diff --git "a/val.json" "b/val.json" deleted file mode 100644--- "a/val.json" +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{"transcript": [" Okay, well I think we're ready to begin. Right, my name's Adam Duguid, we're here because of real reaction, um, we have in the group Um, yeah, go for it mate. Oh, Ebenezer Ademesoye. Would you like me to spell that? S Um, NEZ ER. N E Z. Ebenezer. And your role is? I'm the Marketing Expert. You're the Marketing Expert, okay. Next we have? Tarik Rahman. TARIK. T R I K. And your role in this is? Industrial Designer. Industrial Designer. And, lastly we have? Uh, Dave Cochrane. And you're going to be the User Interface, is it? User Interface Defin Designer, yes. Designer. Okay. Right. This is the agenda for today's meeting. As you can see, w opening, acquaintance, tool training, project plan discussion, and closing. Um, we already got n through opening, and partially through acquaintance. So, the reason we're here, we're gonna design a new remote control, as you probably all know. The very broad overview is original, trendy, and user-friendly. Course, we'll have to go into a bit more um detail than that, but uh personally I think that the original is gonna be a very key aspect to this design. Um, there's a lot of remote controls out there anyway, so we're gonna need something that's really gonna set it apart. This is how today seems to be going to work. We're gonna have the three kay phases, as you've probably already been told, the functional, architectural, and the detailed design. Um First one's gonna be covering the user requirement spec, technical functions, working design. Second seems to be conceptual components, properties, materials, and the last one is a detailed analysis of our design so far. Of course, you've all got the similar emails, I believe, right. What can I say? Ebenezer, you wanna have a you wanna draw your favourite animal? Sure. Whiteboard. 'Kay. S okay. I will make this quick, since we don't have much time. Um. 'Kay, so it's not the best picture in the world. Here we have an elephant. First point, begins with an E, same like Ebenezer. Also, elephants have a very good memory, much like myself, and I can't remember back when I used to live back in Nigeria, but I think I used to have a pet elephant. So elephants are big, strong and gentle, and they have great memories, and they begin with the letter E, just like Ebenezer. Brilliantly done. Thank you. Thank you. Tarik, would you like to have a shot at a bit of artistry? Oh. Oh, um, you can clip them to your belt. Oh oh I think you ga The little The the Oh that's good, we can clip them on. Do we take them off? Oh right, okay. You should also l um have your the lapel mic on as well. Ah-ha. Okay. Yeah, there was this microphone as well that you Just um somewhere I think so. Now where do I put the Is this supposed to be clipped as well? Yep, the, it's just across there, that's it. Yep. Yeah. It'll follow you if you You can probably just stick it in your pocket for now, I wouldn't worry too much. Yeah. There you go. Should have good range. Uh, destroying your elephant here. Uh, here we have a tiger. Uh I've always loved tigers. They're just they're big, they're biggest cats, uh I did a project on cats in the wild when I was a kid and uh it was my favourite cat, just 'cause it was looks the best, the stripes, orange. My dad used to talk about he's from Bangladesh so he used to tell me all about them when he was when I was a kid. And uh they're just the most feared of of uh animals in the wild. So uh that's why I like them. Didn't say an anything about me really but Mm. Excellent, thank you very much. Dave, if you'd like to uh have a dash. Um Um, the monkey, um. The one f uh in fact this is a somewhat oblique reference in fact to uh well my I have a three uh three y year old daughter who h who who who is affectionately known as Miss Monkey. Um, monkeys have attitude. Which I think is a good thing. And I mean fr and from uh from the point of view of sort of the study of human evolution they and other primates are terribly interesting. Um, so I like monkeys. And and th th th th thi thi this one seems to have perhaps more attitude than most. Cheers. Hardly what I'd call the best drawing in the world but it'll do for now. Also not quite as feared as your average tiger, but uh cats are one of my favourite animals, they're very independent, they're snotty as hell at the best of times, and uh, what can you say, you got to love those qualities in an animal. Right. I think we've all managed to master the whiteboard there by looks of it, so, on to it. Project finance. As you can see, twelve point five Euros per unit. That's not a terrible lot as far as I'm aware, and we're hoping to sell them for twenty five. If we're aiming for fifty million Euros we're gonna have to be selling an awful lot of them. Oh, that was profiting, that was an amount, so that's the amount made, okay. Yep. Well, fifty million, and if you're making twelve point five Euros on each one, then, awful lot need to be sold. Yeah. Okay. Now we better actually just get on with the uh the meat of the project. So I'm gonna guess that we've all used remote controls. Any ideas of where you think a new remote control could go into this market? Well, one thing I'm aware of is, th there uh um at the sort of v very high price end of the market there's there's a em emerging market for sort of touch screen LCD remotes that can be uh programmed in m much more sophisticated ways than sort of conventional models, so you get the sort of you get um you you can redesign the interface to your own needs, you can programme in macros, and you get a much greater degree um um I mean you get in these sort of three in one, five in one, whatevers, but you can get integration between the different uh the the the diff the different things that it's designed to control, to a much greater extent, and you can have one uh you know one macro to turn the uh you know turn the TV to the right channel, get the uh re uh rewind the tape in the VCR and get it to play once it's rewound, for instance. Okay. Um b it occurs to me there might be a niche for uh for a remote that aimed towards some of that sort of functionality but using a just conventional push button design. And therefore putting it into a um well much lower price bracket. Okay, yeah, tha that's true, with the price range we're looking at, going for a touch screen would probably be possibly out of our yeah. Absolutely prohibitive, yeah. Oh. But you think uh again something to control multiple units in uh a simple fashion. Yeah, I mean I wouldn't like to say you g I mean you get ones that you can switch between multiple units, but something that could um operate between multiple units in a more integrated fashion. Some and ideally something into which it would have some at least limited facility for um running macros. Would the the idea something along the lines of, one on button would turn on say the video recorder, the TV, maybe the sound system as well, all in one go, is that kind of Okay, that sounds like a a good strong idea. For instance, um let's say oh oh um, or um you know you pr uh you press uh say the play button for the DVD player and it turns the TV on and onto the right channel as well, um Mm-hmm. 'Kay Well um I've noticed that uh gaming c is becoming quite popular with television, um when I was younger we used to e play games using our cable, using the cable subscribed the cable providers, but our remote controls would get worn out really easily, and the remote control was not a great kind of keyboar, um keypad, for playing games. Um Any takes on this? So perhaps one that was more um specialised for game playing or interactive television. Okay. They they've recently brought out this new remote control, for people to set their favourite channels, or um to record things. Instead of people entering in what time things start, you simply stri slide a bar to say what time it begins, and slide another bar to say what time it ends, you know that's Yeah, it's it's taken out the Y you don't have to be uh really clever to use a remote control. Okay. Yeah I've heard I've seen the bar-code design before, yeah. Mm-hmm. I think for gaming, you know you want you want some big buttons for up, down, left and right, shoot. Uh, you wanna be able to change angles in interactive television, so you need buttons to change the television angle, the camera angles and stuff like that. Okay, well we're beginning to run out of time now, so, we've got a couple of ideas, we can we'll have to work fast, um, alright as you can see we've got thirty minutes until the next meeting, so we'll have to try and decide on some of the basic functionality, um, how the user interface might work, that'll be a key aspect especially if the idea of um some kind of macros facility because you have to program it, you have to have a lot of response back, or at least some kind. 'Kay. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Um And we're gonna maybe n try and have to figure out what the user wants, yes. What the user wants uh. Okay. Um, right. Has anybody got anything they'd like to add at this stage, anything they think that might have been missed so far? Well when you're talking about gaming and stuff, do you think they should have some sort of stick on it, rather than buttons? Oh. Okay, . Like uh control pads, you know of games, but or is that a bit ridiculous? Mm-hmm. I I don't see why not, almost everybody is probably used to a console by now, and all of them incorporate small keypads on them, in fact even the mobile phones these days are beginning to use them as well, so it's probably an interface that most people are used to. Yeah. Um and that could allow n easy navigation, used as a joystick as well. Mm-hmm. The other key feature that uh that would be a good idea built into it is t is is to make something you know fairly sort of ergonomic, something that just fits fits as comfortably as possible into the hand. But of course, uh al al also allows for the possibility of a more sort of slightly unconventional or attractive uh sha shape for it overall, . Okay. So, small, stylish, and something that's just a little different. A curve, mm-hmm. Something sort of sort of sl slightly sort of biomorphic in form, uh which it would need to be to sort of conform to the shape of the hand more efficiently anyway. Okay. That's definitely something that we should be able to do quite easily. I would I would have hoped so anyway. Um, right. I'd say we finish this one up, we get started, I'll get in, I'll write up what we've um kind of quickly done, and I'll get that out to everybody. 'Kay. Yeah? So. Okay. Um, as far as I'm aware we leave the microphones here, um unless we get told otherwise, and just take the laptops with us.", " Just put it on the deskt desktop. No on the desktop you'll find you should find that there's a project documents link. A well actually just there. Project documents, yeah. Yeah. That's it. If you dump it in there. What's your username? Your username. What's your username and password? Mm-hmm. Sorry. Okay. Okay. There we go. Excellent. Right. Hopefully that's us ready to uh to go. So. Functional design meeting. We'll have to flesh out some of the uh stuff. Um we'll start with the minutes of the last meeting. Not a lot thankfully to say. We introduced ourselves, discussed the possibility of a macro facility, interac interacting the TV a bit more, um mentioning of bar-code, joystick for user manipulation, um and ergonomics of the remote control as well. Um it's come to my attention the following. Teletext has become outdated due to the populat popularity of the internet. Remote control should only be used for the TV. Um due for uh time to market and possibly also cost issues. Um also key is the corporate image should stay recognisable, um f uh your colour and slogan of course is down at the bottom there. Um. Now. Just to say quickly uh I would have thought that only being used for a television the macro facility may now not be required. Mm. Um or at l its functionality would have been of limited use. So to the point in my opinion anyway that it might not be worth pursuing. Um if anybody disagrees we can uh definitely say so. Um and hopefully we'll just crack on and we'll get everything going. Um I'd like to if possible hear from our Marketing Expert first, to help us gain an idea of where we're going to go. 'Kay. So um I'll just load up your presentation from here if you want. Sure. Um, sh would you like to I'll just do it from here. Yep. Sorry. Uh. Is yours the Oh sorry. Um, try second one maybe. Try it, yeah maybe. Yeah. Okay. Okay, right. Oh, I thought I put in my last name, I guess not, but. Uh if you that's all right. Okay. If you do you want me to just cycle through it for you or? Oh yeah, that'd be fine, that'd be great. Yeah? Okay. Functional requirement by me Ebenezer. Okay. Okay, so um we did some research, we asked one hundred people their opinions on remote controls. We asked some uh open ended questions, just, what are your opinions on the remote control, got a lot of re responses, and we asked some very specific questions, and we got a lot of good feedback. Please bear in mind this is only a hundred people, so even when the groups are divided into fifteen to twenty five, twenty five to thirty five, there's only maybe ten people fifteen people in each group. Okay. Okay. So we got some the bad stuff we got, remotes are often lost. I often lose my remote control, the back of the couch, some place, and even if it's not lost permanently, it takes me a few minutes to find it. Most buttons are not used any more, like you said, teletext is outdated now. I remember trying to load a DVD player recently, and there were so many buttons, it took me I don't know maybe ten minutes to to go through each button, 'cause you have to press the shift button to access the yellow buttons, you know there's just a lot of stuff that no one really uses. And if they do, not very often. Takes too long to master the remote control. I've seen some remote controls that are big, they have a lot of buttons, you have to hold down more than one key at one time to do something, they're just not great to use. We just got a lot of bad complaints about remote controls, people do not like remote controls. Some of the good stuff we got. Between the age of uh fifteen and twenty five, most people would be willing to pay extra for voice recognition software. Now don't get excited yet, I've got more to say on that. Most people'd be willing to pay for that um most people want remote controls to be pretty, they want it to be fancy, th they they want it to be different, everybody has a white remote control with black buttons, and a red button and a green button, not everybody wants that. Finally, my opinion. Yep. The voice recognition thing is cool. And uh voice recognition, the software, open source software exist already. It's a bit sketchy at some times, uh, you're not gonna get good always accurate results, but for a very fixed number of words, you know you have, how many different words can you have for a remote control, up, down, left, right, channel five, channel seven, you know, how many, you can't have that many words. For a fixed vocabulary it works quite well. I'm pretty sure people would buy it. But after a while people may wanna return it, because if you have to to say som I mean most people use a remote control for switching to channels, and they say they do that about ninety eight percent of the time. Using the remote control, ninety eight percent of the time for changing channels, and that's for flickering through channels. So if you have to say up, up, up, up, if you have to do that all the time, then people might get a bit fed up with that and they may return it. However, oh, because the voice recognition software exists already, there's no need to spend money on research and development, but this does mean the need for microphones in the in the remote control, which is an unusual feature in my opinion. But if we do have the voice recognition thing, there's a lot of stuff that you can uh get rid of. See, you could there're two options. Either you have voice recognition by itself, which I think is a bit impractical for like night time if you wanna be watching television and you wanna be quiet, or I don't know you have a visitor coming round and the remote's only trained for you, it's a bit impractical to have just voice recognition by itself. So you can have voice recognition and a regular remote. But imagine you got rid of the regular remote part, then you can design the remote to look any way you want it to look, because there are no restrictions on physical size, or shape, it it could be as fancy as you want it to be, you know, it could be like a lollipop or something like that, something weird like that. As long as the voice recognition stuff works, that's that's fine. Okay, yep. So we have the three birds, we have the design, that we have the the fancy bit, right, the voice recognition's fancy, it's cool, it's different, it's radical, so, and then we have an extra bit I don't remember so I'm pretty sure people will buy the remote, but is it practical to have a voice recognition system in a remote control, I think is a big question. Um, will people will people be willing to wait for the the period that it'll take to train the remote, 'cause I think it will the remote will uh get better over time with the same user user, but for the first week or for the first two weeks are you willing to wait, are you willing to have a bad remote control. And uh what if you have visitors come round, they stay the night, they wanna use the TV, they can't use the remote because they speak differently to you. Um, how do you account for regional accents and stuff like that. Uh, will people return the remote control, I think a lot of young people will buy the remote control, if they have the money, you know, so, do our audience have the money, but would they return it after a while because it's not as fast as pressing a button, it's not a practical. Mm-hmm. So. If you could uh sor if you could speed it up a bit, yeah. These are things I think we should consider. I think it's cool, I'm sorry? If you could uh speed it up a bit please, yeah. Sure. I'm about to end, yeah. Sorry. Cool. I think it's cool but there are definitely some considerations. Okay. So, yeah. Excellent. Right. Um. Hear from the User Interface Designer now I think might be an idea. Okay. Um, you've got your presentation now, is it on the is it? How did where did where did you get all your in information? Yeah, it's in the it's in the folder yeah. Okay. There was uh a website, uh, right here. Oh. Ah, okay. Technical functions? Mm. No. Yeah. G I started making stuff up, then I got an email saying Mm. Okay. Okay, this is a brief run through of the um of the technical functions of the remote. As um is uh the the the presentation is uh already slightly obsolete because I had in mind something that would uh be i be aimed at controlling multiple devices but uh there's still stuff of relevance, so press on. Okay. I've looked at looked at a num uh couple of other uh remote control models just for an idea of basic design principles. Um and wasn't really satisfied by what I saw I have to say so this is more sort of springboard for uh how these could be improved on. Um um basically the job of the device is to send commands to an appliance, in this case the television set. Um to save you getting off your backside. Um and there's two main trends in th in the sort of design practice. On the one hand and this uh this particularly relates to its sort of earliest models where with you know i so so many buttons on it so about the size of the television set. Um giving you every possible function that the that the device has, the remote control controls. And most of these functions are not going to be used, it creates a rather user unfriendly interface. And on the other hand there's a user focused approach that pares things down to just what what is most likely to get used. Um With uh a and a and of course there is a certain amount of sort of loss of function here obviously, but mostly that's relatively peripheral functions. And so you go for something that's fairly intuitive to use, and um well f the for the most part for TV remote it's uh tha that would be channel control and volume. Um and if you if you if you are wanting to incorporate uh control of a DV DVD or uh VCR presumably into that then there's a play, pause, stop, rewind, fast-forward, record, so forth. Um. My own view is that we should definitely be going for a user focused design. Um but uh the pro I think the problem with a lot of the sort of user focused designs that are about is that they sort of make assumptions in advance about what uh what a given user's going to uh want mo want to do from want it to do most. So, something that's uh something that is more programmable, that uh perh perhaps has the full range of functions available to it but you can then specify yourself what you're most likely to want. Um so that those are then immediately accessible through fairly minimal number of controls, um I liked Ebenezer's idea of including a joystick in that and uh possibly a sort of fairly minimal number of sort of function buttons, and have a disp you then have some sort of basic display on it so that if you're um sort of cha changing from different modes for the device it'll tell you just exactly what uh you know each direction of the uh of the um joystick's going to do or wha or what each function button's going to do. Um, this is actually a again slightly taking inspiration off of uh games controllers, you know the Playstation control where you have four basic function buttons that are just marked with um distinctive uh geometrical shapes but the and then dependent on what you're doing with it what game and so on um those uh those functions are then sort of further specified. And so it's taking taking the lead from that. Um. Okay. Yeah. Right. That's it. Um, if we could hear from our Industrial engineer, or Designer. Yeah. Uh, I was still working on stuff, I hadn't got it finished. Um, alright. Click to save in where do I have to save it? If you look on the desktop you'll find that there's a link to the project folder, or project documents. If you save it in there we can open it up from here. Um, what I've done with it, I'm sorry. Shit. Um I'm just closing it now. Are you finding it okay or? where I've saved it. Well like if you go to one, uh whichever one you were working yeah, and you just click file save as. that's it there, yeah. Oh right. Okay. Uh, right I'm responsible for working design, uh, this is basically the inside going on of the the uh remote control. So we have the energy source, we have the user interface, this this is what I've seen. Uh the sender will push the button, the chip will respond, uh and then the dig digital signal is sent to the TV. So uh uh, if you go to next slide, you'll see you'll see uh what do we need on the user interface. Do we need uh many buttons, or do we need l many light bulbs that could be easier to uh to realise which appliances are on or not. Um, , or would that take too much power, would we need more um components in there to supply the power? Um, the joystick is another thing, if we were gonna add that, um, there'd be more components to deal with that. Mm-hmm. Um, so uh we need to I dunno exactly what That's the design of the the the layout of the uh electronic design, but um obviously there'll be more details once we've decided what we're putting on the user interface. Okay. So, that'll be decided, I guess. Uh, and the next slide. Oh, yeah Um, if you go to the next slide then. Oh. Yeah. I just used the it was a mess, uh I was just putting adding it together at the end there. Ah, don't worry about it at all mate. Uh Uh so you have the energy source obviously connected to the chip, and the user interface obviously contains everything. You have the switch turn it on, infrared bulb, uh will contact the TV and will have whatever device or DVD player, the bulb will turn on to say it's on. Uh, so do we need on the control uh different buttons to decide, or different light bulbs, would it be easier? Um, I dunno what we should decide on that. Okay. Well. Oh sorry, I'm I'm interrupting you. Are you is it yeah? No, it's finished, yeah. Okay. Right. Um, right we can probably skip that for now. So, we've had some stuff put forward, um along with the new user requirements, um we've had a lot of kind of input I'd say so far. Um I hear what the Marketing Expert's saying about um voice activated control. However I've got a couple of worries about that. The power required, um and the ability to the cost, it seems like for uh an embedded system, this could cause us issues. Cost. Mm. Um for example you see that there's fairly robust services on uh computers via uh via voice, IBM do um drag and dictate, but these require a lot of memory and usually um state quite advanced processor requirements. Mm-hmm. Um voice activation could be an interesting idea but I think that our Ind Industrial Designer would probably upon some research say that it's maybe not feasible. 'Kay. Um that's just my view right now, however the idea of a joystick and then maybe an LCD which has been kind of put forward so far, it's almost like having a small T not TV to say, but if you can control almost all of the functionality from the display, I don't know how much power an LCD would take, but it might be quite low? Mm. Mm. LCD on the remote just telling you what's on, or uh, interactive LCD or Do you think that people will get mixed up, like, they'll be looking at this screen and that screen and then, you know, trying to get everything working, would it be a bit confusing? I uh Mm-hmm. Well literally um if you can imagine the display maybe slightly larger than um those on a a mobile phone, something where you can read an an um fair amount of information, traverse maybe quite a few menus, if we maybe used mobile phones as a good example, they usually incorporate they have the keypad, and then evr all the other functionality is usually associated inside by traversing around. Mm. That could be one possibility. Um and then we could have like say the common buttons as you say, volume control, changing channels We I would agree with you. Mm. I I was thinking that the remote the um sort of default functions for the joystick would be up and down for uh volume, left and right for channels. Um I think probably for the first couple of hours of using it um but you know muscle memory's a wonderful thing, um. Yeah. Mm. And I think and I think that size of uh display was about what I had in mind. Um though I mean I w I would say that uh we could probably probably be required to um mo most of the mobile phone displays you see these days are colour but we should probably try to stick to black and white. Si si simply to keep m keep the unit cost down. Um I mean colour could be a sort of subsequent development but uh you know cost a bit of extra money f w w w w w once everyone's got the first, you know, oh colour's out, we'll have to replace it won't we. Mm-hmm. It does nothing extra. That would be my feeling as well, I think we could possibly create quite a useful user interface. Um now I mean I don't sorry, go for it. Sure but the idea of a remote with a menu or and a joystick I think like I h if I was in the habit of buying remote controls then I would want one, but I think we don't have a specific audience, you know, like what is our target audience, what niche are niche are we trying to market and corner. You know, you know what I'm saying, like, for whom is this intended? Everybody? I think it could probably be aimed at most people who've used a mobile. And that might be just another way of saying try to target most people. Most people, yeah. Um, if we are if we were to follow that avenue, we might be s you know um we're kind of almost relying on their experience with a mobile phone I suppose. Mm. Mm-hmm. But that does cover a very large section of the people out there. Sure. I think that's fair yeah. Um, I mean I imagine as well that the actual LCD and maybe to a certain extent the joystick as well would be for the additional functionality. Mm. Which maybe doesn't get used as often, maybe it makes it easy for them to figure out how to um change the channels as in the frequencies and such for reprogramming it. Mm-hmm. Um and you can still have the main buttons that allow the people to turn the machine on and off, d up and down, it depends, I mean maybe we have the fol um the joystick as a separate one for the other functions then, that there's just a a small number of as you were saying uh buttons that have already been defined. Mm-hmm. So like we go for the nice standard um up and down for and volume control. So that literally anybody can come along, pick up the remote and still know what do do. And they can completely ignore most of the functionality which would be for say the o actual owner of the the TV and who would normally use the unit. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm. I dunno. I th the thing I like about the uh the uh joystick is that uh you you you then basically you can then basically put it I mean for for T T for TV remote alone, you could put um I mean there are like I say the the the main things people do with a TV remote control is the volume and the channel. You can pack all that onto was onto a single control. Mm-hmm. Um. But uh but the but then o uh obviously if uh you know if you i if you wanted to access further functions i you you then get to sort of menu navigation. I mean with things like ch with things like tuning and channels um you know adjusting brightn uh brightness and fiddly things that no one really bothers with, most TVs these days actually have menus anyway so this would be a fairly rational way of integra integrating the uh the remote with the device it's controlling. Mm-hmm. Um concern about our market. Um, if we are I mean most of the uh of the replacement remote market is sort of remote control rationalisation. Um, you've got twenty different devices in your living room, you want one wo y you want one that'll do the job of all of them. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Um, if all you're replacing is one of the you know however many remotes you have in your living room, um you know you still need separate remotes for everything else. I just think that uh possibly mm. Well this is a requirement that we have to stick to I'm afraid, this isn't one that I've just arbitrarily decided on. Mm. So um this is this is one of the solid ones that has to be obeyed, for now. Mm. So I can understand your point, and I would agree with you, but this is our design spec for now. 'Fraid to say. Um I would say so, yes, because then we have to be able to control the remote boxes, and that is a separate unit. Does that um would that include um access to say interactive functions on digital or cable? Yeah. Um I think that it I would say that the design spec we've been with is for the television only for now. Mm-hmm. And until we hear otherwise we should go with just that. Hmm. Okay, specifically television. Okay. Okay. Maybe we'll hear differently, but for now It would be ease of manipulation of certain functions, yes. So the joystick is just for differentness. Mm. Okay. Just a thought. Um There is that possibility, yes. Um maybe then our market should be TV manufacturers, rather than the public. Try and sell it t sell it to them to supply with um Mm, yeah, I've seen them. B However I don't know exactly where we'll be going with that, but it might not even be the avenue of the Marketing Expert, that might be sales, who are not in this meeting. Mm. Mm-hmm. It's just, the way I figure it, twelve point five Euros per unit, we have to sell at least like three million or something like that, not to account for all the the money we waste on remotes that no one buys, you know, like if we made a perf if we made a ks for every remote we made someone bought it, then we have to sell a lot of remote controls. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. We just Is this gonna be enough to to sell? Well, something else that you brought up was uh the ability to lose a remote, which as you said you've done, in fact we've probably all done. Yeah. Um, I don't know if it's a gimmick or not, but have any of you ever seen those odd little key rings where if you whistle, it will beep and you tell you where it is. I had one of those, and my brother, and my dad, could have beat me up because it it went off all the time accidentally. Um. Well the other option of course is that um the well I was going to say clapping, um Um digital telephones, uh for example, one unit has of course you have to have that base unit, somewhere where there's a button, but maybe it's a button that you attach to the TV. The clapping one. To a television. Mm. Something which you when you press that, it would beep to give its location away, on the remote unit. Yeah. And that could be something could um separate us a bit. Yeah, I think that's a good idea. Yeah, that's a good idea. And that way, because we're attaching what would be a small button to the TV, again say what, it would be a small transmitter, um watch battery type scenario I would say, or something that if it was problems enough you could actually even just um I don't power that might be something that we could look into. Yeah We're just saying volume. Yep. Yeah, it's uh putting a lot on your shoulders there, so I mean that could be something that separates us a bit from the market as well. I think so, yeah. So. To go on from here. Um we have to decide exactly what we're going to do with the remote. Before we leave this meeting, it would be best to say this is what we're going this is the design we're gonna try and get, this is how we're gonna make ourselves look unique. Do we go for maybe a remote contro uh sorry, we're gonna go for a remote control obviously, do we go for a small joystick that would operate say changing channels, up and down, and then, what, another button that would say that it's now being used to manoeuvre round the LCD. Mm. Mm yeah. Yeah, I think that's Yeah. Should volume be important in the joystick, do you think? We could use say the left and right for changing channels and the up and down for volume, and Okay. For volume. Yep. But we have a frequency of how what people use a remote control for most. Um, power is used like once per hour, channel selection is used a hundred and sixty eight per hour, that's by far the biggest one, and then teletext, is still here, that's like fourteen, and volume selection. I Yeah, think so. Mm-hmm. Vol Volume selection okay, yep, the teletext we're gambling with, and we're gonna say it's dead, the way of the dodo So we well, sorry, we could maybe even go as far as saying power button, small joystick, LCD, and then what maybe is it one more button to say that you're using the menu system, and with the possibility of pushing down on the joystick to say okay? No, yeah, okay okay. Yeah, um Mm-hmm. So we're having very very few buttons involved, but navigation around a menu for most things. Actually how Actually I would say maybe two two function buttons, the y we're now using the menus button and um and an og and an okay button. I mean certainly something I've found with the joystick on mo the joysticks on mobile phones is that a lot of the time th the device mistakes you trying to move it in one direction or the other for pushing down for okay. Okay. Okay. Or vice versa. And that's really irritating. Um Okay. The o the o the other dis design constraint I think we should bear in mind is that people are you know very much used to using a remote control one handedly, um, so we need to make sure that e even with the joystick, you know something that can just sit comfortably in the palm of the hand and have the joystick just controlled by the thumb. So um we're actually that sounds like a rough idea. Do we incorporate the idea of trying to f locate the remote control again via a beeping noise? Do you mind looking? Um, I think because it's so small it might be an uh I mean if we only have like two three buttons it might be essential to have to have that Yeah. The ability to locate it again. So that would require a um transmitter maybe attached to the TV, just so that it says find me, and what, a basically a small microphone um on the actual unit, can maybe hide it in the base. Light bulb as well, no? Oh. Sorry? So so a small speaker you mean. Speaker yeah. Some speaker, sorry, yeah. And a light bulb? No. To flash. No. Um E us we might be better with the sound possibly we could maybe incorporate th e the true fact, considering the cost of an LED, we could just incorporate it anyway. Nah, you'd see it anyway, if you hear it. W those little key-rings have both, so Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The LEDs can be surprisingly bright now. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Um. Blue ones particularly. Plus that's a nice wee design touch. Yeah. So by the sounds of it, with what we're suggesting so far, your design um the user interface is still quite open, you could go for quite an interesting design. Because we're only going to have a very few key and you've got you know a small LCD, joystick, e I think it leaves you open to a a potential wide range of shapes, something that can make it stand out slightly. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Um if you could look into what we've suggested so far, the feasibility of um small transmitter, um and such, maybe if an LCD screen requires too much power, or such. Ebenezer, um, Marketing Expert If, yeah if you could maybe as well see what people think about the idea of this minimalist approach that we've taken, where of a joystick to control the very basic functions, and then the idea of manipulating it like you would a mobile. Well I can give you the frequency, what people what options people use most often, I guess that's gonna be important in the ts defining the the software side of the interface, right. You want the stuff. Okay. Okay. I don't know how easy that will be within the time frame, but could be something we could maybe look into. Mm-hmm. Sure. Sure. Okay. Um any last comments that anybody would like to put forward? Anything that they think has been missed out. Bit of a wide open question there of course. Mm. Feel free to email me if you think that uh we've screwed something up and wanna get it rectified as soon as possible. Sure. 'Kay. Right. Yeah. So I should just look at um the speaker, the speaker and an LED. And Yeah, and a transmitter. Speaker and LED for locating, um, transmitter getting the external power source, yep, that's quite true. Transmitter. Actually one one wee thought about that. Um, if we do end up trying to market this to television manufacturers then the um then the transmitter could actually be built into the television. Um, and something that we can can easily be adopted at the last minute as well I'd say. Yeah. The electronics could be s either placed externally or internally, makes no difference to the final product of the actual remote control, so that's good. Mm-hmm. Uses maybe gives us a new potential market. Mm-hmm. 'Kay. You know I think I mean if it w if we get a major television manufacturer to say y oh yeah we'll have that, save us the bother, then that's you know vast amounts of sales. P Fashion. Quite quickly. Oh, one thing that we've almost not talked about at all, my apologies for that, um, user interface, we also need to maybe get the slogan in here, um it's, I'm pointing at my laptop, what in God Real reaction, and such. So um Oh, sorry. The slogan is yeah, the slogan's we put the fashion in electronics, isn't it? My apologies. No it could well be, I've probably missed that. Um, I think that's l almost the last minute thing we can just incorporate into the actual plastic on top. 'S also look cool. So I'm not too concerned a that we haven't gone into depth about that. Mm. But it might be something you could consider when you're thinking about shapes? In fact we might like to put a slogan on, and um possibly the two Rs to signify the company. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Rather than real reaction. Mm. Yeah. I thought the uh the d the double arc could perhaps uh be the uh the enter button. Sounds good. And I'd say that that's us for now. Okay.", " Alright, yeah. crack on. Okay so we'll start off with a quick overview of the minutes. I think to sum up the last meeting, would be to say um the requirements that we've um set out. Those are we were going to go for what seemed to be a fairly minimal design based on uh a small joystick, LCD and a couple of other buttons for navigation um with power being I suppose one of the main single purpose buttons. Um we were also going to use novelty of being able to locate the remote control again via a small transmitter with any luck, the idea to try and separate us and also because of the minimal design um looks like we'll be able to be fairly adventurous in the actual physical shape of our remote control with any luck. Um that pretty much sums up the last one. So we'll just crack on, um like to maybe start with the Industrial Designer if it's possible. Uh uh okay. Um uh the con today is the concep today. I'll just Uh I have a presentation I just saved it in the uh the folder. This uh meeting is the conceptual design phase and is um Sorry about this. And is to cover things like um what the parts might be made of, um, can we uh outsource these from elsewhere, um will we have to construct any items ourselves? Yeah, okay well I'll just uh I'll load it up then. Um. Which one do y Oh, interface concept? Uh. Yeah, that's me. Uh. That's you. We've got trend watching, that's you. It's uh Components design. Components design. Okay. Alright. So Uh. The case uh le that's what I wrote first of all, could be plastic our plastic. Uh but later on we found out that um it can be rubber as well, or titanium or even wood. So uh we decide what it's gonna be. Probably plastic. Uh we need the infra-red transmitter. Get that off the shelf. Uh joystick we'll probably if we're gonna use it, um could be plastic w or rubber even as well. Um if you go on to the next slide. Uh If you go on to f uh findings, it's like two or three slides down. Right. Okay. So, this is what I found we can use. Uh three different types of batteries. Um can either use a hand dynamo, or the kinetic type ones, you know that they use in watches, or else uh a solar powered one. Okay. Um. Now, the kinetic one, we've 'cause that's the ones where like you the movement causes it. Cost is Yeah. Yeah. Um the bat uh the battery for a a watch wouldn't require a lot of power, would be my one query. Is a kinetic one going to be able to supply enough power? Mm. There's also a watch moves around a great deal more. Do you think? Uh. W Which I suppose as well would allow us to go off the shelf again, you'd say? Yeah, I don't think it would. Yeah. Um. And solar cells, I dunno about that. yeah. Uh. We should probably just use conventional batteries. Um, just like in usual remote controls. Um. Yeah. Um. And these are three different types of or two different types three different types of shapes you can have. Uh one is a flat one, and then more original ones are single curved one or one with a double curved. Um the materials are tha there as you can see, but uh you can't have a titanium one for a double curved, uh which would be Yeah, and light. Titanium, the really strong metal, titanium? Is it not also it's expensive? Uh, i think so as well, yeah. They make mountain bikes out of that, don't they. Um. Um. So it's really light as well. Curious. Um, I don't know if you'd be able to off the top of your head or not, the single curved and double curved, would you be able to give an example? Um. Um could you maybe draw something? T yeah. I you don't doesn't have to be perfect, it's just 'cause I'm not quite sure if I understand the difference between the two. Uh. Well for a curved, well I was thinking to f for to sit in your the palm of your hand. Uh maybe like this, with the uh joy pad here. Joystick here. And maybe um an okay button around here, so that the thumb can uh use it quite easily. Um I don't exactly Double curved. It probably means this is probably double curved. Uh whereas a single curved would be like that. I guess. Or not necessarily. So it might literally just be okay. Two curves. Yeah like that. Whereas this is two curves. Um so I guess that's what they mean by uh double curve. Alright. Um which obviously it looks better than the single curve, but uh you can't have it in titanium, which is uh a nice material. Mm. Uh and for the buttons, um it can have the scroll wheel which they use in mouses for com PCs. Uh but um it requires a more expensive chip to use, and if you wanna use LCD it's even more expensive. So you have to decide, there's trade-offs there. Um if you want the buttons to be oh yeah, if you have a double curve uh control and it's rubber, then you have these rubber buttons as well. But you're gonna ha I reckon you're gonna have to have uh key a number keypad anyway for the amount of channels these days. You wouldn't want to just have to scroll through all the channels to get to the one you want. You wanna enter just the number of it, if you know it. So um I reckon we're gonna have to have a number keypad anyway. Do you think? Okay, that was definitely something we can talk about. Um so you've got a little bit about the the chip that we might require as well? Yeah. So, depends where gonna spend the money if you want the f fancy LCD display. Um, do you have any idea so far, like when we're saying that we'd need an advanced chip for an LCD, does that in shoot the cost up by a drastic amount? Or? Need an advanced chip for the LCD. Is that did I Advanced, like three eight six advance. Well I think compared to say just pressing buttons. Yep. if you press a button that sends a certain transmission through the infra-red, whereas I think if we're controlling the LCD we definitely require a much more powerful chip. Okay. Just compared to the chip you would use for pushing buttons I think is the the point being made. Okay, sure. Mm. If I've not over-stepped. Yeah? Yeah i Um Uh the previous slides just explain what's in the internal components of the uh remote control. Okay, um should I go on, or go back? Mm, if we only have twelve Pounds fifty, twelve Euros, not even twelve Pounds. Twelve Euros, what's that, like eight pounds or something like that, nine Pounds? Well we'd also be relying on the um the bulk buying in producement and such. Okay, that's good point. I assume. We have to look into the costs of those. So, sorry. If you go to the one before that uh so it just says what it does, translate the key press into an infra-red signal and this is received by the TV. Uh the chip just needs to detect the signal or detect the key press and then uh it'll send it to the tr the amplifier. Okay. And uh then the next slide just shows how the uh copper wires uh interact with the buttons, the rubber buttons, uh to uh get sent to the chip. So that's just how the control works inside. Um we have to decide on what buttons we're gonna use. Okay. Um. So in the information that you've been supplied, how feasible would you say that the idea of using an LCD looks? Um I think we can do it if uh we use conventional batteries and not have solar cells or kinetic. Um and then maybe use single curved uh case. Because we might need it to be curved for the uh thumb to use the joyst joystick easily. Um and then you'll need the advanced chip obviously for the LCD. Um I mean that sounds like quite a good requirement to me. Um conventional battery would seem to make sense. Um I'm not sure if there's any cost differences between single and double curved and I'm I don't know about anybody else, but plastic or rubber as a traditional form of casing would seem to be a good way forward? Mm-hmm. Mm. Um I'm actually gonna be bold and go oo go straight for rubber um for reasons I'll go into uh in more detail. Okay. I also have a preference for rubber. Okay, well um Yeah, well will we move on to user interface, and yeah? Based on my research. Um sorry, as long as were you? Mm. Yep I'm finished. Yeah. Okay. Um and d d d interface concept. Yep. Now I'm gonna have to work between the uh the slides and the uh and the white board 'cause I actually I have some fairly concrete things this time. Yeah. Uh um I was given a an HTML file giving um various ideas from uh from other previous remote control designs, and pretty much decided to just dump them all. I wasn't very impressed by them and they didn't seem to re uh nothing I saw seemed to meet the sorts of design specifications that we're going for today. Um so what I ra rather than looking at other remotes, uh ra oomp be better to simply look at the human hand. Um and try and f um and try and figure out a way of laying out the elements we've already decided on, um so that if r a if so that the finger is e each finger or thumb is wherever it needs to be already. Um so uh next slide, if you please. Um and what we've basically decided on was the the um the joy uh the joystick, two function buttons and the LCD, just keep it paired down to the absolute minimum. I don't actually think we need the um the numeric keypad because if you m because one of the menus that we could have available um v via via the LCD is one where you scroll through channels, so if there's something f and be bear in mind since this isn't meant to work for um f f f for di for digital or um or for or for cable, whatever, you're basically looking at four or five terrestrial channels, and then um your VC uh and then the channel through your VCR and or DVD player. digital. Ah, okay. And or um box. So it's not I'm not really excessively concerned about that. You must have two two modes, basic mode, where um the joystick's uh left right left right for channels, up down for volume, um and the uh uh and the menu mode for uh further functions. Um now the reason I was particularly interested in using rubber for this is that if we're going to have a highly ergonomic design, um it needs to be ergonomic for left or right handed people. Um, so you Mm-hmm. Can I just jump in slightly there? That would suggest the double curved design's probably going to be most appropriate, then. Yes, absolutely. okay. Um, basi basically what I basically what the what be having um, I would say, the the whole thing articulated at two points, so that if you if you're handing it from a lef uh left or right handed user you can adjust it so that the um the LC the LCD and the uh The joystick would be in the right place. And also this is a rather nicer de uh design gimmick that the the um you know the whole thing you know it should have sort of organic feel to it that it should be, you know, soft to touch and can be moved around all nice. Mm. Um okay on to on to the next uh to the next slide. Okay. Um, yeah. Just to let you know we'll probably be quite tight for time as well, because I think you've probably got a lot you'd like to say, I guess. Okay. Yeah, 'kay basically um I can add pretty pictures to this. The um Assuming the hand the hand to be in about sort of this position, um hol uh holding the remote, the um the joystick unit should rest over the uh the joint of the f of the uh four finger so that it's directly accessible for the thumb. Um and it would need t there would need to be a it would need to be articulated just below that so that it could be switched around for uh left or right handed users. So. You then have a grip section that can be more or less the same irrespective of handedness. You just have big two big buttons that cover most of the area so it can in the upper part, one for the four finger, one for the middle finger. Um, and that Th this part here is the joystick. Is this the joystick? This would be the actual grip. Probably where you'd want to have the battery as well. Okay. That would be probably the bulkiest part. And you then have, at the uh at the bottom, the LCD, and this would need to be articulated as well. And basically I'd want this to rest here, right at the base of the wrist. So it would fit just nicely in the hand. And again, this part could be rotated, so it can So so so that it can be adjusted to either left or right handed user. Um So the t uh the top function button in basic mode would be the on off switch and menu mode would be the enter button. And then the bottom function buttons switches between between modes. Um now programming it actually thi this is one thing I've found with um the replacement remote control. Programming them can be a right pain. So I thought th the simplest way around that would be to have um a cable to connect it to the computer some some fair iv fairly fairly simple software on the computer just so that you on your computer just so that you could um pr program it at a rather in a rather more comfortable interface. And you could download programs for it from uh for uh TVs from all sort of main manufacturers. Um though you i it would be necessary to have uh have a m uh have a ha have a mode for programming it without the computer, uh just in case there are there are still people left out there who don't have them yet. Mm. Um. But uh. Yeah. Okay. That's that's my idea. Excellent, right. Mm. Um uh. 'Kay. File open. We go. Trend watching. Okay. So uh to gather my research, two basic methods. We compared uh whether people want the remote control to do a lot of stuff or they want it to look cool. And then we we research uh fashion trends in Europe, what's what's the new black, you know, as it goes. Next slide please. Okay. Uh we found, in order of importance, people want the remote control to look cool more than they want it to to be cool. As in they want it to do a lot of good s they want it to look like it does a lot, and if it does do a lot that's a bonus, but they don't care so much, you know. They want it to be that's sounds a bit like a contradiction. Technology technical technologically innovative. People want it to be that, but s still they care more about the way it looks than what it does. So like the interface is really important. And easy to use, it it just so happens that uh from the second point to the third point is twice as important I mean the second point is twice as important as the third point. People want it I is it has to be cooler than easy to use, you know, if it has the newest features, even if it's difficult to use, prefer it to have the newest features. And if it's easy to use that's a bonus. The fashion, now this is seems a bit odd to me, but fruit and veg is the new is the new black for furniture, for clothes, for shoes. How that relates to a remote control I don't know. But I I see I come on to that in the next in the next slide. Spongy. I've als I've been saying everything's the new black. Well spongy's the new black as well. So we have the choice between rubber and plastic. If it's the type of rubber that you can squeeze, you know, it's spongy, then can I skip the rest? Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that. The uh rubber material is the type of stress ball material, not just normal rubber. Okay. Okay, so kinda spongy material. Forgot to say that. So um so my personal opinion? Okay. Um we want something fancy and techni technologically innovative, obviously. But what we what we need is something that looks like it's from the future that looks cool, that's that's different, you know, that's everyone has a white remote control, black remote control, you need something cool. Like, titanium is cool but it's expensive. And maybe it's a bit of overkill for a remote control. Um now the fruit and veg options, either we we go in that direction or we stay totally away from it. Um I mean the research did come up with fruit and veg, so maybe it is important for it's the up to the interface guy. So if we stay away from it, s you know stay away from it, but if we're gonna go along with it then it doesn't necessarily have to be like an apple or something like that, or a kiwi fruit. It could be something like, I say potato peeler but I'm sure you guys have a have a much cooler idea than I do. So I think cool is the key. Few questions about a spongy remote control. I've never seen one before. I've seen plastic remote controls. I think maybe they were I don't know, back in the day when they first came up with remote controls, they had a reason for it being sturdy, you know. Mm-hmm. For being strong and sturdy. So um if we want something strong and sturdy, I say stay with plastic or titanium, but if we go with spongy, we can stress that you can drop this as many times as you want, it doesn't matter, it's spongy material, it's not gonna break, you know. I just don't know how the LED and the lights are gonna fit into a spongy material because it's not gonna be completely squeezable. So how do things fit it? And if we are gonna use spongy, we can say it's long lasting, you know it's damage resistant and stuff like that, so. So just to summarise, people want stuff that's cool, that's that looks like it's cool, and if it is cool then that's a bonus doesn't have to be um people like fruit and veg. We can either go down that alley or stay totally away from it. People like spongy material. If we're gonna use spongy material we have to think of how practical it is, and how we can further promote that idea. And also, this was this year. So, things change all the time, every year you know they they always talk about this year, this is the new black. Well next year something else is gonna be the new black and we're stuck with last year's fruit and veg type stuff. Mm-hmm. 'Kay. Okay. That's me. Well, um I would say that the most you could probably hope for is gaining a year's lead on most people anyway. You always have to bring out new designs, so if we can get next year then that's possibly a good place to start anyway. Mm-hmm. Um. Seems like a a lot of the components could be off the shelf, so I don't exactly what cost would be incurred. Um I can see your point about the number keypad, but I've I would say that we can probably incorporate it into the menu system if you need to do traversal of a large number of channels. Yeah. Mm-hmm. My feeling would be that even if at a later date this was to be taking control of um boxes as well um having the use of the LCD and the joystick would probably allow you to manipulate enough channel numbers for you to be Mm-hmm. Yeah, actually if you've got a lot of channels, the number keypad can be quite annoying as well, becau it's you know if you're trying to remember what uh, you know, what number's the discovery channel or whatever. It's just irritating. That's a good point. You can incorporate names into the menu. But if you h but but but if you have a me but if you have a menu structure, then you can sub-group them. Okay. So you Yeah. Even news, music. Okay. Like they do on uh sky digital kinda. Yeah. So what it looks like to me is we'll use a large number of standard components, um, say something like um lithium ion battery, the kind that you find in most um small hand held devices now. Um Looks like we going for a double curved design. Um I don't know what cost implications there are in that. Um, looks like we're pretty much decided on some kind of flexible rubber. Though I'd have to say depending on how flexible it is, we might need to have some kind of inner frame. Yeah, I I would say definitely, I mean I mean I mean the the idea of having it sort of articulated i th there would be basically two points of articulation. W um one below and one above the m the uh the main sort of grip. Do you think there's any way we could maybe remove the articulation? So Mm. I can see why it looks appealing, but it could be a weak point in um the structure, do you think? That would be a worry of mine. If you're going with the fruit and veg thing, looks like a banana. F if you wanna design it that way. I d I don't thi I don't think that it would be a a structural weakness, I mean if you have a firm s sub-structure, you can then incorporate articulation into that. If you then have a sort of outer skin of mm flexible, spongy rubber then you have something that is you know very much you know organic, and I think would look rather co I mean mi rather cool. I mean my drawing there doesn't doesn't do it justice, it makes it makes it look more a little bit more like a vibrator than a than a uh than a remote control, but uh. Yeah, we won't add that functionality. Okay. Course not. However, one interesting point is, I don't know how serious you were there, but we if we take some of the ideas why don't we make the damn thing yellow to incorporate the des the colour of the logo? Yeah. Sure, yeah. Okay. I dunno. It's an certainly a different colour from your average um That's true. Mm-hmm. Make it harder to lose, as well. Yeah. Sure. Was there anything in your research Mm-hmm. The noise for when you lose the banana, um f yeah, for when you lose the remote control, it could be like a a monkey noise or something like that, rather than a standard beep beep. Y you know, you lose the monkey the banana, y you lose the banana, you press a button, and you hear like monkey screams or something like that to direct you towards the banana. monkey. I th uh I mean if it I think that's something that could perhaps be programmable, though maybe have monkey as default. S oh, I was gonna talk about the programmable remote control. Um. Now I think it'd be cool if you had one remote control that could work with all TVs, you know you s you click a button and it finds the frequency that works with your particular television. Mm-hmm. But why you'd need to program it like as as a standard feature, I I don't know. Well basi basically the um for f for uh I mean e each manufacturer will have a partic will have a particular command set that uh the TV responds to. It's not simply a matter of frequency. Yeah. So um usually what's done is you have this big booklet full of different possi you'll have all of them sort of programmed in to the uh remote, and you'll have this little booklet of codes you then find your um ma uh find your manufacturer and try the different codes that come under that manufacturer's name 'til you find the right one. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. That's because televisions, they don't give the remote control any type of feedback when you send it. It's Yeah, that's right. Okay. So that's that's quite annoying and we probably would still have to do that. But if we had um some sort of hook-up to your computer as an option, then if you've got a computer you can avoid that rather irritating thing. An interesting point is that if the person doesn't have the computer, we can still make the process easier because instead of having to look up codes, maybe we can have it that one of the options they have is that they look up the name of the company on the LCD and then they maybe look up different names of um different actual units that have been produced. Yeah. Yeah. Or we have the remote control just go through them until it's like does this do the correct function, and such. Is it is it actually a book of names to digits, or is it like a few pages? Um booklet. Some pages. I was just thinking, if we were to store this information, some type of mapping. This person probably need to use this feature like once, you know, when you first buy the remote control, or whenever they buy a new television, so once every s Yeah, and it's Mm. Yeah. Doesn't have to be used very often that's right, yeah. Yeah. But it's a but it's a nuisance. And it's a nuisance very close to the to um to actually purchasing it, so it's something that you're likely to be thinking about. If you if there's w i if there's one in the shop that's that says it can avoid much of that nuisance, you might be favourably inclined towards it. Mm. Um mm. Okay, this just to give us a rough idea of what we're meant to be doing for the next stage. Mm. I'm pretty sure that you got that anyway. This is the conceptual one. Um. I think we've come up I think we've covered everything we need to here. Um I think we've decided on what, you know, decided on standard items for most of um rubber and such, so we're now looking at the detailed design and what we need to be doing for the next meeting. Um So for example, um I'll just start at the top, you've got yourself and the Industrial Designer gonna be working quite closely at this stage 'cause it'll be hard not to, obviously. Um looking from prototyping of some des description using clay. Um I suppose you'll be told a lot more about that as uh progress. Um The user interface design, They're kind of it looks they're the idea I've pushed forward so far is maybe more of a physical one there, whereas possibly be more interested in maybe how the LCD's going to incorporate, do you think? Or do you s perceive that most the design design decisions still need to be based on the physical layout? Mm. Um well I I think other than ge getting a sort of more aesthetically pleasing form for it, um mo most of the sort of layout design decisions are are made, I would say. Um but then again, the um the menu structure to to a considerable extent that's gonna vary according to the model of television, and also any customisations that the user might wish to incorporate. So um and one of the nice things about having an LCD and a menu structure is that there is that flexibility to it. Mm-hmm, that's very true. Um. Okay. Um got product evaluation as well. Yeah, you see I don't some of these things kinda logically follow the others. Um. How can t product evaluation, doesn't that come after actually seen a product prototype. I I think we'd be yeah, no, it'd be more a case of how do we envisage us performing the product evaluation once we have a model to test with. Oh, that's the okay, sure sure sure. Um so it'd be a case of do you think that just bringing users in to have them test it out, uh maybe putting a certain number of products into the field in certain places which I suppose is quite similar. Mm-hmm. Or just kind of hitting the streets and you know saying this is a new remote control, what do you think of the look of it? Okay, sure. Um I think the target audience is pretty much anybody under the age of say maybe sixty or something ludicrous. At this stage we still have no no target audience or 'Kay. Um the reason I'm saying that is we're just looking at a a replacement remote control, something that's stylish, so maybe you're even just maybe you're narrowing down your target audience simply by saying if they're buying it that often or they're maybe looking to replace something then, they've got a bit of free cash, so that puts them potentially in the younger age bracket. And it's stylish. Mm-hmm. Maybe even single, just for the reasons of um uh excess cash flow. Mm. Although of course I mean at twenty five Euros, I don't think we're looking at charging the earth for the uh device. Yep. Yeah. Think that's well within the normal bracket. Okay. Um your idea of the USB would I think would largely depend on the cost. USB's definitely one of the cheapest interfaces out there, but it might push the cost of the overall unit up 'cause it would require not just the connection but the chip for communicating with the rest of the system. That one might have to be based on The the idea was that maybe it could connect up for um allowing a software interface on the PC for a larger programming due to the fact that we've gone for such a nice, easy minimal design, normally. Programmable memory as well. The USB for which? For the remote control. Oh right, okay. We've w definitely talking some type of Different. Um. But didn't they just say it's just for TV, or are we gonna Okay, yeah. It's just for TV, but for programming it to use your TV, you might hook it up to the PC. I I'm not sure, but I'm thinking maybe that the additional cost of the USB might be prohibitive. Mm. We don't know unless it would make sense to. But you're gonna need some type of flash memory or something. Yeah, I mean it's Yeah. Well something that doesn't you wouldn't have to redo the whole thing once the batteries are changed, you know, once you turn off the power. Yeah. The other thing I mean it I mean it would need to ha it would need to have um some sort of on board memory anyway. Yeah. Um f for one for one thing because I do think that the menu system should be um uh I mean although you know, it's not going to be terribly complicated if it's just controlling one device, the menu system ought to be um o ought to be customisable and uh Mm-hmm. Different languages, uh different skins and stuff like that. Mm-hmm. W It would make sense to. How uh how uh how you want say the um the the menu structure for flicking through channels if you've got lots of channels. Sure. I if it was customisable as in different languages and stuff, that does open it is supposed to be international, right? That sort of thing. So. It would make sense if you could Okay. I would say to. Um and we'd better be careful about the time as well. We've already had the five minute warning, so. Um. I would say yeah. International would make sense. Um you're gonna look at product evaluation. I'm I'd better start writing up a hell of a lot of crap. Um you're gonna look a bit more at the kind of the physical make up you say. Um looks like we're gonna need a maybe a kind of prototype in clay. Yeah. Uh we'll see how that goes. Um. Are we going to be supplied with the clay is what I want to know. Where is the clay? So um do I think we've got an idea of where we need to go for the next meeting, would you say? Yeah. Mm-hmm. they're going with the fashion thing, like the design, spongy rubber. The fruit and veg. This one. Yeah. Mm. Yeah, I would s that would be my my feeling. I th I think I would largely want to actually steer clear of the whole sort of fruit and veg thing. Bu but um but the spongy idea I like. I like it a lot. We seem to have quite a general consensus that the idea of the the r rubber could be quite Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I having it i having it sort of br bright yellow I think that's quite a good idea, though maybe we could have options for colours as well. Yeah. and again this has the advantage of being harder to lose. Sure. I mean we are trying to promote a remote control, but we wanna keep the company brand as well, so. Mm-hmm. So we always need to remember that somewhere we're meant to be getting the slogan on. Possibly I'm think I'm not sure but I'm seeing a little bit of space around maybe the joystick area which could be used. Mm. Yeah. Um. I was like like I said before I I think we should have the RR on the uh on the top function button. Okay. And I think that says it all really. I think so too. Right. See everybody in a half hour.", " That should hopefully do the trick, um. 'Kay. Sorry about the small delay. Falling a little bit behind schedule. And that's uh fifteen twenty five. Okay. So just to try and roughly go over what we agreed in the last one, um we're gonna go for something uh uh how was it? Uh The new black, I believe. Um something that looks good 'cause that seems to be in preference to actual functionality in the end, though we should never avoid functionality, of course. Uh many of our components are gonna be standard, off the shelf, but it seemed like we were gonna require at least an advanced chip and we were still very much for the idea of using an LCD display. Um other things were we were hoping to use rubber, most likely gonna be double curved, etcetera. Okay. So um due to your hard work, we might as well let the uh two designers go first, and uh show us the prototype. Okay, it's a I think if we both step up and uh outline our ideas. Quite how the best way to do this is, I'm not sure, but Okay. Okay. Now do uh doing the prototype gave us a bit more insight into the ergonomics of the design. Um for one thing, it turned out that the only point at which it needs to be articulated for handedness is um is h i is down here for the uh LED. As it turned out, the whole thing transfers from the right to left hand fairly well from the point of view of operating the uh function buttons and joystick, though it might be an idea to be able to a adjust the positions for the base of the joystick just a little bit for uh ju just a thought. You could simply have a slightly ovoid shaped joystick that could then just be turn uh twisted round, so that the uh sticky uh so that the bit that sticks out a bit more is on one side or the other. But as you as you see with the uh with holding it in the left hand, the L uh the LCD is nowhere useful, so that would need to be articulated uh if we're going to retain ergonomic design. Um now I I got your note about uh keeping the cost down. I'm afraid yeah. Yeah. We'll go into that a bit more, but please go on. this design could be done with um with uh plastic casing. Though I would recommend around the grip part here in the middle, having maybe just a rubber grip over that which would allow for a slightly more sort of bio-morphic form, and a bit more ergonomic as well. As for the um as for the single curve, um well this edge and this edge, like I say it would be nice to have some curvature to it, but it's not absolutely necessary. Really the curve that's most needed is the underside so that the jo so that the joystick rests over the the edge of the hand like this. Um and you have the uh transmitter here and a wee speaker for the uh for the uh for the uh fi uh for the remote control finder. So. Any further comments? Um obviously it's gonna be bulkier than how it looks, because it's gonna be flat on one side, so the LCD will be s sticking down like this, won't it? Mm-hmm. Yeah. 'Cause it you can't get it curved. Uh because of costs. Yeah, I mean the uh Yeah. And it's plastic as well, so it won't be as comfortable on the hand. Mm. Yeah. I mean with the with the rubber design it could i you know it could pretty much mould very much to the to the user's hand. One nice wee feature if we could if we could still do the rubber, I though of was to have the uh rubber extend beyond the end of the uh of the rigid substructure. So it has a wee sort of tail that you just drape over your wrist so it stays in position nicely. Mm. Lovely. Um. Yeah, . Okay, yeah. Great. Right. Um. Yeah I've got a if you load up my evaluation document. Yeah, okay. Okay. Excellent work. Mm. Um. Uh evaluation. Basic point uh have a list of criteria that we need to rate the prototype by. Um then we will it's a seven s um seven seven step kinda evaluation process. So um not seven steps, seven scale. So after we've finished doing all the ratings for each criteria, we average that and that will give us some type of uh confidence in our prototype. And uh the criteria based on Real Reactions' kinda goals and policies, marketing strategies, and also those I put together from the user requirements phase. 'Kay. Um if you flip the So, those are the criteria. And uh perhaps I could have put 'em a bit better, but you notice a few things that we've totally abandoned, which means that uh the product will score very badly on some of those points. Put it mildly. So we have um true? One, t Seven, eight, oh. Fourth. Okay, so we have to go through each point. If we imagine it's actually straight, and just give it a a score. So um how well would you say the prototype is uh how well have we realised the dream of being able to stop remotes from from being lost, or to be able to find them once they are lost. I mean, uh is the homing thing still the locator, is that still Sure. Yeah, that's still part of the design. And Adam, we can keep that in? Yeah, I believe so. So I mean I don't think anybody could actually stop a remote being lost, 'cause that would mean doing something about the human element, but I'd like to think that we've done something about finding the damn thing once we have. Okay. Sure. T Sure. Mm. Mm. And making it a bright colour helps with the personally I would have gone for purple. Mm. Bright colour. So we still have that noise thing, yeah? Mm-hmm. Os on a scale of one to seven, how would you guys rate it for finding finding it once it's lost? I'd say number one. Number one? One. Yeah. Okay. Number number one for the first criteria. I think w if it was just the sounder then th I mean something I've found with uh w w with say tr trying to find uh a cordless phone or a m mobile, you can hear it, but you can't quite pin it dow pin down where it is. Yeah you can tell what room the mobile is Yeah. What about what if the the volume on the TV's turned up massively and uh you just wanna turn down the volume can't find remote. Bu Yeah. Suppose you have to go to the TV and do it manually. Mm. Mm. Yeah. Like y you wouldn't hear the speaker. Um just before we go through all of the steps here, um well what we'll do is um if we can look at the criteria you're gonna evaluate, and then we'll come back to the product evaluation if that's alright. Mm-hmm. You wanna say something? That's fine. Yeah, is that Um so is there anything here that you that you wanted to cover as in the criteria that you've covered? Oh that's that's fine. And then we'll come back pretty much promptly to this. What do you mean cr is there anything I wanna Um, a few. I is there any of these criteria that need any explaining? Or is there anything that yous thought tha really would stand out compared to the others? Something I neglected from my initial research is that Real Reactions has a a goal strategy that all of the products be inspired by material fashion, and clothing fashion. That is why fruit and veg being popular in the home and in clothing was important and they want all their products to be somehow inspired by current trends in fashion. So they say we put the fashion in electronics, well they really mean it they they're very big on fashion, so. Okay. That's this bit right here. And uh this bit is this one easy to use for visitors or for anybody? I guess it's just the same as saying easy to use interface, so it's kinda condensed into one. And we can come back to it, you said. So. Okay. No and which we will do very very shortly. Um. Okay. Slight problem we had was that we have an amazing four Euros over budget for what we were hoping to do. Um most of it stems from the use of the LCD which I think in the end accounted for about half of our expenditure because of course we required a chip as well. Um the only way to get this down was either to ditch the a LCD, at which point we've removed a large part of how we were gonna interface, require more buttons, etcetera. Or what we did was that we um we as in I as I was quickly going over it was altering the actual structure. Um changing it to plastic and a solid unit with a single curve design would allow us to come back into the um proposed costs and we're just scraping it in, we've got point two of a Euro left over there. So we're just managing it really. Even then as well, um there was no criteria technically defined for a joystick so I've used what I think's appropriate. With any luck that won't mean that we've incurred more cost than we can actually afford to. It blows a lot of our really good ideas kind of slightly to one side, for example the possibility of having a USB connection is definitely not viable now. Um. Different languages? That should still be viable. We've got an advanced chip, we've got the use of the LCD. So being able to communicate in multiple languages is still very much a possibility. Yeah. Um but what's something we need to decide on is how we're gonna go from here. We do need to try and come up with an idea which could be continued with other people if need be. Um. We can I can bring the excel up sheet up and uh show you if you wish um. I really think as m much as it pains me is that we might have to go with plastic and some kind of solid design, possibly meaning that the LCD wouldn't be in this perfect place. It might be s stuck like slightly between what would be good for left handed and what would be good for a right handed person. Mm-hmm I suppose o one thing that could be done is h is have it um circular and have it s so that the uh the pink actually goes a bit over the pinkie finger. Okay. Mm. Mm. So that uh th Mm. It very much is about making concessions, unfortunately. Um. Do you have any data on how much um different prints cost? I mean can you get the entire thing printed with a design um? Um b b b da is you mean on the plastic, or? Let's have a look. You now have as much information as I do. Yeah, yeah. Um. So as you can see here, for example, the battery really not very little choice in that one. We've gone for one of the cheaper options as well. Unfortunately we require the advanced chip if we're gonna do what we're needing to. I've said single curved. We really do need it to be that way for the ergonomics of it. Um plastic for some reason incurs no cost, which I've had to very much make advantage of, despite the fact that rubber's only got a value of two Euros per unit. Problem comes here as you can see in the interface. Um if I've read this thing correctly, then we can save point five of a Euro here in that it's not per push button. That might make sense, because then a numeric keypad would come in at um what, four point five Euros, which is an awful lot, so that could well be wrong. Even if we save point five there, it would just mean that we're most likely placing it in actually just gaining a colour for the unit, which has had to be put to one side. As you can see, the use of an LC display um advanced chip and what would determine the scroll wheel here as well because it's an integrated scroll scroll wheel push button that wasn't quite what I think they had in mind with a joystick. Why would why would that be more expensive than an individual push button and scroll wheel together? That's quite significantly expensive. I that's something you'll have to take up with the bean counters. Um as you can see I mean that's taken up well over half of the price. Mm. yeah. Yeah. So um I'm very much open to suggestions of where we go, but because we need to shed what was four Euros off of the um the price of for what we really desired, this one comes in under price as you can see, but this was the one that sacrificed the material for the case and for the actual case design. We don't even have uh speakers here. The like uh we uh what about speakers and transmitters and stuff like that? Have we factored that in? Mm. Uh no, we haven't, not That'll it literally would just be a button. Transmitter, receiver, speakers. Plus the extra device itself that's gonna be on a TV. Is that gonna be a button, or Yeah. That's too expensive isn't it? We might have to It looks like almost nothing Mm. Oh good call, I missed that. I I mean it's not on here, but um. that's a very valid point. Did they s do we have to use an advanced chip for the LCD? Yeah. Okay. Well that's yeah. So if we're gonna go with the LC display, then that's I believe so, yeah. What's a hand dyna dynamo? You have to wind it up? That would probably not be in keeping with the um the fashion statement and such, yeah. Technology. Fashion. Yeah. Okay. So basically the only new thing is the LCD on the remote now. Being manipulated by the joystick, yeah. Oh, and joystick, yeah. Which I'm defining as scroll wheel. Um. And we couldn't replace the joystick, right? Because we would need four extra buttons to replace it, up down left and right, and that would be more expensive than a but is a scroll wheel not just back and forward? Mm. Yeah it's just because there was no actual definition for what a joystick might be, that that's what I've labelled it for the purposes of this evaluation. So The LCD basically is the big selling point of the remote. If we remove the LC display, we could save ourselves a fair amount. Which you could It's a shame. But that's what makes it uh original though, isn't it? Mm. Yeah. I think if we remove the the LC display then there was absolutely no point to any of these meetings and we just we could just put our branding on any other remote control. Yeah. Yeah. Um. Uh k Does this does this bear in mind that I mean it's a bit ridiculous that they're gonna charge us what is it, like this much money for three million if we're gonna buy three million components, you know. We should possibly have If we could've increased the price we could've manufactured that and we could've got something far closer to what we were hoping to. Again, you'll have to argue with the accountants on that one. Mm. Um but for the purposes of this meeting, I'm we're gonna have to stick with these figures. 'Kay. So, I would say that it would seem like the general opinion is we're gonna keep the LC display 'cause it's about what really separates us, despite the cost it's gonna incur. I think so. Um are people maybe not happy with, but are willing to go ahead with this in going for a plastic solid case, to keep the LCD? Mm-hmm. Um yeah I mean one thing, I mean ho uh how much extra would it be to to keep I mean keep the um the articulation? It's hard to tell. Um I would say that you're at least gonna take double curved, and even then I'm not quite sure if that's incorporating the idea of articulation. This is what I'm wondering. Yeah. Oh no, I think I I it d that it needn't require it to be double curved. It can be s yeah, it can still be single curved, but You just. It's uh it's just it's just it's just that the case would come in t would be made in two parts and then joined together with an articulation. Single curved with articulation? Could we could we not get rid of the curvy the curvous the curvaceousness and focus on the menu being the best interface? 'Cause like we do we have re restrictions on software? That's what we need for the joystick I think though. Oh but there has to be joystick. Mm. Yeah, I mean and I mean the uh I mean if you look uh if you look closer at the uh at the prototype here, the lines here along the grip are actually quite straight. Um I mean yeah, on the on the LCD I mean although we've done it with a curve it could just as easily be done um without curves. But the curves all o over hand, is it? The curve that's really needed is up here, to put uh to keep the joystick in a good ergonomic position for it to have it rest on the top of the hand. Okay. Sure. Okay, my bad. We wouldn't actually save a lot by reducing it anyway, so I mean for the purposes of this meeting maybe we can state that single curve still allows articulation. Mm. Um unless we hear otherwise we could go ahead with that proposal. So I think the product is not gonna perform so well for my criteria. Which is what we can get onto now. As long as so are we gonna say w we have to keep an eye on the time as well, but we're gonna say um single curved design It could well be, but at a cost of Okay, yeah we'll definitely won't go with that one. Oh, wait a minute. Sample speaker? What is a sample speaker? Is that somewhat similar to what we want? Mm no that's that voice response thing that we got the email about. Costs four. Yeah. But I thought it was just completely pointless. You got a email about voice response? Yeah. I did not, so. Alright. B i basically it was saying that our labs had come up with a chip that you could, you know, say hello to, and it would say hello back in a friendly female voice. We won't go with that one, did you say? I mean I we Okay, okay. Yeah, that's voice recognition, so. Um. So, okay yeah, battery definitely, It looks like it unless we can manage to put it in under point two Euros, um. So it looks like we're gonna get rid of the whole loca locator thing. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Maybe even slight well oh yeah, pretty much point two Euros, I'd say. Mm-hmm. So we'll leave that one for now. we'll just have It's uh a case of um I'm uh slightly unsure. Are we going for a special colour at all? One point five of a Euro for one push button doesn't sound quite right. So maybe it's a case of a push button is maybe one or more. Um. Mm. Well I was for a case. At which point if Well you got point five there. Or had you already incorporated that? Oh, special colour for the case. It's literally a case of whether or not this is correct. I'm not quite sure if they're I don't think they mean point five Euros per button. Mm-hmm. Okay, well l let's say that and then we can have our special coloured case and then we at least have make it a little harder to lose. So There we go. Because most m most remotes are a fairly dingy colour that gets camouflaged under any pile of crap in a living room. W what's the default colour? White or black? Black's probably the normal colour you'd say, yeah. Or grey. Right. I quite like that colour that you're fetching there, it's uh definitely for make it glow in the dark even better. Yellow. Yeah. So will we go with that then? Okay. Yeah. It's not and we can see we'll come back to uh your evaluation which you're probably now going to pan us but there we go. Sure. Okay. Okay. So uh Right okay. Just to give you an idea, um you want to go maybe a bit quickly as well, I'm not sure how much time. We've not hit the five minute mark warning yet, but. Okay. Think it's ten minutes left. Ten. 'Kay. Ability to stop remotes from being lost or to find them once they are lost. Um. Okay. Special colour. Special colour. Mm mm four? Uh uh four. Three? Mm. Three if we're being generous, I feel. Three. I think we can do three. Three. Think we're being generous here with three. Th the special colour doesn't would I think make a difference. It makes it stand out from you know it's lost in a big pile of crap, it stands out from the rest of the crap. Mm. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Reduce the number of unused buttons. We're down to t two buttons, is it? Two buttons. Two buttons and a joystick. Okay, so that's a one. You know, where that's Okay, that was good. Totally. Yeah. I'd say we're doing well there. Easy to use interface, buttons menu, menus that's yeah that's good. 'Kay that's we're not doing so badly. Um easy to use oh okay, let's forget that one. Mm-hmm. Fancy looking. As he models the I'd Yeah. It doesn't get much fancier. Sure. And we could do whatever we like with the L LCD. Yeah let's just assume it's a good LCD display. Maybe I was panicking for no reason. Are we going one on? I'd say we go two, 'cause like f the fanciest would be the double curved. Yeah, w maybe you'd be a bit too yeah. Wouldn't it? Mm. With the articulators. There we go. Yeah, that's m that's that's better too. With bells on it. More accurate numbers. Technologically innovative. Well, we're getting rid of the locator thing which which yeah. Which is a shame. Mm. I'd give it a three for this for that. No need for teletext. Yeah. I mean the menus thing is something you don't normally see on um on a remote, but you see it in a lot of other places. 'Kay. Yeah, mobile phones. Mm. And y what you're doing is moving the menu from the television to the remote control, so it's You say three? Mm-hmm. I might go as far as two on that. Three. I'd give it a three. I'd be tempted with three, yeah. Three. Okay. Okay. We'll get panned on the next one, anyway. Materials that people find pleasing. Sponginess is what they really would have wanted, apparently. Yeah, w It is, yeah. Don't blame them. Um because of the way that we've minimalised the number of buttons and such. Yeah. Plastic, it sucks. But it's no worse than any of the other pl remote controls we have. That's true. It's not a step backwards. Mm-hmm. five? Six? I'd s I I'd give it a six, to be honest. Six, . Yeah, okay let's give it a six. Okay, that's totally thrown everything off balance. Inspired by the latest interior and clothing fashion. W we could. What colour were we gonna make it? Put a leopard print on it. Well I I I would sa I would say give a s give a selection of colours. Um we went with yellow we went with yellow for the prototype 'cause we had yellow. I know, but But um by this I think it's more a case of fruit and veg, Yeah. If I were buying one, I'd go for purple. Leopard print would be cool. Yeah we gotta. I'd say the colour of the border there world you'd find that, that's that'd stand out. Like yellow, yeah. It would also help keep the the product placement s yeah. Logo, brand. Mm. Mm 'kay. But Th th they're referring to the fruit and veg thing. Is it inspired by clothing fashion? Is this like a banana type colour? Could we stretch no still, it's not shaped like a banana is Oh is that 'cause it's flat? Yes. It's kind o it probably Well I mean it's probably more fruit and veg than most other things out there bar fruit and veg, so, what, four? That's kinda i it won't be when it's been budgeted. What is what fruit or veg is flat? I I think s I I think this isn't not particularly fruit and veggie. Yeah. Um. Or we might have to suffer badly for this one as well. Yellow courgette. Four? Oh that's it's very ambitious, yeah, um. Is that being too generous? Mm. I'd I'd I don't think fruit and veg is the sole criterion. Oh dear, . Sure. Is the sole criterion for being um fashion fashionable or inspired by current fashions. Inspired by. Um I'd g I'd rate I'd rate this fairly highly from that point of view actually. Well this this what we're gonna t this is their motto, like. Yeah. And we're we're not doing well on it. This is their strategy. I m imagine we actually had some money invested in this and the amount that we invest is gonna be proportional to the marks. Might we might wanna be a bit more skepible sceptical about this one. What would you think yourself? I would say I mean it's it's not at all, right? In any way or shape or form. We didn't m Okay, the the yellow banana like thing is I think is okay. Well, it's kind of curved and we can make it yellow, and that's pretty much banana like. Si it's got a curve to it. Right five. Is that sound reasonable? Am I do you think I'm stretching the uh the use of the banana? Yeah, I'll go with five. Five. Yeah. 'Kay, so we have one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. So five, seven, ten, sixteen, twenty one. Which gives us an average of three. It's well this would be in the middle. So we it's it's not bad. It's in the good section. It's not bad and considering the don't pick the pen. Oops. Sorry. Um. I'm I'm sorry. Y oh and you've knocked batteries out. Um right okay it's considering the price we had to get this in, to have a positive you know, even based on the four of us being heavily biased, um it was gonna be quite hard to get anything standing out I'd say possibly, based on um the the cost features. 'S bad design, that thing. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mm, yeah. Mm. Even if we were to increase this entire thing by by seven, we were to go down a grade to to four, we would have to do I mean we didn't we weren't that kinda optimistic too optim overly optimistic. You know like we didn't we didn't add we didn't subtract a whole seven points from these things, so I think we're definitely on the good bit. Even if we gave this one seven and this one seven, that's still only three extra points over seven. You know, it's yeah, we did it w it was okay. Mm. It was good. Personally, I think given that the product um only replaces a single remote control that you've already got, are people really gonna shell out twenty five Euros for something that's only marginally good? Well, it depends who your who's what the target people are, like you'd say maybe the fashion conscious women would be going, oh look at that, 's cool, it looks like a it's yellow, looks like a banana, it's cool it's gotta look good in the sitting room. Maybe it's been targeted Hide it in the fruit basket. Mm-hmm. Rather than the LCD whereas uh more technical like like more uh people in with the latest technology it's good, it's got an LCD screen 's only got two buttons and a joystick. So, which which kind of people would be more likely to buy it? Probably the people technologically. They're usually the ones that buy pointless stuff. I think so. I mean my mum still has not learnt how to use text messaging on her phone, and she's had it for a long time, you know. She uses it to make phone calls and that's it. Yeah. So I think if sh if my mum saw a remote control like this with only two buttons and a joystick, I mean that'll probably be the first one she decides not to buy, you know. Mm-hmm. She'd be like is this a remote control, I don't how do you use it, and stuff like that. So even if it is really user friendly to us, but we're used to using menus all the time. Mm-hmm. I s I suppose one thing is that b because it's technically innovative, um for someone who's sort of technophobic, the fact that it simply looks unfamiliar would be daunting. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's totally uh radical to have a remote control with no no numbered buttons, yeah. Um. Yeah. Yeah. But like radical good, maybe. Okay. Um don't know how lo much longer we've got. At least five minutes I think. Um quickly we'll pop onto project evaluation. Um. So, we've got these uh four criteria here for uh satisfaction. Does anybody want to um um do you have any opinions on any of them? For example um we'll work backwards I suppose. The ability to work on this project using the technology we've been presented with. Um people made good use of the uh pen and paper? I would say I'm not quite sure what the advantage for us using a digital pen might be. Yeah, got notes and doodles. Yeah. Wrote nearly a page, but not. I think tracking. Well I think this is a I think the digital pen's mostly for the benefit of the uh of the researchers studying this. Mm. It's all p goes into their corpus. Though it would have been nice to be able to transfer the um transfer our n our paper notes onto the uh computer ourselves. It must It does seem like the paper's still a heavy consideration for taking notes. Yeah, that woulda been pretty good. So maybe this is literally just a way around it. Um I dunno. How are people satisfied with the teamwork we've managed to display today? Good. I'd yeah I liked it, yeah. Leadership. As much as can be leadered in this uh thing. Very good. I li yeah, top marks. Um last one we've got is room for creativity. Well yeah. Now, I think we got Yeah I think of in the end, ideas that can be used sadly. Unti uh uh until uh until accounts came along, squish. We're burs bursting with creativity. We we're not lacking in ideas, you know it's that was not the problem. Not so much that we weren't full of ideas, but of ones that are gonna allow us to actually build the thing. Mm-hmm. It's a bit of a pity. Um I would have to agree on that. I think we needed a larger budget. Yeah. If you're going to aim your a um product maybe at the technological kind of sector, then you can afford to maybe jack the price up slightly from what it is. Because they will pay outrageous cash to first on the market. Yeah. Mm. I mean I th I mean I think to r retaining the s the more sort of bio-morphic form in the articulation would gain more in s uh would gain more profit in sales than it would lose in uh in added expense. Mm. And the price was like it was twice the w assembly cost. And would it have to be twice that? It could be like coulda had the assembly like maybe fifteen Euro. It could even That's true, yeah. We'll still settle for twenty five. Maybe. Um I suppose these are all that will have to be taken up with a at a different group at I guess. As to a the costs involved. But I mean we've got a a prototype. Such as it is. So I dunno, I I think it's gone okay today, considering the information that we've had at our disposal, and um such. Maybe the counts wou woulda been better if we had a list or more Yeah, to begin with. In the beginning, yeah. Yeah. Probably would have mean we could have come up with a lot more solid design in the end, I would have to agree. Yeah. It is very much a pity to um get so far into the stage and then find out that maybe some of your ideas are just a bit too expensive. Always hard to tell until you know the costs. Um. Okay. Are the costs within budget? Well, they are now that we have our slightly less than capable product. Okay. We've evaluated it, and we can say that we came out with a value of three. Yeah. Actually I want th one thing I would say I mean something that could perhaps be part of the product mm the um m product testing market research process would be to uh produce mock-ups of both versions and see just how much of a difference the over going over-budget um m would make to sales. It's yeah? And like response from consumers. And we could even you know, market two versions. Wee cheapie version with the nice bio-morphic rubber. And then the final one where you get to call it Hal. But we'll go into that later. Yes. Sure. Right um is there anything else that anybody would like to to add, um anything they think that's not been covered, before I quickly write up a final report. Um I dunno, I mean we've got a product. We maybe aren't as happy with it as we'd like to be, but we've got something we think we can maybe stick onto the the market and sell. And of course something we have been avoiding talking about 'cause of we've no information is selling them directly to the manufacturers. Yeah. There is a huge market. I mean we've briefly touched on it but we've no more knowledge then there's little we can say on that. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. So um unless anybody's got anything they'd like to add, we can maybe round this up slightly earlier than we'd need to and then we can finish up the writing and such. And I can get my bus. Yeah? Okay. Yeah. Okay, let's Thank you. Uh thank you for your participation. Thank you. I was actually kind of upset you know at the budget, and that we had to cut a lot of stuff. It's like man, we we can't have the locator thing. And s yeah that's just bad. Do you think maybe the prices were were made? That a question we can ask.", " Here we go. Welcome everybody. Um, I'm Abigail Claflin. You can call me Abbie. 'S see. PowerPoint, that's not it. There we go. So this is our kick off meeting. Um and I guess we should all get acquainted. Let's shall we all introduce ourselves? Hi I'm Chiara, I'm the um Marketing Expert. Um, would you like me to talk about my aims at the moment, or would you like me to just say my name and then we can talk about business later? I think we'll get around to that, yeah. We'll get round to that later. So this is just introductions yeah. My name is Chiara and I'm the Marketing Expert. Okay. I forgot to s say I'm the Project Manager but I figured you all knew that already, um so. I'm Stephanie and I am the User Interface Designer. I'm Krista and I'm the Industrial Designer. Okay. Um so f here's our agenda for today. Um we're gonna do some tool training, project plan and discuss then close. Um so. So our aim is to produce a remote control that is original, trendy and user friendly. And to do this, we have to um there's certain things we have to consider about functional aspects and conceptual design of the thing. So. We'll get to that. Oh there it is. Right. Functional design, conceptual design and detailed design. So throughout our next couple of meetings we'll we'll be covering these things. Um so we're gonna try out our white board. If we'll all draw our favourite animal, to sum up the characteristics of that animal. So you want us to draw it and then talk about it? Okay. Or just draw it? I think both. Yeah. Okay. Why don't we do both. Both. Yeah. Who starts? Right. We ought to decide who starts and all that. No? Any volunteers? Uh-huh. Does anyone know what they wanna draw? Mm, I gotta think about it for a second like. Uh Does it have to be functional, trendy and user friendly? I don't think so. Um. Okay, I'll draw. I'll draw one. Make sure my things here. Uh-oh. Right. Okay, my favourite animal is see. Oops. A dolphin. Yeah, it's Yeah, I guess it has a fin on top too, yeah. 'S like playing Pictionary. It's my dolphin. So what characteristics do you like about your animal? I like its tail. Um, no, I think dolphins are really uh I dunno, they're smart and they they're cute and they like swimming and that's cool, like they're graceful yeah, and they're so Yeah they're sleek and they look intelligent and I don't know, they're I guess it's the whole like binocular vision thing. They're graceful. Sleek. I don't know how intelligent that one looks. Yeah he he doesn't look that smart. He's a I dunno um they're I think it's cool the the um the interaction that or the th things that the reasons people seem to like you know you get ex you know people are sitting on the beach and p they're like oh look there's dolphins and it's kinda like but they're you know they jump around in the water and they're happy and they're mammals, but they swim. Yes. Does anybody else wanna draw their animal? Suppose I can draw an animal, yeah. Uh-oh there goes the ten. It's a cat. Yeah. I don't know. They sleep all day, they're easy to draw. Do you wanna anything? Uh yeah. I dunno if the the ah. Well I had the cat as well, but uh I've got a spare one. I think the pen is running out of Two million. So I'll use the spare one. Um but it's harder to draw um. And the pen's dying. Um. A horse. Uh. Horse. Um I don't really know how the legs go, but anyway I will do that. That's very good. Um, and the main reason is they're pretty. I think they're very pretty and they go well with the environment, and I like the way they run and I used to do horse riding and they're just very sort of sturdy and nice animals. And I like the way um they feel, sort of under under the hand, I think that's pretty much it. Um How many should we sell then? Yeah. This cord's Uh. Right. Actually I haven't thought of anything yet. Uh It's a pig. So I'm thinking we should design a remote control that's water resistant, strong and furry. What do you think, yeah? And furry. This is yeah, well like a cat, you know, soft yeah. Textile tactile, tactile remote control. Although uh I'll just put there. Right. You're dragging a you have a tail. Oh my gosh, this is disastrous. Sorry about that. Okay. So moving on. Our selling price goal is twenty five Euro and profit aim is fifty million Euro. So I'm guessing that we're not actually in Scotland, we're in some European country. Um, and we will hope to sell this internationally. Sorry can you just say that what's the what are our price goals again? Um selling price is twenty five Euro. Okay. Profit aim fifty million Euro. Um, a lot, two two two million, two mi no, more f four million. Anyone a mathematician? Four million. And it well it's the profit so if a profit for each is twelve fifty, that'll do four million. Oh, yeah. It is a lot. Uh. So f that's a fifty percent um uh. Um, I don't know what these mean because I didn't actually make the slide-show. Experience with remote control. So I guess we have to reflect on our experiences with remote controls to decide what um we would like to see in a convenient, practical, nice remote control. Um so do we have any initial ideas for uh how this remote control should be designed or formatted or the the buttons it should have. Um, I think one thing is that it should be easy to find bec yeah bec Yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah. I was thinking that too. Yeah. I think we should design something that has like a so you can like somehow like you I mean you always know where your TV is, so just have a call button, I've always wanted that, so like you can push a button on your TV Yeah, yeah yeah yeah, so you should have a call button on your television to be able to find your remote control. Yeah. I mean you have it for the portable phone, so why not yeah. Yeah. And even I think a little light. Um or even a maybe a vib a vibrating thing. I dunno but someth because it's usually under the sofa. Yeah. In which case you're going to be l but if it has a sort of signal which isn't any sound I don't know if it's expensive maybe to Maybe call is enough. Yeah. Yeah. I don't yeah I mean it but like I mean just I mean like your phone even just has so like it can vibrate, it can light up and make noise and I dunno. But yeah. Yeah yeah yeah. Yeah. What if it had something like um just like a magnet on the back of it and you could I mean j just to have some place to put it besides like a base. Yeah. You know like a portable phone has a base, like just to have a home for it. Yeah, or if it had a yeah. Yeah yeah yeah yeah. Yeah, I mean Yeah. 'Cause people just stick it on top of their TV, but the point of having a remote is not to have to walk over to the TV, so Yeah. Well that's why it's always in the couch. Yeah, in in the couch. I dunno, it seems like though that that would be hard, 'cause you not you're not gonna be lazy anyway and Yeah so we the project is now couches and remote controls. Yeah. Maybe we should design couches that have the remote control in the side arm. But even just a thing to attach it to the w you know if you had a thing, a pretty object attached to the wall. But that would really make it more expensive. Yeah. But it's only a plastic thing, r really, the thing on the wall. Yeah. Yeah. Something like that. And the other thing is Not well it needs to be sort of Yeah. Do you think it needs to be bigger to not lose, or does that not factor in? Bigger. Like Hand hand held size, yeah. Hand-sized. I don't think you need a But definitely not well I don't know. Not not huge, but Huh. It can't be that hard to put some kind of a noise on it. No, it can't be, uh-uh. No it really wouldn't be. Or like or like a light thing. You know. I dunno. Like spaceship. Yeah. Right. Um Oh dear. Or make it mobile so it runs around and comes come find you yeah. That would be really I'm sure we could do that for twenty five Euros a pop. Little homing device. Yeah. Uh. Um. Okay. So what do we think this remote control should Five minutes. Till the meeting oh right. This is what we have left. I also think though that it shouldn't have too many buttons, 'cause I hate that when they have too many buttons and I mean I know it has to have enough functions but like, I don't know you, just have like eight thousand buttons and you're like, no, you never use half of them. Um, oh we just Yeah. Yeah, I agree. B button and the F button, they don't do anything. Yeah, yeah yeah. You what if um may be a little fancy but what if it had like a little screen, so it has less buttons but it still has all the functions. So. That would be cool. Like the way a mobile phone does. Yeah. Yeah. I mean it just seems like yeah. So you could like um like if you have I dunno if you have satellite if you have a hundred channels, you can the way you do it on your radio is that you uh what do you call it s y yeah but you can programme, so you can programme like your favourite channels, so like if you had a s That's something we could decide. Select. Uh. But, would you have the screen on the thing, or would you have it on the telly transmitting the screen. I guess they would go together somehow? Because Because, I don't know if it's I think it's e expensive, if you have if you use the telly screen, 'cause the telly's already a screen, then you can pro sort of have a programming function, really easy sort of arrow up and down, on the remote, and then use the telly as a screen. Mm. I dunno. Yeah. Yeah. Right. But um But yeah for sure. I'm thinking kind of Or like you h you see those you know people I'm thinking of like celebrity cribs kind of things when like they have all those these things that at their house you know their their entire house is so electronic, and they have like this one master control that and it's like a hand held like turns on everything sort of control and it has like a screen and like so I think it should be possible to have some kind of a screen, I don't know if it must be it would probably must be ex too expensive though t like I dunno. Something like not it's not on the button but it's telling you what to do, is that what you mean? Yeah. Yeah. Right. Mm. Yeah. But like mobile phones have screens and they're cheap. Mm. Yeah, yeah. Yeah that's true. Yeah. I mean, we have to remember our budget is twelve point twelve fifty for to actually make the device. Yeah. Mm. Um but it's something to think about, yeah. Well, I guess we have to get to that later, yeah. I mean we'll have to see how much that would be. Or some it i we can find out probably on the internet how much it's Um. Yeah. Yeah, and the other thing you said that thing about robust and water um What was the word? Furry. Water resistant. Oh I was just Yeah. No but it's I thought, ah, spot on. Good feel, tact tactile, good tactile feel, maybe something didn doesn't make your hands sweat lot. Yeah. Mm, mm. That's quite annoying. Maybe um just like a simple thing to have a clip on it, like so you can clip it to your like that's another Um. Yeah. Yeah, clip. Ooh. Um. We should probably start wrapping up, um we've got some initial ideas that we can all look into. Um, and come up with some new ones for the next meeting, which will be in another thirty minutes. Um. So. Yeah. The Industrial Designer, what does that stand for, ID, yeah um is going to be looking more into the working design. Yeah I think so. So I guess you'd be looking at lots of the things we discussed about screen and um that sort of thing. The something, what is the UI? User. That's me. Yeah, what does it stand for again? Uh, User Interface design. User Interface Designer. So that's gonna be more technical. I guess that maybe the working design has also to do with like the physical feat like just the way it looks and the way it w Yeah, yeah. So technical function. The working design is the structure. What is technical functions exactl I I don't really know what It does but it I just don't really Yeah. Um, I guess you'd have to find out. It says on that email but it It said um It said Yeah like Be a medium between you and the telly I think, that's uh Marketing. Um. It was in the email. I wrote down what mine were. What effect should the thing ha should it have, okay. Alright. And working design. Okay. Yeah, yeah. Mm. Alright. And how it works, okay. Right. I'm I'm on task. And the ME, what does that stand for? M Marketing, right. Marketing. Oh it's written here, but um. Um. So we'll be working on the user requirements, um Yeah. Okay. So I guess that wraps it up. I'll see you all in thirty minutes. I just did.", " Okay. 'Kay so we'll try to zip through this, since we're short on time. Welcome everybody. Um hope your sessions went well. Um so this is our functional design meeting, we're going to consider um user needs, technical effects, and the working design of our remote control. Um I've been taking meetings on the minute minutes on the meetings, and I'll be putting them in the shared documents folder so if there's anything you need to refer to you can find them in there. Um I I'll get the ones up for next time, um they're not finished yet. Right. Um so can we have updates from everyone from what you've worked on just kind of a quick summary of anything interesting that you'd like to share or discuss in this sure. And I can start if you want. Mm. Is there an order? No. We haven't decided on an order. Hm? No, any any order's fine. First. Okay. Yeah. Um, how do I put this I'll just put the cable in. Just uh You may need to But sometimes you have to do it it's like a three set setting cycle, so press it a couple times, hold down function and then press F eight. Oh yeah, sorry. Is that it? Can you see? Oh, here. Okay. So what happens it doesn't work? It sh it takes a few seconds I think. Who's that? No. Is it in the right thing? Oh wait, um. Uh. You need to help me. Uh-huh, and then press function. Yeah. and F eight. Could you just plug it back into hers because she had oh. Oh, wait. That's is that it? Adjusting. Here we are. The cable might be a little loose or something. Right here we are. Oh, you got it. Oh. Is it on? We're here. Okay. Okay, um. In order to see what the functional requirements were to be found, um a hundred people were tested in a usability laboratory through just their habits to n know their habits were observed and questionnaires were given out. Um, the findings in in some cases matched what we were talking about. Custome Customers and users don't like the way remote controls look, they don't like the way they feel, they don't think they match their operating behaviour, and an example is what we were talking about, the buttons, they only use ten per cent of the buttons, so later on there's a study of the buttons that they use most and I think we should design according to these buttons. Easy to lose, and RSI. I don't know what RSI means. Um the person that did the questionnaire obviously did, I don't have a clue. Hm. Um, according to the frequency of use and the relevance of each buttons, I have made a list of the buttons that we should focus on in order of importance. So the most important buttons are those to do with channel selection. They're used about a hundred and sixty times per hour. And um yeah so and and people like to zap a lot apparently, so this is the order. Channel selection, teletext, volume, and power. The other ones are the settings, and they're used less than you know zero point eight to zero point five times per hour, and this means that I think we can we could have like a a button for all the settings, and then, just one, and then from there go on to the audio on the screen, either on the remote or on the television. Um, about the screen, and speech recognition, some people are more willing than others to actually pay for that. And if we look at the market, f people from well from fifteen to thirty five year old year olds, I don't really know how to describe this, um ninety one to seventy six percent of people in that age range are willing to pay more for this sort of product, while people that are above thirty five years ol um years old go from thirty five percent to eight percent, so people that are sixty five for example wouldn't actually pay for this sort of thing. Um I don't I don't know um what the decision to be made is, but I think that the people that actually do buy remotes m more are those like teenagers and young professionals and um, most likely, but we should discuss this together. And that's all I have to say about the matter, um. 'Kay. Shall I what do I do? Do I give this to someone else? Yeah. Just move right on. Right. So get this. Okay so now I need to press F eight, what is it? Uh function F eight. Function F eight. 'Kay. What's function? It's the little blue w it's the one th yeah. Oh function, I see it. There we go. Yeah should be It should be yeah. Okay. Um. This my presentation about the uh technical functions design and I basically just tried to focus on um just what what functions we need and how to make that the best function for the user. So uh and I just sort of like thought about it myself and looked on the internet. And okay so basically um I think i uh like it is really important that we sort of get this done in a user friendly and fashionable way. Um so I think things like uh you know keeping buttons together that like close together that um are used in the same way, uh or um maybe that making 'em the same colour, keeping the number of buttons the uh leas you know to a minimum, and also things like is it is it um is it uh can you c y small enough large enough I'm not sure we c I guess we would need to do some research about, I would, about what size is appropriate and that sort of thing, um but basically we need to make sure that it turns on and off the TV. Does it have like capacity to change the channels? Um does it do or do we need to have like functions for cable or VCR? And then, is it findable, and uh how do we wanna do that? And um I just thought that these two remotes were pretty boring, um I dunno if this will work but And I think we can find something that's more fun to look at and use than either of those. Just I mean I like the one on the right better, just because it does have fewer buttons, uh but I mean I think we sh can sort of think about things like um like colour and you know size, shapes, that sort of thing, to best fit the user. That concludes my presentation. Okay. You need the little thingy. Ooh. How do I um Right. S That's on view. Oh. Okay so this is on the working design, which is sort of the uh mechanical functions of the remote, um and the method I used was to basically look at existing designs and incorporate ideas from our last meeting. Um so I think we need two basic functions which is just the basic remote functions, the user can input a channel or volume setting and it will be output to the TV. And also we talked about um a location function where maybe you could press a button on the TV and it would send sort of signal to the remote where it would beep or flash or vibrate or whatever to tell you where the remote is. So the components we need are an energy source to power the remote, um input which would probably be buttons, although um we just talked about voice recognition, processor to take the information, um something to transmit it to the TV, and we also need something on the remote that would receive the location signal and have an output, like possibly a beep or a vibration. And also you need a sender for location signal, which would probably be a separate um thing that we'd have to sell with the remote and people could stick it on their TV or stick it on their wall. And this is just sort of an overview of how the remote works. Power comes from the battery, goes to the chip, um and then it is sent from there to an infrared bulb which is probably the easiest way to send to the TV. And then for the location function, you would have a sender on the TV which would output some sort of signal, um we could use IR but we'd probably wanna use radio instead. That signal would go to a receiver which it would process it, and it would be output in the form of a buzzer or a light lighting up. Um so my personal preferences for how to build the remote would probably be uh, battery for the energy source, that way you wouldn't have to plug it in, um a button pad for input, um we can purchase a pre-made chip which will handle all the processing stuff, IR transmitter to communicate to the TV, that's just sort of standard, um so most TVs have an IR receiver. Probably a radio receiver to send out location function and to receive it and I'd probably say a buzzer for the location function on the remote itself. So that concludes my presentation. 'Kay. Do you know about like I dunno, you seem like you know about Okay. Mm? Yeah, uh I d I was an engineer before I came here. Cool. Okay. Well thank you everybody. Um we have we'll discuss that and then I just wanna mention some new project requirements that came in. Um, teletext is apparently outdated, so due to internet popularity, so that's off the list. Um, also our remote should be used only for television, um, no extra internet kinda fancy things, just the remote and the television. Um and also we need to incorporate our corporate image onto this, so um the phrase is, we put fashion in electronics, so let's be fashionable I guess. Um if we have something I mean silver and and gold or yellow are our colours, so if we had a like a kind of silver one like you saw, and yellow writing, something like that. Okay. Um. So we need to make some decisions on the remote control functions. Um, yeah. Do Let's I guess we should yeah make some kind of brainstorming, see what we can wha what um well probably our target group and how it's gonna going to appeal to our target group and I dunno the the s the buttons and what it does and that sort of thing. Like in terms of how it looks, or like what it does? How it looks or the the buzzer you mean, yeah, for sure, yeah. Okay. Yeah. Okay. So. So Is our target group then people so do we wanna go ahead and design this thing with the finder button? So Okay. I think that seems to yeah. It's easy to implement. Mm. So the yeah, yeah, yeah. Locator. So then our target age group would be the nineteen to thirty five range, what was it? Yeah, teenagers and young professionals. Well that's for speech recognition. Oh. Well I was thinking about that but uh I mean speech recognition is really hard to programme, and also, if the TV is on it's making sound and the people on the TV are talking, and if somebody says like one, then the TV's gonna switch itself to channel one, or it seems like a silly, I'm not sure how you would implement it. Oh, uh. And screen. That's only for speech recognition and screen. Yeah. Yeah yeah yeah. Yeah. Mm. I mean I just put the values in. Yeah. And if if you consider our budget, it probably if you consider our budget, to h have speech recognition programmed in every single remote might be a little pricey. But um the screen is the same as what, Yeah, I'm happy with that. It's a cool idea but Well you would have to have a button on a TV or on your wall or some place since the TV already has power. Yeah. Yeah. Completely. Hu yeah. Right so um yeah. Okay so are we gonna have just some kind of a like we'll have the buzzer on the som like on the TV itself. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah you click the button, it's gonna send out a signal, and I was thinking, IR is line of sight, so unless the remote is like actually in front of the TV it's not gonna work, um so probably like a radio signal like on a on a cell phone. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Alright. Okay. Sends out a signal and then the the remote hears the signal and so it beeps probably. Okay. So you you'd need like a separate base for that or like something you can right. It would have to be sold separately because if the sender's on the remote then you'd have to find the remote first to click the button to find the remote. Yeah, yeah. So do you plug it in the T you plug it in TV, this thing? Yeah, it'd probably just stick it on your TV so if you need to find the remote, click the button. Okay. Okay. So it's now like a two-part thing. Yeah, so it would be a two part package. Okay. Alright. Okay. So we get to design that too. Make it fashionable. Um, okay. So do you think even though we're not talking about speek speech recognition our target group should still be teenagers and young professionals. Yeah I think so. Yeah. Huh. Just there. Okay. Mm. Are we um should that thing be on the thing to put the you s you talking about a home for it. Do you still want to build a little thing next to the telly or to p hang on the wall or shall we leave that for now? Yeah. We probably leave that. I mean I guess one takes care of the other, like um if you can yeah if you can call it then it's Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Then it can live anywhere. Okay. Yeah. For the so you have that button, that so there's is there a light or shall we leave just have a radio? Um on the TV or on the phone? Are we just having a radio? On the phone. Um it seemed like a a beep seemed the most reasonable to me, I think that's what the phone has, I mean when you need to find your phone, you just have someone call it and it starts ringing somewhere and then you can figure out that it's in the couch or wherever. T So i Yeah. You don't need a light. Yeah yeah yeah. Yeah. Yeah yeah. Yeah. And like if the if the phone's under the couch, you might not see the light, so yeah. You can hear it's under the couch yeah. Um, So need the other buttons. So we have this mm. So I mean the two remotes that you had shown r I don't remember who showed them, yeah you you did um, they're I mean one looked like it was for VCR type thing, and the other looked like just television. Mm-hmm. That was that was me. I think w I think they're both sort of just like general remo they're both general remotes. Oh really. And uh Yeah. 'Cause that that is something we have to decide, is whether we want to have VCR capabilities. Does anyone know if VCRs are the same across international? They're not no. They're not, no. Okay, so you'd need like a whole different set of buttons for everybody's VCRs. S Um Yeah. Yeah, that's right, yeah. It not VHS here? But DVD probably is. Yeah, other than that region and coding thing. But VCRs Yeah. And and if we're if we're targeting young professionals and teenagers, I mean it's gonna be DVD type, that's the the technology these days. Yeah, for sure. Mm-hmm. So. Okay, let's see if I can I think still though, it shouldn't be that hard to take like just reduce the number of buttons you know, like 'cause if you just have like one menu button, that works like with a you know, or you can just kind of scroll through the options u that come up on the TV. Yeah. Yeah. Well for sure we need the um I think we can just design the channels? I mean power's just a button, and it's not used that much, s and it's usually that red and I think it's quite nice to keep it like red. S Huh. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You know, I've seen some remotes that where you just hold one, like if you hold one down it's it's a different colour than the other buttons but that turns it on. So you don't actually have a separate power button, it's just But It might be confusing. Oh okay, yeah. It seems like that would be hard though. I mean, like because unless you know yeah. Yeah. Just 'cause I wouldn't I would probably pick it up and just be like uh why is there no on button. Yeah. Besides you like to be able to go power. Yeah, I never think to hold something down. Yeah. I have the power I guess. Yeah. B Yeah. So we definitely want a power button and numbers. Yeah. Right. Well even um iPod thing, like um, I don't know if people like this but if you want to reduce the number, of buttons, instead of having like one to nine, have a sort of scrolling I don't know. That sort of like joystick flat touch thing, yeah. Mm. Yeah. Because people li seem now the iPod's out people seem to like this thing that there's no Know you don't have one two three four five Yeah yeah, it's just and it's one thing which has everything. Yeah, yeah. I think that's an interesting idea, 'cause it's cool, it's it's funny like you f like I just I don't have an iPod but like I, you know, I just like started messing around with one of my friend's the other day, and you just sort of and it's funny how you pick it up and you just figure out how to use it quite easily, like it's not that hard, you know. Mm. Yeah. Yeah, and it is yeah. It is really but do you need a screen then, do you have to have a screen then? Well can't it tell the like can't you if you you can have the number on the telly going like one two three four five once you scroll and then It's like l this like that, and then you do that. Yeah, you can have the number going around in the corner. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Okay so we have this like scrolling sort of button. Oh that's gonna Is that like on on a mouse pad where like kind of okay. Like a disc. Yeah. Yeah. It's like it's just like the same technology as a mouse pad. I've never used one. No. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Yeah and then. And then you can have um if you actually just want to zap, you can have like a thing like that, and that, and then it can just be plus and minus. Okay. So like it's like a little part of the circle that Or it oh so it's just a region of the circle that you can zap. Yeah, you can Yeah, click o actually click on to have Yeah. Well i We could we could even have four buttons, like, if that's the if that's the mouse, you could have the volume and the channel changers just like on that as well. Okay. Yeah. So volume could be like the top it and the bottom So do you need to okay. Doesn't it rotate though, so it'll be moving around. Well y you have to you have to like be able to change the function of it to like I mean like okay, 'cause so I dunno, I guess Okay so when you g scroll your thumb like around it, it'll s like say you're go you're going clockwise. What do you mean the function? That that means you're gonna go up the channels, and then you scroll the other way and it'll go down. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. But then so if you wanna switch to the to u do you have to switch to a function where like y so you're either in that mode or you're in the mode where like it just has like the four like you know this is channel that way, that's that way and volume is up and down. Yeah but it knows for some reason. It just It just kno the iPod knows. The iPod knows. S Yeah. If it works on an iPod then it works. Huh. So you just you just can either do this or like you can just touch it if you want. I don't have one. Well for the volume you have to press the middle, and then go up. Okay. That's what I mean. Okay. Okay so you have to like press this middle region and then you can scroll up, go up and down. Oh. And then well if you do that it goes, but if you like that makes more sense 'cause there's already ones with up and down here, that I've seen. So it's like holding You can o And you you is there an extra actual button? Or are you actually you're just using the mouse to go up and down. Well what you for the iPod you press an w right if you're on the channel let's say, then you press on the middle and then if you do that again the volume goes up, and if you do that it goes down. Like Mm-hmm. It's like a b Like I think we can go on the fact that it does just work with the iPod. Mm-hmm. Right. Mm-hmm. But if you wanna keep it with volume here and here, I'm pretty sure Yeah. Well I mean if if you're gonna this for channels, right, then y wouldn't the volume need to be separate somehow? Like you could just have Oh, like Oh you could actually Yeah. I don't know, you could click and then have it up and down, but I think Yeah yeah yeah. Yeah. But the only thing is like, iPods are so expensive, like, it has to be is that part of yeah, I dunno, I dunno. Is that what makes them expensi I think it's all of they have so much memory though, that's it's Yeah. I don't think so. You don't think so? I don't think it's the wheel dealy. Okay. I think it Yeah. I think it's the uh h it's their capabili I mean they it can hold what like five thousand songs or something. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I'm thinking we could if if we're hav So ba I mean but an iPod just has that circle thing you know. And they're re-programmable aren't they? You can put on your songs and then put on a different set, that's probably why they're expensive, they're like little computers. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. S Mm. Yeah. Well like since it just has the circle thing, you could make it a qui a kind of cool shape, like it could be a cool sort of you know, because it could be circular, you know, or something weird like that, just Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah yeah yeah. Well it could just be simple instead of being a l mass. Because, the other thing, I didn't tell you all my presentation, is that people find it find that it's a big waste of time to have to learn how to use your remote and that's another thing they complained about. Yeah. Um, what other buttons were there? Volume oh we've ts just said that. So okay. Channel selection. This is just for TV, it's not for or it is does need to be compatible with Yeah. I A DVD is simple, you just have play, pause, eject, and menu maybe. Um You know actually our our new project requirements, I'm not sure if they meant o onl use only for television as in not for DVD or just not internet type things. So how do you switch Okay. Menu. Oh yeah. So I'll I'll check that and update you on the next But we'll hold off on that 'cause But s yeah uh. So like if we had that Yeah. But DVD players usually have their own remote. That's true, yeah. Yeah. So, I know I'm not c really clear on what Yeah, yeah. But it's cool to have it all on one, because you wanna turn it on then you wanna turn up the volume, and then you wanna go to the menu, so you don't wanna switch. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Mm. Yeah. So you'd have to have like I think you would have to have like a function switch button, you know somewhere so like you can you're either on TV, you're on DVD or you're on VCR, or you're like. Mm. Yeah. Well but DVD is only like four buttons. So Yeah, but I mean like to switch the fun so like to switch the function of the little circle disc, the touch pad. Yeah, it is only fun Okay. But i Yeah. Oh. But I think the circle only does channel isn't applicable to DVD really 'cause you don't wanna but volume is and volume is actually controlled on the TV so you don't have to switch. Um, yeah, let's think about it 'cause we need to wrap up. Yes we can try that. Um let's see. Um so everyone's gonna go finish their questionnaire, uh then when we come back after lunch we'll have thirty minutes of individual work, um yeah, so think about the things we've discussed and bring some new ideas to our next meeting. See you soon.", " Hi everyone, hope you had a nice lunch. Um. Alright we're moving on to conceptual design. 'Scuse me. Bless you. Um, I'll just review what we did in our last meeting. Um, under marketing we targeted our audience, and Um, yeah. That was generally how helpful that was. Um, then we considered some design options with how it should look, um, we discussed an iPod-like button system which, uh, we haven't concluded but we're Right, um So, if you all have presentations to do, we can see what where you've come from our last time. Does everyone have presentations? Hmm. Yeah. Yes. Okay. Yes. Would anybody like to go first? Sure. Okay. So I've been looking at the components design. Um. Mostly by consulting remote control diagrams from the internet and also by incorporating design ideas from the last project meeting. Um, so we need some custom design parts, and other parts we'll just use standard. Um, I assume we'll be custom designing our case, probably a hard plastic or some other material case, to protect the remote and the locator. And we'll need to custom desi design a circuit board, because the circuit board has to take the button input and send it to the output so you have to design that each time. But once we come up with a design we'll send it to the circuit people and they'll just print it out. Um, standard parts include the buttons and the wheels, um the iPod-style wheel. The infrared LED is actually gonna be included in the circuit board that comes with it. Um, we need a radio sender and receiver, those are standard. And al we also need a beeper or buzzer or other sort of noise thing for locating the remote. So we have some material options. Um, we can use rubber, plastic, wood or titanium. Um, I'd recommend against titanium because it can only be used in the flat cases and it's really heavy. Um, and the rubber case requires rubber buttons, so if we definitely want plastic buttons, we shouldn't have a rubber case. And why not wood? And, hmm? And why not wood? Uh, well we can use wood. I don't know why we'd want to. Um and also we should note that if we want an iPod-style wheel button, it's gonna require a m qu slightly more expensive chip. We can't use the minimal chip, we need the next higher grade, which is called regular. I don't think it's much more expensive, but it is more expensive. So that's what I've got on design. 'S good. Um, can I do next? 'Cause I have to say something about the material which is quite shocking. Hmm. Yeah. Ha. Mm. Right, um, I have been searching the current trends, um, both on the web and via fashion-watchers, and the findings are that the first thing to aim for is a fashion uh, fancy look and feel. Um. Next comes technologic technology and the innovations to do with that. And th last thing is the easy to use um factor. Um, fancy look and feel goes far beyond the functionality of the thing, but I suppose that is included in in the ease of use. Um, our fashion-watchers in Milan and Paris have decided, well noticed, that f the fruit and vegetable theme is the is the current trend and and therefore um we need to go for that if we want, you know, wh whatever our motto is. Um. For fashion, we go for fashion. Mm. The fashion in electronics. So we want to put the fashion electronics, we need to go fruit and vegetables. And also go for a spongy feel, so the the question of our technology whate is Industrial Designer. As to the material should be limited to I don't know how spongy it can be, should discuss this together, I don't know how spongy can be achieved but apparently that's the way to go. Um. I I have been thinking about this fruit and vegetable thing and I prefer fruits to vegetables, but that's just a personal opinion. I think I think people like to have a fruit instead of a vegetables in their sitting room. Uh those are just suggestions and also we need to decide whether this should be printed, so that still has to do with the material discuss should we print the fruit stuff, or should the actual remote look like a fruit? Um, and finally again with the spongy. It has to be technologically innovative so maybe again our Industrial Designer should look into that or find come up with a solution that's better than mine. Um, yeah, to summarise these are the points that need to be um, touched in order to get a good decision, and hopefully our User Interface has more to say about the matter. Mm-hmm. Thank you for your attention. So. I think it's the next it's the blue one, yeah. Oh, uh, there we go. Uh. Okay. Um. Well so that fruit and vegetables thing huh. I actually wasn't aware of the new trends in electronics and and uh So so okay, let me get this right. Neither was I. Well it's a trend in fashion, in clothing and um fabrics. Yeah but you're not gonna wear your remote control. Okay, uh Okay, alright anyway. Um here we go. Conceptual User Interface. Trying we're gonna try to talk about, um what kind of uh how people are actually going to be using this iPod-ish remote control, based on fruit vegetable design. And, um, basically, so, this is a touched ba a touch-based graphical interface system. Uh, so people are going to be looking at this little screen. Um, kind of I mean I assume, are we still on the screen idea? Oh we s hadn't discussed it last time. 'Cause if we're gonna have to ha if we have this it just seems like in order to have someone going around and using the um the wheel you it seems like you would need a screen. You need a screen for it? You need a screen with music because you're looking for a specific song, like you know that band or whatever. But like if you think about it yeah but if so is it just okay. With TV channels it's, you know, one two three. So Yeah. So, b you you're gonna have to switch to like DVD and like other things like that, aren't you? We're, um, we're actually not having DVD, that was one of th I I was sorry, I I meant to update you on that. Are we Okay. Alright. Okay. Um. But the screen can come up on the telly, the she said. Okay. That correct? Okay. Yeah. So anyway if well we just we need to Okay so if we're not gonna have a screen I think I was thinking okay. So basically it's just gonna be a wheel then? And you're just gonna I mean I think you're gonna have to have some kind of a right. Graphical interface? Yeah like you're g yeah like you're gonna have to be able to switch to like a mode where you can okay we're not choosing that, I guess. Uh on the you can have it on the telly though. Yeah. But like choose channel control, like if you wa Because people aren't gonna be able to have like, um, you know, channels one two three four five six seven eight nine. Yeah. So that people seems to be well You know. You've Yeah, I know what you're saying, you have to But but imagine someone with s But i what if you have satellite and you have like two hundred channels. But you're gonna have to scroll to get channels. So um I guess that's wh why I was thinking you may need to have some kind of a screen because So that people can go arou go back and forth and choose if or or then again if you just I guess I c I can see like some kind of a thing where like you sort of have like the number come up on the TV like what channel you're on. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You can just scroll and you can just get to like five or like twelve or I oh yeah? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. My flatmates actually had one with a wheel, and it it did show up on the TV. Then to get to channel one eighty nine you have to Yeah. 'Cause you'll have to like but you can quickly s you can Yeah. Yeah. They have to r wheel really fast. But I think the wheel goes through like a hundred channels, at least on theirs. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah if you do, it w so it would have to be you I mean so you basically just kinda need to figure out like what kind of, you know, range we need to have on the wheel, and um So you're either you're you know, th you're either doing this motion to like control the channels or like once once you stop that, you know, you can like tap for, um, different uh, whatchamacallits, different um, you know, functions like volume or, like you can tap just to get to different channels. Yeah. Like if you just wanted to go to like from five to six you could tap or someth And then there's also the concern about you know um how do you get to the menu if you wanna change the brightness of your television, or if you want to um you know switch around, I don't know, like, these different modes like turn on the timer or like something something like that, like I would think so too, like So I mean and it seems it w it does seem a little silly to have this screen if you hardly are ever using it, you know, because but then again it would it does make kind of if the screen's sort of just like an option that, like, is just there and you're not really using it, that's kind of m yeah. Right. Yeah I mean with that many options, you'd uh I'd think that the screen would be better, because you could have that menu option, sort of Yeah. Yeah. It's more expensive according to the design people. Uh. Yeah, that's the only thing though. You have to get a an advanced chip if you wanna have a screen in, which is more expensive than the regular chip, which is more expensive than the minimal. Yeah. So then basically it has to have some way to get to get to a mode on the television where you're doing, um You can get to you know, you can Like maybe it'll be that central button that, like, then you hit that and then you can it brings up like the menu on the TV and you can just scroll around, like, to do the timer, to do the yeah, yeah. Mm. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm. Yeah. Yeah. So the TV is the screen, that yeah So it would have all these different options of changing to Okay. Yeah. But the remote itself isn't really cluttered up. Look it even has settings. Hmm? On the you can just take theirs and just Yeah but should be comfortable. Yeah. Yeah, well we don't want the screen I guess, but um 'cause that just it does seem like, it that would be, like, incredibly expensive, but I dunno, and then so, it just im really all you need is, like, this little wheel then, and you can control everything. Yeah. So Yeah. Um, right. What if I mean, if you're thinking of the design of it now, like the a you know, physical attributes, um, and you just have this, it's like just a long silver thing, or whatever we're thinking. I mean are you you gonna have any buttons on that besides power and this thing? Or Yeah. It doesn't seem that you would need anything besides pow I mean and the power button could even be like hold down the menu button for like longer than one second and it turns on the TV. So can we imagine that this would be smaller than the remote controls that you showed us before. I mean okay. Yeah. Yeah definitely. Like, I think we're looking at something that could be, like like even maybe like a cir I'm f I'm seeing almost like a circular sort of like handheld like thing. I mean it it needs to be easy to somehow it needs to be easy to like manipulate and use your I mean how do how do I'm not really Like when I use an iPod, I end up just kind of using my index finger to like control it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I've seen some people just going like that with their thumb, yeah. So Yeah. Yeah I use it like that. Or your thumb or something. W when we had the wheely remote control, we it was on the top I think, if you held it like that. So Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so Mm yeah. But, were there buttons on there as well? Yeah well it had the wheely thing and then it had those eighteen different buttons that I don't know what they do. Mm. Yeah. So we just used the top part. Yeah. Yeah, so but I mean I think it could be pretty small. Uh. Like, I d I mean, you you want it to be large enough that you can But can't you just get K Yeah, But, I mean, do you need that? What if, um, you had like a b a cover that went over buttons that you don't use very much? Like you so you could slide it up if you needed to like change the contrast or something like that? So the options are there but they're not in interfering with the design and the practicality of it. Do do you know what I'm talking about though? Yeah. Like, uh, yeah just something Yeah, that you can flip over, yeah, yeah. Yeah like maybe something on the side where you slip a panel down and it's got a whole bunch of Yeah. Well you can have it on the settings, no? If if you can get to, you know if so long as you're able to bring up the menu on the TV screen. Yeah I mean I guess that's the thing is is if w I if we can do this, that'd probably be Yeah, yeah. That keeps it really Yeah. Uh you wouldn't I don't I just don't think you would even need it. So Mean I mean you can do it, you it's it doesn't seem that hard. So I guess we have to look into the, um, like, the programming, how this how they actually programme these things, and if that's yeah. Oh how they make the menu show up on the TV? I don't know. I mean it would y would that would be Huh. They already do it. I believe it's ins it's gotta be inside the TV, not inside the remote. I mean I've never bought a remote. I'm not sure. It sounds like this remote's going to be purchased separately from the television, which is a little My I've never bought just a remote, like, so I don't I don't really know. Well they usually are. Well I guess that's right. No. But um So, um but I mean it's I've never had a hard time with like my remotes, like bringing up the menu screen if you need to like change the date or whatever, you know. It always comes with the TV. And I don't think that should uh that should be too hard. Yeah, it most of the ones we've had have had the menu button, 'cause it's not like you need to have a button access to like change the contrast or something. Yeah. 'Cause it just doesn't come up every day or something. Yeah. Well so So, do we need I dunno. Well I guess we have to you know think about But I mean you just basically need the output signal you know to be able to bring it up. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Okay. That's what it does anyway. But also if you have it on the screen you can actually write everything out, because the problem with buttons is you like, they have these sort of abbreviations and codes that you're supposed to understand, and I never get it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you don't know they mean, yeah, it's like yeah. Yeah. Never ever. So Well on the telly. So, but oh, you mean if we have this screen like the iPod screen? Or on the TV too. On the telly, okay, yeah. So yeah I think, I mean, I think I think the touch-based graphical interface is a really uh cool idea because you know it is so obnoxious to like have to push those like okay now I hit this you know, you have your little guide out and you're like, hit this button twice, like to activate the date. Mm. Mm. And it is technologically innovative in a way, so that fits with the B Yeah. Yeah. I guess. And it is trendy, the iPods are really hot right now, so Um, yeah, by web research, yeah, so Oh. Did you did you get that pc picture on did they provide you with that picture on the web? That's quite interesting. What are we going to do about this vegetable thing that I'm dreading? Oh god. Oh, I was gonna say. You said uh people want spongy. Um, one of your one of the material options is a sort of rubber that's in like those stress ball things. Yeah. Yeah. So, that would be spongy. Oh, okay, that would be cool. Yeah. Ah. Yeah. Yeah. Mm. Just nice feel, but I hate spongy. Yeah, c that's e that would be kind of oh, you know, usually like the touch pad things are kind of a hard plastic typ mouse type, you know, thing. Yeah. Yeah. But what if we ha what if we had like a spongy sort of like stress balley kinda so you're like Or what if we integrated the the uh the f what if the whole thing about the fruit and vegetables we somehow made it tactilely fash you know, we c tapped into that, so like it feels like a vegetable. I mean definitely the area round it. Yeah I think it could work. Yeah. Well it could be like mobiles that just you just put a cover. An orange. Don't think I'd want it to feel like a banana. Yeah. If it's a small thing, you c instead of creating an object for it that looks like a banana, which frankly I'm not particularly fond of, um you could just have covers and then your mobile f it's like a mobile phone thing. You know you had there was a time when they had all these different covers for mobiles. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You could do like the computers where they have like the grapefruit, apple machine and they have like the blueberry, like all the colours are named after fruits. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You could name it after fruits and vegetables, or Yeah. And it could the colour can fit your sitting room, so if you have red sitting room you can have strawberry, and then if you have a green one you can have well I don't know. Um. So what if what this is I'm just forming this idea in my head of how this thing is looking. So I think yeah, colours. If you have like that stress ball material kind of as what you're actually holding in your hand, so like what you're feeling is comfortable, and then there's more of a hard plastic thing where that thing is. Yeah. Yeah. And on that hard plastic thing you can change either the colour or the fruit or vegetable that's on there. Yeah. Is that kind of I 'cause I I'm thinking of silver because those are our company colours. Yeah. Um I mean how are you how are you all envisioning by what we've just the feedback we've just got about the A ball? Unfortunately they don't have silver fruits and vegetables. I do I dunno. Um That's in the shape of a fruit, like a Yeah. Maybe a ball. Know, a squashy ball. A relaxing squashy ball. That you can p well I see you're thinking, it's weird, you're thinking the opposite of me 'cause you're thinking you change the the hard bit and I'm thinking how do you change the hard would you put a um sticker sort of? Yeah. Because I was thinking if you have a cover for the squashy bit, like a Oh, okay, yeah. This is just Okay. Say that's the s say that's the squashy bit. Squashy. Yeah I was thinking of getting a cover for Which is cheaper. That see I was thinking this s sorry I was thinking this bit here would be the cover and like that's your actual thing. Well I don't know if it's cheaper actually. Oh. Mm. And like this you could have like you could have like cherries and things around there. Oh I like that shape. Yeah. Um but I was thinking if it was like this 'cause the way you were describing the the iPod and the thi the roll thingy It's almost like your thumb is farther up, so if if you could squish it lower then Yeah, I know what you meant, yeah. I was thinking sort of a single ball shape. Yeah. So you're holding a squishy ball and then it has a Mm-hmm. It's like it has to be s yeah. Yeah I guess so. Yeah. Yeah. So it wouldn't be very big in either like how big? This big, and then you just do that, I suppose. What if, yeah, what if the squishy, oh so so you're saying the squishy part's like detachable, and you can so so maybe one you know you can have like the broccoli squishy thing, and then you could have like the banana squishy thing and you could get you could have your choice, you know? Well just a li I can't des like condom thingy, like a a cover. But well the question is, which one's easiest to change and we can just contact our relevant department for that, and just see what the cost is for covering that or covering that, and for now we can do two prototypes maybe and then hi try and ask users what the best is, and No. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Mm. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Oh. Um. That's nicer. I think it's nicer to have a drawing 'cause it's neater. Yeah. Hmm. Um. Well that's not very neat, but Mm-hmm. Yeah. I mean I think uh and I think the handhe I think the handheld part is definitely So you could make that into the fruit and vegetable part. If it's a bit like those juggling balls, you can change shape according to your to the way you hold it. Yeah you could squish it. If it's got sand in it maybe, or something, you it it just moulds to your hand. Yeah. Yeah. So where are the fruit and vegetables now? We we don't know. Fruits and veg. I guess they would be either in the colour of that plastic face on the front, or in the colour of the squishy thing underneath. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And the rest is the company the company colour's silver? It was, yeah, silver and yellow. It l it looks like I don't Yeah. We could promote the banana one. Okay. Like mm. I mean that's another question, where are we gonna we we should have the logo somewhere on it. Mm. Mm-hmm. Should also fit the batteries, which we haven't Okay. Oh yeah. Yeah. I think the batteries would have to go right under the plastic case. Yeah, th and that would that Mm-hmm. Yeah. Especially if you're switching out the squishy part. Then you need to have the other part just be sort of a single unit that you can snap off. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I think, um it'd be interesting to have the b the squishy bit. The part that you, yeah, can change into the different, you know, trendy vegetables and fruits. But uh it Yeah. Well I dunno. You'd spend so much time like squishing it to your own personal hand. Then you'd get a new one and you'd have to do it all over again. No but it does it automatically. Does it automatically? Yeah. I don't know. I don't know what the rest of my notes mean because they were made for me. Okay. But if someone components concept. Question mark. Energy. Question mark. That was me. Was that you? Yes. Okay. Oh right right. Yeah. Um, so what d but what do we know about energy? I mean we're gonna use batteries right? Uh we actually had an option of batteries, solar power, and um a dynamo, which is something I don't know what it is. And I think batteries sound good. Something to do with torches. Oh, a dynamo is ah, it's a bicycle. It's a bicycle mechanism. It's the en it's like if if something moves, when it moves, it stores energy. Oh okay. Yeah, the other one was the other one was a kinetic thing where you'd basically have to wind it yourself. So I sort of picked battery. It's quite sweet. We could have talked about doing a wind-up or a dynamo or a solar power. Um but I think solar power's not available with the rubber case anyways. It it seems a little weird for a living room anyways. What does everyone else think? No. The dynamo would be interesting. But dynamo the the fact with dynamo is, the moment you move it, it c it creates energy on its own. Oh. What about Kryptonite? Which is quite cool. So if you throw it, it's gonna store loads of energy, and you don't need to buy a battery 'cause they're quite f I find them annoying. But we need to find cost. Yeah. Don't know the cost. Didn't have enough data to actually All it said was it gave sort of relative, some chips are more expensive than others, sort of things. Does anyone have costs on the on the web? It didn't give me any actual cost. Okay. Right. Hmm. Mm. Most of the stuff is pretty cheap though bought in bulk. So I don't think it's that much of a problem. Like the chip is probably the most expensive part. What does chip on print mean? Um, for things like remote controls, um, they stamp out a chip, calculators too I think. Uh-huh. Um, so you can mass produce 'em pretty cheap. Okay. But it's not like a computer, you can't like reprogramme your remo remote controls, it's like stamped onto the chip. Right. So, chip on print is just means like that they're mass-produced. Yeah. Okay. And case? Uh I guess that's what we've been talking about, yeah. Case is what we were discussing yeah. Casing. Yeah. thinking of like syntactic case and thi um let's see. Is there anything else we need to talk about? Hmm. Oh when we move on, you two are going to be playing with play-dough. Um, and working on the look and feel of the design and user interface design. And you're gonna be doing protu product evaluation. So you'll get mm m more instructions from your personal coach. Oh, thank you. Mm. Cool. See you soon. Does it matter that I end early? How how early is it?", " 'Kay. Hmm. Okay everybody. Welcome to the detailed design meeting. Um Let's see. Our agenda. Last time we discussed the squishy fruitiness of our remote controls and how we might pursue that. Um and I think looks like we've come up with some ideas. Um and we also talked about materials we'd use and what kind of chip would be necessary. Um so for later in the meeting I've done a a spreadsheet of production costs so we'll take a look at that. Um and see if it's changed at all from when we last discussed it. Um so actually I think Yeah um f you guys wanna give a prototype presentation of Oh is that broccoli? Okay well um. So our design looks something like this. This being the wheel that you use to uh change channels or volume or whatever. This is a button, serves as the power button if you hold it down, and if you just tap on it I think it brings up the menu. And uh the base of the remote control, which has a squishy spongy rubbery feel, is interchangeable. So you can change the colour, according to your to suit your living room or whatever. And it comes yeah, I can change the vegetable. You could change the vegetable, or fruit. This one's broccoli. Yeah. So this snaps off and you can put on whichever one you want. This is not to scale 'cause it would have the battery inside it. This is a mango. The it's trendy fruit, it's not just ordinary fruits. You don't have orange, you have mango. Um I guess strawberry's not as trendy, but So we'll come up with a variety of trendy and exciting fruit designs for the remote control. 'S a very bright strawberry. It's been a l It's been a little bit difficult to um make sure that it's hand-holdable, and that the user can use it, you know, it's not too big. And then people will be encouraged to buy three or five of them, because they'll need to switch 'em out. Uh but we think that this you know, this size will be okay and we will have to fit the battery case in there somehow. Mm-hmm. Oh yeah. And I guess the only other thing that we really didn't talk about was or design yet actually, would be the um thing the locator. How how so Okay so that's just So you have to have a button on your on your you have to attach the button to the Yeah we have that that has yes yet to be designed. Well the locator is just chip that's inside there. And the beeper's also inside there too somewhere. Yeah we didn't design that. But it would be coordinating with that of course. Yeah that c hey that that could you know match the handset. Yeah. Mm-hmm. You could have a broccoli, or you could have a mango. So. Tada. Oh. Um if you wanna look in your project documents folder, there's an Excel spreadsheet. Um the only one that's in there, production costs. And if you open it up. Um I've just stuck the numbers in, it was a real challenge there. But if I missed anything that we've gone over, or if you see something that has changed I mean, we decided on batteries, and the regular chip would be necessary for the more advanced iPod-like button. Um I said uncurved or flat. I think that's what you have there, is that right? For the for the plastic part would be Oh. My impression was that flat meant like like one of those square remotes. But it's really not very clear, because you got single curve and double curve and d I dunno what that means. Okay. Right. One side is curved and then the other side is curved. Well yeah. If we're talking about the area just oh I d I dunno. I guess we'd have to contact the company that makes them and see. Um so what else? There's plastic for that area around the button. Um and then rubber would be the squishy like thing right? Mm-hmm. Um and lots of special colours actually. Uh scroll wheel. Do you see anything that I've missed? No I think that's alright. Okay so that would make our total of eleven point nine, which is even less than twelve point five, which means we'd be making even more of a profit. And if we sold a lot of squishy things. Mm. Boo yeah. Okay. S So Mm. Did y what did you work on? The Okay. Um evaluation criteria. Do you wanna Okay. I've got a presentation. I think that's Huh, the PowerPoint one? So I need where's the cable? Right what happens is we have to um decide whether this this whole this whole project we've been working on actually um meets the standards we were set at the start. Um. Right. This doesn't okay. Um the method is we well I've analysed the user requirements and integrated them to the trends found in marketing reports and in our company strategy marketing. And um the findings were that we need it to look in a certain way, feel in a certain way, and this is everything's listed down. Um, look in a certain way, feel in a certain way, it has to be technologically innovative and it has to be easy to use. These are all things we looked at at the start, um and criteria that have to be met. We have to use a table, I'll show you that later, together to decide whether it meets the standards. And we we have therefore in total um We have five we have eleven points according to which this should be evaluated. And um the cri well basically the findings are the same as the evaluation criteria. I would like to show you the table we have to use. Um. No. This is the table. Can you see this here? Mm-hmm. Um so the que the questions I've given you c could you write that down? True is one and and false is seven. And we'll just go through each point together, hopefully. Um. I think if each of us gives an opinion then they can be mixed somehow. I dunno how it works exactly, I haven't been told. Yeah. Is it possible that we can bring this up on our own Is it meeting three minutes? Yeah it's in the um it's in the project documents. No it's not minutes. It's called evaluation criteria. Okay. And it's under evaluation. Hmm? Yeah. Okay. Cool. You've found it all? Yeah. So it was um Yeah true's one. True's one and false is seven. Do you want us to discuss this together or do you want us to do it singly? Um we can do it separately and then discuss it if if that's what people wanna do. Yeah okay. So it's actually a scale. Wait, one is true and so these are the questions we're answering. Um, yes it's if it's fancy you put one, if it's really unfancy it's seven. And one is One, right okay. If it's somewhere in between you put four. Yeah, something. Okay. Okay. Does it feel fancy? Feels like play-dough. No. They shouldn't really be questions. Should be more like Are the batteries easy to insert? I'm gonna say yes. Yes? Very very true. Okay. I imagine they're somewhere on the front. We have a little case that you slip 'em in. Okay. Are we just about ready? Apparently I'm supposed to use the whiteboard. Do we um is it necessary? I don't think so. It's yeah the the marker thing kinda stopped working last time we Our animals will forever be there. We'll just do um Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Un unless you feel you need it t to okay okay. I don't feel any right um Right so one point one? We'll Five. We'll just go in a circle. One. 'Kay Five. Right. Ooh I don't know. Right. One? Five. Five. Two. Okay so do we just add it up and divide it by four? Is that what the company does? I I think we should Yeah. It's four if you wanna do that. Yeah? It adds to sixteen, so that's four. Yeah. Oh no. It adds to thirteen. One five five two. Oh I thought she said five. Hmm. One five five two is thirteen, over four for now. I think that's um next? Um three. Six. Six. Really? Yeah. Two. I wasn't cheating I swear. Uh-oh. Right. One point three is Yeah. So it's a one was true and seven was false? Huh? Uh. Okay, so you guys really didn't like it? I really Well uh Yeah yeah. Oh I thought it was the other way round. Wait a minute. I thought it was the other way round too. So we do have about the same thing, we just have it the other way Oh gosh. Sh Yeah I I was thinking one means no points, you know, all the way up to the top. It was one is true and false is seven. I should've kept the table up. I'll just I'll just reverse them all. Okay. Well Yeah. It's no problem. Right, well I'm glad this came out. I was like, why did you guys design it that way if you hated it? Yeah. I thought you guys hated it. No. Yeah. Yeah. Oh that's quite funny. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Okay. So, starting again, one point one? One. Say two. Three. Two. Okay, one point two? Uh three. Two. Two. Two. Okay. Um, one point three? One. One. One. Ha. Two point one? Uh two. Two. Uh two. Two point I think I missed two. Wait, is that two point one? Yeah I put it down as one point four for some reason. Yeah. One point four, one point five. Oh dear, okay. Okay right that's I have two of them. Sorry. Mine has all kinds of problems. Two and one. Sorry about that. T two point two, which is one point five. One. Uh three. Wait why did I put three? Uh one. I meant one on mine too. Okay. Three point one. Is that correct on my slide? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah? Uh one. Three point one. I have four. Three. One, four, three, three, three point two? Three. Three. Uh. One. Three point three. One. One. Two. Four point one? One. Two. Five. Two. Four point two. Two. Three. Four. Two and four point three. Two. One, two. One. Two. Right so I put one on that. Okay I'll um I'll just do the calculations now if you want to continue. Okay. Or is it tedious? Um No no that's um I think we should look at the ones that like where s where people said four, where um it looks like we might wanna discuss changing an aspect of the remote. I'm I'm sorry this was so tedious for everyone. I didn't know how else to do it. Okay. Well the worst ones were three point one. Mm-hmm. Do does every ones have the slide? Three point one. The that was material. Slide show. Material technologically innovative, okay. Mm. Um, do you want to change it? What are the suggestions? I don't know, anyone? Um Mm-hmm. Which one is that again sorry? Three point one? Yeah that it's three point one was not that good. Four point one. Does the shape See I'm having I'm having trouble imagining the is it uh gonna be the size, like the the controller? The shape. I think What if we just smash all the vegetables down flat? Four point two? It or bigger? I think the wheel would probably be mm. Because Yeah. And like then it you could hold it in your hand better. I think the base would definitely be larger, 'cause some of these are not as easy to hold. They're kinda smallish. No but I imagine even if it was bigger, like if it's round and it's big then you you can't get that's why remote controls are long because you have that thumb kind of so c they could all be bananas and cucumbers. Yeah. The flat one. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um but I don't s I I personally don't think this is comfortable to to sit there, like it's an awkward position. I didn't yeah. But like if if you just squash them flat like and you made it flat But it's still too big I think, in your hand. Well if they're that s uh stress ball stuff they would be pretty squishable. Mm. Yeah. Yeah. And would it even resemble fruit that way? I mean Yeah. Yeah like certain ones you'd have to limit the fruit selection, like you could probably do a strawberry still. Yeah. I think the broccoli would be out. You could do, although the broccoli is quite comfortable, I have to say, like sorta like a joystick. Yeah that I I when you were holding that before, it actually looked yeah. Yeah. That looked really good. I don't know. So Uh. Are there any fruits that look like broccoli, no? Not that I can think of. Rhubarb. Rhubarb. These obscure fruits. I think that broccoli is my favourite actually. Yeah. Uh despite the Yeah. I think we needn't Huh? What if um the it was just patterns on like we we chose the shape or the sh shape could be whatever we wanted and then it would just be like a design on the rubber. You know like like just a printed yeah or coloured yeah. Oh okay. So it's just colour, and not necessarily the shape of a strawberry. Yeah. That could work. Or I mean we could even have fruit like around I mean But if we if we need yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I dunno. Yeah and just have the colour match or something. And if we wanna incorporate the fruit thing somehow, there might be I mean if it if it in if it uh conflicts with the comfort of actually holdi holding the Mm. Yeah. 'Cause yeah no-one wants to hold a remote that's uncomfortable obviously. Mm. Or like I dunno, some of 'em you can kind of think see as like like you could if it was only this you know, if it was shaped like that, and it just had that. But you see the problem is you have to attach that, and this has to be detachable. Yeah. Yeah. So like maybe that's just too big because Yeah it's sorta like a joystick. Well see th the reason the broccoli works is you can kinda hold it like that, which is a nice kind of yeah. Yeah. But I mean is there some way we could make it this kind of shape? I dunno. I guess Yeah. 'Cause like kind of Yeah, yeah. We could make it that shape but just have different colours, and call 'em the different fruits. Yeah. Or like even Or even like Yeah like you said, like a joystick like that. Dif Yeah. We went with shape because we were having fun with the play-dough. You know? Yeah. Like uh we could do I'm trying to think of other sha like fruits that are oddly shaped. 'Cause that, I think I mean that fits the whole round iPod idea. Yeah. Mm-hmm. And you still have the comfort of holding it like that. Yeah. Mm. And you could like if it's like this, you could put fruit designs and stuff on that part. Yeah. Yeah. Alright. But I mean it do we have any other ideas about that? Um Think the critical ones came out to be yeah that one. We could tr I don't know. Batteries easy to insert for some reason, which can be easily I think that's not a problem any more. The batteries are going in the back? That everyone gave that a one or a two. Yeah they'd probably be either on the front or the side of the remote. No. The reason I I ga I didn't give it a one I think I gave it a three because I thought you'd have to like unc clip no you could Just like any other one. No I imagine there'd be sort of a hatch door, yeah um like on a normal remote. Okay. Yeah. Right. So it would probably either in the f no it can't be in the front 'cause the IR's right there, but it'd be on one of the sides probably. Okay. I think everyone's under three anyway. Mm. So I think it's yeah those are the only two points. Cool. Well Yeah the broccoli I guess wins. Yeah. Yeah I'd agree with changing the shape. Um, I was just having fun making strawberries and stuff. Okay. We were a bit off task. Um so uh I can't think of any So we'll have to like Mm. Yeah I dunno. You could make the touch pad in th in different shapes, but then that kind of re-designs the whole project like, but you could do like Yeah that's true. It might also sort of annoy people if we get used to having the buttons in one shape. Yeah. Yeah. And it would probably cost more to produce, 'cause they're irregular. Yeah that's true. Mm. I bet having different colours is a lot cheaper than having different shapes too. Yeah. Which is why printing might be like just printing the fruit on fruit. Hmm. Mm. Not really Well we've done finance evaluation criteria, production evaluation. Um so project evaluation. Do you want this and we can all No. I guess we're supposed to discuss um the prod the process of the project and how satisfied oh, oh it's alright. Uh. It's alright yeah? Yeah. Um Did you feel there was a lot of room for creativity in the sort of Yeah. Sure. I did. Yeah. I mean fruit and squishiness. How c more creative can you get? Sponginess. The prototype making was very creatively stimulating and I think we've come up with a product that's fun and meets all the criteria. And how was our leadership and teamwork? I think it was good. We knew what we were doing. It was a very democratic process and everyone got to contribute. Well I thought my leadership was crap personally. Excuse me, am I allowed to say that? Well you told us when to start and when to end, and that's all that matters. Yeah. Um. I think you were fine. You did a good job leading. Yeah, well I'm never gonna do a management position, I know that now. Um yeah, I thought we all worked very well together. Yeah we didn't we uh it all c sort of blended quite well. Yeah. Yeah I think it more than anything we didn't really have our set roles so much, as we just would be like I don't know, all had ideas about it but yeah. Yeah. Very democratic. No spats, that was good. No. Um and the means for like the materials we used, how convenient were they? Like the the pens, the whiteboard, I mean we used Are you a Mac person? Well I'm not a big fan of any Microsoft, PowerPoint or any of this stuff. No no I never touch Macs either. I just use the Unix or the off market, sort of WordPerfect and all these other things. Huh. Hmm. Which isn't very user-friendly though. Yeah. Well the problem is if you don't like my new computer never has WordPerfect so I have to go track someone down who has an old disk and then I have to reinstall it. So I have all these documents I can't use now. But yeah I mean I guess it's okay. I felt like my I dunno if it was just my role, but l but uh I di I thought that my the information that was available to me was kind of just like or maybe it was just the idea that we had. But there's kinda it was kinda like okay, I don't really think I dunno what I'm doing here. Mm. So I didn't really think it was helpful. So I kind of just made up my own stuff and I didn't really like the PowerPoint presentations, so I kind of wrote a lot of notes instead. Yeah. But yeah I d I don't really like PowerPoint personally, think it's kinda stupid. Yeah. Yeah. I never use it. Yeah but uh Yeah. I can't say I found everything particularly helpful. Like I It Really? It didn't really yeah. Yeah. I though it was brilliant no? My first bit of information was like this child's drawn picture of how a remote works. No mine was really helpful as in my stuff was quite helpful I think. So like a f Yeah I think so. I mean m my problem yeah, yeah. I think it depends on the role no? Yeah it probably does. 'Cause my problem was, you guys had access to like they'd put send you to sites and stuff right? Yeah. See I couldn't do that, so I didn't really know what you guys were doing. And when you were talking about it I was just like you know that's wh that's why I seemed so ignorant when when you were j explaining things, 'cause I Yeah. Yeah well mine was mostly made up except when they told me like you know titanium costs more than wood to make a remote control. As if you'd wanted to. Yeah. Yeah. But it must have been quite difficult for them to build a whole um a whole system, 'cause of course they can't give you uh uh anything comparable to the internet for the Yeah, yeah. System. Yeah. Yeah I mean, it Yeah I kinda thought that um I felt like I would go and like try to use my information, or like I'd make this stupid little presentation and then like I just would end up talking about something completely unrelated because I dunno I felt like I was off-task all the time. Yeah. Well I think it's interesting how it all went together, like I had the stuff about how me how rubber's cheap, and you have how people want it to be spongy, and It seems planned you know. Yeah, huh. Yeah. Yeah. But um Yeah. Well I mean we really got into talking about like personal practicalit like it wasn't necessarily what was like we would never have thought of fruit or sponginess you know? No. Yeah. So it's Oh right. If I hadn't been told that fruit was They're pretty cool. But I think that it it might be to see whether people actually all come up with the same thing. given certain information or Just yeah. Yeah, like if everyone's given the same input I don't have a clue, anyway. Mm, mm. Um what's next? Looks like oh no that's not um It's quite Yeah. What do you guys think of the pens? It asks about that. Mm. They're kinda hard to write with though. I wanna s I I'd like to see what what it looks like on the Yeah I think I'd like to um I dunno. Yeah and I I've f forgotten once or twice to check the box. They're nicer than the pen that I'm using, because like your stuff actually shows up here, rather than having to look at the screen and write. Mm. But even so, I dunno. And new ideas found? Yeah it's all very new, no? Yeah. It's all very new. Like it was the I think the microphones are okay when you're sitting down, but like they're kinda clumsy I guess when you're like when you're s going up to the whiteboard like. Sorry. Oh yeah. Well they drop off if you like move too much. Yeah I dunno. But they're they're okay. But I don't think we're supposed to be testing these microphones. Maybe we are. I don't know. Mm. Uh I think, and I think that uh all this technology like I guess some people must be interested in using it but I can't imagine finding it any more useful than like looking at someone's notes, or like I dunno. Yeah. Well the thing is, like I actually worked in a company, and I had a role and I had to go to meetings. And like the last thing I would have wanted would be to have to watch a video 'cause I missed a meeting. Like usually I missed meetings deliberately. There's just there's really not that much information that actually goes through a real meeting, like when you're actually at a real meeting in a real company. Yeah. Hm. It's mostly like rehashing old stuff. And you're sort of going over general stuff that anybody who's sort of on task should already know. Yeah. It's like the there's just really not a lot of information that goes through. Seems kind of like an excessive reiteration. It seems like way overkill. Yeah. Like if I missed a meeting I could probably get it summed up in like one sentence. Yeah. I wouldn't need to have to watch like a t two hour video with the sound and the transcript and I think I've learned not to bring play-dough to meetings. Yeah. I guess it would be it's gotta be worth it to I 'cause I'm just mostly curious about like what kind of person or like company would would really find it useful, 'cause can't really imagine, dunno. How about a p a? Um I dunno. Well does anyone wanna talk about fruit more while we still have time? Any other ideas for Um we still have time if there's any other input. What what's the end? Are we are we supposed to um you supposed to write a report? Or we ending? Is that the end? I mean the I think we did really well personally, which is why we've you know, gone through this so quickly. 'Cause I mean we've all we all kind of agreed our product is satisfactory, it fits the budget, and it's trendy. Yeah. So. Um. End of meeting. You have to tell her, she Okay we have to fill in all this stuff. So I think that's all for today. Stuff stuff stuff. M meeting adjourned. Meeting adjourned. Yeah. Yeah. I think it would be a good idea, I like it. It's hard enough to get people actually paying attention. Especially if you have food. So I guess we're supposed to write final reports. 'Cause I don't know. All of us? Well there's al eight, nine. Hmm. Ooh. Oh ooh. Hmm. Or is that just me?", " Oops. That's as far as it goes. Hi guys uh good morning everybody here. And uh I want to introduce myself, uh my name is uh Shrida Daseri and uh I'm a project manager for this new project which we are going to discuss now. So I want to introduce first of all uh the names and the colleagues here. And what you're uh drawing? Uh sure my name is Agnes and I'm an user usability user interface designer. My name is Ed and I do accounting. Uh how you spell your name uh? ED. ED okay. Mm. And? Do you also do marketing? No. So only accounting? Accounting, yes. Okay. And? And I'm Christine, and my role in this uh scenario is to be the industrial designer. Mm-hmm. Industrial designer. But I'm not really one. So who is uh marketing, nobody in the market It's you, okay. Marketing is uh, is me. So thanks for coming for the meeting first of all, and uh we have a long time, just twenty-five minutes to discuss about uh this project and the the project initiation. First of all I want to ask uh Mister Ed about your uh marketing plan and your product plan and uh Mm-hmm but uh do you already have like a functional design or a technical design or Oh for the moment not yet, okay, but uh what's what's your uh do you have some project plan, something with you or Mm-hmm. Well I think that we'll see that throughout the day in how we're going to put this together as a marketing to to market the product. We'll have to see on a through discussion on where we're gonna go from here and from with this. Uh for the moment not yet. Good question. No, this is like I said that we have to be discussed between all of us and we'll go from there. We'll have to simply we'll have to work on it together. Okay, so uh by when you think you can uh give me some kind of uh project plan, okay, a discussion with uh By next meeting, okay that will be great. Certainly by the next meeting. Uh Okay, so there's any questions or uh first of all about uh this project? What is the goal of the project? Uh the goal of the project I think maybe I'll uh hand out to the Ed, okay, so to explain uh what is the project because he's in the sales and the accounting. I'm in the sales I'm supposed to explain them what to do. We have to define exactly what our product is, from uh From what I had in mind we're supposed to be marketing coffee, is that right? Yes, so can you explain uh what exactly the product is? Oh I think uh, if I'm not wrong, we're making the remote control. Um I was wondering Mm-hmm. Remote controls, 'cause I had two different things. I had a first part of mine was to make a remote control for a new f remote control for television, and afterward I had a discussion about coffee so we'll start with the remote control for television then. Yes. So we're have to design something that is very user friendly. Mm-hmm. Something uh visual that has something that will will draw people to buy the product, because I think everybody's experienced with uh remote controls, and some remote controls are are worth uh throwing out the window. Mm-hmm. Uh th most of them ar I don't know we're have to come up with a new idea on how to make it a lot easier to use, 'cause a lot of times uh spend uh half a day through the instruction book trying to figure out how to use it. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm. And uh what abo uh Christine, what about your uh the industrial design plan? Are you have a design already on this product or uh you're still working on the design? Um no, I I have not begun working on the design, and um I uh I actually didn't know we were designing a remote control, I thought we were designing a new monitor. Mm-hmm. Um the website I went to look at had some announcements about an introduction of a um uh some sort of a seven inch um monitor, and um I understood that that was the project goal. So um I'm glad I didn't d do any work um ahead of time because uh I clearly didn't understand the project goal. Okay. Um I just did s see that we were starting a new project together and there was going to be a four member team composed of these people, and um that's about uh that's and I I read through the different steps, and what my responsibilities were relative to the steps. Mm-hmm. So uh you'll be leading the team for your design team or how many members is working in the team, for the design? Uh for the industrial design? Yes. Um well, I would th think that depends on how much money you give us. Okay. That's Yeah, but uh before we talk about uh the finance, okay, uh do you have some idea how we can uh sell this product or project in the market and how much is going to benefit to the company and uh of course it's to the individual also. Um because uh, you know, you can uh you can make it uh you have different choices with different financial models. Well, you know um, I kind of think that in general you have to do uh um y you have to have something that's very fashionable, that's uh very attractive that um people see and recognize uh its goal, and uh they immediately wanna have it uh have one of their own. So it would really would need to um something like the iPod would be good, seems to have caught on fairly well, so um d uh you know, I don't care what it does, just so it looks cool. Mm-hmm. Okay, but uh uh when you think you can give me like a kind of design on the functional design or the technical design? Well, uh I've got a lot of other projects I'm doing right now um and so I'll have to wait and see how those uh how those go. If they uh go quickly then uh it could be a month. If um if I run into any problems in my other projects it might be six months. Yeah, but uh I need something in the writing, so like uh what's your functional design, what's your technical design, and uh how many people you need for this project, and what's the time frame you're looking, okay, and what is the budget, maybe uh initial budget you're looking, okay, and uh how is going to the market, okay, so you've you've had to meet with the marketing team and how they're going to market and what are the marketing strategic plan, okay, when are you going to introduce, okay, and by the time you introduce the product and uh you know there there would be a competition, okay, so I need some kind of uh uh the plan in the writing from you. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Okay, and it's po B as soon as possible. And when would you like that? Uh well if uh if we have enough time uh then d do you think um two weeks is a is close enough? Yes I think uh that would be good, because I need to go to the management and uh tell them what we are going to do, and uh what cost is, okay, and what's the time frame and what's the project plan, because uh without any uh documentations, I cannot go to the management and say, so we are going to do this and we need this much money, okay, so then it's it's difficult for me to say, okay, that's the reason I need uh some kind of plan from you, initially, okay, then we can have the further discussion again. Uh are there other people who will be contributing to the plan? Yes, of course, if you need some help, uh so let me know. So, who are the people you need uh from the marketing or uh the technical side or uh the administration point of view, okay, to add in any documentation, or some technical point of view, so just let me know so I can uh coordinate all the teams. Okay, I'll get back to you on that. Yes. Thank you. Okay. And uh Ed uh so what's what do you think about uh this uh project for the remote control and d do you have some already planned something for your marketing strategy or uh the sales strategy? Well not yet other than uh doing research and taking remote controls and looking what other companies have to do uh, what they're building, their designs, their ideas, uh also have to pinpoint which market we're gonna go into. Hmm. Mm-hmm. It should be a fairly large market because uh the number of people that uh the competition, uh th I agree it has to be something it has to be something new, it has to be something that that draws people saying eh, I like this. Mm-hmm. Whether it works or not, they have to first say I like this, I like the design, and then it's gotta be simple to use. Yes, so what I uh prefer maybe uh you need to interact uh more with the Christine, okay, because you know what she is going to do it, okay, and you know how to sell it. Okay, because uh she is doing the design, but you are the core because you are in the marketing, okay, so because you need to sell and you're the responsible for the all the money, the finance, okay, tomorrow. Yeah. Mm-hmm. So, what I prefer, okay, so you need to interact with the Christine more and uh within her team, okay, who is using the functional design or technical design, okay, and uh you need to come up with some kind of plan, okay, how we are going to do the your sales plan, okay, th Th That that's Yes, that's you have to decide, okay, so the best thing is you uh both of uh the Christine and you discuss with yourself, okay, and come up with the cost, and how we are going to compete in the market, okay, in the the technically, or in the sales wise, okay, the commercial wise, okay. Mm-hmm. Do we already have a cost limit on this, th an idea of how much uh we want to market this for, how much it's gonna sell for, that's up that's up to us to decide, eh? Then uh we have to design, okay, how long it will take the whole project, okay, how much is going to cost us, and how much we are going to benefit for the company. Okay, of course it's it's uh of benefit for everybody individually. Okay, so I think it's uh maybe if we can uh give me some kind of your uh the sales plan, okay, including the technical what uh she's going to talk to you within the team, okay, then it will help me to discuss with the management for further, okay, and put it in the the proper project plan. Okay, and if you need uh any coordination in between uh compared to the maybe the some technical vendors or commercial vendors, okay, depends if you want to have some uh uh marketing plan or technical plan, okay, so you let me know. Very good. Okay, I can coordinate, or maybe uh, you are my coordinator, am I right? Very good. Mm. Between uh all the coor Yeah. Well, no, not exactly. I mean my job from what I understood was to look at the usability requirements and make sure that the product is usable, it's acceptable to the people who are gonna use it and look at the best ways to do that. So I think I'll have to interact with Christine and discuss with her, so that she's not designing something that my studies will show right off the bat that it's not going to work, and so it's sort of it's a loop that feeds in, but I don't think necessarily that I'm in a coordinating position for it. Th Christine, yeah. Which is Yes. Yeah, so basically you need to interact with Christine more, okay, for the user acceptability, okay, and the testing, okay, then you will Yes. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Which will also feed into the marketing, because depending on what users want, depends on how you sell it, what tag lines you attach to it, how you try to make it more attractive to users. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I think all three groups will need to interact quite a bit. Um, and then I guess build the plan based on all of that, because I think you need to take all the factors into account. Yep. But what I request, okay, keep Ed in the loop, okay, in between your uh meeting and Christine meeting, because uh he should know what's happening. Yeah, of course. Yeah, we can CC him on any discussions or documents that are passed around. Yes. Okay and please please copy all the mails, okay, all the discussions to me, okay, so I need to submit to the management. Sure. No problem. So any questions for uh time being? No. So, the immediate next step is to start determining the functional design, or okay. Yes. Okay. To come up with the functional design and uh to discuss with Ed, okay, and how it's going to be work, and uh first of all with your user acceptance, okay, how it looks like and how it's going to be work in the market, okay, so then we can discuss about uh further things. Mm-hmm. Okay. So, we'll meet when the we'll discuss on the further meeting. It's okay? Mm-hmm. Thanks for coming. Would you mind um at the conclusion of our meeting could could you send us a copy of your slides? Yes, I will. Mm-hmm, yeah, that would be useful. Yes. I'll copy, uh le let us keep all the emails and all the copies, okay, share each other, okay, so you know everybody what's happening, okay? Sure. And if anything you need anytime so please either you can call me, or just send me email, or uh just come and uh knock my door, okay, so I'm available here. It's good? Okay. Okay, thanks for coming and uh I wish you a nice time then. Thank you. Thanks. Thank you. Okay, see you later. Bye.", " Okay uh Agnes, you can help me for the slide when okay. Yep. Sure. Okay, welcome back. I hope uh you have a fresh head and a fresh time. How t now the meeting actually we gathering here to discuss about the functional design meeting. Okay, and uh we'll issue some information from uh all of you. And it's in the, I think uh, in the sharing folder. And uh I will invite uh the Christine and the Ed and uh Agnes to discuss about on the various subjects. So can you go to the next slide? Yeah uh the agenda of the meeting is opening. Then uh I'm going to talk about uh the project management, what I'm going to do, and uh, of course, I'm doing the project management and secretary both, okay, to take the minutes of the meeting. And there are three presentations. One is uh new project requirements. And the second one about uh decision on remote control functions. And uh finally we are closing. Uh and the meeting time will be uh forty minutes, so you have to be very quick. And I have come up with the management come with the new proposal, okay, and I have to discuss a few points on this. Uh both says new insights in the aim of your project. Uh the one is uh the teletext becomes uh outmoded, okay because if uh because of the computer systems and the new technology. So we don't need to consider really about the teletext all in our new project design. And the second one is about uh the remote control. Should be used only for the TV. That's what our uh management says. And the third point, it's very very important to establish our uh marketing or uh corporate image, okay, with this new project or new product. Okay. So I will invite uh Agnes, can you go to the third slide? No, this is the third slide. Okay, . So, I'll invite uh Christine to discuss about uh the functional design. 'Kay, do you wanna open the I'm number two. Sure. Um. You're participant s Two? That's it. Do you want the mouse, or do you want me to Mm-hmm. I'll do the notes. Yeah, thanks. So um well I I figured uh we should um identify some user requirements, and from my experience, I wanna uh, and from research I did, uh the the device has to turn the television on and off the first time you press on the big button, you can't uh can't have like uh waffling on this point, you know. Really have It needs to be able y y have to be able to find it. Because one of the biggest problems with remote controls is finding them. So uh, I also, since we have to establish our corporate image on the basis of this new product, thought we better look at things that are popular and um ex go beyond those, and, as I said in the first meeting, um and then uh we might wanna talk eventually about the materials that are appropriate to use in uh in the construction, especially in the the uh the outside of the product so that it gives the appearance, and it is reliable, and so forth. I did a little history on uh the the uh remote controls and when they were invented and so forth, so, I guess this guy Zenith uh created the Flashmatic, which I kinda like the idea, 'cause it made me think of um um maybe the remote control made a big flash when uh you turn the TV on and off, that might be interesting. And um so it was highly directional flash light that uh you could turn the picture on and off, and the sound on and off, and change channels c so I think um those are still requirements we have today, uh fifty years later. And uh it was really a pioneering innovation, but it was uh sensitive to the sun, so that uh it would get would start off by the you'd get it would easily cause um problems. So, uh I in addition to uh looking at the um uh the functional requir so all these devices are examples of where uh mm they represent examples that are available today which I think the one in the middle is r um really uh something to keep in mind. Fantastic. It'd be easy to find. And um it would uh y you'd you could throw it at things if if the TV didn't turn on and off, you could use it for something else. And since I'm not really um Industrial Designer, I didn't really know what to do with this slide. But um I just took some different uh schematics and I put them into this, and I guess this is what a slide might look like if you were drawing a circuit board. I don't know why um we were asked to do this. So, uh personal preferences, um I think we could uh I I'm really thinking outside the box here, and I think that we should consider perhaps having an an an a a size uh a remote control that changes in size depending on the user preference. So something that's very very flexible and inflatable and then you could shrink it. I think um it could either be you could go either one extreme, be very colourful, or you could make it clear, and um kind of blend in with things, so you didn't have to um uh have a problem with the th the decoration of the of the user's home. Um I think uh it needs to be waterproof, because uh sometimes they fall into cups and, you know, it might be out by the swimming pool or something like that. Um if you uh mi one of one of my requirements was about needs t to tell you when it's done its job or not, because half the time, I keep pushing on the remote control, and I don't know if it's actually understood my message, so I think it should give you some sort of an oral cue. And uh, course I never wanna replace the battery. So, that's those are my f preferences, and that's my presentation. Yeah, let me uh interrupt you uh if you can add other facility, other feature, like uh unbreakable. Yes. Okay, because uh especially today, you know, you have the family and the kids, okay, and the kids throw it and they they play with their remotes and. Run over it with a car. Yes. Okay, so if you can add the feature, okay, for your uh fabric whatever in your outline design okay, with unbreakable, okay, I think that will give a lot of advantage for our product, if I'm not wrong. Good idea. Good idea, I'll I'll uh um Yes, very good. Maybe you can uh add it in that. Okay, uh thank you Christine, and uh uh any questions or uh clarifications, or any discussion on the functional design? Do you have any preconceived ideas in terms of materials? 'Cause, for example, in the unbreakable thing, doing something plastic would be harder, whereas having something like, I dunno, steel or titanium isn't really economically viable. Hmm. Titanium. Titanium would be be heavy, too, wouldn't it? Titanium. Yeah. No, I haven't really um I wanted feedback, I think we need to rate rank these, but we'll see what your uh personal preferences are and your thoughts. Yeah. Sure, yeah. No, I just wondering whether that you had any sort of Yeah. I like titanium. It's light. Expensive. Uh yeah but uh who who said who said we were, you know, nobody told me how mu what our financial objective is, so um It'd be hard to inflate something ou made out of titanium though. The marketing comes out. Yes. Yeah so Yeah the the I'm sorry because uh the last meeting we supposed to discuss about the financial thing. Uh let me go quickly, maybe if I can go back. I know the project plan and the budget. So I can close this, not sure. Was in uh S This. So let me see where is this file. That's Christine's. This is Christine. And that's mine, I think. That's yours, okay. Saving. In modified. I don't know, I think verbally we can we can pretty much sell. Okay, uh I will I will send you a mail, okay? The project may be the the project aim, okay. At the end of the day, the company uh wants to make at least uh the fifty million Euro. Okay, and uh of course the price will be very reasonable on the the sales side. Okay, that maybe Eddie will talk to you about uh how much uh the price and uh what's uh how much its cost for the manufacturing and how much it's going to be we sell in the market. Okay. Then uh you can come back with your feedback. And I I have one maybe the suggestion or opinion. This remote control, okay, it can be for like universal, to use for any TV. Okay, and it will be slim, okay, and uh Not fat. Not fat? Not fat, huh. Okay. Might be hard to find, though. Yep. Hmm. But let's try it, okay, with the different uh the designs, okay, the functional designs. Oh, okay. Okay? So any other questions? Uh from her side, I don't think uh there's too many more questions. Okay. If you can come to the Okay, from the marketing yeah, from the marketing side, just to to give an idea what the management is looking for, I was looking for a a remote control to have a s I have a sales price of twenty-five Euro, with a production price of uh twelve and a half Euro. Thank you Christine for uh time being, so then uh Ed, so can you tell about Mm-hmm. S 'scuse me for one sec. For what uh I think from what we're trying to find, we're tr we're looking for, I don't think that price is exactly in the market. Okay? I'll explain myself here now in the sense that uh in a in the recent surveys, uh from the ages fr from fifteen to thirty-five, eighty percent are willing to spend more money for something as fancy as trendy. Twenty-five Euros, uh that's that's a preson reasonable price. That's a market price right now. Now if we're gonna take a risk, and push this up a bit, make it more expensive, but give them added things that they don't have now, then it w it could possibly sell. Yep. Yep. Obviously the risk is there. Too expensive, they're not gonna buy. But, I think uh there's one other thing interesting two things that are interesting is that uh from the fifteen to thirty-five year-old group, which always spends more money on trendy new things, speech recognition is requested. And we're talking between seventy-five to ninety percent of this group is willing to pay for speech recognition on a remote. Speech recognition?. Mm-hmm. Obviously, we can't make a remote into a computer, but maybe simple commands. I dunno, louder, softer, on, off. That might be a possibility, even though it costs more, to be the first on the market to produce this. Thirty-five percent say they're too difficult to use. So we have to figure out a way of making it um more user friendly. Uh fifty percent say they can't find the remote half the time. So maybe one word speech recognition commands, say remote, and there's a beep beep beep, and they can find it through, you know, ten tons of newspapers, magazines, whatever you have at home. But, in the cost that uh the management is looking for, that's not gonna be possible. But if it's trendy, if it's fancy, it's got some colour to it, if it's very easy easy to use, if it's got simple remote speech remote uh control, like I said, louder, softer, change channel, on, off, remote, it goes beep beep, I can find my my remote without spending half a day looking for it and getting all upset 'cause I can't turn the TV on. So we're gonna have to look at it in a in this global idea, with the ideas of the industrial uh design. But, price obviously we have to talk about. Yep. So what do you think about uh the design? Do you think you can make it or uh What do you think about uh the design, uh what he was talking about of the speech recognition? D uh I'm sorry? Speech recognition. Well, uh training is always an issue with uh commands. Mm-hmm. So um might uh we can perhaps um do it if the user is willing to spend some time in the training process, uh it could reduce th th uh the overall um cost. Not sure how. But um anyway, um I I think also that uh this might impact the battery life. And um so, maybe what we'll have to do is um add something where you can um recharge it wirelessly so that uh y you know sen send power to it. So uh or maybe uh set it out in the sun and it uh, you know, gets uh, from the light, um a a solar cell inside there so that uh you have enough uh juice to do all these fancy things. Hmm. It seems also like with the speech recognition, yeah, it's a great feature, but if you're watching TV, there's a lot of ambient sound, and it's words. It's not just, you know, noises like something hitting. It's actual speech, so then you have to make sure that the speech recognizer is good enough to filter out the TV speech, and the the user's speech. Otherwise, you can say remote. Off. But if someone on the screen is saying the same thing, all of a sudden, you have someone in a movie saying off and your screen dies, because they've triggered the remote control and it's turned off your TV. So, I think if we can find a speech recognizer that can handle those types of problems, then yeah, it'd be a really good marketing gimmick. Mm. But, I think we seriously need to consider how that would impact the situation. Very good point. Because tha w with speech recognition uh th I'm not that good at that idea but th if it's a one-word recognition, 'cause I know with telephones and cars and things I've seen in the States, a friend of mine says call Mom, and it calls up Mom. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. 'Kay the radio can be on and everything. Yep. Because I think s with speech recognition, if uh the the remote or like the telephone it has a exact word that it has to hear. Mm-hmm. I don't think it would come through a sentence in a television. If somebody's speaking on the se the television, they're not gonna stop and say remote, okay. Mm-hmm. So I think that uh something could be designed to recognise single word Like the t like the telephone. Oh yeah. Yeah. No, I think it's a great idea if we can design it to to suit those requirements. No because I this is this is years ago in the United States where we're driving down and he said call home, and the telephone called immediately so well, that's kinda cute. Yeah. Well, what I can uh suggest to you, Christine, okay, uh if you need some uh the technical feedback, or some training, okay, about uh this facility, especially for the speech recognition, I can recommend you some companies like uh Intel or IBM, okay, because they're already in this uh speech recognition part, okay. And uh you can maybe have some uh technical backup from them, some kind of a technical tie-up. Okay, and uh if you want, I can coordinate, okay, to get some information, okay, and uh you can uh let me know, okay, so what kind of uh the details you require okay, to add this feature in this project. I don't think it's uh the difficult. And uh we need to know how much is the timeframe you need to develop, apart from uh what today. Okay, we'll find that out. Yep. From from your side uh, you're gonna have to go back the management and s be more s precise. Yes. What do they want? Yes. Uh, a risk, take a risk on the market? Something that's gonna cost more, but could very easily s make a boom in the market? Yes. Yep. Because it has to be something totally different, has to be total totally new. Something that nobody has right now. Yeah but but end of the day, you're the sales guy, so I will come back and sit on your head because uh you are going to give your sales projection, okay. And it's gonna cost. It's uh of course it's uh good to uh tell the management how much it's cost us and how much you are going to benefit, okay. Mm-hmm. Sure. Sure. And uh, so I don't mind to convince, okay, the management to spend some more money on the project, okay, if you can make out of the money from this project. Obviously. If the bottom line is positive. Yes, okay I don't mind to convince the the management, okay. Mm. The management says, okay, so they they don't want certain facilities, which it's already worked, okay, they want something uh new, okay. I think uh like uh speech recognit definitely they will agree, I don't think they'll say no for that, okay. And uh I hope I can convince the management on that, okay. So if you have any uh new ideas, okay, for uh your you can always come up and uh you can tell me if you need any uh s special, okay, coordination, okay, between any uh technical companies, which you can uh hide their technology backup, okay, for your uh functional design or technical design, okay, then I am ready to do that. And uh what's your comments about uh Yeah, so you are finish, Ed, uh so I can uh Okay, I'll uh hand over to Agnes. Um well, I mean, maybe if I go through my presentation, you can sort of see what the user perspective is, and how it ties into the other two comments. Mm. Yes. Mm. Just gonna close this. T Uh where are you, here? Mm participant three. Participant three. Nope, here Good. Okay, so I'll yep. Okay. Thanks. Is it okay? Alri Click mm. Yeah, and that's fine. Okay. So, basically, the method that we usually use in the user interface design is that we need to look at what people like and what people don't like about existing products. So, in our case, existing remote controls. And then, what the good ideas are, and what the bad ideas are, and why they're bad and good, which isn't always as obvious. We seem to have intuitions about why things are good or things are bad, but when you look, technically, at how it works, sometimes that's not the case. Then we need to decide what functionalities we really want to keep, 'cause that'll feed into both Ed's work and Christine's work. Um and then what the remote control should look like, obviously, once we've got a good idea of what the functionalities are. So, in terms of the functionalities that we need, you obviously need to be able to turn the TV on and off. You need to change channels, both by directly going to a specific channel or by channel surfing. You need to be able to control the volume and then control any menus on the TV to regulate contrast or whatever. So, the problems that people have expressed is that there's too many buttons on remote controls, in general. The buttons it's not clear what they're supposed to do. Um often, you need to know specific button sequences to get certain functionalities done, um which you don't necessarily always remember, especially if it's a functionality that you don't use very often. And that the buttons are too small. So, here we've got two examples where here on the left-hand side, you can see a remote control that has lots and lots of buttons. The buttons, in a lot of cases, are tiny. Um they're hard to see, and okay, they're labelled, but the labels don't necessarily tell you too much. Whereas, on the other side, you have a much simpler remote control that I think basically has the minimum functionalities that are needed. And it sort of looks simpler and just less imposing when you first look at it. So, I would be inclined to go sort of towards this, in terms of design, rather than this. And if there's specific functionalities that require more buttons, then we can figure out how to do it with existing um buttons. So my personal preferences are to keep the number of buttons to a limit, or to a minimum, sorry, make frequently used buttons bigger and more strategically placed, so like the on button being really obvious one, the channel changing and the volume, and to keep the design basically sleek and simple. Which, I think ties into what Christine and Ed have both said fairly reasonably. Um so, that's pretty much it, an I don't know if you guys have any questions or Yep. Oh, it's um, seems very understandable. Clearly your research and uh and ours uh heading in the same direction, and um uh the only thing that I saw missing from uh your your research that we found was this uh ability to find the doggone thing when you need it. Yes, that's true. So uh, you know, but that's okay. Yeah. That's why we're all here at the table, so that if we think of it and our research indicates certain things and um w we it's complementary. Yeah. I also think that um uh th f the the feel of it is uh, when you hold it, is something that um uh was expressed more in in in in my uh design and that's logical and normal 'cause those are the parameters that an Industrial Designer's more thinking about, th th the look and the feel, and uh, you're First. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, that's definitely a very important factor, especially to users who are gonna be buying the thing and then using it almost on an daily basis in a lot of cases, I think. Yep. Mm-hmm. Okay, so I don't have any questions. Sounds good. So for anybody need uh any help, for time being, on this uh subjects, okay, so please come back to me, and uh Christine, maybe I can uh try to help you to get some uh the technical uh the companies to help you for uh make a design uh slim, okay, and to add some features, like we are talking about, the speech recognition and all. Oh Should we maybe make a decision about what features we actually want to include, 'cause we've thrown a lot of features onto the table, but do we actually want to incorporate all of them, or have we missed anything? Yeah. Hmm. Do you wanna go back and look at the closing slide, maybe that would provide some guidance? Sure. Doesn't really tell us. So not really this one we are talk ab Yep. Individual actions. Well it says individual actions, it says user interf so I'm supposed to do the components concept, supposed to work on the user interface concept, and you're supposed to keep watching the trends. Mm-hmm. Um and specific instructions will be sent by our our coach. I think we should do as many features as uh start with all of them right now and eliminate them later in the process, that's my suggestion. I thought No, I I'm just thinking in terms of time, like if Yes, now I'm objecting. Okay, that will be great. And uh I'll send you the the minutes of meet Yeah. You can object if you want to I think we should take that as an action item for after the meeting, 'cause w our meeting time has run out. She's objecting. No, I mean, I was just thinking is it really practical to start designing something with features that we're just gonna end up throwing away? I mean, it takes a lot of time and effort for everyone to consider different features, um and s if we spend that time and effort on features that we're not gonna use, maybe it's better to spend it on the f thinking more about features that we actually do want, but I guess Sure. Oh th we s we still have Yeah. Right. Somebody else has go to use this room, and, you know, we can't hang out here and talk about this, so Thank you very much. Yeah. Yeah. Sure. Okay, what we'll do is now we'll take for lunch break, okay, then uh we can discuss furthermore, okay, with our areas, and uh then we will come back again in the in the next meeting. So thanks for coming and uh I'll send you minutes of meeting, and uh please put your all information in the sharing folder so everybody can share the information. Okay? Okay. So let's go for lunch then. Agreed. Thank you.", " Uh welcome back after lunch, I hope uh you had a good lunch together. For uh this meeting the main agenda okay uh to discuss about the conceptual design meeting. Okay and the agenda will be the opening and uh that's uh the product manager or secretary that's me and uh the presentations from the Christine and uh Agnes and from Mister Ed. And finally in this meeting we have to decide and we are to take a decision on the remote control concept and uh the functional design So we have forty minutes, I think it's uh little bit uh low, but I I hope we can finish it up so I'll handle to the the functional team, to the Christine, okay, to discuss about uh the components concept. Okay. So uh, if you could open the PowerPoint presentation. I'm number two. You're number two. 'Kay The next one. Components design, there we go. So uh can we put it in slide show mode? Yeah. Right here, is that little that one, yes please. Thank you. I'll take the mouse. So uh we were looking he specifically at the components uh the following components, uh the case, the power supply, uh the means of communications with the television set. In instance we had talked about using some sort of speech recognition, you have to have microphone well no you don't actually I haven't have to have microphone in the device, but um maybe you do have it a a way it has to it has to hear the speaker and um, so it could be in the television set, could be in the device, but somewhere you have to put the microphone, um and a w a way of making beeps or sounds so you can find it when it's gets lost. Mm-hmm. Um so the other w thing that we So. Our method for going about this is we've looked at uh the histo hi historical record, what's worked, what hasn't and then we also um we wanted to evaluate some new materials and we contacted manufacturing for their input because, course, we m might come up and choose the material that then manufacturing didn't have the technologies or capabilities to offer us, so uh this is the approach that we took during our um our research. So um for the case, um we told we were making a specifica specific assumption that it would be curved in design. Course, you know, I wanted it to be expandable and shrinkable, but um that uh doesn't seem to b be one of the choic non-option we can uh we can really seriously explore, so then we were thinking about um rubber, but um unfortunately that's been eliminated because of the heat uh factor and th um there might be some problems with the m uh how it's uh goes with the board. Uh and uh then th plastic also has this problem of melting and it's brittle it gets brittle after a while, so um we still had titanium and and wood available, but um unfortunately uh uh titanium's also been eliminated uh, the m people in manufacturing said that you couldn't make d curved cases out of titanium, although how Apple did it with th PowerBook I'm not su quite sure but uh nevertheless um they've eliminated all of our options except wood. So, this is our finding. At least it's environmentally friendly. And a as she said, it's an environmentally friendly uh material, so we're we're currently uh proposing, uh we'll get to all my personal preferences in just a second. So then there's this other matter of the chips and um well we could use a simple design on the board, but uh these simple chips, but that's only works for the bu you don't get very much um intelligence with this simple one. And um then there was the regular which I regret that I've forgotten exactly why I'm eliminating that one. Uh the other option was this advanced chip on print, and uh we liked th we we found that it it includes this infrared sender, which w 'member the beam was that was an important component of finding the right chip. And uh manufacturing has told us that they've um uh recently developed a uh a sensor and a speaker that would uh be integrated into this advanced chip on print, so uh we we uh now jumping right to our personal preferences um I I'd really think we should, you know, use some of uh some really exotic woods, like um, you know uh, well you guys come from tropical countries so you can kinda think of some trees and some nice woods. I think that people will might really want to design their own cases, you see, they could do sort of a this um three-dimensional design on the internet, and then they could submit their orders, kinda like you submit a custom car order, you know, and you can choose the colour and the size of the wheels and the colours of the leather and things like that, and then I uh think we should go with the solar cells as well as the um microphone and speaker on the advanced chip. So this is the findings of our research and my recommendations um for the new remote control w um would be to have um have it be made out of wood. Do you have any problems with that? Can you go back uh one slide? I'm not sure, how do I Oh, I know, let's see. Thank you. Let's go back up here. Yeah. Yes, uh question, uh, what's mean exactly, advanced chip on print? What's the meaning of that? I think it's um um a multiple uh chip design um and it's uh maybe printed on to the circuit board. Mm-hmm. Uh I could find out more about that uh before the next fi next meeting. Yeah, is it means it's on the yeah is it on a micro-proc micro-processor based or uh Okay, tha that would be great, so if you find out from the technology background, okay, so that would be good. I don't know, but I'll find out more at our next meeting. Sounds good. Why was the plastic eliminated as a possible material? Because um it gets brittle, cracks Um We want we expect these um uh these remote controls to be around for several hundred years. Mm-hmm. So. Good ex Good expression. Whic Which Although I think I think with wood though you'd run into the same types of problems, wouldn't you, I mean it chips, it if you drop it, uh it's I'm not su I think if you re if you use really good quality wood, then it might work, but you can't just use Yeah, exactly, yeah. Wow, good expression. Well after us. I don't know, speak for yourself, I'm planning to be around for a while. So so you're not convinced about the the wood, yes. Actually, I'm ready to sell it. you're what? I'm ready to sell it. You think? No y no no no, the o the only w the only wood you can use are the ones that are hard, extremely hard wood, but there are some very pretty woods out there. And you could you could sell oils with it, to take care of it. Well I'm glad you Okay, good. That's actually very innovative idea. Sorr having a hard time keeping wi control over my face. Well, it's actually a very innovative n different idea that uh you know you can choose your colour of wood, your type of wood. Mm-hmm. The stain. I mean it's each person is gonna have their own personalised, individualised speech recognition remote control in wood, that's not on the market. Mm. Yeah, so it it's looks good the the design the functional design uh, what about yo you? Um, in terms of comments on this or in terms of my own Y yeah. Yes, in t yes, in term in terms of comments first Okay then, uh, let's move to Agnes. In turns of wow. She works in the cubicle next to me so she's uh she was already a little bit prepared for this. Luckily Ed was not. Wood? I think we can get the quality materials then it shouldn't influence the design principles too much, which you'll see with my presentation. One thing we'd have to check though is what the users whether how quickly the novelty wears off of having uh Yeah, for example. Mm-hmm. Yeah, you wouldn't wanna have to have splinters in your hand while you're using your It's really good if your dog gets ahold of it, they can use it for teething. So, have to see how kid-friendly it is and and all that, but Sure. They do that anyway with the rubber and plastic, so, and chew 'em up. Yeah, they do it with other materials as well, yeah. And chew 'em up. Oh, I'm sorry. S you're You are in participant three. One point three, yeah. Uh, yeah. This one? I think so, yeah. Yeah, that's the one. So, it's a very short presentation, 'cause I'm actually gonna draw you the layout on the board so if you want to just go straight to the second slide, um, which basically shows, sort of I took the ideas that we were talking about last time um and tried to put that into the remote control so the things that y you can actually see on it are the on off switch, volume and channel control, the menu access button, ergonomic shape, which I completely agree with Christine's idea to have it sort of molded, so it's slightly more ergonomic and comfortable to hold than the r standard very straight remote controls. And actually the other thing with the wood if we take your customising idea, is that people can actually do sort of quasi-measurements on their hand size, so if someone has larger hands, you have a wider remote control. Right, my hand is uh different size than yours for example. So, that's actually a really good idea for customi customisability. Um, one thing I thought might be kind of interesting is to put a flip screen on it, just like you have on flip phones, so that you don't have this case where someone sits on the remote control or accidentally puts their hand on it, especially if you have little kids around, they're not pressing the buttons while you're trying to watch a TV show and accidentally change the channel or turn it off. Mm-hmm. And also um you had issues with the batteries running out, so I thought maybe we could put a little battery life-light on it that kind of goes dimmer and dimmer and dimmer as your battery is starts to die. And in terms of invisible features, audio and um tactile feedback on button presses and, like you said, speech recognition. Mm-hmm. So, in terms of what this thing would actually look like Despite working in interface design, I'm not the greatest artist in the world, so you'll have to forgive me. You'd have something like this with an on-off switch fairly big, sort of in the corner and by itself, so you don't accidentally turn your TV off while you're trying to manoeuvre other buttons. And then you have sort of one of those toggle displays for, oops, channels and volume, sort of for surfing channels and then volume, so the volume would be the up and down, 'cause volume goes up and down and then channels left to right. And then here you'd have your sort of standard, telephonish number pad. And then on one side you would have an access to the menu on your TV and on the other side a way to turn off the voice control. So that if the user doesn't want to use their voice, they can just turn it off and you don't have the remote control accidentally changing things on you. Mm. Mm-hmm. Um, so again you can have a little LCD light somewhere, the flip thing and Have I forgotten anything? I don't think so. So, as you can see, it's a very very simple design, which is one of the things I really wanted to keep, is keep it simple, not have too many buttons, not have too many functionalities thrown into it. No. Think the design can pretty much carry over to everything, although with the wood the flip screen might have to do something slightly different. A hinge. Be like a copper hinge or you know. Yeah. But you also have to d start watching out for the weight, 'cause depending on how much the the flip screen will add to the weight of the remote control, you don't want it to start getting too heavy. Mm-hmm. Mm. But that's the general layout with the general functionalities, if we come up with something else. As you can see, there's still lots of space on the actual remote control and if you do it customisably, you can make this thing fairly small or fairly o large, depending on personal preferences. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Hmm. So, that's pretty much all I had to say, I mean, everything else in terms of design issues. Um the centering of the key pad and the channel is just depending on where your thumb is and you tend to use the the volume control and uh the browsing more than the actual number pad, so that would be sort of in direct line of where your thumb goes when you are holding the remote control, the number pad a little bit lower 'cause it's used less frequently. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm-hmm. So once we decide exactly what we want, then we can figure out the exact positioning, but more or less I think it should go along those lines. So what's your, uh, the comments or uh s Okay Mm-hmm. Simple design. It's what consumers want. It's almost like, Houston, we have a product here. Problem is obviously gonna be cost. Mm-hmm. Okay, I also have a f very simple presentation, because for the marketing point you have to see what the consumers want. Yeah. Yeah. I also have uh copied a different type of remote. If you can find me, where I'm at. There should only be one in here. trend watch. Sure. It's being modified. They're stealing our product. We've been giving simple questionnaires in different areas because th obviously we have to see what the com consumers are looking for today, 'cause uh trends change very very quickly. In six months maybe this idea is already gone out the window, so it's gonna be a question how fast we can act. Uh they already erased the rest of mine, huh. No, f go to findings. No, no. No no, no no. 'Cause I had another comment there. Uh the market trend. This is what we know from the last uh from the questionnaires from the the all the p surveys we've done, fancy and feel-good, that's what we've been looking for, something that feels good in the hand, that's easy to use. Looking for next generation of innovation, because all the remotes out there now, they're all very similar, they all do the same thing, we have to have something completely different. Okay? Easy to use, has always has become has become another major interest that uh, with the whiteboard we can see that it's a remote that's easy to use. And I think this is another thing that's interesting is the consumers actually willing to pay the price for exciting tel technology. So even if we have a product that may be more expensive, if it comes out right, if they look it looks and feels good and has technology. The second two, you can see the last one is a very easy simple design. The second one, there is about uh forty-five thousand different buttons on it, which makes it fairly hard to read, uh very hard to use. The first one, I see that they put in a display. Now there's something else uh with the little flip-up, now we're adding all kinds of things in, but with the little flip-up, if you have a little display on the flip-up that when you close it everything is locked. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Maybe the display also makes it easier to use, because sometimes when you're looking for buttons, maybe if you see a display Okay Because I've seen mostly the standard ones, yeah. Context-sensitive instructions, depending on what the tel what mode the TV or the DVD or something else is in. Right. Especially you might need something like that for training the speech recognition and yeah. Now you have it now you have one with the very simple also. The idea is simple, but with a display, so you can see what you're doing. Mm-hmm. So maybe if we can incorporate the easiness of use, trendy, fancy, feels good, uh with a display, wood, designer wood, designer colours, we might've Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. You know, maybe what you could do is when somebody orders the device id you could send them like um a uh uh b some sort of a foam rubber um ball, and then they would squeeze it, and it would take the shape of their hand. Oh yeah. Yeah, so it's really molded to to your specific But th for that you'd also have to do sort of an average across families and things like that if unless everyone has their own personal remote. To t an and then you would know like um what the geometry of their hands would be and uh Yes you'd know what kind of wood to get. How hard they squeeze? Resistance resistance, right. That's right, that's right, you wouldn't wanna go too far down that. Oh that that actually would uh increase the um the revenues we could expect, yeah. The sales, yeah. The Yeah. I hope so. No, but incorporating the three uh obviously it'd be something totally new on the market, totally different and from Although, what it was it uh it was uh Nokia that came out with this changeable colours. Yeah. Well, already the customisability is a really good sort of new gimmick. Mm-hmm. Right, you take it apart, and put on another face, take it off and put on another face and then they sold millions, millions. Yeah. Yeah. Right, mm. And that took off, yeah, yeah. So. So say with the f with the findings, with the research, easy to use something totally new. Mm-hmm. We have to come up with something totally new that is not on the market. We'd also have to wor um consider that uh who we were gonna get to make these custom cases in terms of manufacturing processes, we might wanna um learn about um labour laws. You know in different countries and stuff wher so we can do it cheap, but you don't wanna exploit uh labour in um third world countries. Yeah. So actually you could turn it y turn around and say that you're uh par the reason the cost is high for the device is because um you're paying a a working wage to the person who made the device. Mm-hmm. Yeah, but we can get a production in, uh, countries like, uh, India yes, yes, countries like India or China or Malaysia, so you can go a better features and better price and you can sell more. Cost of living is low. So Yeah, yeah, so Yes. Good, well th that'd be something that manufacturing would have to um explore more and to where Mm-hmm. Mm yeah. Where w Where it would be manufactured is is another step. So Yeah, so Yes uh, but uh that that we can that we can talk about the production later, okay, depends on the the quantity, okay. Yeah. We're here to design, come up with a nice product. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. So we don't need to have our own uh fabric factory or something, so we can have a tie-up with who the do the fabric, okay, for the different uh electronics items, then we can have a business tie-up and to get to cut the cost, okay, to sell more. So, but uh le let's decide first about the components concept and uh interface concept, okay, if is acceptable for both of you, what uh Ed was talking. And your design whether you want with the display or without display or just a simple, so Yeah. Mm-hmm. I think it depends, I mean I think it's a good idea, but we need to really think about how useful it's gonna be because theoretically with the TV you already have a big display right in front of you. Hmm. So, if we're trying to keep costs down, then maybe sacrificing the display is a way to go. Hmm. I mean it depends on how much putting a display costs and what it would be used for very specifically what it would be used for, 'cause if it's only used for one little thing, then putting in a big display case or a big display that's probably expensive just to do the training on the chip for the speech recognition or whatever, may not be the most cost-efficient way to go, but that's just sort of speculation, I mean. Hmm. Mm-hmm. What do you think Ed? Do you he liked the display in one of the concepts that you showed, um, do you know how much it costs, um, to to add a little display like this uh? No. No no p spec It's 'cause we have to find out cost on it. Do you wanna take an action item to go find out? Okay. Sorry about that. Um, no that's no problem. I'm here for the pushing it after it's made. Yes. I will market it. Once we get a price on it then we can market it. So the the advanced chip on print is what um what we've we've deci we've determined and the uh engineering industrial design is the recommendation, and um I think we've kinda come to some agreement regarding um this concept of a wooden case. Mm-hmm. A customisable and Uh I don't think so, no, I think they could be rubber like they are now, so you have that tactile experience of So um are we done with this meeting? Nice beautiful mahogany red wooden case. What about the buttons, would Would the buttons be wood too, or Mm-hmm. I don't think so. Yes. Yes. Don't looks nice uh. Yeah, so uh what we'll do is, uh, we will stick with the the simple design for time being until uh th Ed find outs about the how much it's cost to the extra, in case we go for the display. Okay. So maybe what you can do is uh, both of you, you can come up with the the prototype, okay, the model. Okay. Okay? Sure. Yeah, I hope, if is it okay if uh they will come up with the prototype design, okay. Then they can show you how it looks like, and then we can uh submit to the I will submit to the management. Okay? Then meantime you can come up with the price, how much it's cost as extra for uh the display. And a marketing strategy. An and the marketing strategy, that's very important, okay. And marketing strategy, thank you. Yes. How much you can how mu how much how much you can sell extra. Fired. Of course you'll make money too, so it it's not only pay-out, you make money too, your commission. Okay, so, any questions? No. So, by next meeting, so, please come up with the the prototype, okay, then uh, then we can proceed from there. Okay. It's okay? Mm-hmm. So thanks for all your uh efforts and coming for the meeting again, and see you soon then. Okay. Okay? Thank you.", " I'm sorry to be late. Welcome back. Welcome back everybody. Yeah. Thanks. So this meeting agenda will be the detailed design meeting. And uh opening and uh PMs of the meet minutes, uh prototype presentation from uh Christine and uh Agnes. Agnes, yes. Yes and uh evaluation criteria. The finance, it's uh from my side, from the management, and uh production evaluation. Then uh closing. So we have forty minutes to discuss and uh finalise and close the product and project and to move further, okay, so Okay, let's talk about uh maybe first uh for the prototype. Mm, okay. So I handle to So shall I go to sorry. I've done a presentation, but it pretty much covers work that we've both done, so if I'm missing anything, Christine can just correct me. Uh thank you, so you did a PowerPoint presentation, good for you. Yep. S Okay, let's go to AMI. It's not the biggest PowerPoint presentation in the world, but Three. So in two or three or Yeah. Um. No it's think it's the last one. Probably. Technical pa I would think. No, then this is the la yeah, that one, final design. Ha. It is named appropriately, you just couldn't see the name. Um okay, can I have the mouse? Yes. Thanks. Alright, so from when we were discussing specifying the case in the last meeting, we decided that we wanted an ergonomic shape, the material that we chose was wood, and uh the colour would be customisable, 'cause you can stain the wood whatever colour. Um, so in terms of function, you have to be able to turn the TV on and off, volume and channel control, menu control, voice recognition control, and we've incorporated the LCD screen on the flip panel as part of the design, if we figure out it's too expensive, well then you just take it off. Um, so to unveil our lovely product. This is our remote control, with the flip panel as you can see. So if you lift up the panel, you can see the lovely yellow LCD display. Um, this is actually hard to do. The yellow button you have is the on off button, so it's really big, hard to miss. You have the the red um triangles are the toggles for changing the volume. So up volume up, down volume down. The green are the channel changing. S And it's one of those very light, very touchable displays. And then you have the numeric pad in the dark blue at the bottom, and on the right-hand side you have the access to the menu on the TV, and on the left-hand side you have the the the ability to turn off the voice recognition. So this is pretty much what we had on the white board the last time. Mm-hmm. So. Um and uh I could Yeah the d We haven't um uh specified where the speaker or the microphone will be placed. Oh yes. Additional feature on the back is that you can have your own customised backing and I suppose you could do the same thing on the flip case on the front. So that you can really make this a highly highly customisable remote control. That depends on the uh s design of the circuit board inside and uh what room is left um Yes, okay. Yeah. I think the microphone is on on the top, uh on the middle, the under the flip. Uh-huh. So that will be the safe, so p any the chip it's not on the chip because you need to have microphone to Yes. No, I mean it depends on the design of the circuit board. But it shouldn't be under the flip either, because you can have the remote control closed, but you still might want to activate it by voice. Uh it's it's Yeah, but uh uh my opinion I think it's better under the flip because whenever you want to uh the talk, okay, so then you can speak then you can close it. But if you put it on the on the flip, okay, then uh technical I don't think it's uh feasible, 'cause most of the time you speak then it will be recognised. But if you've already got the remote control in your hand you need to open the flip to use the voice, why use the voice, why not just use your hand? I mean the whole point of the voice is that if the remote control is sitting there and I'm too lazy to reach over and pick it up, I can just use my voice. Maybe I've got my hand in the popcorn bowl and I'm holding my cup of Coca-Cola in the other hand. Yeah. And you don't wanna let go of either one. I don't wanna say. Louder. Yeah. I mean it doesn't have to be on the flip, it can be on the side somewhere. Can also be on the side. Yeah, the sides maybe is good. Yeah. So That's good idea. Mm-hmm. So, I mean I can pass this around if anyone wants to Yeah. Yes. So it's maybe good idea. Yeah, y better you pass it around with a napkin. No, because y you can easily put a microphone on the side that would have no problem would haven't been not be damaged or anything, and it'd be accessible all the time to voice. Yes. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So it's maybe good idea. S s Okay. It's um It's um You need to work on the weight a little bit. Compliments to the artist. Yes. Uh. S I'm fine, I'm satisfi I'm satisfied. And maybe the shape of the buttons, the little egg shapes aren't the most economical, but Yeah. We're glad you're satisfied. Of course it's it's it's looks more heo heavy, but I think when it's completely maybe it's a less weight. I mean this is plasticene. There's only so much you can do. Yes. We could have possibly made it a lot thinner as well. But And part of the thing is m a lot of people say that they don't like something that's too light, because they don't feel like they have enough control over it. Mm-hmm. So I mean maybe this is excessively heavy, but I think it needs to have some weight, it needs to feel like you're still holding something. Yep. So that's pretty much it for our presentation actually. That's your uh prototype model? Yeah. Okay, that's good, thank you very much. So any comments or uh Okay. Well, the prototype is is very well within the design and ideas that we've we've talked about on the previous meetings. Now it goes into this next phase as the financial uh marketing uh Well we haven't come to mine yet, so we're gonna have a bit of difference of opinion, yes. Yes, that uh So I'll come back to the So evaluation criteria, I think uh that will be good, so then let's come to the finance uh, I have some uh calculations which I made uh as for uh the budget. So here you can uh look like uh the energy and uh dynamo and uh kinetic and solar cells. Uh it's optional, somewhat optional and Ed wants the chip on print, that's what uh we were talking about that. So then we have sample sensor and sample speaker, then uh we have the wood material, then special colour and push button. So it's uh actually, our budget was uh twelve point five Euro, but uh it's coming to nine point nine five Euro, so we are under uh below the budget, okay, so still we are saving some money. I think it's a good figure. Yes, great I I'm surprised. Congratulations. Than thank you. Oh, okay. It's gonna cost a long way to c you know, cost a lot of money to market it, is it? So maybe it's for some money we can utilise for our uh marketing, for the sales, okay, and uh It's not. Well, it just depends on if we're gonna add a o on this pr provisionary cost analysis, we do not have a LC display. LC display is gonna be very expensive, it's gonna be It's not it doesn't say. No we do, but it's not filled in. It's number thirty. Thirty. We don't have the price up there, okay, so if we add approximately two to three Euro per remote, now we're up around about twelve, twelve and a half as to what uh the company had initially uh requested. Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah, you're right, sorry, yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So that means we can put the uh the LCD in, yeah. Um Display in. But as far as production um I'm putting up a question because we're talking about profit also, and in mine you'll see uh the problem with uh our survey, the p the possibility that how many units can be sold, what percentage of the market, etcetera etcetera because that has to be taken in into consideration. Uh this is just production cost, it is not uh advertising cost, it's not transportation cost uh And that will inflate quite a bit the cost of the uh the cost of the unit for the company. Yes, so still uh we have twelve point five Euro. Yes. Yeah, but Yes. Yep. Um-hmm. So to come up with what the company wants is a fifty million Pound profit, we're gonna have to go a long ways. Yes. This we are talking about one unit, okay, so when it go into the quantity, okay, and the cost will come down. Yes. Slightly. Although customisation, because this is being done, you know, the on on-order basis, it might be uh the the quantity won't m won't uh the circuit board will b you're right, would be in producing quantity, but the cost of the case would uh be fixed at the Uh you got some pretty cheap labour that can do this case for one Euro. Yeah. It's gonna be very hard to reduce. Yes. That's not bad. That's really that's the cost of the material and lab wow, that's really outstanding. Yep. Yeah. But anyhow, still we are under control, okay, so what uh I will do is I will try to negotiate with the vendors, okay, to get uh the production cost less, okay, so then we can save some money, okay, to put into th our marketing or uh you know the promotions, whatever, okay, so that uh I will look after. I will speak to the management and how to get uh you know some more uh cost down. If we can go to to my display. And we'll come back to yours just to give everybody an idea of the market. Yes. So now I'm gonna scare everybody out of this project. If I'm still here. You're in four? Yep. The four gives me it's gotta be uh TrendWatch. TrendWatch. Is this the same one you did before? No. Okay. It shouldn't be if it's not it's not the right one. That's no, I think it's the same one. No, no we g no, that's the same one. You have to go back and find another one. Whatever name it popped up under. Uh functional, try functional, it might not be it either, but we'll see. Functional. It looks like it, there's S Yeah. Yep, that's it. So we'll go screen by screen. Okay. Although since uh we need to have some type of idea on a market uh we had independent study that says it this this market has an availability to absorb eight mi eight million units per year. Okay? Our internal company evaluation puts it between eight to nine million which is approximately the same as the independent study. Yep. So if we continue, we'll look at the findings. Next screen. Which means that uh if we have a target of two million would the company has to take twenty five percent of the market in the first year, which is actually a tremendous amount. Mm-hmm. Yeah, no kidding. No kidding, yeah. Mayb maybe they already expected something. So, if we put an inflated price of fifty Euro at a production cost that cannot exceed twenty-five Euro, okay, we're already in that that price, okay, with transport, promotion, labour, because we hav gi included the promotion in the cost, transport for the material to the stores or whatever how however we're gonna break this down between our our retailers. Yes. Um-hmm. Twenty-five percent of the market to get to two million units. At two million units, we have to have a profit of twenty-five Euro per unit to get to the fifty million unit Eu Euro profit. Mm-hmm. Yep. Okay? So, obviously we w w I just did a run down the evaluation of the form, the fan uh the fancy stylishness of the of the unit, the ease of use, speech recognition, cost, we've gone through these. Now, the company must evaluate the feasibility of being able to take enough of the market to justify in production. Or we project this over two years, but being that the market changes very very quickly, maybe there's no more interest in buying this thing in eighteen months from now. Yes. Yep. So, now we have to come up with a decision. Of course. Mm. Can the company sell two million units? Yep. Can it sell it for fifty Euros? Could could I go to findings? Yep. Uh uh um I would uh like to explore the possibility of using um alternative um delivery and sales channel which would be um to use the internet for promotion and ordering and then to drop-ship the p product to the customer's residence. Yes. I was thinking the same thing, yeah. Directly. That way you have no storage, you have no um you do have transportation, still have the labour cost, but you don't have the transport to the uh point of sale. Um-hmm. Yes. Yeah. The point of sale is online. To the agents. Yeah. You can do a shipping centre somewhere, or strategically place shipping centres to minimise distance costs. Right, like Amazon. In fact, we should sell through Amazon, don't you think? Yes. Or eBay, or Yes. Or eBay, yeah. Yeah. There's an idea. Going with um Ah, we we're do you know, selling a unique product uh. Yeah, that's a good idea. To impro more profit and uh Yeah, yes. S Upscale technology. Well. That actually makes more sense if we're gonna make it so highly customisable, 'cause on the web people can look at the different options they have, see maybe what other people have done, what the range of possibility as, whereas if you're in a store, you can't unless you're a highly imaginative person, you may not really know what it is you want, whereas on the web, if you have a bunch of pictures, it can sort of trigger ideas and Yeah. Mm. There are several companies that have gone that way. Mm. Mm-hmm. And you can even have an a movie that you can rotate the object and look at the di the only thing that you're missing really is the weight. The weight and feel. Weight, the feel of the product, but There are several that have gone through with the watches, too. Mm. Yeah. We're getting used to that. It's not quite like trying on a shoe, but people are getting used to buying things online that they can't touch before buying. Yeah. Yeah. You can customise a watch, you can see how it is at the f at the end of the production, you can change it uh There's a lot of online that's that is doing this now. Mm-hmm. Uh-huh. Yes. And when you're rotating, you'll look behind and look this way uh it's possible to do with this, maybe there's a possibility of selling more than two million units in one year, which could you know, feasibili feasibility uh lower the price of the unit. Yeah. Mm-hmm. We can. Great. I don't think that's uh not possible, it's uh okay then, l uh let's wait for the production, okay, then uh you can evaluate the product, so how it looks like technically and uh how it look like uh the real. What turnaround time do we have? T Oh but Yes it's it's very quick, of course. 'Cause I mean production evaluation can be very very quick or very very long. It will uh come back in two weeks, okay, it will be ready in two weeks. Works for me. For evaluation, okay. Prototypes, you mean. Yes, the prototype uh prototype product evaluation. In um We probably should do some market tests uh once we have the prototypes and do some orders and things like that and test-market it. Yes. Well, obviously. Yes. Yeah. Yes. Mm that'd have to be thrown out on the market for people to get an idea, to see get get their I think we pretty much covered everything. Yeah. So you can take a minimum two weeks to a maximum four weeks. Mm-hmm. Think minimum two weeks if we're gonna develop prototypes and then try to take them to different places and see how people use it's not a trivial task. Yeah. Yeah, because we we are not going to do it in uh our factory, okay, so we can give it a product evalua Yes, yes. No no. We definitely shouldn't do it in our factory. So we'll do it in the other place, and I don't think it's take more than four weeks time. Or uh Okay, so then the real production we will start once we product evaluation, okay, then uh it's approve from uh the technical team and uh your team, okay, uh from the management, then we can launch in the market. Hm? Any outstanding? S Any any other uh questions or uh comments to be discuss? No, I'm go ahead. What ab Well I was just wondering about if we're gonna do a product evaluation then what about time for redesign if the users come back and tell us no this is bad, this is bad, we want this done differently. Okay, so then uh Okay uh, let's take like this. Did you have something? Let's proceed with this model, okay, for the for the marketing direction, okay. So no more changes will be made, okay, in this the basic design. Okay? So we will introduce m this model and uh let's introduce in the market and let's take the feedback from the customers, then we can uh go for the second generation. Second generation. Okay. There's no end, there's not limit. The problem is there might not be a second generation if the first generation flops for some silly reason that we haven't thought of. Every every custom Okay. Well, then it may not be. Well, every customer, okay, they have their own ideas, they have their own test, okay, so there's no end, there's no limit. Like people don't like wood. No, but there's a difference between releasing a product that has been minimally tested and fine-tuned to suit a general range of requirements versus releasing a product that we think will work but we don't really have anything to back it up. very specific. Yeah, so that's the reason you are here for uh the design, okay, I hope you made a good design. Yes, but I'm not everybody. I mean the whole point of user evaluation is to see what real people need. We have our own motivations in mind, we have our own ideas in mind, but that doesn't mean that that's what's gonna sell. Yeah, but uh see, we ought to take a few considerations, okay, one is the price consideration, one is future consideration, okay, like uh you can eat uh you can all eat more chi I can eat more chilli, okay, so i it's a depends on the individual taste, you know, so we have we have to balance somewhere. Yeah, of course. I'm just trying to point out that I think that your evaluation and redesign turnaround time is too short well you have no redesign not you personally, but in the project we have no redesign time and Yeah. Yes. Our project doesn't um Ed, d do you know what season of the year or time of the year is the most important for TV remote control sales? Yeah. Hmm. Would it be the Christmas season by any chance? The sports time. Sports season. Right before the Eur the World Cup. Which sport season? Football. World soccer. So so maybe what So I think what we need to do is perhaps to synchronise the final the the launch of a user-tested device with some special event. World Cup soccer, they need those things that they have their hands g occupied and they need to be able to talk to the con remote control. Football. Yes. Yes. Yeah, that's a good idea. And and then um so that gives us a little more time perhaps then we anticipated, because I don't know when the World Cup is, but I'm sure there's gonna be one. Or any major sports. Or another m major sports event. Probably not the um the football games coming up the end of January. I think that might be a little too aggressive um, but, so, I'm just ig uh pointing out a uh a strategy to uh do some additional user testing pri and then to launch um at a a major sports event or uh perhaps to uh also And to work with motion pictures. Yes. Yeah. Research. Mm-hmm. Yep. That's actually good place to advertise it too. Yeah. There might be some motion pictures that are coming out um that are coming out on DVD that uh they need to have a m special remote control to work with it, so we could maybe work out a campaign with uh with Sony Pictures for example. Yes. Maybe some management has got uh relationships there we can leverage. Mm-hmm. Yes, the that of course uh I will convince the management to do that, okay. That's great. It's just something to to keep in mind, 'cause it's really really important. Sure, sure, yes. A lot of products have gone out there without being properly user-tested and completely flopped, when in fact it gets re-released a few years down the line with proper testing and it takes off like crazy. Disposable diapers is an example of that in fact. Really? Yes, it is one of the first consumer products that was launched about thirty years that was a disposable consumer product, and uh people the market hadn't really gotten on to the concept that you could use something and then throw it away, 'cause it wasn't uh but then when they re-launched them thirty years later, they were virtually the same design, but people had gotten the throw-away, you know, paper cups and napki y all kinds of things that they hadn't um so, you're right, timing is very important, but I think we've got a good product. That I didn't know. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's the reason Ed is here. I think he can promote the the brand value and the product value. That's right. It's gonna be very important to the company. Yes. We are behind the scene and he is the front screen, so. Yep. Yeah, I'm the one who takes the heat. He's on the big screen. Exactly. Good luck, Ed. If it's a flop, it's the marketer. You look very relaxed, considering h you know, the uh the weight on your shoulders, yeah. Yes. Yes. Stress. Okay, so then uh let's come to the closing and uh are the costs within the budget and uh is the product evaluated, okay, so that will uh come soon. Celebration. Okay for uh but our time being, so thanks for all your efforts and great work and uh great design and uh let's leave it to the Ed for later for once production is over and the meantime let's celebrate. So let's meet up uh this evening to hang up for some party. Sounds good. 'S good. Okay. Thank you. Very good. Nice working with you. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thanks. Thank you again for all. And see you in the evening for drinks. Bye-bye. Yep, okay, see you later on. Bye.", " Two. Hello. Good morning. Hello. Hello. Ah. You have to put it exactly on the on the yeah. Plate? Okay. Good morning. Good morning. I took your mouse. Should I bring my uh pen too? Yeah just yeah, no, that's for me, I just have to make some notes. Or Okay. I got my uh mouse. Uh I also forgot my mouse, but I don't need my mouse, I think. Mouse. I do. yeah. Come on. There we are. My laptop is crashing. Damn computers. Cr Help help help. Let's just check one more time. Mm. Can you hear me? Hello? Test. Uh actually my laptop doesn't work, switch it on again. I dunno. Check. Oh no. Okay. I think it works. Test test. Yes, it's working. So you all read what we are going to do or not? Mm-hmm. Okay. Yeah. We're gonna make a remote control. Yeah, that's right. I think my laptop is a bit etchy. I just made a a simple uh presentation. So you put some things in it. Okay. How does this work? I dunno. One uh most to the right. Uh p Okay. Yes that one. This one? Yes. Press F eleven. Ah cool. Okay. So that's my name, . Uh we're going to make uh a remote control, you already know that. Just have a look, are we going to uh this agenda of our meeting. You know, this is about twenty five minutes, this meeting. So um the thing we have to know is you already know what we're going to do, you also read what this the things or, not yet, okay. Yes. So um, yeah, it has to be original, trendy, user-friendly that's what we're going to design. Uh first we have uh uh three steps of uh making the the remote control. Fir the first thing is th the functional design, that's very important. We have to look what the needs are, the effects of the functional design, and and how the mm the the remote control works, so that's where we're going to look in the functional design, it's for the f next meeting. The the second thing is the conceptual design, that's what it that's uh the spe the specifications of the components and the properties and the specifications of the user interface. And we have to look what uh the market is doing for what kind of uh remote controls are in the market. And the third thing is uh the detailed design um and that's exa yeah, you know what it is, it's exactly how it looks and whatever. Okay so uh no, this is a these are two smartboards, with the uh f uh s an introduction of that one. And you already saw you know all that that you here can put uh things in the the red project uh map. Folder, yes. Folder, okay. So no okay have a look at that one. Okay. So uh what we're going to do first is um so you can read. You have to uh draw uh a favourite animal on the whiteboard and um and say why it's your favourite animal. So and you have this is just to try it out and we have to uh use a different pen colours and different thickness of the pen. So okay, so first have to show you, maybe you can come here to have a look how it works. Yes? Ah I can see it now. Yeah. Okay. This a new page, it's okay. Use pen format. and a different colour can use here no I just take the pink. You take oh there's no pink, okay, oh just purple, okay. Purple. No blue. And uh line width ten. Okay uh just take what I'm going to draw is an elephant. Just draw slowly, because otherwise it won't work. It's a very nice elephant, you can see. I dunno what it looks but it doesn't matter. Looks very nice. I just h Something like this? Oh no Yeah, okay. It look like a dinosaurs. Because I like uh okay. A pink elephant. Just takes so long, okay. Whatever, just. You erased this one. It's a bit slow you can see, this is a bit annoying. Okay. Okay, so just for you guys just one of you can draw a painting if you want. Let me try one. Just don't um yeah, just u use it like that, yeah. That's okay. Okay. Mm. Okay and then uh what's the colour? How do I do Ah. It's in format. Yeah. I'll take this one. Uh there has to be water, but Yeah yeah, but it's an animal it's an animal that lives in the water. Just No it has to be an animal, so if that's it's it should be a shna snake or something. Okay. Okay okay. The water is important. Okay. So I first uh draw the water. Uh. Okay, and now I make the animal. It's a fish. Okay, cool. Wow. Mm-hmm. So. Um This is a worm. Hmm yeah, that's nice. Wow. Okay, who next? Uh do you have to write down why uh that doesn't matter, just it's to get used to the whiteboard, but it's okay. Uh Okay. Just make a new blank new blank page. Yeah. Well Paul? Yeah. Like this? Yeah, not too far to the to the t pen top. Okay. Um let's make it um a dog. Ooh. Maybe you should hold your pen a bit more to the back, so that no, to the yeah. I think it's a pig. Ah okay. A pig? I can make a dog. No, it's a dog. Or a dog. A sheep? Um 'Kay, I make a cat of it. Uh we d only have twenty five minutes, so. Take it easy. I I was gonna make a cat too. Use your fantasy. Oh, not too quick. Just hold it more more to the back then you don't have okay. No I have it. I just draw too quick I think. Okay, that's it. More. No, that's okay, thank you. It's just to get used to it. Okay. I thought these pens would be just um uh you write it down and you download it to Word, you already did it or no? No. No, not yet, okay. Yeah, that's right, it but you actually got to write on the paper. But it's just Sorry? You really got to write on that paper. Yeah, I know, but I d I I thought it would be just in in in uh typed words in Word, so that's not just it's just a picture. Yeah yeah, it's a real pen. Yeah, but it's just a picture. Oh. So it's not that cool as I th thought it would be. You really No. Y you can you can't edit in the edit it in Word. No. Oh, okay. It's a donkey. I don't know, what time did we start this meeting, I'm not sure. Uh I think it was uh Yeah. Half past. Half past ten. Okay. Brilliant. Okay, perfect. Nice, eh? Yep. Yeah, thank you. Now we just have to save everything, so. Oh this is definitely the best one. Uh. Okay, so uh what we know is that we have to sell this uh remote control for about twenty five Euros. Excuse me. Okay, that's. And uh we have to make a profit of fifty million Euros, so we have to uh use a big market in Europe. Piece of cake. The production cost are about half the price of selling price, sorry. Uh easy. So can someone make a a calculation about how many we have to sell of these to make fifty million, I dunno. Uh so we're gonna have a little discussion about um what experience are with a remote control the and everything, so just have a look how it we think about remote controls. Yeah, my first question was does it have to be a a universal remote control? Oh yeah, that's a good question. Because we sell it uh uh uh lonely from the t and not with the television, we sell it uh apart. I think it's I'm not I'm not sure, it's not mm I think I don't think you can buy a a a universal uh remote control for twenty five Euros, so not sure, but Okay, so we we just say we just say that's universal remote control. So I Because Yeah, I know uh you can buy a re a universal uh control for uh only twenty uh Euros Yeah, I think. Yeah, it probably would be universal. Universal. And only television? Or more devices? Hmm, maybe, I don't know. Ah okay. Okay, perfect. And uh also for the VCR and uh DVD player and okay. Yeah, everything just so a lot of buttons on the remote control. Yeah, probably. Not just a TV. No, just everything. Okay. Okay. so yeah, what what what's a remote control, it's just a black thing with some buttons on it, it's not nothing very special, but um yeah, that's right. Well we can try to make it special. So do you have any ideas how it has to look for for usability or user Hmm yeah. Well Yeah. Well I th I thought about um making it the same uh style as the television, we don't have uh the same television uh all the time, so uh that's no matter. Um if we uh control the VCR and the DVD player player with it uh it has to be clear, because uh kids and uh elderly are gonna use it, so uh it's not only for the uh technical persons. Um I think it must be a very good control, so you can uh uh uh act uh use it from uh everywhere in your room, the the infrared uh thing must be from very good quality. That's right. Should be a good point. Okay. Nothing N It shouldn't be too big, but I don't think we can make it too small, 'cause it has to have a lot of functions, so. And how big should it be? No. Yeah. I dunno um Yes Ah that's that's Ah right right. Yeah. We can't make it smaller than the things we see now I think. Just big enough for the buttons we have, that's that's it. Yeah. Or we have to make something uh like uh mobile phones that you can uh fold it opem. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe then you can make it s smaller and uniquer, maybe more trendy. But you you you you think about uh uh one you can fold open. Fold open, where you can see uh more options. Okay, yeah, that's cool. I think Yeah, something uh on top, just dren general things like volume and TV channels and inside things you don't use that often. Yeah n Yeah, or you c O or you could th think of an uh uh a small touch screen on the remote control. Maybe for the DVD pla player or something, if you just okay. Yeah. Oh that's good, yeah. Yeah b I wanted No you can make an uh manual in it. Yeah. Why should you use a touchscreen on a remote control? Uh maybe be uh it's it's Yeah, or um maybe to keep it uh easy and uh small. There are buttons on it. Okay. Yeah, but Yeah but it's not reachable I think, touch screen. But it's not t t t too expensive to put a touchscreen on it. But that's Yeah, I think it's much uh too expensive. Uh like a a to have Yeah, maybe it would. And we have to care for uh the strength of the remote control, because uh uh remote controls are most uh things in the house that falls down on the ground and it get often uh broken. Yeah. Yeah. So. And if you have a touch screen in it, it's definitely too too fragile uh fragile. Yeah, too fragile. Yeah and a lots uh uh lots of kids use it and touchscreen is not uh kids uh Um Ma maybe a home station. No. You can put games on your remote control. Kid-proof. Whatever. Yeah. And uh how about the batteries? Uh should you put it in a recharger or a just Mm yeah. Oh maybe that's a good idea, just to put it on your television and just s recharge, you never have to use any batteries. Yeah. Maybe that's a good idea, but yeah, we have to look at the price now I think. Yeah, how m how mu how how expensive uh is a normal recharger? Yeah. Yeah, I dunno. Well uh how much is your uh standards uh mobile phone recharger? I dunno. Yeah, if you buy it uh separately from your phone it's probably expensive, but I don't know what the project uh projection costs are for such a thing. Ah yeah. Maybe have uh Yeah, 'cause well Yeah. Uh if you th look at the market, it's probably it's still the best way just to put batteries in it, because maybe it's too expensive. Yeah. Yeah, but a home station is uh a really good idea, because uh lots of people are uh lose their remote control and don't know where it is, and now you can put it always at the same place. Yeah, that's right, yeah. Yeah. Maybe it's Therefore it's a good idea, but maybe it's expensive. Maybe uh use it as a separate option. Yeah. Sell it uh separately. You can yeah, you can buy it with it. Yeah, but I have a mouse that's uh uh also uh Yeah, and and you just have normal batteries that you can recharge and just put it in the station, or you can change your batteries, so. Rechargeable. Yeah. Oh yeah. The option, just the option, that's cool. Yeah. Uh I I set something on paper already, size, looks, uh usable, uh the buttons on usable places, uh the the on off button must be on top, uh it has to lay good in the hand, you you have to uh Yeah, I don't I don't know I don't know if we You can make it very special, to create our own um looks, but it's very hard to Nah. Yeah. Yeah. Has it be has does it has to b have to be um uh like a different form than a normal remote control or Yeah Yeah. Well I think we have to look at that, 'cause well you can do the standard way, but then you won't Well you can um have uh the basic things on the same place, like on off button on top and the TV channels one two three four as a block, and then the volume uh obviously on t on top, so you can see. N uh if if we want to make it special, we probably have to do a lot of testing, if it really works. Yeah. But the rest is uh you don't use that often, so if you have a clear button with an good icon on it, it should be clear as well. Yeah. So it doesn't matter what place it is on the remote control I think, so you can do something unique with that. And what we have to think about too is uh uh buttons that you use often are um maybe uh like when you fold it open, when you have it closed, you can still uh do the th the functions. Yeah yeah, what Paul already said. Uh on on top are the the basic options on top, and if you fold it open Mm. Yeah. Yeah, just for the TV and just the normal function, that's fine. But n yeah, but uh i basically when I'm watching TV I'm just using like five buttons or so, so. Yeah, yeah. But maybe it's maybe it's very hard to to make it fold open and to l look like it's very uh uh what's it's called? Yeah. That's what I meant. If you if if you make to fold open it's or also an uh the strength uh is not s as good as a normal uh remote control. Uh Okay, but yeah. Maybe it's hard t No, that's right. So maybe we have to to uh keep it like mm a square, just normal remote control. Just think about it. Yeah. We have to close this uh to finish this uh meeting, so. Okay. There's some more things. We have uh another thirty minutes, so then we're going to meet again. So you know what you have to what you have to do? Okay. Yeah. Um for m for me uh the Marketing Expert, the user requirements uh specification, do I need to think as a user, a as a a a only the looks and the Okay. No, what you want to do with it. Yeah, I think this if you you have to n know if it's for s a TV, a DVD player, all that things. Also from a user, but all these things together. Yeah, it's also about strength and uh for everything uh. Yeah, everything. Yeah, I also wrote down some stuff that you want on a Technical fun fu What do you want to do with your remote control, what do you need on your remote control. Yeah, no maybe not not uh, that's not a f that's something for for for yeah. That's not for you. Okay. Just if what's in the market, what's normal, uh what kind of uh buttons do you have. I already wrote some down, some ideas. Yeah, it's alright. Yep. Yeah, just is that okay? Okay. Yep. Okay. Okay. There's already a document in the folder about it. Yeah, me too. So see you in thirty minutes. Okay, well done. Okay. Okay. For the next time you have to uh put it exactly on the square, so your laptop. I will. Oh Paul. It didn't say that. No, sorry. Your fault. Ciao. Bye bye. Bye bye.", " I just forgot their name, so uh you're i sorry, I just forgot them all. So I have to write it down. Okay. So Do you know them or Yeah. Fine. The names? For for for my sur um Jens. Yeah. Yeah, no, but your b your surname. Uh Damman. D A W. WO da. Uh uh M M. Okay. I mean M. Double M. Okay. And what's your name? Paul Wiezer. Paul Wiezer. WIES z Z or S? A E Z zee zee E R. Uh uh zee. Okay. What's your name? Uh Martijn. Yeah, but your surname. What? Your surname. Uh Abbing. A B B I N G. Okay, thanks. I was a little short on time, but What? Uh. Yeah, me too, so that's not No no no, I just fi first my So let's have a look, we have forty minutes, so it's it's more than enough. Yeah, same here. Oh. Sorry. Uh let's see. Which one was mine? Okay, perfect. So we have Oh no, what's that? So so we have uh forty minutes for this uh for this second meeting, and we have to make uh sure that we going t that we are sure, that we are, that we know what we're going to make uh th what the product is going to like look like. Good. Uh first I have the notes of the last meeting, so I showed uh show them to you. Oh, sorry about that, I just escape this one. How do I escape this? How do I I escape this s uh presentation? Uh left. Uh Just Yeah. Ah okay. So Okay. And show, sorry. Okay, so let's have a look s at this one. Okay, so the f the f the points we had last meeting was the um Should be a univ uh universal remote control No, that's I uh s I just got a email from the from the personal coach and it should be a TV remote control only. So have you changed that part? Okay. Um so yeah, it still has to be uh f a r a remote control for kids and elderly. It's it's still the same. Um All these points uh we have to look at. You all know them. But uh there's another point. The um uh the main uh people of interest of this company are forty plus people. So they're old and not younger people. So we have to look at that as well. 'Specially old people, maybe bi bigger buttons or something, I dunno. Yeah, okay. Uh so So yeah, that's it, so just you can do your presentation for uh Oh it doesn't matter, just start with the I I didn't read i read it, so it's not for me, I didn't get it uh anyway. Which one first? Okay. Okay. Mm. Uh Okay. Functional requirements, yeah. Well my name is Jens Damman, but we're in a group, and I I will start it. Wait. Um I've used a marketing report on uh the site. Uh I think you've uh read it too. Uh and uh f and furthermore I uh surfed the o the other site. You didn't read it? No, I didn don't thing we got it. Oh okay, I I was the only one who get it. It's only for you. Yeah. Yes. Okay it was uh uh uh um um a report about uh an experiment with uh a lot of users. And uh they had a lot of findings in their report uh with statistical uh uh uh thing uh with statistical uh proof. So I um I had three pages with findings and sev a lot of uh a lot of findings. So we can use this uh to uh create our own remote control. Uh seventy five percent of the users find uh most remote controls ugly. Yeah, I think uh uh that's a lot, so we have to make a beautiful remote control. Uh eighty percent of users would spend when uh a remote control will l uh look fancy. I think this fits uh at the uh what what uh Michael said about uh older people. Older people will uh spend more money uh for uh something uh uh what's good. Because younger people are more critical uh about uh uh where they spend their money money at. Uh seventy five percent uh seventy five percent of the users say they zap a lot. Well okay, that's uh normal. I think uh we we have to make uh good zap buttons. But that's one of our requirements. The last point is quite an interesting So if we Yeah. Yes, fifty percent of users say they only use ten percent of the buttons. Um Martijn alr already said it. And uh maybe our uh fold open system is is a good one, but I don't think it's uh reachable. Yeah, we should have the ten percent on the on the top, then you're you're So we have uh a new uh age of forty plus. Yeah, the ten percent on the top, yeah. Yeah. That that's a good one. Um uh page two. Remote controls are often lost somewhere in the room. That's exactly what we said about um maybe a home station for uh for it uh to uh recharge the batteries or something. Uh I thought mo maybe we could make a clap system, so when you clap your hands it will beep or something. Uh you must find it uh quickly. Uh. Maybe just a button on the home station. So remote control beeps when you click that button on the home station. Okay, yeah. Yeah, we can uh combine that. Uh it takes too much time to learn how to use a r new remote control. Uh I think we must t uh take a look at this. It's only uh th thirty four of the thirty four percent. But it's uh a tough one. Because if we make a ha whole new product, our own style, we we c uh this is so difficult, uh a difficulty I think. Uh next, remote controls are bad for RSI. Yeah, but only if they zap a lot, and they watch over five hours TV or something. I don't We we haven't Uh we mustn't look too much at uh the last point. Okay, last page. Uh the last uh experiment uh was about gadgets, like uh speech recognition. We didn't uh think about that already. And uh an LCD on the remote control. We already thought about that. Um uh they finally had a conclusion that younger people um uh under an age of f forty five are uh more interested in new features. And but they're more critical. And older people uh want to spend uh more money. But uh they uh they don't want to uh have a lot of uh new features, because they're in their old uh thinking way. And they want to keep the old uh things the old things. But y But you but you already said that the uh company was about uh forty plus uh clients? People. So yeah, so we just can skip the LCD r on the remote control, because Yeah. I I think we can speak, uh we can skip speech recognition uh directly, because it's not reachable for twenty five Euros. Yeah. It's too Okay. Yeah. Um then I have my personal uh preference. Okay, that's not very good, because I thought about television, DVD player, stereo and VCR. I had a question about. But it's already out of the question, this. Um my point is, well, I If we ma uh make a a remote uh control for only television, I think it's hard to uh sell it for twenty five Euros. But it's the exercise. Because it's too expensive. Yeah, only only for television uh On the market you can now buy for twenty Euros a remote control for everything. Yeah, probably. And we only make it for television, so we mi mm we m must made it make it uh very special. Yeah, but good usability, so you can use it. Okay, I told about the home station. Uh it must be simple, because uh our the the elderly people uh needs to use it. And I I found a motto. And we put the fashion in electronics. And that's uh the motto we are uh referenced to uh for our uh our style. We we have to make a a new product. We have to be um Yeah. One of a kind, I think. So it has to look uh uh uh unique, but Yeah. Unique. The company is about our uh th th their own fashion, their own style. Yeah, I reckon Uh I think mm Uh Yeah. But old people are not looking for that. Not really. Yeah. I think the main thing is the usability, that's where we can uh make it a special product. Yeah, to k to keep it simple when you Sorry I thought about it, yes. Okay. Yeah. But uh we also have to stand out, 'cause there are already, like you said, so many controls out that support lot of stuff. Yeah. But we have to make sure that we're better usability, and stand out by just looks of it. So make it just a different colour or different shape, so Okay. Yeah. Okay. Okay, this was uh my presentation. Thanks. Okay. I don't Yeah. So Paul, you can do the next one if you want. You can ask some questions or something. Yeah well Uh. It's on the on the uh net net uh thing, isn't it? There it is. Okay. Technical functions design. Okay, well, so we have s mm uh broad audience. Isn't that isn't true anymore. But um we have elderly people, so we need to keep it simple. Uh the way I want to keep it simple is to use the sen uh standard. So standardised uh methods like uh on all uh remote controls. Not too full, like uh Jens already said, only ten percent is being used. So what do you think of only the numbers and the on-off button or Okay. Yeah, I have it on the next page. But yes uh basic functions like numbers and that sort of stuff. Um so the options that we put on there should be easy to use, and 'cause you have more room then, and for elderly people big buttons. Uh an icon on it or text on it, so it's very clear what that buttons does. So it doesn't take much time to figure out uh how to use it. Um a way to find out uh what people use is maybe just to use uh questionnaires on the internet or just ask some random people, elderly people what they use, what they want on a remote control to find out. Yeah. But there is already in a one done. Of functions I could think of. Uh volume, channels, the the basic according to. Just one two three etcetera. Uh text service options. Um basic on-off. And I found an uh Could I think of favourites? I always look up the same um pages on text and always have to click the number. Okay. But if you could make a new option, that you just have to press one button and you get on your No y Well it's It was just a thought. Yeah, but then you have to remember what favourite is what channel. So you might as well remember the number. Or not? Maybe i maybe it's too complicated, but not sure. It's a good idea, but Uh Uh mayb for me it's If I use my telephone, I never use those buttons to to to call sh Never. So I'm, I u I would find it handy, I think, when you just press one button and you get on six six six. Yeah, okay. But um how can you remember what uh channel uh connects to what favourite button? Well uh what I was reading on the page. Uh a remote control just sends commands, basics commands to uh the television. So switch to channel six. Yeah? So uh button six says says six. And if you make favourites, it can say six six six in a row. Just numbers. That can be in the in the Well if you said a favourite Well i Never? Yeah okay. But uh uh for a user to to remember, if I press that button it goes to that channel. Yeah, but isn't it hard to remember? Like favourite one and Mm as as hard as No, neither do I. Oh. Oh are you? So And If I don't do it, maybe old people It's not, it's still not It's not anymore n uh Just on the front as well. Okay now, m maybe not. No, maybe elderly people uh. Yeah, I dunno. Right. They don't like new features. So maybe not. Mm-hmm. Um well play, pause. I dunno if that's usable when Not anymore for TV. Right, on off. I dunno, miss Did I miss any other buttons, basic buttons? Um Forward. I couldn't think of any other, 'specially not for TV. No, that's the only th the only thing you need. Is Just the channel um uh What I mean is uh Six seven eight or five. Uh uh the p uh next and previous. Previous I know, but next channel? I don't thi Li like a web browser, so Oh, okay. Just very simple. But uh um there's also a button to uh go to the channel you've been before. Like a web browser back button. Um I dunno. Uh Yeah, I know what it is, but I think it's all too difficult for old people. I don't have Uh I did Yeah, I don't think you use that. No. Uh It gets some seconds. Yeah, okay. Y only when you want to go to Yeah, just use uh when you wanna switch between channels all the time. And how do you want to uh do it, like if you have a channel above ten? Yeah. Normally you can press one, zero or A ten plus or Okay. Yeah, I think um f Especially for older peo elderly people use standard buttons. So you have that uh Yeah, the ten plus button. Just uh one one pressing, or quickly after each other. To just keep it simple and standard uh features. Yeah, w wouldn't it be a problem to uh Because you h have to be fast enough. Maybe the elderly people Oh okay. Uh yeah mayb But I think that's in the TV as well. That's how the uh the TV TV handles it. But you can have a button that says um two two st two stripes. Yeah, it's it's no it's not a It's what Paul says. Yeah. So you have uh like a five seconds period to press those two buttons. Yeah, but that's th mm Okay. It's not a remote control uh uh that um uh makes the TV um do one two. It's the TV who depends that it must be two seconds or three seconds or one second that you must uh type one or two. So if you have a universal TV controller, you needed one button that has two uh stripes. Yeah. Yeah. So we have a a period of, I dunno, five seconds to press those buttons, and that And not for elderly people to look, one two uh press and aim and So I I don't think so. Yeah. But do we still need a two level remote control? Because if we only have that l only f No. It's only for television now. No. Uh I just thought of another one. Most things in modern TVs are also on the menu. Yeah. So you also need a menu button. And then uh navigation uh But we can integrate that with volume and previous and next, so you have four arrows. Yeah. I I think you ha really have to divide between functions you often use, like um uh m maybe uh switch channels and uh volume and k that kind of things, and uh the menu button. Because you n almost never use menu button. Yeah, okay, but um Yeah, a mute button. So Okay. Maybe it's still still a good idea, I'm not sure. You'll also have to use a mute button to to Maybe, not I don't know where where you have to put it. Yes. Don't think so. Yeah well, that's that's I think that's the layers that produce. Now I have to figure out what's uh what to put on. Okay. What we're gonna use. Yeah. Yeah. That's right. And later we can d uh do the design. Okay, uh now my personal preferences. Uh using the standards, basic Um I think that we should stand out uh unique, being unique with the design. So we have to, I dunno, uh make a different shape than usual. So when you are in the shop and you see our TV controller hanging, that it stands out. Not just in in the row when you see all the same uh remote controls. Yeah. Does it have to be Uh it has to be uh with different colours or It's like a iMac or something. Um I dunno. Different colours um Yeah. Maybe we can give it out in different colours. You can choose blue or yellow or That's fa That's fancy. Just to make it But it looks cheap as well, because it's a small thing. Mm-hmm. Well why not? Or Yeah. That's uh fashion. It's only twenty five Euros. It looks very cheap if you make it Oh, you just I dunno what happened. Well, maybe you can look at uh mobile phones. Oh. Who? Yeah, we have to look at mobile phones, that's right. They they're uh designed very well. Just Yeah. And well basically are the same, just a bit smaller. You think you can't make a TV controller too small, 'cause then you will always lo always lose it. Yeah. But uh well, I think that's a good example. Okay. Okay, we hurry up a bit, because otherwise we won't make it. Okay, sorry. Is it fin Are you finished? Well uh Yeah, I I'm finished. Okay. I think we discussed everything. Okay. Well, the working design. The method I used is uh search the web. Just the web page provided. Um Basically I'm I'm not very technical uh uh educated, but uh I could figure it out. Um basically what happens is you press a button, uh then a circuit gets closed by pressing the button, uh like a switch. And by closing that certain circuit, the chip knows uh what bu button is pressed. So like you press a one, that circuit is closed and uh Then the chip produces a pattern. Like a Morse code to uh And and sends that to the uh LED. That's the uh light emitting diode, I think. Um and the light emitting diode is uh producing infrared light. That's un uh invisible to the human eye. And uh transmit that uh to the TV. However it has also an uh a visible uh diode that's uh blinking red if you look in it. Mm-hmm. And that's uh another diode, I believe. Because infrared is not visible. So that's er uh do two different things but Yeah. So we we also have to have a LED li LED light on it? I I think so. Uh j Is Ain't it just to to indicate that it's transmitting? I I'm not sure if it's the same thing. Yeah, it's I think it's usable. Yeah, that's active. Yeah. Yeah. So Yeah. Or just a green one, because it's If you use it, it's green or the red, it's r green. Maybe uh Maybe depends on uh Yes. I I think it's in the case that it's active. It's not uh I it's it's just uh the the Mm. Yeah, when you press it. Yeah, that's right. But if you Red's l shows up like something's wrong, and green is like it's okay, you press the button. So Two? Yeah, I dunno. Ma on on most on most uh uh remote controls it's red. Yeah, I know. So So I know. Yeah. Okay, we make it red. But maybe Well we don't have to make it red. Maybe integrate it in the design as well. You have to The whole the whole uh remote control becomes uh green if you press the buttons. Uh that's cool. Uh Oh, maybe it's it is would an e No. I I think uh the batteries will be uh a little Yeah, okay. Just uh Oh. No, we have a recharger in it, so If we can still make that then But it's cool if it was green. Empty. Uh maybe. Yeah, but it doesn't have to be red. It's just to indicate something's on. Yeah. Yeah. That it's working. That it's not not the batteries are low. Yeah. It's it's not very important, so yeah. Green or red or whatever, it is cool. Yeah, I know. Just to indicate it's working. So mm So we have to uh make buttons for that as well, to make it uh Okay. And uh the receptor in the TV senses the pattern. So we have to understand what patterns are used to, you know, to make it universal. So that it can be used with all the TVs. We have to really understand what patterns are used, so we can uh o On the Otherwise it won't work. No. I I uh The chip um uh is producing the pattern. So we have to make a chip that produces patterns to, y you know, to Yeah. An automatically search function for each television, or something. That are working. Yeah, or I dunno how it's uh exactly how it works. It wasn't explained there. Well, I I use a universal uh remote control, and list of all the TVs you have, etcetera. Uh I kno Oh, I have a modern one. And you have to put in a number, so it works on your TV. Yeah? Okay. And the modern one you you uh you type uh search, and the LED began to blink blink blink. And uh uh uh after uh a short time the television turns off. And then you know, oh it it's the right one. And you can stop it, and then it's okay. Ah okay. So you don't have to search for your television or your code. Okay. It uh search uh the pattern for itself. Okay, yeah. Okay, so we use that. So it uh We have to make a a s a bit more intelligent chip than the standard one. Yes. Because you have to Yeah. Yep. I just say Can you s just say it again, because I was just looking There's just a short Yeah. Uh okay. Well uh y you have this chip. That's uh when the circuit is closed, it produces the pattern. Mm-hmm. But uh ma basically for uh brands of TV these patterns are different. So like when you press a one on one TV it go go to one. And on the other TV it won't work, basically. So uh basically what you have to do is uh get these patterns right. Yeah. And uh by d uh that can be done by uh just uh cha yeah, changing this pattern all the time. Changing the signal. And um What he's doing when he's configuring this pattern, this chip, uh is trying to switch off the television. And when it's uh switched off, you can push a button as uh it's working now, so And then he saves that setting and then um it's working. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, that's the right uh option. Okay. Well uh the components. Yeah, that's a bit technical, and I hadn't I w I was a little short on time. Um but I think I understand it. Um the energy source is uh the battery, basically. Yeah. Um that's connecting to all the components. Because it has to be fed with energy. Okay. Uh the subcomponent is uh w I I think it is uh the button pressed. So basically when you press a button, a switch get closed. Um that's connecting to a chip. So the chip knows what button you pressed. And the chip sends out uh the pattern to the infrared bulb. I didn didn't put the description by this one. Th this is a normal bulb. So the normal flashing light. Okay. So that's the LED, LED. Yeah. Yeah, and this is a LED too. But this one is producing infrared light that's invisible. Yeah, okay. And this one is producing normal light. So we can make the normal one also a normal light. Not a LED light, but as a normal one. Yeah Yeah, presu Yeah yeah yeah. To flash up your Yeah. Uh if you if you use the buttons, uh both of them works. But one you can't see and one indicates that you use a button. Because uh when you button press a button and it doesn't work, it can Basically if the battery is low, it won't work. Yeah. Yeah, and Mm I think it's unnecessary power uh you use then. So you have to indicate that it's Huh, that's a good idea. Maybe you have to uh put uh a small light around the button you push. So you see green if you push that button. Yeah, but if you u if you do that, you know that you're uh sending a signal. No, y Yeah. Okay. And it's you also know which button you p Yeah, that's right. But then have to be on the in the all uh remote control have to be LEDs. But it But does it make any difference for the energy you use? Everywhere in the r Is LEDs uh beneath the the buttons? You got still one LED. No I don't think so, but Yeah, i it it will look different, and I think we need to find something else. That looks different, yeah. Yeah. Hmm. 'Cause otherwise we will just make another standard, and our uh motto also is Yeah, w around the buttons, or in the buttons even. Yeah, okay. Yeah, but mm like when you push it n n Yeah. Yeah, then then won't Then you won't see it. You have your finger over the button. So you can see Yeah. It must be around it then. Or or m maybe on top of the A green light is flashing or Yeah. Yeah, then Yeah. Not not not not here, but here. There. Yeah. Maybe uh Okay. The same as a telephone, or a mobile phone, or what do you mean? Yeah, we're thinking about it. Uh on a mobile phone, in the dark uh everything lights up. If you push It lights up. Everything lights up. That's a good idea. Yeah. Why ain't that on a remote control? It it only takes a l a little energy and it's not that much. Yeah, if uh a mobile phone a phone can do it, it's Yeah, i if you're in the dark, you can't see the remote. Yeah. It's f Yeah. Maybe that's a good idea for old people as well. Mm-hmm. It's only few LEDs. Yeah. Only four or something. Four LED. No, I dunno. But if we use a battery station, which I think we will use Yep. Yeah, I uh Yeah. Yeah, that's a good idea, okay. Yeah. We'll have enough power to Yeah. Everything agre Everyone agrees with that, or Okay. Maybe what Paul said, uh under the on the on the home station, uh a button to uh to call your uh remote control, that it beeps. Yeah, and then you Okay, yeah. And also it's Okay, it shouldn't take much Uh I th I think uh you also have uh remote controls with a lot of options. But you have to make a sound device in it then. Yeah, there must be sound in it. Hmm. But Yeah. I dunno. Yeah. B maybe it's that that's a little too hard to make. Especially for that kind of money. Because it's i it has to be Yeah. Mm uh, twenty five Euros, I think we can make it. Production cost is uh t uh twelve and a half. Bec Twelve and a half, okay. But but we only have to make it for television, and um we must have something special. Yeah, okay. So Uh. But we lose about ninety percent of those options. So I think you can uh Yeah. We have to give our customers some extras. Yeah, okay. I think we will save money with that. Okay. Are you almost finished or just Okay. Yeah, the the personal preference, I didn't fill it out. Because I was short on time. Okay. No worry. But um Basically what we could do too is uh have a Bluetooth uh integration. Yeah, I just want to talk some about some more. So maybe you have to Yeah? Yeah? Okay. Okay. So this Oh, sorry. Wh what's that? So uh Oh, sorry. We have some new uh project requirements. We have to have a look what they are. They're still in um Uh teletext has become outdated since the popularity of internet. So a teletext option, maybe we have to skip that one. I'm not sure. I don't think so, but Yeah, and it's it's on your comp it's on your television. No, and I I think a lot of people use uh teletext, still use. No. It's only one button. So I don't think it is We definitely should use it. Uh. Yeah. Hmm. Um Yeah, that's uh what I told you. The remote control should only be used for a television. So that's maybe easier. And um the the forty plus people, I already told you. Oh no, sorry. Oh, this is a problem. Oh sorry about that. The new product should reach a new market with customers are the younger than forty. So it should be flashy or just more interesting. Okay. Oh. Okay, that's It changes things. Mm. I'm sorry about that. I just I just didn't read it well. So does it make some decision about that? Changes. Um Well yeah, then we have to make some nice features. Yeah. That kinda changes the whole situation. Uh LCD doesn't work for uh twelve and a half Euros I think. I think uh the thing in the dark is a good way, to make it more like a mobile phone. That still stays. Yeah. More modern. Yeah. That's important I think and And I d I don't don't think it's very usable in a remote control, especially when you only have TV functions on it. Oh. Yeah. Mm ah I I don't y you'll use it often, because you can see on the television wh what channel you No. So Yeah, I tho I think that's not usable. Oh, I'm watching uh the channel one. Okay. No, it's not But uh some of you had uh something to read about um uh speech uh recognition. So, but uh Yeah. What other features can we put in? Yeah. I think you you have to make it a bit flashy and and popular. And uh then the usability is not that required, because the Like in the mobile phones, usability is not that good I think. About you said one and the television turns on one. Is that reachable maybe? That's very That's fancy. I didn't read I didn't read any b Yeah. That's cool. It's very fashion. Twelve and you've got twelve. Yeah okay. Mm. Only the numbers, only numbers. I I know. Uh furthermore nothing. But only the numbers, one to twenty or something. Mm. That should be cool. Yeah, maybe we have to integrate that as well. If it's possible. If it's possible, I dunno. But I don't think it's very expensive actually. Yeah, I don't know. I didn't read it. Mm. Why should it? Uh if i if i I didn't have information about that. Yeah, I think it's What But uh I dunno how that works then. You only have a microphone in it. Yeah. But it has to work. And and and does it have to work only in English, or in Dutch too or And and uh w Yeah? Nah, maybe Maybe maybe it's too hard to uh to realise that. Ah that's a problem, but Uh only in English. Only in English I think. Uh does your uh Does it lie in the centre of the room and can you scream from wherever uh one to have in channel one? Yeah, it's probably my job to figure that out, but And and do you have to speak in in like in a thing or Yeah, I dunno. No, that Yeah, then th we have to think about that. But do do we do it? It's more if we if we do it. Yeah, I dunno. So, is it very usable? That's what I'm looking at. Yeah. Is Mm Yeah well It's I d Yeah. It We have short time to to put it on the market, so that We have to do a lot of testing before we can do that. Okay. Yeah, I think so. We make uh make uh, we can make th th the new remote control very flashy. Yeah, and uh and uh In uh indeed uh the languages are a difficult thing. Uh because we we have a lot of languages. Yeah. I don't think it's uh useful enough to take the effort to design something with uh speech recognition. And and Yeah, and also if if you have a good speech uh speech recognition, you can just throw the uh the remote away. Yeah. I think so. Yeah. A uh someone says that uh give me one Coke, and the TV turns uh to one. Mm. Hmm. Mm. Yeah, it's not uh Okay, but th that becomes your f Uh uh because that's very hard for uh speech recognition. Yeah. Yeah, okay. Well yeah, that's the right command. And then you have to say uh TV channel one, or something. But Hmm yeah, TV one. Not just one, but Well I dunno. Yeah. But I don't think, it just ain't useful enough. Mm-hmm. So we have to make some decisions. So you can see on the uh So we have to know what we're going to put on. Okay, no speech recognition. Do we, do we make uh a light under the under the n under the numbers and everything? Do If you press something, it lights up for a few seconds, so you can see what other but buttons there are, okay? Yeah, I think so. Yeah, that's good. Yep. Okay, we just take that one. And what else, we have Yeah, but it's Oh th I thought would, that that would be the same. Also the one in the dark. So uh It lights up when it's dark? I didn't Okay. If you push something, it it all lights up. Yeah. Yeah yeah, it it mustn't work all the time. Yeah, but um Yes, that's what I mean. It uh uh it have to work only when you use it. So if you No, if you use one button, it must turn uh on for twenty seconds, and then it must turn off. Or you can switch it on or something. Or maybe when you yeah. It lights up all. Yeah, that's right. You have to Yeah, that's right. That's what I said. Okay yeah. It's the same as the telephone. D Yeah, alright. Yeah. Yeah. And do we use a a Uh what's it called? Like a iMac, if you can look through it. Or just a normal remote control. Maybe just as an option, w like we discussed, like iPod. Mm, maybe it's a good idea. Different colours, uh maybe use even different fonts. Yeah. Oh yeah. Like uh phones. Different colours. Okay, so y you just make it th through You look through it? Hmm. A see-through. Mm, that's cool. Yeah. Uh as an option maybe. Okay. And so the buttons we have, this is, yeah, this is normal. We put in the the simple buttons on the top, and probably the the the more complicated buttons down there. It's the standard Yeah, uh Yeah, we but we don't We don't really have any complicated buttons. But you have You had a lot of different buttons. Hmm. Yeah, maybe you have you have to Uh when you use teletec teletext, you can press a green or a red button to go to the next one, or to go to the previous one. Yeah okay, but Yeah, well w I think the buttons are very easy. With just uh standard buttons we just have so little No, I don't need don't need Uh teletext options are only four buttons or something. O but maybe you can put um the g the options of teletext on the second level of the remote control. Because you ne almost never use it. Yeah, but younger people I think um more often use the internet and elderly people often use teletext. Yeah, that's right. So uh Hmm. I use teletext as well. No, I use te teletext every day, I think. Okay. Yeah. For me too, it is. So we just keep it one level then? Yeah yeah, one level. Okay. Mm. And I think, uh 'cause um we don't have that many buttons, I think the design is most important. Yeah. You can d uh integrate the buttons in the design very much. Yeah. 'Cause simple buttons. If you put one above it, it's clear. Okay. Okay. So that's it for toda for We're going to have a lunch lunch break. Um So yeah, you know what you have to do. How long is lunch break? This is uh this is it. You get your meal and everything, so Yeah. Trendwatching. Okay. That's fine. Yo. So, we're finished for t for this time. We're going to have some lunch. Okay. Bye. Yeah. Yeah. Mm. Uh.", " Bonjour. It's It won't wake up. Yeah. I was a bit early. Like What? Why? No, I just came in. Uh normally I was one of them. Okay. Come on. Check check check check. Hello. Why won't it wake up? Oop. Is it on? The power light doesn't work. You turned it off. But how? Ah, there it is. Okay. Okay. Uh. I received an email with uh a few possibilities on uh the materials. So I'll discuss them with you. Okay, we're just going to the later. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, I received an email as well. So we're going to talk about the conceptual model. Oh. Hmm. Which one was mine? So that's me. Uh okay. So Uh okay. Okay, so I just show you the m the no mm mm the the the the the the minutes, minute. What's it called, I dunno. Whatever. The minutes. Okay, so we just talked about uh Oh you want me to show that there or Okay, we just talked about it looks. Uh Shall I start? No, just tell us. Mm no. Has to look nice. Usability is very important. People don't want to spend money on something that's similar to cheaper ones. Um It has to be very basic, not too many buttons. Light switches on if you use a button. Uh text TV still has to be a possibility. And it has to be easy to learn. That were the things I uh make minutes of. And the functions are volume, channel to choose channels, an on-off, a mute uh button, and a text TV button. That are the functions. That right? Yeah. Yes. Okay. So I just want to give you uh Mike again, the first uh presentation of your Yeah. No. Okay well I received an email Okay. I searched the web, uh and uh I searched uh on this d document, recent investigation of the remote control market. It has been done in Italy uh Italy and in uh another country in Europe, I forget it. Uh but uh they found out the most important aspect for remote controls happens to be a fancy look-and-feel, instead of the current functional look and feel. So it's very important for us to create something new. So what Michael just said, it must be uh some very different from ordinary uh remote controls. Fancy stands for an original look-and-feel of the case and interface. Uh this uh aspect is the most important one. Uh it came out of the research. It uh is twice important as the following. The second uh most important aspect is that a remote control should it uh technological innovative. Uh that stands for uh uh new technical uh features. And then uh that uh This is a point of discussion, because we just decided that we don't make use of uh LCD or uh speech recognition. Hmm. But um this is the second uh important uh aspect, and I think uh we must use some of the new technology, to be uh innovative. But we already have the flashing flashing light on the Okay. Uh maybe maybe something new. Yeah, more. We have to discuss about it s uh Okay, uh features not uh do not exist in current remote controls. Hmm. Well, I'll I'll get back on it. And that's very hard I think. Uh the third one is the aspect of the remote control should be easy to use. But uh that was an overall uh point. We already discussed that. Um I've got one picture. Uh d our our target group uh we thought about was young and trendy. Yeah. So I took uh that part of the webpage. And it says uh fashion-watchers of uh uh Pari uh France and uh Italy, yeah, uh have detected the following trends. This trends I th uh trend I think it's not um that meaningful for us, maybe. But it's about uh clothes and shoes. But the uh the next uh aspect also in contrast to last year, the feel of material is expe uh uh is expected to be spongy. Hmm. Spongy. But spongy, what what does spongy says? Spongy. Spongy, like sponge. Spongy. Okay. So rubber, kind of. Uh soft materials. Yeah. But maybe th that's al definitely a good idea, because you've you're you drop y your remote control very often on the ground. Yeah, but Yeah. So it has to be flexible. Yeah. Yeah, it's something that uh it stand there. But I didn't knew uh knew what it means. So spongy means y Yeah. It's like a sponge. Soft, sponge. So it's also a stress-ball. That's a good That's a good idea. Yeah, somewhat like Yeah, I've some uh material uh information, but I'll give you it later in my presentation. If it's de like that. That's good, a good idea. Yeah, but Yeah. How are you gonna make it? Is it a bit like like the the the the remote control? R soft. Uh Okay? Okay. What do I think? Uh because a fancy look is the most important thing uh for remote control uh control, I think about changeable fronts. Yeah. Uh maybe a see-through one in a a fruit front. Because it's uh it's hot. And uh some basic uh colour fronts. Uh so we can make uh five different fronts to start with or something. Uh maybe an extraordinary shape, like a sponge. Uh or uh, yeah, just another shape than a normal uh remote control ha uh has. Just uh something round in it, or uh maybe not uh not uh Yeah, I dun dunno. Yeah. We have to discuss about that. Uh y yeah. Main point uh still uh is the technolo technological innovative. Yeah, how do we do that? Maybe speech? We ma must have some kind of gadget. Yeah, I'll get back on that. So Intro Yeah. Hmm. It's very uh difficult to to to do it. Because it's only twelve and a half Euros you have to spend on every remote control. Yeah, that's the problem. Well, I got f also an email from the the technology department. That's the main problem. So Maybe we watch the first uh the next two presentations. They have done uh research about it, and uh even more possibilities now with speech. So they recommended using it. Okay. Well I'll check what they exact mean. Hmm. Okay. Uh let's first watch Paul's presentation first then. So uh Yeah, th that's the only problem. Yeah, well actually we have don't have an idea how much it's gonna cost. But maybe it's cheap and it's easy to implement. I d They don't say how much it will cost, so Um but uh if we implement uh speech recognition, I think it would be better to implement LCD as well. Oh. It's mass production. So you can say, you can Yeah. Since you have to uh configure speech thing. But that's definitely more expensive than Yeah, but a telephone Okay, yeah. Yeah, that's that's something I dunno. But how uh we we're gonna make many of those. So we can start a mass production, and then the cost will still will be. But a telephone also have a LCD and and it's about t two hundred Euros. Yeah, so uh we gotta de We have to decide on that. So uh Yeah, just modern modern but still uh basic. Yeah. Okay. That was this? Mm uh LDC doesn't require Okay. Oh I got an email uh And it says uh the chip can be uh simple, regular or advanced. And Um They say uh a display requires an advanced chip. And this is more expensive than all the other chips. So it's m the most expensive. Yeah, it says in the email. The display requires an advanced chip. And speech recognition? Yeah, probably too. Advanced. I I haven't got anything about speech recognition, but Well it d That's that's the most expensive chip, we need. Yeah. I'll I'll give you my design. If we're doing uh if we're doing a display. Yeah okay. So we Well we can I had uh to make a sort of a design. So I did some searching on the internet. I watched the old remote controls and news com remote como uh remote controls. I think we should um This is one of the modern remote controls of the moment. I think we should go more to the iPod and MP three players. Mobile phones. More modern. Y yes. Um you probably have to make it a bit bigger and a bit smaller. 'Cause remote con control, you can see it here, you have to bo reach both out both sides. And here you just have one, few buttons. So that's that's the main difference. But looks uh I definitely think we should go like this. And then changeable fonts, so It's the most important part, I think. Hmm. But And the home base is something like that, something simple. Well and then I just ordered the the buttons a bit. Uh basic buttons. On-off, mute. And th maybe two others, I dunno. Yeah, maybe the teletext tel No. Text buttons. Yeah, text button, maybe there and there. And then the colour buttons, if we want it on. I don't find it very usable, but it's Uh I don't think it's fits in the the modern theme as well. No, I don't uh I don't like it. Hmm. So and then yeah we saw the the pla display, in the the iPod. They can put the basic buttons, one, two, three, four. And uh f above ten. And I think No no. But it That's on on the display. That th there is no display there. But it's on the place of the display. And I think we should uh light this up much more than that part. So the focus is on these two parts. Yeah. Yeah. So you don't see all the buttons you else need. But it sounds very difficult to use. Because um the volume and channel is on the on the the bottom of it. Uh well um This is how it is now. So you can't use your thumb for it. Um Here uh Well we have volume. I think it is on uh on the bottom too. Yeah, down there. But it's not not the best best. Yeah. Well here we have also side scrolls. I dunno if we can use that. Yeah, okay. Yeah, for volume. Do we want to use For volume? Yeah, I've I've got something of that uh too. For volume, or a channel. Yeah, why not. Well then we can even simplify it more. Scroll. By just putting the volume on the side. And and just channel buttons here. And the channels as well. Oh yeah. Yeah, or uh maybe uh The channel buttons are often used. But I think uh Well. And you can't use them now with your thumb, because the thing is not, it's not easy to control. Yeah, well it's Basically it's it's here. Yeah okay, m maybe we cho should put that on top, and buttons we we don't use on, in the bottom. Yeah, that's better. They're on top? Yeah, just th th th other buttons like text TV. Put that on the button bottom. Because uh you can't hold it. You mean uh these to the low? You can't hold it th the control and push the buttons. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Except from the on-off button. Oh okay. Well, yeah. But I I think w you'll use uh the switch channels buttons uh more often than the normal uh channel buttons, like one two three. So maybe we can put that on the bottom. Mm Maybe. I dunno, but yeah we'll Yeah, maybe it's not easy if it's below. Like zapping is just switching one channel at a time. It's harder to zap. So I think uh it should be should be easy to. I think it's pretty standard, these rubber buttons on the top. Yeah okay. That's that's good, but Yeah okay. And uh if you don't light 'em up, they don't uh you don't see 'em very good. I think it's modern to light this area up, and to light this area up. So the focus gets on these parts and not on there. But uh the position of course can be different. It's s We have to look uh what's easy to use, and how it's easier to use. Yeah. So we can uh switch these to I dunno if it l will look good, if you put those on t on the bottom half. Hmm. No, I think th the the top buttons are okay. Okay. They sh Those should be on top. Yeah, maybe Those two, yeah. But uh we we can switch those two, yeah. And uh, yeah, you have to make sure it's easy to uh Yes, it has to be big enough so you can hold it, right. Okay. Well that's that's my findings. So uh my personal opinion is that we should go more modern look. MP three player. And uh well um if we want to put in speech rec recognition or something, we I don't think we should put it on top then. I think that, if we're gonna put in more technology, that you need to be able to uh switch it open. Yeah. To use So if you put in uh speech recognition, you need so more uh many more buttons. Yeah. Yeah, that's cool. Which won't look good on the front side I think. Okay. No. So that's something we have to decide on. Yeah, we have to keep it simple. Yeah. We have to decide this this lecture, or this this this uh fifty minutes, yeah, how it is gonna look. What we're gonna do. Okay. Okay, the component design. I looked at uh some similar devices, and uh my own common knowledge. So uh this was on the web site. If you aim at a young public, you should use materials that are soft with primary colours like green, blue, red. So flashy kinda colours. Uh shapes should be curved, so round shapes. Not Nothing square-like. Okay, so Hmm, okay. Yeah well uh iPod is trendy. And it is well curved square. Yeah. Square. Like. Yeah, but mm is uh has round corners I think. Okay. So not Yeah okay. So we shouldn't have too square corners and that kind of thing. Not uh the old uh box look. Yeah. And um sports and gaming device style characteristics. I don't know exactly what that means, but it should be, well yeah, popular kind of looking, I think. Mm. Yeah, we have to put our Real Reaction logo as well on the on the remote control. Okay. Mm Yeah, it's Black yellow control. So the colours also. So we have ha to ma make it in black, black, yellow. Yeah. Maybe the sides in yellow and the the the top in black. Yeah, mm n Not that weird, because we definitely want to make it kind of flashy, to attract a young public. Yeah, but uh I don't think the the colours black and yellow go well together. But Yeah, okay. No, okay. We make i Maybe you can put yellow on the side and black on the on the front. That's a that's a sen That's just a matter of tastes, but We have to use uh kind of flashy colours, I think. Uh can't we use um different uh fron uh fronts, with all with the the logo on it? Yeah. Yeah, it's cool. Can we do that? Yep. Like fronts in in red and yellow and blue and Okay. So Yes. And still trans Still still transparent. Oh yeah. So Yeah. But with all with logo on it. Okay. Well this is a remote control, a very old one. Um Then the components. The case has just a Here's black. But we are making it uh Yeah, I dunno. Yeah, we make it som Maybe we have to make it from soft material. Uh I'm not sure. Yeah. Maybe. But anyways uh it should be transparent. We decided that, huh? Well one of the options. S Okay. You can Just like a mobile phone, you can make um different fronts on it. So you can just replace them I think. Yeah, we could do that. That was the idea, or just uh release one. Yeah. Just give five with them, just in a box. Five different Yeah. Yeah, uh Or just uh sell different ones. Yeah, but y you could you could make 'em uh uh like blue and transparent. So you can still th look through it. Yeah. Cool. Yeah. Um the buttons. Normal rubber I think. Like normal ordinary buttons. Yeah, I uh I dunno. Soft. Yeah. A more Yeah, just uh I think uh rubber really has an odd look. It it could be like a Nokia, like plastic. Uh uh Yeah. With the hard hard buttons. That's better prob Yeah. Okay. Yeah. The the the new uh new modern uh remote controls, uh the buttons are part of the uh the style, I think is part of the remote control itself. Yeah. It it's one uh a one uh out of one shape. Uh it's n doesn't Is uh a button uh um How do you say it? Yeah, it's it's all on one level. It it didn't it i it don't come out of the on the background. Yeah, on one level. It is in uh the c a remote control uh Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I know what you mean. So we have to keep it on the one level. Like th the top it's Yeah. Yeah, like mobile phones. Like uh the iPod. Uh just I dunno what uh kind of material it is. Yeah, okay. Okay, it's chos So that should be hard plastic. Yeah, that's cool. Then the buttons? I think. Or maybe Yeah. But Oops. But maybe you can m make a uh round fluff or soft material. Just only the basic uh basic remote control from normal plastic, and the rounds of it from softer s I dunno. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. And um Then the LED. The normal infrared LED I think s sufficient. And back light LEDs. Y Cool. So But I think we have to make the case transparent, otherwise the back light won't work. Yeah. So if you put Okay. Yeah. Uh you can just make them around the buttons uh Yeah. Y i if you The numbers could be can be Yeah, that's right. Or it runs the whole Yeah, you can halfs transparent, or just that it's comes out a bit. Yeah, but we can still make it transparent. So Or no Yeah okay. They can choose. Good. And in green colour, the back lights or Yeah? Different, I think, also. Blue. Blue or red. Yeah. Whatever you want it, I think. Uh depends on the colour of the Yeah, that's true. Yeah, but you can't choo You can't choose it when you buy it. Uh i Yeah, but can you change it if you already bought the the remote control? You have to choose Is it Okay. But Yeah, it can. No, but I think there are multiple colour LEDs. So I I know I dunno. Is Maybe it's it's more impor more expensive. You Hmm. 'Cause this a mo mib uh mobile phone as well. Yeah, okay. Maybe put some different ones in it. Doesn't matter. I think it's Yeah, I dunno. It's just No, just some LED. I have the mo mi I have a blinking light on my phone. And I can change the colour of it. Okay, cool. Just make it some different colours. Blue, red and green, or something. Maybe it's too expensive, but it I th I don't think so. Well, we don't put put in any fancier technology yet. So I'm sure we can fit in. Then uh some more technical things. I don't know what it is, but it should be there I think. Um this is the normal circuit board, like a chip board in in a lot of uh things. Yeah, we have to hurry up a bit, so Okay. W So we d we just need this and this transistors and resonators. There's all these kind of things. Um they they basically said that that's almost the same on any uh remote controls. So I guess we j we just need that. Yeah. I don't know what they do or Nah, but they just said we need it. Okay yeah, you can you can change Yeah. Yeah okay. We just Yeah, we have to make sure to uh Yes. No. Uh the battery contacts, like normal batteries ca you can put in. Yeah, a recharger maybe. Yeah okay. Yeah but Yeah, but it i We don't wanna have a ar an How do you call it? We still want to have a recharger, don't we? Is that still the A recha Oh no. Yes. Accu. Re recharger. Y uh just just batteries, rechargeable batteries. Uh Battery. Base station. It's just a battery. Yeah. Yeah, batteries. Yes, rechargeable batteries, I think's best. Okay. Not a separate Okay. No, just rechargeable batteries. And uh a chip, that's this one. Then uh I received some possibilities. Um for the energy source we can use batteries or a kinetic uh Like with the pulse watch. So it operates on your wrist kinda. Ah cool. Okay. So if you hold it, it gets powered. If you hold it. But normally you put a remote control on the table or on the couch. Yeah, I don't think it will work, and Or we can also use solar cells. But you mostly use it indoors, so Yeah, and and we can use the home station kind of thing. It's dark in the room. No. It's just batteries, that's cheaper. Yeah. Um cases, flat, so uncurved. Uh two D curved is um like front to the back. And three D curved is also in depth. Okay. So that's possible. Uh but with three D uh curved uh remote controls, we must use rubber buttons. So we can't use the flat buttons. Mm. So we need uh two D. Yeah, I think. Yeah. Definitely. Um these kinda materials can be used. But it doesn't really matter, we just make it plastic. Yeah. Yeah, I think so too. The scroll wheels, that's cool. That's for the volume. Yeah, scroll wheels um Yeah, that's good. Yeah. We can use multiple scroll wheels, w if we want to. But I think just the volume is enough. Yeah. Uh For channels it's not handy, because you scroll too fast. Okay. And uh the LCD. So we need uh the expensive, most expensive chip, if we use an LCD. Mm Uh but we have to do something about the trend. I don't think that's an opportunity. Just skip it. Because we don't have time for that to to put it in. Okay, then we we use m must use the second most expensive chip. So th so the regular chip. Because we use scroll wheels. Yeah, okay. Okay. And um Yeah, that was it I guess. Okay. Uh are are we using a a rubber case, or We haven't decided yet. Oh just sk Maybe you have to skip that one as well. It's No. Uh I don't think a rubber case looks Yeah, okay. L Yeah, i it it should be soft. You said so? The trend is uh spong spongy uh and uh fruit or fresh fresh. That Uh fruit and veg, or Yeah, fruit and veg can be just the covers. And uh now we have nothing about uh about those those two. Uh yeah i Just Just on front. So you can the the spongy yeah, I dunno. I can't imagine a soft remote control. Neith uh I don't like it uh neither. No. I just can't imagine it. So just hard plastic? Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I think. Titanium. It's mentioned here uh. Titanium, uh I think it's too expensive. But maybe the form has to be a bit different. Not the sh the square form. Just a bit more rounded. Yeah, you can make it curved or mm round. Yeah. But just in two D, not in depth. Yeah. Yeah, that's right. Okay. So We have to decide which one we're going to choose from these. What exactly. Because we have to know it. So the energy uh is the recharger. We already know that. Yeah. Just a normal battery. We have batteries. Okay. The chip-on-print is a normal one. Yeah. Regular. Okay, the case is just a plastic one. Yeah th yeah, the chip is the the regular one. Yeah, re Yeah, regular. You have the simple one, regular and advanced. Yeah, okay. So it's b should be regular uh the second. Yeah, regular. Okay. I think I'll just check it. And we need a plastic case, with a scroll wheel. Yes. That's pretty much it. Yeah. User interface concept. And a flashy light. So uh I'm not sure. But we do I don't know if we expected to draw on this one at this moment. But Yeah. I dunno either. Mm. Or should we do it in the next meeting? Uh ID and UID work together on prototype drawing on smart board. So we should did it here? That's for the next one. So we're staying here? That's for th Uh that I think that's the next next meeting. Or should we do it in the next meeting? Okay. But you definitely get a specific instruction. Okay, so now we're ka thirty minutes alone again? Yeah. But th think about something that's more rounded. Just And more It has to be Uh a bit. Yeah, uh I dunno. But the iPod and etcetera, MP three players, mobile phones. Just just on the top or on the bottom. Just a bit cur Okay, I'll see if I can see any of those. Maybe the wheel can be uh like uh like this. O um if you draw it like this, you get a What the fuck is it? Okay. Mm Doesn't work. You see what I mean? If I draw here It draws about four centimetres lower than Nah okay. What? Oh. Okay. Just. Maybe you can make it like this. And this is all the wheel for volume. So that you just um It's all rounded, so you can do uh turn this one. Like a very big scroll-wheel. Yeah, but just not on the top, but uh on the side of it. Okay. Maybe, I dunno. Hmm. Okay, so we have this at the moment. I think uh you'll get a a lot of uh volume changing when it's not wanted. Yeah, you Yeah. Okay, so we'd have this. Is that okay? Yeah. Yeah, that's a little problem, of course, as well. I think it's probably better. And Like this. Yeah, but maybe we can make a a plastic, so that you i if you like drop it, it won't change the volume. Yeah, maybe you just have to make it uh That's not scrollable too easy. Only if you use your finger. And uh what's the channel choose? Where do we uh put that? I think in middle. Still on the bottom or That's the numbers. Uh wh what is the middle part? Uh I think th the numbers should be in the bottom, and and the switch channel in the middle. Numbers, okay. Yeah, I agree as well. Use the dz Yeah, that's right. It doesn't make a difference, if you put the s uh the switch channels on side of each other or on top of each other. Because you already have the volume here, so You can also put it here one butt and the other one there. Next to each other. back and forth. So you can also can put it all on the top, and this, you keep this empty. Because you have to hold it as well. Or you could do the switch channel up button above the the numbers and switch channel down button below. But that's not want to zap very quick, so Yeah? Yeah, I think uh zapping is the highest priority. Yeah, okay. And then you use those uh Yeah, of course uh. Is this a opportunity, or you don't want a different Why? Uh but I think we we should bu uh put 'em on top of each other, so Because then it's it's easy to know m if I push the the the up Yeah, but the top the top button is is like you switch channel up, and down button is If you put them But uh but I I think uh left to right is more often associated with volume, and top down is more with uh channel changing. But still the next It's still the next one. Doesn't make Yeah, but fo from left to right is exactly the same. Yeah. It ma it doesn't make a big difference. I I think it's It's it's obvious, I think. Yeah, that's not not It's not al uh always the same. But it's exactly th I dunno. In uh On most on most remote controls. Every remote control's uh different. Yeah, I think No, uh I think Yeah. So so if we use that, they will probably have a long learning uh time. I You already have the volume on the side, so you can't make it you can't ma make a mistake. So it's uh So but that's for that's for you, 'cause it's Okay, so hmm. I think it's s so simple you just Yeah, okay I'll d I'll take a look at it. I dunno. Okay. What did What else we have to discuss about? I dunno. Think we need to work uh thirty minutes again? Yeah, we have to care that it r uh looks really new. Because uh we still hold on to the uh ordinary uh uh square uh remote control. Yeah. 'Cause wha what I see the only difference i i i in fact is that we use a scroll-wheel on the outside. And the LED. No, you have uh It is Uh the current uh controllers are all black and plastic. Yeah, but i i it should be round in in shape. So No, tha that will be Yeah, so top down. You have to look at that image of the iPod. Yes. More that uh kind of style. Okay. And a bit uh Some some kind of bling bling uh mm can we have Uh and how many uh fronts uh fronts do we put on the market then? Not not the old grey black Where you can put a ve Uh we have If we do it like that we have below have we uh a lot of room to put a nice logo. Uh Yeah. Yeah. Uh the logo was has to be on there. Yeah, that's right. Uh five or something? Yeah, five. Or more or And um uh uh buy the product. Let's give five. Maybe you can buy separate ones and uh Yeah. You buy, you get one. And uh basic. Or you can choose one uh if you buy the project. Um I think Yeah. That's your choice, I think huh. So y you can put the bottom of the remote control in recharger? Is that is that a good good opportunity? Yes. So you could put it like that, okay. Hmm? Yeah, you sl uh you let it slide in the docking station. Do we have to design that w as well? Yeah. Uh I'm not sure. The docking station? Yeah, I think so. Hmm. Yeah, we can b It c it could be just just a square, just a packet. But th Yeah, that can be very simple. Least. Yeah, just a recharger. Yeah, just where you're around something. Li Yeah, we had one example. But we have to make contacts on the on the remote control and the recharger as well. Mm. Mm. Yeah, but that's a round one. Which w Here you see one that's very round. Maybe we can choose then. Oh yeah, okay. So I think that can be all kind of shapes. But maybe you can just round up the corners a bit. Of the remote control? That's all. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah Yeah. Just round it up. Yeah, so y you don't want uh this uh like the iPod. But More rounded. No. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I think it will just look like more like this one. Since it's This is also rounded. No, just just the corners. I think i Yeah okay, tho those are al already a bit cornered. Mm Yeah okay, but then we have to think of something totally new. Okay. Yeah, but we can we can do all kinds of uh As long as it isn is in two D we can use all kind of round shapes. Shapes. Not in depth. Yeah, but Yeah, if if we want to make it kind of, yeah, new. I've uh I had a lot of picture of old ones. And all curves have already been done. It's a bit annoying, isn't it? Yeah. What do we do wrong? Hmm. Just just more like this and not uh a square. Yeah okay, yeah well Yeah. Okay. Yeah, but we could do a lot of, lot more curving. I would do it Like in this kind of shape or I dunno. I know we can do a lot more, but I think it will only look more like the old remote controls. Yeah, it Uh it's very annoying. Okay. I dunno if it's handy. Uh Yeah. This? Yeah. The olden the olden ones had looked like just a square thing. Yeah okay. But uh I had a lot of pictures Oh I can show you here what the old ones look like. Mm. Curves, curves. Yeah. You've more there as well. Yeah, okay. It wasn't very small one. Yeah. very simple. That is for elderly. So we have to make a decision, what kind of form it's gonna have t going to have. Yeah, I don't know. I think if w My opinion. If we just uh take the iPod, and the same look. Yeah. So uh light or just whatever colour, but the same light colours. Mm-hmm. And uh just with uh together with uh the back-lights b look will look very new. No rubber buttons or something. Just together with the back-lights you'll get a totally new look. More like the MP three player M um P M P three player. Yeah. And you have the scroll button inside. Yes. Okay. Just a simple scrollb Doesn't have to be. Yeah. But why do we have to round it on the t bottom then? Of Skip that one as well. Okay. Yeah, it's cool. Yeah, though that's a trend. If we want to make it. But yeah, I'm not a Trendwatcher, you are. So Spongeball kinda. Uh the t the trend is spongy and fruity. Rubber spongy. But yeah. Yeah. No. Spongy and Mm. It's not not a lot of trends I uh I found uh Uh It The th th Yeah. Okay, so we have s still one minute left. So just I think it's okay if you just keep it a bit square. Okay. Yeah, I d I don't know n something about ergonomic kind of fits-in-the-hand uh stuff. No. But I I think it's still for older people. You j still have older people. It's only annoying if it if it's like that f formed like that, like f Whatever. Just you have a normal But i it is it is it is already fancy. There is one There's just one overall important aspect is that we must make it fancy and it looks original, and I hope we can uh make it look not like the iPod itself. Yeah, but we're we're aiming at a young public. It must have uh uh uh a very different Yeah, they're all the same. Yeah, idea. But you're If you look at the way remote controls are now And if you make it look like the iPod Yeah okay. Because of the lights on the bottom of it. That's already fancy. So that's already a very big change compared to Ye yeah. Uh maybe maybe make the the mm the wha what's it called uh scroll wheel. Make it in in yellow or something. Just like the colours of Real Reaction. Hmm. Well uh Could. Yeah, we could do that. Uh yeah, but uh if you the f uh front, the scroll wheel will still uh be yellow. Yeah. No, I think Oh. It's right. Think the scroll wheel won't be very big. Since if you put it uh somewhere, the chances that it will scroll are too big. Yeah. So it will just be a small small scroll wheel. So it won't uh stick out much. Yeah. Maybe the ones we are going to draw there. Maybe we have to ask uh to the the mm to her if it has if it can work better than this. Because it doesn't work properly. No. So maybe you have to ask her. Yeah okay. Well, maybe we can just open images there, and I'll paint and paint. Okay. I'll be able to do a better job. Yeah. That's probably Okay, so just finish it. If you set the pen yeah, he will draw here. Doesn't work. So we make it a bit like m that one probably. Yeah, I'll see it. Yeah. Is that okay? Bu Yeah, I agree more like iPod. Yeah. Okay, only the colour and the flashy light and the We just we just skip the the the voca or was it the the speech recognition. Yes. Just a Speech. Yeah, do we s keep that? Yeah, I think Well uh then it w Well that's very easy. Or keep that? It's okay. But you'd definitely need a advanced chip. S Uh yeah, I don't know. Uh No. Yeah, I think so. And we we have to build in a microphone and Yeah, and I do I don't know anything about that. We already have uh the beeping of the home station, so Uh strange that I received the information about that. I d I didn't receive any information on speech recognition, so Fine. Oh that's hard. But Uh the ma the main points I I I uh just said. So Can we just put it speech recognition in it as well, okay? We have to be original and uh technological innovative. Becau Yeah. But Ma But we don't have any f information about the cost. So shall we it open then? Yeah. So we can put all the Okay. The function of that in there. Yeah. And we need a Probably we need a uh advanced chip then. Yeah, we probably do. But it doesn't say anything about it, does it? Yeah. No. Oh yeah, I No. We started with information about the cost was now th And how much is the chip? I just I just received the Yeah. Yeah, uh I have I have some some information about the cost. But just a about the chip. The the the And how how does it work? I don't know how much, but Just in inexpensive or But i it's a separate chip. Yeah, our division has developed a new speech recognition feature, the integrated programmable sample sensor simple speaker u unit. This is a very small electronic unit, will give a standard answer after it recognise a question. Is it No. Doesn't say. Just You say record, followed by your question sample, and after a few seconds the answer uh sample. Because uh So it works like uh good morning remote control, and then the remote control says good morning. It doesn't has to say anything. Just You have to just talk to Okay, we have to stop it now. Does it say does it say something back? Yeah uh th that's just It's a No. So just Okay, that's a r That's that's a advanced Yeah, we just decide not to put it in, because it's too difficult. Yeah, it Well that's integrated in the chip, so if you use the speech recognition, that's in it. I dunno, but if we use speech recognition, that will be in it as well. Okay. Yeah, I don't know anything about this, but Nah. Um Yeah. I dunno. Well it it would be would be a good feature feature. Okay, we just put it in, because it's a good feature. Okay. No no worries about the cost, etcetera. We have to stop now. Okay, just We have to stop it now. And there's a chip in it that will Okay. Fine.", " Oh. It's not saved yet. Okay. So Our beautiful drawing. Okay. So just f um So this is our agenda. You're F You're going to show your pr prototype presentation after me. Oops. Okay. Uh I didn't Oh yeah. So these are the So these are the um last notes we I made. Oh, okay. Yeah. If anything doesn't look right, just say it to me then. I don't have to put it in the report. Are we doing the the speech recognition? Because we didn't have enough time to uh de um design the inside as well. Okay, but it's still possible uh uh financially. So if you want to, it's okay. Okay yeah. Well then then we're gonna put it in. Okay, just Slide open is uh quite usable for remote controls. Yeah, just uh we have to design the inside then, but it should be uh It's may maybe uh a bit stronger as well. Yeah, and Or are we making a slide open, like underneath? Or fold open? I don't know. It's probably better. Yeah, s Like underneath uh you can slide it open and you other functions. Maybe that's better. Yeah. Yeah, that's that's a very good point. Okay, so when you have a lot of room inside. Think that's better. So you can make it very easy to use. 'Cause you can write a lot of comments besides it. Yeah. Okay. So this is okay? No. Yeah, we're gonna use the advanced chip then. Okay, so that's Uh I'll just have a look how much that is. The Yeah, I I think so. But um Okay, for the Okay. Advanced chip was for uh spee Yeah. I don't know. No, you have a different chip for speech recognition. So So I already calculated that and it's still in the budget. Okay. Ah okay. So it's okay. Good. So you can show your prototype if you want to. Yeah. Together? Yeah, it's Let's do it together. I'll give comments. Okay. Yeah, we just made a Word file with the basic elements. Uh the look-and-feel model. Uh well the form, the case um as drawn there. Simply a square with uh round corners. So that's basically it. Uh the material should be hard plastic. Mm-hmm. Uh colour changeable, and also transparent. And colour and transparent, or just transparent, I don't know. Um then the elements. Uh we have The functions are just basic. Like uh I've pointed them here. Mute function, on-off function, text functions. This uh switch channel. Okay, cool. And this is the the num-pad. And the logo is over here, and the mic. Okay. And the scrollwheel, no? You operate that with your pointing finger. Means Okay. So you hold it like this in your right hand and Uh I dunno. Mm. So how many functions do you need for for uh the microphone? Speech recognition. Yeah, speech recognition. Just Only one button to say it's on or off. Um I didn't have a specification of that. But um I can imagine that you have to input your voice or something. Um so I've Yes, you need options to configure it, and after that you don't need 'em anymore. Yeah, maybe maybe uh you have to configure it. So you can put it on the back as well if you want to. Yeah, you can put 'em all on the back. Yeah, or or on the slide function, I don't know. That's for sure. Okay. That's uh We also don't know how many buttons are required, or what kind of buttons. Well we haven't had time to design that, the slide pad. But You have a lot of room if you can slide it open. Yeah, you can put it separate. You Yeah I know. I can imagine you need at least four buttons or something. So But it's enough room. Yeah. Um the position? Yeah, you write uh You wrote this, so. Uh well Well the main, the main zap buttons are most central. That was the the most important thing. So uh the best place, the best reach place Um on-off buttons, text buttons, mute buttons are together and at a place they easily are, easy to find. Um the on-off button is a bit bigger, uh so it stands out. That way you don't have to make it red, 'cause it's will uh will show up. Uh scrollwheel is on the left side. It's basically the be standard place for scrollwheel, as far as I know. Yeah. But it's not uh impossible to use it, if you're left handed. So y Because you can use your thumb then. Yeah. Just just one thing now. Um y you need to have more uh one two th You've got one two three four five six seven eight nine. Okay yeah, they Yeah okay. But you missed the no uh the zero and uh the two stripes. Mm yeah. That's that's below that then. Yeah, okay. It's uh twelve buttons. just so you get that. Okay, but It's rather important. Yeah okay, just we just missed that. Yeah. But um I'll just uh I'll get back to later. F the form well, we've taken that from the iPod, other popular technical device. So um should be popular. Um The f uh the buttons creating? Uh if you That or all round shapes, not uh rounded corners. Okay. So that, you know, you get a bit round feeling. Um we'll use hard plastic. Since that allows us to use uh two D buttons, uh non-rubber buttons. Colour changeable. Well and um the backlight thing, the thing that lights up. We have decided uh in the the channel buttons, there's a little uh colour around it. Okay. And also in the num-pads, there's also colour light behind it. And do you still can, do you still can choose what colour, kind of colour you want? So when you pre Yeah. How do you want to implement that? Just on the Maybe on the second level as well? We're going to implement. Yeah. Mm just a little Yeah. Ah. Yeah, these are just basic functions, so All the non-basic are in Okay. Okay, just draw draw the second level, because we need that as well. Um Okay, maybe we use this button for the Yeah. Okay, there is one uh function I use uh daily, and it's not on the basic functions. It's uh to switch to uh uh your Scart. Play Station or uh DVD player. That function must be Yeah, maybe Or you can uh i uh lay it uh beneath in the uh other uh functions. Yeah, I um To your video device. Yeah, as well. Just make make a Just just draw a second level one and say all options that are still left or something. A second level? Yeah. Yeah. Like a a new blank one or Or just here? No no, just on Down there. Is i Ah okay. Okay. So uh Just uh if you s Yeah, y Maybe, yeah. Yeah. And h how does the second level come out? Uh it slides uh along? Um slides I think. It's You can do it that it claps open, but I think that's not solid enough. From from the uh beneath? For the bottom. No, you gotta slide it. If that breaks then you're screwed. Yeah, it's right. So it do doesn't even have to slide all the way open. Um Uh i the the speech functions buttons. So what do we need? Yeah, just God damn it. Menu? Menu button. With uh maybe uh arrows. So you can uh scroll in the, navigate the menu. Um I think we can even put a We have one for the zero and one for the for the more digit uh channels. Scart? Uh yeah. And so y you keep you keep one, you have one left. So you have one left for the Right, the video channel, Play Station, etcetera. Yes. So this is the Extern or something. That's used pretty often. Yeah. If you have a Play Station, mm you use it every day. It's a f basic uh Yeah, to navigate. Yeah. You want to save that file as well? The drawing? That was it. So here are multiple speech buttons, I don't know how many. Uh It doesn't really matter. Doesn't really matter. I don't know the functions. Just just uh Yeah. That's Yeah well we don't have any uh Hmm? Okay. What else? What else? What else? Uh menu buttons with arrows. Uh menu. Uh With arrows. S Just uh like Um I think it's best if we do. Mm where do we have Or there. Like a normal um Yeah, with in the middle um a menu button. Like on the normal uh Like this. The menu button, yes. Okay. Well we don't have any, anything on how many buttons speech requires. So you can't redesign it. Mm okay. Maybe one button to switch the colour of your uh LEDs? Yeah. Yep. Uh and and you can hold it, you can hold it, and then the colours switch or mm multiple multiple buttons. Yeah. Just press it once, the colour should uh switch. Press again, the colour switch again maybe? okay. Or we just make it three buttons, all the colours on it. Just red, yel uh red, green and That's that's very easy, yeah. Okay, yeah. Th Yeah. If we have enough place, uh then we can do that. Yeah, okay. We can put those here. Colour buttons. And then we choose green, uh blue and red or Okay. Yeah. Yep. Okay. Okay. That's uh Um It Some text uh buttons. So did we miss anything? Yeah, maybe some uh some text next to the scroll wheel, that it is volume. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, but there's one there's one text button I There's one text button I prefer. I just uh The volume logo. No, ma on on o on the on the Yeah. Oh wh Here? Yeah. Okay. Just make it Yeah, just put it on those extra f extra function as well. Yeah, or th or the Yeah. That's the one uh that you use if you search for a page, uh like seven hundred, uh and it's counting from one hundred to two hundred, you will switch to your television and back to text. Yeah, we have that on the the text button. Do you do you Did you think of that? Yep. Yeah, but then you can switch back to normal telete teletext. You just switch it off and then Well w we thought of a text button. Uh why not? Ex Yeah. Yeah. No Whoa I think um Yeah, the three stages. And if you press it again, you get the the the through view. The sta the state you Yeah. Oh just three stages, you Yeah, that's okay. Yeah, b but but if you're in the second stage, the third stage is switch teletext off. Yes. So you can switch back from second to w first. No, it doesn't have to turn it off. No. Just don't Yeah. Just remember where it was. It it doesn't uh uh clear the the page. If you if you turn teletext on, you you set the seven hundred, and you turn it off, then the next time you turn it on, it still stays on seven hundred? Yes, that's to remember. Okay, okay. Yeah, but that's that's uh That's a functionality for the television. But maybe it's not the way Mm. I dunno if Yeah, I think as well, but Uh yeah. That's maybe one thing we can discuss about. Yeah mm nee uh No, if i uh the remote can send like the the code for seven hundred, page seven hundred to the television. Yeah, in thi the the remote control in the the chip. Th th th if you switch it on. Okay. Yeah, but you have to search every time again. Th i Yeah, I dunno. That's what what happening if you do it like that. Yeah, that's true. But it's still the television that has to do that. Okay. So yeah. Um do we need to fix that or Just like your telephone, hard plastic. Mm most new TVs do uh collect all the pages. No, that's what the television does. Yeah, those memory functions. But uh not not every every television, so Yeah, I I thought about one thing. Yeah. Okay, it's cool. Was uh this logo for uh volume? Yeah, that's fine. Okay. So that's it? Is this prich pretty much it, yeah? Uh the buttons? Uh from which material are they now? Mm. No no Yeah. Just hard plastic. Okay. So Uh I think just um Yeah, but I think uh you have that problem more often with rubber buttons. Because um if you use it a couple of years, some uh sometimes the numbers on the on the buttons are slide away, are uh And maybe we can write the numbers below or above? It's too expensive to make it from a different material anyway. Or shall we just turn it on on the buttons? I think just on the buttons. If you do it abo above or below, it takes uh more space. Well yeah. That's too much place. Okay, just leave it. I don't think the space is worth it. Just leave it. Yeah, and i The most time Yeah, with rubber buttons. Yeah, okay. Okay. Fine. Yeah? Okay, cool. Mm mm mm mm mm. Yeah, I don't know what this means. But I think we just evela evaluated this one. Yeah, I made some criteria uh, so we can uh ev evaluate our model. Oh okay, you made some criteria. Okay, cool. Okay. I d d d I don't think if it's right. That shall show it. You have some usability criteria or Okay. Mm-hmm. Uh no, uh all criterias we just argue about. Uh Oh. In the bottom. Yeah. Look-and-feel? Evaluation crit Yeah, evaluation presentation. No, evaluation is Yeah beautiful's is also a matter of taste. It's not in. Uh d it doesn't matter um It only had two pages or something. Um well I looked in the reports um from the marketing strategy, or uh of uh the the the the the the new needs and uh the market. The Italians uh, how they think about it. And The research uh about uh the the comp uh the the the users and that kind of stuff. I made some criteria, and we have to test the criteria from one to zero. We sh we we we can give it uh a number, and then we can give ourself an average for our um model. Okay. And this These are all I I I found, or I wrote down. Okay. And um we have to discuss about, if we give it a one or a seven. Uh Yes. Uh I think uh if you have a kind of iPod idea. It quite beautiful. It's We are actu We are the Flashy. Mm. Yeah, the the the difference be between uh beautiful and fancy uh look-and-feel is uh the the the outside uh beautiful uh like the iPod or something. And fancy's more like the mm uh f the flashing lights and the colours and and that kind of stuff. Okay. Well I think we do If it's really uh, if you can if you can get the iPod look, then it's beautiful, I think. The LEDs. Yes. And and what ki what kind of what kind of basic colours uh were you thought uh of? But uh It's black. Hmm? The basic colours are black or green or yellow? Or you haven't thought about Ho how do we make uh Black and yellow. Um basic colours, um yeah. Well you didn't say. Maybe um company colours? Black. Yeah, yellow light. A bit a bit of yellow. Can Black white, maybe? Do we have yellow light? No, not really, but it's possible. Not not not yellow, but just a bit of light yellow. It's Yeah, different colours. Like white, also ni or uh always nice. And what colours should the buttons be? Uh Because um Okay, so what uh number do we give uh a beautiful? This is Oh, the same as th th the cover. Just um Yes. But also th the light behind it. But can you change those too, with uh the switch? No, no. Make them No, just make them black or grey or something. Yeah, grey. Just dark grey I think. Okay. Yeah. Beautiful is uh really subjective, uh because it has to do lots with the colours. Well we have changeable fronts, so So Yeah. Changeable fronts, so ev for everyone for everyone it's something beautiful. Yeah, just give it a one. It's okay. It's perfect. I think it's just what you want. Or not? It's hard to decide for us, but yeah. Yeah. It's ju so subjective. It it's At least it's a lot better than uh current remote controls. Yeah. Okay, just give it a two. A two. Okay. The fancy look-and-feel. That's about our uh flashing lights and the background uh lights uh from from from the buttons. Yeah. Okay. And we can change the colours, so that's uh really fancy I think. Yeah. One more thing. So Slide panel? Are w are we changing uh Or are they there uh backlights on the slide panel too? Or n no back light? Yeah? Mm. No. Not needed. No, it's only on the number, behind the numbers and uh That as well, yeah. Yeah, not needed I think. And and the switch channel is uh There is a back light too? Oh, you mean th this here? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but that's unnecessary. What do I think is necessary necessary item? It's pretty cool. If you slide it open, it lights up. That's that's really fancy, but I don't know if it's reachable. Yeah. Of course it's reachable. It doesn't make No. Then we do it. Hmm. Okay, maybe just some light uh to to light it all up. So you can see what's really there. Not just not re on the buttons or something. Yeah. Just a green light or some blue light. To light it all up. Yeah, but Okay. But Yeah. Mayb Okay. Yeah, just backlight. Not not the buttons. And th and the the normal backlights also not the buttons, but behind the buttons. Yeah. So the buttons are just grey. Well yeah. Uh semi-transparent. Yeah, just only Yeah, that's right. Okay. Okay, fine. So Yeah, that's how I think. So I I think it's very fancy. So I'll give it a Yeah, and you can uh also choose your light, so I think it's one. Yeah, w we've done a a lot of detail in light, so Yeah. Ye Yeah, this It is a one. It's okay. It's cool. Okay, next. This is a difficult one, because we we don't Yeah, we don't know it about the Uh it's it's very easy to use, but uh the second layer is not easy to use. Learnable? Easy to use? Yeah, we shall test it But uh Yeah. Yeah. It's That's No. No, but you don't have to use that. And you on don't have to pay attention to that second layer. That's th that's the main thing that's so good about it. So I think it's easy to use, but And learnable is a bit Well y just uh f Yeah, I think it's very clear what it all does. Learnable? It's not not as fast as a usual uh uh remote control. Well, I think it is. Because because I think I think the scroll wheel, uh it's very handy, but the first time you get this thing in your hands, it's not to use the scroll wheel. I think uh you must uh seek for it, and up or down or Uh then the re Yeah. But the rest of it is very easy, because there are so so n So it is learnable um f i i In the first place it's very easy to use. So so few information that you can easily decide what buttons w for what function. Yes. Okay. But the second parts, uh like speech, etcetera, that will be harder to learn. Okay. But Yeah. It's Yeah it's Device. And I think its scrollwheel is u easy to use as well, if you have ever used uh a different kind of uh of uh device. But we we've got the two so two uh two or three uh new things, huh? And maybe we uh maybe learnable is in uh compare of old fashion uh remote controls. So we h we have speech, uh the scroll wheel, and um the the the slide. You must slide it. And that's not normal at the uh normal remote controls. 'Cause I think learnable is a l a less than um easy to use. But yeah. Because easy to use comes after learnable. Okay. Okay, just Easy to use is very cool, so just give it a two. I I think it a three or something. Maybe three then. Learnable's Yeah okay. No, but definitely better, much better than uh than uh than avera average, yeah. Mm uh. The normal. Yeah. And the one you showed is just all buttons and you don't know Yeah. Yep, true. Then a two. Oh. Okay. Okay. New features. Techno technological innovative? The speech function and the colour. The speech function is new. And the scrollwheel, backlights, slide. Colour. The scrollwheel and the slide. Uh I think the slide is pretty new. Slide is not n is is not new. No. I already have a Uh I already have a VCR and it's about from nineteen eighty eight. Uh I only saw it in a telephone, not in an remote control. Okay. And they all have a slide in it. So that's not new. But also slide that buttons come out, as well? Yeah. Okay. Okay, and the the the lightning? That's cool. Is that new? Yeah for a Uh for a f There are no games on it, that's that's It's not a one, it's a two again. The lighting's new. Mm it's pretty new, I think. Yes. Scrollwheel. Speech? Speech is new. Different colours, so Yeah. Yeah, different fronts for a remote control, I think that's new too. Yeah. So we have a pretty new uh It's it's it's not not LCD or something. That would And we didn't uh But then we also have the the home station. But If you have Yeah. We are forgetting about that now, but We don't recharge. Uh-oh. Oh yeah, that's right. Home-station. Rechargeable. Yeah, we didn't draw that too, but Yeah, that's just a normal th s simple thing. But that's more like uh now. Yeah, just draw it afterwards. I don't know. If you Can you save it on the same, in the same map as the other ones? In the the project uh map? Uh Just save, save as? Yeah. Mm-hmm. Uh save as? No, that's not in the project. Well it's a already in the folder. L like number seven. Oh yeah, okay. Yeah. Smart board. Okay. Yeah, but this one. This one is not yet in the Oh oh. I think it is. Yeah, it is. No, I think it is. Uh untitled? Yeah, it doesn't matter. Save. Okay. Uh all the the seven, uh all the seven. But you still have to draw the resi the recharger. Okay. And new features, so we give it a two or also again a one? No, I think i if you have games on it, then then you give you have a one. No, we are not extraordinary new or something. But not No, just so it's still a two. Tha tha that No, we we we searched for uh um a young group, audience, beneath f forty. Mm two, I think. N Mm. Targeted audience. Uh we are the targeted audience? Do we like it? Yeah, but l younger than forty. Yes. So we we are exactly the targeted group. Yeah, but did we reach, um with our uh style, the targeted audience? Th that's my question. I think so, yeah. You get the fancy things for younger people. And you get the the aesthetic things for older people. Yeah. We've got a one for fancy look-and-feel, and that's what attracts the young audience. So you want Yeah, you get different colours. Yeah. So think that's a two or a one. Yeah. Um the only point is that we don't uh have uh uh That's that's That's this question. Yeah, but s it That's basically not not handy. And I don't thi I don't see Yeah. Yeah, this. So we targeted it? But we didn't follow the latest trends. Yeah. No. Yeah, you could make a a front a front that's that's like uh like a banana, or something. I think we followed the latest trends. Tha these are the only latest uh trends I uh get on my computer. Oh right. Well uh fruit and vegetables, yeah. You can different front uh This is a a power indicator. Uh yeah, th So we had we uh have uh a fruit uh Oh yeah. So Oh. Like a a f banana kind of front. But spongy will never be. No. So we give ourself a three or something. Yeah. Okay. So that's eleven. That's uh What's the average? Eleven divided by six. It's Yeah, it is one point eight three. A perfect score. No, I don't know. We're not too hard on ourselves. Okay. So you can see how far it's charged up. And and you need n uh a button to call it, to let it beep. Okay. To call. Um Okay. Oh yeah, that's still Yeah, maybe we have to skip that one. Call That's Yeah, but it No, we need that. Yeah, but uh we have to make a speaker then too. If you want to make it beep. No no, I want that in. But we can we can do it uh underneath the logo. That's usable. If you do uh Yeah, okay. That's really usable. Okay. Yeah, th the speaker is very small as well, right? It's uh Yeah. So I just got a financial um You s saved it or No. Yes uh. I did save it. Okay, let's have a look at this one here, the production cost of it. If I forgot anything, just say it to me. It just is a battery. Yeah, there are some that they didn't mention, because recharge is not on the list. But okay. So I think we are pretty much in the right direction, because it's twelve point three Euros. Mm okay. But uh is uh uh Okay. That's fine. So this is a regular chip incl and and a sample speaker. So that's both. Come on, it's perfect. Uh twelve point three point three. Yeah, and single curved curved. But but is it inc Does it include a a homestation or Can we make that for uh h twenty cents? No, that's not on the list. But that shouldn't be. Yeah, we can uh Um different fronts, but standard front won't be, yeah. Probably. I just The b the button supplements, I didn't I d I was wondering if this special colour maybe was I'm not sure. See it's I think it's okay like this. Special form, yeah. It's hard to say. But maybe we have to um Yeah, okay. Special colour, you can skip this one, because it's all quite normal. Yeah. We get different ones, that's all. So you can put a recharger in it as well. But this is expensive, the sample speaker. Yeah. This? Yeah. Yeah, it's four. Four. It's four Euros. Oh, them. Is that uh included? Yeah. In the twelve Euro or Okay, then we then we need to use it. So we are Okay. Yeah, that's included. It's kind of weird that we we get this information now, afterwards. Because Sure. Yeah, no. Yeah. Okay, so this is uh pretty much it this. Damn, solar cells are uh expensive. So I just want you Yeah, we just made it. So we can do the project evalu evaluation now for uh for everything together. Okay. We can do some discussion about this. Was there room for creativity? Yes. Okay. Paul, was there room for crea creativity? Beautiful. Mm uh i Yeah, I think so. I think uh everyone uh already. So I think we uh discussed a lot of things about it. Yeah m If we got a high mark for um uh innovativeness or innovativity then there we probably have been creative. Yeah. Or a different style. So Of course there was. Yeah. Yeah. We could make a lot of different uh remote controls. Yeah. So it's creativity. Huh. Okay, so the leadership Was there a leadership and Okay. What do you have to say about that? No, I think Yeah. Who was the leader? I dunno. Just normal discussion, I think. Not one leader or something. Yeah. One leader to check the time, etcetera. Yeah. And make notes. Yeah, I know. So more like a secretary. Yeah. Okay, next one. Uh team work um The the third meeting I think that one was pretty hard. We were not all We were not um agree with every not agree with. Yeah yeah. We were not finished. Yeah, w we had so much information, that we get through email and just Yeah. We're not finished. Uh. Uh I think we we got wrong information at the wrong time. I think that was the m biggest problem. Yeah. Like uh the prices. If we knew that before, we could have uh had discussion really uh s really quicker. Yeah, th that's weird. Yeah, because the prices uh could be twenty Euros or something now. Yeah, and if you had uh fifteen Euros, then we would it. And then Yeah. We had to Yeah. Hmm hmm yeah. Yeah, finance. So we're bacal basically just lucky to uh get the price right. But the teamwork was okay. Yeah, uh everybody could speak their uh opinion. And uh Yeah. I think uh everyone listen to each other. Yeah. Like marketing said things and then we had to i include them in the design. Yeah. 'Kay. Yeah, what I have to say about uh means. The smart board is okay. Digital pen is horrible. I dunno if you use it. But if you want to download it to your computer, it's doesn't work. It was Just doesn't work. No. Well uh smart board would be very uh nice to work with, if it worked really well. Digital pen or Yeah, the drawings are are hard to make, I think. Yeah. Yeah, i if if it would be faster, it would be great. Just not work too slow. Yeah, more accurate. Yeah, it's i It should be more accurate. Precise. Yeah. And uh I think it would be great if you could edit it from, just with a mouse, from where you're sitting. Yeah. Not just pointing out on it. It's the same for the presenta for the presentations. You can do it from here. That's much easier than standing there. Yeah. And so you've Yeah. Yeah, and p just point with a mouse. No use to draw on the board itself. It's just slows down. Yeah. Just old fashioned kinda blackboard style. Yeah. But you might as well do it in normal computer style. Yeah, like. Yeah, even harder to draw like this than black board style. Yeah. Yeah. And it's far too slow this way. Yeah. Okay. You cou You could draw on it, but not as main function. No. I think Yeah, okay. Digital pen. So we made it in time. And we made a remote control. We did it. In the budget, yeah. New ideas found. New ideas. What's that? Oh I just think if we uh I dunno. For for for To gather, or to uh work together, uh or new ideas for No, for the prototype. I don't know what it mean. Just For remote control probably. No, for the project. For remote control, a favourite for your text. Hmm. New ideas. Yeah, but still, you couldn't make a fancy a f you couldn't make a a prototype out of this. Because we don't have any sizes and Yeah, but it You can't possibly do that in such a short time, I think. Yeah. But it's for the next team. We don't have to do that. That's for. Yeah, this this is just the idea phase, the Yeah. Yeah, just brainstorming basically. Details uh Quite early. So are we finished? Hmm. Yes, I think just I just write a final report. Okay. Yeah. No, we have only four minutes left. Uh it's okay. Oh okay. Oh, what do we have to do now. Do we uh I thought we were done at four o'clock? It's now quarter past three. So Yeah. Yep. I should take some pictures uh. Okay. Mm we can do it afterwards, so Yeah. Yes. Let's play minesweeper. I found it as well. Ti-din ti-din. One two three four five six seven cameras. Mm not bad. So that was it. Now we can look at this. This is The old versions. We're probably not supposed to look at this, but Yeah, from the previous group. They went for uh for a universal device. The touchscreen, yeah. Yeah, but also a different device. Yeah. Then an LCD uh would be handy. Hmm. Here are the basic functions in here, the selecting dev devices. Yeah, and touch screens for all our stuff, yeah. Hmm. I do agree with that. Yeah, tu-dum. English is not so hard by the way. No. I'm breaking a world record here. Well, leader? Oh shit. Project Manager? We've got a problem, Paul. You do? Yeah, you have to make a choice. Yes. No it's your choice. Wow, that's pretty quick. Tu-dum. Uh uh um You have to decide. Just pick one. It's the lower one. What's this? A bomb or not a bo This the bomb? No no, the upper one is the bomb. Yes. Wrong. Shit. I knew it. I knew it. Four in a row. No. Uh. That's too much work. Come on. Is that previous work? Yeah, this one. I challenge you. Oh, that's so stupid. No, that doesn't work. No, you gotta use the magic pen. Hmm. What if I put one there? That's stupid. We'll see. Okay. I don't agree. Mm. Sorry. Yeah, you had two choices. That's gonna be draw. Or not. Hmm. Too bad. I'll put it here. Yeah, then I put it there. You are going to put it there. Then It's a difficult choice, either here or there. No one wins. This is a very interesting design. Ugly. It's just the same as normal. Oh a pen. Well it has a LCD, I think. Yeah, but Then do it correctly. Okay. Stupid design. And what else do we have? Stupid. Stupid, the LCD screen. 'Kay wait, I'm going to draw something and you must y Okay, blank. What? Okay, I'm going to guess what you're drawing. No no, the new one. Oh. Uh they just don't save it. Um I know uh. A house? Yeah, you have to use the pen s stupid. You have to save everything, you know that, huh? No, not everything. Oh. Yeah, everything. Pen, select select pen. Pen. It wants to know what we do in our spare time. Okay. It's a house. A plant? No, it's Only you can know it. Oh yeah, I can know it. It's a Okay, that makes it easier. It's uh very hard to draw. I think I know. No, wrong. Mm. I think I know what you're trying to draw, but it's wrong already. It's very Fuck. Yeah, you missed the right side. F A little bit maybe, but Yeah. No, you're wrong, you're wrong See where you're wrong now? The entrance. Warning. Finish meeting now. Alright. Okay, the entrance is uh more to the left. Warning. Warning. You're correct. Okay. But but but I think this part Oh. Yeah, but I think Oh no you made another mistake. Yeah, there are a lot of mistakes, because the walls are thick like this. No I w Okay, I'm not that whiny. But uh there was a big hole here as well, and there as well. Oh, that's true. Uh here. That's a kinda big mistake. Yeah, they're walking behind the walls. Warning, finish meeting now. Guys, I think we have to finish the meeting. Okay. 'Kay this is a hard one. Uh? Boom-boa-ring-bing. What does it say? Fill in the questionnaire. What now? Come on. Okay, yeah. Okay. Yep. Okay. No more chit-chat. Oh you gotta finish over there? Che-che-che-che. Yeah. In your own room? Tu-dumm. I'm gonna be so lonely. Uh. Mm I'll clean that up later. This is That's my new interface. What's that? That's a uh edited smiley. Tom-ti-dom. Uh. Okay.", " Mm uh. We're the first. Mm. We're the first ones. Marketing Expert, yes. Mm. So you found your spots. Yes. Move to the meeting room. Bling bling. Yeah. Okay. Right. Okay. Uh where has my screen gone? Hi. Hello, good day. Oh yeah, we have to talk in English, huh. Hmm. Yep. Yeah. My screen is gone. Oh. It's called black. Kick-off meeting, wow. I'm afraid I'm a bit slow for this stuff uh. It's uh looks uh nice. Hmm? Okay. I'm afraid I'm a bit too slow. I don't know how much preparation you guys did, but not a lot. Yeah. Yeah. No, it's it was uh not enough. You see this beautiful presentation. Yeah. Very nice. Okay let's get started. Yeah. Uh I sort of prepared this. Uh opening acquaintance, tool training, uh how to use the things here. Mm. Uh project plan discussion, and yeah then the rest of the meeting. Mm-hmm. Um we're supposed to develop a new remote control, that's both original, trendy and user-friendly. So, hope you have good ideas. I don't. I did my best. Um we're work we're working uh from top to bottom. Not yet. Uh functional design, then we do some in individual work, then we have a meeting to discuss the results, etcetera etcetera. And at the end of the day we should have a prototype drawn up. Uh we have available the smart board and the whiteboard. Um uh we should take some practice. I have some instructions now to do that. Yeah. Uh well you know how to the documents work. So Uh this for toolbar. You see it next. Um we have a pen. And we can use this pen to perform. Operations. Yes. So It doesn't always work. Yes. Yeah. Okay so you can draw. Draw. Okay and in the format menu you can select colour and line width, etcetera etcetera. Alright. 'Kay. Okay? Uh Okay. Each of you can uh take some practice and you should draw an animal. Uh you should explain Uh with different colours and with different pen widths. And you should explain why you draw that particular animal. So, Julian. Okay. Don't take up too much space. Um yeah. Different pen widths, how do you do that? Uh with the format menu. Oh okay. And use different colours etcetera. Are you serious? And what's that supposed to be? It's a giraffe. Should it be one Giraffe's yellow. Yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah four legs. Okay. Uh-huh. Uh it needs some uh some yellow uh Oh format. Can you use one blank sheet per drawing? Or so y you must save it at the end and then Okay, then m make a new one. Yeah. Yeah you can press the next button, which is uh yeah. That's some spots. I'll show you. I in the file option menu. Yeah. In file menu. No. How much time do we have to draw anyway? 'Cause I can take forever on this. Yeah. Okay. Do I have to explain uh why I chose this uh this animal? Yeah. I think it's a it's a great animal. What is it? It's a it's a giraffe. A giraffe okay. Yeah, that's a Um Okay I'll will give it an uh an eye. Yeah I see a long neck but Okay. It's more like a dinosaur. Uh. That's nice of you. Hey. Come on. Some leaf to eat. Okay. Yeah pretty good. Uh could you press the next uh Okay. The next? Yes. Then uh. Yeah. Here you go. Thanks. Hmm. Yeah. Is this part of our a acquai or introduction to each other? Yeah sorry, introduction and get acquainted and That's the idea, so Yeah it's a bit slow, so Yeah. Uh Yeah. Alright. Uh. Your line broke. Alright. It's not that fast. Yeah. I see. It misses the spot. pressure. I'm guessing a turtle. No. I'm kidding. I say good guess. Uh Because it's slow. Why a turtle? Because of its shell. It's slow. 'Cause it's so 'cause it's green. You were slow too so Yeah sure. Yeah I was a bit slow too. Dude you're a good drawer. So Uh some other line uh width uh No. Do you have a turtle pet? Uh okay. I dunno. Does it have legs? Yeah yeah yeah. Yeah? Yeah not exactly legs but More like fins or Yeah. Stumpy stuff. It's more like a tank. Yeah that's fins but I don't know where. They kind of l look like mole legs. With sharp nails on. Some spots. Ah some eye. Yeah it's l looks very friendly. Yeah that's a fr friendly turtle I guess. Yeah well I think it's uh fair enough. Yeah okay. A little tail maybe. Right. I don't know what the position is. Does it have ears? Uh no. No. No. No. Oh okay. The little holes maybe. Can you erase ears or Yeah? Yeah yeah yeah. There's a a gum, gum to. Alright. Eraser. And why did you choose this animal? So I dunno. He said it was slow. I it just came into my mind. So there's no particular reason I pen. Alright. I like it. Yeah. Well I'm guess I'm done. Okay. That's my turtle. Your turn Niels. Alright. How to select the next or here. The next yeah. Yeah. Here you go. Makes new paper. Colours were under format right? Yeah. Let's see. Orange. How am I gonna do this? Um Mm uh. A rabbit I think. Kangaroo. Kangaroo. Not quite actually. Fox. A fox yeah. Firefox. Dog. No. Cat. Aye. It's a cat. It's a cat. Mm. Not quite yet through. A cat who had an accident or Yeah. Why a cat? Uh yeah I dunno. They're my favourite pets. You have some uh? Uh I have colour already. Yeah I'm not so good at drawing with this kind of st Oh shit. Um Excuse my language. The pen, yeah. Sure. I don't know how to draw its face. But you get the idea. It's a cat. Yeah. It's my favourite uh pet animal, 'cause they're cute, they're independent and cuddly, I dunno. Alright. Okay. That's it. Or do I need to use more colours and Alright. Yeah. I think it's okay. You get idea right? Yeah. Okay um we have a financial aspect to this project. Um we can sell them at twenty five Euros. Uh the aim is to reach uh uh to sell as much as fifty million Euros. Uh that's quite a big amount of money. And the production cost should be the half of the selling price. So we have to s Yeah. Okay now it's time for some discussion. Okay. Uh Yeah. What uh what uh do you want to discuss? We should get started. Yep. Uh I'm taking notes. Okay. Great. Um we each have a specific task, as I saw in my mail. Mm-hmm. I didn't know if you received the same mail. Yeah. Yeah? Yeah. I guess so. Okay so the um uh this industrati Industrial Designer should produce a working design. Yeah. Am I correct? True. Okay. Uh the User Interface Designer should specify the technical functions. Right? Yep. Yeah? And the Marketing uh Expert should come up with user requirements. Yeah. Uh did any of you already do some work on this part or Mm-hmm. Well I started making an overview for myself, um what I had to do, 'cause we have three design steps and in every step I have a s specific task to perform or whatever. Mm-hmm. So I had to uh, I dunno, make an overview for myself about what I have to do, and kind of let it work in to get ideas about well how I have to fill it. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. And do you have any ideas about the product uh so far? Well I started I started with the first phase, I think was the functional. Mm-hmm. And uh let's see I had to focus on the working design, which you said. Mm-hmm. How does the apparatus work? And well I basically had two points. Uh according to the coffee uh machine example, I have batteries to supply energy, and we ye use button presses to activate or deactivate certain functions on the TV. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Okay. And that's basically all I have so far. Yeah I got another point. It uses infrared light to communicate the signal to the TV apparatus or stereo. Yeah. Wireless uh huh. Yeah. Yeah. Alright. Yeah. So that's very common. Uh it's uh some buttons for for the on off function. You d you already told that. And for the changing up to the to all the channels and changing the volume. That are the the basic options for a remote control. Yeah. Yeah I kept it global 'cause that it activates or deactivates specific functions, 'cause I wasn't thinking yet about that. Okay, yeah. I mean, you wanna ch ch flip the channel but you might wanna use teletext also. Yeah. Yep. Yeah. I dunno what the word is in English. Uh Yeah. Same I believe. Yeah. Uh and what did the Marketing Expert do? Uh well from a marketing uh perspective, um well the function des design phase uh consists out of the user requirements. Mm-hmm. Um what needs and desires are to be fulfilled? So there are a few means to reach that um by by doing research uh to see what existing products are there out in the market. Mm-hmm. I mean, what functions do they have. Mm. Um especially what are their shortcomings? Are there any new functions uh which can be added to our product? Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Um therefore we have to to do some internet search. Yep. For example for um well what kind of applications do current remote controls support, and what are f featur features of uh current and future televisions? Yes. So we can see uh what needs to be supported. Um and we can interview current users and future users. What w what would they like to see uh on a new remote control? Okay. Okay. Um especially for future users, uh I'm thinking of early adopters, because they they use new technology first, and they play with a lot of tools and stuff so maybe they have some good ideas to uh to add. Mm-hmm. Okay. And you can get that information? I think I can get that information, yeah. Okay. That would be very handy. So yeah. Um but have you any idea so far as what uh the user requirements are? No n not specifically. More to how to get them and Yeah? No? No okay. I got some uh requirements it has uh it has to be user-friendly. Yeah? Yeah. Of course. Obviously. Uh really easy to use buttons, not not uh very small buttons, but not the the also the big big buttons, but just normal buttons. It has to be a small unit. It has to be uh yeah, you can take it with you uh everywhere in in your house. So it has n has not to be l yeah, gigantic uh machine. Big, mm-hmm. Yeah. Uh and a and a good uh zapping range. Uh what do you mean by that? Yeah. Uh the distance uh from your television to your uh remote control has to be, uh yeah um yeah, quite a big distance. Yeah. It has to be capable for zapping uh Yeah. From the other end of the room or something? Yeah. Okay um Well I don't think I have anything more to add at the moment. Um I think the best is to go to work. Whoa. Is that you or alright. Yeah. Okay. Any more points to discuss? Yeah. I think we can go ahead with what we have. I will summarise the things we discussed and put it in the project folder. Uh the use of the Industrial Designer can work on the working design, etcetera etcetera. And it seems you get more information by email. Alright. So that was it for me. Alright. Okay. 'Kay. Thanks. Uh Yeah, in the project folder. Are you going to put the the notes on the Okay. Yeah. The pro okay. Yeah. Alright. I'm writing very fast. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Hope it's readable. Uh. Yep. Okay um anything more you want to add to the discussion? I guess so. Well no I'm just a bit wondering what we're gonna do the next uh session? Yeah. Do we only have to to do uh phase one, the functional design uh? Yeah. Because then we have a Yeah. After that we are going to the conceptual uh Okay. Yeah. We're just working the three phases. Y you do some individual work, we have meeting, individual work, meeting. And at the end of the day we have a final meeting. And then I have to prepare uh I have to defend our design, so make it good. Yeah okay. Okay. We'll do our best. I depend on you. Better make it Yeah. I am gonna work on the conceptual design already 'cause yeah it's fairly important to know what kind of components we want to put in. Yeah? If you can mix it it's okay. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Do we I mean, is it gonna be a multimedia control centre? Do we want to be able to use the video recorder with it? Yeah. That is my question also because like new new functions Requirements. Well I think that is the user requirements part. Yeah. As to what they want. Yeah. True. Uh do they want all those functions on that small Yeah. Yeah. But but we need good communication about this stuff, 'cause I have to f put the components into the design. Unit. Yeah. Mm-hmm. I would first m Yeah. So if I don't know what components to put in, it's kind of hard. Yeah well I I was Yeah well like l li like some like some some remotes who are out there, which I know, there's one button which is very easy to switch between devices. Yeah I understand. I I think we have first to start with the basic functions and we can uh expand them. You can always add a few Yeah. Yeah. So you can switch to your video and then the same buttons control your video. Hmm, the CD player. Yeah. Yeah. And another function I'll think of switch to your media centre, because that's getting very popular. Yeah so Okay. And then use your Windows media centre under your TV with the same remote control. Yeah. So with the switch, one single switch S Yeah records and stuff like that. Yeah I I know what you mean, but you'll ne need several other buttons for a video player. Okay. You need a play and a forw fast forward and a stop function. Mm-hmm. And you you don't need that for a TV. Okay. No. And and for a t uh teletext you need additional buttons as well, so I kind of need to know what we uh need. You need additional yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Uh Yeah. Yeah. Whatever, I'll just put my ideas in uh in here and then we can discuss it with the next uh meeting. In the project uh Yeah. Yeah. We could just start with the assumption that's only for TV and video. And um reserve the possibility to add other features. Okay. So we have a basic starting point and you can always extend that so make sure it's extendible. Okay. Yeah it it has yeah it has to be user-friendly. Yeah. Alright. Yeah. So it's hasn't it's yeah. Th the least amount of functions possible so it's easier to get to know how it works etcetera. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I understand. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah? Okay and uh I'll see you again uh when the computer tells us to. Alright. Yes. Yeah. Can we leave now or Mm. Half an hour. Yeah, you're di dismissed. Thanks. You're fired. Not yet. No. Alright. Okay. Alright let's move on. Let's see what we got to do. Yeah. See you later. Yeah see you later. Okay. Yeah. Good luck. Yeah. Thank you. Well good luck.", " Hello. 'Kay. You all saw the newsflash? It's I don't know. Or you got the same message? Yeah I I just saw it one minute ago. Yeah sorry. When I uh Yeah. I didn't see it yet I think. Newsflash? D did I miss something? Yeah. Yeah I received an email so I thought I I can't mail you so I thought I'd just drop it in the folder, but Is it unlocked? Yeah pretty much. Hey what's wrong with my computer? Okay. Mm. No. Yeah that's my presentation. Woah. I uh kind of opened it. Huh? Mm. Mm? What the Not really. Oh right. Uh Okay. I think you have to uh change your desktop uh size. Ooh. 'Kay. Everybody ready? Well Alright. Sorry. No no no. computer is uh not functioning? Yes yes yes. Okay. Where do I find this? Okay. I'm not so g display huh? Uh display. And then uh settings? Appearance? Huh. Mm I'm not sure I. You read the newsflash? No. 'Kay. No what was it about? Hmm. Can we get started or is there some pressing issue? Yeah my computer is not functioning properly. Oh no pressing. Did you plug in the power cable when you come back? Yeah yeah. No but my screen is reduced in size. Yeah. What? That's difficult. Yeah. Yeah. Feedback. Hmm. Okay. Okay. alt delete. Yeah. Format. Format save. So it doesn't draw the attention away. This is dreadful. Yeah. I made uh uh my own map. No not this, but the task. Oh yeah sure. It's a Yeah. You have Playstation also? Yeah. No that's okay. No I just flapped it, closed it, took it here and then this happened. Ah. Uh where was it? In settings? Okay. Alright. Thank you. Huh. Do you guys like your tasks? Yeah. Yeah. I spent a lot of time thinking about what I was gonna do and then a couple of minutes before this I get my function you know the information that I need. Yeah wa wa you actually Yeah. Yeah. So frustrating. But it it's not clear what you have to to to type uh type in your presentation. So Yeah Yeah exactly. Yeah. I I had a whole idea and then just was typing it and then oh. I have to do that so switch. This presentation is mainly based on my own ideas 'cause I hadn't time to intergrate tha the information yet so Really annoying. Mm. Yeah. Okay. So there we are again. By your humble PM. Yeah. Okay this is the agenda. Um we have three presentations, I heard. Really. Yeah really. So who wants to start? Yeah that's fine. Yeah. We have to start it right away? Yeah. Functional? Uh this is you? Yeah functional requirements. 'Kay. Alright. I'm gonna talk about functional requirements. Um Well uh some research has be done uh has been done. Uh observing of one hundred uh subjects in the usability lab using a remote control. Uh and they also filled in a questionnaire. The findings were um, well you can see them for yourself. They disliked the look-and-feel of current remotes controls. Users think they're ugly. Um they do not match the the operating behaviour of the users. So they they d they don't match what they want to have on it. Um they are often lost somewhere in the room. Um it takes too much time to learn how to use a new remote control. And they're bad for RSI. I don't know uh how a user can reach that but okay. Um there is also uh was also some research on uh the most relevant and and and irrelevant uh f functions. Ts So they do need to be in the Alright. Uh most irrelevant and less used were audio settings, mono, stereo, uh pitch, bass. Um screen settings for brightness and colour and stuff like that. Um but they are used. I mean the Yeah they do need to be on the on the remote control. Yeah. I mean if you can't control the the sound settings I mean if you dislike a very uh loud bass or something, you you need to change that. So um yeah we have to. often. By the way my TV doesn't have an equ equaliser but okay. We c we c Yeah I mean w we can't my my TV has, but we we can leave them uh away. Next generation does. No. Alright. Uh most relevant, uh most used functions, uh they speak for themselves I guess. Uh power button, uh channel, volume selection. Uh teletext but we can skip that because I saw the newsflash, and teletext is so outdated that it it's i should not be used uh any more in the future. N not used anymore. So forget this one. Okay. Uh channel settings, so for programming uh your channels in in the right order. By the way where did you guys get that newsflash from? Yeah. Yeah. I didn't get anything. Yeah, on on the project uh No so it's a text file n in the project folder. I was wondering uh But you you've got more information than uh. Yeah. Not by mail. I receiv the mail but you don't. So That's in the presentation, so Uh below I believe. So teletext can be skipped. Alright. Um there was some research on new features in a remote control. Uh about an LCD screen uh and speech recognition. Well we got an update for the for the audience. Or the the the targeted group. So it's above forty I guess. The new product? Or below because that's pretty relevant. Yeah below forty. Mm-hmm. I thought I read a Yeah? Our current customers are in the age group forty plus. And the new product should reach new markets, which is the customers below forty. Below? Okay well that's that's in the newsfla okay that's a good to know. But where did you get uh that information? That's in a newsflash. Okay. Um because you see see a clear distinction between the age groups, concerning the features. Yeah. I mean uh above forty people are not so interested uh not so interested in a screen or speech recognition. Uh but below that age they uh they pretty much are. So I think we can build that in. Um Yeah well we can skip this part as well, because I thought I read above forty so we could skip the features, but we just have to build them in because uh they find it very interesting. Um well we have to keep all the classic functions but make the buttons as user-friendly as possible. Um and and also there's so not only the design of the bus uh buttons but o how you can push them, and stuff like that. So the physical uh aspect of it. Um And I think and certainly for for the for the lower age groups, uh nice design, which uh does not make the remote control in your room. It's it's actually a part of your interior, of of your design in your room. Yeah. So it's the people can say, well what's that, well that's my remote control, so it's d it has to look nice and feel nice, and and have all the functions that uh Yeah so the the logo has to be uh present yeah, and the colours as well. Yeah. But it also needs to have corporate identity. Present and the colours. So we can't change much of that. Do we have uh yeah. Yeah so but I I don't think that's that's a problem because the thing has to have a colour anyway, and most of the times there is a brand present on it. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. So I think that's not gonna gonna affect it very uh very much. Yeah. Okay. Well that are the the consequences uh on a marketing uh part. Alright. Yes. Okay. 'Kay. It's open already so you can use to find yours. Mm. It's F five. F five. Okay. Oh. Go Jurgen. What is this? Oh no. How do I uh No no no. You pressed alt F four? I pressed the mouse button. Oh great. It's th that's the self-destruct button. Yeah. Yeah. Uh maybe you can do it from your computer so talk us through it. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Um if you all go stand around uh Computer Um No. Just yeah. Yeah. Sure. Alright. That's nice. F five. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Alright. I uh had uh two examples. Mm-hmm. Um this one is the the yeah the advanced one with a lot of options and functions and buttons. Mm-hmm. This the easy one I think we have to to combine them. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. And uh yeah merge the best functions of all examples. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Um but yeah the the age is uh under forty? The mm yeah. Yeah and and and marketing research stated that that that kind of users are not afraid of of a lot of functions. So we Okay so so we have the option for more functions. So not not too much but yeah. Um yeah. And we do have to integrate the screen and the the speech alright. And the speech recognition yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Uh yeah this this one we can remove for kids. It's just only for adults so uh we can uh use some advanced options. Yeah from age of sixteen so yeah. But Yeah but I prefer we we uh use the the basic options uh yeah. We have to to make them very easy so for just uh zapping around the channels you can just push one button. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. But if you want to to use your your video recorder or something else, you should use use an uh an advanced option. Yeah but uh the the newsflash also stated that it should control only one device, only your television. Okay one device. Yeah. Okay. So n it's very easy. So w So there are not extra options in this case, but uh Yeah. I didn't see. Now yeah it's okay. Okay and I also uh yeah. Okay. W yeah. We have to make it fashionable. Like you uh said uh before. Yeah. Uh yeah the basic functions. Um yeah only use a extra function if they are really needed. Yeah so maybe you can hide them or something. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah well what what we can do with the screen is is all the the configuration options, you can put that in the screen. Yeah you make a screen menu or something. And the and the yeah screen menu to to to uh to do that, and then the basic function just on the device itself. Yeah. Yeah. So it looks very simple and all the advanced features are hidden in the screen, uh with a clear menu. Mm-hmm. Yeah and the other oth other uh functionality is the screen. Yeah. What does the screen do? Uh. Alright. Did I uh did I break it? What are wh What. Yeah. It's low power. So what does the screen do? They said they needed it but what does it do? What do they want with the screen? For for the advanced functions I think. Yeah that's what we make it up. Yeah well it yeah it didn't it didn't say what they want to do with the screen. So but what did the marketing No. Well I, my guess is it's it's pretty handy for advanced uh advanced functions. Yeah okay it's handy. With no predefined uh We're back online. Like searching for channels and Yeah. Yeah searching for channels, programming them. Ah look. We have your uh oh never mind. Okay. That's uh I'm al I'm almost finished so Um the we have to to to watch out for the i if we make it f very fashionable, it it the functional functionality will go down. Okay. So we have to make uh a compromise between functionality and fashional fashionable yeah content and form. Mm-hmm. Content and form. Yeah. Yeah. Now that that was uh was the end. That was the end. Yeah. Okay. Yes. Okay. Well my presentation is a bit uh sucky. Well you can improvise right? Uh which one is it? Technical functions? Yeah a little bit. Uh no. This one? No no. Functional requirements? Yeah I think that would be it then. No. So we we can go for So we can go for the look-and-feel of the the left example, and then a screen on top of it. I have no idea. You didn't put it in? Or it's not really English. That w. Let me check. I know. Uh kick off. Oh working design I got it. Yeah. Here you go. Alright how do I uh skip pages? Just uh press uh yeah. The keys yeah? Yeah. Yeah. Alright. Um yeah well I was working on this before I got my information. So I was just working off the top of my head and using my colin common knowledge about uh remote controls. Mm-hmm. And well the info on the website which came too late. Mm-hmm. Um so I didn't really know what kind of functions we had to put into it yet. So uh uh this is basically an overview of what we discussed in our last uh meeting. Mm-hmm. Those were my uh starting points. Mm-hmm. Uh I was working on a s yeah on a schedule, and I was supposed to do it like this. But um yeah then uh the information came and it was kind of exact with all the steps in the remote control that I had to follow, so I was trying to organise them for myself. Mm. And then make the the design, a the actual design, but I never came around to do that. Design? Design yeah. Yeah. So I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to say about it. Okay. I mean everything speaks for itself I guess. Mean you press a button um the it tru goes, it sends a signal to a chip, which uh translates it into infrared signal of certin spatial frequencies. Mm-hmm. Yeah frequency. Mm-hmm. Yeah. And uh or temporal fr frequencies actually. And then uh through a uh transformer, it the signal gets boosted and then sent to the to the receiver on the TV and the TV will translate it into a function. Yeah decoder. Um Yeah well this was actually all I got around to do. Blank. Yeah okay. I mean I dunno if I'm too slow for this stuff, but uh Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Work harder. Okay shou should we make a list of the of all the functions we want uh Yeah. Whatever. Yeah. Uh 'Kay. Yeah we want to incorporate in uh into it. Um for those that didn't see yet um the basic new requirements of the management were no teletext, only for TV. Uh it should be designed for a use g uh group below forty, but I don't think it's w wrong if we can uh target the current customer group as well. Mm. And uh the corporate identity should be clear in the design of the remote control. And we have to decide on the functions, and on the, let's see what was it, uh the target group. We have to make be clear what that is. group of users, or because it says below forty I mean. Yeah users. Yeah so I think it's easy but Yeah it's below forty so we can decide where to Okay. I guess that's that's the tar yeah uh or male and female Uh six the marketing research started on s on the age of sixteen. But uh it's it's also for children or just uh Okay. Sixteen to twenty five, twenty five to thirty five, thirty five to forty five, something like that. Okay. So um How do you mean? So below forty is okay. But we need an lower level which to s uh focus. So is it from sixteen to forty? Is it from twenty to forty? Is it from thirty? Uh sixteen to forty. Yeah. Yeah? Well I I guess people of sixteen are are quite used to technology. We we have to And if we have a larger public we have uh yeah more options to to uh sell our product. 'Kay. Yeah. So they they adapt to it pretty soon I guess. Yeah. Yeah so what we might wanna do is uh yeah cust I have customised the screen functions, if you know what I mean. The uh younger users are more acquainted with these kind of machines so they can use more advanced functions. Mm-hmm. But maybe elderly people don't understand it so well, so they need a simpler remote. Design. And yeah that you can choose what the design displays, or wha whatever. Mm. Yeah that's that's why uh I wanted to to make yeah two uh different uh yeah groups of functions. The the simple functions for for the the whole public, and the the advanced options for the younger people yeah who are more yeah experienced with uh Na I w I should uh put uh the the yeah the extra advanced options on the onto the onscreen display. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Experienced yeah. And maybe y Yeah. But uh all incorporated in the screen or or just on the remote itself? Yeah like like you have a visual of the of the brightness with with a kind of sliding bar and a bus and and stuff like that for sound and and vis and and visuals? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So is you should have a menu for all the the functions you don't use regular and which are Yeah. Uh you can make a if you make a drawing. Yeah. Aye yeah. Uh Uh. Shall I uh Yeah. Uh black's okay. And draw it very big. Oh. It's okay. Yeah. no, it doesn't have line control, so Yeah we get the The remote, yeah? Yeah. Yeah well, this is basically uh it's alright the remote? The remote? Um well usually the power button is on top I guess. Basic. Is on top. Which should be easy, easily reached with the thumb. Yeah so it should fit right in into your hand. Yeah. L left top or right uh top? Right. T I s should said right. Right top. Yeah, right. Right. I most people are right-handed so maybe left-handed special addition, but okay. Because yeah. Okay. Yeah definitely. If you put it like like here. Or something. I dunno. Um then you could put a screen, like on a mobile phone, also on top I guess. Mm-hmm. Yeah but if you are using the the normal functions, the the basic functions, you normally press them on the u yeah. Do the also with the thumb. So it should be a little bit longer so that you can put your uh thumb, also reach the middle. Or you should screen at the bottom and then you can see it very clearly. Okay so y yeah you have you have it in your hand, and the screen is below, and the buttons are in the middle. You you need to be able to hold it so Yeah. Yeah. Okay for example if you put the screen here, it's more about the functions now than the than the layout. Yeah okay that's true. Layout. That's for the I can't help it. Doesn't work too well. It's uh it's bent. You broke it. Yeah. Yeah. Man. Right. Yeah okay. Okay you get it. Uh for example if y if you put all the Right. You want the normal piece of paper? And you have a pen? Yeah. And might be easier huh? Maybe this. kind of works. Yeah? Like if you have like uh ten buttons for for all the for all the channels, um and here one for for Yeah that that usually uh like here, here, here, here. Mm-hmm. Uh. And the for flipping up and down. Yeah yeah. And volume control. Yeah I Yeah exactly. Yeah. So you have up and down for the for the channels, and left and right for the volume uh Yeah. Yeah. And left to right. And those can also be used for the menu. I thought but this is really your department, that we need just the functional display and four cursors. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah okay but this is function so if you can use them for multiple things For the menu. And you you have most of the time you have one button in the middle. And Yeah okay. It says menu, and then if you press it you the screen gets activated and then you can use these buttons to scroll up and down and left and right to go into functon and then just mo most of the time this menu button is also like okay, to to confirm a a kind of action. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So you scroll into it, okay. You select a function like v like uh bass. You just adjust it with these two buttons. Yeah. Then okay to confirm, and then uh on on each on each screen there's there should be an option to go back to a to a upper level. And then finally say okay, exit. Mm-hmm. Or or one button to exit it. Yeah. Uh in one time I dunno, that's not really my department. That's more your uh your department to to uh to Yeah. And do we need a a logo on our uh remote control, or On the left uh top yeah. Yeah. But it should be if the screen is here then the logo should be like on on top, yeah. I mean it's uh Yeah. Okay. Yeah but that depends on where you put the screen. But it's essential that there is a screen. Yeah I mean the position of the screen is also more essential than I mean we we look where we have space left and then put the logo over there. Yeah. And for the speech uh recognition part, if we want to incorporate that, we need a microphone. But um Yeah so it should be I mean if you have it in your hand here, should be on top somewhere, maybe. Yeah. This would be uh No that's not s sure so uh we need a display. Why did we wanna put the display in the bottom? I mean i That's not sure but it's Yeah I mean a screen on top looks more lo logical to me. Okay. Yeah may maybe because you're Yeah okay but only for the basic functi if you're going to use the advanced option, you're going to press the the menu button and then yeah. Because yeah if you use the functions your hand will block the display. Normal for logical t Yeah. Also because people use m mobile phones and they also have the screen on top. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah they're used to it. Okay the yeah. So you you just have to reach a little bit for the power button. That's possible. I mean if you grab it. On once it's on it's on. But most most of the times if a if if a TV's on standby people just press a channel to put it on. You don't need the power button. Yeah, okay. Okay we put it on top. So we put this on top, and then make the corporate logo like over here. Yeah. RR. And j and the microphone, I mean it can be very small. If you look at your mobile phones are some stripes, little little holes. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Maybe on the top or even on the side. Yeah maybe on the side. I mean if the if the microphone is good. Yeah but then it's possible that you cover it with your hand so I think that top is the best option. True. Yeah okay. Yeah. So on the on the top is better. But if you uh if you hold the ma the remote like this, if you put it on the top on the side I dunno. Yeah okay. Should be able to work. Yeah. Depends on the sensitivity of the microphone, but I think that's okay. Never mind. Can we leave this up to you? Yeah it doesn't matter that much. So but um the screen is on top? Which functions did we have left? I mean this is basically numbers, volume, uh channel up and down. Volume. Up. Channel up and down, and the control of the advanced options. Screen is over there. Yeah. Yeah. So maybe it, we should decide what advanced options we want to put in the LCD screen. If we Yeah it it's just a remote control so Yeah. Yeah. That's uh that's a good one. Yeah so we we needed to integrate the sound and uh and image options right? Yeah. Yeah so sounds? Like uh bass uh so we need kind of an equaliser. Sound? If you Yeah treble, middl middle, bass or something. Yeah. Equaliser. So if you have sound But not too advanced. I mean most TVs use only treble and bass. Yeah and they're They're not used often so Yeah just Yeah sounds. Yeah. It's uh pretty hard to write. Ah as. Mm. Okay but you have sound? Yeah just oh y you have digital uh better write it down over there yeah. Yeah. Of course. So you have sound. I'm just a secretary. Yeah. Coffee? Uh yeah sound and then within sound I guess treble and bass? Yes please. Treble bass. the mono stereo option? Yeah. Uh Pitch I believe, yeah. And there there was something else also. Also. And then pitch. Pitch. Yeah. But pitch, isn't that yeah that's the the height of the tone. Yeah. The fr yeah the frequency of the tones, yeah. Yeah okay, wh why would you use that? Yeah and mono stereo. Yeah isn't that that depends on the on the signal of the of what program you're watching. If people like talk like uh Yeah. Mm. And also the tuning part? Programming part. Yeah programming. Uh so we have sound, yeah? So channel programming? Channel programming. And yeah in the functionality of the no no of the remote uh do do we want uh the buttons to make sound when you press them? Television uh itself uh Mm. As a confirmation or whatever you know? Mm. I dunno. Mm. I think it g it gets annoying. I mean most mobile phones used that in the beginning but Yeah. Yeah. We we could make an option for it, but uh you can disable s Yeah. Under the a yeah advanced option menu you can put those things. But uh the the television itself has also the the options brightness and uh screen colour etcetera. So yeah. Contrast yeah. Yeah but people don't want to sit on their knees on their knees in front of their television with only three buttons then it's very hard to y yeah contrast and brightness? Mm. No. Uh, so contrast, bright, uh And the others were in your presentation right? Yeah. Yeah those are the most used I guess. If you look at your monitor. So I can just copy those? Well yeah well I guess that these were the only ones, I guess. Okay. It's easy. Yeah. But so we have we have TV options, which is all this. I will look it up. Yeah the button options and the LCD options. The sound, sound and image. And you have in that uh the indeed the remote control options. Indeed. Yeah. So we need two menus kind of thing. Yeah you have basically a button menu, which you can use directly, uh according to the old principle. Uh-huh. And the LCD options are activated by some some software options, thats communicates with the infrared uh decoder yeah. Yeah with the chip and then I mean Uh yeah. So you You have an additional processor and and software part. Well yeah we have power button, whether that's present. Alright. Compared to o Mm-hmm. Channel volume selection present. Uh numbers present. Yeah a audio settings, mono, stereo, pitch, bass, treble. L s Yeah. Screen settings, brightness and colour. Colour. Yeah I I call it contrast. Yeah con contrast is Yeah okay, colour and brightness. Yeah I make it c colour. Yeah. Um and what you say, channel settings or channel programming? So you you have an option to to start scanning all the frequencies, and when it encounters one, well it shows on your TV. Yeah and automatically um Mm-hmm. And then you can um Uh and then you can select uh a number in your remote on which you want to save it. Yeah so I've g channel program is autoseek? Yeah, autoseek. Uh name a channel, or Oh they get automatic names, okay. Well most TVs automatically display the name, which they get through the cable. Yeah. So you only have to choose the position on your It only has to match the the channel frequency on your TV, with with the with the position on your TV and and so your remote. Yeah. Yeah but can you also say I want f uh Veronica on the channel number uh five or Yeah. Help. If you already programmed it. If you want to move it. Yeah. Yeah that should be possible too. How do you call that? Yeah how do you call that? Mm? Wait you you should be able to to browse through a list or something, which w displays all the all the values, all the channels which are possible. Channels? Yeah. I mean like one to f thirty of or ninety or whatever. Ninety nine or something. Yeah. Just browse through it and then um in some kind of way see if it if it if it is programmed. S swap channels? Can I call it that? Yeah. Swap channels. Swap's good option. Okay. Uh other functions? So you most of the time if you if you swap it S uh let's say for example you have uh RTL five on on channel five. And Veronica on channel eight and you want to move Veronica to channel five, um most of the times you override the previous uh the previous one. Mm-hmm. Okay. Well that's 's up to uh Mister User Interface Designer. Yeah. It's it's pretty uh yeah I mean you have to look on on the menu on the TV. Okay. working design. Doch. Also. That's you're Yeah but also, which buttons you have to press to get a certain result? He only has to figure out how it has to look. And how to use Yeah okay. Yeah. And the working design was to specify how ph the physical interation between the components was, as I believe. But You did your homework. Yeah. But um yeah. Or or is it too hard to to ju to just do it all on your remote? Okay. To programme the channels? No no. No I don't think so. No that's Okay On the uh yeah can you i make a a map with with all the yeah 'cause it's now there are lots and lots of documents and The the layout of the remote control? It should be able to do any remote. Uh. But I think the communication with the television is difficult. But that's not our part. Yeah. No. We don't have to design a protocol so No that's the Yeah. No. That's true. That's true. Thank god. Yeah. So we have a figure a figure out a way to to do that easily. I mean th the autoseek is is not a problem. I mean you uh you uh current channel and then then it just says, uh on which number do you want to save this, and you just press a number on your remote, and then say confirm, okay, and then it's it's saved. It's easier, it's it's it's harder to, if you have already programmed it, to to swap. So we have to think of something for that. So but Um The User Interface Designer can design a menu for all these function I put them on the. Yeah k kind of structure into layers. Yeah. Yeah I can. I'll just try to reorganise uh things. So And and the layout of of the thing itself. Um So you design the basic function menu for the LCD screen? Uh um I think th I think the yeah the layout of the screen and I think you can concentrate more on the button placement and the placement of the uh screen itself on the. Isn't that more the the u uh the user interface part? No I d I think that's more in. Uh all the functional uh aspects of the remote I think are in my department. Maybe more on Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I have to know what it has to do, so if you wanna you know the changing the channels kind of s thing is, I have to integrate that in the design. Okay. So he's layout and you're function. Yeah. Form function okay. I think that's a that's a good separation. But do I have to to uh to yeah to make the the menu layout also? Or Are you going to do that? Yeah. Mm. Yeah. Yeah I guess so. Yeah? I I'm going to make yeah o okay. I think i that's your department yes, because w he already knows what Yeah. Yeah. Yeah we have to kind of work together. Yeah. If if I make the the the yeah the menu like, I have to state which function has to be in the menu, and then you have to decide, it's, in a in a way that b is user-friendly. But we're not allowed. Yeah. Okay. Y you you are going to make a list of what functions are uh are going to to be on the the screen, the menu screen. Yeah. Yeah. And I'm going to make a a nice menu uh with with pages and yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think yeah. With with some l with some layers in it. So some menus. Yeah and also make clear which buttons to press to get certain result, because that's always the difficulty. Yeah. Every device has its own Menu okay. Yeah. Yeah. Well I guess this this button, the the the okay, menu okay. Yeah. Or you can incorporate two uh difference uh different buttons. Uh like uh for your mobile phone. Um so this is only for to get in the menu, or to exit it. Mm. And then one to confirm, and one to go one step back. Back. Yeah. So it's like the the save button on your your mobile phone, if you have a Nokia or like that. Or the or the no button. Mm-hmm. To go one step back you it's only two extra buttons, but if it if it's very clear that they are for the screen Yeah because this this is used for both. Yeah. W we Uh I think we have to to group, to make two groups. Um the one group for the for the display, and one group for the basic functions, and Yeah okay but we we have a m yeah but maybe that's that's not uh yeah if you're if you're z zapping uh with your uh yeah remote control, you can press the the menu button, and then you are suddenly into the the yeah the display. Yeah. Yeah but they're incorporated? Up and down is Smart? Into your screen. Okay. So you l should leave the menu button out of here. You wanna separate uh. Yeah. And and just put it under the screen, the screen Yeah. Put it on top. Yeah j just just group group the yeah we make these the advanced functions and these the basic functions. Mm-hmm. So we make a yeah a line between them. But we should place the screen on top, right? Well But that's uh J Jurgen's department. F oh yeah. Okay yeah we swap uh Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So we make it a Okay. You just you just find out and. You just make the layout. You do we do the extra two buttons or not? Uh Yeah. I think you should. Yeah. It's easier. If you put too many functions in one button it gets confusing. Yeah okay. Yeah. That's true. So we have a a menu button and a s Okay. And to, okay and back, also. Yeah. Okay and back button. Yeah, or confirm and back. And of course the four arrows. Whatever. Yeah. No. But those are still y doubly used. Should we save this picture, or or you know what it looks like? Both the LCD Yeah. Yeah I'm I'm not s clear about uh the the extra two buttons. We have a menu button and That's the the one with the yeah okay. Yeah. That that just to to activate the screen. So And then with these buttons, woa, y you navigate. Menu button access the menu in the LCD screen. You can navigate. Okay. But you can also navigate the channels. And the volume. Okay so that that's not uh Yeah that Those are multifunctional. Those are both both yeah. Hey is it interesting for users if we put LED lights under the buttons? So that if you uh press on the menu function that only the buttons that are used for the menu are ligh li light up. Yeah. L l litten up yeah. Yeah. That's very good idea. Oh five minutes. N Yeah and then it's also easier to integrate several functions in one button. Alright. Yeah that's a good idea because then it becomes clear which buttons are active now, which you can use. Light uh Yeah sure. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Um Anything else? So Those buttons are are lit up. I think not. But just one thing. Should we use those two? Them? Or only this to to scroll? And then use the two functional buttons to confirm, to go into something? I've Volume. Oh no we have to use this to adjust some some bars? Yeah. Yeah keep it optional 'cause maybe you can you know go left to right and up and down in a in one menu. Yeah. And maybe we should use this also as an okay button, still. And then just only a back button. Well we have those buttons. No Yeah. The pr the problem with the okay button in the middle is, sorry sorry, uh is uh if you're pressing up and down, you can easily press the okay once you, when you're not already at your choice. We use all four. Yeah okay go ahead. Yeah? Yeah. So maybe make one uh one okay button and and one navigation button. And one back. Yeah that was already decided. Yeah the with with the the channel and the volume uh yeah m a multifunctional navigation button. Okay that's what we decided earlier on. Yeah okay. Yeah. Right okay. Yeah. So yeah I wanna close down. You wanna close down huh? Yeah. I have to, sorry. That's okay. Yeah. it's not because I don't like you but yh we have lunch break, and then we can work for thirty minutes, and I have to write very fast to make the minich min minutes. Already. Yeah. And then uh we'll see I don't know. Alright. How m how long is the lunchbreak? We have to ask. Nobody told me. Okay. But do we have to write uh to write down uh the our stuff now? Or first lunchbreak? No I th believe there's first lunch break. Because I I've everything in my head now so Okay. Yeah. Or you can just Yeah? Mm. Yeah. 'Kay. Yes. 'Kay. I think you can put uh the laptop back in the room and 'Kay. This is Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yes sir. Time pressure. Yeah it's a lot of pressure. Sorry for my uh not finished presentation uh. That's okay. Oh yeah. Oh no no. Yeah we'll kick your ass later. No. Bring it on. Uh. I don't know if it works but it should be saved. Aye Y you saved it? Does it save automatically in the project folder? Or Okay. Yeah. It's uh Should be here. We'll see. Just put back my laptop. Smart board. Alright. Don't know if you can use it but Yeah. Okay. Yeah you can open it with the picture preview or stuff like that. And uh we have to make uh some maps with uh with the all the the data we uh gathered. I try to organise it by these three. Yeah yeah yeah. It's it's just my own map so I put everything into the But you got some extra information uh Okay. I don't really mind. I just put the minutes here and we'll see. Yeah that's in the functional design uh folder. Yeah. Yeah that's just basically what I just showed. But where do you did you get the newsflash? Yeah. Yeah I got it by yeah. You're the only one uh okay. I'm gonna get kicked if I don't do it so Make me proud. internet. Okay. Alright. Alright. Yeah. I'll try to. So first we have a lunchbreak now? Yeah. Alright. I believe so. just ask. Mm-hmm. I dunno where she.", " Hello. Yes, I made it. English from now on. Drawing or Yeah. Yeah just testing. Mm? Just kidding. English. So annoying. Break is over. Ooh it works. Whoo. Spicy. Spicy. Where are are all the other presentations? I just put it in the in the shared folder so it should be yeah I think so. The conceptual or Ah. Yeah, conceptual design. What or whatever does it No no no, can you go back one? Because I see only my own presentation yeah. Uh 'cause it has to be PowerPoint pre yeah components design, that's it. This? I'll just put it in there. So, he's coming. I did get a bit more done than the last time, 'cause I knew that I didn't have time so I just copy and paste everything into the Sometimes I have these pop-ups or these sounds and there's nothing there, and also with I don't know how to use PowerPoint, so it takes me forever to get something done with it. Or not. Okay. Oh okay. Ah, I can't cut and paste it into the other folder but Move to meeting room. Ah. She. You can look at the final report, 'cause I have to record everything we are deciding and such, so I'm trying to write it down between everything else. Yeah. Oh. Yeah me too, . I I've got the same problem as well. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Here we go again. Welcome. Uh we have again three presentations and then we have to decide on what concepts the mobile phone has to uh f the remote control has to support. Thi Mm-hmm. So who wants go. Yes. Who wants to start? Yes? Me first again or yeah. Yeah sure. Oh. No. Doesn't matter. Yeah. No problem Yeah. Alright. Did you open it already or no. No. Ah. Ah. Yes. So welcome to the marketing presentation once again. Um this time about trendwatching. Uh well there has been inv investigation again, in the in the remote control market. Uh it shows a number of developments. Uh I will address them uh in a moment. Um fashion watch watchers uh have detected the trends for young public, because that's our public. Um well fruit and vegetables will be will be the most important theme for clothing, uh shoes and furniture. And the feel of the material is expected to be spongey. So um the developments I will address them oh yeah well this is the fruit and vegetables looks of fresh bright colours. So to give you an idea. Um well the developments? Uh development one. Uh well most important aspect for remote control happens to be a fancy look-and-feel. Instead of the current uh functional look-and-feel. Um well fancy stands for an original look-and-feel of the case and the interface. And the second most important aspect is that a remote control should be technological uh innovative. Um well it stands for the use of technical features that do not exist in current remote controls. I think we pretty much covered that with our screen and um and speech recognition, so I don't expect that to be a problem. Sound. Yeah yeah uh uh. And the third development um is that the remote control should be easy to use. Um Well the first aspect uh was twice as important as the second aspect,w which was twice as important as the third aspect. So um that kind of gets you this ratios. Mm-hmm. So fancy look-and-feel uh is the most important uh point of attention. Uh so the fruits and vegetables in combination with the spongey material. Um well technolog technological innovation, we've covered that pretty much I guess. Um and easy to use, I don't think that will be problem. So my point of attention is especially this part. That this will be a crux. Yeah. So that was the marketing uh presentation. I had only one document left. And shall I go first? So I Yeah? No. I I don't mi I don't mind. That's Do you want to go first? So kind of this So a k a small example. Okay. Yeah yeah sure. No. Yeah. Kind of this this look. Uh nothing about the buttons but just sponge kind of thing, and and some fruit and colours I dunno. Yeah. Just made a quick design. Cool. It's better than than my uh drawing. Alright. Alright. Yeah you're just the user interface hmm? Yeah okay but I have to design the Yeah. Uh components. Yeah layout. Oh no. Yeah okay. Yeah. It's okay. You probably opened it. Yeah true. Um Alright. F five. F five. So I'm dealing with the components design. Um let's see. I uh used some design examples we had uh from similar products. And I used uh possibilities from our manufacturing department about current components which will have to be implemented in the design. That's why I had to, wanted to go first. Well they gave me um an idea about what people want. We're f mainly focusing on this group, but I want to make the distinction clear. Uh I could not drag the pictures into the the slides so s so I don't have examples of how it looks like. But it comes down to what you uh what you think we should do with the spongey and the fruity looking uh type. If you, the young dynamic people want soft primary colours uh, which looks like fruits you know, you can and shapes that are curved and not uh solid straight lines anymore. So this basically um yeah goes on to what you were mentioning earlier. There is a lot of um factors involved in choosing the components. There's a lot of options that we have to discuss. Uh for example the energy source. we have four types. The basic battery. Uh we have a hand dynamo, which we yeah we Dutch refer to it as the kneipgatt. Yeah. Uh the kinetic provision of energy which means if you move the thing, if you shake it. Which will be fun for toddlers right, if they wanna use the And uh of course solar cells. Yeah. But I dunno how we would use that into the design of the actual product. Wi an indoors. So uh my yeah also also in you know countries where there's n isn't much light like in Scandinavia, they wouldn't be y able to use it half of the year you know. Oh. Yeah okay. Calculator's can do it. Yeah. So that's not cool either. Yeah. Mm-hmm. So um for the uh a case, there's uh the traditional uncurved flat hard case. Single curved, which means that it has uh curves in one dimension. Or the double curved. Um I wasn't able to finish my uh personal preferences sheet, but well you know that we will have to go for the double curved 'cause it's daring and different from what we have now. Yeah. Uh the case materials. Well we have all kinds of hard uh materials like the the hard plastic, the wood and the titanium. I would definitely go for rubber 'cause it fits most in what people wanna see nowadays. Yeah. Um poo, this is a lot of text. I wasn't able to organise this yet. We have yeah several uh interface designs. Uh we can use a scroll buttons for the menus, but we already kind of decided to go for the f for the pushbuttons, for the the arrow buttons. Yeah. Pushbuttons. Yeah. So that's not really interesting. Yeah. Electronics? Yeah, maybe we wanna decide on what electronics to use the advanced chip I think is easiest to implement uh for the production, 'cause they they can print it better. Um Yeah. I think this is about it. Yeah I was working on some per personal preferences. I first uh chose for the battery, 'cause yeah I'm traditional and that's the most obvious, easiest choice to go to. But I really think that we should maybe uh think about the kinetic energy, where you have to move the thing to be able to use it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. As an optional uh feature. Yeah. Or combine uh both with a with one uh Okay. I guess we can only choose one. Uh I think you can only fit one uh source of energy on the Yeah I didn't receive any info uh. Yeah maybe we I can imagine that the kinetic uh type energy source would be more expensive to make. But it is more longlasting, that the people don't have to ever buy batteries again. Yeah. And it's more fun. And it's also more fun yeah. I always chuck my uh remote control around, so Yeah y exactly. Yeah, just playing with it and especially when the material's rubber. Yeah. It can be done, I mean, you can't harm it, so it's a perfect combination I guess. S yeah it's safe. And throw it. You don't have to be scared about bouncing it off the g floor and breaking it or whatever. Yeah. Okay. So that's the end of it. Yeah. So So double curved is like this, this, this, or Mm. Uh go ahead. 'Kay next. No it means curved in two dimensions. So uh w single curved? Uh let's say would be a b square box, but then with curves on one dimension. Yeah. And double curved would means that it would have curves curves in every direction. Also in in height? Uh Okay. Yeah okay. Like three D. Yeah. Can we uh Yeah. One one uh very important thing I was uh yeah thinking about is the speech uh option. Yeah. We were going to use that. Yeah. So um Yeah um yeah that's one thing uh which I'm not sure uh of how to implement it uh into the remote control. Design? Well the visual representation is not there with speech but you can Yeah. No okay but it has to be combined with with the menu uh for functions and So okay. Just yeah. I think you can just uh match the speech commands with the functions that are already present. Yeah. Okay. So I don't think you have to design anything else for that. Yeah with the programme. But do uh j do we uh do the speech just for the basic options, for the simple buttons? Both. For for everything, also for the advanced options? Yeah. Okay. Uh we have this very uh basic uh trendy design. Everybody says it so that's what's uh yeah um Yeah in the in the last uh meeting we uh we were yeah putting the the simple and the advanced options separated. That's yeah obvious. Um yeah. Pressing the the menu option uh will disable uh all other options on your uh remote control. And only the the LCD panel will uh light up and then you can only uh change the yeah the options. And and the and the buttons that you need to control it, I guess. Yeah. Yeah. Um yeah design has to be very attractive but that's your your op your yeah. you have to uh delete this but this is the the the simple uh layout. Yeah. Uh display on the upper side with the the menu button and maybe a some sort of cancel button or save button. That would be the back. I'm The back. Yeah. Back and okay. Back and okay. Back and okay yeah. Uh What? You did read the minutes I wrote? You did read the minutes I wrote? A little bit I think but not not everything w Okay. I And rubber. Oh okay 'cause I pretty much summed up all the buttons there were. So I hate doing work for nothing. Oh I uh didn't read that. But But this is the the basic uh design uh for the for the m yeah for the buttons. Um I wanted to to categorise everything. Uh with a speech display uh yeah, sound, everything you you noted in your uh minutes. Um every pushbutton has uh has its own uh LED light. So you can uh yeah change uh m make it more trendy for for younger people. Mm-hmm. And uh if there are older people they wanted more uh yeah more uh luxurous so that's an a also an option. Um that was it. That was it? Yeah. Okay. Uh again. Ugh. Okay so what we have to decide is what kind of components do we use? Uh energy source, chip type, case type. And user interface. But I didn't see a clear distinction between these so I think what we have is okay. So we only, we already decided that kinetic would be the choice for energy. No. Uh the case would be doubly curved. Rubber material. So Rubber material. Rubber material. And that's the only thing we have left. Yeah we need the the chip on print to be able to support the the screen and uh and f audio function. Oh okay. No it's easy. So that's uh is that is that the advanced chip? Yeah. Advanced chip. Yeah. Wow. Otherwise you would have a simple chip, just for pressing buttons. Okay. Yeah. But we need more. Alright. Kinetic. I'm just thinking, this is not my department, but I I'm not sure what this is gonna cost, to be able to m So 'cause we need to sell it for twenty five Euro a piece. Too. Double curved. Uh I didn't get any info on this. So Yeah. That's gonna be difficult huh? Yeah. The cost of making it should be twelve and a half? I have total here. Yeah. Yeah yeah yeah. Yeah I don't know. I didn't get any information about that so Yeah. We're going to produce it in uh China so it's no problem. Child labour man, we love it. Yeah, so it's cheap. Who doesn't. Uh let's see. Is there a new thing? Um well the interface type supplements. Yeah the interface, maybe can Ooh. Uh it's it's quite difficult because we we haven't got all the options uh yeah. No. Uh do you have a picture of doubly curved case? And could you put that in the group folder? Um let me see. Of the project folder. Wait a sec. If you go to your homepage or something, you should get your own information. Yeah I'm going there now. Inspiration. I got my fresh and fyoo fruity uh picture uh also uh over there, so No. Well Um yeah maybe it's Maybe it's easier Yeah. Ah you didn't draw it yourself. Ah. Too less time. Yeah, also the menu. Yeah that that w Yeah. Yeah. This is the the menu I was uh looking uh at. Yeah I was thinking of that also, with with a with a uh arrow. Yeah. Arrow. Arrow yeah. So that indicates that there's an menu under that menu. Yeah. Yeah perfect. So Oh yeah. Yeah. Maybe it's easier if you guys come over here. 'S the target group. S yeah. S see this is the the the standard traditional type, where the form uh yeah serves the function, you know. Yeah sure. It's like really basic. But this m is more appealing to old people and we don't want that. Yeah. Yeah. This is what we're looking for. And th that means curved in both dire dire uh dimensions. Oh okay. Not only like this but it has to be exactly. I see. Yeah also like this. So you can hold it. It has to be kind of instead of the PlayStation, the module. It has to be like the the Game Cube, you know, where your thumbs would be laying in the instrument and it has to be nice to hold. Yeah. But it has also to it it has also to be uh luxurous uh for for yeah rich people. And It ha Yeah but that's that's the the problem uh yeah the dilemma actually, 'cause we wanna appeal to the to the young public with fancy with flashy colours, and with a lot of shape. Th this looks a little bit like like for only for children. The children's story. Yeah I've got it. So Yeah. Distinction. Yeah. And Yeah, and the and the rubber, it it will look cheap always, you know, with the There is mobile phones, in which you can change the colour also of the lights. The colour Yeah. Okay but the the colours, you you can make it uh make the colours with LEDs uh beneath the the buttons. If you press a button and you can disable the the colour LEDs for for people that don't like it. Mm-hmm. Mm. Yeah. Maybe we should consider this function. Mm-hmm. To customise it and so I mean kids can make it look more flashy with different kinds of colours and people who want something, you know, different, or more uh design, they can go for one colour like uh for example this uh photo th camera. Yeah. Different. Mm-hmm. Camera. Yeah. Cool. S underwater uh yeah. Yeah submarine. Personally I think it's really ugly. Yeah. Just give me the thing that it's inside there maybe I'm too old for this stuff. Well Yeah but this this the is for the. Yeah. Very cheap uh cheap look. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So those I think are all my oh. Uh Ah yeah bright colours. Yeah. Also a kind of rubber uh Yeah. And this is, this is with the curved that I mean. That's singly curved. Yeah. Okay. Yeah? That should be nice. Well we could make a compromise between that. But I don't know if it's worth the effort. A compromise between what? Uh instead of doubly curved we take a single curved. So to appeal a little more to the all the public. So s Yeah there's only in in this dimension. This, this would be uh single curved uh? Mm-hmm. Yeah. Like this. Yeah. So curvy or not. Also. Yeah. Yeah so we keep it singly c single curved then? Exactly. Exactly. Yeah that would be an option. I don't know what you think. Yeah. I think the I mean our aim is to make something different right? To make something new. Yeah. Mm-hmm. I would go for the double curved. Okay. And I I'm I'm thinking uh you know uh a drawing palette, where you have the shape for your thumb. Yeah I'd agree. Mm-hmm. So it kind of holds nicely, something like that. Yeah but if you if you make it more curved we we can make more and more options for buttons. Yeah. Well this is really your decision but Yeah. If you have uh it have it in your hand, you you you are not only um yeah you don't need one dimension but you can use other dimensions for pressing the the buttons. As well. You can make a trigger button or something like that. Yeah. Something to shoot at your television Yeah. Yeah or that that is the confirmation button or something, that you scroll with your thumb, with the arrows, and then confirm. Mm-hmm. That's yeah. Mm-hmm. That would be a nice way to use it but I mean, yeah, I'm thinking big already, and we need something that well that that you can able to use in one hand I think. Different. Stands out. Or Oh yeah a one hand uh solution. Yeah. So from top view it looks kinda like this. But from the side you you can have it also in a kind of shape. Maybe because the the screen is on top you can have Maybe you can c have this kind of shape. can turn it maybe. To switch from buttons to interface hmm. If you turn it a little. A little upwards. So that the screen is more towards yourself, so you can easily see your screen. Oh yeah. Least you can easily see it. How about Mm-hmm. Well well you have it in your hand so it's a kind of an angle from your eyes to the screen. So then you have double double curved in some way. So this this is so the screen is positioned over here. Oh. Something like that. And the buttons are more, well it's very thick now but That's uh that's Yeah? Yeah I understand what you mean. How about we do a uh a pop-up screen, like the laptop. If you can uh flip. So that the only the simple functions will be visible at first. That that you can press it and then it comes up? And then if you want Yeah. Or But then the side view can be straight. Something like that. Uh so you have a the the side view. If you have a pop-up screen. But I dunno if that's too expensive. So and you want to be able to make this. I mean maybe it's too much Oh the advanced buttons. Yeah. No uh like I would draw it like this. Let's say this is the side view. That you have a a screen that will come up here, and can go down that way. If you know what I mean. Okay. So that it would come up like that. Yeah. Okay so the buttons are on top here, and you flip it over that way. Yeah or preferably even keep the simple buttons here, and then under the screen even you could put more more advanced buttons. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah yeah yeah yeah. Right. Right. That's the the more advanced options were uh for the for the menu. Yeah that's good idea. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But you you want okay. F for the LCD menu right? Yeah. You just want to hide them all? So w w Oh Activate and th the yeah. The oh. Yeah. No not all because you need most of them, the arrow buttons. But you can hide the okay and the back uh button. Yeah yeah yeah. And the menu button also because when you flip it open and you can maybe even drop the menu button because maybe if you flip it open it will auto activate amauto uh uh automatically. Yeah. So okay b but you have t you need some button to flip this open. Why? You could just make it mechanical. True. True. But you can make a, yeah, you can make a trigger here. You know a simple uh with a Yeah. Yeah. Yeah and it says menu and it flips open and then you have the buttons to control it, in combination with your True. That's but it's it's not it's not very uh very strong uh yeah if you drop it one time. Exactly. It uh c it can go open. Well yeah the the idea of it was, is that because you close it, you cover the LCD screen and it won't be vulnerable to scratches or whatever. If you cover it with rubber. An adv an adv and it will be covered in some kind of uh thin rubber layer or something like that. Okay. Mm. And Exactly. Yeah. So it can bounce. Exactly. We just have to make sure that the closing mechanism won't break. Yeah, uh It's very no it's very strong. Th it's very solid yeah. Yeah okay so that that may work. Yeah. That actually will offer some extra protection for the Yeah. Okay but then we still have the the the thing of the the the shape. Yeah. Yeah I was thinking, if if you have your hand, it this is your th Okay. What kind of Harder. Yeah the lower part doesn't work I guess, so maybe you should try it over there. If this is your thumb, and this is your hand like that. With your uh wrist. That you, that it would be kind of shape like this, you know. So it's easier to hold in your hand, to y f Uh yeah. But when you are left-handed, that's that's a problem. Yeah. Yeah of course. Yeah then w then you would have to to make it like this. Maybe can design two versions. Yeah. But that's that's very expensive uh Yeah. Like like you drew here. Yeah. And maybe th then make this thicker also than the centre. Give it I would give it a female shape but uh yeah. Mm-hmm. And ergonomical shape. Anyway. Yeah. Yeah. The female shape yeah. With two uh Oh yeah. Yeah. Obviously. We we could make some some rubber uh some rubber uh yeah mouse, with which you can change uh and so if you Yeah. Make it more appealing to guys. I mean Yeah but we have hardware inside, which is so it has to have some sort of basic shape. Some uh k esk uh yeah. Yeah but but that's optional for later I guess. I mean, we have to make Yeah we we better so choose one Yeah so okay we should better choose one sh one shape. Okay. Yeah. Some yeah. Yeah yeah. And also the screen, you cannot mould it. You know kind of thing. No no no no. Okay. Yeah. But that's the kind of the idea, so it lays good in the hand, and then on on the side with with your thumb, you you can you can use, yeah, you can use the button option Spongey. And then you can You can place the screen here, which can come. Yeah. So the keywords are primary co colours, spongey? And but then I w I would I would do the arrows here, kind of thing. Spongey can be reached by means of Yeah. Those buttons? And the simple buttons here, so that I Uh y eah that's what I mean. Yeah. Yeah. And and the and the control thngs in the middle? The the the arrows? No the arrow's over here. The arrows over here, and here the s simple uh or do we wanna make its shape look like a banana or something? Yeah. Yeah and then numbers. Yeah. Buttons. Okay. Yeah. Alright. I think that uh it's a nice design. Uh pretty nice design. Yeah. It's cool. Yeah it looks uh pretty fancy. Yeah. I dunno. Yeah that's Orange or something. Uh bananas wierd shape and other fruits also, so it's better to have um some sort of basic print and then a fruit print in some primary uh colours. Yeah. Yeah we could make We should use Yeah w we need very primary colours, like bright red, bright yellow. I don't know what what colours should the basic print be like? Like some soft green or something? Or and then Oh yeah yeah, dark blue and then and then very bright, uh a yellow banana, an orange, uh a green apple, stuff like that, with very uh bright tones I guess. Or blue? Dark blue or Yeah. Mm. So you have something like Yeah. Yeah. Yeah but the primary colours w we can uh create with the with the LEDs on the on the remote control. Yeah. Yeah okay yeah. If you we uh yeah. If you make it uh just a yeah bl give it a blue colour, then it's just a neutral colour, also for the for the more uh yeah for the people. Mm. That doesn't really work. Huh cool. To draw, I guess. No it's. Oh. What's this? Yeah it's text. Right. N no you have to exit. Hm. You could also make line with uh Yeah. So that's So that's blue. Yeah. Two hours further. thickness. Oh. Oh. Wh why not go for the twenty? Mm. Yeah. Yeah. Mm. That's what I call painting. Y Yeah and then on top of that. So that's that's a dark blue basic colour I guess. Yeah. It's pretty nice. And then uh Oh Yeah with some some yellow banana Like. Some yellow. Banana colour. And how about some uh some flashing standby lights? Like you have on the Samsung, well I don't like to call brands phones, the you know that 'cause I remember from one of our first meetings that uh people lose their uh remote controls often. Yeah? So it not not only in in the colours of the LEDs, that we want something to keep it visible at all times, or Um Yeah. How do you mean? Yeah if you if flashing colour so you can't lose it, basically. Some some Yeah an orange. Yeah. Exactly. Well I think it's a bit too much but Yeah. Maybe a Yeah. Yeah. Well alright well this is more like purple I guess, but it's should be more real dark blue, so the contrast with the with the fruit objects is uh pretty high. Yeah. Yeah. So uh yeah. That would be a nice uh nice device I guess. And which which colour should uh should I give the the display? Uh Or Yeah. Who? I mean, the the colour of the background of the display? Yeah. Ah well I don't guess it s has to be a sixty uh sixty six five thousand uh colour, so yeah too expensive. And then you can use yellow or semething. Why not? Aye. So just just a a blue blue backlight or something like that. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. Green is too old-fashioned. But blue, blue's okay. As long as you loo use uh high contrast between the the background and the foreground colour. J White backlight, and dark. Yeah maybe a maybe a white a white backlight? So that people with uh with And also for people who are a bit colourblind. Like this. Dark uh letters, yeah. Yeah. Whatever which is visible. Yeah. I know you sh you should test it under uh under a light conditions. I mean it's hard to tell uh I dunno. Yeah. Colourblind yeah. Yeah. True. No so that's mostly red and green I believe. Which which uh colour should the buttons be? That's adjustable. Woah. Why adjustable? All all buttons? Yeah? Or not. Okay. No uh But maybe I mean they have to they have to have some colour right? That's how we are going to make it uh more trendy. Or is it uh too expensive? It's difficult. And if the background is very dark blue Yeah? Blue. Maybe green. But don't we wanna make the background the the bright colo colours? So th the total of the thing is very bright? Yeah you can Mm-hmm flashy. Like the pictures I showed you guys. Those things were all like like bright red, bright red, flashy. So more like Doesn't work very well. Mm bzz. Uh. More like this colour. Yeah something like that, something that stands out more. And then then yellow and orange and red objects on it or something. Mm. Yeah. But then then again, which colour should the buttons be? The the press buttons. Should they be white or black or Uh Yeah but it's pretty fresh, on the other side. Red maybe. And it it looks quite cheap, that colour I think. Black. It's it's not Yeah. The green? Why? I dunno. Yeah. So Ooh. It's actually a pretty trendy colour at the moment. It's it's trendy okay. Yeah. But Mm. My couch is in that colour. Yeah. Well it works pretty well. Yeah. And then time was up. Uh not yet. Uh. Do you get a pop-up if we Alright. Yeah within five minutes yeah. That you have five minutes left or So something like this. Y left yeah left and then uh I have to kick you out. Yeah. That should be pretty nice colour. But maybe the buttons, all buttons in red is maybe a bad contrast for colourblind people. Yeah yeah. No that's actu Red and green are actually the b the easiest to discriminate. Because the of the green. But the but the buttons have their own LEDs or not? Yeah. They have LEDs but they have a colour. Even for colourblind. Yeah? They will see one of each as grey. Yeah. But if you use uh green on blue, those kind of colours will look the same. Okay. Okay. I think. So red buttons are okay? I think so. Okay. That that's a default uh setting. You can make them red. The the red buttons. Yeah. But I think you need to keep in mind that the LEDs are just extra light. How do you mean? Yeah. Uh they they don't determine the colour that much, I think. Okay. Yeah I I was think about a red uh red LEDs and blue LEDs and Yeah. 'Cause you have to print on them you have a background. No that's that's too busy I guess. Each number is transparent. Yeah. Uh partly but you have to print on the number. Or the the sign. Okay. So you can't change the colour so Yeah. You better bet better better keep the LED and the button itself in the same colour I guess. Okay. So just an extra bit of light and attention. Bit of light. You can what we should do I think is is make kind of a see-through plastic button, with uh one coloured LED behind it. Bit of feedback. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So that the whole button will shine as the colour the And if you think about easy to use buttons, we have to, well we have to make it the shape so that it's easy to hold f for both hands, but also that you can reach the buttons with your thumb, if you hold the machine. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Okay with Uh Don't mean to discourage you but uh basically you two are going to work on the smartboard. Next thirty minutes to design something so And the You will do the evaluation. Ah, right. Alright. Of the product? Yeah. Which we don't have yet. Yeah uh about Yeah I don't know. So wh how should I do that? Oh okay. You probably get a mail. Or you you or you send it to me. Or just because you are going to design it on this board right? Yeah. Once they are finished. Yeah. Yeah but maybe you can do the evaluation you don't have to evaluate yet but you can make a procedure which to follow. Yeah. I don't know. I I probably get instruction on that, how to do that, so I make another presentation I guess. Yeah. Yeah. I kn I know what's gonna happen in in yeah so I've a basic idea. About. Yeah. You have the basic idea. And you two uh are going to do this. Yeah. So we're gonna work here? Look-and-feel and Yeah. On this sketchboard? Yeah. Good luck. Alright. Thanks. Yeah. Alright so that's uh Yeah. So I uh make new page and uh be creative. Alright. But we have to do it at this moment, after th this meeting? Yeah you have uh thirty minutes. Thirty minutes. Okay. Then we have to uh see something which we can uh show to the management. Yeah. Yeah. Alright. Ah so this is basically the what what we are thinking about? Yeah. Shall we uh make a new uh Yeah, I just make a new one. I would yeah. Yeah l let's just uh delete all these uh or Oh, next. Yeah. Yeah. Next. Yeah. Alright. Oh and save this uh board. Huh? Just save it. Yeah I'll just I'll just keep it there. Yeah okay but just press save and uh It'll be fine. Yeah. On the left. S so, yeah. Uh sorry. You can also include clip-art. Okay. Yeah. Current colour? So if you'll rather draw in paint or something then look. So um Shall we make some outline sketches of the basic shape first? Okay. Uh Yeah. Because I I Yeah 'cause I have to uh focus on the on the basic look-and-feel design. And then after that we can make the user uh inter interface. This? Yeah. Yeah. So how it's gonna look. And you have to think uh how we're gonna put the screen in it and those kind of things. Uh pretty accurate. So if I'm drawing and you think okay I'm not gonna be able to put a screen in there, you have to correct. Oh we skip this I guess. Sound button press. Yep. Uh do you mind if I draw in black then? Yeah. You can also include it. It's not much work. For normal sketches. Light only button user ca user interaction. Oh no it's it's okay. so we kind of want the girlish figure. Yeah. That's included. Yeah okay. Yeah. So the pl the plastic plastic buttons also help uh because of um they are only lit during interaction. I'm not so good at drawing. So Well it's a good thing that the buttons aren't um, well that they are plastic, because then you can light up the light on when when they are usable. Excuse me? Yeah. Yeah. No uh uh. Maybe you should draw it very large like this. Yeah but this part isn't uh functioning properly. Yeah. Sensitive. Oh right. How do we uh uh or insert text? Erase? I dunno. Maybe just start typing. It's a bit uh large. Oh that's a bit big. Yeah. You also do the other sides. Not only on the front si uh the top side but also the the side view. Yeah. Ex exactly. L let's make first the the the all the views. Uh Uh I thought for the side view, that the w the basic section would be rather uh a bit thicker than the middle, where you're holding it with your 'cause your fingers have to fit underneath and Exactly but the uh but the upper side has to be a bit more like that I think. Uh. The the front view, side view and the back view. Jesus. What do I write down? Yeah. Why can't I work here? This is much easier. Much easier, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The middle has to be very small so you can have it in your hand. Mm. I don't see a sign that the meeting is over yet but Yeah. No so I just work here a few minutes. Yeah the display, we yeah we can put a display. Uh don't you think? So the display we will put in here, the basic uh functions in here, where it's most reachable. Yeah. The The th Exactly. The the arrow functions. Yeah. Yeah. Oh. This is hard. What do don't have to draw it exactly do we? No it's it's uh it's okay. Wait. Let me try it one more time. Maybe I've uh it's easier if I draw it in once. Okay, of course it will become way more ugly. You can make it m larger. Maybe it's easier to to draw uh Yeah that's that's the basic idea. Yeah. This'll take forever. It's fun to work with this pen. Um so, larger. Oh. Wrong one. And yeah. Yeah. So side. Five minutes left before the meeting ends. 'Kay. Um other views? Alright. Yeah only if you are going to put buttons on the side of the unit. Uh Yeah. That's the question. But we we I is it if if this is from the side woah. Let's fill i fill in the buttons later. Yeah. So this is gonna be from the uh from yeah yeah. From the Yeah I'm I'm May maybe it's it's easier to to integrate the the the LCD screen just into this this bubble. Steady. Sorry. Because there the screen goes up like that right? Yeah. So then it's like this, or that's not convenient because then you have the screen like this and look like the it's better to have it somewhat like this. Yeah? Or does it flip all the way? The the idea is that it has to flip up to here. Okay. Because it do doesn't have to flip then. Because we have en enough space for for making a an LCD. Yeah. Yeah yeah yeah. Because here But why why do we need uh the flipping uh Okay. It's better to to have this like this I guess, and then flip it like this. True. you can adjust the angle to which it flips. So it can also from this angle, it can flip all the way up to there. Yeah. You can flip it up to there if you want. Yeah. So w yeah. But we still keep the flipping mechanism. Think so. Yeah. Yeah we keep the flip? Keep the flip live. Yeah because I think it will feel weird if you would make this smaller and this bigger or something that I dunno. Yeah. Uh the the shape is okay but yeah? I don't see the the yeah why why we should use the the flipping uh mechanism. Yeah. I thought it would be cool. Because we Okay yeah. It's it's for for for more trendy uh Because we have enough space. Yeah but maybe Yeah but maybe we we should then Yeah there the middle Sh sh shouldn't we integrate it? H here we got uh the basic functions, the the arrow uh yeah button. Yeah and then h we sh mm. And then like i oh th doh. Come on. So this is the shape. Oh. It hasn't Okay but the screen is a bit lower because if it falls on the other side, it doesn't fall on the screen. It doesn't aim so well. Yeah, then it's No flipping or you wanted the flipping so But if you if you If you drop it it it just breaks. So there's a layer of rubber on the side. Yeah yeah yeah. Definitely. So no flipping but just no. No flipping? Yeah I guess but uh I mean most votes count right? And it has to be very strong because of the. Yeah kind of And it's also for the for the children, it's yeah for people not sixteen years. Throwing and the kinetics. It's shaking. Yeah. Oh. We better make we better make it like this. Yeah true true. Yeah. Eventually. Yeah just light on top. Yeah if you if you're going for the kinetics Yeah. Yeah. Safer. Mm. Uh they are responsible enough to have a mobile phone, so also to to deal with their uh remote uh control. But there are more Yeah okay. Yeah okay that the target group. That's true. Yes. Okay. Yeah? Well. I'm just thinking totally different designs also. I just uh ended the meeting. You two go design. Okay wi Yeah. Remember that the weird pocketphone thingy which looked like kind of a Gameboy. Oh. By the way. Um I uh thought up a name for our product. Maybe we should try something like that. But yeah. Yeah? Oh right. Yeah. It's called uh the Real Remote. Ooh. Alright. With a copyright sign after Real. Yeah. The Real Remote. Alright. Yeah. I like it. Okay. So maybe you can include that somewhere. Good. This can go. Yeah. We should work in our own room right? Or not? Yeah. Oh yeah we have to f uh include that in our design as well. I don't see any power cables here so 'Kay. Let's see. Yeah. Yes. What the hell's that? I think uh it's the sensors. Okay. Uh Yeah. Good luck. Yep. Okay that's the side. Ah it's it's okay. But do we want uh options on the on the side with the with the buttons? Or just leave it? I think we do. Uh could make an uh a volume button uh scroll, volume button. Yeah or j or also scrolling for the m yeah. For menu. Yeah? Or Yeah. I dunno. We w kind of wanted to stick with the Yeah I'm just thinking, if we i we wanna make something different right? No, yeah. So the with the scroll is is more futuristic than the standard arrow buttons. Yeah. I think. Mm.", " Okay. Uh first of all I'll start with the costs, because that's going to influence our design. Oh no. Oh, . If you Don't know if you al already had a look or not? Did you do your questionnaire already? No n I I already did it. No. It's not much. It's just one question. Because we have a problem. Uh It wants Yeah but everything is. Oh. If you look closely, you can see. Yeah. Um I already took the liberty to make some suggestions. At the moment we have fifteen buttons, one LCD screen, one advanced chip-on-print. We use a uh sensor, that's for the speech. Uh we use kinetic energy. And we wanted uh the buttons in a special colour. Okay. What's the first thing we should drop? The special colour of the buttons? No that's that's for the trendy uh feel and look. Okay. So Yeah, b but I think the battery option. Uh Should we switch to a hand dynamo? Uh that's the still the same idea as the kinetic energy because you have to use it and do things. No. Yeah but young people like that. So just do normal battery. Batteries? Batteries. Just a normal battery then, yeah. Yeah. It has to be twelve and a half. Yeah. Or not? Oh. Oh my goodness. So You're going to redesign something. Oh no. Okay, so we're at twenty five. Uh, yeah. Um Do we keep the shape doubly curved or g do we go for single curved? Well I guess i we'll have to go for single curve then. I mean we have to drop on everything. Mm-hmm. But we can keep it single curved with uh top view still curved, but from the side it's it's flat, and the screen screen is just Well you just have to hold it like this then. Uh Yeah. Yeah. So Alright. How about Sorry. Um Uh another option I saw was to drop the buttons one through nine, so you can't directly access a channel, but instead use only the up and down arrows. That's what I was thinking. That would skip nine buttons and four and a half Euros. Yeah. Yeah? Let's do it then. A a And uh 'cause then they don't have to n They don't need special colour as well. Yeah. Uh then we have left Uh yeah. we F eight. But we don't have any basic options any more. We do. They don't need special colours. Fine. That's more like it. Yeah. You were saying something. That was exactly my point. Like let's drop all the buttons, and just make one I mean we're gonna use the LCD screen anyway. Yeah. Mm-hmm. So we'll just have to use it for everything. Yeah. And then you can make an overview of channels in the screen, and select a channel, click Yeah we need one integrated button for everything then. Yeah, some more menu options. Yeah. Okay so maybe we can drop few more buttons. But um Now let's look. Yeah we c could We only need the the the the the menu arrow arrow button uh thing. Everything you can do with with the menu. So With the display. Mm-hmm. Yeah. The joystick. Yeah. Kind of. I was Because Yeah. Uh Yeah, scroll-wheel, push-button uh Yeah. Integrated scroll-wheel push-button, yeah. If you if you go to If you go to our uh view, like you if you are in the sound system there, uh and you wanna adjust the treble for instance, this is just uh an example, y y you wanna see a bar on which you can adjust it from zero to ten for example. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. But you want a sound preview of how it's gonna sound, right? So you wanna click on it, activate it, whe and when you move it, hear the difference of the treble coming out or going into the sound. Yeah. Yeah. So you'll you'll need a a kind of a joystick uh button. Yeah or or the integrated scroll-wheel push-button. Yeah. So that's kind of on your mouse and then you can click it, adjust it, click again and then you're out of it. But you still But you then still need to have Well you can use the scroll-wheel as well for um maybe for the channels. Exactly. But you still um You still have to have some some button in the menu to go back. Yeah it's r Yeah. So you do one inte You can do one integrated scroll-wheel push-button. Yeah. And then just drop all the other buttons. Uh yeah. Well not all. Not s not sound I guess. But but th the cost of one integrated button is far more than a few extra push-buttons. No. Yeah. It's uh One integrated button is five times the cost of a normal button. Yeah. Mm. So we have to to make it s uh more uh It has to be Could drop the speech recognition. So You could also drop j three more of these, without losing much functionality. Yeah. You just drop the Okay and the Back. Wh wh what what what is the what is the uh sample sensor sample speaker? Oh, that's for the speech. Speech recognition. Yeah. Right. S s Drop speech recognition? No but Yeah it's it's expensive, but uh we never considered the possibilities of uh speech recognition. Yeah that's possible. We we d Yeah. 'Cause it can take the function of a lot of uh uh buttons. Buttons. Buttons. That's not very easy to use. I No. No, it can be disturbed by by noise and stuff like that. Yeah but lets just say that the speech recognition works. Let let let me see what's more what's more popular. I guess the the screen was more popular than um than the speech recognition. Yeah. I have to look on that. Let me see. Uh well no I was wrong. There are more people who like speech recognition than an LCD screen. Yep. Okay. Because if you d lose the LCD screen, we need a lot of Yeah. But if it But it it it's a it's a both a hypers No, but Well we Yeah we keep the screen. We lose our whole concept. Uh so No we just We keep the LCD. We need a lot of extra buttons. I mean it's it's about the same. Eight one to ninety one percent, uh sixty six to seventy six. We uh we we haven't really integrated this the speech into the system, so we can might as well s drop that. Okay so we drop the speech. And drop it yeah? Yeah. Yeah. Let's drop the speech. Okay. S Fo Four less Euros. Sixteen Euros. So we still have three and a half Euro to lose. We need to lose some buttons. But y y Yeah. Yeah if you lose the the Back, the Okay button Uh v let's say we only have the four arrows, and the Menu button. Yeah. Then you're Oh and the power button we have also. And then and then use um The the Okay. And the menu button does also does the okay function then. Yeah. And then when you in the menu S so so you activate the menu. So that's one Euro. If we do uh two integrated scroll-wheel push-buttons, we can drop all the the push-buttons. Yeah. Yeah? With with one uh integrated button we can uh do the whole menu thing. And That would save zero point two Euros compared to No. Yeah yeah. With the other, we can do the the channel, the volume, et cetera. Yeah. No it's three Euros. No? Um No it's it's n Yeah. Yeah. To This together is more expensive than Oof, it's almost the same as t keeping this. Yeah yeah yeah. Well okay. And we can drop these two. For example if you have f f four buttons, channel up and down, uh volume left right Okay, I've I think we have to keep that. It's the Let's make the Let's make the case plastic. Volume. And the power button. And then and the power button. So that's five. That's the basic. That's basic. That that's what you need anyway. And then for the menu, um you can have a button that activates menu. Or d or do we just integrate an an an scroll-wheel with a push-button. And then if the moment you use the scroll-wheel, the the the menu gets activated, and then you can scroll, choose an option, click on it, it goes into an feature. Click on it again, selects features, scroll, adjust it. Click again, it's okay. Then you only need one button to move back. Or or under each option, you set a you set an a screen thing what says back, and you select that one, click again, and you go one step back. And in that menu, scroll, click, one step back. So that then you need five buttons, and one integrated scroll-wheel push-button. Yep. Which That's even Yeah, if you if you go to eight I don't know how to Yeah, we need the chip for the for the LC display. But we can't drop three buttons. Okay th that's Yeah that's one Euro more expensive. But I see that's Yeah. So that's not a good idea. That's not an option. Because which buttons do we have now? Those five which I mentioned, and then menu, and then Yeah. Menu, power. F of the four things? Four arrows? Yeah, th power. Power. Uh Yeah. Which more? Okay. So four arrows? Yeah. Uh power I believe? Power. Th Yeah that's five. Uh We have a Back and a Okay button. Yeah, okay that's seven, and one to activate the menu, yeah. And the Menu. So okay that's eight. Well we can't reduce that. We we keep the display. Oh, well okay. Yeah, and even if we drop three buttons from here, we still have to make some adjustments around here. So The LCD? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah well we need the advanced Instead of r Yeah but but that's not our market. Then I rather make it wood. Because then also it's good in the market with the forty five plus uh people. Yeah. Yeah. True. But Plastic with a with a special colour. No that maybe not. But maybe it's better than plastic anyway. Ah no, hard plastic. Oh. A woo wood uh wood uh wood colour. Yeah, plastic with special colour. Yeah? That's an option. Yeah okay uh Yep. No but I I Because we have to use the special colour anyway. You forgot that. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. So let's go for the plastic. So we do one one s Yeah. Yeah, okay. Plastic. And since it's not kinetic, it doesn't have to flip around that much? Uh that's easy because plastic is free. Hmm. Hmm. We still have problem of two Euros. Yeah, okay. Uh if we dropped uh Yeah? No the buttons, those are really needed. Yeah we can't drop them. Yeah th th it's it's uh An advanced chip-on-print. Yeah uh You uh uh Yeah. You still need that. Do we really need that advanced chip for an LCD display? So the other option would be to go for the the sample speaker, and Which can use a regular chip, wh which is six Euros in total. S No, I keep the re Yeah. That doesn't matter. Oh. I rather keep I rather keep the display. Well yeah. Yeah. Because we already designed for it. So the only option is an hand dynamo. So Yeah and something else. Exactly. Oh that But the But the integrated uh button? Oh no tha Oh that's one Euro, right. Yeah but the uh can't we f uh fit all the buttons in an intreg integrated scroll push-button? 'Cause that will save us one and a half Euro already. And then if w Th then we have to scroll through a lot of menus to be able to get where you want, huh? And then integrated s Yeah but that would make it not so easy to use. No y you would rec Then you have Then you still need two additional buttons I believe. I mean it's not that important, easy to use, but Yeah. And uh Yeah d at l Yeah. For the volume. You can use those Yeah. At least one for power. Oh yeah and power. That's three buttons and this would cost Yeah. Oh. Yeah it's just as expensive as what we have now. How many func functions can it uh have? Three. Up, down, Okay. Yeah endlessly. I mean it can be a power button as soon as it powered on. Okay. You can go into you in you main menu, you can choose uh flip channel, uh you can choose sound options, any options. You you press it for like three seconds. Then then then you should do everything in the menu. Yeah. On the screen. Yeah, okay. It would save enough Yeah you can choose this, drop these, then we have a half Euro left. Maybe we should. 'Cause we don't have money and w we want the screen. Yeah. So we can maybe still use power button. Yeah, but we'd Alright. Yeah. I guess we have to. It s it saves us four Euros and it costs us two and a half. So let's see, we we drop the price by one and a half. We'll we'll be on Yeah it says right here. Yeah. You see? But we still have thirteen left. Oh still Yeah? Oh then I miscalculated. Oh yeah. Thirteen. So still half. Shit. There goes the special co Well That would make it less appealing. Drop the special colour. Oh no. So that's no option. 'Kay. What else? Uncurved? No no, it has to be um curved. We sure about the advanced chip we need for the display? Yeah. Okay. They made it very easy for us. Well yeah. yeah. We made it hard for ourselves with the display, but it's a cool feature. Ah, I don't think I can s uh persuade the management to say, this is better for the market so you sell more than Buttons. Okay. Wh what we could do is um drop the the special colour, and uh do the special colour for the buttons. Yeah. That's Oh yeah since we only have one button. Yeah. Yeah but I mean what is meant by special colour? I just m I don't I think Uh yeah it's I think it's grey, regular. Just something else than than black or white I think. S yeah. Alright. Grey and rubber. But we definitely want the thing to be a special colour though. Of plastic. Yeah. Yeah. So I rather have an hand dynamo than than drop the colour. Damn. Yeah and then Yeah yeah yeah yeah. Yeah. You can still play with it then I guess. I don't know. Yeah. Yeah, but a hand dynamo costs a lot of energy to keep the screen working. So I guess that isn't an option. The display The But if you have to power the for ten minutes, then the Yeah. Well, you only have to power it up when you wanna use it. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. No I don't think the current status of uh chips are pretty uh energy conserving, no. Yeah. Yeah true. Yeah. Let's let's go for the hand dynamo then. Yeah hand dynamo? Do you want an extra button? Or or do we Or do we do uncurved and flat? Instead of Yeah it has to be curved and has to have that colour. No no it has to be curved. Yeah. Yeah. Just put a special special colour of the buttons, or something. Yeah. And a screen. Yeah. That's the most import We only have Yeah but Well we come back to the drawing board then, huh? Yep? Instead of an additional power button? Yeah or spe special form? Yeah. S what what is special f Oh yeah, special form. Yeah? Maybe that's nicer. It's for scroll Without Yeah but it's just a scroll-wheel which you can push down. Yeah. But we don't have any buttons. So do d Uh make it a special colour then. Yeah. But it's it's for the integrated button, I think also. Or Yeah. Yeah ma make it a special colour then. Okay. Yeah. So Yeah? Okay. Make it a special colour and then it look fancy. Yep. So Woah we're within budget. So Yeah. It's a miracle. Oh just oh ma make it two special colours, but we only have one button. Let's let's save it. Yeah. Okay. Let's do it like this, I mean, because it does not lose our identity of the product as we Yeah all your designs are uh pretty much Yeah but that but that's the fun part of it. Yeah? Okay. Um, well. 'Kay, this was old. Yeah. Yeah back to work. Okay. Uh Did I save it? It's silly 'cause we we should have had this meeting before we start drawing. Yeah. I I wanted to go, but I wasn't allowed. Oh yeah? So Uh I just forgot to save this. okay. Alright. Just a minute. Yeah what's the next uh phase? Yeah, this the last phase of course, so Hmm. Uh the agenda. By your humble PM. Oh f Frustrated. Oh. Alright. Yeah. Okay. Um Well we first should have had a uh prototype presentation. But well as you saw that hadn't made no sense, because we had to drop it. Drop everything. Drop, yeah. Yeah. Uh Yeah. We went straight into finance? Yeah it was more important, so I just pushed up the agenda. Yeah. For Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, evaluation criteria. You have t produced something about that? Yeah that that's Yeah. I uh I sure did. And it combines with product evaluation. Uh so We all have to keep in mind what has changed now. Uh you put it in the. So what we have left on the Because evaluation is based on the initial uh user requirements. Yeah. Alright. F five. Let's make it big. Um Well we evaluate uh the design with a seven point scale, as following. Well the remote controls according criteria blah blah blah. True or false, and then on a scale of seven points, a scale, as we all know it. Mm-hmm. Um Well the criteria are based on the user requirements, uh the trends from the marketing research, and the marketing strategy of the company itself. Um well they are in a Word document, which I will open now. Alt up Freaky. Yeah. I don't know it's open yet. No. And we all have to uh agree on a certain level. What's this? Oh. I don't know. Um Well the first point is the remote control matches the operating behaviour of the young user. So that means the operating behaviour was using quite a lot of functions. How do you think about that? I think it does. Because the operating behaviour of the young user was also defined in colour and shape and the use of LCD, right? Yeah. Uh, of course we dropped a little bit of those uh Mm-hmm. Yeah the us u It it it's it's mainly con mainly concentrating on a lot of functions, in this question. Yeah. So do you think Yeah. Well, we have extended menus, on the on the LCD screen. You can you can ma Yeah, you can make a lot of extended menus. Yep. So I No. That's true. I mean the the possibilities are almost unlimited, to to build in menus in the screen. So on a scale from one to seven, what do you think? Two or three. Huh? Two or three. Two or three? Something like that? Well we have to choose one. Two. Yeah. So uh what do you say? Uh y we should fill this in now. I agree on two. Yeah. Yeah okay. I uh I say two, personally. Uh Yeah in the new design I s would say it's three. But Yeah well we have to evaluate I guess what we have now. Yeah. Yeah alright. But now, in original design I say two. Okay then I say three. Yeah? You say three, and you you said al also three? Yeah yeah. Three? Yeah. Okay well I say still two, but it has to be three then. Hey, you're marketing, eh. Yeah I know. So it's made bold. But it's nah, it's not very clear on the sc Maybe other colour, yeah. Hmm. M maybe underline. Or give it a colour. That's better. Uh Yeah. Red. Alright. Oh, it doesn't have to be bold anymore. Alright. Oh yeah very true. Yeah. Yeah true one. Um well the remote control has Wha The remote control has irrelevant or less used functions. He types everything. Definitely one. Yeah. It has to be. For example audio settings and screen settings. It hides uh basic functions. Everything. You don't use anything else. Yeah. Well, yeah. So it it's a very true point. You're not gonna find them. I mean it hides all those function. Yeah. Yeah okay. Yeah. Yeah true. But, I mean uh they're hidden in the screen. If you don't want to use them, you don't s you s just scroll over them. And you place them F I don't know where. Mm-hmm. So that's very true, I guess, for our case. Uh the second point. Yeah the next Not so much so. It shows the relevant and most used functions. Nope. Power button. Do we ha still have a power button? Uh check with the Excel sheet. Well yeah the button's integrated, huh? Yeah. I think we are It's in Oh yeah it was integrateds. Yeah it's uh it's integrated. Yeah we dropped it. You j you just push it in for Yeah just just push it in for th for three seconds or something, and then Yeah. Yeah integrate it. Yeah. E exactly just like a m mobile. Yeah. I don't know. Just go scrolling and it will activate. Yeah. Um it shows the relevant and most used functions. Yeah uh on the other uh on one side I would say yes, and the other side I would say no. So it's I don't know. It shows the most used functions and they are relevant, but You say you double click on the No, not anymore. Can you uh change channels directly with with just one button? Yeah. No, you have to scroll through the menu, before Yeah. With the scroll butt Yeah and then say channel. And then Hmm? So it's it's not No. Well uh we should b build it so that if you don't kind of push into the menu or something, if When it's on, yeah, it's turned on, It automatically has the the programme and the volume function, but as soon as you click it you go into the menu or some Of you Or you double click it. Yeah. Yeah. But but how do you change from volume to channel? No because it has four arrows, right? No. Because he's now have a scroll-wheel that you can push in. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah I was thinking still about our uh integrated joystick. Like on the the mouse. No we have n we have no buttons left. So the joystick was not an option. Say. Yeah that is a bummer. So so you hav So you you have to double-click, I mean, for, I mean, uh volume, and three double click for the menu, or something. Yeah. To get into menu. Yeah. Oh no. Yeah. Or hold it ten seconds. Yeah. Yeah. Alright. We'll make it a Morse code. But but ease of use was not very important, may I remind you. No no no. So that's Yeah but that that's not a question. Uh it should be trendy. Uh the remote control shows the relevant and most used functions. Well I think it's pretty much in the middle. Yeah. Four. You have to search for them in in the in the s in the screen, in the menu. Yeah, im in the menu. So So maybe it's more like a f a five. Yeah. Seven. Yeah. Or Yeah. Yeah I would go for five or six, yeah. Five. Five or six? Five. Okay five. Five. Yep. Five? Alright. Let's not diss our remote. Yeah. It's the weirdest remote control I've ever seen. Oh. So Well it's different. Yeah. Yep. Just one button. Yeah. Alright. Uh the the remote control makes use of technolog technological innovation like LCD screen and speech recognition. But Uh yep. Yeah. Well yeah but we dropped the speech recognition. Yeah, it's still Yeah, I say two. But it has at least one innovation. I say two then. Yeah. We still have the fruit and vegetable print. Yeah but that that's not that's not this question. Oh, that's the next. Fr Oh I mean the Oh never mind. Uh thi uh that's the other question. I'm a bit lost. This one. I think a two. Two. Two yeah. No. I think LCD's more useful than speech What? Yep. Yeah definitely. Oh not the bold one. It's way more practical, yeah. Right. Okay, it has a fancy look and feel by using fruit and vegetable prints, primary colours and sponge-like material. It should have been two questions. Yeah. I realise now, because sponge-like material is dropped. But the look and feel Yeah. You still have rubber d Or no. Yeah. So we still uh we still have the primary colours. No you got a plastic. Yeah. But only on the on the outside, not on the button. Yeah. The button has also colour. Yeah? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. The one button we have. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah still we we dropped also on the the double uh curve. The one. Yeah you could check with the Excel sheet. Mm mm. Yeah. You only have one Yeah. Yeah we have single curve now, and no and no material. And and colour. Yeah. S Yeah. So maybe in the middle or something. Four. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I mean it's worth the Yeah. Yeah or three. Uh Actually we d we didn't do so well on this one. We have something. Because it's basically an old one, uh with little curve on the side, and in a different colour. Still, it's still hard. Yeah. I mean the sponge-like and the three D shape, that would give it something young and fresh. New. Yeah. Yeah. But then we would have to drop the screen. Red. Oh red. Yeah. You like both. Yeah. I like bold. Uh the remote control displays the corporate logo. Um oh yeah. Mm yeah yeah. Of course. Yeah. I just couldn't Um, just one minute. You just have to draw it. Yeah but it be because uh we couldn't hardly draw on the b s on the lower half of the screen, we could not make it big enough to actually draw in the So I mean I wanted to put digits on the buttons as well. It's the white part uh Yeah. Yeah. We have a we have a Mm-hmm. So. But Hell yeah. But there's uh enough space for the corporate logo. I mean, if there's only one thing. If we have only one button. Yeah. So I will say that is very true. And even the shape we have now uh simulates kind of an R and the reversed R, doesn't it? Yeah. The remote control is easy to use. So No. Well I would say Skill, uh I would say six, or something. I don't think it's easy to use, or not so. The only e the only thing easy about it is that you don't have to move your fingers. Ah i And that you only have to control one button. Yeah. 'Cause it has only one button. Yeah exactly. Yeah. It it it has a nice screen. But Yeah. It gives visual feedback. So I think a five. Yeah. Well I I would say a five or a six. I would say six. Five. What do you say? Easy to use? It's really not easy to use. Five or a six? 'Cause you're putting everything Most votes count. No not anymore. So a six, more. Yeah. Yeah, uh I would go for the six too. Okay. Yeah. So Um well, another question, uh the remote control is durable. Um Definitely in casing, 'cause we have a hard plastic Yeah. Yeah that looks uh great. I don't know if that's the correct word. Yeah. But uh In use, both battery as casing? Nah Yep. Yeah? Yeah because the the batteries, those thingies last forever. True, true. And the the casing, hard plastic also lasts forever. And the casing is plastic, ? Yeah. Yeah. If you don't drop it too much, it's uh should last pretty long. So I would go for one. Yeah? But uh I think rubber compared is better. Yeah. S Yep. So I think a two is more appropriate than Yeah. Okay yeah. Wow. Logo. Yeah. Okay I will go go for two. Uh the last one? The remote control's a good example for company's motto, we put the fashion in electronics. Oh. No m I would g I would go for four. No we put the electronics into the fashion. uh turn around. Yeah. Yeah well yeah. But um Yeah? No Yeah okay. Because we kind of tried to but we kind of failed with the budget that we have. It's not Yeah, true. So a four. It's it g it g goes, it's not the best we could do, I guess. Yeah. But it all has to do with the budget, because it's it's not the bad idea we had, so Alright, yeah. Yeah. Yeah yeah. Yeah, four is okay. Right. So Ooh. So if I understood it right, we have to count these numbers. That's it. And Yeah? Uh Yeah. What? Mm-hmm. Oh Oh Alright. Yeah. Word document, the Yeah we have to count them. Yeah. That Count them. Uh Yeah just add them and then uh divide them. Add them? Or Could somebody start calculator? Yeah. Mm. I all made it po I I all made it I all made it possible uh for a positive questions, so we can count it. Ah we can do the math. Uh Yeah. Mm-hmm. I mean if you have reversed question, you have to reverse the scale, uh Yes. Yeah, yeah. You have to 'Kay. So four and Nice work. Did you make this questionnaire or what? Yeah. Thanks. Okay. Oh. Three plus? I wouldn't be able to do it that fast. O one. Plus one. Plus five. Plus five? Bo Uh two. Oh Easy. Question number four, yeah? Yeah. F Pretty difficult. Four. Oh. Wait a second. Oh. It's it's gone wrong. How hard is it? Okay. It's your turn. Yeah just use Oh there tho uh there's no n There's no num pads. Start over? No it's if you press twice on the plus button, then you get s s No. You can Oh yeah. That's why it's uh Just count it to Yeah. It's a it's a bit uh Yeah. Just type in the digits. They're all one digit numbers right? And then you can count them together. I think you can just count them by a Um let's move over. Okay. Three, plus one, four. Three, four, nine. Nine. Uh Eleven, fifteen. Uh, yeah. Are you here? Eleven. Eleven. Fifteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. Sixteen. Sixteen, yeah. Seventeen. Seventeen. No sixteen. Uh sixteen plus six. Oh what? Twenty two. S Uh That was the last one. Twenty two. How hard is this? Twenty two, yeah? Never mind. Twenty four. Tw Twenty Twenty eight. Twenty four. Twenty six. Twenty eight. Oh, sorry. Oh my. That was that. Twenty eight. Yeah. Okay. Twenty eight. So divided by nine. Twen Uh okay. By nine. Hmm. That's uh three uh Or le less than a three. So Yeah. Yeah the lower the The lower the score the better, right? Yeah. Twenty eight di divided by nine makes three point one one one one one one one. Yeah but But I Are you sure we this number actually tells us somethings? Divided by nine. So thr t two. So we're better than average. Yeah. No. I don't think so because some questions are related to positive issues and some to negative. Some questions are Yeah. So if you give a true to a positive, it actually means that the low the lower the better. But if you give true to a negative question No? Yeah, but there are no negative questions I guess. Good example. Durable use. Durable, that's good. Easy to use. Easy to use. This is good. Fancy look and feel, that's good. Yeah. Technology innovation was good, because of a marketing uh requirement. Also good. Re relevant most used function. Yeah okay. I guess you did do it. And hides these functions. That was also a good thing. Oh yeah. Yeah. Oh yeah yeah. And then matches the opera of the user was also a good thing. No Okay. Yeah. So it were all positive questions, by uh by purpose. Okay. Yeah true. So Yes, so the It tells us something, yes. Becau But the picture would be a lot different if we didn't have to drop those uh those things, I guess. Oh great. Things, yeah. Yeah definitely definitely. Okay. Because now it's just an average It's remote. Yeah. Nah it it's it's better than average, but Yeah. Yeah okay because of the LCD screen. But uh it looks and stuff, it still uh it's not, it's not really eye-catching, except for the colour. So th Yeah. It's still yeah. Has some shortcomings. No. The colour and the screen. Yeah. Okay so Um this we had, this we had. Product evaluation. We have to do a product evaluation. Uh prototype presentation we dropped. So Uh the finance we looked. We have redesigned. Uh not on that, but So you can just make one big LCD screen. Yeah we we have to maybe if we have to redesign it on this With some casing around it, yeah. Okay it's your turn now. Shall we try? Black. Okay uh we're still gonna go for the fancy colours? Yeah uh The the button has a special colour, the frame has a special colour. Yeah. Yeah. But are we gonna stick with the green or are we gonna do blue? Yeah we we can just uh use this one. And then uh over-paint it with uh uh the green uh he only needs one button. Yeah. One scroll button and For what? It's plastic. Yeah. Or we have to delete this one or Oh oh no. And single curved. Yeah. Oh and you might want to add a uh infrared LED. Oh yeah. Otherwise it uh doesn't function uh so well. Okay. Yeah. So that's Okay, but how do we make the the scroll uh button? Do we have to do other things? Well I have to um um make an uh report of every decision we made so far. Or just redesign? Alright. And I try to get chip just before uh I uh receive the Excel sheet. Yeah. So I Yeah I'm I'm somewhere, but maybe you can help me. So you made a start, right? Should give it some time? Yeah. Yay. Uh I was here. So Ah That's enough to get started with, so Uh, I just took one for every step and then a conclusion. It's just one yeah. Have to take this away also. Alright. And this um Oh yeah, of course. Uh that's the infrared uh thing. The the target group has a weak spot for fruit and vegetables, like primary colours, spongy shape. Yeah. Um pen yeah? Format. Current colour red. The playfulness, we decided to use kinetic energy as a power sour Okay. Oh Yeah we did our special colour for the Line widths, now that's a ten. Yeah. That's conceptual, yes. Yeah. Um, uh it's just a scroll Yeah, is it's horizontal or vertical? Mm. It's gonna be one str scroll. How many pages? Alright. I think Yeah. Y you have you have done the first two. Horizontal's easier too, 'cause you can Is it more natural than this? Yeah. Okay, and and the look and feel is Yeah. Well I think I have to make a p an issue called finance. Yeah, yeah. So let's say Whoops. 'Kay. Yes. Basically. It doesn't look like uh Uh it it's it's not Yeah. The items we had to drop. Yeah. It's not very fashionable anymore. But uh it's okay. It's really ugly. Yeah. Where did we start with price? Twenty six and a half. Maybe m make it bigger? Or Yeah. Mm-hmm. Or not? Or twenty six? Something like that. That looks little bit more uh Maybe that's a s a special colour for it. Oh What do you mean? This? So we can make it uh special? Like a other colour than this one? Or or speckles in it? I dunno. Uh I'm not sure. Speckles? Yeah can we do it uh uh can we do a print? I think we have to choose, yeah? .... I don't think so, if you see the options. Uh Yeah. But Yeah. Okay special colour. We do have special colour. Does it mean uh that Shall we just give it some dots to make it look pretty? Yeah red is already a special colour, I think. So It's not very special, but uh Yeah. Purdy. Just uh put the purple uh purple on it. Yeah. Some some big dots. Purple? That's trendy. Yeah. Yeah yeah. Oh no my remote has acne. .... We have the original balance sheet, or Yeah. Woah. No. That's why we have that button. Oh yeah. It's so cute. Hmm. Oh what? Doh. Woah. Just cut. Control Z. Oh no. Is that that? Yeah. No no. Yeah. Yeah. How the We did we do that? Oh it's it's just one computer? Just dual screen. Or No. But can we delete it, just with delete? Or Crashed. We can try. That doesn't respond also to the undo. It looks like it's No, Where do you want some more dots? Oh, no. Very nice. Okay. Yeah, over here. Hmm? You can't even draw anymore. Yeah. Even children can draw. What's this? Y y you you you push the button or something. Or Lot of options. Can you just push pen and then keep on Hmm. Oh yeah. Oh that's the select button. It's uh No, it looks It's okay. Okay, it's not the prettiest, I know. It's not so random huh? Specially the the R. Yeah, the R and another R. Yeah okay. It's called the Real Remote, right? Yeah. Maybe maybe it c it can say that. The Real Remote. Yeah just on the the m um the LCD display. Yeah. Welcome. We can make a l a logo. This is your Real Remote. Yeah. Yeah. Like uh put it like the shape. Yeah. D designed by Okay. Something like that. I mean it's not too uh That's not their logo, is it? No. Do they have a lo Oh, the here. This i this is the logo. Yeah. It's a How Shall we do the logo in black or not? Two Rs and a one. Yeah. You can just reuse that, because the name is the same. You can copy and paste the picture if you want. Initials. Mm. Yeah. Yeah. What is that? Look more Looks more like a campfire. Are you dissing my drawing? This one? Yeah. It looks like a ribbon. Yeah. Okay. So who wants to draw? This is actually quite fun. Do we need to do anything? I hear you people are typing. Are we uh ready? Uh Or Is this uh the last assignment? Type in your report. Oh, okay. I don't see any new messages. So Hmm? Luckily. Luckily, yeah. Or Final Um bug. Yeah, it's uh Yeah. It's almost four. What time do we have to deliver the report? Four o'clock or Or before that? At four, yeah, ? Okay. Just compare uh No it's on the on the beamer I guess. And copy this. Just a minute. This is really bizarre. It's It's somewhere I d It isn't inside. It looks like there's a It looks like a butterfly. Bug. No it's in inside the No it Oh. Yeah, and don't know how it's or eject it. No, but it i It's not a bu a beamer. From up there? No. B It's a normal TV screen, kind of thing. Hey, you've got it uh read only. Yeah it's somewhere in here. So you have to uh. Save copy. Yeah. Strange. This something what's projection from behind, I guess. Yeah. It's too uh It is It's now single curved. Oh. Yeah there is some kind of projection I think. Yes. Yeah it it's a beamer, but then with a within a mirror, yeah. With a with a mirror, huh? Or something. Yeah. So it looks like a big screen, but in fact it isn't. So are we gonna change anything to this? I mean is it gonna This is gonna be flat. Well it's it's single single curved. Well Um now you probably have to recalibrate. So It's flat. Th this is flat. Yeah exactly. Oh no. Yeah. Okay. It doesn't matter. It's it's That's the detector uh for the Okay. But it's it's better to have in the front, this kind of shape, because it looks nice. I mean you see more of this than of that. Yeah. Yeah, more like that. Yeah. And this is also gonna be Nope. It's not very uh ideal. Do like this. But sometimes then uh all of a sudden it does work. Yeah. What's this? Ooh. But I don't see a detector over there. Maybe No it's I think you only need two points. Yeah. I don't know. Or not. No, you sh Slanted yeah. I thought it was a kind of thing to put it on, and then draw right lines or something. Maybe that's why it's it's not working, because it's more Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Or just messed it up. Well maybe. Oh. Oh yeah. Yeah it it matters for the aim of this thing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah but it wasn't good. You've to make it s uh ninety degrees. Yeah it it has to touch the corners, I guess. But th this one wasn't good, because if I was drawing here, I drew a line and then it came over here. You have Oh we're always long. Oh, five minutes to the end of the meeting. Oh. And the recalibration is done using this icon here. Yeah, can we t can we get to that i Oh it's not working anymore. Ooh. Yeah well I just Okay. Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah, it's it's working, it's working. Yeah yeah, it's it's okay. It's working again. Yeah. It's better than before. Yeah. Yeah. We're improving uh Yeah. You go ahead. Yeah that's improved uh pretty much. Yeah. Yeah it's only a bit like to that side, but that is that one by the way. Yeah. Yeah but it's better, it's better Mm. 'Cause this one makes the angle either like this. No it So cake. So i if I change this, it will go there, if I change that, will go there. No. It's better than it was I guess. Mm-hmm. I will take this away 'cause it looks messy. Silly. Yeah. Works pretty well. Five minutes before the meeting's over. Yeah. And then? Yeah. We have to present Alright. Then I have to uh uh write this, and I don't know if you have to present, because I didn't receive any information about that so far. Maybe we will. Maybe we get a a final mail. So it after the after after these five minutes, you have to Alright. Yeah. Yeah, I have still ten minutes to finish the report. What's this anyway? After after that five minutes, you have ten minutes to finish it, or Alright. It looks like candle wax. Yeah. And we uh Right. And you can uh just uh relax and uh have cup of coffee or oh no, they don't have beer here so you can't celebrate. Chill. Huh. You can just if you ma finish my presentation please. Uh over there. Uh Yeah? The presentation is still open. So if you finish that then you'll see uh Yeah next. Next slide. Oh yeah, we have to do the project uh evaluation. Just uh do that quickly. Yeah? Uh Uh well basically what that says, we discuss it and um So how were did the project process uh go? How do you do it? Alright. Did you, were you all pleased with the process as it was? Or are there uh Yeah the interaction and the steps we followed, and and so forth. Uh th uh do you mean the the interaction between us? Or Yeah well at first I was really stressed. Because it went a bit fast. Yeah. But then as I knew the tempo that I had to be on, the second time I think I did a bit better. Yeah. Yeah. And the third time yeah, I mean Yeah, yeah yeah yeah. And we move more to to working together as team, because at first you you make your individual contribution, and then come here, and you have no idea what the others have to make. No. Mm-hmm. No. And then finally you have some idea, okay this is gonna w this is what we gonna make together and okay I will arrange this and you will arrange that, and you have a k a kind of idea what you can expect on the next half hour when you have to work on your own. Mm-hmm. So The process, I mean, the interaction between us became better and better I guess. Yeah we Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Especially after the first meeting. Yeah, especially if f f if you see uh you se you saw the largest difference from the first to the second meeting I guess. And Yeah. Yeah. Definitely. Okay and was that due to my leadership? Yeah yeah yeah. Well you did become more assertive the the second time round, so that Yeah. Yeah? Yeah. Yeah. That okay? You were more in charge kind of thing. Okay. Um was there uh enough room for creativity? I guess so. Yeah. Yeah but only the the financial parts uh Yeah. I mean I We were pretty democratic. Li Limiteded afterwards, but If if you don't take that into account, there's plenty of room for creativ creativity. Also not only the drawing and the the making of the thing itself, but also in explaining it to the other people, by means of uh the the board and uh PowerPoint and Word and stuff like that. So and the uh about the board digital pen? Uh was that helpful or Ooh. Yeah. Mm uh I think in in essence the digital pen is better than the SMARTboard. Because it it it just works better. I mean uh uh I've made yeah, uh I've made several notes just to test it, and and just put the pen in into it, and then it came onto my screen and it looked perfectly. Yeah it works. Yeah. So it it's better a better device than uh than the screen. Mm-hmm. Maybe Yeah. But the screen is useful, in essence, but it doesn't work that well. It's uh it's The the pen is more intuitive, 'cause we're all used to writing with pen. Use the pen. And uh as I said, uh I uh have no idea how PowerPoint works, so will take me half a day to be able to make a normal PowerPoint presentation. Yeah. But once I get to know the program probably, I mean, it looks better, you know. Or uh something like that. You can give it a kind of a home style, like we have i the the logo and everything. Yeah yeah. And I don't know. Yep. Blink. Oh. Warning. Finish meeting now. Finish meeting. Okay, are are there any new ideas about this? All I think I didn't really receive, yeah. Well, it It's use especially useful, I guess, to to evaluate designs and graph graphical stuff. Uh uh w uh S sorry uh Mm-hmm. And and the screen and stuff like that. I think the PowerPoint is is too limited. You can't uh draw easy in in PowerPoint. It has to be uh yeah. The drawing board has to be integrated into PowerPoint, so that you can just easily Yeah. Yeah. Yeah the the the problem with PowerPoint for me is that you have to i put in the pre-made chunks c as well. You know, you can draw something on the sketch-board and then take it there, or whatever. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But it it's useful to to show something to to an a small audience, and then to Yeah. Yeah just for text, for text it's uh it's okay. But 'Kay. These these kind of screens this size are useful to discuss things. So Yes. Oh. Check your email. Uh we should uh enter our questionnaire. You also. Ah. Woah. Alright. Right. Okay. Okay. Uh okay. Alright. Yes boss. Well, s see you in a second huh? That's the management. Well see you soon. Oh. Okay. Hope so. Yeah. Yeah we have to pull it this way, huh? Wait."], "summary": ["The team members introduced themselves to each other by name and by their roles in the project. The project manager introduced the upcoming project to the team and then the team members participated in an exercise in which they drew their favorite animal and discussed why they liked the animal. The project manager discussed the project finances and selling prices. The team then discussed various features to consider in producing the remote such as gaming options, an LCD screen, and combining functionality so as to control multiple devices.", "The project manager recapped the events of the previous meeting and briefed the team on some new requirements the team must follow when designing the remote. The marketing expert presented research on consumer preferences and user requirements for remotes. The marketing expert also presented information regarding voice recognition and what demographic finds the feature appealing. The user interface designer described the technical functions of a remote and stressed the need for a user focused design. The industrial designer discussed the interior workings of a remote. The team then discussed the option to include voice recognition, LCD, and a feature to locate a misplaced remote. The team briefly discussed who they were aiming their product to along with the idea of marketing their product to television manufacturers. The team also decided on some features to include in their product.", "The project manager recapped the decisions made in the previous meeting. The industrial designer presented options for batteries, materials and shapes to use for the case, buttons, and chips. The user interface designer discussed how to create an interface for an ergonomic remote which conforms to the shape and movements of the human hand, as well as an option in which users could connect their remotes to computers in order to download program settings. The marketing expert discussed findings from trendwatching reports, which indicated a need for products which look fancy, are technologically innovative, are easy to use, have a fruit and vegetable theme, and are spongy. The team then discussed what materials and components to use, the color of the remote, and programming options for the remote.", "The project manager recapped the decisions made in the previous meeting and two team members presented a prototype for the remote the team is designing and discussed its ergonomic appearance and its features. The marketing expert began to lead the team in conducting an evaluation of the prototype but was interrupted when the project manager shifted the discussion to examining the production costs of the team's product. The original specifications of the team's product proved to be too expensive and so the team had to discuss which features to lose and which to maintain in order to meet the target cost. After discussing costs, the team returned to conducting their product evaluation. The prototype was evaluated on the basis of its ability to be located when misplaced, ease of use, appearance, technological innovativeness, and sponginess. Overall, the prototype received average marks. The team then evaluated the project process, finding that they were happy overall but quite displeased with the small budget.", "The group introduced themselves to each other. The Project Manager discussed the goals for the project and gave an agenda for the project as a whole. The group practiced using the meeting-room equipment by drawing on the whiteboard. The Project Manager presented the projected profit and price point. The group discussed their experiences with remote controls. They complained that remotes got lost too easily, and suggested using a locator function. They also complained that remotes had too many buttons, and suggested incorporating a screen to simplify the interface but retain all of the functions. They also suggested making the remote water-resistant and including a clip. The Project Manager instructed the Industrial Designer to research the working design and components, the User Interface Designer to research the technical functions, and the Marketing Expert to research user requirements.", "The Marketing Expert gave a presentation about user requirements as shown through a usability study and demonstrated that only a small number of functions on a remote were used with frequency. She suggested focusing the interface design on the most frequently used functions. The User Interface Designer presented some questions that should be considered in making the device user-friendly and displayed two existing remote controls for comparison. The Industrial Designer discussed the necessary internal components and how they operated together, and presented her preferences for the type of each component to be used. The Project Manager gave the group several new requirements for the project. The group discussed several product features and decided that the remote will feature a locator function and will not feature speech recognition. The group discussed whether or not the remote should control multiple devices. They discussed important button functions to include and increasing usability by incorporating a scroll wheel in the design. The Project Manager instructed the other participants to fill out a questionnaire and to work on their individual presentations for the next meeting.", "The Project Manager reviewed the minutes from the previous meeting. The Industrial Designer gave her presentation on components and discussed which would have to be custom-made and which were standard. She also discussed the various materials and chips available. The Marketing Expert presented current trends in the market and in fashion. She discussed the current fruits and vegetables trend and the trend toward softer, spongier materials. The User Interface Designer discussed the look of the remote with the group. They discussed including a touch-based graphical user interface but noted that it was unnecessary and costly. They discussed using the menu function on the television instead. The group discussed how the menu function would be programmed. The group then talked about the casing of the device, and decided that there would be a changeable outer casing. They discussed including fruit colors in addition to the company colors. Some part of the casing will be made of a spongy material. The group also discussed energy source options and chips. The Project Manager instructed the User Interface Designer and the Industrial Designer to construct the prototype and the Marketing Expert to work on the prototype evaluation.", "The Project Manager reviewed the minutes from the last meeting. The User Interface Designer and the Industrial Designer presented the prototype and displayed the changeable fruit- and vegetable-shaped covers. They discussed the locator function that will be designed at a later time. The Project Manager discussed the final production cost for the device, which totaled 11.9 Euros. The Marketing Expert led an evaluation of the prototype. Each participant rated the prototype according to the original criteria for the project. The group discussed the areas in which the prototype did not meet these goals. The group felt that the changeable fruit and vegetable shapes were uncomfortable to hold. The group decided to make changeable covers in fruit colors and designs and to use one uniform shape. The group discussed their experience on the project. They felt they worked well together and were creative. They complained that the meeting-room materials were difficult to use, and some complained that there was not enough information provided to them. The Project Manager instructed all participants to write a final report at the end of the meeting.", "The group introduced themselves to each other and discussed their roles in the project. The Project Manager opened a discussion about the project plan and asked the Marketing Expert to prepare an overall plan for the project. The Marketing Expert presented the initial aim of the project: the creation of a fresh, user-friendly remote control device. The Project Manager asked the Industrial Designer to create a functional design plan for the device, then asked the Marketing Expert about ideas for the sales strategy. The Marketing Expert presented an initial sales plan: to analyze the competition and to pinpoint the target marketing group. The Project Manager instructed all participants to work together on their respective design plans. The Project Manager decided that the design plans will be discussed at the next meeting, and that the next step will be to come up with a functional design of the device.", "The Project Manager gave new requirements for the product: the remote will not include a teletext function, will only be used for television, and must show the corporate image. The Industrial Designer presented possible components to consider. The group then discussed hard materials to include in the design. The Marketing Expert presented an initial sales plan and showed that there is a demand for remotes featuring voice recognition and other capabilities; the group discussed how it could be integrated into the functional design. The Project Manager offered to help the Industrial Designer find companies to provide help in integrating this component. The designers expressed that they needed more information from the board on their expectations for the product. The User Interface Designer gave a presentation on product design from the user's perspective and emphasized simplicity in design. She also suggested that the group make a decision on which features to include in the final product design, but the group decided to postpone it. The designers were given their assignments: the Marketing Expert will present the marketing concept; the User Interface Designer, the user interface concept; the Industrial Designer, the components concept.", "The Industrial Designer gave her components concept presentation, which presented the components that will be used and how they will be integrated into the functional design. She announced that their only choice for casing material was wood, so she suggested an idea of having customizable wood cases. The User Interface Designer gave her presentation on the user interface concept for the product, and gave a basic layout of the remote's key functions. The Marketing Expert presented the marketing concept and discussed including a display to facilitate use. The group discussed the unique, custom design of the remote, and quickly talked about finding a manufacturer that could make the custom cases cheaply that still paid fair wages. The group also discussed whether or not to incorporate the display into the design, and decided to wait until the cost of adding that feature was known before adding it to the design. The Industrial Designer and the User Interface Designer were instructed to begin building a prototype, and the Marketing Expert was instructed to work on the marketing strategy as well as research the cost of the display component.", "The User Interface Designer presented the prototype of the product to the group. The product featured an LCD display, a flip panel, and a customizable case back. The Project Manager displayed the cost of all of the components, and the group decided that the current budget would not allow the addition of the LCD display. The Project Manager decided to negotiate the cost of production to allow the addition of the display. The Marketing Expert gave a presentation on sales projection and showed that the current projected sales point would probably not allow the project to reach its profit aim. The group also discussed the distribution and promotion of the product on the internet. The User Interface Designer expressed concern that there would not be time under the current plan to make changes to the product resulting from consumer testing; the Project Manager decided that no additional changes would be made. The group then discussed other means of promoting the product: launching the remote at the same time as a large sporting event or DVD release.", "The Project Manager introduced himself and the project to the group. He presented an agenda for the rest of the project. The group acquainted themselves with the meeting-room materials by drawing on the board. The Project Manager discussed the projected price point, profit aim, and production cost for the project. The group discussed their initial ideas about the product design. They decided to make the remote a universal remote. They discussed the form of the device; it was suggested that the device could have a folding-open design or a touch-screen interface. They discussed energy source options and could not decide between using standard batteries or a recharging stand. They also discussed how to make the remote look more unique; it was suggested that the remote could feature the folding-open design to hide complicated functions on the inside of the device. The Project Manager instructed the Marketing Expert to prepare the user requirement specification and to research which devices the remote will control.", "The Project Manager announced that the remote should only control television, and that the marketing should be targeted towards ages 40 and above. The Marketing Expert presented the results of a lab study on users of remote controls, and showed that users want a fancier, less complicated remote that does not get lost easily. The group decided not to use speech recognition or an LCD screen to target the older demographic. The User Interface Designer discussed the button functions and how to make channel-changing easier. The group decided not to include programmable \"favorites\" buttons. The Industrial Designer presented the internal components of the device. The group discussed having the remote light up when used. He also stressed that the remote must be compatible with all television brands. The Project Manager corrected his target group announcement and announced that the target age group was actually ages 40 and below. The group again discussed the possibility of adding speech recognition and LCD screens to the design but decided that it was not feasible. The group decided to have the remote light up when used and is including teletext. The Marketing Expert was instructed to report on trendwatching.", "The Project Manager reviewed the minutes from the previous meeting. The Marketing Expert gave a trendwatching report. He found that a fancy look and feel was most important for users. He also discussed the trend towards spongy materials. The group discussed the cost of adding speech recognition, the LCD screen, and the advanced chip. The User Interface Designer discussed the look of the interface with the group. They discussed the placement and design of the buttons and decided to use scroll wheels for volume. The Industrial Designer advised that flashy colors and rounded shapes be used. The group discussed how to incorporate the logo and including changeable faces. They discussed materials for the buttons and the backlight. The group decided to use rechargeable batteries and a stand, to use plastic for the casing and buttons, and to not include an LCD screen. The User Interface Designer and the Industrial Designer were instructed to draw the prototype at the next meeting, and the User Interface Designer was instructed to finalize the button placement. The group finalized the look of the product, and eventually decided to incorporate speech recognition and an advanced chip.", "The project manager presented the agenda and the minutes from the previous meeting. The group discussed speech recognition , whether the remote should slide open or fold open, and what type of chip they should use. The designers presented the prototype, which resembles an ipod in appearance, and is made of transparent coloured plastic. The colours will be changeable. The remote has both buttons and a scroll wheel. The number buttons have a back-light. The group discussed adding extra buttons/functions. The prototype was evaluated and received an average overall score of 1.8. The project manager went through the finances, and the total cost came to 12.3 euros, although this did not include the cost of the recharger, which was not on the price list. The group evaluated the project process, and were generally pleased with their creativity and teamwork, but were unsatisfied with the equipment.", "When the meeting begins the project manager lists the agenda and then describes the project, which is to develop a new remote control that is original, trendy, and user-friendly. The group practices using the smart board by choosing an animal to draw and then explaining why they picked it. The project manager goes over the product budget and they proceed to have discussion. They each identify their individual tasks during each phase based on their role in the group. They briefly discuss characteristics of a desirable remote, including medium size buttons, small unit, and work within a good zapping range. The team again discusses their individual responsibilities and move on to ponder whether the remote will be multifunctional or only for the TV. They decide to first assume it is only for TV and video, but allowing the possibility to add more features. They close the meeting upon establishing what each person will do.", "The marketing expert reported on research which shows that users think most remotes are ugly, easily lost and bad for RSI. Audio settings are rarely used, and the power, channel and volume buttons are used most often. The remote should be user-friendly and have a good look and feel. The marketing expert and project manager described the new requirements that the target group is users under 40, the remote should not include teletext, should be only for TV, and should feature the corporate logo. The user interface designer showed examples of two contrasting remotes, recommending that they should use the best features of both. The group decided to use an LCD screen and speech recognition. The industrial designer described how a remote works, and explained that his presentation was incomplete because he had not received the necessary information in time. The group discussed what functions to include and the layout of the remote, and the marketing expert drew a possible design on the board. They decided to have buttons for the basic functions and make the advanced functions accessible through the screen. They also discussed what buttons would be needed to navigate the menu on the LCD screen.", "The marketing expert talked about trendwatching and explained that the current trends are for fruit and vegetable themed products and products with a spongy texture. For users, the three most important aspects of a remote control are a fancy look and feel, technological innovation, and ease of use. The industrial designer talked about the options for energy source, case shape and material, and internal components. The group decided on using kinetic energy, and a double-curved rubber case. The user interface designer talked about speech recognition and what functions will be controlled through buttons or the lcd screen menu. The project manager ran through the group's decisions so far and led a discussion of their remaining options, including the colour of the case and buttons, and whether the remote should flip open or not.", "The project manager decided to start by looking at costs instead of the prototype presentation because the original design was too expensive and had to be changed. The group discussed which features should be dropped. The group decided that the LCD screen was integral to their design, but dropped the speech recognition. They decided to drop all the buttons in favour of an integrated scroll push-button, and to use a hand dynamo instead of kinetic energy as a power source. The marketing expert led the prototype evaluation, based on the new design. The group were satisfied with the overall score of 3.1. The industrial designer and user interface designer worked on a drawing of the new design, while the project manager and marketing manager worked on the final report. The project manager led an evaluation of the project process. The group thought that they worked well together, especially after the first meeting. They were happy with the room for creativity, but thought they were limited by the budget. They preferred the digital pens to the SMARTboard. They had mixed feelings about using PowerPoint."], "id": ["ES2003a", "ES2003b", "ES2003c", "ES2003d", "ES2011a", "ES2011b", "ES2011c", "ES2011d", "IS1008a", "IS1008b", "IS1008c", "IS1008d", "TS3004a", "TS3004b", "TS3004c", "TS3004d", "TS3006a", "TS3006b", "TS3006c", "TS3006d"]} \ No newline at end of file