diff --git "a/data/qa5/0k.json" "b/data/qa5/0k.json" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/data/qa5/0k.json" @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[{"input": "Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Fred dropped the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Mary got the apple there.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill got the apple there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill left the apple.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Fred went to the garden.Mary left the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary picked up the apple there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Bill discarded the milk.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill left the milk.Mary got the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Bill put down the football.Fred moved to the garden.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred discarded the apple there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill put down the football.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Mary took the football there.Bill dropped the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff got the apple there.Mary gave the football to Bill.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary left the apple.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Bill took the milk there.Fred went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary left the apple.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary put down the football.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill left the milk.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Mary picked up the football there.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary left the football.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred took the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff put down the milk.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff went to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.Jeff grabbed the apple there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the football there.Bill got the milk there.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Mary went to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff moved to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Mary left the football.Fred took the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Fred passed the football to Bill.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary left the milk.Bill passed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff left the football.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary dropped the apple.Fred went back to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Mary went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill put down the apple.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Bill went back to the office.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff took the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary discarded the football.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary dropped the football there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the hallway.Bill got the football there.Bill discarded the football.Fred went back to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary left the apple.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary put down the milk there.Mary went to the garden.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Bill dropped the apple.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill got the football there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Fred went to the office.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Bill went to the office.Bill put down the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Mary went to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Fred put down the apple there.Fred got the apple there.Bill went to the garden.Bill discarded the milk.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Fred got the milk there.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill took the football there.Jeff put down the milk.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill dropped the football.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill took the football there.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Mary took the apple there.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill put down the football.Bill moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff put down the milk.Mary dropped the apple.Mary picked up the apple there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred moved to the office.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Bill moved to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.Fred moved to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff left the football.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary took the football there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary passed the football to Bill.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Mary left the football.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the office.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill dropped the milk.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the football.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff put down the football.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill left the milk.Bill took the milk there.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill put down the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary travelled to the office.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Jeff moved to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff took the football there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the hallway.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill dropped the milk.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff dropped the football.Bill picked up the football there.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary put down the milk.Fred took the milk there.Fred travelled to the office.Fred took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Fred dropped the milk.Bill dropped the apple.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Fred left the football.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill went to the office.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Mary dropped the football.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill picked up the football there.Bill put down the football.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Bill discarded the milk.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary got the apple there.Mary put down the football.Bill went back to the office.Mary took the football there.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Mary put down the football there.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred took the football there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Mary dropped the milk.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary took the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff put down the apple there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the apple there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Jeff took the football there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff left the football.Fred moved to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill put down the milk.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Fred went back to the office.Bill put down the milk.Fred got the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred put down the apple there.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff left the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff left the apple.Fred went to the garden.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Bill moved to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Bill went to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Mary picked up the football there.Mary handed the football to Fred.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Mary discarded the milk.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Bill went to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Bill got the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went to the garden.Mary put down the milk.Fred moved to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Jeff moved to the office.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff took the football there.Bill took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred took the milk there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary picked up the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Mary dropped the apple there.Mary took the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Mary went to the office.Fred dropped the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Mary took the milk there.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary dropped the milk.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary travelled to the office.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Mary took the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Fred put down the milk.Mary dropped the apple there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill picked up the football there.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.Bill got the football there.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Fred left the milk.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Fred got the milk there.Bill handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff got the milk there.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary handed the football to Fred.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff took the football there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary discarded the football.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Fred got the football there.Fred put down the football.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff took the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff left the apple.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff got the apple there.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary left the milk there.Mary got the milk there.Mary dropped the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff put down the apple.Bill discarded the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Bill discarded the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill took the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill left the football.Fred left the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff got the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the football.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Jeff took the football there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the football.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary put down the milk.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Bill picked up the football there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary left the milk.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went back to the garden.Fred went to the office.Fred went to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill discarded the milk.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Jeff moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill left the milk.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff put down the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary discarded the milk.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff moved to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Bill left the apple.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the hallway.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple.Fred took the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Mary took the football there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Jeff discarded the apple.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Bill put down the football there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary went back to the office.Bill went to the office.Jeff went to the office.Fred left the apple.Jeff gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary went to the office.Fred passed the football to Mary.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Mary dropped the football.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Mary took the football there.Bill moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary took the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary left the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Mary discarded the apple.Bill put down the milk.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Mary discarded the apple.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred gave the football to Bill.Mary dropped the apple.Bill moved to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff put down the apple there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary got the milk there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Fred journeyed to the garden.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the football there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary left the milk.Mary dropped the football.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary dropped the apple.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary got the apple there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill went back to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Fred discarded the apple.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill discarded the milk.Fred travelled to the office.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Fred took the milk there.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the garden.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill put down the milk.Bill got the milk there.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the garden.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Fred travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill picked up the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary put down the milk.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Bill put down the football.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill went back to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill discarded the football.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill took the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff took the football there.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff discarded the football.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred got the football there.Fred went back to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff took the milk there.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Bill went to the office.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill took the football there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Bill left the football there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the office.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Bill put down the milk.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Fred discarded the apple.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Mary moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill took the football there.Bill put down the football.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill put down the football there.Jeff put down the apple there.Fred left the milk.Mary moved to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Jeff went to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff left the apple.Mary left the milk there.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Bill went to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred put down the milk.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the office.Bill discarded the apple.Mary went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred put down the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred got the football there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill took the apple there.Fred passed the football to Mary.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred put down the football there.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Fred discarded the apple.Fred took the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary took the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Jeff went to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Fred passed the football to Mary.Bill went to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred left the milk.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary left the football.Jeff left the milk there.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill put down the apple.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff discarded the milk.Mary went to the garden.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the apple there.Jeff left the football.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff left the football.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff left the milk there.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred put down the football.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary dropped the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred got the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Bill went back to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred got the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary discarded the football.Mary got the football there.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the office.Mary went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.Bill went to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the office.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred dropped the apple.Jeff took the football there.Fred took the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred left the football.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Bill moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff got the milk there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Bill handed the football to Mary.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.Fred picked up the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff took the football there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill put down the apple.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff put down the football.Fred took the football there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred gave the football to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary handed the football to Fred.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary journeyed to the office.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred left the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred dropped the milk.Bill took the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill discarded the apple.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff got the milk there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill took the football there.Jeff put down the milk.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred left the milk.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill picked up the football there.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill discarded the football there.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the office.Bill left the apple.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill dropped the milk.Bill went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Bill discarded the apple.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred discarded the football.Jeff took the milk there.Bill took the apple there.Bill put down the apple there.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Mary went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill went to the garden.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill dropped the apple.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Jeff went back to the office.Fred left the milk.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the office.Bill got the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill put down the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill discarded the football there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill took the football there.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill put down the football.Bill picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill passed the football to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Fred went to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary left the apple.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Fred went to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred left the milk.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Mary grabbed the football there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill picked up the football there.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Jeff got the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Bill went back to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Fred went to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Mary gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Bill discarded the football.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary gave the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Mary left the milk.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary took the milk there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary put down the milk there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred put down the apple there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Bill went to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Bill dropped the football there.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Fred went back to the office.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Jeff went to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Mary dropped the apple there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill got the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Bill took the football there.Bill dropped the football.Mary went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill got the football there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Bill left the football there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary discarded the apple.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Mary took the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Mary took the apple there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary discarded the milk.Fred went to the office.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff got the apple there.Fred put down the football.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary left the milk.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred left the apple there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Bill travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Fred dropped the football there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred left the football.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill took the football there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill discarded the football.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill took the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Fred moved to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred took the apple there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Fred put down the apple.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Mary got the football there.Mary put down the football.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill took the milk there.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the garden.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff took the apple there.Bill went to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff left the apple.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff left the apple there.Fred handed the football to Mary.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary got the football there.Mary dropped the football.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Mary got the football there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Mary discarded the football.Bill got the milk there.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff took the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Fred picked up the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill travelled to the office.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the office.Mary went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill discarded the apple.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred dropped the apple.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Bill got the football there.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred put down the apple.Bill put down the milk.Bill went to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred went back to the garden.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Mary journeyed to the office.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill put down the apple.Bill took the apple there.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred discarded the apple there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred got the football there.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football there.Fred got the football there.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary went to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary got the milk there.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred went to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary put down the milk.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred discarded the apple.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred dropped the apple.Fred took the apple there.Fred discarded the apple.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Jeff put down the football.Jeff got the football there.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Mary went to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill moved to the office.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the office.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary went back to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary left the milk.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill took the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Bill discarded the milk.Fred gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff got the football there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary got the apple there.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff left the football.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary dropped the apple there.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill left the apple.Fred took the milk there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill took the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary dropped the milk.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.Bill dropped the milk.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary gave the football to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Bill put down the football.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary gave the football to Bill.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff took the football there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill put down the apple.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff put down the football.Fred took the football there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred gave the football to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary handed the football to Fred.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Bill put down the football.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff left the apple.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill left the football.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff put down the milk.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary discarded the football there.Jeff took the milk there.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the office.Bill handed the football to Mary.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Bill moved to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill got the milk there.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.Mary went to the garden.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary took the football there.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary got the football there.Bill went to the office.Fred put down the milk.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary handed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff went to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary got the milk there.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill discarded the football.Fred got the football there.Fred gave the football to Bill.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff left the football.Fred journeyed to the office.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred discarded the apple.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill picked up the football there.Fred moved to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Bill left the football.Bill got the football there.Fred got the milk there.Mary dropped the apple.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Bill travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff got the football there.Jeff put down the football.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary took the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff put down the football.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff got the football there.Bill travelled to the office.Mary took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Jeff left the football.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary discarded the apple.Mary picked up the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Mary left the milk.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Bill passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the office.Bill left the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Bill left the football.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Fred moved to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill left the milk.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff took the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Bill dropped the milk.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff put down the football.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Jeff dropped the apple.Mary handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.Bill travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred left the football there.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Fred discarded the milk.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill got the milk there.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary left the milk.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Fred left the apple there.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Bill moved to the garden.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill went to the office.Mary discarded the apple.Mary went back to the garden.Mary put down the football.Bill took the milk there.Bill left the milk.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Bill went to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary put down the football.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Bill took the football there.Bill discarded the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill discarded the football.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred picked up the football there.Fred passed the football to Bill.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill left the football.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Jeff got the football there.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff discarded the apple there.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff took the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred dropped the football.Fred took the football there.Fred discarded the football there.Jeff put down the apple.Fred took the football there.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred gave the football to Mary.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary put down the milk there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred took the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff left the milk.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the hallway.Mary took the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary left the milk.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the office.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Mary took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Bill discarded the football.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary went to the garden.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred got the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred dropped the football.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Mary went back to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Jeff went to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff left the milk.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary went to the office.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Bill went to the hallway.Bill put down the football.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill dropped the apple.Bill got the football there.Jeff went to the office.Bill dropped the football.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill took the football there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill left the apple there.Bill discarded the football.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred left the football.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Fred went to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff discarded the apple there.Jeff took the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill dropped the apple.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill put down the milk there.Jeff went to the office.Fred handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Fred picked up the football there.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary discarded the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Mary dropped the milk there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill discarded the apple there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Mary moved to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary dropped the milk.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.Bill dropped the milk.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary gave the football to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary put down the football.Bill got the apple there.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred got the football there.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff put down the football.Jeff took the football there.Bill moved to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff left the football.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff dropped the apple.Mary went to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary discarded the milk.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the office.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred put down the football there.Fred picked up the football there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Fred dropped the football.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill picked up the football there.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill left the football.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff put down the milk.Bill got the football there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill dropped the football.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the milk there.Fred left the milk.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the office.Mary discarded the apple.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill took the apple there.Mary discarded the milk there.Bill discarded the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill put down the apple there.Jeff went to the office.Fred got the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary dropped the milk.Bill went back to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Fred got the milk there.Fred passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill took the apple there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill put down the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Bill took the football there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple.Mary went to the office.Bill dropped the football.Bill got the football there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the office.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff took the apple there.Mary went to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff left the football.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred picked up the football there.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred dropped the apple.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary put down the football.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Bill got the apple there.Jeff went back to the office.Bill put down the apple.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill dropped the apple.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred took the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the apple there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary got the apple there.Fred moved to the office.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Bill moved to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the office.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff dropped the football.Bill dropped the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary discarded the apple.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Bill left the milk.Bill took the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill dropped the milk.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill took the milk there.Bill put down the apple.Bill moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary put down the football there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary picked up the football there.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff left the football there.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary got the football there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary moved to the garden.Mary put down the football.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary picked up the football there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Mary discarded the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Fred got the football there.Fred moved to the office.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill put down the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill gave the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Jeff went back to the office.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Jeff moved to the hallway.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred took the football there.Bill got the milk there.Fred picked up the apple there.Bill left the milk.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred left the football.Fred picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Fred went to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football.Jeff went to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill got the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Bill took the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary took the apple there.Mary left the apple.Mary took the football there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Mary put down the apple.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Mary gave the football to Bill.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill handed the football to Fred.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill discarded the milk there.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff took the football there.Fred got the milk there.Bill moved to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred put down the milk.Jeff put down the football.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary put down the apple.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff took the apple there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Jeff put down the apple.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred put down the milk.Fred took the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff took the apple there.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill picked up the football there.Mary discarded the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill left the football.Fred picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the garden.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred left the apple.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Jeff went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred discarded the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill discarded the apple there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary took the apple there.Mary left the apple there.Fred took the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred discarded the apple.Fred went to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary put down the football.Mary picked up the football there.Fred put down the milk.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary discarded the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred dropped the apple.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill dropped the football.Bill took the football there.Bill dropped the football.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Bill discarded the football.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred left the apple.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Fred got the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred got the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred put down the apple.Fred gave the football to Mary.Jeff moved to the garden.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff took the football there.Jeff went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Mary took the apple there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill picked up the football there.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Mary dropped the apple there.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill put down the football.Mary took the football there.Bill travelled to the office.Mary gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary moved to the office.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary put down the apple there.Fred put down the football.Fred discarded the milk there.Mary got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the office.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff left the apple.Mary got the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill took the football there.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the office.Bill left the football.Fred took the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred put down the football.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary put down the milk.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred left the milk there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred dropped the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Mary journeyed to the office.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Fred left the football.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill went to the office.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred picked up the football there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Mary discarded the milk there.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary handed the football to Bill.Fred moved to the office.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary got the football there.Bill went back to the office.Mary left the football there.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary left the football.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill got the apple there.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill dropped the apple there.Bill took the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill dropped the milk there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.Fred went to the office.Jeff passed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Mary went to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Fred went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Bill went back to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill put down the football.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary left the milk.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Jeff took the football there.Fred took the apple there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred left the apple.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary discarded the football.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the office.Fred moved to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the hallway.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff dropped the apple there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Bill went to the office.Bill got the apple there.Mary went back to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill discarded the apple.Bill took the apple there.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Bill left the football.Fred dropped the apple.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff got the football there.Jeff left the football.Bill went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred took the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Bill went to the office.Fred left the milk.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary dropped the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill took the milk there.Bill left the milk there.Fred took the football there.Fred left the football.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff got the football there.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Bill grabbed the milk there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill dropped the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred left the apple.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill got the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Bill took the milk there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill put down the milk.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Fred moved to the office.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary took the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary discarded the football there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff left the milk there.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred discarded the football.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred took the football there.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary put down the football.Jeff dropped the milk.Mary picked up the football there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Jeff went back to the office.Fred discarded the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Mary got the football there.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred took the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred got the milk there.Mary put down the football.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred discarded the milk.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary left the football there.Mary went to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the football there.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred got the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Mary went to the office.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff got the football there.Mary discarded the milk there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff put down the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Mary passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff dropped the football.Bill picked up the football there.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary dropped the football there.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred left the milk.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill discarded the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill took the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff put down the apple there.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary got the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Bill went to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill left the milk.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred took the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Mary went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the garden.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill discarded the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff got the football there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred dropped the football.Mary passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred left the milk there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Mary moved to the office.Fred dropped the apple.Fred took the apple there.Fred left the apple.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill put down the apple there.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the football there.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff dropped the football.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill got the football there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill discarded the football.Bill picked up the football there.Fred went back to the garden.Bill left the football.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill discarded the football.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Jeff took the football there.Bill got the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred got the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff got the football there.Mary went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.Bill went back to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff got the apple there.Fred got the milk there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff discarded the football.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the football.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred left the apple there.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred dropped the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff left the milk.Jeff took the milk there.Bill took the football there.Bill left the football there.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred left the apple.Fred got the apple there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Fred got the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred dropped the milk.Fred moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Fred took the milk there.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary put down the milk.Jeff took the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff put down the football there.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred left the football.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred discarded the apple.Jeff moved to the office.Fred left the milk.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill passed the football to Fred.Jeff got the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred left the football.Fred gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred left the apple.Fred travelled to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went to the office.Mary got the football there.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary put down the football.Mary took the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Bill got the apple there.Mary got the football there.Bill put down the apple.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary went to the garden.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary went to the office.Fred passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.Mary went to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Mary dropped the apple.Fred took the football there.Fred handed the football to Mary.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Fred went back to the office.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred got the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Bill took the milk there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred went to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Jeff moved to the office.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill discarded the apple.Fred discarded the milk.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Fred put down the milk.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred discarded the milk.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the milk.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary left the apple.Mary got the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Fred put down the football.Jeff moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill took the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill dropped the apple there.Bill got the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary discarded the apple.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary put down the apple.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary got the apple there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred dropped the apple.Bill took the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary dropped the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill got the milk there.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff left the milk.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff got the apple there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the office.Bill got the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill put down the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill discarded the football there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill took the football there.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill put down the football.Bill picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill passed the football to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Fred picked up the football there.Fred discarded the football.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred picked up the football there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff got the milk there.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Fred dropped the apple there.Fred took the football there.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Fred got the apple there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill left the football there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill put down the apple.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary left the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Mary moved to the office.Bill passed the football to Fred.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Jeff went back to the office.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.Mary went to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary left the apple.Mary moved to the garden.Bill took the football there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football.Mary picked up the football there.Mary went to the garden.Mary dropped the football.Fred went back to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary discarded the football.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Bill got the football there.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill put down the football.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred dropped the football.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Mary took the apple there.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the office.Mary took the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Mary dropped the apple.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff dropped the football there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff got the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff left the milk.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred took the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred dropped the apple.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Fred took the apple there.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Jeff went to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Mary travelled to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff put down the milk there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary took the football there.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred left the apple.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred got the apple there.Jeff left the milk.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Mary discarded the football.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred put down the apple there.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary picked up the football there.Mary left the football.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary took the apple there.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred handed the football to Mary.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Bill moved to the office.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred got the milk there.Jeff went back to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred left the milk.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff put down the apple.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred picked up the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Mary took the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Fred put down the milk.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary discarded the football.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the office.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Jeff got the apple there.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred got the milk there.Mary travelled to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Bill left the milk.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the office.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill got the football there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff put down the milk.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill handed the football to Mary.Bill went back to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary got the football there.Bill went back to the office.Mary left the football there.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary left the football.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill got the apple there.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill dropped the apple there.Bill took the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Jeff discarded the milk there.Mary went to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred took the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred picked up the football there.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff left the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred discarded the football.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Bill travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Fred left the football.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred got the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Fred dropped the milk there.Fred took the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary dropped the milk.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred put down the milk.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary left the football there.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.Bill took the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff put down the football.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the football there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary dropped the football there.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff took the milk there.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the milk.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Mary dropped the football.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff took the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff dropped the apple there.Jeff went to the office.Jeff handed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary got the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Bill went back to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the garden.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred discarded the football.Jeff went to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary got the football there.Mary went to the hallway.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary got the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Bill put down the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill discarded the football.Mary went to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff dropped the apple.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Bill dropped the apple.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill got the football there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Fred moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff left the football.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill went to the hallway.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Bill put down the football.Bill moved to the office.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill left the apple.Bill got the football there.Bill got the apple there.Bill dropped the apple.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill put down the football.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Bill dropped the football there.Bill got the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill gave the football to Fred.Mary went to the garden.Fred gave the football to Mary.Jeff went to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred took the apple there.Bill travelled to the office.Fred discarded the apple there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill put down the apple.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff left the milk.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff left the apple.Fred moved to the office.Mary went to the office.Mary got the milk there.Jeff put down the football.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff went to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary discarded the milk.Mary took the milk there.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff dropped the apple.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill got the milk there.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred discarded the football.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill dropped the football.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Mary went back to the office.Jeff left the apple.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred picked up the football there.Fred discarded the football.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Mary went back to the garden.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Fred moved to the garden.Bill moved to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Bill got the milk there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary discarded the apple.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff dropped the football.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill discarded the football.Fred got the football there.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred put down the apple there.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred put down the apple.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary dropped the apple.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Mary got the apple there.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Mary dropped the football.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff dropped the football there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff took the football there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the football.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Mary got the football there.Mary put down the football.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Mary took the football there.Mary dropped the football there.Mary got the football there.Mary passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the apple there.Bill put down the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.Jeff moved to the office.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred dropped the apple.Bill travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred went to the hallway.Mary dropped the football.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred left the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple.Mary got the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill put down the apple.Fred moved to the garden.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary dropped the apple.Bill got the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary took the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill picked up the football there.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill put down the football.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Fred dropped the apple.Bill travelled to the hallway.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff left the apple.Bill took the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Mary took the football there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary put down the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Bill moved to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Mary dropped the football there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary took the football there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Fred went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred dropped the milk.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff left the apple there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary got the football there.Mary left the football.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred dropped the milk there.Mary left the football.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Mary put down the football.Fred put down the milk.Fred took the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Jeff left the apple.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Bill discarded the football.Bill got the football there.Fred handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary put down the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Mary went back to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Mary passed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff took the football there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary got the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Bill went back to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Jeff went to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill left the apple there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.Bill dropped the apple there.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff took the football there.Jeff put down the football.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary dropped the milk.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Bill moved to the office.Fred got the football there.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary left the milk.Fred discarded the football.Mary got the milk there.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Mary took the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Bill went to the hallway.Mary dropped the milk there.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the garden.Bill moved to the garden.Mary got the football there.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary passed the football to Fred.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred dropped the football.Mary grabbed the football there.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Mary went to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff left the milk.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary got the milk there.Bill went back to the office.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary got the milk there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary left the milk.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill put down the apple.Bill took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the office.Mary got the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred went to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary got the milk there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Mary discarded the milk there.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the garden.Bill left the apple.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the football there.Mary got the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred put down the milk.Mary left the apple.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary discarded the football.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary took the football there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the garden.Fred left the milk there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred left the football there.Mary left the milk.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Mary took the milk there.Bill dropped the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary put down the milk.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred went to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred picked up the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary got the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Fred went to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Bill left the apple.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary took the apple there.Fred went to the hallway.Mary put down the apple.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary discarded the football.Mary got the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary took the football there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary dropped the milk.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Jeff took the apple there.Mary went to the garden.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Jeff left the football.Bill went to the garden.Fred went back to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary left the milk.Jeff discarded the football there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary got the milk there.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred got the football there.Mary left the milk there.Bill took the apple there.Mary took the milk there.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff left the apple.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary put down the milk.Bill got the milk there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill put down the apple there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went to the garden.Mary dropped the football.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary took the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Fred dropped the milk.Mary passed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary took the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred picked up the football there.Fred left the football.Jeff went to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff left the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff dropped the apple.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff took the football there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill left the milk.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the apple there.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred left the football there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred left the apple.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk there.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill got the football there.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Bill gave the football to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary put down the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff moved to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary discarded the football.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Mary got the football there.Mary travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Jeff travelled to the office.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the milk there.Bill went back to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary got the football there.Mary dropped the football.Mary took the football there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary dropped the football.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the garden.Mary took the football there.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Fred dropped the milk.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff took the football there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill took the apple there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff discarded the football.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Bill discarded the football.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill got the football there.Bill discarded the football.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill went to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff left the football.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Mary took the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Mary travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Fred.Mary moved to the office.Fred handed the football to Bill.Fred journeyed to the office.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred went to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred took the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary took the football there.Mary went to the hallway.Fred dropped the apple.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary discarded the football.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred dropped the milk.Bill left the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Mary went to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Fred went back to the office.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the milk there.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary got the football there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff left the apple.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Fred took the football there.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill left the apple.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary dropped the apple.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary discarded the milk.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Bill dropped the football.Bill picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff got the milk there.Bill left the football.Bill got the football there.Jeff left the milk.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill discarded the milk.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff discarded the apple.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill took the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Mary travelled to the office.Fred moved to the office.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill went to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Mary went to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Fred got the milk there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Fred put down the milk.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Bill moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill left the apple.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary discarded the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff left the football.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Bill went to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill put down the apple.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill took the apple there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill dropped the apple.Fred passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff got the football there.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the garden.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Bill went to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff put down the milk.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Fred went to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary picked up the football there.Mary gave the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill took the milk there.Mary went back to the garden.Bill left the milk.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill dropped the milk.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went back to the office.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Mary got the apple there.Fred moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred got the football there.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred passed the football to Bill.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill passed the football to Fred.Mary put down the apple there.Fred put down the football.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff took the apple there.Mary went to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Jeff went back to the garden.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill got the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Fred went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Fred left the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Mary discarded the football there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.Fred went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Mary left the football.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary dropped the apple.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary picked up the football there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Mary left the apple.Bill went to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Fred travelled to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Mary went back to the office.Jeff left the milk.Mary moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Mary got the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary left the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the office.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred put down the milk.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill left the apple.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Mary took the milk there.Fred went to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Mary went to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill put down the milk.Fred journeyed to the garden.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary discarded the football.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary gave the football to Bill.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill left the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill discarded the football.Mary picked up the football there.Mary left the football.Mary moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Mary went back to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill discarded the football.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff left the apple.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff left the apple.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred put down the apple.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Bill travelled to the office.Fred passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill discarded the milk.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill left the milk.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff took the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Bill dropped the milk.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff put down the football.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Jeff dropped the apple.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Jeff took the football there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff left the football.Fred moved to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill put down the milk.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Fred went back to the office.Bill put down the milk.Fred got the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff put down the football.Jeff took the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill went to the office.Bill got the milk there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill put down the milk.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill discarded the milk.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the office.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Jeff put down the football there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the milk there.Bill discarded the milk.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary put down the apple.Fred went back to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary left the football.Mary got the football there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary put down the football there.Mary got the football there.Mary left the football there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary took the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Mary left the football.Mary took the football there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary discarded the football.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill left the football there.Bill picked up the football there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Bill discarded the milk.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill discarded the football.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill got the milk there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Jeff went to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff took the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Fred went to the garden.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Bill put down the football.Fred went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary handed the football to Bill.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary left the apple.Fred went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Fred went to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill left the milk.Mary travelled to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff discarded the football.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill left the milk.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred dropped the milk.Fred got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred left the milk there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred got the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill discarded the apple.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Fred moved to the office.Bill dropped the football.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the garden.Bill moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary dropped the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary left the apple there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the garden.Bill took the football there.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill discarded the football.Bill got the football there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill left the football.Bill got the milk there.Bill got the football there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill discarded the football.Bill dropped the apple.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Bill put down the apple.Mary dropped the football.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred took the football there.Jeff moved to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred left the football there.Bill moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred took the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred handed the football to Bill.Jeff left the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Fred got the football there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Mary got the apple there.Mary moved to the garden.Mary left the apple.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Mary took the apple there.Fred gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary got the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff went to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary dropped the football.Mary got the football there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred put down the milk.Fred took the milk there.Mary moved to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred put down the milk.Mary moved to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Fred moved to the office.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff took the football there.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff left the football.Mary picked up the football there.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff got the football there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff put down the apple.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary discarded the football.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary got the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary discarded the football.Mary got the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary discarded the milk.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Fred got the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff put down the football.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred took the football there.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Bill travelled to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred went to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill dropped the apple.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went to the office.Bill took the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Fred put down the milk there.Bill put down the apple.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill dropped the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred left the apple.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill put down the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary travelled to the office.Fred handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill discarded the football.Bill moved to the office.Fred went to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred got the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Bill left the apple.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff put down the football.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred dropped the milk.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill put down the apple.Fred took the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff took the football there.Jeff moved to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill left the football.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Mary put down the football.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill went to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Fred went to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Mary went to the hallway.Fred gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred took the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred went back to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary went to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff went back to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff discarded the milk.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Bill discarded the milk.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill left the milk.Mary got the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill left the milk.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff took the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Bill dropped the milk.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff put down the football.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Jeff dropped the apple.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill put down the milk.Mary moved to the hallway.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred took the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.Mary travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill took the apple there.Fred moved to the garden.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred went back to the office.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Bill went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the office.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred put down the football there.Fred picked up the football there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Fred dropped the football.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill left the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary got the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred went back to the hallway.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff put down the football there.Jeff put down the milk there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff put down the milk.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the garden.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff put down the football there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the milk.Mary discarded the apple.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Mary left the apple.Mary got the apple there.Bill went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary put down the apple.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff put down the apple.Bill gave the football to Mary.Bill travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred got the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Mary went back to the hallway.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff took the apple there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred left the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary got the milk there.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill discarded the football.Fred got the football there.Fred gave the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Fred discarded the milk there.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Fred left the milk.Fred took the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred put down the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred discarded the milk there.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary took the football there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff put down the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred dropped the milk.Mary went back to the garden.Fred got the milk there.Fred moved to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff discarded the football.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred took the football there.Fred gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary moved to the office.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Mary dropped the apple there.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred took the football there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff went to the office.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the office.Fred picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred left the football.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the office.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary took the apple there.Mary left the apple there.Fred took the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred discarded the apple.Fred went to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Fred travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred took the football there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill left the apple.Bill took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill put down the apple.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Fred dropped the football there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff took the milk there.Bill took the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff left the milk.Bill discarded the football.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Fred went to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Fred got the football there.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill discarded the football.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Bill went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill put down the apple.Bill took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill left the apple.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary dropped the milk.Bill took the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill got the apple there.Jeff moved to the office.Bill went to the garden.Bill dropped the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill discarded the apple there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff put down the football.Jeff took the football there.Jeff handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went back to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred took the football there.Fred left the football.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Fred got the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the apple there.Fred moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred left the apple.Fred got the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Fred got the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Mary moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff took the football there.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill left the football.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred put down the milk there.Fred got the milk there.Fred put down the milk there.Bill left the football.Fred took the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary left the football there.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary got the football there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Bill left the apple there.Bill took the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill went to the garden.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred dropped the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred put down the apple there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary dropped the football there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill got the football there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Mary left the milk.Fred went back to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary put down the milk.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Fred took the milk there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Bill went to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the office.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred got the milk there.Mary put down the football.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred discarded the milk.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary left the football there.Mary went to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the football there.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred got the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred put down the apple.Jeff discarded the football there.Bill picked up the football there.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the office.Bill took the football there.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff dropped the football.Mary took the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred took the football there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Mary went to the office.Bill went back to the office.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred picked up the football there.Mary got the milk there.Fred got the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Mary went back to the garden.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred put down the football.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff discarded the apple there.Fred took the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Mary left the football.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Fred travelled to the office.Mary took the football there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Jeff left the football.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred got the football there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred discarded the football.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff took the football there.Jeff left the football.Jeff got the football there.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff left the football.Jeff took the football there.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff put down the football.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred put down the milk.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Fred dropped the milk.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary left the milk.Mary got the milk there.Fred went back to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary dropped the football.Fred dropped the milk.Fred went to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary dropped the football.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary dropped the football.Mary got the football there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary discarded the football there.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred left the milk.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary got the football there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football.Fred dropped the apple.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Bill went back to the office.Fred grabbed the football there.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill left the football.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill left the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred picked up the football there.Mary went to the garden.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill left the milk.Bill moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary left the football.Bill dropped the apple there.Bill got the apple there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff dropped the apple.Mary went to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary put down the apple.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Jeff went to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Bill left the milk there.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary dropped the apple.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary put down the milk.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Jeff got the football there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary put down the football.Fred went back to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff left the apple there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Mary took the football there.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff discarded the football.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Jeff moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred got the milk there.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff dropped the apple there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Bill went to the office.Bill got the apple there.Mary went back to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill discarded the apple.Bill took the apple there.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Bill left the football.Fred dropped the apple.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred took the apple there.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the football.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill discarded the milk.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff left the football there.Jeff went to the garden.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary discarded the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Jeff took the apple there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary put down the football there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred got the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred left the milk.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Bill moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff went back to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went to the hallway.Mary dropped the football there.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill discarded the football.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff put down the milk.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill dropped the football.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff got the football there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Fred dropped the football.Mary left the milk.Fred picked up the football there.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the milk.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Bill went to the garden.Fred left the apple.Jeff put down the milk.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the office.Fred put down the apple.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff got the football there.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred got the milk there.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Mary went to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred put down the milk.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Mary left the apple there.Mary got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the football.Mary left the apple there.Fred discarded the milk.Mary took the apple there.Bill picked up the football there.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Fred left the milk.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff put down the football.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff took the football there.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Bill put down the football there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary went back to the office.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff got the football there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Mary grabbed the apple there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff discarded the milk.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff went back to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary left the milk there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Mary went to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill took the milk there.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill put down the milk.Bill went back to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff discarded the football.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred got the milk there.Mary put down the football.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred discarded the milk.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Bill travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred got the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary went to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Bill went to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill left the apple.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary discarded the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff left the football.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Bill went to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill put down the apple.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill took the apple there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the garden.Mary went to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill put down the football.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary left the milk there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary left the milk.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Bill travelled to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Jeff got the milk there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Bill went back to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill dropped the football there.Fred went to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill got the football there.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred picked up the football there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred dropped the football.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Fred left the football.Fred got the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Fred dropped the football.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff left the milk.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary discarded the apple.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Fred dropped the football.Mary went to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Jeff moved to the office.Mary moved to the office.Fred got the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill took the milk there.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Bill left the milk.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary took the football there.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill left the football.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary discarded the apple.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary left the apple.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Jeff went to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the garden.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill dropped the apple.Mary went back to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary got the apple there.Mary left the apple.Fred went to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the apple there.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill left the football.Fred left the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary took the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Bill discarded the football there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple.Fred journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred took the apple there.Mary went back to the office.Fred put down the apple.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill left the football.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill dropped the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill passed the football to Fred.Mary went back to the office.Fred went back to the office.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred left the football.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Bill moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff got the milk there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff put down the milk there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff left the football.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill got the football there.Bill gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Fred moved to the garden.Mary got the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred put down the football.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary dropped the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred got the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Bill discarded the milk.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff got the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff put down the football there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff discarded the football there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff discarded the apple there.Mary went back to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Bill went to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff got the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff left the football.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary put down the apple.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Jeff put down the milk there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff got the milk there.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill got the football there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred went to the office.Bill left the football there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill left the milk there.Bill got the milk there.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the office.Bill got the apple there.Bill put down the apple there.Fred moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill left the apple.Fred went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff got the football there.Mary went to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the football there.Fred got the milk there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill left the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Bill travelled to the office.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary left the football.Bill took the milk there.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary went to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill left the milk.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff left the football.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Fred went to the office.Mary discarded the milk.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went to the office.Mary got the football there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Mary put down the football.Bill went back to the office.Jeff got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff got the football there.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the office.Mary dropped the milk.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary got the football there.Bill took the milk there.Mary gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary left the apple.Bill got the football there.Bill went to the office.Jeff got the milk there.Bill dropped the football.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred put down the milk.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill took the football there.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Fred dropped the apple.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Bill moved to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred took the apple there.Mary took the football there.Mary went to the hallway.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Mary took the milk there.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred put down the apple.Mary left the milk.Mary got the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred put down the milk.Fred got the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary dropped the milk.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill went to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred dropped the apple.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred put down the milk.Fred moved to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary discarded the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff went back to the office.Bill went to the garden.Jeff put down the milk.Fred discarded the apple.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary discarded the football.Jeff went back to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary got the milk there.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary put down the milk.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Bill went to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the apple there.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Bill went to the garden.Fred travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred dropped the apple.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill took the milk there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill put down the milk.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred went to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Fred got the milk there.Jeff moved to the office.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary dropped the milk.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.Bill dropped the milk.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary gave the football to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred discarded the apple.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary went to the hallway.Bill handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred put down the football.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary dropped the football there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill got the football there.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Mary went to the garden.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff dropped the football.Fred moved to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill took the football there.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Bill left the football.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill got the football there.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred left the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred dropped the football there.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the apple there.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill discarded the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill got the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary put down the milk.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff got the football there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Fred went to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred discarded the milk.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the milk.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary left the apple.Mary got the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff got the apple there.Bill went back to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff left the apple.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Jeff went back to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary discarded the apple.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the office.Fred took the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred left the football.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Bill left the milk.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred left the football.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary took the football there.Mary passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill took the football there.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill put down the football there.Bill got the football there.Mary went to the hallway.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.Bill went to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff left the apple.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff put down the milk there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff put down the football.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff left the football.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary dropped the milk.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill took the football there.Fred went to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff dropped the apple there.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Fred got the football there.Fred handed the football to Mary.Fred took the milk there.Mary passed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary put down the apple.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill discarded the milk.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff got the football there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff put down the football.Mary went to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill left the apple.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred discarded the milk there.Bill went back to the office.Jeff got the football there.Fred went back to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff put down the apple there.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Bill went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred put down the milk.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Bill got the football there.Bill put down the football.Mary put down the apple there.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill put down the football.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred took the football there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred dropped the football.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Mary took the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Fred went to the hallway.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the hallway.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill put down the football there.Jeff got the football there.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill dropped the football.Bill took the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill handed the football to Fred.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred handed the football to Bill.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Bill took the milk there.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Bill left the milk.Bill discarded the football.Bill picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill put down the football there.Bill picked up the football there.Bill discarded the football there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.Bill went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary dropped the football.Mary took the football there.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Mary went to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the football.Mary took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Mary moved to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Mary picked up the football there.Mary put down the football.Bill discarded the apple.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the garden.Bill took the football there.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred left the apple.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff left the milk there.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff got the milk there.Bill left the football.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill dropped the milk.Bill took the milk there.Mary went to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary put down the football.Fred took the football there.Bill left the milk.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Fred left the football.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff put down the apple.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary put down the football there.Mary took the football there.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred travelled to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred got the apple there.Jeff put down the football.Jeff got the football there.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill discarded the milk.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Fred went to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Bill got the football there.Bill went back to the garden.Bill went to the office.Bill dropped the apple.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Bill took the apple there.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Fred passed the football to Mary.Bill took the apple there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred left the football.Mary took the football there.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff left the football there.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary got the football there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary moved to the garden.Mary put down the football.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary picked up the football there.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary left the football.Bill moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill took the football there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill discarded the football there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary got the apple there.Fred got the football there.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Fred.Mary discarded the apple.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary discarded the milk.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff moved to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill passed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill took the apple there.Bill put down the apple.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred took the football there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Jeff went to the garden.Fred put down the football.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary put down the milk.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill got the apple there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Fred gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Bill took the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Fred got the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Jeff moved to the office.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred left the apple.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary passed the football to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred handed the football to Mary.Fred went back to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill left the football.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill dropped the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill passed the football to Fred.Mary went back to the office.Fred went back to the office.Fred passed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Mary got the apple there.Fred moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred got the football there.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill got the apple there.Mary got the football there.Jeff went to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary put down the football.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Jeff moved to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary took the milk there.Mary put down the football.Jeff left the apple.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary dropped the milk.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill moved to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary got the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Bill went back to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Bill got the milk there.Bill left the milk.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Bill discarded the football.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill left the football.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill left the milk there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill discarded the milk.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Mary discarded the football.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the office.Fred got the football there.Fred left the football.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred put down the football.Fred took the football there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred passed the football to Bill.Mary discarded the apple.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill put down the football.Mary got the apple there.Mary went to the office.Mary left the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred went to the garden.Bill moved to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary got the apple there.Mary left the apple.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred took the milk there.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred dropped the milk.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary put down the apple there.Mary took the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Mary put down the football.Jeff took the football there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill got the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary took the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary left the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Mary discarded the apple.Bill put down the milk.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Mary discarded the apple.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred gave the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary discarded the apple there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the football there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred took the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff left the milk.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Fred dropped the apple.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary dropped the football.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff discarded the football.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Fred took the milk there.Mary put down the football.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred left the milk there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Bill went to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Bill journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary went to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Fred went back to the garden.Mary dropped the football there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill took the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill got the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff discarded the apple.Mary journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Fred went back to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Mary got the apple there.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred put down the football.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary left the milk.Bill went back to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Bill went back to the office.Mary put down the milk.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Mary moved to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff dropped the apple there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the milk there.Mary travelled to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Fred discarded the milk there.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Fred left the milk.Fred took the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred put down the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred discarded the milk there.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary took the football there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Bill took the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary dropped the milk there.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill went back to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary dropped the milk.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the office.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff left the apple.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred moved to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the office.Bill went to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Bill put down the milk.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Bill discarded the milk.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the hallway.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary left the football.Jeff dropped the apple there.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff took the milk there.Mary picked up the football there.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary dropped the football there.Mary got the football there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary left the football.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred went to the office.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred left the apple there.Fred got the apple there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff took the football there.Fred got the milk there.Bill moved to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred put down the milk.Jeff put down the football.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary put down the apple.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff took the apple there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred took the football there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred discarded the football.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff discarded the apple there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Jeff got the football there.Mary went to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff put down the football.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred left the milk.Fred discarded the apple.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff put down the football.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Fred got the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the garden.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff went to the garden.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Fred discarded the football.Fred picked up the football there.Bill discarded the apple.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff put down the football.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Mary took the milk there.Mary went back to the garden.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred left the milk.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary left the apple.Mary got the apple there.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff left the apple.Mary left the milk there.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Bill went to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred put down the milk.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the office.Bill discarded the apple.Mary went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred put down the apple there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff put down the football.Mary moved to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Mary got the apple there.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Jeff moved to the office.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff took the football there.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Jeff left the football.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Mary left the football.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Fred travelled to the office.Mary took the football there.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff left the apple.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the office.Fred took the apple there.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary left the milk.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred dropped the apple.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill took the milk there.Bill moved to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Fred put down the apple.Fred put down the football.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred took the apple there.Bill left the milk.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Bill got the milk there.Fred took the football there.Bill left the milk.Fred passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary took the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill discarded the apple.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred got the football there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill dropped the apple.Fred dropped the football.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Fred put down the milk.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary got the football there.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary discarded the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred put down the football there.Jeff got the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff left the apple there.Jeff took the apple there.Fred dropped the milk there.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary went to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the garden.Fred passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the office.Bill went to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill went back to the garden.Bill put down the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Jeff picked up the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred left the milk.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill got the apple there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill discarded the apple.Bill went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Jeff went back to the office.Bill passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff got the milk there.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Fred dropped the apple there.Fred took the football there.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Fred got the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill went to the hallway.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Jeff dropped the football.Bill put down the apple there.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Bill passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff left the apple.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Fred got the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill left the milk.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Fred took the milk there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary discarded the football.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Fred moved to the office.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill got the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Bill went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred put down the apple.Bill travelled to the hallway.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Bill moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Fred took the football there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary got the football there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred moved to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary left the football there.Mary took the football there.Fred left the apple.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary handed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary got the football there.Mary dropped the football.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Mary got the football there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Mary discarded the football.Bill got the milk there.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff took the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Fred picked up the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred took the apple there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred dropped the apple.Fred took the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Fred got the apple there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary dropped the milk.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred went to the hallway.Bill passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk.Mary went to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary dropped the football there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple there.Mary got the football there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary left the football there.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary dropped the football.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff dropped the apple there.Fred went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff left the apple.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Fred discarded the football.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Fred went back to the office.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff took the apple there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred left the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill left the apple there.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Jeff went to the office.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff got the apple there.Bill got the football there.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred took the football there.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary discarded the milk.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff moved to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Mary travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Bill got the football there.Bill put down the football.Mary put down the apple there.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill put down the football.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred took the football there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred dropped the football.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Mary took the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Fred moved to the office.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff got the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Mary took the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill dropped the milk.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill discarded the apple.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred went to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred discarded the football.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred left the apple.Bill travelled to the office.Mary discarded the milk.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Fred got the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred dropped the milk.Fred moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Fred took the milk there.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Fred discarded the milk there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill dropped the milk.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Mary journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary picked up the football there.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff left the football.Fred took the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football there.Jeff got the football there.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary moved to the garden.Mary dropped the football.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Bill took the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill dropped the milk.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred discarded the football.Mary took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary left the apple.Fred went back to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Fred took the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary got the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Bill went to the garden.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff put down the apple.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill left the milk.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff took the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Bill dropped the milk.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff put down the football.Bill handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the office.Fred went to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary handed the football to Bill.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Mary travelled to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff put down the milk there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary took the football there.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff took the football there.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill left the milk.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Bill dropped the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Jeff discarded the football.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff left the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill got the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred left the football.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred discarded the apple there.Mary travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred got the football there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred discarded the football there.Bill took the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Mary went back to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill left the milk.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill discarded the apple.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill took the milk there.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Bill left the milk.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill got the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill gave the football to Mary.Bill moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred took the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred took the football there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred put down the football.Mary travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff took the football there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill left the football.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff went to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Bill took the apple there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Mary put down the football.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary discarded the football.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Mary left the football there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary got the football there.Mary dropped the football.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Bill moved to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred went back to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Mary got the apple there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Fred took the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred put down the apple.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred got the football there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff discarded the football.Fred went to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred discarded the milk there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred put down the apple.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Fred discarded the apple there.Jeff went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff put down the football.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred discarded the apple.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred got the football there.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill moved to the office.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff grabbed the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Mary went to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill picked up the football there.Mary went back to the office.Bill went back to the office.Bill dropped the football there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill took the football there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill dropped the football.Fred got the football there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Jeff put down the football there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff took the football there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary discarded the football there.Jeff went back to the office.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the football there.Bill left the football.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill dropped the football.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Bill moved to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill dropped the milk there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill dropped the apple.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred went back to the garden.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Jeff went back to the office.Mary left the football.Bill moved to the garden.Mary took the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff got the milk there.Fred went to the office.Mary went to the garden.Jeff put down the apple.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary left the football.Jeff got the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the apple.Mary took the football there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred left the milk.Fred went to the hallway.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary went to the hallway.Mary passed the football to Fred.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary left the apple.Fred went back to the garden.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary picked up the football there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Mary discarded the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Fred got the football there.Fred moved to the office.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary picked up the football there.Mary discarded the football.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff got the milk there.Fred went back to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff left the football.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff took the apple there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Jeff went to the garden.Fred got the milk there.Fred went to the office.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Jeff left the football.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff left the apple there.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred went to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred put down the apple.Fred went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Jeff got the football there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred left the milk there.Mary took the football there.Mary dropped the football.Fred went back to the garden.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred discarded the apple.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff took the football there.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred left the apple.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Bill moved to the office.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary left the apple.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Fred went to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred left the milk.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Bill went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the office.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk there.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill left the football.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill took the football there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff moved to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred put down the milk.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Bill took the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary dropped the milk there.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill went back to the garden.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.Jeff went back to the office.Bill travelled to the office.Bill got the milk there.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Bill took the football there.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary gave the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred discarded the football.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred left the apple.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred left the apple.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred dropped the apple.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Bill went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary put down the football there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the football.Bill went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred left the apple.Jeff discarded the football.Mary got the milk there.Jeff got the apple there.Bill picked up the football there.Mary left the milk.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Mary went to the garden.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill got the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Jeff went to the office.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill dropped the milk.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary got the milk there.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill discarded the football.Fred got the football there.Fred gave the football to Bill.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary took the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary left the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Bill discarded the milk.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff got the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff put down the football there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff discarded the football there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill put down the apple.Jeff went to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill got the football there.Mary got the milk there.Mary left the milk.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill gave the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff got the football there.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary got the apple there.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred left the apple there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill took the milk there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill dropped the milk there.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill left the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill put down the milk.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred passed the football to Bill.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill dropped the football there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill got the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Bill went back to the office.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill got the football there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred went to the office.Bill left the football there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill left the milk there.Bill got the milk there.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Fred went to the garden.Bill went back to the office.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred took the apple there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred left the apple.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Bill discarded the football.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Mary went back to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred put down the apple there.Bill picked up the football there.Bill moved to the garden.Bill dropped the football.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Fred discarded the apple.Bill dropped the football.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary went to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff left the football there.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Mary got the football there.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Bill went to the garden.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Bill travelled to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill dropped the football.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill passed the football to Fred.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff left the apple.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred took the football there.Fred put down the football.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred put down the football there.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff left the milk.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Mary moved to the office.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill discarded the milk.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Fred got the football there.Fred handed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary took the football there.Mary got the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary handed the football to Fred.Mary moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill put down the football there.Jeff got the football there.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill dropped the football.Bill took the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill handed the football to Fred.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred handed the football to Bill.Mary picked up the apple there.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred dropped the apple there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the office.Bill discarded the apple.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary went to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the milk there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill dropped the milk.Mary moved to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Bill left the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill dropped the apple there.Bill got the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill left the football.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary went to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Mary got the football there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary put down the football.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill left the football.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff left the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff left the apple.Jeff dropped the football.Fred went back to the garden.Fred took the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Bill took the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff put down the football.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Mary travelled to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football there.Jeff got the football there.Jeff handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred dropped the football.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred picked up the football there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Bill went back to the office.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the apple there.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Bill went to the garden.Fred travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred dropped the apple.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff got the football there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff put down the apple.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff got the football there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff put down the football.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff put down the football.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Fred left the milk.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill left the milk there.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Bill travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill got the apple there.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary put down the milk there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred took the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary left the football there.Mary put down the apple.Mary took the apple there.Mary took the football there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Fred left the apple.Fred took the apple there.Bill got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill discarded the milk.Fred discarded the apple.Bill moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Bill moved to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff put down the milk there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff took the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Fred gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Bill went to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Fred travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred got the football there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred handed the football to Bill.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred discarded the football there.Fred got the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff left the football.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred went to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff discarded the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Jeff went back to the office.Bill went to the garden.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred discarded the apple.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred dropped the football.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the apple there.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill discarded the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill got the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary put down the milk.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff got the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary put down the milk.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill took the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred put down the football.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Fred picked up the football there.Fred dropped the football.Bill took the milk there.Fred took the football there.Bill left the milk.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the office.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Jeff took the football there.Mary dropped the apple.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff left the football.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary got the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Jeff went to the office.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Fred went to the garden.Bill put down the milk.Mary left the apple there.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill dropped the apple.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the office.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill dropped the milk.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill went to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the football there.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Mary journeyed to the garden.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Fred went to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Fred left the milk.Fred got the milk there.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff grabbed the apple there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Mary went to the garden.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff dropped the football.Fred moved to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill took the football there.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Bill left the football.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill got the football there.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred left the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Fred took the apple there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Fred discarded the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the office.Bill left the milk.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill put down the football.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill moved to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the hallway.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred discarded the apple.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff put down the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary put down the milk.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Jeff left the football.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff left the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary put down the football.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Bill went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary discarded the football.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill put down the milk.Bill got the milk there.Bill left the milk.Bill took the milk there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill put down the milk there.Mary travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary got the apple there.Bill travelled to the office.Mary passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred left the milk there.Mary took the football there.Mary dropped the football.Fred went back to the garden.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred discarded the apple.Jeff journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill went to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Bill went to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Bill took the football there.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary put down the apple.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill put down the football.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the office.Bill went to the garden.Fred got the football there.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Bill went to the garden.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff left the apple.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary left the milk there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Mary went to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill took the milk there.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill put down the milk.Bill went back to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff discarded the football.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred picked up the apple there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the office.Mary moved to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary took the milk there.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Mary went back to the office.Jeff left the milk.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred put down the apple.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff put down the milk.Mary travelled to the office.Bill passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill dropped the milk.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill discarded the apple.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred went to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred discarded the football.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred left the apple.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred got the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary discarded the football.Mary got the football there.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff got the football there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Fred travelled to the office.Mary discarded the apple there.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary left the milk there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Mary went to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill took the milk there.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill put down the milk.Bill went back to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff discarded the football.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill went to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred left the apple.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Fred put down the milk.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff left the apple.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Bill went back to the garden.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill took the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill left the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred took the milk there.Mary went to the hallway.Fred dropped the milk.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary discarded the milk.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff took the apple there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred moved to the garden.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary left the apple.Bill moved to the office.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred discarded the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred left the milk.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary got the apple there.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred dropped the football.Bill journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary dropped the apple.Bill left the football.Bill picked up the football there.Bill left the football there.Mary got the apple there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary put down the apple.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary left the apple.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred dropped the football.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred dropped the football.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred took the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.Mary went to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Mary dropped the apple.Fred took the football there.Fred handed the football to Mary.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary put down the football.Fred went back to the garden.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Bill left the milk.Mary handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the office.Mary moved to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary picked up the football there.Fred dropped the apple.Fred took the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred took the apple there.Fred left the apple.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Mary put down the football there.Mary went to the office.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Mary left the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary dropped the milk there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred discarded the football there.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred picked up the apple there.Bill took the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill left the apple.Bill travelled to the office.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff went back to the garden.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Fred left the football.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff got the apple there.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill moved to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff took the apple there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary put down the milk.Bill moved to the garden.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Fred went back to the office.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the football there.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff put down the football.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Mary discarded the milk.Fred moved to the office.Mary took the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred put down the milk.Fred took the milk there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Mary left the milk.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff took the milk there.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the milk there.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff took the milk there.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Fred went to the office.Fred passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill put down the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary went to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary left the apple.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill took the football there.Bill left the football.Bill took the football there.Fred went to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Bill passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff took the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Bill went to the office.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred got the football there.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff put down the football.Jeff took the football there.Bill moved to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff left the football.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred discarded the apple.Bill went back to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Mary went to the office.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff took the apple there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff left the apple.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred got the milk there.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the office.Mary went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill discarded the apple.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the garden.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff went to the garden.Fred passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.Mary went to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary left the apple.Mary moved to the garden.Bill took the football there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Fred left the apple.Fred took the apple there.Bill got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill discarded the milk.Fred discarded the apple.Bill moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Bill moved to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff put down the milk there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the garden.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary discarded the football.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Fred got the football there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Fred dropped the apple.Mary took the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff got the football there.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred left the football.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Fred went to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary put down the milk.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary got the milk there.Fred moved to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Mary went to the office.Bill put down the apple.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred got the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the kitchen.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred dropped the milk.Fred got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred left the milk there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred got the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary took the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill dropped the milk there.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill left the milk.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill took the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill put down the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill discarded the football.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Fred left the milk.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred took the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Bill went to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Mary moved to the office.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary discarded the football.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Fred got the football there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Fred dropped the apple.Mary took the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred put down the apple.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred gave the football to Mary.Fred moved to the office.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Bill moved to the garden.Fred went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff left the football.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff discarded the football.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff put down the milk.Mary travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.Mary went to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Mary dropped the apple.Fred took the football there.Fred handed the football to Mary.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary put down the football.Fred went back to the garden.Fred handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred dropped the football.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Mary took the apple there.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the football.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Fred went back to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill took the milk there.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill put down the milk.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary got the football there.Mary left the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill discarded the apple.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Fred went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred went to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Jeff put down the apple.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Mary went to the office.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff put down the football.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill left the milk.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill picked up the football there.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill left the football.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff put down the milk.Bill got the football there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill dropped the football.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill left the milk.Fred travelled to the garden.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred put down the milk.Mary took the football there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary dropped the football.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill discarded the apple.Fred travelled to the office.Fred handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary discarded the football.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill put down the apple.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the hallway.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went back to the office.Fred went back to the office.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff put down the football.Bill dropped the milk.Mary took the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill discarded the apple there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill left the milk.Bill went back to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Fred moved to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Fred got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred left the apple.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred put down the milk.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Bill went to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred left the football.Fred took the football there.Fred dropped the football.Bill moved to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Bill left the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Mary went to the garden.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went to the office.Bill left the football.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred picked up the football there.Fred went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Jeff moved to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill took the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Mary passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff took the milk there.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the garden.Bill passed the football to Fred.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff discarded the milk.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the garden.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff took the milk there.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary discarded the milk.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Jeff went back to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary got the milk there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.Fred went back to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary moved to the hallway.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Mary got the milk there.Bill went to the office.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill left the milk.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred took the milk there.Mary put down the football.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Mary got the football there.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill dropped the apple.Jeff got the milk there.Fred went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Bill moved to the hallway.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary put down the milk.Mary went to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary left the football.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the apple there.Bill went to the office.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Bill got the football there.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went to the office.Bill took the football there.Bill left the football there.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the garden.Fred put down the apple.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary took the milk there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary left the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred dropped the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff got the football there.Jeff left the football.Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Fred went to the hallway.Mary took the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary dropped the apple.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary got the milk there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred left the apple.Mary left the milk.Mary took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the apple there.Mary discarded the milk.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary left the milk there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Fred put down the apple.Fred took the apple there.Fred left the apple.Jeff went to the office.Fred took the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Bill took the football there.Bill put down the football.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill left the football.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff put down the football.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary took the football there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Fred moved to the garden.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill dropped the apple.Mary handed the football to Bill.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill got the milk there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary dropped the apple.Fred went to the hallway.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary put down the apple there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill put down the milk there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary left the football there.Mary put down the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill took the football there.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred left the football there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred went to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill dropped the apple.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff went back to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went to the hallway.Mary dropped the football there.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill discarded the football.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff put down the milk.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill dropped the football.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Bill discarded the football.Mary dropped the apple.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Mary travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill left the football.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary went to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Mary got the football there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred dropped the apple.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary got the milk there.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary left the milk.Bill took the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Jeff went back to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff dropped the milk.Mary took the milk there.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary travelled to the office.Mary got the football there.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill took the football there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary put down the football there.Mary went back to the garden.Bill put down the milk.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff left the apple.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred discarded the apple there.Fred took the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff left the apple.Mary discarded the football.Mary picked up the football there.Fred got the apple there.Fred went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Mary left the milk.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Mary journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill put down the milk.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred got the apple there.Fred left the apple.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff got the football there.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred took the milk there.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Fred put down the milk.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary took the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff dropped the milk there.Fred travelled to the hallway.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred dropped the apple.Fred took the apple there.Fred discarded the apple.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred put down the apple.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred passed the football to Mary.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary left the football.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill gave the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the office.Bill took the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred took the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Fred took the milk there.Jeff went to the garden.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary put down the football there.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Jeff took the apple there.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff dropped the apple there.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill left the football.Jeff left the milk.Jeff got the milk there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff went back to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Mary grabbed the football there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Jeff got the football there.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred dropped the football.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill got the milk there.Bill left the milk.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff put down the apple.Mary left the milk.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill put down the apple.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill dropped the football there.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff took the football there.Bill took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred took the milk there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff took the milk there.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Bill travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Fred went to the office.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff left the apple.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff put down the football.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Fred went to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff went to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill left the milk.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the apple there.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred left the football there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred left the apple.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk there.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred put down the football.Fred picked up the football there.Mary went back to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Fred went to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred left the milk.Bill went to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred got the milk there.Bill left the football.Fred discarded the milk.Fred took the milk there.Fred left the milk.Fred went back to the office.Mary took the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill got the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary went back to the office.Mary left the milk.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill discarded the football.Mary went to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff dropped the apple.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went to the hallway.Mary took the apple there.Fred took the football there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred went to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred left the football.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff went to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred discarded the football.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary got the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Jeff went to the office.Mary went to the garden.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred got the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred left the milk.Mary went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred took the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred took the milk there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Fred put down the milk.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred discarded the milk there.Mary left the apple there.Fred got the milk there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred put down the milk.Mary moved to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary took the apple there.Mary left the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Mary got the apple there.Mary went to the hallway.Mary discarded the apple.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary put down the milk.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary put down the milk.Jeff took the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff put down the football there.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred left the football.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred discarded the apple.Jeff moved to the office.Fred left the milk.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill passed the football to Fred.Jeff got the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred left the football.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Mary picked up the football there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary dropped the football.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Bill dropped the football.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill discarded the football.Bill went to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Bill discarded the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred discarded the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill left the apple.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred left the milk.Fred took the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Fred went to the office.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the football there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary left the milk.Mary dropped the football.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary dropped the apple.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary got the apple there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill went back to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred put down the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred left the apple.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff gave the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred went to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff discarded the milk.Mary got the milk there.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Bill handed the football to Mary.Jeff went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred took the football there.Fred discarded the football.Mary got the apple there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill moved to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary got the football there.Mary went to the garden.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Mary picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary put down the football.Bill dropped the milk there.Bill took the football there.Bill passed the football to Mary.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary gave the football to Bill.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary put down the football.Bill took the football there.Jeff went back to the office.Bill dropped the milk.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff went to the office.Jeff put down the apple.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary gave the football to Bill.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff put down the football there.Jeff got the football there.Bill took the apple there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff discarded the milk.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred took the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary took the football there.Mary went to the hallway.Fred dropped the apple.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary discarded the football.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Bill got the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary put down the milk.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill discarded the football.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary went to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary put down the apple.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary got the apple there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred dropped the apple.Bill took the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary dropped the apple.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Bill travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the office.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill got the apple there.Mary got the football there.Jeff went to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary put down the football.Mary took the football there.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary left the football.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill dropped the apple there.Fred got the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went to the hallway.Fred gave the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Fred left the apple.Bill left the milk.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred got the apple there.Bill gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Fred handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill put down the apple there.Bill took the apple there.Bill dropped the apple.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill put down the apple there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Mary moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary dropped the apple.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff left the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff got the football there.Bill got the milk there.Jeff put down the football.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Jeff left the football.Bill went to the garden.Bill dropped the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred got the football there.Mary went back to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred discarded the football.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred dropped the milk there.Fred took the milk there.Fred put down the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred left the milk.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred dropped the milk.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary went to the hallway.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred dropped the milk there.Fred left the apple.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary discarded the apple.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill travelled to the office.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary got the milk there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred left the apple.Mary left the milk.Mary took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the apple there.Mary discarded the milk.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary took the milk there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred went back to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred took the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went to the garden.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Jeff left the milk.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff put down the apple.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Mary got the apple there.Jeff dropped the milk.Mary got the milk there.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary left the milk.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Mary picked up the milk there.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Bill went to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill left the apple there.Bill got the milk there.Jeff went back to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Bill discarded the milk there.Bill took the milk there.Mary dropped the football.Bill left the milk.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Mary moved to the office.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff left the football.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Fred went back to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill went to the office.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary went to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff left the milk there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill went to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill dropped the apple there.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill left the apple.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill gave the football to Mary.Bill went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went to the hallway.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the office.Mary passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Mary went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill took the apple there.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Mary discarded the milk.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Mary took the apple there.Mary dropped the apple.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Fred went to the office.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill picked up the football there.Fred went to the garden.Bill put down the apple.Bill took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Bill put down the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill dropped the football.Mary went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill put down the apple there.Bill got the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Bill went to the garden.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill put down the apple.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred took the football there.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred left the milk.Fred got the milk there.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred put down the milk.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Mary discarded the milk.Mary got the milk there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary left the apple there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Mary left the milk.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff left the milk.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary got the football there.Mary gave the football to Fred.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the hallway.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary left the milk there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred left the milk.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill got the milk there.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Bill put down the milk there.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill got the football there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill put down the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Fred moved to the garden.Bill left the football.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred passed the football to Bill.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Bill gave the football to Fred.Bill went back to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff got the football there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Fred got the milk there.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Mary went to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary discarded the apple.Mary went to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Bill dropped the football.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Fred discarded the milk.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Bill went to the garden.Fred got the milk there.Fred discarded the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff left the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Fred went back to the office.Jeff dropped the apple there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Bill put down the milk.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill dropped the football there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff discarded the milk.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff left the football.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Bill took the milk there.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred got the milk there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff took the football there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred put down the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary got the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Mary discarded the football.Fred took the football there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the football there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill dropped the milk.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff left the apple there.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Mary went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill took the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff left the apple.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill left the milk.Bill went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred dropped the milk there.Bill took the milk there.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill put down the milk.Mary left the football.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary discarded the football there.Mary got the football there.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Mary discarded the football.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred left the football.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff discarded the football.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Fred moved to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.Bill took the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred took the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred went back to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary went to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill went to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Bill went to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Mary got the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary discarded the football.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary moved to the hallway.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill put down the football.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Fred got the milk there.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred discarded the milk.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the garden.Mary moved to the garden.Fred put down the milk there.Fred got the milk there.Mary took the apple there.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Fred put down the milk there.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Mary left the football there.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred dropped the football there.Bill got the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Mary passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff got the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff put down the football there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the apple.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary discarded the milk.Mary moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the office.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary put down the football there.Mary took the football there.Mary passed the football to Bill.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff put down the football.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Fred discarded the football.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred discarded the football.Mary put down the apple.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary left the apple.Mary took the apple there.Bill took the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill got the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Bill went to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred got the apple there.Fred took the football there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred dropped the apple.Fred left the football.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary put down the milk.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff discarded the milk.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the office.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff put down the apple there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Fred picked up the football there.Fred dropped the football.Mary got the apple there.Bill took the football there.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill took the apple there.Bill put down the apple there.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill left the apple there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Jeff moved to the office.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill discarded the apple there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill put down the milk.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary took the milk there.Fred put down the apple.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary picked up the football there.Mary discarded the football.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill grabbed the football there.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Bill went to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Bill got the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went to the garden.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill discarded the apple.Mary put down the milk.Fred went back to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Bill went to the office.Fred got the football there.Bill took the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred left the football.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Jeff went to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff took the football there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the office.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred left the football there.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary got the football there.Mary left the football.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred dropped the milk there.Mary left the football.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Mary put down the football.Fred put down the milk.Fred took the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Jeff left the apple.Fred passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred picked up the football there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Fred dropped the football there.Jeff got the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred picked up the football there.Fred moved to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill dropped the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Fred put down the football.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Fred went back to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff put down the milk there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred went to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill got the football there.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill dropped the football.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill picked up the football there.Bill put down the football.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill discarded the football there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill got the football there.Bill left the football.Mary moved to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill left the milk there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill left the apple.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred passed the football to Mary.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Mary moved to the garden.Mary gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill left the milk.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill left the milk.Fred travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the garden.Fred went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary got the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Mary took the milk there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary discarded the football.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill dropped the apple there.Jeff went back to the office.Mary got the football there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary dropped the milk there.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Jeff moved to the office.Bill passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the office.Fred took the apple there.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary left the milk.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred dropped the apple.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill took the milk there.Bill moved to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Fred put down the apple.Fred put down the football.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred took the apple there.Bill left the milk.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Bill got the milk there.Fred took the football there.Bill left the milk.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred put down the football there.Jeff went back to the office.Bill got the milk there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred took the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred dropped the milk.Mary went to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Mary dropped the apple.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill left the apple.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff dropped the apple there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the milk there.Mary travelled to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Fred went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred got the football there.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff put down the apple there.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Bill went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred put down the milk.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Mary went back to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary put down the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred took the milk there.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred dropped the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Bill went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Bill left the milk.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff got the apple there.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Jeff got the football there.Mary travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill got the apple there.Jeff moved to the office.Bill went to the garden.Bill dropped the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill discarded the apple there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the office.Fred picked up the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Jeff went to the garden.Bill got the apple there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff left the apple.Mary left the milk there.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Bill went to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred put down the milk.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the office.Bill discarded the apple.Mary went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Mary went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Mary left the milk.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary left the milk.Mary took the milk there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the office.Mary took the apple there.Fred went back to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary left the apple.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Jeff went back to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Fred went to the office.Bill got the football there.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred took the apple there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred left the apple there.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary discarded the apple there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Jeff went back to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Fred went to the garden.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football there.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Jeff went back to the garden.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff put down the milk there.Fred travelled to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred left the apple there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary took the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred discarded the apple.Jeff put down the milk.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill left the football there.Bill took the football there.Bill dropped the football there.Bill went back to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred took the milk there.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill left the milk.Fred moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff discarded the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff took the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the apple there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the garden.Fred dropped the football.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff put down the apple there.Bill took the football there.Bill passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred left the apple.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred handed the football to Mary.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill picked up the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred dropped the milk there.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred put down the football.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff left the apple.Mary travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Bill moved to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill got the milk there.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred took the football there.Bill got the milk there.Fred picked up the apple there.Bill left the milk.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred left the football.Fred picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Mary took the apple there.Mary got the football there.Mary left the football.Jeff went to the office.Jeff got the football there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary dropped the apple there.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary put down the football.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill dropped the apple.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the office.Bill went back to the office.Mary got the football there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary put down the football.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred dropped the apple.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Jeff went to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill took the football there.Bill took the milk there.Bill dropped the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill dropped the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill left the milk.Bill put down the football.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff left the apple there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff left the milk.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff took the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff took the football there.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff put down the football.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill discarded the milk.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill picked up the football there.Fred went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary went to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff got the milk there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill left the apple.Jeff left the milk.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Mary put down the milk there.Mary took the milk there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary put down the milk.Mary got the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary went to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary discarded the milk there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Mary travelled to the office.Bill got the milk there.Fred gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill discarded the football.Mary went to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff dropped the apple.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Fred went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff put down the apple.Bill moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred left the football.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred took the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff got the apple there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred passed the football to Bill.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill handed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill left the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary took the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill got the apple there.Bill left the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred left the apple.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill grabbed the apple there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill took the milk there.Fred got the football there.Fred discarded the football.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill discarded the milk.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill picked up the football there.Bill put down the football.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary got the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary dropped the apple.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill picked up the football there.Fred left the milk.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Bill dropped the football there.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Bill got the football there.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary left the milk.Fred moved to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff dropped the football.Bill dropped the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary discarded the apple.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Bill left the milk.Bill took the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill dropped the milk.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill took the milk there.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff got the apple there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Fred went to the office.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the office.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the office.Fred went to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary handed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred discarded the football there.Bill travelled to the hallway.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the football there.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Mary passed the football to Bill.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Mary travelled to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill got the football there.Mary took the milk there.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary dropped the milk.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Mary went to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill discarded the apple.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Bill went to the garden.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill got the football there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary took the football there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Jeff got the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the football.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill passed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the milk there.Mary took the apple there.Fred put down the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary dropped the apple.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred discarded the apple there.Fred went back to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Jeff took the football there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the football.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary put down the milk.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff put down the football.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred took the football there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred discarded the football.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff discarded the apple there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Jeff got the football there.Mary went to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff put down the football.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred left the milk.Fred discarded the apple.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff put down the football.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Fred got the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill put down the apple there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill got the apple there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill dropped the milk.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary got the football there.Mary passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred took the football there.Fred discarded the football.Mary got the apple there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill moved to the garden.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Mary put down the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff got the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went to the office.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred moved to the garden.Fred left the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred picked up the football there.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred left the apple.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred got the apple there.Jeff left the milk.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Mary discarded the football.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred put down the apple there.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary picked up the football there.Mary left the football.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary took the apple there.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred handed the football to Mary.Bill travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill dropped the apple.Bill got the apple there.Mary got the football there.Mary left the football.Mary got the football there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary left the football.Jeff moved to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill discarded the apple.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Bill put down the apple.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill discarded the apple.Fred moved to the kitchen.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill put down the milk.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary got the football there.Mary left the football there.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill left the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff put down the milk there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff went to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary got the apple there.Jeff left the milk.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary dropped the apple.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Bill got the milk there.Bill left the milk.Mary took the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill discarded the milk.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary discarded the apple.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill dropped the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the office.Mary left the milk.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill got the milk there.Fred got the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.Fred put down the football.Fred got the football there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff went to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Jeff went back to the office.Mary dropped the milk there.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary dropped the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill went to the hallway.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred dropped the milk.Fred went to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred left the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Mary travelled to the hallway.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Mary went back to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill left the milk.Bill took the milk there.Mary dropped the apple.Mary took the football there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary left the football.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred discarded the football there.Mary went back to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred took the apple there.Mary went back to the office.Fred put down the apple.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Fred left the milk.Jeff got the milk there.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff got the football there.Bill went back to the office.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Bill moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary put down the milk.Mary took the milk there.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary left the milk.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary went to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill left the apple.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary dropped the football there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary got the football there.Fred got the milk there.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill moved to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred left the milk.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Fred went to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Fred put down the apple.Jeff handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill picked up the football there.Fred went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary went to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff got the milk there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill left the apple.Jeff left the milk.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill took the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Bill put down the apple.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Fred went to the garden.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Bill went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred picked up the football there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred dropped the football.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Fred left the football.Fred got the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Fred dropped the football.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff left the milk.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary discarded the apple.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Fred dropped the football.Mary went to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Jeff moved to the office.Mary moved to the office.Fred got the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Bill moved to the office.Mary passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred dropped the football.Fred picked up the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill left the apple there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff put down the football.Fred grabbed the football there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred put down the apple there.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary left the apple.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred put down the football there.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary put down the apple.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary went to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary put down the milk.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred moved to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Fred dropped the milk.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred discarded the football there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred put down the football there.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill took the milk there.Bill picked up the football there.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill discarded the milk.Bill got the apple there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Jeff took the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Bill got the football there.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill dropped the football.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the milk.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary left the milk.Mary got the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary left the apple.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill dropped the milk.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff got the milk there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk.Mary went to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary dropped the football there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple there.Mary got the football there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary left the football there.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary dropped the football.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff dropped the apple there.Fred went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff left the apple.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Fred discarded the football.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Fred went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the office.Fred got the apple there.Fred left the apple.Bill picked up the football there.Fred got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Bill passed the football to Mary.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred put down the apple.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Mary put down the football there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill dropped the football.Bill went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff took the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred moved to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Jeff travelled to the hallway.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the garden.Mary took the football there.Fred dropped the apple.Mary passed the football to Fred.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred got the apple there.Fred discarded the apple.Bill put down the milk.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary discarded the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the garden.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred discarded the football.Jeff went to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the office.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff took the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Bill went to the garden.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred put down the apple there.Bill picked up the football there.Bill moved to the garden.Bill dropped the football.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Fred discarded the apple.Bill dropped the football.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary went to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff left the football there.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Mary got the football there.Mary gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff got the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff put down the football.Bill went back to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill left the milk there.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Fred went to the hallway.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went back to the office.Fred went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Fred dropped the football there.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred got the milk there.Mary travelled to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Mary took the apple there.Jeff went to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Mary dropped the apple.Mary got the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.Bill got the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff put down the football.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary went to the office.Bill went back to the office.Mary passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary got the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff took the apple there.Fred moved to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred went to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill left the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill got the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill discarded the apple.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the office.Mary moved to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Bill took the football there.Fred moved to the office.Bill handed the football to Mary.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary dropped the football there.Fred put down the milk.Bill got the football there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Fred got the apple there.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Bill left the milk.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff got the apple there.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Jeff got the football there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Bill went to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill discarded the milk.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary discarded the apple.Fred went back to the office.Bill got the football there.Mary took the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Mary took the apple there.Mary discarded the apple there.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary got the apple there.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary put down the apple.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary dropped the apple.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Fred left the milk.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary picked up the football there.Mary went to the office.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred got the milk there.Mary took the apple there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Fred went to the office.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary took the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary left the apple.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred put down the milk.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill dropped the football.Mary went back to the garden.Fred discarded the apple.Jeff took the football there.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill discarded the apple.Mary put down the milk.Fred went back to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Bill went to the office.Fred got the football there.Bill took the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred left the football.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Jeff went to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill put down the apple.Bill moved to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Bill left the apple.Mary travelled to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary went to the hallway.Mary left the apple.Jeff went back to the office.Mary got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary put down the apple.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred got the football there.Fred put down the milk there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Jeff went to the office.Mary put down the apple.Mary took the apple there.Fred discarded the football.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Mary put down the apple there.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary put down the milk.Jeff took the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff put down the football there.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred left the football.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred discarded the apple.Jeff moved to the office.Fred left the milk.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill passed the football to Fred.Jeff got the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill left the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Fred took the football there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff put down the apple.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred put down the football.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Jeff left the milk.Fred picked up the football there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Fred left the football.Fred got the football there.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff left the milk there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred left the football.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill took the milk there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff took the football there.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Fred discarded the apple.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary took the milk there.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary passed the football to Bill.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Mary got the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary went to the hallway.Mary put down the milk.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Mary took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff dropped the football.Mary went to the office.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary left the milk.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary dropped the apple.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary put down the milk.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Jeff got the football there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary put down the football.Fred went back to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff left the apple there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Mary took the football there.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff got the apple there.Bill went back to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff left the apple.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Jeff went back to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary discarded the apple.Mary got the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Bill went to the hallway.Bill put down the football.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill dropped the apple.Bill got the football there.Jeff went to the office.Bill dropped the football.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill took the football there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill left the apple there.Bill discarded the football.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Mary took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred left the milk.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Fred moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill put down the apple there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went to the garden.Mary dropped the football.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary took the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Fred dropped the milk.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple there.Mary dropped the milk.Fred travelled to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill took the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff left the apple.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Bill moved to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the garden.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary left the football.Mary got the football there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill went to the office.Mary put down the football.Mary moved to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Fred got the football there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Mary took the apple there.Mary got the football there.Mary left the football.Jeff went to the office.Jeff got the football there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary dropped the apple there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred discarded the milk.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred went to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred left the football.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff put down the football.Bill took the football there.Bill handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Jeff got the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple.Mary took the milk there.Mary left the milk.Fred moved to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary discarded the milk.Fred dropped the apple.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff took the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff gave the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred put down the milk.Mary took the football there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary dropped the football.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill discarded the apple.Fred travelled to the office.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill dropped the milk there.Bill picked up the apple there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Bill went to the garden.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff left the apple.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff left the apple.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred dropped the milk there.Bill gave the football to Fred.Bill got the milk there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary got the milk there.Bill went back to the office.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred got the football there.Fred dropped the football.Fred took the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Fred discarded the football there.Bill went to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Mary took the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Fred got the football there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary got the milk there.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred got the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary dropped the milk.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Fred got the milk there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Bill went to the hallway.Fred handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Fred picked up the football there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred dropped the football.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred dropped the football there.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Bill left the football.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred went to the office.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred left the milk there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Mary moved to the office.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff discarded the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary took the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the football there.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill left the football.Jeff took the football there.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Fred went to the office.Bill got the football there.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred took the apple there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred left the apple there.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary discarded the apple there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary put down the apple.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff got the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill dropped the apple.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Bill went to the office.Bill went to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred left the football.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred got the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Fred discarded the football.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the garden.Fred went to the office.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill moved to the office.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill put down the football.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred got the football there.Bill went to the office.Fred put down the football there.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Mary took the football there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff got the football there.Mary discarded the milk there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff put down the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff put down the football.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Mary got the football there.Bill dropped the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff took the football there.Mary went to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff discarded the football.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill left the milk.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the office.Jeff went to the office.Bill went to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Fred went to the garden.Bill took the football there.Bill put down the football there.Mary took the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary left the milk.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred discarded the apple.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Mary moved to the office.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Bill discarded the apple.Mary went to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill dropped the apple.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary dropped the milk.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Fred got the football there.Fred discarded the football.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill picked up the milk there.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary put down the milk.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff discarded the apple.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Mary discarded the milk.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Fred put down the milk.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred left the milk.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred discarded the milk.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple.Bill took the apple there.Jeff dropped the football.Fred took the football there.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Jeff moved to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill took the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff put down the football.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill dropped the apple.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff dropped the football.Mary went to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary took the football there.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Fred moved to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill put down the milk.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff got the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill went to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Bill got the apple there.Mary got the football there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff took the football there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the milk there.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Mary went back to the garden.Mary left the apple.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary went to the hallway.Mary put down the milk.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Mary took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff dropped the football.Mary went to the office.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff grabbed the football there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff took the football there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the office.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary got the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Fred took the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Mary put down the apple.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary put down the apple.Mary went to the office.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Mary moved to the office.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Jeff went back to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill took the football there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary took the milk there.Mary put down the milk there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Jeff went to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill left the football.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff put down the milk.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Bill put down the football.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff got the milk there.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill discarded the football.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Jeff took the milk there.Bill discarded the apple.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the milk there.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill dropped the milk there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff got the football there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Fred went back to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill went to the office.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary took the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Jeff got the milk there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Bill got the milk there.Bill discarded the milk.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill took the football there.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Fred moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff put down the apple there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Fred went to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary discarded the apple.Jeff moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred went to the garden.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Mary took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the office.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Mary put down the football there.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff dropped the football.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple.Bill got the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill left the football.Fred went to the office.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Fred moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill dropped the football there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary got the apple there.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Bill took the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff left the milk.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary went to the office.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff left the milk.Mary picked up the apple there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary got the apple there.Fred got the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary put down the apple.Fred put down the football.Mary took the apple there.Fred moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Fred moved to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Mary went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary left the milk.Mary handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff put down the milk.Mary moved to the office.Mary got the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Bill got the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Bill discarded the milk.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary got the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Mary discarded the football.Fred took the football there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the football there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.Jeff went back to the office.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Bill put down the football.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Mary picked up the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill got the football there.Bill went to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill dropped the football.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff left the apple.Mary got the apple there.Mary dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Jeff went to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the office.Fred went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill dropped the apple.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary dropped the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill discarded the football there.Jeff went to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill got the football there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill left the football.Bill got the milk there.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Bill got the football there.Mary discarded the apple.Jeff went to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill dropped the football.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Mary discarded the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill left the milk.Fred got the football there.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Fred took the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred discarded the football.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff put down the apple there.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Fred left the milk.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred picked up the football there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Mary travelled to the office.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred put down the football.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Fred travelled to the office.Mary put down the apple there.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Fred took the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred dropped the football.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Fred discarded the football.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary left the milk.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary put down the apple.Mary put down the milk there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred dropped the milk.Fred put down the apple.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill left the milk.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Bill went back to the garden.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred took the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred discarded the apple there.Jeff discarded the football there.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary got the milk there.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary took the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff took the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.Fred went back to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred got the apple there.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred discarded the apple there.Mary went to the office.Fred took the apple there.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred left the apple.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary left the apple.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary went back to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff put down the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred took the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff put down the football.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary picked up the football there.Fred went to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Fred took the milk there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred discarded the milk.Mary got the milk there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill left the football there.Bill took the football there.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff moved to the office.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill got the apple there.Bill put down the apple.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill put down the apple there.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Fred left the football there.Fred took the football there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred put down the football.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Fred put down the football.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred handed the football to Mary.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary dropped the football there.Mary got the football there.Mary passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred gave the football to Bill.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill handed the football to Mary.Jeff got the milk there.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Fred left the football.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Mary moved to the garden.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Fred went to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill put down the apple.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred put down the milk.Fred got the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary dropped the milk.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Fred moved to the office.Fred put down the milk.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the garden.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Jeff took the apple there.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff dropped the apple there.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill left the football.Jeff left the milk.Jeff got the milk there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred left the football.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary picked up the football there.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Bill picked up the football there.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred took the apple there.Bill travelled to the office.Fred discarded the apple there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill put down the apple.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff left the milk.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff left the apple.Fred moved to the office.Mary went to the office.Mary got the milk there.Jeff put down the football.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff went to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary discarded the milk.Mary took the milk there.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff dropped the apple.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary took the milk there.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Fred moved to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the milk there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff dropped the apple there.Mary went to the office.Fred moved to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff put down the football.Jeff went to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff took the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff got the football there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff put down the football there.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary left the football.Mary picked up the football there.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary travelled to the office.Mary discarded the football.Mary got the football there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary dropped the football.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary got the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary left the apple.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary discarded the football.Jeff dropped the apple.Mary got the apple there.Jeff went back to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary left the football.Mary got the football there.Mary dropped the apple.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Jeff moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred got the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff left the football.Fred discarded the milk.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Fred moved to the office.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred took the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill left the apple.Jeff handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill discarded the apple there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill left the milk.Bill went back to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Fred moved to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Fred got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred went to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Fred took the apple there.Fred picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred discarded the apple.Bill moved to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred handed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Fred went to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred left the milk.Bill went to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred got the milk there.Bill left the football.Fred discarded the milk.Fred took the milk there.Fred left the milk.Fred went back to the office.Mary took the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary went to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred discarded the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill picked up the football there.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football there.Mary went back to the garden.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill moved to the garden.Fred dropped the milk.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Fred got the football there.Fred discarded the football.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred took the football there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred discarded the football.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill discarded the milk there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Bill dropped the apple.Bill got the apple there.Bill dropped the apple.Fred dropped the football.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Fred handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Jeff got the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple.Mary took the milk there.Mary left the milk.Fred moved to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff got the football there.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary put down the football.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the office.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff went to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff left the football.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff took the apple there.Bill went back to the office.Fred went to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff left the apple.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred put down the milk.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff left the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Fred took the football there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Fred dropped the football.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred took the football there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred dropped the football.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred left the football.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred took the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Fred left the football.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff dropped the apple.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Jeff went to the office.Mary discarded the football.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the apple there.Fred got the milk there.Bill left the apple.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary discarded the apple.Fred dropped the milk.Mary got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary left the apple.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary went back to the garden.Bill took the football there.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill dropped the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill passed the football to Fred.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill left the milk.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Fred got the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Bill left the milk.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill left the milk there.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred discarded the milk.Fred took the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill travelled to the office.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary went to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Bill left the football.Bill got the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill passed the football to Fred.Mary dropped the milk.Fred dropped the football.Mary took the milk there.Bill picked up the football there.Bill left the football.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk.Fred dropped the football.Bill went to the office.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff got the milk there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Fred took the football there.Jeff put down the milk.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Fred put down the football.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Mary got the football there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary put down the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the hallway.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill discarded the milk there.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Fred went back to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Jeff travelled to the office.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill left the football.Mary travelled to the garden.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary put down the milk.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Bill put down the football.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill went back to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill discarded the football.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill took the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Bill went back to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff took the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff put down the football.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill went to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the office.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff went to the office.Fred took the football there.Fred put down the apple.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred dropped the football.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Mary went to the garden.Jeff dropped the football.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary took the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Mary put down the milk.Fred travelled to the hallway.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred got the football there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred discarded the football.Bill went to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred picked up the football there.Fred put down the football there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred discarded the apple.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Fred dropped the apple.Bill dropped the milk.Bill took the milk there.Bill dropped the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.Bill went to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Fred went to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill dropped the milk there.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill dropped the milk.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff left the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Bill picked up the football there.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred got the football there.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the football there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred put down the milk.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary left the football there.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred left the football.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred took the football there.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Fred passed the football to Bill.Jeff travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the football there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary left the football.Mary took the football there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary dropped the football.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Bill moved to the office.Bill got the milk there.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred went back to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred picked up the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred discarded the apple.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred dropped the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary dropped the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff discarded the apple.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred took the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the apple.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred dropped the milk.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Bill went back to the garden.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill got the apple there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill discarded the apple there.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff put down the milk.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred got the milk there.Mary travelled to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Bill left the milk.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill left the apple.Mary went to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill took the milk there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary grabbed the apple there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill got the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Bill left the milk.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff left the milk.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Jeff got the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple.Mary took the milk there.Mary left the milk.Fred moved to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary discarded the milk.Fred dropped the apple.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary took the football there.Mary left the football.Mary travelled to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the milk.Mary took the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Bill took the football there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the office.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Mary dropped the apple.Fred handed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.Bill travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred left the football there.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred took the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Bill discarded the football.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill got the football there.Bill discarded the football.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill went to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff left the football.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Mary took the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Mary took the apple there.Fred moved to the garden.Mary put down the apple.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary took the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred dropped the football there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred got the apple there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred dropped the apple.Fred went back to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary discarded the milk there.Mary got the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred went to the hallway.Mary dropped the football.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred left the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple.Mary got the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill put down the apple.Fred moved to the garden.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary left the football.Fred picked up the football there.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary dropped the football.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred went to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred picked up the apple there.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred put down the apple.Fred went back to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Bill went to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Mary went to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Fred picked up the football there.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred took the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred put down the apple.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Fred dropped the milk.Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Fred left the football.Mary picked up the football there.Mary left the football.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Fred went back to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill took the milk there.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill put down the milk.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary got the football there.Mary left the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill discarded the apple.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Fred went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred went to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Jeff put down the apple.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Mary went to the office.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred discarded the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred discarded the milk.Fred took the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred left the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff got the football there.Jeff left the football.Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Fred went to the hallway.Mary took the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary dropped the apple.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary went back to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Bill went to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff dropped the apple.Mary went to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary discarded the milk.Fred travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff took the football there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Fred went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff got the apple there.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff got the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff left the milk there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Fred went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred handed the football to Mary.Jeff left the apple.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred discarded the football.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk there.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill left the football.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill took the football there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Bill got the football there.Bill put down the football.Mary put down the apple there.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill put down the football.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred took the football there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred dropped the football.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Mary took the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff took the apple there.Mary got the football there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary put down the football.Bill got the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff left the milk.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple there.Jeff took the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff put down the apple.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff got the apple there.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Bill went back to the office.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill got the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Mary travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill took the milk there.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill discarded the milk there.Fred went to the office.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff dropped the apple there.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred discarded the football there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill took the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill put down the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill discarded the football.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Fred left the milk.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill took the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Fred dropped the apple.Bill went to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Mary went to the office.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill picked up the football there.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk.Mary got the apple there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary dropped the apple.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Fred took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Fred went back to the garden.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the office.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary dropped the milk.Fred went to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Bill put down the apple.Bill took the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple.Fred dropped the football.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill discarded the milk there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill got the apple there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred took the football there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill put down the milk.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill left the apple.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went to the hallway.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the office.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff put down the football.Jeff got the football there.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Fred took the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Fred got the milk there.Bill moved to the garden.Fred dropped the milk.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the garden.Bill put down the milk.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill put down the milk.Mary went to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill dropped the milk.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Bill moved to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Mary dropped the apple.Fred handed the football to Bill.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Jeff got the football there.Jeff got the milk there.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff handed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary got the milk there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Mary discarded the milk there.Bill picked up the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went to the office.Fred took the football there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill dropped the football.Jeff travelled to the office.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary got the milk there.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary put down the milk.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Bill went to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred left the milk.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary picked up the football there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary left the football.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Bill took the football there.Bill put down the football.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Mary dropped the football.Bill got the football there.Mary went to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred handed the football to Mary.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary took the milk there.Bill put down the apple.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill got the apple there.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill discarded the apple.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the office.Fred went back to the office.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill got the apple there.Mary picked up the football there.Bill dropped the apple.Bill went back to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary discarded the football there.Jeff went to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred took the football there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Bill went to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred passed the football to Mary.Fred discarded the milk.Bill went to the office.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the garden.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary left the football.Mary got the football there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill went to the office.Mary put down the football.Mary moved to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Fred got the football there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill dropped the apple.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff left the football.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred picked up the football there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred discarded the football.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff left the milk.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary put down the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Fred put down the apple.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the office.Fred went to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary went back to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary got the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Mary discarded the apple.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred dropped the apple.Fred put down the milk.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred discarded the apple.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred got the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred left the milk.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary dropped the apple.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill left the apple.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff left the apple.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went to the office.Bill got the football there.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill got the milk there.Bill discarded the football.Bill went to the garden.Bill left the milk.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred got the football there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred dropped the football.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Fred left the milk there.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred took the milk there.Bill left the football.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary left the apple.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Fred dropped the football there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary dropped the apple there.Mary took the milk there.Mary left the milk there.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill dropped the football.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary dropped the apple there.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Bill took the milk there.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill left the milk.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff went to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the office.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Bill left the milk.Jeff put down the football there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Fred moved to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff put down the football there.Jeff put down the milk there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff put down the milk.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the garden.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff put down the football there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill discarded the apple.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Mary took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Jeff left the football.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary left the milk.Jeff dropped the apple there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary got the football there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary discarded the football.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Fred handed the football to Mary.Jeff got the milk there.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred went to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Mary moved to the office.Bill went back to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill took the apple there.Mary left the milk.Mary took the milk there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Bill discarded the apple.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred dropped the football.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred dropped the apple.Fred picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the office.Fred took the milk there.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill went to the hallway.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred dropped the milk.Mary went back to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Mary took the milk there.Bill handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff took the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Mary moved to the garden.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Bill left the milk.Bill dropped the apple.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Mary moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill left the milk.Fred took the milk there.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary discarded the apple.Fred handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Bill discarded the football.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary gave the football to Bill.Fred took the milk there.Bill handed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Bill put down the football there.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff moved to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill picked up the football there.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff put down the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill dropped the football.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred left the milk.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred discarded the apple.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary went to the hallway.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Fred got the football there.Fred handed the football to Mary.Fred took the milk there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred left the football.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill left the apple.Mary took the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill put down the apple.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff got the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill discarded the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill moved to the garden.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred got the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred left the apple.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff got the milk there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff discarded the milk there.Mary went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Bill left the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill dropped the apple there.Bill got the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Fred went to the kitchen.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff discarded the apple.Mary took the milk there.Fred took the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Mary went to the office.Mary got the milk there.Mary discarded the milk there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred put down the football.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill left the milk.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred dropped the football.Fred took the apple there.Fred discarded the apple.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary went to the office.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.Mary went to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill took the football there.Fred went to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Bill discarded the football.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff left the apple.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred discarded the milk.Fred got the milk there.Bill went to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Fred discarded the milk.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Mary put down the football.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the football there.Fred went to the garden.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred left the milk there.Mary took the football there.Mary dropped the football.Fred went back to the garden.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary picked up the football there.Mary discarded the football.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff got the milk there.Fred went back to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff left the football.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff took the apple there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Jeff went to the garden.Fred got the milk there.Fred went to the office.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff left the football there.Bill moved to the office.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Bill put down the apple there.Mary left the milk.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Fred took the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred put down the apple.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred got the football there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff discarded the football.Fred went to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred discarded the football there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the football there.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Mary went back to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff got the football there.Fred went to the office.Jeff put down the football there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff dropped the football there.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff dropped the apple.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the office.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff got the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary put down the milk.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill took the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Fred moved to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary moved to the office.Mary gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Bill discarded the football.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary went to the garden.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary left the milk there.Mary got the milk there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary put down the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary dropped the football there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary got the football there.Fred got the milk there.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill moved to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.Fred went to the hallway.Bill handed the football to Mary.Jeff left the apple.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Bill went back to the garden.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Bill went back to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary left the milk.Fred moved to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary left the milk there.Mary got the milk there.Mary left the milk.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary left the milk.Mary got the milk there.Bill picked up the football there.Bill put down the football.Bill got the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary dropped the milk.Fred got the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary passed the football to Fred.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred left the football there.Bill moved to the hallway.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff got the milk there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill took the apple there.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff left the milk.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Mary went to the garden.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff left the football.Mary moved to the office.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the football there.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Mary passed the football to Bill.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple there.Fred picked up the apple there.Bill discarded the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred got the football there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred took the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff left the milk.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Fred dropped the apple.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Mary left the football.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Fred took the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred left the milk.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Bill discarded the apple there.Bill dropped the football.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred discarded the milk.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Fred dropped the milk.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill got the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Jeff got the apple there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff got the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Jeff dropped the football there.Bill took the football there.Mary went back to the office.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff dropped the apple there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the milk there.Mary travelled to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Mary put down the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff got the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill dropped the football.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill left the milk.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff dropped the apple there.Fred got the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred dropped the football there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary took the milk there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary put down the milk there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred put down the apple there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Bill went to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Bill dropped the football there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Fred moved to the office.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff got the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Mary took the apple there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill left the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary took the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill got the apple there.Bill left the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred left the apple.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Bill moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Fred took the football there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary dropped the milk.Mary went back to the office.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred got the football there.Fred dropped the football.Fred took the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Fred discarded the football there.Bill went to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Mary took the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Bill went back to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred dropped the football there.Mary took the milk there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill picked up the football there.Bill went to the garden.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill discarded the football.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill took the milk there.Bill got the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Bill dropped the milk.Mary gave the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Mary went back to the office.Bill discarded the football.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff went to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff discarded the football there.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill dropped the apple there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the football.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff went to the office.Jeff put down the apple.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Bill went to the office.Jeff took the football there.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff got the football there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the office.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Fred left the apple.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred discarded the milk.Fred took the apple there.Fred left the apple.Jeff went back to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Fred moved to the office.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred took the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred left the football.Fred took the football there.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Mary went to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred moved to the garden.Fred left the football.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred discarded the football.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary put down the football.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred put down the football.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Bill went to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff discarded the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Bill took the milk there.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary took the milk there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Jeff left the football.Jeff went back to the garden.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Mary got the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary discarded the milk.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill took the football there.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill took the apple there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill put down the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Bill took the football there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple.Mary went to the office.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill passed the football to Fred.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff left the apple.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Jeff dropped the milk there.Fred got the milk there.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff put down the apple.Fred discarded the milk there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Bill went to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Fred got the milk there.Jeff got the apple there.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff put down the apple.Mary left the milk.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill left the milk.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff got the milk there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff left the milk there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Fred went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary left the football.Bill took the milk there.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the office.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff went to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill put down the apple there.Bill took the apple there.Bill dropped the apple.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill put down the apple there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary got the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Jeff went to the office.Mary went to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred discarded the milk.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill took the apple there.Fred got the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill discarded the apple there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Fred put down the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Bill discarded the apple there.Mary went to the hallway.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary left the apple.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred left the apple there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill took the milk there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Fred went to the garden.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary got the milk there.Bill went back to the office.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary went back to the garden.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred put down the apple there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff took the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Mary went to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Fred went to the garden.Jeff put down the apple.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Bill went back to the garden.Fred discarded the football.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred put down the milk.Mary dropped the apple.Bill got the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred dropped the apple.Bill grabbed the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff took the apple there.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff left the apple there.Mary passed the football to Bill.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary put down the milk.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went to the office.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred went to the office.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the milk there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff left the apple.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Fred discarded the milk.Mary went to the hallway.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Bill got the apple there.Mary dropped the football.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Mary dropped the football there.Bill put down the apple.Bill went to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Mary went to the office.Bill left the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill gave the football to Mary.Bill discarded the milk.Mary gave the football to Bill.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Bill gave the football to Fred.Mary dropped the milk there.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff dropped the milk there.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Bill got the football there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill discarded the football.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the office.Mary went to the garden.Bill went to the garden.Bill took the football there.Bill discarded the football.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill got the football there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill discarded the football.Fred discarded the apple.Bill picked up the football there.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Fred put down the apple.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred dropped the milk.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Fred discarded the milk there.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill left the football.Bill got the football there.Fred got the milk there.Bill dropped the football.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill took the football there.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Fred moved to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Bill went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred took the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Bill got the milk there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred discarded the milk.Fred got the milk there.Mary moved to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the garden.Mary gave the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary left the milk there.Mary got the milk there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary put down the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred took the milk there.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.Mary went to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary left the apple.Mary moved to the garden.Bill took the football there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football.Mary picked up the football there.Mary went to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the office.Bill went to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill went back to the garden.Bill put down the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the garden.Fred got the football there.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff took the football there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill put down the football.Bill went to the garden.Jeff got the football there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.Bill got the football there.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred got the football there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred discarded the football.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary put down the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff moved to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary discarded the football.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Mary got the football there.Mary travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the milk there.Fred went back to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred discarded the milk.Bill went to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Bill went to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary put down the milk there.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary discarded the milk there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Mary dropped the milk.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary dropped the milk there.Bill went back to the office.Jeff went to the office.Fred went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill dropped the football.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill passed the football to Mary.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary got the apple there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Bill travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Mary put down the milk.Fred went back to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff went to the office.Fred moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Mary left the milk.Fred got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred put down the milk.Mary took the football there.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary went to the garden.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill got the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary went to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary discarded the milk there.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Mary moved to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary discarded the apple.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff went to the office.Jeff left the milk.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff took the milk there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff left the milk.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff got the milk there.Fred left the apple.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill took the football there.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill got the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill took the apple there.Fred got the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill discarded the apple there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Fred put down the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Bill discarded the apple there.Mary went to the hallway.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary left the apple.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred left the apple there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill took the milk there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary put down the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary got the football there.Mary left the football.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary passed the football to Fred.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred gave the football to Mary.Bill travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff left the apple.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Mary went back to the office.Jeff left the milk.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred put down the apple.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff dropped the football.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred left the milk.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary left the football.Jeff left the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Fred travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Jeff got the apple there.Bill travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff left the milk there.Jeff took the milk there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill put down the apple.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff got the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill discarded the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Fred dropped the football.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff moved to the office.Fred put down the football.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff took the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill took the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Bill went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill left the apple.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Fred got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Fred moved to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill left the apple.Jeff went back to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the milk there.Bill took the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff put down the apple.Bill got the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill left the apple there.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Fred moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill took the football there.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Mary discarded the football.Mary took the football there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Mary discarded the football.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff got the apple there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred took the milk there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill got the milk there.Mary moved to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill discarded the milk.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Mary moved to the office.Bill went back to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill took the apple there.Mary left the milk.Mary took the milk there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Bill moved to the office.Fred gave the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Mary took the apple there.Mary discarded the apple there.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary got the apple there.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary put down the apple.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary dropped the apple.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Fred left the milk.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary picked up the football there.Mary went to the office.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred discarded the milk.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Fred handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill discarded the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill discarded the football.Bill took the football there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill dropped the apple.Bill took the apple there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred discarded the milk.Mary went back to the office.Bill took the football there.Mary took the apple there.Bill discarded the football.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary discarded the apple.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Bill put down the football.Bill moved to the office.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill left the apple.Bill got the football there.Bill got the apple there.Bill dropped the apple.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill put down the football.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill took the milk there.Bill left the milk.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary discarded the milk.Mary went back to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the milk there.Fred moved to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff put down the football.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Jeff got the football there.Fred discarded the apple.Jeff went to the office.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary left the football.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill went back to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill went to the office.Mary put down the football.Mary picked up the football there.Mary got the apple there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the garden.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary put down the football.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred left the apple.Mary got the football there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary left the football.Mary took the football there.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred left the milk.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Mary went back to the office.Jeff left the football there.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary left the football.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill discarded the apple.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Mary got the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary left the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the office.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred put down the milk.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill left the apple.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Mary took the milk there.Fred went to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Mary went to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill put down the milk.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Bill took the milk there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred took the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred discarded the football there.Bill took the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Mary went to the hallway.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Fred moved to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Mary handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff dropped the milk.Mary took the milk there.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary travelled to the office.Mary got the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff put down the milk there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill went back to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary got the football there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff took the football there.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred put down the milk.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred left the football.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred put down the football.Mary got the apple there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred dropped the apple there.Mary left the milk.Fred took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill got the football there.Bill moved to the office.Fred went to the office.Bill handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff took the apple there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff left the apple.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred got the milk there.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Bill dropped the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Jeff discarded the football.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff left the apple.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff left the football.Fred took the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff went to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Bill took the football there.Bill put down the football.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary dropped the apple.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill left the apple.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Jeff went to the garden.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Fred picked up the football there.Fred passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred got the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred got the football there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred dropped the milk.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred dropped the football.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred got the apple there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Fred took the milk there.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred dropped the milk.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Bill left the apple there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Jeff left the football.Bill went to the garden.Fred went back to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred took the football there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went to the office.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill got the football there.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill dropped the football.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill picked up the football there.Bill put down the football.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Jeff went back to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary got the milk there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary left the milk.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill put down the apple.Bill took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred put down the milk there.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred discarded the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred dropped the milk.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary got the football there.Mary went to the hallway.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary got the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred gave the football to Bill.Mary moved to the garden.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff got the milk there.Bill took the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Bill got the apple there.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred discarded the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill dropped the apple.Mary went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary travelled to the office.Bill grabbed the apple there.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff got the milk there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill took the apple there.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff left the milk.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Mary went to the garden.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff put down the football.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff discarded the milk.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary took the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary discarded the apple.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Fred discarded the milk there.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Fred left the milk.Fred took the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred put down the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred discarded the milk there.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary took the football there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Mary dropped the milk.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Mary put down the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill left the milk there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Jeff discarded the football there.Jeff got the football there.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Mary travelled to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Fred passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff picked up the apple there.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill left the milk.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff took the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Bill dropped the milk.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff put down the football.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Jeff dropped the apple.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill put down the milk.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary took the football there.Fred moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary discarded the football.Mary picked up the football there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary put down the football.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Mary went to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary left the milk.Mary got the milk there.Fred went to the garden.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred put down the milk.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary left the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Fred took the apple there.Fred picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred discarded the apple.Bill moved to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred handed the football to Mary.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Bill picked up the football there.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred discarded the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred left the milk.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary got the apple there.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Bill went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill put down the apple.Bill took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill left the apple.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary got the football there.Bill took the milk there.Mary discarded the football.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Mary picked up the football there.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill left the milk.Mary discarded the football there.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred got the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Bill put down the apple.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the garden.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill picked up the football there.Mary discarded the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill left the football.Fred picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the garden.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred left the apple.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Jeff went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred discarded the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred put down the milk there.Bill went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Bill moved to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary went to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff left the milk there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill discarded the milk.Mary took the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill discarded the milk there.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Fred put down the milk.Bill left the apple.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Bill moved to the office.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred put down the milk.Fred took the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary got the apple there.Mary went to the office.Fred dropped the milk.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill got the football there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred left the milk there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Bill dropped the apple.Mary travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill dropped the milk there.Mary went to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred took the apple there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Jeff went back to the office.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the apple.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred took the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Bill got the milk there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff left the football.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred went back to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred got the football there.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Bill put down the apple.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred took the milk there.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Fred left the milk there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred picked up the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Bill put down the milk.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary took the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary left the apple.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred put down the milk.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred left the football.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill got the milk there.Mary went to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff left the apple.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill discarded the milk.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary went back to the office.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill got the football there.Mary got the milk there.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.Bill took the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Mary dropped the milk.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary got the football there.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary discarded the football.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill discarded the milk.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the milk there.Bill went back to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary got the football there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Mary went to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the office.Bill took the football there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill left the football.Fred got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred left the milk.Fred took the milk there.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred left the milk.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred put down the apple.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Mary gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary left the milk there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred left the milk.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill got the milk there.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Bill put down the milk there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff left the milk there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Mary travelled to the office.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Fred got the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff dropped the milk.Mary took the milk there.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Fred got the milk there.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred discarded the milk.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the garden.Mary moved to the garden.Fred put down the milk there.Fred got the milk there.Mary took the apple there.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Fred put down the milk there.Bill handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred passed the football to Mary.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Mary moved to the garden.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff took the football there.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff discarded the football there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Mary got the milk there.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Jeff dropped the football there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the hallway.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred left the football there.Jeff got the milk there.Fred took the football there.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the garden.Bill moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary dropped the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Jeff took the football there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the football.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary passed the football to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary discarded the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary took the apple there.Mary left the apple.Mary got the apple there.Mary left the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary moved to the garden.Mary discarded the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff dropped the apple.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff left the apple there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff left the apple.Mary took the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff took the football there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the milk there.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Mary went back to the garden.Mary left the apple.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff left the apple.Fred picked up the football there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill took the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred put down the milk there.Mary got the milk there.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the office.Bill went to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Bill journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred put down the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill picked up the football there.Bill discarded the football.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill got the football there.Bill went back to the garden.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill put down the football.Jeff left the milk.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff took the milk there.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Bill took the football there.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill discarded the football.Jeff took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill went to the office.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary took the apple there.Bill went to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary left the apple.Bill went to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary dropped the milk there.Mary left the football.Jeff put down the apple.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Mary went to the office.Mary got the milk there.Mary discarded the milk there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred put down the football.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill left the milk.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred dropped the football.Fred took the apple there.Fred discarded the apple.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary went to the office.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred dropped the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Jeff went to the office.Bill handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the garden.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Fred went to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Bill took the apple there.Bill got the milk there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary dropped the football there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went to the office.Mary took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff put down the football.Jeff got the football there.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill gave the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff put down the milk there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff got the football there.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff left the football.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill discarded the apple there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill dropped the milk.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff passed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Mary left the football.Bill got the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Bill went back to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Bill left the apple.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Jeff took the football there.Bill got the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill got the milk there.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill dropped the milk.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the milk there.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary handed the football to Fred.Jeff went to the office.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred dropped the milk there.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred put down the football.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff dropped the milk there.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Bill got the football there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill discarded the football.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the office.Mary went to the garden.Bill went to the garden.Bill took the football there.Bill discarded the football.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill got the football there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill discarded the football.Fred discarded the apple.Bill picked up the football there.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Fred put down the apple.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred dropped the milk.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Fred discarded the milk there.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred took the milk there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the office.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff dropped the milk.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary left the milk there.Mary travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill left the milk.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill dropped the milk.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill left the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the office.Bill discarded the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary dropped the apple.Fred moved to the office.Mary took the apple there.Mary left the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff discarded the football.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred went to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Fred got the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Bill went to the hallway.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill took the apple there.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred left the milk.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary got the football there.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football.Fred went to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Mary handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff got the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff left the football.Bill got the football there.Bill gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill got the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill got the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary went back to the office.Mary left the milk.Mary took the football there.Mary picked up the milk there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Fred got the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred dropped the apple.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Jeff put down the football.Jeff took the football there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the football.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred discarded the milk there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill got the apple there.Fred left the milk.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill dropped the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Fred discarded the milk there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Fred took the milk there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Mary went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill took the football there.Bill discarded the football.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill took the football there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff moved to the office.Bill discarded the football.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff left the apple there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred dropped the football there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Bill put down the milk there.Bill got the milk there.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff got the apple there.Bill went to the hallway.Bill left the milk.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill left the football.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Jeff got the football there.Jeff discarded the football there.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff left the milk.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary dropped the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred left the apple.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff moved to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary dropped the football.Mary got the football there.Mary went to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill left the football there.Jeff went to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill went back to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill took the milk there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill put down the milk.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred went to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Fred got the milk there.Jeff moved to the office.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill took the apple there.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill took the football there.Fred left the apple.Bill moved to the garden.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Fred put down the apple.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff left the apple.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Fred discarded the apple.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred left the apple.Jeff took the milk there.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred picked up the football there.Fred handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill took the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Fred picked up the apple there.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred took the football there.Fred handed the football to Mary.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary put down the football.Bill picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the office.Fred moved to the office.Bill handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Mary discarded the football.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary discarded the football.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary left the football there.Mary picked up the football there.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff put down the milk there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill went back to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary got the football there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary went back to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff dropped the football.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Bill went to the garden.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred put down the football.Bill picked up the football there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred got the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred passed the football to Mary.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill left the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary discarded the apple.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Mary took the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Mary took the apple there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Jeff moved to the office.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Fred moved to the office.Fred put down the milk.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Mary travelled to the office.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.Mary went to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill took the football there.Fred went to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Bill discarded the football.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff left the apple.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred discarded the milk.Fred got the milk there.Bill went to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary got the football there.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred took the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill took the apple there.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary put down the milk.Bill left the apple.Jeff moved to the office.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill left the milk.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went back to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff left the football.Mary moved to the office.Mary took the football there.Mary dropped the football.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill dropped the apple.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Jeff went to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Bill discarded the milk.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff got the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff put down the football there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff discarded the football there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff discarded the apple there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill left the milk.Bill got the milk there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill went to the office.Bill dropped the milk.Mary took the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Mary put down the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred dropped the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the office.Bill took the milk there.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill moved to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Fred went to the garden.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Fred went to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill dropped the football there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill passed the football to Mary.Bill went back to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary left the football.Jeff dropped the apple there.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff took the milk there.Mary picked up the football there.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary dropped the football there.Mary got the football there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary left the football.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred went to the office.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred left the apple there.Fred got the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Fred left the apple.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Fred moved to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the milk.Mary took the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff got the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary got the football there.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Bill went to the kitchen.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill got the milk there.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill dropped the milk.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred took the apple there.Mary went back to the office.Fred put down the apple.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill left the football there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill put down the apple.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary left the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Mary moved to the office.Bill passed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary took the apple there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary dropped the apple.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Jeff travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill picked up the football there.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.Bill got the football there.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Fred left the milk.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill took the football there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill put down the football.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Bill picked up the football there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill went back to the garden.Fred left the milk there.Mary went to the garden.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Bill put down the football.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Mary moved to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Fred dropped the apple.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred left the apple.Jeff went back to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Mary got the football there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Mary handed the football to Fred.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred handed the football to Mary.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Mary travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Mary went to the office.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary dropped the apple there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary left the apple.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Bill took the milk there.Fred went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary left the apple.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary put down the football.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill left the milk.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Mary picked up the football there.Mary handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill put down the milk.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the office.Bill got the milk there.Bill put down the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Fred took the apple there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred left the apple.Fred took the apple there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Fred got the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Fred went to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred left the milk.Bill went to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred got the milk there.Bill left the football.Fred discarded the milk.Fred took the milk there.Fred left the milk.Fred went back to the office.Mary took the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Mary went to the garden.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff dropped the football.Fred moved to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill took the football there.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Bill left the football.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill got the football there.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred left the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred dropped the football there.Mary travelled to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Mary took the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary dropped the apple.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff took the milk there.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred left the apple there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary got the football there.Mary travelled to the office.Mary discarded the football.Fred got the football there.Fred gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff dropped the apple.Mary got the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary travelled to the garden.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill left the milk.Bill took the apple there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Bill went back to the office.Mary dropped the apple.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Fred got the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred discarded the milk.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Mary dropped the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary got the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Bill went to the garden.Fred left the apple.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary got the football there.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill dropped the milk.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Fred got the football there.Fred discarded the football.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred took the football there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred discarded the football.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill discarded the milk there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Bill dropped the apple.Bill got the apple there.Bill dropped the apple.Fred dropped the football.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred dropped the football.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Bill took the milk there.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill left the milk.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff went to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the office.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Bill left the milk.Jeff put down the football there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary put down the milk.Fred took the milk there.Fred travelled to the office.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the milk there.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.Mary went to the office.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary got the football there.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Mary left the football.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff took the milk there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred discarded the football.Jeff went to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred left the apple there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Mary went to the office.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Fred left the apple.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred dropped the apple.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred dropped the milk.Jeff moved to the office.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the office.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff took the apple there.Mary went to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff left the football.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff moved to the office.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the apple there.Bill put down the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.Jeff moved to the office.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred dropped the apple.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill took the football there.Bill moved to the office.Bill put down the football.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred left the apple.Jeff got the football there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill went to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill handed the football to Fred.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Fred.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred handed the football to Bill.Mary moved to the office.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred left the milk.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Mary went back to the office.Jeff left the football there.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary left the football.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary put down the football.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred went to the hallway.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Bill moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary picked up the football there.Mary discarded the football.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff got the milk there.Fred went back to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff left the football.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff took the apple there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Jeff went to the garden.Fred got the milk there.Fred went to the office.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Bill went to the garden.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary dropped the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred left the apple.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff moved to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary dropped the football.Mary got the football there.Mary went to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill left the football there.Jeff went to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill left the football.Bill got the football there.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went to the office.Jeff got the football there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Mary put down the football.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff left the milk.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.Jeff went to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff put down the football.Jeff got the football there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary discarded the football.Fred moved to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill got the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Bill went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Bill got the milk there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill left the milk.Bill gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill dropped the football.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary took the milk there.Fred dropped the apple.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Mary took the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill dropped the football.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred left the milk.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff dropped the apple.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff left the apple there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff left the apple.Mary took the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary got the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the football there.Bill got the milk there.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Fred went back to the garden.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Fred moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Bill moved to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Bill handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred took the football there.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred gave the football to Mary.Jeff went back to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary took the football there.Fred moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary discarded the football.Mary picked up the football there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary put down the football.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Mary went to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary left the milk.Mary got the milk there.Fred went to the garden.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Fred discarded the apple.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the office.Fred discarded the football.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Fred took the apple there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred got the football there.Fred dropped the football.Fred took the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Fred discarded the football there.Bill went to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Mary took the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Fred got the football there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Fred put down the football there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary put down the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff handed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Mary put down the football.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff dropped the apple there.Jeff went to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff discarded the milk.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Mary moved to the garden.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Mary travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Mary moved to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary got the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary discarded the football.Bill moved to the office.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the garden.Fred went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary got the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Mary took the milk there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary discarded the football.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill dropped the apple there.Jeff went back to the office.Mary got the football there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill left the milk.Fred got the football there.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Bill grabbed the milk there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill left the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred put down the apple there.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary left the apple.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred put down the football there.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary put down the apple.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary went to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary put down the milk.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred moved to the garden.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred took the milk there.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred dropped the milk.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary put down the apple there.Mary took the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Fred got the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill went back to the office.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred left the apple.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred left the milk.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary left the apple.Mary got the apple there.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary discarded the football.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.Jeff left the milk there.Jeff got the apple there.Fred gave the football to Bill.Fred went back to the office.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill got the football there.Bill dropped the football.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred left the apple.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the football there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff dropped the football.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff put down the football.Bill got the milk there.Jeff got the football there.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Mary left the apple.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Bill went back to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill got the football there.Bill left the football there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the apple.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Fred left the apple.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill moved to the garden.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred went to the hallway.Fred got the football there.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff got the football there.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred took the milk there.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Fred put down the milk.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff left the football.Jeff left the milk there.Jeff got the milk there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff discarded the milk.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff put down the football.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Bill travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff took the football there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Jeff moved to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary journeyed to the office.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill took the apple there.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary put down the milk.Bill left the apple.Jeff moved to the office.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Bill went back to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff took the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred took the football there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary discarded the milk there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Fred dropped the football.Mary passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff discarded the football.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Jeff went back to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went to the hallway.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred left the apple.Mary went to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary took the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred dropped the apple.Jeff dropped the milk.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff took the apple there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary took the football there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary dropped the football.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff left the milk.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Jeff took the football there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff left the football.Fred moved to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill put down the milk.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Fred went back to the office.Bill put down the milk.Fred got the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary moved to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary put down the milk.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Jeff put down the football there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff got the football there.Jeff put down the football there.Bill put down the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill dropped the milk.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Bill travelled to the office.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Jeff went back to the office.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary went to the office.Fred passed the football to Mary.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Mary dropped the football.Fred passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill left the apple.Bill went to the hallway.Mary took the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Mary went to the garden.Bill dropped the football.Mary moved to the office.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill left the football.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill got the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Mary moved to the garden.Bill passed the football to Mary.Fred moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill got the apple there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill left the apple.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Fred went to the garden.Mary left the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff went to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred left the football there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred left the milk.Fred left the football.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill went to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Bill left the apple.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff took the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Mary went to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Fred went to the garden.Jeff put down the apple.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill took the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Bill discarded the milk.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Bill took the football there.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Bill went to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Mary went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff left the apple.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Jeff went back to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred got the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff put down the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred took the apple there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred left the football.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred dropped the apple.Fred got the apple there.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred discarded the apple there.Mary dropped the milk.Bill went back to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Mary moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Bill went to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went to the office.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the milk there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary left the football.Bill took the milk there.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Jeff moved to the office.Mary passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill discarded the football.Bill moved to the office.Fred went to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred got the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Bill left the apple.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff put down the football.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred dropped the milk.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill put down the apple.Fred took the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff took the football there.Jeff moved to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Mary got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff discarded the apple.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the office.Mary got the milk there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill got the football there.Jeff put down the apple.Bill passed the football to Mary.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Fred discarded the apple there.Jeff went to the office.Mary went to the office.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the office.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff took the football there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff put down the football there.Fred took the football there.Fred dropped the football.Fred took the football there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred took the football there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went to the office.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred put down the football.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff left the apple.Fred picked up the football there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff got the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Jeff dropped the football there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary took the football there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred got the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the office.Mary went to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred got the football there.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary put down the football.Fred took the football there.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff left the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Fred took the football there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Fred dropped the football.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred took the football there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred dropped the football.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred left the football.Fred took the football there.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff got the football there.Mary went back to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Mary took the milk there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Jeff put down the football.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill left the milk.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff left the milk there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff left the milk.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Fred put down the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff took the football there.Bill went to the office.Jeff left the football.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff put down the football.Mary left the apple there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill got the apple there.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary dropped the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff got the milk there.Bill took the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Bill got the apple there.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred discarded the milk there.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary took the football there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff journeyed to the office.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff took the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Bill went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred put down the milk there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Bill discarded the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill discarded the football there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Mary went to the garden.Bill took the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple.Fred left the milk.Bill gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred got the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Fred passed the football to Bill.Mary left the milk there.Mary got the milk there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill put down the football there.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary put down the milk.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary discarded the milk.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred put down the milk there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary took the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff took the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary left the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Bill got the milk there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Jeff left the milk.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred dropped the apple.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred took the milk there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred took the football there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill left the apple.Bill took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill put down the apple.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Fred dropped the football there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff took the milk there.Bill took the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff left the milk.Bill discarded the football.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Fred went to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Fred got the football there.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill discarded the football.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred discarded the football.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred put down the football.Fred went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Fred travelled to the office.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went to the garden.Bill dropped the football.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred left the apple.Fred got the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff took the football there.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred got the apple there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred dropped the apple.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Bill discarded the football.Bill left the milk.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill got the football there.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill discarded the milk.Bill took the football there.Bill dropped the football there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary took the milk there.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred got the football there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred discarded the football there.Bill took the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Mary went back to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill left the milk.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill discarded the apple.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Mary went to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill discarded the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary gave the football to Fred.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred dropped the apple.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred put down the milk.Fred moved to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred put down the apple there.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff left the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff left the apple.Fred went to the garden.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Fred went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the milk there.Bill discarded the milk.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary put down the apple.Fred went back to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary left the football.Mary got the football there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary put down the football there.Mary got the football there.Mary left the football there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary took the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Mary left the football.Mary took the football there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary discarded the football.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.Mary put down the apple.Fred left the football.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the garden.Mary got the football there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Fred took the apple there.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Fred put down the apple.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Fred got the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary went back to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff dropped the football.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Bill went to the garden.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.Mary travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill left the milk.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill left the milk.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred took the milk there.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Fred.Bill went back to the hallway.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill took the milk there.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Bill moved to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred took the apple there.Fred discarded the apple.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred dropped the milk.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff left the football.Mary got the football there.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff took the football there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill put down the apple.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff put down the football.Fred took the football there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred gave the football to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Mary moved to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the garden.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk there.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill left the football.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill took the football there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Bill put down the apple.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary got the football there.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary handed the football to Fred.Jeff took the milk there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff put down the milk.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Bill moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary took the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary discarded the football.Bill took the football there.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary put down the football.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Bill went to the office.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Bill went back to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill went back to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary discarded the milk there.Mary took the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary left the milk there.Fred left the apple.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred discarded the apple there.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Mary took the milk there.Fred handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Mary discarded the football there.Fred went back to the office.Fred went to the garden.Mary got the football there.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Mary discarded the football there.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff got the football there.Bill went back to the office.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Bill took the football there.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary put down the apple.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Jeff got the milk there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred gave the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary dropped the milk there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred went to the hallway.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff moved to the office.Bill moved to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Mary got the football there.Mary left the football.Bill got the apple there.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary got the football there.Mary put down the football there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Fred went to the office.Bill got the milk there.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff dropped the apple there.Jeff went to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Jeff moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Fred went to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Mary went to the hallway.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary left the apple.Mary travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred took the milk there.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill left the milk.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Bill went to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary put down the football.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Bill took the football there.Bill discarded the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill discarded the football.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred picked up the football there.Fred passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill left the football.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the office.Mary went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Fred went to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill picked up the football there.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill left the football.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff put down the milk.Bill got the football there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill dropped the football.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred dropped the milk.Mary took the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred dropped the football.Mary travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the garden.Mary got the football there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Fred took the apple there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Bill discarded the apple.Mary went to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill dropped the apple.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary dropped the milk.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill discarded the apple.Mary went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill got the apple there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary moved to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Mary discarded the milk.Mary got the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary put down the football.Bill travelled to the office.Mary got the football there.Bill dropped the apple.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary put down the apple there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Jeff moved to the office.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred gave the football to Bill.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill handed the football to Mary.Jeff got the milk there.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Jeff went back to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Mary went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff left the milk.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff got the football there.Bill went back to the office.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary put down the football there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary picked up the football there.Mary gave the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill took the football there.Fred put down the milk.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred left the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary put down the apple there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Jeff moved to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary took the apple there.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill took the football there.Bill left the football.Mary went to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Fred put down the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill put down the milk there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the office.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Fred took the football there.Fred went back to the hallway.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary took the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary discarded the apple.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Bill left the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill dropped the apple there.Bill got the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff dropped the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the hallway.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill discarded the milk there.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Fred went back to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Bill moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary put down the milk.Mary took the milk there.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary left the milk.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary went to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary left the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the office.Mary left the football there.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff discarded the apple.Mary went back to the garden.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the office.Bill went to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill went back to the garden.Bill put down the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Mary went to the office.Mary got the milk there.Mary discarded the milk there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred put down the football.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill left the milk.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred dropped the football.Fred took the apple there.Fred discarded the apple.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary went to the office.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred dropped the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Mary put down the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff got the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill dropped the football.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Fred got the football there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Mary got the apple there.Mary moved to the garden.Mary left the apple.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary left the football there.Bill got the football there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary left the apple.Mary went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred dropped the apple.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred left the milk.Fred took the milk there.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Fred went to the office.Mary put down the apple.Bill travelled to the office.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary got the football there.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary discarded the football.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff took the milk there.Bill went to the office.Bill got the apple there.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Bill left the apple there.Mary handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill dropped the milk.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill discarded the apple.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred went to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred discarded the football.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred left the apple.Bill travelled to the office.Mary discarded the milk.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred discarded the milk there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill took the football there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary took the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill dropped the milk there.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill left the milk.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff journeyed to the office.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Mary got the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary discarded the football.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff got the football there.Jeff put down the football.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary took the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff put down the football.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff got the football there.Bill travelled to the office.Mary took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Jeff left the football.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary discarded the apple.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred got the milk there.Bill left the football.Fred moved to the office.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred dropped the milk.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill put down the football.Bill went back to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff got the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Fred went back to the office.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred put down the milk.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Jeff went to the office.Mary put down the apple.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary left the milk.Bill moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Mary journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred dropped the football.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred dropped the apple.Fred picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the office.Fred took the milk there.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred discarded the milk.Bill moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary dropped the football.Fred went to the garden.Fred got the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred put down the apple there.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary put down the milk there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Jeff travelled to the hallway.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill dropped the football.Mary went back to the garden.Fred discarded the apple.Jeff took the football there.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Bill went to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff put down the milk.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill went to the office.Mary went to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Mary discarded the apple.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary left the apple.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Fred went to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred left the milk.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Bill went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary discarded the milk.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred took the football there.Fred put down the football.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred put down the football there.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff left the milk.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Mary moved to the office.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred put down the football there.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill got the milk there.Bill went back to the office.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff grabbed the football there.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the office.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff took the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill handed the football to Mary.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred got the apple there.Mary passed the football to Bill.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred dropped the apple.Bill passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred went to the hallway.Mary dropped the football.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred left the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple.Mary got the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill put down the apple.Fred moved to the garden.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred travelled to the hallway.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill got the apple there.Bill put down the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill put down the football.Mary took the football there.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Mary took the football there.Mary went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary discarded the football.Fred went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill dropped the milk.Bill took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary got the football there.Mary left the football.Fred went to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred got the milk there.Mary put down the football.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred discarded the milk.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary left the football there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Fred went to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill picked up the football there.Mary dropped the milk.Mary got the milk there.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill took the milk there.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred took the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred left the apple.Bill put down the milk.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the office.Mary moved to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Bill went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred took the apple there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Bill took the football there.Bill left the football.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff left the apple.Jeff went to the garden.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred took the apple there.Bill put down the football.Fred put down the apple.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred went to the hallway.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff got the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill went to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill discarded the apple there.Fred discarded the milk.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Bill took the football there.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary left the milk.Jeff dropped the apple there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary got the football there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary discarded the football.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary left the milk.Bill journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred took the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff dropped the football there.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary got the football there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary left the football.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary dropped the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Mary went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary passed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Fred travelled to the garden.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Mary went to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff left the milk.Mary went back to the office.Bill discarded the football.Bill got the milk there.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary got the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill discarded the milk.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff put down the milk there.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Bill travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff discarded the football.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Jeff went back to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary picked up the football there.Mary gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Fred got the football there.Fred put down the football.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff took the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff left the apple.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff got the apple there.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary left the milk there.Mary got the milk there.Mary dropped the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff put down the apple.Bill discarded the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Bill discarded the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill took the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff took the milk there.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Jeff went back to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went back to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff left the football.Mary moved to the office.Mary took the football there.Mary dropped the football.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill dropped the apple.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Bill went back to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill left the apple.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary left the milk.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary put down the milk.Mary got the milk there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Fred moved to the garden.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill put down the milk there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill discarded the milk.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Mary moved to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Mary took the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Mary got the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Bill travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary left the apple.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill dropped the apple.Mary went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary travelled to the office.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary left the milk.Jeff went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Bill went back to the garden.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Bill went back to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff went back to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary discarded the football.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred took the apple there.Bill picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill left the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred went to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Fred handed the football to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Fred took the football there.Mary put down the milk.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred discarded the football.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred discarded the football.Fred got the milk there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred dropped the apple.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Mary went to the garden.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill dropped the milk there.Mary went to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred took the apple there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Mary took the apple there.Mary discarded the apple there.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary got the apple there.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary put down the apple.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary dropped the apple.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Fred left the milk.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary picked up the football there.Mary went to the office.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred got the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary put down the milk there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.Jeff went back to the office.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff went to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Bill went to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the apple there.Jeff went to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred put down the milk.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff got the football there.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the football there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary discarded the apple.Bill travelled to the garden.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary took the milk there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary put down the milk there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff left the football.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred picked up the football there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred discarded the football.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff left the milk.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill took the milk there.Bill picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill put down the football.Bill got the football there.Jeff left the apple there.Bill left the football.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill dropped the milk.Bill took the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the football there.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Jeff got the football there.Fred discarded the apple.Jeff went to the office.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Bill went to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary put down the football.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Bill took the football there.Bill discarded the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill discarded the football.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred went to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Fred got the apple there.Bill took the milk there.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred discarded the apple there.Bill dropped the milk.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill discarded the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary got the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Fred took the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Mary put down the apple.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary put down the apple.Mary went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred discarded the milk.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Bill went back to the office.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Mary went back to the garden.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Mary dropped the football.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Bill moved to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred took the football there.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff got the football there.Mary went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary picked up the football there.Mary dropped the football.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred dropped the milk.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Bill took the apple there.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred dropped the milk.Bill discarded the apple.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Jeff got the milk there.Mary went back to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff got the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Bill discarded the apple.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Bill dropped the milk.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill put down the football.Bill went back to the office.Jeff went to the office.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred got the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Fred dropped the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill left the apple there.Fred went to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Jeff took the football there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the football.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary put down the milk.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill dropped the apple.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary left the milk.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Fred left the apple there.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Bill moved to the garden.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred put down the milk there.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Bill went to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Jeff got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary discarded the football.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill put down the apple.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary left the apple.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary went to the garden.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary discarded the apple there.Mary took the apple there.Mary went to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary left the apple.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Fred picked up the football there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary discarded the apple there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff left the football.Bill picked up the football there.Bill gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Mary went to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the office.Bill took the football there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill left the football.Fred got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred left the milk.Fred took the milk there.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred left the milk.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred put down the apple.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill dropped the apple.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill dropped the apple.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary left the football.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Mary picked up the football there.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary discarded the football.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary went to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill got the football there.Bill discarded the football there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill got the football there.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Mary moved to the garden.Bill handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Bill got the football there.Bill dropped the football there.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill discarded the football.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred put down the apple.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill left the milk.Fred went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill got the football there.Mary went back to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Mary handed the football to Bill.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill discarded the milk.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill dropped the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary got the apple there.Mary discarded the apple there.Mary got the apple there.Bill moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary dropped the apple.Mary took the apple there.Mary left the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Mary moved to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the apple there.Jeff got the apple there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the apple there.Mary picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill left the apple.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary passed the football to Fred.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary got the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Mary discarded the football.Fred took the football there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Fred went to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred left the apple.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred left the apple.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred dropped the apple.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the office.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Fred got the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Bill discarded the milk.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred discarded the apple.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill picked up the football there.Fred moved to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Bill left the football.Bill got the football there.Fred got the milk there.Mary dropped the apple.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football.Bill travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill discarded the football.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred went back to the office.Bill went to the office.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary went to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary discarded the milk there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred took the apple there.Mary dropped the football.Mary moved to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred discarded the apple.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff put down the milk.Fred got the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred put down the apple.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Mary discarded the football.Fred got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill took the football there.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill discarded the milk.Mary took the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill discarded the milk there.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the football there.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill left the football.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the garden.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the milk there.Fred moved to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff put down the football.Jeff took the milk there.Fred went to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary took the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary discarded the apple.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff left the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill took the football there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Fred went back to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Mary left the football.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary picked up the football there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Fred got the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the office.Fred put down the apple.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Fred put down the milk.Bill got the football there.Fred took the apple there.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Fred took the milk there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Mary left the football there.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred dropped the football there.Bill got the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Bill got the apple there.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple.Jeff went to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Jeff left the milk.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred took the football there.Fred handed the football to Mary.Jeff went back to the garden.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff dropped the milk there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill left the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary picked up the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary put down the football.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill discarded the milk.Bill moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill dropped the milk there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff got the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill dropped the apple.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff put down the milk.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary discarded the milk there.Bill went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary dropped the apple.Bill got the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Bill went to the office.Mary discarded the apple.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the milk there.Mary took the apple there.Fred put down the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary dropped the apple.Bill took the apple there.Bill went to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Bill discarded the football there.Bill picked up the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Bill left the football.Bill moved to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Fred went to the hallway.Bill took the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill left the milk there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary left the apple.Bill moved to the office.Mary took the apple there.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill dropped the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Bill travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary took the apple there.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary discarded the apple.Fred went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary moved to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred put down the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary dropped the apple there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred discarded the football.Fred dropped the milk.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary moved to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the garden.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Bill took the football there.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary put down the milk.Bill travelled to the hallway.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill got the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Mary took the milk there.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred left the apple there.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary discarded the milk.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill took the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff left the milk.Bill left the apple.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Fred took the football there.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Mary went to the office.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred left the football.Fred took the football there.Bill travelled to the office.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary picked up the football there.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Jeff picked up the football there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Bill went to the garden.Mary put down the apple.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff gave the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred got the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff put down the milk there.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff took the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff got the football there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff put down the football there.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary left the football.Mary picked up the football there.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary travelled to the office.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill took the apple there.Mary discarded the milk there.Bill discarded the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill put down the apple there.Jeff went to the office.Fred got the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary dropped the milk.Bill went back to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred went to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill took the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Bill discarded the football.Fred got the apple there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Bill got the football there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the office.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff left the apple.Mary got the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill got the milk there.Mary went to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff left the apple.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill discarded the milk.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred left the milk there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff got the milk there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill left the milk.Bill took the apple there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Bill went back to the office.Mary dropped the apple.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Fred got the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill left the milk.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Fred took the milk there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Bill journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff left the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff got the football there.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred left the football.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Fred went to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff left the football.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Jeff went to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred dropped the football there.Fred picked up the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill went back to the garden.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary got the apple there.Jeff went to the garden.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff went to the office.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill discarded the apple there.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred picked up the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary got the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Mary put down the apple.Jeff left the football.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Bill travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary got the football there.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Mary gave the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff dropped the football.Mary got the football there.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred dropped the apple there.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Bill got the football there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary left the apple.Mary took the apple there.Mary moved to the garden.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Bill left the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred moved to the office.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff took the apple there.Bill went to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff left the apple.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff left the apple there.Fred handed the football to Mary.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill left the apple.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff put down the milk.Fred took the football there.Fred dropped the football.Bill went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff took the football there.Jeff left the football.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred got the milk there.Jeff left the football.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred discarded the apple there.Fred dropped the milk.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Mary took the milk there.Bill dropped the apple.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Bill went back to the office.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred got the football there.Fred dropped the football.Fred took the football there.Fred put down the football.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary took the milk there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill picked up the football there.Bill passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff went to the office.Mary went to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Bill went to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary left the milk.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary got the apple there.Mary put down the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Bill moved to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary put down the apple.Fred went back to the office.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary got the apple there.Jeff went to the garden.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff went to the office.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill discarded the apple there.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill left the football.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff put down the milk.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Bill put down the apple.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred took the milk there.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill dropped the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Fred took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred picked up the football there.Fred passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred got the football there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill took the apple there.Fred passed the football to Mary.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred put down the football there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill put down the apple.Fred took the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Bill went back to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary took the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill took the football there.Bill dropped the football.Jeff discarded the apple there.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Jeff travelled to the garden.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary picked up the football there.Mary took the apple there.Bill went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred moved to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary discarded the apple.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary gave the football to Bill.Mary dropped the milk.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Bill put down the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Bill put down the apple.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill left the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred dropped the apple.Fred took the apple there.Fred left the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred got the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred passed the football to Mary.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary discarded the apple.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary took the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill dropped the milk.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Bill moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill took the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Jeff took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred took the milk there.Mary put down the football.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Mary got the football there.Mary discarded the football there.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill went back to the garden.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Bill went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill put down the milk.Jeff went back to the garden.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Fred took the apple there.Fred discarded the apple.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Fred took the apple there.Mary got the milk there.Mary discarded the football.Fred put down the apple.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill went to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary went to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill discarded the apple there.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred discarded the milk.Fred took the milk there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill discarded the apple.Bill got the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Fred discarded the milk.Fred took the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Mary got the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary discarded the milk.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Mary got the milk there.Jeff went to the office.Jeff dropped the football.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary picked up the football there.Mary took the apple there.Bill went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred moved to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary discarded the apple.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary gave the football to Bill.Mary dropped the milk.Fred went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill left the football.Fred went back to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill discarded the football.Fred went to the garden.Mary got the football there.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary gave the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff got the apple there.Bill got the football there.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred put down the apple.Bill put down the football.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill took the football there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred left the apple.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff took the apple there.Bill discarded the football there.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill put down the football.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Bill went to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary left the milk.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary got the apple there.Mary put down the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Bill moved to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Mary took the milk there.Jeff put down the football.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred got the football there.Bill went to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary left the milk.Mary got the milk there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Mary went back to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred got the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred discarded the milk there.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Bill went back to the garden.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary left the football.Fred picked up the football there.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary dropped the football.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred took the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Jeff grabbed the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Bill handed the football to Mary.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary dropped the football.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Mary moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Bill went to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred left the football.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred put down the apple.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the office.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Jeff dropped the football there.Bill got the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred put down the football there.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill got the milk there.Bill went back to the office.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred took the apple there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred left the apple.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Bill discarded the football.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the office.Fred got the apple there.Fred left the apple.Bill picked up the football there.Fred got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Bill passed the football to Mary.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred put down the apple.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Fred went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff left the football.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff took the football there.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill put down the football there.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Fred took the apple there.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred put down the apple.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred got the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill left the apple.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Mary left the apple there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary put down the apple there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill took the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill dropped the apple there.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the football there.Fred put down the football.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred dropped the milk.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Fred passed the football to Mary.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary passed the football to Bill.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill passed the football to Mary.Jeff went to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the office.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary moved to the office.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary put down the apple there.Fred put down the football.Fred discarded the milk there.Mary got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Fred journeyed to the office.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill picked up the football there.Fred got the apple there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Bill discarded the football.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill discarded the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Fred got the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the office.Fred put down the apple.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Fred put down the milk.Bill got the football there.Fred took the apple there.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Bill dropped the apple.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill took the football there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff discarded the football there.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill left the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Bill dropped the football there.Mary went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Bill left the milk.Bill dropped the apple.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Mary moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill left the milk.Fred took the milk there.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary discarded the apple.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Bill moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Jeff left the football.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the garden.Jeff took the football there.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Jeff went back to the office.Mary took the apple there.Bill went to the garden.Fred dropped the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary discarded the apple.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary got the milk there.Jeff moved to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary dropped the milk there.Mary took the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred discarded the milk.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Fred went back to the office.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Fred went to the office.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary discarded the milk.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff put down the apple.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Mary went to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill went to the garden.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Jeff got the milk there.Bill went back to the office.Bill left the apple.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary dropped the milk.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred took the apple there.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the football.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill discarded the milk.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff left the football there.Jeff went to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff left the football.Jeff left the milk there.Jeff got the milk there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff discarded the milk.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff put down the football.Fred handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary took the apple there.Mary left the apple.Mary took the football there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Mary put down the apple.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Mary gave the football to Bill.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill moved to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Mary went back to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff got the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Fred went to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff went to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Mary discarded the milk.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred moved to the garden.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary left the apple.Bill moved to the office.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred went to the hallway.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Bill put down the apple.Bill got the apple there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill discarded the apple.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill left the football.Bill got the football there.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred took the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the apple there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary got the apple there.Fred moved to the office.Jeff gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary went to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Bill left the football.Bill got the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill passed the football to Fred.Mary dropped the milk.Fred dropped the football.Mary took the milk there.Bill picked up the football there.Bill left the football.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk.Fred dropped the football.Bill went to the office.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff got the milk there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Fred took the football there.Jeff put down the milk.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Fred put down the football.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Mary got the football there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary put down the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary left the apple.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff put down the milk.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff put down the milk.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Bill put down the football.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff got the milk there.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill discarded the football.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Jeff took the milk there.Bill discarded the apple.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the milk there.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill dropped the milk there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff got the football there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Fred went back to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill went to the office.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Jeff went to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill dropped the milk.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Mary moved to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary left the milk.Mary took the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff left the football.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Mary moved to the office.Bill went back to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill took the apple there.Mary left the milk.Mary took the milk there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the office.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the garden.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Jeff went to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Fred took the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred discarded the football.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff put down the apple there.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Fred left the milk.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred picked up the football there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Mary travelled to the office.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred put down the football.Mary moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff put down the football.Jeff got the football there.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary discarded the apple there.Fred went to the office.Mary put down the milk.Mary went to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff discarded the football.Bill went back to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill left the apple.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Bill went to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary took the football there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Jeff went to the office.Fred dropped the milk.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Mary moved to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff got the football there.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary put down the football.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Mary went to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill took the football there.Bill left the football.Mary went to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Fred put down the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the hallway.Bill got the football there.Bill discarded the football.Fred went back to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary left the apple.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Fred went to the hallway.Mary took the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred left the apple.Fred travelled to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went to the office.Mary got the football there.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary put down the football.Mary took the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred discarded the milk.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary travelled to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went to the office.Mary got the football there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Mary put down the football.Bill went back to the office.Jeff got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff got the football there.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the office.Mary dropped the milk.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Bill went back to the office.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Jeff took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred got the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Fred put down the milk.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Bill got the football there.Bill left the football.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred put down the milk.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Mary went back to the office.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Bill got the football there.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Fred got the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the office.Fred put down the apple.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Fred put down the milk.Bill got the football there.Fred took the apple there.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Fred took the milk there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary put down the football.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff put down the apple.Fred went back to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff discarded the milk there.Jeff dropped the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Mary dropped the football.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary picked up the football there.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary went to the office.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary left the football there.Bill got the football there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Mary left the football there.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred dropped the football there.Bill got the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Fred went to the hallway.Bill passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the office.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff left the apple.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill got the milk there.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Fred grabbed the football there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the milk there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went back to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred discarded the milk.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the office.Fred put down the apple.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary got the football there.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary got the apple there.Fred moved to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill left the football there.Bill picked up the football there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Mary discarded the milk.Fred moved to the office.Mary took the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred put down the milk.Fred took the milk there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff dropped the apple there.Jeff got the apple there.Fred left the football there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred picked up the apple there.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred put down the apple.Fred went back to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Bill went to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Mary went to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Fred picked up the football there.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred took the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred put down the apple.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Fred dropped the milk.Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Fred left the football.Mary picked up the football there.Mary left the football.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Bill moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Fred went to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff left the apple.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Bill put down the football.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary gave the football to Bill.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill handed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Bill went to the garden.Mary put down the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff got the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff left the football.Bill got the football there.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff discarded the football.Fred went back to the hallway.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary discarded the apple.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk.Mary got the apple there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary dropped the apple.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Fred took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill discarded the apple.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff put down the milk.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the milk.Mary got the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary put down the apple.Jeff got the milk there.Mary got the apple there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary left the apple.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Fred put down the milk.Mary left the apple.Fred took the milk there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred took the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred put down the milk there.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill took the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill put down the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill discarded the football.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary took the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary put down the milk.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Mary left the football.Mary moved to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the milk.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill put down the football.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff dropped the football.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff took the football there.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary got the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff left the apple.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff dropped the football.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill got the football there.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the office.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill got the milk there.Mary moved to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill discarded the milk.Fred went back to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Bill got the football there.Bill dropped the football there.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill discarded the football.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred put down the apple.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill left the milk.Fred went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill got the football there.Mary went back to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff took the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff put down the football.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill put down the football.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill got the apple there.Bill put down the apple.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill put down the apple there.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Fred left the football there.Fred took the football there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred put down the football.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Fred put down the football.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred handed the football to Mary.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary dropped the football there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Mary went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill went to the garden.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Bill moved to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the garden.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Bill discarded the football there.Bill got the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill discarded the football.Bill went to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Bill discarded the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred discarded the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill left the apple.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred left the milk.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Mary got the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Fred went to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred got the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the football there.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred left the apple.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff left the milk.Fred went back to the office.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill went to the office.Fred passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the garden.Mary gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill left the apple.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary discarded the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff left the football.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Bill went to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill put down the apple.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill took the apple there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill dropped the apple.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Mary went to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill took the apple there.Bill put down the apple there.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill left the apple there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred left the milk.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill got the apple there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill discarded the apple.Bill went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Jeff went back to the office.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred took the apple there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Fred put down the apple.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Mary got the football there.Mary put down the football.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill took the milk there.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the garden.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill dropped the milk there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill left the football.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff got the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff gave the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Jeff went to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred put down the football there.Bill got the football there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Mary got the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary discarded the football.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff discarded the apple there.Fred took the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill got the milk there.Fred got the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.Fred put down the football.Fred got the football there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Bill dropped the apple.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill got the football there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Fred went to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill put down the football.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Bill went to the hallway.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary left the football there.Bill got the football there.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred got the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the office.Bill went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff left the football.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff took the apple there.Bill went back to the office.Fred went to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff left the apple.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred put down the milk.Mary went to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the apple there.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred got the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Bill put down the apple.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the garden.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff got the apple there.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went to the garden.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Mary took the football there.Mary put down the football.Mary got the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary took the apple there.Mary dropped the apple.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.Mary dropped the apple.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary got the apple there.Mary left the apple.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill took the football there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill left the football.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Fred went to the garden.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred dropped the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred discarded the apple.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary went to the hallway.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill picked up the football there.Bill discarded the football.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill got the football there.Bill went back to the garden.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill left the milk.Jeff put down the apple.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred discarded the milk.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill dropped the milk.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Fred discarded the milk.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Fred took the milk there.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred left the milk.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went to the hallway.Fred put down the football.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred got the football there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Fred went to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Bill went to the office.Bill went to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred left the football.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred got the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Fred discarded the football.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the garden.Fred went to the office.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill moved to the office.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill put down the football.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Mary got the milk there.Bill went to the office.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill left the milk.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the garden.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff left the football there.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went back to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Bill got the football there.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill dropped the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Bill left the football.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Mary left the milk.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred dropped the apple.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary discarded the football.Bill moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred dropped the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Mary got the football there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Mary handed the football to Fred.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred handed the football to Mary.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Mary discarded the football.Bill got the football there.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Fred dropped the football.Jeff got the football there.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Bill went to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.Bill went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred dropped the football.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred got the football there.Fred dropped the football.Fred took the football there.Fred put down the football.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary took the milk there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff left the milk there.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred picked up the football there.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary discarded the milk.Fred left the football.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary left the milk there.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Mary moved to the garden.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Fred went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary dropped the milk.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Mary went to the garden.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Bill handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the milk there.Bill discarded the milk.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary put down the apple.Fred went back to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary left the football.Mary got the football there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary put down the football there.Mary got the football there.Mary left the football there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary took the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Mary left the football.Mary took the football there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary discarded the football.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.Mary put down the apple.Fred left the football.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Jeff went back to the office.Mary left the football.Bill moved to the garden.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary got the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary dropped the apple.Mary got the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.Mary got the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary left the apple.Jeff moved to the office.Fred moved to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff went to the office.Mary discarded the milk.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill picked up the milk there.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Fred went to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill picked up the football there.Mary dropped the milk.Mary got the milk there.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred went back to the garden.Bill gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill picked up the football there.Bill discarded the football.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill got the football there.Bill went back to the garden.Bill gave the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the office.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill put down the apple.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Fred took the football there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff left the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Fred left the apple.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred dropped the football.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff dropped the apple.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill left the apple.Bill moved to the garden.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred dropped the football.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred put down the milk.Bill moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff left the apple.Mary travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred dropped the milk.Jeff took the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Jeff got the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill dropped the apple.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred moved to the office.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill took the football there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary put down the football there.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred left the football.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary picked up the football there.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff discarded the milk.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill picked up the football there.Bill put down the football.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary got the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary dropped the apple.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill picked up the football there.Fred left the milk.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Bill dropped the football there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk.Mary took the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff got the football there.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred took the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Fred discarded the apple.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill discarded the milk.Fred travelled to the office.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the office.Bill left the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Bill left the football.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the office.Bill took the football there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred got the apple there.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went to the office.Mary got the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary left the apple.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff left the apple.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill took the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Bill put down the apple there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Bill got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill put down the apple.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred discarded the milk there.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Bill left the football.Bill took the football there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Bill went back to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Mary went back to the office.Bill discarded the football.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff went to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff discarded the football there.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill dropped the apple there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the football.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred got the football there.Fred left the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.Mary went to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred put down the apple.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Bill went to the hallway.Bill got the football there.Bill put down the football.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary discarded the apple.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary left the milk.Jeff got the milk there.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Fred dropped the football.Bill went to the garden.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred picked up the football there.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred dropped the apple.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary put down the football.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff put down the milk.Mary went to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Fred dropped the football.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Mary went to the office.Fred went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary discarded the apple there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill discarded the football.Jeff dropped the apple there.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred took the football there.Mary travelled to the office.Mary took the milk there.Mary left the milk.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Jeff discarded the milk there.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Bill went back to the office.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Mary got the apple there.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary left the milk.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Fred left the apple there.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Bill moved to the garden.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff put down the football.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff put down the milk there.Jeff got the milk there.Bill went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff went to the office.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary left the milk.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Fred left the apple there.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Bill moved to the garden.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff took the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff put down the football.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff left the milk.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary discarded the football.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary took the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill put down the football.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill got the milk there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred dropped the milk.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred took the apple there.Bill travelled to the office.Fred discarded the apple there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill put down the apple.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff left the milk.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff left the apple.Fred moved to the office.Mary went to the office.Mary got the milk there.Jeff put down the football.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff went to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary discarded the milk.Mary took the milk there.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff dropped the apple.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff dropped the apple.Mary put down the milk.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.Mary went to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Fred got the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Fred went back to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary dropped the football.Fred dropped the milk.Fred went to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary dropped the football.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary dropped the football.Mary got the football there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary discarded the football there.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred left the milk.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary got the football there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football.Fred dropped the apple.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Bill went back to the office.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Mary took the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill got the football there.Bill gave the football to Fred.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred got the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Fred put down the milk.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Jeff got the football there.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Mary took the apple there.Fred moved to the garden.Mary put down the apple.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary took the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary got the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary discarded the football.Bill moved to the office.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Jeff travelled to the garden.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary took the football there.Mary put down the football.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Fred left the milk.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill left the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred went to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Fred handed the football to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary put down the football.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Mary went to the office.Mary put down the football there.Fred went to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill put down the apple there.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill got the apple there.Bill left the apple.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff got the milk there.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Fred dropped the apple there.Fred took the football there.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Fred got the apple there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred dropped the apple.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred dropped the football.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Fred got the football there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred put down the apple.Fred went to the hallway.Bill put down the milk there.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill put down the football there.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Mary picked up the football there.Mary put down the football.Bill discarded the apple.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the garden.Bill took the football there.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred left the apple.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff left the milk there.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff got the milk there.Bill left the football.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary dropped the apple there.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the office.Fred dropped the football.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Bill moved to the office.Fred left the football.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff left the football.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff left the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff left the football.Fred went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff put down the football.Jeff got the football there.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.Fred went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Fred got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.Bill took the milk there.Fred went to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred dropped the football.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill took the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Bill gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the football there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff dropped the football.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff left the apple.Bill journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff went to the office.Jeff put down the apple.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary gave the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Fred went back to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Mary left the football.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary picked up the football there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff discarded the milk.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Mary journeyed to the office.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Fred dropped the football.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred dropped the football.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred left the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the garden.Bill discarded the milk.Bill put down the football.Bill picked up the football there.Mary took the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill put down the football there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill dropped the apple.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff went to the office.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred left the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary put down the milk.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff left the apple.Mary moved to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Fred moved to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Mary went to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill took the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred gave the football to Bill.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk.Mary went to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary dropped the football there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple there.Mary got the football there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary left the football there.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary dropped the football.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff dropped the apple there.Fred went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff left the apple.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Fred discarded the football.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Fred went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Mary left the milk.Fred went back to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary put down the milk.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Fred took the milk there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill left the apple there.Fred picked up the football there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred left the milk there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the hallway.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Fred got the football there.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Mary moved to the office.Bill went back to the office.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred took the football there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Fred handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Mary took the football there.Mary left the football.Jeff went back to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Bill put down the apple.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Fred moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred left the apple.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred put down the milk.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred put down the milk.Jeff grabbed the football there.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary left the apple.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill dropped the milk.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the milk there.Bill got the football there.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary left the apple.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary put down the football.Bill took the football there.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred got the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill discarded the milk there.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill took the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went to the garden.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff put down the milk there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff left the milk there.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred left the football.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Fred went to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff discarded the apple there.Jeff took the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill dropped the apple.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill put down the milk there.Jeff went to the office.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Mary travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary left the apple.Fred left the milk.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred took the milk there.Mary discarded the apple.Mary took the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred took the football there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff went to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Fred dropped the football.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary left the milk.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred got the football there.Mary got the milk there.Mary left the milk.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary discarded the apple.Bill moved to the office.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Mary took the football there.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Mary dropped the football.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Mary took the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff put down the football.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Fred went back to the garden.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill put down the apple.Bill took the apple there.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary discarded the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred took the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff left the milk.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Fred dropped the apple.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary dropped the football.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Bill went to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred handed the football to Mary.Fred journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill put down the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill dropped the milk.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff left the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Bill picked up the football there.Mary went back to the office.Fred left the milk there.Jeff took the milk there.Bill went to the office.Jeff went to the office.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Fred travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary left the milk.Mary got the milk there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Mary went back to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill took the milk there.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Bill left the milk.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Bill went to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff put down the milk.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Fred went to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary picked up the football there.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary gave the football to Fred.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred discarded the football.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Jeff went back to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary went to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary took the apple there.Bill discarded the milk.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Bill left the milk.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill left the milk there.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary dropped the apple there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Fred went to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred went back to the office.Bill went to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill discarded the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill put down the milk there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary went to the hallway.Bill dropped the milk.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Bill journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill dropped the milk there.Mary went to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred took the apple there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff took the football there.Jeff left the football there.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill got the football there.Bill went to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill dropped the football.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff took the football there.Jeff put down the football.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary dropped the milk.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Bill moved to the office.Fred got the football there.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary left the milk.Fred discarded the football.Mary got the milk there.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Mary took the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Bill went to the hallway.Mary dropped the milk there.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the garden.Bill moved to the garden.Mary got the football there.Mary handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff got the milk there.Mary discarded the apple.Jeff left the milk.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff got the apple there.Mary left the milk.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary went to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary took the football there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Fred took the milk there.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary left the milk there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill got the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Fred went to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill got the football there.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Bill gave the football to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Mary put down the football there.Mary took the football there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred got the apple there.Mary dropped the football there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary dropped the apple.Fred journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill put down the milk.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the office.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff discarded the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred took the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff got the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff left the milk.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred took the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred dropped the apple.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff left the apple.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred discarded the apple there.Fred took the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff left the apple.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff left the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Fred took the football there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Fred dropped the football.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred took the football there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred dropped the football.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred left the football.Fred took the football there.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff discarded the apple there.Fred picked up the apple there.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill left the apple.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Mary took the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Mary left the milk.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred dropped the apple.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred went to the garden.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill dropped the milk.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary left the milk.Mary moved to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred put down the apple.Mary put down the milk.Mary got the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred dropped the apple there.Mary got the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went back to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff left the football.Mary moved to the office.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the apple there.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Bill went to the garden.Fred travelled to the office.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred took the football there.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred put down the football.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Bill left the milk.Fred put down the apple.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary discarded the apple.Bill moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary left the football.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill dropped the milk.Bill picked up the milk there.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Fred went to the office.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Mary got the football there.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff took the football there.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Fred discarded the football.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Bill got the football there.Jeff put down the milk there.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the football there.Mary got the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred put down the milk.Mary left the apple.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary discarded the football.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary took the football there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the garden.Fred left the milk there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Mary picked up the milk there.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred got the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred dropped the apple.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff left the apple there.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Jeff moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Bill took the football there.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary put down the milk.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill left the football.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary put down the milk there.Fred went to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Mary left the apple.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Fred took the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred took the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill dropped the football.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill got the football there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the football there.Fred put down the football.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred dropped the milk.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Fred passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Fred dropped the football.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff moved to the office.Fred put down the football.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff took the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill took the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Bill went back to the office.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill discarded the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the office.Mary got the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Fred put down the apple there.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary picked up the football there.Mary left the milk.Fred took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred discarded the milk.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary put down the football there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Mary went to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff discarded the football.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the football.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Bill went back to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Bill left the milk.Fred got the apple there.Fred got the milk there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went back to the office.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff got the apple there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the office.Bill went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Fred discarded the milk.Bill left the football.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the office.Fred took the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Fred moved to the office.Jeff left the milk.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the milk there.Jeff took the milk there.Bill took the apple there.Jeff went to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill discarded the apple there.Jeff discarded the milk there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff left the football.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill dropped the football.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill passed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Bill went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary put down the milk.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred got the apple there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Fred picked up the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff put down the football.Jeff took the football there.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.Fred got the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill got the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill took the football there.Bill put down the football.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill put down the football there.Jeff put down the apple there.Fred left the milk.Mary moved to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary got the milk there.Bill dropped the football.Bill got the football there.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred left the milk.Mary got the milk there.Bill put down the football.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Mary got the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Fred travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the garden.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred left the apple there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Fred dropped the milk.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred dropped the milk there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Bill went to the garden.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff left the apple.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill put down the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff left the milk there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Bill went to the hallway.Mary handed the football to Bill.Mary went back to the garden.Bill passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill went to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Fred moved to the office.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary went to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Bill left the football.Bill got the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill passed the football to Fred.Mary dropped the milk.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Fred went back to the office.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff discarded the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Mary dropped the milk.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary discarded the apple.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Fred got the football there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred handed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred left the milk.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary left the apple.Mary got the apple there.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff put down the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill went to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary discarded the milk.Bill took the milk there.Bill put down the milk there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill dropped the apple.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred dropped the football.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred dropped the apple.Fred picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the office.Fred took the milk there.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred discarded the milk.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary discarded the milk.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill took the apple there.Bill got the milk there.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple.Jeff went to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary dropped the football.Mary got the football there.Bill travelled to the office.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred left the apple.Jeff got the apple there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Jeff got the milk there.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff discarded the milk.Bill took the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred took the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill left the milk.Bill went to the office.Jeff put down the football.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill got the football there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Jeff got the milk there.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff discarded the milk.Bill took the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff took the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Mary discarded the apple.Jeff took the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Jeff discarded the football.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary left the apple.Mary got the apple there.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff went to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary left the apple there.Bill picked up the football there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill left the football.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill dropped the football there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill got the milk there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill dropped the milk.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Bill moved to the office.Mary left the football.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Mary handed the football to Fred.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred put down the football.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the office.Jeff went back to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Jeff got the milk there.Mary went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred got the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred passed the football to Mary.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Fred handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Mary went to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Fred got the milk there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill took the apple there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill went to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Bill grabbed the football there.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred got the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred left the milk.Mary went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred took the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred took the milk there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Fred put down the milk.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred discarded the milk there.Mary left the apple there.Fred got the milk there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred put down the milk.Mary moved to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary took the apple there.Mary left the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Mary got the apple there.Mary went to the hallway.Mary discarded the apple.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred took the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Fred put down the apple.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff put down the football there.Fred discarded the milk there.Fred moved to the office.Jeff took the football there.Jeff handed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary discarded the football.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Bill went to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Mary took the apple there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred left the milk there.Fred went to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill took the milk there.Bill moved to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill left the milk there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill got the milk there.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the hallway.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill got the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff discarded the apple.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill left the milk.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary dropped the milk.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary took the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Fred put down the apple.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Mary picked up the milk there.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary moved to the office.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Mary dropped the apple there.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Fred went back to the office.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff discarded the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff left the milk.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred took the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred discarded the football there.Bill took the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Mary went to the hallway.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill took the football there.Bill put down the football.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill put down the football there.Jeff put down the apple there.Fred left the milk.Mary moved to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary got the milk there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Mary went to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football there.Jeff got the football there.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary moved to the garden.Mary dropped the football.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary put down the milk.Mary took the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the office.Fred moved to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff took the football there.Mary went to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the office.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary left the apple.Bill went back to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred discarded the football there.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred got the milk there.Fred went to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill put down the apple.Bill got the apple there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the apple there.Fred got the milk there.Bill left the apple.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary discarded the apple.Fred dropped the milk.Mary got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary left the apple.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary went back to the garden.Bill took the football there.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill dropped the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill passed the football to Fred.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill left the milk.Bill handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred dropped the football.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred put down the milk.Bill moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff left the apple.Mary travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred dropped the milk.Jeff took the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Jeff got the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill dropped the apple.Bill went back to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff got the milk there.Mary discarded the apple.Jeff left the milk.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff got the apple there.Mary left the milk.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Mary picked up the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Mary discarded the football there.Fred went back to the office.Fred went to the garden.Mary got the football there.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill put down the apple.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Bill travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill put down the apple.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill took the apple there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Bill dropped the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred put down the football.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Jeff got the apple there.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Fred went back to the office.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff discarded the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff left the milk.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the garden.Fred took the football there.Fred dropped the football.Fred moved to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Bill got the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff took the football there.Jeff left the football.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff put down the football.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff dropped the football.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred put down the apple.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill took the milk there.Bill moved to the office.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill discarded the milk.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill left the apple.Fred put down the football.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred discarded the football.Mary gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary got the football there.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Fred put down the milk.Mary left the apple.Fred took the milk there.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill left the football there.Bill picked up the football there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Bill discarded the milk.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill discarded the football.Bill passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill took the apple there.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary put down the milk.Bill left the apple.Jeff moved to the office.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill left the milk.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary took the milk there.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill moved to the garden.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred got the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Bill took the milk there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Bill moved to the office.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill took the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff put down the apple there.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary got the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Mary went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff left the apple.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Mary got the apple there.Fred moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred got the football there.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred passed the football to Bill.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill passed the football to Fred.Mary put down the apple there.Fred put down the football.Bill took the football there.Bill handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill left the milk.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the apple there.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred left the football there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred left the apple.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk there.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred took the apple there.Mary took the football there.Mary went to the hallway.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Mary took the milk there.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred put down the apple.Mary left the milk.Mary got the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill took the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Bill discarded the football.Fred got the apple there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Bill got the football there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Mary discarded the milk.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Mary moved to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the garden.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Jeff went back to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred discarded the milk there.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Bill went to the office.Mary put down the apple.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill got the football there.Mary moved to the office.Bill put down the football.Bill took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill left the milk there.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary took the football there.Mary left the football.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary picked up the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Fred took the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred discarded the milk.Mary discarded the football there.Mary picked up the football there.Mary put down the football.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the football there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill dropped the football.Mary went to the garden.Bill took the football there.Fred moved to the office.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the office.Bill took the milk there.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill moved to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Mary got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Mary left the milk.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill discarded the football.Mary picked up the football there.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the office.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff went to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Fred took the football there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Fred put down the football there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill handed the football to Fred.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff got the apple there.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred went to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff discarded the milk.Mary got the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Fred went to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred dropped the football.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary gave the football to Bill.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff put down the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill went to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary discarded the milk.Bill took the milk there.Bill put down the milk there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill dropped the apple.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Fred left the football there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Mary took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the office.Fred dropped the football.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Bill moved to the office.Fred left the football.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff left the football.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff left the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff left the football.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred picked up the football there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill left the milk.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary left the apple.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill put down the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary dropped the apple there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary took the apple there.Mary went to the office.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Mary took the football there.Mary gave the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff left the apple.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff left the apple.Jeff got the apple there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill put down the apple.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff got the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Fred went to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the garden.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Jeff passed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary took the football there.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff got the football there.Jeff left the football.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Mary got the football there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary left the football.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary got the football there.Fred put down the milk.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary put down the football there.Fred dropped the milk.Mary took the football there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff went to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill got the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Bill took the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary put down the milk there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.Jeff went back to the office.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary picked up the football there.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Mary dropped the football.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary left the milk.Bill went to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Jeff handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred took the milk there.Fred dropped the milk there.Fred travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred gave the football to Bill.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill passed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred discarded the apple.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred dropped the apple.Fred took the apple there.Fred discarded the apple.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Jeff put down the football.Jeff got the football there.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Mary went to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill moved to the office.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the office.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary went back to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff put down the milk.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary got the apple there.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary discarded the apple.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Fred travelled to the office.Mary put down the apple there.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Fred took the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill got the milk there.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred discarded the football.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary handed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Bill took the football there.Fred moved to the office.Bill handed the football to Mary.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary dropped the football there.Fred put down the milk.Bill got the football there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill handed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill took the football there.Bill put down the football.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill got the football there.Bill took the apple there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill dropped the apple there.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the office.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Mary journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff dropped the apple there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the milk there.Mary travelled to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Fred got the apple there.Bill took the milk there.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred discarded the apple there.Bill dropped the milk.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill discarded the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Mary moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff got the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff left the milk.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred took the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred dropped the apple.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Fred took the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Bill got the football there.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff dropped the apple there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary went to the garden.Mary left the football.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary took the football there.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Mary got the milk there.Jeff went to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Bill moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill left the milk.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff left the football.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Fred went to the office.Mary discarded the milk.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill travelled to the office.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary put down the apple.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Jeff took the milk there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred went back to the hallway.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff got the milk there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff discarded the milk there.Mary went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff left the apple.Fred went back to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Bill gave the football to Fred.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred left the football there.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Fred dropped the football.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred left the apple.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred put down the football.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary got the apple there.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill gave the football to Fred.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary left the apple.Fred discarded the football.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary put down the football.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff put down the football.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Jeff put down the football.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary put down the apple.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff went to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff took the football there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff put down the milk there.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Bill moved to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff left the football.Fred went to the garden.Jeff put down the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred got the apple there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the football.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff went to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary left the football there.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary got the football there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Bill left the apple there.Bill took the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred travelled to the garden.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary passed the football to Bill.Jeff went to the garden.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary left the football.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Fred travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill went to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Jeff went to the office.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Bill travelled to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Jeff discarded the milk.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff took the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff took the football there.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff left the football.Mary picked up the football there.Mary handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Mary went to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the office.Bill took the football there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill left the football.Fred got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred left the milk.Fred took the milk there.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred left the milk.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred put down the apple.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred left the football.Mary got the apple there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Fred took the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Fred got the milk there.Bill moved to the garden.Fred dropped the milk.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the garden.Bill put down the milk.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Bill went to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Bill got the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went to the garden.Mary put down the milk.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary took the football there.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary discarded the football.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill went to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Mary went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred got the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Mary left the football.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred discarded the milk.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the office.Fred put down the apple.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Fred got the apple there.Jeff left the football.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred put down the milk.Jeff took the milk there.Mary went to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred got the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Fred put down the milk.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary passed the football to Fred.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary left the milk.Fred discarded the football.Mary picked up the football there.Mary passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff got the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred left the apple.Fred travelled to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff took the football there.Fred took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff put down the football.Fred left the milk.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary discarded the football there.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Mary put down the apple.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Fred discarded the apple.Fred took the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary took the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred took the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill left the milk.Bill went to the office.Jeff put down the football.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill left the football.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary discarded the apple.Mary picked up the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary left the milk.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the office.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Mary took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Bill got the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary left the milk there.Fred gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary discarded the apple.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary took the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill dropped the milk.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff took the football there.Jeff left the football.Jeff got the football there.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff left the football.Jeff took the football there.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff put down the football.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred put down the milk.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the office.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff went to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Fred took the football there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Fred put down the football there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred got the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Jeff grabbed the apple there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary picked up the football there.Mary dropped the football.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred dropped the milk.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Bill took the apple there.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill took the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Jeff went back to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff put down the football.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff got the football there.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff left the football.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred left the milk.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Bill left the apple.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Jeff got the apple there.Mary went to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred put down the apple.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred dropped the apple.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill got the milk there.Mary moved to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary put down the milk there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary dropped the milk there.Mary picked up the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff left the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred left the apple.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill took the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Fred moved to the garden.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Bill got the apple there.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill moved to the garden.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred got the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred left the apple.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary put down the milk.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary left the apple.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the office.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary took the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred picked up the football there.Fred left the football.Jeff went to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary discarded the milk.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred got the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary dropped the apple.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Fred picked up the football there.Fred dropped the football.Mary got the apple there.Bill took the football there.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred took the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Fred left the football.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff dropped the apple.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.Fred went to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the office.Mary went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Fred went to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Bill took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill left the milk there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill gave the football to Mary.Jeff moved to the office.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff took the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Mary went to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Fred went to the garden.Jeff put down the apple.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff discarded the milk there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Bill took the milk there.Jeff got the apple there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill discarded the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Mary put down the milk.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff got the football there.Bill went back to the office.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill took the apple there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill put down the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Bill took the football there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple.Mary went to the office.Bill dropped the football.Bill got the football there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Bill took the milk there.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.Mary moved to the garden.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary left the football.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary got the football there.Mary left the football.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary passed the football to Fred.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred gave the football to Mary.Bill travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill took the football there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary put down the football there.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill discarded the milk.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went to the office.Jeff took the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff left the football.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff dropped the football.Fred moved to the office.Mary got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Mary went back to the office.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred got the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred dropped the apple.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff left the apple there.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill discarded the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the garden.Bill left the milk.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill discarded the milk.Bill travelled to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred dropped the apple there.Mary took the apple there.Mary put down the football.Mary gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary took the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill dropped the milk there.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill left the milk.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Jeff moved to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary left the milk.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary dropped the milk.Mary moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred dropped the milk.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff left the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Fred took the football there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Fred dropped the football.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred took the football there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred dropped the football.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred left the football.Fred took the football there.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff discarded the apple there.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Fred dropped the football there.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Bill went to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred handed the football to Mary.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary discarded the football.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Mary took the football there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill left the football.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff left the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff left the apple.Jeff dropped the football.Fred went back to the garden.Fred took the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Bill took the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff put down the football.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Fred passed the football to Mary.Bill took the apple there.Mary passed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Mary discarded the milk.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Mary took the football there.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff discarded the apple there.Fred took the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Fred got the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred dropped the milk.Fred moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Fred took the milk there.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Fred discarded the milk there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill left the football.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill dropped the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill passed the football to Fred.Mary went back to the office.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill put down the apple.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff discarded the milk.Mary went to the garden.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the apple there.Jeff left the football.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff left the football.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff left the milk there.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff put down the milk.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff dropped the apple there.Jeff went to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred went to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred picked up the apple there.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred put down the apple.Fred went back to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Bill went to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Mary went to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Fred picked up the football there.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred took the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred put down the apple.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Fred dropped the milk.Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Fred left the football.Mary picked up the football there.Mary left the football.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Bill moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff left the apple.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Mary got the apple there.Bill put down the milk.Bill went to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Bill went back to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill dropped the football there.Fred went to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill got the football there.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Bill dropped the football.Bill took the football there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff got the football there.Jeff took the apple there.Bill moved to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff dropped the football there.Jeff put down the apple.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary moved to the garden.Mary discarded the milk there.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred travelled to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary moved to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Mary discarded the milk.Mary got the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary put down the football.Bill travelled to the office.Mary got the football there.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred got the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff left the football.Fred discarded the milk.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Fred moved to the office.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred took the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill left the apple.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Bill moved to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred put down the milk.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred left the apple there.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Fred dropped the apple.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred dropped the milk.Mary dropped the football.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Fred dropped the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Fred took the apple there.Mary handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred put down the milk.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff got the football there.Fred went to the office.Jeff put down the football there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff dropped the football there.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff dropped the apple.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred left the apple.Fred got the apple there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Mary dropped the apple there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Bill put down the apple.Bill got the apple there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill discarded the apple.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill left the football.Bill got the football there.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Bill went back to the office.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Mary moved to the hallway.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary took the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary discarded the football there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff left the milk there.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred discarded the football.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred took the football there.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill left the apple.Bill went to the hallway.Mary took the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Mary took the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary discarded the milk.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff put down the apple.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary left the milk there.Mary got the milk there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary put down the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred took the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Mary took the football there.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Mary journeyed to the office.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff left the football.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Fred went to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff went back to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Bill went to the office.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Mary left the apple.Jeff went to the office.Fred dropped the football there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred left the milk.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Bill put down the apple there.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Jeff took the football there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred put down the football.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Fred travelled to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary dropped the apple.Mary took the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary dropped the milk.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Mary took the football there.Mary put down the football.Mary went to the garden.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill put down the apple.Jeff went to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill got the football there.Mary got the milk there.Mary left the milk.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Mary got the milk there.Bill went to the office.Mary gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff got the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary put down the milk.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred dropped the apple there.Mary left the milk.Fred took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill discarded the football.Bill went to the garden.Fred took the football there.Fred dropped the football.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff left the milk.Bill took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary left the football there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary discarded the apple.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary took the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the office.Mary took the apple there.Fred went back to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary left the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff got the football there.Jeff took the apple there.Bill moved to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff dropped the football there.Jeff put down the apple.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary moved to the garden.Mary discarded the milk there.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Mary moved to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary left the apple.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Bill took the milk there.Fred went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary left the apple.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary put down the football.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill left the milk.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Mary picked up the football there.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary left the football.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred discarded the milk.Mary moved to the office.Fred discarded the apple.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Fred went to the office.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred went to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff took the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.Jeff handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Fred handed the football to Mary.Jeff got the milk there.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Bill discarded the football there.Bill picked up the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Bill left the football.Bill moved to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Fred went to the hallway.Bill took the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill left the milk there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary left the apple.Bill moved to the office.Mary took the apple there.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill dropped the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill dropped the apple.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff left the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff took the milk there.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the milk there.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff took the milk there.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary took the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary discarded the football there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff left the milk there.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred discarded the football.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred took the football there.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary put down the football.Jeff dropped the milk.Mary picked up the football there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Jeff went back to the office.Fred discarded the milk.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary dropped the milk.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Mary took the football there.Mary put down the football.Mary went to the garden.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary went to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred dropped the apple.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred put down the milk.Fred moved to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary discarded the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred dropped the football.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred put down the milk.Bill moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff left the apple.Mary travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred dropped the milk.Jeff took the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Jeff got the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill dropped the apple.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred moved to the office.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill got the football there.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.Mary got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Bill moved to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill dropped the milk there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill dropped the apple.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred went back to the garden.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football there.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff put down the milk there.Jeff got the milk there.Bill went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff went to the office.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Bill took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill put down the milk.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill left the milk.Bill got the milk there.Bill went back to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill left the milk there.Jeff went to the office.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred picked up the football there.Bill took the apple there.Fred put down the football.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary took the football there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary went back to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff dropped the football.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff gave the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill took the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill got the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred picked up the football there.Mary got the milk there.Fred got the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Mary went back to the garden.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred put down the football.Fred gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary discarded the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill put down the milk there.Fred got the apple there.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Mary moved to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the garden.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Bill travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill took the apple there.Bill put down the apple there.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill left the apple there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill put down the apple.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary gave the football to Fred.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred left the football.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff got the football there.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred left the football.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Fred went to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary put down the milk.Jeff journeyed to the office.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill left the milk.Bill went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred dropped the milk there.Bill took the milk there.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill put down the milk.Mary left the football.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary took the milk there.Mary left the milk there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary took the milk there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff took the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Jeff put down the apple.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Jeff moved to the office.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff left the apple.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Fred left the apple.Mary dropped the milk.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill took the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred moved to the office.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Bill travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred took the football there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred got the apple there.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Mary went back to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary dropped the milk.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Mary discarded the milk there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary took the milk there.Bill moved to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Fred moved to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary left the apple there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Mary travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary got the milk there.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary put down the milk.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Bill went to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill discarded the apple.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff left the apple.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Bill went to the office.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the office.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff took the milk there.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary discarded the milk.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Fred left the football there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the office.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Fred grabbed the football there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Mary took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Jeff left the football.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary discarded the apple.Fred took the apple there.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary gave the football to Bill.Jeff discarded the milk.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill went to the office.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary dropped the apple there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary put down the milk there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary got the football there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Mary dropped the milk.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary got the football there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary dropped the football there.Mary took the football there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary left the football there.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Fred discarded the apple.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary got the football there.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff put down the football.Jeff took the football there.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.Fred got the apple there.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred went back to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff left the apple.Fred picked up the football there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk.Fred journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff dropped the football.Bill picked up the football there.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Mary grabbed the milk there.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill dropped the football.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the office.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the office.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Fred went back to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary got the apple there.Fred went back to the hallway.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred left the apple.Fred got the apple there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Mary dropped the apple there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred left the apple there.Fred put down the milk.Bill went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary left the football.Fred moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill got the football there.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff got the apple there.Bill got the football there.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred put down the apple.Bill put down the football.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill took the football there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred left the apple.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff took the apple there.Bill discarded the football there.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill put down the football.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Jeff left the apple there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff put down the milk.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill went to the office.Mary went to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Mary discarded the apple.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred got the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Fred went to the hallway.Mary put down the apple.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary got the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Bill went back to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill took the football there.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill put down the football there.Bill got the football there.Mary went to the hallway.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill took the football there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Bill left the football there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the office.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Bill put down the milk.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Fred discarded the apple.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Mary moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill got the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Bill went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Bill got the milk there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill left the milk.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred got the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Fred dropped the football.Fred took the football there.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary left the football there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary moved to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill went to the garden.Jeff dropped the football.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Jeff got the football there.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Mary went to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred took the apple there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred dropped the apple.Fred took the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Fred got the apple there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary dropped the milk.Bill picked up the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary discarded the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Mary journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary dropped the football.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill took the apple there.Fred got the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill discarded the apple there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Fred put down the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Bill discarded the apple there.Mary went to the hallway.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary left the apple.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred left the apple there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill took the milk there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff took the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred dropped the football.Jeff dropped the apple there.Fred got the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred left the football.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary took the football there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Bill put down the football.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff took the football there.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff put down the football.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Fred took the football there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Fred discarded the football.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill got the milk there.Jeff got the apple there.Bill put down the milk.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff left the apple.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff got the football there.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Bill grabbed the apple there.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff discarded the apple there.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff took the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred dropped the football.Fred took the football there.Fred discarded the football there.Jeff put down the apple.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went back to the office.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff left the apple.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary dropped the football.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred went back to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary moved to the office.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary went to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the milk there.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Fred travelled to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary dropped the apple.Mary took the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Fred travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill got the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary left the milk.Bill got the milk there.Bill went to the garden.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Bill got the apple there.Mary dropped the football.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Mary dropped the football there.Bill put down the apple.Bill went to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Mary went to the office.Bill left the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the office.Fred went back to the office.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary got the milk there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary went to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Bill put down the apple.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the football there.Fred handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.Mary got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff discarded the milk there.Bill took the milk there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Bill took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill put down the milk.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill left the milk.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Mary grabbed the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the milk there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary left the milk.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill took the milk there.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill dropped the football there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill took the football there.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred left the football there.Bill got the football there.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred got the milk there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary left the apple.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Fred went to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred left the milk.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred got the football there.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary dropped the apple.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary put down the milk.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Jeff got the football there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary put down the football.Fred went back to the office.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Mary moved to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Fred took the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred put down the football.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred put down the milk there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred gave the football to Mary.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred dropped the football.Fred took the football there.Fred travelled to the garden.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Mary took the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk.Mary took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary dropped the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary got the apple there.Mary took the football there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary put down the football there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary discarded the apple.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Mary put down the apple.Fred put down the milk.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went to the office.Mary dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary left the milk.Bill went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary put down the milk.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred went to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Fred went to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff took the football there.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the office.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.Mary dropped the football.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Mary took the football there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary put down the football there.Jeff got the apple there.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Fred moved to the office.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary put down the football.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Mary went back to the office.Jeff went to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred took the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Bill got the milk there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff put down the milk.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary took the apple there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Fred dropped the football.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred left the apple.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred put down the football.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary got the apple there.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill gave the football to Fred.Mary moved to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred left the apple there.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred discarded the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill took the football there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary put down the football there.Mary went back to the garden.Bill put down the milk.Mary travelled to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary got the milk there.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary dropped the milk.Bill went back to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary discarded the apple.Fred went to the hallway.Fred dropped the football there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred picked up the football there.Fred handed the football to Mary.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Fred passed the football to Mary.Bill took the apple there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred left the football.Mary took the football there.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred took the milk there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the office.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary discarded the apple.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Bill put down the football.Fred left the milk.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary left the apple there.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill took the milk there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill discarded the football.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary left the apple.Bill dropped the milk there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Jeff picked up the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary dropped the apple.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Mary went back to the office.Mary picked up the apple there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Bill put down the apple.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill got the apple there.Bill discarded the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Jeff travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred went to the garden.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Mary took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the office.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Mary put down the football there.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff dropped the football.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Fred went to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Jeff got the football there.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred dropped the football.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill got the football there.Bill moved to the office.Fred went to the office.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred dropped the football.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred took the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred discarded the football there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Mary went to the hallway.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Bill got the apple there.Mary dropped the football.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Mary dropped the football there.Bill put down the apple.Bill went to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Mary went to the office.Bill left the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill gave the football to Mary.Bill discarded the milk.Mary gave the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary dropped the apple.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary put down the football.Mary picked up the football there.Fred put down the milk.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary discarded the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred dropped the apple.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill dropped the football.Bill took the football there.Bill dropped the football.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Bill discarded the football.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred left the apple.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Fred got the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred got the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred put down the apple.Fred gave the football to Mary.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary dropped the football.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Fred went to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Fred left the milk.Fred got the milk there.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary went to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff left the football.Mary moved to the office.Bill got the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill went to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Fred took the milk there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Fred put down the milk.Bill went to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred discarded the football.Mary went to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill took the football there.Fred got the apple there.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.Fred left the apple.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Mary moved to the office.Bill went back to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill took the apple there.Mary left the milk.Mary took the milk there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill got the football there.Bill gave the football to Fred.Bill went to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Fred left the football there.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the office.Mary left the milk.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill discarded the football.Bill got the football there.Bill handed the football to Fred.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Mary moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Bill went to the hallway.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred put down the apple there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred got the milk there.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred left the apple there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary moved to the office.Jeff moved to the office.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Mary went to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Fred went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Bill went back to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill put down the football.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary went to the hallway.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary moved to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill put down the football.Mary put down the apple.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary discarded the apple.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill took the apple there.Bill put down the apple.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred moved to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary went to the office.Mary discarded the milk there.Bill went back to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill left the apple.Fred went back to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Bill discarded the football.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Mary went to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff moved to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Mary left the football.Fred took the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Fred passed the football to Bill.Mary grabbed the milk there.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff took the milk there.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred put down the apple.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill left the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill went back to the office.Fred got the apple there.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred put down the apple.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred left the apple.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary left the milk there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred left the milk.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill got the milk there.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Bill put down the milk there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff left the milk there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Fred put down the apple.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the office.Fred went to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill discarded the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill discarded the apple.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the apple there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Fred grabbed the football there.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Mary went back to the office.Jeff went to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football there.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the milk.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Fred went to the garden.Mary discarded the football.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff dropped the football.Fred went to the hallway.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the office.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred travelled to the office.Mary passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill dropped the milk.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary left the milk.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went back to the garden.Fred went to the office.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary passed the football to Bill.Fred went to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill dropped the milk there.Bill left the football.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill dropped the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Mary journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the football there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Mary discarded the milk.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Bill put down the apple.Mary dropped the football.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.Mary travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the garden.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Fred took the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary gave the football to Bill.Jeff discarded the milk.Bill moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff dropped the apple there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Mary took the football there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred left the apple.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Fred put down the apple there.Bill took the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill dropped the milk.Mary went back to the office.Fred got the apple there.Bill took the milk there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill took the milk there.Fred put down the apple there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred got the apple there.Bill discarded the milk.Bill took the milk there.Fred left the apple.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill dropped the milk.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Fred went to the hallway.Fred left the apple.Mary went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary left the milk.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Mary got the football there.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary put down the football.Fred went back to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary picked up the football there.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Mary dropped the football.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary left the milk.Bill went to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff gave the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the hallway.Bill got the football there.Bill dropped the football.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary discarded the milk.Fred got the football there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred took the milk there.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred dropped the milk there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Mary gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill dropped the milk.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill discarded the apple.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred went to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred discarded the football.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred left the apple.Bill travelled to the office.Mary discarded the milk.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred discarded the milk there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill took the football there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred put down the football.Fred moved to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Mary took the apple there.Mary discarded the apple there.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary got the apple there.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary put down the apple.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary dropped the apple.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Fred left the milk.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary picked up the football there.Mary went to the office.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Fred took the apple there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the office.Fred left the football.Mary went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill dropped the apple.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary put down the football.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill dropped the milk.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Bill took the milk there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Fred went to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary left the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff left the apple.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary left the apple.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary picked up the football there.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Mary dropped the football.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary left the milk.Bill went to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred got the football there.Fred dropped the football.Fred took the football there.Fred put down the football.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary took the milk there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.Mary left the milk.Mary got the milk there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill got the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Jeff went to the office.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill dropped the milk.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Jeff left the football.Jeff got the football there.Fred took the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred dropped the apple there.Fred took the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred left the apple there.Mary took the milk there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Fred went to the garden.Mary discarded the football.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff dropped the football.Fred went to the hallway.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff picked up the football there.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Bill got the apple there.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple.Jeff went to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Fred.Mary moved to the office.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Fred handed the football to Mary.Jeff got the milk there.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple there.Mary dropped the milk.Fred travelled to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill went to the office.Bill dropped the milk.Mary took the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Mary put down the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred dropped the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Mary took the apple there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary left the milk.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred left the football.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the garden.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff handed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Mary discarded the milk.Fred moved to the office.Mary took the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred put down the milk.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff got the football there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Jeff grabbed the apple there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff dropped the football.Bill picked up the football there.Bill handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill dropped the football.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred left the milk there.Bill took the football there.Bill got the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred left the apple.Bill got the milk there.Bill went to the garden.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred went to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred left the football there.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary discarded the apple.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Bill travelled to the office.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff put down the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Jeff grabbed the milk there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Mary moved to the office.Fred picked up the football there.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary discarded the football.Fred took the football there.Fred gave the football to Mary.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill took the football there.Bill discarded the football.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill took the football there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff moved to the office.Bill discarded the football.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary took the milk there.Mary left the milk there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary took the milk there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff took the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Jeff put down the apple.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Jeff moved to the office.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff left the apple.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Fred left the apple.Mary dropped the milk.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill took the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred moved to the office.Bill passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary got the football there.Mary left the football there.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Mary went to the office.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill left the milk.Fred left the football.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Fred picked up the football there.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill put down the apple.Bill took the apple there.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill dropped the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred left the apple.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill took the apple there.Fred went to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Bill dropped the apple.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff discarded the milk.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill took the apple there.Bill got the milk there.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple.Jeff went to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary dropped the football.Mary got the football there.Bill travelled to the office.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Bill discarded the milk.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff got the apple there.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went to the garden.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the office.Bill took the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill discarded the milk.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Bill put down the milk.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Jeff went to the garden.Mary handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill got the milk there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary dropped the apple.Fred went to the hallway.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary put down the apple there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill put down the milk there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill grabbed the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Mary travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary left the apple.Fred left the milk.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary took the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff put down the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill put down the apple there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went to the garden.Mary dropped the football.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary took the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Fred dropped the milk.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill took the football there.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill put down the football there.Bill got the football there.Mary went to the hallway.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.Bill went to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff left the apple.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Mary left the milk.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill put down the milk.Fred went back to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill dropped the apple.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred dropped the milk.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff left the apple.Mary left the milk there.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Bill went to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred put down the milk.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the office.Bill discarded the apple.Mary went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary left the football there.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary got the football there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Bill left the apple there.Bill took the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill went to the garden.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred dropped the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Bill discarded the football.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred left the milk.Bill got the football there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred went to the office.Bill discarded the football.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Fred took the apple there.Mary handed the football to Bill.Fred grabbed the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff went back to the office.Bill went to the garden.Jeff put down the milk.Fred discarded the apple.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Bill went to the kitchen.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary got the apple there.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred left the apple there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Bill dropped the football.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Bill left the football.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Bill picked up the football there.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary discarded the apple.Fred went to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff took the football there.Fred moved to the office.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff left the football there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred got the apple there.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the garden.Bill went to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Fred discarded the apple.Fred took the apple there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Mary took the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk.Mary took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary dropped the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary got the apple there.Mary took the football there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary put down the football there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary discarded the apple.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Mary put down the apple.Fred put down the milk.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went to the office.Mary dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary left the milk.Bill went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary put down the milk.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred went to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Fred went to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Mary moved to the garden.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred travelled to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred left the apple there.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill went to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Bill put down the apple.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill got the apple there.Bill discarded the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Mary moved to the office.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill dropped the milk.Mary journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary discarded the football.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill took the football there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary put down the football there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary took the apple there.Mary dropped the apple.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred gave the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill went to the office.Mary took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred picked up the football there.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred put down the football.Fred went to the office.Jeff went to the office.Bill went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill went to the garden.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff dropped the football.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff left the apple.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Mary moved to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff got the apple there.Fred went to the office.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff put down the football there.Jeff put down the milk there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff put down the milk.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the garden.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred handed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred took the football there.Fred handed the football to Mary.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary passed the football to Fred.Bill went to the hallway.Fred passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary dropped the milk.Fred got the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Mary dropped the milk.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary discarded the milk.Mary took the milk there.Mary left the milk there.Mary took the milk there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary dropped the milk there.Bill travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred went to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff put down the football.Mary went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred put down the milk.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Fred passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill picked up the football there.Fred went to the garden.Bill put down the apple.Bill took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Bill put down the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill dropped the football.Mary went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill put down the apple there.Bill got the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Bill went to the garden.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill put down the apple.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred took the football there.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary discarded the apple.Bill went to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff put down the milk.Fred moved to the office.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary got the apple there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff put down the milk.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary dropped the apple.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary dropped the milk.Fred got the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred left the milk.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred got the football there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred put down the football.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred discarded the football there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Fred put down the football.Jeff went to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Fred took the football there.Fred dropped the football.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Fred took the milk there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Fred put down the milk.Bill went to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred discarded the football.Mary went to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill got the milk there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary dropped the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred discarded the football.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred put down the milk.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary left the football there.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred left the football.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred took the football there.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill put down the football.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Bill journeyed to the office.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill took the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff left the milk.Bill left the apple.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Bill left the apple.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the office.Bill went to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the milk there.Fred went to the garden.Bill went to the garden.Bill dropped the milk.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Mary moved to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Fred went to the garden.Mary discarded the football.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill got the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary dropped the football.Fred went to the garden.Jeff left the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff discarded the milk.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff got the milk there.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff left the milk there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill dropped the milk.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Fred discarded the football.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary took the football there.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred took the football there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Bill discarded the football.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary gave the football to Bill.Fred took the milk there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.Fred put down the milk.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the milk there.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Jeff took the football there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the football.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary put down the milk.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill dropped the apple.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Mary put down the apple.Jeff left the football.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Bill travelled to the office.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary put down the milk there.Mary took the milk there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff took the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff discarded the football.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred took the apple there.Mary went back to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary left the milk.Bill went back to the office.Mary took the milk there.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred discarded the apple.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill left the milk there.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the football there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill dropped the football.Mary went to the garden.Bill took the football there.Fred moved to the office.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the office.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Fred went back to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Mary left the football.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff took the milk there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred discarded the football.Jeff went to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred left the apple there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred discarded the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff left the football there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred took the milk there.Jeff left the football.Jeff moved to the office.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Mary went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff put down the milk there.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff left the milk.Mary moved to the garden.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Fred moved to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff went back to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill put down the milk.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred handed the football to Bill.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill put down the football.Fred discarded the apple there.Fred got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Fred went back to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill went to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Fred went back to the office.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred put down the milk there.Jeff dropped the football.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary took the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill discarded the apple.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred got the football there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff went back to the office.Fred took the milk there.Fred moved to the kitchen.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Mary got the football there.Fred went back to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff left the apple.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary discarded the football.Mary went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff put down the apple.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary got the football there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple there.Mary put down the football.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred took the football there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.Mary picked up the apple there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff dropped the football.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill got the football there.Bill gave the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the garden.Jeff took the football there.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Jeff went back to the office.Mary took the apple there.Bill went to the garden.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary got the football there.Mary passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary took the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary discarded the football.Bill took the football there.Bill gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the garden.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Fred travelled to the office.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred took the football there.Fred put down the football.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred put down the football there.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff left the milk.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred got the football there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred discarded the football there.Bill took the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Mary went back to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill left the milk.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill discarded the apple.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went to the office.Mary got the football there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Mary put down the football.Bill went back to the office.Jeff got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff got the football there.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the office.Mary dropped the milk.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Bill went back to the office.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred got the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the office.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred put down the apple.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Fred discarded the apple there.Jeff went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff put down the football.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred discarded the apple.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred got the football there.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill moved to the office.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary got the football there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff dropped the football.Fred travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill put down the apple.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff discarded the milk.Mary went to the garden.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the apple there.Jeff left the football.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff left the football.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff left the milk there.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Mary got the milk there.Mary took the football there.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred got the milk there.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Bill dropped the apple.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill got the football there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Fred went to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill put down the football.Bill travelled to the office.Bill handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the hallway.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Fred left the milk.Mary took the football there.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary put down the football there.Bill passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill gave the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill dropped the football there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary got the apple there.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Jeff picked up the football there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary dropped the football.Fred went to the garden.Fred got the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary handed the football to Bill.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill discarded the milk.Bill gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Bill went back to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary left the football.Mary took the football there.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary discarded the football.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Mary put down the football there.Jeff moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Mary discarded the football.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Mary took the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary got the milk there.Mary left the milk.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary discarded the football there.Mary got the football there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Mary put down the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Mary gave the football to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went to the garden.Fred left the football.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill got the football there.Bill gave the football to Fred.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Bill went to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff put down the milk.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Fred went to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary picked up the football there.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary gave the football to Fred.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred discarded the football.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary picked up the football there.Bill got the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Mary left the football.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Mary took the football there.Bill went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred took the apple there.Fred went to the office.Fred dropped the apple there.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill got the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Mary put down the football.Mary went to the office.Bill discarded the apple.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Fred took the milk there.Jeff went to the garden.Mary passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary left the apple.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Fred took the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred discarded the football.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff put down the apple there.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Fred left the milk.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred picked up the football there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the garden.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went back to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff took the apple there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff left the apple.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred got the milk there.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff put down the milk there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff got the football there.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff left the football.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill discarded the apple there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Fred moved to the office.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill took the milk there.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Bill moved to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred took the apple there.Fred discarded the apple.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred dropped the milk.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff left the football.Mary got the football there.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Fred grabbed the milk there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred dropped the milk.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill put down the football.Bill put down the milk.Bill took the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred discarded the football.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff took the apple there.Mary got the football there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary put down the football.Bill got the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Fred dropped the milk.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Fred moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill took the football there.Jeff put down the milk.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill dropped the football.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill took the football there.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Mary took the apple there.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill put down the football.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the garden.Bill moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary dropped the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the office.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff dropped the milk.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Bill journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary went to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill left the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill gave the football to Mary.Bill went back to the office.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Fred discarded the milk.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill got the milk there.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred dropped the football.Mary travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Jeff got the apple there.Mary went to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred got the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff put down the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred took the apple there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred left the football.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred dropped the apple.Fred got the apple there.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred discarded the apple there.Mary dropped the milk.Bill went back to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Mary went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff left the milk.Fred went back to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred dropped the football there.Bill discarded the milk.Bill got the milk there.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary moved to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the hallway.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff put down the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Fred moved to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Jeff went to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Bill took the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Fred left the apple.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred left the milk.Fred went to the hallway.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary went to the hallway.Mary passed the football to Fred.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill discarded the milk.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff went back to the office.Mary got the milk there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill discarded the football.Fred went to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred got the apple there.Jeff went to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred discarded the apple.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill left the milk.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred took the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Mary went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the garden.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Fred moved to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary got the football there.Mary left the football.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary passed the football to Fred.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred gave the football to Mary.Bill travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff left the apple.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary put down the football.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary put down the football.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred dropped the football.Fred picked up the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill left the apple there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff put down the football.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred went back to the office.Bill moved to the office.Fred put down the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary got the apple there.Bill handed the football to Fred.Mary put down the apple.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Mary put down the milk.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Mary took the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill took the milk there.Mary went back to the garden.Bill left the milk.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill dropped the milk.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred went back to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Bill got the football there.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred moved to the garden.Fred left the football.Fred grabbed the football there.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff put down the football.Mary moved to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Mary went to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Jeff got the milk there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went to the office.Mary got the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary left the apple.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff left the apple.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill took the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Bill put down the apple there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred put down the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary went to the office.Mary took the milk there.Mary went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill took the football there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill discarded the football.Bill went back to the garden.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill put down the apple.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff got the apple there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Fred took the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Fred dropped the football.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary dropped the milk.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill put down the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred put down the milk there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred left the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred put down the apple there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Bill went to the garden.Jeff left the football.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred got the milk there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the football.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred discarded the milk.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the milk.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary left the apple.Mary got the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Fred put down the football.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill went to the garden.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the office.Mary took the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Mary dropped the apple.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff dropped the football there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred discarded the apple.Bill went to the garden.Fred picked up the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill dropped the milk.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill discarded the apple there.Bill went to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary dropped the apple.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary got the apple there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary went back to the garden.Fred gave the football to Bill.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Bill handed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary dropped the milk there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred went to the hallway.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff moved to the office.Bill moved to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Mary got the football there.Mary left the football.Bill got the apple there.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary got the football there.Mary put down the football there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Fred went to the office.Bill got the milk there.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill took the milk there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff took the football there.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred got the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred left the milk.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff went to the office.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff dropped the football there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred moved to the garden.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred discarded the milk.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill dropped the apple there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary picked up the football there.Mary went to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff went to the garden.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary put down the football.Fred left the apple.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Fred dropped the football there.Bill left the apple.Mary got the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary went to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred left the milk.Fred discarded the football there.Bill went back to the garden.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred discarded the apple.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff got the football there.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Mary moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff put down the milk.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill passed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred left the apple.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Fred put down the apple there.Bill took the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill dropped the milk.Mary went back to the office.Fred got the apple there.Bill took the milk there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill took the milk there.Fred put down the apple there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred got the apple there.Bill discarded the milk.Bill took the milk there.Fred left the apple.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill dropped the milk.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Fred went to the hallway.Fred left the apple.Mary went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the office.Fred went to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary handed the football to Bill.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill put down the football.Fred went back to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff left the apple.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred left the apple.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred picked up the football there.Fred moved to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill dropped the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Fred put down the football.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Fred went back to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff put down the milk there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred went to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary took the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary left the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Mary discarded the apple.Bill put down the milk.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Mary discarded the apple.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred gave the football to Bill.Mary dropped the apple.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Fred journeyed to the office.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff put down the milk.Fred took the football there.Fred dropped the football.Bill went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff took the football there.Jeff left the football.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred got the milk there.Jeff left the football.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred discarded the apple there.Fred dropped the milk.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill put down the football.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary discarded the apple.Bill got the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary moved to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Mary discarded the milk.Mary got the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary put down the football.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Fred went to the garden.Jeff left the football.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the hallway.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff put down the apple there.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Fred got the apple there.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred left the apple.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred got the apple there.Jeff left the milk.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Mary discarded the football.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred put down the apple there.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary picked up the football there.Mary left the football.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary took the apple there.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred handed the football to Mary.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Bill moved to the office.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary journeyed to the garden.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill got the football there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill put down the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Fred moved to the garden.Bill left the football.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred passed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Fred travelled to the office.Mary put down the apple there.Fred went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred took the football there.Fred handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the apple there.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill discarded the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill got the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred discarded the apple.Bill went back to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Fred discarded the apple.Bill got the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill left the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill left the milk.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill discarded the football.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff took the milk there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred left the milk.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went back to the office.Fred went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Fred dropped the football there.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred dropped the football.Fred picked up the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill left the apple there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff put down the football.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred went back to the office.Bill moved to the office.Fred put down the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary got the apple there.Bill handed the football to Fred.Mary put down the apple.Fred passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary took the milk there.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill discarded the football.Bill moved to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary discarded the milk.Mary took the milk there.Fred took the football there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill put down the apple.Fred put down the football.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred picked up the football there.Fred left the football.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred took the apple there.Bill took the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred put down the apple.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary dropped the milk.Mary took the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill discarded the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill discarded the milk there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred took the football there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred discarded the football.Bill took the milk there.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff took the football there.Bill dropped the milk.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Mary dropped the football.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff left the apple.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred dropped the milk there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff took the football there.Fred got the milk there.Bill moved to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred put down the milk.Jeff put down the football.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary put down the apple.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff took the apple there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Jeff put down the apple.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred put down the milk.Fred took the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff left the football.Bill picked up the football there.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill put down the apple.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Fred took the football there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff left the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Fred left the apple.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Mary got the football there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill put down the apple.Mary dropped the football.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary picked up the football there.Mary went to the garden.Mary put down the football.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary went to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Fred moved to the garden.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff got the football there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff put down the football.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary dropped the apple.Bill took the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Bill took the milk there.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill left the milk.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff went to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill picked up the football there.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff got the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff left the apple.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Mary went back to the office.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary dropped the football.Fred went to the garden.Fred got the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill put down the milk.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the office.Bill got the milk there.Bill put down the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Fred took the apple there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred left the apple.Fred took the apple there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Jeff went to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Bill took the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Fred left the apple.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Jeff moved to the office.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill dropped the milk.Fred journeyed to the office.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Fred left the milk.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football there.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred put down the apple.Fred went to the office.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.Fred went to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill left the apple.Jeff went back to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Bill picked up the football there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill discarded the football.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Mary got the football there.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred took the football there.Fred handed the football to Mary.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary put down the football.Bill picked up the football there.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Fred left the apple.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred discarded the milk.Fred took the apple there.Fred left the apple.Jeff went back to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred went to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary took the apple there.Mary left the apple.Mary got the apple there.Mary left the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary moved to the garden.Mary discarded the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff put down the milk.Fred took the football there.Fred dropped the football.Bill went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff took the football there.Jeff left the football.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred got the milk there.Jeff left the football.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred discarded the apple there.Fred dropped the milk.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred passed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the office.Bill got the football there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill put down the football.Fred got the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill discarded the football.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the garden.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary got the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred dropped the apple there.Bill went to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the garden.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred discarded the football.Jeff went to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff got the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff left the apple.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Mary went back to the office.Fred put down the milk.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff put down the apple.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary got the football there.Mary dropped the football.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill discarded the apple there.Mary got the milk there.Bill went back to the garden.Mary dropped the milk.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill took the football there.Mary went to the garden.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Bill put down the football.Fred discarded the apple.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary took the football there.Mary passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary got the apple there.Jeff went to the garden.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff took the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Bill went to the garden.Mary passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Bill went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred put down the milk there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Bill discarded the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill discarded the football there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Mary went to the garden.Bill took the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary put down the apple there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred took the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill left the football.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill dropped the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill passed the football to Fred.Mary went back to the office.Fred went back to the office.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill put down the apple.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff went to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary got the football there.Mary dropped the football.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Mary got the football there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Mary discarded the football.Bill got the milk there.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff took the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Fred picked up the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill travelled to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill left the milk.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff left the milk there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff left the milk.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Fred put down the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff took the football there.Bill went to the office.Jeff left the football.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff put down the football.Mary left the apple there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred discarded the football.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Fred discarded the apple.Mary put down the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary dropped the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill discarded the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Fred took the football there.Fred dropped the football.Fred discarded the apple.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Jeff picked up the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Mary passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the office.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff dropped the milk.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Jeff went to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff got the milk there.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary handed the football to Fred.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred passed the football to Mary.Jeff went back to the office.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the office.Fred took the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred left the football.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Bill left the milk.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred left the football.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary took the football there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred left the football.Mary moved to the office.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary passed the football to Fred.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary left the milk.Fred discarded the football.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill left the apple there.Fred picked up the football there.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill went to the office.Bill dropped the milk.Mary took the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Mary put down the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff picked up the football there.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff took the football there.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff put down the football.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary handed the football to Bill.Fred travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred went to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred took the football there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred dropped the football.Mary picked up the football there.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went back to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff put down the apple there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary got the milk there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill put down the apple.Bill went to the garden.Jeff took the apple there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary left the milk there.Mary got the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Bill went to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary dropped the football.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Jeff left the apple.Bill took the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the office.Fred went to the garden.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill dropped the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff went to the office.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary passed the football to Bill.Jeff went to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill took the milk there.Jeff went to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Mary took the football there.Mary put down the football.Mary got the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary took the apple there.Mary dropped the apple.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.Mary dropped the apple.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary got the apple there.Mary left the apple.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill took the football there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill left the football.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the office.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill put down the apple.Mary dropped the milk.Mary took the milk there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff got the apple there.Mary took the milk there.Jeff went to the office.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff took the football there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill put down the football.Bill went to the garden.Jeff got the football there.Fred grabbed the milk there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Bill got the milk there.Bill left the milk.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Bill discarded the football.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill left the football.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill left the milk there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill discarded the milk.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Mary discarded the football.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred left the milk.Fred went to the hallway.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary went to the hallway.Mary passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Mary got the milk there.Mary took the football there.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the garden.Bill took the football there.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill took the football there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill discarded the football.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill left the milk.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Bill went back to the garden.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill got the apple there.Mary got the football there.Jeff went to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff got the football there.Mary went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.Bill went back to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff grabbed the football there.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Mary took the apple there.Mary got the football there.Mary left the football.Jeff went to the office.Jeff got the football there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff got the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Fred went to the office.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Fred left the football.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary dropped the football.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff went to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the football there.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Fred went back to the office.Bill put down the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill moved to the office.Bill got the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred took the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff left the milk.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Fred dropped the apple.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary dropped the football.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff discarded the football.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Fred went to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff left the football.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Bill went back to the office.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred left the football.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Fred went to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff discarded the apple there.Jeff took the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill dropped the apple.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill put down the milk there.Jeff went to the office.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff passed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff left the football.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff took the apple there.Bill went back to the office.Fred went to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff left the apple.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred put down the milk.Mary went to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred put down the milk.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred put down the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill put down the football.Bill went back to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill discarded the football there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill put down the football.Bill picked up the football there.Bill put down the football.Mary went back to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary picked up the football there.Mary left the football.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred put down the apple.Mary left the milk.Fred took the apple there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Bill dropped the football.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary took the football there.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Mary discarded the football.Fred went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred got the football there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred got the milk there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Fred put down the milk.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Jeff went to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred left the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred left the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Mary left the football there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred got the football there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Mary dropped the football.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff left the apple.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Mary grabbed the apple there.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary dropped the apple.Bill left the football.Bill picked up the football there.Bill left the football there.Mary got the apple there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary put down the apple.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary left the apple.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred dropped the football.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred dropped the football.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff dropped the milk.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the office.Bill went to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred got the football there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred dropped the football.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary put down the milk.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Jeff took the milk there.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred dropped the football.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary got the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary discarded the football.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred dropped the apple.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Fred took the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the office.Bill travelled to the office.Fred dropped the apple.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred left the apple.Jeff went back to the office.Fred got the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred discarded the apple.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred got the milk there.Fred went to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred went to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary went to the hallway.Mary left the football there.Fred went to the hallway.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred left the milk.Fred left the apple.Fred picked up the football there.Fred put down the football.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the office.Mary got the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff went back to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Bill put down the football.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary gave the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred dropped the football.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred put down the milk.Bill moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff left the apple.Mary travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred dropped the milk.Jeff took the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Jeff got the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill got the football there.Bill dropped the football.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred left the apple.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary discarded the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill took the football there.Bill passed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred went back to the office.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred got the football there.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred put down the apple.Fred took the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred discarded the football.Fred took the football there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Mary went back to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Bill went to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff left the football.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill discarded the milk.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff left the football.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff got the football there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred discarded the apple.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff left the football.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill took the apple there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred got the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred passed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff left the apple.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Fred took the football there.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff discarded the milk.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred went to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary took the milk there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred went back to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred put down the milk.Fred moved to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred got the apple there.Fred took the football there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Mary left the milk there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Fred left the milk.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred got the milk there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Bill left the milk.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff got the apple there.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Jeff got the football there.Mary travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff handed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Fred moved to the office.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff got the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Mary took the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred dropped the apple there.Fred put down the football.Fred moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill put down the apple.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill put down the milk.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Bill got the milk there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary put down the milk.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred dropped the apple.Fred took the apple there.Fred discarded the apple.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Jeff handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary left the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Fred went to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred left the milk.Bill went to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred got the milk there.Bill left the football.Fred discarded the milk.Fred took the milk there.Fred left the milk.Fred went back to the office.Mary took the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Fred left the apple.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred discarded the milk.Fred took the apple there.Fred left the apple.Jeff went back to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred put down the football there.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill got the milk there.Bill went back to the office.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff got the football there.Jeff went to the garden.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred took the football there.Fred discarded the football.Mary got the apple there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill moved to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary got the football there.Mary went to the garden.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Mary went to the hallway.Fred went to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Bill put down the apple there.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Mary went to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff moved to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Mary left the football.Fred took the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Fred passed the football to Bill.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary left the milk.Bill passed the football to Fred.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred dropped the football.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff dropped the apple there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the milk there.Mary travelled to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Fred travelled to the office.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary got the football there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary dropped the football there.Mary took the football there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary left the football there.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Fred discarded the apple.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary got the football there.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary discarded the football.Bill went to the garden.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary took the football there.Mary went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred got the milk there.Fred went to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred went to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary went to the hallway.Mary left the football there.Fred went to the hallway.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred left the milk.Fred left the apple.Fred picked up the football there.Fred put down the football.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the office.Mary got the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Jeff moved to the garden.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary dropped the apple there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Jeff went to the office.Fred dropped the milk.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Mary moved to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Fred left the milk.Jeff went to the office.Fred got the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary discarded the football there.Mary took the football there.Mary dropped the football.Bill went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred left the milk.Fred took the milk there.Mary got the football there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Fred went back to the office.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Bill got the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary put down the milk.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill discarded the football.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred left the milk.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary left the apple.Mary got the apple there.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill left the football.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff put down the milk.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the garden.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff left the football there.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went back to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Bill got the football there.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill dropped the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Bill left the football.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary got the apple there.Fred moved to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Mary went to the garden.Bill left the apple.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill put down the milk.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Bill put down the football.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Jeff went back to the office.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Bill went back to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff put down the football.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff discarded the milk.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred picked up the football there.Bill put down the apple.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred put down the football there.Fred left the milk.Bill went back to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Bill journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff dropped the football there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred took the football there.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred dropped the apple.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Fred got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Fred got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Jeff left the milk there.Bill took the football there.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Bill discarded the football there.Fred moved to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Fred took the football there.Fred gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred took the apple there.Bill picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the office.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the garden.Fred took the football there.Fred dropped the football.Fred moved to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Bill got the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff took the football there.Jeff left the football.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff put down the football.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff dropped the football.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred put down the apple.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill moved to the office.Bill discarded the football.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary took the football there.Bill went back to the office.Mary handed the football to Bill.Fred went back to the garden.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Bill went to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Jeff got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill left the apple.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.Bill moved to the office.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary got the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Bill went back to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred left the football.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Fred went to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill left the football.Fred went to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary discarded the football.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff went to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the office.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff took the football there.Jeff put down the football.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary dropped the milk.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Bill moved to the office.Fred got the football there.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary left the milk.Fred discarded the football.Mary got the milk there.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Mary took the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Bill went to the hallway.Mary dropped the milk there.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the garden.Bill moved to the garden.Mary got the football there.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Bill went back to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Fred discarded the milk.Fred went back to the office.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary took the football there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary put down the football.Fred took the apple there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary picked up the football there.Bill got the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Mary left the football.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Mary took the football there.Bill went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred took the apple there.Fred went to the office.Fred dropped the apple there.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill got the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Mary put down the football.Mary went to the office.Bill discarded the apple.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary put down the football.Fred went back to the garden.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill took the football there.Fred put down the milk.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred left the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill moved to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Bill put down the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred dropped the football.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Fred picked up the football there.Fred discarded the football.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred picked up the football there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred moved to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill took the apple there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill went to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the milk there.Fred went back to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred discarded the milk.Bill went to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Bill went to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary put down the milk there.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary discarded the milk there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Mary dropped the milk.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary dropped the milk there.Bill went back to the office.Jeff went to the office.Fred went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred took the football there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the football there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary left the football.Mary took the football there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary dropped the football.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary took the football there.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went to the office.Bill took the football there.Bill left the football there.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the garden.Fred put down the apple.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff got the milk there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill took the apple there.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff left the milk.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Mary went to the garden.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff left the apple.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Bill went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Bill left the apple.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill discarded the football there.Fred went to the garden.Fred took the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill dropped the football there.Mary went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill took the football there.Bill put down the football.Bill got the football there.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred took the apple there.Bill discarded the football.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred went back to the office.Fred left the apple there.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill gave the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the office.Mary moved to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Fred moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary left the football.Jeff dropped the apple there.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff took the milk there.Mary picked up the football there.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary dropped the football there.Mary got the football there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary left the football.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred went to the office.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred left the apple there.Fred got the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Fred left the apple.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Fred moved to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the milk.Mary took the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Fred grabbed the apple there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Bill went to the hallway.Bill put down the football.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill dropped the apple.Bill got the football there.Jeff went to the office.Bill dropped the football.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill took the football there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill left the apple there.Bill discarded the football.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Mary took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred left the milk.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the milk there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary dropped the apple.Mary discarded the milk.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred dropped the milk.Bill moved to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Bill travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Mary took the milk there.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred discarded the apple there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Mary went to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred put down the football.Mary moved to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred put down the football.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred discarded the football.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Bill took the football there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill handed the football to Mary.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary passed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple there.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill discarded the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred picked up the football there.Fred moved to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill dropped the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Fred put down the football.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Fred went back to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff put down the milk there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred went to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary handed the football to Bill.Fred moved to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff left the football.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Fred went to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff went back to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Bill went to the office.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Mary left the apple.Jeff went to the office.Fred dropped the football there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred left the milk.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Bill put down the apple there.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Jeff took the football there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred put down the football.Fred dropped the milk.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Fred left the milk.Fred went back to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary went to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff left the milk there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff travelled to the office.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred took the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred left the football.Fred took the football there.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Jeff got the football there.Fred discarded the apple.Jeff went to the office.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary left the football.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill went back to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill went to the office.Mary put down the football.Mary picked up the football there.Mary got the apple there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the garden.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Mary moved to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Fred went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff put down the apple.Bill moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred left the football.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred took the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff got the apple there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred passed the football to Bill.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Jeff took the apple there.Bill left the football.Jeff left the apple.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred put down the apple there.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary left the apple.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred put down the football there.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary put down the apple.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary went to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary put down the milk.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred moved to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Fred dropped the milk.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary discarded the milk.Bill took the apple there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred left the apple.Fred got the apple there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Mary dropped the apple there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred left the apple there.Fred put down the milk.Bill went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff gave the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Bill went to the garden.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Bill put down the football.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary gave the football to Bill.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff left the football.Mary moved to the office.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary grabbed the football there.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred took the apple there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Fred put down the apple.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill got the football there.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Bill left the football.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary dropped the apple.Bill went back to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Mary grabbed the apple there.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the garden.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Fred travelled to the office.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Bill went back to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff got the football there.Jeff went to the garden.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred discarded the apple.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred dropped the apple.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Jeff took the apple there.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went back to the office.Fred went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Fred dropped the football there.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the football there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred left the milk.Bill travelled to the office.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary put down the football.Mary took the football there.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred dropped the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill got the milk there.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary got the apple there.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Jeff took the football there.Mary dropped the apple.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff left the football.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary got the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Mary took the apple there.Jeff went to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Mary dropped the apple.Mary got the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the office.Mary took the apple there.Fred went back to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary left the apple.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary dropped the milk.Fred moved to the office.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Mary put down the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill left the milk there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Jeff discarded the football there.Jeff got the football there.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Mary travelled to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Fred passed the football to Mary.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary put down the football there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill put down the apple.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Fred took the football there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff left the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary took the football there.Mary put down the football.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Fred left the milk.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Mary took the football there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Jeff discarded the milk.Mary gave the football to Bill.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary went to the garden.Mary dropped the football.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill got the milk there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill left the milk.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill dropped the apple.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill got the apple there.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff put down the football there.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Bill went back to the office.Jeff got the football there.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Bill moved to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill took the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Mary moved to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary discarded the apple.Bill went to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff put down the milk.Fred moved to the office.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary got the apple there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff put down the milk.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary dropped the apple.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred went to the office.Jeff went to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary left the apple.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred handed the football to Bill.Fred discarded the milk.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred put down the milk.Fred took the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary got the apple there.Mary went to the office.Fred dropped the milk.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill got the football there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred left the milk there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff left the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred left the apple.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary left the milk.Bill moved to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff took the football there.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Fred put down the football.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary discarded the apple.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary passed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary picked up the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Mary dropped the apple there.Mary took the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Mary went to the office.Fred dropped the apple.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff dropped the apple.Mary got the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary dropped the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill left the milk.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill left the milk.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred took the milk there.Fred handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the football there.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary left the milk there.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill left the apple.Fred went to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.Jeff got the football there.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Fred dropped the football.Jeff went back to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary got the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Bill handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill got the football there.Bill discarded the football there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill got the football there.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Fred got the football there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary took the apple there.Mary dropped the apple.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred gave the football to Bill.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill left the football there.Bill moved to the garden.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill took the milk there.Bill moved to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill left the milk there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill got the milk there.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Jeff left the football.Jeff got the football there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff left the football there.Jeff took the football there.Fred moved to the garden.Mary went to the office.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Jeff grabbed the apple there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the milk there.Fred left the milk.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Mary moved to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred put down the football.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred dropped the football.Jeff moved to the office.Fred moved to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Bill dropped the football.Bill took the football there.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the garden.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff put down the apple there.Mary took the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred left the apple.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Bill put down the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill left the apple.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill took the apple there.Mary got the football there.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Bill passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary moved to the office.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary put down the apple there.Fred put down the football.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff went back to the office.Mary got the milk there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill discarded the football.Fred went to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Bill went back to the office.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill discarded the apple.Fred went back to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Fred went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff put down the apple.Bill moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred left the football.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred took the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff got the apple there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred left the milk.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Bill journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Fred put down the milk.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary got the football there.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Fred travelled to the office.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred took the football there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred put down the football.Mary travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary got the milk there.Fred left the football.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Fred went to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary left the apple.Mary got the apple there.Fred went to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff went to the garden.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred dropped the football.Fred picked up the football there.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff took the apple there.Mary went to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff took the apple there.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Fred took the apple there.Fred discarded the apple.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Fred took the apple there.Mary got the milk there.Mary discarded the football.Fred put down the apple.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Fred travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary took the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff put down the football.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff left the football there.Bill gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Fred picked up the football there.Mary got the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went back to the office.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff left the apple.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary dropped the football.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Mary got the football there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred took the apple there.Fred dropped the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill discarded the milk there.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff took the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the apple.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Mary left the milk.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Bill put down the apple.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Fred went to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Mary went to the hallway.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary left the apple.Mary travelled to the office.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred dropped the football.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Mary took the apple there.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the football.Bill put down the apple there.Fred took the football there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill discarded the apple.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Mary got the apple there.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred put down the football.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary left the milk.Bill went back to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Bill went back to the office.Mary put down the milk.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill got the football there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary left the football.Fred picked up the football there.Fred gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Fred went back to the office.Bill put down the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Fred picked up the football there.Fred dropped the football.Mary got the apple there.Bill took the football there.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Fred put down the football there.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Mary took the football there.Mary dropped the football.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff put down the milk.Fred moved to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff put down the milk.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Bill went back to the garden.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Bill went to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred got the football there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Bill went to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary put down the football.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Bill took the football there.Bill discarded the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill discarded the football.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary dropped the apple.Bill went to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the football there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary took the apple there.Bill discarded the milk.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff left the football.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary got the apple there.Bill moved to the office.Jeff got the football there.Mary left the apple.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff dropped the football.Fred went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary put down the football.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff put down the apple.Fred went back to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff discarded the milk there.Jeff dropped the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Mary dropped the football.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary picked up the football there.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary went to the office.Mary handed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred dropped the apple there.Mary left the milk.Fred took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary got the football there.Mary went to the hallway.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill left the football.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill dropped the milk.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill took the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary went to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the office.Mary left the milk.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill discarded the football.Bill got the football there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff put down the milk.Fred travelled to the office.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Mary went back to the office.Fred left the milk.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Fred went to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Bill took the apple there.Bill got the milk there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary dropped the football there.Fred moved to the garden.Mary handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Bill left the apple.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill dropped the football there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Fred went back to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.Fred went to the garden.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff took the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff took the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff dropped the football.Mary went back to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Bill grabbed the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred discarded the milk.Mary went back to the office.Bill took the football there.Mary took the apple there.Bill discarded the football.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary discarded the apple.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Bill travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill left the football.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary discarded the apple.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary left the apple.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Fred went to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill got the football there.Bill moved to the garden.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred went to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary put down the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill got the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Bill went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Mary put down the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff got the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill dropped the football.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Fred discarded the football.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Fred went back to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Mary left the football.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary picked up the football there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary put down the apple.Bill took the football there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.Fred went back to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred got the apple there.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred discarded the apple there.Mary went to the office.Fred took the apple there.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred left the apple.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary left the apple.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary went back to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff put down the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred took the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff put down the football.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary picked up the football there.Fred went to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Fred took the milk there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary gave the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary discarded the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football there.Fred picked up the apple there.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the office.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill left the football.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Mary went to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill dropped the football.Bill went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff took the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff dropped the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred took the apple there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred put down the apple.Mary left the milk.Fred took the apple there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred left the apple.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff took the football there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Mary journeyed to the garden.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred took the football there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill left the apple.Bill took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill put down the apple.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Fred dropped the football there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff took the milk there.Bill took the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff left the milk.Bill discarded the football.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Fred went to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Fred got the football there.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill discarded the football.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff discarded the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Bill took the milk there.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary took the milk there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Jeff left the football.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Mary picked up the football there.Mary put down the football.Bill discarded the apple.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the garden.Bill took the football there.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred left the apple.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff left the milk there.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff got the milk there.Bill left the football.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary dropped the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred took the milk there.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill left the milk.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff left the milk there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff left the milk.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Fred put down the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff took the football there.Bill went to the office.Jeff left the football.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff put down the football.Mary left the apple there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred discarded the football.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred dropped the milk.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary took the milk there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary went to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Fred went back to the garden.Mary dropped the football there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill discarded the milk.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill left the football.Fred took the apple there.Bill picked up the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill gave the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary left the football.Jeff dropped the apple there.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff took the milk there.Mary picked up the football there.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary dropped the football there.Mary got the football there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary left the football.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred went to the office.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred left the apple there.Fred got the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Bill moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary got the football there.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary discarded the football.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff dropped the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff left the apple.Fred went to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Mary left the football.Mary got the football there.Mary left the football.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill dropped the football.Bill took the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Bill dropped the football.Mary got the apple there.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred put down the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary took the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Mary grabbed the football there.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary went back to the office.Jeff put down the football.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Bill went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill put down the apple.Bill took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill left the apple.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary dropped the milk.Bill took the milk there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff put down the milk.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill took the milk there.Bill moved to the office.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff gave the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred dropped the milk there.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred put down the football.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Bill got the apple there.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary left the milk there.Bill dropped the apple.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill discarded the milk.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill discarded the milk there.Mary put down the apple.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Mary moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary left the milk there.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill left the apple.Fred went to the office.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff grabbed the football there.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Mary put down the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill left the milk there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Jeff discarded the football there.Jeff got the football there.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Mary travelled to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Fred passed the football to Mary.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary put down the football there.Jeff went to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Bill went back to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill got the football there.Bill left the football there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary dropped the apple.Bill went back to the office.Bill went to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Bill took the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill put down the apple.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary put down the milk.Mary discarded the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred went to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary passed the football to Bill.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary discarded the milk.Bill dropped the football.Bill got the football there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill gave the football to Mary.Fred took the apple there.Mary left the football.Jeff moved to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff took the football there.Mary went to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the football there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary took the apple there.Bill discarded the milk.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff left the football.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary got the apple there.Bill moved to the office.Jeff got the football there.Mary left the apple.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff dropped the football.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Fred went to the hallway.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill dropped the football.Fred dropped the milk.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff went to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Bill went to the garden.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary went to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went to the garden.Bill dropped the football.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Fred went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill left the football.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary discarded the apple.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Mary left the football there.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Jeff moved to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff took the football there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill put down the football.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred moved to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary took the football there.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary got the football there.Bill went to the office.Fred put down the milk.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary handed the football to Fred.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred put down the football.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill left the apple.Mary took the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Mary went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary left the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Mary got the football there.Mary handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Fred dropped the football.Bill went to the garden.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary put down the milk.Mary grabbed the milk there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill put down the milk.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred handed the football to Bill.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill handed the football to Fred.Bill went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Bill left the milk.Fred went to the hallway.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred got the football there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary went to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary left the football.Fred went to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.Mary went to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Mary dropped the apple.Fred took the football there.Fred handed the football to Mary.Fred picked up the apple there.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary took the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill discarded the apple.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred got the football there.Mary grabbed the apple there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Mary went to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Fred left the apple.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred dropped the apple.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred dropped the milk.Jeff moved to the office.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Bill got the football there.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary put down the milk there.Bill dropped the football.Mary went back to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred dropped the football.Jeff dropped the apple there.Fred got the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred left the football.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary took the football there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Bill took the milk there.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary went to the garden.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred discarded the apple there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill discarded the milk.Mary moved to the garden.Bill moved to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred gave the football to Bill.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff dropped the milk.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary took the apple there.Bill discarded the football.Bill picked up the football there.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Mary got the football there.Fred passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff left the football.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Fred went to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff went back to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Bill went to the office.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Mary left the apple.Jeff went to the office.Fred dropped the football there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred left the milk.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Bill put down the apple there.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Jeff took the football there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred put down the football.Fred dropped the milk.Fred journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff took the football there.Mary went to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff discarded the football.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Fred dropped the football.Jeff got the football there.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Bill went to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary left the apple.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred went to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary discarded the apple.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary discarded the football.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill left the apple.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary discarded the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff left the football.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Bill went to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill put down the apple.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill took the apple there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Bill travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff put down the football.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the football.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Jeff got the football there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the office.Bill got the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred moved to the garden.Fred left the football.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred discarded the football.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary put down the football.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred put down the football.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Fred went to the garden.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff dropped the apple there.Bill moved to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary left the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill got the milk there.Bill took the apple there.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Bill discarded the milk there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Mary took the football there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the football there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary left the football.Mary took the football there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary dropped the football.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary took the football there.Fred moved to the office.Fred got the milk there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the office.Fred got the apple there.Fred left the apple.Bill picked up the football there.Fred got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Bill passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill passed the football to Mary.Bill went to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Mary discarded the football.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill discarded the milk.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill dropped the football there.Mary moved to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill passed the football to Fred.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff left the apple.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Mary moved to the office.Jeff went to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred discarded the football.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Fred discarded the milk.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill got the milk there.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred got the football there.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred gave the football to Bill.Jeff left the milk there.Bill handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill dropped the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff dropped the football.Bill left the apple.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred left the football.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill got the apple there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the milk there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary left the milk there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Mary got the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff got the apple there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk.Mary took the milk there.Bill travelled to the office.Mary left the milk.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Bill put down the football there.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Mary picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary put down the football.Bill dropped the milk there.Bill took the football there.Bill passed the football to Mary.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary gave the football to Bill.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill handed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill dropped the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff went to the office.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred put down the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff took the apple there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff discarded the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Bill took the milk there.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary took the milk there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Bill went to the office.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Jeff discarded the football.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Fred picked up the football there.Fred discarded the football.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred picked up the football there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Fred went to the office.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Mary picked up the football there.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Bill took the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred dropped the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred took the apple there.Bill took the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred put down the apple.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary dropped the milk.Mary took the milk there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred got the apple there.Jeff put down the football.Jeff got the football there.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff put down the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff took the apple there.Fred went back to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went to the office.Jeff dropped the football.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff put down the football.Bill moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Jeff discarded the apple there.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Jeff got the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff left the apple.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff put down the football.Bill moved to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred dropped the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff took the milk there.Mary moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Jeff got the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred put down the milk there.Fred got the milk there.Jeff put down the football.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Fred left the milk.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff took the football there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff dropped the football.Bill dropped the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary discarded the apple.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Bill left the milk.Bill took the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill dropped the milk.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill took the milk there.Bill put down the apple.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.Mary took the apple there.Fred passed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary got the milk there.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill discarded the football.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred got the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Bill put down the apple.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the garden.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff left the football.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Fred journeyed to the garden.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred took the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Mary went to the office.Mary put down the football there.Fred went to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill put down the apple there.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill got the apple there.Bill left the apple.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Mary handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the hallway.Mary took the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred got the football there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill got the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Bill went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Bill got the milk there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff got the football there.Jeff left the football.Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Fred went to the hallway.Mary took the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary dropped the apple.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff took the football there.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff put down the football.Mary travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Mary took the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff put down the football.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred went back to the hallway.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff took the apple there.Mary went to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Mary moved to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary dropped the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred left the apple.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff moved to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary dropped the football.Mary got the football there.Mary went to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill left the football there.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred took the football there.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred put down the football.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Bill left the milk.Fred put down the apple.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary discarded the apple.Bill moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary left the football.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill dropped the milk.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill dropped the milk.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill handed the football to Mary.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary put down the football.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary got the apple there.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Fred dropped the football.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff moved to the office.Fred put down the football.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff took the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill took the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Bill went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred took the apple there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Fred went to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Bill went to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill left the apple.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Fred went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Jeff took the milk there.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred went to the garden.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Mary took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the office.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Mary put down the football there.Jeff picked up the football there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred took the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Fred left the football.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff dropped the apple.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Jeff left the football.Jeff got the football there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff left the football there.Jeff took the football there.Fred moved to the garden.Mary went to the office.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary discarded the football.Jeff left the apple.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred got the milk there.Mary travelled to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill went to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Mary dropped the football.Mary picked up the football there.Bill took the milk there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary dropped the football.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary put down the football.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill dropped the apple there.Bill discarded the milk there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Bill put down the milk.Mary went to the hallway.Bill left the apple.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the football there.Fred put down the football.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred dropped the milk.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Fred passed the football to Mary.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary passed the football to Bill.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Mary went back to the office.Jeff went back to the office.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred left the football there.Mary picked up the football there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went back to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred took the football there.Fred left the football.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Bill got the milk there.Bill discarded the milk.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill discarded the football.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Bill put down the milk.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill dropped the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Mary got the apple there.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred put down the football.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary left the milk.Bill went back to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Bill went back to the office.Mary put down the milk.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Bill went to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary got the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill travelled to the office.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred put down the football.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary put down the milk.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred left the milk there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff left the apple.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Fred discarded the apple.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred left the apple.Jeff took the milk there.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred picked up the football there.Fred handed the football to Mary.Jeff left the milk.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary passed the football to Fred.Mary got the milk there.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Bill journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Fred discarded the apple there.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Fred travelled to the hallway.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred went to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill left the football.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary moved to the office.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Bill took the football there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Bill dropped the football.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff got the football there.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary put down the apple there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred took the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary discarded the apple.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff dropped the football.Bill dropped the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary discarded the apple.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Bill left the milk.Bill took the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill dropped the milk.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill took the milk there.Bill put down the apple.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Fred got the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the garden.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill discarded the football.Mary went to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff dropped the apple.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Mary went to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred put down the milk there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred left the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred put down the apple there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Bill went to the garden.Jeff left the football.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred got the milk there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the football.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff took the apple there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Mary got the milk there.Jeff went to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff left the milk.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Mary journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill moved to the garden.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred got the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred left the apple.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill passed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Mary travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred took the apple there.Fred dropped the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill discarded the milk there.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff took the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the apple.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Mary left the milk.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Bill put down the apple.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Fred got the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred dropped the apple.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Jeff put down the football.Jeff took the football there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the football.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred discarded the milk there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill got the apple there.Fred left the milk.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill dropped the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred took the milk there.Bill left the football.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went to the garden.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff picked up the football there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Bill went to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred took the apple there.Bill took the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred put down the apple.Bill passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Jeff took the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred put down the milk there.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary left the apple.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary took the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff put down the football.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary left the apple there.Mary took the apple there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Mary went to the office.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill left the milk.Fred left the football.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Bill went back to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill left the apple.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Jeff went to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff took the apple there.Fred moved to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred went to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill left the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Fred dropped the football.Mary left the milk.Fred picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred got the apple there.Jeff went to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred discarded the apple.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff took the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary got the football there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Jeff moved to the garden.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the office.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff went to the office.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the football.Fred went to the garden.Fred took the apple there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred left the apple.Mary travelled to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff put down the apple there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Fred went to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Jeff went back to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Fred left the football.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred got the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Fred dropped the milk there.Fred took the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary dropped the milk.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary picked up the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Mary dropped the apple there.Mary took the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Mary moved to the office.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill discarded the apple.Mary grabbed the apple there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill took the football there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill discarded the football.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff took the apple there.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff left the apple there.Mary passed the football to Bill.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary discarded the football.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred took the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Fred left the football.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff dropped the apple.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Jeff went to the office.Mary discarded the football.Bill put down the apple.Jeff got the football there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill discarded the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary gave the football to Fred.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred discarded the apple there.Fred went back to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred left the football.Fred got the football there.Bill got the milk there.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill took the apple there.Bill put down the apple there.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill left the apple there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill put down the apple.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill took the football there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill discarded the football.Bill went back to the garden.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill put down the apple.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff got the apple there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Fred took the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Fred dropped the football.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary dropped the milk.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Fred went back to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Fred went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Fred left the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Mary discarded the football there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.Fred went to the hallway.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Mary took the milk there.Jeff put down the football.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred got the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff put down the milk there.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred dropped the football.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill left the football.Bill took the football there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill dropped the football.Jeff got the apple there.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill left the football there.Bill picked up the football there.Bill dropped the football.Fred got the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill took the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Bill put down the apple.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Fred went to the garden.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred left the apple.Fred travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill discarded the apple there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Bill moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Jeff left the football.Fred travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary left the milk.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Mary took the football there.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill gave the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred went back to the office.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Bill travelled to the hallway.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff put down the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff took the apple there.Fred went back to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went to the office.Jeff dropped the football.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff put down the football.Bill moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Jeff discarded the apple there.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Jeff got the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff left the apple.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff put down the football.Bill moved to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred dropped the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred picked up the football there.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary discarded the milk.Fred left the football.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary left the milk there.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Mary moved to the garden.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Fred went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary dropped the milk.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Mary went to the garden.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Fred got the football there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Jeff went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Mary moved to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Fred took the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred put down the football.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred put down the milk there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred gave the football to Mary.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill picked up the football there.Bill discarded the football.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Bill left the apple.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred discarded the milk there.Jeff went to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Fred went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary passed the football to Fred.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary left the apple.Bill got the football there.Bill went to the office.Jeff got the milk there.Bill dropped the football.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred put down the milk.Fred took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Mary went back to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the milk there.Bill went back to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred dropped the football.Mary travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred left the football.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill left the milk.Jeff put down the apple.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred discarded the milk.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill dropped the milk.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Fred discarded the milk.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Fred took the milk there.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred left the milk.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went to the hallway.Fred put down the football.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred got the football there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Fred moved to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Jeff went to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the football.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Jeff went back to the office.Bill went to the garden.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred discarded the apple.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred dropped the football.Bill dropped the milk.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary went to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Fred went back to the garden.Mary dropped the football there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Mary travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary left the apple.Fred left the milk.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred took the milk there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred put down the football.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary left the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple.Fred got the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the apple.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Mary took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Mary took the apple there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary left the milk.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred left the football.Fred went to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred got the milk there.Fred went to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred went to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary went to the hallway.Mary left the football there.Fred went to the hallway.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred left the milk.Fred left the apple.Fred picked up the football there.Fred put down the football.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the office.Mary got the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff went back to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary dropped the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Fred left the football.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary dropped the football.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Jeff discarded the milk.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Fred travelled to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff got the apple there.Fred went to the office.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Mary went back to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill got the apple there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill left the apple.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Fred went to the garden.Mary left the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary discarded the apple.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary left the milk.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the office.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Mary took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Mary went to the hallway.Mary discarded the milk.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the office.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Jeff got the apple there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff got the football there.Fred went to the office.Fred got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff got the football there.Bill went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred put down the apple there.Jeff went to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Fred put down the apple there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff got the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred left the milk.Fred got the milk there.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred put down the milk.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Mary discarded the milk.Mary got the milk there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary left the apple there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Mary took the football there.Mary put down the football.Mary got the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary took the apple there.Mary dropped the apple.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.Mary dropped the apple.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary got the apple there.Mary left the apple.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill took the football there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill left the football.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred put down the milk there.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred discarded the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred dropped the milk.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Fred discarded the football.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill got the football there.Mary took the apple there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred took the football there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred put down the football.Mary travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary got the milk there.Fred left the football.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill left the apple.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the office.Mary went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Fred went to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Bill went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred put down the milk.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Jeff went back to the garden.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff took the milk there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff took the milk there.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the garden.Bill passed the football to Fred.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the garden.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Jeff got the milk there.Mary went back to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff got the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Bill discarded the apple.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred put down the football.Mary got the football there.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Jeff left the football there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Bill dropped the apple there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the hallway.Mary put down the football.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill went back to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary discarded the football.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Mary took the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary left the football.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary left the apple.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff dropped the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went to the office.Fred took the football there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill dropped the football.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff passed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred got the milk there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill took the football there.Bill handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary got the football there.Mary left the football there.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Jeff moved to the office.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary discarded the apple.Mary left the milk.Mary got the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Mary took the football there.Mary discarded the apple.Mary put down the football there.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary left the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred discarded the football.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Mary went to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill got the milk there.Mary went to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff left the apple.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill discarded the milk.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Fred got the football there.Fred discarded the football.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred took the football there.Mary went back to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff left the milk there.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff left the milk.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff went to the hallway.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred got the milk there.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Mary discarded the football.Jeff went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the garden.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff left the football there.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went back to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Bill got the football there.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill dropped the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Bill left the football.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Mary left the milk.Mary went to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary passed the football to Bill.Jeff went to the garden.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary left the football.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Mary went to the office.Bill gave the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Bill passed the football to Fred.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary took the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill dropped the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Jeff went to the office.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Bill got the football there.Bill dropped the football there.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill discarded the football.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred put down the apple.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill left the milk.Fred went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill got the football there.Mary went back to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill took the apple there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill went to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Bill put down the apple there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred took the apple there.Fred dropped the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill discarded the milk there.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff took the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the apple.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Mary left the milk.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Bill put down the apple.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff passed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill left the milk.Bill went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the football there.Bill got the milk there.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Bill passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Mary left the apple there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary put down the apple there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill took the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went to the hallway.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred left the apple.Mary went to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary took the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred dropped the apple.Jeff dropped the milk.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Mary discarded the apple.Bill got the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred got the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill put down the football.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Fred took the football there.Fred dropped the football.Fred discarded the apple.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred dropped the milk.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the office.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill got the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Mary went to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went to the office.Bill left the football.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred picked up the football there.Fred went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill took the milk there.Jeff moved to the office.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill left the milk.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Bill gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Bill left the apple.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary took the apple there.Fred went to the hallway.Mary put down the apple.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary discarded the football.Mary got the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary took the football there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary dropped the milk.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred took the football there.Jeff moved to the office.Fred discarded the football.Mary got the apple there.Mary left the apple.Fred moved to the office.Mary got the apple there.Jeff went to the garden.Mary dropped the apple.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary discarded the apple.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill put down the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk there.Jeff got the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Bill left the football.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Fred travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary got the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Mary discarded the football.Fred took the football there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the football there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill dropped the milk.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff left the apple there.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Fred picked up the football there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff left the football.Bill went to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred left the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary discarded the milk.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary took the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred picked up the football there.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred put down the football.Fred went to the office.Jeff went to the office.Bill went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill went to the garden.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff dropped the football.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff left the apple.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the apple there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary got the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Mary discarded the football there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill dropped the milk.Bill got the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill left the milk.Bill got the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff discarded the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred took the football there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff dropped the football.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Mary travelled to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill took the football there.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary dropped the football there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill got the football there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary left the football there.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary got the football there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Bill left the apple there.Bill took the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill went to the garden.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred dropped the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the football there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary discarded the football.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred picked up the football there.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill dropped the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the office.Fred handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Fred discarded the milk.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill got the milk there.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill took the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Bill went back to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary left the football.Mary took the football there.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary discarded the football.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Mary put down the football there.Jeff moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Mary discarded the football.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Mary took the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary got the milk there.Mary left the milk.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary discarded the football there.Mary got the football there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Mary put down the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Mary gave the football to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the office.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred got the football there.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff put down the football.Mary went to the office.Jeff got the football there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff got the football there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill discarded the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill got the football there.Mary got the milk there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff took the apple there.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Bill dropped the football.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Fred travelled to the office.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff discarded the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Bill took the milk there.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary took the milk there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Jeff left the football.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Mary grabbed the football there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Mary went to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Fred got the milk there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Fred put down the milk.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Fred moved to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Fred put down the apple.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the office.Fred went to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary discarded the apple.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill moved to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the football.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Fred gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred got the football there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill discarded the football.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff put down the milk there.Jeff got the milk there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Bill went to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the milk there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill got the football there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went back to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill put down the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff put down the football.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Mary journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the office.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Mary took the milk there.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred gave the football to Mary.Bill moved to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Mary moved to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Fred took the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred put down the football.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred put down the milk there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred gave the football to Mary.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred dropped the football.Fred took the football there.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Mary moved to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the garden.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred got the apple there.Jeff put down the football.Jeff got the football there.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill went to the garden.Jeff dropped the football.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Jeff got the football there.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Mary moved to the kitchen.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred got the football there.Fred left the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.Mary went to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred put down the apple.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Bill went to the hallway.Bill got the football there.Bill put down the football.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary discarded the apple.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Mary travelled to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff put down the milk there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary took the football there.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff took the milk there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff left the milk.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary went to the office.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff left the milk.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary left the apple.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff took the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff dropped the football.Mary went back to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill discarded the milk.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary took the football there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary discarded the football.Mary got the football there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff got the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff left the apple.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Mary went back to the office.Fred put down the milk.Mary travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill took the milk there.Mary travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill left the milk there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill took the football there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred dropped the milk.Bill passed the football to Mary.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary put down the football.Mary picked up the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff put down the milk.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Mary got the football there.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the office.Bill took the football there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred got the apple there.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Bill went to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff took the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary discarded the football.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill left the football.Bill got the football there.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred dropped the milk.Bill passed the football to Mary.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Mary went to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill picked up the football there.Mary went back to the office.Bill went back to the office.Bill dropped the football there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill took the football there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill dropped the football.Fred got the football there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Fred grabbed the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff put down the milk there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff left the milk.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill gave the football to Fred.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.Mary went back to the garden.Fred handed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff got the football there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff put down the football.Mary went to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill left the apple.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Mary got the apple there.Fred moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred got the football there.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred passed the football to Bill.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill left the football.Bill got the football there.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred dropped the milk.Bill passed the football to Mary.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary put down the football.Bill went back to the garden.Mary took the football there.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill left the milk.Bill moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary left the football.Bill dropped the apple there.Bill got the apple there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff took the football there.Fred took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff put down the football.Fred left the milk.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary discarded the football there.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the football there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary took the apple there.Bill discarded the milk.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff left the football.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary got the apple there.Bill moved to the office.Jeff got the football there.Mary left the apple.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill left the football.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary went to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill went to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred left the football there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred left the milk.Fred left the football.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill went to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Bill left the apple.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill left the milk there.Bill got the football there.Bill passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Bill put down the football.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary gave the football to Bill.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff took the apple there.Fred moved to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred went to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Bill journeyed to the garden.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary left the apple.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Fred moved to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Jeff put down the football.Jeff took the football there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football there.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff gave the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Jeff took the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred put down the milk there.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred dropped the apple there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Mary went back to the office.Mary went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff dropped the football.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Bill passed the football to Mary.Fred journeyed to the office.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the apple there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred got the football there.Bill went to the office.Fred put down the football there.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred discarded the football.Fred got the milk there.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Bill went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Fred handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred left the football.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred discarded the apple there.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Bill moved to the office.Bill passed the football to Fred.Jeff travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary got the football there.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill discarded the football.Fred went back to the office.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary took the apple there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary dropped the apple.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill dropped the apple.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary put down the apple there.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred left the apple.Fred went back to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary got the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff took the football there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff put down the football there.Fred took the football there.Fred dropped the football.Fred took the football there.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Mary journeyed to the office.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff took the football there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff got the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff left the football there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred took the apple there.Fred left the apple.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred discarded the apple.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred got the milk there.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred got the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary left the milk.Mary took the milk there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred got the football there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred handed the football to Bill.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred picked up the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred discarded the apple.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred dropped the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary dropped the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff discarded the apple.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary put down the football there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary picked up the football there.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff dropped the apple there.Fred discarded the milk there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill took the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred took the apple there.Mary dropped the football.Mary moved to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred discarded the apple.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff put down the milk.Fred got the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred put down the apple.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Mary discarded the football.Fred got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill took the football there.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Fred travelled to the garden.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff got the football there.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went to the garden.Bill discarded the football.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff got the milk there.Bill left the football.Jeff left the milk.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Bill dropped the football.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary got the apple there.Fred gave the football to Bill.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill left the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary dropped the apple there.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill left the apple.Fred took the milk there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill took the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Bill discarded the milk.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Bill took the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill put down the apple.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary put down the milk.Mary discarded the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred went to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary passed the football to Bill.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary discarded the milk.Bill dropped the football.Bill got the football there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill gave the football to Mary.Fred took the apple there.Mary left the football.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Fred put down the apple.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary discarded the apple there.Fred went back to the garden.Mary got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary dropped the apple.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred put down the apple.Mary put down the milk.Mary got the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred dropped the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred discarded the football there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill dropped the football.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Mary went back to the office.Jeff left the apple.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary left the milk.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary put down the milk.Mary got the milk there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Fred moved to the garden.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill put down the milk there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred took the football there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred went to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill put down the milk there.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Bill took the football there.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary discarded the football.Bill gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the office.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill put down the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred picked up the football there.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill discarded the football.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff took the football there.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Bill went to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Jeff went to the office.Jeff got the apple there.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Mary went to the hallway.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred discarded the milk.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary left the milk.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went back to the garden.Fred went to the office.Fred went to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill discarded the milk.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary got the football there.Mary left the football there.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff put down the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred took the apple there.Jeff went to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred discarded the apple.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred handed the football to Mary.Bill grabbed the apple there.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff went to the office.Fred picked up the football there.Fred put down the football.Jeff went back to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill got the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred left the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary put down the milk.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the football there.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill left the football.Jeff took the football there.Jeff passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary put down the football there.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred gave the football to Mary.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary left the football.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff put down the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the office.Fred got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Fred left the apple.Mary moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the office.Fred put down the football.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred took the football there.Fred went back to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred left the football.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the garden.Fred went to the office.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Fred discarded the football.Fred got the football there.Fred passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill left the football.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary moved to the office.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Bill took the football there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff got the football there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill dropped the milk there.Mary went to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred took the apple there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Jeff moved to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred picked up the football there.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff left the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred discarded the football.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff left the milk.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff left the milk.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff took the football there.Bill took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred took the milk there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary left the milk.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Jeff took the football there.Fred took the apple there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred left the apple.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary discarded the football.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff took the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary left the apple.Mary picked up the apple there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Bill got the milk there.Bill discarded the milk.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill took the football there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Bill got the football there.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff dropped the apple there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff discarded the football.Mary got the milk there.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff got the football there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary put down the milk.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Bill travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Mary went to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Jeff discarded the football.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary picked up the football there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Mary discarded the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Fred got the football there.Fred moved to the office.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill put down the football.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the apple there.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill discarded the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill got the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill took the milk there.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred took the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred left the apple.Bill put down the milk.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the office.Mary moved to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Bill went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred took the apple there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary went to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred put down the milk there.Fred took the milk there.Bill took the apple there.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Fred moved to the office.Jeff left the milk.Bill discarded the apple.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff got the apple there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Fred went to the office.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff left the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the milk there.Bill took the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff put down the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill picked up the football there.Fred went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary went to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff got the milk there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill left the apple.Jeff left the milk.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff left the milk.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff got the football there.Mary discarded the milk there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff put down the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff put down the football.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Mary got the football there.Bill dropped the apple.Mary discarded the football.Jeff went back to the garden.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff went back to the office.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Fred dropped the milk there.Bill put down the apple there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Jeff took the apple there.Fred left the milk.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Jeff went back to the office.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff went to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff left the apple.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred put down the apple.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff got the football there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff put down the football.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Mary put down the football.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary left the football.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred dropped the football.Fred took the football there.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Bill went back to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary discarded the football there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred picked up the football there.Fred dropped the football.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill went to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred put down the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Bill went back to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Bill left the milk.Fred got the apple there.Fred got the milk there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill took the milk there.Bill left the milk there.Fred took the football there.Fred left the football.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Jeff went back to the office.Bill went to the garden.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred discarded the apple.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred dropped the football.Bill dropped the milk.Mary grabbed the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Fred got the football there.Fred handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff took the football there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff put down the football.Fred went to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Fred got the football there.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill discarded the football.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Mary took the football there.Mary dropped the football.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred picked up the football there.Fred discarded the football.Mary took the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred put down the football.Bill travelled to the office.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Jeff went to the office.Fred dropped the milk.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill took the apple there.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill took the football there.Fred left the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary put down the apple there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred took the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Mary went to the office.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Bill dropped the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred put down the apple there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred got the milk there.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred left the apple there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary moved to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill took the football there.Fred put down the milk.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary got the football there.Mary left the football.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred dropped the milk there.Mary left the football.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Mary put down the football.Fred put down the milk.Fred took the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Mary handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff took the milk there.Mary travelled to the office.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff got the football there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff dropped the football.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred went back to the office.Jeff put down the football.Jeff went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred went to the office.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred got the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the football there.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred left the apple.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff left the milk.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the football there.Fred went to the garden.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill put down the football.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred moved to the office.Bill put down the football there.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Mary went to the garden.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary got the football there.Mary dropped the football.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill discarded the apple there.Mary got the milk there.Bill went back to the garden.Mary dropped the milk.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill took the football there.Mary went to the garden.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Bill put down the football.Fred discarded the apple.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary took the milk there.Mary left the milk there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary took the milk there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff took the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Jeff put down the apple.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Jeff moved to the office.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Jeff went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the garden.Mary got the football there.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill went to the kitchen.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary took the football there.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff got the football there.Jeff left the football.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Mary got the football there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary left the football.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary got the football there.Fred put down the milk.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary put down the football there.Fred dropped the milk.Mary took the football there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff went to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff put down the football there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill got the milk there.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary dropped the football.Mary got the football there.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary passed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Mary took the milk there.Bill dropped the apple.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Bill went back to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Jeff went to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Bill went back to the office.Mary left the milk there.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Jeff got the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the football.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary got the football there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary left the football.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Jeff left the football.Bill went to the garden.Fred went back to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary left the milk.Jeff discarded the football there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary got the milk there.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred got the football there.Mary left the milk there.Bill took the apple there.Mary took the milk there.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff left the apple.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred passed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary got the football there.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Bill travelled to the hallway.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred got the milk there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill took the football there.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred left the football.Bill picked up the football there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary dropped the apple.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Mary got the milk there.Bill went to the office.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill left the milk.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Jeff took the apple there.Mary went to the garden.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff took the football there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Fred went to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Fred went back to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill got the football there.Bill discarded the apple there.Bill went to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.Fred went to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Fred took the apple there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill left the football.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred discarded the apple there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred dropped the milk.Fred picked up the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary discarded the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Jeff took the apple there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary put down the football there.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred left the football.Bill moved to the office.Jeff put down the apple.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Fred moved to the office.Bill went back to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Bill passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Mary moved to the office.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill dropped the milk.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Mary got the football there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary dropped the football.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary discarded the football.Jeff got the football there.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Fred travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary got the apple there.Mary discarded the apple there.Mary got the apple there.Bill moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary dropped the apple.Mary took the apple there.Mary left the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Mary moved to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff got the football there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred dropped the football.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill took the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Bill discarded the football.Fred got the apple there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Bill went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Bill took the milk there.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Bill left the milk.Bill discarded the football.Bill picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill put down the football there.Bill picked up the football there.Bill discarded the football there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill passed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff took the milk there.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the garden.Bill passed the football to Fred.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary took the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary left the apple.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary took the milk there.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill picked up the football there.Fred went to the garden.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff moved to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the football there.Fred went back to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred went to the office.Mary left the apple.Jeff put down the football.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill took the football there.Bill gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Jeff went to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Bill took the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Fred left the apple.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary picked up the football there.Mary took the apple there.Bill went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred moved to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary discarded the apple.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary gave the football to Bill.Mary dropped the milk.Fred went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill left the football.Fred went back to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill discarded the football.Fred went to the garden.Mary got the football there.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred got the football there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred discarded the football.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the office.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred left the milk.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill picked up the football there.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill discarded the football there.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the office.Bill left the apple.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill dropped the milk.Bill went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Bill discarded the apple.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred discarded the football.Jeff took the milk there.Bill took the apple there.Bill put down the apple there.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Fred got the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred dropped the milk.Fred moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Fred took the milk there.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Fred discarded the milk there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary left the milk there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Mary went to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill took the milk there.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill put down the milk.Bill went back to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff discarded the football.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Bill got the apple there.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Bill went to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the apple there.Jeff went to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred put down the milk.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff got the football there.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the football there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Jeff left the football.Jeff got the football there.Bill went back to the office.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred got the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred left the football there.Fred went to the garden.Mary left the apple there.Mary went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff dropped the milk.Mary took the milk there.Bill went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Jeff discarded the milk.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill took the football there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill discarded the football.Fred got the apple there.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Jeff went back to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary picked up the football there.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Bill went to the office.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went to the office.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred took the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Jeff grabbed the football there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred got the football there.Mary went back to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred discarded the football.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred dropped the milk there.Fred took the milk there.Fred put down the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred left the milk.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred dropped the milk.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary went to the hallway.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred dropped the milk there.Fred left the apple.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred put down the apple.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred dropped the apple.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred got the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary got the milk there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary left the milk.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill put down the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Bill took the football there.Bill left the football.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff left the apple.Jeff went to the garden.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred took the apple there.Bill put down the football.Fred put down the apple.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred went to the hallway.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred took the milk there.Mary put down the football.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Mary got the football there.Mary discarded the football there.Bill gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill got the apple there.Bill got the football there.Mary dropped the milk.Fred went to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill dropped the apple.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill gave the football to Fred.Bill took the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary got the football there.Mary passed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred got the apple there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred left the milk.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill dropped the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary got the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the office.Fred picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred left the football.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Fred discarded the milk.Mary grabbed the milk there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred picked up the football there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred dropped the football.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Fred left the football.Fred got the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Fred dropped the football.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff left the milk.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary discarded the apple.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Fred dropped the football.Mary went to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Jeff moved to the office.Mary moved to the office.Fred got the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff left the apple.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff left the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff dropped the football there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Bill went back to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill got the football there.Bill left the football there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary dropped the apple.Bill went back to the office.Bill went to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff discarded the milk.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary handed the football to Bill.Fred moved to the office.Bill got the milk there.Bill dropped the football.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Fred dropped the football there.Bill left the apple.Mary got the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary went to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred left the milk.Fred discarded the football there.Bill went back to the garden.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred discarded the apple.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff got the football there.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Mary moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Mary went to the garden.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff took the milk there.Mary travelled to the office.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff got the football there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff dropped the football.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred went back to the office.Jeff put down the football.Jeff went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred went to the office.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Bill got the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary put down the milk.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred went to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill dropped the apple.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went to the office.Bill took the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Fred put down the milk there.Bill put down the apple.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred put down the milk.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple.Fred got the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the apple.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Mary took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred dropped the apple.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the football there.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill took the milk there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill put down the milk.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred went to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Fred got the milk there.Jeff moved to the office.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary discarded the football there.Fred left the milk.Bill went to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary put down the football.Mary picked up the football there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the office.Mary dropped the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred took the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Bill took the football there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary took the apple there.Mary left the apple there.Fred took the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred discarded the apple.Fred went to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Bill gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred dropped the football.Fred took the apple there.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred took the apple there.Fred moved to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred discarded the apple.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Bill put down the apple.Bill got the apple there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill discarded the apple.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill left the football.Bill got the football there.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Bill went back to the office.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Bill discarded the milk.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Fred got the football there.Mary went back to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred handed the football to Bill.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary put down the football there.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred gave the football to Mary.Jeff grabbed the milk there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff got the football there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff put down the football.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff put down the football.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Fred left the milk.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Fred went back to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred took the apple there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred left the apple.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary dropped the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Fred put down the milk.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff discarded the football.Bill went to the office.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary discarded the apple there.Mary took the apple there.Mary went to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary left the apple.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Fred picked up the football there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Fred travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the office.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary gave the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary dropped the apple.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred put down the football.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Fred left the football.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary dropped the football.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Jeff discarded the milk.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill took the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Bill took the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Fred discarded the football there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff left the apple.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred discarded the apple there.Fred took the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff left the apple.Mary discarded the football.Mary picked up the football there.Fred got the apple there.Fred went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Fred went to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred took the milk there.Fred left the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Mary moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary left the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary put down the milk there.Fred went to the office.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill took the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill dropped the apple there.Bill got the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred moved to the garden.Fred left the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred picked up the football there.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred got the apple there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred discarded the football.Fred took the football there.Bill went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred discarded the football there.Bill left the milk.Fred got the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Fred left the apple there.Fred took the apple there.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred left the football.Fred picked up the football there.Mary went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill left the apple.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary got the milk there.Bill went back to the office.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary got the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Bill went to the garden.Fred left the apple.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff got the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary put down the apple.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the football.Mary took the apple there.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary discarded the apple.Fred went back to the garden.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill got the milk there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary dropped the apple.Fred went to the hallway.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary put down the apple there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill put down the milk there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Mary travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Mary discarded the football there.Fred went back to the office.Fred went to the garden.Mary got the football there.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Mary discarded the football there.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary left the apple.Jeff took the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill left the football there.Bill picked up the football there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Bill discarded the milk.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill discarded the football.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill got the milk there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff took the milk there.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred put down the apple.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill left the football.Bill grabbed the football there.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary went to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Bill went to the garden.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff left the milk.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill went to the hallway.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred dropped the milk.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the garden.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill put down the milk.Bill got the milk there.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred discarded the milk.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred dropped the apple there.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill passed the football to Mary.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Fred got the apple there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary discarded the football.Fred discarded the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred dropped the apple.Jeff went to the garden.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred took the apple there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred put down the apple there.Bill went to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred discarded the milk.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Fred went back to the office.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred put down the milk there.Jeff dropped the football.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary left the apple.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill dropped the milk.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff got the milk there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Mary took the football there.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Bill moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Fred took the football there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary dropped the milk.Mary went back to the office.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill took the football there.Bill dropped the football.Jeff discarded the apple there.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred put down the milk there.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred discarded the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred dropped the milk.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Fred discarded the football.Bill journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff put down the milk.Fred moved to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff put down the milk.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary dropped the milk there.Fred went back to the office.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary got the football there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary dropped the milk there.Mary gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff took the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Mary moved to the garden.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Fred went to the office.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred left the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary left the football.Mary took the football there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff left the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred left the apple.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the milk there.Bill discarded the milk.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary put down the apple.Fred went back to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary left the football.Mary got the football there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary put down the football there.Mary got the football there.Mary left the football there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary took the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Mary left the football.Mary took the football there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary discarded the football.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.Mary put down the apple.Fred left the football.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the hallway.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff put down the apple there.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Fred got the apple there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred took the apple there.Bill took the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred put down the apple.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Mary got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Mary left the milk.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill discarded the football.Mary picked up the football there.Mary gave the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Bill went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Bill went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred dropped the football.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Bill went back to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary got the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Fred took the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Mary put down the apple.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Fred passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred dropped the apple.Fred took the apple there.Fred discarded the apple.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the office.Mary took the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Mary dropped the apple.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff dropped the football there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred discarded the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the office.Mary went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple.Bill took the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Jeff went to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred got the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Fred dropped the football.Fred took the football there.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary left the football there.Mary went to the garden.Fred picked up the football there.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff discarded the milk there.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.Bill travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary got the football there.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Fred went back to the office.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Fred left the apple.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred dropped the apple.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred dropped the milk.Jeff moved to the office.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Bill got the football there.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary put down the milk there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill took the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Mary travelled to the office.Fred moved to the office.Mary handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Mary dropped the football.Mary picked up the football there.Bill took the milk there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary dropped the football.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary put down the football.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill dropped the apple there.Bill discarded the milk there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Bill put down the milk.Mary went to the hallway.Bill left the apple.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Bill travelled to the office.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred moved to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred left the milk.Fred took the milk there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill left the football.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the football there.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Mary passed the football to Bill.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Bill travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff left the football.Jeff left the milk there.Jeff got the milk there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff discarded the milk.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff put down the football.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Mary moved to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary left the milk.Mary took the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill moved to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Bill put down the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the garden.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill discarded the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred moved to the office.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill put down the milk.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill left the milk there.Jeff discarded the apple there.Bill got the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill dropped the milk.Fred went to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Jeff travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary dropped the apple.Bill left the football.Bill picked up the football there.Bill left the football there.Mary got the apple there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary put down the apple.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary left the apple.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred dropped the football.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred dropped the football.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred took the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred left the football.Bill moved to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill put down the milk there.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred left the apple.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill left the milk.Bill took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill left the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff dropped the football.Mary got the football there.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the office.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred put down the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary went to the office.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Fred got the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill left the apple.Bill got the apple there.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Bill went to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary got the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Jeff got the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred put down the milk there.Fred got the milk there.Jeff put down the football.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Fred left the milk.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff took the football there.Bill moved to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went to the office.Bill left the football.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred picked up the football there.Fred went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff got the milk there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill took the apple there.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff left the milk.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Jeff moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred took the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.Jeff picked up the apple there.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Mary moved to the office.Fred picked up the football there.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary discarded the football.Fred took the football there.Fred gave the football to Mary.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred got the milk there.Bill left the football.Fred moved to the office.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred dropped the milk.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill put down the football.Bill went back to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff got the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Fred went back to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff left the apple.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff put down the milk.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff put down the apple there.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Bill dropped the apple.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill took the football there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff discarded the football there.Mary took the apple there.Mary dropped the apple there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff put down the milk there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff left the milk.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill gave the football to Fred.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.Mary went back to the garden.Fred handed the football to Bill.Fred went to the hallway.Bill discarded the football there.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the apple there.Bill put down the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.Jeff moved to the office.Bill passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Jeff dropped the football there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary took the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary put down the milk.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary took the football there.Fred moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary discarded the football.Mary picked up the football there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary put down the football.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Mary went to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary left the milk.Mary got the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the garden.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill put down the milk.Bill got the milk there.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Fred moved to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill got the football there.Bill gave the football to Fred.Bill went to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Fred left the football there.Bill travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred took the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the garden.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff put down the apple there.Mary took the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred left the apple.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Bill put down the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill left the apple.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill took the apple there.Mary got the football there.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary put down the apple.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Bill took the football there.Bill left the football.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff left the apple.Jeff went to the garden.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred took the apple there.Bill put down the football.Fred put down the apple.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred went to the hallway.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Jeff left the milk.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the office.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary left the apple.Mary got the apple there.Fred went to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff went to the garden.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred dropped the football.Fred picked up the football there.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Fred left the apple.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the garden.Fred discarded the apple.Bill put down the milk.Fred handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Bill moved to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill dropped the milk there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill dropped the apple.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Bill passed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary passed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary left the milk.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill moved to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Fred took the milk there.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Fred went back to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff took the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the football there.Mary got the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred put down the milk.Mary left the apple.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary discarded the football.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary took the football there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the garden.Fred left the milk there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred left the football there.Mary left the milk.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Mary discarded the football.Mary took the football there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Mary discarded the football.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff got the apple there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred took the milk there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff went to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Fred went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary left the football.Fred left the milk.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Mary went to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Fred went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Bill went back to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill put down the football.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went to the office.Bill left the football.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred picked up the football there.Fred went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Bill took the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill dropped the milk.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred discarded the football.Mary took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary left the apple.Fred went back to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Fred took the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary got the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Bill went to the garden.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff put down the apple.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill left the milk.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff left the football.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Fred went to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff went back to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Bill went to the office.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Mary left the apple.Jeff went to the office.Fred dropped the football there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred left the milk.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Bill put down the apple there.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Jeff took the football there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred put down the football.Fred dropped the milk.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Fred left the milk.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill discarded the apple there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Mary moved to the garden.Bill put down the apple there.Bill went to the office.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill picked up the football there.Bill put down the football.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary got the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary dropped the apple.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill picked up the football there.Fred left the milk.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Bill dropped the football there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff got the milk there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff discarded the milk there.Mary went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff left the apple.Fred went back to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Bill gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred discarded the football there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred put down the football there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Jeff moved to the office.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Bill moved to the garden.Fred went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff left the football.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff discarded the football.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff put down the milk.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Mary left the football.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred dropped the apple.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary discarded the football.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill picked up the football there.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred discarded the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred discarded the milk.Fred took the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred left the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Fred went back to the garden.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary got the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the football there.Bill got the milk there.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Fred put down the milk.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary got the football there.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Fred travelled to the office.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred got the football there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred discarded the football there.Bill took the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Mary went back to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill left the milk.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill discarded the apple.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill left the football.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Jeff got the football there.Jeff discarded the football there.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Bill travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred put down the apple.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary dropped the apple.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Mary got the apple there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary got the apple there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred discarded the apple.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill got the football there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred went to the office.Bill left the football there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill left the milk there.Bill got the milk there.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Fred went to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill left the milk.Jeff left the football.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Bill put down the milk.Bill got the milk there.Mary got the football there.Bill put down the milk there.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred went to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill discarded the apple.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Fred left the apple.Bill left the milk.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the milk there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Mary got the apple there.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred put down the football.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary left the milk.Bill went back to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Bill went back to the office.Mary put down the milk.Mary gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Mary got the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Jeff went back to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred got the milk there.Fred went to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill put down the apple.Bill got the apple there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Bill left the apple.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Jeff went to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred went to the office.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Mary put down the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff got the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill dropped the football.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill left the football.Bill got the football there.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred dropped the milk.Bill passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Mary went to the office.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred took the milk there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went to the office.Jeff got the football there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Mary put down the football.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary took the football there.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill moved to the garden.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff put down the apple there.Jeff handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill dropped the football.Fred journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Bill got the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary put down the milk.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill went to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill discarded the milk.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Jeff moved to the garden.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill got the apple there.Mary picked up the football there.Bill dropped the apple.Bill went back to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary discarded the football there.Jeff went to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred took the football there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Bill went to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred passed the football to Mary.Fred discarded the milk.Bill went to the office.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary went to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff dropped the football.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the football there.Fred got the milk there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill left the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Bill travelled to the office.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the office.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Bill took the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred dropped the milk.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went to the office.Jeff got the football there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Mary put down the football.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff left the milk.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.Jeff went to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff put down the football.Jeff got the football there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill picked up the football there.Fred went to the garden.Bill put down the apple.Bill took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Bill put down the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill dropped the football.Mary went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill put down the apple there.Bill got the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Bill went to the garden.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill put down the apple.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred took the football there.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred dropped the football there.Mary got the football there.Fred left the apple.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill discarded the milk.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred got the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred put down the milk.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred dropped the apple there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the office.Bill discarded the apple.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill took the milk there.Bill picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill put down the football.Bill got the football there.Jeff left the apple there.Bill left the football.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill dropped the milk.Bill took the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred took the football there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Bill went back to the office.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary discarded the milk.Fred went to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred got the football there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill took the apple there.Fred passed the football to Mary.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff left the apple.Bill took the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Fred left the apple.Fred took the apple there.Bill got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill discarded the milk.Fred discarded the apple.Bill moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Bill moved to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff put down the milk there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill got the football there.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill dropped the football.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill picked up the football there.Bill put down the football.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill discarded the football there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill got the football there.Bill left the football.Mary moved to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill left the milk there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill left the apple.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Mary took the football there.Mary went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary discarded the football.Fred went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill dropped the milk.Bill took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff left the milk.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff put down the milk.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary got the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Mary discarded the football there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill dropped the milk.Bill got the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill left the milk.Bill got the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff moved to the office.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred put down the football there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill left the milk.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred got the football there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill discarded the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred put down the football.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred took the football there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the garden.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Jeff took the football there.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary put down the milk.Jeff dropped the football.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred went to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred discarded the milk there.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Mary went back to the garden.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Mary got the milk there.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred dropped the football.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Fred dropped the football.Jeff got the football there.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Bill went to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.Bill went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred dropped the football.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Mary travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill dropped the apple.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff took the milk there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff put down the milk.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred took the milk there.Bill left the football.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Mary moved to the hallway.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary got the milk there.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred got the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary dropped the milk.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Fred got the milk there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Bill put down the football there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff left the apple.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred got the apple there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary dropped the football.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff put down the football.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary took the milk there.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Jeff went to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred went to the office.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Bill travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill dropped the apple there.Fred discarded the milk.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary got the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff went to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary dropped the football.Mary got the football there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred put down the milk.Fred took the milk there.Mary moved to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred put down the milk.Mary moved to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Fred moved to the office.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Bill travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Mary put down the football.Mary got the football there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred got the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary got the apple there.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary discarded the apple.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Bill went to the office.Mary passed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred put down the apple.Mary put down the milk.Mary got the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary dropped the milk.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.Bill dropped the milk.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary gave the football to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary put down the football.Bill got the apple there.Mary picked up the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Fred went back to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary went to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff went to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary discarded the apple.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred got the apple there.Jeff went to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred discarded the apple.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred put down the apple.Fred left the football.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary got the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff took the football there.Jeff discarded the football there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary discarded the apple.Fred went back to the office.Mary took the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple.Bill moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Bill got the football there.Fred gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill picked up the football there.Fred went to the garden.Bill put down the apple.Bill took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Bill put down the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill dropped the football.Mary went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill put down the apple there.Bill got the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Bill went to the garden.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill put down the apple.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred took the football there.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred dropped the football there.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred took the football there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred dropped the football.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff handed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff left the apple.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill left the football.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff put down the milk.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary discarded the football there.Jeff took the milk there.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the office.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Bill gave the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred got the football there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary went to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary left the football.Fred went to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Bill went to the office.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Mary went to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Fred went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Bill went back to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill put down the football.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill dropped the apple.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff took the milk there.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary discarded the milk.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill got the football there.Bill discarded the football.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff took the football there.Fred took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff put down the football.Fred left the milk.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary dropped the apple.Bill got the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill took the milk there.Bill dropped the milk there.Bill got the milk there.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Jeff took the apple there.Bill left the milk.Bill went to the garden.Mary dropped the football there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff left the apple.Bill went to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Mary passed the football to Bill.Jeff went to the office.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Bill discarded the milk.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill left the milk.Mary got the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went to the hallway.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the office.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.Bill went to the garden.Fred grabbed the apple there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill discarded the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the garden.Bill left the milk.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill discarded the milk.Bill travelled to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Bill went back to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Bill took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill put down the milk.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill left the milk.Bill got the milk there.Bill went back to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill left the milk there.Jeff went to the office.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred picked up the football there.Bill took the apple there.Fred put down the football.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary took the football there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred went to the hallway.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred took the football there.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred gave the football to Mary.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Mary got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Mary left the milk.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary left the milk.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill took the football there.Bill left the football.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Bill got the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill put down the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Bill put down the apple.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred took the milk there.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Fred left the milk there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred took the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred gave the football to Bill.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff dropped the milk.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill went to the hallway.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred got the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Jeff picked up the apple there.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred took the apple there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred put down the apple there.Bill went to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff left the apple.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill picked up the football there.Bill took the milk there.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill dropped the football.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Fred moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Bill got the milk there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred got the football there.Fred handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Bill moved to the office.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary took the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill got the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the garden.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill discarded the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred moved to the office.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill put down the milk.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred picked up the football there.Mary went back to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff left the apple.Mary moved to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred put down the apple.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Fred went to the office.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Mary got the football there.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill left the football.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred gave the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary left the milk.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary dropped the milk.Mary moved to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Mary went to the office.Bill went to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff left the football.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Jeff went to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred dropped the football there.Fred picked up the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary got the football there.Mary went to the hallway.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill left the football.Bill picked up the football there.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football.Jeff went back to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary took the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill dropped the milk there.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill left the milk.Mary gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary discarded the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff left the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff dropped the apple.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff took the football there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Bill went back to the garden.Bill handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff got the football there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Fred travelled to the office.Mary discarded the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Jeff left the football there.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill left the milk.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the apple there.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred left the football there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred left the apple.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk there.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred put down the football.Fred picked up the football there.Mary went back to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred put down the football.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill moved to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Fred put down the milk.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill left the football.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff left the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff left the apple.Jeff dropped the football.Fred went back to the garden.Fred took the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Bill took the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the garden.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary picked up the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill discarded the apple there.Bill went to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary dropped the apple.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary got the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Mary left the football.Bill got the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Bill went back to the garden.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill took the milk there.Bill left the milk there.Fred took the football there.Fred left the football.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff got the football there.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Bill went to the hallway.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred went to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Jeff moved to the office.Mary passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Fred went to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Fred.Bill went back to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred got the milk there.Mary travelled to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Bill left the milk.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill left the apple.Mary went to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill took the milk there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Mary put down the milk.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Fred put down the apple.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the office.Fred went to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff went to the office.Fred handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred discarded the milk.Fred got the milk there.Mary moved to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the office.Bill took the apple there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill put down the apple.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the garden.Fred went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary got the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Mary took the milk there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary discarded the football.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill dropped the apple there.Jeff went back to the office.Mary got the football there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Fred picked up the milk there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary left the apple.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred went to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Jeff picked up the milk there.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff put down the milk.Mary travelled to the office.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Mary journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary left the football there.Mary put down the apple.Mary took the apple there.Mary took the football there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred got the milk there.Jeff went back to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred left the milk.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary took the football there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary dropped the football.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill left the apple.Bill got the football there.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred went to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred left the football.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the office.Fred went to the garden.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary took the football there.Mary left the football.Mary got the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary dropped the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Mary discarded the football.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Mary took the football there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary put down the football.Mary took the football there.Mary gave the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary left the milk.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary discarded the football.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Bill moved to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary put down the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Bill went back to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred dropped the football there.Mary took the milk there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill picked up the football there.Bill went to the garden.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill discarded the football.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Fred went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred picked up the football there.Mary left the milk.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff put down the football.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Mary picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary put down the football.Bill dropped the milk there.Bill took the football there.Bill passed the football to Mary.Bill grabbed the milk there.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill went to the hallway.Bill passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff put down the milk.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred left the apple there.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred discarded the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Mary got the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Bill picked up the football there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary got the football there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred moved to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Fred took the milk there.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill got the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff went back to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Bill took the milk there.Fred moved to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill discarded the milk.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Fred got the milk there.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred got the football there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went to the garden.Fred gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff took the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff got the football there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff put down the football there.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary left the football.Mary picked up the football there.Mary gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred put down the football.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary put down the milk.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred left the milk there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred dropped the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred got the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Bill got the football there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill dropped the football.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the office.Bill took the football there.Bill left the milk.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill discarded the milk there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill put down the football there.Mary picked up the football there.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary took the apple there.Bill discarded the milk.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Fred took the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred discarded the milk.Mary took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill dropped the football.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Bill got the football there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary put down the apple.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Fred discarded the milk.Bill gave the football to Fred.Mary left the apple there.Fred handed the football to Bill.Fred went to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred took the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Fred put down the apple.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff put down the football there.Fred discarded the milk there.Fred moved to the office.Jeff took the football there.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary left the apple.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Fred moved to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Jeff put down the football.Jeff took the football there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill moved to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Fred put down the milk.Jeff left the football.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary went to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Bill put down the apple.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple there.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill discarded the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the garden.Bill handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Fred moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred went to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill left the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Fred took the football there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff put down the apple.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred put down the football.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Jeff left the milk.Fred picked up the football there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Fred left the football.Fred got the football there.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff left the milk there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred left the football.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill went to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill got the apple there.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred took the football there.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred put down the football.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Mary took the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Fred put down the milk.Mary dropped the apple there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Fred got the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary discarded the milk.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary took the apple there.Mary left the apple.Mary got the apple there.Mary left the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary moved to the garden.Mary discarded the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred put down the milk.Mary took the football there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary dropped the football.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill discarded the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Bill put down the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Bill put down the apple.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill left the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred dropped the apple.Fred took the apple there.Fred left the apple.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Bill went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Bill dropped the apple there.Bill took the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Jeff moved to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill left the football there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill put down the apple.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Jeff went to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Bill took the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Fred left the apple.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Jeff moved to the office.Fred took the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff went to the office.Jeff discarded the football.Fred went to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary passed the football to Fred.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred left the football there.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff went to the office.Fred discarded the football there.Jeff got the milk there.Fred went back to the office.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Bill got the football there.Bill left the football.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred put down the milk.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Mary went back to the office.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Bill got the football there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred picked up the apple there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Bill went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Bill left the apple.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill discarded the football there.Fred went to the garden.Fred took the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill dropped the football there.Mary went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill took the football there.Bill put down the football.Bill got the football there.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred took the apple there.Bill discarded the football.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred went back to the office.Fred left the apple there.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Fred left the milk there.Mary handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill took the football there.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill moved to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary put down the milk.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred discarded the football.Fred took the football there.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred moved to the office.Fred discarded the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the football there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred left the milk.Bill travelled to the office.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary put down the football.Mary took the football there.Mary gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred picked up the football there.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred dropped the apple.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary took the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred went back to the garden.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Fred moved to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Jeff went to the office.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Mary went to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill left the football.Bill took the football there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill dropped the football.Jeff got the apple there.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill left the football there.Bill picked up the football there.Bill dropped the football.Fred got the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred took the apple there.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the football.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Jeff grabbed the football there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill took the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill gave the football to Mary.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Jeff moved to the office.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff took the football there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Jeff went to the office.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff put down the milk there.Fred travelled to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred left the apple there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary took the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill discarded the football.Jeff got the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff put down the football.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary took the football there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Fred moved to the garden.Mary gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff put down the milk there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff left the football.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred dropped the milk there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Bill travelled to the office.Mary went to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred got the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff put down the milk there.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred dropped the football.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred picked up the milk there.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill took the milk there.Bill left the milk.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary discarded the milk.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary left the apple.Mary took the apple there.Mary moved to the garden.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Bill left the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred moved to the office.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill discarded the apple.Mary travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary left the apple.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Mary got the football there.Fred went back to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff left the apple.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary discarded the football.Mary went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff put down the apple.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary got the football there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Bill went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary put down the football there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the hallway.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred got the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred left the milk.Mary went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred took the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred took the milk there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Fred put down the milk.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred discarded the milk there.Mary left the apple there.Fred got the milk there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred put down the milk.Mary moved to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary took the apple there.Mary left the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Mary got the apple there.Mary went to the hallway.Mary discarded the apple.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Fred went to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill discarded the apple there.Mary went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred left the milk.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill got the apple there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill discarded the apple.Bill went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred dropped the football.Fred took the apple there.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred got the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill moved to the office.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went to the office.Mary left the milk there.Mary got the milk there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Mary dropped the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill took the football there.Bill discarded the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill took the football there.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill discarded the football.Fred took the apple there.Bill went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred dropped the apple.Fred took the apple there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Mary travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the garden.Mary went to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill put down the football.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary left the milk there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary left the milk.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Bill dropped the football.Mary got the milk there.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary dropped the milk.Mary put down the apple.Bill handed the football to Mary.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary left the football.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Bill went to the office.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff put down the football.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Jeff put down the football.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary put down the apple.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff went to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff took the football there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff put down the milk there.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Bill moved to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff left the football.Fred went to the garden.Jeff put down the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred got the apple there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the football.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff went to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff put down the milk.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff picked up the apple there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Mary moved to the office.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Bill went to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary got the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred got the football there.Fred dropped the football.Fred took the football there.Fred put down the football.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary took the milk there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.Mary left the milk.Mary got the milk there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill left the apple.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Fred discarded the milk.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill got the milk there.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Bill went to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred handed the football to Mary.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary discarded the football.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Mary took the football there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred discarded the football.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.Fred went back to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Fred picked up the football there.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary discarded the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Mary dropped the milk there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill took the football there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary put down the football there.Mary went back to the garden.Bill put down the milk.Mary travelled to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary got the milk there.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary dropped the milk.Bill went back to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff got the football there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff got the milk there.Bill took the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Bill got the apple there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill left the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred went to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Fred handed the football to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary put down the football.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Mary went back to the garden.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Mary dropped the football.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Jeff took the apple there.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred put down the apple.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Fred moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Bill moved to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Mary put down the milk.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Bill went back to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff got the apple there.Bill got the football there.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred put down the apple.Bill put down the football.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.Fred got the apple there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary took the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary discarded the milk.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred discarded the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred dropped the milk.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill discarded the milk.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Fred took the milk there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the office.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary discarded the apple.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Bill put down the football.Fred left the milk.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary left the apple there.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill took the milk there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill discarded the football.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary left the apple.Bill dropped the milk there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Mary took the football there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff discarded the football.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred took the football there.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the office.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the football there.Mary got the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred put down the milk.Mary left the apple.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary discarded the football.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary took the football there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the garden.Fred left the milk there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred left the football there.Mary left the milk.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Mary took the milk there.Bill dropped the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary put down the milk.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred went to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went to the hallway.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred left the apple.Mary went to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill took the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff put down the apple there.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary got the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Bill went to the hallway.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Bill took the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill dropped the milk.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred discarded the football.Mary took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary left the apple.Fred went back to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Fred took the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary got the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Bill went to the garden.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff put down the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred picked up the football there.Fred moved to the office.Bill moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred put down the football.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary went back to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary got the football there.Mary left the football.Fred went to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Mary travelled to the office.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff took the apple there.Fred moved to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred went to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill left the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill left the apple there.Fred picked up the football there.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple there.Fred passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred took the apple there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Fred put down the apple.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill got the football there.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Bill left the football.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary dropped the apple.Bill went back to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff dropped the milk there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary got the football there.Mary left the football.Fred went to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Mary travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill dropped the football.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill passed the football to Mary.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary got the apple there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Mary dropped the milk there.Mary left the football.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Jeff got the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Bill put down the apple.Mary dropped the football.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred took the football there.Jeff moved to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred left the football there.Bill moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred took the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred handed the football to Bill.Jeff left the apple.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary discarded the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary dropped the milk there.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Mary got the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Bill put down the football.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill put down the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the office.Mary left the milk.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the office.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill discarded the milk.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill discarded the milk there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Mary went to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred put down the football.Mary moved to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred put down the football.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred discarded the football.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Bill took the football there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill handed the football to Mary.Fred went back to the hallway.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Bill went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary put down the football there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the football.Bill went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred left the apple.Jeff discarded the football.Mary got the milk there.Jeff got the apple there.Bill picked up the football there.Mary left the milk.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Mary went to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred put down the apple there.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary dropped the football.Bill got the football there.Mary took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill dropped the football.Mary discarded the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Mary went to the office.Bill passed the football to Mary.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff left the milk.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary went to the office.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the hallway.Bill got the football there.Bill discarded the football.Fred went back to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary left the apple.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred dropped the milk.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the milk there.Bill took the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff put down the apple.Bill got the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill left the apple there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Fred went to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill left the milk.Mary travelled to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill took the apple there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Bill put down the football.Bill moved to the office.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill left the apple.Bill got the football there.Bill got the apple there.Bill dropped the apple.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill put down the football.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Bill dropped the football there.Bill got the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill gave the football to Fred.Mary went to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Mary went to the office.Mary got the milk there.Mary discarded the milk there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred put down the football.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill left the milk.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred dropped the football.Fred took the apple there.Fred discarded the apple.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary went to the office.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred dropped the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill dropped the milk.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred discarded the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff took the football there.Mary went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff put down the apple.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Mary left the football there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary got the football there.Mary dropped the football.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Bill moved to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred went back to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Mary got the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Jeff put down the football.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Jeff left the football.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary put down the football there.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill went to the hallway.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Fred went to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Jeff handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Bill discarded the milk.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Fred got the football there.Mary went back to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred handed the football to Bill.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Fred went back to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Bill went to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Jeff got the apple there.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Bill dropped the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Jeff discarded the football.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Mary went back to the garden.Fred left the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff left the football.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill dropped the milk.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Jeff discarded the football.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff left the apple.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Mary moved to the office.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred took the apple there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Fred put down the apple.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Mary got the football there.Mary put down the football.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill took the milk there.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the garden.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary got the apple there.Fred moved to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Mary went to the garden.Bill left the apple.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill put down the milk.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill left the milk.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary left the apple.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill put down the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary dropped the apple there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary took the apple there.Mary went to the office.Mary passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Fred put down the milk.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary got the football there.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Mary took the apple there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill took the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill left the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred took the milk there.Mary went to the hallway.Fred dropped the milk.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary discarded the milk.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff left the milk.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff took the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary discarded the football.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff took the football there.Jeff dropped the football.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary left the apple.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Mary went to the hallway.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred left the milk.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill picked up the football there.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill discarded the football there.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the office.Bill left the apple.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill dropped the milk.Bill went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Bill discarded the apple.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred discarded the football.Jeff took the milk there.Bill took the apple there.Bill put down the apple there.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff went back to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the milk there.Fred went back to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred discarded the milk.Bill went to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Bill went to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary put down the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Mary went to the garden.Bill dropped the football.Mary moved to the office.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill left the football.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill got the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Bill gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Fred got the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill left the milk.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Fred took the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff took the football there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred went to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred put down the apple.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred left the milk.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill got the apple there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill discarded the apple.Bill went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Jeff went back to the office.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary put down the apple.Bill discarded the football.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred went back to the office.Mary handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff got the football there.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred put down the milk there.Mary got the milk there.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred left the apple.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff took the football there.Jeff passed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Fred went back to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary went to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff went to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary discarded the apple.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary discarded the apple.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill discarded the football.Bill went to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Bill discarded the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred discarded the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill left the apple.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred left the milk.Fred took the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Fred went to the office.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff went to the garden.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff left the apple.Fred went to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Mary left the football.Mary got the football there.Mary left the football.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred discarded the milk.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill moved to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Bill put down the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred discarded the milk.Fred travelled to the hallway.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary got the football there.Mary went to the hallway.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary got the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Mary left the football.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Fred took the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred left the milk.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Mary took the football there.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Mary dropped the football.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the office.Bill went to the garden.Fred got the football there.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Fred took the apple there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Fred left the apple.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill got the milk there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary put down the football.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff took the football there.Jeff went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff got the milk there.Mary went to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill got the football there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Bill discarded the football.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Bill handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the office.Mary took the apple there.Fred went back to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Fred took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Fred put down the milk.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary left the apple.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Fred left the milk.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred took the milk there.Fred moved to the garden.Mary went back to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary left the milk.Mary journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary picked up the football there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary left the football.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Bill took the football there.Bill put down the football.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Mary dropped the football.Bill got the football there.Mary went to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff put down the football.Bill went back to the office.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff dropped the football there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred took the football there.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred dropped the apple.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Fred got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff left the football there.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary got the football there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary moved to the garden.Mary put down the football.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary picked up the football there.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary left the football.Bill moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill took the football there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill discarded the football there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary got the apple there.Fred got the football there.Fred passed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary dropped the football there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary took the apple there.Bill went to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary left the apple.Bill went to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary dropped the milk there.Mary left the football.Jeff put down the apple.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Jeff took the football there.Mary dropped the apple.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff left the football.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary got the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill left the milk.Bill took the milk there.Mary dropped the apple.Mary took the football there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary left the football.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred discarded the football there.Mary went back to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Fred moved to the hallway.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary put down the milk.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the garden.Mary put down the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary discarded the milk.Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred got the milk there.Mary moved to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred dropped the milk there.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Jeff went to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Mary left the football.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff dropped the milk.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Jeff went back to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill dropped the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Fred discarded the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Mary took the apple there.Jeff went to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Mary dropped the apple.Mary got the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred left the milk.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary put down the apple.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary got the apple there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred dropped the apple.Bill took the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill took the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Bill put down the apple.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Fred went to the garden.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred left the apple.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the office.Bill put down the apple.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred took the apple there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred put down the apple there.Bill went to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff left the apple.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill picked up the football there.Bill took the milk there.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred left the football.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the football there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary discarded the football.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Mary left the football there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary got the football there.Mary dropped the football.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Bill moved to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred went back to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Mary got the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Fred went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the office.Fred picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred left the football.Bill handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred got the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff put down the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred took the apple there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred left the football.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred dropped the apple.Fred got the apple there.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred discarded the apple there.Mary dropped the milk.Bill went back to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill took the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Fred dropped the apple.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary took the football there.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Mary moved to the kitchen.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the garden.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill left the football.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Fred went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill left the football there.Fred went back to the garden.Bill got the football there.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Fred went back to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Bill got the apple there.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple.Jeff went to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred dropped the apple there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the office.Bill discarded the apple.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred went back to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the milk there.Mary took the apple there.Fred put down the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary dropped the apple.Bill took the apple there.Bill went to the office.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff discarded the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Bill went to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Fred put down the football.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred put down the football.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary left the football.Jeff dropped the apple there.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff took the milk there.Mary picked up the football there.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary dropped the football there.Mary got the football there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary left the football.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred went to the office.Bill handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Bill put down the apple.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred took the milk there.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Fred left the milk there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Fred picked up the football there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred got the football there.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff put down the football.Jeff took the football there.Bill moved to the office.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Bill went to the hallway.Bill put down the football.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill dropped the apple.Bill got the football there.Jeff went to the office.Bill dropped the football.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill took the football there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill took the apple there.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Bill went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill handed the football to Fred.Bill went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred passed the football to Mary.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Mary moved to the garden.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred dropped the football there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred got the apple there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred dropped the apple.Fred went back to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Bill went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred put down the milk there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Bill discarded the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill discarded the football there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Mary went to the garden.Bill took the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the apple there.Jeff discarded the milk there.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff put down the milk there.Fred got the football there.Fred put down the football there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred dropped the football.Mary went to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred picked up the football there.Fred passed the football to Bill.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred put down the milk.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the apple there.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill discarded the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill got the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred took the football there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff went to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the hallway.Bill got the football there.Bill discarded the football.Fred went back to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary left the apple.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred dropped the milk.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary took the football there.Mary left the football.Mary got the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary dropped the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Mary discarded the football.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Mary took the football there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary put down the football.Mary took the football there.Mary gave the football to Bill.Jeff left the apple there.Bill handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff put down the milk.Fred travelled to the office.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff put down the milk there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff put down the football.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff left the football.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill put down the apple.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Jeff went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill took the football there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill dropped the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Mary went to the garden.Bill put down the milk.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill went to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Bill went to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.Bill went to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the hallway.Mary took the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff gave the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary moved to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Mary discarded the milk.Mary got the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Bill discarded the milk.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff got the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff put down the football there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Bill went to the hallway.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred dropped the milk.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary left the milk.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary discarded the football.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the milk there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill dropped the apple.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Jeff went back to the office.Fred left the milk.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff dropped the apple there.Fred got the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred dropped the milk.Mary went to the hallway.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Bill went to the office.Jeff took the football there.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff left the football.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Fred picked up the football there.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Jeff got the apple there.Bill travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff left the milk there.Jeff took the milk there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Mary put down the football.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary took the football there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Fred took the milk there.Jeff gave the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.Mary got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff discarded the milk there.Bill took the milk there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill went to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill discarded the football.Bill went to the garden.Fred took the football there.Fred dropped the football.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred put down the football.Mary moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff put down the football.Jeff got the football there.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary discarded the apple there.Fred went to the office.Mary put down the milk.Mary went to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff discarded the football.Bill went back to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill left the apple.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Bill went to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary took the football there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred discarded the milk.Fred got the milk there.Mary moved to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Bill discarded the football there.Bill picked up the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Bill left the football.Bill moved to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Fred went to the hallway.Bill took the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill left the milk there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary left the apple.Bill moved to the office.Mary took the apple there.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill dropped the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred got the milk there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Bill put down the apple.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary got the football there.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred took the football there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary discarded the milk there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the apple there.Fred got the milk there.Bill left the apple.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary discarded the apple.Fred dropped the milk.Mary got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary left the apple.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary went back to the garden.Bill took the football there.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill dropped the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill passed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Fred went to the office.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Mary took the football there.Mary dropped the football.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred picked up the football there.Fred discarded the football.Mary took the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred put down the football.Bill travelled to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred discarded the football there.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred picked up the apple there.Bill took the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill left the apple.Bill travelled to the office.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill got the football there.Bill went to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill dropped the football.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff left the apple.Mary got the apple there.Mary dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred took the football there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill left the apple.Bill took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill put down the apple.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Fred dropped the football there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff took the milk there.Bill took the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff left the milk.Bill discarded the football.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Fred went to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Fred got the football there.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill discarded the football.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred discarded the football.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred put down the football.Fred went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Fred travelled to the office.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Jeff dropped the milk there.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred got the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill put down the football.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary got the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Mary got the apple there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the office.Bill moved to the office.Bill gave the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary left the apple.Mary went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred dropped the apple.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred left the milk.Fred took the milk there.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Fred went to the office.Mary put down the apple.Bill travelled to the office.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Bill went to the office.Bill went to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred left the football.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred put down the apple there.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary left the apple.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred put down the football there.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary put down the apple.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary went to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary put down the milk.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Bill went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Mary went to the garden.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill put down the milk.Bill went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary took the football there.Mary left the football.Mary travelled to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the milk.Mary took the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Bill took the football there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill dropped the football.Mary left the apple.Bill went back to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Jeff left the football.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary discarded the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff handed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill took the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary took the football there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary dropped the football.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill left the apple.Bill got the football there.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred dropped the football.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Fred went to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Jeff got the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred put down the milk there.Fred got the milk there.Jeff put down the football.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Fred left the milk.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill got the milk there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Bill went to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary got the milk there.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill took the apple there.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary put down the milk.Bill left the apple.Jeff moved to the office.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred took the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the office.Fred got the apple there.Fred left the apple.Bill picked up the football there.Fred got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Bill passed the football to Mary.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred put down the apple.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary put down the milk there.Mary took the milk there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff took the football there.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Fred picked up the apple there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill dropped the apple.Bill got the apple there.Mary got the football there.Mary left the football.Mary got the football there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary left the football.Jeff moved to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill discarded the apple.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Bill put down the apple.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred got the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred moved to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill dropped the football.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary went to the office.Bill discarded the apple.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Bill went to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred took the football there.Fred discarded the football.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred got the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary went to the office.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Jeff went back to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the office.Mary got the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary got the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Jeff went to the office.Mary went to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred discarded the milk.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff left the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill put down the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the office.Bill went back to the office.Mary got the football there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary put down the football.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred dropped the apple.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Jeff went to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill took the football there.Bill took the milk there.Bill dropped the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill dropped the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill left the milk.Bill put down the football.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff left the apple there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff left the milk.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill put down the apple there.Mary went to the garden.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Fred went to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary dropped the football.Bill got the football there.Mary took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill dropped the football.Mary discarded the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Mary went to the office.Bill passed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred got the milk there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Fred put down the milk.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Jeff went to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred left the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred left the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Fred went to the garden.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred discarded the apple.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred put down the apple.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Bill went back to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the office.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Bill travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Mary took the milk there.Bill dropped the apple.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Bill went back to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the milk there.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary got the football there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred dropped the milk.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill dropped the apple.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff took the football there.Fred got the milk there.Bill moved to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred put down the milk.Jeff put down the football.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary put down the apple.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff took the apple there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Jeff put down the apple.Mary gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Mary took the milk there.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary dropped the milk.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Jeff went to the office.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred went back to the garden.Bill discarded the football there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred took the apple there.Jeff went to the garden.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Mary went to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Mary went back to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Bill went back to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Mary dropped the football.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary went back to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Fred dropped the football.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff moved to the office.Fred put down the football.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff took the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill took the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Bill went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill left the apple.Bill took the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Mary moved to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff got the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill took the apple there.Fred moved to the garden.Bill put down the apple.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the football.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff got the football there.Fred moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred got the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Fred put down the milk.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the office.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred dropped the football.Bill got the football there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill discarded the football.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill left the football.Mary grabbed the football there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary took the milk there.Fred put down the apple.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary picked up the football there.Mary discarded the football.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill passed the football to Mary.Fred got the apple there.Mary left the football.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Fred handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred took the football there.Mary travelled to the office.Mary took the milk there.Mary left the milk.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Jeff discarded the milk there.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary dropped the apple.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary put down the apple.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff left the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Fred went back to the office.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred picked up the football there.Mary went back to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff left the apple.Mary moved to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred put down the apple.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Fred went to the garden.Bill put down the milk.Mary left the apple there.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill dropped the apple.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the office.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill dropped the milk.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill took the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Jeff dropped the apple.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary took the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the office.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred put down the football there.Fred picked up the football there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Fred dropped the football.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary took the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill picked up the football there.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill put down the football.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff put down the football.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary went to the office.Bill went back to the office.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the apple there.Fred moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Bill went back to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill put down the football.Bill picked up the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill gave the football to Mary.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred dropped the football.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred took the football there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Mary got the milk there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary put down the milk.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Bill went to the hallway.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred discarded the football.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary dropped the milk.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Mary moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the office.Fred took the milk there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred left the milk.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the apple there.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple there.Fred passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Mary got the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary left the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the office.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred put down the milk.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill left the apple.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Mary took the milk there.Fred went to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Mary went to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary journeyed to the office.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary got the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Bill went to the garden.Fred left the apple.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff got the football there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary got the apple there.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary discarded the apple.Mary journeyed to the office.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Jeff went back to the office.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred got the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Fred passed the football to Bill.Mary left the milk there.Mary got the milk there.Fred went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill passed the football to Fred.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff left the apple.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Mary moved to the office.Jeff went to the office.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Mary went to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Bill journeyed to the office.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred discarded the milk.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill dropped the apple there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary picked up the football there.Mary went to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff went to the garden.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary put down the football.Fred left the apple.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff picked up the football there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill put down the apple.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary dropped the apple there.Jeff went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff put down the milk.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary picked up the football there.Mary dropped the football.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred dropped the milk.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Bill took the apple there.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred dropped the milk.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff went to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Bill took the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill discarded the apple.Bill got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill put down the apple.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred left the apple.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred left the apple.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred dropped the apple.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff took the football there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff put down the football there.Fred took the football there.Fred dropped the football.Fred took the football there.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred discarded the football there.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred picked up the apple there.Bill took the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill left the apple.Bill travelled to the office.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Mary moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill discarded the football.Bill moved to the office.Fred went to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred got the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Bill left the apple.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff put down the football.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred dropped the milk.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill put down the apple.Fred took the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the office.Bill moved to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff put down the apple.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the office.Mary moved to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary picked up the football there.Fred dropped the apple.Fred took the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred took the apple there.Fred left the apple.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Mary put down the football there.Mary went to the office.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Mary left the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary dropped the milk there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred left the apple.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred left the apple.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary discarded the football.Mary got the football there.Mary dropped the football.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary picked up the football there.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill picked up the apple there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Mary travelled to the hallway.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Bill put down the apple.Bill got the apple there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill discarded the apple.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill left the football.Bill got the football there.Bill handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went to the hallway.Mary took the apple there.Fred took the football there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred handed the football to Bill.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred took the apple there.Fred dropped the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill discarded the milk there.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff took the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the apple.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Mary left the milk.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred left the apple.Fred got the apple there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred put down the milk.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the apple there.Fred left the apple.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff got the football there.Jeff left the football.Fred went to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred went to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill dropped the apple.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Mary took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary dropped the apple there.Mary got the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff took the milk there.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred took the apple there.Mary dropped the football.Mary moved to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred discarded the apple.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff put down the milk.Fred got the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred put down the apple.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Mary discarded the football.Fred got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill took the football there.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred took the milk there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Bill went back to the office.Bill discarded the football.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary picked up the football there.Mary handed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the office.Bill went to the garden.Fred got the football there.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Fred took the apple there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Fred left the apple.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the office.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill got the football there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Fred got the football there.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill discarded the football.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff left the apple.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill left the football.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff put down the milk.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary discarded the football there.Jeff took the milk there.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred took the football there.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred passed the football to Mary.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Mary picked up the milk there.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill left the apple.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Mary took the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Mary left the milk.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred dropped the apple.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred went to the garden.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill dropped the milk.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary left the milk.Mary moved to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Fred travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Bill travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Fred moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Bill moved to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred took the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary left the apple.Mary took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary left the apple.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Jeff took the football there.Jeff left the milk there.Mary got the apple there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff put down the football there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary discarded the apple.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary put down the apple.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff went to the garden.Bill gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff left the football.Mary moved to the office.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff discarded the football.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred went to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Fred got the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Bill went to the hallway.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill took the apple there.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred left the milk.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the office.Bill went to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the milk there.Fred went to the garden.Bill went to the garden.Bill dropped the milk.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Mary moved to the office.Bill moved to the garden.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Fred discarded the apple there.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred picked up the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred discarded the apple.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred dropped the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary dropped the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff discarded the apple.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred took the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the apple.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred dropped the milk.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Bill went back to the garden.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill got the apple there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill discarded the apple there.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.Mary went back to the hallway.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Mary dropped the apple.Fred handed the football to Bill.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill got the football there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill put down the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Fred moved to the garden.Bill left the football.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill left the football.Fred took the apple there.Bill picked up the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Fred went to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff left the apple.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff got the milk there.Bill went to the office.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill dropped the football.Jeff put down the milk.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff left the apple.Bill took the football there.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred handed the football to Mary.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary took the milk there.Bill put down the apple.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill got the apple there.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill discarded the apple.Mary handed the football to Fred.Mary put down the milk.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Fred dropped the football.Jeff got the football there.Jeff passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff discarded the football.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred took the football there.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Bill moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Bill went back to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Bill went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred put down the milk.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred put down the football.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred discarded the football there.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill left the apple there.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill got the football there.Bill discarded the apple there.Bill discarded the football.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff took the apple there.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill took the football there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill put down the football.Bill picked up the football there.Bill moved to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill discarded the football there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Fred went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Bill dropped the milk.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill put down the football.Bill went back to the office.Jeff went to the office.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred got the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Fred dropped the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill left the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred got the football there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill discarded the football.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill took the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Jeff went back to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff put down the football.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff got the football there.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff left the football.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred left the milk.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Bill left the apple.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Jeff took the apple there.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill got the football there.Bill discarded the football there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill got the football there.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Mary moved to the garden.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill put down the apple.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff discarded the milk.Mary went to the garden.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the apple there.Jeff left the football.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff left the football.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary discarded the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary dropped the milk there.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Mary got the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff took the football there.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Fred discarded the football.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Bill got the football there.Jeff put down the milk there.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the office.Fred dropped the football.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Bill moved to the office.Fred left the football.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff left the football.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff left the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff left the football.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred picked up the football there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary went to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Bill put down the milk.Fred took the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary took the football there.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Bill went back to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Mary went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff left the milk.Fred went back to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff gave the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred took the milk there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Fred went to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary took the football there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Bill went to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred handed the football to Mary.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary discarded the football.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Mary took the football there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred discarded the football.Fred went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple there.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill discarded the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the garden.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill discarded the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred passed the football to Bill.Fred took the apple there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff put down the milk.Fred took the football there.Fred dropped the football.Bill went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff took the football there.Jeff left the football.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred got the milk there.Jeff left the football.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred discarded the apple there.Fred dropped the milk.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill got the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary went back to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred took the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred took the football there.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred picked up the football there.Mary went back to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff left the apple.Mary moved to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred put down the apple.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff grabbed the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Fred went to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill left the milk.Mary travelled to the office.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill picked up the football there.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.Bill got the football there.Bill gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary got the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary dropped the apple.Mary got the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.Mary got the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary left the apple.Jeff moved to the office.Fred moved to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff went to the office.Mary discarded the milk.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred took the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred dropped the milk.Mary went to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Mary dropped the apple.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill left the apple.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred discarded the apple.Bill went back to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred got the apple there.Fred dropped the apple there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred took the apple there.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred left the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary got the apple there.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the office.Bill got the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill put down the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill discarded the football there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill took the football there.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill put down the football.Bill picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill passed the football to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill moved to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill left the football.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff got the apple there.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill dropped the milk there.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary discarded the milk.Fred went to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred went to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill got the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary left the milk there.Mary got the milk there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary put down the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred took the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary took the football there.Bill went to the hallway.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill discarded the football there.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill got the apple there.Mary picked up the football there.Bill dropped the apple.Bill went back to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary discarded the football there.Jeff went to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred took the football there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Bill went to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred passed the football to Mary.Fred discarded the milk.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred left the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary left the football.Mary took the football there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Mary dropped the football.Fred handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Mary moved to the office.Bill went back to the office.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill put down the apple there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went to the garden.Mary dropped the football.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary took the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Fred dropped the milk.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill passed the football to Mary.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill left the football.Mary went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff got the milk there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff discarded the milk there.Mary went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff left the apple.Fred went back to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Bill gave the football to Fred.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred left the football there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went to the office.Jeff got the football there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary took the apple there.Mary left the apple.Mary took the football there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Mary put down the apple.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Mary gave the football to Bill.Jeff went back to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary got the football there.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary gave the football to Bill.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the office.Fred left the football.Mary went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill dropped the apple.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary put down the football.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill dropped the milk.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the milk there.Fred moved to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff put down the football.Jeff took the milk there.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the garden.Jeff took the football there.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Jeff went back to the office.Mary took the apple there.Bill went to the garden.Fred dropped the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary discarded the apple.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary got the milk there.Jeff moved to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary dropped the milk there.Mary took the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Jeff went to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff dropped the milk there.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Bill got the football there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill discarded the football.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the office.Mary went to the garden.Bill went to the garden.Bill took the football there.Bill discarded the football.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill got the football there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill discarded the football.Fred discarded the apple.Bill picked up the football there.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Fred put down the apple.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred dropped the milk.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill dropped the apple.Bill got the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred took the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred got the milk there.Bill left the football.Fred moved to the office.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred dropped the milk.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill put down the football.Bill went back to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff got the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Fred went back to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff left the apple.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff put down the milk.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff put down the apple there.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Mary went back to the garden.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Mary dropped the football.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Bill moved to the office.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred took the football there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred dropped the football.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Fred got the football there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred left the football there.Jeff got the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Fred took the football there.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff left the apple.Mary moved to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Fred moved to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Mary went to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill took the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred gave the football to Bill.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the milk there.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary got the football there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred dropped the milk.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill dropped the apple.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary discarded the football.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred left the football.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff discarded the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred took the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary left the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred dropped the apple.Fred got the apple there.Jeff left the milk there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Bill put down the football.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff took the football there.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff put down the football.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Fred took the football there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Fred discarded the football.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill got the milk there.Jeff got the apple there.Bill put down the milk.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff left the apple.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff got the football there.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred discarded the milk there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Bill left the apple there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill left the apple.Mary dropped the football there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.Bill dropped the apple.Mary went to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill picked up the football there.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary got the milk there.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred went to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary put down the milk.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred picked up the football there.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff left the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred discarded the football.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Mary took the milk there.Jeff put down the football.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary left the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred dropped the apple.Fred got the apple there.Jeff left the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill got the milk there.Bill dropped the milk there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Fred put down the apple.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred gave the football to Bill.Mary moved to the garden.Bill discarded the football there.Fred took the football there.Jeff moved to the office.Fred gave the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff got the milk there.Bill took the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Bill got the apple there.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred discarded the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Jeff took the football there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Bill got the apple there.Mary dropped the football.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Mary dropped the football there.Bill put down the apple.Bill went to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Mary went to the office.Bill left the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill gave the football to Mary.Bill discarded the milk.Mary gave the football to Bill.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff got the milk there.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Fred dropped the apple there.Fred took the football there.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Fred got the apple there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred dropped the apple.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred dropped the football.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Fred got the football there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred put down the apple.Fred went to the hallway.Bill put down the milk there.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill put down the football there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill moved to the garden.Mary went back to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the milk there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary left the milk.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill took the milk there.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill dropped the football there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill took the football there.Bill dropped the football.Jeff discarded the apple there.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Bill put down the apple.Mary dropped the football.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff took the football there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff got the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff left the football there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff left the milk.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill put down the football.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Bill went to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the apple there.Jeff went to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred put down the milk.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff got the football there.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the football there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Jeff left the football.Jeff got the football there.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill put down the apple.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Fred took the football there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff left the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Fred left the apple.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Fred went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Jeff dropped the milk there.Fred got the milk there.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the football there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary discarded the football.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.Bill went to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the office.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred dropped the apple.Jeff took the football there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the office.Fred went back to the office.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary got the milk there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary took the football there.Mary left the football.Mary travelled to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the milk.Mary took the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Bill took the football there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill dropped the football.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff moved to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff put down the milk.Mary moved to the office.Mary got the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the milk there.Bill got the football there.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary left the apple.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred picked up the football there.Fred moved to the office.Bill moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred put down the football.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred put down the apple.Fred took the apple there.Bill moved to the office.Fred handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Jeff went to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Bill left the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill left the football.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff dropped the apple.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred took the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill took the football there.Bill discarded the football.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill took the football there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff moved to the office.Bill discarded the football.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred got the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred dropped the apple.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went to the office.Mary got the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary left the apple.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff left the apple.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill took the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Bill put down the apple there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred took the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Bill took the football there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill picked up the football there.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football there.Mary went back to the garden.Mary went to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the office.Bill dropped the football.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill passed the football to Fred.Mary dropped the milk there.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill took the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Bill went back to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the office.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred put down the football there.Fred picked up the football there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Fred dropped the football.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary dropped the football.Bill got the football there.Mary took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill dropped the football.Mary discarded the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Mary went to the office.Bill passed the football to Mary.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary discarded the milk.Mary discarded the football there.Fred moved to the office.Fred picked up the football there.Bill moved to the office.Fred handed the football to Mary.Fred got the milk there.Mary gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary discarded the apple there.Mary took the apple there.Mary went to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary left the apple.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Fred picked up the football there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary discarded the apple there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Jeff went back to the office.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Bill went back to the office.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.Mary moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff got the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill went to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill discarded the apple there.Fred discarded the milk.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Fred moved to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred picked up the football there.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary passed the football to Bill.Fred went to the garden.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff discarded the apple there.Fred took the apple there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the garden.Fred took the football there.Fred dropped the football.Fred moved to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Bill got the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff took the football there.Jeff left the football.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff put down the football.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff dropped the football.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred put down the apple.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill moved to the office.Bill discarded the football.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred left the milk there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Mary moved to the office.Fred dropped the apple.Fred took the apple there.Fred left the apple.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill put down the apple there.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill put down the milk there.Mary took the milk there.Mary moved to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Fred went to the garden.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill gave the football to Mary.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff got the football there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff picked up the football there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Mary moved to the office.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill discarded the apple.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Bill discarded the football.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary went to the garden.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred got the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary dropped the football there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Fred got the football there.Fred discarded the football.Mary went to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred left the milk.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred got the football there.Fred dropped the football.Fred took the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Fred discarded the football there.Bill went to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Mary took the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Fred got the football there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Fred put down the football there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary dropped the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred left the football there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred left the milk.Fred left the football.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the office.Bill took the apple there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill put down the apple.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff took the apple there.Bill gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the office.Fred went back to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Bill got the football there.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill left the football there.Bill took the football there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff put down the apple.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Bill dropped the football.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff put down the apple.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Fred went to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred handed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred went to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff put down the football.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Jeff put down the football.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary put down the apple.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff went to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff took the football there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff put down the milk there.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Bill moved to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff left the football.Fred went to the garden.Jeff put down the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred got the apple there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the football.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff went to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff put down the milk.Bill moved to the hallway.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill left the football.Bill took the football there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill dropped the football.Jeff got the apple there.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill left the football there.Bill picked up the football there.Bill dropped the football.Fred got the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill dropped the football.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Bill went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill took the apple there.Bill got the milk there.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple.Jeff went to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary got the apple there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Jeff went to the garden.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred picked up the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary got the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred took the football there.Fred handed the football to Mary.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary passed the football to Fred.Bill went to the hallway.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary went to the office.Mary left the football.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill got the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary went to the garden.Mary took the apple there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the office.Fred went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill dropped the apple.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary dropped the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill discarded the football there.Jeff went to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill got the football there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill left the football.Bill got the milk there.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Bill got the football there.Mary discarded the apple.Jeff went to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill dropped the football.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Mary discarded the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff left the milk.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary put down the apple there.Bill went back to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill left the milk.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary got the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary dropped the apple there.Mary took the apple there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary dropped the apple.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill dropped the apple.Fred went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Fred moved to the office.Jeff went to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Fred took the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred discarded the milk.Mary took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill dropped the football.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Bill got the football there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary put down the apple.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Fred discarded the milk.Bill gave the football to Fred.Mary left the apple there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill left the milk.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff left the milk there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff left the milk.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Fred put down the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff took the football there.Bill went to the office.Jeff left the football.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff put down the football.Mary left the apple there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred discarded the football.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred dropped the milk.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Bill took the milk there.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill put down the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the garden.Mary took the football there.Fred dropped the apple.Mary passed the football to Fred.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred got the apple there.Fred discarded the apple.Bill put down the milk.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill took the football there.Bill left the football there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the milk.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred took the football there.Jeff got the milk there.Fred discarded the football.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred picked up the football there.Fred left the football.Fred picked up the football there.Mary went back to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Bill put down the football there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary went back to the office.Bill went to the office.Jeff went to the office.Fred left the apple.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary left the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Bill left the milk.Bill dropped the apple.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Mary moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill left the milk.Fred took the milk there.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary discarded the apple.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Mary went back to the office.Jeff went to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred took the apple there.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the football.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill discarded the milk.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill left the apple.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary dropped the apple.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary discarded the milk.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Bill dropped the football.Bill picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff got the milk there.Bill left the football.Bill got the football there.Jeff left the milk.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary picked up the football there.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Fred went to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff took the apple there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary got the football there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary left the football.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill got the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Bill got the football there.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Mary took the milk there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff put down the apple there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff put down the milk there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff put down the football.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff left the football.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill put down the apple.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Jeff went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill took the football there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill dropped the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Mary went to the garden.Bill put down the milk.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill left the football.Fred took the apple there.Bill picked up the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the office.Fred got the football there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred dropped the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary handed the football to Bill.Fred moved to the office.Bill got the milk there.Bill dropped the football.Bill got the football there.Bill discarded the football there.Bill picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Fred went to the garden.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Mary went to the office.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred left the apple there.Fred dropped the football.Bill went back to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred went to the office.Bill went to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred took the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred left the football there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary left the apple there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football there.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred travelled to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill dropped the apple.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill dropped the apple.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary left the football.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Mary picked up the football there.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary discarded the football.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary took the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff put down the apple there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred moved to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill dropped the football.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary went to the office.Bill discarded the apple.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Bill went to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred took the football there.Fred discarded the football.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred got the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Fred took the milk there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Mary discarded the apple.Bill got the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Mary took the apple there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred went to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary put down the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff took the football there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the milk there.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Mary went back to the garden.Mary left the apple.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Bill dropped the football.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the office.Fred went back to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Bill got the football there.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill left the football there.Bill took the football there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff put down the apple.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Bill dropped the football.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff put down the apple.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred put down the milk.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff dropped the apple there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Bill went to the office.Bill got the apple there.Mary went back to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill discarded the apple.Bill took the apple there.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff got the milk there.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary dropped the milk.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.Bill dropped the milk.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary gave the football to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Fred went to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary got the milk there.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred left the milk.Bill discarded the apple.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary went to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill left the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill left the football.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff put down the milk.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill handed the football to Mary.Bill took the apple there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill dropped the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff dropped the football.Bill left the apple.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred left the football.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill got the apple there.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill put down the milk.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the office.Bill got the milk there.Bill put down the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Fred took the apple there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred left the apple.Fred took the apple there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Mary went to the garden.Bill dropped the football.Mary moved to the office.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill left the football.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill got the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Mary moved to the garden.Bill passed the football to Mary.Fred moved to the office.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred put down the milk there.Mary got the milk there.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred left the apple.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.Mary got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary picked up the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary journeyed to the office.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the football there.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Mary passed the football to Bill.Fred travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary got the apple there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Jeff went to the garden.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary left the apple.Bill journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Fred went to the office.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary left the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill went to the office.Mary took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill got the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Bill got the football there.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Mary took the milk there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff put down the apple there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Fred went to the office.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff took the football there.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff left the football.Mary picked up the football there.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff passed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred discarded the apple.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred dropped the apple.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Fred went back to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary discarded the apple.Fred travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred took the apple there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred left the apple.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Bill discarded the football.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff put down the apple there.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Fred went to the hallway.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred took the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill took the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Bill took the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Fred discarded the football there.Mary put down the apple.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff put down the milk.Fred took the football there.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred put down the football.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary dropped the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary left the milk there.Fred took the football there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary left the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Fred took the milk there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Fred put down the milk.Bill went to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred discarded the football.Mary went to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Bill went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the football there.Bill left the football.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill dropped the football.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill took the football there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Bill left the football there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the office.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Bill put down the milk.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Fred discarded the apple.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Mary moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Mary took the football there.Mary put down the football.Mary got the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary took the apple there.Mary dropped the apple.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.Mary dropped the apple.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary got the apple there.Mary left the apple.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill took the football there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary took the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Bill discarded the football there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Mary put down the football.Fred went to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill dropped the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary left the football.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Mary put down the football.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary took the football there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Mary put down the milk.Jeff moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill dropped the milk there.Bill got the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary put down the football.Bill discarded the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Mary took the football there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Mary discarded the football.Fred dropped the apple.Mary went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Fred left the milk.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred got the milk there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Jeff went to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill got the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary went to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the office.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff took the apple there.Mary got the football there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary put down the football.Bill got the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Fred dropped the milk.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred got the football there.Fred dropped the football.Fred took the football there.Fred put down the football.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary took the milk there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.Mary left the milk.Mary got the milk there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill left the apple.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Mary put down the apple.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the garden.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went back to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill put down the football there.Jeff got the football there.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill dropped the football.Bill took the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill handed the football to Fred.Jeff went back to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff dropped the apple.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff left the apple there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff left the apple.Mary took the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary got the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary went to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary put down the football.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill took the football there.Bill passed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Fred moved to the garden.Mary got the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Fred picked up the football there.Fred discarded the football.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred picked up the football there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred left the apple there.Fred dropped the football.Bill went back to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Fred went back to the hallway.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Fred moved to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff dropped the apple.Mary moved to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred took the apple there.Mary went back to the office.Fred put down the apple.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill got the milk there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred dropped the milk.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred got the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred dropped the apple.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff went to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill took the apple there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Jeff dropped the milk.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary left the apple there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred took the apple there.Fred dropped the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill discarded the milk there.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff took the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the apple.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Mary left the milk.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Bill travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred put down the apple there.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff left the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff left the apple.Fred went to the garden.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary went to the hallway.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred went back to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Mary left the football there.Mary took the football there.Mary left the football.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary put down the football.Mary took the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Fred got the football there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Mary moved to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Bill went to the office.Bill put down the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Mary went to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Fred put down the apple there.Fred got the apple there.Bill went to the garden.Bill discarded the milk.Fred gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary dropped the football.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff put down the football.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the hallway.Bill took the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Jeff took the apple there.Mary picked up the milk there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football there.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred put down the apple.Fred went to the office.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary got the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff put down the football there.Mary went to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Bill got the apple there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary discarded the apple.Fred went to the hallway.Fred dropped the football there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred picked up the football there.Fred handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill put down the football there.Jeff got the football there.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill dropped the football.Bill took the milk there.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff left the milk.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Fred went to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred got the football there.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff put down the football.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary took the football there.Mary left the football.Mary travelled to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the milk.Mary took the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Bill took the football there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary got the milk there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.Fred went back to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went to the office.Mary left the milk there.Mary got the milk there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Mary dropped the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill took the football there.Bill discarded the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill took the football there.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill discarded the football.Fred took the apple there.Bill went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred dropped the apple.Fred took the apple there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Mary travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Fred left the football.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred got the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Fred dropped the milk there.Fred took the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred went to the office.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff took the football there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff put down the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary took the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Bill moved to the office.Fred went back to the office.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff went to the garden.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill got the football there.Mary got the milk there.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.Bill took the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Mary dropped the milk.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Mary journeyed to the office.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff left the football.Bill picked up the football there.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Bill went back to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff took the football there.Jeff put down the football there.Fred went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Mary went to the office.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Bill went to the office.Jeff discarded the football.Bill put down the milk.Jeff grabbed the football there.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Fred went to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff left the apple.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff got the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary discarded the football.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary gave the football to Bill.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill left the football.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary took the apple there.Bill discarded the milk.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill left the milk.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary got the milk there.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Mary gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff left the apple.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred discarded the apple there.Fred took the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff left the apple.Mary discarded the football.Mary picked up the football there.Fred got the apple there.Fred went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Fred went to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff put down the football.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Jeff put down the football.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary put down the apple.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff went to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff took the football there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff put down the milk there.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Bill moved to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff left the football.Fred went to the garden.Jeff put down the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred got the apple there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the football.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff went to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff got the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill dropped the apple.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred put down the apple.Bill put down the milk.Bill went to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went to the office.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff took the football there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff put down the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary took the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Bill moved to the office.Fred went back to the office.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff went to the garden.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Bill got the milk there.Bill left the milk.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Bill discarded the football.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill left the football.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill left the milk there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill discarded the milk.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Mary discarded the football.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill put down the apple there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Mary passed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Jeff went to the office.Mary dropped the football.Mary picked up the football there.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred dropped the football.Mary got the football there.Bill discarded the apple.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Jeff put down the football.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff took the football there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the apple there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Mary got the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Mary put down the milk.Jeff went back to the office.Mary took the milk there.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff left the apple.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the apple there.Fred left the apple.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff got the football there.Jeff left the football.Fred went to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred went to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Jeff travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Mary travelled to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill dropped the football.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill passed the football to Mary.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary got the apple there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Jeff took the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred put down the milk there.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred dropped the apple there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Mary went back to the office.Mary went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff dropped the football.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Bill passed the football to Mary.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Mary left the apple there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary put down the apple there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill took the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill dropped the apple there.Bill picked up the apple there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Jeff took the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred put down the milk there.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred dropped the apple there.Mary moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary got the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary dropped the apple.Mary got the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.Mary got the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the office.Mary went to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred got the football there.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary put down the football.Fred took the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred passed the football to Mary.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary gave the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the office.Bill took the football there.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff dropped the football.Mary took the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred took the football there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Bill took the milk there.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill left the milk.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff went to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the office.Bill passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff got the apple there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the hallway.Bill took the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Jeff dropped the football.Fred journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill put down the milk there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill got the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Bill discarded the apple.Mary went to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill dropped the apple.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary dropped the milk.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff left the football.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill dropped the milk.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Jeff discarded the football.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill got the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff went back to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred got the milk there.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff took the football there.Jeff dropped the football.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary left the apple.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Mary went to the hallway.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Bill moved to the office.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went to the garden.Bill dropped the football.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Fred went to the garden.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill gave the football to Mary.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred put down the football.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary took the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Jeff went to the garden.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill discarded the milk there.Jeff put down the apple there.Jeff went back to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary took the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary discarded the apple.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff left the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill took the football there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary went to the hallway.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Fred went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Jeff moved to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred took the football there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary picked up the football there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Mary discarded the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Fred got the football there.Fred moved to the office.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill put down the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill gave the football to Fred.Mary went to the hallway.Fred discarded the football.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Jeff took the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred put down the milk there.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Jeff travelled to the garden.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill left the apple.Mary took the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Mary went to the garden.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary took the football there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary discarded the football.Mary got the football there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Bill left the milk.Mary went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred moved to the garden.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred took the apple there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred dropped the apple.Fred took the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Fred got the apple there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary dropped the milk.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred went to the hallway.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary discarded the milk there.Mary grabbed the milk there.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill took the apple there.Fred went to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Bill dropped the apple.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff took the football there.Jeff left the football.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff put down the milk.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred discarded the football.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary got the football there.Jeff left the milk.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Bill left the apple.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill took the apple there.Bill put down the apple.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff dropped the apple there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Bill went to the office.Bill got the apple there.Mary went back to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill discarded the apple.Bill took the apple there.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Bill left the football.Fred dropped the apple.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred handed the football to Mary.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary took the milk there.Bill put down the apple.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred went to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred went to the garden.Mary took the football there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary dropped the football.Mary got the football there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Fred travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred got the football there.Fred left the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.Mary went to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred put down the apple.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Bill went to the hallway.Bill got the football there.Bill put down the football.Jeff moved to the office.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill dropped the football.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the office.Fred moved to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Fred went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff put down the apple.Bill moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred left the football.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred took the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff got the apple there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred passed the football to Bill.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Jeff took the apple there.Bill left the football.Jeff left the apple.Fred took the football there.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the football there.Fred got the milk there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill left the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Bill travelled to the office.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff took the football there.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill left the football.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred put down the milk there.Fred got the milk there.Fred put down the milk there.Bill left the football.Fred took the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the football there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill went to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred left the apple.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Fred put down the milk.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff left the apple.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Bill went back to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the office.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred gave the football to Bill.Mary travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Fred picked up the football there.Fred passed the football to Mary.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Fred dropped the football.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred dropped the football.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred left the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the garden.Bill discarded the milk.Bill put down the football.Bill picked up the football there.Mary took the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred put down the milk.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Jeff went to the office.Mary put down the apple.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary left the milk.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Mary took the football there.Mary gave the football to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill got the apple there.Mary picked up the football there.Bill dropped the apple.Bill went back to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary discarded the football there.Jeff went to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred took the football there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Bill went to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred passed the football to Mary.Fred discarded the milk.Bill went to the office.Mary passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill dropped the football.Mary went back to the garden.Fred discarded the apple.Jeff took the football there.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the garden.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff left the football there.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went back to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Bill got the football there.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill dropped the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Bill left the football.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Mary left the milk.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred dropped the apple.Mary grabbed the football there.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill dropped the apple.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Fred discarded the apple.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Bill took the football there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill took the milk there.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Bill left the milk.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff picked up the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the office.Bill took the football there.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred picked up the football there.Bill put down the apple.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred put down the football there.Fred left the milk.Bill went back to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary dropped the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill got the football there.Bill gave the football to Fred.Bill went to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Fred left the football there.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Bill got the football there.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill dropped the football.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the milk.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary left the milk.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the garden.Mary took the football there.Fred dropped the apple.Mary passed the football to Fred.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred got the apple there.Fred discarded the apple.Bill put down the milk.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Fred got the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Jeff got the apple there.Mary took the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Fred moved to the office.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred got the football there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred discarded the football.Bill went to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred picked up the football there.Fred put down the football there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred discarded the apple.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Fred dropped the apple.Bill dropped the milk.Bill took the milk there.Bill dropped the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the garden.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill went back to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill dropped the football.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Jeff went to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Bill went to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff put down the milk.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Fred went to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary picked up the football there.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary gave the football to Fred.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Fred went to the office.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary discarded the milk.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred picked up the football there.Fred put down the football.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff left the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Mary went back to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the football.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff took the football there.Bill took the apple there.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Fred went to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff got the apple there.Fred put down the football.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Fred took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Fred put down the milk.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary left the apple.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Fred left the milk.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred took the milk there.Fred moved to the garden.Mary went back to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Fred passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went to the garden.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary took the apple there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary dropped the apple.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill dropped the apple.Bill travelled to the hallway.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary got the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff went to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary dropped the football.Mary got the football there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred put down the milk.Fred took the milk there.Mary moved to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred put down the milk.Mary moved to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff got the football there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Fred travelled to the office.Mary discarded the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Mary went to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff took the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred put down the apple.Fred went back to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill dropped the football.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred took the milk there.Fred discarded the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary discarded the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Jeff took the apple there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary put down the football there.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff left the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff dropped the apple.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff took the football there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred got the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary discarded the football.Mary got the football there.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Fred left the milk.Bill went back to the garden.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff left the football.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Bill went back to the office.Bill got the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff took the football there.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff discarded the football there.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Bill discarded the football.Bill took the football there.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill passed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary got the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Mary got the milk there.Jeff went to the garden.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the office.Mary handed the football to Fred.Bill moved to the garden.Fred passed the football to Mary.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred got the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred discarded the milk there.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Bill went back to the garden.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff put down the football.Mary grabbed the football there.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went to the office.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the milk there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff got the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill dropped the apple.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff put down the milk.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Mary moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill left the football.Fred went to the office.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff took the apple there.Bill went to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff left the apple.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff left the apple there.Fred handed the football to Mary.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Fred went to the garden.Jeff left the football.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred went back to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill put down the football.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary discarded the apple.Bill got the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Fred went back to the office.Fred took the milk there.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Mary left the football.Bill got the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Bill went back to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Bill left the apple.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill took the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill dropped the apple there.Bill got the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary discarded the apple.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Bill went back to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill left the apple.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred put down the milk there.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred discarded the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred dropped the milk.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred got the football there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Fred passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary got the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff put down the football there.Jeff put down the milk there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff put down the milk.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the garden.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff put down the football there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill discarded the apple.Bill picked up the football there.Fred went back to the garden.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Mary took the football there.Mary left the football.Jeff went back to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Bill put down the apple.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Bill went to the hallway.Bill put down the football.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill dropped the apple.Bill got the football there.Jeff went to the office.Bill dropped the football.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff went back to the office.Mary got the milk there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill discarded the football.Fred went to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Bill went back to the office.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred took the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred took the football there.Fred dropped the apple.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred dropped the football there.Bill left the milk there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill took the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill left the milk.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Bill dropped the milk.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill put down the football.Bill went back to the office.Jeff went to the office.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred got the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Fred dropped the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill left the apple there.Fred went to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill dropped the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Jeff picked up the apple there.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary got the apple there.Fred went back to the garden.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Fred went to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Fred took the apple there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Fred discarded the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the office.Bill left the milk.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill put down the football.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill moved to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the hallway.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred discarded the apple.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary put down the milk.Fred got the apple there.Mary got the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff put down the football.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred moved to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill dropped the football.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary went to the office.Bill discarded the apple.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Bill went to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred took the football there.Fred discarded the football.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred got the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary went to the office.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill got the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff put down the apple.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Mary got the milk there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill put down the football.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary discarded the apple.Bill got the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill discarded the apple.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred put down the milk there.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred discarded the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred dropped the milk.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary dropped the milk.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill took the football there.Fred went to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff dropped the apple there.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary got the football there.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Fred picked up the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff got the milk there.Mary discarded the apple.Jeff left the milk.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff got the apple there.Mary left the milk.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Mary took the football there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary put down the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Bill moved to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Mary dropped the football there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary took the football there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Fred went to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the office.Fred went to the garden.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Bill journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred passed the football to Bill.Fred took the apple there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred got the milk there.Mary moved to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred dropped the milk there.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Jeff went to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Mary left the football.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff dropped the milk.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Mary handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill picked up the football there.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff passed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred got the milk there.Bill handed the football to Fred.Bill went to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred handed the football to Mary.Bill went back to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Mary went to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred put down the milk.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff took the football there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the milk there.Jeff gave the football to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff left the apple.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff discarded the apple there.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff took the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the apple there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the garden.Fred dropped the football.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff put down the apple there.Bill took the football there.Bill passed the football to Fred.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff left the apple.Bill took the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Fred went to the garden.Bill put down the milk.Mary left the apple there.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill dropped the apple.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the office.Mary gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff dropped the apple there.Jeff went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the apple there.Bill left the apple.Bill took the apple there.Fred got the milk there.Fred dropped the milk there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill dropped the apple.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill picked up the football there.Bill discarded the football.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Bill left the apple.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary went to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Bill went to the garden.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff left the milk.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff put down the apple there.Bill discarded the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Mary moved to the office.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill picked up the football there.Fred went to the garden.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff moved to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill dropped the apple.Mary went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary travelled to the office.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary went to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Bill went to the garden.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff left the milk.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Bill went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill got the milk there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill left the milk.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Bill discarded the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff got the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the office.Mary passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Fred took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Fred put down the milk.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary left the apple.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Fred went back to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill took the milk there.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill put down the milk.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary got the football there.Mary left the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill discarded the apple.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Fred went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred went to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Jeff put down the apple.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary left the milk.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Jeff took the football there.Fred took the apple there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred left the apple.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the milk there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff dropped the apple there.Mary went to the office.Fred moved to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff put down the football.Jeff went to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Fred put down the milk.Mary discarded the football.Jeff went back to the office.Fred took the milk there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the hallway.Bill took the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill got the milk there.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff discarded the football.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff got the football there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Jeff put down the milk there.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred put down the football there.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill got the milk there.Bill went back to the office.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred moved to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred put down the football.Fred took the football there.Fred put down the football.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill dropped the apple.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Bill went back to the garden.Fred went to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred left the football.Fred got the football there.Bill got the milk there.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill left the football there.Bill took the football there.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Jeff went to the office.Jeff got the apple there.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Mary went to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary got the football there.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the garden.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Mary left the football.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Fred travelled to the office.Mary took the football there.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff left the apple.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary discarded the football.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary picked up the football there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the office.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff left the milk.Mary travelled to the office.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Fred went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary dropped the football there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary got the football there.Fred got the milk there.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill moved to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.Fred went to the hallway.Bill handed the football to Mary.Jeff left the apple.Mary handed the football to Bill.Fred left the milk.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred discarded the football there.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred picked up the apple there.Bill took the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Bill got the milk there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Mary travelled to the garden.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Fred took the apple there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill left the football.Mary went back to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill took the apple there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill went to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Bill put down the apple there.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary dropped the milk.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the office.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary dropped the milk.Fred went to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Bill put down the apple.Bill took the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple.Fred dropped the football.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill discarded the milk there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill got the apple there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred took the football there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill put down the milk.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Fred picked up the milk there.Bill left the apple.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred passed the football to Bill.Mary went back to the office.Bill put down the football.Fred went back to the office.Fred gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill dropped the apple.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill dropped the apple.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary left the football.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Mary picked up the football there.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary discarded the football.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary went to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Mary left the apple.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Mary took the apple there.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary dropped the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred left the apple.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff moved to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary dropped the football.Mary got the football there.Mary went to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill left the football there.Jeff went to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill left the football.Bill got the football there.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill got the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred moved to the office.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary took the football there.Bill went to the hallway.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill discarded the football there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Bill went back to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill dropped the football there.Fred went to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill got the football there.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Bill dropped the football.Bill took the football there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill discarded the milk.Bill took the football there.Bill dropped the football there.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Mary got the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary left the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the office.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill put down the apple there.Bill took the apple there.Bill dropped the apple.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill put down the apple there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Mary moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary dropped the apple.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff left the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff got the football there.Bill got the milk there.Jeff put down the football.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Jeff left the football.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred went back to the garden.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred dropped the milk.Mary got the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff went to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff left the apple.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Mary took the apple there.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Fred moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Bill moved to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill left the apple.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary got the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff put down the football there.Mary went to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary dropped the football.Bill got the football there.Mary took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill dropped the football.Mary discarded the apple there.Bill moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Mary went to the office.Bill passed the football to Mary.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary discarded the milk.Mary discarded the football there.Fred moved to the office.Fred picked up the football there.Bill moved to the office.Fred handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Mary got the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Bill picked up the football there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff put down the milk.Bill took the apple there.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill left the apple.Bill took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill left the apple.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Bill dropped the apple.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred discarded the football there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Fred.Mary moved to the office.Fred handed the football to Bill.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill put down the football there.Bill moved to the garden.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Bill went to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill discarded the milk.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary discarded the apple.Fred went back to the office.Bill got the football there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Bill moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill put down the apple.Mary discarded the football there.Bill took the apple there.Bill dropped the apple.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Fred moved to the office.Bill got the milk there.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff left the apple.Jeff picked up the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Bill moved to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill dropped the milk there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill dropped the apple.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred went back to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went back to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary discarded the milk.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred took the milk there.Mary put down the football.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Mary got the football there.Mary discarded the football there.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill took the milk there.Bill moved to the office.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill discarded the milk.Bill went to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill left the football.Bill got the football there.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred dropped the milk.Bill passed the football to Mary.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary put down the football.Bill went back to the garden.Mary took the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill dropped the milk.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill discarded the apple.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred went to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred discarded the football.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred left the apple.Bill travelled to the office.Mary discarded the milk.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred discarded the milk there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill took the football there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred put down the football.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill got the football there.Fred grabbed the milk there.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Fred went to the garden.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Bill put down the football.Fred went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary handed the football to Bill.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary left the apple.Fred went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Mary went back to the office.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Bill went to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Mary moved to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff got the football there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary put down the apple there.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Jeff discarded the milk there.Mary got the apple there.Bill travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff got the football there.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Mary took the apple there.Jeff went to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Mary dropped the apple.Mary got the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.Bill got the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Fred moved to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill took the milk there.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred took the apple there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred left the apple.Bill put down the milk.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the office.Mary moved to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Bill went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred took the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the milk there.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary got the football there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred dropped the milk.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill dropped the apple.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary discarded the football.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred left the football.Mary picked up the football there.Mary passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Fred took the apple there.Fred put down the apple there.Bill travelled to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary handed the football to Bill.Fred discarded the apple.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill dropped the apple.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill picked up the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Fred went to the garden.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill gave the football to Mary.Bill went back to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Mary discarded the milk.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Fred put down the milk.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the garden.Fred took the football there.Fred dropped the football.Fred moved to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Bill got the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff took the football there.Jeff left the football.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff put down the football.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff dropped the football.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred put down the apple.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill moved to the office.Bill discarded the football.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Fred went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Fred left the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Mary discarded the football there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff took the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff put down the football.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Fred went to the office.Bill got the football there.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred took the apple there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred left the apple there.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary discarded the apple there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Jeff went back to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Fred went to the garden.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill left the apple.Mary took the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Mary went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary left the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Mary got the football there.Mary handed the football to Bill.Mary moved to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary got the football there.Mary went to the hallway.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill left the football.Bill picked up the football there.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary dropped the football.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Bill went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred put down the milk.Fred travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Bill dropped the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill left the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill dropped the football.Bill left the apple.Bill took the football there.Jeff moved to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Fred moved to the garden.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary put down the milk.Jeff took the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff put down the football there.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred left the football.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred discarded the apple.Jeff moved to the office.Fred left the milk.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill passed the football to Fred.Jeff got the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Mary discarded the apple.Bill got the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary took the football there.Mary left the football.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred took the football there.Mary travelled to the office.Mary took the milk there.Mary left the milk.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Jeff discarded the milk there.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill left the milk.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the office.Jeff went to the office.Bill went to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Fred went to the garden.Bill took the football there.Bill put down the football there.Mary took the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary left the milk.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred discarded the apple.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Jeff went to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff got the football there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff passed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff put down the milk.Bill took the apple there.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill left the apple.Bill took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill left the apple.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Bill dropped the apple.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred discarded the football there.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred got the football there.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred left the football.Fred took the football there.Fred discarded the football.Jeff went to the garden.Fred took the football there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred left the football.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred put down the apple.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Mary picked up the milk there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff got the milk there.Mary discarded the apple.Jeff left the milk.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff got the apple there.Mary left the milk.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary went to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Mary left the football there.Mary took the football there.Mary left the football.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary put down the football.Mary took the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Fred got the football there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the office.Fred got the football there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred dropped the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff took the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the football there.Bill got the milk there.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Fred went back to the garden.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff put down the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred took the apple there.Jeff went to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred discarded the apple.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Fred went to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Jeff got the football there.Jeff got the milk there.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Fred left the apple.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Jeff left the milk.Jeff gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Fred took the apple there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred left the apple.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Jeff moved to the office.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Fred went to the office.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Bill journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the office.Fred took the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary took the milk there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary dropped the apple.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Bill went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred put down the milk.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred put down the football.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred discarded the football there.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill left the apple there.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill got the football there.Bill discarded the apple there.Bill discarded the football.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff took the apple there.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill took the football there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill put down the football.Bill picked up the football there.Bill moved to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill discarded the football there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Bill journeyed to the office.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Mary went to the garden.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff dropped the football.Fred moved to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill took the football there.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Bill left the football.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill got the football there.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred left the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred dropped the football there.Mary travelled to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Mary took the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary left the apple.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Fred went to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Fred left the milk.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Bill went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary discarded the milk.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Mary put down the milk there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary took the milk there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill dropped the milk.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Fred moved to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Fred left the apple.Fred got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Fred left the apple.Jeff went to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred took the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Bill went back to the garden.Fred discarded the milk.Mary went to the hallway.Bill left the football.Bill took the football there.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary dropped the milk.Fred got the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill left the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the office.Mary left the milk.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill took the football there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary left the apple there.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred went to the hallway.Fred dropped the football there.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary grabbed the apple there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill went to the hallway.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff left the apple there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred dropped the football there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Bill put down the milk there.Bill got the milk there.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff got the apple there.Bill went to the hallway.Bill left the milk.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff put down the milk.Mary moved to the office.Mary got the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Bill got the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred dropped the apple there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill got the milk there.Mary moved to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill discarded the milk.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Fred moved to the office.Bill dropped the football.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill gave the football to Fred.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred grabbed the apple there.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill took the apple there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Fred took the milk there.Bill discarded the apple.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Bill went to the garden.Fred left the apple.Jeff put down the milk.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the office.Fred put down the apple.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff got the football there.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Jeff moved to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred went to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill discarded the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill discarded the apple.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the apple there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred dropped the football.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill went to the garden.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred took the football there.Fred put down the football.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Bill left the milk.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill left the milk there.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred discarded the milk.Fred took the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill travelled to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Bill put down the football.Bill dropped the milk.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill left the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff left the milk.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff put down the apple.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary put down the apple there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Jeff moved to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary took the apple there.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Bill went to the hallway.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Jeff left the football.Jeff got the football there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff left the football there.Jeff took the football there.Fred moved to the garden.Mary went to the office.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary discarded the football.Jeff left the apple.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Jeff put down the football.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Bill left the football.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill took the football there.Bill handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff got the football there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff put down the football.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary dropped the apple.Bill took the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the office.Bill got the apple there.Bill put down the apple there.Fred moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill left the apple.Fred went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff got the football there.Mary went to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff put down the football there.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff left the milk.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff left the football.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Mary moved to the office.Mary dropped the milk there.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary went back to the garden.Bill left the milk.Mary moved to the office.Bill took the milk there.Bill put down the milk there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred went to the hallway.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred passed the football to Bill.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff left the milk.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Bill got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill put down the apple.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred discarded the milk there.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Bill left the football.Bill took the football there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Bill picked up the football there.Bill discarded the football.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary gave the football to Bill.Fred took the milk there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.Fred put down the milk.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary picked up the football there.Mary took the apple there.Bill went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred moved to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary discarded the apple.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary gave the football to Bill.Mary dropped the milk.Fred went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill left the football.Fred went back to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill discarded the football.Fred went to the garden.Mary got the football there.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary gave the football to Bill.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the office.Bill took the football there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred got the apple there.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred took the apple there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Fred put down the apple.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill got the football there.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Bill left the football.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary dropped the apple.Bill went back to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff dropped the milk there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Fred got the milk there.Bill dropped the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary left the milk.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary discarded the football.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill took the apple there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the milk there.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary got the football there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred dropped the milk.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff took the football there.Bill took the apple there.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Mary went back to the hallway.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary put down the milk.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the garden.Mary put down the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary discarded the milk.Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred discarded the apple.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Fred left the apple.Bill left the milk.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff took the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff got the football there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff put down the football there.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary left the football.Mary picked up the football there.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary travelled to the office.Mary discarded the football.Mary got the football there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred got the football there.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred took the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary dropped the milk.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Mary discarded the milk there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary took the milk there.Bill moved to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went back to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred took the football there.Fred left the football.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went to the garden.Fred picked up the football there.Fred discarded the football.Mary went back to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Fred got the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred discarded the football.Fred took the football there.Fred dropped the football.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Bill went back to the office.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill took the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Mary travelled to the office.Fred moved to the office.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Mary took the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill dropped the apple there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary discarded the football.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary took the milk there.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Bill discarded the football.Mary discarded the milk.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred got the milk there.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Mary moved to the kitchen.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Mary went to the office.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred took the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff left the apple.Fred went to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Mary left the football.Mary got the football there.Mary left the football.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill dropped the football.Bill took the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Bill dropped the football.Mary got the apple there.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred put down the apple.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Mary went back to the garden.Fred left the milk there.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Mary discarded the apple.Bill got the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the office.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the milk.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Fred took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Fred put down the milk.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary left the apple.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary put down the football.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff put down the apple.Fred went back to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff discarded the milk there.Jeff dropped the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Mary dropped the football.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary picked up the football there.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary went to the office.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Jeff left the football.Jeff took the football there.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the garden.Mary went to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the hallway.Mary took the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary left the milk.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary took the apple there.Mary left the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Jeff handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary dropped the football.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff put down the football.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary took the milk there.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary dropped the milk.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Fred journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff put down the apple there.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Bill discarded the football there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff discarded the apple.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff got the apple there.Mary took the milk there.Mary discarded the milk there.Jeff discarded the apple.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary put down the milk.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred picked up the football there.Mary dropped the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred discarded the football.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff left the milk.Fred took the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff put down the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Mary got the football there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill put down the apple.Mary dropped the football.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary picked up the football there.Mary went to the garden.Mary put down the football.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Mary went to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Fred moved to the garden.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill discarded the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the garden.Bill left the milk.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill discarded the milk.Bill travelled to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Fred got the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff put down the football.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the football there.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff passed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill got the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Bill left the milk.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff left the milk.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill got the milk there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill left the milk.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Bill got the milk there.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill dropped the football.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred left the milk there.Bill took the football there.Bill got the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred left the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the garden.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff went to the garden.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Fred discarded the football.Fred picked up the football there.Bill discarded the apple.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff put down the football.Jeff took the football there.Jeff put down the football.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Mary left the milk.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred left the apple.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Fred put down the apple there.Bill took the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill dropped the milk.Mary went back to the office.Fred got the apple there.Bill took the milk there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill took the milk there.Fred put down the apple there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Jeff moved to the hallway.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the office.Mary went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill discarded the apple.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred dropped the apple.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Mary put down the milk there.Mary took the milk there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary put down the milk.Mary got the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred moved to the office.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Mary took the apple there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill picked up the football there.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Mary dropped the apple there.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Mary moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred took the apple there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Fred put down the apple.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Mary got the football there.Mary put down the football.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill took the milk there.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the garden.Mary passed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Fred went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred dropped the milk.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff left the apple there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the football there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Bill discarded the football.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred left the milk.Bill got the football there.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred got the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the football there.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk there.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill left the football.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill took the football there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the football to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Mary went to the office.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple.Fred travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill dropped the apple.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary took the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Bill dropped the apple.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill took the football there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff discarded the football there.Mary took the apple there.Mary dropped the apple there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred got the milk there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff took the football there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred put down the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary travelled to the office.Fred went back to the office.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred put down the milk there.Jeff dropped the football.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Mary went to the office.Mary put down the football there.Fred went to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill put down the apple there.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill got the apple there.Bill left the apple.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Bill went to the garden.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred went to the hallway.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary took the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill picked up the football there.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill put down the football.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary got the football there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff dropped the football.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff took the football there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the football.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Bill travelled to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary put down the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary got the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Mary took the football there.Mary dropped the football.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred picked up the football there.Fred discarded the football.Mary took the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Mary went to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary got the apple there.Fred got the milk there.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Fred put down the milk.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill left the football.Bill took the football there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill dropped the football.Jeff got the apple there.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill left the football there.Bill picked up the football there.Bill dropped the football.Fred got the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill dropped the football.Jeff went to the garden.Fred discarded the apple.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary put down the milk there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill discarded the milk.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred discarded the apple.Bill went back to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Fred discarded the apple.Bill got the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill left the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill left the milk.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill discarded the football.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff took the milk there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill put down the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill left the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff got the milk there.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff got the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Jeff dropped the football there.Bill took the football there.Mary went back to the office.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff put down the apple there.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill left the football there.Jeff put down the apple.Mary went to the hallway.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary got the apple there.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff put down the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Jeff went back to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Mary took the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Jeff took the football there.Bill got the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred took the football there.Jeff moved to the office.Fred discarded the football.Mary got the apple there.Mary left the apple.Fred moved to the office.Mary got the apple there.Jeff went to the garden.Mary dropped the apple.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary discarded the apple.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill put down the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk there.Jeff got the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Bill left the football.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill moved to the office.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff gave the football to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Bill moved to the garden.Mary passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred passed the football to Bill.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Bill gave the football to Fred.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Fred moved to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred went to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Fred took the football there.Mary put down the milk.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred discarded the football.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred discarded the football.Fred got the milk there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred dropped the apple.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Mary went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred gave the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill got the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Jeff went to the office.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill dropped the milk.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred passed the football to Mary.Jeff went back to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Jeff got the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple.Mary took the milk there.Mary left the milk.Fred moved to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff got the football there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Jeff put down the milk there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Fred left the milk.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill got the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill put down the milk.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill went to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Mary discarded the football.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred got the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill put down the milk.Jeff got the football there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred went to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill dropped the apple there.Bill took the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill dropped the apple.Bill got the milk there.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Fred went to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill took the milk there.Mary went back to the garden.Bill left the milk.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill dropped the milk.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff put down the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill went to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary picked up the milk there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff took the football there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill took the apple there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple.Mary picked up the apple there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Fred went back to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill got the football there.Bill discarded the apple there.Bill went to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Bill.Fred went to the garden.Fred picked up the apple there.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff got the apple there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill travelled to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff dropped the apple there.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary put down the football.Mary picked up the football there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary discarded the football.Bill got the milk there.Mary took the football there.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Bill journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred discarded the apple there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill discarded the milk.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff took the milk there.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff put down the football.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary went to the office.Bill went back to the office.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill put down the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary left the apple.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Fred moved to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Jeff put down the football.Jeff took the football there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill discarded the milk there.Jeff put down the apple there.Jeff went back to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Mary picked up the football there.Bill moved to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred went to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred took the football there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred dropped the football.Mary picked up the football there.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Mary moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill went to the hallway.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary got the apple there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred discarded the apple.Mary travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Mary took the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill dropped the apple there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Fred travelled to the office.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff left the apple there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred dropped the football there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Bill put down the milk there.Bill got the milk there.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff got the apple there.Bill went to the hallway.Bill left the milk.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary took the football there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Jeff went to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary got the football there.Mary left the football.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred dropped the milk there.Mary left the football.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the milk there.Mary put down the football.Fred put down the milk.Fred took the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the garden.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Jeff left the apple.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Bill discarded the football.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary got the apple there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Jeff went to the garden.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill got the milk there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred dropped the apple.Fred took the apple there.Fred discarded the apple.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Jeff went to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Fred picked up the football there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred dropped the football.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred dropped the football there.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Bill left the football.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred went to the office.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Mary went back to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred took the apple there.Bill travelled to the office.Fred discarded the apple there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill put down the apple.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff left the milk.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff left the apple.Fred moved to the office.Mary went to the office.Mary got the milk there.Jeff put down the football.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff went to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Mary discarded the milk.Mary took the milk there.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff put down the milk there.Jeff got the milk there.Bill went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff went to the office.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary discarded the football.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff put down the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Mary went to the office.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff took the football there.Jeff put down the football there.Fred went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Mary went to the office.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Bill went to the office.Jeff discarded the football.Bill put down the milk.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Jeff put down the football there.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went back to the office.Fred went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Fred dropped the football there.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Mary got the football there.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary put down the football.Fred went back to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Bill went back to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred got the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary dropped the milk.Bill got the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Fred moved to the office.Mary discarded the milk.Mary went back to the office.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the office.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the office.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Bill went to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill discarded the milk.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill dropped the milk.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff left the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Bill picked up the football there.Mary went back to the office.Fred left the milk there.Jeff took the milk there.Bill went to the office.Jeff went to the office.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill discarded the football.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Fred went to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Mary went back to the garden.Fred left the milk there.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred left the football.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Mary went back to the office.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the football there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred took the football there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred picked up the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred discarded the football.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff discarded the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill put down the apple.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Bill travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill put down the apple.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill took the apple there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Bill dropped the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred put down the football.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Jeff got the apple there.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill took the milk there.Bill moved to the office.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill discarded the milk.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill left the apple.Fred put down the football.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred discarded the football.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Bill journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary went to the hallway.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Jeff went back to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Mary travelled to the office.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred took the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the office.Bill took the football there.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff dropped the football.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff dropped the football.Mary took the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred took the football there.Bill went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Mary went to the office.Bill went back to the office.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Bill went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Mary picked up the apple there.Fred discarded the football.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary put down the apple.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill got the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary went back to the office.Mary left the milk.Mary took the football there.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Jeff moved to the office.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Fred got the milk there.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Fred put down the milk.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the hallway.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill got the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Bill left the milk.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill took the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill left the apple.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred took the milk there.Mary went to the hallway.Fred dropped the milk.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill took the apple there.Fred moved to the garden.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred went back to the office.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Mary.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary dropped the milk there.Fred went back to the office.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary got the football there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary dropped the milk there.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Mary took the milk there.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary discarded the milk.Fred went to the garden.Jeff left the football.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary dropped the football.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary put down the milk.Mary took the milk there.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary dropped the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Jeff discarded the milk.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Bill moved to the office.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill left the football.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary put down the milk.Fred went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Mary dropped the milk there.Mary went to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred left the milk.Mary went back to the garden.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Bill left the apple.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the football there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary dropped the football there.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff took the milk there.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the milk.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Mary dropped the football.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff took the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff dropped the apple there.Jeff went to the office.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Mary travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Mary took the football there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary put down the football there.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Bill moved to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Mary dropped the football there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary took the football there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary picked up the football there.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Fred left the apple.Fred got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Fred left the apple.Jeff went to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill got the apple there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred took the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.Bill picked up the football there.Bill went back to the garden.Fred discarded the milk.Mary went to the hallway.Bill left the football.Bill took the football there.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Bill put down the football.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Jeff went to the office.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Bill left the milk there.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Bill took the milk there.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff put down the apple.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Mary went to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill went to the garden.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Jeff got the milk there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff took the milk there.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred left the apple there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary got the football there.Mary travelled to the office.Mary discarded the football.Fred got the football there.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Mary got the apple there.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill dropped the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill moved to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Bill put down the apple.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill got the football there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill put down the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the garden.Jeff took the football there.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Jeff went back to the office.Mary took the apple there.Bill went to the garden.Fred dropped the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary discarded the apple.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary got the milk there.Jeff moved to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary dropped the milk there.Mary took the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred discarded the milk.Mary travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary discarded the apple.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill discarded the apple.Jeff journeyed to the garden.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary left the milk there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Mary went to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill took the milk there.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill put down the milk.Bill went back to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff left the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff dropped the football.Jeff dropped the apple.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the apple.Jeff took the football there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Fred went to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred picked up the football there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Fred dropped the football there.Jeff got the football there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff left the football there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Mary went to the hallway.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff passed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Fred got the football there.Fred put down the football.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff took the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff left the apple.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff got the apple there.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary went to the bathroom.Mary left the milk there.Mary got the milk there.Mary dropped the milk there.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff put down the apple.Bill discarded the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Bill discarded the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill took the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff went back to the office.Mary put down the apple there.Bill discarded the football.Jeff put down the milk.Jeff took the milk there.Bill took the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff discarded the milk.Mary got the football there.Bill went to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Jeff got the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff left the milk.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary put down the apple there.Jeff dropped the milk there.Mary dropped the football.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff got the milk there.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill went to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill got the milk there.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary got the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary discarded the football.Bill moved to the office.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill took the football there.Jeff took the milk there.Bill put down the football.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff dropped the milk.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Mary discarded the apple.Bill took the football there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill put down the football.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill got the apple there.Bill discarded the apple.Bill took the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill took the football there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill discarded the football.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Bill went to the office.Bill put down the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Mary went to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Fred put down the apple there.Fred got the apple there.Bill went to the garden.Bill discarded the milk.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Mary left the football there.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill discarded the apple.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff got the football there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff put down the apple.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary discarded the football.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary got the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary discarded the football.Mary got the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill dropped the milk.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill went to the garden.Jeff dropped the football.Bill passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred put down the milk.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Jeff went to the office.Mary put down the apple.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary left the milk.Bill moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Mary put down the football.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Mary travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Fred discarded the apple.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill discarded the milk.Fred travelled to the office.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Fred took the milk there.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred put down the apple.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff put down the apple.Fred put down the milk.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred discarded the football.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary took the football there.Mary got the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary handed the football to Fred.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Fred left the football.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Fred travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred took the football there.Mary travelled to the office.Mary took the milk there.Mary left the milk.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Jeff discarded the milk there.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill took the football there.Bill put down the football.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary discarded the milk there.Bill took the football there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred discarded the apple there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill put down the football.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff took the milk there.Fred left the apple there.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill picked up the football there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Mary went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went to the office.Bill got the football there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary got the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary dropped the apple.Mary got the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.Mary got the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary left the apple.Jeff moved to the office.Fred moved to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary grabbed the football there.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Bill went back to the office.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Bill left the milk.Fred got the apple there.Fred got the milk there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Bill grabbed the football there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill took the milk there.Bill got the football there.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Bill passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff put down the milk there.Jeff got the milk there.Bill went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff went to the office.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary discarded the football.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill discarded the milk.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff put down the apple there.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Bill went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred put down the milk.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff dropped the football.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the office.Fred went to the garden.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Bill went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred put down the milk there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Bill discarded the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill discarded the football there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Mary went to the garden.Bill took the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary put down the apple.Fred left the milk.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the hallway.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill dropped the football.Bill went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff took the apple there.Mary travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred got the football there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the garden.Fred passed the football to Bill.Mary left the milk there.Mary got the milk there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill put down the football there.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary put down the milk.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary discarded the milk.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the office.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred put down the milk.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.Jeff went to the office.Mary put down the apple.Jeff moved to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Mary discarded the milk.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Mary took the football there.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary got the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary discarded the football.Bill moved to the office.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill took the football there.Jeff took the milk there.Bill put down the football.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff dropped the milk.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Mary discarded the apple.Bill took the football there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill put down the football.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill picked up the football there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Bill got the milk there.Bill left the milk.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Bill discarded the football.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill picked up the football there.Bill left the football.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill left the milk there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill discarded the milk.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the garden.Mary discarded the football.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Fred went to the garden.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred dropped the milk there.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred got the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff left the football.Fred discarded the milk.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Fred moved to the office.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Fred took the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill left the apple.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Bill moved to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Fred left the football.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill went to the office.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the office.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill gave the football to Fred.Bill discarded the milk.Mary journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Fred left the milk.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred got the milk there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred put down the milk there.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Bill took the apple there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went back to the office.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff left the apple.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff got the apple there.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went to the garden.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred took the milk there.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred got the milk there.Mary moved to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred dropped the milk there.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the office.Jeff went to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Mary left the football.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary journeyed to the garden.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the office.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary dropped the milk.Fred went to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill moved to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred got the football there.Bill put down the apple.Bill took the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple.Fred dropped the football.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill discarded the milk there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill got the apple there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred took the football there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill put down the milk.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary dropped the apple.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary put down the milk.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Jeff got the football there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Jeff went back to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Jeff got the milk there.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff discarded the milk.Bill took the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff took the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Mary discarded the apple.Jeff took the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Jeff discarded the football.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary left the apple.Mary got the apple there.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff went to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary left the apple there.Bill picked up the football there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill left the football.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill dropped the football there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill got the milk there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill dropped the milk.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Bill moved to the office.Mary left the football.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Mary handed the football to Fred.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred put down the football.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill left the apple.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Fred took the football there.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred got the football there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred handed the football to Bill.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill gave the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred discarded the football there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Fred moved to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill discarded the apple.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill took the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred got the milk there.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Mary went to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred put down the milk.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Bill gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Fred got the milk there.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Fred put down the milk.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred picked up the milk there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill took the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Fred left the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred left the milk there.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred put down the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went to the hallway.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred left the milk.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred got the football there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred put down the football.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill travelled to the office.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred discarded the football there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred took the football there.Fred put down the football.Jeff went to the garden.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Fred took the football there.Fred dropped the football.Bill grabbed the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill went back to the bedroom.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill took the milk there.Jeff went to the garden.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill put down the apple.Jeff went to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill got the football there.Mary got the milk there.Mary left the milk.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Jeff went to the office.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill left the football.Jeff went to the hallway.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the milk.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the office.Jeff went to the garden.Bill left the apple.Mary travelled to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill moved to the garden.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary went to the hallway.Mary left the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred got the apple there.Fred left the apple.Fred took the apple there.Bill got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill discarded the milk.Fred discarded the apple.Bill moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Bill moved to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff put down the milk there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill put down the apple.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Fred give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Bill went to the garden.Fred went to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill left the milk.Mary travelled to the office.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff discarded the football.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill left the milk.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Mary discarded the milk.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff got the football there.Fred went to the office.Jeff put down the football there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the football there.Jeff dropped the football there.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary took the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Jeff moved to the office.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff got the apple there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill travelled to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff dropped the apple there.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary put down the football.Mary picked up the football there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary discarded the football.Bill got the milk there.Mary took the football there.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Mary left the football.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill left the milk.Bill moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Fred went to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Fred left the milk.Fred got the milk there.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary went to the office.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff left the football.Mary moved to the office.Bill got the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Jeff got the football there.Bill discarded the milk.Bill got the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the milk there.Fred left the milk.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill travelled to the office.Mary discarded the apple.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff went back to the office.Bill dropped the milk.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill got the apple there.Bill put down the apple there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill put down the football.Mary took the football there.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary took the football there.Bill went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary put down the football there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff discarded the football.Bill went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred left the apple.Jeff discarded the football.Mary got the milk there.Jeff got the apple there.Bill picked up the football there.Mary left the milk.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Mary went to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff passed the football to Bill.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill took the football there.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Fred dropped the apple.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Mary took the apple there.Fred moved to the garden.Mary put down the apple.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary took the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Bill moved to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary dropped the apple.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary put down the milk.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Jeff got the football there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary put down the football.Fred went back to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff left the apple there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary got the apple there.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred left the apple there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Bill dropped the football.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff took the apple there.Bill left the football.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the milk there.Mary took the apple there.Fred put down the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary dropped the apple.Bill took the apple there.Bill went to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred went back to the office.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill put down the apple.Bill took the apple there.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary discarded the apple.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff left the football there.Fred went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary got the football there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary handed the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.Mary moved to the garden.Mary put down the football.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred discarded the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff left the football there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred took the milk there.Jeff left the football.Jeff moved to the office.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Mary went back to the garden.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill moved to the garden.Fred dropped the milk.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the office.Bill left the football.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Bill left the football.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Fred moved to the garden.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Fred put down the milk.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred got the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff dropped the football there.Fred handed the milk to Jeff.Fred went back to the office.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred dropped the milk.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Fred went to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Bill took the apple there.Bill got the milk there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary dropped the football there.Fred moved to the garden.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary got the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill got the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary discarded the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Bill put down the football.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Jeff got the milk there.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the garden.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple.Mary took the milk there.Mary left the milk.Fred moved to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary discarded the milk.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Bill moved to the office.Bill got the milk there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Bill dropped the milk there.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred discarded the apple there.Fred went back to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the garden.Bill took the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred grabbed the football there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Fred dropped the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Fred got the milk there.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred discarded the milk.Fred picked up the milk there.Jeff went to the garden.Mary moved to the garden.Fred put down the milk there.Fred got the milk there.Mary took the apple there.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Fred put down the milk there.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Jeff got the football there.Jeff got the milk there.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary got the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred dropped the apple there.Bill went to the garden.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary took the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Fred give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff dropped the apple.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred moved to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary went back to the office.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred left the milk.Fred took the milk there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred handed the football to Bill.Bill left the football.Fred took the football there.Fred moved to the kitchen.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill went to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill put down the milk.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the office.Bill got the milk there.Bill put down the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Fred took the apple there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred left the apple.Fred took the apple there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary took the milk there.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill passed the football to Jeff.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the football to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff discarded the apple.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill left the apple.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the office.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred got the football there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred discarded the football.Bill went to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred picked up the football there.Fred put down the football there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred discarded the apple.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred picked up the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Fred dropped the apple.Bill dropped the milk.Bill took the milk there.Bill dropped the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred discarded the apple.Bill went to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Fred went to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill picked up the milk there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill dropped the milk there.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff got the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the hallway.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk.Jeff took the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff put down the milk.Fred went to the garden.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary put down the apple there.Fred went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred dropped the apple.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the office.Mary got the apple there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff left the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Fred put down the apple there.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Bill discarded the milk there.Fred went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Fred moved to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill discarded the apple.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff took the football there.Mary went to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Fred grabbed the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill moved to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred took the football there.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill left the milk.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff got the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the office.Bill went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill got the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Fred discarded the milk.Bill left the football.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred handed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the office.Fred got the football there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred dropped the football there.Mary moved to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary got the football there.Mary left the football.Fred went to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Mary travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Bill went to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Mary journeyed to the garden.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill went back to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the office.Fred moved to the office.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff got the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Mary took the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary went to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred discarded the milk.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the office.Fred put down the apple.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff took the football there.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Fred got the apple there.Jeff left the football.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred left the apple.Mary picked up the football there.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill took the football there.Bill left the football there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff discarded the milk.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred took the milk there.Mary moved to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Fred took the football there.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred put down the football.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Fred grabbed the football there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred put down the milk there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Bill went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Mary went to the garden.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Mary travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Fred went to the office.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Bill took the apple there.Bill got the milk there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary dropped the football there.Fred moved to the garden.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff dropped the football.Mary got the football there.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill passed the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Bill went to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Mary picked up the football there.Mary handed the football to Fred.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred went to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary got the milk there.Fred took the apple there.Fred took the football there.Mary put down the milk.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred discarded the football.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred discarded the football.Fred got the milk there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred dropped the apple.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Mary went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred gave the football to Bill.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went to the office.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff put down the football.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Mary moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff left the milk.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff left the milk.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Bill went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff took the football there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary got the football there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff dropped the football.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff took the football there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff dropped the football.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Bill travelled to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the office.Jeff went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary put down the apple there.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary got the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill left the apple.Bill travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary left the apple.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred went to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary passed the apple to Bill.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary discarded the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Fred discarded the apple.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill discarded the milk.Fred travelled to the office.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Fred took the milk there.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Fred put down the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill took the apple there.Bill put down the apple.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred moved to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary went to the office.Mary discarded the milk there.Bill went back to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill left the apple.Fred went back to the garden.Bill took the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Bill.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred passed the milk to Jeff.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Bill moved to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary took the milk there.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary put down the milk.Mary took the milk there.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary left the milk.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary went to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary left the football there.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff went to the office.Mary left the football there.Fred picked up the milk there.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Mary left the milk.Fred went back to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary grabbed the milk there.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary put down the milk.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Fred took the milk there.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Bill went to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the office.Mary went to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Mary went back to the office.Jeff left the milk.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went to the office.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred put down the apple.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff dropped the football.Mary handed the milk to Jeff.Jeff moved to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Mary give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill discarded the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary left the milk there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill got the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill discarded the apple.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Fred took the football there.Fred dropped the football.Fred discarded the apple.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Jeff picked up the apple there.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred dropped the milk.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the office.Jeff gave the milk to Bill.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill got the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the hallway.Fred picked up the football there.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary discarded the milk.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Mary dropped the milk there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Mary dropped the milk.Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill travelled to the garden.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the garden.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill took the apple there.Bill went back to the office.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill left the apple.Jeff travelled to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred dropped the football.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Fred picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred left the football there.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff discarded the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Mary picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff travelled to the garden.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary left the apple.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill grabbed the apple there.Bill discarded the apple there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Jeff got the football there.Bill moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Jeff left the football.Fred travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary left the milk.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Mary took the football there.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill gave the football to Mary.Bill put down the milk.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary discarded the football there.", "question": "Who did Bill give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went back to the office.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff left the football.Mary moved to the office.Mary took the football there.Mary dropped the football.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill dropped the apple.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Jeff went to the garden.Fred gave the apple to Mary.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill got the apple there.Bill got the milk there.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary went to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill put down the apple.Bill left the milk there.Fred travelled to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Fred went to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred put down the apple.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary got the milk there.Jeff took the football there.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill passed the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill gave the milk to Fred.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff took the football there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff went to the office.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred went to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Bill went to the hallway.Fred went back to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Bill discarded the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill discarded the apple.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill took the apple there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the hallway.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred dropped the football.Jeff dropped the apple.Bill went to the garden.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred took the football there.Fred put down the football.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the office.Bill moved to the garden.Mary took the milk there.Mary discarded the milk.Mary moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill handed the football to Fred.Bill went back to the bathroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred dropped the football.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill went to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Mary took the apple there.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary handed the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred went to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary took the football there.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred left the football.Jeff travelled to the office.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Bill got the milk there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Jeff? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred took the football there.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Fred handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Fred.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Fred went back to the garden.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Jeff journeyed to the office.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary passed the football to Bill.Bill discarded the football.Mary journeyed to the garden.Bill got the football there.Bill went back to the bedroom.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred went to the garden.Bill passed the apple to Jeff.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff got the apple there.Mary went back to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Fred.Bill went back to the garden.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the garden.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Fred moved to the hallway.", "question": "Who gave the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill discarded the milk.Bill went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred took the apple there.Fred gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Jeff discarded the apple.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill took the football there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Bill got the milk there.Bill left the milk.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff put down the football.Jeff took the football there.Jeff discarded the football.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill went to the office.Bill got the milk there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill put down the milk.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff dropped the apple.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill discarded the milk.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the office.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Jeff put down the football there.Fred gave the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff travelled to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff took the football there.Mary went to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff passed the milk to Fred.Fred went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Mary took the apple there.Jeff took the football there.Mary put down the apple there.Fred went to the garden.Fred handed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Fred.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the milk there.Fred went back to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred discarded the milk.Bill went to the hallway.Fred got the milk there.Bill went to the office.Bill moved to the bedroom.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Fred give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Fred handed the football to Mary.Jeff got the milk there.Mary gave the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the football to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill went to the office.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill put down the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred picked up the football there.Fred gave the football to Bill.Bill discarded the football.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff grabbed the football there.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill handed the apple to Jeff.Mary journeyed to the office.Jeff went back to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred went to the garden.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary took the football there.Mary took the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill moved to the office.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Mary put down the football there.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred went back to the hallway.Jeff dropped the football.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple.Bill got the milk there.Bill handed the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the garden.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff put down the milk.Fred moved to the office.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the garden.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff put down the milk.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Bill went back to the garden.Fred left the apple.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred put down the football.Fred took the football there.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the garden.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Bill went to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary went to the office.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary went to the office.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill took the milk there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary got the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary discarded the apple.Bill gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the garden.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the garden.Bill grabbed the football there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred travelled to the garden.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Bill discarded the football there.Bill got the milk there.Bill went to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the bedroom.Bill went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff got the football there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Fred got the milk there.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Bill handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Mary went to the hallway.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill moved to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Mary went back to the bedroom.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.Fred put down the milk.Jeff left the football.Mary gave the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Mary discarded the apple there.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Jeff took the apple there.Mary passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary took the apple there.Bill went to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary left the apple.Bill went to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Fred picked up the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Bill travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the apple there.Fred moved to the bathroom.Jeff put down the apple there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Mary got the milk there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff handed the apple to Bill.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill put down the apple.Bill went to the garden.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bedroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff got the milk there.Fred travelled to the garden.Fred gave the football to Bill.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff dropped the milk.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill picked up the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Jeff.", "question": "What did Bill give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill got the football there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Bill gave the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill discarded the football.Mary travelled to the bathroom.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Mary picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Mary left the milk.Mary went back to the bedroom.Mary went back to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary went to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the office.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred put down the milk.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary discarded the football.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary handed the football to Jeff.Bill moved to the garden.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Bill.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill took the apple there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary passed the apple to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff left the milk there.Mary moved to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary left the football there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff put down the milk.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Bill left the milk.Mary got the football there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary put down the football.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred put down the football there.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred discarded the football.Mary took the milk there.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Jeff took the football there.Bill discarded the milk there.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff dropped the football there.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill gave the milk to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred went back to the hallway.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff gave the football to Fred.Fred went back to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred left the football there.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Fred grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred handed the apple to Bill.Jeff moved to the office.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill got the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Bill went to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the office.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred got the apple there.Fred took the football there.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred dropped the apple.Fred left the football.Mary went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary put down the milk.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff discarded the milk.Mary moved to the bedroom.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff moved to the office.Mary went to the office.Jeff left the milk.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill travelled to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff left the milk there.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Jeff put down the milk.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Bill went to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary got the milk there.Mary picked up the football there.Mary handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff took the milk there.Mary travelled to the office.Bill grabbed the apple there.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill dropped the apple.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff got the football there.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff dropped the football.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the football there.Fred went back to the office.Jeff put down the football.Jeff went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred went back to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff dropped the milk.Bill went back to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Fred give to Jeff? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the garden.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary took the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill went to the kitchen.Fred put down the football.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary put down the milk.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary passed the milk to Fred.Fred left the milk there.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Mary.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went to the garden.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff left the apple.Bill took the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill got the milk there.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Bill put down the milk.Bill got the milk there.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill dropped the football.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Mary took the apple there.Fred travelled to the hallway.Mary passed the apple to Jeff.Mary went back to the office.Jeff left the apple.Bill travelled to the hallway.Jeff got the apple there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred picked up the football there.Fred discarded the football.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Mary went back to the garden.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary picked up the apple there.Mary discarded the apple.Mary took the apple there.Bill went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary discarded the apple there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred dropped the football.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Bill travelled to the office.Bill got the football there.Bill dropped the football.Fred got the football there.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred passed the football to Bill.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred moved to the hallway.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred went to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the garden.Fred picked up the football there.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred put down the football.Fred went to the office.Jeff went to the office.Bill went back to the office.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill went to the garden.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff dropped the football.Mary grabbed the football there.Jeff left the apple.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary handed the apple to Bill.Mary travelled to the hallway.Bill gave the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Bill give the apple to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred put down the apple.Jeff went to the hallway.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill got the apple there.Bill gave the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Fred.Mary got the milk there.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Fred? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Mary went back to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went back to the kitchen.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill moved to the garden.Mary got the football there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Mary handed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the garden.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the hallway.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred gave the apple to Bill.Mary grabbed the milk there.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Fred moved to the hallway.Fred travelled to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Bill went to the office.Jeff took the football there.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Fred went back to the office.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff left the football.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff took the football there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary gave the football to Bill.Bill left the football.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff went to the office.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the garden.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Bill got the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary got the football there.Bill took the apple there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the kitchen.Bill handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred went to the hallway.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Jeff went back to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Fred moved to the office.Bill went to the garden.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred picked up the milk there.Fred discarded the milk.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred got the football there.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred gave the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Mary.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went back to the bathroom.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Fred got the milk there.Fred handed the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Fred give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred went to the office.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred travelled to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the kitchen.Bill went to the office.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Bill went to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary got the apple there.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the kitchen.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Mary discarded the apple.Fred went to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary went to the kitchen.Bill went back to the office.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Mary travelled to the garden.Mary took the football there.Mary put down the football.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred took the milk there.Jeff picked up the football there.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary handed the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the office.Fred took the football there.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred discarded the football.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Mary went to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Bill went to the office.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff put down the apple there.Mary picked up the apple there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary grabbed the apple there.Fred took the milk there.Fred left the milk.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred picked up the football there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Bill travelled to the hallway.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Mary travelled to the office.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Mary went to the bedroom.Fred went to the office.Mary gave the apple to Jeff.Fred put down the milk.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Bill moved to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Bill went back to the bathroom.Fred went to the office.Bill travelled to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff got the football there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the hallway.Jeff put down the football.Mary went to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill left the apple.Jeff went to the bedroom.Jeff gave the milk to Fred.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred discarded the milk there.Bill went back to the office.Jeff got the football there.Fred went back to the office.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff passed the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football to Fred? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the garden.Fred got the apple there.Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred put down the apple there.Bill picked up the football there.Bill moved to the garden.Bill dropped the football.Fred grabbed the apple there.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the office.Fred discarded the apple.Bill dropped the football.Bill went to the kitchen.Mary went to the hallway.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary went to the garden.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary dropped the milk.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Mary went back to the office.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff got the football there.Bill travelled to the garden.Jeff left the football there.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the garden.Fred went back to the office.Mary got the football there.Mary gave the football to Jeff.Bill went to the garden.Jeff passed the football to Mary.Bill travelled to the office.Bill moved to the garden.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the football to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the kitchen.Mary journeyed to the garden.Mary picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary discarded the football.Bill travelled to the hallway.Mary got the football there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary gave the football to Bill.Fred journeyed to the garden.Bill handed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Fred picked up the apple there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary handed the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the office.Mary dropped the apple there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the office.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Mary went to the kitchen.Mary moved to the hallway.Bill got the milk there.Bill put down the milk.Bill took the football there.Bill dropped the football.Mary went to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Bill got the football there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Fred got the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Bill left the football there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Jeff passed the apple to Mary.Mary went back to the office.Mary put down the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the kitchen.Bill grabbed the milk there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bedroom.Jeff discarded the apple.Bill discarded the milk.Bill grabbed the milk there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill went to the garden.Bill left the milk.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Fred moved to the kitchen.Jeff went to the garden.Mary took the apple there.Fred went to the bathroom.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill grabbed the milk there.Bill discarded the milk.Bill travelled to the office.Fred went back to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred dropped the apple there.Mary took the apple there.Mary put down the football.Mary gave the apple to Fred.Fred handed the apple to Mary.Mary passed the apple to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the kitchen.Fred took the football there.Jeff went to the bathroom.Fred gave the football to Jeff.Jeff passed the football to Fred.Fred gave the football to Jeff.", "question": "Who did Fred give the football to? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Bill went to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Mary grabbed the apple there.Mary dropped the apple there.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the garden.Mary got the milk there.Mary put down the milk.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went to the office.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred got the milk there.Fred journeyed to the bedroom.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Mary.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Fred went to the kitchen.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill discarded the milk.", "question": "Who did Mary give the milk to? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the hallway.Bill went back to the bathroom.Bill picked up the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Fred.Fred went to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Fred put down the apple.Fred went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill took the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the kitchen.Mary moved to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the office.Bill went back to the office.Mary went back to the bathroom.Jeff went to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Fred went back to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred handed the apple to Jeff.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Jeff? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill went to the office.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the garden.Bill grabbed the football there.Bill took the milk there.Bill moved to the kitchen.Bill dropped the milk there.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill left the milk there.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill picked up the milk there.Mary went to the bedroom.Bill travelled to the hallway.Bill put down the milk.Bill gave the football to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Mary went back to the office.Jeff took the milk there.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff handed the milk to Mary.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff passed the milk to Mary.Bill went back to the kitchen.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the garden.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary journeyed to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the office.Fred travelled to the office.Bill moved to the office.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bathroom.Bill went back to the kitchen.Fred journeyed to the office.Bill got the milk there.Bill grabbed the football there.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Bill.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill handed the football to Fred.Fred handed the football to Bill.", "question": "Who received the football? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Fred took the football there.Fred put down the football.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred moved to the bedroom.Fred put down the football there.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff left the milk.Fred grabbed the apple there.Fred dropped the apple.Bill went back to the bathroom.Jeff picked up the milk there.Jeff handed the milk to Bill.Mary moved to the office.Fred grabbed the football there.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred grabbed the milk there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred went back to the bathroom.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred discarded the milk.Mary went back to the office.Bill took the football there.Mary took the apple there.Bill discarded the football.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill moved to the bedroom.Mary passed the apple to Fred.Fred gave the apple to Mary.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Mary? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary picked up the football there.Jeff got the milk there.Jeff dropped the milk there.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill moved to the hallway.Mary dropped the football there.Jeff travelled to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the office.Mary moved to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred moved to the office.Bill travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Bill went to the garden.Bill went back to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Fred got the football there.Fred discarded the football.Mary went to the office.Fred went back to the garden.Fred moved to the bathroom.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred grabbed the milk there.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the garden.Mary went to the bathroom.Fred left the milk.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the garden.Bill travelled to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Mary travelled to the hallway.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred went to the hallway.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff went to the bedroom.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred went to the office.Fred went to the hallway.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill moved to the office.Fred discarded the football there.", "question": "Who gave the milk to Bill? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff picked up the apple there.Jeff put down the apple.Jeff went to the hallway.Jeff handed the milk to Fred.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Jeff discarded the milk.Jeff went back to the office.Fred took the milk there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Mary travelled to the office.Fred left the milk.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred picked up the football there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Fred discarded the football.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill got the football there.Bill passed the football to Fred.Fred left the football there.Fred got the football there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Fred? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the bathroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary left the milk there.Jeff went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Mary journeyed to the office.Bill got the apple there.Bill handed the apple to Mary.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Mary gave the apple to Bill.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff went back to the hallway.Jeff discarded the milk.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Fred got the milk there.Fred went to the office.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the garden.Mary grabbed the football there.Fred went to the office.Fred picked up the apple there.Mary went to the hallway.Mary left the football there.Fred went to the hallway.Bill moved to the kitchen.Fred left the milk.Fred left the apple.Fred picked up the football there.Fred put down the football.Bill went back to the hallway.Fred travelled to the office.Mary got the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the football there.Jeff moved to the garden.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff went back to the office.Mary went to the bathroom.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bathroom.Mary moved to the bedroom.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill moved to the kitchen.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Mary went to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred moved to the hallway.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill discarded the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple to Bill? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Bill went to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Jeff took the milk there.Jeff put down the milk.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Jeff journeyed to the office.Fred went to the kitchen.Fred got the milk there.Fred went back to the garden.Bill travelled to the garden.Bill travelled to the office.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Bill moved to the garden.Fred dropped the milk.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred moved to the garden.Fred grabbed the football there.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.Fred put down the football.Mary moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.Fred picked up the football there.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the office.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Jeff went back to the hallway.Mary grabbed the milk there.Jeff moved to the bathroom.Bill went to the garden.Fred handed the football to Jeff.Jeff put down the football.Jeff got the football there.Mary picked up the apple there.Mary discarded the apple there.Fred went to the office.Mary put down the milk.Mary went to the hallway.Fred went to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Fred moved to the hallway.Mary travelled to the garden.Jeff discarded the football.Bill went back to the office.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Bill left the apple.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff went to the office.Bill went to the garden.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff grabbed the apple there.Mary went to the bathroom.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary took the football there.Jeff went to the kitchen.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff passed the apple to Fred.Fred passed the apple to Jeff.Jeff handed the apple to Fred.Bill moved to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Jeff give the apple to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Mary went back to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary got the milk there.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill passed the milk to Mary.Jeff moved to the kitchen.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Bill took the football there.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Bill discarded the milk.Jeff took the apple there.Fred got the milk there.Bill handed the football to Mary.Mary travelled to the hallway.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Jeff moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the office.Bill went to the bedroom.Fred went to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff got the apple there.Jeff gave the apple to Bill.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Jeff took the football there.Jeff went back to the garden.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Bill handed the apple to Fred.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Bill"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff went back to the office.Fred took the milk there.Mary journeyed to the bathroom.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the office.Jeff took the apple there.Fred put down the milk.Jeff handed the apple to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff picked up the milk there.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Mary went to the garden.Jeff gave the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Jeff.Bill got the football there.", "question": "Who received the milk? ", "target": "Jeff"}, {"input": "Jeff grabbed the milk there.Jeff left the milk there.Mary moved to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Bill went back to the bedroom.Mary journeyed to the hallway.Jeff picked up the milk there.Mary left the football there.Mary travelled to the bedroom.Bill went to the hallway.Mary went back to the hallway.Jeff put down the milk.Fred went back to the kitchen.Jeff moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went back to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the bedroom.Jeff went back to the garden.Mary went back to the hallway.Bill journeyed to the kitchen.Bill got the milk there.Bill left the milk.Mary got the football there.Jeff travelled to the bathroom.Mary put down the football.Bill went back to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Jeff travelled to the hallway.Fred took the football there.Fred went back to the garden.Fred put down the football there.Fred grabbed the football there.Jeff travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Bill journeyed to the hallway.Mary moved to the kitchen.Fred discarded the football.Mary took the milk there.Mary moved to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the office.Bill went back to the garden.Mary passed the milk to Bill.", "question": "What did Mary give to Bill? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Jeff journeyed to the kitchen.Fred went to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Fred travelled to the bedroom.Fred travelled to the office.Fred grabbed the football there.Bill travelled to the bedroom.Fred dropped the football.Mary travelled to the office.Mary grabbed the football there.Mary passed the football to Fred.Fred journeyed to the bathroom.", "question": "Who did Mary give the football to? ", "target": "Fred"}, {"input": "Bill moved to the garden.Jeff went to the garden.Jeff moved to the office.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff journeyed to the garden.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill discarded the football.Jeff got the football there.Fred journeyed to the office.Jeff passed the football to Bill.Bill gave the football to Jeff.Jeff handed the football to Bill.Fred moved to the garden.Bill journeyed to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Bill? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill got the apple there.Jeff went to the hallway.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Mary dropped the apple.Jeff went back to the bathroom.Mary picked up the apple there.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Mary got the apple there.Mary put down the apple.Bill picked up the apple there.Jeff went back to the kitchen.Bill passed the apple to Mary.Fred moved to the garden.Fred travelled to the kitchen.Fred moved to the bedroom.", "question": "What did Bill give to Mary? ", "target": "apple"}, {"input": "Jeff went to the garden.Bill moved to the bathroom.Fred went to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Fred got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the kitchen.Fred got the football there.Mary travelled to the garden.Fred left the apple there.Fred dropped the football.Bill went back to the garden.Fred went to the bedroom.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Fred went to the hallway.Bill went back to the office.Fred journeyed to the garden.Jeff journeyed to the hallway.Fred moved to the office.Jeff travelled to the office.Bill went to the bathroom.Mary picked up the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Bill.Bill gave the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Bill.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary passed the milk to Bill.Fred went back to the hallway.Bill handed the milk to Mary.Mary left the milk.", "question": "Who did Bill give the milk to? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary took the milk there.Mary gave the milk to Fred.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.", "question": "What did Mary give to Fred? ", "target": "milk"}, {"input": "Fred got the milk there.Jeff moved to the hallway.Bill went to the office.Fred travelled to the bathroom.Fred went back to the garden.Mary went to the garden.Fred journeyed to the kitchen.Jeff took the football there.Bill journeyed to the garden.Mary journeyed to the bedroom.Fred moved to the bathroom.Fred put down the milk.Fred grabbed the milk there.Bill grabbed the apple there.Mary travelled to the bathroom.Fred passed the milk to Mary.Mary handed the milk to Fred.Jeff journeyed to the bathroom.Jeff gave the football to Mary.Mary went back to the kitchen.Fred gave the milk to Jeff.Mary journeyed to the hallway.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Mary got the football there.Mary left the football.Fred went to the garden.Fred went to the kitchen.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff handed the football to Mary.Mary passed the football to Jeff.Mary travelled to the office.Fred travelled to the hallway.Jeff moved to the bedroom.Jeff went to the office.Jeff handed the football to Mary.", "question": "What did Jeff give to Mary? ", "target": "football"}, {"input": "Bill went back to the office.Mary travelled to the kitchen.Mary got the apple there.Mary journeyed to the office.Mary gave the apple to Bill.Bill dropped the apple.", "question": "Who gave the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}, {"input": "Mary journeyed to the office.Fred moved to the garden.Fred journeyed to the office.Mary went to the bedroom.Jeff picked up the football there.Jeff put down the football.Jeff picked up the football there.Fred moved to the kitchen.Bill moved to the hallway.Bill got the apple there.Bill picked up the milk there.Bill moved to the bathroom.Jeff travelled to the kitchen.Jeff handed the football to Fred.Fred passed the football to Jeff.Mary moved to the bathroom.Jeff left the football there.Bill gave the apple to Mary.Bill moved to the bedroom.Bill moved to the hallway.Jeff went to the bedroom.Bill discarded the milk.", "question": "Who received the apple? ", "target": "Mary"}] \ No newline at end of file