import unittest import pytest import jiwer def all_m(wer, mer, wil): return { "wer": wer, "mer": mer, "wip": 1 - wil, "wil": wil, } def to_measure_dict(x: jiwer.WordOutput): return {"wer": x.wer, "mer": x.mer, "wip": x.wip, "wil": x.wil} def assert_dict_almost_equal( test_case: unittest.TestCase, a, b, places=None, msg=None, delta=None ): test_case.assertIsInstance(a, dict) test_case.assertIsInstance(b, dict) test_case.assertEqual(set(a.keys()), set(b.keys())) for k in a.keys(): test_case.assertAlmostEqual(a[k], b[k], places=places, msg=msg, delta=delta) class TestMeasuresContiguousSentencesTransform(unittest.TestCase): def test_input_ref_string_hyp_string(self): cases = [ ("This is a test", "This is a test", all_m(0, 0, 0)), ("This is a test", "", all_m(1, 1, 1)), ("This is a test", "This test", all_m(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)), ] self._apply_test_on(cases) def test_input_ref_string_hyp_list(self): cases = [ ("This is a test", ["This is a test"], all_m(0, 0, 0)), ("This is a test", [""], all_m(1, 1, 1)), ("This is a test", ["This test"], all_m(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)), ] self._apply_test_on(cases) def test_input_ref_list_hyp_string(self): cases = [ (["This is a test"], "This is a test", all_m(0, 0, 0)), (["This is a test"], "", all_m(1, 1, 1)), (["This is a test"], "This test", all_m(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)), ] self._apply_test_on(cases) def test_input_ref_list_hyp_list(self): cases = [ (["This is a test"], ["This is a test"], all_m(0, 0, 0)), (["This is a test"], [""], all_m(1, 1, 1)), (["This is a test"], ["This test"], all_m(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)), ] self._apply_test_on(cases) def test_different_sentence_length_equal_type(self): cases = [ ( ["hello", "this", "sentence", "is fractured"], ["this sentence"], all_m(0.6, 0.6, 0.6), ), ( "i am a short ground truth", "i am a considerably longer and very much incorrect hypothesis", all_m(7 / 6, 0.7, 0.85), ), ] self._apply_test_on(cases) def test_different_sentence_length_unequaL_type(self): reference = [ "i like monthy python", "what do you mean african or european swallow", ] hypothesis = ["i like", "python", "what you mean", "or swallow"] x = jiwer.process_words( reference, hypothesis, reference_transform=jiwer.transformations.wer_contiguous, hypothesis_transform=jiwer.transformations.wer_contiguous, ) x_dict = to_measure_dict(x) # is equivalent to reference = "i like monthy python what do you mean african or european swallow" hypothesis = "i like python what you mean or swallow" y = jiwer.process_words( reference, hypothesis, reference_transform=jiwer.transformations.wer_contiguous, hypothesis_transform=jiwer.transformations.wer_contiguous, ) y_dict = to_measure_dict(y) assert_dict_almost_equal(self, x_dict, y_dict, delta=1e-9) def test_fail_on_empty_reference(self): for method in [ jiwer.wer, jiwer.wil, jiwer.wip, jiwer.mer, jiwer.compute_measures, ]: def callback(): method("", "test") self.assertRaises(ValueError, callback) def test_known_values(self): # Taken from the "From WER and RIL to MER and WIL" paper, for link see cases = [ ( "X", "X", all_m(0, 0, 0), ), ( "X", "X X Y Y", all_m(3, 0.75, 0.75), ), ( "X Y X", "X Z", all_m(2 / 3, 2 / 3, 5 / 6), ), ( "X", "Y", all_m(1, 1, 1), ), ( "X", "Y Z", all_m(2, 1, 1), ), ] self._apply_test_on(cases) def test_permutations_variance(self): cases = [ ( ["i", "am i good"], ["i am", "i good"], all_m(0.0, 0.0, 0), ), ( ["am i good", "i"], [ "i good", "i am", ], all_m(0.5, 0.4, 7 / 16), ), ] self._apply_test_on(cases) def _apply_test_on(self, cases): for ref, hyp, correct_measures in cases: output = jiwer.process_words( reference=ref, hypothesis=hyp, reference_transform=jiwer.transformations.wer_contiguous, hypothesis_transform=jiwer.transformations.wer_contiguous, ) output_dict = to_measure_dict(output) assert_dict_almost_equal(self, output_dict, correct_measures, delta=1e-16) class TestMeasuresDefaultTransform(unittest.TestCase): def test_input_gt_string_h_string(self): cases = [ ("This is a test", "This is a test", all_m(0, 0, 0)), ("This is a test", "", all_m(1, 1, 1)), ("This is a test", "This test", all_m(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)), ] self._apply_test_on(cases) def test_input_gt_string_h_list(self): cases = [ ("This is a test", ["This is a test"], all_m(0, 0, 0)), ("This is a test", [""], all_m(1, 1, 1)), ("This is a test", ["This test"], all_m(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)), ] self._apply_test_on(cases) def test_input_gt_list_h_string(self): cases = [ (["This is a test"], "This is a test", all_m(0, 0, 0)), (["This is a test"], "", all_m(1, 1, 1)), (["This is a test"], "This test", all_m(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)), ] self._apply_test_on(cases) def test_input_gt_list_h_list(self): cases = [ (["This is a test"], ["This is a test"], all_m(0, 0, 0)), (["This is a test"], [""], all_m(1, 1, 1)), (["This is a test"], ["This test"], all_m(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)), ] self._apply_test_on(cases) def test_fail_on_different_sentence_length(self): for method in [ jiwer.process_words, jiwer.wer, jiwer.wil, jiwer.wip, jiwer.mer, jiwer.compute_measures, ]: def callback(): method(["hello", "this", "sentence", "is fractured"], ["this sentence"]) self.assertRaises(ValueError, callback) def test_fail_on_empty_reference(self): for method in [ jiwer.process_words, jiwer.wer, jiwer.wil, jiwer.wip, jiwer.mer, jiwer.compute_measures, ]: def callback(): method("", "test") self.assertRaises(ValueError, callback) def test_known_values(self): # Taken from the "From WER and RIL to MER and WIL" paper, for link see cases = [ ( "X", "X", all_m(0, 0, 0), ), ( "X", "X X Y Y", all_m(3, 0.75, 0.75), ), ( "X Y X", "X Z", all_m(2 / 3, 2 / 3, 5 / 6), ), ( "X", "Y", all_m(1, 1, 1), ), ( "X", "Y Z", all_m(2, 1, 1), ), ] self._apply_test_on(cases) def test_permutations_invariance(self): cases = [ ( ["i", "am i good"], ["i am", "i good"], all_m(0.5, 0.4, 7 / 16), ), ( ["am i good", "i"], [ "i good", "i am", ], all_m(0.5, 0.4, 7 / 16), ), ] self._apply_test_on(cases) def _apply_test_on(self, cases): for ref, hyp, correct_measures in cases: output = jiwer.process_words(reference=ref, hypothesis=hyp) output_dict = to_measure_dict(output) assert_dict_almost_equal(self, output_dict, correct_measures, delta=1e-16) with pytest.deprecated_call(): output = jiwer.compute_measures(truth=ref, hypothesis=hyp) output_dict = { "wer": output["wer"], "mer": output["mer"], "wil": output["wil"], "wip": output["wip"], } assert_dict_almost_equal( self, output_dict, correct_measures, delta=1e-16 ) self._apply_test_deprecated_truth(cases) def _apply_test_deprecated_truth(self, cases): with pytest.deprecated_call(): for ref, hyp, correct_measures in cases: output_dict = {} for key, method in [ ("wer", jiwer.wer), ("mer", jiwer.mer), ("wil", jiwer.wil), ("wip", jiwer.wip), ]: output = method(truth=ref, hypothesis=hyp) output_dict[key] = output assert_dict_almost_equal( self, output_dict, correct_measures, delta=1e-16 ) def test_deprecated_truth_and_ref(self): for key, method in [ ("wer", jiwer.wer), ("mer", jiwer.mer), ("wil", jiwer.wil), ("wip", jiwer.wip), ("cer", jiwer.cer), ]: with pytest.raises(ValueError): method(truth="ref", reference="truth", hypothesis="huh") method() method(truth="only truth") method(reference="only ref") method(hypothesis="only hypothesis") def test_deprecated_truth_and_ref_with_transform(self): wer_transform = jiwer.Compose( [ jiwer.ToLowerCase(), jiwer.RemoveMultipleSpaces(), jiwer.Strip(), jiwer.ReduceToListOfListOfWords(), ] ) cer_transform = jiwer.Compose( [ jiwer.ToLowerCase(), jiwer.RemoveMultipleSpaces(), jiwer.Strip(), jiwer.ReduceToListOfListOfChars(), ] ) for key, method in [ ("wer", jiwer.wer), ("mer", jiwer.mer), ("wil", jiwer.wil), ("wip", jiwer.wip), ("cer", jiwer.cer), ]: if key == "cer": tr = cer_transform else: tr = wer_transform result = method( truth="This is a short Sentence with a few Words with upper and Lower cases", hypothesis="His is a short Sentence with a few Words with upper and Lower cases", truth_transform=tr, hypothesis_transform=tr, ) result_same = method( reference="This is a short Sentence with a few Words with upper and Lower cases", hypothesis="His is a short Sentence with a few Words with upper and Lower cases", reference_transform=tr, hypothesis_transform=tr, ) self.assertAlmostEqual(result, result_same) def test_deprecate_compute_measures(): # TODO: remove once deprecated with pytest.deprecated_call(): jiwer.compute_measures("no more", "compute_measures")