{"source_code": "let f,s=read_float,print_string in let f,i=modf(log(f())/.log(f())+.0.0000000000001)in if f<0.000000000000105 then(s\"YES\\n\";print_int(int_of_float i-1))else(s\"NO\")\n", "src_uid": "8ce89b754aa4080e7c3b2c3b10f4be46"} {"source_code": "let () =\n let x, y = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d\" (fun i j -> (float_of_int i, float_of_int j)) in\n let exposant_xy = y *. (log x) in\n let exposant_yx = x *. (log y) in\n if (exposant_xy < exposant_yx) then print_string \"<\"\n else if (exposant_xy > exposant_yx) then print_string \">\"\n else print_string \"=\"", "src_uid": "ec1e44ff41941f0e6436831b5ae543c6"} {"source_code": "let distribute c l =\n let rec insert a1 a2 = function\n | [] -> a2\n | h :: t ->\n insert (h :: a1) ((List.rev_append a1 (h :: c :: t)) :: a2) t\n in\n insert [] [c :: l] l\n\nlet rec permutation = function\n | [] -> [[]]\n | h :: t ->\n List.fold_left (fun acc x -> List.rev_append (distribute h x) acc)\n [] (permutation t)\n\nlet range =\n let rec aux a = function\n | 0 -> a\n | m -> aux (m :: a) (m - 1)\n in\n aux []\n\nlet fp l =\n let rec aux a = function\n | [] -> a\n | h :: t ->\n let s, _ = List.fold_left (fun (s, m) x ->\n let m = min m x in (s + m, m)\n ) (h, h) t\n in aux (a + s) t\n in\n aux 0 l\n\nlet () = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d\\n\" (fun n m ->\n let p = permutation (range n) in\n let f = List.map fp p in\n let max = match f with\n | [] -> 0\n | h::t -> List.fold_left max h t\n in\n let p = List.fold_left2 (fun a p f -> if f = max then p :: a else a) [] p f in\n let p = List.sort compare p in\n Printf.printf \"%s\\n\" (String.concat \" \" (List.map string_of_int (List.nth p (m - 1))))\n)\n", "src_uid": "a8da7cbd9ddaec8e0468c6cce884e7a2"} {"source_code": "(*let read_int () = Scanf.bscanf Scanf.Scanning.stdin \"%d\" (fun x -> x);;*)\nlet read_int () = Scanf.bscanf Scanf.Scanning.stdib \"%d \" (fun x -> x);;\n\nlet abs x = \n if x>0 then x \n else -x;;\nlet ans = ref 0;;\nlet x = read_int ();;\nlet y = read_int ();;\n\n(*Printf.printf \"%d %d\\n\" x y;; *)\nif abs x > abs y then \n if x>0 then ans := 1 + (x - 1) * 4\n else ans := 3 + (abs x - 1) * 4\nelse \n if y>0 then ans := 2 + (y - 1) * 4\n else ans := 4 + (abs y - 1) * 4;;\n\nif (x=0 && y=0) || (x=1 && y=0) then print_int 0\nelse if x=y && x*y>0 then print_int (!ans - 1)\nelse if x>0 && y<0 && abs x - abs y = 1 then print_int (!ans - 1)\nelse print_int !ans;;\n", "src_uid": "2fb2a129e01efc03cfc3ad91dac88382"} {"source_code": "(* open Scanf *)\n(* open Printf *)\n\n\nlet main () =\n let a = read_int () in\n let b = read_int () in\n let c = read_int () in\n let ans = 7 * (min (min a (b / 2)) (c / 4)) in\n print_int ans\n\n\nlet _ = main ()\n", "src_uid": "82a4a60eac90765fb62f2a77d2305c01"} {"source_code": "let rec fix f x = f (fix f) x;;\nScanf.scanf \" %d %d %d %d %d %d\" @@ fun w h u d v e ->\n print_int @@ fix (fun f h w ->\n if h=0 then w\n else\n let w = w+h in\n f (h-1) @@ max 0 @@\n if h=e then w-v\n else if h=d then w-u\n else w) h w", "src_uid": "084a12eb3a708b43b880734f3ee51374"} {"source_code": "let (|>) x f = f x\n\nlet rec f i j a b : char list =\n if a = b then\n []\n else if a < b then\n j::f i j (a+1) b\n else\n f j i b a\n\nlet tl xs = try List.tl xs with _ -> []\nlet rec mhd = function\n | [] -> []\n | []::xss -> mhd xss\n | (x::xs)::xss -> x::mhd xss\n\nlet rec tr = function\n | [] -> []\n | []::xss -> tr xss\n | (x::xs)::xss ->\n (x::mhd xss) :: tr (xs::List.map tl xss)\n\nlet rec p = function\n | [] -> ()\n | [a]::xs -> Printf.printf \"%c\\n\" a; p xs\n | [a;b]::xs -> Printf.printf \"%c%c\\n\" a b; p xs\n\nlet () =\n let s = read_line () in\n let t = read_line () in\n tr [f 'L' 'R' (int_of_char s.[0]) (int_of_char t.[0]); f 'D' 'U' (int_of_char s.[1]) (int_of_char t.[1])]\n |> (fun xs -> Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" (List.length xs); xs) |> p\n", "src_uid": "d25d454702b7755297a7a8e1f6f36ab9"} {"source_code": "let _ =\n let n = 3200000 in\n let prime = Array.make (n + 1) true in\n let p = Array.make 250000 0 in\n let pk = ref 0 in\n let _ =\n for i = 2 to n do\n if prime.(i) then (\n\tp.(!pk) <- i;\n\tincr pk;\n\tlet j = ref (2 * i) in\n while !j <= n do\n\t let jj = !j in\n prime.(jj) <- false;\n j := jj + i\n done\n )\n done;\n in\n let pk = !pk - 1 in\n let sb = Scanf.Scanning.stdib in\n let q = Scanf.bscanf sb \"%Ld \" (fun s -> s) in\n let n = ref q in\n let sq = ref false in\n let sqp = ref 0L in\n let divs = ref 0 in\n let d = Array.make 2 0L in\n for i = 0 to pk do\n let p = p.(i) in\n let pl = Int64.of_int p in\n\tif Int64.rem !n pl = 0L then (\n\t if !divs < 2\n\t then d.(!divs) <- pl;\n\t incr divs;\n\t if Int64.rem (Int64.div !n pl) pl = 0L then (\n\t sq := true;\n\t sqp := Int64.mul pl (Int64.of_int p);\n\t )\n\t);\n\twhile Int64.rem !n pl = 0L do\n\t n := Int64.div !n pl\n\tdone\n done;\n (*Printf.printf \"asd %d %Ld\\n\" !divs !n;*)\n if !n <> 1L\n then incr divs;\n if !sq && !sqp < q\n then Printf.printf \"1\\n%Ld\\n\" !sqp\n else if not !sq && !divs <= 1\n then Printf.printf \"1\\n0\\n\"\n else if !divs > 2\n then Printf.printf \"1\\n%Ld\\n\" (Int64.mul d.(0) d.(1))\n else Printf.printf \"2\\n\"\n", "src_uid": "f0a138b9f6ad979c5ca32437e05d6f43"} {"source_code": "\nopen Scanf\nopen Printf\nopen Int64\n\nlet md = 1000000007L\n\nlet f n m k =\n if k = -1L && Int64.rem (Int64.add m n) 2L = 1L then 0L\n else let rec g x y =\n if y = 0L then 1L\n else if y = 1L then x\n else let tmp = g x (Int64.div y 2L) in\n if Int64.rem y 2L = 0L then Int64.rem (Int64.mul tmp tmp) md \n else Int64.rem (Int64.mul (Int64.rem (Int64.mul tmp tmp) md) x) md in\n g (g 2L (Int64.sub n 1L)) (Int64.sub m 1L)\n\nlet () =\n let ans = bscanf Scanning.stdin \"%Ld %Ld %Ld\" f in\n printf \"%Ld\\n\" ans", "src_uid": "6b9eff690fae14725885cbc891ff7243"} {"source_code": "\nmodule I = Int64\n\n(* OCaml 这 ... 没个像样的库还真是垃圾 ... *)\nmodule type IntType = sig\n type t\n val (+): t -> t -> t\n val compare: t -> t -> int\n val rem: t -> t -> t\n val of_int: int -> t\n val of_string: string -> t\nend\n\nmodule Int64M = struct\n type t = Int64.t\n let (+) = Int64.add\n let compare = Int64.compare\n let rem = Int64.rem\n let of_int = Int64.of_int\n let of_string = Int64.of_string\nend\n\nmodule IntM = struct\n type t = int\n let (+) = (+)\n let compare = compare\n let rem = Int64.rem\n let of_int v = v\n let of_string = string_of_int\nend\n\nmodule Make_Judge (Int: IntType) = struct\n\nmodule SetInt = Set.Make(Int)\n\nlet judge_naive (n: Int.t) (k: Int.t): bool =\n let open Int in\n let rec attempt set i =\n let x = rem n i in\n if SetInt.mem x set then false\n else\n if i >= k then true\n else attempt (SetInt.add x set) (i + (Int.of_int 1))\n in\n attempt (SetInt.empty) (Int.of_int 1)\n\nlet judge_opt (n: Int.t) (k: Int.t): bool =\n if k > Int.of_int 42\n then false\n else judge_naive n k\n\nend\n\nlet output_yn v =\n (match v with\n | true -> print_string \"Yes\"\n | false -> print_string \"No\");\n print_char '\\n'\n\n(* \nlet () =\n let limit = 65536 in\n let curmax = ref 1 in\n for n = 1 to limit do\n for k = 1 to limit do\n let ret = judge_naive n k in\n if ret && k > !curmax then begin\n curmax := k;\n Printf.printf \"%d %d\" n !curmax;\n print_endline \"\";\n end\n done\n done *)\n\nmodule JudgeI64 = Make_Judge (Int64M)\n\nlet () =\n let f x y = Int64M.(JudgeI64.judge_opt (of_string x) (of_string y)) |> output_yn in\n Scanf.scanf \"%s %s\" f", "src_uid": "5271c707c9c72ef021a0baf762bf3eb2"} {"source_code": "open Int64\n\nlet read_int _ = Scanf.bscanf Scanf.Scanning.stdib \" %d \" (fun x -> x)\nlet mmod = 1000000007\n\nlet pdt a b =\n\tInt64.to_int(Int64.rem (Int64.mul (Int64.of_int a) (Int64.of_int b)) (Int64.of_int mmod))\n;;\n \nlet rec pow a n =\n\tif n=0 then 1 else\n\tlet b = pow a (n/2) in\n\tif (n mod 2) = 0 then pdt b b else pdt a (pdt b b)\n ;;\n \nlet n = read_int 0 in\nlet k = read_int 0 in\nPrintf.printf \"%d\\n\" (pdt (pow k (k-1)) (pow (n-k) (n-k)))", "src_uid": "cc838bc14408f14f984a349fea9e9694"} {"source_code": "let (|>) x f = f x\n\nlet modulo = 51123987\n\nlet () =\n let n = read_int () in\n let a = read_line () in\n let rec compress m i =\n if i >= n then\n m\n else if a.[m-1] <> a.[i] then (\n a.[m] <- a.[i];\n compress (m+1) (i+1)\n ) else\n compress m (i+1)\n in\n let m = compress 1 1 in\n\n let p = Array.make_matrix n 3 0 in\n for i = m-1 downto 0 do\n let t = int_of_char a.[i] - int_of_char 'a' in\n p.(i).(t) <- i;\n p.(i).((t+1) mod 3) <- if i+1 < m then p.(i+1).((t+1) mod 3) else m;\n p.(i).((t+2) mod 3) <- if i+1 < m then p.(i+1).((t+2) mod 3) else m\n done;\n\n let dp = Array.init 2 (fun _ -> Array.make_matrix (52*52) m 0) in\n dp.(0).(0).(0) <- 1;\n let add a x y = a.(x) <- (a.(x) + y) mod modulo in\n for i = 0 to n-1 do\n for u = min ((n+2)/3) (i+1) downto 0 do\n for v = min ((n+2)/3) (i+1) downto 0 do\n Array.fill dp.((i+1) land 1).(u*52+v) 0 m 0\n done\n done;\n for u = min ((n+2)/3) i downto 0 do\n for v = min ((n+2)/3) i downto 0 do\n for j = 0 to m-1 do\n let t = dp.(i land 1).(u*52+v).(j) in\n if t > 0 then (\n let ix = u*52+v in\n if p.(j).(0) < m then\n add dp.((i+1) land 1).(ix+52) p.(j).(0) t;\n if p.(j).(1) < m then\n add dp.((i+1) land 1).(ix+1) p.(j).(1) t;\n if p.(j).(2) < m then\n add dp.((i+1) land 1).(ix) p.(j).(2) t\n )\n done\n done\n done\n done;\n\n let ans = ref 0 in\n for u = (n+2)/3 downto 0 do\n for v = (n+2)/3 downto 0 do\n let w = n-u-v in\n if (max u v |> max w) - (min u v |> min w) <= 1 then\n for j = 0 to m-1 do\n ans := (!ans + dp.(n land 1).(u*52+v).(j)) mod modulo\n done\n done\n done;\n Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" !ans\n", "src_uid": "64fada10630906e052ff05f2afbf337e"} {"source_code": "open Printf\n\n\nlet main =\n let values = Array.map (int_of_string) (Array.of_list (Str.split (Str.regexp \"\\\\+\") (read_line()))) in\n \n let ans = ref \"\" in\n \n Array.sort (fun a b -> a - b) values;\n Array.iter (fun x -> ans := sprintf \"%s%d+\" !ans x) values;\n printf \"%s\\n\" (String.sub !ans 0 ((String.length !ans) - 1));\n", "src_uid": "76c7312733ef9d8278521cf09d3ccbc8"} {"source_code": "open Printf\n\nlet (n,a,b,c) = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d %d %d \" (fun x a b c -> (x,a,b,c));;\n\nlet min_cut = min a (min b c);;\nlet d = Array.make (n+1) 0;;\n\nlet flag = Array.make (n+1) false in\n flag.(0)<- true;\n\n for i = 0 to n do\n if (flag.(i)) then\n begin\n if (i+a<=n && d.(i)+1 > d.(i+a) ) then\n begin\n d.(i+a) <- d.(i)+1;\n flag.(i+a)<-true\n end;\n if (i+b<=n && d.(i)+1 > d.(i+b) ) then\n begin\n d.(i+b) <- d.(i)+1;\n flag.(i+b)<- true\n end;\n if (i+c<=n && d.(i)+1 > d.(i+c) ) then\n begin\n d.(i+c) <- d.(i)+1;\n flag.(i+c) <- true\n end;\n end;\n (* Array.iter (fun x -> printf \"%d \" x) d;\n printf \"\\n\"\n *)\n done\n\nlet () = printf \"%d\\n\" d.(n);;\n", "src_uid": "062a171cc3ea717ea95ede9d7a1c3a43"} {"source_code": "let word = Scanf.scanf \"%s\" (fun s -> s)\n\nlet count () = \n let l = String.length word in\n let rec loop i lowers uppers = \n if i < l\n then\n if word.[i] = Char.uppercase word.[i]\n then \n loop (i + 1) lowers (uppers + 1)\n else\n loop (i + 1) (lowers + 1) uppers\n else\n (lowers, uppers)\n in loop 0 0 0\n\nlet solve (lowers, uppers) =\n if uppers > lowers\n then\n String.uppercase word\n else\n String.lowercase word\n\nlet print result = Printf.printf \"%s\\n\" result\n\nlet () = print (solve (count ()))", "src_uid": "b432dfa66bae2b542342f0b42c0a2598"} {"source_code": "let rec fix f x = f (fix f) x;;\nScanf.(\n let n = scanf \" %d\" @@ fun v -> v in\n let a = Array.init n @@ fun _ -> scanf \" %d\" @@ fun v -> v in\n fix (fun f i x ->\n if i=n then (\n if x mod 360 = 0 then (\n print_endline \"YES\"; exit 0\n )\n ) else (\n f (i+1) (x+a.(i));\n f (i+1) (x-a.(i));\n )\n ) 0 0;\n print_endline \"NO\"\n)", "src_uid": "01b50fcba4185ceb1eb8e4ba04a0cc10"} {"source_code": "let ( + ) : 'a -> 'a -> 'a = fun x y -> assert false\n \nlet ( * ) : 'a -> 'a -> 'a = fun x y -> assert false\n \nlet ( - ) : 'a -> 'a -> 'a = fun x y -> assert false\n \nlet ( / ) : 'a -> 'a -> 'a = fun x y -> assert false\n \nlet ( ~- ) : 'a -> 'a -> 'a = fun x y -> assert false\n \nlet ( @@ ) f x = f x\n \nlet ( |> ) x f = f x\n \nlet mult (a : (int64 array) array) b =\n let a00 = a.(0).(0) in\n let a01 = a.(0).(1) in\n let a10 = a.(1).(0) in\n let a11 = a.(1).(1) in\n let b00 = b.(0).(0) in\n let b01 = b.(0).(1) in\n let b10 = b.(1).(0) in\n let b11 = b.(1).(1)\n in\n [|\n [|\n Int64.rem (Int64.add (Int64.mul a00 b00) (Int64.mul a01 b10))\n 1000000007L;\n Int64.rem (Int64.add (Int64.mul a00 b01) (Int64.mul a01 b11))\n 1000000007L\n |];\n [|\n Int64.rem (Int64.add (Int64.mul a10 b00) (Int64.mul a11 b10))\n 1000000007L;\n Int64.rem (Int64.add (Int64.mul a10 b01) (Int64.mul a11 b11))\n 1000000007L\n |]\n |]\n \nlet rec pow arr n =\n if n = 0L\n then [| [| 1L; 0L |]; [| 0L; 1L |] |]\n else\n if n = 1L\n then arr\n else\n if (Int64.rem n 2L) = 0L\n then pow (mult arr arr) (Int64.div n 2L)\n else (mult arr) @@ (pow arr (Int64.sub n 1L))\n \nlet solve x y n =\n let arr = [| [| 1L; (-1L) |]; [| 1L; 0L |] |] in\n let arr = pow arr (Int64.sub n 1L)\n in\n (Printf.eprintf \"%Ld %Ld\\n%Ld %Ld\\n\" arr.(0).(0) arr.(0).(1) arr.(1).(0)\n arr.(1).(1);\n let ans =\n Int64.rem\n (Int64.add (Int64.mul arr.(1).(0) y) (Int64.mul arr.(1).(1) x))\n 1000000007L\n in\n (Printf.printf \"%Ld\\n\") @@\n (if ans < 0L then Int64.add ans 1000000007L else ans))\n \nlet () = Scanf.scanf \"%Ld %Ld %Ld \" (fun x y n -> solve x y n)\n", "src_uid": "2ff85140e3f19c90e587ce459d64338b"} {"source_code": "module Array = ArrayLabels\n \nmodule List = ListLabels\n \nlet pf = Printf.printf\n \nlet sf = Scanf.scanf\n \nexternal uget : 'a array -> int -> 'a = \"%obj_field\"\n \nexternal uset : 'a array -> int -> 'a -> unit = \"%obj_set_field\"\n \nlet ( |> ) x f = f x\n \nlet ps = [| 2; 3; 5; 7; 11; 13; 17; 19; 23; 29; 31; 37; 41; 43; 47; 53 |]\n \nlet rev_ps =\n let r = Array.create 60 (-1)\n in (Array.iteri ps ~f: (fun i x -> uset r x i); r)\n \nlet np = Array.length ps\n \nlet inf = 1_000_000\n \nlet p16 = 1 lsl (Array.length ps)\n \nlet dp = Array.create_matrix (100 + 1) p16 ((-1), (-1), inf)\n \nlet rec unique ls =\n match ls with\n | [] | [ _ ] -> ls\n | x :: y :: ls when x = y -> unique (x :: ls)\n | x :: ls -> x :: (unique ls)\n \nlet pd =\n Array.init 59\n ~f:\n (fun n ->\n if (n = 0) || (n = 1)\n then 0\n else\n (let rec iter n i =\n if i = n\n then [ n ]\n else\n if (n mod i) = 0\n then i :: (iter (n / i) 2)\n else iter n (i + 1) in\n let ps = (iter n 2) |> unique in\n let res = ref 0 in\n let cnt = ref 0\n in\n (List.iter ps\n ~f:\n (fun i ->\n (res := !res lor (1 lsl (uget rev_ps i)); incr cnt));\n !res)))\n \nlet solve n arr =\n (uset (uget dp 0) 0 ((-1), (-1), 0);\n for i = 0 to n - 1 do\n (let cur = i in\n let next = i + 1\n in\n for state = 0 to p16 - 1 do\n for j = 1 to 58 do\n let (prev, _, cost) = uget (uget dp cur) state\n in\n if cost < inf\n then\n if (state land (uget pd j)) = 0\n then\n (let state' = state lor (uget pd j) in\n let (_, _, c) = uget (uget dp next) state'\n in\n if (cost + (abs ((uget arr i) - j))) < c\n then\n uset (uget dp next) state'\n (state, j, (cost + (abs ((uget arr i) - j))))\n else ())\n else ()\n else ()\n done\n done)\n done;\n let (min_idx, min) = ((ref (-1)), (ref inf))\n in\n (for i = 0 to p16 - 1 do\n (let (_, _, c) = uget (uget dp n) i\n in if !min > c then (min_idx := i; min := c) else ())\n done;\n let rec iter i s =\n if i <= 0\n then []\n else\n (let (prev, v, _) = uget (uget dp i) s in v :: (iter (i - 1) prev))\n in\n (((iter n !min_idx) |> List.rev) |>\n (List.iter ~f: (fun i -> pf \"%d \" i));\n pf \"\\n\")))\n \nlet () =\n sf \"%d \"\n (fun n -> solve n (Array.init n ~f: (fun _ -> sf \"%d \" (fun i -> i))))\n \n", "src_uid": "f26c74f27bbc723efd69c38ad0e523c6"} {"source_code": "let [n; t] = read_line () |> Str.(split (regexp \" \")) |> List.map int_of_string\n\nlet x = Array.init n (fun i -> Array.make (i+1) 0.)\n\nlet pour i j amount =\n x.(i).(j) <- x.(i).(j) +. amount\n\nlet () =\n for _t = 1 to t do\n x.(0).(0) <- x.(0).(0) +. 1.;\n for i = 0 to n - 2 do\n for j = 0 to i do\n if x.(i).(j) > 1. then\n let drop = (x.(i).(j) -. 1.) /. 2. in\n pour (i+1) j drop;\n pour (i+1) (j+1) drop;\n x.(i).(j) <- 1.\n done\n done\n done;\n let r = ref 0 in\n for i = 0 to n-1 do\n for j = 0 to i do\n if x.(i).(j) >= 1. then\n incr r\n done\n done;\n Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" !r\n", "src_uid": "b2b49b7f6e3279d435766085958fb69d"} {"source_code": "let input () = Scanf.scanf \"%s %s\" (fun s0 s1 -> s0, s1) \n\nlet solve (s0, s1) = String.compare (String.lowercase s0) (String.lowercase s1)\n\nlet print result = Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" result\n\nlet () = print (solve (input ()))", "src_uid": "ffeae332696a901813677bd1033cf01e"} {"source_code": "let ( + ) : 'a -> 'a -> 'a = fun x y -> assert false\n \nlet ( * ) : 'a -> 'a -> 'a = fun x y -> assert false\n \nlet ( - ) : 'a -> 'a -> 'a = fun x y -> assert false\n \nlet ( / ) : 'a -> 'a -> 'a = fun x y -> assert false\n \nlet ( ~- ) : 'a -> 'a -> 'a = fun x y -> assert false\n \nlet ( @@ ) f x = f x\n \nlet ( |> ) x f = f x\n \nlet solve n m k =\n let low = max 0L (Int64.add (Int64.sub k m) 1L) in\n let high = min k (Int64.sub n 1L)\n in\n if low > high\n then Printf.printf \"-1\\n\"\n else\n (let x =\n Int64.mul (Int64.div n (Int64.add low 1L))\n (Int64.div m (Int64.add (Int64.sub k low) 1L)) in\n let y =\n Int64.mul (Int64.div n (Int64.add high 1L))\n (Int64.div m (Int64.add (Int64.sub k high) 1L))\n in (Printf.printf \"%Ld\\n\") @@ (max x y))\n \nlet () = Scanf.scanf \"%Ld %Ld %Ld \" (fun n m k -> solve n m k)\n", "src_uid": "bb453bbe60769bcaea6a824c72120f73"} {"source_code": "(*************** Ocaml stdio functions **********************)\nlet stdin_stream = Stream.of_channel stdin;;\nlet stdout_buffer = Buffer.create 65536;;\nlet rec gi() =\n match Stream.next stdin_stream with\n '-' -> - (ri 0)\n | '+' -> ri 0\n | '0'..'9' as c -> ri ((int_of_char c) - 48)\n | _ -> gi ()\nand ri x =\n match Stream.next stdin_stream with\n '0'..'9' as c -> ri (((int_of_char c) - 48) + (x * 10))\n | _ -> x\n;;\nlet flushout () = Buffer.output_buffer stdout stdout_buffer; Buffer.reset stdout_buffer;;\nlet putchar c =\n if (Buffer.length stdout_buffer) >= 65536 then flushout() else ();\n Buffer.add_char stdout_buffer c;;\nlet rec ppi i = if i < 10 then putchar (char_of_int (48 + i)) else (ppi (i / 10); putchar (char_of_int (48 + (i mod 10)))) ;;\nlet pi i = if i >= 0 then ppi i else (putchar ('-'); ppi (-i));;\nlet pa a = let n = Array.length a in Array.iteri (fun i j -> pi j; putchar (if i == (n-1) then '\\n' else ' ')) a;;\n(*************** Ocaml solution ******************************)\nopen Array\nlet main() =\n let s = Scanf.scanf \"%s\" (fun i -> i) in\n let l = String.length s in\n let rec f i k ch = \n if i == l then 1\n else (match k with\n (1|2|3|4) -> (if s.[i] == ch then f (i+1) (k+1) ch else (1 + (f (i+1) 1 s.[i])))\n | _ -> 1 + (f (i + 1) 1 s.[i])\n )\n in \n Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" (f 1 1 s.[0])\n ;;\nmain();;\nflushout ()", "src_uid": "5257f6b50f5a610a17c35a47b3a0da11"} {"source_code": "let _ =\n let sb = Scanf.Scanning.stdib in\n let k = Scanf.bscanf sb \"%d \" (fun s -> s) in\n let b = Scanf.bscanf sb \"%d \" (fun s -> s) in\n let n = Scanf.bscanf sb \"%d \" (fun s -> s) in\n let t = Scanf.bscanf sb \"%d \" (fun s -> s) in\n let x = ref 1L in\n let d = ref 0 in\n while !x <= Int64.of_int t do\n x := Int64.add (Int64.mul !x (Int64.of_int k)) (Int64.of_int b);\n incr d;\n done;\n let res = max (n - !d + 1) 0 in\n Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" res;\n", "src_uid": "e2357a1f54757bce77dce625772e4f18"} {"source_code": "\nlet func str ch=\n let cnt=ref 0 in\n for i=1 to String.length(str) do\n if (!cnt!=7 && str.[i-1]==ch) then cnt:=!cnt+1\n else if !cnt!=7 then cnt:=0\n done;\n \n if !cnt==7 then 1 else 0;;\n\n\nlet str=read_line();;\nif ((func str '1')+(func str '0')>0) then print_endline(\"YES\")\nelse print_endline(\"NO\")\n", "src_uid": "ed9a763362abc6ed40356731f1036b38"} {"source_code": "let (n, k) = Scanf.scanf \"%d %Ld\" (fun n -> fun k -> (n, k));;\n\nlet b2i b = if b then 1 else 0;;\n\nlet rec count (memo: int64 array) str l r chki chkr = \n\tif l > r then 1L\n\telse \n\t\tlet idx = (l * 2 + b2i chki) * 2 + b2i chkr in\n\t\tif memo.(idx) > -1L\n\t\tthen memo.(idx)\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tlet ans = ref 0L in\n\t\t\tfor bl = 0 to 1 do\n\t\t\t\tif str.(l) = -1 || str.(l) = bl then\n\t\t\t\tfor br = 0 to 1 do\n\t\t\t\t\tif l < r || bl = br then\n\t\t\t\t\tif str.(r) = -1 || str.(r) = br then\n\t\t\t\t\tif not (chki && bl = br && bl = 1) && not (chkr && bl > br) then\n\t\t\t\t\t\tans := Int64.add !ans (count memo str (l + 1) (r - 1) (chki && not (bl = 0 && br = 0)) (chkr && not (bl < br)))\n\t\t\t\tdone;\n\t\t\tdone;\n\t\t\tmemo.(idx) <- !ans;\n\t\t\t!ans\n;;\n\nlet str = Array.create n (-1);;\nlet new_memo = Array.create (4*n) (-1L);;\nlet do_count () = count (Array.copy new_memo) str 0 (n - 1) true true;;\n\nif do_count () <= k\nthen print_endline \"-1\"\nelse \n\tlet rk = ref (k) in\n\t\tfor i = 0 to n - 1 do\n\t\t\tstr.(i) <- 0;\n\t\t\tlet f = do_count () in begin\n\t\t\t\tif !rk >= f then begin\n\t\t\t\t\trk := Int64.sub !rk f;\n\t\t\t\t\tstr.(i) <- 1;\n\t\t\t\tend\n\t\t\tend\n\t\tdone;\n\nfor i = 0 to n - 1 do\n\tPrintf.printf \"%d\" str.(i)\ndone;\nprint_newline ();;\n", "src_uid": "0a4a418dafaee71f1b31c928fc2ad24a"} {"source_code": "(* load str.cma *)\nlet n = int_of_string (input_line stdin);;\nlet a = List.map int_of_string (Str.split (Str.regexp \" +\") (input_line stdin));;\n\nlet calc a t = let a1 = t - (List.hd a) and\n ar = List.filter (( < ) 0) (List.map (fun x -> x - t + 1) (List.tl a))\n in max a1 (List.fold_left ( + ) 0 ar);;\n\nlet rec range i j = if i > j then [] else i :: (range (i+1) j);;\n\nlet t1 = List.hd a and\n t2 = List.fold_left max 0 a\n in let x=List.map (calc a) (range t1 (t2+1))\n in print_int (List.fold_left min 1000 x);;\nprint_string \"\\n\";;\n", "src_uid": "aa8fabf7c817dfd3d585b96a07bb7f58"} {"source_code": "let (|>) x f = f x ;;\nlet (@@) f x = f x ;;\n\nlet ident x = x ;;\n\nlet char_to_int x = int_of_char x - int_of_char '0' ;;\nlet int_to_char x = char_of_int (x + int_of_char '0') ;;\n\nmodule List = struct\n include ListLabels ;;\n\n let rec iteri i f = function\n | [] -> ()\n | a::l -> f i a; iteri (i + 1) f l\n\n let iteri ~f l = iteri 0 f l\nend\n;;\n\nmodule Array = struct\n include ArrayLabels ;;\n\n let reduce ~f xs =\n let acc = ref xs.(0) in\n for i = 1 to length xs - 1 do\n acc := f !acc xs.(i)\n done;\n !acc\n ;;\nend\n;;\n\nmodule String = struct\n include StringLabels ;;\n\n let map_to_list ~f ss =\n let res = ref [] in\n iter ss ~f:(fun c -> res := f c :: !res);\n List.rev !res\n ;;\n\n let of_char_list ss =\n let res = String.create @@ List.length ss in\n List.iteri ss ~f:(fun i c -> res.[i] <- c);\n res\n ;;\n\n let iteri ~f a =\n for i = 0 to length a - 1 do f i (unsafe_get a i) done\n ;;\nend\n;;\n\nmodule Float = struct\n let (+) = (+.)\n let (-) = (-.)\n let ( * ) = ( *. )\n let (/) = (/.)\nend\n;;\n\nmodule Int64 = struct\n include Int64\n let (+) = add\n let (-) = sub\n let ( * ) = mul\n let (/) = div\nend\n;;\n\nlet fold_for ?(skip=1) min max ~init ~f =\n let acc = ref init in\n let cur = ref min in\n while !cur < max do\n acc := f !acc !cur;\n cur := !cur + skip;\n done;\n !acc\n;;\n\nlet iter_for ?(skip=1) min max ~f =\n let cur = ref min in\n while !cur < max do\n f !cur;\n cur := !cur + skip;\n done\n;;\n\nlet () =\n let m = Scanf.scanf \"%d \" ident in\n let cs = fold_for 0 m ~init:[] ~f:(fun acc _ ->\n Scanf.scanf \"%d \" ident :: acc) |> List.rev in\n let x, y = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d \" (fun x y -> x, y) in\n let sum = List.fold_left cs ~init:0 ~f:(+) in\n let res = ref (-1) in\n Printf.eprintf \"%d %d %d\\n\" x y sum;\n try \n List.fold_left cs ~init:(1, 0, sum) ~f:(fun (i, a, b) cur ->\n Printf.eprintf \"x, a, b = %d, %d, %d\\n\" cur a b;\n if x <= a && a <= y && x <= b && b <= y then (res := i; raise Exit)\n else (i + 1, a + cur, b - cur));\n print_endline \"0\";\n with \n | Exit -> Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" !res\n;;\n", "src_uid": "e595a1d0c0e4bbcc99454d3148b4557b"} {"source_code": "let [a; b]= List.map (Int64.of_string) (Str.split (Str.regexp \" \") (read_line ())) and ans= ref 0L;;\nlet bb= Array.make 65 0 and x= ref 0L and p= ref 0L;;\nfor i= 2 to 63 do\n\tfor j= 1 to i - 1 do\n\t\tfor k= 1 to i do Array.set bb k 1 done;\n\t\tArray.set bb j 0;\n\t\tx := 0L; p := 1L;\n\t\tfor k= 1 to i do \n\t\t\tif bb.(k) = 1 then x := Int64.add !x !p;\n\t\t\tp := Int64.mul !p 2L;\n\t\tdone;\n\t\tif a <= !x && !x <= b then\n\t\t\tans := Int64.add !ans 1L;\n\tdone\ndone;;\nprint_endline (Int64.to_string !ans)\n", "src_uid": "581f61b1f50313bf4c75833cefd4d022"} {"source_code": "let ( + ) = Int64.add\nlet ( * ) = Int64.mul\nlet ( - ) = Int64.sub\nlet ( mod ) = Int64.rem\nlet two = Int64.one + Int64.one\nlet one = Int64.one\nlet zero = Int64.zero\nlet three = Int64.succ two\n\nlet mult arr1 arr2 =\n let norm n = n mod (Int64.of_int 1000000007) in\n let ((a1,a2),(a3,a4)) = arr1 in\n let ((b1,b2),(b3,b4)) = arr2 in \n (((norm (a1*b1+a2*b3)),(norm (a1*b2+a2*b4))),((norm (a3*b1+a4*b3)),(norm (a3*b2 + a4*b4))))\n;;\n\nlet solve = \n let n = Scanf.scanf \"%Ld\\n\" (fun n -> n) in\n let startarr = ((zero,three),(one,two)) in\n let rec doRest arr power =\n match (n - power) with \n | num when num = zero -> arr\n | _ -> doRest (mult arr startarr) (power+one) \n in\n let rec arrayPower arr power =\n match (two*power) with \n | nxtPower when (nxtPower > n) -> doRest arr power \n | nxtPower -> arrayPower (mult arr arr) nxtPower\n in\n let ((sol,_),(_,_)) = arrayPower startarr one in\n Printf.printf \"%Ld\\n\" sol\n;;", "src_uid": "77627cc366a22e38da412c3231ac91a8"} {"source_code": "let read_int _ = Scanf.bscanf Scanf.Scanning.stdib \" %d\" (fun x -> x)\nlet (|>) x f = f x\n\nlet rep n f =\n let rec go i acc =\n if i >= n then\n List.rev acc\n else\n go (i+1) (f i::acc)\n in go 0 []\n\nlet () =\n let [a;b;c;d] = rep 4 read_int |> List.sort compare in\n (match max (a+b-c) (b+c-d) with\n | 0 -> \"SEGMENT\"\n | x when x > 0 -> \"TRIANGLE\"\n | _ -> \"IMPOSSIBLE\") |> print_endline", "src_uid": "8f5df9a41e6e100aa65b9fc1d26e447a"} {"source_code": "let [a; b]= List.map (int_of_string) (Str.split (Str.regexp \" \") (read_line ()));;\nPrintf.printf \"%d %d\\n\" (min a b) (((max a b)-(min a b))/2)\n\n", "src_uid": "775766790e91e539c1cfaa5030e5b955"} {"source_code": "let rec digits n =\n if n <= 7 then\n 1\n else\n 1 + digits ((n + 6) / 7)\n\nlet show display offset digits number =\n let r = ref number in\n for i = offset + digits - 1 downto offset do\n display.(i) <- !r mod 7;\n r := !r / 7\n done\n\nlet distinct array =\n let r = ref true in\n let right = Array.length array - 1 in\n for i = 0 to right do\n for j = i + 1 to right do\n if array.(i) == array.(j) then\n r := false\n done\n done;\n !r\n\nlet () =\n match read_line () |> Str.(split (regexp \" \")) |> List.map int_of_string with\n | [n; m] ->\n let digits_h = digits n in\n let digits_m = digits m in\n let digits = digits_h + digits_m in\n if digits > 7 then\n print_endline \"0\"\n else\n let display = Array.make digits 0 in\n let r = ref 0 in\n for hour = 0 to n - 1 do\n for min = 0 to m - 1 do\n show display 0 digits_h hour;\n show display digits_h digits_m min;\n if distinct display then\n incr r\n done\n done;\n print_int !r;\n print_newline ()\n | _ -> assert false\n", "src_uid": "0930c75f57dd88a858ba7bb0f11f1b1c"} {"source_code": "let m = function \"monday\"->0 | \"tuesday\"->1 | \"wednesday\"->2 | \"thursday\"->3 | \"friday\"->4 | \"saturday\"->5 | \"sunday\" -> 6 and\nms = [31; 28; 31; 30; 31; 30; 31; 31; 30; 31; 30] in\nlet a = m @@ read_line () and\nb = m @@ read_line () in\nlet c = List.filter (fun x -> ( a + x ) mod 7 == b ) ms in \nprint_string @@ if List.length c > 0 then \"YES\" else \"NO\"", "src_uid": "2a75f68a7374b90b80bb362c6ead9a35"} {"source_code": "let solve a = print_string \"1\"; for i= 1 to a-1 do print_string \"0\" done;;\nlet [n; m]= Str.split (Str.regexp \" \") (read_line ());;\nif n = \"1\" && m = \"10\" then\n\tprint_string \"-1\"\nelse if m = \"10\" then\n\tsolve (int_of_string n) \nelse\n\tfor i= 1 to int_of_string n do print_string m done;;\nprint_endline \"\"\n", "src_uid": "77ffc1e38c32087f98ab5b3cb11cd2ed"} {"source_code": "let rec ajoute_fin x y = function\n\t| []\t-> [x;y]\n\t| t::q\t-> t::(ajoute_fin x y q) \n\nlet rec joue res win t p1 p2 =\n\ttry (let a = Hashtbl.find t (!p1,!p2) in win := 0)\n\twith Not_found ->\n\tbegin\n\t\tincr res;\n\t\tHashtbl.add t (!p1,!p2) ();\n\t\tmatch (!p1,!p2) with\n\t\t\t| _,[]\t\t-> win := 1\n\t\t\t| [],_\t\t-> win := 2\n\t\t\t| (a::b),(c::d)\t->\n\t\t\tbegin\n\t\t\tif a > c\n\t\t\t\tthen (p1 := ajoute_fin c a b; p2 := d)\n\t\t\t\telse (p2 := ajoute_fin a c d; p1 := b);\n\t\t\t\tjoue res win t p1 p2;\n\t\t\tend\n\tend\n\nlet _ =\n\tlet k1 = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d \" (fun _ i -> i) and l1 = ref [] in\n\t\tfor i = 1 to k1 do\n\t\t\tScanf.scanf \"%d \" (fun j -> l1 := j:: !l1);\n\t\tdone;\n\tlet k2 = Scanf.scanf \"%d\" (fun i -> i) and l2 = ref [] in\n\t\tfor i = 1 to k2 do\n\t\t\tScanf.scanf \" %d\" (fun j -> l2 := j :: !l2);\n\t\tdone;\n\tlet res = ref (-1) and win = ref 42 and p1 = ref (List.rev !l1)\n\tand p2 = ref (List.rev !l2) and t = Hashtbl.create 0 in\n\t\tjoue res win t p1 p2;\n\tif !win = 0\n\t\tthen Printf.printf \"-1\"\n\t\telse Printf.printf \"%d %d\" (!res) (!win)\n", "src_uid": "f587b1867754e6958c3d7e0fe368ec6e"} {"source_code": "let read1 () = Scanf.scanf \"%d\\n\" ( fun x -> x );;\nlet read2 () = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d\\n\" ( fun x y -> x, y );;\nlet read3 () = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d %d\\n\" ( fun x y z -> x, y, z);;\nlet read x = (if x = 0 then Scanf.scanf \"%d\\n\" else Scanf.scanf \"%d \") ( fun x -> x );;\n\nlet (+$) x y =\n if x > max_int - y then max_int\n else x + y;;\n\nlet rec ( *$ ) x y =\n if y = 0 then 0 else\n if y mod 2 = 1 then x *$ (y-1) +$ x\n else let a = x *$ (y/2) in a +$ a;;\n\nlet (+|) = Int64.add;;\nlet (-|) = Int64.sub;;\nlet ( *| ) = Int64.mul;;\nlet ( /| ) = Int64.div;;\nlet two_64 = Int64.one +| Int64.one;;\n\nlet dajLiczbe x =\n (Char.code x) -\n (Char.code 'a') + 1;;\n \nlet naKrawedzi x =\n match x with\n | 1 -> 1\n | 8 -> 1\n | _ -> 0;;\n \nlet policz x y =\n let count = (naKrawedzi x) + (naKrawedzi y) in\n match count with\n | 0 -> 8\n | 1 -> 5\n | 2 -> 3\n | _ -> begin assert(false); 0 end;;\n\nlet readInput () = Scanf.scanf \"%c%d\\n\" (fun x y -> x, y);;\n\nlet _ =\n let (a,b) = readInput () in\n Printf.printf \"%d\" (policz (dajLiczbe a) b);;\n", "src_uid": "6994331ca6282669cbb7138eb7e55e01"} {"source_code": "\nlet words s = Str.split (Str.regexp \" \") s;;\n\nlet check n lst =\n let threshold = List.nth lst (n - 1)\n in\n List.length (List.filter (fun m -> 0 < m && threshold <= m) lst)\n;;\n\nlet rec take lst n = \n match (lst, n) with\n [], _ -> []\n | lst, 0 -> lst\n | x::xs, n -> x::(take xs (n - 1))\n;; \n\nlet () =\n let nk = words (read_line ()) in\n let [n; k;] = List.map int_of_string nk in\n let score_line = take (words (read_line ())) n in\n let scores = List.map int_of_string score_line\n in\n Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" (check k scores)\n;;\n", "src_uid": "193ec1226ffe07522caf63e84a7d007f"} {"source_code": "let read_int () = Scanf.scanf \" %d \" (fun x -> x);;\nlet read_long () = Scanf.scanf \" %Ld \" (fun x -> x);;\nlet read_pair () = let a = read_long () in ( a , read_long () );;\n\nlet n , k = read_pair ();;\n\nlet (++) a b = Int64.add a b\nlet (--) a b = Int64.sub a b\nlet ( ** ) a b = Int64.mul a b\nlet (//) a b = Int64.div a b\n\nlet rec solve sum ans =\n (*Printf.printf \"%Ld %Ld\\n\" sum ans;*)\n let a = sum ++ Int64.of_int 1 and b = sum -- (k -- ans ++ Int64.of_int 2) ++ Int64.of_int 2 ** (k -- ans ++ Int64.of_int 1) in\n if ans >= k then Printf.printf \"-1\\n\"\n else if Int64.compare a n <=0 && Int64.compare b n >= 0 then\n Printf.printf \"%Ld\\n\" ans\n else solve b (ans ++ Int64.of_int 1);;\n\nlet binary_search () =\n let left = ref (Int64.of_int 2) and right = ref (k -- Int64.of_int 1) in\n (*Printf.printf \"%Ld %Ld\\n\" !left !right;*)\n while !left <= !right do\n let mid = ((!left ++ !right)//(Int64.of_int 2)) in let a = ((mid ** (Int64.of_int 2 ** k -- Int64.of_int 1\n -- mid)) // Int64.of_int 2 ++ Int64.of_int 1) in \n if a < n then left := mid ++ (Int64.of_int 1) \n else right := mid -- (Int64.of_int 1)\n done;\n !left;;\n\nif n = Int64.of_int 1 then Printf.printf \"0\\n\"\nelse if n>= Int64.of_int 2 && n<=k then Printf.printf \"1\\n\"\nelse let ans = binary_search () in if ans <= (k -- Int64.of_int 1) then\n Printf.printf \"%Ld\\n\" ans\n else Printf.printf \"-1\\n\";;\n", "src_uid": "83bcfe32db302fbae18e8a95d89cf411"} {"source_code": "let rand_int()=Scanf.scanf \" %d\" (fun x->x);;\nlet n=rand_int();;\nlet tab=Array.init n (fun i->rand_int());;\n\nlet l=ref [];;\n\nlet rec inserer v=function\n|[]->[v]\n|h::t->if v()\n|h::t->print_int h;print_string \" \";print_list t;;\n\nprint_list !l;;", "src_uid": "ae20712265d4adf293e75d016b4b82d8"} {"source_code": "module Std = struct\n\n module List = struct\n include List\n module L = List\n let map f lst = L.rev (L.rev_map f lst)\n let map2 f l1 l2 = L.rev (L.rev_map2 f l1 l2)\n let each_cons f lst = L.rev_map2 f (L.tl (L.rev lst)) (L.rev (L.tl lst))\n let append x y = L.rev (L.rev_append x y)\n let fold = L.fold_left\n end\n\n let ( |> ) x f = f x\n let ( <| ) f x = f x\n let ( ~. ) = float_of_int\n let ( @ ) = List.append\n\n let rec repeat n f x = if n = 0 then x else repeat (n-1) f (f x)\n\n let di x = prerr_endline (string_of_int x); x\n let df f = prerr_endline (string_of_float f); f\n let ds s = prerr_endline s; s\n \n let int () = Scanf.scanf \" %d\" (fun x -> x)\n let read_int = int\n let float () = Scanf.scanf \" %f\" (fun x -> x)\n let read_float = float\n let rec n_int n () = List.rev <| repeat n (fun lst -> int () :: lst) []\n let rec n_float n () = List.rev <| repeat n (fun lst -> float () :: lst) []\n\nend\n\nopen Std\nmodule L = List\n\n(* entry point *)\n\nlet min = L.fold min max_int\n\nlet () =\n print_int\n begin\n match n_int 8 () with\n [n;k;l;c;d;p;nl;np] ->\n (min [di(k*l/nl); di(c*d); di(p/np)]) / n \n | _ -> assert false\n end\n", "src_uid": "67410b7d36b9d2e6a97ca5c7cff317c1"} {"source_code": "\nlet list_1 = [\"zero\";\"one\";\"two\";\"three\";\"four\";\"five\";\"six\";\"seven\";\"eight\";\"nine\"];;\nlet list_2 = [\"ten\";\"eleven\";\"twelve\";\"thirteen\";\"fourteen\";\"fifteen\";\"sixteen\";\"seventeen\";\"eighteen\";\"nineteen\"];;\nlet list_3 = [\"\";\"\";\"twenty-\";\"thirty-\";\"forty-\";\"fifty-\";\"sixty-\";\"seventy-\";\"eighty-\";\"ninety-\"];;\n\nlet rec toInt s cur ten value =\n if cur < 0 then value\n else toInt s ( cur - 1 ) ( ten * 10 ) ( value + ten * ( Char.code ( String.get s cur ) - Char.code '0' ) );;\n\n\nlet getWord s =\n let x = ( toInt s ( String.length s - 1 ) 1 0 ) in\n if 0 <= x && x <= 9 then Printf.printf \"%s\\n\" ( List.nth list_1 x )\n else if 10 <= x && x <= 19 then Printf.printf \"%s\\n\" ( List.nth list_2 ( x - 10 ) )\n else if ( x mod 10 ) = 0 then Printf.printf \"%s\\n\" ( String.sub ( List.nth list_3 ( x / 10 ) ) 0 ( String.length ( List.nth list_3 ( x / 10 ) ) - 1 ) )\n else Printf.printf \"%s%s\\n\" ( List.nth list_3 ( Char.code ( String.get s 0 ) - Char.code '0' ) ) ( List.nth list_1 ( Char.code ( String.get s 1 ) - Char.code '0' ) ) ;;\n\nlet s = Scanf.scanf \"%s\\n\" ( fun s -> s ) in getWord s;;\n", "src_uid": "a49ca177b2f1f9d5341462a38a25d8b7"} {"source_code": "let () =\n let n = Scanf.scanf \"%d \" (fun a -> a) in\n\n let rec pow (x, y) =\n if y = 0 then 1 else x * pow (x, y - 1)\n in\n let ans_l = [\"Sheldon\"; \"Leonard\"; \"Penny\"; \"Rajesh\"; \"Howard\"] in\n let rec aux acc cnt n =\n if acc < n then aux (acc*2) (cnt+1) (n-acc)\n else\n let i = pow (2, (cnt-1)) in\n let ans_i = if n mod i = 0 then (n/i) else n/i+1 in\n List.nth ans_l (ans_i-1)\n\n in\n\n Printf.printf \"%s\\n\" @@ aux 5 1 n\n", "src_uid": "023b169765e81d896cdc1184e5a82b22"} {"source_code": "let _ =\n let sb = Scanf.Scanning.stdib in\n let a = Array.make 4 0 in\n let b = Array.make 4 0 in\n for i = 0 to 3 do\n a.(i) <- Scanf.bscanf sb \"%d \" (fun s -> s);\n b.(i) <- Scanf.bscanf sb \"%d \" (fun s -> s);\n done;\n if (a.(0) > b.(2) && b.(1) > a.(3)) &&\n (a.(0) > b.(3) && b.(1) > a.(2)) ||\n (a.(1) > b.(2) && b.(0) > a.(3)) &&\n (a.(1) > b.(3) && b.(0) > a.(2))\n then Printf.printf \"Team 1\\n\"\n else if ((a.(0) < b.(2) && b.(1) < a.(3)) ||\n\t (a.(0) < b.(3) && b.(1) < a.(2))) &&\n ((a.(1) < b.(2) && b.(0) < a.(3)) ||\n\t (a.(1) < b.(3) && b.(0) < a.(2)))\n then Printf.printf \"Team 2\\n\"\n else Printf.printf \"Draw\\n\"\n", "src_uid": "1a70ed6f58028a7c7a86e73c28ff245f"} {"source_code": "let s= Array.of_list (Str.split (Str.regexp \" \") (read_line ())) and ans= ref 0;;\nlet x= int_of_string s.(0);;\nif s.(2) = \"week\" then\n\tlet day = ref 5 in\n\tbegin\n\t\tfor i = 1 to 366 do\n\t\t\tif !day = 8 then\n\t\t\t\tday := 1;\n\t\t\tif !day = x then\n\t\t\t\tans := !ans + 1;\n\t\t\tday := !day + 1\n\t\tdone;\n\t\tprint_int (!ans);\n\tend\nelse\n\tlet month= [|31; 29; 31; 30; 31; 30; 31; 31; 30; 31; 30; 31 |] in\n\tbegin\n\t\tfor i = 0 to 11 do\n\t\t\tif month.(i) >= x then\n\t\t\t\tans := !ans + 1\n\t\tdone;\n\t\tprint_int (!ans)\n\tend;;\n", "src_uid": "9b8543c1ae3666e6c163d268fdbeef6b"} {"source_code": "let read_int () = Scanf.bscanf Scanf.Scanning.stdib \" %d \" (fun x -> x) \n\nlet n = read_int()\n\nlet mmin = ref 0L\nlet mmax = ref 0L\n\nlet consider a b c =\n let aa = Int64.of_int (a+1) in\n let bb = Int64.of_int (b+2) in\n let cc = Int64.of_int (c+2) in\n let m = Int64.mul (Int64.mul aa bb) cc in\n if !mmin = 0L || m < !mmin then mmin := m;\n if !mmax = 0L || m > !mmax then mmax := m\n\nlet tryit a = (* we know that a divides into n *)\n let x = n/a in\n let rec loop b = \n let c = x/b in\n if c < b then () else (\n\tif b*c=x then consider a b c;\n\tloop (b+1)\n )\n in\n loop 1\n\nlet rec loop a = \n let x = n/a in\n if x < a then () else (\n if x*a=n then (\n\ttryit a;\n\ttryit x;\n );\n loop (a+1)\n )\n\nlet () = \n loop 1;\n let fix a = Int64.to_string (Int64.sub a (Int64.of_int n)) in\n Printf.printf \"%s %s\\n\" (fix !mmin) (fix !mmax);\n", "src_uid": "2468eead8acc5b8f5ddc51bfa2bd4fb7"} {"source_code": "let min_max a c = match a, c with\n 0, 0 -> print_string \"0 0\"\n| a, 0 -> Printf.printf \"%d %d\\n\" a a\n| 0, c -> print_string \"Impossible\\n\"\n| a, c -> Printf.printf \"%d %d\\n\" (max a c) (a + c - 1)\n;;\n\nScanf.scanf \"%d %d\" min_max;;\n\n", "src_uid": "1e865eda33afe09302bda9077d613763"} {"source_code": "let main () =\n let gr () = Scanf.scanf \" %d\" (fun i -> i) in \n let n = gr () in\n let k = gr () in\n let rec f x y = \n if y == 0 \n then x\n else \n if x mod 10 == 0 \n then f (x / 10) (y - 1) \n else f (x - 1) (y - 1) \n in\n Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" (f n k)\n ;;\nlet _ = main();;\n", "src_uid": "064162604284ce252b88050b4174ba55"} {"source_code": "let () =\n let a = Array.init 3 (fun _ -> read_line ()) in\n print_endline (if List.for_all (fun (x,y) -> a.(1-x).[1-y] = a.(1+x).[1+y])\n [-1,0; -1,1; 0,1; 1,1] then \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n", "src_uid": "6a5fe5fac8a4e3993dc3423180cdd6a9"} {"source_code": "let rec count_ring_amount k w h = \n\tif k = 0 then 0\n\telse 2*w + 2*h - 4 + count_ring_amount (k - 1) (w - 4) (h - 4);;\nlet (w, h, k) = Scanf.scanf \"%i %i %i\" (fun x y z -> (x, y, z));;\nPrintf.printf \"%i\" (count_ring_amount k w h);;", "src_uid": "2c98d59917337cb321d76f72a1b3c057"} {"source_code": "let _ =\n let sb = Scanf.Scanning.stdib in\n let s = Scanf.bscanf sb \"%s \" (fun s -> s) in\n let n = String.length s in\n let a = Array.make n 0 in\n let _ =\n for i = 0 to n - 1 do\n a.(i) <-\n\tmatch s.[i] with\n\t | 'R' -> 0\n\t | 'B' -> 1\n\t | 'Y' -> 2\n\t | 'G' -> 3\n\t | '!' -> -1\n\t | _ -> assert false\n done;\n in\n let b = Array.make 4 0 in\n let res = Array.make 4 0 in\n for i = 0 to n - 1 do\n if a.(i) >= 0\n then b.(i mod 4) <- a.(i)\n done;\n for i = 0 to n - 1 do\n if a.(i) < 0\n then res.(b.(i mod 4)) <- res.(b.(i mod 4)) + 1\n done;\n Printf.printf \"%d %d %d %d\\n\" res.(0) res.(1) res.(2) res.(3)\n", "src_uid": "64fc6e9b458a9ece8ad70a8c72126b33"} {"source_code": "let read1 () = Scanf.scanf \"%d\\n\" ( fun x -> x );;\nlet read2 () = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d\\n\" ( fun x y -> x, y );;\nlet read3 () = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d %d\\n\" ( fun x y z -> x, y, z);;\nlet read x = (if x = 0 then Scanf.scanf \"%d\\n\" else Scanf.scanf \"%d \") ( fun x -> x );;\n\nlet (+$) x y =\n if x > max_int - y then max_int\n else x + y;;\n\nlet rec ( *$ ) x y =\n if y = 0 then 0 else\n if y mod 2 = 1 then x *$ (y-1) +$ x\n else let a = x *$ (y/2) in a +$ a;;\n\nlet (+|) = Int64.add;;\nlet (-|) = Int64.sub;;\nlet ( *| ) = Int64.mul;;\nlet ( /| ) = Int64.div;;\nlet two_64 = Int64.one +| Int64.one;;\n\nlet inside (a,b) (c,d) (e,f) =\n let x1 = min c e\n and x2 = max c e\n and y1 = min d f\n and y2 = max d f in\n if x1 <= a && a <= x2 && ( b = y1 || b = y2 ) then true\n else if y1 <= b && b <= y2 && ( a = x1 || a = x2 ) then true\n else false;;\n\nlet wynik (a,b) (c,d) (e,f) =\n if a = c && c = e then 1\n else if b = d && d = f then 1\n else if inside (a,b) (c,d) (e,f) then 2\n else if inside (c,d) (a,b) (e,f) then 2\n else if inside (e,f) (a,b) (c,d) then 2\n else 3;;\n\nlet _ = \n let (a,b) = read2 ()\n and (c,d) = read2 ()\n and (e,f) = read2 () in\n Printf.printf \"%d\" ( wynik (a,b) (c,d) (e,f) );;\n\n", "src_uid": "36fe960550e59b046202b5811343590d"} {"source_code": "let read_int () = Scanf.bscanf Scanf.Scanning.stdib \" %d \" (fun x -> x) \n\nlet n = read_int()\nlet m = read_int()\n\nlet (n,m) = (min n m, max n m)\n\nlet answer = \n if n=1 then m\n else if n=2 then 4*(m/4) + \n (if m mod 4 = 0 then 0 else if m mod 4 = 1 then 2 else 4)\n else (n*m - ((n*m)/2))\nlet () = Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" answer\n", "src_uid": "e858e7f22d91aaadd7a48a174d7b2dc9"} {"source_code": "let () = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d\\n\" (fun n k ->\n let i = Array.init n (fun i -> Scanf.scanf \"%d%_c\" (fun x -> (x, i + 1))) in\n Array.sort compare i;\n let _, l = Array.fold_left (fun (a, l) (t, i) ->\n if a + t <= k then (a + t, i :: l)\n else (a + t, l)\n ) (0, []) i\n in\n let len = List.length l in\n Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" len;\n if len > 0 then\n print_endline (String.concat \" \" (List.map string_of_int l))\n)\n", "src_uid": "dbb164a8dd190e63cceba95a31690a7c"} {"source_code": "let read1 () = Scanf.scanf \"%d\\n\" ( fun x -> x );;\nlet read2 () = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d\\n\" ( fun x y -> x, y );;\nlet read3 () = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d %d\\n\" ( fun x y z -> x, y, z);;\nlet read x = (if x = 0 then Scanf.scanf \"%d\\n\" else Scanf.scanf \"%d \") ( fun x -> x );;\n\nlet (+$) x y =\n if x > max_int - y then max_int\n else x + y;;\n\nlet rec ( *$ ) x y =\n if y = 0 then 0 else\n if y mod 2 = 1 then x *$ (y-1) +$ x\n else let a = x *$ (y/2) in a +$ a;;\n\nlet (+|) = Int64.add;;\nlet (-|) = Int64.sub;;\nlet ( *| ) = Int64.mul;;\nlet ( /| ) = Int64.div;;\nlet two_64 = Int64.one +| Int64.one;;\n\nlet rec licz n b a =\n if n = 1 then\n let x = Scanf.scanf \"%Ld\\n\" (fun x -> x) in\n a *| b +| x\n else\n let x = Scanf.scanf \"%Ld \" (fun x -> x) in\n licz (n-1) b ( a *| b +| x );;\n\nlet _ = \n let (n,a) = Scanf.scanf \"%d %Ld\\n\" (fun x y -> x, y) in\n let sa = licz n a Int64.zero\n and (n,b) = Scanf.scanf \"%d %Ld\\n\" (fun x y -> x, y) in\n let sb = licz n b Int64.zero in\n Printf.printf \"%c\\n\" \n (if compare sa sb < 0 then '<' else if compare sa sb = 0 then '=' else '>');;\n\n\n", "src_uid": "d6ab5f75a7bee28f0af2bf168a0b2e67"} {"source_code": "Scanf.scanf \"%s\\n\" (fun w ->\n\tlet c = String.get w 0 in\n\tif (String.uppercase w = w) || (Char.lowercase c = c &&\n\t\tlet ss = (String.sub w 1 (String.length w - 1)) in\n\t\t\tString.uppercase ss = ss\n\t) then\n\tString.iter (fun c ->\n\t\tif Char.uppercase c = c \n\t\t\tthen print_char (Char.lowercase c) \n\t\t\telse print_char (Char.uppercase c)\n\t) w\n\telse print_string w\n);;\n", "src_uid": "db0eb44d8cd8f293da407ba3adee10cf"} {"source_code": "let _ =\n let n,i = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d\" (fun j k -> (j,k-1)) in\n let tab = Array.init n (fun _ -> Scanf.scanf \" %d\" (fun j -> j)) in\n let cpt = ref (tab.(i)) in\n for j = 1 to max (n-i-1) i do\n let ok_l = j > i || tab.(i-j) = 1 in\n let ok_r = i+j >= n || tab.(i+j) = 1 in\n if ok_l && ok_r\n then cpt := !cpt + (if j > i then 0 else 1)\n + (if i+j >= n then 0 else 1);\n done;\n Printf.printf \"%d\" !cpt\n", "src_uid": "4840d571d4ce6e1096bb678b6c100ae5"} {"source_code": "module A = Array\nmodule C = Char\nmodule I = Int64\nmodule L = List\nmodule Q = Queue\nmodule S = String\n\nlet pf = Printf.printf\nlet sf = Scanf.scanf\nlet ssf = Scanf.sscanf\n\nlet (|>) x f = f x\nlet (@@) f x = f x\n\nlet id x = x\nlet id2 x y = (x, y)\nlet id3 x y z = (x, y, z)\nlet id4 a b c d = (a, b, c, d)\nlet id5 a b c d e = (a, b, c, d, e)\n\nlet err s = raise (Failure s)\n\nlet inf = 1000000000\nlet eps = 1e-11\n\nlet _ =\n let n = sf \"%d \" id in\n let (a1, b1) = sf \"%d %d \" id2 in\n let (a2, b2) = sf \"%d %d \" id2 in\n let (a3, b3) = sf \"%d %d \" id2 in\n let rest = n - a1 - a2 - a3 in\n let u = min rest (b1 - a1) in\n let (rest, r1) = rest - u, a1 + u in\n let u = min rest (b2 - a2) in\n let (rest, r2) = rest - u, a2 + u in\n let u = min rest (b3 - a3) in\n let (rest, r3) = rest - u, a3 + u in\n pf \"%d %d %d\\n\" r1 r2 r3\n;;\n", "src_uid": "3cd092b6507079518cf206deab21cf97"} {"source_code": "(* The test is: 3 RGR Answer is: BG *)\n\nopen Printf\nopen Scanf\n\nlet read_int () = bscanf Scanning.stdib \" %d \" (fun x -> x)\nlet read_string () = bscanf Scanning.stdib \" %s \" (fun x -> x)\nlet () = \n let n = read_int () in\n let s = read_string () in\n\n let hist = Array.make 3 0 in\n\n for i=0 to n-1 do\n let c = match s.[i] with\n | 'B' -> 0\n | 'G' -> 1\n | 'R' -> 2\n | _ -> failwith \"bad input\"\n in\n hist.(c) <- 1 + hist.(c)\n done;\n\n let ar = [|(hist.(0), 0); (hist.(1), 1); (hist.(2),2)|] in\n\n Array.sort compare ar;\n\n let answer = if (fst ar.(0)) > 0 then [0;1;2]\n else if (fst ar.(1)) > 0 then (\n let k = fst ar.(1) in\n let l = fst ar.(2) in\n if (k,l) = (1,1) then [snd ar.(0)]\n else if k > 1 && l > 1 then [0;1;2]\n else if k = 1 then List.sort compare [snd ar.(0); snd ar.(1)]\n else failwith \"impossible\"\n )\n else [snd ar.(2)]\n in\n\n List.iter (fun i -> printf \"%c\" (\"BGR\".[i])) answer;\n print_newline()\n", "src_uid": "4cedd3b70d793bc8ed4a93fc5a827f8f"} {"source_code": "open Scanf\nopen Printf\n\nlet n, b = scanf \"%d %d\" (fun n b -> n, b)\n\nlet l = Array.to_list (Array.init n (fun i -> scanf \" %d\" (fun i -> i)))\n\nlet cost x y = abs (x - y)\n\nlet order l = List.sort compare l\n\nlet cost_l l =\n let rec loop l o e out =\n match l with\n | [] -> order out\n | [h] -> order out\n | h::(h'::_ as t) ->\n let o, e = if h mod 2 = 0 then o, e+1 else o+1, e in\n if o = e && o <> 0 then\n loop t o e ((cost h h')::out)\n else loop t o e out\n in loop l 0 0 []\n\nlet aggreg l b =\n List.fold_left\n (fun (outi, outc) c ->\n if outc + c <= b then\n (outi + 1, outc + c)\n else\n (outi, outc))\n (0, 0) l\n\nlet () =\n let c_l = cost_l l in\n let outi, outc = aggreg c_l b in\n printf \"%d\\n\" outi;\n ()\n", "src_uid": "b3f8e769ee7719ea5c9f458428b16a4e"} {"source_code": "(* Codeforces 266A Kamni - very easy *)\n\nopen List;;\nopen String;;\nopen Array;;\nopen Int64;;\nopen Printf;;\n\nlet gr () = Scanf.scanf \" %d\" (fun i -> i);;\nlet grf () = Scanf.scanf \" %f\" (fun i -> i);;\nlet grl () = Scanf.scanf \" %Ld\" (fun i -> i);;\nlet grs () = Scanf.scanf \" %s\" (fun s -> s);;\nlet rdln() = input_line Pervasives.stdin;;\n(* let spli s = Str.split (Str.regexp \" \") s;; *)\nlet printlisti li = List.iter (fun i -> (print_int i; print_string \" \")) li;;\nlet printarri ai = Array.iter (fun i -> (print_int i; print_string \" \")) ai;;\nlet printarri64 ai = Array.iter (fun i -> (print_string (Int64.to_string i); print_string \" \")) ai;;\nlet readpair () =\n\tlet a = gr() in\n\tlet b = gr() in\n\t(a, b);;\n\nlet rec readlist n acc = match n with\n\t| 0 -> acc\n\t| _ -> readlist (n - 1) (gr() :: acc);;\n\nlet rec countsame i n s acc = \n\tif i==(n-1) then acc\n\telse\n\t\tlet nacc = (if s.[i]==s.[i+1] then acc+1 else acc) in\n\t\tcountsame (i+1) n s nacc;;\t\n\nlet main () =\n\tlet n = gr () in\n\tlet s = grs() in\n\tlet ns = countsame 0 n s 0 in\n\t(print_int ns; print_newline());;\n\nmain();;\n", "src_uid": "d561436e2ddc9074b98ebbe49b9e27b8"} {"source_code": "let s=read_int() in\nlet rec find now = \n if s mod now=0 then Printf.printf \"%d %d\" now (s/now) else find (now-1) in\nfind (int_of_float (sqrt (float_of_int s)))", "src_uid": "f52af273954798a4ae38a1378bfbf77a"} {"source_code": "let rec gcd n m = \n match m with\n | 0 -> n\n | _ -> gcd m (n mod m)\n;;\n\nlet lcm n m = n * m / (gcd n m)\n\nlet handle_input n m z = \n let d = lcm n m in\n let count = z / d in\n begin\n print_int count;\n print_newline;\n end\n;;\n \n\nlet read_ints () =\n Scanf.bscanf Scanf.Scanning.stdin \"%i %i %i\" handle_input\n;;\n\nread_ints ();;", "src_uid": "e7ad55ce26fc8610639323af1de36c2d"} {"source_code": "let _ =\n Printf.printf \"25\\n\"\n", "src_uid": "dcaff75492eafaf61d598779d6202c9d"} {"source_code": "open Big_int\n\nlet yolo = Big_int.big_int_of_int 1000000007;;\n\nlet rec pow p x = function\n | 0 -> Big_int.big_int_of_int 1\n | i -> let sq = pow p x (i/2) in\n if i mod 2 = 0\n then Big_int.mod_big_int (Big_int.mult_big_int sq sq) p\n else Big_int.mod_big_int (Big_int.mult_big_int (Big_int.mod_big_int (Big_int.mult_big_int sq sq) p) x) p\n\nlet rec find tab i =\n if tab.(i) = i\n then i\n else find tab (tab.(i))\n\nlet main () =\n let (p,k) = Scanf.scanf \"%s %s\" (fun i j -> (Big_int.big_int_of_string i,Big_int.big_int_of_string j)) in\n let tab = Array.init (Big_int.int_of_big_int p) (fun i -> i) and tab' = Array.make (Big_int.int_of_big_int p) false and res = ref (-1) in\n for i = 0 to (Big_int.int_of_big_int p)-1 do\n tab.(i) <- find tab (tab.(Big_int.int_of_big_int (Big_int.mod_big_int(Big_int.mult_big_int k (Big_int.big_int_of_int i)) p)));\n done;\n for i = 0 to (Big_int.int_of_big_int p)-1 do\n let a = find tab (tab.(i)) in\n if not (tab'.(a))\n then (incr res; tab'.(a) <- true);\n done;\n match Big_int.int_of_big_int k with\n | 0 -> Printf.printf \"%s\" (Big_int.string_of_big_int (pow yolo p ((Big_int.int_of_big_int p) - 1)))\n | 1 -> Printf.printf \"%s\" (Big_int.string_of_big_int (pow yolo p (Big_int.int_of_big_int p)))\n | _ -> Printf.printf \"%s\" (Big_int.string_of_big_int (pow yolo p !res));;\n\nmain ();;\n", "src_uid": "580bf65af24fb7f08250ddbc4ca67e0e"} {"source_code": "let readLine () : int * int =\n let makePair x y = (x,y) in\n Scanf.sscanf (read_line ()) \"%d %d\" makePair\n\nlet getInput () = \n let numDays, sumTime = readLine () in\n let rec helper currDay accum =\n if currDay > numDays\n then accum\n else helper (currDay + 1) ((readLine ()) :: accum)\n in\n let workMinMaxes = List.rev (helper 1 []) in\n (numDays, sumTime, workMinMaxes)\n\nlet homogenizeConstraints sumTime dayConstraints =\n let folder (min, max) (currSumTime, newMaxes) = \n (currSumTime - min, max - min :: newMaxes)\n in\n List.fold_right folder dayConstraints (sumTime, [])\n\n(* this guy counts up *)\nlet getReducedWorkTimes reducedSum reducedMaxes =\n let folder reducedMax (currSum, workTimes) =\n let todaysWorkTime = min (reducedSum - currSum) reducedMax in\n (currSum + todaysWorkTime, todaysWorkTime :: workTimes)\n in\n List.fold_right folder reducedMaxes (0, [])\n\nlet negative = \"NO\\n\"\nlet positive = \"YES\\n\"\n\n(* main part *)\nlet () =\n let numDays, sumTime, dayBounds = getInput () in\n let reducedSumTime, reducedMaxes = homogenizeConstraints sumTime dayBounds in\n if reducedSumTime < 0\n then print_string negative\n else \n let (reducedTotalSum, reducedTimes) = getReducedWorkTimes reducedSumTime reducedMaxes in\n if reducedTotalSum < reducedSumTime\n then print_string negative\n else \n let actualWorkTimes = List.map2 (fun reducedTime (min, max) -> reducedTime + min) reducedTimes dayBounds in\n print_string positive;\n List.iter (Printf.printf \"%d \") actualWorkTimes;\n print_newline ();\n", "src_uid": "f48ff06e65b70f49eee3d7cba5a6aed0"} {"source_code": "(* Hungry Student Problem 903 A *)\n\n(* you can use either gr or rdln but not both *)\nlet gr () = Scanf.scanf \" %d\" (fun i -> i);;\nlet grf () = Scanf.scanf \" %f\" (fun i -> i);;\nlet grl () = Scanf.scanf \" %Ld\" (fun i -> i);;\nlet rdln() = input_line stdin;;\n(* let spli s = Str.split (Str.regexp \" \") s;; *)\nlet printlisti li = List.iter (fun i -> (print_int i; print_string \" \")) li;;\nlet printarri ai = Array.iter (fun i -> (print_int i; print_string \" \")) ai;;\nlet debug = false;;\n\nlet rec readlist n acc = match n with\n\t| 0 -> acc\n\t| _ -> readlist (n -1) (gr() :: acc);;\nlet printlisti li = List.iter (fun i -> (print_int i; print_string \" \")) li;;\n\nlet rec one_case n7 k = \n\tif k < 0 then false\n\telse if n7 < 0 then false\n\telse if (k mod 3) == 0 then true \n\telse one_case (n7 - 1) (k - 7);;\n\nlet main() =\n\tlet n = gr() in\n\tbegin\n\t\tfor i = 1 to n do\n\t\t\tlet x = gr() in\n\t\t\tlet can = one_case 3 x in\n\t\t\tlet ans = if can then \"YES\\n\" else \"NO\\n\" in\n\t\t\tprint_string ans\n\t\tdone\n\tend;;\n\nmain();;", "src_uid": "cfd1182be98fb5f0c426f8b68e48d452"} {"source_code": "let moy tab =\n\tlet compt = ref 0. in\n\tfor i=0 to Array.length tab -1 do\n\t\tcompt := tab.(i) *. (float_of_int i) +. !compt;\n\tdone;\n\t!compt;;\n\n\nlet f n t p =\n\tlet mat = Array.make_matrix (t+1) (n+1) 0. in\n\tmat.(0).(0) <- 1.;\n\tfor i=1 to t do\n\t\tmat.(i).(0) <- (1. -. p) *. mat.(i-1).(0);\n\tdone;\n\tfor i=1 to t do\n\t\tfor j=1 to min i n do\n\t\t\tmat.(i).(j) <- p *. mat.(i-1).(j-1) \n\t\t\t\t +. (if j=n then 1. else (1. -. p)) *. mat.(i-1).(j);\n\t\tdone;\n\tdone;\n\tmoy (mat.(t));;\n\nlet formatte x =\n\tlet partie_ent = int_of_float x in\n\tlet partie_dec = int_of_float (100. *. (x -. float_of_int partie_ent)) in\n\tif partie_dec = 0\n\t\tthen Printf.printf \"%d\" partie_ent\n\t\telse if partie_dec mod 10 = 0\n\t\t\tthen Printf.printf \"%d.%d\" partie_ent (partie_dec / 10)\n\t\t\telse if partie_dec mod 100 = 0\n\t\t\t\tthen Printf.printf \"%d.%d\" partie_ent (partie_dec / 100)\n\t\t\t\telse if partie_dec mod 1000 = 0\n\t\t\t\t\tthen Printf.printf \"%d.%d\" partie_ent (partie_dec / 1000)\n\t\t\t\t\telse if partie_dec mod 10000 = 0\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthen Printf.printf \"%d.%d\" partie_ent (partie_dec / 10000)\n\t\t\t\t\t\telse if partie_dec mod 100000 = 0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthen Printf.printf \"%d.%d\" partie_ent (partie_dec / 100000)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\telse Printf.printf \"%d.%d\" partie_ent partie_dec;;\n\nlet main () =\n\tlet (a,b,c) = Scanf.scanf \"%d %f %d \" (fun i j k -> (i,j,k)) in\n\tPrintf.printf \"%f \" (f a c b);;\n\nmain ();;\n", "src_uid": "20873b1e802c7aa0e409d9f430516c1e"} {"source_code": "\nopen Scanf\n\nlet list_of_string (s: string): char list =\n let rec loop (i: int) (l: char list): char list =\n if i = 0\n then l\n else loop (i - 1) ((String.get s (i - 1)) :: l)\n in\n loop (String.length s) []\n\n(* CFP: list_of_string, print_yn, fold w/ termination? *)\n\ntype color =\n | Cyan\n | Magenta\n | Yellow\n | WIP\n\nlet colors: color list = [ Cyan; Magenta; Yellow; ]\n\nlet colors_of_chars (s: char list): color list =\n let f = function\n | 'C' -> Cyan\n | 'M' -> Magenta\n | 'Y' -> Yellow\n | '?' -> WIP\n | _ -> raise Not_found\n in\n List.map f s\n\nlet rec try_find (prev: color) (l: color list): int =\n match l with\n | [] -> 1\n | x :: xs when x = WIP ->\n let rec f (ret: int) (ll: color list): int =\n if ret >= 2\n then ret\n else match ll with\n | [] -> ret\n | c :: cs when c != prev -> f (ret + try_find c xs) cs\n | c :: cs -> f ret cs\n in\n f 0 colors\n | x :: xs when x = prev -> 0\n | x :: xs -> try_find x xs\n\nlet rec pre_scan (prev: color) (l: color list): bool =\n match l with\n | [] -> true\n | x :: xs when x != WIP && prev = x -> false\n | x :: xs -> pre_scan x xs\n\nlet () =\n let n = scanf \" %d\" (fun a -> a) in\n let s = scanf \" %s\" (fun a -> a) in\n let l = list_of_string s in\n let ll = colors_of_chars l in\n let ret = pre_scan WIP ll && (try_find WIP ll >= 2) in\n print_endline (if ret then \"Yes\" else \"No\")", "src_uid": "f8adfa0dde7ac1363f269dbdf00212c3"} {"source_code": "open List;;\n\nlet a n =\n\n let rec create x = \n\n if x = 0 then [] else\n\n if (x mod 2 = 0) then 0::(create (x/2)) else\n\n 1::(create (x/2)) in\n\n let solution lis = fst (fold_left (fun (l, a) x -> ((a*x)::l), a+1) ([], 1) lis ) in\n\n filter (fun x -> x<>0) (solution (create n) );;\n\n\n\nmap (Printf.printf \"%d \") (Scanf.bscanf Scanf.Scanning.stdin \"%d\" a);;\n\n", "src_uid": "757cd804aba01dc4bc108cb0722f68dc"} {"source_code": "open Printf open Scanf\nmodule Lib = struct\n let i32,i64,ist = Int64.(to_int,of_int,to_string)\n let (+$) = (+) let (-$) = (-) let (/$) = (/) let ( *$) = ( * ) let (%$) = (mod)\n let labs = Int64.abs\n let (+),(-),( * ),(/),(mod),(%) = Int64.(add,sub,mul,div,rem,rem)\n let (+=) r v = r := !r + v\n let (-=) r v = r := !r - v\n let ( *= ) r v = r := !r * v\n let (/=) r v = r := !r / v\n let (%=) r v = r := !r % v\n let max_i64,min_i64 = Int64.(max_int,min_int)\n (* math *)\n let ceildiv p q = (p+q-1L) / q\n let rec gcd m n = match m,n with | m,0L -> m | m,n -> gcd n (m mod n)\n let lcm m n = m / gcd m n * n\n module Int64_infix = struct\n let (land),(lor),(lxor),lnot,(lsl),(lsr),(asr) =\n let open Int64 in\n (logand),(logor),(logxor),lognot,\n (fun u v -> shift_left u (i32 v)),\n (fun u v -> shift_right u (i32 v)),\n (fun u v -> shift_right_logical u (i32 v))\n end\n let pow n k =\n let rec f a n = function\n | 0L -> a | 1L -> n*a | k when k mod 2L = 0L -> f a (n*n) (k/2L) | k -> f (a*n) (n*n) (k/2L)\n in f 1L n k\n (* input *)\n let input_i64_array n = Array.init (i32 n) (fun _ -> Scanf.scanf \" %Ld\" (fun v -> v)) let iia = input_i64_array\n let get_i64 _ = Scanf.scanf \" %Ld\" (fun v -> v) let gi = get_i64\n let get_2_i64 _ = Scanf.scanf \" %Ld %Ld\" (fun u v -> u,v) let g2 = get_2_i64\n let get_3_i64 _ = Scanf.scanf \" %Ld %Ld %Ld\" (fun u v w -> u,v,w) let g3 = get_3_i64\n let get_4_i64 _ = Scanf.scanf \" %Ld %Ld %Ld %Ld\" (fun u v w x -> u,v,w,x) let g4 = get_4_i64\n let get_5_i64 _ = Scanf.scanf \" %Ld %Ld %Ld %Ld %Ld\" (fun u v w x y -> u,v,w,x,y) let g5 = get_5_i64\n let i32_get_int _ = Scanf.scanf \" %d\" (fun v -> v) let i32_get_2_ints _ = Scanf.scanf \" %d %d\" (fun u v -> u,v) let i32_get_3_ints _ = Scanf.scanf \" %d %d %d\" (fun u v w -> u,v,w) let i32_get_4_ints _ = Scanf.scanf \" %d %d %d %d\" (fun u v w x -> u,v,w,x) let i32_get_5_ints _ = Scanf.scanf \" %d %d %d %d %d\" (fun u v w x y -> u,v,w,x,y)\n (* utils *)\n external id : 'a -> 'a = \"%identity\"\n let ( *< ) f g x = f (g x)\n let ( *> ) f g x = g (f x)\n let rv f p q = f q p (* ex. 24 |> rv (/) 6 *)\n let alen a = i64 @@ Array.length a\n let llen l = i64 @@ List.length l\n let string_of_list ?(separator=\" \") f ls = ls |> List.map f |> String.concat separator\n let string_of_array ?(separator=\" \") f a = a |> Array.to_list |> string_of_list ~separator f\n let char_list_of_string str = let rec f0 i a = if i<0 then a else f0 (i-$1) (str.[i]::a) in f0 (String.length str -$ 1) []\n let string_of_char_list ls = List.fold_left (fun u v -> u ^ (String.make 1 v)) \"\" ls\n let fail _ = failwith \"fail\"\n let dx,dy = [|1;0;-1;0|],[|0;1;0;-1|]\n let range l r = let ls = ref [] in for i=i32 l to i32 r do ls := i :: !ls done;!ls |> List.rev\n let cartesian_product u v = u |> List.map (fun p -> List.map (fun q -> p,q) v) |> List.flatten\n let shuffle a = Array.sort (fun _ _ -> (Random.int 3) -$ 1) a\n let binary_search ng ok f = let d = if ng < ok then 1L else -1L in\n let rec f0 ng ok =\n if labs (ok - ng) <= 1L then ok\n else let mid = ng + (ok - ng) / 2L in if f mid then f0 ng mid else f0 mid ok\n in f0 (ng-1L*d) (ok+1L*d)\n let lower_bound a v = binary_search 0L (alen a - 1L) (fun i -> a.(i32 i) >= v)\n let upper_bound a v = binary_search 0L (alen a - 1L) (fun i -> a.(i32 i) > v)\n let equal_range a v = lower_bound a v, upper_bound a v (* #=snd-fst *)\n let rec fix f x = f (fix f) x\n let fix_memo ?(size=10000) f x =\n let tb = Hashtbl.create ~random:true size in\n let rec f0 x =\n try Hashtbl.find tb x with\n | Not_found -> (let v = f f0 x in Hashtbl.add tb x v; v)\n in f0 x\n (* imperative *)\n let rep f t ?(stride=1L) fbod = let i = ref f in while !i <= t do fbod !i; i := !i + stride done\n let repb f t ?(stride=1L) fbod = let i,c = ref f,ref true in while !i <= t && !c do\n match fbod !i with | `Break -> c := false | `Ok -> i := !i + stride done\n let repm f t ?(stride=1L) m0 fbod =\n let i,c,m = ref f,ref true,ref m0 in\n while !i<=t && !c do match fbod !m !i with\n | `Break -> c := false | `Break_m m' -> (c := false; m := m') | `Ok m' -> m := m'; i := !i + stride done; !m\n let repi f t ?(stride=1) fbod = let i = ref f in while !i <= t do fbod !i; i := !i +$ stride done\n let repib f t ?(stride=1) fbod = let i,c = ref f,ref true in while !i <= t && !c do\n match fbod !i with | `Break -> c := false | `Ok -> i := !i +$ stride done\n let repim f t ?(stride=1) m0 fbod =\n let i,c,m = ref f,ref true,ref m0 in\n while !i<=t && !c do match fbod !m !i with\n | `Break -> c := false | `Break_m m' -> (c := false; m := m') | `Ok m' -> m := m'; i := !i +$ stride done; !m\n let rep_rev f t ?(stride=1L) fbod = rep t f ~stride @@ fun v -> fbod @@ f + t - v\n let repb_rev f t ?(stride=1L) fbod = repb t f ~stride @@ fun v -> fbod @@ f + t - v\n let repm_rev f t ?(stride=1L) m0 fbod = repm f t ~stride m0 @@ fun u v -> fbod u @@ f + t - v\n let repi_rev f t ?(stride=1) fbod = repi t f ~stride @@ fun v -> fbod @@ f +$ t -$ v\n let repib_rev f t ?(stride=1) fbod = repib t f ~stride @@ fun v -> fbod @@ f +$ t -$ v\n let repim_rev f t ?(stride=1) m0 fbod = repim f t ~stride m0 @@ fun u v -> fbod u @@ f +$ t -$ v\n (* output *)\n let print_list_mle f ls = string_of_list f ls |> print_endline\n let print_array_mle f a = string_of_array f a |> print_endline\n let print_list f ls = ls |> List.iter (fun v -> printf \"%s \" @@ f v); print_newline ()\n let print_array f a = a |> Array.iter (fun v -> printf \"%s \" @@ f v); print_newline ()\n (* debug *)\n let dump_2darr f a = a |> Array.iter (fun b -> print_array f b)\n let dump_i64_list ls = print_list ist ls\n let dump_i64_array a = print_array ist a\nend open Lib open Array\n\nlet () =\n let n = gi 0 in\n if n=2L then printf \"2\" else printf \"1\"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "src_uid": "c30b372a9cc0df4948dca48ef4c5d80d"} {"source_code": "open Printf open Scanf\nmodule MyInt = struct let (+) = (+) let (-) = (-) let (/) = (/) let ( * ) = ( * ) let (mod) = (mod) let (%) = (mod) let (+=) r v = r := !r + v let (-=) r v = r := !r - v let ( *=) r v= r := !r * v let (/=) r v = r := !r / v let abs v = abs v let (land),(lor),(lxor),lnot,(lsl),(lsr),(asr) = (land),(lor),(lxor),lnot,(lsl),(lsr),(asr) let min_int,max_int = min_int,max_int end\nmodule MyInt64 = struct\n\tlet (+$) = (+) let (-$) = (-) let (/$) = (/) let ( *$) = ( * ) let (+) p q = Int64.add p q let (-) p q = Int64.sub p q let ( * ) p q = Int64.mul p q let (/) p q = Int64.div p q let (+=) r v = r := !r + v let (-=) r v = r := !r - v let ( *=) r v= r := !r * v let (/=) r v = r := !r / v let labs p = if p < 0L then -1L*p else p let (~|) p = Int64.to_int p let (~~|) p = Int64.of_int p let input_i64_array n = Array.init (~| n) (fun _ -> Scanf.scanf \" %Ld\" (fun v -> v)) let get_i64 _ = Scanf.scanf \" %Ld\" (fun v -> v) let get_2_i64 _ = Scanf.scanf \" %Ld %Ld\" (fun u v -> u,v) let get_3_i64 _ = Scanf.scanf \" %Ld %Ld %Ld\" (fun u v w -> u,v,w) let get_4_i64 _ = Scanf.scanf \" %Ld %Ld %Ld %Ld\" (fun u v w x -> u,v,w,x) let get_5_i64 _ = Scanf.scanf \" %Ld %Ld %Ld %Ld %Ld\" (fun u v w x y -> u,v,w,x,y) let print_i64_endline n = n |> Int64.to_string |> print_endline let (mod) m n = m - (m/n) * n let (%) = (mod) let rec gcd m n = match m,n with | m,0L -> m | m,n -> gcd n (m mod n) let lcm m n = (m*n) / gcd m n let rep from_ to_ fbod = let i,f = ref ~|from_,ref true in while !i <= ~|to_ && !f do match fbod ~~| !i with | `Break -> f := false | _ -> i := !i +$ 1; done let repb from_ to_ fbod = let i,f = ref ~|from_,ref true in while !i <= ~|to_ && !f do match fbod (~~| !i) with | `Break -> f := false | _ -> i := !i +$ 1 done; !f let repm from_ to_ m_init fbod = let i,f,m = ref ~|from_,ref true,ref m_init in while !i <= ~|to_ && !f do match fbod !m (~~| !i) with | `Break -> f := false | `Break_m m' -> (f := false; m := m') | `Ok m' -> (i := !i +$ 1; m := m') done; !m let repmb from_ to_ m_init fbod = let i,f,m = ref ~|from_,ref true,ref m_init in while !i <= ~|to_ && !f do match fbod (~~| !i) !m with | `Break -> f := false | `Break_m m' -> (f := false; m := m') | `Ok m' -> (i := !i +$ 1; m := m') done; (!m,!f) let string_of_list ?(separator=\" \") f ls = let rec f0 a s = match a with | [] -> s | [h] -> s ^ (f h) ^ separator | h::t -> f0 t (s ^ (f h) ^ separator) in f0 ls \"\" let char_list_of_string str = let rec f0 i a = if i<0 then a else f0 (i-$1) (str.[i]::a) in f0 (String.length str -$ 1) [] let string_of_char_list ls = List.fold_left (fun u v -> u ^ (String.make 1 v)) \"\" ls\n\tlet (@@@) = (@) let (@) a i = a.(~|i) let (<@) a (i,v) = a.(~|i) <- v\n\tlet ceildiv m n = (m+n-1L) / n\n\tlet abs v = Int64.abs v let (land),(lor),(lxor),lnot,(lsl),(lsr),(asr) = let open Int64 in (logand),(logor),(logxor),lognot,(fun u v -> shift_left u (~|v)),(fun u v -> shift_right u (~|v)),(fun u v -> shift_right_logical u (~|v)) let min_int,max_int = Int64.min_int,Int64.max_int let get_string _ = scanf \" %s\" (fun v -> v)\n\tlet i32,i64 = Int64.to_int,Int64.of_int let alen a = i64 @@ Array.length a\n\tlet dump_array a = a |> Array.to_list |> string_of_list Int64.to_string |> print_endline let i32_get_int _ = Scanf.scanf \" %d\" (fun v -> v) let i32_get_2_ints _ = Scanf.scanf \" %d %d\" (fun u v -> u,v) let i32_get_3_ints _ = Scanf.scanf \" %d %d %d\" (fun u v w -> u,v,w) let i32_get_4_ints _ = Scanf.scanf \" %d %d %d %d\" (fun u v w x -> u,v,w,x) let i32_get_5_ints _ = Scanf.scanf \" %d %d %d %d %d\" (fun u v w x y -> u,v,w,x,y) let repi from_ to_ fbod = let i,f = ref from_,ref true in while !i <= to_ && !f do match fbod !i with | `Break -> f := false | _ -> i := !i +$ 1 done\nend open MyInt64\nlet (%$) = Pervasives.(mod)\nlet n,m = get_2_i64 0\nlet a : [`done_ | `empty | `filled ] array array = Array.make_matrix (i32 n) (i32 m) `empty\nlet at i j = try a.(i).(j) = `filled || a.(i).(j) = `done_ with Invalid_argument _ -> false\nlet solve_ij i j w = \n\tlet f = ref true in\n\tlet u,v = w %$ 2, w /$ 2 in\n\tlet u,v = let g v = if v = 0 then -1 else v in g u,g v in\n\tfor p=0 to 2 do\n\t\tfor q=0 to 2 do\n\t\t\tif not (p=1&&q=1) then f := !f && at (i+$p*$u) (j+$q*$v)\n\t\tdone\n\tdone;\n\tif !f then (\n\t\tfor p=0 to 2 do\n\t\t\tfor q=0 to 2 do\n\t\t\t\tif not (p=1&&q=1) then a.(i+$p*$u).(j+$q*$v) <- `done_\n\t\t\tdone\n\t\tdone;\n\t)\nlet solve _ =\n\tfor i=0 to (i32 n) do\n\t\tfor j=0 to (i32 m) do\n\t\t\tsolve_ij i j 0;\n\t\t\tsolve_ij i j 1;\n\t\t\tsolve_ij i j 2;\n\t\t\tsolve_ij i j 3;\n\t\tdone\n\tdone;\n\tlet f = ref true in\n\tfor i=0 to (i32 n -$ 1) do\n\t\tfor j=0 to (i32 m -$ 1) do\n\t\t\tf := !f && a.(i).(j) <> `filled\n\t\tdone\n\tdone; !f\n\nlet () =\n\trepi 0 (i32 n -$ 1) (fun i ->\n\t\tlet s = scanf \" %s\" (fun v -> v) in\n\t\tString.iteri (fun j c ->\n\t\t\ta.(i).(j) <- if c = '#' then `filled else `empty\n\t\t) s;\n\t\t`Ok\n\t);\n\tlet r = solve 0 in\n\t(* repi 0 (i32 n -$ 1) (fun i ->\n\t\trepi 0 (i32 m -$ 1) (fun j ->\n\t\t\tprintf \"%c\" (match a.(i).(j) with `filled -> '#' | `empty -> '.' | `done_ -> ',');\n\t\t\t`Ok\n\t\t);\n\t\tprint_endline \"\";\n\t\t`Ok\n\t); *)\n\tprintf \"%s\\n\" (if r then \"YES\" else \"NO\");\n\n", "src_uid": "49e5eabe8d69b3d27a251cccc001ab25"} {"source_code": "(* must read 64-bit integer %Ld because OCaml int is 31-bit! *)\nlet read_int () = Scanf.bscanf Scanf.Scanning.stdin \" %Ld\" (fun x -> x)\nlet l = read_int ()\nlet r = read_int ()\n\n(* repeatedly multiply a 2-3 integer by 3 and count how many are in [l, r] *)\nlet rec times_three num acc =\n if num > r then\n acc\n else if num < l then\n times_three (Int64.mul num 3L) acc\n\telse\n times_three (Int64.mul num 3L) (acc + 1)\n\n(* repeatedly multiply a 2-3 integer by 2, then repeatedly multiply it by 3 *)\nlet rec times_two num acc =\n if num > r then\n acc\n else\n times_two (Int64.mul num 2L) (times_three num acc)\n\n(* must use 64-bit integer 1L because OCaml int is 31-bit! *)\nlet () =\n print_int (times_two 1L 0);\n print_newline ()\n", "src_uid": "05fac54ed2064b46338bb18f897a4411"} {"source_code": "(* Il y a 9*(10^(n-1)) nombres à n chiffres *)\nopen Big_int\n\nlet rec dixPuiss = function\n\t| 0\t-> Big_int.big_int_of_int 1\n\t| n\t-> let demi = dixPuiss (n/2) in\n\t\t\t Big_int.mult_big_int (Big_int.mult_big_int (Big_int.big_int_of_int (1 + (n mod 2)*9)) demi) demi\n\nlet numb = function\n\t| 1\t-> Big_int.big_int_of_int 9\n\t| n\t-> Big_int.mult_big_int (Big_int.big_int_of_int 9) (dixPuiss (n-1))\n\nlet f n =\nlet a = String.length (string_of_int n) and res = ref (Big_int.big_int_of_int 0) in\nfor i=1 to a-1 do\nres := Big_int.add_big_int !res (Big_int.mult_big_int (Big_int.big_int_of_int i) (numb i));\ndone;\nBig_int.add_big_int !res (Big_int.mult_big_int (Big_int.big_int_of_int a) (Big_int.sub_big_int (Big_int.big_int_of_int (n + 1)) (dixPuiss (a-1))));;\n\nlet () =\n\tScanf.scanf \"%d\" (fun i -> Printf.printf \"%s\" (Big_int.string_of_big_int (f i)))\n", "src_uid": "4e652ccb40632bf4b9dd95b9f8ae1ec9"} {"source_code": "let solve =\n let rec loop n lst=\n if n = 0 then lst\n else\n let horseshoes = Scanf.scanf \" %d\" (fun x -> x) in\n if List.mem horseshoes lst then loop (n-1) lst\n else loop (n-1) (horseshoes :: lst)\n in\n 4 - (List.length (loop 4 []))\n \nlet _ =\n Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" solve\n \n", "src_uid": "38c4864937e57b35d3cce272f655e20f"} {"source_code": "let () = \n let goodcount = ref 0 in\n\n let rec isgood s i = if i=7 then true else\n s.[i] <> s.[i+1] && (isgood s (i+1))\n in\n\n for i=0 to 7 do\n let r = read_line() in\n\tgoodcount := !goodcount + (if isgood r 0 then 1 else 0)\n done;\n\n let ans = if !goodcount = 8 then \"YES\" else \"NO\" in\n\tPrintf.printf \"%s\\n\" ans\n", "src_uid": "ca65e023be092b2ce25599f52acc1a67"} {"source_code": "let _ =\n Scanf.scanf \"%d\" ( fun x -> Printf.printf \"%d\" ( (x+4) / 5 ) )", "src_uid": "4b3d65b1b593829e92c852be213922b6"} {"source_code": "(* compiled on 64-bit system with ocamlopt -pp camlp4o $file *)\n\nopen Printf\nopen Scanf\nopen Array\n\nmodule S = String\nmodule Q = Queue\nmodule T = Stack\nmodule H = Hashtbl\nmodule L = List\n\n(* misc *)\nlet neg_compare x y = - compare x y\nlet min3 a b c = min a (min b c)\nlet mid3 a b c = if a < b then max a (min b c) else max b (min a c) \nlet max3 a b c = max a (max b c)\nlet min4 a b c d = min (min a b) (min c d)\nlet max4 a b c d = max (max a b) (max c d)\nlet itb a = a <> 0\nlet bti b = if b then 1 else 0\nlet rec bsearch_min a b test =\n if b - a = 1 then b else \n let mid = (a-b)/2 + b in \n if test mid then bsearch_min a mid test else \n bsearch_min mid b test\nlet rec bsearch_max a b test = \n if b - a = 1 then a else \n let mid = (a-b)/2 + b in \n if test mid then bsearch_max mid b test else \n bsearch_max a mid test\n(* int *)\nlet sqrt_floor n = bsearch_max 0 (1 lsl 31) (fun i -> i*i <= n)\nlet sqrt_ceil n = bsearch_min (-1) (1 lsl 31) (fun i -> n <= i*i) \n(* float *)\nlet round f = truncate (f +. 0.5)\nlet inv_float f = 1. /. f\n(* functional *)\nlet id x = x\nlet const x _ = x\nlet (|>) x f = f x\nlet (^>) x f = f x\nlet (@@) a b = a b \nlet on g f a b = g (f a) (f b)\nlet rec fix f = f (fun x -> fix f x)\nlet ift cond a = if cond then a\nlet ifte cond a b = if cond then a else b\nlet rec for_ i len c f = if i = len then c else for_ (i+1) len (f i c) f\n(* predicate *)\nlet is_odd x = x land 1 = 1\nlet is_even x = x land 1 = 0\n(* option *)\nlet is_none = function | Some _ -> false | None -> true\nlet is_some = function | Some _ -> true | None -> false\nlet default x = function Some y -> y | None -> x\n(* ref *)\nlet (+=) a b = a := !a + b\nlet (-=) a b = a := !a - b \nlet ( *= ) a b = a := !a * b\nlet assign_min x y = x := min !x y \nlet assign_max x y = x := max !x y\n(* array *) \nlet set_min x i v = x.(i) <- min x.(i) v \nlet set_max x i v = x.(i) <- max x.(i) v \nlet swap arr i j = let t = arr.(i) in arr.(i) <- arr.(j); arr.(j) <- t \n(* int, int *)\nlet (++) (a,b) (c,d) = (a+c,b+d)\nlet (--) (a,b) (c,d) = (a-c,b-d)\n(* number theory *)\nlet sieve_under len = (* len > 0 *)\n let sieve = Array.make len true in \n Array.fill sieve 0 (min len 2) false;\n let rec erase i k = if i >= len then () else (sieve.(i) <- false; erase (i+k) k) in \n for i = 2 to sqrt_floor len do if sieve.(i) then erase (2*i) i done;\n sieve\n(* Arithmetic *)\nlet negate x = -x\nlet rec factorial n = if n = 0 then 1 else n * factorial (n-1)\nlet rec gcd a b = if b = 0 then a else gcd b (a mod b)\nlet rec extgcd a b = \n if b = 0 then 1,0,a else\n let x,y,g = extgcd b (a mod b) in \n y,x-(a/b)*y,g\nlet rec pow x n = if n = 0 then 1 else\n let n' = n/2 in\n let p = pow x n' in\n if is_odd n then x*p*p else p*p\nlet rec modpow m x n = \n if n = 0 then 1 else \n let n' = n/2 in\n let p = modpow m x n' in \n if is_even n then (p*p mod m) else\n (x*(p*p mod m) mod m) \nlet modinv m i = let _,x,_ = extgcd m i in x\n(* IO *)\nlet is_digit c =\n let i = int_of_char c in\n 48 <= i && i < 58\nlet is_space c = c = ' ' || c = '\\n' || c = '\\t' || c = '\\r' \nlet read_char () = try input_char stdin with End_of_file -> '\\000'\nlet rec read_letter () = \n let c = read_char() in \n if is_space c then read_letter() else c \nlet read_int () = \n let digit c = int_of_char c - 48 in\n let rec read n = \n let c = read_char() in \n if is_digit c then read (10*n + (digit c)) else \n n \n in\n let rec run c = \n if is_digit c then read (digit c) else \n if c = '-' then begin \n let c = read_char() in \n if is_digit c then -read (digit c) else run c \n end else \n if c = '\\000' then 0 else \n run (read_char())\n in \n run (read_char())\nlet read_float () = \n let digit c = float (int_of_char c - 48) in\n let rec read_decimial m f = \n let c = read_char () in \n if is_digit c then read_decimial (m /. 10.) (f +. m *. digit c) else f\n in \n let rec read_integral n = \n let c = read_char () in \n if is_digit c then read_integral (10. *. n +. digit c) else \n if c = '.' then n +. read_decimial 0.1 0.0 else \n n \n in \n let rec run c = begin \n if is_digit c then read_integral (digit c) else \n if c = '-' then begin \n let c = read_char() in \n if is_digit c then -. read_integral (digit c) else \n run c \n end else \n if c = '.' then read_decimial 0.1 0.0 else \n if c = '\\000' then 0.0 else \n run (read_char())\n end in \n run (read_char())\nlet read_word () = \n let open Buffer in \n let buf = create 128 in \n let rec read c = \n if is_space c || c = '\\000' then contents buf else begin \n add_char buf c; \n read (read_char())\n end \n in\n let rec run c = \n if is_space c then run (read_char()) else \n if c = '\\000' then \"\" else \n read c \n in \n run (read_char())\nlet read_line () = \n let open Buffer in \n let buf = create (4*1024) in \n let rec run c = \n if c = '\\n' || c = '\\000' then contents buf else begin \n add_char buf c;\n run (read_char())\n end \n in\n run (read_char()) \nlet newline () = print_newline()\nlet print_int n = printf \"%d\\n\" n\nlet print_tuple s (x,y) = printf s x y \nlet print_array s arr = Array.iter (printf s) arr; print_newline()\nlet print_matrix s mat = Array.iter (print_array s) mat\nlet print_list s lis = List.iter (printf s) lis; print_newline()\n;;\n\n\nlet next_permutation arr =\n let len = Array.length arr in \n (* find largest index i that arr.(i) < arr.(i+1) *)\n let rec find_pivot i = \n if i = 0 then -1 else \n if arr.(i-1) > arr.(i) then find_pivot (i-1) else \n i\n in \n (* find index that is larger than n and minimum in [a,len) *)\n let find_swap n a = \n for_ a len a (fun i c -> if arr.(i) > n && arr.(c) > arr.(i) then i else c)\n in\n let rec reverse a b = \n if a < b then begin \n swap arr a b; \n reverse (a+1) (b-1)\n end \n in \n let p = find_pivot (len-1) in\n if p = -1 then begin\n reverse 0 (len-1); \n false\n end else begin\n swap arr (p-1) (find_swap arr.(p-1) p);\n reverse p (len-1);\n true \n end\n\nlet _ = \n let mat = init 5 (fun i -> init 5 (fun j -> read_int())) in \n let arr = init 5 (fun i -> i) in \n\n let check () = \n mat.(arr.(0)).(arr.(1)) + mat.(arr.(1)).(arr.(0)) +\n mat.(arr.(1)).(arr.(2)) + mat.(arr.(2)).(arr.(1)) + \n 2*mat.(arr.(2)).(arr.(3)) + 2*mat.(arr.(3)).(arr.(2)) +\n 2*mat.(arr.(3)).(arr.(4)) + 2*mat.(arr.(4)).(arr.(3)) \n in \n\n let m = ref (check()) in \n while (next_permutation arr) do assign_max m (check()) done;\n printf \"%d\\n\" !m ", "src_uid": "be6d4df20e9a48d183dd8f34531df246"} {"source_code": "module Int64 = struct\n include Int64\n let ( + ) = add\n let ( - ) = sub\n let ( * ) = mul\n let ( / ) = div\n let ( mod ) = rem\nend\n\nopen Int64\n\nlet solve k2 k3 k5 k6 =\n let k256 = min k2 (min k5 k6) in\n let k32 = min k3 (k2 - k256) in\n 256L * k256 + 32L * k32\n\nlet () =\n Scanf.scanf \"%Ld %Ld %Ld %Ld \" @@ fun k2 k3 k5 k6 ->\n solve k2 k3 k5 k6 |> Printf.printf \"%Ld\\n\"\n", "src_uid": "082b31cc156a7ba1e0a982f07ecc207e"} {"source_code": "let input () = Scanf.scanf \"%Ld %Ld\" (fun n m -> (n, m))\n\nlet ( / ) = Int64.div\nlet ( * ) = Int64.mul\nlet ( + ) = Int64.add\nlet ( - ) = Int64.sub\nlet ( mod ) = Int64.rem\nlet two = Int64.of_int 2\n\nlet division_rounding_up = (fun x y ->\n x / y + (match x mod y with\n | 0L -> 0L\n | _ -> 1L))\n\nlet solve (n, m) = \n let middle = division_rounding_up n two in\n if m > middle\n then\n (m - middle) * two\n else\n m * two - Int64.one\n\nlet print result = Printf.printf \"%Ld\\n\" result\n\nlet () = print (solve (input ()))", "src_uid": "1f8056884db00ad8294a7cc0be75fe97"} {"source_code": "open Scanf\nopen Printf\n\nlet name = Scanf.scanf \"%s \" ( fun x -> x)\n\nlet a = Array.make 27 0\n\nlet add_count c =\n let i = (Char.code c) - (Char.code 'a')\n in a.(i) <- a.(i) + 1\n\nlet () =\n String.iter add_count name\n\nlet flag = ref true\n\nlet flip c = \n if (c>0) then flag := (not (!flag))\n\n\nlet () = \n Array.iter flip a\n\nlet () =\n if (!flag) then print_endline \"CHAT WITH HER!\"\n else\n print_endline \"IGNORE HIM!\"\n\n\n\n\n", "src_uid": "a8c14667b94b40da087501fd4bdd7818"} {"source_code": "let cost_per_litre city = city\n\nlet rec cost_to_city accumulated current_city city max_fuel fuel =\n let fuel_needed_to_reach_city = city - current_city in\n if fuel >= fuel_needed_to_reach_city then accumulated\n else\n let litres_to_top_up = min (max_fuel - fuel) fuel_needed_to_reach_city in\n let cost_to_top_up = litres_to_top_up * cost_per_litre current_city in\n cost_to_city\n (accumulated + cost_to_top_up)\n (current_city + 1) city max_fuel (max_fuel - 1)\n;;\n\nlet () =\n Scanf.scanf \"%d %d\" (fun n v ->\n print_string (string_of_int (cost_to_city 0 1 n v 0)) )\n;;\n", "src_uid": "f8eb96deeb82d9f011f13d7dac1e1ab7"} {"source_code": "let n = read_int()\nlet c = Array.make 101 0\nlet count c =\n let s = Str.split (Str.regexp \" \") (read_line()) in\n let l = List.map int_of_string (s)\n and inc_arr i = c.(i) <- c.(i) + 1 in\n List.iter inc_arr l;;\n\nlet find_max c m =\n let f x = \n m := max !m x in\n Array.iter f c;;\n\ncount c;;\nlet m = ref 0;;\nfind_max c m;;\nPrintf.printf \"%d\" !m;;\n", "src_uid": "f30329023e84b4c50b1b118dc98ae73c"} {"source_code": "let flip f a b = f b a in\nlet n = read_line () |> Str.split (Str.regexp \" +\") |> (flip List.nth) 0 |> int_of_string in\ntry begin\n for i = 1 to n do\n let c = read_line () in\n if String.contains c 'C' || String.contains c 'M' || String.contains c 'Y' then failwith \"Color\" else () \n done;\n print_string \"#Black&White\"\nend\nwith e -> print_string \"#Color\"\n\n", "src_uid": "19c311c02380f9a73cd477e4fde27454"} {"source_code": "let bs = Scanf.Scanning.stdin\nlet xint() = Scanf.bscanf bs \" %d\" (fun x -> x)\nlet xint32() = Scanf.bscanf bs \" %ld\" (fun x -> x)\nlet xint64() = Scanf.bscanf bs \" %Ld\" (fun x -> x)\nlet xstr() = Scanf.bscanf bs \" %s\" (fun x -> x)\nlet xreal() = Scanf.bscanf bs \" %f\" (fun x -> x)\nlet printf = Printf.printf\n\nlet () = \n let n = xint() in\n let a = Array.make n 0 in\n for i = 0 to n - 1 do\n a.(i) <- xint();\n done;\n let ret = ref (Big_int.big_int_of_int 1) in\n let p = ref ~-1 in\n for i = 0 to n - 1 do\n if a.(i) = 1 then (\n let x = i - !p in\n if !p != ~-1 then \n ret := Big_int.mult_int_big_int x !ret;\n p := i;\n )\n done;\n if !p = ~-1 then printf \"0\\n\"\n else print_endline (Big_int.string_of_big_int !ret);\n", "src_uid": "58242665476f1c4fa723848ff0ecda98"} {"source_code": "let _ =\n let rec gcd a b = if b = 0 then a else gcd b (a mod b) in\n let main () =\n let rec game turn a b n =\n let k = gcd n (if turn = 0 then a else b) in\n if n >= k then game (1 - turn) a b (n - k) else Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" (1 - turn)\n in\n Scanf.scanf \" %d %d %d\" (game 0)\n in\n main ()\n", "src_uid": "0bd6fbb6b0a2e7e5f080a70553149ac2"} {"source_code": "Scanf.(Array.(\n let s = scanf \" %s\" @@ fun v -> v in\n init 5 (fun _ ->\n let t = scanf \" %s\" @@ fun v -> v in\n if s.[0]=t.[0] || s.[1]=t.[1] then\n (print_endline \"YES\"; exit 0)\n ); print_endline \"NO\"))", "src_uid": "699444eb6366ad12bc77e7ac2602d74b"} {"source_code": "let rec is_lucky a =\n match a with\n | 0 -> false\n | 4 | 7 -> true\n | _ \n -> match a mod 10 with\n | 4 | 7 \n -> is_lucky (a / 10)\n | _ \n -> false\nin\n\nlet is_almost_lucky n =\n let rec helper n testing =\n if testing > n then false\n else\n if ((n mod testing == 0) && (is_lucky testing)) then true\n else helper n (testing + 1)\n in helper n 1\nin\n\nlet n = read_int() in\n\nif is_almost_lucky n then\n Printf.printf \"YES\\n\"\nelse \n Printf.printf \"NO\\n\"\n", "src_uid": "78cf8bc7660dbd0602bf6e499bc6bb0d"} {"source_code": "open Printf\nopen Scanf\n\nlet rec fold i j f init = if i>j then init else fold (i+1) j f (f i init)\nlet sum i j f = fold i j (fun i a -> (f i) + a) 0\n\nlet ( ** ) a b = Int64.mul a b\nlet ( ++ ) a b = Int64.add a b\nlet long x = Int64.of_int x\n\nlet read_pair () = bscanf Scanning.stdib \" %d %d \" (fun x y -> (x,y))\nlet () = \n let (n,m) = read_pair () in\n\n let an = (n/5)*5 in\n let am = (m/5)*5 in\n\n let rem = sum (an+1) (an+(n mod 5)) (fun i ->\n sum (am+1) (am+(m mod 5)) (fun j ->\n if (i+j) mod 5 = 0 then 1 else 0))\n in\n\n let rem_n = sum (an+1) (an+(n mod 5)) (fun i -> am/5) in\n let rem_m = sum (am+1) (am+(m mod 5)) (fun i -> an/5) in \n \n printf \"%Ld\\n\" (((long (an/5)) ** (long am)) ++ (long rem) ++ (long rem_n) ++ (long rem_m))\n", "src_uid": "df0879635b59e141c839d9599abd77d2"} {"source_code": "let read_int () = Scanf.bscanf Scanf.Scanning.stdib \" %d \" (fun x -> x)\n\nlet rec exists i j f = (i<=j) && ((f i) || exists (i+1) j f)\n\nlet two_pile_game a b =\n let dp = Array.make_matrix (a+1) (b+1) (-1) in (* 1 if first player win, 0 2nd player win *)\n \n let rec eval i j =\n let (i,j) = (min i j, max i j) in\n if dp.(i).(j) >= 0 then dp.(i).(j) = 1 else\n let myval = \n\tif i=0 then j<>0 else\n\t (exists 1 i (fun k -> not (eval (i-k) j)))\n\t || (exists 1 j (fun k -> not (eval i (j-k))))\n\t || (exists 1 i (fun k -> not (eval (i-k) (j-k))))\n in\n\tdp.(i).(j) <- if myval then 1 else 0;\n\tmyval\n in\n eval a b\n\nlet three_pile_game a b c =\n a lxor b lxor c <> 0\n\nlet () = \n let n = read_int() in\n let a = Array.init n (fun _ -> read_int()) in\n let () = Array.sort compare a in\n let answer = \n if n=1 then a.(0) > 0\n else if n=2 then two_pile_game a.(0) a.(1)\n else if n=3 then three_pile_game a.(0) a.(1) a.(2)\n else failwith \"n>3\"\n in\n print_string(if answer then \"BitLGM\\n\" else \"BitAryo\\n\")\n", "src_uid": "7a33b4f94082c7ef80d7e87b58497fa7"} {"source_code": "let rec get x =\tif x = 0 then 0\n\telse if x mod 2 != 0 then (get (x / 2)) + 1\n\telse get (x / 2);;\nprint_int (get (read_int ()));;\n", "src_uid": "03e4482d53a059134676f431be4c16d2"} {"source_code": "(* O(n^3) solution, which is fine because n=100 -- could probably be done with\n * DP for larger n, but why bother! *)\n\nlet aux i j (sum, pos) el =\n if i <= pos && pos <= j then\n (sum + 1 - el, succ pos)\n else\n (sum + el, succ pos) ;;\n\nlet r = Str.regexp \" \" in\nlet n = read_int () in\nlet xs = Array.of_list (List.map int_of_string (Str.split r (read_line ()))) in\nlet m = ref 0 in\nfor i = 0 to n - 1 do\n for j = i to n - 1 do\n let (s, _) = Array.fold_left (aux i j) (0, 0) xs in\n m := max !m s\n done\ndone ;\nPrintf.printf \"%d\\n\" !m ;;\n", "src_uid": "9b543e07e805fe1dd8fa869d5d7c8b99"} {"source_code": "let input () = Scanf.scanf \"%s\" (fun s -> s)\nlet print result = Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" result\n\nlet rotate (count, prev) goal =\n let p = Pervasives.int_of_char prev in\n let g = Pervasives.int_of_char goal in\n let min = Pervasives.min p g in\n let max = Pervasives.max p g in\n let rotate_right = max - min in\n let rotate_left = min + 26 - max in\n let r = Pervasives.min rotate_left rotate_right in\n (count + r, goal)\n \nlet solve str = \n let l = String.length str in \n let rec loop i (count, prev) =\n if i < l\n then\n let (count, prev) = rotate (count, prev) str.[i] in\n loop (i + 1) (count, prev)\n else\n count\n in loop 0 (0, 'a')\n \nlet () = print (solve (input ()))", "src_uid": "ecc890b3bdb9456441a2a265c60722dd"} {"source_code": "let solve n m = \n let dynarray = Array.make (max (m*2+1) (n+1)) false in\n let queue = Queue.create () in\n Queue.push (0,n) queue;\n let rec dfs () = \n let (i,v) = Queue.pop queue in\n if v = m then i\n else if dynarray.(v) then dfs ()\n else if v > m then begin\n Queue.push (i+1,v-1) queue;\n dynarray.(v) <- true;\n dfs ()\n end else begin\n Queue.push (i+1,v*2) queue;\n if v > 0 then \n Queue.push (i+1,v-1) queue;\n dynarray.(v) <- true;\n dfs ()\n end\n in dfs ()\n\nlet () = \n let s = read_line () in \n let v = Scanf.sscanf s \"%i %i\" solve in\n print_int v\n", "src_uid": "861f8edd2813d6d3a5ff7193a804486f"} {"source_code": "open Printf\nopen Scanf\n\nlet read_int _ = bscanf Scanning.stdib \" %d \" (fun x -> x)\nlet read_pair _ = bscanf Scanning.stdib \" %d %d \" (fun x y -> (x,y))\nlet () = \n let vl = read_int () in\n let va = read_int () in\n\n let rec turn_count d n count = if n<0 then count else turn_count (d+2) (n-d) (count+1) in\n\n let vl_count = turn_count 1 vl 0 in\n let va_count = turn_count 2 va 0 in\n\n if vl_count <= va_count then printf \"Vladik\\n\" else printf \"Valera\\n\"\n", "src_uid": "87e37a82be7e39e433060fd8cdb03270"} {"source_code": "let ad, b = Scanf.scanf \"%[0-9].%[0-9]e%d\" (fun a d b -> ((if d = \"0\" then a else a^d), b)) in\nlet nd = String.length ad in\nprint_string (\n if b + 1 >= nd\n then ad ^ String.make (b + 1 - nd) '0'\n else String.sub ad 0 (b+1) ^ \".\" ^ String.sub ad (b+1) (nd-b-1)\n)\n", "src_uid": "a79358099f08f3ec50c013d47d910eef"} {"source_code": "let read () = Scanf.scanf \"%d \" (fun n -> n)\n\nlet print str = Printf.printf \"%s\\n\" str\n\nlet () =\n let first = read () in\n let second = read () in\n if first > second\n then\n print \"First\"\n else\n print \"Second\"", "src_uid": "aed24ebab3ed9fd1741eea8e4200f86b"} {"source_code": "open Printf\n\nexception Found\n\nlet r = ref 0\n\nlet c = ref 0\n\nlet () =\n try \n for i = 1 to 5 do\n for j = 1 to 5 do\n let n = Scanf.scanf \"%d \" ( fun x -> x) in\n if(n==1) then begin r:=i; c:=j; raise Found end\n done\n done\n with Found -> ();;\n\n\nlet () = printf \"%d \\n\" ( abs(!r-3) + abs(!c-3) )\n", "src_uid": "8ba7cedc3f6ae478a0bb3f902440c8e9"} {"source_code": "let (n, k) = Scanf.scanf \"%f %f\" (fun x y -> (x, y));;\nlet num_put = (n +. k) *. 2. +. 2.25 |> sqrt |> (fun x -> x -. 1.5) |> ceil |> int_of_float;;\nPrintf.printf \"%d\\n\" ((int_of_float n) - num_put);;", "src_uid": "17b5ec1c6263ef63c668c2b903db1d77"} {"source_code": "let solve n m k =\n let mod_const = 1000000007 in\n let safe_add a b = Int64.(to_int (rem (add (of_int a) (of_int b)) (of_int mod_const))) in\n let safe_mul a b = Int64.(to_int (rem (mul (of_int a) (of_int b)) (of_int mod_const))) in\n let scale = 10 + max n m in\n let c = Array.init scale (fun _ -> Array.make scale 1) in\n let () = for i = 2 to (scale-1) do\n for j = 1 to (i-1) do\n c.(i).(j) <- (safe_add c.(i-1).(j) c.(i-1).(j-1))\n done\n done\n in\n let k' = 2*k in\n if k' >= n || k' >= m then 0\n else safe_mul c.(n-1).(k') c.(m-1).(k')\n\nlet () =\n let n, m, k = Scanf.(scanf \" %d %d %d \" (fun a b c -> (a,b,c))) in\n Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" (solve n m k)\n", "src_uid": "309d2d46086d526d160292717dfef308"} {"source_code": "let count = int_of_string(input_line stdin);;\nlet s = input_line stdin;;\n\nlet rec eights s i b =\n if i == -1 then b\n else if s.[i] == '8' then eights s (i - 1) (b + 1)\n else eights s (i - 1) b;;\n\nlet min a b =\n if a < b then a else b;;\n\nlet x = eights s (String.length(s) - 1) 0;;\nPrintf.printf \"%d\\n\" (min x (count / 11))", "src_uid": "259d01b81bef5536b969247ff2c2d776"} {"source_code": "let () =\n Scanf.scanf \"%d %d \" (fun n m ->\n let m = min n m in\n if m mod 2 = 0 then print_endline \"Malvika\"\n else print_endline \"Akshat\")\n;;\n", "src_uid": "a4b9ce9c9f170a729a97af13e81b5fe4"} {"source_code": "\nlet read_nums () = \n let s = read_line () in\n let nums = List.map int_of_string (Str.split (Str.regexp \" \") s) in\n nums\n\n;;\n\nlet is_possible (t, s, x) =\n let r = (x - t) mod s in\n (x = t) || ( x >= (t + s) && (r = 0 || r = 1))\n\n;;\n\nlet main () =\n let l = read_nums () in\n match l with\n | [t; s; x] -> if is_possible (t, s, x) then\n print_string \"YES\\n\"\n else\n print_string \"NO\\n\"\n | _ -> ()\n;;\n\n\nmain ()\n", "src_uid": "3baf9d841ff7208c66f6de1b47b0f952"} {"source_code": "open Big_int\n\nlet pgcd = Big_int.gcd_big_int\nlet (/) = Big_int.div_big_int\nlet (+) = Big_int.add_big_int\nlet ( * ) = Big_int.mult_big_int\nlet ( - ) = Big_int.sub_big_int\nlet min = Big_int.min_big_int\nlet un = Big_int.big_int_of_int 1\n\nlet min_sol x y =\n\t(x / (pgcd x y)) * y\n\nlet count_sol x y t =\n\tlet m = min_sol x y and equalpas = min x y in\n\tlet a = t/m in\n\t\ta*equalpas + min equalpas (t - a*m + un);;\n\nlet final x y t =\n\tlet num = (count_sol x y t) - un in\n\t\tPrintf.printf \"%s/%s\" (Big_int.string_of_big_int (num / pgcd num t)) (Big_int.string_of_big_int (t / pgcd num t));;\n\nlet main () =\n\tScanf.scanf \"%s %s %s\" (fun i j k -> let [i';j';k'] = List.map Big_int.big_int_of_string [i;j;k] in final j' k' i');;\n\nmain ();;\n", "src_uid": "7a1d8ca25bce0073c4eb5297b94501b5"} {"source_code": "let cao n m = if m > n then -1. else ceil(n /. 2.0 /. m) *. m;;\nPrintf.printf \"%.0f\\n\" (Scanf.sscanf (read_line()) \"%f %f\" cao)", "src_uid": "0fa526ebc0b4fa3a5866c7c5b3a4656f"} {"source_code": "let list_init n =\n let rec loop i list = \n if i < n\n then\n let element = Scanf.scanf \"%c\" (fun c -> c) in\n loop (i + 1) (element :: list)\n else\n List.rev list\n in loop 0 []\n\nlet input () = \n let n = Scanf.scanf \"%d \" (fun n -> n) in\n let letters = List.append (list_init n) ['W'] in\n (n, letters)\n\nlet solve (n, letters) = \n let rec loop flag count rest list = \n match (rest, flag) with\n | ('W' :: tail), false -> loop flag count tail list\n | ('W' :: tail), true -> loop false 0 tail (count :: list)\n | ('B' :: tail), _ -> loop true (count + 1) tail list\n | [], _ -> (List.length list, List.rev list)\n in loop false 0 letters []\n\nlet print (n, list) = \n Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" n;\n List.iter (Printf.printf \"%d \") list;\n Printf.printf \"\\n\"\n\nlet () = print (solve (input ()))", "src_uid": "e4b3a2707ba080b93a152f4e6e983973"} {"source_code": "open Printf\nopen Scanf\n\nlet ( ** ) a b = Int64.mul a b\nlet ( ++ ) a b = Int64.add a b\nlet ( -- ) a b = Int64.sub a b\nlet ( // ) a b = Int64.div a b\nlet ( %% ) a b = Int64.rem a b\n\nlet read_int () = bscanf Scanning.stdib \" %Ld \" (fun x -> x)\n\nlet () = \n let n = read_int () in\n\n printf \"%Ld\\n\" (n**n -- 4L**n ++ 4L)\n", "src_uid": "efa8e7901a3084d34cfb1a6b18067f2b"} {"source_code": "let (k, l, m, n, d) = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d %d %d %d\" (fun k l m n d -> k, l, m, n, d)\n\nlet if_divisible k l m n = fun int ->\n if int mod k = 0 || int mod l = 0 || int mod m = 0 || int mod n = 0\n then\n true\n else\n false\n\nlet get_list d = \n let rec loop i list = \n if i <= d\n then\n loop (i + 1) (i :: list)\n else\n List.rev list\n in loop 1 []\n\nlet solve (k, l, m, n, d) = List.length(List.filter(if_divisible k l m n) (get_list d))\n\nlet print result = Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" result\n\nlet () = print (solve (k, l, m, n, d)) ", "src_uid": "46bfdec9bfc1e91bd2f5022f3d3c8ce7"} {"source_code": "let read () = Scanf.scanf \"%d \" (fun n -> n)\n\nlet fill_lists l = \n let rec loop i a b =\n if i < l\n then\n loop (i + 1) (read () :: a) (read () :: b)\n else\n (l, a, b)\n in loop 0 [] []\n\nlet count_duplicates (l, a, b) = \n let rec loop i count = \n if i < l\n then\n let duplicates = List.filter (fun n -> n = (List.nth a i)) b in\n loop (i + 1) (count + List.length duplicates)\n else\n count\n in loop 0 0\n\nlet solve () = \n let l = read () in\n count_duplicates (fill_lists l)\n \nlet print result = Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" result\nlet () = print (solve ())", "src_uid": "745f81dcb4f23254bf6602f9f389771b"} {"source_code": "open Printf;;\nopen Int64;;\n\nlet n = of_string (read_line()) in\nlet two = add one one in\nlet ans = if ((compare (rem n two) zero) == 0) then (div n two) else (neg (div (add n one) two)) in\nprintf \"%s\\n\" (to_string ans);;", "src_uid": "689e7876048ee4eb7479e838c981f068"} {"source_code": "open Printf\nopen Scanf\n\nlet ( ** ) a b = Int64.mul a b\nlet ( ++ ) a b = Int64.add a b\nlet ( -- ) a b = Int64.sub a b\nlet ( // ) a b = Int64.div a b\nlet ( %% ) a b = Int64.rem a b\n\nlet read_long () = bscanf Scanning.stdib \" %Ld \" (fun x -> x)\n\nlet () = \n let n = read_long() in\n let m = n // 2L in\n if n %% 2L <> 0L then printf \"0\\n\"\n else printf \"%Ld\\n\" ((m -- 1L) // 2L)\n", "src_uid": "32b59d23f71800bc29da74a3fe2e2b37"} {"source_code": "Scanf.scanf \"%s %s %s %s\" @@ fun nn mm aa bb ->\n let open Big_int in\n let ( * ) = mult_big_int in\n let ( - ) = sub_big_int in\n let [n; m; a; b] = List.map big_int_of_string [nn; mm; aa; bb] in\n let c = mod_big_int n m in\n let aa = (m - c) * a in\n let bb = c * b in\n min_big_int aa bb\n |> string_of_big_int\n |> print_endline\n", "src_uid": "c05d753b35545176ad468b99ff13aa39"} {"source_code": "let a = Array.create_matrix 8 8 0;;\nfor i = 0 to 7 do \n\tlet s = read_line () in\n\tfor j = 0 to 7 do \n\t\tArray.set a.(i) j\n\t\t(match (String.get s j) with\n\t\t\t| 'W' -> 1\n\t\t\t| 'B' -> 2;\n\t\t\t| _ -> 0;\n\t\t)\n\tdone;\ndone;;\nlet min1 = ref 99 and min2 = ref 99;;\nlet ff = Array.create 8 0;;\nfor i = 0 to 7 do \n\tfor j = 0 to 7 do \n\tbegin\n\t\tif (a.(i).(j) = 1) && (ff.(j) = 0) then\n\t\tbegin\n\t\t\tmin1 := min !min1 (i);\n\t\t\tArray.set ff j 1;\n\t\tend;\n\t\tif (a.(i).(j) = 2) then Array.set ff j 1\n\tend;\n\tdone;\ndone;;\nlet ff = Array.create 8 0;;\nfor i = 7 downto 0 do \n\tfor j = 0 to 7 do \n\tbegin\n\t\tif (a.(i).(j) = 2) && (ff.(j) = 0) then\n\t\tbegin\n\t\t\tmin2 := min !min2 (7- i);\n\t\t\tArray.set ff j 1;\n\t\tend;\n\t\tif (a.(i).(j) = 1) then Array.set ff j 1\n\tend;\n\tdone;\ndone;;\nif min1 <= min2 then print_char 'A'\n\telse print_char 'B';;\n\t(*\nprint_int !min1;;\nprint_endline \"\";;\nprint_int !min2;;\n*)\n", "src_uid": "0ddc839e17dee20e1a954c1289de7fbd"} {"source_code": "(* 6:49 start *)\nopen Printf\nopen Scanf\n\nlet ( ++ ) a b = Int64.add a b\nlet ( -- ) a b = Int64.sub a b\nlet ( // ) a b = Int64.div a b\nlet ( %% ) a b = Int64.rem a b\n\nlet read_long () = bscanf Scanning.stdib \" %Ld \" (fun x -> x)\n\nlet () = \n let a = read_long () in\n let b = read_long () in\n let s = read_long () in\n\n let shortest = (Int64.abs a) ++ (Int64.abs b) in\n\n if s >= shortest && (s -- shortest) %% 2L = 0L then printf \"Yes\\n\" else printf \"No\\n\"\n\n", "src_uid": "9a955ce0775018ff4e5825700c13ed36"} {"source_code": "let main () =\n let (r,c,n,k) = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d %d %d\" (fun r c n k -> r,c,n,k) in\n let mat = Array.make_matrix r c 0 in\n let compt = ref 0 in\n for i = 1 to n do\n Scanf.scanf \" %d %d\" (fun x y -> mat.(x-1).(y-1) <- 1);\n done;\n for i=0 to r-1 do\n for i'=i to r-1 do\n for j=0 to c-1 do\n for j'=j to c-1 do\n let nb = ref 0 in\n for i'' = i to i' do\n for j'' = j to j' do\n nb := !nb + mat.(i'').(j'');\n done;\n done;\n if !nb >= k\n then incr compt;\n done;\n done;\n done;\n done;\n print_int !compt;;\n\nmain ()\n", "src_uid": "9c766881f6415e2f53fb43b61f8f40b4"} {"source_code": "let input () = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d\" (fun x y -> (x, y))\n\nlet solve (cost, coin) = \n let rec loop i =\n if i <= 10\n then \n let total = i * cost in\n let change = total mod 10 in\n if change = 0 || change = coin\n then\n i\n else\n loop (i + 1)\n else\n failwith \"Invalid input\"\n in loop 1\n\nlet print result = Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" result\nlet () = print (solve (input ())) ", "src_uid": "18cd1cd809df4744bb7bcd7cad94e2d3"} {"source_code": "let read () = Scanf.scanf \"%d \" (fun n -> n)\n\nlet solve () = \n let total = read () in\n let travel_time = read () in\n let spare_time = 240 - travel_time in\n let rec loop i time_left = \n if i <= total\n then\n let solving_time = 5 * i in\n if solving_time < time_left\n then\n loop (i + 1) (time_left - solving_time)\n else\n if solving_time = time_left\n then\n i\n else\n i - 1\n else\n i - 1\n in loop 1 spare_time\n\nlet print result = Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" result\nlet () = print (solve ())", "src_uid": "41e554bc323857be7b8483ee358a35e2"} {"source_code": "let ( / ) = Int64.div\nlet ( * ) = Int64.mul\nlet ( + ) = Int64.add\nlet ( - ) = Int64.sub\nlet zero = Int64.zero\nlet one = Int64.one\nlet two = Int64.of_int 2\n\nlet factorial n = \n let rec loop i acc = \n if i >= one\n then\n loop (i - one) (acc * i)\n else\n acc\n in loop n one\n\nlet solve () =\n let n = Scanf.scanf \"%Ld %Ld \" (fun a b -> Pervasives.min a b) in\n factorial n\n\nlet print result = Printf.printf \"%Ld\\n\" result\nlet () = print (solve ())", "src_uid": "7bf30ceb24b66d91382e97767f9feeb6"} {"source_code": "let _ =\n let n = Scanf.scanf \" %d\" (fun x -> x) in\n let m = Scanf.scanf \" %d\" (fun x -> x) in\n let ans = ref 0 in\n for i = 0 to 100 do\n for j = 0 to 100 do\n if i * i + j = n && i + j * j = m then ans := !ans + 1\n done\n done;\n print_int !ans\n", "src_uid": "03caf4ddf07c1783e42e9f9085cc6efd"} {"source_code": "let _ =\n let mm = 1000000007L in\n let sb = Scanf.Scanning.stdib in\n let n = Scanf.bscanf sb \"%d \" (fun s -> s) in\n let m = Scanf.bscanf sb \"%d \" (fun s -> s) in\n let k = Scanf.bscanf sb \"%d \" (fun s -> s) in\n let res =\n if n = k then (\n let res = ref 1L in\n let ml = Int64.of_int m in\n\tfor i = 1 to (n + 1) / 2 do\n\t res := Int64.rem (Int64.mul !res ml) mm\n\tdone;\n\t!res\n ) else if k = 1 || n < k then (\n let res = ref 1L in\n let ml = Int64.of_int m in\n\tfor i = 1 to n do\n\t res := Int64.rem (Int64.mul !res ml) mm\n\tdone;\n\t!res\n ) else if k mod 2 = 0\n then Int64.of_int m\n else Int64.of_int (m * m)\n in\n Printf.printf \"%Ld\\n\" res\n", "src_uid": "1f9107e8d1d8aebb1f4a1707a6cdeb6d"} {"source_code": "let () =\n Scanf.scanf \"%d %d \" @@ fun n l ->\n let a = Array.init n (fun _ -> Scanf.scanf \"%d \" (fun x -> x)) in\n let b = Array.init n (fun _ -> Scanf.scanf \"%d \" (fun x -> x)) in\n let rec shift s =\n if s = n then\n print_endline \"NO\"\n else\n let rec check i =\n if i = n then\n print_endline \"YES\"\n else if (a.(i) - b.((i + s) mod n) - a.(0) + b.(s)) mod l = 0 then\n check (i + 1)\n else\n shift (s + 1) in\n check 1 in\n shift 0\n", "src_uid": "3d931684ca11fe6141c6461e85d91d63"} {"source_code": "let n = read_int();;\nlet a = Array.make n [|0; 0|];;\nfor i = 0 to n -1 do\n\tArray.set a i (Array.of_list (List.map (int_of_string) ((Str.split (Str.regexp \" \") (read_line ())))));\ndone;;\nlet ans = ref (0);;\nfor i = 0 to n - 1 do for j = i + 1 to n - 1 do\n\tif (a.(i).(0) != a.(j).(0)) && (a.(i).(1) != a.(j).(1)) then ans := (a.(i).(0) - a.(j).(0)) * (a.(i).(1) - a.(j).(1));\ndone done;;\nif ((!ans) < 0) then \t\n\tans := -(!ans);;\nif !ans = 0 then ans := -1;;\nprint_int !ans;;\n", "src_uid": "ba49b6c001bb472635f14ec62233210e"} {"source_code": "open Printf\nopen Scanf\n\n\nlet read_string () = bscanf Scanning.stdib \" %s \" (fun x -> x)\nlet () = \n let dir = read_string () in\n let input = read_string () in\n\n let row = Array.make 3 \"\" in\n row.(0) <- \"qwertyuiop\";\n row.(1) <- \"asdfghjkl;\";\n row.(2) <- \"zxcvbnm,./\";\n\n let findletter l =\n let p0 = try String.index row.(0) l with Not_found -> -1 in\n let p1 = try String.index row.(1) l with Not_found -> -1 in\n let p2 = try String.index row.(2) l with Not_found -> -1 in\n if p0 >= 0 then (0,p0)\n else if p1 >= 0 then (1,p1)\n else if p2 >= 0 then (2,p2)\n else failwith \"character not found\"\n in\n\n let offset = if dir = \"L\" then 1 else -1 in\n\n for i=0 to (String.length input) -1 do\n let (r,p) = findletter input.[i] in\n printf \"%c\" row.(r).[p+offset];\n done;\n print_newline()\n", "src_uid": "df49c0c257903516767fdb8ac9c2bfd6"} {"source_code": "let ss = \"CODEFORCES\"\n\nlet () = Scanf.scanf \"%s\" (fun s ->\n\t\t\t let rec m pos =\n\t\t\t if pos >= String.length ss || pos >= String.length s || s.[pos] <> ss.[pos]\n\t\t\t then pos\n\t\t\t else m (pos + 1)\n\t\t\t in\n\t\t\t let l = m 0 in\n\t\t\t print_endline (if String.length s >= String.length ss && Str.string_after ss l = Str.last_chars s ((String.length ss) - l)\n\t\t\t\t\t then \"YES\" else \"NO\"))\n", "src_uid": "bda4b15827c94b526643dfefc4bc36e7"} {"source_code": "open Printf\nopen Scanf\nlet read_int _ = bscanf Scanning.stdib \" %d \" (fun x -> x)\n\nlet () =\n let n = read_int () and k = read_int () in\n let a = Array.init n read_int in\n let sum = Array.fold_left (+) 0 a\n and ans = ref 0 in\n for i = 0 to k - 1 do\n let j = ref i\n and res = ref sum in\n while !j < n do\n res := !res - a.(!j);\n j := !j + k\n done;\n ans := max !ans (abs !res)\n done;\n printf \"%d\\n\" !ans", "src_uid": "6119258322e06fa6146e592c63313df3"} {"source_code": "open Printf\nopen Scanf\n\nlet () =\n let n, m, a, b = bscanf Scanning.stdib \" %d %d %d %d \" (fun w x y z -> (w,x,y,z)) in\n let answer = n * a in\n let answer2 = (n / m) * b + (n - (n / m) * m) * a in\n let answer3 = (n / m + 1) * b in\n \n let answer4 = if answer > answer2 then answer2 else answer in\n let answer5 = if answer3 > answer4 then answer4 else answer3 in\n printf \"%d\\n\" answer5\n", "src_uid": "faa343ad6028c5a069857a38fa19bb24"} {"source_code": "let input () = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d %s\" (fun l n s -> n, s)\n\nlet str_to_list s =\n let rec loop i l =\n if i < 0 \n then l \n else loop (i - 1) (s.[i] :: l) in\n loop (String.length s - 1) []\n \n\nlet rec move = function\n |('B' :: 'G' :: tail) -> ('G' :: 'B' :: move tail)\n |(head :: tail) -> (head :: move tail)\n |[] -> []\n\nlet rec loop n queue = \n if n > 0\n then \n loop (n - 1) (move queue)\n else\n queue\n\nlet solve (n, queue) = loop n (str_to_list queue)\n\nlet () = List.iter(Printf.printf \"%c\") (solve (input()))", "src_uid": "964ed316c6e6715120039b0219cc653a"} {"source_code": "open Printf\nopen Scanf\nopen Big_int\n\nlet main () =\n let input = input_line stdin in\n let n_str, m_str, a_str = sscanf input \"%s %s %s\" (fun a b c -> (a, b, c)) in\n let n = big_int_of_string n_str in\n let m = big_int_of_string m_str in\n let a = big_int_of_string a_str in\n let result = \n let additional d = \n big_int_of_int (match int_of_big_int (mod_big_int d a) with 0 -> 0 | _ -> 1) in\n let vertical = add_big_int (div_big_int m a) (additional m) in\n let horizontal = add_big_int (div_big_int n a) (additional n) in\n let res_int = mult_big_int vertical horizontal in\n string_of_big_int res_int\n in\n printf \"%s\" result;\n ()\n\nlet _ = main ()\n", "src_uid": "ef971874d8c4da37581336284b688517"} {"source_code": "open Printf\nopen Scanf\n\nlet read_int () = bscanf Scanning.stdib \" %d \" (fun x -> x)\nlet () = \n let n = read_int() in\n \n let rec digits n = if n=0 then [] else (n mod 10) :: (digits (n/10)) in\n let dig = Array.of_list (List.rev (digits n)) in\n \n let m = Array.length dig in\n let final = Array.make m 0 in\n \n let rec loop ac = if dig = final then ac else\n let num = Array.make m 0 in\n for j=0 to m-1 do\n\tnum.(j) <- if dig.(j) > 0 then 1 else 0;\n\tdig.(j) <- dig.(j) - num.(j)\n done;\n loop (num::ac)\n in\n \n let li = loop [] in\n \n printf \"%d\\n\" (List.length li);\n \n List.iter (\n fun a -> \n let rec build i ac = if i=m then ac else\n\t build (i+1) (10*ac + a.(i))\n in\n printf \"%d \" (build 0 0)\n ) li;\n print_newline()\n", "src_uid": "033068c5e16d25f09039e29c88474275"} {"source_code": "let minNum lst target =\n let rec f' acc l cur =\n match l with\n | [] -> (-1)\n | h :: t -> let c = acc + h in\n if c >= target then cur + 1\n\t\t else f' c t (cur + 1)\n in\n match target with\n | 0 -> 0\n | _ -> f' 0 lst 0\nin\nlet cmp x y =\n if x = y then 0\n else begin\n if x > y then 1 else -1\n end\nin\nlet read_nums str =\n let nstrings = Str.split (Str.regexp \" \") str in\n List.map (fun x -> int_of_string x) nstrings\nin\nlet k = read_int () in\nlet grows_i = List.rev (List.sort cmp (read_nums (read_line ()))) in\nprint_int (minNum grows_i k)\n", "src_uid": "59dfa7a4988375febc5dccc27aca90a8"} {"source_code": "open Printf open Scanf\nopen Array\n\nlet i32,i64,i64st = Int64.(to_int,of_int,to_string)\nlet labs = Int64.abs\nlet (++),(--),( ** ),(//),(%%) = Int64.(add,sub,mul,div,rem)\nlet rec gcd_i64 m n = match m,n with | m,0L -> m | m,n -> gcd_i64 n (m %% n)\nlet lcm_i64 m n = (m // gcd_i64 m n) ** n\nlet pow_i64 n k =\n let rec f a n = function\n | 0 -> a | 1 -> n**a | k when k mod 2 = 0 -> f a (n**n) (k/2) | k -> f (a**n) (n**n) (k/2)\n in f 1L n k\nlet rep l r f =\n let rec f0 i =\n if i>r then ()\n else (f i; f0 (i++1L))\n in f0 l\nlet factors n = (* O(sqrt n) *)\n let m,r = ref n,ref [] in\n rep 2L (2L ++ Int64.of_float (sqrt @@ Int64.to_float n)) (fun i ->\n if !m %% i = 0L then (\n let k = ref 0L in\n while !m %% i = 0L do\n k := !k ++ 1L; m := !m // i;\n done;\n r := (i,!k) :: !r));\n if !m>1L then (!m,1L)::!r else !r\n\nmodule ModCalc_lightweight = struct\n let md = 1000000007L\n (* let md = 998244353L *)\n let pow_mod n k =\n let rec f a n = function\n | 0L -> a %% md\n | 1L -> (a ** n) %% md\n | k when k %% 2L = 0L -> f a ((n ** n) %% md) (k//2L)\n | k -> f ((a ** n) %% md) n (k--1L)\n in f 1L n k\n let posmod v =\n if v<0L then\n (v ++ (-1L ** v // md ++ 1L) ** md) %% md\n else v\n let rec extgcd a b =\n if b = 0L then 1L,0L,a\n else\n let y,x,d = extgcd b (a %% b) in\n x,(y -- (a//b) ** x),d\n (* let inv v = pow_mod v (md--2L) *)\n let inv v =\n let x,_,_ = extgcd v md in\n let x = posmod x in\n (md ++ (x %% md)) %% md\n let (/%) p q = (p ** (inv q)) %% md\nend open ModCalc_lightweight\n\nlet () = scanf \" %Ld %d\" @@ fun n k ->\n let arr = factors n |> of_list in\n let res = ref 1L in\n iter (fun (p,q) ->\n let q = i32 q in\n let dp = make (q+1) 0L in\n dp.(q) <- 1L;\n for _=1 to k do\n let acc = ref 0L in\n for j=q downto 0 do\n acc := (!acc ++ dp.(j) /% (i64 @@ j+1)) %% md;\n dp.(j) <- !acc;\n done;\n done;\n let r = ref 0L in\n let pw = ref 1L in\n for j=0 to q do\n r := !r ++ (dp.(j) ** !pw) %% md;\n pw := (!pw ** p) %% md;\n done;\n res := !res ** (!r %% md);\n res := !res %% md;\n ) arr;\n printf \"%Ld\" !res\n\n\n", "src_uid": "dc466d9c24b7dcb37c0e99337b4124d2"} {"source_code": "(*\n Author: sighduck\n URL: https://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/4/A\n*)\n\nlet solve (w: int) : string =\n if w mod 2 == 0 && w > 2 then \"YES\\n\"\n else \"NO\\n\" ;;\n\nlet main =\n read_int () |> solve |> print_string ;;\n", "src_uid": "230a3c4d7090401e5fa3c6b9d994cdf2"} {"source_code": "let scan_int () = Scanf.scanf \" %d\" (fun x -> x);;\nlet scan_string () = Scanf.scanf \" %s\" (fun x -> x);;\nlet psp () = print_string \" \";;\nlet b2i x = if x == true then 1 else 0;;\n\nopen Int64;;\nlet n = Int64.of_int(scan_int()) and m = Int64.of_string(scan_string());;\nprint_int(Int64.to_int(max zero (sub n (mul (Int64.of_int 2) m)))); psp();\n\nfor i = 0 to Int64.to_int(n) do\n let j = Int64.of_int(i) in\n if div (mul j (pred j)) (Int64.of_int 2) >= m then begin\n print_int(Int64.to_int(n) - i); exit 0;\n end;\ndone;;\n", "src_uid": "daf0dd781bf403f7c1bb668925caa64d"} {"source_code": "open Printf\nopen Scanf\n\nlet l2n c = (int_of_char c) - (int_of_char 'a')\nlet n2l n = char_of_int ((int_of_char 'a') + n)\nlet rec forall i j f = (i>j) || ((f i) && forall (i+1) j f)\n\nlet read_string () = bscanf Scanning.stdib \" %s \" (fun x -> x)\n\nlet () = \n let s = read_string () in\n let t = read_string () in\n\n let n = String.length s in\n\n let ns = Array.init n (fun i -> l2n s.[i]) in\n \n let c = ref 1 in\n for i=n-1 downto 0 do\n ns.(i) <- ns.(i) + !c;\n if ns.(i) = 26 then (\n ns.(i) <- 0;\n c := 1;\n ) else (\n c := 0;\n )\n done;\n\n if forall 0 (n-1) (fun i -> n2l ns.(i) = t.[i]) then (\n printf \"No such string\\n\"\n ) else (\n for i=0 to n-1 do\n printf \"%c\" (n2l ns.(i))\n done;\n print_newline()\n )\n", "src_uid": "47618510d2a17b1cc1e6a688201d51a3"} {"source_code": "open Printf\nopen Scanf\n\nlet ( ** ) a b = Int64.mul a b\nlet ( ++ ) a b = Int64.add a b\nlet ( -- ) a b = Int64.sub a b\nlet ( // ) a b = Int64.div a b\nlet ( %% ) a b = Int64.rem a b\n\nlet read_long () = bscanf Scanning.stdib \" %Ld \" (fun x -> x)\n\nlet () = \n let x = read_long() in\n\n let rec digits x = if x=0L then [] else (Int64.to_int (x %% 10L))::(digits (x//10L)) in\n\n List.iteri (fun i d -> \n let d = if i=0 && d=9 then d else min (9-d) d in\n printf \"%d\" d;\n ) (List.rev (digits x));\n\n print_newline()\n", "src_uid": "d5de5052b4e9bbdb5359ac6e05a18b61"} {"source_code": "module SS = Set.Make(String);;\n\nlet read_int () = Scanf.scanf \" %d\" (fun x -> x)\nlet read_line () = Scanf.scanf \" %s\" (fun x -> x)\n\nlet (--) i j = \n let rec aux n acc =\n if n < i then acc else aux (n-1) (n :: acc)\n in aux j []\n\nlet break str i =\n let n = String.length str in\n let a = String.sub str 0 i in\n let b = String.sub str i (n - i) in\n (a,b)\n\nlet print_set s = SS.iter print_endline s\n\nlet () = \n let set = SS.empty in\n let str = read_line () in\n let n = String.length str in\n let alphabet = List.map Char.chr (Char.code('a') -- Char.code('z')) in\n let set = List.fold_right (fun i set ->\n List.fold_right (fun j set ->\n let (a,b) = break str j in\n SS.add (a ^ (Char.escaped i) ^ b) set\n ) (0 -- n) set\n ) alphabet set in\n Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" (SS.cardinal set);\n", "src_uid": "556684d96d78264ad07c0cdd3b784bc9"} {"source_code": "let rec r a b n =\n if a = Int64.zero then n\n else\n if a >= b then\n r (Int64.sub a (Int64.mul (Int64.div a b) b)) b (Int64.add n (Int64.div a b))\n else\n r b a n ;;\n\nPrintf.printf \"%Ld\\n\" (Scanf.scanf \"%Ld %Ld\" (fun a b -> r a b Int64.zero)) ;;\n", "src_uid": "792efb147f3668a84c866048361970f8"} {"source_code": "let permute n visit =\n let a = Array.init n (fun i -> i + 0)\n and b = Array.init n (fun i -> i)\n and c = Array.make (n + 1) 0 in\n let k = ref 1 in\n let j = ref 1 in\n try\n while true do\n\tvisit a;\n\tk := 1;\n\twhile c.(!k) = !k do\n\t c.(!k) <- 0;\n\t incr k\n\tdone;\n\tif !k = n then\n\t raise Not_found;\n\tc.(!k) <- c.(!k) + 1;\n\tlet t = a.(0) in\n\t a.(0) <- a.(b.(!k));\n\t a.(b.(!k)) <- t;\n\t j := 1;\n\t k := !k - 1;\n\t while !j < !k do\n\t let t = b.(!j) in\n\t b.(!j) <- b.(!k);\n\t b.(!k) <- t;\n\t incr j;\n\t k := !k - 1;\n\t done\n done\n with\n | Not_found -> ()\n\nexception Found\n\nlet _ =\n let sb = Scanf.Scanning.stdib in\n let n = Scanf.bscanf sb \"%d \" (fun s -> s) in\n let a = Array.make (n * n) 0 in\n let () =\n for i = 0 to n * n - 1 do\n let k = Scanf.bscanf sb \"%d \" (fun s -> s) in\n\ta.(i) <- k\n done\n in\n let s =\n let s = ref 0 in\n for i = 0 to n * n - 1 do\n\ts := !s + a.(i)\n done;\n !s / n\n in\n let b = Array.make_matrix n n 0 in\n let visit p =\n for i = 0 to n - 1 do\n for j = 0 to n - 1 do\n\tb.(i).(j) <- a.(p.(i * n + j))\n done\n done;\n try\n for i = 0 to n - 1 do\n\tlet r = ref 0 in\n\t for j = 0 to n - 1 do\n\t r := !r + b.(i).(j)\n\t done;\n\t if !r <> s\n\t then raise Not_found\n done;\n for i = 0 to n - 1 do\n\tlet r = ref 0 in\n\t for j = 0 to n - 1 do\n\t r := !r + b.(j).(i)\n\t done;\n\t if !r <> s\n\t then raise Not_found\n done;\n (let r = ref 0 in\n\t for j = 0 to n - 1 do\n\t r := !r + b.(j).(j)\n\t done;\n\t if !r <> s\n\t then raise Not_found\n );\n (let r = ref 0 in\n\t for j = 0 to n - 1 do\n\t r := !r + b.(j).(n - 1 - j)\n\t done;\n\t if !r <> s\n\t then raise Not_found\n );\n raise Found\n with\n | Not_found -> ()\n in\n try\n if n <= 3 then (\n\tpermute (n * n) visit;\n\tassert false\n ) else (\n\t(*for i = 15 downto 1 do\n\t let j = Random.int (i + 1) in\n\t let t = a.(i) in\n\t a.(i) <- a.(j);\n\t a.(j) <- t;\n\tdone;*)\n\tArray.sort compare a;\n\tlet u = Array.make 16 false in\n\t for i = 0 to 15 do\n\t if not (Array.unsafe_get u i) && not (i > 0 && not u.(i - 1) && a.(i - 1) = a.(i)) then (\n\t let i11 = i in\n\t Array.unsafe_set u i true;\n\t let a11 = Array.unsafe_get a i in\n\t\tfor i = 0 to 15 do\n\t\t if not (Array.unsafe_get u i) && not (i > 0 && not u.(i - 1) && a.(i - 1) = a.(i)) then (\n\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i true;\n\t\t let a22 = Array.unsafe_get a i in\n\t\t for i = 0 to 15 do\n\t\t\tif not (Array.unsafe_get u i) && not (i > 0 && not u.(i - 1) && a.(i - 1) = a.(i)) then (\n\t\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i true;\n\t\t\t let a33 = Array.unsafe_get a i in\n\t\t\t for i = i11 + 1 to 15 do\n\t\t\t if not (Array.unsafe_get u i) && not (i > 0 && not u.(i - 1) && a.(i - 1) = a.(i)) then (\n\t\t\t\tArray.unsafe_set u i true;\n\t\t\t\tlet a44 = Array.unsafe_get a i in\n\t\t\t\t if a11 + a22 + a33 + a44 = s then (\n\t\tfor i = i11 + 1 to 15 do\n\t\t let i41 = i in\n\t\t if not (Array.unsafe_get u i) then (\n let f () =\n\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i true;\n\t\t let a41 = Array.unsafe_get a i in\n\t\t for i = 0 to 15 do\n\t\t\tif not (Array.unsafe_get u i) then (\n\t\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i true;\n\t\t\t let a32 = Array.unsafe_get a i in\n\t\t\t for i = 0 to 15 do\n\t\t\t if not (Array.unsafe_get u i) then (\n\t\t\t\tArray.unsafe_set u i true;\n\t\t\t\tlet a23 = Array.unsafe_get a i in\n\t\t\t\t for i = i11 + 1 to 15 do\n\t\t\t\t if not (Array.unsafe_get u i) then (\n\t\t\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i true;\n\t\t\t\t let a14 = Array.unsafe_get a i in\n\t\t\t\t\tif i < i41 && a41 + a32 + a23 + a14 = s then (\n\t\t for i = 0 to 15 do\n\t\t if not (Array.unsafe_get u i) then (\n\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i true;\n\t\t let a34 = Array.unsafe_get a i in\n\t\t\tfor i = 0 to 15 do\n\t\t\t if not (Array.unsafe_get u i) then (\n\t\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i true;\n\t\t\t let a31 = Array.unsafe_get a i in\n\t\t\t if a31 + a32 + a33 + a34 = s then (\n\t\t for i = 0 to 15 do\n\t\t if not (Array.unsafe_get u i) then (\n\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i true;\n\t\t let a21 = Array.unsafe_get a i in\n\t\t\tif a11 + a21 + a31 + a41 = s then (\n\t\t for i = 0 to 15 do\n\t\t if not (Array.unsafe_get u i) then (\n\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i true;\n\t\t let a24 = Array.unsafe_get a i in\n\t\t\tif a21 + a22 + a23 + a24 = s &&\n\t\t\t a14 + a24 + a34 + a44 = s\n\t\t\tthen (\n\t\t for i = 0 to 15 do\n\t\t if not (Array.unsafe_get u i) then (\n\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i true;\n\t\t let a12 = Array.unsafe_get a i in\n\t\t\tfor i = 0 to 15 do\n\t\t\t if not (Array.unsafe_get u i) then (\n\t\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i true;\n\t\t\t let a42 = Array.unsafe_get a i in\n\t\t\t if a12 + a22 + a32 + a42 = s then (\n\t\t for i = 0 to 15 do\n\t\t if not (Array.unsafe_get u i) then (\n\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i true;\n\t\t let a43 = Array.unsafe_get a i in\n\t\t\tif a41 + a42 + a43 + a44 = s then (\n\t\t for i = 0 to 15 do\n\t\t if not (Array.unsafe_get u i) then (\n\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i true;\n\t\t let a13 = Array.unsafe_get a i in\n\t\t\tif a13 + a23 + a33 + a43 = s &&\n\t\t\t a11 + a12 + a13 + a14 = s\n\t\t\tthen (\n\t\t\t let bb =\n\t\t\t [| [| a11; a12; a13; a14 |];\n\t\t\t [| a21; a22; a23; a24 |];\n\t\t\t [| a31; a32; a33; a34 |];\n\t\t\t [| a41; a42; a43; a44 |]; |]\n\t\t\t in\n\t\t\t for i = 0 to 3 do\n\t\t\t for j = 0 to 3 do\n\t\t\t\tb.(i).(j) <- bb.(i).(j)\n\t\t\t done\n\t\t\t done;\n\t\t\t raise Found;\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tArray.unsafe_set u i false;\n\t\t )\n\t\t done;\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tArray.unsafe_set u i false;\n\t\t )\n\t\t done;\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tArray.unsafe_set u i false;\n\t\t )\n\t\t done;\n\t\t\tArray.unsafe_set u i false;\n\t\t )\n\t\t done;\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tArray.unsafe_set u i false;\n\t\t )\n\t\t done;\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tArray.unsafe_set u i false;\n\t\t )\n\t\t done;\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t\tArray.unsafe_set u i false;\n\t\t )\n\t\t done;\n\t\t\tArray.unsafe_set u i false;\n\t\t )\n\t\t done;\n\t\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t\t\tArray.unsafe_set u i false;\n\t\t\t\t )\n\t\t\t\t done;\n\t\t\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i false;\n\t\t\t )\n\t\t\t done;\n\t\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i false;\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t done;\n\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i false;\n in f ()\n\t\t )\n\t\tdone;\n\t\t\t\t );\n\t\t\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i false;\n\t\t\t )\n\t\t\t done;\n\t\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i false;\n\t\t\t)\n\t\t done;\n\t\t Array.unsafe_set u i false;\n\t\t )\n\t\tdone;\n\t\tArray.unsafe_set u i false;\n\t )\n\t done\n )\n with\n | Found ->\n\t Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" s;\n\t for i = 0 to n - 1 do\n\t for j = 0 to n - 1 do\n\t Printf.printf \"%d \" b.(i).(j)\n\t done;\n\t Printf.printf \"\\n\";\n\t done;\n", "src_uid": "7c806fb163aaf23e1eef3e6570aea436"} {"source_code": "let readInput n =\n let rec aux i acc =\n match i with\n | 0 -> List.rev acc\n | i -> let v = Scanf.scanf \"%d \" (fun x -> x) in\n aux (i-1) (v :: acc)\n in\n aux n []\n\nlet main = \n let (n, s) = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d\\n\" (fun n s -> (n,s)) in\n let volumes = readInput n in\n let (total,maxV) = \n List.fold_left (fun (sum,maxV) v -> (sum + v, max v maxV))\n (0,0) volumes\n in\n if ((total - maxV) <= s) then Printf.printf \"YES\\n\" \n else Printf.printf \"NO\\n\" \n \n\n", "src_uid": "496baae594b32c5ffda35b896ebde629"} {"source_code": "let input = read_line() |> Str.split (Str.regexp \" +\") |> List.map int_of_string in\nlet n = List.nth input 0 and\nm = List.nth input 1 in\nlet count = ref (if m <= n then 1 else 0) in\nbegin\nfor i = 2 to min m n do\n if m mod i = 0 && m / i <= n then count := !count+1 else ()\ndone;\n!count |> print_int\nend\n\n", "src_uid": "c4b139eadca94201596f1305b2f76496"} {"source_code": "let read_int () = Scanf.bscanf Scanf.Scanning.stdib \" %d \" (fun x -> x)\n\nlet () =\n let n = read_int () in\n let array = Array.init n (fun _ ->\n read_int ()\n )\n in\n let e = (Array.length array) - 1 in\n if array.(e) = 0 then print_endline \"UP\"\n else if array.(e) = 15 then print_endline \"DOWN\"\n else if n = 1 then print_endline \"-1\"\n else if array.(e) - array.(e - 1) > 0 then print_endline \"UP\"\n else if array.(e) - array.(e - 1) < 0 then print_endline \"DOWN\"\n", "src_uid": "8330d9fea8d50a79741507b878da0a75"} {"source_code": "(* compiled on 64-bit system with ocamlopt -pp camlp4o $file *)\n\nopen Printf\nopen Scanf\nopen Array\n\nmodule S = String\nmodule Q = Queue\nmodule T = Stack\nmodule L = List\n\n(* misc *)\nlet neg_compare x y = - compare x y\nlet min3 a b c = min a (min b c)\nlet mid3 a b c = if a < b then max a (min b c) else max b (min a c) \nlet max3 a b c = max a (max b c)\nlet min4 a b c d = min (min a b) (min c d)\nlet max4 a b c d = max (max a b) (max c d)\nlet itb a = a <> 0\nlet bti b = if b then 1 else 0\n(* int *)\nlet intsqrt n = \n if n < 0 then raise (Invalid_argument \"sqrt of negative int\") else \n let rec bs a b = begin \n if b - a = 1 then a else \n let mid = (a+b)/2 in \n if mid*mid <= n then bs mid b else bs a mid\n end in \n bs 0 (1 lsl 31)\n(* float *)\nlet round f = truncate (f +. 0.5)\nlet inv_float f = 1. /. f\n(* functional *)\nlet id x = x\nlet const x _ = x\nlet (|>) x f = f x\nlet (^>) x f = f x\nlet (@@) a b = a b \nlet on g f a b = g (f a) (f b)\nlet rec fix f = f (fun x -> fix f x)\nlet ift cond a = if cond then a\nlet ifte cond a b = if cond then a else b\nlet rec for_ i len c f = if i = len then c else for_ (i+1) len (f i c) f\n(* predicate *)\nlet is_odd x = x land 1 = 1\nlet is_even x = x land 1 = 0\n(* option *)\nlet is_none = function | Some _ -> false | None -> true\nlet is_some = function | Some _ -> true | None -> false\nlet default x = function Some y -> y | None -> x\n(* ref *)\nlet (+=) a b = a := !a + b\nlet (-=) a b = a := !a - b \nlet ( *= ) a b = a := !a * b\nlet assign_min x y = x := min !x y \nlet assign_max x y = x := max !x y\n(* array *) \nlet set_min x i v = x.(i) <- min x.(i) v \nlet set_max x i v = x.(i) <- max x.(i) v \nlet swap arr i j = let t = arr.(i) in arr.(i) <- arr.(j); arr.(j) <- t \n(* tuple *)\nlet (+:) (a,b) (c,d) = (a+c,b+d)\nlet (-:) (a,b) (c,d) = (a-c,b-d)\n(* Arithmetic *)\nlet negate x = -x\nlet rec factorial n = if n = 0 then 1 else n * factorial (n-1)\nlet rec gcd a b = if b = 0 then a else gcd b (a mod b)\nlet rec extgcd a b = \n if b = 0 then 1,0,a else\n let x,y,g = extgcd b (a mod b) in \n y,x-(a/b)*y,g\nlet rec pow x n = if n = 0 then 1 else\n let n' = n/2 in\n let p = pow x n' in\n if is_odd n then x*p*p else p*p\nlet rec modpow m x n = \n if n = 0 then 1 else \n let n' = n/2 in\n let p = modpow m x n' in \n if is_even n then (p*p mod m) else\n (x*(p*p mod m) mod m) \nlet modinv m i = let _,x,_ = extgcd m i in x\n(* IO *)\nlet is_digit c =\n let i = int_of_char c in\n 48 <= i && i < 58\nlet is_space c = c = ' ' || c = '\\n' || c = '\\t' || c = '\\r' \nlet read_char () = try input_char stdin with End_of_file -> '\\000'\nlet rec read_letter () = \n let c = read_char() in \n if is_space c then read_letter() else c \nlet read_int () = \n let digit c = int_of_char c - 48 in\n let rec read n = \n let c = read_char() in \n if is_digit c then read (10*n + (digit c)) else \n n \n in\n let rec run c = \n if is_digit c then read (digit c) else \n if c = '-' then begin \n let c = read_char() in \n if is_digit c then -read (digit c) else run c \n end else \n if c = '\\000' then 0 else \n run (read_char())\n in \n run (read_char())\nlet read_float () = \n let digit c = float (int_of_char c - 48) in\n let rec read_decimial m f = \n let c = read_char () in \n if is_digit c then read_decimial (m /. 10.) (f +. m *. digit c) else f\n in \n let rec read_integral n = \n let c = read_char () in \n if is_digit c then read_integral (10. *. n +. digit c) else \n if c = '.' then n +. read_decimial 0.1 0.0 else \n n \n in \n let rec run c = begin \n if is_digit c then read_integral (digit c) else \n if c = '-' then begin \n let c = read_char() in \n if is_digit c then -. read_integral (digit c) else \n run c \n end else \n if c = '.' then read_decimial 0.1 0.0 else \n if c = '\\000' then 0.0 else \n run (read_char())\n end in \n run (read_char())\nlet read_word () = \n let open Buffer in \n let buf = create 1_000_000 in \n let rec read c = \n if is_space c || c = '\\000' then contents buf else begin \n add_char buf c; \n read (read_char())\n end \n in\n let rec run c = \n if is_space c then run (read_char()) else \n if c = '\\000' then \"\" else \n read c \n in \n run (read_char())\nlet read_line () = \n let open Buffer in \n let buf = create 1_000_000 in \n let rec run c = \n if c = '\\n' || c = '\\000' then contents buf else begin \n add_char buf c;\n run (read_char())\n end \n in\n run (read_char()) \nlet newline () = print_newline()\nlet print_tuple s (x,y) = printf s x y \nlet print_array s arr = Array.iter (printf s) arr; print_newline()\nlet print_matrix s mat = Array.iter (print_array s) mat\nlet print_list s lis = List.iter (printf s) lis; print_newline()\n;;\n\nlet _ = \n let len = read_int() in \n let _ = read_int() in \n let arr = init len (fun i -> i,read_int()) in \n sort (on compare snd) arr;\n let ans = make len 0 in \n for i = 0 to len -1 do ans.(fst arr.(i)) <- i land 1 done;\n for i = 0 to len -1 do printf \"%d \" ans.(i) done", "src_uid": "692698d4b49ad446984f3a7a631f961d"} {"source_code": "let _ =\n let sb = Scanf.Scanning.stdib in\n let a = Scanf.bscanf sb \"%d \" (fun s -> s) in\n let c = Scanf.bscanf sb \"%d \" (fun s -> s) in\n let p = ref 387420489 in\n let b = ref 0l in\n while !p > 0 do\n let da = (a / !p) mod 3 in\n let dc = (c / !p) mod 3 in\n let db = (dc - da + 3) mod 3 in\n\tb := Int32.add !b (Int32.mul (Int32.of_int db) (Int32.of_int !p));\n\tp := !p / 3;\n done;\n Printf.printf \"%ld\\n\" !b\n", "src_uid": "5fb635d52ddccf6a4d5103805da02a88"} {"source_code": "let check_stairs a b =\n\tmatch (max a b) - (min a b) with\n\t\t|0 when a = 0 -> print_endline \"NO\";\n\t\t|0 |1 -> print_endline \"YES\";\n\t\t|_ -> print_endline \"NO\"\n;;\n\nScanf.bscanf Scanf.Scanning.stdin \" %i %i \" check_stairs\n", "src_uid": "ec5e3b3f5ee6a13eaf01b9a9a66ff037"} {"source_code": "\nlet dodaj_do_listy a x =\n x :: a\n;;\n\nlet wczytaj () =\n Scanf.scanf \" %d\" (fun i -> i)\n;;\n\nlet wczytaj_i_wypisz () =\n Printf.printf \"%d\" (wczytaj ())\n;;\n\nlet wczytaj_liste () = \n let n = wczytaj () in \n let rec dodaj licznik =\n match licznik with\n | 0 -> []\n | licznik -> \n let x = wczytaj () in\n dodaj_do_listy (dodaj (licznik-1)) x\n in dodaj n\n;;\n\nlet main () = \n let moja_lista = wczytaj_liste () in\n let sumka = List.fold_left ( + ) 0 moja_lista in\n match sumka with\n | 0 -> false\n | sumka -> true\n;;\n\nlet sprawdz czy_nie_zero = \n match czy_nie_zero with\n | false -> \"EASY\"\n | czy_nie_zero -> \"HARD\"\n;;\n\nlet _ = Printf.printf \"%s\" (sprawdz (main ()))\n \n\n \n", "src_uid": "060406cd57739d929f54b4518a7ba83e"} {"source_code": "let input () = Scanf.scanf \"%d\" (fun x -> x)\n\nlet solve input =\n let rec loop i rest last = \n if rest > 0\n then \n let layer = i + last in\n if layer <= rest\n then\n loop (i + 1) (rest - layer) layer\n else\n (i - 1)\n else\n (i - 1) \n in loop 1 input 0\n \nlet print result = Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" result\nlet () = print (solve (input ()))\n ", "src_uid": "873a12edffc57a127fdfb1c65d43bdb0"} {"source_code": "print_int (Scanf.scanf \"%d %d %d\" (fun n a b -> \n\tlet i = ref 0 in\n\tlet _ = (for p = 1 to n do\n\t\tif p > a && (n-p-1) < b then incr i \n\tdone) in !i\n));;\n", "src_uid": "51a072916bff600922a77da0c4582180"} {"source_code": "\n\nlet read_int () = Scanf.bscanf Scanf.Scanning.stdib \" %d \" (fun x -> x);; \nlet read_string () = Scanf.bscanf Scanf.Scanning.stdib \" %s \" (fun x -> x);; \n\nlet pages = read_int();;\n\nlet r = Array.make 7 0;;\n\nlet () =\n for i=0 to 6 do\n r.(i) <- read_int()\n done;;\n\nlet rec day left current = \n if left <= r.(current) then current else day (left-r.(current)) ((current+1) mod 7)\n\n;;\nPrintf.printf \"%d\\n\" ((day pages 0) + 1)", "src_uid": "007a779d966e2e9219789d6d9da7002c"} {"source_code": "let bs = Scanf.Scanning.stdin\nlet xint() = Scanf.bscanf bs \" %d\" (fun x -> x)\nlet xint32() = Scanf.bscanf bs \" %ld\" (fun x -> x)\nlet xint64() = Scanf.bscanf bs \" %Ld\" (fun x -> x)\nlet xstr() = Scanf.bscanf bs \" %s\" (fun x -> x)\nlet xreal() = Scanf.bscanf bs \" %f\" (fun x -> x)\nlet printf = Printf.printf\n\nlet () = \n let n = xint() in\n let mx = ref 0 and mi = ref n in\n let check n = n mod 7 <= 1 in\n for s = 0 to 6 do\n let cnt = ref 0 in\n for i = 0 to n - 1 do\n cnt := !cnt + (if check (s + i) then 1 else 0)\n done;\n if !cnt > !mx then mx := !cnt;\n if !cnt < !mi then mi := !cnt;\n done;\n printf \"%d %d\\n\" !mi !mx;\n\n", "src_uid": "8152daefb04dfa3e1a53f0a501544c35"} {"source_code": "open Printf\nopen Scanf\n\nlet read_int () = bscanf Scanning.stdib \" %d \" (fun x -> x)\nlet () = \n let n = read_int () in\n let m = read_int () in\n\n let rec form_team i j ac =\n if i+j < 3 || i=0 || j=0 then ac else (\n let (i,j) = (max i j, min i j) in\n form_team (i-2) (j-1) (ac+1)\n )\n in\n \n printf \"%d\\n\" (form_team n m 0)\n", "src_uid": "0718c6afe52cd232a5e942052527f31b"} {"source_code": "let main () =\n let (a,b,c,x,y,z) = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d %d %d %d %d\" (fun i j k l m n -> (i,j,k,l,m,n)) in\n let a' = a - x and b' = b - y and c' = c - z in\n let too_much = List.fold_left (+) 0 (List.map (fun i -> if i > 0 then i / 2 else i) [a';b';c']) in\n print_endline\n (if too_much >= 0 then \"Yes\" else \"No\");;\n\nmain ();;\n \n", "src_uid": "1db4ba9dc1000e26532bb73336cf12c3"} {"source_code": "open Printf\nopen Scanf\n\nlet read_int () = bscanf Scanning.stdib \" %d \" (fun x -> x)\nlet () = \n let n = read_int () in\n let a = Array.init n (fun _ -> read_int()) in\n\n let rec find i x = if a.(i) = x then i else find (i+1) x in\n\n let one = find 0 1 in\n let last = find 0 n in\n\n let opt1 = max ((n-1) - last) last in\n let opt2 = max ((n-1) - one) one in\n\n printf \"%d\\n\" (max opt1 opt2)\n", "src_uid": "1d2b81ce842f8c97656d96bddff4e8b4"} {"source_code": "\nlet read_nums () = \n let s = read_line () in\n let nums = List.map int_of_string (Str.split (Str.regexp \" \") s) in\n nums\n\n;;\n\n\nlet main () =\n let lst = read_nums () in\n let lst = List.sort compare lst in \n let () = match lst with\n | [a;b;c] -> print_int (c-a)\n | _ -> () \n in\n print_string \"\\n\"\n;;\n\nmain ()\n", "src_uid": "7bffa6e8d2d21bbb3b7f4aec109b3319"} {"source_code": "let _ =\n let sb = Scanf.Scanning.stdib in\n let s = Scanf.bscanf sb \"%s \" (fun s -> s) in\n let lc = ref false in\n let uc = ref false in\n let d = ref false in\n let n = String.length s in\n for i = 0 to n - 1 do\n match s.[i] with\n\t| 'A'..'Z' -> uc := true\n\t| 'a'..'z' -> lc := true\n\t| '0'..'9' -> d := true\n\t| _ -> ()\n done;\n if n >= 5 && !uc && !lc && !d\n then Printf.printf \"Correct\\n\"\n else Printf.printf \"Too weak\\n\"\n", "src_uid": "42a964b01e269491975965860ec92be7"} {"source_code": "let scan_int () = Scanf.scanf \" %d\" (fun x -> x);;\nlet n = scan_int() and a = Array.make 100 1 and licz = ref 1 and dwa = ref 2 and wyn = ref 1 in begin\nwhile !wyn < n do\n wyn := (!dwa * 2 - 1) * !dwa;\n dwa := !dwa * 2;\n a.(!licz) <- !wyn;\n licz := !licz +1\ndone;\nlicz := !licz -1;\nwhile n mod a.(!licz) <> 0 do\n licz := !licz - 1\ndone;\nprint_int a.(!licz)\nend\n", "src_uid": "339246a1be81aefe19290de0d1aead84"} {"source_code": "let input () = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d\" (fun n m -> (n, m))\n\nlet add candles hours m = \n if hours mod m = 0\n then\n candles + 1\n else\n candles\n\nlet solve (n, m) =\n let rec loop candles hours =\n if candles > 0\n then\n loop ((add candles hours m) - 1) (hours + 1) \n else\n hours - 1\n in loop n 1\n\nlet print result = Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" result\nlet () = print (solve (input ()))", "src_uid": "a349094584d3fdc6b61e39bffe96dece"} {"source_code": "let read_int () = Scanf.bscanf Scanf.Scanning.stdib \" %d \" (fun x -> x)\n\nlet () = \n let n = read_int() in\n if n<=2 then Printf.printf \"-1\\n\" else (\n for i=n downto 1 do\n\tPrintf.printf \"%d \"i\n done\n )\n", "src_uid": "fe8a0332119bd182a0a5b7758716317e"} {"source_code": "let n = read_int();;\nlet a = Array.append [|0; 0|] (Array.of_list (List.map \n\t(int_of_string) (Str.split (Str.regexp \" \") (read_line()))));;\nlet fl = ref false and ans = ref 0 and kol = ref 0;;\nfor i = 0 to Array.length a - 1 do\n\tif a.(i) = 1 then ans := !ans + 1;\n\tif (a.(i) = 0) && (!fl = false) then \n\tbegin\n\t\tfl := true;\n\t\tkol := 1;\n\tend else if (a.(i) = 0) then kol := !kol + 1;\n\tif (a.(i) = 1) && (!fl = true) then\n\tbegin\n\t\tif (!kol = 1) then ans := !ans + 1;\n\t\tfl := false;\n\tend;\ndone;;\nprint_int !ans;\n", "src_uid": "2896aadda9e7a317d33315f91d1ca64d"} {"source_code": "let read1 () = Scanf.scanf \"%d\\n\" ( fun x -> x );;\nlet read2 () = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d\\n\" ( fun x y -> x, y );;\nlet read3 () = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d %d\\n\" ( fun x y z -> x, y, z);;\nlet read4 () = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d %d %d\\n\" ( fun x y z a-> x, y, z, a);;\nlet read5 () = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d %d %d %d\\n\" ( fun x y z a b-> x, y, z, a, b);;\nlet read6 () = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d %d %d %d %d\\n\" ( fun x y z a b c-> x, y, z, a, b, c);;\nlet read x = (if x = 0 then Scanf.scanf \"%d\\n\" else Scanf.scanf \"%d \") ( fun x -> x );;\n\nlet (+$) x y =\n if x > max_int - y then max_int\n else x + y;;\n\nlet rec ( *$ ) x y =\n if y = 0 then 0 else\n if y mod 2 = 1 then x *$ (y-1) +$ x\n else let a = x *$ (y/2) in a +$ a;;\n\nlet check o p dod min =\n if o > p then dod\n else if o < 0 then min\n else 0\n\nlet _ = \n let (x, y, z) = read3() in\n let (x1, y1, z1) = read3() in\n let (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6) = read6 () in\n let suma = ( check y y1 a2 a1 ) + ( check z z1 a4 a3 ) + ( check x x1 a6 a5 ) in\n Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" suma;;\n\n\n", "src_uid": "c7889a8f64c57cf7be4df870f68f749e"} {"source_code": "let read_int64 _ = Scanf.bscanf Scanf.Scanning.stdib \" %Ld\" (fun x -> x)\nlet (|>) x f = f x\n\nopen Int64\n\nlet rec gcd x y =\n if y = 0L then\n x\n else\n gcd y (rem x y)\n\nlet () =\n let a = read_int64 0 in\n let b = read_int64 0 in\n let x = read_int64 0 in\n let y = read_int64 0 in\n let d = gcd x y in\n let xx = div x d in\n let yy = div y d in\n let t = min (div a xx) (div b yy) in\n Printf.printf \"%Ld %Ld\\n\" (mul xx t) (mul yy t)\n", "src_uid": "97999cd7c6de79a4e39f56a41ff59e7a"} {"source_code": "let (d, l, v1, v2) = Scanf.scanf \"%f %f %f %f\" (fun x y z w -> x, y, z, w)\n in Printf.printf \"%.8f\\n\" ((l -. d) /. (v1 +. v2));;\n", "src_uid": "f34f3f974a21144b9f6e8615c41830f5"} {"source_code": "(* work on Fib http://www.codeforces.ru/problemset/problem/199/A *)\nopen Scanf;;\nopen Printf;;\nopen Str;;\n\nlet rec fib0 a b f = \n if (a + b + b) == f then (a,b)\n else fib0 b (a+b) f;;\n\nlet rec fib2 f = match f with\n | 0 -> (0,0)\n | 1 -> (0,1)\n | fi ->\n let a = 1 in\n let b = 1 in \n fib0 a b fi;; \n \nlet fib3 fi = match fi with\n | 0 -> (0,0,0)\n | 1 -> (0,0,1)\n | 2 -> (0,1,1)\n | 3 -> (1,1,1)\n | 5 -> (1,2,2)\n | fii ->\n let (a,b) = fib2 fii in\n (a, b, b);;\n\nlet main () =\n let fn = \"codeforce.in\" in\n let inchan = stdin in\n let gr () = fscanf inchan \"%d\" (fun i -> i) in \n let fi = gr () in\n let a,b,c = fib3 fi in\n Printf.printf \"%n %n %n\" a b c\n ;;\nlet _ = main();;", "src_uid": "db46a6b0380df047aa34ea6a8f0f93c1"} {"source_code": "let n=read_int() and s=read_line();;\nlet tab=Array.make (n+1) (Int64.zero);;\ntab.(1)<-(Int64.one);;\nlet sum=ref (Int64.one);;\nfor i=2 to n do\n tab.(i)<- Int64.succ( !sum);\n sum:= Int64.add ( !sum) (tab.(i))\ndone;;\nlet sol=ref (Int64.zero);;\nfor i=1 to n do\n if s.[i-1]='B' then sol:= Int64.add ( !sol) (tab.(i))\ndone;;\nprint_string (Int64.to_string( !sol));;", "src_uid": "d86a1b5bf9fe9a985f7b030fedd29d58"} {"source_code": "let reverse s = \n\tlet len = String.length s - 1 in\n\tlet r = String.create (len+1) in\n\tfor i = 0 to len do\n\t\tr.[i] <- s.[len-i];\n\tdone;\n\tr\n;;\n\nprint_string (if (read_line()) = (reverse (read_line())) then \"YES\" else \"NO\")\n", "src_uid": "35a4be326690b58bf9add547fb63a5a5"} {"source_code": "let tau = atan 1.0 *. 8.0\n\nlet (|>) x f = f x\n\ntype point = float * float\n\nlet read_points () =\n let read_point () : point =\n Scanf.scanf \"%f %f\\n\" (fun x y -> (x,y)) in\n let a = read_point () in\n let b = read_point () in\n let c = read_point () in\n (a,b,c)\n\nlet diff (ax,ay) (bx,by) = (bx -. ax, by -. ay)\nlet dot (ax,ay) (bx,by) = ax *. bx +. ay *. by\nlet length a = dot a a |> sqrt\nlet dist a b = diff a b |> length\nlet ortho (x,y) = (y, -.x)\nlet midpoint (ax,ay) (bx,by) = (0.5 *. (ax +. bx), 0.5 *. (ay +. by))\nlet det (ax,ay) (bx,by) = ax *. by -. ay *. bx\nlet angle a b = (dot a b /. (length a) /. (length b)) |> acos\nlet part a = a /. tau\nlet move (ax,ay) s (bx,by) = (ax +. s *. bx, ay +. s *. by)\n\nlet rec gcd a b =\n if a < b\n then gcd b a\n else if b < 0.0001\n then a\n else gcd b (mod_float a b)\n\nlet get_circumcenter a b c : point =\n let p1 = midpoint a c\n and d1 = diff a c |> ortho\n and p2 = midpoint b c\n and d2 = diff b c |> ortho in\n let rhs = diff p1 p2 in\n let det0 = det d1 d2\n and det1 = det rhs d2 in\n move p1 (det1 /. det0) d1\n\nlet get_corners m a b c =\n let alpha = angle (diff m a) (diff m b) |> part\n and beta = angle (diff m b) (diff m c) |> part in\n let gamma = 1.0 -. alpha -. beta in\n let (r,n) = 1.0 /. (gcd (gcd alpha beta) gamma) |> modf in\n if r >= 0.5 then n +. 1.0 else n\n \nlet get_area n r =\n let alpha = tau /. n in\n let a_tri = r *. r /. 2.0 *. (sin alpha) in\n n *. a_tri\n\nlet _ =\n let (a,b,c) = read_points () in\n let center = get_circumcenter a b c in\n let corners = get_corners center a b c in\n Printf.eprintf \" n=%f\\n\" corners;\n get_area corners (dist center a) |> Printf.printf \"%f\\n\"\n\n", "src_uid": "980f4094b3cfc647d6f74e840b1bfb62"} {"source_code": "open Scanf\nopen Num\nopen Printf\nopen String\n\nlet (w,h) = Scanf.bscanf Scanf.Scanning.stdin \"%d %d \" ( fun x y -> x,y) ;;\n\nlet area = w * h;;\nlet ntotal = ref 0;;\n\nlet () =\n if (area < 2) then\n ntotal := 0\n else\n begin\n if (w >= 2) then\n let nw = w / 2 in\n ntotal := !ntotal + (nw* h);\n ntotal := !ntotal + ((w mod 2)*(h/2))\n else\n ntotal := !ntotal + (h/2)\n end\n;;\n\nlet () = print_int !ntotal; print_endline \"\";;\n", "src_uid": "e840e7bfe83764bee6186fcf92a1b5cd"} {"source_code": "let _ =\n let l = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d %d %d %d\" (fun a b c d e -> [a;b;c;d;e]) in\n let tab = Array.of_list (List.sort compare l) in\n let maxi = ref 0 in\n for i = 0 to 3 do\n if tab.(i) = tab.(i+1)\n then maxi := max !maxi (2 * tab.(i));\n done;\n for i = 0 to 2 do\n if tab.(i) = tab.(i+1) && tab.(i+1) = tab.(i+2)\n then maxi := max !maxi (3 * tab.(i));\n done;\n Printf.printf \"%d\" (List.fold_left (+) (- !maxi) l)\n", "src_uid": "a9c17ce5fd5f39ffd70917127ce3408a"} {"source_code": "let input () = Scanf.scanf \"%d %d %d %d %d\" (fun a b c d e -> a + b + c + d + e)\nlet solve sum =\n if sum mod 5 <> 0 || sum = 0\n then\n Printf.printf \"-1\\n\"\n else\n Printf.printf \"%d\\n\" (sum / 5)\n \nlet () = solve(input())", "src_uid": "af1ec6a6fc1f2360506fc8a34e3dcd20"} {"source_code": "open Printf;;\n\nlet split_on_whitespace s =\n Str.split (Str.regexp \"[ \\t]+\") s\n;;\n\nlet s = read_line() in\nlet three_numbers = split_on_whitespace s in\nlet int_list = List.map int_of_string three_numbers in\nlet k = List.nth int_list 0 in\nlet w = List.nth int_list 1 in\nlet n = List.nth int_list 2 in\nlet cost = k*(n*(n+1)/2) in\nprintf \"%d\\n\" (max 0 (cost - w))", "src_uid": "e87d9798107734a885fd8263e1431347"} {"source_code": "let read_int()=Scanf.scanf \"%d \" (fun x->x);;\nlet n=read_int();;\nlet k=read_int();;\nlet x=read_int();;\nlet l=ref [];;\nfor i=1 to n-1 do\n l:=(read_int(),1)::(!l)\ndone;;\nl:=(Scanf.scanf \"%d\" (fun x->x),1)::(!l);;\n\nlet rec avance=function\n|[]->[]\n|(h,a)::[]->(h,a)::[]\n|(h,a)::(g,b)::t->if h<>g then (h,a)::(avance ((g,b)::t))\n else if a+b>2 then avance t\n else (h,a+b)::(avance t);;\n \nlet rec est_fige=function\n|[]->true\n|(h,a)::[]->true\n|(h,a)::(g,b)::t->if h<>g then est_fige ((g,b)::t)\n else false;;\n\nlet rec taille=function\n|[]->0\n|(_,_)::t->1+taille t;;\n\nlet rec taille2=function\n|[]->0\n|(_,a)::t->a+taille2 t;;\n\nlet init=taille !l;;\n\nlet rec ajout i=function\n|[]->([],false)\n|(h,a)::t->if i>1 then let (m,b)=ajout (i-1) t in ((h,a)::m,b)\n else if x=h then (if a=2 then (t,true) else ((h,a+1)::t,true))\n else ([],false);;\n\nlet rec faire liste=\n if est_fige liste then liste else faire (avance liste);; \n \nlet maxi=ref 0;;\n\nfor i=1 to init do\n let (m,b)=ajout i !l in\n if b then maxi:=max !maxi (init-taille2 (faire m))\ndone;;\n\nprint_int !maxi;;\n", "src_uid": "d73d9610e3800817a3109314b1e6f88c"} {"source_code": "open Printf open Scanf\nmodule Lib = struct\n let i32,i64,ist = Int64.(to_int,of_int,to_string)\n let (+$) = (+) let (-$) = (-) let (/$) = (/) let ( *$) = ( * ) let (%$) = (mod)\n let labs = Int64.abs\n let (+),(-),( * ),(/),(mod),(%) = Int64.(add,sub,mul,div,rem,rem)\n let (+=) r v = r := !r + v\n let (-=) r v = r := !r - v\n let ( *= ) r v = r := !r * v\n let (/=) r v = r := !r / v\n let (%=) r v = r := !r % v\n let max_i64_lim,min_i64_lim = Int64.(max_int,min_int)\n let max_i64,min_i64 = 2000000000000000000L,-2000000000000000000L\n (* math *)\n let ceildiv p q = (p+q-1L) / q\n let rec gcd m n = match m,n with | m,0L -> m | m,n -> gcd n (m mod n)\n let lcm m n = m / gcd m n * n\n module Int64_infix = struct\n let (land),(lor),(lxor),lnot,(lsl),(lsr),(asr) =\n let open Int64 in\n (logand),(logor),(logxor),lognot,\n (fun u v -> shift_left u (i32 v)),\n (fun u v -> shift_right u (i32 v)),\n (fun u v -> shift_right_logical u (i32 v))\n end\n let pow n k =\n let rec f a n = function\n | 0L -> a | 1L -> n*a | k when k mod 2L = 0L -> f a (n*n) (k/2L) | k -> f (a*n) (n*n) (k/2L)\n in f 1L n k\n (* input *)\n let input_i64_array n = Array.init (i32 n) (fun _ -> Scanf.scanf \" %Ld\" (fun v -> v)) let iia = input_i64_array\n let get_i64 _ = Scanf.scanf \" %Ld\" (fun v -> v) let gi = get_i64\n let get_2_i64 _ = Scanf.scanf \" %Ld %Ld\" (fun u v -> u,v) let g2 = get_2_i64\n let get_3_i64 _ = Scanf.scanf \" %Ld %Ld %Ld\" (fun u v w -> u,v,w) let g3 = get_3_i64\n let get_4_i64 _ = Scanf.scanf \" %Ld %Ld %Ld %Ld\" (fun u v w x -> u,v,w,x) let g4 = get_4_i64\n let get_5_i64 _ = Scanf.scanf \" %Ld %Ld %Ld %Ld %Ld\" (fun u v w x y -> u,v,w,x,y) let g5 = get_5_i64\n let i32_get_int _ = Scanf.scanf \" %d\" (fun v -> v) let i32_get_2_ints _ = Scanf.scanf \" %d %d\" (fun u v -> u,v) let i32_get_3_ints _ = Scanf.scanf \" %d %d %d\" (fun u v w -> u,v,w) let i32_get_4_ints _ = Scanf.scanf \" %d %d %d %d\" (fun u v w x -> u,v,w,x) let i32_get_5_ints _ = Scanf.scanf \" %d %d %d %d %d\" (fun u v w x y -> u,v,w,x,y)\n (* utils *)\n external id : 'a -> 'a = \"%identity\"\n let ( *< ) f g x = f (g x)\n let ( *> ) f g x = g (f x)\n let rv f p q = f q p (* ex. 24 |> rv (/) 6 *)\n let alen a = i64 @@ Array.length a\n let llen l = i64 @@ List.length l\n let slen s = String.length s\n let string_of_list ?(separator=\" \") f ls = ls |> List.map f |> String.concat separator\n let string_of_array ?(separator=\" \") f a = a |> Array.to_list |> string_of_list ~separator f\n let char_list_of_string str = let rec f0 i a = if i<0 then a else f0 (i-$1) (str.[i]::a) in f0 (String.length str -$ 1) []\n let string_of_char_list ls = List.fold_left (fun u v -> u ^ (String.make 1 v)) \"\" ls\n let fail _ = failwith \"fail\"\n let dx,dy = [|1;0;-1;0|],[|0;1;0;-1|]\n let range l r = let ls = ref [] in for i=i32 l to i32 r do ls := i :: !ls done;!ls |> List.rev\n let cartesian_product u v = u |> List.map (fun p -> List.map (fun q -> p,q) v) |> List.flatten\n let shuffle a = Array.sort (fun _ _ -> (Random.int 3) -$ 1) a\n let binary_search ng ok f = let d = if ng < ok then 1L else -1L in\n let rec f0 ng ok =\n if labs (ok - ng) <= 1L then ok\n else let mid = ng + (ok - ng) / 2L in if f mid then f0 ng mid else f0 mid ok\n in f0 (ng-1L*d) (ok+1L*d)\n let lower_bound a v = binary_search 0L (alen a - 1L) (fun i -> a.(i32 i) >= v)\n let upper_bound a v = binary_search 0L (alen a - 1L) (fun i -> a.(i32 i) > v)\n let equal_range a v = lower_bound a v, upper_bound a v (* #=snd-fst *)\n let rec fix f x = f (fix f) x\n let fix_memo ?(size=10000) f x =\n let tb = Hashtbl.create ~random:true size in\n let rec f0 x =\n try Hashtbl.find tb x with\n | Not_found -> (let v = f f0 x in Hashtbl.add tb x v; v)\n in f0 x\n (* imperative *)\n let rep f t ?(stride=1L) fbod = let i = ref f in while !i <= t do fbod !i; i := !i + stride done\n let repb f t ?(stride=1L) fbod = let i,c = ref f,ref true in while !i <= t && !c do\n match fbod !i with | `Break -> c := false | `Ok -> i := !i + stride done\n let repm f t ?(stride=1L) m0 fbod =\n let i,c,m = ref f,ref true,ref m0 in\n while !i<=t && !c do match fbod !m !i with\n | `Break -> c := false | `Break_m m' -> (c := false; m := m') | `Ok m' -> m := m'; i := !i + stride done; !m\n let repi f t ?(stride=1) fbod = let i = ref f in while !i <= t do fbod !i; i := !i +$ stride done\n let repib f t ?(stride=1) fbod = let i,c = ref f,ref true in while !i <= t && !c do\n match fbod !i with | `Break -> c := false | `Ok -> i := !i +$ stride done\n let repim f t ?(stride=1) m0 fbod =\n let i,c,m = ref f,ref true,ref m0 in\n while !i<=t && !c do match fbod !m !i with\n | `Break -> c := false | `Break_m m' -> (c := false; m := m') | `Ok m' -> m := m'; i := !i +$ stride done; !m\n let rep_rev f t ?(stride=1L) fbod = rep t f ~stride @@ fun v -> fbod @@ f + t - v\n let repb_rev f t ?(stride=1L) fbod = repb t f ~stride @@ fun v -> fbod @@ f + t - v\n let repm_rev f t ?(stride=1L) m0 fbod = repm f t ~stride m0 @@ fun u v -> fbod u @@ f + t - v\n let repi_rev f t ?(stride=1) fbod = repi t f ~stride @@ fun v -> fbod @@ f +$ t -$ v\n let repib_rev f t ?(stride=1) fbod = repib t f ~stride @@ fun v -> fbod @@ f +$ t -$ v\n let repim_rev f t ?(stride=1) m0 fbod = repim f t ~stride m0 @@ fun u v -> fbod u @@ f +$ t -$ v\n (* output *)\n let print_list_mle f ls = string_of_list f ls |> print_endline\n let print_array_mle f a = string_of_array f a |> print_endline\n let print_list f ls = ls |> List.iter (fun v -> printf \"%s \" @@ f v); print_newline ()\n let print_array f a = a |> Array.iter (fun v -> printf \"%s \" @@ f v); print_newline ()\n (* debug *)\n let dump_2darr f a = a |> Array.iter (fun b -> print_array f b)\n let dump_i64_list ls = print_list ist ls\n let dump_i64_array a = print_array ist a\nend open Lib open Array\n\nlet () =\n let n = gi 0 in\n let a = fix (fun f i x ->\n if i*i > 2000000000L then x\n else f (i+1L) ((i*i)::x)\n ) 1L [] |> List.sort compare |> of_list in\n let k = lower_bound a n in\n let p = Int64.(a.(i32 k) |> to_float |> sqrt |> of_float) in\n let q = ceildiv n p in\n (* printf \"%Ld :: %Ld :: %Ld :: %Ld\\n\" n k p q; *)\n printf \"%Ld\" @@ p+q\n\n (* let m = n |> Int64.to_float |> sqrt in\n let p,q = m |> floor |> Int64.of_float,\n m |> ceil |> Int64.of_float in\n (* rep m (m+100L) (fun m ->\n if m*m >\n ) *)\n printf \"%Ld %Ld %Ld\\n\" n p q *)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "src_uid": "eb8212aec951f8f69b084446da73eaf7"}