", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xdg5zj", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xdg5zj", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 10, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xdg5zj/some_beautiful_creek_finds/", "score": 333, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Some beautiful creek finds", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/4ix28pw8gon91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Ccjj2244", "created_utc": "09-13-2022 21:08:05", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xdrzas", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xdrzas", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xdrzas/this_flawless_38_st_marys_river_meg_with_tip/", "score": 56, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "This flawless 3.8\" St Mary's River meg with tip serrations", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/8oghghvuisn91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/SnooCompliments3428", "created_utc": "09-13-2022 18:08:29", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xdo8sk", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xdo8sk", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xdo8sk/i_removed_this_brachiopods_shell_to_expose_the/", "score": 42, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I removed this brachiopod's shell to expose the calcified brachidium.", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/uhrsia1tmrn91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/undeadwacker", "created_utc": "09-13-2022 13:38:48", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xdhyjp", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xdhyjp", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xdhyjp/i_found_a_petrified_wood_in_my_university/", "score": 10, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I found a petrified wood in my University!", "upvote_ratio": 0.92, "url": "https://i.redd.it/6lmhstioaqn91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/bevbby", "created_utc": "09-12-2022 23:59:39", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xd0k90", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xd0k90", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xd0k90/first_time_cutting_a_sponge_fossil/", "score": 40, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "First Time Cutting a Sponge Fossil", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/lcr3mgh1rkn91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/hot__ice", "created_utc": "09-12-2022 20:43:00", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xcx1f4", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xcx1f4", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xcx1f4/nice_assortment_from_texas_full_video_in_comments/", "score": 66, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Nice assortment from Texas, full video in comments!!", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/vifrleiyrjn91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/MrSneaky47", "created_utc": "09-13-2022 12:14:34", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xdfvud", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xdfvud", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xdfvud/found_what_looks_like_some_kind_of_trilobite_head/", "score": 3, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found what looks like some kind of trilobite head in a tiny creek in north Texas. Any second opinions are appropriate, it\u2019s about the size of a normal dinner plate.", "upvote_ratio": 0.71, "url": "https://i.redd.it/3mnv6tb5eon91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/jdubu2008", "created_utc": "09-13-2022 07:37:56", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xd9a6a", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xd9a6a", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 7, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xd9a6a/what_is_this_found_on_nc_beach/", "score": 7, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "What is this? 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Found in Arisaig Nova Scotia", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/7csxzmsgf9n91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/_Alfredosplat_", "created_utc": "09-11-2022 19:18:48", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xc0p2a", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xc0p2a", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xc0p2a/found_this_near_waco_lake/", "score": 37, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found this near Waco lake", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/an53fv23pdn91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/egroegkcalb", "created_utc": "09-11-2022 16:45:46", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xbxh6e", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xbxh6e", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xbxh6e/not_a_holderness_trip_without_a_dac/", "score": 47, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "not a holderness trip without a dac", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/dvgmj8l8ycn91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Goldribs", "created_utc": "09-11-2022 14:32:55", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xbuevd", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xbuevd", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xbuevd/found_this_yesterday/", "score": 72, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found this yesterday", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/nbmtupb0tan91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/willowzed88", "created_utc": "09-11-2022 07:25:29", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xbjwgz", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xbjwgz", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 8, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xbjwgz/my_first_fossil_shark_tooth/", "score": 169, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "My first fossil shark tooth!", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/r5yqf93ro8n91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/hot__ice", "created_utc": "09-11-2022 16:22:13", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xbwyue", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xbwyue", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 10, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xbwyue/xiphactinus_jaw_section_from_texas_trip_finds/", "score": 21, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Xiphactinus jaw section from Texas trip finds (video link in comments)", "upvote_ratio": 0.91, "url": "https://i.redd.it/95bw6ajicbn91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/BlueBot10", "created_utc": "09-10-2022 14:08:14", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xb03jo", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xb03jo", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xb03jo/fossil_collection_hope_you_like_them_all_but_two/", "score": 78, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Fossil collection, hope you like them (All but two found in Dorset)", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/spz6gfhmj3n91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/drinkwater006", "created_utc": "09-10-2022 07:56:10", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xardhh", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xardhh", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 17, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xardhh/is_this_a_fossil/", "score": 99, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "is this a fossil?", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/b3mg9idu63n91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/DemocraticSpider", "created_utc": "09-10-2022 06:42:38", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xapqsq", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xapqsq", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xapqsq/fenestella_bryozoan_devonian_found_in_lake_huron/", "score": 79, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "fenestella bryozoan, Devonian, found in Lake Huron.", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/7df64u02c1n91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/DemocraticSpider", "created_utc": "09-09-2022 21:05:43", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xafj3b", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xafj3b", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xafj3b/crinoid_columnal_microfossil_found_in_devonian/", "score": 61, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Crinoid columnal microfossil found in Devonian sand. 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Southern Alberta Canada", "upvote_ratio": 0.95, "url": "https://i.imgur.com/SKI8Kj0.jpg" }, { "author": "u/DemocraticSpider", "created_utc": "09-09-2022 16:49:17", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xaaajw", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xaaajw", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xaaajw/little_gastropod_broken_out_of_devonian_stone/", "score": 52, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Little gastropod broken out of Devonian stone found outside of a rock shop In Michigan", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/0l6zrpvi7xm91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/DemocraticSpider", "created_utc": "09-09-2022 17:01:55", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xaakdv", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xaakdv", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xaakdv/dont_find_bivalves_often_not_shown_in_this/", "score": 14, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Don\u2019t find bivalves often. Not shown in this picture, but it\u2019s geodized! I\u2019ll post that if anyone wants", "upvote_ratio": 0.86, "url": "https://i.redd.it/l379ba0s9xm91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/ElectronicRhubarb841", "created_utc": "09-08-2022 23:08:04", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x9nlu4", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x9nlu4", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 19, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x9nlu4/megalodon_tooth_no_restauration_2_million_years/", "score": 179, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Megalodon Tooth, No Restauration. 2 Million Years. Just Got It.", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/bt7yk1e6yrm91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/heckhammer", "created_utc": "09-09-2022 16:58:18", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "xaahel", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_xaahel", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/xaahel/2_dollar_bag_of_teeth_purse_state_park_md/", "score": 2, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "2 dollar bag of teeth, Purse State Park MD.", "upvote_ratio": 0.76, "url": "https://imgur.com/gallery/BczYGsh" }, { "author": "u/Irishgrapes", "created_utc": "09-08-2022 16:41:19", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x9fjr7", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x9fjr7", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x9fjr7/dinosaur_vertebrae_hell_creek_formation_story_in/", "score": 110, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Dinosaur Vertebrae, Hell Creek Formation (story in comments)", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/olafoj661qm91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/DemocraticSpider", "created_utc": "09-08-2022 12:56:42", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x9a0pa", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x9a0pa", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x9a0pa/found_this_perfect_petoskey/", "score": 176, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found this perfect petoskey", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/62yvhj54xom91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/DemocraticSpider", "created_utc": "09-08-2022 12:57:19", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x9a18p", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x9a18p", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x9a18p/found_this_gorgeous_colonial_rugose_coral_fossil/", "score": 31, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found this gorgeous colonial rugose coral fossil in port Huron", "upvote_ratio": 0.92, "url": "https://i.redd.it/jw6jw138xom91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/DemocraticSpider", "created_utc": "09-08-2022 13:00:28", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x9a4c7", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x9a4c7", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 7, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x9a4c7/broke_open_a_rock_full_of_brachiopods_and_found/", "score": 32, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Broke open a rock full of brachiopods and found this flakey, pearlescent coating on all of them. Is this the \u201cmother of pearl\u201d preserved? Is that only in bivalves? Mid Devonian", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/m7cdphasxom91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/DemocraticSpider", "created_utc": "09-08-2022 12:58:18", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x9a23r", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x9a23r", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x9a23r/found_this_massive_agatized_bryozoan_colony/", "score": 20, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found this MASSIVE agatized bryozoan(?) colony recently", "upvote_ratio": 0.9, "url": "https://i.redd.it/s2oa97dexom91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/alllie", "created_utc": "09-08-2022 15:47:40", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x9eajx", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x9eajx", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x9eajx/a_rare_dinosaur_skeleton_with_fossilized_skin/", "score": 11, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "A rare dinosaur skeleton with fossilized skin discovered in Canada", "upvote_ratio": 0.87, "url": "https://interestingengineering.com/science/rare-dinosaur-fossilized-skin-discovered-canada" }, { "author": "u/DemocraticSpider", "created_utc": "09-08-2022 12:59:03", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x9a2sz", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x9a2sz", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x9a2sz/devonian_bivalve_assemblage_mollusks_are_rare_in/", "score": 21, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Devonian bivalve assemblage. Mollusks are rare in the area so thrilled at this find!", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/fkdjer8jxom91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/TryingToBeHere", "created_utc": "09-07-2022 11:56:01", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x8d8p1", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x8d8p1", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 9, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x8d8p1/i_have_always_wanted_a_wassilerops_trilobite_and/", "score": 165, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I have always wanted a wassilerops trilobite and finally got one but I broke a piece of the trident and am very sad. That piece broke into a couple other pieces. Can anyone suggest how to restore it?", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.imgur.com/rXI5NcE.jpg" }, { "author": "u/FunForDDS", "created_utc": "09-06-2022 06:51:31", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x7b694", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x7b694", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 35, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x7b694/just_finished_preparing_this_walliserops/", "score": 473, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "just finished preparing this Walliserops trilobite. one of my favorite projects I've completed so far. prep sequence link in comments", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/grn3tfg4u8m91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Jebisamess98", "created_utc": "09-06-2022 15:35:42", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x7o12b", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x7o12b", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 12, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x7o12b/best_guess_as_to_what_these_are/", "score": 30, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Best guess as to what these are?", "upvote_ratio": 0.95, "url": "https://i.redd.it/mmhget4nfbm91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/knowbuddy10", "created_utc": "09-06-2022 10:12:19", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x7g1s6", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x7g1s6", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 15, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x7g1s6/dinosaur_teeth/", "score": 45, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Dinosaur teeth", "upvote_ratio": 0.82, "url": "https://i.redd.it/w6m7ymmyt9m91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Its_scary_how_I", "created_utc": "09-06-2022 16:24:09", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x7p57x", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x7p57x", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 8, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x7p57x/id_please/", "score": 9, "selftext": "Found in central Illinois in a creek bed. It looks like this on both sides of the stone.", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "ID please!", "upvote_ratio": 0.77, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ifgba8y9obm91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/mamlambo", "created_utc": "09-05-2022 13:24:06", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x6qakd", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x6qakd", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 12, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x6qakd/i_found_a_rock_containing_a_number_of_whale_teeth/", "score": 261, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I found a rock containing a number of whale teeth, mid-Miocene - New Zealand", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/qm5xcw14n3m91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/codfather077", "created_utc": "09-05-2022 08:21:41", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x6is4u", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x6is4u", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 20, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x6is4u/found_this_on_a_rock_i_turned_over_in_sardninia/", "score": 361, "selftext": "Anybody know what kind of creature this was?", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found this on a rock i turned over in Sardninia (italy)", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/3v3z4lha52m91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Floraholica", "created_utc": "09-05-2022 20:33:00", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x6zw50", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x6zw50", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x6zw50/possible_cormohipparion_ingenuum_tooth/", "score": 23, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Possible Cormohipparion ingenuum tooth", "upvote_ratio": 0.93, "url": "https://i.redd.it/wd0rfo1sr5m91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/AdAccordings", "created_utc": "09-05-2022 10:25:37", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x6lw8o", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x6lw8o", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x6lw8o/isotelus_trilobite_hypostome_from_the_trenton/", "score": 19, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Isotelus trilobite hypostome from the Trenton Group. There are some misc isotelus bits and pieces on the plate as well.", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/xy7edirer2m91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/achdeereed", "created_utc": "09-05-2022 09:10:31", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x6jzej", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x6jzej", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x6jzej/please_help_me_id_thisfound_in_small_creek/", "score": 12, "selftext": "2x2cm", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Please help me I\u2019d this-found in small creek southwestern PA", "upvote_ratio": 0.84, "url": "https://i.redd.it/051x9dx0e2m91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Travis4492", "created_utc": "09-04-2022 18:46:37", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x63r1f", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x63r1f", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 30, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x63r1f/any_idea_what_this_is/", "score": 86, "selftext": "Was passed down to are family but no clue what it is just was told\nIt was bought around 15 years ago lol", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Any idea what this is?", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/p56jh3aw3yl91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/FOB4Life29", "created_utc": "09-05-2022 08:12:12", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x6ik1m", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x6ik1m", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x6ik1m/nice_crinoid_haul_found_this_weekend/", "score": 6, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Nice Crinoid Haul Found This Weekend", "upvote_ratio": 0.75, "url": "https://imgur.com/a/FlaJ2KI" }, { "author": "u/arthurwalton", "created_utc": "09-04-2022 13:44:25", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x5x8bu", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x5x8bu", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x5x8bu/found_this_snail_looking_thing_in_a_coral_matrix/", "score": 148, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found this snail looking thing in a coral matrix! Thrilled", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/xzfee4czlwl91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/clemsontyger", "created_utc": "09-04-2022 15:26:42", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x5zmma", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x5zmma", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x5zmma/another_nice_haul_from_north_tx_creek/", "score": 50, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Another nice haul from north TX creek", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/necitnb84xl91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/SeaFirestarter42", "created_utc": "09-04-2022 19:51:55", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x650pr", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x650pr", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x650pr/found_while_cleaning_debris_from_a_house_fire/", "score": 23, "selftext": "This is all three pieces fitted back together as best I could. If you look at the top right you can see there is a piece missing. That\u2019s my size 12 shoe there for size comparison. I\u2019m still new and learning to post so couldn\u2019t figure how to get the rest of the images on here. But the back side has hundreds of the little bits that look like spines.", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found while cleaning debris from a house fire.", "upvote_ratio": 0.93, "url": "https://i.redd.it/62w2ng3jfyl91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/pablolo7", "created_utc": "09-04-2022 16:16:13", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x60op4", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x60op4", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x60op4/clamp_fossil_that_i_just_love/", "score": 36, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Clamp fossil that I just love.", "upvote_ratio": 0.93, "url": "https://i.redd.it/xijl33c2dxl91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Sum1udontkno", "created_utc": "09-04-2022 19:03:56", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x64341", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x64341", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x64341/found_on_southern_cape_breton_on_an_island_beach/", "score": 3, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found on Southern Cape Breton on an island beach. The rocks around here are I believe ~300mya and obviously some kind of plant, but what could the black mark be?", "upvote_ratio": 0.81, "url": "https://i.imgur.com/KzTZhwv.jpg" }, { "author": "u/slayer1112", "created_utc": "09-04-2022 22:37:30", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x6858q", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x6858q", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 10, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x6858q/dinosaur_egg/", "score": 0, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Dinosaur egg?", "upvote_ratio": 0.42, "url": "https://i.redd.it/q8dlk9z29zl91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/arthurwalton", "created_utc": "09-02-2022 04:14:07", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x3ytp2", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x3ytp2", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 7, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x3ytp2/the_cutest_object_i_own_is_this/", "score": 136, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "The cutest object I own is this.", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/z68sn2oeifl91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Alternative_User1", "created_utc": "09-02-2022 04:12:23", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x3ysfm", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x3ysfm", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 22, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x3ysfm/is_this_spinosaurus_tooth_real/", "score": 108, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Is this Spinosaurus tooth real?", "upvote_ratio": 0.94, "url": "https://i.redd.it/k3dlgfu3ifl91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/fishmanprime", "created_utc": "08-31-2022 21:48:29", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x2yk8v", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x2yk8v", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 7, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x2yk8v/the_creation_of_shrimp/", "score": 529, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "the Creation of Shrimp", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/x26bk93pg6l91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/swintizzy", "created_utc": "08-31-2022 23:18:19", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x303qp", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x303qp", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x303qp/first_fossil_pick_up/", "score": 43, "selftext": "Picked up these knightia this week from a shop in the cotswold! Thoughts?", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "First fossil pick up!", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/eqef6dppw6l91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Eurypteriddaddy", "created_utc": "08-31-2022 15:20:37", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x2qg92", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x2qg92", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x2qg92/10_inch_eurypterus_remipes_pretty_big_for_the/", "score": 125, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "10 inch Eurypterus remipes! Pretty big for the species.", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/9js38v0ij4l91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/arthurwalton", "created_utc": "08-31-2022 07:34:54", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x2f76u", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x2f76u", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 16, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x2f76u/popped_out_of_a_boulder_i_split_in_half_quarter/", "score": 198, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Popped out of a boulder I split in half. Quarter for scale.", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/91ntibfe82l91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/beezelbullshit", "created_utc": "08-31-2022 06:47:20", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x2e2ws", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x2e2ws", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x2e2ws/rulers_of_ancient_seas/", "score": 133, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Rulers of ancient seas", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/g6ar2s3xz1l91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/GlitchyEntity", "created_utc": "08-31-2022 14:33:26", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x2pbvr", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x2pbvr", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x2pbvr/brachiopod_in_limestone_pulaski_county_ky/", "score": 20, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Brachiopod in Limestone (Pulaski County KY)", "upvote_ratio": 0.92, "url": "https://i.redd.it/vvjq9bq2b4l91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/TheRedneckgamer", "created_utc": "08-31-2022 17:10:03", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x2swvq", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x2swvq", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x2swvq/found_a_fossil_any_idea_what_it_may_have_belonged/", "score": 12, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "found a fossil any idea what it may have belonged too", "upvote_ratio": 0.92, "url": "https://i.redd.it/e35kmnj035l91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Unusual_Ideal375", "created_utc": "08-31-2022 12:57:51", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x2n0bu", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x2n0bu", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x2n0bu/found_in_upper_kennebec_river_maine_any_ideas/", "score": 12, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found in upper Kennebec River, Maine. Any ideas?", "upvote_ratio": 0.94, "url": "https://i.redd.it/np6t9pb0u3l91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Eurypteriddaddy", "created_utc": "08-30-2022 15:57:59", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x1x7z0", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x1x7z0", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 7, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x1x7z0/eurypterus_remipes_death_assemblages/", "score": 336, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Eurypterus remipes death assemblages", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/2njkv5v8lxk91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/George_The_Dino_Guy", "created_utc": "08-31-2022 07:33:08", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x2f5mv", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x2f5mv", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x2f5mv/ammonite/", "score": 13, "selftext": "I found this at Charmouth", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Ammonite", "upvote_ratio": 0.89, "url": "https://i.redd.it/0ee3zb8382l91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Shroomsurprise", "created_utc": "08-30-2022 07:10:06", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x1k4kf", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x1k4kf", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x1k4kf/was_really_excited_to_find_this_fossil_agatized/", "score": 162, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "was really excited to find this fossil agatized whale bone from the miocene era!", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/l82m4tm2zuk91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Eurypteriddaddy", "created_utc": "08-29-2022 15:59:03", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x12lit", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x12lit", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 19, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x12lit/2_eurypterus_remipes_sea_scorpions_you_can_make/", "score": 342, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "2 Eurypterus remipes (sea scorpions) you can make the mouth and genital structure on the rolled up guy.", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/mf52yt7jgqk91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Accurate-Bus3910", "created_utc": "08-30-2022 10:12:36", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x1onnl", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x1onnl", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x1onnl/found_in_morocco_about_115_cm_in_length_any_idea/", "score": 4, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found in Morocco, about 11,5 cm in length, any idea what it might be?", "upvote_ratio": 0.84, "url": "https://i.redd.it/i6wl48wmvvk91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/ClueJuice", "created_utc": "08-30-2022 00:44:13", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x1cwwh", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x1cwwh", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x1cwwh/ammonite_found_in_filey_north_yorkshire/", "score": 18, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Ammonite found in Filey North Yorkshire.", "upvote_ratio": 0.92, "url": "https://i.redd.it/06ijm6z72tk91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Vultureeyes8", "created_utc": "08-29-2022 12:35:58", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x0xo1x", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x0xo1x", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x0xo1x/one_of_my_favorite_fossils_ive_found_a_fern/", "score": 116, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "One of my favorite fossils I\u2019ve found. A fern fossil up near Brownsville, Pa", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/s1r3gtaagpk91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/AdAccordings", "created_utc": "08-29-2022 13:43:53", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x0zc32", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x0zc32", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 17, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x0zc32/juvenile_dipleura_dekayi_trilobite_i_found_in_ny/", "score": 54, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Juvenile Dipleura dekayi trilobite I found in NY about a year ago.", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/vw1oqlbespk91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Specific-Hand7288", "created_utc": "08-29-2022 20:11:45", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x184b8", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x184b8", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x184b8/something_i_found_in_the_rocks_surrounding_my/", "score": 5, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Something I found in the rocks surrounding my home in Indiana, we are moved to Florida now. Does anybody know what forms those lines?", "upvote_ratio": 0.78, "url": "https://i.redd.it/xp54rdamprk91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/SnooCompliments3428", "created_utc": "08-29-2022 11:25:12", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x0vxu2", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x0vxu2", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x0vxu2/composita_brachiopod_with_exposed_calcified/", "score": 25, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Composita brachiopod with exposed calcified brachidium", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/p7uk57bo3pk91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/clemsontyger", "created_utc": "08-28-2022 17:19:20", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x0af8q", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x0af8q", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 19, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x0af8q/teeth_found_in_a_creek_north_of_dallas/", "score": 237, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Teeth found in a creek north of Dallas", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/z0giq83ypjk91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Eurypteriddaddy", "created_utc": "08-28-2022 15:46:35", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "x08era", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_x08era", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 14, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/x08era/eurypterus_remipes_i_found_about_a_year_ago/", "score": 278, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Eurypterus remipes I found about a year ago.", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/qxvas2ld9jk91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/egroegkcalb", "created_utc": "08-28-2022 04:01:20", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wzsrkk", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wzsrkk", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wzsrkk/prepped_hildi_from_saltwick_bay/", "score": 107, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "prepped hildi from saltwick Bay", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/cc7fd9lkrfk91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Infinity-Seeker96", "created_utc": "08-27-2022 17:57:56", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wzifzb", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wzifzb", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 10, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wzifzb/is_this_a_fossil_my_friend_found_this_and_shared/", "score": 72, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Is this a fossil? my friend found this and shared this photo with me. Said she found it in the beach. If yes, can I get more information on this please?", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/1vkskhzwrck91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Luc4son0", "created_utc": "08-27-2022 06:20:18", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wz2pxg", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wz2pxg", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 16, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wz2pxg/what_are_these_fossils_and_why_do_they_have_color/", "score": 157, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "what are these fossils and why do they have color", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/02aazpjeb9k91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/legolas918", "created_utc": "08-26-2022 15:52:28", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wymp8w", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wymp8w", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 60, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wymp8w/just_a_rock_found_in_my_friends_creek_oklahoma/", "score": 717, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Just a rock? 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Shark tooth fossil??", "upvote_ratio": 0.63, "url": "https://i.redd.it/rszoqntirck91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Slepyrn", "created_utc": "08-26-2022 09:04:58", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wyd10m", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wyd10m", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 7, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wyd10m/nice_calcified_brachiopod_conglomerate_chunks/", "score": 98, "selftext": "Some have an odd V shaped formation inside shell, no idea", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Nice calcified brachiopod conglomerate chunks from Herts UK, now where to put them haha", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/pbj5qcqwz2k91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/CLTSB", "created_utc": "08-26-2022 17:34:28", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wyow6m", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wyow6m", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wyow6m/any_idea_what_this_is_maybe_petrified_wood_found/", "score": 3, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Any idea what this is? Maybe petrified wood? Found in Shenandoah Valley, VA", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/4crkf8jti5k91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/WhiteEyeGuy", "created_utc": "08-25-2022 11:42:18", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wxlzw5", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wxlzw5", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 24, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wxlzw5/found_at_an_estate_sale_any_idea_the_fossil/", "score": 202, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found at an estate sale. Any idea the fossil?", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/rhyympq2nwj91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Magicarpe3", "created_utc": "08-25-2022 04:53:46", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wxc6nb", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wxc6nb", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 16, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wxc6nb/a_57_million_years_old_3d_rolled_up_leaf_self/", "score": 268, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "A 57 million years old 3D rolled up leaf (self collected, France)", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/7u63n417muj91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/egroegkcalb", "created_utc": "08-25-2022 13:23:22", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wxoh2o", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wxoh2o", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wxoh2o/hildi_coming_on_nicely/", "score": 51, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "hildi coming on nicely \ud83d\udc4c", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/hhksk5y35xj91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/sedisk_", "created_utc": "08-25-2022 18:01:57", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wxv2jc", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wxv2jc", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wxv2jc/massive_ammonite_fossil_my_grandad_gave_me_when_i/", "score": 16, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Massive ammonite fossil my grandad gave me when I was young. All in tact and in one piece", "upvote_ratio": 0.95, "url": "https://i.redd.it/0l33biapiyj91.png" }, { "author": "u/531345wert", "created_utc": "08-25-2022 19:40:29", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wxx75t", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wxx75t", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wxx75t/found_this_on_a_river_bank_is_this_a_fossil_of/", "score": 12, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found this on a River bank, is this a fossil of some sort", "upvote_ratio": 0.88, "url": "https://i.redd.it/m2j2durd0zj91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Dabeast987", "created_utc": "08-25-2022 12:34:59", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wxnasc", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wxnasc", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wxnasc/found_a_piece_of_a_trilobite_at_work_today/", "score": 45, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found a piece of a trilobite at work today.", "upvote_ratio": 0.95, "url": "https://i.redd.it/rp9qc67fwwj91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/PunchyPineappleJuice", "created_utc": "08-25-2022 15:56:13", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wxs7g0", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wxs7g0", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wxs7g0/fossilized_sea_life_cluster_tooth_ancient_coral/", "score": 14, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Fossilized Sea Life Cluster + tooth. Ancient coral and hard bodied sea creatures. (Self-Found; Oklahoma)", "upvote_ratio": 0.94, "url": "https://i.redd.it/hjluispdwxj91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/newt_girl", "created_utc": "08-25-2022 08:34:35", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wxhcyq", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wxhcyq", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wxhcyq/pile_of_leaves/", "score": 18, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Pile of leaves", "upvote_ratio": 0.87, "url": "https://i.redd.it/pkk5ci8kpvj91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/OioMik", "created_utc": "08-25-2022 08:25:35", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wxh4z1", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wxh4z1", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wxh4z1/polixenidae_in_baltic_amber/", "score": 16, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Polixenidae in Baltic amber.", "upvote_ratio": 0.94, "url": "https://i.redd.it/2pxu8aeynvj91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/egroegkcalb", "created_utc": "08-24-2022 13:19:48", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wwtn73", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wwtn73", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wwtn73/really_nice_quality_eleganticeras_block_from/", "score": 224, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "really nice quality eleganticeras block from Sandsend", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/umb2qy5jzpj91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Ok_Significance4188", "created_utc": "08-24-2022 16:47:24", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wwymg7", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wwymg7", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 8, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wwymg7/im_from_eastern_pennsylvania_anyone_able_to/", "score": 76, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I\u2019m from eastern Pennsylvania, anyone able to identify this fossil? The one is obviously a fern\u2026", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/vwqsagzk0rj91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/S-Quidmonster", "created_utc": "08-24-2022 07:54:38", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wwlmme", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wwlmme", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wwlmme/all_of_those_white_things_are_individual/", "score": 203, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "All of those white things are individual fossilized shells. They\u2019re ~3 million years old and come from Capitola Beach, California", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/do81smljdoj91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/m00ni3", "created_utc": "08-24-2022 16:13:24", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wwxute", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wwxute", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wwxute/what_is_this/", "score": 4, "selftext": "My little ones found this at the lake. What is it?", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "What is this?", "upvote_ratio": 0.75, "url": "https://i.redd.it/lnhk9tdjuqj91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Magicarpe3", "created_utc": "08-23-2022 05:30:09", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wvnkiq", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wvnkiq", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 29, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wvnkiq/5_million_years_separate_them_self_collected/", "score": 742, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "5 million years separate them (self collected, France)", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/0ndj5wytigj91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Avachiel", "created_utc": "08-23-2022 17:16:34", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ww4k76", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ww4k76", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 24, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ww4k76/king_of_gastropods_and_part_of_my_100_giveaway/", "score": 69, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "King of Gastropods! 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US only", "upvote_ratio": 0.72, "url": "https://i.redd.it/tlu4ox8x5ai91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Partysaurulophus", "created_utc": "08-16-2022 20:14:51", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wqdzhk", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wqdzhk", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wqdzhk/some_nice_shelled_cephalopods_i_got_at_a/", "score": 40, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Some nice shelled cephalopods I got at a convention.", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/odk9pkjby6i91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Partysaurulophus", "created_utc": "08-16-2022 20:16:56", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wqe14g", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wqe14g", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wqe14g/lovely_polished_clam_fossil/", "score": 20, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Lovely polished clam fossil.", "upvote_ratio": 0.95, "url": "https://i.redd.it/grcrozxoy6i91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Im_not_rick_astly", "created_utc": "08-16-2022 10:35:53", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wq0elh", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wq0elh", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wq0elh/some_nice_ammonite_imprints/", "score": 101, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Some nice ammonite imprints", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/4jn80lwz24i91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Partysaurulophus", "created_utc": "08-16-2022 20:15:30", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wqe022", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wqe022", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wqe022/mosasaur_teeth/", "score": 10, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Mosasaur Teeth", "upvote_ratio": 0.87, "url": "https://i.redd.it/kkdll3sfy6i91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Partysaurulophus", "created_utc": "08-16-2022 20:17:55", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wqe1vu", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wqe1vu", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wqe1vu/vertebra_unknown_animal/", "score": 7, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Vertebra. 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PS... is that gold?", "upvote_ratio": 0.67, "url": "https://imgur.com/a/qkgKKVc" }, { "author": "u/Capital-Chair9409", "created_utc": "08-15-2022 15:20:16", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wpcrk3", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wpcrk3", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wpcrk3/a_fossil_we_dug_up_in_our_yard/", "score": 46, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "\ud83d\udd25 A fossil we dug up in our yard", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://www.reddit.com/gallery/wpcaml" }, { "author": "u/Finkenn", "created_utc": "08-15-2022 12:07:26", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wp7yqu", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wp7yqu", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wp7yqu/this_is_the_magdeburg_unicorn_one_of_the_worst/", "score": 39, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "This is the \u201cMagdeburg Unicorn\u201d, one of the worst fossil reconstructions in human history. 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Trying to match it up in the notebook so I can determine what it exactly is.", "upvote_ratio": 0.83, "url": "https://imgur.com/gallery/A6Cygrn" }, { "author": "u/The_Boot55", "created_utc": "08-15-2022 03:04:57", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wovqsn", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wovqsn", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 11, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wovqsn/can_anyone_tell_if_this_is_a_real_fossil_i_bought/", "score": 43, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Can anyone tell if this is a real fossil? I bought it in a gallery gift shop. My receipt says ammonite (non pol) any replies would be appreciated", "upvote_ratio": 0.92, "url": "https://i.redd.it/hpbmr3znpuh91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Sad-Statement-2677", "created_utc": "08-15-2022 11:41:12", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wp7blq", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wp7blq", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wp7blq/does_anyone_know_what_this_might_be_in_the_middle/", "score": 5, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Does anyone know what this might be? In the middle it goes a bit inside", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/yq2hcpbr9xh91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/CrytalVision", "created_utc": "08-14-2022 12:05:00", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wodze2", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wodze2", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wodze2/found_at_a_lake_in_saskatchewan_canadalooks_like/", "score": 100, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found at a lake in Saskatchewan, Canada\u2026looks like teeth but not 100% certain what it could be", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/t62fna639qh91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Hinesight5757", "created_utc": "08-15-2022 09:59:14", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wp4r4e", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wp4r4e", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wp4r4e/meg_all_dressed_up/", "score": 2, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Meg all dressed up\u2026", "upvote_ratio": 0.56, "url": "https://i.redd.it/xoof2j7krwh91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/TheWhiteTissue", "created_utc": "08-14-2022 15:46:11", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "woj10e", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_woj10e", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/woj10e/any_idea_what_this_could_be/", "score": 4, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Any idea what this could be?", "upvote_ratio": 0.71, "url": "https://i.redd.it/utwbdirjcrh91.jpg" }, { "author": "[deleted]", "created_utc": "08-14-2022 13:39:57", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wog5di", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wog5di", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wog5di/is_this_real_found_in_a_rock_shop_in_chicago/", "score": 3, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Is this real? 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Found in Paleozoic gravel on the railroad tracks. Any confirmation, identification, or refutation is welcome!", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/z3s5jj62fjh91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Hinesight5757", "created_utc": "08-12-2022 14:20:28", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wmwblz", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wmwblz", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wmwblz/megalodon_dentition_and_associated_fossils/", "score": 163, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Megalodon dentition and associated fossils", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/aruhcubench91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/MrGoonDoogg", "created_utc": "08-12-2022 14:43:03", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wmwuaz", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wmwuaz", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wmwuaz/lyme_regis_uk/", "score": 68, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "lyme Regis UK", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ly3a6x0hrch91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/drunk_and_fat", "created_utc": "08-13-2022 01:32:48", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wn9h6o", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wn9h6o", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wn9h6o/weird_fossil_found_in_poland_any_idea/", "score": 6, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Weird Fossil found in Poland. 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Any idea what it may be? Sort of looks like a large tooth. It\u2019s about 1.5\u201d long for reference", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/6hf4u86qzch91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Hinesight5757", "created_utc": "08-12-2022 04:08:33", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wmikmf", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wmikmf", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 7, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wmikmf/pathological_love_this_oneanyone_seen_one_like_it/", "score": 49, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Pathological ? Love this one..anyone seen one like it? Need to find the other 1/2 !", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/aiu2vlz9m9h91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/450SX", "created_utc": "08-12-2022 15:36:32", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wmy3gh", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wmy3gh", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wmy3gh/miocene_cetacean_fossil/", "score": 3, "selftext": "A fossil my brother and I found in a New Zealand Miocene deposit. According to the local museum cetacean paleontologist, it is likely part of the thoracic section of a small whale", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Miocene Cetacean fossil", "upvote_ratio": 0.8, "url": "https://imgur.com/a/B2JOCkP" }, { "author": "u/orbcat", "created_utc": "08-11-2022 15:41:36", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wm4j9e", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wm4j9e", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wm4j9e/sea_urchin_in_pastaza_ecuador/", "score": 122, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Sea Urchin in Pastaza, Ecuador", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/veleoi10x5h91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Africanon", "created_utc": "08-12-2022 08:32:24", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wmo6pb", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wmo6pb", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wmo6pb/is_it_a_fossil_kluane_national_park_yukon_canada/", "score": 5, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Is it a fossil? Kluane National Park, Yukon Canada. My gf thinks we found a trilobite \ud83e\udd14", "upvote_ratio": 0.73, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ndjng3uaxah91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Mekelaxo", "created_utc": "08-11-2022 13:24:34", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wm1a6g", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wm1a6g", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wm1a6g/some_really_crispy_crinoid_stem_fossils_from_the/", "score": 37, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Some really crispy crinoid stem fossils from the Madison limestone group in Southern Montana.", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/k55upexj85h91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/fuckinokie", "created_utc": "08-10-2022 15:22:24", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wlan1m", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wlan1m", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 7, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wlan1m/not_sure_what_this_is_ne_oklahoma/", "score": 105, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "not sure what this is ( NE Oklahoma )", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/z623ipwnoyg91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/fuckinokie", "created_utc": "08-10-2022 15:19:08", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wlak50", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wlak50", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 9, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wlak50/good_sized_horn_coral/", "score": 60, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "good sized horn coral", "upvote_ratio": 0.95, "url": "https://i.redd.it/rpl02g23oyg91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/mamlambo", "created_utc": "08-10-2022 02:56:59", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wkteow", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wkteow", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wkteow/i_finally_found_a_fossil_penguin_here_is_the_prep/", "score": 158, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I finally found a fossil penguin, here is the prep progress - Late Miocene or younger [prep video link in comments]", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/s61iygmnzug91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/OrdinarySuspect135", "created_utc": "08-10-2022 12:04:54", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wl5s1l", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wl5s1l", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 7, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wl5s1l/fossilized_horse_tooth_ne_ohio/", "score": 26, "selftext": "Found this a couple months ago and I'm trying to ID it.\nPretty sure it's a mammal herbivores tooth, but I'm not sure which one. Leaning horse but maybe bison?", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "fossilized horse tooth? NE Ohio", "upvote_ratio": 0.9, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ysjq8pifpxg91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Hinesight5757", "created_utc": "08-10-2022 02:32:41", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wkt0zw", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wkt0zw", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wkt0zw/lil_screamer_meg/", "score": 67, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Lil screamer Meg!", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/108lm8bcvug91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/H_Griffin", "created_utc": "08-10-2022 09:05:06", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wl1944", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wl1944", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 13, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wl1944/donut_shaped_fossil_anyone_know_what_it_is_found/", "score": 16, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "donut shaped fossil, anyone know what it is? found in the south of France.", "upvote_ratio": 0.95, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ey0550sbtwg91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/IronicCharlie", "created_utc": "08-10-2022 09:01:19", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wl15ov", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wl15ov", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wl15ov/found_in_alberta_rockies_thought_maybe_imprints/", "score": 9, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found in Alberta Rockies. Thought maybe imprints of seashells?", "upvote_ratio": 0.85, "url": "https://i.redd.it/y70x81fiswg91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/arthurwalton", "created_utc": "08-09-2022 16:27:50", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wkhz2b", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wkhz2b", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wkhz2b/the_spot_that_wont_stop_giving/", "score": 129, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "The spot that won\u2019t stop giving\u2026", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/f0gbdcofvrg91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/S-Quidmonster", "created_utc": "08-10-2022 09:33:54", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wl1zax", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wl1zax", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wl1zax/cetacean_vertebra_with_some_other_associated/", "score": 2, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Cetacean vertebra with some other associated bones I found at Capitola Beach, CA. It comes from the Purisma Formation, which is a marine formation that\u2019s 3-7 million years old.", "upvote_ratio": 0.76, "url": "https://i.redd.it/3zh15gbfywg91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Deb_on_the_shore", "created_utc": "08-09-2022 03:00:27", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wjzc65", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wjzc65", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 17, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wjzc65/pterodactyl_berlin_museum_f\u00fcr_naturkunde/", "score": 469, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Pterodactyl, Berlin Museum f\u00fcr Naturkunde", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/a1gt1cudvng91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/LordoftheGrunt", "created_utc": "08-08-2022 07:52:48", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wjatwd", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wjatwd", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 17, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wjatwd/possible_pterodactyl_skull_i_found_in_kent_uk/", "score": 226, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Possible Pterodactyl skull I found in Kent UK", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/nmqtwuym6ig91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/DemocraticSpider", "created_utc": "08-08-2022 19:04:20", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wjr00z", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wjr00z", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wjr00z/ive_been_told_this_is_a_spyroceras_a/", "score": 26, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I\u2019ve been told this is a spyroceras, a straight-shelled cephalopod from the Paleozoic. I thought it was just a massive crinoid stem at first before i chipped some stone away and saw the taper.", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/gix615zfilg91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Mammut_americanum", "created_utc": "08-08-2022 08:30:06", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wjbr4c", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wjbr4c", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wjbr4c/male_mastodon_at_the_university_of_michigan/", "score": 78, "selftext": "The wound shows no signs of healing, indicating a fatality after the scuffle. In addition, cut marks and missing bones denote human butchering of the carcass after death.", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Male mastodon at the University of Michigan Natural History Museum. A puncture wound above the mandible on its right side (likely from a tusk) is an indication of a fight with another male.", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/0ya2p9iadig91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/bes5318", "created_utc": "08-07-2022 23:33:14", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wj1njc", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wj1njc", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 30, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wj1njc/ok_but_how_do_i_get_this_home/", "score": 340, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Ok but how do I get this home?", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/hsk5pstfpfg91.jpg" }, { "author": "[deleted]", "created_utc": "08-08-2022 20:12:46", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wjsgmu", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wjsgmu", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wjsgmu/fossil/", "score": 7, "selftext": "Found in lavalatte, NJ. This thing is so weird lol", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Fossil?", "upvote_ratio": 0.9, "url": "https://i.redd.it/q6sjdspnulg91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/GoddessOfJupiter", "created_utc": "08-08-2022 17:21:23", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wjos2m", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wjos2m", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wjos2m/can_anyone_tell_me_what_this_is_found_around/", "score": 10, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Can anyone tell me what this is? Found around Skaneateles Lake, NY", "upvote_ratio": 0.92, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ad2b02t20lg91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/_The_Red_Wizard_", "created_utc": "08-07-2022 16:58:33", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "witzje", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_witzje", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 15, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/witzje/interesting_rock_maybe_a_fin_fossil_found_in/", "score": 72, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Interesting Rock, Maybe A Fin Fossil? Found In Maritime Canada.", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/k72yj903rdg91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/yellowsnowman4", "created_utc": "08-07-2022 09:10:11", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wijanp", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wijanp", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 20, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wijanp/megalodon_tooth_45in/", "score": 225, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Megalodon Tooth (4.5in)", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/zy1gpz5jfbg91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/jdrobertsonseo", "created_utc": "08-07-2022 20:52:48", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wiys73", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wiys73", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wiys73/i_found_this_in_ny_years_ago_and_have_been_using/", "score": 16, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I found this in NY years ago and have been using it as a cool doorstop. Any ideas what it was? 6x5 diameter triangle shaped very smooth stone. 3 pictures included", "upvote_ratio": 0.91, "url": "https://www.reddit.com/gallery/wixvdq" }, { "author": "u/SuperSaiyanStacker", "created_utc": "08-07-2022 02:27:02", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wibod2", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wibod2", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 8, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wibod2/fossil/", "score": 42, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Fossil?", "upvote_ratio": 0.89, "url": "https://i.redd.it/mrhxmlslf9g91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Kingkongcouver", "created_utc": "08-06-2022 11:29:17", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "whuwqh", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_whuwqh", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/whuwqh/mt_baker_washington_finds/", "score": 111, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Mt. 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Found in a cornfield in NW Indiana near Lake Michigan.", "upvote_ratio": 0.93, "url": "https://i.redd.it/gc2j5gckyzf91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/en_ano", "created_utc": "08-05-2022 05:25:09", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wgu5rx", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wgu5rx", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 17, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wgu5rx/a_pterosaur_preserved_in_three_dimensions/", "score": 387, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "\"[...] a pterosaur preserved in three dimensions, Cretaceous Istiodactylus.\" posted by @WryCritic on twitter", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ohqdmo2k1wf91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Sacred_Stardust", "created_utc": "08-05-2022 14:29:41", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wh6x76", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wh6x76", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wh6x76/a_fossil_rock_i_found_in_the_front_yard_of_my/", "score": 51, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "a fossil rock I found in the front yard of my childhood home in a rock bed", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ktafxlipqyf91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/S-Quidmonster", "created_utc": "08-05-2022 07:32:48", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wgx0jk", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wgx0jk", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wgx0jk/eldredgeops_rana_trilobite_i_found_right_outside/", "score": 83, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Eldredgeops rana trilobite I found right outside of Buffalo, NY", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/6jaa676cowf91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/__myrbambino__", "created_utc": "08-05-2022 09:00:28", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wgz4z9", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wgz4z9", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wgz4z9/can_someone_please_identify_this_fossil/", "score": 5, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Can someone please identify this fossil?", "upvote_ratio": 0.73, "url": "https://i.redd.it/5nhcw7ir3xf91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Weirdgoldfish55", "created_utc": "08-05-2022 04:19:30", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wgsv5z", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wgsv5z", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wgsv5z/is_the_jaw_bone_real_mosasaur/", "score": 9, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Is the jaw bone real? 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Dont knowwhat it is but thought it was cool", "upvote_ratio": 0.95, "url": "https://i.imgur.com/qCkPKNx.jpg" }, { "author": "u/meesfelix", "created_utc": "08-04-2022 12:10:05", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wg9ier", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wg9ier", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wg9ier/my_mom_found_this_in_togo_africa_in_the_ocean/", "score": 13, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "My mom found this in Togo, Africa in the ocean around 1985. Been wondering my whole life what it could be, thinking about a tooth possibly?", "upvote_ratio": 0.94, "url": "https://i.redd.it/2msvhk5wwqf91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Haunting_Transition6", "created_utc": "08-04-2022 12:52:26", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wgaidx", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wgaidx", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wgaidx/happy_accidental/", "score": 11, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Happy Accidental", "upvote_ratio": 0.92, "url": "https://i.redd.it/rd4d94mf4rf91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/jigalaka", "created_utc": "08-04-2022 10:04:51", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wg6hgc", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wg6hgc", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 8, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wg6hgc/anyone_know_what_this_might_be_its_rounded_on_the/", "score": 12, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Anyone know what this might be? 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HWY-91, Beaver Adam MTN, Washington County, Utah.", "upvote_ratio": 0.83, "url": "https://imgur.com/a/gxKu4qB/" }, { "author": "u/MrUnfortunante", "created_utc": "08-03-2022 05:31:11", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wf5e63", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wf5e63", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wf5e63/my_wife_has_been_hunting_with_me_a_few_times_this/", "score": 203, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "My wife has been hunting with me a few times, this is the first trilobite she finds. Most of them I find are about the size a standard plastic bead", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/g169wy9tshf91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/randumbum", "created_utc": "08-03-2022 00:15:09", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "weztb9", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_weztb9", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/weztb9/nifty_fossils_at_the_oregon_coast/", "score": 34, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Nifty fossils at the Oregon coast", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/5nxo3f8f8gf91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/jigalaka", "created_utc": "08-02-2022 18:25:35", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wet424", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wet424", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 33, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wet424/bought_this_recently_but_it_wasnt_labeled_anybody/", "score": 71, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Bought this recently but it wasn\u2019t labeled, anybody know what it\u2019s from?", "upvote_ratio": 0.91, "url": "https://i.redd.it/8wx9c5z1ief91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Deb_on_the_shore", "created_utc": "08-02-2022 12:42:34", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wel1cs", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wel1cs", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 16, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wel1cs/i_guess_this_is_a_trilobite_but_some_more/", "score": 170, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I guess this is a Trilobite, but some more information on it maybe?", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ffpeob9oscf91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/shane0273", "created_utc": "08-03-2022 12:16:03", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wffbp6", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wffbp6", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wffbp6/anything_look_familiar_nys_rock/", "score": 2, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Anything look familiar? NYS rock.", "upvote_ratio": 0.59, "url": "https://i.redd.it/7deyznm1tjf91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/CoinMan1212", "created_utc": "08-02-2022 10:09:51", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "weh8et", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_weh8et", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 19, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/weh8et/my_first_fossil_a_spinosaurus_tooth/", "score": 239, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "My first fossil, a Spinosaurus tooth\ud83d\ude01", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/xb6h2x9m1cf91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/photospherix", "created_utc": "08-03-2022 08:11:18", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wf93r6", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wf93r6", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wf93r6/i_thought_you_might_enjoy_a_360_view_of_a/", "score": 3, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I thought you might enjoy a 360 View of a Mastodon Skull we photographed", "upvote_ratio": 0.81, "url": "https://www.photospherix.com/3d-view/mastodon-skull/" }, { "author": "u/reptilepaul93", "created_utc": "08-02-2022 23:35:27", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "wez5ef", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_wez5ef", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/wez5ef/mosasaur_jaw_section_in_reference_to_post_before/", "score": 14, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Mosasaur Jaw section (in reference to post before mine)", "upvote_ratio": 0.95, "url": "https://i.redd.it/lz9ozfjc1gf91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/calmcast", "created_utc": "08-02-2022 03:03:37", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "we7poj", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_we7poj", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/we7poj/polished_ammonoidea_given_to_my_wife_for_her_bd/", "score": 69, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Polished Ammonoidea given to my wife for her BD. She's only expressed a mild interest in fossils, but her husband thinks it's a good idea. 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A sting ray tooth at the bottom! I also find quite a few fossilized shark vertebrae.", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "My cartilaginous fish teeth. 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If someone knows of a better sub for it please let me know :)", "upvote_ratio": 0.6, "url": "https://i.redd.it/l2t7mssrmce91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/eskel26", "created_utc": "07-27-2022 06:34:31", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w9ey15", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w9ey15", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/w9ey15/i_just_found_my_first_ammonite_kudos_to/", "score": 119, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I just found my first ammonite! 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ID?", "upvote_ratio": 0.83, "url": "https://i.redd.it/jw0oadc2r5e91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/SeasonalEclipse", "created_utc": "07-27-2022 15:11:23", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w9rm0s", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w9rm0s", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/w9rm0s/can_anyone_tell_me_what_this_is_basic_fossil_or/", "score": 7, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Can anyone tell me what this is? Basic fossil or just rock formation?", "upvote_ratio": 0.82, "url": "https://i.redd.it/tgrrnwwup6e91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Raibead13", "created_utc": "07-27-2022 12:57:26", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w9obg5", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w9obg5", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/w9obg5/thought_id_ask_yall_too_giant_sloth_or_shiny_rock/", "score": 2, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Thought I'd ask yall too. Giant sloth? Or shiny rock", "upvote_ratio": 0.76, "url": "https://www.reddit.com/gallery/w9oa29" }, { "author": "u/TamalesX900", "created_utc": "07-26-2022 12:38:19", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w8sx11", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w8sx11", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 20, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/w8sx11/what_type_of_fossil_is_this_found_in_texas/", "score": 131, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "What type of fossil is this ? found in Texas", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/nwvbce5ptyd91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Infinity-Seeker96", "created_utc": "07-25-2022 12:22:52", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w7xpvq", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w7xpvq", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 9, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/w7xpvq/my_first_fossil_findings_rock_glen_falls_ontario/", "score": 238, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "My first fossil findings!! \ud83e\udd29 Rock Glen Falls, Ontario. 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Not sure what it is but, I thought it looked cool!", "upvote_ratio": 0.79, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ga5o8yagqfd91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/rozyhammer", "created_utc": "07-23-2022 07:06:34", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w64udm", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w64udm", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/w64udm/sue_the_t_rex_67_million_years_old_discovered_in/", "score": 113, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Sue the T. rex, ~67 million years old, discovered in 1990 in South Dakota, Field Museum Chicago [2848x4288][OC].", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/6mqqp5axqbd91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/OversizedHobbit", "created_utc": "07-23-2022 14:38:36", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w6ev2w", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w6ev2w", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/w6ev2w/saw_a_couple_of_these_stick_like_curvy_fossils/", "score": 14, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Saw a couple of these stick like curvy fossils today in coastal cliffs in North Yorkshire UK. Does anyone know what they are? This one was about 20-25 cm long.", "upvote_ratio": 0.86, "url": "https://i.redd.it/exe39edg0ed91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Interesting-Disk6162", "created_utc": "07-22-2022 14:00:47", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w5l9q3", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w5l9q3", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 9, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/w5l9q3/here_is_a_photo_of_the_other_side_and_a_quarter/", "score": 137, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Here is a photo of the other side and a quarter for scale.", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/96ekqr9so6d91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Interesting-Disk6162", "created_utc": "07-22-2022 13:42:43", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w5ku58", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w5ku58", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 24, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/w5ku58/help_identifying_this_crazy_looking_fossil_that/", "score": 75, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Help identifying this crazy looking fossil that my mom found on a beach. I think it is some sort of vertebrate, though I\u2019m no expert. What I find most interesting is this symmetrical shape, I believe it may be a skull. Any information would be great thanks.", "upvote_ratio": 0.91, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ypkpby8kl6d91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/arthurwalton", "created_utc": "07-21-2022 14:40:48", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w4sm5c", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w4sm5c", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 7, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/w4sm5c/weeks_ago_i_found_my_first_crinoid_stem_today_i/", "score": 177, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Weeks ago I found my first crinoid stem. 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Found in central CA near a bunch of shark teeth.", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/uy6f76i09zc91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/ImTheBigBoy1999", "created_utc": "07-21-2022 09:32:01", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w4l32l", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w4l32l", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/w4l32l/found_on_lunch_break_any_ideas_newark_delaware/", "score": 56, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found on lunch break! any ideas? 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Worth the 1000km round trip to see him \u2764", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/kdrsm7fe6oc91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/vinkelly", "created_utc": "07-19-2022 19:00:34", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w3a3hl", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w3a3hl", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/w3a3hl/trex_in_brussels_the_royal_belgian_institute_of/", "score": 122, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "T-Rex in Brussels @ the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (worth going, largest Dino hall in the world!)", "upvote_ratio": 0.94, "url": "https://i.redd.it/pm2mdyqlqmc91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/SnowballtheSage", "created_utc": "07-20-2022 00:42:57", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w3gfb2", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w3gfb2", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/w3gfb2/the_biggest_ammonite_in_the_world_as_of_yet_a/", "score": 9, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "The biggest ammonite in the world, as of yet! - A fossil I encountered in the Arboretum botanical garden in Ellerhoop, Germany", "upvote_ratio": 0.8, "url": "https://www.reddit.com/gallery/w3gel9" }, { "author": "u/mrschaza", "created_utc": "07-20-2022 00:31:29", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w3g8vo", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w3g8vo", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/w3g8vo/is_this_a_fossil_any_idea_what_it_is/", "score": 7, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Is this a fossil? 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It\u2019s one of the most complete triceratops fossils in the world!", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/1lsswzclshc91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/skalstorm711", "created_utc": "07-19-2022 18:55:13", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w39zb1", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w39zb1", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/w39zb1/anybody_know_what_this_is_i_have_another_pic_but/", "score": 12, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "anybody know what this is? i have another pic but it only allowed me to attach one", "upvote_ratio": 0.88, "url": "https://i.redd.it/61uba81lqmc91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/arthurwalton", "created_utc": "07-19-2022 12:17:26", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w30w8n", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w30w8n", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 7, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/w30w8n/beat_up_little_crinoid_stem/", "score": 20, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "beat up little crinoid stem!", "upvote_ratio": 0.83, "url": "https://i.redd.it/py14rcu1rkc91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/succeedaphile", "created_utc": "07-19-2022 03:14:21", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w2p701", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w2p701", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/w2p701/in_the_deserts_of_western_egypt_fossil_remains_of/", "score": 29, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "In the deserts of Western Egypt. Fossil remains of the earliest, and now extinct, suborder of whales, Archaeoceti.", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://www.reddit.com/gallery/w2b3a9" }, { "author": "u/DemocraticSpider", "created_utc": "07-18-2022 11:07:00", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w25yp2", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w25yp2", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/w25yp2/found_this_little_gastropod_in_a_rock_at_the_ren/", "score": 151, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found this little gastropod in a rock at the ren fair grounds", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/vqnsq014adc91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Momofboog", "created_utc": "07-18-2022 17:59:46", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w2ffzv", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w2ffzv", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/w2ffzv/can_you_help_me_id_this_found_in_austin_tx_30/", "score": 30, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Can you help me ID this? Found in Austin, TX 30 years ago.", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/vtw7l92sbfc91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/takemetotheplaya", "created_utc": "07-18-2022 17:38:32", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w2f08s", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w2f08s", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 7, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/w2f08s/reupload_patterned_rock_or_fossil/", "score": 18, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Reupload: patterned rock or fossil?", "upvote_ratio": 0.95, "url": "https://i.redd.it/xw565flz7fc91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Vultureeyes8", "created_utc": "07-18-2022 11:00:08", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w25slv", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w25slv", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/w25slv/fossilized_coral_my_partner_and_i_found_on_a/", "score": 31, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Fossilized coral my partner and I found on a beach by Cleveland, Ohio", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/sgqua6ww8dc91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/takemetotheplaya", "created_utc": "07-18-2022 06:44:19", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w1zpyr", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w1zpyr", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 12, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/w1zpyr/is_this_a_fossil_or_a_patterned_rock/", "score": 36, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Is this a fossil? Or a patterned rock?", "upvote_ratio": 0.91, "url": "https://i.redd.it/5rpvgp3azbc91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/TrendingBot", "created_utc": "07-18-2022 18:17:31", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w2ftg4", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w2ftg4", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/w2ftg4/rfossilporn_hit_200k_subscribers_yesterday/", "score": 2, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "/r/fossilporn hit 200k subscribers yesterday", "upvote_ratio": 0.67, "url": "https://frontpagemetrics.com/r/fossilporn" }, { "author": "u/DemocraticSpider", "created_utc": "07-17-2022 20:15:33", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w1p2h7", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w1p2h7", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/w1p2h7/i_bought_these_mayfly_larvae_at_the_local/", "score": 51, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I bought these mayfly larvae at the local renaissance fair. Thrilled with them! Any tips for scrapping off some of the matrix left covering the fossils?", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/hfaxcnj3v8c91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/OioMik", "created_utc": "07-17-2022 12:57:11", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w1fwvg", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w1fwvg", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/w1fwvg/hoverfly_in_baltic_amber/", "score": 161, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Hoverfly in Baltic amber.", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/1yk35r3wo6c91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/ughhjordon", "created_utc": "07-17-2022 11:10:09", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w1dhdf", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w1dhdf", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/w1dhdf/todays_fossil_finds_some_coral_and_some_of/", "score": 52, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Todays fossil finds. Some coral and some of biggest brachiopods I ever found. They came out of a large rock with hundreds of them in it.", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/6dxa7yrr56c91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/itsmartyliu", "created_utc": "07-17-2022 05:22:24", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w168b6", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w168b6", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 9, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/w168b6/anyone_please_id_this_shell/", "score": 42, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Anyone please ID this shell.", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/z25kq4sqf4c91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/rogerwabbit1", "created_utc": "07-17-2022 10:02:05", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w1bzve", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w1bzve", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/w1bzve/found_this_one_on_the_river_yesterday/", "score": 16, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found this one on the river yesterday", "upvote_ratio": 0.94, "url": "https://i.redd.it/gjf5cermt5c91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/BFalkmk3", "created_utc": "07-17-2022 19:22:10", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w1o1eb", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w1o1eb", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/w1o1eb/crossposting_in_search_of_an_id_found_near/", "score": 3, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Crossposting in search of an ID. 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Found while trekking on a mountain.", "upvote_ratio": 0.67, "url": "https://i.redd.it/p8me9kzff4c91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/itsmartyliu", "created_utc": "07-17-2022 05:21:30", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w167t4", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w167t4", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/w167t4/small_clam_found_please_id/", "score": 1, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Small clam found. Please ID.", "upvote_ratio": 0.57, "url": "https://i.redd.it/em5vhb2lf4c91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/DemocraticSpider", "created_utc": "07-16-2022 07:31:44", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w0hzzm", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w0hzzm", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/w0hzzm/i_got_to_see_this_massive_algal_stromatolite_out/", "score": 53, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I got to see this massive algal stromatolite out infront of the UW Madison geology museum", "upvote_ratio": 0.95, "url": "https://i.redd.it/xsmlv4jwxxb91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/ughhjordon", "created_utc": "07-15-2022 13:52:06", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vzyv6j", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vzyv6j", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 8, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/vzyv6j/anyone_know_what_kind_of_fossil_this_is_from/", "score": 80, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Anyone know what kind of fossil this is? From western New York.", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/znb7wcquosb91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/jamjam1771", "created_utc": "07-15-2022 17:16:10", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "w03812", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_w03812", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 7, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/w03812/need_help_identifying_this_fossil_it_looks_like_a/", "score": 14, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Need help identifying this fossil. It looks like a bone of some kind. Found in Texas.", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/el1orbh9ptb91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Thatfossilguy", "created_utc": "07-14-2022 10:41:06", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vz1p7g", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vz1p7g", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 50, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/vz1p7g/nice_t_rex_tooth_i_found_at_my_microsite_2_34_in/", "score": 501, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Nice T. rex tooth I found at my microsite. (~2 3/4 in) Hell Creek formation, South Dakota, US. [OC, OS]", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/vm3ntp7e3mb91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/VenomFire", "created_utc": "07-14-2022 05:25:06", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vyun56", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vyun56", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/vyun56/gorgeous_165_hemipristis_serra_tooth_i_found_last/", "score": 17, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Gorgeous 1.65\u201d Hemipristis Serra tooth I found last week and had to share!", "upvote_ratio": 0.95, "url": "https://imgur.com/a/j1VjvTo/" }, { "author": "u/DemocraticSpider", "created_utc": "07-13-2022 09:16:20", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vy74an", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vy74an", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/vy74an/first_ever_microfossils_tiny_crinoid_stem_bits/", "score": 186, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "First ever microfossils. Tiny crinoid stem bits filtered out of sand by hand. Hoping for some conodont elements soon!", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/hxgpbs8djeb91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Matty_Kirk89", "created_utc": "07-13-2022 09:25:43", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vy7cf5", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vy7cf5", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/vy7cf5/fossil_in_gravel/", "score": 49, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Fossil in Gravel", "upvote_ratio": 0.92, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ycm0iwai3db91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/egroegkcalb", "created_utc": "07-13-2022 02:05:53", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vxyozs", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vxyozs", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/vxyozs/finally_got_round_to_finishing_this_double_from/", "score": 114, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Finally got round to finishing this double from saltwick, was very pyritic and sticky but am happy with it for sure\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\udd28\ud83e\udd7d", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/m730qel1xab91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Treat_Street1993", "created_utc": "07-12-2022 15:40:34", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vxnqrx", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vxnqrx", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/vxnqrx/ny_state_devionian_collection/", "score": 104, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "NY State Devionian Collection", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/yv8gd7wgt7b91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/dorian_white1", "created_utc": "07-12-2022 22:01:45", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vxv03b", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vxv03b", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/vxv03b/snapshot_of_the_ancient_seabed_found_while/", "score": 17, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Snapshot of the ancient seabed. 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I\u2019m thrilled.", "upvote_ratio": 0.79, "url": "https://i.redd.it/maxpc8f3vma91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/PaleoProblematica", "created_utc": "07-08-2022 13:16:33", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vujrm9", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vujrm9", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 12, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/vujrm9/a_small_jaw_section_with_some_teeth_from_a/", "score": 123, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "A small jaw section with some teeth from a Sarcopterygian fish", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/esdiop45kea91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Arch2000", "created_utc": "07-08-2022 13:21:37", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vujvnv", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vujvnv", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/vujvnv/saw_in_alaska_not_sure_its_fossilized_or_bone_but/", "score": 118, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Saw in Alaska, not sure it\u2019s fossilized or bone, but it\u2019s a baby walrus skull that\u2019s been scrimshawed", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/e8no50l1lea91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/marcl0124", "created_utc": "07-08-2022 21:03:42", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vut464", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vut464", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/vut464/not_as_cool_as_a_lot_of_the_stuff_on_here_but_a/", "score": 23, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "not as cool as a lot of the stuff on here, but a fossil I was given in Lebanon", "upvote_ratio": 0.93, "url": "https://i.redd.it/3riyy7khvga91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/jtllpfm", "created_utc": "07-08-2022 05:43:49", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vu9xl2", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vu9xl2", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/vu9xl2/found_on_a_rock_on_a_stream_in_vermont/", "score": 88, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found on a rock on a stream in Vermont", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/hr9xgi6wsda91.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Wormsfordays", "created_utc": "07-09-2022 00:41:38", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vuwjlx", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vuwjlx", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/vuwjlx/translucent_precambrian_july_8th/", "score": 2, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Translucent Precambrian July 8th", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://imgur.com/a/yfnjg6J" }, { "author": "u/Azulskid", "created_utc": "07-08-2022 01:38:47", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vu5zgm", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vu5zgm", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 43, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/vu5zgm/can_this_be_a_fossil_egg_if_so_what_kind/", "score": 77, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Can this be a fossil egg ? 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I brought it to my work in our geology department and used or oil saw. I was blown away at the results.", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/rh76e1ej1p991.jpg" }, { "author": "u/biggryno", "created_utc": "07-05-2022 14:38:39", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vs8z31", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vs8z31", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/vs8z31/gastropoda_fossil_i_work_on_cell_towers_and_found/", "score": 3, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Gastropoda Fossil - I work on cell towers and found this in compound in the mix of river gravel used to cover the ground. Found in north Texas.", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://imgur.com/a/esJ1c0r/" }, { "author": "u/jeep4x4greg", "created_utc": "07-04-2022 17:43:26", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vrln2p", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vrln2p", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/vrln2p/central_il_creek_find_while_kayaking_not_sure/", "score": 32, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "central IL creek find while kayaking. not sure what it is", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/e43wzuezbn991.jpg" }, { "author": "u/piolablazer", "created_utc": "07-04-2022 09:20:09", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vrb3bh", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vrb3bh", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/vrb3bh/can_anyone_tell_me_if_this_is_an_ammonite_or_some/", "score": 53, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Can anyone tell me if this is an ammonite or some other type of fossil? Found at Tablerock Lake in Missouri.", "upvote_ratio": 0.92, "url": "https://i.redd.it/1igcn9wobm991.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Goiter_music", "created_utc": "07-03-2022 11:52:11", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vqoakx", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vqoakx", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 29, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/vqoakx/uncle_found_a_prehistoric_tapir_mandible_fossil/", "score": 426, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Uncle found a prehistoric Tapir Mandible fossil in the Suwannee River while scuba diving.", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/fhqvod8jge991.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Crying_eagle", "created_utc": "07-03-2022 18:28:11", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vqw11t", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vqw11t", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 8, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/vqw11t/what_kind_of_fossil_is_this/", "score": 25, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "What kind of fossil is this ?", "upvote_ratio": 0.94, "url": "https://i.redd.it/6jr089iowh991.jpg" }, { "author": "u/ribeye79", "created_utc": "07-03-2022 14:15:56", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vqrahh", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vqrahh", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/vqrahh/found_in_a_gravel_pit_at_a_cook_out/", "score": 12, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found in a gravel pit at a cook out", "upvote_ratio": 0.94, "url": "https://i.redd.it/866c8fbmng991.jpg" }, { "author": "u/ImTheBigBoy1999", "created_utc": "07-03-2022 13:01:46", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vqpr8t", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vqpr8t", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/vqpr8t/cd_canal_dredge_spill_hunt_170_belemnites/", "score": 14, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "C&D canal Dredge spill hunt. 170 Belemnites!", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/wuyhzb3yse991.jpg" }, { "author": "u/lukehayde", "created_utc": "07-03-2022 16:38:16", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vqu370", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vqu370", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/vqu370/any_clue_what_these_are_found_on_a_beach_in_south/", "score": 3, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Any clue what these are? Found on a beach in South Carolina. TYIA!", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/3g16zm93dh991.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Glum-Measurement-774", "created_utc": "07-02-2022 08:01:03", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vptne6", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vptne6", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/vptne6/premium_fern_fossil_found_at_work/", "score": 236, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Premium fern fossil found at work", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/bdkor0mwn7991.jpg" }, { "author": "u/egroegkcalb", "created_utc": "07-02-2022 14:29:36", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vq1p4m", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vq1p4m", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/vq1p4m/stunning_calcite_im_assuming_bivalve_shell_from/", "score": 36, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "stunning calcite I'm assuming bivalve shell from speeton red chalk", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/0obe5f5p38991.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Far_Software7936", "created_utc": "07-02-2022 14:03:33", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vq1699", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vq1699", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/vq1699/visited_my_favorite_store_in_the_world_today/", "score": 13, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Visited my favorite store in the world today! Found this beaut at about 3 inches mostly perf for pretty cheap! Bless Moab Rock Shop!", "upvote_ratio": 0.85, "url": "https://i.redd.it/gya1u4ukg9991.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Glum-Measurement-774", "created_utc": "07-02-2022 08:01:02", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vptnda", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vptnda", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/vptnda/premium_fern_fossil_found_at_work/", "score": 14, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Premium fern fossil found at work", "upvote_ratio": 0.89, "url": "https://i.redd.it/h3i5ugoun7991.jpg" }, { "author": "u/AffirmingToe15", "created_utc": "07-01-2022 10:12:38", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vp5u5o", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vp5u5o", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 150, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/vp5u5o/free_ebenezer_this_is_ebenezer_one_of_the_largest/", "score": 655, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "FREE EBENEZER!! This Is Ebenezer, one of the largest and most complete Allosaurs ever discovered. Unfortunately he is in the hands of the Creationist museum and is being used to spread their belief that the earth is only 6,000 years old. He should be in a proper scientific facility!", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/i0noq56roz891.jpg" }, { "author": "u/DemocraticSpider", "created_utc": "07-02-2022 04:46:27", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vpq1c6", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vpq1c6", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/vpq1c6/i_found_this_gastropod_in_some_boulders_by_the/", "score": 18, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I found this gastropod? 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Paleozoic", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/jqkzp06m74991.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Hauntedluca", "created_utc": "07-01-2022 17:29:00", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vpf76s", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vpf76s", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/vpf76s/mineralized_translucent_fossilized_tree_root_i/", "score": 4, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Mineralized Translucent Fossilized Tree Root ??? I just dont know", "upvote_ratio": 0.75, "url": "https://i.redd.it/db2yg5e9u1991.png" }, { "author": "u/arthurwalton", "created_utc": "06-30-2022 15:57:01", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "volelg", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_volelg", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 7, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/volelg/new_limestone_deposit_spot_produced_some/", "score": 153, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "new limestone deposit spot produced some attractive finds today!", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ero4vguzqv891.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Im_not_rick_astly", "created_utc": "06-29-2022 23:43:17", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vo1r31", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vo1r31", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/vo1r31/an_ammonite_fossil_i_found_today_found_in_arizona/", "score": 97, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "An ammonite fossil I found today (found in Arizona)", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/c721l5kpfp891.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Netel11", "created_utc": "06-30-2022 15:03:27", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vok7sq", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vok7sq", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/vok7sq/does_anyone_know_what_these_are_found_them_in/", "score": 6, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Does anyone know what these are? 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Found on the edge of Lake Champlain in VT, a handful of others like this around.", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/y2c4r2uluo791.jpg" }, { "author": "u/egroegkcalb", "created_utc": "06-24-2022 10:23:56", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vjtlxm", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vjtlxm", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/vjtlxm/collected_this_little_multi_block_at_robin_hoods/", "score": 145, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Collected this little multi block at Robin hoods bay full of bivalves, gastropods and some small ammonites", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/nk57irvksl791.jpg" }, { "author": "u/DemocraticSpider", "created_utc": "06-24-2022 14:20:08", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "vjyqpv", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_vjyqpv", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/vjyqpv/found_a_partial_trilobite_molt_outside_of_a_711/", "score": 53, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found a partial trilobite molt outside of a 7/11. 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Central KY", "upvote_ratio": 0.95, "url": "https://i.redd.it/cpz3oyk9mh491.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Hos_In_Chi_Minh", "created_utc": "06-08-2022 08:52:56", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "v7stfq", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_v7stfq", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/v7stfq/not_quite_fossil_porn_but_im_super_stoked_with/", "score": 97, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Not quite fossil porn, but i'm super stoked with this whale vertebrate find.", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/kc7t87sk5f491.jpg" }, { "author": "u/DemocraticSpider", "created_utc": "06-08-2022 11:31:34", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "v7wher", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_v7wher", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/v7wher/got_this_lovely_gastropod_from_a_gravel_pit/", "score": 17, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Got this lovely gastropod from a gravel pit", "upvote_ratio": 0.95, "url": "https://i.redd.it/r49df8a2yf491.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Far_Dragonfly_3748", "created_utc": "06-07-2022 16:52:38", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "v7bi1c", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_v7bi1c", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 7, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/v7bi1c/broke_this_rock_and_found_these_treasures/", "score": 243, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Broke this rock and found these treasures!", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/n5w03ajfea491.jpg" }, { "author": "u/FunForDDS", "created_utc": "06-07-2022 16:30:42", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "v7b1c7", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_v7b1c7", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/v7b1c7/preparation_of_a_eocryphops_trilobite_from_the/", "score": 61, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Preparation of a Eocryphops trilobite from the jorf locality in Morocco full prep sequence in comments", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/8lils7niaa491.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Im_not_rick_astly", "created_utc": "06-08-2022 13:14:50", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "v7yvun", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_v7yvun", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/v7yvun/some_fossils_found_in_the_desert/", "score": 1, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Some fossils found in the desert", "upvote_ratio": 0.67, "url": "https://i.redd.it/or4bd32hgg491.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Such-List680", "created_utc": "06-07-2022 09:58:15", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "v71bwh", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_v71bwh", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/v71bwh/looking_for_info_about_this_beaut_i_acquired_it/", "score": 68, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "looking for info about this beaut, I acquired it from my father after he passed. TIA!", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/asyop5uhc8491.jpg" }, { "author": "u/likeeating", "created_utc": "06-07-2022 07:51:52", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "v6xslj", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_v6xslj", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 30, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/v6xslj/ive_seen_a_archeologist_ive_posted_it_on_5fossils/", "score": 41, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I\u2019ve seen a archeologist I\u2019ve posted it on 5fossils sub Reddit posts and still nothing none knows what it is pls help", "upvote_ratio": 0.89, "url": "https://i.redd.it/i0tpmigyp7491.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Potential_Audience27", "created_utc": "06-07-2022 12:48:42", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "v75sbr", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_v75sbr", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/v75sbr/not_much_but_i_found_it_myself_this_afternoon/", "score": 9, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "not much, but I found it myself this afternoon here in Denmark!", "upvote_ratio": 0.91, "url": "https://i.redd.it/16uhhgvw69491.jpg" }, { "author": "u/IdiosyncraticStudios", "created_utc": "06-07-2022 11:38:47", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "v74199", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_v74199", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/v74199/does_anybody_know_if_this_is_a_fossil_and_what_it/", "score": 7, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Does anybody know if this is a fossil and what it is? Kinda looks like teeth to me but idk", "upvote_ratio": 0.9, "url": "https://i.redd.it/wqxsioifu8491.jpg" }, { "author": "u/DemocraticSpider", "created_utc": "06-06-2022 18:50:14", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "v6ji44", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_v6ji44", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/v6ji44/family_photo_of_all_the_trilobites_ive_found_the/", "score": 108, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Family photo of all the trilobites I\u2019ve found! The one on the right is the most recent and hasn\u2019t been cut down yet", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/rp1oay6iu3491.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Bilanneys", "created_utc": "06-06-2022 19:22:51", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "v6k55g", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_v6k55g", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 12, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/v6k55g/does_anyone_know_what_this_could_be_found_in_nw/", "score": 66, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Does anyone know what this could be? Found in NW Tasmania.", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/uzj8fbq604491.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Ificouldonlyremember", "created_utc": "06-06-2022 07:47:19", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "v657m4", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_v657m4", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/v657m4/phragmolites_an_obscure_ordovician_mollusk_from/", "score": 94, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Phragmolites, an obscure Ordovician mollusk from the Decorah Shale Minnesota. Approximately 450 million years old. Amazing such fine delicate structures have lasted for so long.", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/i555llh8k0491.jpg" }, { "author": "u/DemocraticSpider", "created_utc": "06-05-2022 17:00:08", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "v5pzmx", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_v5pzmx", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/v5pzmx/i_come_to_you_all_again_with_another_agatized/", "score": 117, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I come to you all again with another agatized sponge fossil I found", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ppho3qay5w391.jpg" }, { "author": "u/rightthenwatson", "created_utc": "06-05-2022 16:19:39", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "v5p8wy", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_v5p8wy", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/v5p8wy/its_nothing_special_in_the_grand_scheme_of_things/", "score": 38, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "It's nothing special in the grand scheme of things, but I love this plate of Devonian fossils that I found today", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/l8wn6e1qyv391.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Theme19", "created_utc": "06-05-2022 12:36:15", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "v5kslx", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_v5kslx", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 14, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/v5kslx/my_daughter_found_this_rockcan_you_help_me/", "score": 65, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "My daughter found this rock.can you help me identify?", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/fbp88u6vuu391.jpg" }, { "author": "u/arthurwalton", "created_utc": "06-05-2022 11:57:38", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "v5jzq5", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_v5jzq5", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/v5jzq5/found_in_a_rock_pit/", "score": 44, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found in a rock pit!", "upvote_ratio": 0.96, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ffyvttrynu391.jpg" }, { "author": "u/DreamsRising", "created_utc": "06-04-2022 22:35:41", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "v56s8j", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_v56s8j", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 8, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/v56s8j/aspidorynchus_and_rhamphorinchus_that_died_locked/", "score": 336, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Aspidorynchus and Rhamphorinchus that died locked in battle", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/8j7d7fhwoq391.jpg" }, { "author": "u/crazy-philo", "created_utc": "06-05-2022 19:10:35", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "v5sbzt", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_v5sbzt", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/v5sbzt/found_this_bone_while_hiking_along_a_mountain/", "score": 4, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "found this bone while hiking along a mountain strea.seems calcified, makes a tinny sound when knocked against stones. feels heavier than I expect a bone would. what is it ?", "upvote_ratio": 0.67, "url": "https://i.redd.it/y0i5qkq7tw391.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Adfastidious_", "created_utc": "06-05-2022 09:43:26", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "v5h8s4", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_v5h8s4", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/v5h8s4/berlin_museum_f\u00fcr_naturkunde_tyrannosaurus_rex/", "score": 11, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Berlin - 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ID for these markings? Thanks for looking. Multiple pics.", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://www.reddit.com/gallery/v4b2kx" }, { "author": "u/hippocrips10", "created_utc": "06-05-2022 02:12:24", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "v59lj4", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_v59lj4", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/v59lj4/can_anyone_identify_this_bone_found_on_diamond/", "score": 1, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Can anyone identify this bone? 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Nature is amazing!", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/op201w5ze7291.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Grievous4455", "created_utc": "05-28-2022 19:47:59", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "v022zh", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_v022zh", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/v022zh/everything_i_got_today_at_aurora_ncs_fossil/", "score": 16, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Everything I got today at Aurora NC's fossil festival", "upvote_ratio": 0.94, "url": "https://i.redd.it/h6e1b5ulwb291.jpg" }, { "author": "u/yousapsucker", "created_utc": "05-27-2022 13:12:11", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "uz6pxj", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_uz6pxj", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 15, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/uz6pxj/i_think_i_found_jack_skellington/", "score": 462, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I think I found Jack Skellington!", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/v4uc6m70t2291.jpg" }, { "author": "u/K9S4", "created_utc": "05-28-2022 06:10:26", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "uzn1hx", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_uzn1hx", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 10, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/uzn1hx/found_these_in_an_old_box_does_anybody_recognize/", "score": 18, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found these in an old box. 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SW FL", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.imgur.com/PPT9xbd.jpg" }, { "author": "u/MFInvincible", "created_utc": "05-17-2022 13:27:36", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "urvjg8", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_urvjg8", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 15, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/urvjg8/my_step_father_got_this_is_a_stone_delivery_30/", "score": 17, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "My step father got this is a stone delivery 30 years ago. I've been wondering about it since I was a kid. Any ideas?", "upvote_ratio": 0.95, "url": "https://i.redd.it/npd8qj3oi3091.jpg" }, { "author": "u/gdog780365", "created_utc": "05-17-2022 02:04:37", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "uri9pg", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_uri9pg", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 12, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/uri9pg/not_sure_what_this_is_nice_though_any_info/", "score": 36, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Not sure what this is, nice though. Any info?", "upvote_ratio": 0.92, "url": "https://i.redd.it/g3428stu40091.jpg" }, { "author": "u/mousekopf", "created_utc": "05-16-2022 11:48:41", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ur30r3", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ur30r3", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 9, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ur30r3/salamander_mortality_plate_i_picked_up_from_a/", "score": 164, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Salamander mortality plate I picked up from a fossil show this weekend (Apateon pedestris)", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/m42bq65wvvz81.png" }, { "author": "u/autumn_colours_infj", "created_utc": "05-16-2022 05:59:58", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "uqveql", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_uqveql", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 18, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/uqveql/i_had_this_table_made_out_of_oak_for_my_fish/", "score": 389, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I had this table made out of oak for my fish fossil \ud83e\udd70. 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Very porous, will stick to a wet finger", "upvote_ratio": 0.67, "url": "https://www.reddit.com/gallery/ursp4p" }, { "author": "u/CosmicTurtle1719", "created_utc": "05-16-2022 15:36:22", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ur80xt", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ur80xt", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ur80xt/my_son_3_found_his_first_fossil_today/", "score": 33, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "My son (3) found his first fossil today!", "upvote_ratio": 0.94, "url": "https://i.redd.it/853w1qur0xz81.jpg" }, { "author": "u/ruggeddave", "created_utc": "05-15-2022 18:10:33", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "uqk6ly", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_uqk6ly", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 15, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/uqk6ly/the_newest_and_smallest_member_of_my_collection/", "score": 154, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "The newest and smallest member of my collection.", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/4lvwwk9dnqz81.jpg" }, { "author": "u/egroegkcalb", "created_utc": "05-16-2022 03:28:15", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "uqsrbn", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_uqsrbn", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/uqsrbn/an_interesting_little_calcite_ammonite/", "score": 28, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "an interesting little calcite ammonite", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/4ymixj7vetz81.jpg" }, { "author": "u/DanJeavo", "created_utc": "05-15-2022 14:37:53", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "uqg7gn", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_uqg7gn", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 11, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/uqg7gn/plesiosaur_verts_i_found_this_morning_and_started/", "score": 201, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Plesiosaur verts I found this morning and started prep on. More to come from the beast.", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/3e9kko4flpz81.jpg" }, { "author": "[deleted]", "created_utc": "05-14-2022 18:42:46", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "upvfkf", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_upvfkf", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 11, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/upvfkf/new_mexico_desert/", "score": 322, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "New Mexico Desert", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/5con9907ojz81.jpg" }, { "author": "u/petrhys", "created_utc": "05-15-2022 10:01:08", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "uqadqu", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_uqadqu", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/uqadqu/id_please_not_sure_what_i_have_here/", "score": 15, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I'd please, not sure what I have here.", "upvote_ratio": 0.94, "url": "https://i.redd.it/0z1ty4r18oz81.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Spaceghost92_", "created_utc": "05-15-2022 19:40:37", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "uqlso8", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_uqlso8", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/uqlso8/couple_of_fossils_i_picked_up_in_central_texas/", "score": 2, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Couple of fossils I picked up in central Texas near Lake Aquilla", "upvote_ratio": 0.75, "url": "https://i.redd.it/0sj46frf3rz81.jpg" }, { "author": "u/LeftLeg_RightArm", "created_utc": "05-15-2022 02:16:16", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "uq2a6e", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_uq2a6e", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/uq2a6e/snail_fossil_i_found_in_saskatchewan_canada/", "score": 17, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Snail fossil I found in Saskatchewan Canada. There\u2019s even some shell left on it!", "upvote_ratio": 0.87, "url": "https://i.redd.it/0u78w954xlz81.jpg" }, { "author": "u/dogswine", "created_utc": "05-15-2022 13:30:26", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "uqesnt", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_uqesnt", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/uqesnt/not_sure_what_we_found_im_thinking_these_might_be/", "score": 1, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Not sure what we found? I\u2019m thinking these might be old nails from the fountain, but I haven\u2019t seen anything like this before. Any ideas?", "upvote_ratio": 0.6, "url": "https://i.redd.it/1lle04bd9pz81.jpg" }, { "author": "u/haggisaddict", "created_utc": "05-14-2022 13:15:29", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "uppg1j", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_uppg1j", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 10, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/uppg1j/id_help_please_found_near_payson_arizona_mushroom/", "score": 28, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "ID help, please! Found near Payson, Arizona. Mushroom shaped.", "upvote_ratio": 0.93, "url": "https://i.redd.it/j4ybwcss1iz81.jpg" }, { "author": "u/SnooCompliments3428", "created_utc": "05-14-2022 07:23:00", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "upiakd", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_upiakd", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 2, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/upiakd/pretty_platyceras_gastropod_prepped/", "score": 75, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "pretty platyceras gastropod prepped", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/43lm2btwagz81.jpg" }, { "author": "u/spikeymoonies", "created_utc": "05-15-2022 05:21:23", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "uq4xzu", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_uq4xzu", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/uq4xzu/found_in_the_garden/", "score": 1, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found in the garden", "upvote_ratio": 0.66, "url": "https://i.redd.it/sa7aiyf4umz81.jpg" }, { "author": "u/secretsofasquirrel", "created_utc": "05-13-2022 16:58:06", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "up4u0n", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_up4u0n", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/up4u0n/odd_pattern_found_in_ozark_riverbed_help_id/", "score": 67, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Odd pattern. 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Help ID?", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/z7ct0nam0cz81.jpg" }, { "author": "u/WaterDmge", "created_utc": "05-13-2022 10:43:55", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "uox5l8", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_uox5l8", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/uox5l8/killer_crinoid_my_dad_found/", "score": 126, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Killer crinoid my dad found", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://www.reddit.com/gallery/uovwr0" }, { "author": "u/bbncee", "created_utc": "05-13-2022 05:35:18", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "uoqqhd", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_uoqqhd", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/uoqqhd/found_on_a_creek_bed_with_shark_teeth_quartz_and/", "score": 4, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found on a creek bed with shark teeth, quartz, and other fun stuff. Can someone please tell me what this is? Passes tongue test", "upvote_ratio": 0.76, "url": "https://www.reddit.com/gallery/uod8nt" }, { "author": "u/yeettrain128", "created_utc": "05-12-2022 12:39:05", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "uo97ie", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_uo97ie", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 7, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/uo97ie/what_is_this_fossil_found_in_southern_kansas/", "score": 67, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "What is this fossil? 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Any insight would be great.", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/yh2kzxe9h4z81.jpg" }, { "author": "u/DemocraticSpider", "created_utc": "05-11-2022 15:29:08", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "unlsyz", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_unlsyz", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/unlsyz/i_took_a_hammer_to_a_rock_i_cut_a_trilobite_out/", "score": 74, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I took a hammer to a rock I cut a trilobite out of. It just keeps on giving! Look at this beautifully crushed brachiopod", "upvote_ratio": 0.95, "url": "https://i.redd.it/qwnbkdcxaxy81.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Fantastic-Map1632", "created_utc": "05-11-2022 06:17:37", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "un9n2z", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_un9n2z", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 24, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/un9n2z/rhacolepis_buccalis_from_brazil/", "score": 274, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Rhacolepis buccalis from Brazil.", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/v4xh81tikuy81.jpg" }, { "author": "u/selticidae", "created_utc": "05-11-2022 16:21:00", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "unmvj1", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_unmvj1", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 8, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/unmvj1/how_do_you_guys_clean_your_fossils_got_a_bunch_of/", "score": 41, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "How do you guys clean your fossils? Got a bunch of Devonian boys", "upvote_ratio": 0.94, "url": "https://i.redd.it/955q7op2kxy81.jpg" }, { "author": "u/N3on3", "created_utc": "05-11-2022 05:33:23", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "un8sqn", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_un8sqn", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/un8sqn/found_one_randomly_in_the_alps_today/", "score": 97, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found one randomly in the Alps today", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/mksxvkpmcuy81.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Initial-Beat-2882", "created_utc": "05-11-2022 21:55:30", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "unt6qb", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_unt6qb", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 1, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/unt6qb/is_this_a_fossil_found_it_in_the_interior_of/", "score": 4, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "is this a fossil? found it in the interior of british columbia", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/3vjjgcpu7zy81.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Hairless_Racoon1717", "created_utc": "05-10-2022 15:31:51", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "umunxb", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_umunxb", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 34, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/umunxb/need_help_identifying_i_think_its_a_cetacean/", "score": 85, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Need help identifying, I think it\u2019s a cetacean vertebrae? Can anyone confirm? Is there any way to know how old and possible species? [OC]", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/3tyzyx0i6qy81.jpg" }, { "author": "u/crabthemighty", "created_utc": "05-09-2022 18:01:44", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "um69lq", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_um69lq", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 4, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/um69lq/unsure_of_what_it_is_but_i_think_its_a_fossil_of/", "score": 92, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "unsure of what it is but I think it's a fossil of worms, can anyone help identify? 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Mainly focused on the larger ammonite since the smaller specimen is very squished and some is missing but overall am very happy with it \ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\udd28 another for the display!", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/w3bslryg9gy81.jpg" }, { "author": "u/egroegkcalb", "created_utc": "05-09-2022 07:07:35", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "uls2g3", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_uls2g3", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/uls2g3/found_this_4inch_dac_at_saltwick_last_year_a/", "score": 39, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found this 4inch dac at saltwick last year, a really fascinating ammonite with calcite Chambers exposed still sat in the matrix", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ouya1t3mjgy81.jpg" }, { "author": "u/woutomatic", "created_utc": "05-09-2022 04:45:03", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ulpc8k", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ulpc8k", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 11, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ulpc8k/bone_or_a_stone/", "score": 12, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Bone or a stone?", "upvote_ratio": 0.84, "url": "https://i.redd.it/954kdcg0ufy81.jpg" }, { "author": "u/DemocraticSpider", "created_utc": "05-08-2022 13:34:53", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ulajy1", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ulajy1", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ulajy1/crinoids_in_jasper_found_in_a_gravel_pile/", "score": 129, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Crinoids in jasper found in a gravel pile", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/qm9nj62tbby81.jpg" }, { "author": "u/egroegkcalb", "created_utc": "05-08-2022 08:19:03", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ul3xyd", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ul3xyd", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 3, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ul3xyd/split_this_open_at_hornsea_today_with_another/", "score": 181, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Split this open at hornsea today with another rock. Was just on a walk and thought the nodule was too thin but gave it some taps and this little guy was inside", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/e29vndkgr9y81.jpg" }, { "author": "u/DemocraticSpider", "created_utc": "05-08-2022 13:35:13", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ulak75", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ulak75", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ulak75/agatized_coral_found_in_a_gravel_pile/", "score": 39, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Agatized coral found in a gravel pile", "upvote_ratio": 0.94, "url": "https://i.redd.it/uyb7yk8vbby81.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Iceberg1015", "created_utc": "05-09-2022 01:11:17", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ulmbpv", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ulmbpv", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ulmbpv/found_this_one_on_the_petit_sal\u00e8ve_france_can_you/", "score": 5, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Found this one on the Petit Sal\u00e8ve (France) can you help me identify it ?", "upvote_ratio": 0.73, "url": "https://i.redd.it/cu93wcv1sey81.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Glittercorn111", "created_utc": "05-07-2022 17:11:45", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ukpwpy", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ukpwpy", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 8, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ukpwpy/the_dominican_republic_had_the_coolest_tiles_ive/", "score": 258, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "The Dominican Republic had the coolest tiles I\u2019ve ever seen.", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/4gzy6f8l95y81.jpg" }, { "author": "u/egroegkcalb", "created_utc": "05-06-2022 14:18:42", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ujxlpg", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ujxlpg", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 8, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ujxlpg/pleuroceras_block_im_working_on_i_found_from/", "score": 150, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "pleuroceras block im working on i found from mappleton today", "upvote_ratio": 0.98, "url": "https://i.redd.it/ap43dgus9xx81.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Magicschoolbusfam", "created_utc": "05-06-2022 06:56:41", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ujo1iw", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ujo1iw", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 6, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ujo1iw/i_found_this_in_southwest_oklahoma_whichita/", "score": 36, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "I found this in southwest Oklahoma, whichita mountain wildlife refuge, I think it\u2019s granite but my geology is really rusty. Is this a leaf fossil?", "upvote_ratio": 0.82, "url": "https://i.redd.it/y3t2x5hx2vx81.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Smoke_Me_When_i_Die", "created_utc": "05-05-2022 09:30:28", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "uj1c19", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_uj1c19", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 7, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/uj1c19/therizinosaurs_were_a_group_of_theropod_dinosaurs/", "score": 153, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Therizinosaurs were a group of theropod dinosaurs (the line that lead to T. rex, velociraptor, and modern birds). Despite their appearance they were mostly herbivores.", "upvote_ratio": 0.99, "url": "https://i.redd.it/uru19mwdoox81.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Glittercorn111", "created_utc": "05-05-2022 10:57:29", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "uj36z5", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_uj36z5", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/uj36z5/my_little_display/", "score": 107, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "My little display!", "upvote_ratio": 0.97, "url": "https://i.redd.it/q4632irz4px81.jpg" }, { "author": "[deleted]", "created_utc": "05-05-2022 23:42:18", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "ujhe63", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_ujhe63", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/ujhe63/my_smoll_fossil_collection/", "score": 3, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "my smoll fossil collection \ud83e\udd7a", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/31ghtlwfxsx81.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Nomadknapper", "created_utc": "05-04-2022 11:36:18", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "uidc2t", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_uidc2t", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 17, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/uidc2t/ice_age_bison_jawbone_same_spot_i_found_a_bison/", "score": 468, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Ice age bison jawbone. Same spot I found a bison skull a few weeks ago.", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/wj2cymzt6ix81.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Rare_Neighborhood_18", "created_utc": "05-05-2022 15:09:12", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "uj8n9o", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_uj8n9o", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 0, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/uj8n9o/what_is_this_or_what_is_it_from/", "score": 2, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "what is this or what is it from?", "upvote_ratio": 1.0, "url": "https://i.redd.it/husfsnyvdqx81.jpg" }, { "author": "u/Nomadknapper", "created_utc": "05-04-2022 15:48:16", "distinguished": null, "edited": false, "id": "uiirjx", "is_original_content": false, "is_self": false, "link_flair_text": null, "locked": false, "name": "t3_uiirjx", "nsfw": false, "num_comments": 5, "permalink": "/r/FossilPorn/comments/uiirjx/bison_skull_cap_i_found_a_few_weeks_ago_central/", "score": 131, "selftext": "", "spoiler": false, "stickied": false, "title": "Bison skull cap I found a few weeks ago. 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