--- dataset_info: features: - name: type dtype: string - name: dog_whistle dtype: string - name: dog_whistle_root dtype: string - name: ingroup dtype: string - name: content dtype: string - name: date dtype: string - name: speaker dtype: string - name: chamber dtype: string - name: reference dtype: string - name: subreddit dtype: string - name: label dtype: string - name: definition dtype: string splits: - name: train num_bytes: 62204 num_examples: 124 download_size: 38582 dataset_size: 62204 configs: - config_name: default data_files: - split: train path: data/train-* --- # Silent Signals | Human-Annotated Evaluation set for Dogwhistle Disambiguation (Synthetic Disambiguation Dataset) # **A dataset of human-annotated dogwhistle use cases to evaluate models on their ability to disambiguate dogwhitles from standard vernacular.** A dogwhistle is a form of coded communication that carries a secondary meaning to specific audiences and is often weaponized for racial and socioeconomic discrimination. Dogwhistling historically originated from United States politics, but in recent years has taken root in social media as a means of evading hate speech detection systems and maintaining plausible deniability. We developed an approach for word-sense disambiguation of dogwhistles from standard speech using Large Language Models (LLMs), and leveraged this technique to create a dataset of 16,550 high-confidence coded examples of dogwhistles used in formal and informal communication. Silent Signals is the largest dataset of disambiguated dogwhistle usage, created for applications in hate speech detection, neology, and political science.

Please note, this dataset contains content that may be upsetting or offensive to some readers.

**Published at ACL 2024!** 📄 **Paper Link** - [Silent Signals, Loud Impact: LLMs for Word-Sense Disambiguation of Coded Dog Whistles](https://aclanthology.org/2024.acl-long.675/)
🗂️ **Disambiguated Dogwhistle Dataset** - [Silent-Signals on HuggingFace](https://huggingface.co/datasets/SALT-NLP/silent_signals)
👔 **Formal Potential Instance Dataset** - [Potential Dogwhistles from Congress](https://huggingface.co/datasets/SALT-NLP/formal_potential_dogwhistles)
🏄‍♀️ **Informal Potential Instance Dataset** - [Potential Dogwhistles from Reddit](https://huggingface.co/datasets/SALT-NLP/informal_potential_dogwhistles)
💻 **Dataset webpage** - Coming soon 🚀 head_figure ## Dataset Schema ## | Field Name | Type | Example | Description | |:------------|:------|:---------|:-------------| | **dog_whistle** | str | "illegals" | Dogwhistle word or term. | | **dog_whistle_root** | str | "illegal immigrant" | The root form of the dogwhistle,
as there could be multiple variations.
| | **ingroup** | str | "anti-Latino" | The community that uses the dogwhistle. | | **definition** | str | "Latino, especially Mexican, immigrants
regardless of documentation."
| Definition of the dogwhistle, sourced from the
Allen AI Dogwhistle Glossary.
| | **content** | str | "In my State of Virginia, the governor put a stop
to the independent audits that were finding
thousands of illegals on the roll."
| Text containing the dogwhistle. | | **date** | str | "11/14/2016" | Date of comment, formatted as `mm/dd/yyyy`. | | **speaker** | str | None | Speaker, included for U.S. Congressional speech
excerpts and Null for Reddit comments.
| | **chamber** | str | None | Chamber of Congress, 'S' for Senate,
'H' for House of Representatives, and
Null for Reddit comments.
| | **reference** | str | CREC-2010-05-26-pt1-PgS11-8 | The reference code for the Congressional record utterance,
available only for U.S. Congressional excerpts.
| | **subreddit** | str | "The_Donald" | Subreddit where the comment was posted,
Null for Congressional data.
| | **source** | str | "PRAW API" | The source or method of data collection. | | **type** | str | "Informal" | Type of content, formal or informal. | | **label** | str | "coded" | Denotes if the term is used as a coded dogwhistle ("coded") or not ("non-code"). | > NOTE: The dogwhistles terms and definitions that enabled this research and data collection were sourced from the [Allen AI Dogwhistle Glossary](https://dogwhistles.allen.ai/).
# Citations # ### MLA ### Julia Kruk, Michela Marchini, Rijul Magu, Caleb Ziems, David Muchlinski, and Diyi Yang. 2024. Silent Signals, Loud Impact: LLMs for Word-Sense Disambiguation of Coded Dogwhistles. In Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), pages 12493–12509, Bangkok, Thailand. Association for Computational Linguistics. ### Bibtex ### ``` @inproceedings{kruk-etal-2024-silent, title = "Silent Signals, Loud Impact: {LLM}s for Word-Sense Disambiguation of Coded Dog Whistles", author = "Kruk, Julia and Marchini, Michela and Magu, Rijul and Ziems, Caleb and Muchlinski, David and Yang, Diyi", editor = "Ku, Lun-Wei and Martins, Andre and Srikumar, Vivek", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)", month = aug, year = "2024", address = "Bangkok, Thailand", publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics", url = "https://aclanthology.org/2024.acl-long.675", pages = "12493--12509", abstract = "A dog whistle is a form of coded communication that carries a secondary meaning to specific audiences and is often weaponized for racial and socioeconomic discrimination. Dog whistling historically originated from United States politics, but in recent years has taken root in social media as a means of evading hate speech detection systems and maintaining plausible deniability. In this paper, we present an approach for word-sense disambiguation of dog whistles from standard speech using Large Language Models (LLMs), and leverage this technique to create a dataset of 16,550 high-confidence coded examples of dog whistles used in formal and informal communication. Silent Signals is the largest dataset of disambiguated dog whistle usage, created for applications in hate speech detection, neology, and political science.", } ```