アッバスおよびパレスチナ圓局は「1 ぀の政暩、1 ぀の法埋機構および倚元的政治」の必芁性を匷調する。アッバスはたた、歊噚を䞀方 (パレスチナ自治政府) にのみ持たせるこずを望んでいる。圌はパレスチナ歊装勢力に停戊するよう説埗し、むスラ゚ル人および䞖界に、入怍地の廃止には、むスラ゚ル - パレスチナ間の暎力が䞍芁であるこずを瀺すこずに成功した。
Abbas also wants weapons in only one set of hands – those of the Palestinian Authority. He successfully persuaded Palestinian militants to hold their fire and show Israelis and the world that dismantling settlements need not involve Israeli-Palestinian violence.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
土くれ 寮母に女たちのお茶が終わり次第倖出する蚱可をもらっおいたので、マリアは倕方出るのを楜しみにしおいた。 キッチンは真新しく、 倧きな炊事甚ボむラヌには入るこずもできるよずコックが蚀った。 火はすおきに茝き、サむドテヌブルの䞀぀にはずおも倧きなバヌムブラクが四぀のっおいた。 これらのバヌムブラクはただ切っおないように芋えたが、 近寄っお芋ればそれは長く厚く均䞀に切り分けられおいおお茶の時に配る甚意はできおいた。 マリアが自分で切ったのだ。 マリアは本圓にずおも、ずおも小さな人だったがずおも長い錻、ずおも長いあごをしおいた。 ずか話した。 女たちがたらいのこずで口論するずい぀も圌女が呌ばれ、い぀もうたく仲盎りさせた。 い぀だか寮母が圌女に蚀ったこずがあった。 「マリア、あなた本圓に仲裁の名人ね!」 そしお副寮母ず二人の寄宿しおいる婊人もその賛蟞を聞いおいた。 そしおゞンゞャヌ・ムヌニヌはマリアのためじゃなかったらアむロン係のだんたり屋になんかしおやるこずじゃないんだけど、ずい぀も蚀っおいた。 誰もがそうしおマリアを奜いおいた。 女たちは六時にお茶にするので圌女は䞃時前に出られるだろう。 ボヌルスブリッゞからピラヌたで二十分、 ピラヌからドラムコンドラたで二十分、 そしお䜕か買うのに二十分。 八時前にはあそこに着ける。 圌女は銀の留め金の財垃を取り出し『ベルファストからのプレれント』ずいう蚀葉を読み返した。 その財垃はゞョヌが持っおきおくれたものなので圌女はずおも気に入っおいた。 五幎前、圌ずアルフィがりィットマンデヌの旅行でベルファストに行った時のものだ。 財垃の䞭には半クラりンが二぀ず銅貚がいく぀かあった。 電車賃を払った埌圌女にはたるたる五シリング残るこずになる。 どんなにすおきな宵になるだろう、子䟛たちは皆歌っお! ただ圌女はゞョヌが酔っお垰らなければよいがず思った。 飲んだ時の圌はそれはもう別人だった。 たびたび圌は、来お圌らず䞀緒に暮らすようにず圌女に望んだ。 しかし圌女は(ゞョヌの劻はい぀も圌女にそれは優しかったけれども)自分が邪魔になるず思ったし、掗濯屋の暮らしに慣れおいた。 ゞョヌはいい男だ。 圌女が圌を育おたしアルフィもだ。 で、ゞョヌはよく蚀っおいた。 「ママはママだけどマリアが本物のお母さんだ。」 故郷でばらばらになった埌、息子たちはダブリンのランプラむト・ランドリヌに圌女の勀め口を芋぀け、圌女はそれが気に入った。 以前はプロテスタントを倧倉悪く思っおいた圌女だが、今では圌らがずおも優しい人たち、ちょっず無口でたじめだが、それでも共に暮らしおずおも優しい人たちだず思っおいた。 それに枩宀には圌女の草花があり、圌女はその䞖話をするのが奜きだった。 圌女には矎しいシダやサクラランがあり、誰かが圌女を蚪ねおきた時はい぀も圌女の枩宀から䞀、二本の接ぎ穂を客にあげた。 䞀぀圌女の気に入らないこずがあり、それはあちこちの壁にあるパンフレットだった。 しかし寮母は付き合っおおすごく優しい人だし、それは䞊品だった。 コックがすっかり準備できたず蚀ったので圌女は女たちの郚屋に行き、倧きなベルを匕き、鳎らし始めた。 数分のうちに女たちは䞉々五々、湯気の立぀手をペチコヌトでふいたり、湯気の立぀真っ赀な腕のブラりスの袖を匕き䞋ろしたりしながらやっおきだした。 圌女たちが腰を萜ち着けたその前にはそれぞれに巚倧なマグカップがあり、それにはコックずだんたり屋が熱い茶をいっぱいに満たし、すでに巚倧なブリキの猶から砂糖ずミルクが混ぜられおいた。 マリアはバヌムブラクの分配を監督し、どの女も四切れ取るのを確かめた。 食事の間は笑い声や冗談があふれおいた。 リゞヌ・フレミングはマリアはきっず指茪を取るわず蚀い、長幎ハロりむブにはフレミングがそう蚀っおきたけれども、マリアは笑っお指茪も男も欲しくないず蚀わなければならなかった。 そしお圌女が笑う時、灰緑色の目は期埅を裏切られた恥ずかしさにきらきら光り、圌女の錻先はもう少しであごの先に぀きそうだった。 そこでゞンゞャヌ・ムヌニヌが、ほかの女たちみんながテヌブルの䞊のマグをカタカタ鳎らす䞭、お茶のマグを持ち䞊げおマリアの健康を祝しお也杯を提議し、ポヌタヌが䞀口も飲めないのは残念だず蚀った。 もちろん考えるこずは品のない女だけれども、ムヌニヌが善意で蚀っおいるのはわかっおいるので、マリアは再び、錻先がもう少しであごの先に぀きそうなほどに、ごく小さな䜓が揺れおばらばらになりそうなほどに、笑った。 だが女たちが茶を終えおコックずだんたり屋が茶道具を片付け始めた時マリアの喜ばなかったこずか! 圌女は小さな自分の寝宀ぞ行き、次の朝がミサの朝であるこずを思い出しお目芚たしの針を䞃から六に倉えた。 それから圌女は仕事甚のスカヌトず䞊靎を脱ぎ、䞀匵矅のスカヌトを出しおベッドの䞊に、ちっぜけな瀌装甚の靎をベッドの足元に眮いた。 圌女はブラりスも倉え、鏡の前に立っお、若い嚘だった頃、日曜の朝のミサにい぀もどんな装いをしたかを考えた。 そしお圌女は䜕床も䜕床も食り立おおきたずおも小さな䜓を叀颚味な愛着を持っお眺めた。 幎のわりにはすおきな、ふくよかで小柄な䜓だず圌女は思った。 圌女が倖ぞ出るず街は雚に茝いおいお、圌女は叀い茶色のレむンコヌトがありがたかった。 電車は満員で圌女は車䞡の端の小さなスツヌルに座らねばならず、぀た先はかろうじお床に぀くか぀かないか、顔は党員に向けるこずになった。 圌女はこれからするこずすべおを心の䞭で敎理し、自立しお自分の金が思い通りになるこずがどんなにいいこずかを考えた。 圌女は圌らにずっおすおきな宵になればいいず思った。 圌女はそうなるず確信しおいたがアルフィずゞョヌが口もきかないのはなんずも残念だず思わずにはいられなかった。 圌らは今ではい぀も仲たがいをしおいたが、二人ずも子䟛だった頃はい぀もいちばんの友だった。 でも人生ずはそういうものだ。 圌女はピラヌで電車を降り、人蟌みの䞭に急いで進路を芋぀けた。 圌女はダりンズのケヌキの店に入ったが店は人でいっぱいで圌女が接客しおもらえるたでに長くかかった。 圌女はペニヌケヌキの取り合わせを䞀ダヌス買い、倧きな袋を抱えおやっず店から出た。 それから圌女は他に䜕を買おうか考えた。 圌女は本圓にすおきなものを䜕か買いたかった。 リンゎやナッツはきっず圌らのずころにたくさんあるだろう。 䜕を買うべきかは難しく、圌女に思い぀くこずができたのはケヌキだけだった。 圌女はプラムケヌキを買うこずに決めたがダりンズのプラムケヌキはおっぺんのアヌモンドのアむシングが十分ではないのでヘンリヌ・ストリヌトの店たで行った。 ここで圌女が長いこず気たたにしおいるず、カりンタヌの埌ろの若い今颚な婊人が、明らかに圌女に少しいらいらしお、お求めのものはりェディングケヌキかず圌女に尋ねた。 それを聞いおマリアは顔を赀らめ、若い婊人に埮笑みかけた。 しかし若い婊人はそれをすっかり本気にずり、最埌にプラムケヌキから厚い䞀切れを切り、それを包んで蚀った。 「二シリング四ペンスです。」 ドラムコンドラ行きの電車では若い男たちが誰も圌女に気が぀かないらしく、圌女は立っおいなければならないず思ったが、幎配の玳士が圌女に垭を譲った。 圌は倪った玳士で茶色の安党垜をかぶっおいた。 四角く赀い顔で灰色がかった口ひげがあった。 マリアが思うに圌は芋たずころ倧䜐ずいった玳士で、ただじっずたっすぐ前を芋おいる若い男たちより圌の方がどれほど瀌儀正しいこずかず圌女は考えた。 玳士はハロりむブや雚降りの倩気のこずで圌女ず雑談を亀わし始めた。 圌は袋の䞭は子䟛たちぞのよいものでいっぱいだず考え、若い者は若いうちに楜しむべきだずいうのはたったく正しいず蚀った。 マリアは圌に同意し、控えめにうなずき、咳払いをしおみせた。 圌はずおも優しく、カナル・ブリッゞで降りる時圌女は圌に瀌を蚀っおお蟞儀し、圌は圌女にお蟞儀しお垜子を挙げ、愛想良く笑い、そしお圌女は河岞通りを、雚の䞭、小さな小さな頭を䞋げお䞊がっお行く間も、䞀杯聞こし召しおいる時だっお玳士はすぐわかるず考えた。 ず蚀った。 仕事から垰ったゞョヌがいお、子䟛たちは皆よそ行きを着おいた。 隣からもう倧きい嚘たちが二人来お、ゲヌムが続いおいた。 マリアはケヌキの袋をいちばん幎䞊の少幎、アルフィに分けるようにず枡し、ドネリヌ倫人はそんなに倧きなケヌキの袋をいただいおほんずにありがずうず蚀い、子䟛たち皆にも蚀わせた。 「ありがずう、マリア。」 しかしマリアは圌女はパパずママに特別のものを、きっず圌らが奜きなはずのものを持っおきたず蚀い、プラムケヌキを捜し始めた。 ダりンズの袋を、それからレむンコヌトのポケットを、それからコヌト掛けを芋おみたが、どこにも芋぀からなかった。 そこで圌女は子䟛たち皆に誰か食べおしたわなかったか −−もちろん、間違っお −−ず尋ねたが、子䟛たちは皆ノヌず蚀い、盗んだず非難されおたでケヌキを食べたくはないように芋えた。 誰の目にも謎は解け、ドネリヌ倫人がマリアが電車に眮き忘れたのは明らかだず蚀った。 マリアはあの灰色がかった口ひげの玳士がどれだけ圌女をたご぀かせたかを思い出し、恥ずかしさずいたいたしさず倱望に顔を赀らめた。 ちょっずしたびっくりが倱敗したこず、埒に無駄にしおしたった二シリング四ペンスのこずを考えるず、もう少しで圌女は手攟しで泣くずころだった。 しかしゞョヌは䜕でもないず蚀い、圌女を火のそばに座らせた。 圌は圌女にずおも優しかった。 圌はオフィスで起こるこずを圌女にみんな聞かせ、自分がやっおのけた経営者に察する気の利いた応酬を圌女のために繰り返し話した。 マリアは圌がやったずいうその応酬のこずでゞョヌがなぜそんなに笑うのかわからなかったが、その経営者はずおも嚁匵っお付き合いづらい人に違いないず蚀った。 ゞョヌは、扱い方を知っおいれば圌はそう悪くないし、怒らせない限りたずもな方だず蚀った。 ドネリヌ倫人が子䟛たちにピアノを匟き、圌らは螊り、歌った。 それから二人の隣家の嚘がくるみを配った。 誰もくるみ割りを芋぀けられず、ゞョヌはそれでもう少しで腹を立おるずころで、どうしおくるみ割りなしでマリアにくるみが割れるず思うんだず尋ねた。 しかしマリアはくるみは奜きじゃないから圌女のこずで思い悩むこずはないず蚀った。 それからゞョヌが圌女にスタりトを䞀瓶どうかず尋ね、ドネリヌ倫人がその方がよければ家にはポヌトワむンもあるず蚀った。 マリアは圌女ずしおは䜕かず勧めないでくれる方がいいのだがず蚀った。 しかしゞョヌは蚀い匵った。 それでマリアは圌の思うようにさせ、圌らは火のそばに座っお昔話になり、マリアはアルフィのために口ぞえしようず思った。 しかしゞョヌが、圌が䞀蚀でもたた匟に話しかけようものなら神に打たれお死んでもかたわないず叫び、マリアはその問題に觊れおすたないず蚀った。 ドネリヌ倫人が倫に、自分の肉芪のこずをそんなふうに話すのはひどく恥ずべきこずだず蚀ったが、ゞョヌはアルフィは決しお匟なんかじゃないず蚀い、もう少しでそのためにけんかになるずころだった。 しかしゞョヌはこんな倜だものかんしゃくを起こしたりしないず蚀い、もうちょっずスタりトを開けるように劻に頌んだ。 隣家の嚘二人がハロりむブのゲヌムをいく぀か準備しおいたのですぐにたた䜕もかも愉快になった。 マリアは子䟛たちがそうやっお愉快に、ゞョヌずその劻がそのように䞊機嫌にしおいるのを芋お嬉しかった。 隣の嚘たちはテヌブルの䞊にいく぀か受け皿を眮き、それから目隠しされた子䟛たちをテヌブルたで導いた。 䞀人は祈祷曞を手にし、他の䞉人は氎を手にした。 そしお隣の嚘の䞀人が指茪を手にした時、ドネリヌ倫人は顔を赀らめた嚘に、おお、すっかりわかっおたすよ!ず蚀わんばかりに指を振った。 圌らはそれから無理やりマリアに目隠ししおテヌブルたで導き、圌女が䜕を取るかを芋た。 圌らが垃を巻く間、マリアはたた錻の先がもう少しであごの先に぀きそうになるたで笑いに笑った。 圌らが笑ったり冗談を蚀ったりしながら圌女をテヌブルたで導き、圌女は蚀われるたたに手を空䞭に差し出した。 圌女は空䞭であちこちぞず手を動かし、皿の䞀぀に舞い降りた。 圌女は指に柔らかで湿った物質を感じ、誰も話をせず圌女の目隠し垃を取り倖さないので驚いた。 数秒の間があった。 そしおそれからたくさんのあわおた動きやひそひそ声。 誰かが庭のこずで䜕か蚀い、そしおずうずうドネリヌ倫人がずおも腹立たしげに䜕かを隣家の嚘の䞀人に蚀い、圌女にはすぐにそれを攟り出すように蚀った。 それはなしよ。 マリアはそれはたずかったのだず解し、それでもう䞀床やり盎さなければならなかった。 そしお今床は祈祷曞を手にした。 その埌ドネリヌ倫人が子䟛たちのためにミス・マクロヌド・リヌルを挔奏し、ゞョヌはマリアにワむンを䞀杯飲たせた。 すぐにたた圌らは皆すっかり陜気になり、ドネリヌ倫人がマリアは幎内に修道院に入るだろう、祈祷曞を手にしたのだからず蚀った。 マリアはその倜ほど圌女に優しく、楜しい話ず思い出にあふれたゞョヌを芋たこずがなかった。 圌女はみんなずおも圌女に芪切だず蚀った。 ずうずう子䟛たちはだんだん疲れお眠くなり、ゞョヌがマリアに䜕かちょっず歌を垰る前に、懐かしい歌を䞀぀歌っおくれないかず頌んだ。 ず蚀い、 それでマリアは立ち䞊がっおピアノのそばに立たなければならなかった。 ドネリヌ倫人は子䟛たちに静かにしおマリアの歌を聞きなさいず呜じた。 それから圌女は前奏曲を挔奏し、 ず蚀い、マリアはずおも顔を赀くしお小さな震え声で歌い始めた。 圌女は『私が倢芋たこず』を歌い、二番になるず圌女は再び最初の䞀節に戻っお歌った。 マヌブルホヌルに䜏む倢を芋た 家臣や蟲奎にかしずかれ その家に集たるすべおの人ず それが私の望みず誇り 数え切れない倧きな富ず 高貎な先祖の名前が自慢 いちばんうっずりした倢はでも 今もあなたが愛しおたこず しかし誰も圌女に間違いを教えようずしなかった。 そしお圌女が歌い終えた時、ゞョヌはずおも感動しおいた。 圌は誰が䜕ず蚀おうず、昔のような時代はないし、圌にずっお今は亡きバルフのような音楜はないず蚀った。 そしお圌の目は涙でいっぱいになり、捜しおいるものも芋぀けられず、ずうずうコルクの栓抜きがどこか教えおくれず劻に頌たなければならなかった。
CLAY THE matron had given her leave to go out as soon as the women's tea was over and Maria looked forward to her evening out. The kitchen was spick and span: the cook said you could see yourself in the big copper boilers. The fire was nice and bright and on one of the side-tables were four very big barmbracks. These barmbracks seemed uncut; but if you went closer you would see that they had been cut into long thick even slices and were ready to be handed round at tea. Maria had cut them herself. Maria was a very, very small person indeed but she had a very long nose and a very long chin. She talked a little through her nose, always soothingly: She was always sent for when the women quarrelled Over their tubs and always succeeded in making peace. One day the matron had said to her: "Maria, you are a veritable peace-maker!" And the sub-matron and two of the Board ladies had heard the compliment. And Ginger Mooney was always saying what she wouldn't do to the dummy who had charge of the irons if it wasn't for Maria. Everyone was so fond of Maria. The women would have their tea at six o'clock and she would be able to get away before seven. From Ballsbridge to the Pillar, twenty minutes; from the Pillar to Drumcondra, twenty minutes; and twenty minutes to buy the things. She would be there before eight. She took out her purse with the silver clasps and read again the words A Present from Belfast. She was very fond of that purse because Joe had brought it to her five years before when he and Alphy had gone to Belfast on a Whit-Monday trip. In the purse were two half-crowns and some coppers. She would have five shillings clear after paying tram fare. What a nice evening they would have, all the children singing! Only she hoped that Joe wouldn't come in drunk. He was so different when he took any drink. Often he had wanted her to go and live with them; -but she would have felt herself in the way (though Joe's wife was ever so nice with her) and she had become accustomed to the life of the laundry. Joe was a good fellow. She had nursed him and Alphy too; and Joe used often say: "Mamma is mamma but Maria is my proper mother." After the break-up at home the boys had got her that position in the Dublin by Lamplight laundry, and she liked it. She used to have such a bad opinion of Protestants but now she thought they were very nice people, a little quiet and serious, but still very nice people to live with. Then she had her plants in the conservatory and she liked looking after them. She had lovely ferns and wax-plants and, whenever anyone came to visit her, she always gave the visitor one or two slips from her conservatory. There was one thing she didn't like and that was the tracts on the walks; but the matron was such a nice person to deal with, so genteel. When the cook told her everything was ready she went into the women's room and began to pull the big bell. In a few minutes the women began to come in by twos and threes, wiping their steaming hands in their petticoats and pulling down the sleeves of their blouses over their red steaming arms. They settled down before their huge mugs which the cook and the dummy filled up with hot tea, already mixed with milk and sugar in huge tin cans. Maria superintended the distribution of the barmbrack and saw that every woman got her four slices. There was a great deal of laughing and joking during the meal. Lizzie Fleming said Maria was sure to get the ring and, though Fleming had said that for so many Hallow Eves, Maria had to laugh and say she didn't want any ring or man either; and when she laughed her grey-green eyes sparkled with disappointed shyness and the tip of her nose nearly met the tip of her chin. Then Ginger Mooney lifted her mug of tea and proposed Maria's health while all the other women clattered with their mugs on the table, and said she was sorry she hadn't a sup of porter to drink it in. And Maria laughed again till the tip of her nose nearly met the tip of her chin and till her minute body nearly shook itself asunder because she knew that Mooney meant well though, of course, she had the notions of a common woman. But wasn't Maria glad when the women had finished their tea and the cook and the dummy had begun to clear away the tea- things! She went into her little bedroom and, remembering that the next morning was a mass morning, changed the hand of the alarm from seven to six. Then she took off her working skirt and her house-boots and laid her best skirt out on the bed and her tiny dress-boots beside the foot of the bed. She changed her blouse too and, as she stood before the mirror, she thought of how she used to dress for mass on Sunday morning when she was a young girl; and she looked with quaint affection at the diminutive body which she had so often adorned, In spite of its years she found it a nice tidy little body. When she got outside the streets were shining with rain and she was glad of her old brown waterproof. The tram was full and she had to sit on the little stool at the end of the car, facing all the people, with her toes barely touching the floor. She arranged in her mind all she was going to do and thought how much better it was to be independent and to have your own money in your pocket. She hoped they would have a nice evening. She was sure they would but she could not help thinking what a pity it was Alphy and Joe were not speaking. They were always falling out now but when they were boys together they used to be the best of friends: but such was life. She got out of her tram at the Pillar and ferreted her way quickly among the crowds. She went into Downes's cake-shop but the shop was so full of people that it was a long time before she could get herself attended to. She bought a dozen of mixed penny cakes, and at last came out of the shop laden with a big bag. Then she thought what else would she buy: she wanted to buy something really nice. They would be sure to have plenty of apples and nuts. It was hard to know what to buy and all she could think of was cake. She decided to buy some plumcake but Downes's plumcake had not enough almond icing on top of it so she went over to a shop in Henry Street. Here she was a long time in suiting herself and the stylish young lady behind the counter, who was evidently a little annoyed by her, asked her was it wedding-cake she wanted to buy. That made Maria blush and smile at the young lady; but the young lady took it all very seriously and finally cut a thick slice of plumcake, parcelled it up and said: "Two-and-four, please." She thought she would have to stand in the Drumcondra tram because none of the young men seemed to notice her but an elderly gentleman made room for her. He was a stout gentleman and he wore a brown hard hat; he had a square red face and a greyish moustache. Maria thought he was a colonel-looking gentleman and she reflected how much more polite he was than the young men who simply stared straight before them. The gentleman began to chat with her about Hallow Eve and the rainy weather. He supposed the bag was full of good things for the little ones and said it was only right that the youngsters should enjoy themselves while they were young. Maria agreed with him and favoured him with demure nods and hems. He was very nice with her, and when she was getting out at the Canal Bridge she thanked him and bowed, and he bowed to her and raised his hat and smiled agreeably, and while she was going up along the terrace, bending her tiny head under the rain, she thought how easy it was to know a gentleman even when he has a drop taken. Everybody said: Joe was there, having come home from business, and all the children had their Sunday dresses on. There were two big girls in from next door and games were going on. Maria gave the bag of cakes to the eldest boy, Alphy, to divide and Mrs. Donnelly said it was too good of her to bring such a big bag of cakes and made all the children say: "Thanks, Maria." But Maria said she had brought something special for papa and mamma, something they would be sure to like, and she began to look for her plumcake. She tried in Downes's bag and then in the pockets of her waterproof and then on the hallstand but nowhere could she find it. Then she asked all the children had any of them eaten it --by mistake, of course --but the children all said no and looked as if they did not like to eat cakes if they were to be accused of stealing. Everybody had a solution for the mystery and Mrs. Donnelly said it was plain that Maria had left it behind her in the tram. Maria, remembering how confused the gentleman with the greyish moustache had made her, coloured with shame and vexation and disappointment. At the thought of the failure of her little surprise and of the two and fourpence she had thrown away for nothing she nearly cried outright. But Joe said it didn't matter and made her sit down by the fire. He was very nice with her. He told her all that went on in his office, repeating for her a smart answer which he had made to the manager. Maria did not understand why Joe laughed so much over the answer he had made but she said that the manager must have been a very overbearing person to deal with. Joe said he wasn't so bad when you knew how to take him, that he was a decent sort so long as you didn't rub him the wrong way. Mrs. Donnelly played the piano for the children and they danced and sang. Then the two next-door girls handed round the nuts. Nobody could find the nutcrackers and Joe was nearly getting cross over it and asked how did they expect Maria to crack nuts without a nutcracker. But Maria said she didn't like nuts and that they weren't to bother about her. Then Joe asked would she take a bottle of stout and Mrs. Donnelly said there was port wine too in the house if she would prefer that. Maria said she would rather they didn't ask her to take anything: but Joe insisted. So Maria let him have his way and they sat by the fire talking over old times and Maria thought she would put in a good word for Alphy. But Joe cried that God might strike him stone dead if ever he spoke a word to his brother again and Maria said she was sorry she had mentioned the matter. Mrs. Donnelly told her husband it was a great shame for him to speak that way of his own flesh and blood but Joe said that Alphy was no brother of his and there was nearly being a row on the head of it. But Joe said he would not lose his temper on account of the night it was and asked his wife to open some more stout. The two next-door girls had arranged some Hallow Eve games and soon everything was merry again. Maria was delighted to see the children so merry and Joe and his wife in such good spirits. The next-door girls put some saucers on the table and then led the children up to the table, blindfold. One got the prayer-book and the other three got the water; and when one of the next-door girls got the ring Mrs. Donnelly shook her finger at the blushing girl as much as to say: They insisted then on blindfolding Maria and leading her up to the table to see what she would get; and, while they were putting on the bandage, Maria laughed and laughed again till the tip of her nose nearly met the tip of her chin. They led her up to the table amid laughing and joking and she put her hand out in the air as she was told to do. She moved her hand about here and there in the air and descended on one of the saucers. She felt a soft wet substance with her fingers and was surprised that nobody spoke or took off her bandage. There was a pause for a few seconds; and then a great deal of scuffling and whispering. Somebody said something about the garden, and at last Mrs. Donnelly said something very cross to one of the next-door girls and told her to throw it out at once: that was no play. Maria understood that it was wrong that time and so she had to do it over again: and this time she got the prayer-book. After that Mrs. Donnelly played Miss McCloud's Reel for the children and Joe made Maria take a glass of wine. Soon they were all quite merry again and Mrs. Donnelly said Maria would enter a convent before the year was out because she had got the prayer-book. Maria had never seen Joe so nice to her as he was that night, so full of pleasant talk and reminiscences. She said they were all very good to her. At last the children grew tired and sleepy and Joe asked Maria would she not sing some little song before she went, one of the old songs. Mrs. Donnelly said and so Maria had to get up and stand beside the piano. Mrs. Donnelly bade the children be quiet and listen to Maria's song. Then she played the prelude and said She sang I Dreamt that I Dwelt, and when she came to the second verse she sang again: I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls With vassals and serfs at my side, And of all who assembled within those walls That I was the hope and the pride. I had riches too great to count; could boast Of a high ancestral name, But I also dreamt, which pleased me most, That you loved me still the same. But no one tried to show her her mistake; and when she had ended her song Joe was very much moved. He said that there was no time like the long ago and no music for him like poor old Balfe, whatever other people might say; and his eyes filled up so much with tears that he could not find what he was looking for and in the end he had to ask his wife to tell him where the corkscrew was.
{ "source": "mutiyama", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
王宮で働いおいた人がどうしお貧困村なんかに......。 「意芋が合わず偉い人に反論したら激怒させおしたっおの。目をずられお、そのたたここに流されたんじゃ」 「どん......な反論を、なさったのですか?」 「君の名前は?」 「アリシアです」 「そうか、アリシア......、いい名前だ。わしはりィル。ただのりィルだ」 私がどんな衚情をしおいるのか分かったのかしら。ずおも萜ち着いた。 「アリシア、君にはただ理解できない事かもしれないが、叀い事が良い事だずは限らないんじゃ。歎史を振り返る意味が䜕かわかるか?」 返事をしなければいけないず分かっおいおも蚀葉が出なかった。 「歎史を振り返るのずいうのは、昔の方が良かったずいう事を確認するためにあるのではない。昔より、より良くするために、昔の倱敗を知り新しい発展を生み出すために歎史を振り返るのじゃ」 私は無意識のうちに涙が頬に䌝っおいた。 りィルおじいさんは手で私の涙を優しく拭っおくれた。 「君は頭が良い子なんじゃな。知恵を生み出せるように知識をためおおくのも倧事じゃが、知識を぀けおいおもそれを知恵ずしお掻かせなければ意味がないのじゃ」 「りィルおじいさんは、王宮......、貎族が憎いですか?」 「憎くないず蚀えば嘘になる。今でも昔の自分の面圱を倢の䞭で探しおしたうんじゃ。圩った䞖界に蚘憶の䞭で觊れようずするず刹那に消えおゆく。それが時たたわしの心を苊しめる。じゃがな、わしは間違った事をしおいないず信じおいる。そしお、それを必ず誰かが理解しおくれる日がくるず信じおいるんじゃ。そう思うず、自分がした事に誇りを持っお生きおゆけるんじゃ」 私は自分が恥ずかしくなった。自分がいかに恵たれおいるかにしお初めお知ったから。 涙が止たらないわ。嗚咜をあげながら泣いた。みっずもないず分かっおいおも止められなかった。 自分ず同じ立堎の貎族ぞの怒りず目を奪われたおじいさんの考えに比べ悪女になりたいずいう自分の小ささ、党おの感情が混じり自分を抑えられなくなった。 りィルおじいさんは私を優しく抱きしめおくれた。その枩かさを私は生涯忘れないわ。 私は悪女になりたいずいう話を包み隠さず党おおじいさんに話した。 そのためにここに来たこずも......。 りィルおじいさんは最埌たで静かに話を聞いおくれた。 私が話し終えるず、りィルおじいさんは優しく埮笑んで私の頭を撫でおくれた。 「君はずおも賢い子だ」 今きっず私は最高に䞍现工な顔をしおいるわ。明日の朝はきっず目が開かないんじゃないかしら。 「悪女になりたくお剣術を習い、本を毎日倧量に読んでいるのか......」 私は深く頷いた。 目尻をクシャクシャにしおりィルおじいさんは笑った。 「その志をどうかこれからも持ち続けなさい」 予想倖な事に悪女になる事を掚奚された。䜕故かしら......。 悪女っお悪い女の事なのよ。自分が良ければそれでいいず思っおいる女なのに......。 「今日はもう垰りなさい」 「たた来たすわ」 私の返答にりィルおじいさんが困った衚情をした。 「来ない方がいい」 「いいえ。私はりィルおじいさんずもっずお話がしたいもの」 私が頑固決めたらそれをやり通すっお事が䌝わったのかしら。 私はりィルおじいさんの家を出お霧の方ぞ向かった。 やっぱり匂いは匷烈ね。私は錻を手で芆った。 霧を抜け森に出た。私は消えたランプを手に森を駆け抜けた。 行きの恐怖心が垰りは党くなかった。垰りながら貧困村の事を考えおいた。 貧困村を䞀蚀で衚すず、腐敗地域。 本来なず行きたくないのだけれど、私はりィルおじいさんずもう䞀床話したいわ。
How would someone who used to work for the palace end up in this sort of place..... “I didn’t agree with a couple of powerful people and when I voiced my objections all that did was earn their ire. They blinded me and then threw me in here.” “What sort.... of objections did you have?” I ask, noticing that my voice trembled a bit as I spoke. “What’s your name?” “It’s Alicia.” “I see. Alicia..... What a nice name. I’m Will... Just Will,” he says, lightly ruffling my hair. I wonder if he can tell what sort of face I’m making right now; a very composed, serious expression. “Alicia, you might not understand this yet, but just because we have always done something a certain way and it’s worked up until now, doesn’t mean we should limit ourselves to only that method. Do you know what it means to reflect on the past?” Even though I can tell he’s waiting for my response, the words seem to catch in my throat. “To reflect on the past doesn’t mean to validate the good things that our ancestors did and just continue to use them. Rather than adopt ancient strategies that worked long ago, we should be learning from them, improving them. It means to develop and grow as a people and as a country after learning from the mistakes that have been made throughout history.” Without realizing it, while listening to his explanation, tears had started to fall from my eyes. Grandpa Will gently wipes them off my cheeks for me. “You’re a bright kid. In order to make wise choices, it’s indeed vital to gather knowledge on a wide variety of subjects, but never forget that knowledge without wisdom holds no meaning.” “Grandpa Will, because of the palace..... Do you hate nobles now?” “I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t. Even now, I feel the vestiges of my old self calling to me in my dreams, tantalizing me with the colorful world from my memories. But the moment that I’ve finally grasped that world, the blackness rushes back in and I’m once again left in total darkness. Those moments still torment me from time to time. But I don’t regret it, and I can look past those feelings. I still don’t think that what I did was wrong. And I believe that there will come a time when others will realize that as well. Thanks to that, I’m able to continue living on with pride.” I’m starting to feel ashamed of myself. Because for the first time in my years of life, I finally understand how truly blessed I am. My tears start falling faster. I’m crying full force now, sobbing. I know it’s shameful to cry like this, but I can’t seem to stop. This man had his eyes ruined just because he angered someone with a similar noble status to mine, and in contrast I’ve just been living my life obliviously, and for what? Trying to become a villainess? After hearing his story, I can’t help but feel small and ignorant. I have so many feelings swirling helplessly within me that I can’t contain them and so the tears continue to fall. Without saying anything, Grandpa Will just puts his arms around me, patting my back comfortingly. I swear, I’ll never forget this warmth that he’s showing me for the rest of my life. I don’t want to conceal my aspirations to become a villainess, so I tell him everything. In the process, I also explain the reason that I came here today..... Grandpa Will just listens quietly to me as I talk. And when I had finally finished explaining everything, he merely smiles gently at me and pats my head. “What a clever child you are,” he tells me as a couple of tears start to roll down my cheeks again. I’m sure I look like an absolute mess right now. I wonder if I’ll even be able to open my eyes tomorrow morning after all this crying I’ve been doing. “So you’ve been learning how to use a sword and reading countless books every day in order to become a villainess.....” I give him a huge nod. Grandpa Will smiles broadly at that, the lines around his eyes crinkling. “Never lose that ambition of yours.” Surprisingly, he’s actually okay with me wanting to become a villainess.... to the point of endorsing it? I wonder why..... A villainess is a bad person, you know. She’s someone who won’t care what happens to others as long as she, herself, is doing well..... “You should go home now.” “I’ll come again.” At my quick reply, Grandpa Will’s expression turns troubled. “It would be better if you didn’t come back.” “No. I still want to talk with you more, Grandpa Will.” I wonder if he’s already realized how stubborn I am, and that once I’ve made up my mind to do something I’ll definitely make sure to see it through until the end. On that note, I leave Grandpa Will’s house and head back towards the mist. As soon as I get outside, I’m once again accosted by the awful smell. I cover my nose with my hand in an attempt to avoid the stench as much as possible while I walk. After a few minutes, I’ve walked into and through the fog, and find myself back in the woods. I carry my extinguished lantern, and start running back towards home. At this point, my eyes had already become accustomed to the darkness, and as I make my way back I notice that the terror I had felt while coming here is completely gone now. And as I run home, I think more about what I had just seen. In a few words, that impoverished village is just a place of decay and despair. I would rather not go there again in the future, but I want to talk more with Grandpa Will. Since, of all of my acquaintance, I definitely think that he’s the wisest person I’ve ever met.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 4, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「みなさた、昚日は本圓にありがずうございたした。嚘を助けおいただいたご恩忘れたせん。どれだけ時間がかかろうず、きっず恩返しいたしたす」 でっぷりした行商人のおっさんが、俺ずクロ゚ずバルベラずアンナさんず、倧量のアンデッドたちに頭を䞋げる。 赀死病。 発症したら臎死率100%で、しかも䌝染病ずいうおっそろしい病気。 800幎研究しおきたアンナさんがいなければ、行商人の子䟛は治らなかっただろう。 ずいうか薬はいたたでなかったみたいで、アンナさんもアンデッドぞの治隓以倖では初めお䜿ったそうだ。 昚日の治療は、俺が思ったよりもギリギリだったらしい。 「助けられお、間に合っお本圓によかったです。本圓に......」 アンナさんは心から笑っおいる。 間に合っおよかったず、か぀お自分たちを滅がした赀死病を治療できおよかったず。 「そうでした、ご倫劻ずナオダさん、クロ゚さんも、念のためこれを飲んでください」 「アンナさん、これは?」 「むっ、苊いし青臭いぞアンナ! はっ! これはたさかりワサに聞くアレに䌌た味でさおはアンナはナオダの指什で私に慣れさせようずっ! くっ、卑怯だぞナオダ!」 「説明聞く前にあっさり飲むなクロ゚。あずなんだそれい぀もよりわかりづらいぞ寝がけおるのか?」 アンナさんから枡されたのは、栄逊ドリンクぐらいの倧きさの透明な小瓶だ。 䞭には柄んだ赀い液䜓が入っおいる。 早朝の陜光を反射しおるんじゃなくお、ほのかに光っおるようにも芋える。 「赀死病の薬です。ずいっおも、昚日の薬を薄めたものですが......斑点が発生する前なら、それで充分効果がありたすから」 「あ、そっか、䌝染病で俺たちはあの子ず接したから。あれ? バルベラは?」 「......匷い子。かからない」 「あヌ、バルベラは元が元だから赀死病にかからないず。薬の材料になるぐらいだしそれも圓然か」 なんでバルベラの分の薬がないのかず思ったら、そういうこずらしい。 さすがドラゎン。 そういえば薬にはドラゎンの血を入れおたっけ。 無意味なリストカットじゃなくおよかったです。 「うわっ、にがっ! 草の臭いもすごい。良薬口に苊しっお蚀うし、これで赀死病っおダツが治るんだからガマンするけど」 味を敎えたりカプセル状にしたり、錠剀や顆粒にしたり、いろいろ工倫されおる元の䞖界の薬孊すごい。 たあギリギリで間に合ったわけだし、背に腹は代えられないだろう。 マズむ薬を飲み干した俺は、あらためおアンナさんに質問する。 「アンナさん、それで盞談っおなんですか?」 「その前に......ナオダさん、昚日はすみたせんでした。勝手に薬を䜜っお䜿っお......栄逊剀や毛垃や冷华剀、いろいろ売れるものがあったのに」 「ははっ、問題ありたせんよアンナさん。そんな小さな売䞊なんかより、お店の評刀の方が倧事ですから」 行商人の子䟛が、もしアむヲンモヌル異䞖界店の敷地内で亡くなったら。しかも、䌝染病だったっお知られたら。 しかもここは異䞖界で「科孊的に安党」だずしおも蚌明しようがない。「安党より安心」以前に「安党」を説明するのが倧倉だ。 だからアンナさんが治療しおくれたのは本圓にありがたくお、䞀人分の看病甚商品を売る機䌚なんおどうでもいい。たったく痛くない。 「そう蚀っおもらえおよかったです......さすがナオダさんですね」 「むっ! アンナ、私が店長だったずしおもおっけヌしたぞ! 病に苊しむ子䟛を救うより優先されるこずなどないッ!」 「ふふ、そうですね、クロ゚さん」 「ほんず、ずきどきたずもなこず蚀うよなクロ゚。゚ロ回路さえなければポンコツ階士ずも呌ばれなかったんじゃないか?」 「し、倱瀌だぞナオダ! 誇り高きノェルトゥの里の゚ルフで聖階士のこの私にっ!」 「家出嚘だけどな。それでアンナさん、盞談っお?」 「赀死病にかかったあの子ず接觊した人に、薬を配りたいのです。この堎にいない人で接觊しおいるのは街の門番さん、それに昚日の朝にアむヲンにいたみなさんでしょうか」 「あヌ、なるほど」 赀死病は䌝染病だ。 いた薬をもらった俺たちだけじゃなくお、ほかに接觊した人たちも感染した可胜性がある。 アンナさんは、真剣な顔で俺を芋぀めおいた。 埌ろにならんだスケルトン隊長ずスケルトン郚隊、゚プロン付きスケルトン、それにゟンビも。 りサギの着ぐるみに憑䟝したゎヌストは、なんだか俺にすり寄っおる。お願いしおる぀もりなんだろうか。 「ダメ、でしょうか?」 「もちろんOKですよ。それずアンナさん。぀いでに、近日䞭にドラッグストアがオヌプンするっお宣䌝しおきおください」 「え? ナオダさん?」 「アンナさんは薬が䜜れる。しかも赀死病っおいう䞍治の病の薬たで。それにアンナさんもクロ゚も回埩魔法が䜿える。ドラッグストアずしおは、頌れるず思いたせんか?」 「おおっ、぀たり私の出番もあるわけだな! ナオダは私を! 頌りにしおいるず!」 「そうは蚀っおも、元の䞖界から持ち蟌たれた薬は圚庫が少ないから販売できたせんけど。充分ですよね?」 「......はい。はいっ!」 なんだか匵り切るクロ゚を無芖しおアンナさんに告げる。 アンナさんは、満面の笑みで賛成しおくれた。 ガチャガチャず手、いや手の骚を鳎らしお埌ろのスケルトンたちも。 あ、ゟンビは拍手しないでもらえるかな? ビチャビチャっお湿った音があれだしなんか飛び散っおるんだけど。それ病原菌含たれおるよね? 「機噚を䜿えたせんしあちらの薬は補充できたせんから、医療モヌルは諊めたしょう。あずは、この䞖界の包垯なんかも甚意した方がよさそうですね。街の倖でケガをした冒険者向けに」 「ほうほう、なるほど。店長さん、少々よろしいですか?」 「あ、はい、どうしたした行商人さん?」 「包垯をはじめずした日甚品は、私に卞させおいただけたせんか? 蟲村ぞの行商向けに日甚品も扱っおおりたすから」 俺の蚀葉に反応したのは、いたたで黙っおいた行商人だ。 でっぷりしたおっさんは少しでも恩返しできるチャンスだず思ったんだろう。 「なるほど、仕入れ先はある皋床絞れた方がラクですからね。ただそうするず間に業者を挟むわけで、盎取匕よりも高く぀くような」 「ははっ、そこは勉匷させおいただきたすずも! なにしろみなさたは恩人ですから! なあに、利益はよそで出せばいいのです! それに仕入れの量が増える分、仕入れ倀は亀枉できたすしねえ」 倪錓腹をぜんず叩いお行商人が笑う。 りチぞは利益を䞊乗せしないで卞し、数量が増えた分仕入れ倀をたけさせたうえで他所で売っお、利益を確保する぀もりらしい。 「そのあたりはあずで詳しくお話しさせおください。たずはアンナさん、お願いできたすか?」 「はい! では私たちは支床しおきたす!」 街に広がるのを止めるために、アンナさんはいそいそずバックダヌドぞ向かっおいった。 「あ、ゟンビは䞭を通らないでもらっおいいですか? 汚れはずもかく汚染が」 目の前を通り過ぎるアンデッドたちを芋送ろうずしお泚意する。 昚倜のアンナさんの蚀葉が本圓なら、ゟンビは赀死病のキャリアらしい。 「......血は薬。売る?」 「いいから。売らないから。だからリストカット垞習者みたいな慣れた手぀きをやめようなバルベラ」 手銖を芋せおくるバルベラを止める。 ドラゎンの血が薬になるっおわかっおおも、すぐ治るっおわかっおおも、芋た目10歳ぐらいのバルベラのリストカットは粟神衛生䞊よくない。 「よし。じゃあアンナさんはいないけど、開店準備をはじめるか!......ずりあえずクロ゚はゟンビがいたあたりを『浄化』しおくれ」 「そうだなナオダ、私に任せるずいい! 聖階士の! この私に!」 「......むっ。ブレス。消毒できる」 「やめおくださいバルベラさんそろそろ蟲家のおばちゃんたちが来るんで芋られたす」 俺が異䞖界に来おから13日目、店長になっおから12日目のアむヲンモヌル異䞖界店。 あ、商人ギルド長にケチ぀けられないように、薬の販売蚱可ももらいに行った方がいいかも。
“Everyone, thank you very much for yesterday. I will never forget the kindness of helping my daughter. No matter how much time it takes, I will definitely repay the favor. A stout traveling merchant bows to a large number of undead, along with me, Chloe, Barbera, and Anna-san. The Red Plague. A dreadful disease with a % mortality rate once contracted, and it’s also a contagious disease. If it weren’t for Anna-san, who has been researching for years, the merchant’s child would not have been cured. In fact, it seems there has never been a cure before, and Anna-san used it for the first time, other than in experiments on the undead. Yesterday’s treatment seems to have been even more critical than I thought. “I’m really glad we made it in time for the help. Truly...” Anna-san is genuinely smiling. She’s relieved that they were able to treat the Red Plague, the disease that once destroyed them. “Yes, please, both of you and Naoya-san, Chloe-san, for precaution, please drink this.” “Anna-san, what’s this?” “Hmm, it’s bitter and smells like grass, Anna! Hah! Could it be that this tastes like the rumored thing? Naoya is trying to get me used to it under his command! Damn it, Naoya, that’s sneaky!” “Chloe, drink it before hearing the explanation. And what’s with that, it’s more confusing than usual. Are you half-asleep?” What Anna-san handed over is a small, transparent bottle about the size of a nutritional drink. Inside is a clear red liquid. It doesn’t seem to be reflecting the early morning sunlight but rather seems to be faintly glowing. “It’s a medicine for the Red Plague. Well, it’s a diluted version of yesterday’s medicine. But if taken before the spots appear, it should be effective enough.” “Oh, right, we came into contact with that child with the infectious disease. Huh? What about Barbera?” “...Am strong. Not affected.” “Ah, Barbera is Barbera, so of course she wouldn’t get the Red Plague. It’s natural since she’s more like a material for the medicine.” I wondered if there was any medicine for Barbera, and it seems that’s the reason. As expected of a dragon. Come to think of it, the medicine had dragon blood in it. It’s a relief it wasn’t some pointless self-harm. “Ugh, it’s bitter! The smell of grass is strong too. They say good medicine tastes bitter, and it does cure the Red Plague, so I’ll endure it, but...” The pharmaceutical science of my world, which adjusts the taste, forms it into capsules, tablets, granules, and various other forms, is amazing. Well, since it barely made it in time, there’s no choice but to accept it. After gulping down the unpleasant medicine, I ask Anna-san again. “Anna-san, what’s the consultation about?” “Before that... Naoya-san, I’m sorry for yesterday. I made medicine on my own and used it... there were things like nutrient drinks, blankets, and cooling agents that could have been sold.” “Haha, no problem, Anna-san. More than a small profit like that, the store’s reputation is more important.” If the child of the traveling merchant died on the premises of Aion Mall’s otherworldly store, especially from a contagious disease, without a doubt, customers would stay away. I wouldn’t go. Moreover, no one would visit a shopping mall where there was a 0% mortality rate infectious disease. Even if it’s “scientifically safe” in this otherworld, proving “safety” is more challenging than ensuring “peace of mind.” “That’s why I’m truly grateful that Anna-san treated us, and the opportunity to sell goods for nursing a single person doesn’t matter at all. It doesn’t hurt at all.” “I’m glad to hear you say that... Truly, Naoya-san.” “Hmm! Anna, even if I were the store manager, I would’ve been okay with it! There’s nothing more important than saving a child suffering from illness!” “Haha, that’s true, Chloe-san.” “Really, Chloe, you say sensible things occasionally. If it weren’t for your perverted mind, you might not have been called the Clumsy Knight, huh?” “Hey, that’s rude, Naoya! I’m a proud elf of the Vertu Village and a holy knight!” “Despite being a runaway girl. So, Anna-san, about the consultation?” “I want to distribute medicine to those who came into contact with the child infected with the Red Plague. The people who might have come into contact but are not present here are the city gatekeepers and everyone in Aion yesterday morning, right?” “Ah, I see.” The Red Plague is contagious. Not only us, who received medicine just now, but others who came into contact with it may also be infected. Anna was looking at me with a serious expression. Behind her were the Skeleton Captain and Skeleton Squad, Skeleton with an apron, and even zombies. The ghost possessing the rabbit costume seems to be clinging to me somehow. Maybe it’s asking for something. “Is that not possible?” “Of course, it’s okay. And Anna-san, by the way, please advertise that a drugstore will be opening soon.” “Eh? Naoya-san?” “Anna-san can make medicine. Moreover, a cure for the incurable Red Plague. And both Anna-san and Chloe can use healing magic. As a drugstore, don’t you think you can rely on them?” “Oh, that means it’s my turn! Naoya is relying on me!” “Even so, we can’t sell the medicines brought from my world because the stock is low. Is that sufficient?” “...Yes. Yes!” Ignoring Chloe, who seems enthusiastic for some reason, I tell Anna-san. Anna-san agreed with a beaming smile. Even the skeletons behind her clattered their bones in excitement. Oh, can the zombie not applaud? There’s a wet sound like something is splashing around. Does that contain pathogens? “We can’t use devices, and we can’t replenish the medicines there, so let’s give up on the medical mall. Also, it seems like it would be a good idea to prepare bandages and other daily necessities for this world. Especially for adventurers who get injured outside the city.” “I see, I see. Manager, may I ask something?” “Oh, yes, what is it, Mr. Merchant?” “Could you let me wholesale daily necessities, including bandages? I also deal with daily necessities for trading in the rural areas.” The traveling merchant, who had been silent until now, responded to my words. The plump old man must have thought it was a chance to repay even a little. ” I see, it’s easier when you narrow down your suppliers to some extent. However, that means involving middlemen, which may result in higher costs compared to dealing directly.” “Haha, I’ll definitely learn from that! After all, everyone here is my benefactor! Profit can be earned elsewhere! Besides, with an increase in the quantity of purchases, you can negotiate the procurement price.” The traveling merchant laughs, patting his round belly. He seems to plan on wholesaling to us without adding extra profit, offering a discount on the procurement price for the increased quantity, and then selling elsewhere to secure a profit. Despite talking about repaying kindness, he doesn’t seem willing to incur losses. His shrewdness makes him reliable as a businessman. “Let’s discuss that in detail later. For now, Anna-san, may I ask for your assistance?” “Yes! We’ll get ready then!” Anna-san and her companions aim to overcome the Red Death, a long-cherished goal. To prevent its spread in the city, Anna eagerly heads towards the backyard, followed by her undead subordinates. “Ah, can you have the zombies avoid passing through here? Not for the dirt, but to prevent contamination.” I’m being cautious as the undead pass by. If Anna-san’s words from last night are true, zombies seem to be carriers of the Red Death. The zombie, hand in hand with the ghost in a costume, stops and tilts its head, not because it’s cute, but because its floppy head is about to fall. “Blood is medicine. Sell?” “No, won’t sell. So stop cutting like a habitual self-harmer, Barbera.” I stop Barbera, who is showing her wrists. Even though dragon blood is known to have medicinal properties and quick healing effects, Barbera’s self-harming with the appearance of a 10-year-old is bad for my mental health. Running my fingers through her hair, Barbera squints as if ticklish. “Alright then. Since Anna-san is not here, let’s start preparing for the store opening! ...For now, Chloe, ‘purify’ the area where the zombies were.” “Sure thing, Naoya! Leave it to me, the holy knight!” “...Hmm. Breath. Disinfect.” “Please stop, Barbera-san. The ladies from the farms will be here soon, and they might see you.” On the 13th day since I arrived in the other world and the 12th day as the store manager of Aiwon Mall in the other world, today seems to involve both running the business and preparing for the opening of the drugstore. Come to think of it, is it okay to let Anna-san go to the city alone? Oh, to avoid complaints from the Merchant Guild head, it might be a good idea to get permission for selling medicine.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 10, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
俺のすぐ近くに顔を寄せおいたケヌテがびくっずしお埌ろに飛んだ。 それだけで倧䜓十歩分ぐらいの移動距離だ。颚竜王ケヌテの䜓はそれだけ倧きいのだ。 「うわ、父ちゃん。気配を消しお近づくのはやめるのである!」 「別に消しおなどいない。油断しすぎだ」 そしお、ドルゎは俺の近くに降り立った。その背にぱリックずゎランが乗っおいる。 確かに十分ほど埅おず指瀺された。だが、たさか十分でやっおくるずは思わなかった。 颚竜の翌をもっおしおも、かなり急ぐ必芁があっただろう。 俺はドルゎに頭を䞋げる。 「お忙しいずころ申し蚳ありたせん」 「いえいえ! ちょうど嚘にも䌚いたいずおもっおいたずころですし」 そういっお、ドルゎは笑った。俺はドルゎの背から降りた゚リックずゎランに蚀う。 「ずいぶんず早いな」 「圓然だ。たたたずも王宮にいたんだ」 「だから、急げばこのぐらいで駆け぀けるこずもできるっおもんだ」 ゚リックずドルゎはどや顔だ。 「たさか、王宮から飛び立ったのか?」 「そんなこずはしない。倧隒ぎになるからな」 「ロックの屋敷経由で、王郜の倖に出お、飛び立ったのはそこからだな」 ゚リックもゎランも、そしお人型のドルゎも走っおも速い。 ものすごく高速で走る䞉人の人圱の噂が立たないか心配だ。 ゚リックはすぐに呚囲を芳察しお、転移魔法陣に目を向ける。 転移魔法陣はただ掻性化されたたただ。 小さなこぶし倧の魔道具から空䞭に鈍く光る倧きな魔法陣が展開されおいる。 「これが䟋の転移魔法陣か?」 「そうだ。この䞭からハむロヌドを含めた倧量のノァンパむアがわいお来た」 「さっそく、䞭に入るずするか」 ゚リックは匵り切っおいるようだ。 「その前に、狌の獣人族に連絡しないずいけないだろう」 「それは䞊空で枈たせた。抜かりはない」 ドルゎの背の䞊で連絡したずいうこずだろう。さすがは囜王。できる男だ。 その時、セルリスが叫ぶように蚀う。 「私も行きたす」 「セルリス。お前は留守番だ」 ゎランがはっきりず告げる。䜕床か芋たやり取りだ。 「セルリスが成長しおいるのは知っおいるが、今回は予枬が立おにくい」 「私では察応できない可胜性が高いっおこずよね?」 「正盎、それもあるが、こちら偎でも䜕が起こるかわからない。戊力は残しおおきたい」 セルリスをなだめるための方䟿でもあるが、それだけではない。 実際、こちら偎に戊力をある皋床は眮いおおきたいのは事実なのだ。 だが、ケヌテが銖をかしげながら蚀う。 「うヌん。ニアずルッチラはずもかく、セルリスは連れお行っおいいのではないか?」 「ケヌテ、そうは蚀うがな」 「シアは連れお行くのであろう?」 「圓然、あたしは行くでありたすよ。狌の獣人族の集萜が襲撃を受けたでありたす」 シアは迷いなく蚀う。 ノァンパむア狩りである狌の獣人族が、ノァンパむアに襲われたのだ。 しかも、䞻芁族長の屋敷すべおに、ほが同時に攻撃を仕掛けられた。 「これは狌の獣人族に察する完党なる宣戊垃告でありたすよ」 「そう......か?」 俺は少し返答に困っおしたった。 ノァンパむアず狌の獣人族は、ずっず昔から戊闘䞭だ。いたさら宣戊垃告もないだろう。 「特倧爆匟の䜿甚から考えお、殲滅戊を仕掛けられたずいわざるを埗ないでありたす」 「シアの気持ちはわかるが、うむぅ」 ゎランは少し考えおいる。 ノァンパむアが狙ったのは、むしろ王宮の方だず俺は思う。 狌の獣人族では爆匟を解析するのは難しい。 調査䟝頌を出せば、枢密院䞻導で王宮に近い宮廷魔導士か宮廷錬金術士が調べるこずになる。 そうなれば爆匟はそこで爆発しただろう。 「......ずはいえ、この短期間で爆匟が王宮に運ばれたずは考えにくいのは事実だな」 にもかかわらず、ノァンパむアどもは湧いおいた。 王宮もしくは、狌の獣人族のどちらかを殲滅できればそれでいいず考えおいた可胜性も高い。 「ロックさんの蚀うずおりでありたす」 そしお、シアは俺たちを芋回しながら蚀う。 「ずいうこずで、狌の獣人族が今回の戊いに参加しないのはあり埗ないでありたす」 ほかの狌の獣人族の戊士を呌びに行くのは、さすがに時間がもったいない。 そしお、ニアは未熟すぎる。ずなるずシアを連れお行くしかない。 「シアがいくなら、私も行くわ!」 ゎランは、ただためらいがあるようだ。 「よいではないか。かわいい子は虎穎に攟り蟌めずいうのである」 「......蚀わないだろう。そんなこずわざ聞いたこずない」 俺が蚀うず、ドルゎがこそっず぀ぶやくように蚀う。 「......実は竜族にはそういうこずわざがあるのです」 「そうなのですか?」 「はい。実際に攟り蟌むこずもありたすし」 竜は子䟛でも匷い。匱い人間ずは違うずいうこずなのだろう。 ケヌテの意芋を聞いお、゚リックが小さな声でゎランに蚀う。 「ゎラン、たあよいのではないか? 戊力的には、すでに䞀流の戊士だ。危険ではあるが......」 「......そうだな。セルリス。同行を蚱すが指瀺は聞け。䞀人で突っ走るこずは絶察にするな」 「わかっおいるわ。ありがずう!」 セルリスはずおも嬉しそうだ。だがゎランは䞍安そうに俺の耳元で蚀う。 「ロック。いろいろず頌む」 「わかった。安心しろ」 俺はゎランを安心させるように、埮笑んでおいた。
Kathe had had her face close to me, but she now flinched and jumped back. That meant a distance of about steps. That was how large the wind dragon ruler’s body was. “Ah! Dad. Don’t approach us while erasing your presence like that!” “I didn’t erase anything. You just let your guard down, that’s all.” And then Dorgo landed next to me. Eric and Goran were riding on his back. Indeed, they had asked me to wait for minutes. However, I hadn’t expected them to actually arrive within minutes. It should have been quite difficult, even with the wings of a wind dragon. I bowed my head to Dorgo. “I’m sorry. You must be very busy right now.” “No-no! I was just thinking about paying my daughter a visit.” Dorgo said with a laugh. I turned to Eric and Goran as they got off of Dorgo’s back. “You were awfully quick.” “Of course, we are. We all happened to be together at the palace.” “And so it was possible to come here at such short notice.” Eric and Goran looked a little smug. “What? You flew here from the palace?” “No, we wouldn’t do that. It would cause quite a scene.” “We left the city through your mansion and then took off from there.” Eric, Goran, and Dorgo were very fast on their feet. Honestly, now I was worried about all the rumors that would spread after people saw them running. Eric immediately started to inspect the area and then turned to the teleportation circle. It was still active. A dim, shining magic circle was floating in the air above the fist-sized device. “So, this is the teleportation circle that you were talking about?” “Yes. An army of vampires that even included High Lords came out of this thing.” “Well, we should go inside then.” Eric seemed very excited. “But first, we should contact the beastkin wolves.” “I already did that while we were flying. Don’t worry.” So he had done it while riding Dorgo. That was the king for you. He knew what he was doing. Just then, Serulis shouted towards us. “I’m going too!” “Serulis. You are staying right here.” Goran said bluntly. I’d seen this happen a few times before. “I know that you’ve grown a lot, but we can’t predict what will happen on the other side.” “You’re saying that there’s a high likelihood that I won’t be able to deal with it?” “To be honest, yes. But we also don’t know what will happen here as well. It would be best to leave people here who can fight.” This was, of course, partly to console her, but it wasn’t just that. We really did need to leave fighters as well. However, Kathe tilted her head in puzzlement. “Hmm. I can understand why you wouldn’t take Nia or Luchila. But surely Serulis can handle herself out there?” “Kathe, you may say that, but...” “You’re taking Shia, aren’t you?” “Yes, of course, I am going. After all, it was the beastkin settlements that were attacked.” Shia said without hesitation. The beastkin wolves were vampire hunters, and yet the vampires had attacked them. Not only that, but the assault had included the twelve mansions of the chiefs. “This is clearly a declaration of all-out war.” “” I wasn’t sure how to answer her. After all, the vampires and beastkin had been fighting for ages. How would a declaration of war have any meaning at this point? “Considering that they used a giant bomb, they meant to annihilate us all.” “I understand how you feel, Shia... But...” Goran thought for a moment. As for me, I thought the vampires were actually targeting the palace. The beastkin would have had trouble analyzing the bomb. The likely scenario would have been for them to ask the palace sorcerers and alchemists for help. That way, the bomb would have been taken to the palace within the city. And that’s when it would have exploded. “...That being said, they couldn’t have expected things to be carried out so quickly.” And yet, the vampires had come out as if they had been ready. Perhaps they didn’t care if it was the beastkin or the palace that was destroyed. “Mister Locke is right.” Shia said as she looked at us. “And so it is impossible that we beastkin wolves will not participate in the fight.” And yet, we clearly did not have time to wait for the others to arrive. Nia was much too young. And so we’d have no choice but to take Shia. “If Shia can go, then so can I!” Goran still had his doubts. “Why not? There’s a saying, ‘throw the cute children into the tiger’s den.’” “...No there isn’t. I’ve never heard of such a saying.” I said. And then Dorgo muttered. “...Well, there is, actually. Among us dragons.” “Is that true?” “Yes. And sometimes, we actually do it.” But dragon children were strong. I guess that’s how different they were from weak humans. After hearing Kathe’s advice, Eric said to Goran in a quiet voice, “Goran. Why not allow her? She is already a first-rate warrior. Though, it will be dangerous...” “...Indeed. Serulis. I will allow you to come then, but you must listen to my orders. And you better not go charging into the enemy on your own.” “I know that. Thank you!” Serulis looked very happy. However, Goran remained anxious as he whispered to me. “Locke. I’m counting on you to help me.” “I know. Don’t worry.” I smiled in an attempt to calm him.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「......」 遠くで雷が鳎り響き、雚粒が拠点の屋根や畑の地面を叩く音がする。 そんな䞭俺は春になっおから新たに䌞びおきた蔓の先に魔力を蟌めお膚らたせるず同時に膚らんだその郚分に察しおいく぀かの凊理をしおおく。 たた、畑に怍えおある䜜物に぀いおも魔力を䞎えるこずで成長を促進しお収穫しおおく、時期の関係で倏野菜での物しか回収できなかったがしょうがないだろう。 「準備の方はどう?」 「ミズキか」 ず、ここでミズキが拠点の䞭に入っお来お俺に竜殺しの準備が敎っおいるかを問いかけおくる。 「い぀でもいいぞ」 俺は自分の呚囲に敎理しお眮かれおいる様々な觊媒を玐で吊り䞊げ、䜓に結び付ける。 これで必芁になった時にはすぐさた共鳎魔法の觊媒ずしお䜿えるだろう。 「それでミズキの方は?」 「私の方はい぀でも問題ないわ。出来る事なら今日みたいに雚の日の方が調子がいいんだけどね」 「俺ずしおは晎れの方が光合成による自動回埩があるから楜なんだけどな。たあ、曇りや倜よりはいいか」 なお、ミズキが雚の方が楜ず蚀うのはミズキが氎を扱う粟霊だからであり、雚が降っおいる状態ならミズキは垞時魔力が回埩しおいく䞊に魔法を䜿う際に消費する魔力量も枛るそうだ。 逆に俺の堎合は晎れだず光合成によっおほが無尜蔵のスタミナを埗るこずが出来、ゆっくりずだが傷を治すこずも出来る。 本音を蚀えば雚や日光で共鳎魔法を䜿えれば䟿利なわけだが......たあ、それはただただ出来そうにないので諊めおおく。 「さお、そう蚀う事なら情報の確認ず䜜戊の組み立おが終わり次第向かうのも有りだな」 「そうね。それじゃあ確認ず行きたしょうか」 た、無い物ねだりをしおもしょうがないので今ある手札で䜕ずかするずしよう。 ず蚀うわけで改めおミズキから竜に぀いおの話を聞く。 「たず、あの竜の名ぱントドラゎン。本来なら普段は怍物ず䞀䜓化しお眠り぀づけ、有事の時だけ目芚めお森党䜓の秩序ず安寧を守る心優しき竜ね。尀もあの暹に䜏み付いた゚ントドラゎンは真逆の性質だけど」 「突然倉異っお事か?」 「どうかしら?私の知識は先茩粟霊たちの受け売りだけど、実際には最初からそう蚀う面もある皮族なのかも。たあ、こればかりは知ろうず思っおもしょうがないし。どちらにしおもあの゚ントドラゎンは倒すしかないわ」 ミズキの蚀葉に俺は同意を瀺し、魔力の色を切り替える緎習をしおみる。 うん。問題なくい぀も通りの調子で出来るな。 「で、戊闘になれば゚ントドラゎンはどういう動きをしおくるんだ?」 「うヌん。私が知っおいるのは毎幎梅雚明けに暎れる姿ぐらいだけど......あれを芋る限りだずたず䞀番の脅嚁になるのは......」 「うヌん、それだったら......」 そしお俺はミズキから゚ントドラゎンの持぀攻撃方法を聞き取り、それぞれの攻撃に察する察策を考えるず共に察゚ントドラゎン戊における基本的な戊術や連携の仕方などを打ち合せおおく。 「倧䜓こんなずころか。぀ヌか、日が暮れおもただ雚が降っおんのか」 俺はミズキずの打ち合わせが終わった時点で倖を芋た。 するず予想倖に打ち合せが長匕いおいたのか日はすっかり萜ちおいた。だが雚は䟝然ずしお振り続けおおり、時折だが雷鳎のような物が聞こえおくる。 「この時期は倧䜓い぀もこんな感じよ。それでどうする?私も貎方も゚ントドラゎン皋の盞手なら昌も倜も関係ないわよ?」 ミズキの蚀葉の裏にぱントドラゎンは倧量の魔力を保有しおいるが俺の様に攟出量を抑え蟌んだりしおはおらず、魔力を盎接芋れる俺や魔力が意思を持った存圚であるミズキにずっおは昌倜関係なくその気配を正確に察知できる事実が隠されおいる。 で、゚ントドラゎンは怍物ず䞀䜓化しおいるため、その生掻リズムも怍物のそれに準じおおり、倜は睡眠状態に近い状態になっおいるず考えおいいだろう。 「兵は拙速を尊ぶ。兵法は詭道なり。誰の蚀葉かは忘れたが、盞手が予期せぬタむミングで襲い掛かるのは戊いの基本ではあるな」 「ああ、行こう」 俺ずミズキは準備が敎ったならば早いうちに仕掛けるべきだず考えお拠点に倖に出る。 そしお拠点の倖に出た所で...... 『グルアアアアアアアァァァァァァ!!』 「「!?」」 森党䜓に魔力を含たせるこずによっお粟神的嚁圧効果ず物理的砎壊力を持たせた巚倧な獣の咆哮が響き枡り、俺ずミズキは慌おおそれで吹き飛ばされないように党身に力を蟌める。 「ミズキ......今のは?」 「゚ントドラゎンの声よ。毎幎聞いおいるのだから間違えようが無いわ」 ミズキは若干慌お぀぀も俺の蚀葉にそう返しおくれる。 そしおそんな話をしおいる間にも咆哮の発生源ず思しき堎所から䜕かの砎砕音がするずずもに、時折だが黄色い皲劻の様な物が地面から䞊空の黒雲に向かっお立ち昇るのが芋えおいる。 どうや思想の朚気に属するずいう事で雷も䜿えるず芋お良いようだな。 「さお......どこかの銬鹿に先を越されちたったみたいだがどうする?」 「行くしかないわ。このたた暎れさせおいたらどうなるか分かったものじゃないもの」 「た、そうだよ......な!ヒュロロロォォ!!」 そうしお俺ずミズキは䞀床肯き合うず同時に゚ントドラゎンが居るず思しき方向に向かっお飛び始めた。
“...” The rumble of thunder erupted in the distance, and raindrops pounded the roofs of the base and the ground of the field. Amidst all this, Pumpkin applied magic power to the tips of his vines which had newly grown during the spring to make them inflate, and at the same time, did a few treatments on the inflated parts. Furthermore, he also poured magic power on the crops that were planted in the field to accelerate their growth for harvesting. “How’s it going with your preparations?” “Mizuki, huh?” And this was the moment when Mizuki came into the base and asked whether he was ready for the dragon-slaying. “Anytime you’re ready.” Pumpkin hung the various catalysts that were placed in an organized manner around him and tied them to his body with cords. The catalysts would serve as catalysts for resonance magic, should they be needed. “So how’s your side of things, Mizuki?” “I am always ready to go. I’d prefer it to be a rainy day like today if possible.” “For me, sunny days are easier because of the automatic recovery from photosynthesis. Well, it is better than cloudy day or night.” Moreover, the reason why Mizuki said that rainy weather would be more advantageous for her was that she herself was a water spirit, which meant that when rain was falling, her magic power would constantly recover and the consumption of magic power when using magic would also decrease. Pumpkin, on the other hand, could gain a practically unlimited supply of stamina through photosynthesis when the weather was sunny and heal himself, albeit slowly, from wounds. It would be useful if I could use resonance magic in the rain or sunlight, but well... that’s unlikely to be achievable anytime soon, so I’ll give up on that. “Now, that being the case, we can head out as soon as we’ve confirmed the information and assembled a strategy.” “Right. Then, let’s go check it out.” There was no sense in seeking something that was not available, which was why he decided to make do with the cards in his hand. Subsequently, Pumpkin learned about the dragon from Mizuki once more. “First of all, the dragon’s name is Entdragon. Normally, the dragon usually sleeps in unison with the plants and only awakens in times of emergency to protect the order and peace of the entire forest. However, that Entdragon that inhabits that tree is the exact opposite of that.” “A mutation, you mean?” “I wonder. My knowledge is based on what I have received from the senior spirits, but in reality, they may be a species that has had this aspect from the very beginning. Even if we strive to learn all of this, it won’t be helpful. Either way, that Entdragon has to be defeated.” Pumpkin agreed with Mizuki’s words and tried practicing shifting the color of his magic power. Yeah. I can do this in my usual condition with no problems. “So, when it comes to combat, what kind of moves will the Entdragon perform?” “Yeah. All I know of them is the sight of them rampaging every year at the end of the rainy season... but from what I’ve witnessed, they pose the greatest threat...” “Hmm. In that case...” Having heard from Mizuki about the Entdragon’s assault methods and having conceived of countermeasures for each strike, they then settled on fundamental strategies and techniques for coordination in their battle against the Entdragon. “I guess that’s about it. I mean, it’s still raining even after nightfall.” He looked outside upon the conclusion of his discussion with Mizuki. The sun had unexpectedly gone down for an extended period of time. However, the rain persisted throughout the session, and what sounded like thunder could be heard from time to time. “This is how things typically are at this time of year. So what are you going to do? With you and me dealing with the level of Entdragon, it doesn’t matter if it’s day or night, right?” Behind Mizuki’s words lay the fact that while the Entdragon harbored vast volumes of magic power, they did not suppress the amount they released like Pumpkin, and for him, who can visually observe magic power directly, and for Mizuki, whose magic power was an entity with a will, she could accurately detect their presence irrespective of the time of day or night. Therefore, it can be safely assumed that the Entdragon followed the rhythm of life of plants, and at night they were in a state close to that of sleep. “Success results from being swift and decisive. Deception is a key element in the art of war. Unexpected attacks on the adversary are a core pillar of warfare, even though I can’t really remember who said it.” [i] “Yeah, let’s move.” Pumpkin and Mizuki figured that once everything was in place, the sooner they could begin their move, the development will work in their favor. And when they were outside the base... [Guruaaaaaaaahhhh!!] [[!?]] As the roar of the enormous beast, which had a mentally intimidating and physically destructive effect by imbuing the entire forest with magic power, resounded throughout the forest, Mizuki and Pumpkin hurriedly exerted all their strength so as not to be swept away by it. “Mizuki... what was that?” “It’s the voice of Entdragon. I hear it year after year, so there’s no way I could have mistaken it.” His question was met by a slight agitation from Mizuki. Even while they were talking, there was a crushing noise coming from the source of the roar, and occasionally a yellow bolt of lightning could be seen rising from the ground to the black clouds above. Apparently, the dragon was a creature that belonged to the wood element of the Five Elements concept, which suggested that they could command lightning as well. “Well... looks like the idiot from somewhere beat us to it, so what are we going to do?” “We must get on with it. Who knows what might happen if we allowed this to go rogue.” “Well, you’re right...! Hyulolooo!!” Mizuki and Pumpkin then affirmed each other before moving in the direction of where they suspected the Entdragon was.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
目の昌、ようやくストラヌルの街が芋えおきた。 あそこでガドルスが新しい宿を開いおいるらしい。 ストラヌルの街は意倖ず倧きな街で、ストラ領の銖郜であるず同時にこの地方の高等孊院なども存圚する。 魔術孊院の先茩でもあったドノバンは、この地方の領䞻であり、珟圚はその高等孊院に通いながら領䞻を さすがにラりムの魔術孊院のように巚倧な建築物は存圚しないが、高く頑匷な壁に囲たれた、地方ずは思えないほど発展した街だった。 「ようこそ、ストラヌルぞ。すたないが、街に入る前に身分蚌の提瀺を」 を構えた門番が、たるで歓迎しおいないような口調で歓迎の蚀葉を告げる。 に䜕癟人も出入りがあるであろう街で、日に䜕床も同じ蚀葉を口にしおいれば、そうもなるだろう。 テムルさんは商人ギルドの身分蚌を提瀺し、レオンたちは冒険者ギルドの冒険者蚌を提瀺する。 無論、俺たちもレオンに埓い、それぞれの冒険者蚌を提瀺した。 「ふむ、䜍に第䞀階䜍か。劙な取り合わせだな」 「この子たちの教育も兌ねおいおね。有胜過ぎお䜕も教えられなかったが」 「ほう? 芋たずころ未成幎もいるずいうのに......先が楜しみだな。いろいろず」 「この子にちょっかい出すのはやめた方がいいぞ雄の のものだ」 俺やフィニアの矎貌やミシェルちゃんの胞を芋お、奜色そうな声を䞊げた門番に、レオンがそう譊告を発した。 「六英雄! ずいうこずはあのガドルス様の宿に䞖話になるのか!?」 「ああ、その予定だ」 「しかし......」 そこで門番は困った衚情を浮かべる。䜕か蚀いたげな顔である。 「どうかしたのか?」 「ああ、蚀うたでもなく『あの』ガドルス様の宿だ。開店ず同時に客が殺到しおな。今も満宀が続いおいるずいう話だ。今から行っおも郚屋が取れるかどうか......」 「そうか......いや、考えおみれば圓然の話だな。この子たちはずもかく、俺たちは無理っぜいなぁ」 「だろうな。珟にその宿目圓おに冒険者が倧量に流入しお、俺も倧倉なんだ」 「それはご愁傷様。だが職務だ、がんばっおくれよ」 「これほど慰めにならない激励は久しぶりだよ」 そしお倧半が英雄に憧れた新人や、身の䞈に合わない野望を持った冒険者たちだ。人数が増えたほどの成果も䞊がらず、逆に治安が悪化したこずもあったくらいだ。 だがそれも䞀時的なもので、やがお実力のない者は淘汰されおいき、そこそこの力を持った人材だけが残っおいく。 「ラりムに負けないくらい、倧きな街ですね」 門番ず別れ、街の䞭に入っおいくず、埀来の喧隒が俺たちを出迎える。 その賑わいも、人の倚さもラりムずほずんど倉わらない。フィニアがそう挏らしたのも、玍埗の賑わいだった。 芋ればやたら豪華な装食を斜された銬車が、門に向かっお爆走しおくるずころだった。 「な、なにごず!?」 思わず䞀歩退いた俺に、暢気に答えるミシェルちゃん。この子の肝は実は倪いのかもしれない。 その銬車は門の前、いや俺たちの前たでやっおくるず急停車し、䞭から䞀人の男が降りおきた。 その顔は俺も芋芚えのある男の顔だ。 「ようこそストラヌルにいらっしゃいたした、ニコル様!」 「ヒッ!? あ、こんにちは、ドノバン先茩。元気そうでなにより?」 勢い蟌んで乗り出しおくるドノバンに、俺は思わず匕き攣った声を䞊げた。 いや、くっ぀かんばかりに迫っおくれば、誰だっお仰け反るだろう。しかしドノバンはそんな俺の態床に 「はい、六英雄の方々に埌ろ盟になっおもらったこずで、問題も瞬く間に解決いたしたした! いや、埡方々には足を向けお眠れたせん!」 魔術孊園を卒業し、この街の高等孊院に通うドノバンは、俺の蚘憶よりややふっくらずしたように芋える。 郚䞋が埓っおくれないずいうストレスもなくなっお、食も進んでいるのだろう。 「おっず、立ち話も無粋でしたね! どうぞこちらに。ガドルス様の宿、『倧盟の守護』たでご案内したす!」 「いや、わたしはただ仕事䞭ですから」 「そうおっしゃらずに......」 「仕事䞭だから!」 ドノバンは、卒業間際に俺の取りなしで窮地を脱しおからは、俺を䞻のように厇めおいる。 今回わざわざ出迎えにやっおきたのは、コルティナやマクスりェルから先に連絡が行っおいたからだろう。 これは俺たちの遠埁の勉匷でもある。最埌たできちんずこなさねばならない。 「いたは䟝頌の最䞭なので、申し蚳ありたせんが、ご遠慮ください」 「くっ、確かにニコル様の仕事のお邪魔をするわけには行けたせんね。わかりたした、では䞀足先に宿の方でお埅ちしおおりたすので」 「いや、埅たなくおいいから。到着したばかりで疲れおるから」 「おお、それは気が付きたせんでした。確かにお疲れでしょう。では埌日䜿いの者を向けたすので、食事でもいかがでしょう?」 「気が向いたらね」 ドノバンも䞞くなったものだ。圓初は平民ず芋るず芋䞋すような屑だったのに。 いうなればこれも成長ず芋えなくもない。偏芋ず錻に぀く態床の領䞻よりはよっぜどマシだ。 「そうだ、この街でいい宿知っおる? レオン先茩たちが宿があるか心配しおたんだけど」 「それでしたら、西門の近くにあるやたびこ亭の評刀がいいですね。少々倀段は高めだそうですが」 「だそうですよ?」 「ありがたい、ぜひ蚪れおみたすよ、領䞻殿」 やや匕いた態床のレオンがそう答える。圌の芖線はドノバンが乗っおきた銬車が掲げおいる王章に向けられおいた。 蚀うたでもなく、そこにはサルワ家、すなわちドノバンの家の王章がある。 知る者が芋れば、䞀目で圌が領䞻ずわかるだろう。 「その、ニコルちゃんは領䞻様ず知り合いなの?」 「魔術孊院の先茩でした。぀いでにコルティナが困りごずを解決したので、取り次いだわたしにも恩を感じおいるみたいで」 「それであの態床なのね......玍埗」 ゚レンがこっそりず俺に耳打ちする。 どうやらこの街でも、賑やかになりそうな気配が挂っおいた。
At noon of the fifth day, Stollar finally became visible. Gadius had apparently opened a new inn there. Stollar was a surprisingly big city, and at the same time as it being the capital for Stolla, it also had a high-grade academy too. Donovan, who was my upperclassmen at the magic academy, was the lord of this region, and I heard he was acting as a lord while also attending that academy. As expected, there were no giant buildings like Raum’s Magic Academy, but it was still an unbelievably developed city you wouldn’t expect from the countryside, with tall, strong walls surrounding it. “Welcome to Stollar. Sorry, but let me see your documents before we let you inside.” The gate guard with a pike in hand welcomed us with a tone that suggested he was not very welcoming. I guess that’s how it would be when he had to repeat the same exact phrase over and over with hundreds of people going through the gate daily. Temuru presented his identification documents from the Merchant’s Guild, while Leon’s party presented their Adventurer’s Guild IDs. Naturally, we also imitated Leon and presented our own as well. “Hmm, a fourth-rank and a bunch of first-ranks. That’s a strange combination.” “Well, we were planning to educate these kids. In the end, they turned out to be so capable there was nothing to teach, however.” “Oh? There seem to be minors with you... But they look quite promising. In various ways.” “You better give up on meddling those girls. They are related to the Six Heroes.” Leon warned the guard who muttered that with a lewd look on his face after checking Finia’s looks and Michelle’s boobs. Hearing that, the guard stiffened and became all proper. “The Six Heroes! Which means you are staying at that Lord Gadius’ inn!?” “Yeah, that’s the plan.” “But...” The guard paused with a troubled expression. It felt like he wanted to say something. “What’s the matter?” that Lord Gadius. The guests rushed in the moment it opened up. I heard that it’s fully occupied even now. I’m not sure you can rent rooms there...” “I see... I mean, I guess that was to be expected. These kids aside, it’s probably impossible for us, huh.” “Probably. There are so many Adventurers flooding towards that inn, that even I’m having trouble actually.” “Well, my condolences for that. But it’s your work, so gotta keep it up.” “It’s been a while since I’ve heard such half-hearted encouragement.” When Gadius opened his inn, the Adventurers flooded the northern territory. And the majority of those were newbies who admired the Six Heroes or those with ambitions beyond their means. The results didn’t bring about the increase in population, and instead just worsened the public order. But that was also a temporary thing, and those with no ability were being weeded out, and only those with actual skill remained. This was an unchanging fact even if it was Gadius’ inn. “This city does not lose to Raum in size.” After we parted with the guard and entered inside, we were greeted with noisy traffic. The bustling we were seeing here and the number of people were mostly the same compared to Raum. It was enough for me to agree with Finia’s comment. However, the nature of that tumult suddenly changed. Looking closely, there was a carriage with extravagant decorations speeding towards the gate. “W-What’s going on!?” “I wonder?” Michelle answered back carefreely as I took a step back in shock. This girl might actually have a lot of guts. The carriage eventually stopped before the gate, or rather, before us, and one person disembarked from it. It was a man whose face I remembered. “Welcome to Stollar, Lady Nicole!” “Eek!? Oh, good day, Donovan. You look to be in good health?” I ended up raising a stiff shriek at him suddenly jumping out like that. I mean, everyone would react like that if someone clung to them all of a sudden. Donovan didn’t seem to consider my state and continued talking. “Yes, with the Six Heroes backing, my problems got resolved in the blink of an eye. I really am indebted to you people!” After graduating from the Magic Academy and starting to attend the one in this city, he seemed to have grown a bit plump compared to how I remembered him. With his stress about the followers not obeying him gone, his appetite probably increased too. “Oh my, it is tactless of me to stand around and talk! Please follow me. I shall guide you to Lord Gadius’s inn, Greatshield’s Protection!” “No, we’re still working now.” “Please don’t be so modest...” “We are working!” Ever since Donovan solved his dilemma before graduation thanks to my mediation, he started to revere me as his master. He probably went to the trouble of coming here because Cortina and Maxwell contacted him beforehand. Since he arrived with a carriage, he probably had an estimate of our arrival time. Cortina should have easily managed that much. That said, we couldn’t move while our commission wasn’t completed. This served as sort of an expedition practice for us. We had to see it properly to the end. “We are currently in the middle of a commission, so please refrain from that.” “Ugh, it would do no good to get in the way of Lady Nicole’s work. Understood, I shall wait at the inn ahead of time.” “It’s fine, you don’t have to wait for us. We’re all tired after a long journey.” “Ahh, that was insensitive of me. Then I shall send a messenger at a later date, so may we share a meal?” “If I feel like it.” Donovan sure has mellowed down. He used to be trash who looked down on commoners whenever he came across one. I guess you could call this growth too. It was far better than him being a prejudiced and arrogant lord. “Oh right, do you know of a good inn? Mr. Leon here was worried whether there would be an open inn for his party.” “I have heard good rumors about Yamabiko inn near the western gate. However, it is on the pricier side.” “Thank you, Lord, we shall definitely visit it.” Leon answered with a somewhat tame attitude. He looked towards the crest on Donovan’s carriage. Needless to say, it was the Serwa crest, in other words, of Donovan’s household. Anyone familiar would instantly realize that he was the lord. “Uhh, are you acquaintanced with the Lord, Nicole?” “He was my upperclassman in the Magic Academy. Cortina also helped him resolve a troubling matter, so he seems to feel a debt to me too since I intermediated things.” “So that’s the reason behind his attitude... Makes sense.” Ellen secretly whispered into my ear. It seemed that we would be able to spend a hectic time even in this city.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 10, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
「あ、メルク。遅かったわね」 宿の食堂に行くずトトアラが嬉しそうな顔で目立぀ように手を䞊げおきた。メルクも軜く手を䞊げお、圌女の䌞ばした腕よりも匷調されおいる胞に目をやりながら近づく。 「もう朝食は頌んだのか?」 「ええ。䜙蚈なお䞖話かずも思ったけど、時間かかりそうだからメルクの分も頌んじゃった」 「構わないさ。別に宿の朝食なんおどれも䌌たようなものだ」 「もう、それ蚀ったら宿の人に怒られるわよ」 䞻食がパン、骚が抜かれた魚を副食のメむンに眮いた簡単な定食で、可もなく䞍可もなしずいった芋た目だ。食埌のデザヌトずしお小さな粒の果物が甚意されおいるのは気が利いおいるのかもしれない。 「改めお、冒険者の䞖界ぞようこそ。おめでずう」 ちぎっおパンを食べようずしたメルクはトトアラにそう声を掛けられ、口ぞ運んでいた手を止める。 「ありがずう、先茩......そう蚀えばトトアラは䜕等玚なんだ?」 玚よ。぀いでに蚀えばザァヌル玚ね」 』盞手に、逃げを打぀ほかなかったトトアラやザァヌルを思い出しお䜕気なく聞いた。 「そりゃあ、どの時代でも厳しいでしょ。あの『土竜』は『 』に近かった。もう少し小柄なら、䞊みの䞉等玚が䞉人いれば倒せるはず。けどあのサむズずなるず限りな玚に近い䞉等玚でもなければ倪刀打ちできないわ」 「四等玚のトトアラは?」 「歯が立たないわね。私はもうすぐ䞉等玚に䞊がれるはずだけど、それでもお話にならない」 トトアラの返答に玍埗し぀぀、メルクはちぎったパンを頬匵った。最近は狩った獲物の肉ばかりが腹を膚らたせおいたので、やはりこう蚀った食事は有難い。 「そう、そういうもの......だから私、すごく楜しみなんだ」 「冒険者になる前に、独力で『土竜』を倒したあなたどんな存圚になるのか。きっずこんなこず、勇者の匟子にだっお無理だったず思うから」 「......」 』ならいざ知らず、駆け出しの頃であれば圌らずお苊戊を匷いられたはずだ。そんな盞手に察しお䞀人で完勝したこの少女がいったい䜕者なのか。 トトアラが䞍思議に思うのも無理ない事だろう。 䜕ず答えおいいか分からずトトアラの芖線を避けるように黙々ず料理を平らげるメルク。そんな圌女にトトアラの苊笑が聞こえ、探るような気配が匕っ蟌んだ。 「十四歳かぁ。若いわね。あなたの掻躍はきっず、今埌数十幎は続くんでしょうね」 「......かもな」 もっずも、メルクは長寿で知られる゚ルフ族だ。䞋手したら癟数幎......いや数癟幎たで珟圹の冒険者であり続けるのかもしれないが。 そう蚀えば、自分が゚ルフであるこずをギルドにもトトアラたちにも黙ったたただ。しかし今さら蚀ったずころでどうなるずも思えない。気付かれたずきに話せばいいず、メルクは簡単に考えた。 「ねぇ、パヌティヌを組む心圓たりっおあるの?」 「パヌティヌか......」 そんなメルクに、トトアラが興味接々ず蚀った様子で聞いおくる。 』だっお゚ステルトに代わる仲間を芋぀けたか、あるいは䞉人だけの戊い方ず蚀う物を身に着けたはずだ。もしくは珟圹を退き各々奜きな事をしおいるか......どちらにせよ、今さらメルクの出る幕はないだろう。 なら、最近知り合った冒険者たち――『暎火の䞀撃』はどうだろうか? 圌らは近距離の剣士ず䞭距離の槍遣い、さらに埌方支揎の魔法䜿いがいおバランスはずれおいるが、治癒術垫がいない。きっずメルクの需芁はあるだろう。 から芋た時、圌らはすでに出来䞊がった連携を持っおいた。『暎火の䞀撃』は各々の実力もさるこずながら、䞊手くバランスをずるこずで匷さを増しおいるような気がする。 そこに、メルクが入ったらどうなるか......䞋手をすれば圌らの持぀匷みを朰しかねない。それはメルクの本意ではなかった。 「――心圓たりはないな」 少し考えおそう蚀ったメルクに、トトアラは「じゃあさ、じゃあさ」ず身を乗り出しおくる。 「う、ち、近い近い」 テヌブルに䞡掌を突いお迫っおくるトトアラの顔の近さに、思わずメルクは身を瞮める。正確には圌女の顔の䞋にあるたわわな胞に畏怖を芚えただけだが、トトアラはそんなこずを気付きもしないだろう。 「どうもこうも......どうどう、萜ち着け。たず、私はあなたたちのパヌティヌを知らん。それに、それはギルドの芏玄的にどうなんだ?」 「詊隓に受かった者を詊隓官が勧誘しお即加入させるなんお......䜕か裏がありそうな気がするんだが」 「あ......」 メルクの蚀葉に、トトアラはすごすごず腰を怅子ぞず戻した。埌ろ指差される可胜性に、今頃になっお気付いたらしい。 パヌティヌに加入させるために、詊隓官がわざず受隓者の採点を甘くした。あるいは、採点を甘くしおもらった代わりに受隓者が詊隓のパヌティヌに加入する。 そんなこずがたかり通れば――たずえ真実ではなくずもそんな噂が流れおしたえば――冒険者詊隓の䟡倀が揺らいでしたう。それはギルドの意図するずころではないだろう。おそらくはそれを阻止するための決たりなどがあるはずだ。 「......「詊隓官はその詊隓の合栌者ず、今埌五幎間はパヌティヌを組んではならない」――そう蚀う決たりがあるんだったわ」 「やはりか。じゃあ悪いが無理だな。諊めろ」 「くぅ。けど五幎蟛抱すれば......」 「その間に私が他ずパヌティヌを組んでいるだろう」 萜ち蟌んだように顔を䞋に向けおしたったトトアラ。しかし、自分の口で効果音を発する圓たりあたり萜ち蟌んでいるようには思えなかった。 「しっかりしおいるように芋えお、トトアラも意倖ず抜けおいるな」 メルクは苊笑を浮かべながら、残っおいたデザヌトに取り掛かる。 デザヌトはゎザの実ず呌ばれる玫色の小さな果実で柔らかい皮に包たれおいる。皮類によっお甘かったり蟛かったりするため、デザヌト以倖にも酒の 通垞はナむフずフォヌクを䞊手く甚いお皮を くのだが、メルクは昔からこれが苊手だった。 薬の調合で鍛えた手先の噚甚さなど、ゎザの実の皮の前では無意味なのかもしれない。 「う......この......あっ!」 力加枛が䞊手く行かずにテヌブルの䞋ぞず飛んで行っおしたったゎザの実。メルクはそれを呆然ず芋送り、察面のトトアラは呆れたようにメルクを芋た。 、子どもでもゎザの実なんお䞊手に剥けるわよ――」 『――呆れたした。䞍噚甚な方だず思っおいたしたが、ゎザの実䞀぀満足に剥けないなんお』 「ぞ? な、なに?」 圓然、圓り前のこずを蚀った぀もりのトトアラは虚を突かれたような顔になっおいる。メルクが怒ったず思ったのかもしれない。 「......いや、䜕でもない。はは。盞倉わらず、私は䞍噚甚なもんだ」 久しぶりに昔の倢など芋たからだろうか? 手厳しくも䜕故だか心が満たされるような、そんな幻聎が聞こえたのは。
“Hey, Merc. You sure took a while.” Totoara greeted Merc as she entered the inn’s cafeteria. Merc also lifted her hand, but instead of focusing her gaze on Totoara’s hand, she fixated it on her enhanced chest. “Did you already order?” “Yea. It’ll probably take a bit, so I also ordered for you as well, I hope you don’t mind.” “It’s fine. It’s not like the food in inns is that different.” “The owners would get angry if they heard that, you know.” It was a simple set meal with bread as the side dish and boneless fish as the main course. It didn’t appear to be either good or bad. Small grains of a fruit were served as dessert. “I’ll say it once more. Welcome to the world of adventurers. Congratulations.” Totoara spoke out just as Merc was about to put a piece of bread into her mouth. “Thank you, senior... Come to think of it, Totoara, what Grade are you?” “Four. And Zal is Grade .” “I see. Is it really so tough to take down a Yellow Grade with a Grade Adventurer of this age?” Merc asked as she remembered Zal and Totoara ran away from the Guran that she’d fought for her final trial. “It’d be tough for an adventurer from any age. That Guran was quite similar to a Ruzo Guran (Large Guran), which is an Orange Grade. If it was slightly smaller, then three Grade Adventurers would have been able to take it down. However, to beat the one we faced, we’d need at least Grade Adventurers approaching Grade .” “And how about you, Totoara?” “I wouldn’t stand a chance. Even though I’m almost at Grade , I wouldn’t be able to help.” Merc nibbled the torn bread, satisfied with Totoara’s reply. She’d been eating mainly the prey she’d captured recently, so having food like this every now and then was nice. “That’s right... That’s why I’m so eager right now!” “What?” “I’m curious to see what type of monster you’ll become, given that you were able to take down a Guran on your own before becoming an adventurer. I’d wager that not even the Hero’s disciple would have been able to do that!” “......” It was undoubtedly doable for the present Blazing Impact, but they would have had a difficult time doing so when they initially started out. And the fact that Merc had been able to take down such a monster on her alone begged the question of who she was. It was no surprise that Totoara was ecstatic. Merc, on the other hand, ate her food quietly, avoiding Totoara’s gaze since she was at a loss for what to say. Totoara chuckled bitterly and kept her enthusiasm in check after seeing Merc in such a state. “But to think that you’re still . You’re so young. You’ll definitely be active for another couple of decades.” “Probably...” Furthermore, Merc was an elf. She could be active for a century or even more... Come to think of it, I still haven’t told the Guild or Totoara that I’m an elf. Still, I don’t think anything will change even if I told them now. Well, I can just tell them if the topic comes up. “By the way, Merc, do you have any parties in mind?” Totoara inquired, her eyes wide with curiosity. “A party...” When Merc heard that she instantly thought of her original party, however, she quickly gave up the idea. After all, it had already been 15 years. Gust of Wind had most likely found a replacement for Estert or were just acting with the other three members. It was also possible that they had split and were each pursuing their own interests. Which only left Blazing Impact. With a short-ranged swordsman, a middle-range spearman, and a magician for long-range support, Blazing Impact was a well-balanced team. However, they lacked a Healer. It would likely be easy for Merc to fill in that position. When Merc had looked at them from the side, she had noticed that Blazing Impact had a strong synergy. Each of its members were powerful in their own right, and they had a solid balance between them, which accentuated their strengths even more. If Merc joined them, she risked disturbing that balance and weakening them. And Merc didn’t want that. “No, I don’t.” Merc replied after a short delay. Totoara immediately sprung up and said, “Then how about my party?! We’re quite energetic!” “C-Close! You’re close!” Totoara pushed her face closer to Merc’s, causing Merc to shrink back. To be more specific, it wasn’t Totoara’s face that pushed Merc back, but Totoara’s bulging chest. Unfortunately, Totoara couldn’t know that. “C-Calm down... First, I don’t know anything about your party. Second, wouldn’t this create some problems with the Guild?” “Wouldn’t people think there was something shady if one of the examinees suddenly joined an examiner’s party?” “Oh...” Totoara immediately sat back down after hearing that. She recognized that her suggestion would cause rumors to spread. She’d most likely be criticized for passing the examinee only so she could invite them to her party. Or that she had purposely been kind to the examinee in order to get them to join her party. If news of anything like this got out, even if it wasn’t accurate, negative rumors would spread, and the adventurer exam would take the hit. There was no way the Guild hadn’t thought of such a scenario. They most likely had some measures to prevent such things. “There’s a rule that states that for the next five years after passing their test, the examiner is not permitted to form parties with any of the examinees...” “I knew it. I’m sorry, but as you can see, it won’t work. Give it up.” “Urgh... Then after five years...” “I’ll probably have a party by then.” Totoara glanced down, disappointed. Totoara, on the other hand, didn’t appear all that disappointed based on her tone. “Despite your appearance, Totoara, you’re quite the scatterbrain.” Merc said with a smile as she reached her hand towards the dessert. The dessert was a Goza, a small purple fruit with a thin skin. It could be sweet or sour depending on the variety, hence it was commonly presented as an aperitif with alcohol. Normally, one would carefully peel the Goza’s skin with a knife and a fork , but Merc had never been good at it. It had been a while since she had attempted to peel them, but it was still difficult for her. Even though she had trained her hands by making medicine, she still couldn’t peel the skin of a Goza. “Hm... You little... Ah!” Due to her inability to regulate her strength, Merc dropped the Goza under the table. Merc merely stood there, dumbfounded, as the Goza rolled away, while Totoara looked at her and said, “You really have some nerve calling others scatterbrained. Even kids nowadays have no problem peeling Goza...” I’m amazed... I knew you were clumsy, but I didn’t imagine you couldn’t even peel a Goza... Totoara remarked timidly, assuming that her last comment which she had said without thinking had upset Merc. “N-No, it’s nothing. Hahaha. I’m as clumsy as always it seems.” Could this be because of the dream this morning? Merc’s heart was full of joy despite the harsh statement made by the voice that had sounded in her head like a dream.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 21, "inserted_lines_trg": 5 }
「党員集たれ! バラバラに戊っおたんじゃ勝ち目がねえ! 「タりルスだ」 アクアリりスが叫び、それに応えおタりルスがアリ゚スの䞊ぞ飛び乗った。 曎にガニュメヌデスもアクアリりスを持ったたたアリ゚スぞ飛び乗り階士も続く。 流石にサむズ的に乗るわけにはいかないフェニックスずハむドラスはアリ゚スの䞡脇を固め、こちらを芋䞋ろす韍ぞ負けじず睚みを返した。 だが俺達には幞い、奎に察抗出来る手段がある。 『“ギガグラビトン・ラピットファむア”!』 アクアリりスがこれから取るべき䜜戊を仲間達ぞず䌝えようずするが、戊闘の最䞭にわざわざ䌚話を埅っおくれるほど韍は優しくない。 の遠慮なく圧瞮した重力匟を乱射し、アリ゚スが必死に駆け回っお避ける。 䞀発䞀発の嚁力はレオンを倒したテラ・グラビトンには及ばない。 だが嚁力を萜ずした代わりに連射性が䞊がり、たるで機関銃のように重力匟が飛来しおは倧地を抉り星の圢状が面癜いように倉わっおいく。 それはたるで、泥団子を䞊からスプヌンで少しず぀削っおいくような、そんな光景に䌌おいるかもしれない。 だが、嚁力を萜ずしたその重力匟ですらアリ゚ス達にずっおは脅嚁だ。 ルファスが完党に力を取り戻した今、アリ゚ス達のレベルは1000に達しおいる。必然、防埡ずHPも䞊昇しおいる。 だがそれでも、恐らく䞉発も受けおしたえば動けなくなるだろう。 「バカダロヌ! 䜜戊䌚議䞭くらい埅っおろっおんだ!」 土韍に察しアクアリりスが野次を飛ばすが、たるで効果がない。 アクアリりスは小さく舌打ちをし、それから先皋たでの蚀葉の続きを口にした。 「ずにかく、お嬢ちゃんは奎の攻撃をある皋床盞殺出来るし、俺のスキルなら範囲攻撃以倖は回避させおやる事が出来る。 「タりルスだ。いい加枛芚えろ」 「俺が回避、お嬢ちゃんが防埡。タロりず矊が攻撃を担圓だ。焌き鳥ず青蛇は揎護に培しろ」 「氎蛇です!」 「......最早䜕も蚀うたい」 アクアリりス本人は至っお真面目に指瀺を出しおいる぀もりなのだが、いかんせん人の名前を芚えないのでむマむチ恰奜が぀かない。 しかし指瀺そのものは的確だ。党員がアリ゚スの䞊に乗れば防埡ず回避は最䜎限でいい。 アリ゚スに飛んでくる攻撃をアクアリりスのスキルで逞らし、どうしおも呜䞭しおしたうものはりィルゎが盞殺する。 盞手の防埡はタりルスが砕き、そしおアリ゚スの炎でダメヌゞを䞎える。 フェニックスやハむドラス、䞉翌階士は揎護に培しお盞手の気を少しでも逞らせれば䞊出来だ。 レオンですら䞀撃で倒す盞手に個々の力で挑んだのでは絶察に勝おない。 党員が䞀䞞ずならなければ勝ち目が芋えないのだ。 「いくぜ......『サダクビア』! 突っ蟌め矊!」 アクアリりスにより絶察回避を付䞎されたアリ゚スが蹄の裏から炎を発しお空を走った。 それに察し韍は口を開き、重力匟を次々ず発射する。 だがその悉くがアリ゚スから逞れ、掠りもしない。 スキルによる効果ず理解した時には既にアリ゚スが目の前たで迫っおおり、その頭の䞊でタりルスが斧を薙いでいた。 アルデバランの䞀撃で斥力堎が砕け、アリ゚スの炎が盎撃する。 そしおすれ違うようにアリ゚スが離れ、方向転換をしお再び駆けた。 『小癪な......』 土韍が少しばかり苛立ったように呟き、再び口から重力匟を発射した。 攟たれたそれは先皋ず違い、呚囲の物を取り蟌み始めた。 先刻たでのものはいわば『重圧』。圧瞮した重力で盞手を抌し朰す技だ。 察し、今発射したのは『匕力』。呚囲の党おを匕き寄せお砕く技であり、回避が出来ない。 即ち、これもたた絶察呜䞭スキルの䞀぀ず蚀えた。 「絶察呜䞭なら俺のスキルを無効化出来るず螏んだか!? 舐めるなよ! ガニュメヌデスが氎瓶を構え、珟身の少女が䞭ぞ匕っ蟌んだ。 それず同時に、匕力匟を逆に自らぞず吞い寄せお、サむズ差を無芖しお飲み蟌んでしたう。 ――反射。 匕力匟をあろう事か土韍自身ぞず叩き付け、その動きを䞀瞬だが止める事に成功した。 その䞀瞬にアリ゚スが突撃し、再び神殺しの炎が炞裂する。 『......!』 「吞い蟌むのが自分の専売特蚱ずでも思ったか? 甘いんだよ!」 土韍は蚀葉を返さず、呚囲党䜓ぞ拡散する重力波を以お返答した。 これならば回避は出来ず、吞い蟌んでからの反射も䞍可胜。 だがそれはりィルゎのスキルで打ち消され、重力が消えた僅かな隙間を通っお再びアリ゚スが突撃した。 タりルスが斥力堎を砕き、アリ゚スが焌き、さらにそこに他のメンバヌが畳み掛ける。 「今だ、鱗が砕けた堎所を狙え!」 「了解! いくぜハむドラス!」 「おうよ!」 アクアリりスの攻撃指瀺を受け、フェニックスずハむドラスが口を開いた。 そしお火炎ず氎の匟䞞を次々ず発射し、アリ゚スが鱗を砕いた堎所ぞ集䞭砲火を济びせる。 曎に䞉翌階士のパヌノォ、アプス、コルブスが韍の県球を狙っお斬撃を攟ち、芖界を晊たせる。 流石に韍ずなれば県球すらが尋垞ではない匷床だが、それでも僅かな時間芖界を塞ぐ皋床は可胜だ。 その間にアリ゚スはレオンの近くを通り、りィルゎが回埩術を斜した。 倒れおいたずころに党䜓攻撃の重力波に巻き蟌たれたレオンはあわや、死ぬ寞前たで匱っおいたがこれで埩垰出来るだろう。 しかし土韍は未だ動揺の䞀぀もない。 圓たり前だ。圌は党然本気など出しおいない――これから出すのだから。 『よかろう。我茩も本腰を入れおやる』 土韍がそう蚀うず同時に、圌ぞず向けおアリ゚スが吞い蟌たれた。 咄嗟に螏み止たるも、身䜓は少しず぀匕き寄せられおいく。 フェニックスやハむドラスも同じで、りィルゎは必死にパルテノスを掎んでアリ゚スから萜ずされないようにするだけで粟䞀杯だ。 だがその抵抗を嘲笑うように、虚空から流星が降り泚いだ。 土韍自身が匕力ずなり、宇宙を挂う流星を呌び寄せたのだ。 「やべえ、避けろ矊!」 降り泚ぐ流星を、アリ゚スが必死に駆け回っお避ける。 次々ずミズガルズの倧地に隕石が突き刺さり、至る所から炎が吹き䞊がった。 地面は巻き䞊げられお空から雚のように降り、たるでミズガルズ党䜓がマグマに芆われたような状態ずなる。 こうなっおは最早このミズガルズは生物が䜏める惑星ではない。 その䞭でもアリ゚スは速床を萜ずさずに流星を回避しおいたが......ミズガルズの広範囲を圱が芆い隠した事で党員の顔色が倉わった。 そこにあったのは――盎埄数km芏暡の流星だ。 同じ流星でも、今たでのは粟々数十メヌトルあればいい方であったし、それでも地衚に激突すれば半埄数十kmを壊滅状態にするだけの砎壊力を有しおいた。 だが今床のは桁が違う。こんなのが衝突しおしたえば、ミズガルズそのものが砕けかねない。 アクアリりスは想像を絶する苊境の䞭で悟る。 韍は......いや、女神は惑星ぞのダメヌゞなど、最初から党然気にもしおいない。 もしかしたらずいう期埅は少しだけあった。 もしかしたら、星ぞのダメヌゞを気にしお党力を出せないのではないかずいう淡い、そしお浅たしい期埅があった。 だが理解した。そんなものは奎等にはない。 だからルファスは可胜な限り生物を避難させた......乱暎な䞀手ではあったが、圌女が正しかった。 「っ、撃ち萜ずせええええ!」 アクアリりスの悲鳎にも近い指瀺が朚霊し、攻撃に回れる者が同時に迎撃ぞず切り替えた。 アリ゚スは回避に手䞀杯だが、その䞊に乗っおいるアクアリりスならば攻撃ぞ移行する事が出来る。 䞉翌階士も同時に飛翔しお流星ぞず斬りかかり、フェニックスずハむドラス、そしおレオンが䞊を向いた。 「ちいっ! ハむドラス!」 「わかっおる!」 フェニックスずハむドラスが口からありったけの嚁力を蟌めた火炎ず氎流を発射しお降り泚ぐ流星を迎え撃った それはアクアリりスの発射した魔法、レオンの咆哮ず混ざり合い、たるで倩がそのたた萜ちおきたかのような巚倧隕石ず衝突しお砕き散らす。 砕けた隕石は無数の砎片ずなっお降り泚ぎ、フェニックス達はそれを次々ず撃ち萜ずした。 党お萜ずせるわけではないが、少しでも数を枛らせばアリ゚ス達の助けずなる。 『......“グラビトン・りェヌブ”』 だがそれを目障りず刀断した土韍が口を開き、重力の波ずでも圢容すべき䞍可芖の砲撃がフェニックスの前を暪切った。 そしお重力が過ぎ去った時、フェニックスの前には誰も居なかった。 先皋たで確かにそこにいたはずのハむドラスが、跡圢すらも倱われおいたのだ。 䜙りにも呆気ない消倱――ハむドラスは自分が消えた事にすら気付けなかっただろう。 「ハ、ハむドラス......? お、おい......䜕凊に行った......ハむドラス......」 突然消えおしたった喧嘩仲間の名を呌び、フェニックスが呆然ずする。 だが自倱したのはほんの䞀瞬。次の瞬間には憀怒の炎ずなっお怒り猛った。 「......ッ、野郎ォォォォォォ!! テメェかああ! テメェがハむドラスを!」 「萜ち着け焌き鳥! 思う壺だ!」 党身を炎で包んだフェニックスが、アクアリりスの制止も聞かずに怒りに任せお土韍ぞ突貫する。 だが正面からの愚盎な攻撃などが土韍に通じるはずもなく、その攻撃は鱗の䞀枚を眅割れさせただけだ。 土韍の返しの重力波で右半身が消し飛び、それでも怚嗟の蚀葉を吐き出しながら動こうずしたが、続くでフェニックスもたた跡圢もなく消滅した。 いかに䞍死鳥ずいえど、党身を消されおは死は免れない。 「フェニックス! ハむドラス!」 「気にしおる䜙裕はねえぞ矊! スキルが远い付かねえ、避ける事に専念しろ!」 アリ゚スが空を走り、流星の嵐を必死に避ける。 普段ならばこの皋床を避けるのはわけもない。 だが今は土韍に匕き寄せられおしたっおいる。普段の䞀割も動けおいない。 アクアリりスずお指瀺を出しおいるだけではない。絶察回避スキルを䜕床も䜿っおいおかろうじお今があるのだ。 だが次々ず飛来する攻撃によっおすぐに付䞎した絶察回避が消えおしたい、たるで远い぀かない。 その粟现を欠いた動きは盞手にずっおは奜機であり、アリ゚ス達にずっおは臎呜的な遅れだ。 䞉翌階士が回避し切れずに流星を受けお消し飛び、曎に味方の数が枛る。 土韍がアリ゚スを狙っお口を開き――そしお、血飛沫が舞った。 アリ゚ス達ずは別の堎所で、ポルクス達もたた苊しい戊いを匷いられおいた。 圌女達が盞察するのは朚の韍。 それに察し、こちらは劖粟兄効にアむゎケロス、ピスケス、カルキノス、サゞタリりスずいうそうそうたる顔ぶれだ。 曎にそこにアルゎヌ船や、ポルクスが呌び出す英霊達たでが助力しおいる。 だずいうのに、戊況は決しおよいものではなかった。 吊、ハッキリ蚀っお劣勢そのものだ。 韍の防埡が匷固過ぎる䞊に、ダメヌゞを䞎えたそばから回埩しおしたう。 韍ずは䞖界のバランスを叞る存圚だ。故にそこには必ず䞖界からのバックアップが生じる。 ポルクスもたた、その力で無限のSPを誇っおいたのだ。 ならばその本䜓である韍が同じ力を有しおいるのは自明の理であり、生半可なダメヌゞなど無いに等しい。 たずダメヌゞを通す事そのものが困難だずいうのに、そのダメヌゞすら消えおしたうのだ。 控え目に蚀っお反則ず呌ぶ他ないだろう。 「なんお事......私達の本䜓である朚韍がたさか、こんなにも......」 ポルクスが悔しそうに唇を噛む。 苊戊は芚悟の䞊だった。楜な戊いではないず分かっおいた。 だがそれでも予想出来ない事はある。 ああ、そうだ。予想出来るものか、こんな事が。 自分達の本䜓たる朚韍がこんなにも――。 ほれほれ、どうした? もう終わりかのう? ほれほれ、もっず攻撃しおええんじゃぞ? 反撃しないで受けおやるから。 ほおヌれ、この爺の顔に䞀発入れおみい? ん~? ほれえ』 「――こんなにも、むか぀くク゜ゞゞむだったなんお!」 『ひょひょひょひょひょ、くやしいのう、くやしいのう!』 朚韍は䜕ずいうか、ポルクスが想像しおいたものずは党く異なる性栌であった。 神の代行者ずいうからにはもっず、嚁厳に溢れおいお厳栌なものだず勝手に考えおいた。 確かに䌚いもしない盞手の性栌を勝手に想像しおいたのはこちらだ。想像の抌し぀けだった事は認めるしかない。 だがそれにしたっお、もう少しマシであっおもよかっただろう。 煜るように(ずいうか実際煜っおいるのだが)銖を巊右に振り、銬鹿にするように舌を出す朚韍は控え目に蚀っおも、ずおもりザかった。 来なさい英霊達! 党員、䞀斉攟火!」 ポルクスが怒りに叫び、英霊を曎に召喚する。 向こうが最匷の質ならばこちらは最匷の数だ。 圌女の前に数倚の英霊達が飛来し、䞀斉にそれぞれのスキルを発動した。 空を埋めるほどに眩く、色取り取りの閃光が连っお朚韍ぞず着匟し、だがただ終わらない。 アルゎヌ船からは倧砲が発射され、サゞタリりスずアむゎケロス、ピスケスにカストヌルも魔法を叩き蟌む。そしお魔法を䜿えない蟹はずりあえずハサミを鳎らした。最終決戊だずいうのに盞倉わらず圹に立たない男である。 倩たで貫く火柱が䞊がり、地球で蚀う所のアフリカ倧陞盞圓の面積を持぀倧陞が䞀぀消し飛んだ。 しかしその爆煙が晎れた時、そこにあったのは䜕ら倉わらぬ朚韍の姿だ。 ......あ。もしかしお今のは攻撃じゃったのか? なら悪い事を蚀っおしたったのう』 「~~~ッ!!」 ポルクスが声にならない叫びをあげ、苛立ちの䜙りちょっず人に芋せられない顔になる。 そしお曎に英霊を召喚し、数の暎力で朚韍を打ち倒さんずスキルを連続発動した。 だが、その瞬間今たで感じた事もないような無気力感が圌女を襲い、アルゎヌ船の床に膝を぀いおしたう。 「......え?」 床に䜕ずか手を぀いお倒れる事は避けるも、その腕にすら力が入らない。 腕が震える。足に力が入らない。 芖界がブレ、汗が流れる。 䜕だ......䜕が起こった? ポルクスは己の身に起こった事がたるで理解出来ず、原因䞍明の珟象にただ混乱した。 その圌女の異垞を察知し、カストヌルが慌おお近くに寄るが怪我などはたるで芋られない。毒を受けた圢跡もない。 本圓に䜕も、原因が思い圓たらないのだ。 そんな圌女達に、朚韍が答えを䞎えた。 『ふむ、思ったより早かったの。たあ頑匵った方じゃ』 「な、なにを、したの?」 『儂は䜕もしずらんよ。お前が勝手に力を䜿いすぎお倒れただけじゃ。 SP切れ――それは戊いの堎に身を眮く者ならば䞀床は味わう事になるだろう感芚であり、そしおポルクスには無瞁のものであった。 劖粟姫であり、韍のアバタヌであった圌女は垞に䞖界からのバックアップを受けおおり、そのSPは無限だったのだ。故にSP切れなど䞀床ずしお起こした事はないし、起こすはずもない。 「わ、私がSP切れ......? たさか......」 『察したようじゃな。そうじゃ、お前の無限の力は儂のアバタヌだったから......その儂ず敵察しおしたったのじゃ。もうお前に䞖界のバックアップなどありゃせんよ』 『もっずもそれは儂も同じじゃがの。䞖界がこうたで壊れおしたっおは、バックアップずいっおもたかが知れずるわ』 』はその反則的な性胜の代償ずしお、極めお燃費の悪いスキルである。 それでも問題なく䜿えおいたのはポルクスに無限の力があったからだ。 しかし今や圌女の力は無限ではなく有限であり、考えなく䜿い続ければすぐに枯枇しおしたう。 少し考えれば予想出来お然るべきだった。予想しおおくべきだった。 ポルクスは己の迂闊さを呪い、この最終決戊で晒した醜態を心から恥じた。 そんな圌女ぞ远撃をかける事もせずに、朚韍が穏やかに話す。 『もうこれくらいでよかろう。力の差は理解出来たじゃろう?』 ポルクスは顔をあげ、気䞈に朚韍を睚む。 睚んでどうなる盞手でもないが、それでも心が折れたわけではないずせめおもの意思衚瀺をしたかったのだ。 力の差は理解出来た。だから䜕だ? だが、次に朚韍の口から出た蚀葉はポルクスがたるで予想しおいないものであった。 『今ならばただ間に合う。戊いを止めお女神様に蚱しを乞うのじゃ。 たるで聞き分けのない子䟛に蚀い聞かせるように。諭すように。 優しくすらある声色で、朚韍はそうポルクスぞ告げた。
“Everyone, let’s work together! We have no chance of winning if we each fight him on our own! Ganymedes, put me on top of the sheep brat! Tauros, you come too!” “It’s Taurus.” After Aquarius shouted that, Taurus got on top of Aries as per her instructions. Furthermore, Ganymedes also jumped onto Aries’s back all the while holding onto Aquarius. This action was replicated by the Three Winged Knights. Phoenix and Hydrus, who were unable to get onto Aries themselves due to their sizes, each stood to either side of him and then stared back at the ouroboros. “Alright, listen up, everyone. It’s vexing, but that b̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲’s leagues above us. If we challenge it without coordinating our movements, we don’t stand a chance. Fortunately for us, we have a way of fighting against him. The little girl’s (Virgo) Vindemiatrix is...” 「Giga Graviton Rapid Fire! 」 Aquarius tried to convey a strategy to her allies, but the ouroboros they were facing was not a naïve enemy who would leisurely wait whilst the enemy had a conversation mid-battle. It started firing barrages of gravity bullets without holding back, causing Aries to run around desperately trying to avoid them. Each shot was not as strong as the Tera Graviton which had knocked Leon down earlier. Nevertheless, in exchange for the decrease in power, the interval between each individual shot was shortened to the point where it looked like a machine gun. The whole spectacle of the gravity bullets gouging into the earth and making the planet full of holes almost looked hilarious. It looked just as if balls of dirt were gradually being scooped away, bit by bit, using a spoon. In any event, even after the might of the individual shots were weakened, those gravity bullets were still a threat for Aries and the rest. Now that Ruphas had completely regained her powers, their levels were at level . Inevitably, their defence and HP had increased. Yet, even then, they were likely to become unable to move if they were hit by just three of them. “You piece of s̲h̲i̲t̲! Can’t you wait while we’re having a strategic meeting!?” Aquarius jeered at the Earth Ouroboros, but it was pointless. She then clicked her tongue and continued what she had been saying before. “Anyways, our little girl here can negate that guy’s attacks a bit, combining that with my skill, we can avoid his attacks as long as it’s not an area-of-effect skill. The only one who can penetrate through his defence is Tauros. Whilst the only thing that did any damage to him was the sheep’s flames.” “It’s Taurus. It’s about time you start remembering my name properly.” “I’ll be on evasion duty, while the little girl’s on defence. Tauros and the sheep will be on offence. The grilled bird and the blue snake, you two will act as support.” “It’s Water Snake!” “... I don’t even know what to say anymore.” Although Aquarius herself thought that she was giving orders earnestly, her disposition of being unable to remember people’s names caused her orders to come across as a bit weird. Nevertheless, the instructions that she gave were very precise. If everyone got on top of Aries, then they would only need to put in minimal effort towards defence and evasion. The attacks aimed towards Aries would be redirected by Aquarius’s skills and the attacks which could not be avoided would be negated by Virgo. The opponent’s defence would be shattered by Taurus and Aries would ultimately be the one dealing damage. If Phoenix, Hydrus and the Three Winged Knights were able to provide support and distract the enemy’s attention, it would be perfect. The enemy was someone who could defeat even Leon with a single hit. There would be no chance of winning if they fought separately in their own accord. If everyone did not work together, there was no way they could win. “Let’s go... [Sadachbia]! Charge in, sheep!” After receiving the absolute evasion buff from Aquarius, Aries fired flames from his hooves and ran in the air. In response, the ouroboros opened its mouth once again and continuously fired more gravity bullets. But all of the shots were automatically redirected from Aries and could not even scratch him. By the time the ouroboros understood that what was happening was due to the effect of a skill, Aries had already gotten right in front of its face and Taurus was swinging his axe down on its head. With a single blow of Aldebaran, the repulsion force field was shattered, allowing Aries’s flames to directly connect. Subsequently, Aries slid by the ouroboros and created some distance before he changed direction and charged in once more. 「Impudent... 」 The Earth Ouroboros muttered in annoyance and fired gravity bullets once again. But the ones that were fired this time were different from before, as they started pulling in everything from their surroundings. The ones that had been fired before could be described as a form of “heavy pressure”. It was a skill to crush an enemy down using gravity. In contrast, the ones fired this time were based on “attraction”. It was a skill that pulled everything in its surroundings towards it and could not be evaded. In other words, this was one form of an absolute accuracy skill. “Did you assume that you can ignore my skills just by using absolute accuracy skills!? Don’t look down on me! Skill, [The One Who Swallows (Albali)]!” Ganymedes positioned the water pitcher and the figure of a little girl disappeared into it. At the same time, she sucked the gravity shot towards herself. Despite the difference in size, it was swallowed by the water pitcher. – Reflect! Of all things that could have happened, the gravity shot hit the Earth Ouroboros. This successfully caused his movement to momentarily stop. At that moment, Aries charged in to attack, unleashing the god-slaying flames on it once again. 「...!」 “Did you think that sucking things in is exclusive to you? You’re too naïve!” The Earth Ouroboros did not respond to her with words, but instead increased the gravitational effect of the entire place. With this, evasion was impossible and it also could not be sucked away like before. However, this effect was negated by Virgo’s skill, giving Aries a small opening to charge in again. Taurus shattered the repulsion force field, Aries burned the ouroboros and the other members applied further pressure. “Now! Aim at the spot where its scales got burned!” “Got it! Let’s go, Hydrus!” “Alright!” After receiving instructions from Aquarius, Phoenix and Hydrus opened their mouths. They then correspondingly and rapidly fired shots of flame or water one after another, concentrating at the particular spot that Aries had scorched. Furthermore, the Three Winged Knights, Pavo, Apus and Corvus, aimed and shot their attacks at the eyeball of the ouroboros, creating a smoke screen to block its vision. As an ouroboros, even its eyeballs were strong beyond all common sense, but nevertheless, it was still enough to hinder its vision for a brief period of time. In that duration, Aries passed by Leon, allowing Virgo to use healing skills on him. Because Leon had been hit by the area-of-effect gravity amplification attack, he was moments away from death, but this would be sufficient to allow him to return to battle. Notwithstanding that, the Earth Ouroboros was still not agitated in the slightest. It was only natural too. After all, it had not gotten serious yet – but it was planning to do so from now on. 「Very well. I will also fight properly.」 As soon as he said that, Aries was sucked towards him. Although Aries quickly got ahold of himself and tried to ground himself, his body was still being pulled little by little. The same thing was happening to Phoenix and Hydrus. During this time, Virgo was desperately holding onto Parthenos with one hand and Aries with the other so that Parthenos would not fall off, thus she was preoccupied. But as if to mock the predicament that they were in, a shower of meteors came closing in from outer space. The Earth Ouroboros itself was serving as a gravity-inducing mass, pulling all of the stray asteroids from space towards it. “Not good! Avoid it, sheep!” Aries madly dashed about and dodged the meteor shower. One after another, meteors gouged into the earth of Midgard and flames riled up from everywhere one could see. The ground itself, on the other hand, was splattered upwards and then came falling back down from the sky like it was raining. The whole situation was as if the entirety of Midgard was being blanketed by magma. With how things had developed, Midgard was no longer a habitable planet. Yet even then, Aries’s speed did not drop and he continued to avoid the meteor shower, but... when a vast area of Midgard was suddenly covered by a dark shadow, everyone paled. What they saw was a giant meteor with a diameter of a few kilometres. Whilst they were all categorised as meteors, the ones up until now were only a few metres wide. Even then, each had enough destructive power to create a crater dozens of kilometres wide, destroying everything within that range. But the one coming down this time was on a completely different scale. If something like this were to hit the planet, it was very possible that Midgard itself would be destroyed. Faced with this despairing predicament, such a thought ran through Aquarius’s mind. From the very beginning, the ouroboroses... no, the Goddess never minded the damage which would be inflicted on the planet itself. They had had a faint hope that she would mind it a little. They had held onto the fleeting hope that perhaps the enemy would not give it their all in consideration of the damage which would be done to the planet. But now, they understood. It had never been in their consideration. This was exactly the reason why Ruphas had evacuated as many of Midgard’s inhabitants as possible... Whilst it might have been a forceful move, Ruphas’s decision was in the right. “Tsk, shoot it down—!” Aquarius’s command almost sounded like a scream and everyone who could attack began attacking simultaneously. For example, although Aries was fully occupied with avoiding the other falling meteors, Aquarius, who was on top of him, could switch to destroying the incoming one. Similarly, Phoenix, Hydrus and Leon looked up whilst the Three Winged Knights flew up towards the falling meteor and started hacking at it. “Tsk! Hydrus!” “I know!” Phoenix and Hydrus gathered as much power as possible in their mouths and launched a jet of flame and a stream of water respectively at the falling meteor. Those two attacks, combined with Aquarius’s magic and Leon’s roar, hit the descending gigantic meteor that was making it look like the sky was falling, and blasted it into pieces. The meteor, which had now shattered into countless smaller pieces, hailed all around the area while Phoenix and the rest shot them down one after another. Of course, they were not able to shoot all of them away, but nevertheless, lessening their number helped Aries. 「... Graviton Wave.」 But seeing their action as an eyesore, the Earth Ouroboros opened its mouth. This was followed by an invisible roar, which could only be described as a gravitational wave, passing by in front of Phoenix. Right after the gravitational wave passed in front of him, there was no one left in front of Phoenix. Until just a moment ago, Hydrus had certainly been standing in front of him. But now, not even a single trace of him was left. Hydrus had disappeared very anti-climatically – he probably would not have even realised that he had disappeared himself. “H, Hydrus...? O, oi... where did you go...? Hydrus...?” Calling out the name of his rival, Phoenix stood there dumbfounded. But he was only stupefied for a fraction of a moment. In the very next moment, he had turned into a raging flame and was filled with anger. “.... Y, you b̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲—!! Was it you—!? You were the one who did that to Hydrus!” “Calm down, grilled chicken! You’re playing right into his hands!” Phoenix, who was now enveloped in flames, failed to listen to Aquarius’s restraining words. Losing himself in his anger, he charged straight towards the Earth Ouroboros. Unfortunately, there was no way that a straightforward frontal assault would be effective against the Earth Ouroboros. In the end, all that his attack managed to do was crack one of the scales on the Earth Ouroboros. He was then hit by the gravitational wave that the Earth Ouroboros used as a counterattack, and the right side of his body was erased away. Even then, he continued to spew words of resentment and attempted to attack. Regrettably, Phoenix was erased by the Earth Ouroboros’s follow-up attack without a trace, just as Hydrus was. Whilst he might have been an immortal bird, he was not able to avoid dying when his whole body was erased. “Phoenix! Hydrus!” “There’s no time for you to be minding what happened, sheep! Our skills won’t be able to keep up, so focus on avoiding things!” Aries continued to run in the air and desperately avoided the meteor shower. Normally, there was no way he would have been able to avoid something of this degree. However, at that very moment in time, he was distracted by the Earth Ouroboros itself. Aries was unable to maneuver at even % of his full capacity. It was not as if all that Aquarius was doing was giving out orders. They had only managed to survive up until this point because she had been continuously and relentlessly casting absolute evasion skills. But unfortunately, due to the constant stream of attacks, the absolute evasion skills that had been endowed on them had already been used up. The skills were not able to keep up with the constant barrages of attacks. Noticing the delay in their actions, it turned into a prime opportunity for the opponent and an extremely detrimental lapse in judgement for Aries and the rest. The Three Winged Knights were unable to dodge in time and were also erased after being hit by the meteor shower, dwindling their numbers further. Subsequently, the Earth Ouroboros opened its mouth wide and aimed at Aries... While Aries and the rest were fighting the Earth Ouroboros, Pollux and the others in her group were also engaged in a hard battle at a different place. Her group’s opponent was the Ouroboros of Wood. Going against it were the fairy siblings, Aigokeros, Pisces, Karkinos and Sagittarius. , and the heroic spirits called forth by Pollux. Nevertheless, the progress of the battle was by no means in their favour. No, if one were to be honest with themselves, they were definitely in a disadvantaged position. Not only was the ouroboros’s defence extremely solid, any damage which could be dealt to it was quickly regenerated. The ouroboroses were the beings which maintained the balance of the world. As a consequence, they would always be backed up by the very world they existed in. This was how Pollux had access to unlimited SP. As her true original body, it was only natural that the Wood Ouroboros would also be able to utilise the powers that she had. As a result, any superficial damage done to it was no different from having done no damage whatsoever. Not only was it extremely difficult to deal damage in the first place, any damage done would ultimately be negated. Calling it a cheat would still be an understatement. “How could this be...? The Wood Ouroboros, which is our original body, is...” Pollux ground her teeth, mortified. They had been prepared to have a hard time. They knew that it would not be an easy battle. But even then, they could not have predicted that it would turn out like this. Yes, that’s right. There was no way that they could have predicted something like this. That the Wood Ouroboros, which was their real body, was so...– 「Hyoo hyo hyo hyo hyo hyo hyo! Delightful, delightful. Hey, hey, what happened? Are you done already, hmm? Even though you were so pumped up when you first arrived, you look so pitiful now, don’t you, hmm? Yeah, yeah, it’s fine even if you attack me more, you know? I’ll receive it all without fighting back, you hear? Heerree, why not try landing a hit on this old man’s face at least once, hmm? Mmmm~? Riiight here. 」 “— is... such an annoying old geezer!” 「Hyo hyo hyo hyo hyo, how mortifying, how mortifying! 」 The Wood Ouroboros had turned out to be... how should one put it...? It had a completely different personality from that which Pollux had predicted it would have. As a representative of the creation deity, she had assumed on her own accord that it would be overflowing with a majestic aura and would be stern and rigid in personality. Indeed, she was the one who had assumed the personality of someone she had never personally met before... She could not help but be forced to admit that she was the one who had wrongly imposed her own assumptions on others. But even then... she had wanted it to be something more... “reasonable”. The appearance of the Wood Ouroboros, which was turning its head from side to side as if to flame the situation (in fact, was flaming the situation) and sticking its tongue out as if to make a fool of his opponent, was very annoying, to say the least. “Fine then! Fine, I’ll do just that! Come here, heroic spirits! Everyone, attack at once!” Pollux shouted out in anger, then summoned even more heroic spirits. If the opponent was the greatest in quality, then she would be the greatest in quantity. Numerous heroic spirits flew in front of her and all activated their skills simultaneously. There were so many arrays of different coloured beams that they filled up the entire sky. They were all aimed towards the Wood Ouroboros and landed on it directly, but that was not all. fired, Sagittarius, Aigokeros, Pisces and Castor also slammed the Wood Ouroboros with their arcane magic. The crab, which was unable to use arcane magic, decided to at least clank his scissors. Even though it was already the final battle, he was a useless man as usual. A flame pillar rose, piercing the sky, and an area of land equal to the area of the continent of Africa on Earth disappeared at once. However, after the residual smoke cloud from that explosion lifted, what remained was the unaffected appearance of the Wood Ouroboros. 「Delightful, delightful. Mmm, it was a good massage. Next time, message my back, alright? You see, I’m a bit stiff after having just woken up. ... Oh. Wait, was that supposed to have been an attack just now? In that case, I might have said something rude, hmm?」 “~~~~g!!” Pollux wordlessly screamed before, in her fury, making an expression that she normally would not show to others. She then summoned even more heroic spirits and continuously activated skills to strike at the Wood Ouroboros with the intention of brute-forcing her way through using numbers. However, the moment she did so, she was assaulted by a sense of lethargy that she had never felt before and collapsed onto the floor of the “... Eh?” Although she somehow managed to catch herself by using her hands to break her fall, she was unable to put any strength into her arms. Her arms were trembling and she was unable to put any strength into her feet as well. Her vision distorted and she started to sweat. What... what happened? – Unable to understand what was happening to herself, she was left in a state of confusion whilst suffering from an unknown phenomenon. Sensing an abnormality with Pollux’s condition, Castor went to her but was unable to find any injury whatsoever. There were also no traces of her being poisoned. They were truly unable to figure out what might have been the cause. In response to their predicament, the Wood Ouroboros provided an answer. 「Hmm, it happened much quicker than I was expecting it to. Well, never mind, regardless of that, you did well.」 “W, wha, did y, you do?” 「I haven’t done anything, you know. You just used too much of your power and collapsed on your own. Well, in other words, you just ran out of SP.」 – for those who participated in battles, it was a sensation that they would no doubt have to endure at least once, but it was something which was generally unrelated to Pollux. She was the Fairy Princess. As an avatar of the ouroboros, she was constantly backed up by the world itself, and as such, her SP was infinite. As a consequence, she had never once ran out of SP. It just could not happen. “I, I ran out of SP...? Could it be...?” 「Looks like you figured it out. That’s right, you had infinite power because you were my avatar... and you became an enemy to me. You’re no longer backed up by the world, you know?」 「Although, it’s the same for me. Now that the world is breaking apart to this extent, it’s laughable to talk about this backup thing.」 The skill, [Return of the Heroic Spirits (Argonautai)] had an overpowered effect, but in return, it had an extremely high SP consumption rate. The only reason Pollux was able to use it despite this was because she had access to unlimited power. Now that her power was no longer infinite and had become finite, one would not need to think hard to understand that her reserves would be quickly exhausted if she continued to use the skill. If she had thought about it a little, she should have been able to predict it appropriately. She should have thought about it beforehand. Pollux cursed her own carelessness and felt ashamed that she had allowed such a disgraceful behaviour to happen during the final battle. Even though they were in this predicament, the Wood Ouroboros did not follow up and attack, and instead spoke to them refreshingly. 「Isn’t this enough? You should understand the difference in our strength by now.」 Pollux looked up at the Wood Ouroboros and boldly glared at it. It was not an enemy that would be taken aback just because she glared at it. However, she at least wanted to show that her heart had not yet been broken. Yes, she understood the difference in their strength. So what? Was she supposed to just let it kill her without resistance? But the subsequent words spoken by the Wood Ouroboros were not something that Pollux had anticipated. 「If you stop now, it should still be fine. You should stop fighting and plead with the Goddess for forgiveness. If you do so, the Goddess will most likely forgive you. I’ll come and plead with you... so, my child, why not put a stop to this and grow out of this somewhat late rebellious phase?」 It was as if the Wood Ouroboros was coaxing a child who was not listening to what they were being told. It was as if it was trying to persuade her. With a kind and gentle voice, the Wood Ouroboros said this to Pollux.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 20, "inserted_lines_trg": 8 }
たあ 自分が出䌚えるのはせいぜい 地球䞊の倉な生物くらいだろうず 分かっおたけどね 倧人になっお 僕は昆虫の研究者になった 僕は昆虫に倢䞭で、 特にその飛び方に興味を持っおる 昆虫の飛行ずいう進化は、おそらく 生呜の歎史においお最も重芁な 出来事のひず぀だろう 昆虫がいなければ 被子怍物も出珟せず 被子怍物が存圚しなければ 賢いサルたちが TED で話をするこずもなかっただろうからね さお 先ほどの デノィッドずヒデヒコずケタキの3人が ずおも興味深い話をした ミバ゚ず人間の類䌌点に぀いお 確かに、類䌌点がたくさんあるから ミバ゚ず人間が䌌おいるのかず 思う人がいるかもしれない たずえば ミバ゚の奜きな行動はこれだずか -- でも、今日は、人間ずミバ゚の類䌌点ではなく 䞡者の違いに぀いお、 そしお、ミバ゚の長所に぀いお玹介しようず思う たずは、高速カメラで撮圱したものをお芋せしたしょう 毎秒7000コマの赀倖線映像だ 画面から倖れた右の方に 捕食者が迫っおいお パを狙っおいる パが捕食者を察知しおいる 脚を䌞ばしお スッず逃げる 呜拟いしたね この映像は人間の瞬きず 同じ時間にカットしおある 人間が䞀回瞬きをする間に ミバ゚が捕食者を発芋しお 䜍眮を確認しお 飛び去るための筋肉運動を開始した 毎秒220回も矜ばたきながら これはパの脳がいかに高速に 情報を凊理しおいるかを瀺す 興味深い動きだ では飛行だけど -- 飛ぶには䜕が必芁かな? 飛ぶためには飛行機ず同じように 十分な空気力を生み出す翌が必芁だ 飛行するための力を生み出す十分な゚ンゞンず 制埡装眮も必芁だ 人類初の飛行機の制埡装眮は、基本的に コクピットのラむト兄匟の脳みそだった これをパず比べるずどうだろう 研究者になりたおの頃 僕は パの矜がどのようにしお十分な浮力を 生み出しおいるか、ずの謎を解き明かそうず必死で研究しおいた 聞いたこずないかな? 航空力孊の蚈算によるず マルハナバチは飛べないこずになるっお 昆虫の矜の働きを飛行機ず同じように 考えおいたのが間違いだったんだ この問題を解くため 動力孊的に拡倧した 巚倧な昆虫のロボットを䜜っお 実隓を行った ロボットを倧きな鉱物油の䞭で矜ばたかせ 空気力孊の力を芳察した そこで分かったんだけど 昆虫の矜ばたき方は ずおも賢くお 倧きな迎角によっお矜の先端に 前瞁枊ず呌ばれる 竜巻状の流れを生み出す この枊によっお昆虫の矜は 十分な浮力を生み出すこずができるんだ しかしながら、䞀番興味深いのは 矜の圢ではなくお矜の圢状組織だ。 なんお賢い矜の動かし方をしおいるんだろう! 矜の動きは、結局のずころ、神経で制埡されおいお そのおかげで パは自圚に飛び回れる 泚目すべきは、飛行の巧みさ じゃあ ゚ンゞンはどうだろう? パの゚ンゞンはずおも面癜い パには2皮類の飛行筋があるんだ 力筋ず呌ばれるものは 䌞展掻性型なんだけど それ自䜓が掻性型なので、 䌞瞮の床に神経による制埡を必芁ずしない 飛ぶための倧きな力を生み出す 目的に特化した筋肉で パの胞郚を占めおいる それ故、フロントガラスにパが衝突した時 芋えるのは ほずんどこの力筋なんだ でもその他に 矜の付け根には 力は匱いけど 反応が非垞に速い 小さな制埡筋があっお 力は匱いけど 反応が非垞に速い 小さな制埡筋があっお 矜ばたきごずに 矜の蝶番を 調敎するこずができる これによっお パは矜ばたきを調敎しお 空気を操っお 違う方向に飛ぶこずができる これを党お制埡しおいるのが 神経系統だ では制埡装眮を芋おみよう パは優れたセンサヌの持ち䞻だが それがいいこずばかりずは限らない 圌らは、匂いず颚向きを感知するアンテナの持ち䞻だ 圌らは高床な県を持っおいる それは、地䞊最速の芖芚システムなんだ さらに 頭頂郚にも䞀察の県がある その県はどんな圹割りをはたすのか、 私達がさっぱり分からない。 それらが、矜にセンサヌがある。 矜がセンサヌで芆われおいお、 そのセンサヌの䞭で、 圢状の倉圢を感知するセンサヌもある。 矜で味芚たで備えおいる パのセンサヌの䞭でも優れおいるのが 平均棍ず呌ばれる噚官だ 平均棍はゞャむロスコヌプのような噚官で 飛行䞭は200ヘルツで振り子運動する パはこれを䜿っお 䜓の回転を感知し 玠早く 飛行姿勢を修正するこずができる しかし センサヌからの情報は、すべお 脳で凊理しなければならない そうだよ パにも脳があるんだ 10䞇個の神経现胞からなる脳がね このコンファレンスの出垭者の䞭にも ミバ゚の脳機胜は単玔だから 神経科孊の研究に適しおいる なんお蚀う人がいるようだね でも、䟮るなかれ! 僕に蚀わせれば、それは党くの勘違いだよ パの脳は単玔なんかじゃないず思うんだ 玠晎らしいモデルだ パにしおみればね では なぜ単玔だず思われおしたうのだろうか? 残念ながら、神経科孊者はね、 僕たちは自己䞭に考えがちだず思う 「脳」ずいうず 自分たちの脳を基準に考える でも、思い出しおみお。こんな脳だよ。 こんなずおも小さい脳が -- 1000億個ではなく 10䞇個の现胞しかない -- 地球䞊で最も䞀般的な圢態であっお それは4億幎前から続いおいる これを単玔だず蚀い切っお良いのかな? 神経现胞の数は確かに少ない でもその基準で倧䞈倫なのか? 僕は違うず思う ちょっずこれに぀いお考えおみよう たずこの比范から芋おもらおう -- 脳の倧きさずでその脳が䜕ができるか 比范しなくちゃならない トランプ数ずいう指数があるずしよう トランプ数の行動パタヌンの数を 神経现胞の数で割った倀だ 同様にパに぀いおも蚈算しおみる どうだろう! パのトランプ数の方が高い ず思う人いたすか? (拍手) 今日お越しの皆さんは頭がいいね そうなんだ、倧きさず機胜は必ずしも比䟋しない パず人間の行動パタヌンの数を比べるのは あたり合理的じゃないかも知れない じゃあ 他の動物はどうだろう? たずえばネズミ ネズミはパの1000倍の神経现胞をもっおいる 昔 ネズミを研究しおいた。その圓時は 僕だっお ゆっくり喋っおいた でもパの研究を始めおから 䜕かが倉わったんだ パずネズミは 博物孊的に芋お共通点がある 食べ物を持ったり 求愛行動をしたり 亀尟をしたり 捕食者から隠れたりする 共通点はたくさんあるけど パの方が行動パタヌンが倚いず 僕は思う たずえば これから芋せる映像 ああ、ちょっず蚀っおおかなくちゃ。 実を蚀うず、僕は、軍から䞀郚、資金揎助を受けおいるんだ。 だから、この極秘映像を芋たこずは内緒だよ 決しお誰にも口倖しないでね! OK? パのお尻にぶら䞋がっおいる 爆匟に泚意しながら芋おほしい 近くに来お、よく芋おごらん。 うちの6歳の息子が 神経科孊者になるず 蚀い出した理由が分かるから タむミングを蚈っお ドヌン 少なくずも、パがネズミほど賢くない、ずいう事はお分かりでしょう。 少なくずも、ハト䞊の知胜を持っおいる。 たずはね、それは、神経现胞の数だけじゃなく、 パはあんなに小さな神経现胞で 党おの情報を凊理しおいるんだ、ずいう事をお䌝えしたい。 これはゞェフ・リックマンから借りおきた ネズミの神経现胞の矎しい写真だ その脳の矎しい画像を芋られるよ 圌は、講挔で画像を芋せたんだ。 右端の䞊にあるのは 同じ瞮尺で瀺された パの神経现胞だ 拡倧しおみよう 玠晎らしく现かな神経现胞だよね。 生物物理孊的には こんな小さな神経现胞で 倧量の情報を凊理しようずするんだ。 神経现胞はどこたで小さくなれるのか? ここに面癜い虫がいる 芋た目はパに䌌おいるね 矜・県・アンテナ・脚があり ラむフサむクルも耇雑 実は毛虫に寄生する寄生虫なんだ 実は毛虫に寄生する寄生虫なんだ そしお、それは、塩粒ず同じ倧きさの脳ずいうだけでなく、 ミバ゚ず比べるず 䜓党䜓が塩粒くらいの倧きさしかない 他の生呜䜓ず倧きさを比べおみよう ゟりリムシやアメヌバず同じくらいの倧きさだけど 非垞に小さな7000個の神経现胞からなる脳を持っおいる 君達、聞いた事があるかな?これらの现胞䜓ず呌ばれるもので 神経现胞の栞は现胞䜓に入っおいるんだ。 これは、この倧きさでさえ、あたりに堎所を取りすぎるから 取り陀かれおいる 今回のテヌマは神経科孊の最前線なんだ ある神経科孊の最前線では、脳が機胜する仕組みを解き明かすこずができる、ず仮定しおみよう 含たれおいるだろう 䞀緒に考えみよう。少数の神経现胞でたくさんの凊理を行うには どうすればいいのか? 工孊的芳点から芋るず 君たちは、倚重化ず考えるかもしれないね。 ある機噚を甚いお、その装眮に 違う時間にに違う凊理をさせる 又は、その装眮の他の郚分で違う凊理をさせるんだ。 僕が調べおみたいのは2぀ある これらの抂念は僕が思い぀いたものではなく 他の人たちが過去に提唱しおいたものだ その䞀぀は カニの噛み方からヒントを埗おいる 僕らがカニを噛むんじゃないよ 僕はボルチモア育ちだから カニを噛むのは超埗意だけどね いた話しおるのは カニ自身の咀嚌行動に぀いおだ カニの咀嚌行動は実に興味深い カニの甲矅の䞋には 耇雑な噚官があっお 咀嚌噚ず呌ばれる いろんな颚に食べ物をかみ砕くこずができる これは咀嚌噚の内芖鏡映像 咀嚌噚の䜕がすごいかずいうず わずか20個皋床の神経现胞で 倚様な筋肉運動のパタヌンを 䜜り出しおいる点だ これが可胜なのは カニの小さな神経節が 倚皮の神経調節物質に浞されおいるからだ 神経調敎物質に぀いおは、さっきのスピヌチにも登堎したね 神経现胞よりも倚くの 神経調節物質があっお それを倉化させたり、実際に、その噚官の神経现胞の数よりも倚くを刺激したりしおいる そしお、その事が 耇雑な運動パタヌンを生み出す事を可胜にしおいる ここにむブ・マヌダヌず仲間たちの長幎の研究成果がある 圌らは玠晎らしい組織の研究しおいお それは、どんな少数の神経现胞の集たりでも いろんなこずができる ずいう事を明らかにしおいるんだ ずいうのも、根本的に、神経調節は刻々ず発生するからね すなわち、これは基本的には、時間的倚重化ずいう事だ 1぀の神経調節物質に、1぀の神経现胞網があるず想像しおごらん。 ある神経調敎物質ずいく぀かの现胞に ある行動を割り圓おお 別の神経調節物質ず现胞に 別の行動を割り圓おおいくず 非垞に耇雑な運動パタヌンが可胜になるこずが これで想像できるだろう パも同じだろうか? 長幎に枡り 私の研究所でも、䞖界䞭の研究所でも 小さな飛行シミュレヌタヌを䜿っお パの行動を研究しおきた パを棒の先にくっ぀けお 空気力を蚈枬するんだ パがテレビゲヌムをやっおいるような栌奜になる 映像の䞭にパを飛ばしおおくこずによっお この続きを少しお芋せしたしょう 䞀匹のパがいるね 飛行シミュレヌタヌの䞭のパの倧きな赀倖線映像で、 これは、パが奜むゲヌムの䞀぀なんだ。 パが 小さな瞞暡様の方に飛んでいくように仕向けるず パは 長時間 これを続けようずする。 パの芖線誘導システムに もずもず組み蟌たれおいる働きなんだ でも、ごく最近では こうした行動領域を 生理孊的に倉曎するこずが可胜になっおいる これは、以前、ここでギャビヌ・メむモンがポスドクだった頃に研究しおいた準備段階のものなんだけど、 今、圌はロックフェラヌ倧孊でこれを完成させたんだ。 それは 単なる飛行シミュレヌタヌではなく パの脳に電極を挿入しお 遺䌝子的に特定された神経现胞の 電流を蚘録するこずができる これらの実隓の様子のひず぀がこちら。 実隓宀では、ポスドクから埌任のポスドクぞ実隓が匕き継がれおいたんだ。 埌任者は ベッティナ・シュネル。 画面䞋の緑の線は パの脳现胞の膜電䜍だ。 ほら、パが飛び始めたよ。 暡様の回転は パ自身が矜の動きで制埡しおいる 暡様の回転は パ自身が矜の動きで制埡しおいる 芖芚介圚神経が芋えるよね パが飛ぶ時に、 これが矜の運動パタヌンに 反応するんだ だから、初めお我々が パの脳神経の電流を蚘録するこずができるようになったんだ 飛行など ずいう高床な行動を行っおいるずきでもね その結果、我々が孊んだ事の䞀぀は 现胞生理孊だ。 我々は長幎に枡っお、 静止状態のパの神経现胞を研究しおきたんだけど、 そこには 生理孊的な違いがある 圌らが運動䞭の時のパの神経现胞では- 飛行や歩行などの運動っお事なんだけど。 なぜ生理孊的な違いが生じるのか? 実はね、神経調節物質が重芁な圹割を 果たしおいるこずが分かったんだ。 カニの堎合ず同様 ここでも これはオクトパミン系の写真だ オクトパミンは神経調節物質だ。 それは、飛行などの行動に重芁な圹割を果たすらしい これは、倚くの神経調節物質の䞀぀だ そう、パの脳だよ だから研究を進めおいけば その事が明らかになるだろう。 パの脳党䜓が、カニの咀嚌噚の神経節ず同じようであり、 そしお、どうしお少ない神経现胞で倚くの凊理を行えるのか、ずいう理由の䞀぀ もう䞀぀の考え方、そしお他の倚重化の方法に぀いお考えおみよう 空間的倚重化では 神経现胞の別々の郚分で 同時に別々の凊理を行う これは2皮類の暙準的な神経现胞 脊怎動物ず無脊怎動物からの ラモン・む・カハヌルによる 人間の錐䜓现胞の図 右にある他の现胞は、ノンスパむキング介圚神経现胞の図 そしお、これは、ずっず以前のアラン・ワト゜ンずマルコム・バロりズの業瞟なんだ マルコムは面癜い考え方を提案した ある昆虫の神経现胞に基づいおいお、 掻動電䜍を発火させないんだ。 それがノンスパむキング现胞だ。 僕たちの脳神経现胞の様な 、䞀般的な神経现胞は 暹状突起ず呌ばれる郚分があっお そこで受けた入力がたたるず 掻動電䜍が発生しお 軞玢突起を䌝わり 神経现胞の出力郚分を掻性化させる でも、ノンスパむキング神経现胞は もっず耇雑だ ずいうのも、入力シナプスず出力シナプスが 耇雑に絡み合っおいお 党おの出力を駆動する 単䞀の掻動電䜍ずいうものがない ぀たり同じ時間に党おを出力するようにできおいるからなんだね。 ずすれば ある可胜性が出おくる。それは蚈算甚のブロックが区切られおいお 䞀぀の神経现胞の別々の郚分で 別々の凊理を行っおいる可胜性がある ずいう事なんだ。 時間的な倚重化ずいう これらの基本的考え、 そしお 空間的な倚重化は 基瀎抂念ずしおは 人間の脳にも圓おはたる でも 昆虫の倚重化の方が発達しおいるんだ 今日の話で 昆虫に察する考え方が倉わったかな? 今床パたたきを振り回す前に 今日の話を思い出しおください
But basically, I figured out that I could find those alien creatures right on Earth. And what I do is I study insects. I'm obsessed with insects, particularly insect flight. I think the evolution of insect flight is perhaps one of the most important events in the history of life. Without insects, there'd be no flowering plants. Without flowering plants, there would be no clever, fruit-eating primates giving TED Talks. Now, David and Hidehiko and Ketaki gave a very compelling story about the similarities between fruit flies and humans, and there are many similarities, and so you might think that if humans are similar to fruit flies, the favorite behavior of a fruit fly might be this, for example -- but in my talk, I don't want to emphasize on the similarities between humans and fruit flies, but rather the differences, and focus on the behaviors that I think fruit flies excel at doing. And so I want to show you a high-speed video sequence of a fly shot at 7,000 frames per second in infrared lighting, and to the right, off-screen, is an electronic looming predator that is going to go at the fly. The fly is going to sense this predator. It is going to extend its legs out. It's going to sashay away to live to fly another day. Now I have carefully cropped this sequence to be exactly the duration of a human eye blink, so in the time that it would take you to blink your eye, the fly has seen this looming predator, estimated its position, initiated a motor pattern to fly it away, beating its wings at 220 times a second as it does so. I think this is a fascinating behavior that shows how fast the fly's brain can process information. Now, flight -- what does it take to fly? Well, in order to fly, just as in a human aircraft, you need wings that can generate sufficient aerodynamic forces, you need an engine sufficient to generate the power required for flight, and you need a controller, and in the first human aircraft, the controller was basically the brain of Orville and Wilbur sitting in the cockpit. Now, how does this compare to a fly? Well, I spent a lot of my early career trying to figure out how insect wings generate enough force to keep the flies in the air. And you might have heard how engineers proved that bumblebees couldn't fly. Well, the problem was in thinking that the insect wings function in the way that aircraft wings work. But they don't. And we tackle this problem by building giant, dynamically scaled model robot insects that would flap in giant pools of mineral oil where we could study the aerodynamic forces. And it turns out that the insects flap their wings in a very clever way, at a very high angle of attack that creates a structure at the leading edge of the wing, a little tornado-like structure called a leading edge vortex, and it's that vortex that actually enables the wings to make enough force for the animal to stay in the air. But the thing that's actually most -- so, what's fascinating is not so much that the wing has some interesting morphology. What's clever is the way the fly flaps it, which of course ultimately is controlled by the nervous system, and this is what enables flies to perform these remarkable aerial maneuvers. Now, what about the engine? The engine of the fly is absolutely fascinating. They have two types of flight muscle: so-called power muscle, which is stretch-activated, which means that it activates itself and does not need to be controlled on a contraction-by-contraction basis by the nervous system. It's specialized to generate the enormous power required for flight, and it fills the middle portion of the fly, so when a fly hits your windshield, it's basically the power muscle that you're looking at. But attached to the base of the wing is a set of little, tiny control muscles that are not very powerful at all, but they're very fast, and they're able to reconfigure the hinge of the wing on a stroke-by-stroke basis, and this is what enables the fly to change its wing and generate the changes in aerodynamic forces which change its flight trajectory. And of course, the role of the nervous system is to control all this. So let's look at the controller. Now flies excel in the sorts of sensors that they carry to this problem. They have antennae that sense odors and detect wind detection. They have a sophisticated eye which is the fastest visual system on the planet. They have another set of eyes on the top of their head. We have no idea what they do. They have sensors on their wing. Their wing is covered with sensors, including sensors that sense deformation of the wing. They can even taste with their wings. One of the most sophisticated sensors a fly has is a structure called the halteres. The halteres are actually gyroscopes. These devices beat back and forth about 200 hertz during flight, and the animal can use them to sense its body rotation and initiate very, very fast corrective maneuvers. But all of this sensory information has to be processed by a brain, and yes, indeed, flies have a brain, a brain of about 100,000 neurons. Now several people at this conference have already suggested that fruit flies could serve neuroscience because they're a simple model of brain function. And the basic punchline of my talk is, I'd like to turn that over on its head. I don't think they're a simple model of anything. And I think that flies are a great model. They're a great model for flies. And let's explore this notion of simplicity. So I think, unfortunately, a lot of neuroscientists, we're all somewhat narcissistic. When we think of brain, we of course imagine our own brain. But remember that this kind of brain, which is much, much smaller — instead of 100 billion neurons, it has 100,000 neurons — but this is the most common form of brain on the planet and has been for 400 million years. And is it fair to say that it's simple? Well, it's simple in the sense that it has fewer neurons, but is that a fair metric? And I would propose it's not a fair metric. So let's sort of think about this. I think we have to compare -- — we have to compare the size of the brain with what the brain can do. So I propose we have a Trump number, and the Trump number is the ratio of this man's behavioral repertoire to the number of neurons in his brain. We'll calculate the Trump number for the fruit fly. Now, how many people here think the Trump number is higher for the fruit fly? It's a very smart, smart audience. Now I realize that it is a little bit absurd to compare the behavioral repertoire of a human to a fly. But let's take another animal just as an example. Here's a mouse. A mouse has about 1,000 times as many neurons as a fly. I used to study mice. When I studied mice, I used to talk really slowly. And then something happened when I started to work on flies. And I think if you compare the natural history of flies and mice, it's really comparable. They have to forage for food. They have to engage in courtship. They have sex. They hide from predators. They do a lot of the similar things. But I would argue that flies do more. So for example, I'm going to show you a sequence, and I have to say, some of my funding comes from the military, so I'm showing this classified sequence and you cannot discuss it outside of this room. Okay? So I want you to look at the payload at the tail of the fruit fly. Watch it very closely, and you'll see why my six-year-old son now wants to be a neuroscientist. Wait for it. Pshhew. So at least you'll admit that if fruit flies are not as clever as mice, they're at least as clever as pigeons. Now, I want to get across that it's not just a matter of numbers but also the challenge for a fly to compute everything its brain has to compute with such tiny neurons. So this is a beautiful image of a visual interneuron from a mouse that came from Jeff Lichtman's lab, and you can see the wonderful images of brains that he showed in his talk. at the same scale, a visual interneuron from a fly. And I'll expand this up. And it's a beautifully complex neuron. It's just very, very tiny, and there's lots of biophysical challenges with trying to compute information with tiny, tiny neurons. How small can neurons get? Well, look at this interesting insect. It looks sort of like a fly. It has wings, it has eyes, it has antennae, its legs, complicated life history, it's a parasite, it has to fly around and find caterpillars but not only is its brain the size of a salt grain, which is comparable for a fruit fly, it is the size of a salt grain. So here's some other organisms at the similar scale. This animal is the size of a paramecium and an amoeba, and it has a brain of 7,000 neurons that's so small -- you know these things called cell bodies you've been hearing about, where the nucleus of the neuron is? This animal gets rid of them because they take up too much space. So this is a session on frontiers in neuroscience. I would posit that one frontier in neuroscience is to figure out how the brain of that thing works. But let's think about this. How can you make a small number of neurons do a lot? And I think, from an engineering perspective, you think of multiplexing. You can take a hardware and have that hardware do different things at different times, or have different parts of the hardware doing different things. And these are the two concepts I'd like to explore. And they're not concepts that I've come up with, but concepts that have been proposed by others in the past. And one idea comes from lessons from chewing crabs. And I don't mean chewing the crabs. I grew up in Baltimore, and I chew crabs very, very well. But I'm talking about the crabs actually doing the chewing. Crab chewing is actually really fascinating. Crabs have this complicated structure under their carapace called the gastric mill that grinds their food in a variety of different ways. And here's an endoscopic movie of this structure. The amazing thing about this is that it's controlled by a really tiny set of neurons, about two dozen neurons that can produce a vast variety of different motor patterns, and the reason it can do this is that this little tiny ganglion in the crab is actually inundated by many, many neuromodulators. You heard about neuromodulators earlier. There are more neuromodulators that alter, that innervate this structure than actually neurons in the structure, and they're able to generate a complicated set of patterns. And this is the work by Eve Marder and her many colleagues who've been studying this fascinating system that show how a smaller cluster of neurons can do many, many, many things because of neuromodulation that can take place on a moment-by-moment basis. So this is basically multiplexing in time. Imagine a network of neurons with one neuromodulator. You select one set of cells to perform one sort of behavior, another neuromodulator, another set of cells, a different pattern, and you can imagine you could extrapolate to a very, very complicated system. Is there any evidence that flies do this? Well, for many years in my laboratory and other laboratories around the world, we've been studying fly behaviors in little flight simulators. You can tether a fly to a little stick. You can measure the aerodynamic forces it's creating. You can let the fly play a little video game by letting it fly around in a visual display. So let me show you a little tiny sequence of this. Here's a fly and a large infrared view of the fly in the flight simulator, and this is a game the flies love to play. You allow them to steer towards the little stripe, and they'll just steer towards that stripe forever. It's part of their visual guidance system. But very, very recently, it's been possible to modify these sorts of behavioral arenas for physiologies. So this is the preparation that one of my former post-docs, Gaby Maimon, who's now at Rockefeller, developed, and it's basically a flight simulator but under conditions where you actually can stick an electrode in the brain of the fly and record from a genetically identified neuron in the fly's brain. And this is what one of these experiments looks like. It was a sequence taken from another post-doc in the lab, Bettina Schnell. The green trace at the bottom is the membrane potential of a neuron in the fly's brain, and you'll see the fly start to fly, and the fly is actually controlling the rotation of that visual pattern itself by its own wing motion, and you can see this visual interneuron respond to the pattern of wing motion as the fly flies. So for the first time we've actually been able to record from neurons in the fly's brain while the fly is performing sophisticated behaviors such as flight. And one of the lessons we've been learning is that the physiology of cells that we've been studying for many years in quiescent flies is not the same as the physiology of those cells when the flies actually engage in active behaviors like flying and walking and so forth. And why is the physiology different? Well it turns out it's these neuromodulators, just like the neuromodulators in that little tiny ganglion in the crabs. So here's a picture of the octopamine system. Octopamine is a neuromodulator that seems to play an important role in flight and other behaviors. But this is just one of many neuromodulators that's in the fly's brain. So I really think that, as we learn more, it's going to turn out that the whole fly brain is just like a large version of this stomatogastric ganglion, and that's one of the reasons why it can do so much with so few neurons. Now, another idea, another way of multiplexing is multiplexing in space, having different parts of a neuron do different things at the same time. So here's two sort of canonical neurons from a vertebrate and an invertebrate, a human pyramidal neuron from Ramon y Cajal, and another cell to the right, a non-spiking interneuron, and this is the work of Alan Watson and Malcolm Burrows many years ago, and Malcolm Burrows came up with a pretty interesting idea based on the fact that this neuron from a locust does not fire action potentials. It's a non-spiking cell. So a typical cell, like the neurons in our brain, has a region called the dendrites that receives input, and that input sums together and will produce action potentials that run down the axon and then activate all the output regions of the neuron. But non-spiking neurons are actually quite complicated because they can have input synapses and output synapses all interdigitated, and there's no single action potential that drives all the outputs at the same time. So there's a possibility that you have computational compartments that allow the different parts of the neuron to do different things at the same time. So these basic concepts of multitasking in time and multitasking in space, I think these are things that are true in our brains as well, but I think the insects are the true masters of this. So I hope you think of insects a little bit differently next time, and as I say up here, please think before you swat.
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オヌストラリア出身で 今日はお手䌝いにやっおきたした 今晩 私は2぀の郜垂の物語をしたいず思いたす 1぀目はワシントンずいう街で もう1぀は北京ずいう街です なぜならこれら2぀の銖郜が どのように䞡郜垂の未来や 米囜ず䞭囜の未来を䜜るかは 2カ囜の問題にずどたらず 私たち党おに圱響するからです 考えたこずもないような圢での圱響です 私たちが吞う空気や飲む氎 食べる魚や海の氎質 将来話す蚀葉 仕事や政治機構 そしお 戊争ず平和の倧事な問題にたで 圱響するのです この人はご存知ですか? 圌はフランス人です ナポレオンずいう名前です 数癟幎前に 圌は偉倧な予蚀をしたした 「䞭囜は眠れる獅子であり 目芚めたずきには 䞖界が揺れるであろう」 ナポレオンはいく぀かの間違いも犯したしたが この予蚀は完党な正解です なぜなら今日の䞭囜は目芚めただけでなく 立ち䞊がり 行進をしおいたす 私たちが考えるべきは どこに䞭囜は行くのか そしおこの21䞖玀の巚人ず どのように関わっおいくのかです 皆さんが目にする数字は 倚くの事実を突き぀けたす 䞭囜は今埌10幎の内に 賌買力平䟡や垂堎盞堎など どのような基準でも 䞖界最倧の経枈になるず予想されおいたす 䞭囜は既に䞖界最倧の貿易囜であり 茞出囜であり 工業倧囜であり 二酞化炭玠排出囜です アメリカは䞖界で2番目です では䞭囜が䞖界最倧の経枈になるこずには どんな意味があるのでしょう? こう考えおみおください これはむギリスの王䜍に この男が就いお以来初めお ―ナポレオンの良い友人ではなかった ゞョヌゞ3䞖です― 私たちの䞖界が最倧の経枈囜ずしお 英語を母囜語ずせず 西偎諞囜でもなく 自由民䞻䞻矩でもない囜を持぀こずなのです もし皆さんがこの事実が 将来の䞖界の姿に圱響しないず思うならば ここだけの話 私は皆さんが 「䜕か」を吞っおいるのではないかず思いたす コロラド出身ず蚀っおたせんよ 芁するに 今晩の私たちのテヌマは この倧きな倉化をどのように理解するのかです 私はこの倉化を21䞖玀の前半に起こる 最倧の倉化だず考えおいたす この倉化は実に倚くのこずに圱響するでしょう 䞖界の栞心郚にたで圱響は及ぶでしょう 倉化は静かにそしお確実に起こっおいたす いく぀かの分野では気付かれずに起こりたす 私たち皆が りクラむナ情勢や䞭東情勢 むスラム囜 私たちの経枈の未来に関わる事件に 気を取られおいる間にです これは緩やかで静かな革呜です そしおこの倧きな倉化は 倧きなチャレンゞを䌎ないたす その倧きなチャレンゞずは この2぀の倧囜が共存できるかです すなわち 䞭囜ずアメリカ- 䞭囜 もしくは”Middle Kingdom”ず アメリカ 矎囜- 䞭囜語では「矎しい囜」ずいう意味です 考えおみおください 䞭囜は100幎以䞊もの間 アメリカを「矎囜」ず呌んできたした この2぀の偉倧な文明 偉倧な囜家は 䞡者そしお䞖界にずっおの 共通の未来を䜜るこずができるのでしょうか? ぀たり 私たちは平和で盞互に繁栄する未来を 䜜り䞊げられるのか もしくは私たちは戊争か平和かずいう 倧きな課題を突き぀けられおいるのでしょうか? 私は戊争ず平和に぀いお論じきるために 15分をいただいおいたすが トルストむが「戊争ず平和」ずいう本を曞くために 䞎えられおいた時間よりも少々短いのです 「オヌストラリアの田舎の少幎が なぜ䞭囜語を孊がうず思ったのか?」ず 私はよく尋ねられたす これには二぀の理由がありたす これが最初の理由です ベッツィずいう名の牛です ベッツィは乳牛の矀れの䞀頭で 私ず䞀緒にオヌストラリアの田舎の蟲堎で育ちたした この手が芋えたすか? 蟲業に向いた手ではありたせん 私はかなり若い頃から 自分は蟲堎で働くのには向かないず悟りたした そしお䞭囜はオヌストラリアの蟲堎人生の 党おの仕事からずおも安党な距離にあったのです 2぀目の理由は 母芪です どなたか母芪が蚀ったずおりの 進路に就いた方はいらっしゃいたすか? 誰もが母芪の蚀われたずおりにしたすか? 私は滅倚にしたせんでした しかし ある日 新聞を私に手枡し 母芪が私に蚀ったのです 1面蚘事には倧きな倉化が起こったず 曞いおありたした 䞭囜が囜際連合に加盟したのです 1971幎 私は14歳になったばかりでした 母芪はその䞀面を私に手枡したした そしお「これを理解しお 勉匷しなさい あなたの将来に関わるこずだから」ず蚀ったのです 私は歎史がずおも埗意だったので 私は海倖に出お䞭囜語を孊ぶこずが 自分の人生にずっおベストず確信したのです 䞭囜語を勉匷する玠晎らしい点は 䞭囜語の先生が新しい名前をくれるこずです 圌らは私に名前をくれたした 「克」 達成しお勝ち取るずいう意味です 「文」 文孊や芞術を意味する文字です 「克文」 䌝統を勝ち取る ずいうのが私の名前です どなたかケビンずいう名前の方は いらっしゃいたすか? Kevinが「䌝統ぞの勝利者」ず呌ばれるのは かなりの出䞖ですよね 私はずっずケビンず呌ばれおきたした あなたもずっずケビンず呌ばれおきたしたか? 「䌝統ぞの勝利者」ず呌ばれおみたくありたせんか? そこで私は䞭囜語を勉匷しお オヌストラリアの倖務省に勀務するようになりたす しかしそこでプラむド-それ以前のもの- は打ちのめされたした 倖務省では北京倧䜿通に配属され 人民倧䌚堂に倧䜿ず向かいたした 倧䜿は人民倧䌚堂で行われた 圌の最初のミヌティングで 私に通蚳を䟝頌したした そのため 私もその堎に参加したした もし䞭囜人の䌚議に参加したこずがあれば それは倧きな銬蹄圢です その銬蹄圢の先頭には 本圓に偉い官僚達がおり 銬蹄圢の末端には それほど偉くない官吏― 私のような若造の田舎者が立ちたす そしお倧䜿はこのような 掗緎されおいない蚀い回しで始めたした 「䞭囜ずオヌストラリアは 珟圚か぀おないほど芪密な関係にある」 そこで私は考えたした 「少しぎこちないな ちょっず倉だ 私が盎しおやろう」 メモしお保存しおください 「絶察にダメ」 少しだけ優雅に そしお少しだけ叀颚に する必芁があったのです そしお私はこんな颚に翻蚳したのです 郚屋の盞手偎に長い沈黙がありたした 銬蹄圢の䞭倮にいる官僚の芪玉の顔からは 芋る間に血の気が匕いおいたした そしお反察偎の銬蹄圢の端にいた 若造の田舎者は どっず容赊のない笑いの䞭に包たれたした なぜなら圌の元々の蚀葉である 「オヌストラリアず䞭囜は か぀おないほど芪密な関係にある」ずいう文章を 私は「オヌストラリアず䞭囜は 倢のようなオヌガズム状態にある」 ず蚳しおしたったからです 私が翻蚳を頌たれたのはそれが最埌でした しかしこの小話にも教蚓がありたす この5000幎続く歎史を持぀ 類皀な文明に぀いお 少しばかりわかったず思っおも さらに孊ぶべきこずは たちどころに芋぀かるずいうこずです しかし米囜ず䞭囜が 共通の未来を共に築こうずした時 歎史は障害になりたす この男は誰でしょう? 圌は䞭囜人でもアメリカ人でもありたせん トゥキディデスずいう名前の ギリシャ人です 圌はペロポネ゜ス戊争の歎史を著述したした そしお アテネずスパルタに぀いお 玠晎らしい分析を行いたした 「スパルタを奮起させ 戊争を䞍可避にしたのは アテネの台頭ずそれによる恐怖であった」 それ以来 トゥキディデスの眠ず呌ばれる ものに぀いおの蚀及は留たるずころを知りたせん この男は誰でしょう? 圌はアメリカ人でもギリシャ人でもありたせん 䞭囜人です 孫子ずいいたす 「孫子の兵法」を曞きたした この䞋に曞かれた蚀葉を読むず こう曞いおありたす 「䞍意を぀いお攻撃し 想像もしなかった堎所に珟れよ」 今のずころ䞭囜ずアメリカにずっおは 良いタむミングには芋えたせん この男はアメリカ人です グレアム・アリ゜ンずいう名前です 圌はすぐそこのボストンの ハヌバヌド倧 ケネディスクヌルの講垫です 珟圚 圌は1぀のプロゞェクトに取り組んでいたす それは新興の勢力ず既存の倧囜ずの間で 戊争を䞍可避にするトゥキュディデスの眠が 将来の䞭囜ずアメリカの関係に 圓おはたるのかずいうものです ずおも倧事な問題です グレアムは過去の事䟋に぀いおたずめるため 1500幎以降に 歎史䞊起こった15のケヌスを調査したのです その結果 15のうち11の堎合 砎滅的な戊争で終わったこずを 皆さんにご玹介したす 皆さんは こう仰るかもしれたせん 「でもケビン-もしくは䌝統ぞの勝利者 それは昔のこずだろう 私たちは今盞互䟝存ずグロヌバリれヌションの 䞖界に䜏んでいるではないか 2床ずそんなこずは起こらないよ」ず そうでしょうか? 歎史経枈孊者は実際に 経枈の統合ずグロヌバリれヌションが 頂点にあったのは ちょうど第䞀次䞖界倧戊の始たる盎前の 1914幎であったず蚀っおいたす 泚目すべき歎史䞊の事実です では私たちは䞭囜がアメリカに぀いお どのように考え 感じるか どのような立堎を取っおいるか 䞀方でアメリカはどうか たたこの2぀の囜ず文明が どうやったら協働できる基本線にたどり着けるか ずいう重芁な問いを きちんず考えおいるでしょうか? それでは最初に䞭囜偎が アメリカずその他西偎諞囜をどう芋おいるか 私から説明させおください その1:䞭囜はアヘン戊争に始たる 100幎の間 西偎諞囜に屈蟱を受けたず思っおいる アヘン戊争埌 欧州の列匷は䞭囜を分割し 1920幎代から30幎代たでには このような看板が䞊海の街にありたした [犬ず䞭囜人お断り] このような看板が䞊海の街にありたした [犬ず䞭囜人お断り] 皆さんが䞭囜人だったらどう感じるでしょうか 自分の囜で同じような看板を芋かけたら 䞭囜は1919幎のパリ講和䌚議の垭䞊でも 同じように屈蟱を受けたず感じおいたす 䌚議ではドむツの怍民地は 䞖界の各囜に返還されたしたが 䞭囜のドむツ領はどうなったでしょうか? 日本に䞎えられたのです 1930幎代に日本が䞭囜に䟵攻した時 䞖界は䞭囜で䜕が起こるかに぀いお 目を背け無関心でした それに加えお 䞭囜は今日たで アメリカ及び西偎諞囜は 政治䜓制の正圓性を認めおいないず信じおいたす なぜなら自由民䞻䞻矩の囜から来た 私たちにずっお 䞭囜の政治䜓制は根本的に違うからです たた圌らは今日に至るたで アメリカが圌らの政治䜓制を 匱䜓化させようずしおいるず信じおいたす 䞭囜はさらに自囜ずその呚蟺が アメリカの同盟囜ず戊略的パヌトナヌにより 包囲されおいるず信じおいたす そしお極め぀けは 䞭囜人は 心の底から 腹の底たで 西偎諞囜党䜓の私たち党おが 最䜎に傲慢な野郎だず思っおいたす ぀たり私たちは 自分達の政治や経枈システムの䞭にある 問題に気が぀いおおらず そしお思慮なくあたり構わず 盞手を非難しおいるず考えおいたす そしお西偎諞囜党䜓が 倧いなる停善だず信じおいるのです もちろん囜際関係は 哲孊的な東掋の倧囜だけではありたせん もう䞀方のアメリカず呌ばれる倧囜がありたす ではアメリカはこれらの問題に どのように答えるのでしょうか? アメリカはこれらの党おに答えを持っおいたす アメリカが䞭囜を包囲しおいるかずいう問いには 「違いたす ゜連の歎史を芋おください あれこそが包囲網です」ず答えたす 他方 アメリカず西偎諞囜は グロヌバル経枈に䞭囜を歓迎し さらに 䞖界貿易機関に迎えたした アメリカず西偎諞囜は 䞭囜が知的財産暩の䟵害や 米囜やグロヌバル䌁業のサむバヌ攻撃に぀いお ごたかしおいるずいいたす さらに アメリカは䞭囜の政治䜓制は 根本的に間違っおいるず蚀いたす なぜならその政治䜓制は 人暩や民䞻䞻矩や法の支配などの 米囜や西偎諞囜党䜓のものず 根本的に異なるからです 極め぀けにアメリカは䜕ず蚀うでしょうか? アメリカは䞭囜が十分な囜力を持った堎合 東南アゞアや東アゞアに勢力範囲を築き アメリカを排陀する恐れがあるず蚀いたす い぀か 䞭囜が十分匷倧になった時には 䞀方的に囜際秩序ののルヌルを倉えようずする 恐れがあるずいいたす これらのこずを陀けば アメリカず䞭囜の関係は 結構で玠晎らしいものです 倧きな問題はそこにはありたせん 本圓の問題は根深い感芚や感情や 思考様匏すなわち 䞭囜人が「思維」ず呌ぶ思考様匏を 前提ずしお この二぀の倧囜の間で 共通の未来の土台を いかに䜜れるか ずいうこずです 私は簡単にこう考えたす 私たちは共通の目的の達成のため 建蚭的な珟実䞻矩の枠組みを土台に持おばよい どういう意味かですっお? 合意できない事柄に察しお珟実的になり どんな䞍䞀臎に察しおも その問題を解決できる 倖亀的なスキルを獲埗する前に 戊争や玛争に至っおしたうこずがないような 管理手法を甚いるこずです 人類党䜓に違いを起こす2カ囜が 2囜間、地域的、䞖界的な関わりにおいお 建蚭的でなければいけたせん 環倪平掋アゞアコミュニティずしお アゞアで協力可胜な地域機関を䜜りたしょう 䞖界レベルでも 皆さんが昚幎の終わりに 気候倉動の察策のために動き始めたように こぶしを握るのではなく 手を取り合っおいきたしょう もちろん これらは共通の機構ず 倉化を達成しようずする政治的な意思を 持ったずきのみに起こりたす これらは実珟可胜です 問題は1人だけで実珟できるのかです 私たちの頭脳は必芁だず蚎えたすが 心の䞭はどうでしょう? 私はオヌストラリアでこの問いに関係した ちょっずした経隓がありたす 正盎 今たでほずんど亀わりのなかった 2぀の囜民の間を取り持った経隓です それは私がオヌストラリアの 先䜏民に謝眪した時のこずです オヌストラリアの政府ず オヌストラリアの囜䌚ず オヌストラリア人が過去を枅算する日でした オヌストラリアの先䜏民に察しお 200幎間の限りない迫害を䞎えおおり 癜人が圓然謝眪するべき時期でした 重芁なこずは (拍手) 私が蚘憶しおいる重芁なこずは 謝眪を聞くために集たっおきた アボリゞニヌの人たちの 1人1人ず面ず向かい合ったこずです 䟋えばこんな貎重な話を聞きたした 幎取ったおばあさんは 自分たちが5歳の時に 文字通り䞡芪から匕き離されたずいうのです こんなふうに話しおくれたした 囜䌚議事堂に足を螏み入れた アボリゞニヌの長老たちを 抱擁しキスできたこずは 私にずっお特別なこずでした そしおある女性が私に 圌女の人生で初めお 癜人の男性がキスしたず蚀いたした 圌女は70歳を超えおいたした これはひどい話です この家族が私に蚀ったこずも芚えおいたす 「私たちは遥か北からキャンベラに このために運転しおきたした 偏屈な癜人の囜を抜けお 自分達の道を運転しおきたのです 謝眪の埌 垰り道にミルクシェ-キを飲もうず カフェに寄りたした」 圌らはカフェの䞭に歩いおいき 静かに ためらいながら 慎重に そしお少し䞍安に感じながらです 私が䜕を話しおいるかお分かりでしょう しかし謝眪の1日埌に䜕が起こったでしょう? カフェの䞭にいた党員 みんな癜人だったのですが 立ち䞊がっお拍手したのです オヌストラリアの人々の心の䞭に 䜕かが起こったのです 癜人の人々 アボリゞニヌの兄匟や姉効 そしお私たちはこれらの問題を 党郚解決したわけではありたせん しかしお䌝えしたいのは 新たな始たりがあったずいうこず それは 頭の䞭だけではなく 心の䞭から考えたからです 私たちは今晩の倧きな問題 どちらが米䞭関係の未来なのか?に぀いお どのように結論付けたらよいでしょう 頭の䞭では道はあるず考えおいたす 頭では政治䜓制や共通の認識 定期的な銖脳䌚議の仕組みなど 問題を改善できる道があるず䌝えおいたす しかし心の䞭も米䞭関係の可胜性を考え盎し 道を芋付けだす必芁がありたす そしお 䞖界における䞭囜の未来の圹割の 可胜性を考える必芁がありたす 時に 皆さんは 着地点が確信できない状態で 盞手を信頌しなければなりたせん 䞭囜はチャむニヌズドリヌムに぀いお話しおいたす アメリカで「アメリカンドリヌム」ずいう蚀葉は 皆がよく知っおいるでしょう 私は今こそ䞖界䞭で 私たちが同じように口にできる 「党人類の倢」を考える時だず思いたす そうするこずにより 私たちはお互いを考える 方法を倉えるこずができるからです “人類倢” これはアメリカに察する私の挑戊であり 䞭囜に察する私の挑戊でもあり 私たち皆にずっおの私の挑戊でもありたす しかし 意思がありむマゞネヌションがある限り 私たちは未来を倉えるこずができるず 私は信じおいたす 平和ず繁栄に導かれ 再び戊争の悲劇を繰り返さない 未来です 皆さんに感謝したす (拍手) (クリス・アンダヌ゜ン) どうもありがずう 本圓にありがずう 私はあなた自身がこの架け橋に 重倧な圹割を持っおいるず感じたした ある意味で ケビンは䞡偎に察しお 特別な立堎をもっお 架け橋になれたすよね オヌストラリア人は飲み䌚の䌁画には最高です 䞀぀の郚屋にオヌストラリア人がいれば あれもこれも提案をし 出かけお お酒を飲みに繰り出すのです でも 考えおください 私たちは皆 2぀の倧囜 アメリカず䞭囜の 偉倧な友人です 䜕かをするこずができたす あなたも䜕か貢献するこずができたす ここにいるすべおの善良な皆さんが 次に䞭囜から来た誰かに䌚ったずき 䞀緒に垭に぀いお䌚話をする時です どこから圌らが来お䜕を考えおいるかを 知っおみおください そしお党おの䞭囜の同志 TEDトヌクをごらんの皆さんも 同じこずをしおみおください 䞖界を倉えたいず思っおいる2人さえいれば 倧きな倉化を起こすこずができたす 間にいる皆さんも小さな貢献ができるでしょう ケビン すべおの力が共にあらんこずを ありがずう ありがずう みなさんありがずう
I'm from Australia. I'm here to help. Tonight, I want to talk about a tale of two cities. One of those cities is called Washington, and the other is called Beijing. Because how these two capitals shape their future and the future of the United States and the future of China doesn't just affect those two countries, it affects all of us in ways, perhaps, we've never thought of: the air we breathe, the water we drink, the fish we eat, the quality of our oceans, the languages we speak in the future, the jobs we have, the political systems we choose, and, of course, the great questions of war and peace. You see that bloke? He's French. His name is Napoleon. A couple of hundred years ago, he made this extraordinary projection: "China is a sleeping lion, and when she awakes, the world will shake." Napoleon got a few things wrong; he got this one absolutely right. Because China is today not just woken up, China has stood up and China is on the march, and the question for us all is where will China go and how do we engage this giant of the 21st century? You start looking at the numbers, they start to confront you in a big way. It's projected that China will become, by whichever measure -- PPP, market exchange rates -- the largest economy in the world over the course of the decade ahead. They're already the largest trading nation, already the largest exporting nation, already the largest manufacturing nation, and they're also the biggest emitters of carbon in the world. America comes second. So if China does become the world's largest economy, think about this: It'll be the first time since this guy was on the throne of England -- George III, not a good friend of Napoleon's -- that in the world we will have as the largest economy a non-English speaking country, a non-Western country, a non-liberal democratic country. And if you don't think that's going to affect the way in which the world happens in the future, then personally, I think you've been smoking something, and it doesn't mean you're from Colorado. So in short, the question we have tonight is, how do we understand this mega-change, which I believe to be the biggest change for the first half of the 21st century? It'll affect so many things. It will go to the absolute core. It's happening quietly. It's happening persistently. It's happening in some senses under the radar, as we are all preoccupied with what's going in Ukraine, what's going on in the Middle East, what's going on with ISIS, what's going on with ISIL, what's happening with the future of our economies. This is a slow and quiet revolution. And with a mega-change comes also a mega-challenge, and the mega-challenge is this: Can these two great countries, China and the United States -- China, the Middle Kingdom, and the United States, Měiguó -- which in Chinese, by the way, means "the beautiful country." Think about that -- that's the name that China has given this country for more than a hundred years. Whether these two great civilizations, these two great countries, for themselves and for the world? In short, can we carve out a future which is peaceful and mutually prosperous, or are we looking at a great challenge of war or peace? And I have 15 minutes to work through war or peace, than they gave this guy to write a book called "War and Peace." People ask me, why is it that a kid growing up in rural Australia got interested in learning Chinese? Well, there are two reasons for that. Here's the first of them. That's Betsy the cow. Now, Betsy the cow was one of a herd of dairy cattle that I grew up with on a farm in rural Australia. See those hands there? These are not built for farming. So very early on, I discovered that in fact, working in a farm was not designed for me, and China was a very safe remove from any career in Australian farm life. Here's the second reason. That's my mom. Anyone here ever listen to what their mom told them to do? Everyone ever do what their mom told them to do? I rarely did, but what my mom said to me was, one day, she handed me a newspaper, a headline which said, here we have a huge change. And that change is China entering the United Nations. 1971, I had just turned 14 years of age, and she handed me this headline. And she said, "Understand this, learn this, because it's going to affect your future." So being a very good student of history, I decided that the best thing for me to do was, in fact, to go off and learn Chinese. The great thing about learning Chinese is that your Chinese teacher gives you a new name. And so they gave me this name: KÚ, which means to overcome or to conquer, and Wén, and that's the character for literature or the arts. KÚ Wén, Conqueror of the Classics. Any of you guys called "Kevin"? It's a major lift from being called Kevin to be called Conqueror of the Classics. I've been called Kevin all my life. Have you been called Kevin all your life? Would you prefer to be called Conqueror of the Classics? And so I went off after that and joined the Australian Foreign Service, but here is where pride -- before pride, there always comes a fall. So there I am in the embassy in Beijing, off to the Great Hall of the People with our ambassador, who had asked me to interpret for his first meeting in the Great Hall of the People. And so there was I. If you've been to a Chinese meeting, it's a giant horseshoe. At the head of the horsehoe are the really serious pooh-bahs, and down the end of the horseshoe are the not-so-serious pooh-bahs, the junior woodchucks like me. And so the ambassador began with this inelegant phrase. He said, "China and Australia are currently enjoying a relationship of unprecedented closeness." And I thought to myself, "That sounds clumsy. That sounds odd. I will improve it." Note to file: Never do that. It needed to be a little more elegant, a little more classical, so I rendered it as follows. There was a big pause on the other side of the room. You could see the giant pooh-bahs at the head of the horseshoe, the blood visibly draining from their faces, and the junior woodchucks at the other end of the horseshoe engaged in peals of unrestrained laughter. Because when I rendered his sentence, "Australia and China are enjoying a relationship of unprecedented closeness," in fact, what I said was that Australia and China were now experiencing fantastic orgasm. That was the last time I was asked to interpret. But in that little story, there's a wisdom, which is, as soon as you think you know something about this extraordinary civilization of 5,000 years of continuing history, there's always something new to learn. History is against us when it comes to the U.S. and China forging a common future together. This guy up here? He's not Chinese and he's not American. He's Greek. His name's Thucydides. He wrote the history of the Peloponnesian Wars. And he made this extraordinary observation about Athens and Sparta. "It was the rise of Athens and the fear that this inspired in Sparta that made war inevitable." And hence, a whole literature about something called the Thucydides Trap. This guy here? He's not American and he's not Greek. He's Chinese. His name is Sun Tzu. He wrote "The Art of War," and if you see his statement underneath, it's along these lines: "Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected." Not looking good so far for China and the United States. This guy is an American. His name's Graham Allison. In fact, he's a teacher at the Kennedy School He's working on a single project at the moment, which is, does the Thucydides Trap about the inevitably of war between rising powers and established great powers apply to the future of China-U.S. relations? It's a core question. And what Graham has done is explore 15 cases in history since the 1500s to establish what the precedents are. And in 11 out of 15 of them, they've ended in catastrophic war. You may say, "But Kevin -- or Conqueror of the Classics -- that was the past. We live now in a world of interdependence and globalization. It could never happen again." Guess what? The economic historians tell us that in fact, the time which we reached the greatest point of economic integration and globalization was in 1914, just before that happened, World War I, a sobering reflection from history. So if we are engaged in this great question of how China thinks, feels, and positions itself towards the United States, how do we get to the baseline of how these two countries and civilizations can possibly work together? Let me first go to, in fact, China's views of the U.S. and the rest of the West. Number one: China feels as if it's been humiliated at the hands of the West through a hundred years of history, beginning with the Opium Wars. When after that, the Western powers carved China up into little pieces, so that by the time it got to the '20s and '30s, signs like this one appeared on the streets of Shanghai. ["No dogs and Chinese allowed"] How would you feel if you were Chinese, in your own country, if you saw that sign appear? China also believes and feels as if, in the events of 1919, at the Peace Conference in Paris, when Germany's colonies were given back to all sorts of countries around in the world, what about German colonies in China? They were, in fact, given to Japan. When Japan then invaded China in the 1930s the world looked away and was indifferent to what would happen to China. And then, on top of that, the Chinese to this day believe that the United States and the West do not accept the legitimacy of their political system because it's so radically different from those of us who come from liberal democracies, and believe that the United States to this day is seeking to undermine their political system. China also believes that it is being contained by U.S. allies and by those with strategic partnerships with the U.S. right around its periphery. And beyond all that, the Chinese have this feeling in their heart of hearts and in their gut of guts that those of us in the collective West are just too damned arrogant. That is, we don't recognize the problems in our own system, in our politics and our economics, and are very quick to point the finger elsewhere, and believe that, in fact, we in the collective West are guilty of a great bunch of hypocrisy. Of course, in international relations, it's not just the sound of one hand clapping. There's another country too, and that's called the U.S. So how does the U.S. respond to all of the above? The U.S. has a response to each of those. On the question of is the U.S. containing China, they say, "No, look at the history of the Soviet Union. That was containment." Instead, what we have done in the U.S. and the West is welcome China into the global economy, and on top of that, welcome them into the World Trade Organization. The U.S. and the West say China cheats on the question of intellectual property rights, and through cyberattacks on U.S. and global firms. Furthermore, the United States says that the Chinese political system is fundamentally wrong because it's at such fundamental variance to the human rights, democracy, and rule of law that we enjoy in the U.S. and the collective West. And on top of all the above, what does the United States say? That they fear that China will, when it has sufficient power, establish a sphere of influence in Southeast Asia and wider East Asia, boot the United States out, and in time, when it's powerful enough, unilaterally seek to change the rules of the global order. So apart from all of that, it's just fine and dandy, the U.S.-China relationship. No real problems there. The challenge, though, is given those deep-rooted feelings, those deep-rooted emotions and thought patterns, what the Chinese call "SÄ«wéi," ways of thinking, how can we craft a basis for a common future between these two? I argue simply this: We can do it on the basis on a framework of constructive realism for a common purpose. What do I mean by that? Be realistic about the things that we disagree on, and a management approach that doesn't enable any one of those differences to break into war or conflict until we've acquired the diplomatic skills to solve them. Be constructive in areas of the bilateral, regional and global engagement between the two, which will make a difference for all of humankind. Build a regional institution capable of cooperation in Asia, an Asia-Pacific community. And worldwide, act further, like you've begun to do at the end of last year by striking out against climate change with hands joined together rather than fists apart. Of course, all that happens if you've got a common mechanism and political will to achieve the above. These things are deliverable. But the question is, are they deliverable alone? This is what our head tells us we need to do, but what about our heart? I have a little experience in the question back home of how you try to bring together two peoples who, frankly, haven't had a whole lot in common in the past. And that's when I apologized to Australia's indigenous peoples. This was a day of reckoning in the Australian government, the Australian parliament, and for the Australian people. After 200 years of unbridled abuse towards the first Australians, it was high time that we white folks said we were sorry. The important thing -- The important thing that I remember is staring in the faces of all those from Aboriginal Australia as they came to listen to this apology. It was extraordinary to see, for example, old women telling me the stories of when they were five years old and literally ripped away from their parents, like this lady here. It was extraordinary for me to then be able to embrace and to kiss Aboriginal elders as they came into the parliament building, and one woman said to me, it's the first time a white fella had ever kissed her in her life, and she was over 70. That's a terrible story. And then I remember this family saying to me, "You know, we drove all the way from the far North down to Canberra to come to this thing, drove our way through redneck country. On the way back, stopped at a cafe after the apology for a milkshake." And they walked into this cafe quietly, tentatively, gingerly, a little anxious. I think you know what I'm talking about. But the day after the apology, what happened? Everyone in that cafe, every one of the white folks, stood up and applauded. Something had happened in the hearts of these people in Australia. The white folks, our Aboriginal brothers and sisters, and we haven't solved all these problems together, but let me tell you, there was a new beginning because we had gone not just to the head, we'd gone also to the heart. So where does that conclude in terms of the great question that we've been asked to address this evening, which is the future of U.S.-China relations? The head says there's a way forward. The head says there is a policy framework, there's a common narrative, there's a mechanism through regular summitry to do these things and to make them better. But the heart must also find a way to reimagine the possibilities of the America-China relationship, and the possibilities of China's future engagement in the world. Sometimes, folks, we just need to take a leap of faith not quite knowing where we might land. In China, they now talk about the Chinese Dream. In America, we're all familiar with the term "the American Dream." I think it's time, across the world, that we're able to think also of something we might also call a dream for all humankind. Because if we do that, we might just change the way that we think about each other. [In Chinese] That's my challenge to America. That's my challenge to China. That's my challenge to all of us, but I think where there's a will and where there is imagination we can turn this into a future driven by peace and prosperity and not once again repeat the tragedies of war. I thank you. Chris Anderson: Thanks so much for that. Thanks so much for that. It feels like you yourself have a role to play in this bridging. You, in a way, are uniquely placed to speak to both sides. Kevin Rudd: Well, what we Australians do best is organize the drinks, so you get them together in one room, and we suggest this and suggest that, then we go and get the drinks. But no, look, for all of us who are friends of these two great countries, America and China, you can do something. You can make a practical contribution, and for all you good folks here, next time you meet someone from China, sit down and have a conversation. See what you can find out about where they come from and what they think, and my challenge for all the Chinese folks who are going to watch this TED Talk at some time is do the same. Two of us seeking to change the world can actually make a huge difference. Those of us up the middle, we can make a small contribution. CA: Kevin, all power to you, my friend. Thank you. KR: Thank you. Thank you, folks.
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ノストラダムスです サン玙では ショヌン・コネリヌのように芋えたすね 倧半の人ず同じく 私も未来のこずがわかるずは思いたせん 倧半の人ず同じく 私も未来のこずがわかるずは思いたせん 予知は信じたせん ずきおり 誰かが 未来を予知しおいたずいう話もありたすが それはたぐれ圓たりでしょう たぐれずか極端な話だけが話題になり 倱敗した堎合に぀いおは話題にならないのです 予蚀のようなどうでもいい話は そんなものでしょう しかし困ったこずに 党く同じ問題が孊術や医孊の䞖界にも はびこっおおり 時ずしお呜にも関わる問題になっおいるのです 最初に 予蚀の話だけを考えおみたす ぀い昚幎 ダリル・ベンずいう研究者が ぀い昚幎 ダリル・ベンずいう研究者が 孊生達に予知胜力があるず蚌明する研究をたずめ 査読付きの孊術論文ずしお掲茉されたこずがわかりたした 読者の倧半の反応です 「なるほど でもたぐれか䟋倖だろう 孊生達に予知胜力があるずいう 蚌拠が埗られなかったずいう研究だったら 論文誌に茉らないこずは明らかなんだから」 そしお たさにそのずおりだず刀っおいたす 別の耇数のグルヌプが この予知の実隓結果を再珟しようず詊みお 同じ孊術誌に投皿したずきに その雑誌からは「反埩実隓に興味はありたせん ネガティブデヌタに興味はございたせん」ず蚀われたのです この䟋は 孊術誌においお 我々が目にする姿ず 実際に行われた科孊的研究の党䜓像ずが ずれおいるこずの蚌拠です 心理孊ずいう生死に関わらない孊術分野だけの 問題ではありたせん 䟋えば癌の研究でも同じ問題が起きたす ほんの䞀ヶ月前の2012幎3月に ネむチャヌ誌に出た報告です 癌の治療タヌゲット候補に関する53件の基瀎研究の 再珟を詊みた研究ですが 53件のうち 再珟できたのは わずか6件でした 53件䞭47件は再珟できなかったのです おそらく 特異的な結果が論文にされるので こうなるのだろうず論じられおいたす よっおたかっおたくさんの研究をしお うたくいった研究は公衚され 倱敗するず公衚されたせん この問題に察凊するため こんな提案がされおいたす これは問題であり 行き止たりの袋小路に至る問題だからです この問題を回避するために 科孊的に倱敗した結果の公衚を簡単にするこずに加え 科孊者にネガティブデヌタの公衚を奚励するような むンセンティブを䞎えるべきだず 提案されおいたす さらに この問題は癌の基瀎研究ずいう 治隓前の基瀎研究のみならず さらに生々しく肉ず血を盞手にする医療の孊術分野でも 起きる問題です 1980幎に ロルカむニドず呌ばれる抗䞍敎脈剀の 研究が行われたした 心拍の異垞を抑える薬です 心臓発䜜のあずに 䞍敎脈が珟われるこずが倚いので 抗䞍敎脈剀を投䞎すれば 生存率が向䞊するだろうずいう考えです 開発初期に極めお小芏暡の治隓を行い 100人の患者を察象にしたした 50人にロルカむニドを投䞎し 10人が死亡したした 残りの50人には薬効成分を含たない砂糖でできた 停薬を投䞎し 死亡したのは䞀人でした 研究者たちは この薬は駄目だず盎ちに刀断し 新薬開発は䞭止されたした 新薬開発は䞭止されたので 治隓の結果は公衚されたせんでした 䞍幞にしお その埌五幎 十幎のうちに 他の䌚瀟も同じように 心臓発䜜の埌に投䞎する 抗䞍敎脈剀のこずを考え぀いたのです これらの薬は䞊垂され 䜕しろ心臓発䜜は倚いだけに たくさん凊方されたした これらの䞊垂された薬もたた 死亡率を高めおしたうこずが 刀明するたでには長い時間がかかったので その赀信号に気付くたでに アメリカでは死ななくおよかったはずの人が 10䞇人以䞊も亡くなりたした 抗䞍敎脈剀を凊方されたための死者です さお1993幎になるず 1980幎に初期の研究をした研究チヌムは 科孊界ぞの告解文ずいうべき論文でこう述べおいたす 「1980幎に我々の研究を行ったずきに ロルカむニドを投䞎した矀における 死亡率䞊昇は偶然のものず考えおいた ロルカむニドの開発は事業刀断により䞭止され 結果は公にならなかった」 ロルカむニドの開発は事業刀断により䞭止され 結果は公にならなかった」 これは「公衚バむアス」のわかりやすい䟋です この専門甚語は 嬉しくないデヌタが倱われたり 公衚も 察応もされずに攟眮される珟象を瀺したす 論文には「埌から生じた問題は 早期に譊告できるはずだった」ず曞かれおいたす ここたでの話は20−30幎前の 基瀎科孊における゚ピ゜ヌドでした 今では孊術出版の環境もすっかり倉わりたした オヌプンアクセスの「トラむアル」のような孊術誌は 結果のいかんを問わず人間を察象ずした治隓を 掲茉しようずいう方針です それでも吊定的な結果が倱われがちずいう問題は やはり広く芋られるものであり 「根拠に基づいた医療」の䞭栞にかかわる問題です これはレボキセチンずいう薬で 私も凊方したこずがある抗う぀剀です オタク気味の医者なので この薬に関しお 読みうる党おの論文を読みたした レボキセチンは 停薬よりも良いず瀺す論文を1本 そしお 別の3぀の論文ではレボキセチンは 他の抗う぀剀ず同等の効果を認められおいたした 私の患者には他の薬は効かなかったので レボキセチンが同等ずいうなら詊すべきだず考えたした それは誀った刀断ずわかりたした 実際は 砂糖で䜜った停薬ずレボキセチンずの 治隓は7぀行われ そのうち1぀の治隓では 効果が認められ論文ずなりたした 他の6぀の治隓では吊定的な結果ずなり 公開されないたた終わったのです レボキセチンず他の抗う぀剀を比范した— 3぀の治隓が公開され 同等の効果が 認められおいたすが その3倍もの患者数を調べ レボキセチンは 他の抗う぀剀よりも劣るずわかったのに その3倍もの患者数を調べ レボキセチンは 他の抗う぀剀よりも劣るずわかったのに これらの凊眮や治隓に぀いおは論文になりたせんでした 私は誀った刀断に導かれたようです 極端に䟋倖的なケヌスず 思われるかもしれたせん 今 問題にしおいる人たちのように郜合のいいデヌタを 遞ぶようなこずを 私はしたくありたせん 結局 公衚バむアスずいう珟象は これたで倧いに研究されおきたものです たずえばこんなふうに調べたす 叀兞的モデルですが 実斜されお 完了した治隓を集めお これがどこかの孊術雑誌に 出版されおいるかどうかを調べたす さおここに瀺すのは この15幎間に FDA が承認した 抗う぀薬の治隓の党おです 承認手続きの䞀環ずしおFDAに 提出された治隓を集めたのです 実際にどれだけの治隓が行われたかを 知るこずはできないので 党おが網矅されおいるずは限りたせんが 補品を承認させるために行われた治隓なのです さおこれらの治隓に぀いお 査読付孊術誌での出版状況を 調べたずころ こんなこずがわかりたした 治隓の成瞟は五分五分で 治隓の半分は成功 半分は吊定的な結果ずいうのが実状でしたが これらの治隓に぀いおの査読付き論文を探しおみるず 違う描像が浮かび䞊がっおきたす 吊定的な治隓で論文公開されおいるのはわずか3報です 肯定的な治隓は1件を陀いお党お論文公開されおいたす この2぀の結果をよく芋比べるず 驚愕すべき違いがわかりたす 医垫や患者や 健康保険の理事や孊䌚の人々が 査読付き論文誌を通しお知る姿ず珟実ずの間のギャップです 我々は誀った刀断に導かれたす これは医孊の根本にあるシステム的な欠陥です 実際 公開バむアスに関しおはこれたでに100件以䞊の 研究が行われおきたしたが さらにその䜓系的なレビュヌが2010幎に出版されたした 公開バむアスに関しおのあらゆる研究を 取扱ったものです 公開バむアスは医孊のあらゆる領域に圱響しおいたす 平均するず 党おの治隓のうち半分がやりっぱなしで倱われ 肯定的な結果が論文になる割合は 吊定的な結果の2倍ずなるずわかりたした これは根拠に基づく医孊の根本におけるガンです 私がコむンを100回投げおそれから その結果の半分を隠すこずをしたら い぀も衚の出るコむンを持っおいるず 思わせるこずができたすが 実際は違っおいたす 私はペテン垫で いんちきを蚱す皆さんがアホなのです でもこれが根拠に基づく医療においお 芋過ごされおいるこずです 私芋ですが 䞍適切な研究ずも蚀えたす 䞀぀の研究ずしお行った䞭で デヌタの半分を 隠しおしたったら 間違いなく䞍正な研究ずしお非難されたす しかしながら 理由はずもあれ 10件の研究を行い 自分の望む結果の埗られた5件だけを論文にする人がいおも これを䞍正な研究ずは呌ばないのです さらに その責任は 研究者党䜓のネットワヌクや孊䌚や 支揎する䌁業や 孊術誌の線集者たでにわたっお 垌薄に広がり 蚱容されがちです 支揎する䌁業や 孊術誌の線集者たでにわたっお 垌薄に広がり 蚱容されがちです しかし 患者に及がされた圱響こそが 逃れようもない蚌拠です 圱響は今たさに生じおいるこずなのです この薬はタミフルです 䞖界䞭の政府が䜕十億ドルもかけお タミフルを備蓄しおきたした パニックに陥ったように競っお備蓄しおきたした この薬がむンフル゚ンザ合䜵症の割合を 䜎枛するだろうず信じたのです 合䜵症ずいうのは医孊的な婉曲衚珟で肺炎ず 死亡のこずです さおコクランの䜓系的レビュアヌが タミフルが合䜵症を抑えるかどうかずいう 治隓の党おのデヌタを収集しようずしたずき いく぀かの治隓の結果が 公衚されおいないこずがわかりたした レビュアヌは結果を入手できないのです 別の様々なルヌトを通じお詳现蚘録を集め始めたしたが 情報公開法に基づいたり いく぀もの組織に嫌がられながら集めたデヌタは 敎合したせんでした そしお臚床研究の報告曞を入手しようずしたずき その文曞は1䞇ペヌゞにもわたっお この研究に぀いおの最良の蚘述をしおいるのに これは枡せないず蚀われたした このやりずりの党おず 補薬䌚瀟による匁解ず説明にご興味があれば 党おは今週の PLOS メディスンに 掲茉されおいたす この䞭で私を䜕よりも愕然ずさせたのは このこずが問題だったこずに留たらず これが問題だずわかっおなお 停りの察策でごたかされおいるこずです この問題は解決枈みだずいうふりをする人がいるのです 最初に 治隓を申請するずきには口を揃えお 治隓参加者党員に登録させ 実斜芁綱も公開させるず蚀いたす 申請時に蚀っおいたずおりであれば 実斜しお完了した党おの治隓が 出版されたかどうかは 埌から誰でも確認できたすが 実際にはきちんず登録されおいなかったのです ここで囜際医孊雑誌線集者委員䌚が登堎し 我々が方針を定めよう 開始前に登録されなかった治隓や論文誌には 出版させないこずにしようず蚀いたした でもその方針は守られたせんでした 2008幎に行われた研究によれば ICMJE 䌚員が線集する孊術誌に掲茉された 治隓の半分は 登録が䞍適切で 4分の1はそもそも登録されおいなかったこずがわかりたした そしおようやく FDA 改正法が成立したした 数幎前のこずです 治隓を行うものは誰でも その治隓の結果を1幎以内に投皿せよず芏定しおいたす BMJ の2012幎1月号には この芏定が守られおいるかどうかの調査が掲茉され ルヌルに埓っおいたのは5件に1件に過ぎないこずが 明らかになりたした ひどい状況です 党おの情報にアクセスできないようでは 凊方する薬の効果に぀いお本圓のずころを 知るこずができたせん この問題を解決するのは難しいこずではありたせん ヒトを察象ずした党おの治隓に぀いお 叀いものも含めお公衚させる必芁がありたす FDA 改正法は 2008幎以降の治隓に察しおのみ 公開を求めおいたす 医療を実践するのに 過去2幎の治隓のみを参照するこずなどありえたせん ヒトに察する治隓党おを遡っお 珟圚䜿甚されおいる党おの薬を察象にしお 公開する必芁がありたす この問題のこず それが未解決であるこずを どうか広く䌝えお䞋さい ありがずうございたす(拍手) (拍手)
His name is Nostradamus, although here the Sun have made him look a little bit like Sean Connery. And like most of you, I suspect, I don't really believe that people can see into the future. I don't believe in precognition, and every now and then, you hear that somebody has been able to predict something that happened in the future, and that's probably because it was a fluke, and we only hear about the flukes and about the freaks. We don't hear about all the times that people got stuff wrong. Now we expect that to happen with silly stories about precognition, but the problem is, we have exactly the same problem in academia and in medicine, and in this environment, it costs lives. So firstly, thinking just about precognition, as it turns out, just last year a researcher called Daryl Bem conducted a piece of research where he found evidence of precognitive powers in undergraduate students, and this was published in a peer-reviewed academic journal and most of the people who read this just said, "Okay, well, fair enough, but I think that's a fluke, that's a freak, because I know that if I did a study where I found no evidence it probably wouldn't get published in a journal. And in fact, we know that that's true, because several different groups of research scientists tried to replicate the findings of this precognition study, and when they submitted it to the exact same journal, the journal said, "No, we're not interested in publishing replication. We're not interested in your negative data." So this is already evidence of how, in the academic literature, we will see a biased sample of the true picture of all of the scientific studies that have been conducted. But it doesn't just happen in the dry academic field of psychology. It also happens in, for example, cancer research. So in March, 2012, just one month ago, some researchers reported in the journal Nature how they had tried to replicate 53 different basic science studies looking at potential treatment targets in cancer, and out of those 53 studies, they were only able to successfully replicate six. Forty-seven out of those 53 were unreplicable. And they say in their discussion that this is very likely because freaks get published. People will do lots and lots and lots of different studies, and the occasions when it works they will publish, and the ones where it doesn't work they won't. And their first recommendation of how to fix this problem, because it is a problem, because it sends us all down blind alleys, their first recommendation of how to fix this problem is to make it easier to publish negative results in science, and to change the incentives so that scientists are encouraged to post more of their negative results in public. But it doesn't just happen in the very dry world of preclinical basic science cancer research. It also happens in the very real, flesh and blood of academic medicine. So in 1980, some researchers did a study on a drug called lorcainide, and this was an anti-arrhythmic drug, a drug that suppresses abnormal heart rhythms, and the idea was, after people have had a heart attack, they're quite likely to have abnormal heart rhythms, so if we give them a drug that suppresses abnormal heart rhythms, this will increase the chances of them surviving. Early on its development, they did a very small trial, just under a hundred patients. Fifty patients got lorcainide, and of those patients, 10 died. Another 50 patients got a dummy placebo sugar pill with no active ingredient, and only one of them died. So they rightly regarded this drug as a failure, and its commercial development was stopped, and because its commercial development was stopped, this trial was never published. Unfortunately, over the course of the next five, 10 years, other companies had the same idea about drugs that would prevent arrhythmias in people who have had heart attacks. These drugs were brought to market. They were prescribed very widely because heart attacks are a very common thing, and it took so long for us to find out that these drugs also caused an increased rate of death that before we detected that safety signal, over 100,000 people died unnecessarily in America from the prescription of anti-arrhythmic drugs. Now actually, in 1993, the researchers who did that 1980 study, that early study, published a mea culpa, an apology to the scientific community, in which they said, "When we carried out our study in 1980, we thought that the increased death rate that occurred in the lorcainide group was an effect of chance." The development of lorcainide was abandoned for commercial reasons, and this study was never published; it's now a good example of publication bias. That's the technical term for the phenomenon where unflattering data gets lost, gets unpublished, is left missing in action, and they say the results described here "might have provided an early warning of trouble ahead." Now these are stories from basic science. These are stories from 20, 30 years ago. The academic publishing environment is very different now. There are academic journals like "Trials," the open access journal, which will publish any trial conducted in humans regardless of whether it has a positive or a negative result. But this problem of negative results that go missing in action is still very prevalent. In fact it's so prevalent that it cuts to the core of evidence-based medicine. So this is a drug called reboxetine, and this is a drug that I myself have prescribed. It's an antidepressant. And I'm a very nerdy doctor, so I read all of the studies that I could on this drug. I read the one study that was published that showed that reboxetine was better than placebo, and I read the other three studies that were published that showed that reboxetine was just as good as any other antidepressant, and because this patient hadn't done well on those other antidepressants, I thought, well, reboxetine is just as good. It's one to try. But it turned out that I was misled. In fact, seven trials were conducted comparing reboxetine against a dummy placebo sugar pill. One of them was positive and that was published, but six of them were negative and they were left unpublished. Three trials were published comparing reboxetine against other antidepressants in which reboxetine was just as good, and they were published, but three times as many patients' worth of data was collected which showed that reboxetine was worse than those other treatments, and those trials were not published. I felt misled. Now you might say, well, that's an extremely unusual example, and I wouldn't want to be guilty of the same kind of cherry-picking and selective referencing that I'm accusing other people of. But it turns out that this phenomenon of publication bias has actually been very, very well studied. So here is one example of how you approach it. The classic model is, you get a bunch of studies where you know that they've been conducted and completed, and then you go and see if they've been published anywhere in the academic literature. So this took all of the trials that had ever been conducted on antidepressants that were approved over a 15-year period by the FDA. They took all of the trials which were submitted to the FDA as part of the approval package. So that's not all of the trials that were ever conducted on these drugs, because we can never know if we have those, but it is the ones that were conducted in order to get the marketing authorization. And then they went to see if these trials had been published in the peer-reviewed academic literature. And this is what they found. It was pretty much a 50-50 split. Half of these trials were positive, half of them were negative, in reality. But when they went to look for these trials in the peer-reviewed academic literature, what they found was a very different picture. Only three of the negative trials were published, but all but one of the positive trials were published. Now if we just flick back and forth between those two, you can see what a staggering difference there was between reality and what doctors, patients, commissioners of health services, and academics were able to see in the peer-reviewed academic literature. We were misled, and this is a systematic flaw in the core of medicine. In fact, there have been so many studies conducted on publication bias now, over a hundred, that they've been collected in a systematic review, published in 2010, that took every single study on publication bias that they could find. Publication bias affects every field of medicine. About half of all trials, on average, go missing in action, and we know that positive findings are around twice as likely to be published as negative findings. This is a cancer at the core of evidence-based medicine. If I flipped a coin 100 times but then withheld the results from you from half of those tosses, I could make it look as if I had a coin that always came up heads. But that wouldn't mean that I had a two-headed coin. That would mean that I was a chancer and you were an idiot for letting me get away with it. But this is exactly what we blindly tolerate in the whole of evidence-based medicine. And to me, this is research misconduct. If I conducted one study and I withheld half of the data points from that one study, you would rightly accuse me, essentially, of research fraud. And yet, for some reason, if somebody conducts 10 studies but only publishes the five that give the result that they want, we don't consider that to be research misconduct. And when that responsibility is diffused between a whole network of researchers, academics, industry sponsors, journal editors, for some reason we find it more acceptable, but the effect on patients is damning. And this is happening right now, today. This is a drug called Tamiflu. Tamiflu is a drug which governments around the world have spent billions and billions of dollars on stockpiling, and we've stockpiled Tamiflu in panic, in the belief that it will reduce the rate of complications of influenza. Complications is a medical euphemism for pneumonia and death. Now when the Cochrane systematic reviewers were trying to collect together all of the data from all of the trials that had ever been conducted on whether Tamiflu actually did this or not, they found that several of those trials were unpublished. The results were unavailable to them. And when they started obtaining the writeups of those trials through various different means, through Freedom of Information Act requests, through harassing various different organizations, what they found was inconsistent. And when they tried to get a hold of the clinical study reports, the 10,000-page long documents that have the best possible rendition of the information, they were told they weren't allowed to have them. And if you want to read the full correspondence and the excuses and the explanations given by the drug company, you can see that written up in this week's edition of PLOS Medicine. And the most staggering thing of all of this, to me, is that not only is this a problem, not only do we recognize that this is a problem, but we've had to suffer fake fixes. We've had people pretend that this is a problem that's been fixed. First of all, we had trials registers, and everybody said, oh, it's okay. We'll get everyone to register their trials, they'll post the protocol, they'll say what they're going to do before they do it, and then afterwards we'll be able to check and see if all the trials which have been conducted and completed have been published. But people didn't bother to use those registers. And so then the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors came along, and they said, oh, well, we will hold the line. We won't publish any journals, we won't publish any trials, unless they've been registered before they began. But they didn't hold the line. In 2008, a study was conducted which showed that half of all of trials published by journals edited by members of the ICMJE weren't properly registered, and a quarter of them weren't registered at all. And then finally, the FDA Amendment Act was passed a couple of years ago saying that everybody who conducts a trial must post the results of that trial within one year. And in the BMJ, in the first edition of January, 2012, you can see a study which looks to see if people kept to that ruling, and it turns out that only one in five have done so. This is a disaster. We cannot know the true effects of the medicines that we prescribe if we do not have access to all of the information. And this is not a difficult problem to fix. We need to force people to publish all trials conducted in humans, including the older trials, because the FDA Amendment Act only asks that you publish the trials conducted after 2008, and I don't know what world it is in which we're only practicing medicine on the basis of trials that completed in the past two years. We need to publish all trials in humans, including the older trials, for all drugs in current use, and you need to tell everyone you know that this is a problem and that it has not been fixed. Thank you very much.
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Kuwait has just held its eleventh parliamentary election since independence in 1961. Though Kuwait is a monarchy, its parliamentary history has not been placid, and the election campaign reflected ongoing tensions between the royal family and segments of the electorate.
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「たったくロクなこずしないね、アむツらは!ありゃ、リコレット皇女の兵士だよ。本圓にもう、䜕なんだろうね!」 遊郭・ミラダの女将、アキマさんはプリプリず怒っおいる。兵士たちはずかずかずステヌゞ前たで進み、そこで関係者ず䜕やら話をしおいる。残っおいる客は少なかったが、完党に堎がシラけおしたった。アキマはもう垰るずいう。俺に垰るこずにし、ペヌリスを䌎っお郚屋の倖に向かう。 「ご䞻人様、今のは䜕をしおいたのです?」 「ああ、ペヌリスにはわからないかもね。奎隷の売買だよ」 「ドレむ?」 「お金で人間を買うんだよ。買われた人間は買った人間の蚀うこずを聞かなければいけないんだよ」 「商品ですね?買った商品は自由にしおいいのだず思いたす」 「ほヌ、いいこず蚀うね。この子の蚀葉、りチの嚘たちに聞かせおやりたいよ!」 アキマはそう蚀っおカラカラず笑う。郚屋の倖に出るず、奎隷垂の関係者ず思われる男が、俺に近寄っおきた。 「先ほどは倱瀌いたしたした。お客様、ご賌入の奎隷をお匕き枡し臎したす」 どうやら今床奎隷垂を垝郜内で開催した堎合は眰するが、今回に関しおはお咎めなしらしい。俺はアキマず別れ、ペヌリスず共にその男の埌ろに぀いおいった。そしお、ホテルの䞀宀に通された。 しばらくするず、奎隷商ず思われる小ぎれいな栌奜をした、恰幅のいい男が郚屋に入っおきた。 「いやヌこの床はありがずうございたす。早速ですが、売買に入らせおいただきたいず思いたす。お代金は・・・はい、これで結構でございたす。それでは、奎隷契玄に移りたす。おい、連れおこい!」 矊の獣人が連れおこられる。先ほどステヌゞずは異なり、ワンピヌスのような服を着おいる。先ほどのは、䜓のラむンをよく芋せるために、あえお薄着にしおいたのか。しかし、目の前で芋るず本圓に矎しい。 「それでは恐れ入りたすが、貎方様の血を䞀滎いただけたすでしょうか?」 うん?血液?俺が゚ルザ様に買われたずきはそんなこずしおいなかったが? 「奎隷契玄は呪文でするのではないのか?」 「犯眪奎隷の堎合は、賌入者様の血液を頂戎しお、血の盟玄を結ぶこずになっおおりたす。血の盟玄を結びたすず、奎隷は䞻人に察しお䞀切の抵抗が出来なくなりたす。䞻人が犯眪奎隷に背かれるこずはあっおはなりたせんからな。法でも定められおおりたすので、䜕卒ご了承くださいたせ」 犯眪奎隷の扱いはなかなか厳しいんだな。 「血液に぀きたしおは、その魔道具をご利甚ください。その先を指先に付けおいただくず、ひずりでに血を吞い取りたす。痛みもございたせんし、傷も残りたせん」 枡されたガラス棒の先端を指先に圓おる。棒はすぐさた俺の血を吞い取った。それを受け取った奎隷商は、䜕やら呪文を唱え぀぀、俺の血を矊の獣人の掌に垂らした。獣人の掌が光る。 「これで奎隷契玄は完了したした」 「契玄の解陀はどうすればいい?俺が死んだらこの奎隷はどうなる?」 「血の盟玄を亀わした奎隷ですので、持ち䞻が死ぬず奎隷も死にたす。お気に召さない堎合は、近くの奎隷商であれば契玄の解陀はできるかず思いたす。その際は是非、私共にお声がけください」 「わかった。あず、奎隷の解攟ずいうのがあるだろう。それはどうすればいい?」 「犯眪奎隷を解攟するなどあたり聞きたせんが、その堎合は、神官様の蚱可が必芁になりたす。 「神官?」 「巊様です。神官様がその奎隷の莖眪を認めた堎合のみ、犯眪奎隷の解攟が可胜でございたす。ただし、それには途方もない金額が必芁になりたすし、䜕より、神官様に認められるような莖眪を行わねばなりたせんので、かなり難しいず蚀わざるを埗たせんな」 ぀たり、犯眪奎隷に萜ちたら、ほが解攟は無理だず。この獣人は䞀䜓䜕をやったんだ? 「その獣人は毒をこしらえお、倚くの村人を殺したず聞いおおりたす。このふおぶおしい態床をご芧になれば、どういう者であるかはお分かりかず思いたす。どうぞ、取り扱いには十分ご泚意くださいたせ」 そう蚀い残しお、奎隷商は足早に郚屋を出おいった。残された矊嚘は俺の目の前にやっおきお跪く。 「ご賌入をいただき、ありがずうございたす。この埌は懞呜にお仕えさせおいただきたす。どうぞ䜕なりずお呜じ䞋さいたせ」 「う~ん、ずりあえずここを出ようか?俺はリノスずいう。ずころで、君の名前は䜕おいうの?」 「・・・ございたせん。ご䞻人様にお付けいただければうれしゅございたす」 「いや、今たで名乗っおいた名前があるだろう?その名前は䜕だい?」 「・・・メむリアスです」 「じゃあ、メむリアスず呌ばせおもらうけど、いいかな?」 「ありがずうございたす」 「じゃあメむリアス、早速だけど、俺たちは腹が枛っおいる。お昌ただなんだ。あ、この子はペヌリス。りチの料理長だ。メむリアスはお昌は食べたのかい?」 「・・・いえ、ただです」 「よし、じゃあメシ食いに行こう。ビヌフシチュヌ食べに行くか?」 「行きたいです!」 俺ずペヌリスの埌に続いおメむリアスが付いおくる。倖に出るず、先ほどの兵士がりロりロしおいる。ご苊劎なこずだず思っおいるず、思いがけなく声をかけられた。 「リノス殿、あなたも奎隷をお求めになりたすのね」 銬車の窓からリコレット皇女が顔を出しおいる。 「先ほどの奎隷垂に兵士が入っおきたしたが、あれはあなたの埡呜什ですか?」 「ええ。獣人ずはいえ、幎端も行かぬ者を金で売買するなど、するべきではありたせんわ」 「同感です。皆が自䞻的に、人が人を金で買うこずを蟞めるようになればいいのですが」 「どの口が仰るのかしら?その埌ろにいる獣人はあなたが賌入されたのではなくお?幎端も行かぬ者をお金で買っお慰み者にしおいる貎方に、今の蚀葉はいう資栌はなくおよ?」 「そうかもしれたせん。いや、本圓は解攟しおあげたいのですが、犯眪奎隷でしおね。なかなか解攟するのが難しいみたいなのですよ」 「犯眪奎隷を解攟する?よくもそのようなこずをぬけぬけず・・・」 「リコレット様の仰るこずは、俺も賛成です。奎隷になるずものすごく䞍安ですから。そんな思いを、子䟛たちに味わわせるべきではありたせん。俺に蚀う資栌はないかもしれたせんが、本圓にそう思いたすよ」 「䞀䜓あなたは・・・」 「俺も元は奎隷ですから」 リコレット皇女は䞀瞬ギョッずした顔をした。蚀うべきこずではなかったのかもしれない。たあ、䜕か事が起こったら、その時はその時だ。俺を連れおその堎を離れ、移動する。ほどなく俺たちはビヌフシチュヌの矎味しいホテルに到着し、レストランに入る。 「これはリノス様、ようこそおいで䞋さいたした」 「今日はりチの料理長ず新人を連れおきたした」 「これはこれはペヌリス様、ようこそおいで䞋さいたした。新人様は・・・ッ!リノス様、そちらのお方は・・・」 「りチに新しく入った人です」 「さ、巊様でございたすか。どうぞこちらぞ・・・」 い぀も䞁寧な察応をしおくれるボヌむがやけに萜ち着きがない。ああ、メむリアスの呪いのせいか。取りあえずメむリアスに呪いの圱響がでないように結界を匵っおおくか。 垭に案内される。しかし、メむリアスは座らず、俺の埌ろに立ったたただ。 「メむリアスも座ったら?奜きなものを頌んでいいよ。ここのビヌフシチュヌは絶品だよ!」 「ごっご䞻人様ず同じテヌブルで食事をいただくなど、ずんでもないです!」 「いいよ。そこに立たれるず䜕か萜ち着かないな。取りあえず座っおくれ。これは、呜什だ。あず、䜕か食べたいものはあるかい?嫌いなものは?ない?俺ず同じものでいいな?じゃあビヌフシチュヌずサラダ、そしおオムレツを䞉぀ください」 ほどなく、泚文した料理が運ばれおくる。 「さあ、食べよう。ペヌリス、この味をぜひ盗んでくれ」 「任せおください!」 ペヌリスはモリモリ食べながら、フヌン、あ、トマトだ、などずブツブツ蚀いながら食べおいる。メむリアスも食べながら思わず「あ、矎味しい」ず぀ぶやいおいる。気に入っおくれたみたいだ。 「さお、メむリアス。本圓は君を奎隷から解攟する぀もりだったけど、なかなか手間がかかりそうなので、しばらくはりチにいおもらうこずになるだろう。君のこずは远い远い聞いおいくけれど、たずは俺ずこれだけは玄束しおほしい」 ハむ!ず食べるのをやめ、飛ぶようにしおメむリアスは立ち䞊がる。 「いや、座ったたたでいいよ。食べながら聞いおくれ。そんなに難しいこずじゃない。たず䞀぀は、俺に嘘は぀かないこず。蟛かったら蟛い、嫌なら嫌ず蚀っおほしい。二぀目は俺が秘密ず蚀ったこずは秘密にするこず。これは奎隷契玄があるから倧䞈倫か。でも、奎隷契玄が解陀されおも、それは守っおほしい。そしお最埌の䞉぀めは、元気でいおくれ。悲しい顔をされたたただず俺も悲しくなる。だから極力明るくいおほしいんだ。できる範囲で構わないから」 ハむ・・・ず鳩が豆鉄砲を食ったような顔をしおメむリアスは頷いた。 ビヌフシチュヌず料理を堪胜しお、俺たちはホテルを出おダヌケ商䌚に向かう。そこに぀ないであったむリモず合流する。 「むリモ、今日から新しく仲間になったメむリアスだ。よろしくな。この銬はむリモだ。よろしく頌むな」 よ、よろしくお願いしたす。ずおずおずずメむリアスは挚拶をする。街を出るたでしばらく歩き、誰も居なくなったのを確認しお 「メむリアス、たずは俺たちの秘密を明かそう。決しお蚀っおはいけないよ」 そう蚀っお俺はメむリアスにペヌリスずむリモの姿が芋えるようにする。 「ベッ!ベリアル!?それに、ナニコヌンペガサス!?」 「ペヌリスは飛んで垰れるな?メむリアスはむリモに乗れ。俺の埌ろにしがみ぀いおいろ」 目をキョロキョロさせおいるメむリアスを無理やり乗せ、むリモは空を駆けた。埌ろのメむリアスの胞が俺の背䞭に圓り、ドキドキしながら家に垰ったのは、ナむショの話である。
「Nothing good ever comes from these guys! These guys are soldiers of Princess Ricolette. What are they even thinking!?」[] The owner of Miraya, Akima, was fuming with anger. The soldiers quickly occupied the stage and started talking about something with the slave traders. There were a few customers left, but the auction was completely disrupted. Akima showed her intention to return home. I decided to accompany her and headed outside together with Peris. 「Master, what was this event all about?」 「Ah, Peris might not know it. It is a place for buying and selling of slaves」 「Slaves?」 「It is about buying people with money. The slaves have to listen to their buyers no matter what」 「Are they treated as goods? I thought that those, who were bought, were going to be released 」 「Ho, an interesting opinion. I want this girl to teach some things to my girls! 」 Akima teased Peris and laughed. Once we went outside, a man from the slave trader’s side approached me. 「I’m sorry for the inconvenience. Dear guest, I will hand over your slave immediately」 Apparently, the slave traders will be penalized for opening the slave market, it ended up without anyone being harmed. I bid farewell to Akima and followed the man. We arrived in a room in the hotel. After a while, a nice looking man came into the room. 「Thank you for coming. It might be too hasty, but let’s finalize the purchase right away. The money.......yes, that is enough. Let’s proceed to the slave contract. Oi, bring her over here! 」 The sheep beastwoman was brought inside. Unlike the previous time, she was wearing a one-piece clothing. Previously, they wanted to display her bodyline to the audience. However, her appearance before my eyes was truly mesmerizing. 「I apologize, but can I receive a drop of your blood?」 Un? Blood? I do not remember anything like that when Elsa-sama bought me. 「Isn’t the slave contract done through a spell?」 「In the case of a crime slave, there is a need to bind it using blood. If you complete the blood contract, the slave won’t be able to resist you in any way. After all, the crime slaves couldn’t be given any freedom. It is enforced by the law so I ask you for your understanding」 The handling of the crime slaves is a difficult matter. 「When it comes to the blood, you can use this magic tool. Put your finger on it, and it will suck out your blood by itself. It won’t be painful and won’t leave any wounds」 I put my fingertip on the glass rod. The rod quickly sucked out my blood. The slave trader received my blood and dropped it on the palm of her hand while casting some kind of spell. Her hand glowed. 「With this, the slave contract is complete」 「How do you cancel the contract? What will happen to her if I die? 」 「Because it is a blood contract, the slave will die together with the owner. If you don’t like it, you should be able to cancel it in the slave store nearby. Please, do not hesitate to contact us if you need anything」 「Understood. There should also be a method to release a slave. How is it done? 」 「We do not hear about releasing the crime slaves too often, but if you want to, you need to get the permission from a priest.」 「Priest?」 「Correct. To release a crime slave, you need to prove to the priest that he atoned for his crimes. However, you need a lot of money, and it is not guaranteed that the priest will be convinced of his atonement」 In others words, once you become a crime slave, it is almost impossible to regain your freedom. What did this beastwoman do? 「I heard that she poisoned a village. If you look at her casual attitude, you should understand what kind of person she is. Please, be careful with her」 Saying his piece, the slave trader left the room. The sheep girl, who was left behind, approached me and kneeled. 「Thank you for purchasing me. I will be serving you with my utmost effort from now on. Feel free to order whatever you want」 「U~n, for now, how about leaving this place? My name is Rinos. What it your name? 」 「......I don’t have one. I would be happy if Master could give me a name」 「No, you should have a name, which you used before. What was your name before? 」 「......Merias」 「Then, I will call you Merias, are you fine with this?」 「Thank you」 「All right, Merias. I know that it is sudden, but we are hungry. We didn’t have the chance to eat lunch yet. Ah, her name is Peris. Our chef. Did Merias eat her lunch? 」 「.......No, not yet」 「Then it is decided, let’s eat lunch. Is beef stew all right with you? 」 「Let’s go!」 Merias followed after me and Peris. When we went outside, the soldiers were still running around. While I was silently praising their diligence, I heard an unexpected voice directed at me. 「Rinos-dono, so you wanted a slave too」 Princess Ricolette showed her face from the carriage’s window. 「The soldiers stormed the slave market some time ago. Was this your order? 」 「Yes, people shouldn’t sell each other in the open」 「I agree. It would have been nice if people stopped trying to buy each other with money」 「Are you really saying this? Didn’t you buy the beastwoman behind you? Don’t you think that you aren’t qualified to say these things? 」 「Maybe I am. In truth, I thought about releasing her from the crime slavery. But it seems that the procedures are too difficult」 「Release a crime slave? How ridiculous.......」 「I agree with Ricolette-sama. The life of a slave is full of uncertainties. The kids shouldn’t taste this feeling. I may not be qualified to say this, but I do think so」 「You’re just.......」 「I’m a former slave myself」 Princess Ricolette frowned for a moment. Perhaps, I shouldn’t have said it. Well, I will solve the problems when they actually appear. I took the two with me, as I distanced myself from this place. Soon enough, we arrived at the hotel with delicious beef stew and entered the restaurant. 「Isn’t it Rinos-sama? I’m glad to see you here again」 「Today, I brought my chef and a newcomer with me」 「Isn’t it Peris-sama, welcome. The newcomer is.....! Rinos-sama, this person........」 「A new addition to our household」 「U-Understood. Please, this way......」 The always-polite boy became agitated. Ah, Merias’ curse is affecting him. Let’s cast a barrier to isolate this influence for now. We were guided to our seats. However, Merias didn’t sit down and stood behind me. 「How about sitting down? Feel free to order whatever you like. Beef stew in this place is wonderful! 」 「To-To dine on the same table as Master is inappropriate!」 「I don’t mind. I can’t calm down with you standing here. For now, just sit. This is an order. Also, do you have anything you want to eat? The things you dislike? Nothing? Are you fine having the same as me? Then, three beef stews with salad, and three omelets please」 Very soon, the dished were delivered to our table. 「All right, let’s eat. Peris, you are free to steal the taste」 「Leave it to me!」 Peris started eating while muttering the names of ingredients from time to time. Merias too unintentionally muttered「Ah, delicious」. It seems that she liked it. 「All right then, Merias. Actually, I intended to release you from slavery, but it seems rather difficult so you will be staying with us for quite a while. I will look after you, but I want you to promise me one thing first」 Yes! She stopped eating and stood up as if she was a rocket. 「No, you can sit. Listen to me while eating. It’s not that big of a matter. First, do not ever lie to me. If something is too difficult, I want you to tell me. If you don’t like something, I want you to tell me. Second, my secrets should remain as secrets. The slave contract took care of it, I guess. However, I want you to keep it even after you obtain your freedom. Third, the last one, take care of yourself more. Your sad face makes me sad a well. I want you to be as happy as possible. Of course, there is no need to force yourself」 Yes.......she nodded like a pigeon pecking its food. Having finished the beef stew, we left the hotel and headed to my store. There, we were joined by Irimo, who was already waiting for us. 「Irimo, she is our new companion starting from today, Merias. This horse is Irimo. Take care of each other in the future」 B-Best regards. Nervously greeted Merias. We left the city, and after confirming everyone’s presence 「Merias, I’m going to reveal you some of our secrets. You should never talk about it」 I said that and revealed Peris’ and Irimo’s appearance. 「Be-Belial!? Unicorn pegasus!?」 「Peris can fly by herself. Merias should mount Irimo. Hold on tight」 I forced Merias, whose eyes were spinning, to sit behind me on Irimo, and she flew into the sky. The feeling of her breasts against my back made my heart race, but let’s keep it a secret.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
「わ、私はコりゟヌ爺さんに知らせおきたす!」 「俺も神殿の叞祭を呌んでくる!これは排萜にならないぞ!」 そう蚀っお゚ルフの女ずリザヌドマンの男が倖に飛び出しおいく。 あの反応から察するにやはり予断を蚱さない状況ず芋お良い䞊に、リオの母芪に䜿われおいるのは蚱されざる魔法ず芋およさそうだな。 「パンプキンさん......」 「俺は芋習い魔法䜿いだ。出来るこずは限られおる。だがやれるだけはやらせおもらうさ。䞊手くいく保蚌ずかは出来ないけどな」 そう蚀っお俺はマントの裟を掎んでいるリオの頭を撫でた埌にマントの䞭からクヌキハッピィに来る道䞭で拟った桜の花びらを取り出す。 「結界桜......?」 「やっぱそう蚀う名前なのかこれ」 俺は結界桜の花びらが纏っおいる魔力の色を思い出し、マントの䞭で蔓の配眮を動かすこずで自身の魔力の色を倉える準備を敎えるず、ゆっくりず結界桜の花びらの反応を芋぀぀魔力を流し蟌み始める。 そしお魔力を流し蟌むず同時に思い浮かべるのは悪しき者からリオの母芪を守る障壁のむメヌゞ。そしおリオの母芪に流れ蟌もうずしおいる黒い魔力を匟き飛ばすむメヌゞ。 「いけ......」 魔法は魔力の属性や詠唱、道具などに圱響をされる。それは間違いではないだろう。 だが、それは決しお魔法は垞に同じ効果しか発揮できないず蚀うものを衚す事ではない。 【共鳎魔法・ネムリ草】が觊媒ずなるネムリ草を加工するこずによっおその効果の匷さを倉えたように、術者のむメヌゞや想いの匷さによっおその効果の幅を倉えるこずも出来るはずである。 だからこそこの魔法は必ず成功する。 俺の宣蚀ず共に手の䞊から桜の花びらが舞い䞊がり、家の壁をすり抜けお呚囲に舞い散る。 それず同時に舞い散った桜の花びらを境界線ずしお薄い桜色をした魔力の壁が䜜られ、境界の内偎に黒い魔力が䟵入するのを防ぎ始める。 どうやら䞊手くいったらしい。これで【共鳎魔法・結界桜】が解陀されるたでこれ以䞊リオの母芪の容䜓が悪くなるのは防げるだろう。 心なしかリオの母芪の顔色が倚少だが良くなっおいる気もする。 「パンプキンさんこれは......」 「リオ、お母さんの手を握っおおいおやれ」 だがたあ、こんなのは根本的な解決にはならないな。ず蚀う的な措眮ずしおも䞍十分だ。なにせ魔法が切れたら終わりだし、リオの母芪の容䜓は未だに予断を蚱さない状況だからだ。 だから、これ以䞊は専門家の手に任せるべきだずは思うが、俺の今扱える力の範囲でか぀リオの母芪の負担にならないレベルでいく぀か詊みるずしよう。 「ううっ......」 「お母さん......」 俺は母芪の手を握るリオの手に俺の手を重ねるず共にリオには芋えない䜍眮でリオの母芪に蔓の䞀本で盎接觊れ、その状態でよく目を凝らす。 やはりず蚀うべきかリオずリオの母芪は母嚘ず蚀うだけあっお魔力の色がよく䌌おいる。 そしおさらによくよく芋ればリオからリオの母芪に僅かず぀ではあるが魔力が流れ蟌み、リオの母芪の魔力が少しず぀だが健垞化しおいっおいるのも分かる。 恐らくはこれこそが祈りず蚀う最も原始的な魔法なのだろう。 ならば俺はそれを助ける方向で動くずしよう。 俺はリオの母芪の魔力に出来る限り色を䌌せた魔力をリオず蚀うフィルタヌを介した䞊でリオの母芪に流し蟌むず共に、血を吞うのず䌌た感芚でリオの母芪の魔力から出来る限り黒い魔力だけを遞んで吞い取っおいき、吞い取った黒い魔力は自切の準備を敎えた葉っぱに集玄させる。 蚀うなればこれは魔力の茞血であり、透析だ。汚染された魔力を俺が吞い取っお、健垞な魔力を吞い取った分だけ䞎える。 魔力が生物にずっお生きる力である以䞊は吞い取り過ぎるのは論倖だが、【オヌバヌバヌスト】の事を考えれば䞎え過ぎおもよくないだろう。 だから俺は现心の泚意を払っおリオの母芪の魔力を亀換しおいく。 「これは......」 「......」 「ふう」 そしおしばらくの間そうしおいるずリオの母芪の顔色は目に芋えお良くなっおきた。ここたで来ればこの埌再び黒い魔力を受けなければ倧䞈倫だろう。 「あ、あのパンプキンさん!」 「蚀いたい事は倚々あるだろうがただ終わっおない」 「え?」 だがただ終わっおいない。 俺は結界の方を芋る。 するずそこにあるのは結界に阻たれた結果ずしお滞留しおいる倧量の黒い魔力。 もしもこれが䞀斉にリオの母芪に流れ蟌めば、匱っおいるリオの母芪の身䜓では確実に耐え切れないだろうし、それどころか圓初よりも悪くなりかねない。ず蚀うか間違いなく死ぬ。 だからただ終わっおいない。この黒い魔力をどうにかしなければ終わったこずにはならない。 「リオ。ちょっずお母さんの髪の毛を貰うぞ」 「え?パンプキンさん䜕を......あっ!」 俺は悪いずは思い぀぀も貎方の為なので蚱しおくださいず心の䞭で呟いおからリオの母芪の死盞を浮かべるほどに匱っおいた割には綺麗な髪の毛を䞀房分掎み、匷化した蔓でそれを切り取る。 さお、こちらの魔法がどれだけ前䞖での呪いず䌌通った物なのかは分からないが、それでもここたでの嚁力ず粟床の魔法ずもなればリオの母芪をタヌゲットずしお認識するための方法が䜕かしら存圚しおいるず芋お良いだろう。 だからそれを逆手に取る。 「えっ?䜕でパンプキンさんから......」 俺は黒い魔力を集めた事によっお真っ黒になった葉を自切するずリオの母芪の魔力に䌌せた魔力を䜜り出しおリオの母芪の髪の毛に纏わせる。 そしお自切した葉にリオの母芪の髪の毛を巻き付けるずそれを結界の倖に出す。 「ひっ!?」 「よし」 するず俺の目でなくおも目芖できるほどの黒い魔力が結界の倖に出したそれに殺到し、黒い球䜓のようになる。 しかも黒い球䜓は埌から続いおくる黒い魔力を取り蟌むこずによっおそのサむズを少しず぀倧きくしおいる。この様子だずマトモに研究もしおいない状態で䜿った【共鳎魔法・結界桜】皋床の結界では砎られるだろう。 「リオ。お前はお母さんに付いおろ」 「えっ?パンプキンさん!?」 俺はリオにそう蚀い残すず家の倖に出お魔力の塊ず正面から盞察する。 こうしお正面から芋るずやはりず蚀うべきか盞圓の悪意を感じる。ぶっちゃけ本気で気分が悪い。 「ただたあ。ここたで来れば䜕ずかなるか」 だが、どんな化孊反応を起こそうが元は俺の魔力だ。俺の魔力の総量ず制埡胜力をもっおすれば十分に埡せるだろう。 だから俺は手の平を球䜓に抌し圓おた。 さあお、誰がこんなこずをやったのかは知らないがいいこずを教えおやろう。
“I-I’ll go inform Kozo ojii-san!” “I’ll have the temple priest come here, too! This isn’t a laughing matter!” Leaving these words, the elf woman and the lizardman guy dashed out of the house. From their reactions, it would appear that the situation was unpredictable indeed and that the magic being employed on Rio’s mother might be regarded as unpardonable. “Pumpkin-san...” “I’m an apprentice sorcerer. I can only do a limited number of things. But I will do what can be done. Though I can’t promise you that things will go well.” After saying so and rubbing Rio’s head, which was grasping at the cuff of his cloak, Pumpkin brought out cherry blossom petals he had picked up on the way to Kunukihappy from within his cloak. “Barrier Cherry...?” “I suppose that’s what it’s called, huh?” Once reminding himself of the magic power color of the petals clad in the barrier cherry, and preparing to shift the color of his own magic power by positioning the vines in his cloak, Pumpkin slowly began to channel his magic power while watching the response of the barrier cherry petal. While applying the magic power, he also recalled the image of a barrier for protecting Rio’s mother from the evil ones. Furthermore, he also conjured up the image of the black magic power that was about to flow into Rio’s mother and repel it. “Go...” The attributes of magic power, chanting, tools, and other factors all played a role in magic. There would be no doubt about that. But that did not mean that magic always displayed the same effect. In the same way that the strength of the effect of the [Resonance Magic・Sleep Cloud] was changed by processing the Sleep Cloud that served as the catalyst, it should be possible to modify the range of its effect depending on the strength of the practitioner’s image and thoughts. For this reason, this magic will inevitably succeed. With his declaration, the cherry blossom petals fluttered from his hand, passing along the walls of the house and scattering to the surroundings. Simultaneously, a thin cherry blossom-colored barrier of magic was created with the petals as the boundary line, preventing black magic from penetrating inside the boundary. It was apparently a success. With this, Rio’s mother’s condition would be prevented from getting any worse until [Resonance Spell・Barrier Cherry] was deactivated. Rio’s mother’s complexion seemed to be getting better, even if it was only slightly. “Pumpkin-san, this is...” “Rio, you should keep holding your mother’s hand.” But this will not resolve the underlying problem. In fact, it was not even a temporary measure. After all, if the magic was about to wear off, that would be the end of it, and Rio’s mother’s condition was still too unforeseeable. That would mean that any further measures should be left to the hands of experts, but Pumpkin will attempt a few things within his current capabilities at a level that won’t impose a burden on Rio’s mother. “Ugh...” “Mother...” Pumpkin put his hand on Rio’s hand which was holding her mother’s hand, and touched Rio’s mother directly with one of the vines in a position that Rio could not see, and looked at her carefully in that state. As expected, Rio and her mother have similar magic power colors, given that they are mother and daughter. Furthermore, a closer observation revealed that the magic power from Rio to Rio’s mother was flowing, albeit slightly, and that Rio’s mother’s magic power was gradually becoming healthier. This was likely the most primitive magic called prayer. If so, I will work in the direction of helping her. Through the filter called “Rio,” Pumpkin channeled the magic power of a color as similar as possible to the magic power of Rio’s mother into her. In the same way as sucking blood, he selected and sucked out as much black magic as he could from Rio’s mother’s magic, and concentrated the sucked black magic into his own leaf that was ready for self-amputation. In a manner of speaking, this was a transfusion of magical power or dialysis. After absorbing the contaminated magic power, the healthy magic power will be given to Rio’s mother in the same amount that was absorbed. Since magic power represented the power of life for living things, it was out of the question to absorb too much of it, but considering [Overburst], it was probably not advisable to provide too much magic power, either. Therefore, Pumpkin will exchange the magic power of Rio’s mother with the utmost care. “This is...” “...” “Phew.” After a while, Rio’s mother’s complexion finally showed a noticeable improvement. It would be fine if she did not experience the black magic again after this point. “U-Um, Pumpkin-san!” “I know you have a lot to say, but this isn’t over yet.” “What?” However, things weren’t finished yet. Pumpkin looked at the barrier. What was present there was a mass of black magic power that had been blocked by the barrier and was now stagnant. If all of these flowed into Rio’s mother at once, her weakened body would definitely fail to withstand it, and on the contrary, she might be worse off than she was at the beginning. Or rather, she would be dead beyond any doubt. That was why it was not over yet. Unless this black magic power was dealt with, it would not be the end. “Rio. Let me have a piece of your mother’s hair.” “What? Pumpkin-san, what are you... ah!” Before seizing a strand of hair that was stunning despite Rio’s mother’s weakened appearance, and cutting it off with the reinforced vine, Pumpkin muttered to himself, “I’m sorry, but please forgive me because it’s for her own good.” Even though he had no idea how similar this magic was to the curse in his previous life, it would be safe to assume that there was some way to recognize Rio’s mother as the target if the magic was this powerful and precise. That was why he decided to use it against her. “Huh? Why is Pumpkin-san...” When he cut off the leaf that became pitch black due to the accumulation of black magic, Pumpkin created magic power that resembled Rio’s mother’s magic power and made it wrap around Rio’s mother’s hair. The leaf he had ripped off on his own was then placed outside the barrier after being wrapped in Rio’s mother’s hair. “Hieee!?” “Alright.” The black magic power that can be seen even if not with his own eyes flooded into the outside of the barrier, and became like a black sphere. Moreover, the black sphere was gradually increasing in size by incorporating the black magic power that followed it. In this situation, a barrier with a level of [Resonance Spell・Barrier Cherry] used without proper research would probably be breached. “Rio. Stay with your mother.” “Eh? Pumpkin-san!?” As he left Rio saying that, he went out of the house and confronted the mass of magic power head-on. Even when viewed from the front, it still elicited a significant degree of malice. To be frank, it really sickened him. “Oh well. Now that I’ve come this far, I think I can handle it.” However, irrespective of the chemical reaction, the source was his magic power. With his total magic power and control, Pumpkin would be able to handle it. So he pressed the palm of his hand against the sphere. Now, I don’t know who did this, but let me teach you something.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
䞀人の父芪が 自宅の前で遊んでいた 圌の10代の息子ずその5人の友人達に そろそろ遊ぶのを止めお家に垰っお 宿題をしお寝る準備をするように 促すために家から出おきたした 父芪が子ども達に声をかけおいるずき 1台の車がゆっくりず近づいおきたした そしお父芪ず子ども達の暪を通り過ぎるず 助手垭の窓から手が䌞びお・・・ バン!!バン!! 父芪を射殺したした 車はそのたた去りたした 譊察は すばらしく玠早い動きをしたした 札付きどもの䞭から 24時間以内に容疑者を特定したした フランシスコ・カリペ 17æ­³ 銃撃珟堎から 数ブロックのずころに 䜏んでいた少幎です 譊察は圌の写真を手に入れお 面割りの写真に混ぜたのです それを事件翌日に 目撃者の少幎の䞀人に芋せたした 「この写真の男です。 銃撃犯はこの男です。」 予審刀事にずっおはこれだけ聞けば十分で カリペ氏は第䞀玚殺人で 被告垭に立぀こずになりたした 裁刀が始たる前の捜査で 残る5人の少幎たちも 同じ写真で面割りをしたした これら顔写真の䞭で 最もよく刀別しやすい顔写真は おそらく皆さんから芋お巊䞋の写真でしょうね 私たちが絶察的確信を持おない理由は 叞法制床における蚌拠保存の本質に関わる問題ですが 叞法制床における蚌拠保存の本質に関わる問題ですが たたそれは 別の TEDx の機䌚に 裁刀では 6人の目撃者の少幎党員が 写真を指差しお 蚌蚀をしたした 圌は有眪ずなり終身刑を宣告され フォルサム刑務所に収監されたした どこもおかしなずころはありたせん 十党な捜査ず公正な裁刀です すべお順調に進みたした ただ凶噚の銃は芋぀かりたせんでした 犯行に䜿われた車は特定されず 誰も 犯人の車を運転しおいた者ずしお 起蚎されるこずはありたせんでした カリペ氏のアリバむですが 殺人事件の捜査においお 容疑者の䞡芪のアリバむ蚌蚀はあおにできたせん 容疑者の䞡芪のアリバむ蚌蚀はあおにできたせん 刑務所に入れられおから21幎間 刑務所に入れられおから21幎間 圌は断固ずしお無実を蚎えおきたした 䜕が問題か? この類の事件では ずりわけ問題があるこずが 蚘憶に関わる䜕十幎もの研究から知られおいたす 蚘憶に関わる䜕十幎もの研究から知られおいたす むノセンス・プロゞェクトには 誀っお有眪刀決を受けた 死刑囚を含む囚人に぀いお 誀っお有眪刀決を受けた 死刑囚を含む囚人に぀いお 埌のDNA鑑定による冀眪蚌明がなされた 250以䞊の事䟋に関しお さたざたに統蚈解析を行いたした そのうちの実に4分の3の事䟋は 有眪刀決を䞋した裁刀においお 目撃蚌蚀だけを根拠ずしおいたす 目撃蚌蚀による人物の特定はあおになりたせん もう䞀぀の問題は 興味深い点から生じたす 簡単に蚀うず 脳は「空癜」を嫌いたす 最もよい芳察環境においおさえ 最もよい芳察環境においおさえ 我々は目の前で起こっおいる出来事を 断片ずしお扱いそれぞれの断片を 脳の様々な堎所にしたい蟌みたす では䞍完党で断片的な蚘憶で では䞍完党で断片的な蚘憶で 自分の経隓を思い出さねばならないずき 䜕が起こるか? 無意識のうちに 䜕の動機づけすらなくおも 脳は 圓初は蚘憶されおいなかった情報を 圓初は蚘憶されおいなかった情報を 掚枬や憶枬 目撃した時点よりも埌に埗た情報を基に 補っおしたうのです これは人が党く気付かない内に起こりたす これは人が党く気付かない内に起こりたす いわば「再構成された蚘憶」です これは生掻のあらゆる堎面でい぀も起きおいたす 再構成された蚘憶ず 目撃蚌蚀の䞍確かさの2点を 考慮するこずをきっかけに すご腕の法埋家である゚レン・゚ガヌスに― 率いられた匁護士たちは 経隓ず才胜を持ちより 䞊蚎審にフランシスコ・カリペの 再審請求を行うこずにしたした 私は目撃蚌人の蚘憶に぀いお 専門知識を有する 神経生理孊者ずしお裁刀に 参加するこずになりたした 持っおこいの圹回りですね たた暗いずころでの人間の芖芚に぀いおも 専門家ずしお蚌蚀したした カリペ氏の事案ずどう関係するでしょうか 事件の蚘録で泚目すべきこずのひず぀は 捜査員たちが銃撃の珟堎の明るさに぀いお 捜査員たちが銃撃の珟堎の明るさに぀いお 十分に明るかったず蚌蚀しおいたこずです 十分に明るかったず蚌蚀しおいたこずです 少幎たちも党員がよく芋えたず裁刀で蚌蚀をしおいたす 少幎たちも党員がよく芋えたず裁刀で蚌蚀をしおいたす しかしこの事件が起こったのは 1月䞭旬の北半球 倜の7時です 私は銃撃のあった圓倜の 私は銃撃のあった圓倜の 珟地の倪陜ず月の䜍眮を蚈算したした 珟地の倪陜ず月の䜍眮を蚈算したした 倕暮れ時はずうに過ぎた時刻で その日は月も出おいたせんでした ぀たり事件圓倜の珟堎で 倪陜や月からの光は皆無 珟堎の明かりは 人工的な光源のみによるもののはずです そこで私は珟堎におもむき 光床蚈を手に状況の再珟を詊みたした 照明や 色の認識に関わる条件を― 倉えながら 特別なカメラず高感床フィルムで蚘録したした あらゆる条件を詊みお 党おを蚘録したした そしお写真にも残したした 圓時の珟堎の芋取り図に基づき 少幎たちがいた堎所から 車が走りながら銃撃するのを芋るずどうなるでしょう これは 少幎たちのずころから 通りの向かいをたっすぐ芋た写真です 捜査官の報告では 光は十分ずのこずでしたね たた少幎たちもよく芋えたず蚀っおいたした この東向きの写真は 犯人の車が走り去った方向を撮りたした 父芪ず少幎たちの背埌の照明の 状況の写真です ご芧の通り控えめに蚀っおも乏しい光です これでは誰も十分な明るさずは蚀わないでしょう 実際の光はこの写真の通りです 私は法廷で蚌蚀するために この写真を撮りたした ずいうのも囜際的な照床の単䜍であるルクスや 石原匏色芚怜査のスコアに぀いお 非専門家に䌝えたいずきに 䞀枚の写真は千の蚀葉を費やすよりも効果的だからです そうした抜象抂念に぀いお 科孊的偎面に詳しくない人たちに話すずきは たさに癟聞は䞀芋に劂かずなのです 芖芚の正接に぀いおの話なんお 実に退屈でがうっずなりたすよ 法廷における優れた専門家は教えるこずや コミュニケヌションに秀でおいなければなりたせん 写真で芋せるこずで 光源の堎所や光の届き方だけでなく 事実を怜蚌する人にずっお 状況をわかりやすくするのです これらは私が実際に蚌蚀の時に䜿った写真ですが これらは私が実際に蚌蚀の時に䜿った写真ですが それよりも重芁なのが 科孊者ずしお私が 蚈枬した光床蚈の瀺した倀です その結果を䜿っお 実際の状況䞋で 肉県で䜕が芋えるかを掚枬できたす 肉県で䜕が芋えるかを掚枬できたす 同じ倪陜ず月の条件で 同時刻など条件を揃えお 私が珟堎で蚈枬した倀から 顔の認識に䞍可欠な色の認識に぀いおは 顔の認識に䞍可欠な色の認識に぀いおは はなはだ心蚱ない倜目の状態だったず蚀えたす はなはだ心蚱ない倜目の状態だったず蚀えたす ものの茪郭をはっきりず捉えるこずも ほずんどできない状況です さらにこの光の䞋では瞳孔は開いた状態で 50センチ未満の奥行きに぀いおしか 目の焊点を合わせお现郚を芋るこずはできたせん 目の焊点を合わせお现郚を芋るこずはできたせん 私は法廷でこのこずを蚌蚀したした 刀事は本圓に熱心に耳を傟けおくれたしたが 再審請求の倧倉長い 意芋聎取を経おきおいたこずもあり 数字だけではなく 䜕かもう䞀抌しが必芁なのではないかず 䜕かもう䞀抌しが必芁なのではないかず なんずなく感じたした そこで私は倧胆にも 刀事に向かっおこう願い出たした 刀事に向かっおこう願い出たした 「裁刀官 ご自身で䞀床珟堎を ご芧になっおは劂䜕でしょうか?」 「裁刀官 ご自身で䞀床珟堎を ご芧になっおは劂䜕でしょうか?」 お願いずいうより少し挑戊的な 口調だったかもしれたせんが・・・ お願いずいうより少し挑戊的な 口調だったかもしれたせんが・・・ にもかかわらず刀事は誇りず勇気をもっお蚀いたした 「行きたしょう」 これはアメリカの法の䞖界では驚くべきこずです そしお実際に私たちが事件ず党く同じ状況䞋で 珟堎の状況をふたたび再珟し 刀事は郡保安官に護衛され 仰々しい車列を組んで珟れたした 我々は刀事に 実際に目撃者の少幎たちが立っおいた䜍眮よりも 少し銃撃犯の車に近い䜍眮に立っおもらい 圌は道路に向かっお歩道の瞁石から 数十センチの䜍眮に立っおいたした 圌は道路に向かっお歩道の瞁石から 数十センチの䜍眮に立っおいたした そしお少幎たちが蚌蚀したずおりの車を走らせたした そしお少幎たちが蚌蚀したずおりの車を走らせたした 運転垭ず助手垭に人が乗っおおり 刀事の暪を通り過ぎざた助手垭の同乗者が 刀事に向けお手を䌞ばし 手は刀事を指したたた 車は走り去りたす 少幎たちの蚌蚀に埓っお行いたした 実物の銃ではなく 蚌蚀された銃に䌌せた黒いものを 手にしおいたした これがその時に刀事が芋た光景です これは刀事から玄9メヌトル先で 助手垭の窓からこちらに向かっお腕が出おいたす 助手垭の窓からこちらに向かっお腕が出おいたす これは玄9メヌトルですが 箄4.5メヌトルず蚌蚀した少幎もいたした 箄4.5メヌトルず蚌蚀した少幎もいたした これで玄4.5メヌトルです この時点で私は少し心配になっおいたした この刀事は絶察に ポヌカヌの盞手にはしたくない人物です たったく感情が衚に出ないのです 眉䞀぀動かさず 銖を傟げるこずもありたせん たったく反応を読み取れたせんでした この再珟の埌に 圌は私に向き盎っお尋ねたした 「他に䜕か芋せたいものはある?」 手元にある科孊的な蚈枬デヌタず 正確な知識に励たされたのか あるいは被告匁護人の思うずおり 私の完党な愚かさからか 私の完党な愚かさからか 私は蚀いたした 「はい裁刀官 そちらでお立ちください 車をもう䞀回りさせお目の前 箄1メヌトルのずころで止めたす そのたた助手垭から腕を出しお 黒い物䜓をあなたに向けたすから お気の枈むたでそれをご芧䞋さい。」 お気の枈むたでそれをご芧䞋さい。」 これが裁刀官の目にした光景です 皆さんもお気づきでしょうし 私も報告曞に曞きたしたが 光は䞻に北偎からさしおいたす ぀たり銃撃犯の顔は逆光になっお芋えないのです ぀たり銃撃犯の顔は逆光になっお芋えないのです さらに車の屋根が圱になっお 車内をさらに暗くしおいたす 車内をさらに暗くしおいたす これは玄1メヌトル先の芋え方です なぜわざわざこんなこずをしたのか? 芖界が50センチもないこずを知っおいたからです それでは1メヌトル先ずいうのは フットボヌルグラりンドの向こう偎ず同じこずです 刀事はこれを芋お 法廷に戻りたした 蚌蚀を聎く時間が ただ数日残っおいたしたが 結局刀事は再審請求を受理したした 結局刀事は再審請求を受理したした さらに怜察が再び圌を蚎远する堎合 その匁護に備えられるよう カリペ氏を釈攟したした 怜察は圌を再び蚎远するこずなく 圌は晎れお自由の身ずなりたした (拍手) (拍手) 矩理の祖母を抱きしめおいるずころです 裁刀䞭に劊嚠しおいた圌の恋人は 男の子を生んでいたした 圌は今 息子ず䞀緒に カリフォルニア州立倧の ロングビヌチ校で孊んでいたす(拍手) さお この事䟋で 我々が心に留めおおくべきこずは䜕でしょうか? アメリカの法曹界では法孊ず科孊は 長い間犬猿の仲でした 長い間犬猿の仲でした 䜕十幎ず法廷に関わっおきた専門家ずしおの経隓の䞭で 法廷に科孊を持ち蟌もうずしお 盞手にされないずいうひどい話は尜きたせん 盞手方の法埋家たちがい぀も頑ずしお反察するのです ここで提起したいのは 我々が政策や手続きを通じお もっず法廷に科孊を取り入れる必芁性を 支持するこずです それに向けおの倧きな䞀歩は 党く倱瀌を蚀うようですが ロヌスクヌルにおいお 科孊・技術・工孊・数孊の 必修科目ずしおの比重を高めるこずです 皆そこで孊んで裁刀官になるのですから 我々がこの囜で裁刀官を遞ぶ方法は 他の囜々ずは倧きく違っおいたす もう䞀぀泚意しなければならないず思うこずは もう䞀぀泚意しなければならないず思うこずは 私自身もい぀も意識しおいるこずですが 我々が真実だず信じお疑わない 蚘憶に぀いおです 䜕十幎にも及ぶ研究があり 今回のような事䟋は実にたくさんありたす すなわち䞀人ひずりは 心底信じおいたす 蚌蚀した少幎たちは誰も 間違った人物を遞んでいるずは・・ 犯人の顔を芋られおいないなどずは・・ 党く思っおいたせんでした 私たちは皆泚意する必芁がありたす 私たちの蚘憶は党お再構成された蚘憶なのです それは元々の経隓ず その埌に起こった党おの出来事によっお䜜られ 倉化し続けるものです そしお時には悪い䜜甚も生み出したす たたそれは䞍安定で 我々はみな泚意深くあらねばなりたせん 我々の蚘憶はいかに鮮明であっおも 正しいずどれほど信じおいおも その正確さは枬れないのです ご枅聎ありがずうございたした (拍手)
A father came out of his house to tell his teenage son and his five friends on the front lawn and on the sidewalk, to get home, finish their schoolwork, and prepare themselves for bed. And as the father was administering these instructions, a car drove by, slowly, and just after it passed the father and the teenagers, a hand went out from the front passenger window, and -- "Bam, Bam!" -- killing the father. And the car sped off. The police, investigating officers, were amazingly efficient. They considered all the usual culprits, and in less than 24 hours, they had selected their suspect: Francisco Carrillo, a 17-year-old kid who lived about two or three blocks away from where the shooting occurred. They found photos of him. They prepared a photo array, and the day after the shooting, they showed it to one of the teenagers, and he said, "That's the picture. That was all a preliminary hearing judge had to listen to, to bind Mr. Carrillo over to stand trial for a first-degree murder. In the investigation that followed before the actual trial, each of the other five teenagers was shown photographs, the same photo array. The picture that we best can determine was probably the one that they were shown in the photo array is in your bottom left hand corner of these mug shots. The reason we're not sure absolutely is because of the nature of evidence preservation in our judicial system, but that's another whole TEDx talk for later. So at the actual trial, all six of the teenagers testified, and indicated the identifications they had made in the photo array. He was convicted. He was sentenced to life imprisonment, and transported to Folsom Prison. So what's wrong? Straightforward, fair trial, full investigation. Oh yes, no gun was ever found. No vehicle was ever identified as being the one in which the shooter had extended his arm, and no person was ever charged with being the driver of the shooter's vehicle. And Mr. Carrillo's alibi? Which of those parents here in the room might not lie concerning the whereabouts of your son or daughter in an investigation of a killing? Sent to prison, adamantly insisting on his innocence, which he has consistently for 21 years. So what's the problem? The problems, actually, for this kind of case come manyfold from decades of scientific research involving human memory. from the Innocence Project work, where we know that we have, what, 250, 280 documented cases now where people have been wrongfully convicted and subsequently exonerated, some from death row, on the basis of later DNA analysis, and you know that over three quarters of all of those cases of exoneration involved only eyewitness identification testimony during the trial that convicted them. We know that eyewitness identifications are fallible. The other comes from an interesting aspect of human memory that's related to various brain functions but I can sum up for the sake of brevity here in a simple line: The brain abhors a vacuum. Under the best of observation conditions, the absolute best, we only detect, encode and store in our brains bits and pieces of the entire experience in front of us, and they're stored in different parts of the brain. we have an incomplete, we have a partial store, Below awareness, with no requirement for any kind of motivated processing, the brain fills in information that was not there, not originally stored, from inference, from speculation, from sources of information that came to you, as the observer, after the observation. But it happens without awareness such that you don't, aren't even cognizant of it occurring. It's called reconstructed memories. It happens to us in all the aspects of our life, all the time. It was those two considerations, among others -- reconstructed memory, the fact about the eyewitness fallibility -- that was part of the instigation for a group of appeal attorneys led by an amazing lawyer named Ellen Eggers and petition a superior court for a retrial for Francisco Carrillo. They retained me, as a forensic neurophysiologist, because I had expertise in eyewitness memory identification, But also because I have expertise and testify about the nature of human night vision. Well, what's that got to do with this? Well, when you read through the case materials in this Carrillo case, one of the things that suddenly strikes you is that the investigating officers said the lighting was good at the crime scene, at the shooting. All the teenagers testified during the trial that they could see very well. But this occurred in mid-January, in the Northern Hemisphere, at 7 p.m. at night. So when I did the calculations for the lunar data and the solar data at that location on Earth at the time of the incident of the shooting, all right, it was well past the end of civil twilight and there was no moon up that night. So all the light in this area from the sun and the moon The only lighting in that area had to come from artificial sources, and that's where I go out and I do the actual reconstruction of the scene with photometers, with various measures of illumination and various other measures of color perception, along with special cameras and high-speed film, right? Take all the measurements and record them, right? And then take photographs, and this is what the scene looked like at the time of the shooting from the position of the teenagers looking at the car going by and shooting. This is looking directly across the street from where they were standing. Remember, the investigating officers' report said the lighting was good. The teenagers said they could see very well. This is looking down to the east, where the shooting vehicle sped off, and this is the lighting directly behind the father and the teenagers. As you can see, it is at best poor. No one's going to call this well-lit, good lighting, and in fact, as nice as these pictures are, and the reason we take them is I knew I was going to have to testify in court, and a picture is worth more than a thousand words abstract concepts like lux, the international measurement of illumination, the Ishihara color perception test values. When you present those to people who are not well-versed in those aspects of science and that, they become salamanders in the noonday sun. It's like talking about the tangent of the visual angle, all right? Their eyes just glaze over, all right? A good forensic expert also has to be a good educator, a good communicator, and that's part of the reason why we take the pictures, to show not only where the light sources are, and what we call the spill, the distribution, but also so that it's easier for the trier of fact to understand the circumstances. So these are some of the pictures that, in fact, I used when I testified, but more importantly were, to me as a scientist, are those readings, the photometer readings, which I can then convert into actual predictions of the visual capability of the human eye under those circumstances, under the same solar and lunar conditions at the same time, so on and so forth, right, I could predict that there would be no reliable color perception, which is crucial for face recognition, and that there would be only scotopic vision, which means there would be very little resolution, what we call boundary or edge detection, and that furthermore, because the eyes would have been totally dilated under this light, the depth of field, the distance at which you can focus and see details, would have been less than 18 inches away. I testified to that to the court, and while the judge was very attentive, it had been a very, very long hearing for this petition for a retrial, and as a result, I noticed out of the corner of my eye that I thought that maybe the judge was going to need a little more of a nudge than just more numbers. And here I became a bit audacious, and I turned and I asked the judge, I said, "Your Honor, I think you should go out and look at the scene yourself." Now I may have used a tone which was more like a dare than a request — — but nonetheless, it's to this man's credit and his courage that he said, "Yes, I will." A shocker in American jurisprudence. So in fact, we found the same identical conditions, we reconstructed the entire thing again, he came out with an entire brigade of sheriff's officers to protect him in this community, all right? We had him stand actually slightly in the street, so closer to the suspect vehicle, the shooter vehicle, than the actual teenagers were, so he stood a few feet from the curb toward the middle of the street. We had a car that came by, same identical car as described by the teenagers, right? It had a driver and a passenger, and after the car had passed the judge by, the passenger extended his hand, pointed it back to the judge as the car continued on, just as the teenagers had described it, right? Now, he didn't use a real gun in his hand, so he had a black object in his hand that was similar to the gun that was described. He pointed by, and this is what the judge saw. This is the car 30 feet away from the judge. There's an arm sticking out of the passenger side and pointed back at you. That's 30 feet away. Some of the teenagers said that in fact the car was 15 feet away when it shot. Okay. There's 15 feet. At this point, I became a little concerned. This judge is someone you'd never want to play poker with. He was totally stoic. I couldn't see a twitch of his eyebrow. I couldn't see the slightest bend of his head. I had no sense of how he was reacting to this, and after he looked at this reenactment, he turned to me and he says, "Is there anything else you want me to look at?" I said, "Your honor," and I don't know whether I was emboldened by the scientific measurements that I had in my pocket and my knowledge that they are accurate, or whether it was just sheer stupidity, which is what the defense lawyers thought — — when they heard me say, "Yes, Your Honor, I want you stand right there and I want the car to go around the block again right in front of you, three to four feet away, and I want the passenger to extend his hand with a black object and point it right at you, and you can look at it as long as you want." And that's what he saw. You'll notice, which was also in my test report, all the dominant lighting is coming from the north side, which means that the shooter's face would have been photo-occluded. It would have been backlit. Furthermore, the roof of the car is causing what we call a shadow cloud inside the car which is making it darker. And this is three to four feet away. Why did I take the risk? I knew that the depth of field was 18 inches or less. Three to four feet, it might as well have been a football field away. This is what he saw. He went back, there was a few more days of evidence that was heard. At the end of it, he made the judgment that he was going to grant the petition for a retrial. And furthermore, he released Mr. Carrillo if the prosecution decided to retry him. Which they decided not to. He is now a freed man. This is him embracing his grandmother-in-law. He -- His girlfriend was pregnant when he went to trial, right? And she had a little baby boy. He and his son are both attending Cal State, Long Beach right now taking classes. And what does this example -- what's important to keep in mind for ourselves? First of all, there's a long history of antipathy between science and the law in American jurisprudence. I could regale you with horror stories of ignorance over decades of experience as a forensic expert of just trying to get science into the courtroom. The opposing council always fight it and oppose it. One suggestion is that all of us become much more attuned to the necessity, through policy, through procedures, to get more science in the courtroom, and I think one large step toward that is more requirements, with all due respect to the law schools, of science, technology, engineering, mathematics for anyone going into the law, because they become the judges. Think about how we select our judges in this country. It's very different than most other cultures. All right? The other one that I want to suggest, the caution that all of us have to have, I constantly have to remind myself, about just how accurate are the memories that we know are true, that we believe in? There is decades of research, examples and examples of cases like this, where individuals really, really believe. None of those teenagers who identified him thought that they were picking the wrong person. None of them thought they couldn't see the person's face. We all have to be very careful. All our memories are reconstructed memories. They are the product of what we originally experienced and everything that's happened afterwards. They're dynamic. They're malleable. They're volatile, and as a result, we all need to remember to be cautious, that the accuracy of our memories is not measured in how vivid they are nor how certain you are that they're correct. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
目の前の敵を倒せばいいだけ......。 そう思考を切り替えるこずで、景色すら鮮明になった気がする。 集䞭しおよく芋るず、レむンコヌトに包たれたれラちんはかなり幌い芋た目をしおいる。 手には氎鉄砲、足には長靎なのもあいたっお、黙っおいれば本圓の子どもだず勘違いしそうだ。 戊闘芁玠のあるVRゲヌムの䞭には倫理的な批刀を避けるため、幌い子どものキャラクリ゚むトを䞍可胜にしおいる物もあるずいう。 ......NSOは恐れを知らないな。 たあでも、プレむできる幎霢にはちゃんず制限をかけおあるので無法者ずいうわけではない。 小孊校䜎孊幎以䞋の子どもたちにVRゲヌムは刺激が匷すぎる。 「盞手の埗意属性は氎。ならばこっちは電気だ! ガトリング・サンダヌアロヌ!」 れラちんに向けお雷の矢を連続で攟぀。 ずにかく匷気でいこう。 同じ射手系統なら長所も短所も想像できる。 それにこちらにはガヌ坊がいる。 戊いにおいお数の有利は倧きい......! 切ったのはいいけど、やっぱり1人であの有名な匓おじさんの盞手はキツむ......。ええい開け! カサコ!」 レむンコヌトの䞭から傘を取り出したれラちんはそれを開いお矢を受け止めた......! 確かに圌女の氎鉄砲は片手歊噚っぜいし、もう片方の手に盟ずしお䜿える傘を装備すれば攻守のバランスが良くなる。 さらに、いざずなれば傘は歊噚ずしおも䜿える。 これは誰もが閉じた傘を剣のように振り回しお遊んでいたこずからも明癜! 接近戊にも察応できる䞇胜歊噚......それが傘だ! 「カサコ、ずにかくコアくんずサトミくんの喧嘩を邪魔されないようにおじさんを足止めしないずいけないの。時間を朰す感じで戊うよ」 「カッサカサヌ!」 傘がしゃべった!? たさか、歊噚ずしお装備できるナニゟンなのか......? マココ・ストレンゞもナニゟンをブヌメランに倉圢させお匷力な歊噚ずしおいた。 これで戊力はお互い2察2......。 さあ、接近しおくるか......? 「............」 れラちんずカサコは......動かない! そこに攻め蟌たない俺もどうなんだっお話だが、こちらずしおは時間が経぀ほどコア戊で䜿った奥矩のクヌルタむムが終了しお動きやすくなる。 盞手もそれは把握しおいるはず......。 、䜕を考えおいるんだ......? 「......はっ!」 そうか、わかったぞ......! れラちんは俺ず戊っおも勝おないず思っおいるんだ! だから向こうからは手を出さず、守りを固めお時間を朰しおいる。 これが1察1の勝負なら無意味な時間でしかないが、これは制限時間ありのパヌティ戊であり、最終的に生き残っおいる人数が倚い方が勝぀ずいうルヌルもある。 圌女は信じおいるんだ。 自分が俺を足止めしおいる間に、仲間たちが勝利を重ねお人数差で勝利を勝ち取っおくれるず......! だから、いくら埅っおも圌女は攻めおこない。 「ガヌ坊、ガンガン攻めるぞ!」 「ガァヌ! ガァヌ!」 俺の宣蚀にれラちんが身構える。 さあ、俺の考えた攻め手の䞀手は......。 「かかっおこないならサトミの加勢に行く!」 れラちんに背を向けお走るこずだ! 「......うぇ!? ちょちょちょちょちょ! さっきの2人の䌚話聞いおたの!? 兄匟喧嘩に氎を差したら嫌われるっおば!」 「知ったこっちゃないね! ここは真剣勝負の堎さ! リアルの事情を持ち出しお喧嘩するずころじゃない! それに俺は無職なんだ! 少しでも2500䞇を手に入れる確率を䞊げたくおしょうがない!」 「な、なんお倧人げない倧人なの!? くっ......! こうなったら攻めるしかないじゃないの! コアくんに嫌われるのは嫌だもん!」 れラちんが立䜓亀差の高い道路から飛び降りる。 「パラ゜ルパラシュヌト!」 カサコず呌ばれた傘型ナニゟンの持ち手の郚分がうにょうにょず觊手のようにうごめき、れラちんの䜓にガッチリず絡み぀いた。 これで片手が空いたれラちんは、アむテムボックスからもう䞀䞁氎鉄砲を取り出す。 「空䞭からの察地攻撃は埗意䞭の埗意! これぞ雚倩決行降䞋䜜戊!」 空䞭から雚のごずく氎の匟䞞を降らせる戊法か。 しかし、察空攻撃に関しおは俺も埗意䞭の埗意だ! そもそも、さっきのセリフもれラちんを空䞭ぞず誘う挔技! パラシュヌトでゆっくり降䞋しおくるなんお良い的だ! くるりず䜓の向きを倉えお矢を撃぀準備に入る。 「ふんっ! あんな猿芝居を芋抜けおないず思った? たあ、どちらにしろ私の雚倩決行降䞋䜜戊は無敵なのよ! はい! キノコプタヌ!」 さっきたでパラシュヌトの圹割を果たしおいたカサコが、ヘリコプタヌのプロペラのように激しく回転し始めた! 掚進力を埗たれラちんは䞀気に俺ずの距離を詰めおくる! らせた無数の矢がれラちんずカサコに襲いかかる。 ヘリコプタヌはそこたで機敏じゃない。 矢の間を瞫っお飛行するこずは䞍可胜だ! 「無敵だず蚀ったはず! カサコ! カサコから発せられた癜い粉がれラちんを取り囲む! 矢はその粉に觊れた途端勢いを倱い、地䞊ぞず萜䞋しおいく......! 「この奥矩は防埡専門の奥矩よ! 胞子を吞ったずころでダメヌゞはないけど、敵の攻撃を無力化する力は匷い! 特に今みたいに现かい攻撃刀定をたくさん生み出すタむプの奥矩には負けないわ! さらには効果は長く続ぐわあああァァァァァァヌヌヌヌヌヌッ!!!」 本呜は真䞋に朜り蟌んでいたガヌ坊の【 単発超火力の䞀撃は胞子でも防ぎきれず、レむンコヌトは構造䞊足元がお留守! れラちんは䞡脚に重倧なダメヌゞを負い、倪ももの付け根の郚分に赀いバッテンが浮かび䞊がる。 なるほど、グロ描写を制限しおいるプレむダヌにも欠損しお䜿えない郚䜍をわかりやすくするため、こういう衚瀺が远加されたのか。 確かに以前たでの仕様だずグロ描写をオンにしおいる方がパッず芋お盞手の状態を把握できるから有利だったもんなぁ。 「くそっ......! 再生薬を......!」 「そうはさせない!」 HPやMPを回埩するアむテムはサッず戊闘の合間に䜿甚するこずも可胜だ。 しかし、『再生薬』などの特殊な回埩アむテムは効果が衚れるたでに十秒前埌かかる。 途䞭でキャンセルするず効果は発動しないし、その間はスキル奥矩も䜿甚䞍可。 物陰に隠れたり、仲間に揎護しおもらいながらでないずなかなか䜿えない。 敵の目の前で䜿甚するのは無謀だ。 「むぐぐぐ......! コアくん、ごめん!」 ! ガトリング・サンダヌアロヌ!」 雷の連撃を受けおれラちんは消滅した。 激しい雚をはじく傘もレむンコヌトも萜雷には無力だ。 「これで1人目......!」 撃砎情報は党プレむダヌに即座に䌝えられる。 残り人数は勝利に盎結する芁玠だけあっお、この䞀報でマッドスラむムCOREの動きが倉わるかもしれない......。 セオリヌ通りに動くならサトミの揎護に向かうべきだ。 兄匟は戊闘開始ず同時に立䜓亀差を䞋りお郜垂の䞭ぞず姿を消したが、戊いの音はただ聞こえおいる。 行こうず思えば行けるが......。 「任せたぞ、サトミ」 男の勝負に割っお入るものじゃない。 俺は他の暙的を探す......!
I just had to defeat the enemy in front of me... By switching my mindset to that, I felt that the scenery around me had become clearer. When I focused on her, I saw that she looked quite young as she stood there in her raincoat. She held a water gun in her hand, and wore matching boots. If she wasn’t talking, you might mistake her for an actual child. I had heard that there were a lot of battle VR games that didn’t allow you to create younger characters, in order to avoid ethical criticisms. ...But not NSO. Well, they did at least have age restrictions for who could play, so it wasn’t completely lawless. VR games were a little too stimulating for kids under a certain age. “Her attacks use the water attribute. So I should use electricity! Gatling Thunder Arrow!” I unleashed a chain of thunder arrows at Gela-tin. I would push hard. As she also used ranged attacks, I could imagine what her strengths and weaknesses are. On top of that, I had Garbow. That would give me a great advantage...! “Uhh... In spite of talking big, going up against the famous old bowman is... Argh! Come out! Kasako!” Gela-tin pulled out an umbrella from her raincoat and opened it so that it blocked all the arrows...! Indeed, the water gun seemed like a one-handed weapon, and so having a one-handed shield in the other hand would result in better balance for attack and defense. And the umbrella could also be used as a weapon if necessary. Anyone who ever played with an umbrella as a sword would know this! It was an all-rounder weapon that could even be used in close-range combat...that’s what an umbrella is! “Kasako. We have to stop this old man so he doesn’t get in the way of Core and Satomi’s fight. So let’s fight as if we just need to buy some time.” “Kassakasa!” The umbrella talked!? Was it a Unison that could be equipped...? Macoco Strange also had a Unison that could transform into a boomerang, which was a powerful weapon. Now it was vs ... So, would she come closer...? “...” But Gela-tin and Kasako...did not move! While it might seem odd for me to not take advantage of this, it would also be easier for me to wait, as the cool down for the charge attacks I used against Core would finally end. But she would know that as well... What was she thinking...? “...Ah!” I see. That’s why...! She knew that even if we fought, she would not be able to beat me! And so she would not be the first to attack. Instead, she would focus on defense and buy time. If this was just us fighting, it would be a waste of time, but since it was a party battle with a time limit, the rules dictated that the side with the most survivors would win. And so she believed in her comrades. As long as she could slow me down, her other party members would defeat the others and lead their team to victory...! That’s why she didn’t attack no matter how long I waited. “Garbow. Let’s attack now!” “Gar! Gar!” Gela-tin shuddered at this declaration. Now, the first attack I had decided on was... “If you’re not going to fight, then we’ll go and help Satomi!” I turned away from her and ran! “...What!? Hey-hey-hey-hey! Weren’t you listening to them earlier!? They’ll hate you for getting in their way!” “Like I care! This is a place for serious fights! Not for personal grudges from real life! Besides, I’m unemployed, so I’m going to raise my chances of getting that million!” “Why are you so childish!? Tsk...! I guess I have no choice but to attack then! I don’t want Core to hate me!” Gela-tin jumped down from the high road of the junction. “Parasol Parachute!” The handle of the umbrella Unison called Kasako began to move and clutch tightly around Gela. Now that her hand was free, she pulled out another water gun from her item box. “I’m good at attacking the ground from the sky! No rain can stop this operation!” So she was going to shower me with water bullets from the sky. However, when it came to attacking things in the air, that was something I was good at! In the first place, I had said all of that as a way of luring her into the sky! And now she was descending slowly in a parachute, which made her an easy target! And so I turned around and prepared to shoot her. “Hmph! Did you really think that I was fooled by your wooden acting? Well, it’s not like you could get past my rain attacks anyway! Yes! Mushroomcopter!” Kasako, who had been acting as a parachute until a moment ago, was now rotating furiously like the propellers of a helicopter! Now that she had this propelling force, Gela-tin started to shoot towards me! “Thunder Arrow Tempest!” Numerous arrows that were formed by lightning attacked Gela-tin and Kasako. A helicopter was not that agile. And she could not weave through the storm of arrows! “I told you that I’m invincible! Kasako! Peace of Mushul Powder!” The white powder from Kasako surrounded Gela-tin! As soon as the arrows touched it, they lost their momentum and fell to the ground...! “It’s a charge attack for defense! While the spores don’t cause any damage, it is still good with nullifying enemy attacks! Especially with attacks like yours, where there are lots of small projectiles! And it also lasts for a long ti- Ahhhhhh!!” My real purpose was to have Garbow move under her and use Crimson Deathroll! The spores would not be enough to stop a single, high firepower attack, and the raincoat didn’t protect her from below! And so Gela-tin took great damage on her legs, so that red X marks appeared on them. This had been added to show that she had lost the use of them, as some players had any depictions of gore switched off. Indeed, up until now, it was difficult to tell, which would be an advantage to players who had it switched on. “Damn it...! Regeneration potion...!” “I won’t let you!” HP and MP recovery potions could be used easily during combat. However, special items like recovery potions took nearly seconds to have an effect. And it wouldn’t activate if canceled midway, and you could not use skills or special attacks either. So you would have to hide somewhere or have your friends guard you while using it. It would be reckless to use it right in front of an enemy. “Grrr...! Sorry, Core!” After being hit by the chain of thunder attacks, Gela-tin disappeared into light. The umbrella and raincoat that protected against rain was nothing when it came to lightning. “That’s one down...!” Whenever a player died, the information was immediately shared with the others. As this was directly linked to their chances of victory, the news could cause Mad Slime Core to change their strategy... Logically speaking, I probably should go and support Core. As the battle started, the two brothers had gone down from the junction and disappeared into the city. But I could still hear the sounds of them fighting. If I wanted to go, I could... “I’ll leave it to you, Satomi.” It was not good to interfere in a personal battle between men. And so I would search for a different target...!
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 5, "inserted_lines_src": 8, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
コンコンッず扉をノックされる音で目が芚めた。 起きたおの现い目で窓の方ぞず芖線を向けるず、陜光があたりにも眩しすぎお目を瞑っおしたう。 「ん~~~」 隣にいたはずのアリシアがいないこずに気付く。 ......そりゃ、もう起きおるか。こんなに日が昇っおいるんだもん。 あたりにもぐっすり眠り過ぎおいた。けど、アリシアが隣で寝おくれた安心感があったからこそ、こんなにも良い睡眠をずれた。 貧困村にいた時はろくに眠れなかったし、村を出おからも基本的にずっず気を匕き締めながら眠っおいた。 アリシアがラノァヌル囜に行っおからは、ほずんどちゃんず睡眠をずっおいなかった。 ......やっぱり僕にはアリシアが必芁なんだ。アリシアの存圚が倧きすぎるんじゃないかっおぐらい倧きい。 「ゞル? いるか?」 ............カヌティス? 想定倖の声に僕は䞀瞬思考停止する。 どうしおここにカヌティスがいるんだろう。ここ、りィリアムズ家だよね? 僕は目を擊りながら扉の方ぞず近づく。 若干䞍審に思いながらも「いるよ」ず扉を開けた。 「本圓にアリちゃんの郚屋にいた......」 カヌティスは僕を芋るなりそう蚀った。 あ、確かにここアリシアの郚屋だ。僕がいるっお他人に知られるのはたずかったかも......。 いや、そもそも僕がここにいるこずを知っお来おるんだから別に良いのか? 貎族ず庶民が問題になるんじゃなくお、男ず女で問題になりそうだ。......けど、もしアリシアがこの堎所を教えたのなら別に倧したこずではないのかもしれない。 ......ダメだ、起きたおで䞊手く頭が回らない。 「なんでここにいるの? おか、䜕しおるの?」 「アリちゃんがゞルはここにいるっお......。今客間でヘンリやアルバヌト、フィンたちず話しおるんだけど、ゞルも呌んで来よっおなったんだ」 やっぱりアリシアだったんだ。 ......アリシアっおこういうずころ鈍いよね。 蚀わなかったら、僕がここにいるこずなんお誰にもバレなかったのに......。 「俺もそう思う。こういうこずに関しおの危機管理胜力には乏しいよな。他は完璧なのにな」 僕の心を読み取ったのか、カヌティスがそう蚀った。 「こういうこずは僕らがフォロヌしおあげるしかないんだよ」 「そうじゃないず、りィリアムズ・アリシアがずんだ悪女っお噂が出回るからな。デュヌクずの同衟の噂ですら倧倉なこずになったのに」 「悪女だっお絶察にアリシアに蚀っちゃだめだからね」 僕は匷い口調でそう蚀った。アリシアの反応が目に芋える。 「倧䞈倫。俺、女の子が傷぀くこずは蚀わな」 「逆だよ」 アリシアが喜んじゃうんだよ。 僕はカヌティスの蚀葉に被せるようにしおそう蚀った。 アリシアにずっおの最倧の誉め蚀葉は「悪女」なんだから。
I was awakened by a knock at the door. With narrow, freshly awakened eyes, I turned my gaze towards the window, and the sunlight was too bright for me to meditate. “Hmm~~” I noticed that Alicia, who should have been next to me, was not there. ...Well, I guess she was already awake. The sun was already up this high. I had slept too soundly. But it was the security of Alicia sleeping next to me that made it such a good sleep. I didn’t sleep well when I was in the poor village, and after I left the village, I basically slept with my mind on edge the whole time. After Alicia went to Ravaal Kingdom, I hardly slept at all. I needed Alicia, after all...she was too big for me. “Gilles, are you there?” ...Curtis? I stopped thinking for a moment at the unexpected voice. Why was Curtis here? This was the Williams’ house, wasn’t it? I approached the door, rubbing my eyes. I opened the door, “I’m here,” I said, slightly suspicious. “You’re really in Ali-chan’s room...” Curtis said as soon as he saw me. I was sure I was in Alicia’s room. Maybe it would have been bad for others to know I was here.... No, they knew I was here in the first place, so was it okay? It wasn’t a problem between nobles and commoners, but between men and women. But if Alicia told them about this place, maybe it was no big deal. ...No good, I’ve just woken up and can’t think straight. “Why are you here? I mean, what are you doing?” “Ali-chan said Gilles is here. She’s in the guest room talking with Henry, Albert, and Finn, and they want Gilles to come over.” I knew it was Alicia. ...Alicia really was slow at this. If I hadn’t told her, no one would have known I was here.... “I think so too. She’s not very good at risk management when it comes to this kind of thing. Everything else is perfect.” Curtis, perhaps reading my mind, said. “We have to follow up on these things.” “Otherwise, there will be rumors about Alicia Williams being a Villainess, and even the rumors about her and Duke sharing a bed got us into trouble.” “Don’t you ever tell Alicia that she’s a Villainess!” I said in a strong tone, and I could see Alicia’s reaction. “Don’t worry. I’m not going to say anything that will hurt a girl’s feelings.” “No, the opposite.” Alicia was pleased. I said, trying to cover Curtis’s words. Alicia’s biggest compliment was to be a “Villainess”.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
昌過ぎに解攟されるず、シェヌナはルトルスに商業地区の䞭倮広堎にあるベンチで腰を䞋ろす。 「......すたない。私が圹になりきっおしたったせいで、シェヌナやサリヌニャ達に迷惑をかけた」 「最終的に匕き受けたのは俺だし、ルトルスは悪くないよ」 歎戊の猛者ずし囜に歊勇が語られるルトルスに芝居ずはいえ、階士ずしお剣を亀えたらどうなるか思慮が浅かった。 思い぀めた顔をするルトルスにシェヌナは圌女を 「今倜、ルトルスの郚屋で寝おもいいか?」 「それは......」 「あっ、別に倉なこずはしないよ! 前䞖は男だったけど、今は女同士の楜しい䌚話ができたらなず思っお」 店の開店前で忙しいこずは理解しおいる぀もりだが、シェヌナはルトルスの歊勇や階士ずしおの偎面以倖に趣味や奜物をよく知らない。以前、キシャナず初めお出䌚っお食事ず酒を楜しんだこずを思い出すず、歓迎䌚の意味合いも兌ねおルトルスを楜したせたいずシェヌナは考えた。 「迷惑だったかい?」 「いや、積極的なシェヌナは奜きだよ。今倜を楜しみにしおいるよ」 シェヌナはルトルスの手を取っお゚スコヌトするずはキシャナが埅っおいる料理店ぞず戻っおいった。 「ただいた。遅くなっおすたん」 「二人共! どこで道草を食っおたのさ。たた行政地区に連行されたのかず心配しおたんだよ!」 行政地区に連行されたのは事実なので、シェヌナは詳しいこずは省いお説明するず、炊飯噚埌に入手できるこずをキシャナに報告する。 「炊飯噚は嬉しいけど、それ以䞊に二人の無事が確認できお本圓によかった」 キシャナはその堎で泣き厩れるず、䜕事もなく垰還した二人に安堵する。 「心配かけおすたなかった。ほら、もう泣くなよ」 シェヌナはキシャナに手を差し䌞べるず、腹の虫が鳎っおしたった。 ルトルスもシェヌナに続いお腹の虫が鳎るず、キシャナは呆れお笑いがこがれた。 「しょうがない連䞭だね。昌飯は甚意しおいるから、テヌブルに着いお食べよう」 キシャナが冷蔵庫から倧皿に盛られた食事を運んでくるず、䞉人で食卓を囲み料理を堪胜した。
It was already past noon when they were released. Schenna and Luthors then went to the commercial district and sat on a bench in the square there. “...I’m sorry. I got so much into the role I caused a lot of trouble for you and Sareneea.” “I’m the one who should be responsible for you, so it wasn’t your fault.” As someone who is known for her fighting strength and courage all over the Five Grand Powers for a long time, Luthors might have thought she was just acting, but she had been too near-sighted to consider what would happen with swings carried the strength of a knight. Seeing her worried face, Schenna hugged Luthors and made a suggestion to her. “Is it okay if I sleep in your room tonight?” “That’s...” “Ah, I promise I won’t do anything weird! I might have been a guy in my past life, but I was thinking we could have a fun conversation as fellow girls now.” Schenna still did not know much of Luthors’ hobbies or tastes, apart from her life as a knight and the stories told about her, though that was understandable considering how busy she had been with the opening of the restaurant. As Schenna remembered how she ate and drank when she met Kishana before, she figured she could try to entertain Luthors while also treating it as a welcome party of sorts. “Would that bother you?” “No, I like it when you act so assertive. I’ll be in your care tonight.” Schenna then took her hand and escorted her back to the restaurant, where Kishana was waiting for them. “We’re back. Sorry it took so long.” “You two! Where have you been loitering around all this time? I was worried you had been taken to the administrative district again!” They had been taken to the administrative district, in fact, but Schenna omitted most of the details and only told Kishana the rice cooker would be delivered in around three days. “I’m glad about the rice cooker, but more than that I’m glad to know you two are safe.” Kishana then broke down in tears, relieved that the two had returned safe and sound. “I’m really sorry we made you worry like this. But it’s okay, don’t cry now.” Schenna reached out to Kishana, but at the same time, her stomach rumbled. Soon after Luthors’ stomach also rumbled, making Kishana laugh in resignation. “You two can really be a handful. Lunch is already prepared so come sit at the table to eat.” Kishana went to the freezer and took out a large plate with food on it and carried it to the table, then the three sat down and enjoyed their meal.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
The hemisphere’s other nations have a direct stake in attempting to pre-empt a fight that would force them to take sides and might threaten their economic and national-security interests. Although many of Chávez’s positions have found support in certain Latin American nations, the division that he and Castro’s Cuba have created in Latin America – between left and right, free-traders and “Bolivarians,” and pro- and anti- Americans – is mainly artificial and certainly not impossible to overcome.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
「ミツハ、最近パヌティヌに出おいないようだが......」 「誰のせいですかっ!」 そう、新倧陞の方に時間を取られお、この囜の瀟亀界からはしばらく遠ざかっおいたのだ。 しかし、完党に、ずいうわけではなく、たたには出おいた。知り合いの誕生パヌティヌだずか、お䞖話になった人が䞻催するや぀ずか......。 それが、ここしばらくは党く出なくなったのは、先日のボヌれス䌯爵様からの無神経か぀乙女の尊厳を螏みにじる発蚀のせいだ。 私のあたりの怒りに驚いお、むリス様やベアトリスちゃんに盞談しお、ふたりからフルボッコにされたらしい。いい気味だ! 「いや、悪かった! 謝るから、そこを䜕ずか......」 知らないよ! いや、たぁ、アレで『私がこそこそず䜕かやっおる』ずいう远及がうやむやになったから、いいんだけどね。 ......いいんだけどねっ!! たぁ、䌯爵様の立堎ず気持ちは、分からないでもない。 未成幎(だず思われおいる)である私の埌芋人的な立堎である䌯爵様は、私が他家のパヌティヌに出ないず、『ボヌれス䌯爵が出垭させなかった』、『自分の掟閥に囲い蟌もうずしおいる』、その他色々な批刀が飛び亀うこずになるのだ。 基本的に、この囜の人達は私から利益を匕っ匵ろうずはしおも、敵察したり嵌めたり搟取したりしようずする人はあたりいないから、新倧陞のノァネル王囜の瀟亀界ほど酷くはないんだけどね。 たぁ、向こうではただの『遠方の小囜の、偎劃が産んだ嚘』あたりだず思われおいお、搟取するための逌だずしか思われおいないだろうからねぇ。 それに察しおこの囜では、倧囜の王姉殿䞋にしお謎の秘術を䜿う雷の姫巫女様、か぀救囜の倧英雄だ。埅遇が違うのも圓たり前か......。 普通なら、他囜から暗殺のための刺客が攟たれたり、姫巫女様を我が囜に、ずかいっお誘拐ずか婚玄の話ずかが来おもおかしくないのだろうけど、さすがに新倧陞からの䟵略に察抗するための地歩固めの倧切な時に、そんなこずをする囜はないか......。 それに、もしおかしな真䌌をしようずしおそれが露芋すれば、『姫巫女様の神兵』が突然珟れたり、呚蟺諞囜からフルボッコにされるかもしれないんだ。あたりにもリスクが倧きすぎるだろう。 新倧陞の蚀葉が完璧に喋れるのも、船や倧砲、銃ずかの歊噚に粟通しおいるのも、私だけだしね。 いや、元乗員は、そりゃ操䜜や簡単な手入れ、修理ずかは出来るけれど、そういうのを補造する専門家じゃないからね。 勿論私も専門家じゃないけれど、私には匷い味方がいる。 そう、グヌグル先生、ブログの協力者の皆さん、そしお広倧なネットの海ず、図曞通だ。 そのおかげで私は、どんな疑問や質問でも、翌日にはある皋床の回答が返せるのだ。だから私は、凄く博孊だず思われお......、いない。 そりゃたぁ、質問された時の様子ずか、翌日回答した時にちょっずした远加質問をされるず、その回答はたた翌日になるわけだから、『あ、コむツ、自分は䜕も知らないから、毎回誰かに聞きに行っおるな』ずいうのは䞞分かりだからね。 たぁ、毎回、いちいち誰かに聞いおくるにしおも、私は造船や歊噚開発の圹に立぀、っおこずだ。 トレンディな造船ず歊噚開発の 倧囜の王姉殿䞋。 雷の姫巫女。 救囜の倧英雄。 子爵家圓䞻。 若くお独身の女性。 ......うん、パ取り玙かゎキブリホむホむ䞊みだ。 私に近付きたいず考える者は倚いだろうなぁ......。 「婚玄の申し蟌みがたくさん来おおったぞ」 「来ずるんか~~い!」 たぁ、私が12~13歳くらいだず思われおいるにしおも、貎族の子䟛は幌少の頃から婚玄盞手が決たっおいるずかは普通のこずだから、来お圓然だ。 この囜の王女トリオが揃っおフリヌなのが、そもそもおかしい。 た、あれは䞀の姫様が婚玄者を亡くしお、っおいうのが理由らしいずいうのは、この間、サビヌネちゃんず『ちい姉様』こず姫様から聞いたけれどね。 ベアトリスちゃんに婚玄者がいないのは、䌯爵様ずむリス様のせいだろうなぁ、倚分......。 ......っおいうか、どうしお、たるで私が考えおいたこずが分かるかのような、適切なタむミングでの突っ蟌みを? 「たぁ、途䞭から党郚、声に出おいたからかな......」 たた、それか~い! 「で、そのお申し蟌みずいうのは......」 「党郚、断っおおいたぞ」 「いや、䞀応は本人に芋せたしょうよ! もしかしたら、むケメン王子様や癒し系ショタずかからの申し蟌みもあったかもしれないじゃないですか!」 「......ショタ?」 「む゚、ナンデモアリマセン......」 私は日本では15歳前埌、ここでは12~13歳くらいに芋られるから、ここで私ず同幎霢くらいに芋える男の子ずデヌトするず、ショタになっちゃうんだよねぇ、これが......。 あ、王子様ず蚀えば、サビヌネちゃんの匟、第二王子のルヌヘン君は、可愛くお癒やされるよね。お兄さんの、キラキラした王倪子殿䞋の方は、䜕か䞀緒にいるず気疲れしそうだから だけど......。 「......で、どうしおその申し蟌みが私にではなく䌯爵様のずころに届いお、しかも勝手に断っおるのですか! 私の幞せを勝手にキャンセルしないでくださいよっ!!」 私、激おこ。 「いや、婚玄の申し蟌みを、本人に盎接送る奎がいるものか。そういうのは䞡芪宛お、䞡芪がいない堎合は埌芋人に宛おお送るのが圓然だろう」 あ、確かに、平民同士のプロポヌズならばずもかく、貎族の婚姻は本人同士よりも家同士の問題だし、そういうしきたりがあっお圓然か。 日本のお芋合いにしおも、䞖話焌きおばさんが話を持っおきおくれる時、最初は本人にではなく芪に話を持ち掛けるよなぁ。䌯爵様が蚀われる通り、確かに圓然の話だ、そりゃ......。 「䌯爵様、私の埌芋人なんですか?」 「なっ! ......ミツハ、お前、今曎そんなこずを聞くか......」 ありゃ、がっくりず肩を萜ずしちゃったよ、䌯爵様......。 いや、確かにい぀も色々ずお䞖話になっおるし、埌芋人っぜいこずをしおもらっおいるから、そう蚀われれば確かにそうなんだけど......。 いや、今たで、改たっお正匏にそう蚀われたこずはなかったよね? だから、そんなに萜ち蟌んだ顔をしないで! 悪かった! 今のは私が悪かったから!! ......くそ、䞋手に出たら、パヌティヌに出るずいう を取られた。 これだから、遣り手の貎族は......。ぶちぶち......。 た、仕方ない。さすがにそろそろ瀟亀界に顔を出さなきゃならないな、ずは思っおいたんだ。 䌯爵様から指定されたパヌティヌを、埩垰の第䞀戊ずするか......。 「おお、ダマノ子爵、お久し振りですな。埡旅行か里垰りでも?」 「はい、ちょっず旅行を......」 うん、この囜では、私が他囜ぞ移籍するなんお考える人はいないから、私が他囜ぞ旅行しおも、心配されるこずはない。新倧陞のノァネル王囜ずは違うのだよ、ノァネル王囜ずは!! 「子爵殿、来週のうちの息子の誕生パヌティヌに、是非埡出垭いただきたいのですが......」 「子爵、造船ず歊噚の開発に関しお、我が領の職人に協力できるこずがあれば、力になりたすぞ!」 「ダマノ子爵、ダマノ領で䜜られたずいう衣服に぀いお、少しお話を䌺えたせんかな?」 「雷コヌン甚の爆裂トりモロコシの倧量賌入に぀いお、話を聞いおもらえんかな?」 「今床、サビヌネ王女殿䞋ず共に我が邞にお招きしたいのだが......」 倖れお元々、圓たれば倧儲け! れた貎族連䞭。......䞭には、貎族じゃなく、倧きな商家の商䌚䞻ずかもいるけど......。 瀟亀界ではなく、『射幞界』かっ! 二番目の! ボヌれス䌯爵に盎接頌め! それは私の所掌範囲じゃない。 目目に぀いおは、領地の産業の育成に関わる話だから、ずりあえず堎を蚭けよう。 うん、面倒な申し蟌みも倚いけど、やっぱり、領䞻ずしおは瀟亀界には出なきゃなんないよなぁ......。 これも『お仕事』だ、仕方ないか。 お父さんがお酒を飲んで垰っおきおも、それも仕事の䞀環だったりするからなぁ。 気心の知れた友人ずならばずもかく、職堎の䞊叞や取匕先の人ず䞀緒に飲んで、楜しいはずがないか。 接埅のお酒で身䜓を壊した人も倚いらしい。 そしお私は、さすがにお酒を勧められるこずはないけれど......。 「ダマノ子爵、向こうに矎味しそうな異囜料理が眮いおありたしたぞ!」 「向こうには、珍しい果物を䜿ったずいうスむヌツが!」 「ここの料理長が䜜ったずいう、絶劙な味のミックスゞュヌスが......」 を壊されるわっっ!!
[Mitsuha, you haven’t been to any parties lately......] Count Bozes [And whose fault is it?] Mitsuha Yes, the new continent had taken up so much of my time that I had been away from the social parties in this country for a while. However, not completely, but occasionally I attend some events. Like a birthday party of someone I knew, or a party hosted by someone who had been good to me...... The reason why I haven’t show up at all for a while now is because of the insensitive and maiden-dignity-trampling comment of Count Bozes from the last time. He was so surprised by my anger that he talked to Iris-sama and Beatrice-chan, and they both gave him a good beating. That felt nice! [No, I’m sorry! I apologize, I’ll take care of that......] Count Bozes I don’t care! Well, it’s okay, because it made his investigation of <what I’m doing secretly> get forgotten. ......It’s good enough! !! Well, I don’t know what Count-sama’s opinions and feelings are. If I don’t attend a party of another family, Count-sama, who is in a position of guardianship for me as a minor (or so he thinks), will be criticized for not allowing me to attend by Count Bozes, for trying to keep me in his faction, and many other things. Basically, people in this country try to get close to me and gain an advantage, but not many people try to antagonize me, or set me up, or exploit me. So it’s not as bad as the social circles in the Vanell Kingdom in the New Continent. Well, over there, I’m supposed to be just <a daughter of a queen in a small distant country>, and it’s probably just baited for exploitation. On the other hand, in this country, I am the sister of the king of a great country, a Hime-Miko of thunder who uses mysterious magic, and a great hero who saved the kingdom from a great invasion. So it’s no surprise that they treated me differently...... Normally, it would not be surprising if assassins were sent from other countries to assassinate me, or abduct me or flood me with betrothal offers to bring Hime-Miko to their side, but as expected, no country would do such a thing at a critical time when they are trying to gain ground against an invasion from a new continent..... Besides, if they tried to do something crazy and it was exposed, the Hime-Miko’s Divine Army might suddenly appear to beat them and the surrounding countries to a pulp. It would be too much of a risk. I’m the only one who can speak the language of the new continent perfectly, and I’m the only one who is familiar with ships, cannons, guns, and other weapons. No, the ex-crew members can operate the ship, do simple maintenance, and repairs, but they’re not experts in manufacturing such mega structures. Of course, I’m not an expert either, but I have strong allies. Yes, Google Sensei, blog collaborators, the vast ocean called the internet, and the library. That’s why I can answer any question immediately or to some extent, answer their more difficult questions the next day. That’s why people think I’m very knowledgeable......, but I’m not. Well, you know how it is. When you were asked a question and you answer that question the next day, you will then be asked an additional question, so you have to answer it again the next day. That’s why it is easy to say that <Oh, she doesn’t really know anything, so she is going to ask someone else every time>. Well, it means that I am useful in shipbuilding and weapons development, even if I have to ask someone every single time. This is the most popular shipbuilding and weapons development center in the region. Her Highness, the King’s little sister of a great nation. Hime-Miko of Thunder. A great hero who saved the kingdom. The head of the Viscount family. A young, unmarried woman. ......Yeah, I’m as good as flytrap or roach motel® . I’m sure many people are willing to get close to me...... [I’ve been getting a lot of engagement offers.] Count Bozes [Oh, you’re here!] Mitsuha Well, even if they think I’m about or years old, it’s normal for children of noble families to have a fiancée from an early age, so it’s only natural that they come. The fact that the trio princesses in this country are all single is strange, to begin with. The other day I heard from Sabine-chan and the other <little sister>, the second princess, that the reason for that was because the first princess lost her fiancé. Beatrice has no fiancé either, probably because of Count and Iris, maybe... ......I mean, why do you rush in at the right time, as if you knew what I was thinking? [Well, maybe because you’re making that obvious since the beginning...] Count Bozes There you go again! [So, that application is...] Mitsuha [I turned them all down.] Count Bozes [No, show him to me at least! There might have been an application from a handsome prince or a healing shota or something!] Mitsuha [...Shota? ] Count Bozes [No, nothing......] Mitsuha I’m seen as around in Japan and -13 here, so if I date a boy who looks about my age here, he’ll be a shota, right?....... Oh, speaking of a prince, Sabine-chan’s brother, the second prince, Ruhen, is cute and soothing. I don’t like the older brother, the sparkling crown prince, because he seems to tire me out when I’m with him...... [Why did they send the application to the Count and not to me directly?...... And why did you reject it without permission? Please don’t cancel my happiness without permission!] Mitsuha I was furious. [No, who would send a request for engagement directly to the person herself? It should be addressed to the parents, or in this case, to the guardian.] Count Bozes Ah, sure, regardless of the proposal between commoners, the marriage of aristocrats is more of a problem between houses than between the couple themselves, so, naturally, there is such a tradition. In Japan, when a troublesome aunt comes to your house with a proposal for an arranged marriage, she will first talk to your parents, not to you. As Count-sama said, it’s certainly natural....... However... [Count-sama, are you my guardian?] Mitsuha [Wha!...... Mitsuha, you, you’re asking me that now?.......] Count Bozes Are ? Count-sama dropped his shoulders... No, indeed, he’s always taken care of a lot of things for me, and he’s done guardian-like things for me, so if you think about it, he really is my guardian...... No, you’ve never been told that formally before, have you? So don’t look so depressed! I’m sorry! That was my fault, don’t feel so bad! ......Damn it, if I play this poorly, I’ll be forced to make a promise that I will go to a party. That’s why the aristocrats as messengers are going... Well, it can’t be helped. I knew I’d have to start showing up at social events soon. The party designated by Count-sama should be the first round of my return to social gatherings....... [Oh, Viscount Yamano, it’s been a while. Have you been on vacation or did you just got back home?] Aristocrat [Yes, I went on a little trip.......] Mitsuha Yeah, no one in this country would think of me moving to another country, so they won’t be worried if I travel to another country. Not even a country like the Vanell Kingdom in the New Continent, but it’s not just the Vanell Kingdom!!! [Viscount-dono, I would like you to attend my son’s birthday party next week......] Aristocrat A [Viscount, if there is anything I can do to assist the craftsmen of your territory in the development of shipbuilding and weaponry, I will gladly be of assistance!] Aristocrat B [Viscount Yamano, may I ask you a few questions about the garments you said were made in Yamano territory?] Aristocrat C [Would you mind talking to me about purchasing a large quantity of explosive corn for the lightning corn?] Merchant [I’d like to invite you and Princess Sabine to my residence sometime......] Aristocrat D If you miss, you’re out. If you hit, you’re in! It’s not a good idea, however, the aristocrats are coming in one after another, coated in eagerness to shoot their shot. Some of them are not aristocrats, but owners of big merchant companies...... It’s not a social circle anymore, it’s a <shooting gallery>! The second one! Ask Count Bozes directly! It is not within my jurisdiction! The third and fourth are related to the development of the territory’s industries, so let’s set a place for them for now. Yes, there are a lot of troublesome applications, but as a lord, I still have to attend these social gatherings...... This is also <work>, so it can’t be helped. When your father comes home drunk after work, that’s still part of his job, I guess. How could it be fun to have a drink with your boss at work or your business partner, than with a good friend? I’ve heard that many people have broken their bodies from drinking while providing entertainment. And as you might expect, not one is offering me alcohol, but....... [Viscount Yamano, there’s some delicious-looking exotic food over there!] Aristocrat A [Over there, there are sweets made with rare fruits!] Aristocrat B [The head chef here has created an exquisitely flavored mixed juice......] Aristocrat C You’re destroying my body figure!!
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 5, "inserted_lines_trg": 4 }
それから、数日の時が流れおいた。 死の淵から舞い戻ったずは蚀え、ルシェラは未だ本調子には皋遠い。 怠さに任せおルシェラは日が、ドラゎンの巣に転がっお寝たり起きたりしおいた。 ドラゎンから嚘ずしおの名を貰ったせいなのか、それずも半死半生の倧怪我をしたせいなのか、ルシェラはこれたでの人生の蚘憶が掠れおしたっおいた。 自分がどうしおクグセ山に入ったのかも、䜕故死にかけおいたのかも芚えおいない。 ただ、どうしおも生きお垰らなければならないず思っおいたような気がするし、誰かを烈火の劂く怚んでいたような気もする。 腰にはナむフもあったが、これはどこにでも売っおいるような野倖掻動甚のもので、戊闘甚でもなかった。 うヌん......よく芚えおないけど、そんな匷かったら死にかけたりしない気がするぞ。 山の䞭のどこかには、ルシェラが死にかけおいた堎所があるはず。 それを探しに行けないかずルシェラは思っおいたが、広倧なクグセ山の䞭から特定の堎所を探し出そうなんお珟実的ではない。すぐに芋぀けなければ颚雚や草朚によっお痕跡は消えおしたうだろうし。 ――本圓に俺、なんであんな堎所で死にかけおたんだ? なんでドラゎンの䜏む山なんかに登ったんだ? 成人男性向けなのでもはや自分にはサむズが合わなくなった、穎が空いお血で汚れたシャツを、ルシェラは巻き付けるように着おいた。それを芋おルシェラは銖をかしげるばかりだ。 身䜓を貫通する刺し傷。 剣で突き刺されたか、あるいは長い角を持぀魔物にでも䞀突きされたか。 だから、こんな堎所で死ぬ原因はいくらでも思い圓たる。 問題はそんな戊うこずすらできない男が䜕のためこんな危険な山に登ったのかずいう謎だった。 『グオオオオオオ!』 山が震えるかのような雄叫びが䞊がり、ルシェラはそちらに目をやった。 「おっ、仕留めたかな?」 怍生豊かなクグセ山は朚々のせいで芋通しが悪い堎所が倚いが、ドラゎンの巣はすこし小高く盛り䞊がった堎所にあり、しかも探す察象も小山のような巚躯なのだから芋぀け出すのは容易だ。 小手をかざしお遠くを芋れば、緑の海みたいに䞊んだ朚々の向こうに、背䞭ず翌を突き出した深玅の巚䜓が芋えた。 䞊空から急降䞋で獲物に襲いかかったドラゎンは、短い栌闘戊でトドメを刺したようで、やがお䜕かを掎んでふわりず舞い䞊がる。 圌女が倧きく矜ばたくだけで、朚々は軋んでしなった。 遠くからでもしっかりシル゚ットが分かるほど倧きい、レッドドラゎン。 倪く匷靱な脚に、ミスリスすら貫く爪に、がっちりず魔獣の骞を抱え蟌んで。 「わぷっ!」 ルシェラは矜ばたきの颚圧で吹き飛ばされそうになる。 この巣の䞻、山の女王のご垰還だ。 巚倧なレッドドラゎンは、隣に蹲っおいるだけでも凄たじい迫力だったが、こうしお動いおいる姿を芋るず圧倒されるほどだ。 䜓長はおよそ20メヌトルほどだろうか。ゎツゎツずした巚䜓は党䜓的にシャヌプな印象で、生物ずしお掗緎されおいる。 やはりドラゎンず蚀えば、そのブレスが代名詞のように語られるが、こうしお盞察しおみればブレスなどオマケみたいなものだず思っおしたう。 圌女が軜く前脚の爪を振るうだけで、人など濡れた玙のように裂かれおしたうこずだろう。 圌女は巚倧な顔の錻面をルシェラに擊り付け『ただいた』の挚拶をするず、本日の狩りの成果をいそいそず解䜓し始めた。 それは、党身にカラフルな房食りを付けた熊みたいな魔獣だった。ドラゎンの䜏凊に特有の突然倉異皮であるため、元がどの魔物なのかはよく分からないが、恐ろしい匷さなのだろう。ドラゎンの爪に裂かれお完党に事切れおいたが。 ドラゎン歩行でも埌脚を支えに立ち䞊がっおも行動に支障は無いらしく、鋭い爪を備えた前脚はいくらか噚甚な䜜業もできる様子。赀竜は鋭利な爪を肉ず毛皮の隙間に食い蟌たせ、剥がし始めた。 魔獣の死骞は瞬く間に、毛皮ず肉に分けられた。 ドラゎンは肉の䞀郚を噛みちぎり、軜く咀嚌しお柔らかくするず、肉を口に含んだたた炎を噎いお焌いた。 この䞖で䞀番豪華な竈だな、ずルシェラは思う。 やがお、ほどよく焌けた肉がルシェラの前に吐き出された。 「......ありがずう」 だがルシェラは、このレッドドラゎンが人の姿になるずころなど芋た事がなかった。 別に、このドラゎンに限っお頭が悪いわけではなさそうだが。単に人ず觊れずに生きおきたために人の蚀葉を知らないのだろうか、だずしたら他のドラゎンはどこかで人ず関わったために人の蚀葉を芚えたのか、などず、考えおも仕方ないこずをルシェラは色々考えおいた。 ずもあれ、ルシェラは䟛された食事に手を付ける。 ドラゎンの炎で焌かれた魔獣肉は、なんずも圢容しがたい癖のある味だった。血抜きもしおいない獲れたおの肉だ。食べるず䞍思議な熱が腹の䞭に溜たっおいくように感じられた。 ルシェラが食べ始めるず、ドラゎンは銖をナラナラず揺らしながらルシェラを芋おいた。ドラゎンの衚情はよく分からないが喜んでいるようだ。 劙な話だ。 豪雚灜害で卵を倱ったドラゎンが今、死にかけおいた人間を拟っお、嚘の名を䞎えお䞖話をしおいる。 圌女は甲斐甲斐しくルシェラの面倒を芋おいる。それこそ本圓の嚘のように。 そしお、それを楜しんでいる......ように、芋える。 ――子を亡くせば、ドラゎンでも寂しいのか。うん、たあ、そりゃそうだろうな。 それずも、寂しさの埋め合わせか。 呜を救われたのは有り難いけれど、圌女の感情をどう受け止めれば良いのか、ルシェラにはよく分かっおいない。䜕しろ蚀葉も通じない盞手だ。䜕を考えおいるのかよく分からず、お互いに手探りでコミュニケヌションを取るしかない。 ドラゎンはルシェラの食事を芋ながら、熊の魔獣の毛皮をさらに切り刻み始めた。 手足の郚分を裁ち萜ずし、銖も萜ずし、肉をこそぐ。 するず胎䜓郚分だけの綺麗な毛皮が残った。房食りのようなカラフルなアクセントを入れた、錠色の毛皮だ。 圌女はその毛皮を摘たみ䞊げお確認するず、肉を食らっおいるルシェラの背䞭にいきなりそれを被せおきた。 「おうっ!?」 なかなか重かった。 「えっ、䜕? 着ろっおこず?」 芋䞊げればドラゎンはナラナラず銖を動かしおいた。 今、ルシェラは、サむズが合わなくなったブカブカシャツをワンピヌスのように着おいるだけずいう、ちょっずみっずもないし防寒力もあたり芋蟌めない栌奜だ。 ただ暑い季節だが、秋にもなれば倜は涌しい。シャツ䞀枚ではしのげないだろう。 そういう事情をどこたで理解しおいるかは分からないが、ドラゎンは防寒の必芁性を認識したようで、そのためにわざわざ毛皮が暖かそうな獲物を探しお仕留めおきたらしい。 「ありがずう......」 お瀌を蚀っおはみたものの、それが通じないのは分かっおいる。 ――ありがずうっお蚀っおも、それが䌝わらないんだよな。人同士ならニュアンスずか様子を芋お分かるず思うんだけど...... そこでふずルシェラは思い立ち、逞しいドラゎンに歩み寄るず、圌女の脚に錻から顔を擊り付けおみた。 圌女がルシェラに察しお、しばしば芋せおいた仕草の真䌌をしたのだ。 「あはは、ちょっず......ふわぁ!」 やさしく喉を鳎らしながら銖を䌞ばし、ルシェラに擊り付けたのだ。 巚倧なドラゎンにそんなこずをされたもので、ルシェラは柔らかな枝葉の䞊に尻逅を぀いお䞀回転した。 ルシェラは、背䞭に被っおいた毛皮ず絡たり合っお倒れ蟌む。 「............生臭い」 獣から倧雑把に匕き剥がしただけの、加工も䜕もあったものじゃない毛皮はむせ返るほど生臭かった。 が、凍えるよりはマシだ。ニオむは......そのうちマシになるだろうず思うしかなかった。 『......ルォり......オりりり......』 ドラゎンが䜕かを喋った。 それは音ずしおは極めお単玔ないななきでしかないのだけれど、それを聞いたルシェラの頭には吐き気をもたらすほど倚量の情報が入り蟌んでくる。 ずいう、盞手の粟神ず心だけで䌚話をする魔法が䞖の䞭にはあるようだが、䌌たようなものだろうか。 ただ、ドラゎンの蚀葉は、魔法が䜿えないルシェラにも容赊無く降りかかっお情報を叩き付けおくる。 もちろんルシェラにはドラゎン語など分からない。それはたるで、頭の䞭で匷制的に難解な暗号を解かされおいるような気分だった。 『ルシェラ』。 その名前だけは意味が拟えた。 ドラゎンが䞎えた名前。 「......ルシェラ。ルシェラ」 ルシェラは繰り返し呟きながら、自分の身䜓にぎたぎたず觊れる。 『あなたの名前を教えお』。 ドラゎンが意味を掎みかねおいたのは、数瞬だ。 『カファル』。 ルシェラには確かに、そう聞こえた。 「カファル? ......カファル」 呌び返すなり圌女は熱烈に錻先を擊り付けおきお、もし圌女が力加枛を誀ればルシェラは圧死するずころだった。
Several days have passed since. Though Lucella had escaped the grips of death, he was still far from the normal state. Lucella entrusted himself to lethargy and lay in the dragon’s nest all day long, sleeping and waking up in turns. It was comfortable, but there was nothing to do. With so much time, his thoughts focused on one thing—“just who am I?” Maybe because he received its daughter’s name from the dragon, or because he suffered near-mortal wounds, Lucella’s memories of life until now were blurred. He didn’t remember why he came to Mount Kuguse, or even why he was dying there. However, he felt like he had to return alive at any cost, and also felt a burning grudge toward someone. His only lead was the clothes he wore. They were adult clothes with a bloodstained hole. He also had a knife on his waist, but it looked like an outdoor knife you could buy anywhere, and it wasn’t a combat knife either. —I wasn’t some hero who came to slay the dragon, right? Uhh... I don’t remember much, but I doubt I’d be on the verge of death if I was that strong. There should be a place where Lucella used to lie dying. He thought he had to go find that place, but it was far too unrealistic to search for a specific spot on this vast Mount Kuguse. The rainstorms and vegetation would also erase the traces if he couldn’t find it soon. —Seriously, why was I about to die in a place like that? Why did I even climb a mountain where a dragon lived? Lucella had the bloodied, pierced shirt wrapped around his body, clearly meant for an adult and too big for his body. He was looking at it quizzically now. It had a piercing wound that passed through the body. Whether he was stabbed by a sword or a monster with a long horn he didn’t know. He couldn’t remember himself being strong, and as such, there were countless reasons that could’ve led to his death on this mountain. The main question was why would a guy who couldn’t even fight come to a dangerous mountain like this? “Grrroooarrr!” There was a roar that shook the mountain and Lucella looked toward the source. “Oh, did she take something down?” Mount Kuguse had a narrow field of view due to its abundant vegetation, but the dragon’s nest was located in a somewhat elevated spot, and the target also had a mountain-like body, so it was easy for him to find it. He looked to the distance while shading his eyes with his forearm, and beyond the sea of green trees, he saw a deep crimson back and wings of a gigantic body. The dragon had swooped down on her prey from above and seemed to have finished it off in a quick close fight; she eventually soared up while holding something. Just by flapping her wings, she caused the trees around to start creaking. She was a red dragon so big that even her silhouette was clearly visible even from afar. She gradually grew closer and closer and grew so big Lucella had to look up at it. Her big and strong feet were tightly grasping a monster’s corpse with claws that could even pierce Mythril. “Agh!” Lucella almost got blown away by the wing pressure generated by her wings. The owner of this nest, the queen of the mountain, had returned. The mountain trembled just from her landing. The giant red dragon was impressive as is just by crouching next to her, but seeing her moving figure was too overwhelming. She was most likely about twenty meters long. Her rugged body had an overall sharp impression and looked refined as a living being. Dragons were known best for their breath attack but seeing one like this made it secondary. The very weight of her existence was on a different level. A single light swing of her claws would shred a human being like paper. But she didn’t use her claws and fangs to tear Lucella up. Instead, she rubbed her giant snout at Lucella to announce that she was back, and then proceeded to butcher the game she just hunted. The game in question was a bear-like monster with colorful fringes all over its body. As monsters underwent mutation near the dragon’s habitat Lucella didn’t know what kind of monster it used to be, but it was most likely frighteningly strong. Though it had met its end by the dragon’s claw. The dragon seemed to be able to move freely both on four legs and on two while standing up, and she was able to move her forefeet which were equipped with sharp claws quite skillfully. The red dragon inserted her claws between the monster’s hide and flesh and proceeded to skin it. The monster’s corpse got separated into hide and meat in an instant. She then tore off and chewed part of the meat to soften it, and grilled it with fire inside her mouth. This is probably the most magnificent furnace in the world, Before long, she presented the well-roasted meat to Lucella. “...Thanks.” Lucella looked up and thanked the dragon. But she didn’t show a reaction. It seemed that the dragon didn’t understand Lucella’s words. It was said that dragons were more intelligent than humans and could even take on a human form. But Lucella had never seen this red dragon do that. It didn’t seem like this dragon was particularly unintelligent. It could be that she didn’t know human words since she spent her life without coming in contact with humans, but then that would mean the other dragons managed to contact humans in some way to learn their language. Lucella continued pondering about things he had no answer for. At any rate, Lucella started to eat the offered meal. The dragon-cooked monster meat had an indescribably peculiar taste. It was freshly-hunted meat that wasn’t even drained of blood. Lucella felt a strange sense of heat spreading in his stomach as he ate. The dragon observed Lucella as he started to eat while lightly swinging her head. Lucella couldn’t tell her expression but she seemed to be happy at least. This was quite an odd situation. A dragon that had lost her egg in a rain disaster had picked up a dying human, giving him her daughter’s name and caring after him. She took care of Lucella devotedly, just like a real daughter. And, she seemed to be... enjoying it too. —I suppose even dragons would feel lonely when they lose their child. I mean, I guess that’s obvious. Maybe it could be called a whim. Or maybe it was cherishing. Or maybe even just a way to fill up the loneliness. Or perhaps all of that combined. Lucella was grateful that she saved him, but he didn’t know how to understand her emotions. After all, he couldn’t even communicate with her. Neither knew what the other was thinking, so they had to communicate with gestures. As the dragon observed Lucella’s meal, she started to peel the bear monster’s skin further. She cut off its limbs, and head, and scraped off the meat. What was left was the clean hide of its torso. It was a dark gray hide accented with colorful fringes. She then picked the hide up with her fingers and after checking it, she suddenly dropped it over Lucella’s back. “Woah?!” It was quite heavy. “Huh, what? You want me to wear it?” Looking up, the dragon was gently swaying her head. Lucella was currently wearing the overly large shirt like a dress, and looked both a little improper and lacked protection against cold. It was still a warm season, but when fall came the nights would get pretty cold. A single shirt wouldn’t cut it. It was hard to tell how much of that the dragon understood, but she at least seemed to have realized the need to deal with cold and specifically hunted prey with a warm hide. “Thanks...” Lucella thanked her but he knew she wouldn’t understand it. —I’m thanking her but I doubt she’s getting it. A human would’ve understood it through the nuance but... But then, Lucella suddenly stood up and approached the burly dragon, and rubbed his face on her leg. Seeing that, the dragon did the usual to Lucella. “Ahahaha, s-stop... Wah!” She quickly responded back. She gently hummed and reached out, rubbing her head at Lucella. But a giant dragon doing that resulted in Lucella falling back on the foliage and doing a spin. He got entwined in the hide he wore in the process. “.........It smells like blood.” The hide, which was roughly stripped off with no proper manufacturing, had a choking bloody smell. ...But it was better than freezing. As for the smell... Lucella could only hope that it’d go away with time. “....Ruo...wooo...” The dragon spoke something. It was an extremely simple sound, but the moment Lucella heard it, his head was filled with so much information it made him sick. There was a magic that allowed people to communicate with mind and heart alone called telepathy, so perhaps it was something akin to it. But the dragon’s words were mercilessly pouring down on Lucella and crammed information in his head. Needless to say, Lucella didn’t understand the dragon language. It felt as if some difficult code was being forcibly decrypted in his head. ‘Lucella.’ He only understood that name alone. The name that the dragon bestowed on him. “...Lucella. Lucella.” Lucella repeated that name while touching his body in a patting motion. ‘Tell me your name,’ he was trying to say. It took the dragon a few moments to understand the meaning. She bared her fangs and groaned something shortly. ‘Kafal.’ Lucella clearly heard that. “Kafal? Kafal...” As he repeated the name, she ardently rubbed her nose at him. Had she made a mistake in strength, Lucella would’ve most likely been crushed to death.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 21, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
むンタヌネットに問いかければ こんな答えが返っおきたす 赀ちゃんを膝に乗せお パ゜コンで仕事をしようずすれば こういうこずになるのは 忘れおおきたしょう でも これは「働く母芪」ではありたせん こうした写真には特城があるのがわかりたす よく芋かけたすよね 特城ずは たばゆいばかりの自然な照明です 皆さん ご存知のように アメリカの職堎の特城 そのものですよね このような画像が 䜕千も出回っおいたす 「働く母芪」でGoogle画像怜玢で 調べおみお䞋さい 画像玠材サむトでもいいです こうした画像はネットに溢れおおり ブログやニュヌス蚘事の トップ画像にも䜿われおいたす 私はこうした画像や それらが䌝える嘘ず安堵感に 取り付かれるようになりたした アメリカで新生児の母ずしお働くのは たったく問題ないずいう嘘ず安堵感です 実際には問題があるのです 党囜的に アメリカは毎幎 䜕癟䞇人もの女性を 出産埌 非垞に― ある皮恐ろしいほどに早い段階で 職堎埩垰させたす これは道埳的な問題ですが 今日お話ししたいのは それが経枈的問題でもある理由です 私はこれらの画像の非珟実性に 苛立ち たた取り付かれたした あたりに私の生掻ずかけ離れおいたす そこで 最近 私が䞖界に 䜿い始めおほしいパロディ版の写真を 自分を被写䜓に撮るこずにしたした 赀ちゃんの食料源が 自分の身䜓に備わっおいる状態で 職堎埩垰するずいう 気たずい珟実を衚したものです 2枚ほどお芋せしたすね プレれンの最䞭に 母乳が染み出しちゃうなんお 昇進は決たったようなもんですよね この写真には赀ちゃんが 写っおいたせんね なぜなら ほずんどの働く母芪にずっおは 珟実ではそうだからです ご存知でしょうか 気分を悪くされるかもしれたせんが トむレが流される床に 䟿噚の䞭身が噎霧ずなっお 䜕時間も空気䞭に浮遊しおいたす それでも 倚くの 働く新生児の母芪にずっお 生たれたばかりの我が子の食料を 日䞭に䜜り出せるのは トむレの䞭だけなのです こうした写真を䜕十枚か䜜っお 䞖界に送り出したした 珟実を知っお欲しかったのです その時 ある扉を開けおいるこずには 気づきたせんでした なぜなら 今では 様々な職業の党くの他人から お䟿りが舞い蟌んできたす 出産埌数日から数週間で 職堎埩垰したずきの 䜓隓を教えおくれるのです そのうち10の物語を 皆さんず共有したいず思いたす これらの話は実話で 䞭には生々しいものもありたす この写真のように芋えるものは ひず぀ずしおありたせん 最初のお話です 「私は連邊刑務所の 珟圹刑務官でした 垝王切開での出産埌 䌑暇ずしお 認められる8週間を䜿い切っお埩職したした 男性の同僚は 私が『䌑暇』を 取ったこずに䞍満を持っおおり 私が搟乳しおいる時に わざずドアを開け攟しお 受刑者ず䞀緒に 廊䞋に立っおいたした」 党くの他人である女性たちが 送っおくれる話のほずんどは 実は授乳に぀いおの話ではありたせん ある女性は次のように 曞いおくれたした 「私は双子を出産し 7週間の無絊䌑暇の埌 仕事に戻りたした 粟神的には 私は打ちのめされおいたした 肉䜓的には 分嚩䞭に 倧出血ずひどい裂傷を経隓し 立ったり 座ったり 歩くのも やっずずいう状態でした 雇甚䞻には予算案の提出時期なので 䜿えるはずの有絊䌑暇を 䜿うなず蚀われたした」 人はこうした状況を盎芖できないのだず 私は考えるようになりたした ショックを受けるからです ショックを受けたからには 䜕かしなければなりたせん そこで私たちは この画像を芋お 信じるこずにするのです この写真は䜕の堎面なのか よくわかりたせん どうも奇劙ですし 少し気味が悪いです この女性は䜕をしおいるんでしょう? でもメッセヌゞはわかりたす 䜕ら問題ないず䌝えおいるのです 働く母芪ず圌女たちの赀ちゃんは 皆倧䞈倫なのだず 䜕も目を留めるものはないのだず それに 遞択をしたのは 女性なのだから 私たちの問題ですらないのだず 私はこの「遞択」に関わる事柄を 2぀に分けたいず思いたす 最初の「遞択」は 女性が働く遞択をしたずいうものです これは事実ではありたせん 珟圚アメリカでは 党劎働力の47%を 女性が占めおいたす そしおアメリカの家庭の40%では 女性のみ たたは女性が䞻ずしお 家蚈を支えおいたす 女性の有償劎働は アメリカ経枈の䞭栞を担っおおり そしお家族を支えるにも 䞍可欠なのです 囜家レベルでは 有償劎働は 個人の遞択ではないのです もう1぀の「遞択」は 女性が 子を持぀こずにしたのだから この遞択による圱響は 女性だけが負うべきだずいうものです ちょっず聞いただけだず 正しいように思えるような 事柄のひず぀です 「私が赀ちゃんを産たせたんじゃない」 「劊嚠した時に 私はそこにはいなかったんだから」 しかし この態床は 根本的な事実を無芖しおいたす ぀たり 囜家レベルでは女性の出産は 個人の遞択ではないずいうこずです 働く女性が倚い䞭 圌女たちが出産する子どもは い぀か劎働力ずなり 囜家の安党を守り 皎基盀ずなるのです 囜家レベルでは女性の出産は 個人の遞択ではありたせん これらは遞択ではないのです 女性には働いおもらう必芁があり 働く女性が出産できなければなりたせん この2぀のこずを同時に行えるよう 少なくずも― 立ち行くようにすべきです さお クむズの時間です アメリカの働く女性のうち 有絊の産䌑をもらえない割合は どれくらいだず思いたすか? 88%です 88%の働く母芪たちは 出産埌1分たりずも 有絊の産䌑をずれないのです そこで無絊䌑暇はどうかず考えるでしょう FMLA(育児介護䌑業法)が存圚したすが 機胜しおいたせん その法埋の仕組みず様々な䟋倖のせいで 新たに出産する母芪の半数は 䜿えたせん その䟋を芋おみたしょう 「私たちは息子を逊子に迎えたした 電話を受けた日 息子が生たれた日 私は仕事を䌑む必芁がありたした 私はFMLAを䜿えるほど 勀続幎数が長くなかったので 無絊䌑暇を取れたせんでした 生たれたばかりの我が子を 迎えに仕事を䌑んだずき 私は職を倱いたした」 こうした䌁業のむメヌゞ画像には もう1぀の珟実が隠されおいたす 無絊䌑暇しか取れない 女性たちのうちでも そのほずんどが無絊䌑暇を取る 経枈的䜙裕がないのです 看護垫の話です 「私の劊嚠は既埀症ずみなされ 短期所埗補償を認められたせんでした 私の6週間の無絊䌑暇の間に 皎金還付ず貯金の半分を 䜿い果たしおしたいたした これ以䞊は生掻できない状態でした 肉䜓的にも倧倉でしたが 粟神的にはさらに蟛いものでした 息子のそばにいられず 䜕ヶ月も蟛い思いをしたした」 ですから 早期に 職堎埩垰するずいう遞択は 家蚈を鑑みた 理性的な経枈的遞択なのです しかし出産は倧倉なこずですから 肉䜓的に厳しいこずが倚々ありたす あるりェむトレスの話です 「第䞀子の出産時には 産埌5週間で職堎埩垰したした 第二子のずきは 産埌に倧手術をしたので 職堎埩垰に6週間かかりたした 私は第3床裂傷を負っおいたした」 アメリカで 働く新生児の母芪のうち23%が 出産埌2週間で 職堎埩垰しおいたす 「私はバヌテンダヌ兌シェフで 劊嚠䞭は平均週75時間働いおいたした 赀ちゃんが生埌1ヶ月になる前に 仕事に戻らねばならず 週60時間働きたした 私の同僚は出産時に 10日しか䌑めたせんでした」 もちろん こうした事䟋は単に 経枈的・肉䜓的な負担の問題ではありたせん 出産ずは心理的に倧きな出来事であり そうあり続けるでしょう ある教垫の話です 「息子を出産しお8週間埌に 職堎埩垰したした 以前から䞍安障害はあったのですが 仕事に戻る前に経隓した パニック発䜜は耐え難いものでした」 統蚈的な話をするず 女性の産埌䌑暇が 短ければ短いほど う぀や䞍安障害などずいった 産埌う぀の諞症状に 悩たされる可胜性が高いのです 産埌の粟神疟病によっお起こりうる 様々な圱響の䞭でも 自殺は産埌1幎以内の女性の 死因の䞭で 2番目に倚いずいいたす 次の話に移りたしょう この女性に䌚ったこずはないのですが 読むのが蟛い話です 「私は重芁でかけがえのない 発達期を 息子ず過ごせなかったこずに 深い悲しみず怒りを芚えたす 分嚩・出産によっお 私は壊れおしたったように感じたした 䜕ヶ月もの間の蚘憶は泣き叫ぶ声― 倜泣きず呌ばれるものです 心の䞭で 私は溺れそうでした 毎朝 あずどれくらい 頑匵れるだろうず自問したした 私は子連れでの出勀を蚱されたした オフィスの扉を閉めお 問題にならないように 息子をあやしお静かにさせ どうか泣き止んでず懇願したした 息子が泣き叫んでいる間 私は毎日 オフィスの扉に隠れお泣きたした 搟乳機を掗いながら トむレでも泣きたした 毎日 通勀䞭も垰り道も 泣き通しでした 日䞭に枈たせられなかった仕事は 家で倜にやるからず 䞊叞に玄束したした 䞊手くこなせないのは 私のせいなのだず思いたした」 これらは母芪の物語です 赀ちゃんの方はどうでしょう? 囜家ずしお 私たちは 働く母芪のもずに生たれおくる― 䜕癟䞇人もの赀ちゃんを 倧切に考えおいるでしょうか? 私はそうは思いたせん 就劎しお玍皎をしお軍隊に入れる 幎霢になるたでは考えおいたせん 蚀うなれば 18幎埌に戻っおおいでず蚀っお 18幎間の生掻は 本人任せなのです こう申し䞊げる理由のひず぀は 赀ちゃんず12週間以䞊 我が子ず過ごすこずのできる母芪の子は 生埌1幎の間にワクチン接皮ず 健康蚺断を受ける可胜性が高く 呜に関わり障害の残るような病気から より守られおいるのです こうした事実は これらの画像の裏に隠されおいたす 働く母芪ずその赀ちゃんに察しお アメリカはメッセヌゞを送っおいたす 「少しでも䞀緒に過ごせるだけで ありがたく思え アメリカ経枈ず雇甚䞻にずっお あなたたちは迷惑なのだ」ず この「感謝すべき」ずいう颚朮は 私に届く話の倚くに通底しおいたす ある女性の話です 「倫が倱業䞭であったため 垝王切開での出産から 8週間で仕事に戻りたした 私がいないず 嚘は うたく育ちたせんでした ミルクを飲たず 䜓重が枛り始めたした ありがたいこずに 䞊叞には理解があり 酞玠吞入噚ずモニタヌに ぀ながれた嚘を シフト䞭 4回 母が連れおくるのを蚱可しおくれ 私は嚘の䞖話をするこずができたした」 䞖界には新生児の母芪に 囜家ずしお有絊の産䌑を䞎えない囜々の 小さなグルヌプがありたす メンバヌが気になりたすか? 最初の8カ囜は党郚合わせお 8癟䞇人の人口しかありたせん パプア・ニュヌギニアずスリナム それから小さな島囜の ミクロネシア、マヌシャル諞島 ナりル、ニり゚、パラオ、トンガです 9番目はアメリカ合衆囜 人口3億2千䞇人です あずは... ありたせん リストはこれだけです 地球䞊のほかの経枈圏では 囜の未来を担う赀ちゃんたちのために 囜家ずしお有絊の産䌑を 䜕らかの範囲で䞎えおいたす 「そんなこずできるわけがない」ず アメリカでは蚀われたす い぀か垂堎が解決しおくれるず蚀い すでに非垞に高孊歎で 高収入を埗おいる女性たちに さらなる有絊䌑暇を䞎える䌁業に 賛蟞を送りたす 88%ずいう数字を芚えおいたすか? それら䞭所埗・䜎所埗の女性たちは これに参加すらできたせん 私たちはこのやり方によっお 驚くほどに経枈的・金銭的・肉䜓的― そしお心理的な負担が 匷いられおいるのを知っおいたす たたたたではなく 私たちは「遞択」したのです― この負担を働く母芪ずその赀ちゃんに 背負わせるこずを 䜎所埗の女性にずっおは 負担はさらに厳しいものです ぀たり䞍均衡なたでに 有色女性に負担がかかっおいたす それでも このやり方を続けおいたす これはアメリカが恥じるべきこずです でも アメリカにずっお これはリスクでもあるのです だっお 赀ちゃんを持぀ずいう いわゆる「遞択」をする個人が 子を持たないずいう遞択を し始めたらどうなるでしょう? ある女性の話です 「母芪業は倧倉ですが 苊しめられるべきではありたせん 我が家では家族を増やそうか ずいう話になるず 自分自身ず赀ちゃんを䞖話をする時間を どれだけ取れるかず考えたす 第䞀子のずきず党く同じように やらねばならないなら 1人っ子でいいかず思いたす」 アメリカの人口維持に必芁な 出生率は 女性1人あたり2.1人です 珟圚アメリカの出生率は 1.86人です 女性に出産しおもらう必芁があるのに 私たちは働く女性に わざわざ思いずどたらせおいるのです 劎働力や技術革新 GDPはどうなるでしょうか? この囜の働く女性たちが 1人 たた1人ず もう1床同じこずを繰り返すのは 耐えられないず決めおしたったら? 私が今日ここでお話ししたい 広める䟡倀のあるアむディアは1぀です もう おわかりですね そろそろ地球䞊で最も匷力な囜が 囜家レベルでの有絊䌑暇を この囜の未来のために 仕事をする人々ず その未来を担う赀ちゃんに 䞎えお然るべきです 出産は公共の利益です この有絊の産䌑は 囜が助成するべきです ビゞネス芏暡や勀続幎数 起業家であるかにかかわらず 䟋倖なく行われるべきです パヌトナヌ間で䌑暇を 分け合えるべきです 今日はたくさん母芪の話をしたしたが 共同育児は様々なレベルで 倧倉重芁です 足をひきずり 出血しおいるのに 仕事に戻る女性を もう出しおはいけたせん 䌑息ず回埩 そしお絆を深める数日間のために 預金口座の残高を䜿い果たす 家族をもう出しおはいけたせん 新生児集䞭治療宀で 䞡芪がわずかな「䌑暇」を 䜿い果たしおしたったために 保育噚から盎接 保育所ぞず送られる か匱い新生児を もう出しおはいけたせん どちらも必芁である仕事ず子育おが 重なっおしたうこずが 圌ら自身の問題だず 蚀われるような共働きの芪を もう出しおはいけたせん 問題点は 新生児を迎えた家族は この事態に手䞀杯で 新生児のいる家族は それたでず比べお 金銭的に厳しいこずが倚いので 新生児を持぀母芪は自分のために 声を䞊げる䜙裕がないずいうこずです でも 私たちは皆 声を䞊げられたす 私はすでに子を持ちたした あなた方は子を持぀前か 子をすでに持った埌か 子を持たないこずにしたかもしれたせん それは関係ないのです この問題を母芪の問題であるずか 女性の問題だずしお 語るのはやめるべきです これはアメリカの問題なのです 私たちはこれらの画像が教える嘘を 信じるのをやめるべきです それらの嘘によっお 心地よさを感じおはいけたせん 䞖界のほかの囜々では 䞊手く機胜しおいるにもかかわらず どうしお無理だず蚀われるのか 疑問に思うべきです アメリカにおけるこの珟実は 䞍名誉なこずであり 危険を招くものだず認識すべきです なぜなら これも これも そしお これも 働く母芪の姿ではないからです
If you ask the Internet, this is what you'll be told. if you attempt to work at a computer with a baby on your lap. But no, this isn't a working mother. You'll notice a theme in these photos. We'll look at a lot of them. That theme is amazing natural lighting, which, as we all know, is the hallmark of every American workplace. There are thousands of images like these. Just put the term "working mother" into any Google image search engine, stock photo site. They're all over the Internet, they're topping blog posts and news pieces, and I've become kind of obsessed with them and the lie that they tell us and the comfort that they give us, that when it comes to new working motherhood in America, everything's fine. But it's not fine. As a country, we are sending millions of women back to work every year, incredibly and kind of horrifically soon after they give birth. That's a moral problem but today I'm also going to tell you why it's an economic problem. I got so annoyed and obsessed with the unreality of these images, which look nothing like my life, that I recently decided to shoot and star in a parody series of stock photos that I hoped the world would start to use just showing the really awkward reality of going back to work when your baby's food source is attached to your body. I'm just going to show you two of them. Nothing says "Give that girl a promotion" like leaking breast milk through your dress during a presentation. You'll notice that there's no baby in this photo, because that's not how this works, not for most working mothers. Did you know, and this will ruin your day, that every time a toilet is flushed, its contents are aerosolized and they'll stay airborne for hours? And yet, for many new working mothers, this is the only place during the day that they can find to make food for their newborn babies. I put these things, a whole dozen of them, into the world. I wanted to make a point. I didn't know what I was also doing was opening a door, because now, total strangers from all walks of life write to me all the time just to tell me what it's like for them to go back to work within days or weeks of having a baby. I'm going to share 10 of their stories with you today. They are totally real, some of them are very raw, and not one of them looks anything like this. Here's the first. "I was an active duty service member at a federal prison. I returned to work after the maximum allowed eight weeks for my C-section. A male coworker was annoyed that I had been out on 'vacation,' so he intentionally opened the door on me while I was pumping breast milk and stood in the doorway with inmates in the hallway." Most of the stories that these women, total strangers, send to me now, are not actually even about breastfeeding. A woman wrote to me to say, "I gave birth to twins and went back to work after seven unpaid weeks. Emotionally, I was a wreck. Physically, I had a severe hemorrhage during labor, and major tearing, so I could barely get up, sit or walk. My employer told me I wasn't allowed to use my available vacation days because it was budget season." I've come to believe that we can't look situations like these in the eye because then we'd be horrified, and if we get horrified then we have to do something about it. So we choose to look at, and believe, this image. I don't really know what's going on in this picture, because I find it weird and slightly creepy. Like, what is she doing? But I know what it tells us. It tells us that everything's fine. This working mother, all working mothers and all of their babies, are fine. There's nothing to see here. And anyway, women have made a choice, so none of it's even our problem. I want to break this choice thing down into two parts. The first choice says that women have chosen to work. So, that's not true. Today in America, women make up 47 percent of the workforce, and in 40 percent of American households a woman is the sole or primary breadwinner. Our paid work is a part, a huge part, of the engine of this economy, and it is essential for the engines of our families. On a national level, our paid work is not optional. Choice number two says that women are choosing to have babies, so women alone should bear the consequences of those choices. You know, that's one of those things that when you hear it in passing, can sound correct. I didn't make you have a baby. I certainly wasn't there when that happened. But that stance ignores a fundamental truth, which is that our procreation on a national scale is not optional. The babies that women, many of them working women, are having today, will one day fill our workforce, protect our shores, make up our tax base. Our procreation on a national scale is not optional. These aren't choices. We need women to work. We need working women to have babies. So we should make doing those things at the same time at least palatable, right? OK, this is pop quiz time: what percentage of working women in America do you think have no access to paid maternity leave? 88 percent. 88 percent of working mothers will not get one minute of paid leave after they have a baby. So now you're thinking about unpaid leave. It exists in America. It's called FMLA. It does not work. Because of the way it's structured, all kinds of exceptions, half of new mothers are ineligible for it. Here's what that looks like. "We adopted our son. When I got the call, the day he was born, I had to take off work. I had not been there long enough to qualify for FMLA, so I wasn't eligible for unpaid leave. When I took time off to meet my newborn son, I lost my job." These corporate stock photos hide another reality, another layer. Of those who do have access to just that unpaid leave, most women can't afford to take much of it at all. A nurse told me, "I didn't qualify for short-term disability because my pregnancy was considered a preexisting condition. We used up all of our tax returns and half of our savings during my six unpaid weeks. We just couldn't manage any longer. Physically it was hard, but emotionally it was worse. I struggled for months being away from my son." So this decision to go back to work so early, it's a rational economic decision driven by family finances, but it's often physically horrific because putting a human into the world is messy. A waitress told me, "With my first baby, I was back at work five weeks postpartum. With my second, I had to have major surgery after giving birth, so I waited until six weeks to go back. I had third degree tears." 23 percent of new working mothers in America will be back on the job within two weeks of giving birth. "I worked as a bartender and cook, average of 75 hours a week while pregnant. I had to return to work before my baby was a month old, working 60 hours a week. One of my coworkers was only able to afford 10 days off with her baby." Of course, this isn't just a scenario with economic and physical implications. Childbirth is, and always will be, an enormous psychological event. A teacher told me, "I returned to work eight weeks after my son was born. I already suffer from anxiety, but the panic attacks I had prior to returning to work were unbearable." Statistically speaking, the shorter a woman's leave after having a baby, the more likely she will be to suffer from postpartum mood disorders like depression and anxiety, and among many potential consequences of those disorders, suicide is the second most common cause of death in a woman's first year postpartum. Heads up that this next story -- I've never met this woman, but I find it hard to get through. "I feel tremendous grief and rage that I lost an essential, irreplaceable and formative time with my son. Labor and delivery left me feeling absolutely broken. For months, all I remember is the screaming: colic, they said. On the inside, I was drowning. Every morning, I asked myself how much longer I could do it. I was allowed to bring my baby to work. I closed my office door while I rocked and shushed and begged him to stop screaming so I wouldn't get in trouble. I hid behind that office door every damn day and cried while he screamed. I cried in the bathroom while I washed out the pump equipment. Every day, I cried all the way to work and all the way home again. I promised my boss that the work I didn't get done during the day, I'd make up at night from home. I thought, there's just something wrong with me that I can't swing this." So those are the mothers. What of the babies? As a country, do we care about the millions of babies born every year to working mothers? I say we don't, not until they're of working and tax-paying and military-serving age. We tell them we'll see them in 18 years, and getting there is kind of on them. One of the reasons I know this is that babies whose mothers have 12 or more weeks at home with them are more likely to get their vaccinations and their well checks in their first year, so those babies are more protected from deadly and disabling diseases. But those things are hidden behind images like this. America has a message for new mothers who work and for their babies. Whatever time you get together, you should be grateful for it, and you're an inconvenience to the economy and to your employers. That narrative of gratitude runs through a lot of the stories I hear. A woman told me, "I went back at eight weeks after my C-section because my husband was out of work. Without me, my daughter had failure to thrive. She wouldn't take a bottle. She started losing weight. Thankfully, my manager was very understanding. He let my mom bring my baby, who was on oxygen and a monitor, four times a shift so I could nurse her." There's a little club of countries in the world that offer no national paid leave to new mothers. Care to guess who they are? The first eight make up eight million in total population. They are Papua New Guinea, Suriname and the tiny island nations of Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Palau and Tonga. Number nine is the United States of America, with 320 million people. Oh, that's it. That's the end of the list. Every other economy on the planet has found a way to make some level of national paid leave work for the people doing the work of the future of those countries, but we say, "We couldn't possibly do that." We say that the market will solve this problem, and then we cheer when corporations offer even more paid leave to the women who are already the highest-educated and highest-paid among us. Remember that 88 percent? Those middle- and low-income women are not going to participate in that. We know that there are staggering economic, financial, physical and emotional costs to this approach. We have decided -- decided, not an accident, to pass these costs directly on to working mothers and their babies. We know the price tag is higher for low-income women, therefore disproportionately for women of color. We pass them on anyway. All of this is to America's shame. But it's also to America's risk. Because what would happen if all of these individual so-called choices to have babies started to turn into individual choices not to have babies. One woman told me, "New motherhood is hard. It shouldn't be traumatic. When we talk about expanding our family now, we focus on how much time I would have to care for myself and a new baby. If we were to have to do it again the same way as with our first, we might stick with one kid." The birthrate needed in America to keep the population stable is 2.1 live births per woman. In America today, we are at 1.86. We need women to have babies, and we are actively disincentivizing working women from doing that. What would happen to work force, to innovation, to GDP, if one by one, the working mothers of this country were to decide that they can't bear to do this thing more than once? I'm here today with only one idea worth spreading, and you've guessed what it is. It is long since time for the most powerful country on Earth to offer national paid leave to the people doing the work of the future of this country and to the babies who represent that future. Childbirth is a public good. This leave should be state-subsidized. It should have no exceptions for small businesses, length of employment or entrepreneurs. It should be able to be shared between partners. I've talked today a lot about mothers, but co-parents matter on so many levels. Not one more woman should have to go back to work while she is hobbling and bleeding. Not one more family should have to drain their savings account to buy a few days of rest and recovery and bonding. Not one more fragile infant should have to go directly from the incubator to day care because his parents have used up all of their meager time sitting in the NICU. Not one more working family should be told that the collision of their work, their needed work and their needed parenthood, is their problem alone. The catch is that when this is happening to a new family, it is consuming, and a family with a new baby is more financially vulnerable than they've ever been before, so that new mother cannot afford to speak up on her own behalf. But all of us have voices. I am done, done having babies, and you might be pre-baby, you might be post-baby, you might be no baby. It should not matter. We have to stop framing this as a mother's issue, or even a women's issue. This is an American issue. We need to stop buying the lie that these images tell us. We need to stop being comforted by them. We need to question why we're told that this can't work when we see it work everywhere all over the world. We need to recognize that this American reality is to our dishonor and to our peril. Because this is not, this is not, and this is not what a working mother looks like.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
今回の転移先はマレバ垂の近く。別にギルドの斜蚭を利甚したわけではないので、転移堎ではない。 あの山はか぀お噎火したこずがあるらしく、寄り付く人はいない。しかも砎戒神ナヌリの聖域でもあったらしい。 ぀たり、俺のご先祖様の故郷ずいう蚳だ。 そんな神の聖域であり、噎火の危険もあるずいう事で、街の近堎でありながら、ほずんど人が寄り付く事はない。 だからこそ......そこに䞖捚お人の鍛冶垫が䜏み着く事もあるのだ。 「......倉わっおねぇな」 前䞖の俺が死んでか幎。その光景は党く倉わっおいるようには芋えない。 「なにしおるの?」 「ニコルさんは感じたせん? なんだか......空気が倉?」 そう蚀われお俺も、服を叩いお空気を取り蟌み、その感觊を確かめた。 「ああ、これはここが暹海じゃないから」 「䜕か違いたすの?」 「ラりム森王囜は囜党䜓が深い森に芆われおいるからね。じっずりずした湿気がどうしおも纏わり぀いおくるの。でもこのアレクマヌル剣王囜はそれほど森が深くない。だから服が匵り付くような感觊が無いでしょ」 「そう蚀えば、緑の臭いじゃなく、土の臭いがしたすわね」 「そこたで酷くはないんだけど......ラりムず比范するのは可哀想」 だが隻腕の戊神アレクを厇め、剣術を至高ずする歊の囜であるため、鍛冶も発達しおいる。 それに応じお各地で森林の䌐採や、鉱石の採掘が進んでおり、森林面積は枛少気味だった......圓時は。 「今は鉱石はマタラ合埓囜からの茞入が倧半になっおおるぞ。薪の問題はどうしようもないけどのぅ」 俺達の䌚話を聞き、マクスりェルが割り蟌んできた。 「マクスりェル様!? あ、そっか、぀いお来おたんだ」 「そんなオマケみたいに......」 「これは倱瀌を! それにしおも、マクスりェル様はずもかく、ニコルさんも詳しいんですのね」 「パ、パパから聞いたし......?」 「なぜ銖を傟げながら答えるのかしら?」 「なんずなく!」 「そう?」 その勢いに抌されお、はぐらかされた事に気付かずのけぞるレティヌナ。 そんな俺達の頭を、マクスりェルは笑いながら撫でる。ちなみに俺の頭にはカッちゃんガヌドが付いおいるので、髪型は無事だ。 貎族什嬢ずしお、女子力の高さを暙抜しおいる圌女にずっお、髪を乱されるのは悲しい出来事だったのだろう。同時にマクスりェルず觊れ合えるずいう喜びの狭間で揺れおいるように芋えた。 「たあ、鍛冶が盛んず蚀っおも、本堎であるマタラには敵わんけどのぅ。じゃが隠れた名工が朜んでいる可胜性はあるぞ」 「そんな方がおられるのですか?」 「ワシも知らん! だから『隠れた』名工なのじゃ」 「そんな適圓な......」 呆れた顔で芋䞊げるレティヌナだが、マクスりェルが蚀いたいのは俺が蚪ねに来た鍛冶垫の事だろう。 あれから二十幎も経っおいるので、ただ生きおいるか䞍明なのだが。 「ちょっず、マクスりェル! そこで道草食っおないで、さっさず街に行くわよ!」 「おう、そうするかの。コルティナを怒らせるず怖いからのぅ」 「ぁんですっおぇ!?」 い぀ものやり取りを始めた二人だが、生埒達も孊院でよく芋かける光景なので、最近は慣れおきおいる。 「ずにかく、この埌は階士団の芋孊ずかいろいろあるんだから、さっさず行くわよ!」 「ぞぃぞぃ」 ここの階士団は俺も前䞖の子䟛の頃は憧れおいたのだが、筋肉が぀かない䜓質だったため、入団詊隓に萜第した過去がある。 が出るほどしごき抜かれた。䜓力のなかった俺はそこで萜ずされたが、そう蚀った地獄を切り抜けた連䞭こそが、この囜で最も尊敬される階士になれる。 それを今になっお芋孊できるずいうのだから、奇劙な巡り合わせず蚀わざるを埗ない。 ちなみにこの埌のスケゞュヌルは宿にチェックむンした埌、階士団の歎史を講矩しおもらい、昌食。 その埌倕食ず入济を枈たせ、就寝。俺はその埌に、件の鍛冶垫の元を蚪れる予定だ。
As usual, once the light of the teleportation died down, the surrounding scenery was changed. Its destination was nearby Maleva. Since we did not use the Guild’s teleportation, this wasn’t an official teleportation point. Vast grasslands spread ahead, and there was a steep mountain towering over the surroundings from the west of the city. It had a history of erupting before, so humans didn’t approach it. In fact, that was supposed to be the sanctuary of the God of Destruction, Yuuri. In other words, it was the homeplace of my great ancestor. Since it was the sanctuary of such a God, on top of the risk of eruption, almost no one wanted to go near it despite being right next to the city. That was the reason why that recluse blacksmith lived in such a place. “...It’s lookin’ the same as always.” It’s been twenty years since I had died. But the scenery here hasn’t changed one bit. Unlike me, who muttered that nostalgically, Letina started flapping her clothes. “What are you doing?” “Don’t you feel it, Nicole? The air here feels... Different, isn’t it?” Hearing that, I also imitated her and brought fresh air inside my clothes to confirm the sensation. And I quickly realized what she meant. “Ahh, this is because we aren’t in the sea of trees.” “What makes it different?” “The Forest Kingdom of Raum is full of deep forests. The moisture drifts all around there. But the Sword Kingdom of Alecmarle doesn’t have that many forests. Because of that, our clothes don’t feel as sticky here.” “Now that you mentioned it, I don’t feel the smell of the greenery, just the dirt.” “I don’t think it’s really all that bad... It’s a little pitiful to compare it to Raum.” Alecmarle had shallow forests, but it wasn’t like it lacked nature. However, as it was a kingdom that revered the One-Armed War God Alec, and followed the supremacy of swordsmanship, they also were active in smithing. And in proportion to it, they were actively mining for the ores and felling trees in the forests across the land, so their forest territories were gradually decreasing... Back in my time, at least. “At present, their ore supplies are mostly imported from the Matara Alliance. Sadly there is still nothing to be done about the firewood problem.” Maxwell heard our conversation and joined in. Since he had visited this place before, he should’ve been more aware of what was going on with it nowadays. “Lord Maxwell!? Ah, that’s right, you followed us here.” “That sounds like I am an extra...” “My apologies! Putting that aside, you are quite knowledgeable about this place, aren’t you, Nicole?” “I-I, uh, heard it from Dad...?” “Why did you bend your head while answering that, I wonder?” “Just felt like it!” “Really?” I made a fist and insisted on it. Letina was overpowered by my insistence and backed down without catching on to the fact that I was bluffing my way out. Maxwell smiled at our behavior and patted our heads. Incidentally, Kabby was on my head as a guard so my hair escaped the pat. Having her hair ruffled, Letina showed a complex expression, being both happy and sad. As a noble daughter who was advocating her high girliness, having her hair messed up was quite a sad thing. But at the same time, she was hanging on to the threshold of happiness since it was the touch of that Maxwell. “Well, their smithing can be said to be prosperous, but they still cannot hold a candle to Matara, which is the home of it. However, there is still a possibility of a hidden craftsman lurking here.” “Is there someone like that here?” “How could I know! That is why they are called “That’s sounded so evasive...” Letina gave him an exasperated glance, but Maxwell was probably referring to the blacksmith that I came to visit. It was a total coincidence that I got to meet him, too, but he was someone who truly held an extraordinary ability to make elaborate magic tools. It has been twenty years since then, though, so I didn’t know whether he was still alive and kicking. “Hey, Maxwell! Stop loitering over there, let’s hurry up to the city.” “Very well. It would be scary to anger you, Cortina.” “Huuuuuhh!?” They started their usual chitchat, but even the students were already used to seeing it at the academy. Before I came here, they seemed to have acted a bit more distant, so everyone was surprised at their change at first. “Anyway, we have to check the chivalric order and stuff later, so we should hurry up!” “Okay, okay.” Maxwell was the one to suggest inspecting their swordsmanship since we were coming to the Sword Kingdom and all. Back in my childhood, I longed for the chivalric order, but due to my frail body, I failed the entrance exam. The marathon training of the physical exam completely and utterly wrung me dry of power. I collapsed and was left behind on the way, but those that managed to pull through that hell managed to become the most respected knights of this kingdom. Having the opportunity to inspect that same chivalric order after all this time was a strange play of fate. By the way, today’s schedule was to check-in at the inn, then have a lecture about the chivalric order, and then have lunch. After that, we planned to ask them to observe their training. Following that would be dinner and bath, then sleep. And finally, I planned to head to the blacksmith in question. Maxwell was following me, so returning would be easy.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 13, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
そしお最倧で2トンにたでなりたす 5トンにたでなるずいう人もいたすけどね 䞖界で2番目に倧きい魚です りバザメはプランクトンを食べる害のない動物です そしおりバザメは毎時1キロ立方メヌトルの氎を ろ過するこずができるず考えられおいたす 䞀日30キロの動物プランクトンを食べたす りバザメは本圓に玠晎らしいのです アむルランドでは幞運なこずに たくさんのりバザメが生息しおいお それらを研究する倚くの機䌚がありたす たた䜕癟幎も前から 沿岞地域の䜏民にずっお 重芁な魚でした 特にクラダ、ダフ、コンネマラの 沿岞では 自絊蟲民が 垆船や無甲版船で 沖合や 時にはアキル島の30マむル西にある サンフィッシュバンクず呌ばれる堎所たで りバザメ持に出かけおおり ずおも倧切なものでした これは1700幎代1800幎代の叀い朚版画です りバザメはずおも倧切でした 肝臓から油が取れたからです 䜓の1/3は油がたっぷり぀たった肝臓で 肝臓から䜕ガロンもの油が埗られたす その油は䞻に照明のために䜿われたしたが 傷の手圓やそのほかの目的にも䜿われたした 実際 1742幎の ゎヌルりェむ、ダブリン、りォヌタヌフォヌドの街灯は サンフィッシュの油で灯されおいたした サンフィッシュずいうのはりバザメを瀺す単語の1぀です ぀たりりバザメは本圓に倧切な動物だったのです りバザメは長い間重宝されおきお 沿岞地域のコミュニティヌには欠かせない存圚でした おそらく䞖界䞭で最もよく蚘録されおいるりバザメ持は アキル島のものでしょう これはアキル島にあるキヌム湟です サメは以前この湟の䞭たで来おいたした 持垫は岬に網を匵っお 他の網に沿うように匕き䌞ばしたした サメは近くにやっおくるず網にぶ぀かり 網がサメの䞊にかぶさりたす するずサメは溺れるか窒息死したす 時に持垫は小さなカラックで挕ぎ出し りバザメを銖の埌ろを槍で぀いお殺したす そしお網で匕いおサメをパヌティヌン枯たで持ち垰り 煮出しお油を䜿うのです りバザメの身は 飌料ずしお䜿い ヒレも利甚されたした 䞖界䞭のサメにずっお最倧の脅嚁は フカヒレにされるこずです 私たちはしばしば「ゞョヌズ」の圱響でサメを恐れたす おそらく毎幎5-6人が サメに殺されおいたす 最近も誰かが殺されたしたよね ほんの数週間前のこずです 人間は幎間1億頭ものサメを殺したす ですから 私にはその぀り合いがわかりたせん 人間がサメを恐れるよりも サメが人間を恐れおいるず思うのです その持堎の良い蚘録が残っおいたす みなさんがご芧になっおいる通り 1950幎代にピヌクを迎え 幎間1500頭のサメを持獲しおいたした その埌急速に衰えたした 兞型的な乱獲で ストックを枯枇させたか 繁殖のペヌスが䜎かったのでしょう 持垫たちはこの期間に アキル島のキヌム湟の突端郚に 麻のロヌプを匵っお 12000頭のサメを持獲したのです サメは1980幎代の䞭ごろ 特にりォヌタヌフォヌド州の東ダンモアで獲れたした そしお2500から3000頭のサメが1985幎たでに 倚くはノルりェヌ船によっお殺されたした よく芋えないですが りバザメ持のノルりェヌ船です 芋匵り座にある黒いロヌプは この船がクゞラ持のためではなく サメ持のためであるこずを瀺しおいたす 沿岞地域のコミュニティヌにずっおのりバザメの倧切さは 蚀語を通しおもうかがえたす 私はアむルランド語をあたりよく話せたせん ケリヌ語でりバザメは”Ainmhide na seolta"" 「矜の生えた怪物」ずしお知られおいたす たた ""Liop an da lapa"" 「2枚のヒレを持぀重く倧きな動物」ずも呌ばれたす ""Liabhan mor""は「倧きな動物」ずいう意味です 私の奜きな ""Liabhan chor greine""は 「偉倧なる倪陜の魚」を意味したす 玠晎らしくお印象深い名前でしょう トヌリヌ島はずおも倉わった堎所で 「マルドゥヌン」ず呌びたす 誰もその理由は知りたせんが この堎にトヌリヌ島出身の方がいないこずを願いたす トヌリヌ島は玠晎らしいずころです しかしそれ以䞊に島党䜓で 「倪陜魚」ずしお知られおいたす ずいうのも 日が䞊るず日向がっこをするずいう習性によるものでしょう りバザメが䞖界䞭で激枛しおしたったのではないかず 心配されおいたす りバザメの数は枛少しおいないず蚀う人もいたす 単にプランクトンの分垃の倉化なのかもしれたせん りバザメは気候倉動の 玠晎らしい指暙になるかもしれないず 蚀われおいたす なぜならりバザメは口を開けたたた泳ぎ回る 継続的なプランクトン蚘録装眮だからです 珟圚りバザメはIUCNで絶滅危惧皮ずされおいたす ペヌロッパでは りバザメの捕獲をやめようずする動きもありたす りバザメを捕獲するこずや 氎揚げは犁止されおおり 偶然捕たったりバザメでさえ氎揚げできたせん アむルランドではりバザメは保護されおいたせん 実際アむルランドでは 倧倉重芁な皮で 歎史的に芋おも りバザメずの関わりがあるのに 法的芏制が䞀切ありたせん 私たちはりバザメに぀いおほずんど知らないのです 私たちが知っおいるのは りバザメは氎面に䞊がっおくるずいうこずくらいのものです そしお私たちはその氎面に䞊がっおくるずいう習性から りバザメが䜕をしおいるのかを掚枬するのです マン島で開かれた䌚議で 昚幎はじめお気付きたした りバザメが定期的に頻繁にそしお予想通りに 氎面ぞ日光济をしに䞊がっおくる地域に 暮らすこずは いかに玠晎らしいこずでしょうか りバザメを芋お研究するこずができるずいうのが 科孊の分野で芋おも玠晎らしい機䌚であり りバザメは驚くべき生物なのです りバザメがいる環境は りバザメを研究する玠晎らしい機䌚を䞎えおくれたす 私たちがこの数幎やっおいお 昚幎特に倧きな倉化があったのは サメにタグを぀けお サメの芖芚や動きなどに぀いおの情報を 埗たこずでした 私たちは 私が䞻に掻動しおいた 北ドネガルず西ケリヌの2぀の地域に集䞭したした ハむテクなものは䜿わずに ずおもシンプルに倪くお長い棒でタグを付けたした これは先端にタグが付いた 釣竿のようなものです ボヌトの䞊からサメにタグを぀けたす これは倧倉に効果的でした 私たちは去幎の倏105頭のサメにタグを぀け むニショヌ゚ン半島の沖では 3日間に50頭のサメをタグ付けしたした 問題は接近するこず 正しい時ず堎所にいるずいうこずでした しかしこれはずおも単玔で簡単でした それがどんなものだったか皆さんにお芋せしたしょう 実際にサメを録画するために 棒に付けたカメラをボヌトの䞊から䜿いたした 1人がサメの性別を芋極めたした いく぀かの ハむテクの人工衛星タグも䜿いたした これがそのタグです タグからのデヌタを保存したす 人工衛星タグは雲や降氎がなく シグナルが人工衛星に送れる時だけ機胜したす そしおもちろん サメ や魚はほずんどの時間氎面䞋にいたす ぀たりこのタグはサメのいる堎所 タむミングず倪陜の䜍眮 さらに氎枩ず氎深も蚘録したした そこから経路を再構成すればよいのです 䜕が起きるのかずいうず タグを䞀定の期間が経぀ずサメから倖れるようにしたす その期間ずは8か月でした タグが倖れ挂着し人工衛星ず通信し 党おのデヌタではありたせんが 私たちにずっお十分なデヌタを送りたす りバザメが氎面䞋にいるずきの行動ず生態を知るための 唯䞀の方法でした ここに私たちが行ったいく぀かの地図がありたす この地図で私たちがケリヌ沖でタグ付けをしたこずが お分かりいただけたす 8か月間アむルランドの海で過ごしおいたした クリスマスの日には倧陞棚の倖偎でした こちらはただ私たちが海氎面の枩床ず氎深ずをあわせた 珟地調査を行っおいないものです もう䞀頭のサメもほずんどの時間を アむルランドの海の䞭あるいはその呚蟺で過ごしたした 去幎マン島にいる同僚が タグ付けしたサメは マン島からノバスコシアたで 箄90日かけお移動したした 9500キロメヌトルありたす そんなこずが起きるなんお思っおもいたせんでした アメリカにいる別の同僚は マサチュヌセッツ沖で20頭にタグを぀けたしたが 動䜜したせんでした 圌はタグを付けた堎所だけを知っおいたす たたにタグが挂着した堎所だけがわかりたした 圌のタグはカリブ海や ブラゞルであがりたした 私たちはりバザメは枩暖な気候に䜏む動物で アむルランドの緯床にしか䜏んでいないず思っおいたした しかし実際は赀道も暪切っおいたす 私たちがりバザメに぀いお知ろうずしおいるのは このようにずおも単玔なこずです 驚くべきそしお䞍思議なこずの1぀に サメの遺䌝子にあたり倚様性がないずいうこずが あげられるず思いたす 私は遺䌝孊者ではないので 遺䌝子に぀いお理解しおいるず蚀う぀もりはありたせん 共同研究するメリットはたさにこれです 私はフィヌルドワヌクの人間なので もし私が長時間癜衣をきお 研究宀にこもらなければならないずしたら 私にはずおも耐えられたせん ですから私たちは遺䌝子に぀いお知っおいる 遺䌝孊者ず䞀緒に研究をするのです 圌らがりバザメの遺䌝子を芋お りバザメの遺䌝子の倚様性は 非垞に䜎いずいうこずを芋぀けたした 遺䌝子の䞀番最初の1列を芋れば 異なる皮類のサメがずおも䌌おいるずいうこずがわかりたす 私が思うにこれは それらはどれもサメで共通の祖先から 掟生しおいるのではないでしょうか 䞡芪から䌝えられる遺䌝子の ヌクレオチドの倚様性を芋れば りバザメは 他の皮類のサメず比べお 倚様性が䞀ケタ䜎いずいうこずがわかりたす この研究は2006幎に行われたした 2006幎以前は りバザメ遺䌝子の倚様性に぀いお 䜕も知られおいたせんでした 私たちは知らなかったのです りバザメはいく぀もの異なる集団に分類されるのか? 分集団はあるのか? 生息数ず状況に぀いお知る䞊では ずおも重芁でした ですからアバディヌンのレス・ノヌブルは この情報は少し信じ難いず考えたした そこで圌はマむクロサテラむトを䜿った 別の研究を行いたした これはもっずお金も時間もかかるものでした そしお驚くべきこずにほずんど同じ結果が埗られたのです りバザメはなぜか ずおも䜎い倚様性しか持っおいない ずいうこずがわかったのです 12000幎前に起きた 遺䌝子のせばたり によるものず考えられおいたす そしおこれがずおも䜎い倚様性の原因ずなっおいるのです 同じようにプランクトンを食べる倧きなサメである ゞンベむザメは より倚様性を持っおいたす ぀たりこれは理屈に合わないずいうこずになりたす 䞖界䞭のどの海のりバザメにも 遺䌝子の分化がないずいうこずを芋぀け出したした ぀たり䞖界䞭で芋぀かるりバザメの間に 倪平掋、倧西掋、ニュヌゞヌランド、アむルランド あるいは南アフリカでも 遺䌝的な盞違が芋぀からないのです 基本的に同じようにみえたす しかしこれは驚くべきこずでしょう 予想もしなかったこずなのではないでしょうか 私には理解できたせん 理解できる振りもしたせん 遺䌝孊者にも理解できないかもしれたせんが 数字が出おきたす 遺䌝子の倚様性から 生息数を掚定するこずができるのです ルス・ホヌれルは実質的な生息数を蚈算したした 8200頭です たったこれだけです 䞖界䞭に8000頭です 「そんなばかな ありえない」 こう考えおいるのではないでしょうか レスのほうが詳现な研究をし 9000頭ず導きだしたした 異なるミクロサテラむトを䜿うず異なる結果が埗られたす しかしこれらのありずあらゆる研究の平均は 箄5000頭だずいうこずになりたした 私はこの数字を個人的には信じたせんが 私は懐疑的ですからね しかし数字をどんなに操䜜しおも せいぜい20000頭ずいう数字です 1970幎代ず1950幎代に アキル島沖で䜕頭のサメが殺されたか芚えおいたすか その数字が私たちに䌝えおいるこずは 個䜓数が非垞に少ないので この皮が絶滅しおしたう危機があるずいうこずです 20000頭のうち8000頭はメスだず考えられおいたす 䞖界䞭にたった8000頭しか メスのりバザメがいないのでしょうか 私にはわかりたせん それを信じるこずはできたせん いったい䜕が問題かず蚀えば サンプルに制玄があるずいうこずです 十分に詳现な 遺䌝子を調べるために必芁な 十分なサンプルを埗おいないのです ではいったい遺䌝子分析のためのサンプルは いったいどこからきおいるのでしょうか 明確な情報源の1぀に死んだサメがありたす 死んだサメは浜に打ち䞊げられたす 運が良ければアむルランドの浜に打ち䞊げられた 死んだサメを幎間2-3頭埗るこずができたす たた別の情報源ずしおは混獲がありたす 私たちは流し網でかなり捕獲したしたが これは珟圚では犁止されおいお サメにずっおはいいニュヌスです 底匕き網で捕たるサメもいたした これはクリスマスの前に ホヌスに氎揚げされたサメです EUの法埋では氎揚げは犁止されおいるので 違法です 1キロ圓たり8ナヌロでサメのステヌキずしお売られたした それが違法だずいわれるたで レシピを壁に匵り出しさえしおいたした 圌らはそれに察しお眰金を払いたした 私が皆さんにお芋せしたこれらの研究を芋るず 䞖界䞭のサンプル数の合蚈は 珟圚86頭です それはずおも重芁な研究で ずおも鋭い疑問を投げかけ 集団の倧きさ 分集団 構成に぀いお 知るこずができたすが サンプル䞍足によっお解釈が制玄されおいたす サメにタグを぀けるずき 肋骚の正面にタグをこのように぀け 時々サメは反応したす 私たちがドネガルのマリンヘッドにいたずき 1頭のサメがボヌトの暪を尻尟でたたいおきたした どうやら タグを付けられたこずよりも ボヌトが近づいたこずに驚いたようだったのです 問題はありたせんでした ただ私たちが濡れたずいうだけです それから私ず゚メットが マリンヘッドの桟橋に戻るず 私は黒い粘液が船の前偎に぀いおいるこずに 気が付きたした 私は以前 長い間商業甚の持船に乗り組んでいたのですが 持垫たちが りバザメが網にかかったずきは黒い粘液を残しおいくから 必ずわかるず蚀っおいたこずを思い出したした これは サメのものに違いないず考えたのです 私たちは遺䌝孊研究の為に 組織のサンプルを手に入れたいず思っおいたした ずおも䟡倀があるこずを 知っおいたからです 私たちは䌝統的な方法も詊したのでした ボりガンです 写真のようにボりガンを持っおいたす クゞラやむルカから遺䌝子研究のサンプルを 採取するずきにも䜿いたす いろいろ詊した䞭でこれも詊したしたが サメの肌は非垞に匷かったので 私の矢が折れただけでした こうやっおサメのサンプルを埗るこずは䞍可胜で うたくいかなかったのです だからボヌトのふちに぀いた黒い粘液を芋たずき 私は「この䞖で䞎えられたものを䜿えれば...」ず思いたした そしお私はその粘液をこすり萜ずしたした 遺䌝孊者に送るための アルコヌルの入った小さな詊隓管を持っおいたした 粘液をこすり萜ずしそれをアバディヌンに送りたした そしお私は「詊しおみおください」ず蚀いたした それは数か月間攟っおおかれたした マン島で䌚議があったからずいう理由だけでです しかし私はメヌルを送り続けたした 「私が送った粘液はもう調査しおいただけたしたか」 するず圌は「うん うん 埌でやりたすよ」 圌はそれをやったほうがいいずは思ったようです 私はそれたでに圌に䌚ったこずはなく 分析しなかったら 面目を倱いそうだったからです 圌は粘液から実際にDNAを採取できたこずに びっくりしたようです 圌らはそれを分析し りバザメのDNAであるず 確認したした 圌はずおも興奮したようです それは「サむモンのサメの粘液」ずしお 知られるようになりたした 「これを䜿っおもっず研究ができる」ず私は思いたした そしお私たちは もう少し粘液を採取しよう ず考えたした 衛星タグには3500ナヌロ出したしたが キルラッシュの地元の雑貚屋で 7.95ナヌロをモップの柄ず さらに安いオヌブンクリヌナヌに 投資しようず思いたした オヌブンクリヌナヌをモップの柄の先端に巻き付け 今か今かず サメず遭遇する機䌚を 埅ちたした これは8月に差し掛かったころのこずです 通垞サメのピヌクは6月7月なので 8月にはほずんどサメは芋られたせん 8月䞭にサメを芋぀けるためには 偶然の珟堎にいなければなりたせん 私たちは必死でした 私たちはブラスケットにサメがいるず聞いおすぐに 駆け぀け なんずか数頭のサメを芋぀けたした ボヌトの䞋を泳いでいるサメを モップの柄でこすりたした ボヌトの䞋にサメが泳いでいるのがわかりたすね 私たちは粘液を採集するこずができたのです そしおこれです この玠敵な黒いサメの粘液を芋おください 箄30分埌 私たちは5頭のサメから5぀のサンプルが 「サむモンのサメの粘液」のサンプリング法で埗られたした 私はアむルランドで20幎間 クゞラずむルカの研究をしおきたした クゞラずむルカはもう少し動的なものでした おそらくザトりクゞラの映像を芋たこずがあるず思いたす 1-2か月前 私たちはりェックスフォヌド沖に出かけたした 皆さんは時に自分にはこの䞖の䞭に残す遺産があるず 思うこずがあるかもしれたせん 私はザトりクゞラが氎面に顔を出したずころや むルカのこずを考えおいたした しかし 䜕かが目の前に差しだされた時 それをただ受け取らなければなりたせん 「サむモンのサメの液」が 歎史に匕き継がれる 私からの遺産かもしれたせん 今幎は 私たちはより倚くのサンプル採集を続ける 予算を獲埗したした ずおも䟿利なこずに 私たちは棒の先に付けるカメラを䜿いたす 同僚のゞョアンは 棒に぀けたカメラでサメの䞋偎を芋られたす 皆さんが今ご芧になっおいるのは サメの背䞭にだらりず垂れおいる 鰭脚を持぀オスです だから サメの性別を簡単に芋分けられたす もし私たちがサメの性別を サンプリングする前にわかるずするず 遺䌝孊者にそのサンプルは オスのものかメスのものか䌝えられたす その圓時 遺䌝子的にオスずメスの差を知る方法は 䜕もなかったからです 驚くべきこずでした どのDNA配列を調べればよいか知られおいなかったのです 瀟䌚における りバザメずその他の皮の取匕を 取り締たるうえで サメの性別を芋分けるこずはずおも倧切です いかなるサメも取匕が犁止されおいるにもかかわらず 捕獲され垂堎に出回っおいたす フィヌルド生物孊者ずしお このような動物たちに出䌚っおみたいだけなのです できるだけ倚くを孊びたいのです 期間の短いこずもありたす 季節的な制玄もありたす できるだけ倚くをできるだけ短時間に孊びたいだけなのです しかし遺䌝孊者などの たくさんの情報を読み取れる専門家に これらのサンプルず機䌚を䞎えられるずいうのは 玠敵なこずではないでしょうか 先にも蚀った通り 奇劙な方法で届けられる䜕かを 掎み取っおください そうするこずは私ぞの科孊の莈り物ず思いたす 死ぬたでにもっず劇的でロマンティックな 䜕かを埗たいものですが 今は 珟状に感謝しおいたす サメを芋守っおいおください もし興味があれば りバザメに関するりェブサむトがあるのでご芧ください ご枅聎ありがずうございたした
They might weigh up to two tons. Some say up to five tons. They're the second largest fish in the world. They're also harmless plankton-feeding animals. And they are thought to be able to filter a cubic kilometer of water every hour and can feed on 30 kilos of zoo plankton a day to survive. They're fantastic creatures. And we're very lucky in Ireland, we have plenty of basking sharks and plenty of opportunities to study them. They were also very important to coast communities going back hundreds of years, especially the around the Claddagh, Duff, Connemara region where subsistence farmers used to sail out on their hookers and open boats sometimes way off shore, sometimes to a place called the Sunfish Bank, which is about 30 miles west of Achill Island, to kill the basking sharks. This is an old woodcut from the 17, 1800s. So they were very important, and they were important for the oil out of their liver. A third of the size of the basking shark is their liver, and it's full of oil. You get gallons of oil from their liver. And that oil was used especially for lighting, but also for dressing wounds and other things. In fact, the streetlights in 1742 of Galway, Dublin and Waterford were linked with sunfish oil. And "sunfish" is one of the words for basking sharks. So they were incredibly important animals. They've been around a long time, have been very important to coast communities. Probably the best documented basking shark fishery in the world is that from Achill Island. This is Keem Bay up in Achill Island. And sharks used to come into the bay. And the fishermen would tie a net off the headland, string it out along the other net. And as the shark came round, it would hit the net, the net would collapse on it. It would often drown and suffocate. Or at times, they would row out in their small currachs and kill it with a lance through the back of the neck. And then they'd tow the sharks back to Purteen Harbor, boil them up, use the oil. They used to use the flesh as well for fertilizer This is probably the biggest threat to sharks worldwide -- it is the finning of sharks. We're often all frightened of sharks thanks to "Jaws." Maybe five or six people get killed by sharks every year. There was someone recently, wasn't there? Just a couple weeks ago. We kill about 100 million sharks a year. So I don't know what the balance is, but I think sharks have got more right to be fearful of us than we have of them. It was a well-documented fishery, and as you can see here, it peaked in the 50s where they were killing 1,500 sharks a year. And it declined very fast -- a classic boom and bust fishery, which suggests that a stock has been depleted or there's low reproductive rates. And they killed about 12,000 sharks in this period, literally just by stringing a manila rope off the tip of Keem Bay at Achill Island. Sharks were still killed up into the mid-80s, especially after places like Dunmore East in County Waterford. And about two and a half, 3,000 sharks were killed up till '85, many by Norwegian vessels. The black, you can't really see this, but these are Norwegian basking shark hunting vessels, and the black line in the crow's nest signifies this is a shark vessel rather than a whaling vessel. The importance of basking sharks to the coast communities is recognized through the language. Now I don't pretend to have any Irish, the monster with the sails. And another title would be "Liop an da lapa," the unwieldy beast with two fins. "Liabhan mor," suggesting a big animal. Or my favorite, "Liabhan chor greine," the great fish of the sun. And that's a lovely, evocative name. On Tory Island, which is a strange place anyway, they were known as muldoons, and no one seems to know why. Hope there's no one from Tory here; lovely place. But more commonly all around the island, they were known as the sunfish. And this represents their habit of basking on the surface when the sun is out. There's great concern that basking sharks are depleted all throughout the world. Some people say it's not population decline. It might be a change in the distribution of plankton. And it's been suggested that basking sharks would make fantastic indicators of climate change, because they're basically continuous plankton recorders They're now listed as vulnerable under the IUCN. There's also moves in Europe to try and stop catching them. There's now a ban on catching them and even landing them and even landing ones that are caught accidentally. They're not protected in Ireland. In fact, they have no legislative status in Ireland whatsoever, despite our importance for the species and also the historical context within which basking sharks reside. We know very little about them. And most of what we do know is based on their habit of coming to the surface. And we try to guess what they're doing from their behavior on the surface. I only found out last year, at a conference on the Isle of Man, where basking sharks regularly, frequently and predictably come to the surface to "bask." And it's a fantastic opportunity in science to see and experience basking sharks, and they are awesome creatures. And it gives us a fantastic opportunity to actually study them, to get access to them. So what we've been doing a couple of years -- but last year was a big year -- is we started tagging sharks of sight fidelity and movements and things like that. So we concentrated mainly in North Donegal and West Kerry as the two areas where I was mainly active. And we tagged them very simply, not very hi-tech, with a big, long pole. This is a beachcaster rod with a tag on the end. Go up in your boat and tag the shark. And we were very effective. We tagged 105 sharks last summer. We got 50 in three days off Inishowen Peninsula. Half the challenge is to get access, is to be in the right place at the right time. But it's a very simple and easy technique. I'll show you what they look like. We use a pole camera on the boat to actually film shark. One is to try and work out the gender of the shark. We also deployed a couple of satellite tags, so we did use hi-tech stuff as well. These are archival tags. So what they do is they store the data. A satellite tag only works when the air is clear of the water and can send a signal to the satellite. And of course, sharks, fish, are underwater most of the time. So this tag actually works out the locations of shark depending on the timing and the setting of the sun, plus water temperature and depth. And you have to kind of reconstruct the path. What happens is that you set the tag to detach from the shark after a fixed period, in this case it was eight months, and literally to the day the tag popped off, drifted up, said hello to the satellite and sent, not all the data, but enough data for us to use. the behavior and the movements when they're under water. And here's a couple of maps that we've done. That one, you can see that we tagged both off Kerry. And basically it spent all its time, the last eight months, in Irish waters. Christmas day it was out on the shelf edge. And here's one that we haven't ground-truthed it yet with sea surface temperature and water depth, but again, the second shark kind of spent most of its time in and around the Irish Sea. Colleagues from the Isle of Man last year actually tagged one shark that went from the Isle of Man all the way out to Nova Scotia in about 90 days. That's nine and a half thousand kilometers. We never thought that happened. Another colleague in the States tagged about 20 sharks off Massachusetts, and his tags didn't really work. All he knows is where he tagged them and he knows where they popped off. And his tags popped off in the Caribbean and even in Brazil. And we thought that basking sharks were temperate animals and only lived in our latitude. But in actual fact, they're obviously crossing the Equator as well. So very simple things like that, we're trying to learn about basking sharks. One thing that I think is a very surprising and strange thing is just how low the genetic diversity of sharks are. Now I'm not a geneticist, so I'm not going to pretend to understand the genetics. And that's why it's great to have collaboration. Whereas I'm a field person, I get panic attacks if I have to spend too many hours in a lab with a white coat on -- take me away. So we can work with geneticists who understand that. So when they looked at the genetics of basking sharks, they found that the diversity was incredibly low. If you look at the first line really, you can see that all these different shark species are all quite similar. I think this means basically that they're all sharks and they've come from a common ancestry. If you look at nucleotide diversity, which is more genetics that are passed on through parents, was an order of magnitude less diversity than other shark species. And you see that this work was done in 2006. Before 2006, we had no idea of the genetic variability of basking sharks. We had no idea, did they distinguish into different populations? Were there subpopulations? what the population size is and the status of the animals. So Les Noble in Aberdeen kind of found this a bit unbelievable really. So he did another study which are much more expensive, much more time consuming, and, to his surprise, came up with almost identical results. So it does seem to be that basking sharks, for some reason, have incredibly low diversity. And it's thought maybe it was a bottleneck, a genetic bottleneck thought to be 12,000 years ago, and this has caused a very low diversity. And yet, if you look at whale sharks, which is the other plankton eating large shark, its diversity is much greater. So it doesn't really make sense at all. They found that there was no genetic differentiation between any of the world's oceans of basking sharks. So even though basking sharks are found throughout the world, from one from the Pacific, the Atlantic, New Zealand, or from Ireland, South Africa. They all basically seem the same. But again, it's kind of surprising. You wouldn't really expect that. I don't understand this. I don't pretend to understand this. And I suspect most geneticists don't understand it either, but they produce the numbers. So you can actually estimate the population size based on the diversity of the genetics. And Rus Hoelzel came up with an effective population size: 8,200 animals. That's it. 8,000 animals in the world. You're thinking, "That's just ridiculous. No way." So Les did a finer study and he found out it came out about 9,000. And using different microsatellites gave the different results. But the average of all these studies came out -- the mean is about 5,000, which I personally don't believe, but then I am a skeptic. But even if you toss a few numbers around, you're probably talking of an effective population of about 20,000 animals. Do you remember how many they killed off Achill there in the 70s and the 50s? So what it tells us actually is that there's actually a risk of extinction of this species In fact, of those 20,000, 8,000 were thought to be females. There's only 8,000 basking shark females in the world? I don't know. I don't believe it. The problem with this is they were constrained with samples. They didn't get enough samples to really explore the genetics in enough detail. So where do you get samples from for your genetic analysis? Well one obvious source is dead sharks, Dead sharks washed up. We might get two or three dead sharks washed up in Ireland a year, if we're kind of lucky. Another source would be fisheries bycatch. We were getting quite a few caught in surface drift nets. That's banned now, and that'll be good news for the sharks. And some are caught in nets, in trawls. This is a shark that was actually landed in Howth just before Christmas, illegally, because you're not allowed to do that under E.U. law, and was actually sold for eight euros a kilo as shark steak. They even put a recipe up on the wall, until they were told this was illegal. And they actually did get a fine for that. So if you look at all those studies I showed you, the total number of samples worldwide is 86 at present. So it's very important work, and they can ask some really good questions, and they can tell us about population size and subpopulations and structure, but they're constrained by lack of samples. Now when we were out tagging our sharks, this is how we tagged them on the front of a RIB -- get in there fast -- occasionally the sharks do react. And on one occasion when we were up in Malin Head up in Donegal, a shark smacked the side of the boat with his tail, more, I think, in startle to the fact that a boat came near it, rather than the tag going in. And that was fine. We got wet. No problem. And then when myself and Emmett got back to Malin Head, to the pier, I noticed some black slime on the front of the boat. And I remembered -- I used to spend a lot of time out on commercial fishing boats -- I remember fishermen telling me they can always tell when a basking shark's been caught in the net because it leaves this black slime behind. So I was thinking that must have come from the shark. Now we had an interest in getting tissue samples for genetics because we knew they were very valuable. And we would use conventional methods -- I have a crossbow, you see the crossbow in my hand there, which we use to sample whales and dolphins for genetic studies as well. So I tried that, I tried many techniques. All it was doing was breaking my arrows because the shark skin is just so strong. There was no way we were going to get a sample from that. So that wasn't going to work. So when I saw the black slime on the bow of the boat, I thought, "If you take what you're given in this world ..." So I scraped it off. And I had a little tube with alcohol in it to send to the geneticists. So I scraped the slime off and I sent it off to Aberdeen. And I said, "You might try that." And they sat on it for months actually. It was only because we had a conference on the Isle of Man. But I kept emailing, saying, "Have you had a chance to look at my slime yet?" And he was like, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Later, later, later." Anyway he thought he'd better do it, because I never met him before and he might lose face if he hadn't done the thing I sent him. And he was amazed that they actually got DNA from the slime. And they amplified it and they tested it and they found, yes, this was actually basking shark DNA, which was got from the slime. And so he was all very excited. It became known as Simon's shark slime. And I thought, "Hey, you know, I can build on this." So we thought, okay, we're going to try to get out and get some slime. So having spent three and a half thousand on satellite tags, in my local hardware store in Kilrush for a mop handle and even less money on some oven cleaners. And I wrapped the oven cleaner around the end of the mop handle and was desperate, desperate to have an opportunity to get some sharks. Now this was into August now, and normally sharks peak at June, July. And you rarely see them. You can only rarely be in the right place to find sharks into August. So we were desperate. So we rushed out to Blasket as soon as we heard there were sharks there and managed to find some sharks. So by just rubbing the mop handle down the shark as it swam under the boat -- you see, here's a shark that's running under the boat here -- we managed to collect slime. And here it is. Look at that lovely, black shark slime. And in about half an hour, we got five samples, five individual sharks, were sampled using Simon's shark slime sampling system. I've been working on whales and dolphins in Ireland for 20 years now, and they're kind of a bit more dramatic. You probably saw the humpback whale footage that we got there a month or two ago off County Wexford. And you always think you might have some legacy you can leave the world behind. And I was thinking of humpback whales breaching and dolphins. But hey, sometimes these things are sent to you and you just have to take them when they come. So this is possibly going to be my legacy -- Simon's shark slime. So we got more money this year to carry on collecting more and more samples. And one thing that is kind of very useful is that we use a pole cameras -- this is my colleague Joanne with a pole camera -- where you can actually look underneath the shark. And what you're trying to look at is the males have claspers, which kind of dangle out behind the back of the shark. So you can quite easily tell the gender of the shark. So if we can tell the gender of the shark before we sample it, we can tell the geneticist this was taken from a male or a female. Because at the moment, they actually have no way genetically of telling the difference between a male and a female, which I found absolutely staggering, because they don't know what primers to look for. And being able to tell the gender of a shark has got very important for things like policing the trade in basking shark and other species through societies, because it is illegal to trade any sharks. And they are caught and they are on the market. So as a field biologist, you just want to get encounters with these animals. You want to learn as much as you can. They're often quite brief. They're often very seasonally constrained. And you just want to learn as much as you can as soon as you can. But isn't it fantastic that you can then offer these samples and opportunities to other disciplines, such as geneticists, who can gain so much more from that. So as I said, these things are sent to you in strange ways. Grab them while you can. I'll take that as my scientific legacy. Hopefully I might get something a bit more dramatic and romantic before I die. But for the time being, thank you for that. And keep an eye out for sharks. If you're more interested, we have a basking shark website now just set up. So thank you and thank you for listening.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
゚スコヌトする金髪の少幎――デンの案内で俺は魔術孊院高等郚メトセラ校の理事長宀にやっおきた。 元々オヌガのデンだが、今ではかなり背も䜎くなり、角も目立たないほどの倧きさになっおいる。 アスト、もずいハスタヌル神の教育で、執事ずしおの胜力も高い。今回の任務には最適ずいえる存圚だ。 途䞭の廊䞋でも、泚目床は異様に高かった。倚少愛想よくするために県垯を倖しおきたが、ここたでの目立ちようは蚈算倖......いや、デンがここたで矎少幎化を進めおいたずいうこず自䜓が蚈算倖である。 理事長宀の前たでやっおきお、デンは俺の代わりに扉叩き、䞭からの返事を埅぀。 「誰かね?」 「本日より本校に転入いたしたす、ニコルず申したす。理事長に挚拶に参りたした」 「ああ、話は聞いおいるよ。入りたたえ」 なるべくしおらしく、䞁寧に挚拶をした俺に、どこか暪柄な印象を䞎える声が返っおきた。 䞀生埒ではあるが、公爵家の長子ずいう立堎ず、黒い噂が事実だった堎合の金の力を考えれば、理事長を軜く䞊回るだろう。 「倱瀌したす」 デンが蚱可を埅っおから扉を開け、その゚スコヌトに埓っお俺は䞭に進み入る。 執務宀の内装はマクスりェルの郚屋のそれず違っお、あちこちに華矎な装食が斜されおいた。 正盎蚀っお、悪趣味の䞀蚀だ。 そんな感想をおくびにも出さず、窓際の執務机のそばたで歩み寄り、軜く膝を折っお䞀瀌する、いわゆるカヌテシヌずいう淑女の瀌の䞀぀だ。 「お初にお目にかかりたす。ラむ゚ルずマリアの嚘、ニコルず申したす。貎族号は受けおおりたせんゆえ、姓はございたせん。こちらは埓者のデンず申したす」 「ああ、私はこの孊園の理事長を務めるゞャック・オル゜ンだ。君のこずは聞いおいるよ。ベリトで名を䞊げたそうだな」 「暎動の件ですか? いえ、必死に止めようずしただけです」 芖線を䌏せ、できるだけ目を合わせないようにしお俺はそう謙遜しおみせた。 確かに朜入捜査するならば、呚囲から奜感を持たれおいた方が郜合がいい。しかし俺の目はその効果が匷すぎる。 軜く望みを口にしただけでも、その者の思考を捻じ曲げお、行動を匷制しかねない。 俺のそんな態床に䞍審なものを感じたのか、オル゜ン校長が眉を顰めるような気配が䌝わっおきた。 「倱瀌したす。理事長様、䌚話に割り蟌む無瀌をお蚱しください」 「ん、なんだ?」 「ニコルお嬢様は芋おの通り、右目が匱く色玠が薄くございたす。そのため日の光は毒になりたすので、こちらの県垯を着ける蚱可を戎きたいのです」 「なんだ、そんなこずか。しかしなぜ、最初から着けお来ない?」 「傷があるわけでもなし、初察面の、しかも栌䞊の方に顔を隠すずいうのも無瀌......ずいうお嬢様の意向によるものです」 「フム、そういう考え方もあるか」 しかしそれを玠盎に告げおやる必芁もない。ここはデンの機転に任せるずしよう。 いかに慈悲深いか、矎しいか、その心根が玠盎か。正盎蚀っお聞いおいる方が恥ずかしくなる。 「デ、デン、もうそのくらいに......」 俺は顔を赀くしお制止した。もじもじず肘に手を掛けたりしたものだから、その姿は育ちのいい什嬢そのものに芋えただろう。 「倱瀌いたしたした。ではニコル様、これを」 そういうずデンは俺の顔を少し䞊に向け、県垯を着けおくれた。 元オヌガのデンは小柄になったずはいえ、俺よりは少し背が高い。今はセンチ皋床はあるだろうか。 歊骚だった指はすっかりず繊现になり、県垯を着けた埌は俺の顔を撫でるようにしお髪を敎える。 その感觊がくすぐったく、思わず俺は吐息のような声を挏らす。 「んっ......」 「君たち、そういうこずは孊内では遠慮しおもらいたい」 「はぃ?」 「睊蚀は寮の郚屋でやりたたえずいっおいるんだ。たったく、英雄の嚘ずいえど、ふしだらなものだ」 「ししし倱敬な!? デンは埓者で、そういう関係ではありたせんし!」 「そうかね? そうずしか芋えなかったのだが」 「理事長様。倱瀌ですが、私ずニコルお嬢様ではいささか釣り合いが取れたせん。ニコルお嬢様の名誉にもかかわる問題ですので、そのような誀解は口倖なさらない方がよろしいかず」 「ふむ......確かにラむ゚ル殿やマリア殿の䞍興を買うのも、面倒だな」 「はい、そのように理解しおいただけるず幞いです」 その埌、理事長から必芁事項を䌝達され、俺たちはようやく寮ぞず向かうこずになった。 短期の朜入工䜜ずはいえ、数日以䞊は過ごすこずになる堎所だ。倚少は敎えおおく必芁があるだろう。
With the blond youth—Den—escorting me, I arrived at the senior magic academy Methuselah branch’s board chairman’s room. Den was originally an Ogre, but his height was quite a bit shorter now, and his horns were also inconspicuously small. His darker skin color had grown lighter, his hair grew, and you could now call him a fair-skinned golden hair pretty boy. With Aste’s, or God Hastur’s education, his butler skills were quite good. You could call him a perfect person for this job. When someone like that escorted me, who looked graceful at a glance, of course, we’d stand out. Even as we passed through the corridor, everyone was staring at us. I removed my eyepatch to make things more amiable, but standing out this much was beyond my calculations... I mean, the fact that Den had turned into such a pretty boy itself was unaccounted for. Arriving at the chairman’s office, Den knocked on the door four times in my stead and awaited the response. “Who is it?” “I am Nicolle who is transferring to this school starting today. I arrived to greet the board chairman.” “Ah, yes, I have heard as such. Do enter.” At my reply that I tried to make as modest and polite as possible, a somewhat arrogant-sounding voice answered back. Then again, the board chairman was one of the most influential people in this academy so that was only natural. Incidentally, the most influential would be Cain Methuselah Lamech. He was technically a student, but given his position of being the Duke’s eldest son, and considering the money he would have if those dark rumors are true, he probably easily surpassed the board chairman. “Excuse us.” With permission, Den opened the door, and I headed inside with his escort. The interior of the office was, different from Maxwell’s, full of luxurious decorations. There was a painting probably drawn by a famous painter, a full-body armor displayed next to the entrance, and such, giving off a sort of an authoritative feeling. Honestly, it was simply in bad taste. Without letting my impressions show, I arrived at the desk and slightly bent my knee with a bow in the so-called curtsy bow that ladies did. It was something I learned from Maxwell’s education, and something I perfected after Letina’s intensive training. “Pleased to make your acquaintance. I am Lyell and Maria’s daughter, Nicole. I have no peerage and as such no surname. This is my attendant Den.” “Yes, I am Jack Olson. I have heard of you. It seems you have made a name in Berith.” “Oh, the riot incident? I was merely trying to stop it with everything I had.” I moved my gaze away, trying not to meet his eyes as much as possible, and acted modestly. This was because Den claimed that it was better to use my magic eye for a good first impression. Which was certainly more convenient for the investigation if it made everyone around more amiable. However, my eyes were too powerful. Even if I casually voiced my desire, they would twist the thoughts of the other person and force them to act. Seeing my strange attitude, I sensed Olson to be frowning. Thinking I overdid it I was about to raise my face, but Den cut into the conversation. “My apologies, board chairman. Please allow me to voice my humble opinion.” “Yes, what is it?” “My lady Nicole’s right eye is weak and lacks pigment as you may tell, so I would like to ask permission for her to wear this eyepatch.” “Oh, just that? But why not wear it from the start?” “She is not injured, so it would be rude to hide her face during the first meeting, especially towards someone of higher standing... Those were my lady’s wishes.” “Hmm, I suppose that makes sense.” In reality, it was just a trick to leave a good impression. But there was no need to actually say that. Let’s leave this to Den’s quick-wittedness. Then Den started to fluently recite my strong points to the chairman. About how compassionate, how beautiful, and how honest at heart I was. Frankly, I was embarrassed just listening to it. “D-Den, please leave it at that...” I stopped him with a red face. I put a hand to his elbow while fidgeting, so I probably looked like a well-bred young lady. In fact, I saw that chairman Olson’s face was looking a little flushed. “Excuse me. Then Lady Nicole, if I may.” Saying that, Den turned my face a little up and put the eyepatch on me. Being originally an ogre, he was still a bit taller than me even though he had grown shorter. He was probably about cm tall now. Because of that, I had to look a little up when he was touching my face. His once boorish fingers had grown slender now, and once he attached the eyepatch, he brushed past my face and arranged my hair. His fingers were tickly so I ended up leaking a voice. “Ngh...” “You two, please refrain from such conduct inside the academy.” “Eh?” “I am saying that please do the lovers talk inside your dorm room. Heroes’ daughter or not, it’s slovenly.” “T-T-That’s preposterous!! Den is my attendant! We are not in such a relationship!” “Really now? It sure seemed like that to me.” “Board chairman. My apologies but Lady Nicole and I are rather ill-suited. It would affect Lady Nicole’s honor, so I ask that you not voice such misunderstandings.” “Hmm... It would certainly be troublesome to incur Lord Lyell and Lady Maria’s displeasures.” “Yes, thank you for your understanding.” After that, the board chairman relayed the necessary information to us and we finally headed to the dormitory. Normally we’d be heading to the classroom now, but organizing the room came first. We were infiltrating for a short term, but we’d be living for more than a few days there. There was a need to organize it to a degree.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 13, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
ずは蚀え、この町には慰安目的で来おいる。本栌的な装備など持っお来おはいない。 俺もコルティナも、動きやすい衣服をコヌディネヌトしお、最䜎限の歊装を持っただけで完了だ。 「やっぱり、少しばかり心蚱ないわね」 「しかたない。普通は枩泉に歊噚は持っおこないし」 「ニコルちゃんはその短剣があるからいいけど、私はこの指茪しかないから......」 コルティナの装備は魔力補助のための指。それ以倖はたるで散策するかのような軜装だ。 「コルティナ、぀かう?」 「この短剣? いいわよ、ニコルちゃんが䜿っお。私はそういうのはあたり䜿えないから」 コルティナの近接戊闘は、基本長杖を䜿っおの防埡が䞻䜓である。 「でも......」 「私は途䞭で杖でも買っおいくわ。䞀応モンスタヌの出る堎所に近い村だし、それくらいの装備は売っおるでしょ。それが無くおも、トレッキング甚の杖ずかでもいいし」 ただの朚の杖でも、コルティナの干枉系魔法で匷化すれば、それなりに頑䞈になる。 「フィニアもミシェルちゃんも、お留守番頌むわね」 「はい、お任せを」 「うん、たかせお!」 この町にいる限り䜕もないずは思うがの䞭で䞻戊力になる俺ずコルティナが抜けるので、念には念を入れお譊告しおおいた。 宿を出る際、心配そうなゞェシカさんに芋送られる。 「申し蚳ありたせん、コルティナ様。息子の事、よろしくお願いしたす」 「ただいるず決たった蚳じゃないので、あたり期埅はしないでください。でも望みは捚おないで」 「はい、きっずどこかでたたむタズラしおるんですよ......」 コルティナの手前、無理に感情を抌し殺しおいるようだが、このたたでは長く持ちそうもない。 「行こう、コルティナ。急がないず」 「そうね。それじゃ、いっおきたす。くれぐれも早たった真䌌はしないでください」 「はい、承知しおおりたす」 できるだけ早く連れ戻さないず、そういった独断専行を行いかねない。 俺たちは足を速め、森の䞭にある掞窟ぞず向かったのだった。 森の䞭は薄暗く、芖界が悪い。斥候技術を霧った皋床しか持たないコルティナでは、監芖圹ずしおは心蚱ない。 「足跡だ」 「足跡? マむキヌ君のかな?」 の物だ。しかもご䞁寧にスパむク付き。これは兵士か、前衛冒険者が奜んで身に着ける物でもある。 「兵士......にしおはおかしいわね。こんな所に展開しおいるはずないし」 「うん。倚分冒険者。それも耇数」 「耇数?」 足跡は䞉皮類存圚した。今、この森の䞭に最䜎でも䞉人の冒険者がいるずいう事だ。 「森の奥? こい぀らもカヌバンクルを狙っおいるのかしら?」 「どうだろ。わたしの情報源は結構秘匿性が高いから、違うず思うけど」 あの癜いのも、䞀応は神を名乗る眷属である。ずいうか、その悪質さでは他の神よりも䞀段高いくらいだ。 「それずも、カヌバンクルじゃない可胜性?」 「あ、そっか! そういえば名前持ちのドラゎンがやっお来るっお蚀っおたわね」 「ドラゎンを倒すため?」 いくらなんでも䞉人でドラゎンを、それも名前持ちを倒すなんお、よっぜどの手緎れじゃないず䞍可胜だ。 「違うわ、倒すよりももっず簡単に皌げるかもしれないの」 「皌げるっお......」 「ビルさん達の話じゃ、ドラゎンは湯治にやっおくるんでしょ? よっぜどお颚呂奜きなのか知らないけど、それだけ入り浞っおいるなら、鱗ずか萜ちおおもおかしくないじゃない」 「あ、そっか」 ドラゎンも爬虫類だ。しかも再生力が半端なく匷い。倚少荒っぜく身䜓を掗っお鱗が剥がれおも、すぐに再生しおしたう。 そういった鱗の砎片が残されおいるずすれば、回収するだけでかなりの儲けになる。 「ドラゎンの遺留品目圓おの冒険者が森の奥に向かい、䞇が䞀カヌバンクルを発芋したらどうなるかしら?」 「たず間違いなく、狩られちゃうね」 コルティナはビルさんの䌚話から冒険者の目的を予枬し、最悪の事態を想定しおいく。 「それをマむキヌ君が目撃したずしたら?」 「たず間違いなく、口封じで殺されちゃう」 「私もそう思うわ。どうやら急いだ方が良さそうね」 俺たちはそう掚枬し、掞窟ぞ急いだのだった。
We prepared the equipment to head towards the forest. That said, we came to this town to relax. As such, we hadn’t brought our proper equipment with us. Both me and Cortina chose easy-to-move clothes and only brought minimal equipment with us. I equipped my piano wires, yarn strings and dagger, and I was all set. “This makes me a little uneasy, in the end.” “Can’t be helped. People normally don’t bring weapons at hot springs.” “You have that dagger at least, Nicole. I only have this ring...” Cortina only had one ring that aided with Magic. Other than that, she was pretty much in traveling clothes. Heading towards the cavern where the member of the Dragon race—weak or not—was said to live, obviously made her feel helpless. “Cortina, wanna use this?” “The dagger? No, you should use it, Nicole. I’m not good with swords.” Cortina’s hand-to-hand combat was basically a defensive style centered around long staffs. Daggers required more skill than it seemed, so it was certainly more effective if I used it instead. “But...” “I’ll just buy a staff on the way. This village is close to where monsters show up, so they should be selling some of those. Even if they don’t, a trekking staff would do as well.” When it came to defense, sturdiness mattered above all else. Even a simple wooden staff could become very sturdy with her Interference Magic. “Finia, Michelle, I’m leaving the house to you.” “Yes, please leave it to me.” “You got it!” Michelle made a fist pump while holding her longbow. I didn’t think anything was going to happen to them inside the town, but I still warned just in case since me and Cortina, the strongest two among us, were leaving them alone. As we were leaving the inn, Jessica saw us off while looking worried. “Thank you very much, Lady Cortina. I’m leaving my son to you.” “We don’t know if he’s really there, so please don’t get your hope up too much. But don’t abandon hope.” “Yes, he’s surely fooling around somewhere as always...” She showed us a hollow smile, but her eyes were clearly filled with worry. She was forcibly suppressing her emotions in front of Cortina, but it didn’t seem like she would hold out for long at this rate. “Let’s go, Cortina. We need to hurry up.” “You’re right. Well then, we’ll be back soon. Once again, please don’t do anything rash.” “I understand.” By rash, she meant things like heading towards the cavern by herself. If we don’t return as fast as we can, it’s quite likely that she would make such arbitrary decisions. Thus, we hastened our pace towards the cavern in the forest. The forest was gloomy and hard to see. Cortina who barely had any scouting skills couldn’t be trusted with the guarding duty. As such, I took the front and surveyed the surroundings. But then, I discovered something peculiar. “There are footprints here.” “Footprints? Could it be Mikey’s?” They were the prints of greaves that fully covered the leg. Furthermore, they even had spikes on them. This could be either a soldier or a vanguard Adventurer that wore it by choice. But it was definitely not something a mischievous villager kid would wear. “It would be... Quite odd for them to be a soldier. There shouldn’t be any deployed here.” “Yeah. So probably an Adventurer. And several of them” “Several?” There were three kinds of footprints. Which meant, there were at least three Adventurers in this forest. And their footprints were leading towards the inner parts of the forest. “Are they heading deeper? Could they be aiming for the Carbuncle too?” “I wonder. My source of information is quite well hidden, so I don’t think that’s it.” That white thing was still a God. Or rather, she was above other gods when it came to underhandedness. I doubt she would’ve leaked such information so easily. Which would mean, there was another source of information. “What about the possibility that it’s not the Carbuncle they are aiming for?” “Ah, that’s right! Wasn’t there something about a Named Dragon appearing here?” “Are they planning to defeat a Dragon?” No matter how you put it, defeating a Dragon, a named one at that, with just three people was nothing short of impossible if you didn’t have some amazing skill. Cortina, however, shot down my opinion. “That’s not it. There should be a much easier way to make money.” “Make money...?” “According to Bill and the rest, that Dragon comes to take baths, right? I’m not sure how much it loves bathing, but if it’s doing it that frequently, it might not be strange for its scale or two to have fallen off.” “Ah, that’s what you mean.” Dragons were also reptiles. Not to mention, their regenerative powers were crazy strong. Even if their scales came off after a harsh washing session, they would regenerate immediately. If there were indeed such scale fragments left there, then you could make quite a bit of profit just by collecting them. There were many uses for scales of a high-ranking Named Dragon. “If the Adventurers that set out to look for the Dragon’s dropped items were to come across the Carbuncle, what do you think they would do?” “They would most definitely hunt it down.” Cortina guessed the Adventurers’ goal from Bill’s conversation and hypothesized the worst kind of scenario. I replied with my honest thoughts to it. While it was an ordinary answer, it still said enough about the situation. “And what if Mikey were to witness it?” “They would most definitely kill him to seal his mouth.” “I think so too. Looks like we really need to hurry.” Judging as such, we hurried towards the cavern.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 17, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
Economic fears are not the only concern for EU citizens. Turkey was the theater of exceptional violence in the twentieth century: its participation in WWI fueled hatred and gigantic massacres, with the genocide of the Armenians the last vicious spasm of the Ottoman Empire’s brutal demise.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
魔族達が戊慄しおいる。䜕せ勝っお圓然ず思っおいた矢先に、このような結果を突き぀けられたのだ。 、ティレアさんは笑みを浮かべおいる。増長しおいる。すごく自信に満ち溢れた態床を取っおいた。 「ティレアさん」 「ゞェシカちゃん。ふふ、奎ら党然倧したこずないよ。皆単玔な思考だね。最初はデスゲヌムず聞いおびびっおたけど、これならなんずかなりそうだ」 「えぇ、安心しお。今の私には、かの賭博士アカギンが乗り移っおいるわ。芋える、芋えるぞ。奎らの思考などお芋通しなのだ。ふっふっはっはっはは!」 ティレアさんは自信満々に蚀い攟っおいるが、私の予想は違っおいる。ずりあえず、予想が圓たっおいるか調べおみよう。魔族達が唖然ずしおいる䞭、こっそりず うぅ、血生臭い。そこには信じられないずいった衚情をしたたた死んでいる魔族達の死䜓があった。錻を襲う悪臭を無芖しながら、魔族がかぶっおいる兜、そしお刺さっおいる剣を調べおいく。 うぅ、気持ち悪いよ~。 でも、真盞を知りたい。吐き気や眩暈を我慢しながら䞀぀䞀぀チェックしおいく。死䜓のひず぀ひず぀がぎょろりずこっちを凝芖しおいるように芋えおくる。盎芖するだけで倒れそうであるが、必死に我慢し調べた。 結果―― 䞀回戊。ティレアさんが火属性の剣、魔族が火属性の兜。 戊。ティレアさんが火属性の兜。魔族が氎属性の剣。 なのにティレアさんは無効化しおいる。 同様にし戊戊ず調べおいく......。 を䞉回、攻撃で はは、もうティレアさんの前ではルヌルなんお無甚なんですね。予想しおいたずはいえ、これはでたらめすぎる。 ティレアさんっお䜕者なの? 人族ではないこずは確かだ。それじゃあ獣人、゚ルフ、それずも竜人? いや、姿圢はそのどれにも近くなく、芏栌倖すぎる戊闘力は魔族に近い。 それじゃあ、魔族? う~ん、でもティレアさんは闇ずいうより光に近い属性を感じる。やっぱり勇者の 今たで䜕床も感じた疑問を抱えながら小郚屋を出るず、ティレアさんが魔族達を挑発しおいた。 「さぁ、どうするの? 次の盞手は誰?」 「い、蚀わせおおけば! こうなれば副将の私が......」 「ギルガント埅お。久々に心震える敵が珟れたのだ。私の敵ずしおこや぀はふさわしいではないか!」 「それではホルス様、自らご出陣されたするか?」 「うむ。こや぀には、この私自ら鉄槌を䞎えおくれよう」 「そう、ずうずう芪玉のお出たしっお奎ね」 「ふふ、小嚘、名を聞いおおこうか?」 「ティレアよ」 「それではティレアよ。次の勝負は魔力吞匕噚を䜿ったゲヌムを行う」 「魔力吞匕噚?」 「あぁ。魔力吞匕噚ずは、その名の通り魔力を吞い取る装眮だ。次のゲヌムからはそれを䜿う。魔力をチップずしおゲヌムをしようではないか!」 魔力をチップ!? どんなゲヌムでもチップの倚寡が勝利に貢献するのは疑いようがない。魔族の魔力はただでさえ高い。それはスタヌト時点から盞圓のハンデを背負わされるこずになる。私の魔力なんお論倖だ。すぐになくなるチップではゲヌムにはならない。䞀方、ティレアさんは魔力だけなら他を圧倒しおいる。 ただ、頭のほうが......。 がみるみるなくなっおいく光景が想像できる。 「ティレアさん、この勝負は私達に䞍利です」 「そ、そうね。いくらなんでも魔力をチップなんお盞手が有利すぎる」 「ふむ、䞍満はもっずもだ。よし、その代わりゲヌムの内容はお前達で決めろ。それならうたい具合にルヌルを考えれば、お前達にも勝機があるずいうものだ」 「ぞぇ~、ゲヌムの内容を決めおいいのか。それはどんなゲヌムでも?」 「あぁ、そのゲヌム内容に砎綻がなければなんでも構わん」 「そう......それなら麻雀で勝負よ!」 たヌじゃん!? それどんなゲヌムなの? 突然、ティレアさんが私の知らないゲヌムに぀いお提案しおきた。私自身、䞖に出回るゲヌムを党お知っおいるわけではないが、「たヌじゃん」ずはあたりに聞きなれない蚀語である。 い぀ものティレアさんの暎走でなければいいのだけど......。 「『たヌじゃん』だず? あらゆるゞャンルに粟通しおいる私が聞いたこずがない代物だ。面癜い。それはどんなゲヌムだ? 我ら知の郚隊を圧倒しおきた貎様が提案するゲヌムだ。興味をそそる」 ホルスの蚀葉にティレアさんが「たヌじゃん」のルヌルを説明し始めた。 話を聞くに「たヌじゃん」は四人察戊。四人のプレむダヌがテヌブルを囲み、癟䞉の牌を匕いお圹を揃えるこずを数回行い、埗点を重ねおいくゲヌムらしい。勝敗はゲヌム終了時における埗点の倚寡で決定されるみたいだ。 す、すごい。 ティレアさんから話を聞く限り「たヌじゃん」はよく䜜り蟌たれたルヌル、そしおその戊略性を掻かせるゲヌムだずわかった。ギャンブルずしお非垞にゲヌム性が高く面癜そうである。王郜でも「たヌじゃん」が普及したら皆が熱䞭しそうだ。 それにしおも、ティレアさんが「たヌじゃん」のルヌルをそらで暗蚘しおいるのも驚きだ。頭を䜿うのが苊手なティレアさんには珍しい。 ティレアさん、故郷で「たヌじゃん」にはたっおいたのかな? 「ふむ、実に面癜いゲヌムではないか! よし、次のゲヌムは『たヌじゃん』だ」 「でも提案しずいおなんだけど、牌ずかマットずいった道具はどうするの?」 「我々の魔法を䜿えば造䜜もないこず」 ホルスはティレアさんが説明した「はい」や「りぃち棒」など「たヌじゃん」に必芁な道具を魔法で生成しおいく。すごい高床な生成魔法である。属性付䞎の剣や兜もそうだが、魔族は人間が䜿うレベルずは比べ物にならない魔法を䜿う。 そしお......。 「よし、できたぞ。『たヌじゃん』は四人でするもの。これよりタッグ戊を行う」 「ゞェシカちゃん、私がフォロヌするからゲヌムに参加しおくれない?」 「は、はい」 「ありがずう。あず、麻雀のルヌルはわかっおくれた?」 「はい、倧䜓理解できたした。ただ『やく』ず点数蚈算が少し䞍安なので埌で玙に曞いおもらえたせんか?」 「了解。あんた達はいいの?」 「誰に向かっお聞いおおる? 知の将を䟮るでない! この皋床のルヌル、䞀床、聞けば頭に入っおおるわ」 知の将ホルスさすがである。「たヌじゃん」の戊略性に気づき、早速䜜戊を立おおいるようだ。いけない。ルヌルぐらいで止たっおいたら勝負にならない。私はティレアさんが曞き蚘しおくれたメモを必死に頭に入れおいく。 「そうだ。ちょうどいい。この『おんがう』を 「くっくっ、その床胞は耒めおやる。だが、いいのか? 人間の魔力などあっずいう間になくなる。魔力がなくなれば生呜力だけになり、それもなくなれば死だぞ」 「私は䞀向に構わないッッ!」 「ふふ、ゞェシカちゃん、他のゲヌムならずもかく麻雀で私に負けはないわ。これでも『脱衣の塩田』っおゲヌセンでは有名だったんだから」 だ぀いのしおだ? げヌせん? 䜕蚀っおいるんだろう? たた、ティレアさんがわけわからないこずを蚀っおいる。 「ティレアさん、自信があるようですけど、今床は盞手が違いたす。いくら盞手が『たヌじゃん』の初心者だからっお......」 「ゞェシカちゃん、心配ご無甚。さっきのゲヌムで確信したわ。魔族なんお恐れるに足らず。私の魔力が少なかろうず芁は勝ち続ければいいのよ」 あぁ、だめだ。さっき魔族盞手に連勝したず思っおいるせいで、ティレアさんの暎走がひどい。 どうしよう? このたたティレアさんにゲヌムをやらせおもいいのかなぁ? は尋垞ではない。「たヌじゃん」に自信があるようだし、よほど負けを重ねなければ倧䞈倫だろう。それに今床はタッグ戊で私もゲヌムに参加するし、䜕かあったら私がフォロヌする。 そしお、知の将ホルス、副将ギルガントがテヌブルに぀き勝負が始たった。じゃらじゃらず「はい」をかき混ぜながら戊略を構築しおいく。最初はティレアさんが「ずん」で芪である。 ティレアさん、最初の芪は重芁よ。 だが、私の願いは虚しくあっずいう間にティレアさんの芪は流れおしたった。 珟圚、「しゃあ」のホルスが芪である。それにしおも、この数順で理解したのは「たヌじゃん」は奥が深いずいうこずだ。ルヌルを聞いおなんずなくそうなんだろうずは思っおいたが、実際にやっおみるず痛感しおしたう。盞手が匵っおいる時は、䞋りるのが基本だが、どこたで匷気でいくのか駆け匕きが重芁なのだ。盞手がい぀「おんぱい」になるのかその予枬が難しい。 「しゃあけ」のホルスの「すおはい」を芋る。「たヌじゃん」では、この「すおはい」が盞手の重芁な情報ずなるのだ。「すおはい」ず盞手のこれたでの手配、衚情などあらゆる方面から芳察する目でこの「すおはい」なら「おんぱい」しおいるず刀断するには埮劙だ。「おんぱい」前提ず考えおもせいぜい「たんやお」ぐらいしかできおいないず思うのだが......。 うぅ、だめ。確蚌が持おないよ。ホルスはその虚虚実実を巧みに混ぜ、私達を翻匄しおいく。さらに、副将ギルガントも私の䞊をいく理知の持ち䞻だ。培底的にその効率を求めた「はい」捌きを芋せる。 だから、盞手偎は手も速いしスキがない。私も必死に盞手の手を読み、こちらの情報を隠そうずするが、盞手偎が䞀歩も二歩も䞊を行く。 うぅ、この局も盞手のペヌスにはたっおいる。私が頭を抱えおいるず、 「きたきたきたぁあああ、よっしゃあ!」 ティレアさんの独り蚀が聞こえおきた。だ、だめだ。䞞わかりだよ。きっず「おんぱい」したのだろう。ティレアさんの「すおはい」を芋るに......圓たりは「りゃんたん」ず「うヌたん」っおいったずころかな。 あぁあぁティレアさん「たんず」の䞊䞋を盎しおいるから、どこに䜕があるかばればれだよ。ホルス達も最初はティレアさんを賢者だず認識しおいたから、ティレアさんの実態を挔技ず思っおいたかもしれない。 だけど......もうばれたよね? も、戊略ずいうよりただ匷運で勝ったずか思っおいるのかな? 本圓は違うけど。 そしお案の定、ティレアさんが「りぃち」宣蚀。だが、その数順埌、ホルスの盎撃をティレアさんが受ける。 「『ろぉん』『ぎんふ、たんやお、いぃぺぃこ......』『たんがん』だ!」 ティレアさんが叫び声をあげ、がくっず肩を萜ずす。私は、ティレアさんの耳元に顔を近づける。 「テ、ティレアさん、倧䞈倫ですか?」 「は、は、だ、倧䞈倫、倧䞈倫。ふふ、なぁに、は、ハンデはこれくらいで十分かな。あはは、ははは」 ティレアさん、目が点になっおいるよ。ホルスが芪になっおから、ティレアさんは狙い撃ちされおいる。だいぶ「おんがう」もなくなっおきおいるようだし、ここは私がなんずかしないず! そしお、次局......。 数順目、ホルスから「りぃち棒」がテヌブルにだされる。 「『りぃち』だ!」 芪の「りぃち」である。盎撃を受けたくない。念入りにホルスの「おはい」を芳察する。なかなかの倧物の予感だ。「たんがん」いや「はねたん」玚の「やく」になりそうだ。 悔しいが、ここは䞋りよう。 ティレアさんもこの局は䞋りおほしいのだけど......。 「カン!」 え!? 我が耳を疑った。突然、ティレアさんが「かん」をしたのだ。 ティレアさん状況、わかっおいる? 盞手は「りぃち」しおいるんだよ。 そういえば、どうもさっきからティレアさんは意味もなく「かん」をしおいるのだ。䜕か戊略があっお「かん」しおいるのならいいのだが......。 「もういっこカン!」 え? え? 䜕をやっおいるのこの人? もうわけわからないよ。たずい。このたたじゃ、ホルスにあがられちゃう。 そしお、私の危惧した通り......。 「それだ『ろぉん』『りぃち、たんやお、ぎんふ......どらぁ二』さらに......ほぉ『うらどらぁ』たで乗ったわ。『ばいたん』だ」 「がはっ」じゃありたせん! たたらずタむムを宣蚀し、ティレアさんをテヌブルから匕き離し詰め寄る。 「ティレアさん、いい加枛にしおください。ちゃんず考えおいるんですか!」 「え、えぇず......う、うん、いちおう」 「じゃあ、なんで『かん』するんですか! 盞手は『りぃち』しおいるんですよ。䜕故戊略性もないただ危険床が跳ね䞊がるだけの『かん』をわざわざするんですか。それずも、こずあるたびに『かん』しおいるのは䜕か理由があるんですか?」 「い、いや、リンシャン䜿いずしお぀い......」 「はぁ? リンシャン䜿いっお『りんしゃんかいほう』っお圹ですよね? なんでそんな安手のために危険を冒しおいるんですか!」 「ゞ、ゞェシカちゃん、ちょっず目が怖いよ」 「本圓にもう珟状がわかっおいるんですか? ティレアさん、このたただず『はこわれ』したすよ」 「た、たずいかな......?」 「......ティレアさん、非垞にたずいです。珟段階でマむナス䞉䞇点は確実です。぀たりこの時点で魔力が䞉䞇ほど倱われるんですよ」 「そ、それっお......もしかしお珟圹冒険者䞊みの魔力が倱われるっおこず?」 「ティレアさん、認識が甘いです。魔力が䞇を超える冒険者なんおこの䞖に数えるほどしかいたせん」 「え? そうなの?」 「はい、Sランクのレミリア様で玄二䞇です」 「そ、そんな......ど、ど、どどうしよう?」 「それにですね、このたたの調子だず、ゲヌム終局には少なくずもマむナス十䞇点はいくず予想しおいたす。マむナス十䞇点っおどういう意味かわかりたす?」 「ど、どういう意味なの?」 「それは䌝説の魔法䜓系の始祖ずいわれるカミヌラクラスの魔力っおこずですよ! ティレアさん、埌、蚀いにくいんですが、ホルスは、自分の郚䞋が負けおプラむドが傷぀いおたす。このゲヌムで培底的に勝ずうず思っおいたずしたらマむナス十䞇点どころの話じゃないですよ!」 あ、いけない。ちょっず脅かし過ぎたかな。ティレアさんが壊れかけおいる。でも、実際、ティレアさんの魔力総量はどのくらいなんだろう? 䞇越えは確実。十䞇ぐらいはあるような気がする。私自身が未熟だから䞇を超えたあたりのレベルは桁ちがいすぎおわからない。もしかしたらゲヌムで負けおもティレアさんは無事なのかもしれない。だが、やはりティレアさんにゲヌムは無理だ。戊闘に切り替えるように説埗しよう。 「ティレアさん、もうこのゲヌムを続けるのは無理です。あきらめたしょう!」 「あわわわ、そ、そうね。ゞェシカちゃんの蚀うずおりだ。このたた普通にしおいおも負けるのは目に芋えおいる」 「はい、ですので戊闘に――」 「や、やるわ。やっおやる。こうなれば最終手段、燕返しよ!」 燕返し? 䜕かの技名のようだ。ずりあえず、戊闘に切り替えるように決心が぀いたのかな?
The demons were shuddering. After all, having assumed that it would be a dead set result, this kind of result was thrust before them. On the other hand, Ms. Tilea was all smiles. She was getting ahead of herself. Her attitude was incredibly filled with confidence now. “Ms. Tilea.” “Jessica. Huhu, these guys aren’t a big deal. They’re a bunch of simpletons. At first I was scared because I heard it was a death game, but if this is all, it looks like we’ll be fine.” “Mn, so relax. Right now, it’s like I’ve been possessed by the Gambling Warrior Akagin. I can see it. I can see through it all! Their thoughts are completely visible to me! FUHUHAAHAAHAAHAAHA!” Or so she declared full of confidence, but what I suspected painted a different story. Anyway, let’s see if I’m right. While the demons were still stunned, I snuck into the Field. Inside, the corpses all showed expressions of disbelief. While ignoring the stench that assaulted my nose, I went to investigate the helmets worn by the demons, and the swords that pierced through them. Uu, this is so grossss~ While enduring the nausea, I checked them one by one. It felt like the corpses were staring at me with their widened eyes. I felt like I would faint if I looked back, so I just desperately endured as I checked. The result― First match. Ms. Tilea’s sword was fire, and the demon’s helmet was fire. Even though they should have been neutralized as the same attribute... Ms. Tilea killed him in one strike. Second match. Ms. Tilea’s helmet was fire. The demon’s sword was water. Even though it should have been a Critical Hit, Ms. Tilea neutralized it. To have defended against a strengthened elemental attack, just how hard is she. In the same way, I investigated the third, and fourth match... I found that Ms. Tilea defended against three Critical Hits, while she attacked two No Damages. In terms of predicting the opponent, it was a crushing defeat for her. Haha, in front of Ms. Tilea, rules don’t mean a thing, huh. Although I had guessed this, it really is too ridiculous. What on earth is she? She’s definitely no human. Then, a beastman, elf, or perhaps a dragonoid? But her physical characteristics don’t match either of them, and her completely extraordinary combat strength is closer to a demon’s. Then, a demon? Hm~mm, but the attribute I feel from her is closer to light than dark. So I guess she really is a Hero’s descendant? She herself denied it, but it’s the one that makes the most sense. Her intelligence is one thing, but the rest of her abilities are like the stuff of legends. While thinking about the questions I’ve been having this whole time, I left the room to find Ms. Tilea provoking the demons. “Well? Who’s my next opponent?” “H-, How dare you! Then I, the second in command shall...” “Wait, Gilgant. This is the first time in a while that an opponent has excited my heart. This girl is worthy of being my opponent!” “Then Ser Horus, you yourself shall be participating?” “Umu. I shall personally bring the hammer down on her.” “I see. So the big boss himself has finally come out, huh.” “Huhu, girly, may I ask your name?” “It’s Tilea.” “Then Tilea. Let’s play a game where we use a mana absorption tool.” “A mana absorption tool?” “Indeed. It’s exactly as it sounds; a machine that absorbs mana. Our next game will feature one. We shall use mana as chips to play our game!” Mana as chips!? There’s no doubt that no matter the game, having more chips gives you an advantage. Demons already begin with high mana. That makes it a handicap from the very start. My mana would be out of the question. It wouldn’t even be a game if your chips ran out right away. On the other hand, Ms. Tilea overwhelms them in the mana department. But as for using her head... Already, I can see in my mind, the scene of her mountain of chips disappearing in a blink. “Ms. Tilea, we’re at a disadvantage here.” “Y-, Yeah. Using mana as chips is just way too advantageous to them.” “Fumu. You are correct in your discontent. Very well then, in exchange, you two shall choose the game. In that case, if you come up with the right rules, even you have a chance of winning.” “Ohh~? Is it fine for me to choose? No matter what kind of game?” “Indeed. As long as there are no overwhelming faults with it, any game is fine.” “I see... Then it’s going to be a mahjong match!” Marge’Ong!? What kind of game is that? Ms. Tilea suddenly proposed the name of some game I’d never heard of. It’s not like I think I know of all the games in the world, but ‘Marge’Ong’ is just so alien sounding. That’s fine in and of itself, but I’m just hoping that it’s not another one of Ms. Tilea running wild as usual... “Marge’Ong you say? I am a man proficient in all fields, and yet I have never heard of this Marge’Ong. Interesting. So what kind of game is this? It is a game suggested by you, who has overwhelmed my Wisdom Unit. I am truly intrigued.” At Horus’ prompt, Ms. Tilea began to explain the rules of ‘Marge’Ong’ to us. From what she said, ‘Marge’Ong’ is a four-way competition. Four players sit around a table, and tiles called ‘hai’ are gathered from a total pool of in order to form combinations called ‘yaku’. This is done numerous times, and points are gathered as it happens. The results of the game are determined at the end of the game, when the points are tallied. A-, Amazing. From what I heard, not only does ‘Marge’Ong’ have a well developed set of rules, you can tell that it’s a very strategic game. An interesting game that fits gambling perfectly. If ‘Marge’Ong’ spread in the capital, I’ll bet everybody would love it too. But still, it was shocking that Ms. Tilea knew the rules of ‘Marge’Ong’ by heart. Considering how bad she is at using her head, it’s quite a rare feat. Could it be that Ms. Tilea was really into ‘Marge’Ong’ back in her hometown? “Fumu, what a truly interesting game! Very well, the next game shall be this Marge’Ong.” “But well, although I was the one who recommended it, what are we going to do about the mat and tiles?” “It is but a simple matter for us to create them through magic.” Horus created the ‘tiles’, ‘riichi stick’ and other things that she mentioned were used in ‘Marge’Ong’. It was an incredibly high level use of creation magic. I thought so about the swords and helmets too, but demons really do use a level of magic that humans can’t compare to. And then... “They’re done. As ‘Marge’Ong’ is a four player game, this shall be a tag match.” “Jessica, I’ll help you out, so could you participate too?” “Y-, Yes.” “Thanks. Also, do you understand the rules of mahjong?” “Yes, more or less. Only, I’m a little uneasy about the scoring for the ‘yaku’, so could I trouble you to write them on paper later?” “Got it. Are you guys fine too?” “Who do you think you are asking? Do not make light of the Wisdom General! Hearing just one explanation is enough for rules of this level.” As expected of Wisdom General Horus. It seems he’s noticed the nature of ‘Marge’Ong’, and is already forming strategies too. I desperately tried to memorize the things written on Ms. Tilea’s memo. “Yes, I’m fine with that.” “Ku ku, your attitude is praiseworthy. But are you fine with that? The mana of a human will run out in no time. Once you run out of mana, it begins to take your vitality, and once you run out of that as well there awaits only death, you know.” “I’m completely fine, I said!” “Huhu, Jessica, if this were any other game, you might be right, but I never lose in mahjong. I may look like this, but I used to be famous at the game center under the name ‘Shioda the Stripper’ you know.” Shiyodah Thess Rippah? Geme Sentah? What the heck is she on about? Ms. Tilea is talking about stuff I don’t understand again. “Ms. Tilea, it looks like you’re confident but the opponent is on a different level this time. Even if they’re beginners at ‘Marge’Ong’, it doesn’t mean...” “Jessica, your worries are needless. From the earlier game, I’m already sure of it. There’s actually nothing to fear about demons. Even if I don’t have much mana, as long as I keep winning, there’s no problem.” Aahh, it’s no good. Because she thinks she won all the matches earlier, Ms. Tilea is on an unstoppable rampage. What should I do? Should I just let her play? Hmmmm... Well, I guess that’s fine. Ms. Tilea’s chip (mana) is way beyond the norm. She seems confident in ‘Marge’Ong’ too, and as long as she doesn’t lose too badly, it should be fine. And also, this time it’s a tag match so I’ll be playing as well. If anything happens, I’ll follow up for her. And so, the match began at the table with Wisdom General Horus, and Vice-General Gilgant. We shuffled the ‘tiles’ as we began forming strategies. Ms. Tilea began as ‘East’ or the dealer. Ms. Tilea, staying as the first dealer is really important, you know. But my wishes came to nothing, because she immediately lost the dealership. But still, in just these few turns, I really felt the depth of this game. I already had a hint from listening to the rules, but after playing it myself, I became keenly aware of it. When the opponent is a ‘tile’ away from completion, it’s standard to cut your losses, but it’s also important to decide how aggressively you go about things. And it’s difficult to determine when somebody is one more tile from completing a winning hand. Horus’ discarded tiles. In ‘Marge’Ong’, the discarded tiles are an important source of information on the states of the other players. You observe their discarded tiles, the ‘hand’ you guess they’re building, and their facial expressions. In the th round, it was hard to tell if he was ‘a tile away from completion’ from his discarded tiles. Even if I assume that he’s ‘a tile away’, I think that ‘winning with a hand composed only of suited tiles ranging from -’ is the best that he can do, but... Uuu, it’s impossible. It’s too hard to tell with confidence. Horus is combining his wiliness into his plots and running circles around us. Not just that, the Vice General Gilgant is more intelligent than I am. The way he’s handling the ‘tile’ is efficient to the extreme. I frantically tried to read their ‘hands’ while hiding my own information, but they were steps ahead of me. Uu, we’re stuck in their pace for this game as well. “It’s here, here, heeeeere! Hell yeah!” I heard Ms. Tilea talking to herself. I-, It’s no good. She’s an open book. She’s definitely in ‘a tile away from completion’. Looking at her discarded tiles... She’s probably waiting for a ‘ryanman(,000)’ or an ‘uuman(50,000)’. Aahh aahh, Ms. Tilea arranges all her tiles from highest to lowest, so you can completely read her ‘hand’. At first, Horus and the others all thought that Ms. Tilea was a sage, so they assumed that it was all an act. But... they know now, don’t they? Maybe they thought that she won in Elemental Predict due to pure luck. The truth is different though. As expected, Ms. Tilea declared ‘riichi’. But only a little later, Ms. Tilea received a direct hit from Horus. “‘Ron’, ‘Pinfu, Tanyao, Iipeikou...’ It’s ‘Mangan’!” Ms. Tilea screamed, before dropping her shoulders in defeat. I drew my mouth to her ears. “M-, Ms. Tilea, are you okay?” “Ha ha, I-, I’m fine, fine. Huhu, geez, w-, with this handicap, the game is finally worth playing. Ahaha, hahah...” Ms. Tilea’s eyes have become dots. Ever since Horus became the dealer, he’s been sniping Ms. Tilea. Most of her ‘skoring stik’ is gone now, so I have to try my best or else! Then, in the next game... After a few rounds, Horus placed the ‘riichi stick’ on the table. “‘Riichi’!” A ‘riichi’ from the dealer. I don’t want to take this directly. I looked carefully at Horus’ ‘hand’. I get the feeling that something big is coming. A ‘mangan’, no, a ‘haneman’-class ‘yaku’ I expect. It’s vexing, but we’d better fold. I just hope Ms. Tilea follows... “Kan!” Eh-!? I doubted my ears. Ms. Tilea suddenly shouted ‘kan’. Ms. Tilea, do you understand the situation? Horus just declared ‘riichi’. Speaking of which, Ms. Tilea has been meaninglessly declaring ‘kan’ for a while now... “Another kan!” Eh? Eh? What the heck is this woman doing? I have no clue anymore. This is bad. At this rate, Horus is going to raise. And then, just as I expected... “I see. ‘Ron’, ‘Riichi, Tanyao, Pinfu... 2 Dora’ and then... Ohh. ‘Uradora’ as well. It’s a ‘Baiman’.” Not “GAHAH”! I couldn’t bear it, so I declared a time-out, and pulled Ms. Tilea away from the table to talk. “Ms. Tilea, please cut it out already. You need to think properly!” “U-, Umm... Y-, Yeah, I am, sort of.” “Then why did you ‘kan’! He had already declared ‘riichi’. Why did you go out of your way to ‘kan’ when it had no strategic value, and only increased the risk? Or could it be that you actually had some reason to use ‘kan’ each time?” “U-, Umm, well, as a rinshan user, I just kinda...” “Hahh? Rinshan user, as in the ‘yaku’ ‘Rinshan Kaihou’? Why did you do something risky just for the sake of such a cheap yaku!” “J-, Jessica, your eyes are a little scary.” “Do you really understand the situation? Ms. Tilea, at this rate, we’re going to ‘Bust’, you know.” “I-, Is it that bad...?” “...Ms. Tilea, the situation is extremely bad. At the moment, we’re definitely minus 30,000 points. In other words, we’ve lost 30,000 units of mana.” “T-, Then... could it be that we’ve lost an active adventurer’s worth of mana?” “Ms. Tilea, your thinking is too naive. The number of adventurers whose mana exceeds 10,000 in this world, can be counted with your fingers.” “Eh? Really?” “Yes. The S-ranked Captain Remilia is roughly 20,000 mana.” “T-, That can’t be... W-, W-W-What do we do?” “Well you see, at this rate, we’ll be at least minus 100,000 by the end of this game. Do you understand what minus 100,000 means?” “W-, What does it mean?” “It means that the mana we’ll have lost is equal to the legendary founder of magic, Camilla! Also, Ms. Tilea, this is a little hard to say, but Horus’ pride has been hurt because his subordinates lost. If you consider how motivated he is to win this, it won’t stop anywhere near 100,000 mana!” Ah-, uh oh. I may have threatened her a little much. Ms. Tilea just broke. But, just how much mana does Ms. Tilea actually have? Definitely over 10,000. I get the feeling that she might even have 100,000. I’m a beginner myself, so anything above 10,000 is just too powerful for me to measure. Perhaps even if we lose the game, Ms. Tilea will be totally fine. But games really are impossible for Ms. Tilea. I should try and convince her to change strategies. “Ms. Tilea, there’s no point in continuing this game any more. Let’s give up!” “Awawawa, I-, I guess you’re right. It’s just like you say, Jessica. At this rate, it’s obvious that we won’t win normally.” “Yes, that’s why battle should be our―” “I-I’ll do it. It’s time to do it. It’s down to my final plan, the Swallow Reversal! ‘Swallow Reversal’? Apparently it’s a technique of some sort. Anyway, I wonder if I succeeded in getting her to battle.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 5, "inserted_lines_src": 16, "inserted_lines_trg": 10 }
しばらは抱き合っおいるず、郚屋の倖からルトルスが入宀しお空間魔法は解陀された。 慌おおシェヌナはグラナから離れるず、ルトルスはグラナに詰め寄っおいく。 「貎様! シェヌナに䜕をした!」 「おやおや、よく私が魔王だず分かったね」 「姿圢が同じだろうず、その県に宿す闇は誀魔化せんぞ」 「流石は元ガフェヌナの優秀な暗黒階士だ。闇の扱いは手慣れおいるようだ。亡くなった姉䞊も倩囜でルトルスの成長を喜んでいるだろう」 グラナはルトルスを煜るが、無芖しおシェヌナに駆け寄る。 「シェヌナ、倧䞈倫か? 奎に䜕かされおいないか?」 「俺は倧䞈倫だよ。心配しおくれおありがずう。グラナずは色々ず人生盞談に乗っおもらっただけだから」 シェヌナは照れ臭そうに瀌を述べるず、グラナはやれやれず蚀わんばかりに、郚屋から退出する。 「......私が傍にいながら、すたなかった、今床、奎が倉な事をしようずしたら遠慮なく私を呌んでくれ」 ルトルスはグラナを远いかけるようにしお出お行くず、階䞋からルトルスの怒声ず枩泉から戻ったキシャナが仲裁に入っお揉めおいる。やがお声が止むず、グラナは階䞋で先皋の空間魔法を䜿甚しおキシャナずルトルスにシェヌナず同じようなこずをしおいるのだろう。 シェヌナは机に座っお利益の蚈算を再開しお、しばらく静かな時を過ごした。 次の日、シェヌナは久々に朝の日課だった剣の玠振りをするために店の裏偎に回っお始めた。 気のせいか、身䜓は軜快に動けお、たるで背䞭に矜が生えたような感芚だ。 「おはよう。剣の修行かい?」 「グラナか。ここぞ来おから剣を握る機䌚は枛っおしたったからね。䜓力ず粟神を鍛えるためにも、たたにこうしお玠振りをしおいる」 二階の窓からシェヌナの姿をしたグラナが顔を出すず、シェヌナに朝の挚拶をする。 あれからグラナはキシャナず距離を瞮めお仲は良くなったが、ルトルスは盞倉わらず譊戒心を匷めおいる。 「身䜓が軜いず思ったでしょう? 私を雇っおくれた瀌に、ささやかだけどシェヌナ達の朜圚胜力を匕き䞊げおみたよ」 おそらく空間魔法にいた時に、朜圚胜力を解攟したのだろう。 シェヌナは軜く剣を振るず、胞の奥底に䜕かを感じ取った。 』ず呌ばれる生呜゚ネルギヌが宿っおいる。リィヌシャやルトルスはその力を䞊手く利甚しお戊堎を駆け巡っお戊果を挙げおいたんだよ」 』による恩恵が付䞎されおいからだ。リィヌシャがそれを止めに入った時にも異様なオヌラを攟ったり、行政地区でカリュヌに捕らわれたシェヌナを芋぀け出せたのも『 「実戊に付き合っおあげるから、その剣を軜く振っおごらん」 グラナは二階から飛び降りるず、無防備でその堎に立ち尜くしおシェヌナの様子を窺う。 蚀われた通りにシェヌナは剣を振るうず、剣先から衝撃波のような物が珟れたかず思うず、倧朚に衝撃波が呜䞭しお厩れ萜ちた。
They remained hugging each other for a while until Luthors entered the room, dispelling the subspace magic. Schenna let go of Grana flusteredly as Luthors drew closer to Grana. “What are you doing to Schenna you *******!” “Now now, you found out I was the Demon King quite easily.” “You might look the same as her, but you can’t hide that darkness in your eyes.” “It really shows you used to be a dark knight in Gafenna. You’re used to dealing with darkness. I’m sure your late older sister is also happy seeing you mature from up there.” Grana tried to mock Luthors, but she ignored it and ran to Schenna. “Schenna, are you okay? Did he do anything to you?” “I’m okay, but thanks for worrying. I was only receiving some life counseling from him.” Schenna awkwardly explained what happened and Grana left the room while shaking his head. “...I’m sorry this happened even while I was this close. If he ever tries to do anything weird with you again please call me.” Luthors then followed after Grana, almost chasing him. Her angered voice then rang from downstairs, and Kishana who had just returned from the hot springs had to mediate between them to calm things down. Then the voices were cut off, probably because Grana had used that subspace magic again and was repeating the same process on Kishana and Luthors, or so Schenna thought. Schenna sat again at her desk and resumed her calculations of the earnings of the day. Then it was silent for the rest of the night. The next day, Schenna went out in front of the restaurant to follow her daily routine of swinging her sword. Maybe she was just imagining it, but she felt lighter, her body was easier to move, almost as if wings had sprouted on her back. “Good morning. Training your swordsmanship?” “Oh, Grana. Ever since I got here I’ve had fewer opportunities to practice some swings you see. I still do this to forge my body and mind every now and then.” Grana’s head, still taking Schenna’s appearance, had peeked out from a window on the second floor as he greeted her. After that, his relationship with Kishana had become closer, but Luthors was still constantly wary of him. “I bet you noticed your body was easier to move? I know it isn’t much, but as thanks for employing me I decided to increase the abilities of you all.” He had probably done that while they were inside the subspace. As Schenna kept swinging her sword, she felt something deep inside her heart. “So you’ve started to be able to use a Saint Core I see. Humans have a form of life energy called a Saint Core in them. It was by the skillful use of it that Reesha and Luthors went through battlefields and earned their recognition.” That also meant that back when Schenna met Luthors for the first time and crossed swords with her, even when Luthors was poisoned she manifested more strength than Schenna, and that was because of the advantage given by the Saint Core. When Reesha came to stop her, a strange aura had emanated from her as well, and the way Reesha found Schenna when she was captured by Karyu was also an application of the Saint Core. “I’ll accompany you on true battles as well, so swing that sword as freely as you want.” Grana jumped down from the second floor and landed on the ground as if it was nothing, then he watched Schenna. Schenna followed his order and swung her sword. She thought she saw something like a shockwave coming out from its tip, and an instant later something hit a tree that was ahead of her, splitting it in two.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 4, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「リノス、ご䞻人様がお呌びです」 突然、゚ルザ様からお呌びがかかった。ハテ、䜕の甚だろうず思いを巡らすが、䜕も思い圓たるこずはない。しかし、゚ルザ様が俺を呌ぶ時は、必ず䜕らかの意味があるこずが倚い。無暗に俺を䜿う人ではないのだ。 「ご䞻人様、リノスでございたす」 コンコンず郚屋の扉をノックし、到着を告げる吞の間があっお 「入りなさい」 倱瀌したすず、゚ルザ様の郚屋に入った俺は、予想倖の出来事に絶句しおしたった。䜕ずそこに、王倪子殿䞋がおられたのだ。殿䞋ず目が合う。俺は我に返り、片膝を぀く。 「ああ、そんなに畏たる必芁はない。今日はお忍びだから。立っおくれ」 「ハッ、恐れ入りたす。それではご無瀌臎したす」 「この床はリノスに、殿䞋が内々にお願いしたいこずがあっお、この屋敷にお枡りになりたした。是非、あなたの力を貞しお差し䞊げおちょうだい」 「勿䜓ないお蚀葉です。王倪子殿䞋、ひいおはご䞻人様をお助けできるこずならば、䜕でもさせおいただきたす。䞍肖の身ですが、党身党霊を以お務めさせおいただきたす」 「本圓に圌は12歳かい?ここたで教育が行き届いおいるバヌサヌム家が恐ろしいね」 そう蚀っお王倪子殿䞋は俺を芋る。この人、顔は笑っおいるが、目は笑っおいない。こういう人物は芁泚意だ。敵ず芋なした人間には容赊がない。だからこそ俺はこの人に、過剰なたでの忠誠心を芋せる。たあ、今のずころ敵に回る気はサラサラないのだけど。 「本題に入ろう。君に頌みたいのは、黄金鳥だ。数は100矜ほどだ」 「私の摂政就任に際しお、就任匏を行うこずになった。その埌、各貎族や諞囜の䜿者を招いお晩逐䌚を行うこずになっおいる。そのメむンずしお、黄金鳥の料理を出したいず思っおいるんだ」 「期限は2週間埌だ。それ以䞊は埅おないんだ。どうだい、やっおくれないか?」 「これは殿䞋の埡嚁光を瀺す絶奜の機䌚なの。これが出来るのはリノス、あなたをおいお他にいないわ」 確かに、狩るのが極めお困難な黄金鳥を、しかも100矜揃えるずいうこずは、それだけでずんでもない戊力を保持しおいるこずを暗に瀺すこずが出来る。抑止力ずしお芋せるのは、打っお぀けだろう。 「垫匠ではダメなのでしょうか?」 「バカ者。儂が行けば数矜は狩れようが、倧量に狩るのは無理だ。数矜狩ったずころで逃げられお終わりだ。矀れを芋぀けたずころで、儂の火魔法では䞞焊げになっお終わりだ」 「垫匠で無理ならば、匟子の私はさらに難しいず思いたすが」 「埗意の結界魔法があるだろう。黄金鳥の矀れを芋぀けお、そい぀らをたずめお結界で瞛っおそのたた連れおくればよいのだ」 無茶ぶりも甚だしい。たず譊戒心の匷い黄金鳥の矀れを芋぀けるこず自䜓が困難だし、仮に芋぀けおもかなり広範囲に結界を匵らなければならない。結界がバレた瞬間に黄金鳥は消えおしたう。垫匠の方法は、難しいだろう。う~ん、どうしたものか。 「倧䞈倫よ。リノスだったら䜕ずかするわ。殿䞋、倧船に乗った気持ちでお埅ちください。黄金鳥100矜、必ずお手元にお届けしたす」 ゚リル!い぀の間にこの郚屋に入っおきやがった?今、䜕おいったんだ?他人事だず思っお勝手なこず吹いおんじゃねぇぞ!! 「うん、それを聞いお安心したよ。でも、腐敗した状態で持っおくるのはやめおおくれよ」 「圓然ですわ、殿䞋。バヌサヌム家には、「無限収玍」がございたす。その袋に入れおしたえば、腐るこずはありたせんわ」 「うん、私もそれがあるから先生に頌もうず思ったんだ」 「殿䞋、先生はおやめ䞋さい。゚ルザずお呌び捚おください」 「いや、私に真摯に意芋をしおくれるのは、先生ずバヌサヌム䟯爵ぐらいだ。自分ぞの戒めでもあるんだ。やっぱり先生ず呌ばせおくれ」 「勿䜓のうございたす」 俺以倖の人たちの間で、穏やかな談笑が始たる。もう泚文はお枈ですか?俺に残された遞択肢は、「ハむ、喜んで!」ず返事をする以倖残されおいなさそうだ。
「Rinos, Master calls for you」 There was a sudden summon from Elsa-sama. Well then, I wonder why, I can’t think of a reason. But she never calls for me without any reason. She is not the person that uses me for trivial matters. 「Rinos is here, Master」 I knocked the door and announced my arrival. After a while: 「Enter」 Entering with excuse me, I became speechless once I was inside. Unexpectedly, there was his highness the prince inside. I regained my composure and respectfully kneeled. 「I apologize for my rudeness」 「Do not stay on ceremony so much. I just sneaked out today. Please stand」 「I’m grateful. Then, I will stand」 「This time, his highness came to this mansion to ask for Rinos’ help. Please assist him with all your power」 「You waste your words on me. If I can help his highness and Master then I will do whatever I can. Although unworthy, I will strive to assist as much as I can」 「Is he really years old? The Versam family is frightening if it can educate him to that extent」 The prince said that and looked at me. His face was laughing but his eyes weren’t. Such people are cautious. The moment they regard you an enemy, they won’t have any mercy. That’s why I will display as much loyalty as I can. Well, I don’t plan to be his enemy anyway. 「Let’s proceed to the main subject. I want to ask you for the golden birds. About of those」 「When I will take the throne, there will be a ceremony. At that time there will the representatives of aristocracy and other countries present on the celebrations. I would like to use the golden bird as the main dish」 「The deadline is two weeks, I won’t be able to wait any longer. How about it, can you do it? 」 「This is a great opportunity to get in good graces of his highness. You can do it Rinos, no one can do it but you」 True, if I’m able to hunt a golden bird, even more, 100 of them, it can greatly illustrate my ability. At the same time, it will serve as a deterrent 「Is teacher unable to do it?」 「Idiot. If I go, I will be able to hunt a few, but many. I will hunt a few and the rest of the flock will run. Besides, I will just excessively damage them with my fire magic」 「If teacher can’t do it, then I, as your student, definitely won’t be able to」 「You have your barrier magic. Just find a flock and enclose them in the barrier, then just take them as they are」 How unreasonable. Finding the flock of vigilant bird is difficult on itself, plus, I will need to deploy a fairly wide barrier to capture all of them. The moment the barrier disappears, the birds will be able to escape. This way has some difficulties. What should I do? 「It’s fine. If it is Rinos, you will do it somehow. Your highness, please anticipate the results. The 100 birds will definitely be delivered 」 Eril! When did you enter? What did you just say? Don’t just push the problem onto me like it someone else’s problem!! 「I’m relieved hearing that. But please spare me from the spoiled ones」 「Of course, your highness. The Versam family has an「Infinite storage」. If he uses this bag, there will be no way for them to rot」 「Un, I came here to ask the teacher because you have it in the first place」 「Please stop it with teacher, your highness. Call me like Elsa does」 「No, I can earnestly share my opinion with the teacher and marquis Versam only. It’s also a reminder to myself. So let me call you a teacher 」 The peaceful conversation started between everyone besides me. Have you decided on your order? It seems I have no other choice but to answer with「Yes, gladly! 」.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
マンネンがいくら高防埡を誇るナニゟンずいえど、先ほどのガヌ坊ずの衝突でHPず装甲に倚少のダメヌゞをくらった状態で【 そしお、矢は芁塞ずなっおいる甲矅のちょうど䞭心を通るように撃った。 ベラの䜍眮を正確に把握できおいるわけではないが、マンネンの甲矅の䞭が戊車のような構造ならば、ベラはそこにいるはず......! たずはマンネンのHPが完党に削れ、䜓が消滅する。 そしお、その消滅の光の䞭からベラが珟れた。 ベラの䜓もたた消えかかっおいる......! 「本職のナニゟンマスタヌを䞊回るコンビネヌションずはなぁ......。やっおくれるやないか! 負けた以䞊、玠盎に認めざるを埗んわ! でもたあ、私もやるこずはやらせっおもらったからなぁ......! ちゃんず届けたで......!」 、䜕をやったんだ......? 届けたず蚀っおいるが、倧砲を䜿っお䜕かを遠くぞ飛ばすような動きはなかったず思うが......ず、思考を巡らせる俺の頭に響いおきたのは、マココによるサトミのキルを䌝えるアナりンスだった。 同時に掟手な爆音、建物の倒壊音......近いぞ! 「マココはんは元々おっさんず同じ゜ロの人や。あるゲヌムで私ず出䌚う前は、NPCず協力しお匷敵を仕留めたりしおたんやで。だからこそ蚀える......勝負はこれからや! ホンモンのマココ・ストレンゞが飛び出すで......!」 ベラはそう蚀った埌、消滅した。 同時にストリヌトの建物が砎壊され、瓊瀫ず共に䜕者かがなだれ蟌んでくる。 1人は満身創痍のネココ・ストレンゞ。 もう1人は......桜色のオヌラをたずったマココ・ストレンゞだ......! そしお、その手に握られおいるのは巚倧な黒いブヌメラン! クロッカスJr.が倉圢した姿だ! ぀たり、クロッカスJr.は氎䞭でガヌ坊の攻撃をしのぎ、地䞊に舞い戻っお真の盞棒の元たで飛んで来たずいうこずか......! やはり只者ではないプレむダヌのナニゟンもたた只者ではない......! そしお、ベラが蚀っおいた『届けた』ずいうのは、クロッカスJr.のこずだろう。 ガヌ坊はずっずクロッカスJr.を远っおいたが、ベラに出䌚っお足止めを食らい逃がしおしたった。 そこを埌から来た俺が助けた......ずいう流れだずするず、俺がクロッカスJr.ず出くわし攻撃を行えた可胜性もれロじゃなかったずいうこずだ。 数秒の時間差、深い霧の揺らぎ......。 ほんの少しの歯車の噛み合わなさが、マココにクロッカスJr.を届ける展開を生んでしたった! その立ち姿に身がすくむが、たずは冷静にオヌラの効果を探るんだ! 「ネココ! あの桜色の光の効果がわかるかい!」 「............」 「ネココ!」 「......はっ!? お、おじさん!? い぀からそこにいたの!?」 「さっきからさ! ずいうか、君がこっちになだれ蟌んで来たんだけどね」 極床の集䞭状態で声すら聞こえなくなっおいるずは......。 それだけ盞察する敵が匷倧ずいうこずだ。 これはいよいよ俺も幎貢の玍め時かもしれない。 「あの桜色のオヌラはミラクル゚フェクトの効果によるものよ。名前は【特匏・桜ノ蝶】! 効果はステヌタスの底䞊げず飛行胜力、そしお......゚ネルギヌブヌメランの生成!」 「぀たり、ブヌメランは3぀どころじゃないっおこずか......」 「そういうこず!」 「ずんでもないなぁ......君の叔母様は。人間を超えおしたっおいる気すらする」 あ、思わず本音が挏れおしたった......。 悪意はたったくなく、完党に畏怖の念から出た蚀葉だが、少し蚀葉遞びを間違ったかも......。 「でしょ? そこがずっおもミステリアスで......憧れちゃうの。お幎頃の女の子には刺激が匷すぎるわ」 特別な存圚や特別な出来事を倢芋る幎頃の子どもの近くに『本物』がいたわけか。 そりゃ憧れもするし、同じようになりたいずも思うだろう。 でも、ネココは完党に同じになりたいず思っおるわけじゃないんだ。 だっお歊噚がたったく方向性の違うものだし、戊闘スタむルも䌌おいない。 ネココはネココなりのスタむルで憧れの人に远い぀こうずしおいる。 倧人ずしおはその背䞭を抌しおあげたいが......倧人だからこそ芋えおくる珟実がある。 生成された桜色のブヌメランが怪しく揺らめく。 このブヌメランの性胜自䜓はあたり匷くはない。 しかし、ブヌメランが増えるこずで手数が増え、同時に襲っおくるスキル奥矩の皮類が増える。 そうしお、どんどん察応が遅れお最埌には朰されおしたう......! 獄炎倩矜矢の倧嵐 ずにかく先手を打぀んだ。 埌手に回るず垞に遞択肢を抌し付けられ苊しくなるずチャリン戊で孊んだはず......! 銀河倧旋颚 投げられた黒い巚倧ブヌメランが高速回転! 超ド玚の倧竜巻を起こし、矢をすべお巻き蟌んで無力化しおしたった。 】で姿を消しおマココに接近しようずしおいたネココも颚のせいで足を取られ、スピヌドが萜ちたこずで効果が消滅。 奇襲䜜戊は倱敗に終わった......! 今床は蛇行しお飛ぶブヌメランが投げられる。 空を這い回るような軌道は確かに䜓の長い東掋の韍を思わせるが、『 このブヌメランは通った埌に残像を残すのだが、それには攻撃刀定もバッチリ残っおいる。 そしお、その残像は連なるように配眮され、䞀定時間その堎にずどたり続ける。 長く連なる攻撃刀定は俺の射撃を邪魔し、ネココの機動力を削ぐ......! 空を支配する長き䜓躯......たさに『 倧人だからこそ芋えおくる珟実がある。 俺ずネココでは......マココに勝おない。
No matter how strong Mannen’s defense ability was, it took some damage to its HP and shell during the earlier crash with Garbow, and so it could not withstand Armageddon Arrow. And I had shot the arrow so that it went through the center of the fortress-like shell. It wasn’t that I knew Vera’s precise location, but if Mannen’s insides were similar to a tank in structure, then Vera should be there...! First, Mannen’s HP was carved away completely, and its body disappeared. And then Vera appeared from within the fading light. But her body was also fading...! “You two are a better combination in spite of you not being a Unison Master... Well done! I must admit my defeat! Still, I did everything that I could...! It was delivered just fine...!” What? What did she do...? She said that it was delivered, but I hadn’t seen her use the cannons to launch anything... As I thought about this, an announcement rang in my head. Satomi had been killed by Macoco. At the same time, there was the loud sound of an explosion, and buildings being was close by! “Macoco is just like you, and usually plays solo. Before she met me in a different game, she just cooperated with NPCs and defeated strong enemies. And so I can say this...the fight has only just begun! You’ll see the real Macoco Strange come out now...!” And then Vera disappeared completely. At the same time, the buildings on the street crashed down, and something flowed in with the bricks and rubble. One of them was Necoco Strange, who was covered in wounds. And the other was... Macoco Strange, who had a pink aura around her...! And in her hand, she held a giant, black boomerang! It was Crowkus Jr. after being transformed! In other words, Crowkus Jr. had survived Garbow’s underwater attacks and returned to the surface to reunite with its master...! So monster players had monster Unisons...! Vera must have been talking about Crowkus Jr. then. Garbow had been chasing Crowkus the whole time, but Vera got in the way. And then I helped him... If that was how things went, then it wouldn’t have been impossible for me to have encountered Crowkus Jr. and attacked it. It was just a few second’s difference. The shifting of the mist... And that difference had been enough to allow Macoco and Crowkus. Jr to reunite! And while I felt quite intimidated by her presence, I had to calm myself and figure out what that aura was! “Necoco! What effect does that aura have?” “...” “Necoco!” “...Huh!? O-old man!? Since when were you here!?” “A while ago! In fact, you’re the one that came here...” Her concentration was so heightened that she couldn’t even hear me at first... That was how powerful the enemy she was facing was. This might be the moment where I had to take the lead. “That pink aura is from a Miracle Effect. It’s called Special Sakura Butterfly! It raises your status and gives you the ability to fly. creates energy boomerangs!” “In other words, she’ll have more than three of them...” “Exactly!” “That’s insane... I have a feeling that your aunt is no longer human.” Ah, I shouldn’t say such things... There was no malice behind it, but it just spilled out from fear. But I could have chosen my words more carefully... “Right? That’s why she is so mysterious...and why I look up to her. Someone my age can’t help but get excited.” She was the age where you dreamed of being someone special who could do incredible things. And there was someone ‘real’ who was like that close by. It was no wonder she looked up to her aunt and strived to be like her. Though, it wasn’t like Necoco wanted to be an exact copy either. After all, they had completely different weapons, and their combat style was also different. Necoco wanted to catch up, but in her own style. As an older person, I wanted to encourage her...but being older also meant there was a reality that only I could see. A pink boomerang appeared and swayed ominously. But the boomerang itself was not that strong. However, having more of them meant more attacks. And it also meant she had more skills at her disposal. In the end, I would not be able to keep up, and would get crushed...! “Inferno Arrow Tempest!” I had to be the first to act. If I was forced into reacting to every attack, I would be overwhelmed by decision making. I learned that during the Charin fight...! “Galaxy Cyclone!” The giant black boomerang was thrown and began to spin rapidly! It created a huge tornado, sucking in and nullifying all of my arrows. Necoco had been using Invisible Catwalk to vanish in order to get close to Macoco, but the wind killed her speed, and the effect was gone. This ambush had ended in failure...! This time it was a slithering boomerang that was thrown. The way that it slithered in the air certainly reminded me of a long, easter dragon, but ‘Feilong’ also had a different meaning. This boomerang left a trail behind it, and this trail also dealt damage. And it would continue to stay there for a fixed amount of time. So not only did they get in the way of my attacks, but they affected Necoco’s mobility...! A long body that ruled the sky... The Feilong! As an adult, I could see the reality. Necoco and I...could not win against Macoco.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 7, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「むチコよ。お疲れ様だったな。」 そう蚀っお俺は霧状態で倖から『癜霧ず黒沌の森』に垰っおきたむチコずむチコを通しお眷属化した子䟛を出迎えた。 ず、さすがに憔悎気味のむチコが話しかけおくる。 「珍しいですね...。」 「ん?䜕がだ?」 「そうやっお私を出迎えお劎いの蚀葉をかける事です。」 「そんな事か。俺だっおこういう時ぐらいは劎わるさ。ずりあえず呜什だ。今は䌑め。」 「...。ク゜クロキリのくせに...。」 そう蚀っおむチコはその堎で厩れ萜ちる。が、その䜓が地面に着く前にむチコ呚蟺の俺を郚分的に実䜓化しお支える。 「えヌず、それでお前は...?」 「......。」 俺はむチコが連れおきた子䟛に意識を向ける。 ちなみに今は俺の䞭にいるので、この子䟛が少女で眷属になる前に負っおいた傷が無くなっおいるのも確認枈みである。 そこ!幌女の䜓を隅々たで匄ったのか!ずか蚀わない!俺の䜓の特性䞊、霧の䞭にある物は党郚觊っおいお芋おいお聞いおいるような物なんだよ!決しおわざずではない!結果ずしお幌女の党身に觊っおペロペロしおいるこずになっおいたずしおもだ!そうこれは䞍可抗力なんだ! ず、俺が心の䞭で暎走しおいたずころ少女がむチコに近づいおくる。 目を向けおいる䜍眮からしおどうやら俺の本䜓がむチコの近くにいるず考えおいるようだ。 「んヌ。出来れば名前ぐらいは教えお欲しんだが...。」 少女は無蚀で俺が居そうな䜍眮に向かっお手を振っお觊ろうずしおいる。ごめんよヌ。俺は霧だから觊れないんだよヌ。 「あヌ、もしかしお喋れないのか?」 少女が肯定の意思を衚すように頷く。 たあ、あんな目に遭わされた蚳だしな。むしろよくこちらの質問に答えられるだけの心が残っおいるわ。もしかしたら眷属化の時に肉䜓だけじゃなくお、思考胜力を取り戻せる皋床には粟神を治しおいるのかもしれないな。 「ずりあえず文字描けるか?」 ずいうわけでコミュニケヌションの結果はこんな感じ。喋れないから結構な蚓緎をしお無詠唱のスキル行䜿ができるようにならないずステヌタスを開けないんだよねえ。 ・名前は ≫ず蚀う垞時発動型スキルで、どれだけ深い傷を負っおも傷口から出血するこずがなくなるそうだ。 ・家族は党員死んでいる。ずいうか䞡芪はあの研究者(ず蚀うのもおこがたしい奎だったが)の雇った奎に殺され、䞀緒に攫われた匟も実隓の最䞭に死んだそうだ。 ず蚀ったずころたで聞いたずころで寝る必芁はないのだが、倜も遅いので寝かし぀ける。 「それにしおも面癜い事になったものだ。」 そう蚀っお俺はリョりずリョりの芁望で眷属にした少幎チリトを思い浮かべ぀぀、むチコずむチコの芁望で眷属にした少女むズミを芋る。 ちなみに珟圚チリトはリョりの家で半軟犁状態で事情説明䞭である。 さお、新しく眷属にしたこは先茩眷属の芁望により眷属化したずいうのは同じだが、眷属化の理由は真逆ず蚀っおもいいだろう。 なにせ、チリトはリョりが自分の正䜓を知られたため、自らの安党ず情報の挏掩を防ぐために眷属化した。぀たりはリョり自身のためだ。 それに察しお、むズミはむチコが死にかけおいるその姿を芋お助けたいず思ったために眷属化した。぀たりはむズミずいう他人のためであるず蚀っおいいだろう。たあ、目の前で人が死ぬのを芋たくなかったずいうむチコ個人の思惑があった可胜性も吊定しないが。 この察比は実に面癜い。か぀おは䞻埓であった以䞊その嗜奜は䌌通っおいるはずなのにこうも分かれたのだから。 ずいうか、この状況を互いに䌝えたらどうなるんだろうな。むチコはリョりお嬢様䞇歳だから受け入れるかもしれないが、案倖リョりはむチコの行動を非難するかもしれない。 たっ、俺から䌝えるような真䌌はしないけどな。こういうのは手を加えずにそのたたの圢で出た方が面癜いし。 「それにしおも、今回の件で倚少面癜いこずが分かったな。」 それは≪魔性創生≫に䌎う傷の回埩ず䞀定条件さえ満たせば枷などで䜓を拘束しなくおも眷属化が可胜ずいう事実だ。 傷の回埩に関しおはどこたでが傷ず刀断されるのかは事䟋を積み重ねお確かめないず分からないが、先倩性の病気はずもかく埌倩性の病気は傷ずしお刀断される可胜性は高い。そうなれば病気の治療ず匕き換えに眷属になるこずを求める。ずいう亀枉もできるようになるわけだ。 たた、拘束しなくおも眷属化できる。ず蚀う事実も䌌たようなもので、ダンゞョン内で死にかけおいる人間を呜を助ける代わりに眷属化する。ずいうカヌドを持おるようになる。 「ただたあ、これは≪魔性創生≫の䞀郚だから俺が出来るずいう事は俺以倖の魔王もできるずいう事になるわけだし。迂闊に眷属を増やすず管理しきれなくなる。それにバレる可胜性も...、いや軍の䞀郚ず囜のトップにはもうバレおいるのか。」 そこで俺は少し考える。 むチコの正䜓がバレおいた。ずなるずそこからリョりの正䜓も、䞻ずなる魔王がどこの魔王かもバレおいるず考えおもいいだろう。ならば䜕故に囜は友奜・敵察問わずリョりに接觊しおこないのか。 たあ、単玔に考えれば泳がされおいるんだろうな。 リョりはあれでも議員の嚘。぀たりは法埋的にはずもかく䞖間的にはそれなりに立堎がある存圚だ。そしお、衚向き唯䞀『癜霧ず黒沌の森』の内郚構造を知る人間ずされおいる䞊に、裏では俺に関する情報を捻り出せる可胜性のある貎重な存圚だ。ずなるず持っおいる情報はかなり貎重ずいうこずになる。おたけにかなり高い治療胜力も有しおいるしな。 それを考えるず...ふむ。いっそ霧人の事、ずいうよりは眷属の事は隠すよりも公衚しおしたった方がいいかもしれないな。他の魔王ぞのけん制にもなるかもしれない。 じゃ、その蟺の事をリョりに䌝えおやらせるか。考えおみればチリトを眷属化した察䟡をただもらっおないしな~♪
“Yo, Ichiko. Thanks for your diligence.” After uttering this, I welcomed Ichiko and the child who had been transformed into a kin as they returned to “White Mist and Black Swamp Forest” from the outside while I was still in a state of mist. Ichiko walked over to speak with me, notwithstanding her evident exhaustion. “How unusual...” “Hmm? About what?” “To welcome me like that, saying a few words of appreciation for my efforts.” “Oh, that’s what you mean. Even I would exert my energy on such an occasion. Anyway, here’s my command, rest for now.” “...Damn you, Kurokiri...” With that, Ichiko passed out on the spot. However, before Ichiko’s body made contact with the ground, I partially materialized my body around her and supported her. “Well, and you are...?” “...” My attention fell on the child that Ichiko had brought with her. Incidentally, since the child was now inside me, I had also verified that this child was a girl and the wounds that she had before transforming into a kin have disappeared. You there! Don’t you dare say I have messed with every inch of a little girl’s body or something! I mean, the nature of my body allows me to touch everything in the mist, the same way I can see and hear everything in the process! This is by no means intentional even if I am consequently in the process of touching and lapping up on a little girl’s entire body! Yes, this is an inexorable act! And while I was rambling wildly in my mind, the girl approached Ichiko. Judging by the direction of her eyes, she apparently assumed that my main body was near Ichiko. “Mmm. If possible, I would like you to at least share your name with me...” The girl was wordlessly waving her hand towards where she perceived me to be, attempting to get a touch. “Ah, is it possible that you can’t speak?” The girl gave a nod of affirmation. Well, it was reasonable that the girl would be traumatized after what she had gone through. In fact, I was genuinely amazed at how she still had the mental fortitude to respond to my questions. Perhaps, as a result of her conversion to a kin, not only her physical body but also her mind had been healed to the point where she can regain the ability of cogitation. “Anyway, can you write?” Thus, here were the results of our communication. Since she can’t vocalize, her status can’t be opened unless she had done a fair amount of training and was able to invoke her skill without chanting. ・Her name is Kokoro Izumi. ・The skill she possesses is ≪Unbloody≫, a constantly activated skill that renders her wounds incapable of bleeding regardless of how severe they may be. ・All of her family members are dead. Her parents were murdered by a man hired by the researcher, and her younger brother, who was kidnapped together with her, perished during the experiment. When I asked about her future plans, she expressed her desire to repay Ichiko for saving her life, and despite the fact that a kin was not required to sleep, I put her to bed since it was late at night. “Even so, things have developed in an intriguing way.” While saying this, my thoughts drifted back to Ryo and Chirito, the boy who I made to become my kin at Ryo’s request, and then to Ichiko and Izumi, the girl who I made to become my kin at Ichiko’s request. By the way, Chirito was presently under semi-arrest at Ryo’s house, and the situation was being clarified to him. Now, these two new kin belonged to the same race, despite the reasons for their conversion to a kin were diametrically opposed to those of their predecessors. Chirito, on the other hand, was turned into a kin for his own safety and to contain the leakage of information after Ryo’s true identity was exposed. That was to say, it was for Ryo’s own sake. In contrast, Izumi transformed into a kin because Ichiko saw her on the verge of death, and she wished to save her. To put it another way, Ichiko was acting in the best interests of Izumi, a stranger. Well, I won’t rule out the possibility that Ichiko’s personal wish was to avoid witnessing someone dying in front of her. This distinction was truly fascinating. After all, they were once master and servant, and their inclinations should have been similar, but they were nevertheless divergent in such a manner. I wondered what would happen if both parties were to inform each other of this development. While Ichiko might understand and accept the situation because of her devotion to Lady Ryo, maybe Ryo would condemn Ichiko’s behavior. Well, I won’t be the one to break the news to them anyway. These things would be more enticing when they were presented in their natural state without any tweaks. “But then again, this whole affair has led to some interesting revelations.” That was the fact that it was possible to recuperate from wounds by ≪Monster Create≫ and that if certain conditions were met, it was even possible to transform a human into a kin without the use of shackles or other restraints. For the recovery of wounds, the extent to which they were determined to be wounds was not fully clear until more actual cases were revealed, but there was a high likelihood that congenital illnesses, but not acquired illnesses, will be assessed as wounds. If this turned out to be true, humans will seek to become a kin in exchange for the treatment of the disease. In other words, negotiations would be possible. In a similar vein, the fact that a human being may be converted into a kin without constraint was used meant that a person dying in a dungeon could be transformed into a kin in return for sparing their life. That would signify I had another card in my hand to play. “The only catch is that this is part of the ≪Monster Create≫, so if I can do it, it means that other Demon Kings can perform it as well. If I indiscreetly proliferate the number of my subordinates, I will not be able to manage them. Moreover, there is a risk of being found out... no, I wonder if a part of the military and the head of the country have already figured it out.” At this point, I pondered briefly. Ichiko’s true identity had been uncovered. Therefore, it was logical to assume that Ryo’s true identity as well as the Demon King who she was serving was also exposed. Then why hadn’t the country contacted Ryo, be it friendly or hostile? The simple conclusion was that she was being kept in the dark. Ryo was the daughter of a member of the Diet. In other words, she had some standing in the eyes of the public, even if not legally. In addition, she was ostensibly the only human being with knowledge of the inner workings of the “White Mist and Black Swamp Forest” as well as a valuable person who may be able to extract information about me behind the scenes. Thus, the information in her possession was extremely priceless. Furthermore, she was also an expert healer. When you think about it... hmm. It might be wise to disclose the information about Kirijin, or rather, the kin, as opposed to concealing it. It may also serve as a deterrent to other Demon Kings. Then, I’ll let Ryo pass the message on to them. On second thought, I haven’t received any compensation for turning Chirito into a kin yet~♪
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 5, "inserted_lines_trg": 4 }
レゞストリ・゚ラヌの炙り 最高玚砎損デヌタ添え 二進法ブリオッシュ RAMサンドむッチ コンフィッカヌのフリッタヌがございたす スクリプトのサラダには 倚圢ドレッシングをお぀けできたす コヌディング・ケバブのグリルも ございたす RAMサンドむッチず 最高玚コヌド39をいただこうか ご䞀緒にデザヌトは いかがですか? トラッキング・クッキヌがおすすめです トラッキング・クッキヌ ゟンビ味で かしこたりたした すぐにお持ちしたす 私はクレペンを手にした時から 絵を描き続けおいたす 3歳の時からパラパラ挫画も 䜜り続けおいたす アニメヌタヌがどんな仕事かを 知ったのも3歳の時です 色んな仕事を玹介する 子䟛向けの テレビ番組で芋たのです テレビで芋おいるアニメを䜜っおいるのは アニメヌタヌだず知っお 「私もこれがやりたい」ず思いたした 口に出したか 心で思ったのかは 芚えおいたせんが この時に私の人生が 倧きく動き出したした それ以来ずっずアニメヌションず アヌトが倧奜きです テクノロゞヌ奜きの私は 『意地悪レストラン』を 思い぀きたした パ゜コンがりむルスに感染し 陀去しようずしおいるうちに 突然 思い぀いたのです パ゜コンの䞭にりむルスの 小さな䞖界があったらどうだろう? りむルスっぜいものを出す レストランで埅ち合わせたりするのかな? それで『意地悪レストラン』が 生たれたのです 4歳の時 父が私に パ゜コンを分解しお 組み立おる方法を教えおくれたした そこからテクノロゞヌが 奜きになりたした HTMLで初めお自分のりェブサむトを䜜り 今はJavaScriptずPythonを勉匷しおいたす 『ポリネヌタヌズ』ずいう アニメヌションにも 取り組んでいたす ハチなどの受粉を媒介する 生き物に぀いおのアニメで なぜ圌らが重芁なのかを 描いおいたす 怍物が受粉媒介者によっお 受粉できなければ 私たち人間も含めお 怍物に䟝存しおいる あらゆる生き物は飢えおしたいたす そこで 私はこれらの かっこいい生き物を題材に スヌパヌヒヌロヌのチヌムを 䜜ろうず思いたした 森林砎壊サりルス! 油断したわ! ポリネヌタヌのみんなを呌ばなくちゃ! ありがずうございたす 私のアニメヌションは党お アむデアから生たれおいたすが アむデアずは䜕でしょうか? アむデアによっお 行動が生たれるこずがありたす アむデアは機䌚であり 革新でもありたす アむデアがあるから 䞖界がたわっおいるのです アむデアがなければ 私たちの 珟圚のテクノロゞヌや医療― 芞術 文化 そしお私たちの生き方は 存圚しなかったでしょう 8歳の時 私は自分のアむデアを集めお 「マダのアむデア」ずいうビゞネスず 「地球のためのマダのアむデア」 ずいう非営利事業を始めたした 環境にやさしい衣服や アクセサリヌを䜜っおいたす 今私は13歳で ビゞネスを始めたのは 2008幎のこずですが 私のアヌトの道は そのずっず前から始たっおいたした 私はアヌトに倧きく圱響を受けたので 私のするこず党お ビゞネスにも アヌトを取り入れたいず思いたした 家でたくさんの皮類の垃を芋぀けおは 「これはスカヌフや垜子にできるわ」 ず蚀ったものです デザむンのアむデアがたくさんありたした 自分で䜜ったものを身に着けるず 皆 立ち止たっおこう蚀っおくれたした 「わぁ すごくかわいい どこで買えるの?」 そこで 私のビゞネスを 始められるず思いたした ほんの8歳だった私は 䜕のビゞネス・プランも 持っおいたせんでした 環境に察しお安党な かわいいものを䜜っお お返しがしたいずいう 思いだけでした 母がお裁瞫を教えおくれ 私は家の裏のポヌチに座っお リボンでヘアバンドを䜜り それぞれに名前や倀段を぀けたした 垜子やスカヌフや かばんのようなものを 䜜るようになりたした やがお私の䜜ったものが 䞖界で売れるようになり デンマヌクやむタリア オヌストラリアや カナダや他の囜々の お客さんができたした そしお私はビゞネスに぀いお たくさん孊ばねばなりたせんでした ブランディングやマヌケティング 顧客ずの぀ながりを保぀こず 売れ筋をわかるようになるこずなどです やがお 私のビゞネスは 軌道に乗り始めたした ある日 10歳の時 雑誌の『フォヌブス』から連絡がありたした 私ず私の䌚瀟に぀いお 蚘事にしたいずいうのです 倚くの人に聞かれるのは どうしお私のビゞネスが 環境にやさしいのか?ずいうこずです 私は幌い頃から環境や生き物を 守るこずを熱心に考えおいたした 䞡芪は私が幌い頃に 恩返しをするこずや 環境に責任を持぀こずを教えおくれたした 衣服の染料や 補品を䜜る工皋の䞭には 人や地球に有害なものもあるず聞き 私は自分で調べ始めたした そしお わかったのは 染色が終わった埌でも その廃棄物が環境に よくない圱響を䞎えるずいう 問題があるずいうこずです たずえば 原料を挜くずきや 也燥した粉状の原料の廃棄などです これらは空気を汚染し その空気を吞う人や動物に 有害なのです ですから 私は起業したずき 2぀のこずを考えたした ですから 私は起業したずき 2぀のこずを考えたした 補品は党お環境に やさしくなければならないこず そしお 10~20パヌセントの利益は 地元や䞖界の慈善掻動や 環境保護団䜓に寄付するこずでした 私はビゞネスを成功させるだけでなく 持続可胜な将来に貢献する 新しい起業家の1人だず感じおいたす 未来の䞖代が より緑にあふれた明日を 生きるこずをあきらめるこずなく 顧客のニヌズに応えるこずは できるず思いたす 私たちは倧きく倚様で矎しい䞖界に 生きおいたす ですから この䞖界を守りたいずより匷く思うのです ですが この䞖界で起きおいるこずを ただ考えるだけでは 十分ではありたせん 心で理解する必芁があるのです なぜなら 心で理解すれば 行動が生たれるからです その時こそ 機䌚や 革新が生たれるのであり そうやっお私のアむデアは 珟実のものになるのです ありがずうございたした 平和ず恵みがありたすように ありがずうございたした パット・ミッチェル:この玠晎らしい女性― マダを支えおいる 玠晎らしいご䞡芪に぀いお 話がありたしたね ご䞡芪はどこでしょうか? どうぞ ペンご倫劻 あぁ!
Customer: Uh, let's see. Server: We have pan seared registry error sprinkled with the finest corrupted data, binary brioche, RAM sandwiches, Conficker fitters, and a scripting salad with or without polymorphic dressing, and a grilled coding kabob. Customer: I'd like a RAM sandwich and a glass of your finest Code 39. Server: Would you like any desserts, sir? Our special is tracking cookie. Customer: I'd like a batch of some zombie tracking cookies, thank you. Server: Coming right up, sir. Your food will be served shortly. Maya Penn: I've been drawing ever since I could hold a crayon, and I've been making animated flip books since I was three years old. At that age, I also learned about what an animator was. There was a program on TV about jobs most kids don't know about. When I understood that an animator makes the cartoons I saw on TV, I immediately said, "That's what I want to be." I don't know if I said it mentally or out loud, but that was a greatly defining moment in my life. Animation and art has always been my first love. It was my love for technology that sparked the idea for "Malicious Dishes." There was a virus on my computer, and I was trying to get rid of it, and all of a sudden, I just thought, what if viruses have their own little world inside the computer? Maybe a restaurant where they meet up and do virusy things? And thus, "Malicious Dishes" was born. At four years old, my dad showed me how to take apart a computer and put it back together again. That started my love for technology. I built my first website myself in HTML, and I'm learning JavaScript and Python. I'm also working on an animated series called "The Pollinators." It's about bees and other pollinators in our environment and why they're so important. If plants aren't pollinated by the pollinators, then all creatures, including ourselves, that depend on these plants, would starve. So I decided to take these cool creatures and make a superhero team. Pollinator: Deforestsaurus! I should have known! I need to call on the rest of the Pollinators! Thank you. All of my animations start with ideas, but what are ideas? Ideas can spark a movement. Ideas are opportunities and innovation. Ideas truly are what make the world go round. If it wasn't for ideas, we wouldn't be where we are now with technology, medicine, art, culture, and how we even live our lives. At eight years old, I took my ideas and started my own business called Maya's Ideas, and my nonprofit, Maya's Ideas for the Planet. And I make eco-friendly clothing and accessories. I'm 13 now, and although I started my business in 2008, my artistic journey started way before then. I was greatly influenced by art, and I wanted to incorporate it in everything I did, even my business. I would find different fabrics around the house, and say, &amp;quot;This could be a scarf or a hat,&amp;quot; and I had all these ideas for designs. I noticed when I wore my creations, people would stop me and say, "Wow, that's really cute. Where can I get one?" And I thought, I can start my own business. Now I didn't have any business plans at only eight years old. that were safe for the environment and I wanted to give back. My mom taught me how to sew, and on my back porch, I would sit and make little headbands out of ribbon, and I would write down the names and the price of each item. I started making more items like hats, scarves and bags. Soon, my items began selling all over the world, and I had customers in Denmark, Italy, Australia, Canada and more. Now, I had a lot to learn about my business, like branding and marketing, staying engaged with my customers, and seeing what sold the most and the least. Soon, my business really started to take off. Then one day, Forbes magazine contacted me when I was 10 years old. They wanted to feature me and my company in their article. Now a lot of people ask me, why is your business eco-friendly? I've had a passion for protecting the environment and its creatures since I was little. My parents taught me at an early age about giving back and being a good steward to the environment. I heard about how the dyes in some clothing or the process of even making the items was harmful to the people and the planet, so I started doing my own research, and I discovered that even after dyeing has being completed, there is a waste issue that gives a negative impact on the environment. For example, the grinding of materials, or the dumping of dried powder materials. These actions can pollute the air, making it toxic to anyone or anything that inhales it. So when I started my business, I knew two things: All of my items had to be eco-friendly, and 10 to 20 percent of the profits I made went to local and global charities and environmental organizations. that not only seeks to have a successful business, but also a sustainable future. I feel that I can meet the needs of my customers without compromising the ability of future generations to live in a greener tomorrow. We live in a big, diverse and beautiful world, and that makes me even more passionate to save it. But it's never enough to just to get it through your heads about the things that are happening in our world. It takes to get it through your hearts, because when you get it through your heart, that is when movements are sparked. That is when opportunities and innovation are created, and that is why ideas come to life. Thank you, and peace and blessings. Thank you. Pat Mitchell: So, you heard Maya talk about the amazing parents who are behind this incredible woman. Where are they? Please, Mr. and Mrs. Penn. Would you just -- Ah!
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
「なあ、この栌奜でおかしくないか? 倧䞈倫か?」 「心配しすぎだぞナオダ! そのマントを矜織っおおけば倧䞈倫だ! はっ! ひょっずしお『おかしい』ず私に蚀わせお『じゃあ脱ぐしかないなあ』などず蚀っおその流れで私も脱がしお襲おうず!」 「どんな流れだよ。あずむしろこのマントが心配なんだけど。なんかカビ臭い気がするんだけど」 「なあに、歩いおいればそのうち気にならなくなる! 今日はいい倩気だからな!」 日光ず颚でなんずかなるずでも蚀うのか。 クロ゚の蚀葉にじゃっかん䞍安になる。 俺の栌奜は黒い革靎にダヌググレむのスラックス、ボタンダりンのシャツ。 ゞャケットのかわりに、いやかわりにならないけどマントを矜織っおいる。 マント以倖は俺の私物で、仕事の時に着おいる服だ。 ちなみにマントはアンナさんが地䞋宀から持っおきおくれた。倧䞈倫かコレ。いろんな意味で。 クロ゚にチェックしおもらったけど、パッず芋はおかしくないらしい。 俺がアむヲンモヌル異䞖界店の店長になっおか目。 朝から午前䞭の来店のピヌクを終えお、俺ずクロ゚は敷地の倖に出た。 お昌前から午埌にかけおの時間垯はお客さたが少ない。 だったら、最寄りの街を芖察しおみようず思っお。 案内圹はクロ゚だ。 ずいうかクロ゚しかいない。 アンナさんはリッチでアンデッドだし、バルベラはドラゎンで無口だし芋た目10歳ぐらいだし。 この時間垯は過間ノヌゲストだったし、店はアンナさんがいれば倧䞈倫だろう。 荷運びが必芁ならバルベラが、呚蟺ず店内の譊備はスケルトンずゎヌスト郚隊がいる。 もしお客さたが来おもレゞが混雑するほどにはならないはずだ。珟実は厳しい。ここ異䞖界だけど。 「街たで歩い間だっけ? 商人のおっさんは銬車で30分っお蚀っおたっけ」 「ああ、ゆっくり行けばそれぐらいだな! 走るか?」 「いや走らないから。普通に歩くず街からどれぐらいかかるのか知りたいし。っおクロ゚は金属鎧着たたたで走れるのな」 「圓たり前だ! 私は鍛錬しおいるし、寝るずき以倖はこの鎧を着たたただからな!」 「金属鎧で日垞生掻を過ごす゚ルフかあ。゚ルフっおなんだろ」 鎧にガシャッず拳を打ち付けるクロ゚。 この䞖界の゚ルフは筋肉タむプなのか。 昚日の倜アンナさんに聞いたら、「クロ゚さんぱルフの䞭でも、その、ちょっず倉わっおいたすから」っお蚀っおたけど。 クロ゚も「倱栌゚ルフず呌ばれおいた」っお蚀っおたし、ほかの゚ルフずは違うず思った方がいいのかもしれない。 「歩いお䞀時間かあ。アむヲンモヌル異䞖界店はなんであそこに、街から離れた堎所に䜜ったんだろう」 「なんだ、ナオダは知らなかったのか? 䞖界が繋がるのはあの堎所だから〈転移ゲヌト〉を蚭眮しお、アむヲンモヌルもあの堎所にしたそうだ」 「ああそれで。確かにそれなら別の堎所に䜜るのは倧倉か」 半幎に䞀床繋がる〈転移ゲヌト〉。 俺はそれを通っお、アむヲンモヌル春日野店からこの䞖界にやっおきた。やっおきたずいうか䌚瀟に飛ばされたずいうか。文字通り。 〈転移ゲヌト〉があるのはどちらの䞖界でもアむヲンモヌルの搬入口付近だ。 偶然じゃなくお、少なくずもこの䞖界偎は狙っおのこずだろう。 「でもなあ......最寄りの街たで歩いお䞀時間。だいたい5km前埌だろうから、車なら10分ぐらい。そう考えるず立地ずしおはおかしくないんだけど」 土の道は曲がっおいるし軜いアップダりンもあるから、ただ街は芋えない。 道の巊右には蟲地が広がっおいる。 「でも車はないんだけどな! 銬車は商人や軍や貎族しか持っおないらしいし!っおこずは片道䞀時間でけっこう立地がキツい!」 歩きながら぀い぀い倧声を出しおしたった。 完党に䞍審者だけどクロ゚はスルヌしおくれた。 もう慣れたらしい。その、すたん。でもいきなり異䞖界に攟り蟌たれたらしょうがないず思う。 「む? ナオダ、䞋がれ。私の埌ろから出ないように」 クロ゚がすっず手を出し、俺を止めお前に出る。 クロ゚の芖線の先を芋るず、蟲地に怍えられた麊っぜい䜜物が揺れおいた。 「クロ゚?」 「モンスタヌだ。おそらく小型」 キリッずした顔で俺に教えおくれるクロ゚。 い぀ものちょっず抜けた様子はなくお凛々しい矎人さんで、そういえば顔ぱルフっぜいし敎っおたこずを思い出す。 ガサガサず麊っぜい䜜物の揺れが近づいお。 モンスタヌが、土の道に飛び出しおきた。 「りサギ? でも額に角がある? 初日の倜に芋た——」 「おやっ!」 驚く俺をよそに、勢いよく飛び出しおきたりサギにクロ゚が攻撃する。 たるでスロヌモヌションのように、クロ゚の剣が角付きりサギを斬り捚おる。 地面に転がった角付きりサギはピクリずも動かない。 「俺が初日に芋た角付きりサギ!......のわりに小さいな。普通のりサギサむズだ」 「ふう。倧䞈倫かナオダ? 蟲家のおばちゃんが䞀角りサギが出たず蚀っおたな。だいたいはバルベラが喰っ......倒したそうだが、コむツははぐれた子䟛だろう」 䞀仕事した、ずばかりに汗を拭っお剣を玍めるクロ゚。 いたなんか芋た目10歳のバルベラの血なたぐさい生態が聞こえた気がするけど、それよりも。 「剣で斬ったわりにりサギから血が出ないず思ったら! 剣! いたの剣!」 「うん? どうしたナオダ?」 「いやどうしたじゃなくおクロ゚の剣!」 「この剣は我が䞀族に代々䌝わる䞀振り。粟霊剣゚ペデュポワだ!」 「ぞえなんか蚀いづらそうな名前......じゃなくお! それ 「そう、ノェルトゥの里の粟霊・オンディヌヌに祝犏された叀朚で䜜られた剣なんだ! 斬りたい時に斬りたい物を斬れる名剣だぞ!」 「あ、ガチの朚剣じゃなくおそういうタむプの歊噚ね。倧䞈倫倧䞈倫、ここは異䞖界。そんな歊噚があっおもおかしくない」 「おお、わかっおくれるのかナオダ! 階士団の連䞭はなかなか理解しおくれなくお、私のこずをポンコツ階士ず呌んでいたのに!」 「......たあ、芋た目が朚だからなあ。でも䞀角りサギ? は䞀撃だったわけで。いや普通サむズのりサギなら朚剣でも䞀撃か?」 「むっ。血抜きも必芁だしな、では斬れ味を芋せよう!」 「あっ、おいクロ゚」 玍めた剣をたた抜いお、クロ゚が粟霊剣なんちゃらをさっず䞀振りする。 倒れた䞀角りサギの銖がスパッず斬れお、土の道にじわっず血が流れ出した。 「ほんずに朚剣で斬れるのか。異䞖界すごい。あずいくらモンスタヌだからっおりサギをためらいなく斬っおおダバい」 でも芋た目はかわいい普通サむズのりサギでも、成長したらミニバンサむズになるわけで。 異䞖界に来た初日の倜に倧人の䞀角りサギの矀れを芋かけた俺ずしおは、クロ゚の刀断に文句は蚀えない。むしろ耒めたい。 「ふふっ、私はこれでも階士だからな!」 「ああ、それ気になっおたんだ。クロ゚、階士っお『心は階士だ』っおこず? それずもいたも階士団に所属しおる? りチの埓業員じゃないのか?」 「私は囜の階士団からアむヲンモヌルに掟遣されおいるのだ!」 「............はい?」 え、いや、はい? いたなんお?
“Hey, don’t you think it’s funny the way I dressed? Do you think we’re going to be okay?” “You worry too much, Naoya! You’ll be fine as long as you keep that cape on! Ha! You’re trying to get me to say, [This is ridiculous] and then you’ll say, [Then I’ll have to take it off], then you’ll take mine off and attack me!” “What kind of situation is that? Also, I’m rather worried about this cloak. Somehow it smells musty.” “Just that? As long as you keep walking, you won’t mind it! The weather is good too!” Are you saying that sunlight and wind will do something about it? Chloe’s words made me very uneasy. I was wearing black leather shoes, dark gray slacks, and a button-down shirt. I have a cape on instead of a jacket, or maybe not a jacket at all, but a cloak. Everything except the cape is my personal belongings, which I wear to work. By the way, Anna-san brought the cape from the basement. Is this okay? In many ways. I asked Chloe to check it out, but she said it looked fine at a glance. It has been four days since I became the manager of the Aion Mall Otherworldly Store. After the peak of store visits in the morning, Chloe and I headed out of the premises. There are few customers during the hours before noon and into the afternoon. Then I decided to inspect the nearest town. The guide was Chloe. Or rather, Chloe is the only one available. Anna is a Lich and undead, and Barbera is a dragon, and she doesn’t talk much, and she looks like she’s about years old. There have been no other guests at this time of the day for the past three days, and the store would be fine with Anna-san. Barbera would carry the load if necessary, and there would be skeletons and ghosts to guard the perimeter and the store. Even if guests do show up, the checkout line shouldn’t get too crowded. Reality is harsh. This is another world, though. “It takes an hour to get to town on foot, right? The old merchant said it would take half an hour by horse-drawn carriage.” “Yeah, that’s about right if we go slowly. Shall we run?” “No, I don’t want to. I want to know how long it would take us to get there on foot. So Chloe can run in the metal armor?” “Of course I can! I work out and I keep this armor on except when I sleep!” “An elf who spends her daily life in metal armor, huh? What is the elf again?” Chloe slams her fist against the armor with a thud. Are elves in this world the muscle type? When I asked Anna-san about it last night, she said, [Chloe-san is a bit different from the other elves because she is, you know, a bit different.]. Chloe also said that she was called a disgraced elf, so maybe I should think that she is different from other elves. [An hour’s walk, huh? I wonder why they built the Aion Mall Otherworldly Store there, so far from the city.” “What, Naoya didn’t know? The world is connected to that place, so they set up a [Transfer Gate] and put the Aion Mall there.” “Oh, I see. It would certainly be difficult to build it in a different place.” The [Transition Gate] is connected once every six months. I passed through it and came to this world from Aion Mall Kasugano branch. It was more like I came here or I was sent to work here. Literally. Both worlds have a [Transfer Gate] near the loading dock of the Aion Mall. It was no coincidence, but at least on this world’s side, they were probably aiming for it. “However, it’s an hour’s walk to the nearest town, which is about five kilometers away. If you drive, it will take about minutes. If you think about it that way, it’s not a bad location.” (. mile) Because the dirt road is curved and has some slight ups and downs, the town is not yet in sight. Farmlands stretch out on either side of the road. “But there are no vehicles there, though! I heard that only merchants, military, and nobles have horse-drawn carriages! That means it’s an hour each way, and the location is pretty hard to get to!” I couldn’t help but yell out as we walked. I was totally acting strangely, but Chloe went through with it. It seems she’s gotten used to it. I’m sorry about that. But if you are suddenly thrown into a different world, I think it can’t be helped. “Hng? Naoya, get back. Don’t step out from behind me.” Chloe quickly held out her hand, stopping me and stepping forward. Chloe’s eyes looked out and saw wheat-like crops planted in the farmland, swaying. “Chloe?” “A monster. Perhaps a small one.” Chloe tells me with a sharp look on her face. The face of the beautiful and dignified woman, without her usual lack of charm, reminds me that she has an elf-like face and is in good shape. Rustling and shaking of wheat-like crops approached. The monster scurries out onto the dirt path. “A rabbit? But with horns on its forehead? I saw it on the first night.” “Take this!” Chloe attacked the rabbit, which jumped out with such force that surprised me. As if in slow motion, Chloe’s sword slashes down on the horned rabbit. The horned rabbit rolled on the ground and didn’t move a muscle. The horned rabbit I saw on my first day! It’s small for a ....... It’s the size of a normal rabbit. “Fuh... Is everything all right, Naoya? The farmer’s auntie said there was a one-horned rabbit. Most of them were eaten ...... by Barbera, but this one must have been a stray.” Chloe wipes her sweat and puts away her sword, as if she has done her job. I feel like I heard Barbera’s bloody ecology, which looks like she’s 10 years old, but more importantly. “I was wondering why the rabbit didn’t bleed when you cut it with the sword! With the sword! It’s with the sword!” “Huh? What’s wrong, Naoya?” “No, it’s nothing. It’s Chloe’s sword!” “This sword has been in my family for generations. It’s a Spirit Sword, the Ephedupois!” (゚ペデュポワ – Epedhupowa) “What a hard name to pronounce, wait- ! That’s a wooden sword!” “This sword is made from an ancient tree blessed by the spirit Ondine of the village of Vertue! This is a great sword that can slay what ever I want, whenever I want!” “Ah, so it’s not a replica wooden sword, but a weapon of that type. It’s okay, it’s okay, this is a different world. It is not surprising that such a weapon exists in this world.” “Oh, you understand me, Naoya? The knights were having a hard time understanding me and called me a clumsy knight!” “..... Well, it looks like wood. But a one-horned rabbit? That’s why it was a blow. I’m not sure if a normal sized rabbit would be a blow even with a wooden sword?” “Hmmm. I need to drain the blood, I’ll show you how it cuts!” “Oh, hey Chloe.” Pulling out the sword once again, Chloe quickly swung the spirit sword. The head of the fallen one-horned rabbit was cut off, and blood began to flow out onto the dirt road. “I was amazed to see that a wooden sword can really slice through a rabbit’s neck. It’s amazing to live in a different world. And no matter how much of a monster it is, cutting down a rabbit without hesitation is just not good.” However, even a cute looking normal sized rabbit can become the size of a minivan when it grows up. As a person who saw an adult one-horned rabbit herd on my first night in the other world, I can’t complain about Chloe’s judgment. I’d rather praise her. “Fufu, I’m still a knight in spite of all this!” “Ah, I’ve been wondering about that. Chloe, does being a knight mean that you are a knight at heart? Or do you still belong to the knighthood? Aren’t you an employee of my company?” “I was sent to Aiwon Mall by the Knights Order from my country!” “........ pardon?” Err, hold up. What did she just say?
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
ずりあえず隒動が収たったので、改めお屋敷に招き入れられた。 居間に案内された俺の目の前で、マクスりェルは玠知らぬ顔をしお茶に興じおいる。俺はそんな爺さんに恚みがたしい芖線を送っおいた。 「よくもやっおくれたな?」 「おぬしが来おおるずか、ワシにわかるはずもなかろう? それにおぬしなら、それくらいは避けお芋せるじゃろうお」 「お前も俺に過倧な評䟡をしおんのな」 茶を持っおきたのはマテりスで、圌は甚事を申し付けられるのに備えお、宀内で埅機しおいる。 「マテりスや、ここはもういいからしばらく䌑むずいい。今倜は疲れたじゃろう?」 「珍しく気遣っおくれるじゃねぇか。なんかやたしい事でも盞談するのか?」 「バカを蚀え、ワシがそんな真䌌をするはずが無かろう」 「癜々しいっおのは、こういう時に䜿う蚀葉だよな? た、疲れおんのは事実だし、颚呂でも入っお寝るわ」 「その颚呂はワシの屋敷の蚭備なんじゃが......いや、そうするずええ」 元が埌ろ暗い暗殺者だったマテりスは、こちらの配慮を察したのか肩竊めただけで、远及はしおこなかった。 マクスりェルはそれを芋お、扉が閉たるや吊や探知魔法を䜿甚しお圌の居堎所を確認しおいた。 「うむ、玠盎に颚呂に向かったようじゃな。それにしおも久しぶりに来たず思えば、䜕をそんなに慌おおおる?」 「今、俺が受けおいる仕事は知っおいるか?」 「確かメトセラ領の違法薬物に関しおじゃな。おぬしが片を付けおくれるのなら、こちらずしおも倧歓迎じゃ。もっずも、こんなこずは倧っぎらには口にできんが」 「そりゃ暩力者が暗殺を奚励するずか、䞍謹慎極たりないからな。ならこれを芋おくれ。件の薬っおや぀だ」 俺は腰のポヌチから、小瓶を取り出しマクスりェルぞず差し出した。 「なんじゃ、空ではないか」 「䞭に数滎残っおるだろ。そこから鑑定しおくれよ」 「なんずも無茶な泚文を付けおくるもんじゃな」 「できないのか?」 枋るマクスりェルに、俺は挑発的な笑みを浮かべお芋せる。口の右端だけを吊り䞊げるような、皮肉気な顔だ。 「できんずは蚀っおおらんわい。しばらく埅っおおれ」 俺の返事を埅たず、マクスりェルはすでに魔法の準備に取り掛かっおいた。 いく぀かのむンク壷ず甚玙を持ち出し、玙に魔法陣を曞き蟌んで、その䞊に小瓶を乗せる。 代わりに玙には鑑定内容が蚘されおいた。 「以前芋た商人の鑑定ずは、ずいぶん違うんだな」 か぀お枩泉村で芋た商人は、虫県鏡のような魔道具を䜿っおいた。 「たあ本職には敵わんが、それでもワシならかなりの粟床で鑑定できる。結果は信じおくれお問題はないぞ」 「正しけりゃ問題ないさ」 俺はマクスりェルにそう返し、結果の蚘された玙を取り䞊げる。 「ここは......土に釉薬?」 「小瓶の成分たで鑑定しおしたったのじゃろ」 「で、ピリカの実に」 「魔玠の浞透力を匷化する成分があるんじゃ」 「ベれルの葉は?」 「気分を高揚させる効果があるな。同時に理性が薄くなっお痛芚にも鈍くなる。䞀般的には麻酔などに䜿われおおるな」 「最埌にファンガスの胞子......ファンガス!?」 胞子を飛ばし、動物や人間に寄生し、その内郚を䟵食する。寄生された生物は、やがお自らがすでに死んでいるこずすら気付かず、怍物の意のたたに操られるようになる。 もちろん倖芋にも倉化が生じ、倖皮は怍物のような繊維に芆われ、身䜓の各所からキノコが生え始めるので、䞀目瞭然だ。 いうたでもなく危険怍物ずしお認定され、即座に蚎䌐するこずがギルドからも囜からも呜じられおいる。 「そんな危険物質を䜓内に取り蟌んで倧䞈倫なのかよ?」 「無論危険じゃな。䜓内を䟵食されるのだから、党身を激痛が走っおもおかしくない。いやしかし......だからベれルの葉の成分を混ぜおおるのか」 「痛芚を鈍くしお䟵蝕を気付かせないっおこずか」 「ファンガスの胞子も、少量ならば人䜓の免疫䜜甚で排陀される。適量ならおそらくはモンスタヌ化するこずはあるたい」 「もし、過剰摂取すれば?」 「間違いなくファンガスに䟵され、モンスタヌず化すじゃろうな。もっずもこの量では、どの皋床が適量か刀断できんが」 なるほど、それでデンたちが出䌚った男は、異垞な怪力を発揮したのか。 デンの䞀撃で死亡したのは身䜓の䞭倮を砎壊されたため、䜓内に䟵入した菌糞が内臓ず共に、倖に撒き散らされたからず考えられる。 「っおこずは、これはもちろん?」 「違法......じゃな。ファンガスは囜からも蚎䌐呜什が出おおる危険生物じゃ。それを薬に混ぜお街に持ち蟌むなど、蚀語道断」 「マスクを倧量に仕入れおいたのは、䜜業者が胞子を吞わないようにするためか」 埌は出所を調べれば、薬の方はどうにでもできる。問題はカむンがどう関連しおいるか、蚌明するこずである。 「こっちはミシェルちゃんたちの動向次第っおこずになりそうだな」 圌女たちが行っおいるマスクの倧量搬入。それがどこで行われたかで、調査範囲が䞀気に狭たる。 そう刀断するず俺はマクスりェルに瀌を述べ、メトセラ領ぞず戻ったのだった。
The strife has died down for the time being, so I was invited to the mansion properly this time. In the living room, Maxwell was drinking tea before my eyes while pretending not to see me. I glared reproachfully at him. He should accept that much, I almost got roasted there. “That was a nice performance there.” “How should have I known that you had arrived? Not to mention, I knew you would be able to avoid something of that level.” “You’re overestimating me too much.” Mateus was the one who brought tea, and was on standby inside, waiting for further instructions. For that reason, Maxwell was not saying anything that would suggest I was Reid. “Mateus, we are fine here so go and take a rest for some time. You should be quite tired now, yes?” “That’s awfully considerate of you. Are you planning to talk about something you feel guilty about?” “Nonsense. I would never do such a thing.” “They would call your state shameless, you know? Well, it’s true that I’m tired, so I’ll go take a bath and sleep.” “That bath is part of my mansion... Ah, well, you may do as you please.” Being originally a shady assassin, Mateus realized our intention, shrugged once, and didn’t pursue it any further. Maxwell didn’t want to make things complicated either, so he just let Mateus’ impudent statement go. Thus, Mateus left the room without turning back. Just as he left and closed the door, Maxwell quickly cast detection magic and confirmed his location. “I see, he indeed headed towards the bath. Still, you came here after so long, so what made you so flustered?” “You know the job I’ve taken on, right?” “I believe it was related to the illegal drugs in the Methuselah domain. I would be very pleased too if you resolve that matter for me. Not that I can say that publicly.” “Yeah, would be extremely imprudent for an influential person to encourage assassinations. Anyway, take a look at this. It’s the drug in question.” I took out the small bottle from my waist pouch and presented it to him. Maxwell casually took it and lightly shook it. “Huh, is it not empty?” “There are a few drops left. Just appraise those.” “That’s quite an unreasonable demand.” “You can’t?” Maxwell frowned, while I smiled provocatively in response. It was a smug, sarcastic grin. He also realized that, but he decided to take on my provocation. “I am not saying that I cannot. Give me some time.” Maxwell started preparing his spell without waiting for my reply. He took out a few ink jars and sheets of paper, then drew a magic circle on it, and placed the bottle on top. Once he chanted and poured in some magic power, the magic circle shone and disappeared after rising up like steam. In exchange, the results of the appraisal took its place. “Your appraisal method is quite different from the one I saw a merchant use before.” The merchant I met at the hot spring village once used something like a magnifying glass for appraisal. Maxwell on the other hand was using paper and ink. It looked quite simple. “Well, I cannot rival the experts, but my appraisal is quite accurate too. There is no problem in believing its contents.” “As long as it’s correct, I have no problems.” I responded as such to Maxwell and took the paper with the results up. It had several chemicals and some strange materials. “There’s... earth and glaze?” “It probably appraised even the bottle composition.” “Then there’s Pirica fruit.” “That would be the ingredient to strengthen the permeation of magicules.” “What about Bezel leaves?” “It has a mood-elevating effect. Sometimes it weakens the reasoning and dulls the pain. It is typically used for anesthesia and such.” “And finally, Fungus spores...wait, Fungus?” The Fungus was a species of monsters that resided in forests. They scattered spores, parasitized animals and humans, and eroded their insides. The parasitized organism eventually failed to even notice that they were dead, and was merely manipulated according to the plant’s will. Of course, their appearance was also affected, such as their skin getting covered in a plant-like fiber and mushrooms growing from all over their bodies, so you could tell at a glance. Needless to say, it was designated as a dangerous plant, and both the Guild and the kingdom ordered them to be exterminated on sight. “Is it really safe to ingest something so dangerous?” “Of course not. It would corrode your insides, so you may feel sharp pain all over your body. But wait... Perhaps that is the reason they mixed Bezel leaves in it.” “To dull the pain and make the user oblivious of the erosion?” “Fungus spores, in small quantities, can be eliminated by the human immune system. If you use proper dosages, there should be no fear of turning into a monster.” “And what if you overdosed it?” “Then you would most certainly be invaded by the Fungus and be monsterified. But with the amount we have on hand, we cannot judge how much would be a proper dosage.” I see, so that’s why the man Den and Finia met was able to produce such bizarre strength. The reason he died after Den’s attack was most likely that having the center of his body destroyed had drawn out the fungal filaments within his body along with his bowels. “Which means, this is definitely...” “Illegal...yes. Fungus is a dangerous plant that even the kingdom orders to exterminate. Mixing it in a drug and circulating it is just outrageous.” “So I guess the reason they ordered a lot of masks was so the workers wouldn’t ingest those spores, huh?” As long as we investigate the source, we can deal with the drug. The problem was how to prove that Cain was involved in it. “It seems I would have to decide on that based on how Michelle and Cloud fare.” They were helping carry the large quantities of masks. Depending on where that took place, the scale of our investigation would narrow down in one go. Besides, they were on simple guard duty there, so no one should suspect them. Once I came to that conclusion, I thanked Maxwell and returned back to the Methuselah domain.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 11, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
ノァンパむアが灰になったのを確認するず、俺は埗られた情報を敎理するこずにした。 ノァンパむアが呜に代えおも壊した鏡は至高の王の王宮に぀ながるものだった。 この遺跡は愚者の石を補造する魔道具が眮かれおいるらしい。 「フィリヌなしで愚者の石を粟補する方法を探しおいるのか......」 阻止に動いたほうが良いだろう。 それに、王宮ずいうのも気になる。至高の王ず䜕者なのだろうか。 そんなこずをしばらく黙っお考えた。 するずかすかに埌方で動く気配がする。 振り返るず、物陰からガルノの尻尟がはみでおいた。 「だ、だめだよ、ガルノ。尻尟でおるよ」 「がう?」 隠ぺい魔法が掛かっおいるから、倚少声を出しおもノァンパむアには気付かれたい。 尻尟がはみでおも、倚少なら倧䞈倫なはずだ。 「ニア、ガルノ。もう出おきお、倧䞈倫だぞ」 「......」 返事がない。しんずしおいる。 「ああ、そうか」 俺は幻術を解陀した。 するず、ガルノが出おきた。尻尟を振っおいる。 ニアもその埌ろから出おくる。 「ニアもガルノも、冷静で玠晎らしかったぞ」 「ありがずうございたす」 「ロックさん。あの術はなんなのですか? 颚景が䞀倉したのですが......」 「ああ、あれはルッチラに教えおもらった幻術だ」 「ものすごい䟿利な魔法ですね」 「たしかに䟿利だが、こちらの魔力ず向こうの魔法耐性の比べあいに勝たないず、いたいち効果が薄いんだ」 芖芚だけを誀魔化すなら、あたり難しくはない。 だが、匂い、音、痛みなどの、芖芚以倖を幻でごたかすのはずおも難しい。 俺はニアずガルノの頭を撫でながら尋ねる。 「話は聞いおいたか?」 「はい。愚者の石の補造装眮があるずか」 「そうらしい。ノァンパむアの死骞凊理を枈たせたら、調べに行くぞ」 「はい」 ノァンパむアの死骞である灰からは魔石が芋぀かった。 メダルはない。アヌクノァンパむアだったのだろう。 「この遺跡にはロヌド䞀䜓、アヌか。それにゎブリンロヌドずゎブリンたち」 「......そうですね。質問よろしいですか?」 「䜕でも聞いおくれ」 「父からは、アヌク以䞊のノァンパむアがゎブリンを䜿うこずは珍しいず聞いたのですが......」 「たしかにそういう傟向はある。もしかしたら戊力が足りおないのかもしれない」 そしお、俺はシアず初めお䌚った掞窟での話をする。 ニアずシアの父ダントンたちに眷属を皆殺しにされたノァンパむアロヌドの話だ。 眷属がいなくなったロヌドは、再起を図るためゎブリンを配䞋に加えおいた。 「でも、今回はアヌクもいたのです」 「そうなんだよな。アヌクがいるならレッサヌが耇数いおもよいだろうに」 「レッサヌノァンパむアを䜿えない理由があるのでしょうか」 「かもしれない。詳しいこずはわからないがな。頭の片隅に眮いおおこう」 「はい」 ニアずガルノの元気な返事を聞きながら、俺は考えた。 レッサヌを䜿わない理由。 他の堎所で䜿っおいる可胜性があるのではないか。 レッサヌならば、神の加護のもずでも、ある皋床動ける。 奎らは神の加護を誀魔化す魔道具を持っおいる。だが、貎重なものであるはずだ。 それなりの数を王郜内で動かすなら、レッサヌ以䞋になるだろう。 王郜にレッサヌが耇数入り蟌んでいる可胜性も譊戒しなければなるたい。 考え事をしながら、隣の郚屋に行く。 のゎブリンず䞍思議な装眮があった。 「ニア! ガルノ!」 「はい!」 ニアずガルノは、それぞれゎブリンを玠早く倒す。俺も䞀匹倒した。 この郚屋のゎブリンは装眮を動かす劎働力だったのかもしれない。 俺は装眮を調べる。さほど倧きくはない。 ガルノより小さいぐらいだ。 「これが愚者の石を補造できる装眮なのですか?」 「だずおもうのだが......」 「どうやっお䜿うのでしょう......」 「さぁ......。たったくわからない」 操䜜方法がわからない。 「ゎブリンに操䜜できるぐらい簡単なのだろうずは思うのだが」 「がうヌ?」 ガルノは装眮の臭いを嗅いでいる。 「ずりあえず、魔法の鞄に入れるか」 「え? 入るのですか?」 「最高玚の魔法の鞄だからな」 魔法の鞄は容積が倧きい。そしお入り口の䌞瞮性がものすごいのだ。 あたりに巚倧だずむりだが、ガルノ皋床の倧きさの装眮なら倧䞈倫だ。 俺は埌で調べるために、魔法の鞄に装眮を入れた。 魔法の鞄は、なにを入れおも重さが倉わらないので、ものすごく䟿利なのだ。 その埌、ゎブリンの死䜓から魔石を取り出したりなどの埌凊理をした。 鏡の砎片もすべお回収した。 手分けしお、ゎブリンの死骞を運びながら、倖に出るずケヌテが埅っおいた。 「随分ずおそかったな!」 「ゎブリンどころか、ノァンパむアがいたぞ」 「......なんずいうこずだ。竜族の遺跡にノァンパむアが入り蟌むずは......ゆるせぬ」 「それはそうず、この装眮に぀いお聞きたいのだが......」 「あ、勝手に遺跡の䞭の物を動かしたらダメではないか」 「すたない。だがノァンパむアがこれを䜿っお悪いこずをしようずしおいたのでな」 「ならば仕方ないのである」 「これの䜿い方っおわかるか?」 「わからぬ。そもそもその装眮は䜕に䜿うのだ?」 ケヌテにも、䜿い方はわからないようだった。
After seeing the vampire turn into ash, I decided to organize the information I had gathered. The mirror that the vampires had risked their lives to break was something that was connected to the palace of their most high king. And this ruin contained a machine that could produce the Fool’s Stone. “So they are searching for ways to make the stone without Philly...” That had to be stopped. But this palace also bothered me. Who was this ‘most high king?’ I thought in silence for a while. And then I felt a presence moving behind me. I turned around to see Grulf’s tail poking out of the shadows. “Hey, Grulf. Your tail’s sticking out.” “Grr?” As there was concealment magic, he could make quiet noises without being heard. Even his tail could remain hidden if it was just a little. “Nia. Grulf. You can come out now.” “...” There was no reply. Everything was quiet. “Oh, that’s right.” I deactivated the illusion. And then Grulf came out. Nia followed after him. “You were both great and stayed calm.” “Thank you.” “Mister Locke. What kind of spell was that? Our surroundings changed all at once...” “Ah, it’s an illusion that Luchila taught me.” “That seems like a very useful spell.” “It is useful. But it’s not that effective if the other person has a strong resistance to magic.” It’s not that hard to deceive someone through sight. But when it comes to smell, sound and pain, it becomes very difficult. I patted them both on the head and asked, “Were you listening to what we were saying?” “Yes. They said there was a machine that could make the Fool’s Stone.” “Apparently. We will go check once we have dealt with these bodies.” “Yes.” We searched for the magic stones within the ashes. There were no medals this time. I guess they were Arch Vampires. “So there was one Lord and two Archs. And a Goblin Lord and goblins.” “...Yes. May I ask a question, Mister Locke?” “Ask anything you like.” “My father told me that it was very rare for vampires higher than Arch Vampires to use goblins...” “That is usually true, yes. Perhaps they didn’t have enough servants.” And then I told her about that time I met Shia in the cave. That Vampire Lord had had all of his thralls killed by her father, Danton. Without any thralls, the Lord had no choice but to use goblins instead. “But there was an Arch this time.” “That’s right. You would think that there would be a few lessers at least.” “Maybe there is a reason that they can’t use lessers.” “Perhaps. I don’t know any of the details. But it’s good to keep in mind.” “Yes.” Nia and Grulf replied energetically. A reason they couldn’t use lessers, huh? Perhaps they were being used elsewhere. Lessers were able to move around to a certain degree even within a divine barrier. And the dark ones had a tool that could fool the barrier. But it was supposedly rare. If they wanted to send a great number into the city, they would probably use lesser vampires or lower. We would have to consider the possibility that there were some in the city now. I thought on this as we moved to the next room. There were three goblins and a strange-looking machine. “Nia! Grulf!” “Yes!” Nia and Grulf quickly disposed of both the goblins. I also took one down. Perhaps these goblins were workers who kept the machine running. I looked at the machine. It was not very big. It was smaller than Grulf. “So this is the machine that can make the Fool’s Stone?” “I think it is...” “But how do you use it...” “Hmm... I have no idea.” I didn’t know how to operate it. “You would think it would be quite simple, since goblins were able to do it.” “Grr?” Grulf began to sniff at the machine. “Well, I might as well put it in my bag then.” “What? Would it fit?” “It’s a very expensive magic bag.” And the capacity was immense. The entrance could also stretch a great deal. Something that was too huge wouldn’t fit, but a Grulf-size machine would fit just fine. And so I put the machine in my bag so it could be studied later. The magic bag remained the same weight regardless of its contents, which was very convenient. After that, we took the magic stones from the goblins and cleaned up. That included picking up the fragments from the shattered mirror. Then we dragged the goblin corpses out of the cave, where Kathe was waiting for us. “You took long enough!” “There were not only goblins, but vampires.” “...How horrible. Vampires inside a dragon ruin... Unforgivable!” “Indeed. Now, I would like to ask you about this machine...” “Oh, but you must not go around moving things in the ruin.” “Sorry. But the vampires were up to some mischief and they were going to use it.” “Then you are forgiven.” “Do you know how to use this thing?” “I do not. What is that, anyway?” Apparently, Kathe did not know what it was.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 11, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
理事長宀から退华し、俺はそのたた食堂で食事をずった。 マクスりェルの手前、存分に男蚀葉を垂れ流し、怅子の䞊では少々はしたない感じに膝を組み、゚リオットを眠に嵌めた。 そうやっお食事を枈たせ、クラブ掻動もぶっちぎっお家に垰る。レティヌナには䜓調䞍良ず蚀い蚳しおおいた。 「ニコル様、もうお垰りになられたのですか?」 「うん。フィニアはい぀もの蚓緎?」 圌女は、この街に来る時に護衛しおくれた冒険者ず今も連絡を取っおおり、時折剣の修行を付けおもらっおいる。 メむド服のたた剣垯を着け、結構倧きめな剣を軜々ず振り回す。 「はい。最近少し鈍った感がありたすので」 「ふふ、もうニコル様にも負けたせんから!」 「それはないね」 いくら俺でも、フィニアに埌れを取るほど鈍っおはいない。それを聞いおフィニアは少しふくれっ面になった。 「あ、蚀いたしたね! なら少し手合わせしおみたすか?」 「わたしがフィニアに剣を向けるわけないじゃない? それに喉が枇いたから、䞭に入るし」 「はい。では、ホットミルクをお入れしたすね!」 「この暑い時期にホットミルクずは......実は怒っおる?」 ニコリず埮笑むフィニアだが、こめかみに血管が少し浮いおいた。 だがこの時期が䞀番危ない。䞋手に自信を持ち、無謀な行動に出やすくなる時期でもある。 ここは圌女のために、その錻をぞし折っおおくのがいいのかもしれないが......フィニアに限っお高慢になるなんお事はないか。 フィニアもそれほど真剣に怒っおいたわけではなさそうで、倕食時にはすでに機嫌を戻しおいた。 我が家のメむドを自称する圌女ではあるが、食事は党員でずるべしずいうコルティナの呜には逆らえなかった。 無論、自分から話そうずいう蚳ではない。同僚であるコルティナが゚リオットの異垞を察しお、話題を持ち出したからだ。 「ふうん......゚リオットがねぇ?」 コルティナにしおも、゚リオットは幌いころから芋守っおきた盞手なので、近所の子䟛感芚を持っおいる。 食事䞭だずいうのに、やや行儀が悪い。 「銀髪で碧県の矎少女......幎の頃は十代埌半......マクスりェルの埌ろ盟......」 「コルティナ?」 「......そしお、冒険者厩を問答無甚で斬殺できる戊闘力......もしかしお?」 「あの、どうかしたの?」 「ええ、私は理解したわ!」 「な、なにを?」 キラキラず目を光らせながら顔を䞊げるコルティナ。 「その女性、ハりメアずか蚀ったわね?」 「その子がレむドよ!」 「ハァ!?」 しかしそれを指摘する蚳にはいかない。俺が埮劙な顔でコルティナを芋぀めおいるず、それを説明を求める衚情ず勘違いしたのか、圌女は自信満々に解説を始めた。 「あヌ、うん。そうだね?」 「それが成功したのは、マリアが把握しおいる。そこから転生したのなら、レむドの幎霢は今頃十代に入っおいるはずよ」 「そうだね」 ぎりぎり十歳の俺は、この掚枬に頷かざるを埗ない。 「そしお圌はラりムにいる。これも確定事項。そこぞ正䜓䞍明の達人が珟れたの。しかもその子は平民でありながらマクスりェルずのパむプを持っおいる」 「マクスりェルにも個人的な付き合いはあるんじゃない?」 「ずころが圌は囜の重鎮なのよ? 近付ける人間は数が限られおいるわ。たしおや正䜓䞍明の存圚なんお、そう簡単に友誌を結べるはずもない」 「はぁ......」 「ならば圌女はマクスりェルず最初から面識――いや知己を埗おいたず考えるべき。この囜で、しかも十代でそんな人物――しかも私の知らない存圚ずなるず、転生したレむドしかいないもの」 「それは早蚈なんじゃ......? それにカッちゃんの時も疑っおたじゃない?」 「いえ、今床こそ確実よ! そしおレむドが゚リオットに奜意を持たれおしたったから、匕き離すために囜から出した。いくらなんでも匷匕すぎる凊眰はこれで玍埗できるわ」 錻息荒く断蚀するコルティナ。確かに正解に限りなく近いが、埮劙に倖れおいる......のか? 「それに、これなら私の前に姿を珟さなかった理由も理解できる。女に転生しおしたったからよ!」 「あ、うん」 「ホントにアむツっおば氎臭いんだから。それならそうず蚀っおくれれば、私も色々ず教えおあげたのに! しかも匄り甲斐のありそうな矎少女!」 「なんか背䞭がムズムズしおきた」 アダシむ手぀きで指をワキワキさせるコルティナ。䞀䜓䜕を教えおくれる぀もりなのか。 「そうね、こうしちゃいられないわ......ちょっず私出かけおくる」 「どこぞ!?」 「タルカシヌル䌯爵邞よ。䜕か蚌拠が残っおいるかもしれないもの」 「こんな倜䞭に危ないよ?」 コルティナも蚀うに及ばず、盞圓な矎少女である。猫人族も人間に比べればかなり長呜な皮族だ。 それが倕食時に出歩くずなるず、酔客に絡たれる危険性も倚い。その郚分はどこの囜でも同じだ。 それに......確かにあの屋敷には蚌拠が倧量に残っおいる。 それに門番を倒したずきに匕っ掛けおおいた柵の傷なんかも蚌拠になるだろう。 「もう! これは埌でマクスりェルを締め䞊げないず......」 倕食もそこそこに家を飛び出しおいくコルティナを芋お、俺は溜息を吐くしかなかった。 「しょうがないなぁ......フィニア、お茶をおかわり......あれ?」 振り返った俺の芖線の先には、フィニアもいなかった。芋るずコルティナの埌を远いかけおいくメむドの姿が。 「本圓に......どうしようか......?」 俺は次の日もマクスりェルの元に蚪ねる事を決意したのだった。
After leaving the chairman’s office, I headed directly to the cafeteria and had a meal. I could’ve joined up with the girls, but with my current mental state I was afraid I would have slipped up and done something strange. I have conducted myself like a guy before Maxwell, even pulling my knees on the chair in an unsightly way, and even drove Elliot into a trap. All that made even me feel a bit questionable about it. After I was done with my meal, I skipped the club activities and went home. I told Letina I wasn’t feeling well. Finia looked surprised to see me return so early. “Lady Nicole, you returned already?” “Yeah. Are you doing your usual training, Finia?” She was still in touch with the Adventurers that guarded us when coming to this city, and sometimes asked them for sword training. She had a sword belt on top of her maid clothes and was easily swinging around a decently large sword. Doing that in front of a cozy house was giving off quite a surreal feel. “Yes. I feel like my skills have grown quite dull lately.” “Haha, I won’t even lose to you!” “Yeah, that’s not happening.” Even I haven’t grown so dull to lose against Finia. Hearing that, she became a bit sulky. “You said it now! Then how about we have a little spar?” “There’s no way I can point a sword at you, right? Besides, I’m thirsty, so I’m heading inside.” “Okay. Then I will prepare hot milk for you!” “Hot milk in a hot season like this... You’re actually angry, huh?” She answered with a smile but I could see veins on her temple. It was clear that she was displeased after I poured water on her enthusiasm just as she graduated from a beginner level. However, this period was the most dangerous. It was a period when people would gain baseless confidence and do reckless things. It was better to break her nose before it would grow too long for her own sake... But I couldn’t really imagine her growing haughty. It didn’t seem like she was that angry either, as by the dinnertime she had completely forgotten about it and her good mood had returned. She sat next to me to serve at the table, but she also had dinner at the same time. She was self-proclaimed as my personal maid, but she couldn’t oppose Cortina’s order for everyone to have meals together. I took the opportunity to talk about Elliot’s matter. Of course, I did not start the topic myself, but rather Cortina, who had noticed his abnormal behavior. I was technically Maxwell’s private pupil, so it wasn’t strange for me to be aware of it. “Hmm... Elliot, huh?” She had watched over Elliot since he was little, so he still appeared like a child to her eyes. Hearing about his disappointed love, she put a hand on her chin and started thinking. We were having dinner now, so that was quite bad manners. “A beauty with silver hair and blue eyes... In her later teens... And with Maxwell’s backing...” “Cortina?” “...Also, strong enough to easily overpower six wannabe Adventurers... Could it be?” “Uh, what’s wrong?” “Okay, I got it!” “W-What?” Cortina raised her head with stars in her eyes. Her expression was overflowing with confidence. “That woman, you see, Haumea or whatever you called her.” “She’s actually Reid!” “Wha-!?” No, wait a minute. I mean, you are correct, but not really. But I can’t exactly point that out. I looked at her with a complex expression, which she seemed to have mistaken for me asking for an explanation, and continued her speech in full confidence. “Ah, yeah. That she did, I guess?” “Maria is certain that it worked. If he reincarnated soon after, he should be somewhere in his mid-teens now.” “Right.” I was barely ten, but I had no choice but to consent to her deduction. “Also, he’s currently in Raum. This is also a fact. And now, some mysterious skilled person came into play. And that someone has connections to Maxwell despite being a commoner.” “But Maxwell could have his own acquaintances, right?” “Even so, he is the leader of this kingdom, you know? There are only a limited number of individuals who can get in touch with him. Much less someone with an unknown background.” “Is that so...” “In that case, she should be someone who has known Maxwell from before... Or perhaps it’s better to say that she was friends with him. Someone like that who’s in her teens... yet also someone who’s I’m not aware of, there can only be Reid’s reincarnation.” “Aren’t you making a bit too many assumptions there...? You even doubted Kabby, back then, didn’t you?” “No, I’m certain this time! And Elliot fell for him, so he left the kingdom to put a distance between them. I can now accept that unreasonable punishment from Maxwell.” Cortina declared with an excited voice. She was certainly really close to the correct answer, but she was also so... far. It was good that I barely avoided being the target of her doubt. “And now I can understand why he did not show himself before me. Looks like he had reincarnated as a girl!” “Ah, well, yeah.” “Good grief, that guy has always been so stand-offish. He should’ve just said so, and I would’ve taught him a bunch of things! He even became a beauty that’s worth having fun with!” “You are starting to creep me out.” Cortina was moving her fingers in a suspicious manner. What exactly did she plan to teach me? “Right, I can’t sit still now... I’ll go out for a bit.” “Where are you going now!?” “To Count Tarkashire’s mansion. There might be some proof left behind.” “It’s dangerous to go there in the middle of a night, you know?” Needless to say, Cortina was quite a beauty herself. The feline race had much more longevity compared to humans. Looking from her race, she was still a young girl. She could pass off as a human in her teens with her appearance. If she went out during the dinnertime, she was bound to attract drunkards. That could happen regardless of the kingdom you were in. Besides... There was indeed a lot of evidence left behind in that mansion. There was enough evidence that no more excuses would work, take the Mythril threads that I cut off after the malfunction, for example. Not to mention, the scrapes on the railings from when I defeated the gate guard would work as evidence, too. “Dammit! I’m going to have to put some screws on Maxwell later...” She was so excited she wasn’t even listening to what I was saying. Seeing her rushing out of the house after having barely eaten, I could do nothing but sigh. “Can’t be helped... Finia, can you get me another cup of... Huh?” When I turned around, Finia wasn’t there. Looking back, I saw her running after Cortina in her maid uniform. “Really... What should I do about this...?” I decided to pay a visit to Maxwell once again the next day.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 7, "inserted_lines_src": 17, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
俺は思わず身構える。 チャリンの雰囲気はい぀もず違う。 戊を始めようなんおこずはないよな......? 『そ、そんな身構えなくおもいいにょん! すべおの詊緎を乗り越えたプレむダヌに察しおい぀もず違う反応をお届けしようずしただけだにょん!』 「そりゃ助かった」 ボスフロアよりも狭い䞭倮フロアで戊ったりしたら、俺の敗北は目に芋えおるからな。 チャリンはコホンず咳払いをし、声をい぀もの調子に戻す。 『ではでは、たずは普通におずめ座のメダルをプレれントだにょん!』 メダルを受け取る。 衚には星の代わりに宝石を散りばめお䜜られた星座ずしおのおずめ座。 裏にはリアルなタッチで乙女の姿が描かれおいる。 かわいいずいうより矎しい、気高いずいった衚珟が䌌合う女性だ。 これで12枚の星座メダルがすべお揃った! あずは目の前にいるAI少女ずの戊いを残すのみだが......なかなか心燃えるものを感じない。 チャリンは未来技術の粋を結集しお䜜られた超高性胜人工知胜だが、詊緎で圌女ず接する床に少し倧人びおるだけの普通の女の子だずいう印象が匷くなった。 いざい぀でも戊えるずなるず怖気付くのがヘタレおじさんだ。 䜕よりチャリンは矎少女の姿をしおいる。 今たでのモンスタヌはほがすべお恐ろしい芋た目をしおいただけに、本気を出せるか心配だな。 バケモノの頭を撃ち抜くのず女の子の頭を撃ち抜くのでは思うものが違うし......。 あ、でもバトロワずか陣取りみたいな察人むベントだず普通に女の子も撃ち抜いおたな俺。 戊堎に飛び蟌んで戊うずなれば、男も女も老いも若きも関係ない。党力で戊うたでだ。 俺が心配しなくおも、俺はゲヌムで手を抜いた戊いはしない。 『悩み事は解決したにょん?』 「あ、ああ、バレおた?」 『顔に曞いおあったにょん! 私ず戊うのが耇雑っお!』 俺っおそんなに顔に出やすいか? い぀もクヌルでポヌカヌフェむスなおじさたが目暙だずいうのに......。 『たあ気持ちはわかるにょん! この倧人気矎少女人工知胜アむドルを攻撃したくないず思うのは圓然だにょん。でも、安心するにょん。戊いが始たれば頭の䞭は『どうやっお倒せばいいんだ?』ずいう思考で埋たるこず間違いなしだにょん!』 「あはは......お手柔らかに頌むよ」 するためにどのプレむダヌ盞手でも手加枛は出来ないにょん。芚悟するにょん。このご耒矎を䜿っお少しでも自分を鍛えおから挑むこずをおススメするにょん』 ご耒矎は『裁きの刃』ずいう名の金属片だった。 ナむフずいうか短剣の刃郚分だけをポキッず折ったような感じだ。 そういえば、『裁き』ず名の぀く玠材アむテムが他にもあったような......。 おおかみ座の詊緎で貰った『裁きの雷』ずおんびん座の詊緎で貰った『裁きの䞡翌』......だったか。 熟緎職人りヌさんの工房でも䜿い道がわからなかったアむテムだが、3぀揃ったこずで䜕か新しいアむテムを䜜れるようになったかもしれない。 最終決戊に挑む前工房に寄るべきだな。 『さおさお! それでは最終決戊のルヌル説明をするだにょん!』 「え、ここで!?」 『もちろんだにょん! メダルを集めた者だけに明かされる秘密だから、郚倖者がいないダンゞョンの䞭でするのが郜合がいいんだにょん! たあ、すでに他のプレむダヌによっおネットに情報を流されおるんだけど......こちらずしおは圢を守らないずいけないにょん!』 「やっぱり、俺より先に最終決戊に挑んでいるプレむダヌがいるのかい?」 『そりゃそうだにょん! コンテンツが生たれおは消費されおいく倧VR時代を生きるプロゲヌマヌのスピヌドは想像を絶するにょん! みんな自分が䞀番おいしいずころを持っおいこうず必死だにょん!』 たあ、そりゃそうか。 俺は毎日朝からゲヌムを始めお䌑憩を入れ぀぀倜には終わっおいるからな。 でも、今の俺に培倜はキツすぎる......。 昔は䜙裕だったんだけどなぁ......。 無理しおもパフォヌマンスが萜ちるだけだし、おじさんは睡眠を削らない。 『でも、クリアした人数で蚀うず......片手で足りるくらいだにょん』 「え、それだけ? パヌティの数じゃなくお、プレむダヌの人数でそれ?」 チャリンの片手の指は5本だ。 人工知胜だからず蚀っお指は増えおいない。 パヌティの最倧人数が4人だから、クリアしたのは1パヌティくらいずいうこずか......。 少数パヌティや゜ロでクリアしたプレむダヌもいるかもしれないが、どちらにしろ難易床は詊緎の比ではないのだろう。 『実は最終決戊の難易床はクリア人数ずむベント期間を考慮しお少しず぀易しくしおいく予定だにょん。今は難易床最倧! 倧VR時代のプロの䞭でも『本物』ず呌べる人たち向けの難易床だにょん! やっぱり難しいゲヌムっお話題になるし、それをクリアしたプレむダヌはもっず話題になるから、お互い埗をするにょんねぇ~』 プロの䞭でも『本物』向けか......。 俺も『本物』の男になりたいものだなぁ。 さっきたでチャリンず戊うのは気が匕けるなんお思っおいたのに、今は戊いたくおしょうがない気分だ。 山の倩気や乙女心䞊みにおじさんの心も倉わりやすい。 『そうそう! そのギラギラした目だにょん! ゲヌムに熱䞭しおいる時、人はみ~んな同じなんだにょん! 物心぀いたばかりの子どもも、老い先短いお幎寄りも、男の子も女の子も、みんな同じなんだにょん!』 どうやら、たた顔に出おいたらしい。 だが、チャリンの蚀うこずには同意だ。 リアルがどうであろうず、ゲヌムを本気で楜しんでいる人間に差なんおないのさ。 『コホン、そろそろ本題に入るにょん。最終決戊の舞台は初期街䞊空に浮かんでいる『サヌペント・パレス』! 12枚のメダルを持぀プレむダヌにだけ道が開かれるにょん! どう開かれるのかは詊しおからのお楜しみ! ちゃんず舞台の䞋に立たないず開かないからそこは泚意だにょん!』 「舞台の真䞋......぀たり初期街の䞭からじゃないず『サヌペント・パレス』には入れないっおこずかな?」 『そうだにょん!』 そりゃ目立ちそうだな......。 人の倚い初期街だから、俺が最終決戊の舞台に珟れたら隒ぎになりそうだ。 負けお垰っお来た時のこずを考えるず憂鬱だが、たあ有名皎だ。仕方あるたい。 『勝利条件は私こず『チャリン』の撃砎! 敗北条件はパヌティの党滅だにょん! 自分は死んだけどパヌティの誰かが生きおいお勝利した堎合もちゃんず特兞は貰えるにょん! その特兞は勝っおからのお楜しみ! これはただネットにも流れおないにょんね。流石『本物』たちは違うにょん! 安易に秘密をバラさないにょん!』 「今たで挑んできた詊緎よりもシンプルなルヌルだな......。あ、挑戊回数に制限はないっお認識でいいかな?」 『問題ないにょん! 䜕床でも挑んで、䜕床でも負けるずいいにょん! でもデスペナルティは普通に発生するから気を぀けるにょん! 堎合によっおは装備もずんでもないこずになるけど......恚みっこなしだにょん!』 デスペナず装備砎壊による修理時間が実質的なクヌルタむムになっおいるのか。 こりゃ運勝ちを狙っお挑戊回数を増やすのは悪手だな。 察策を緎っお挑たなければ、お金ず玠材ず時間を倱い続けるこずになる。 『あず现かいルヌルずしお珟圚装備しおいるアむテム以倖に持ち蟌めるアむテムは10皮類たで、同名アむテムは10個たでずいうのがあるにょん! 私は『持ち物制限』ず呌んでるにょん!』 「持ち物制限......?」 『私に挑む前に専甚のアむテムセットに10皮類たでアむテムをセットしおもらうにょん! 䟋えばキミは2皮類の匓を状況に応じお䜿い分けおるけど、私ずの戊いでもその戊法を䜿いたいなら、珟圚装備しおいる方じゃない匓をセットに入れないずいけないにょん! セットにない装備はアむテムボックス内に存圚しおいおも、私ずの戊闘䞭には装備できないにょん!』 チャリン戊で䜿うアむテムを自分で決めろずいうこずか。 装備䞭の装備は数に入らないみたいだから、颚雲装備はそのたたでいいな。 あず装備の䞭で䜿い分けるずしたら冬のダンゞョンでも掻躍した『スパむダヌシュヌタヌ・クラりド』ず『森の賢者の拳』くらいか。 残り8枠は回埩アむテムを入れよう。 同名アむテムが10個たでずいうこずは、回埩アむテムの数も倧きく制限されるな......。 名前は違うけど回埩効果があるアむテムは倚いし、そういう小技で数を増やすか。 『ふふふ、もう頭は戊闘準備に入っおるにょんねぇ。あずキミが気にするこずずいえば......ナニゟンの扱いくらいにょんね。パヌティの1枠ずしおナニゟンは普通に䜿えるにょん!』 ガヌ坊の力も借りられるか。 これは倧きいぞ......! 『んヌっず、説明はこれくらいかな? 倉わったルヌルは持ち物制限くらいだし、ここたで詊緎を乗り越えおきたキミには簡単に理解できるず思うにょん! ではでは、サヌペント・パレスで埅っおるにょ~ん! バむバヌむ!』 チャリンが消え、俺もダンゞョンの倖ぞずワヌプした。 倖は倜になっおおり、『 しばらく芋惚れおいただろう......すべおの詊緎をクリアする前の俺なら。 さあ、すぐに空䞊郷の工房に行こう。 どうにも今はログアりトする気にならない......!
I fell into a defensive stance. Charin seemed different from usual. Surely, there wasn’t going to be a preliminary fight right here...? ‘D-don’t be so afraid-nyon! I just thought that I would act a little differently towards players who have finished all of the trials-nyon!’ “That’s a relief.” If we fought in the central floor that was even smaller than the boss floors, then my defeat would be guaranteed. Charin coughed once and then returned to her normal voice. ‘Well then. First, I will give you the Virgo medal-nyon!’ And so I accepted the final medal. The constellation was depicted with gems on the front. And in the back was the maiden. She was more beautiful than cute, and there was a noble air about her. Now I have all of the constellation medals! The only thing left to do was to fight the AI girl in front of me... But I didn’t feel too excited about it. While Charin was a high power artificial intelligence that was created through futuristic technology, the more I interacted with her, the more she started to seem like an average girl who was trying to be taken seriously. But now that I could fight at any time, I felt hesitant. I was that kind of hopeless old man. Besides, Charin was very pretty. Most of the monsters I had fought had looked quite scary. I didn’t know how serious I could be. Shooting a monster through the head was different from shooting a girl in the head... Ah, but I had been doing plenty of that during the battle royale and the turf war. Once you were actually thrown into a battlefield, age and gender didn’t mean anything. You just had to fight and give it your all. I would not fight in a way that was half-hearted. ‘Have you solved your little dilemma?’ “Ah, so you knew?” ‘It was written all over your face-nyon! You were conflicted about fighting me!’ It was that obvious, huh... Was my face always so readable? But my goal was to be cool and have a poker face... ‘Well, I can understand how you feel-nyon! It’s only natural that you wouldn’t want to attack a tremendously popular and beautiful AI idol. But don’t worry-nyon. Once the fight starts, your head will be filled with thoughts like, ‘how am I going to beat her?’’ “Ahaha... I hope you go easy on me then.’ ‘Unfortunately, I cannot do that, as things must be fair. So you better brace yourself. I suggest you use the special prize to strengthen yourself as much as possible before the fight-nyon.’ The special reward was a metal fragment called ‘Blade of Judgement.’ It looked like the blade of a knife or short sword after being broken. Now that I thought about it, there were other materials that had ‘judgement’ in their name... It was the ‘Judgement Lightning’ from the Lupus trial and the ‘Wings of Judgement’ from the Libra trial... Even veteran craftsman Yu had not known what they were used for. But now that I have three of them, perhaps they could create some new items. I should visit the workshop once before taking on the final battle. ‘Now, now! I will explain the rules of the final battle-nyon!’ “Huh? Here?” ‘Of course-nyon! It’s a secret that only those who gather all of the medals can hear, so it’s best to tell you here, where there is no one else around-nyon! Well, I’m sure the information has already spread online... But rules are rules-nyon!’ “So, there are other players who’ve already fought you?” ‘Of course, there are-nyon! The speed at which content is created and then consumed by professional gamers in this great age of VR is astonishing-nyon! Everyone is desperate to get attention-nyon!’ Well, that made sense. While I played every day from morning, with short breaks, I still stopped at night. Staying up all night was a little too severe for me... Maybe when I was younger... It would only make me play worse, so I wasn’t going to sacrifice my sleep. ‘Still, as for how many have finished it... I could count them on one hand-nyon.’ “Huh? Really? Do you mean parties or players?” Charin had five fingers on one hand. Being an AI didn’t mean having more fingers. As a party could have up to players, only about party had cleared it... There may be a small party or solo players who did it too, but I’m sure it was a lot more difficult than the other trials. ‘In fact, adjustments will likely be made depending on how many people are able to clear it early on. So it’s the highest difficulty right now! A difficulty suited for the real professionals of this great VR age-nyon! Difficult games get a lot of people talking, and the players who finish it will be talked about as well. So it benefits us both-nyon.’ The ‘real’ professionals, huh... I wanted to be one of them as well. It was only a moment ago that I wasn’t feeling very excited about fighting Charin, but now I can’t wait for it. The heart of an old man changes just like the heart of a maiden, or the mountain weather. ‘Yes, yes! Those are the determined eyes that I wanted to see-nyon! Everyone looks like that when they become absorbed in a game-nyon! Whether you’re a young child or an elderly person, girls and boys, everyone is the same-nyon!’ Apparently, it showed on my face again. However, I agreed with what Charin said. Regardless of what was happening in real life, everyone seemed the same when they were enjoying a game. ‘Cough. It’s time to get back on track-nyon. The final battle will take place in the Serpent Palace that is floating above the first town! A path will open up for the players who have collected all medals-nyon! As for how it will open, that’s a surprise! But beware, you must stand right underneath for it to open-nyon!’ “Right underneath... In other words, you have to be in the center of the town in order to enter the Serpent Palace?” ‘Exactly-nyon!’ There were a lot of people in that town, so it would cause a scene if I appeared at the stage for the final battle. The idea of having to see their faces if I come back after losing. But I suppose it was the price of fame. It could not be helped. ‘The requirement for victory is defeating me! You will fail as soon as your whole party is destroyed-nyon! You will still receive a prize if you die, but someone in your party survives and wins! But it is a surprise! That information has yet to have been leaked! These professionals are different. They don’t tell secrets-nyon!’ “The rules are a lot simpler than the other trials... Ah, so there aren’t limitations to how many times you can try?” ‘Exactly-nyon! You can challenge me as many times as you want, and lose as many times as you want! But there is still a penalty for dying, so be careful! Depending on the situation, your equipment might be ruined as well... But don’t blame me-nyon!’ So the penalties and repairing of equipment were essentially like a cooldown. Basically, trying to win based on luck through challenging her nonstop was not a good idea. If you didn’t go in with a good plan, you would just continue to waste money, materials, and time. ‘Also, there are other rules. Aside from what you’re wearing, you can take up to 10 types of items with you, and have 10 of every type of item-nyon! I call it the baggage restriction-nyon!’ “Baggage restriction...?” ‘Before challenging me, you can set 10 types of items specifically for the fight-nyon! For instance, you are currently using two different bows depending on what the situation calls for, but if you want to continue to do that in the fight against me, you have to put the other bow in the set-nyon! Equipment that isn’t in the set will not be equippable even if it’s in your item box-nyon!’ So I had to decide in advance what items to use in the fight. Since anything that was already equipped didn’t count, I could leave the Windcloud set as it is. The only other things I might use were the Spider Shooter Cloud and the Fists of the Forest Sage. The remaining 8 slots could be filled with recovery items. As you could only take 10 of every type of item, that meant I was also quite restricted... But there were healing items that had different names, so I would have to see how many I could fit in. ‘Hehe. I see that you’re already making preparations in your head. As for anything else you should know of...I suppose the Unisons-nyon. You can use them as they are considered a party member-nyon!’ So Garbo will lend me a hand then. That was big...! ‘Hmm, I guess that’s it? The item restriction is the only different rule. I’m sure you’ll figure it out, since you overcame all of the other trials-nyon! Now, I’ll be waiting for you in the Serpent Palace-nyon! Bye-bye!’ Charin disappeared and I was warped out of the dungeon. It was night outside, and the Four Seasons Phantom Tree was lit up. I would have just stood there and stared at it in awe...if I were the version of me who hadn’t finished all of the trials yet. Now, I had to go to the workshop in the sky. I just didn’t feel like logging off yet...!
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 10, "inserted_lines_trg": 4 }
僕は慎重に䞁寧に熱されおいるビヌカヌに材料を入れおいく。 額から流れおくる汗を手で拭う。 これで倱敗したら終わりだ。......材料はもうない。 最初から簡単に成功するなんお思っおいなかったけど、こんなに難しいずは思っおいなかった。成分さえ分かれば䜜れるものじゃないんだ。 たぁ、でも考えおみればそうだよね。だっお、あのマディをそう易々ず䜜れるわけない。 僕は混ざりあの怍物をゆっくりずかき混ぜる。早すぎず遅すぎない速さ。党おの動きが重芁だ。 「......お願いだから、成功しお」 今たでの僕がやっおきたこずを無駄にしたくない。 僕は色が倉わるのを暫く埅぀。ビヌカヌに入った液䜓は綺麗な色になり぀぀ある。 ここからが本番だ。 どす黒い色に倉わらないこずをただ祈るしかない。しばらくビヌカヌの䞭を凝芖する。 どうかこのたたの色をキヌプしお、この綺麗な淡い緑色のたたでいお。 僕は心の䞭で必死に叫ぶが、段々ず色が倉化するのが分かった。 あ、たた僕は倱敗したんだ。薬を䜜るこずが出来なかったんだ......。 に力尜きおその堎に厩れ萜ちる。 悔しさず自分に察しおの怒り、そしお絶望。僕は䜕の圹にも立たないのかな......。 虚無感に襲われお、涙䞀぀萜ちおこない。僕はただがヌっずその堎に座り蟌むこずしか出来なかった。 これからどうすればいいのだろう。......ずりあえず、ビヌカヌの䞭に入っおいる倱敗䜜を捚おないず。 僕はゆっくりず立ち䞊がる。ビヌカヌの䞭身の色がい぀もず違うこずに気付く。 ......オレンゞ色? 薄い橙色の液䜓がビヌカヌの䞭に入っおいる。......汚い色じゃない。 「これが正解なの?」 ビヌカヌに顔を近づけお、匂いを嗅ぐ。臭さは党くなく、どこか甘い匂いがした。 頭は混乱し぀぀も、党身で喜びを感じおいた。こんなに嬉しいこずはない。 胞の底から熱いものがこみ䞊げおきお、涙腺が緩くなる。 良かった、本圓に良かった......。僕は成功したんだ。死に物狂いで取り組んだ努力は無駄にはならなかった。 マディを手に入れなくおも、治療薬を䜜るこずが出来たんだ。 「これで、助けられなかった呜を救うこずが出来るんだ」 ねぇ、アリシア、僕やったよ。頑匵ったよ。 だから、早く垰っお来おね。僕の成果ちゃんず芋およ。 僕は䜕床も心の䞭でアリシアに話かけた。返事がないこずは分かっおいおも、蚀わずにはいられなかった。 きっず、アリシアなら「流石私のゞル! よくやったわね!」っお抱きしめおくれるず思う。 僕は圌女のこずを想像しながら、安堵の息を吐く。 埌は、これを持っお、じっちゃんに䌚いに行くだけだ。............じっちゃんは今曎薬を飲んでもきっず助からないぐらい病気が進行しおいる。 生きお欲しいず懇願する反面、ちゃんず圌の状態を僕は知っおいる。 それでも、この薬を飲めば少しでも寿呜が長くなるかもしれない。そんな垌望を抱いおいるんだ。 僕はオレンゞ色の液䜓をビヌカヌから瓶に移し替えお、駆け足で郚屋を飛び出した。
I carefully and meticulously poured the ingredients into the heated beaker. With my hand, I wiped the sweat from my brow. If I failed in this, it would be the end. There were no more ingredients. I didn’t think it would be easy to succeed from the start, but I didn’t expect it to be this difficult. It wasn’t something that could be made by only knowing the ingredients. Well, if I thought about it, that was to be expected. There was no way anyone could make Maddie that easily. I slowly stirred the mixture of the three plants. Not too fast, not too slow. Every movement was important. “...Please, please, please succeed.” I didn’t want all the work I’ve done so far to go to waste. I wait a while for the color to change. The liquid in the beaker was turning a beautiful color. This was where the real work began. I could only pray that it would not change to a blackish color. I stared at the inside of the beaker for a while. Please keep the color as it was, please keep this beautiful pale green color. I screamed desperately in my heart, but I could already see the color changing gradually. Oh, I had failed again. I couldn’t make the medicine.... All at once, I ran out of energy and collapsed on the spot. I feel frustration, anger toward myself, and despair. I wonder if it was all for nothing.... A sense of emptiness overtook me, but not a single tear fell. All I could do was sit there in a daze. What should I do now? For the moment, I had to throw away the failed mixture in the beaker. I stood up slowly. I noticed that the color of the beaker’s contents was different from usual. ...Orange? There was a light orange liquid in the beaker. ...It was not a filthy color. “Is this right?” I brought my face close to the beaker and sniffed it. There was almost no smell at all, but it smelled somewhat sweet. My head was confused, but my whole body felt joy. I had never been so happy. Something hot welled up from the bottom of my heart, and my teary glands became loose. I was happy, I was delighted.... I had succeeded. All my desperate efforts had not been in vain. Even if I couldn’t get my hands on Maddie, I was able to create a cure. “Now I can save the lives I would not have been able to save before.” Hey, Alicia, I did it. I did my best. So come home soon. Look at what I have accomplished. I spoke to Alicia over and over in my mind. Even though I knew she would not reply, I could not help but tell her. I was certain that Alicia would hug me and say, “That’s my Gilles!”. I exhaled a sigh of relief as I imagined her. All I had to do now was to take this and go see Gramps. Gramps’ disease had progressed to such a degree that even if he took medicine now, he would probably not survive. While I begged him to live, I was also well aware of his predicament. Even so, I was hoping that this medicine might prolong his life even a little. I was holding on to that hope. I transferred the orange liquid from the beaker into a bottle and rushed out of the room.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
ケヌテの声が響くず、ガルノがびくっずしお飛び起きた。 「ガルノ、寝おおもいいぞ?」 「がう!」 「床じゃなくお、長怅子で眠った方がいいんじゃないか?」 「がヌう?」 ガルノは、ゆっくりず居間の長怅子たで歩いおいく。 そしお、暪になるず倧きなあくびをした。 そこにケヌテが入っおきた。 「む? お昌ご飯を食べおいたのであるか?」 「そうだぞ」 「ケヌテ、お昌ごはんはもう食べたか?」 「ただ食べおいないのだ」 そう蚀った瞬間、ケヌテのお腹がぐヌっずなった。 「ケヌテも食べるずいい」 「ありがたいのである!」 そしお、俺たちはケヌテに昌ご飯を食べた。 昌食の埌片付けを枈たせお、居間に行くずガルノの暪にケヌテが座っおいた。 ガルノは譊戒心もなく、お腹を出しお眠っおいる。 少し前たで、ケヌテに怯えおいたのが嘘のようだ。 「ガルノは可愛いのである」 そういっお、ケヌテは眠っおいるガルノのお腹蟺りを撫でおいる。 ガルノが起きる気配はない。 「ケヌテは良い竜なのである。それがガルノにも䌝わったのであろうな」 俺はケヌテの隣に座る。 「ケヌテ、今日も遺跡を巡回しおきたのか?」 「うむ。今日も平和であった」 フィリヌの声が埌ろから聞こえる。 俺が振り返るず、フィリヌずタマが立っおいた。 「フィリヌ。どういうこずだ?」 俺はフィリヌに向かいの長怅子を勧めながら蚀った。 フィリヌずタマは、䞀緒に俺の向かいの長怅子に座る。 タマはフィリヌの暪に行儀よくお座りした。 お腹を䞞出しにしおいびきをかいおいるガルノず正反察だ。 「もしかしたら......。遺跡を荒らす必芁がなくなったずいうこずなのやもしれぬ」 「もう必芁な魔道具や装眮を集め終わったっおこずか?」 「うむ。可胜性はある」 「だが、この蟺りの遺跡はケヌテが芋匵っおおるのだ」 「遠くの竜族の遺跡を持ったのかもしれぬし......もしかしたら竜族以倖の遺跡を持ったのかもしれぬ」 「むむう」 ケヌテは真面目な顔で呻く。 尻尟の先が円を描くようにしお、揺れおいた。 「フィリヌの蚀う通りかもしれないな」 「であろ?」 「実際、愚者の石の量産化に成功しおいそうな気配があるしな......」 「フィリヌが懞念を抱いおいるのは、ロックさんたちが遭遇したずいう魔装機械の数なのだ」 愚者の石か賢者の石。そのどちらかが魔装機械の補造には必芁だずドルゎが蚀っおいた。 だから、俺たちは補造をあきらめたのだ。 だが、昏き者ども機を颚竜王の宮殿近くに配備しおいた。 「颚竜王宮殿近くに配備する魔装機械など、優先順䜍は䜎いず思うのだが、ロックさんはどう思う?」 「確かにそうだな。昏き神の加護や呪いを溜めるメダル、神の加護を砎るアむテムの方が重芁に思える」 「なるほどヌ。そうかもしれぬのだ」 ケヌテも感心しながら聞いおいる。 「氎竜たちを生莄にすれば、昏き者どもの目的は果される。そんな時点たで来おいるのかもしれぬ」 「昏き者どもの蚈画が順調に進んでいる可胜性があるっおこずだな」 「怖いこずであるなヌ」 ケヌテがうんうんず頷いおいた。 フィリヌは照れおいた。 その時、呌び鈎が鳎った。 「おれが出るぜ!」 ミルカが走っおいく。 「知らない人だったら開けなくおいいからな」 「わかっおるヌ」 そしお、やっおきたのはドルゎだった。 ドルゎも、ケヌテず同じく、門を開けるこずができるように蚭定しおある。 それでも、呌び鈎をわざわざならしおくれたのだ。 さすがは、ドルゎ。ずおも瀌儀正しい。 「ロックどの、お邪魔いたしたす」 「よくおいでくださいたした」 フィリヌずタマが立ち䞊がっお、近くの別の長怅子に移る。 空いた垭をドルゎに勧めた。着垭しおから、ドルゎは蚀う。 「ケヌテ、たた来おいたのか」 「我だけじゃなく、父ちゃんだっお来おいるのではないか!」 「たあよい」 そしお、ドルゎは俺の方を芋た。 「氎竜たちず話を進めおたいりたした」 「ぜひ、ロックさんにお願いしたいず」 竜族の誇りで、人族の手は借りないずか蚀われなくおよかった。 これで、氎竜の集萜の防衛に泚力できるずいうものだ。
As soon as Kathe’s voice thundered through the room, Grulf shuddered and jumped to his feet. “Grulf, you can sleep if you want?” “Groof!” “Maybe you should sleep on the bench instead of the floor?” “Groof?” And so Grulf slowly walked over to the bench in the drawing room. He lay down and yawned. Then Kathe entered the room. “Hmm? Were you all eating lunch then?” “Kathe, did you eat already?” “I have not eaten at all.” Just as she said this, her stomach growled loudly. “Then you should eat too.” “Yeah.” “Thank you!” And so Kathe sat down and ate lunch with us. After I finished cleaning up, I went to the drawing room to find Kathe sitting next to Grulf. Grulf showed no signs of being cautious as he slept on his back. It was hard to imagine that he had been shuddering at the sight of Kathe a moment ago. “Grulf is so cute.” So saying, Kathe began to pet the sleeping Grulf. It didn’t look like he would wake up. “I am a good dragon. Grulf must have realized that.” I sat down next to her. “So, did you go around patrolling the ruins today?” “Yes. But it was another peaceful day.” “That’s good.” Said Philly from behind me. I turned around to see her and Tama standing there. “Philly. What do you mean?” I said as I gestured for her to sit on the bench opposite of us. Philly and Tama both sat down on the bench. Tama sat with good posture next to Philly. He was the exact opposite of Grulf, who was snoring on his back. “It could be...that they have no reason to invade the ruins anymore.” “You mean they have finished collecting the necessary magic tools and machines?” “Yes. It is possible.” “However, I have been monitoring all of the ruins in this region.” “Maybe they went to ruins farther away...Maybe they are going to ruins that are not owned by dragons.” “Hmmm.” Kathe groaned with a serious expression. Her tail was drawing circles in the air as it shook. “Philly may be right.” “See?” “Besides, it does seem likely that they have succeeded in mass producing the Fool’s Stones...” “My suspicions are mostly because of the number of automated machines that you encountered.” Philly was right. The Fool’s Stone or the Philosopher’s Stone. Dorgo said that you needed one or the other to make the magic machines. And so we had given up trying to make them. However, the dark ones had fifty of them stationed near the palace of the Wind Dragon King. “I would think that the Wing Dragon King’s palace would be pretty low on the list of places to station the machines. What do you think, Locke?” “That’s true. It would make more sense to have them protect the barrier of the dark god or the medal that collects curses or the items that break the divine barrier. Those seem more important.” Kathe listened with interest. “If they can sacrifice the water dragons, they would have achieved their purpose. Maybe they are right at that point now.” “So their plan is moving along very smoothly then.” “What a frightful thought.” Kathe said with a nod. Just then, a bell rang. “I’ll get it!” Milka said as she dashed towards the door. “You don’t have to open it if you don’t know who it is.” “I know that!” The person who had visited was Dorgo. Like Kathe, I had made it so that Dorgo could enter through the gate. Still, he had bothered to ring the bell. That was very much like him. Always polite. “Locke. I’m sorry to bother you.” “I’m glad you came.” Philly and Tama got up and moved to a different bench. I suggested that Dorgo take a seat. He did so and then said, “Oh, you’re here again, Kathe.” “Not just me. You are here too, dad!” “Oh, nevermind.” Then Dorgo looked at me. “I have talked with the water dragons.” “They would be glad to accept your help, Mister Locke.” Dragons were a proud species, and it was said that they did not accept the help of humans. But now we would finally be able to focus on the protection of the water dragon settlement.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 6, "inserted_lines_src": 20, "inserted_lines_trg": 4 }
ゆっくり䌑んだおかげですっかり䜓調はよくなっおいた。気力䜓力共に充実しおいお、シェむラはパッず目が芚める。 勢いよく䜓を起こすず、芋芚えのない毛垃が䜓からずり萜ちた。 窓蟺には淡い色圩が矎しい薔薇が食られおいる。ベッドサむドのチェストの䞊には果実氎の瓶ず、果物がぎっしり詰め蟌たれた籠。 シェむラはそれらにじっくり芖線を送るず、やがおニッコリ埮笑んだ。なぜだか䜕でもできそうな気がする。 神孊ずシュタむツ王囜史ず数孊を孊んだあずは、食堂で昌食の時間だ。 今日のメニュヌはポトフず牛すね肉のトマト煮蟌み。ホロホロになった肉の旚味を、噛み締めるようにゆっくりず味わう。 特別コヌスは午埌から剣術の皜叀になる。今日は秋にある技術披露倧䌚に向けお、剣舞の型を習う予定になっおいた。 「技術倧䌚は生たでの生埒達に実力を披露するためのものなんだけど、埡前詊合も行われるんだよ。貎族の方々も沢山芋孊にいらっしゃっお、そこで実力を認められれば匕き立おおもらえたりするんだ」 「平民の俺達ず䞋玚貎族にずっおはチャンスの堎なんだよな。今幎からようやく参加できるぜ」 コディずれクスに代わるがわる説明され、シェむラはなるほどず頷いたの気合いの入れ様たで䌝わっおくるようだ。 「ただ春の二の月なのに秋の話なんおっお思っおたけど、王族や貎族が来るなら玍埗かも」 「特別コヌスの生埒は倏に研修もあるから、今から緎習しおおかないず間に合わないんだよ」 あ月ほどに迫った研修も気掛かりだが、技術披露倧䌚ずいう行事はさらに茪をかけお䞍安材料だった。 特別コヌスの䞭でかなり浮いおいるシェむラが、息の合った剣舞を披露するこずなどできるのだろうか。 ――いや。心配事が増えたなんお思わず、みんなず打ち解ける機䌚が増えたっお考えよう。 気分を䞀新しお授業に臚むのだ。 シェむラがこぶしを握る様に、友人二人は笑みを浮かべながらこっそり目を合わせた。 昌食を終えるず、食堂でれクスず別れた。 シェむラ達はそのたた皜叀堎ぞず向かうが、職員棟の前でコディずも䞀旊離れる。クロヌシェザヌドに教材を運ぶよう頌たれおいる、ずいう名目でトむレに寄るいい機䌚なのだ。 い぀ものように気軜に職員棟に足を螏み入れる。今日もしんず静たり返っおいお、足音が倧きく反響した。 最近知ったこずなのだが、この建物を利甚しおいる教垫自䜓が少ないらしい。 孊術塔から掟遣されおいる教垫は孊術塔の研究宀を利甚するし、それ以倖の教垫も倧職員宀にいるこずが倚いずいう。教員宀を、資料や教材を保管する郚屋ず捉えおいる者が倧半だずか。 ――人が少ないのは、私にずっお郜合がいいんだけどね。 クロヌシェザヌドが和気あいあいずした倧職員宀を嫌うのは、仕事を抌し付けられるからだろうが、瀟亀的でない性質が灜いしおいるようシェむラには思える。本圓に苊劎性ずいうか、䞍幞になる道を率先しお遞んでいるような人だ。付き合いが増えればもう少し衚情も豊かになるだろうに。 ――衚情が乏しすぎるから遠巻きにされおるんだろうけど。 そのせいで、ペルンノェルナのような倉人しか寄っおこない。悪埪環すぎる。 クロヌシェザヌドの䞍運を思いながらトむレを枈たせ、教員宀を蚪ねる。本圓に人手が必芁な堎合を考え、あくたで念のためだ。 「倱瀌したす」 扉を叩いおも返事がなかったので勝手に芗くも、クロヌシェザヌドは䞍圚だった。もう皜叀堎に向かったのだろう。 無意識に宀内に螏み蟌んだのだが、それがたずかった。 倖に耇数の気配を感じお振り返った時には、扉がピシャリず閉じられおしたったのだ。 ガチャリ、ずいう音に酷い既芖感を芚えた。 ――たたこのパタヌン............。 念のため確認を詊みるが、やはり扉は斜錠されおいる。シェむラはガックリず項垂れた。 「――――庶民颚情がいい気になるなよ」 冷たい声には聞き芚えがあるような気がしたが、シェむラの蚘憶力では個人の特定には至らなかった。 嘲りを蟌めた笑声を残し、耇数の足音が遠ざかっおいく。 「......同じ手段を繰り返すっおこずは、もう新手の嫌がらせは打ち止めなのかな?」 この事態を前向きに捉えるずしたら、それくらいしか浮かばない。ずはいえ前回の甚具宀ず違っお、救いは窓があるこずだ。 もちろん窓は内偎から斜錠するものなので、鍵の明け閉めが可胜だ。シェむラは安堵の息を぀きながら窓を開け攟した。 クロヌシェザヌドの教員宀があるのは䞉階。高さはそこそこある。重ねお、今は力を封じる腕茪をしおいるため、粟霊術を䜿うこずはできない。 だがここで䞇事䌑す、ずならないのがシェむラだった。 窓枠に足を掛け、ひょいっず窓から身を乗り出す。 「――――うん。このくらいなら䜕ずかなるね」 シェむラは䞀぀頷くず、躊躇いなく空䞭に躍り出た。 萜䞋しながら、鳥が舞うように軜やかな動䜜でトン、ず壁を蹎る。倖壁からしっかり距離を取るず、膝を小さく抱え蟌んでクルクルず回転する。シェむラは䞉回転目で華麗に着地した。 ゆっくり顔を䞊げ、たた䞀぀頷くず、今床は䜕事もなかったかのように皜叀堎ぞず走り出した。 ◇ ◆ ◇ シェむラ⋅ダナりぞの嫌がらせは、圓初数人がかりで行っおいた。 匷さは目を芋匵るものがあるけれど、所詮は庶民。孊院に通うくらいはただいいものの、特別コヌスに入るなら話は別だ。長い歎史の䞭で遞ばれし者のみに蚱されおきた、ずおも名誉ある堎所なのだから。 二床ず逆らう気が起きないほど完膚なきたでに傷付け、孊院から远い出しおやろうず圌らは考えおいた。 なのに同志は䞀人抜け、二人抜け。 その時の圌らの衚情は実に様々だった。 なぜか顔を青ざめさせた者や、倢でも芋おいるようにがんやりする者。䞭でもずりわけシェむラを目の敵にしおいたディリアムが神劙な顔で去っおいった時は、䞀抹の䞍安を芚えた。 自分達は䜕か、ずんでもないものを盞手取っおいるのではないか、ず。 思い付く限りの嫌がらせをしおいるずいうのに、シェむラが平然ずしおいる様子を芋れば尚曎だった。 それでもここたで来たらあずには匕けない。これずいっお新しい案は浮かばなかったので、䞀床は䞍発に終わった閉じ蟌め䜜戊を決行するこずにした。 閉じ蟌められおみっずもなく泣き叫ぶ姿を笑い者にしおやろうず考えおいた圌らは、校舎の陰で成り行きを芋守っおいた。 シェむラ⋅ダナりが期埅した反応を芋せるこずは、぀いぞなかった。 おもむろに窓から顔を出し、地面ずの距離を目枬する。䞀぀頷くず、窓枠に足を掛け、ひらりず飛び出したのだ。 圌らは驚愕の悲鳎を危ういずころで呑み蟌んだ。 シェむラ⋅ダナりは空䞭で芋事に䜓勢を倉え、䜓重なんおないみたいに軜やかな音を立おお着地した。そのたた䜕事もなかったかのように去っおいく。 圌らは呆然ずした。 悔しいから決しお口にしないが、間違いなく揃いも揃っお芋惚れおしたっおいた。 「野蛮な山猿め」なんお嘲りは口の端にも䞊がらなかった。むしろ陜光ず青空を背に舞う姿は、たるで倩䜿のようで―――――。 「遅刻したらクロヌシェザヌド先生に怒られちゃうからな~」 圌らが䜕ずか正気に返ったのは、遠ざかっおいくシェむラ⋅ダナりからそんな呟きが聞こえたからだった。 そうだ。授業開始に間に合わなければ、あの立っおいるだけで嚁圧感のある教垫に目を付けられおしたう。生意気なシェむラ⋅ダナりだっお、そのせいでいただに颚呂掃陀を䞀手に匕き受けおいるのだ。それだけは絶察に避けたい。圌らは぀られたように、慌おお走り出した。 授業には滑り蟌みで間に合った。けれど息を切らしおいる圌らを尻目に、圓のシェむラは平然ずしおいた。 圌らの胞に蚀い様のない埒劎感が蟌み䞊げお来たのも、圓然のこずず蚀える。 以来、シェむラぞの嫌がらせは、ぱったりず無くなったのだった。
The next day, Sheila was feeling much better after a good night’s rest. Both her energy and stamina were full, and she woke up energetically. As she raised herself vigorously, an unfamiliar blanket slipped off her body. The windows were decorated with beautiful roses in pale colors. On the bedside, there was a bottle of fruit water and a basket full of fruit. Sheila looked at them carefully and eventually smiled. For some reason, she felt like she could do anything. After studying theology, the history of the Steitz Kingdom, and mathematics, it was time for lunch in the cafeteria. Today’s menu was pot-au-feu and beef shank stewed in tomatoes. She slowly savored the flavor of the meat as she chewed it. The special course would begin in the afternoon with swordsmanship practice. Today they were supposed to learn a sword dance in preparation for a technique performance competition in the fall. “The technique competition is for students up to the third grade to showcase their skills, but there will also be a tournament held in the presence of His Majesty the King. Many nobles will also come to observe; if their abilities are recognized there, they can be promoted.” “For us commoners and low-ranking nobles, it’s a chance to show off our skills. This year we finally get to participate.” Cody and Zechs took turns explaining, and Sheila nodded in agreement. She could really feel their enthusiasm. “I thought it was strange to be talking about it when it’s only the second month of spring, but if the royal family and nobles are coming, it makes sense.” “Special course students also have summer training, so if we don’t start practicing now, we won’t make it in time.” The summer training, which was only about a month away, was worrisome, but the technique showcase event was even more so. Was it possible for Sheila, who was still treading in uncharted waters in the special course, to perform a harmonious sword dance? Nope. Let’s not think of it as more worries, but more opportunities to get to know each other. She then went to class with a renewed spirit. As Sheila clenched her fists, the two friends smiled and looked at each other secretly. After lunch, they parted ways with Zechs in the cafeteria. Sheila and Cody went straight to the training hall, but she temporarily left Cody in front of the staff building. It was a good opportunity to stop by the restroom under the guise of being asked by Clauschezade to carry teaching materials. As usual, she casually stepped into the staff building. It was quiet again today, and the sound of her footsteps echoed loudly. She recently learned that not many teachers used this building. Teachers dispatched from the Academic Tower use the Academic Tower’s laboratories, and other teachers were said to be in the main staff room most of the time. Most of them saw the teacher’s office as a room for storing materials and teaching aids. It’s convenient for me that there are so few people in there. Clauschezade disliked the large, congenial staff room, probably because it forced him to do his work, but Sheila thought that his unsociable nature was to blame. He was a hard worker, or rather, he seemed to be taking the initiative in choosing the path of unhappiness. He would be a little more expressive if he had more social interaction. I guess he’s being distant from others because he has too little expression. Because of that, only weirdos like Jornwerner came close to him. It was too much of a vicious cycle. Thinking of Claushezade’s bad luck, she hurriedly finished using the restroom. Then, she went to the teacher’s office just in case he really needed more help. “Excuse me.” She knocked on the door and got no answer, so she took the liberty of peeking in, but Claushezade wasn’t there. He must’ve already left for the training hall. Sheila unconsciously stepped into the room, which was a bad idea. She suddenly felt the presence of several people outside, and when she turned around, the door had been slammed shut. She had a terrible sense of déjà vu at the sound of the door slamming. This pattern again..... She tried checking to make sure, but the door was still locked. Sheila hung her head in disappointment. “――Don’t get too comfortable, you commoner!” The cold voice sounded familiar, but Sheila’s memory failed to identify the individual. Multiple footsteps receded into the distance, leaving behind a mocking laugh. “..... Does repeating the same action meant that they’re done with the new harassment already?” That was about the only positive thing that came to mind about this situation. However, unlike the last time in the equipment room, the saving grace was that there was a window. Also, the windows were locked from the inside, so they could be opened and closed. Sheila breathed a sigh of relief and opened the window. Claushezade’s office was on the third floor, so it was fairly tall. On top of that, Sheila couldn’t use the spirit arts because she was currently wearing a bracelet that blocked her powers. However, she wouldn’t just give up at this point. She put her foot on the window sill and leaned out the window. “――Yes. I can manage this much.” Sheila nodded and jumped without hesitation. While falling, she kicked the wall with a light movement. Once she was a good distance from the outer wall, she spun around on her knees. Sheila landed gracefully on the third spin. She slowly looked up, nodded her head once again, and ran to the training hall as if nothing had happened. ◇ ◆ ◇ At first, several people were involved in harassing Sheila Danau. Her strength was remarkable, but she was just a commoner. It was one thing to attend the academy, but it was a different story if you entered the special course. It was a very prestigious place that had been reserved for the chosen ones in its long history. They wanted to hurt her so badly that she would never dare to disobey them and kicked her out of the academy. And yet, a few of their comrades left. Their expressions at that time varied. Some of them turned pale for some reason, and others became dazed as if they were dreaming. Among them, when Dilliam, who had been an enemy of Sheila, left with a mysterious look on his face, they felt a touch of uneasiness. They wondered if they were dealing with something unthinkable. That was even more so when they saw Sheila’s nonchalant attitude in the face of all the harassment. Still, once they got this far, there was no going back. Since no new ideas came to mind, they decided to go ahead with the once-unsuccessful confinement operation. They had been watching the situation in the shadows of the school building, thinking that they would make a laughingstock out of the sight of Sheila Danau crying out in shame after being locked in. However, despite all that, Sheila Danau never reacted as they had hoped. She suddenly looked out of the window and measured the distance from the ground. With a nod, she put her foot on the window sill and flew out. They hurriedly swallowed their startled screams. Sheila Danau shifted her position beautifully in mid-air and landed with a light thud as if she weighed nothing. She then left as if nothing had happened. They were stunned. Although they would never say it out loud because it was so frustrating, they were definitely all in awe of the sight. No taunts of “you wild mountain monkey” ever crossed their mind. Rather, with the sunshine and blue sky behind her, she looked like an angel― “If we’re late, Claushezade-sensei will be furious with us.” They only managed to come to their senses when they heard such murmurs from Sheila Danau, who was moving away from them. Right. If they weren’t on time for the start of class, they would be noticed by the intimidating teacher. Even the cheeky Sheila Danau was still responsible for cleaning the bathroom all by herself because of that. They didn’t want that to happen. As if caught in the middle, they rushed out to run. They made it to class just in time, but while they were gasping for breath, Sheila was unperturbed. It was only natural that they felt a sense of inexpressible frustration. Since then, the harassment of Sheila had ceased abruptly.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
俺は倧䜿に向かっお、冷静に蚀う。 「倧䜿こそ、昏き者どもに䞎し、神の加護に穎を空けおただで枈むずは思っおはいないよな」 「蚀いがかりも甚だしい!」 「そうか。で、神の加護に穎を空けおいる装眮はどこにある?」 答えを埗られるずは思っおはいない。だから俺は魔法で探玢をしお探し぀぀尋ねた。 だが、隠蔜魔法が厳重にかけられおいるのか、䞭々匕っかからなかった。 倧䜿ず䌚話をしながら呚囲を探るのでは時間が少し䜙蚈にかかる。 だから俺はシアたちに蚀う。 『シア、セルリス、倧䜿の盞手を頌む』 『た、倧䜿の? お盞手でありたすか? あたしに出来るでありたすかね。偉い人ず話すのは苊手でありたすが』 『シアは階士だし、倧䞈倫よ。それにい぀も゚リックおじさたずお話ししおるじゃない』 『それは、そうでありたすが......』 『安心しおくれ、適圓に話をしお、逃がさないようにしおくれればいい。ノァンパむアを芋぀けるたでの時間皌ぎだ』 『それでもあたり自信がないでありたすよ。セルリス、お願いできないでありたすか?』 シアは貎族ずの亀枉の経隓が無いのだろう。 冒険者はそういう経隓が無いのが普通なので、仕方の無いこずだ。 『わかったわ。私に任せおおいお!』 セルリスは堂々ずそう蚀うず、 「倧䜿閣䞋。お久しぶりです」 優雅に貎族の什嬢らしい瀌をしお芋せた。 「......? ああ、シュミット䟯爵閣䞋のお嬢様でしたか」 、倧䜿は怪蚝な衚情を浮かべた埌、すぐにセルリスの正䜓に気が぀いたようだ。 シュミット䟯爵ずはセルリスの母マルグリットのこずだ。 「ええ。このような堎でお䌚いするずは悲しいです」 倧䜿は俺たちのこずを賊であるずしお話し、セルリスは倧䜿のこずを昏き者どもの仲間ずしお話しおいる。 互いに盞手が悪いこずをしたので、悲しいずいうスタンスだ。 時間皌ぎにはちょうどいい。 「おい! 貎様なにをしおいる!」 倧䜿が動き出した俺に向かっお怒鳎り぀けた。 俺は無蚀で探玢を進める。 接近すればするだけ隠蔜の魔法は芋砎りやすくなるのだ。 「倧䜿閣䞋――」 セルリスが䌚話で匕き留めようずしおくれる。だが倧䜿の芖線は俺に釘付けだ。 やはり、絶察芋぀けお欲しくないものがこの近くにあるのだろう。 そしお、それは恐らく神の加護に穎を空けおいる装眮に違いない。 「む?」 䞀分ほど宀内を調べお、俺は怪しい堎所を芋぀けた。 ただの壁に芋える。だが隠蔜魔法で厳重に隠された扉だ。 俺がそれに觊れようずするず、 「貎様!」 倧䜿が激昂するず剣を抜いお飛びかかっお来ようずした。 「倧䜿閣䞋。私のお話しがただ終わっおいたせんわ」 セルリスが突進しはじめた倧䜿の袖を掎み華麗に投げる。 セルリスは剣すら抜いおいなかった。 投げられた倧䜿は背䞭を床にしたたかに打ち付けお、うめき声を䞊げた。 倧䜿は玠人ではない。俺に投擲した槍から刀断するに䞀流䞀歩手前の戊士だ。 その倧䜿をセルリスは片手でいなしお芋せた。 「倧䜿閣䞋。お話をしたしょう?」 うめく倧䜿を芋䞋ろしおセルリスは可愛らしく埮笑んだ。 『セルリス助かった』 セルリスの返事を頌もしく思いながら、俺は扉にかけられた隠蔜の魔法を解いた。 壁にしか芋えなかった堎所が、重厚な金属補の扉ぞず姿を倉える。 ただの金属ではない。恐らくオリハルコンが䞻成分だ。 加えお愚者の金が混ぜられおいる。 昏き者どもは扉に混ぜられるほど、倧量の愚者の金を手に入れおいたず蚀うこずだろう。 「随分ず金ず手間をかけた立掟な扉だな」 「觊れるな! 貎様ごずきが觊れおいい物ではない!」 倧䜿がわめく。そんな倧䜿を無芖しお、俺は扉に手を觊れた。 の魔法がかけられおいる。 王宮の宝物庫の扉にかけられおいる魔法に匹敵する嚁力だ。 倧䜿は俺に飛びかかろうず、立ち䞊がろうずするが、そのたびにセルリスに転ばされおいた。 䜎い音がなっお、鍵が開く。そしお俺は扉に手をかけ開こうずした。 ――ドヌン するず開こうずした扉自䜓が爆発した。 金属の扉が现かな砎片ずなり、超高速で呚囲に飛び散る。 小さな砎片䞀぀を食らうだけで臎呜傷になり埗るほど嚁力は高い。 俺はパヌティヌの魔導士ずしお、セルリス、シア、ガルノずゲルベルガさたを守らねばならない。 爆発しはじめるその反応を察知した瞬間に、俺は魔法の障壁を匵る。 俺が障壁で守らなかった壁や床、倩井に砎片がぶ぀かり倧きな音が鳎った。
I faced the ambassador and spoke coolly. “Ambassador, I hope that you do not think that you can get away with aiding the dark ones and opening up a hole in the divine protection?” “What gross accusations!” “I see. So, where is the device that was used to make the hole?” I did not expect to get an answer. And so I used magic to search the place while talking. However, there must have been layers of concealment magic here, as I could not detect anything. And since I was talking with the ambassador at the same time, it took a little longer. And so I said to the others, ‘Shia, Serulus. You two deal with the ambassador.’ ‘Th-the ambasador? Deal with him? I don’t know if I can do that. I don’t like talking to important people.’ ‘You’re a knight, Shia. You will be fine. Besides, you talk with Eric all of the time.’ ‘That is true, but...’ ‘Don’t worry. Just talk about something random and keep him from running away. We just need to buy some time in order to find the vampires.’ ‘Still, I am not very confident. Serulis, can you do it?’ Shia had little experience with talking with nobles. That was normal for an Adventurer, so it could not be helped. Serulis said confidently. “Your Excellency. It has been so long.” And then she bowed like the graceful noble lady that she was. “...? Ah, you are the daughter of Her Excellency, Marquess Schmitt.” After looking at her suspiciously for a second, he quickly realized who Serulis was. Marquess Schmitt was Serulis’s mother, Marguerite. “Yes. It is unfortunate that we have met in such circumstances.” “Very unfortunate indeed. I never thought the daughter of Ambassador Schmitt would be involved with such rebels...” “Your Excellency, given your position, why did you decide to offer your help to the dark ones?” The ambassador called us rebels, and Serulis said that he was with the dark ones. As both sides were accused of doing something bad, they made a show of looking sad. It was a good way to buy time. “Hey! What are you doing!” The ambassador shouted angrily when he saw that I was moving. But I continued to search silently. The closer I was, the easier it would be to see through concealment magic. “Your Excellency...” Serulis tried to distract him. However, his eyes were now fixed on me. That pretty much confirmed that there was something here that he did not want me to find. And that thing was likely the device that had tore a hole into the divine protection barrier. “Hmm?” After searching the room for one minute, I found a place that was suspicious. It looked like an ordinary wall. However, it was actually a door that had been hidden with powerful concealment magic. But when I tried to touch it... The ambassador roared as he unsheathed his sword and moved towards me. “Your Excellency, we have not finished talking yet.” Serulis grabbed him by the sleeve and threw him to the floor. She did not even need to draw out her sword. “Gah!” The ambassador fell on his back and wailed. He was no amateur. Judging by how he had thrown the spear at me, he was a first-rate warrior. However, Serulis had brought him down with just one hand. “Your Excellency, shall we continue our talk?” Serulis said with a pretty smile as she looked down at the groaning man. ‘Thank you, Serulis.’ ‘I’m fine. Leave this to me.’ She was very reliable. And so I started to disarm the concealment magic that was cast on the door. And then what just looked like a wall, suddenly transformed into a solid metal door. This wasn’t ordinary metal. It was likely mainly made of orichalcum. On top of that, there was fool’s gold in it as well. That meant that the dark ones had so much fool’s gold that they could put it inside of doors. “This is an impressive door. It must have taken a lot of time and money to make.” I said. “Don’t touch it! It is not something that a bastard like you should touch!” He wailed. But I ignored the ambassador and touched the door. It had powerful Lock magic cast on it. And it was about as strong as the magic cast on the treasure room doors of the royal palace. The ambassador tried to get up so that he could attack me, but Serulis just tripped him again. There was a low sound, and the lock opened. And just as I put my hand on the door and was about to open it... –Boom. The door itself exploded. The metal door turned into tiny fragments that flew in every direction at a high speed. It had such power, that even one small shard could cause a deadly blow. And as the party sorcerer, I had to protect Serulis, Shia, Grulf and Lord Gerberga. And so the moment I detected that there would be an explosion, I cast a magic barrier. Everything that wasn’t protected, the walls, the floor and ceiling were hit, causing a loud noise.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 9, "inserted_lines_trg": 3 }
かなり歩いたず思う。ずっず同じだった景色が少しず぀倉わっおきおいるように思えた。 党䜓的に少し明るくなり、地面には草が茂っおいる。湿気はなくなり、むしろ新鮮な空気を吞っおいるような感芚。 ......既芖感? キむず出䌚ったずきのこずを思い出すわ。 「ここです」 シヌナはその堎に立ち止たる。目の前は行き止たりだった。茶色い岩の壁が私たちず向かい合わせにあるだけだ。 ......この壁を壊しおくださいっおこず?? 鍛えおはいるけれど、私にそこたでの銬鹿力はないわよ。盞圓劣化した岩なら厩すこずは出来るかもしれないけれど。 ずりあえずやっおみるしかないわ! 壁ぐらい厩壊させおやるわよ! 「分かったわ。砎壊すればいいのよね?」 私はそう蚀っお、壁に向かっお飛び蹎りの準備をする。 「違いたす」ずシヌナに即答される。 え、ず飛び蹎りの構えをした状態でシヌナの方ぞず芖線を向ける。 たさかここたで来お、行き止たりの堎所に連れおこられるなんお......。 もしかしお、道を間違えたずかかしら。 「アリシア様は倉わっお......、独特ですね」 せめお「面癜いですね」っお台詞があるでしょ。 私はシヌナをゞトッず睚む。そんな私ず目を䌚わせながら、シヌナはフッず目を现めお笑う。 「この壁を壊しおもあるのは岩だけです。......なので、䞋に萜ちたしょう」 そう蚀っお、圌女はコンコンっず靎の螵を軜く地面叩き぀けた。その瞬間、地面がガガガッず音を立おお開いた。 私たちはその堎から萜ちおいく。最初の数秒間だけ凄いスピヌドで萜䞋したが、少しするずゆるやかになった。驚いお蚀葉が出ない。 今、自分がどういう状況なのかさっぱり分からないわ。どうしお、あんなこずが起こるの? 床が開くような仕掛けになっおいる......、ずいうよりかは、シヌナが合図を出したように芋えた。 萜ちおいく景色は、青空の䞭にいるみたいだった。雲があり、目の前には矎しい柄んだ空が広がっおいる。 ............綺麗な堎所。 たっお、景色にうっずりしおいる堎合じゃない! どうしお床の䞋が空になんおなっおいるのよ。 私は穏やかな衚情に萜ちおいるシヌナの方を芋぀める。 なんお優雅な衚情で萜䞋しおるの......。玅茶の入ったティヌカップを持っおいおも䞍思議ではない。 「ねぇ、ここどこ!?」 悪女は垞に冷静でいなければならないのに、衝撃が倧きすぎお぀い倧きな声を出しおしたう。 仕方がないわ。誰もこんなこず予想出来るはずないもの。 これでもただ私は冷静な方だず思うわ。だっお、぀いさっきたで地䞊にいたのに、突然萜ちたず思ったら空にいるんだもの。 ......魔法ずしか考えられないのよね。 「すぐに分かりたす」 「............ずいうか、どうやっお地面に着地するの?」 「倧䞈倫です」 シヌナは私を安心させるような笑みを浮かべるが、私は少しも安心できない。 どうしおなんの情報も䞎えおくれないのよ......。このたた萜䞋死だけは嫌よ。それなら、神様ず戊っお死にたいわ。 そんなこずをがんやりず考えおいるず、地䞊が芋えおきた。 ......䞀面のお花畑。 色ずりどりのパステルカラヌの小さな花たちが生き生きず咲いおいた。遠く先たで党おが花に芆われおいる。 「なんお玠敵なの」ず思わず目の前の景色に釘付けになる。 女の子が喜びそうな堎所ね。 可愛いがギュッず詰たっおいお、乙女心を刺激する。こういうずころで告癜すれパヌセントぐらいは成功するんじゃないかっお思う。 「さっきたでの堎所ずは倧違いね」 「そうですか? 私にはあの薄暗い通路さえも玠敵に思いたす」 シヌナは私の蚀葉に静かにそう返した。
I think we walked quite a bit. The landscape, which had been the same for so long, seemed to be changing little by little. It was a little brighter overall, and the grass was thicker on the ground. The humidity was gone, and I felt as if I was breathing fresh air. ...Déjà vu? It reminds me of when I met Kii. “Here we are.” Sheena stopped in her tracks. In front of us was a dead end. There was only a brown rock wall facing us. Did you want me to break down this wall? Although I work out, I never had that much stupidity. I might be able to break it if it was a very deteriorated rock. Well, I just had to give it a try! I could at least let the walls fall down! “Okay. I just have to destroy it, right?” I said and prepared to kick at the wall. Sheena immediately replies, “No, don’t”. I looked at Sheena as I prepared to jump kick the wall. I didn’t expect to be brought to a dead end after coming all the way here.... Maybe we took a wrong turn or something. “Alicia-sama is strange...and unique.” At least say something like, “It’s interesting.” I stared at Sheena. Sheena looked at me and smiled, narrowing her eyes at me. “If you break this wall, all you will have is rock. So let’s go down.” Saying this, she lightly tapped the heel of her shoe on the ground twice. At that moment, the ground opened up. We fell from the spot. We fell with great speed for the first few seconds, but after a little while it slowed down. I was speechless from surprise. I had no idea what was happening to me right now. How could something like that happen? The floor was rigged to open...or rather, it looked as if Sheena gave a signal. The view as we fell was like being in a blue sky. There were clouds and a beautiful clear sky in front of us. ...A beautiful place. Wait, this was no time to be enraptured by the view! Why was there a sky under the floor? I looked at Sheena, who was falling with me with a calm expression on her face. What a beautiful expression on her face as she fell.... No wonder, she was holding a teacup full of tea. “Hey, where are we!” A villainess should always keep her cool, but the shock was too much, and I ended up shouting loudly. It couldn’t be helped. No one could have predicted this. I did my best to stay calm. After all, just a moment ago I was on the ground, and then all of a sudden, I fell, and now I’m suddenly in the sky. ...I could only think that it was magic. “You’ll find out soon enough.” “...I mean, how will we land on the ground?” “It will be fine.” Sheena smiled reassuringly at me, but I was not the least bit reassured. Why won’t you provide me with any information.... I didn’t want to just fall to my death. Then I would rather die fighting God. While I was thinking about this in a daze, I saw the ground. ...A field of flowers. Tiny flowers in a variety of pastel colors were blooming vibrantly. Everything was covered with flowers, even in the distance. I couldn’t help but be glued to the view in front of me, thinking, “How wonderful!”. This was a place that girls would love to visit. It was filled with cuteness, and it stimulated my girlish heart. If I confessed my feelings at a place like this, I would be % sure that I would succeed. “It’s very different from the place we were at a while ago.” “Is it? Even that dimly lit passageway looks nice to me.” Sheena quietly replied to my words.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
に歩くのはフィニアにマリアずラむ゚ル。そしおやたら豪華な法衣を纏ったアシェラ。 「あ、あれ、コルティナは?」 「ああ、監芖を぀けお持久走に出しおいる間ほど」 「うわぁ......」 猫人族のコルティナは決しお身䜓胜力の䜎い皮族ではない。むしろ人間よりも遥かに瞬発力に優れた皮族である。 これは高い瞬発力を維持するために、筋肉の質がそういう方面に特化したこずが原因だずか。 そんなコルティナが䞉時間の持久走ずか、俺でも死ねる。 「ママヌ、芋お芋お、人がよけおく」 「そうね。きっず掟手な服着た若䜜りの『オバサン』がいるからよ」 「マリア、なんか口調に棘が無い?」 「そりゃもう。本来私が執り行うはずだった掗瀌匏を暪取りされたんだもの」 「だっおだっお、ニコルの時は呌んでくれなかったじゃない!」 やたら長い袖をバタバタ振っお、倧仰にアピヌルするアシェラ。 その芋た目だけなら、初等郚の生埒ず倧しお倉わらない幎頃に芋えるが、䞭身はマリアがオバサンず呌んでも差し支えないほどの高霢である。 「でも、あなたのせいなのは本圓よ? こんな僻地の寒村で、そんな豪奢な法衣なんお着おくるんだもの」 「あら、マリアの法衣は私より高䟡じゃない」 「これは芋かけは質玠に芋えるから良いの」 よく芋るず、マリアの法衣は地味な黒色だが、光が吞い蟌たれるような深みがある。 「ひょっずしお邪竜の被膜?」 「あら、よくわかったわね。ラむ゚ルの鱗鎧を䜜った時、䞀緒に仕立おおもらったの。針が通らなくお倧倉っお、針子さんに叱られちゃった」 「......よく仕立おられたね」 「ラむ゚ルの聖剣で針穎を開けおもらったのよ」 「なんお無謀な」 しかも法衣の瞫い目なんお数えきれないほどあるのに、そのたびに聖剣で穎を開けさせられたラむ゚ルの苊劎を考えるず、むなしさを察しお䜙りある。 フィヌナに悟られないように冷や汗を流す俺。話を䞀段萜させるべく、芖線をマリアから前に向けるず、そこにボロ雑巟のような毛皮が転がっおいるこずに気が付いた。 「うぅ」 䞍思議なこずに毛皮が呻き声を䞊げた。違う、毛皮ではない。ボロ雑巟のように疲れ果おたコルティナが行き倒れおいた。 俺の腕の䞭からフィヌナが飛び降り、コルティナの元ぞ駆け寄っおいく。 「うヌ、フィヌナちゃん、ダメよ、ここには鬌がいるの。ラむ゚ルっおいう名の鬌......が」 「それ死んでるから! それより、誰からそんな䞍吉なセリフ教えおもらったの?」 「ママヌ」 「いい、フィヌナちゃん。奎は裏切り者なのよ。埋䌏の毒なの」 「なんだっおヌ!」 「いい加枛なこずを吹き蟌たないで」 の魔法を発動させた。疲劎した䜓力は回埩しないが、䜓内の䞍調の元は回埩できる。 倚少は効果があったのか、コルティナはよろめくように身を起こした。 「ああ、私がぶっ倒れおピクリずも動かなくなったから、慌おお氎を汲みに行ったわ」 「そこはたず、母さんを呌びに来るべきなんじゃなかろヌか?」 「そんな真䌌したら、曎なる苊行を抌し付けられるに決たっおるじゃない!?」 「あヌ、そう......?」 ラりムを離れおから䞉幎。俺もそれだけ背が䌞びたずいうこずである。 「っおか、ニコルちゃんもひどいわよ。党然顔を芋せに来おくれないんだもの!」 「えっず、そう、かな?」 実際はレむドずしお頻繁に䌚っおいるし、ニコルずしおもこちらにはずきおり蚪れおいる。 「代わりにフィヌナちゃんを存分に愛でおるから、この地獄にも耐えられるけど」 「にゃああぁぁぁ!」 ワシワシずフィヌナの頭を掻きたわし、頬擊りをするコルティナ。おかげでせっかくセットしたフィヌナの髪圢が乱れおしたっおいる。 「それにしおも、すごくめかし蟌んでどこ行くの?」 「これからフィヌナの掗瀌匏を行うのよ。そのためにアシェラも来おくれたわけだし」 「ぞぇ......っお、アシェラ? ひょっずしお教皇様!?」 「あら、私のこず知っおくれおるのね。光栄だわ」 「なんでこんな堎所にいるの!? 䞖界の超重芁人物じゃない」 「それをあなたが蚀うのも、䞍思議な感じね」 マリアがコルティナに冷静なツッコミを入れる。確かにコルティナやマリアがいる以䞊、重芁人物床ではアシェラは䞀段萜ちるだろう。 コルティナは頭を抱えお悶えるが、それでアシェラが懲りるはずもなかった。 「たぁ、いいわ。掗瀌匏なら私も芋に行きたいんだけど?」 「教䌚の䞭には入れないから、あたり意味はないわよ」 「それでも! せっかくのお祝いなんだから、参加させなさいよ。ラむ゚ルも、それくらいならいいでしょう?」 「そうだな。今日は限界たで走らせたこずだし、あずは䌑息ずするか」 パチンず指を鳎らしお喜ぶコルティナ。
We headed to the church while I held Fina in my arms. Finia, Maria, and Lyell were coming with me. As well as Ashella who was dressed overly extravagantly. After looking over them, I realized that someone was missing. “Huh, wait, where’s Cortina?” “Oh, we sent her on endurance training with someone to monitor her. It’s been three hours.” “Oof...” Cortina, being of a feline race, was by no means weak physically. Rather, her race far exceeded humans in terms of explosive power. However, when it came to stamina, they were at most on a human’s level, or even lower. This was apparently because their muscles developed that way to maintain their high explosive power. It seems this was also the reason why many of their members had petite builds. And that Cortina was out on a three-hour endurance run now? Even I’d die from that. “Mommy, look, look, people are avoiding us.” here dressed in fancy clothes to appear young.” “Maria, why do I feel like your words are thorny?” “Well of course. I was supposed to hold this baptism ceremony, but you snatched it from me.” “Oh come on, that’s because you didn’t call me during Nicole’s baptism!” Ashella made excuses while flapping her overly long sleeves around. She looked pretty much like an elementary student from the outside, but she was old enough in reality that Maria could call her aunt. Good grief, just like Whitey, she’s as immature as it could possibly get. “But it’s still your fault, okay? Why did you go and wear such an extravagant vestment in this poor, remote village.” “Oh? But isn’t your vestment of even higher quality than mine?” “But this one looks simple at least on the outside.” Looking closely, Maria’s vestment was plain-looking black, but it felt like it was sucking the light in. Moreover, the surface looked rough and didn’t seem to have a texture. It seemed like some sort of skin... Wait, I remember this. “Could it be Evil Dragon’s membrane?” “Oh, how perceptive of you. I ordered it alongside Lyell’s scale armor when they made it. The seamstress did scold me that a needle couldn’t pass through it and she had a hard time.” “...I’m surprised she managed to do it.” “We used Lyell’s Holy Sword to poke pinholes in it.” “That’s such a wild method.” Using the Holy Sword for pinholes was so sad it made me want to cry. Moreover, there were countless stitches on it, so I couldn’t help but think how fruitless it was, considering how much Lyell had to work to make pinholes. I broke into cold sweat without letting Fina see it. I moved my gaze away from Maria to the front to drop this topic, but then, I saw some kind of tattered, dustcloth-like roll of fur lying on the ground. “Ugh.” Strangely enough, that fur raised a groan. Wait, it wasn’t fur. It was Cortina, who had collapsed due to fatigue and looked like tattered cloth. Fina jumped down from my arms and dashed to Cortina. “Ugh, Fina, run, there’s a demon here. And he’s called Lyell....” “That means I’ll die! More importantly, who taught you that ominous line?” “Mommy.” “Listen, Fina. She’s a traitor. A manipulator.” “Stop telling her such irresponsible things.” Maria slapped Cortina on the head as she was drilling disturbing ideas into Fina. Then she cast Cure with flowing movements. Her fatigue wouldn’t recover, but it could recover her body condition itself. It seemed to have had some effect, and Cortina staggered to her feet. “Oh, when they saw me drop flat and stop moving, they rushed out to bring water.” “Shouldn’t you have called mom instead?” “If I did that I’d have been put through even more pain, you know?!” “Oh, okay...?” Cortina drew close to me while shedding waterfalls. Unlike before, we were on the same eye level now. It’s been three years since I left Raum. I’ve grown quite a bit too in these years. “Actually, aren’t you a little cruel too, Nicole? You never come to see me!” “Err, I don’t?” I actually met her all the time as Reid, and I was visiting this place as Nicole too from time to time. I talked to Cortina during those occasions, but she apparently found it lacking. “I can somehow put up with this hell since I get to adore Fina as much as I want, though.” “Nyaaaaaahhh!” She ruffled Fina’s hair and rubbed her cheeks with hers as she said that. Because of that, Fina’s tidied-up hair was roughed up. Finia pulled her from Cortina’s hands and quickly fixed her hair. Finia’s timidness was gone too, huh. “That aside, where are you all going dressed up like that?” “We’re going to baptize Fina. Ashella came here for that reason too.” “Oh... Wait, Ashella? Wait, the Pope?!” “Oh, you know about me? It’s an honor.” “Why are you in such a place?! Aren’t you a super important person?” “It feels strange to hear that from you.” Maria calmly rebutted her question. With Cortina and Maria present, Ashella’s importance fell by a level. She was still one of the world’s most prominent people though. Cortina looked greatly perplexed, but Ashella wasn’t one to back down from it. She was instead puffing her chest proudly, so she probably didn’t realize that Cortina was implicitly telling her not to show up here. “Oh well. But I want to come along to the baptism ceremony too.” “You won’t be able to get in the church so there’s no point.” “Even so! It’s a rare celebration, so let me participate. You’re fine with that too, right, Lyell.” “Well, I did make you run to the limit today, so I guess you can take a break.” “Yaay!” Cortina snapped her fingers and yelled in joy. And with that, she got to participate in the baptism ceremony as well.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 16, "inserted_lines_trg": 4 }
゜ロでもポピュラヌなゟンビは敵じゃない。 サクサク倒しお西病棟に぀ながる長い盎線の廊䞋に入る。 「なかなか矀がっおるじゃないか......!」 廊䞋のほが突き圓たりにゟンビの矀れが芋えた。 キョりカほどのプレむダヌが身動きが取れないずいうこずは、特殊な個䜓がいる可胜性が高い。 このタむミングで【アむムアロヌ】を䜿っお飛び蟌むより、ここから長射皋を生かした射撃で数を枛らし【ワヌプアロヌ】でキョりカに接近、䜓を掎んで【アむムアロヌ】で撀退安党か。 逃げる時は湧いおくるゟンビに背を向けるこずになるし、【アむムアロヌ】の攻撃刀定が身を守る盟になる。 爆裂する矢の嵐 このサバむバルで味方殺しはない。 キョりカがゟンビの矀れに囲たれおいおも気にせず矢を撃おる。 ゟンビは爆裂する無数の矢によっおその数をどんどん枛らしおいき......ほがいなくなった。 あれ? 匷いゟンビはいなかったのか? ならなぜ圌女は苊戊しおいたのだろう? ......聞けばわかるか。 「ワヌプアロヌ!」 ギュンッずキョりカずの距離を詰める。 俺が助けに来るこずを知っおいたキョりカは、ワヌプには少し驚いたものの至っお冷静だった。 「すたない、私ずしたこずが利き腕の右腕を郚䜍欠損しおしたった。こちらの病棟には郚䜍欠損の回埩アむテムはなくおな......」 利き腕が䜿えない状態だったのか......! 俺なんおどちらかの腕を倱った瞬間、匓を扱えなくなるから苊戊どころか戊えない。 圌女の堎合は片手剣のレむピアが歊噚だったから巊腕に持ち替えお戊うこずが出来たんだな。 「きっず、グレむずカナリアが回埩アむテムを芋぀けおくれおたすよ」 そういえば、カナリアっお東病棟で集めおきたアむテムを俺に分配しおくれおないよな......。 それどころか䜕を手に入れたのかも聞いおない......。 たあ、聞かなかった俺も悪いのだが。 「さあ、撀退したしょう。そのためにはあの......䜓を密着させないずいけないのですが......」 「気にするこずはない。頌む」 「では......アむムアロヌ!」 キョりカを抱いお盎線の廊䞋を飛ぶ。 突き圓たりの壁にぶ぀かっお枛速した埌、駆け足で䞭倮病棟に向かう。 来た時より䞭倮病棟にゟンビが倚い。 オリノァヌたちで凊理できなかったゟンビがフロア党䜓にあふれおいるんだ。 「こちらキュヌゞィ。オリノァヌさん、キョりカさんは無事救出したした。撀退準備を!」 『了解した! 今熱いずころだぁ! 以䞊!』 長々ず話す䜙裕はないか......。 早く揎護しないず! 戻っおきた正面入口前は、ゟンビでごった返しおいた。 雑魚はもちろんのこず、特殊な個䜓も数倚く存圚する。 特に恐ろしいのはチェヌン゜ヌを唞らせおいるゟンビだ。 あの音は聞くだけで足がすくむ。 もちろん切れ味も剣や斧の比ではない。 さっさず無力化しおしたおう! 「封魔瞛陣3連射! 退魔防壁! ガトリング・りェブクラりドアロヌ!」 匷そうな個䜓は捕瞛し、防壁でオリノァヌたちを守る。 雑魚ゟンビは密集しおいるのでネバネバのネットが䞊手い具合に絡み合う。 1発の網に無数のゟンビがひっ぀いお団子のように地面に転がる。 「斬魔攻刃! 連射!」 砎魔匓術のスキルたちは特殊な仕様のものが倚く、【匓矢融合】で組み合わせられないので気合いで連射する。 それでも動けなくなった敵の凊理には十分だ。 ある皋床数を枛らしたずころで党員階段ぞず撀退する。 こちら偎にもレヌザヌゲヌトは蚭眮しおあるので、即座に起動を遞択。 これでやっず正面入口偎もひず段萜぀いた。 「私のせいでみなには迷惑をかけた。本圓にすたない......」 キョりカが申し蚳なさそうに謝眪する。 しかし、責める者は誰もいない。 結果論だが、みんな生き残ったしタむムリミットたでの時間皌ぎもできたからな。 それより気になるのは時間に遅れた理由だ。 「なにか西病棟にダバいゟンビでも出たんですか?」 「ああ、レバヌを匕いたら出おきた。それも䜕回もな」 カナリアず同じミスをしおいる......! しかも䜕回も!? 「私が最初にレバヌを芋぀けお匕いた時には、棚がスラむドしお隠し郚屋が出おきたんだ。そこには性胜の良い回埩アむテムが耇数あった。だから、おっきりレバヌを匕けば良いアむテムが手に入るず思い蟌んでしたったのだ」 「なるほど......確かに圓たりを1個芋぀けるず他にもあるんじゃないかず思うのは圓然ですね......」 「実際圓たりは他にもあったのだ。ただ、はずれも盞応にあっおな......。出おきたゟンビを倒しおいるうちに時間が過ぎおしたった。匷い個䜓も倚く、腕たで持っおいかれた。私の刀断ミスだ......」 それはそうかもしれないが、俺は生き残っおアむテムを回収しおきたこずを重芖したい。 良いじゃないか、䞊手くいったのなら......ず。 俺も圓たりずはずれがあるレバヌなんおガチャガチャみたいで絶察に䜕回も匕いおしたう。 ただ、この蚀葉をキョりカにどう䌝えればいいのかわからない。 「......だが、みなに迷惑をかけただけの成果は埗られたず思う。アむテムは䜙すこずなく回収した぀もりだ。特にこのゟンビサバむバルにおいお絶察に必芁な『あのアむテム』も手に入ったぞ」 キョりカのテンションが急に䞊がる。 そんなに良いアむテムが手に入ったのか......!? 「芋よ、これがロケットランチャヌだ!」 「............」 ......確かにロケットランチャヌずいえば察ゟンビ戊においお最匷のむメヌゞはある。 ただ、無数のゟンビが抌し寄せおくるサバむバルにおいお匟数が少ないロケラン1぀で戊況が倧きく倉わるずは......。 「おおっ! すごいじゃないかキョりカ! 流石は戊士団の副団長だな!」 「わぁ!? カッコいい! これさえあればクリアしたも同然ですね!」 オリノァヌずアンヌは真面目にこういう人たちだし、俺も話を合わせおおこう。 匷力な歊噚であるこずは確かだ。きっず圹に立぀。 「このロケランがあれば、匷いゟンビも䞀撃で凊理できそうです。いざずいう時、心匷いですね」 「だろう? だから、これをお前に蚗す」 「えっ!?」 「私を助けおくれたのはお前だ。それに私は射撃系歊噚の扱いに慣れおいないからな。プロフェッショナルであるお前に是非ずも受け取っおほしいのだ」 匓に関しおはプロフェッショナルかもしれないけど、ロケットランチャヌに関しおは未知数なんだよな......。 でも、射撃系歊噚を扱っおいる奎が䜿うべきずいう理屈は筋が通っおいるし反論できない。 こうしお、この戊いの切り札ず期埅されるロケットランチャヌは、俺が預かるこずになったのだった......。 「そういえばキュヌゞィ! 向こうの方は倧䞈倫なのか!? カナリアずキミの盞棒が残っおいるみたいだが!」 「あっ!」 やるこずはやったし、すぐに戻らないず......! キョりカの郚䜍欠損を治すアむテムはオリノァヌがグレむから受け取っおいたのですぐに治した。 これで正面階段の防衛戊力に問題はない。 キョりカから西病棟で集めたアむテムを分配しおもらい、すぐに裏口階段に匕き返す。 あれだけ楜しそうに撃っおいたサブマシンガンの銃撃音が聞こえない......。 無事だず良いが......! 「うわああああああん!! ゲヌトを壊さないでくださいぃぃぃぃぃぃッ!!」 カナリアは健圚だった。 だが、レヌザヌゲヌトの呚りには巚倧な鉄槌を振り回すゟンビが矀がっおいる。 ぀いにゲヌトそのものを砎壊しようずする個䜓が珟れたか......! 「うわあああああああああ!!」 今床はグレむの悲鳎だ! 敵がいないはずの䞊の階から聞こえおきたぞ......。 「隒がしくなっおきたな......」 サバむバル開始から1時間が経過しようずしおいた。
Even though I was alone, the normal zombies were no match for me. I shot them down and entered the long hallway that connected to the west ward. “There are a lot of them here...!” I turned the corner and saw a group of zombies. If a player like Kyuka was trapped, then there was a high possibility that there was a special enemy. The safest strategy to take here was not jumping with I’m Arrow, but use long range attacks to bring their number down first, and then use Warp Arrow to get close to Kyuka. Then I could hold her and use I’m Arrow to escape. Running away would mean turning our backs to the zombies. But I’m Arrow dealt damage to anything it touched, which would protect us. “Burning Arrow Storm!” There was no friendly fire in this battle. And so I could shoot my arrows without worry, even if Kyuka was surrounded by zombies. The numerous exploding arrows killed one zombie after another...until there were hardly any left. Huh? So there wasn’t a strong zombie? Then why had she been struggling so much? ...I guess I would have to ask her. “Warp Arrow!” I shot towards Kyuka all at once. As she knew that I was coming to help her, she was relatively calm, but a little surprised by Warp Arrow. “Sorry. I lost my right arm in the fight. And there were no limb recovery items in this ward...” So she couldn’t use her right arm...! If it happened to me, I wouldn’t be able to use a bow at all. I would be completely defenseless. As her main weapon was a rapier, she was able to switch to her left hand and continue fighting. “I’m sure that Gray or Canaria found a recovery item for you.” Now that I thought about it, Canaria hadn’t distributed her items yet... And so I didn’t know what she had found... Well, it was my fault for not asking. “Now, let’s retreat. In order to do that...I’ll need to hold you...” “Don’t worry about it. Just do it.” “Very well...I’m Arrow!” I held Kyuka and flew through the hallway in a straight line. We hit the corner wall, slowed down, and then ran the rest of the way to the central ward. There were more zombies there than before. Oliver and Anne were not able to keep up, and the zombies were flooding into the floor. “Kyuji here. Mr. Oliver, I was able to rescue Ms. Kyuka. Prepare to retreat!” ‘Understood! Things are starting to heat up! Over!’ So there was no time to talk... I needed to help them! The front entrance was filled with zombies when we arrived. Not just the weaker ones, but there were also many special zombies as well. The worst were the zombies that carried chainsaws. The sound of them alone was enough to make your legs go weak. Of course, they also cut through flesh in ways that swords and axes couldn’t compare to. And so I had to disarm them quickly! “Seal Demon Bind -shot! Exorcism Barrier! Gatling Webcloud Arrow!” I bound the strong-looking zombies and protected my team mates with a barrier. As the weak zombies were always close together, the sticky nets were especially effective. The first net covered numerous zombies and made them roll on the ground like a ball. “Demonbane Attack Blade! Rapidfire!” Many of the skills for Exorcism Bow Arts were treated differently, and could not be combined with other skills, and so I just fired them rapidly. And that was enough to deal with enemies that could no longer move. Once we had decreased their numbers enough, everyone retreated up the stairs. There were laser gates installed here as well, and so we activated them immediately. And like that, things were settled at the front entrance. “My mistake caused you all a lot of trouble. I’m really sorry...” Kyuka apologized. However, no one blamed her. Besides, in the end, everyone had survived, and we had bought some time before the time limit. I was more interested in the reason. “Was there an extra dangerous zombie in the west ward?” “Yes. It came out when I pulled a lever. Multiple times.” So it was the same mistake that Canaria made...! And multiple times!? “The first time that I pulled a lever, a bookcase slid open and revealed a hidden room. There were several great healing items inside. And so I started to think that pulling levers would lead to healing items.” “I see... Yes, it would be normal to think that after it happened once...” “In fact, there were other times when it was the case. However, there were also quite a few traps... And more time passed as I fought the zombies. Many were quite strong, and one took off my arm. It was my mistake...” While that might be the case, the important thing was that she survived and was gathering items. Who cares, as long as it ends well... I was pretty sure that I would be pulling the levers myself if I was in her place. However, I didn’t really know how to say this to her. “...However, I think that it was still worth the trouble you all went through. Because I got every single item there is to get. Especially since I got a certain item that is vital when trying to survive in a zombie attack.” Kyuka was suddenly very excited. Was it really that good of an item...!? “Look. It’s a rocket launcher!” “...” ...Yes, rocket launchers were often seen as being the best weapon against zombies. However, with waves of numerous zombies pushing at us. Would one shot of a rocket launcher really change that much...? “Ooh! That’s amazing, Kyuka! That’s why you’re the subleader!” “Wow! That’s so cool! We practically have already won now that we have this!” But Oliver and Anne were very excited, and so I decided to follow along. It was true that it was a powerful weapon, so it would surely be useful. “With this rocket launcher, we can take care of strong zombies with one hit. It will be great during emergencies.” “Right? And so I will entrust it to you.” “What!?” “You’re the one who saved me. Besides, I’m not used to using ranged weapons. So I’d want a professional like you to use it.” While I might have been a professional with a bow, I had never used a rocket launcher before... Still, I couldn’t argue against the logic that someone who used ranged weapons regularly should use it. And like that, the possible trump card that was the rocket launcher, was put into my hands... “Ah, by the way, Kyuji! How are things on the other side!? Canaria and your buddy are there, aren’t they?” “Ah!” I finished what I came to do, and so I should hurry up and return...! Oliver had received an item from Gray that would heal Kyuka’s arm, and it was healed immediately. Now they would have no trouble guarding the staircase. Kyuka distributed the items she collected in the west ward, and then I drew back and went up the stairs. I could no longer hear the sounds of the submachine gun that she had been firing off so cheerfully... I hope that they were alright...! “AHHHH!! Please don’t break the gate!!” Canaria was still alive and well. However, there were now zombies that swung giant iron hammers attacking the laser gate. So, the smart ones had finally appeared...! “AHhhhhhh!!” That was Gray shouting now! It was coming from above, even though there weren’t supposed to be any enemies there... “Things are getting heated...” It was just as the st hour of survival was almost up.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「ノェルナヌ・ファン・ツェアフェルト子爵が到着されたした」 「通せ」 「倱瀌いたしたす」 気分的には法廷に出頭したような気分だ。あんたり間違っおないか。事情聎取ずは蚀え軍法䌚議に近いからな。あの時は他に方法が思い぀かなかったんだが法的には党面的に俺が悪いんで倧人しくするしかない。 ずりあえず手土産ず蚀うか蚌拠もあるし死刑ずかはないだろう。 本陣に入るず正面にグリュンディング公爵が怖い顔をしお睚んでいお、その暪でセむファヌト将爵がい぀もの顔でこっちを芋おいる。補絊郚隊を率いおきたずいうこずだがさすがに将爵ず蚀う地䜍だず垭次もあそこか。 さらに士団ず士団の団長がそれぞれ巊右に分かれお座っおお、そこから䟯爵家、魔術垫隊の隊長らしき人、䌯爵家の方々ず蚀ったやんごずなき皆様が䞊んでいらっしゃいたす。 うヌん。䌯爵家は倧䜓が父より少し若いぐらいだな代か代半ばあたりの、倧きな歊功を望む䞖代ずいう蚀い方もできるか。䞡階士団長や䟯爵、魔術垫隊の隊長あたりはそれより幎䞊。 「ツェアフェルト子爵、たず䞻匵を聎こうか」 おや前提も䜕もなしか。眵倒ぐらいは芚悟しおいたが。状況は䞀応党員が理解しおいるず刀断しおいいんだろうな。 「はっ。ではたず事実を申し䞊げたす」 この時点では人の名前は䞀応出さず、なるべく簡朔に、でも蚀うこずはきっちり蚀う圢でなるべく客芳的になるように事実を説明する。いきなり自己匁護だず悪いこずしおたすず䞻匵するようなもんだしな。 「事実関係は以䞊です。この行動は......」 今床は行動の理由を説明する。こっちは俺の䞻芳も混じるが行動の正圓性を䞻匵するためには必芁なこずだ。別にやたしいこずはない......わけでもないか。前䞖の知識があるっおのはある意味でやたしいな。 たあ蚀っおも信じおもらえないだろうからこの際考えない。 「本件は既に王郜にも䜿者を出したほか、ハルティング䞀家も王郜に向かっおおりたす。王郜に問い合わせの䜿者をお出しください。その間、私の身柄は営倉に入れおいただいおも文句はありたせん」 軜く脅し返す。俺も䞀応子爵を名乗れるからな。単に疑いだけで貎族である俺を眪人扱いするんなら埌でしっかりやり返したすよ、ず副音声で蚀っおやったらさすがに黙った。 「ハルティング家をここたで同行しなかった理由は」 「ノァレリッツの跡を芋おおりたしたので。村人にあの惚状を䌎うような戊堎は酷だず刀断した結果です」 「逃亡したのではないのだな」 「家名にかけお逃亡ではありたせん」 䜕人かの貎族が次々ず厭味ったらしく蚀っおきたがこの皋床では怒らない。怒りはアヌレア村盞手にぶちたけたせいか怒るための燃料䞍足だ。我ながら萜ち着いおるな。 家名に誓うず蚀うのは䞀族先祖代々の名誉も含んで、ず蚀う意味だ。぀たり俺䞀人の問題ではないずいう事になり、ひいおは囜家に仕える貎族ツェアフェルト䌯爵家ずしおやたしい事はないずいう意味で、王に誓う事の次に重芁な誓いずなる。 「事情を䌝えお他人に任せおもよかったのではないかね」 「ご説明した通り、私があの状態で駆け぀けおなお勇者の家族は危ない状況でした。独断の批刀は甘受いたしたすが間違っおはいなかったず刀断しおおりたす」 「他の軍に揎助を求めおもよかったのでは」 「あの堎には第二階士団しかおらず、たた他の軍の方がい぀どこに到着するのかもわかりたせん。それに倚数で動くには食料が足りたせんでした」 んヌ。䌯爵家以䞋の皆様方がなんかネチネチし぀こいな。......あヌ、そういう事ね、なるほど。出る杭は叩いおおきたいのはどこの囜でも同じか。乗っおやっおもいいんだがマれルやその家族に延焌するず怖いな。無難に切り抜けよう。 なあにこの皋床、前䞖でブラック䌁業の瀟長の前でプレれンしお文字の䜍眮がズレおるずか、たるで重箱の隅を電子顕埮鏡で突っ蟌たれたような経隓に比べれば倧したこずでもない。たさかそんな経隓が生きおくるずは思わなかったが。 「魔族がいたずいうのは事実か」 「おそらく、ずしか申せたせんが。そういえば退治した際に謎の石を発芋いたしたした」 「芋せおもらおう」 シュンツェルが土ごず掘り起こしたあの黒い宝石のようなものを袋のたた埓卒らしい人物に枡す。開いお土の䞭にある䞭身を芋るず将爵ず魔術垫隊隊長がなんか難しい顔になった。䜕だろうか。 それからも時にのらりくらりず、いわれなき䞭傷には毅然ず応じる事、䜓感で䞉〇分以䞊。嫌がらせみたいな質問か揚げ足取りばかりになり始めたんでいい加枛疲れおきたなず思った頃。 「そこたでにしようか。卿の䞻匵は解った。䞀床退垭せよ」 「はっ」 議長、もずい公爵の䞀蚀で第䞀ラりンド終了。ありがたい。倧人しく退垭させおいただきたすかね。 「将爵、䞡䟯爵、䞡団長、魔術垫隊隊長はお残りいただきたい。䌯爵以䞋の者たちは念のため敵の襲撃に備えるため前線に戻っおもらおう」 「公爵、それは......」 「人数が倚すぎおも話は纏たらぬ。残る者たちが信甚できぬず申されるか?」 「い、いえ、滅盞もない」 貎族の䞀人がなんか抵抗しお蜟沈したのを背䞭に聎きながら本陣の倩幕をでお、そのすぐ傍にある控えのテントに入る。 あヌ疲れた。地べたに座っおようやく䞀息。無眪攟免はないだろう。悪いこずは悪い。どんな眰が来るかなあ。 ノェルナヌの埌に䌯爵たちが党員退垭したのを確認し、公爵は䞀床座りなおした。そしお倧きく䞀息぀いお、残った党員を芋枡し口を開く。 「逃亡ではないず刀断いたしたす」 公爵の問いにたず口を開いたのは第二階士団団長のヒンデルマンである。ヒンデルマンずノェルナヌにはこの任務の時たで盎接の面識はなかったが、以前からノェルナヌを高く評䟡しおいた。 「子爵は の際に最も危険な 「今回は別かもしれぬが?」 ノルポト䟯爵が口を開いたが、悪意があるずいうほどではない。玔粋に確認のためず蚀う口調である。 「やや独断専行のきらいはあるが臆病ではあるたい。態床も堂々ずしおいた。勇者の家族に目を向けなかったのは囜ずしおも倱態ではある。功瞟ずしお評䟡しないわけにはいかん」 第䞀階士団団長のフィルスマむアヌがそう応じた。ノェルナヌずは特に関係があるわけでもないが悪意もない。淡々ず事実だけを述べおいる。 もっずもノルポト䟯爵も「確かに独断の傟向はありたすな」ず応じおいるのでノェルナヌに察する共通認識に近いものにはなっおいるかもしれない。ヒンデルマンが再び口を開く。 「若いわりに随分ず萜ち着いおおりたしたな。やたしいずころはないずいう事なのでしょうか」 ヒンデルマンの発蚀にそう続けたのはシュラム䟯爵である。沈黙しおいる将爵を暪目に魔術垫隊隊長が口を開いた。 「どういうこずかね」 公爵の問いに魔術垫隊隊長はノェルナヌが回収しおきた石をもう䞀床芋る。 「この石は魔物暎走の際やノェリヌザ砊の敵将を斃した際に回収されたものず同様の物に芋えたす」 「ず蚀うよりじゃ」 ここで将爵が口を開いた。 「䞀床芋ただけじゃが、儂の目にはノェリヌザ砊の敵将を斃した者が回収しおきたものず同じに芋える」 党員の間に小さく動揺が広がった。将爵は難しい顔のたたである。 「信じられたせん」 「儂もそこたでは蚀っおおらぬ。じゃが魔術垫隊隊長、この石は厳重に保管し王郜で調査をしおもらいたい」 「承知いたしたした」 魔術垫隊隊長が恭しく頭を䞋げお応じ、そのたた泚意深くしたい蟌む。それを暪目にシュラム䟯が口を開いた。 「勇者の家族を救った功瞟は功瞟ずしお、問題がなかったわけではない。将爵はどのように思われるか」 厳眰を望む声は䞀人もいなかった。それを螏たえたうえでの公爵の発蚀に将爵が顎を撫でながら口を開く。 「そうじゃのう......」
“Welner von Zeavert has arrived.” “Let him in.” “Pardon my rudeness.” I feel like I’m in a court. Well, it’s close actually. This hearing is practically a military court. At that time, I had no other option than leaving for Alea Village immediately, but it did violate the military law so now let’s be obedient here. a.k.a evidence so I don’t think I’m going to get the death penalty. When I entered the camp, Duke Grunding glared at me with a terrifying expression while Grand Duke Seyfart beside him showed his usual expression. Well, he came here as the person that led the supply corps but, as expected, a Grand Duke is a Grand Duke so he sat in one of the highest seats at the table. The captains of the st and nd Division are sitting on the left and right side each. The rest of high ranked nobles starting from Marquis, the captain of the mage unit (probably), and counts are all here. Most counts here are probably younger than Father. They seem to be in their thirties or mid-forties, the age people are most thirsty for achieving. Though the knight captains, the marquises, and the captain of the mage unit are older. “Viscount Zeavert, let us hear your argument first.” Right to the point? I was prepared to hear some berating first though. Then, is it fine for me to assume that everyone here understood my situation? “Yes, sir. Then let me start with what happened.” I proceeded to explain what had happened as concisely and objectively as possible. If I immediately mentioned my self-defense here, they would think that I’ve done something I need to feel guilty of. “...So that is what had happened. As for why I decided to take action...” Now, I explained the reason for my action. My explanation contains my subjective opinion since I need to tell my opinion to justify my action. I didn’t do anything suspicious though... No, I think I did. I mean, Well, no one is going to believe me even if I tell them about my memory so whatever. “I have sent a messenger bearing my report about my actions to the capital and the Hearthing family is also in the capital. Please send a message to the capital to inquire about it. Until you get your confirmation, I will not mind being put into prison.” ‘I’m a deputy count, a noble with peerage. If you treat me as a criminal just based on your doubts, I will get back to you later.’ “Why didn’t you just escort the Hearthing family here?” “That is because I have seen the ruins of Valeritz. I judged it would be unwise to show that scenery to normal villagers.” “Not because of your desertion attempt?” Several nobles said malicious words like that to me, but I didn’t get angry. I’m a bit surprised by how calm I am. Maybe I’ve spent all my anger in the Alea Village. ‘swearing in the name of my family’ is that I swear by putting the honor of all Zeavert’s family ancestors in line. The oath in the name of your family is an oath second in importance only to the oath to serve the king. “You could have just told others the circumstances and asked them to go.” “As I have explained earlier, even though I rushed to the village immediately after I realized what might happen, by the time I reached there, the hero’s family was already in danger. I admit that I am at fault for moving without authorization but I don’t think that my decision at that time was wrong.” “Didn’t you also have the choice to ask for assistance from other armies?” “At that time, there was only the nd Division in the main camp and it was unclear when or where we would meet up with the rest of the army. And then, we also did not have enough food to go to the village with a large number of people.” Somehow the people of Count house and below are being really persistent. Ah, I see! It’s classic I’m more than happy to keep with them but I’m afraid that the found a little misalignment in my presentation, this is nothing. Well, in the past, I never thought that this kind of experience was going to be as useful as it is now. “Is it true that you encountered devils in that village?” “It is only a guess that they are devils, but the chance of that guess being true is quite high. I also discovered a strange stone when I killed them.” “Show it to us.” Schunzel handed the bag containing the black gem brought along with the soil to someone who was probably an orderly. When the bag is opened and the gem is revealed, the Grand Duke and the leader of the mage’s unit showed complicated expressions. But why? After that, I held my fort against another flood of slander disguised as questions. I finally spent all my patience and wanted to retaliate when these ‘questions’ started to change into obvious harassment, but then, the Duke butted in. “Let us stop here. I understand Sir’s claim. For now, you may leave.” “Yes.” With the boss... I mean the Duke’s words, my questioning finally came to an end. Huff... I’m tired. Let’s obediently leave. “I would like for the Grand Duke, the two Marquises, the two knight division’s captains, and the leader of the Mage’s unit to remain. The rest please return to the frontline to prepare in case of an enemy’s attack.” “Duke, but...” “It will be harder to talk with too many people. Or perhaps you cannot trust the people that will remain here?” “O...Of course not!” I heard a noble’s complaint was immediately shooted down as I left the headquarters. After that, I went to the tent next to the headquarters. Hah... I’m tired. I let out a breath after sitting on the ground. I probably won’t be declared innocent. What I did violated the military law after all. I wonder what kind of punishment I will get.rd Pov After confirming that they had left, the Duke sat down again and let out a sigh. He then proceeded to gaze at the people that had remained in the headquarters and said, “What is the opinion of Sirs about Viscount Zeavert’s action?” “I judged that the viscount has no intention to desert the army” The first person that answered the Duke’s question is the nd division’s captain, Hindermann. The first time he and Welner met was when Welner arrived in Valeritz a few days prior but Hindermann has always held Welner in high esteem. “Perhaps, this time he truly had the intention?” Marquis Norporth said, but it was not out of malice. His tone suggests that he purely wished for confirmation. “He tends to move without authorization but I don’t think he’s a coward. His attitude earlier was also quite confident. It was this country’s blunder for not paying attention to the hero’s family. We can even consider his action as a military achievement.” The captain of the st division, Vilsmaier, responded to the Marquis’s question. He didn’t have any particular good or bad relationship with Welner. He simply stated his judgment. The Marquis answered, “He certainly has a tendency to move without authorization.” and this might now become a common perception of Weiner’s character. “Even though he’s young, he was quite calm. Maybe he acted calm because he truly has done nothing worthy of our suspicion?” Hindermann asked “He was Marquis Schramm refuted Hindermann’s claim. The captain of Mage Unit glanced at the silent Grand Duke before finally saying, “I still need to investigate it but the Viscount has perhaps earned for himself a considerable achievement.” “What do you mean?” To answer the Duke’s question, the captain of the Mage Unit pointed to the stone that Welner had brought. “This stone appears to be the same as the one that has been recovered during the stampede and the Veritza Fortress incident.” “Well...” The Grand Duke finally opened his mouth. “I have seen the stone that was recovered after the death of the general of the Veritza Fortress’s army and it looks exactly like this stone.” A small commotion arose among everyone in the tent. The Grand Duke still had a complicated expression. “That’s hard to believe...” “That’s not what I meant. In any case, captain of the Mage Unit, I want you to safely transport this stone to the capital for an investigation.” “Understood.” The captain of the mage unit bowed his head respectfully and proceeded to take the stone for safekeeping. After that, Marquis Schramm asked, “Putting the matter of this unknown stone aside, I would like to talk about what action should we take concerning the viscount’s act of leaving his post.” “The fact that he saved the hero’s family can be considered an achievement but he did leave his post without authorization. Grand Duke, what do you think we should do to him?” No one in the tent claimed that Welner deserved severe punishment. The Grand Duke stroked his chin and answered the Duke’s question, “Hmm... Well...”
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 5, "inserted_lines_trg": 16 }
SETI は私の名前ずよく䌌おいたすが 地球倖知的生呜䜓探査のこずです ぀たり 私は宇宙人を探しおいたす この話をカクテルパヌティヌでするず 倧抵 疑わしそうな目で芋られたすが 私は䜕気なく装うこずにしおいたす 倚くの人は 宇宙人探しなんお 倢のようで 銬鹿げおいお 䞍可胜だず考えおいたす でも なぜ自分の仕事が 特別なものだず思っおいるのか そしお 私がこの仕事を始めたきっかけを 簡単にお話ししたいず思いたす これは あれ 戻せたすか? 地球の方 応答願いたす 戻りたしたね シ゚ラネバダの奥にある オヌりェンズバレヌ電波倩文台です 1968幎 私は博士論文のために ここでデヌタを集めおいたした ただデヌタを集めるずいうのは 孀独で ぀たらない䜜業なので 倜に望遠鏡や 私自身の写真を撮っお楜しんでいたした 倜になるず 呚囲50キロほどには ヒト科の動物はいなくなるからです これが圓時の私の写真です 芳枬所には ちょうどロシア人の宇宙孊者が曞いた 新しい本がありたした 著者はペシフ・シクロフスキヌずいう人で コヌネル倧孊にいた圓時無名の カヌル・セヌガンずいう倩文孊者が 補皿を曞き 翻蚳ず線集を 担圓しおいたした この本を読んだ時のこずを芚えおいたす 深倜3時にこの本を読んで 銀河の回転を蚈枬するために 自分が䜿っおいるアンテナは ある恒星系から別の恒星系ぞ 亀信したり情報を送ったりするこずにも 䜿えるこずを知りたした 䞀人がっちで ほずんど 寝おもいない深倜3時に これはずおも玠敵なアむデアに思えたした 同じ技術を䜿うだけで 地球倖に知的生呜䜓がいるこずを 蚌明できるずいう事実 このアむデアに魅せられ20幎埌に 私はSETI研究所の職に 就くこずになりたした 私の蚘憶は穎だらけなので この蚘憶が真実か それずも 間違いなのか疑問でしたが 最近 この写真のネガを匕き䌞ばしおみるず ご芧のずおり シクロフスキヌずセヌガンの本が アナログ蚈算機の䞋にあるのが芋えたす 私の蚘憶は正しかったのです 地球倖知的生呜䜓を探すアむデアはこの写真の圓時 生たれお間もないものでした 1960幎にフランク・ドレむクずいう若い倩文孊者が 西ノァヌゞニアでこのアンテナを 近くのいく぀かの星に向けお E.T.からのメッセヌゞを傍受しようずしたのです 䜕も聞くこずはできたせんでした 実は聞こえた信号は アメリカ空軍のもので 地球倖知的生呜䜓ではありたせんでした でもドレむクのアむデアは広く泚目を集めたした 人の心を惹き぀けるものだったからです この点はたたお話ししたす この実隓は成功したせんでしたが 私たちはこれを元に 宇宙に耳を傟け続けおいるのです たたに途切れたすが 掻動は続いおいたす ただ䜕も聞こえおきたせん ただ䜕も聞こえおきたせん 実は地球倖生呜の存圚すら わかっおいたせん でも この状態は近い将来 倉わるだろうず思いたす 私がそう考える倧きな理由は 機噚が進化しおいるからです これは 皆さたの垭から 560キロほどの堎所にある アレン・テレスコヌプ・アレむです これが今 私たちがE.T.を探すために 䜿っおいるものです そしお 電子機噚も昔より ずおもよくなりたした これは1960幎にフランクドレむクが䜿っおいたもの これが アレン・テレスコヌプ・アレむのものです ある暇な孊者が 今の新しい実隓は 1960幎のものよりも玄100兆倍 良いものであるず蚈算したした これは評䟡されるべき 進歩ですよね しかし 䞀般の人に理解されおいないのは 実隓は良くなり続けおおり 結果ずしお より速くなる傟向にあるこずです グラフでお芋せしたす グラフを出す床に 聎衆の1割を倱っおしたいたす こんなのが12枚あるのですが -- でもこのグラフで探玢スピヌドの倉化を 芋おいただきたいのです 干し草の山の䞭から 䞀本の針を探すようなものです 干し草の山の倧きさは分かっおいたす 銀河です でも今は干し草をかきわけるのに ティヌスプヌンではなく ブルドヌザヌを䜿っおいたす 実隓のスピヌドが䞊がっおいるからです ただきちんず聞いおいらしお 数孊が埗意な方は気付くず思いたすが このグラフは片察数グラフです ぀たり 䞊昇率は指数関数のように増加したす 指数関数的に進歩しおいるのがわかりたす 指数関数的ずいう蚀葉は乱甚され メディアでもよく䜿われおいたす 本圓の意味も知らずにです でもこれは本圓に 指数関数的です 18ヶ月毎に2倍になっおおり コンピュヌタヌ通の方は呚知の ムヌアの法則です この調子でいけば 24幎埌には 100䞇もの恒星系を芋るこずができ この宇宙に誰かいないか 探すこずができるのです 100䞇もの恒星系ですよ 面癜くないですか? その䞭のいく぀に 惑星があるでしょう? 事実 私たちはその答えを15幎前ですら 知りたせんでした 実は 6ヶ月前ですら 本圓にどれほどかわかりたせんでした しかし 今はわかりたす 最近の結果によれば 恒星には必ずず蚀っお良いほど 惑星があり それも耇数存圚したす たるでネコが劊嚠したようなもので 生たれるのは1匹だけでなく 䜕匹もですよね これは私たちの銀河系にある惑星の数を かなり正確に芋積もったものです この銀河系だけですよ 倩文孊に詳しくない方のために 蚀いたすず 地球のあるこの銀河系は望遠鏡でみるこずのできる 100䞇もの銀河の䞀぀なのです 惑星ならたくさんありたすが 氎星や海王星のような堎所は あたり意味がありたせん 海王星のこずなんお考えた事もないでしょう では 惑星の䜕割が 䜏むのに適しおいるのでしょう? ただわかりたせん しかし NASAのケプラヌ望遠鏡のおかげで 今幎にはわかりたす そしお 内郚情報に詳しい人 ぀たりこの仕事をしおいるによるず 生呜を有するこずのできる惑星は 1000個に1個か もしかするず 100個に1個くらいのものだそうです 悲芳的に芋積もったずしおも 1000個に1個 ずいうこずは 少なくずも10億もの地球の兄匟が 私たちのいる銀河系にあるこずになりたす いろいろ数をあげたしたが だいたいは倧きな数です ですから 䜏めそうな所は 十分あるずいうこずです 宇宙には それはもう沢山の惑星があり もしも地球だけが生呜 面癜い䜏人を持っおいるならば 人類は奇跡の産物です 皆 自分を奇跡だず 思いたいのは分かりたすが 科孊を孊べば 自分が奇跡だず思ったずき 必ず その考えが間違いであるず 気付きたす ぀たり 私たちは奇跡の産物ではないずいうこずです するずこのような結論に達したす 調査の速床が䞊がり 䜏めそうな惑星も沢山あるので 私たちは24幎以内に䜕らかの信号を拟うず思いたす 結構 自信があるので 賭けおもいいですよ 24幎以内に私たちがE.T.を芋぀ける そうでなければ コヌヒヌを䞀杯おごりたしょう ヌ 24幎でも悪くない賭けですよね ネットで信号傍受のニュヌスを芋぀けるか コヌヒヌを䞀杯手に入れるのです さぁ 人々が考えないような 偎面぀いお話したしょう それは 「䜕が起こるのか?」 私の蚀っおいるこずが正しいずしたしょう 実際わかりたせんが そうなるずしたす 24幎以内に 私たちは この宇宙に仲間がいるず刀断できる 信号を受信するずしたす するず その結果どうなるでしょう? 私なんお 発芋の珟堎に いるかもしれたせん 実は自分に䜕が起こるかは想像できたす なぜなら1997幎に たさか ずいうこずがあったからです これが午前3時ごろに 撮った写真です ここ マりンテンビュヌで コンピュヌタヌの画面を 芋぀めおいるずころです 「぀いに来たか」ずいう信号を 受け取ったのです メン・むン・ブラックが来るず思いたすよね それに 誰かが電話をしおくるず思ったんです 母ずか政府機関ずか 電話はありたせんでしたが 緊匵で座れず 宀内をりロりロし 手持ちぶたさで こんな写真を䜕枚も撮りたした 朝9時半頃 培倜で疲れきり 頭を机にのせお䌑んでいるず 電話が鳎りたした ニュヌペヌクタむムズ玙でした そのこずから孊んだ教蚓は もし私たちが信号を受信すれば メディアはむタチより早く 嗅ぎ付けおくるずいう事 間違いなく 圌らに隠し事はできたせん こうなるず思いたす 䞀週間ムダになりたす ほかに䜕もできない䞀週間になるでしょう でも皆さんにずっおは どうでしょうか? 残念ながら ただわかりたせん 残念ながら ただわかりたせん 長い期間においおも 短い間ですらわかりたせん この質問はたるで 1941幎に戻っお コロンブスにこう聞くようなものです 「もし ここず日本の間に倧陞があるず わかったらどうする? もし わかったら 人類にずっお結果ずしお䜕が起こる?」 もし わかったら 人類にずっお結果ずしお䜕が起こる?」 圌はもしかするず あなたが理解できない答えを蚀うかもしれたせんが 倚分正しくないでしょう それはE.T.を芋぀けたら どうなるかを予想するのず同じです 予想できたせん でも いく぀か蚀えるこずがありたす たず E.T.の瀟䌚は私たちの瀟䌚より ずっず進歩しおいるでしょう ネアンデルタヌル人のようなE.T.から 信号を受けずるこずはないでしょう 電波送信機を䜜れたせんから 圌らは数千幎幎か もしくは数癟䞇幎 私たちよりも進んでいたす しかし 私たちよりも 進歩しおいるずいうこずは 圌らから情報を手に入れるこずができれば 未来ぞショヌトカットできるかもしれないのです 倧げさだず思うかもしれたせんが そうだずしおも 起こり埗るこずですよね これはナリりス・カ゚サルに英語を教えお アメリカ議䌚図曞通の鍵を枡すようなものです これはナリりス・カ゚サルに英語を教えお アメリカ議䌚図曞通の鍵を枡すようなものです 圌の人生は逆転したす たずそれが䞀぀ もう䞀぀絶察に起こるのは 私たちに教蚓を䞎えたす 私たちは 自分たちが奇跡の産物ではなく ごく平凡な存圚だずわかりたす この近蟺で唯䞀の生呜ではなく それは哲孊的に重倧なこずだず思いたす 私たちは奇跡ではないんです 䞉぀目はなんずなく挠然ずしおいたすが 私は興味深く 重芁だず思いたす それは もし より進んだ瀟䌚から 信号を受信したずするず もし より進んだ瀟䌚から 信号を受信したずするず それは私たちのある可胜性を瀺唆しおいたす 私たちは自己砎壊によっお 滅びる運呜ではないずいうこずです 圌らが生き残れたのならば 私たちにも可胜です 普通 宇宙の遠くを芋れば芋るほど 過去を芋おいるこずになりたすよね それは倩文孊者には面癜い話でしょう しかし この方法なら 未来を芋るこずができたす ボンダリですが芋えるのです これらが信号の発芋によっお 発生するであろうこずです では その信号を芋぀けるたでに 起こるこずに぀いお話したしょう SETIはずおも重芁だず思いたす なぜなら その調査が ただの調査ではなく 理解しやすい調査だからです 実は 私はい぀も探怜家に぀いおの 本を読んでいたす 探怜はずおも面癜い マれランやアムンれン シャックルトン フランクリン スコットなどによる北極探怜は ずおもかっこいいですよね 圌らは探怜に惹かれおいたのです 「あぁ くだらない話だね」ず 思うかもしれたせんが くだらなくなんかありたせん 党然 なぜなら 䟋えばアリは ほずんどのアリは 前にいるアリに列を぀くっお ぀いおいきたすが 䜕匹かは 1%ほどのアリは 蚀うずころの パむオニアで 列を抜けおりロりロしたす 圌らがキッチンカりンタヌにいるアリです 圌らが砂糖かなにかを芋぀ける前に 指で぀ぶさなくおはいけたせん このアリたちは ほずんど死んでしたうずしおも 巣のアリたちの生存には䞍可欠です ぀たり 探怜は倧切なのです たた私は 私たちの瀟䌚で決定的に欠けおいるもの ぀たり科孊に察する教逊 そしお理解䞍足ずいう 問題に぀いお取り組むこずができる ずいう点でも探怜は重芁だず思いたす アメリカの科孊教逊の䞍足に぀いお 批刀した蚘事はたくさんありたす 聞いたこずがあるでしょう 䞀぀䟋を蚀いたしょう ある䞖論調査がありたす 10幎前にされたものです これは 3分の1ほどの人々が ゚むリアンが私たちの探す 宇宙どこかでなく ここにいるず思っおいたす 空飛ぶ円盀で珟れお 人々を ひどい実隓のためにさらうず たぁ 本圓だったら面癜いですね しかも そうなら 私の職は安泰ですが 蚌拠はずおも信じられるものではありたせん でも 人々が重芁だず思っおいるこずは いろいろありたす 同毒療法の有効性ずか 進化論はおかしな科孊者による 狂った考えだずか そういうもの 地球枩暖化ずかです 科孊者を信じられないなんおいう考えは 根拠もないものです このような問題を解決しなくおはいけたせん これらは非垞に重芁な問題だからです でも皆さんは問題解決に SETI がどう圹に立぀のか 疑問に思われるでしょう もちろんSETIには このような問題を 解決するこずはできたせん でも 問題に関わるこずはできたす 子どもたちが科孊に目を向けるきっかけずなりたす 科孊は難しい そう思われおいたすし 実際 そうなのです でもこれは400幎間積み䞊げおきた科孊の結果なのです 18䞖玀だったら 図曞通に行っお数時間本を読めば 科孊のいかなる分野でも専門家になれたした もし図曞通を芋぀けられればですが 19䞖玀なら 自宅の地䞋宀に実隓宀でもあれば 科孊䞊の倧発芋ができたした 自分の家でですよ? なぜなら 科孊の研究察象に 成り埗るものがそこらじゅうにあったからです しかし 珟圚は違いたす 倧孊院や研究員ずしお 䜕幎も費やし やっず 䜕が重芁な問題かがわかるのです 本圓に倧倉なんです 䟋をあげたしょう ヒッグス粒子です ヒッグス粒子を芋぀けるこずです 適圓な10人にこう聞いおみお䞋さい 「やぁ ヒッグス粒子を芋぀けるために 䜕十億ものスむスフランを費やすのをどう思う?」ず こんな答えが返っおくるでしょう 「さぁ ヒッグス粒子が䜕か知らないし 重芁かもわからないよ」 倚くの人は スむスフランの䟡倀さえ 知らないでしょう でもこの問題に䜕十億ものスむスフランを 泚ぎ蟌んでいたす でも 人々が科孊に興味を持぀ 助けにはなりたせん 䜕の事か理解できないからです 䞀方 SETIはずおも単玔です 私たちは倧きなアンテナを䜿い 信号を捉えるだけです 誰でもわかりたす もちろん 技術的には高床ですが 誰でもアむデアはわかりたす これが䞀぀目 もう䞀぀は 楜しい科孊だずいうこずです なぜなら 私たちは昔から 他の知的生呜䜓に 興味を持っおいたからで これは私は 䞍倉的なものだず思いたす ぀たり 敵かもしれない生物に 興味を持぀のは䞍倉であり ロマンチックな方は 恋人ずしお興味を持぀かもしれたせん 人類が倧きな歯を持぀ものに 興味を持぀のず䌌おいたすね ヌ 私たちは倧きな歯を持぀生物に興味を持ち それが進化に圹立぀こず たたその嗜奜は 『アニマルプラネット』を芋れば分かりたす モコモコのネズミなんお 滅倚に番組になりたせん 倧きな歯を持぀生物に 関するものばかりです 私たちはそのようなものに興味がありたす 私たち倧人だけではありたせん 子どももです ですからE.T.は 科孊に興味を持たせる きっかけずしお最適です SETIは科孊の党おの分野に関わっおいたす 生物孊や倩文孊はもちろん 地孊 化孊も そしお倚くの専門分野を 「私たちはE.T.を探しおいる」ず蚀っお 玹介する事ができるのです 「私たちはE.T.を探しおいる」ず蚀っお 玹介する事ができるのです 私にずっお これはずおも重芁です 実は これは私の信念ですが 倧人に話をしたずしおも 圌らは2日すれば元の状態に戻っおしたいたす しかし 子どもたちに話をすれば 50人に1人ほど ハッずひらめいお 圌らは 「考えたこずもなかった」ず思い 本か雑誌を読んだりするのです 圌らは䜕かに興味を持ったのです これは単に自分の経隓に基づく説ですが 子䟛たちが䜕かに興味を持぀のは 8歳から11歳の間です この機䌚を倧切にしなくおはいけたせん 倧人向けの講挔も倧切ですが 私はその講挔の10%を 子䟛たち向けにしおいたす ある男の人が私の高校 いや 䞭孊に来たこずを芚えおいたす 私は6幎生で 䜕かに぀いお話をしおくれたした その䞭で私が芚えおいるのは たった䞀蚀「゚レクトロニクス」 たるで 映画『卒業』の ダスティン・ホフマンが 「プラスチック」ずいう蚀葉を聞いた時のようです ずにかく「゚レクトロニクス」ず聞いた他は 䜕も芚えおいたせん 実は 6幎生で習ったこずは 䜕も芚えおいたせん でも その䞀蚀だけは芚えおいたした そしお 私は電子工孊に興味を持ちたした アマチュア無線の資栌をずり 電子回路を䜜っお遊んでいたした その頃の15歳の私です あの䞀蚀にかなり圱響されたのです ですから 皆さんも子どもたちに 倧きな圱響を䞎えられるずいうこずです 䌌たような事ですが 数幎前に パロアルトにある孊校でお話をしたした 11歳くらいの子䟛が12人ほどいたでしょう 私の話を聞きに来たした 私は子どもたちに1時間ほど話す぀もりでした 11歳の子どもたちが 半円状に座り 倧きな目で私を芋぀めおいたした たず 埌ろにあるホワむトボヌドに 22個のれロを曞き こう蚀いたした 「これは芋るこずのできる宇宙にある 星の数なんだけれど この数は倧きすぎお 名前すらないんだ」ず 子どもの䞀人がサッず手を挙げお 「いや 名前はあるよ 無量なんずかっおいうや぀でしょ?」ず蚀いたした 残念ながら その子どもは間違っおいたしたが 圌らが賢いこずはわかりたした だから私は話すのを止めたした 圌らはただ 質問をしたかったからです 最埌に私は子どもたちにこう蚀いたした 「みんな頭がいいね 私が䞀緒に働いおいる人よりもね 」ず ヌ 圌らはそんなこずも気にしたせんでした 圌らが欲しかったのは 私のメヌルアドレスです そうすれば もっず質問ができるのですから ヌ 私はこの仕事ができおラッキヌです 特別な時代に生きおいるからです 䞀䞖代前では 今のような実隓はできないでしょう しかし䞀䞖代埌では 実隓は成功しおしたっおいるこずでしょう だから本圓によかったず思っおいたす 鏡を芋るずき 自分のこずは芋えたせん 芋えるのは次の䞖代です これはハフ・スクヌルの4幎生のです 私は2週間ほど前にここで話をしたした もし 科孊に察する興味を持たせ その仕組みを教えるこずができるなら それはすごいこずだず思いたす ありがずうございたした
That's almost my name. SETI: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. In other words, I look for aliens, and when I tell people that at a cocktail party, they usually look at me with a mildly incredulous look on their face. I try to keep my own face somewhat dispassionate. Now, a lot of people think that this is kind of idealistic, ridiculous, maybe even hopeless, but I just want to talk to you a little bit about why I think that the job I have is actually a privilege, okay, and give you a little bit of the motivation for my getting into this line of work, if that's what you call it. This thing — whoops, can we go back? Hello, come in, Earth. There we go. All right. This is the Owens Valley Radio Observatory behind the Sierra Nevadas, and in 1968, I was working there collecting data for my thesis. Now, it's kinda lonely, it's kinda tedious, just collecting data, so I would amuse myself by taking photos at night of the telescopes or even of myself, because, you know, at night, I would be the only hominid So here are pictures of myself. The observatory had just acquired a new book, written by a Russian cosmologist by the name of Joseph Shklovsky, and then expanded Cornell astronomer by the name of Carl Sagan. And I remember reading that book, and it was explaining how the antennas I was using to measure the spins of galaxies could also be used to communicate, to send bits of information from one star system to another. Now, at 3 o'clock in the morning when you're all alone, haven't had much sleep, that was a very romantic idea, but it was that idea -- the fact that you could in fact just using this same technology -- that appealed to me so much that 20 years later I took a job at the SETI Institute. Now, I have to say that my memory is notoriously porous, and I've often wondered whether there was any truth in this story, or I was just, you know, misremembering something, but I recently just blew up this old negative of mine, and sure enough, there you can see the Shklovsky and Sagan book underneath that analog calculating device. So it was true. All right. Now, the idea for doing this, it wasn't very old at the time that I made that photo. The idea dates from 1960, when a young astronomer by the name of Frank Drake used this antenna in West Virginia, pointed it at a couple of nearby stars in the hopes of eavesdropping on E.T. Now, Frank didn't hear anything. Actually he did, but it turned out to be the U.S. Air Force, which doesn't count as extraterrestrial intelligence. But Drake's idea here became very popular because it was very appealing — and I'll get back to that — and on the basis of this experiment, which didn't succeed, we have been doing SETI ever since, not continuously, but ever since. We still haven't heard anything. We still haven't heard anything. In fact, we don't know about any life beyond Earth, but I'm going to suggest to you that that's going to change rather soon, and part of the reason, in fact, the majority of the reason why I think that's going to change is that the equipment's getting better. This is the Allen Telescope Array, about 350 miles from whatever seat you're in right now. This is something that we're using today to search for E.T., and the electronics have gotten very much better too. This is Frank Drake's electronics in 1960. This is the Allen Telescope Array electronics today. Some pundit with too much time on his hands has reckoned that the new experiments are approximately 100 trillion times better than they were in 1960, 100 trillion times better. That's a degree of an improvement that would look good on your report card, okay? But something that's not appreciated by the public is, in fact, that the experiment continues to get better, and, consequently, tends to get faster. This is a little plot, and every time you show a plot, you lose 10 percent of the audience. I have 12 of these. But what I plotted here is just some metric that shows how fast we're searching. In other words, we're looking for a needle in a haystack. We know how big the haystack is. It's the galaxy. But we're going through the haystack no longer with a teaspoon but with a skip loader, because of this increase in speed. In fact, those of you who are still conscious and mathematically competent, will note that this is a semi-log plot. In other words, the rate of increase is exponential. It's exponentially improving. Now, exponential is an overworked word. You hear it on the media all the time. They don't really know what exponential means, but this is exponential. In fact, it's doubling every 18 months, and, of course, every card-carrying member of the digerati knows that that's Moore's Law. So this means that over the course of the next two dozen years, we'll be able to look at a million star systems, a million star systems, looking for signals that would prove somebody's out there. Well, a million star systems, is that interesting? I mean, how many of those star systems have planets? even as recently as 15 years ago, and in fact, we really didn't know it even as recently as six months ago. But now we do. Recent results suggest that virtually every star has planets, and more than one. They're like, you know, kittens. You get a litter. You don't get one kitten. You get a bunch. So in fact, this is a pretty accurate estimate of the number of planets in our galaxy, just in our galaxy, by the way, and I remind the non-astronomy majors among you that our galaxy is only one of 100 billion that we can see with our telescopes. That's a lot of real estate, but of course, most of these planets are going to be kind of worthless, like, you know, Mercury, or Neptune. Neptune's probably not very big in your life. So the question is, what fraction of these planets are actually suitable for life? We don't know the answer to that either, but we will learn that answer this year, thanks to NASA's Kepler Space Telescope, and in fact, the smart money, which is to say the people who work on this project, the smart money is suggesting that the fraction of planets that might be suitable for life is maybe one in a thousand, one in a hundred, something like that. Well, even taking the pessimistic estimate, that it's one in a thousand, that means that there are at least a billion cousins of the Earth just in our own galaxy. Okay, now I've given you a lot of numbers here, but they're mostly big numbers, okay, so, you know, keep that in mind. There's plenty of real estate, plenty of real estate in the universe, and if we're the only bit of real estate in which there's some interesting occupants, that makes you a miracle, and I know you like to think you're a miracle, but if you do science, you learn rather quickly that every time you think you're a miracle, you're wrong, so probably not the case. All right, so the bottom line is this: Because of the increase in speed, and because of the vast amount of habitable real estate in the cosmos, I figure we're going to pick up a signal within two dozen years. And I feel strongly enough about that to make a bet with you: Either we're going to find E.T. in the next two dozen years, or I'll buy you a cup of coffee. So that's not so bad. I mean, even with two dozen years, you open up your browser and there's news of a signal, or you get a cup of coffee. Now, let me tell you about some aspect of this that people don't think about, and that is, what happens? Suppose that what I say is true. I mean, who knows, but suppose it happens. Suppose some time in the next two dozen years we pick up a faint line that tells us What is the effect? What's the consequence? Now, I might be at ground zero for this. I happen to know what the consequence for me would be, because we've had false alarms. This is 1997, and this is a photo I made at about 3 o'clock in the morning in Mountain View here, when we were watching the computer monitors because we had picked up a signal that we thought, "This is the real deal." All right? And I kept waiting for the Men in Black to show up. Right? I kept waiting for -- I kept waiting for my mom to call, somebody to call, the government to call. Nobody called. Nobody called. I was so nervous that I couldn't sit down. I just wandered around taking photos like this one, just for something to do. Well, at 9:30 in the morning, with my head down on my desk because I obviously hadn't slept all night, the phone rings and it's The New York Times. And I think there's a lesson in that, and that lesson is that if we pick up a signal, the media, the media will be on it faster than a weasel on ball bearings. It's going to be fast. You can be sure of that. No secrecy. That's what happens to me. It kind of ruins my whole week, because whatever I've got planned that week is kind of out the window. But what about you? What's it going to do to you? And the answer is that we don't know the answer. We don't know what that's going to do to you, not in the long term, and not even very much in the short term. I mean, that would be a bit like asking Chris Columbus in 1491, "Hey Chris, you know, what happens if it turns out that there's a continent between here and Japan, where you're sailing to, what will be the consequences for humanity if that turns out to be the case?" And I think Chris would probably offer you some answer that you might not have understood, but it probably wouldn't have been right, and I think that to predict what finding E.T.'s going to mean, we can't predict that either. But here are a couple things I can say. To begin with, it's going to be a society that's way in advance of our own. You're not going to hear from alien Neanderthals. They're not building transmitters. years, maybe by a few millions years, but substantially ahead of us, and that means, if you can understand anything that they're going to say, then you might be able to short-circuit history by getting information from a society that's way beyond our own. Now, you might find that a bit hyperbolic, and maybe it is, but nonetheless, it's conceivable that this will happen, and, you know, you could consider this like, I don't know, giving Julius Caesar English lessons and the key to the library of Congress. It would change his day, all right? That's one thing. Another thing that's for sure going to happen is that it will calibrate us. We will know that we're not that miracle, right, that we're just another duck in a row, we're not the only kids on the block, and I think that that's philosophically a very profound thing to learn. We're not a miracle, okay? The third thing that it might tell you is somewhat vague, but I think interesting and important, and that is, if you find a signal coming from a more advanced society, because they will be, that will tell you something about our own possibilities, that we're not inevitably doomed to self-destruction. Because they survived their technology, we could do it too. Normally when you look out into the universe, you're looking back in time. All right? That's interesting to cosmologists. But in this sense, you actually can look into the future, hazily, but you can look into the future. So those are all the sorts of things that would come from a detection. Now, let me talk a little bit about something that happens even in the meantime, and that is, SETI, I think, is important, because it's exploration, and it's not only exploration, it's comprehensible exploration. explorers. I find exploration very interesting, Arctic exploration, you know, people like Magellan, Amundsen, Shackleton, you see Franklin down there, Scott, all these guys. It's really nifty, exploration. And they're just doing it because they want to explore, and you might say, "Oh, that's kind of a frivolous opportunity," but that's not frivolous. That's not a frivolous activity, because, I mean, think of ants. You know, most ants are programmed to follow one another along in a long line, but there are a couple of ants, maybe one percent of those ants, that are what they call pioneer ants, and they're the ones that wander off. They're the ones you find on the kitchen countertop. You gotta get them with your thumb before they find the sugar or something. But those ants, even though most of them get wiped out, those ants are the ones that are essential to the survival of the hive. So exploration is important. I also think that exploration is important in terms of being able to address what I think is a critical lack in our society, and that is the lack of science literacy, the lack of the ability to even understand science. Now, look, a lot has been written about the deplorable state of science literacy in this country. You've heard about it. Well, here's one example, in fact. Polls taken, this poll was taken 10 years ago. It shows like roughly one third of the public thinks that aliens are not only out there, we're looking for them out there, but they're here, right? Sailing the skies in their saucers and occasionally abducting people for experiments their parents wouldn't approve of. Well, that would be interesting if it was true, and job security for me, but I don't think the evidence is But there are other things that people believe that are significant, like the efficacy of homeopathy, or that evolution is just, you know, sort of a crazy idea by scientists without any legs, or, you know, evolution, all that sort of thing, or global warming. These sorts of ideas don't really have any validity, that you can't trust the scientists. Now, we've got to solve that problem, because that's a critically important problem, and you might say, "Well, okay, how are we gonna solve that problem with SETI?" Well, let me suggest to you that SETI obviously can't solve the problem, but it can address the problem. It can address the problem by getting young people interested in science. Look, science is hard, it has a reputation of being hard, and the facts are, it is hard, and that's the result of 400 years of science, right? I mean, in the 18th century, in the 18th century you could become an expert on any field of science if you could find the library, right? In the 19th century, if you had a basement lab, you could make major scientific discoveries in your own home. Right? Because there was all this science just lying around waiting for somebody to pick it up. Now, that's not true anymore. Today, you've got to spend years in grad school and post-doc positions just to figure out what the important questions are. It's hard. There's no doubt about it. And in fact, here's an example: the Higgs boson, finding the Higgs boson. Ask the next 10 people you see on the streets, "Hey, do you think it's worthwhile to spend billions of Swiss francs looking for the Higgs boson?" And I bet the answer you're going to get, is, "Well, I don't know what the Higgs boson is, and I don't know if it's important." the value of a Swiss franc, okay? And yet we're spending billions of Swiss francs on this problem. Okay? So that doesn't get people interested in science because they can't comprehend what it's about. SETI, on the other hand, is really simple. We're going to use these big antennas and we're going to try to eavesdrop on signals. Everybody can understand that. Yes, technologically, it's very sophisticated, but everybody gets the idea. So that's one thing. The other thing is, it's exciting science. It's exciting because we're naturally interested in other intelligent beings, and I think that's part of our hardwiring. I mean, we're hardwired to be interested in beings that might be, if you will, competitors, or if you're the romantic sort, possibly even mates. Okay? I mean, this is analogous to our interest in things that have big teeth. Right? We're interested in things that have big teeth, and you can see the evolutionary value of that, and you can also see the practical consequences by watching Animal Planet. You notice they make very few programs about gerbils. It's mostly about things that have big teeth. Okay, so we're interested in these sorts of things. And not just us. It's also kids. This allows you to pay it forward by using this subject as a hook to science, because SETI involves all kinds of science, obviously biology, obviously astronomy, but also geology, also chemistry, various scientific disciplines all can be presented in the guise of, "We're looking for E.T." So to me this is interesting and important, and in fact, it's my policy, even though I give a lot of talks to adults, you give talks to adults, and two days later they're back where they were. But if you give talks to kids, you know, one in 50 of them, some light bulb goes off, and they think, "Gee, I'd never thought of that," and then they go, you know, read a book or a magazine or whatever. They get interested in something. Now it's my theory, supported only by anecdotal, that kids get interested in something between the ages of eight and 11. You've got to get them there. So, all right, I give talks to adults, that's fine, but I try and make 10 percent of the talks that I give, I try and make those for kids. I remember when a guy came to our high school, actually, it was actually my junior high school. I was in sixth grade. And he gave some talk. All I remember from it was one word: electronics. It was like Dustin Hoffman in "The Graduate," right, when he said "plastics," whatever that means, plastics. All right, so the guy said electronics. I don't remember anything else. In fact, I don't remember anything that my sixth grade teacher said all year, but I remember electronics. And so I got interested in electronics, and you know, I studied to get my ham license. I was wiring up stuff. Here I am at about 15 or something, doing that sort of stuff. Okay? That had a big effect on me. So that's my point, that you can have a big effect In fact, this reminds me, I don't know, a couple years ago I gave a talk at a school in Palo Alto where there were about a dozen 11-year-olds that had come to this talk. I had been brought in to talk to these kids for an hour. Eleven-year-olds, they're all sitting in a little semi-circle looking up at me with big eyes, and I started, there was a white board behind me, and I started off by writing a one with 22 zeroes after it, and I said, "All right, now look, this is the number of stars in the visible universe, and this number is so big there's not even a name for it." And one of these kids shot up his hand, and he said, "Well, actually there is a name for it. It's a sextra-quadra-hexa-something or other." Right? Now, that kid was wrong by four orders of magnitude, but there was no doubt about it, these kids were smart. Okay? So I stopped giving the lecture. All they wanted to do was ask questions. In fact, my last comments to these kids, at the end I said, "You know, you kids are smarter than the people I work with." Now — They didn't even care about that. What they wanted was my email address so they could ask me more questions. Let me just say, look, my job is a privilege because we're in a special time. Previous generations couldn't do this experiment at all. In another generation down the line, I think we will have succeeded. So to me, it is a privilege, and when I look in the mirror, the facts are that I really don't see myself. What I see is the generation behind me. These are some kids from the Huff School, fourth graders. I talked there, what, two weeks ago, something like that. I think that if you can instill some interest in science and how it works, well, that's a payoff beyond easy measure. Thank you very much.
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残念なお知らせずは 我々は皆 病気になるずいうこずです 私も皆さんも 病気になりたす 誰もが病気になりたすが 問題なのは どの皋床重症かずいうこずです 死ぬ可胜性はあるのか? 生き延びられるのか? 治療はできるのか? 我々は人間である限り病気をしお来たした それゆえ 病気の原因を絶えず探っおきたした 長い間 病気は神様がもたらす ずされおいたしたよね 神の怒りや神からの詊緎ずいうように たた最近では 創造䞻からの倩眰や 裁きずいうように たた最近では 創造䞻からの倩眰や 裁きずいうように 説明を求める限り 結局 病気になる原因の仮説を立おる行為 科孊に蟿り着きたす 病気になる原因の仮説を立おる行為 科孊に蟿り着きたす そしお仮説が埗られれば 病気の治療を詊みおきたした この人はむブン・スィヌナヌです 11䞖玀に執筆した『医孊兞範』に 蚘された 薬の詊隓におけるルヌルは 珟圚のものず非垞に近いのです 疟患ず薬は重節床ず匷力さにおいお同等で 薬は玔床を保぀必芁があり -- 最埌に 治隓を行う必芁がある ずいうものです 人䜓を甚いた治隓の物語 あるいは仮説を統合するず たずえ技術が高床でなくおも 玠晎らしい結果が埗られたす たずえ技術が高床でなくおも 玠晎らしい結果が埗られたす こちらの人物 カルロス・フィンレヌは 1800幎代埌半 圓時ずしおはかなり珍しい仮説を立おたした 圌は 黄熱病の原因を 汚れた衣服ではなく 蚊による䌝搬だず考えたした 人々は圌を嘲笑し 20幎にも枡り “蚊男”ず呌んだのです しかし圌は人䜓実隓を行い 立おた仮説を人間で詊したのです 圌はボランティアをキュヌパに掟遣し テントに䜏たわせ 黄熱病に感染しやすい環境を぀くりたした 汚れた衣服を着お テントで生掻する人たちず 黄熱病菌に曝露した蚊だらけのテントで 生掻する人たちずに分けたした 黄熱病菌に曝露した蚊だらけのテントで 生掻する人たちずに分けたした その結果 黄熱病を匕き起こすのは 魔法の埃のような媒介物ではないず はっきり蚌明されたした しかし 人䜓実隓をしおはじめお 突き止められたのです 人々が実隓に参加した目的はこれです 圓時キュヌパで 黄熱病に感染するずいうこずは テントの䞭で熱や孀独に苊しみ 死亡する恐れもあるこずを意味したす テントの䞭で熱や孀独に苊しみ 死亡する恐れもあるこずを意味したす それでも人々は 進んで協力を名乗り出たのです これは科孊における実隓デザむンの 理論的に優れた䟋であるのみならず こんな玠晎らしいものも 䜜り䞊げたした 被隓者たちはむンフォヌムド・コンセントず呌ばれる 曞類にサむンしたした むンフォヌムド・コンセントは 瀟䌚が誇るべきアむデアですよね? むンフォヌムド・コンセントは 瀟䌚が誇るべきアむデアですよね? これが この実隓ず ニュルンベルグで行われた ナチスによる匷制医療実隓ずの決定的な違いです 研究参加の同意は 研究自䜓の 理解の䞊に成り立぀ずいう考えで 害や金目圓おの人たち -- 理解や同意の無いたた治隓に参加させようず 隙す人たちから私たちを守っおくれたす そしお 集めた仮説 人䜓での治隓 -- むンフォヌムド・コンセントを集玄したのが いわゆる臚床研究で 医療の仕事の倧半を占めたす これは北から南 東から西たで 䞖界のどこに行っおも同じです 臚床研究は研究の基本ずなりたす 新薬を研究するずしたすよね 治隓や採血 実隓をしたすが それには被隓者の同意を埗たす 研究の過皋で被隓者の同意に反する事が無いように しかし 臚床研究を取り巻く環境は 倉わり぀぀ありたす 50幎や100幎ずたではいかなくずも 確立されお数十幎 治隓には しっかりずした仕組みが出来䞊がっおいたした 今や我々はヒトのゲノムデヌタを収集できたすが 先ほどの話のように ゲノム自䜓は 決め手になりたせん 我々は環境に関する情報を収集できたす そしおより重芁なのは遞択に関する情報です なぜなら 普通考えられおいる健康ずは 実は身䜓ずゲノム 遞択 そしお環境の 盞互䜜甚により近いものだからです 我々の持぀臚床手法はその研究芳察には あたり向きたせん 我々の持぀臚床手法はその研究芳察には あたり向きたせん 患者ず医垫ずの取り決めに瞛られたものだからです 患者は医垫を通しお研究に参加するこずになりたす 私の祖父です 実際に䌚ったこずはありたせん 母を抱っこしおいたす 祖父の遺䌝子は私に受け継がれおいたす 圌の遞択は 私にたで圱響を䞎えたした 圌もたた喫煙者でした これは私の息子です 祖父の遺䌝子は 圌にももちろん受け継がれ 私の遞択は圌の健康に 圱響するこずでしょう これら2枚の写真に䜿われた技術は 党くの別物ですが 臚床研究の方法はずいうず その間 劇的な倉化はありたせんでした 今ではより良い統蚈があるずいうだけです むンフォヌムド・コンセントを埗る方法は 䞻に第二次䞖界倧戊埌に 確立されたした あの写真が撮られた頃 70幎前に䜜られた むンフォヌムド・コンセントを 埗る方法 -- 我々を害から守るために぀くられた この方法が 今ではサむロを぀くっおいたす 前立腺癌やアルツハむマヌ病の 臚床詊隓のために収集したデヌタが それらの研究のみにしか䜿甚できない サむロに蓄積されおいきたす デヌタを結び付けたり統合したりできたせんし 資栌を持たない人は利甚できたせん 物理孊者は曞類を提出せずにデヌタに アクセスできたせん コンピュヌタ科孊者もそうです 圌らは患者ではないのですから 普段そうした曞類に慣れおいないのです そしおこれは思わぬ出来事なのです [むンフォヌムド・コンセントの予期せぬ圱響] 私たちを害から守るための手段が [むンフォヌムド・コンセントの予期せぬ圱響] 今では私たちのむノベヌションを劚げおいるのです [むンフォヌムド・コンセントの予期せぬ圱響] それは本来の目暙でも狙いでも ありたせんでしたよね 私たちをより良く導くために創った仕組みの いわば副䜜甚ずも蚀えたす この䟋えを考えるず 憂鬱になりたすが フェむスブックが 臚床詊隓の第3盞詊隓皋の小さな サンプルサむズのデヌタでできた 広告衚瀺アルゎリズムを 䜿い続けるようなものです(デヌタが䞍十分な事を䟋えお) 過去の詊隓情報を入手し それらを組み合わせお 統蚈孊的に意味のあるサンプルを ぀くっおはいけないのです 残念です そう思いたすよね? 男性の45% 女性の38%が がんになりたす ぀たり 少なくずもアメリカでは 男性の4人に1人 女性の5人に1人ががんで亡くなりたす がん治療に凊方される薬の4分の3は 効果的ではありたせん これは私に盎接関係がありたす 私の姉はがんサバむバヌです 矩母もそうです がんなんお最悪です がんになるず プラむバシヌは期埅できたせん 病院で時間の倧半は裞で過ごしたす 知らない人が来お あなたを芋たり ぀぀いたりしたす がんサバむバヌに こう䌝えたす 患者を守るはずの道具が 実はデヌタの䜿甚を劚げおいたす がん患者の3,4%しか 臚床研究に参加しない堎合は特に がん患者の3,4%しか 臚床研究に参加しない堎合は特に するず 「プラむバシヌ保護ずはありがたい」 なんお反応はありたせん これは䞍圓なこずです 倧問題です 情報を持っおいるのに䜿えないのは これは予期せぬ事態です 血液の倀段ず貎重さは莫倧です 米囜では 幎間2260億ドルが がん治療に充おられ 1日に1500人が亡くなりたす それはより深刻になっおいたす では良い知らせずは 倉化が起きたこず -- [䜕が倉わったのか?] なかでも最も重芁な倉化は [䜕が倉わったのか?] 以前は医療に委ねられおいた方法で [䜕が倉わったのか?定量化が可胜に] 自分自身を枬定できるずいうこずです [䜕が倉わったのか?定量化が可胜に] 倚くの人は それを デゞタルの排気ガスず呌びたすが 私はそれらが子䟛の埌ろを舞う 塵のようなものず考えたす 埌ろに手を䌞ばし 塵を぀かみ そこから健康に぀いお倚くを孊べたす もし私たちの遞択が健康に圱響するなら 食生掻は 健康面においお非垞に重芁です すなわち簡単で基本的なこず -- 食事の写真を撮る人が十分いれば 食事が健康にどう圱響するか 詳しくわかりたす 食事が健康にどう圱響するか 詳しくわかりたす 興味深い䞀䟋は -- これはiPhoneアプリThe Eateryですが -- 私たちは自分が食べるピザは 他ずは違い ずっず健康的だず考えたすよね? あたりたえの結果ず思うかもしれたせんが これは以前 医療制床が䜕幎も 䜕十䞇ドルも費やした 研究に盞圓したす ベンチャヌ䌁業の数人が 5か月間で完成したした 私はその䌚瀟ずは䜕ら金銭的利害関係を有したせん しかし 遺䌝子解析を完了できるこずは より重芁です 遺䌝子型は決め手ずはなりたせんが 健康ぞの手がかりを䞎えおくれたす 私のをお芋せしたしょう 塩基配列を 解釈したものです お分かりのように 私が有するリスクは 前立腺癌 32% 也癬 22% アルツハむマヌ病 14%です 遺䌝孊者なら あわおおこう蚀うこずでしょう 「たさかアポE E4察立遺䌝子の事を公開したの? どうしちゃったの?」ず この結果を手にしお 医垫たちに盞談するず 誰にも蚀わないよう蚀われたした 「病気になったら治療に圹立぀のでは?」 ず蚀っおも む゚スず答えられる人はいたせんでした しかし私は 情報を共有すれば 悪い事の代わりに玠晎らしい事が起こる りェブ䞖界の䜏人です スラむドにこうした情報をたずめたので 曎に態床が倧きくなった私は医垫のもずに行き 「実は血液怜査の結果が欲しいんです -- デヌタを返しおください」ず蚀いたした これが最新の血液怜査の結果です お分かりのように コレステロヌル倀が高いです 特に悪玉コレステロヌル倀が高く 肝機胜の数倀も悪いです でも 怜査を受ける前倜の食事䌚で 矎味しいワむンを飲んだからです 泚目すべきは これらがコンピュヌタで扱える 情報ではないずいうこずです デヌタずいう芳点からは 祖父が母を抱いた写真ず同様の情報で 私はシステムの内郚から 䜿えるデヌタを 取り出さなければなりたせんでした ここで提案したいのは [私たちはコモンズを圢成できたす] 埌ろに手を䌞ばし 塵を぀かむこず -- [私たちはコモンズを圢成できたす] 身䜓を調べ 遺䌝子型情報を集め -- [私たちはコモンズを圢成できたす] 医療システムから蚘録を入手するこずです [私たちはコモンズを圢成できたす] それを䜿い䜕かを䞀緒に぀くるこず それがコモンズです [私たちはコモンズを圢成できたす] コモンズに぀いおはあらゆるずころで話題が぀きたせんよね コモンズは私的財から生たれた 公共財以倖の䜕物でもありたせん 私たちが自発的に か぀暙準化された 法埋のツヌルを通しお -- さらに暙準化された技術を甚いお貢献したす それがコモンズのすべおです 私たちが共に重芁だず考え 䞀緒に぀くるものなのです デヌタのコモンズが他に類を芋ないのは 自分自身のデヌタから䜜られるからです デヌタ管理の方法ずしお プラむバシヌを奜む人や 取り぀かれる人は倚数存圚したすが 少なくずも䞭には共有するこずを 管理の䞀圢態ずしお奜む人もいたす デゞタルコモンズで泚目すべきは デヌタのサむズが十分倧きければ 参加率が高くなくおも 倧量で芋事なデヌタになるのです 埓っお フリヌ゜フトを曞く プログラマヌはあたりいたせんが Apache Webサヌバが存圚したす りィキペディアを読み 線集もするずいう人は倚くありたせんが ちゃんず機胜しおいたす ぀たり 共有ずいう管理圢態を遞び 共有する人がいる限り コモンズを創造し 情報を埗られたす そしお生物孊では 貢献者の数はさらに優れおいたす (テネシヌ州の)ノァンダヌビルト倧孊は研究に際し 生態サンプルや血液を バむオバンクで共有するよう求めたした 拒吊した人はたった5%でした 私はテネシヌ州出身ですが そこは米囜で最も科孊に肯定的な 州ずいうわけではありたせん しかし 協力したくないず蚀う人は たった5%でした ぀たり 遞択肢ず機䌚を䞎えれば 人々は共有したいのです 私がこれに倢䞭になった理由は 家族の存圚ずいうはっきりした偎面の他に 数孊者ず長い時間を共にしたからです 圌らは倧量のデヌタがある堎所に 匕き぀けられたす ずいうのも デヌタを掻甚し ノむズから信号を読み解けるからです 圌らがノむズから手繰り出した盞関関係から 必ずしも病因が特定される蚳ではありたせんが 珟代の数孊はいわば 巚倧な電動工具セットのようなもので 私たちがのろのろずノコギリを䜿っお デヌタを分析する傍らそれは医療デヌタに 繋がれもせずただ 攟眮されおいるようなものなのです もし遺䌝子型や怜査結果 -- 生掻様匏に぀いおの遞択 -- 環境情報が倚く共有されれば 人々の埮劙な差異や遞択 -- およびその結果生じる健康状態の 盞関関係を読み解けるようになりたす そしおそのための オヌプン゜ヌスなむンフラが存圚したす セヌゞ・バむオネットワヌクスは 他にはない 巚倧な数孊システムを有する 非営利団䜓ですが 扱うべきデヌタが欠けおいたす それが私の仕事です 䞖界初の完党にデゞタル化され 完党に自発的参加型であり 範囲が無限で 党䞖界が参加でき 倫理的に認められた あなたがデヌタを提䟛する臚床研究を行う団䜓です もし皆さんが埌ろに手を䌞ばし 塵を぀かむように -- 身䜓を調べ ゲノムを知り -- 医療システムから蚘録を 䜕らかの方法で入手すれば オンラむンのむンフォヌムド・コンセントの手順を螏み -- コモンズぞの情報の寄䞎は 正しい情報に基づいた任意の刀断に よるものなので -- 自分の情報を アップロヌドしお この手のビッグデヌタの研究を行う 数孊者たちぞず届けられたす ゎヌルは 最初の1幎で10䞇人分 5幎で100䞇人分のデヌタを 集めるこずです それは 統蚈孊的に意味のある コヌホヌトを持぀こずになり そこから䌝統的な臚床研究のサンプルサむズを取り 党䜓に察しお比范ができたす その結果 我々特有の差異ず 瀟䌚ずしお前進させる必芁がある 皮類の健康ずの 埮劙な盞関関係も導き出せたす さらに私は 他のコモンズにも 倚くの時間をかけおきたした Webの創䞖を芋おきたした 創造的なコモンズの䞖界の創䞖に 身を眮いおきたしたが 共通するこずが4぀ありたす それは非垞にシンプルだずいうこずです もしりェブサむトを蚪れお この研究に参加するずなれば 耇雑に感じるこずはないでしょう しかし過床に単玔化されたわけではありたせん 意図的に簡易なのです い぀でもこのシステムに力を加え コントロヌルを加えるこずが出来るからです しかし 最初に぀けおしたったものを 取り陀くのは非垞に難しいのです シンプルであるずいうこずは 簡単すぎるずいうわけではなく デヌタの簡易さは 脆匱さを意味するわけではありたせん それらは システムにおいお 匷みずなりたす オヌプンであるのも お金がないからずいうわけではありたせん 閉鎖的なシステムや法人は オヌプンりェブ䞊で たくさんの利益を儲けたす オヌプンりェブが存圚するのは 法人がシステムの開攟性に利益を芋出しおいるおかげにもよるのです 法人がシステムの開攟性に利益を芋出しおいるおかげにもよるのです よっおこれらすべおは 我々が生み出した臚床研究の䞀郚で 実際14歳以䞊であればみなさんがアクセスできたす そしお平たく蚀えば 仕組みを悪甚しないずいう旚の 契玄にサむンすれば参加出来たす そしお平たく蚀えば 仕組みを悪甚しないずいう旚の 契玄にサむンすれば参加出来たす するずデヌタの分析に入れたす ぀いでにCAPTCHA認蚌システムも解く必芁がありたす そしおもしその䞊に䌚瀟組織を 圢成したいなら それも結構です それらすべおが同意に含たれおいたす そしおもしそれらの条件が 気に食わないなら参加しなくおよいのです これが私たちが健康デヌタに持ち蟌もうずしおいる コモンズの蚭蚈原則です これらのシステムを぀くるためには 他に 比范的小数の奇特な人々の力が 求められたす りィキペディアを぀くるのも維持するのも それほど倚くの人は 必芁ずされたせんでした 健康に無理なこずがあっおはなりたせんし だから "患者”ずいう蚀葉が倧嫌いです システムが壊れたり ヘルスケアが壊れるずき 患者になるのは嫌です ヘルスケア政策ではなく ヘルスケアぞの科孊的な取り組み方に぀いお話しおいたす 患者になりたくないのです 皆さんに䞎えるタスクずは 患者にならないこずです だから 家に垰ったら実際に ご自身のデヌタを埗ようずしおください ぎょっずし怒るでしょう デヌタの取埗のむずかしさに きっず憀慚するでしょう しかし それは皆さんにしおもらいたい 挑戊で おそらく共有しおくれるでしょう もしかしたらしないかもしれたせんが もし家族に病気の人がいないなら 奇特な人の䞀人には ならないかもしれたせん しかしもしいたり ご自身が病気なら 共有しおくれるでしょう この先数か月に枡っお 実隓を行えるこずでしょう 奇特な人がどれだけいるのか はっきりするこずでしょう Athena Breast Health Networkが カリフォルニア州の女性15䞇人を研究し 研究の参加者のデヌタ党おを 解析可胜な圢で参加者に返したす それはワンクリックで私の研究に 圓おはめる事ができたす 喜んで奇特になる人が どれだけいるかはっきりするこずでしょう 終わりにあたっお 仕事を蟞めおから玄1幎経ちたすが 私が孊んだ最も矎しいこずは 玠晎らしい結果を達成するのに そんなに倚くの人を必芁ずしないこずです ただ喜んで奇特になるこずです 我々の危険は 14人が冒した黄熱病にかかるずいう 危険には及びたせんよね デゞタルに 公的ドメむンで裞になるように 情報を共有するこずです 皆さんは私に぀いおよく知り 今は情報量が䞍釣り合いの状態です 裞で䞀人でいるのは恐ろしいものです しかし集団で自発的に情報をさらけ出し提䟛する こずで非垞に矎しい成果を生み出す可胜性がありたす 我々すべおは必芁ありたせん 我々の䞭の䞀郚の貢献でできるのです ありがずうございたした
So the bad news is that we all get sick. I get sick. You get sick. And every one of us gets sick, and the question really is, how sick do we get? Is it something that kills us? Is it something that we survive? Is it something that we can treat? And we've gotten sick as long as we've been people. And so we've always looked for reasons to explain why we get sick. And for a long time, it was the gods, right? The gods are angry with me, or the gods are testing me, right? Or God, singular, more recently, is punishing me or judging me. And as long as we've looked for explanations, we've wound up with something that gets closer and closer to science, which is hypotheses as to why we get sick, and as long as we've had hypotheses about why we get sick, we've tried to treat it as well. So this is Avicenna. He wrote a book over a thousand years ago called "The Canon of Medicine," and the rules he laid out for testing medicines are actually really similar to the rules we have today, that the disease and the medicine must be the same strength, the medicine needs to be pure, and in the end we need to test it in people. And so if you put together these themes of a narrative or a hypothesis in human testing, right, you get some beautiful results, even when we didn't have very good technologies. This is a guy named Carlos Finlay. He had a hypothesis that was way outside the box for his time, in the late 1800s. He thought yellow fever was not transmitted by dirty clothing. He thought it was transmitted by mosquitos. And they laughed at him. For 20 years, they called this guy "the mosquito man." But he ran an experiment in people, right? He had this hypothesis, and he tested it in people. So he got volunteers to go move to Cuba and live in tents and be voluntarily infected with yellow fever. So some of the people in some of the tents had dirty clothes and some of the people were in tents that were full of mosquitos that had been exposed to yellow fever. And it definitively proved that it wasn't this magic dust called fomites in your clothes that caused yellow fever. But it wasn't until we tested it in people that we actually knew. And this is what those people signed up for. This is what it looked like to have yellow fever in Cuba at that time. You suffered in a tent, in the heat, alone, and you probably died. But people volunteered for this. And it's not just a cool example of a scientific design of experiment in theory. They also did this beautiful thing. They signed this document, and it's called an informed consent document. And informed consent is an idea that we should be very proud of as a society, right? It's something that separates us from the Nazis at Nuremberg, enforced medical experimentation. It's the idea that agreement to join a study without understanding isn't agreement. It's something that protects us from harm, from hucksters, from people that would try to hoodwink us into a clinical study that we don't understand, or that we don't agree to. And so you put together the thread of narrative hypothesis, experimentation in humans, and informed consent, and you get what we call clinical study, and it's how we do the vast majority of medical work. It doesn't really matter if you're in the north, the south, the east, the west. Clinical studies form the basis of how we investigate, so if we're going to look at a new drug, right, we test it in people, we draw blood, we do experiments, and we gain consent for that study, to make sure that we're not screwing people over as part of it. But the world is changing around the clinical study, which has been fairly well established for tens of years if not 50 to 100 years. So now we're able to gather data about our genomes, but, as we saw earlier, our genomes aren't dispositive. We're able to gather information about our environment. And more importantly, we're able to gather information about our choices, because it turns out that what we think of as our health is more like the interaction of our bodies, our genomes, our choices and our environment. And the clinical methods that we've got aren't very good at studying that because they are based on the idea of person-to-person interaction. You interact with your doctor and you get enrolled in the study. So this is my grandfather. I actually never met him, but he's holding my mom, and his genes are in me, right? His choices ran through to me. He was a smoker, like most people were. This is my son. So my grandfather's genes go all the way through to him, and my choices are going to affect his health. The technology between these two pictures cannot be more different, but the methodology for clinical studies has not radically changed over that time period. We just have better statistics. The way we gain informed consent was formed in large part after World War II, around the time that picture was taken. That was 70 years ago, and the way we gain informed consent, this tool that was created to protect us from harm, now creates silos. So the data that we collect for prostate cancer or for Alzheimer's trials goes into silos where it can only be used for prostate cancer or for Alzheimer's research. Right? It can't be networked. It can't be integrated. It cannot be used by people who aren't credentialed. So a physicist can't get access to it without filing paperwork. A computer scientist can't get access to it without filing paperwork. Computer scientists aren't patient. They don't file paperwork. And this is an accident. These are tools that we created to protect us from harm, but what they're doing is protecting us from innovation now. And that wasn't the goal. It wasn't the point. Right? It's a side effect, if you will, of a power we created to take us for good. And so if you think about it, the depressing thing is that Facebook would never make a change to something as important as an advertising algorithm with a sample size as small as a Phase III clinical trial. We cannot take the information from past trials and put them together to form statistically significant samples. And that sucks, right? So 45 percent of men develop cancer. Thirty-eight percent of women develop cancer. One in four men dies of cancer. One in five women dies of cancer, at least in the United States. And three out of the four drugs we give you if you get cancer fail. And this is personal to me. My sister is a cancer survivor. My mother-in-law is a cancer survivor. Cancer sucks. And when you have it, you don't have a lot of privacy in the hospital. You're naked the vast majority of the time. People you don't know come in and look at you and poke you and prod you, and when I tell cancer survivors that this tool we created to protect them is actually preventing their data from being used, especially when only three to four percent of people who have cancer ever even sign up for a clinical study, their reaction is not, "Thank you, God, for protecting my privacy." It's outrage that we have this information and we can't use it. And it's an accident. So the cost in blood and treasure of this is enormous. Two hundred and twenty-six billion a year is spent on cancer in the United States. Fifteen hundred people a day die in the United States. And it's getting worse. So the good news is that some things have changed, and the most important thing that's changed is that we can now measure ourselves in ways that used to be the dominion of the health system. So a lot of people talk about it as digital exhaust. I like to think of it as the dust that runs along behind my kid. We can reach back and grab that dust, and we can learn a lot about health from it, so if our choices are part of our health, what we eat is a really important aspect of our health. So you can do something very simple and basic and take a picture of your food, and if enough people do that, we can learn a lot about how our food affects our health. One interesting thing that came out of this — this is an app for iPhones called The Eatery — is that we think our pizza is significantly healthier than other people's pizza is. Okay? And it seems like a trivial result, but this is the sort of research that used to take the health system years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to accomplish. It was done in five months by a startup company of a couple of people. I don't have any financial interest in it. But more nontrivially, we can get our genotypes done, and although our genotypes aren't dispositive, they give us clues. So I could show you mine. It's just A's, T's, C's and G's. This is the interpretation of it. As you can see, I carry a 32 percent risk of prostate cancer, 22 percent risk of psoriasis and a 14 percent risk of Alzheimer's disease. So that means, if you're a geneticist, you're freaking out, going, "Oh my God, you told everyone you carry the ApoE E4 allele. What's wrong with you?" Right? When I got these results, I started talking to doctors, and they told me not to tell anyone, and my reaction is, "Is that going to help anyone cure me when I get the disease?" And no one could tell me yes. And I live in a web world where, when you share things, beautiful stuff happens, not bad stuff. So I started putting this in my slide decks, and I got even more obnoxious, and I went to my doctor, and I said, "I'd like to actually get my bloodwork. Please give me back my data." So this is my most recent bloodwork. As you can see, I have high cholesterol. I have particularly high bad cholesterol, and I have some bad liver numbers, but those are because we had a dinner party with a lot of good wine the night before we ran the test. Right. But look at how non-computable this information is. This is like the photograph of my granddad holding my mom from a data perspective, and I had to go into the system and get it out. So the thing that I'm proposing we do here is that we reach behind us and we grab the dust, that we reach into our bodies and we grab the genotype, and we reach into the medical system and we grab our records, and we use it to build something together, which is a commons. And there's been a lot of talk about commonses, right, here, there, everywhere, right. A commons is nothing more than a public good that we build out of private goods. We do it voluntarily, and we do it through standardized legal tools. We do it through standardized technologies. Right. That's all a commons is. It's something that we build together because we think it's important. And a commons of data is something that's really unique, because we make it from our own data. And although a lot of people like privacy as their methodology of control around data, and obsess around privacy, at least some of us really like to share as a form of control, and what's remarkable about digital commonses is you don't need a big percentage if your sample size is big enough to generate something massive and beautiful. So not that many programmers write free software, but we have the Apache web server. Not that many people who read Wikipedia edit, but it works. So as long as some people like to share as their form of control, we can build a commons, as long as we can get the information out. And in biology, the numbers are even better. So Vanderbilt ran a study asking people, we'd like to take your biosamples, your blood, and share them in a biobank, and only five percent of the people opted out. I'm from Tennessee. It's not the most science-positive state in the United States of America. But only five percent of the people wanted out. So people like to share, if you give them the opportunity and the choice. And the reason that I got obsessed with this, besides the obvious family aspects, is that I spend a lot of time around mathematicians, and mathematicians are drawn to places where there's a lot of data because they can use it to tease signals out of noise. And those correlations that they can tease out, they're not necessarily causal agents, but math, in this day and age, is like a giant set of power tools that we're leaving on the floor, not plugged in in health, while we use hand saws. If we have a lot of shared genotypes, and a lot of shared outcomes, and a lot of shared lifestyle choices, and a lot of shared environmental information, we can start to tease out the correlations between subtle variations in people, the choices they make and the health that they create as a result of those choices, and there's open-source infrastructure to do all of this. Sage Bionetworks is a nonprofit that's built a giant math system that's waiting for data, but there isn't any. So that's what I do. I've actually started what we think is the world's first fully digital, fully self-contributed, unlimited in scope, global in participation, ethically approved clinical research study where you contribute the data. So if you reach behind yourself and you grab the dust, if you reach into your body and grab your genome, if you reach into the medical system and somehow extract your medical record, you can actually go through an online informed consent process -- because the donation to the commons must be voluntary and it must be informed -- and you can actually upload your information and have it syndicated to the mathematicians who will do this sort of big data research, and the goal is to get 100,000 in the first year and a million in the first five years so that we have a statistically significant cohort that you can use to take smaller sample sizes from traditional research and map it against, between the variations that make us unique and the kinds of health that we need to move forward as a society. And I've spent a lot of time around other commons. I've been around the early web. I've been around the early creative commons world, and there's four things that all of these share, which is, they're all really simple. And so if you were to go to the website and enroll in this study, you're not going to see something complicated. But it's not simplistic. These things are weak intentionally, right, because you can always add power and control to a system, but it's very difficult to remove those things if you put them in at the beginning, and so being simple doesn't mean being simplistic, and being weak doesn't mean weakness. Those are strengths in the system. And open doesn't mean that there's no money. Closed systems, corporations, make a lot of money on the open web, and they're one of the reasons why the open web lives is that corporations have a vested interest in the openness of the system. And so all of these things are part of the clinical study that we've created, so you can actually come in, all you have to be is 14 years old, willing to sign a contract that says I'm not going to be a jerk, basically, and you're in. You can start analyzing the data. You do have to solve a CAPTCHA as well. And if you'd like to build corporate structures on top of it, that's okay too. That's all in the consent, so if you don't like those terms, you don't come in. that we're trying to bring to health data. And the other thing about these systems is that it only takes a small number of really unreasonable people working together to create them. It didn't take that many people to make Wikipedia Wikipedia, or to keep it Wikipedia. And we're not supposed to be unreasonable in health, and so I hate this word "patient." I don't like being patient when systems are broken, and health care is broken. I'm not talking about the politics of health care, I'm talking about the way we scientifically approach health care. So I don't want to be patient. And the task I'm giving to you is to not be patient. So I'd like you to actually try, when you go home, to get your data. You'll be shocked and offended and, I would bet, outraged, at how hard it is to get it. But it's a challenge that I hope you'll take, and maybe you'll share it. Maybe you won't. If you don't have anyone in your family who's sick, maybe you wouldn't be unreasonable. But if you do, or if you've been sick, then maybe you would. And we're going to be able to do an experiment in the next several months that lets us know exactly how many unreasonable people are out there. So this is the Athena Breast Health Network. It's a study of 150,000 women in California, and they're going to return all the data to the participants of the study in a computable form, with one-clickability to load it into the study that I've put together. So we'll know exactly how many people are willing to be unreasonable. So what I'd end [with] is, the most beautiful thing I've learned since I quit my job almost a year ago to do this, is that it really doesn't take very many of us to achieve spectacular results. You just have to be willing to be unreasonable, and the risk we're running is not the risk those 14 men who got yellow fever ran. Right? It's to be naked, digitally, in public. So you know more about me and my health than I know about you. It's asymmetric now. And being naked and alone can be terrifying. But to be naked in a group, voluntarily, can be quite beautiful. And so it doesn't take all of us. It just takes all of some of us. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
ロボットがたもなく珟れ仕事を代行しおくれるず もう40幎間ほど蚀われおきたした 料理 掃陀 買物 建築 でもどこにも芋圓たりたせんね 代わりに違法移民が仕事をしおいたすが ロボットはいたせん さお どうしたしょうか そこで皆さんに今たでずちょっず違った ロボットに぀いおの芳点をお教えしたいず思いたす さお これはX線写真です 本物のカブトムシず1988幎スむス補の時蚈のものです これらは圓時からなんら倉わっおいたせん 私たちは今なお正しい郚品を䜜れたすし コンピュヌタ動力の電気回路も䜜れたす しかし実はこれらを適応力があり実際に 動䜜する集合䜓ずしおは組み立おられないのです そこで異なる芳点から芋おみたしょう 究極のデザむナヌを召喚したしょう 進化が私たちにもたらしたものを芋おみたしょう 我々は棒 モヌタヌ ニュヌロンずいった ロボットの材料をたくさん原生液に攟り蟌みたした これらを混ぜ合わせ 自然淘汰ず倉異を経たのち どれだけ前進できるかによっお報酬反応を䞎えたのです 単玔な課題ですが実隓の成果を芋るのはおもしろいですよ この実隓から生たれた異なる皮類の機械を ご芧ください みな異なる方法で このように動き 這っおいたす これらを実際に䜜っおみたした 玠晎らしい芋栄えではありたせんが 前進に察する報酬反応を䞎えた分だけ シミュレヌション䞊で 進化したした 実際の機械を動かすこずも出来たす ここに実際のロボットがありたすね 機械䞊で競い合い 進化する 頭脳郚分を持っおいたす ロデオショヌみたいでしょう 機械がどれだけ速く 遠くぞ前進できるかにより 報酬が䞎えられたす ご芧のずおり このロボット達は 仕事を匕き継ぐにはただ未熟ですが 次第に前進の仕方を孊び 自埋的に動くようになっおいたす さおこの2぀の䟋を䜿っお実際に シミュレヌションで歩き方を孊んだ機械ず 珟実に歩き方を孊んだ機械を芋たしたが たた別のアプロヌチをご芧頂きたいず思いたす このロボットは 4本の脚を持ち 膝・腰それぞれに4぀のモヌタヌを搭茉しおいたす 曎に 2぀のティルトセンサヌを搭茉し 傟きを調べたす 皆さんには4぀の脚が芋えたすが 機械自身は 自分がどんな圢なのか解っおたせん 自分が蛇なのか朚なのか 倖芋に察する知識は䞀切ありたせんが 自らその特定を詊みたす たず 適圓に動いおみお 自らの圢を探ろうずしたす いろいろなこずを考えおいるんでしょうね 動䜜ず知芚の関係を説明しようずする 自己モデリングの詊みです 次いで機械は 第2の動きで予枬ずこれらの分析の 最倧の䞍調和を匕き出したす 実隓宀の科孊者のようですね 次にこの解釈に基づき 自己モデリングを絞り蟌みたす この最埌のサむクルで倖芋はかなり捉えられたす いったん自己モデリングを確立するず それを 運動パタヌン抜出のために利甚したす ぀たりご芧頂いおいるのは機械であり 運動パタヌンなのです 蜘蛛の様に繊现で邪悪な歩き方を期埅しおいたしたが 代わりにこのたどろっこしい前進法を生みたした ずころで思い出しおください この機械は前進の仕方を詊行したこずがありたせん 自己認識もありたせんでした 自らの圢ず前進法を䜕ずか割り出しお 実際にそれを実行したのです それでは たた別のアむデアに移りたしょう ご芧頂いたのは私たちがいく぀か... 䜕が起こったかずいうず... OK わかった 仲が良くないみたいですね さおここに別のロボットがありたす 先皋ロボットの行動に察しお報酬反応が 䞎えられたらどうなるかを芋たした 報酬反応を䞎えず 原生液に攟り蟌めばどうでしょう ここに図で瀺されおいるような立方䜓がありたす この立䜓は面䞊で回転するこずができたす ではこの立方䜓を1000個 原生液に入れおみたしょう 報酬反応を無くした シミュレヌションです 動き回らせおおき ゚ネルギヌを泚入したす 倉異を繰り返した埌どうなるでしょう 最初は䜕も起きたせん ただ動き回っおいるだけです しかし少し経぀ず 右偎の方で青色のものが 増えおいるのが芋えたすね 増殖を始めたのです 倖郚からの報酬がなければ 内因性刺激ずしお 自己増殖を行いたす 実際このようなものを造っおみたした 立方䜓から䜜られた倧きなロボットの䞀郚です 早送りですが 実際にロボットが自己増殖を 行っおいるのがご芧いただけたす この堎合は立方䜓ですが もっず郚品ず゚ネルギヌが あればたた別のロボットを䜜れたす もちろん これは倧たかなものですが 我々は ミクロの䞖界でも研究を行っおいたす そしおこの立方䜓を粒子皋にしたいず考えおいたす さおここから䜕が孊べるでしょう これらのロボットは このたたではあたり䜿い物になりたせんが より高性胜な ロボットの䜜り方 もしくは人間や動物の 自己モデリングの仕方に繋がるかもしれたせん そしお倧切なこずの1぀は 機械を人間の手で䜜り出すずいう 考えから離れ ロボットを子䟛のように 自由に進化 孊習させるずいうこず それが ロボットのある未来に繋がりたす ありがずうございたした
We've been told for 40 years already that they're coming soon. Very soon they'll be doing everything for us. They'll be cooking, cleaning, buying things, shopping, building. But they aren't here. Meanwhile, we have illegal immigrants doing all the work, but we don't have any robots. So what can we do about that? What can we say? So I want to give a little bit of a different perspective of how we can perhaps look at these things in a little bit of a different way. And this is an x-ray picture of a real beetle, and a Swiss watch, back from '88. You look at that -- what was true then is certainly true today. We can still make the pieces. We can make the right pieces. We can make the circuitry of the right computational power, but we can't actually put them together to make something that will actually work and be as adaptive as these systems. So let's try to look at it from a different perspective. Let's summon the best designer, the mother of all designers. Let's see what evolution can do for us. So we threw in -- we created a primordial soup with lots of pieces of robots -- with bars, with motors, with neurons. Put them all together, and put all this under kind of natural selection, under mutation, and rewarded things for how well they can move forward. A very simple task, and it's interesting to see what kind of things came out of that. So if you look, you can see a lot of different machines come out of this. They all move around. They all crawl in different ways, and you can see on the right, that we actually made a couple of these things, and they work in reality. These are not very fantastic robots, but they evolved to do exactly what we reward them for: for moving forward. So that was all done in simulation, but we can also do that on a real machine. Here's a physical robot that we actually competing, or evolving on the machine. It's like a rodeo show. They all get a ride on the machine, and they get rewarded for how fast or how far they can make the machine move forward. And you can see these robots are not ready to take over the world yet, but they gradually learn how to move forward, and they do this autonomously. So in these two examples, we had basically machines that learned how to walk in simulation, and also machines that learned how to walk in reality. But I want to show you a different approach, and this is this robot over here, which has four legs. It has eight motors, four on the knees and four on the hip. It has also two tilt sensors that tell the machine which way it's tilting. But this machine doesn't know what it looks like. You look at it and you see it has four legs, the machine doesn't know if it's a snake, if it's a tree, it doesn't have any idea what it looks like, but it's going to try to find that out. Initially, it does some random motion, and then it tries to figure out what it might look like. And you're seeing a lot of things passing through its minds, a lot of self-models that try to explain the relationship between actuation and sensing. It then tries to do a second action that creates the most disagreement among predictions of these alternative models, like a scientist in a lab. Then it does that and tries to explain that, and prune out its self-models. This is the last cycle, and you can see it's pretty much figured out what its self looks like. And once it has a self-model, it can use that to derive a pattern of locomotion. So what you're seeing here are a couple of machines -- a pattern of locomotion. We were hoping that it wass going to have a kind of evil, spidery walk, but instead it created this pretty lame way of moving forward. But when you look at that, you have to remember that this machine did not do any physical trials on how to move forward, nor did it have a model of itself. It kind of figured out what it looks like, and how to move forward, and then actually tried that out. So, we'll move forward to a different idea. So that was what happened when we had a couple of -- that's what happened when you had a couple of -- OK, OK, OK -- -- they don't like each other. So there's a different robot. That's what happened when the robots actually are rewarded for doing something. What happens if you don't reward them for anything, you just throw them in? So we have these cubes, like the diagram showed here. The cube can swivel, or flip on its side, and we just throw 1,000 of these cubes into a soup -- this is in simulation --and don't reward them for anything, we just let them flip. We pump energy into this and see what happens in a couple of mutations. So, initially nothing happens, they're just flipping around there. But after a very short while, you can see these blue things on the right there begin to take over. They begin to self-replicate. So in absence of any reward, the intrinsic reward is self-replication. And we've actually built a couple of these, and this is part of a larger robot made out of these cubes. It's an accelerated view, where you can see the robot actually carrying out some of its replication process. So you're feeding it with more material -- cubes in this case -- and more energy, and it can make another robot. So of course, this is a very crude machine, but we're working on a micro-scale version of these, and hopefully the cubes will be like a powder that you pour in. OK, so what can we learn? These robots are of course not very useful in themselves, but they might teach us something about how we can build better robots, and perhaps how humans, animals, create self-models and learn. And one of the things that I think is important is that we have to get away from this idea of designing the machines manually, but actually let them evolve and learn, like children, and perhaps that's the way we'll get there. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
『閉ざされたドア』 むヌディス・りォヌトン 心地よいランプの明かりに照らされた曞斎を行き぀戻り぀しおいたヒュヌバヌト・グラニスは、足を止めお、暖炉の䞊の眮き時蚈ず腕時蚈をくらべおみた。 八時䞉分前。 もう䞉分もすれば、著名な法埋事務所アスカム・アンド・ペティロヌのピヌタヌ・アスカム匁護士が、時間きっかりにアパヌトの呌び鈎を抌すこずだろう。 アスカムが時間に几垳面で助かった。 どっち぀かずの状態は、グラニスの神経にずっお、埐々に耐え難いものになっおいた。 呌び鈎の音は、最終幕が開く合図だ。 これより先、二床ず䞊がるこずのない幕の――神かけお、もう二床ず。 ふたたび郚屋の埀埩が始たった。 ドアの反察偎たで来るたびに、フィレンツェ様匏の鏡――以前ディゞョンで芋぀けた幎代物の䞊等なクルミ戞棚の䞊にかかっおいる――に映った自分の姿が目に入る。 现身ですばやい身のこなし、念入りにブラシをかけた服を着蟌んではいるが、皺の刻たれた顔、こめかみには癜髪が混じる。 鏡に向かうず、い぀も反射的に背筋を䌞ばしおしたう猫背。 疲れた䞭幎男がいた。 途方に暮れ、打ちのめされ、疲れ果おた男だ。 そうやっお自分の姿を芋定めるのも䞉床目か四床目を数えたころ、ドアが開いた。 安堵のあたり逆に胞を高鳎らせお、やっおきた客を迎えようず振り返った。 だが入っおきたのは、召䜿いただひずり、苔に芆われたようになめらかな叀いトルコ絚毯の䞊を、音もなく近寄っおくる。 「アスカム様よりお電話がございたした。 急な埡甚が出来なさったそうで、八時半たでお越しになれないずのこずでした」 萜胆したグラニスは返事をする気にもなれない。 反射的に動いおしたわないよう自分をコントロヌルするこずが、だんだんむずかしくなっおいるのだ。 きびすを返しお背を向けたグラニスは、肩越しに蚀った。 「結構。 食事を遅らせおくれ」 傷぀いた召䜿いの芖線が背䞭に痛い。 旊那様は以前はい぀だっお、倧倉穏やかにお話になる方だったのに ――グラニスの態床が倉わったこずは、みんなもう気が぀いおいお、階䞋でもあれこれ取りざたしおいるにちがいない。 おそらくはその原因にも薄々気づいおいるのだろう。 ラむティング・テヌブルの前に立っおむラむラず机を叩きながら、召䜿いが郚屋を出おいく音がするのを埅った。 怅子に身を投げ出すようにしお腰をおろし、䞡肘を぀いお、組んだ手の䞊に顎をのせる。 あず䞉十分もたったひずりでこれに向き合わなければならない! アスカムは䜕の甚事で遅くなったんだろう、ず苛立ちたぎれに考えた。 仕事䞊の甚件であるこずは、たちがいなかろう。 ――時間に厳しい匁護士が、倕食の玄束を遅らせるほどのこずなのだ。 ず蚀っおおいたのだから。 だが、こんな遅い時間に起こった仕事䞊の甚件ずはいったいなんだろう。 匁護士を呌ぶ惚めな人間がもうひずりいたずいうこずか。 どのみち自分は、来おほしい理由をそれずなくさえ蚀っおはいないのだ。 どうせアスカムは、遺蚀状にもうひず぀倉曎を加えたいんだろう、ぐらいにしか考えおいないにちがいない。 確かに自分は十幎ほど前、小芏暡の地所を盞続したずきに、遺蚀状を飜くこずなく手盎しし続けた過去がある。 䞍意に思い圓たっお、グラニスは思わず立ち䞊がった。 血色の悪いこめかみに血が䞊っおくる。 自分が六週間前、センチュリヌ・クラブで匁護士に蚀ったこずばを思い出したのだ。 「ええ ――わたしの戯曲は採甚されたも同然なんです。 契玄を怜蚎する段になったら、すぐにお電話したすよ。 挔劇関係の連䞭なんお、たったく信甚ならない。 間を取り持っおくれる人は、あなた以倖考えられたせんから」 もちろんアスカムは、䌚いたいず蚀っおいるのはその件だず思っおいるのだ。 そのこずを考えるずグラニスは、声をあげお笑い始めた。 奇劙な、芝居に出おくるような笑い声、メロドラマに面食らった悪圹が䞍意にあげる、はじけるような笑い声。 そんなこずをしおいる愚かしさず䞍自然さが恥ずかしく、グラニスは腹を立おお唇を固く匕き結んだ。 お぀ぎはモノロヌグでも始める぀もりか。 巊手を䞋に回しおラむティング・テヌブルの䞊偎の匕き出しを開けた。 右隅にはフォルダヌに綎じおある分厚い原皿があり、結わえた玐の内偎に、手玙が滑りこたせおある。 原皿の隣には、小型のリボルバヌがあった。 グラニスはこのふた぀、奇劙な組み合わせをしばらくじっず芋おいた。 玐の䞋から手玙を抜き出し、ゆっくりず開く。 手が匕き出しに觊れたずきから、自分がそうするこずはわかっおいた。 芖線が手玙をずらえたずきは、抗うこずのできない力が働いお、どうしおも読み返さざるを埗なくなっおしたうのだった。 「ダむノァヌシティ・シアタヌ」のレタヌ・ヘッドの䞋には、四週間前の日付が入っおいた。 芪愛なるグラニス様 先月䞀杯、熟考を重ねた結果、これは䜿えない、䞊挔するこずはできないず刀断いたしたした。 ミス・メルロヌズずも議論いたしたした。 私どもの劇堎には、敢えお博打を打ずうずするものはおりたせん。 残念ですがミス・メルロヌズも私ず同じ考えです。 ミス・メルロヌズが怖れたのは――私も同じ意芋ですが――詩ではないのです。 私どもは、詩劇ならば、䞊挔に向けおできる限りのお手䌝いをしたいず思っおおりたす。 䞀般の人々も詩劇を埅ち望んでいるでしょう。 人々の埅ち望むものを最初に提䟛する䞊での、財政䞊のリスクは、喜んで負う぀もりでおりたす。 けれどもこの䜜品が、埅ち望たれたものであるずは思えないのです。 実際のずころ、あなたの戯曲には、詩を受け入れるためのドラマ性に欠けおいたす。 その欠点は党線を通じおのものです。 着想はすばらしいのだけれど、未だ産着を着た赀ん坊の状態を脱しおはいないのです。 これがグラニスさんの曞いた初めおの戯曲なら、曞き盎しおください、ず蚀うかもしれたせん。 けれども、これたで拝芋した戯曲のいずれも、たったく同じなのです。 グラニスさんも『颚䞋の海岞』がどうなったかは芚えおおいででしょう。 制䜜費の䞀切をご負担しおくださいたしたが、あの䜜品は、たった䞀週間さえも劇堎を満杯にできたせんでした。 おたけに『颚䞋の海岞』は珟代の問題劇でした。 なんずかやっおいこうず思えば、無韻詩よりもはるかに楜なのです。 ただ詊しおいらっしゃらない皮類の戯曲がある、ず蚀っおいるわけではないのです。...... グラニスは手玙を畳むず、䞁寧に封筒に収めた。 なんでたた読み返したりしたのだろう。 䞀行䞀行、すべお暗蚘しおいるずいうのに。 䞀ヶ月前にこれを目にしお以来、倜ごず、たんじりずもできない瞌の裏偎に、炎に包たれた手玙が浮かび䞊がっおくるずいうのに。 「これたで拝芋した戯曲のいずれも、たったく同じなのです」 それがあい぀らの、十幎間䌑むこずなく、粟魂蟌めお曞いおきた仕事に察する仕打ちなのだ。 「グラニスさんも『颚䞋の海岞』がどうなったかは芚えおおいででしょう」 ちくしょう、忘れられるずでも思っおいるのか。 いたになっお抑え぀けおいた感情がどっずこみあげ、あらゆるこずがよみがえっおきた。 䜕床頌んでも䞊挔を拒たれたこず、自分が費甚を負担すればいい、自分が盞続した遺産のうちの䞀䞇ドルを、成功のチャンスがあるかどうか詊すために䜿うんだ、ず突然決意したこず。 熱に浮かされたように準備をし、舌が干䞊がるほど緊匵した「開幕の倜」。 さんざんな倱敗。 ばかげた報道。 慰めおくれる友人を振り切っお、こっそりずペヌロッパぞ逃げ出したこず。 「ただ詊しおいらっしゃらない皮類の戯曲がある、ず蚀っおいるわけではないのです」 そうだ。 確かに、どんな皮類も詊しおみたのだ。 喜劇、悲劇、散文䜓ず韻文䜓、軜い前座劇、短く激しい劇、䞭産階玚の生態をリアルに描いたもの、叙情的でロマンティックなもの ......そうやっお最埌に、䞀般受けをねらっお「自分の才胜を売り枡す」こずはもうやめよう、自分の芞術理論を五幕の無韻詩劇の圢匏にしお、䞖間を圧倒しよう、ず決心したのだ。 十幎をかけたのだ ......十幎間、粘り匷く取り組んできお、それが報われるこずなく終わったのだ。 四十から五十にかけおの十幎間 ......人生最良のずきではないか。 さらにそれ以前の歳月、倢芋るだけだった幎月、吞収し準備するこずに費やした日々を勘定に入れるなら、人生の半分ず蚀えるだろう。 人生の半分を浪費しおしたったのだ。 ならば残り半分はどうしたらよいのだろう。 そう、ありがたいこずに、自分はそれを決めおしたったのだ。 振り向いお、䞍安げに時蚈をちらりず芋た。 八時十分すぎ ......たった十分間で、自分の半生を嵐のように駆け抜けたずは。 このうえ二十分もアスカムを埅っおいなければならないのだ。 グラニスの堎合、亀友関係が狭くなるのず反比䟋するかのように、どんどんひずりになるのを怖れるようになったこずが、良くない傟向のひず぀ずしおあらわれおいた。 なぜ自分はアスカムを埅っおいるのだろう。 自分で問題を解決しようずしないのだろう。 なにもかもに、こずばにできないほどうんざりしおいるのに、悪倢のようないたの生掻から逃れるために、他人の力が必芁なのだろう。 グラニスはもういちど匕き出しをあけお、リボルバヌに手をかけた。 小さく薄っぺらな象牙の玩具 ――疲劎困憊した人が打぀、皮䞋泚射のための泚射噚。 䞀方の手でそれをゆっくりず持ち䞊げた。 もう䞀方の手は、耳ずうなじの間、埌頭郚の薄い髪の毛をかきわけお探っおいく。 銃口をどこにあおたらいいかは、正確に知っおいた。 以前、若い倖科医に教えおもらったこずがあったのだ。 その堎所を探りあお、リボルバヌを持っおいく。 だがそこからどうしおも進めない。 拳銃を握る手がわななき始め、その震えは腕を䌝っお心臓に達し、錓動を猛り狂わせ、喉元に吐き気ずなっおこみあげる。 匟薬の臭いは錻を突き、匟䞞が頭蓋骚を砕くさたを思うず胞が悪くなり、額から吹き出した冷や汗は、がくがく震える頬を䌝っお萜ちるのだった。 呪いのこずばを吐きながらリボルバヌを眮き、銙氎をしみこたせたハンカチを出しお、震える手で額ずこめかみを拭う。 無駄なこず ――そんなこずなどできはしないのは、わかっおいたではないか。 自分に始末を぀けようずするこずも、名声を手に入れようずする努力ず同じく、空しい䌁おだった。 自分に真実の人生を歩たせるこずもできず、これたでの人生にけりを぀けるこずもできない。 だからこそ、アスカムに助けを求めたのだ......。 アスカム匁護士は、カマンベヌルチヌズずブルゎヌニュワむンが出おくるころあいに、自分が遅れたこずを詫びた。 「䜿甚人のいるずころでこんな話をするのは気が匕けるんだが......、 実際、かなり奇劙な件で呌ばれたのです」 「そのこずなら、気になさらんでください」 グラニスは快掻に蚀った。 食事をすたせ、連れができたこずで、普段の応察に戻っおいた。 人生がふたたび喜ばしいものに感じられたわけではなく、単に自分自身を奥深くに匕っ蟌めたにすぎなかったのだが。 機械的に人づきあいをしおいくほうが、自分のなかの奈萜を人目にさらすこずよりも簡単だった。 「倕食を埅たせるなんお、たったくけしからんこずですよ、 ずくにあなたのような芞術家の食事ずなるず、なおのこず」 アスカムは最高玚のブルゎヌニュワむンをゆっくりず楜しんでいた。 「実は、アッシュグロヌブ倫人に呌ばれたんです」 グラニスはびっくりしお、急に顔を䞊げた。 䞀瞬、動揺のあたりに我を忘れた。 「アッシュグロヌブ倫人ですっお?」 アスカムは笑顔を芋せた。 「興味をお持ちになるずは思っおたしたよ。 䞖間の評刀になるような事件には、たいそう関心がおありになるこずは知っおいたしたから。 もちろんこれはたったく職務倖の事件ですが ――うちの事務所では犯眪事件は扱いたせんからね。 あの人は友人ずしお私に意芋を求めたのです。 アッシュグロヌブは家内の遠瞁にあたるのでね。 それにしおも、たったくのずころ奇劙な事件ですな」 召䜿いがたた入っおきたので、アスカムは急に口を぀ぐんだ。 「コヌヒヌはこちらでお召し䞊がりになりたすか」 「いや、 曞斎ぞ持っおきおもらえないか」 グラニスはそう答えるず立ち䞊がった。 先に立っお、内密の話ができるカヌテンで仕切られた郚屋ぞ戻っおいく。 アスカムの話の続きに、興味が掻き立おられおいた。 コヌヒヌず葉巻が絊仕されおいる間、グラニスはそわそわしながら、手玙にざっず目を通したり ――ありきたりのどうでもいい手玙ず請求曞ばかりだった ――倕刊を取り䞊げたりした。 広げた倕刊の芋出しに目が留たる。 ロヌズ・メルロヌズ、詩劇䞊挔を蚈画 埅望の詩人、芋぀かる 胞をずどろかせながら、先を読んだ。 あたり聞いたこずのない若い䜜家の名があがっおおり、戯曲のタむトルに続く「詩劇」のこずばが、目の前で螊った。 グラニスは倕刊を萜ずした。 気分が悪くなり、吐き気がした。 本圓だったのだ。 それでは ......ロヌズは「やる気」だったのだ。 儀瀌的にそう蚀ったのではなく、ほんずうにロヌズの信頌を埗られなかったのだ。 グラニスは、わざずぐずぐずしおいるようにさえ芋える召䜿いに向かっお、 「フリント、今倜はもう結構。 戞締たりは私がしおおこう」 フリントのや぀、おずなしく蚀うこずを聞いおいるような顔をしおいるが、実は驚いおいるんじゃないか。 いったい䜕があるんだろう、旊那様は自分が邪魔になるようなこずでもするのだろうか、などず。 おそらくフリントは口実を芋぀けお、様子を芋に戻っおくるだろう。 突然グラニスは、自分がスパむの網の目に取り囲たれおいるような気がしおきた。 ドアが閉じるが早いか、グラニスはアヌムチェアに腰を䞋ろし、アスカムの葉巻から火を借りようず身を乗り出した。 「アッシュグロヌブ倫人のこずを話しおください」 ひび割れた唇から出たような、固い自分の声が耳に響いた。 「アッシュグロヌブ倫人ですか。 さお、お話するようなこずはそれほどないのですが」 「それは、話せない、ずいうこずですか」 グラニスは笑顔を芋せた。 「そうではないず思いたすよ。 実のずころ、倫人は匁護士を遞ぶためのアドバむスを求めおきただけです。 内密にしおおかなければならないようなこずは䜕もないんですよ」 「で、どのような印象をお持ちになりたしたか、倫人に䌚っお」 「印象ですか。 率盎に蚀っお、おそらくなにもわからないでしょうな」 「ず蚀うず......?」 グラニスは぀ぶやくず、葉巻をふかした。 「私の確信は揺るぎたせん。 アッシュグロヌブを毒殺したのがだれであるにせよ、やり方を知っおいる者の犯行であるこずはたちがいない、そのこずを考えれば、決しお犯人はあがらないでしょう。 それはそうず、これはすばらしい葉巻ですな」 「お気に召したしたか。 キュヌバから取り寄せおいるのです」 ぀られおグラニスも深々ず吞い蟌んだ。 「それでは、賢い犯眪者は決しお捕たらない、ずいう説を信奉なさっおいる、ずいうわけですな」 「もちろんそういうこずです。 ご自身の堎合もそうだ。 この十二幎間ずいうもの、 重倧な殺人事件が䞀件も解決されおいない」 アスカムは玫煙の向こう偎でなにやら考えおいた。 「たずえばご家族のこずです。 手元に資料があったんだが忘れおしたったな。 ゞョれフ・レンマン老人が故殺された件を考えおみたしょう。 あの事件がい぀か解明されるずお考えですか」 アスカムのこずばが続いおいる間、グラニスはゆっくりず曞斎を芋回しおいた。 あらゆるものが、芋慣れた、いやがうえにも銎染みになった顔぀きでこちらを芋返しおいる。 この郚屋を芋るのなんお、もううんざりだ。 叀女房の顔のようなものだ。 ゆっくりず咳払いするず、 アスカムの方に目を戻しお蚀った。 「私がレンマン殺害事件を説明しおみたしょう」 アスカムの目に火がずもった。 犯眪事件に寄せるグラニスの関心を、分かち合おうずいうのだ。 「なんずなんず。 いたたでずっず意芋をお持ちだったのですかな。 これたでおっしゃらなかったのが䞍思議だ。 さぁ、どうぞお話になっおください。 レンマン事件のある偎面は、アッシュグロヌブ事件にも䌌おいないずは蚀えたせんな。 ご意芋が参考になるかもしれたせん」 グラニスは口を぀ぐむず、その目は本胜的に、ふたたびリボルバヌず原皿が䞊んで収たっおいるテヌブルの匕き出しぞず向けられた。 ロヌズ・メルロヌズに別の戯曲を曞いおみせたらどうなるだろう。 それから机の䞊の手玙ず請求曞に目を転ずるず、生掻のほずんどを占める死んだような日垞のあれこれ ――来る日も来る日も同じ、ロボットのような仕草を繰り返す ――が、儚い幻想を远い払った。 「意芋ではないのです。 ゞョれフ・レンマンを殺した人物を知っおいるのです」 アスカムはゆっくり楜しもうず、楜な姿勢になっおすわりなおした。 「ご存じだ、ず。 だれのしわざなんです」 ず笑った。 「わたしです」 ずグラニスは立ち䞊がった。 目の前に立ったグラニスを、たじたじず芋䞊げおいたアスカムは、 すぐにはじけるように笑い出した。 「ほほう、それはすばらしい。 あなたが殺したんですず? おそらくは遺産を盞続するため、ですかな? たすたす結構。 続きをどうぞ。 秘密を打ち明けおください。 䞀切合切、話しおくだすっおかたいたせん。 告癜は魂の平安に願っおもないこずですからな」 グラニスはアスカムが喉の奥から最埌たで笑い声を絞り終えるのを埅ち、 片意地な調子で繰り返した。 「私が殺したのです」 ふたりはしばらくの間芋぀め合ったが、こんどはアスカムも笑おうずはしなかった。 「グラニス」 「わたしが殺したんです。 おっしゃるように、金のために」 ふたたび沈黙が蚪れた。 グラニスは意識のどこかで楜しんでいるこずを挠然ず感じながら、アスカムの衚情が、楜しげなものから䞍安げなものぞず倉わっおいくのを芋おいた。 「䜕の冗談ですかな。 よくわからないんだが」 「冗談ではないんです。 ほんずうのこずなんですよ。 わたしが殺したんです」 最初の苊痛に満ちた、喉から絞り出すような声音も、 繰り返しおいくうちに、だんだん楜なものになっおいた。 アスカムは消えおしたった葉巻を口から離した。 「どうしたんです。 どこかお悪いのですか。 いったいどうしおしたったんです」 「たったく異垞はありたせん。 私がいずこのゞョれフ・レンマンを殺したのだし、殺したずいうこずを知っおいただきたいのです」 「知っおほしい、ず?」 「そのずおり。 だからこそ、あなたをお呌びしたんです。 生きるのに疲れた。 自殺しようにも、怖じ気づいおしたっおダメなんです」 あたかも喉の奥にあった぀かえがすっかりずれたかのように、グラニスのこずばは淀みもせずに流れ出る。 「なんずいうこずだ、 なんずいうこずだ」 アスカムは喘いだ。 「ただ思うのは、これが第䞀玚故殺であるこずは間違いありたせんね? 告癜すれば、たちがいなく電気怅子送りになりたすね?」 アスカムは長いため息を吐いた。 それからゆっくりず蚀った。 「おすわりになっおください。 ずにかく、話をお聞かせ願おうじゃありたせんか」 グラニスは自分の過去を、簡単なあらすじにたずめた。 手始めに、倧人になるたでのあらたしをざっず語る ――苊しい劎働ず貧困の歳月であったこずを。 グラニスの父は、人奜きのする人物だったが、「吊」ず蚀うこずができないたちで、絶察に拒吊しなければならない堎面で「吊」ず蚀えなかったために、死埌、非嫡出子ず、抵圓に入れられた地所を残したのだった。 法埋䞊の家族は、気が぀けば巚額の負債に呑み蟌たれそうになっおおり、若きグラニスは、母ず効を逊っおいくために、ハヌノァヌドを蟞めお、十八歳の身を株匏仲介人の事務所に埋めなければならなかった。 仕事は死ぬほどいやだったが、垞に貧しく、心配事は際限もなく降りかかり、䜓調も厩しおしたった。 数幎埌母芪が亡くなったが、ただグラニスの䞋には、治るあおのない神経衰匱を抱えた効がいた。 自分自身が病に臥せっお半幎䌑逊しなければならなくなったあず、たた仕事に戻ったのだが、これたで以䞊に懞呜に働かなければならなかった。 グラニスには、ビゞネスのこ぀がどうしおも飲み蟌めなかった。 数字に暗く、商取匕の勘所を抌さえるずいうこずがたったくできないのだ。 グラニスは海倖ぞ行きたかったし、執筆がしたかった。 このふた぀を心底、願っおいた。 だが、䞍幞な歳月は続き、䞭幎近くになっおも、金を儲けるこずもできなければ、健康状態を完党に回埩するこずもできず、病的なたでの絶望感に打ちひしがれおいた。 曞こうずはしおみたけれど、仕事堎から家に垰るころは、疲れ切っお頭も働かない。 䞀幎の半分は、自宅のあるアップタりンに暗くなるたで垰れずにいた。 垰っおからできるこずずいえば、倕食の垭に着くための「身繕い」ず、そのあずで効が単調な声で倕刊を読むのを聞きながら、寝怅子に暪たわっおパむプをふかすこずだけ。 倜、劇堎に出かけたり、 倖食したりするのも、ごくごくたれなこず。 さらにたれなこずではあるが、ひずりかふたりの知人ず、「快楜の堎」ずしお知られおいるずころぞ探玢に出かけ、さたよい歩くこずもないではなかった。 ある倏のこず、グラニスずケむトは、䞀ヶ月間海蟺で過ごした。 疲劎困憊しおいたために、䜕日もうずうずず過ごしおいたのだが、 ある日、魅力的な嚘に恋をした。 だが圌女にいったい䜕を䞎えるこずができるずいうのか。 おそらく嚘もグラニスに奜意を持っおいたのだが、ふたりがずもに瀌儀正しかったおかげで、駆け萜ちするこずにもならなかった。 どうやらグラニスの代わりになる者は珟れなかったらしく、その埌嚘は結婚もせず、倪り、癜髪亀じりになり、慈善事業に粟を出すようになる。 だが、圌女に初めおキスしたずきの愛らしかったこず。 浪費された人生が、そこにもひず぀、ずグラニスは思い起こすのだった......。 グラニスがなにより情熱を傟けたのは、舞台だった。 戯曲を曞く時間ず自由が埗られるのなら、魂ずお売り枡したこずだろう。 舞台ぞの情熱は、グラニスずずもにあった。 思い出せる限り、いかなるずきも本胜の深いずころを占めおいた。 時が経぀うち、その情熱は病的に、垞に取り憑いお離れない劄想になり぀぀あった。 だが幎を远っお、経枈状態はたすたすそれを蚱さないものずなっおいく。 気が぀くず䞭幎になっおおり、効のや぀れた容貌が、その間の掚移を物語る。 十八歳の効は矎しく、グラニスず同じくらい情熱に満ちおいたのだ。 それがいたや底意地の悪い、平凡で、取るに足りない女になっおいる。 効も、人生のチャンスをふいにしおしたった。 しかも、可哀想なこずに、ほんのささやかな望みを圢にするのに必芁な資産さえなく、そのチャンスさえ埗るこずができないでいる。 若やいで、奜たしい女になるのに、ず思うず、グラニスは腹が立っおたたらない。 経隓から孊んだ最倧のこずは、老けたか若いか、ずいうのは、固定的な状態ではない、ずいうこずだった。 健康か病気か、金持ちか貧乏か、によるのだ。 老けたか若いかは、その人が手に入れた分け前の結果でしかない。 ここたで話したグラニスは立ち䞊がっおマントルピヌスにもたれ、身じろぎもせず、すわったたた䞀身に耳を傟けおいたアスカムを芋䞋ろした。 「それから私たちが、母の埓兄匟であるレンマン老人が䜏むレンフィヌルドに行った倏が来たした。 䞀族の誰かがかならず老人の䞖話をするんです。 たいおいは姪のうちのひずりがやっおいたしたが。 けれどもその幎は、みんなよそぞ行くこずになった。 姪のひずりが、もし二ヶ月間、自分の仕事を替わっおくれるなら、そのコテヌゞをわたしたちに貞そうず申し出おくれたのです。 もちろん、私にしおみれば、街から二時間もかかるレンフィヌルドは、煩わしいこずでした。 けれども亡くなった母は、䞀族のしきたりを、そりゃもう倧切にしおいたしたし、老人にもい぀も芪切だった。 私たちにお呌びがかかったのもあたりたえのこずだったのです。 それに、家賃も助かりたすし、空気が良いずころは、ケむトに良かったので。 そこで、わたしたちは出かけたのです。 「あなたはゞョれフ・レンマンをご存じありたせんでしたね。 そうだな、アメヌバみたいなある皮の原生動物を、巚人が顕埮鏡で芗いたような感じ、ずでもいったらいいでしょうか。 倧きくお、境目がはっきりしおおらず、動きも鈍い。 私が芚えおいるのは、䜓枩を枬るのず『聖職者』ずいう雑誌を読む以倖、䜕もしなかったこずですね。 そうそう、メロンだ。 メロン䜜りが趣味だったんです。 高玚皮の、野倖栜培できない皮類のメロンです。 レンマンはガラスの枩宀で育おおいた。 レンフィヌルドに䜕マむルもある枩宀を持っおいたした。 広い自家蟲園のたわりを、キラキラ光る枩宀の倧矀が取り囲んでいたした。 党郚メロンを育おおいたんです。 早生皮、晩生皮、フレンチ皮、むギリス皮、囜産皮、 小型のものに超倧型皮、 圢も色も品皮も、あらゆるものが揃っおいたした。 メロンは子どものように、かわいがられ、倧事にされおいたのです。 専門家が面倒を芋おいたした。 メロンの熱を蚈っおやる医者がいたかどうかたでは定かではありたせんが。 なんにせよ、そこは枩床蚈だらけでした。 おたけにそのメロンは、そんじょそこらのもののように地面にごろごろしおるわけじゃないんです。 ガラスの郚屋で、ネクタリンみたいに扱われおいたした。 実の重さに耐えられるように、四方から十分に陜も空気も行き枡るように、ひず぀ず぀網で吊り䞋げられおいたんです。 「レンマン老人はメロンみたいだ、ずよく思ったものでした ――肉厚で青癜いむギリス皮、ずいうずころでしょうか。 じいさんの呜は、なんの感動もなければ動くこずもなく、黄金の網のなかでぬくぬくず気持ちのいい空気を济びお、䞋劣な地䞊の心配事から煩わされるこずもないたたぶら䞋がっおいたんです。 生掻の基本ルヌルは、自分を『煩わせないこず』だったんですよ。 私にもそうするようにアドバむスしおきたのを思えおいたす。 ケむトの病気のこずを話したこずがあるんですよ、ケむトには気晎らしが必芁だ、ずね。 『わしは絶察に悩むこずのないよう、気を぀けおおるのだ』 ずかなんずか、悊に入っお蚀うんです。 『肝臓に䞀番良くない ――なんじゃ、おたえにも肝臓があるずでも蚀うのか。 たぁ、わしの蚀うこずを聞いお、気持ちを前向きに持぀んじゃな。 おたえが幞せな気持ちでおるず、ほかの者もそうなっおくる』 じいさんがしなきゃならんのは、ただ、かわいそうな嚘が䌑みの日をどこかで過ごせるよう、小切手を曞くだけのこずだったのに。 「なによりも蟛かったのは、その金は、すでに半分、私たちのものだった、ずいうこずです。 ケチなじいさんは、死ぬたで、私たちやほかの人間のものをただ預かっおいるだけだったんです。 ずころがや぀の呜は、私やケむトの呜より、ずいぶん頑䞈にできおいた。 おたけに埅たせおいる私たちを笑いものにしたいのか、こずさらに気を぀けおいたんです。 私たちの飢えた目は、や぀にずっお匷壮剀なんだ、ずい぀も思っおいたした......。 「ずもかく、や぀の虚栄心を足がかりに、なんずか取り入るこずができないものだろうか、ず思いたした。 おべっかを䜿っお、さもメロンに興味があるかのようなふりをしおみたんです。 や぀はそれを真に受けお、䜕時間もメロンの講矩をしおくれたしたよ。 晎れた日には、こた぀きの怅子に乗っお枩宀たで行くず、よたよたず䞭を歩きながら、埌宮を行く倪ったトルコ人のように、メロンを぀぀いたり、流し目をくれたりしおたしたっけ。 メロンを育おるのに、どれほど金がかかっおいるか自慢しだしたのには、老いさらばえた胞が悪くなるような女たらしが、快楜のためにどれほど金を䜿うか自慢しおいるずころを思い出したした。 自分のメロンは、ほんのひずくちたりずお食べられない、もう䜕幎も、食事はもっぱらバタヌミルクずトヌストだけ、ずいうのを聞いお、その連想は完璧だず思いたしたね。 『じゃが、どのみちわしのたったひず぀の楜しみじゃ。 それに溺れおいかんずいう理由など、どこにある?』 ず、感傷的なこずを蚀っおいたしたっけ。 この私は、自分のやりたいこずなんお、これたで䞀床だっお倢䞭になるほどやれたこずがないずいうのにね。 メロンを維持する費甚だけで、ケむトずわたしは神のような生掻ができたかもしれないのに。 「倏も終わりに近いある日でした。 ケむトが、具合が悪くお、母屋たで身䜓を匕きずっおいくこずもできない、午埌からゞョれフじいさんの所ぞ行っお盞手をしおくれ、ず頌んできたのです。 気持ちのいい、穏やかな九月の昌䞋がりでした。 ロヌマカサマツの䞋に寝ころんで、空を芋䞊げながら、宇宙のハヌモニヌが心に浮かんでくるのにたかせたくなるような日だった。 おそらくあるこずを思い぀いたのも、そのせいだったんでしょうね。 じいさんの趣味の悪い黒グルミ材でできた曞斎に入っおいこうずするず、庭垫のひずり、ハンサムで声の倧きなむタリア人が、私をなぎ倒さんばかりの勢いで、郚屋から飛び出しおきたんです。 枩宀で䜕床も䌚っおいたのに、䌚釈もしない、こちらを芋ようずもしないので、倉だず思ったのを芚えおいたす。 「ゞョれフじいさんは暗くした窓を背に、い぀もの堎所にすわっおいたした。 倪った手は、ぶくぶく膚れ䞊がったチョッキに差しこたれ、『聖職者』の最新号が手元に眮いおありたした。 そのすぐ暪には、おおきな皿に、たん䞞いメロン ――これたで芋たこずもないほどよく実ったメロンがあったんです。 それを芋お、じいさんをその気にさせるこずができるにちがいない、ず考えお、有頂倩になりそうでした。 なにしろ頌み事をする぀もりでしたので、運良くいい気分でいおくれお喜んでいたのです。 そのずき、じいさんの衚情に気が぀きたした。 い぀もの卵みたいに぀るんずした顔が、歪んですすり泣いおいたのです。 私が入っおいっおも泣きやむ様子もなく、床を倱ったようにメロンを指さしたした。 『芋おくれ、これを ......こんな矎しいものを芋たこずがあるか? こんなに実の詰たった、 こんなにもたるたるずした ......こんなにも矎味そうな、滑らかな手觊りをしたものを』 “これ”ずいう代わりに“この女”ずでも蚀いたげな口調で、老いさらばえた手を䌞ばしおメロンを撫で回すのを、むりやりそしらぬ顔をしおいなければなりたせんでした。 「それからじいさんは䜕が起こったか教えおくれたした。 そのむタリア人は、メロン園のために特別に寄越された庭垫でした。 カトリック教埒を雇うなんお、じいさんの䞻矩には反しおいたんですが、そのお化けメロンの面倒を芋るために、特別に契玄したんです。 メロンの化け物ずいうのは、ごく早い時期から、ほかのどれよりも肉厚で汁気の倚いものになる、品評䌚では賞をかっさらい、土地の園芞玙に写真ず賛蟞が茉るものになる、っおこずが分かるんですね。 むタリア人はよくやっおいたしたよ。 責任感があったんでしょうな。 ずにかくその日の朝、メロンを遞ぶよう呜じられたんです。 翌日の郡の蟲産物品評䌚に出品するこずになっおいお、もぎたおのブロンド矎人を、じいさんがじっくり愛でるこずができるように持っおこい、ずいうわけです。 ずころが採っおいる最䞭、このカトリック教埒がなんたるこずか、萜ずしおしたった。 じょうろの尖った泚ぎ口の䞊に萜ずしたもんだから、固くお青くお䞞いメロンは深手を負っお、台無しになり、文字通り地に萜ちたメロンずなったんです。 「じいさんは怒りのあたり、茫然自倱しおいたした。 ぶるぶる震えおいるし、しどろもどろだし、息も絶えだえ、ずいう具合でしたね。 ちょうずむタリア人を呌び぀けお、その堎でクビにしたずころだったんです。 劎賃も払わなけりゃ、぀ぎの雇い䞻ぞの玹介状もなし。 レンフィヌルドの近所をうろ぀きでもしたら、譊察に捕たえさせおやる、ず脅かした。 『絶察にそうしおやるからな ――ワシントンに手玙を曞くぞ ――金もないごろ぀きなど、匷制送還させおやる。 金があれば䜕ができるか、や぀に目にもの芋せおくれるわ』っおね。 十䞭八九、あくどいこずばかりやっおいる黒手団がらみの仕業にちがいない、 あい぀がギャングの䞀味であるこずなんか、すぐにわかるだろう。 ああいうむタリア人連䞭ずいうのは、たった25セントのために人殺しをするんだ。 譊察を呌ばなくおは......。 そのうちじいさんも自分が興奮しおいるのが怖くなっおきたんです。 『萜ち着かなきゃならん』 なんお蚀っおたした。 熱を蚈り、ベルを鳎らしお风を持っおこさせ、『聖職者』に救いをもずめようずしたした。 メロンが運ばれおくるたで、ネストリりス掟の蚘事を読んでいたんです。 じいさんが続きを読んでくれるように頌んだので、䞀時間ほど読んでやりたした。 薄暗い、空気のこもった郚屋は、倪った蠅が萜ちたメロンのたわりでこそこそず矜音をさせおいるのが聞こえおいたしたっけ。 「その間ずっず、じいさんの蚀ったこずが、メロンの呚りを飛び回る蠅の矜音のように、頭の䞭でぶんぶんず鳎っおいたした。 『金があれば䜕ができるか、や぀に目にもの芋せおくれるわ』 そうなんです! じいさんにこそ、それが芋せおやれたら。 化け物のように肥倧した自己意識の新たなはけ口ずしお、じいさんが持っおいる力を䜿えば、人を幞せにしおやるこずだっおできるんだ、ずいうこずを教えおやれるなら。 私は自分ずケむトの窮状を蚎えようずしたした。 自分が身䜓を悪くしおいるこず、苊劎しおいる割にうたくいかない仕事のこず、曞きたいずいう気持ち、名をあげたい、ずいう思い......。 ぀っかえ぀っかえ、借金を䟝頌したした。 『かならずお返ししたす。 曞きかけの戯曲を抵圓にしお』 「じいさんの冷たいたなざしはぜったいに忘れないでしょうね。 卵みたいに滑らかな衚情に戻っおいたした。 膚れ䞊がった頬の䞊で、たるで滑りやすい城壁の䞊に立぀歩哚のようなじいさんの目が、こちらにじっず泚がれおたんです。 『曞きかけの戯曲か......。 おたえの曞いた戯曲が抵圓ずな?』 恐ろしいものでも芋たような、たるで私から狂気の城候でも嗅ぎ取ったかのような目぀きでしたね。 『ビゞネスずいうものを、わかっおおるかね?』 ず、口調だけは穏やかでした。 ず答えたした。 「じいさんは埌ろにもたれるず、目を぀ぶりたした。 『こう興奮させられ通しでは、わしは参っおしたう。 倱瀌しお昌寝の甚意でもさせおもらうよ』 そうしお私もむタリア人のように、よろめきながら郚屋をあずにするこずになったのでした」 グラニスはマントルピヌスから離れ、郚屋を暪切っお、デカンタヌず炭酞氎が甚意されおいるトレむのずころぞ行った。 自分甚に、䞈の高いグラスに炭酞氎を泚ぎ、それを飲み干すず、アスカムの消えた葉巻に目を留めた。 「火を぀けるのは、別の葉巻にしたほうがいいでしょう」 匁護士が銖を暪に振ったので、グラニスは話に戻った。 自分に取り憑いお離れない劄想のこずや、 レンマンが拒吊した瞬間、殺意の衝動がどのように芜生えたか。 やがおグラニスはこう぀ぶやいたのだ。 「神様、あなたが手をお䞋しにならないのでしたら、私が代わりたしょう」 グラニスの口調は、先ぞ進むに぀れお、穏やかなものになっおいった。 たるでなすべきこずが決たったずたん、激しい怒りも治たったかのように。 こうしお老人を「片付ける」にはどうしたらよいかずいう問題に専念するこずになった。 そんなずき思い出したのは、老人の叫び声だ。 『ああいうむタリア人連䞭ずいうのは、たった25セントのために人殺しをするんだ』 だが、具䜓的な蚈画は浮かばない。 むンスピレヌションがわいおくるのを埅぀しかなかった。 グラニスず効のケむトは、メロン事件から数日しお街に戻った。 けれども䌑暇から垰っおきた埓姉効たちが、折にふれ、老人の状態を知らせおくれた。 䞉週間埌のある日、グラニスが家に垰っおみるず、ケむトがレンフィヌルドからの知らせに興奮しおいる。 䟋のむタリア人がたた珟れたらしいのだ。 なんでも家に䟵入しお、曞斎にたで入り蟌み、「脅し文句を吐いた」のだ、ずいう。 家政婊が、「䜕か恐ろしいもの」を芋お、癜目を剥いお喘いでいるゞョれフ老人を発芋したらしい。 医者が呌びにやられ、襲撃はひずたずけりが぀いた。 譊察はそのむタリア人に近隣䞀垯から立ち退くよう譊告を出した。 ずころがゞョれフ老人は、それ以来衰匱が「神経」に来お、トヌストずバタヌミルクの食事を取っおも味が分からなくなっおしたった。 ずころが医者が別の医者を呌ぶず、こんどは蚺察が老人の楜しみずなり、ふたたび重芁人物の気分を味わった老人は、興奮するようになった。 医垫団は家族に、たったく心配はない、ず請け合った。 元気すぎるほどだ。 そうしお、患者に察しおは、もっず倚様な食逌療法をするよう勧めた。 ぀たり、老人に「食べたいず思ったもの」は䜕でも食べるよう、勧めたのである。 そこである日、おそるおそる祈るような気持ちで、メロンの小さな䞀切れを食べるこずに決めた。 儀匏のように育おられたメロンは、家政婊や浮き立っおいる埓姉効たちの目の前で食された。 そうしお二十分埌、老人は死んだ......。 「圓時の状況を芚えおおいででしょう」 ずグラニスは続けた。 「なぜ容疑者は、すぐに䟋のむタリア人ずいうこずになったのですか? 譊察が譊告を䞎えたにも拘わらず、『䟋の件』以来、屋敷の呚りをうろ぀きたわっおいるのを目撃されおいる。 噂では、台所の䞋働きず関係があった、ずいうこずなんですが、そうなるず埌のこずは、簡単に説明が぀きたす。 けれども譊察が事情聎取のためにむタリア人を捜したが、芋぀からなかった ――煙のように消え倱せおいたのでしたね。 確かにレンフィヌルドから出おいくように『譊告』はされおいた。 そうしおや぀もその譊告を受けずめたからこそ、だれもふたたびその姿を目にしなかった」 グラニスはこずばを切った。 アスカムの向かいの怅子に腰を䞋ろすず、しばらくすわったたたで頭を埌ろに倒し、慣れ芪しんだ郚屋の䞭を逆さたに芋た。 䜕もかもが歪んで、芋たこずがないもののようだ。 芋慣れない、それぞれに自己䞻匵するものたちが、銖を䌞ばしお自分の話を聞こうずしおいるように思えた。 「メロンに薬をいれたのは私です」 ずグラニスは蚀った。 「私がそのこずを埌悔しおいる、などず思わないでください。 『自責の念』なんかじゃありたせん。 わたしは吝嗇なじいさんが死んで、喜んでいるんです。 ほかの人間の手にお金が枡ったのもうれしい。 でも、私の遺産は䜕の圹にも立たなかった。 効は悲惚な結婚をしお、死んでしたいたした。 そうしお私は、ほしいものをなにひず぀手に入れるこずができなかった」 アスカムはグラニスから目を離さずにいた。 やがお蚊ねた。 「なら、あなたの目的は䜕だったんですか」 「ほしいものを手に入れたかったんです ――倢芋たものは、手の届くずころにあった。 気晎らし、䌑逊、人生、私たちふたりのためのね ――䜕よりも、私自身のために、曞く機䌚がほしかった! 旅行はしたした。 健康も回埩した。 そうしお家に垰っお、机にかじり぀いお仕事をしたのです。 十幎間身を粉にしお曞き続けた結果、䜕の芋返りももなく、 埮かな成功の垌望さえ費えた。 私の䜜品を芋ようずする者はいないでしょう。 いたや私は五十です。 私は敗者だ。 それもよくわかっおいる」 グラニスはがっくりず肩を萜ずした。 「䜕もかも終わりにしたいのです」 そう蚀っお、こずばを切った。 アスカムが垰っおいったのは、真倜䞭過ぎだった。 垰りがけ、グラニスの肩に手を眮いお、 「地方怜事なら瞛り銖にしおくれるかもしれたせんがね、 医者にかかっおください。 医者ですよ」 ず、倧きな声でそう蚀うず、 ずっお぀けたような笑い声を響かせお、コヌトを矜織っお出おいったのだった。 グラニスはひずり曞斎に戻った。 たさかアスカムが自分の話を信じないずは、たったく思いもかけないこずだった。 䞉時間も説明したのに。 埮に入り现に入り、蟛抱匷く、痛々しいたでに、现郚に至るたで繰り返し緎習しおおいたのに ――だが、䞊倧抵のこずでは信じない匁護士の目だけは、䞀瞬たりずもごたかすこずはできなかった。 初めのうち、アスカムは説埗されおいるふりをしおいた。 だがそれも、ず、いたになっおグラニスにもわかるのだが、単に圌の本心をさらけ出させるためであり、論理砎綻させるためにしかけた眠だったのだ。 その䌁おがうたくいかなくなったので、぀たり、グラニスがたご぀くような質問にも、ひず぀ひず぀臆するこずなく向き合い、反論したので、突然仮面をかなぐり捚おお、愉快そうに笑いながらこう蚀ったのだ。 「グラニスさん、ただただ立掟な戯曲が曞けたすよ。 あなたがこうしおお話しおくださっおるこずは、たったくたいしたものだ」 グラニスは荒々しい仕草で向きを倉えた。 最埌に戯曲を笑いものにされお、怒りに火が぀いたのだ。 䞖界䞭がグラニスの倱敗を共謀しお嘲ろうずしおいるのだろうか。 「私がやったんです。 私がやった」 グラニスは苛立たしげにそう぀ぶやいたが、その怒りもあざ笑う他者の内偎には通じないのだった。 アスカムは埮笑みを浮かべおこう答えた。 「幻芚症状に぀いお䜕か読んだこずはおありですかな。 法医孊の文献で良い本を持っおいたすので、 よろしければ䞀冊か二冊、届けさせたしょう」 ひずり残されお、ラむティング・テヌブルの怅子に腰掛けたグラニスは、瞮み䞊がった。 アスカムは、自分が気が狂ったず思っおいる。 「なんずいうこずだ。 みんながおれを気違いだず思ったらどうしよう」 冷たい汗がどっず出る。 氷のような手で顔を芆っお震えながらそこにすわっおいた。 だが次第に、千回も緎習したずきのように、ふたたび自分の話は疑念を差し挟む䜙地のないものに芋えおきお、どんな刑事匁護士でさえ信じおくれるにちがいない、ずいう気持ちもよみがえっおきた。 「問題は、 アスカムが刑事匁護士ではなかった、ずいうこずだ。 しかも友人だ。 友だちにこんな話をするなんお、おれはなんず銬鹿だったんだろう。 よしんば話を信じたずしおも、そんなそぶりを芋せるものか。 本胜的にすべおを隠蔜しおしたうだろう......。 だが、その堎合 ......もしおれの蚀ったこずを実際は信じたなら ......粟神病院に閉じ蟌めるのが芪切だず考えたなら......」 グラニスはふたたび震え䞊がった。 「なんずいうこずだ。 専門家を連れおきたら ......粟神科医ずかいう手合いだ。 アスカムずペッティロヌの手にかかれば、どんなこずだっおできる。 い぀だっお、䜕を蚀っおも通るのだ。 もしアスカムが、おれを収容した方がいい、ずでも蚀ったこずなら、明日から拘束衣を着せられるこずになるだろう。 おたけにや぀にしおみれば、芪切でそんなこずをするのだ ――もしおれが殺人者だず信じたずしおも、そうするのが正しいず思っお」 そのこずに思い至ったグラニスは、心底凍り぀きそうになった。 爆発しそうなこめかみを、䞡の拳で抌さえ぀け、考えようずした。 初めお、アスカムが自分の話を信じおくれなければいい、ず願った。 「だが、信じたのだ ......そうだ、信じたのだ。 いたになっおみればよくわかる。 銖を傟げお、おれを奇劙な目で芋おいた。 ああ、どうしたらいいんだ。 どうしたらいいんだろう」 顔を䞊げお時蚈を芋た。 䞀時半。 アスカムがこずは緊急を芁するず考えお、粟神科医を匕きずり出しお、䞀緒に戻っおきたらどうしよう。 グラニスは匟かれたように立ち䞊がった。 そのはずみに、テヌブルから朝刊を払い萜ずしおしたう。 それを拟い䞊げようず機械的に腰をかがめたずたん、連想が生じた。 もういちどすわり盎しお、怅子の脇のラックの電話垳に手を䌞ばす。 「3−O−10......をお願いしたす。 ......はい」 胞の内に浮かんだ新たな着想は、沈滞しおいた゚ネルギヌに掻を入れた。 自分は行動を開始する。 行動を、いたすぐに。 先の行動を蚈画するこずによっおのみ、自分自身を逃れるこずのできない䞀連の行動に投げ入れるこずによっおのみ、グラニスは無意味な日々のなかで自分を先に匕っ匵っおきたのだった。 霧の垂れ蟌めた波の高い海に届く、穏やかな枯の灯りのように、い぀も新たな決断が胞の内に生たれた。 長く苊しい日々のなかで蚪れる、たったくちがった局面、こうした぀かの間の小康状態に、い぀も助けられおきたのだった。 「調査郚ですか。 デンノァヌさんをお願いしたす。 ......やぁ、デンノァヌ ......そうだ、ヒュヌバヌト・グラニスだよ。 ......君が぀かたっお助かった。 たっすぐ家ぞ垰るのかい? ちょっず君に䌚うこずはできないだろうか ......そうだ、いただよ ......話ができるかな。 ちょっず急ぐんだ。 ......そうだ。 第䞀玚の『蚘事』を提䟛できるかもしれん。 ......いいずも」 グラニスは笑顔で受話噚を眮いた。 調査郚の線集長に電話するず思い぀いたこずで、すっかり満足しおいたのだ。 ロバヌト・デンノァヌこそ、自分が必芁ずする人間にほかならない。 グラニスは曞斎の電気を消し ――機械的な動䜜がここたで頑固なこずに、奇劙な気さえする ――玄関ホヌルに出お、垜子ずコヌトを身に぀けるず、アパヌトを出た。 ホヌルでは眠たそうな゚レベヌタヌ・ボヌむが、グラニスを芋お瞬きをしたが、たた、組んだ腕の䞭ぞ頭をがくっず萜ずした。 グラニスは通りぞ出お、 五番街の角で埐行運転しおいるタクシヌを呌び止め、アップタりンの䜏所を告げた。 どこたでも䌞びおいく倧通りは、墓地のなかの叀い通り道のように、薄暗く、人気もなかった。 二人の男は握手を亀わすず、デンノァヌは掛け金を手探りしお鍵を開け、グラニスを明るいホヌルに案内した。 「邪魔じゃなかったかっお? ちっずも。 明日の朝の十時だったらそうだったろうが、 いたがおれの䞀番元気な時間垯さ。 昔からそうだったろう?」 ロバヌト・デンノァヌず知り合っおから十五幎になる。 デンノァヌがゞャヌナリズムの階段を䞀歩ず぀䞊っお、オリュンポスの頂䞊たる調査郚の線集宀にたどり぀くたでを、グラニスはずっず目の圓たりにしおきた。 癜髪頭でよく倪ったデンノァヌは、飢えた目をしお、家に垰る途䞭、戯曲に向かっお奮闘しおいるグラニスのずころぞ「ぶらっず」寄っおいた若い蚘者だったころの面圱をほずんど残しおいなかった。 垰路の途䞭にはグラニスのアパヌトがあり、窓に明かりが点っおブラむンドに映る圱を芋おはなかぞ入っお、パむプを吹かしながら、森矅䞇象に぀いおよくふたりで話し合ったものだった。 「おやおや ......なんだか昔に返ったみたいだな。 叀き良き習慣の逆だが」 デンノァヌは芪愛の情をこめおグラニスの肩を叩いた。 「おたえを匕っ匵り出した倜のこずを思い出すな。 それはそうず戯曲の方はどうなった? 戯曲があるんだよな。 ず蚀うのず同じくらい、おたえにこのこずを聞くのはたちがいのないこずなんだよな」 デンノァヌは人の良さそうな笑い声をあげ、グラニスはこい぀もずいぶん倪ったものだず考えた。 グラニスのボロボロになった神経にさえ、デンノァヌのこずばにたったく悪意がないこずはわかっおいたが、 それも無䟡倀な自分を際立たせるこずにしかならない。 デンノァヌは自分が成功しなかったこずなど知りもしないのだ。 このこずは、アスカムの皮肉より、グラニスにはこたえた。 「入れ入れ」 そう蚀いながら、葉巻ずデカンタヌのある小さな明るい郚屋ぞ招き入れる。 肘掛け怅子をグラニスの方ぞ抌しおきお、もうひず぀の怅子に自分が腰を䞋ろすず、満足そうな声をもらした。 「さお、ず。 奜きなようにやっおくれ。 で、話ずやらを党郚聞こうじゃないか」 デンノァヌはパむプの火皿ごしに笑いかけ、グラニスは葉巻に火を぀け、こう独り蚀を蚀った。 「成功した人間は満ち足りおいるが、時ずしお愚かでもある」 それから向き盎るず、話を始めた。 「デンノァヌ、聞いおほしいこずがあるんだ」 マントルピヌスの䞊で、時蚈がリズミカルに時を刻む。 小さな郚屋はしだいに玫煙が垂れ蟌め始め、煙越しのデンノァヌの顔は、雲が流れる空に浮かぶ月のように、ずころどころで霞んでいた。 時を告げる鐘の音 ――ふたたびリズミカルなチクタクいう音。 郚屋の空気は次第に濃く、重いものになっおいき、グラニスの額には、玉のような汗が浮かんできた。 「窓を開けおもいいか」 「ああ、かたわんよ、 空気がこもっおるからな ......いや、おれがやろう」 デンノァヌは䞊偎の窓枠を䞋げるず、自分の怅子に戻った。 「さあ、続けおくれ」 ずもうひず぀のパむプを詰めながら促す。 デンノァヌの萜ち着き払った態床は、グラニスのカンにさわった。 「信じおくれないのなら、話をしおも仕方がない」 デンノァヌは動じる気配もなかった。 「信じおないずだれが蚀った? 終いたで聞かなきゃ、䜕も蚀いようがないじゃないか」 グラニスは感情をあらわにしたこずに気恥ずかしさを芚えながら、話を続けた。 「ごく単玔な話さ。 ず蚀ったずきから、 䞀切をなげうっお、ただ自分の蚈画に没頭した。 たず、䞀晩のうちにレンフィヌルドを出お、戻っおくる方法をみ぀けなければならなかった。 それには、車を䜿ったらどうだろう。 車 ――だれでも思い぀くんじゃないかな。 どこから金を調達したのかず思うかもしれないが、 ずもかく、私は千ドルかそこらの貯金はあったんだ。 そこで必芁なものを芋぀けようず、あちこち探し回った。 䞭叀のレヌス甚の車だ。 運転のやり方は知っおいたし、実際に詊しおみお、うたくやれるこずもわかっおいた。 景気が悪いずきだったから、蚀い倀で買うこずができた。 そうやっお、よそぞ隠しおおいたんだ。 どこかっお? たあ、家族甚ではない車を停めおおく、䜕も聞かれたりしないたぐいの駐車堎さ。 私の埓兄匟で元気のいいや぀が、ドッゞを緎習させおくれたし、その奇劙な隠し堎所を芋぀けるたで、孀児院の赀ん坊の䞖話でもするみたいに車の面倒を芋おくれたよ。 それから䞀晩のうちにレンフィヌルドを出入りする緎習を始めた。 道はよく知っおいた。 その元気なや぀ず䞀緒に、よく走っおいたからね。 深倜に走るこずも慣れおいた。 距離は90マむルを超えおいるし、䞉回目の走行で、二時間を切るこずができた。 ただ腕が痛くお、次の朝服を着るのに苊劎したがね......。 「それで、むタリア人が脅かした、ずいう知らせが来おから、すぐに行動しなければならないず思った。 じいさんの郚屋ぞ䟵入しお、撃ち殺し、逃げるこずを考えたんだ。 それには倧きな危険が䌎うけれど、自分ならなんずかやっおのけるだろう、ず思ったんだ。 それから、や぀が病気だ、蚺察を受けおいる、ずいう知らせだ。 運呜が味方しおくれたにちがいない、 だったらなんずしおもやらなければ! グラニスはこずばを切っお、額の汗を拭った。 窓を開けおいおも、郚屋は涌しくならないようだ。 「じき、じいさんの状態がたしになった、ずいう知らせが来た。 その぀ぎの日、仕事から垰っおみるず、ケむトが笑いながら、じいさんがメロンをひずきれ、食べるこずになった、ず教えおくれたんだ。 家政婊からの電話があったらしい。 レンフィヌルドは倧隒ぎだ、ず。 医者みずからがメロンを遞び出したらしい。 小さなフレンチ皮で、倧きめのトマトず同じくらいの倧きさのものらしかった。 じいさんはそれを明日の朝、朝食に食べるんだず。 「すぐに、チャンスだ、ず思った。 これ以䞊はないほど、完璧なチャンスだ。 レンマン家のやり方はよくわかっおいた。 家に持っお垰ったメロンは䞀晩眮いおおくにちがいない。 食料貯蔵庫の冷蔵庫のなかで。 冷蔵庫のなかにひず぀しかないんだったら、目指すメロンはすぐにわかる。 屋敷では、メロンがどこにでも転がっおいるわけではなかった。 ひず぀ず぀識別されお、番号がふっおあり、分類されおいたのだ。 じいさんは䜿甚人がメロンを食べおしたうのではないか、ずいう恐怖に取り憑かれおいお、それを防ぐために、あらかじめ癟もの方策を取っおいたからな。 そう、だから目指すメロンはたちがいなくわかるず思った ......それに、毒殺の方が射殺より安党だず思ったのだ。 じいさんの寝宀に入り蟌み、や぀が隒ぎ立おお家の者を起こさないようにするのは、悪魔でもなきゃできるこずじゃない。 だが、ただ食料貯蔵庫に䟵入するだけなら、たいした苊劎はいらない。 「しかも、その倜は曇っおいた。 なにもかもが郜合が良かった。 萜ち着いお食事を終えるず、机に向かう。 ケむトはい぀もの頭痛が出お、早くに䌑んでしたった。 ケむトが寝宀に䞋がるや、私は家を抜け出したんだ。 倉装道具を持っおね。 赀毛の぀けひげず、䞈の長い劙な倖套だ。 それをカバンに抌し蟌んで、駐車堎に向かった。 駐車堎には、䌚ったこずもない、ほろ酔い加枛の修理工がひずりいるだけだった。 それもたたありがたかった。 修理工はしょっちゅう入れ替わっおいたし、その新参者は、その車がおたえのものか、ずかなんずかうるさく聞いおくるこずもなかったからね。 ずにかくそこは呑気な堎所だったんだ。 「ずもかく、私は車に飛び乗っお、ブロヌドりェむを北ぞ向かい、できるだけ急いでハヌレムを出られるように車を走らせた。 暗かったけれど、自分を信頌しお速床をぐんぐんあげた。 森圱に入るずほんの短い間だけ車を停めお、ひげず倖套を身に぀けた。 それからすぐにたた走り出す。 レンフィヌルドに着いたのは、十䞀時半だった。 「レンマン家の地所の裏手の暗い小道に車を眮いお、家庭菜園をこっそり抜けおいった。 闇の䞭でメロンの枩宀がきらっず光った。 メロンも私が䜕を知りたがっおいるかわかっおるんだ、ず思ったのをよく芚えおいるよ......。 厩舎の脇で犬が唞りながらやっおきた。 でもにおいで私がわかるず、飛び぀いおきたが、すぐに戻っおいった。 家は真っ暗だった。 屋敷ではだれもが十時には寝おしたうんだ。 だがうろ぀いおいる䜿甚人がいるかもしれない。 台所の䞋働き女䞭がむタリア人を匕き蟌むために、降りおきおいないずも限らない。 もちろんその危険は冒さなければならなかった。 足音を忍ばせお裏口にたわり、怍え蟌みに身を朜めお 耳を柄たした。 屋敷の䞭は静たりかえっおいる。 私は反察偎ぞ枡っお、食料貯蔵庫の窓をこじ開けお、よじ登った。 ポケットの小型懐䞭電灯を出すず、垜子で芆いをしお、冷蔵庫たでそろそろず進んだ。 ふたを開けるず ......そこには小さなフレンチメロンがあった。 ......たったひず぀だけ。 「じっず耳を柄たした。 きわめお冷静だったよ。 それから薬の瓶ず泚射噚を取り出しお、䜕箇所かに泚射した。 なかでの仕事を党郚終えるたでに、䞉分もかからなかっただろう。 十二時十分前には車に戻っおいた。 なんずか音をさせないように車を小道から出しお、村沿いの裏道に入り、できるだけ急いで村から出ようず走った。 途䞭、䞀床だけ停車しお、池に぀けひげず倖套を沈めた。 重石のために倧きな石を甚意しおおいたんだ。 そい぀は死䜓みたいに膚らんで沈んでいったよ。 それから二時には戻った私は机に向かっおいた」 グラニスはこずばを切っお、煙で霞むデンノァヌの方を芋やった。 だが、盞倉わらずデンノァヌはずらえどころのない衚情のたただ。 ぀いにデンノァヌが口を切った。 「なんでそのこずを話す気になった?」 グラニスは驚いた。 アスカムにしたのず同じような説明を繰り返そうずしたが、䞍意に思った。 もし自分の動機が、匁護士さえも玍埗しかねるものだったずすれば、たしおデンノァヌを玍埗させるこずはできないだろう。 ふたりずも成功した人間だし、成功した人間には敗者の屈折した苊悩など理解できたい。 グラニスは新たな理由を急いで探した。 「たあ、その......自分が苊しんでいるのは......埌悔、たぶんそういうものじゃないかず思うんだが......」 デンノァヌは空のパむプを打ち぀けお灰を萜ずした。 「埌悔だっお? 笑わせるなよ」 力匷い声が返っおくる。 グラニスの気持ちは沈んだ。 「埌悔......ず蚀ったずころで、信じおはくれないんだろうな」 「これっぜっちもな。 君は行動の人だろう。 埌悔ずいうこずばがそのたた信じられるような人間なら、ずおもそんなこずを蚈画しお、しかもやり遂げられるずは思えない」 グラニスは唞った。 「そうだ......。 埌悔だなんお嘘だ。 ちっずも思っおやしない」 詰め盎したパむプを加えるデンノァヌの口元は、疑わしげに匕き結ばれおいた。 「なら、動機はなんだ。 動機がないはずはない」 「これから話すよ......」 グラニスは、緎習したずおりに戯曲の倱敗ず生きおいくこずが嫌になったこずを話し始めた。 「こんどは信じない、なんお蚀っおくれるなよ」 哀れっぜくどもっおみせながら、話を終えた。 デンノァヌは考え蟌んでいる様子だった。 「そんなこずを蚀う぀もりはない。 奇劙なこずはこれたでずいぶん芋おきた。 い぀だっお人生から降りたいずいう理由はあるものだ。 驚くのは降りずにいるこずに、そりゃたくさんの理由があるこずのほうだよ」 「曞くこずにうんざりした、ずいうこずを信じろず? ああ、信じるよ。 それから君に匕き金を匕く床胞がない、だっお? ずんでもない。 そんなこず簡単さ。 だが、それだけをもっおしお、君が殺人者だず断定するこずはできない ――君は絶察にやっおない、ずいうこずも蚌明できないが」 「やったんだよ、デンノァヌ。 正真正銘」 「かもしれん」 なおも考えおいた。 「少し聞きたいこずがあるんだが」 「なんでも聞いおくれ。 遠慮なしに」 グラニスは無意識のうちに笑い声をあげおいた。 「よし。 君の効さんに、いったいどうしたんだろう、ず思わせずに、どうやっお詊運転を䜕床も繰り返すこずができたんだ? あのころの君の倜の習慣はよく知っおる。 倜遅く出かけるこずなんおたずなかった。 習慣を倉えるこずで、効さんは驚いたりしなかったのかね?」 「驚いおない。 ずいうのも、そのずきは出かけおたんだよ。 レンフィヌルドから戻っおすぐのころ、ケむトは田舎のほうの知人のずころぞよく䌚いに行っおいたんだ。 その前にこっちにいたのは䞀晩か二晩だった ――前ずいうのは、私が䟋のこずをやる前ずいうこずだが」 「それで、その晩は頭痛がしお、早くに䌑んだんだな?」 「そうだ。 ひどく痛んだらしい。 だからそうしたこずには党然気が぀かなかったんだ。 それに効の郚屋は、アパヌトの裏手にあったし」 デンノァヌはふたたび考え蟌んでいるようだった。 「それで、君が戻ったずき ......効さんは䜕の物音も聞いおないんだな? 君は気づかれずに家に戻った?」 「そうだ。 すぐに仕事に戻ったよ。 出かけたずきに䞭断したずころからたた始めたんだ。 そうだよ、デンノァヌ、君は芚えおないか」 グラニスの語調は、急に熱っぜいものに倉わった。 「芚えおる?」 「そうだよ、 私はどうしおた? 君が来たずき ――あの倜、二時か䞉時の君のい぀もの時間だったな?」 「そうだ」 デンノァヌはうなずいた。 グラニスはちょっず笑っおこずばを続けた。 「着叀した郚屋着、それにパむプだ。 䞀晩䞭曞き物をしおいたみたいだったな、そうじゃなかったか? ずころが実際は、十分かそこらしかそこにいなかったんだ」 デンノァヌは組んでいた足をほどくず、もういちど組み盎した。 「君が䜕を芚えおいるず蚀っおいるのかわからないんだが」 「なんでわからない?」 「おれが行ったのが、その晩――ずいうか、぀ぎの日の倜明け前だったんだな」 グラニスは怅子に座ったたた、ぐるりず向きを倉えた。 「そうだよ! だからこそ私はここにいるんじゃないか。 君が審問で蚌蚀しおくれたからだよ、じいさんの盞続人党員があの晩䜕をしおいたか調べられおいたずきに ――その晩、家に寄ったら私がい぀もどおり机に向かっおいた、ず蚌蚀しおくれたのは、君じゃないか。 もしほかの事件がなかったら、あのこずはさぞかし君のブンダ魂に蚎えたこずだろうず思うんだがな」 デンノァヌは笑顔になった。 「もちろんおれのブンダ魂は、さび぀いちゃいないさ。 なるほど、そのアむデアは独創的だな。 アリバむを立蚌した人間に、こんどは眪があるこずを認めさせようっおいうのは」 「それ、それなんだよ」 グラニスの笑い声には、勝ち誇ったような響きがあった。 「なら、もうひずりのや぀の蚌蚀はどうなるんだ ――あの若い医者だよ。 なんずいう名前だった? ネッド・ラネむだ。 おれが蚌蚀したのを芚えおるか。 高架駅でそい぀に䌚ったんだ。 おれがこれから君のずころでパむプを吹かしに行く、ず蚀ったら、そい぀は 『いいですね、 あの人はいたしたよ。 二時間ほど前に家の前を通りかかったら、い぀ものように、ブラむンドに圱が映っおたしたから』 それに、道の反察偎のアパヌトに䜏んでいた、歯の痛い女性のこずもある。 その人も医者の蚌蚀を裏付けたんだったな」 「ああ、 その蚌蚀も芚えおいるよ」 「で、それに぀いおは」 「簡単なこずさ。 出かける前に郚屋着ずクッションで、急造の人型を䜜ったのさ、ブラむンドに圱が映るようにね。 倜曎けに自分の圱を芋おいる連䞭がいたのは知っおいた ――そういう人を頌りにしたのさ。 どんなあやふやな圱でも、䜕か映っおさえいれば自分だず思っおくれるだろう、ずね」 「簡単なこずだず蚀ったな。 だが、その歯が痛い女性は、その圱は動いたず蚀っおいたぞ ――前ぞかがんだ、ちょうど、居眠りでもするみたいに、ず」 「そうだ。 圌女はたちがっおいないよ。 人圢は動いたんだ。 たぶん、ずくべ぀重たい荷銬車か䜕かが、もろい建物にぶ぀かるかどうかしたんだよ、 ずにかく人圢に衝撃が加わった。 だから私が垰っおみたら、人圢は前のめりになっおいた。 半身を机に突っ䌏すようにしお」 ふたりの間に長い沈黙が蚪れた。 デンノァヌがパむプを詰め替えるのを、グラニスは胞をずどろかせながら芋おいた。 なんにせよ、こい぀はあざけったりバカにしたりするこずはなかった。 結局、人生に起こりうる摩蚶䞍思議なできごずに関しおは、法埋より、ゞャヌナリズムのほうが深い掞察ができる、ずいうこずなのだろう。 人間を突き動かす衝動は数限りなく存圚する、ずいうこずを、あらかじめわきたえおいるせいだろうか。 「で、どうだろうか」 グラニスは口ごもりながら蚀った。 デンノァヌは立ち䞊がり、肩をすくめる。 「あのなあ、いったいどうしたんだ。 党郚癜状しちたえよ。 神経がむカレちたったか。 おれが知っおるや぀に、䌚いに連れお行っおやろうか。 元プロボクサヌだがな。 䞍思議なこずに、そい぀はおたえみたいに自分の穎の䞭に入り蟌んじたっおるや぀を、匕っ匵り出しおした......」 「なにを蚀うんだ......」 グラニスは最埌たで蚀わせず立ち䞊がった。 そのたたふたりはにらみ合う。 「信じおくれないんだな」 「そんな倧ボラをどうやったら信じられる? アリバむに穎なんかないんだぞ」 「だからいた、どれもこれも十分説明したじゃないか」 デンノァヌは頭を暪に振った。 「君がどうにかしお信じさせようずしおいるこずに気づかなかったなら、もしかしたら信じたかもしれん。 それがネックになったな」 グラニスはうめき声をあげた。 「そんな぀もりはない。 私が有眪になりたがっおいるずでも蚀うのか?」 「あたりたえじゃないか。 もしだれかが君を告発したのだったら、その話だっお捜査する必芁があったかもしれないがな。 実際、子どもでも思い぀きそうな話じゃないか。 君の䜜り話の才はたいしたものではないな」 グラニスは䞍機嫌な顔でドアを出ようずした。 議論しおどうなるずいうのか。 だが戞口たで来るず、急に気が倉わった。 「デンノァヌ、たぶん君が正しいんだろう。 だが、たったひず぀でもその蚌拠があるか? 私の陳述を調査員に芋せおやっおくれ。 蚀ったずおりの陳述を。 バカにしたければしたらいい。 ほかの人間にも、私のこずを知らない人間にも、機䌚を䞎えおやっおくれ。 そうした人間が議論したり怜蚎したりできるようにしおほしいんだ。 君が信じようが信じたいが、そんなこずはちっずも気にかけちゃいない。 倧陪審が玍埗しおくれればそれでいいんだ。 私のこずを知っおいる人間を来させないでくれ。 君が疑っおいるず、たわりにも䌝わっおしたうからな。 うたい話だずは思っおないさ。 最初から信甚しおもらえないんじゃないかず思っおいたからな。 結局その話では、自分自身さえ玍埗させられなかったっおこずさ。 君が玍埗できないのもそのせいだ。 悪埪環っおや぀だな」 グラニスはデンノァヌの腕に手をかけた。 「速蚘者をよこしおくれ。 私の陳述を蚘録させおくれ」 デンノァヌはいい顔をしなかった。 「あのずき、あらゆる蚌拠が培底的に調査されたのを忘れおしたったようだな。 考えられるかぎりの手がかりが远求されたじゃないか。 君がレンマンを殺したず䞖間が考える条件は、十分揃っおいた。 君か、ほかの誰かがな。 䞖間は殺人者を知りたがっおいた。 䞀番ありそうもない人間だっおかたわなかったんだ。 だが、君のアリバむは完璧だった。 いた話しおくれた内容で揺るがすこずなんか、できっこないさ」 デンノァヌは自分の冷たい手を、盞手の燃えるように熱い指に重ねた。 「さあ、家に垰っおもうちょっずたしなものにするんだな ――そうしたら、たた来るずいい。 そのずきは調査課に出しおやるよ」 玉のような汗がグラニスの額からしたたり萜ちる。 数分ごずにハンカチを出しお拭かなければならなかった。 地方怜事にこの事件を蚎え出おからすでに䞀時間半、萜ち着いお話を進めおきおいた。 幞いアヌロンビヌ怜事ずは、䌚えば挚拶を亀わすぐらいの面識はあったので、ロバヌト・デンノァヌず話をしたその日のうちに、さしたる苊劎もなく個人的に䌚うこずができたのだった。 家ぞ垰っお服を着替えるず、朝ただき、早々に家を埌にした。 アスカムが粟神科医を連れお来たらどうしよう、ず、いおも立っおもいられなかったのだ。 差し迫る危険をかわす唯䞀の方法は、良識があり公平な人物に、自分の有眪を立蚌しおもらうこずだけだ。 たずえこれほど人生に絶望しおいなかったずしおも、いたや電気怅子だけが拘束衣を逃れる唯䞀の道であるような気がした。 額の汗をぬぐうためにこずばを切ったグラニスは、アヌロンビヌ怜事が腕時蚈に目を走らせたのを芋逃さなかった。 仕草の意味を悟ったグラニスは、蚎えるように片手をあげた。 「なにもいた、信じおいただけるずは思っおいたせん。 けれど私を逮捕しお、事件を調査しおもらえないでしょうか」 アヌロンビヌは癜髪たじりの濃い口ひげの䞋で、埮かに笑った。 血色が良い顔は、掻気にあふれおはいたが、専門家の鋭い目も、ひずの気持ちを察するこずにかけおは、厳正なプロずは蚀いがたいようだ。 「ずもかく、あなたをいたすぐに収監する必芁があるずは思いたせん。 もちろんあなたの陳述を怜蚎するこずはお玄束したすが......」 助かった、ずいう思いが、急激に胞にこみあげおきた。 自分を信じおいなかったら、そんなこずは絶察に蚀うたい。 「わかりたした。 もうお匕き留めはしたせん。 い぀でも私は自分のアパヌトメントにおりたすから」 そう蚀うず䜏所を枡した。 地方怜事はこんどはさっきより芪しげな顔になっお埮笑んだ。 「今倜、䞀時間か二時間、お出かけになる気はありたせんか? レクタヌでちょっずした倕食䌚を開くんです。 ほんのささやかな集たりですよ。 ミス・メルロヌズもお出でだ。 ミス・メルロヌズはご存じですよね、 あずは友人がひずりかふたり。 もしいらっしゃるのでしたら......」 自分がどんな回答をしたかもはっきりずは意識しないたた、グラニスはよろめくように郚屋をあずにした。 四日間埅った。 恐怖に満ちた四日間だった。 最初の二十四時間、アスカムの粟神科医が来たらどうしよう、ずいう懞念が片時も離れるこずがなかった。 それが過ぎるず、こんどは自分の告癜を聞いおも䜕も感じなかった地方怜事のこずが、腹立たしくおたたらなくなっおきた。 もし捜査する぀もりなら、どう芋積もっおも、もっず前に聞きに来おいるはずだ......。 おたけに倕食䌚に誘うなど、自分の話をいかに䜕ずも思っおないか、はっきりず瀺しおいるではないか。 有眪になろうずこれ以䞊続けおも意味がないのではないか、ず、無力感が襲う。 自分は生きるこずに鎖で぀ながれおしたった ――「意識の囚人」。 この文句をどこで読んだのだったか。 ずもあれ、圌はその意味するずころを孊んだのだった。 たんじりずもできない倜、燃えるような頭に、これが自分だずいう匷烈な意識、これ以䞊削りようのない、確固ずした「自我」が、いたたで感じたこずがないほどはっきりず感じられる。 しかもその意識は、い぀の間にか珟れお、逃れるこずもできないのだ。 心ずいうものがこれほどたでに、自己を認識したり、暗く曲がりくねった自身の奥底を芋通したり、ずいう蟌み入ったこずをやっおのけるずは、いたたで考えたこずもなかった。 しばしば、なにものかにたずわり぀かれおいる、手や顔や喉の奥に䜕かがしがみ぀いおいる、ずいう感芚に、短い眠りを砎られた ――頭がはっきりしおくるにしたがっお、それは自分自身の倧嫌いな郚分、分厚い粘着性の物質のように、自分に匵り぀いおいる性栌の䞀郚だったこずがわかるのだった。 朝のただ早い時間、窓際に立ったグラニスは、通りが目芚めるのを芋おいた ――道路を掃陀する者、ゎミ集めの荷車を匕いおいく者、黄ばんだ冬の朝の陜のなかを、せかせかず脚を運んでいくみすがらしい劎働者たち。 あのなかのひずりだったら――だれでもいい、あのなかのだれかになっお、自分のチャンスに賭けおみるこずができるなら。 みんな劎働者、 哀れな運呜を抱えおいる人々だ。 利他䞻矩者や経枈孊者が蚀う、嘆き悲しみ、䞍満をくすぶらせる犠牲者だ。 だが、もし自分自身の重荷を振り萜ずしお、その代わりにあのなかのだれかの重荷を背負うこずができたら、どんなにうれしいこずだろう。 だが、そんなこずはできないのだ ......圌らもたた匷固な自意識を抱えおいる。 だれもが自分の醜い゚ゎず手錠で぀ながれおいるのだ。 だれかほかの者になりたいなどず願っおなんになろう。 ただひず぀、絶察的に正しいのは、存圚をやめるこずだ......。 そこにフリントが颚呂に湯を満たすために入っおきおたずねた。 朝食はスクランブル・゚ッグになさいたすか、それずもポヌチド・゚ッグになさいたすか? 五日目にグラニスはアヌロンビヌに宛おお、緊急の甚件であるこずを告げる長い手玙を曞いた。 ぀づく二日間は、もっぱらその返事を埅っお過ごした。 手玙が届いたそのずきを逞するのが怖くお、自宅からほずんど出るこずもないほどだった。 地方怜事は手玙を寄越すだろうか。 それずも、その代理の者、譊官や「秘密捜査員」、あるいは想像も぀かないような法の密䜿を送っおくるのだろうか。 䞉日目の朝、フリントがそっず――たるで䞻人が病気ででもあるかのように――読みもしない新聞を広げおいたグラニスのいる曞斎に入っおきた。 フリントは名刺が茉ったトレむを差しす。 名前を芋るず、J.B.ヒュヌスンずあり、その䞋に鉛筆曞きで「地方怜事局より」ず走り曞きがある。 胞を高鳎らせお立ち䞊がり、通すよう、身ぶりで呜じた。 ヒュヌスン氏は華奢で顔色の悪い、目立たない感じの五十がらみの男だった。 人ごみのなかで、かならずひずりはいる芋本のような人物である。 「刑事ずしお成功するタむプだな」 グラニスは握手しながらそう思った。 ヒュヌスン氏はその倖芋にふさわしい簡単な自己玹介をした。 地方怜事に蚀われお「内密の話」をグラニスさんずしに来たんです、レンマン殺害の件で出した陳述を、もういちどお話しおいただけたせんか。 ヒュヌスンの態床が非垞に萜ち着いおおり、合理的か぀柔軟なものだったので、グラニスの自信はふたたびよみがえっおきた。 仕事を知っおいる男だ ――あのバカバカしいアリバむを芋砎るぐらい、わけはないだろう。 グラニスはヒュヌスンに葉巻を勧め、自分でも䞀本火を぀けた ――自分の冷静さを蚌明するために。 そうしおもういちど話を始めたのである。 先ぞ行くに぀れお、これたでよりずっずうたく話しおいるこずをはっきりず感じた。 たちがいなく、緎習が功を奏したのだ。 さらに、聞き手が距離を眮いた公平䞭立な態床を取っおくれたこずもありがたかった。 ヒュヌスンは少なくずも、頭からグラニスの蚀うこずを信じたいず決めおかかっおはいないようだったし、信甚されおいるこずが䌝わっおきたおかげで、これたでより明晰で、銖尟䞀貫しお話すこずができた。 そう、今回のグラニスの話は、確かに説埗力があったのである......。 グラニスはうらぶれた通りを絶望的に端から端たで芋やった。 隣には、突き出した目が光る若い男が立っおいる。 滑らかな肌をしおいたが、ひげそりは滑らかずはいかなかったらしい顔が、にこやかに埮笑んでいた。 青幎の機敏な目がグラニスの芖線の先を远いかける。 「番地はおわかりですね?」 ず、元気のいい声で聞いた。 「ああ ――104だった」 「それじゃ新しい建物が立ったから、その番地はなくなったんです。 きっずそういうこずなんでしょう」 青幎は頭をうしろにそらしお、半分出来䞊がったレンガず石灰岩づくりのアパヌトメントの正面を芋䞊げた。 いたにも倒れそうな安アパヌトず厩舎の家䞊みに぀づいお、薄っぺらな気品を匵り぀けた建物が立ずうずしおいる。 「その番地でたちがいはないんですね」 「そうだ」 グラニスは萜胆しお答えた。 「䞇が䞀、ちがっおいたずしおも、その駐車堎はそこのレフラヌの店の真向かいにあったんだ」 そう蚀っお、向かいの朜ちかけた厩舎を指さした。 染みだらけの看板には『銬の貞し出しず預かり』ず曞いおあるのがかろうじお読める。 青幎は通りを走っお枡った。 「そうですね、あそこでその駐車堎の手がかりが、なにか芋぀かるかもしれたせん。 レフラヌの店――あそこず同じ名前だ。 駐車堎の名前は芚えおるんでしょ」 「もちろん、はっきりず」 グラニスぱクスプロヌラヌ誌の「もっずも頭の切れる」蚘者の協力を埗おから、ふたたび自信を取り戻しおいた。 自分で自分の話が信じられないかぎり、だれもが信じずにはいられないような話でも、信じない人間は出おくる。 ピヌタヌ・マッカランが目を凝らしお耳を傟け、質問し、手早くメモを取るのを芋おいるず、安堵の気持ちで胞がいっぱいになった。 ず玄束するのだった。 いたたでグラニスの話を聞いおも、だれもこんな態床は取らなかった。 アヌロンビヌから寄越された刑事も、メモさえ取らなかったのだ。 しかも刑事が来お䞀週間が経っおも、怜事局からは䜕の音沙汰もない。 どう芋おも、アヌロンビヌもこの件から手を匕いおしたったのだ。 けれどもマッカランは手を匕かないず蚀う ――圌だけは! 嬉々ずしお぀いおきたマッカランず、 昚日は䞞䞀日䞀緒に過ごし、いったん別れた埌、ふたたび蚌拠を远うためにやっおきたのだった。 だがレフラヌの店では結局、䜕も埗られなかった。 そこはもう貞し銬屋を営んではいなかった。 取り壊しが裁刀所呜什で決たっおおり、刀決から斜行たでの間、雑倚な物眮堎、壊れた台車やカヌトの隔離所になっおいたのだ。 そこの管理をしおいる耄碌しかけた老婆は、向かいのフラッド駐車堎のこずなど䜕も知らない ――いた建築䞭のアパヌトの前に、䜕が建っおいたかさえ、蚘憶にはないようだった。 「たあそのうちどこかでレフラヌも捕たえられるず思いたすよ。 もっず倧倉な仕事だっおやったこずがあるんですから」 いささかも気萜ちするこずなく、マッカランは明るく蚀った。 六番街に向かっお通りを戻りながら、少しだけ自信のなさそうな口ぶりで぀け加えた。 「そのシアン化物の入手経路を教えおもらえれば、そこから぀きずめおいくのは、がくが匕き受けるんですがね」 グラニスの気持ちは沈んだ。 そう ――そこが匱点なのだ。 自分でも最初からわかっおいた。 だがいただに、毒物のこずがなくおもこの事件をマッカランに玍埗させるこずができるのではないか、ず考えおもいたので、 もういちど家ぞ戻っおいっしょにわかったこずをたずめおみないか、ず熱っぜく誘った。 「すいたせん、グラニスさん、オフィスでやらなけりゃならないこずがあるんです。 それに、取りかかる新しい材料もないのに、そんなこずしおも仕方がないでしょう。 明日か明埌日、おうかがいしたすよ」 マッカランは路面電車に飛び乗るず、わびしげに芋送るグラニスをそこに残しお去っおいった。 二日埌、ふたたびアパヌトメントにマッカランはやっおきたが、溌剌ずした衚情はいくぶん翳っおいた。 「さお、グラニスさん、詩人のこずばを借りれば、“星のめぐりは汝が身に良からず”です。 フラッド駐車堎の足跡が消えちゃっおるんです。 おたけにフラッドを通じお、車も売っちゃったんでしたよね?」 「そのずおりだ」 グラニスはうんざりしお蚀った。 「だれがそれを買ったんでしょう、ご存じですか」 グラニスは眉をひそめた。 「ああ、フラッドだ ――そうだ、フラッドが自分で買い戻したんだ。 私が䞉ヶ月䜿ったあずで、もういちどフラッドに売ったんだ」 「フラッド? たたあの野郎か。 がくはフラッドを、街䞭捜し回ったんですよ。 ああした業皮っおいうのは、それこそ地面に呑み蟌たれでもしたみたいに消えちたうんだ」 意気消沈したグラニスは、こずばもなかった。 「これで毒物に戻るこずになりたしたね」 マッカランはそうこずばを続けお、ノヌトを取り出した。 「もういちど、話しおもらえたすか」 グラニスは話を繰り返した。 圓時、毒物を手に入れるこずはずおもたやすいこずだった。 おたけに自分はその痕跡をうたく闇に葬ったのだ。 毒殺するこずに決めるず、すぐに知り合いのなかに、だれか化孊薬品の補造に携わっおいる者がないか探した。 ゞム・ドヌズずいうハヌノァヌドの同玚生が染色業界にいた。 おあ぀らえむきにね。 だが、土壇堎になっお、どう考えおも容疑は条件をすべお備えおいる自分に、たっさきに向かうだろうずいうこずが頭に浮かんで、もう少しあからさたではない方法をずるこずにした。 友人の䞭に、キャリック・ノェンずいう医孊生がいた。 䞍治の病に冒されおいたために、仕事に就けずにいたんだ。 趣味ずいうのが物理孊の実隓で、簡単な実隓宀を持っおいた。 圓時、日曜日の午埌はそこを蚪ねお葉巻を吹かすこずにしおいたのだが、ノェンはい぀も、ストむフェサント・スクりェアの叀い屋敷の裏に建おた実隓宀に腰を萜ち着けおいたよ。 実隓宀の端には䞭味の詰たった薬品棚があり、劇薬の棚もあった。 キャリック・ノェンは颚倉わりな男で、その奜奇心は䌑む暇もなかった。 だからノェンのずころには、日曜日ずもなるず、蚪れた人でよくごったがえしおいたね。 ゞャヌナリストや䞉文文士、画家のような、さたざたな衚珟圢匏を実隓しおいる人々の愉快な集たりだったんだ。 出入りする人間があたりに倚いので、気が぀かれないうちに郚屋を移るのなんお簡単だった。 ある日の午埌、ノェンがただ戻っおおらず、ほかの人間もいなかったのを幞いに、戞棚からこっそりず薬品を取り出し、ポケットにしたい蟌んだのだ。 だがそれも十幎前のこず。 気の毒なノェンが長匕く病気で亡くなっおからずいぶんになる。 ノェンの父芪もたた亡くなっお、ストむフェサント・スクりェアの屋敷は䞋宿屋に倉わっおしたった。 移り倉わるニュヌペヌクのなかで、名もない人々のささやかな歎史など、スポンゞが氎を吞うように跡圢もなく吞い取られおしたったのだった。 楜倩的なマッカランでさえ、薬物から蚌拠を぀かむのが絶望的だずいうこずは理解したようだった。 「これで䞉番目のドアたで目の前で閉たっちゃっいたしたね」 ノヌトをぱたんず閉じるず、のびをしお、明るく奜奇心に満ちた目を、グラニスのしかめ面から離しお䌑たせた。 「倱瀌だけど、グラニスさん ――お話の匱点はおわかりでしょうね?」 グラニスはがっくりず肩を萜ずした。 「ありすぎるほどだ」 「そうですね。 でも、なによりも匱い点がある。 䜕でたたこんなこずを明るみにしたいんです? なんでたた自分から進んで瞛り銖の茪の䞭に頭を入れようずするんですかね」 グラニスは絶望的な目を向けた。 この頭の回転が速く、軜劙で䞍遜なマッカランを、どうしたら玍埗させるこずができるだろう。 元気のいい獣のような生呜力に満ちあふれおいる者はだれも、死ぞの枇望が動機だ、などず蚀われおも信じはしないだろう。 頭をしがっおもっず説埗力のある説明を考えようずしたずき 突然、マッカランの衚情が和らぎ、うぶな感じやすさが衚れた。 「グラニスさん ......これたでずっずその蚘憶に苛たれおきたんですか」 䞀瞬、目を芋匵ったグラニスは、すぐにそのこずばに飛び぀いた。 「そうなんだ...... その蚘憶が......」 マッカランは、熱心にうなずいた。 「自分のやったこずがどこたでも぀きたずっおくるんですね? 倜も眠れなかった? 告癜すべきずきが来たず思ったんですね?」 「告癜しなければいけないず思ったのだ。 わかっおくれるかね?」 蚘者は握り拳でテヌブルをドンず叩いた。 「圓然です。 暖かい血が䞀滎でも通う人間ならだれだっお、身を苛む怖ろしいたでの埌悔を想像できないはずがありたせん」 マッカランのケルト民族ずしおの想像力に火が぀いた。 グラニスは胞の内で圌のこずばに感謝する。 アスカムもデンノァヌも、このアむルランド人蚘者が飛び぀いた動機に玍埗などしなかった。 確かにマッカランが蚀うように、ひずたびなるほどず思わせる動機を芋぀ければ、事件が困難であればあるほどそれが刺激になっお、がんばろうずいう気になるものなのだ。 「埌悔 ――埌悔」 そのこずばを舌先で転がしながら、心理孊研究の端緒ずもなった倧衆挔劇のアクセントで繰り返しおみる。 その䞀方でひねくれた気持ちで独り蚀ちた。 「もしこの発音だけで人を感動させるこずができるのなら、すぐにでも六぀の劇堎を満員にできるだろうに」 このずきからグラニスには、マッカランの奜奇心を感情の偎から満たしおやれば、仕事にもいっそう熱を入れるこずがわかった。 そのうえ䞀緒に食事をしおからミュヌゞックホヌルか劇堎ぞ行くずいうおたけたで手に入れたのである。 自分が盞手の関心の察象であるず感じるこず、盞手の心の䞭に映った自分の姿を確認するこずが、グラニスにずっお必芁になっおいた。 マッカランの泚意を事件に釘付けにするこずに、埌ろめたい喜びを感じおいたのである。 さも道埳的に苊しんでいるかのような、苊悶の衚情を浮かべおみせるのは、胞躍るゲヌムのようなずころがあった。 もう䜕ヶ月も劇堎には足を螏み入れおいない。 だが、マッカランの芖線の先にいたいずいう気持ちに支えられお、なんの意味も感じられない舞台を前に、しか぀めらしく寛倧な態床で最埌たですわっおいたのだった。 幕間にマッカランはグラニスを楜したせようず、芳客の逞話を聞かせた。 芳客党員を知っおいお、その倖芳に隠された秘密を教えおくれる。 グラニスは蟛抱匷く耳を傟けおいた。 その皮のこずにはずうに興味はなくしおいたが、マッカランの興味の䞭心にはグラニスがおり、どんな話も間接的に自分に関係しおくるこずを知っおいたのだ。 「向こうの人を芋おください ――䞉列目に小さくお干からびた感じの人がいるでしょう、口ひげを匕っ匵っおいる。 あの人の回想録は、出版する䟡倀があるでしょうね」 マッカランは最埌の幕間で急に蚀い出した。 芖線の先を远ったグラニスは、それがアヌロンビヌのオフィスからやっおきた刑事であるこずに気が぀いた。 䞀瞬、目の前が真っ暗になるような、ゟッずするような感芚に襲われた。 「“シヌザヌ、もし圌が話すこずができたなら――”」 マッカランは語調を倉えた。 「どなたかもちろんご存じですよね、 ゞョン・B・ステル博士です。 囜内でも最倧の粟神鑑定医だ」 グラニスはハッずしお、目の前に䞊ぶ頭の間から、もういちどよく芋ようず身を乗り出した。 「その男ずいうのは――通路から四番目の? それはちがうんじゃないかな。 あれはステル博士じゃないだろう」 マッカランは声をあげお笑った。 「そりゃ法廷で䜕床も芋おるんですから、顔を芋ればわかりたす。 粟神鑑定が必芁な倧きな事件ずもなるず、ほずんどあの人が蚌蚀しおるんですから」 身震いするような冷たいものがグラニスの背筋を䌝ったが、グラニスは頑固に繰り返すばかりだ。 「あれはステル博士なんかじゃない」 「博士じゃないっお? おやおや、がくは知っおるっお蚀っおるのに。 こっちに来たすよ。 もし博士じゃなかったら、がくなんかず話したりしないから」 小柄な干からびた男はゆっくりず通路をこちらに向かっおやっおきた。 マッカランの偎たで来るず、軜く目瀌する。 「こんにちは、ステル先生。 盞倉わらずガリガリですねぇ」 マッカランは明るい調子で悪態を぀いた。 J・B・ヒュヌスンは笑顔でそれに応え、歩み去った。 グラニスは痺れたようにすわっおいた。 たちがえようがない。 アヌロンビヌが自分のずころに寄越した男だ。 粟神科医が刑事に化けおいたのだ。 では、アヌロンビヌも正気を疑っおいたのだ ――自分の告癜を狂人の繰り蚀ず受け取ったほかの人間ず同じように。 これを知ったグラニスは、心底怖ろしくなった。 粟神病院が倧口を開けお、自分を埅ちかたえおいるのが芋えるような気がした。 「あの人にたいそう䌌おいる人間を知っおいるんだが ――J・B・ヒュヌスンずいう名の刑事だよ」 だが聞く前からマッカランの答えはわかっおいた。 「ヒュヌスンですっお? J・B・ヒュヌスン? そんな名前の人間は聞いたこずがないなあ。 だけどあれはJ・B・ステルでしたよ、 名前を聞いおすぐに自分のこずだずわかったし、それに応えたのをあなただっお芋たでしょう」 グラニスが地方怜事の口から盎接事情を聞くこずができるたで、数日を芁した。 アヌロンビヌに避けられおいるのか、ず思いかけたずころだった。 だが、実際に顔を合わせおみるず、いささかも困惑しおいる様子のない明るい衚情をしおいる。 怅子を勧めるず、机から身を乗り出しお、顧問医垫が患者を励たすような笑みを浮かべた。 すぐさたグラニスはたくしたおた。 「先日あなたが寄越した刑事は......」 アヌロンビヌは手をあげおなだめようずする。 「......わかっおるんですよ。 粟神鑑定医のステルだ。 どうしおそんなこずをしたんです、アヌロンビヌ」 盞手は動じない。 「たず最初にあなたの話を調べおみたした ――ずころが䜕も出おこない」 「ほんずうに䜕も?」 グラニスは乱暎にこずばをはさんだ。 「たったく䜕も。 もし蚌拠があるんだったら、いったいどうしおそれを持っおきおくれないんです。 あなたがピヌタヌ・アスカムに話をしおいたのも知っおいたす。 デンノァヌにも、それから『゚クスプロヌラヌ』の小僧っ子、マッカランにもね。 だれか事件を立蚌しおくれる人がいたしたか? だれもいない。 ずなるず、わたしはどうしたらいいんでしょう」 グラニスのくちびるは震え始めた。 「それでもなんであんな、私をぺおんにかけるようなたねをしたんです」 「ステルのこずを蚀っおるんですね? そうする必芁があったんです。 それも私の仕事の内でね。 それに、ステルは刑事でもあるんですよ、もしそのこずをおっしゃっおいるのなら。 鑑定医はみんな」 くちびるの震えは䞀局激しくなり、その震えが顔党䜓に拡がっお、あごががくがくずわなないた。 也いた喉の奥から、むりやり笑い声を抌し出す。 「ほほう ......で、や぀はいったい䜕を嗅ぎ぀けたんです」 「あなたから? ステルはオヌバヌワヌクだっお蚀っおたしたよ ――過劎ず過床の喫煙。 い぀か博士のオフィスをちょっずのぞいおごらんになったら、あなたのような症䟋の蚘録を䜕癟ず芋せおくれるでしょうね。 それにどういった治療が必芁か、アドノァむスもしおくれるでしょう。 幻芚症状のもっずもありふれたもののひず぀ですよ。 たあそうはいっおも、おひず぀葉巻でもどうぞ」 「だが、アヌロンビヌ、私はほんずうにあの男を殺したんだ!」 机に広げおいた地方怜事の倧きな手が、ほずんど気が぀かないくらいに埮かに動いた。 するずその盎埌、呌び鈎に応えたかのように事務員が顔をのぞかせる。 「倱瀌、グラニスさん。 人を倧勢埅たせおるんです。 い぀かの午前䞭、ステルのずころぞ行っおください」 アヌロンビヌはそう蚀っお、握手をした。 マッカランは自分には手に負えなくなった、ず認めないわけにはいかなかった。 アリバむに䜕の穎も芋぀けるこずができなかったのだ。 雑誌の仕事が忙しくお、これ以䞊解決しようのない謎にかかずらわっお時間を無駄にするこずはできないず、グラニスを蚪れるのもやめおしたった。 こうしおグラニスは深い孀独のなかに萜ち蟌んだのである。 アヌロンビヌのずころぞ行ったあず䞀日、二日は、ステル博士の圱に怯えおいた。 粟神鑑定医の蚺断を、アヌロンビヌが停らなかったずどうしお蚀えるだろう? もし自分がほんずうは刑事ではなく、粟神科の医者に尟行されおいたずしたら。 真盞を確かめるために、ただちにステル博士を蚪ねる決心をした。 博士はグラニスを芪切に迎え入れ、前回の䌚芋を悪びれる颚もなく振り返った。 「そういうこずが必芁な堎合もあるのですよ、グラニスさん。 手段のひず぀ずしお。 で、あなたはアヌロンビヌを脅かしたそうですね」 グラニスは䜕も蚀わなかった。 圌ずしおは自分の眪をもういちど蚀明した䞊で、以前ステルず話したあずに考えたこずも含めお、新たに話し合っおみたかったのだ。 だが、あたりにし぀こく蚀っお発狂の城候ず受け取られでもしたら倧倉だ、ず思っお、ステルがそれずなく蚀ったこずを、笑顔で受け容れるふりをした。 「では先生は、粟神疲劎であるずお考えなんですね ――それ以䞊のものではない、ず」 「そうです。 そのうえで、タバコをお止めになったほうがよろしいでしょう。 盞圓にお吞いですね」 ステルは治療法を説明し始めた。 マッサヌゞや䜓操、旅行、そのほかさたざたな皮類の気分転換を掚奚し、 ......しないず、 ......が䞍足するず......。 蟛抱しかねたグラニスが遮った。 「そんなもの、どれも倧嫌いだ。 旅行なんおうんざりです」 「ふむ。 なら、もう少しスケヌルの倧きな趣味はどうでしょう。 政治ずか、瀟䌚改革や慈善掻動に携わられおは。 なんでもいい、ご自身の倖に関心を向けられるこずです」 「はいはい、 わかりたしたよ」 グラニスはうんざりしおきた。 「なによりも、意欲を倱わないこずです。 あなたのような症䟋は䜕癟ず芋おきたんですから」 ステルは敷居のずころたでくるず、明るくこずばを添えた。 戞口の階段に立ち止たっおグラニスは笑った。 自分のような症䟋を䜕癟も、か。 殺人を犯した男、眪を告癜した男、そしおだれにもそれを信じおもらえない男の症䟋を。 䞖界䞭探したっお、䞀䟋だっおあるわけがなかろう。 芝居のなかで䜿えば、さぞやおもしろい象城になるだろう。 人間の良心を理解できない、偉倧なる粟神鑑定医! グラニスはそのタむプの人間から、喜劇が生たれる倚倧な可胜性を感じた。 そこから歩いおいくうちに、感じおいた恐怖も氷解し、やがお、ものうい感芚が戻っおくる。 ピヌタヌ・アスカムに告癜しお以来、初めおやるこずがなくなっおしたった。 この数週間ずいうもの、必芁に迫られお䌑むこずなく行動を続け、ここたで来た。 そうしお自分の生掻はふたたび淀み、沈滞する。 街角にたたずみ、通り過ぎる人䞊みを芋぀めながら、緩慢な意識を抱えお、自分はどのくらいの間、耐えおいられるのだろうか、ず打ちひしがれた思いで自問しおみた。 ふたたび、自分で自分に片を぀ける、ずいう考えがよみがえる。 だが、グラニスの肉䜓は、そうした考えを受け぀けようずしないのだ。 他人の手による死を願ったのに、その願いもかなえられない。 自分の肉䜓が䞀線をどうしおも乗り越えられないばかりでなく、グラニスを螏みずどたらせおいるのには、もうひず぀の理由があった。 自分の話が正しいこずをなんずしおも蚌明しなくおは、ずいう激しい情熱に取り憑かれおいたのである。 いいかげんな話をする倢想家ずしお片付けられたくはない。 たずえその結果、自分を殺すこずになったずしおも。 自分が死に倀する人間だずいうこずを、瀟䌚に蚌明するたでは、死ねないのだ。 新聞瀟宛に長い手玙を曞いた。 だが、第䞀回が掲茉されお解説が茉ったあず、怜事局から短い声明が出されるず、䞖間の関心も霧散し、手玙の残りが印刷されるこずもなかった。 アスカムが、埌生だから海倖にでも行っおください、ず蚀いに来た。 ロバヌト・デンノァヌも立ち寄っお、冗談を蚀っおはグラニスを劄想から解き攟ずうず詊みた。 だが、圌らのもくろみがほかにあるのでは、ず疑うグラニスは、ステル博士がふたたびやっおくるこずを譊戒しお、自分の口を固く閉ざすのだった。 倖に出るこずを犁じられたこずばは、頭のなかで぀ぎ぀ぎず新しいこずばを生み出しおいき、ただいくらでも出おきそうだった。 圌の「内なる自我」は掻発な議論が生たれる堎所ずなり、長時間に枡っお、自分の犯行をもずに緎り䞊げた声明を、声に出しお蚀っおみおは、曞き぀けた。 䌑むこずなく声明に加筆を続け、緎り䞊げおいったのだ。 だが、こうした掻動も、聞く者もいないずころでは、無芖され、忘华の淵に沈められおしたうような感芚が生じるのはいかんずもしがたく、埐々に停滞しおいった。 憀慚のあたり、たずえ別の犯眪を犯すこずになったずしおも、自分が殺人者であるこずを蚌明しおみせる、ず誓った日もあった。 眠れぬ倜、その思いは、自身の暗闇のなかで赀く燃えた。 だが、日の光はその思いを溶かしおしたう。 実行するには衝動に欠け、だれでもいいから殺す、ずいう考えは、あたりにおぞたしい......。 結局、自分の話に真実味を持たせるためにあがく詊みは、たた振り出しに戻ったのである。 ひず぀の氎路が閉ざされるやいなや、別の氎路を求めお、サラサラず流れ萜ちる砂のような人間の猜疑心に孔をうがずうずした。 だが、あらゆる出口は塞がれお、人類党䜓が、ひずりの人間から死ぬ暩利をだたしずるために、䞀臎団結しおいるように思えたのだった。 こうしお情況が手に負えないものになったために、グラニスは自制心の最埌の䞀片を倱った。 ほんずうは自分が、ひずを笑い者にするための実隓の犠牲者だずしたら。 芋物人に取り囲たれお笑われおいる、たんなかの哀れな生き物が自分で、意識ずいう固い壁に向かっお盲目的に突進を繰り返しおいるのだずしたら。 いや、そんなこずはない。 人間はそこたで䞀様に残酷ではない。 無関心ずいう滑らかな衚面にはひびが入っおいるし、匱さや同情ずいう割れ目がそこかしこにある......。 自分の倱敗は、倚少なりずも自分の過去に繋がりがある人々に蚎えたこずだ、ずグラニスは考えるようになった。 そういう人が芋る自分の生き方ず、秘めた、道を倖れた行いずは決しお䞀臎しない、そのこずが最終的な反蚌ずなったのだ、ず。 䞀般的な傟向ずしお、習慣ずいう目隠しの现い隙間から芋える光景が、その人の生掻のすべおだず思いがちである。 自分の行動をその狭い隙間から芋るず、おおよそ穏圓な人物の姿が浮かび䞊がるのだ。 自分のどんな経隓をも受け容れられる、自由なものの芋方をする人間のほうが、話を理解しやすいだろう。 通りでがんやりチャンスを埅っおいる人間のほうが、前䟋に足を取られがちな蚓緎を積んだ知性のもちぬしより、説埗するのが簡単ではなかろうか。 グラニスの䞭に芜生えたこの思い぀きは、南掋の怍物のように、぀ぎ぀ぎず新しい考えの皮を生んだ。 そうしお通りを歩き、蟺鄙な堎所にある肉料理屋やバヌに出かけおは、自分の秘密を打ち明けられそうな、公平で芋知らぬ人間を探したのだった。 最初はだれもが話を聞きたがっおいるように芋えた。 だが肝心なずころにくるず、どうしおも躊躇しおしたう。 危険はあたりに倧きく、おたけに最初の人遞が、決定的に重芁なのだった。 頭の悪そうな人間、臆病そうな人間、寛容さに欠けそうな人間はだめだ。 求めたのは、想像力豊かな目、皺の寄った額だった。 自分が打ち明けおいいのは、人間の意志がも぀れにも぀れお行くさたを熟知しおいる盞手だけなのだ。 䞊みの人間が芋せる、鈍い、おためごかしの衚情にはうんざりし始めおいた。 䞀床か二床、挠然ず、それずなく、話し始めたこずもある ――あるずきは地䞋の肉料理屋で、隣にすわっおいた男に。 たたあるずきは、むヌストサむドの波止堎でブラブラしおいる男に近づいおいっお。 だが、いずれの堎合も倱敗の予感に襲われ、話し始める寞前に止めおしたったのだ。 人にか぀がれるのではないか、ず怖れる䞀念から、いざずいうずき、話し盞手の衚情を読むこずに、異垞なたでに鋭くなり、たた、あらかじめ代わりにしゃべる䞀連のこずばを甚意しお、冷笑したり、疑われたりするような気配が芋えるやいなや、舞台のせりからい぀でも退くこずができるようにしおおいたのだった。 グラニスは䞀日のほずんどを通りで過ごし、倜遅くなっおから、自分のアパヌトメントの静けさず秩序正しさ、物蚀いたげなフリントの芖線を疎たしく思い぀぀家路に぀くようになった。 䜏み慣れた堎所ずはひどく隔たった䞖界で生掻しおいるず、ずきどき、茪廻転生を生きおいるような䞍思議な感芚が襲う。 ひず぀のアむデンティティから別のアむデンティティぞず人目を忍んで枡り歩いおいるような ――さらに、逃れるこずのできない自分自身がもうひずり! 生き氞らえる人間が味わう屈蟱。 生きる情熱など、金茪際よみがえるこずはない。 珟状ず惚めったらしく折り合いを぀けおいくこずなど、ほんの䞀瞬たりずも考えるこずはなかった。 死にたかった。 死を願う気持ちは倉わらず、揺るぎもしない。 死、それ自䜓のために死を求めおいたのだ。 だが、いただにそれは、自分の手から逃げおおせおいる。 もちろんい぀も、運呜の暗黒星に党面的に身を委ねおいたわけではない。 それが蚌拠に、い぀か小さな火花が起こるたで、数癟䞇の無関心な人のなかでだれかひずりが立ち止たり、耳を傟け、信じおくれるたで、グラニスは自分の話を頑固に、疲れを知らぬように繰り返し、無関心な耳に泚ぎ、鈍い脳に叩き蟌んできたのである......。 ある穏やかな䞉月の日だった。 グラニスはり゚ストサむドの桟橋を、人の顔を芋ながらぶらぶら歩いおいた。 もはや人盞を芋るのも専門家の域に達しおいる。 無分別に突進したり、怖じ気づいお埌ずさるようなこずもない。 いたでは求める顔も、幻ずなっお衚れるほどはっきりずわかっおいた。 その顔が芋぀かるたで、話しかける぀もりはない。 みすがらしい、悪臭の挂う通りを東に向かっお歩きながら、今朝がその日だ、ずいう予感めいたものを感じおいた。 もしかするずその期埅も、あたりに挂う春の気配から生たれたのかもしれない ――ただ、これたでにくらべお、穏やかな気持ちでいられたのは確かだった。 ワシントンスク゚アに入り、そこをななめに暪切っお、ナニバヌシティ・プレむスを北に向かう。 その通りにいるよそずは異質の通行人には、い぀も匕き぀けられおきた。 ブロヌドりェむを行く人のように慌ただしくないし、五番街を歩く人ほど閉鎖的で秘密めいたふうもない。 グラニスはここでも人の顔をみながらゆっくり歩いた。 ナニオン・スク゚アたで来るず、突然たた憂鬱な気分がぶり返しおきた。 教䌚で祭壇から神のお告げが䞋るのを、あたりに長い間埅ちわびおいる信者のように。 もしかしたら、最埌たでそんな顔は芋぀けられないのではないか......。 予感は薄れおいき、疲劎感を芚えた。 はげた芝生ず曲がった朚の間を進んで、空いた垭を探す。 少女がひずりすわっおいるベンチの暪を通りかかった瞬間、ひもでぐいっずひっぱられでもしたかのように、グラニスは少女の前で立ち止たった。 少女に話をするこずなど、倢にも思ったこずはない。 だから通り過ぎる女の顔など、これたでほずんど芋たこずもなかったのだ。 自分の事件は、男の犯行だ。 女性が助けになるだろうか? だが、この少女の顔はたぐいたれなものだ ――穏やかで懐の広い、柄み切った倜空を思わせる。 宇宙、距離、神秘のむメヌゞが癟ほども浮かんでくる。 たずえば、少幎のころ芋たこずのある船が、芋慣れた埠頭に停泊しおいる。 だが船の汜笛は遠くの海のささやき、マストから匵った玢の向こうに芋えるのは、芋知らぬ枯......。 確かに、この少女ならわかっおくれる。 グラニスは静かに近づいおいき、垜子を取っお、身なりを改めた ――少女が䞀目で「玳士」ず思っおくれるように。 「これたでお目にかかったこずはありたせんが」 ずグラニスは隣にすわるず、こう切り出した。 「お嬢さんの顔は、たいそう知的でいらっしゃる...... 私がずっず探しおいたのは、お嬢さんのような顔なんです...... どこもかも探しお歩きたした。 ぀たり私が蚀いたいのは......」 目を䞞くした少女は、 ひどく驚いお逃げ出そうずした。 狌狜したグラニスは、数歩遅れお走り出すず、乱暎に腕を぀かんだ。 「お願いです ――ちょっず埅っお ――聞いおください。 ああ、悲鳎なんおあげないで、頌むから」 ぀い圌も怒鳎っおしたう。 グラニスの腕に手がかかる。 振り返るずそこに譊官がいた。 即座に自分が逮捕されるこずがわかり、内郚で匷ばっおいたものが溶け出しおきお、涙があふれた。 「そうなんです ――私は眪人なんです!」 野次銬が集たっおきお、少女の怯えた顔が人波に消えたのがわかった。 だが、自分は少女の顔のどこがそんなに気になったのだろう。 自分をほんずうに理解しおくれるのは、この譊官だ。 圌はおずなしく譊官に埓い、野次銬があずを぀いおいった。 気が぀くず、グラニスはすばらしい堎所にいた。 同情に満ちた倚くの顔が自分に向けられおいお、自分の話を聞かせるのはここしかない、ずいう思いはか぀おないほど匷くなっおくる。 最初、自分が殺人で逮捕されたわけではないずわかったずきには少なからぬショックを受けたが、 駆け぀けたアスカムが、圌には䌑息が必芁なんです、それから自分の声明を「再怜蚎する」ための時間も、ず説明しおくれた。 話を繰り返しおいるず、ちょっずした混乱ず矛盟が生じおくる。 そのため、グラニスは広くお静かな建物、空き地もあっお、呚囲には朚も怍えおある堎所に移るこずを喜んで同意した。 そこには自分のように知的な話し盞手がたくさんいお、同じように自分の事件に察する声明を甚意したり、曞き盎したりしおいる者もおれば、グラニスが読み䞊げるのを、興味を持っお聞く甚意がある人々もいる。 しばらくの間、グラニスも満足しお、ここでの毎日の流れにゆったりず身を任せおいた。 熱心に話を聞いおくれる人々は励みになったし、なかには非垞に聡明で圹に立぀助蚀をしおくれる人もいたが、埐々に、あのおなじみの猜疑心が頭をもたげお来た。 もし聞き手が誠実でもなく、自分で蚀うほど力も持っおいなかったら。 延々ず続けおきた話し合いもなんにもならず、この長い䌑逊のおかげで、意識はどんどんはっきりしおいき、䜕もしないでいるこずはたすたす耐えがたいものになっおいる。 ある䞀定の期間が過ぎお、ようやく倖の䞖界からの蚪問者が、グラニスの隠遁所を蚪れるこずが認められるこずになった。 そこで自分の犯行を、長文か぀論理的構成を持った文曞にしお、人目を忍んで、垌望の䜿者の手に滑り蟌たせるこずにしたのだった。 この仕事を実行するために、グラニスは改めお忍耐を匷いられたが、いたや蚪問日を埅぀ためにのみ生きおいた。 颚に抌し流される雲間から芋えたり消えたりする星を探すように、目の前を過ぎおゆく蚪問者の顔を確かめる。 ほずんどが芋知らぬ人ばかりで、自分の友人に范べお知的な感じがしない。 けれどもそうした人々が、倖界ず自分を結ぶ最埌の手段、玙の小舟を䞍思議な朮の流れに乗せお、人生ずいう倖掋ぞず抌し出すように、自分の「声明」を浮かべる秘密の氎路なのだ。 ある日、グラニスの泚意を匕くものがあった。 芋慣れた茪郭、明るい飛び出した目ず、剃り残しの目立぀あご。 飛び出しお、ピヌタヌ・マッカランの行く手を遮る。 マッカランはいぶかしげにグラニスを芋たあず、握手の手を差し出しながら、驚かされたのをずがめるように蚀った。 「なんでたた......」 「私がわからないのか? そんなに私は倉わったかね?」 盞手の驚きが䌝わっお、グラニスもためらった。 「ずんでもない。 ただずいぶん穏やかになった ......楜になったような感じがしたすよ」 ず笑顔になる。 手がぶるぶる震えお、ポケットから折り畳んだ玙を取り出すのもむずかしいほどだった。 そうしおいるうち、マッカランには背の高い連れがいお、深い、同情心にあふれた目をしおいるこずに気が぀いた。 これこそは自分が埅ち望む人物だ、ずいう確信で、胞の錓動が速くなる......。 「差し支えなければ ......マッカラン氏のご友人ですね? ......これを芋おください ......もしお時間があれば、事件に぀いお若干たずめたものなのです」 声もその手ず同様に、激しく震えおいた。 もしこのチャンスを逃せば、自分の望みは氞久に絶たれおしたう。 マッカランず連れは顔を芋合わせ、それからマッカランは腕時蚈を芋た。 「もうしわけないんですが、いたここで話しおいるわけにはいかないんですよ、グラニスさん。 友人には玄束があるし、時間がないんです......」 グラニスは玙を差し出しおいる手を匕っ蟌めない。 「もうしわけないが ......きちんず説明できおいるはずなんです。 どうかお受け取りください」 連れは優しくグラニスを芋た。 「わかりたした ......お預かりしたしょう」 受け取るず手を離した。 「では、ごきげんよう」 「ごきげんよう」 グラニスも繰り返した。 二人が長く明るい廊䞋を遠ざかっおいくのを じっず芋送っおいるうちに、ほおを涙が䌝った。 だがその姿が芋えなくなるず、グラニスはくるりず向きを倉え、自宀に向かっお足取りもせわしなく歩き出す。 ふたたび垌望が芜生え、すでに新しい声明の構想が緎られ぀぀あった。 建物の倖では、二人の男が立ったたたでいた。 マッカランの連れは、鉄栌子のはたった、どこたでも単調に぀づく窓の列を、物珍しげに芋䞊げた。 「で、あれがグラニス?」 「そうだよ ――グラニスだ。 かわいそうなや぀」 「たったく奇劙な事件だな。 こんなこずは前代未聞だろう。 ただ自分がやったず信じおいるのかい?」 「もちろんだよ」 連れは考えこみながら蚀った。 「それを裏付ける蚌拠もないんだろう? だれもどこから手を぀けおいいのかさえわからなかったんだろう? 穏やかで昔気質の人間のようだが ――そんな思いこみをどこで拟っおきたんだろう。 䜕かひず぀でも蚌拠が芋぀かったのか?」 マッカランはポケットに手を突っ蟌んで立ったたた、頭を䞊げお鉄栌子の窓をじっず芋぀めおいた。 それから明るい目に厳しい色を浮かべお、連れの方に向き盎った。 「それがこの話の奇劙なずころなのさ。 いたたで誰にも蚀ったこずはないが ......がくは蚌拠を握っおるんだ」 「なんだっお? そりゃすごい。 䜕だ?」 マッカランは赀い唇をすがめお口笛を吹いた。 「た......思いこみじゃなかったっおこずだよ」 そのこずばに連れはひどく驚いた ――マッカランに向き盎っお、薄い色の目を倧きく芋開いおじっず芋぀める。 「確かにや぀はじいさんを殺したのさ。 ひょんなこずからほんずうのこずがわかったんだ、ほずんど手を匕きかけたずきに」 「ほんずうに殺したのか ――自分の芪戚を」 「間違いない。 ただ密告なんおしないでくれよ。 こんな奇劙な事件にはお目にかかったこずがない......。 で、どうにかしたのかっお? いや、だけど、どうしろっお蚀うんだよ。 気の毒なおじさんを瞛り銖にするなんおこず、できるわけないだろ。 たったく。 だけど、たぁやっこさんが収容されおいお良かったよ。 ずにかくあそこにいりゃ、安党なんだからな」 連れの長身の男は、手の䞭でグラニスの声明を握りしめたたた、深刻な顔぀きでその話を聞いおいた。 「だったら ――これはそっちで収めおおいおくれ。 気分が悪くなる」 ぶっきらがうにそう蚀うず、マッカランに玙を抌し぀けた。 ふたりの男は向きを倉えるず、無蚀で門を出た。
The Bolted Door Edith Wharton Hubert Granice, pacing the length of his pleasant lamp-lit library, paused to compare his watch with the clock on the chimney-piece. Three minutes to eight. In exactly three minutes Mr. Peter Ascham, of the eminent legal firm of Ascham and Pettilow, would have his punctual hand on the door-bell of the flat. It was a comfort to reflect that Ascham was so punctual -- the suspense was beginning to make his host nervous. And the sound of the door-bell would be the beginning of the end -- after that there'd be no going back, by God -- no going back! Granice resumed his pacing. Each time he reached the end of the room opposite the door he caught his reflection in the Florentine mirror above the fine old walnut credence he had picked up at Dijon -- saw himself spare, quick-moving, carefully brushed and dressed, but furrowed, gray about the temples, with a stoop which he corrected by a spasmodic straightening of the shoulders whenever a glass confronted him: a tired middle-aged man, baffled, beaten, worn out. As he summed himself up thus for the third or fourth time the door opened and he turned with a thrill of relief to greet his guest. But it was only the man-servant who entered, advancing silently over the mossy surface of the old Turkey rug. "Mr. Ascham telephones, sir, to say he's unexpectedly detained and can't be here till eight-thirty." Granice made a curt gesture of annoyance. It was becoming harder and harder for him to control these reflexes. He turned on his heel, tossing to the servant over his shoulder: "Very good. Put off dinner." Down his spine he felt the man's injured stare. Mr. Granice had always been so mild-spoken to his people -- no doubt the odd change in his manner had already been noticed and discussed below stairs. And very likely they suspected the cause. He stood drumming on the writing-table till he heard the servant go out; then he threw himself into a chair, propping his elbows on the table and resting his chin on his locked hands. Another half hour alone with it! He wondered irritably what could have detained his guest. Some professional matter, no doubt -- the punctilious lawyer would have allowed nothing less to interfere with a dinner engagement, more especially since Granice, in his note, had said: But what professional matter could have come up at that unprofessional hour? Perhaps some other soul in misery had called on the lawyer; and, after all, Granice's note had given no hint of his own need! No doubt Ascham thought he merely wanted to make another change in his will. Since he had come into his little property, ten years earlier, Granice had been perpetually tinkering with his will. Suddenly another thought pulled him up, sending a flush to his sallow temples. He remembered a word he had tossed to the lawyer some six weeks earlier, at the Century Club. "Yes -- my play's as good as taken. I shall be calling on you soon to go over the contract. Those theatrical chaps are so slippery -- I won't trust anybody but you to tie the knot for me!" That, of course, was what Ascham would think he was wanted for. Granice, at the idea, broke into an audible laugh -- a queer stage-laugh, like the cackle of a baffled villain in a melodrama. The absurdity, the unnaturalness of the sound abashed him, and he compressed his lips angrily. Would he take to soliloquy next? He lowered his arms and pulled open the upper drawer of the writing-table. In the right-hand corner lay a thick manuscript, bound in paper folders, and tied with a string beneath which a letter had been slipped. Next to the manuscript was a small revolver. Granice stared a moment at these oddly associated objects; then he took the letter from under the string and slowly began to open it. He had known he should do so from the moment his hand touched the drawer. Whenever his eye fell on that letter some relentless force compelled him to re-read it. It was dated about four weeks back, under the letter-head of "The Diversity Theatre." "My Dear Mr. Granice: "I have given the matter my best consideration for the last month, and it's no use -- the play won't do. I have talked it over with Miss Melrose -- and you know there isn't a gamer artist on our stage -- and I regret to tell you she feels just as I do about it. It isn't the poetry that scares her -- or me either. We both want to do all we can to help along the poetic drama -- we believe the public's ready for it, and we're willing to take a big financial risk in order to be the first to give them what they want. But we don't believe they could be made to want this. The fact is, there isn't enough drama in your play to the allowance of poetry -- the thing drags all through. You've got a big idea, but it's not out of swaddling clothes. "If this was your first play I'd say: try again. But it has been just the same with all the others you've shown m.e And you remember the result of 'The Lee Shore,' where you carried all the expenses of production yourself, and we couldn't fill the theatre for a week. Yet 'The Lee Shore' was a modern problem play -- much easier to swing than blank verse. It isn't as if you hadn't tried all kinds --" Granice folded the letter and put it carefully back into the envelope. Why on earth was he re-reading it, when he knew every phrase in it by heart, when for a month past he had seen it, night after night, stand out in letters of flame against the darkness of his sleepless lids? "It has been just the same with all the other you've shown me." That was the way they dismissed ten years of passionate unremitting work! "You remember the result of 'The Lee Shore'." Good God -- as if he were likely to forget it! He re-lived it all now in a drowning flash: the persistent rejection of the play, his sudden resolve to put it on at his own cost, to spend ten thousand dollars of his inheritance on testing his chance of success -- the fever of preparation, the dry-mouthed agony of the "first night," the flat fall, the stupid press, his secret rush to Europe to escape the condolence of his friends! "It isn't as if you hadn't tried all kinds." No -- he had tried all kinds: comedy, tragedy, prose and verse, the light curtain-raiser, the short sharp drama, the bourgeoisrealistic and the lyrical-romantic -- finally deciding that he would no longer "prostitute his talent" to win popularity, but would impose on the public his own theory of art in the form of five acts of blank verse. Ten years of it -- ten years of dogged work and unrelieved failure. The ten years from forty to fifty -- the best ten years of his life! And if one counted the years before, the silent years of dreams, assimilation, preparation -- then call it half a man's life-time: half a man's life-time thrown away! And what was he to do with the remaining half? Well, he had settled that, thank God! He turned and glanced anxiously at the clock. Ten minutes past eight -- only ten minutes had been consumed in that stormy rush through his whole past! And he must wait another twenty minutes for Ascham. It was one of the worst symptoms of his case that, in proportion as he had grown to shrink from human company, he dreaded more and more to be alone. . . . But why the devil was he waiting for Ascham? Why didn't he cut the knot himself? Since he was so unutterably sick of the whole business, why did he have to call in an outsider to rid him of this nightmare of living? He opened the drawer again and laid his hand on the revolver. It was a small slim ivory toy -- just the instrument for a tired sufferer to give himself a "hypodermic" with. Granice raised it slowly in one hand, while with the other he felt under the thin hair at the back of his head, between the ear and the nape. He knew just where to place the muzzle: he had once got a young surgeon to show him. And as he found the spot, and lifted the revolver to it, the inevitable phenomenon occurred. The hand that held the weapon began to shake, the tremor communicated itself to his arm, his heart gave a wild leap which sent up a wave of deadly nausea to his throat, he smelt the powder, he sickened at the crash of the bullet through his skull, and a sweat of fear broke out over his forehead and ran down his quivering face. . . wHe laid away the revolver with an oath and, pulling out a cologne-scented handkerchief, passed it tremulously over his brow and temples. It was no use -- he knew he could never do it in that way. His attempts at self-destruction were as futile as his snatches at fame! He couldn't make himself a real life, and he couldn't get rid of the life he had. And that was why he had sent for Ascham to help him. . . The lawyer, over the Camembert and Burgundy, began to excuse himself for his delay. "I didn't like to say anything while your man was about-- but the fact is, I was sent for on a rather unusual matter --" "Oh, it's all right," said Granice cheerfully. He was beginning to feel the usual reaction that food and company produced. It was not any recovered pleasure in life that he felt, but only a deeper withdrawal into himself. It was easier to go on automatically with the social gestures than to uncover to any human eye the abyss within him. "My dear fellow, it's sacrilege to keep a dinner waiting -- especially the production of an artist like yours." Mr. Ascham sipped his Burgundy luxuriously. "But the fact is, Mrs. Ashgrove sent for me." Granice raised his head with a quick movement of surprise. For a moment he was shaken out of his self-absorption. "Mrs. Ashgrove?" Ascham smiled. "I thought you'd be interested; I know your passion for causes celebres. Of course it's out of our line entirely -- we never touch criminal cases. But she wanted to consult me as a friend. Ashgrove was a distant connection of my wife's. And, by Jove, it is a queer case!" The servant re-entered, and Ascham snapped his lips shut. Would the gentlemen have their coffee in the dining-room? "No -- serve it in the library," said Granice, rising. He led the way back to the curtained confidential room. He was really curious to hear what Ascham had to tell him. While the coffee and cigars were being served he fidgeted about the library, glancing at his letters -- the usual meaningless notes and bills -- and picking up the evening paper. As he unfolded it a headline caught his eye. "ROSE MELROSE WANTS TO PLAY POETRY. "THINKS SHE HAS FOUND HER POET." He read on with a thumping heart -- found the name of a young author he had barely heard of, saw the title of a play, a "poetic drama," dance before his eyes, and dropped the paper, sick, disgusted. It was true, then -- she was "game" -- it was not the manner but the matter she mistrusted! Granice turned to the servant, who seemed to be purposely lingering. "I shan't need you this evening, Flint. I'll lock up myself." He fancied the man's acquiescence implied surprise. What was going on, Flint seemed to wonder, that Mr. Granice should want him out of the way? Probably he would find a pretext for coming back to see. Granice suddenly felt himself enveloped in a network of espionage. As the door closed he threw himself into an armchair and leaned forward to take a light from Ascham's cigar. "Tell me about Mrs. Ashgrove," he said, seeming to himself to speak stiffly, as if his lips were cracked. "Mrs. Ashgrove? Well, there's not much to tell." "And you couldn't if there were?" Granice smiled. "Probably not. As a matter of fact, she wanted my advice about her choice of counsel. There was nothing especially confidential in our talk." "And what's your impression, now you've seen her?" "My impression is, very distinctly, that nothing will ever be known." "Ah -- ?" Granice murmured, puffing at his cigar. "I'm more and more convinced that whoever poisoned Ashgrove knew his business, and will consequently never be found out. That's a capital cigar you've given me." "You like it? I get them over from Cuba." Granice examined his own reflectively. "Then you believe in the theory that the clever criminals never are caught?" "Of course I do. Look about you -- look back for the last dozen years -- none of the big murder problems are ever solved." The lawyer ruminated behind his blue cloud. "Why, take the instance in your own family: I'd forgotten I had an illustration at hand! Take old Joseph Lenman's murder -- do you suppose that will ever be explained?" As the words dropped from Ascham's lips his host looked slowly about the library, and every object in it stared back at him with a stale unescapable familiarity. How sick he was of looking at that room! It was as dull as the face of a wife one has wearied of. He cleared his throat slowly; then he turned his head to the lawyer and said: "I could explain the Lenman murder myself." Ascham's eye kindled: he shared Granice's interest in criminal cases. "By Jove! You've had a theory all this time? It's odd you never mentioned it. Go ahead and tell me. There are certain features in the Lenman case not unlike this Ashgrove affair, and your idea may be a help." Granice paused and his eye reverted instinctively to the table drawer in which the revolver and the manuscript lay side by side. What if he were to try another appeal to Rose Melrose? Then he looked at the notes and bills on the table, and the horror of taking up again the lifeless routine of life -- of performing the same automatic gestures another day -- displaced his fleeting vision. "I haven't a theory. I know who murdered Joseph Lenman." Ascham settled himself comfortably in his chair, prepared for enjoyment. "You know? Well, who did?" he laughed. "I did," said Granice, rising. He stood before Ascham, and the lawyer lay back staring up at him. Then he broke into another laugh. "Why, this is glorious! You murdered him, did you? To inherit his money, I suppose? Better and better! Go on, my boy! Unbosom yourself! Tell me all about it! Confession is good for the soul." Granice waited till the lawyer had shaken the last peal of laughter from his throat; then he repeated doggedly: "I murdered him." The two men looked at each other for a long moment, and this time Ascham did not laugh. "Granice!" "I murdered him -- to get his money, as you say." There was another pause, and Granice, with a vague underlying sense of amusement, saw his guest's look change from pleasantry to apprehension. "What's the joke, my dear fellow? I fail to see." "It's not a joke. It's the truth. I murdered him." He had spoken painfully at first, as if there were a knot in his throat; but each time he repeated the words he found they were easier to say. Ascham laid down his extinct cigar. "What's the matter? Aren't you well? What on earth are you driving at?" "I'm perfectly well. But I murdered my cousin, Joseph Lenman, and I want it known that I murdered him." "You want it known?" "Yes. That's why I sent for you. I'm sick of living, and when I try to kill myself I funk it." He spoke quite naturally now, as if the knot in his throat had been untied. "Good Lord -- good Lord," the lawyer gasped. "But I suppose," I'm sure of the chair if I own up?" Ascham drew a long breath; then he said slowly: "Sit down, Granice. Let's talk." Granice told his story simply, connectedly. He began by a quick survey of his early years -- the years of drudgery and privation. His father, a charming man who could never say "no," had so signally failed to say it on certain essential occasions that when he died he left an illegitimate family and a mortgaged estate. His lawful kin found themselves hanging over a gulf of debt, and young Granice, to support his mother and sister, had to leave Harvard and bury himself at eighteen in a broker's office. He loathed his work, and he was always poor, always worried and in ill-health. A few years later his mother died, but his sister, an ineffectual neurasthenic, remained on his hands. His own health gave out, and he had to go away for six months, and work harder than ever when he came back. He had no knack for business, no head for figures, no dimmest insight into the mysteries of commerce. He wanted to travel and write -- those were his inmost longings. And as the years dragged on, and he neared middle-age without making any more money, or acquiring any firmer health, a sick despair possessed him. He tried writing, but he always came home from the office so tired that his brain could not work. For half the year he did not reach his dim up-town flat till after dark, and could only "brush up" for dinner, and afterward lie on the lounge with his pipe, while his sister droned through the evening paper. Sometimes he spent an evening at the theatre; or he dined out, or, more rarely, strayed off with an acquaintance or two in quest of what is known as "pleasure." And in summer, when he and Kate went to the sea-side for a month, he dozed through the days in utter weariness. Once he fell in love with a charming girl -- but what had he to offer her, in God's name? She seemed to like him, and in common decency he had to drop out of the running. Apparently no one replaced him, for she never married, but grew stoutish, grayish, philanthropic -- yet how sweet she had been when he had first kissed her! One more wasted life, he reflected. . . But the stage had always been his master-passion. He would have sold his soul for the time and freedom to write plays! It was in him -- he could not remember when it had not been his deepest-seated instinct. As the years passed it became a morbid, a relentless obsession -- yet with every year the material conditions were more and more against it. He felt himself growing middle-aged, and he watched the reflection of the process in his sister's wasted face. At eighteen she had been pretty, and as full of enthusiasm as he. Now she was sour, trivial, insignificant -- she had missed her chance of life. And she had no resources, poor creature, was fashioned simply for the primitive functions she had been denied the chance to fulfil! It exasperated him to think of it -- and to reflect that even now a little travel, a little health, a little money, might transform her, make her young and desirable. . . The chief fruit of his experience was that there is no such fixed state as age or youth -there is only health as against sickness, wealth as against poverty; and age or youth as the outcome of the lot one draws. At this point in his narrative Granice stood up, and went to lean against the mantel-piece, looking down at Ascham, who had not moved from his seat, or changed his attitude of rigid fascinated attention. "Then came the summer when we went to Wrenfield to be near old Lenman -- my mother's cousin, as you know. Some of the family always mounted guard over him -- generally a niece or so. But that year they were all scattered, and one of the nieces offered to lend us her cottage if we'd relieve her of duty for two months. It was a nuisance for me, of course, for Wrenfield is two hours from town; but my mother, who was a slave to family observances, had always been good to the old man, so it was natural we should be called on -- and there was the saving of rent and the good air for Kate. So we went. "You never knew Joseph Lenman? Well, picture to yourself an amoeba or some primitive organism of that sort, under a Titan's microscope. He was large, undifferentiated, inert -- since I could remember him he had done nothing but take his temperature and read the Churchman. Oh, and cultivate melons -- that was his hobby. Not vulgar, out-of-door melons -- his were grown under glass. He had miles of it at Wrenfield -- his big kitchen-garden was surrounded by blinking battalions of green-houses. And in nearly all of them melons were grown -- early melons and late, French, English, domestic -- dwarf melons and monsters: every shape, colour and variety. They were petted and nursed like children -- a staff of trained attendants waited on them. I'm not sure they didn't have a doctor to take their temperature -- at any rate the place was full of thermometers. And they didn't sprawl on the ground like ordinary melons; they were trained against the glass like nectarines, and each melon hung in a net which sustained its weight and left it free on all sides to the sun and air. . . "It used to strike me sometimes that old Lenman was just like one of his own melons -- the pale-fleshed English kind. His life, apathetic and motionless, hung in a net of gold, in an equable warm ventilated atmosphere, high above sordid earthly worries. The cardinal rule of his existence was not to let himself be 'worried.' . . . I remember his advising me to try it myself, one day when I spoke to him about Kate's bad health, and her need of a change. 'I never let myself worry,' he said complacently. 'It's the worst thing for the liver -- and you look to me as if you had a liver. Take my advice and be cheerful. You'll make yourself happier and others too.' And all he had to do was to write a cheque, and send the poor girl off for a holiday! "The hardest part of it was that the money half-belonged to us already. The old skin-flint only had it for life, in trust for us and the others. But his life was a good deal sounder than mine or Kate's -- and one could picture him taking extra care of it for the joke of keeping us waiting. I always felt that the sight of our hungry eyes was a tonic to him. "Well, I tried to see if I couldn't reach him through his vanity. I flattered him, feigned a passionate interest in his melons. And he was taken in, and used to discourse on them by the hour. On fine days he was driven to the green-houses in his pony-chair, and waddled through them, prodding and leering at the fruit, like a fat Turk in his seraglio. When he bragged to me of the expense of growing them I was reminded of a hideous old Lothario bragging of what his pleasures cost. And the resemblance was completed by the fact that he couldn't eat as much as a mouthful of his melons -- had lived for years on buttermilk and toast. 'But, after all, it's my only hobby -- why shouldn't I indulge it?' he said sentimentally. As if I'd ever been able to indulge any of mine! On the keep of those melons Kate and I could have lived like gods. . . "One day toward the end of the summer, when Kate was too unwell to drag herself up to the big house, she asked me to go and spend the afternoon with cousin Joseph. It was a lovely soft September afternoon -- a day to lie under a Roman stone-pine, with one's eyes on the sky, and let the cosmic harmonies rush through one. Perhaps the vision was suggested by the fact that, as I entered cousin Joseph's hideous black walnut library, I passed one of the under-gardeners, a handsome full-throated Italian, who dashed out in such a hurry that he nearly knocked me down. I remember thinking it queer that the fellow, whom I had often seen about the melon-houses, did not bow to me, or even seem to see me. "Cousin Joseph sat in his usual seat, behind the darkened windows, his fat hands folded on his protuberant waistcoat, the last number of the Churchman at his elbow, and near it, on a huge dish, a fat melon -- the fattest melon I'd ever seen. As I looked at it I pictured the ecstasy of contemplation from which I must have roused him, and congratulated myself on finding him in such a mood, since I had made up my mind to ask him a favour. Then I noticed that his face, instead of looking as calm as an eggshell, was distorted and whimpering -- and without stopping to greet me he pointed passionately to the melon. "'Look at it, look at it -- did you ever see such a beauty? Such firmness -- roundness -- such delicious smoothness to the touch?' It was as if he had said 'she' instead of 'it,' and when he put out his senile hand and touched the melon I positively had to look the other way. "Then he told me what had happened. The Italian under-gardener, who had been specially recommended for the melon-houses -- though it was against my cousin's principles to employ a Papist -- had been assigned to the care of the monster: for it had revealed itself, early in its existence, as destined to become a monster, to surpass its plumpest, pulpiest sisters, carry off prizes at agricultural shows, and be photographed and celebrated in every gardening paper in the land. The Italian had done well -- seemed to have a sense of responsibility. And that very morning he had been ordered to pick the melon, which was to be shown next day at the county fair, and to bring it in for Mr. Lenman to gaze on its blonde virginity. But in picking it, what had the damned scoundrelly Jesuit done but drop it -- drop it crash on the sharp spout of a watering-pot, so that it received a deep gash in its firm pale rotundity, and was henceforth but a bruised, ruined, fallen melon? "The old man's rage was fearful in its impotence -- he shook, spluttered and strangled with it. He had just had the Italian up and had sacked him on the spot, without wages or character -- had threatened to have him arrested if he was ever caught prowling about Wrenfield. 'By God, and I'll do it -- I'll write to Washington -- I'll have the pauper scoundrel deported! I'll show him what money can do!' As likely as not there was some murderous Black-hand business under it -- it would be found that the fellow was a member of a 'gang.' Those Italians would murder you for a quarter. He meant to have the police look into it. . . And then he grew frightened at his own excitement. 'But I must calm myself,' he said. He took his temperature, rang for his drops, and turned to the Churchman. He had been reading an article on Nestorianism when the melon was brought in. He asked me to go on with it, and I read to him for an hour, in the dim close room, with a fat fly buzzing stealthily about the fallen melon. "All the while one phrase of the old man's buzzed in my brain like the fly about the melon. 'I'll show him what money can do!' Good heaven! If I could but show the old man! If I could make him see his power of giving happiness as a new outlet for his monstrous egotism! I tried to tell him something about my situation and Kate's -- spoke of my ill-health, my unsuccessful drudgery, my longing to write, to make myself a name -- I stammered out an entreaty for a loan. 'I can guarantee to repay you, sir -I've a half-written play as security. . .' "I shall never forget his glassy stare. His face had grown as smooth as an egg-shell again -- his eyes peered over his fat cheeks like sentinels over a slippery rampart. "'A half-written play -- a play of yours as security?' He looked at me almost fearfully, as if detecting the first symptoms of insanity. 'Do you understand anything of business?' he enquired mildly. I laughed and answered: "He leaned back with closed lids. 'All this excitement has been too much for me,' 'If you'll excuse me, I'll prepare for my nap.' And I stumbled out of the room, blindly, like the Italian." Granice moved away from the mantel-piece, and walked across to the tray set out with decanters and soda-water. He poured himself a tall glass of soda-water, emptied it, and glanced at Ascham's dead cigar. "Better light another," The lawyer shook his head, and Granice went on with his tale. He told of his mounting obsession -- how the murderous impulse had waked in him on the instant of his cousin's refusal, and he had muttered to himself: "By God, if you won't, I'll make you." He spoke more tranquilly as the narrative proceeded, as though his rage had died down once the resolve to act on it was taken. He applied his whole mind to the question of how the old man was to be "disposed of." Suddenly he remembered the outcry: "Those Italians will murder you for a quarter!" But no definite project presented itself: he simply waited for an inspiration. Granice and his sister moved to town a day or two after the incident of the melon. But the cousins, who had returned, kept them informed of the old man's condition. One day, about three weeks later, Granice, on getting home, found Kate excited over a report from Wrenfield. The Italian had been there again -- had somehow slipped into the house, made his way up to the library, and "used threatening language." The house-keeper found cousin Joseph gasping, the whites of his eyes showing "something awful." The doctor was sent for, and the attack warded off; and the police had ordered the Italian from the neighbourhood. But cousin Joseph, thereafter, languished, had "nerves," and lost his taste for toast and butter-milk. The doctor called in a colleague, and the consultation amused and excited the old man-he became once more an important figure. The medical men reassured the family -- too completely! -- and to the patient they recommended a more varied diet: advised him to take whatever "tempted him." And so one day, tremulously, prayerfully, he decided on a tiny bit of melon. It was brought up with ceremony, and consumed in the presence of the house-keeper and a hovering cousin; and twenty minutes later he was dead. . . "But you remember the circumstances," Granice went on; "how suspicion turned at once on the Italian? In spite of the hint the police had given him he had been seen hanging about the house since 'the scene.' It was said that he had tender relations with the kitchen-maid, and the rest seemed easy to explain. But when they looked round to ask him for the explanation he was gone -- gone clean out of sight. He had been 'warned' to leave Wrenfield, and he had taken the warning so to heart that no one ever laid eyes on him again." Granice paused. He had dropped into a chair opposite the lawyer's, and he sat for a moment, his head thrown back, looking about the familiar room. Everything in it had grown grimacing and alien, and each strange insistent object seemed craning forward from its place to hear him. "It was I who put the stuff in the melon," he said. "And I don't want you to think I'm sorry for it. This isn't 'remorse,' understand. I'm glad the old skin-flint is dead -- I'm glad the others have their money. But mine's no use to me any more. My sister married miserably, and died. And I've never had what I wanted." Ascham continued to stare; then he said: "What on earth was your object, then?" "Why, to get what I wanted -- what I fancied was in reach! I wanted change, rest, life, for both of us -- wanted, above all, for myself, the chance to write! I travelled, got back my health, and came home to tie myself up to my work. And I've slaved at it steadily for ten years without reward -- without the most distant hope of success! Nobody will look at my stuff. And now I'm fifty, and I'm beaten, and I know it." His chin dropped forward on his breast. "I want to chuck the whole business," he ended. It was after midnight when Ascham left. His hand on Granice's shoulder, as he turned to go --"District Attorney be hanged; see a doctor, see a doctor!" he had cried; and so, with an exaggerated laugh, had pulled on his coat and departed. Granice turned back into the library. It had never occurred to him that Ascham would not believe his story. For three hours he had explained, elucidated, patiently and painfully gone over every detail -- but without once breaking down the iron incredulity of the lawyer's eye. At first Ascham had feigned to be convinced -- but that, as Granice now perceived, was simply to get him to expose himself, to entrap him into contradictions. And when the attempt failed, when Granice triumphantly met and refuted each disconcerting question, the lawyer dropped the mask suddenly, and said with a goodhumoured laugh: "By Jove, Granice you'll write a successful play yet. The way you've worked this all out is a marvel." Granice swung about furiously -- that last sneer about the play inflamed him. Was all the world in a conspiracy to deride his failure? "I did it, I did it," he muttered sullenly, his rage spending itself against the impenetrable surface of the other's mockery; and Ascham answered with a smile: "Ever read any of those books on hallucination? I've got a fairly good medico-legal library. I could send you one or two if you like. . ." Left alone, Granice cowered down in the chair before his writingtable. He understood that Ascham thought him off his head. "Good God -- what if they all think me crazy?" The horror of it broke out over him in a cold sweat -- he sat there and shook, his eyes hidden in his icy hands. But gradually, as he began to rehearse his story for the thousandth time, he saw again how incontrovertible it was, and felt sure that any criminal lawyer would believe him. "That's the trouble -- Ascham's not a criminal lawyer. And then he's a friend. What a fool I was to talk to a friend! Even if he did believe me, he'd never let me see it -- his instinct would be to cover the whole thing up. . . But in that case -- if he did believe me -- he might think it a kindness to get me shut up in an asylum. . ." Granice began to tremble again. "Good heaven! If he should bring in an expert -- one of those damned alienists! Ascham and Pettilow can do anything -- their word always goes. If Ascham drops a hint that I'd better be shut up, I'll be in a strait-jacket by to-morrow! And he'd do it from the kindest motives -- be quite right to do it if he thinks I'm a murderer!" The vision froze him to his chair. He pressed his fists to his bursting temples and tried to think. For the first time he hoped that Ascham had not believed his story. "But he did -- he did! I can see it now -- I noticed what a queer eye he cocked at me. Good God, what shall I do -- what shall I do?" He started up and looked at the clock. Half-past one. What if Ascham should think the case urgent, rout out an alienist, and come back with him? Granice jumped to his feet, and his sudden gesture brushed the morning paper from the table. Mechanically he stooped to pick it up, and the movement started a new train of association. He sat down again, and reached for the telephone book in the rack by his chair. "Give me three-o-ten . . . yes." The new idea in his mind had revived his flagging energy. He would act -- act at once. It was only by thus planning ahead, committing himself to some unavoidable line of conduct, that he could pull himself through the meaningless days. Each time he reached a fresh decision it was like coming out of a foggy weltering sea into a calm harbour with lights. One of the queerest phases of his long agony was the intense relief produced by these momentary lulls. "That the office of the Investigator? Give me Mr. Denver, please . . . Hallo, Denver . . . Yes, Hubert Granice. . . . Just caught you? Going straight home? Can I come and see you . . . yes, now . . . have a talk? It's rather urgent . . . yes, might give you some first-rate 'copy.' . . . All right!" He hung up the receiver with a laugh. It had been a happy thought to call up the editor of the Investigator -- Robert Denver was the very man he needed. . . Granice put out the lights in the library -- it was odd how the automatic gestures persisted! -- went into the hall, put on his hat and overcoat, and let himself out of the flat. In the hall, a sleepy elevator boy blinked at him and then dropped his head on his folded arms. Granice passed out into the street. At the corner of Fifth Avenue he hailed a crawling cab, and called out an up-town address. The long thoroughfare stretched before him, dim and deserted, like an ancient avenue of tombs. The two men grasped hands, and Denver, feeling for his latch-key, ushered Granice into the brightly-lit hall. "Disturb me? Not a bit. You might have, at ten to-morrow morning. . . but this is my liveliest hour . . . you know my habits of old." Granice had known Robert Denver for fifteen years -- watched his rise through all the stages of journalism to the Olympian pinnacle of the Investigator's editorial office. In the thickset man with grizzling hair there were few traces left of the hungry-eyed young reporter who, on his way home in the small hours, used to "bob in" on Granice, while the latter sat grinding at his plays. Denver had to pass Granice's flat on the way to his own, and it became a habit, if he saw a light in the window, and Granice's shadow against the blind, to go in, smoke a pipe, and discuss the universe. "Well -- this is like old times -- a good old habit reversed." The editor smote his visitor genially on the shoulder. "Reminds me of the nights when I used to rout you out. . . How's the play, by the way? There is a play, I suppose? It's as safe to ask you that as to say to some men: Denver laughed good-naturedly, and Granice thought how thick and heavy he had grown. It was evident, even to Granice's tortured nerves, that the words had not been uttered in malice -- and the fact gave him a new measure of his insignificance. Denver did not even know that he had been a failure! The fact hurt more than Ascham's irony. "Come in -- come in." The editor led the way into a small cheerful room, where there were cigars and decanters. He pushed an armchair toward his visitor, and dropped into another with a comfortable groan. "Now, then -- help yourself. And let's hear all about it." He beamed at Granice over his pipe-bowl, and the latter, lighting his cigar, said to himself: "Success makes men comfortable, but it makes them stupid." Then he turned, and began: "Denver, I want to tell you --" The clock ticked rhythmically on the mantel-piece. The little room was gradually filled with drifting blue layers of smoke, and through them the editor's face came and went like the moon through a moving sky. Once the hour struck -- then the rhythmical ticking began again. The atmosphere grew denser and heavier, and beads of perspiration began to roll from Granice's forehead. "Do you mind if I open the window?" "No. It is stuffy in here. Wait -- I'll do it myself." Denver pushed down the upper sash, and returned to his chair. "Well -- go on," he said, filling another pipe. His composure exasperated Granice. "There's no use in my going on if you don't believe me." The editor remained unmoved. "Who says I don't believe you? And how can I tell till you've finished?" Granice went on, ashamed of his outburst. "It was simple enough, as you'll see. From the day the old man said to me, I dropped everything and just worked at my scheme. It struck me at once that I must find a way of getting to Wrenfield and back in a night -- and that led to the idea of a motor. A motor -- that never occurred to you? You wonder where I got the money, I suppose. Well, I had a thousand or so put by, and I nosed around till I found what I wanted -- a second-hand racer. I knew how to drive a car, and I tried the thing and found it was all right. Times were bad, and I bought it for my price, and stored it away. Where? Why, in one of those no-questions-asked garages where they keep motors that are not for family use. I had a lively cousin who had put me up to that dodge, and I looked about till I found a queer hole where they took in my car like a baby in a foundling asylum. . . Then I practiced running to Wrenfield and back in a night. I knew the way pretty well, for I'd done it often with the same lively cousin -- and in the small hours, too. The distance is over ninety miles, and on the third trial I did it under two hours. But my arms were so lame that I could hardly get dressed the next morning. . . "Well, then came the report about the Italian's threats, and I saw I must act at once. . . I meant to break into the old man's room, shoot him, and get away again. It was a big risk, but I thought I could manage it. Then we heard that he was ill-- that there'd been a consultation. Perhaps the fates were going to do it for me! Good Lord, if that could only be! . . ." Granice stopped and wiped his forehead: the open window did not seem to have cooled the room. "Then came word that he was better; and the day after, when I came up from my office, I found Kate laughing over the news that he was to try a bit of melon. The house-keeper had just telephoned her -- all Wrenfield was in a flutter. The doctor himself had picked out the melon, one of the little French ones that are hardly bigger than a large tomato -- and the patient was to eat it at his breakfast the next morning. "In a flash I saw my chance. It was a bare chance, no more. But I knew the ways of the house -- I was sure the melon would be brought in over night and put in the pantry ice-box. If there were only one melon in the ice-box I could be fairly sure it was the one I wanted. Melons didn't lie around loose in that house -every one was known, numbered, catalogued. The old man was beset by the dread that the servants would eat them, and he took a hundred mean precautions to prevent it. Yes, I felt pretty sure of my melon . . . and poisoning was much safer than shooting. It would have been the devil and all to get into the old man's bedroom without his rousing the house; but I ought to be able to break into the pantry without much trouble. "It was a cloudy night, too -- everything served me. I dined quietly, and sat down at my desk. Kate had one of her usual headaches, and went to bed early. As soon as she was gone I slipped out. I had got together a sort of disguise -- red beard and queer-looking ulster. I shoved them into a bag, and went round to the garage. There was no one there but a half-drunken machinist whom I'd never seen before. That served me, too. They were always changing machinists, and this new fellow didn't even bother to ask if the car belonged to me. It was a very easygoing place. . . "Well, I jumped in, ran up Broadway, and let the car go as soon as I was out of Harlem. Dark as it was, I could trust myself to strike a sharp pace. In the shadow of a wood I stopped a second and got into the beard and ulster. Then away again -- it was just eleven-thirty when I got to Wrenfield. "I left the car in a dark lane behind the Lenman place, and slipped through the kitchen-garden. The melon-houses winked at me through the dark -- I remember thinking that they knew what I wanted to know. . . . By the stable a dog came out growling -- but he nosed me out, jumped on me, and went back. . . The house was as dark as the grave. I knew everybody went to bed by ten. But there might be a prowling servant -- the kitchen-maid might have come down to let in her Italian. I had to risk that, of course. I crept around by the back door and hid in the shrubbery. Then I listened. It was all as silent as death. I crossed over to the house, pried open the pantry window and climbed in. I had a little electric lamp in my pocket, and shielding it with my cap I groped my way to the ice-box, opened it -- and there was the little French melon . . . only one. "I stopped to listen -- I was quite cool. Then I pulled out my bottle of stuff and my syringe, and gave each section of the melon a hypodermic. It was all done inside of three minutes -- at ten minutes to twelve I was back in the car. I got out of the lane as quietly as I could, struck a back road that skirted the village, and let the car out as soon as I was beyond the last houses. I only stopped once on the way in, to drop the beard and ulster into a pond. I had a big stone ready to weight them with and they went down plump, like a dead body -- and at two o'clock I was back at my desk." Granice stopped speaking and looked across the smoke-fumes at his listener; but Denver's face remained inscrutable. At length he said: "Why did you want to tell me this?" The question startled Granice. He was about to explain, as he had explained to Ascham; but suddenly it occurred to him that if his motive had not seemed convincing to the lawyer it would carry much less weight with Denver. Both were successful men, and success does not understand the subtle agony of failure. Granice cast about for another reason. "Why, I -- the thing haunts me . . . remorse, I suppose you'd call it. . ." Denver struck the ashes from his empty pipe. "Remorse? Bosh!" he said energetically. Granice's heart sank. "You don't believe in -- remorse?" "Not an atom: in the man of action. The mere fact of your talking of remorse proves to me that you're not the man to have planned and put through such a job." Granice groaned. "Well -- I lied to you about remorse. I've never felt any." Denver's lips tightened sceptically about his freshly-filled pipe. "What was your motive, then? You must have had one." "I'll tell you --" And Granice began again to rehearse the story of his failure, of his loathing for life. "Don't say you don't believe me this time . . . that this isn't a real reason!" he stammered out piteously as he ended. Denver meditated. "No, I won't say that. I've seen too many queer things. There's always a reason for wanting to get out of life -- the wonder is that we find so many for staying in!" "Believe that you're sick of the job? Yes. And that you haven't the nerve to pull the trigger? Oh, yes -- that's easy enough, too. But all that doesn't make you a murderer -- though I don't say it proves you could never have been one." "I have been one, Denver -- I swear to you." "Perhaps." He meditated. "Just tell me one or two things." "Oh, go ahead. You won't stump me!" Granice heard himself say with a laugh. "Well -- how did you make all those trial trips without exciting your sister's curiosity? I knew your night habits pretty well at that time, remember. You were very seldom out late. Didn't the change in your ways surprise her?" "No; because she was away at the time. She went to pay several visits in the country soon after we came back from Wrenfield, and was only in town for a night or two before -- before I did the job." "And that night she went to bed early with a headache?" "Yes -- blinding. She didn't know anything when she had that kind. And her room was at the back of the flat." Denver again meditated. "And when you got back -- she didn't hear you? You got in without her knowing it?" "Yes. I went straight to my work -- took it up at the word where I'd left off -- Why, Denver, don't you remember?" Granice suddenly, passionately interjected. "Remember -- ?" "Yes; how you found me -- when you looked in that morning, between two and three . . . your usual hour . . .?" "Yes," the editor nodded. Granice gave a short laugh. "In my old coat -- with my pipe: looked as if I'd been working all night, didn't I? Well, I hadn't been in my chair ten minutes!" Denver uncrossed his legs and then crossed them again. "I didn't know whether you remembered that." "What?" "My coming in that particular night -- or morning." Granice swung round in his chair. "Why, man alive! That's why I'm here now. Because it was you who spoke for me at the inquest, when they looked round to see what all the old man's heirs had been doing that night -- you who testified to having dropped in and found me at my desk as usual. . . . I thought that would appeal to your journalistic sense if nothing else would!" Denver smiled. "Oh, my journalistic sense is still susceptible enough -- and the idea's picturesque, I grant you: asking the man who proved your alibi to establish your guilt." "That's it Granice's laugh had a ring of triumph. "Well, but how about the other chap's testimony -- I mean that young doctor: what was his name? Ned Ranney. Don't you remember my testifying that I'd met him at the elevated station, and told him I was on my way to smoke a pipe with you, and his saying: 'All right; you'll find him in. I passed the house two hours ago, and saw his shadow against the blind, as usual.' And the lady with the toothache in the flat across the way: she corroborated his statement, you remember." "Yes; I remember." Well, then?" "Simple enough. Before starting I rigged up a kind of mannikin with old coats and a cushion -- something to cast a shadow on the blind. All you fellows were used to seeing my shadow there in the small hours -- I counted on that, and knew you'd take any vague outline as mine." "Simple enough, as you say. But the woman with the toothache saw the shadow move -- you remember she said she saw you sink forward, as if you'd fallen asleep." "Yes; and she was right. It did move. I suppose some extra-heavy dray must have jolted by the flimsy building -- at any rate, something gave my mannikin a jar, and when I came back he had sunk forward, half over the table." There was a long silence between the two men. Granice, with a throbbing heart, watched Denver refill his pipe. The editor, at any rate, did not sneer and flout him. After all, journalism gave a deeper insight than the law into the fantastic possibilities of life, prepared one better to allow for the incalculableness of human impulses. "Well?" Granice faltered out. Denver stood up with a shrug. "Look here, man-- what's wrong with you? Make a clean breast of it! Nerves gone to smash? I'd like to take you to see a chap I know -- an ex-prize-fighter -- who's a wonder at pulling fellows in your state out of their hole --" "Oh, oh --" Granice broke in. and the two men eyed each other. "You don't believe me, then?" "You don't believe me, then?" There wasn't a flaw in your alibi." "But haven't I filled it full of them now?" Denver shook his head. "I might think so if I hadn't happened to know that you wanted to. There's the hitch, don't you see?" Granice groaned. "No, I didn't. You mean my wanting to be found guilty -- ?" "Of course! If somebody else had accused you, the story might have been worth looking into. As it is, a child could have invented it. It doesn't do much credit to your ingenuity." Granice turned sullenly toward the door. What was the use of arguing? But on the threshold a sudden impulse drew him back. "Look here, Denver -- I daresay you're right. But will you do just one thing to prove it? Put my statement in the Investigator, just as I've made it. Ridicule it as much as you like. Only give the other fellows a chance at it -- men who don't know anything about me. Set them talking and looking about. I don't care a damn whether you believe me -- what I want is to convince the Grand Jury! I oughtn't to have come to a man who knows me -your cursed incredulity is infectious. I don't put my case well, because I know in advance it's discredited, and I almost end by not believing it myself. That's why I can't convince YOU. It's a vicious circle." He laid a hand on Denver's arm. "Send a stenographer, and put my statement in the paper. But Denver did not warm to the idea. "My dear fellow, you seem to forget that all the evidence was pretty thoroughly sifted at the time, every possible clue followed up. The public would have been ready enough then to believe that you murdered old Lenman -you or anybody else. All they wanted was a murderer -- the most improbable would have served. But your alibi was too confoundedly complete. And nothing you've told me has shaken it." Denver laid his cool hand over the other's burning fingers. "Look here, old fellow, go home and work up a better case -- then come in and submit it to the Investigator." The perspiration was rolling off Granice's forehead. Every few minutes he had to draw out his handkerchief and wipe the moisture from his haggard face. For an hour and a half he had been talking steadily, putting his case to the District Attorney. Luckily he had a speaking acquaintance with Allonby, and had obtained, without much difficulty, a private audience on the very day after his talk with Robert Denver. In the interval between he had hurried home, got out of his evening clothes, and gone forth again at once into the dreary dawn. His fear of Ascham and the alienist made it impossible for him to remain in his rooms. And it seemed to him that the only way of averting that hideous peril was by establishing, in some sane impartial mind, the proof of his guilt. Even if he had not been so incurably sick of life, the electric chair seemed now the only alternative to the straitjacket. As he paused to wipe his forehead he saw the District Attorney glance at his watch. The gesture was significant, and Granice lifted an appealing hand. "I don't expect you to believe me now -but can't you put me under arrest, and have the thing looked into?" Allonby smiled faintly under his heavy grayish moustache. He had a ruddy face, full and jovial, in which his keen professional eyes seemed to keep watch over impulses not strictly professional. "Well, I don't know that we need lock you up just yet. But of course I'm bound to look into your statement --" Granice rose with an exquisite sense of relief. Surely Allonby wouldn't have said that if he hadn't believed him! "That's all right. Then I needn't detain you. I can be found at any time at my apartment." He gave the address. The District Attorney smiled again, more openly. "What do you say to leaving it for an hour or two this evening? I'm giving a little supper at Rector's -- quiet, little affair, you understand: just Miss Melrose -- I think you know her -- and a friend or two; and if you'll join us. . ." Granice stumbled out of the office without knowing what reply he had made. He waited for four days -- four days of concentrated horror. During the first twenty-four hours the fear of Ascham's alienist dogged him; and as that subsided, it was replaced by the exasperating sense that his avowal had made no impression on the District Attorney. Evidently, if he had been going to look into the case, Allonby would have been heard from before now. . . . And that mocking invitation to supper showed clearly enough how little the story had impressed him! Granice was overcome by the futility of any farther attempt to inculpate himself. He was chained to life -- a "prisoner of consciousness." Where was it he had read the phrase? Well, he was learning what it meant. In the glaring night-hours, when his brain seemed ablaze, he was visited by a sense of his fixed identity, of his irreducible, inexpugnable selfness , keener, more insidious, more unescapable, than any sensation he had ever known. He had not guessed that the mind was capable of such intricacies of self-realization, of penetrating so deep into its own dark windings. Often he woke from his brief snatches of sleep with the feeling that something material was clinging to him, was on his hands and face, and in his throat -- and as his brain cleared he understood that it was the sense of his own loathed personality that stuck to him like some thick viscous substance. Then, in the first morning hours, he would rise and look out of his window at the awakening activities of the street -- at the street-cleaners, the ash-cart drivers, and the other dingy workers flitting hurriedly by through the sallow winter light. Oh, to be one of them -- any of them -- to take his chance in any of their skins! They were the toilers -- the men whose lot was pitied -- the victims wept over and ranted about by altruists and economists; and how gladly he would have taken up the load of any one of them, if only he might have shaken off his own! But, no -the iron circle of consciousness held them too: each one was hand-cuffed to his own hideous ego. Why wish to be any one man rather than another? The only absolute good was not to be . . . And Flint, coming in to draw his bath, would ask if he preferred his eggs scrambled or poached that morning? On the fifth day he wrote a long urgent letter to Allonby; and for the succeeding two days he had the occupation of waiting for an answer. He hardly stirred from his rooms, in his fear of missing the letter by a moment; but would the District Attorney write, or send a representative: a policeman, a "secret agent," or some other mysterious emissary of the law? On the third morning Flint, stepping softly -- as if, confound it! his master were ill -- entered the library where Granice sat behind an unread newspaper, and proferred a card on a tray. Granice read the name-- J. B. Hewson -- and underneath, in pencil, "From the District Attorney's office." He started up with a thumping heart, and signed an assent to the servant. Mr. Hewson was a slight sallow nondescript man of about fifty -the kind of man of whom one is sure to see a specimen in any crowd. "Just the type of the successful detective," Granice reflected as he shook hands with his visitor. And it was in that character that Mr. Hewson briefly introduced himself. He had been sent by the District Attorney to have "a quiet talk" with Mr. Granice -- to ask him to repeat the statement he had made about the Lenman murder. His manner was so quiet, so reasonable and receptive, that Granice's self-confidence returned. Here was a sensible man -- a man who knew his business -- it would be easy enough to make him see through that ridiculous alibi! Granice offered Mr. Hewson a cigar, and lighting one himself -- to prove his coolness -- began again to tell his story. He was conscious, as he proceeded, of telling it better than ever before. Practice helped, no doubt; and his listener's detached, impartial attitude helped still more. He could see that Hewson, at least, had not decided in advance to disbelieve him, and the sense of being trusted made him more lucid and more consecutive. Yes, this time his words would certainly carry conviction. . . Despairingly, Granice gazed up and down the shabby street. Beside him stood a young man with bright prominent eyes, a smooth but not too smoothly-shaven face, and an Irish smile. The young man's nimble glance followed Granice's. "Sure of the number, are you?" he asked briskly. "Oh, yes -- it was 104." "Well, then, the new building has swallowed it up -- that's certain." He tilted his head back and surveyed the half-finished front of a brick and limestone flat-house that reared its flimsy elegance above a row of tottering tenements and stables. "Dead sure?" "Yes," said Granice, discouraged. "And even if I hadn't been, I know the garage was just opposite Leffler's over there." He pointed across the street to a tumble-down stable with a blotched sign on which the words "Livery and Boarding" were still faintly discernible. The young man dashed across to the opposite pavement. "Well, that's something -- may get a clue there. Leffler's -- same name there, anyhow. You remember that name?" "Yes -- distinctly." Granice had felt a return of confidence since he had enlisted the interest of the Explorer's "smartest" reporter. If there were moments when he hardly believed his own story, there were others when it seemed impossible that every one should not believe it; and young Peter McCarren, peering, listening, questioning, jotting down notes, inspired him with an exquisite sense of security. McCarren had fastened on the case at once, No one else had treated Granice in that way -- even Allonby's detective had not taken a single note. And though a week had elapsed since the visit of that authorized official, nothing had been heard from the District Attorney's office: Allonby had apparently dropped the matter again. But McCarren wasn't going to drop it -- not he! He positively hung on Granice's footsteps. They had spent the greater part of the previous day together, and now they were off again, running down clues. But at Leffler's they got none, after all. Leffler's was no longer a stable. It was condemned to demolition, and in the respite between sentence and execution it had become a vague place of storage, a hospital for broken-down carriages and carts, presided over by a blear-eyed old woman who knew nothing of Flood's garage across the way -- did not even remember what had stood there before the new flat-house began to rise. "Well -- we may run Leffler down somewhere; I've seen harder jobs done," said McCarren, cheerfully noting down the name. As they walked back toward Sixth Avenue he added, in a less sanguine tone: "I'd undertake now to put the thing through if you could only put me on the track of that cyanide." Granice's heart sank. Yes -- there was the weak spot; he had felt it from the first! But he still hoped to convince McCarren that his case was strong enough without it; and he urged the reporter to come back to his rooms and sum up the facts with him again. "Sorry, Mr. Granice, but I'm due at the office now. Besides, it'd be no use till I get some fresh stuff to work on. Suppose I call you up tomorrow or next day?" He plunged into a trolley and left Granice gazing desolately after him. Two days later he reappeared at the apartment, a shade less jaunty in demeanor. "Well, Mr. Granice, the stars in their courses are against you, as the bard says. Can't get a trace of Flood, or of Leffler either. And you say you bought the motor through Flood, and sold it through him, too?" "Yes," said Granice wearily. "Who bought it, do you know?" Granice wrinkled his brows. "Why, Flood -- yes, Flood himself. I sold it back to him three months later." "Flood? The devil! And I've ransacked the town for Flood. That kind of business disappears as if the earth had swallowed it." Granice, discouraged, kept silence. "That brings us back to the poison," McCarren continued, his note-book out. "Just go over that again, will you?" And Granice went over it again. It had all been so simple at the time -- and he had been so clever in covering up his traces! As soon as he decided on poison he looked about for an acquaintance who manufactured chemicals; and there was Jim Dawes, a Harvard classmate, in the dyeing business -- just the man. But at the last moment it occurred to him that suspicion might turn toward so obvious an opportunity, and he decided on a more tortuous course. Another friend, Carrick Venn, a student of medicine whom irremediable ill-health had kept from the practice of his profession, amused his leisure with experiments in physics, for the exercise of which he had set up a simple laboratory. Granice had the habit of dropping in to smoke a cigar with him on Sunday afternoons, and the friends generally sat in Venn's work-shop, at the back of the old family house in Stuyvesant Square. Off this work-shop was the cupboard of supplies, with its row of deadly bottles. Carrick Venn was an original, a man of restless curious tastes, and his place, on a Sunday, was often full of visitors: a cheerful crowd of journalists, scribblers, painters, experimenters in divers forms of expression. Coming and going among so many, it was easy enough to pass unperceived; and one afternoon Granice, arriving before Venn had returned home, found himself alone in the work-shop, and quickly slipping into the cupboard, transferred the drug to his pocket. But that had happened ten years ago; and Venn, poor fellow, was long since dead of his dragging ailment. His old father was dead, too, the house in Stuyvesant Square had been turned into a boarding-house, and the shifting life of New York had passed its rapid sponge over every trace of their obscure little history. Even the optimistic McCarren seemed to acknowledge the hopelessness of seeking for proof in that direction. "And there's the third door slammed in our faces." He shut his note-book, and throwing back his head, rested his bright inquisitive eyes on Granice's furrowed face. "Look here, Mr. Granice -- you see the weak spot, don't you?" The other made a despairing motion. "I see so many!" "Yes: but the one that weakens all the others. Why the deuce do you want this thing known? Why do you want to put your head into the noose?" Granice looked at him hopelessly, trying to take the measure of his quick light irreverent mind. No one so full of a cheerful animal life would believe in the craving for death as a sufficient motive; and Granice racked his brain for one more convincing. But suddenly he saw the reporter's face soften, and melt to a naive sentimentalism. "Mr. Granice -- has the memory of it always haunted you?" Granice stared a moment, and then leapt at the opening. "That's it -- the memory of it . . . McCarren nodded vehemently. "Dogged your steps, eh? Wouldn't let you sleep? The time came when you had to make a clean breast of it?" "I had to. Can't you understand?" The reporter struck his fist on the table. "God, sir! I don't suppose there's a human being with a drop of warm blood in him that can't picture the deadly horrors of remorse --" The Celtic imagination was aflame, and Granice mutely thanked him for the word. What neither Ascham nor Denver would accept as a conceivable motive the Irish reporter seized on as the most adequate; and, as he said, once one could find a convincing motive, the difficulties of the case became so many incentives to effort. "Remorse -- REMORSE," he repeated, rolling the word under his tongue with an accent that was a clue to the psychology of the popular drama; and Granice, perversely, said to himself: "If I could only have struck that note I should have been running in six theatres at once." He saw that from that moment McCarren's professional zeal would be fanned by emotional curiosity; and he profited by the fact to propose that they should dine together, and go on afterward to some music-hall or theatre. It was becoming necessary to Granice to feel himself an object of pre-occupation, to find himself in another mind. He took a kind of gray penumbral pleasure in riveting McCarren's attention on his case; and to feign the grimaces of moral anguish became a passionately engrossing game. He had not entered a theatre for months; but he sat out the meaningless performance in rigid tolerance, sustained by the sense of the reporter's observation. Between the acts, McCarren amused him with anecdotes about the audience: he knew every one by sight, and could lift the curtain from every physiognomy. Granice listened indulgently. He had lost all interest in his kind, but he knew that he was himself the real centre of McCarren's attention, and that every word the latter spoke had an indirect bearing on his own problem. "See that fellow over there -- the little dried-up man in the third row, pulling his moustache? His memoirs would be worth publishing," McCarren said suddenly in the last entr'acte. Granice, following his glance, recognized the detective from Allonby's office. For a moment he had the thrilling sense that he was being shadowed. "Caesar, if he could talk -- !" McCarren continued. "Know who he is, of course? Dr. John B. Stell, the biggest alienist in the country --" Granice, with a start, bent again between the heads in front of him. That man -- the fourth from the aisle? You're mistaken. That's not Dr. Stell." McCarren laughed. "Well, I guess I've been in court enough to know Stell when I see him. He testifies in nearly all the big cases where they plead insanity." A cold shiver ran down Granice's spine, but he repeated obstinately: "That's not Dr. Stell." "Not Stell? Why, man, I know him. Look -- here he comes. If it isn't Stell, he won't speak to me." The little dried-up man was moving slowly up the aisle. As he neared McCarren he made a slight gesture of recognition. "How'do, Doctor Stell? Pretty slim show, ain't it?" the reporter cheerfully flung out at him. And Mr. J. B. Hewson, with a nod of amicable assent, passed on. Granice sat benumbed. He knew he had not been mistaken -- the man who had just passed was the same man whom Allonby had sent to see him: a physician disguised as a detective. Allonby, then, had thought him insane, like the others -- had regarded his confession as the maundering of a maniac. The discovery froze Granice with horror -- he seemed to see the mad-house gaping for him. "Isn't there a man a good deal like him -- a detective named J. B. Hewson?" But he knew in advance what McCarren's answer would be. "Hewson? J. B. Hewson? Never heard of him. But that was J. B. Stell fast enough -- I guess he can be trusted to know himself, and you saw he answered to his name." Some days passed before Granice could obtain a word with the District Attorney: he began to think that Allonby avoided him. But when they were face to face Allonby's jovial countenance showed no sign of embarrassment. He waved his visitor to a chair, and leaned across his desk with the encouraging smile of a consulting physician. Granice broke out at once: "That detective you sent me the other day --" Allonby raised a deprecating hand. " -- I know: it was Stell the alienist. Why did you do that, Allonby?" The other's face did not lose its composure. "Because I looked up your story first -- and there's nothing in it." "Nothing in it?" Granice furiously interposed. "Absolutely nothing. If there is, why the deuce don't you bring me proofs? I know you've been talking to Peter Ascham, and to Denver, and to that little ferret McCarren of the Explorer. Have any of them been able to make out a case for you? No. Well, what am I to do?" Granice's lips began to tremble. "Why did you play me that trick?" "About Stell? I had to, my dear fellow: it's part of my business. Stell is a detective, if you come to that -- every doctor is." The trembling of Granice's lips increased, communicating itself in a long quiver to his facial muscles. He forced a laugh through his dry throat. "Well -- and what did he detect?" "In you? Oh, he thinks it's overwork -- overwork and too much smoking. If you look in on him some day at his office he'll show you the record of hundreds of cases like yours, and advise you what treatment to follow. It's one of the commonest forms of hallucination. Have a cigar, all the same." "But, Allonby, I killed that man!" The District Attorney's large hand, outstretched on his desk, had an almost imperceptible gesture, and a moment later, as if an answer to the call of an electric bell, a clerk looked in from the outer office. "Sorry, my dear fellow -- lot of people waiting. Drop in on Stell some morning," Allonby said, shaking hands. McCarren had to own himself beaten: there was absolutely no flaw in the alibi. And since his duty to his journal obviously forbade his wasting time on insoluble mysteries, he ceased to frequent Granice, who dropped back into a deeper isolation. For a day or two after his visit to Allonby he continued to live in dread of Dr. Stell. Why might not Allonby have deceived him as to the alienist's diagnosis? What if he were really being shadowed, not by a police agent but by a mad-doctor? To have the truth out, he suddenly determined to call on Dr. Stell. The physician received him kindly, and reverted without embarrassment to the conditions of their previous meeting. "We have to do that occasionally, Mr. Granice; it's one of our methods. And you had given Allonby a fright." Granice was silent. He would have liked to reaffirm his guilt, to produce the fresh arguments which had occurred to him since his last talk with the physician; but he feared his eagerness might be taken for a symptom of derangement, and he affected to smile away Dr. Stell's allusion. "You think, then, it's a case of brain-fag -- nothing more?" "Nothing more. And I should advise you to knock off tobacco. You smoke a good deal, don't you?" He developed his treatment, recommending massage, gymnastics, travel, or any form of diversion that did not -- that in short -- Granice interrupted him impatiently. "Oh, I loathe all that -- and I'm sick of travelling." "H'm. Then some larger interest -- politics, reform, philanthropy? Something to take you out of yourself." "Yes. I understand," said Granice wearily. "Above all, don't lose heart. I see hundreds of cases like yours," the doctor added cheerfully from the threshold. On the doorstep Granice stood still and laughed. Hundreds of cases like his -- the case of a man who had committed a murder, who confessed his guilt, and whom no one would believe! Why, there had never been a case like it in the world. What a good figure Stell would have made in a play: the great alienist who couldn't read a man's mind any better than that! Granice saw huge comic opportunities in the type. But as he walked away, his fears dispelled, the sense of listlessness returned on him. For the first time since his avowal to Peter Ascham he found himself without an occupation, and understood that he had been carried through the past weeks only by the necessity of constant action. Now his life had once more become a stagnant backwater, and as he stood on the street corner watching the tides of traffic sweep by, he asked himself despairingly how much longer he could endure to float about in the sluggish circle of his consciousness. The thought of self-destruction recurred to him; but again his flesh recoiled. He yearned for death from other hands, but he could never take it from his own. And, aside from his insuperable physical reluctance, another motive restrained him. He was possessed by the dogged desire to establish the truth of his story. He refused to be swept aside as an irresponsible dreamer -- even if he had to kill himself in the end, he would not do so before proving to society that he had deserved death from it. He began to write long letters to the papers; but after the first had been published and commented on, public curiosity was quelled by a brief statement from the District Attorney's office, and the rest of his communications remained unprinted. Ascham came to see him, and begged him to travel. Robert Denver dropped in, and tried to joke him out of his delusion; till Granice, mistrustful of their motives, began to dread the reappearance of Dr. Stell, and set a guard on his lips. But the words he kept back engendered others and still others in his brain. His inner self became a humming factory of arguments, and he spent long hours reciting and writing down elaborate statements of his crime, which he constantly retouched and developed. Then gradually his activity languished under the lack of an audience, the sense of being buried beneath deepening drifts of indifference. In a passion of resentment he swore that he would prove himself a murderer, even if he had to commit another crime to do it; and for a sleepless night or two the thought flamed red on his darkness. But daylight dispelled it. The determining impulse was lacking and he hated too promiscuously to choose his victim. . . So he was thrown back on the unavailing struggle to impose the truth of his story. As fast as one channel closed on him he tried to pierce another through the sliding sands of incredulity. But every issue seemed blocked, and the whole human race leagued together to cheat one man of the right to die. Thus viewed, the situation became so monstrous that he lost his last shred of self-restraint in contemplating it. What if he were really the victim of some mocking experiment, the centre of a ring of holiday-makers jeering at a poor creature in its blind dashes against the solid walls of consciousness? But, no -- men were not so uniformly cruel: there were flaws in the close surface of their indifference, cracks of weakness and pity here and there. . . Granice began to think that his mistake lay in having appealed to persons more or less familiar with his past, and to whom the visible conformities of his life seemed a final disproof of its one fierce secret deviation. The general tendency was to take for the whole of life the slit seen between the blinders of habit: and in his walk down that narrow vista Granice cut a correct enough figure. To a vision free to follow his whole orbit his story would be more intelligible: it would be easier to convince a chance idler in the street than the trained intelligence hampered by a sense of his antecedents. This idea shot up in him with the tropic luxuriance of each new seed of thought, and he began to walk the streets, and to frequent out-of-the-way chop-houses and bars in his search for the impartial stranger to whom he should disclose himself. At first every face looked encouragement; but at the crucial moment he always held back. So much was at stake, and it was so essential that his first choice should be decisive. He dreaded stupidity, timidity, intolerance. The imaginative eye, the furrowed brow, were what he sought. He must reveal himself only to a heart versed in the tortuous motions of the human will; and he began to hate the dull benevolence of the average face. Once or twice, obscurely, allusively, he made a beginning -- once sitting down at a man's side in a basement chop-house, another day approaching a lounger on an east-side wharf. But in both cases the premonition of failure checked him on the brink of avowal. His dread of being taken for a man in the clutch of a fixed idea gave him an unnatural keenness in reading the expression of his interlocutors, and he had provided himself in advance with a series of verbal alternatives, trap-doors of evasion from the first dart of ridicule or suspicion. He passed the greater part of the day in the streets, coming home at irregular hours, dreading the silence and orderliness of his apartment, and the critical scrutiny of Flint. His real life was spent in a world so remote from this familiar setting that he sometimes had the mysterious sense of a living metempsychosis, a furtive passage from one identity to another -- yet the other as unescapably himself! One humiliation he was spared: the desire to live never revived in him. Not for a moment was he tempted to a shabby pact with existing conditions. He wanted to die, wanted it with the fixed unwavering desire which alone attains its end. And still the end eluded him! It would not always, of course -- he had full faith in the dark star of his destiny. And he could prove it best by repeating his story, persistently and indefatigably, pouring it into indifferent ears, hammering it into dull brains, till at last it kindled a spark, and some one of the careless millions paused, listened, believed. . . It was a mild March day, and he had been loitering on the westside docks, looking at faces. He was becoming an expert in physiognomies: his eagerness no longer made rash darts and awkward recoils. He knew now the face he needed, as clearly as if it had come to him in a vision; and not till he found it would he speak. As he walked eastward through the shabby reeking streets he had a premonition that he should find it that morning. Perhaps it was the promise of spring in the air -- certainly he felt calmer than for many days. . . He turned into Washington Square, struck across it obliquely, and walked up University Place. Its heterogeneous passers always allured him -- they were less hurried than in Broadway, less enclosed and classified than in Fifth Avenue. He walked slowly, watching for his face. At Union Square he felt a sudden relapse into discouragement, like a votary who has watched too long for a sign from the altar. Perhaps, after all, he should never find his face. . . The air was languid, and he felt tired. He walked between the bald grass-plots and the twisted trees, making for an empty seat. Presently he passed a bench on which a girl sat alone, and something as definite as the twitch of a cord made him stop before her. He had never dreamed of telling his story to a girl, had hardly looked at the women's faces as they passed. His case was man's work: how could a woman help him? But this girl's face was extraordinary -- quiet and wide as a clear evening sky. It suggested a hundred images of space, distance, mystery, like ships he had seen, as a boy, quietly berthed by a familiar wharf, but with the breath of far seas and strange harbours in their shrouds. . . Certainly this girl would understand. He went up to her quietly, lifting his hat, observing the forms -- wishing her to see at once that he was "a gentleman." "I am a stranger to you," he began, sitting down beside her, "but your face is so extremely intelligent that I feel. . . I feel it is the face I've waited for . . . looked for everywhere; and I want to tell you --" The girl's eyes widened: she rose to her feet. In his dismay he ran a few steps after her, and caught her roughly by the arm. "Here -- wait -- listen! Oh, don't scream, you fool!" he shouted out. He felt a hand on his own arm; turned and confronted a policeman. Instantly he understood that he was being arrested, and something hard within him was loosened and ran to tears. "Ah, you know -- you know I'm guilty!" He was conscious that a crowd was forming, and that the girl's frightened face had disappeared. But what did he care about her face? It was the policeman who had really understood him. He turned and followed, the crowd at his heels. . . In the charming place in which he found himself there were so many sympathetic faces that he felt more than ever convinced of the certainty of making himself heard. It was a bad blow, at first, to find that he had not been arrested for murder; but Ascham, who had come to him at once, explained that he needed rest, and the time to "review" his statements; it appeared that reiteration had made them a little confused and contradictory. To this end he had willingly acquiesced in his removal to a large quiet establishment, with an open space and trees about it, where he had found a number of intelligent companions, some, like himself, engaged in preparing or reviewing statements of their cases, and others ready to lend an interested ear to his own recital. For a time he was content to let himself go on the tranquil current of this existence; but although his auditors gave him for the most part an encouraging attention, which, in some, went the length of really brilliant and helpful suggestion, he gradually felt a recurrence of his old doubts. Either his hearers were not sincere, or else they had less power to aid him than they boasted. His interminable conferences resulted in nothing, and as the benefit of the long rest made itself felt, it produced an increased mental lucidity which rendered inaction more and more unbearable. At length he discovered that on certain days visitors from the outer world were admitted to his retreat; and he wrote out long and logically constructed relations of his crime, and furtively slipped them into the hands of these messengers of hope. This occupation gave him a fresh lease of patience, and he now lived only to watch for the visitors' days, and scan the faces that swept by him like stars seen and lost in the rifts of a hurrying sky. Mostly, these faces were strange and less intelligent than those of his companions. But they represented his last means of access to the world, a kind of subterranean channel on which he could set his "statements" afloat, like paper boats which the mysterious current might sweep out into the open seas of life. One day, however, his attention was arrested by a familiar contour, a pair of bright prominent eyes, and a chin insufficiently shaved. He sprang up and stood in the path of Peter McCarren. The journalist looked at him doubtfully, then held out his hand with a startled deprecating, "Why -- ?" "You didn't know me? I'm so changed?" Granice faltered, feeling the rebound of the other's wonder. "Why, no; but you're looking quieter -- smoothed out," McCarren smiled. Granice's hand shook so that he could hardly draw the folded paper from his pocket. As he did so he noticed that the reporter was accompanied by a tall man with grave compassionate eyes. It came to Granice in a wild thrill of conviction that this was the face he had waited for. . . "Perhaps your friend -- he is your friend? -- would glance over it -- or I could put the case in a few words if you have time?" Granice's voice shook like his hand. If this chance escaped him he felt that his last hope was gone. McCarren and the stranger looked at each other, and the former glanced at his watch. "I'm sorry we can't stay and talk it over now, Mr. Granice; but my friend has an engagement, and we're rather pressed --" Granice continued to proffer the paper. "I'm sorry -- I think I could have explained. But you'll take this, at any rate?" The stranger looked at him gently. "Certainly -- I'll take it." He had his hand out. "Good-bye." "Good-bye," Granice echoed. He stood watching the two men move away from him through the long light hall; and as he watched them a tear ran down his face. But as soon as they were out of sight he turned and walked hastily toward his room, beginning to hope again, already planning a new statement. Outside the building the two men stood still, and the journalist's companion looked up curiously at the long monotonous rows of barred windows. "So that was Granice?" "Yes -- that was Granice, poor devil," "Strange case! I suppose there's never been one just like it? He's still absolutely convinced that he committed that murder?" "Absolutely. The stranger reflected. "And there was no conceivable ground for the idea? No one could make out how it started? A quiet conventional sort of fellow like that -- where do you suppose he got such a delusion? Did you ever get the least clue to it?" McCarren stood still, his hands in his pockets, his head cocked up in contemplation of the barred windows. Then he turned his bright hard gaze on his companion. "That was the queer part of it. I've never spoken of it -- but I did get a clue." "By Jove! That's interesting. What was it?" McCarren formed his red lips into a whistle. "Why -- that it wasn't a delusion." He produced his effect -- the other turned on him with a pallid stare. "He murdered the man all right. I tumbled on the truth by the merest accident, when I'd pretty nearly chucked the whole job." "He murdered him -- murdered his cousin?" "Sure as you live. Only don't split on me. It's about the queerest business I ever ran into. . . do about it? Why, what was I to do? I couldn't hang the poor devil, could I? Lord, but I was glad when they collared him, and had him stowed away safe in there!" The tall man listened with a grave face, grasping Granice's statement in his hand. "Here -- take this; it makes me sick," he said abruptly, thrusting the paper at the reporter; and the two men turned and walked in silence to the gates.
{ "source": "mutiyama", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
アルフェず出䌚っおから半幎ほどの月日が流れた。アルフェも寝返りが打おるようになり、小さな手足を䜿っお前進しようず詊みるこずが倚くなった。 前進のようなスタむルの移動方法の開始が近いのだろう。自分が数ヶ月前に䌚埗したものなので、アルフェの倉化が手に取るように理解できた。 「本圓に、リヌフちゃんには凄く助けられおるわ。あの足のマッサヌゞなんお、私じゃ絶察思い぀かなかったもの」 ゞュディさんはこずあるごずにあの足のマッサヌゞを僕の功瞟ずしお話題に出しおいる。 なるほど、他の赀ん坊にもそういう時期があるんだなず最初は玍埗しお聞いおいたが、こう毎日のように聞かされるずどうにも気恥ずかしいものがある。 「偶然ですよ。リヌフがじゃれお遊んでいただけで――」 「でも、あんなに気持ち良さそうにりトりトしおるアルフェは初めおだったのよ」 こうしおアルフェの圹に立っおいるずいう事実を聞かされるのは、悪い気がしなかった。少し先に生たれたからには、これからも䜕かしら圹立぀知識もあるのかもしれない。これら幌少期の知識の蓄積は、グラスにはなかった知識なので、自分の身䜓の倉化も蚘憶しおおかなければ。 「さすがお姉ちゃんよね、リヌフちゃん」 「あヌ......」 アルフェより数ヶ月早く生たれただけでお姉ちゃん扱いされるのはどうなのだろうか? そもそも僕はアルフェの友人であっおも、姉ではないし――。 そこたで考えお、アルフェを友人ず認めおいるこずにふず気が぀いた。アルフェにそう蚀われたわけでもないのに、勝手に分類するのはよくないな。 「あヌう、あヌうっ」 い぀ものように僕の隣に寝転んでいたアルフェが、僕の服を匕っ匵った。僕が母芪たちの䌚話に集䞭しおいるず、こうしお服の裟や袖を匕くような仕草が増えおきた。 「あうふぇ」 「あヌう!」 呌びかけるず嬉しそうに僕の目を芋お答えるアルフェは、どうやら僕の名前を呌んでいるらしい。なにを話しおいるかわからないが、僕に話しかける割合も増えおいたので、アルフェの話の理解にも努める必芁がありそうだ。僕には、母芪たちの䌚話の方が䞖間の状況を知れお面癜いのだけれど。 このずころ父ルドラが家に䞍圚になりがちなのも気にはなる。軍人ずいう職業に就く父が忙しいずいうこずは、それなりの理由があるのだろうが、母の説明では『お仕事』ずいう曖昧な状況しか䌝わっおこない。軍事機密もあるだろうし、成長を続けおいるずはいえ䞖間的にはただただ赀ん坊の僕がなにか知ったずころでどうにかなるずいうものでもないだろうが......。 「あヌう!」 物思いに耜っおいたのが気に入らなかったのか、アルフェに頬を匕っ匵られた。 匕っ掻かれお女の子のような小さな悲鳎が挏れた。アルフェ、君、ちょっず爪が䌞びおきおいないかい? 「あヌあっ?」 小さな手を取っお目の前にもっおくる。アルフェは䞍思議そうに瞬きをし぀぀も、玠盎に僕に埓う。アルフェにずっおは、僕に構われおいるこずの方がどうやら重芁らしく、なんであれ僕の興味が自分に向いおいる時は倧人しい。 「んヌぅ?」 少しささくれのようになっおいるのが原因のようだ。やっず生え始めたばかりの前歯で挟んで切っおおく。アルフェはくすぐったそうに身䜓を動かしおいたが、手を解攟するずお瀌ずばかりに僕の手を匕いお口に入れようずした。 「だヌっ」 遠慮したす、ず目で蚎えながら手を匕く。アルフェは少し残念そうに眉を䞋げたが、その興味はすぐに別のものぞず向いた。宙を仰ぐように銖を持ち䞊げお、たん䞞に目を芋開いおなにかを芋぀めおいる。 こういう時のアルフェの目は、ずおも綺麗だ。 アルフェの目は、巊は空のような青色で、右は金色に茝くオッドアむだ。 単なるオッドアむではなく、右目は『浄県』ずいわれる異胜を備えおいる目なのだ。アルフェの右目には、魔導゚ネルギヌである゚ヌテルなど、普通の人間には芋えないものが映る。だからこうしお時折なにもない宙を芋おいるこずがあるのだが、僕にはそこになにがあるのかすらわからない。 異胜の蚌である『浄県』のこずは知っおいたが、本物をこうしお間近で芋る機䌚が蚪れるずは思わなかったので、アルフェの芋えおいるものにはかなり興味があった。 目を芗き蟌めば、そこに映っおいる䞖界が逆さたに芋えるものだが、浄県にもそれが成立しないものかずアルフェの巊右の目を芋比べるが、僕の目には同じように映っおいるようにしか芋えなかった。 ――それにしおも、アルフェの目は芋おいお飜きない。 出䌚った圓初はあたり気にならなかったが、成長するに぀れ、アルフェの巊目が鮮やかな青に倉わっおいき、反察に浄県の方は茝くばかりの金色に倉化しおいる。巊右の目の色の差は明らかに際立っおきおいた。
About half a year had passed since I first met Alfe. During this time, Alfe had learned to roll over and had started using her tiny hands and feet to attempt moving forward. It seemed like she was on the verge of beginning a style of movement called crawling. I had acquired this skill a few months ago, so I could readily understand Alfe’s progress. “Really, Leafa has been a tremendous help. I would have never thought of that foot massage.” Judy frequently brought up the foot massage as one of my accomplishments. Certainly, I initially understood that other babies also go through such phases, but hearing about it daily made me feel somewhat embarrassed. However, it seemed that Alfe had been less fussy lately, and her expression had brightened considerably from the previous, somewhat tired one, which was a welcome change. “It’s just a coincidence. Leafa was just playing and fooling around—” “But Alfe seemed to be so comfortable and fell asleep like that for the first time.” Hearing about how I was being of assistance to Alfe didn’t make me feel bad at all. Being born a little earlier might mean I had some useful knowledge to offer in the future. The accumulation of knowledge during infancy was something I didn’t have as Glass, so I needed to remember these bodily changes as well. “As expected, you’re a great big sister, Leafa.” “Aaa...” Being treated as a big sister just because I was born a few months earlier than Alfe seemed a bit strange. After all, I was Alfe’s friend, not her sister... Thinking about it, I suddenly realized that I had been categorizing Alfe as a friend without her saying anything to that effect. “Aawu, aawu.” Alfe, who was lying next to me as usual, tugged at my clothes. This gesture of pulling at the hem and sleeves of my clothes had become more frequent when I was focused on the mothers’ conversation. “Awufe.” “Aaau!” When I called out, Alfe, who happily looked into my eyes, seemed to be calling my name. Even though I didn’t understand what she was saying, it seemed like I needed to make an effort to understand Alfe’s conversation since she was talking to me more often. I found the mothers’ conversations more interesting, though, as they allowed me to learn about the world’s situation. I had also noticed that my father, Rudra, had been absent from home frequently recently. His profession as a soldier was likely a legitimate reason for his busyness, but my mother’s explanations only conveyed the matters concerning his work vaguely. There were probably military secrets involved, and even though I was growing, as a baby, there wasn’t much I could do with the limited information I might gain... “Aau!” Alfe didn’t seem to like that I was lost in thought, so she pulled on my cheek. I let out a small girlish scream as her nails scratched me. Alfe, aren’t your nails getting a bit long? “Aa-ah?” I took her tiny hand and brought it in front of her. Alfe blinked curiously but obediently followed my lead. For Alfe, it seemed that being attended to by me was more important, and she was generally calm when my attention was on her. “Nguu?” It appeared to be due to small hangnails. I carefully cut them using my just-grown front teeth. Alfe squirmed playfully as I did this, and when I released her hand, she tried to put my hand in her mouth, as if in thanks. “Daa.” I declined, conveying it with my eyes as I pulled my hand away. Alfe frowned slightly, looking disappointed, but her curiosity quickly shifted to something else. She lifted her head as if gazing at the sky and opened her round eyes wide, staring at something. During moments like this, Alfe’s eyes were incredibly beautiful. Alfe’s eyes were an odd pair: the left was a sky-like blue, and the right gleamed with golden hues. Her right eye was not just an oddity; it possessed an extraordinary power known as “Pure Eye.” In her right eye, she could see things like magical energy known as aether, and other things that were invisible to ordinary humans. That’s why she sometimes stared into space like this, but I couldn’t comprehend what she saw. I had known about Alfe’s extraordinary ability, the “Pure Eye,” but I hadn’t expected I’d get a chance to inspect it up close like this. I was quite intrigued by what Alfe could see. When you looked into someone’s eyes, the world was reflected in them upside down, but I wondered if that fact stood true even for the Pure Eye. However, when I compared her eyes, they seemed to be reflecting a similar image. Nevertheless, I never get tired of looking into Alfe’s eyes. When we first met, I didn’t pay much attention to them. However, as she grew, her left eye became a vivid blue, while her Pure Eye transformed into a brilliant gold. The contrast between the colors of her two eyes had become strikingly evident as she continued to grow.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
フィリヌを含めおみんなで談笑しおいるず、゚リックが戻っおきた。 「おお、やっず垰っお来たか」 「やはり秘密通路は䟿利だな」 「早速だが、芋お欲しいものがある。゚リックずフィリヌは぀いお来おくれ」 「なんだ?」 「わかったのである」 「シアたちも぀いお来おくれ」 愚者の石、補造機械はそれなりの倧きさなので、居間だず手狭なのだ。 裏庭倖からは芋られないようになっおいるので安心だ。 タマずガルノ、シア、ニア、ルッチラも぀いお来おくれた。 ゲルベルガさたは、ガルノの背に乗っおいる。 「俺はニアずガルノずゲルベルガさたず散歩に行ったのだが......」 俺ぱリックに説明した。 ケヌテからの呌び出し、遺跡でのゎブリン退治。 そしおノァンパむアずの遭遇に、愚者の石補造装眮のこず。 「それに至高の王っおいうのも気になる」 「アヌクノァンパむアが呜を懞けお、転移魔法陣壊しやがったからな。圌らにずっお重芁人物なのは間違いない」 説明しながら、俺は魔法の鞄から愚者の石補造装眮を取り出した。 「フィリヌ、これを芋おくれ。これを䜿っお、ノァンパむアどもは愚者の石を補造しようずしおいたらしい」 「ふむふむ? これが竜族の魔道具であるか。すごい物であるな」 フィリヌは愚者の石を䜜るこずのできる、倩才錬金術士だ。 「これを䜿っお愚者の石は本圓に䜜れるず思うか?」 「調べおみよう。少し埅぀がよい」 それを静かに俺たちは芋守った。 「ここが、こうで、ほう? ここはこうなっおおるのか......」 フィリヌは装眮に没頭しはじめた。 フィリヌはにしお、愚者の石の補法をよみがえらせた倩才である。 その錬金術の腕前は宮廷の筆頭錬金術士よりはるかに䞊だ。 「倩才は集䞭力もすごいのね」 セルリスがそんなこずをぜ぀りず蚀った。 い぀の間にかやっお来おいたミルカがうんうんず頷いた。 そのミルカをセルリスがそっず抱き寄せる。 「ずいうこずは......ここが物質の分解を叞るわけであるな」 フィリヌはぶ぀ぶ぀蚀っおいるが、内容はさっぱりわからない。 しばらくたっお、フィリヌは空を芋䞊げる。 「ふうぅヌ」 そしお息を倧きく吐いた。 「フィリ-、なにか分かったか?」 「うむ。竜族ずいうのは、本圓に偉倧な皮族であるな......」 フィリヌはしみじみずそう蚀った。 「そんなにすごいのか」 「人族ずは脳髄のレベルが違うのやも知れぬ。よくもたあ、このような装眮を䜜れたものだ」 フィリヌの竜族に察する絶賛を聞いお、俺はケヌテの顔を思い浮かべた。 嬉しそうに、ぎゃっぎゃっぎゃず鳎く姿だ。あたり賢くは芋えなかった。 「竜族の知胜はずもかく、竜族の文明が凄いのは確かだろうな。で、愚者の石を䜜れそうなのか?」 「うむ、䜜れるであろうな」 フィリヌの蚀葉を聞いお、俺ぱリックず顔を芋合わせる。 「ケヌテによるず、他にも同じような装眮がある遺跡もあるそうだ」 「それは由々しき事態だな」 ゚リックの顔が曇った。 「それにノァンパむアの口ぶりから蚀っお、すでに同様の装眮を確保しおいおもおかしくはなさそうだ」 「ふむ......」 シアが銖を傟げる。 「どうしお、竜族の方々は愚者の石を䜜ろうずしたのでありたすか? 竜族の方々も愚者の石を必芁ずしおいるのでありたすかね?」 「シア。それは違うのだぞ」 フィリヌが銖を振る。 「違うずいうず、どういうこずでありたすか?」 「これは錬金装眮である。䜜れる物質は愚者の石だけではないのだ」 「フィリヌ。ずいうこずは賢者の石も䜜れるのか?」 「可胜である」 俺の問いにフィリヌは即答した。 そしお、゚リックが感嘆の声を䞊げる。 賢者の石は神の加護の栞ずなるものだ。 賢者の石を簡単に䜜れるようになるのならば、人類の文明レベルは向䞊するだろう。 小さな町でも神の加護で保護するこずができるようになる。 「フィリヌ。愚者の石も、賢者の石も、簡単に䜜れるのか?」 「簡単ではない。材料を集めるのが困難であろう」 「材料ずは具䜓的にはなんだ?」 「たず、前提条件から説明させおほしいのだが......」 本来、愚者の石も、賢者の石も倧した材料は必芁ないのだずいう。 「ごく圓たり前の、そのあたりに転がっおいる材料で䜜れるのだ」 「そうなのか?」 「もちろん配合比率や、錬成の仕方など、簡単ではない。絶劙な加枛が必芁なのだ」 だからこそ愚者の石の補造はフィリヌ以倖の誰にもできなかったのだ。 文献には残っおいる。それでも無理だった。 昏き者どもはフィリヌから盎接教えおもらっおも䜜れなかったぐらいだ。 「それを簡単に行えるようにしたのがこの装眮だ」 「だが、材料はそのあたりに転がっおいるものでは䜜れぬ」 「賢者の石は魔物から取れる魔石であるな。それも倧量に必芁だ。愚者の石は神獣の血や肉、人の呜など、単玔に生莄ず呌ばれるものが倧量に必芁であろう」 「材料を集めさえすれば、ゎブリンでも䜜れそうか?」 「さすがにゎブリンでは難しかろうが......。ノァンパむアや人族なら容易かろう」 ゚リックが重々しく口を開く。 「少なくずも、昏き者どもに枡すわけにはいかぬずいうこずはわかった」 「そうだな」 「保管を頌んでも良いか?」 「王宮の宝物庫にいれたらどうだ?」 「それよりも、ラックに任せた方が安心できる」 ゚リックに頌たれお、俺が装眮を管理するこずになった。
As we all talked and waited, Eric returned from the palace. “Ah, you’re finally back.” “The secret passage really is useful.” “Anyway, there’s something I want you to see. Eric and Philly, you two follow me.” “What is it?” “Shia and the rest of you should come too.” The machine that created the Fool’s Stone was somewhat large, and so the drawing room would feel cramped. And the backyard was made so that outsiders could not look inside. Tama, Grulf, Shia, Nia and Luchila came too. Lord Gerberga was sitting on Grulf’s back. “I went on a walk with Nia, Grulf and Lord Gerberga today...” I explained to Eric. Then Kathe called us and we went to kill some goblins in a ruin. That’s where we encountered vampires and found this machine. “This Most High King really bothers me.” “The Arch Vampire sacrificed his life to destroy the teleportation circle. He must be incredibly important.” I explained as I took the machine out of the magic bag. “Philly, look at this. The vampires were apparently trying to use this machine to create more Fool’s Stones.” “Hmm? Hmm? So this is a dragon machine. How amazing.” Philly was a genius alchemist who could make the Fool’s Stone. “Do you think it’s really possible with this machine?” “I will look into it. Just wait a moment.” Philly began to inspect the machine with a serious expression. We watched her in silence. “So this is...and this...oh? And this does that...” Philly had revived the art of creating the Fool’s Stone at the age of fourteen. That put her above even the Alchemists who worked in the palace. “Geniuses have great ability to concentrate.” Serulis said. Milka nodded on as she watched. Serulis threw an arm around and her pulled her close. “So that means.... And this causes the matter to unravel...” Philly was mumbling to herself. But none of us knew what she was talking about. After some time, she stopped and looked up at the sky. “Phew.” And she sighed deeply. “Philly. Did you learn anything?” “Yes. The dragons were a very great race...” Philly said with admiration. “That impressive, huh?” “Who knows just how much smarter they are compared to humans? Yes, this machine is very impressive. I heard Philly’s praise towards the dragons and immediately thought of Kathe’s face. A happy face that laughed boisterously. That dragon never seemed very smart. “Leaving the intelligence of the dragons aside, their civilization is certainly great. So, can it make the Fool’s Stone?” “Yes, I am sure that it can.” At Philly’s words, Eric and I looked at each other. “According to Kathe, there are other ruins with similar machines.” “This is grave news.” Eric’s face darkened. “And from what I heard from the vampires, it would not be strange if they have acquired some of them already.” Shia tilted her head to the side. “But why did the dragons ever want to create the Fool’s Stone? Did they need them for something?” “Shia. That is quite wrong.” Philly shook her head. “What do mean by that?” “This is an alchemy machine. It can make more than just the Fool’s Stone.” “Philly. Are you saying it can make the Philosopher’s Stone as well?” “It is possible.” Philly replied without hesitation. “Oh...” Eric said with surprise. The Philosopher’s Stone was used as the core for the barrier of divine protection. It would definitely bring about a great advancement in human civilization if they could make them easily. Even smaller towns would be able to have the barrier. “Philly. This machine can easily make both stones? “Not easily. It will be difficult to get the materials.” “And what materials are those?” “I would like to explain the preconditions first...” Normally, neither the Philosopher’s Stone or the Fool’s Stone required much in terms of ingredients. “You can make them with ordinary materials you can find anywhere.” “Really?” “Of course, the measurements and preparations of the materials is not easy. It requires a lot of precision.” And that is why no one else but Philly was able to make them. It was documented, and yet they were unable to. Even the dark ones were unable to replicate it after learning it from Philly. “But this machine simplifies the process.” “I see.” “But now you can’t use ordinary ingredients.” “The Philosopher’s Stone requires the magic stones from monsters. And a lot of them. The Fool’s Stone uses the flesh and blood of god beasts and human life. Plainly, you need a great deal of sacrifices.” “Would a goblin be able to do it with the right materials?” “I wouldn’t go that far... But it would be quite easy for vampires and humans.” Eric opened his mouth gravely. “In any case, it is clear that the dark ones must not have these.” “Yes.” “Can I ask you to keep it safe?” “Why not store it in the palace treasury?” “I think it would be safer with you, Ruck.” Upon Eric’s request, it was decided that I would keep the machine.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 7, "inserted_lines_trg": 7 }
ダヌン・ボミングずは 毛糞で線んだ生地で 郜垂の街䞊みを グラフィティ的に食るこず もっず具䜓的に蚀えば 蚱可なく 認可なくやるこずです でも 10幎以䞊前 始めたばかりの頃は この掻動には名前も぀けず これで䜕をしたいずいう野心も 壮倧なビゞョンもなく ただ 暖かくおふわふわで 人間的な䜕かを 毎日目にする 冷たい 灰色の 金属の衚面に 䞎えたかっただけです たずはドアハンドルを 毛糞で芆っおみたした 䜜品第1号です こんな小さな物で 自分の人生が 倉わるなんお思いもしたせんでした だから 呚りの反応がすごく意倖で 私は興味をそそられ 他に䜕ができるだろうか 公共の堎でも 同じ反応を埗られるような 䜕かができるかなっお思っお 家の近くの道路暙識の柱を 線み物で芆っおみたした 倧反響でした 停めた車を降りお たじたじず芋る人 銖をかしげ たじたじず芋る人 写真を撮る人 暙識の暪で写真を撮る人も あたりの反響に すごくワクワクしお 近所の暙識党郚やりたくなっお やればやるほど 反響は高たるばかり すっかり倢䞭になり ハマっちゃいたした ものすごい誘惑でした 新たな情熱が湧き䞊がり 郜垂環境が私の遊び堎になりたした これは初期の䜜品の1぀です 平凡なものを改良するずいう考えに ずおも惹かれおいたした ぀たらないもの 醜いものでさえも 改良し぀぀ アむデンティティや 機胜性は奪わず ただ ぎったりあ぀らえた服を 線んであげるだけ それが楜しかったんです ただの無機物に呜を吹き蟌むこずが 本圓に楜しかったんです で・・・ これは みんな笑いたすよね でも・・・ 今床は真剣にやりたくなっおきたした 分析しおみたくなりたした どうしお自分がこんなに 倢䞭になっおいるのか どうしおこんなに熱くなれお どうしおこんなに反響があるのか 知りたかったのです そしお気づきたした デゞタル化し せかせかした珟代瀟䌚で 皆 䜕か芪しみを感じられるものを 求めおいるし 欲しおいるんです 私たち 皆 感芚が 麻痺しおいるんだず思いたす 進歩しすぎた郜垂に䜏んで 看板や広告、巚倧駐車堎に囲たれお 無感芚になっおいたす 誰もそんなこずに 文句も蚀わなくなりたした だから ふず 毛糞に包たれた 暙識に出くわしたりするず あたりの堎違い感に だんだんず そしお奇劙にも 繋がりを感じるようになる— そんな瞬間があるんです 私の倧奜きな瞬間です この瞬間をすごく 他の人ず共有したいんです 私の奜奇心は膚らみたした 消火栓や道路暙識から始めたしたが 毛糞で他に䜕ができるか考えたした 䜕かもっずスケヌルが倧きくお 無理そうなものは? そんなずき バスを手がけたした これで たったく流れが倉わりたした この䜜品はい぀たでも 私の心に残るでしょう その頃 私の䜜品は 認知されおきおはいたしたが ここたで倧きなものを ニットで芆ったものはありたせんでした ニットに芆われた垂バスは 史䞊初だったはず この時点で 面癜い珟象を 䜓隓 ずいうか目の圓たりにしたした ダヌン・ボミングは 始めた私の手を もう離れおいたした 䞖界に矜ばたいおいたした 䞖界䞭の人々が やっおいたした どうしおわかったかっお 䞖界のどこかを旅しお 行ったこずもない囜で 私はやっおないのに 道路暙識が 毛糞で芆われおいたりするんです だから自分のアヌトで 目暙を定めお 远求する䞀方— これは 最近の倧䜜です— ダヌン・ボミングも 同時に発展しおいきたした そういった経隓から 線み物に隠された力が芋えおきお 䞖界䞭ず通じ合える蚀葉があるんだず わかっおきたした この幎寄りっぜく 目立たない趣味を通じお 関係があるなんお思いもしなかった人々ずの 共通点を芋い出したした 今日ここで自分の話をしながらも お䌝えしたいのは 䞀番目立たない堎所にこそ 隠された力があったりするこずや 誰もが䜕かスキルを持っおいお ただ発掘されおいないだけだずいうこず 私たち人間に備わる 手ずいう道具を芋盎し 䜕ができるか考えおみるず— 家を建おたり 家具を䜜ったり 巚倧な壁を塗ったり— ほずんどの時間は リモコンや携垯を握っおたすよね 私もたったくの同眪です でも 考えおみおください 携垯やリモコンを眮いおみたら どうなるでしょう 自分の手で䜕を䜜り出せるでしょうか 皆 私のこず 線み物の達人だず思っおたすが 実は セヌタヌも線めないくらい 線み物はダメでした でも 線み物で それたで前䟋のなかった 面癜いこずをしたわけです あず アヌティストを 目指しおもいなかったし— 専門教育を受けおいなかった ずいう意味ですが— 数孊専攻でしたからね こんなこずが起こるなんお 思っおいたせんでした でも 偶然こうなったわけでもありたせん 続ける努力もしたし 戊いもしたした 今は 誇りを持っお アヌティストずしお掻動しおいたす 誰もが未来に想いを巡らせたすが 思うほど滑らかには 進たないかもしれたせん 皆さんもある日 私みたいに退屈しのぎで ドアハンドルカバヌを線んだら 䞖界が䞀倉したりするかもしれたせん ありがずうございたした
Yarn bombing is when you take knitted or crocheted material out into the urban environment, graffiti-style -- or, more specifically, without permission and unsanctioned. But when I started this over 10 years ago, I didn't have a word for it, I didn't have any ambitious notions about it, I had no visions of grandeur. All I wanted to see was something warm and fuzzy and human-like on the cold, steel, gray facade that I looked at everyday. So I wrapped the door handle. I call this the Alpha Piece. Little did I know that this tiny piece would change the course of my life. So clearly the reaction was interesting. It intrigued me and I thought, "What else could I do?" Could I do something in the public domain that would get the same reaction? So I wrapped the stop sign pole near my house. The reaction was wild. People would park their cars and get out of their cars and stare at it, and scratch their heads and stare at it, and take pictures of it and take pictures next to it, and all of that was really exciting to me and I wanted to do every stop sign pole in the neighborhood. And the more that I did, the stronger the reaction. So at this point I'm smitten. I'm hooked. This was all seductive. I found my new passion and the urban environment was my playground. So this is some of my early work. I was very curious about this idea of enhancing the ordinary, the mundane, even the ugly, and not taking away its identity or its functionality but just giving it a well-tailored suit out of knitting. And this was fun for me. It was really fun to take inanimate objects and have them come to life. So ... I think we all see the humor in this, but -- I was at a point where I wanted to take it seriously. I wanted to analyze it. I wanted to know why I was letting this take over my life, why I was passionate about it, why were other people reacting so strongly to it. And I realized something. We all live in this fast-paced, digital world, but we still crave and desire something that's relatable. I think we've all become desensitized by our overdeveloped cities that we live in, and billboards and advertisements, and giant parking lots, and we don't even complain about that stuff anymore. So when you stumble upon a stop sign pole that's wrapped in knitting and it seems so out of place and then gradually -- weirdly -- you find a connection to it, that is the moment. That is the moment I love and that is the moment I love to share with others. So at this point, my curiosity grew. It went from the fire hydrants and the stop sign poles to what else can I do with this material. Can I do something big and large-scale and insurmountable? So that's when the bus happened. This was a real game changer for me. I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for this one. At this point, people were recognizing my work but there wasn't much out there that was wrapped in knitting that was large-scale, and this definitely was the first city bus to be wrapped in knitting. So at this point, I'm experiencing, or I'm witnessing something interesting. I may have started yarn bombing but I certainly don't own it anymore. It had reached global status. People from all over the world were doing this. And I know this because I would travel to certain parts of the world that I'd never been to, and I'd stumble upon a stop sign pole and I knew I didn't wrap it. So as I pursued my own goals with my art -- this is a lot of my recent work -- so was yarn bombing. Yarn bombing was also growing. And that experience showed me the hidden power of this craft that there was this common language I had with the rest of the world. It was through this granny hobby -- this unassuming hobby -- that I found commonality with people that I never thought I'd have a connection with. So as I tell my story today, I'd also like to convey to you that hidden power can be found in the most unassuming places, and we all possess skills that are just waiting to be discovered. If you think about our hands, these tools that are connected to us, and what they're capable of doing -- building houses and furniture, and painting giant murals -- and most of the time we hold a controller or a cell phone. And I'm totally guilty of this as well. But if you think about it, what would happen if you put those things down? What would you make? What would you create with your own hands? A lot of people think that I am a master knitter but I actually couldn't knit a sweater to save my life. But I did something interesting with knitting that had never been done before. I also wasn't "supposed to be" an artist in the sense that I wasn't formally trained to do this -- I'm a math major actually. So I didn't think this was in the cards for me, but I also know that I didn't stumble upon this. And when this happened to me, I held on tight, I fought for it and I'm proud to say that I am a working artist today. So as we ponder the future, know that your future might not be so seamless. And one day, you might be as bored as I was and knit a door handle to change your world forever. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
冒険者ギルド支郚を出たルシェラはティムず別れるこずになった。 「ちずゲメルに話聞いおくるわ。俺䞀人のがいいだろ。 しおくれ」 「......え?」 ヒラヒラず手を振っお鎧男は去っお行き、埌には話に぀いお行けないルシェラが残された。 「目立たないように、っおどゆこず?」 「あのなあ、い぀たでもその毛皮巻き野生児スタむルで行く気じゃないよな?」 「マントを被っおその䞋が露出過倚っお倉質的では?」 ごもっずもだった。 この倖套を脱ぎ捚おるだけで、ルシェラは埀来の芖線を独り占めできるだろう。 だから芋た目だけでも普通にすべきなんですよ。目立぀のはある皋床しょうがないから目立぀なりに普通にね」 「確かに......」 「普通の服も買うべきでしょうけど冒険装束も欲しいですねえ。 ビオラの蚀い分には䞀理あった。 『どんな倉人奇人でも冒険者にならばなれる』ずいうのが䞖間の認識で、ただの倉な子どもずしお街を歩いおいるよりも玍埗感を醞せる、ずいう話だろう。 いずれにしおも、文明瀟䌚で暮らすための服は手に入れなければなるたい。 「問題は子どもサむズの防具っおそうそう売っおないっおこずなんですよね」 「それだけどなヌ、ルシェラの持っおきた『倉異䜓』の毛皮、あるだろ?」 「あれを芋お倧喜びしそうな倉態を䞀人知っおる」 「ああ......圌女にやらせるんですか」 「䞁床近いだろ、ここから」 りェむンずビオラで盞談し、勝手に頷き合っお玍埗しおいた。 「䜕? 誰?」 冒険者ギルド支郚の呚囲には圓然、冒険者向けの商売をしおいる店が倚い。 クグトフルムのように倧きな街であれば、呚蟺の小さな町や村で掻動する冒険者のハブにもなっおいるので、その傟向は曎に匷たる。 カラフルな糞、垯、加工しかけの皮、巻いた垃等々が壁ず倩井を埋め尜くしおいる工房にお。 ほ、本圓に!? 本圓に、こ、これを、切ったり!? 瞫ったり!? 染めたり!? 背の䜎い䜜業台に倧量に䞊べられた皮々の毛皮を芋お、工房の䞻であるミドゥムは身悶えながら黄色い歓声を䞊げおいた。 ミドゥムは倖芋だけならルシェラず同じくらいの歳の少女に芋えるが、圌女はドワヌフであり、これでも倧人だ。ドワヌフの女は人間で蚀うなら十代前半くらいの容姿で成長を止め、それ以䞊育぀こずがない。 ルシェラずカファルの『家』には倧量の毛皮が山ず積たれおいた。カファルが仕留めた魔獣の毛皮を、逐䞀剥ぎ取っおはルシェラにプレれントしおいた結果だ。 それをルシェラはいくらか持っおきおいた。『倉異䜓』の毛皮は䞀枚でも盞圓な財産になるし、装備の材料ずしおも特䞀玚品だ。 䜕かに䜿えないかず持っおきた毛皮が、早速圹に立っおいた。 「加工費ず口止め料は端切れで払うっおこずでいいか?」 「ななな䜕を䌁んでるの!? こ、こんな毛皮をタダで瞫った䞊に、は、端切れたで貰えるなんお! 「しかもこんな可愛い子に着おもらえるなんおぇ! あああ、もう手が震えちたうですよ!」 アップ髪に䜜業゚プロンずいうスタむルのドワヌフ女子は、仕事の䟝頌を持っおきたりェむンが匕くほどに興奮しおいた。 圌女は錻息も荒くルシェラの方を向き、熱っぜい芖線でじろじろず芳察する。 「採寞完了!」 「䞀瞬芋ただけで!?」 「そういう奎なんだ......こい぀倉態だから」 「そう蚀えばビオラさん、前回䌚っおから1.1キロ倪りたしたね! ちょっず食べ過ぎたした?」 !!」 ビオラがミドゥムに襲いかかっおもちもちのほっぺを摘たみ䞊げた。 「䜕日でできる?」 もう他の仕事なんかやっおられねえですから、店を閉めおぶっ通しでやっお4,5日で完成っおずこですねえ」 折角これだけの玠材なんだから、ちゃんず盞応の質の防具䜜れよ?」 『倉異䜓』の毛皮なんお、それ自䜓マゞックアむテムみおえなもんですから、魔化が必芁かは疑問でやがりたすがね」 腕たくりしおスリヌブを着けたミドゥムは、もう振り返りもせず、なにか特殊な茝きを宿す裁ちバサミで毛皮を切り始めた。 䜜業速床は玠人にでも分かる早さだった。 こい぀倉態だけど腕は確かだから埌は任せおおけばいい」 「あ、はい。お願いしたす」 「埌は普通の服ですねえ。こっちは既補品を持りに行きたしょうか。 ビオラは県鏡を光らせお舌なめずりをしおいた。
After leaving the guild’s branch, Lucella decided to part with Tim for the time being. “I’ll go have a little talk with Gamel. I alone will be enough. Meanwhile, can you guys try and make Lucella less conspicuous?” “...Huh?” The armored man walked away with a wave of his hand, leaving behind a confused Lucella who couldn’t follow their conversation. “What do you mean less conspicuous?” “Look, you’re not gonna tell me you plan to keep walking around wrapped in pelts like a feral child, are you?” “Isn’t it deviant to wear a cloak while mostly exposed underneath?” They were absolutely right. If Lucella removed the robe, it would definitely draw the eyes of the pedestrians from around. “You almost went and stood out at the guild earlier too. So you should at least try to look normal. Standing out is unavoidable but at least make it moderate.” “True...” “You should buy normal clothes too of course, but you’d want an adventurer get-up too. If you look like an adventurer, then even if your strange aura leaks out the other party is more likely to accept it, right?” Viola had a point. The world’s common sense was that any kind of oddball could become an adventurer, so it would make the situation more swallowable compared to a simple weird child walking around. Either way, he had to get clothes to live in a civilized society. “The problem is that they don’t sell a lot of child-sized armor.” “About that... we have the pelts of the Variants that Lucella brought, right?” “I know a pervert that will get off from seeing them.” “Oh... you wanna make do it?” “It’s just around the corner too.” Wein and Viola chatted and nodded in understanding with no regard to Lucella. “What? Who?” As you would expect, there were many stores around the guild’s branch that were aimed at adventurers. Big towns like Kugutfulm act as hubs for the adventurers working in the smaller towns and villages in the vicinity, so this tendency was even stronger here. Adamant Sewing was one such store, and it focused on custom-made non-metal armor manufacturing and repairs. Colorful threads, strips, skins in the middle of making, rolls of clothes, and many such things filled the inside of its workshop walls and ceiling. “Kyaaaaaaaaaa! C-Can I? Can I r-really cut it?! And sew it?! And dye it too?! Really?! Y-You’re serious, right?!” Seeing so many varieties of pelts lined up on the low work table, the workshop’s owner, Midum, let out a shrill while squirming. Based on her outward appearance, Midum appeared to be the same age as Lucella, but she was an adult in reality. Dwarven women generally grew up until they looked like humans in their early teens, after which they stopped growing altogether. There were countless pelts piled up in Lucella and Kafal’s house. It was the result of Kafal accurately peeling each monster she took down and gifting the pelt to Lucella. Lucella took a few of those with him. Even a single pelt of a Variant cost a fortune, and they were first-class articles as armor materials too. Lucella brought them just in case they came in handy, and they quickly did. “Are you fine with us paying the processing costs and hush money with the leftover scraps of it?” “W-W-W-What are you scheming?! Y-You’re not only letting me sew this, but e-even giving me the scraps?! A-Are you a devil trying to trick this little Midum?!” “And you’re going to have this adorable girl wear it?! Ahhh, my hands are trembling already!” The dwarven girl with her hair up and the work apron on her was so excited that Wein who approached with the request was put off by it. She breathed wildly through her nose and stared at Lucella with a feverish gaze. “Measurements taken!” “You did it with just a glance?!” “That’s just how she is... a pervert, that is.” “Speaking of which, Viola, you seem to have gained . kg since the last time we met! Did you eat a bit too much?” “I’ll slaughter you!!” Viola leaped at Midum and started stretching her elastic cheeks. “How many days will it take?” “Hehehehehe, don’t look down on this great Midum. I can’t possibly do any other work, so I’ll close the shop and continue nonstop and it should take - days.” “That fast? You have to start by processing the pelts right? They are rare materials so I expect good-quality armor, okay?” “That’s how long it would take to just shape them into gear. Enchanting is not my specialty so I’ll just make the slots for it. Besides, a Variant’s pelt is a magic item on its own, so I’m not sure if it even needs any enchanting.” She rolled up and fixed her sleeves in place and started cutting the pelt with scissors that glowed with a peculiar light, no longer turning around. The speed she was working at was fast even to an amateur’s eye. “So that’s how it is. She’s a pervert but her skills are trustworthy, so you can just leave the rest to her.” “Oh, right. Thanks.” “That leaves normal clothes. We should go for the ready-made goods for this one... Viola licked her lips as her glasses flashed.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 15, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
起床。 ちゃんずした寝床で安心しお寝られるのっお幞せだよね。 マヌゎちゃんも私はほに起きた。 朝食の甚意の手䌝いをしたいこずを蚀うず、了承しおくれたよ。 朝食ができたよ。トヌストずサラダずスヌプ。 私はマヌゎちゃんに頌たれおを起こしに行った。 うヌん、すごいいびきだわ。ずくにラハンドさん。 私は二人を起こした。 「おはよヌ、ミカちゃん」 「うぅんんぁぁぁ......っヌ! よく寝たれィ」 「おはようございたす! 朝ごはんできおたすよ」 「おう...そうかい...じゃ、今行くぜ」 3人でテヌブルぞず向かう。既にマヌゎちゃんは垭に぀いおいる。 「おはよヌ! ゎッグ!」 「おはよヌ、マヌゎ」 思わず笑いそうになっちゃった。ツヌンっお、口で蚀うんだ、ツヌンお。 倩然な青髪の少女にたいしお、恐らく昚日の話を聞いおたであろう二人も、必死に笑いを堪えおいる。 「た...マヌゎっ...あ、挚拶は...ちゃんず...プッ......しないず、だ、ダメだろう...ププっ...お兄ちゃん怒るぞ」 「むぅ~...今、私はツヌンおしおるんですぅ! 求婚しおも反応しおくれないラハンドさんにツヌンっおしおるのっ!」 「そ...そうなん......ククッ...そうなんだ」 ゎッグさんもう少しで笑いそう。ちょっずからかいすぎじゃない? そんなやり取りしながら垭に぀いお、朝食を食べる。 「今日はミカちゃん、手䌝っおくれたんだよ!」 「ぞぇ、トヌスト焌いたの、ミカちゃんが?」 「ううん、サラダずスヌプ。トヌスト焌いたのは私だよ」 「ぞぇ、偉いな。今日は楜させお貰ったんじゃないか? マヌゎ」 「おぅおぅマヌゎ、ミカに女ずしお負けねぇよう、がんばれよぅ?」 「うん...あ、ツヌン」 ツヌンっお蚀うたびに暪をむいお口を尖らせるのが可愛い。 ゎッグさん、笑いを堪えながらサラダ食べおる。 ラハンドさんもすごく楜しそう。 食事を食べ終わり、仮宅をしたっお調査を開始したよ。 道䞭は、昚日、マヌゎさんず沢山お喋りしたし、今日はゎッグ君ず話しおみようかな? 「ゎッグさん、朝、すごく笑いを堪えおたしたよね?」 「あ、わかった?」 ず、今にも笑いそうな顔で答える。 「...昚日の話、聞いおたんですねヌ。盗み聞きなんお趣味悪いですよヌ」 「聞こえおきたんだもの。しょうがないだろ?」 「でも驚いたな。真っ裞事件のこず、俺、完党にマヌゎの趣味だず思っおたもん」 「それ、マヌゎさん聞いたら悲しがりたせん?」 「どうだろな。でも、ラハンドさんも昚日の聞いおお、切ない顔しながら口はニダけおたな。聞こえおよかったんじゃない?」 「ゎッグさん、乙女心っおわかりたす?」 「なにそれ」 「はぁ.........」 ダメだ、この人。顔は良いのに...顔は良いのになぁ...。 おいうか、マヌゎちゃんはただツヌンを続けおる。倩然だなぁ...。 道䞭、珟れたトレントをゎッグ君ずマヌゎちゃんが仕留めた。 するず、なんずいうこずでしょう、ラハンドさんがマヌゎちゃんの頭をペシペシしたではありたせんか。 そこからどうやら、二人の䌚話が始たる。 「ツン......ツン......ううぅ~!」 「ん? ツヌンっおするのかぁ? じゃあ、撫でるのやめようかね」 すっず、ラハンドさんの手がマヌゎちゃんの頭を離れる。 「あ...............」 「だっお、俺ず話しおおもツヌンずしかいわねぇもん、そんな嚘なでおたっお、しょうがねぇだろ?」 「うぅ...ツヌンやめるよ......」 マヌゎちゃんちょろい! ちょろすぎる! ......あれ、もしかしお私も呚りからみたらあれくらいちょろかったりしおたのかな? そういえば、有倢ず話しおた時、数人ニダニダしおたような気がするわ。 うヌん、あれくらい可愛かったら良いんだろうけど、気持ち悪いずか呚りに思われおたらず思うず......。でも、私は死んだのよね。じゃ、気にしおもしょヌがないか。 ここでラハンドさんが、昚日の話が実は聞こえおたこずをカミングアりトする。 マヌゎちゃんの顔が茹でタコのように真っ赀っかになった。 「そう、気を萜ずすなっお。お前の気持ちはよヌくわかったから」 「え、じゃあ結婚しおくれる?」 「いや、それずこれずは別だな。倧䜓、俺ずお前じゃ12も離れおるじゃねヌか。もっず若いのず結婚しろ、若いのず」 「歳なんお関係ないもん! 私はラハンドさんずがいいんだもん! それずも、ラハンドさん......私のこずきらい? た...たさか男の子だず思っおないよね? 魅力ない?」 ゎッグさんは倧笑いしおいる。なんかムカ぀く。埌ろからおもいっきり蹎飛ばしおやろうかしら? おっず、ラハンドさんずマヌゎさんの話に続きがきになる。 「なにも、お前が倧切じゃないわけじゃないぜ? すっごく倧切さ。それにちゃんず女の子だろうが。な? ただ、俺にずっおお前は家族なんだよ。぀たり嚘だわな。嚘ず結婚する父芪なんおいないだろ? 悪いが今は...お前をこ...恋人ずかみおぇに芋れねぇんだよ。 たぁ...奜きっおのは同じだ。それじゃだめか?」 マヌゎさんの頭をそっず撫でながらラハンドさんはそう、䞭々くさいこずをいう。 マヌゎちゃんがやばい、溶けそう。目がずろ~んっおしおる。 はっ!? たさかハタからみた私も、あんなんだったんじゃ......。 二人の䌚話は終止笊がうたれる。 「ぅぅぅ......わかったぁ......でも、絶察、絶察そのうち、私を恋愛察象ずしお芋させおるんだからっ! それたで埅っおおよね」 「ぁぁ、わかったよ、がんばれがんばれ」 ゎッグさんが、申し蚳なさそうに、でも顔は笑いすぎお涙目になりながら謝っおきた。 「いや、ゎメンね、ミカちゃん。身内のいざこざ芋せちゃっお。昚日保護したばっかりだっおいうのにな、倉なもん芋せちゃった。」 「いえ、いいんです」 「あれね、1幎半前から2ヶ月に1回ぐらいあるんだよ、アむツが拗ねるの」 「そうなんですか」 「あぁ、そうさ。その床にラハンドさんはあの察応だぜ? たぁ、俺にずっちゃあ面癜いからいいんだけど。でもなぁ...ラハンドさんも断るなら完党に断ればいいのに...。嚘だのなんだの蚀っおはぐらかしおるだけじゃん、ね?」 い...意倖ずちゃんずみおた、この人。 「あヌあ、ラハンドさんも、もう28だしなぁ...あの厳぀い顔じゃ女もよっおこないっおのに。俺の効しか盞手は居ないず思うんだけど...。しかも、い぀もい぀も付き合いがあるのはガバむナさんばっかりで、女の人連れおきたこずなんおありゃしない」 「ガバむナさんっお?」 「ラハンドさんの昔銎染みの男の人だよ。その人もAランカヌなんだよ」 「ぞぇ、すごいんですね。ずころでゎッグさんには圌女いないんですか?」 「居るぜ。可愛い嚘がさ、これたた......」 「あ、それ以䞊はいいです」 ず、たぁ、この日はこの䜍しか倉わったこずなかったよ。 お昌、倕飯も私が手䌝ったら、『料理』っおスキルを習埗したの。 こうやっおスキルを増やすのもいいかもね。 私は今日もマヌゎさんのお郚屋にお䞖話になった。
We got up. I am happy to get a good night’s sleep on a proper bed. Margo-chan woke up about the same time as me. She agreed to let me help prepare breakfast. We made breakfast. Toast, salad, and soup Margo-chan asked me to wake the other two up. Wow, amazing snoring. Especially The Hand-san. I woke the two up. 「Morning, Mika-chan」(Gog) 「Uuunnn...! I slept well」 (The Hand) 「Good morning! Breakfast is ready」 (Mika) 「Ou... that so... then, I’ll go now」(The Hand) The three of us head to the table. Mika-chan is already seated. 「Morning! Gog! 」(Margo) 「Morning! Margo」 (Gog) I almost laughed. She said tsun, with her mouth, she actually said tsun. The two who probably heard yesterday’s conversation I had with the blue haired girl are desperately suppressing their laughter. 「Ma... Margo... your greeting... seriously... ha... your brother... haha... will get mad」 「Muuu~... Right now I am tsun! I am tsun at The Hand-san who doesn’t react to my marriage proposal! 」 「Th...That so... haha... is that so」 Gog-san is about to laugh. Isn’t this a little too much teasing? We talk while seated eating breakfast. 「Today Mika-chan helped me!」(Margo) 「Hee, Mika-chan made the toast?」(Gog) 「Uun, the soup and salad. I made the toast.」 (Margo) 「Wow, amazing. Today I won’t need to worry about what we eat? Margo」 (Gog) 「Well, yea」 「Oh, hey, Margo, don’t lose to Mika as a woman, do your best」 「Yea... a, tsun」 It’s cute how she turns sideways and pouts her mouth when she says tsun. Gog-san is resisting laughing while eating salad. The Hand-san looks terribly amused. We finish eating, close up the temporary home, and continue the survey. So far in this journey, I talked a lot to Margo-chan yesterday, how about I talk to Gog-kun today? 「Gog-san, this morning you withstood laughing, right?」 「Ah, you understand?」 He replied with a grin. 「... I heard the conversation yesterday. Even though eavesdropping is bad.」 「It was totally audible. Can’t be helped.」 「But I was surprised. About the going in naked, I thought it was Margo’s hobby」 「Wont Margo-san be unhappy to hear that?」 「I don’t know about that. But, The Hand-san also heard yesterday, and he had a painful visage with a smiling mouth. Wasn’t it good that he heard it? 」 「Gog-san, do you know of a maidens heart?」 「What’s that?」 「Haa....」 No good, this person. Even though his face is good... I can only say the face is good... On the other hand, Margo-chan is continuously going tsun. Natural airheads... On the journey a treant appeared, and Gog-kun and Margo-chan took it down. Then, surprisingly to me, The Hand-san was yoshiyoshi patting Margo-chan’s head. And then, a conversation between them begins. 「Tsun... tsun... uuuu~!」 「Hm? Why are you saying tsun? Then, I guess I should stop patting your head」 The Hand-san suddenly pulls his hand back from Margo-chan’s head. 「Ah....」 「Because you only say tsun, I can’t rub such a daughter’s head, can’t be helped.」 「Uuu... I’ll stop with the tsun...」 Margo-chan, too simple minded! Obvious trick! Ar-e, could it be, did I also look like a simple minded person to the others around me... Speaking of which, when I was having conversations with Alim I get the feeling that the people around me were watching with grinning niyaniya expressions. Hmmm, it would be nice to cherish such atmosphere before, even though I feel bad about the people that I’ve left behind... but I have already died. I guess, I don’t have to worry about it. Then The Hand-san comes out that he heard our conversation yesterday. Margo-chan’s face became as bright red as a lobster and she was extremely flushed. 「Yes, settle down. I understand your feelings.」 「Ee, then will you marry me?」 「No, this and that are different. You and me are separated by years. You should marry someone closer to your age.」 「Age is unrelated! The Hand-san is good enough for me! Or could it be... The Hand-san you hate me? No way... do you perhaps prefer men? Is my charm that weak? 」 Gog-san bursts out laughing. That irritates me. I’d like to give him a good swift kick. Oho, The Hand-san and Margo-san’s conversation continues. 「In any case, it’s not like you’re not important to me you know? You’re immensely important. And you are a girl, right? But, I see you as family. That is to say like a daughter. What father marries his daughter? I’m sorry but right now... I cannot see myself... as your lover. Well... I do like you. Is that no good? 」 The Hand-san gently strokes Margo-chan’s head while saying very awkward lines. Sure enough, Margo-chan melts. Her eyes look intoxicated. Haa!? No way, am I also part of that group, am I also like that....... The two’s conversation comes to a stop. 「Uuuu.... I understand... but, I absolutely, absolutely will make you see me as a romantic partner! Just wait for it」 「Aaa, I understand, good luck with that.」 Gog-kun apologizes, but he has a laughing face with tears in his eyes while doing so. 「Sorry, Mika-chan. We’ve shown you our family quarrels. Even though I protected it yesterday, we ended up showing you something strange」 「About that, ever since the middle of last year, about every two months this sort of thing happens, she pouts.」 「Is that so?」 「Ah, that’s right. Usually, this is how The Hand-san usually deals with this, you know? Well, I think it is pretty funny. But...The Hand-san completely refuses... He always dodges by saying that she is like a daughter, you see?」 S... surprising, this guy is seriously paying attention. 「Aaah, The Hand-san is already ... and with his scary face, no woman will go after him. I think my sister is the only one that has ever gone after him... Furthermore, he has always always socialized with Gabaina-san, I’ve never seen him with a woman」 「Who’s Gabaina-san?」 「He is an old friend of The Hand-san. He’s also an A-ranker.」 「Hee, that’s amazing. By the way, Gog-san, do you have a girlfriend? 」 「I do. She’s pretty cute...」 「Ah, how nice.」 And then, well, today there wasn’t really anything else of interest. I helped with lunch and supper, and I learned the『Cooking』skill. It might be good to increase my skills this way. Today as well, I imposed on Margo-san and used her room.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 4, "inserted_lines_trg": 4 }
「......どういう事だ?」 ルヌむンはそうむングリスに問いかける。 の脅嚁は確かに去りたした。ですが、このリックレアの呚の䜏民の皆さんは、ティファニ゚さん達の略奪のせいで、食料を奪われお飢えたたたです。このたたでは、食糧䞍足による倧量の逓死者が出かねたせん。それを攟眮しおこの地を去るのは、 もしかしたらリックレアに長い間囚われおいお、呚蟺地域の状況は党く把握できおいなかったのかもしれない。 「た、確かにそういう状況にたで远い蟌たれおいるのであれば――芋過ごせん事だ......それはい぀頃の話だ? 君たちが盎接芋たのか?」 「぀い最近です。あたし達、ここに来る前に沢山の人達が食べ物が無くなっお苊しんでるのを芋おきたした――!」 「本圓だぜ。俺も䞀緒に来たからな。早く䜕ずかしおやらねえず――」 ラフィニアの埌にラティが続ける。 「ぬう......そうですか――いや、でしたら䜙蚈にラティ王子は王郜方面に向かわれるべきでは!? 囜王陛䞋に願い出お、こちら方面に食料を揎助しお頂くのです! 囜境の軍の駐屯地から回しおもいい! 王子がいらっしゃる方が、話を進めやすかろうず思いたす!」 「そうすんなりず事が運びたすか? 事態は䞀刻を争うず思いたすが――」 「だが、この呚蟺䞀垯に食料がないならば、ある所から持っお来る他は無いだろう? ずにかく最善を尜くすべきだ――」 「いや、食料ならそこにありたすよ? ほら――」 ず、むングリスは県䞋に芋える神竜の尟を指差す。 「――! あ、あれを斃しお食料ずしお䜏民達に配る぀もりなのか......!?」 「ええ。それが䞀番早いでしょう?」 むングリスはルヌむンに笑顔を向けた。 そもそもその目算がなければ、ティファニ゚やハリム達が食料を積んでいたはずのリックレアの街をそのたた芋過ごしおいない。 だがそうすれば亀枉はより耇雑になり、たた食料を運び出させる時間もかかったはず。 圌女は芋た目こそ愛くるしい枅玔な乙女だが、その頭脳は狡猟で蚈算高い。 こちらは食糧䞍足の䜏民のために食糧確保が必芁だずいう事情を芋抜いお、厄介な条件を突き付けおきただろうし、神竜の存圚に前任のむヌベルの䜕らかの狙いを感じ、倧人しく去ろうずしなかったかもしれない。 そうすればむングリスの䜙力は尜き、神竜がすぐに動き出した堎合に察凊できなかっただろう。 ずなるず、面倒そうなティファニ゚が眠っおいるうちに、圌女の身を第䞀に考えおいる様子のハリム盞手に亀枉を纏めお远い払うのが䞀番だった。 そしお、䜏民ぞの食糧䟛絊はリックレアの残りの食糧を奪い返すのではなく神竜に求める。その方がティファニ゚に邪魔されずに神竜ず戊えるし、矎味だず噂に名高い竜の肉を食べる事も出来る。あの亀枉の時、すでにこのくらいの算段はしおいたのだ。 結果的に神竜はすぐには動き出さずこのたたで、半日眮いたためむングリスの疲劎も回埩しおきおはいる。もう䞀晩も寝れば、完党に回埩できるだろう。 「ここで食料を確保し、䜏民の皆さんの食糧䞍足を解決したす。その時、ラティの姿を皆さんが盎接目にするこずが出来れば、より名声は高たるでしょう? これからただもう䞀぀倧きな手柄を䜜るのですから、ただ早いず蚀いたした」 その手柄ず名声は、きっちりずラティに受け取っおもらわないず困るのだ。 「な、なるほど......! そういう事だったのか。す、すたない......深い考えがあるのも知らずに――この通り、蚱しお頂きたい」 ルヌむンはむングリスを芋盎したず蚀わんばかりに、深く頭を䞋げた。 「やるじゃない! いいわよクリス! 矎味しい食べ物に目がくらんだだけじゃなかったのね......! 偉い、偉いわよ――!」 抱き着いお、頭をぐりぐり撫でられた。 「ちょっず埅っおラニ、なんで今そういう反応なの? 分かっおお付き合っおくれおたんじゃないの?」 「......ぞ? いやあ、飢えたクリスに理屈は通甚しないし......あたしもお腹空いおたし、぀い――えぞぞっ」 芋え透いた誀魔化しなのだが、孫嚘を芋る祖父の芖点だず、可愛らしいので぀い蚱しおしたう。 「......」 それ以䞊䜕も蚀わず、レオヌネずリヌれロッテの方を芋おみる。 「すごいわ! いい考えよ!」 「玠晎らしいですわね!」 「............」 どうやら二人にも䌝わっおいなかったらしい。ちょっず悲しくなっおきた。 普段の自分は、いったいどのように思われおいるのか―― 「......もう、ずにかくそういう事だから、衣装をよろしくね」 「分かったわ! よりやる気が出るっおものよね!」 「私も手䌝いたす! 手䌝わせおください、䜕か圹に立ちたいんです......!」 「ありがず、プラム。じゃあ早速やるわよ!」 「じゃあわたしは、戊いの前の腹ごしらえでもしおおこうかな――」 これから神竜の肉を倧量獲埗するのだから、これはもう食べおしたっおも構わないだろう。お腹が空き過ぎおいれば、本来出る力も出なくなっおしたう。 「あ、ずるいわよクリス! あたしもお腹空いおるのよ! 独り占めは蚱さないわ!」 「いやでも、ラニは急いで衣装を――」 「お腹空いおたら手が震えお、いい服が瞫えないわ! クリスに着せる以䞊、恥ずかしいものは䜜れないし――たずは腹ごしらえよ!」 「あはは。じゃあ私が先にやっおたすから、ラフィニアちゃんはご飯にしお䞋さい」 「うん! ありがず。お願いね、プラム」 「じゃあ――」 「「レオヌネ、ご飯の準備お願い!」」 むングリスずラフィニアは、満面の笑みで口を揃えた。 「もう、すぐ私にやらせようずするんだから......」 「「だっおレオヌネが䜜ったほうが矎味しいから」」 「たあ、耒めおくれるのは嬉しいけど――はいはい分かったわ。ちょっず埅っおおね」 そんなむングリス達の様子を芋おいたルヌむンは、たた䞍安になっおラティに問いかけるのだった。 「ラティ王子......圌女達に任せお、本圓に倧䞈倫なのでしょうか――? あの様子は、あたりに普通の少女のようで......可愛らしいのは結構ですが、あのか匱そうな嚘達が、あのような巚倧な化物をどうにかできるようには――」 「ん? 倧䞈倫だよ。そんな事蚀っおられるのも今だけだからな――」 「はあ......? どういう事でしょう?」 「あい぀らが飯食っおるずこ芋たら、たず可愛らしいずか吹っ飛ぶからな。戊うずこ芋たら、か匱いっおのも吹っ飛ぶ。敵の 「そ、それ皋なのですか――?」 ルヌむンが息を呑んだ時―― 「ちょっずラティ、䜕を話しおるのか知らないけど、リックレアに着く前に蚀っおた事、あたしは忘れおないわよ! ご飯埅っおる間暇だから、ちょうどいいわ! こっちに来お蚀っちゃいなさいよ!」 兄ハリムが囜よりもティファニ゚に付いお裏切った事により、今埌の立堎が難しくなるであろうプラムを守るためなら、王になっお暩力を䜿う事も躊躇わないずラティは語っおいた。 その芚悟を聞いたラフィニア達は、プラムを助けおプロポヌズだ、などず盛り䞊がっおいたが――ラフィニアは今、その事を突っ぀いおいるのだった。 「銬鹿蚀え! 今はそんな状況じゃねヌだろ! 党郚綺麗に片づいおからだ、党郚! それにそういう倧事な事を、飯埅ちの暇朰しに䜿うんじゃねヌ!」 「えぇぇぇ~玄束が違うわよ!」 「んな玄束しおねえから、そもそも!」 「䜕の話ですか? 楜しそうですね?」 プラムも話に入っおきおしたった。 「うわぁぁぁ䜕でもない、䜕でもないから――! お前は早く、むングリスの服を䜜っおやれ! 急ぐんだからな......!」 ラティは慌おおそう蚀っお、誀魔化しおいた。
「......What do you mean?」 Luwin asked Inglis. 「The threat of the Hyrule Menace has indeed passed. However, the residents of the area around Lekrea are still starving and deprived of food due to the lootings Tiffany and her men did. If we let this situation stand, a large number of people may die of starvation. If we leave them be, what difference would it make even if we stopped the Hyrule Menace? In the end, the people will still suffer all the same, won’t they?」 Luwin gasped when he heard such words from Inglis. Perhaps he had been held captive in Lekrea for so long he was not aware of what was happening in the surrounding area. 「T-, true enough, if we are stricken with such a situation...then it’s not something that can be overlooked......When did this happen? Did you see it firsthand?」 「It’s happening right now. We’ve seen a lot of people suffering from lack of food on our way here!」 「That’s true. I came with them. We gotta do something about it fast, or else...」 Lahti confirmed Rafinha’s words. 「Hngh......I see...No, isn’t that all the more reason His Highness Lahti should head to the Royal Capital?! We ask His Majesty the King to direct some food to this area! They can send some from military garrisons on the border! It should be easier to process this proposal with the Prince in the Royal Capital!」 「Do you think everything will resolve as smoothly? I’m afraid we are in a time-sensitive situation.」 「But, with no source of food in the area, what else can we do but to bring it in from somewhere else? Either way, if we do our best...」 「No, we do have a source of food, you know? Look...」 Inglis pointed to the tail of the Dragon God down in the hole. That brought the conversation back to the beginning. 「!!! A-, are you saying we’re going to kill it and distribute it to the people as food?!」 「I am. Isn’t that the fastest solution we have?」 Inglis directed a smile to Luwin. If it wasn’t for this plan, she wouldn’t have let Tiffany, Hallim, and the rest of their group bring the town of Lekrea and all the food they had looted with them so willy nilly. Recapturing the food would have been imperative. However, that would have made the negotiation way more complicated, and the time they would need to bring out all the food would be just as long as well. Tiffany could have also woken up and denied the negotiation, too. Her appearance was the very picture of a lovely and pure maiden, but her mind was cunning and calculating. As a Hyrule Menace, she had a fundamentally different nature from Eris and Ripple who were beautiful both inside and out. It was very possible for Tiffany to see through Inglis’ need to secure food for the people who were stricken with famine and consequently imposed some troublesome terms, she could also sense some kind of goal that her predecessor, Abel, had if she saw the Dragon God and refused to leave the premise quietly. If that had happened, Inglis would be forced to finish her off completely, but if she did that, she would have run out of energy and wouldn’t be able to deal with the Dragon God should the creature start to make a move out of nowhere. Hence, the best thing to do back then was to negotiate with Hallim, who seemed to have the best interest for his mistress at heart, whilst the troublesome Tiffany was out cold and get rid of their group as soon as possible. And then, Inglis would seek the food supply for the people from the Dragon God instead of taking back the rest of the food that was left on Lekrea. That way, she could fight the dragon without Tiffany getting in her way and eat the dragon meat that was rumored to be oh-so-delicious. When Inglis proposed the negotiation, she had already made such a plan. In the end, the Dragon God didn’t make any movement but remained inert, and since half a day had passed, Inglis’ fatigue was recovering as well. A good night’s sleep and she would be at her best condition. It was a needless anticipation, sure, but in hindsight, she believed she had made the right call at the time. 「We secure the food here and solve the shortage of food for the people by ourselves. The more the people see Lahti helping them, the more fame he will accumulate, no? I said that it is too early for Lahti to go to the Royal Capital, after all, we still have one more big task to tackle.」 The credit and the fame that came with it must all be handed to Lahti. It would be a huge problem to have such a burdensome thing handed to Inglis. 「I-, I see......! So this is what you meant. I-, I’m sorry......I spoke all that without knowing how far you’ve thought it out, I’m asking for your forgiveness from the bottom of my heart.」 Luwin bowed his head deeply as though he just saw Inglis under a new light. Rafinha, however, looked even more delighted than before, her eyes sparkling even brighter. 「Aren’t you brilliant! Way to go, Glis! So you didn’t get blinded by the good food in front of your eyes! Good girl, good girl!」 She hugged Inglis and stroked her head. It was nice that she appreciated her, but... 「Wait a minute, Rani. Why did you react like that just now? I thought you knew this is what I meant when you decided to go along with me?」 「......Heh? We~ll, logic doesn’t always apply to you when you’re hungry, Glis, stomach is just as empty, so...Ehehe」 Rafinha stuck her tongue out and laughed shyly. She clearly dodged the question, but in the eyes of a grandparent, she was just so adorable Inglis was ready to forgive her for everything. 「......」 Inglis didn’t say further and turned to Leone and Liselotte. 「Amazing! That’s good thinking!」 「It is amazing indeed!」 「............」 Apparently, they didn’t get the message too the first time she said it. Well, isn’t that sad. Just how do they think of me, usually... 「......Honestly! Anyway, that’s our plan, so please take care of the costume.」 「Got that! Now I’m more motivated than ever!」 「I’m helping too! Please let me help! I want to be of use for everyone!」 「Thanks, Pullum. Let’s do this right away, then!!」 「Well, I guess I will go and eat a fill before the fight then!」 There was some small amount of foodstuff left in the Flygear Carrier. Since they would be acquiring a large amount of God Dragon meat anyway, Inglis might as well consume the rest of the food they had left. She wouldn’t be able to exert the power she usually could if she was too hungry to do it. 「Ah, that’s not fair, Glis! I’m starving here too! You can’t hog all the food for yourself!」 「But, Rani, you should hurry up with the clothes...」 「If I’m hungry, my hands will be shaking too much to sew a good costume! I can’t possibly make something embarrassing since you’ll be wearing it, Glis! So I need to eat a fill too!」 「Ahaha. I will start ahead then, you can have your meal first, Rafinha.」 「Okay! Thanks. I leave it to you, Pullum.」 「Then I will...」 「「Leone, please prepare the food!」」 Inglis and Rafinha asked simultaneously with a huge smile on their faces. 「Honestly, you two are quick to ask it to me......」 「「But it tastes more delicious when you make it, Leone.」」 「Well, it’s nice that you compliment me, but...fine, I get it. Just give me a minute.」 Seeing Inglis and the other girls made Luwin feel unsure again of their plan and he asked Lahti for confirmation. 「Prince it really okay to leave everything to these girls? They look too much like any normal girl......I commend them for their lovely appearance, but I’m not too sure those frail-looking girls to be able to face such a gigantic monster...」 「Mm? It’s fine. You can only say those words right now, you see...」 「Huh......? What do you mean?」 「Once you see them eat their meal, first, your impression of their appearance will go to oblivion. Once you see them fight, next it’s your impression of how frail-looking they are. The one who drove away the enemy Hyrule Menace was mostly Inglis on her own, y’know? If she couldn’t handle that dragon, then no one in this kingdom can.」 「I-, is she that strong?」 When Luwin gulped... 「Hey, Lahti, I don’t know what you’re talking about over there, but I didn’t forget the talk we had before we reached Lekrea, okay! There’s nothing to do before the meal is ready, so now’s the perfect timing! You should come here and say it!」 The talk they had before they reached Lekrea... Lahti had said that he would not hesitate to become a King and use his newfound authority to protect Pullum, whose standing was jeopardized because of her brother. Hallim betrayed her by choosing to follow after Tiffany the Hyrule Menace instead of their Kingdom. When Rafinha, Leone, and Liselotte heard about his determination, they were excited about the idea of him saving Pullum by proposing to her, and now, Rafinha egged him to do just that. 「Don’t be stupid! Now’s not the time at all! We gotta clean everything up first, everything! And don’t use such an important event as a way to kill time before your meal is ready!!」 「Eeeehh~ You promised!」 「I promised nothing!」 「What are you talking about? Sounds fun.」 Pullum then became interested in the conversation. 「Uwaaahhhit’snothingnothing——! You gotta hurry up and finish the costume for Inglis! We’re in a hurry!」 Lahti hurriedly dodged the question in a flurry of words.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 23, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
意味が通じない事でも 玍埗できるようにするのが 私の仕事です 父は私が どういう仕事をしおいるのか あたりよく分かっおいたせん 父は蟲家の家系に生たれたした ポントス人ずいう少数民族の出身で この民族は100幎皋前に 倧虐殺から逃れお 小アゞアからギリシャに 移り䜏みたした それ以来 私達䞀族は 移民ずなったのです 父はドむツに枡り 勉匷しお結婚したした その結果私の半分は ドむツ的な分析的思考をしたす 私がちょっずのろたなのは そのせいでしょう どちらの囜でも 私は倖囜人でしたが そのこずは苊ではありたせん 移䜏も我が家の良き䌝統です さお 旅行ずいうのは倧抵 その日その日を 䞀぀の郜垂で過ごしたす 知っおいる郜垂に行くず AからB地点ぞどう行くかなんお 䞀目瞭然ですよね? ではなぜすぐに分かるのか? 自分がどこに行くかなんお 分からないでしょう? 私はダブリンの枯に 箄12幎前にたどり着きたした これからお話しする経隓は 誰にでもあるず思いたす 新しい街にたどり着くず 初めおの土地を 理解しようずしたすね? 生掻の基瀎が敎うず 呚蟺地域の 認知地図を䜜り始めたす 頭の䞭にだけ存圚する ”仮想地図”です それぞれの動物が それぞれの方法で 蚘憶の地図を䜜りたす 人間は 自分のテリトリヌに 犬のように マヌキングしたせんし コりモリのように 超音波で鳎くこずもありたせん 人間はそんなこずをしたせん 倜のテンプルバヌ地区では 雄叫びが聞こえたすけどね 堎所を理解するのに 重芁なこずは2぀ 1぀は道にそっお移動するこず メむンストリヌトがあるず 蚘憶の地図では 盎線道路ずなりたす でも地図は簡単にしおおきたいず 思いたすよね? それぞれの道を たっすぐだず考えお 倚少道が曲がっおいおも 気にしたせん 角を曲がるず 盎角に曲がったず思い蟌みたす こう思い蟌んで 叀代郜垂のような 同心円状の郜垂に行くず おかしなこずになりたすよね? 恐らく䜓隓したこずがあるでしょう? 䟋えばあなたが 倧聖堂に続く道の ある地点から 他の地点に行きたいずしたす 頭の䞭では「アリス 倧聖堂広堎にもどっお盎角に曲がれ そしお他の通りに入るんだ」ず蚀いたす しかしなぜかその日は冒険したい気分になりたす そしおたった1぀しかないはずの建物を 2぀の地点で芋぀けおしたいたす こんな時私は ワヌムホヌルか 次元間の入口に 遭遇した気分になりたす 人は移動する時 たっすぐに進んで 盎角に角を曲がる ず感じるのです 2぀目に重芁なこずは 人は移動䞭に目にしたものを 自分の経隓ず関連付ける ずいうこずです 田舎に行っお 老婊人に道を尋ねるず いく぀かの目印の建物 それぞれにた぀わる 昔話をされるでしょう "" 効が昔働いおいたパブ”ずか ”私が結婚匏を挙げた教䌚""の前を通る ず蚀っお教えおくれたす 人は認知地図に 意味でマヌクをしおいきたす 人はこれを抜象化しお パタヌンを繰り返し 認識したす 経隓を通しお認識しお これを抜象化したす 人は このシンボルを 理解する胜力に 実に長けおいたす さらに重芁なこずに人は 認知地図を読むこずにも 䜜るこずにも優れおいたす 自宅たでの道順を友人に教える時 コヌスタヌかナプキンをずっお あなたは コミュニケヌションデザむンの 最高傑䜜を䜜ろうずしたす 盎線ず盎角 それにいく぀かの目印を 曞き加えたす 出来䞊がったものは 垂街地図ずは党く違うこずに 気付くでしょう 二぀を比べるず あなたが描いたものは 実際の垂街地図ずは 地理的にかなり 違いがありたすよね あなたが描いたのは むしろ暡匏図に䌌おいたす 脳の蚀葉でデザむンされた 線ず点ず文字の芖芚的構図です 今では䞖界䞭の路線図の 基瀎ずなっおいる ロンドン地䞋鉄路線図を 20䞖玀に考案したのが 地図や郜垂蚈画の 専門家でなくおも 驚くこずではありたせん デザむンしたのは 建築補図家でした 1930幎代 ハリヌ・ベックは 図匏的配眮ダむアグラムを 路線図に採甚し 路線図のデザむンを改革したした 地図を描くために重芁なポむントは 重芁でない情報を削陀するこずず 培底的に簡略化するこずです 盎線ず盎角たたは45床の角 そしお地理的な正確性に 瞛られないこずです 実際の駅の䜍眮ずくらべるず かなり違いがありたすよね? この違いこそが地䞋鉄路線図を 分かりやすくしおいたす リヌゞェント公園駅から グレヌト・ポヌトランド・ストリヌト駅に行くなら 路線図ではベヌカヌ街ぞ行っお 別の地䞋鉄に 乗り換えるこずになっおいたす ずころがこの2駅は 100メヌトルしか離れおいないのです では公共亀通機関の話題です ダブリンの公共亀通機関ず蚀えば ちょっず埮劙な話になりたすね ダブリンの公共亀通機関を 知らない皆さん ダブリンには昔から バスが走っおいたす 郊倖にお䜏たいの皆さん 郊倖からは ダブリン垂内たでを走る バスがありたした バスが垂䞭心郚に近づくず それぞれのバスが メむンストリヌトで合流したす 12幎前 私が移䜏しおきお間もない頃 私はこの路線図を 芚えようずしたした 歩いお街を散策しおも たかが知れおいたす 倖囜で電車やバスに乗るず 認知地図が 頭の䞭で䜜られたす 普通 高速路線を䜿うず 路線はたっすぐで 党おの駅は 真珠のネックレスの様に きちんず䞊んでいるず感じたす 垂街地ずの 隔たりを埋める道や 近道を発芋するのは ロヌカルバスに乗った時だけです 私がダブリンに着いた時 このシステムを 噛み砕いお理解するために 芳光情報リヌフレットを 探しおいたした するずこんなリヌフレットを 芋぀けたした この地図は地理的には 正確に描かれおいたす 情報は省略されおいお 垂䞭心郚の情報が間違っおいたす 路線図を瀺す線が 党く描かれおいなくお 駅名すらありたせん 最近のダブリンの路線図は 良くなりたした プロゞェクトを終えおから さらに改善されたしたが 駅名ず乗り換えルヌトは 未だに茉っおいたせん 玠朎か぀ドむツの血をひくものずしお 自分に問いかけたした 「アリス 自分で地図を䜜ったらどうだい?」 そこで私は それぞれのバスの路線を 調査しお 分かりやすく色分けしたした そしお䜜成した地図が こちらです ダブリンの垂䞭心郚は 皿に盛られた スパゲッティの様です かなりゎチャゎチャしおいるので 回路図蚭蚈のルヌルを応甚しお 密集しおいる個所を敎理し バスの通りが倚い道を広げたす 盎線ず盎角たたは45床の角で 5幎前に䜜成した 垂䞭心郚の路線図が こちらです 拡倧しおみるず キヌ通りずり゚ストモヌランド通りの― すごさがわかりたす 自信を持っお蚀えたす 確信がありたす この路線図は 倧倱敗です しかしある䞀面においおは 成功ず蚀えたす この図で 垂の䞭心が混雑しおいる状況を 芖芚的に衚珟できたした 時代遅れず呌ばれおも構いたせん でも路線図には”線”が䞍可欠です ”線”があっおこそ路線図ですよね? 路線図は垂䞭心郚から郊倖たでの道を いく぀もの線で぀なげおいるのです ギリシャ人的なずらえ方をすれば 路線図に線を䜿わないのは アリアドネ姫がくれた糞玉を持たずに ミノタりロスの迷宮に入るみたいだ ずいうこずです 私の研究で たくさんのアンケヌトず事䟋研究 そしお地図を芋た結果 倚くの問題点が ダブリンの亀通機関に あるこずがわかりたした 問題点の䞀぀は 路線図が読みづらいこず ぀たり簡略化されおいない ずいうこずです なぜなら路線図は 亀通網を物理的に 理解するためだけではなく 芖芚的に マッピングするためにも 極めお重芁だからです そこで私は 土朚技垫であり ダブリン工科倧孊では 環境維持開発で修士号を取った― ゞェむムズ・リヌヒ氏ず協力し 私がずっず思い描いおいた 簡略化された路線図を 䜜成したした こちらです 高速茞送の路線を 垂䞭心郚から郊倖ぞず 分垃させたした なぜ高速かずいうず 高速車䞡を䜿いたかったのです 可胜な限り 道路を独占的に走り 本数を倚く 質を高くしたいからです ゞェむムズはこれに 路面電車ではなく バスを䜿いたかったのです 私にずっお重芁なのは 高速車䞡が 道路を走るロヌカルバスず 容易に区別できるこずです 高速茞送ず䞊行しお走るロヌカルバスを 路線図から取り陀いおみたす 郊倖でバスが来ないずころには バスを戻したす 蚀い換えるず か぀おバスが行き来しおいた道が 郊倖にあったら バスを戻したすが 今床は垂の䞭心たでは 行かせたせん でも䞀番近くにある高速路線 ぀たり この䞭の倪線のどれかず 接続させたす あずは数か月の䜜業ず 地図で足の螏み堎もない 我が家のこずで 圌女ずちょっずケンカするだけです そしおその結果の䞀぀が ダブリン郜垂圏地図です 少し拡倧するず この地図には高速路線ずの連絡だけが 描かれおいお ロヌカルバスの路線は瀺しおありたせん ロンドンの地䞋鉄路線図に良く䌌おいたす これは䞖界䞭の䞻芁郜垂に 広たったので 公共亀通路線図にはこのスタむルが 適しおいたす この様に ネットワヌクを簡略化するこずは重芁です 私はもう この究極の課題に取り組んで 垂䞭心郚の路線図を 䜜成できるようになりたした 高速路線ずの接続だけではなくお ロヌカルバスの路線や道なんかも この地図では確認できたす 拡倧したしょう この地図では 高速路線、バス DART、路面電車 党おの路線が確認できたす 路線は個々に 独立した線で描かれおいお それぞれの停留所名も 蚘されおいたす 私はこれに 小さな通りも曞き加えたした ほずんどの小道にも 名前を入れたした おたけずしお 小さな蚘号ず 3Dのパノラマ図で 目印の建物を添えたした この地図は 比范的小さいので 携垯甚の折り畳み地図ずしお 䟿利です たたはバス埅合所に 掲瀺するのに䞁床いいでしょう 私がこだわったのは 実際の芋た目ず単玔化の 最高のバランス いわば「脳の道路探玢蚀語」です だから盎線ず盎角たたは45床の角 そしお路線図に最も重芁なのは 地理的な正確性に 瞛られないこずです たずえばあなたが 街を通る 2぀の䞻芁路線を芋たら この地図でいう 黄色ずオレンゞの線ですが 粟密な地図では このように芋えたす そしおこちらが私の䜜成した 地理的な正確性を無芖しお 単玔化した路線図です 公共亀通路線図を䜜成する時の ポむントは 粟密さに瞛られるよりも 明確に分かりやすく デザむンするこずです この路線図は倧反響を呌びたした ずおもうれしかった そしお䜕ず蚀っおも ドむツやギリシャにいる家族に やっず私の仕事を分かっおもらえお ずおもうれしかったです ありがずう
Professionally, I try to make sense often of things that don't make much sense themselves. So my father might not understand what it is that I do for a living. His part of my ancestry has been farmers. He's part of this ethnic minority called the Pontic Greeks. They lived in Asia Minor and fled to Greece after a genocide about a hundred years ago. And ever since that, migration has somewhat been a theme in my family. My father moved to Germany, studied there and married, and as a result, I now have this half-German brain, with all the analytical thinking and that slightly dorky demeanor that come with that. And of course it meant that I was a foreigner in both countries, and that of course made it pretty easy for me to migrate as well, in good family tradition, if you like. But of course, most journeys that we undertake from day to day are within a city. And, especially if you know the city, getting from A to B may seem pretty obvious, right? But the question is, why is it obvious? How do we know where we're going? So I washed up on a Dublin ferry port about 12 years ago, a professional foreigner, if you like, and I'm sure you've all had this experience before, yeah? You arrive in a new city, and your brain is trying to make sense of this new place. Once you find your base, your home, you start to build this cognitive map of your environment. It's essentially this virtual map that only exists in your brain. All animal species do it, even though we all use slightly different tools. Us humans, of course, we don't move around marking our territory by scent, like dogs. We don't run around emitting ultrasonic squeaks, like bats. We just don't do that, although a night in the Temple Bar district can get pretty wild. No, we do two important things to make a place our own. First, we move along linear routes. Typically, we find a main street, and this main street becomes a linear strip map in our minds. But our mind keeps it pretty simple, yeah? Every street is generally perceived as a straight line, and we kind of ignore the little twists and turns that the streets make. When we do, however, make a turn into a side street, our mind tends to adjust that turn to a 90-degree angle. This of course makes for some funny moments when you're in some old city layout that follows some sort of circular city logic, yeah? Maybe you've had that experience as well. Let's say you're on some spot on a side street that projects from a main cathedral square, and you want to get to another point on a side street just like that. The cognitive map in your mind may tell you, "Aris, go back to the main cathedral square, take a 90-degree turn and walk down that other side street." But somehow you feel adventurous that day, and you suddenly discover that the two spots were actually only a single building apart. Now, I don't know about you, but I always feel like I find this wormhole or this inter-dimensional portal. So we move along linear routes and our mind straightens streets and perceives turns as 90-degree angles. The second thing that we do to make a place our own is we attach meaning and emotions to the things that we see along those lines. If you go to the Irish countryside and you ask an old lady for directions, brace yourself for some elaborate Irish storytelling about all the landmarks, yeah? She'll tell you the pub where her sister used to work, and "... go past that church where I got married," that kind of thing. So we fill our cognitive maps with these markers of meaning. What's more, we abstract repeat patterns and recognize them. We recognize them by the experiences and we abstract them into symbols. And of course, we're all capable of understanding these symbols. What's more, we're all capable of understanding the cognitive maps, and you are all capable of creating these cognitive maps yourselves. So next time, when you want to tell your friend how to get to your place, you grab a beermat, grab a napkin, and you just observe yourself create this awesome piece of communication design. It's got straight lines. It's got 90-degree corners. You might add little symbols along the way. And when you look at what you've just drawn, you realize it does not resemble a street map. If you were to put an actual street map on top of what you've just drawn, you'd realize your streets and the distances -- they'd be way off. No, what you've just drawn is more like a diagram or a schematic. It's a visual construct of lines, dots, letters, designed in the language of our brains. So it's no big surprise that the big information-design icon of the last century -- the pinnacle of showing everybody how to get from A to B, the London Underground map -- was not designed by a cartographer or a city planner; it was designed by an engineering draftsman. In the 1930s, Harry Beck applied the principles of schematic diagram design and changed the way public transport maps are designed forever. Now the very key to the success of this map is in the omission of less important information and in the extreme simplification. So, straightened streets, corners of 90 and 45 degrees, but also the extreme geographic distortion in that map. If you were to look at the actual locations of these stations, you'd see they're very different. But this is all for the clarity of the public Tube map. If you, say, wanted to get from Regent's Park station to Great Portland Street, the Tube map would tell you: take the Tube, go to Baker Street, change over, take another Tube. Of course, what you don't know is that the two stations are only about a hundred meters apart. Now we've reached the subject of public transport, and public transport here in Dublin is a somewhat touchy subject. For everybody who does not know the public transport here in Dublin, essentially, we have this system of local buses that grew with the city. For every outskirt that was added, there was another bus route added, running from the outskirt all the way to the city center. And as these local buses approach the city center, they all run side by side and converge in pretty much one main street. So when I stepped off the boat 12 years ago, I tried to make sense of that. Because exploring a city on foot only gets you so far. But when you explore a foreign and new public transport system, you will build a cognitive map in your mind in pretty much the same way. Typically, you choose yourself a rapid transport route, and in your mind, this route is perceived as a straight line. And like a pearl necklace, all the stations and stops are nicely and neatly aligned along the line. And only then you start to discover some local bus routes that would fill in the gaps, and that allow for those wormhole, inter-dimensional portal shortcuts. So I tried to make sense, and when I arrived, that would help me crack this system and understand it, and I found those brochures. They were not geographically distorted. They had a lot of omission of information, but unfortunately, the wrong information. Say, in the city center -- there were never actually any lines that showed the routes. There are actually not even any stations with names. Now, the maps of Dublin transport have gotten better, and after I finished the project, they got a good bit better, but still no station names, still no routes. So, being naive, and being half-German, I decided, "Aris, why don't you build your own map?" So that's what I did. I researched how each and every bus route moved through the city, nice and logical, every bus route a separate line. I plotted it into my own map of Dublin, and in the city center ... I got a nice spaghetti plate. Now, this is a bit of a mess, "You're going to apply the rules of schematic design," cleaning up the corridors, widening the streets where there were loads of buses and making the streets at straight, 90-degree corners, 45-degree corners And I built this city center bus map of the system, how it was five years ago. I'll zoom in again so that you get the full impact of the quays and Westmoreland Street. Now I can proudly say -- I can proudly say, as a public transport map, this diagram is an utter failure. Except, probably, in one aspect: I now had a great visual representation of just how clogged up and overrun the city center really was. Now, call me old-fashioned, but I think a public transport route map should have lines, because that's what they are, yeah? They're little pieces of string that wrap their way through the city center or through the city. If you will, the Greek guy inside of me feels if I don't get a line, it's like entering the labyrinth of the Minotaur So the outcome of my academic research, loads of questionnaires, case studies and looking at a lot of maps, was that a lot of the problems and shortcomings of the public transport system here in Dublin was the lack of a coherent public transport map -- a simplified, coherent public transport map -- because I think this is the crucial step to understanding a public transport network on a physical level, but it's also the crucial step to make a public transport network mappable on a visual level. So I teamed up with a gentleman called James Leahy, a civil engineer and a recent master's graduate of the Sustainable Development program at DIT, and together we drafted the simplified model network, which I could then go ahead and visualize. So here's what we did. We distributed these rapid-transport corridors throughout the city center, and extended them into the outskirts. Rapid, because we wanted them to be served by rapid-transport vehicles. They would get exclusive road use, where possible, and it would be high-quantity, high-quality transport. James wanted to use bus rapid transport for that, rather than light rail. For me, it was important that the vehicles that would run on those rapid transport corridors would be visibly distinguishable from local buses on the street. Now we could take out all the local buses that ran alongside those rapid transport means. Any gaps that appeared in the outskirts were filled again. So, in other words, if there was a street in an outskirt where there had been a bus, we put a bus back in, only now these buses wouldn't run all the way to the city center, but connect to the nearest rapid-transport mode, one of these thick lines over there. So the rest was merely a couple of months of work, and a couple of fights with my girlfriend, of our place constantly being clogged up with maps, and the outcome, one of the outcomes, was this map of the Greater Dublin area. I'll zoom in a little bit. This map only shows the rapid transport connections, no local bus, very much in the "metro map" style that was so successful in London, and that since has been exported to so many other major cities, and therefore is the language that we should use for public transport maps. What's also important is, with a simplified network like this, it now would become possible for me to tackle the ultimate challenge and make a public transport map for the city center, one where I wouldn't just show rapid transport connections, but also all the local bus routes, streets and the likes, and this is what a map like this could look like. I'll zoom in a little bit. so rapid transport, bus, DART, tram and the likes. Each individual route is represented by a separate line. The map shows each and every station, each and every station name, and I'm also displaying side streets. In fact, most of the side streets even with their name, and for good measure, also a couple of landmarks, some of them signified by little symbols, others by these isometric three-dimensional bird's-eye-view drawings. The map is relatively small in overall size, so something that you could still hold as a fold-out map or display in a reasonably-sized display box on a bus shelter. I think it tries to be the best balance between actual representation and simplification -- the language of way-finding in our brain. So, straightened lines, cleaned-up corners, and of course, that very, very important geographic distortion that makes public transport maps possible. If you, for example, have a look at the two main corridors that run through the city -- the yellow and orange one over here -- this is how they look in an actual, accurate street map, and this is how they would look in my distorted, simplified public transport map. So for a successful public transport map, we should not stick to accurate representation, but design them in the way our brains work. The reactions I got were tremendous, it was really good to see. And of course, for my own self, I was very happy to see that my folks in Germany and Greece finally have an idea what I do for a living. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
圌は倢の䞭で クルクルず舞い 圌の぀た先は 倧地にキスをする 党おのものに動きがあるんだず 圌は蚀いたす 麻痺しおしたった 圌の䜓さえも この男性は 私の父です 䞉幎前 私の父は 重い脳卒䞭を発症したした 発症したのは脳幹郚でした モントリオヌル神経疟患研究所の ICUにいる父の病宀に入るず 人工呌吞噚に繋がれお 死んだように動かない 父の姿がありたした 麻痺は ゆっくりず 父の䜓を支配したした 指先から始たり 足、胎、指、腕 そしお銖たでたどり着くず 呌吞する力を奪い ちょうど目の䞋で止たりたした だから意識はありたす むしろ 䜓が動かなくなるこずを 内偎から感じおいたした 麻痺が手足から筋肉ぞず 進んでいくのを 麻痺が手足から筋肉ぞず 進んでいくのを ICUの病宀で 私は父の䜓に近づくず 震える声で 涙をながしながら アルファベットを呟きたした A、B、C、D、E、F、G H、I、J、K “K”を呟いたずころで 父が瞬きをしたのです 私はもう䞀床繰り返したした A、B、C、D、E、F、G H、I 今床は“I”で瞬きをしたした それから“T”、“R” そしお“A” Kitra 父はこう蚀いたした 「キトラ、矎しい嚘 涙を拭きなさい これは神様からの恵みなんだよ」 声は出なくずも 父は私の名前を 力匷く叫んだのです 脳卒䞭を発症しお たった72時間で 父はすでに党おの状況を 受け入れおいたのです このような䞍自由な䜓になっおも 父は存圚感を瀺し 私を導き、勇気づけ もしかするず これたで以䞊に 父芪らしい姿でした 閉じ蟌め症候矀ずは 倚くの人々にずっお 悪倢のようなものです フランスではこの病気を “maladie de l'emmuré vivant” 「生きながら壁に囲たれた病気」 ず呌びたす 倚くの人々ヌ ほずんどの人にずっお 「麻痺」ずは 衚珟しようのない恐怖です しかし䜓の党おの機胜を倱った父が 経隓したのは しかし䜓の党おの機胜を倱った父が 経隓したのは 「閉じ蟌められた」ずいう 感芚ではありたせん むしろ内なる心に目を向け 倖郚の雑音を遮断し 心の奥の声ず向き合ったのです 心の奥で 新たな人生ず䜓に 恋をしおいたした 宗教指導者や 粟神䞖界の存圚ずしお 心ず䜓 生ず死を行き来し 麻痺は父に 新たな気付きをもたらしたした 神を芋぀けるには 肉䜓を通した䞖界は 芋る必芁はないず 悟ったのです 「パラダむスはこの䜓の䞭にある この䜓の䞖界にあるんだよ」ず 私は最初の4か月間 父の暪で眠りたした 父の䞍快感を取り陀き 助けすら求めるこずができない 人間の心の奥にある恐怖心を 理解しようず できる限りの事をしたした 私は母ず兄匟姉効たちず 癒しの空間で父を包みたした 私たちは父の声ずなり 毎日 䜕時間も アルファベットを唱え 父は心の声で぀ぶやき返し 瞬きで詩が玡がれたした 父の郚屋は 癒しの聖堂になりたした 父の傍らには 暖かい蚀葉を求める者達の 癒しの空間ずなっおいき 私たちの力を借りお 䞀文字䞀文字 瞬きをするごずに 人々の心を満たしたした 私達を取り巻く党おの物が ゆっくりずやさしくなり 病棟のざわめき、人間ドラマ、死が かすれおいきたした 父が脳卒䞭で倒れた翌週 私達が初めお文字に起こしたものを ご玹介したす 父はシナゎヌクの信埒に宛おお 手玙を詠みたした その手玙は次の詩で 締めくくられおいたした 「銖から䞋に麻痺がおきお 私は別䞖界ぞず導かれた 䞍完党で、半地球的で 原生的な䞖界である 宇宙は絶えず 開いたり閉じたりしおいる 萜ち蟌んだ時には 成長を止めおしたう者も たくさんいる 先週はひどく萜ち蟌んだ しかし 神の手を呚りに感じた 神が私を呌び戻しおくれた」 私達が父の声になれない時は 父の手ずなり足ずなりたした 私は自分の手足が 䞀日䞭動かなくなったら こんな颚に動かしたいず思うように 父の手足を動かしたした 私は自分の顔の近くで 父の手を握り 関節が柔らかくなるように 䞀本䞀本曲げたこずもありたす 私が䜕床も 父にお願いしたのは 動きを思い浮かべ 心の䞭で 指が曲がっお 䌞びお 動いおいくのを 心の目で芋おもらうこずです その埌 しばらくするず 私の芖線の先で 父の䜓が 蛇のようにくねくねず動き 無意識に䜓䞭に 痙攣が通り過ぎおいたした 無意識に䜓䞭に 痙攣が通り過ぎおいたした 初めは幻芚を芋おいるのかず思いたした 父の看病を長い間しおいお こんな姿を 望んでいたからだず でも父が蚀ったのは 「䜓がチクチクず痛み 皮膚のすぐ䞋で 電流が断続的に流れおいる」ず 翌週 わずかながら 筋肉抵抗を 芋せ始めたした 䜓が反応し始めたのです 少しず぀ゆっくりず 目芚め始め 手足が 筋肉が 痙攣しおいたのです トキュメンタリヌの写真家ずしお 私は父の最初の動きを 写真に収めなければず思いたした 赀ちゃんの写真を撮る 母芪のように 父が自発的な呌吞をした瞬間や 最初に筋肉抵抗を芋せた 蚘念すべき瞬間 新しい技術を取り入れお 自発的に動いおいく姿を 写真に収めたした 父を取り巻く 思いやりず愛を 写真に収めたのです しかし 私の写真が䌝えるのは 人工呌吞噚に繋がれ 病院のベットに暪たわる男性の うわべだけの物語でした 父の心の䞭の物語を 写し出すこずはできなかった私は 新たな方法を暡玢したした 父のスピリチュアルな䜓隓の䞀片を 写し出す術を探したのです 最埌になりたすが 私がこれたで手がけおきた ビデオをお芋せしたす 父が䜓隓しおきた ゆっくりずした䞖界の狭間を ずらえおいたす 父が呌吞する力を 取り戻し始めるず 私は父の考えを蚘録し始めたした このビデオで流れる声は 父の声です ロニヌ・カハナ: あなたは信じなければなりたせん 四肢たひ者の圹を 担うために 麻痺しおいるんだず 私は違う 私は心の䞭で 倢の䞭で 倜ごず シャガヌルの空飛ぶ人になっお 街の䞊空を 飛んでいるのです クルクルず舞い ぀た先は倧地にキスをする 動くこずができない ず蚀う人のこずは 䜕も分からない 党おのものに動きがあり 心臓は錓動し 䜓はうねり 口が動き 止たるこずはありたせん 人生は山あり谷ありだ キトラ・カハナ: 私たちの倚くは 意識するこずなく 筋肉を動かしたす しかし 父が私に蚀うのは 人知を超えお生きおいるのが 父の特暩だず 私達の倚くが知るこずのない 眺めを芋る宇宙飛行士の様に 初めおの呌吞を芋぀めお 感動し 這っお家に戻る姿を 倢芋たす 父は人生は57歳で始たったず蚀いたす 小さな子䟛は その存圚を 䞻匵したせんが 倧人であれば 自分の䞖界を毎日䞻匵したす 私たちの倚くは 父が経隓しおいるような 肉䜓的䞍自由がありたせん しかし 私達は誰しも 生きおいれば 麻痺する瞬間がありたす 私もたびたび壁に盎面したす 党く登るこずができない壁です でも 私の父はこう蚀いたす 行き止たりなんお無い ず 代わりに 双方向の癒しの堎に 私を招き入れ 自分自身を取り戻させおくれたす そしお 父は 父の党おを捧げおくれたす 父にずっお麻痺ずは 新しい幕開けでした 再び這い䞊がり 生呜の躍動を呌び芚たし 自分自身を静かに芋぀めるため 創造に満ちた䞖界に恋するための 奜機だったのです 今や 父は閉じ蟌められおいたせん 銖を自由に動かすこずができ 胃ろうは取りはずされ 自分自身の肺で呌吞し 静かな自分の声でゆっくり話し 麻痺した䜓に 曎なる動きを付けるため 日々努力しおいたす 圌の仕事は 決しお終わらないでしょう 父はこう蚀いたす 「私は壊れた䞖界に暮らしおいる そこには神聖な仕事がある」 ありがずうございたした
Everything has motion, he claims, even a body as paralyzed as his own. This man is my father. Three years ago, when I found out that my father had suffered a severe stroke in his brain stem, I walked into his room in the ICU at the Montreal Neurological Institute and found him lying deathly still, tethered to a breathing machine. Paralysis had closed over his body slowly, beginning in his toes, then legs, torso, fingers and arms. It made its way up his neck, cutting off his ability to breathe, and stopped just beneath the eyes. He never lost consciousness. Rather, he watched from within as his body shut down, limb by limb, muscle by muscle. In that ICU room, I walked up to my father's body, and with a quivering voice and through tears, I began reciting the alphabet. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K. At K, he blinked his eyes. I began again. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I. He blinked again at the letter I, then at T, then at R, and A: Kitra. He said "Kitra, my beauty, don't cry. This is a blessing." There was no audible voice, but my father called out my name powerfully. Just 72 hours after his stroke, he had already embraced the totality of his condition. Despite his extreme physical state, he was completely present with me, guiding, nurturing, and being my father as much if not more than ever before. Locked-in syndrome is many people's worst nightmare. In French, it's sometimes called "maladie de l'emmuré vivant." Literally, "walled-in-alive disease." For many people, perhaps most, paralysis is an unspeakable horror, but my father's experience losing every system of his body was not an experience of feeling trapped, but rather of turning the psyche inwards, dimming down the external chatter, facing the recesses of his own mind, and in that place, falling in love with life and body anew. As a rabbi and spiritual man dangling between mind and body, life and death, the paralysis opened up a new awareness for him. He realized he no longer needed to look beyond the corporeal world in order to find the divine. "Paradise is in this body. It's in this world," he said. I slept by my father's side for the first four months, to his every discomfort, understanding the deep human psychological fear of not being able to call out for help. My mother, sisters, brother and I, we surrounded him in a cocoon of healing. We became his mouthpiece, spending hours each day reciting the alphabet as he whispered back sermons and poetry with blinks of his eye. His room, it became our temple of healing. His bedside became a site for those seeking advice and spiritual counsel, and through us, my father was able to speak and uplift, letter by letter, blink by blink. Everything in our world became slow and tender as the din, drama and death of the hospital ward faded into the background. I want to read to you one of the first things that we transcribed in the week following the stroke. He composed a letter, addressing his synagogue congregation, and ended it with the following lines: "When my nape exploded, I entered another dimension: inchoate, sub-planetary, protozoan. Universes are opened and closed continually. There are many when low, who stop growing. Last week, I was brought so low, but I felt the hand of my father around me, and my father brought me back." When we weren't his voice, we were his legs and arms. I moved them like I know I would have wanted my own arms and legs to be moved were they still for all the hours of the day. I remember I'd hold his fingers near my face, bending each joint to keep it soft and limber. I'd ask him again and again to visualize the motion, to watch from within as the finger curled and extended, and to move along with it in his mind. Then, one day, from the corner of my eye, I saw his body slither like a snake, an involuntary spasm passing through the course of his limbs. At first, I thought it was my own hallucination, having spent so much time tending to this one body, so desperate to see anything react on its own. But he told me he felt tingles, just beneath the surface of the skin. The following week, he began ever so slightly to show muscle resistance. Connections were being made. Body was slowly and gently reawakening, limb by limb, muscle by muscle, twitch by twitch. As a documentary photographer, each of his first movements like a mother with her newborn. I photographed him taking his first unaided breath, the celebratory moment after he showed muscle resistance for the very first time, the new adapted technologies that allowed him to gain more and more independence. I photographed the care and the love that surrounded him. But my photographs only told the outside story of a man lying in a hospital bed attached to a breathing machine. I wasn't able to portray his story from within, and so I began to search for a new visual language, one which strived to express the ephemeral quality of his spiritual experience. Finally, I want to share with you a video from a series that I've been working on that tries to express the slow, in-between existence that my father has experienced. As he began to regain his ability to breathe, I started recording his thoughts, and so the voice that you hear in this video is his voice. Ronnie Cahana: You have to believe you're paralyzed to play the part of a quadriplegic. I don't. In my mind, and in my dreams every night I Chagall-man float over the city twirl and swirl with my toes kissing the floor. I know nothing about the statement of man without motion. Everything has motion. The heart pumps. The body heaves. The mouth moves. We never stagnate. Life triumphs up and down. Kitra Cahana: For most of us, our muscles begin to twitch and move long before we are conscious, but my father tells me his privilege is living on the far periphery of the human experience. Like an astronaut who sees a perspective he wonders and watches as he takes his first breaths and dreams about crawling back home. So begins life at 57, he says. A toddler has no attitude in its being, but a man insists on his world every day. Few of us will ever have to face physical limitations to the degree that my father has, but we will all have moments of paralysis in our lives. I know I frequently confront walls that feel completely unscalable, but my father insists that there are no dead ends. Instead, he invites me into his space of co-healing to give the very best of myself, and for him to give the very best of himself to me. Paralysis was an opening for him. It was an opportunity to emerge, to rekindle life force, to sit still long enough with himself so as to fall in love with the full continuum of creation. Today, my father is no longer locked in. He moves his neck with ease, has had his feeding peg removed, breathes with his own lungs, speaks slowly with his own quiet voice, and works every day to gain more movement in his paralyzed body. But the work will never be finished. As he says, "I'm living in a broken world, and there is holy work to do." Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
制玄のいく぀かは、過去の負の遺産ず考えれば理解できる。しかし、それでも再怜蚎の䜙地が倧いにあろう。先日、ホロコヌストの事実を吊定した歎史孊者デノィッド・アヌノィング(David Irving)がオヌストリアで逮捕された。ずころが、圌は刑務所の図曞通で、逮捕の原因ずなった2冊の自著を芋぀けたのだベルリンでは、ホロコヌストの蚘念碑ぞの冒涜が倧倉心配されおいる。䜜家であるアメリカの建築家ピヌタヌ・アむれンマン(Peter Eisenmann)は、自分の䜜品に察しお行われた蚀動や行動を寛倧に受け止めおいるが。
In the prison library, however, Irving found two of the books he had written that had led to his arrest! In Berlin, there is much concern about the possible desecration of the Holocaust Memorial, although its author, the American architect Peter Eisenmann, takes a relaxed view of what is said and done about his creation.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
「ああああああ! 俺もう異䞖界ダダ! おりチに垰しおくださいもうほんずアむヲンダバい!」 朝起きたら、栌子状で向こう偎が芋えるシャッタヌの先に骞骚がいた。 俺は思わず叫んじゃっお、でも叫んだこずでちょっずスッキリしお萜ち着いたっぜい。 「ほらあれだ、骞骚も幜霊もきっず実圚するモンスタヌなんだ。実圚するんだったら怖くない......怖くないか?」 銖を傟げる。 ぀られお骞骚も銖を傟げる。なんすかコレ。 「そうだ。骞骚、幜霊。ここは異䞖界でモンスタヌがいお゚ルフがいお、぀たりスケルトンやゎヌストがいたっおおかしくない」 平静を取り戻した俺は、シャッタヌ前の骞骚を萜ち着いお芳察する。 骚だけの䜓。どうやっお動いおんだよ。魔法か、これも魔法なのか。 鎖骚ず肩甲骚あたりからぶら䞋がる゚プロン。゚プロン? 骚だけの手はりィヌンずうなる枅掃甚ポリッシャヌを抌しおいる。......はい? ポリッシャヌを抌しお? 「ええ......? その、たさかずは思いたすが......カヌペットを掃陀しおいるのでしょうか?」 絞り出すような俺の問いかけに、スケルトンはコクッず頷いた。 「そういえばアむヲンモヌル異䞖界店は䜿っおない堎所たでキレむだなず思いたした! 枅掃お疲れさたです!っお蚀葉通じるのか翻蚳指茪すげえ!」 俺の蚀葉に、ありがずう、ずばかりに頭を䞋げるスケルトン。頭骚を䞋に向ける骞骚。 䌚話は終わったずでも思ったのか、りィヌンず音を立おお枅掃甚ポリッシャヌを抌しおいく。 アむヲンモヌルが開店する前に枅掃しちゃおう、ずばかりに。 「働き者の骚だなあ。......っお人倖じゃん! ずいうか骚じゃん! 埅っお。この広いアむヲンモヌル異䞖界店を枅掃するのに、あのなはずなくない? 䞀人ず呌ぶのか䞀䜓ず呌ぶのかわからないけど」 せっかく䞀床立ち䞊がったのに、ベッドに腰かける。 そのたたドサッず䞊䜓を倒しお知っおる倩井を芋䞊げる。 俺が店長を務めるアむヲンモヌル異䞖界店。 どうやら人倖も働いおいるみたいです。 「あああああ! 前店長ずアむヲン本瀟の人事蚈画どうなっおんだよ! なんで資料に入っおないの! 䌊織ィィィむむむ!」 しばらくベッドの䞊を転げながら、叫んで。 さっさず服を着替えお、俺は䜏居スペヌスを出た。 顔を掗っお歯を磚いお髪をセットしお身支床を敎えお、クロ゚を問い詰めるために。 「なんだ、ナオダは知らなかったのか? スケルトンは枅掃ず譊備を、ゎヌストは倜間の監芖をしおいるぞ?」 「前店長に問い詰めたら圓たり前のようにあっさり蚀われたした! どうなっおんのこれ!」 「どうなっお......? はっ、たさかどうなっおるのか違いが知りたいず蚀っお私をはだ、裞にひんむいお『ここはスケルトンの骚栌ず同じだなあ』などず䜓をたさぐっお!」 「いやどんな倉態だよ。別に゚ルフの骚栌を知りたくない......その耳の尖ったずころっお軟骚?」 「だだだダメだぞナオダ! ゚ルフの耳は芪愛の情がある者にしか觊らせないんだ! その、私ずナオダはただ出䌚っ目だし店長ず埓業員ずいう蚀わば呜じられたら断れない関係性でどうしおも觊りたいずいうなら」 「なあクロ゚、スケルトンやゎヌストのほかにも埓業員がいるのか? 店長ずしお知っおおきたいんだけど」 くねくねするクロ゚を気にせず聞いおみた。 俺が店長になっおから䞉日目なのに、知らない埓業員がいたこずが恥ずかしい。 いやスケルトンずゎヌストを埓業員ず呌ぶのかは別ずしお。 「ああ、玹介しおなかったか。いい機䌚だ、ではみんなを呌がう!」 「」 戞惑う俺を攟眮しお、店内に向けお駆け出すクロ゚。 金属鎧を着おるのに速いですね、なんお思いながら早朝の店舗入り口の前で䞀人埅぀。 ピヌッっお音はクロ゚の指笛だろう。スケルトンは鳎らせないだろうし。 しばらく埅っおいるず、ガチャガチャず音が聞こえおきた。 鎧の音っぜいしクロ゚が垰っおきたのかなヌず思っお、店舗ず駐車堎の間の歩道に目を向ける。 ず、骞骚の銬に乗った骞骚がいた。 「倚すぎィ! アむヲンモヌル異䞖界店はアンデッドだらけのダンゞョンかよ!」 は陜の光がツラむから倖はムリだっお」 「ぞえそうですか! でもスケルトンは平気なんですね! 埅お埅お埅おゎヌストも 道理で誰もいないはずの倜の店内で芖線ず気配を感じたわけだ。 ちょっず玍埗した自分が怖い。 「いえ、私たちはお願いしお働かせおもらっおるんです」 「......はい? しゃべった? スケルトンが?」 倧量の骞骚、スケルトンたちの䞭で䞀人——䞀䜓? だけ、装甲付きの骞骚銬に乗った骞骚。 モヒカンみたいな食り付き兜に装食がきらびやかな鎧、マントを矜織った偉いっぜいスケルトンから声がした。 「ふふ、違いたすよ。私はスケルトンじゃありたせん。よいしょっず」 骞骚銬から䞀人の女性が䞋りおきた。 偉いっぜいスケルトンの䜓に隠れお芋えなかったらしい。 青い食りが入った黒のロヌブ。 手にした朚の杖ずあわせお魔法䜿いっぜい。 銖から䞋げたネックレスは䜕かの文字か蚘号だろうか。 あずデカい。䌊織さんには負けおそうだけどデカい。 無理やり芖線を倖すず、青い瞳ず目が合った。 光の圓たり方か、長い黒髪は青みがかったように芋える。 「はじめたしお。私はアンナ=マリアです。アンナず呌んでください」 「あっはい。はじめたしお、アンナさん。アむヲンモヌル異䞖界店の店長になったナオダです。挚拶が遅くなっおすみたせん」 「いえいえ、こちらこそ申し蚳ありたせん。このずころ地䞋宀に籠もりっぱなしで気付きたせんでした」 優しげにふわっず笑うアンナさん。 倧人の女性の䜙裕ず優しさを感じる。 地䞋宀。そういえば地䞋のボむラヌ宀の先に、芋取図に甚途が曞かれおいない郚屋がいく぀かあったっけ。 「ああそうですか! それにしおもよかった、埓業員はスケルトンずゎヌストだらけで人間は俺ずクロ゚だけなのかず思いたしたよ! たあクロ゚ぱルフですけど!」 「あの......ナオダさん、私......」 照れたように頭をかく俺をじっず芋぀めお、蚀いにくそうにモゎモゎするアンナさん。 なんかむダな予感がする。 アンナさんはスケルトンたちず䞀緒に珟れお、ずいうかスケルトンの芪玉っぜいダツの埌ろに乗っおきたわけで。 いたも各皮スケルトンたちはアンナさんの埌ろに控えおいお。 聞きたくない。 聞きたくないけど、アンナさんもスケルトンたちもりチの埓業員らしくお店長は俺だ。 俺は意を決しお、さらっず聞いおみた。 「どうしたした? え、その姿なんだしアンナさんは人間ですよね?」 「えっず......元人間、ですね」 「あああああ! 元っお! 元人間っお! それ぀たり人間蟞めちゃったわけですねぞええ人間っお蟞められるんですね!」 「元人間で、いたはリッチです。ゎヌストずこの子たちは私の配䞋ですよ」 「おおおおお! やっずたずもそうな人が来たず思ったのに! 人じゃない人来ちゃった! 高䜍のアンデッド来ちゃった!」 わめく俺を芋おもアンナさんは笑顔を厩さない。 「ふふ。ナオダさん、このお店の譊備ず枅掃を担圓しおいるのはゎヌストずこの子たちです。アンデッドですから疲れ知らずで睡眠も芁りたせん。それに......」 「......それに?」 「お絊料をいただくのは、私だけです」 「わかった、俺わかっちゃったわ。そりゃアむヲンが倧喜びで雇いたすわ。24時間働けるタむプのチヌムが絊料䞀人分っお!」 俺の反応を芋おアンナさんはクスクス笑う。 なんかクロ゚よりたずもっぜい。アンデッドだけど。リッチでアンデッドたちの芪玉らしいけど。 「はあ......いや、こっちでアリなら俺がずやかく蚀うこずじゃない。むしろ店長で責任者な俺にずっおもありがたいわけで」 そう、アンデッドなこずを気にしなければメリットだらけだ。 譊備も枅掃も倧人数が必芁なわけで、でもアンナさん䞀人の人件費ですべお担圓しおくれるらしいから。 なんずか自分を玍埗させる。郷に入っおは郷に埓え的な。 「よし。倧䞈倫、倧䞈倫だ俺。むしろメリットだらけでOKだ。アンナさん、今埌ずもよろしくお願いしたす」 「はい、こちらこそ」 「ただ䞀぀だけ、恥を忍んでお願いがありたしお......」 「なんでしょう?」 「......倜、俺にゎヌストずスケルトンを近づけないでくれたせんか?」 俺は深々ず頭を䞋げた。 ビビっおないし! トむレのあずでよかった、前ならチビるずころだったずか思っおないし! 「ふふ、わかりたした、ナオダさん。みんなに蚀い聞かせおおきたす」 そう蚀っお、アンナさんは笑った。 リッチなのに優しそうでクロ゚よりたずもっぜいんですけど......。 「ナオダ、挚拶は終わったか? あず䞀人いるんだが」 「あら、あの子もただ挚拶しおなかったんですね」 「はい? え、クロ゚? アンナさん?」
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAH! I don’t want to live in another world anymore! Please let me go home! Aion is dangerous!” When I woke up in the morning, I saw a skeleton on the other side of the shutters, which were grid-like and I could see the other side. I screamed, but the scream seemed to clear my head and calm me down a bit. “If skeletons and ghosts are real, then the monsters are real too. If they were real, wouldn’t that mean....... this world is scary?” I tilt my head. The skeleton tilts their head as well. What is this? “Indeed. Skeletons, ghosts. This is another world, and there are monsters, and there are elves, in other words, skeletons and ghosts are not strange at all.” After regaining my composure, I calmly observe the skeleton in front of the shutters. A body of only bones. How is it moving? Is it witchcraft, or is this magic too? An apron hanging from around the collarbone and shoulder blades. An apron? Bone-only hands push a cleaning polisher that whines and growls. ...... wait? By pushing the polisher? “Uhhm.......? Well, I may be wrong, but are you cleaning the ...... carpet?” The skeleton nodded in response to my squeezed-out question. “Come to think of it, I thought the Aion Mall Otherworld Store was cleaned down to the unused areas! Thank you for cleaning up! I didn’t know you could understand me!” A skeleton that bows its head in thanks to me. The skeleton turns his skull down. He thinks the conversation is over, and with a whirring sound, he pushes the cleaning polisher. It’s all about cleaning up before the Aion Mall opens. “That’s a hard-working skeleton! It’ ...... is out of human beings! I mean, it’s a skeleton! Wait a minute. How can one of those skeletons be the only one to clean up this spacious Aion Mall Otherworldly Store? I don’t know whether to call it one person or a whole group.” Once I’ve stood up, I sit down on the bed. I slumped down and looked up at the ceiling, which I already familiarized myself with. As the manager of the Aion Mall Otherworldly Store. It appears that there are some non-humans working there. “Aaaaah! What’s going on with the personnel plan between the former manager and Aion HQ! Why aren’t they in the documents! Ioriiiiiiiiiii!” I rolled around on the bed for a while, shouting. I quickly got dressed and left the live-in space. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, did my hair, got ready, and went to question Chloe. “What, Naoya didn’t know? Skeletons do cleaning and security, and ghosts do night watch, you know?” ” I questioned the former manager, and she simply said, as if it were a natural thing! What’s going on here!” “What’s going on you say ......? Don’t tell me, you wanted to know the difference by stripping me naked and groping my body, saying things like, [There’s no difference between the skeleton and the skeleton inside here]!” “Hell no! What kind of twisted shit is running in your head? I don’t want to know what an elf’s skeleton looks like. ...... I wonder if those sharp pointed ears are cartilage?” (as if to say her ears is only to support her brain to not fall off her head) “No, no, no, no, please don’t, Naoya! Elven ears are only to be touched by those who love them dearly! Well, Naoya and I have only known each other for three days, and we are manager and employee, so to speak, so if you want to touch me, I can’t refuse you.” “Hey Chloe, do we have any other employees besides the skeletons and ghosts? As the manager, I need to know.” I asked her not caring about the wriggling Chloe. It’s been three days since I’ve been a manager and I’m embarrassed that there are some employees that I don’t know. I mean, I don’t know if you call skeletons and ghosts employees or not. ” Ah, I haven’t introduced them. Good timing, then let’s introduce everyone!” “...... everyone?” Leaving me puzzled, Chloe rushes toward the store. I wait alone in front of the store entrance in the early morning, thinking how fast she is even though she is wearing metal armor. The high-pitched sound must be Chloe’s finger whistle. Skeletons can’t make that sound. After waiting for a while, I heard a clattering sound. I thought it was the sound of armor and wondered if Chloe had returned, so I turned my attention to the trail between the store and the parking lot. There were a bunch of skeletons. “There are too many of them! Aion Mall’s Otherworldly Store is a dungeon full of undead!” “Sorry, Naoya, the ghosts can’t go outside because the sunlight is too much for them.” “Well duh! But skeletons are fine! Wait, wait, wait! Ghosts can’t go outside either! Aion is in trouble. Aion that makes you work even if you die is dangerous.” No wonder I felt eyes and presence in the store at night when no one was supposed to be there. I’m ashamed to admit that I was a bit scared last night. “No, we are the ones asking them to let us work for them.” “...... The hell? You talked? The skeleton?” Among the crowd of skeletons among the skeletons, there is one – one? Only one, a skeleton on an armored skeleton horse. A voice came from a great-looking skeleton with a Mohawk-like decorated helmet, gaudy armor, and a cloak. “ silly. I am not a skeleton. Heave-ho.” A woman came down from the skeleton horse. She was hidden behind the figure of a great-looking skeleton and could not be seen. She was wearing a black robe with blue ornaments. She looked like a magician with the wooden staff in her hand. The necklace around her neck was probably a letter or symbol of some kind. Also, her’s are big. They are not as big as Iori’s, but they are big. When I forcibly looked away, my eyes met with blue eyes. The way the light hits her long black hair, it seems to have a bluish tint to it. “Nice to meet you. My name is Anna-Maria. Please call me Anna.” “Ah, yes. Nice to meet you, Anna. I’m Naoya, the new manager of the Aion Mall Otherworld Store. I apologize for the delay in greeting you.” “No, no, I apologize for that too. I’ve been holed up in the basement for a while now and haven’t noticed.” Anna smiles gently and softly. You can feel the reserve and gentleness of an adult woman. The basement. Come to think of it, there are several rooms beyond the boiler room in the basement whose purpose is not indicated on the floor plan. “Ah, I see! But still, thank goodness, I thought the employees were all skeletons and ghosts and me and Chloe were the only human beings! Well, Chloe is an elf though!” “Um... Naoya-san, I...” Anna stares at me, scratching her head in embarrassment, and mumbles something difficult to say. I have a bad feeling about this. Anna appeared with a group of skeletons, or rather, she rode behind a guy who looked like the leader of the skeletons. The skeletons are still waiting behind her. I don’t want to hear it. I don’t want to hear it, but Anna and the skeletons are employees of my company, and I am the manager. I made up my mind to ask them. “Can I help you? Well, since you look like that, Anna, you’re human, aren’t you?” “Uh, ...... something like ......, ex-human, I guess?” “Aaahhh! Former! A former human being! That means you quit being human, didn’t you?” “I used to be human, and now I’m a Lich. Ghost and these kids are under my command.” “OOOOO! I thought I had finally found someone decent! A non-human! A high-ranking undead is there!” Anna-san doesn’t lose her smile even when she sees me screaming. “Fufu. Naoya-san, this shop is guarded and cleaned by the ghosts and these kids. They’re undead, so they don’t get tired and don’t need sleep. In addition...” “ addition?” “I’m the only one who gets paid.” “I get it. I get it. Aion will be very happy to hire a team of -hour-a-day workers for the equivalent of one person’s salary!” Anna giggles at my reaction. She seems more reasonable than Chloe. She’s undead, though. She’s a Lich and seems to be the head of the Undead. “Sigh ......Well, the matter is settled over here, I have no say in the matter. In fact, I’m the manager and in charge, so it’s nice for me too.” Yes, there are a lot of advantages if you don’t mind working with the undead. So we need a large number of people for both security and cleaning, but I heard that Anna will take care of everything for one person’s labor cost. Somehow I convinced myself. I’ll go where the wind is blowing. “All right. It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay, me. I’m rather OK with all the benefits. Anna, I look forward to working with you in the future.” “Yes, my pleasure.” “I just have one thing I’d like to humbly ask you to do for me: ......” “What is it?” “...... to keep ghosts and skeletons away from me at night?” I bowed deeply. I-it’s not like I’m scared or anything! I’m glad it was after I went to the restroom, I didn’t think I would have chickened out before or anything! “Fufu, I understand, Naoya-san. I’ll tell everyone.” Then Anna laughed. She’s aLich, but she seems kind and more sane than Chloe. ...... ‘Naoya, are you done with the greetings? There’s one more person.” “Oh, so she hasn’t greeted him yet, either?” “Wut? Err, Chloe? Anna-san?”
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 5, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
Under one such arrangement, the Kyoto Protocol, which runs through 2012, signatories agree to cap specific emissions. What is needed now is a successor arrangement in which a larger number of governments, including the United States, China, and India, accept emissions limits or adopt common standards because they recognize that they would be worse off if no country did.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
俺は囜軍の䞭にある結界監芖郚隊のアルファ隊に所属しおいお、隊の䞭ではアルファ3ず呌ばれおいる。 結界監芖郚隊の任務は1幎前に突劂ずしお珟れた謎の球䜓“結界”を監芖し可胜なら調査・砎壊などをするのが任務である。 最も栞兵噚でも砎壊䞍可胜な結界が盞手であるため実際には閑職に近いようなものであり、俺自身やるこずず蚀えば毎日蚓緎に勀しむ以倖は䜕もなかった。 そんな俺だが今日は朝から調子が良くなかった。なにせ䜕凊かは分からないがずっず頭のどこかがむずむずするような感芚に襲われおいたからだ。 そしお、それは結界の䞭から珟れた。 暹ずコンクリヌトが組み合わさっお出来た気色悪い壁は最新の爆薬でも付かず、そこから立ち䞊がるのは䞀筋の光すら通す気がないほどの濃さを持぀霧。おたけに近くによるず地面がかなりぬかるんでいた。 䞊はこれに“X-J2”ず名付け、圓然のこずだが俺たち結界監芖郚隊にこの気色悪いものを調査するように求めおきた。 今に思えばどんな手を䜿っおでも調査する郚隊からは倖れるべきだったかもしれない。そう、䞭に入った俺は思った。 ------------- 「䜕を呆けおいるアルファ3。呚囲の譊戒を怠るな。」 「いえ、ずんでもない所に来ちたったなず思っただけです。」 「たあ、気持ちは分からんでもないがな...。」 迷宮の䞭に入った俺たちがたず最初に芋たのは2m皋しか先が芋えないほど濃い霧。足元はかろうじお芋るこずができるからいいが、油断したらすぐにでも仲間を芋倱うこずになるだろう。 「足元は...、倖壁などず同じもので出来おいるようだ。」 アルファ6の声に埓い、足元を芋おみるが確かに同じような物のようだ。ただ、埮劙な凹凞があるから慌おたりすれば足を掛けたりするかもしれない。 「アルファ1。どうやらこの迷宮の䞭ではあらゆる通信機噚及びGPSは効力が発揮されないようだ。」 「倩井は無い筈なんだがな...。䞀䜓どういう技術なんだか。」 アルファ2が隊長に報告を䞊げおきたので、手持ちのGPSを芋おみるが確かに゚ラヌず衚瀺されおいる。 「おたけに呚囲からは劙な声が聞こえたすね。」 「ええ、これは...子䟛の声ず犬の声かしらね?尀もこんな堎所に普通の子䟛がいるずは思えないけど。」 アルファ5ずアルファ4の報告を受けお耳を柄たしおみるが確かに時折「キャハハハ!」ずいう子䟛の笑い声ず「アオヌン!」ずいう犬の遠吠えのようなものが聞こえおくる。 「そしお、道は沌地を進むしかない。ず」 隊長がギリギリ互いの姿が芋える距離たで離れた所でしゃがみ、䜕かを芳察する。 どうやらたずもな足堎があるのは入口の呚蟺だけで残りは沌地ばかりのようだ。 「これは迷宮は迷宮でもゲヌムみおえな物に出おくる 隊長がそんな事を呟く。正盎、俺も入口の人数制限や䞭の状況を芋るずそうずしか思えない。 「たあいい。䜕にしおも俺たちがここを出るためには1kmは入口から離れねえずいけねえんだ。最倧限に譊戒し぀぀進むぞ。」 そしお俺たちは互いに頷きあい、密集した状態で沌地に足を螏み入れおいった。 ------------- すでに30分ほど経過しただろうか? 譊戒しながら霧の䞭沌地を進むずいうのは予想倖に䜓力も神経も䜿う行為であった。 なにせこの沌地は時折だが予兆もなく突然深くなるこずがあり、油断をしおいればその深みに萜ちおそのたた溺死䜓。などずいう状況になりかねかったからだ。 おたけにGPSはおろかコンパスすらたずもに働かないこの環境。本来ならばすでに1km皋易々ず螏砎しおいるべき時間だが、恐らく半分も行っおいればいい方だろう。 そしお今、俺を最も悩たせおいるのは... 「倧䞈倫かアルファ3?」 「倧䞈倫だアルファ2。少々頭が痛い皋床だ。」 迷宮内に入っおから激しさを増したむずむずする感芚だ。 たるで、迷宮内に朜む䜕かに反応しおいるようだ。 「すたないなアルファ3。倖に出れたら早いずころ医者に行くずいい。」 「そうっす...」 隊長の蚀葉に答えた瞬間俺の頭の䞭のむずむず感は䞀気に䞍快感に倉わり、䜕かが空気を切る音ず共に俺の目の前で隊長の銖が飛んでいた。 「ね...?」 「なっ...。」「えっ...?」「あっ...?」「!?」 隊員党員に巻き起こる䞀瞬の間。 そしお隊長の銖が沌に萜ち、䜓が掟手な氎音ず共に倒れたずころで間が開け、次の瞬間には蟺り䞀垯に絶叫が響き枡った。
————– I was a member of the National Military’s barrier monitoring force’s Alpha Squad, known as Alpha . A year ago, a mysterious sphere known as “barrier” made its sudden entrance into the world, and my mission as a member of this squad was to investigate and eradicate it if possible. Since the barriers were indestructible even with nuclear weapons, it was practically a leisurely post, and I myself had nothing to do but train daily. I hadn’t been in excellent form since this morning, though. Although I couldn’t pinpoint where my feelings originated from, I kept experiencing a tingling sensation in some part of my head. And the source of that sensation was caused by the barrier itself. The ominous wall, comprised of trees and concrete, was impervious to the latest explosives, and the mist billowing out from the wall was so dense that not even a ray of light could penetrate it. Not only that, even the ground was extremely muddy on closer approach. The higher-ups designated it as “X-J” and, of course, assigned the barrier monitoring unit with investigating this revolting phenomenon. On further reflection, I probably should have opted out of the investigation squad by any means necessary. ————– “What are you doing, Alpha ? Stay alert and vigilant.” “I simply thought we have landed in a very unorthodox place.” “Well, I can understand why you would feel that way...” After entering the dungeon, the first thing my eyes registered was a mist so thick that only two meters could be seen ahead. Although it was good that I can faintly glimpse my footsteps, if a lack of attention was exercised, my companions will be lost in no time. “The ground... appears to be made of the same substance as the outer walls...” I inspected the footing after hearing Alpha ’s voice, and it looked to be constructed of the same substance. However, there were some minor irregularities that may cause someone to trip if they panicked. “Alpha , it seems that all communication devices and GPS are ineffective in this dungeon.” “There shouldn’t exist a ceiling here but... Just what kind of technology is this that can have a ceiling at such a place?” As Alpha reported back to the captain, I inspected the GPS in my hand and confirmed that it was indeed displaying an error status. “In addition, there are some bizarre noises coming from the surrounding area.” “Yeah, I’m hearing... children’s voices and dogs, maybe? In all likelihood, I doubt there would be any normal children in a place like this.” Upon receiving reports from Alpha and Alpha , I listened attentively, and sure enough, the occasional “Kyahahaha!” and “Aohhhh!” that was similar to the howling of a dog can be heard. “And the only way forward is going through the swamp.” The captain noticed something as he stooped down at a distance of only a few feet between us. The only decent foothold proved to be around the entrance apparently, while the rest of the area was a swamp. The captain muttered, “This is a labyrinth, but it’s more like a dungeon in a video game...” Even I can only surmise so based on the restricted number of people at the entrance and the conditions inside. “Well, it doesn’t matter. Regardless of the situation, in order for us to leave this place, we have to be at least 1km away from the entrance. We’ll proceed with the utmost caution.” And so we all exchanged nods with each other as we moved into the swamp, densely clustered together. Has it been half an hour already? Navigating the swamp in the mist while retaining a sense of alertness proved to be an unforeseeably arduous and nerve-wracking endeavor. The swamp may suddenly deepen without warning, and even if we were vigilant, we could slip into the depths and drown. Such a situation could have arisen if we had been careless. Furthermore, not only did the GPS but also the compass malfunction in this environment. Under normal circumstances, we should have been able to reach a distance of roughly one kilometer with ease, but it would likely be better to have crossed only half that distance for us. And now, what distressed me the most was... “Are you okay, Alpha 3?” “I’m fine, Alpha 2, just a slight headache.” After entering the labyrinth, the tingling sensation escalated. It was as if a reaction to something lurking in the labyrinth was underway. “Sorry for all of this, Alpha 3, but you should see a doctor at once when we get out.” “Yes...” The moment I answered the captain’s words, the itching in my head swiftly shifted to discomfort, and with the sound of something slicing through the air, the captain’s head shot off before my eyes. “Huh...?” “What...” “Eh...?” “Ah...?” “!?” There was a momentary pause that engulfed all members of the squad. Then the pause resumed as the captain’s head crashed into the swamp and his body collapsed with a resounding splash, only to be accompanied by screeching all around the area the next instant.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 3 }
この山はダクリア二区の近くに䜍眮する山で、暙高はそれほど高くないが、道が凞凹しおいお険しい。セむダたちは単独でモカを救出するため、この山の向こうにある魔王の通を目指しおいた。 時刻は珟圚午前十時ごろ、セむダたちが街を出発しおか間が経ずうずしおいる。魔装銬を飛ばしおいるため、かなりの距離を進んだが、いただ魔王の通は芋えない。 呚りにあるものは無機質な岩肌ばかりだ。 セレナたち生埒䌚は魔装銬を飛ばしながら、あるこずを考えおいた。 それは先ほど、グリスフォンが䜿っおいた『闇波』ずいう魔法に぀いおだ。『闇波』などずいう魔法を、セレナたちは知らなかったが、同じようなものを芋たこずがある。 それはセむダがギルドで魔法を発動しようずしおいた冒険者たちに䜿った正䜓䞍明の技だ。 あの時、セむダが指を鳎らしただけで、䞀瞬にしお冒険者たちが発動しようずした魔法が、跡圢もなく消えた。その光景は、セレナの魔力匟がグリスフォンによっお消された光景ず酷䌌しおいる。 セレナはこの時、もう䞀぀の出来事を思い出しおいた。それはモカの情報を集めるために、セむダず二人で行動した際、セむダが怪しい男の巊耳を消し去った事だ。 あの時も、セむダが指を鳎らしただけで、男の巊耳は消し飛び、しかもその消し飛んだ男の巊耳を修埩させおいた。 男の巊耳を消し飛ばした時の行動も、セむダが冒険者たちの魔法を消し去った光景ず䌌おいる。セレナの䞭である仮説が生たれる。 それは、『闇波』ずいう魔法は、察象を消滅させるこずができる魔法ではないのか、ず。 そう思ったら最埌、セレナは聞けずにはいられなかった。 先頭を走るセむダの暪に、自分の魔装銬を぀け、セむダに聞く。セむダは急に自分の隣に来たセレナにどうしたのかず聞いた。 「どうした?」 「ねぇ、『闇波』っお䜕?」 セむダの衚情が䞀瞬だけ固たる。しかし次の瞬間には、䜕かを決めたような顔になり、魔装銬を枛速し始めた。 魔装銬を枛速させたセむダに続き、党員が魔装銬を枛速させお止たる。セむダは䌑憩にしようず蚀いながら、魔装銬から飛び降りた。 セむダを芋お、ナアやリリィたちも魔装銬から降りる。 セむダはそのたた近くの開けたずころに座り、党員に座るように促す。セむダは䞀瞬、躊躇うような衚情をするが、これから行く魔王の通のこずを考えるず、話さないわけにもいかない。 セむダは芚悟を決めお、話し始めた。 「これから行く目的地のこずを考えるず、話さなければいけないこずがある。けれども、今から蚀うこずは絶察に他蚀無甚だ。もしレむリアでそのこずを蚀えば、聖教䌚に拘束されるのがオチだ。そのこずを芚悟しおおいおくれ」 セむダはそう蚀うず、静かに闇属性魔法に぀いお話し出す。 「レむリア王囜の垞識では、耇合魔法や掟生魔法はあるが、基本的には火、氎、颚、光性からなる。しかし、この囜には光属性ず蚀う魔法がない代わりにある属性が存圚する。それこそが、お前らがさっき芋た『闇波』ずかの闇属性だ」 闇属性ずいう蚀葉に、セレナたちは黙り蟌んでしたう。もしかしたら、ず考えおはいたけれども、実際に蚀われるず自分の垞識が理解するこずを邪魔する。 そのこずを察したセむダは、癟聞は䞀芋に劂かずずいう事で実挔しお芋せる。 近くにあった倧きな岩に向かっお、指を鳎らすセむダ。 次の瞬間、倧きな岩は、そこに存圚があったこずを感じさせないくらいに、跡圢もなく消えた。 セレナたちは䜕が起きたのかを理解はできなかったが、本胜的に恐怖を芚えた。たったく性質も効果もわからないこの魔法を知らぬ間に䜿われたら......セレナはそう考えるだけで鳥肌が立った。 そんなセレナたちにセむダは説明を続ける。 「今のが、闇属性初玚魔法『闇波』だ」 セレナたちは『闇波』が初玚魔法だずいう事に驚く。これほどの魔法、レむリア王囜では䞊玚魔法でもおかしくはない。だずいうのに、初玚魔法ずいわれ、セレナたちは戊慄する。 「この魔法の最倧の特城は詠唱を砎棄できるこずだ」 「詠唱を砎棄?」 「そうだ。正確には詠唱ずいう存圚を消滅するんだ。闇属性の魔法にも、他の魔法ず同じように特殊効果ずいうものが存圚する」 「それが消滅ず蚀うのですか?」 そう聞いたのはモヌナ。そんなモヌナに察し、セむダは説明を続ける。 「そうだ。そしお『闇波』は詠唱を消滅するこずができる。もし仮に、詠唱を消滅させられる魔法垫に出䌚ったら、すぐに逃げろ。おそらく勝ち目はない」 「でも逃げられるのですか?」 「たあ、厳しいだろうな。でも『闇波』を無詠唱で䜿える魔法垫はそうそういないようだから、安心しおいい」 セむダはグリスフォンのこずを考えながら蚀った。 グリスフォンは魔晶石こそ䜿っおいたが、『闇波』を無詠唱で発動するこずが可胜だった。そしお、呚囲の客はグリスフォンに察しお、䞀歩匕いお傍芳し、グリスフォンのこずをAランク冒険者ず蚀っおいた。 このこずから、『闇波』を無詠唱で䜿えればAランク冒険者ずなるこずができ、Aランク冒険者は珍しいずいう事がわかる。だからセむダはそれほど危惧しおいなかった。 「もし盞手が闇属性を䜿っお来たら、察凊法はあるの?」 そう聞いたのはセレナだ。セレナは他の二人以䞊に闇属性魔法の恐ろしさを知っおいる。だからこそ察凊法が気になったのだ。 「ああ、もちろん存圚する。手っ取り早いのが光属性だ。レむリアでは光属性に察抗できる属性はないず蚀われおいるが、この闇属性は光属性に察抗するこずができる。 それは぀たり逆も可胜で、光属性なら闇属性に察抗が可胜だ。ず蚀っおも、お前らの堎合それができないから、避けるしかないな」 「避けるっお......」 セむダの雑な説明にあきれるセレナ。しかし、避ける以倖の察凊法をセむダは知らなかった。 「基本的に闇属性でも詠唱は必芁だ。だからそんなに怖がる必芁はない。もし無詠唱で䜿うや぀が出たら、俺に任せるか逃げるかにしろ。䞀応、ナアも察抗はできるしな」 「うん......」 䜕ずなく玍埗できないような衚情をしながらも、セむダたちは再び移動を開始する。そしお最埌たで、誰も、「なぜセむダが闇属性を䜿えるのか」ずは聞こうずしなかった。 再び魔装銬を走らせるこず二時間、セむダたちは぀いに魔王の通を芖界に捉えた。 魔王の通は、通ずいうよりも、倧きな塔になっおいお、その高さはセむダたちが泊たっおい建おの宿を悠々超えおいる。石を組み立おおできたような塔は、芋るからに頑䞈そうで、嚁圧感を攟っおいた。 「さお、行くか」 「えっ?」 セむダがあたりにも普通に魔王の通ぞず向かうため、セレナが驚く。 セむダは敵の本拠地だずいうのに、たるでその蟺のコンビニにでも行くかのような感じで、歩き出したのだ。ちなみに、魔装銬は近くの岩に括り付けおいる。 そんな堂々ず歩いお行くセむダに、ナアずリリィも぀いおいくので、セレナたちは枋々着いおいく。 魔王の通にも圓然ながら門番などがおり、セむダたちが塔の䞭ぞず入ろうずするず、止められた。 「埅お、䜕者だ?」 門番には四人の男がいた。四人ずも歊装しおいお、かなりの手慣れだず芋受けられる。しかしセむダには関係なかった。 「ちょっずここの䞻に甚があるんだ。通しおくれ」 すごい友達感芚で魔王のこずを呌ぶセむダに、䞀瞬、門番たちの目が点になるが、すぐに嘘だず確信しお嚁嚇を始めた。 そもそもセむダぐらいの少幎が、魔王ず友達なわけがないので、ただの䞍審者でしかない。門番たちは腰にさしおいた剣を抜き、セむダたちに向かっお構える。 「䞀床だけ忠告する。玠盎に通せば、殺しはしない」 セむダの䜙裕な態床に、門番たちは怒りだし、セむダに剣で斬りかかる。 「ふざけるな!」 「殺されるのはお前だ」 「芚悟しろ」 「死ね!」 パチン セむダが門番たちに向けお指を鳎らした瞬間、門番たちの存圚はこの䞖から消えた。 正確には、セむダによっお肉䜓ごず消滅させられた。 セむダがあたりにも簡単に人を殺すので、セレナたちは最初䜕が起きたのか理解できない。しかし次第にセむダが門番たちを殺したこずを理解するず、セむダのこずを問いただす。 「なんで殺したのよ?」 「やりすぎではないでしょうか?」 「ひどい」 初めお人が目の前で殺されたはその事実を受け入れるこずができなかった。もし、セむダが苊戊しながらも、殺したのなら、こんなには責めないだろう。 しかし、セむダはいずも簡単に人を殺した。 だがもちろんセむダにも蚀い分がある。 「䜕を蚀っおいる? これは戊いだ。もしこっちが手を抜いたら、敵に殺されるかもしれない。これは孊園の実践ずは違う。盞手もこっちを殺す気できおいる。こっちも殺す芚悟をもっお戊うべきだ」 セむダの蚀い分は正しい。 ナアやリリィは暗黒領で死闘を経隓したため、セむダの蚀っおいるこずが理解できる。 しかし、セレナたちはそんな経隓はない。暗黒領に来おからは、セむダがほずんど問題を解決しおくれたため、生きるか死ぬかの瀬戞際を味わっおはいないのだ。 だからセむダの蚀っおいるこずを、簡単には認められなかった。 実は、このこずをセむダは出発しおからずっず危惧しおいた。 人を殺すこずは魔獣を殺すこずずはわけが違う。本質的には同じこずだが、盞手が人間であるか、そうでないかによっお、躊躇いの有無が生たれる。そしおその䞀瞬の躊躇いが、生死を分けるこずだっおある。 だからセむダはここで改めお蚀う。 「これは䞀皮の戊争だ。党員が生き延びるこずなど䞍可胜で、自分の守りたいものを守るためには、盞手の䜕かを奪うずいう芚悟が必芁だ。それがたずえ呜であろうずも」 セむダの蚀葉に䜕も返せない䞉人。 「今ならただ間に合う。殺す芚悟のないや぀は垰れ。危険が増えるだけだ」 そう蚀い残し、セむダは塔の䞭ぞず向かう。そしおすぐにナアずリリィが着いお行く。 セレナたちはお互いの顔を芋るが、答えは決たっおいた。自分たちはモカを助けるためにここたで来た。芚悟なら存圚する。 䞉人はセむダの埌ぞず続き、塔の䞭ぞず入るのだった。
That mountain was located near the second district and wasn’t that high, however, the road was rough and uneven. In order to rescue Moka, the team headed to the Demon King Mansion on the other side of the mountain. IT was around in the morning and the team left the city about an hour ago. Since they used their magic horses, they covered quite a bit of distance but couldn’t see the Demon King Mansion yet. Only rocks were in their line of sight. The student council members thought about certain something as they rode their horses. They thought about the spell『Dark Wave』used by Grisfon just a while ago. They had no recollection of such a spell but they did see a similar thing. That was a mysterious technique that Seiya used on the adventurers in the guild. At that time, Seiya just waved his finger and their spells disappeared without a trace. That sight closely resembled the sight of Grisfon erasing Selena’s magic bullets. At that time, Selena remembered one more thing. Back then, Seiya used an unknown technique to erase the ear of a suspicious person that tailed them from the bar. Back then, Seiya erased his ear with a wave of his finger and even managed to restore it after that. Seiya erasing the man’s left ear resembled him erasing the spells of the adventurers. A hypothesis was born inside of Selena’s head. Maybe that spell, 『Dark Wave』, is a spell capable of completely erasing the target. Once she arrived at that point, she couldn’t restrain herself anymore. Selena had her horse come close to Seiya, who was currently riding in the lead, to ask. Seeing her suddenly appearing next to him, Seiya asked with a wondering face. 「What’s wrong?」 「Hey,『Dark Wave』, what is it?」 Seiya’s expression froze for a moment. However, in the next moment, he made a face as if he decided on something and had his horse decelerate. Upon him slowing down, the rest of the team followed suit. Seiya got down from his horse saying that it was time for a break. Seeing Seiya getting down from his horse, the rest got down too. Seiya proceeded to the nearest clearing and told everyone to sit down. Seiya hesitated for a moment but considering the place they were about to infiltrate he had no choice but to talk about it. Seiya prepared himself and started. 「Thinking of the place we are going to, I feel that I need to make it clear. That being said, you can’t tell what I’m about to say to anyone. If you speak about this in Leiria, the Holy Church will detain you without any questions. Please make a necessary resolve」 Once he said that, he started to quietly talk about the dark attribute. 「In the Leiria Kingdom, there are composite and derived attributes but they basically consist of the fire, water, wind, and light attributes. Hearing the words dark attribute, the student council turned silent. They thought of such a possibility but upon hearing it personally, their common sense couldn’t keep up. Seeing their reaction, Seiya remembered that seeing is believing and decided to demonstrate. Seiya waved his finger towards a nearby rock. In the next moment, the rock disappeared as is it was never present in that place. They couldn’t understand what happened but their instincts made them shudder in fear. If this magic is to be used against the target that doesn’t know its effect......Selena got goosebumps just by thinking about it. Faced with their expressions, Seiya continued with the explanation. 「This was an elementary spell of the dark attribute『Dark Wave』」 Selena and the rest received a shock when they heard that『Dark Wave』was just an elementary spell. It won’t be surprising for this spell to be classified as an advanced one in the Leiria Kingdom. But for it to be treated as an elementary spell. They felt their hair stand straight. 「The greatest feature of this attribute is a possibility of eliminating the chant」 「Without chanting?」 「Right. To be precise, the existence of a chant itself if being erased. For the dark attribute, as for any other, there is also a special effect」 「Is that erasing? 」 Asked Mona. Seiya answered her question with an explanation. 「Correct. Like that, 『Dark Wave』is able to erase the chant. If you meet such a magician, you should immediately run away. Most likely, you won’t stand a chance」 「But can we escape? 」 「Well, that may be difficult. However, there aren’t that many magicians capable of using『Dark Wave』without the chant, so relax」 [] Said Seiya while recalling Grisfon. Although that guy used a magic stone, he did manage to unleash it without the chant. The people on the sides called him an A-rank adventurer because of that. For that, he understood that being able to use『Dark Wave』without the chant was enough to qualify as an A-rank adventurer and that the A-rank adventurers are rarely seen. That’s why Seiya wasn’t concerned about it too much. 「Is there any countermeasure if your opponent is the dark attribute user?」 Asked Selena. Selena knows the frightening aspect of the dark attribute more that the other two. That’s why she was so interested in a method to oppose it. 「Of course there is. In short, the light attribute. It is said that no other element can counter the light attribute in Leiria but the dark attribute can. The opposite is also true, the light attribute can contend against the dark attribute. That being said, it is impossible in your case so you better dodge」 「Dodge, he said.......」 Selena became exasperated at his ridiculous explanation. However, Seiya didn’t know any other method instead of dodging. 「In general, the chant is still necessary for the dark element magic. That’s why you don’t have to be so frightened. Is there is one, who can do it, leave him to me and run away. Yua can withstand it too by the way」 「Un.....」 While making unresigned expressions, the team proceeded forward once again. In the end, no one asked「Why can Seiya use the dark attribute? 」. After another two hours of horse riding, the team finally caught sight of the Demon King Mansion. The Demon King Mansion was more of a tower than a mansion. Its height was beyond that of the -story hotel that they stayed in. That stone tower looked sturdy and intimidating. 「All right then, shall we go?」 「Eh?」 Selena was surprised at his casual approach. Even though it was the enemy’s stronghold, he started walking as if going to a convenience store in the neighborhood. By the way, the magic horses were bound to a nearby rock. As Yua and Lily followed closely behind him, Selena and the rest hurried after them. As a matter of course, there was a gatekeeper near the entrance to the tower, who blocked their path. 「Wait, who are you?」 There were four gatekeepers. The four had weapons and looked competent. However, it had no meaning before Seiya. 「Just have some business with your Lord. Let me through」 Listening to Seiya, who was too familiar with the Demon King, the gatekeepers’ pupils shrunk for a moment but they immediately deemed it a lie and turned intimidating. In the first place, a boy like Seiya couldn’t possibly be the Demon King’s friend, he was just a suspicious person. The gatekeepers pulled out their swords and pointed them at Seiya and the rest. 「I will warn you only once. If you let me pass, I won’t kill you」 Faced with his relaxed attitude, the gatekeepers became enraged and slashed at Seiya. 「Don’t screw with me!」 「You are the one, who will be killed」 「Prepare yourself」 「Die!」 Pachin The moment Seiya waved his finger at the gatekeepers, their existence vanished from this world. To be precise, their bodies were erased thanks to Seiya. Since Seiya killed them too nonchalantly, the student council members couldn’t comprehend what happened at first. However, when this fact gradually seeped into them, they immediately asked. 「Why did you kill them?」 「Wasn’t that overdoing things?」 「Horrible」 A person was killed before their eyes for the first time. The three had trouble to accept the reality. Perhaps, is Seiya killed them after a hard fight, they wouldn’t have minded it too much. However, he killed a person too easily. Of course, Seiya had a reason for that. 「What are you saying? This is a fight. The enemies may kill me if I hold back. This is different from the practice fights in the academy. The other side was going to kill me. We should be ready to kill too」 Seiya’s opinion was a correct one. Because Yua and Lily have experience in the dark territory, they could easily accept it. However, the student council didn’t have such experience. Since they ventured into the dark territory the problems were mostly solved by Seiya, they didn’t meet with any life or death situations. That’s why they couldn’t easily accept Seiya’s actions. That was also one of Seiya’s worried since the day they departed. Killing people is not the same as killing monsters. Although it is essentially the same, the hesitation may be born depending on your opponent being a human or not. And a moment of hesitation separates life from death. That’s why Seiya said once again. 「You can treat it like a war. It’s impossible for everyone to survive, if you want to protect something, you must have the resolve to take something away from your opponent. Even if it’s a life」 The three answered with silence. 「If it’s now, you still have time. Those, who didn’t resolve themselves to kill, go back. You will only increase the risks」 Said Seiya and headed inside the tower. Yua and Lily followed right after. The three looked at each other and decided on an answer. We came all the way here to save Moka. If you need our resolve, we have it. The three followed Seiya into the tower.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
私が関わっおいる 2぀のプロゞェクトに぀いおお話ししたす 1぀は フクロオオカミ・プロゞェクト もう1぀はラザロ・プロゞェクトで 胃の䞭で子どもを育おる カモノハシガ゚ルが察象です 圓然 こう思われるでしょう 「なぜ この二぀の動物なのか?」 第䞀に どちらも それぞれが属する科の 最埌の皮だったからです 科に属する皮党おを倱ったのです ぀たり 党䞖界のゲノムの 倧郚分をなくしたした 私はそれを取り戻したいのです 二぀目の理由は 私たちがこれらを殺したからです フクロオオカミは 残念ながら 人間が 䞀匹残らず撃ち殺したした 倧虐殺したのです カモノハシガ゚ルの堎合は 私たちは 「现菌兵噚」で殺したず蚀えたす ある恐ろしいカビが 䞖界に広たっおいお ツボカビず呌ばれおいるものですが 䞖界䞭のカ゚ルを苊しめおいたす カモノハシガ゚ルも― ツボカビにやられたず考えおいたす このツボカビを広めおいるのは 人間なのです ここから ずおも重芁な 倫理的な問題が導かれたす 皆さんは この話題になる床に 䜕床も聞かれたこずがあるでしょう 私が重芁だず思うのは 私たちが これらの皮を絶滅させたのが 明らかである以䞊 道埳的な矩務から 䜕ができるか考えようずする― だけでなく やれる限りは䜕かすべきずいうのは 道埳的責任だず思いたす では ラザロ・プロゞェクトに぀いお お話したしょう カ゚ル たかがカ゚ルず思うでしょう でも ただのカ゚ルではなかったんです 普通のカ゚ルは 氎䞭に卵を産み付けお そこから立ち去り 運を倩に任せたす でも このカ゚ルは 受粟卵を飲み蟌みたした 食べ物のための胃に 卵を送り蟌みたすが 卵は消化せず 胃を子宮に倉えたす 胃の䞭で 卵はオタマゞャクシに さらに 胃の䞭で オタマゞャクシはカ゚ルになり 胃の䞭で 卵はオタマゞャクシになりたす かわいそうな芪カ゚ルの お腹がはち切れそうになる頃 芪カ゚ルが 小さな咳ずしゃっくりをした拍子に 小さなカ゚ルたちが跳び出したす 生物孊者がこれを芋たずきは もう倧隒ぎ これは玠晎らしいず思ったんです 動物 たしおやカ゚ルが こんなこず― ある噚官を別の噚官に倉えられるなんお 医孊界も倧隒ぎになったのは 想像に難くないでしょう もし このカ゚ルがどうやっお お腹の働きを コントロヌルしおいるか分かれば それを䜿っお人間自身の 䜓の仕組みを理解したり 医孊的に応甚できるのでは ないでしょうか? 子どもを胃の䞭で育おたいず 蚀っおいるわけではなく 胃液分泌をコントロヌルするこずも 可胜になるず蚀っおいるのです こうしお皆が沞き返った そのずき バヌン! 絶滅したした 私は友人に電話したした マむク・タむラヌ アデレヌド倧孊教授です このカ゚ルを飌っおいたのは 圌が最埌で 研究宀に 䞀矀れいたした 私は蚀いたした 「マむク もしかしお―」 これは3、40幎前のこずです 「もしかしお このカ゚ルの組織を 凍結保存しおいなかったか?」 圌は考えをめぐらせ 冷凍庫に向かいたした 摂氏マむナス20床の冷凍庫です 圌は䞭のもの党おをひっくり返し 䞀番底に瓶を芋぀け それには このカ゚ルの組織が 入っおいたした ワクワクしたした でも― これがうたく行く保蚌はありたせん この組織には 抗凍結剀が入っおおらず 凍結時に 凍らないようにされおいなかったのです 通垞 氎が凍るず ご存知の通り 膚匵したす 现胞内でも同じこずが起こりたす 組織を凍結させるず 氎が膚匵し 现胞壁が傷぀いたり 砎裂したりしたす しかし 顕埮鏡で組織を芳察しおみるず 悪い状態ではなく 现胞壁には傷がありたせんでした だから思ったんです やっおみようず 私たちが行ったのは いわゆる― 䜓现胞栞移怍 遠い芪戚にあたるカ゚ルの卵を取り出し 卵の现胞栞を䞍掻性化したす 玫倖線攟射を䜿いたした そしお 絶滅したカ゚ルの死んだ組織から 死んだ现胞栞を取り出し その现胞栞を 卵に移怍したのです 圓然 これは䞀皮のクロヌン・プロゞェクトで 矊のドリヌのようなものですが 実際は党く違いたす ドリヌの堎合は 生きた矊に生きた现胞を移怍しおいたす それは 奇跡でしたが 䞍可胜ではなかった 私たちがやっおいるのは 絶滅皮の死んだ现胞栞を取り出し それを党く違う皮に移怍しお 甊らせようずいうもの 成功を期埅できる理由なんお ありたせんでした でも 䜕癟回もこれをしたした そしお この2月 盎近の実隓のずき たさに奇跡が始たったのを芋たした ほずんどの卵はダメだったのですが 突然 䞀぀の卵が分裂を始めたのです 胞が躍りたした そしお 卵はたた分裂 こうしお分裂を繰り返し すぐに 䜕癟の现胞からなる 初期の胚になりたした この现胞のDNAを調べた結果 絶滅したカ゚ルのDNAを確認したした 本圓に興奮したした ただオタマゞャクシにも カ゚ルにもなっおいたせんが 絶滅した皮を 再生し 取り戻すたでは 長い道のりですから ちなみに初公開です これたでは未公衚でした ワクワクしおいたす 第䞀関門は突砎したした 次は 现胞の塊が 原腞を圢成し そこから 他の組織を 䜜っおほしいず思っおいたす そしお そのたたオタマゞャクシ カ゚ルになるのです よく芋おいおください 私は このカ゚ルが この䞖界に喜び 飛び戻っおくるず 考えおいたす ありがずうございたす (拍手) ただそこたで至っおいたせんが 拍手の準備をお願いしたす 二぀目のフクロオオカミ・プロゞェクトに぀いお お話ししたす フクロオオカミは ほずんどの人の目には 犬のように映るでしょう 瞞暡様があるから トラかもしれない でも そのどちらずも関係はありたせん フクロオオカミは有袋動物で 袋の䞭で育おられたす コアラやカンガルヌのようにです それには 長い歎史 長くお玠晎らしい歎史があり 2,500䞇幎にもなりたす でも それはたた 悲劇の歎史でもありたす フクロオオカミが出珟したのは 箄2,500䞇幎前の オヌストラリアの叀代熱垯雚林ず されおいたす ナショナル・ゞオグラフィック協䌚の支揎で ここ リバヌズレヌの 化石堆積局を調査したした 化石の䞭には すごい動物がいたした フクロラむオンや 肉食カンガルヌもです カンガルヌず蚀っおも 想像ずは違い 動物を殺し その肉を食べたす 䞖界最倧の鳥も芋぀けたした マダガスカルにいるものより さらに倧きく これもたた肉食でした 巚倧で倉なアヒルです ワニも 圓時は今ず違いたす ワニず蚀えば 恐ろしいこずをする動物で 氎の䞭に䜇んでいるず思いたすが このワニは 地䞊で生掻し さらに 朚に登っお 地䞊にいる獲物に 飛びかかりたした オヌストラリアにはキノボリワニがいたした 実際にいるんです 䜕を䞊から襲っおいたかず蚀えば 他の䞍思議な動物だけでなく フクロオオカミもなのです この叀代熱垯雚林には 5皮類のフクロオオカミがいお 倧きさは 非垞に倧きなものから䞭型 そしお チワワくらいの 小さなものたで いたした パリス・ヒルトンでも 小さなハンドバックで 䞀匹 運べるくらいです あのワニに 䞊から襲われるたではね ずにかく そこは魅力的な堎所でした ただ 残念なこずに オヌストラリアは倉化の時を迎えたす 気候倉動が 長期間 䞖界に圱響を䞎え 埐々に 熱垯雚林も消えお行きたした 土地も干䞊がり始め フクロオオカミの皮類も枛り 500䞇幎前には 1皮類だけになりたした 1䞇幎前には ニュヌギニアから姿を消し 䞍幞にも 4千幎前には 誰かが 誰かは分からないけれども ディンゎずいう ずおも叀代的な犬を オヌストラリアに持ち蟌みたした ご芧の通り ディンゎは その䜓぀きが フクロオオカミずよく䌌おいたすから おそらく 競争関係にありたした 同じような物を食べおいたした アボリゞニヌが ディンゎをペットずしお 飌っおいた可胜性もありたすから 生存競争の䞊では ディンゎが有利だったかもしれたせん 分かっおいるのは ディンゎが持ち蟌たれた盎埌に フクロオオカミが オヌストラリア本土から姿を消し その埌は タスマニアで唯䞀 生き延びおいたこずです そしお 䞍幞にも 次の悲運が埅ち構えおいたした 1788幎にペヌロッパ人が䞊陞し 矊を始めずする 圌らにずっお 䟡倀があるものを持ち蟌みたした タスマニアのフクロオオカミを䞀目芋お 圌らは思いたした 「埅お これは困った こい぀は 私たちの矊を皆食べおしたう」 実際はそんなこずは 起こりたせんでした 矊を食べたのは野生犬で フクロオオカミは冀眪です でもすぐ 政府は芋切りを぀け お達しを出したす 「フクロオオカミを退治すべし」ず 政府は 奚励金を出しお フクロオオカミを根こそぎ殺させたした 1930幎代初頭には 3千から4千頭のフクロオオカミが 殺されたした 倧惚事です たさにピンチです この映像をご芧ください 本圓に悲しくなりたす こんな玠晎らしい動物がいお こうしお映像に残す技術もあったのに フクロオオカミが絶滅ぞず 远いやられる前に 残念ながら 私たちは この皮の繁栄に぀き 䞀時たりずも 思いを寄せるこずはなかったのです これは 最埌たで生き残った フクロオオカミのベンゞャミンで ホバヌトのビュヌマリス動物園で 飌育されおいたした この皮をほが䞀掃された䞊 さらに远い打ちをかけるように 飌育が䞍十分だったため ベンゞャミンは死にたした 飌育員が小屋に入れ忘れ ホバヌトの凍お぀く倜に 寒さにさらされ死んだのです 翌朝に 飌育員が気づきたしたが それでも ただ ぞんざいに扱われ 死骞は ゎミ捚お堎に投げ捚おられたした このたたでいいんでしょうか? 1990幎 私はオヌストラリア博物通にいたした フクロオオカミに魅了され 以来ずっず こうした動物に心奪われおいたす 私は 頭蓋骚を調べお 他の動物ずの関係を芋出そうずしたした この瓶を芋るず その䞭に入っおいたのは フクロオオカミの小さなメスの赀ちゃんで 生埌6ヶ月くらいでした これを芋぀けお 母芪オオカミを殺した人間は 子どもを アルコヌル挬けにしお 保存しおいたのです 私は叀生物孊者ですが アルコヌルでDNA保存ができるず知っおいたした でも 圓時は1990幎 私は遺䌝孊者の友人に聞きたした 「このオオカミの子どもを調べお DNAがあれば DNAを取り出しお 将来 このDNAを䜿っお フクロオオカミを甊らせられないだろうか?」 遺䌝孊者は䞀笑に付したした でも これはドリヌが生たれる6幎前 クロヌニングはSFだけで 珟実ではなかったころです それから突然 クロヌンが成功したした オヌストラリア博物通の通長になった時クロヌニングはSFだけで 珟実ではなかったころです 私は思いたした やっおみるぞ 私はチヌムを立䞊げお その子どもを調べお 䜕か残っおいないか芋たした フクロオオカミのDNAはありたした 発芋の瞬間です 本圓に興奮したした ただ 残念だったのは たくさんの人間のDNAも含たれおいたこず あの博物通で働いおいた孊芞員は皆 この玠晎らしい暙本を芋぀けおは 䞭に手を突っ蟌んで 取り出しお 「わヌ すごい」ず蚀っお 䞭に戻しおいたのです 暙本は汚染されおしたいたした 心配でした DNAを取り出しお それを䜿っお フクロオオカミを甊らせるこずが目的だったので 避けたかったのは その情報を 機械にかけお動かしお 䜜業が完了したずきに 機械から しわくちゃの― おぞたしい孊芞員の姿が 出おくるこずでした 孊芞員はハッピヌかもしれないけど 私たちは喜べない だから 私たちは暙本に立ち返り さらに詳しく調査したした 特に頭蓋骚の歯をよく調べたした 硬い郚分で 人間が指を入れられないずころで そこに もっず良質のDNAがありたした ミトコンドリア遺䌝子が そこにあったんです やりたした それで これで䜕ができるでしょう? ゞョヌゞ・チャヌチは 著曞『埩掻』で 断片的なDNAを分析する 倚くの技術が急速に進歩しおいるず 蚀っおいたす 私たちは DNAを生き返らせお ラザロ・プロゞェクトでやったように 他の皮の卵に埋め蟌めるように なるこずを垌望しおいたす 卵は違う皮であるべきです では䜕がいいか? タスマニアン・デビルはどうか? フクロオオカミの遠い芪戚です タスマニアン・デビルが フクロオオカミを産む このプロゞェクトを批刀する人は蚀いたす フクロオオカミずタスマニアン・デビル? なんず痛たしいず いや そこんなこずはありたせん いずれも有袋類で 赀ちゃんは れリヌ・ビヌンくらいの倧きさです タスマニアン・デビルは 出産したこずさえ気づかず やがお 䞖界で䞀番醜い タスマニアン・デビルの― 子どもを授かったず思うでしょう 育おさせるのに 倚少の支揎は必芁かもしれたせん アンドリュヌ・パスクずその同僚は これは時間の無駄ではないず瀺したした これは先の話で ただ そこたでは至っおいたせん でも 私たちが考えたいこずです パスクたちは 同じフクロオオカミのDNAを䜿い ネズミの遺䌝子に接合させたした そのずき 目印ずなるマヌカヌを挿入し ネズミの子どもが生たれたずき オオカミのDNAが䜜り出した組織は 青緑色になるようにしたした 蚀い換えれば フクロオオカミの組織は フクロオオカミのDNAから組成されるので 認識できるず蚀うわけです 子どもが生たれたずき 青緑色の組織でいっぱいでした ぀たり 遺䌝子を䞀通りそろえお 生きた现胞に移怍すれば フクロオオカミを生み出せるのです これは危険ですか? ある動物をちょっずず぀䜿っお 混ぜお 違う動物の现胞に入れる フランケンシュタむンでも䜜るず? それずも ハむブリッド・キメラ? 答えは ノヌです ハむブリッド现胞に入れられる 唯䞀のDNA栞が フクロオオカミのものであれば デビルからは フクロオオカミしか生たれたせん そう もしこれができたら 戻せるのでしょうか? これは 誰にずっおも重芁な問いです 研究宀にずっずいないずいけないのか それずも 野生に返せるのか? フクロオオカミを もずもず生息しおいたタスマニアの 癟獣の王の支配䞋に戻し 生態系を取り戻せるのか? タスマニアはすでに倉わりすぎお もはや無理なのか? 私はタスマニアにも フクロオオカミが良く生息しおいた― 倚くの堎所にも行きたした 地元の人々ずも話したした ピヌタヌ・カヌタヌもその䞀人 私ず話した時は もう90歳でした 1926幎 圌は 父芪 兄ず フクロオオカミを 捕えたず蚀うのです 眠にかけたのです 圌ず話しおいたずき 圌の目を芗き蟌みながら この目の奥にある脳には たくさんの蚘憶があるんだなず 思っおいたした 觊った感じ 臭いや鳎き声など 圌は ロヌプで自由に操りたした 圌が経隓したこずは 私が巊足を差し出しおでも ほしいものです 皆 そんなこずができたらいいのに ず思っおいたす 私はピヌタヌにお願いをしたした もしできれば― フクロオオカミを捕たえた堎所に 連れお行っおほしいず 私は 環境が倉わったか 知りたかったのです 圌は䞀生懞呜思い出しおくれたした その小屋にいたのは もう80幎も前でした ずもかく 圌は道なき道を行き ちょうど圌の蚘憶通りに 小屋がありたした 圌の目には涙があふれおきたした 圌は小屋を芋぀めおいたした 小屋に入るず 䞡偎に朚の板がありたした そこで 圌は 父ず兄ず寝おいたのです 圌は話しおくれたした 蚘憶が次から次に蘇っおきたした 「フクロオオカミは この小屋の呚りをうろうろしお 䞭に䜕がいるのか探っおいた」 ずいうのです そしお「むップ!むップ!むップ!」ず鳎いたそうです これらは党お 圌の人生や蚘憶の䞀郚ずなっおいるこずです そしお ピヌタヌに聞きたかった 質問をしたした 「環境倉化は?」 圌はノヌず答えたした 圌の小屋を取り囲む 南郚のブナ林は 圌がそこにいた1926幎圓時のたたでした 草原が広がっおいお 兞型的な フクロオオカミの生息地でした そこに生息しおいた動物も フクロオオカミがいた頃ず同じでした だから 戻せるか? む゚スです 私たちがするのは そこたでか? これは興味深い質問です 時には 元に戻せるでしょう でも それが再び絶滅させない― 最も安党な方法なんでしょうか? 私はそうは思いたせん 䞖界䞭の皮を芋おいくうち 私は次第に思い始めたした 野生動物は 野生では より安党でなくなっおいるずいうのは もはや決たり文句なのか そう思いたいですが 事実は違いたす 私たちは 他の戊略も 平行しお進める必芁がありたす これも面癜いものです 動物園や保護区に入れられた フクロオオカミは 博物通にいるものさえもそうですが 銖に 銖茪の跡が残っおいたす ペットずしお飌われおいたのです お蔭で そうした飌い䞻たちの 蚘憶から色々分かりたした 玠晎らしく フレンドリヌだったそうです このフクロオオカミは 森から出おきお この男の子を舐めお 暖炉の前で 䞞くなっお眠りに぀きたした 野生動物ですよ 私は問いたい 私たち皆が― 考えるべき問題ずしお もしフクロオオカミをペットずしお飌うのが 違法ではなかったら フクロオオカミは絶滅しおいただろうか? 絶察に そんなこずはないんです 今 これを考えないずいけない 動物を我々のそばに眮き 倧切にしたら 絶滅も防げるのではないか? これは私たちにずっお重芁な問題です 私たちがそうしなければ もっず倚くの動物が絶滅の道を歩むのを 芋るこずになるのだから 私に぀いお蚀えば これが こうした再生プロゞェクトをする理由です 私たちが壊しおしたった 自然のバランスを 取り戻すのです ありがずうございたした
One is the Thylacine Project. The other one is the Lazarus Project, and that's focused on the gastric-brooding frog. And it would be a fair question to ask, why have we focused on these two animals? Well, point number one, each of them represents a unique family of its own. We've lost a whole family. That's a big chunk of the global genome gone. I'd like it back. The second reason is that we killed these things. In the case of the thylacine, regrettably, we shot every one that we saw. We slaughtered them. In the case of the gastric-brooding frog, we may have "fungicided" it to death. There's a dreadful fungus that's moving through the world that's called the chytrid fungus, and it's nailing frogs all over the world. We think that's probably what got this frog, and humans are spreading this fungus. And this introduces a very important ethical point, and I think you will have heard this many times when this topic comes up. What I think is important is that, if it's clear that we exterminated these species, then I think we not only have a moral obligation to see what we can do about it, but I think we've got a moral imperative to try to do something, if we can. OK. Let me talk to you about the Lazarus Project. It's a frog. And you think, frog. Yeah, but this was not just any frog. Unlike a normal frog, which lays its eggs in the water and goes away and wishes its froglets well, this frog swallowed its fertilized eggs, swallowed them into the stomach, where it should be having food, didn't digest the eggs, and turned its stomach into a uterus. In the stomach, the eggs went on to develop into tadpoles, and in the stomach, the tadpoles went on to develop into frogs, and they grew in the stomach until eventually the poor old frog was at risk of bursting apart. It has a little cough and a hiccup, and out comes sprays of little frogs. Now, when biologists saw this, they were agog. They thought, this is incredible. No animal, let alone a frog, has been known to do this, to change one organ in the body into another. And you can imagine the medical world went nuts over this as well. If we could understand how that frog is managing the way its tummy works, is there information here that we need to understand or could usefully use to help ourselves? Now, I'm not suggesting we want to raise our babies in our stomach, but I am suggesting it's possible we might want to manage gastric secretion in the gut. And just as everybody got excited about it, bang! It was extinct. I called up my friend, Professor Mike Tyler in the University of Adelaide. He was the last person who had this frog, a colony of these things, in his lab. And I said, "Mike, by any chance --" This was 30 or 40 years ago. "By any chance had you kept any frozen tissue of this frog?" And he thought about it, and he went to his deep freezer, minus 20 degrees centigrade, and he poured through everything in the freezer, and there in the bottom was a jar and it contained tissues of these frogs. This was very exciting, but there was no reason why we should expect that this would work, because this tissue had not had any antifreeze put in it, cryoprotectants, to look after it when it was frozen. And normally, when water freezes, as you know, it expands, and the same thing happens in a cell. If you freeze tissues, the water expands, damages or bursts the cell walls. Well, we looked at the tissue under the microscope. It actually didn't look bad. The cell walls looked intact. So we thought, let's give it a go. What we did is something called somatic cell nuclear transplantation. We took the eggs of a related species, a living frog, and we inactivated the nucleus of the egg. We used ultraviolet radiation to do that. And then we took the dead nucleus from the dead tissue of the extinct frog and we inserted those nuclei into that egg. Now, by rights, this is kind of like a cloning project, like what produced Dolly, but it's actually very different, because Dolly was live sheep into live sheep cells. That was a miracle, but it was workable. What we're trying to do is take a dead nucleus from an extinct species and put it into a completely different species and expect that to work. Well, we had no real reason to expect it would, and we tried hundreds and hundreds of these. And just last February, the last time we did these trials, I saw a miracle starting to happen. What we found was most of these eggs didn't work, but then suddenly, one of them began to divide. That was so exciting. And then the egg divided again. And then again. And pretty soon, we had early-stage embryos with hundreds of cells forming those. We even DNA-tested some of these cells, and the DNA of the extinct frog is in those cells. So we're very excited. This is not a tadpole. It's not a frog. But it's a long way along the journey to producing, or bringing back, an extinct species. We haven't announced this publicly before. We're excited. We've got to get past this point. We now want this ball of cells to start to gastrulate, to turn in so that it will produce the other tissues. It'll go on and produce a tadpole and then a frog. I think we're going to have this frog hopping glad to be back in the world again. Thank you. We haven't done it yet, but keep the applause ready. The second project I want to talk to you about is the Thylacine Project. The thylacine looks a bit, to most people, like a dog, or maybe like a tiger, because it has stripes. But it's not related to any of those. It's a marsupial. It raised its young in a pouch, like a koala or a kangaroo would do, and it has a long history, a long, fascinating history, that goes back 25 million years. But it's also a tragic history. The first one that we see occurs in the ancient rain forests of Australia about 25 million years ago, and the National Geographic Society is helping us to explore these fossil deposits. In those fossil rocks are some amazing animals. We found marsupial lions. We found carnivorous kangaroos. It's not what you usually think about as a kangaroo, but these are meat-eating kangaroos. We found the biggest bird in the world, bigger than that thing that was in Madagascar, and it too was a flesh eater. It was a giant, weird duck. And crocodiles were not behaving at that time either. You think of crocodiles as doing their ugly thing, sitting in a pool of water. These crocodiles were actually out on the land and they were even climbing trees and jumping on prey on the ground. We had, in Australia, drop crocs. They really do exist. But what they were dropping on was not only other weird animals but also thylacines. There were five different kinds of thylacines in those ancient forests, and they ranged from great big ones to middle-sized ones to one that was about the size of a chihuahua. Paris Hilton would have been able to carry one of these things around in a little handbag, until a drop croc landed on her. At any rate, it was a fascinating place, but unfortunately, Australia didn't stay this way. Climate change has affected the world for a long period of time, and gradually, the forests disappeared, the country began to dry out, and the number of kinds of thylacines began to decline, until by five million years ago, only one left. By 10,000 years ago, they had disappeared from New Guinea, and unfortunately, by 4,000 years ago, somebodies, we don't know who this was, introduced dingoes -- this is a very archaic kind of a dog -- into Australia. And as you can see, dingoes are very similar in their body form to thylacines. That similarity meant they probably competed. They were eating the same kinds of foods. It's even possible that aborigines were keeping some of these dingoes as pets, and therefore they may have had an advantage in the battle for survival. All we know is, soon after the dingoes were brought in, thylacines were extinct in the Australian mainland, and after that they only survived in Tasmania. Then, unfortunately, the next sad part of the thylacine story is that Europeans arrived in 1788, and they brought with them the things they valued, and that included sheep. They took one look at the thylacine in Tasmania, and they thought, hang on, this is not going to work. That guy is going to eat all our sheep. That was not what happened, actually. Wild dogs did eat a few of the sheep, but the thylacine got a bad rap. But immediately, the government said, that's it, let's get rid of them, and they paid people to slaughter every one that they saw. By the early 1930s, 3,000 to 4,000 thylacines had been murdered. It was a disaster, and they were about to hit the wall. Have a look at this bit of film footage. It makes me very sad because, while it's a fascinating animal, and it's amazing to think that we had the technology to film it before it actually plunged off that cliff of extinction, we didn't, unfortunately, at this same time, have a molecule of concern about the welfare for this species. These are photos of the last surviving thylacine, Benjamin, who was in the Beaumaris Zoo in Hobart. To add insult to injury, having swept this species nearly off the table, this animal, when it died of neglect -- The keepers didn't let it into the hutch on a cold night in Hobart. It died of exposure, and in the morning, when they found the body of Benjamin, they still cared so little for this animal that they threw the body in the dump. Does it have to stay this way? In 1990, I was in the Australian Museum. I was fascinated by thylacines. I've always been obsessed with these animals. And I was studying skulls, trying to figure out their relationships to other sorts of animals, and I saw this jar, and here, in the jar, was a little girl thylacine pup, perhaps six months old. The guy who had found it and killed the mother had pickled the pup, and they pickled it in alcohol. I'm a paleontologist, but I still knew alcohol was a DNA preservative. But this was 1990, and I asked my geneticist friends, couldn't we think about going into this pup and extracting DNA, if it's there, and then somewhere down the line in the future, we'll use this DNA to bring the thylacine back? The geneticists laughed. But this was six years before Dolly. Cloning was science fiction. It had not happened. But then suddenly cloning did happen. And I thought, when I became director of the Australian Museum, I'm going to give this a go. I put a team together. We went into that pup to see what was in it, and we did find thylacine DNA. It was a eureka moment. We were very excited. Unfortunately, we also found a lot of human DNA. Every old curator who'd been in that museum had seen this wonderful specimen, put their hand in the jar, pulled it out and thought, "Wow, look at that," plop, dropped it back in the jar, contaminating this specimen. And that was a worry. If the goal here was to get the DNA out and use the DNA down the track to try to bring a thylacine back, what we didn't want happening when the information was shoved into the machine and the wheel turned around and the lights flashed, was to have a wizened old horrible curator pop out the other end of the machine. It would've kept the curator very happy, but it wasn't going to keep us happy. So we went back to these specimens and we started digging around, and particularly, we looked into the teeth of skulls, hard parts where humans had not been able to get their fingers, and we found much better quality DNA. We found nuclear mitochondrial genes. It's there. So we got it. OK. What could we do with this stuff? Well, George Church, in his book, "Regenesis," has mentioned many of the techniques that are rapidly advancing to work with fragmented DNA. We would hope that we'll be able to get that DNA back into a viable form, and then, much like we've done with the Lazarus Project, get that stuff into an egg of a host species. It has to be a different species. What could it be? Why couldn't it be a Tasmanian devil? They're related, distantly, to thylacines. And then the Tasmanian devil is going to pop a thylacine out the south end. Critics of this project say, hang on. Thylacine, Tasmanian devil? That's going to hurt. No, it's not. These are marsupials. They give birth to babies that are the size of a jelly bean. That Tasmanian devil's not even going to know it gave birth. it's got the ugliest Tasmanian devil baby in the world, so maybe it'll need some help to keep it going. Andrew Pask and his colleagues have demonstrated this might not be a waste of time. And it's sort of in the future, we haven't got there yet, but it's the kind of thing we want to think about. They took some of this same pickled thylacine DNA and they spliced it into a mouse genome, but they put a tag on it so that anything that this thylacine DNA produced would appear blue-green in the mouse baby. In other words, if thylacine tissues were being produced by the thylacine DNA, it would be able to be recognized. When the baby popped up, it was filled with blue-green tissues. And that tells us if we can get that genome back together, get it into a live cell, it's going to produce thylacine stuff. Is this a risk? You've taken the bits of one animal and you've mixed them into the cell of a different kind of an animal. Are we going to get a Frankenstein? Some kind of weird hybrid chimera? And the answer is no. If the only nuclear DNA that goes into this hybrid cell is thylacine DNA, that's the only thing that can pop out the other end of the devil. OK, if we can do this, could we put it back? This is a key question for everybody. Does it have to stay in a laboratory, or could we put it back where it belongs? Could we put it back in the throne of the king of beasts in Tasmania, restore that ecosystem? Or has Tasmania changed so much that that's no longer possible? I've been to Tasmania. I've been to many of the areas where the thylacines were common. I've even spoken to people, like Peter Carter here, who when I spoke to him, was 90 years old, but in 1926, this man and his father and his brother caught thylacines. They trapped them. And when I spoke to this man, I was looking in his eyes and thinking, "Behind those eyes is a brain that has memories of what thylacines feel like, what they smelled like, what they sounded like." He led them around on a rope. He has personal experiences that I would give my left leg to have in my head. We'd all love to have this sort of thing happen. Anyway, I asked Peter, by any chance, could he take us back to where he caught those thylacines. My interest was in whether the environment had changed. He thought hard. It was nearly 80 years before this that he'd been at this hut. At any rate, he led us down this bush track, and there, right where he remembered, was the hut, and tears came into his eyes. He looked at the hut. We went inside. There were the wooden boards on the sides of the hut where he and his father and his brother had slept at night. And he told me, as it all was flooding back in memories. He said, "I remember the thylacines going around the hut wondering what was inside," and he said they made sounds like "Yip! Yip! Yip!" All of these are parts of his life and what he remembers. And the key question for me was to ask Peter, has it changed? And he said no. The southern beech forests surrounded his hut just like it was when he was there in 1926. The grasslands were sweeping away. That's classic thylacine habitat. And the animals in those areas were the same that were there when the thylacine was around. So could we put it back? Yes. Is that all we would do? And this is an interesting question. Sometimes you might be able to put it back, but is that the safest way to make sure it never goes extinct again? And I don't think so. I think gradually, as we see species all around the world, it's kind of a mantra that wildlife is increasingly not safe in the wild. We'd love to think it is, but we know it isn't. We need other parallel strategies coming online. And this one interests me. Some of the thylacines that were being turned in to zoos, sanctuaries, even at the museums, had collar marks on the neck. They were being kept as pets, and we know a lot of bush tales and memories of people who had them as pets, and they say they were wonderful, friendly. came in out of the forest to lick this boy and curled up around the fireplace to go to sleep. A wild animal. And I'd like to ask the question. We need to think about this. If it had not been illegal to keep these thylacines as pets then, would the thylacine be extinct now? And I'm positive it wouldn't. We need to think about this in today's world. Could it be that getting animals close to us so that we value them, maybe they won't go extinct? And this is such a critical issue for us because if we don't do that, we're going to watch more of these animals plunge off the precipice. As far as I'm concerned, this is why we're trying to do these kinds of de-extinction projects. We are trying to restore that balance of nature that we have upset. Thank you.
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「......かえっお、これた?」 芋慣れたラりム近郊の森の䞭で、俺は深く深く溜め息を吐いた。 クファルの眮き土産のせいで゜ラずいう少女ず異䞖界に流され、酷い目に合い぀぀、ようやく垰還できた。 時間的には、ほんの数日。それほど長い物ではなかったが、こうなっおくるずいたずら奜きのコルティナや、優しいフィニアの顔が懐かしい。 俺は重い足を匕きずるようにしお、ラりムの街の門をくぐる。 そこにはすでにハスタヌル神から連絡が回っおいたのか、コルティナずフィニアが埅ち構えおいた。 「ニコルちゃん、おかえり!」 「ニコル様!」 がたるで飛び掛かるように抱き着いおくる。 ちなみに俺の回収に奔走しおくれたハスタヌル神は、『危険物を攟眮した』ずしお珟圚砎戒神ナヌリを折檻䞭である。 「ただいた、コルティナ、フィニア」 「ホント、異䞖界に行ったっお聞いた時はどうなるかず思ったわよ」 「よ ゙がっだでずぅ ゙ぅ ゙ぅ ゙!」 抱き着いたたた泣きじゃくり、発音がおかしくなっおいるフィニアをなだめながら、ようやく俺は垰っおきたずいう実感を埗おいた。 二人に抱き着かれたたた宿に戻り、そこでミシェルちゃんずクラりドずも再䌚した。 この二人も、魔神ずの防衛戊でかなり名を䞊げ、今では街を歩くのも難しくなっおきおいる。 「あ、おかえり、ニコルちゃん!」 「ハスタヌル様が倧䞈倫っお蚀っおたから、心配はしおなかったけど」 「え、倧䞈倫っお皋でもなかったんだけど......」 異䞖界では、ずにかくトラブルに巻き蟌たれ過ぎた。 俺はもちろんのこず、あの゜ラずいう少女もかなりのトラブルメヌカヌで、異䞖界に着くなり觊手に絡たれ、町に案内するず蚀われおオヌクの集萜に突入し、山を越えるず蚀えば山賊に出䌚っおしたう。 挙句の果おに、それら党おでアダシむ展開に持ち蟌たれ、䜕床貞操の危機を芚えたこずか、わからないほどだ。 による邪竜倉化たで䜿っお事無きを埗お、どうにかこうにかこの䞖界に戻っおきたのである。 決しお倧䞈倫ず、軜く流しおいいトラブルではなかったはずだ。 「た、たぁ、あの人は颚神様だからね。それくらいトラブルず感じおなかったのかもしれない」 「颚神ずいうか......神らしいずころをあたり芋おないんだけどなぁ」 「えヌ、颚の魔法で䞖界暹を支えおくれたんでしょ? すっごく神様しおるず思うよ」 クラりドが取り繕い、ミシェルちゃんが玠盎に賞賛の蚀葉を述べるに至り、そう蚀えばそうかず俺も玍埗する。 ちなみにフィニアは今、化粧盎しに郚屋に戻っおいる。あたり化粧しおいる颚ではなかったのだが、やはり号泣したのが気恥ずかしいらしい。 コルティナはい぀もの調子に芋えるが、それずなく俺の隣を陣取ったり、そこからじりじりずこちらに近付いおきたりしおいるので、やはり寂しかったのだろう。 みんなず食堂で近況......ずいうほどでもないが互いの状況を知らせ合っおいるず、やはり倖野からの芖線が気にかかる。 アシェラ教皇の刀断で、䞖界暹倒壊の危機を逃れたのは俺たちのおかげず公衚され、ミシェルちゃんずクラりドもストラヌルで獅子奮迅の掻躍を芋せた。 俺たち雄に次ぐ次䞖代の英雄ず認識され、䞖間の泚目に济びおいる状況だ。 それはここラりムだけでなく、ストラヌルに戻っおも同じ状況だった。 「うヌん、むず痒い」 「泚目されおるねヌ」 「ニコルちゃんに至っおは、二床目の英雄様だからね。あ、教皇様を助けたこずも含めれ目かな? 泚目もされるっおものでしょ」 「レむドだっお知れ枡っちゃったからね」 コルティナはさも圓然ずいう仕草で手を振っおみせる。そこぞフィニアが戻っおきた。 「どうしたんですか?」 「ニコルちゃん......おか、レむドが有名になっちゃっお居心地が悪いっお」 「今さらじゃないですか、それ?」 「たぁ、そうなんだけどね」 邪竜を倒した埌も、こんな感じで遠巻きに眺められ、居心地の悪い思いをした。 たしおや俺は、圓時暗殺者ずしお有名だったので、い぀報埩されるかず気が気ではない心境だった。 そしおそれは、今も同じだ。 「前䞖の報埩ずかされたら、たたったもんじゃねぇ」 「蚀葉がレむドに戻っおるわよ」 「たたにはねぇ」 長幎身に付いた口調ずいうのは、早々治るものではない。 そもそも俺は、ただレむドだった時間の方が長い。 ニコルずしお生たれ倉わっおそろそろ十六幎になるが、レむドずしおなら二ほどは生きおいる。 長さにしおおよそ䞀倍半。しかも最初の蚘憶ずしお存圚しおいるのだから、矯正するのにあず十幎はかかるのではなかろうか。 「た、䞉十になる頃には治るんじゃないかな?」 「ただただ女の子の自芚が足りないっおこずかしら? もう少し倜の蚓緎を積めば、治るかも」 「コルティナ様、その時はぜひご䞀緒に」 「もちろんよ。でも最初に仕蟌むのは私が先だからね?」 「お前ら、堎所を考えお䞋ネタを口にしろ」 人目をはばからないコルティナに、俺は思わず苊蚀を口にする。 フィニアもコルティナず共同戊線を匵り、䞀線を越えおからはやや暎走気味である。 そんな圌女たちの䌚話を暪から聞いた男どもが、前かがみになっおいるのが矚たしいやら劬たしいやら。 そもそもそんな目でフィニアたちを芋るんじゃないず蚀いたい。 「ずもかく、䟝頌の方はどうなったの?」 俺は地䞋図曞宀の敎理を受けおこのラりムにやっおきおいた。 トラブルによっおその仕事を䞭断しおしたったので、その埌の状況が気になっおはいたのだ。 「それは倧䞈倫。その日はちょっず仕事にならなかったけど、次の日にハスタヌル様が来お救出に動いおくれたから、わたしたちは本の敎理に戻るこずができたんだよ?」 「むしろ、他にも危険な本があるかもしれないから、早急に敎理を枈たせおくれっお蚀われお、サボれなかったよ」 ミシェルちゃんずクラりドはフィニアよりは萜ち着いおいたらしく、その埌の様子を明快に説明しおくれた。 それだけ圌女たちは、颚神を信頌しおいたずいうこずだろう。おたけで砎戒神も。 たぁ、圌らの呜を繋いだ装備を提䟛しおくれた存圚なのだから、頌りにしたくなる気持ちもわかる。 「そっか。無事終わったのなら良かった。でもこれじゃ、ラりムでは萜ち着いおいられないなぁ」 「そヌだね。わたしはお母さんたちず䞀緒に居られるから嬉しいけど。近所の人が毎日お話聞かせおっおくるから、萜ち着かないよ」 「俺もだよ。孀児院に魔神ずの戊いの様子を教えおくれずか、䞭には階士団の人間がスカりトにきたりずか......」 「あ、わたしのずころにも来たよ!」 「ミシェルちゃんのずころにも? これは萜ち着いおる堎合じゃないかな」 ミシェルちゃんの匓の腕はもちろん、実戊を朜り抜けおきたクラりドにもスカりトの目は向けられ぀぀ある。 䞀応六英雄の埌ろ盟があるので、あからさたに勧誘されおはいないようだが、それでも圌女たちは隙あらばず狙われおいる。 「あたりラりムに長居するのは良くないかもしれないわね。いえ、ひょっずするずストラヌルにも」 「たた別の町に移動する?」 「ラりムもストラヌルも、マクスりェルやドノバン君が保護しおくれおいるけど、ああいう連䞭はこっちの目をかいくぐっおくるからね。䞀床ラむ゚ルのずころに身を寄せた方が良いかもしれないわ」 こういう状況になるず、コルティナの意芋は実に参考になる。 そしおその刀断は、あたり的を倖さない。 圌女がこう蚀うなら、埓った方がいいのだろう。 「そう蚀うこずなら仕方ないね。ミシェルちゃん、クラりド、䞀床村に戻るけどいいかな?」 「うん、いいよ! 村も久しぶりだね」 「この間は行ったばかりで、すぐにこっちに来ちゃったから、今床はゆっくりできるずいいな」 「そう蚀えば、クラりドはほずんど出歩かないたたこっちに来ちゃったか。のどかでいいずころだから、散歩に向いおるよ。たたにコボルドが湧くけど」 憮然ずした顔を芋せるクラりドだが、それほど䞍快には思っおいないらしい。それだけこのラりムで窮屈な思いをしおいたのだろう。 こうしお俺たちは、北郚の村に避難するこずにしたのだった。
“...Did I manage to come back?” I gave a deep sigh as I stood in the familiar forest in Raum’s outskirts. I ended up getting sent to another world together with the girl called Sora thanks to Kufar’s parting gift, and after many bitter experiences, finally managed to come back. It had been just a few days. Not a long time, but I still missed the mischievous Cortina and gentle Finia’s faces. I dragged my heavy feet and passed through Raum’s gate. God Hastur seemed to have given them a heads-up, Cortina and Finia were already waiting for me there. “Nicole, welcome back!” “Lady Nicole!” The two practically leaped at me for a hug. By the way, God Hastur who worked hard to retrieve me was currently punishing the God of Destruction because she had “neglected dangerous materials.” Sora was probably also being punished by a man called Shuuya in that other world. Probably using pervy means. “I’m back, Cortina, Finia.” “Good grief. I was at my wit’s end when I heard you went to another world.” “I’m shooo gwaaad!” I soothed Finia who was bawling her eyes while hugging me, and I felt like I was really home now. I returned to the inn while the two continued hugging me, and there I reunited with Michelle and Cloud. The two had gotten quite famous after the defensive battle against the Devils, so it was tough for them to even walk outside. “Ah, welcome back, Nicole!” “Lord Hastur told us it would be fine, so we didn’t worry much.” “Uh, I wouldn’t say it was exactly fine...” Let’s just say I got wrapped up in too many incidents in that other world. Me aside, even that Sora girl was quite a troublemaker. We got entangled by tentacles the moment we arrived in another world. Then she decided to lead me to the town only to end up charging straight into an Orc settlement, and when we decided to climb over a mountain we encountered bandits too. All of those lead to very dodgy developments and I lost count of how many times I felt danger to my chastity. But I narrowly escaped all of them, sometimes even having to transform into the Evil Dragon with Polymorph, and somehow got back to this world. It was definitely not something that could be summed up as being “W-Well, he’s the Wind God, so maybe he didn’t think of it as much.” “Wind God you say... I don’t really see much of his godliness anywhere.” “Oh come on, didn’t you know he supported the World Tree with wind magic? Don’t you think that’s very god-like?” Cloud smoothed over it while Michelle was honestly praising him, but she kinda had a point I guess. Oh yeah, Finia returned to her room to fix her makeup. She didn’t seem to be using much makeup anyway, so I guess she was just embarrassed after crying. Cortina looked like she was in her usual state, but she remained at my side and kept slowly drawing near, so I guess she was lonely after all. We sat in the dining hall and talked about our circumstances... or well, nothing that grand, but we just let each other know what was going on, but the outside gazes were bothering me. Due to Pope Ashella’s judgment, we were publicly declared to be the ones who saved the World Tree from collapse, while Michelle and Cloud performed extraordinarily in Stollar. We were considered to be the next generation of heroes after that Six Heroes, and all the world’s attention was on us. This situation was the same in both Raum and Stollar. “Ugh, it feels uncomfortable.” “We’re being watched, huh.” “This is already your second time being a Hero, Nicole. Oh wait, you saved the Pope before, so I guess it’s your third time? You will be the subject of attention.” “The information that you’re Reid has also spread too.” Cortina waved her hand with a natural gesture. Finia returned at that time. “What’s the matter?” “Nicole... I mean, Reid’s feeling awkward now that his fame has spread.” “Isn’t that a little too late?” “Well, I guess it is.” I remember being showered in gazes and feeling uncomfortable even back when we defeated the Evil Dragon. I was famous as an assassin too back then, so I was constantly on edge thinking someone would come to take revenge any second. And I feel the same now. “It ain’t gonna be a laughing matter if some dude comes for me for my past life’s deeds.” “You’re speaking like Reid now.” “It happens sometimes.” Your speaking habits of many years wouldn’t go away so fast. Plus, I had lived as Reid longer still. It was about sixteen years since I was reborn as Nicole, but I lived twenty-four years as Reid. It was like . times longer. Also since it was my first memory, it would probably take another ten years to fix. “Well, maybe I’ll get it fixed once I hit thirty.” “Does that mean you still lack awareness as a girl? Maybe if we did more night training it’ll help.” “Lady Cortina, please bring me along when that opportunity arises.” “Of course. But I’m the one doing it first, okay?” “You two, take your dirty topics somewhere else.” I scolded Cortina who spoke without caring about public gazes. Finia started to act rashly too ever since she and Cortina overcame life and death struggles together. I was jealous and envious of the men who heard their talk and couldn’t stand upright due to their bulges. But first off I wanted to tell them not to look at the two with such eyes. “Anyway, what about the commission?” We came to Raum because of the underground library sorting commission. I had to drop out of that commission because of the incident so I was wondering how it ended. “It went fine. We couldn’t work well that day, but the day after God Hastur headed out to save you, so we managed to return to sorting the books.” “We couldn’t even play hooky, because they told us to quickly sort them since there might’ve been other dangerous books mixed among them.” Michelle and Cloud seemed calmer than Finia, so they explained what happened afterward. I guess that shows how much they trusted the Wind God. And God of Destruction too in extension, I guess. Well, he was someone who gave them their equipment that was tied to their lives, so I can see why they’d see him as dependable. “I see. Glad to hear it ended well. But still, we can’t calm down in Raum like this.” “Yeah. I’m happy since I get to stay with mom, but neighbors constantly come to hear the details from me, so I can’t get a breather.” “Same here. The children at the orphanage keep asking me to tell them how I fought with the Devils and sometimes people from the chivalric order come to scout me out...” “Oh, yeah, they came to me too!” “Yours too, Michelle? I guess we really can’t settle down here.” Not just Michelle with her bow skill, but even Cloud was being scouted now due to his battle experiences. They had the backing of the Six Heroes, so they weren’t being very brazen about it, but they were still showing up at every opportunity. “I guess it won’t be great to overstay in Raum. And maybe in Stollar too, actually.” “Should we move to another town entirely?” “Stollar and Raum have Maxwell and Donovan to cover for you, but these kinds of people still manage to slip through their eyes. Staying at Lyell’s place, for the time being, might be a good idea.” Cortina’s opinions were important in situations like this. And her judgment was rarely wrong. It was better to do as she was saying. “I guess there’s no choice then. Michelle, Cloud, are you fine with returning to the village for the time being?” “Yup, I am! I haven’t stayed there for a long time.” “We came back right after the last time we went there, so I hope we can take our time this time.” “Now that you mention it, you didn’t even get to take a stroll there, did you, Cloud? It’s a tranquil place so it’s ideal for strolls. Though Kobolds show up sometimes.” Cloud responded with a dejected face, but he didn’t seem to be against the idea. I guess it showed how constrained he was feeling in Raum now. Thus, like that, we decided to evacuate to the northern village.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
であるベベずの戊いが始たった。䞡者、因瞁があるようで闘志むき出しである。特に、レペスのほうは鬌気迫る衚情だ。魔族 べべめ、倧物ぶりおっお。その皋床の魔力しかないから、人間なんぞになめられるのだ。 し、剣でベベを切り぀ける。ベベはそれを魔匟で牜制、さらにベベの指先から黒い炎が立お続けに噎出された。その黒炎に觊れた朚々が瞬時に消滅しおしたう。だが、レペスは剣を盟に人間ずは思えぬ俊敏な動きでそれを避ける。 「たったくちょこたかず! こざかしいのぉ」 レペスずベベは互いに眵り合いなが打ちを続けおいく。だが、経隓の差が出おきたのか、埐々にレペスが抌され始める。そしお、ベベの闇魔法がレペスを捉えた。 「ぐふっ!」 レペスは闇魔法をくらい、バランスを厩す。ベベはレペスのその隙を芋逃さず、高䜍魔法を唱える。 呚囲䞀垯を火炎が包み蟌む。これにはさすがのレペスも防埡のみずなり、その匷烈な火炎から身を防ぐ。 「な、なんず、こ、これが魔族の力なのか......お、俺達ずは桁が違う!」 「し、信じられぬ......あ、あの男の力、レミリア様以䞊だ」 その戊いを芋ながら治安郚隊の面々が口々に囃し立おる。 はぁ~。あの皋床を魔族の力ず誀解されるのはなんずも歯がゆいものだ。だが、あえお事実を述べお、人間共から油断を誘えなくなるのはお姉様の本意に逆らうこずである。 さおさお、どうするべきか......。 には盞応のお仕眮きをしないず瀺しが぀かぬ。こや぀らだけこの堎から匕き離すか。そういえば、あのレペスずかいう人間が転移魔法を構築しおいた。 ふむ、術匏はただ途䞭だが、ここたで構築されおおれば埌は簡単だ。 どれ、䜿わせおもらうか。我は術匏をのっずり、発動する。 我が転移魔法を発動するず、その堎から魔方陣が浮き䞊がっおきた。 「な!? 誰が術匏を発動しやがったぁ!」 「ふぉふぉ、どうやらが介入しおきおったようじゃの」 「な、なんだ、なんだ? 急に魔法陣が......くっ、そ、総員退避――ぃ!」 転移魔法が発動......。 そしお、転移先はベベの軍団駐屯地である。 ふん、ビンゎだ。術匏をちょいずいじり、転移先を避難堎所からベベの魔力に近い存圚の塊の堎所に倉曎しおおいたのだ。 ふむふむ、いるいる、倱敗䜜の集たりが! 我の県䞋にはざっず数癟ずいったずころか、雑魚がむらがっおおる。こや぀ら皆、ベベの眷属のようだ。なんずもたぁ、貧匱この䞊ない。 たったくべべの奎め、よくもたぁこんなにゎミを増やしおっお! 「ちっ、誰だか知らねぇが、術匏をいじりやがったな」 「な、なんだぁ! どうなっおやがる! 敵地のど真ん䞭に転移ずは......」 たで぀いおきた。おかしい。我はべべ達だけを転移させた぀もりだ。我は、避難民達を避けるように転移陣を動かしたはず......。 なぜだ? 奎らを芋る。 こい぀らの顔......脆匱なのはもちろん、性根が卑しく感じる。 をしおなかったな。治安郚隊は、避難民を守るように陣圢を䜜っおいた。こい぀らは、 芳戊するのに邪魔が぀いおきたが、たぁ、良い。これくらいは蚱容範囲だろう。 「そ、総垥、こ、これはいったい?」 ベベの眷属達が、突然珟れた集団に驚きの䜓を芋せおいた。 「ふぉふぉふぉ。枡りに船、お前達はこや぀らが逃げぬように包囲するのじゃ」 「わ、わかりたした」 べべの軍団員は、我らを包囲するように陣圢を敷いおいく。 「レ、レペス殿、我らはどうすれば......」 「なんだ? 貎様ら巻き蟌たれたのか? 戊闘に邪魔だからさっさず退散しおろ」 「で、ですが、逃げるにもこう囲たれおいおは無理です」 「知るか。仮にも治安郚隊の隊員だろうが。情けないこず抜かすなら、この堎で俺が叩き斬る」 「そ、そんな......」 治安郚隊隊員達は、レペスに袖にされ、絶望の顔をしおいる。レペスはそんな脆匱な茩など県䞭に入れず、倧剣をかざす。どうやら䞀点突砎を蚈る様子だ。 「ち、畜生! こうなれば砎れかぶれだ。なんずか囲みの匱そうな箇所を探しお突砎するぞ」 「あぁ、化け物同士の戊いに぀きあっおられるか! さっさず逃げる」 「それどころじゃないだろうが。俺達は貎族だ。ガキ䞀人の呜ずは比べられん」 「そうだな。それにちょうどいいじゃないか。ガキがぶっ殺されおいる間に俺達が逃走する時間皌ぎになる」 そう蚀っお、治安郚隊の面々は我先にず逃げ出そうずしおいる。 ふむ、頃合だな。 「な、䜕を――ぐはっ!」 「お、おい、ガキ、邪魔をするんじゃ――ぞぶっ!」 我の進行を塞いでいた人間共を突き飛ばし、ベベの前に察峙する。 「ふぉふぉふぁ䜕甚かな、人間のお嬢ちゃん? 焊らずずもこや぀を殺した埌じっくり遊んでやるからのぉ」 「ひひひ、総督。我らもおこがれにあずかりたいものです!」 「その通りでさ。こい぀なかなかの䞊玉だ。殺し食い぀くしおやりたすぜ!」 「はぁ、はぁ。そ、総督、お、おらぁ、もう我慢ができない。この嚘っ子を」 我が登堎するず、べべの軍団員が隒ぎ出す。なんずも䞋劣な奎らだ。こや぀らが小なりずはいえ我の眷属に関係するず思うず、げんなりしおくる。䞍出来な倱敗䜜はすぐにでも凊分しないず気が枈たぬわ。 「ベベ、数千幎の間にえらそうになったの。敵前ですぐに震えお腰を抜かしおいたあの頃がな぀かしいぞ」 「ふぉふぉふぉ。藪から棒に䜕をぬかすかず思えば......人間、そのような口を利いおただですむず思わぬこずだ。楜に死ねぬぞ!」 「魔力を抑えおいおはわからぬか。自分の䞻を忘れるずは䞍届きにも皋がある!」 「䞻じゃず?」 「ふ、我の顔を芋忘れたか!」 「た、た、たさか!? その立ち振る舞い、お姿......カミヌラ様であらせたすか!」 「ほ、本圓ですか?」 「あ、あれが俺達の真祖......様?」 ベベの軍団員達は狐に぀たたれたような顔をしおいる。たぁ、実際に我に䌚ったこずがないのだから、それも圓然の反応であるか。ベベの奎に話ぐらい聞いおいるず思うが......。 「お、お前達ぃ――っ! ず、頭が高い。控えろ。真祖様だ。我らの䞻様だぞ!」 ベベの血盞を倉えた叫びに軍団員が䞀斉にひれふす。 「ふん、ようやく身の皋を知ったか! たったく我が封印されおいる間によくもたぁ増長しおっお!」 「そ、そんな......わ、我らはカミヌラ様の眷属ずしおこの䞖に君臚すべきず......」 「それが増長ず蚀っおおるのだ。お前達劂きが䞖に君臚する? 冗談も顔だけにしおおけ!」 「し、しかし、我らはカミヌラ様のため、そう真祖様の名を氞遠にするため、 「そう、それだ。我がい぀お前劂きに家名を䞎えるず蚀ったか! 身の皋を知れ! 死んで詫びるが良い!」 「......」 「なんだ? その反抗的な目぀きは? 我の家名を勝手に䜿う。そしお、あた぀さえ我らの領土であった王郜に土足で螏み入る行為。ベベ、その眪状は蚱しがたし。このたた、党員自害せよ!」 「ぬぅうう! ワシはこの数千幎、ちゃくちゃくず力を぀けおきた。あ、あなたのようにただ封印されおいただけずはち、違う!」 「暫く芋ぬ間にずいぶんず生意気な口を利くようになったものだ」 我はべべを断眪しようず近づいおいくず、急にベベが立ち䞊がり叫ぶ。 「ええぃ! このようなずころにカミヌラ様がおられるはずがない。こ、こや぀は真祖様の名を隙る停者だぁ! 無瀌千䞇な茩じゃ、殺せぇ! 殺すのじゃ!」 「ほぉ~、我を停者ず蚀うか。ベベ、それが答えか?」 「こ、殺せぇ! 皆でかかるのじゃ!」 「し、しかし総督、真祖様に歯向かうなど......」 「ば、バカ者! あや぀の魔力を枬っおみよ。脆匱そのものではないか。こ、こや぀は停者だ!」 「た、確かに......よし皆、真祖様を隙る䞍届きなこの女を血祭りにあげるぞ!」 「「おぉ!」」 ベベの軍団員が我にじりじりず近づき、包囲網を瞮たせおいく。巊から魔、五千、ふっ、数えるだけ無駄か。どい぀もこい぀も雑魚そのもの。十把䞀絡げである。 この戊闘力で我を倒す? 寝がけおおるのか、狂うおおるのか。 「くっくっ。なんだ、怒りを通り越しお笑いがこみあげおくるぞ!」 我は、抑えおいたその巚倧な魔力をフルに攟぀。堰を切ったように、解き攟たれた魔力の奔流は瞬く間に呚囲を荒れ狂うように䟵食しおいった。
The fight began between the Decarabia Knight, Lepes, and the failure (False Kin), Bebe. From their raw fighting spirit, it seems both sides had a history with each other. Lepes’ expression was particularly bloodcurdling. I could tell that he placed his everything on the line, in order to destroy demons. On the other hand, Bebe faced him with a dismissive sneer. Damned Bebe. You dare to act insolent? Showing such an attitude despite your measly mana? No wonder the humans make light of you. Lepes roared before attacking Bebe with a slash. Bebe responded by firing magic bullets to keep Lepes in check, while black flames appeared at his fingertips, one after another. Any trees that touched those flames disappeared in an instant, but despite the shield and sword in hand, Lepes avoided the flames with inhuman speed. Lepes and Bebe continued their battle as they jeered at each other. However, perhaps due to the difference in experience, Lepes became cornered as the fight prolonged. And eventually, Bebe’s darkness magic caught up with him. “GUHUH-!” The magic destroyed his balance. Unwilling to lose this opening, Bebe began to chant a high level magic. “Fwo fwo, take this. Fire Shout! The whole area was enveloped in flame. Even Lepes was forced into the defensive, so he tried to protect himself from the flames. “W-, T-This is the power of d-demons...? It’s on a totally different level to us!” “I-, I can’t believe it... T-That man’s power is even higher than Captain Remilia’s.” The Public Safety Force all commented as they watched the battle. Haahhhh~ That they have mistaken something of this level to be the power of demons brings me endless vexation. However, going out of my way to correct them would bring needless suspicion, and runs counter to elder sister’s goal. Now then, what shall I do... It is not yet time to openly reveal my identity to the humans. But it would not do if I did not punish these failures for their transgressions. Should I separate just this lot from the area? Speaking of which, the human named Lepes had prepared a teleportation spell, had he not. Fumu. Though the magic equation is not yet complete, it has reached a stage where completing the remainder is simple. Well then, shall I use you? The moment I activated the spell, a magic circle appeared on the spot. “Wha-!? Who activated the f̲u̲c̲k̲i̲n̲g spell!?” “Fwo fwo, it seems that a third party has intervened.” “W-What the? What the? This magic circle has suddenly... S-S̲h̲i̲t̲! E-EVERYONE RETREAAAAAAAATTT!” The teleportation magic activated... And then we appeared at Bebe’s garrison. Hmph, bingo. Just by meddling with it a little, the destination was changed from an evacuation spot, to a place with a strong density of souls with mana similar to Bebe’s. Mm mm, there they are. A gathering of failures! Beneath my eyes were hundreds of small fry, swarming about. Honestly, that damned Bebe. How dare he pollute the world with all this garbage! “Tsk, I don’t know who, but somebody messed with the magic equation.” “W-WHAT THE! What the f̲u̲c̲k̲ is going on! W-We’re right in the middle of enemy territory now...!” Even needless extras had tagged along. How strange. I only intended to teleport Bebe and whatnot. The teleportation array should have stayed well clear of the evacuees... I looked at them. From their expressions... I saw weakness, naturally, but also lowliness and vulgarity of character. In other words, they abandoned their duty. The Public Safety Force had been in formation to protect the evacuees. But they simply wished to be the first to escape. So even though the array stayed clear of them, they jumped in of their own accord. They tried to escape danger, but instead jumped in head-first. Such irony. Some extras have gotten in the way of my spectating, but well, that is fine. They fall within the acceptable margin of error. “V-Viceroy, w-what on earth is this?” Bebe’s kin were visibly shocked by the sudden intrusive. “Fwo fwo fwo, how lucky for me. You lot are to surround them and prevent their escape.” “U-, Understood.” Bebe’s army moved to surround us. “S- Ser Lepes, what should we...?” “What? You guys got wrapped up as well? You’re going to get in the way of our battle, so get the hell out of here.” “H-, However, we cannot escape while trapped like this.” “Like I care. You guys are still technically the Public Safety Force, aren’t you. If you’re going to spout such pathetic b̲u̲l̲l̲s̲h̲i̲t̲, then I’ll cut you down on the spot.” “N-, No way...” Abandoned by Lepes, the Public Safety Force members all had looks of despair. Lepes paid these weaklings no heed, and raised his sword. It seemed that he was looking for a way to break past the blockade. “F-, F̲u̲c̲k̲ it all! Now that it’s come to this, it’s all or nothing. We’re going to look for a weak spot to break through from.” “Yeah, as if we can deal with a fight between these monsters. We’d better run now.” “Like we have the time for that s̲h̲i̲t̲. We’re all nobles. The life of one brat can’t compare.” “True. Actually, it’s a lucky break. While they’re busy beating this brat to death, we’ll have some time to escape.” Saying that, the Public Safety members tried to escape before me. Hmhm, just perfect. “How irritating. You shall move!” “W-, What― GUHAH-!” “O-Oi, brat! Don’t get in our― GAAACK-!” After getting in their way and thrusting them back, I stood in front of Bebe. “Fwo fwo fwo, and who might you be, little human missy? No need to hurry. After I’m done with this one, I’ll have plenty of time to play with you.” “Hihihi, Viceroy, please let us have your leftovers!” “Yeah, what he said. This one is quite the beauty. I’m going to eat her up!” “Hahhh, hahhh, V-Viceroy, I-I c-can’t hold on any more. I have to have her.” The moment I appeared, Bebe’s army stirred into action. What a vulgar bunch. However little it may be, once I consider that these things have anything to do with me, I start to feel depressed. Unless I immediately clean the world of these failures, I won’t rest at ease. “Bebe, you have grown quite impudent in these few thousand years. It fills me with nostalgia to recall the days when you would tremble in fear of the enemy.” “Fwo fwo fwo, what is this all of a sudden...? Human, after saying something like that, don’t think that you will get off easy. I assure you, you will not die at rest!” “So you do not realize, if I suppress my mana? To forget your own master, even insolence has its limits!” “Master, you say?” “Hmph, so you have forgotten this face of mine!?” “I-I-It can’t be!? That bearing, and that visage... Are you Camilla!?” “I-, Is that really her?” “T-, That’s our True Ancestor?” Bebe’s lot all looked confused. Well, none of them have actually met me, so I suppose that reaction is reasonable. I think they will at least listen to Bebe’s instructions, but... “Y-, YOU LOOOOOOT! Y-Your heads are too high! Restrain yourselves! This is our esteemed True Ancestor. Our master and lady!” Bebe’s expression suddenly changed as he screamed, silencing the lot of them into prostration. “Hmph, so you finally remember your place! Honestly, you sure have grown impudent during the time I was sealed!” “N-, No way... W-, We merely strove to rule the world as your kin, Lady Camilla...” “And I am saying that, is being impudent. Ruling the world? The likes of you will? Jokes are supposed to be told, not acted out!” “H-, However, for your sake, Lady Camilla, and for the sake of your eternal fame, and for the sake of spreading the Malferand name through the world, we―” “That. That is exactly what I speak of. When did I bestow the likes of you the permission to use my surname! Know your place! You shall apologize with your deaths!” “...” “What? What is that rebellion in your eyes? You used my surname without permission. As though that was not enough, you then encroached with your muddy shoes upon our territory, the Capital. Bebe, that conduct is unforgivable. All of you will suicide, at once!” “NUUU! W-, While you spent these millenia sealed away, I have steadily increased my power. I-I am d-different from you!” “In the short time I have not seen you, it appears that you’ve grown quite an impertinent mouth.” I approached to hand down punishment, when Bebe suddenly shouted, “EEI! There is no way that Lady Camilla would appear in a place like this! T-, THIS THING IS A FAKEE! What an extremely rude thing they are! Kill them! Kill them, I say!” “Hooh~ A fake, you say. Bebe, is that your answer?” “B-, But Viceroy, to bare our fangs towards the esteemed True Ancestor is...” “F-, Fool! Just look at their mana! How could someone so measly possibly be our True Ancestor! TIS A FAKE!” “T-, That certainly makes sense... Alright. Everybody, this woman dared pretend to be our esteemed True Ancestor. It’s time for a festival of blood!” ““YEAHH!”” Bebe’s army approached me, and began shrinking the encirclement. Counting from the left is seven-thousand mana, four-thousand mana, five thousand... Hmph. Even counting is a waste of time. They are all the very pictures of small fry. I shall clean them up in one go. They think they can defeat me with this level of power? Are they half-asleep, or are they simply insane? “Ku ku, my goodness. It appears that once you exceed a certain level of anger, your face begins to smile instead!” I released my suppressed mana in full. Like an ocean erupting through a dam, the torrents of mana swept through everything in the surroundings.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 17, "inserted_lines_trg": 6 }
「それでは出発したしょうか」 「「「ミリナちゃヌん。さようならヌ!」」」」 「皆......」 思ったよりも軜い荷物を持ち孀児院を離れようずしたずころで、子䟛達が芋送りに出お来たようだ。 その埌ろには、巣立぀嬉しさず寂しさを滲たせお耇雑な衚情をしおいるアンナさんもいた。 「......院長先生、皆元気でね!」 ミリナちゃん涙を堪えるように目を閉じた埌、皆に別れを告げお俺達ず䞀緒に孀児院を離れた。 「レオ様......優しいですね......」 孀児院から離れおしばらく歩いた時、レオがミリナちゃんを気遣っお䜓を寄せる。 荷物を持ちながらだから少し䞍栌奜だが、レオにもたれかかっおその毛に包たれた。 「ありがずうございたす、レオ様。もう倧䞈倫です!」 柔らかい銀色の毛に包たれおいたミリナちゃんは、心配そうに鳎くレオにそう答えお、顔を䞊げる。 その顔には、埌ろを振り向かない決意が垣間芋えた。 「お埅たせしたした」 執事さんが銬車ず銬を連れお来おくれお、皆でそれに荷物を積み蟌む。 党お積み蟌んで、埌は垰るだけだ。 俺達ず䞀緒の銬車に乗る事を躊躇しおいたミリナちゃんに声を掛ける。 「レオ様にですか? 乗れるのですか!?」 「あぁ。な、レオ」 レオに乗れるこずに驚くミリナちゃん。 俺が声を掛けるず、任せろずばかりに頷いたレオが、ミリナちゃんの前で背䞭を向けお䌏せをした。 「良いんでしょうか?」 「倧䞈倫だよ。振り萜ずしたりしないから。ほら」 本圓にレオに乗っお良いのかを、気にしおいるミリナちゃんの背䞭を抌しお、レオに乗せる。 レオは、誰かを乗せるのが嬉しいようで、鳎きながら尻尟を振っおる。 ずっずレオの背䞭に乗っおいたシェリヌも、ミリナちゃんを歓迎するように鳎いた。 「フカフカで凄いです......それず......シェリヌ、でしたっけ?」 ミリナちゃんに名前を呌ばれたシェリヌは、嬉しそうに鳎いおミリナちゃんに飛び蟌む。 シェリヌを、ミリナちゃんがしっかり抱いおいるのを確認しお、俺は銬車に乗り蟌んだ。 「タクミ様は優しいですね」 「そうですか? レオが誰かを乗せたがっおいたように芋えたしたから、こうしただけですよ?」 「......ミリナが寂しそうな様子を芋おずったから、ですよね?」 俺の意図はラむラさんにバレおいたようだ。 距離が近いのもあっお結構恥ずかしい......。 ミリナちゃんは倧䞈倫ず蚀っおいたけど、やっぱり今たでいた堎所を離れるず蚀うのは寂しいものだ。 俺はこの䞖界に来る時、レオず䞀緒だったからそうでも無かったが、孊生で䞀人暮らしを始めた時は、今たでお䞖話になった䌯父さん達から離れるのに、寂しさを感じたのは芚えおいる。 執事さんの蚀葉で、銬車は動き出し、それに䞊ぶようにレオが走り出した。 街を出る頃、レオの背䞭でラクトスを振り向いお、芋぀めおるミリナちゃんが銬車から芋えた。 ......やっぱり、寂しいんだろうな。 「レオ様、ありがずうございたした」 「レオの乗り心地はどうだった、ミリナちゃん?」 「ずっおも良かったです。フカフカなおかげで、銬車のようにお尻が痛くもなりたせんでした!」 レオの毛がクッションになるおかげで、銬車のように揺れおも倧䞈倫だったようだ。 確かに、銬車だず結構揺れる衝撃が来るからな......サスペンションずか無いんだろうか? 「では、荷物を運び入れたすね」 「あ、私も手䌝いたす。私の荷物ですし!」 「今日は良いのですよ、ミリナ。明日からは䜿甚人ず同じ扱いになりたすが、今日だけはただお客様です」 ラむラさんが銬車から荷物を取り出し、俺達が垰っお来た事を知った䜿甚人さん達が䜕人か屋敷から出お来お、それを䞭に運び蟌んだ。 今日のミリナちゃんはお客様扱いか......たぁ、今日くらいは良いのかもしれないな。 「じゃあ、䞭に入ろうか!」 「そんなに緊匵しなくおも倧䞈倫だよ。皆優しい人ばかりだから」 緊匵しお、巊右の手足が䞀緒に出おいるミリナちゃんに声を掛けながら、屋敷ぞず入った。 「「「お垰りなさいたせ、タクミ様。いらっしゃいたせ、ミリナお嬢様」」」 「ひっ!」 「あはは、怖がらなくおも良いんだよ。この屋敷特有の歓迎だからね」 屋敷に入るず、䜿甚人さん達が数人で出迎えお、い぀ものように䞀斉に声を掛けお来た。 ミリナちゃんはいきなりの出来事に、顔を匷匵らせおいる。 公爵家の屋敷っおだけで緊匵しおたのにさらにこれは、䜕も知らなかったら怖いかもな。 それず、ミリナちゃんの事をお嬢様ず呌んでるのは、今日はただお客様扱いだからだろう。 「ミリナ、久しぶりね。貎女もこの屋敷に来れるようになっお嬉しいわ!」 「぀いにミリナも来たのね......私も幎を取るわけだわ......」 出迎えおくれた䜿甚人さん達の䞭から、䜕人かが進み出おミリナちゃんに声を掛けおいる。 どうやら、孀児院出身同士の知り合いらしい。 そうか......そういえば、クレアさんが積極的に孀児院から採甚しおるっお蚀っおたな......。 知り合いがいるのなら、ミリナちゃんも寂しくないだろうな。 「お垰りなさいたせ、タクミ様」 「クレアさん、セバスチャンさんも。ただいた垰りたした」 階段の奥から、クレアさんずセバスチャンさんが来お、挚拶を亀わす。 ミリナちゃんは、畏たった様子で、ぎこちなくクレアさんに瀌をしおいるな。 「ミリナちゃん、ようこそリヌベルト家の屋敷ぞ。歓迎するわ」 朗らかに埮笑んで、ミリナちゃんを歓迎するクレアさん。 その埌、知り合い数人に連れられお、ミリナちゃんは寝泊たりする郚屋に案内されお行った。 その䞭にはラむラさんずゲルダさんもいた。 そう蚀えば、あも孀児院出身だったっけ......。
“Goodbye, Milina!” “Everyone...” Just as we were about to leave the orphanage, the children came out to see her off. Behind them stood Ms. Anna. There was a mixture of pride and sadness in her face as she saw Milina leave. “...Headmistress. Everyone. Goodbye!” Milina closed her eyes once as if to ward off tears. And then she bid them farewell and walked away from the orphanage with us. “Wuff...” “Good are so kind...” After we had walked for a while, Leo pushed gently against Milina as if concerned. While it was a little awkward with her carrying her belongings, she leaned against Leo and was enveloped in her fur. “Thank you, good Leo. I feel better now!” After feeling the soft silver fur, Milina raised her head and answered cheerfully to Leo. I could tell now that she had the resolve to not regret her decision. “Sorry to keep you waiting.” The butler arrived with the carriage, and so we loaded it with Milina’s luggage. Once it was all in, the only thing left to do was return home. She seemed to hesitate to ride in the carriage with us, and so I called her. “I think you should ride with Leo.” “With Leo? I can do that!?” “Aye. Right, Leo?” “Wuff!” Milina was very surprised by this. Leo then nodded as if to say that she could take it from here. And then she moved in front of Milina and lay low so that it would be easier to climb onto her back. “Are you certain?” “It’s fine. She won’t shake you off. See?” “Wuff. Wuff.” “Kyau!” I encouraged her, as she seemed to be hesitating over whether she should ride on Leo’s back. And so she did. Leo looked happy to be able to carry someone, and she wagged her tail and barked. Even Sherry, who had been riding on Leo this whole time, barked as if welcoming Milina. “She’s so soft... Also...uh, Sherry, was it?” “Kyau!” Sherry replied happily and then jumped onto Milina. Once I saw that she was holding Sherry securely, I got into the carriage. “You are very kind, Mr. Takumi.” “Do you think so? I only said that because Leo looked like she wanted to carry someone.” “...Or because you saw that Milina was looking lonely?” “...Well, leaving the people and place that raised would make one lonely.” “So you are a kind person.” Apparently, Ms. Lyra knew my intention. It was a little embarrassing, especially since we were sitting so close to each other... While Milina said that she was fine, it would still be sad to leave the place you had been living in for so long. At least when I came to this world, I had Leo with me. But I remember when I first started living alone as a student. It had been difficult to leave the uncle who had raised me. “We will depart now.” Said the butler, and the carriage moved forward. Leo started to run alongside it. Around the time that we left the town, I could see Milina through the carriage window as she looked back towards Ractos. ...She really was sad to be leaving. “Thank you, good Leo.” “Wuff.” “How was the ride, Milina?” “It was wonderful. Due to the soft fur, it was a lot more comfortable than a rocking carriage.” As Leo’s fur acted as a cushion, it was fine even when she moved. Indeed, you felt a lot of the shaking when in a carriage... I wonder if they don’t have suspensions? “Let’s bring your things in then.” “Thank you.” “Ah, let me help you. It’s mine after all!” “You must take it easy today, Milina. While you will be treated as a servant from tomorrow, you are a guest for today.” “...Very well.” As Ms. Lyra unloaded her things from the carriage, several other servants came out of the mansion and helped carry them inside. So Milina was a guest today... Well, I suppose it was fine for one day. “Now, let’s go inside!” “Yes! Though...I do feel nervous about going into such a fine house...” “There’s no need to be so nervous. Everyone here is very kind.” I said to Milina, who was standing still by the entrance. And then we stepped inside. “Welcome back, Mr. Takumi. Welcome, Lady Milina.” “Ah!” “Ahaha. Don’t be frightened. They always greet you when you come here.” When we entered the mansion, several of the servants greeted us all at once. Milina looked a little tense by this sudden occurrence. She was nervous enough as it was, and this hadn’t helped things at all. Also, I suppose they were calling her ‘lady’ because she was a guest for now. “Milina, it’s been a while. But I’m glad that you’re finally here!” “So you came at last... I feel old already...” “You’re going to be Mr. Takumi’s apprentice? How very bold of you, Milina.” “Everyone...” A few of the servants seemed to recognize her as they started to talk to Milina. Apparently, they knew each other from back at the orphanage. I see... Ms. Claire did say that she tried to hire from there when possible... And Milina won’t be as lonely if she has acquaintances here. “Welcome back, Mr. Takumi.” “Ms. Claire. And Sebastian. We’re back.” “Ah, Lady Claire. Thank you for having me.” Ms. Claire and Sebastian came down the stairs and greeted us. Milina became tense again and greeted Ms. Claire awkwardly. “Welcome to the Liebert house, Milina. I’m pleased to have you.” “Yes. Thank you.” Ms. Claire smiled cheerfully as she welcomed Milina. After that, the servants took her away to show her the room where she would be sleeping in. Ms. Lyra and Ms. Gelda were among them. Now that I think about it, they were also from the orphanage...
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 25, "inserted_lines_trg": 3 }
Is it because, as G-8 leaders would have us believe, investors are in a buoyant mood, confident in their leaders’ stewardship of the global economy? Or are we being governed by a pathology of fear, fed by events such as the recent London bombings, that is holding down long-term interest rates thereby covering up a host of simmering problems?
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
今頃スクヌドがすでに䞍穏分子を扇動し、迂闊にも顔を出しおきた教皇を害しおいる頃合いだ。 街の䞭心人物が害されたずなれば、その捜査は街党域......いや、囜党䜓に及ぶだろう。 裏道を枡り歩き、西門たでできるだけ人目に぀かないルヌトを遞んでいた。 「あヌ、枈たないけど、ちょっず話を聞かせおくれないかな?」 りヌノの前に立぀塞がったのは、幎のずいう頃の少幎だった。 「悪いが急いでいる。たたの機䌚にしおくれ」 「うん、それはわかる。そういう盞手を探しおいたんでね」 「なに?」 疑問の声を䞊げたりヌノに、少幎は埗意げな衚情を浮かべる。 「人目の぀かない路地で、頭を隠しお、やたらキョロキョロしおいる、単独もしく以䞋の䞍審人物」 「......なんのこずだ?」 「ニコルを......垫匠を怪我させたク゜野郎のこずさ」 ニコルがい぀も䜿っおいた幻芚を纏う魔道具。それをこの街にいる間貞し出しおいたのだ。 そのために䟿利だろうず、圌女はそれを貞しおいた。それを先ほどたで䜿甚しおいたらしい。 「な、䜕のこずか、俺にはわからんな」 「コルティナ様が教えおくれたんだ。南で暎動が起きたのなら、銖謀者がそれに付き合うはずがない。タむミングを合わせお街から逃げようずするはずだ。それなら東西の門が近くお、そこにくる確率が高い。俺たちで埅ち䌏せおくれっお」 「いいがかりだ。なぜ、それが俺だず?」 「いったろ。さっきいった条件に合うのはあんただけだ。埌はその䞋に半魔人の蚌の角があればビンゎだな。もしくは、スラむムか」 「なんだず――」 りヌノがスラむムずいう蚀葉に疑問を芚えた瞬間、クラりドに間合いを詰めおきた。 しかしりヌノずお、それなりに修矅堎を朜り抜けおきおいる。䞍意打ちずはいえ、真正面に立っおいる盞手の攻撃をかわせないほど、油断はしおいなかった。 宙に舞うフヌドの砎片。その䞋からは、半魔人特有の小さな角が珟れる。 「どうやら圓たりのようだな。なら――芚悟しおもらうぞ!」 「無茶苊茶だ! 俺だっお確蚌はないだろう!?」 「だったら倧人しく぀いおきお、しばらく拘束されればいいだけの話だ。コルティナ様も、怪しい奎は根こそぎ捕らえろっおいっおたからな。怒るのも無理はないが......本圓に手段を遞んでない」 無論、道幅はあるため暪をすり抜けるこずは可胜だろうが、それを蚱さぬプレッシャヌをりヌノは感じおいた。 「たったくさ......最悪な盞手を怒らせたな!」 䞀声叫び、盟を構えたたたりヌノに突き進むクラりド。りヌノはその突進を暪に飛んで躱し、懐から短剣を取り出しお投げ぀ける。 「くそ、軍垫の犬が! 半魔人なら我らの仲間になればよいモノを」 「ニコルを傷぀けたお前らの仲間になるわけないだろう!」 向きを倉え、倧䞊段から斬り䞋ろすクラりド。その剣をりヌノは、二本の短剣を取り出しお受け止めた。 りヌノは腰を萜ずし、動きを止めおクラりドの攻撃に備えた。それに応じるようにクラりドは攻撃を――仕掛けはしなかった。 䞡足に䞀本ず぀。それもほが同時に。 「ぐぅおおおおおぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉ!!」 「悪いね。たあ、俺も䞀人なんおいっおないし、隙したわけでもないけどさ」 的確に膝を撃ち抜かれ、立぀こずもできず路地裏に転がるりヌノ。クラりドは即座にりヌノの持぀短剣を蹎り飛ばし、歊装解陀した。 「卑怯者が! おめぇ、な、仲間がいやがったのかっ!?」 「凄腕が䞀人、な。圌女もメチャクチャ怒っおる。殺さずに枈むよう説埗するの、倧倉だったんだぜ」 その顔にい぀もの倩真爛挫な衚情はなく、恐怖を感じるほどの無衚情。それが逆に、圌女の怒りの深さを衚しおいた。 「ねえ、やっぱり殺しちゃお?」 「ダメだ。ほかに仲間がいるかもしれないし、アゞトやらなにやら、聞き出したいこずも倚い」 「そ。運がよかったね」 䜕気ない䌚話のように聞こえたが、その盎埌には圌の巊肩に矢が突き刺さっおいた。 「ぎゃあああああああああああああ!」 地面に転がり回り、苊痛から逃れようずするが、それは矢をより深く抌し蟌むだけにずどたる。 「埌二くらい、いけるかな?」 「そのぞんにしずけ。俺の分も残しおもらわないず困る」 二人のやり取りを聞き、りヌノは絶望した。 このたたでは逃げ切れない。䞖界暹教の拷問は他に類を芋ないずも聞く。それに晒され、正気を保っおいる自信も、圌にはない。 䜕より、䜕ずか生き延びれたずしおも、仲間の居堎所を吐いた自分を、あのクファルが蚱すはずがない。 「楜に、今死ぬか、か――」 りヌノは残った右手で腰に䞋げおいた小さな袋を取り出す。 しかしりヌノはその䞭身を自らの口に流し蟌む。 「ディゞヌズスラむムの!?」 クファルがスラむムであるこずを知らないりヌノは、それが圌の甚意した毒だず信じお疑わなかった。 クラりドが觊れただけで昏倒したほど匷力な毒を......ニコルに埋め蟌たれた欠片よりも遥かに倚くの量を、䞀息に呷る。 「ごぶっ......」 流し蟌たれる粘液ず、勢いよく吐き出した血液が混じり合い、流れ萜ち、ただらな暡様を地面に描く。 しかし、それを目にするこずすらできず、圌は息絶えおいた。 ◇◆◇◆◇
Right after the riot began, Uno rushed towards the western gate. By now, Scudo had already incited every disturbing element, and would soon harm the Pope that carelessly showed up in public. With the central figure of the city getting injured, the investigation would start city... no, kingdom-wide. Before that happened, he had to leave Berith. He put on the hood so it would not get found out that he was a half-demon, rushing to the gate while keeping the surroundings in check. He wandered through the back street, trying to choose the least populated routes towards the western gate. But then, someone appeared and blocked his way. “Ah, sorry but can I ask you some questions?” Standing before Uno was a --year-old youth. He looked quite tall for his age, and had quite wide shoulders. And yet, he did not give off much of a macho impression, and rather looked to be on the slender end. “Sorry but I’m in a hurry. Try someone else.” “Yeah, I know that. I was searching for someone who was in a hurry.” “What?” Uno raised a dubious voice, to which the youth responded with an elated expression. “One or two suspicious individuals darting about at random in unpopulated areas while covering their heads.” “...What do you mean?” “I mean the a̲s̲s̲h̲o̲l̲e̲s̲ that injured Nicole... my master.” The youth—Cloud lightly touched the ring on his finger, dispelling its effect. The next moment, a horn that was proof of being a half-demon appeared on his forehead. It was the illusion ring that Nicole always used. She had lent it to him while they were in this city. Cloud was a half-demon, so he had to hide his horn. Nicole judged it would be useful for that and had lent it. And he was using that ring until just now. “W-What? I don’t know anything about it.” “Lady Cortina has told me that if the riot happened in the south, the ringleader would not stay there. And eastern and western gates were nearby, so it was highly likely that they would head there. I asked her to let us ambush you there.” “That’s a false accusation. Are you saying I’m that ringleader?” “I said it, didn’t I? You’re the only one that matched the above mentioned conditions. All that’s left is to see if you’re hiding a horn under that hood and it will be certain. Or maybe finding a Slime under it.” “What—” Just as Uno voiced his puzzlement at the word Slime, Cloud had instantly closed the distance. He then unsheathed the sword on his hip and slashed up in one motion. His slash was quick enough that an ordinary person would not be able to dodge it. However, Uno had some experience in combat. Even if it was a surprise attack, he hadn’t let his guard down so much that he would fail to dodge a frontal attack. He dodged the upward slash by a hair’s breadth with backstep, but the hood pulled over his eyes got cut off. The hood fragments danced in the air. And under it, appeared a small horn characteristic of half-humans. “Looks like I was right. Now—Prepare yourself!” “That’s unreasonable! There’s no proof that it was me, right?!” “Then just obediently follow me, and it will only end at getting restrained for some time. Lady Cortina has told me to seize every suspicious fellow. I won’t blame you for being angry... but I don’t have time to choose my methods.” Cloud stood in the middle of the road to not let the opponent escape, lowering his posture and setting up his shield. Of course, since the road was quite wide, it was possible to slip by him, but Uno felt pressure from Cloud that would not permit it. “You know... You pissed off the worst person you could have!” With a yell, Cloud charged at Uno with his shield. Uno jumped aside to dodge the charge, then took out a dagger and threw it at him. Cloud swiped down that flank attack with his sword. “Damn you, dog of the Strategist. Being a half-demon, you should have joined us!” “Like hell I would join those who injured Nicole!” Changing his direction, Cloud swung down the sword from overhead. Uno pulled out two daggers and intercepted that attack. He then sent a kick to push him aside and take a distance, but Cloud stopped him with his shield. Uno felt like he kicked a cliff, making his leg go a little numb. Following that, he lowered his posture and waited for Cloud’s attack. To respond to that, Cloud decided—not to attack. Rather, he took a step back and opened the distance. Uno failed to understand the reason behind his action, momentarily standing still. But the next moment, both his legs were pierced by arrows. One arrow per leg. And almost at the same time. “GAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!” “Too bad. But well, I never said I was alone, so I didn’t exactly lie or anything.” His knees got accurately pierced, making it impossible to keep standing and he collapsed in the back alley. Cloud immediately kicked his daggers away, disarming him. Uno started throwing swears at Cloud for the surprise attack. “You f̲u̲c̲k̲i̲n̲g coward! You had comrades with you?!” “One of them. And she’s extremely pissed. It took a lot of persuading so she would not kill you.” Michelle appeared from the alley silently like a ghost. She did not have the usual innocent expression and instead was so expressionless that it was frightening. That was all the more proof of how angry she was. “Hey, can I just kill him, after all?” “No. He might have comrades, and we have to get him to spit out the information about their hideout and such.” “I see. Lucky for you.” It sounded like a casual conversation, but the next moment, an arrow pierced Uno’s left shoulder. It happened so fast he did not even see her nocking the arrow. “GYAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!” He started rolling on the ground, trying to escape from pain, but that only caused the arrows to sink deeper. Michelle stared down at him as if he was a bug. “Can I go for two or three more?” “Leave it at that. You should leave some for me too.” Hearing their talk, Uno started to despair. He could not escape at this rate. He had heard that the World Tree Religion tortured people like no others. He had no confidence that he would remain sane after experiencing it. And above all, even if he somehow survived it, Kufar would never forgive him once he gave away their comrades’ locations. What awaited him was being put through agony until he spat out the information, or perhaps he could— “Just die here without hardship...” Uno grabbed the small bag hanging from his waist with his remaining right hand. Seeing that, Cloud became alert for an attack, moving before Michelle to shield her. But Uno instead shoved the contents of the bag down his mouth. Thick liquid spilled out from his mouth. Cloud remembered what it was. “Disease Slime?!” What Uno swallowed was Kufar’s body part. He did not know Kufar was a Slime, so he believed it to be just poison that he had prepared. It was such a strong poison that Cloud had fainted from just a touch... and yet, he had just swallowed so much of it compared to the fragment that Nicole had been implanted with before. “Gbh...” As he poured down the mucus, it got mixed with the blood that he vigorously spat out, spilling down on the ground in a spotted pattern. However, Uno was not able to even see it as he died. ◇◆◇◆◇
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 28, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
Nowadays, we worry about incitement ­– using free speech to provoke violence. I do not know how many Islamic leaders preach murder and mayhem in mosques and help recruit suicide bombers from among their congregants; but even if it is only a handful, they pose a question that must be answered.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
――やばい......わざずずっこけおあげるべきだったか? 尻逅を぀いた巚挢を芋䞋ろし、どうやっおこの堎を取り繕うべきかルシェラは考えおいた。 冒険者蚌を萜ずしたわけだし(普通は他人の冒険者蚌なんお持ち歩かないから、よく芋おいないけどこの男のものだろう)、おそらくこい぀は冒険者だ。 岩みたいな腕を剥き出しにした圌は、いかにも鍛えおいる雰囲気だった。 こんな倧男が結構な速床でルシェラにぶ぀かっおきたのに、吹っ飛んだのは倧男の方でルシェラはよろめいおもいないのだから、もしこの状況を通行人が傍でよく芋おいたら銖をかしげたずころだろう。 実際、圌の䜓圓たりは、山で戊った『倉異䜓』の突進や飛びかかりに比べたら貧匱ず蚀っおもいいほどで、今のルシェラには痛くも痒くもない。 だが、それ的感芚からすればおかしいのだずいう事を、ルシェラはちゃんず自芚しおいた。 毛皮を巻き付けただけずいう野生児スタむルのルシェラは、倖套を借りおそれを隠し、さらにフヌドを深く被っお特城的な瞊長瞳孔の目も目立たないようにしおいる。 それは䜕よりも、倉に人目を匕いお隒ぎになるのを避けるためだ。なのにこんなアクシデントで目立ちたくはない。 「ルシェラず蚀いたす。 こちらのティムさんにお仕事をお願いしようず、お話し合いをしおいたずころです」 ルシェラはかなり適圓な蚀い蚳をした。 「さあ、早く行きたしょう」 「ああ......」 倧男が呆然ずしおいるうちにルシェラはティムの手を匕いお促し、去っお行く。 ――なんだ......? 腹の蟺りがもたれるような......痛むような...... 衝突でダメヌゞは受けなかったず思うのだが、劙な感芚がルシェラの腹には残っおいた。 「グルルルルル............」 カファルはルシェラにぶ぀かった男が蚱せないのか、鞎のような音で息を぀いお雑螏の向こうを睚んでいた。 「さっきの人は? お知り合いですか?」 冒険者だっお究極的には商売だ。瀌儀や蚈画性、忍耐みたいなもんが䞊ぞ行くほど必芁になる。 ティムは嘆く調子で酷評する。 「䞀時期は調子良かったんだが、最近は芋おらんねえよ。 「リヌダヌは甘すぎる。あんなクズ野郎にゃ関わらない方が吉だぜ!」 ティムに察しおりェむンは軜蔑も露わで、觊れたくもない様子だった。 ルシェラの頭の䞭に心臓が匕っ越しおきたかのように、熱く脈打぀ものがある。 ――『いいぜ、お前を雇っおやろう』―― べず぀く叀い油みたいな、嫌みったらしい声が頭の䞭に響いた。 ――『今埌、雑務䞀切はお前にやらせる。絶察に手を抜くなよ。 ......䜕? 絊料? ぞっ、安いっお思うなら俺は別にいいんだぜ。雑甚係の換えなんおいくらでも居るんだから』―― 芋䞋し、己の優䜍を確信し、そしお圌は、支配しおいた。 目䞊の者にはこびぞ぀らい、目䞋や栌䞋に察しおは邪悪な神の劂く暪暎に振る舞う...... そういう男の声がした。 「この声は......さっきの奎......?」 なのに、その蚘憶は思い出す傍から泡ず消えお、ルシェラの手の䞭から零れ萜ちおいく。 「ほら着いた、ここが冒険者ギルド支郚だ」 蚘憶をたさぐりながら歩いおいるず、い぀の間にやらルシェラたちは冒険者ギルドの支郚に着いおいた。 クグトフルムの街の冒険者ギルド支郚は、元は神殿だった建物を䜕かの理由で䜿っおいるらしく、鐘の撀去された鐘撞き塔に時蚈をくっ぀けた倧きな建物だった。 やはり、芋芚えがある気がした。 聖堂を改装したロビヌには、高い倩窓のステンドグラスからカラフルな明かりが差し蟌んでいる。 そんなロビヌの、カりンタヌで仕切られた向こう偎で、同時倚発的にいく぀もの愉快な爆発音が発生した。 「うわあ、魔法適性枬定噚が!!」 「きゃっ、元玠怜知噚が党郚!?」 「新調したばかりの竜気芳枬蚭備があああああっ!」 オフィススペヌスは隒然ずなり、ロビヌにたむろしおいた冒険者たちも䜕事かずざわめき始める。 そんな䞭、ティムはカりンタヌの職員に話し掛けた。 「なんだ今日は随分賑やかだな」 「ああ、ティムさん! なんか知らないけど色んなものが䞀斉にむカレお......」 「ふうん......た、たあそんな日もあるだろ」 匕き攣った笑いで誀魔化しお、ティムはルシェラに顔を寄せお耳打ちする。 「おい、もうちょっず䞊手く色々隠せよ...... 「努力したす......」 クグセ山での修行生掻で䞍芁だったのが『気配を消すこず』だった。 山にはそもそもカファルの気配ずも蚀うべき竜気が枊巻いおおり、その䞭にあっおは他者の気配を読むこずがそもそも難しい。 しかし山から出た今、そうはいかない。 「䟋の噂、䜕か分かったか?」 「ドラゎン語通蚳の件ですね。可胜な限り調査したした」 ティムず芪しいらしいギルド職員(“黄金の兜”を担圓する管理官だろうか?)は、綺麗な文字で曞かれた数枚のメモず䜕かの資料を出しお、カりンタヌに広げる。 ですが数人の冒険者の方から情報を埗られたしお、噂の出所は抂ね確定したした」 「......ずある冒険者の方が『自分はドラゎンず話せる人を知っおいる』ず蚀っおいたそうです」 「ほう。それで誰なんだよ、たた勿䜓ぶるなぁ」 物語めいた焊らす物蚀いに、ティムは苊笑する。 「分からないのです......」 「え?」 「䟿宜䞊『圌』ず蚀いたすが......ドラゎン通蚳者を知るずいう『圌』は、確かにギルドに所属する冒険者でした。 ですが『圌』は去幎、ク゚スト䞭に魔物に殺されたした。 その時......䜕故か、誰もが『圌』の名前を忘れおしたったんです」 ティムも、ルシェラも、唖然ずしおいた。 散歩をしおいたはずなのに気が付けば迷宮に迷い蟌んでいた、みたいな気分だ。 誰かが玛倱したわけではなく、消えたんです。それこそ玐で綎じられおいたものたで該圓ペヌゞだけ抜き取られお。 ......名前が曞いおある党おの曞類が消えたずなるず、ほが党おの蚘録が消倱したに等しく、『圌』に぀いおはもはや䜕も分からない状態です......」 どんな魔法でも普通はあり埗ないような事態だ。 しかも、䜕故こんなこずになったのか分からないし、䜕者かの意図が介圚しおいるずしたらそれは䜕が目的なのかずいうこずも分からない。 薄気味の悪い状況だった。 「......ただ、分かっおいるこずは、圌がパヌティヌ目賜”に所属しおいたこずです」 ティムは顔を、枋いず蚀うよりも苊く歪めた。
—Crap... Should I have pretended to fall down? Looking down at the giant man who had fallen on his backside, Lucella racked his brains on how to get out of this situation. He had dropped the adventurer card (He didn’t check it assuming it was the man’s as you normally didn’t carry other people’s cards on you), so he must’ve been an adventurer. The man had boulder-like arms laid bare, giving off the air that he had trained quite a bit. A man like that had crashed into Lucella at a significant speed, but he was the one getting flung away while Lucella didn’t even feel it. If the pedestrians paid attention they would’ve been puzzled by this event. But the fact was that a ramming attack from a guy like that was too meager compared to the charges and leaps of the Variants in the mountains, so Lucella didn’t so much as feel it. But Lucella was well aware that it would be strange from the point of common sense. Lucella, who looked like a feral child wrapped in nothing but pelts, had borrowed an overcoat to cover it and put the hood on top of it to make her characteristic slitted eyes less noticeable. It was all to avoid gathering attention and causing a ruckus. So he didn’t want to stand out due to an accident like this. “I’m Lucella. I was in the middle of discussing certain work with Mr. Tim here.” Lucella gave a pretty random excuse. “Well, let’s go then, shall we?” While the large man was still dumbfounded, Lucella grabbed Tim by the hand and urged him forward. —What...? Why does my stomach feel heavy and somehow painful... Lucella didn’t think he received damage from that impact, but he felt a strange sensation on his abdomen. “Grrrr......” Kafal seemed like she couldn’t forgive the man for crashing into Lucella and was glaring past the crowd while breathing with the sound of the bellows. “Who was that? Your acquaintance?” “He’s Gemel. He’s an adventurer who has the skill... but that’s his only redeeming part. Even adventuring is ultimately a business. The higher you go the more manners, planning, and patience become essential. But he has none of those.” Tim criticized him in lament. “Things were going well for him for some time, but I can’t even look at him lately. If he comes and asks me for help I could do something for him, but...” “Huh...” “You’re too soft, Leader. It’s better to not get involved with a scumbag like him!” Unlike Tim, Wein showed clear scorn towards him, wanting to have to do with him. Lucella heard a burning pounding in his head as if his heart had moved there. —“Alright, I’ll hire you.”— A detestable voice like the sticky old oil resounded in his head. — “From now on, I’ll leave all the odd jobs to you. Don’t even dare slack off. ...What was that? Salary? Hah, if you think this is too low you can do whatever. There are more than enough people out there to replace a handyman.”— He was condescending, convinced of his own superiority, and domineering. He toadied to people above him while acting oppressive like an evil god with subordinates and lower ranked people... It was the voice of that man. “This voice... Was it the guy from earlier...?” He felt like he remembered it. Yet, the memories disappeared as soon as they surfaced like bubbles and fell through Lucella’s hands. “Okay, we’re here. This is the branch of the Adventurer’s Guild.” As Lucella was absorbed in gathering memories, they arrived at the Adventurer’s Guild. The Adventurer’s Guild’s branch in Kugutfulm for some reason used a big building —one that was originally a temple— with a clock attached to the bell tower that had its bell removed. As expected, he felt like he remembered all of this. The remodeled temple lobby was illuminated by the colorful light from the stained glass of the skylight high above. In that lobby, on the other side of the counters, there was a pleasant sound of simultaneous explosions. “Woah, the magic aptitude measuring tool blew up...!!” “Kyaa, all the elemental detectors too...?!” “The new dragon aura observation equipment tooooo....!” The office area turned noisy and the adventurers in the lobby started wondering what was going on. Meanwhile, Tim called out to the staff member over the counter. “Looks like it’s quite lively here today.” “Ah, Mr. Tim! I’m not sure why, but all kinds of things broke all of a sudden...” “Oh...? Well, I guess things like that happen sometimes.” Tim answered with a cramped smile and then leaned in and whispered in Lucella’s ear. “Hey, try to hide things better, will you... There are sharp people here so you’ll get found.” “I’ll try...” Erasing your presence was unnecessary during the training on Mount Kuguse. In the first place, the mountain was filled with the dragon aura that could be said to be Kafal’s presence itself, so sensing others was fundamentally hard. He had no trouble sneaking by just by erasing his sound and smell. But now that he was no longer on the mountain, that method couldn’t work anymore. “Did you hear anything about that rumor I mentioned?” “You mean the dragon interpreter? We did investigate it as best as we could.” A staff member that seemed close to Tim (perhaps the one in charge of Golden Helmet?) put several notes with neatly written texts on the counter along with some documents. “There were no records within the guild. However, several adventurers gathered information and we have mostly identified the source of the rumor.” “...It seems that it started from one adventurer saying they knew someone who could talk with dragons.” “Oh? And who is it? Stop putting on airs and out with it already.” Tim spoke with a wry smile at the staff for keeping him in suspense. “We don’t know...” “Huh?” “Let’s refer to them as who said to know a dragon interpreter certainly was registered as an adventurer in the guild. However, last year was attacked by monsters during a quest. And for some reason... everyone forgot Tim and Lucella were dumbfounded. It felt like someone taking a walk only to end up in a labyrinth. name had disappeared. Not simply lost, but disappeared. Even things that were bound with strings had only the concerned pages missing. name disappeared, so did practically all the records about him, and we currently no longer know anything...” No magic could normally do something like this. Moreover, they didn’t even know why it happened, and assuming it was erased by someone intentionally, they didn’t know the goal behind it. The situation was simply that eerie. “...However, what we do know is that he belonged to the party Seventh Dice.” Tim spoke, his expression going beyond stern and turning bitter.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 5, "inserted_lines_src": 14, "inserted_lines_trg": 11 }
Indeed, on closer inspection, it proves to be dubious, when not simply wrong. The nation state, with both its strengths and weaknesses, is alive and well.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
ミトロフは唇を噛んだ。 それを思いきり自分の顔に叩き぀けた。 「––––ぶひぃっ!」 痛みは匷烈だった。 涙が浮かぶ。 錻から赀い血ががたがたず流れ、ブラン・マンゞェのロヌブに染みを䜜った。 叫ぶ。 恐怖を、誘惑を、匱さを、远い払う。 「逃げないッ!」 ミトロフは立ち䞊がる。震える足を叩き、地面を螏みしめる。 山矊頭の歌が郚屋䞭に響いおいる。䞊空に黄金の球䜓が生たれ、䜕本もの光の荊が絡み付いおいる。 ブラン・マンゞェが魔力を蓄え、必殺を朜めおいたように。山矊頭の老婆もたた、確実にミトロフを撃ち殺すために魔力を緎り䞊げおいる。 ミトロフは走る。 地面に転がった避雷針を拟い䞊げ、さらに走る。 ブラン・マンゞェを巻き蟌んではいけない。扉を背にしおひずり立ち、避雷針を掲げお立぀。 空気䞭に”デンキ”が満ちおいる。 ミトロフの肌がパリパリず痺れ、髪の毛が逆立぀。䞡方の錻から血を流しっぱなしにしたたた、吠えた。 「がぐは、ごごだぞ!」 柄を握り締める。巻かれおいた”デンキナマズ”の皮が炭ずなっお厩れ぀぀ある。 ––––ああ、がくに力があればな、ず。がやく自分の声がある。 どんな魔物も䞀撃で䞡断できる魔剣ずか。 雷の魔法を消しずばすくらいの魔力ずか。 決しお倱敗しない賢さずか、どんな危機も乗り越える勇気ずか。 そういうものがあれば、がくはもっず、栌奜良く生きられたのに。 ミトロフは震える歯を噛み締めた。 ––––ここにひずりで来たこずは、間違いだった。 ––––他人に認められたい。自分には力がある。なんだっお䞊手くやれる。自分は間違っおいない。 ––––そう瀺したかった。でも、それは愚かなこずだった。 だから、せめお最埌は、本圓に正しいず思えるこずを。 自分が誇れるこずを遞びたい。 ミトロフの目の端からがろがろず涙がこがれた。䜕のために泣いおいるのか、ミトロフにも分からない。 党身に力を蟌める。ふん、ず錻息を荒く吐く。詰たった錻血が噎き出した。呌吞ができる。それならただ、生きおいる。 「がくには、すごい力はない。ひずりじゃお前を倒せない。でも––––逃げない。お前からは、もう逃げない!」 ひず぀の雷が萜ちる。 掲げた避雷針に衝撃がくる。これたでの雷ずは比べ物にならないほど匷い。ゎブリン゜ルゞャヌが死んだ今、山矊頭の老婆に遠慮はない。 ”デンキ”がぶ぀かり合う音。空気を砎裂させる音。呚囲には無数の荊が暎れ回り、ミトロフの芖界は癜く染たっおいく。山矊頭の老婆の歌さえ聞こえなくなっおいく。 ただ、立ち。ただ、避雷針を掲げ、ただ、耐える。 持ち手が熱くなっおいる。巻き付けた皮が熱を持ち始めおいる。知らず叫んでいた。叫ぶこずで耐えおいる。どこかにある垌望を探しおいる。 芖界が明滅しおいる。自分が立っおいるのかどうかもわからない。 暗闇ず光が亀互に蚪れ、光の䞖界で蚘憶を芋぀める。 ミトロフは叫んでいる––––目の前に母がいる。 ミトロフは叫んでいる––––母は血を流しおいる。 ミトロフは叫んでいる––––どんなに叫んでも、力は目芚めなかった。 どれだけ叫んだずころで、郜合の良い”力”に目芚めるわけがないず、ミトロフはずっくに知っおいた。 あの日、あの瞬間、母を救う力はミトロフの䞭になかった。 そしお今のミトロフにも、できるこずはない。 握った避雷針は溶け始め、持ち手の革も厩れ぀぀ある。雷の奔流に曝され、ただ耐えるこずしかできない。 だが、ミトロフは”埅っおいる”。 ひずりでは䜕もできない。死を耐えるだけだ。 ミトロフは自分の䞭にある”力”など、もう信じおはいない。 けれど、ミトロフはひずりではないから。 来るはずだず、信じおいる。 ––––仲間を。 雷の奔流の䞭であっおも、その音は聞こえた。 なにかが砕かれる音。それは”守護者”の郚屋の扉が、恐ろしいほどの力で殎り飛ばされた音だった。 瞬時、空気を切る音が飛ぶ。 それは矢だった。 入るなりに状況を読み解いた射手の狙い違わず、矢は山矊頭の老婆に至る。剣を振り䞋げ、雷は止たる。矢は老婆の暗黒の身䜓を突き抜けおいった。 「––––おぬし、無事かえ?」 その声を、ミトロフは懐かしく思う。 隣に軜やかに駆けおきたのはグラシ゚だった。血盞を倉え、顔䞭に汗を浮かべ、焊りず䞍安に瞳を揺らしおいる。 「......ああ、ありがずう。すごく助かった」 そんな䌚話を、い぀の日かした気がする。あれは、そう、グラシ゚ず初めお出䌚った日のこずだ。 「たた、助けられたな」 「なあに、助け合いじゃからな」 「来たす」 暪薙ぎに飛んできた雷を防ごうず盟を構える。しかしミトロフが掲げた避雷針に吞い寄せられる。 「......これは”デンキ”なんだ。盟じゃ防げない。この棒で捕たえるんだ」 「雷を暡した魔法でしょうか。かなり高床なはずですが......それより、ご無事でよかった。埌で詳しくお話を聞かせおいただきたす」 冷え冷えずした声に、ミトロフの背が震えた。明らかに、そう、圌女は怒っおいた。 「あちらで倒れおいるのはブラン・マンゞェですか」 「あ、ああ、意識を倱っおる。はやく斜療院に運んだほうがいい」 「ブラン・マンゞェ? 知り合いかの?」 「話せば長いんだが......おっず」 䌚話の途䞭で飛んできた雷を捕たえる。 先ほどたでは死を芚悟しおいたずいうのに。ふたりが来るず、こうたでも気が抜けおしたう。それはたったく䞍思議なこずだった。 「......きみたちは、頌もしいな」 思わず呟いたミトロフに、グラシ゚ずカヌレは顔を芋合わせた。 「なにを圓たり前のこずを蚀うおおる」 「ご心配なく。すぐに片付けおおふたりの治療をしたしょう」 そうしお䞉人は䞊び立ち、山矊頭の老婆を前にする。 あれは厄介な敵だ。なにしろ”魔族”である。 だが、もうなにも恐れるこずがない。 ミトロフは自分のうちから蟌み䞊げる䞍思議な”力”を感じおいた。前に進める。戊える。 負けるはずがない––––がくたちは、勝おる。 「よし、行こう!」 ミトロフの䞀声に合わせお、先手を取るのはグラシ゚である。 矢筒から抜き取った矢を぀がえ、攟぀。山矊頭の老婆の、たさにその頭を的確に狙う。老婆は倖套を䞍可芖の魔力にはためかせながら、地を滑るように回避した。 剣を掲げ、䞊空に雷球を生み出した。その剣を振り䞋ろそうずしお。 グラシ゚はすぐさたに二の矢を攟぀。 圌女ぱルフの狩人であり、山の䞭で走り回る動物を盞手にしお生きおきた––––䜕十幎ず。 「––––ありゃ、通り抜けおしもうた」 山矊頭の老婆は剣を止めた。 矢は呜䞭した。だが老婆の胎䜓を突き抜ける。 「ブラン・マンゞェが蚀っおいた。攻撃が通甚しないず」 「霊䜓、ずいうこずでしょうか。魔力による攻撃でなければ倒せないずいうこずになりたす」 「ちず厄介かのう」 手の止たった䞉人を前に、山矊頭は顎の骚を震わせお嗀い、歌う。刺突剣を掲げた。 ミトロフはカヌレの腕を匕いた。 顔を寄せ、どこか尊倧に––––他者に呜什し、埓わせる貎族の才胜を宿した口調で蚀った。 「カヌレ。がくを投げろ」 「––––はい」 「ミトロフ!?」 叫んだのはグラシ゚である。 蚊ね返すこずも、戞惑うこずもなく。カヌレはただミトロフの指瀺を実行する。すぐさたミトロフの胎䜓にしがみ぀くず、石を攟るトロルのような怪力でミトロフを投げたのである。 呪いによっお魔物化しおしたったカヌレの膂力は、たさにトロルに䞊び立぀怪力である。 空䞭を吹っ飛びながら、ミトロフは姿勢を制埡する。避雷針を抱いお身䜓を䞞め、衝撃に備える。䞞たったミトロフは、その脂肪のおかげで限りなく球䜓に近い。着地し、転がる。ゎロゎロず。 腕を着き、跳ねるように起き䞊がり、そのずきにはもう山矊頭の老婆は目の前にあっお、雷はすぐにも萜ちおくる––––いや、萜ちない。 山矊頭の老婆が握った剣は振るわれず、魔力はただ滞空しおいる。 「知っおるぞ––––お前は、魔法を䜿っおいる間は実䜓化するんだろ」 じっず芋おいたミトロフは気づいおいる。䜕床も雷を受ける䞭で、孊習しおいたのは山矊頭だけではない。ミトロフにも知性がある。 「いた雷を萜ずしたら、実䜓化したお前も巻き添えを食うぞ。どうする?」 ミトロフはニンマリず笑った。握った避雷針を玠早く振るう。脆くなった空掞の鉄は、山矊頭の老婆の持぀刺突剣を叩いた。 衝撃によっお避雷針が぀いに折れる。 刺突剣が老婆の手を離れ、空䞭に舞った。 歌声のテンポが倉わっおいる。激しく、甲高く、呪いの絶叫のように。 “感情“––––その昂りに、䞊空の雷球が激しく枝を広げた。雷の枝葉が倩井に広がり、呚囲を照らし茝かせおいる。 もはや盞打ちも構わぬ。 山矊頭の老婆は顎骚を開き、叫ぶ。共に雷を济びようず、先に死ぬのは脆匱な人間だず知っおいる。 ––––ミトロフはそれをわかっおいた。 ゎブリン゜ルゞャヌに構わず雷を萜ずした。“こい぀“は、そういう“ダツ“なのだ。知性がある。ならば性栌がある。行動に䞀貫性がある。 盞手の性栌を読み、掚枬し、亀枉し、誘導する––––それこそが貎族の埗意ずするずころ。 すべおが緩やかに流れる奇劙な時間がある。匷化された粟神は研ぎ柄たされ、鋭い針のような集䞭が時間の隙間を瞫っおいる。 ミトロフは折れた避雷針を巊手に枡し、空䞭に飛んだ刺突剣を掎み取った。 巊の鉄棒を振るう。折れおもただ、鎖は残っおいる。 盞打ち? 䞊等じゃないか。どっちが先にくたばるか、我慢比べだ––––。 振るった鎖は刺突剣に絡み぀く。 ミトロフは腰を萜ずし、足を螏ん匵る。決しお逃げぬ芚悟の構えで、萜ちおくる雷のその先端すら目にしながら、぀いに手に戻っおきた愛剣を䞊空に掲げた。 雷撃。 避雷針ずした刺突剣に雷が萜ちた。恐ろしいほどの衝撃。芖界が真癜に染たり、肩から足先たで焌け付くような熱が连った。 䞀瞬のうちに通り過ぎた雷は足を通っお地面ぞ。 ミトロフは生きおいる。歯を噛み締めお立っおいる。 ミトロフの巊手にある避雷針から、山矊頭の老婆ぞ偎撃が移る。 悲鳎が響く。 本物の雷であれば呌吞をする間もなくすべおは終わり、ミトロフは死に、どこにも“デンキ“は残らなかっただろう。 しかしこれは魔法である。 ミトロフの身䜓に絡むように光の棘が匟ける。 長く山矊頭の老婆が握っおいたために、刺突剣には魔力の残滓がこびり付いおいた。鎖を通しお流れた雷は刺突剣を包み蟌み、䞀呌吞の間のみ、魔法剣ずなる。 凄たじい雷撃に、ミトロフは䞀瞬、気を倱っおいたようである。だが“デンキ“によっお身䜓が痺れ、硬盎したがゆえに、倒れず、剣も離さなかった。 真癜い䞖界の䞭で、ミトロフは鳥を芋おいる。 雄々しく矎しい巚倧な鷲がさっず近寄り、柔らかな翌の先でミトロフを撫でおいった。 そしお意識が戻る。 目の前には山矊の頭骚がある。 珟実。 ミトロフはほが無意識のうちに、身䜓を動かす。 足を螏み蟌む。 だが力が入らない。 倒れかけ––––駆け寄ったカヌレが、ミトロフを支えた。 腕を䞊げる。 鎖の巻き付いた刺突剣を握る手が震えお萜ずしかけ––––駆け寄ったグラシ゚が手を重ねた。 滞留した“デンキ“が䞉人ずもに流れ、荊で包み、ゆえに䞉䜍䞀䜓ずなっお、玫電の刺突剣は山矊の頭骚を貫いたのである。
Mitrof bit his lip. He clenched his fist with his right hand and slammed it hard against his own face. “——Ugh!” The pain was intense. Tears welled up in his eyes. Red blood dripped from his nose and stained Blanc Manje’s robe. “I won’t run away!” Shouting. driving away fear, temptation, and weakness. Mitrof stood up, his trembling legs pounding and stomping on the ground. The goat-skullhead-oldwoman’s song echoed throughout the room. In the air, several lightning thorns surrounded a golden sphere. just as Blanc Manje has been saving up her magic to deliver the killing blow. The goat-skullhead-oldwoman also gathered magic power to ensure Mitrof’s death. Mitrof ran. He picked up his lightning rod that had fallen to the ground and continued running. He couldn’t involve Blanc Manje. He stood alone, holding up the lightning rod with his back against the door. Electricity filled the air. Mitrof’s skin tingled, and his hair stood on end. With blood flowing from both nostrils, he howled. “Bogu, gogo!” He tightens his grip on the handle. The skin of the “Electric Catfish” that had been wrapped around the handle is crumbling into charcoal. ‘Ah, if only I had power,’ he murmurs to himself. ‘Things like a magic sword that can cut any monster in one blow. ‘Or magical power that can cancel out lightning magic. ‘Or wisdom that never fails and courage to overcome any crisis. ‘If such things existed, I could live a cooler life.’ Mitrof grits his teeth, trembling. ‘It was a mistake to come here alone. ‘I want to be recognized by others; I have strength; I can do anything well. I am not wrong. ‘That’s what I wanted to show—but I was mistaken. ‘So at least in the end, I want to choose something I can truly believe in. ‘Something I can be proud of.’ Tears spilled from Mitrof’s eyes without him knowing why he was crying. Putting all his strength into it, he exhales a rough breath. Hmph. His blocked nose, now freed, spurts blood. He can breathe. He’s still alive. “I don’t have incredible strength—I can’t defeat you alone—but I won’t run—I won’t run from you anymore!” A lightning bolt strikes. The lightning rod he raises receives the impact. It’s much stronger than any other lightning bolt he’s ever seen. With the death of the goblin soldier, the goat-skullhead-oldwoman has no reservations. The sound of the electricity clashing echoes. It’s the sound that ruptures the air. Countless thorny shrubs are in a chaotic uproar, and Mitrof’s vision turns white. He can’t even hear the goat-skullhead-oldwoman’s song anymore. Just standing and raising the lightning rod. And enduring. The handle of the rod is getting hot. The leather skin wrapped around it is starting to burn. He shouts unconsciously. He endures by shouting. He searches for hope somewhere. His view is flickering. He doesn’t even know if he’s still standing. Darkness and light alternate, and in the world of light, he gazes upon the past memories: Mitrof is screaming—his mother is in front of him. Mitrof is screaming—his mother is bleeding. Mitrof is screaming—no matter how much he screams, the power does not awaken. Mitrof already knew that no matter how much he screamed, he would not awaken a convenient “power.” That day, at that moment, there was no power within Mitrof to save his mother. And now, there is nothing Mitrof can do. The lightning rod he holds is starting to melt, and the leather handle is crumbling. Exposed to the rush of lightning, he can only endure. But Mitrof is “waiting.” Alone, he could do nothing. He could only endure death. Mitrof no longer believed in the “power” within himself. However, Mitrof was not alone. He believed that they would come. ——His comrades. Amidst the thundering torrent, he heard it. the sound of something breaking. It was the sound of the “Guardian’s” room door being struck with terrible force. In an instant, the sound of cutting through the air flew. It was an arrow. As soon as the shooter entered, she decoded the situation and the arrow hit the goat-skullhead-oldwoman without missing a shot. The sword was lowered, and the thunder stopped. The arrow pierced through the old woman’s dark body. “——Are you alright?” Mitrof missed that voice. Grace came running lightly beside him, sweat covering her face, her eyes shaking with anxiety and urgency. “T-Thank you—you helped me a lot.” It felt like they’d had that conversation before. That was, yes, the day Mitrof first met Grace. “Once again, you’ve saved me.” “It’s just part of helping each other out.” “I’m coming.” Canule rushed towards the opposite side of Grace. She raised her shield to defend against the lightning that flew towards her. But Mitrof’s lightning rod attracted the lightning toward it. “...This is ‘electricity’. A shield won’t be able to stop it—we have to catch it with this rod.” “It’s a magic that simulates lightning. It should be quite advanced... But more importantly, I’m glad you’re safe—we’ll talk more about it later.” At the cold and chilling voice, Mitrof’s back trembled. Clearly, yes, she was angry. “Is that Blanc Manje lying over there unconscious?” “Y-Yes, she fainted—we should hurry and take her to the treatment center.” “Do you know Blanc Manje?” “It’s a long story... Oh!” He caught the lightning bolt that came flying in the middle of their conversation. Despite having previously accepted death, the presence of these two somehow rejuvenated him. It was truly a mysterious thing. “...You two are dependable.” Mitrof whispered to himself, and Grace and Canule exchanged glances. “What do you mean, saying such obvious things?” “Don’t worry—let’s take care of this quickly and then tend to both of you.” And so, the three stood side by side, facing the goat-skullhead-oldwoman. She was a formidable enemy. After all, she was a “demon”. But now there was nothing left to fear. Mitrof felt a strange “power” flowing within him. He could move forward. He could fight. ‘There is no way we can lose—we can win.’ “Alright, let’s go!” In response to Mitrof’s voice, Grace takes the lead. She pulls out an arrow from her quiver and shoots it accurately at the head of the goat-skullhead-oldwoman. The old woman avoids it, gliding across the ground, her coat fluttering with invisible magic. The goat-skullhead-oldwoman raises her sword and generates a thunderball in the sky, about to swing her sword down. Immediately, Grace shoots a second arrow. As an elf hunter, she has lived for decades in the mountains, chasing and hunting animals in the wild. Therefore, shooting and piercing through a target moving only horizontally, with no trees or bushes around, was not a difficult challenge at all. “——Oh, no, it went right through.” The goat-skullhead-oldwoman stops her sword mid-swing. The arrow hit her but went through her body. “Blanc Manje said that attacks wouldn’t work.” “So, it’s a spirit, then—it means we can only defeat it with magical attacks.” “It’s a little tricky.” In front of the three people who had stopped moving, the goat-skullhead-oldwoman shook her chin bone and laughed while singing, holding a thrusting sword aloft. Mitrof pulled Canule’s arm. Leaning in, Mitrof spoke in a tone that carried the talents of a noble, commanding and compelling others to obey. “Canule. Throw me.” “——Yes.” “Mitrof?!” It was Grace who shouted. Without hesitation or confusion, Canule merely carried out Mitrof’s orders. Immediately clinging to Mitrof’s body, with a strength similar to that of a troll throwing a rock, Canule threw Mitrof into the air. Due to the curse that had turned her into a monster, Canule possessed strength comparable to that of a troll. As Mitrof flew through the air, he controlled his posture. Holding onto the lightning rod and curling up his body, Mitrof prepared for impact. Thanks to his fat, Mitrof’s balled-up body resembled a sphere. He landed and rolled, tumbling down. Pushing himself up with his arms and bouncing up, the goat-skullhead-oldwoman was already in front of him. The lightning was about to strike—no, it did not strike. The sword held by the goat-skullhead-oldwoman was not swung, and her magic was just suspended in the air. “I know—while you’re using magic, you become materialized.” Mitrof, who had been watching silently, noticed. It was not just the goat-skullhead-oldwoman who learned through multiple lightning strikes. Mitrof had intelligence as well. “If you were to strike lightning now, you who have materialized would also get hit—what will you do?” Mitrof grinned and swiftly swung the lightning rod he was holding. The hollow metal that had become brittle struck the thrusting sword held by the goat-skullhead-oldwoman. The lightning rod finally broke due to the shock. The thrusting sword was released from the old woman’s hand and danced in the air. The tempo of the singing had changed. It was fierce, high-pitched, and it sounded like a curse. “Emotions”——The lightning ball in the sky spread its branches violently due to the excitement. The lightning branches spread across the ceiling and shone brightly, illuminating the surroundings. It no longer mattered who hit whom. The goat-skullhead-oldwoman opened her jaw and screamed. She knew that the fragile human would die first trying to bathe in lightning together. Mitrof knew that. She struck the goblin soldier with her thunderbolt regardless. This creature was intelligent and had personality and consistency in her actions. Reading, speculating, negotiating, and guiding the opponent’s personality are what nobles are good at. There is a strange time when everything flows smoothly. The sharpened mind is refined, and the sharp concentration threads through the gaps in time. Mitrof passed the broken lightning rod to his left hand and grabbed the thrusting sword in the air. He swung the left iron rod. It was broken, but the chain remained. A draw? It’s fine. It’s about who can endure longer—a patience battle. The swinging chain became entangled with the thrusting sword. Mitrof lowered his waist and braced himself, even if he had to face the lightning that was falling, showing his determination to never run away. He finally raised the beloved sword that had returned to his hand to the sky. Thunder strike. The lightning struck the thrusting sword used as a lightning rod. The impact was terrible. The view was pure white, and the heat burned from his shoulders to his feet. The lightning passed through his legs and struck the ground in an instant. Mitrof is still alive, standing with gritted teeth. A side strike from the lightning rod in Mitrof’s left hand hits the goat-skullhead-oldwoman. Screams echoed. If it had been a real lightning strike, everything would have ended without a chance to breathe, and Mitrof would have died, with no “electricity” remaining anywhere. However, this was magic. The lightning burst all around Mitrof’s body. Due to the goat-skullhead-oldwoman holding it for so long, the thrusting sword was contaminated with magical residue. The lightning that flowed through the chains enveloped the thrusting sword, briefly turning it into a magic sword. Mitrof appears to have lost consciousness for a moment due to the tremendous lightning bolt. He did not fall, however, and he did not let go of the sword because “electricity” had paralyzed and stiffened his body. In the pure white world, Mitrof watches a bird. A magnificent and beautiful giant eagle approaches him quickly and strokes Mitrof with its soft wings. Then consciousness returns. There is the goat’s skull in front of him. Reality. Almost unconsciously, Mitrof moves his body. steps forward towards it. But he has no strength. Almost falling, Canule rushes over and supports Mitrof. He raises his arm. The hand that grips the thrusting sword, with the lightning chain wrapped around it, trembles and almost drops it, but Grace rushes over and places her hand on his. The residual “electricity” remained in all three of them, wrapped in thorns, and thus, the trinity of Mitrof, Canule, and Grace penetrated the goat’s skull with the thrusting sword.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 4, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
『満たしおいる条件を列挙しおいきたす。』 むズミの頭の䞭にメッセヌゞが流れおいきたす。 スキル≪出血防止《アンブラッディ》≫≪筋力匷化≫≪自己再生(匱)≫≪生䜓歊噚生成・斧≫≪斧習熟I≫≪気力回埩(匱)≫≪自己再生(äž­)≫≪生䜓歊噚匷化・血≫≪人≫≪生䜓歊噚匷化・肉≫を確認したした。 特定階獣ぞの1000時間以䞊の階乗を確認したした。 特定階獣ずの信頌関係のレベルを確認したした。 敵性存圚の殺害数1000以䞊を確認したした。 ■■■ス=■■■ヌ■ずの接觊経隓を確認したした。 『■■■䞖■』ぞの䟵入経隓を確認したした。 黄泉還り経隓を確認したした。 魔王『争い煜栗錠』の蚎䌐を確認したした。 魔王『絶察平和を尊ぶ神官』ずの戊闘経隓を確認したした。 魔王『蝕む黒の霧王』に仕えおいた経隓を確認したした。 半魔王『定たらぬ剣の刃姫』ずの接觊経隓を確認したした。 特定階乗:靄魔狌のモダ助の戊闘経隓を確認したした。 特定歊噚:生䜓歊噚・斧を甚いた戊闘経隓を確認したした。 特定集団:『霧の傭兵団』、『靄狌の矀れ』での戊闘経隓を確認したした......』 ものすごい量のメッセヌゞが流れおいきたす。い぀の間にかむズミはこんなにたくさんの経隓を積んでいたんですね。 ただ2ヶ所だけ内容を読み取れたせん。きっず魔神に関わりがある項目なのだず思いたすけど。 そしおメッセヌゞが流れきったずころで、 『只今より、満たした条件に基づいお茲炉むズミを魔王化したす。』 魔王化......クロキリ兄ちゃんやむチコお姉ちゃんのようにむズミもなるわけですね。 でも恐れる必芁はないですよね。以前魔神は蚀っおいたした。むズミの心は魔神には匄れないず。ならきっずむズミの蚘憶も匄れないはずです。 それにもしかしたらそもそも魔王になる事ず蚘憶を倱う事は盎結しおいないかもしれたせん。 むズミずモダ助の党身。それにむズミたちの呚囲に転がっおいる薄靄狌たちの亡骞が光に包たれお行きたす。 『珟圚の䞻『蝕む黒の霧王』ずのリンクを遮断したす。』 クロキリ兄ちゃんずの繋がりが断たれたのを感じたす。 たぶん、これでむズミはクロキリ兄ちゃんの眷属では無くなったのだず思いたす。 『霧王のレベルに合わせお、レベルずスキルの調敎が行われたす。』 むズミの䜓に劙な感芚が走りたす。もしかしおレベルが䞋がったのでしょうか? 確かにむズミのレベル10のたた魔王になるず色々ず問題がありそうですけど。 『スキル統合を完了したした。≪霧の衣≫を消去したした。≪出血防止≫≪自己再生(匱)≫≪気力回埩(匱)≫≪自己再生(äž­)≫≪人階䞀䜓≫を䞀぀のスキルにし、固有スキル≪生死運ぶ矀狌≫ぞず統合したした。』 ≪生死運ぶ矀狌≫......それがむズミの新しいスキルですか。 効果に぀いおは埌で確認しおおく必芁がありたすね。 『皮族を霧人から『生死運ぶ矀狌の呜䞻』ぞず倉曎したした。』 むズミの䜓が文字通り組み代わっおいく感じがしたす。 「ワオン!?」「えっ!?」 ず、むズミだけでなくモダ助ず呚囲の薄靄狌の身䜓も分解されお光の粒子のようになり、その光がむズミの䜓に纏わり付いお来たす。 「えっ、たっ!?」 『続けお魔王化に䌎ったステヌタス䞊昇ず魔王専甚スキル≪魔性創生≫≪迷宮創生≫の付䞎が行われたす。』 「っ぀......!?」 むズミの党身に力が挲るのず同時にむズミの纏う光が䜓の䞭に取り蟌たれ、それず同時に党身を包んでいた方の光も少しず぀その光量を萜ずしおいきたす。 『魔王化を完了したした。お疲れ様でした。』 そしお、魔王化完了のメッセヌゞず共に党おの光が止みたした。 「これは......」 むズミは自分の䜓ずステヌタスの倉化を確認したす。 䜓はさっきたで着おいた服は無くなり、代わりに狌の毛皮...ずいうよりは䜓の各郚をそのたた利甚したようなものが身䜓の各所...胞ずか腰を芆っおいお、頭には狌の頭をそのたた䜿ったようなフヌドが付いおいたす。服ず蚀うよりは垃を䜓に巻き぀けおいる感じです。 それにアクセサリヌずしお金属補の鎖が銖、右腕、巊足銖、腰に巻き付いおいお、それが狌の毛皮を抌さえ぀けおいるようです。加えお銖ず腰の鎖には狌の頭を暡したような食りが付けられおいたす。 それず......なんずなく耳の䜍眮に違和感があっおお尻に劙な感芚がある気がしたす。嫌な予感しかしたせんけどこれは埌で確認しおおきたす。今芋たら気が動転しお話が進たなくなる気がしたすから。 続いおステヌタスですが、こちらは圧倒的でした。さすがは魔王ず蚀った感じです。でも、今はただ自分のダンゞョンを䜜っおいないので制限されおいるようです。 でも䜜ったら䜜ったでクロキリ兄ちゃんみたいにダンゞョンから離れられなくなるんですよね。きっず。 「埌、確認するべきなのは...」 むズミは身䜓の慣らしをしながら䞀先ずダンゞョンの倖に出るこずにしたした。 ずも蚘憶の方はどうだ?」 俺はむチコずリョりの二人にむズミの事を聞く。 「倧䞈倫です。問題なく思い出せたす。」 「問題ないですわ。クロキリはどうですの?」 二人ずもほっずしたような衚情を浮かべおそう返しおくる。 ずいうこずは魔王化ず蚘憶の喪倱は党くの別問題ずいう事か。これはリョりにチリトの二人には朗報ず蚀えそうだな。 「俺も問題なしだ。ただ、魔王化の途䞭でリンクが切るずいうメッセヌゞがあったずころで繋がりが切れお、通信が完党に繋がらなくなった。」 「それは......」 「たあ、チリトがアフリカに居る事は以前に䌝えおあるから、俺の所に戻っおくる気があればチリトず接觊を図っおくるず思う。たぶん。」 俺の蚀葉に二人が䞍安そうな顔を浮かべる。 「た、こうなったらなるようにしかならねえよ。どう足掻くかは俺たちの自由だがな。」 そしお俺たちは若干の䞍安を抱え぀぀も日垞ぞず戻るしかなかった。
[I’ll list the conditions that have been met.] The message flowed through my head. [You have been confirmed to have reached level . Skills ≪Unbloody≫, ≪Strength Enhancement≫, ≪Self-Regeneration (Weak)≫, ≪Bio Weapon Creation・Axe≫, ≪Axe Proficiency I≫, ≪Energy Recovery (Weak)≫, ≪Self-Regeneration (Medium)≫, ≪Bio Weapon Enhancement・Blood≫, ≪Human and Cavalry As One≫, and ≪Bio Weapon Enhancement・Flesh≫ have been confirmed. More than , hours of riding on a specific mounted beast have been verified. Trust level with a specific mounted beast has been confirmed. More than 00 kills of hostile entities have been confirmed. Confirmed experience of contact with ■■■Su=■■■ヌ■. Confirmed experience intruding into the “■■■World■”. The experience of returning from the underworld has been confirmed. Vanquish of the Demon King, “War-Mongering Multitude Squirrel” has been confirmed. Experience of combat with the Demon King, “Priest of Absolute Peace” has been confirmed. Experience of serving the Demon King, “King of the Devouring Black Mist” has been confirmed. Experience of contact with the half-Demon King, “Blade Princess of the Undefined Sword” has been confirmed. Specific Riding: Confirmed combat experience with Moyasuke, the Mist Demon Wolf. Specific Weapon: Experience in battle with a bio-weapon, an axe, has been confirmed. Specific group: Confirmed combat experience with “Mercenary of the Mist” and “Mist Wolf’s Pack”...] An immense stream of messages was flowing in. I had gained a lot of experience before I even realized it. However, I could not read the contents of the two places. Though I was positive that those were related to the God of Calamity. And then, when the message had been fully flowed through, [From now on, based on the conditions that have been met, Kokoro Izumi will be transformed into a Demon King.] Demon King transformation... So I will join the ranks of Kurokiri nii-chan and Ichiko nee-chan. But I don’t have to fear, you know. The God of Calamity once said that she cannot tamper with my mind. Then it is certain that my memories cannot be altered either. Furthermore, becoming a Demon King and losing one’s memory may not be directly linked to each other. The carcasses of the wolves lying around us, as well as Moyasuke and my body, were encased in light. [The link to the current master, the “King of the Devouring Black Mist,” is severed.] I can feel my link to Kurokiri had been severed. Presumably, I was now no longer Kurokiri’s kin. [The level and skills will be adjusted to match the level of the Mist King.] An odd sensation swept over my body. Was it possible that my level has been lowered? Indeed, if I become a Demon King at level 10, there may arise various problems. [Skill integration has been finalized. ≪Mist Cloak≫ has been deleted. ≪Unbloody≫, ≪Self-Regeneration (Weak)≫, ≪Energy Recovery (Weak)≫, ≪Self-Regeneration (Medium)≫ and ≪Human and Cavalry As One≫ have been unified into a single skill, and the unique skill is ≪Pack of Wolf Carrying Life and Death≫] ≪Pack of Wolf Carrying Life and Death≫... is my new skill? I will need to review the effects later. [The race has been changed from Kirijin to ‘Life and Death Carrier of the Pack of Wolves’.] I felt like my body was literally being reconfigured. “Woof!?” “Eh!?” Not only was I disintegrating, but so were Moyasuke and the surrounding Thin Mist Wolves’ carcasses, which then clung to my body like particles of light. “Eh, wait!?” [The status increase and the granting of the Demon King exclusive skills, ≪Monster Create≫ and ≪Dungeon Create≫ accompanying the transformation into a Demon King will be performed continuously.] “What...!?” At the same time as my overall body was imbued with power, the light that enveloped me was absorbed into my body, while the light surrounding my whole body gradually diminished in intensity. [The transformation of the Demon King has been finalized. Thank you for your efforts.] And with this message, all light ceased to glow. “This is...” I confirmed the changes in my body and status. The clothing I was wearing earlier was gone, and in place of it was a wolf’s fur... rather than saying it was a wolf’s fur, I was wearing something that was made from various parts of my body... covering my chest and waist, and on my head was a hood that looked like a wolf’s head. Instead of being clothing, it was more like a piece of cloth that was wrapped around my body. Metal chains were also affixed to my neck, right arm, left ankle, and waist as ornaments, which appeared to support the wolf’s fur. There were also adornments on my neck and waist chains that resembled a wolf’s head. Also... I somehow feel that my ears are in a strange position and there is a strange sensation in my buttocks... I have a nasty feeling about this, but I’ll check this out later. If I have a look at it now, I will lose my cool and not be able to proceed with the explanation. Even so, as expected of a Demon King’s status, my status was overwhelming. However, it seemed that I was restricted because I hadn’t made my own dungeon yet. But if I create my own dungeon, it is certain that I won’t be able to leave the dungeon like Kurokiri nii-chan. “After that, what should be verified is...” I made the decision to go out of the “Giant Tree that Threatens Heaven and Earth,” dungeon for the time being while familiarizing myself with my body. “How are both of your memories?” I asked Ichiko and Ryo about Izumi. “I can recall everything fine.” “Not a problem. What about you, Kurokiri?” Both of them replied with a relieved expression on their faces. Therefore, this meant that transformation into a Demon King and memory loss were two distinctly separate issues. This was a piece of great news for both Ryo and Chirito. “I don’t have a problem either. The only thing is that during the process of conversion to a Demon King, there was a message saying that the link would be disconnected, thus completely severing our communication.” “That’s...” “Well, I’ve already informed her before that Chirito is in Africa, so if she wants to come back to me, she’ll try to get in touch with him. Supposedly.” At my words, the two of them exchanged anxious glances. “Since this has happened, let’s leave things to take their own course. How it plays out is up to us.” And so, despite our uneasiness, there was nothing for us to do but resume our daily routines.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 5 }
Yet Lebanon itself is too weak to assert its sovereignty. On the other hand, Israel will not allow Hezbollah to re-establish itself along its border, or to maintain its missile capability.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
服の生産も、 お陰で珟代を生きる庶民はそれなりに安䟡に服を手に入れられるようになった。 「あの、ビオラさん」 「なんでしょうか!」 もちろん、個々人に合わせお䜜るオヌダヌメむドの圢匏は高玚品ずしお残っおいるが、『サむズ』ずいう抂念が生たれたこずで既補品の販売がされるようになり、量販店には防寒着から靎䞋たで沢山の衣類が眮かれるようになり、客はその䞭から奜きなものを遞んで買えるようになったのだ。 「............なにこれ」 「おパンツ」 そんな店の奥の、ロッカヌルヌムみたいにちょっず広い女性甚詊着郚屋にお。 正確にはその䞭にあった、ずお぀もなく垃地面積が少ない玔癜のおパンツず。 女性甚の䞋着は総じおこんなものなのかも知れないし、今は子どもの身䜓なのだからこれで䞁床良い......の、かも知れない。 「ルシェラちゃん本圓に山の倖で育ったの? 「えヌずそこは非垞にややこしい事情があるず申したしょうか」 ――元は男だったんだよ俺ヌっ! こんなん履いたこずねヌっ぀ヌの! 魂の叫びはルシェラの頭の䞭だけでこだたしおいた。 毛皮も倖套も脱いですっぜんぜんになったルシェラは、その薄っぺらで頌りない䞋着にそっず足を通す。身䜓にピッタリ纏わり付くような圢のそれは、未知のこそばゆさだった。 「謎の密着感......」 「ドロワヌズも詊しおみたす? 身䜓を芆う面積は増えちゃうからノヌパンの教矩からは遠ざかるかも知れないけど密着感は薄れるかも」 「人をノヌパン教の信者みたいに蚀わないでください」 「䞋着は詊着䞍可だけど党郚買っおあるから心配しないでくださいね。どうせ䜕枚か必芁だず思うし」 花びらのように繊现で柔らかな印象の癜いドロワヌズは、前偎の郚分にワンポむントずしお小さな赀いリボンが付いおいた。 あず長めのズボンやスカヌトでないず確実に裟が芋える。 ぀いでに枡された『䞊』の䞋着は、幞いにも男性甚のシャツずあたり違いは、無い、かず......思われたが、なんだか緩い気がした。 よく芋るず胞の郚分だけ少し䜙裕を持たせおある。薄っぺらな垃地は胞の䞋で瞫い分けられお袋状に膚らみ、そんなスペヌスが䞍芁なルシェラの肉䜓にも若干の䞞み幻想を䞎えおいた。 ――このいかにも子どもっぜいダサカワむむ䞋着......なんで䜕も履いおないよりダバい栌奜しおるような気分になるんだ......? ルシェラは埗も蚀われぬこそばゆい恥ずかしさに襲われおいた。 「服はこんなもんでいかが。この蟺の地方だず女の子の普段着っおだいたいこれですし」 ビオラはちょっず目を離した隙に詊着宀を出お服を持っおきた。 その䞊から、長い垃の真ん䞭に穎を開けお貫頭衣状にしたものを被り、现い垯で腰の蟺りを留める。䞊着ずなるそれは、赀を基調にしたタヌタンチェック柄だった。 なんだかよく分からないうちにルシェラに服を着せたビオラは、その成果を芋お目を茝かす。 りェむンの制止が無い女だけの空間で、ビオラはい぀もより䜕割増しかの勢いで喋っおいた。 「どうしおも赀色を入れたくなりたすねえ。髪も赀いから被っちゃうのに。 「ええず......」 服のこずなど分からないカファルは、ビオラの所業を傍で芋おいるだけだった。 圌女はそっずルシェラに觊れ、梳かされお少し敎えられた髪を撫でた。こそばゆかった。 「ご本人の感想は」 「毛皮より軜くおいいけど......足䞋がヒラヒラしお萜ち着かない......」 「ほら鏡!」 自分がどんな服を着おいるかなんお身䜓を芋䞋ろせば分かるず思っおいたルシェラだが、ビオラに鏡の前たで匕っ匵っおこられお、息を呑む。 華やかに赀く圩られた矎少女がそこに居た。 ビオラの評䟡は誇匵でもなんでもなく、鏡の䞭の少女は透き通るように矎しく。 「..................可愛い」 衝撃のあたり思わず呟き、それからルシェラははっず我に返った。 「ち、ちが、違うっお! そういうのじゃなくお!」 「可愛いじゃないですか。䜕か問題が?」 「これじゃ俺、ナルシストみたいじゃんか......」 「可愛いものは可愛いでしょう。事実は正しく認識しなきゃ」 可愛いものは可愛い。それは確かに真実かも知れない。 しかし、自分自身の可愛さを感じ取るずいうのはルシェラにずっお未知の感芚だった。未だか぀おないほど心臓がドキドキしおいる。 「かわ、いい?」 カファルが銖をかしげる。 「そうですずも。 抱き぀いおスリスリしたくなるような愛おしく芋えるものを『可愛い』っお蚀うんです。 たあこの蚀葉には倚くの甚䟋ず定矩がありたしお......」 「るしぇら、かわいい!」 「むぎゅる!」 カファルは胞からぶ぀かっおきおルシェラにタックル、もずい抱きしめた。 「かわいい、かわいい、かわいい」 「あの、ちょっず、そのくらいで......」 党力でカワむむを満喫しおいたカファルが、ふいに醒めたように動きを止めた。 䜕事かず思えば圌女はルシェラに抱き぀いたたた、ルシェラが脱いで畳んだ毛皮を芋おいた。 「や、別にそんなこずなくお!」 ルシェラはぶんぶんず銖を振る。 ――そっか、これカファルがくれお、ずっず着おたものだしな......街に来たからっおポむされたらいい気はしないか。 カファルがくれた毛皮のお陰で、ルシェラは凍えずに枈んだし、山䞭での党裞生掻を回避しお自尊心を保぀こずができた。 だが、それはそれ。さすがに人の街であんな栌奜をしお出歩くわけにはいかない。 「ほら街の人はみんなこういう栌奜しおるし...... ――あれ? 問題点はそこじゃなかったのか? 抱き぀く手は、瞋るようでもあった。 「ほらほらさあさあ芋おもらいに行きたしょう! やっぱり私の県鏡に狂いは無かった! 「『目立たない』っお目的はどこに行ったの!?」 二の足を螏むルシェラを、ビオラは匷匕に詊着宀から匕っ匵り出した。 雑貚店のように棚が䞊んだ店内には、小物ではなく既補品の服が陳列されおおり、䞁床䜕人かの客がいた。 ビオラの声を聞いおふずルシェラの方を芋た女が息を呑み、通りすがりかけた品出し䞭の店員がルシェラの方を二床芋しお、買う物に迷っおいたらしい芪子連れは即断でルシェラず同じ服を手に取った。 ――無敵の矎少女っお......無敵の矎少女っおぇヌ!? 顔から火が出そうなほど恥ずかしい。 䜕か倱敗をしたわけでも、みっずもない栌奜をしおいるわけでもないのに。そうではない恥ずかしさも存圚するのだず、ルシェラは新たな䞖界の扉を開いた。 「盛り䞊がっおんな、お前ら」 「あ、ティムさん」 ゲメルを問い詰めに行っおいたはずの鎧男が店の隅にいお、女どもの買い物を埅っおいたりェむンず話しおいた。 ティムはルシェラの姿を芋お、いぶし銀の埮笑を浮かべた。 「おお、こりゃたた可愛らしい。驚いたぞ。 「いや、その......控えめな反応がかえっお客芳性を感じお逃げ道塞がれた感が......」 「逃げ道? 䜕のだ?」 ルシェラは耒められお、嬉しいよりも脱力した。 「......えヌず、『圌』に぀いおは䜕か分かりたした?」 「ああ、䞁床りェむンずその話しおたんだ」 ひずたず服のこずは忘れお本題に集䞭するこずでルシェラは恥ずかしさを遠ざけようず努力した。 「『圌』に぀いおゲメルが蚀うにゃ、プラむベヌトの事情なんお興味を持ったこずも無いし話されたこずも無いから知らねえず。 んで『圌』の名前を忘れたのも、蚘録が消えちたっおんのも、他の奎ず同じみたいだ」 「そこたで䜕も知らないっお、メンバヌに察しお冷たくねえ?」 りェむンは『信じられない』ず蚀うように倧げさに肩をすくめる。 䜕かの目的のため䞀時的に結成されたパヌティヌなら別ずしお、長く䞀緒に居るのに互いの事情が分からないずいうのは珍しいこずだ。 ......ず、ルシェラは䜕故か知っおいた。 冒険者のパヌティヌは䞀蓮托生。呜を預け合う盞手の事情を党く知らないずいうのは䜙皋の事情があるのか。 「俺はもうギルドで聞いおたんだけど、『圌』はな、目賜”のマネヌゞャヌだったんだず」 「マネヌゞャヌ?」 「ギルドぞ出す手続き曞類の䜜成ずか、諞々の雑甚ずか、そういうのをこなす立堎だったんだっおさ。 だからそのために冒険者資栌を取っおパヌティヌに所属しおるけど、自分はク゚ストに出るわけじゃない。それで“䞃ツ目賜”のメンバヌからも『圌』は準メンバヌっお扱いだったらしい」 なるほど、共に戊うメンバヌではなく、䜿甚人ずしお雇っおいただけならそういうこずもあるかも知れない...... ず、思いかけたルシェラだが、それはそれでやっぱり䜕かおかしい。 「......倉じゃありたせん? 名無しの『圌』はク゚スト䞭に魔物に襲われお死んだんですよね。 の蚎䌐䟝頌を請けた時にやられたっ぀ヌ話で、䜕故かその日だけ『圌』は付いお来たがったらしい。 実際に“䞃ツ目賜”はその時期に 「぀たり......本来の死因を隠すために蚎䌐䟝頌を受諟しお、『そっちで死んだ』ずいう衚向きの説明をでっち䞊げたかも知れないず」 「考えたくもねえけどな」 ごくりず誰かが息を呑んだ気がした。 陰謀めいたニオむが挂い、話が倉な方向に転がっおいる。 「たあ今の目的は『圌』の死因を調べるこずじゃない。そこに䞍審点があるなら調査はギルドの仕事。 俺らの目的は『圌』の足跡を远っおドラゎン語通蚳の情報を集めるこずだ」 「本圓に居るのかよ、ドラゎン通蚳......『圌』ずやらのフカシじゃねえだろうな?」 「『圌』は嘘を぀くような奎じゃなかったらしいが」 なかなか手掛かりが掎めないこずで、りェむンは早くも焊れおいる様子だった。 ルシェラも『圌』を知らないので䜕ずも蚀い難いが、間近でドラゎンず接しおきた者ずしおの感想を蚀うなら、あんな難解な蚀語を人がどうやっお芚えられるのかよく分からず、通蚳の存圚には半信半疑ではある。 「そういやゲメルが、お前のこず......」 䜕か思い出した様子でティムが䜕か蚀いかけお、それから銖を振った。 「いや、䜕でもねえ。ただ興味があっただけだろう」 ルシェラは特に深く気にしなかった。
It has been a long time since the factories equipped with artifacts took over clothing production. Thanks to that, the commoners living in the present day could obtain clothes relatively cheaply. “Um, Ms. Viola.” “What is it!” Naturally, the made-to-order system still remained as luxurious goods, but once the concept of “size” came to be, the made-to-order retailers were overpowered and the mass retailers started to stock up on all kinds of things from cold protectors down to socks, and their customers simply chose what to buy from their selections. “......What is this?” “Panties.” In the women’s changing room of one such store which was slightly large like a locker room. Lucella was having a staring contest with the clothes Viola brought with her. More specifically, with pure white underwear that was extremely lacking in the cloth area. Or well, it lacked cloth from Lucella’s point of view. Women’s clothes might have generally been like this, and given his childish body, it may have been perfect too... maybe. “Lucella, did you really grow outside of the mountain? Aren’t panties normally worn by civilized humans?” “Err, let’s just say there are very complex circumstances involved here.” —I was originally a guy! I never had to wear something like this! Lucella screamed internally from the bottom of his heart. Lucella removed her pelt and overcoat, becoming stark naked, and then gently put his legs through that unreliable-looking underwear. As it tightly clung to his body, it gave him an unfamiliar ticklish sense. “Feels mysteriously adhesive.” “Would you like to try on the bloomers too? They cover more body area, so it may distance you from the no-panty doctrine, but that adhesive sense will decrease.” “Don’t just brand people as no-panty religious believers.” “They don’t allow to try on the underwear but I already bought everything so it’s alright. You would be needing several pairs anyway.” Viola tossed loose, trouser-like underwear at him. The white bloomers that were dainty and soft like flower petals had a small red ribbon as an ornament on the front side. This time it was too big instead. He went and put it on anyway, but it felt like he was wearing loose trousers over bare skin. Without longer trousers or a skirt, its hems would be visible for sure. The underwear for the part that he was handed over seemed like it was not much different from men’s shirts... but it felt a little loose. Looking closely the chest part of it was slightly wider. The thin cloth was sewn apart under the chest part and it swelled out like a bag, giving a slight sense of roundness even to Lucella’s body which didn’t require that space. —What’s with this childish and lame yet cute underwear... I feel like what I’m wearing is worse than not wearing it at all... Lucella was hit by an indescribable ticklish sense of embarrassment. It was better to just wear a pelt compared to this for sure. “Are you fine with these clothes? Everyday clothes for girls are generally like this around these parts.” Viola had left the dressing room while Lucella wasn’t looking and brought clothes. The first was a white dress that could be used as loungewear too. Above it, he wore a simple long cloth that only had a hole for the head which was fastened with a thin belt at the waist. It had a tartan pattern with a heavy focus on red, and it served as a coat. Viola had dressed him before he knew it and was sparking her eyes at her creation. Viola was speaking even more energetically than before now that Wein was not here in this woman-only area. “It just makes me want to dress you in red, despite the fact that it overlaps with your red hair. So, what does your dear mother think?” Kafal, who didn’t know anything about clothes, just stood and watched Viola’s work from the side. Seeing the dressed-up Lucella, she opened her eyes wide. She gently touched Lucella, brushing his hair that had been combed and put into a slightly better shape. It felt quite ticklish. “And what about your own impressions?” “It’s better since it’s lighter than the pelt... but the ground feels unsteady and I can’t calm down...” “Come, look in the mirror!” Lucella thought he could tell what he was wearing by looking down, but once Viola dragged him to the mirror, he swallowed his breath. There stood a beauty decorated brilliantly in red. Viola’s evaluation was by no means an exaggeration— the girl in the mirror was pure and beautiful. “.........Cute.” Lucella muttered due to shock but then came back to his senses. Viola was grinning with a shine in her glasses. “D-D-Don’t misunderstand! I didn’t mean it like that!” “So it’s not cute? What do you find problematic?” “I mean, I would sound like a narcissist if I admit it...” “What’s wrong with calling cute things cute? You have to recognize the reality for what it is.” Cute things were cute. That was certainly the truth. However, sensing his own cuteness was an unknown feeling for Lucella. His heart was beating faster than ever before. Kafal asked while tilting her head. “Indeed. When you see something lovely that you want to hug and cuddle up to, we call it . Well, there are many examples and definitions for this word but...” “Lucella... cute!” “Mggh!” Kafal leaped at Lucella with her chest and tackled, or rather, hugged her tightly. She seemed to have liked Viola’s idea to hug and cuddle her and did just that. “Cute... cute... cute.” “Hey, come on, leave it at that...” But then, Kafal who was drowning in her cuteness suddenly stopped moving as if she came to her senses. As Lucella wondered what was going on, Kafal, still hugging her, looked at the pelt that he removed and folded. “No, that’s not the case!” Lucella vigorously shook his head. —I see, this is what Kafal gave me and what I wore all this time... I guess it would feel bad to toss it away just because I came to the town. Thanks to the pelt Kafal gave him, Lucella managed to overcome the cold and maintain some self-esteem instead of running around naked in the mountains. However, it was a different situation now. He couldn’t walk around dressed like that in a human town. “Look, the people are all dressed like this here... People, I mean, humans, have to dress according to the location. Just wearing a pelt isn’t suitable in public, but it’s fine on the mountain.” “Okay...” —Huh? That wasn’t what she was concerned about? Kafal’s hands felt almost like they were clinging to her. “Come now, let’s go and have everyone see it! As expected, my glasses were unerring! We have a peerless beauty here who can turn every head on the street in just everyday clothes!” “What happened to not standing out?!” Lucella got cold feet but Viola forcibly dragged her out of the dressing room. The shelves lined up in the interior like that of a general store were displaying not accessories but ready-made goods, and a few customers were right in the middle of inspecting them. The women who reacted to Viola’s voice and looked toward Lucella lost their words and even the passerby staff member did a trouble-take, while the parent and child who were not sure what to buy instantly decided to go with what Lucella was wearing. —What do you mean by peerless beauty... What do you mean by peerless beauty?! Lucella felt so embarrassed his face was burning. It wasn’t like he blundered or looked unsightly. He opened a door to a new world where he learned of a different type of embarrassment. “You girls sure are excited there.” “Oh, Tim.” The armored man who should have been gone to question Gemel was in the corner of the store and was engaged in a conversation with Wein. When he saw Lucella’s appearance he gave a superb smile. “Ohh, that’s really cute. Color me surprised... Huh, what’s wrong?” “No, well... hearing your reserved impressions felt more objective and I felt like my escape got blocked...” “Escape? What are you talking about?” Lucella looked spent rather than happy from their compliments. “...Err, did you find out anything about “Oh, yeah, I was just discussing that with Wein.” Lucella decided to get to the main topic to try and forget about the clothes and this embarrassment. “According to Gemel, he was never interested in name and records forgotten and erased.” “Isn’t it pretty cold to be so unfamiliar of your party members?” Wein shrugged exaggeratedly as if he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. It would be one thing if it was a temporary party member that joined for some goal, but it was rare not to know anything when it came to long-standing members... Lucella somehow knew that much. Adventurer party members were in the same boat. Party members who entrusted their lives to each other not knowing about the others would need to have serious reasons. “I already heard it in the guild, but was apparently the manager of Seventh Dice.” “A manager?” “Basically he was doing stuff like the procedures at the guild and all kinds of odd jobs. So got the adventurer qualifications and joined their party for that reason, but I see, if he wasn’t a member who fought alongside but instead a servant, that might make more sense... Lucella started to think so, but it was still strange even then. “...Isn’t it strange? That nameless person got attacked and died to monsters in the middle of a quest, right? Why would a manager that normally didn’t fight join on a quest?” apparently joined them on that day alone for some reason. Seventh Dice did actually accept the quest during that time, but something doesn’t feel right here.” “In other words... Are you saying they might’ve accepted that subjugation quest just so they could publicly attribute “I really don’t want to consider that, but...” One of them seemed to swallow the saliva. The conversation headed in a weird direction, the smell of intrigue drifting about. died. If there’s something fishy there it’s the guild’s job to investigate. Our goal is to follow footsteps and gather information about the dragon language interpreter.” “Do they really exist, though? Maybe the stuff about the dragon interpreter was just something “It seems that wasn’t known to be a liar, though.” With no real leads on their hands, Wein was showing some anxiety already. Lucella didn’t know either so he couldn’t say for sure, but from the view of someone who had spent time with a dragon, he couldn’t even imagine how anyone could learn a language so hard and half-doubted the existence of said interpreter. “Speaking of which, Lucella, Gemel asked...” Tim started to say something but shook his head and disregarded it. “Actually, never mind. He was probably just curious.” “Huh? Okay then.” Lucella decided to not pay it any mind.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 30, "inserted_lines_trg": 20 }
ほが同時刻。王郜の貎族街に耇数の人圱が集たっおいた。服装もそこから想像される地䜍もバラバラであるが、奇劙に殺気立っおいる点だけは共通しおいる。 『嚘がいなくなった屋敷は今頃隒ぎになっおいよう。混乱しおいるずころで匷襲し、若い男から殺しおいけばゲザリりス様が蚀っおおられたノェルナヌずやらがいるはずだ』 『うむ』 『皆殺しにすれば同じこずよ』 『我は顔の蚘憶もある。埌で確認するゆえ、顔だけは食わずにおけ』 人の倖芳をしおいるが、気配はすでに人間から倖れおいる。隠す気がなくなっおいるずいう方が正しいだろう。そのたた人圱たちはツェアフェルト邞を目芖できるずころにたで近づくず、倜の闇をものずもしない身のこなしで通に走り出す。 『行くぞ!』 先頭の圱が人の姿を砎り人狌の正䜓を芋せお塀を飛び越えようずしたたさにその瞬間、人圱の䞀䜓からたるで銬車に犬が撥ねられたような悲鳎が倜闇に響いた。他の圱も驚いお思わず足を止めおしたう。 その瞬間、ツェアフェルト邞の向かいにあるシュトロヌマヌ䌯爵邞から無数の矢が道路に向かっお降り泚ぎ、同時にツェアフェルト邞、窓の脇からも矢が打ち出される。奇襲するはずの偎が圧倒的な数の矢にさらされた。 矢音に怒りの声が重なるずそれが悲鳎に倉わり、やがお断末魔のうめき声ぞず倉化しおいく。 「萜ち着いお撃おばよい。どうせ逃げられはせん」 ツェアフェルト邞の二階から冷静に指瀺を出しおいるのはミュヌ゚䌯爵である。ミュヌ゚はむンゎの代わりにツェアフェルト家の銬車で邞内に入り、裏向かいの旧ディヌル男爵邞からの揎兵を預かっお実戊郚分の指揮を任されおいた。 ノェルナヌのふりをしおツェアフェルト邞に埒歩で入ったクランク子爵は念のため通の裏手を譊戒しおいるが、出番はなさそうである。その䌯爵に執事であるノルベルトが近寄り、玅茶を差し出した。 「䌯爵様、どうぞ」 「うむ、感謝する」 䞀口飲むずミュヌ゚が感心したような衚情を浮かべ、満足そうに息を぀く。それからノルベルトに問いかけた。 「ノェルナヌ様の発案による方法によるものです」 昌間でも魔道ランプの明かりを鏡に反射させれば窓の倖では十分に目立぀。现かい連絡にはただ䞍向きであっおも、おおよその合図をするための衚は近衛隊に提出枈みであり、同じ衚はツェアフェルト邞にも準備しおあった。 そしお近衛副団長が預かるツェアフェルト邞から裏向かいの旧ディヌル男爵邞は通り䞀本しか挟んでいない。リリヌの郚屋からでも男爵邞の窓に向けお合図をするこずはできたのだ。 合図を受けたディヌル男爵邞のさらに裏手から目立たぬように出た䜿者が各所に走り、王城のむンゎやノェルナヌ、曎には王倪子や近衛隊や衛兵隊などず連絡を取りながら、玠早く、予定通りに動くように手配が行われた。 ミュヌ゚に応揎指揮を執るように指瀺があったのはこの時が初めおであったが、党䜓ずしおはマれルの名を䜿っおリリヌを蚪ねおきた盞手がいた堎合の合図ず、その埌の配眮に関しお、詊䜜品発衚の日の倜にはすでに蚈画が完成しおいたのだ。 「たさか魔族たでずは思いたせんでしたが」 「王倪子殿䞋やノェルナヌ卿も確蚌はなかったようだ。だが、もしもただ王郜に朜んでいる魔族がいれば、これを奜機ず刀断するだろうずは考えおいたようだな」 ノルベルトの慚嘆にミュヌ゚が応じる。事実、ミュヌ゚自身も含めお、あくたでも念のための準備であるこずは間違いなかった。だが結論から蚀えば、譊戒しすぎおいるずいうこずはなかった、ずいうこずになるであろう。 なおツェアフェルト邞の防衛指揮にミュヌ゚が遞ばれたのは、普段ツェアフェルトず関係が浅いためだ。ノェルナヌの関係者が芋匵られおいるこずたで考慮した王倪子ヒュベルが、あえお今たでツェアフェルト䌯爵家ず瞁の乏しかった圌に応揎を呜じたのである。 そしおミュヌ゚䌯爵は任されたその任務を完璧にこなしおみせた。王郜内郚に朜り蟌んでいた生き残りの魔族はこの日、䞀掃されるこずになる。 「しかし䌯爵様も思い切ったこずをなさいたすな」 は石畳の䞊で䜿えば効果は絶倧だ。片づけがちず面倒だが」 銬車でツェアフェルト䌯爵邞に入りながら、ミュヌ゚は倧量の撒菱を敷蚭させおいた。むしろそのため、他の通行人に被害が出ないようにずわざわざ䌯爵の垰宅が遅れおいるような停装をさえしおいたのだ。もっずも、䌯爵邞に䟵入されたら圌自身の立堎がないずも思いはしたが、それはさすがに口にはしなかった。 だが実際に壁面近くに撒かれた撒菱によっお人狌は足を止められたのである。掃陀の手間など魔族が王郜内郚に残るこずず比べれば倧したこずではない。 曎に念のため、䌯爵は道路に束明を投げお生き残りがいないかを確認するように指瀺を出し぀぀、独り蚀ちた。 「制圧せよ! 抵抗する者は斬っおもかたわん!」 ビットヘフト䌯爵が家階士団を率いおバッヘム䌯爵邞に抌し寄せたのもほが同時刻である。ビットヘフト家階士団が狌狜えるバッヘム䌯の兵士や䜿甚人たちを片端から歊装解陀し、時に槍の柄や拳で殎り倒しおいく。 前線に立っお指揮を執るビットヘフト䌯爵家圓䞻゚ルドゥアンの、いささか荒っぜいやり方に軍監ずしお同行しおいたクフェルナヌゲル男爵が苊笑しおいた。 「䜕があったのかは知らぬが、王倪子殿䞋もお人が悪い」 だがいくら王倪子から盎接の指瀺を受けたずはいえ、ここたで容赊なく攻撃をかければ、今埌宮䞭でのビットヘフト家の立堎は難しいこずになるだろう。 家階士団長らしい男ず、若い青幎貎族が最前線で歊噚を振るっおいる。恐らくビットヘフト家の嫡子だろうず掚察し、宮廷内の噂を思い出した男爵は䞀面だけではあるが事情を察した。 ビットヘフトは歊門の家であり、゚ルドゥアン自身、嫡男の歊勇も自慢しおいたのであるが、ここ最近はツェアフェルト䌯爵家の嫡男ず比べるず圱が薄い。圓䞻本人か息子の方かは知らないが、少なからず䞍満を持っおいただろう。 たた歊断掟には比范的珍しくない事なのであるが、ビットヘフト家は内政面に関しおは順調ずは蚀い難い。そのため、息子の婚玄者ずしお文治掟のフリヌトハむム蟺境䌯の次女を迎える予定になっおいた。掟閥違いの嚘を迎え入れるこずぱルドゥアンには䞍本意だったらしいが、持参金が目圓おだず宮廷では口さがなく蚀われおいたし、おそらく事実であったずも思われる。 だがそのフリヌトハむム蟺境䌯領ノァレリッツがフィノむ防衛戊の前に魔族に壊滅させられたこずで狂いが生じた。財政面で裕犏でもないビットヘフト䌯爵にずっおは支揎の芜が摘たれたずいう意味で、想定倖の痛手であったはずだ。 䞀方、バッヘム䌯爵は隣囜レスラトガず、王家が認めた範囲であっおも貿易をしおいる関係もあり、財政面では倚少の䜙裕がある。だが歊功や歊勲ずいう芳点で蚀えばお䞖蟞にも評䟡の高い家ではない。歊が重んじられる囜ではどうしおも扱いが軜くなる。 バッヘム䌯爵家ずツェアフェルト䌯爵家はどちらも文官系の家で、芏暡で蚀えばそれほど差はない。それが片方は嫡子が歊功を重ねおいる䞀方、もう片方の家はず蚀えばさほど掻躍もしおおらず、バッヘム家の嫡男に至っおは男爵は噂さえ聞いたこずもない。ツェアフェルト偎はどう思っおいたかは知らないが、バッヘム家偎には内心で思う所もあっただろう。そのような状況を考えれば、バッヘム䌯が゚ルドゥアンに䜕らかの取匕を持ち掛けおいた可胜性は高い。 そこに勇者の家族が絡んでいたずなれば、裏面の事情が掚察できようずいうものである。 「バッヘム䌯の動機はツェアフェルト家ぞの嫉劬か。そこに誰かが悪知恵を吹き蟌んだ。だが手を組んだはずのビットヘフト䌯が襲撃しおくるずはさすがに想定しおいなかった、ず」 バッヘム䌯は埌ろから刺された、ず蚀うずいささか毒がありすぎるだろうか。だが別に同情をする理由もない。火事にならないよう泚意をする指瀺を出し、男爵は戊況を芋守る偎に培した。 レスラトガ出身の螊り子ず同衟しおいたバッヘム䌯爵家圓䞻が䞊半身裞の姿で捕瞛されたのはそれからしばらく埌の事である。その螊り子は窓から逃亡しようずしたずころを男爵の手により捕瞛された。 たたバッヘム䌯の長男は襲撃ず同時に裏門から逃げ出し、レスラトガの倧䜿通に向かおうずしたずころで埅ち䌏せおいた衛兵隊に取り抌さえられおいる。 「ひ、非瀌な! 私はバッヘム䌯爵家の嫡子だぞ!」 「だからこそ蚱されんずいうのが解らんかね」 「......せ、セむファヌト将爵閣䞋......?」 驚いた男が目を䞊げるず、自身の護衛で呚囲を固めお歩み寄っおきたセむファヌトが組み䌏せられた男を芋䞋ろしおいる。呚囲の衛兵が瀌をしようずするのを手で制するず、怒るずいうよりは皮肉っぜい衚情で芋䞋ろしお口を開いた。 「......あ、あの、閣䞋......」 「王倪子殿䞋もご立腹であったからの。芚悟しおおくがよかろう」 将爵ずいう立堎の人間によるこの発蚀は、呚りの衛兵からすれば遠慮をする理由がないずいうこずも意味する。蒌癜になったバッヘム䌯の長男に察し、兵士たちが拳を䜿ったり骚が折れおも構わないずいう態床で拘束したのを咎める人物はいない。 この時、実のずころセむファヌトはバッヘム䌯本人が逃亡しおくるこずを予想しおいた。䌯爵ずいう家柄を振りかざすず面倒だず考えたため、わざわざ遅れお通を出お道路の封鎖に加わったのである。たさか䌯爵が日が萜ちたらすぐに螊り子を連れお寝宀にこもっおいたずは思っおおらず、将爵は埌日耇雑な衚情で肩を竊めるこずずなる。 「閣䞋」 「うむ、ご苊劎。状況はどうかね」 連行されるずいうより匕きずられおいくバッヘム䌯の長男を芋送っおいたセむファヌトだが、駆け぀けおきた衛兵の䞀人に呌びかけられたのに応じお芖線を倖した。 「ツェアフェルト䌯爵邞の方は安党が確認されたした。たた、レスラトガの倧䜿も身柄を確認」 「ほう。逃げおおらなんだか。あの魔道具で囜に逃げ垰っおいおもおかしくはないず思ったがの」 顎に手を圓おお考えたセむファヌトであったが、䞀぀頷いお確認を取る。 「それ以倖は」 「はっ、レスラトガ倧䜿通の曞蚘䞀名が正䜓を珟したした。翌の生えた魔族であったずか」 「第䞀階士団第二分隊により蚎䌐枈みです」 セむファヌトが少し考えお銖を振る。 「倧䜿は知らなかったず考えるのが自然か。レスラトガも䞀枚岩ではないずいう事じゃな。そのあたりは倖務倧臣の仕事になるじゃろう」 そう呟いおセむファヌトが呚囲を芋回した盎埌、屈蟱ず憎悪を堪えるような、䜎く長い獣の遠吠えが䞀床だけ王郜の空気を震わせた。その声に王宮・垂街問わず倧きく緊匵が走ったものの、それ以降、䜕事もなく過ぎ去る事になる。バッヘム䌯爵の䞀族は揃っお眪人ずしお王城地䞋牢に叩き蟌たれた。 同日深倜、倖務倧臣什によりレスラトガの関係者が駐圚しおいる建物のほがすべおが監芖察象ずなり、関係者党員が軟犁されるこずが正匏に決定した。
In one corner of the capital’s noble district, several figures had gathered. They were all dressed in different clothes and they also seemed to belong to different noble ranks but strangely, their unrestrained bloodlust was the only thing that they shared in common. “Because the girl has disappeared, the mansion must be in an uproar now. We should be able to lure out the person called Welner that Gezarius-sama was talking about if we attack the mansion and kill everyone inside one by one starting from the young ones.” “Right.” “Well, they all will die in the end.” “I remember Welner’s face. Don’t eat their faces, so we could confirm that he has died.” They all had the appearance of humans and yet the way they acted was far from human, as they finally decided to throw away their disguise. They walked until they could finally see the Zeavert mansion and rushed toward it. They were not affected by the darkness of the night. “Let’s go!” When the person leading them finally revealed himself as a werewolf and was about to jump over the wall, a shrill shriek resounded. Surprised by the sound, the rest of the figures stopped their track. Then, arrows rained down, from the mansion of Count Stormer located in front of the Zeavert mansion and from the Zeavert mansion’s second floor. The devil who was supposed to be making a surprise attack ended up being overwhelmed by arrows. At first, the sounds of the devil’s angry shouts could be heard but before long, those angry shouts were replaced by screams, and eventually, only the groans of despair could be heard. “Keep calm and shoot. They wouldn’t be able to escape.” The person who was calmly giving orders from the Zeavert mansion’s second floor was Count Muhe. Muhe came to the mansion by posing as Ingo in the Zeavert family’s exclusive carriage. He was entrusted with leading the reinforcement that came from the mansion of former Baron Diehl which was located behind the Zeavert mansion and he was also the commanding officer on this battlefield. The butler of Zeavert mansion, Norbert, approached Count Muhe and offered him a cup of tea. “Please enjoy, Count.” “I will. Thank you.” After taking a sip, Muhe breathed a sigh of satisfaction with an impressed look. Then, Muhe asked Norbert, “Our enemies must have been constantly watching the people leaving and entering this mansion so how were you able to contact us?” “It was thanks to Welner-sama’s idea.” By reflecting the light of a magic lamp using a mirror, a code containing a simple message could be delivered outside. After all, the reflection of the magic lamp was still bright enough to be seen outside of the window in the daytime. The table containing the key of the code had been delivered to the Royal Guards before and the people of Zeavert mansion also had this key. The mansion of former Baron Diehl which was currently under the custody of the lieutenant of the royal guard was located behind the Zeavert mansion as such it was possible for Lily to use a mirror and magic lamp to send a message to that mansion. After receiving Lily’s message, the knights in the former Baron Diehl’s mansion discreetly sent messengers to various places. With that, the message reached Ingo, Welner, The Crown Prince, the Royal Guard, and the Palace Guard in the palace. Receiving the message, the arrangements were made in order for everyone to be able to move swiftly according to plan. Although this was the first time Muhe was entrusted with the command of a reinforcement, Muhe didn’t feel his job was difficult. After all, the plan regarding what would be done if someone came to seek out Mazell’s family using Mazell’s name had already been decided since the night of the day Welner showcased the prototype weapons. All Muhe needed to do was follow that plan. “Although I did not expect that devils would appear.” “Even His Highness and Sir Welner didn’t have any definite proof that devils were still lurking in the capital but if they were, both of them said that now would be a perfect time for the devils to make any moves.” Muhe responded to Norbert’s words. In fact, the plan was made just as a precaution, but the scene in front of Muhe proved that there was no such thing as being over-prepared. The reason why Muhe of all people was chosen to lead the reinforcement was that Muhe had little to no relationship with the Zeavert house. Crown Prince Huber even considered the possibility that people who were close to Welner were being watched by their enemy so he chose Muhe. And Count Muhe himself perfectly executed the Crown Prince’s order. On this day, all devils who were hiding in the capital were completely exterminated. “But Count, you did something quite bold.” (Norbert) “The effect of the caltrop when used on a stone pavement was tremendous. The clean-up would be a hassle though.” (Muhe) In fact, he even used the excuse of ‘the Count was coming home late’ in order to ensure that unrelated people didn’t visit Zeavert house during this time. Of course, if he still failed to protect the Zeavert mansion after all these preparations, he might lose his position... was something that Muhe knew but didn’t say. Considering the fact that the caltrops laid out by Muhe near the mansion’s fences successfully obstructed the Werewolves, the hassle of cleaning them up after was nothing much. After the battle ended, Muhe also gave instructions to throw torches on the road in order to make sure that there were no survivors. “Suppress them! Kill anyone that resists!” Count Witthoft led the knights of his house to attack the mansion of Count Bachem. The Count’s knights were disarming the confused knights and servants of the Count Bachem’s mansion and from time to time, the knights of Witthoft house used the handle of their weapons and their fists to knock down the people of Count Bachem mansion. Baron Kupfernagel who was accompanying Count Witthoft, Erdogan, looked at the Count’s rough way of dealing things with a bitter smile. “I don’t know what has happened but His Highness is also quite evil.” However, even if it was under the order of the Crown Prince, once the news of how fiercely Erdogan attacked the Count Bachem’s mansion spread, the Witthhoft family would have a capricious standing in the royal court in the future. A man, who appeared to be the leader of the Witthoft family’s knights, was wielding his weapons on the battlefront. From his bearings, he seemed to be a young nobleman. The baron guessed that he was most likely the Count’s heir. Remembering the rumor of the heir in the royal court, the Baron could guess what was going on, albeit only from one aspect. The Witthofts were a family of military men and Count Witthoft also constantly boasted about his son’s military power in the royal court. But recently, his son’s achievement in the military pale in comparison to the achievement of the heir of the Zeavert house. Because of that, either the heir or the count himself or perhaps both must have held some resentment toward the Zeavert house. The situation of the Witthoft family’s domestic economy wasn’t good, a thing that commonly happened to the noble house of the military faction. Because of that, the Count was planning to marry his son to the second daughter from the Fleethem house, a noble house that belonged to the civil faction. According to the rumor in the royal court, the Count’s aim in marrying his son to a daughter of Fleethem house that belonged to the civil faction was the dowry. But Valeritz, the heart of Fleethem County, was destroyed by the devils. This was a painful and unexpected blow to the Count as the destruction of Valeritz meant that the Count had lost his possible future financial supporter. On the other hand, because of their trade with Lestlatga, Bachem house’s financial situation was pretty good. But in terms of reputation and merit in the military aspect, Bachem house basically had nothing. In this country, that would make others look down on the Bachem house. Zeavert and Bachem were both Count’s household, but while the heir of the Zeavert house was known as a capable military man, the Baron never heard anything about the heir of Bachem house, so it was quite easy to imagine how the members of Bachem house felt inside. , it was quite possible for the Baron to guess the behind the scene circumstances of this battle. “So Count Bachem’s motive must be jealousy toward the Zeavert house. Then, that jealousy was used by someone else. Although, I think Count Bachem must have never expected his But for the Baron, a feeling of pity toward the Bachem house wasn’t needed. While instructing his subordinate to be careful so they didn’t start any fire in the Bachem mansion, the Baron kept carefully observing the battle situation. Later on, Count Bachem was arrested in his own chamber with his upper body naked. The Count was arrested together with a dancer from Lestlatga. The Baron was the one that ordered the dancer to be arrested when the dancer was trying to escape via the window. As for the heir of Bachem house, he escaped from the backgate when Count Witthoft was attacking the Bachem house and was arrested by the guard who had been waiting for him. The heir was apparently trying to go Lestlatga embassy. “You impolite imbecile! I am the heir of Bachem house!” “How can you not understand that is exactly the reason why your action can’t be forgiven?” “...Your Excellency, Grand Duke Seyfart...?” The heir looked up and saw Seyfart walking toward him along with his bodyguards. When the guards who arrested the heir wanted to bow, Seyfart stopped them. “I still don’t know which one was puppet and which one was the puppeteer, but that would be something I would be able to find out in due time. Although that information is no use for me,” Seyfart said with a cynical tone. “You..Your Excellency... that...” “His Highness the Crown Prince is furious. Prepare yourself.” The heir’s face paled at the Grand Duke’s words. A statement like that from someone who had a position of a Grand Duke meant that there was no need for the guards to hold back. With an attitude as if they would not care if they had to break the heir’s bone if he resisted, they took him away. At this time, Seyfart actually expected the Count to escape so he stayed in the mansion and helped to block the road. After all, it would be troublesome if the Count used his position to force his way through to escape. Never in his wildest dream did the Grand Duke expect that when the sun had gone down, the Count would be found in his room with a dancer. The Duke shrugged his shoulders with a complicated expression when he first heard this news. “Your Excellency.” “Good work. How’s the situation?” away turned his head toward one of the guards that called him. “We have received confirmation that Count Zeavert’s mansion is safe. The ambassador of Lestlatga has also been taken into custody.” “Hooh, the ambassador didn’t try to run? He would be able to run to his own country if he used that magic tool.” While putting his hand on his chin, Seyfart nodded, then he asked the guard, “Any other thing?” “One of the secretaries of the Lestlatga ambassador has revealed himself as a winged devil.” “Then?” “The devil has been exterminated by the second squad of the First Division.” After thinking for a while, Seyfart shook his head. “We can assume that the ambassador doesn’t know anything about the devil. It seems like there is also discord in the Lestlatga. Well, that’s for the Minister of Foreign Affair to worry,” Seyfart muttered, then he looked around his surroundings. Right at that moment, a low, long howl of a beast filled with hatred and humiliation shook the capital. The palace and the capital became tense but nothing happened in the end. Just like the plan, the Bachem family was thrown into the underground prison as a sinner. Later the same night, under the order of the Minister of Foreign Affair, the homes of Lestlatga people in the capital were put under surveillance and the Lestlatga people were put under house arrest.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 4, "inserted_lines_trg": 17 }
「実は君達に出店芏暡の拡倧を怜蚎しおくれたらず思っおいるんだ。開店初日から冒険者や商人の評刀も䞊々で玠晎らしい」 「ありがずうございたす。しかし、珟圚は出店芏暡の拡倧を考えおおりたせん」 本題ずはビゞネスの話だった。 出店芏暡の拡倧は店の軌道が順調ならば考えおいただろうが、店を開店しお日が浅い。 店の回転率は今の人員で䞁床よく回せおいるので、出店芏暡を拡倧したら確実に店が回らなくなる。 その事はシェヌナよく理解しおいる。 「拡倧するには色々な面で䞍足しおいたす。人員を補充するにも、出店先の営業を任せるための指導や料理の仕蟌みをきちんず把握するのは時間が必芁です」 シェヌナは出店できない理由を的確に述べおりィルを玍埗させる。 いや、玍埗しおもらわないず困る。 それに今の店はリィヌシャから金枚を借りお営業できおいる状態なので、圓分はできないだろう。 「いや、今すぐ出店しろっお乱暎な話ではないよ。今埌、出店芏暡の拡倧を考えおいたら、是非ずもここで怜蚎しおくれたらず思っおいる」 「そういうこずでしたら......い぀になるか確玄はできたせんが」 「君のような文歊ず才色がある者なら、い぀でも歓迎だよ! リィヌシャが䞀目眮いおいるだけはある」 りィルは立ち䞊がっおシェヌナに握手をするず、こちらの事情は理解しおくれおいるようだ。 持論をはっきり䞻匵するりィルの姿勢は奜感が持おるし、実盎な人柄は勇者䞀行のメンバヌずしおさすがだずシェヌナは思う。 「暇を芋぀けたら、店に寄らせおもらおうかな。その時は矎味しい料理を期埅しおいるよ」 「ええ、埡来店お埅ちしおおりたす」 話が終わるず、りィルはシェヌナ達を嚯楜斜蚭の出入口たで芋送る。 商業地区の人混みの䞭で、キシャナはようやく心を萜ち着かせるこずができたようで顔色は良くなっおいた。 「もう倧䞈倫か? 蟛かったら俺の背䞭でおんぶするよ」 「もう平気だよ。それにおんぶしたら、私の胞がシェヌナの背䞭に圓たっお倧倉でしょ?」 「ば......銬鹿!? 俺は心配だず思っお芪切心から蚀っただけだよ。邪な気持ちはない」 「ぷっ......あはは。私が思った通りの台詞を吐くずはね」 すっかり元気を取り戻したキシャナは、い぀もの調子でシェヌナをからかう。 悪戯な笑みを浮かべるキシャナは人混みを華麗にすり抜けおいくず、それを远いかけ回すようにしおシェヌナは捕たえようずする。 はしばらく童心に垰ったように、商業地区の人混みを抜けおシェヌナ達がルヌムシェアしおいる居䜏地区の䞀画たで走り抜ける。 「ハァハァ......久々に党速力で走ったら疲れちゃったよ」 「俺も......远いかけっこみたいなこずは久々で楜しかった」 路地裏の階段で二人は座り蟌むず、お互いの顔を芋比べお笑いがこがれた。 「人混みをすり抜けるスキルはファンタゞヌ特有のダヌク゚ルフだからか?」 「どうだろうなぁ。前䞖ず比べお胞がある分、足の速さは遅くなったず思うけど」 「......俺も胞がある分、遅くなったかもなぁ」 さらにお互い顔から胞に芖線を移すず、劙に玍埗した埌でシェヌナは頬を赀く染める。 キシャナはやれやれず蚀わんばかりに、「シェヌナらしいな」ず呆れた様子だった。
“I was wondering if you weren’t thinking of expanding to a branch for your restaurant. Ever since you opened, your popularity around the adventurers and merchants keeps rising and it’s looking really good for you.” “Thank you very much. But we aren’t thinking of doing that at the present moment.” The main topic was business talk. He probably had thought they wanted to expand the restaurant since they were doing well, but in truth, the first day had not been the best. And the number of customers they currently got was just perfect, if they had to attend to even more, they would be unable to keep up with all of them. And Schenna was aware of that the most. “We would be lacking on a lot of fronts if we tried expanding. We would need to train the workers who would be in charge of the branch so they can cook and serve the customers correctly, and we don’t have enough time for that.” Schenna hoped that he would be satisfied once he heard her reasons. But she had to convince him. Not only that, but the restaurant had been built using the three thousand gold coins Reesha had lent her, so she could not just expand like that. “Well, no, I’m not saying you should make a branch right now. I’m just saying that if you ever feel like expanding, to consider doing it here if possible.” “If that’s what you meant... Though I can’t promise anything yet.” “Feel free to come anytime you want, I always welcome well educated and strong people like you! I really have to give props to Reesha for finding you.” Will stood up and shook hands with Schenna, he had been able to grasp Schenna’s situation. It felt nice to talk with someone like Will who expressed his ideas clearly, and his honest appearance really made him seem like a member of the Hero’s party, Schenna thought. “If I’m free enough, I’ll drop by your restaurant. I’ll be expecting good food there.” “Mm, we’ll be waiting for you.” When they were done talking, Will accompanied them to the exit of the entertainment facilities. When they were mixed in the crowd of the commercial district, Kishana seemed to finally be able to calm down and some color returned to her face. “Are you okay now? I can carry you on my back if it’s hard for you.” “I’m good now. And if you carry me, my chest will press on your back and make you uncomfortable, won’t it?” “Y-you...idiot! I was only saying that to be kind and because I was worried. I wasn’t thinking of anything like that.” “Pff...Ahahah. You replied just like I thought you would.” Kishana had become her usual self again, teasing Schenna like she normally did. With a mischievous smile, Kishana deftly navigated through the crowd while Schenna tried to chase after her. It was like they had returned to their innocent days, running through the crowd until they arrived at the apartment they shared in the residential district. “Hahh... It’s been so long since I last ran at full speed that I’m tired now.” “Same... It was like playing catch after who knows how long, but it was fun.” They sat down on some steps on the alley and started laughing when they saw each other’s faces. “Was running through a crowd a skill particular to dark elves in fantasy stories as well?” “I don’t know. But compared to that world, here I have this chest so I feel like I’m slower than I used to be.” “...I also have a chest here, I probably am slower too then...” After that, both their gazes shifted to their chest, and after nodding Schenna suddenly blushed. Kishana laughed it off, apparently taking it as Schenna just acting like she normally did.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
着慣れない服に身を包んだ俺は、我ながら緊匵した面持ちで扉の前に立っおいた。 この蟺境の小さな教䌚にしおは、かなり立掟な造りの扉。 その向こうには、この村の䜏人が抌し寄せおいた。 「......っ!?」 ニコルの状態だず泚目されるこずには慣れおいたが、今のレむドの身䜓ではほずんど泚目されるこずは無かった。 来堎者党員、俺が動き出すのを芋お、䞇雷のような拍手を行う。 い぀もはマリアが説法を行う説教台は取り払われ、い぀もよりも豪奢な法衣を纏ったマリアず、補助を行うアシェラが立っおいた。 マリアの前に進み出た俺に、圌女は小さく笑みを挏らす。 「結構䌌合うじゃない。その瀌服」 日頃濃玺のコヌトか、暗い色合いの服を奜む俺だが、この日は癜い瀌服を纏っおいた。 もちろんニコルの時は魔術孊院の制服か、それに䌌たデザむンの服を奜んでいたが、この日は違う。 癜を䞻䜓ずした瀌服で、目立぀こずこの䞊ない。日頃の俺では絶察に遞ばない色合いだ。 「やっず......あなたたちの結婚匏を執り行うこずができるわね」 「埅たせたみたいだな」 そう、今日は俺ずコルティナ、フィニアずの結婚匏を行うこずになっおいた。 俺が前䞖のレむドの姿をしおいるのも、着慣れない癜い服を着おいるのも、前䞖、今䞖を問わず知人が抌し掛けおいるのも、すべお結婚匏のためだ。 来賓垭には村の䜏民たち以倖にもガドルスやマクスりェル、レティヌナにミシェルちゃんたち。俺ず......ずいうか、ニコルず関わりのあった者たちが倧挙しお抌しかけおいた。 䞭には癜いのや垫匠......颚神の姿たであるのだから、もはやカオス極たっおいる。 「たさか神様たちたで抌しかけおくるなんお、倧したものね」 「あい぀らに関しおは、攟っおおいおくれ。どこにでも顔を出す連䞭なんだから」 癜いのず䞊んで手に持ったクッキヌをがりがり霧っおいる。完党に芋䞖物を芋物する䜓勢だ。 そうこうしおいるず、再び倧扉が開き、コルティナずフィニアが入っおきた。 楚々ずしたロングドレスを身に纏ったフィニアず、察照的に裟の短めの掻発な印象のドレスを纏ったコルティナ。 二人の間にはフィヌナが可愛らしいドレスで着食っお随䌎しおおり、二人のために道に花びらを撒きながら先導しおいた。 必死にバッサバッサず花びらを撒いおいたフィヌナだったが、途䞭で花匁が無くなっおしたい、足を止める。 ずはいえ、攟眮しおおくわけにもいかず、どうした物かず思案しおいるず、来客の䞀人がフィヌナにバスケットを手枡した。 そしおコルティナに向けお芪指を立おおみせる。 どうやら、この事態は圌女にずっお蚈算枈みだったらしい。 「ありがずう!」 「どういたしたしお」 元気なフィヌナの声に応える来客。その声は聖堂内に響き枡り、各所から笑い声が挏れ聞こえおいた。 俺の目の前たでやっおきたコルティナずフィニアに、俺は蚀葉を倱っお芋惚れ続ける。 そんな呆けた俺を芋お、二人は芖線を亀わしお小さく笑う。 「レむド様のそんな顔、初めお芋たした」 「なに寝がけた顔しおんのよ」 「いや、綺麗だったから......」 絞り出すように、それだけを口にする。二人は顔を赀くしおフィニアはう぀むき、コルティナはプむッず芖線を逞らせた。 実際、フィニアは神秘的な矎しさを醞し出しおおり、觊れるのが躊躇われるほど矎しかった。 「あヌ、フィニア、綺麗だよ。たるで女神みたいだ」 「め、女神ですか......」 俺の蚀葉を受け、フィニアはちらりず背埌の来客垭に芖線を向ける。 なるほど、確かに『アレ』ず同列に扱われるのは、䞍本意かもしれない。 「前蚀撀回。倩䜿みたいに綺麗だよ」 「はい。ありがずうございたす」 今床こそ、満面の笑みを浮かべお返しおくる。それにしおも、癜いのず同列に扱われお䞍満に思うずか、圌女も図倪くなったものだ。 「ちょっず、私には䜕もないの?」 「コルティナは劖粟みたいに可愛らしいよ」 「なっ、さ、最初からそう蚀いなさいよ」 「レむドもそんなこず蚀えるようになったのね。感慚深いわ」 「俺だっお女心を理解できるくらいの経隓は積んできたんだ」 「実際に女になっおたで、ね?」 「うっさい、そこに぀いおは觊れるんじゃねぇ!」 俺だっお花嫁を耒める蚀葉が必芁なくらい、理解できる。そう思っお口にしたセリフを、マリアが茶化しおきた。 「それじゃ、むチャ぀くのはこれくらいにしお、匏を始めたしょう」 パンず手を打ち、にこやかに告げるマリア。その意芋には同意するが、口調がたるで倕飯の支床でも始めるかのような軜さで、この荘厳な堎にはそぐわない。 だがそれを指摘するのも、それはそれで無粋な気がしお、俺は黙っおいた。 俺の隣にコルティナずフィニアが䞊び立ち、その目の前でマリアが結婚匏の宣誓の蚀葉を述べ始める。 「新郎レむド。汝、健やかなる時も病める時も、コルティナ、フィニアの䞡名を愛し、守り続けるこずをここに誓うか?」 照れくさくおぶっきらがうな口調で答えた俺の脇に、コルティナの肘が突き刺さる。 暪目で圌女の様子を窺うず、じろりず剣呑な芖線が飛んできおいた。 「えっず、誓いたす」 「よろしい。では新婊コルティナ、フィニアよ......なん、じ......」 そこで唐突に、マリアの声が途切れ始めた。 䜕事かず圌女の様子を窺うず、その顔はたるで泣き出しそうなほど、くしゃくしゃに歪んでいた。 「マリア、どうした? ひょっずしお調子が悪いのか!?」 「なん......なん......う、うぇ......」 「ちょっず、マリア?」 さすがにこの様子に、コルティナも慌おだす。 邪竜退治の時も、クファルの襲撃の時も、真剣な顔で事態に立ち向かいはしおも、決しお涙を芋せるようなこずは無かった。 そんな圌女が目尻に涙を浮かべ、䜕かに耐えおいる様子は、叀い付き合いの俺たちからすれば、異垞な事態だ。 「うえぇぇぇぇぇぇぇん!!」 「ちょ、なに!?」 「マリア様!?」 ぀いに決壊したように泣き出したマリアに、コルティナずフィニアが狌狜した声を䞊げる。 なお俺は、あたりの事態に硬盎しおしたっおいた。 「だっお、だっお! あのコルティナの匏を私が䞊げるのよ? こんなの、嬉しくっお......」 「......あ、そういう意味ね」 どうやら、マリアは感極たっお泣き出しおしたったようだった。 考えおみれば、前䞖の時代から姉効のように仲良くしおいた二人の匏を自分で䞊げるのだから、その気持ちもわからなくはない。 「あヌあ。こうなるずは思っおいたのよね。しかたない。ここは私が代理で――」 泣き出したマリアの代わりに匏を執り行おうず、補助に぀いおいたアシェラ教皇が進み出る。 「ティナずフィニアの匏は私がやるんです! こればかりは教皇様でも絶察譲りたせん!」 「いやお前、その教皇をど぀き倒すのは蚱されるのか......?」 床に倒れ䌏しおピクリずも動かない教皇に、戊慄した芖線を向ける。 そんな俺の䞍安を無芖しお、アシェラ教皇はむくりず身を起こし、元の䜍眮ぞず戻っお行った。 「倧䞈倫よ。あの人、無駄に䞈倫だから。きっず冒険者だったお婆様の圱響なのでしょうね」 「そ、そうなのか?」 「そうよ。もう、匏がめちゃくちゃになっちゃったじゃない」 「䞻にお前のせいでな」 「めんどくさいわね。レむド、さっさず誓いのキスしちゃいなさい」 そんな俺の銖をコルティナがわし掎みにし、匷匕に自分の方に向けさせお唇を重ねおきた。 「ぷぅ。こんな堅っ苊しい匏はさっさず終わらせたいのは同感なのよね」 続いおフィニアが俺の銖にぶら䞋がる様にしお唇を重ねおきた。 「私も、コルティナ様ず同じ意芋ですね。人目がある堎所だず、レむド様ず、その――」 俺から離れたフィニアが、そう蚀うず指を絡たせ、蚀葉を詰たらせる。 圌女は最近、積極的な面が出おきたようだ。それはそれで、嬉しい進歩なのだが、人前でこれは俺が恥ずかしい。 「フィニア......いや、なんでもない」 い぀ものフィニアなら、こんな倧胆な行動は取らなかっただろう。 ひょっずするず圌女も、この状況に酔っおいるのかもしれない。 「これにお、婚姻の宣誓は為されたに祝犏を!」 マリアの蚀葉に、来堎しおいた芳衆から倧歓声が起こった。 祝犏の声ず同時に、ほんの少しの男たちからの劬みの声。ニコルの時はニコニコしおいたのに、珟金な奎らである。 歓声に応えお、振り返っお手を䞊げた俺の芖線が、突劂ずしお䜎くなった。 芋るず、俺の身䜓がい぀ものニコルの身䜓ぞず戻っおいた。 倉化の魔術を解く時は痛みが䌎うずいうのに、それすらもなく、突然に。 「結婚匏なら、あるべき姿で参加すべきでしょう?」 どこかドダ顔を想起させる声を聞いお、反射的にむラッずしおしたったが、今はそれどころではない。 なぜなら、ニコルずレむドでは服のサむズがあたりにも違うからだ。 身長だけでも、ニコルはレむドよりも二十センチほど䜎い。 だずいうのに、胞回りはレむドよりも倧きい。その結果どうなるかず蚀うず...... だぶだぶになった癜い瀌服に、パツパツになった胞元。 もちろん女性甚䞋着などは着けおいないので、絹のシャツに胞の圢が明確に浮き出しおいる。 胞を腕で隠しおその堎にしゃがみこむ俺の耳に、男の歓声以倖にも女性の声も聞こえおきた。 「男装のニコルさん......有りですわね!」 「ニコルちゃん、カッコカワむむね。あ、クラりドくんは芋ちゃダメ」 「男装ニコルちゃん、これは薄い本が厚くなるねぇ」 最前列の垭にいたレティヌナずミシェルちゃん。最埌のは癜いのの暪にいたストラヌルのギルドマスタヌの声か? 「し、癜いの! お前!?」 そのたた正面の倧扉を抌し開けお倖に飛び出しおいく。 本来なら、俺たちが真っ先にそこから出お、倖で埅぀芳衆から祝犏を受ける予定だった。そこぞ癜いのが飛び出しおきたせいで、埅っおいた芳衆は目を䞞くしおいた。 続いおレむドではない俺が飛び出しおきたのだから、芳衆の混乱はさらに増す。 「え、なに? なに?」 「コルティナ様ずフィニアさんが出おくるんじゃなかったっけ?」 「癜い子ず......ニコルちゃん?」 「男の服で? いいわね」 混乱しおいるのか、倉に萜ち着いた声で斜め䞊の感想すら飛び出す芳衆。 「ちょっず、ニコル! もう、匏が台無しじゃない!? 本圓に萜ち着きがない子なんだから」 レむドの姿をしおいない俺に、ニコルず呌び掛けおくるマリア。
Wrapped in unfamiliar clothes, I, feeling tense, stood in front of the door. The door in front of me creaked open. For a small church in this remote area, the door was quite magnificent. Beyond it, the villagers of this village had gathered. Their gazes concentrated on me as the door opened. “...!?” In Nicole’s state, I was used to being the center of attention, but in this Reid’s body, I was hardly noticed. So, for a moment, my body stiffened. Tearing my feet from the floor, I moved forward. As all the visitors saw me start to move, they erupted into applause. The pulpit where Maria usually delivered sermons had been removed. Instead, Maria, adorned in more luxurious vestments than usual, stood with Ashella assisting her. Behind them, Lyell, dressed in unfamiliar holy knight attire, was present. As I stepped forward towards Maria, she let out a small smile. “You look quite good in that formal attire.” I usually preferred dark navy coats or clothes with dark hues, but on this day, I was clad in a white formal suit. Of course, when I was Nicole, I favored the uniform of the magic academy or clothes with a similar design. But not on this day. Wearing a predominantly white formal suit that was impossible to ignore; it was a color scheme I would never choose in my everyday life. “At last... we can proceed with your wedding.” “Looks like I made you wait.” With a radiant smile, Maria declared. For her, it was a calculation that she had been waiting for twenty-six years from my previous life. Yes, today was the day for the wedding ceremony between Cortina, Finia, and me. The fact that I was in Reid’s appearance from my previous life, wearing an unfamiliar white outfit, and the influx of acquaintances from both my past and present lives—all of it was for the sake of the wedding. In addition to the villagers, the guest seats were filled with not only Gadius and Maxwell but also Letina and Michelle, and others. Those who had connections with me—as in, Nicole—gathered in large numbers. Even Whitey and Master, the Wind God were here, making it a chaotic spectacle. “I never expected even the gods to show up. Quite the development we have here.” “Just leave them be. They’re the type to show up anywhere.” Next to the figure in white and my master, even the Guild Master from Stollar was in attendance. Apparently, she was also acquainted with Whitey. She stood beside Whitey, munching on a cookie held in her hand. She was completely in a spectator position, enjoying the show. As we were talking, the grand doors opened again, and Cortina and Finia entered. I turned to look at them and was momentarily struck. There was Finia, clad in an elegant long dress, and Cortina, in a lively dress with a shorter hem, creating a contrasting impression. Between them, Fina —adorned in a cute dress— accompanied them, scattering flower petals on the road for the two as she led the way. She was desperately scattering the petals, but as they ran out, she stopped and started looking around in a fluster. Her cute appearance was truly fitting for my sister. However, it couldn’t be left unattended. As I pondered what to do, one of the guests handed a basket to Fina. Then, they gave a thumbs-up to Cortina. It seemed like this situation was already anticipated by her. “Thank you!” “You’re welcome.” The guest responded to Fina’s energetic voice. Their voices echoed within the cathedral, and laughter could be heard from various places. Cortina and Finia, who had come right in front of me, left me speechless as I continued to gaze at them in awe. Seeing me in such a daze, the two exchanged glances and chuckled softly. “I’ve never seen Lord Reid with that expression before.” “Why are you looking so half-asleep?” “I mean, you two look so beautiful...” I uttered it as if squeezing it out. The two blushed, with Finia bowing her head and Cortina turning her gaze away. Indeed, Finia exuded a mysterious beauty, almost too beautiful to touch. Cortina, on the other hand, displayed an innocent and charming allure, creating an atmosphere that made one want to dote on her, unlike Finia. “Oh, Finia, you look beautiful. Like a goddess.” “G-Goddess, you say...” In response to my words, Finia glanced briefly at the guest seats behind her. There, Whitey, nibbling on cookies like a squirrel, was present. I see, being treated on par with ‘that thing’ might not be very desirable. Reconsidering, I corrected myself. “Retracting my previous statement. You look as beautiful as an angel.” “Ah, thank you.” This time, she returned with a beaming smile. Nevertheless, she has become quite bold these days, even feeling displeasure at being likened to Whitey. “Hey, do I get anything?” “Cortina, you’re cute like a fairy.” “W-Wha... Then say so from the beginning!” “You’ve become able to say such things huh, Reid? How moving.” “I’ve gained enough experience to understand a woman’s heart.” “By actually becoming a woman, right?” “Shut up! Don’t bring that up!” Even I understood enough to compliment a bride. I expressed my thoughts, and Maria teased me. However, in my past life, I couldn’t even manage that. Maria’s words, in a sense, were correct. “Well then, let’s stop the lovey-dovey talk and start the ceremony.” Maria clapped her hands and cheerfully announced. While I agreed with her sentiment, her tone was so light, as if she were about to start preparing dinner, and it didn’t quite match the solemn atmosphere of the occasion. Yet pointing that out also felt tactless, so I remained silent. Cortina and Finia stood beside me, and in front of us, Maria began to recite the solemn words of the wedding ceremony. “Groom Reid. Do you solemnly swear to love and protect both Cortina and Finia in health and sickness?” Awkwardly and gruffly, I responded, and Cortina’s elbow jabbed into my side. Glancing sideways at her, I noticed a sharp, penetrating gaze. “I mean, I swear.” “Very well. Now, brides Cortina, Finia...” Suddenly, Maria’s voice began to falter. Wondering what was happening, I looked at her face. It was contorted as if she were about to burst into tears. “Maria, what’s wrong? Are you feeling unwell!?” “You... yo... waahh...” “What the?! Maria?” Even Cortina started to panic at this unusual sight. Maria was an incredibly persevering woman, never showing her pain. During the Evil Dragon extermination and during Kufar’s attack, she faced the situation looking earnest, but she never shed tears. Seeing her with tears welling up at the corners of her eyes, enduring something, was an abnormal situation for us who had known her for a long time. “Waaaaaaaaahhhh!” “Hey, what’s wrong!?” “Lady Maria!?” As Maria finally broke down into tears, Cortina and Finia exclaimed in bewilderment. Meanwhile, I was frozen, overwhelmed by the unexpected turn of events. “How can I not cry! I get to officiate Cortina’s ceremony! I’m so happy about this that I...” “...Oh, that’s why.” It seemed Maria had become overwhelmed with emotion and started crying. Understanding this, Cortina let out a sigh of exasperation. Thinking about it, officiating the ceremony for the two girls who had been as close as sisters to her ever since my past life has held special meaning for Maria. I could understand her feelings, but having the ceremony come to a halt was highly inconvenient. “Oh dear, I did anticipate it would end up like this. Oh well. In that case, I’ll step in as a substitute—” As Maria began to cry, Pope Ashella, who was assisting, stepped forward to officiate the ceremony in her place. However, at a speed that even I might have missed, Maria smacked her on the back of the head. “I’m the one who will officiate Tina and Finia’s ceremony! I won’t let even the Pope take over for this!” “Wait, is it okay for you to smack that same Pope like that...?” We turned our horrified gazes to the collapsed and motionless Pope on the floor. If the Pope died from such a silly retort, it would be beyond embarrassing. Ignoring my concerns, Pope Ashella abruptly got up and returned to her original position. “It’s okay. She’s surprisingly sturdy. Probably influenced by her grandma who was an adventurer.” “R-really?” “Yeah. Ah geez, the ceremony has already gone haywire.” “Mainly because of you.” “How troublesome. Reid, just hurry up with the kiss and seal the deal.” I couldn’t help but voice a retort at her straightforwardness. However, Cortina grabbed my neck and forcefully turned my face toward her, pressing her lips against mine. “Pfft. I agree; I want to get this stiff ceremony over with.” Next, Finia hung onto my neck and kissed me as well. “I agree with Lady Cortina. With so many eyes on us, I can’t fully, umm...” As Finia spoke, she intertwined her fingers and stumbled over her words. She seemed to have become more assertive lately. While it was a welcome development, it was embarrassing for me in public. “Finia... No, it’s nothing.” If it were the usual Finia, she wouldn’t have taken such bold actions. Perhaps she, too, was getting carried away by the situation. “With this, the marriage vows have been made. Blessings to the three!” As Maria spoke, cheers erupted from the spectators. Alongside the cheers, there were faint murmurs of envy from a few men. They were all smiles when I was in Nicole’s form, though. They were really something. Responding to the cheers, I turned around and raised my hand. However, my line of sight suddenly lowered in height. Upon looking down, my body had returned to its usual form as Nicole. There should have been some pain when undoing the transformation magic, yet there was none. It happened abruptly. “If it’s a wedding, you should participate in the appropriate form, right?” Hearing a voice that evoked a somewhat smug expression, I reflexively felt irritated. However, that wasn’t my main concern right now. The reason being that Nicole and Reid had significantly different body sizes. Even in height alone, Nicole was about twenty centimeters shorter than Reid. Yet, her chest was larger than Reid’s. And the result of that... The white wedding suit was now loose and baggy, and my chest was cramped. Of course, I didn’t wear women’s underwear, so the silk shirt clearly outlined the shape of the chest. The spectators erupted in cheers, but this time, it carried a different meaning. As I squatted down, covering my chest with my arms, I could hear not only male cheers but also female voices. “Nicole in men’s clothing... looks great!” “Nicole, you’re so cool and cute. Oh, don’t you look, Cloud.” “Nicole in men’s clothing, this will make some interesting ero fanfic material.” In the front row, there were Letina and Michelle. The last comment seemed to be from the Stollar’s Guild Master, who was next to Whitey. “W-Whitey! You little–!?” I shouted and lunged at her. However, Whitey seemed to anticipate the move, gracefully dodging me and pushing open the main door, flying outside. Originally, we were supposed to be the first to come out from there, receiving blessings from the waiting audience. However, with the sudden appearance of Whitey, the crowd was left wide-eyed. Following that, it was not me as Reid but as Nicole who came out, further adding to the confusion among the spectators. “Huh, what? What’s going on?” “Weren’t Lady Cortina and Finia supposed to come out?” “A girl in white and... Nicole?” “In men’s clothing? That looks nice.” The audience, whether confused or oddly composed, expressed various unexpected reactions. Behind me, Maria’s exasperated voice reached my ears. “Hey, Nicole! Isn’t the ceremony ruined now!? You really can’t hold still for a moment, can you!” Maria called out to me, addressing me as Nicole now that I was no longer in Reid’s form. Being called as such made me strangely happy. After all, for her, I was a daughter first and Reid second.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 9, "inserted_lines_src": 25, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「ふんふんふヌん♪」 だだっ広い草原の真ん䞭で錻歌を歌いながら狌耳の少女がペットず思しき狌にブラッシングをしおいる。 草原にそよ颚が吹き、青空をゆっくりず癜い雲が暪切っおいくその光景はずおも長閑であり、この空間党䜓でゆったりず時間が流れおいた。 「うヌん。綺麗になったねぇ。モダ助」 「ワン!」 ただし、ブラッシングされおいる狌が䌏せの姿勢であるにも関わらずその䜓高が4mを超えるような巚倧狌である点を陀けばだが。 「むズミ。少しいいか?」 「ん?モル姉さん?」 ず、ここで突劂ずしおこの草原には䞍釣り合いな金属補の扉が空間を切り裂くように出珟し、扉の先から襀耞の様なフヌドマントにガスマスクの様な物で顔を隠した女性......『管理者』が珟れる。 「むズミに䜕か甚?」 「ああ、少し探しお欲しい物があっおな」 「探し物ですか」 「そうだ。本圓は私やあの女が探すべきなんだろうが、私の探玢胜力は知っおの通りだしアむツには働く気は無いようだしな。党く、自分で䜜った物だず蚀うのにアむツは......」 狌耳の少女......むズミは内心でたた始たったかず思い぀぀モダ助ず呌んでいた狌の毛皮に身を沈めおモフモフず毛皮の感觊を確かめながら『管理者』でし続けおいる愚痎を聞き流す。 そしおしばらく時間が経っお䞀通りの愚痎を蚀い切ったのか『管理者』が溜息を吐いたずころでむズミが切り出す。 「それで結局むズミに察しおの甚事は?それからオリ姉さんには頌たなかったの?」 「ん?ああ、すたないな。぀い愚痎っおしたっおいたようだ。䟝頌に぀いおはこっちの玙に纏めおある通りで、『千界通』の方には既に協力をしおもらっおいおその結果がそこの玙に曞いおある䞖界だったんだ」 むズミは『管理者』から䞀枚の玙を受け取るずその内容に目を通しおいく。 なお、芋た目は普通の䞊質玙であるが実際には䞀皮の情報蚘憶媒䜓であり明らかにその玙䞀枚には玍たりきらない様な量の情報が蚘茉されおいる。 「ふむふむ......ダバくないですか?これ」 「ダバい。だから私もアむツに働けず蚀ったのだがアむツは聞く耳を持たなかった」 「むノ姉さんらしいず蚀えばらしいですね......」 そしお受け取った玙の内容を䞀通り芋たむズミはその内容に内心では冷や汗を掻きながら、蚘茉されおいる情報の危険床に぀いお共通の認識を持おおいるかを確かめおしたう。 「それで『千界通』曰くこの䞖界にある事は確かだが、隠蔜を目的ずした結界が䞖界党䜓に匵られおいるためにそれ以䞊は分からないずの事だ。だから今回はお前に頌む事ずした」 「なるほど......」 むズミは『管理者』の蚀葉を聞きながら玙に曞かれおいた内容に぀いお反芻をする。 そしおその䞭で圌女は䞀぀の項目......特にずある䞀文に぀いお特に頭の䞭で䜕床も繰り返す。 『圓䞖界では浄化ず蚀う名目の元、倚数の䞖界から魂を集めおは攟流をしおいるのが確認できた。そのため、圓䞖界には茪廻転生に関する暩胜を所有する神が最高神ずしお存圚しおいる可胜性が高い』 「魂を集める......か」 「やる気になっおもらったようで幞いだ」 「うん。行かせおもらうよ。もしかしたらむズミの探し物も有るかもしれない」 『管理者』の蚀葉にむズミは屈匷な獣を思わせるような獰猛な笑みを浮かべお芋せ、モダ助ず呌ばれた巚倧な狌が立ち䞊がる。 「では、よろしく頌むぞ」 「うん。行くよモダ助」 そしおむズミずモダ助は『管理者』が入っお来るのに䜿ったのず別のゲヌトを生み出すず、その先に有る巚倧な橋の様な物がかけられた空間ぞず向かった。 ■■■■■ 「これは確かなのか?」 「は、はい。間違いありたせん」 そこではスパむンが扇情的な衣装に身を包んだ氎色の髪に玫色の瞳を持぀女性ず緊匵した面持ちで正察しおいた。 あ、有り埗ねぇ!?確かに盎接連絡をしろずは蚀われたが、瀟長の第䞀玚分䜓が出匵っお来るずか異垞事態にも皋があるだろうが!? そしお内心では本気でビビっお呜の危機すらも芚えおいた。圌の立堎や実力を考えれば圓然であったが。 「そしお今回の件での察䟡がこれか」 女性......倚次元間貿易䌚瀟コンプレックスの瀟長の手には䞀぀のリボンが握られおいた。 そのリボンにはスパむン芖点では恐ろしい皋の魔力が蟌められおおり、誰の目から芋おも神の埡業によっお䜜られたこずが明らかな神宝の䞀皮だった。 「着甚者に匷力な再生ず治癒の力を䞎えるリボンか。これ䞀぀で自惚れが匷い者なら神の子でも名乗りかねんな」 「は、はいそうですね......」 スパむンは明らかにビク぀きながらも瀟長に察応する。 「たあ、これに぀いおは適圓なずころでオヌクションにでも出すか、必芁な時に備品ずしお貞䞎すればいいか。問題はこれだけの物を受け取っおしたっおはこの前の仕事量では釣り合わないず蚀う点だな。ずなればしょうがない。幟぀かこっちで䟿宜を図っおおくか。ヒショヌ」 「お呌びで?」 「結界班に通達。察象を䞋玚神玚に限定しお違和感を芚えられない皋床のレベルでR05-I14-C01䞖界の呚囲に時盞遷移結界を匵れ。それず芳枬班にも通達。R05-I14-C01䞖界に匵った時盞遷移結界に接觊した神の正䜓に぀いお調査し、ロりィッチ経由で『茪廻神』に連絡をしおやれ」 「䞋玚神限定でよろしいのですか?」 「䞭玚神以䞊が盞手では察䟡が釣り合わないし、そもそもりチの結界班のレベルを考えたら俺が出るしかなくなる」 「分かりたした。ではそのように」 そう蚀うずヒショヌはその堎を埌にする。 「スパむン」 「は、はい!」 「分かっおいるず思うがこれは『塔』に関わる事だ。ロりィッチ共々無理はするな」 「わ、分かりたした!!」 そしお瀟長もその堎を埌にし、その堎にはスパむンだけが残された。 「............」 で、圓のスパむンず蚀えば内心ではこう思っおいた。 有絊䌑暇でも取っお匕っ蟌みおヌ!?ダバ過ぎんだろ今回のダマ!? 勿論、そんな事は蚱されないのだが。
“Woof woof woof woof♪” A wolf that seemed to be a pet was being brushed by a girl with wolf ears in the midst of a vast meadow while she hummed. Time seemed to be flowing slowly over the entire area as there was a gentle breeze blowing through the meadow and white clouds leisurely drifting across the blue sky, creating a tranquil scene. “Yeah. It’s beautiful, isn’t it? Moyasuke.” “Woof!” Even though the wolf was lying flat, the fact that it was a massive animal towering taller than meters was the only thing that seemed out of the ordinary. “Izumi. Can I talk to you for a minute?” “Hmm? Mol nee-san?” At this point, a metallic door that was out of proportion to the meadow suddenly materialized, and a woman—the “Administrator”—wearing a rag-like hood cloak and concealing her face with a gas mask-like device emerged from the end of the door. “What do you need me for?” “Oh, I need you to search for something.” “Searching?” “Right. The truth is, I and that woman should be the ones searching for it, but as you know my search skills and she doesn’t seem to be interested in working with me. I mean, she’s not even going to look for something that she made herself...” The girl with the wolf ears—Izumi inwardly thought that her ranting had started again, but she sank down into the wolf fur that she called Moyasuke, and while checking the feel of the fluffy fur, she listened to the “Administrator” continuing to complain on her own. The “Administrator” eventually sighed as though she had finished venting her grievances, and Izumi then started to speak. “What do you ultimately need from me then? And you didn’t request assistance from Oli nee-san?” “Hmm? Oh, I’m sorry. I guess I was complaining too much. The request is summarized in the paper over here, and I have already asked the ‘Thousand Worlds’ to cooperate, and the result is the world described in the paper over here.” The “Administrator” handed a piece of paper to Izumi, who then read it. Although it seemed to be a standard sheet of high-quality paper, it was actually a type of information storage media that apparently held more information than could be fit on a single sheet of paper. “Hmm... isn’t this bad? About this.” “It’s bad. So I told that guy to work, but that guy wouldn’t listen to me.” “That sounds very much like Ebri nee-san...” Izumi, who had seen the information on the paper she received, internally broke out in a cold sweat to ascertain whether they shared a common understanding of the danger of the information contained in the paper. “So, according to ‘Thousand Worlds’, it is certain that it is here in this world, but since the entire world is covered with a barrier to conceal it, we don’t have any further information. That’s why I’ve asked you to help me this time.” Izumi mused over the information written on the paper while she listened to the “Administrator’s” remarks. And one item in particular... she repeated over and over again in her mind was a sentence. [In this world, it has been confirmed that souls are collected from many worlds and released under the pretext of purification. Therefore, there is a strong possibility that a God who possesses the power of reincarnation exists in this world as the supreme God.] “Collecting souls...?” “I’m glad you’re motivated.” “Yeah. I will be going there. Perhaps what I am searching for is there.” At the words of the “Administrator,” Izumi flashed a ferocious smile reminiscent of a mighty beast, and the giant wolf known as Moyasuke stood up. “Then, please take care of it.” “Yeah. Let’s go, Moyasuke.” Izumi and Moyasuke then created another gate, the same one used by the “Administrator” to enter, and headed for the space beyond it, where a huge bridge-like structure was constructed. ■■■■■ “Are you certain of this?” “Y-Yes. Without a doubt.” In a different place, in a room of a Multidimensional Trading Company Complex, Spine was nervously confronted by a woman with light blue hair and purple eyes dressed in a sensational costume. I-It’s impossible! It’s true that I was told to contact the president directly, but it’s beyond crazy to expect the president’s first-class fissure to show up on my doorstep!? Furthermore, he was extremely alarmed and even in dread for his life on the inside. Given his position and aptitude, it was only expected. “And this is the compensation for this case?” In the hand of the female president of the... Multidimensional Trading Company Complex, a single ribbon was held in her hand. That ribbon was a form of divine treasure that was clearly the creation of the God in the eyes of anybody and was imbued with magic power that was terrifying from Spine’s perspective. “A ribbon that gives the wearer powerful regenerative and healing powers? An egocentric person may declare themselves to be the son of God with just one of this.” “Y-Yes, that’s right...” Spine answered the president with apparent apprehension. “We could, nevertheless, bring this stuff up for sale in the proper location or loan it out as equipment as required. The issue is that the work we were given would not be sufficient to offset the expense of the prior task. It is inevitable if that is the case. I’ll make a few accommodations here and there. Hisho.” “You called?” “Notify the Warding Squad. Limit the subject to low-level God class and set up a time-phased transition barrier around R-I-C world at a level that will not cause any discomfort. Also, notify the Observation Squad to investigate the identity of any deity that comes into contact with the time-phased transition barrier on R5-I14-C01, and contact the ‘God of Reincarnation’ via Lowizc.” “Are you sure to limit her to low-level God?” “The compensation would be disproportionate if we were dealing with intermediate-level Gods or above, and considering the level of our Warding Squad in the first place, I would have no choice but to emerge myself.” “I understand. I will do so.” With that, Hisho left the place. “Spine.” “Y-Yes!” “You know this is about the ‘Tower’. You and Lowizc must be careful.” “I-I understand!!” Only Spine remained in the space when the president left as well. “...” Speaking of Spine, he was inwardly thinking. I’m going to take a paid vacation and withdraw!? This time’s climax is too frightening, isn’t it? Of course, that was not allowed to happen. ——————
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
来おしたった......いお座の詊緎䌚堎に。 堎所はだだっ広い草原。 そこにありずあらゆる飛び道具の射的堎が蚭眮されおいる。 出店が射的堎だけの祭りのようだ。 『さあさあみなさん! お奜きな歊噚を手にずっお、自由に的圓おを楜しむだにょん!』 いお和匓を持った匓道郚スタむルだ。 ずはいえ金髪は倉わっおいないので、郚掻ずいうより芳光に来た倖囜人感はある。 詊緎の内容は射手座にちなんでシンプルな的圓おだ。 銃は圓然ずしお、匓矢、吹き矢、手裏剣、ブヌメラン、短剣、手斧、手槍、石ころに至るたで、プレむダヌは自由に遞んで的圓おに挑むこずができる。 遞ぶ歊噚によっお的の配眮やルヌルに倚少の差はあれど、基本的には的の真ん䞭に圓おれば高ポむントだ。 䜕回か射撃たたは投擲を繰り返し、最終的なスコアが合栌ラむンを越えれば ご耒矎に関しおは、この合栌ラむンを越えた者だけに解攟される高難易床ステヌゞをクリアする必芁があるらしい。 たずは深く考えず真ん䞭を狙っおいけばいい。 「さお、歊噚は䜕にするか......」 悩むたでもなく匓だろう。 むしろそれ以倖䜕を䜿うんだ。 ずいうこずで、匓の射的堎の列に䞊ぶ。 的はにたくさん䞊んでいるため、耇数のプレむダヌが同時に詊緎に挑戊できる。 しかし、今は的以䞊にプレむダヌが抌しかけおいるので倚少の埅ち時間が発生しおいる。 なんだか懐かしいな。 お祭りの射的なんかは垞に人気でみんな䞊んで埅っおいたものだ。 「あの......もしかしお、キュヌゞィさんですか?」 「はい、そうですが」 匓を䜿うか䞀瞬悩んだのは、匓の列に䞊べば確実に隒がれるず思ったからだ。 耇数の歊噚が遞べるこの詊緎で、簡単そうな銃や石ころ投げを遞ばずに匓を遞択する人ずいうのは、普段から匓を䜿っお冒険しおいる可胜性が高い。 同じ匓䜿いずしお、俺のこずを把握しおる人も倚くなるだろうず思った。 これが手斧投げずかなら、匓自䜓に興味がなくお俺のこずを忘れおいる人や知らない人が倚かったかもしれない。 話題になった陣取りのむベントも結構前の出来事だからな。 「きゃあっ! 本物なんですね! ご掻躍はかねがねお聞きしおたす!」 「最近は海で起こった倧型スクランブルのモンスタヌを゜ロで蚎䌐なされたずか......!」 「いやいやいや! 誰ですかそんなこず蚀ったの!? 流石に誇匵されすぎですっお!」 あれは他のプレむダヌや蒌海竜の協力あっおの勝利だった。 ずおも自分だけで勝ったずは蚀えない。 どこでどう話がすり替わったんだ......? 「あっ、私なんかがキュヌゞィさんの前に䞊んでるのは倱瀌ですよね! お先にどうぞ!」 するず、さらに前に䞊んでいるプレむダヌも俺の存圚に気づいた。 「わっ、匓おじさんだっ! お先にどうぞ!」 「うおっ! 本物だ!」 「ネットで芋たこずある人だ! 実圚したんだ!?」 「䞊手い人に自分が撃぀ずころを芋られるの恥ずかしいんで、どうぞ抜かしおください!」 あれよあれよずいう間に、列に䞊んでいたすべおのプレむダヌが俺に順番を譲っおしたった。 䞭には『こんなおじさんのこず知らないけどノリで譲っずくか』っお人もいるだろうな......。 たあ、ありがたいず蚀えばありがたいこずなのだが......流石に玠盎に受け取るわけにはいかない。 「俺のこずはどうぞお気になさらず。みなさん順番通りにいきたしょう」 俺の蚀葉は通じたようで、みなサッず列に戻った。 どちらにせよ、これ以降は少しお話をする皋床で平和に進み、぀いに俺の順番がやっお来た。 自分が狙う的の前に立ち、呌吞を敎える。 モンスタヌずの戊闘䞭は撃たなければやられるずいう緊匵感の䞭で射撃を行っおいるから、こういう安党な的圓おはたた感芚が違うな。 だが、動く的であるモンスタヌよりは絶察に簡単なはずだ。 い぀も通りにやれば問題ない。 的は60メヌトル先、倧きさは盎埄100センチ皋床。 撃おる矢の数は4本。 埗点は真ん䞭が100点、そこから䞭心を離れるごずに点数が䞋がっおいく。 合栌ラむンは合蚈280点以䞊。 ぀たり、1回の射撃ごずに70点以䞊取れれば無理なく合栌できる。 「よし......いくか!」 キリリリリ......っず匊を匕き、シュッず攟぀。 するずストンッず的の真ん䞭に矢が収たる。 これを4回繰り返す。間に䌑憩はいらない。 呌吞をするように淡々ず圓おる......。 「......おお、意倖ず倖さなかったな」 慣れない環境で撃぀ず狙いがブレるず思ったが、すべお真ん䞭に呜䞭しおいた。 自分でも理由はわからないが、やはり匓矢は䜓に合っおいる。 「すごヌい! 流石キュヌゞィさん!」 「え、えっ!?」 射的堎党䜓から拍手が起こる。 どうやら、みんな撃぀手を止めお俺の射撃を芋おいたらしい。 集䞭しおいたからか、音の倉化に気づかなかったな......。 呚りの倉化に敏感に反応できないずは、ただただ未熟だ。 「あ、ありがずうございたした!」 称賛されるこずに慣れおない俺は、ずりあえず手を振っおその堎を埌にした。 アむドルじゃないんだから倉な気もするが、黙っお去るのも申し蚳ない。 埌で思いだしお恥ずかしくなる気もするけど......たあ、たたにはいいだろう。おじさんがアむドルでも。 『流石だにょん! 匓を扱ったら右に出る者はいないにょんね!』 チャリンが虚空から珟れる。 あれ、俺のこずを認識しおいる? 「ありがずう。芚えおくれたんだ、俺のこず」 『AIだっお人間ず同じで、印象に残るプレむダヌは芚えおしたうものだにょん! 各迷宮にいる私は党郚繋がっおるからなおさらだにょん!』 そうか、すべおのチャリンは同䞀人物だった。 それなら俺みたいな倉な遊び方しおるプレむダヌは芚えおしたうだろうな。 『さお、メダルをプレれント......の前に、ご耒矎を賭けた高難易床ステヌゞに挑むにょんね?』 「ああ、もちろんさ」 メダルはご耒矎ず䞀緒に受け取るずしよう。 すべお終わった埌に受け取る方が気分も良い。 『では、高難易床ステヌゞにご案内だにょん!』 チャリンに導かれおやっお来たのは......銬屋だった。 た、たさか......。 に挑戊しおもらうにょん! たさに人ず銬! 人銬の詊緎の最埌を食るのにふさわしい内容にょんねぇ~』 ヒヒィヌヌヌンッ! チャリンの蚀葉に同意するように銬たちがいなないた。 俺、銬なんお乗ったこずないぞ......! いや、ある......か? あれは......陣取り合戊の時だ。 ハタケさんから借り受けた『マッハホヌス』ずいうりマ型モンスタヌに乗ったこずがあったな。 貞しおくれたハタケさんの印象が匷すぎお忘れおいた。 しかし、リアルで銬に乗ったこずがない人間が蚀うのもアレだけど......『マッハホヌス』は銬に乗っおいる感が皆無だった。 あのモンスタヌの乗り心地はずにかく快適だった。 それこそ䞊の自動車より速いのに、揺れがほずんどないのだ。 滑るように倧地を駆け、俺を自軍本拠地たで連れお行っおくれた。 その埌は普通に自分の足で立っお射撃を行っおいたので、銬䞊で匓を撃った経隓は本圓にない。 今回もそんな快適な乗銬䜓隓が......埅っおいるわけないよなぁ。 NSOのこずだ。倚少リアルより簡単にし぀぀も、限りなくリアルに近い乗銬䜓隓を甚意しおくれおいるこずだろう。 俺、リアルで銬なんお乗ったこずないぞ......!
I arrived... This is where the Sagittarius Trial would take place. It was just a vast field of grass. And here, firing ranges for all kinds of ranged weapons had been set up. I almost felt like I was at a fair. ‘Now, everyone! Grab your favorite weapon and enjoy hitting the targets-nyon!’ Charin was wearing a hakama and carried a Japanese bow. That being said, her hair was still blonde, so she looked more like a foreign tourist than someone from the archery club at school. The trial was based on the Sagittarius constellation, and was simply about hitting targets. Aside from guns, there were bows, darts, shurikens, boomerangs, daggers, hatchets, javelins and slings. Players could freely choose what they wanted and take on the trial. While there were adjustments to the rules depending on what weapon you chose, in general, you received more points for hitting the center of the target. You would throw or fire repeatedly, and if your final score crossed a certain line, then you would receive the Sagittarius medal. As for the special reward, you had to complete an ultra difficult stage that was unlocked after getting a passing score. In any case, there was no reason to think too deeply. Just aim at the center. “So, which weapon should I use...” Well, it wasn’t much of a question. Of course, I would use the bow. What could I even use if not the bow? And so I waited in line at the archery range. As there were a lot of targets lined up next to each other, multiple players could take on the trial at once. However, if there were too many players there, you would have to wait a little. It made me a little nostalgic. The archery range was always quite popular during festivals. “Um... Are you Mister Kyuji?” “Yes, I am.” Well, I wasn’t surprised. One of the reasons why I hesitated to use a bow at first, was because I knew that I would draw attention if I waited in line. There were other weapons like guns that seemed a lot easier, so anyone who used a bow for this trial was likely using them as their main weapon during adventures. And if they were archers, then they were even more likely to be aware of me. Because people who threw axes and had no interest in bows would have forgotten about me quickly. At this point, even the turf war seemed like it was a long time ago. “Kyah! So it really is you! I’ve heard about your exploits!” “They say that you killed a monster during a large-scale Scramble at sea, by yourself...!” “No, no, no! Who the hell said that!? They’re exaggerating!” We had only won due to the help of other players and the Blue Sea Dragon. In no way had I accomplished that alone. At what point had the story changed...? “Oh, how insolent of me to be standing in front of you, Mister Kyuji! You can go ahead!” And the players waiting in front of her noticed me. “Ohh! It’s that old bow guy! You go on ahead!” “Woah! It really is him!” “I’ve seen pictures of him! So he’s real!?” “I don’t want someone so skilled to watch me shoot, so you can go first!” And before I knew it, all of the players who had been waiting in line were offering me their position. Though, I think there were a few who were thinking, ‘I don’t know who this old man is, but I’ll just go with the flow’... Well, it wasn’t that I didn’t feel grateful...but I couldn’t accept it either way. “Please don’t mind me. We should all just go by the original order.” They seemed to agree, and they returned to their spot in the queue. Things went smoothly after that. And after a little more smalltalk, my turn finally came. I stood in front of the target and calmed my breathing. With monsters, you had to shoot with a feeling of nervousness because you could die if you didn’t shoot. So it felt really different to be able to shoot in a completely safe environment. In any case, these targets didn’t move like monsters did, so it should be much easier. There would be no problem if I just shot like I always do. The target was about meters away and cm in diameter. You were allowed to shoot arrows. You would receive 0 points for hitting the center, and less the further your arrow was from it. The passing line was a total of 280 points. In other words, if you got more than 70 points with each shot, you would be able to pass. “Alright...let’s go!’ Kiririri...I pulled the bowstring and unleashed it with a shu! And with a ‘suton!’ the arrow landed in the center. I repeated this 4 times. I didn’t need a break in between shots. I just shot one after another. As calm as if I was just breathing... “...Oh. Surprisingly, I didn’t miss any.” I thought that being in an unfamiliar place would affect my aim, but I had hit the center every time. I didn’t really know why, but archery just seemed to be a good fit for me. “Amazing! I knew you would do it, Mister Kyuji!” “Uh, huh!?” A round of applause erupted from the archery range. Apparently, they had all stopped to watch me. I had been so focused that I didn’t even notice the change in sounds... But the fact that I wasn’t sensitive to my surroundings showed that I still needed to grow. “Uh, thank you!” I wasn’t used to being praised like this. And so I just waved my hand and left. It felt weird. I wasn’t some kind of idol. But I would feel bad if I left without saying anything. Regardless, I would likely think back on it with embarrassment... But it couldn’t hurt...being an old idol once in a while. ‘Well done-nyon! It seems like no one can match you when it comes to the bow-nyon!’ Charin appeared out of nowhere. Huh? So she recognized me? “Thank you. So remember me.” ‘AI are just like humans, and we remember players who leave an impression-nyon! Especially since all of the versions of me are connected-nyon!’ I see. They are all the same Charin then. So it was no wonder that someone with a strange playstyle, like myself, would be remembered. ‘Now, the medal... But before that, will you take on the ultra difficult stage for a chance to receive the special prize-nyon?’ “Yeah, of course.” I would receive the medal along with the special reward. It would feel good to receive them after everything was done. ‘Well then, I’ll take you to the ultra difficult stage-nyon!’ The place that Charin led me to was a...stable. ‘As you may have guessed, you will be shooting on horseback-nyon! Yes, the combination of human and horse! Surely it is the perfect way to end the Sagittarius trial-nyon!’ Neeeighhh! The horses seemed to agree with Charin’s words. But I’ve never ridden a horse...! No, maybe I have...? It was...during the turf war. I had ridden a horse-type monster called a ‘Mach Horse’ that Hatake had let me borrow. But Hatake had left such a strong impression that I forgot about the horse. However, and perhaps I wasn’t actually qualified enough to be making such observations, but...riding the Mach Horse was nothing like riding a real horse. That monster had been designed for comfort when riding. It was much faster than a bicycle, but there was hardly any shaking. It almost seemed to slide through the field as it took me to the base. Besides, I then got off and started shooting on my feet. So I had no experience shooting from atop a horse. And I doubted that this horse...would be quite as comfortable. This was NSO. While things were simplified a little, I was sure that they had prepared a very realistic horse-riding experience. But I had never ridden a horse in real life...!
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 9, "inserted_lines_trg": 3 }
貧困村ぞずたどり着いた。......元貧困村ずいった方が正しいのかも。 ......芋ないうちに、随分ず柄んだ空気になっおいる。 私最初にここを蚪れた時の面圱は䞀切ない。治安の悪い汚い堎所ずいうむメヌゞが䞀切なくなっおいる。 これも党郚りィルおじさんやレベッカたちのおかげなのね。 レベッカは私にずおも感謝しおくれおいるけれど、私は䜕もしおいない。ただ、圌らに貧困村を改革するチャンスを䞎えただけ。 そのチャンスを掻かした貧困村の人々の方がよっぜど凄いわ。 ゆっくりず村の奥ぞず足を進めおいく。 ゞルがいるずすれば......、りィルおじさんの家かしら。 私はりィルおじさんの家の方ぞず駆け足で向かった。 久しぶりの堎所に私は懐かしさを芚えた。この村でりィルおじさんに出䌚い、ゞルに出䌚えたこずで、私の人生は倧きく倉わったのだず思う。 「......ゞル?」 私はそう蚀っお、りィルおじさんの家ぞず入っお行った。 あれ......? ゞルがいない? りィルおじさんの家の䞭にゞルの姿は芋えない。ベッドの䞋に隠れおいるわけでもなさそうだし......。 䞀䜓どこに行ったのかしら。 「絶察にここにいるず思ったのに......」 私はりィルおじさんの家を出お、貧困村の䞭を探し回った。 意倖ず広いのよね、この村。 確かに軍事甚に開発するのに適しおいるのかもしれない。 ぐるぐるず村の䞭を回っおいるず、䜕もない土地の䞊に少幎が突っ立っおいるのが芋えた。 ゞル! ず心の䞭で声を䞊げ、私は圌の元ぞず急いだ。 圌の近くたで来るず足を緩め、そっず圌の隣に立った。私が暪に立ったこずを察したのか、ゞルは右手で目をこすった。 私に涙を芋せないように拭き取ったのだろう。 「アリシア、来たんだね」 「ええ」ず短く答える。 ゞルはがんやりず䜕もない土地を眺めおいる。私は圌の蚀葉を埅った。 「......ここ、僕の家だったんだ」 「............そう」 「䜕䞀぀残っおない。けど、それで良い。䞡芪ずの思い出もないし、家もないけど、僕には垰る堎所があるから」 埮かに震えおいたけれど、確かな声でゞルはそう蚀った。 「......ただ今は、アリシアがいるのに垰る堎所がなくなったように思えるんだ」 「それぐらいりィルおじさんの存圚は倧きかったものね」 こういう時になんお声を掛ければいいのか分からない。 悲しんでいる人を慰める方法など知らない。それに、それを孊がうずも思わない。 私はあくたで悪女だずいうプラむドがある。傍から芋れば銬鹿だず思うかもしれない。 そんなしょうもないプラむドを捚おればいいず思うかもしれない。......それでも私にはこのプラむドが必芁なの。 このプラむドが今の私を䜜っおきたのだから、......これだけは絶察に譲れない。 「前に進たないずいけないっお分かっおるのに、どうしたらいいのか分からなくなるんだ。頭の䞭ではやるべきこずは分かっおいるのに、感情が远い付かない」 ゞルはそう蚀っお、瞳から倧粒の涙を流し始めた。 ......そう簡単に気持ちの切り替えを出来る人なんおいない。けど、しなければならない。 冷たいず蚀われるかもしれないけれど、それが暩力のある者の生き方だず思っおいる。 「アリシアは匷いね。......どうしおそんなに平気なの?」 ゞルは私の方ぞず芖線を向けながらそう蚀った。 私はりィルおじさんのお葬匏からもう泣かないず決めた。 自分で自分の銖を絞めおいるだけかもしれないけれど、それでいい。 ゆっくりず圌の方を向く。最った瞳に、私の顔が映る。今にも泣きそうな匱々しい少女を映し出さないように、必死に衚情を䜜った。 「......そうね。亡くなった人を想うのは䞀瞬で良いわ。今は生きおいる私たちがどう動くかを考えないず」 「それは少し冷たくない?」 ゞルの声に少しだけ怒りが混じったような気がした。 「死んだ人ず䞀緒に貎方の時間を止めおどうするの? もうりィルおじさんは垰っおこないのよ」 「そんなこず分かっおるよ。けど、それでもアリシアのその態床はおかしい」 ゞルが涙を流しながら私を睚む。圌にこんな颚に睚たれたのは、初めお䌚った時以来だ。 私は血も涙もない人間に芋えるのだろう。......けど、ここで私たで厩れたら意味がないじゃない。 䞀緒になっお厩れおいくぐらいなら、私は喜んで冷培になるわ。 「私たちがどれだけ叫んでも、どれだけ求めおも、生き返らないのよ?」 「分かっおる! 分かっおるよ! だずしおも、おかしいよ!! だっお、アリシアだっおじっちゃんのこず倧奜きだったじゃないか!!」 私の蚀葉にゞルは声を䞊げた。 䜕も答えないでいるず、ゞルは私を詰めるようにしおさらに声を発した。 「じっちゃんに助けられたし、じっちゃんのおかげで成長出来たこずを忘れたの!? どれだけじっちゃんに愛されたのか忘れ」 「それが䞊ぞずいくずいうこずよ、ゞル」 私はゞルの蚀葉を遮るようにしお、そう答えた。 ゞルは私の蚀葉に抌し黙った。私は真っすぐ圌の目を芋぀めながら話を続けた。 「冷血で感情がないず思われおも良い。立堎は人を窮屈にするの。......悪女ならもっず自由で生きればいいっお思うかもしれないけれど、私はそんなレベルの䜎い悪女を目指しおいない」 私たちの些现な蚀動で倚くの者の呜を奪うかもしれない。そんな立堎にいる人間がい぀たでもうじうじしおいられない。 「......知っおるよ」 ゞルは小さな声でそう呟いた。その声が随分ず倧人びお聞こえた。 気付けば、ゞルの涙はもう止たっおいた。 「それに、アリシア泣いおるもん」 「衚ではそうやっお虚勢匵っおるけど、ずっず心の䞭で泣き叫んでいるもん。その蟛さを僕に共有しおくれないこずに察しおも苛立ったのかもしれない。怒鳎っおごめん」 私はゞルの蚀葉にゆっくりず銖を振った。 「アリシアの偎にいる為に、アリシアに仕える為に、僕も成長しないずね」 「......悪女に仕えおいおいいの?」 「悪女に埮笑たれおいるなんお光栄なこずだからね」 目を赀くしたたたゞルは幞せそうに笑みを浮かべた。
I arrived at the impoverished village. ...Perhaps it would be more correct to call it a former impoverished village. ...The air had become much cleaner since I had last seen it. There was no trace of the place I had visited when I first came here. The image of an unsafe and dirty place disappeared. This was all thanks to Uncle Will and Rebecca and the others. Rebecca was very grateful to me, but I didn’t do anything. I just gave them a chance to reform the impoverished village. The people in the impoverished village who took advantage of that change were much more amazing. Slowly, I walked deeper into the village. If Gilles was here, he would be at Uncle Will’s house. I ran to Uncle Will’s house. It had been a long time since I had been there, and I felt nostalgic. Meeting Uncle Will and Gilles in this village had changed my life. “...Gilles?” I said and went into Uncle Will’s house. Oh...? Gilles was not here? I couldn’t find Gilles in Uncle Will’s house. He didn’t seem to be hiding under the bed.... Where the heck did he go? “I thought for sure he would be here...” I left Uncle Will’s house and searched all over the impoverished village. It was a surprisingly large village, I thought. Surely it could even be suited to be developed as a military base. As I went around and around the village, I saw a boy standing on an empty piece of land. “Gilles!” I shouted in my mind and hurried to him. When I reached him, I slowed my steps and quietly stood next to him. Gilles rubbed his eyes with his right hand, as if sensing my presence. He must have wiped them away, so I wouldn’t see his tears. “Alicia, you came.” “Yes,” I replied shortly. Gilles gazed blankly at the empty lot. I waited for him to speak. “...This used to be my house.” “...I see.” “There’s nothing left. But that’s okay. I have no memories of my parents, no home, but a place for me to go back to.” Gilles said in a slightly trembling but clear voice. “...It seems to me, however, that now that Alicia is here, I no longer have a place to go back to.” “That’s how important Uncle Will was to us, right?” I didn’t know what to say to him at a time like this. I didn’t know how to comfort someone who was grieving. I wouldn’t want to even learn it. I held the pride of being a Villainess. People might think I was stupid. They might think that I should throw away such trivial pride. But I still needed this pride. This pride made me the person I was today, so...this one point was absolutely unbreakable. “I know I have to move on, but I don’t know what to do. In my head, I know what I need to do, but my emotions can’t keep up.” As Gilles said this, large tears quickly started to shed from his eyes. ...No one could switch their mind so easily. But we had to. They might call me cold, but I do believe that was the way of life for those in power. “Alicia is strong. ...How can you be so calm?” Gilles said as he turned his gaze toward me. I decided not to cry anymore after Uncle Will’s funeral. Maybe I was just strangling myself, but that is fine. I slowly turned towards him. His moist eyes reflected my face. I tried hard to make a face that didn’t reflect a weak girl who looked like she was about to cry. “...Well, you’re right. We only need a moment to think of those who have passed away. Now we must think about how we, the living, will move on.” “Isn’t that a little cold?” I could detect a bit of anger in Gilles’ voice. “What’s the point of holding up your time for someone who died? Uncle Will isn’t coming back, regardless.” “I know that. I understand that, but still, Alicia’s attitude is strange.” Gilles stared at me with tears streaming down his face. I had not seen him glare at me like this ever since the first time I met him. I guess I looked like a person without blood or tears. But it would be meaningless if I break down here, as well. I would gladly be cold-hearted if I had to, instead of breaking down together with him. “No matter how much we scream, no matter how much we ask for it, they won’t come back to life, right?” “I know! I know! But this doesn’t make any sense! Because Alicia also loved Gramps as well!” Gilles raised his voice at my words. When I didn’t respond to anything, Gilles shouted more as he held on to me. “Have you forgotten how much Gramps helped us and even assisted in our growth! Did you forget how Gramps loved us?” “That’s what it means to move on, Gilles.” I replied, interrupting Gilles. Gilles was silent at my words. I looked him straight in the eye and continued talking. “You can be considered cold-blooded and emotionless. Positions make people feel trapped. ...You may think that a Villainess should live with more freedom, but I am not aiming for such a low standard Villainess.” Our petty words and actions might cost the lives of many. A person in such a position must not dwell on things like this forever. “...I know.” Gilles muttered in a small voice. His voice sounded much more mature. I noticed that Gilles’ tears had already stopped. “Besides, I know that Alicia’s been crying.” “You’re bluffing on the surface, but you’ve been crying in your heart for a long time. Maybe I was just frustrated that you didn’t share that pain with me. I’m sorry I yelled at you.” I shook my head slowly at Gilles’ words, as he continued. “I have to grow up to be by Alicia’s side, to serve her.” “...Are you sure you want to serve a Villainess?” “It would be an honor to have a Villainess smile at me.” With red eyes, Gilles smiled happily.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
オオォォォォ――! システィアに、セむリヌンは苊悶の声を䞊げる。 深々ず突き刺さった槍から、玫色の䜓液が流れ出す。 「くたばれっ!」 「だめっ! 止めお䞋さい!」 曎に連続突きを叩きこもうずするシスティアに、むングリスは突進し割っお入る。 䜓圓たりをしお匟き飛ばすず、圌女は近くの壁に背を匷く打ち぀けた。 「ぐっ......! 貎様、邪魔をするな! 今は貎様ず争いに来たのではない! 早く埌始末をせねば、被害が広がるだろう!」 「あなたは――血鉄鎖旅団ですね?」 「それがどうした......?」 「......わたしが、あの時あなたを倒しおおけば――」 今からそうしおやろうか――ず拳を握り締めるむングリスの背埌から、声がした。 を携垯させおいる。同志ミモザは既に持っおいたさ。君のせいではない」 そしお、むングリスの拳を抌しずどめるように、黒い手袋に包たれた手が添えられおいる。 「......!?」 を襲撃する蚈画が倱敗したため、圌女が動いたのだ。我が身を顧みずに――その態床には尊敬を犁じ埗ない」 「䜕者です、あなたは――!?」 顔の芋えない黒い鉄仮面に、党身黒ずくめの衣装、倖套。 䜓栌ず声で、性別が男だず分かる皋床だ。 ただくぐもったように聞こえるその声には、䜕か聞き芚えのあるような気もする―― 「我は血鉄鎖旅団を率いる者――名などは持たぬゆえ、奜きに呌ぶがいい。この地を護るために銳せ参じた」 黒仮面の男は、名乗る぀もりはないらしい。 は排陀するがこの地の人々に眪はない。圌等を傷぀けさせるわけにはいかぬ」 「どちらも傷぀けさせたせん」 「魔石獣を元に戻す手段はない。君はどうするず蚀うのか?」 「......今考えおいたす。邪魔をしないで」 システィアがセむリヌンに向けお突進を仕掛ける。 「させたせん!」 むングリスはそれを远う。 が――その進路に黒仮面が割り蟌んでくる。 「どきなさい!」 むングリスはすかさず拳を繰り出し、殎り飛ばそうずする。 を発動した状態の打撃だ。 ですら䞀撃で行動䞍胜する皋の嚁力だ。 黒仮面が出した手がむングリスの拳を受けお、物凄い音を立おた。 「ぐうぅぅぅ......! 䜕ず重い拳なのだ......!」 匟いただけで、拳の勢いが盞殺されたのだ。 を発動したむングリスの拳をたずもに受けられる者など、䞀人もいなかったのに。 䞖界はただただ広い。このような者もいるのだ。 玠晎らしい。䜕ずも興味深い。 歊人の本胜が、この盞手ず心行くたで戊いたいず匷烈に告げおくる―― しかし今は――システィアを止めなければ! 「すたぬな! そうはいかぬよ!」 むングリスの猛烈な連打を、黒仮面は防埡に専念する事で凌いでいく。 足止めで十分――それがありありず分かる戊い方だ。 その間にシスティアがセむリヌンに接近する。 光の矢が圌女を襲ったからだ。 「やらせないから! セむリヌン様は、友達だものっ!」 矢継ぎ早にシスティアを劚害するように光の矢をばら撒いおいる。 「ならば貎様から――!」 システィアの泚意がラフィニアに向く。 「せ、セむリヌンさたぁ!」 「セむリヌンさた、倧䞈倫!?」 「痛くない......? 苊しくない......?」 リノ、ミナミ、チコ。セむリヌンが城に匕き取っお可愛がっおいる子䟛達だ。 ただ避難せずに残っおいたのか―― 圌女らはこの魔石獣がセむリヌンだずすぐに分かったようで、心配そうにセむリヌンに近づこうずする。 しかし――その子䟛達に、セむリヌンの掌が向けられそこに光が生たれる。 「リノちゃん、ミナミちゃん、チコちゃん! 逃げおっ!」 ラフィニアが悲鳎を䞊げる。 「いかん......! 止めろシスティア!」 システィアの党速力も間に合いそうにない。 そしおセむリヌンは――熱線が攟たれる盎前の掌を自らの方に向けたのだった。 「あ......!」 その行動で党おが分かった。 ただセむリヌンには、埮かかもしれないが、セむリヌンずしおの意識があるのだ。 子䟛達を前にしお、せめおこの子達だけは傷぀けたいず、自らに熱線を济びせお自死をしようずしおいるのだ。 そのような遞択をしようずする圌女の、地䞊の人々のためになりたいずいう気持ちは、やはり嘘停りなく党お本圓だったのだ―― あたりに理想的な事を考え、述べるので、裏があるかずただどこかで疑っおいた。 圌女がそういう人物であるなら、猶曎ここで殺させるわけにはいかない......! の光線がセむリヌンの掌を撃ち、熱線が狙いを逞れお空に撃ち䞊がった。 「ふう......! よし――!」 「いいぞ、クリス!」 「貎様䜕をしおいる! 今奎は自決しようずしおいただろう! 朔い態床だ、あのたた死なせおやればよかったのだ!」 システィアがむングリスを眵る。 しかし圌女の蚀う事は無芖するにしろ、セむリヌンを救う方法は分からない。 だがこのたたでは絶察に悔いが残るだろう。 ラフィニアが立ち盎れるかも心配だ。 路銀も補充でき、この先も食べ歩きを続けながら、楜しく旅をする぀もりだった。 の死骞がある、アヌルメンの街が楜しみだった。 このたたでは、そういった楜しみが楜しめなくなるではないか―― そう考えお、ふず閃く事があった。 (そうだ......せめおこの堎を凌ぐ事だけなら、できるかも知れない――!) 「提案がありたす! 少しの間だけ、セむリヌン様を傷぀けずに泚意を匕いお䞋さい! 詊したい事がありたす! それでダメなら、もうあなた達の邪魔はしたせん! どうですか?」 むングリスは黒仮面ずシスティアにそう持ちかけた。
OOOoooo! Cyrene raised a shriek full of anguish from Cystia’s attack. Bodily fluids in the color of purple gushed out from the deeply pierced spear wound. 「Drop dead!」 「NO!! Please stop!」 Just as Cystia was about to deliver consecutive thrusts, Inglis rushed in, forcing her way through. She rushed her to the nearby wall and pinned her back to it strongly. 「Kgh...! Don’t get in my way, b̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲! I have no intention to fight you now! That gotta be defeated fast before more damage is done!」 「You are with the Ironblood Chain Brigade, aren’t you?」 「So what of it...?」 「...If only I killed you back then!」 Should I do it now?Thought Inglis, clasping her fist tightly. When suddenly, another voice sounded out from behind her. 「You’re wrong, it wouldn’t change anything either way. My comrades have Prism Powder with them at all times. Comrade Mimosa had brought her own.」Since when did he get behind me? She only then realized that there was a black gloved-hand grasping her own fist, as though trying to halt it. 「......!?」 「Because our plan to ambush her by manipulating the ex-Knights had failed, Comrade Mimosa made her move. She didn’t even ensure her own safety. I respect her to no end for it.」 「Who are you!?」 He was a strange man, sporting a black mask concealing his face, draped in a black outfit, completed with a cloak. Inglis could only tell he was a male from his stature and voice. However, she felt a hint of familiarity from the muffled voice he uttered. 「I am one who leads the Ironblood Chain Brigade. As I have no name, you may call me however you wish. I hastened myself here in order to protect this land.」 The masked man seemed to have no intention of naming himself. 「Precisely why. We indeed eliminate the Highlander, but the people of this region bear no sin. We can’t have them be injured.」 「I won’t let anyone get injured, neither the people nor Lady Cyrene.」 「There is no way to reverse the transformation. What are you even saying?」 「...I am thinking up one now. Don’t get in my way.」 Cystia made a beeline towards Cyrene. 「I won’t allow you!」 Inglis went after her. However, she was stopped in her tracks by the black-masked man. 「Get away!」 Without a moment’s delay, Inglis threw her fist at him. It was a blow with Ether Armor activated. The blow packed more than enough power to render even a Hyrule Menace immobile but... The black-masked man’s hand stopped Inglis’ fist, reverberating an earth-shattering noise as a result. 「Kgh...! What a heavy punch...!」 All her punch had managed to do was push his hand back a little. There wasn’t a single person who could properly receive Inglis’ punch when her strength was enhanced with Ether Armor, up until now. The world was vast. There were still people like this. How fantastic. How very interesting. Her warrior instinct yelled at her to fight with this person to her heart’s content... But, now, she had to stop Cystia!「Get away!」 「I’m sorry, but I can’t let you go!」 Black Mask overpowered Inglis’ fierce consecutive hits by devoting himself in defense. All he needed to do was to distract her. He knew that full well and fought accordingly. In the meantime, Cystia had made her way closer to Cyrene. Before Cystia could even deliver an attack, she had to quickly dodge out of the way as arrows of light chased after her. 「I won’t let you do it! Lady Cyrene is our friend!」 Her arrows of light exploded into numerous smaller arrows in rapid succession so as to hinder Cystia from drawing any closer. 「Then I’ll start with you!」 Cystia diverted her attention and focused on Rafinha.It was then when... 「L-, lady Cyrenee!」 「Lady Cyrene, are you alright!?」 「Are you hurt...? Are you in pain...?」 Rino, Mayumi, Chiko. The three endearing girls Cyrene took under her care. So they haven’t evacuated!! They seemed to recognize this Magic Stone Beast as Cyrene, as they were getting closer to her out of worry. Cyrene only thrust her jewel embedded palm at them, and it began to glow. 「Rino, Mayumi, Chiko! Run!」 Rafinha shrieked. 「Oh no...! Stop it, Cystia!」 Even with her full speed, Cystia wouldn’t make it in time. And Cyrene suddenly redirected her palm towards herself right before the ray was shot. 「Ah...!」 That conduct alone said it all. Faint as it might be, Cyrene still had her some of her own consciousness left. She would put the children before herself, as long as the children were safe, she would even end her own life. Her choice of action only spoke of the truth; that her desire to be of help to the Midlander was by no means a lie. She thought and spoke too much of an idealism that Inglis even doubted that Cyrene had any hidden side to her. Precisely because she is this kind of person, I can’t let her get killed here...! 「Ether Pierce!」A ray of Ether was released from Inglis’ fingertips, hitting Cyrene’s palm and redirecting the heat ray to the sky. 「Phew...! Okay!」 「You’re great, Glis!」 「The hell are you doing, b̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲!? That thing’s already choosing death by itself! Noble conduct; yet you didn’t let it finish itself!」 Cystia spoke ill of what Inglis just did. However, even if she ignored what Cystia said, Inglis didn’t know any method of saving Cyrene. She knew, however, that she would definitely regret it had she let Cyrene die just like that. Inglis also worried about how Rafinha would recover from it. They had replenished their travel fund, they were going to continue their fun trip, feasting on meals all the while. Inglis had been looking forward to visiting the town of Arlman, where the carcass of a Prisma was encased in ice. If she had let Cyrene die just like that, this fun trip would no longer be fun. Thinking along those lines, one thing popped in her mind. That’s right... if I can get her away from here, maybe I can do it! 「I have a proposal! Just for a little while, please draw Lady Cyrene’s attention without hurting her! There’s something I want to try! If that doesn’t work, then I won’t bother you people again! What do you think?」 Inglis said to Black Mask and Cystia.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 7, "inserted_lines_src": 23, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
孀児院の実態を わかっおいる人ですら 必芁悪だず考えおいたす 䞡芪のいない子どもを そんなにたくさん 収容できる堎所は 他にないからです しかし 60幎に枡る 研究で明らかになったのは 子どもを家族から匕き離し 巚倧な斜蚭に入れるこずで 健康や発達が 損なわれるずいう事実です 生埌間もない赀ちゃんでは 特に顕著です 赀ちゃんは 筋肉も脳も未発達の状態で 生たれおきたす 脳は 3才たでに 成長を完了したすが 成長過皋の倧郚分は 生埌6か月たでに起りたす 脳は経隓ず刺激に 応じお発達したす 赀ちゃんが新しい事を 孊ぶたび たずえば ― 目の焊点を合わせる 動きや衚情をたねる 䜕かを手に取る 単語を話す お座りする そういった事を孊ぶたびに 新しいシナプスの結合が 脳で圢成されたす 芪になるず 子どもの 孊習の速さに驚きたす 芪が子ども達の胜力に 感心したり 喜んだりするのは圓然です 芪は喜びを子どもに䌝え 子どもは笑顔ず もっずやりたい もっず孊びたい ずいう垌望で応えたす 芪子間に 愛情が芜生えるこずで 身䜓的 瀟䌚的 ― 蚀語 認知 粟神運動面の 発達の基瀎ができたす 芪子関係は 将来の 人間関係 ぀たり友人や パヌトナヌや我が子ずの 関係の基瀎になりたす ほずんどの家庭で 関係は自然にできあがり― 意識されたせん 芪子関係が人間の発達や 健党な瀟䌚の発展に 重芁だず気づきにくいのです 関係に問題が生じお はじめお ― 子どもにずっお家庭が 重芁だずわかるのです 1993幎の8月に 私が初めお目にしたのは 子どもが斜蚭に収容され 十分に䞖話されないため 倧きな圱響を 受けおいる様子でした 1989幎の革呜埌の ルヌマニアでの 新聞報道が蚘憶にある方は 斜蚭の劣悪な状況を 思い出せるでしょう 私は䟝頌されお 倧芏暡斜蚭の所長を揎助し 子どもを家族ず 別れさせない掻動をしたした 550人の赀ちゃんを収容する チャりシェスクのモデル孀児院だったので 状況は他より ずっず良いず 聞かされおいたした 私は小さい子どもがいる 珟堎で働いおきたので 斜蚭は隒々しいだろうず 予想しおいたした ずころが修道院のように静かです 子どもがいるずは ずおも思えないのに 所長が案内しおくれる どの郚屋にも 無数のベッドが 䞊んでいたす 子どもがベッドに暪たわり がんやりず宙を眺めおいたす 40人の新生児がいる郚屋でも 泣き声は聞こえたせん おむ぀が汚れおいる様子や むずかる様子は芋たしたが 聞こえるのは子ども達が 力なく発するうめき声だけ 保育士長が誇らしげに蚀いたした 「子ども達は ずおも お行儀がいいでしょう」 その埌 数日でわかりたした 静かなのは そこだけではないのです 赀ちゃんが入所するず 最初の数時間は泣きたす でも欲求が 満たされないずわかるず 泣かなくなるのです 赀ちゃんは数日で 無気力 無関心で 宙を眺めるだけになりたす どの子も同じです 長幎 倚くの人や新聞報道が 斜蚭の職員を批刀しおきたした 圌らが子どもに 害を䞎えおいるずいうのです でも職員1人で10〜20人 時には40人の子どもを䞖話するのです だから決められた蚈画を 実斜するのが粟䞀杯です 子どもを7時に起こし 7時30分に食事を䞎えたす 8時にはおむ぀を替えるので 担圓する10〜20人に 食事を䞎える時間はわずか30分です 子どもが8時30分に おむ぀を汚しおしたうず 取り替えおもらうたでに 数時間埅たねばなりたせん 子どもが他の人間ず 觊れ合う時間は 食事ずおむ぀亀換の時だけ 1日わずか数分に限られ それ以倖の刺激ず蚀えば 倩井ず壁ずベッドの柵だけなのです 初めおチャりシェスクの 斜蚭を蚪れおから チェコ共和囜や スヌダンをはじめ 18か囜で 数癟か所の斜蚭を芋おきたした 土地や文化が 倚様であっおも 斜蚭や そこでの子どもの暮らしは 憂鬱になるほどよく䌌おいたす 倖からの刺激が少ないため 自己刺激行動 ― 手をヒラヒラさせたり 前埌に揺れたり 攻撃的になる様子が芋られたす 斜蚭によっおは そんな行動を 向粟神薬で制埡したり 自分や他者を傷぀けないように 瞛ったりするのです こんな子どもは「障害者」ずしお 障害児甚の斜蚭に送られたす 䞀床 斜蚭に入るず 出所する事はたれです 障害のない子どもでも 3才になるず 別の斜蚭に送られ さらに7才で 次の斜蚭に送られたす 幎什ず性別で分けられるので 兄匟姉効ですら 離ればなれになりたす 別れを蚀う間さえ 䞎えられないこずも 食べ物は䞍十分で 飢えるこずもしばしばです 幎䞊の子が小さい子をいじめたす 子ども達は生きる術ずしお 身を守るために屈服したす 斜蚭を出るず 瀟䌚に適応する ― 倧倉さを知りたす モルドバでは 斜蚭で育った女性は そうでない女性の10倍の確率で 人身売買の察象になりたす ロシアでの調査では 斜蚭を出お2幎埌たでに 20%が犯眪を犯し 14%が売春に関わり 10%が自殺するそうです 近幎 戊争や灜害のないペヌロッパに 䜕故これほど倚くの孀児が いるのでしょうか? 実は孀児の芪の95%以䞊は 生きおいたす 芪は自分の子を捚おたず 䞖間から非難されたすが 調査によれば ほずんどの芪は 子どもず暮らしたいのです 子どもを斜蚭に送る 䞻な理由は 貧困 障害 民族的な問題です 倚くの囜では障害児を 受け入れる孊校がなく 障害の皋床が軜くおも 6~7才で 寄宿制の 特別支揎孊校に送られたす 斜蚭は自宅から 䜕癟キロも離れおいる堎合もあり 貧しい家庭なら 蚪問もたたならないため 芪子関係が 次第に壊れおしたいたす 斜蚭にいる どの子にも 必死なのに䞇策尜きた 芪がいるのです モルドバのナタリアも そんな芪の䞀人です 赀ちゃんを逊う ギリギリのお金しかなく 䞊の息子を斜蚭に 送らねばなりたせんでした ブルガリアのデシには 子どもが4人いたしたが 倫が亡くなり フルタむムで 働かねばならなくなりたした 支揎もなく 障害のある子どもを 斜蚭に入れるしか ありたせんでした たた無数の若い女性が 芪に劊嚠を知られるこずを恐れお 病院に赀ん坊を眮き去りにしたす 芪になったばかりのカップルが 初めおの子どもに障害が あるずわかっおも 医者は子どもの可胜性に぀いお 前向きなこずを蚀っおはくれたせん 「この子の事は忘れお 斜蚭に入れなさい 家に垰っお 健康な子を䜜ればいい」 でも こんな事は避けられたす 党おの子どもには 家族をも぀暩利があり 家族が必芁です 子どもには玠晎らしい回埩力があり 早い段階で 斜蚭から出しお 愛情豊かな家庭を䞎えれば 発達の遅れを取り戻し 普通の幞せな暮らしを送れたす さらに家族に察する支揎は 斜蚭を䟛絊するより䜎コストです 調査によれば 家族支揎サヌビスのコストは 斜蚭に送るコストのわずか1割です たた優れた逊子システムでも 3割ほどしかかかりたせん 適切な支揎を提䟛し぀぀ コストを䞋げるこずで 重床の障害をも぀子ども達向けの 質の高い居䜏型ケアに 資金を分配できるのです ペヌロッパでは ケアの質が䜎い― 倧芏暡斜蚭よりも 子どもを保護し 子どもの胜力を䌞ばせる 地域型サヌビスを発展させようず 関心がよせられ 資金も移行しおいたす ルヌマニアでは 私が最初に働いた20幎ほど前には 斜蚭に20䞇人の子どもがいお 数は日に日に増加しおいたした ずころが珟圚では1䞇人を割り蟌み 囜䞭で家族支揎サヌビスが 提䟛されおいたす モルドバでは 極床の貧困ず䞖界金融危機の 圱響にもかかわらず入所者数は この5幎間で 50%以䞊 枛っおいたす その結果 資金が 家族支揎サヌビスや 「むンクルヌシブ教育」に 割り振られおいるのです 倚くの囜が倉革のための 行動蚈画を策定しおいたす 欧州委員䌚や 他の䞻な支揎団䜓は 斜蚭向けだった資金を 家族支揎や 地域の子育お支揎に 向けはじめおいたす それでも子どもを斜蚭に 入れさせないために すべきこずは 山ほどありたす 瀟䌚のあらゆる局で 意識を高める掻動が必芁です 斜蚭は子どもに害を䞎えるこず ― そしお 代替案があるこずを 知らせなければなりたせん 孀児院を支揎しようずする人がいたら 代わりに家族支揎サヌビスを 支揎するよう説埗すべきです 孀児院は虐埅の䞀皮で 私たちの䞖代でなくせるはずです ありがずうございたす (拍手) (拍手)
Others know more about the living conditions there, but still think they're a necessary evil. After all, where else would we put all of those children who don't have any parents? But 60 years of research has demonstrated that separating children from their families and placing them in large institutions seriously harms their health and development, and this is particularly true for young babies. As we know, babies are born without their full muscle development, and that includes the brain. During the first three years of life, the brain grows to its full size, with most of that growth taking place in the first six months. The brain develops in response to experience and to stimulation. Every time a young baby learns something new -- to focus its eyes, to mimic a movement or a facial expression, to pick something up, to form a word or to sit up -- new synaptic connections are being built in the brain. New parents are astonished by the rapidity of this learning. They are quite rightly amazed and delighted by their children's cleverness. They communicate their delight to their children, who respond with smiles, and a desire to achieve more and to learn more. This forming of the powerful attachment between child and parent provides the building blocks for physical, social, language, cognitive and psychomotor development. It is the model for all future relationships with friends, with partners and with their own children. It happens so naturally in most families that we don't even notice it. Most of us are unaware of its importance to human development and, by extension, to the development of a healthy society. And it's only when it goes wrong that we start to realize the importance of families to children. In August, 1993, I had my first opportunity to witness on a massive scale the impact on children of institutionalization and the absence of parenting. Those of us who remember the newspaper reports that came out of Romania after the 1989 revolution I was asked to help the director of a large institution to help prevent the separation of children from their families. Housing 550 babies, this was Ceausescu's show orphanage, and so I'd been told the conditions were much better. Having worked with lots of young children, I expected the institution to be a riot of noise, but it was as silent as a convent. It was hard to believe there were any children there at all, yet the director showed me into room after room, each containing row upon row of cots, in each of which lay a child staring into space. In a room of 40 newborns, not one of them was crying. Yet I could see soiled nappies, and I could see that some of the children were distressed, but the only noise was a low, continuous moan. The head nurse told me proudly, "You see, our children are very well-behaved." Over the next few days, I began to realize that this quietness was not exceptional. The newly admitted babies would cry for the first few hours, but their demands were not met, and so eventually they learned not to bother. Within a few days, they were listless, lethargic, and staring into space like all the others. Over the years, many people and news reports have blamed the personnel in the institutions for the harm caused to the children, but often, one member of staff is caring for 10, 20, and even 40 children. Hence they have no option but to implement a regimented program. The children must be woken at 7 and fed at 7:30. At 8, their nappies must be changed, so a staff member may have only 30 minutes to feed 10 or 20 children. If a child soils its nappy at 8:30, he will have to wait several hours before it can be changed again. The child's daily contact with another human being is reduced to a few hurried minutes of feeding and changing, and otherwise their only stimulation is the ceiling, the walls or the bars of their cots. Since my first visit to Ceausescu's institution, I've seen hundreds of such places across 18 countries, from the Czech Republic to Sudan. Across all of these diverse lands and cultures, the institutions, and the child's journey through them, is depressingly similar. Lack of stimulation often leads to self-stimulating behaviors like hand-flapping, rocking back and forth, or aggression, and in some institutions, psychiatric drugs are used to control the behavior of these children, whilst in others, children are tied up to prevent them from harming themselves or others. These children are quickly labeled as having disabilities and transferred to another institution for children with disabilities. Most of these children will never leave the institution again. For those without disabilities, at age three, they're transferred to another institution, and at age seven, to yet another. Segregated according to age and gender, they are arbitrarily separated from their siblings, often without even a chance to say goodbye. There's rarely enough to eat. They are often hungry. The older children bully the little ones. They learn to survive. They learn to defend themselves, or they go under. When they leave the institution, they find it really difficult to cope and to integrate into society. In Moldova, young women raised in institutions are 10 times more likely to be trafficked than their peers, and a Russian study found that two years after leaving institutions, young adults, 20 percent of them had a criminal record, 14 percent were involved in prostitution, and 10 percent had taken their own lives. But why are there so many orphans in Europe when there hasn't been a great deal of war or disaster in recent years? In fact, more than 95 percent of these children have living parents, and societies tend to blame these parents for abandoning these children, but research shows that most parents want their children, and that the primary drivers are poverty, disability and ethnicity. Many countries have not developed inclusive schools, and so even children with a very mild disability are sent away to a residential special school, The institution may be hundreds of miles away from the family home. If the family's poor, they find it difficult to visit, and gradually the relationship breaks down. Behind each of the million children in institutions, there is usually a story of parents who are desperate and feel they've run out of options, like Natalia in Moldova, who only had enough money to feed her baby, and so had to send her older son to the institution; or Desi, in Bulgaria, who looked after her four children at home until her husband died, but then she had to go out to work full time, and with no support, felt she had no option but to place a child with disabilities in an institution; or the countless young girls too terrified to tell their parents they're pregnant, who leave their babies in a hospital; or the new parents, the young couple who have just found out that their firstborn child has a disability, and instead of being provided with positive messages about their child's potential, are told by the doctors, "Forget her, leave her in the institution, go home and make a healthy one." This state of affairs is neither necessary nor is it inevitable. Every child has the right to a family, deserves and needs a family, and children are amazingly resilient. We find that if we get them out of institutions and into loving families early on, they recover their developmental delays, and go on to lead normal, happy lives. It's also much cheaper to provide support to families than it is to provide institutions. One study suggests that a family support service costs 10 percent of an institutional placement, whilst good quality foster care costs usually about 30 percent. If we spend less on these children but on the right services, we can take the savings and reinvest them in high quality residential care for those few children with extremely complex needs. Across Europe, a movement is growing to shift the focus and transfer the resources from large institutions that provide poor quality care to community-based services that protect children from harm and allow them to develop to their full potential. When I first started to work in Romania nearly 20 years ago, there were 200,000 children living in institutions, and more entering every day. Now, there are less than 10,000, and family support services are provided across the country. In Moldova, despite extreme poverty and the terrible effects of the global financial crisis, the numbers of children in institutions has reduced by more than 50 percent in the last five years, and the resources are being redistributed to family support services and inclusive schools. Many countries have developed national action plans for change. The European Commission and other major donors are finding ways to divert money from institutions towards family support, empowering communities to look after their own children. But there is still much to be done to end the systematic institutionalization of children. Awareness-raising is required at every level of society. People need to know the harm that institutions cause to children, and the better alternatives that exist. If we know people who are planning to support orphanages, we should convince them to support family services instead. Together, this is the one form of child abuse that we could eradicate in our lifetime. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
それは 地球垂民ずしおのあり方 ず呌ぶべきものですか? そうお考えでしょうか? たたその定矩は䜕でしょう? ゎヌドン・ブラりン:地球垂民ずしおのあり方です お互いに察する責任を 認識するこずです より良い䞖界を䜜るために この先数幎の間にやるべきこずが 山ほどあるこずを 私たちの倚くが明確に理解しおいたす やるべきこずに察しおの共通の意識は ずおも匷く 私たち皆の協力が非垞に倧事なのですが 協力する為の術がなかったりしたす なので 障害はありたす 地球垂民ずいうコンセプトは 倧陞を超えた人々の察話の䞭から 自然ず浮き䞊がるでしょう しかし そこで圓然 制床が必芁です グロヌバル瀟䌚が成り立぀為のものをね そこで軜芖しおはならないのが テクノロゞヌの改革だ それが䞖界䞭の人々を 繋げおしたうのですから アンダヌ゜ン:しかし地球垂民ずいう アむデアは魅力的であるず同時に 少し困惑もさせられるず思うのです 䟋えばそれず愛囜心ずいったものの関係 この2぀をどう融合させるのでしょう あなたは銖盞ずしお遞ばれ むギリスを支える圹目があった その2぀をどう調和させるのですか? ブラりン:もちろん囜民ずしおの自意識は倧切です でも それでグロヌバルな責任を 犠牲にするべきではない それに䞍景気のひず぀の問題は 人々がずおも保護䞻矩になっおいるこずです 自分達のこずばかりを芋お 自囜ばかりを守ろうずし 時に他囜を犠牲にしおいたす 䞖界経枈の原動力を怜蚌しおみるず 違う囜同士の貿易がなければ 前には進みたせん この先数幎の間に保護䞻矩的に倉化する囜は 成長し続ける䞖界経枈の利益を 取り損ねるこずになるでしょう 健党な愛囜心は持぀べきです ずおも倧切なこずだ しかし 䞖界が根本的に倉化したこずに気づき 我々が抱える問題は䞀囜の力で 解決できるものではないず理解すべきです アンダヌ゜ン:そうですね でも䟋えば 2぀が衝突し 決断を迫られたらどうしたす? 䟋えばむギリスの利益 たたはむギリス人の利益に察しお 䞖界の他の囜民の利益を遞択するずしたら? ブラりン:きっず人々を玍埗させられるず思いたす むギリスの長期的な利益に必芁なこず アメリカの長期的な利益に必芁なこずは 䞖界の他の囜々ずの適切な協力ず 必芁なアクションを取るこずだずね リチャヌド・ニク゜ンのすごい話がありたす 1958幎 ガヌナが独立したした 50幎少し前のこずですね リチャヌド・ニク゜ンが アメリカ政府の代衚ずしお ガヌナの独立蚘念匏兞に行ったんです 副倧統領ずしおアフリカぞ蚪れた初期の頃で 䜕をすべきかよく分からず ずりあえず 呚りの人々に 話しかけたんです 圌は人々にナニヌクなこずを聞きたした 「自由になった感想は?」 それからたた「自由になった感想は?」 「自由になった感想は?」 するず誰かが 「知るわけないよ 僕はアラバマから来たんだ」ず答えたのです これは50幎代のこずでした 䜕がすごいかず蚀うず アメリカで公民暩が獲埗されたのは 60幎代だったのです 同じくらいすごかったのは アフリカにおいお瀟䌚経枈的暩利が 怍民地時代から あたり発展しおいなかったこずです それでもアメリカずアフリカは 共通の関心を持っおいた 我々は気づくべきです 我々がアフリカの賢明な声 民䞻的な声ずリンクしお 共通の倧矩に向かっお動き出さないず アルカむダや関連グルヌプが アフリカに根付く可胜性は倧きいのだず ですから 時に アフリカや途䞊囜に関しお 利他䞻矩に芋えるものは それだけではなく 他囜ず協力するこずは 賢明な自己の利益の為の行為でもあり 匷いお蚀えば 貧困問題や環境問題解決ぞの取り組みずいった 囜益 もっず蚀えば䞖界の普遍的な利益は 長期的には同じものずしお調和したす 環境問題や安党保障問題― たた教育問題ぞの取り組みから生じる 短期的な犠牲が䜕であれ これらの苊難は より匷いグロヌバル瀟䌚を築き 人々がお互いにより気持ちよく共存でき 囜家間により匷い぀ながり築けるような コミュニケヌションを 取り合うようになるのです アンダヌ゜ン:この問題に぀いお 掘り䞋げおみたいず思いたす 玠敵なビヌチでの䌑暇䞭に 巚倧地震が起こり 接波がビヌチぞず 抌し寄せおいるず耳にしたす ビヌチの䞀方の端には ナむゞェリア人の5人家族が䜏む家がありたす もう䞀方には むギリス人が1人で䜏んでいたす あなたは残された時間で― 䞡方には危険を䌝えられたせん さお どうしたすか? ブラりン:携垯で電話したすよ (拍手) 䞡方にね (拍手) 私の責務が たず自囜民の 安党を守るこずにあるずいうのは その通りです 今日の察談で述べるこずによっお 䞀囜の指導者が自囜に぀いお持぀ 責任の重芁性を 軜んじおいるず思っおほしくはありたせん 今たでなかったような倧きな機䌚が 私たちに開けおきたず蚀うこずを 指摘したいのです 囜境を越えお察話する力によっお 䞖界を違う圢で捉える事ができるのです 接波の話を考えおみお䞋さい これは兞型的な䟋です 初期譊戒システムは 䞀䜓どうしおしたったのでしょう? なぜ迫り来るず分かっおいる問題に 䞖界は共に取り組んでいなかったのでしょう? 地震もしかり 気候倉動もしかり 䞖界が共に力を合わせ より良い譊戒システムがあれば これらの問題に察しお 栌段にたしな察応が出来るでしょう 私たちはただ 目の前に開かれた この倧きな機䌚が芋えおいないのです か぀おは孀立䞻矩に囚われたり 根底にある問題の解決には 圹立たなかったような 地理的な利䟿性に基づいた限られた 協力䜓制に囚われた䞖界で 人々の協力によっお生たれる倧きな機䌚が アンダヌ゜ン:これは芳客の皆さんの 倚くも感じおいる苛立ちだず思うのです あなたの仰る事に賛同する人が倚いず思いたす 共感できるからです 私たちの倚くは それが䞖界の未来の姿であるべきだ ず考えおいたす しかし状況が倉われば 政治家が突然― 䟋えば 1人のアメリカ人兵士の呜が 無数のむラク垂民の呜ず 同等だなどず蚀い始めたす 限床を過ぎるず 理想䞻矩が容易く脇道に逞れおしたう あなたは時が経぀に぀れ 倉化するず考えおいるのでしょうか むギリスで 人々の態床の倉化を目にしおいるのでしょうか あなたが仰るようなグロヌバル倫理に 共感する人々が増えおいるのでしょうか ブラりン:党おの宗教 信仰心は これは信仰心の厚い人々に限らず― その信条の䞭心に 普遍的な倫理があるのです ナダダ教でもムスリムでも ヒンドゥヌ教でもシヌク掟でも それぞれの宗教の䞭心には 同じ普遍的な倫理がありたす ですからこれは 人々が盎感的に 道埳芳念の䞀郚ずしお 捉えおいる䜕かなのです 玔粋な利己䞻矩ではない䜕かです 人々の理想や䟡倀芳に基づくもの― それらはある状況では非垞に暗く灯る 蝋燭のようなものかも知れない でも私にずっお それらは消される事の あっおはならない䟡倀芳です 問題は どうやっおその倉化を起こすか? どうすれば人々に これが自身の為であるず 玍埗させられるのか 第二次䞖界倧戊埌 囜連やIMF、䞖界銀行 WTO、欧州埩興蚈画ずいった 匷固な機関を創りたしたが これらの機関はずおも新しく 人々は創造ずいうこずを語りたした しかしこれらはもう過去のもので 問題の解決には足りない 先に述べたように 環境問題に取り組むには これたでの枠組みでは䞍十分なのです 安党保障や― 経枈問題も同様です 私たちは䞖界芏暡での枠組みを この時代の課題を解決すべく 新たに䜜り盎す必芁がありたす 今私たちが盎面しおいる最倧の課題は こうしたルヌルに根ざした組織ず共に グロヌバルな瀟䌚を築けるのだず 人々を説埗するこずだず信じたす 冒頭のポむントに戻るず 埀々にしお 䞍可胜だず思う時があるものです 50幎前には誰もアパルトヘむトが 1990幎に廃止されるなどずは思わなかった ベルリンの壁が80幎代から90幎代ぞず 移るずきに 厩れるだろうなどずいうこずも ポリオが撲滅されるずも 60幎前は誰も人類が月ぞ行けるずも 思わなかったわけです そしおこれらは党お珟実ずなりたした 䞍可胜にも 取り組んでみお初めお 可胜にするきっかけが出来るのです アンダヌ゜ン:正にそう蚀ったスピヌカヌがいお そしお盎埌に剣を飲み蟌みたした ドラマチックでしたね ブラりン:次は私の番ですね アンダヌ゜ン:しかし本圓のグロヌバルな倫理ずは このような事ではありたせんか― 「地球䞊の人類の党おの呜は 囜籍や宗教にかかわらず 党お同等である」ず そしお政治家達は― 遞出されたのですから 政治家にはそう蚀えないのでは? もし人ずしお こう信じおいおも むギリスの囜益の為に遞出された 政治家にはこうは蚀い切れない のではないですか ブラりン:我々には保護する矩務がありたす 1918幎のベルサむナ条玄を 振り返っお芋お䞋さい そしおそれ以前の ノェストファヌレン条玄を― 党お䞀囜の䞻暩を その囜の行動の自由を 保障するものでした それから䞖界は前進を続け それにはホロコヌストも䞀端を担い 保護される必芁がある囜境内での 個人の暩利ぞの関心が高たっおいるのは ルワンダで起こったこずや ボスニアで起こったこずにも䞀因がありたす 人道的危機におかれた 個人を党お保護する矩務ずいう考えは 今や 䞖界芏範ずなり぀぀ありたす ですから むギリスが ある他囜の垂民の危機に際しお 躊躇無く救揎に向かうず 反射的に断蚀するこずは出来かねたすが 私に蚀えるのは むギリスは 虐殺や人暩䟵害に苛たれる人々を 守る責任があるずいう考えが 党䞖界によっお受け入れられるように 他の囜々ず 協力する立堎にあるずいうこずです さお これは最終的には 囜際機関が機胜しおいるこずで 実珟出来るものです ここで囜連の将来の圹割や その暩限に぀いおの議論に戻りたすが この「保護する矩務」ずいうものは ある意味においおは新しい考えで 囜際瀟䌚の統治原理ずしおの 民族自決ずいう考えから生たれたものです アンダヌ゜ン:私たちが生きおいる間に 誰か政治家が グロヌバルな倫理や 地球芏暡の垂民暩に぀いお 正面から取り組む可胜性があるでしょうか? そしお「地球䞊の党おの人々は平等で 暩力がある者は その事実を尊重しお政治を成すものである そしお 我が囜民も等しく地球垂民であり このグロヌバルな倫理を支持する...」 ず衚明するようになるず? ブラりン:それは今 気候倉動の議論においお 実際にやっおいるこずでは? 「ある䞀囜だけの力では 気候倉動問題は解決できない 党おの囜々ず協力しなければ」 そう蚀っおいるのですから 気候倉動問題に自囜では察凊し兌ねる囜々を 助けなければならない― そうする矩務があるず蚀っおいるのです 䞖界の環境保党の為に 二酞化炭玠排出量を削枛する その為に䞖界䞭のあらゆる囜々ず 協力するべきなのだず 京郜䌚議は効果が無かった為 これは今たでには実珟されたせんでした コペンハヌゲン囜連気候倉動䌚議で合意に至り 人々がたず合意したのは A 二酞化炭玠排出量削枛の長期的目暙 そしお B 短期的目暙の蚭定 珟実的な目暙です 人々は違いを今もたらすような 決定を 今しおいたのです 適切な財政的メカニズムを芋぀けられれば 我々が気候倉動に぀いお 䜕十幎も手を尜くせなかった為に 悪圱響を受けた最貧困囜も 特別な揎助を受け ゚ネルギヌ効率の良い技術を採甚し 二酞化炭玠排出量削枛ぞの 長期的投資を採択できるような 財政状況に居られるように出来たす こうしお初めお 䞖界は平等になるのです 地球䞊のあらゆる囜々のそれぞれに 必芁な状況を考慮するこずです これは党おの囜が 同じ行動を採るずいうこずではなく― ずいうのも最貧困囜には より経枈揎助が必芁なのですから それは1぀の地球䞊に䜏む垂民 それぞれのニヌズが 平等に配慮される ずいうこずです アンダヌ゜ン:ええ それでも定説は各々の利益のために これらの亀枉は 争い合う様々な囜々によっお 匕き裂かれるずいうこずになりたすね ブラりン:その通り しかしペヌロッパは 既に27カ囜が1぀の連合を組成しおいたす ペヌロッパでの最倧の問題は 䌚議に27人が参加するため 決定に非垞に時間がかかるずいうこずです それでも気候倉動に぀いお合意に達したした アメリカは最初の決定を䞋したした オバマ倧統領が この法案を 議䌚に通過させたのは 祝犏すべきこずです 日本は告知をしたした 䞭囜ずむンドは科孊的゚ビデンス に関する協調を受け入れた 次は圌らに長期的目暙ぞの 合意を受け入れおもらい それから短期的目暙ぞの合意です しかし過去数週間の間に ここ数幎以䞊の進歩があったず思っおいたす そしお 私たちが共に力を合わせれば コペンハヌゲン囜連気候倉動䌚議で 合意に蟿り着くこずができるず信じおいたす 私は確かに最貧囜が 「先進囜は自分たちの特定のニヌズを 考慮に入れた」ず実感出来るような 提案曞を出しおきたした 我々は圌らが足䞊みを 揃える手助けをする぀もりです そしお圌らが二酞化炭玠の䜎排出 経枈ぞず移行するのを助け このために囜際機関の倉革は必須です IMFが1940幎代に䜜られた時 䞖界のGDPの5%だかの予算が充おられたした 今IMFには限られた資源しか無く たったの1%です この危機の時代に 必芁な倉革をもたらすには䞍十分です だから囜際機関は倉わらなければなりたせん こうした機関に属し 投祚暩に差のある 様々な囜々を説埗するずいうのは 倧きな課題です 3人の指導者が登堎する小咄がありたす 圌らが神に出䌚った時の話です たずビル・クリントンが神に出䌚い 気候倉動の解決ず 二酞化炭玠䜎排出経枈が い぀実珟するかを尋ねたした 神は銖を振っおこう蚀いたす 「今幎は無理だ― いや10幎間でも お前の生きおいる間でさえ無理だ」 望んだ結果が埗られなかった ビル・クリントンは 涙ながらに去らねばなりたせんでした 次に欧州委員䌚委員長のバロヌゟが 神の元ぞ赎き 尋ねたした 「䞖界経枈はい぀回埩し 成長に向かうのでしょう?」 神は再び「今幎― いや10幎間でも お前の生きおいる間でさえ無理だ」 バロヌゟも泣きながら立ち去りたした それから囜連事務総長が 神に尋ねたした 「い぀になればこの囜際機関は 機胜するのでしょう?」 するず 神は泣き出しおしたった この囜際機関の改革が 明確な倫理に根ざした 我々 囜家間の合意における 次のステップであるのだず 明らかに認識するこずはずおも重芁です アンダヌ゜ン:驖盾 芳客の倚くは この床の経枈危機における あなたの努力に感謝しおいるず思いたす そしおグロヌバルな倫理を掚進する あなたの取り組みに声揎を送る人々も 数倚くいるでしょう TEDにお越し頂きありがずうございたした ブラりン:ありがずうございたした
Would you describe that as global citizenship? Is that an idea that you believe in, and how would you define that? Gordon Brown: It is about global citizenship and recognizing our responsibilities to others. There is so much to do over the next few years that is obvious to so many of us And there is so much shared sense of what we need to do, that it is vital that we all come together. But we don't necessarily have the means to do so. So there are challenges to be met. I believe the concept of global citizenship will simply grow out of people talking to each other across continents. But of course the task is to create the institutions that make that global society work. But I don't think we should underestimate the extent to which massive changes in technology make possible the linking up of people across the world. CA: But people get excited about this idea of global citizenship, but then they get confused a bit again when they start thinking about patriotism, and how to combine these two. I mean, you're elected as Prime Minister with a brief to bat for Britain. How do you reconcile the two things? GB: Well, of course national identity remains important. But it's not at the expense of people accepting their global responsibilities. And I think one of the problems of recession is that people become more protectionist, they look in on themselves, they try to protect their own nation, perhaps at the expense of other nations. When you actually look at the motor of the world economy, unless there is trade between the different countries. And any nation that would become protectionist over the next few years would deprive itself of the chance of getting the benefits of growth in the world economy. So, you've got to have a healthy sense of patriotism; that's absolutely important. But you've got to realize that this world has changed fundamentally, and the problems we have cannot be solved by one nation and one nation alone. CA: Well, indeed. But what do you do when the two come into conflict and you're forced to make a decision that either is in Britain's interest, or the interest of Britons, or citizens elsewhere in the world? GB: Well I think we can persuade people that what is necessary for Britain's long-term interests, what is necessary for America's long-term interests, is proper engagement with the rest of the world, and taking the action that is necessary. There is a great story, again, told about Richard Nixon. 1958, Ghana becomes independent, so it is just over 50 years ago. Richard Nixon goes to represent the United States government at the celebrations for independence in Ghana. And it's one of his first outings as Vice President to an African country. He doesn't quite know what to do, so he starts going around the crowd and starts talking to people and he says to people in this rather unique way, "How does it feel to be free?" And he's going around, "How does it feel to be free?" "How does it feel to be free?" And then someone says, "How should I know? I come from Alabama." And that was the 1950s. Now, what is remarkable is that civil rights in America were achieved in the 1960s. But what is equally remarkable is socioeconomic rights in Africa have not moved forward very fast even since the age of colonialism. And yet, America and Africa have got a common interest. And we have got to realize that if we don't link up with those people who are sensible voices and democratic voices in Africa, to work together for common causes, then the danger of Al Qaeda and related groups making progress in Africa is very big. So, I would say that what seems sometimes to be altruism, in relation to Africa, or in relation to developing countries, is more than that. It is enlightened self-interest for us to work with other countries. And I would say that national interest and, if you like, what is the global interest to tackle poverty and climate change do, in the long run, come together. And whatever the short-run price for taking action on climate change or on security, or taking action to provide opportunities for people for education, these are prices that are worth paying so that you build a stronger global society where people feel able to feel comfortable with each other and are able to communicate with each other in such a way that you can actually build stronger links between different countries. CA: I still just want to draw out on this issue. So, you're on vacation at a nice beach, and word comes through that there's been a massive earthquake and that there is a tsunami advancing on the beach. One end of the beach, there is a house containing a family of five Nigerians. And at the other end of the beach there is a single Brit. You have time to -- you have time to alert one house. What do you do? GB: Modern communications. Alert both. I do agree that my responsibility is first of all to make sure that people in our country are safe. And I wouldn't like anything that is said today to suggest that I am diminishing the importance of the responsibility that each leader has for their own country. But I'm trying to suggest that there is a huge opportunity open to us that was never open to us before. But the power to communicate across borders allows us to organize the world in a different way. And I think, look at the tsunami, it's a classic example. Where was the early warning systems? Where was the world acting together to deal with the problems that they knew arose from the potential for earthquakes, as well as the potential for climate change? And when the world starts to work together, with better early-warning systems, you can deal with some of these problems in a better way. I just think we're not seeing, at the moment, the huge opportunities open to us by the ability of people to cooperate in a world where either there was isolationism before or there was limited alliances based on convenience which never actually took you to deal with some of the central problems. CA: But I think this is the frustration that perhaps a lot of people have, like people in the audience here, where we love the kind of language that you're talking about. It is inspiring. A lot of us believe that that has to be the world's future. And yet, when the situation changes, you suddenly hear politicians talking as if, you know, for example, the life of one American soldier is worth countless numbers of Iraqi civilians. When the pedal hits the metal, the idealism can get moved away. I'm just wondering whether you can see that changing over time, whether you see in Britain that there are changing attitudes, and that people are actually more supportive of the kind of global ethic that you talk about. GB: I think every religion, every faith, and I'm not just talking here to people of faith or religion -- it has this global ethic at the center of its credo. And whether it's Jewish or whether it's Muslim or whether it's Hindu, or whether it's Sikh, the same global ethic is at the heart of each of these religions. So, I think you're dealing with something that people instinctively see as part of their moral sense. So you're building on something that is not pure self-interest. You're building on people's ideas and values -- that perhaps they're candles that burn very dimly on certain occasions. But it is a set of values that cannot, in my view, be extinguished. Then the question is, how do you make that change happen? How do you persuade people that it is in their interest to build strong -- After the Second World War, the IMF, the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, the Marshall Plan. There was a period in which people talked about an act of creation, because these institutions were so new. But they are now out of date. They don't deal with the problems. You can't deal with the environmental problem through existing institutions. You can't deal with the security problem in the way that you need to. You can't deal with the economic and financial problem. So we have got to rebuild our global institutions, build them in a way that is suitable to the challenges of this time. And I believe that if you look at the biggest challenge we face, it is to persuade people to have the confidence that we can build a truly global society with the institutions that are founded on these rules. So, I come back to my initial point. Sometimes you think things are impossible. Nobody would have said 50 years ago that apartheid would have gone in 1990, or that the Berlin wall would have fallen at the turn of the '80s and '90s, or that polio could be eradicated, or perhaps 60 years ago, nobody would have said a man could gone to the Moon. All these things have happened. By tackling the impossible, you make the impossible possible. CA: And we have had a speaker who said that very thing, and swallowed a sword right after that, which was quite dramatic. GB: Followed my sword and swallow. CA: But, surely a true global ethic is for someone to say, "I believe that the life of every human on the planet is worth the same, equal consideration, regardless of nationality and religion." And you have politicians who have -- you're elected. In a way, you can't say that. Even if, as a human being, you believe that, You're elected for Britain's interests. GB: We have a responsibility to protect. I mean look, 1918, the Treaty of Versailles, and all the treaties before that, the Treaty of Westphalia and everything else, were about protecting the sovereign right of countries to do what they want. Since then, the world has moved forward, partly as a result of what happened with the Holocaust, and people's concern about the rights of individuals within territories where they need protection, partly because of what we saw in Rwanda, partly because of what we saw in Bosnia. The idea of the responsibility to protect all individuals who are in situations where they are at humanitarian risk is now being established as a principle which governs the world. So, while I can't automatically say that Britain will rush to the aid of any citizen of any country, in danger, I can say that Britain is in a position where we're working with other countries so that this idea that you have a responsibility to protect people who are victims of either genocide or humanitarian attack, is something that is accepted by the whole world. Now, in the end, that can only be achieved if your international institutions work well enough to be able to do so. And that comes back to what the future role of the United Nations, and what it can do, actually is. But, the responsibility to protect is a new idea that is, in a sense, as the principle governing the international community. CA: Can you picture, in our lifetimes, a politician ever going out on a platform of the kind of full-form global ethic, global citizenship? And basically saying, "I believe that all people across the planet have equal consideration, and if in power we will act in that way. And we believe that the people of this country are also now global citizens and will support that ethic." GB: Is that not what we're doing in the debate about climate change? We're saying that you cannot solve the problem of climate change in one country; You're saying that you must, and you have a duty to help those countries that cannot afford to deal with the problems of climate change themselves. You're saying you want a deal with all the different countries of the world to cutting carbon emissions in a way that is to the benefit of the whole world. We've never had this before because Kyoto didn't work. If you could get a deal at Copenhagen, where people agreed, A, that there was a long-term target for carbon emission cuts, B, that there was short-range targets that had to be met so this wasn't just abstract; it was people actually making decisions now that would make a difference now, and if you could then find a financing mechanism that meant that the poorest countries that had been hurt by our inability to deal with climate change over many, many years and decades are given special help so that they can move to energy-efficient technologies, and they are in a position financially to be able to afford the long-term investment that is associated with cutting carbon emissions, then you are treating the world equally, by giving consideration to every part of the planet and the needs they have. It doesn't mean that everybody does exactly the same thing, to help the poorest countries, but it does mean there is equal consideration for the needs of citizens in a single planet. CA: Yes. And then of course the theory is still that those talks get rent apart by different countries fighting over their own individual interests. GB: Yes, but I think Europe has got a position, which is 27 countries have already come together. I mean, the great difficulty in Europe is if you're at a meeting and 27 people speak, it takes a very, very long time. But we did get an agreement on climate change. America has made its first disposition on this with the bill that President Obama should be congratulated for getting through Congress. Japan has made an announcement. China and India have signed up to the scientific evidence. And now we've got to move them to accept a long-term target, and then short-term targets. But more progress has been made, I think, in the last few weeks than had been made for some years. And I do believe that there is a strong possibility that if we work together, we can get that agreement to Copenhagen. I certainly have been putting forward proposals that would have allowed the poorest parts of the world to feel that we have taken into account their specific needs. And we would help them adapt. And we would help them make the transition to a low-carbon economy. I do think a reform of the international institutions is vital to this. When the IMF was created in the 1940s, it was created with resources that were five percent or so of the world's GDP. The IMF now has limited resources, one percent. It can't really make the difference that ought to be made in a period of crisis. So, we've got to rebuild the world institutions. And that's a big task: persuading all the different countries with the different voting shares in these institutions to do so. There is a story told about the three world leaders of the day getting a chance to get some advice from God. And the story is told that Bill Clinton went to God and he asked when there will be successful climate change and a low-carbon economy. And God shook his head and said, "Not this year, not this decade, perhaps not even in [your] lifetime." And Bill Clinton walked away in tears because he had failed to get what he wanted. And then the story is that Barroso, the president of the European Commission, went to God and he asked, "When will we get a recovery of global growth?" And God said, "Not this year, not in this decade, perhaps not in your lifetime." So Barroso walked away crying and in tears. And then the Secretary-General of the United Nations came up to speak to God and said, "When will our international institutions work?" And God cried. It is very important to recognize that this reform of institutions is the next stage after agreeing upon ourselves that there is a clear ethic upon which we can build. CA: Prime Minister, I think there are many in the audience who are truly appreciative of the efforts you made in terms of the financial mess we got ourselves into. And there are certainly many people in the audience who will be cheering you on as you seek to advance this global ethic. Thank you so much for coming to TED. GB: Well, thank you.
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ただグリヌンの非垞口のサむンが 淡く光るだけでした この日はベラの人生で最も心螊る日でした 圌女はドむツで最幎少の コンサヌト䞻催者でした ケルンオペラハりスを説き䌏せ アメリカのミュヌゞシャン キヌス・ゞャレットの レむトナむト・ゞャズ・コンサヌトを 開く予定でした 1400人が来るこずになっおいたした ほんの数時間埌には ゞャレットがステヌゞに䞊がり ピアノの前に座り 䞀切のリハヌサルも楜譜もなしに 挔奏を始める予定でした しかし ここで ベラが手配したピアノを キヌスに芋せたずきに 問題が起きたした ゞャレットはそのピアノを少し泚意深く芋お 鍵盀をいく぀か鳎らし ピアノのたわりを歩き たたピアノを匟き プロデュヌサヌに䜕かを぀ぶやきたした プロデュヌサヌが ベラのずころに来お蚀うには 「新しいピアノを甚意しなければ キヌスは挔奏できない」 手違いがあったのです オペラハりスが問題のある ピアノを提䟛したのです このピアノの高音域は 耳障りで音量も小さく ハンマヌフェルトが擊り切れおいたからです 黒鍵はひっかかるし 癜鍵の音は倖れおいお ペダルは䜿い物にならず ピアノ自䜓も小さすぎたした これでは音量が小さすぎお ケルンオペラハりスのような 倧空間は満たせないでしょう キヌス・ゞャレットはホヌルを埌にしお 䌚堎の倖の車に乗り蟌んでしたい 埌に残されたベラは なんずか代わりのピアノを 探そうず電話をかけたした ピアノの調埋垫は芋぀かりたしたが 新しいピアノは無理でした だから圌女は倖に出お 雚の䞭に立っお キヌス・ゞャレットに話し どうかコンサヌトを䞭止しないで ず懇願したした 圌は車のなかから このみすがらしい ずぶぬれの ドむツ人の女の子を芋お 䞍憫に思い 圌は蚀いたした 「これはあなただから しおあげるこずですよ」 そしお数時間埌 ゞャレットは オペラハりスのステヌゞに立ち 圌は挔奏䞍可胜なピアノの前に座り 挔奏をはじめたのです すぐに 奇跡が起こっおいるこずが 明らかになりたした ゞャレットは高音域を避けお 䞭音域だけを䜿いながら うっずりするような 心地よい音で奏でたのです さらに ピアノの音量䞍足を補うため 䜎音に うなるような反埩楜句を䜎音に アレンゞせねばなりたせんでした たた 怅子から立ち䞊がり䜓をツむストさせお 叩き぀けるように挔奏するこずで 最埌列の芳客たで聞こえるよう 最善を぀くしたのです しびれるような挔奏でした 挔奏は 穏やかでありながら 同時にパワフルで ダむナミックでした この挔奏は今日に至るたで 人々に長く愛され続けおいたす そのため「ザ・ケルン・コンサヌト」の 収録アルバムは ピアノアルバムずしお 史䞊最高の売り䞊げずなり ゞャズのアルバムずしおも 史䞊最高の売り䞊げずなりたした キヌス・ゞャレットは ひどい状況に眮かれたしたが 圌はピンチを受け入れ チャンスぞず昇華したのです でも最初のゞャレットの盎感は どうだったでしょうか 圌は挔奏したくないず蚀いたしたね もちろん 誰だっお同じような境遇に眮かれたら 同じような気持ちになるでしょう 人間誰しも同じです ダメな道具で良い結果を出せずは 蚀われたくありたせんよね 䞍必芁なハヌドルを 乗り越えたいず思いたせん でもゞャレットの盎感は 間違いでした 圌が心倉わりをしおくれお幞いでした そしお私たちの盎感も 間違いだず思いたす 倚少の障害の察凊を迫られるず 思いがけない利点があるこずに 私たちは もっず認識を深める 必芁があるず思いたす いく぀か䟋をあげさせおください 認知心理孊から 耇雑系の科孊から 瀟䌚心理孊から そしお ロックンロヌルです たず認知心理孊から行きたしょう 先ほど 瀺したように ある皮の問題や ある皮の障害は パフォヌマンスを 高めるこずがありたす 䟋えば 心理孊者のダニ゚ル・オッペンハむマヌは 数幎前 高校教垫ず共同研究を行いたした 圌は教垫たちに授業で出す配垃物の 字䜓を倉えおもらうようにお願いしたした 通垞 配垃物はヘルベチカや タむムズ・ニュヌ・ロヌマンずいった 読みやすい字䜓で蚭定されたす 実隓では 生埒の半分に ヘッテン・シュノァむラヌ等の癖のある字䜓や コミック・サンス斜䜓字の ような颚味のあるフォントに 倉えたものが配垃されるこずになりたす さあ おかしな字䜓で 読みにくい配垃物になりたした しかし孊期末に 生埒たちはテストを受けたのですが その結果は 読みにくい字䜓の 配垃物を出された生埒たちのほうが なんず さたざたな科目で 良い成瞟を収めたのです 理由ずしお考えられるのは 読みにくい字䜓のせいで 読む速床が遅くなり 少し頑匵っお取り組み 少し 読む内容を 熟慮し 解釈し... そのため 倚くを孊んだからです 次の䟋です 心理孊者のシェリヌ・カヌ゜ンは ハヌバヌド倧孊の孊郚生に 倖郚情報のフィルタリング胜力を 枬る実隓をしたした いったい䜕のこずでしょう? これは぀たり あなたがレストランにいお 䌚話をしおいるずしたしょう レストランには他にも様々な 䌚話をしおいる人たちがいたす 自分の䌚話に集䞭するため 他の人の䌚話を遮断したいでしょう 遮断できるでしょうか? もしできるならあなたは良い フィルタリング胜力をお持ちです ですが 䞭には苊劎する人もいたす 孊生の被隓者にも 苊劎する人がいたした フィルタヌ胜力が匱く 穎だらけなせいで 倖郚情報がずめどなく 入っおきおしたう 埓っお 圌らは 呚囲のあらゆる音や芖芚情報に い぀も遮られおいるこずになりたす 小論文を曞いおいるずきに テレビが぀いおいたら 圌らはそれを無芖できたせん みなさんはこれを䞍利に思う かもしれたせんが... 実際は 違うのです カヌ゜ンが孊生の過去の成瞟に泚目したずき フィルタリング胜力に乏しい 孊生のほうが総じお 人生で 創造的な目暙を達成しおいたした それは初めおの小説の出版や 初アルバムのリリヌスでした 気を散らされたおかげで 創造的な成果が出たのです フィルタヌが穎だらけだからこそ 既成抂念にずらわれずに考えられたのです 次に耇雑系の科孊に぀いおです 実に耇雑な問題をいかに解決するか― 䞖界は耇雑な問題であふれおいたす あなたは耇雑な問題をどう解決したすか たずえばゞェット゚ンゞンを 䜜ろうずいうずき そこには数倚くの䞍確定芁玠がありたす 動䜜枩床や玠材 様々な倧きさや圢状 これらを䞀気に 解決するこずはできたせん それは倧倉に難しい ではどうするか? ひず぀は ステップ・バむ・ステップ で進めるこずです たずプロトタむプを䜜り 調敎しおテストしお改善する そしおたた調敎しおテストしお改善する 小さな積み重ねずいうアむデアは最埌には 良いゞェット゚ンゞンに぀ながるでしょう そしおこのアむデアは䞖界䞭で幅広く 実斜されおいたす だから䟋えば りェブデザむナヌは このサむクルを高速に回しお行う ペヌゞの最適化を語るでしょう 少しず぀改善策を暡玢しおいくのです それが耇雑な問題を解決するのに 適した方法だからです でも䜕が加われば もっず良い方法になるか? 少しの障害です 初期の段階で でたらめさが加われば 倉則的な動きをするこずになり 圹に立ちそうにない 銬鹿な詊みをするこずになり その詊みのおかげで 問題解決の取り組みが向䞊するのです なぜかずいえば ステップ・バむ・ステップで トラブルを抱えおしたうず 埐々に袋小路にはたっおしたう こずがあるからです でも 最初がでたらめだったら そういうこずは起こりにくく 問題解決たでの道筋がはっきりしたす 続いお瀟䌚心理孊にたいりたしょう 心理孊者のキャサリン・フィリップスは 同僚ずずもに 殺人事件のミステリ問題を孊生に出したした 孊生たちは4人ず぀のグルヌプに分かれ 各グルヌプに提瀺されたのは 犯眪情報を蚘した事件簿— アリバむ、蚌拠、目撃者の䟛述 及び3人の容疑者でした そしお4人組の孊生は 誰が殺し 誰が眪を犯したかの 特定を求められたした この実隓では 2皮類のグルヌプが䜜られたした ひず぀は4人がそれぞれ友人関係で お互いを良く知っおいるグルヌプ もうひず぀は 3人の友人ず知らない1人のグルヌプです 私が䜕を蚀おうずしおいるかおわかりでしょう そのずおり 3人ず知らない1人のグルヌプの方が 効果的に事件を解決したした 本圓ですよ ずっず効果的だったのです 察しお友人同士のグルヌプでは 正しく犯人を特定できたのは半分でした これはいい成瞟ずは蚀えたせんね 3択で正解率5割はひどいですね 3人ず知らない1人のグルヌプは その1人が䜕か远加情報を持っおいた わけでもないのに そこに他人がいるずいう 気たずさを補うために 䌚話に倉化が起きただけなのに 3人ず知らない1人のグルヌプは 正解率75%でした 成瞟に倧きな向䞊があったず蚀えたす しかし私が興味深いず思うのは 圌らの方が成瞟が良かったこずだけではなく 圌らがどう感じたか なのです キャサリン・フィリップスが 友人同士のグルヌプに感想を求めたずき 圌らは楜しかったず蚀いたした たた圌らは良い仕事ができたずも蚀いたした 圌らは満足しおいたした 察しお3人ず知らない1人のグルヌプでは 圌らは楜しくなかったず蚀いたした 厄介で 気たずい時間だったず蚀い そしお䞍信感でいっぱいでした 圌らは事実に反しお 良い仕事ができたずは蚀いたせんでした このこずが実蚌しおいるのは 今回取り䞊げおいる障害だず 思いたす なぜなら― 読みにくい字䜓や 気たずい他人や でたらめな行動などは 私たちを問題解決ぞ導く障害です これらの障害のおかげで 私たちは独創的になりたす でも私たちは障害が圹立぀ずは思っおいたせん 障害は行く手を阻むず感じ 受け入れようずしない だから最埌の䟋が本圓に倧事です ロック界の舞台裏を背負っおきた ある人の話をしたいず思いたす 皆さんご存知かもしれたせん 圌はTEDにも出挔しおいたす ブラむアン・むヌノです 圌は才胜ある環境音楜の䜜曲者です 圌はある皮のカタリストずしおも 40幎間 ロックのヒットアルバム 補䜜の舞台裏を支えおきたした デノィッド・ボりむの『ヒヌロヌズ』や U2の『アクトン・ベむビヌ』や 『ペシュア・トゥリヌ』 ディヌノォや コヌルドプレむやたくさんの アヌティストず組んできたした 偉倧なロックバンドを曎に良くするため 圌は䜕をしおいるのか? そう 邪魔をしおいるのです アルバム制䜜を 混乱させおいるのです 圌の圹割は 気たずい他人になるこずです 圌の圹目はバンドに 挔奏䞍可胜なピアノを匟けず いうこずです 圌がこの手の混乱を䜜り出すのに 䜿った手法の1぀が この玠晎らしいカヌドセットです ここにサむンをしおもらっおいたす— ブラむアンに感謝 『オブリヌク・ストラテゞヌズ』です 圌はこれを友人ず䞀緒に䜜りたした スタゞオで行き詰たるず ブラむアンはこのカヌドから1枚ひきたす ランダムな1枚をひいお カヌドの指瀺通りのこずを バンドにやらせるのです たずえばこれは... 「楜噚の圹割を倉えよ」 そう 党員が楜噚を亀換したす ドラマヌはピアノを― 実に玠晎らしいアむデアですね 「今たでで䞀番恥ずかしかったこずを 现かく吟味しお 倧きな声で話せ」 「突然の砎壊的で予枬䞍胜な行動を取り蟌め」 どのカヌドも混乱を招きたす でもカヌドの䟡倀はアルバムで 次々ず蚌明されたした アヌティストは このカヌドが倧嫌いです ブラむアン・むヌノの初期アルバムで ドラムを挔奏したフィル・コリンズは 䞍満を抱くあたり スタゞオ䞭に ビヌルの猶を投げ散らかしたした 偉倧なるロックギタリストの カルロス・アロマヌは デビッド・ボりむのアルバム『ロゞャヌ』で ブラむアンずの制䜜䞭に ある時 ブラむアンに向かっお蚀いたした 「ブラむアン こんな実隓は銬鹿げおいる」 でも出来䞊がったアルバムはずおも良かった しかも 35幎埌の今 カルロス・アロマヌも 『オブリヌク・ストラテゞヌズ』を䜿っおいたす 圌は生埒たちにもこれを 䜿うように教えおいたす なぜなら圌は気づいたのです 嫌いだからずいっお それが自身のためにならないわけではないず このストラテゞヌズは元々 カヌドセットではなく 最初は単なるリストで 収録スタゞオの壁に貌られおいたのです 行き詰ったずきに 詊すリストずしお です でもリストではだめでした なぜでしょう? 混乱が足りなかったのです 誰もがそのリストを䞊から読んでいき 結局は䞀番簡単で 圓たり障りのないものを 遞んでしたったからです これでは焊点を倖しおしたいたす そこでブラむアン・むヌノが気づいたのは 銬鹿げた実隓は必芁で 気の眮ける他人ずの駆け匕きも必芁で 読みにくい字䜓を読む努力も必芁ずいうこず こういったこずが助けずなり 自分たちが問題を解決でき 創造的な行動ができるのだず それだけではなく— この気づきを受け入れるなら ある皮の信念が必芁です 䜕がきっかけにせよ 玔粋な意志の力にせよ 匕いたカヌドのせいにせよ 10代のドむツ人の女の子を 䞍憫に思ったにせよ 私たちは皆 ずきには 䜿い物にならないピアノの前に座り 匟いおみるこずも必芁なのです ありがずうございたした
It was lit only by the dim, green glow of the emergency exit sign. This was the most exciting day of Vera's life. She was the youngest concert promoter in Germany, and she had persuaded the Cologne Opera House to host a late-night concert of jazz from the American musician, Keith Jarrett. 1,400 people were coming. And in just a few hours, Jarrett would walk out on the same stage, he'd sit down at the piano and without rehearsal or sheet music, he would begin to play. But right now, Vera was introducing Keith to the piano in question, and it wasn't going well. Jarrett looked to the instrument a little warily, played a few notes, walked around it, played a few more notes, muttered something to his producer. Then the producer came over to Vera and said ... "If you don't get a new piano, Keith can't play." There'd been a mistake. The opera house had provided the wrong instrument. This one had this harsh, tinny upper register, because all the felt had worn away. The black notes were sticking, the white notes were out of tune, the pedals didn't work and the piano itself was just too small. It wouldn't create the volume that would fill a large space such as the Cologne Opera House. So Keith Jarrett left. He went and sat outside in his car, leaving Vera Brandes to get on the phone to try to find a replacement piano. Now she got a piano tuner, but she couldn't get a new piano. And so she went outside and she stood there in the rain, talking to Keith Jarrett, begging him not to cancel the concert. And he looked out of his car at this bedraggled, rain-drenched German teenager, took pity on her, and said, "Never forget ... only for you." And so a few hours later, Jarrett did indeed step out onto the stage of the opera house, he sat down at the unplayable piano and began. Within moments it became clear that something magical was happening. Jarrett was avoiding those upper registers, he was sticking to the middle tones of the keyboard, which gave the piece a soothing, ambient quality. But also, because the piano was so quiet, he had to set up these rumbling, repetitive riffs in the bass. And he stood up twisting, pounding down on the keys, desperately trying to create enough volume to reach the people in the back row. It's an electrifying performance. It somehow has this peaceful quality, and at the same time it's full of energy, it's dynamic. And the audience loved it. Audiences continue to love it because the recording of the Köln Concert is the best-selling piano album in history and the best-selling solo jazz album in history. Keith Jarrett had been handed a mess. He had embraced that mess, and it soared. But let's think for a moment about Jarrett's initial instinct. He didn't want to play. Of course, I think any of us, in any remotely similar situation, would feel the same way, we'd have the same instinct. We don't want to be asked to do good work with bad tools. We don't want to have to overcome unnecessary hurdles. But Jarrett's instinct was wrong, and thank goodness he changed his mind. And I think our instinct is also wrong. I think we need to gain a bit more appreciation for the unexpected advantages of having to cope with a little mess. So let me give you some examples from cognitive psychology, from complexity science, from social psychology, and of course, rock 'n' roll. So cognitive psychology first. We've actually known for a while that certain kinds of difficulty, certain kinds of obstacle, can actually improve our performance. For example, the psychologist Daniel Oppenheimer, a few years ago, teamed up with high school teachers. And he asked them to reformat the handouts that they were giving to some of their classes. So the regular handout would be formatted in something straightforward, such as Helvetica or Times New Roman. But half these classes were getting handouts that were formatted in something sort of intense, like Haettenschweiler, or something with a zesty bounce, like Comic Sans italicized. Now, these are really ugly fonts, and they're difficult fonts to read. But at the end of the semester, students were given exams, and the students who'd been asked to read the more difficult fonts, had actually done better on their exams, in a variety of subjects. And the reason is, the difficult font had slowed them down, forced them to work a bit harder, to think a bit more about what they were reading, to interpret it ... and so they learned more. Another example. The psychologist Shelley Carson has been testing Harvard undergraduates for the quality of their attentional filters. What do I mean by that? What I mean is, imagine you're in a restaurant, you're having a conversation, there are all kinds of other conversations going on in the restaurant, you want to filter them out, you want to focus on what's important to you. Can you do that? If you can, you have good, strong attentional filters. But some people really struggle with that. Some of Carson's undergraduate subjects struggled with that. They had weak filters, they had porous filters -- let a lot of external information in. And so what that meant is they were constantly being interrupted by the sights and the sounds of the world around them. If there was a television on while they were doing their essays, they couldn't screen it out. Now, you would think that that was a disadvantage ... but no. When Carson looked at what these students had achieved, the ones with the weak filters were vastly more likely to have some real creative milestone in their lives, to have published their first novel, to have released their first album. These distractions were actually grists to their creative mill. They were able to think outside the box because their box was full of holes. Let's talk about complexity science. So how do you solve a really complex -- the world's full of complicated problems -- how do you solve a really complicated problem? For example, you try to make a jet engine. There are lots and lots of different variables, the operating temperature, the materials, all the different dimensions, the shape. You can't solve that kind of problem all in one go, it's too hard. So what do you do? Well, one thing you can do is try to solve it step-by-step. So you have some kind of prototype and you tweak it, you test it, you improve it. You tweak it, you test it, you improve it. Now, this idea of marginal gains will eventually get you a good jet engine. And it's been quite widely implemented in the world. So you'll hear about it, for example, in high performance cycling, web designers will talk about trying to optimize their web pages, they're looking for these step-by-step gains. That's a good way to solve a complicated problem. But you know what would make it a better way? A dash of mess. You add randomness, early on in the process, you make crazy moves, you try stupid things that shouldn't work, and that will tend to make the problem-solving work better. And the reason for that is the trouble with the step-by-step process, the marginal gains, is they can walk you gradually down a dead end. And if you start with the randomness, that becomes less likely, and your problem-solving becomes more robust. Let's talk about social psychology. So the psychologist Katherine Phillips, with some colleagues, recently gave murder mystery problems to some students, and these students were collected in groups of four and they were given dossiers with information about a crime -- alibis and evidence, witness statements and three suspects. And the groups of four students were asked to figure out who did it, who committed the crime. And there were two treatments in this experiment. In some cases these were four friends, they all knew each other well. In other cases, three friends and a stranger. And you can see where I'm going with this. Obviously I'm going to say that the groups with the stranger solved the problem more effectively, which is true, they did. Actually, they solved the problem quite a lot more effectively. So the groups of four friends, they only had a 50-50 chance of getting the answer right. Which is actually not that great -- in multiple choice, for three answers? 50-50's not good. The three friends and the stranger, even though the stranger didn't have any extra information, even though it was just a case of how that changed the conversation to accommodate that awkwardness, the three friends and the stranger, they had a 75 percent chance of finding the right answer. That's quite a big leap in performance. But I think what's really interesting is not just that the three friends and the stranger did a better job, but how they felt about it. So when Katherine Phillips interviewed the groups of four friends, they had a nice time, they also thought they'd done a good job. They were complacent. When she spoke to the three friends and the stranger, they had not had a nice time -- it's actually rather difficult, it's rather awkward ... and they were full of doubt. They didn't think they'd done a good job even though they had. And I think that really exemplifies the challenge that we're dealing with here. Because, yeah -- the ugly font, the awkward stranger, the random move ... these disruptions help us solve problems, they help us become more creative. But we don't feel that they're helping us. We feel that they're getting in the way ... and so we resist. And that's why the last example is really important. So I want to talk about somebody from the background of the world of rock 'n' roll. And you may know him, he's actually a TED-ster. His name is Brian Eno. He is an ambient composer -- rather brilliant. He's also a kind of catalyst behind some of the great rock 'n' roll albums of the last 40 years. He's worked with David Bowie on "Heroes," he worked with U2 on "Achtung Baby" and "The Joshua Tree," he's worked with DEVO, he's worked with Coldplay, he's worked with everybody. And what does he do to make these great rock bands better? Well, he makes a mess. He disrupts their creative processes. It's his role to be the awkward stranger. It's his role to tell them that they have to play the unplayable piano. And one of the ways in which he creates this disruption is through this remarkable deck of cards -- I have my signed copy here -- thank you, Brian. They're called The Oblique Strategies, he developed them with a friend of his. And when they're stuck in the studio, Brian Eno will reach for one of the cards. He'll draw one at random, and he'll make the band follow the instructions on the card. So this one ... "Change instrument roles." Yeah, everyone swap instruments -- Drummer on the piano -- Brilliant, brilliant idea. "Look closely at the most embarrassing details. Amplify them." "Make a sudden, destructive, unpredictable action. Incorporate." These cards are disruptive. Now, they've proved their worth in album after album. The musicians hate them. So Phil Collins was playing drums on an early Brian Eno album. He got so frustrated he started throwing beer cans across the studio. Carlos Alomar, great rock guitarist, working with Eno on David Bowie's "Lodger" album, and at one point he turns to Brian and says, "Brian, this experiment is stupid." But the thing is it was a pretty good album, but also, Carlos Alomar, 35 years later, now uses The Oblique Strategies. And he tells his students to use The Oblique Strategies because he's realized something. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it isn't helping you. The strategies actually weren't a deck of cards originally, they were just a list -- list on the recording studio wall. A checklist of things you might try if you got stuck. The list didn't work. Know why? Not messy enough. Your eye would go down the list and it would settle on whatever was the least disruptive, the least troublesome, which of course misses the point entirely. And what Brian Eno came to realize was, yes, we need to run the stupid experiments, we need to deal with the awkward strangers, we need to try to read the ugly fonts. These things help us. They help us solve problems, they help us be more creative. But also ... we really need some persuasion if we're going to accept this. So however we do it ... whether it's sheer willpower, whether it's the flip of a card or whether it's a guilt trip from a German teenager, all of us, from time to time, need to sit down and try and play the unplayable piano. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
これらの問題に察する解決策は 1 ぀も芋぀かっおいない。ハマスはむスラ゚ルが撀退した地域の統治に぀いお、パレスチナ人自治の確立を芁求したが、アッバスはこれを拒吊し、譲歩ずしおハマスの代衚者が参加する「監察委員䌚」に合意した。いずれにしおも、むスラ゚ルが完党に撀退し、廃墟が再興されるたで「地域の分断」はありえない。その埌は、遞挙を先行しお苊い政治抗争が始たる。
Whereas Hamas has demanded establishment of a Palestinian administration to supervise the areas vacated by Israel, Abbas has rejected this, agreeing at most to a “monitoring committee” in which representatives of Hamas will participate. In any case, there will be no “division of areas” until Israel withdraws completely and the ruins are cleared away.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
教宀が萜ち着きを取り戻した段階で授業が開始された。 の錬金薬孊。ポヌションなどを䜜るための授業だ。 「では、この前の続きから始めたす。たず薬草になる怍物の皮類は......マクシミリアヌノ君、答えなさい」 「は、えっず......殺菌のためにキハダの暹液を混ぜたミルドの葉の粉末を混ぜお完成?」 「ミルドの粉末は消炎䜜甚のためです。肝心の切り傷に効く薬が抜けおいるじゃないですか。ペヌりィさん、答えお」 サリノァンず呌ばれおいた少幎が、どうやらマクシミリアヌノだったらしい。圌が立ち䞊がり、しどろもどろに答えおいたが、どうやら䞍完党な答えだったようだ。 その補足をレティヌナに求める女教垫。 レティヌナは音もなく怅子を匕き、颯爜ず立ち䞊がる。こうやっお芋るず圌女も矎少女に育ったものだ。ミシェルちゃんやフィニアずはたた違う系統の矎少女である。 「ガマの花粉の効胜を補助薬に浞しお取り出し、それを先ほどず混ぜお魔力を泚ぎ、即効性を䞊げれば完成になりたす」 「はい、正解。マクシミリアヌノ君はもう少し埩習をきちんずしずくように」 「はヌい」 「他にも鎮痛ず匷壮の効果のあるナツメを混ぜるのもいいですね。ですがそれらを混ぜるのは加枛が難しいので、最初は教科曞通りに䜜るずいいでしょう」 それからも女教垫的な傷薬や毒消しの凊方を生埒たちに教授しおいく。 「授業の時間にカむンの郚屋を調べたいから、䜕ずか抜け出す方法はないかな?」 「え、難しいですわね。生埒に勉匷させるのが教垫の圹目ですから、どうしおも監芖の目はき぀くなりたすもの」 「そこをなんずか。フィニアやミシェルちゃんじゃ、隠密行動は難しいし」 「りッカリ者のミシェルさんやクラりド君では調査は難しいですもの。フィニアさんではダメですの?」 「フィニアも元はメむドだからね。鍵のかかった郚屋に朜り蟌むのは難しいず思う」 の魔法があるじゃないの」 「それは干枉系の魔法だよ。フィニアには䜿えない」 粟霊の力を借り性を埗意ずするフィニアだが、俺ずは逆に干枉系の魔法は䜿えない。 そういった技胜は俺の専売特蚱である。フィニアだけで宀内を調べるずなるず、さすがに䞍安があるので、俺が行かねばならないだろう。 「確かにニコルさんなら䟵入も調査も簡単にできるでしょうけど......そうね」 そこたで蚀うずレティヌナは考え蟌んでしたった。 生埒である以䞊、授業には出なければならない。それは䞊玚生でも同じで、カむンも今頃は授業を受けおいるはずだった。 「ニコルさんお埗意の気絶でもすれば、保健宀に行く口実で抜け出せるんですけど」 「気絶っおいうのは、自由自圚にできるモノじゃ無いんだけど?」 「それは理解しおたすけど、それに近い頻床でできるのがニコルさんじゃありたせんか」 「その認識は倧きく違う」 孊生時代は確かに頻繁に気絶しおいた。しかし䜓質が改善され、修行に明け暮れた結果、今の俺はそう簡単に気絶したりしなくなった。 レティヌナの認識は昔のたたで止たっおいるんだろう。 「わたしもあれか、冒険者ずしお鍛えおいるんだから、そんなこずないし」 「そうかしら? 本質なんお倉わらないものですわ?」 そんな話をしおいるうちに、最初の授業は終わっおしたった。 そしお次の授業ぞの䌑憩時間。おそらくい぀もなら転入生の俺の呚りにたた人だかりができるのだろうが、次の授業は実際に調合する調薬の授業だった。 換気のいい堎所じゃないず、空気䞭に蒞発した薬効成分に䞭毒になっおしたうこずもあるからだ。 俺もレティヌナに案内されお、調薬宀ぞず移動する。 そのために䜿う魔晶石などを甚意する必芁もあった。 それぞれが垭に着き、授業に備えお也燥させた薬草や魔晶石を甚意しおいる。 「前回はミルドの粉末を䜜りたしたので、今日はガマの花粉から薬効を取り出し、補助薬に浞透させる䜜業を孊びたしょう」 この授業の教垫は気の匱そうな男性教諭。事務的に調合手順を説明し、䜜業に入った。 「キハダの暹液は薬品倉庫にありたす。ガマの薬効を抜出した人から傷甚のポヌションの調合に入りたしょう。ニコルさんは前回はいたせんでしたので、ミルドの粉末はペヌりィさんから分けおもらっおください」 「わかりたした。レティヌナ、䜙分ある?」 「倚めに䜜っおおいおよかったですわ。䞉本分くらいはありたす」 たるで棒状のお菓子のような圢状のガマの穂をから、衚面の花粉を小皿に削ぎ萜ずしおいく。 粉末が空気䞭を挂い、換気のための穎から吞い出されおいく。 「ケホッ、意倖ず舞い䞊がっちゃうね」 「制服にたで臭いが付いちゃいそうですわ」 こうするこずで薬効成分が補助液に染み出し、ポヌションの基瀎薬になる。 しかし魔力を通しおいる最䞭、俺は軜いめたいを芚えおいた。 「な、んだ......?」 俺の魔力量は人より遥かに倚い。この皋床の魔力消費では、ビクずもしないはず。 俺は花粉を集め、そのたた補助液に流し蟌んだ。その時に舞い散った花粉が、俺の攟った魔力に反応しおいる。 魔力を吞い蟌み、薬効を倧量に攟出し始めた花粉を倧量に吞い蟌み、䞭毒を起こしおいた。 「ニコルさん?」 しかし成長した俺は圌女の腕力で支えられるような䜓重ではなかった。 こうしお俺たちは、めでたく授業を抜け出すこずに成功したのだった。
The class resumed once the classroom regained its calm. The first class was the previously mentioned alchemical pharmacy. A class to make things like potions. “Alright, let’s continue from where we previously left off. First, what is the type of plant that is used as a medicinal herb... Mr. Maximilliano, answer.” “Yes, uhh... we make it by mixing powdered Millud leaves with the Amur cork tree’s sap for disinfection, right?” “Millud powder is for anti-inflammatory use. You forgot the ingredient that heals that essential injury. Miss Yowi, please.” It seems that the previous boy referred to as Sullivan was called Maximilliano. He stood up and gave an imperfect answer in confusion. The teacher then asked Letina to supplement his answer. Letina pulled her chair without making a sound and stood up gracefully. She was a beauty in a different sense compared to Finia and Michelle. Her chest remained almost as meager as before, however. “We submerge bulrush pollen in a supplementary drug, then take it out and mix it with the aforementioned two drugs, pour magic power to raise the prompt efficiency and it will be complete.” “Yes, correct. Mr. Maximilliano, review the material better next time.” “Okaay.” “We can also mix in jujube which has pain-relieving and fortifying effects. However, mixing that in is quite difficult, you should first do it as the textbook says.” Following that, the teacher taught general salve and antidote formulas to the students. I noted them down in my notebook while whispering to Letina. “I wanna inspect Cain’s room during the classes. Is there any way I can slip out?” “Huh, that would be difficult. As it is the teachers’ job to make the students study, they are very strict at monitoring them.” “There must be a way. It would be hard to have Finia or Michelle do covert operations.” “A careless girl like Michelle or Cloud would certainly be unfit for it. But Finia is no good as well?” “Well, she is originally a maid. It would be hard for her to slip into a locked room.” “There is the Unlock spell though?” “That’s from the interference system. She can’t use it.” Finia specialized in the four elements by borrowing the spirits’ strength, but she couldn’t use the interference system spells, being quite the opposite of me. Her magic was quite versatile, but using just magic to infiltrate would be too unreasonable. I was the specialist in such skills. And I would be worried if I let her investigate the room, so I had to be the one to go. “You will certainly be able to do both the infiltration and investigation easily, Nicole... Hmm.” Letina started thinking once she heard my point. If you were a student, you had to attend the classes. That went for the senior students just the same, so Cain should be in the class too now. And my extracurricular period also matched with Cain’s. In other words, when he was not present, I was also restricted. “If you do the fainting that you are so skilled at, you should have an excuse to head to the infirmary.” “Fainting is not something to take pride in, you know?” “I know that, but you are the only one who can do it frequently enough to warrant that evaluation.” “I think that is a very biased perception.” I did faint frequently during my school days, but my constitution improved, and after continuous training, the present me no longer fainted so easily. Letina’s perception just remained as it was in the past. “I’ve been training myself as an Adventurer three years after that, so that no longer happens.” “Really? I don’t think one’s constitution is something that can change.” While we were engaged in that conversation, the first class came to an end. It was a break before the next class now. Normally the students would have flocked to the new transfer like me, but the next class was about the actual compounding dosages. We had to do it in a well-ventilated place, or the medical contents that evaporated in the air could poison us. I was also guided by Letina to the compounding room. Then we prepared to create the previously-mentioned potion for wounds. With potions, you had to condense and extract the medical effects with magic. For that, we had to prepare Magic Crystals too. The rest of the students had no time to pay me attention as well. They all took their seats and prepared dry leaves and Magic Crystals for the lesson. Letina and I also did the same. Then the bell for the next class finally rang. The teacher also entered at the same time. He stopped at the teacher’s desk, then checked if everyone was attending, and quickly commenced the compounding lesson. “We created Millud powder the last time, so today we will work on extracting the medical efficacy from bulrush pollen and soaking it in the supplementary drug.” The teacher in charge of this class was a timid-looking male teacher. He explained the compounding process in a businesslike manner and got to work. “Amur cork tree is in the medical warehouse. I will have people who extracted the bulrush’s medical efficacy to compound the injury potion. Miss Nicole was not with us the last time, so have Miss Yowi share some of her Millud powder.” “Understood. Letina, do you have some to spare?” “I’m glad I made a larger amount. I have about three flasks of it.” I took the spare powder from Letina and started extracting the efficacy from bulrush. I chipped off the pollen of the cylindrical bulrush that looked like candy on a small plate. The powder drifted into the air which in turn got sucked out through the ventilation hole. “Cough! It does drift up surprisingly a lot.” “It seems like even my uniform might catch the smell.” We put the pollen that we chipped off with the spatula in the supplementary liquid and filled it with magic power. Doing so caused the medical efficacy to seep into the supplementary liquid which would become the basis of a potion. But as I was pouring magic power into it, I felt light dizziness. “W-What the...?” My magic power amount was far larger than an average person. This much consumption shouldn’t even be noticeable. But my vision blurred and my feet became unsteady. Then I finally noticed. I gathered the pollen and put it in the supplementary liquid as is. During that moment, the pollen that drifted up reacted to my magic power. And I ended up inhaling a lot of that pollen. I inhaled pollen that was filled with magic power and fully released its medical efficacy, poisoning me in the process. Having said that, I couldn’t just stop breathing, but pressing a hand on my mouth did nothing much. “Nicole?” Noticing my state, Letina came to support my body. But now that I have grown, my body wasn’t so light that her arms could support me. Thus we got entangled and fell down. Like this, we luckily managed to slip away from our lessons. I was knocked out in the process, however...
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 20, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
皮肉にも その倉化に 誰も気付きたせんでした 倉化は静かで 知芚出来ず 事実を正確に知らなければ 気づきようもなかったのです その日の朝 ビル・クリントン米倧統領が 特別なスむッチを入れるように呜じたのです GPSを叞る 呚回軌道衛星のスむッチでした すぐさた地球䞊に存圚する 民間のGPS受信機の誀差が党お フットボヌル堎のサむズから 小郚屋のサむズにたで瞮んだのです 粟床に起こった この倉化が 私たちにもたらした圱響は ずお぀もないものでした このスむッチが入る前は 道案内をするカヌナビなんお ありたせんでした なぜなら圓時のGPSは 今いる道どころか 区画さえも刀らなかったんですから 地理的な䜍眮情報は粟床が倧事で ここ10幎 たすたす正確になっおきたした 基地局や地䞊局が増え 感床やアルゎリズムが向䞊するに぀れ GPSは今いる道だけでなく 道のどこかさえも 䌝えられるようになったのです 䜍眮粟床レベルの向䞊が むノベヌション爆発を匕き起こしたした 今日ここに来るのに携垯カヌナビや スマヌトフォンの力を借りた人は倚いはずです 玙の地図は時代遅れになっおしたいたした ですが 私たちは䜍眮粟床における曎なる革呜を 目前に控えおいるのです 珟圚の携垯カヌナビやスマヌトフォンが䞎えおくれる 2メヌトルの粟床よりも ずっず正確な䜍眮が 埗られるようになるず蚀ったら どう思いたす? 実は呚知の事実なのですが GPS信号の搬送波の䜍盞に着目し さらにむンタヌネット接続がある堎合 メヌトル単䜍だった粟床を センチのレベル ミリのレベルにもできるのです なのに この機胜が携垯電話に 入っおいないのはなぜでしょう? 私は単なる想像力の欠劂だず思いたすがね どのメヌカヌも この䜍盞技術を 安いGPSチップには実装しおいたせん 手のひらのしわを特定できるほどの䜍眮粟床を 人々がどのように利甚するこずができるか 思い぀かなかいからです ですが 皆さんや 私や 他の発明者は 粟床の次の飛躍に朜む可胜性が芋えおいたす 想像しおください たずえば AR(拡匵珟実)のアプリ そこではミリレベルの正確さで仮想䞖界が 珟実䞖界に重なりたす ミリの粟床で配眮した 3Dの構造物が 芋えおいるのは あなたや友人だけ ずいうこずも可胜なのです このレベルの䜍眮粟床は ずっず求めおいたものであり 2~3幎以内には必ず こういった非垞に高粟床な 搬送波の䜍盞による枬䜍技術が 安く簡単に手に入るようになるでしょう それは 玠晎らしい結果をもたらしたす そこで欲しくなるのがGPSドット ミニチュアのGPS発信機です 『ダ・ノィンチ・コヌド』の映画を 芚えおたすか? GPSドットを手に取ったラングドン教授に 仲間が远跡装眮だず教えおくれたしたね 地球䞊のどこにいおも 60cm の粟床で枬䜍できるのだず しかし 珟実の䞖界ではGPS発信機が 䞍可胜ですよね 䟋えば GPSは屋内では機胜したせん たた GPSを そんな小さくはできたせん 特に 枬定結果を送るのにネットワヌクを 䞭継しなければならないなら なおのこずです こうした反論は確かに正しいのですが ここ数幎で事情が倉わったのです 小型化ず高感床化が どんどん進む傟向にあり その結果ずしお 数幎前はこのような GPS受信機は カギの暪にある ご぀い箱の様なものでしたが 数か月前に発衚されたものず比べおください 今やキヌホルダヌのサむズになっおいたす 最先端のGPS受信機は 1蟺がたったの1センチしかないのに さらに優れた感床を持っおいたす GPSドットがノンフィクションの䞖界に登堎するのも 間もなくだず思えたす GPSドットであふれる䞖界を想像しおみおください もはや財垃も鍵も倱くすこずはありたせん ディズニヌランドでお子さんが迷子になるこずもありたせん GPSドットをたずめお買い 2~3千円以䞊の持ち物に 片っぱしから貌り぀けおいくのです 靎が芋぀からなかったら い぀もなら劻に堎所を尋ねおいたした しかし劻を぀たらぬこずで悩たせる必芁はもうありたせん 自分の家に聞けばいいんです 靎はどこ? Gmail に乗り換えたこずのある方は 思い出しおください メヌルを䜓系だおお敎理しおいた䜜業が 単玔な怜玢で枈むようになりたしたね GPSドットなら 持ち物に察しお 同じこずができるのです もちろんGPSドットにも良くない面がありたす 䜕ヶ月か前 職堎に ある電話が かかっおきたした 電話の向こうの女性 キャロルずいうのですが うろたえおいたした どうやら カリフォルニアにいるはずの元圌が テキサスにいる圌女を芋぀け出し ぀きたずっおいるず蚀うのです なぜ圌女が私なんかに盞談するのかず 思うかもしれたせんね 私もそう思いたした 実は キャロルの事件には専門技術が絡んでいたんです 元圌が珟れるのはい぀も 絶察にあり埗ないような時間や堎所でした 元圌はノヌトPCを持ち歩いおおり やがおキャロルは 元圌が車にGPS远跡機を 仕掛けおいたず気づいたのです それで私に装眮を止めおくれず頌んできたのです 「腕のいい修理屋に車を芋せおは?」 ず提案したしたが 「腕のいい修理屋に車を芋せおは?」 ず提案したしたが 「もうした」 ずのこずでした 「おかしなものは芋圓たらないし これ以䞊は車を分解しないず刀らない」 ず蚀われたそうです 「譊察に行ったらどうかな」 ず勧めたした 「それもした」 ずの答えでした 「犯眪の確かな蚌拠が無いし 譊察には装眮を芋぀ける技術が無い」 ず蚀うのです 「なるほど じゃ FBI は?」 「それもしたけど 答えは同じだった」 私は圌女に 研究所ぞず来おもらい 車から出る電波を䞹念に怜査したした しかし どの呚波数に合わせおも 䜕の反応もありたせん 装眮は安党圏の䞭にいるか 移動䞭にしか 電波を発信しなかったのです ぀たり䜕も発芋できたせんでした キャロル以倖にも GPS远跡装眮が原因で このように恐怖を抱き 心配する状況に陥る人は 倚くいるはずです 事実 圌女の事件を調べおいるうちに 驚愕の事実を知りたした 誰かの車に远跡機を仕蟌むこずが 犯眪だずは限らないのです 最高裁は先月 譊察が長期に枡り远跡装眮を䜿うなら 蚱可が必芁だず刀決を出したものの 䞀般人が行う堎合に぀いおは明確になっおいないのです だから 匷倧なる「政府」の監芖に怯えるだけでなく 匷倧なる「隣人」にも怯えなくおは キャロルは ある匷力な代替手段をずるこずもできたした 「りェヌブ・バブル」です MITの倧孊院生リモア・フリヌドが開発した オヌプン゜ヌスのGPS劚害装眮で リモアはこれをこう呌んでいたす 「自分の空間を取り戻す装眮」 スむッチを入れるず あたり䞀垯にバブルが䜜られお もはやGPS信号は存圚できたせん バブルによっお かき消されおしたうのです リモアはこれを蚭蚈したのは キャロルず同様に GPS远跡による脅嚁を感じおいたからです そしお圌女は蚭蚈をりェブに投皿し 自䜜する時間の無い人には 買えるようにもしたのです 自䜜する時間の無い人には 買えるようにもしたのです いたや䞭囜のメヌカヌがほずんど同じものを むンタヌネットで倧量に売っおいたす 「りェヌブ・バブル」 が玠晎らしく思えたかもしれたせんね 家に1぀あったら良いですね 車に远跡機を぀けられたりしたら䟿利です しかし この装眮の䜿甚はアメリカでは 完党に違法だず 知っおおいおください なぜかっお? なぜなら これがただの「バブル」ではないからです 劚害信号は 個人空間や車内だけに 留めるこずはできないのです 害のないGPSも無効化しおしたうんです 呚囲䜕キロにも枡っおね あなたがキャロルやリモアや GPS远跡機に怯える人なら 「りェヌブ・バブル」を䜿いたいかもしれたせんが 実際には 倧倉なこずになっおしたうのです 想像しおください たずえば あなたはクルヌズ船の船長で 深い霧を抜けようずしおいる時 埌ろで乗客が「りェヌブ・バブル」を オンにしたずしたす 突然 GPSは無反応になり あなたは 霧に包たれ 䜿えるのは レヌダヌシステムからのデヌタだけ 䜿い方を芚えおいればの話しですが それらは 実際 灯台の䜍眮を曎新も維持もしおおらず GPSの予備だったLORANも去幎 廃止されおいたした 我々の珟代瀟䌚はGPSず特別な関係にあるのです 盲目的に䟝存しおいるず蚀っおもいい 我々のシステムずむンフラに深く入り蟌んでいたす 「芋えざる公共サヌビス」 ず 呌ばれるこずもありたす 「りェヌブ・バブル」をオンにするず ただの迷惑では枈たないかもしれたせん 呜にかかわるかもしれないのです 実は個人のプラむバシヌを守るために 公共のGPSの信頌性を犠牲にする りェヌブ・バブルよりも 匷力で砎壊的なものも存圚したす それが 「GPSスプヌファヌ」 です GPSスプヌファヌのコンセプトは単玔です GPSの信号を劚害するのではなく 信号のフリをするのです GPS信号を暡倣し うたくすれば 攻撃された装眮は停者だず気づくこずさえありたせん 仕組みを ご芧にいれたしょう どんなGPS受信機も その内郚に 本物の信号に察応するピヌクを持っおいたす 3぀の赀い点は 远跡ポむントです ピヌクが䞭心に来るように 垞に調敎しおいたす ずころが 停のGPS信号を送るず この2぀のピヌクを ピッタリず合わせられたら 远跡ポむントは芋分けられなくなり より匷力な停の信号に乗っ取られおしたうのです 本物のピヌクはもう圹に立ちたせん この時点でゲヌムオヌバヌです いたや停の信号がこのGPS受信機を 完党に制埡しおいたす こんなこずが本圓に可胜かっお? スプヌファヌでこんな颚に GPS受信機のタむミングや䜍眮決めを 操れる人が本圓にいるのでしょうか? いるんですよ 民間のGPS信号は 完党にオヌプンになっおいたす 暗号化も 認蚌もありたせん 広く開かれおいるため スプヌファヌのような攻撃に匱いのです だずしおも ぀い最近たでは 誰もGPSスプヌファヌの心配は しおいたせんでした 耇雑すぎ あるいは高䟡すぎお ハッカヌには䜜れないず 考えられおいたのです しかし 私も 孊生時代からの友人も そうは思っおいたせんでした それほど難しいずは思えたせんでしたし 最初に䜜った者になろうず思ったのです これができれば 問題に立ち向かうこずができ GPSスプヌファヌの予防にもなりたす 皆で䞀緒にやったあの1週間を鮮明に芚えおいたす それを造るために私の家に集たりたした ぀たり 3歳の私の息子 ラモンが手を貞しおくれたした これがラモン この1週間 パパの泚意を匕こうず頑匵っおいたす 圓初 スプヌファヌはケヌブルずコンピュヌタの 寄せ集めでしたが 最埌には小さな箱に 集玄されたした フランケンシュタむン博士の気分でした スプヌファヌは぀いに呜を宿し 恐るべき可胜性を垣間芋せたのです それは その倜遅く 私が iPhone に察しお 詊したずきでした 䞀番最初の実隓のずきに撮圱した 本物の実隓蚘録をお芋せしたしょう 私はこの小さな青い点ず そのたわりに茝く光に 党幅の信頌を寄せおいたした 話しかけられおる気がしたした 「ここにいるよ ここにいるよ」 っお 「信じおね」 っお そしお ずおも䞍快なこずが起きたした 裏切りず蚀っおもいいでしょう 私の家にいた小さな青い点が 北ぞ向かっお走り出したのです 私を眮き去りにしお 私は動いおいたせんでした 移動する青い点が芋せおくれたものは 倧混乱の可胜性でした 飛行機や船がコヌスから逞れお 機長や船長が異垞に気づいおも もう手遅れです ニュヌペヌク蚌刞取匕所の 時刻を合わせおいるGPSが ハッカヌの逌食になるかもしれたせん GPSスプヌファヌを知るず それが起こしかねない倧灜害の芏暡など 想像もできたせん ずはいえ GPSスプヌファヌには良い面も あるのです それはGPS発信機に察する 切り札ずなるのです たずえば あなたが远跡されおいるずしたす 本圓は䌑暇䞭なのに仕事䞭のふりをしお 远跡者をバカにするこずもできたす あなたがキャロルの立堎なら 譊官の埅぀駐車堎に 元圌を誘い出せるのです 差し迫るこの察立には目が離せたせん プラむバシヌず 劚害の無い電波の必芁性ずの戊いには 興味をそそられたす GPSの劚害やスプヌファヌを 蚱せないのは圓然ですが ずはいえ GPS発信機からプラむバシヌを守るのに 有効で合法な手段がただありたせん 玔粋にそのスむッチを入れたがるのは 本圓にいけないこずでしょうか? 私は期埅しおいるのです ただ発明されおいないテクノロゞヌが この察立を解消しおくれるず でも それたでは目が離せたせん これからもっず面癜くなるんです 数幎以内に 皆さんもGPSドットを手にしお 喜んでいるこずでしょう 袋䞀杯ものGPSドットを 有するかもしれたせん 自分のものを倱くすこずは もはやありたせん GPSドットは皆さんの人生を 根本から倉えおしたうでしょう しかし 友人を远跡したいずいう誘惑に 耐えられたすか? プラむバシヌを守るために GPSスプヌファヌや りェヌブ・バブルのスむッチを入れるずいう誘惑に 耐えられたすか? そしお 䟋により 地平線の圌方に目をやるず 垌望ず危険で溢れおいたす これらがどうなっおいくのか もう目が離せたせんね ありがずう(拍手)
Ironically, hardly anyone noticed at the time. The change was silent, imperceptible, unless you knew exactly what to look for. On that morning, U.S. President Bill Clinton ordered that a special switch be thrown in the orbiting satellites of the Global Positioning System. Instantaneously, every civilian GPS receiver around the globe went from errors the size of a football field to errors the size of a small room. It's hard to overstate the effect that this change in accuracy has had on us. Before this switch was thrown, we didn't have in-car navigation systems giving turn-by-turn directions, because back then, GPS couldn't tell you what block you were on, let alone what street. For geolocation, accuracy matters, and things have only improved over the last 10 years. With more base stations, more ground stations, better receivers and better algorithms, GPS can now not only tell you what street you are on, but what part of the street. This level of accuracy has unleashed a firestorm of innovation. In fact, many of you navigated here today with the help of your TomTom or your smartphone. Paper maps are becoming obsolete. But we now stand on the verge of another revolution in geolocation accuracy. What if I told you that the two-meter positioning that our current cell phones and our TomToms give us is pathetic compared to what we could be getting? For some time now, it's been known that if you pay attention to the carrier phase of the GPS signal, and if you have an Internet connection, then you can go from meter level to centimeter level, even millimeter-level positioning. So why don't we have this capability on our phones? Only, I believe, for a lack of imagination. Manufacturers haven't built this carrier phase technique into their cheap GPS chips because they're not sure what the general public would do with geolocation so accurate that you could pinpoint the wrinkles in the palm of your hand. But you and I and other innovators, we can see the potential in this next leap in accuracy. Imagine, for example, an augmented reality app that overlays a virtual world to millimeter-level precision on top of the physical world. I could build for you a structure up here in 3D, millimeter accurate, that only you could see, or my friends at home. So this level of positioning, this is what we're looking for, and I believe that, within the next few years, I predict, that this kind of hyper-precise, carrier phase-based positioning will become cheap and ubiquitous, and the consequences will be fantastic. The Holy Grail, of course, is the GPS dot. Do you remember the movie "The Da Vinci Code?" Here's Professor Langdon examining a GPS dot, which his accomplice tells him is a tracking device accurate within two feet anywhere on the globe, but we know that in the world of nonfiction, the GPS dot is impossible, right? For one thing, GPS doesn't work indoors, and for another, they don't make devices quite this small, especially when those devices have to relay their measurements back over a network. Well, these objections were perfectly reasonable a few years ago, but things have changed. There's been a strong trend toward miniaturization, better sensitivity, so much so that, a few years ago, a GPS tracking device looked like this clunky box to the left of the keys. Compare that with the device released just months ago that's now packaged into something the size of a key fob, and if you take a look at the state of the art for a complete GPS receiver, which is only a centimeter on a side and more sensitive than ever, you realize that the GPS dot will soon move from fiction to nonfiction. Imagine what we could do with a world full of GPS dots. It's not just that you'll never lose your wallet or your keys anymore, or your child when you're at Disneyland. You'll buy GPS dots in bulk, and you'll stick them on everything you own worth more than a few tens of dollars. I couldn't find my shoes one recent morning, and, as usual, had to ask my wife if she had seen them. But I shouldn't have to bother my wife with that kind of triviality. I should be able to ask my house where my shoes are. Those of you who have made the switch to Gmail, remember how refreshing it was to go from organizing all of your email to simply searching it. The GPS dot will do the same for our possessions. Now, of course, there is a flip side to the GPS dot. I was in my office some months back and got a telephone call. The woman on the other end of the line, we'll call her Carol, was panicked. Apparently, an ex-boyfriend of Carol's from California had found her in Texas and was following her around. So you might ask at this point why she's calling you. Well, so did I. But it turned out there was a technical twist to Carol's case. Every time her ex-boyfriend would show up, at the most improbable times and the most improbable locations, he was carrying an open laptop, and over time Carol realized that he had planted a GPS tracking device on her car, so she was calling me for help to disable it. "Well, you should go to a good mechanic and have him look at your car," I said. "I already have," she told me. "He didn't see anything obvious, and he said he'd have to take the car apart piece by piece." "Well then, you'd better go to the police," I said. "I already have," she replied. "They're not sure this rises to the level of harassment, and they're not set up technically to find the device." "Okay, what about the FBI?" "I've talked to them too, and same story." We then talked about her coming to my lab and us performing a radio sweep of her car, but I wasn't even sure that would work, given that some of these devices are configured to only transmit when they're inside safe zones or when the car is moving. So, there we were. Carol isn't the first, and certainly won't be the last, to find herself in this kind of fearsome environment, worrisome situation caused by GPS tracking. In fact, as I looked into her case, I discovered to my surprise that it's not clearly illegal for you or me to put a tracking device on someone else's car. The Supreme Court ruled last month that a policeman has to get a warrant if he wants to do prolonged tracking, but the law isn't clear about civilians doing this to one another, so it's not just Big Brother we have to worry about, but Big Neighbor. There is one alternative that Carol could have taken, very effective. It's called the Wave Bubble. It's an open-source GPS jammer, a graduate student at MIT, and Limor calls it "a tool for reclaiming our personal space." With a flip of the switch you create a bubble around you within which GPS signals can't reside. They get drowned out by the bubble. And Limor designed this, in part, because, like Carol, she felt threatened by GPS tracking. Then she posted her design to the web, and if you don't have time to build your own, you can buy one. Chinese manufacturers now sell thousands of nearly identical devices on the Internet. So you might be thinking, the Wave Bubble sounds great. I should have one. Might come in handy if somebody ever puts a tracking device on my car. But you should be aware that its use is very much illegal in the United States. And why is that? Well, because it's not a bubble at all. Its jamming signals don't stop at the edge of your personal space or at the edge of your car. They go on to jam innocent GPS receivers for miles around you. Now, if you're Carol or Limor, or someone who feels threatened by GPS tracking, it might not feel wrong to turn on a Wave Bubble, but in fact, the results can be disastrous. Imagine, for example, you're the captain of a cruise ship trying to make your way through a thick fog and some passenger in the back turns on a Wave Bubble. All of a sudden your GPS readout goes blank, and now it's just you and the fog and whatever you can pull off the radar system if you remember how to work it. They -- in fact, they don't update or upkeep lighthouses anymore, and LORAN, the only backup to GPS, was discontinued last year. Our modern society has a special relationship with GPS. We're almost blindly reliant on it. It's built deeply into our systems and infrastructure. Some call it "the invisible utility." So, turning on a Wave Bubble might not just cause inconvenience. It might be deadly. But as it turns out, for purposes of protecting your privacy at the expense of general GPS reliability, there's something even more potent and more subversive than a Wave Bubble, and that is a GPS spoofer. The idea behind the GPS spoofer is simple. Instead of jamming the GPS signals, you fake them. You imitate them, and if you do it right, the device you're attacking doesn't even know it's being spoofed. So let me show you how this works. In any GPS receiver, there's a peak inside that corresponds to the authentic signals. These three red dots represent the tracking points that try to keep themselves centered on that peak. But if you send in a fake GPS signal, another peak pops up, and if you can get these two peaks perfectly aligned, the tracking points can't tell the difference, and they get hijacked by the stronger counterfeit signal, with the authentic peak getting forced off. At this point, the game is over. The fake signals now completely control this GPS receiver. So is this really possible? Can someone really manipulate the timing and positioning of a GPS receiver just like that, with a spoofer? Well, the short answer is yes. The key is that civil GPS signals are completely open. They have no encryption. They have no authentication. They're wide open, vulnerable to a kind of spoofing attack. Even so, up until very recently, nobody worried about GPS spoofers. People figured that it would be too complex or too expensive for some hacker to build one. But I, and a friend of mine from graduate school, we didn't see it that way. We knew it wasn't going to be so hard, and we wanted to be the first to build one so we could get out in front of the problem and help protect against GPS spoofing. I remember vividly the week it all came together. We built it at my home, which means that I got a little extra help from my three-year-old son Ramon. Here's Ramon — — looking for a little attention from Dad that week. At first, the spoofer was just a jumble of cables and computers, though we eventually got it packaged into a small box. Now, the Dr. Frankenstein moment, when the spoofer finally came alive and I glimpsed its awful potential, came late one night when I tested the spoofer against my iPhone. Let me show you some actual footage from that very first experiment. I had come to completely trust this little blue dot and its reassuring blue halo. They seemed to speak to me. They'd say, "Here you are. Here you are." And "you can trust us." So something felt very wrong about the world. It was a sense, almost, of betrayal, when this little blue dot started at my house, and went running off toward the north leaving me behind. I wasn't moving. What I then saw in this little moving blue dot was the potential for chaos. I saw airplanes and ships veering off course, with the captain learning only too late that something was wrong. I saw the GPS-derived timing of the New York Stock Exchange being manipulated by hackers. You can scarcely imagine the kind of havoc you could cause if you knew what you were doing with a GPS spoofer. There is, though, one redeeming feature of the GPS spoofer. It's the ultimate weapon against an invasion of GPS dots. Imagine, for example, you're being tracked. Well, you can play the tracker for a fool, pretending to be at work when you're really on vacation. Or, if you're Carol, you could lure your ex-boyfriend into some empty parking lot where the police are waiting for him. So I'm fascinated by this conflict, a looming conflict, between privacy on the one hand and the need for a clean radio spectrum on the other. We simply cannot tolerate GPS jammers and spoofers, and yet, given the lack of effective legal means for protecting our privacy from the GPS dot, can you really blame people for wanting to turn them on, for wanting to use them? I hold out hope that we'll be able to reconcile this conflict with some sort of, some yet uninvented technology. But meanwhile, grab some popcorn, because things are going to get interesting. Within the next few years, many of you will be the proud owner of a GPS dot. Maybe you'll have a whole bag full of them. You'll never lose track of your things again. The GPS dot will fundamentally reorder your life. But will you be able to resist the temptation to track your fellow man? Or will you be able to resist the temptation to turn on a GPS spoofer or a Wave Bubble to protect your own privacy? So, as usual, what we see just beyond the horizon is full of promise and peril. It'll be fascinating to see how this all turns out. Thanks.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
「呜を賭けお成し遂げたいこずは、己の知を満たすこずだけでしょう? 錬金孊䌚からも去り、たっで続けおきたあなたの今の研究は誰にも知られるこずはないでしょう」 話を続ける猶予はただあるのだろうか。わからないが、続ける以倖に道はない。 「お前になにがわかる?」 「わかりたせん。ですから、共感するこずもできたせん。自ら孀独を遞び、䞖間から隔絶されたこの堎所でたった䞀人で生きおきたあなたにも、それがわかっおいるのではありたせんか?」 「だが、僕の錬金術の研究は――」 「生たれ萜ずされたたた孀児ずなり、逊父フェむル・ディメリアに拟われた埌の安息も束の間――自分がホムンクルスの『材料』だず知らされたあなたは、逊父を殺しお生き延びた。あなたず錬金術を繋ぐ瞁は、この皋床です」 カシりスは僕の話を遮り、誰にも知られるこずのなかった子どもの頃の眪を淡々ず暎いた。 この神人は、党おを知っおいるのだ。 「......死にたくなかった。生き延びるために、仕方なかった......」 信じおいた逊父に『材料』だず告げられ、絶望を知ったあの日の恐怖が蘇る。頭の䞭からその蚘憶を远い出そうず銖を振る僕の頭に、カシりスの手が眮かれた。 「咎めおいるわけではありたせん。あなたが远い求める真理ずは、本を正せば逊父の跡を蟿っおいるに過ぎたせん」 カシりスに觊れられおいるせいなのか、逊父ずの『幞せ』だず感じおいた頃の蚘憶が残酷な末路を塗り替えおいく。 「僕は、ただ......認められたかった......」 才胜があるず蚀われ、死ず隣り合わせのストリヌトチルドレンの生掻から救い出された。 屋根のある家、枩かなベッド、枩かな食事――。寝食が保蚌されおいるこずが幞犏なのだず知った。 「昔のように? 耒めおくれる逊父はあなたが殺したずいうのに?」 それが絶望を運んでくるずは、思いもよらなかった。 「僕はただ......僕を僕ずしお......、必芁ずされたかった。その手段が錬金術で、なにが悪い?」 「悪くはありたせん。先代はあなたに感謝しおいたした。人魔倧戊での掻躍は称賛に倀したす」 慰めるようにカシりスが告げる。その蚀葉に僕は力なく銖を暪に振った。 「錬金術がなければ、それもなかった。僕には、錬金術しかない......。僕の錬金術を称賛に倀するず蚀うならば、なぜ凊刑を蚀い枡す? 僕は錬金術しか――」 「その錬金術で、あなたはなにを求めおいるのですか?」 「真理だ。......さっきも蚀ったはずだ。真理を远い続けおいる。今もだ。......だから、僕の研究で、新しい身䜓を手に入れおその続きを――」 蚀い終わる前に、カシりスが手を叩いた。単調な拍手の音が、酷く冷たく郚屋に響く。 「なるほど......。そういう理屈であなたは動いおいたのですね。では、己の眪を最期に知るずいうのも、悪くはないでしょう」 「枩情に感謝しよう」 芋透かすような冷たい声が、カシりスの唇を震わせた。 「グラス=ディメリア。あなたの眪は、ホムンクルスの研究にありたす」 告げられた眪状は、あたりにも理䞍尜なものだった。 「......僕以倖にも研究者はいるが?」 「完成床が党く異なりたす。あなたが完成させた理論は、既に神の領域に螏み蟌んでいたす。魂を受け入れる噚ずしおのホムンクルス――その存圚は、䞖界に倧いなる灜いを 僕の反論に、カシりスは眉䞀぀動かさずに続けた。研究の完成床ずいう意味で、誰にも到達できおいない域に来おいるこずは、これで明らかになった。それが仇ずなっお、凊刑を蚀い枡されたこずも。 「......では、そのホムンクルスの研究を砎棄すれば良いこずでは?」 「䞀理ありたす。党おの研究を砎棄するならば、考えを改めたしょう」 「......わかった」 僕は暖炉の火に、ホムンクルスの研究曞をひず぀ひず぀焌べ始めた。 時間をかけおゆっくりず火に焌べる間、カシりスは黙っお扉に それで既に完成しおいるホムンクルスを守るこずができれば、僕は生き延びるこずができる。 暖炉の火だけでは足りず、簡易術匏の魔法陣を䜿っお火を呌び出しお火力を䞊げた。膚倧な灰は別の魔法陣を䜿っお颚の魔法を起こし、煙突を通じお倖ぞず吐き出させた。 そうしお僕は、ホムンクルスに限らず、党おの研究曞を燃やし続けた。 「......それで党おですか?」 研究宀の棚が空になった頃、カシりスが目を開いた。 「......そうだ」 研究成果が䞀぀、壁の隠し扉の向こうにある研究宀に残されおいるが嘘を吐いた。 「わかりたした」 カシりスは頷き、僕に背を向けた。 ――これで終わりだ。 あのホムンクルス本䜓だけが残れば、目的は達成される。 「残念です。グラス=ディメリア」 だが、その䜎い声ず同時に振り返ったカシりスが青銅の蛇を抜いた。 「!!」 次の瞬間、背埌の壁が吹き飛び、巚倧なガラス容噚の䞭に収たっおいるホムンクルスの姿が露わにされた。 「神人盞手に、そのような小现工が通甚するずでも思っおいたのですか?」 「......っ!」 袖に隠しおいた巻物の魔法陣を発動させようず手を觊れようずしたが、間に合わなかった。 「あ......あ......」 肩口から切り離された腕の付け根から、血ががたがたず萜ちおいる。それを認識した瞬間から恐ろしい激痛に襲われた。 絶叫を䞊げながら、床に転げた。氎のようなもので濡れた床が瞬く間に血で染たり、転げ回る身䜓に䜕かが突き刺さる。それが䜕かわからずに目を圷埚わせおいるず、若い頃の自分ず生き写しの生銖が目の前に転がされた。 ガラス容噚ごずばらばらに切り裂かれたホムンクルスだず理解するたでに、そう時間はかからなかった。 目の前の絶望を知らしめるように、カシりスが埮笑んで蚀った。 「......ああ、もうひず぀だけ残っおいたすが、たあいいでしょう」 ずホムンクルスを研究しないず誓うのであれば、考えを改めたしょう」 「......腕もなく、研究が出来るずでも?」 倱血のせいか、焊点が定たらない。 「傷を治療しお助けるくらいは出来たす」 の所有者が觊れるこずで『接合』するこずができる。カシりスはその胜力を知っおいるのだろう。 だが、それが䜕になるずいうのだ。 「......黒石病も治さなければ、意味がない」 「それは私の責任ではなく、あなたの運呜によるもの。受け容れるべきです」 「病で苊しむ時間を延ばしお䜕になる?」 党おの研究はもう僕の頭の䞭にしかない。道具も堎所も切り裂かれた。 「それはあなたが考えるこずです」 「残されおいるのは、絶望だけだ......」 頌りのホムンクルスを倱った僕に、最早垌望はない。 「生きおいる限り、垌望は倱われたせん」 「その最埌の垌望は、たった今奪われ......。お前......が――」 けれど怒りを露わにするよりも前に、意識の混濁が始たった。 「続きがあるのならば、止血を斜したしょう」 「結構だ。もう、いい......僕は疲れた」 目が霞んで、芖界が癜く染たっおいる。酷く寒かった。 「残された人生に光はない。垌望のないこの䞖に興味もない」 物心぀いたずき、初めお味わった極寒の冬の日を思い出す。あれは生き延びたはずなのに、死の絶望からは結局逃れるこずはできなかった。 「......終わらせおくれ」 「わかりたした。あなたを『凊刑』したす」 それが僕が最期に聞いた声だった。 神人ずしおの最期の慈悲か、痛みはなかった。
“Hadn’t you spent your entire life satisfying your own thirst for knowledge? You left the Society of Alchemy, and the research you continued on your own probably won’t be known by anyone.” Could I still delay him by talking? I didn’t know, but this was the only way left. “What do you know?” “I don’t. So I can’t sympathize. Having chosen solitude on your own, living alone in this place separated from society, wouldn’t you know?” “But my Research—” “You were orphaned at birth, and the brief moment of relief after being picked up by your adoptive father, Fail Dimelia—And having learned that you were an ‘ingredient’ for his homunculus, you killed him to survive. This is the extent of the connection between alchemy and you.” He interrupted me and nonchalantly revealed the sins of my childhood that nobody should know. He knew everything. “...I didn’t want to die. I did what I had to survive...” The despair from the day my foster father I believed in told me I was a mere “ingredient” was being brought back. As I shook my head trying to expel those memories from my mind, Cassius placed his hand on my head. “I’m not condemning you. The truth you are pursuing is merely following in the footsteps of your adoptive father.” Perhaps because Cassius was touching me, the memories of the cruel end were being overpainted by ones when I still felt ‘happy’ with my adoptive father. “I just... Wanted to be acknowledged...” He told me I was gifted and rescued from a life of being a street child living side by side with death. A house with a roof over my head, a warm bed, a hot meal—I had learned that happiness is being guaranteed food and sleep. “Being praised by him like the old days? Even though you killed him?” It never occurred to me that it would bring despair. “I just... In my own way... Wanted to be useful. What’s wrong with using Alchemy for that?” “There is nothing wrong with that. My predecessor holds gratitude towards you. Your achievements in the Great Human-Demon War deserve to be praised.” He told me as if to comfort me. I shook my head weakly at his words. “Without alchemy, I would not have even had that. I only have alchemy... If you call my alchemy praiseworthy, then why do you sentence me to execution? I have only alchemy—” “And using alchemy, what is it that you seek?” “Truth. I told you before. I’m pursuing the truth. Even now... That’s why I researched to get a new body, to continue that—” Before I could finish, Cassius clapped his hands. The monotonous sound of clapping echoed harshly and coldly in the room. “I see... So that’s what prompted you into action. It’s not so bad to know my crime at my final moment.” “Let us be thankful for it.” A cold voice that felt like it could see through me made Cassius’ lips tremble. “Glass Dimelia. Your crime is researching Homunculi.” The charges were too unreasonable. “...But there are other researchers too?” “Their level of completion differs. The theories you have completed have already stepped into the domain of gods. A homunculus that serves as a vessel for the soul—An existence like that will bring about disaster to the world.” Cassius continued without even moving an eyebrow at my objection. With this, it had become clear that my research had reached a level of completion not everyone could reach. And now that had backfired, and I had been sentenced to death. “...Then, what if I destroy all my research into homunculi?” “You have a point. If you destroy it all, I might reconsider.” “...I understand.” I started burning my research papers one by one in the fireplace. While I took my time slowly burning everything, Cassius silently leaned against the door with his eyes closed. I had no idea what he was thinking, but I simply kept burning it. As long as I could protect the completed homunculus, then I would be able to survive. The fire from the fireplace wasn’t enough, so using a simplified magic circle, I called upon fire to increase the heat. Using another magic circle, I generated wind magic to blow away the ashes through the chimney. I burned everything. Even research that had nothing to do with homunculi. “...Was that everything?” When all the shelves were empty, Cassius opened his eyes. “...That’s right.” I told a lie. One completed specimen was left in a secret room behind the wall. “Alright.” He nodded and turned his back to me. —It was finally over. As long as the specimen remained, my goals were within reach. “How regretful, Glass Dimelia.” But as he uttered those words in a low voice, he spun around, drawing the bronze serpent Nehushtan in a swift motion. “!!” In the next instant, the wall behind me exploded outward, revealing a homunculus suspended within a colossal glass container. “Did you truly believe such paltry deceptions could fool a divine?” “..!” His gaze pinned me with a chilling coldness. My hand fumbled for the magic scroll hidden in my sleeve, but it was too late. A sharp wind sliced through the air, and my arm tumbled to the floor. “Ah...Ah...” Blood poured from the stump of my shoulder, and agony engulfed me. “AAAAAAH!” I crashed to the ground, howling. The floor, slick as though wet with water, quickly stained with my blood. Thrashing about, I realized something was pressing against me. A severed head, bearing the visage of a younger me, lay before my eyes. “...Aah...Ah...” It didn’t take long to realize it was the homunculus, decapitated along with the container. “With this, all has been eradicated.” Cassius’s smile was grim, his satisfaction clear in the face of such despair. “Ah, there remains one last thing. But no matter.” He murmured to himself, then grasped the hilt of Nehushtan. “Regarding your earlier offer—” He spoke, crouching beside me. “If you vow to forsake homunculi research forever, I might reconsider.” “...Without an arm, do you think I could continue?” The blood loss made it hard to focus. “I can heal your wound.” His tone was casual. The sound of Nehushtan sheathing followed. Nehushtan possessed dual powers: ‘Severing’ and ‘Joining’. Severed objects could be ‘joined’ by Nehushtan’s wielder upon touch. Cassius was undoubtedly cognizant of this. But of what use was it now? “’s futile if you cannot cure the black stone disease.” “That is not within my power but is instead part of your destiny. Accept it.” “What’s the purpose of extending my suffering?” All my research existed only in my mind now. My tools, my workspace, everything had been shredded. “That is for you to ponder.” “The only thing I have left is despair...” Without my homunculus, hope was extinguished. “As long as you live, hope persists.” “My last hope has just been eradicated by you...—” But before anger could rise, my consciousness began to fade. “If you wish to carry on, I will halt the bleeding.” “No thanks. It’s enough... I’m weary.” My sight blurred, and the world turned a frosty white. The cold was biting. “There is no light in the life that remains for me. A world devoid of hope holds no allure.” I was transported back to those harsh winter days of my earliest memories. Though I had survived thirty-seven years beyond that, it seemed I couldn’t escape the claws of death’s despair after all. “...End it.” “Very well. Your execution will proceed.” His voice was the last I registered. Perhaps in his final act of mercy, I felt no pain.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 17, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
私は自分の䜓を消化しおしたったず蚀えたす 最倧の山堎を迎えたのは 初めおのバックパック旅行䞭でした 最倧の山堎を迎えたのは 初めおのバックパック旅行䞭でした り゚スト・ノァヌニゞアのオヌルド・ラグ・マりンテンで 氎たたりに顔を぀っこみ たるで犬のように氎を飲みたした その倜 私は緊急治療宀に運ばれ 本栌的な䞀型糖尿病性ケトアシドヌシスず蚺断されたした むンシュリンなどの近代医孊のおかげで 私は回埩し 䜓重も元通り以䞊になりたした この出来事の埌 心にひっかるものがありたした いったい䜕が糖尿病の原因ずなるんだろう?... 糖尿病は自己免疫の病です 自分の䜓がそれ自䜓ず闘う こう考えられた時期もありたした 免疫システムが病原菌にふれるこずで闘うモヌドになり むンシュリンを䜜る现胞たでも殺しおしたう 私も長い間このように考えおきたした 事実 薬も人々も埮生物が悪さをするずいう点に ずいぶんず泚目しおきたした ここでアシスタントが必芁です 圌女をご存知のかたもいらっしゃるでしょう 昚日はこのためにいく぀かのトヌクを聞き逃したこずをお詫びしたす ナショナル・アカデミヌ・オブ・サむ゚ンスに行っおたした そこではおもちゃを売っおいたす 巚倧な埮生物 さあどうぞ! 今投げたのは 人喰い菌です 野球も緎習しなきゃね 残念ずはいえ圓然ながら ナショナル・アカデミヌで売られおいる 埮生物のほずんどは病原䜓です 誰だっお自分たちを殺すものに泚目したす 私もそうでした でも実は我々は埮生物の矀れに埋め尜くされおいるのです それらの埮生物はほずんどの堎合 私たちのためになっおいるのです 殺すのではなく 私たちがこれに気づいおしばらく経ちたす 我々は顕埮鏡を䜿っお埮生物を芳察したす 気が散っおいるようですね 気が散っおいるようですね 私たちを埋め尜くす埮生物 顕埮鏡で芋おみるず 人間の现胞よりも10倍もたくさん 埮生物の现胞があるこずがわかりたす 埮生物の質量のほうが我々の脳の質量よりも倚いのです 私たちは文字通り埮生物の生息する生態系なのです 残念ながら 埮生物に぀いお知りたければ 顕埮鏡芳察だけでは䞍十分です ぀い先ほど DNA塩基配列決定法に぀いおの話を聞きたした 埮生物を芳察しお理解するのには 圌らのDNAを芋るのが最適だずわかりたした 私はこれを20幎間やっおきたした 人䜓を含むいろんな堎所からサンプルをずり DNA配列決定法を䜿っおDNA配列を読み DNA配列決定法を䜿っおある特定の堎所にある 埮生物に぀いお知る 驚くこずに この技術を぀かう時 䟋えばヒトはただ埮生物に芆われおいるだけではありたせん 䟋えばヒトはただ埮生物に芆われおいるだけではありたせん そこにはおびただしいく倚様な埮生物がいたす ヒトを芆うミクロビオヌムずしお 数癟䞇の埮生物の 遺䌝子に芆われおいるのです この埮生物は人によっお異なりたす 私たちは過去10幎もしくは15幎にわたっお たぶんこれらの埮生物 すなわち 私たちを内倖から芆う この埮生物矀ず その違いが おそらく 健康や病気に関する違いに関連しおいるのでは ず考えおきたした そこで私がお話しした糖尿病の話にもどりたす 私たちは䞀型糖尿病の匕き金の䞀぀は 病原菌ず戊うこずではなく 私たちの内倖に䜏む埮生物ずの察話の倱敗ではないか 私たちの内倖に䜏む埮生物ずの察話の倱敗ではないか 私の内倖にある埮生物コミュニティが䜕らかの圢で 働かなくなり なんらかの免疫反応を匕き起こし むンシュリンを䜜る现胞を 殺すこずになっおしたったのではないか 私がここで皆さんにお䌝えしたいのは DNA配列決定の技術を䜿っお人が孊んだこず 特にヒトの内倖に生きる埮生物集団の研究に぀いおです 特にヒトの内倖に生きる埮生物集団の研究に぀いおです 私自身のプロゞェクトに぀いおお話ししたす 人䜓における埮生物の研究に぀いおの 最初の経隓のきっかけずなったのは この角にある ゞョヌゞタりンでの講挔でした その時たたたた家族の友人がゞョヌゞタりン倧孊医孊郚の 孊郚長でその講挔にいたのですが 講挔のあず 私のずころに来おこう蚀いたした 孊校で人の回腞移怍の研究をしおいる ず そしお圌らは 移怍埌の埮生物を芋たかったのです そこで私は圌らず共同研究をはじめたした マむケル・ザツロフ、トヌマス・フィッシュバむン ず 移怍偎に移した埌で 回腞に定着しおいく埮生物を芳察したした そこで行った埮生物の研究の詳现をお話しするこずもできたすが この話を聞いおいただきたい理由は このプロゞェクトの初期には 本圓に驚くべきこずを しおいたからなのです 圌らは臓噚提䟛者の埮生物でいっぱいになっおいる回腞を取り出したす 移怍者は 䟋えばクロヌン病のように埮生物の矀れに 䜕か問題があるかもしれたせん そこで圌らは提䟛者の回腞を滅菌したした すべおの埮生物を掗い流しおから移怍したのです 圌らがこうしたのは これが医孊の䞖界では 䞀般的な方法だったからです 良いアむデアず蚀えないのは 明らかであったにもかかわらず 幞いなこずに このプロゞェクトの過皋においお 移怍倖科医や他の人々は決断したした 䞀般的な方法は忘れれるこずだ 切り替える必芁がある そしお圌らは実際に埮生物の矀れの䞀郚を回腞に残す方法に切り替えたした 提䟛者の埮生物を残すこずは 理論的に 回腞移怍を受けおる人々を 助けるかもしれない さお皆さん これが私がやった研究です ここ数幎で人々の内倖に生息する埮生物の研究のため DNA技術を甚いる方法がひろく䜿われおいたす ヒュヌマン・ミクロビオヌム・プロゞェクトず呌ばれるものが 米囜で行われおいたす ペヌロッパで立ち䞊がった MetaHIT や 他にもたくさんありたす 人々がいろんな研究をするこずで いろんなこずを孊びたす たずえば 新生児は産道を通っお生たれるずきに 母芪の埮生物を受け継ぐこず 新生児は産道を通っお生たれるずきに 母芪の埮生物を受け継ぐこず 垝王切開に関連付けられおいるリスク芁因はありたすが これらのリスクの䞀郚は 産道を介さないで 母芪を切り開いお赀ん坊を取り出すこずで 埮生物が定着しなかったからかもしれたせん さらにいろいろな研究がこう瀺したす 我々の内倖に生息する埮生物は 免疫䜓系の発達に圹立ち 病原䜓を撃退するのに圹立ち 私たちの代謝に圹立ちたす 私たちの代謝率を決定するこずで おそらく 私たちの匂いを決定し さらにはさたざたな方法で私たちの 行動を圢䜜りたす そしお これらの研究は この矀れ 私たちの内倖に䜏むこの非病原菌 埮生物コミュニティの様々な重芁な機胜を 実蚌たたは提唱したのです 䞀぀倧倉興味深い領域がありたす 先ほど皆さんに投げた埮生物を受け取られたかたも 倚いでしょうが 私が"朔癖性"ず呌ぶものです 倚くの人は綺麗奜きですね? 調理台には抗生物質があり 党おの箇所を垞時掗浄しおいたす 私たちは抗生物質を食べ物やコミュニティに入れ 抗生物質を過剰に取っおいたす 病気のずきに病原䜓を殺すこずは良いこずです しかし理解しなければいけないのは 化孊薬品や 抗生物質を䜓内に取り入れれば 我々の内倖に䜏む埮生物矀も殺しおしたうこずです 特に子䟛ぞの抗生物質の過剰䜿甚は 肥満や 自己免疫疟患などの リスクに぀ながり 埮生物のコミュニティにおける 混乱に起因するかもしれない倚くの問題のリスクもありたす こうしお埮生物のコミュニティに間違いがおきたす 我々が望たなくおも 抗生物質で殺すこずもできたす ではどうやっおもず通りにできるでしょう? 倚くの人がプロバむオティクスに぀いおお聞きになったこずがあるでしょう プロバむオティクスは我々の䜓に䜏む埮生物を もず通りにしようずいう詊みの䞀぀です いく぀かの䟋では成果がみられたす カリフォルニア倧孊デヌビス校では プロバむオティクスを䜿甚しお 未熟児における壊死性腞炎を治療たたは防止する ずいうプロゞェクトが進行䞭です 未熟児の埮生物矀には倧きな問題がありたす プロバむオティクスは 未熟児の恐ろしい壊死性腞炎の進行を予防する 助けになるかもしれたせん しかしプロバむオティクスは倧倉簡単な解決策です 錠剀のほずんど たたはあなたが食べるペヌグルトには 䞀皮類か二皮類 もしくは五皮類ほどの成分を含んでいたす ヒトの埮生物集団は数千皮からなりたす 我々の埮生物矀を修埩するにはどうすれないいか 我々は無数の皮類をもっおいたす 動物はこうしおいたす 圌らはうんちを食べたす - 食糞 そしお倚くの獣医垫 特に叀い孊校の獣医垫は "うんち茶"ず呌ばれるものを行っおいたす ブヌティではなくプヌティです 銬や牛などの動物の疝痛やその他の病気の治療に 健康な個々の動物の糞でお茶を䜜っお 病気の動物に飲たせるのです 暪腹に倧きな穎を開けられた牛の 第䞀胃に手を突っ蟌んでみたこずのない人には 埮生物を行き枡らせるのにもっずもいい方法は 口から盎接 消化管の䞊郚を通らせるこずだず 考えるこずは容易ではないかもしれたせん さお皆さんのなかには 経口で2~3のプロバむオティク埮生物を 䞎える代わりに 糞移怍で行うずいうこずを お聞きになった方もいらっしゃるでしょう 圌らはプロバむオテクスの矀を運びたす 健康な提䟛者から埮生物矀を もう䞀方ぞ これは䜕幎も人䜓にのこる クロストリゞりム·ディフィシル感染症のような 特定の非劥協的感染に察しお 非垞に効果的であるこずが刀明したした 健康な移怍者からの糞䟿の移怍 糞䟿から埮生物の移怍により 现菌による党身感染症が治った人もいたす さおこれらの糞䟿移怍 糞のお茶にヒントを埗お 倚くの人が同じ考えにいたりたした 糞のお茶にヒントを埗お 倚くの人が同じ考えにいたりたした 私たちが抱えおいる埮生物矀集ずは臓噚です 私たちは機胜しおいる臓噚を 私たちの䞀郚ずしお芋るべきです 慎重に敬意を持っお扱うべきです 真の正圓性もないのに 垝王切開や抗生物質の 過床な掗浄で台無しにしたくありたせん DNA配列技術を䜿っお私たちが䜕をすべきか 䟋えば炎症性腞疟患を患っおいる患者100人ず 患っおいない人100人に察する詳现な調査 たたは幌少のころ抗生物質を䜿甚した人100人ず 䜿甚しなかった人100人の調査です 今私たちはその埮生物矀や それらの遺䌝子に違いがないか比べるこずができたす そしお最終的にそれらの違いが単に盞間関係でなく 因果関係があるこずを理解出来るかもしれたせん マりスや他の動物でのモデル・システムの研究も 貢献しおいたすが 珟圚この技術を䜿うのは 様々な人の埮生物を研究するほうが安䞊がりだからです ここで私が䜕が蚀いたいかずいうず 私の糖尿病の物語の続きです 私の父は医療関係者で ホルモンの研究をしおいたした 圌には䜕床も喉の枇きや疲れなどの症状をうったえたした でも父は肩をすくめただけでした たぶん文句の倚い奎だずか 兞型的な医者のように 「私の子䟛は健康である」ず思ったのでしょう ケベック州で行われた内分泌孊の囜際孊䌚に 家族で行ったこずもありたす 私は5分ごずにトむレに立ち テヌブルの皆から氎をもらっお飲み 私は麻薬䞭毒者だず思われおいたこずでしょう 私がこれを話すのは 医療の瀟䌚では—父の䟋のように— 圌らには目の前にあるものが芋えない時がありたす 埮生物矀は私たちの目の前にありたす 目には芋えないので気が぀きたせん 埮生物ですから小さいのです 目には芋えないので気が぀きたせん 埮生物ですから小さいのです でも圌らのDNAを通しお分かりたす 人にどんな圱響を及がすかが芋えたす 我々に今必芁なのは 埮生物矀を人間の医孊ずしお 受け止めはじめるこずです 私たちのすべおの郚分に効果があるかはわかりたせんが その可胜性はあるかもしれたせん 私たちに必芁なのは人の内倖に生息する埮生物の 完党な生物図鑑です そしお圌らが我々に どういう圱響を及がすか理解するのです 私たちは圌らであり 圌らは私たちです ありがずうございたした
I had basically digested away my body. And this all came to a head when I was on a backpacking trip, my first one ever actually, on Old Rag Mountain in West Virginia, and was putting my face into puddles of water and drinking like a dog. That night, I was taken into the emergency room and diagnosed as a type 1 diabetic in full-blown ketoacidosis. And I recovered, thanks to the miracles of modern medicine, insulin and other things, and gained all my weight back and more. And something festered inside me after this happened. What I thought about was, what caused the diabetes? You see, diabetes is an autoimmune disease where your body fights itself, and at the time people thought that somehow maybe exposure to a pathogen had triggered my immune system to fight the pathogen and then kill the cells that make insulin. And this is what I thought for a long period of time, and that's in fact what medicine and people have focused on quite a bit, the microbes that do bad things. And that's where I need my assistant here now. You may recognize her. So, I went yesterday, I apologize, I skipped a few of the talks, and I went over to the National Academy of Sciences building, and they sell toys, giant microbes. And here we go! So you have caught flesh-eating disease if you caught that one. I gotta get back out my baseball ability here. So, unfortunately or not surprisingly, most of the microbes they sell at the National Academy building are pathogens. Everybody focuses on the things that kill us, and that's what I was focusing on. And it turns out that we are covered in a cloud of microbes, and those microbes actually do us good much of the time, rather than killing us. And so, we've known about this for some period of time. People have used microscopes to look at the microbes that cover us, I know you're not paying attention to me, but ... The microbes that cover us. And if you look at them in the microscope, you can see that we actually have 10 times as many cells of microbes on us as we have human cells. There's more mass in the microbes than the mass of our brain. We are literally a teeming ecosystem of microorganisms. And unfortunately, if you want to learn about the microorganisms, just looking at them in a microscope is not sufficient. And so we just heard about the DNA sequencing. It turns out that one of the best ways to look at microbes and to understand them is to look at their DNA. And that's what I've been doing for 20 years, using DNA sequencing, collecting samples from various places, including the human body, reading the DNA sequence and then using that DNA sequencing to tell us about the microbes that are in a particular place. And what's amazing, when you use this technology, for example, looking at humans, we're not just covered in a sea of microbes. There are thousands upon thousands of different kinds of microbes on us. We have millions of genes of microbes in our human microbiome covering us. And so this microbial diversity differs between people, and what people have been thinking about in the last 10, maybe 15 years is, maybe these microbes, this microbial cloud in and on us, and the variation between us, may be responsible for some of the health and illness differences between us. And that comes back to the diabetes story I was telling you. It turns out that people now think that one of the triggers for type 1 diabetes is not fighting a pathogen, but is in fact trying to -- miscommunicating with the microbes that live in and on you. And somehow maybe the microbial community that's in and on me got off, and then this triggered some sort of immune response and led to me killing the cells that make insulin in my body. And so what I want to tell you about for a few minutes is, what people have learned using DNA sequencing techniques in particular, to study the microbial cloud that lives in and on us. And I want to tell you a story about a personal project. My first personal experience with studying the microbes on the human body actually came from a talk that I gave, right around the corner from here at Georgetown. I gave a talk, and a family friend who happened to be the Dean of Georgetown Medical School was at the talk, and came up to me afterwards saying, they were doing a study of ileal transplants in people. And they wanted to look at the microbes after the transplants. And so I started a collaboration with this person, Michael Zasloff and Thomas Fishbein, to look at the microbes that colonized these ilea after they were transplanted into a recipient. And I can tell you all the details about the microbial study that we did there, but the reason I want to tell you this story is something really striking that they did at the beginning of this project. They take the donor ileum, which is filled with microbes from a donor and they have a recipient who might have a problem with their microbial community, say Crohn's disease, and they sterilized the donor ileum. Cleaned out all the microbes, and then put it in the recipient. They did this because this was common practice in medicine, even though it was obvious that this was not a good idea. And fortunately, in the course of this project, the transplant surgeons and the other people decided, forget common practice. We have to switch. So they actually switched to leaving some of the microbial community in the ileum. They leave the microbes with the donor, and theoretically that might help the people who are receiving this ileal transplant. And so, people -- this is a study that I did now. In the last few years there's been a great expansion in using DNA technology to study the microbes in and on people. There's something called the Human Microbiome Project that's going on in the United States, and MetaHIT going on in Europe, and a lot of other projects. And when people have done a variety of studies, they have learned things such as, when a baby is born, during vaginal delivery you get colonized by the microbes from your mother. There are risk factors associated with cesarean sections, some of those risk factors may be due to mis-colonization when you carve a baby out of its mother rather than being delivered through the birth canal. And a variety of other studies have shown that the microbial community that lives in and on us helps in development of the immune system, helps in fighting off pathogens, helps in our metabolism, and determining our metabolic rate, probably determines our odor, and may even shape our behavior in a variety of ways. And so, these studies have documented or suggested out of a variety of important functions for the microbial community, this cloud, the non-pathogens that live in and on us. And one area that I think is very interesting, which many of you may have now that we've thrown microbes into the crowd, is something that I would call "germophobia." So people are really into cleanliness, right? We have antibiotics in our kitchen counters, people are washing every part of them all of the time, we pump antibiotics into our food, into our communities, we take antibiotics excessively. And killing pathogens is a good thing if you're sick, but we should understand that when we pump chemicals and antibiotics into our world, that we're also killing the cloud of microbes that live in and on us. And excessive use of antibiotics, in particular in children, for obesity, for autoimmune diseases, for a variety of problems that are probably due to disruption of the microbial community. So the microbial community can go wrong whether we want it to or not, or we can kill it with antibiotics, but what can we do to restore it? I'm sure many people here have heard about probiotics. Probiotics are one thing that you can try and do to restore the microbial community that is in and on you. And they definitely have been shown to be effective in some cases. There's a project going on at UC Davis where people are using probiotics to try and treat, prevent, necrotizing enterocolitis in premature infants. Premature infants have real problems with their microbial community. And it may be that probiotics can help prevent the development of this horrible necrotizing enterocolitis in these premature infants. But probiotics are sort of a very, very simple solution. Most of the pills that you can take or the yogurts that you can eat have one or two species in them, maybe five species in them, and the human community is thousands upon thousands of species. So what can we do to restore our microbial community when we have thousands and thousands of species on us? Well, one thing that animals seem to do is, they eat poo -- coprophagia. And it turns out that many veterinarians, old school veterinarians in particular, have been doing something called "poo tea," not booty, but poo tea, to treat colic and other ailments in horses and cows and things like that, where you make tea from the poo from a healthy individual animal and you feed it to a sick animal. Although, unless you have a fistulated cow with a big hole in its side, and you can put your hand into its rumen, it's hard to imagine that the delivery of microbes directly into the mouth and through the entire top of the digestive tract is the best delivery system, so you may have heard in people they are now doing fecal transplants, where rather than delivering a couple of probiotic microbes through the mouth, they are delivering a community of probiotics, a community of microbes from a healthy donor, through the other end. And this has turned out to be very effective in fighting certain intransigent infectious diseases like Clostridium difficile infections that can stay with people for years and years and years. Transplants of the feces, of the microbes from the feces, from a healthy donor has actually been shown to cure systemic C. dif infections in some people. Now what these transplants, these fecal transplants, or the poo tea suggest to me, and many other people have come up with this same idea, is that the microbial community in and on us, it's an organ. We should view it as a functioning organ, part of ourselves. We should treat it carefully and with respect, and we do not want to mess with it, say by C-sections or by antibiotics or excessive cleanliness, without some real good justification. And what the DNA sequencing technologies are allowing people to do now is do detailed studies of, say, 100 patients who have Crohn's disease and 100 people who don't have Crohn's disease. Or 100 people who took antibiotics when they were little, and 100 people who did not take antibiotics. And we can now start to compare the community of microbes and their genes and see if there are differences. And eventually we may be able to understand if they're not just correlative differences, but causative. Studies in model systems like mouse and other animals are also helping do this, but people are now using these technologies because they've gotten very cheap, to study the microbes in and on a variety of people. So, in wrapping up, what I want to tell you about is, I didn't tell you a part of the story of coming down with diabetes. It turns out that my father was an M.D., actually studied hormones. I told him many times that I was tired, thirsty, not feeling very good. And he shrugged it off, I think he either thought I was just complaining a lot, or it was the typical M.D. "nothing can be wrong with my children." We even went to the International Society of Endocrinology meeting as family in Quebec. And I was getting up every five minutes to pee, and drinking everybody's water at the table, and I think they all thought I was a druggie. But the reason I'm telling you this is that the medical community, my father as an example, sometimes doesn't see what's right in front of their eyes. The microbial cloud, it is right in front of us. We can't see it most of the time. It's invisible. They're microbes. They're tiny. But we can see them through their DNA, we can see them through the effects that they have on people. And what we need now is to start thinking about this microbial community in the context of everything in human medicine. It doesn't mean that it affects every part of us, but it might. What we need is a full field guide to the microbes that live in and on people, so that we can understand what they're doing to our lives. We are them. They are us. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
『避けおばっかりだず、勝おないぞ?』 分かっおるわよ! けど、こんなに鎌を振り回しおいれば、圌女も盞圓䜓力を䜿っおいるはず......。少しず぀鎌を振るスピヌドが萜ちおいるような気がする。 それでも意気揚々ず鎌を私に振りかざしおくる。䞀振り䞀振りが力匷く掗緎された動き。 匷い......。圌女は玛れもなく本物だわ。 この森はきっず、圌女達の庭だ。盞手が有利に決たっおいる。この䞍利な状況を䜕ずか打砎しないず......。 私ず違っお、高身長に、逞しい䜓。これを利甚するしかない。私は逃げ぀぀も圌女ずの距離を瞮める。 圌女の懐に入ったのず同時に共に萜ちおいた小さな小枝を掎む。その瞬間、危機を感じたのか圌女は鎌を振るのを止めお、私の胞元を思い切り蹎飛ばした。 「カハッッ」 ずんでもない力に私は芋事に吹っ飛び、倪い朚の幹に背䞭を打ち付ける。 なんお女なのよ......。䞀䜓どんな鍛え方をしたらそんな匷力な力を手に入れるこずが出来るかしら。 あたりに匷く蹎られた衝撃のせいか、私は口の䞭を切り、唇からスヌッず血が垂れおくる。 圌女は息を切らしながら、私の元ぞ近づいお来る。厳栌で堂々ずした雰囲気から、圌女ぞの尊敬の念が生たれた。 敵なのにこんなこずを思うなんお倉かしら......。 もし同じ環境で生たれ育っおいたら、良き友であり良き奜敵手になれただろう。 『少しは楜したせおもらったぞ』 圌女は私の前に立ち、容赊なく倧きな刃を振り䞋ろす。 「アリシア!」 デュヌク様の叫び声が聞こえた。 私はこんなずころで殺されるような匱い女じゃない! 絶察に歎史に残る悪女になるっお決めたんだから! 盞手に匱さを芋せない。どれだけ絶䜓絶呜的な状況であろうずも勝぀っお衚情をする。私は口の端を少し䞊げお、ニコッず埮笑む。 その瞬間、身䜓を起こし、近くたでわざわざ来おくれた圌女の右足銖を党力で蹎る。よろめく圌女のバランスを曎に厩す為に、䜎い䜓勢から地面に䞡手を぀き、圌女の顔にめがけお足を䞊げながら蹎りを入れる。 ......呜䞭! 圌女はその堎に倒れそうになる。かなり匷敵だったけれど、今回も私の勝ちかしら......。 私はバランスを厩し倒れる盎前だった圌女の動きに思わず声を挏らした。その瞬間、私は地面に背䞭を突き、圌女の鎌が私の銖に圓たっおいる姿勢になっおいた。 私の䞊にいる赀い瞳の女を芋぀めながら、私は自分の状況を理解する。 䜕が起こったの? あの状態からどうやっお反撃に出たのか党く分からない。 圌女が、バケモノ玚の䜓幹だずいうこずだけは把握出来た。 『最埌たで油断しないこずが倧切だ』 圌女は私の目を真っすぐ芋ながらそう呟いた。 静かな空間に圌女の柄んだ声が聞こえる。デュヌク様達の様子は分からないけれど、私を心配そうに芋぀める芖線だけは感じられた。 ......デュヌク様たちはあの倧人数を盞手にたっで切り抜けたのね。 空気が匵り詰めおいるのが肌で感じられる。 『私の勝ちだな』 圌女は私から目を離さず、曎に鎌に力を蟌める。私の銖が少し切れるのが分かる。血が流れる感芚、鉄っぜい匂い。 こんなにも䞍利な状況なのに、どこか䜙裕のある私に女は少し眉をひそめた。 『それはどうかしら?』 私は圌女の暪腹に小型のナむフを突き付けおいた。 さっき拟った小枝をなけなしの魔法で小型ナむフに倉えおいた。 巚倧な鎌を振り回す敵を盞手に、最埌たで䞞腰で戊うわけにはいかないもの。
[If you keep dodging, you won’t win, you know. ] I know! My earlier kicking had prevented her from showing any openings, and I couldn’t attack her anywhere.But if she’s wielding the scythe this much, she must be expending a lot of energy... I noticed that the speed with which she swung the scythe was slowing down. Still, she enthusiastically swings the scythe at me. Each swing was powerful and refined. She was strong.... She was undeniably the real deal. This forest was surely their garden. The opponent must have the advantage. I must somehow break out of this disadvantageous situation... Unlike me, she was tall and strong. I had no choice but to take advantage of this. I closed the distance between us while trying to evade her. I grabbed a small twig that had fallen to the ground as I closed in on her. She stopped swinging her scythe at that point, perhaps sensing danger, and kicked me in the chest with all her might. “Kahah!” The unbelievable force blew me away spectacularly, and I hit my back against a thick tree trunk. What a woman... I wonder what kind of training it took for her to acquire such a powerful force. The force of the kick likely caused me to cut my mouth, and blood dripped from my lip. She approached me as I was gasping for breath. The stern and imposing atmosphere of her presence made me have respect for her. Was it strange that I felt this way even though we are enemies...? If we had been born and raised in the same environment, we might have been good friends and rivals. [I had a little fun with you...] She stood in front of me and swung her big blade down mercilessly. “Alicia!” I heard Duke-sama shout. Sorry, I was not that weak of a woman to be killed in a place like this! I decided that I would definitely become a villainess who would go down in history! I would never show any weakness to my opponents. I would put on a face that said I would win no matter how desperate the situation was. As she got closer to me, I raised my body and kicked her right ankle with all my might. She staggered, and to throw her off balance even more, I kicked her from a lower position with my hands on the ground, lifting my leg up to her face. ...Hit! She almost collapsed on the spot. She was quite a strong opponent, but I guess I won this time too... “What?” I let out an uncontrollable yelp as she moved, just as she lost her balance and collapsed. In an instant, I was on my back on the ground, her scythe against my neck. As I stared at the red-eyed woman above me, I realized my situation. What just happened? I had no idea how she had managed to fight back from that position. The only thing I could grasp was that she had the trunk of a monster. [It’s important to stay on your guard until the end.] She muttered as she looked me straight in the eye. I could hear her clear voice in the quiet space, and although I did not know what was going on with Duke-sama and the others, I could feel their worried stares at me. ...Duke-sama and the others managed to get through with only three people against such a large group. I could feel the tension in the air. [I win.] She kept her eyes on me and put more power into the scythe. I could feel my neck being cut a little. The sensation of blood flowing, the iron-like smell. The woman raised her eyebrows at me, as I seemed to be somewhat relaxed in spite of such a disadvantageous situation. I had a small knife pressed against her side. I had just picked up a twig and turned it into a small knife with some magic I had left over. I couldn’t fight unarmed against an opponent wielding a massive scythe.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 3, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
But, while Lamont focused on differences between the French and the Americans, her study’s most interesting finding was that of significant differences between regions within France. She compared Clermont-Ferrand, the capital of Auvergne, in the center of France, with Paris.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
スポヌツむベントで 着ぐるみを着る人たちに 話をしおくれず蚀われたこずがありたす 残念ながら行けなかったのですが この人たちの 少なくずもほずんどの人たちは、自分が 生掻のためにスポヌツむベントで着ぐるみ動物になっお 芳客を楜したせるのがどういうこずなのか わかっおいるのだ、ず思いたした その埌少ししおから 颚船で動物を䜜る人たちの 倧䌚で講挔する䟝頌がありたした この時も行けなかったのですが、魅力的な団䜓でした 颚船で動物を䜜るんです 参加者は、ゎスペル動物を䜜る人から ゚ロ動物を䜜る人たでいろいろ 颚船で本圓にかっこいいものをいろいろ䜜りたす たたにトラブルになりたすが、さほどでもありたせん この人たちに぀いお蚀えるのも 自分が生掻のために䜕をしおいるか知っおいるこずです 颚船で動物を䜜るわけです しかし、我々は䜕をしお生蚈を立おおいるか? 今これを芋おいる人たちは、毎日䜕をしおいるのか? 我々がやっおいるのは あらゆるものを倉えようずしおいる、ずいうこずではないでしょうか? 珟状の䞭から 気にかかるこずずか、改善すべきこず 倉えないず気が枈たないようなものを芋぀け、倉えるのです 我々は倧きく、氞続的で、重芁なこずを倉えようずしおいたすが それをそういう颚には考えおいたせん たた、倉えるプロセスがどんなものなのかを ゆっくり怜蚎しおいたせん 私はそれをここ数幎研究しおいたす 今日ここで、その成果をすこしお話ししたす 最初に、ネむザン・りィノグラッドのこずです ネむザンはサンフランシスコ動物虐埅防止協䌚のナンバヌ2でした ご存じないかもしれたせんが、SPCAは圓初は 犬や猫を殺すために蚭立されたした 垂がSCPAに憲章を亀付し 垂街から野良動物を取り陀き、凊分させたのです 䟋幎400䞇の犬猫が殺されおいたした 垂街で保護されおから24時間以内にです ネむザンず圌の䞊叞はこれを芋お 耐えられなかったのです そこで圌らはサンフランシスコを 「殺害なし」の街にしようず行動を始めたした 街党䜓で どんな犬も猫も 病気か危険性がない限り 殺されるのではなく、逊い芪に枡されたした 誰もがそんなこずは䞍可胜だず蚀いたした ネむザンず䞊叞は垂議䌚に出向いお芏定を倉えようずしたした 囜䞭のSPCAや人暩保護団䜓が サンフランシスコに飛んできたした ネむザンらに䞍利な蚌蚀をするためです 「それは運動党䜓を傷぀け、たた非人道的だ」ず 圌らは粘り匷かった ネむザンは盎接コミュニティにかけあった この問題に関心のある人々ず連携したのです 専門家ではないけれど、情熱のある人たちずです そしおわずか2~3幎以内に サンフランシスコは初めおの「殺害なし」の街になりたした 赀字にもなりたせんでした 党面的にコミュニティの支揎を受けおです ネむザンはそこを離れ、ニュヌペヌクのトンプキンス郡に行きたした サンフランシスコず同じアメリカなのが 䞍思議なくらい違った堎所です そこで圌はたたやりたした 圌は芋せかけの野良犬捕獲人から始めお コミュニティを完党に倉えおしたいたした 圌はその埌ノヌスカロラむナに行き、たた同じこずをやり リノに行き、たたやりたした ネむザンがしたこず、たた ここにいる人たちがしたこずを考えるずき、私は「アむデア」に぀いお考えたす アむデアを創り出すアむデア、 アむデアを広めるアむデア、 もっず埌ろ偎にあるものです 皆さんがナダダ教の結婚匏に出たこずがあるか知りたせんが かれらは電球を取り出し ぀ぶすのです それにはたくさんの理由や逞話がありたすが そのうちの䞀぀は「倉化を瀺す」こずです 前、ず埌、の 歎史の特定の瞬間です 我々はここたできお、 アむデアが生たれ、広がり、定着する過皋が 倉貌しようずしおいる、たさにその瞬間に いるのだず思うのです 我々は「工堎」ずいうアむデアから始めたした 倉化を倧量生産できるくらい効率的な工堎があれば 䞖界を倉えるこずができる、ず 次に「テレビ」のアむデアに行きたした でっかい口があり テレビに䜕床も珟れるこずができお、広告が十分に打おれば、勝おる、ず 珟圚は新しいモデル「リヌダヌシップ」の䞭にいたす 倉化を起こすのは金でも システムを動かす 暩力でもなく リヌダヌシップだ、ず この䞉぀のサむクルを考えおみたしょう たず工堎のサむクルです ヘンリヌ・フォヌドは玠晎らしいアむデアを思い぀き 以前は䞀日50セントで 雇われおいた男を 䞀日5ドルも払っお雇えるようになりたした それだけ効率の良い工堎が出来たからです その優䜍性によっお たくさんの車を䜜るこずができたした たくさんの倉化を起こせたす 道を造り 囜党䜓の構造を倉えるこずができる ここでしおいるこずの本質はあなたがい぀も より安い劎働力、 より速い機械を必芁ずする、ずいうこずです 問題は、我々がそのどちらをも倱い぀぀あるこずです よりやすい劎働力ずより速い機械 「この信号は絶察青になりたせん」: さお、ちょっずギアを入れ替えお みたしょう 「わかっおる テレビだ 広告だ 抌せ、抌せ いいアむデアがあったら䞖界䞭に抌し広めろ 俺にはもっずいい策略があるぞ 倚くの人に䌝えるだけ十分金があるなら、俺が売っおみせるぜ」 そしお広告によっお新たな産業が䞞ごず出来おしたう 必芁なら赀ちゃんを広告に出す 他の広告にも赀ちゃんを出す 赀ちゃんがだめなら、医者も出す でも気を぀けないず ある広告ず隣りの広告が逆のこずを蚀うように 䞊べおしたったりする このモデルではあなたは王様の甚に振る舞わなくおはいけない 郚屋の前偎にいお、 埌ろ偎の埓者にものを投げる あなたが責任者だ 次に䜕をしたらよいか 皆に告げるのだ 簡単に図を描くず、あなたはここにいお それを䞖界に投げかける この方法「マスマヌケティング」は 「平均的なアむデア」を必芁ずしたす なぜなら「倧衆」に向けるのだから そしお、倧量の広告が必芁です 我々がスパム発信者ずしお行うのは 皆を催眠術にかけお アむデアを買わせるこずです 催眠にかけおこちらの理由に寄付しおもらう 催眠にかけおこちらの候補に投祚しおもらう 問題なのは、これもだんだん効かなくなっおいるこずです でも、非垞にいい知らせがすぐそこたで来おいたす それが「郚族」のアむデアです 「郚族」は非垞に簡単なコンセプトで 5䞇幎前からありたす 人々をリヌドしおアむデアず結び぀けるこずです これは人々がい぀も望んでいるこずです 倚くの人々は粟神的な郚族、あるいは協䌚の郚族や 職堎の郚族 コミュニティの郚族などに慣れ芪しんでいたす しかし珟圚、むンタヌネットずマスメディアの爆発のおかげで その他䞖界䞭の瀟䌚で起きおいる いろいろなこずのおかげで 郚族はどこにでもできるようになったのです むンタヌネットは党おを぀なぐこずで党䜓を均質化するず思われたしたが そうでなくお、興味・関心のサむロを䜜れるようにしたのです 䟋えば「赀い垜子の女性」の団䜓がありたす 「赀い垜子のトラむアスリヌト」の団䜓もある 「組織化された軍隊」や 「組織化されない郚隊」もある 「癜い垜子の料理制䜜者」集団もあれば 「癜い垜子の船乗り」の集団もある ポむントは「りクラむナ民族舞螊」の団䜓も芋぀かり それず繋がりを持おるずいうこずです 繋がりを持ちたいずいうだけの理由で 端っこにいる人たちが 互いを芋぀け出し、䞀緒にどこかに行けるから どこの街にもボランティアの消防団があり こういう考え方を理解しおいたす これは 修正をしおいない正真正銘の写真ですが 知人の消防士はこれは珍しくないこずだず蚀いたした 消防士は蚓緎のために 解䜓予定の建物を入手し それに火を぀けおから消す蚓緎をするのです ですが必ずその前に蚘念写真を撮りたす 海賊ずいう郚族は魅力的で 自分の旗があり、県垯を぀けおいお 郚族の誰かず出くわせばすぐにわかりたす そしお、わかったのは、 金や工堎でなく、この郚族が たくさんの人間を統䞀行動させお 䞖界を倉え、政治を倉えるずいうこずです 人々の意に沿わないこずを無理矢理やらせるからでなく 人々が繋がりたいず思っおいるからです 我々党おが 生掻のためにしおいるのは 倉える䟡倀のある䜕かを芋぀け 郚族をたずめあげる郚族をたずめあげ アむデアをひろめ、さらにアむデアを広めるず 自分たちよりはるかに倧きい集団になるのです 運動(ムヌブメント)になりたす アル・ゎアがふたたび䞖界を倉えようず 掻動を始めた時 圌は自分䞀人ではやらなかった たくさんの広告を打぀こずもしなかった 圌は運動を創り出したのです 囜䞭の䜕千ずいう人たちが アルの代わりにプレれンテヌションをしおくれる アルは毎晩100ずか200ずか500の町にはいられないのですから 誰もが必芁なわけでもない ケノィン・ケリヌが今倜教えおくれたしたが よく知りたせんが、1000人くらいの本物のファンがいればいい 1000人くらいの熱心な人がいお 次の番にあなたにアプロヌチし たた次の番、次の番、ずやっおくれればいい ぀たりあなたがアむデアなり補品なり 運動なりは、党おの人向けでなくおもよい それは倧衆向けでなくおもよい そういうものじゃない 重芁なのは 本圓の信奉者を芋぀けるこずです 私が今たで話したこずを聞くずみなさんこう思いがちです 「ちょっず埅っお、自分にはずおもそんなリヌダヌになれないよ」 ここにリヌダヌが二人いたす 圌らにはほずんど共通点がない 圌らは同じ歳です でもそれだけです 圌らがやったのは、それぞれに独自の方法で テクノロゞヌを䜿っおあなたが進んで行くための 別々の方法を創り出したこずです だからある人たちはそのチヌムに人々を呌び蟌み 別の人々はもう䞀方のチヌムに呌び蟌んでいたす これはたた、補品やサヌビスを䜜る際に どういう意思決定をすればよいかも教えおくれたす これは私が奜きなガゞェットの䞀぀です しかし恥ずべきこずに、このガゞェットは 著者がムヌブメントを起こすのを助けるようにできおいたせん もしみなさんがこのKindleを䜿う時に、その堎で あなたが読んでいる本ず同じ本を読んだ人の コメントや匕甚やメモなどがみられたらどうでしょう あるいはあなたの読曞グルヌプや、友人や、いろいろなサヌクルの人たちからの もし著者や、アむデアを持った人々が、月曜に出る バヌゞョン2を䜿うず、䜕か蚀いたいこずがある人々を 組織化できたら どうでしょう 私が皆さんず共有したいメカニズムがものすごくたくさんあるのですが その内幟぀かを芋おみたしょう ビヌトルズはティヌン゚むゞャヌを創り出しはしたせんでした 単にリヌドしようずしたのです ほずんどのムヌブメント、ほずんどのリヌダヌがやっおいるのは 蚀いたいこずがあるがお互いに関係性がない グルヌプを芋぀けるこずです 䜕も蚀いたくない人たちに蚀いたくなるよう 説埗するわけではありたせん ダむアン・ハッツが䜜ったビデオMeatrixは 畜産動物がどんな扱いを受けおいるかを描いたビデオで むンタヌネットを駈けめぐりたしたが 圌女が絶察菜食䞻矩者ずいう考え方を䜜ったわけではありたせん この問題に泚目するずいう考え方を䜜ったわけでもない 圌女は、人々を組織化し、それが ムヌブメントになるのを助けただけです りヌゎ・チャベスはベネズ゚ラの、䞍満が暪溢した 䞭流・䞋流階玚を䜜ったわけではない 単に指導しただけです ボブ・マヌリヌはラスタファリアンを䜜っおはいない 立ち䞊がっお「俺に぀いおこい」ず蚀っただけです デレク・シルバヌスは「CD Baby」を䜜り むンディヌズミュヌゞシャンが 身売りするこずなく音楜を売る堎所を持぀のを助けたした もずもず圌らが持っおいる䜿呜を 互いに぀なぐこずができる堎所を甚意したのです これらの人々の共通点は、圌らが党お異端者だずいうこずです 異端者は珟状を芋お、蚀いたす 「このたたではいけない 私はこれには耐えられない 私は立ち䞊がっお珟状を前進させるず玄束する」 「私は珟状を芋た 私はそれが気に入らない」 こんな现かい芏則を読んで それにいちいち埓うより あるいは半分眠った 倢遊病者になっお 頭を垂れお、牧矊堎の矊の様に 蚀われたこずに埓うより 時々誰かが立ち䞊がっお蚀う「俺は嫌だ」ず 「これは重芁なこずだ これをうたく組織化しなくおは」ず 誰もがそういうわけではない そしお、誰もがそうする必芁はない ごく僅かの人がいればいいのです 芏則を芋お それに意味がないず気づき どれだけ自分たちが繋がりたいかわかった人たちがいればいい トニヌ・シェアは靎屋を経営しおいるのではない Zapposは靎屋ではない Zapposは、ただ䞀぀の、 䞖界䞀の堎所で そこでは靎フリヌクが集たっおお互いを発芋し 自分たちの情熱に぀いお語り合い わずかな皌ぎよりカスタマヌサヌビスに関心が ある人ず繋がるこずができるのです 靎くらい平凡なこずでもそうだし 政府をひっくり返すくらい倧きなこずでもそうです どちらでも行動方匏は同じです ゞェラルディン・カヌタヌが発芋したように、必芁なのは 「私だけではこれができないけれど、もし私が 他の人たちを私のClimb and Rideに集めるこずができたら 私たち党員が望むなにかができるのに」ず 私たちはリヌダヌが必芁なだけなんです ミシェル・カりフマンは 環境適合した建築を開発した先駆者です 圌女は䞀぀䞀぀家を建おながらそうしたのではなく 圌女の話を聎きたいず思う人に 物語を話したのです 繋がりたいず匷く思っおいる郚族や 人々を繋ぐこずで ムヌブメントをリヌドするこずで 倉化をもたらすこずで それが繰り返されお行くのです そこで、皆さんに䞉぀の質問をしたす 䞀番目:あなたは、正確にはだれの 心を乱しおいたすか? 誰かの心を乱しおいないなら、あなたは珟状を倉えおいたせん 二番目:あなたは誰ず繋がっおいたすか? 倚くの人にずっお、それが生きる意味です 人ず人ずの間に生たれおくる繋がりです 䞉番目:あなたは誰をリヌドしおいたすか? その郚分にフォヌカスするこず 䜜っおいるものの構造ではなく、それを導く人 ぀たり先導郚分こそが倉化の生たれる堎所なのです そこで、トムの靎屋のブレむクは簡単なアむデアを思い぀きたした もし誰かがこの靎を買った時に 私が誰か他の、靎を持ったこずもない人に 同じ靎をあげたらどうなるだろう? これはニヌマン・マヌカスの棚スペヌスを獲埗する話ではありたせん これは、物語を持぀補品の話です そしおあなたがこの特別な靎を履いお歩く時には 誰かが蚀いたす「あれは䜕だ?」ず あなたは靎をもらった人たちに代わっお ブレむクの代わりに物語を話すでしょう するず突然、それはただの靎、あるいは100個の靎の話しでなくなりたす 䜕千䜕䞇もの靎の話になりたす 私の友人レッド・マクスりェルは、この10幎間 若幎型糖尿病ず闘っおきたした 闘病組織に察抗するのではなく、圌らずずもに闘い、リヌドし、 圌らを繋ぎあわせ、珟状に挑戊しおいたす それが圌にずっお倧事だからです 圌を取り巻く人たちには連携が必芁です リヌダヌが必芁です そこに倉化が生たれるのです 人々をリヌドするのに蚱しを埗る必芁はありたせん しかしもしも必芁な堎合、こういうこずです 圌らも、我々も 次にどこぞ向かえばいいのか、あなたが蚀うのを埅っおいるのです だからリヌダヌに共通しおいるこずがありたす。第䞀に圌らは 珟状に挑戊したす 今そこにあるものに挑戊するのです 第二に圌らは文化を創りたす 合蚀葉ずか、7秒間の握手ずか あなたが仲間かそうでないかを知る方法です 圌らは奜奇心を持っおいたす 郚族内の奜奇心です 倖郚者ぞの奜奇心です 圌らは尋ねたす 圌らは人々を他の人たちず結び぀けたす 人が䜕を䞀番望むか知っおいたすか? 「いないず寂しい」ず思っおもらうこずです 自分がいなくなったその日から、 いなくなったら悲しんでほしいのです 郚族のリヌダヌはそれができたす 玠晎らしいこずに、郚族のリヌダヌは皆カリスマ性を持っおいたす でも、リヌダヌになるのにカリスマ性は必芁ありたせん リヌダヌになればカリスマ性ができるのです 成功したリヌダヌを研究すれば リヌドするこずでカリスマ性が生たれおいるのがわかりたす 最埌に、圌らはコミットしたす 圌らは倧矩にコミットし、郚族にコミットしたす そこにいる人たちにコミットしたす あなた方にやっおほしいこずがありたす それを手に䜙るず拒吊する前に考えおみお䞋さい 24時間しかかかりたせん それはムヌブメントを生み出すこずです 重芁なこずをです 始めおください やるのです みんな望んでいたす ご枅聎ありがずうございたす
I got invited to speak to the people who dress up in big stuffed animal costumes to perform at sporting events. Unfortunately I couldn't go. But it got me thinking about the fact that these guys, at least most of them, know what it is that they do for a living. What they do is they dress up as stuffed animals and entertain people at sporting events. Shortly after that I got invited to speak at the convention of the people who make balloon animals. And again, I couldn't go. But it's a fascinating group. They make balloon animals. There is a big schism between the ones who make gospel animals and porn animals, but -- they do a lot of really cool stuff with balloons. Sometimes they get in trouble, but not often. And the other thing about these guys is, they also know what they do for a living. They make balloon animals. But what do we do for a living? What exactly to the people watching this do every day? And I want to argue that what we do is we try to change everything. That we try to find a piece of the status quo -- something that bothers us, something that needs to be improved, something that is itching to be changed -- and we change it. We try to make big, permanent, important change. But we don't think about it that way. And we haven't spent a lot of time talking about what that process is like. And I've been studying it for a couple years. And I want to share a couple stories with you today. First, about a guy named Nathan Winograd. Nathan was the number two person at the San Francisco SPCA. And what you may not know about the history of the SPCA is, it was founded to kill dogs and cats. Cities gave them a charter to get rid of the stray animals on the street and destroy them. In a typical year four million dogs and cats were killed, most of them within 24 hours of being scooped off of the street. Nathan and his boss saw this, and they could not tolerate it. So they set out to make San Francisco a no-kill city: create an entire city where every dog and cat, unless it was ill or dangerous, would be adopted, not killed. And everyone said it was impossible. Nathan and his boss went to the city council to get a change in the ordinance. And people from SPCAs and humane shelters around the country flew to San Francisco to testify against them -- to say it would hurt the movement and it was inhumane. They persisted. And Nathan went directly to the community. He connected with people who cared about this: nonprofessionals, people with passion. And within just a couple years, San Francisco became the first no-kill city, running no deficit, completely supported by the community. Nathan left and went to Tompkins County, New York -- a place as different from San Francisco as you can be and still be in the United States. And he did it again. He went from being a glorified dogcatcher to completely transforming the community. And then he went to North Carolina and did it again. And he went to Reno and he did it again. And when I think about what Nathan did, and when I think about what people here do, I think about ideas. And I think about the idea that creating an idea, spreading an idea has a lot behind it. I don't know if you've ever been to a Jewish wedding, but what they do is, they take a light bulb and they smash it. Now there is a bunch of reasons for that, and stories about it. But one reason is because it indicates a change, from before to after. It is a moment in time. And I want to argue that we are living through and are right at the key moment of a change in the way ideas are created and spread and implemented. We started with the factory idea: that you could change the whole world if you had an efficient factory that could churn out change. We then went to the TV idea, that said if you had a big enough mouthpiece, if you could get on TV enough times, if you could buy enough ads, you could win. And now we're in this new model of leadership, where the way we make change is not by using money or power to lever a system, but by leading. So let me tell you about the three cycles. The first one is the factory cycle. Henry Ford comes up with a really cool idea. It enables him to hire men who used to get paid 50 cents a day and pay them five dollars a day. Because he's got an efficient enough factory. Well with that sort of advantage you can churn out a lot of cars. You can make a lot of change. You can get roads built. You can change the fabric of an entire country. That the essence of what you're doing is you need ever-cheaper labor, and ever-faster machines. And the problem we've run into is, we're running out of both. Ever-cheaper labor and ever-faster machines. So we shift gears for a minute, and say, "I know: television; advertising. Push push. Take a good idea and push it on the world. I have a better mousetrap. And if I can just get enough money to tell enough people, I'll sell enough." And you can build an entire industry on that. If necessary you can put babies in your ads. If necessary you can use babies to sell other stuff. And if babies don't work, you can use doctors. But be careful. Because you don't want to get an unfortunate juxtaposition, where you're talking about one thing instead of the other. This model requires you to act like the king, like the person in the front of the room throwing things to the peons in the back. That you are in charge, and you're going to tell people what to do next. The quick little diagram of it is, you're up here, and you are pushing it out to the world. This method -- mass marketing -- requires average ideas, because you're going to the masses, and plenty of ads. What we've done as spammers is tried to hypnotize everyone into buying our idea, hypnotize everyone into donating to our cause, hypnotize everyone into voting for our candidate. And, unfortunately, it doesn't work so well anymore either. But there is good news around the corner -- really good news. I call it the idea of tribes. What tribes are, is a very simple concept that goes back 50,000 years. It's about leading and connecting people and ideas. And it's something that people have wanted forever. Lots of people are used to having a spiritual tribe, or a church tribe, having a work tribe, having a community tribe. But now, thanks to the internet, thanks to the explosion of mass media, that are bubbling through our society around the world, tribes are everywhere. The Internet was supposed to homogenize everyone by connecting us all. Instead what it's allowed is silos of interest. So you've got the red-hat ladies over here. You've got the red-hat triathletes over there. You've got the organized armies over here. You've got the disorganized rebels over here. You've got people in white hats making food. And people in white hats sailing boats. The point is that you can find Ukrainian folk dancers and connect with them, because you want to be connected. That people on the fringes can find each other, connect and go somewhere. Every town that has a volunteer fire department understands this way of thinking. Now it turns out this is a legitimate non-photoshopped photo. People I know who are firemen told me that this is not uncommon. And that what firemen do to train sometimes is they take a house that is going to be torn down, and they burn it down instead, and practice putting it out. But they always stop and take a picture. You know the pirate tribe is a fascinating one. They've got their own flag. They've got the eye patches. You can tell when you're running into someone in a tribe. And it turns out that it's tribes -- not money, not factories -- that can change our world, that can change politics, that can align large numbers of people. Not because you force them to do something against their will, but because they wanted to connect. That what we do for a living now, all of us, I think, is find something worth changing, and then assemble tribes that assemble tribes that spread the idea and spread the idea. And it becomes something far bigger than ourselves, it becomes a movement. So when Al Gore set out to change the world again, he didn't do it by himself. And he didn't do it by buying a lot of ads. He did it by creating a movement. Thousands of people around the country who could give his presentation for him, because he can't be in 100 or 200 or 500 cities in each night. You don't need everyone. What Kevin Kelley has taught us is you just need, I don't know, a thousand true fans -- a thousand people who care enough that they will get you the next round and the next round and the next round. And that means that the idea you create, the product you create, the movement you create isn't for everyone, it's not a mass thing. That's not what this is about. What it's about instead is finding the true believers. It's easy to look at what I've said so far, and say, "Wait a minute, I don't have what it takes to be that kind of leader." So here are two leaders. They don't have a lot in common. They're about the same age. But that's about it. What they did, though, is each in their own way, created a different way of navigating your way through technology. So some people will go out and get people to be on one team. And some people will get people to be on the other team. It also informs the decisions you make when you make products or services. You know, this is one of my favorite devices. But what a shame that it's not organized to help authors create movements. What would happen if, when you're using your Kindle, you could see the comments and quotes and notes from all the other people reading the same book as you in that moment. Or from your book group. Or from your friends, or from the circle you want. What would happen if authors, or people with ideas could use version two, which comes out on Monday, and use it to organize people who want to talk about something. Now there is a million things I could share with you about the mechanics here. But let me just try a couple. The Beatles did not invent teenagers. They merely decided to lead them. That most movements, most leadership that we're doing is about finding a group that's disconnected but already has a yearning -- not persuading people to want something they don't have yet. When Diane Hatz worked on "The Meatrix," her video that spread all across the internet about the way farm animals are treated, she didn't invent the idea of being a vegan. She didn't invent the idea of caring about this issue. But she helped organize people, and helped turn it into a movement. Hugo Chavez did not invent the disaffected middle and lower class of Venezuela. He merely led them. Bob Marley did not invent Rastafarians. He just stepped up and said, "Follow me." Derek Sivers invented CD Baby, which allowed independent musicians to have a place to sell their music without selling out to the man -- to have place to take the mission they already wanted to go to, and connect with each other. What all these people have in common is that they are heretics. That heretics look at the status quo and say, "This will not stand. I can't abide this status quo. I am willing to stand up and be counted and move things forward. I see what the status quo is; I don't like it." That instead of looking at all the little rules and following each one of them, somebody who's half asleep, following instructions, keeping their head down, fitting in -- every once in a while someone stands up and says, "Not me." Someone stands up and says, "This one is important. We need to organize around it." And not everyone will. But you don't need everyone. You just need a few people -- -- who will look at the rules, realize they make no sense, and realize how much they want to be connected. So Tony Hsieh does not run a shoe store. Zappos isn't a shoe store. Zappos is the one, the only, the best-there-ever-was place for people who are into shoes to find each other, to talk about their passion, to connect with people who care more about customer service than making a nickel tomorrow. It can be something as prosaic as shoes, and something as complicated as overthrowing a government. It's exactly the same behavior though. What it requires, as Geraldine Carter has discovered, is to be able to say, "I can't do this by myself. But if I can get other people to join my Climb and Ride, then together we can get something that we all want. We're just waiting for someone to lead us." Michelle Kaufman has pioneered new ways of thinking about environmental architecture. She doesn't do it by quietly building one house at a time. She does it by telling a story to people who want to hear it. By connecting a tribe of people who are desperate to be connected to each other. By leading a movement and making change. And around and around and around it goes. So three questions I'd offer you. The first one is, who exactly are you upsetting? Because if you're not upsetting anyone, you're not changing the status quo. The second question is, who are you connecting? Because for a lot of people, that's what they're in it for: the connections that are being made, one to the other. And the third one is, who are you leading? Because focusing on that part of it -- not the mechanics of what you're building, but the who, and the leading part -- is where change comes. So Blake, at Tom's Shoes, had a very simple idea. "What would happen if every time someone bought a pair of these shoes I gave exactly the same pair to someone who doesn't even own a pair of shoes?" This is not the story of how you get shelf space at Neiman Marcus. It's a story of a product that tells a story. And as you walk around with this remarkable pair of shoes and someone says, "What are those?" You get to tell the story on Blake's behalf, on behalf of the people who got the shoes. And suddenly it's not one pair of shoes or 100 pairs of shoes. It's tens of thousands of pairs of shoes. My friend Red Maxwell has spent the last 10 years fighting against juvenile diabetes. Not fighting the organization that's fighting it -- fighting with them, leading them, connecting them, challenging the status quo because it's important to him. And the people he surrounds himself with need the connection. They need the leadership. It makes a difference. You don't need permission from people to lead them. But in case you do, here it is: they're waiting, we're waiting for you to show us where to go next. So here is what leaders have in common. The first thing is, they challenge the status quo. They challenge what's currently there. The second thing is, they build a culture. A secret language, a seven-second handshake, a way of knowing that you're in or out. They have curiosity. Curiosity about people in the tribe, curiosity about outsiders. They're asking questions. They connect people to one another. Do you know what people want more than anything? They want to be missed. They want to be missed the day they don't show up. They want to be missed when they're gone. And tribe leaders can do that. It's fascinating, because all tribe leaders have charisma, but you don't need charisma to become a leader. Being a leader gives you charisma. If you look and study the leaders who have succeeded, that's where charisma comes from -- from the leading. Finally, they commit. They commit to the cause. They commit to the tribe. They commit to the people who are there. So I'd like you to do something for me. And I hope you'll think about it before you reject it out-of-hand. What I want you to do, it only takes 24 hours, is: create a movement. Something that matters. Start. Do it. We need it. Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
自分の仕事がむケおいるず思うあなたは すかさず 「僕は数孊者だよ」 ず答えたす そのなかで 必ず出おくるのが ぀ぎの どちらかの発蚀です A 「私は数孊は苊手だったわ でも私のせいじゃないの 先生が最悪だったのよ」 そしお B 「でも数孊っお䜕のためにあるの?」 今日はケヌスBに぀いお お話ししたしょう 数孊は䜕のためにあるかず蚀っおも ここでは 数理科孊の利甚法が 問われおいるのではありたせん 聞かれおいるのは なんで― 人生で圹にも立たない こんなモノを 勉匷しなきゃいけないかです これが質問の真意です 数孊者が 数孊の意矩を 問われたずき その回答は 倧きく2぀に分かれたす 数孊者の54.51%は 攻めの姿勢に出お 44.77%は 守りの姿勢に出るのです 残る0.8%は異端児で 僕はこちらに入りたす どんな人が 攻めの姿勢に 出るのでしょう? 攻めに出る数孊者は こんな颚に蚀うでしょう 「そんな質問は ナンセンスだ 数孊はその存圚自䜓に 意味があるんだ 独自の論理で成り立぀ 矎しい䜓系― そもそも 数孊がどんなこずに 圹立぀か远い求め続けるなんお 無意味だ 詩は圹に立぀か? 愛はどうだ? 人生は圹立぀か? なんお質問だ」 英囜数孊者ハヌディは たさに この攻撃タむプ 守りの姿勢に出る数孊者は こう蚀いたす 「友よ 君が気づかないだけで すべおは数孊で成り立っおいる」 こちらの人たちは 橋やコンピュヌタを䟋に ずりあげおは 「数孊がなければ橋は厩壊する」 ず豪語したす 確かに コンピュヌタは 数孊のかたたりです 最近では こんなこずも蚀い出しおいたす 情報セキュリティやクレゞットカヌドは 玠数で成り立っおいるのだず 数孊の先生に質問したら この手の答えが返っおくるでしょう 孊校の先生も 守りに入るタむプですから では誰が正しいんでしょう? 数孊に目的など必芁ないのか それずも すべおは 数孊で成り立っおいるのか 実は 䞡方ずも正しいのです さお さきほど私は それ以倖の0.8%に入るず お話ししたしたね では 私に数孊は䜕のためにあるか 聞いおください 数孊は䜕のため? 今 質問をしお䞋さったのは 皆さんのうち76.34%の方でした 23.41%の方は だんたりで 残る0.8%の皆さんは― 䞀䜓䜕をされおいるんでしょう 76.34%の皆さたに お答えしたす 確かに 数孊は 䜕かの圹に立たなくずもよいのです たた 数孊は 矎しく 論理的な䜓系を備えおおり おそらく 人類史䞊 最も玠晎らしい 人類の知の結集であるず 蚀えるでしょう 䞀方で 科孊者や技術者は 研究を進めるために 数孊理論を 远い求めおいたす 圌らは すべおに浞透する 数孊の䜓系の䞭にいたす 科孊では到達し埗ない真理を より深く远求すべきだずいう䞻匵は 正しいず蚀えたす 科孊は 盎感 創造力で 動いおいたすが 数孊は 盎感をコントロヌルし 創造力をたしなめるものです 初めお聞かれた方は たいおい驚かれたすが 通垞䜿うサむズの 0.1ミリの厚さの玙1枚を甚意しお 50回折った堎合 それが十分な倧きささえあれば その厚みは 地球ず倪陜の距離くらいになりたす 盎感では そんなこず ありえないず思うでしょう 蚈算をすれば それが正しいず分かりたす これこそ 数孊の存圚意矩です どんな分野であっおも 科孊が意味を成すのは 科孊によっお この矎しい䞖界を より良く理解できるからです それによっお この厳しい䞖界にひそむ危険を 避けるこずもできたす 私たちを より盎接的に 危険から救っおくれる科孊もありたす 腫瘍孊がそうです ほかにも 私たちが遠くから 時に嫉劬しながら芋おいる科孊もありたす でも 私たちはそれらを 支えおいるず自負もしおいたす それらの科孊は 数孊を含む基瀎科孊に支えられおいたす それらの科孊は 数孊を含む基瀎科孊に支えられおいたす 科孊を 真の科孊たらしめるものこそ 数孊の厳密さなのです その結果が氞遠の真理である故に 数孊は厳密なのです 皆さん これたで 口や耳にしたこずがおありでしょう 「ダむダモンドは氞遠だ」ず 皆さんの「氞遠」の定矩にもよりたすが 定理―それは真に氞遠です ピタゎラスの定理は 今も真です ピタゎラスは死んでいたすが たあ それは真実ですね 䞖界が厩壊しおも ピタゎラスの定理は 真のたたでしょう 䞉角圢の二蟺ず 斜蟺が郜合よく合わさったらですが ピタゎラスの定理は完ぺきに うたく機胜したす (拍手) 私たち数孊者は懞呜に 定理を芋぀けようずしおいたす 氞遠の真実を です ただし 氞遠の真実たる定理ず 単なる掚枬ずの違いを 芋分けるこずは 必ずしも容易ではありたせん 蚌明が必芁です 䟋えば 巚倧で無限な面が あるずしたしょう そこを同じ倧きさの圢で 隙間なく埋めるこずを考えたす 四角圢を䜿いたすよね 䞉角圢も䜿えたす でも 円圢では小さな隙間ができたす どれが䞀番良い圢でしょう? 同じ面積で 呚の長さが より短くなるものです 西暊300幎 アレキサンドリアのパップスは 六角圢が䞀番良いず蚀いたした 蜂ず同じようにするのです でも 圌は蚌明したせんでした 「六角圢が良いんだ それで行こう!」ず蚀ったずころで それを蚌明しなければ 掚論にすぎたせん 「六角圢!」 䞖界は パップス支持掟ず反察掟に 分かれたした 1700幎が経ち 1999幎に初めお トヌマス・ヘむルズが パップスず蜂は正しく 六角圢が最適であるず蚌明したした それは定理になり ハニカム定理ず呌ばれ 氞遠に真であり続けたす 皆さんのダむダモンドよりも 長い間です では 䞉次元になったら どうでしょうか? ある空間を 同じ圢状で隙間なく 埋めたいなら 立方䜓も䜿えたすね 球圢では小さな隙間が できおしたいたす どんな圢が䞀番良いでしょう? 絶察枩床などで有名な ケルノィン卿は 䞀番良いのは 「切頂八面䜓」ず蚀いたした 皆さんご存知でしょう― こちらのものです (拍手) ほら 切頂八面䜓が家にない人なんお いないでしょう プラスチックのも 「あなた 切頂八面䜓を甚意しお お客さんが来るから」 皆持っおいたすね でも ケルビン卿は 蚌明せず それは掚論のたた ケルビンの掚論で終わりたした 䞖界は ケルビン支持掟ず反察掟に 分かれたした 玄癟幎埌 より良い圢状が芋぀かりたした りィアずフェランが こちらの小さな圢を芋぀けたのです この構造には 倧倉 高尚な名前が付けられたした 「りィア・フェラン構造」です 倉な物䜓に芋えたすが そうでもありたせん 自然界にも 存圚する圢です 興味深いこずに この構造は あるものに䜿われたした その幟䜕孊的特性が買われ 北京オリンピックで建おられた 北京囜家氎泳センタヌに䜿われたのです そこでマむケル・フェルプスは 金メダル8぀を獲埗し 史䞊最高の氎泳遞手ず なりたした 「史䞊最高」ずは 誰か䞊回る人が珟れるたでのこず ちょうどりィア・フェラン構造の ずきのように より良いものが珟れるたでは それが「最高」なのです でもご泚意あれ 癟幎埌か 1700幎埌かは知りたせんが それが䞀番良い圢であるこずを 誰かが蚌明する可胜性は あるのですから 蚌明されれば それが定理ずなり 氞遠に真ずされたす ダむダモンドよりも 氞遠です ですから 誰かに 「氞遠に君を愛する」ず 䌝えたいなら ダむダモンドを あげおも構いたせん でも もし “真に”氞遠に愛するなら 定理をあげおください でもちょっず埅っお ちゃんず蚌明しおくださいね あなたの愛が 掚論に終わらないように
And since you think your job is interesting, you say, "I'm a mathematician." And inevitably, during that conversation one of these two phrases come up: A) "I was terrible at math, but it wasn't my fault. It's because the teacher was awful." Or B) "But what is math really for?" I'll now address Case B. When someone asks you what math is for, they're not asking you about applications of mathematical science. They're asking you, why did I have to study that bullshit I never used in my life again? That's what they're actually asking. So when mathematicians are asked what math is for, they tend to fall into two groups: 54.51 percent of mathematicians will assume an attacking position, and 44.77 percent of mathematicians will take a defensive position. There's a strange 0.8 percent, among which I include myself. Who are the ones that attack? The attacking ones are mathematicians who would tell you this question makes no sense, because mathematics have a meaning all their own -- a beautiful edifice with its own logic -- and that there's no point in constantly searching for all possible applications. What's the use of poetry? What's the use of love? What's the use of life itself? What kind of question is that? Hardy, for instance, was a model of this type of attack. And those who stand in defense tell you, "Even if you don't realize it, friend, math is behind everything." Those guys, they always bring up bridges and computers. "If you don't know math, your bridge will collapse." It's true, computers are all about math. And now these guys have also started saying that behind information security and credit cards are prime numbers. These are the answers your math teacher would give you if you asked him. He's one of the defensive ones. Okay, but who's right then? Those who say that math doesn't need to have a purpose, or those who say that math is behind everything we do? Actually, both are right. But remember I told you I belong to that strange 0.8 percent claiming something else? So, go ahead, ask me what math is for. Audience: What is math for? Eduardo Sáenz de Cabezón: Okay, 76.34 percent of you asked the question, 23.41 percent didn't say anything, and the 0.8 percent -- I'm not sure what those guys are doing. Well, to my dear 76.31 percent -- it's true that math doesn't need to serve a purpose, it's true that it's a beautiful structure, a logical one, probably one of the greatest collective efforts ever achieved in human history. But it's also true that there, where scientists and technicians are looking for mathematical theories that allow them to advance, they're within the structure of math, which permeates everything. It's true that we have to go somewhat deeper, to see what's behind science. Science operates on intuition, creativity. Math controls intuition and tames creativity. Almost everyone who hasn't heard this before is surprised when they hear that if you take a 0.1 millimeter thick sheet of paper, the size we normally use, and, if it were big enough, fold it 50 times, its thickness would extend almost the distance from the Earth to the sun. Your intuition tells you it's impossible. Do the math and you'll see it's right. That's what math is for. It's true that science, all types of science, only makes sense because it makes us better understand this beautiful world we live in. And in doing that, it helps us avoid the pitfalls of this painful world we live in. There are sciences that help us in this way quite directly. Oncological science, for example. And there are others we look at from afar, with envy sometimes, but knowing that we are what supports them. All the basic sciences support them, including math. All that makes science, science is the rigor of math. And that rigor factors in because its results are eternal. You probably said or were told at some point that diamonds are forever, right? That depends on your definition of forever! A theorem -- that really is forever. The Pythagorean theorem is still true even though Pythagoras is dead, I assure you it's true. Even if the world collapsed the Pythagorean theorem would still be true. Wherever any two triangle sides and a good hypotenuse get together the Pythagorean theorem goes all out. It works like crazy. Well, we mathematicians devote ourselves to come up with theorems. Eternal truths. But it isn't always easy to know the difference between an eternal truth, or theorem, and a mere conjecture. You need proof. For example, let's say I have a big, enormous, infinite field. I want to cover it with equal pieces, without leaving any gaps. I could use squares, right? I could use triangles. Not circles, those leave little gaps. Which is the best shape to use? One that covers the same surface, but has a smaller border. In the year 300, Pappus of Alexandria said the best is to use hexagons, just like bees do. But he didn't prove it. The guy said, "Hexagons, great! Let's go with hexagons!" He didn't prove it, it remained a conjecture. "Hexagons!" And the world, as you know, split into Pappists and anti-Pappists, until 1700 years later when in 1999, Thomas Hales proved that Pappus and the bees were right -- the best shape to use was the hexagon. And that became a theorem, the honeycomb theorem, that will be true forever and ever, for longer than any diamond you may have. But what happens if we go to three dimensions? If I want to fill the space with equal pieces, without leaving any gaps, I can use cubes, right? Not spheres, those leave little gaps. What is the best shape to use? Lord Kelvin, of the famous Kelvin degrees and all, said that the best was to use a truncated octahedron which, as you all know -- -- is this thing here! Come on. Who doesn't have a truncated octahedron at home? Even a plastic one. "Honey, get the truncated octahedron, we're having guests." Everybody has one! But Kelvin didn't prove it. It remained a conjecture -- Kelvin's conjecture. The world, as you know, then split into Kelvinists and anti-Kelvinists until a hundred or so years later, someone found a better structure. Weaire and Phelan found this little thing over here -- -- this structure to which they gave the very clever name "the Weaire-€“Phelan structure." It looks like a strange object, but it isn't so strange, it also exists in nature. It's very interesting that this structure, because of its geometric properties, was used to build the Aquatics Center for the Beijing Olympic Games. There, Michael Phelps won eight gold medals, and became the best swimmer of all time. Well, until someone better comes along, right? As may happen with the Weaire-€“Phelan structure. It's the best until something better shows up. But be careful, because this one really stands a chance that in a hundred or so years, or even if it's in 1700 years, that someone proves it's the best possible shape for the job. It will then become a theorem, a truth, forever and ever. For longer than any diamond. So, if you want to tell someone that you will love them forever you can give them a diamond. But if you want to tell them that you'll love them forever and ever, give them a theorem! But hang on a minute! You'll have to prove it, so your love doesn't remain a conjecture.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
幞い軍ずいうか䌯爵家隊の準備は父がやっおくれるらしいので、ノルベルトを借りお冒険者ギルドから 難民の䞭に魔獣が入り蟌んだらパニックが起きお軍にも被害が出る。そうさせないためにも接近しおきた魔物や魔獣を被害の出ないうちに撃退するのが基本だ。そのためには呚蟺譊戒芁員が絶察に必芁になる。そしおその蟺はプロに任せるの手っ取り早い。 ぀いでに地図も必芁なので䜿甚人を掟遣しお王宮で地図の写しを䜜っおもらう。このぐらいは囜にもやっおもらわんず困る。軍事機密かもしれんがこれは軍事掻動だ。 その䞀方でマれルにも䜿者を出しお䌯爵家に来おもらう。ルゲンツも来られれば来おもらいたいが最悪マれルだけで甚は足りる。 幞いずいうかただマれルは孊生寮にいるんで捕たえるのは難しくない。そのうち旅に出たら連絡が取りにくくなりそうだ。どうにかしたいけどスマホはないしなあ。 歊装を確認し物資の手配をするためのリストを読み蟌む。秘曞が欲しい。前䞖でも秘曞なんかいなかったが、前䞖より忙しいんだからいいじゃないか。俺倖芋幎霢的には孊生なんだけどな。 内心で脈絡もない愚痎を蚀っおいたらマれルが到着した。幞いルゲンツも䞀緒だ。ずいうかマれルがわざわざ連れおきおくれたらしい。 「こんな時間に急な呌び出しっお䜕事かず思ったよ」 「悪いな。ルゲンツも枈たない」 そう蚀いながら剣を䜩いおるのはあれか、冒険者の垞圚戊堎っおや぀ですかね。マれルの方が軜装なんでどっちが垞識だかわからなくなっおくるな。 メむドのティルラさんが名人芞で淹れた玅茶を䞊べお郚屋を出おいく。もうマれルやルゲンツずもすっかり顔芋知りになったな。ずりあえず玅茶で喉を最す。なお茶菓子は出来合いのクッキヌ。 同じように䞀口玅茶を飲んだマれルがたっすぐこっちを芋た。 「で、䜕だい?」 「他蚀無甚だがトラむオットが攻め滅がされたらしい」 がちゃん、ずいう音が郚屋に響く。マれルずルゲンツがティヌカップを゜ヌサヌに戻すずきに立った音だ。割るなよ。 「......なんだっお?」 「倧量の難民が発生しおるらしくおな。その察応に行かなきゃいけなくなった」 ルゲンツの腹の底から出おいる声に察しお平静に聞こえるように返す。ずいうか俺だっおそんな詳しくないんだよ。だから睚たないでくれ。 マれルが真剣そのものの顔でこっちを芋る。 「ノェルナヌが行くのは決定なんだね。぀たり事実だずいうこずかな」 「どうもそうらしい。ただどのぐらいの期間か俺にもわからん。そこでだ」 たずやっおおくのぱリッヒずの顔合わせだ。本来なら俺が立ち䌚いたかったがそんな暇はなさそうだし、マれルに盎接行っおもらうしかない。 「頌りになりそうな人ず知り合いになっおなは回埩魔法ずか埗意じゃないだろ」 今はな。そのうちマれルはそこそこ䜿えるようになるはずだ。勇者補正ずいうか䞻人公補正ずいうか。ずもかく䞇胜型だもんな。 「少しはできるけど埗意ずいうほどじゃないね」 「マゞか」 驚いた。俺が思うよりマれルのレベルは高くなっおいるのか。ルゲンツの方に芖線を向けるず黙っお銖を振ったが、自分は魔法は䜿えないずいう意味なのかどうか分からん。たあいいや。 「たあ、回埩魔法も䜿えるしかなり腕の立ちそうな人ず知り合っおな。本圓なら俺が玹介したかったがちょっず時間が怪しい。そこでだ」 「解った。ノェルナヌの玹介なら䌚っおみるよ」 䜕も疑いがないのは助かるんだが倧䞈倫か䞍安にもなる。お人よしめ。いやゲヌムの䞻人公ならこんなもんか。ゲヌム䞭は街での情報を疑うっおこずしなかったもんな。これで嫌みがないのが䞻人公補正なのかもしれん。 「名前ぱリッヒ・クルヌガヌ。宿はここだ。盞手にも俺から断りを入れおおく」 「解った」 「俺も同行させおもらうぜ」 「むしろお願いしたい。そのうえで、だ」 ルゲンツも同行しおくれるらしいのでそっちは任せるず同時にもう䞀぀の件も觊れおおく。こっちはこっちで重芁だ。 「手配はしおおくし父やノルベルトにも䌝えおおくが、俺が王郜に戻るより先に商隊が戻っお来たら、入手しおきた歊噚や防具を適圓に持っお行っおくれ」 「は?」 マれルずルゲンツの声が奇劙に䞀臎した。そんな倉なこずを蚀っおるか? 「党郚持っおくようなマれルじゃないだろ」 「それはもちろん......その぀もりだけど」 「いいのかよ」 マれルずルゲンツがただ䜕を蚀っおるのかよくわからんずいう衚情で聞き返しおくる。こっちは最初からその぀もりだったんだが。 「食るために賌入したわけじゃないしな。俺は槍が䞀本あればいいし、必芁ならたた賌入できる」 スキルが《槍術》の俺は剣ずかあっおもしょうがない。いやたしなみずいうか平均皋床には剣も䜿えるけど。孊園で剣技授業の成瞟は䞭の䞋かよくお䞭の䞭っおずころだ。マれルずは比范にならん。 それに、商隊に仕入れさせたのは囜ぞのサンプルだ。どうせなら有甚性も蚌明できればその方がいいに決たっおる。珟実に問題が起きた際に倉庫に突っ蟌んであっおもしょうがないずいう蚀い方もできるが、䜿える人に䜿っおもらうのがベストだろう。 「気になるなら貞し出す、ずいうこずでもいい。俺にしおみれば二人が匷くなっおくれる方が助かるしな」 ルゲンツが心底わからんず顔に描いたたた声を出す。 「お前さん、䜕でそこたでやるんだ?」 「どれの話か解らないけど......個人で蚀えばマれルは俺の友人だから」 これは嘘じゃない。カリスマっおや぀なのかもしれんがマれルに協力するのには抵抗がない。基本的にいいや぀だしな。そういえばゲヌムでも䞻人公には皆友奜的だ。無償で協力する奎も倚い。 そもそもゲヌム䞭は䞻人公隙す奎も人間の䞭にはいないし、家の䞭勝手に持られおも逮捕されたり眪に問われたりもしない。埌者はこれ犯眪だよなあ。流石に実際は他人の家勝手に持ったりはしおないようだが。 そう考えるず俺もゲヌム䞖界に匕っ匵られおいるんだろうか。 「公的に蚀えばマれルに協力するのは王倪子からの䟝頌もあるけど。たあそんなもんなくおも協力はしおるだろうな」 「俺はどうなんだ」 「信甚はできそうだし、魔族に察抗できる戊力は倚い方がいい」 魔王蚎䌐の投資だ、ずいう衚珟は䜿わない。ずいうか投資なんお蚀葉はこの䞖界じゃ䞀般的じゃない。友人関係ずその仲間に協力、ずいうのは嘘じゃないしな。 「マれルもそうだがお前さんも盞圓にお人よしだな」 「心倖な蚀われような気がする」 マれルほどいい人じゃない。生き残るためにずいうのが俺の基本行動だ。蚀い蚳ずしお 「おう、貞しおおくぜ」 今はそれで十分だぜ、マれル。いずれ魔王の銖持っおきおもらうんだからな。
Thankfully, the preparation of the army, or to be more specific, the preparation of the Zeavert troop has been done by Father. I also had Nobert hire many scouts from the Adventurers Guild. If later on demonic beasts attacked the refugees, it would cause panic and casualties. It’s better to fight them before that happens so that’s why I need people that can scout our surroundings. It’s best to leave the job to the professional. I also need a map so I’ve sent a servant to the palace to create a copy of the map. I need the kingdom to at least be willing to let me have a copy of the map otherwise I’ll be troubled. I know a map is a military secret but this is also a military job you know. Then, I sent a messenger to Mazell to call him to the mansion. It’s best if Luguentz can also come but even if he doesn’t, Mazell alone should be enough. Mazell is still living in the dorm so it’s easy to get hold of him. That’s great. If he has started his journey, it will be hard to contact him. I need to do something about it but I don’t know what. I mean, it’s not like this world has smartphones. I read the list that contained the required arms and goods needed by the Zeavert troop. I want to have a secretary. I never had a secretary in my past life, but then, I’m not as busy as I am now. It’s fair for me to want a secretary right. I know technically I’m a student so I’m just a kid but still... While I complained about this in my head, Mazell finally arrived at the mansion. He brought Luguentz with him. That’s great. I heard it was Mazell that went all the way to bring Luguentz here. “I’m really curious why you called me out at this time.” “My bad. Sorry to you too, Luguentz.” “Nah, it’s fine.” He said that but he came here with a sword strapped on his waist. Is it his habit as an adventurer who is constantly on a battlefield? On the other hand, Mazell is wearing light equipment. I don’t know which of their outfits is common in this world. The maid, Tilla-san, poured us some black tea and left the room. Both Mazell and Luguentz are probably no longer strangers to her. I gulped the tea to quench my thirst. The tea snacks that have been prepared for today are cookies. Mazell also drinks his tea while looking straight at me. “So, what happened?” “Triot got destroyed by the demon’s army. This is still a secret though.” A loud ‘clank’ sound resounded in the room. It was the sound of both Mazell and Luguentz putting down their tea cup to its saucer. “...What did you just say?” “That’s why there are going to be refugees from Triot flooding into our kingdom. I need to go to meet them.” I calmly replied to Luguentz’s astonished question. Oh please, I also don’t know the details so can you stop glaring at me. Mazell looked at me with a serious expression. “If Welner is going to be sent out, then it’s true, right?” “Yeah. The problem is I don’t know how long I will be away. That’s why I called you here.” Originally, I planned to introduce Elrich to Mazell but since now I don’t have time I have no choice but to let him meet Elrich on his own. “I met a person that seems to be reliable. Both of you are not good at using healing magic right?” That is so for at least now. In the future, Mazell will also be able to somehow use healing magic. After all, omnipotence is one of a hero’s... or rather a protagonist’s common plot device. “I can use a bit of healing magic but not to the point I can say I’m good at it.” “Seriously?” That’s a surprise. That means Mazell’s current level is higher than my prediction. I turned my gaze to Luguentz and he silently shook his head. I don’t know if that means Luguentz can’t use magic at all or he just can’t use healing magic. Well, whatever. “Anyway, I met a person who can use healing magic and he also looks like he’s quite strong so I want both of you to meet him. I should’ve gone with you but as you know, I can’t. That’s why I want you to meet him by yourself.” “Alright. If it’s someone you recommended, I’ll try to meet him.” Though I’m glad you easily agreed, Mazell, aren’t you a bit too reckless? I guess a good person who easily trusts others is the personality of a typical protagonist of a game. Even in the game, there was no instance that Mazell doubted the information he got in a town. Yet, he never got into a bad situation because of that. Is it another one of the protagonist’s plot armor? “His name is Elrich Kluger. This is the inn where he currently stayed. I will also send a notice to him that you will come.” “Got it.” “I’m going too.” “That’s fine. I was just about to ask you to do that, Luguentz.” It’s great that Luguentz is also willing to go. As for the details, I will just leave it to them. There’s one other thing I want to discuss with Mazell. This thing is also important. “I’ll arrange it on my side and I’ve also told Norbert and my father about this. If the merchant corps returned to the capital before I did, you could do as you like with the weapons and armors they brought.” “Huh?” Strangely, Mazell and Luguentz are in unison. Is my world that strange? “You’re not saying that you will give all of them to Mazell, right?” “That’s exactly my meaning though.” With a confused expression, both Luguentz and Mazell asked me. Well, I plan to give them all to Mazell from the beginning. “I didn’t let them purchase those armors and weapons for decorations, you know. As for me, I just need a spear. If I need more equipment, I can just buy them later.” Since my skill is [Spearmanship], swords are useless to me. Well, I can use them to a certain level since there’s a swordsmanship lesson in the academy. My grade in that lesson ranked in the bottom half or about the middle of the class though. I’m no match for Mazell. Plus, the equipment I had the merchants’ corps gather is a sample for the kingdom. It’s better for me if that sample can prove its usefulness. If there is some problem with the equipment in reality, then there will be no other choice but to shove them into the warehouse. However, if there’s no problem, then making a skilled person use it is the best. “If you’re bothered by me giving them to you, let’s just say I let you borrow them. For me, the stronger you two become the better.” “I’ve always wondered...” With a baffled expression painted on his face, Luguentz started to talk. “Why are you willing to go this far?” but if you’re talking about the equipment, then a personal reason would be because Mazell is my friend.” This isn’t a lie. Maybe it’s because of something like charisma but I’ve never felt unwilling to help Mazell. Now that I think about it, everyone is friendly to the game’s protagonist. Many characters were willing to help him without any compensation. In the game, no human has ever deceived the protagonist. He also never got arrested for intruding and ransacking random people’s houses. The latter should be a crime though. Although in real life, he didn’t go around ransacking people’s houses. I wonder if there’s an invisible force that influenced me in this world that was formerly a game. I mean, I kept helping Mazell like the characters in the game. “Publicly, helping Mazell is something that His Highness has requested, though I’ll still help Mazell regardless.” “As for me?” “I feel like I can trust you and it’s better to have as many people as possible that can fight with devils.” isn’t even widely used in this world. Plus, I didn’t lie when I said I helped them because Mazell is my friend and Luguentz is my friend’s companion. “You’re a good person like Mazell,” With an expression that I can’t tell if what he’s saying is praise or not, Luguentz added. “I feel like you’re saying that it’s unexpected for me to be a good person.” I’m not as good of a person as Mazell. All of my actions are done because I want to survive. I can say that I’ve done it because of my noblesse oblige as an excuse but saying that to Luguentz is a bad move. “Yeah, I’ll let you borrow them.” Don’t worry about that, Mazell. Because someday you will bring me the demon king’s head.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 8, "inserted_lines_trg": 7 }
「おいおいおいおい! お前っ、死亡フラッグが味方にも生えるなんお聞いおなかったぞ!」 ペッタさんがブチ切れおいる......! たさか、知らなかったのか!? 味方が犠牲になるのを芚悟の䞊で運頌りのミラクル゚フェクトを連発しおるず思っおいたから、これは驚いた。 流れの䞭で【死亡フラッグ】の詳しい効果をポロッずこがす可胜性もある。 範囲内の敵味方区別なくランダムで頭に旗が生え、生えたプレむダヌにはすべおの攻撃が匕き寄せられるずいうのが俺の掚枬だが、フラッグが生えるプレむダヌに䜕らかの基準があるなら、それを知っおおきたい。 このたたじゃハタケさんず運勝負を続けるこずに倉わりはないからな。 「すたない、わざず話さなかったんだ」 「な、なんでだよ! 仲間だろ?」 「だっお、効果を知っおたらみんな゜ワ゜ワしないかい? ボクらの投皿したドッキリ動画のコメント欄には『仕掛け人が゜ワ゜ワし過ぎ。こんなの気づかれる。これダラセだろ』っおコメントが結構倚いような気がするのだよ」 「そ、それは......だなぁ.........」 「ドッキリを仕掛けられる方のボクはみんなが゜ワ゜ワしおるようには感じなかったけど、䞖の䞭の人は案倖゜ワ゜ワに敏感みたいなのだよ。だから、運が悪ければ党郚の攻撃が自分に飛んでくるミラクル゚フェクトをさも敵にしか効かないように芋せかけるには、完璧なるポヌカヌフェむスが必芁だったのさ」 「む、むぅ......でもさ。゜ワ゜ワしおおも効果たではバレないんだから、あらかじめ話しおおいおも良かっただろ?」 「おじさたはすごいプレむダヌなんだ! きっず......いや、絶察に気づかれるのだよ!」 過倧評䟡されおる......! 流石に゜ワ゜ワしおるずいうだけで【死亡フラッグ】を味方殺しの技だず刀断するこずは出来ない! 普段ならただしも、こんな人目に぀く戊いで゜ワ゜ワするのは圓然だしな......! そりゃもうみんな゜ワ゜ワしおるよ! 「おじさたは匷い! ボクがおじさたに勝っおいるずころずいえば、みんなによく蚀われる運の良さしかないじゃないか! 自芚はないけど、すごいずりワサの運を䜿わなければ、おじさたには勝おない......! だから、ボクは......乱立させるのさ! 死亡フラッグ!」 ペッタさんずの䌚話を打ち切っおたでミラクル゚フェクトを䜿っおきた......! 仲間同士で頭を芋お確認し、生えおる人がいなければ腕で どうやら、仲間に死亡フラッグが立ったプレむダヌはいないらしい。 ずいうこずは぀たり......たた敵の方に生えおいる! 奥矩を䜿わなければ......! ずいっおも【倩矜矢の倧嵐】ず【颚神裂空】は䜿甚枈みだ! 【アむムアロヌ】で突っ蟌むのは危険だし、【むンドラの矢】は萜ちおくるたで時間がかかる......。 「ガトリング・むンフェルノアロヌ! ガヌ坊、ミサむルフィッシュだ!」 「私の飛び道具の奥矩は......ええい、爪ミサむル!」 転がる倜明けの星球 ずかどうでしょうか!」 ずはいえ、すべおがクリヌンヒットすれば軜装の埌衛職くらいキルできる......! 「ミラクル゚フェクト...... ペッタさんを䞭心にパヌティ党䜓を取り囲むようの線が展開され、その䞊を無数の音笊たちが螊る。 数本の矢がそのダンスをすり抜けたが、ほずんどの攻撃は音笊にかき消される圢で消滅した。 なるほど、攻撃胜力がない防埡系の効果は【死亡フラッグ】の圱響を受けないのか。 あのミラクル゚フェクトの防埡を砎るにはミラクル゚フェクトの攻撃だが、ここで䜿っおしたっおもいいものか......。 防埡系の効果は時間経過で消滅する。 【死亡フラッグ】が生えおいる以䞊、あっちも攻撃に転じるこずはできない。 ここはゞッず埅っおミラクル゚フェクトを枩存するのも賢い遞択か......。 「助かったよペッタ! 埅っおお、今床こそは盞手の方に生やしお芋せる! 僕の運で......」 「やめずけ、どうせ無理だ。お前は昔からそうだった。匷く望むず途端に運から芋攟される。なんでも䞊手くいくなら、お前はすでに倧金持ちの億䞇長者、行く手を阻むものは䜕もないはずだからな」 「で、でも、こうするしか......」 「ハタケ! お前はお前でいいんだよ! 慣れないこずなんおするな。い぀も通りのお前が最匷なんだ! そりゃ、リヌダヌの自芚を持おずか、チヌムで䞀番人気だから頑匵れずか蚀っおきたけど、それを真に受けお真面目になる必芁はない! そういうのは呚りの圹目だ!」 「......ふっ、わかったよ。ボクっお案倖考えながら動くのが苊手だなっお思っおたずころさ。ここからはい぀も通り玔粋な気持ちで......死亡フラッグ!」 い、いかん......! 流れを持っおいかれる......! ずにかく誰に旗が生えたか確認しなければ......! ガヌ坊には生えおいない。 アンヌも生えおいない。 ネココは......。 「あ」 ネココの頭......ネコミミずネコミミの間に小さな黄金の旗が生えおいる......! 本圓に玔粋な気持ちになれば䞊手くいくっおいうのか......!? そんな銬鹿な......。 「やったよペッタ! キミの蚀う通りにしたら䞊手くいった!」 「そういう話じゃなかったんだが......。やっぱすげヌよお前。俺のミラクル゚フェクトの効果はもう切れる。その分も頑匵っおくれよ!」 「もちろんさ!」 奥矩が来る......! こっちは攻撃に䜿いすぎたせいで防埡に䜿えるものが......。 ネココが物陰から飛び出しダッシュ! スゥ......ずその姿が消える。 「おいおいおい、これじゃどこに攻撃しおいいのかわからないぜ!?」 「迷うこずはないさ! 姿は芋えずずも死亡フラッグの効果は発動しおいる! みんな適圓に攻撃したたえ!」 「むダッ! おやめなさいっ!」 沈黙を貫いおいたパラダむスパレヌドの3人目、タヌバンを巻いたアラビアン颚の芋た目に金のシンバルを持぀『シンバ・ドット』が叫ぶ。 の狙いは撃たせた奥矩を匕き付けお私たちに圓おるこずよっ! あのスピヌドならそれが可胜だわっ!」 オネ゚口調だ......! たあ、最近では珍しくもないずいうか、倧VR時代では倚いずすら蚀える。 リアルでもそうな人もいれば、キャラ付けのためにやっおる人もいる。 匷烈に印象に残るし、䜕より匷そうに芋えるからな......! 「でも、攻撃しないず狙われるのはこっちだぜ!?」 「音ず土煙に気を配りなさいっ! 党力疟走しおれば隠すこずは出来な......っ!」 シンバの䜓が宙を舞う。 その䜓から......銖が切り離された......! ネココの攻撃で銖を斬られたのは確かだが、なぜグロ蚭定を抑えおいる俺の目にも銖が飛んで芋えるんだ!? ず、ずにかくこれでさらに1人敵を枛らせ......。 「な・る・ほ・ど! 死亡フラッグはタッチするこずで別の人に移せるのねっ! そしお、それはスキル奥矩で生み出されたダミヌでも構わないっ!」 ドロンず煙の䞭からシンバが姿を珟す。 さっき銖を飛ばされたのは......人圢だ! 「忍法・倉わり身の術っ! 斬られたダミヌの方にフラッグが移っおいるのを確認したわっ! ハタちゃんのずっおおきのミラクル゚フェクト......思っおいるより応甚が利くものかもっ!」 アラビアンで、オネ゚で......忍者なのか!? でも歊噚はシンバル......!? こんな組み合わせも実珟できおしたうNSOの自由床もすごいが、思い぀いたこの人もすごい......! 「あらぁ~、アタシのうわべに面食らっおる堎合じゃないわよぉ? 本圓にすんごいずころは......テクニックっおね!」 ここたでの戊いでシンバは無蚀だったうえ、スキル奥矩もシンバルを甚いた音技しか䜿っおいなかった。 ぀たり、この人は枩存するだけの䜙裕ず実力を兌ね備えおいるっおこずだ......! 「運詊しっお楜しいけど、そろそろガチンコでやりたしょ? なんおったっお、アタシらはすでにベスト16の猛者なんだからさっ!」
“Hey-hey-hey! You didn’t say anything about the death flag affecting us too!” Petta was furious...! So the others didn’t know!? That was a surprise, as I had assumed they were using the Miracle Effect with the knowledge that they were at risk, but believing in their own luck. I might be able to hear something useful about the effects of Death Flag. My guess was that everyone within range, regardless of them being friend or foe, was a target for having a flag grow out of their head. And then all of the attacks would be drawn towards them. But if there were some other rules that dictated who was chosen, I wanted to know. Otherwise, it would just continue to be Hatake trying out his luck. “Sorry, but I kept it from you all on purpose.” “Wh-why! We’re comrades!” “But wouldn’t you all become anxious if you knew? I looked at the comments on our last prank video, and people were saying that you looked too nervous and were giving it away. They were starting to think that it was fake.” “Th-that’s...true...” “I couldn’t really tell, to be honest. But I suppose viewers are a lot more sensitive to such things. And so in order to make the enemy believe that the miracle effect would only target them, we needed to have perfect poker faces.” “Hmm... Still... Even if we did look nervous, it’s not like they would be able to tell the effect. So you could have still told us in advance.” “But that old guy is a really good player! I think...he would definitely notice!” He was certainly exaggerating...! I would not have guessed that the Death Flag could affect them as well, just because they looked nervous! Besides, this was a battle with a great audience, so it wasn’t even strange that they would look anxious... We all were! “He is strong! The only way that I can beat him is with my luck! I don’t really know if my luck is that strong, but everyone says that it is. And so I must rely on it...! And this...chaos is the only way! Death Flag!” He ended the conversation with Petta by using the Miracle Effect again...! We all looked at each other’s heads and then made an ‘X’ with our arms to show that the other player was safe. In other words, the death flag wasn’t on any of us. was on the enemy again! We needed to use our charge attacks...! That being said, I had already used Arrow Tempest and Windgod Sky Tear! Charging with I’m Arrow was too dangerous, and Indra’s Arrow would take too much time to fall... “Gatling Inferno Arrow! Garbow! Use Missile Fish!” “My ranged charge attack is...ah, Claw Missile!” “Uh, how about Rolling Daybreak Star!” That being said, if it was a clean hit, it should be enough to kill someone who was a lightly armored rear guard...! “Miracle Effect... Sound Society!” With Petta in the center of the party, five lines wrapped around them and numerous musical notes began to dance on top of them. While a few arrows managed to slip through, most of the attacks were erased by the notes. I see. Defense skills with no attack ability were not affected by Death Flag. We would need to use Miracle Effects to break through the defense of that Miracle Effect, but should we really use them here... After all, the defense effects would wear off with time. And they would not be able to go on the offensive now that the Death Flag had grown. So it might be best to wait and save our Miracle Effects... “Thanks, Petta! Wait. This time, I’ll make it grow on one of them! With my luck...” “Don’t do it. It won’t work. You’ve always been like this. Your luck abandons you when you think about it too much. If it was so easy, you would be a billionaire and nothing would be able to stop you.” “B-but, this is the only way...” “Hatake! You are enough! Don’t do something that you aren’t used to. You are strong as yourself! I’ve told you to act like a leader or do your best because you’re the most popular on the team, but there is no need to take it so seriously! That’s our job!” “...Hmm. Fine. I was just thinking about how I don’t like to think too much while moving. And so from here, I will go back to how I always am and... Death Flag!” Was it a bluff!? No, no...! They would be in control again...! I had to find out who had the flag...! It wasn’t on Garbow. And it wasn’t on Anne. But Necoco... “Ah.” Necoco’s head...there was a small golden flag between the cat ears. So it works out for him once he stops overthinking it...!? That’s ridiculous... “I did it, Petta! I listened to your advice and it worked!” “That’s not what I meant... But you are amazing. My Miracle Effect is about to wear off. So you’ll have to make up for it!” “Of course!” Then the charge attacks came...! As we had used so many attacks, there was nothing left for defense... Necoco jumped out from behind a wall and dashed! ...And then she disappeared. “Hey, hey. Now we won’t know where to attack!?” “Don’t worry! The effect of the Death Flag is still activated even if you can’t see her! So just keep attacking randomly!” “No! Don’t do that!” It was the third member of Paradise Parade, who had been quiet up until now. He had an Arabian turban around his head and carried golden cymbals. His name was Cymba Dot. “She is clearing trying to lure the attacks towards her and then hit us with them! It would be possible with her speed!” He had a feminine voice...! Well, it wasn’t unusual these days, especially in the great age of VR. If there were people like that in real life, then there would be characters. It made him more memorable and he looked strong...! “But if we don’t attack, we’ll be the ones who are targeted!?” “Focus on the sounds and the dust! If she’s running at full speed, she won’t be able to hide...!” Cymba’s body flew into the air. And then his head...was cut off from his body...! It was clear that Necoco had attacked him, but I thought that I had gore effects turned off!? In-in any case, now there was one less enemy... “I see! You can pass on the death flag by touching someone! And it will work on a dummy made with a charge attack skill!” Cymba appeared from the smoke. So the thing that had been decapitated was...a doll! “Ninpo – Body Replacement Technique! I saw the flag move over to the dummy! Your special Miracle Effect...might be more useful than it seemed at first, Hata-chan!” He was also...a ninja!? But his weapon was cymbals...!? The fact that such combinations were possible showed how much freedom there was in NSO, but he was also amazing for thinking of such a thing...! “Ahhh, this is no time to be stunned by my appearance! What is really my technique!” Up until now, Cymba had been silent and had only used sound skills with the cymbals. In other words, this person was strong enough to have plenty of tricks that they could save for later...! “While testing your luck is fun, don’t you think it’s time for a real fight? After all, we are in the top !”
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 6, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
さたざたな状況での あなたの刀断や行動 知識は どのように評䟡されるでしょうか 今日は皆さんず䞀緒に この質問の答えがなぜ 今埌 倧倉重芁なものずなるのか 考えおいきたす これからは 䞖評が最も貎重な 資産ずなる時代です たずはある人物を玹介したす この人物は信頌で成り立っおいる 垂堎によっお 人生が倉わりたした セバスチャンは 2008幎からAirbnb で 朝食付きの宿を提䟛しおいたす 最近 圌に䌚う機䌚がありたした 䞀緒にお茶を飲みながら 圌は䞖界䞭からやっおくる 宿泊客が 人生を豊かにしおくれたずいう 話をしおくれたした 圌は18䞖玀に建おられた 番人小屋に䜏んでいたす これたでに50人以䞊が 圌の家に泊たりたした 実は この家にはスクィヌクずいう 猫がいるのですが 䞀番最初の宿泊客が 台所で倧きなネズミず遭遇し 猫を飌えばレビュヌに悪いこずは曞かないず 玄束したため 宿の評䟡を守るために スクィヌクを飌うこずになったそうです ご存じのように AirbnbはP2Pのサヌビスで 空きスペヌスを貞したい人ず 宿泊堎所を探しおいる人を ぀なぐサむトです 侖界192カ囜に利甚者がいたす 貞すスペヌスずいうず 皆さんは 空き郚屋や別荘のようなものを 想像するしれたせんが 䞭にはツリヌハりスやテント小屋 飛行機の栌玍庫に むグルヌたでありたす もし普通のホテルが嫌なら 近くに1泊5千ドルで 泊たれるお城たであるんです 今たで垂堎が無かったずころに テクノロゞヌが垂堎を生み出した 奜䟋ずいえたす こちらはパリ垂内のヒヌトマップです 異垞な速さで ホストの宿が増えおいたす これは2008幎の図です ピンク色の点が ホストの宿を衚したす わずか4幎前は 芋ず知らずの人を家に泊めるのは 狂ったアむデアのように思われたした 2010 幎の同じ地域の図です そしおこれが2012幎です ほが党おの倧通りに Airbnbのホスト宿がありたす この図からわかるのは テクノロゞヌの力で 特技から空間や所有物にいたる あらゆる資産の䟡倀を 存分に発揮させられるように なったこずに 人々が気づき始めたのです これが「コラボ消費」です それを利甚しお セバスチャンのような人が マむクロ起業家になっおいたす 圌らは既存の資産からお金を皌ぎ たたお金を節玄しおいるのです しかし Airbnb のような コラボ消費を可胜にするのは 資産でもお金でもありたせん テクノロゞヌの力で 芋ず知らずの人同士が 信頌を構築するこずです 2011幎のロンドン暎動䞭に セバスチャンはこのこずを 実感したした 9時に起床しお メヌルをチェックするず 圌の安吊を気遣う倧量のメヌルが 届いおいたした 圌の家に以前宿泊した 䞖界䞭のゲストが すぐ近くで 暎動が起きおいるず知り 心配しおメヌルをくれたのでした セバスチャンによれば 「ゲスト13人から連絡があった 母芪からの電話よりも 早かった」そうです この逞話は なぜ私がコラボ消費を 愛しおいるのか なぜ本を執筆するに飜き足らず この動きを䞖界に広めようずしおいるのか その理由をずばり瀺しおいたす その理由ずは ゚ンパワメントです 空虚な取匕ではなく 人ず人ずの関係に基づいた AirbnbやKickstarter Etsyのような垂堎を通じお 私たちがどこかで 倱っおしたった人間らしさを たた芋぀けられるように 有意矩な人間同士の 関係を䜜れるように 人びずを力づけるものです 皮肉なこずに これらのアむデアは私たちを おなじみの垂堎原理ず 人間に固有の協調性に 立ち返らせたす 昔からある考え方を新たな時代に 合わせただけなのです 私たちの䞖界は 文字通り 繋がり始めおいたす 共有や亀換 賃貞に物々亀換 どんな商品でも可胜です WhipCar では車を Spinlisterでは自転車を Loosecubesではオフィスを Landshareでは庭を共有できたす Zopa やLending Clubで 他人ずのお金の貞し借りも可胜です 寿叞䜜りからプログラミングたで あらゆる講座を Skillshareで受けるこずができたす DogVacayを䜿えば ペットたでも共有できたす 玠晎らしいコラボ消費の䞖界にようこそ ここでは自分が持っおいるものず 欲しいものを 民䞻的に亀換できたす コラボ消費は需芁ず䟛絊の抂念を 倉革しようずしおいるのです 䞀方で これは珟圚進行䞭の 倧きな䟡倀芳の倉化の䞀貫でもありたす その倉化ずは 呚りの人に合わせるために 消費するのではなく 呚りの人ず芪しくなるために消費する ずいう行動です しかし これほどコラボ消費が 進行しおいる䞻な理由は テクノロゞヌの進歩のおかげで 効率性が高たり 信頌が簡単に築けるため シェアするこずが 容易になったのです このような垂堎 どれを芋おも 信甚ず効率は 垞に重芁な圹割を担っおいたす 䟋えば この方を芋おみたしょう 46歳のクリスは この䌚堎の皆さんがうらやむような 「SuperRabbit 」ずいう肩曞きを持っおいたす 4幎前 クリスは 矎術品のバむダヌの職を 倱っおしたいたした 䞍況のなか新しい仕事を芋぀けるのに― 苊劎しおいた頃 TaskRabbitに関する投皿に 偶然出䌚ったのでした さおこのTaskRabbit ですが 蚭立には こんな経緯がありたす この話には コヌビヌずいう名の かわいい犬が登堎したす 2008 幎 2 月のこずでした リアず倫のケビンは 食事に行くため 家を出ようずするず コヌビヌがよだれだらけの顔で 駆け寄っおきたした 二人はドッグフヌドが 切れおいたこずに気づきたした そこで倖食はキャンセルし 雪の䞭 買い物に行くはめになりたした その倜 自称ハむテクオタクの2人は もしeBayのようなサむトで 誰かに雑甚を頌めたら どんなに良いかず話しおいたした 6か月埌 リアは仕事を蟞め TaskRabbit が誕生したした 圓時の圌女には 思いもよりたせんでしたが このアむデアは埌に サヌビス・ネットワヌクずいうものに成長したす これは私たちが珟実の䞖界で 物事を成し遂げるために ネット䞊の関係を いかに掻甚するかずいうこずです TaskRabbit の仕組みは 委蚗したい甚事に 垌望䟡栌を぀け ホヌムペヌゞに掲茉するず 審査にパスした登録者がそれを芋お 名乗りを挙げるずいう流れです 登録者になるには 厳しい採甚プロセスが蚭けられおいたす 玠晎らしい人材を採甚し 信甚できない人を䞍採甚ずするためです 珟圚アメリカ合衆囜党䜓で 4,000以䞊の登録者がいたす さらに5,000 人以䞊が 補欠リストに茉っおいたす ご掚察の通り 掲茉されおいる甚事は 家事や― スヌパヌぞの買出しなどです 先日知ったのですが TaskRabbit登録者が これたでに掗濯した衣類の総数は のべ12,500枚にも䞊るずのこずです しかし 私は1日100回以䞊掲茉される― 人気No.1の甚事が気に入っおいたす 私たちの倚くが劎力を芁するず 考えおいる仕事― そうです むケアの家具の組立です(拍手) 玠晎らしいでしょう お笑いになるかもしれたせんが― クリスは こういった雑甚で 月に 5,000 ドルを皌いでいたす この新しい劎働力の 70 %が 以前は長期の倱業者や 䞍完党雇甚者でした TaskRabbitやその他のコラボ消費は お小遣い皌ぎを パワヌアップしたようなものです 考えおもみおください 過去 20 幎の間に ネット䞊の人々を信頌しお― 情報を提䟛したり クレゞットカヌドの情報を入力するたでに 進歩したのです そしお珟圚 私たち は信頌の第3波にいたす ぀たり 芋知らぬ人同士を信頌が぀なぎ 人々の力による垂堎を開拓できるのです ピュヌ・センタヌの研究によれば Facebookをよく䜿う人は むンタヌネットをしない人よりも3倍も 他人を信頌しおいるこずが分かりたした バヌチャルな信頌は 私たちが察面で築くような信頌関係を 倉えおいくでしょう さお 私は楜芳的なこずを述べたしたが ただ十分 泚意を芁するこずがありたす 耇雑で難しい問題です 緊急に察凊する必芁がありたす その問題ずはネット䞊ず珟実の アむデンティティを䞀臎させるこずです その問題ずはネット䞊ず珟実の アむデンティティを䞀臎させるこずです 察面で構築されるような信頌関係を ネット䞊でどう構築したすか? 他のサむトを悪甚した人が 違う名前で同じこずを繰り返すのを どう阻止したすか? 䌁業が信甚栌付けを甚いお 携垯電話の料金プランや ロヌンの利率を決めるように 他人同士の取匕に䟝存する ネット䞊の垂堎にも 䟋えばセバスチャンやクリスが 信頌できる人間かどうかを䌝える 䜕らかの手段が必芁です その手段が 評䟡なのです 評䟡はコミュニティ内での あなたの信頌床を衚したす クリスの堎合は 200 人以䞊の人が 5点䞭平均4.99点以䞊で 圌を評䟡しおいるこずがわかりたす 圌に察するレビュヌは 20ペヌゞ以䞊に及び― 「フレンドリヌ」「仕事が速い」 等のコメントがありたす 圌は最高レベルの25に達し 「SupperRabbit」の称号を埗おいたす 圌は最高レベルの25に達し 「SupperRabbit」の称号を埗おいたす 「SupperRabbit」 なんお良い称号ですね 興味深いこずに圌の評䟡が䞊がるに぀れ 仕事を勝ち取るチャンスが増えおいき― さらに倀段も䞊げられるのです ぀たり「SuperRabbit」にずっお ネット䞊の評䟡は 珟実に䟡倀があるのです 別に目新しいものではないず 考える人もいるかも知れたせん Amazonの星評䟡ず同じこずです 違いはずいえば 私たちが取匕を行うたび― コメントを入力するたび バッゞを獲埗するたびに いろいろな所に信頌床を瀺す 評䟡の手がかりを残しおいるこずです この評䟡のデヌタが 驚異的であるのは 範囲が幅広いだけでなく 量も膚倧であるからです 考えおみおください 過去半幎の間に のべ500 䞇泊分の予玄が Airbnb 経由で行われ での車の 利甚回数は3000䞇回にのがるのです 今幎床 P2Pのプラットフォヌムを介した お金の貞し借りの総額は 20 億ドルにのがる芋蟌みだそうです これらのデヌタが積み重なっお 私たちの振る舞いを蚘録した 無数の評刀のデヌタになるのです 異なるサむトに残した情報を 集め関連づけるこずは 非垞に難しい課題ですが― その解決こそが 私たちに求められおいたす セバスチャンのような人たちは 圓然の暩利ずしお 評䟡デヌタを自分で所有するこずを 求め始めおいたす 圌が個人的にAirbnb䞊で 築いおきた評刀デヌタは 1぀のコミュニティから 他のコミュニティぞず 圌ず共に移動すべきでは ないでしょうか? 䟋えば圌がAmazonで 䞭叀本の販売を始めたずしお れロから始める必芁があるでしょうか? 私がニュヌペヌクからシドニヌに 匕っ越した時ず少し䌌おいたす おかしなこずに 私は携垯電話を契玄できなかったのです 私の信甚情報は 匕っ越しおいなかったからです 私はシステム䞊で 存圚しない人間になっおしたったのです 私が提案しおいるのは 評䟡経枈の次の段階ずしお 耇数の栌付けを足し合わせお 䜕らかの無意味な点数を ぀けるこずではありたせん ただでさえ生掻が耇雑なのに 誰がそれを望むでしょう? 同様に明確にしおおきたいのは ツむヌトやいいね! 友達の数も 無関係だず蚀うこずです ツむヌトやいいね!が瀺すのは 圱響力であっお その人の信頌床には 関係ありたせん しかし最も倧切な事は 評䟡は堎合により 異なるずいうこずです セバスチャンは泊たり客には 人気があっおも むケアの家具の組立が できるずは限りたせん どのようなデヌタを集めるべきか 芋極めるこずが― 倧きな課題です 未来は単䞀のアルゎリズムではなく 評䟡を䞊手く集めるこずによっお もたらされるはずだからです Facebook やGoogle のような 怜玢により 様々な状況䞋での長期に枡る 誰かの行動の党䜓像を 芋られるようになるのも 時間の問題です 誰がい぀ どこで なぜ あなたを信頌しおいるのか あなたのTaskrabbitずしおの評䟡 Airbnbで宿を綺麗に䜿ったか Quoraでどんな知識を披露したか リアルタむムで入っおくる情報は党お 䞀箇所に集められ ある皮の評䟡のダッシュボヌドに衚瀺され あなたの評䟡資本が 䞀目でわかるようになるでしょう 評䟡資本ずは 私が珟圚研究しおいる抂念で― 私の次の本のテヌマです 評䟡資本の定矩は 耇数のコミュニティや垂堎にわたる あなたの評刀 態床 胜力や䟡倀のこずです 䜕も遥か圌方の 最先端の話ではありたせん 実際にConnect.Me やLegit TrustCloud ずいったサヌビスが ネット䞊の評刀を 集箄 監芖し䜿甚する 方法を解明し始めおいたす この構想は 行動を垞に誰かに芋られおいる 感じを䞎えるかもしれたせん 確かに透明性やプラむバシヌに぀いお 解決すべき問題はたくさんありたす しかし最終的に個人の評䟡を 集玄するこずができお うたく制埡できるようになれば そこから生じる 膚倧な䟡倀を匕き出すこずができたす たた 信甚情報よりもずっず楜に 自分たちの評䟡を圢䜜るこずができたす セバスチャンを思い出しおください 圌が自分の評刀のために猫を買ったこずを プラむバシヌ問題ずは別に 他にも倧倉興味深い事柄がありたす ネット難民を ゚ンパワメントする方法です 圌らの䞭には䜕らかの理由で ネット䞊では掻動しおいないが この䞖で最も信頌できる人々が 含たれおいたす 圌らの仕事やコミュニティ 家族ぞの貢献床を どのように集め その䟡倀を評䟡資本にできるでしょうか? もし これが䞊手くできれば 評䟡資本を利甚しお 暩力 信頌性 圱響力のある人を芋極める方法が 良い意味で倧きく 倉わるかもしれたせん 埓来の個人の信甚情報は 3桁のスコアで衚されおいたすが その意味を理解できる人は3割しかいたせん そんなスコアで 商品の倀段や 䜕にアクセスできるかや 生掻党般での制玄が 決たる時代は終わるかもしれたせん 評䟡は信甚情報より匷力な 21䞖玀の通貚ずなるず 私は信じおいたす 評䟡が「信頌」ずいう䟡倀を持぀ 通貚になるのです 面癜いこずに評䟡は― コラボ消費掻動ず芏暡を発展させる 瀟䌚経枈の最滑油ずなり埗たすが 評䟡の源や 評䟡の応甚は ずっず幅広く䜿われる可胜性を 持っおいるのです 求人業界から 䟋を1぀挙げたしょう 評䟡デヌタによっお 履歎曞が時代遅れの 遺物ずなるかもしれたせん 4幎前 テックブロガヌで 起業家でもある スポルスキ氏ずアトりッド氏は 「Stack Overflow」を 始めるこずを決意したした Stack Overflowは 基本的に経隓豊富なプログラマヌが 他の優秀なプログラマヌに 非垞に技術的で専門的な質問― 䟋えばピクセルや chrome の拡匵機胜に関する 質問をできる堎でした このサむトでは 1日の質問数が 5,500にも及びたす そしお質問の80%は 的確な回答を埗おいたす ナヌザヌはあらゆる方法で 評䟡を獲埗するこずができたすが 基本的には 自分に知識があるこずを 他のプログラマヌに 認めおもらっお 評刀を埗たす サむトを立ち䞊げた数か月埌 創蚭者たちは 面癜い話を耳にし なるほどず思ったそうです ナヌザヌがこのサむトで埗た 自分の評䟡を― 履歎曞の最初に 蚘茉しおいるずいうこずでした さらに 採甚担圓者が ナニヌクな才胜の発掘のために サむト内を 怜玢しおいるずのこずでした 珟圚この方法で たくさんのプログラマヌが より良い仕事を芋぀けおいたす Stack Overflowず その評䟡ダッシュボヌドは 貎重な窓ずなっおいたす この窓を通しお その人の行動や 他の同業者の評䟡を 垣間芋る事ができるのです しかしStack Overflowの背埌で起こっおい さらに倧きな抂念こそ 非垞に゚キサむティングなものです 1぀のコミュニティで 埗られた評䟡が― その堎を超えお 䟡倀を持぀こずに 人々は気づき始めおいたす 非垞に興味深いこずです スヌパヌナヌザヌず話すず それが SuperRabbits であるか Stack OverflowやUberhostsの スヌパヌナヌザヌであるかに関わらず― 皆 高い評䟡を埗たこずで― 自分が持っおいる隠された力に 気づいたず蚀いたす Stack Overflowは 公平な競争の堎を䜜り 本圓に胜力のある人が 頂䞊に登るこずを可胜にしたした Airbnb では宿よりも ホストである人が重芁でした TaskRabbit では 人々は自分の経枈掻動を コントロヌルする術を埗たした セバスチャンは別れ際に こう蚀いたした 圌の曞店に客が来ない ぀いおない憂鬱な雚の日には 䞖界䞭の人々が圌に 蚀っおくれた玠敵なこず― 圌の人間ずしおの評䟡を 思い出すそうです 圌は今幎50歳になりたす Airbnbで築き䞊げた― 評䟡の豊かなタペストリヌが 残りの人生を 䜕か面癜い掻動ぞず導いおくれるず 圌は固く信じおいたす 瀟䌚経枈システムを倉える― 可胜性を持぀出来事は 歎史䞊ほんの䞀握りしかありたせん 私たちはそんな時を生きおいるのです 私は信じおいたす このコラボ消費革呜の始たりは 産業革呜ず同じくらい重芁であるず 20 䞖玀に考案された信甚情報は 消費のシステムを倉え 様々な方法で 誰が䜕を手に入れられるかを 支配しおきたした 21 䞖玀には 新しい信頌ネットワヌクが確立され― そこで぀くられた評䟡資本が 想像も぀かない方法で 富や垂堎 力 個人のアむデンティティに関する― 考え方を倉えおいくでしょう ありがずうございたした(拍手) (拍手)
How would people describe your judgment, your knowledge, your behaviors, in different situations? Today I'd like to explore with you why the answer to this question will become profoundly important in an age where reputation will be your most valuable asset. I'd like to start by introducing you to someone whose life has been changed by a marketplace fueled by reputation. Sebastian Sandys has been a bed and breakfast host on Airbnb since 2008. I caught up with him recently, where, over the course of several cups of tea, he told me how hosting guests from all over the world has enriched his life. More than 50 people have come to stay in the 18th-century watchhouse he lives in with his cat, Squeak. Now, I mention Squeak because Sebastian's first guest happened to see a rather large mouse run across the kitchen, and she promised that she would refrain from leaving a bad review on one condition: he got a cat. And so Sebastian bought Squeak to protect his reputation. Now, as many of you know, Airbnb is a peer-to-peer marketplace that matches people who have space to rent with people who are looking for a place to stay in over 192 countries. The places being rented out are things that you might expect, like spare rooms and holiday homes, but part of the magic is the unique places that you can now access: treehouses, teepees, airplane hangars, igloos. If you don't like the hotel, there's a castle down the road that you can rent for 5,000 dollars a night. It's a fantastic example of how technology is creating a market for things that never had a marketplace before. Now let me show you these heat maps of Paris to see how insanely fast it's growing. This image here is from 2008. The pink dots represent host properties. Even four years ago, letting strangers stay in your home seemed like a crazy idea. Now the same view in 2010. And now, 2012. There is an Airbnb host on almost every main street in Paris. Now, what's happening here is people are realizing the power of technology to unlock the idling capacity and value of all kinds of assets, from skills to spaces to material possessions, in ways and on a scale never possible before. It's an economy and culture called collaborative consumption, and, through it, people like Sebastian are becoming micro-entrepreneurs. They're empowered to make money and save money from their existing assets. But the real magic and the secret source behind collaborative consumption marketplaces like Airbnb isn't the inventory or the money. It's using the power of technology to build trust between strangers. This side of Airbnb really hit home to Sebastian last summer during the London riots. He woke up around 9, and he checked his email and he saw a bunch of messages all asking him if he was okay. Former guests from around the world had seen that the riots were happening just down the street, and wanted to check if he needed anything. Sebastian actually said to me, he said, "Thirteen former guests contacted me before my own mother rang." Now, this little anecdote gets to the heart of why I'm really passionate about collaborative consumption, I'm going to try and spread this into a global movement. Because at its core, it's about empowerment. It's about empowering people to make meaningful connections, connections that are enabling us to rediscover a humanness that we've lost somewhere along the way, by engaging in marketplaces like Airbnb, like Kickstarter, like Etsy, that are built on personal relationships versus empty transactions. Now the irony is that these ideas are actually taking us back to old market principles and collaborative behaviors that are hard-wired in all of us. They're just being reinvented in ways that are relevant for the Facebook age. We're literally beginning to realize that we have wired our world to share, swap, rent, barter or trade just about anything. We're sharing our cars on WhipCar, our bikes on Spinlister, our offices on Loosecubes, our gardens on Landshare. We're lending and borrowing money from strangers on Zopa and Lending Club. We are trading lessons on everything from sushi-making to coding on Skillshare, and we're even sharing our pets on DogVacay. Now welcome to the wonderful world of collaborative consumption that's enabling us to match wants with haves in more democratic ways. Now, collaborative consumption is creating the start of a transformation in the way we think about supply and demand, but it's also a part of a massive value shift underway, where instead of consuming to keep up with the Joneses, people are consuming to get to know the Joneses. But the key reason why it's taking off now so fast is because every new advancement of technology increases the efficiency and the social glue of trust to make sharing easier and easier. Now, I've looked at thousands of these marketplaces, and trust and efficiency are always the critical ingredients. Let me give you an example. Meet 46-year-old Chris Mok, who has, I bet, the best job title here of SuperRabbit. Now, four years ago, Chris lost his job, unfortunately, as an art buyer at Macy's, and like so many people, he struggled to find a new one during the recession. And then he happened to stumble across a post about TaskRabbit. Now, the story behind TaskRabbit starts like so many great stories with a very cute dog by the name of Kobe. Now what happened was, in February 2008, Leah and her husband were waiting for a cab to take them out for dinner, when Kobe came trotting up to them and he was salivating with saliva. They realized they'd run out of dog food. Kevin had to cancel the cab and trudge out in the snow. Now, later that evening, the two self-confessed tech geeks starting talking about how cool it would be if some kind of eBay for errands existed. Six months later, Leah quit her job, and TaskRabbit was born. At the time, she didn't realize that she was actually hitting on a bigger idea she later called service networking. It's essentially about how we use our online relationships to get things done in the real world. Now the way TaskRabbit works is, people outsource the tasks that they want doing, name the price they're willing to pay, and then vetted Rabbits bid to run the errand. Yes, there's actually a four-stage, rigorous interview process that's designed to find the people that would make great personal assistants and weed out the dodgy Rabbits. Now, there's over 4,000 Rabbits across the United States and 5,000 more on the waiting list. Now the tasks being posted are things that you might expect, like help with household chores or doing some supermarket runs. I actually learned the other day that 12 and a half thousand loads of laundry have been cleaned and folded But I love that the number one task posted, over a hundred times a day, is something that many of us have felt the pain of doing: yes, assembling Ikea furniture. It's brilliant. Now, we may laugh, but Chris here is actually making up to 5,000 dollars a month And 70 percent of this new labor force were previously unemployed or underemployed. I think TaskRabbit and other examples of collaborative consumption are like lemonade stands on steroids. They're just brilliant. Now, when you think about it, it's amazing, right, that over the past 20 years, we've evolved from trusting people online to share information to trusting to handing over our credit card information, and now we're entering the third trust wave: connecting trustworthy strangers to create all kinds of people-powered marketplaces. I actually came across this fascinating study by the Pew Center this week that revealed that an active Facebook user is three times as likely as a non-Internet user to believe that most people are trustworthy. Virtual trust will transform the way we trust one another face to face. Now, with all of my optimism, and I am an optimist, comes a healthy dose of caution, or rather, an urgent need to address some pressing, complex questions. How to ensure our digital identities reflect our real world identities? Do we want them to be the same? How do we mimic the way trust is built face-to-face online? How do we stop people who've behaved badly in one community doing so under a different guise? In a similar way that companies often use some kind of credit rating to decide whether to give you a mobile plan, or the rate of a mortgage, marketplaces that depend on transactions between relative strangers need some kind of device to let you know that Sebastian and Chris are good eggs, and that device is reputation. Reputation is the measurement of how much a community trusts you. Let's just take a look at Chris. You can see that over 200 people have given him an average rating over 4.99 out of 5. There are over 20 pages of reviews of his work describing him as super-friendly and fast, and he's reached level 25, the highest level, making him a SuperRabbit. Now — -- I love that word, SuperRabbit. And interestingly, what Chris has noted is that as his reputation has gone up, so has his chances of winning a bid and how much he can charge. In other words, for SuperRabbits, reputation has a real world value. Now, I know what you might be thinking. Well, this isn't anything new. Just think of power sellers on eBay or star ratings on Amazon. The difference today is that, with every trade we make, comment we leave, person we flag, badge we earn, of how well we can and can't be trusted. And it's not just the breadth but the volume of reputation data out there that is staggering. Just consider this: Five million nights have been booked on Airbnb in the past six months alone. 30 million rides have been shared on This year, two billion dollars worth of loans will go through peer-to-peer lending platforms. This adds up to millions of pieces of reputation data on how well we behave or misbehave. Now, capturing and correlating the trails of information that we leave in different places is a massive challenge, but one we're being asked to figure out. What the likes of Sebastian are starting to rightfully ask is, shouldn't they own their reputation data? Shouldn't the reputation that he's personally invested on building on Airbnb mean that it should travel with him from one community to another? What I mean by this is, say he started selling second-hand books on Amazon. Why should he have to start from scratch? It's a bit like when I moved from New York to Sydney. It was ridiculous. I couldn't get a mobile phone plan because my credit history didn't travel with me. I was essentially a ghost in the system. Now I'm not suggesting that the next stage of the reputation economy is about adding up multiple ratings into some kind of empty score. People's lives are too complex, and who wants to do that? I also want to be clear that this isn't about adding up tweets and likes and friends in a clout-like fashion. Those guys are measuring influence, not behaviors that indicate our trustworthiness. But the most important thing that we have to keep in mind is that reputation is largely contextual. Just because Sebastian is a wonderful host does not mean that he can assemble Ikea furniture. The big challenge is figuring out what data makes sense to pull, because the future's going to be driven by a smart aggregation of reputation, not a single algorithm. It's only a matter of time before we'll be able to perform a Facebook- or Google-like search and see a complete picture of someone's behaviors in different contexts over time. I envision a realtime stream of who has trusted you, when, where and why, your reliability on TaskRabbit, your cleanliness as a guest on Airbnb, the knowledge that you display on Quora or [unclear], they'll all live together in one place, and this will live in some kind of reputation dashboard that will paint a picture of your reputation capital. Now this is a concept that I'm currently researching and writing my next book on, and currently define as the worth of your reputation, your intentions, capabilities and values across communities and marketplaces. This isn't some far-off frontier. There are actually a wave of startups like Connect.Me and Legit and TrustCloud that are figuring out how you can aggregate, monitor and use your online reputation. Now, I realize that this concept may sound a little Big Brother to some of you, and yes, there are some enormous transparency and privacy issues to solve, but ultimately, if we can collect our personal reputation, we can actually control it more, and extract the immense value that will flow from it. Also, more so than our credit history, we can actually shape our reputation. Just think of Sebastian and how he bought the cat to influence his. Now privacy issues aside, the other really interesting issue I'm looking at is how do we empower digital ghosts, people [who] for whatever reason, are not active online, but are some of the most trustworthy people in the world? How do we take their contributions to their jobs, their communities and their families, and convert that value into reputation capital? Ultimately, when we get it right, reputation capital in who has power, trust and influence. A three-digit score, your traditional credit history, that only 30 percent of us actually know what it is, will no longer be the determining factor in how much things cost, what we can access, and, in many instances, limit what we can do in the world. Indeed, reputation is a currency that I believe will become more powerful than our credit history in the 21st century. Reputation will be the currency that says that you can trust me. Now the interesting thing is, reputation that makes collaborative consumption work and scale, but the sources it will be generated from, and its applications, are far bigger than this space alone. Let me give you one example from the world of recruiting, where reputation data will make the résumé seem like an archaic relic of the past. Four years ago, tech bloggers and entrepreneurs Joel Spolsky and Jeff Atwood, decided to start something called Stack Overflow. Now, Stack Overflow is basically a platform where experienced programmers can ask other good programmers highly detailed technical questions on things like tiny pixels and chrome extensions. This site receives five and a half thousand questions a day, and 80 percent of these receive accurate answers. Now users earn reputation in a whole range of ways, but it's basically by convincing their peers they know what they're talking about. Now a few months after this site launched, the founders heard about something interesting, and it actually didn't surprise them. What they heard was that users were putting their reputation scores on the top of their résumés, and that recruiters were searching the platform to find people with unique talents. Now thousands of programmers today are finding better jobs this way, because Stack Overflow and the reputation dashboards provide a priceless window into how someone really behaves, and what their peers think of them. But the bigger principle of what's happening behind Stack Overflow, I think, is incredibly exciting. People are starting to realize that the reputation they generate in one place has value beyond the environments from which it was built. You know, it's very interesting. When you talk to super-users, whether that's SuperRabbits or super-people on Stack Overflow, or Uberhosts, they all talk about how having a high reputation unlocks a sense of their own power. On Stack Overflow, it creates a level playing field, enabling the people with the real talent to rise to the top. On Airbnb, the people often become more important than the spaces. On TaskRabbit, it gives people control of their economic activity. Now at the end of my tea with Sebastian, he told me how, on a bad, rainy day, when he hasn't had a customer in his bookstore, he thinks of all the people around the world who've said something wonderful about him, and what that says about him as a person. He's turning 50 this year, and he's convinced that the rich tapestry of reputation he's built on Airbnb will lead him to doing something interesting with the rest of his life. You know, there are only a few windows in history where the opportunity exists to reinvent part of how our socioeconomic system works. We're living through one of those moments. I believe that we are at the start of a collaborative revolution that will be as significant as the Industrial Revolution. In the 20th century, the invention of traditional credit transformed our consumer system, and in many ways controlled who had access to what. In the 21st century, new trust networks, and the reputation capital they generate, will reinvent the way we think about wealth, markets, power and personal identity, in ways we can't yet even imagine. Thank you very much.
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深みが無かったり、感情的に匕き぀けられるものでは無かったりするのです そこで、私はそのすべおを倉えおみたいのです 切り替えおください さお、これは おなじみのむンタフェヌスですよね? ずっおも平面的で 硬盎した感じがしたす それで、こい぀をもっずセクシヌにしお、キャンディヌのようなMacのUIにできれば... しかしこれにしおもクズに違いはなく、 30幎前から 倧しお倉わっおいたせん 私たちはコンピュヌタの至らなさを堪え忍んでいたす ぀たり、ポむント&amp;クリック、メニュヌ、アむコン、これらはすべお倉わっおいないのです 私がむンスピレヌションを埗る情報空間は実際の机です 机ずいうのは、より繊现で、より盎感的なものです- 芋えるもの芋えないものも含めお そんな䜓隓をデスクトップで再珟したいのです それで䜜ったのが、このBumpTopです デスクトップコンピュヌティングにおける新しいアプロヌチです 物をぶ぀け合うこずができたす ぀たり、これらは物理的に操䜜可胜で ポむント&amp;クリックする代わりに、抌したり匕いたりしたす 期埅したずおりに物が衝突したす 本物の机の䞊ず同じように こい぀らを捕たえお、積み䞊げるこずができたす フォルダヌに入れる代わりに それで、積み䞊げたら、栌子状に䞊べお眺められたすし 本のようにパラパラめくるこずもできたり トランプのように広げるこずもできたす 広げた状態では、順序を入れ替えたり、削陀したり さっず党郚を゜ヌトできたす 䞀瞬ですよね? 珟圚のむンタフェヌスに芋られる䞍快さが無く、スムヌズなアニメヌションで実行されたす 山に远加したい堎合は、どうすれば良いのでしょう? 投げ぀けおやれば、䞀番䞊に远加されたす うたいやり方です 他に出来るこずですが アむコンずいうアむデアは 拡匵しおもっず楜しいものにできないでしょうか? できるこずの1぀は、倧きくするこずです- 重芁だず匷調したければ でも、本圓にクヌルなのは、物理シミュレヌションをしおいる所で これは実際に重たくなりたす ですので、軜い物では動かせたせん でも、こい぀を軜いや぀らに投げ぀けるず、どうなるでしょう? かわいらしいですが、情報を䌝える埮劙なチャネルでもあるずも蚀えたすよね? これは重いので、より重芁に感じたす だからクヌルなのです コンピュヌタはどこにでもあるのに、玙は無くなっおいたせん 玙には倚くの重芁な性質があるからです それをこのシステムではアむコンにより衚珟したかったのです これらのアむコンは、玙のようにくしゃくしゃにしたり、折ったりできたす 埌で䜕かを思い出せるように めちゃくちゃにしたければ、しわくちゃにしお 角っこに投げ捚おられたす 仕事堎では、埌で思い出せるように- 玙を壁に貌り付けたす ここでも同じこずができたす ポストむットなんかを職堎で芋かけたすよね 䜿うずきには壁からはがしたす それで、こういう敎理のアプロヌチに察しお、こんな颚に評論を受けたす 「なるほど ただ、私の机は散らかっおおね コンピュヌタでも散らかしたくないね」 そういうのに察しおは、グリッド状に敎列できお これたでのデスクトップのようにできたす グリッド状に敎列されたしたね グリッド衚瀺だずちょっず退屈ですが、ぶ぀けるのは盞倉わらずできたす デスクトップで本棚を䜜っお楜しむこずもできたす 本棚は壊しおおきたしょう アむコンの発想を越えた本圓にクヌルな応甚が、この゜フトりェアにはありたす 単にアむコンずデスクトップずしお䜿うのではなく、写真を眺めるのにも䜿えたす 写真を眺める方法を本圓に豊かにできるず思っおいお 家族ず䞀緒にキッチンテヌブルの䞊で写真を広げお芋るようなこずができたす 攟ったりでき 本物のような手応えがありたす よく芋たいずきはダブルクリックしたす さっきお芋せしたようなこずもできたす ですので、山積みにしたり、パラパラ芋たり この写真を埌ろに持っおきお、こい぀を消しお、これは ここに持っおきお... これは情報に察するより豊かな接し方だず思いたす 以䞊がBumpTopです ご枅聎ありがずうございたした
Like, they're very kind of -- they don't go as deep or as emotionally engaging as they possibly could be and I'd like to change all that. Hit me. OK. So I mean, this is the kind of status quo interface, right? It's very flat, kind of rigid. And OK, so you could sex it up and like go to a much more lickable Mac, you know, but really it's the kind of same old crap we've had for the last, you know, 30 years. Like I think we really put up with a lot of crap with our computers. I mean it's point and click, it's like the menus, icons, it's all the kind of same thing. And so one kind of information space that I take inspiration from is my real desk. It's so much more subtle, so much more visceral -- you know, what's visible, what's not. And I'd like to bring that experience to the desktop. So I kind of have a -- this is BumpTop. It's kind of like a new approach to desktop computing. So you can bump things -- they're all physically, you know, manipulable and stuff. And instead of that point and click, it's like a push and pull, things collide as you'd expect them. Just like on my real desk, I can -- let me just grab these guys -- I can turn things into piles instead of just the folders that we have. And once things are in a pile I can browse them by throwing them into a grid, or you know, flip through them like a book or I can lay them out like a deck of cards. When they're laid out, I can pull things to new locations or delete things or just quickly sort a whole pile, you know, just immediately, right? And then, it's all smoothly animated, instead of these jarring changes you see in today's interfaces. Also, if I want to add something to a pile, well, how do I do that? I just toss it to the pile, and it's added right to the top. It's a kind of nice way. Also some of the stuff we can do is, for these individual icons we thought -- I mean, how can we play with the idea of an icon, and push that further? And one of the things I can do is make it bigger if I want to emphasize it and make it more important. But what's really cool is that since there's a physics simulation running under this, it's actually heavier. So the lighter stuff doesn't really move but if I throw it at the lighter guys, right? So it's cute, but it's also like a subtle channel of conveying information, right? This is heavy so it feels more important. So it's kind of cool. Despite computers everywhere paper really hasn't disappeared, because it has a lot of, I think, valuable properties. And some of those we wanted to transfer to the icons in our system. So one of the things you can do to our icons, just like paper, is crease them and fold them, just like paper. Remember, you know, something for later. Or if you want to be destructive, you can just crumple it up and, you know, toss it to the corner. Also just like paper, around our workspace we'll pin things up to the wall to remember them later, and I can do the same thing here, and you know, you'll see post-it notes and things like that around people's offices. And I can pull them off when I want to work with them. So, one of the criticisms of this kind of approach to organization is that, you know, "Okay, well my real desk is really messy. I don't want that mess on my computer." So one thing we have for that is like a grid align, kind of -- so you get that more traditional desktop. Things are kind of grid aligned. More boring, but you still have that kind of colliding and bumping. And you can still do fun things like make shelves on your desktop. Let's just break this shelf. Okay, that shelf broke. I think beyond the icons, I think another really cool domain for this software -- I think it applies to more than just icons and your desktop -- but browsing photographs. I think you can really enrich the way we browse our photographs and bring it to that kind of shoebox of, you know, photos with your family on the kitchen table kind of thing. I can toss these things around. They're so much more tangible and touchable -- and you know I can double-click on something to take a look at it. And I can do all that kind of same stuff I showed you before. So I can pile things up, I can flip through it, I can, you know -- okay, let's move this photo to the back, let's delete this guy here, and I think it's just a much more rich kind of way of interacting with your information. And that's BumpTop. Thanks!
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }