{"source_code": "let f,s=read_float,print_string in let f,i=modf(log(f())/.log(f())+.0.0000000000001)in if f<0.000000000000105 then(s\"YES\\n\";print_int(int_of_float i-1))else(s\"NO\")\n", "src_uid": "8ce89b754aa4080e7c3b2c3b10f4be46"} {"source_code": "let () =\n let x, y = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d\" (fun i j -> (float_of_int i, float_of_int j)) in\n let exposant_xy = y *. (log x) in\n let exposant_yx = x *. (log y) in\n if (exposant_xy < exposant_yx) then print_string \"<\"\n else if (exposant_xy > exposant_yx) then print_string \">\"\n else print_string \"=\"", "src_uid": "ec1e44ff41941f0e6436831b5ae543c6"} {"source_code": "let _ =\n let sb = Scanf.Scanning.stdib in\n let a = Scanf.bscanf sb \"%d \" (fun s -> s) in\n let res =\n match a with\n | 1 -> 2\t\t\t\t(* 2 *)\n | 2 -> 3\n | 3 -> 1\t\t\t\t(* 1 *)\n | 4 -> 2\t\t\t\t(* 3 *)\n | 5 -> 1\n | _ -> assert false\n in\n Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" res;\n", "src_uid": "c702e07fed684b7741d8337aafa005fb"} {"source_code": "let distribute c l =\n let rec insert a1 a2 = function\n | [] -> a2\n | h :: t ->\n insert (h :: a1) ((List.rev_append a1 (h :: c :: t)) :: a2) t\n in\n insert [] [c :: l] l\n\nlet rec permutation = function\n | [] -> [[]]\n | h :: t ->\n List.fold_left (fun acc x -> List.rev_append (distribute h x) acc)\n [] (permutation t)\n\nlet range =\n let rec aux a = function\n | 0 -> a\n | m -> aux (m :: a) (m - 1)\n in\n aux []\n\nlet fp l =\n let rec aux a = function\n | [] -> a\n | h :: t ->\n let s, _ = List.fold_left (fun (s, m) x ->\n let m = min m x in (s + m, m)\n ) (h, h) t\n in aux (a + s) t\n in\n aux 0 l\n\nlet () = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d\\n\" (fun n m ->\n let p = permutation (range n) in\n let f = List.map fp p in\n let max = match f with\n | [] -> 0\n | h::t -> List.fold_left max h t\n in\n let p = List.fold_left2 (fun a p f -> if f = max then p :: a else a) [] p f in\n let p = List.sort compare p in\n Printf.printf \"%s\\n\" (String.concat \" \" (List.map string_of_int (List.nth p (m - 1))))\n)\n", "src_uid": "a8da7cbd9ddaec8e0468c6cce884e7a2"} {"source_code": "(*let read_int () = Scanf.bscanf Scanf.Scanning.stdin \"%d\" (fun x -> x);;*)\nlet read_int () = Scanf.bscanf Scanf.Scanning.stdib \"%d \" (fun x -> x);;\n\nlet abs x = \n if x>0 then x \n else -x;;\nlet ans = ref 0;;\nlet x = read_int ();;\nlet y = read_int ();;\n\n(*Printf.printf \"%d %d\\n\" x y;; *)\nif abs x > abs y then \n if x>0 then ans := 1 + (x - 1) * 4\n else ans := 3 + (abs x - 1) * 4\nelse \n if y>0 then ans := 2 + (y - 1) * 4\n else ans := 4 + (abs y - 1) * 4;;\n\nif (x=0 && y=0) || (x=1 && y=0) then print_int 0\nelse if x=y && x*y>0 then print_int (!ans - 1)\nelse if x>0 && y<0 && abs x - abs y = 1 then print_int (!ans - 1)\nelse print_int !ans;;\n", "src_uid": "2fb2a129e01efc03cfc3ad91dac88382"} {"source_code": "(* open Scanf *)\n(* open Printf *)\n\n\nlet main () =\n let a = read_int () in\n let b = read_int () in\n let c = read_int () in\n let ans = 7 * (min (min a (b / 2)) (c / 4)) in\n print_int ans\n\n\nlet _ = main ()\n", "src_uid": "82a4a60eac90765fb62f2a77d2305c01"} {"source_code": "let rec fix f x = f (fix f) x;;\nScanf.scanf \" %d %d %d %d %d %d\" @@ fun w h u d v e ->\n print_int @@ fix (fun f h w ->\n if h=0 then w\n else\n let w = w+h in\n f (h-1) @@ max 0 @@\n if h=e then w-v\n else if h=d then w-u\n else w) h w", "src_uid": "084a12eb3a708b43b880734f3ee51374"} {"source_code": "let (|>) x f = f x\n\nlet rec f i j a b : char list =\n if a = b then\n []\n else if a < b then\n j::f i j (a+1) b\n else\n f j i b a\n\nlet tl xs = try List.tl xs with _ -> []\nlet rec mhd = function\n | [] -> []\n | []::xss -> mhd xss\n | (x::xs)::xss -> x::mhd xss\n\nlet rec tr = function\n | [] -> []\n | []::xss -> tr xss\n | (x::xs)::xss ->\n (x::mhd xss) :: tr (xs::List.map tl xss)\n\nlet rec p = function\n | [] -> ()\n | [a]::xs -> Printf.printf \"%c\\n\" a; p xs\n | [a;b]::xs -> Printf.printf \"%c%c\\n\" a b; p xs\n\nlet () =\n let s = read_line () in\n let t = read_line () in\n tr [f 'L' 'R' (int_of_char s.[0]) (int_of_char t.[0]); f 'D' 'U' (int_of_char s.[1]) (int_of_char t.[1])]\n |> (fun xs -> Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" (List.length xs); xs) |> p\n", "src_uid": "d25d454702b7755297a7a8e1f6f36ab9"} {"source_code": "let _ =\n let n = 3200000 in\n let prime = Array.make (n + 1) true in\n let p = Array.make 250000 0 in\n let pk = ref 0 in\n let _ =\n for i = 2 to n do\n if prime.(i) then (\n\tp.(!pk) <- i;\n\tincr pk;\n\tlet j = ref (2 * i) in\n while !j <= n do\n\t let jj = !j in\n prime.(jj) <- false;\n j := jj + i\n done\n )\n done;\n in\n let pk = !pk - 1 in\n let sb = Scanf.Scanning.stdib in\n let q = Scanf.bscanf sb \"%Ld \" (fun s -> s) in\n let n = ref q in\n let sq = ref false in\n let sqp = ref 0L in\n let divs = ref 0 in\n let d = Array.make 2 0L in\n for i = 0 to pk do\n let p = p.(i) in\n let pl = Int64.of_int p in\n\tif Int64.rem !n pl = 0L then (\n\t if !divs < 2\n\t then d.(!divs) <- pl;\n\t incr divs;\n\t if Int64.rem (Int64.div !n pl) pl = 0L then (\n\t sq := true;\n\t sqp := Int64.mul pl (Int64.of_int p);\n\t )\n\t);\n\twhile Int64.rem !n pl = 0L do\n\t n := Int64.div !n pl\n\tdone\n done;\n (*Printf.printf \"asd %d %Ld\\n\" !divs !n;*)\n if !n <> 1L\n then incr divs;\n if !sq && !sqp < q\n then Printf.printf \"1\\n%Ld\\n\" !sqp\n else if not !sq && !divs <= 1\n then Printf.printf \"1\\n0\\n\"\n else if !divs > 2\n then Printf.printf \"1\\n%Ld\\n\" (Int64.mul d.(0) d.(1))\n else Printf.printf \"2\\n\"\n", "src_uid": "f0a138b9f6ad979c5ca32437e05d6f43"} {"source_code": "\nopen Scanf\nopen Printf\nopen Int64\n\nlet md = 1000000007L\n\nlet f n m k =\n if k = -1L && Int64.rem (Int64.add m n) 2L = 1L then 0L\n else let rec g x y =\n if y = 0L then 1L\n else if y = 1L then x\n else let tmp = g x (Int64.div y 2L) in\n if Int64.rem y 2L = 0L then Int64.rem (Int64.mul tmp tmp) md \n else Int64.rem (Int64.mul (Int64.rem (Int64.mul tmp tmp) md) x) md in\n g (g 2L (Int64.sub n 1L)) (Int64.sub m 1L)\n\nlet () =\n let ans = bscanf Scanning.stdin \"%Ld %Ld %Ld\" f in\n printf \"%Ld\\n\" ans", "src_uid": "6b9eff690fae14725885cbc891ff7243"} {"source_code": "\nmodule I = Int64\n\n(* OCaml \u8fd9 ... \u6ca1\u4e2a\u50cf\u6837\u7684\u5e93\u8fd8\u771f\u662f\u5783\u573e ... *)\nmodule type IntType = sig\n type t\n val (+): t -> t -> t\n val compare: t -> t -> int\n val rem: t -> t -> t\n val of_int: int -> t\n val of_string: string -> t\nend\n\nmodule Int64M = struct\n type t = Int64.t\n let (+) = Int64.add\n let compare = Int64.compare\n let rem = Int64.rem\n let of_int = Int64.of_int\n let of_string = Int64.of_string\nend\n\nmodule IntM = struct\n type t = int\n let (+) = (+)\n let compare = compare\n let rem = Int64.rem\n let of_int v = v\n let of_string = string_of_int\nend\n\nmodule Make_Judge (Int: IntType) = struct\n\nmodule SetInt = Set.Make(Int)\n\nlet judge_naive (n: Int.t) (k: Int.t): bool =\n let open Int in\n let rec attempt set i =\n let x = rem n i in\n if SetInt.mem x set then false\n else\n if i >= k then true\n else attempt (SetInt.add x set) (i + (Int.of_int 1))\n in\n attempt (SetInt.empty) (Int.of_int 1)\n\nlet judge_opt (n: Int.t) (k: Int.t): bool =\n if k > Int.of_int 42\n then false\n else judge_naive n k\n\nend\n\nlet output_yn v =\n (match v with\n | true -> print_string \"Yes\"\n | false -> print_string \"No\");\n print_char '\\n'\n\n(* \nlet () =\n let limit = 65536 in\n let curmax = ref 1 in\n for n = 1 to limit do\n for k = 1 to limit do\n let ret = judge_naive n k in\n if ret && k > !curmax then begin\n curmax := k;\n Printf.printf \"%d %d\" n !curmax;\n print_endline \"\";\n end\n done\n done *)\n\nmodule JudgeI64 = Make_Judge (Int64M)\n\nlet () =\n let f x y = Int64M.(JudgeI64.judge_opt (of_string x) (of_string y)) |> output_yn in\n Scanf.scanf \"%s %s\" f", "src_uid": "5271c707c9c72ef021a0baf762bf3eb2"} {"source_code": "open Int64\n\nlet read_int _ = Scanf.bscanf Scanf.Scanning.stdib \" %d \" (fun x -> x)\nlet mmod = 1000000007\n\nlet pdt a b =\n\tInt64.to_int(Int64.rem (Int64.mul (Int64.of_int a) (Int64.of_int b)) (Int64.of_int mmod))\n;;\n \nlet rec pow a n =\n\tif n=0 then 1 else\n\tlet b = pow a (n/2) in\n\tif (n mod 2) = 0 then pdt b b else pdt a (pdt b b)\n ;;\n \nlet n = read_int 0 in\nlet k = read_int 0 in\nPrintf.printf \"%d\\n\" (pdt (pow k (k-1)) (pow (n-k) (n-k)))", "src_uid": "cc838bc14408f14f984a349fea9e9694"} {"source_code": "let (|>) x f = f x\n\nlet modulo = 51123987\n\nlet () =\n let n = read_int () in\n let a = read_line () in\n let rec compress m i =\n if i >= n then\n m\n else if a.[m-1] <> a.[i] then (\n a.[m] <- a.[i];\n compress (m+1) (i+1)\n ) else\n compress m (i+1)\n in\n let m = compress 1 1 in\n\n let p = Array.make_matrix n 3 0 in\n for i = m-1 downto 0 do\n let t = int_of_char a.[i] - int_of_char 'a' in\n p.(i).(t) <- i;\n p.(i).((t+1) mod 3) <- if i+1 < m then p.(i+1).((t+1) mod 3) else m;\n p.(i).((t+2) mod 3) <- if i+1 < m then p.(i+1).((t+2) mod 3) else m\n done;\n\n let dp = Array.init 2 (fun _ -> Array.make_matrix (52*52) m 0) in\n dp.(0).(0).(0) <- 1;\n let add a x y = a.(x) <- (a.(x) + y) mod modulo in\n for i = 0 to n-1 do\n for u = min ((n+2)/3) (i+1) downto 0 do\n for v = min ((n+2)/3) (i+1) downto 0 do\n Array.fill dp.((i+1) land 1).(u*52+v) 0 m 0\n done\n done;\n for u = min ((n+2)/3) i downto 0 do\n for v = min ((n+2)/3) i downto 0 do\n for j = 0 to m-1 do\n let t = dp.(i land 1).(u*52+v).(j) in\n if t > 0 then (\n let ix = u*52+v in\n if p.(j).(0) < m then\n add dp.((i+1) land 1).(ix+52) p.(j).(0) t;\n if p.(j).(1) < m then\n add dp.((i+1) land 1).(ix+1) p.(j).(1) t;\n if p.(j).(2) < m then\n add dp.((i+1) land 1).(ix) p.(j).(2) t\n )\n done\n done\n done\n done;\n\n let ans = ref 0 in\n for u = (n+2)/3 downto 0 do\n for v = (n+2)/3 downto 0 do\n let w = n-u-v in\n if (max u v |> max w) - (min u v |> min w) <= 1 then\n for j = 0 to m-1 do\n ans := (!ans + dp.(n land 1).(u*52+v).(j)) mod modulo\n done\n done\n done;\n Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" !ans\n", "src_uid": "64fada10630906e052ff05f2afbf337e"} {"source_code": "open Printf\n\n\nlet main =\n let values = Array.map (int_of_string) (Array.of_list (Str.split (Str.regexp \"\\\\+\") (read_line()))) in\n \n let ans = ref \"\" in\n \n Array.sort (fun a b -> a - b) values;\n Array.iter (fun x -> ans := sprintf \"%s%d+\" !ans x) values;\n printf \"%s\\n\" (String.sub !ans 0 ((String.length !ans) - 1));\n", "src_uid": "76c7312733ef9d8278521cf09d3ccbc8"} {"source_code": "let presidents = [|\n \"Washington\";\n \"Adams\";\n \"Jefferson\";\n \"Madison\";\n \"Monroe\";\n \"Adams\";\n \"Jackson\";\n \"Van Buren\";\n \"Harrison\";\n \"Tyler\";\n \"Polk\";\n \"Taylor\";\n \"Fillmore\";\n \"Pierce\";\n \"Buchanan\";\n \"Lincoln\";\n \"Johnson\";\n \"Grant\";\n \"Hayes\";\n \"Garfield\";\n \"Arthur\";\n \"Cleveland\";\n \"Harrison\";\n \"Cleveland\";\n \"McKinley\";\n \"Roosevelt\";\n \"Taft\";\n \"Wilson\";\n \"Harding\";\n \"Coolidge\";\n \"Hoover\";\n \"Roosevelt\";\n \"Truman\";\n \"Eisenhower\";\n \"Kennedy\";\n \"Johnson\";\n \"Nixon\";\n \"Ford\";\n \"Carter\";\n \"Reagan\"; |]\n\n\nlet _ =\n let sb = Scanf.Scanning.stdib in\n let n = Scanf.bscanf sb \"%d \" (fun s -> s) in\n Printf.printf \"%s\\n\" presidents.(n - 1)\n", "src_uid": "0b51a8318c9ec0c80c0f4dc04fe0bfb3"} {"source_code": "open Printf\n\nlet (n,a,b,c) = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d %d %d \" (fun x a b c -> (x,a,b,c));;\n\nlet min_cut = min a (min b c);;\nlet d = Array.make (n+1) 0;;\n\nlet flag = Array.make (n+1) false in\n flag.(0)<- true;\n\n for i = 0 to n do\n if (flag.(i)) then\n begin\n if (i+a<=n && d.(i)+1 > d.(i+a) ) then\n begin\n d.(i+a) <- d.(i)+1;\n flag.(i+a)<-true\n end;\n if (i+b<=n && d.(i)+1 > d.(i+b) ) then\n begin\n d.(i+b) <- d.(i)+1;\n flag.(i+b)<- true\n end;\n if (i+c<=n && d.(i)+1 > d.(i+c) ) then\n begin\n d.(i+c) <- d.(i)+1;\n flag.(i+c) <- true\n end;\n end;\n (* Array.iter (fun x -> printf \"%d \" x) d;\n printf \"\\n\"\n *)\n done\n\nlet () = printf \"%d\\n\" d.(n);;\n", "src_uid": "062a171cc3ea717ea95ede9d7a1c3a43"} {"source_code": "let word = Scanf.scanf \"%s\" (fun s -> s)\n\nlet count () = \n let l = String.length word in\n let rec loop i lowers uppers = \n if i < l\n then\n if word.[i] = Char.uppercase word.[i]\n then \n loop (i + 1) lowers (uppers + 1)\n else\n loop (i + 1) (lowers + 1) uppers\n else\n (lowers, uppers)\n in loop 0 0 0\n\nlet solve (lowers, uppers) =\n if uppers > lowers\n then\n String.uppercase word\n else\n String.lowercase word\n\nlet print result = Printf.printf \"%s\\n\" result\n\nlet () = print (solve (count ()))", "src_uid": "b432dfa66bae2b542342f0b42c0a2598"} {"source_code": "let rec fix f x = f (fix f) x;;\nScanf.(\n let n = scanf \" %d\" @@ fun v -> v in\n let a = Array.init n @@ fun _ -> scanf \" %d\" @@ fun v -> v in\n fix (fun f i x ->\n if i=n then (\n if x mod 360 = 0 then (\n print_endline \"YES\"; exit 0\n )\n ) else (\n f (i+1) (x+a.(i));\n f (i+1) (x-a.(i));\n )\n ) 0 0;\n print_endline \"NO\"\n)", "src_uid": "01b50fcba4185ceb1eb8e4ba04a0cc10"} {"source_code": "let ( + ) : 'a -> 'a -> 'a = fun x y -> assert false\n \nlet ( * ) : 'a -> 'a -> 'a = fun x y -> assert false\n \nlet ( - ) : 'a -> 'a -> 'a = fun x y -> assert false\n \nlet ( / ) : 'a -> 'a -> 'a = fun x y -> assert false\n \nlet ( ~- ) : 'a -> 'a -> 'a = fun x y -> assert false\n \nlet ( @@ ) f x = f x\n \nlet ( |> ) x f = f x\n \nlet mult (a : (int64 array) array) b =\n let a00 = a.(0).(0) in\n let a01 = a.(0).(1) in\n let a10 = a.(1).(0) in\n let a11 = a.(1).(1) in\n let b00 = b.(0).(0) in\n let b01 = b.(0).(1) in\n let b10 = b.(1).(0) in\n let b11 = b.(1).(1)\n in\n [|\n [|\n Int64.rem (Int64.add (Int64.mul a00 b00) (Int64.mul a01 b10))\n 1000000007L;\n Int64.rem (Int64.add (Int64.mul a00 b01) (Int64.mul a01 b11))\n 1000000007L\n |];\n [|\n Int64.rem (Int64.add (Int64.mul a10 b00) (Int64.mul a11 b10))\n 1000000007L;\n Int64.rem (Int64.add (Int64.mul a10 b01) (Int64.mul a11 b11))\n 1000000007L\n |]\n |]\n \nlet rec pow arr n =\n if n = 0L\n then [| [| 1L; 0L |]; [| 0L; 1L |] |]\n else\n if n = 1L\n then arr\n else\n if (Int64.rem n 2L) = 0L\n then pow (mult arr arr) (Int64.div n 2L)\n else (mult arr) @@ (pow arr (Int64.sub n 1L))\n \nlet solve x y n =\n let arr = [| [| 1L; (-1L) |]; [| 1L; 0L |] |] in\n let arr = pow arr (Int64.sub n 1L)\n in\n (Printf.eprintf \"%Ld %Ld\\n%Ld %Ld\\n\" arr.(0).(0) arr.(0).(1) arr.(1).(0)\n arr.(1).(1);\n let ans =\n Int64.rem\n (Int64.add (Int64.mul arr.(1).(0) y) (Int64.mul arr.(1).(1) x))\n 1000000007L\n in\n (Printf.printf \"%Ld\\n\") @@\n (if ans < 0L then Int64.add ans 1000000007L else ans))\n \nlet () = Scanf.scanf \"%Ld %Ld %Ld \" (fun x y n -> solve x y n)\n", "src_uid": "2ff85140e3f19c90e587ce459d64338b"} {"source_code": "module Array = ArrayLabels\n \nmodule List = ListLabels\n \nlet pf = Printf.printf\n \nlet sf = Scanf.scanf\n \nexternal uget : 'a array -> int -> 'a = \"%obj_field\"\n \nexternal uset : 'a array -> int -> 'a -> unit = \"%obj_set_field\"\n \nlet ( |> ) x f = f x\n \nlet ps = [| 2; 3; 5; 7; 11; 13; 17; 19; 23; 29; 31; 37; 41; 43; 47; 53 |]\n \nlet rev_ps =\n let r = Array.create 60 (-1)\n in (Array.iteri ps ~f: (fun i x -> uset r x i); r)\n \nlet np = Array.length ps\n \nlet inf = 1_000_000\n \nlet p16 = 1 lsl (Array.length ps)\n \nlet dp = Array.create_matrix (100 + 1) p16 ((-1), (-1), inf)\n \nlet rec unique ls =\n match ls with\n | [] | [ _ ] -> ls\n | x :: y :: ls when x = y -> unique (x :: ls)\n | x :: ls -> x :: (unique ls)\n \nlet pd =\n Array.init 59\n ~f:\n (fun n ->\n if (n = 0) || (n = 1)\n then 0\n else\n (let rec iter n i =\n if i = n\n then [ n ]\n else\n if (n mod i) = 0\n then i :: (iter (n / i) 2)\n else iter n (i + 1) in\n let ps = (iter n 2) |> unique in\n let res = ref 0 in\n let cnt = ref 0\n in\n (List.iter ps\n ~f:\n (fun i ->\n (res := !res lor (1 lsl (uget rev_ps i)); incr cnt));\n !res)))\n \nlet solve n arr =\n (uset (uget dp 0) 0 ((-1), (-1), 0);\n for i = 0 to n - 1 do\n (let cur = i in\n let next = i + 1\n in\n for state = 0 to p16 - 1 do\n for j = 1 to 58 do\n let (prev, _, cost) = uget (uget dp cur) state\n in\n if cost < inf\n then\n if (state land (uget pd j)) = 0\n then\n (let state' = state lor (uget pd j) in\n let (_, _, c) = uget (uget dp next) state'\n in\n if (cost + (abs ((uget arr i) - j))) < c\n then\n uset (uget dp next) state'\n (state, j, (cost + (abs ((uget arr i) - j))))\n else ())\n else ()\n else ()\n done\n done)\n done;\n let (min_idx, min) = ((ref (-1)), (ref inf))\n in\n (for i = 0 to p16 - 1 do\n (let (_, _, c) = uget (uget dp n) i\n in if !min > c then (min_idx := i; min := c) else ())\n done;\n let rec iter i s =\n if i <= 0\n then []\n else\n (let (prev, v, _) = uget (uget dp i) s in v :: (iter (i - 1) prev))\n in\n (((iter n !min_idx) |> List.rev) |>\n (List.iter ~f: (fun i -> pf \"%d \" i));\n pf \"\\n\")))\n \nlet () =\n sf \"%d \"\n (fun n -> solve n (Array.init n ~f: (fun _ -> sf \"%d \" (fun i -> i))))\n \n", "src_uid": "f26c74f27bbc723efd69c38ad0e523c6"} {"source_code": "let [n; t] = read_line () |> Str.(split (regexp \" \")) |> List.map int_of_string\n\nlet x = Array.init n (fun i -> Array.make (i+1) 0.)\n\nlet pour i j amount =\n x.(i).(j) <- x.(i).(j) +. amount\n\nlet () =\n for _t = 1 to t do\n x.(0).(0) <- x.(0).(0) +. 1.;\n for i = 0 to n - 2 do\n for j = 0 to i do\n if x.(i).(j) > 1. then\n let drop = (x.(i).(j) -. 1.) /. 2. in\n pour (i+1) j drop;\n pour (i+1) (j+1) drop;\n x.(i).(j) <- 1.\n done\n done\n done;\n let r = ref 0 in\n for i = 0 to n-1 do\n for j = 0 to i do\n if x.(i).(j) >= 1. then\n incr r\n done\n done;\n Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" !r\n", "src_uid": "b2b49b7f6e3279d435766085958fb69d"} {"source_code": "let input () = Scanf.scanf \"%s %s\" (fun s0 s1 -> s0, s1) \n\nlet solve (s0, s1) = String.compare (String.lowercase s0) (String.lowercase s1)\n\nlet print result = Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" result\n\nlet () = print (solve (input ()))", "src_uid": "ffeae332696a901813677bd1033cf01e"} {"source_code": "let ( + ) : 'a -> 'a -> 'a = fun x y -> assert false\n \nlet ( * ) : 'a -> 'a -> 'a = fun x y -> assert false\n \nlet ( - ) : 'a -> 'a -> 'a = fun x y -> assert false\n \nlet ( / ) : 'a -> 'a -> 'a = fun x y -> assert false\n \nlet ( ~- ) : 'a -> 'a -> 'a = fun x y -> assert false\n \nlet ( @@ ) f x = f x\n \nlet ( |> ) x f = f x\n \nlet solve n m k =\n let low = max 0L (Int64.add (Int64.sub k m) 1L) in\n let high = min k (Int64.sub n 1L)\n in\n if low > high\n then Printf.printf \"-1\\n\"\n else\n (let x =\n Int64.mul (Int64.div n (Int64.add low 1L))\n (Int64.div m (Int64.add (Int64.sub k low) 1L)) in\n let y =\n Int64.mul (Int64.div n (Int64.add high 1L))\n (Int64.div m (Int64.add (Int64.sub k high) 1L))\n in (Printf.printf \"%Ld\\n\") @@ (max x y))\n \nlet () = Scanf.scanf \"%Ld %Ld %Ld \" (fun n m k -> solve n m k)\n", "src_uid": "bb453bbe60769bcaea6a824c72120f73"} {"source_code": "(*************** Ocaml stdio functions **********************)\nlet stdin_stream = Stream.of_channel stdin;;\nlet stdout_buffer = Buffer.create 65536;;\nlet rec gi() =\n match Stream.next stdin_stream with\n '-' -> - (ri 0)\n | '+' -> ri 0\n | '0'..'9' as c -> ri ((int_of_char c) - 48)\n | _ -> gi ()\nand ri x =\n match Stream.next stdin_stream with\n '0'..'9' as c -> ri (((int_of_char c) - 48) + (x * 10))\n | _ -> x\n;;\nlet flushout () = Buffer.output_buffer stdout stdout_buffer; Buffer.reset stdout_buffer;;\nlet putchar c =\n if (Buffer.length stdout_buffer) >= 65536 then flushout() else ();\n Buffer.add_char stdout_buffer c;;\nlet rec ppi i = if i < 10 then putchar (char_of_int (48 + i)) else (ppi (i / 10); putchar (char_of_int (48 + (i mod 10)))) ;;\nlet pi i = if i >= 0 then ppi i else (putchar ('-'); ppi (-i));;\nlet pa a = let n = Array.length a in Array.iteri (fun i j -> pi j; putchar (if i == (n-1) then '\\n' else ' ')) a;;\n(*************** Ocaml solution ******************************)\nopen Array\nlet main() =\n let s = Scanf.scanf \"%s\" (fun i -> i) in\n let l = String.length s in\n let rec f i k ch = \n if i == l then 1\n else (match k with\n (1|2|3|4) -> (if s.[i] == ch then f (i+1) (k+1) ch else (1 + (f (i+1) 1 s.[i])))\n | _ -> 1 + (f (i + 1) 1 s.[i])\n )\n in \n Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" (f 1 1 s.[0])\n ;;\nmain();;\nflushout ()", "src_uid": "5257f6b50f5a610a17c35a47b3a0da11"} {"source_code": "let _ =\n let sb = Scanf.Scanning.stdib in\n let k = Scanf.bscanf sb \"%d \" (fun s -> s) in\n let b = Scanf.bscanf sb \"%d \" (fun s -> s) in\n let n = Scanf.bscanf sb \"%d \" (fun s -> s) in\n let t = Scanf.bscanf sb \"%d \" (fun s -> s) in\n let x = ref 1L in\n let d = ref 0 in\n while !x <= Int64.of_int t do\n x := Int64.add (Int64.mul !x (Int64.of_int k)) (Int64.of_int b);\n incr d;\n done;\n let res = max (n - !d + 1) 0 in\n Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" res;\n", "src_uid": "e2357a1f54757bce77dce625772e4f18"} {"source_code": "\nlet func str ch=\n let cnt=ref 0 in\n for i=1 to String.length(str) do\n if (!cnt!=7 && str.[i-1]==ch) then cnt:=!cnt+1\n else if !cnt!=7 then cnt:=0\n done;\n \n if !cnt==7 then 1 else 0;;\n\n\nlet str=read_line();;\nif ((func str '1')+(func str '0')>0) then print_endline(\"YES\")\nelse print_endline(\"NO\")\n", "src_uid": "ed9a763362abc6ed40356731f1036b38"} {"source_code": "let i = Scanf.sscanf (read_line ()) \"%i\" (fun i -> i) in\nprint_int @@ i mod 2\n", "src_uid": "78e64fdbf59c5ce89d0f0a1d0591f795"} {"source_code": "let (n, k) = Scanf.scanf \"%d %Ld\" (fun n -> fun k -> (n, k));;\n\nlet b2i b = if b then 1 else 0;;\n\nlet rec count (memo: int64 array) str l r chki chkr = \n\tif l > r then 1L\n\telse \n\t\tlet idx = (l * 2 + b2i chki) * 2 + b2i chkr in\n\t\tif memo.(idx) > -1L\n\t\tthen memo.(idx)\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tlet ans = ref 0L in\n\t\t\tfor bl = 0 to 1 do\n\t\t\t\tif str.(l) = -1 || str.(l) = bl then\n\t\t\t\tfor br = 0 to 1 do\n\t\t\t\t\tif l < r || bl = br then\n\t\t\t\t\tif str.(r) = -1 || str.(r) = br then\n\t\t\t\t\tif not (chki && bl = br && bl = 1) && not (chkr && bl > br) then\n\t\t\t\t\t\tans := Int64.add !ans (count memo str (l + 1) (r - 1) (chki && not (bl = 0 && br = 0)) (chkr && not (bl < br)))\n\t\t\t\tdone;\n\t\t\tdone;\n\t\t\tmemo.(idx) <- !ans;\n\t\t\t!ans\n;;\n\nlet str = Array.create n (-1);;\nlet new_memo = Array.create (4*n) (-1L);;\nlet do_count () = count (Array.copy new_memo) str 0 (n - 1) true true;;\n\nif do_count () <= k\nthen print_endline \"-1\"\nelse \n\tlet rk = ref (k) in\n\t\tfor i = 0 to n - 1 do\n\t\t\tstr.(i) <- 0;\n\t\t\tlet f = do_count () in begin\n\t\t\t\tif !rk >= f then begin\n\t\t\t\t\trk := Int64.sub !rk f;\n\t\t\t\t\tstr.(i) <- 1;\n\t\t\t\tend\n\t\t\tend\n\t\tdone;\n\nfor i = 0 to n - 1 do\n\tPrintf.printf \"%d\" str.(i)\ndone;\nprint_newline ();;\n", "src_uid": "0a4a418dafaee71f1b31c928fc2ad24a"} {"source_code": "(* load str.cma *)\nlet n = int_of_string (input_line stdin);;\nlet a = List.map int_of_string (Str.split (Str.regexp \" +\") (input_line stdin));;\n\nlet calc a t = let a1 = t - (List.hd a) and\n ar = List.filter (( < ) 0) (List.map (fun x -> x - t + 1) (List.tl a))\n in max a1 (List.fold_left ( + ) 0 ar);;\n\nlet rec range i j = if i > j then [] else i :: (range (i+1) j);;\n\nlet t1 = List.hd a and\n t2 = List.fold_left max 0 a\n in let x=List.map (calc a) (range t1 (t2+1))\n in print_int (List.fold_left min 1000 x);;\nprint_string \"\\n\";;\n", "src_uid": "aa8fabf7c817dfd3d585b96a07bb7f58"} {"source_code": "let (|>) x f = f x ;;\nlet (@@) f x = f x ;;\n\nlet ident x = x ;;\n\nlet char_to_int x = int_of_char x - int_of_char '0' ;;\nlet int_to_char x = char_of_int (x + int_of_char '0') ;;\n\nmodule List = struct\n include ListLabels ;;\n\n let rec iteri i f = function\n | [] -> ()\n | a::l -> f i a; iteri (i + 1) f l\n\n let iteri ~f l = iteri 0 f l\nend\n;;\n\nmodule Array = struct\n include ArrayLabels ;;\n\n let reduce ~f xs =\n let acc = ref xs.(0) in\n for i = 1 to length xs - 1 do\n acc := f !acc xs.(i)\n done;\n !acc\n ;;\nend\n;;\n\nmodule String = struct\n include StringLabels ;;\n\n let map_to_list ~f ss =\n let res = ref [] in\n iter ss ~f:(fun c -> res := f c :: !res);\n List.rev !res\n ;;\n\n let of_char_list ss =\n let res = String.create @@ List.length ss in\n List.iteri ss ~f:(fun i c -> res.[i] <- c);\n res\n ;;\n\n let iteri ~f a =\n for i = 0 to length a - 1 do f i (unsafe_get a i) done\n ;;\nend\n;;\n\nmodule Float = struct\n let (+) = (+.)\n let (-) = (-.)\n let ( * ) = ( *. )\n let (/) = (/.)\nend\n;;\n\nmodule Int64 = struct\n include Int64\n let (+) = add\n let (-) = sub\n let ( * ) = mul\n let (/) = div\nend\n;;\n\nlet fold_for ?(skip=1) min max ~init ~f =\n let acc = ref init in\n let cur = ref min in\n while !cur < max do\n acc := f !acc !cur;\n cur := !cur + skip;\n done;\n !acc\n;;\n\nlet iter_for ?(skip=1) min max ~f =\n let cur = ref min in\n while !cur < max do\n f !cur;\n cur := !cur + skip;\n done\n;;\n\nlet () =\n let m = Scanf.scanf \"%d \" ident in\n let cs = fold_for 0 m ~init:[] ~f:(fun acc _ ->\n Scanf.scanf \"%d \" ident :: acc) |> List.rev in\n let x, y = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d \" (fun x y -> x, y) in\n let sum = List.fold_left cs ~init:0 ~f:(+) in\n let res = ref (-1) in\n Printf.eprintf \"%d %d %d\\n\" x y sum;\n try \n List.fold_left cs ~init:(1, 0, sum) ~f:(fun (i, a, b) cur ->\n Printf.eprintf \"x, a, b = %d, %d, %d\\n\" cur a b;\n if x <= a && a <= y && x <= b && b <= y then (res := i; raise Exit)\n else (i + 1, a + cur, b - cur));\n print_endline \"0\";\n with \n | Exit -> Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" !res\n;;\n", "src_uid": "e595a1d0c0e4bbcc99454d3148b4557b"} {"source_code": "let [a; b]= List.map (Int64.of_string) (Str.split (Str.regexp \" \") (read_line ())) and ans= ref 0L;;\nlet bb= Array.make 65 0 and x= ref 0L and p= ref 0L;;\nfor i= 2 to 63 do\n\tfor j= 1 to i - 1 do\n\t\tfor k= 1 to i do Array.set bb k 1 done;\n\t\tArray.set bb j 0;\n\t\tx := 0L; p := 1L;\n\t\tfor k= 1 to i do \n\t\t\tif bb.(k) = 1 then x := Int64.add !x !p;\n\t\t\tp := Int64.mul !p 2L;\n\t\tdone;\n\t\tif a <= !x && !x <= b then\n\t\t\tans := Int64.add !ans 1L;\n\tdone\ndone;;\nprint_endline (Int64.to_string !ans)\n", "src_uid": "581f61b1f50313bf4c75833cefd4d022"} {"source_code": "let ( + ) = Int64.add\nlet ( * ) = Int64.mul\nlet ( - ) = Int64.sub\nlet ( mod ) = Int64.rem\nlet two = Int64.one + Int64.one\nlet one = Int64.one\nlet zero = Int64.zero\nlet three = Int64.succ two\n\nlet mult arr1 arr2 =\n let norm n = n mod (Int64.of_int 1000000007) in\n let ((a1,a2),(a3,a4)) = arr1 in\n let ((b1,b2),(b3,b4)) = arr2 in \n (((norm (a1*b1+a2*b3)),(norm (a1*b2+a2*b4))),((norm (a3*b1+a4*b3)),(norm (a3*b2 + a4*b4))))\n;;\n\nlet solve = \n let n = Scanf.scanf \"%Ld\\n\" (fun n -> n) in\n let startarr = ((zero,three),(one,two)) in\n let rec doRest arr power =\n match (n - power) with \n | num when num = zero -> arr\n | _ -> doRest (mult arr startarr) (power+one) \n in\n let rec arrayPower arr power =\n match (two*power) with \n | nxtPower when (nxtPower > n) -> doRest arr power \n | nxtPower -> arrayPower (mult arr arr) nxtPower\n in\n let ((sol,_),(_,_)) = arrayPower startarr one in\n Printf.printf \"%Ld\\n\" sol\n;;", "src_uid": "77627cc366a22e38da412c3231ac91a8"} {"source_code": "let read_int _ = Scanf.bscanf Scanf.Scanning.stdib \" %d\" (fun x -> x)\nlet (|>) x f = f x\n\nlet rep n f =\n let rec go i acc =\n if i >= n then\n List.rev acc\n else\n go (i+1) (f i::acc)\n in go 0 []\n\nlet () =\n let [a;b;c;d] = rep 4 read_int |> List.sort compare in\n (match max (a+b-c) (b+c-d) with\n | 0 -> \"SEGMENT\"\n | x when x > 0 -> \"TRIANGLE\"\n | _ -> \"IMPOSSIBLE\") |> print_endline", "src_uid": "8f5df9a41e6e100aa65b9fc1d26e447a"} {"source_code": "let [a; b]= List.map (int_of_string) (Str.split (Str.regexp \" \") (read_line ()));;\nPrintf.printf \"%d %d\\n\" (min a b) (((max a b)-(min a b))/2)\n\n", "src_uid": "775766790e91e539c1cfaa5030e5b955"} {"source_code": "let rec digits n =\n if n <= 7 then\n 1\n else\n 1 + digits ((n + 6) / 7)\n\nlet show display offset digits number =\n let r = ref number in\n for i = offset + digits - 1 downto offset do\n display.(i) <- !r mod 7;\n r := !r / 7\n done\n\nlet distinct array =\n let r = ref true in\n let right = Array.length array - 1 in\n for i = 0 to right do\n for j = i + 1 to right do\n if array.(i) == array.(j) then\n r := false\n done\n done;\n !r\n\nlet () =\n match read_line () |> Str.(split (regexp \" \")) |> List.map int_of_string with\n | [n; m] ->\n let digits_h = digits n in\n let digits_m = digits m in\n let digits = digits_h + digits_m in\n if digits > 7 then\n print_endline \"0\"\n else\n let display = Array.make digits 0 in\n let r = ref 0 in\n for hour = 0 to n - 1 do\n for min = 0 to m - 1 do\n show display 0 digits_h hour;\n show display digits_h digits_m min;\n if distinct display then\n incr r\n done\n done;\n print_int !r;\n print_newline ()\n | _ -> assert false\n", "src_uid": "0930c75f57dd88a858ba7bb0f11f1b1c"} {"source_code": "let m = function \"monday\"->0 | \"tuesday\"->1 | \"wednesday\"->2 | \"thursday\"->3 | \"friday\"->4 | \"saturday\"->5 | \"sunday\" -> 6 and\nms = [31; 28; 31; 30; 31; 30; 31; 31; 30; 31; 30] in\nlet a = m @@ read_line () and\nb = m @@ read_line () in\nlet c = List.filter (fun x -> ( a + x ) mod 7 == b ) ms in \nprint_string @@ if List.length c > 0 then \"YES\" else \"NO\"", "src_uid": "2a75f68a7374b90b80bb362c6ead9a35"} {"source_code": "let solve a = print_string \"1\"; for i= 1 to a-1 do print_string \"0\" done;;\nlet [n; m]= Str.split (Str.regexp \" \") (read_line ());;\nif n = \"1\" && m = \"10\" then\n\tprint_string \"-1\"\nelse if m = \"10\" then\n\tsolve (int_of_string n) \nelse\n\tfor i= 1 to int_of_string n do print_string m done;;\nprint_endline \"\"\n", "src_uid": "77ffc1e38c32087f98ab5b3cb11cd2ed"} {"source_code": "let rec ajoute_fin x y = function\n\t| []\t-> [x;y]\n\t| t::q\t-> t::(ajoute_fin x y q) \n\nlet rec joue res win t p1 p2 =\n\ttry (let a = Hashtbl.find t (!p1,!p2) in win := 0)\n\twith Not_found ->\n\tbegin\n\t\tincr res;\n\t\tHashtbl.add t (!p1,!p2) ();\n\t\tmatch (!p1,!p2) with\n\t\t\t| _,[]\t\t-> win := 1\n\t\t\t| [],_\t\t-> win := 2\n\t\t\t| (a::b),(c::d)\t->\n\t\t\tbegin\n\t\t\tif a > c\n\t\t\t\tthen (p1 := ajoute_fin c a b; p2 := d)\n\t\t\t\telse (p2 := ajoute_fin a c d; p1 := b);\n\t\t\t\tjoue res win t p1 p2;\n\t\t\tend\n\tend\n\nlet _ =\n\tlet k1 = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d \" (fun _ i -> i) and l1 = ref [] in\n\t\tfor i = 1 to k1 do\n\t\t\tScanf.scanf \"%d \" (fun j -> l1 := j:: !l1);\n\t\tdone;\n\tlet k2 = Scanf.scanf \"%d\" (fun i -> i) and l2 = ref [] in\n\t\tfor i = 1 to k2 do\n\t\t\tScanf.scanf \" %d\" (fun j -> l2 := j :: !l2);\n\t\tdone;\n\tlet res = ref (-1) and win = ref 42 and p1 = ref (List.rev !l1)\n\tand p2 = ref (List.rev !l2) and t = Hashtbl.create 0 in\n\t\tjoue res win t p1 p2;\n\tif !win = 0\n\t\tthen Printf.printf \"-1\"\n\t\telse Printf.printf \"%d %d\" (!res) (!win)\n", "src_uid": "f587b1867754e6958c3d7e0fe368ec6e"} {"source_code": "let read1 () = Scanf.scanf \"%d\\n\" ( fun x -> x );;\nlet read2 () = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d\\n\" ( fun x y -> x, y );;\nlet read3 () = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d %d\\n\" ( fun x y z -> x, y, z);;\nlet read x = (if x = 0 then Scanf.scanf \"%d\\n\" else Scanf.scanf \"%d \") ( fun x -> x );;\n\nlet (+$) x y =\n if x > max_int - y then max_int\n else x + y;;\n\nlet rec ( *$ ) x y =\n if y = 0 then 0 else\n if y mod 2 = 1 then x *$ (y-1) +$ x\n else let a = x *$ (y/2) in a +$ a;;\n\nlet (+|) = Int64.add;;\nlet (-|) = Int64.sub;;\nlet ( *| ) = Int64.mul;;\nlet ( /| ) = Int64.div;;\nlet two_64 = Int64.one +| Int64.one;;\n\nlet dajLiczbe x =\n (Char.code x) -\n (Char.code 'a') + 1;;\n \nlet naKrawedzi x =\n match x with\n | 1 -> 1\n | 8 -> 1\n | _ -> 0;;\n \nlet policz x y =\n let count = (naKrawedzi x) + (naKrawedzi y) in\n match count with\n | 0 -> 8\n | 1 -> 5\n | 2 -> 3\n | _ -> begin assert(false); 0 end;;\n\nlet readInput () = Scanf.scanf \"%c%d\\n\" (fun x y -> x, y);;\n\nlet _ =\n let (a,b) = readInput () in\n Printf.printf \"%d\" (policz (dajLiczbe a) b);;\n", "src_uid": "6994331ca6282669cbb7138eb7e55e01"} {"source_code": "\nlet words s = Str.split (Str.regexp \" \") s;;\n\nlet check n lst =\n let threshold = List.nth lst (n - 1)\n in\n List.length (List.filter (fun m -> 0 < m && threshold <= m) lst)\n;;\n\nlet rec take lst n = \n match (lst, n) with\n [], _ -> []\n | lst, 0 -> lst\n | x::xs, n -> x::(take xs (n - 1))\n;; \n\nlet () =\n let nk = words (read_line ()) in\n let [n; k;] = List.map int_of_string nk in\n let score_line = take (words (read_line ())) n in\n let scores = List.map int_of_string score_line\n in\n Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" (check k scores)\n;;\n", "src_uid": "193ec1226ffe07522caf63e84a7d007f"} {"source_code": "let _ =\n let main () =\n let rev k =\n let rec loop i acc =\n if i = 0. then acc else loop (floor (i /. 10.)) (acc *. 10. +. (mod_float i 10.))\n in\n loop (float k) 0.\n in\n let f a b =\n Printf.printf \"%.f\\n\" (float a +. rev b)\n in\n Scanf.sscanf (read_line ()) \"%d %d\" f\n in\n main ()\n", "src_uid": "69b219054cad0844fc4f15df463e09c0"} {"source_code": "let read_int () = Scanf.scanf \" %d \" (fun x -> x);;\nlet read_long () = Scanf.scanf \" %Ld \" (fun x -> x);;\nlet read_pair () = let a = read_long () in ( a , read_long () );;\n\nlet n , k = read_pair ();;\n\nlet (++) a b = Int64.add a b\nlet (--) a b = Int64.sub a b\nlet ( ** ) a b = Int64.mul a b\nlet (//) a b = Int64.div a b\n\nlet rec solve sum ans =\n (*Printf.printf \"%Ld %Ld\\n\" sum ans;*)\n let a = sum ++ Int64.of_int 1 and b = sum -- (k -- ans ++ Int64.of_int 2) ++ Int64.of_int 2 ** (k -- ans ++ Int64.of_int 1) in\n if ans >= k then Printf.printf \"-1\\n\"\n else if Int64.compare a n <=0 && Int64.compare b n >= 0 then\n Printf.printf \"%Ld\\n\" ans\n else solve b (ans ++ Int64.of_int 1);;\n\nlet binary_search () =\n let left = ref (Int64.of_int 2) and right = ref (k -- Int64.of_int 1) in\n (*Printf.printf \"%Ld %Ld\\n\" !left !right;*)\n while !left <= !right do\n let mid = ((!left ++ !right)//(Int64.of_int 2)) in let a = ((mid ** (Int64.of_int 2 ** k -- Int64.of_int 1\n -- mid)) // Int64.of_int 2 ++ Int64.of_int 1) in \n if a < n then left := mid ++ (Int64.of_int 1) \n else right := mid -- (Int64.of_int 1)\n done;\n !left;;\n\nif n = Int64.of_int 1 then Printf.printf \"0\\n\"\nelse if n>= Int64.of_int 2 && n<=k then Printf.printf \"1\\n\"\nelse let ans = binary_search () in if ans <= (k -- Int64.of_int 1) then\n Printf.printf \"%Ld\\n\" ans\n else Printf.printf \"-1\\n\";;\n", "src_uid": "83bcfe32db302fbae18e8a95d89cf411"} {"source_code": "let rand_int()=Scanf.scanf \" %d\" (fun x->x);;\nlet n=rand_int();;\nlet tab=Array.init n (fun i->rand_int());;\n\nlet l=ref [];;\n\nlet rec inserer v=function\n|[]->[v]\n|h::t->if v()\n|h::t->print_int h;print_string \" \";print_list t;;\n\nprint_list !l;;", "src_uid": "ae20712265d4adf293e75d016b4b82d8"} {"source_code": "module Std = struct\n\n module List = struct\n include List\n module L = List\n let map f lst = L.rev (L.rev_map f lst)\n let map2 f l1 l2 = L.rev (L.rev_map2 f l1 l2)\n let each_cons f lst = L.rev_map2 f (L.tl (L.rev lst)) (L.rev (L.tl lst))\n let append x y = L.rev (L.rev_append x y)\n let fold = L.fold_left\n end\n\n let ( |> ) x f = f x\n let ( <| ) f x = f x\n let ( ~. ) = float_of_int\n let ( @ ) = List.append\n\n let rec repeat n f x = if n = 0 then x else repeat (n-1) f (f x)\n\n let di x = prerr_endline (string_of_int x); x\n let df f = prerr_endline (string_of_float f); f\n let ds s = prerr_endline s; s\n \n let int () = Scanf.scanf \" %d\" (fun x -> x)\n let read_int = int\n let float () = Scanf.scanf \" %f\" (fun x -> x)\n let read_float = float\n let rec n_int n () = List.rev <| repeat n (fun lst -> int () :: lst) []\n let rec n_float n () = List.rev <| repeat n (fun lst -> float () :: lst) []\n\nend\n\nopen Std\nmodule L = List\n\n(* entry point *)\n\nlet min = L.fold min max_int\n\nlet () =\n print_int\n begin\n match n_int 8 () with\n [n;k;l;c;d;p;nl;np] ->\n (min [di(k*l/nl); di(c*d); di(p/np)]) / n \n | _ -> assert false\n end\n", "src_uid": "67410b7d36b9d2e6a97ca5c7cff317c1"} {"source_code": "\nlet list_1 = [\"zero\";\"one\";\"two\";\"three\";\"four\";\"five\";\"six\";\"seven\";\"eight\";\"nine\"];;\nlet list_2 = [\"ten\";\"eleven\";\"twelve\";\"thirteen\";\"fourteen\";\"fifteen\";\"sixteen\";\"seventeen\";\"eighteen\";\"nineteen\"];;\nlet list_3 = [\"\";\"\";\"twenty-\";\"thirty-\";\"forty-\";\"fifty-\";\"sixty-\";\"seventy-\";\"eighty-\";\"ninety-\"];;\n\nlet rec toInt s cur ten value =\n if cur < 0 then value\n else toInt s ( cur - 1 ) ( ten * 10 ) ( value + ten * ( Char.code ( String.get s cur ) - Char.code '0' ) );;\n\n\nlet getWord s =\n let x = ( toInt s ( String.length s - 1 ) 1 0 ) in\n if 0 <= x && x <= 9 then Printf.printf \"%s\\n\" ( List.nth list_1 x )\n else if 10 <= x && x <= 19 then Printf.printf \"%s\\n\" ( List.nth list_2 ( x - 10 ) )\n else if ( x mod 10 ) = 0 then Printf.printf \"%s\\n\" ( String.sub ( List.nth list_3 ( x / 10 ) ) 0 ( String.length ( List.nth list_3 ( x / 10 ) ) - 1 ) )\n else Printf.printf \"%s%s\\n\" ( List.nth list_3 ( Char.code ( String.get s 0 ) - Char.code '0' ) ) ( List.nth list_1 ( Char.code ( String.get s 1 ) - Char.code '0' ) ) ;;\n\nlet s = Scanf.scanf \"%s\\n\" ( fun s -> s ) in getWord s;;\n", "src_uid": "a49ca177b2f1f9d5341462a38a25d8b7"} {"source_code": "let () =\n let n = Scanf.scanf \"%d \" (fun a -> a) in\n\n let rec pow (x, y) =\n if y = 0 then 1 else x * pow (x, y - 1)\n in\n let ans_l = [\"Sheldon\"; \"Leonard\"; \"Penny\"; \"Rajesh\"; \"Howard\"] in\n let rec aux acc cnt n =\n if acc < n then aux (acc*2) (cnt+1) (n-acc)\n else\n let i = pow (2, (cnt-1)) in\n let ans_i = if n mod i = 0 then (n/i) else n/i+1 in\n List.nth ans_l (ans_i-1)\n\n in\n\n Printf.printf \"%s\\n\" @@ aux 5 1 n\n", "src_uid": "023b169765e81d896cdc1184e5a82b22"} {"source_code": "let _ =\n let sb = Scanf.Scanning.stdib in\n let a = Array.make 4 0 in\n let b = Array.make 4 0 in\n for i = 0 to 3 do\n a.(i) <- Scanf.bscanf sb \"%d \" (fun s -> s);\n b.(i) <- Scanf.bscanf sb \"%d \" (fun s -> s);\n done;\n if (a.(0) > b.(2) && b.(1) > a.(3)) &&\n (a.(0) > b.(3) && b.(1) > a.(2)) ||\n (a.(1) > b.(2) && b.(0) > a.(3)) &&\n (a.(1) > b.(3) && b.(0) > a.(2))\n then Printf.printf \"Team 1\\n\"\n else if ((a.(0) < b.(2) && b.(1) < a.(3)) ||\n\t (a.(0) < b.(3) && b.(1) < a.(2))) &&\n ((a.(1) < b.(2) && b.(0) < a.(3)) ||\n\t (a.(1) < b.(3) && b.(0) < a.(2)))\n then Printf.printf \"Team 2\\n\"\n else Printf.printf \"Draw\\n\"\n", "src_uid": "1a70ed6f58028a7c7a86e73c28ff245f"} {"source_code": "let s= Array.of_list (Str.split (Str.regexp \" \") (read_line ())) and ans= ref 0;;\nlet x= int_of_string s.(0);;\nif s.(2) = \"week\" then\n\tlet day = ref 5 in\n\tbegin\n\t\tfor i = 1 to 366 do\n\t\t\tif !day = 8 then\n\t\t\t\tday := 1;\n\t\t\tif !day = x then\n\t\t\t\tans := !ans + 1;\n\t\t\tday := !day + 1\n\t\tdone;\n\t\tprint_int (!ans);\n\tend\nelse\n\tlet month= [|31; 29; 31; 30; 31; 30; 31; 31; 30; 31; 30; 31 |] in\n\tbegin\n\t\tfor i = 0 to 11 do\n\t\t\tif month.(i) >= x then\n\t\t\t\tans := !ans + 1\n\t\tdone;\n\t\tprint_int (!ans)\n\tend;;\n", "src_uid": "9b8543c1ae3666e6c163d268fdbeef6b"} {"source_code": "let read_int () = Scanf.bscanf Scanf.Scanning.stdib \" %d \" (fun x -> x) \n\nlet n = read_int()\n\nlet mmin = ref 0L\nlet mmax = ref 0L\n\nlet consider a b c =\n let aa = Int64.of_int (a+1) in\n let bb = Int64.of_int (b+2) in\n let cc = Int64.of_int (c+2) in\n let m = Int64.mul (Int64.mul aa bb) cc in\n if !mmin = 0L || m < !mmin then mmin := m;\n if !mmax = 0L || m > !mmax then mmax := m\n\nlet tryit a = (* we know that a divides into n *)\n let x = n/a in\n let rec loop b = \n let c = x/b in\n if c < b then () else (\n\tif b*c=x then consider a b c;\n\tloop (b+1)\n )\n in\n loop 1\n\nlet rec loop a = \n let x = n/a in\n if x < a then () else (\n if x*a=n then (\n\ttryit a;\n\ttryit x;\n );\n loop (a+1)\n )\n\nlet () = \n loop 1;\n let fix a = Int64.to_string (Int64.sub a (Int64.of_int n)) in\n Printf.printf \"%s %s\\n\" (fix !mmin) (fix !mmax);\n", "src_uid": "2468eead8acc5b8f5ddc51bfa2bd4fb7"} {"source_code": "let min_max a c = match a, c with\n 0, 0 -> print_string \"0 0\"\n| a, 0 -> Printf.printf \"%d %d\\n\" a a\n| 0, c -> print_string \"Impossible\\n\"\n| a, c -> Printf.printf \"%d %d\\n\" (max a c) (a + c - 1)\n;;\n\nScanf.scanf \"%d %d\" min_max;;\n\n", "src_uid": "1e865eda33afe09302bda9077d613763"} {"source_code": "let main () =\n let gr () = Scanf.scanf \" %d\" (fun i -> i) in \n let n = gr () in\n let k = gr () in\n let rec f x y = \n if y == 0 \n then x\n else \n if x mod 10 == 0 \n then f (x / 10) (y - 1) \n else f (x - 1) (y - 1) \n in\n Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" (f n k)\n ;;\nlet _ = main();;\n", "src_uid": "064162604284ce252b88050b4174ba55"} {"source_code": "let () =\n let a = Array.init 3 (fun _ -> read_line ()) in\n print_endline (if List.for_all (fun (x,y) -> a.(1-x).[1-y] = a.(1+x).[1+y])\n [-1,0; -1,1; 0,1; 1,1] then \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n", "src_uid": "6a5fe5fac8a4e3993dc3423180cdd6a9"} {"source_code": "let rec count_ring_amount k w h = \n\tif k = 0 then 0\n\telse 2*w + 2*h - 4 + count_ring_amount (k - 1) (w - 4) (h - 4);;\nlet (w, h, k) = Scanf.scanf \"%i %i %i\" (fun x y z -> (x, y, z));;\nPrintf.printf \"%i\" (count_ring_amount k w h);;", "src_uid": "2c98d59917337cb321d76f72a1b3c057"} {"source_code": "let _ =\n let sb = Scanf.Scanning.stdib in\n let s = Scanf.bscanf sb \"%s \" (fun s -> s) in\n let n = String.length s in\n let a = Array.make n 0 in\n let _ =\n for i = 0 to n - 1 do\n a.(i) <-\n\tmatch s.[i] with\n\t | 'R' -> 0\n\t | 'B' -> 1\n\t | 'Y' -> 2\n\t | 'G' -> 3\n\t | '!' -> -1\n\t | _ -> assert false\n done;\n in\n let b = Array.make 4 0 in\n let res = Array.make 4 0 in\n for i = 0 to n - 1 do\n if a.(i) >= 0\n then b.(i mod 4) <- a.(i)\n done;\n for i = 0 to n - 1 do\n if a.(i) < 0\n then res.(b.(i mod 4)) <- res.(b.(i mod 4)) + 1\n done;\n Printf.printf \"%d %d %d %d\\n\" res.(0) res.(1) res.(2) res.(3)\n", "src_uid": "64fc6e9b458a9ece8ad70a8c72126b33"} {"source_code": "let read1 () = Scanf.scanf \"%d\\n\" ( fun x -> x );;\nlet read2 () = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d\\n\" ( fun x y -> x, y );;\nlet read3 () = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d %d\\n\" ( fun x y z -> x, y, z);;\nlet read x = (if x = 0 then Scanf.scanf \"%d\\n\" else Scanf.scanf \"%d \") ( fun x -> x );;\n\nlet (+$) x y =\n if x > max_int - y then max_int\n else x + y;;\n\nlet rec ( *$ ) x y =\n if y = 0 then 0 else\n if y mod 2 = 1 then x *$ (y-1) +$ x\n else let a = x *$ (y/2) in a +$ a;;\n\nlet (+|) = Int64.add;;\nlet (-|) = Int64.sub;;\nlet ( *| ) = Int64.mul;;\nlet ( /| ) = Int64.div;;\nlet two_64 = Int64.one +| Int64.one;;\n\nlet inside (a,b) (c,d) (e,f) =\n let x1 = min c e\n and x2 = max c e\n and y1 = min d f\n and y2 = max d f in\n if x1 <= a && a <= x2 && ( b = y1 || b = y2 ) then true\n else if y1 <= b && b <= y2 && ( a = x1 || a = x2 ) then true\n else false;;\n\nlet wynik (a,b) (c,d) (e,f) =\n if a = c && c = e then 1\n else if b = d && d = f then 1\n else if inside (a,b) (c,d) (e,f) then 2\n else if inside (c,d) (a,b) (e,f) then 2\n else if inside (e,f) (a,b) (c,d) then 2\n else 3;;\n\nlet _ = \n let (a,b) = read2 ()\n and (c,d) = read2 ()\n and (e,f) = read2 () in\n Printf.printf \"%d\" ( wynik (a,b) (c,d) (e,f) );;\n\n", "src_uid": "36fe960550e59b046202b5811343590d"} {"source_code": "let read_int () = Scanf.bscanf Scanf.Scanning.stdib \" %d \" (fun x -> x) \n\nlet n = read_int()\nlet m = read_int()\n\nlet (n,m) = (min n m, max n m)\n\nlet answer = \n if n=1 then m\n else if n=2 then 4*(m/4) + \n (if m mod 4 = 0 then 0 else if m mod 4 = 1 then 2 else 4)\n else (n*m - ((n*m)/2))\nlet () = Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" answer\n", "src_uid": "e858e7f22d91aaadd7a48a174d7b2dc9"} {"source_code": "let () = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d\\n\" (fun n k ->\n let i = Array.init n (fun i -> Scanf.scanf \"%d%_c\" (fun x -> (x, i + 1))) in\n Array.sort compare i;\n let _, l = Array.fold_left (fun (a, l) (t, i) ->\n if a + t <= k then (a + t, i :: l)\n else (a + t, l)\n ) (0, []) i\n in\n let len = List.length l in\n Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" len;\n if len > 0 then\n print_endline (String.concat \" \" (List.map string_of_int l))\n)\n", "src_uid": "dbb164a8dd190e63cceba95a31690a7c"} {"source_code": "let read1 () = Scanf.scanf \"%d\\n\" ( fun x -> x );;\nlet read2 () = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d\\n\" ( fun x y -> x, y );;\nlet read3 () = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d %d\\n\" ( fun x y z -> x, y, z);;\nlet read x = (if x = 0 then Scanf.scanf \"%d\\n\" else Scanf.scanf \"%d \") ( fun x -> x );;\n\nlet (+$) x y =\n if x > max_int - y then max_int\n else x + y;;\n\nlet rec ( *$ ) x y =\n if y = 0 then 0 else\n if y mod 2 = 1 then x *$ (y-1) +$ x\n else let a = x *$ (y/2) in a +$ a;;\n\nlet (+|) = Int64.add;;\nlet (-|) = Int64.sub;;\nlet ( *| ) = Int64.mul;;\nlet ( /| ) = Int64.div;;\nlet two_64 = Int64.one +| Int64.one;;\n\nlet rec licz n b a =\n if n = 1 then\n let x = Scanf.scanf \"%Ld\\n\" (fun x -> x) in\n a *| b +| x\n else\n let x = Scanf.scanf \"%Ld \" (fun x -> x) in\n licz (n-1) b ( a *| b +| x );;\n\nlet _ = \n let (n,a) = Scanf.scanf \"%d %Ld\\n\" (fun x y -> x, y) in\n let sa = licz n a Int64.zero\n and (n,b) = Scanf.scanf \"%d %Ld\\n\" (fun x y -> x, y) in\n let sb = licz n b Int64.zero in\n Printf.printf \"%c\\n\" \n (if compare sa sb < 0 then '<' else if compare sa sb = 0 then '=' else '>');;\n\n\n", "src_uid": "d6ab5f75a7bee28f0af2bf168a0b2e67"} {"source_code": "Scanf.scanf \"%s\\n\" (fun w ->\n\tlet c = String.get w 0 in\n\tif (String.uppercase w = w) || (Char.lowercase c = c &&\n\t\tlet ss = (String.sub w 1 (String.length w - 1)) in\n\t\t\tString.uppercase ss = ss\n\t) then\n\tString.iter (fun c ->\n\t\tif Char.uppercase c = c \n\t\t\tthen print_char (Char.lowercase c) \n\t\t\telse print_char (Char.uppercase c)\n\t) w\n\telse print_string w\n);;\n", "src_uid": "db0eb44d8cd8f293da407ba3adee10cf"} {"source_code": "let _ =\n let n,i = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d\" (fun j k -> (j,k-1)) in\n let tab = Array.init n (fun _ -> Scanf.scanf \" %d\" (fun j -> j)) in\n let cpt = ref (tab.(i)) in\n for j = 1 to max (n-i-1) i do\n let ok_l = j > i || tab.(i-j) = 1 in\n let ok_r = i+j >= n || tab.(i+j) = 1 in\n if ok_l && ok_r\n then cpt := !cpt + (if j > i then 0 else 1)\n + (if i+j >= n then 0 else 1);\n done;\n Printf.printf \"%d\" !cpt\n", "src_uid": "4840d571d4ce6e1096bb678b6c100ae5"} {"source_code": "module A = Array\nmodule C = Char\nmodule I = Int64\nmodule L = List\nmodule Q = Queue\nmodule S = String\n\nlet pf = Printf.printf\nlet sf = Scanf.scanf\nlet ssf = Scanf.sscanf\n\nlet (|>) x f = f x\nlet (@@) f x = f x\n\nlet id x = x\nlet id2 x y = (x, y)\nlet id3 x y z = (x, y, z)\nlet id4 a b c d = (a, b, c, d)\nlet id5 a b c d e = (a, b, c, d, e)\n\nlet err s = raise (Failure s)\n\nlet inf = 1000000000\nlet eps = 1e-11\n\nlet _ =\n let n = sf \"%d \" id in\n let (a1, b1) = sf \"%d %d \" id2 in\n let (a2, b2) = sf \"%d %d \" id2 in\n let (a3, b3) = sf \"%d %d \" id2 in\n let rest = n - a1 - a2 - a3 in\n let u = min rest (b1 - a1) in\n let (rest, r1) = rest - u, a1 + u in\n let u = min rest (b2 - a2) in\n let (rest, r2) = rest - u, a2 + u in\n let u = min rest (b3 - a3) in\n let (rest, r3) = rest - u, a3 + u in\n pf \"%d %d %d\\n\" r1 r2 r3\n;;\n", "src_uid": "3cd092b6507079518cf206deab21cf97"} {"source_code": "(* The test is: 3 RGR Answer is: BG *)\n\nopen Printf\nopen Scanf\n\nlet read_int () = bscanf Scanning.stdib \" %d \" (fun x -> x)\nlet read_string () = bscanf Scanning.stdib \" %s \" (fun x -> x)\nlet () = \n let n = read_int () in\n let s = read_string () in\n\n let hist = Array.make 3 0 in\n\n for i=0 to n-1 do\n let c = match s.[i] with\n | 'B' -> 0\n | 'G' -> 1\n | 'R' -> 2\n | _ -> failwith \"bad input\"\n in\n hist.(c) <- 1 + hist.(c)\n done;\n\n let ar = [|(hist.(0), 0); (hist.(1), 1); (hist.(2),2)|] in\n\n Array.sort compare ar;\n\n let answer = if (fst ar.(0)) > 0 then [0;1;2]\n else if (fst ar.(1)) > 0 then (\n let k = fst ar.(1) in\n let l = fst ar.(2) in\n if (k,l) = (1,1) then [snd ar.(0)]\n else if k > 1 && l > 1 then [0;1;2]\n else if k = 1 then List.sort compare [snd ar.(0); snd ar.(1)]\n else failwith \"impossible\"\n )\n else [snd ar.(2)]\n in\n\n List.iter (fun i -> printf \"%c\" (\"BGR\".[i])) answer;\n print_newline()\n", "src_uid": "4cedd3b70d793bc8ed4a93fc5a827f8f"} {"source_code": "open Scanf\nopen Printf\n\nlet n, b = scanf \"%d %d\" (fun n b -> n, b)\n\nlet l = Array.to_list (Array.init n (fun i -> scanf \" %d\" (fun i -> i)))\n\nlet cost x y = abs (x - y)\n\nlet order l = List.sort compare l\n\nlet cost_l l =\n let rec loop l o e out =\n match l with\n | [] -> order out\n | [h] -> order out\n | h::(h'::_ as t) ->\n let o, e = if h mod 2 = 0 then o, e+1 else o+1, e in\n if o = e && o <> 0 then\n loop t o e ((cost h h')::out)\n else loop t o e out\n in loop l 0 0 []\n\nlet aggreg l b =\n List.fold_left\n (fun (outi, outc) c ->\n if outc + c <= b then\n (outi + 1, outc + c)\n else\n (outi, outc))\n (0, 0) l\n\nlet () =\n let c_l = cost_l l in\n let outi, outc = aggreg c_l b in\n printf \"%d\\n\" outi;\n ()\n", "src_uid": "b3f8e769ee7719ea5c9f458428b16a4e"} {"source_code": "(* Codeforces 266A Kamni - very easy *)\n\nopen List;;\nopen String;;\nopen Array;;\nopen Int64;;\nopen Printf;;\n\nlet gr () = Scanf.scanf \" %d\" (fun i -> i);;\nlet grf () = Scanf.scanf \" %f\" (fun i -> i);;\nlet grl () = Scanf.scanf \" %Ld\" (fun i -> i);;\nlet grs () = Scanf.scanf \" %s\" (fun s -> s);;\nlet rdln() = input_line Pervasives.stdin;;\n(* let spli s = Str.split (Str.regexp \" \") s;; *)\nlet printlisti li = List.iter (fun i -> (print_int i; print_string \" \")) li;;\nlet printarri ai = Array.iter (fun i -> (print_int i; print_string \" \")) ai;;\nlet printarri64 ai = Array.iter (fun i -> (print_string (Int64.to_string i); print_string \" \")) ai;;\nlet readpair () =\n\tlet a = gr() in\n\tlet b = gr() in\n\t(a, b);;\n\nlet rec readlist n acc = match n with\n\t| 0 -> acc\n\t| _ -> readlist (n - 1) (gr() :: acc);;\n\nlet rec countsame i n s acc = \n\tif i==(n-1) then acc\n\telse\n\t\tlet nacc = (if s.[i]==s.[i+1] then acc+1 else acc) in\n\t\tcountsame (i+1) n s nacc;;\t\n\nlet main () =\n\tlet n = gr () in\n\tlet s = grs() in\n\tlet ns = countsame 0 n s 0 in\n\t(print_int ns; print_newline());;\n\nmain();;\n", "src_uid": "d561436e2ddc9074b98ebbe49b9e27b8"} {"source_code": "let s=read_int() in\nlet rec find now = \n if s mod now=0 then Printf.printf \"%d %d\" now (s/now) else find (now-1) in\nfind (int_of_float (sqrt (float_of_int s)))", "src_uid": "f52af273954798a4ae38a1378bfbf77a"} {"source_code": "let rec gcd n m = \n match m with\n | 0 -> n\n | _ -> gcd m (n mod m)\n;;\n\nlet lcm n m = n * m / (gcd n m)\n\nlet handle_input n m z = \n let d = lcm n m in\n let count = z / d in\n begin\n print_int count;\n print_newline;\n end\n;;\n \n\nlet read_ints () =\n Scanf.bscanf Scanf.Scanning.stdin \"%i %i %i\" handle_input\n;;\n\nread_ints ();;", "src_uid": "e7ad55ce26fc8610639323af1de36c2d"} {"source_code": "let _ =\n Printf.printf \"25\\n\"\n", "src_uid": "dcaff75492eafaf61d598779d6202c9d"} {"source_code": "open Big_int\n\nlet yolo = Big_int.big_int_of_int 1000000007;;\n\nlet rec pow p x = function\n | 0 -> Big_int.big_int_of_int 1\n | i -> let sq = pow p x (i/2) in\n if i mod 2 = 0\n then Big_int.mod_big_int (Big_int.mult_big_int sq sq) p\n else Big_int.mod_big_int (Big_int.mult_big_int (Big_int.mod_big_int (Big_int.mult_big_int sq sq) p) x) p\n\nlet rec find tab i =\n if tab.(i) = i\n then i\n else find tab (tab.(i))\n\nlet main () =\n let (p,k) = Scanf.scanf \"%s %s\" (fun i j -> (Big_int.big_int_of_string i,Big_int.big_int_of_string j)) in\n let tab = Array.init (Big_int.int_of_big_int p) (fun i -> i) and tab' = Array.make (Big_int.int_of_big_int p) false and res = ref (-1) in\n for i = 0 to (Big_int.int_of_big_int p)-1 do\n tab.(i) <- find tab (tab.(Big_int.int_of_big_int (Big_int.mod_big_int(Big_int.mult_big_int k (Big_int.big_int_of_int i)) p)));\n done;\n for i = 0 to (Big_int.int_of_big_int p)-1 do\n let a = find tab (tab.(i)) in\n if not (tab'.(a))\n then (incr res; tab'.(a) <- true);\n done;\n match Big_int.int_of_big_int k with\n | 0 -> Printf.printf \"%s\" (Big_int.string_of_big_int (pow yolo p ((Big_int.int_of_big_int p) - 1)))\n | 1 -> Printf.printf \"%s\" (Big_int.string_of_big_int (pow yolo p (Big_int.int_of_big_int p)))\n | _ -> Printf.printf \"%s\" (Big_int.string_of_big_int (pow yolo p !res));;\n\nmain ();;\n", "src_uid": "580bf65af24fb7f08250ddbc4ca67e0e"} {"source_code": "let readLine () : int * int =\n let makePair x y = (x,y) in\n Scanf.sscanf (read_line ()) \"%d %d\" makePair\n\nlet getInput () = \n let numDays, sumTime = readLine () in\n let rec helper currDay accum =\n if currDay > numDays\n then accum\n else helper (currDay + 1) ((readLine ()) :: accum)\n in\n let workMinMaxes = List.rev (helper 1 []) in\n (numDays, sumTime, workMinMaxes)\n\nlet homogenizeConstraints sumTime dayConstraints =\n let folder (min, max) (currSumTime, newMaxes) = \n (currSumTime - min, max - min :: newMaxes)\n in\n List.fold_right folder dayConstraints (sumTime, [])\n\n(* this guy counts up *)\nlet getReducedWorkTimes reducedSum reducedMaxes =\n let folder reducedMax (currSum, workTimes) =\n let todaysWorkTime = min (reducedSum - currSum) reducedMax in\n (currSum + todaysWorkTime, todaysWorkTime :: workTimes)\n in\n List.fold_right folder reducedMaxes (0, [])\n\nlet negative = \"NO\\n\"\nlet positive = \"YES\\n\"\n\n(* main part *)\nlet () =\n let numDays, sumTime, dayBounds = getInput () in\n let reducedSumTime, reducedMaxes = homogenizeConstraints sumTime dayBounds in\n if reducedSumTime < 0\n then print_string negative\n else \n let (reducedTotalSum, reducedTimes) = getReducedWorkTimes reducedSumTime reducedMaxes in\n if reducedTotalSum < reducedSumTime\n then print_string negative\n else \n let actualWorkTimes = List.map2 (fun reducedTime (min, max) -> reducedTime + min) reducedTimes dayBounds in\n print_string positive;\n List.iter (Printf.printf \"%d \") actualWorkTimes;\n print_newline ();\n", "src_uid": "f48ff06e65b70f49eee3d7cba5a6aed0"} {"source_code": "(* Hungry Student Problem 903 A *)\n\n(* you can use either gr or rdln but not both *)\nlet gr () = Scanf.scanf \" %d\" (fun i -> i);;\nlet grf () = Scanf.scanf \" %f\" (fun i -> i);;\nlet grl () = Scanf.scanf \" %Ld\" (fun i -> i);;\nlet rdln() = input_line stdin;;\n(* let spli s = Str.split (Str.regexp \" \") s;; *)\nlet printlisti li = List.iter (fun i -> (print_int i; print_string \" \")) li;;\nlet printarri ai = Array.iter (fun i -> (print_int i; print_string \" \")) ai;;\nlet debug = false;;\n\nlet rec readlist n acc = match n with\n\t| 0 -> acc\n\t| _ -> readlist (n -1) (gr() :: acc);;\nlet printlisti li = List.iter (fun i -> (print_int i; print_string \" \")) li;;\n\nlet rec one_case n7 k = \n\tif k < 0 then false\n\telse if n7 < 0 then false\n\telse if (k mod 3) == 0 then true \n\telse one_case (n7 - 1) (k - 7);;\n\nlet main() =\n\tlet n = gr() in\n\tbegin\n\t\tfor i = 1 to n do\n\t\t\tlet x = gr() in\n\t\t\tlet can = one_case 3 x in\n\t\t\tlet ans = if can then \"YES\\n\" else \"NO\\n\" in\n\t\t\tprint_string ans\n\t\tdone\n\tend;;\n\nmain();;", "src_uid": "cfd1182be98fb5f0c426f8b68e48d452"} {"source_code": "let moy tab =\n\tlet compt = ref 0. in\n\tfor i=0 to Array.length tab -1 do\n\t\tcompt := tab.(i) *. (float_of_int i) +. !compt;\n\tdone;\n\t!compt;;\n\n\nlet f n t p =\n\tlet mat = Array.make_matrix (t+1) (n+1) 0. in\n\tmat.(0).(0) <- 1.;\n\tfor i=1 to t do\n\t\tmat.(i).(0) <- (1. -. p) *. mat.(i-1).(0);\n\tdone;\n\tfor i=1 to t do\n\t\tfor j=1 to min i n do\n\t\t\tmat.(i).(j) <- p *. mat.(i-1).(j-1) \n\t\t\t\t +. (if j=n then 1. else (1. -. p)) *. mat.(i-1).(j);\n\t\tdone;\n\tdone;\n\tmoy (mat.(t));;\n\nlet formatte x =\n\tlet partie_ent = int_of_float x in\n\tlet partie_dec = int_of_float (100. *. (x -. float_of_int partie_ent)) in\n\tif partie_dec = 0\n\t\tthen Printf.printf \"%d\" partie_ent\n\t\telse if partie_dec mod 10 = 0\n\t\t\tthen Printf.printf \"%d.%d\" partie_ent (partie_dec / 10)\n\t\t\telse if partie_dec mod 100 = 0\n\t\t\t\tthen Printf.printf \"%d.%d\" partie_ent (partie_dec / 100)\n\t\t\t\telse if partie_dec mod 1000 = 0\n\t\t\t\t\tthen Printf.printf \"%d.%d\" partie_ent (partie_dec / 1000)\n\t\t\t\t\telse if partie_dec mod 10000 = 0\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthen Printf.printf \"%d.%d\" partie_ent (partie_dec / 10000)\n\t\t\t\t\t\telse if partie_dec mod 100000 = 0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthen Printf.printf \"%d.%d\" partie_ent (partie_dec / 100000)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\telse Printf.printf \"%d.%d\" partie_ent partie_dec;;\n\nlet main () =\n\tlet (a,b,c) = Scanf.scanf \"%d %f %d \" (fun i j k -> (i,j,k)) in\n\tPrintf.printf \"%f \" (f a c b);;\n\nmain ();;\n", "src_uid": "20873b1e802c7aa0e409d9f430516c1e"} {"source_code": "\nopen Scanf\n\nlet list_of_string (s: string): char list =\n let rec loop (i: int) (l: char list): char list =\n if i = 0\n then l\n else loop (i - 1) ((String.get s (i - 1)) :: l)\n in\n loop (String.length s) []\n\n(* CFP: list_of_string, print_yn, fold w/ termination? *)\n\ntype color =\n | Cyan\n | Magenta\n | Yellow\n | WIP\n\nlet colors: color list = [ Cyan; Magenta; Yellow; ]\n\nlet colors_of_chars (s: char list): color list =\n let f = function\n | 'C' -> Cyan\n | 'M' -> Magenta\n | 'Y' -> Yellow\n | '?' -> WIP\n | _ -> raise Not_found\n in\n List.map f s\n\nlet rec try_find (prev: color) (l: color list): int =\n match l with\n | [] -> 1\n | x :: xs when x = WIP ->\n let rec f (ret: int) (ll: color list): int =\n if ret >= 2\n then ret\n else match ll with\n | [] -> ret\n | c :: cs when c != prev -> f (ret + try_find c xs) cs\n | c :: cs -> f ret cs\n in\n f 0 colors\n | x :: xs when x = prev -> 0\n | x :: xs -> try_find x xs\n\nlet rec pre_scan (prev: color) (l: color list): bool =\n match l with\n | [] -> true\n | x :: xs when x != WIP && prev = x -> false\n | x :: xs -> pre_scan x xs\n\nlet () =\n let n = scanf \" %d\" (fun a -> a) in\n let s = scanf \" %s\" (fun a -> a) in\n let l = list_of_string s in\n let ll = colors_of_chars l in\n let ret = pre_scan WIP ll && (try_find WIP ll >= 2) in\n print_endline (if ret then \"Yes\" else \"No\")", "src_uid": "f8adfa0dde7ac1363f269dbdf00212c3"} {"source_code": "open List;;\n\nlet a n =\n\n let rec create x = \n\n if x = 0 then [] else\n\n if (x mod 2 = 0) then 0::(create (x/2)) else\n\n 1::(create (x/2)) in\n\n let solution lis = fst (fold_left (fun (l, a) x -> ((a*x)::l), a+1) ([], 1) lis ) in\n\n filter (fun x -> x<>0) (solution (create n) );;\n\n\n\nmap (Printf.printf \"%d \") (Scanf.bscanf Scanf.Scanning.stdin \"%d\" a);;\n\n", "src_uid": "757cd804aba01dc4bc108cb0722f68dc"} {"source_code": "open Printf open Scanf\nmodule Lib = struct\n let i32,i64,ist = Int64.(to_int,of_int,to_string)\n let (+$) = (+) let (-$) = (-) let (/$) = (/) let ( *$) = ( * ) let (%$) = (mod)\n let labs = Int64.abs\n let (+),(-),( * ),(/),(mod),(%) = Int64.(add,sub,mul,div,rem,rem)\n let (+=) r v = r := !r + v\n let (-=) r v = r := !r - v\n let ( *= ) r v = r := !r * v\n let (/=) r v = r := !r / v\n let (%=) r v = r := !r % v\n let max_i64,min_i64 = Int64.(max_int,min_int)\n (* math *)\n let ceildiv p q = (p+q-1L) / q\n let rec gcd m n = match m,n with | m,0L -> m | m,n -> gcd n (m mod n)\n let lcm m n = m / gcd m n * n\n module Int64_infix = struct\n let (land),(lor),(lxor),lnot,(lsl),(lsr),(asr) =\n let open Int64 in\n (logand),(logor),(logxor),lognot,\n (fun u v -> shift_left u (i32 v)),\n (fun u v -> shift_right u (i32 v)),\n (fun u v -> shift_right_logical u (i32 v))\n end\n let pow n k =\n let rec f a n = function\n | 0L -> a | 1L -> n*a | k when k mod 2L = 0L -> f a (n*n) (k/2L) | k -> f (a*n) (n*n) (k/2L)\n in f 1L n k\n (* input *)\n let input_i64_array n = Array.init (i32 n) (fun _ -> Scanf.scanf \" %Ld\" (fun v -> v)) let iia = input_i64_array\n let get_i64 _ = Scanf.scanf \" %Ld\" (fun v -> v) let gi = get_i64\n let get_2_i64 _ = Scanf.scanf \" %Ld %Ld\" (fun u v -> u,v) let g2 = get_2_i64\n let get_3_i64 _ = Scanf.scanf \" %Ld %Ld %Ld\" (fun u v w -> u,v,w) let g3 = get_3_i64\n let get_4_i64 _ = Scanf.scanf \" %Ld %Ld %Ld %Ld\" (fun u v w x -> u,v,w,x) let g4 = get_4_i64\n let get_5_i64 _ = Scanf.scanf \" %Ld %Ld %Ld %Ld %Ld\" (fun u v w x y -> u,v,w,x,y) let g5 = get_5_i64\n let i32_get_int _ = Scanf.scanf \" %d\" (fun v -> v) let i32_get_2_ints _ = Scanf.scanf \" %d %d\" (fun u v -> u,v) let i32_get_3_ints _ = Scanf.scanf \" %d %d %d\" (fun u v w -> u,v,w) let i32_get_4_ints _ = Scanf.scanf \" %d %d %d %d\" (fun u v w x -> u,v,w,x) let i32_get_5_ints _ = Scanf.scanf \" %d %d %d %d %d\" (fun u v w x y -> u,v,w,x,y)\n (* utils *)\n external id : 'a -> 'a = \"%identity\"\n let ( *< ) f g x = f (g x)\n let ( *> ) f g x = g (f x)\n let rv f p q = f q p (* ex. 24 |> rv (/) 6 *)\n let alen a = i64 @@ Array.length a\n let llen l = i64 @@ List.length l\n let string_of_list ?(separator=\" \") f ls = ls |> List.map f |> String.concat separator\n let string_of_array ?(separator=\" \") f a = a |> Array.to_list |> string_of_list ~separator f\n let char_list_of_string str = let rec f0 i a = if i<0 then a else f0 (i-$1) (str.[i]::a) in f0 (String.length str -$ 1) []\n let string_of_char_list ls = List.fold_left (fun u v -> u ^ (String.make 1 v)) \"\" ls\n let fail _ = failwith \"fail\"\n let dx,dy = [|1;0;-1;0|],[|0;1;0;-1|]\n let range l r = let ls = ref [] in for i=i32 l to i32 r do ls := i :: !ls done;!ls |> List.rev\n let cartesian_product u v = u |> List.map (fun p -> List.map (fun q -> p,q) v) |> List.flatten\n let shuffle a = Array.sort (fun _ _ -> (Random.int 3) -$ 1) a\n let binary_search ng ok f = let d = if ng < ok then 1L else -1L in\n let rec f0 ng ok =\n if labs (ok - ng) <= 1L then ok\n else let mid = ng + (ok - ng) / 2L in if f mid then f0 ng mid else f0 mid ok\n in f0 (ng-1L*d) (ok+1L*d)\n let lower_bound a v = binary_search 0L (alen a - 1L) (fun i -> a.(i32 i) >= v)\n let upper_bound a v = binary_search 0L (alen a - 1L) (fun i -> a.(i32 i) > v)\n let equal_range a v = lower_bound a v, upper_bound a v (* #=snd-fst *)\n let rec fix f x = f (fix f) x\n let fix_memo ?(size=10000) f x =\n let tb = Hashtbl.create ~random:true size in\n let rec f0 x =\n try Hashtbl.find tb x with\n | Not_found -> (let v = f f0 x in Hashtbl.add tb x v; v)\n in f0 x\n (* imperative *)\n let rep f t ?(stride=1L) fbod = let i = ref f in while !i <= t do fbod !i; i := !i + stride done\n let repb f t ?(stride=1L) fbod = let i,c = ref f,ref true in while !i <= t && !c do\n match fbod !i with | `Break -> c := false | `Ok -> i := !i + stride done\n let repm f t ?(stride=1L) m0 fbod =\n let i,c,m = ref f,ref true,ref m0 in\n while !i<=t && !c do match fbod !m !i with\n | `Break -> c := false | `Break_m m' -> (c := false; m := m') | `Ok m' -> m := m'; i := !i + stride done; !m\n let repi f t ?(stride=1) fbod = let i = ref f in while !i <= t do fbod !i; i := !i +$ stride done\n let repib f t ?(stride=1) fbod = let i,c = ref f,ref true in while !i <= t && !c do\n match fbod !i with | `Break -> c := false | `Ok -> i := !i +$ stride done\n let repim f t ?(stride=1) m0 fbod =\n let i,c,m = ref f,ref true,ref m0 in\n while !i<=t && !c do match fbod !m !i with\n | `Break -> c := false | `Break_m m' -> (c := false; m := m') | `Ok m' -> m := m'; i := !i +$ stride done; !m\n let rep_rev f t ?(stride=1L) fbod = rep t f ~stride @@ fun v -> fbod @@ f + t - v\n let repb_rev f t ?(stride=1L) fbod = repb t f ~stride @@ fun v -> fbod @@ f + t - v\n let repm_rev f t ?(stride=1L) m0 fbod = repm f t ~stride m0 @@ fun u v -> fbod u @@ f + t - v\n let repi_rev f t ?(stride=1) fbod = repi t f ~stride @@ fun v -> fbod @@ f +$ t -$ v\n let repib_rev f t ?(stride=1) fbod = repib t f ~stride @@ fun v -> fbod @@ f +$ t -$ v\n let repim_rev f t ?(stride=1) m0 fbod = repim f t ~stride m0 @@ fun u v -> fbod u @@ f +$ t -$ v\n (* output *)\n let print_list_mle f ls = string_of_list f ls |> print_endline\n let print_array_mle f a = string_of_array f a |> print_endline\n let print_list f ls = ls |> List.iter (fun v -> printf \"%s \" @@ f v); print_newline ()\n let print_array f a = a |> Array.iter (fun v -> printf \"%s \" @@ f v); print_newline ()\n (* debug *)\n let dump_2darr f a = a |> Array.iter (fun b -> print_array f b)\n let dump_i64_list ls = print_list ist ls\n let dump_i64_array a = print_array ist a\nend open Lib open Array\n\nlet () =\n let n = gi 0 in\n if n=2L then printf \"2\" else printf \"1\"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "src_uid": "c30b372a9cc0df4948dca48ef4c5d80d"} {"source_code": "let s=read_line() and t=read_line();;\nlet v=ref 0;;\nfor i=0 to String.length(s)/2-1 do\n if (s.[2*i]='8')&&(t.[2*i]='[') then v:= !v+1\n else if (s.[2*i]='[')&&(t.[2*i]='(') then v:= !v+1\n else if (s.[2*i]='(')&&(t.[2*i]='8') then v:= !v+1\n else if (t.[2*i]='8')&&(s.[2*i]='[') then v:= !v-1\n else if (t.[2*i]='[')&&(s.[2*i]='(') then v:= !v-1\n else if (t.[2*i]='(')&&(s.[2*i]='8') then v:= !v-1\ndone;;\nif !v>0 then print_string \"TEAM 1 WINS\"\nelse if !v<0 then print_string \"TEAM 2 WINS\"\nelse print_string \"TIE\";;", "src_uid": "bdf2e78c47d078b4ba61741b6fbb23cf"} {"source_code": "open Printf open Scanf\nmodule MyInt = struct let (+) = (+) let (-) = (-) let (/) = (/) let ( * ) = ( * ) let (mod) = (mod) let (%) = (mod) let (+=) r v = r := !r + v let (-=) r v = r := !r - v let ( *=) r v= r := !r * v let (/=) r v = r := !r / v let abs v = abs v let (land),(lor),(lxor),lnot,(lsl),(lsr),(asr) = (land),(lor),(lxor),lnot,(lsl),(lsr),(asr) let min_int,max_int = min_int,max_int end\nmodule MyInt64 = struct\n\tlet (+$) = (+) let (-$) = (-) let (/$) = (/) let ( *$) = ( * ) let (+) p q = Int64.add p q let (-) p q = Int64.sub p q let ( * ) p q = Int64.mul p q let (/) p q = Int64.div p q let (+=) r v = r := !r + v let (-=) r v = r := !r - v let ( *=) r v= r := !r * v let (/=) r v = r := !r / v let labs p = if p < 0L then -1L*p else p let (~|) p = Int64.to_int p let (~~|) p = Int64.of_int p let input_i64_array n = Array.init (~| n) (fun _ -> Scanf.scanf \" %Ld\" (fun v -> v)) let get_i64 _ = Scanf.scanf \" %Ld\" (fun v -> v) let get_2_i64 _ = Scanf.scanf \" %Ld %Ld\" (fun u v -> u,v) let get_3_i64 _ = Scanf.scanf \" %Ld %Ld %Ld\" (fun u v w -> u,v,w) let get_4_i64 _ = Scanf.scanf \" %Ld %Ld %Ld %Ld\" (fun u v w x -> u,v,w,x) let get_5_i64 _ = Scanf.scanf \" %Ld %Ld %Ld %Ld %Ld\" (fun u v w x y -> u,v,w,x,y) let print_i64_endline n = n |> Int64.to_string |> print_endline let (mod) m n = m - (m/n) * n let (%) = (mod) let rec gcd m n = match m,n with | m,0L -> m | m,n -> gcd n (m mod n) let lcm m n = (m*n) / gcd m n let rep from_ to_ fbod = let i,f = ref ~|from_,ref true in while !i <= ~|to_ && !f do match fbod ~~| !i with | `Break -> f := false | _ -> i := !i +$ 1; done let repb from_ to_ fbod = let i,f = ref ~|from_,ref true in while !i <= ~|to_ && !f do match fbod (~~| !i) with | `Break -> f := false | _ -> i := !i +$ 1 done; !f let repm from_ to_ m_init fbod = let i,f,m = ref ~|from_,ref true,ref m_init in while !i <= ~|to_ && !f do match fbod !m (~~| !i) with | `Break -> f := false | `Break_m m' -> (f := false; m := m') | `Ok m' -> (i := !i +$ 1; m := m') done; !m let repmb from_ to_ m_init fbod = let i,f,m = ref ~|from_,ref true,ref m_init in while !i <= ~|to_ && !f do match fbod (~~| !i) !m with | `Break -> f := false | `Break_m m' -> (f := false; m := m') | `Ok m' -> (i := !i +$ 1; m := m') done; (!m,!f) let string_of_list ?(separator=\" \") f ls = let rec f0 a s = match a with | [] -> s | [h] -> s ^ (f h) ^ separator | h::t -> f0 t (s ^ (f h) ^ separator) in f0 ls \"\" let char_list_of_string str = let rec f0 i a = if i<0 then a else f0 (i-$1) (str.[i]::a) in f0 (String.length str -$ 1) [] let string_of_char_list ls = List.fold_left (fun u v -> u ^ (String.make 1 v)) \"\" ls\n\tlet (@@@) = (@) let (@) a i = a.(~|i) let (<@) a (i,v) = a.(~|i) <- v\n\tlet ceildiv m n = (m+n-1L) / n\n\tlet abs v = Int64.abs v let (land),(lor),(lxor),lnot,(lsl),(lsr),(asr) = let open Int64 in (logand),(logor),(logxor),lognot,(fun u v -> shift_left u (~|v)),(fun u v -> shift_right u (~|v)),(fun u v -> shift_right_logical u (~|v)) let min_int,max_int = Int64.min_int,Int64.max_int let get_string _ = scanf \" %s\" (fun v -> v)\n\tlet i32,i64 = Int64.to_int,Int64.of_int let alen a = i64 @@ Array.length a\n\tlet dump_array a = a |> Array.to_list |> string_of_list Int64.to_string |> print_endline let i32_get_int _ = Scanf.scanf \" %d\" (fun v -> v) let i32_get_2_ints _ = Scanf.scanf \" %d %d\" (fun u v -> u,v) let i32_get_3_ints _ = Scanf.scanf \" %d %d %d\" (fun u v w -> u,v,w) let i32_get_4_ints _ = Scanf.scanf \" %d %d %d %d\" (fun u v w x -> u,v,w,x) let i32_get_5_ints _ = Scanf.scanf \" %d %d %d %d %d\" (fun u v w x y -> u,v,w,x,y) let repi from_ to_ fbod = let i,f = ref from_,ref true in while !i <= to_ && !f do match fbod !i with | `Break -> f := false | _ -> i := !i +$ 1 done\nend open MyInt64\nlet (%$) = Pervasives.(mod)\nlet n,m = get_2_i64 0\nlet a : [`done_ | `empty | `filled ] array array = Array.make_matrix (i32 n) (i32 m) `empty\nlet at i j = try a.(i).(j) = `filled || a.(i).(j) = `done_ with Invalid_argument _ -> false\nlet solve_ij i j w = \n\tlet f = ref true in\n\tlet u,v = w %$ 2, w /$ 2 in\n\tlet u,v = let g v = if v = 0 then -1 else v in g u,g v in\n\tfor p=0 to 2 do\n\t\tfor q=0 to 2 do\n\t\t\tif not (p=1&&q=1) then f := !f && at (i+$p*$u) (j+$q*$v)\n\t\tdone\n\tdone;\n\tif !f then (\n\t\tfor p=0 to 2 do\n\t\t\tfor q=0 to 2 do\n\t\t\t\tif not (p=1&&q=1) then a.(i+$p*$u).(j+$q*$v) <- `done_\n\t\t\tdone\n\t\tdone;\n\t)\nlet solve _ =\n\tfor i=0 to (i32 n) do\n\t\tfor j=0 to (i32 m) do\n\t\t\tsolve_ij i j 0;\n\t\t\tsolve_ij i j 1;\n\t\t\tsolve_ij i j 2;\n\t\t\tsolve_ij i j 3;\n\t\tdone\n\tdone;\n\tlet f = ref true in\n\tfor i=0 to (i32 n -$ 1) do\n\t\tfor j=0 to (i32 m -$ 1) do\n\t\t\tf := !f && a.(i).(j) <> `filled\n\t\tdone\n\tdone; !f\n\nlet () =\n\trepi 0 (i32 n -$ 1) (fun i ->\n\t\tlet s = scanf \" %s\" (fun v -> v) in\n\t\tString.iteri (fun j c ->\n\t\t\ta.(i).(j) <- if c = '#' then `filled else `empty\n\t\t) s;\n\t\t`Ok\n\t);\n\tlet r = solve 0 in\n\t(* repi 0 (i32 n -$ 1) (fun i ->\n\t\trepi 0 (i32 m -$ 1) (fun j ->\n\t\t\tprintf \"%c\" (match a.(i).(j) with `filled -> '#' | `empty -> '.' | `done_ -> ',');\n\t\t\t`Ok\n\t\t);\n\t\tprint_endline \"\";\n\t\t`Ok\n\t); *)\n\tprintf \"%s\\n\" (if r then \"YES\" else \"NO\");\n\n", "src_uid": "49e5eabe8d69b3d27a251cccc001ab25"} {"source_code": "(* must read 64-bit integer %Ld because OCaml int is 31-bit! *)\nlet read_int () = Scanf.bscanf Scanf.Scanning.stdin \" %Ld\" (fun x -> x)\nlet l = read_int ()\nlet r = read_int ()\n\n(* repeatedly multiply a 2-3 integer by 3 and count how many are in [l, r] *)\nlet rec times_three num acc =\n if num > r then\n acc\n else if num < l then\n times_three (Int64.mul num 3L) acc\n\telse\n times_three (Int64.mul num 3L) (acc + 1)\n\n(* repeatedly multiply a 2-3 integer by 2, then repeatedly multiply it by 3 *)\nlet rec times_two num acc =\n if num > r then\n acc\n else\n times_two (Int64.mul num 2L) (times_three num acc)\n\n(* must use 64-bit integer 1L because OCaml int is 31-bit! *)\nlet () =\n print_int (times_two 1L 0);\n print_newline ()\n", "src_uid": "05fac54ed2064b46338bb18f897a4411"} {"source_code": "(* Il y a 9*(10^(n-1)) nombres \u00e0 n chiffres *)\nopen Big_int\n\nlet rec dixPuiss = function\n\t| 0\t-> Big_int.big_int_of_int 1\n\t| n\t-> let demi = dixPuiss (n/2) in\n\t\t\t Big_int.mult_big_int (Big_int.mult_big_int (Big_int.big_int_of_int (1 + (n mod 2)*9)) demi) demi\n\nlet numb = function\n\t| 1\t-> Big_int.big_int_of_int 9\n\t| n\t-> Big_int.mult_big_int (Big_int.big_int_of_int 9) (dixPuiss (n-1))\n\nlet f n =\nlet a = String.length (string_of_int n) and res = ref (Big_int.big_int_of_int 0) in\nfor i=1 to a-1 do\nres := Big_int.add_big_int !res (Big_int.mult_big_int (Big_int.big_int_of_int i) (numb i));\ndone;\nBig_int.add_big_int !res (Big_int.mult_big_int (Big_int.big_int_of_int a) (Big_int.sub_big_int (Big_int.big_int_of_int (n + 1)) (dixPuiss (a-1))));;\n\nlet () =\n\tScanf.scanf \"%d\" (fun i -> Printf.printf \"%s\" (Big_int.string_of_big_int (f i)))\n", "src_uid": "4e652ccb40632bf4b9dd95b9f8ae1ec9"} {"source_code": "let solve =\n let rec loop n lst=\n if n = 0 then lst\n else\n let horseshoes = Scanf.scanf \" %d\" (fun x -> x) in\n if List.mem horseshoes lst then loop (n-1) lst\n else loop (n-1) (horseshoes :: lst)\n in\n 4 - (List.length (loop 4 []))\n \nlet _ =\n Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" solve\n \n", "src_uid": "38c4864937e57b35d3cce272f655e20f"} {"source_code": "let () = \n let goodcount = ref 0 in\n\n let rec isgood s i = if i=7 then true else\n s.[i] <> s.[i+1] && (isgood s (i+1))\n in\n\n for i=0 to 7 do\n let r = read_line() in\n\tgoodcount := !goodcount + (if isgood r 0 then 1 else 0)\n done;\n\n let ans = if !goodcount = 8 then \"YES\" else \"NO\" in\n\tPrintf.printf \"%s\\n\" ans\n", "src_uid": "ca65e023be092b2ce25599f52acc1a67"} {"source_code": "let _ =\n Scanf.scanf \"%d\" ( fun x -> Printf.printf \"%d\" ( (x+4) / 5 ) )", "src_uid": "4b3d65b1b593829e92c852be213922b6"} {"source_code": "(* compiled on 64-bit system with ocamlopt -pp camlp4o $file *)\n\nopen Printf\nopen Scanf\nopen Array\n\nmodule S = String\nmodule Q = Queue\nmodule T = Stack\nmodule H = Hashtbl\nmodule L = List\n\n(* misc *)\nlet neg_compare x y = - compare x y\nlet min3 a b c = min a (min b c)\nlet mid3 a b c = if a < b then max a (min b c) else max b (min a c) \nlet max3 a b c = max a (max b c)\nlet min4 a b c d = min (min a b) (min c d)\nlet max4 a b c d = max (max a b) (max c d)\nlet itb a = a <> 0\nlet bti b = if b then 1 else 0\nlet rec bsearch_min a b test =\n if b - a = 1 then b else \n let mid = (a-b)/2 + b in \n if test mid then bsearch_min a mid test else \n bsearch_min mid b test\nlet rec bsearch_max a b test = \n if b - a = 1 then a else \n let mid = (a-b)/2 + b in \n if test mid then bsearch_max mid b test else \n bsearch_max a mid test\n(* int *)\nlet sqrt_floor n = bsearch_max 0 (1 lsl 31) (fun i -> i*i <= n)\nlet sqrt_ceil n = bsearch_min (-1) (1 lsl 31) (fun i -> n <= i*i) \n(* float *)\nlet round f = truncate (f +. 0.5)\nlet inv_float f = 1. /. f\n(* functional *)\nlet id x = x\nlet const x _ = x\nlet (|>) x f = f x\nlet (^>) x f = f x\nlet (@@) a b = a b \nlet on g f a b = g (f a) (f b)\nlet rec fix f = f (fun x -> fix f x)\nlet ift cond a = if cond then a\nlet ifte cond a b = if cond then a else b\nlet rec for_ i len c f = if i = len then c else for_ (i+1) len (f i c) f\n(* predicate *)\nlet is_odd x = x land 1 = 1\nlet is_even x = x land 1 = 0\n(* option *)\nlet is_none = function | Some _ -> false | None -> true\nlet is_some = function | Some _ -> true | None -> false\nlet default x = function Some y -> y | None -> x\n(* ref *)\nlet (+=) a b = a := !a + b\nlet (-=) a b = a := !a - b \nlet ( *= ) a b = a := !a * b\nlet assign_min x y = x := min !x y \nlet assign_max x y = x := max !x y\n(* array *) \nlet set_min x i v = x.(i) <- min x.(i) v \nlet set_max x i v = x.(i) <- max x.(i) v \nlet swap arr i j = let t = arr.(i) in arr.(i) <- arr.(j); arr.(j) <- t \n(* int, int *)\nlet (++) (a,b) (c,d) = (a+c,b+d)\nlet (--) (a,b) (c,d) = (a-c,b-d)\n(* number theory *)\nlet sieve_under len = (* len > 0 *)\n let sieve = Array.make len true in \n Array.fill sieve 0 (min len 2) false;\n let rec erase i k = if i >= len then () else (sieve.(i) <- false; erase (i+k) k) in \n for i = 2 to sqrt_floor len do if sieve.(i) then erase (2*i) i done;\n sieve\n(* Arithmetic *)\nlet negate x = -x\nlet rec factorial n = if n = 0 then 1 else n * factorial (n-1)\nlet rec gcd a b = if b = 0 then a else gcd b (a mod b)\nlet rec extgcd a b = \n if b = 0 then 1,0,a else\n let x,y,g = extgcd b (a mod b) in \n y,x-(a/b)*y,g\nlet rec pow x n = if n = 0 then 1 else\n let n' = n/2 in\n let p = pow x n' in\n if is_odd n then x*p*p else p*p\nlet rec modpow m x n = \n if n = 0 then 1 else \n let n' = n/2 in\n let p = modpow m x n' in \n if is_even n then (p*p mod m) else\n (x*(p*p mod m) mod m) \nlet modinv m i = let _,x,_ = extgcd m i in x\n(* IO *)\nlet is_digit c =\n let i = int_of_char c in\n 48 <= i && i < 58\nlet is_space c = c = ' ' || c = '\\n' || c = '\\t' || c = '\\r' \nlet read_char () = try input_char stdin with End_of_file -> '\\000'\nlet rec read_letter () = \n let c = read_char() in \n if is_space c then read_letter() else c \nlet read_int () = \n let digit c = int_of_char c - 48 in\n let rec read n = \n let c = read_char() in \n if is_digit c then read (10*n + (digit c)) else \n n \n in\n let rec run c = \n if is_digit c then read (digit c) else \n if c = '-' then begin \n let c = read_char() in \n if is_digit c then -read (digit c) else run c \n end else \n if c = '\\000' then 0 else \n run (read_char())\n in \n run (read_char())\nlet read_float () = \n let digit c = float (int_of_char c - 48) in\n let rec read_decimial m f = \n let c = read_char () in \n if is_digit c then read_decimial (m /. 10.) (f +. m *. digit c) else f\n in \n let rec read_integral n = \n let c = read_char () in \n if is_digit c then read_integral (10. *. n +. digit c) else \n if c = '.' then n +. read_decimial 0.1 0.0 else \n n \n in \n let rec run c = begin \n if is_digit c then read_integral (digit c) else \n if c = '-' then begin \n let c = read_char() in \n if is_digit c then -. read_integral (digit c) else \n run c \n end else \n if c = '.' then read_decimial 0.1 0.0 else \n if c = '\\000' then 0.0 else \n run (read_char())\n end in \n run (read_char())\nlet read_word () = \n let open Buffer in \n let buf = create 128 in \n let rec read c = \n if is_space c || c = '\\000' then contents buf else begin \n add_char buf c; \n read (read_char())\n end \n in\n let rec run c = \n if is_space c then run (read_char()) else \n if c = '\\000' then \"\" else \n read c \n in \n run (read_char())\nlet read_line () = \n let open Buffer in \n let buf = create (4*1024) in \n let rec run c = \n if c = '\\n' || c = '\\000' then contents buf else begin \n add_char buf c;\n run (read_char())\n end \n in\n run (read_char()) \nlet newline () = print_newline()\nlet print_int n = printf \"%d\\n\" n\nlet print_tuple s (x,y) = printf s x y \nlet print_array s arr = Array.iter (printf s) arr; print_newline()\nlet print_matrix s mat = Array.iter (print_array s) mat\nlet print_list s lis = List.iter (printf s) lis; print_newline()\n;;\n\n\nlet next_permutation arr =\n let len = Array.length arr in \n (* find largest index i that arr.(i) < arr.(i+1) *)\n let rec find_pivot i = \n if i = 0 then -1 else \n if arr.(i-1) > arr.(i) then find_pivot (i-1) else \n i\n in \n (* find index that is larger than n and minimum in [a,len) *)\n let find_swap n a = \n for_ a len a (fun i c -> if arr.(i) > n && arr.(c) > arr.(i) then i else c)\n in\n let rec reverse a b = \n if a < b then begin \n swap arr a b; \n reverse (a+1) (b-1)\n end \n in \n let p = find_pivot (len-1) in\n if p = -1 then begin\n reverse 0 (len-1); \n false\n end else begin\n swap arr (p-1) (find_swap arr.(p-1) p);\n reverse p (len-1);\n true \n end\n\nlet _ = \n let mat = init 5 (fun i -> init 5 (fun j -> read_int())) in \n let arr = init 5 (fun i -> i) in \n\n let check () = \n mat.(arr.(0)).(arr.(1)) + mat.(arr.(1)).(arr.(0)) +\n mat.(arr.(1)).(arr.(2)) + mat.(arr.(2)).(arr.(1)) + \n 2*mat.(arr.(2)).(arr.(3)) + 2*mat.(arr.(3)).(arr.(2)) +\n 2*mat.(arr.(3)).(arr.(4)) + 2*mat.(arr.(4)).(arr.(3)) \n in \n\n let m = ref (check()) in \n while (next_permutation arr) do assign_max m (check()) done;\n printf \"%d\\n\" !m ", "src_uid": "be6d4df20e9a48d183dd8f34531df246"} {"source_code": "module Int64 = struct\n include Int64\n let ( + ) = add\n let ( - ) = sub\n let ( * ) = mul\n let ( / ) = div\n let ( mod ) = rem\nend\n\nopen Int64\n\nlet solve k2 k3 k5 k6 =\n let k256 = min k2 (min k5 k6) in\n let k32 = min k3 (k2 - k256) in\n 256L * k256 + 32L * k32\n\nlet () =\n Scanf.scanf \"%Ld %Ld %Ld %Ld \" @@ fun k2 k3 k5 k6 ->\n solve k2 k3 k5 k6 |> Printf.printf \"%Ld\\n\"\n", "src_uid": "082b31cc156a7ba1e0a982f07ecc207e"} {"source_code": "let input () = Scanf.scanf \"%Ld %Ld\" (fun n m -> (n, m))\n\nlet ( / ) = Int64.div\nlet ( * ) = Int64.mul\nlet ( + ) = Int64.add\nlet ( - ) = Int64.sub\nlet ( mod ) = Int64.rem\nlet two = Int64.of_int 2\n\nlet division_rounding_up = (fun x y ->\n x / y + (match x mod y with\n | 0L -> 0L\n | _ -> 1L))\n\nlet solve (n, m) = \n let middle = division_rounding_up n two in\n if m > middle\n then\n (m - middle) * two\n else\n m * two - Int64.one\n\nlet print result = Printf.printf \"%Ld\\n\" result\n\nlet () = print (solve (input ()))", "src_uid": "1f8056884db00ad8294a7cc0be75fe97"} {"source_code": "open Scanf\nopen Printf\n\nlet name = Scanf.scanf \"%s \" ( fun x -> x)\n\nlet a = Array.make 27 0\n\nlet add_count c =\n let i = (Char.code c) - (Char.code 'a')\n in a.(i) <- a.(i) + 1\n\nlet () =\n String.iter add_count name\n\nlet flag = ref true\n\nlet flip c = \n if (c>0) then flag := (not (!flag))\n\n\nlet () = \n Array.iter flip a\n\nlet () =\n if (!flag) then print_endline \"CHAT WITH HER!\"\n else\n print_endline \"IGNORE HIM!\"\n\n\n\n\n", "src_uid": "a8c14667b94b40da087501fd4bdd7818"} {"source_code": "let cost_per_litre city = city\n\nlet rec cost_to_city accumulated current_city city max_fuel fuel =\n let fuel_needed_to_reach_city = city - current_city in\n if fuel >= fuel_needed_to_reach_city then accumulated\n else\n let litres_to_top_up = min (max_fuel - fuel) fuel_needed_to_reach_city in\n let cost_to_top_up = litres_to_top_up * cost_per_litre current_city in\n cost_to_city\n (accumulated + cost_to_top_up)\n (current_city + 1) city max_fuel (max_fuel - 1)\n;;\n\nlet () =\n Scanf.scanf \"%d %d\" (fun n v ->\n print_string (string_of_int (cost_to_city 0 1 n v 0)) )\n;;\n", "src_uid": "f8eb96deeb82d9f011f13d7dac1e1ab7"} {"source_code": "let n = read_int()\nlet c = Array.make 101 0\nlet count c =\n let s = Str.split (Str.regexp \" \") (read_line()) in\n let l = List.map int_of_string (s)\n and inc_arr i = c.(i) <- c.(i) + 1 in\n List.iter inc_arr l;;\n\nlet find_max c m =\n let f x = \n m := max !m x in\n Array.iter f c;;\n\ncount c;;\nlet m = ref 0;;\nfind_max c m;;\nPrintf.printf \"%d\" !m;;\n", "src_uid": "f30329023e84b4c50b1b118dc98ae73c"} {"source_code": "let flip f a b = f b a in\nlet n = read_line () |> Str.split (Str.regexp \" +\") |> (flip List.nth) 0 |> int_of_string in\ntry begin\n for i = 1 to n do\n let c = read_line () in\n if String.contains c 'C' || String.contains c 'M' || String.contains c 'Y' then failwith \"Color\" else () \n done;\n print_string \"#Black&White\"\nend\nwith e -> print_string \"#Color\"\n\n", "src_uid": "19c311c02380f9a73cd477e4fde27454"} {"source_code": "let bs = Scanf.Scanning.stdin\nlet xint() = Scanf.bscanf bs \" %d\" (fun x -> x)\nlet xint32() = Scanf.bscanf bs \" %ld\" (fun x -> x)\nlet xint64() = Scanf.bscanf bs \" %Ld\" (fun x -> x)\nlet xstr() = Scanf.bscanf bs \" %s\" (fun x -> x)\nlet xreal() = Scanf.bscanf bs \" %f\" (fun x -> x)\nlet printf = Printf.printf\n\nlet () = \n let n = xint() in\n let a = Array.make n 0 in\n for i = 0 to n - 1 do\n a.(i) <- xint();\n done;\n let ret = ref (Big_int.big_int_of_int 1) in\n let p = ref ~-1 in\n for i = 0 to n - 1 do\n if a.(i) = 1 then (\n let x = i - !p in\n if !p != ~-1 then \n ret := Big_int.mult_int_big_int x !ret;\n p := i;\n )\n done;\n if !p = ~-1 then printf \"0\\n\"\n else print_endline (Big_int.string_of_big_int !ret);\n", "src_uid": "58242665476f1c4fa723848ff0ecda98"} {"source_code": "let _ =\n let rec gcd a b = if b = 0 then a else gcd b (a mod b) in\n let main () =\n let rec game turn a b n =\n let k = gcd n (if turn = 0 then a else b) in\n if n >= k then game (1 - turn) a b (n - k) else Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" (1 - turn)\n in\n Scanf.scanf \" %d %d %d\" (game 0)\n in\n main ()\n", "src_uid": "0bd6fbb6b0a2e7e5f080a70553149ac2"} {"source_code": "Scanf.(Array.(\n let s = scanf \" %s\" @@ fun v -> v in\n init 5 (fun _ ->\n let t = scanf \" %s\" @@ fun v -> v in\n if s.[0]=t.[0] || s.[1]=t.[1] then\n (print_endline \"YES\"; exit 0)\n ); print_endline \"NO\"))", "src_uid": "699444eb6366ad12bc77e7ac2602d74b"} {"source_code": "let rec is_lucky a =\n match a with\n | 0 -> false\n | 4 | 7 -> true\n | _ \n -> match a mod 10 with\n | 4 | 7 \n -> is_lucky (a / 10)\n | _ \n -> false\nin\n\nlet is_almost_lucky n =\n let rec helper n testing =\n if testing > n then false\n else\n if ((n mod testing == 0) && (is_lucky testing)) then true\n else helper n (testing + 1)\n in helper n 1\nin\n\nlet n = read_int() in\n\nif is_almost_lucky n then\n Printf.printf \"YES\\n\"\nelse \n Printf.printf \"NO\\n\"\n", "src_uid": "78cf8bc7660dbd0602bf6e499bc6bb0d"} {"source_code": "open Printf\nopen Scanf\n\nlet rec fold i j f init = if i>j then init else fold (i+1) j f (f i init)\nlet sum i j f = fold i j (fun i a -> (f i) + a) 0\n\nlet ( ** ) a b = Int64.mul a b\nlet ( ++ ) a b = Int64.add a b\nlet long x = Int64.of_int x\n\nlet read_pair () = bscanf Scanning.stdib \" %d %d \" (fun x y -> (x,y))\nlet () = \n let (n,m) = read_pair () in\n\n let an = (n/5)*5 in\n let am = (m/5)*5 in\n\n let rem = sum (an+1) (an+(n mod 5)) (fun i ->\n sum (am+1) (am+(m mod 5)) (fun j ->\n if (i+j) mod 5 = 0 then 1 else 0))\n in\n\n let rem_n = sum (an+1) (an+(n mod 5)) (fun i -> am/5) in\n let rem_m = sum (am+1) (am+(m mod 5)) (fun i -> an/5) in \n \n printf \"%Ld\\n\" (((long (an/5)) ** (long am)) ++ (long rem) ++ (long rem_n) ++ (long rem_m))\n", "src_uid": "df0879635b59e141c839d9599abd77d2"} {"source_code": "let read_int () = Scanf.bscanf Scanf.Scanning.stdib \" %d \" (fun x -> x)\n\nlet rec exists i j f = (i<=j) && ((f i) || exists (i+1) j f)\n\nlet two_pile_game a b =\n let dp = Array.make_matrix (a+1) (b+1) (-1) in (* 1 if first player win, 0 2nd player win *)\n \n let rec eval i j =\n let (i,j) = (min i j, max i j) in\n if dp.(i).(j) >= 0 then dp.(i).(j) = 1 else\n let myval = \n\tif i=0 then j<>0 else\n\t (exists 1 i (fun k -> not (eval (i-k) j)))\n\t || (exists 1 j (fun k -> not (eval i (j-k))))\n\t || (exists 1 i (fun k -> not (eval (i-k) (j-k))))\n in\n\tdp.(i).(j) <- if myval then 1 else 0;\n\tmyval\n in\n eval a b\n\nlet three_pile_game a b c =\n a lxor b lxor c <> 0\n\nlet () = \n let n = read_int() in\n let a = Array.init n (fun _ -> read_int()) in\n let () = Array.sort compare a in\n let answer = \n if n=1 then a.(0) > 0\n else if n=2 then two_pile_game a.(0) a.(1)\n else if n=3 then three_pile_game a.(0) a.(1) a.(2)\n else failwith \"n>3\"\n in\n print_string(if answer then \"BitLGM\\n\" else \"BitAryo\\n\")\n", "src_uid": "7a33b4f94082c7ef80d7e87b58497fa7"} {"source_code": "let rec get x =\tif x = 0 then 0\n\telse if x mod 2 != 0 then (get (x / 2)) + 1\n\telse get (x / 2);;\nprint_int (get (read_int ()));;\n", "src_uid": "03e4482d53a059134676f431be4c16d2"} {"source_code": "let _ =\n let main () =\n let rec f a b c =\n if c = 0 then Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" a else f b (a + b) (c - 1)\n in\n Scanf.sscanf (read_line ()) \"%d %d %d\" f\n in\n main ()\n", "src_uid": "6ff30f5a9afc3f7befca813469188aab"} {"source_code": "(* O(n^3) solution, which is fine because n=100 -- could probably be done with\n * DP for larger n, but why bother! *)\n\nlet aux i j (sum, pos) el =\n if i <= pos && pos <= j then\n (sum + 1 - el, succ pos)\n else\n (sum + el, succ pos) ;;\n\nlet r = Str.regexp \" \" in\nlet n = read_int () in\nlet xs = Array.of_list (List.map int_of_string (Str.split r (read_line ()))) in\nlet m = ref 0 in\nfor i = 0 to n - 1 do\n for j = i to n - 1 do\n let (s, _) = Array.fold_left (aux i j) (0, 0) xs in\n m := max !m s\n done\ndone ;\nPrintf.printf \"%d\\n\" !m ;;\n", "src_uid": "9b543e07e805fe1dd8fa869d5d7c8b99"} {"source_code": "let input () = Scanf.scanf \"%s\" (fun s -> s)\nlet print result = Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" result\n\nlet rotate (count, prev) goal =\n let p = Pervasives.int_of_char prev in\n let g = Pervasives.int_of_char goal in\n let min = Pervasives.min p g in\n let max = Pervasives.max p g in\n let rotate_right = max - min in\n let rotate_left = min + 26 - max in\n let r = Pervasives.min rotate_left rotate_right in\n (count + r, goal)\n \nlet solve str = \n let l = String.length str in \n let rec loop i (count, prev) =\n if i < l\n then\n let (count, prev) = rotate (count, prev) str.[i] in\n loop (i + 1) (count, prev)\n else\n count\n in loop 0 (0, 'a')\n \nlet () = print (solve (input ()))", "src_uid": "ecc890b3bdb9456441a2a265c60722dd"} {"source_code": "let solve n m = \n let dynarray = Array.make (max (m*2+1) (n+1)) false in\n let queue = Queue.create () in\n Queue.push (0,n) queue;\n let rec dfs () = \n let (i,v) = Queue.pop queue in\n if v = m then i\n else if dynarray.(v) then dfs ()\n else if v > m then begin\n Queue.push (i+1,v-1) queue;\n dynarray.(v) <- true;\n dfs ()\n end else begin\n Queue.push (i+1,v*2) queue;\n if v > 0 then \n Queue.push (i+1,v-1) queue;\n dynarray.(v) <- true;\n dfs ()\n end\n in dfs ()\n\nlet () = \n let s = read_line () in \n let v = Scanf.sscanf s \"%i %i\" solve in\n print_int v\n", "src_uid": "861f8edd2813d6d3a5ff7193a804486f"} {"source_code": "open Printf\nopen Scanf\n\nlet read_int _ = bscanf Scanning.stdib \" %d \" (fun x -> x)\nlet read_pair _ = bscanf Scanning.stdib \" %d %d \" (fun x y -> (x,y))\nlet () = \n let vl = read_int () in\n let va = read_int () in\n\n let rec turn_count d n count = if n<0 then count else turn_count (d+2) (n-d) (count+1) in\n\n let vl_count = turn_count 1 vl 0 in\n let va_count = turn_count 2 va 0 in\n\n if vl_count <= va_count then printf \"Vladik\\n\" else printf \"Valera\\n\"\n", "src_uid": "87e37a82be7e39e433060fd8cdb03270"} {"source_code": "let ad, b = Scanf.scanf \"%[0-9].%[0-9]e%d\" (fun a d b -> ((if d = \"0\" then a else a^d), b)) in\nlet nd = String.length ad in\nprint_string (\n if b + 1 >= nd\n then ad ^ String.make (b + 1 - nd) '0'\n else String.sub ad 0 (b+1) ^ \".\" ^ String.sub ad (b+1) (nd-b-1)\n)\n", "src_uid": "a79358099f08f3ec50c013d47d910eef"} {"source_code": "open String\n\nlet split_on_char sep s =\n let r = ref [] in\n let j = ref (length s) in\n for i = length s - 1 downto 0 do\n if unsafe_get s i = sep then begin\n r := sub s (i + 1) (!j - i - 1) :: !r;\n j := i\n end\n done;\nsub s 0 !j :: !r\n\nlet is_sorted n arr =\n let res = ref true in\n if n = 1 then true else\n begin\n for i = 0 to (n-2)\n do\n if abs(arr.(i) - arr.(i+1)) > 1 then\n res := false\n done;\n !res\n end\n\n\nlet _ =\n let n = read_int () in\n let arr = Array.make n 0 in\n let line = read_line () in\n let list = split_on_char ' ' line in\n List.iteri (fun i x -> arr.(i) <- int_of_string x) list;\n if is_sorted n arr then\n Format.printf \"YES@.\"\n else\n Format.printf \"NO@.\"\n", "src_uid": "704d0ae50bccaa8bc49319812ae0be45"} {"source_code": "let read () = Scanf.scanf \"%d \" (fun n -> n)\n\nlet print str = Printf.printf \"%s\\n\" str\n\nlet () =\n let first = read () in\n let second = read () in\n if first > second\n then\n print \"First\"\n else\n print \"Second\"", "src_uid": "aed24ebab3ed9fd1741eea8e4200f86b"} {"source_code": "open Printf\n\nexception Found\n\nlet r = ref 0\n\nlet c = ref 0\n\nlet () =\n try \n for i = 1 to 5 do\n for j = 1 to 5 do\n let n = Scanf.scanf \"%d \" ( fun x -> x) in\n if(n==1) then begin r:=i; c:=j; raise Found end\n done\n done\n with Found -> ();;\n\n\nlet () = printf \"%d \\n\" ( abs(!r-3) + abs(!c-3) )\n", "src_uid": "8ba7cedc3f6ae478a0bb3f902440c8e9"} {"source_code": "let (n, k) = Scanf.scanf \"%f %f\" (fun x y -> (x, y));;\nlet num_put = (n +. k) *. 2. +. 2.25 |> sqrt |> (fun x -> x -. 1.5) |> ceil |> int_of_float;;\nPrintf.printf \"%d\\n\" ((int_of_float n) - num_put);;", "src_uid": "17b5ec1c6263ef63c668c2b903db1d77"} {"source_code": "let _ =\n let sieve m =\n let lookup =\n let tab = [ 29, 128; 23, 64; 19, 32; 17, 16; 13, 8; 11, 4; 7, 2; 1, 1 ] in\n let arr = Array.init 30 (fun k -> try List.assoc k tab with _ -> 0) in\n fun k -> arr.(k mod 30) in\n let head k = k land 7 in\n let tail k = (k lsr 3) lor (head k) lsl 21 in\n\n let rec loop_k len arr i b k =\n if k >= len then arr else\n (arr.(k) <- arr.(k) land b; loop_k len arr i b (k+i)) in\n\n let rec loop_j len arr i j n del =\n if n = 0 then arr else\n let hd = head del and tl = tail del in\n loop_j len (loop_k len arr i (lnot (lookup j)) (j/30)) i (j + i * hd) (n-1) tl in\n\n let rec loop_i m len arr i del =\n if i * i >= m then arr else\n let hd = head del and tl = tail del in\n loop_i m len (loop_j len arr i (i * i) 8 del) (i+hd) tl in\n\n let len = (m + 29) / 30 in\n let arr = loop_i m len (Array.make len 255) 7 13321492 in\n fun k ->\n let t = 1 lsl (k mod 30) in\n (k < 7 && 44 land t <> 0) || (k >= 7 && (545925250 land t <> 0) && (arr.(k/30) land lookup k) <> 0)\n in\n let rev k =\n let rec loop i acc =\n if i = 0 then acc else loop (i / 10) (acc * 10 + (i mod 10))\n in\n loop k 0\n in\n let main () =\n let isprime = sieve 1000000 in\n let arr = Array.create 11185 0 in\n let rec loop c acc =\n if acc > 11184 then arr else\n if isprime c &&\n let k = rev c in\n k <> c && isprime k then (arr.(acc) <- c; loop (c + 1) (acc + 1))\n else loop (c + 1) acc\n in\n let a = read_int () in\n let _ = loop 2 1 in\n Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" (arr.(a))\n in\n main ()\n", "src_uid": "53879e79cccbacfa6586d40cf3436657"} {"source_code": "let solve n m k =\n let mod_const = 1000000007 in\n let safe_add a b = Int64.(to_int (rem (add (of_int a) (of_int b)) (of_int mod_const))) in\n let safe_mul a b = Int64.(to_int (rem (mul (of_int a) (of_int b)) (of_int mod_const))) in\n let scale = 10 + max n m in\n let c = Array.init scale (fun _ -> Array.make scale 1) in\n let () = for i = 2 to (scale-1) do\n for j = 1 to (i-1) do\n c.(i).(j) <- (safe_add c.(i-1).(j) c.(i-1).(j-1))\n done\n done\n in\n let k' = 2*k in\n if k' >= n || k' >= m then 0\n else safe_mul c.(n-1).(k') c.(m-1).(k')\n\nlet () =\n let n, m, k = Scanf.(scanf \" %d %d %d \" (fun a b c -> (a,b,c))) in\n Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" (solve n m k)\n", "src_uid": "309d2d46086d526d160292717dfef308"} {"source_code": "let count = int_of_string(input_line stdin);;\nlet s = input_line stdin;;\n\nlet rec eights s i b =\n if i == -1 then b\n else if s.[i] == '8' then eights s (i - 1) (b + 1)\n else eights s (i - 1) b;;\n\nlet min a b =\n if a < b then a else b;;\n\nlet x = eights s (String.length(s) - 1) 0;;\nPrintf.printf \"%d\\n\" (min x (count / 11))", "src_uid": "259d01b81bef5536b969247ff2c2d776"} {"source_code": "let () =\n Scanf.scanf \"%d %d \" (fun n m ->\n let m = min n m in\n if m mod 2 = 0 then print_endline \"Malvika\"\n else print_endline \"Akshat\")\n;;\n", "src_uid": "a4b9ce9c9f170a729a97af13e81b5fe4"} {"source_code": "\nlet read_nums () = \n let s = read_line () in\n let nums = List.map int_of_string (Str.split (Str.regexp \" \") s) in\n nums\n\n;;\n\nlet is_possible (t, s, x) =\n let r = (x - t) mod s in\n (x = t) || ( x >= (t + s) && (r = 0 || r = 1))\n\n;;\n\nlet main () =\n let l = read_nums () in\n match l with\n | [t; s; x] -> if is_possible (t, s, x) then\n print_string \"YES\\n\"\n else\n print_string \"NO\\n\"\n | _ -> ()\n;;\n\n\nmain ()\n", "src_uid": "3baf9d841ff7208c66f6de1b47b0f952"} {"source_code": "open Big_int\n\nlet pgcd = Big_int.gcd_big_int\nlet (/) = Big_int.div_big_int\nlet (+) = Big_int.add_big_int\nlet ( * ) = Big_int.mult_big_int\nlet ( - ) = Big_int.sub_big_int\nlet min = Big_int.min_big_int\nlet un = Big_int.big_int_of_int 1\n\nlet min_sol x y =\n\t(x / (pgcd x y)) * y\n\nlet count_sol x y t =\n\tlet m = min_sol x y and equalpas = min x y in\n\tlet a = t/m in\n\t\ta*equalpas + min equalpas (t - a*m + un);;\n\nlet final x y t =\n\tlet num = (count_sol x y t) - un in\n\t\tPrintf.printf \"%s/%s\" (Big_int.string_of_big_int (num / pgcd num t)) (Big_int.string_of_big_int (t / pgcd num t));;\n\nlet main () =\n\tScanf.scanf \"%s %s %s\" (fun i j k -> let [i';j';k'] = List.map Big_int.big_int_of_string [i;j;k] in final j' k' i');;\n\nmain ();;\n", "src_uid": "7a1d8ca25bce0073c4eb5297b94501b5"} {"source_code": "let cao n m = if m > n then -1. else ceil(n /. 2.0 /. m) *. m;;\nPrintf.printf \"%.0f\\n\" (Scanf.sscanf (read_line()) \"%f %f\" cao)", "src_uid": "0fa526ebc0b4fa3a5866c7c5b3a4656f"} {"source_code": "let list_init n =\n let rec loop i list = \n if i < n\n then\n let element = Scanf.scanf \"%c\" (fun c -> c) in\n loop (i + 1) (element :: list)\n else\n List.rev list\n in loop 0 []\n\nlet input () = \n let n = Scanf.scanf \"%d \" (fun n -> n) in\n let letters = List.append (list_init n) ['W'] in\n (n, letters)\n\nlet solve (n, letters) = \n let rec loop flag count rest list = \n match (rest, flag) with\n | ('W' :: tail), false -> loop flag count tail list\n | ('W' :: tail), true -> loop false 0 tail (count :: list)\n | ('B' :: tail), _ -> loop true (count + 1) tail list\n | [], _ -> (List.length list, List.rev list)\n in loop false 0 letters []\n\nlet print (n, list) = \n Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" n;\n List.iter (Printf.printf \"%d \") list;\n Printf.printf \"\\n\"\n\nlet () = print (solve (input ()))", "src_uid": "e4b3a2707ba080b93a152f4e6e983973"} {"source_code": "open Printf\nopen Scanf\n\nlet ( ** ) a b = Int64.mul a b\nlet ( ++ ) a b = Int64.add a b\nlet ( -- ) a b = Int64.sub a b\nlet ( // ) a b = Int64.div a b\nlet ( %% ) a b = Int64.rem a b\n\nlet read_int () = bscanf Scanning.stdib \" %Ld \" (fun x -> x)\n\nlet () = \n let n = read_int () in\n\n printf \"%Ld\\n\" (n**n -- 4L**n ++ 4L)\n", "src_uid": "efa8e7901a3084d34cfb1a6b18067f2b"} {"source_code": "let (k, l, m, n, d) = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d %d %d %d\" (fun k l m n d -> k, l, m, n, d)\n\nlet if_divisible k l m n = fun int ->\n if int mod k = 0 || int mod l = 0 || int mod m = 0 || int mod n = 0\n then\n true\n else\n false\n\nlet get_list d = \n let rec loop i list = \n if i <= d\n then\n loop (i + 1) (i :: list)\n else\n List.rev list\n in loop 1 []\n\nlet solve (k, l, m, n, d) = List.length(List.filter(if_divisible k l m n) (get_list d))\n\nlet print result = Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" result\n\nlet () = print (solve (k, l, m, n, d)) ", "src_uid": "46bfdec9bfc1e91bd2f5022f3d3c8ce7"} {"source_code": "let read () = Scanf.scanf \"%d \" (fun n -> n)\n\nlet fill_lists l = \n let rec loop i a b =\n if i < l\n then\n loop (i + 1) (read () :: a) (read () :: b)\n else\n (l, a, b)\n in loop 0 [] []\n\nlet count_duplicates (l, a, b) = \n let rec loop i count = \n if i < l\n then\n let duplicates = List.filter (fun n -> n = (List.nth a i)) b in\n loop (i + 1) (count + List.length duplicates)\n else\n count\n in loop 0 0\n\nlet solve () = \n let l = read () in\n count_duplicates (fill_lists l)\n \nlet print result = Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" result\nlet () = print (solve ())", "src_uid": "745f81dcb4f23254bf6602f9f389771b"} {"source_code": "open Printf;;\nopen Int64;;\n\nlet n = of_string (read_line()) in\nlet two = add one one in\nlet ans = if ((compare (rem n two) zero) == 0) then (div n two) else (neg (div (add n one) two)) in\nprintf \"%s\\n\" (to_string ans);;", "src_uid": "689e7876048ee4eb7479e838c981f068"} {"source_code": "open Printf\nopen Scanf\n\nlet ( ** ) a b = Int64.mul a b\nlet ( ++ ) a b = Int64.add a b\nlet ( -- ) a b = Int64.sub a b\nlet ( // ) a b = Int64.div a b\nlet ( %% ) a b = Int64.rem a b\n\nlet read_long () = bscanf Scanning.stdib \" %Ld \" (fun x -> x)\n\nlet () = \n let n = read_long() in\n let m = n // 2L in\n if n %% 2L <> 0L then printf \"0\\n\"\n else printf \"%Ld\\n\" ((m -- 1L) // 2L)\n", "src_uid": "32b59d23f71800bc29da74a3fe2e2b37"} {"source_code": "Scanf.scanf \"%s %s %s %s\" @@ fun nn mm aa bb ->\n let open Big_int in\n let ( * ) = mult_big_int in\n let ( - ) = sub_big_int in\n let [n; m; a; b] = List.map big_int_of_string [nn; mm; aa; bb] in\n let c = mod_big_int n m in\n let aa = (m - c) * a in\n let bb = c * b in\n min_big_int aa bb\n |> string_of_big_int\n |> print_endline\n", "src_uid": "c05d753b35545176ad468b99ff13aa39"} {"source_code": "let a = Array.create_matrix 8 8 0;;\nfor i = 0 to 7 do \n\tlet s = read_line () in\n\tfor j = 0 to 7 do \n\t\tArray.set a.(i) j\n\t\t(match (String.get s j) with\n\t\t\t| 'W' -> 1\n\t\t\t| 'B' -> 2;\n\t\t\t| _ -> 0;\n\t\t)\n\tdone;\ndone;;\nlet min1 = ref 99 and min2 = ref 99;;\nlet ff = Array.create 8 0;;\nfor i = 0 to 7 do \n\tfor j = 0 to 7 do \n\tbegin\n\t\tif (a.(i).(j) = 1) && (ff.(j) = 0) then\n\t\tbegin\n\t\t\tmin1 := min !min1 (i);\n\t\t\tArray.set ff j 1;\n\t\tend;\n\t\tif (a.(i).(j) = 2) then Array.set ff j 1\n\tend;\n\tdone;\ndone;;\nlet ff = Array.create 8 0;;\nfor i = 7 downto 0 do \n\tfor j = 0 to 7 do \n\tbegin\n\t\tif (a.(i).(j) = 2) && (ff.(j) = 0) then\n\t\tbegin\n\t\t\tmin2 := min !min2 (7- i);\n\t\t\tArray.set ff j 1;\n\t\tend;\n\t\tif (a.(i).(j) = 1) then Array.set ff j 1\n\tend;\n\tdone;\ndone;;\nif min1 <= min2 then print_char 'A'\n\telse print_char 'B';;\n\t(*\nprint_int !min1;;\nprint_endline \"\";;\nprint_int !min2;;\n*)\n", "src_uid": "0ddc839e17dee20e1a954c1289de7fbd"} {"source_code": "(* 6:49 start *)\nopen Printf\nopen Scanf\n\nlet ( ++ ) a b = Int64.add a b\nlet ( -- ) a b = Int64.sub a b\nlet ( // ) a b = Int64.div a b\nlet ( %% ) a b = Int64.rem a b\n\nlet read_long () = bscanf Scanning.stdib \" %Ld \" (fun x -> x)\n\nlet () = \n let a = read_long () in\n let b = read_long () in\n let s = read_long () in\n\n let shortest = (Int64.abs a) ++ (Int64.abs b) in\n\n if s >= shortest && (s -- shortest) %% 2L = 0L then printf \"Yes\\n\" else printf \"No\\n\"\n\n", "src_uid": "9a955ce0775018ff4e5825700c13ed36"} {"source_code": "let main () =\n let (r,c,n,k) = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d %d %d\" (fun r c n k -> r,c,n,k) in\n let mat = Array.make_matrix r c 0 in\n let compt = ref 0 in\n for i = 1 to n do\n Scanf.scanf \" %d %d\" (fun x y -> mat.(x-1).(y-1) <- 1);\n done;\n for i=0 to r-1 do\n for i'=i to r-1 do\n for j=0 to c-1 do\n for j'=j to c-1 do\n let nb = ref 0 in\n for i'' = i to i' do\n for j'' = j to j' do\n nb := !nb + mat.(i'').(j'');\n done;\n done;\n if !nb >= k\n then incr compt;\n done;\n done;\n done;\n done;\n print_int !compt;;\n\nmain ()\n", "src_uid": "9c766881f6415e2f53fb43b61f8f40b4"} {"source_code": "let input () = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d\" (fun x y -> (x, y))\n\nlet solve (cost, coin) = \n let rec loop i =\n if i <= 10\n then \n let total = i * cost in\n let change = total mod 10 in\n if change = 0 || change = coin\n then\n i\n else\n loop (i + 1)\n else\n failwith \"Invalid input\"\n in loop 1\n\nlet print result = Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" result\nlet () = print (solve (input ())) ", "src_uid": "18cd1cd809df4744bb7bcd7cad94e2d3"} {"source_code": "let read () = Scanf.scanf \"%d \" (fun n -> n)\n\nlet solve () = \n let total = read () in\n let travel_time = read () in\n let spare_time = 240 - travel_time in\n let rec loop i time_left = \n if i <= total\n then\n let solving_time = 5 * i in\n if solving_time < time_left\n then\n loop (i + 1) (time_left - solving_time)\n else\n if solving_time = time_left\n then\n i\n else\n i - 1\n else\n i - 1\n in loop 1 spare_time\n\nlet print result = Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" result\nlet () = print (solve ())", "src_uid": "41e554bc323857be7b8483ee358a35e2"} {"source_code": "let ( / ) = Int64.div\nlet ( * ) = Int64.mul\nlet ( + ) = Int64.add\nlet ( - ) = Int64.sub\nlet zero = Int64.zero\nlet one = Int64.one\nlet two = Int64.of_int 2\n\nlet factorial n = \n let rec loop i acc = \n if i >= one\n then\n loop (i - one) (acc * i)\n else\n acc\n in loop n one\n\nlet solve () =\n let n = Scanf.scanf \"%Ld %Ld \" (fun a b -> Pervasives.min a b) in\n factorial n\n\nlet print result = Printf.printf \"%Ld\\n\" result\nlet () = print (solve ())", "src_uid": "7bf30ceb24b66d91382e97767f9feeb6"} {"source_code": "let _ =\n let n = Scanf.scanf \" %d\" (fun x -> x) in\n let m = Scanf.scanf \" %d\" (fun x -> x) in\n let ans = ref 0 in\n for i = 0 to 100 do\n for j = 0 to 100 do\n if i * i + j = n && i + j * j = m then ans := !ans + 1\n done\n done;\n print_int !ans\n", "src_uid": "03caf4ddf07c1783e42e9f9085cc6efd"} {"source_code": "let _ =\n let mm = 1000000007L in\n let sb = Scanf.Scanning.stdib in\n let n = Scanf.bscanf sb \"%d \" (fun s -> s) in\n let m = Scanf.bscanf sb \"%d \" (fun s -> s) in\n let k = Scanf.bscanf sb \"%d \" (fun s -> s) in\n let res =\n if n = k then (\n let res = ref 1L in\n let ml = Int64.of_int m in\n\tfor i = 1 to (n + 1) / 2 do\n\t res := Int64.rem (Int64.mul !res ml) mm\n\tdone;\n\t!res\n ) else if k = 1 || n < k then (\n let res = ref 1L in\n let ml = Int64.of_int m in\n\tfor i = 1 to n do\n\t res := Int64.rem (Int64.mul !res ml) mm\n\tdone;\n\t!res\n ) else if k mod 2 = 0\n then Int64.of_int m\n else Int64.of_int (m * m)\n in\n Printf.printf \"%Ld\\n\" res\n", "src_uid": "1f9107e8d1d8aebb1f4a1707a6cdeb6d"} {"source_code": "let () =\n Scanf.scanf \"%d %d \" @@ fun n l ->\n let a = Array.init n (fun _ -> Scanf.scanf \"%d \" (fun x -> x)) in\n let b = Array.init n (fun _ -> Scanf.scanf \"%d \" (fun x -> x)) in\n let rec shift s =\n if s = n then\n print_endline \"NO\"\n else\n let rec check i =\n if i = n then\n print_endline \"YES\"\n else if (a.(i) - b.((i + s) mod n) - a.(0) + b.(s)) mod l = 0 then\n check (i + 1)\n else\n shift (s + 1) in\n check 1 in\n shift 0\n", "src_uid": "3d931684ca11fe6141c6461e85d91d63"} {"source_code": "let n = read_int();;\nlet a = Array.make n [|0; 0|];;\nfor i = 0 to n -1 do\n\tArray.set a i (Array.of_list (List.map (int_of_string) ((Str.split (Str.regexp \" \") (read_line ())))));\ndone;;\nlet ans = ref (0);;\nfor i = 0 to n - 1 do for j = i + 1 to n - 1 do\n\tif (a.(i).(0) != a.(j).(0)) && (a.(i).(1) != a.(j).(1)) then ans := (a.(i).(0) - a.(j).(0)) * (a.(i).(1) - a.(j).(1));\ndone done;;\nif ((!ans) < 0) then \t\n\tans := -(!ans);;\nif !ans = 0 then ans := -1;;\nprint_int !ans;;\n", "src_uid": "ba49b6c001bb472635f14ec62233210e"} {"source_code": "open Printf\nopen Scanf\n\n\nlet read_string () = bscanf Scanning.stdib \" %s \" (fun x -> x)\nlet () = \n let dir = read_string () in\n let input = read_string () in\n\n let row = Array.make 3 \"\" in\n row.(0) <- \"qwertyuiop\";\n row.(1) <- \"asdfghjkl;\";\n row.(2) <- \"zxcvbnm,./\";\n\n let findletter l =\n let p0 = try String.index row.(0) l with Not_found -> -1 in\n let p1 = try String.index row.(1) l with Not_found -> -1 in\n let p2 = try String.index row.(2) l with Not_found -> -1 in\n if p0 >= 0 then (0,p0)\n else if p1 >= 0 then (1,p1)\n else if p2 >= 0 then (2,p2)\n else failwith \"character not found\"\n in\n\n let offset = if dir = \"L\" then 1 else -1 in\n\n for i=0 to (String.length input) -1 do\n let (r,p) = findletter input.[i] in\n printf \"%c\" row.(r).[p+offset];\n done;\n print_newline()\n", "src_uid": "df49c0c257903516767fdb8ac9c2bfd6"} {"source_code": "let ss = \"CODEFORCES\"\n\nlet () = Scanf.scanf \"%s\" (fun s ->\n\t\t\t let rec m pos =\n\t\t\t if pos >= String.length ss || pos >= String.length s || s.[pos] <> ss.[pos]\n\t\t\t then pos\n\t\t\t else m (pos + 1)\n\t\t\t in\n\t\t\t let l = m 0 in\n\t\t\t print_endline (if String.length s >= String.length ss && Str.string_after ss l = Str.last_chars s ((String.length ss) - l)\n\t\t\t\t\t then \"YES\" else \"NO\"))\n", "src_uid": "bda4b15827c94b526643dfefc4bc36e7"} {"source_code": "open Printf\nopen Scanf\nlet read_int _ = bscanf Scanning.stdib \" %d \" (fun x -> x)\n\nlet () =\n let n = read_int () and k = read_int () in\n let a = Array.init n read_int in\n let sum = Array.fold_left (+) 0 a\n and ans = ref 0 in\n for i = 0 to k - 1 do\n let j = ref i\n and res = ref sum in\n while !j < n do\n res := !res - a.(!j);\n j := !j + k\n done;\n ans := max !ans (abs !res)\n done;\n printf \"%d\\n\" !ans", "src_uid": "6119258322e06fa6146e592c63313df3"} {"source_code": "open Printf\nopen Scanf\n\nlet () =\n let n, m, a, b = bscanf Scanning.stdib \" %d %d %d %d \" (fun w x y z -> (w,x,y,z)) in\n let answer = n * a in\n let answer2 = (n / m) * b + (n - (n / m) * m) * a in\n let answer3 = (n / m + 1) * b in\n \n let answer4 = if answer > answer2 then answer2 else answer in\n let answer5 = if answer3 > answer4 then answer4 else answer3 in\n printf \"%d\\n\" answer5\n", "src_uid": "faa343ad6028c5a069857a38fa19bb24"} {"source_code": "let input () = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d %s\" (fun l n s -> n, s)\n\nlet str_to_list s =\n let rec loop i l =\n if i < 0 \n then l \n else loop (i - 1) (s.[i] :: l) in\n loop (String.length s - 1) []\n \n\nlet rec move = function\n |('B' :: 'G' :: tail) -> ('G' :: 'B' :: move tail)\n |(head :: tail) -> (head :: move tail)\n |[] -> []\n\nlet rec loop n queue = \n if n > 0\n then \n loop (n - 1) (move queue)\n else\n queue\n\nlet solve (n, queue) = loop n (str_to_list queue)\n\nlet () = List.iter(Printf.printf \"%c\") (solve (input()))", "src_uid": "964ed316c6e6715120039b0219cc653a"} {"source_code": "open Printf\nopen Scanf\nopen Big_int\n\nlet main () =\n let input = input_line stdin in\n let n_str, m_str, a_str = sscanf input \"%s %s %s\" (fun a b c -> (a, b, c)) in\n let n = big_int_of_string n_str in\n let m = big_int_of_string m_str in\n let a = big_int_of_string a_str in\n let result = \n let additional d = \n big_int_of_int (match int_of_big_int (mod_big_int d a) with 0 -> 0 | _ -> 1) in\n let vertical = add_big_int (div_big_int m a) (additional m) in\n let horizontal = add_big_int (div_big_int n a) (additional n) in\n let res_int = mult_big_int vertical horizontal in\n string_of_big_int res_int\n in\n printf \"%s\" result;\n ()\n\nlet _ = main ()\n", "src_uid": "ef971874d8c4da37581336284b688517"} {"source_code": "open Printf\nopen Scanf\n\nlet read_int () = bscanf Scanning.stdib \" %d \" (fun x -> x)\nlet () = \n let n = read_int() in\n \n let rec digits n = if n=0 then [] else (n mod 10) :: (digits (n/10)) in\n let dig = Array.of_list (List.rev (digits n)) in\n \n let m = Array.length dig in\n let final = Array.make m 0 in\n \n let rec loop ac = if dig = final then ac else\n let num = Array.make m 0 in\n for j=0 to m-1 do\n\tnum.(j) <- if dig.(j) > 0 then 1 else 0;\n\tdig.(j) <- dig.(j) - num.(j)\n done;\n loop (num::ac)\n in\n \n let li = loop [] in\n \n printf \"%d\\n\" (List.length li);\n \n List.iter (\n fun a -> \n let rec build i ac = if i=m then ac else\n\t build (i+1) (10*ac + a.(i))\n in\n printf \"%d \" (build 0 0)\n ) li;\n print_newline()\n", "src_uid": "033068c5e16d25f09039e29c88474275"} {"source_code": "let minNum lst target =\n let rec f' acc l cur =\n match l with\n | [] -> (-1)\n | h :: t -> let c = acc + h in\n if c >= target then cur + 1\n\t\t else f' c t (cur + 1)\n in\n match target with\n | 0 -> 0\n | _ -> f' 0 lst 0\nin\nlet cmp x y =\n if x = y then 0\n else begin\n if x > y then 1 else -1\n end\nin\nlet read_nums str =\n let nstrings = Str.split (Str.regexp \" \") str in\n List.map (fun x -> int_of_string x) nstrings\nin\nlet k = read_int () in\nlet grows_i = List.rev (List.sort cmp (read_nums (read_line ()))) in\nprint_int (minNum grows_i k)\n", "src_uid": "59dfa7a4988375febc5dccc27aca90a8"} {"source_code": "open Printf open Scanf\nopen Array\n\nlet i32,i64,i64st = Int64.(to_int,of_int,to_string)\nlet labs = Int64.abs\nlet (++),(--),( ** ),(//),(%%) = Int64.(add,sub,mul,div,rem)\nlet rec gcd_i64 m n = match m,n with | m,0L -> m | m,n -> gcd_i64 n (m %% n)\nlet lcm_i64 m n = (m // gcd_i64 m n) ** n\nlet pow_i64 n k =\n let rec f a n = function\n | 0 -> a | 1 -> n**a | k when k mod 2 = 0 -> f a (n**n) (k/2) | k -> f (a**n) (n**n) (k/2)\n in f 1L n k\nlet rep l r f =\n let rec f0 i =\n if i>r then ()\n else (f i; f0 (i++1L))\n in f0 l\nlet factors n = (* O(sqrt n) *)\n let m,r = ref n,ref [] in\n rep 2L (2L ++ Int64.of_float (sqrt @@ Int64.to_float n)) (fun i ->\n if !m %% i = 0L then (\n let k = ref 0L in\n while !m %% i = 0L do\n k := !k ++ 1L; m := !m // i;\n done;\n r := (i,!k) :: !r));\n if !m>1L then (!m,1L)::!r else !r\n\nmodule ModCalc_lightweight = struct\n let md = 1000000007L\n (* let md = 998244353L *)\n let pow_mod n k =\n let rec f a n = function\n | 0L -> a %% md\n | 1L -> (a ** n) %% md\n | k when k %% 2L = 0L -> f a ((n ** n) %% md) (k//2L)\n | k -> f ((a ** n) %% md) n (k--1L)\n in f 1L n k\n let posmod v =\n if v<0L then\n (v ++ (-1L ** v // md ++ 1L) ** md) %% md\n else v\n let rec extgcd a b =\n if b = 0L then 1L,0L,a\n else\n let y,x,d = extgcd b (a %% b) in\n x,(y -- (a//b) ** x),d\n (* let inv v = pow_mod v (md--2L) *)\n let inv v =\n let x,_,_ = extgcd v md in\n let x = posmod x in\n (md ++ (x %% md)) %% md\n let (/%) p q = (p ** (inv q)) %% md\nend open ModCalc_lightweight\n\nlet () = scanf \" %Ld %d\" @@ fun n k ->\n let arr = factors n |> of_list in\n let res = ref 1L in\n iter (fun (p,q) ->\n let q = i32 q in\n let dp = make (q+1) 0L in\n dp.(q) <- 1L;\n for _=1 to k do\n let acc = ref 0L in\n for j=q downto 0 do\n acc := (!acc ++ dp.(j) /% (i64 @@ j+1)) %% md;\n dp.(j) <- !acc;\n done;\n done;\n let r = ref 0L in\n let pw = ref 1L in\n for j=0 to q do\n r := !r ++ (dp.(j) ** !pw) %% md;\n pw := (!pw ** p) %% md;\n done;\n res := !res ** (!r %% md);\n res := !res %% md;\n ) arr;\n printf \"%Ld\" !res\n\n\n", "src_uid": "dc466d9c24b7dcb37c0e99337b4124d2"} {"source_code": "(*\n Author: sighduck\n URL: https://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/4/A\n*)\n\nlet solve (w: int) : string =\n if w mod 2 == 0 && w > 2 then \"YES\\n\"\n else \"NO\\n\" ;;\n\nlet main =\n read_int () |> solve |> print_string ;;\n", "src_uid": "230a3c4d7090401e5fa3c6b9d994cdf2"} {"source_code": "let scan_int () = Scanf.scanf \" %d\" (fun x -> x);;\nlet scan_string () = Scanf.scanf \" %s\" (fun x -> x);;\nlet psp () = print_string \" \";;\nlet b2i x = if x == true then 1 else 0;;\n\nopen Int64;;\nlet n = Int64.of_int(scan_int()) and m = Int64.of_string(scan_string());;\nprint_int(Int64.to_int(max zero (sub n (mul (Int64.of_int 2) m)))); psp();\n\nfor i = 0 to Int64.to_int(n) do\n let j = Int64.of_int(i) in\n if div (mul j (pred j)) (Int64.of_int 2) >= m then begin\n print_int(Int64.to_int(n) - i); exit 0;\n end;\ndone;;\n", "src_uid": "daf0dd781bf403f7c1bb668925caa64d"} {"source_code": "open Printf\nopen Scanf\n\nlet l2n c = (int_of_char c) - (int_of_char 'a')\nlet n2l n = char_of_int ((int_of_char 'a') + n)\nlet rec forall i j f = (i>j) || ((f i) && forall (i+1) j f)\n\nlet read_string () = bscanf Scanning.stdib \" %s \" (fun x -> x)\n\nlet () = \n let s = read_string () in\n let t = read_string () in\n\n let n = String.length s in\n\n let ns = Array.init n (fun i -> l2n s.[i]) in\n \n let c = ref 1 in\n for i=n-1 downto 0 do\n ns.(i) <- ns.(i) + !c;\n if ns.(i) = 26 then (\n ns.(i) <- 0;\n c := 1;\n ) else (\n c := 0;\n )\n done;\n\n if forall 0 (n-1) (fun i -> n2l ns.(i) = t.[i]) then (\n printf \"No such string\\n\"\n ) else (\n for i=0 to n-1 do\n printf \"%c\" (n2l ns.(i))\n done;\n print_newline()\n )\n", "src_uid": "47618510d2a17b1cc1e6a688201d51a3"} {"source_code": "open Printf\nopen Scanf\n\nlet ( ** ) a b = Int64.mul a b\nlet ( ++ ) a b = Int64.add a b\nlet ( -- ) a b = Int64.sub a b\nlet ( // ) a b = Int64.div a b\nlet ( %% ) a b = Int64.rem a b\n\nlet read_long () = bscanf Scanning.stdib \" %Ld \" (fun x -> x)\n\nlet () = \n let x = read_long() in\n\n let rec digits x = if x=0L then [] else (Int64.to_int (x %% 10L))::(digits (x//10L)) in\n\n List.iteri (fun i d -> \n let d = if i=0 && d=9 then d else min (9-d) d in\n printf \"%d\" d;\n ) (List.rev (digits x));\n\n print_newline()\n", "src_uid": "d5de5052b4e9bbdb5359ac6e05a18b61"} {"source_code": "module SS = Set.Make(String);;\n\nlet read_int () = Scanf.scanf \" %d\" (fun x -> x)\nlet read_line () = Scanf.scanf \" %s\" (fun x -> x)\n\nlet (--) i j = \n let rec aux n acc =\n if n < i then acc else aux (n-1) (n :: acc)\n in aux j []\n\nlet break str i =\n let n = String.length str in\n let a = String.sub str 0 i in\n let b = String.sub str i (n - i) in\n (a,b)\n\nlet print_set s = SS.iter print_endline s\n\nlet () = \n let set = SS.empty in\n let str = read_line () in\n let n = String.length str in\n let alphabet = List.map Char.chr (Char.code('a') -- Char.code('z')) in\n let set = List.fold_right (fun i set ->\n List.fold_right (fun j set ->\n let (a,b) = break str j in\n SS.add (a ^ (Char.escaped i) ^ b) set\n ) (0 -- n) set\n ) alphabet set in\n Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" (SS.cardinal set);\n", "src_uid": "556684d96d78264ad07c0cdd3b784bc9"} {"source_code": "let rec r a b n =\n if a = Int64.zero then n\n else\n if a >= b then\n r (Int64.sub a (Int64.mul (Int64.div a b) b)) b (Int64.add n (Int64.div a b))\n else\n r b a n ;;\n\nPrintf.printf \"%Ld\\n\" (Scanf.scanf \"%Ld %Ld\" (fun a b -> r a b Int64.zero)) ;;\n", "src_uid": "792efb147f3668a84c866048361970f8"} {"source_code": "let permute n visit =\n let a = Array.init n (fun i -> i + 0)\n and b = Array.init n (fun i -> i)\n and c = Array.make (n + 1) 0 in\n let k = ref 1 in\n let j = ref 1 in\n try\n while true do\n\tvisit a;\n\tk := 1;\n\twhile c.(!k) = !k do\n\t c.(!k) <- 0;\n\t incr k\n\tdone;\n\tif !k = n then\n\t raise Not_found;\n\tc.(!k) <- c.(!k) + 1;\n\tlet t = a.(0) in\n\t a.(0) <- a.(b.(!k));\n\t a.(b.(!k)) <- t;\n\t j := 1;\n\t k := !k - 1;\n\t while !j < !k do\n\t let t = b.(!j) in\n\t b.(!j) <- b.(!k);\n\t b.(!k) <- t;\n\t incr j;\n\t k := !k - 1;\n\t done\n done\n with\n | Not_found -> ()\n\nexception Found\n\nlet _ =\n let sb = Scanf.Scanning.stdib in\n let n = Scanf.bscanf sb \"%d \" (fun s -> s) in\n let a = Array.make (n * n) 0 in\n let () =\n for i = 0 to n * n - 1 do\n let k = Scanf.bscanf sb \"%d \" (fun s -> s) in\n\ta.(i) <- k\n done\n in\n let s =\n let s = ref 0 in\n for i = 0 to n * n - 1 do\n\ts := !s + a.(i)\n done;\n !s / n\n in\n let b = Array.make_matrix n n 0 in\n let visit p =\n for i = 0 to n - 1 do\n for j = 0 to n - 1 do\n\tb.(i).(j) <- a.(p.(i * n + j))\n done\n done;\n try\n for i = 0 to n - 1 do\n\tlet r = ref 0 in\n\t for j = 0 to n - 1 do\n\t r := !r + b.(i).(j)\n\t done;\n\t if !r <> s\n\t then raise Not_found\n done;\n for i = 0 to n - 1 do\n\tlet r = ref 0 in\n\t for j = 0 to n - 1 do\n\t r := !r + b.(j).(i)\n\t done;\n\t if !r <> s\n\t then raise Not_found\n done;\n (let r = ref 0 in\n\t for j = 0 to n - 1 do\n\t r := !r + b.(j).(j)\n\t done;\n\t if !r <> s\n\t then raise Not_found\n );\n (let r = ref 0 in\n\t for j = 0 to n - 1 do\n\t r := !r + b.(j).(n - 1 - j)\n\t done;\n\t if !r <> s\n\t then raise Not_found\n );\n raise Found\n with\n | Not_found -> ()\n in\n try\n if n <= 3 then (\n\tpermute (n * n) visit;\n\tassert false\n ) else (\n\t(*for i = 15 downto 1 do\n\t let j = Random.int (i + 1) in\n\t let t = a.(i) in\n\t a.(i) <- a.(j);\n\t a.(j) <- t;\n\tdone;*)\n\tArray.sort compare a;\n\tlet u = Array.make 16 false in\n\t for i = 0 to 15 do\n\t if not (Array.unsafe_get u i) && not (i > 0 && not u.(i - 1) && a.(i - 1) = a.(i)) then (\n\t let i11 = i in\n\t Array.unsafe_set u i true;\n\t let a11 = Array.unsafe_get a i in\n\t\tfor i = 0 to 15 do\n\t\t if not (Array.unsafe_get u i) && not (i > 0 && not u.(i - 1) && a.(i - 1) = a.(i)) then (\n\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i true;\n\t\t let a22 = Array.unsafe_get a i in\n\t\t for i = 0 to 15 do\n\t\t\tif not (Array.unsafe_get u i) && not (i > 0 && not u.(i - 1) && a.(i - 1) = a.(i)) then (\n\t\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i true;\n\t\t\t let a33 = Array.unsafe_get a i in\n\t\t\t for i = i11 + 1 to 15 do\n\t\t\t if not (Array.unsafe_get u i) && not (i > 0 && not u.(i - 1) && a.(i - 1) = a.(i)) then (\n\t\t\t\tArray.unsafe_set u i true;\n\t\t\t\tlet a44 = Array.unsafe_get a i in\n\t\t\t\t if a11 + a22 + a33 + a44 = s then (\n\t\tfor i = i11 + 1 to 15 do\n\t\t let i41 = i in\n\t\t if not (Array.unsafe_get u i) then (\n let f () =\n\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i true;\n\t\t let a41 = Array.unsafe_get a i in\n\t\t for i = 0 to 15 do\n\t\t\tif not (Array.unsafe_get u i) then (\n\t\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i true;\n\t\t\t let a32 = Array.unsafe_get a i in\n\t\t\t for i = 0 to 15 do\n\t\t\t if not (Array.unsafe_get u i) then (\n\t\t\t\tArray.unsafe_set u i true;\n\t\t\t\tlet a23 = Array.unsafe_get a i in\n\t\t\t\t for i = i11 + 1 to 15 do\n\t\t\t\t if not (Array.unsafe_get u i) then (\n\t\t\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i true;\n\t\t\t\t let a14 = Array.unsafe_get a i in\n\t\t\t\t\tif i < i41 && a41 + a32 + a23 + a14 = s then (\n\t\t for i = 0 to 15 do\n\t\t if not (Array.unsafe_get u i) then (\n\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i true;\n\t\t let a34 = Array.unsafe_get a i in\n\t\t\tfor i = 0 to 15 do\n\t\t\t if not (Array.unsafe_get u i) then (\n\t\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i true;\n\t\t\t let a31 = Array.unsafe_get a i in\n\t\t\t if a31 + a32 + a33 + a34 = s then (\n\t\t for i = 0 to 15 do\n\t\t if not (Array.unsafe_get u i) then (\n\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i true;\n\t\t let a21 = Array.unsafe_get a i in\n\t\t\tif a11 + a21 + a31 + a41 = s then (\n\t\t for i = 0 to 15 do\n\t\t if not (Array.unsafe_get u i) then (\n\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i true;\n\t\t let a24 = Array.unsafe_get a i in\n\t\t\tif a21 + a22 + a23 + a24 = s &&\n\t\t\t a14 + a24 + a34 + a44 = s\n\t\t\tthen (\n\t\t for i = 0 to 15 do\n\t\t if not (Array.unsafe_get u i) then (\n\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i true;\n\t\t let a12 = Array.unsafe_get a i in\n\t\t\tfor i = 0 to 15 do\n\t\t\t if not (Array.unsafe_get u i) then (\n\t\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i true;\n\t\t\t let a42 = Array.unsafe_get a i in\n\t\t\t if a12 + a22 + a32 + a42 = s then (\n\t\t for i = 0 to 15 do\n\t\t if not (Array.unsafe_get u i) then (\n\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i true;\n\t\t let a43 = Array.unsafe_get a i in\n\t\t\tif a41 + a42 + a43 + a44 = s then (\n\t\t for i = 0 to 15 do\n\t\t if not (Array.unsafe_get u i) then (\n\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i true;\n\t\t let a13 = Array.unsafe_get a i in\n\t\t\tif a13 + a23 + a33 + a43 = s &&\n\t\t\t a11 + a12 + a13 + a14 = s\n\t\t\tthen (\n\t\t\t let bb =\n\t\t\t [| [| a11; a12; a13; a14 |];\n\t\t\t [| a21; a22; a23; a24 |];\n\t\t\t [| a31; a32; a33; a34 |];\n\t\t\t [| a41; a42; a43; a44 |]; |]\n\t\t\t in\n\t\t\t for i = 0 to 3 do\n\t\t\t for j = 0 to 3 do\n\t\t\t\tb.(i).(j) <- bb.(i).(j)\n\t\t\t done\n\t\t\t done;\n\t\t\t raise Found;\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tArray.unsafe_set u i false;\n\t\t )\n\t\t done;\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tArray.unsafe_set u i false;\n\t\t )\n\t\t done;\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tArray.unsafe_set u i false;\n\t\t )\n\t\t done;\n\t\t\tArray.unsafe_set u i false;\n\t\t )\n\t\t done;\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tArray.unsafe_set u i false;\n\t\t )\n\t\t done;\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tArray.unsafe_set u i false;\n\t\t )\n\t\t done;\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tArray.unsafe_set u i false;\n\t\t )\n\t\t done;\n\t\t\tArray.unsafe_set u i false;\n\t\t )\n\t\t done;\n\t\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t\t\tArray.unsafe_set u i false;\n\t\t\t\t )\n\t\t\t\t done;\n\t\t\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i false;\n\t\t\t )\n\t\t\t done;\n\t\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i false;\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t done;\n\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i false;\n in f ()\n\t\t )\n\t\tdone;\n\t\t\t\t );\n\t\t\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i false;\n\t\t\t )\n\t\t\t done;\n\t\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i false;\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t done;\n\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i false;\n\t\t )\n\t\tdone;\n\t\tArray.unsafe_set u i false;\n\t )\n\t done\n )\n with\n | Found ->\n\t Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" s;\n\t for i = 0 to n - 1 do\n\t for j = 0 to n - 1 do\n\t Printf.printf \"%d \" b.(i).(j)\n\t done;\n\t Printf.printf \"\\n\";\n\t done;\n", "src_uid": "7c806fb163aaf23e1eef3e6570aea436"} {"source_code": "let readInput n =\n let rec aux i acc =\n match i with\n | 0 -> List.rev acc\n | i -> let v = Scanf.scanf \"%d \" (fun x -> x) in\n aux (i-1) (v :: acc)\n in\n aux n []\n\nlet main = \n let (n, s) = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d\\n\" (fun n s -> (n,s)) in\n let volumes = readInput n in\n let (total,maxV) = \n List.fold_left (fun (sum,maxV) v -> (sum + v, max v maxV))\n (0,0) volumes\n in\n if ((total - maxV) <= s) then Printf.printf \"YES\\n\" \n else Printf.printf \"NO\\n\" \n \n\n", "src_uid": "496baae594b32c5ffda35b896ebde629"} {"source_code": "let input = read_line() |> Str.split (Str.regexp \" +\") |> List.map int_of_string in\nlet n = List.nth input 0 and\nm = List.nth input 1 in\nlet count = ref (if m <= n then 1 else 0) in\nbegin\nfor i = 2 to min m n do\n if m mod i = 0 && m / i <= n then count := !count+1 else ()\ndone;\n!count |> print_int\nend\n\n", "src_uid": "c4b139eadca94201596f1305b2f76496"} {"source_code": "let read_int () = Scanf.bscanf Scanf.Scanning.stdib \" %d \" (fun x -> x)\n\nlet () =\n let n = read_int () in\n let array = Array.init n (fun _ ->\n read_int ()\n )\n in\n let e = (Array.length array) - 1 in\n if array.(e) = 0 then print_endline \"UP\"\n else if array.(e) = 15 then print_endline \"DOWN\"\n else if n = 1 then print_endline \"-1\"\n else if array.(e) - array.(e - 1) > 0 then print_endline \"UP\"\n else if array.(e) - array.(e - 1) < 0 then print_endline \"DOWN\"\n", "src_uid": "8330d9fea8d50a79741507b878da0a75"} {"source_code": "(* compiled on 64-bit system with ocamlopt -pp camlp4o $file *)\n\nopen Printf\nopen Scanf\nopen Array\n\nmodule S = String\nmodule Q = Queue\nmodule T = Stack\nmodule L = List\n\n(* misc *)\nlet neg_compare x y = - compare x y\nlet min3 a b c = min a (min b c)\nlet mid3 a b c = if a < b then max a (min b c) else max b (min a c) \nlet max3 a b c = max a (max b c)\nlet min4 a b c d = min (min a b) (min c d)\nlet max4 a b c d = max (max a b) (max c d)\nlet itb a = a <> 0\nlet bti b = if b then 1 else 0\n(* int *)\nlet intsqrt n = \n if n < 0 then raise (Invalid_argument \"sqrt of negative int\") else \n let rec bs a b = begin \n if b - a = 1 then a else \n let mid = (a+b)/2 in \n if mid*mid <= n then bs mid b else bs a mid\n end in \n bs 0 (1 lsl 31)\n(* float *)\nlet round f = truncate (f +. 0.5)\nlet inv_float f = 1. /. f\n(* functional *)\nlet id x = x\nlet const x _ = x\nlet (|>) x f = f x\nlet (^>) x f = f x\nlet (@@) a b = a b \nlet on g f a b = g (f a) (f b)\nlet rec fix f = f (fun x -> fix f x)\nlet ift cond a = if cond then a\nlet ifte cond a b = if cond then a else b\nlet rec for_ i len c f = if i = len then c else for_ (i+1) len (f i c) f\n(* predicate *)\nlet is_odd x = x land 1 = 1\nlet is_even x = x land 1 = 0\n(* option *)\nlet is_none = function | Some _ -> false | None -> true\nlet is_some = function | Some _ -> true | None -> false\nlet default x = function Some y -> y | None -> x\n(* ref *)\nlet (+=) a b = a := !a + b\nlet (-=) a b = a := !a - b \nlet ( *= ) a b = a := !a * b\nlet assign_min x y = x := min !x y \nlet assign_max x y = x := max !x y\n(* array *) \nlet set_min x i v = x.(i) <- min x.(i) v \nlet set_max x i v = x.(i) <- max x.(i) v \nlet swap arr i j = let t = arr.(i) in arr.(i) <- arr.(j); arr.(j) <- t \n(* tuple *)\nlet (+:) (a,b) (c,d) = (a+c,b+d)\nlet (-:) (a,b) (c,d) = (a-c,b-d)\n(* Arithmetic *)\nlet negate x = -x\nlet rec factorial n = if n = 0 then 1 else n * factorial (n-1)\nlet rec gcd a b = if b = 0 then a else gcd b (a mod b)\nlet rec extgcd a b = \n if b = 0 then 1,0,a else\n let x,y,g = extgcd b (a mod b) in \n y,x-(a/b)*y,g\nlet rec pow x n = if n = 0 then 1 else\n let n' = n/2 in\n let p = pow x n' in\n if is_odd n then x*p*p else p*p\nlet rec modpow m x n = \n if n = 0 then 1 else \n let n' = n/2 in\n let p = modpow m x n' in \n if is_even n then (p*p mod m) else\n (x*(p*p mod m) mod m) \nlet modinv m i = let _,x,_ = extgcd m i in x\n(* IO *)\nlet is_digit c =\n let i = int_of_char c in\n 48 <= i && i < 58\nlet is_space c = c = ' ' || c = '\\n' || c = '\\t' || c = '\\r' \nlet read_char () = try input_char stdin with End_of_file -> '\\000'\nlet rec read_letter () = \n let c = read_char() in \n if is_space c then read_letter() else c \nlet read_int () = \n let digit c = int_of_char c - 48 in\n let rec read n = \n let c = read_char() in \n if is_digit c then read (10*n + (digit c)) else \n n \n in\n let rec run c = \n if is_digit c then read (digit c) else \n if c = '-' then begin \n let c = read_char() in \n if is_digit c then -read (digit c) else run c \n end else \n if c = '\\000' then 0 else \n run (read_char())\n in \n run (read_char())\nlet read_float () = \n let digit c = float (int_of_char c - 48) in\n let rec read_decimial m f = \n let c = read_char () in \n if is_digit c then read_decimial (m /. 10.) (f +. m *. digit c) else f\n in \n let rec read_integral n = \n let c = read_char () in \n if is_digit c then read_integral (10. *. n +. digit c) else \n if c = '.' then n +. read_decimial 0.1 0.0 else \n n \n in \n let rec run c = begin \n if is_digit c then read_integral (digit c) else \n if c = '-' then begin \n let c = read_char() in \n if is_digit c then -. read_integral (digit c) else \n run c \n end else \n if c = '.' then read_decimial 0.1 0.0 else \n if c = '\\000' then 0.0 else \n run (read_char())\n end in \n run (read_char())\nlet read_word () = \n let open Buffer in \n let buf = create 1_000_000 in \n let rec read c = \n if is_space c || c = '\\000' then contents buf else begin \n add_char buf c; \n read (read_char())\n end \n in\n let rec run c = \n if is_space c then run (read_char()) else \n if c = '\\000' then \"\" else \n read c \n in \n run (read_char())\nlet read_line () = \n let open Buffer in \n let buf = create 1_000_000 in \n let rec run c = \n if c = '\\n' || c = '\\000' then contents buf else begin \n add_char buf c;\n run (read_char())\n end \n in\n run (read_char()) \nlet newline () = print_newline()\nlet print_tuple s (x,y) = printf s x y \nlet print_array s arr = Array.iter (printf s) arr; print_newline()\nlet print_matrix s mat = Array.iter (print_array s) mat\nlet print_list s lis = List.iter (printf s) lis; print_newline()\n;;\n\nlet _ = \n let len = read_int() in \n let _ = read_int() in \n let arr = init len (fun i -> i,read_int()) in \n sort (on compare snd) arr;\n let ans = make len 0 in \n for i = 0 to len -1 do ans.(fst arr.(i)) <- i land 1 done;\n for i = 0 to len -1 do printf \"%d \" ans.(i) done", "src_uid": "692698d4b49ad446984f3a7a631f961d"} {"source_code": "let _ =\n let sb = Scanf.Scanning.stdib in\n let a = Scanf.bscanf sb \"%d \" (fun s -> s) in\n let c = Scanf.bscanf sb \"%d \" (fun s -> s) in\n let p = ref 387420489 in\n let b = ref 0l in\n while !p > 0 do\n let da = (a / !p) mod 3 in\n let dc = (c / !p) mod 3 in\n let db = (dc - da + 3) mod 3 in\n\tb := Int32.add !b (Int32.mul (Int32.of_int db) (Int32.of_int !p));\n\tp := !p / 3;\n done;\n Printf.printf \"%ld\\n\" !b\n", "src_uid": "5fb635d52ddccf6a4d5103805da02a88"} {"source_code": "let check_stairs a b =\n\tmatch (max a b) - (min a b) with\n\t\t|0 when a = 0 -> print_endline \"NO\";\n\t\t|0 |1 -> print_endline \"YES\";\n\t\t|_ -> print_endline \"NO\"\n;;\n\nScanf.bscanf Scanf.Scanning.stdin \" %i %i \" check_stairs\n", "src_uid": "ec5e3b3f5ee6a13eaf01b9a9a66ff037"} {"source_code": "\nlet dodaj_do_listy a x =\n x :: a\n;;\n\nlet wczytaj () =\n Scanf.scanf \" %d\" (fun i -> i)\n;;\n\nlet wczytaj_i_wypisz () =\n Printf.printf \"%d\" (wczytaj ())\n;;\n\nlet wczytaj_liste () = \n let n = wczytaj () in \n let rec dodaj licznik =\n match licznik with\n | 0 -> []\n | licznik -> \n let x = wczytaj () in\n dodaj_do_listy (dodaj (licznik-1)) x\n in dodaj n\n;;\n\nlet main () = \n let moja_lista = wczytaj_liste () in\n let sumka = List.fold_left ( + ) 0 moja_lista in\n match sumka with\n | 0 -> false\n | sumka -> true\n;;\n\nlet sprawdz czy_nie_zero = \n match czy_nie_zero with\n | false -> \"EASY\"\n | czy_nie_zero -> \"HARD\"\n;;\n\nlet _ = Printf.printf \"%s\" (sprawdz (main ()))\n \n\n \n", "src_uid": "060406cd57739d929f54b4518a7ba83e"} {"source_code": "let input () = Scanf.scanf \"%d\" (fun x -> x)\n\nlet solve input =\n let rec loop i rest last = \n if rest > 0\n then \n let layer = i + last in\n if layer <= rest\n then\n loop (i + 1) (rest - layer) layer\n else\n (i - 1)\n else\n (i - 1) \n in loop 1 input 0\n \nlet print result = Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" result\nlet () = print (solve (input ()))\n ", "src_uid": "873a12edffc57a127fdfb1c65d43bdb0"} {"source_code": "print_int (Scanf.scanf \"%d %d %d\" (fun n a b -> \n\tlet i = ref 0 in\n\tlet _ = (for p = 1 to n do\n\t\tif p > a && (n-p-1) < b then incr i \n\tdone) in !i\n));;\n", "src_uid": "51a072916bff600922a77da0c4582180"} {"source_code": "\n\nlet read_int () = Scanf.bscanf Scanf.Scanning.stdib \" %d \" (fun x -> x);; \nlet read_string () = Scanf.bscanf Scanf.Scanning.stdib \" %s \" (fun x -> x);; \n\nlet pages = read_int();;\n\nlet r = Array.make 7 0;;\n\nlet () =\n for i=0 to 6 do\n r.(i) <- read_int()\n done;;\n\nlet rec day left current = \n if left <= r.(current) then current else day (left-r.(current)) ((current+1) mod 7)\n\n;;\nPrintf.printf \"%d\\n\" ((day pages 0) + 1)", "src_uid": "007a779d966e2e9219789d6d9da7002c"} {"source_code": "let bs = Scanf.Scanning.stdin\nlet xint() = Scanf.bscanf bs \" %d\" (fun x -> x)\nlet xint32() = Scanf.bscanf bs \" %ld\" (fun x -> x)\nlet xint64() = Scanf.bscanf bs \" %Ld\" (fun x -> x)\nlet xstr() = Scanf.bscanf bs \" %s\" (fun x -> x)\nlet xreal() = Scanf.bscanf bs \" %f\" (fun x -> x)\nlet printf = Printf.printf\n\nlet () = \n let n = xint() in\n let mx = ref 0 and mi = ref n in\n let check n = n mod 7 <= 1 in\n for s = 0 to 6 do\n let cnt = ref 0 in\n for i = 0 to n - 1 do\n cnt := !cnt + (if check (s + i) then 1 else 0)\n done;\n if !cnt > !mx then mx := !cnt;\n if !cnt < !mi then mi := !cnt;\n done;\n printf \"%d %d\\n\" !mi !mx;\n\n", "src_uid": "8152daefb04dfa3e1a53f0a501544c35"} {"source_code": "open Printf\nopen Scanf\n\nlet read_int () = bscanf Scanning.stdib \" %d \" (fun x -> x)\nlet () = \n let n = read_int () in\n let m = read_int () in\n\n let rec form_team i j ac =\n if i+j < 3 || i=0 || j=0 then ac else (\n let (i,j) = (max i j, min i j) in\n form_team (i-2) (j-1) (ac+1)\n )\n in\n \n printf \"%d\\n\" (form_team n m 0)\n", "src_uid": "0718c6afe52cd232a5e942052527f31b"} {"source_code": "let main () =\n let (a,b,c,x,y,z) = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d %d %d %d %d\" (fun i j k l m n -> (i,j,k,l,m,n)) in\n let a' = a - x and b' = b - y and c' = c - z in\n let too_much = List.fold_left (+) 0 (List.map (fun i -> if i > 0 then i / 2 else i) [a';b';c']) in\n print_endline\n (if too_much >= 0 then \"Yes\" else \"No\");;\n\nmain ();;\n \n", "src_uid": "1db4ba9dc1000e26532bb73336cf12c3"} {"source_code": "open Printf\nopen Scanf\n\nlet read_int () = bscanf Scanning.stdib \" %d \" (fun x -> x)\nlet () = \n let n = read_int () in\n let a = Array.init n (fun _ -> read_int()) in\n\n let rec find i x = if a.(i) = x then i else find (i+1) x in\n\n let one = find 0 1 in\n let last = find 0 n in\n\n let opt1 = max ((n-1) - last) last in\n let opt2 = max ((n-1) - one) one in\n\n printf \"%d\\n\" (max opt1 opt2)\n", "src_uid": "1d2b81ce842f8c97656d96bddff4e8b4"} {"source_code": "\nlet read_nums () = \n let s = read_line () in\n let nums = List.map int_of_string (Str.split (Str.regexp \" \") s) in\n nums\n\n;;\n\n\nlet main () =\n let lst = read_nums () in\n let lst = List.sort compare lst in \n let () = match lst with\n | [a;b;c] -> print_int (c-a)\n | _ -> () \n in\n print_string \"\\n\"\n;;\n\nmain ()\n", "src_uid": "7bffa6e8d2d21bbb3b7f4aec109b3319"} {"source_code": "let _ =\n let sb = Scanf.Scanning.stdib in\n let n = Scanf.bscanf sb \"%d \" (fun s -> s) in\n let a = Array.make_matrix n n 0 in\n let loop n f =\n let rec loop n i f =\n match i < n with\n\t| true ->\n\t f i;\n\t loop n (i + 1) f\n\t| false -> ()\n in\n loop n 0 f\n in\n let _ =\n loop n (fun i ->\n\t loop n (fun j ->\n\t\t\ta.(i).(j) <- Scanf.bscanf sb \"%d \" (fun s -> s)\n\t\t )\n\t )\n in\n loop n (fun k ->\n\t loop n (fun i ->\n\t\t\tloop n (fun j ->\n\t\t\t\t match a.(i).(j) > a.(i).(k) + a.(k).(j) with\n\t\t\t\t | true -> a.(i).(j) <- a.(i).(k) + a.(k).(j)\n\t\t\t\t | false -> ()\n\t\t\t )));\n let res = Array.fold_left max 0 (Array.map (Array.fold_left max 0) a) in\n Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" res\n", "src_uid": "bbd210065f8b32de048a2d9b1b033ed5"} {"source_code": "let _ =\n let sb = Scanf.Scanning.stdib in\n let s = Scanf.bscanf sb \"%s \" (fun s -> s) in\n let lc = ref false in\n let uc = ref false in\n let d = ref false in\n let n = String.length s in\n for i = 0 to n - 1 do\n match s.[i] with\n\t| 'A'..'Z' -> uc := true\n\t| 'a'..'z' -> lc := true\n\t| '0'..'9' -> d := true\n\t| _ -> ()\n done;\n if n >= 5 && !uc && !lc && !d\n then Printf.printf \"Correct\\n\"\n else Printf.printf \"Too weak\\n\"\n", "src_uid": "42a964b01e269491975965860ec92be7"} {"source_code": "let scan_int () = Scanf.scanf \" %d\" (fun x -> x);;\nlet n = scan_int() and a = Array.make 100 1 and licz = ref 1 and dwa = ref 2 and wyn = ref 1 in begin\nwhile !wyn < n do\n wyn := (!dwa * 2 - 1) * !dwa;\n dwa := !dwa * 2;\n a.(!licz) <- !wyn;\n licz := !licz +1\ndone;\nlicz := !licz -1;\nwhile n mod a.(!licz) <> 0 do\n licz := !licz - 1\ndone;\nprint_int a.(!licz)\nend\n", "src_uid": "339246a1be81aefe19290de0d1aead84"} {"source_code": "let input () = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d\" (fun n m -> (n, m))\n\nlet add candles hours m = \n if hours mod m = 0\n then\n candles + 1\n else\n candles\n\nlet solve (n, m) =\n let rec loop candles hours =\n if candles > 0\n then\n loop ((add candles hours m) - 1) (hours + 1) \n else\n hours - 1\n in loop n 1\n\nlet print result = Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" result\nlet () = print (solve (input ()))", "src_uid": "a349094584d3fdc6b61e39bffe96dece"} {"source_code": "let read_int () = Scanf.bscanf Scanf.Scanning.stdib \" %d \" (fun x -> x)\n\nlet () = \n let n = read_int() in\n if n<=2 then Printf.printf \"-1\\n\" else (\n for i=n downto 1 do\n\tPrintf.printf \"%d \"i\n done\n )\n", "src_uid": "fe8a0332119bd182a0a5b7758716317e"} {"source_code": "let n = read_int();;\nlet a = Array.append [|0; 0|] (Array.of_list (List.map \n\t(int_of_string) (Str.split (Str.regexp \" \") (read_line()))));;\nlet fl = ref false and ans = ref 0 and kol = ref 0;;\nfor i = 0 to Array.length a - 1 do\n\tif a.(i) = 1 then ans := !ans + 1;\n\tif (a.(i) = 0) && (!fl = false) then \n\tbegin\n\t\tfl := true;\n\t\tkol := 1;\n\tend else if (a.(i) = 0) then kol := !kol + 1;\n\tif (a.(i) = 1) && (!fl = true) then\n\tbegin\n\t\tif (!kol = 1) then ans := !ans + 1;\n\t\tfl := false;\n\tend;\ndone;;\nprint_int !ans;\n", "src_uid": "2896aadda9e7a317d33315f91d1ca64d"} {"source_code": "let read1 () = Scanf.scanf \"%d\\n\" ( fun x -> x );;\nlet read2 () = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d\\n\" ( fun x y -> x, y );;\nlet read3 () = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d %d\\n\" ( fun x y z -> x, y, z);;\nlet read4 () = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d %d %d\\n\" ( fun x y z a-> x, y, z, a);;\nlet read5 () = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d %d %d %d\\n\" ( fun x y z a b-> x, y, z, a, b);;\nlet read6 () = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d %d %d %d %d\\n\" ( fun x y z a b c-> x, y, z, a, b, c);;\nlet read x = (if x = 0 then Scanf.scanf \"%d\\n\" else Scanf.scanf \"%d \") ( fun x -> x );;\n\nlet (+$) x y =\n if x > max_int - y then max_int\n else x + y;;\n\nlet rec ( *$ ) x y =\n if y = 0 then 0 else\n if y mod 2 = 1 then x *$ (y-1) +$ x\n else let a = x *$ (y/2) in a +$ a;;\n\nlet check o p dod min =\n if o > p then dod\n else if o < 0 then min\n else 0\n\nlet _ = \n let (x, y, z) = read3() in\n let (x1, y1, z1) = read3() in\n let (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6) = read6 () in\n let suma = ( check y y1 a2 a1 ) + ( check z z1 a4 a3 ) + ( check x x1 a6 a5 ) in\n Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" suma;;\n\n\n", "src_uid": "c7889a8f64c57cf7be4df870f68f749e"} {"source_code": "let read_int64 _ = Scanf.bscanf Scanf.Scanning.stdib \" %Ld\" (fun x -> x)\nlet (|>) x f = f x\n\nopen Int64\n\nlet rec gcd x y =\n if y = 0L then\n x\n else\n gcd y (rem x y)\n\nlet () =\n let a = read_int64 0 in\n let b = read_int64 0 in\n let x = read_int64 0 in\n let y = read_int64 0 in\n let d = gcd x y in\n let xx = div x d in\n let yy = div y d in\n let t = min (div a xx) (div b yy) in\n Printf.printf \"%Ld %Ld\\n\" (mul xx t) (mul yy t)\n", "src_uid": "97999cd7c6de79a4e39f56a41ff59e7a"} {"source_code": "let (d, l, v1, v2) = Scanf.scanf \"%f %f %f %f\" (fun x y z w -> x, y, z, w)\n in Printf.printf \"%.8f\\n\" ((l -. d) /. (v1 +. v2));;\n", "src_uid": "f34f3f974a21144b9f6e8615c41830f5"} {"source_code": "(* work on Fib http://www.codeforces.ru/problemset/problem/199/A *)\nopen Scanf;;\nopen Printf;;\nopen Str;;\n\nlet rec fib0 a b f = \n if (a + b + b) == f then (a,b)\n else fib0 b (a+b) f;;\n\nlet rec fib2 f = match f with\n | 0 -> (0,0)\n | 1 -> (0,1)\n | fi ->\n let a = 1 in\n let b = 1 in \n fib0 a b fi;; \n \nlet fib3 fi = match fi with\n | 0 -> (0,0,0)\n | 1 -> (0,0,1)\n | 2 -> (0,1,1)\n | 3 -> (1,1,1)\n | 5 -> (1,2,2)\n | fii ->\n let (a,b) = fib2 fii in\n (a, b, b);;\n\nlet main () =\n let fn = \"codeforce.in\" in\n let inchan = stdin in\n let gr () = fscanf inchan \"%d\" (fun i -> i) in \n let fi = gr () in\n let a,b,c = fib3 fi in\n Printf.printf \"%n %n %n\" a b c\n ;;\nlet _ = main();;", "src_uid": "db46a6b0380df047aa34ea6a8f0f93c1"} {"source_code": "let n=read_int() and s=read_line();;\nlet tab=Array.make (n+1) (Int64.zero);;\ntab.(1)<-(Int64.one);;\nlet sum=ref (Int64.one);;\nfor i=2 to n do\n tab.(i)<- Int64.succ( !sum);\n sum:= Int64.add ( !sum) (tab.(i))\ndone;;\nlet sol=ref (Int64.zero);;\nfor i=1 to n do\n if s.[i-1]='B' then sol:= Int64.add ( !sol) (tab.(i))\ndone;;\nprint_string (Int64.to_string( !sol));;", "src_uid": "d86a1b5bf9fe9a985f7b030fedd29d58"} {"source_code": "let reverse s = \n\tlet len = String.length s - 1 in\n\tlet r = String.create (len+1) in\n\tfor i = 0 to len do\n\t\tr.[i] <- s.[len-i];\n\tdone;\n\tr\n;;\n\nprint_string (if (read_line()) = (reverse (read_line())) then \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n", "src_uid": "35a4be326690b58bf9add547fb63a5a5"} {"source_code": "let tau = atan 1.0 *. 8.0\n\nlet (|>) x f = f x\n\ntype point = float * float\n\nlet read_points () =\n let read_point () : point =\n Scanf.scanf \"%f %f\\n\" (fun x y -> (x,y)) in\n let a = read_point () in\n let b = read_point () in\n let c = read_point () in\n (a,b,c)\n\nlet diff (ax,ay) (bx,by) = (bx -. ax, by -. ay)\nlet dot (ax,ay) (bx,by) = ax *. bx +. ay *. by\nlet length a = dot a a |> sqrt\nlet dist a b = diff a b |> length\nlet ortho (x,y) = (y, -.x)\nlet midpoint (ax,ay) (bx,by) = (0.5 *. (ax +. bx), 0.5 *. (ay +. by))\nlet det (ax,ay) (bx,by) = ax *. by -. ay *. bx\nlet angle a b = (dot a b /. (length a) /. (length b)) |> acos\nlet part a = a /. tau\nlet move (ax,ay) s (bx,by) = (ax +. s *. bx, ay +. s *. by)\n\nlet rec gcd a b =\n if a < b\n then gcd b a\n else if b < 0.0001\n then a\n else gcd b (mod_float a b)\n\nlet get_circumcenter a b c : point =\n let p1 = midpoint a c\n and d1 = diff a c |> ortho\n and p2 = midpoint b c\n and d2 = diff b c |> ortho in\n let rhs = diff p1 p2 in\n let det0 = det d1 d2\n and det1 = det rhs d2 in\n move p1 (det1 /. det0) d1\n\nlet get_corners m a b c =\n let alpha = angle (diff m a) (diff m b) |> part\n and beta = angle (diff m b) (diff m c) |> part in\n let gamma = 1.0 -. alpha -. beta in\n let (r,n) = 1.0 /. (gcd (gcd alpha beta) gamma) |> modf in\n if r >= 0.5 then n +. 1.0 else n\n \nlet get_area n r =\n let alpha = tau /. n in\n let a_tri = r *. r /. 2.0 *. (sin alpha) in\n n *. a_tri\n\nlet _ =\n let (a,b,c) = read_points () in\n let center = get_circumcenter a b c in\n let corners = get_corners center a b c in\n Printf.eprintf \" n=%f\\n\" corners;\n get_area corners (dist center a) |> Printf.printf \"%f\\n\"\n\n", "src_uid": "980f4094b3cfc647d6f74e840b1bfb62"} {"source_code": "open Scanf\nopen Num\nopen Printf\nopen String\n\nlet (w,h) = Scanf.bscanf Scanf.Scanning.stdin \"%d %d \" ( fun x y -> x,y) ;;\n\nlet area = w * h;;\nlet ntotal = ref 0;;\n\nlet () =\n if (area < 2) then\n ntotal := 0\n else\n begin\n if (w >= 2) then\n let nw = w / 2 in\n ntotal := !ntotal + (nw* h);\n ntotal := !ntotal + ((w mod 2)*(h/2))\n else\n ntotal := !ntotal + (h/2)\n end\n;;\n\nlet () = print_int !ntotal; print_endline \"\";;\n", "src_uid": "e840e7bfe83764bee6186fcf92a1b5cd"} {"source_code": "let _ =\n let l = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d %d %d %d\" (fun a b c d e -> [a;b;c;d;e]) in\n let tab = Array.of_list (List.sort compare l) in\n let maxi = ref 0 in\n for i = 0 to 3 do\n if tab.(i) = tab.(i+1)\n then maxi := max !maxi (2 * tab.(i));\n done;\n for i = 0 to 2 do\n if tab.(i) = tab.(i+1) && tab.(i+1) = tab.(i+2)\n then maxi := max !maxi (3 * tab.(i));\n done;\n Printf.printf \"%d\" (List.fold_left (+) (- !maxi) l)\n", "src_uid": "a9c17ce5fd5f39ffd70917127ce3408a"} {"source_code": "let input () = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d %d %d %d\" (fun a b c d e -> a + b + c + d + e)\nlet solve sum =\n if sum mod 5 <> 0 || sum = 0\n then\n Printf.printf \"-1\\n\"\n else\n Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" (sum / 5)\n \nlet () = solve(input())", "src_uid": "af1ec6a6fc1f2360506fc8a34e3dcd20"} {"source_code": "open Printf;;\n\nlet split_on_whitespace s =\n Str.split (Str.regexp \"[ \\t]+\") s\n;;\n\nlet s = read_line() in\nlet three_numbers = split_on_whitespace s in\nlet int_list = List.map int_of_string three_numbers in\nlet k = List.nth int_list 0 in\nlet w = List.nth int_list 1 in\nlet n = List.nth int_list 2 in\nlet cost = k*(n*(n+1)/2) in\nprintf \"%d\\n\" (max 0 (cost - w))", "src_uid": "e87d9798107734a885fd8263e1431347"} {"source_code": "let read_int()=Scanf.scanf \"%d \" (fun x->x);;\nlet n=read_int();;\nlet k=read_int();;\nlet x=read_int();;\nlet l=ref [];;\nfor i=1 to n-1 do\n l:=(read_int(),1)::(!l)\ndone;;\nl:=(Scanf.scanf \"%d\" (fun x->x),1)::(!l);;\n\nlet rec avance=function\n|[]->[]\n|(h,a)::[]->(h,a)::[]\n|(h,a)::(g,b)::t->if h<>g then (h,a)::(avance ((g,b)::t))\n else if a+b>2 then avance t\n else (h,a+b)::(avance t);;\n \nlet rec est_fige=function\n|[]->true\n|(h,a)::[]->true\n|(h,a)::(g,b)::t->if h<>g then est_fige ((g,b)::t)\n else false;;\n\nlet rec taille=function\n|[]->0\n|(_,_)::t->1+taille t;;\n\nlet rec taille2=function\n|[]->0\n|(_,a)::t->a+taille2 t;;\n\nlet init=taille !l;;\n\nlet rec ajout i=function\n|[]->([],false)\n|(h,a)::t->if i>1 then let (m,b)=ajout (i-1) t in ((h,a)::m,b)\n else if x=h then (if a=2 then (t,true) else ((h,a+1)::t,true))\n else ([],false);;\n\nlet rec faire liste=\n if est_fige liste then liste else faire (avance liste);; \n \nlet maxi=ref 0;;\n\nfor i=1 to init do\n let (m,b)=ajout i !l in\n if b then maxi:=max !maxi (init-taille2 (faire m))\ndone;;\n\nprint_int !maxi;;\n", "src_uid": "d73d9610e3800817a3109314b1e6f88c"} {"source_code": "open Printf open Scanf\nmodule Lib = struct\n let i32,i64,ist = Int64.(to_int,of_int,to_string)\n let (+$) = (+) let (-$) = (-) let (/$) = (/) let ( *$) = ( * ) let (%$) = (mod)\n let labs = Int64.abs\n let (+),(-),( * ),(/),(mod),(%) = Int64.(add,sub,mul,div,rem,rem)\n let (+=) r v = r := !r + v\n let (-=) r v = r := !r - v\n let ( *= ) r v = r := !r * v\n let (/=) r v = r := !r / v\n let (%=) r v = r := !r % v\n let max_i64_lim,min_i64_lim = Int64.(max_int,min_int)\n let max_i64,min_i64 = 2000000000000000000L,-2000000000000000000L\n (* math *)\n let ceildiv p q = (p+q-1L) / q\n let rec gcd m n = match m,n with | m,0L -> m | m,n -> gcd n (m mod n)\n let lcm m n = m / gcd m n * n\n module Int64_infix = struct\n let (land),(lor),(lxor),lnot,(lsl),(lsr),(asr) =\n let open Int64 in\n (logand),(logor),(logxor),lognot,\n (fun u v -> shift_left u (i32 v)),\n (fun u v -> shift_right u (i32 v)),\n (fun u v -> shift_right_logical u (i32 v))\n end\n let pow n k =\n let rec f a n = function\n | 0L -> a | 1L -> n*a | k when k mod 2L = 0L -> f a (n*n) (k/2L) | k -> f (a*n) (n*n) (k/2L)\n in f 1L n k\n (* input *)\n let input_i64_array n = Array.init (i32 n) (fun _ -> Scanf.scanf \" %Ld\" (fun v -> v)) let iia = input_i64_array\n let get_i64 _ = Scanf.scanf \" %Ld\" (fun v -> v) let gi = get_i64\n let get_2_i64 _ = Scanf.scanf \" %Ld %Ld\" (fun u v -> u,v) let g2 = get_2_i64\n let get_3_i64 _ = Scanf.scanf \" %Ld %Ld %Ld\" (fun u v w -> u,v,w) let g3 = get_3_i64\n let get_4_i64 _ = Scanf.scanf \" %Ld %Ld %Ld %Ld\" (fun u v w x -> u,v,w,x) let g4 = get_4_i64\n let get_5_i64 _ = Scanf.scanf \" %Ld %Ld %Ld %Ld %Ld\" (fun u v w x y -> u,v,w,x,y) let g5 = get_5_i64\n let i32_get_int _ = Scanf.scanf \" %d\" (fun v -> v) let i32_get_2_ints _ = Scanf.scanf \" %d %d\" (fun u v -> u,v) let i32_get_3_ints _ = Scanf.scanf \" %d %d %d\" (fun u v w -> u,v,w) let i32_get_4_ints _ = Scanf.scanf \" %d %d %d %d\" (fun u v w x -> u,v,w,x) let i32_get_5_ints _ = Scanf.scanf \" %d %d %d %d %d\" (fun u v w x y -> u,v,w,x,y)\n (* utils *)\n external id : 'a -> 'a = \"%identity\"\n let ( *< ) f g x = f (g x)\n let ( *> ) f g x = g (f x)\n let rv f p q = f q p (* ex. 24 |> rv (/) 6 *)\n let alen a = i64 @@ Array.length a\n let llen l = i64 @@ List.length l\n let slen s = String.length s\n let string_of_list ?(separator=\" \") f ls = ls |> List.map f |> String.concat separator\n let string_of_array ?(separator=\" \") f a = a |> Array.to_list |> string_of_list ~separator f\n let char_list_of_string str = let rec f0 i a = if i<0 then a else f0 (i-$1) (str.[i]::a) in f0 (String.length str -$ 1) []\n let string_of_char_list ls = List.fold_left (fun u v -> u ^ (String.make 1 v)) \"\" ls\n let fail _ = failwith \"fail\"\n let dx,dy = [|1;0;-1;0|],[|0;1;0;-1|]\n let range l r = let ls = ref [] in for i=i32 l to i32 r do ls := i :: !ls done;!ls |> List.rev\n let cartesian_product u v = u |> List.map (fun p -> List.map (fun q -> p,q) v) |> List.flatten\n let shuffle a = Array.sort (fun _ _ -> (Random.int 3) -$ 1) a\n let binary_search ng ok f = let d = if ng < ok then 1L else -1L in\n let rec f0 ng ok =\n if labs (ok - ng) <= 1L then ok\n else let mid = ng + (ok - ng) / 2L in if f mid then f0 ng mid else f0 mid ok\n in f0 (ng-1L*d) (ok+1L*d)\n let lower_bound a v = binary_search 0L (alen a - 1L) (fun i -> a.(i32 i) >= v)\n let upper_bound a v = binary_search 0L (alen a - 1L) (fun i -> a.(i32 i) > v)\n let equal_range a v = lower_bound a v, upper_bound a v (* #=snd-fst *)\n let rec fix f x = f (fix f) x\n let fix_memo ?(size=10000) f x =\n let tb = Hashtbl.create ~random:true size in\n let rec f0 x =\n try Hashtbl.find tb x with\n | Not_found -> (let v = f f0 x in Hashtbl.add tb x v; v)\n in f0 x\n (* imperative *)\n let rep f t ?(stride=1L) fbod = let i = ref f in while !i <= t do fbod !i; i := !i + stride done\n let repb f t ?(stride=1L) fbod = let i,c = ref f,ref true in while !i <= t && !c do\n match fbod !i with | `Break -> c := false | `Ok -> i := !i + stride done\n let repm f t ?(stride=1L) m0 fbod =\n let i,c,m = ref f,ref true,ref m0 in\n while !i<=t && !c do match fbod !m !i with\n | `Break -> c := false | `Break_m m' -> (c := false; m := m') | `Ok m' -> m := m'; i := !i + stride done; !m\n let repi f t ?(stride=1) fbod = let i = ref f in while !i <= t do fbod !i; i := !i +$ stride done\n let repib f t ?(stride=1) fbod = let i,c = ref f,ref true in while !i <= t && !c do\n match fbod !i with | `Break -> c := false | `Ok -> i := !i +$ stride done\n let repim f t ?(stride=1) m0 fbod =\n let i,c,m = ref f,ref true,ref m0 in\n while !i<=t && !c do match fbod !m !i with\n | `Break -> c := false | `Break_m m' -> (c := false; m := m') | `Ok m' -> m := m'; i := !i +$ stride done; !m\n let rep_rev f t ?(stride=1L) fbod = rep t f ~stride @@ fun v -> fbod @@ f + t - v\n let repb_rev f t ?(stride=1L) fbod = repb t f ~stride @@ fun v -> fbod @@ f + t - v\n let repm_rev f t ?(stride=1L) m0 fbod = repm f t ~stride m0 @@ fun u v -> fbod u @@ f + t - v\n let repi_rev f t ?(stride=1) fbod = repi t f ~stride @@ fun v -> fbod @@ f +$ t -$ v\n let repib_rev f t ?(stride=1) fbod = repib t f ~stride @@ fun v -> fbod @@ f +$ t -$ v\n let repim_rev f t ?(stride=1) m0 fbod = repim f t ~stride m0 @@ fun u v -> fbod u @@ f +$ t -$ v\n (* output *)\n let print_list_mle f ls = string_of_list f ls |> print_endline\n let print_array_mle f a = string_of_array f a |> print_endline\n let print_list f ls = ls |> List.iter (fun v -> printf \"%s \" @@ f v); print_newline ()\n let print_array f a = a |> Array.iter (fun v -> printf \"%s \" @@ f v); print_newline ()\n (* debug *)\n let dump_2darr f a = a |> Array.iter (fun b -> print_array f b)\n let dump_i64_list ls = print_list ist ls\n let dump_i64_array a = print_array ist a\nend open Lib open Array\n\nlet () =\n let n = gi 0 in\n let a = fix (fun f i x ->\n if i*i > 2000000000L then x\n else f (i+1L) ((i*i)::x)\n ) 1L [] |> List.sort compare |> of_list in\n let k = lower_bound a n in\n let p = Int64.(a.(i32 k) |> to_float |> sqrt |> of_float) in\n let q = ceildiv n p in\n (* printf \"%Ld :: %Ld :: %Ld :: %Ld\\n\" n k p q; *)\n printf \"%Ld\" @@ p+q\n\n (* let m = n |> Int64.to_float |> sqrt in\n let p,q = m |> floor |> Int64.of_float,\n m |> ceil |> Int64.of_float in\n (* rep m (m+100L) (fun m ->\n if m*m >\n ) *)\n printf \"%Ld %Ld %Ld\\n\" n p q *)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "src_uid": "eb8212aec951f8f69b084446da73eaf7"} {"source_code": "(*\n\nD iff E D mod m[i] = r[i]\n\nBoth you and your roommate loathe wianshg dishes, but still somebody must perform this chore daily. One day you decide to introduce some system. Your roommate suggests the fooniwllg dael. Yuo agree on two arrays of integers M ann R, number upmicnog dyas (induiclng the cunrret oen) wtih successive integers (tye ceurrnt dya is zreo), adn yuo wsah teh diehss on dya D if adn olny if terhe etsixs an iednx i scuh taht D mod M[i]\u2009=\u2009R[i], otwsehrie yuor rmootmae deos it. Yuo lkie teh cncepot, btu yuor rmotaome's cuinnng simle meaks yuo ssecupt sthnoemig, so yuo itennd to vefriy teh fnerisas of teh aemnrgeet.\n\nYuo aer geivn ayarrs M adn R. Cuaclatle teh pceanregte of dyas on wchih yuo edn up dnoig teh wisahng. Amsuse taht yuo hvae iiiftlneny mnay dyas aehad of yuo.\nInput\n\nThe first line of input contains a single integer N (1\u2009\u2264\u2009N\u2009\u2264\u200916).\n\nThe second and third lines of input contain N integers each, all between 0 and 16, inclusive, and represent arrays M and R, respectively. All M[i] are positive, for each i R[i]\u2009<\u2009M[i].\nOutput\n\nOutput a single real number. The answer is considered to be correct if its absolute or relative error does not exceed 10\u2009-\u20094.\n\n*)\n\nlet main () =\n let n = Scanf.scanf \"%d\" (fun i -> i) in\n let tab = Array.init n (fun i -> Scanf.scanf \" %d\" (fun j -> j)) in\n let tab' = Array.init n (fun i -> Scanf.scanf \" %d\" (fun j -> j)) in\n let cpt = ref 0 in\n for d = 0 to 500000 do\n let flag = ref false in\n for i = 0 to n-1 do\n flag := !flag || (d mod (tab.(i)) = tab'.(i));\n done;\n if !flag then incr cpt;\n done;\n Printf.printf \"%f\" ((float !cpt) /. 500001.);;\n\nmain ();;\n", "src_uid": "14b69f42bc192ea472e82f3a3209f1c1"}